ci/.3/35tik. Q'l'2 & Trinity Coileg^ Library Durham, N. C. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Duke University Libraries Engineering Science Series ALTERNATING CURRENTS AND ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINERY ENGINEERING SCIENCE SERIES EDITED BY DUGALD C. JACKSON, C.E. Professor of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fellow and Past President A.I.E.E. EARLE R. HEDRICK, Ph.D. PK0FES80B OF MATHEMATICS, UNIVERSITY OF M I8SOUP.I Member A.S.M.E. ALTERNATING CURRENTS AND ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINERY NEW EDITION, REWRITTEN AND ENLARGED BY UUGALD C. JACKSON, C.E. PROFESSOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PAST-PRESIDENT AND FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, PAST-PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE PRO- MOTION OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, ETC. AND JOHN PRICE JACKSON, M.E., Sc.D. COMMISSIONER OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE, FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ETC. Neto Iforfe THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1922 All rights reserved Copyright, 1896, 1913, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. New edition. Published September, 191 Reprinted July, 1914; October, 1917. NortoootJ J9rfss J. S. Cushing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. 2-A 3/3 3 ; 3 (X^ PREFACE This is a new edition of the authors’ book on Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery which was first published in 1896, and which has now been rewritten and greatly extended. The former editions met so favorable a re- sponse that the authors cannot help but believe that it served an important place in connection with the development of the methods of teaching the subject of alternating currents and their applications ; and they earnestly hope that the new edi- tion will be equally useful. In this edition are maintained the well-known features of the earlier book in which were worked out the characteristics of electric circuits, their self-induction, electrostatic capacity, reactance and impedance, and the solutions of alternating cur- rent flow in electric circuits in series and parallel. More atten- tion is paid to the transient state in electric circuits than was the case in the original edition. A considerable amount of related matter has been introduced in respect to vectors, com- plex quantities, and Fourier’s series which the authors believe will be useful to students and engineers. The treatment of power and power factor has been given great attention, and a full chapter is now allotted to the hysteresis and eddy current losses which are developed in the iron cores of electrical ma- chinery. More space and more complete treatment have been assigned to synchronous machines and to asynchronous motors and generators. The treatment of the self-inductance and mutual inductance of line circuits and skin effect in electric conductors which was found in the old book has been extended, and it has been supplemented by a treatment of the electrostatic capacity of lines and the influences of distributed resistance, inductance, and capacity. In all these features as well as in others the book has been Y1 PREFACE brought up to the requirements of present day teaching. The book covers the ground that is needed to give a fairly complete course in the essential elements of alternating currents and their applications to machinery. It is longer than will be needed in the courses in many of the engineering schools, but chapters may be selected so as to meet the requirements of each school. Thus, if an abbreviated course is required, Chap- ters V and XIII may be omitted, and if the course does not go into electrical machinery, the first eight chapters only need be considered. In those colleges where the students have a course in alternating current measurements previous to their entering upon the subject of alternating current machinery the second chapter may be omitted during the study of this text, but the chapter will be useful in connection with the course in alter- nating current measurements. The book is also serviceable in connection with instruction in the electrical transmission of power. For this purpose the authors suggest more particularly the use of the portions of Chapter I which deal with complex quantities and Fourier’s series and the whole of Chapters IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XIII. These are all particularly related to matters which are fundamental not only to electrical machinery but also to the transmission of power and the other branches in which alternating currents are usefully applied. The authors have endeavored to make the phraseology simple and to illustrate the applications of the principles by examples drawn from the best practice in the art. As in the first edi- tion, original methods have been introduced in various instances to gain simple paths to results, every effort being made to pre- sent a full physical conception of phenomena to the reader's mind. The mathematics used are merely logical means for accomplishing the end, and are by no means to be considered from any other standpoint. It has been sought by the authors to avoid either the error of presenting unnecessary formulas or, on the other hand, of giving results without supporting them on reasons, both of which are fatal to a student’s effective prog- ress, since they leave him without a true physical conception of the phenomena studied. It has been the authors’ aim to pro- duce a text which avoids the fault of being cursorily descriptive and at the same time avoids the reasonable objections to a treatise which is unrelieved mathematics. PREFACE vii The original edition of the book was noticeable for utilizing the word “ active ” for representing the true power component of voltage or current, and that practice, which has now been approved by the Standards Committee of the American Insti- tute of Electrical Engineers, is followed in this edition, while the component at right angles is in this edition called either the quadrature component or the reactive component, the latter phraseology being also now in accordance with the recommen- dations of the Standards Committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. In various respects the book contains original treatments which will be obvious, but the authors have made an effort to set forth the best treatment of each of the problems of alternating currents and therefore have brought under contribution most of the literature and practice in the art in the course of their selections of methods of presentation. The examples which are introduced at intervals throughout the text for the purpose of illustrating the way in which the principles may be utilized will be useful to teachers and stu- dents. Footnotes referring mostly to correlated articles in the book itself are numerous. The many historical footnotes which were in the former editions have been mostty omitted from this edition, since the early literature has been now far outstripped and is no longer an essential source of knowledge for the under- graduate student. The book is placed in the hands of electrical engineers in the belief that it will prove valuable as a textbook in the engineer- ing schools, and also prove of service as a reference book with respect to the principles used in the numerous applications of alternating currents to practical purposes which now make so large a part of electrical engineering. The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to Mr. H. P. Wood, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Georgia School of Technology, Mr. Charles L. Kinsloe, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Pennsylvania State College, and Mr. Charles W. Green, Instructor in Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who have read the proof and made many suggestions. It is not to be expected that a book of the extent and importance of this, the manu- script of which is written and the proof read in the midst of the exacting employments of men in important duty in engi- PREFACE viii neering schools, can be entirely free from ambiguities and errors ; but the authors venture the hope that any errors or ambiguities which have escaped their vigilance are few. They will greatly appreciate having brought to their attention any which readers may find. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. The Voltage developed by Alternators. The Use of Vectors and the Complex Quantity. Fourier’s Series 1 II. Elementary Statements concerning Transformers and Measuring Instruments 61 III. Armature and Field Windings for Alternators. Ma- terials of Construction 77 IV. Self-induction, Electrostatic Capacity, Reactance, and Impedance ......... 128 V. The Use of Complex Quantities Extended . . . 241 VI. Solution of Circuits. Application of Graphical and Analytical Methods 257 VII. Power. Power Factor 312 VIII. Polyphase Circuits and the Measurement of Power therein 359 IX. Hysteresis and Eddy Current Losses .... 400 X. Mutual Induction. Transformers 443 XI. Synchronous Machines. Alternators, Motors, Rotary Converters, Frequency Changers 597 XTI. Asynchronous Motors and Generators .... 784 XIII. Self-inductance, Mutual Inductance, and Electro- static Capacity of Parallel Wires. Skin Effect. Effects of Distributed Resistance, Inductance, and Capacity. Corona 897 INDEX 955 IX ALTERNATING CURRENTS CHAPTER I THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS. THE USE OP VECTORS AND THE COMPLEX QUANTITY. FOURIER’S SERIES 1. Direct and Alternating Currents obey the Same Laws. — A deeply rooted belief seems to have been cultivated in the minds of many that phenomena connected with the flow of direct electric currents and of alternating electric currents are almost entirely unrelated. This popular idea, however, is erroneous ; the principles which relate to the flow of electric currents, whether direct or alternating, and which are applied to the design and construction of machines and circuits, are one and the same. When Oersted, in 1820, made known his signal discovery that an electric current exerts a magnetic influence in the space around it, the foundation was begun for our knowledge of the laws of the flow of alternating currents. Within a dozen or fifteen years thereafter much knowledge of the electric current had been thrashed out experimentally by men like Ampere, Arago, Faraday, Henry, and others. The last two named laid the finishing stone on the foundation by searching out and making known the laws of electro-magnetic induction. These basic laws, developed early in the nineteenth century, apply with equal force to continuous, pulsating, and alternat- ing currents. In dealing with alternating currents, several variables enter into the problem which make it impracticable to use, without modification, the results gained in the study of direct currents. But, as already said, the same fundamental laws control the phenomena of both, and if care is taken to apply these with 1 B o ALTERNATING CURRENTS due regard to tlie limiting conditions, it will be found that the subject of alternating currents may be clearly grasped and be reduced almost to the simplicity of direct-current work. The design and operation of alternating-current machinery may differ considerably from those of direct-current apparatus in certain particulars because the commercial requirements are materially different, but the same principles fundamentally apply in both, and in the matter of good workmanship and sub- stantial construction there should be no difference in the two classes of machines. 2. Alternating Voltage and Current. — An alternating voltage or electric pressure, as the term indicates, is an uninterrupted, rapid succession of electric pressure impulses which are alter- nately in opposite di- rections, These voltage impulses produced by or- dinary commercial alter- nating-current machines reverse direction many times per second * and may be very irregular in form, though the typical and simplest form is that Fig. 1. — Two Loops of a Sinusoidal Alternating 0 £ a s p luso i ( ] - Figure 1 Voltage or Current Curve. 3 shows the plot of an alter- nating voltage curve of sinusoidal form. The ordinates of the curve represent voltages, while the abscissas represent time. The abscissas of such a curve are ordinarily marked in degrees, or in fractions of 7r; the base of the two loops which constitute a complete cycle of a sine wave being given the assigned value of 360°, or 2 7r radians. The ordinates may be scaled in volts. The alternate loops are drawn above and below the zero or datum line to indicate reversal of voltage. An alternating electric current flows whenever an alternating voltage is applied in a closed electric circuit of fixed constants. This current is not necessarily proportional at each instant to the voltage ordinate at the same instant, as will be shown later, f A curve representing the form of an alternating current wave may be drawn exactly as was indicated for an alternating volt- * Art. 10. t Chap. IV. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 3 age, but the ordinates represent amperes instead of volts. The simplest typical form of current curve is also sinusoidal, but this is very seldom attained in commercial practice; while on the other hand highly irregular current curves are quite common. The successive loops in either current or voltage curves are usually assumed to be of identical form and dimensions as long as the conditions of the circuit are constant.* 3. Period and Frequency of an Alternating Current. — The time in seconds, T \ required to pass through a complete cycle (that is, two loops of a curve) is called the Period of an alter- nating electric current or voltage. The number of periods in a second is called the Frequency of the current or voltage (this term was adopted by the Paris Electrical Congress). Usually an al- ternating current or voltage is designated by its effective f value and frequency . It is common, however, to use the number of half -periods, or the number of Alternations, in a minute, instead of the frequency. In this case, the number of alternations is equal to 2 x 60 x the frequency. Example : a current with a frequency of 60 periods per second makes 7200 alternations per minute. The term Periodicity is sometimes used for frequency. 4. Effective Alternating Voltages and Currents. — The heating effect or power activity of a current flowing through electrical resistance varies directly as the square of the current. This was proved by Joule in 1841, and the statement is often called Joule's law. Putting the statement of the law in symbols gives where H is heat measured in calories ; /, current measured in amperes ; T, the time measured in seconds ; R , resistance measured in ohms ; and P is the power expended in the circuit, measured in watts. Alternating currents and voltages are constantly varying in intensity, and the heating effect of an alternating current is found by summing up instantaneous values through a com- plete cycle, as follows : in which i represents instantaneous values of current ; and the power is . 24 I 2 R T , and the power is P = I 2 R , * Art. 12. t Art. 4. 4 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The expression v t X Pdt obviously represents the average of the squared instantaneous currents , and is equal to the average ordinate of a curve plotted on the same base as the original alternating-current curve, but with each ordinate of a length equal to the square of the corresponding ordinate of the origi- nal curve. If the average value or ordinate of an alternating current is C T squared (that is, [1/Ti idt ] 2 ), the result is not the same as taking the average of squared ordinates or instantaneous values ; and the amount of the difference depends on the form of the current curve. It is evident that this must be true, since squaring the larger instantaneous values produces more than a pro- portional effect upon the resulting average. It is well known that the average of the squares of a series of numerical values is always larger than the square of the average of the values, unless the numeri- cal values are all equal to each other. Figure 2 shows a sine curve and its curve of squared instantaneous ordinates desig- nated respectively A, B , (7, J), E, and A , _P, (7, Q , E. The height of the line EG represents the average value of the squared current ordinates, while the height of the line A' T represents the square of the average of the current ordinates. When a sinusoidal current flows through electrical resistance, the average power expended in producing heat is proportional to the average of the squares of instantaneous values of current, that is, to the height of the line EG ; and the square root of this ordinate is equal in amperes to a direct current which (flowing P Q Fig. 2. — Curve of Squared Instantaneous Ordinates. T3E VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS b through the same resistance) will have the same heating effect as the alternating current under consideration. This square root of the average of the squared instantaneous values, that is, v/Av. i l or VAv. e 2 , is called the Effective value of the current or voltage. Proh. 1. The resistance of a circuit is 20 ohms and 500 watts are expended in heating it. What is the effective current in the circuit? Proh. 2. Four circuits in parallel and having 1, 2, 4, and 5 ohms resistance respectively, absorb 400, 200, 100, and 80 watts. What is the effective current in each branch ? Prob. 3. What are the effective voltages across the terminals of the circuits in problems 1 and 2, supposing that there is no live counter- voltage in the circuits? Prob. 4. A circuit of 10 ohms resistance is in series with the four parallel circuits of problem 2, and 2000 watts are expended in the sj^stem. What are the effective currents and voltages in the series portion and in the parallel portion of the whole circuit, supposing no live counter-voltages are present ? 5. Value of Effective Current and Voltage in Terms of the Maximum when the Curve is Sinusoidal. — If the current curve is of the sine form, it may be expressed as follows : i = i m sin a, where i is the instantaneous value of the current for any angle a and i m is the maximum instantaneous value. To obtain the average heating effect of this current when flowing through a resistance, square both sides of the equation, multiply through by i?, and find by integration the area of one loop or one-half period of the squared curve. The area thus found divided by the base nr gives the average of the squared ordinates. The expression may conveniently take the form, (Av. « 2 )i? = — i} n P sin 2 ad a, 7 T *A ) 7?; 2 from which, ( Av. i 2 ) R = — -• G ALTERNATING CURRENTS Dividing by R, Av. 9*2 or V Av. i 2 — ~~= — A07*„ V2 The value of VAv. i 2 is called the Effective value of the alternating current, as has already been pointed out. The effective value of an alternating current is the square root of the average of the squared instantaneous values of the current. This is correct whether or not the current is of sinusoidal form. The foregoing equations show that, when the current is sinu- soidal in form, there is a fixed relation between the effective and maximum values of the current and that the effective value is .707 ( = — ] times the maximum value. V V2 J In the case of a sinusoidal pressure (voltage) curve the for- mula may be written, e - e m sin «, where e is the instantaneous value of the voltage for any angle a and e m is the maximum instantaneous value. By writing the integral for the heating effect as before, a similar result is ob- tained, or Av. e 2 _ Mj 2 R and R v/Av. e 2 = V2 = -707 e m . Rffective voltage is the square root of the average of the squared instantaneous values of the voltage. When the form of the voltage wave is sinusoidal, the effective voltage is equal to .707 f = times the maximum value of the voltage. V V2 / The average value of the ordinates of a sine curve may be found from the expression Av. y = j sin ada, 7 r where y is the instantaneous ordinate and y m the maximum ordinate of the curve ; and therefore Av. y = — .037 y mi THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 7 2 or the average value of the instantaneous ordinates is — ( = .637) 7T times the maximum ordinate. From this it is seen that VAv. y 1 — (Av. «/), or VAv. ?/ 2 = 1.11 (Av. y'). Therefore the ratio of effective current or voltage to the average ordinate of the curve, in the case of sinusoidal curves, has the fixed value of 1.11. The same considerations follow for alternating current and voltage waves of any form, but the ratios of the average and the effective values to the maximum are different, and depend upon the form of each curve considered. Alternating current and voltage waves are always single-valued ; that is, a single value of the ordinates corresponds to each single value of the abscissas. They may be represented by the expression x=af(u~). Manifestly, the ratio which the average bears to the maximum ordinate takes a value nearer unity for a curve that is flatter than a sinusoid, and recedes farther from unity for a curve more peaked than a sinusoid. For a curve made up of alternating rectangular loops, such as is shown in Fig. 17, the maximum, average, and effective values are equal to each other ; but for a curve made up of alternating triangular (isosceles) loops, the average value is one half the maximum value, and the effective value exceeds the average value in a ratio of 1.155 to 1. The ratio of the effective to the average value may be quite large in the case of a curve which is very peaked. This ratio is sometimes called the Form factor of the curve. Prob. 1. What are the maximum ordinates of the sinusoidal voltages having effective values of 100 and 200 volts, and of sinusoidal currents having the effective values of 50 and 75 amperes ? Prob. 2. What are the average ordinates of voltages and currents in problem 1? Prob. 3. What are the effective and average values of a 8 ALTERNATING CUR 1 i ENTS voltage wave which is of the form of an equilateral triangle, and lias an altitude of 110 volts? Prob. 4. What are the effective and average values of a voltage wave in the form of a right triangle in which the alti- tude is 10 and the base 10? Prob. 5. What are the average and effective values of a cur- rent wave having the form of a semicircle with the base equal to 100? That is, compute the average ordinate and the square root of the average of the squared ordinates, in terms of the radius. 6. Vectors representing Sinusoidal or Harmonic Voltages and Currents ; Lead and Lag- — A physical quantity which may be represented by the length, position, and direction of a line is called a Vector quantity and the line so representing the quantity is called a Vector.* Thus, two forces may be repre- sented (1) in magnitude, sometimes termed Scalar value, by two lines having lengths proportional to the intensities of the forces ; (2) in relative angular position, or Phase, by the angle at which the lines, extended if necessary, intersect ; and (3) in di- rection by arrow heads placed upon the lines. In the following discussions, if one or more vectors radiate from or turn upon a common center, and no arrow heads are shown, it is assumed that their directions are from the center outward. Vectors may be combined or resolved into components by the well-known laws of mechanics relating to the composition or resolution of forces or velocities. Thus, the centrifugal force acting upon a uniformly rotating crank may be represented by a vector rotat- ing uniformly around one end as a center of revolution , and its component value at any instant in the direction of some fixed line (assume for convenience a vertical line passing through the axis of rotation) is found by projecting the vector from its position at the instant, upon that line. If the center is moved (for convenience, horizontally to the right) a given dis- tance for each degree of angular rotation of the vector, and the instantaneous vertical projections for each degree of ad- vance are plotted at the proper points along the path of the center, the points thus obtained when joined form a sine curve. In Fig. 3, OA is a rotating vector. OX is the initial line or -* For a discussion of the use of vectors in graphical methods of solving elec- trical problems, see Chapter VI. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 9 horizontal axis from which the angle a is measured, OY is the vertical axis upon which the point A is projected as the vector- rotates, and SS is a sine curve produced as explained above. In the figure, OA has advanced 30°, and the ordinate a' of the sine curve, which is placed over the 30 Produced Thereby, division of its base, is made equal to OA sin 30° or Oy. Likewise, when the vector has advanced to 60° the ordinate a" of the curve is equal to OA sin 60°. When the vector is at 90°, the ordinate a’" is equal to OA sin 90°, which equals OA\ hence the length of a rotating vector required to produce a given sine curve must be equal to the maximum ordinate of the curve. By geometry it is seen that in the figure A = Vy 2 + x 2 = A (sin 2 « + cos 2 a)^, where A = OA, x = Ox — A cos a, y = Oy = A sin a ; and tan a = ^ and tan x x These relations express the angular position and value of a Rotating vector in terms of its instantaneous rectangular com- ponents with great simplicity, and are much used in the compu- tations of electrical phenomena. Rotating vectors may be combined, by the ordinary methods of mechanics, with other vectors having the same speed of rotation, since their relative angular positions will remain always the same. Thus, in Fig. 4, OA and OB are two rotat- ing vectors having the same speed or frequency, and therefore at a fixed Phase difference or angular position with respect to each other. Their resultant is OO, the diagonal of the paral- lelogram OACB. It may be seen by inspection that the ver- tical projection of OC, which is Oc , is equal at any instant to A sin a + B sin (u-0)=Oa- f Ob, since BO is equal and par- allel to OA and ac is therefore equal to Ob. These vectors A, B, and 0 are the generators of the sine curves or harmonics 10 ALTERNATING CURRENTS A', B ' , and C . If the ordinates of A' and B' corresponding to any abscissa are added together, they give the corresponding Fig. 4. — Composition of Rotating Vectors OA and OB by Parallelogram of Forces. ordinate of the curve C' . This follows from the construction of the curves. If the vector OC is given, it can be resolved into the component vectors OA and OB with their particular phase relations to OC , or it may be re- solved into components at any other fixed angular relations, by reversing the process of construc- tion. Or, if OC and one compo- nent, OA, are given, the other component may be found by com- pleting the parallelogram of which OC is the diagonal and OA one side. Three or more vectors may be combined by similar processes. In the case of two vectors 90° apart the relations are very simple. Thus in Fig. 5, if A and B are two such vectors, rotat- ing about Z, which form the resultant C, B Fig. 5. — Illustration of the Relations of Two Vectors 90° apart. C= V^L 2 + B' 2 , tan 6 = —, tan 6' = A -B a = A sin a, and b = B sin (« -f- 90°) = B cos «. where A, B , and C are the values of the vectors, a and b are the vertical components of A and B. a is the angle of advance of A, and 6 and 6' are the fixed angles AZC and CZB. Further, c—C sin (« + 6), and c = a + b. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 11 where a, b , and c are the instantaneous vertical components of A, B, and C; from which, remembering that cos « = sin (a + 90°), c = A sin u + B cos « ; hence, A sin « + B cos a = (7 sin (« + 0). Also A sin a + B cos a — C cos (« — 6 In using these expressions it is desirable to always measure a in the positive (counter-clockwise) direction in order to pre- vent confusion in the algebraic signs of the angles. Since B cos a = B sin (« + 90°), it is evident that a sine curve generated by a rotating vector 90° in advance of the vector OA of Fig. 3 would be a curve with its positive maxi- mum at a = 0°, its negative maximum at a = 180°, and its zero values at a = 90°, 270°, etc. That is, this cosine curve would be ahead of or in the Lead of the curve drawn in Fig. 3 by 90°, and vice versa , the sine function Lags 90° behind the cosine function. Also, the phase or relative angular position of a re- sultant vector is between the phases of its components, and the angles between a resultant and its components depend upon the phase difference and the ratio of scalar values of the com- ponents. Vectors having different speeds of rotation cannot be com- bined by the parallelogram of forces, as the resultant vector varies in length with the time.* Harmonic (sinusoidal) voltages and currents can evidently be represented by rotating vectors and can be combined with as much facility as mechanical forces or velocities. In doing this'the maximum ordinate, or Amplitude, must be taken for the scalar value of the vector if it is desired to determine the in- stantaneous components ; but if it is desired to find the effec- tive resultant of two or more voltages or currents, the effective values of the components may be used. This is because E = : and therefore the parallelograms using maximum and effective values are similar, the former being convertible into the latter by dividing its sides and diagonals by V2. Effective voltages and currents may possibly not be represented as vec- tors in the broadest mathematical sense, but for our purposes such representation is eminently satisfactory. * See Art. 71. 12 ALTERNATING CURRENTS K"/ If a number of vectors are to be combined, the resultant of a pair may be found and this then combined with another vector, and so on until the final result- ant is obtained. In Fig. 6 the resultant of the vectors A, A', A", and A'" is found by the parallelograms OAa'A', Oa'a"A", and Oa"a"'A'". This is cumbersome and can be simplified by drawing OA , Aa' , a' a", and a" a'", respec- tively, parallel and equal in x length to the vectors A , A', Fig. 6. Vector Addition by Parallelo- i A" 1 Bv ioillino- the grams of Forces and Vector Polygon. . ‘ ' free points O and a" the re- sultant OR is obtained. The figure OAa'a" a"' 0 is called a Vector polygon. If only two vectors are combined, giving, say, OAa' , the result is called a Vector triangle. When the figure shows all the vectors radiating from a center as do OA, OA', OA", and OA'", it is called a Phase diagram, as the relative angular positions of the vectors are directly indicated. Prob. 1. Two current vectors differing 30° in phase have values respectively of 20 and 40 amperes. What is their com- bined value ? Prob. 2. Four voltages of 25, 50, 75, and 100 are represented by vectors having 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90° absolute phase positions. What is the combined value of all the voltages in series, and what is its angle with reference to the component vector hav- ing 0° angle ? Prob. 3. A current of 100 amperes divides into two branches in such a manner that one branch current leads the main cur- rent by 30°, and the second branch current lags behind the main current by an angle of 60°. What are the values of the two currents ? Prob. 4. A current vector of 50 amperes is divided into two rectangular components, one of which lags behind it by an angle of 45°. What is the value of the second component and its angular position ? THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 13 Prob. 5. A voltage vector of 100 volts is composed of two components, one of which lags behind it by an angle of 10°, and the other leads by an angle of 20°. What are the scalar values of the components ? Prob. 6. There are four voltages, A, B , (7, i), in series in a circuit. Assuming the first to have an angle of 0° and the others to be measured in angular positions with reference to it, the scalar and angular values of the vectors are 10, A 0° ; 20, Z 15° ; 50, Z — 15° ; 30, Z — 45°. What is the resultant voltage and its angular position with reference to the component having Z0°? Prob. 7. The resultant in problem 6 is to be divided into two rectangular components, one on the horizontal axis (Z 0°), and the other on the vertical axis. What are the scalar values of the components? 7. Polar Coordinates and the Method of obtaining Effective Voltages from the Polar Curve. — It is sometimes convenient to plot alternating voltage and current curves to polar coordi- nates ; i.e. the instantaneous values of the voltage or current are laid off on radius vectors occupying the corresponding in- stantaneous positions of the rotating vector thought of as gen- erating the alternating function. The effective value may be directly derived from the primary polar curve, as originally shown by Steinmetz,* if it is plotted on polar coordinates taking 360° to a complete period. This gives a symmetrical curve which crosses the origin at 0°, 180°, 360°, etc. For an exact sinusoid the curve is of the form shown in Fig. 7, and has its maximum values, positive and negative, at 90° and 270°; i.e. each loop is a circle with the pole on its circumference and the initial line, C*A, tangent to the Fig. 7. — Polar Diagram of a Harmonic circumference, the maximum Function. * Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E., Yol. 10, p. 527 ; Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift , June 20, 1890. 14 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ordinate, a , being equal to the diameter. The area of the curve in this form may be shown to be directly proportional to the square of the effective value of the ordinates as follows : In the case of a sinusoidal curve, the polar curve has the equation e = a sin a, where e is the instantaneous voltage corresponding to an angular advance a. In plotting the curve, values of e are laid off on the radius vectors having vectorial angles equal to the corresponding values of a, and a line is drawn through the points thus located (Fig. 7). Each loop of this curve, that is, the part of the curve taken between « = 0° and « = 180°, or a — 180° and a = 360°, is a circle, and its area is A = ^ ird 2 , where d is the diameter of the circle. By the construction, d is equal to a of the formula e = a sin «, and the area of a loop of the curve is therefore A = \ira 2 . The effective ordinate of a sinusoid has already been shown to be * a V2 Consequently = .798 VA. ' 7 r This may be taken for most purposes as E = .8VA. The same expression applies to any single-valued periodic curve of equal positive and negative loops. The area of one loop of any such polar curve is A = r e 2 da ; for if the curve is divided up into elementary triangles having their apices at 0 and bases equal to eA «, each triangle has an area approximately equal to A « x e 2 , where e is the average altitude of the triangle; and the total area is A = e 2A a. ^0- This, when Aa is reduced to the limit, becomes the integral given above. The mean of the squared ordinates of the func- tion is Av. e 2 — — f e 2 da. The effective ordinate is therefore TT'-'O E — VAv.« 2 = \/— f e 2 du — \/ : ^ = .798 Vi. ' 7r*A> ' 7 r As before, this may be taken as E = .8 VA. * Art. 5. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 15 Figure 8 shows the voltage curve plotted to rectangular coordinates, the curve of squared ordinates, and the polar curve for the voltage wave of an alternator which bj special design gave a very distorted wave. The mean ordinates of the rectangular curves are readily determined by measuring the area by plani- meter and dividing the area by the length of the base. Prob. 1. Construct the polar loops of a wave of voltage which, laid out to rectangular coordinates, has rectangular loops with a base of 10 and an altitude of 5. Prob. 2. Make the same construction as in problem 1, when the wave plotted on rectangular axes is a semi- circle having a diameter of 8. Prob. 3. Find the effec- Fig. 8. — Irregular Alternator Voltage Loop plotted to Rectangular and Polar Coordi- nates, and the Curve of Squared Ordinates. tive values of the voltages in problems 1 and 2 by the method explained in this article. 8. A Fundamental Conception of the Vector Quantity. — In Art. 6 it has been pointed out that currents and voltages may be shown in magnitude and relative phase by means of a phase diagram. Thus, in Fig. 9 suppose OX to be the initial line and OA', OA ", and OA !" to be voltages in series, or cur- rents entering or leaving a junction, which are represented in relative phase by the angular positions and in magnitude by the lengths of the lines. It has been pointed out that the resultant of two or more similar electrical quantities may be found by treating their representative lines as vectors ; such vectors may be combined by algebraically adding the vertical and horizontal components of the individual lines, by which 1G ALTERNATING CURRENTS means the vertical and horizontal components of the resultant are determined. If a', V ; a", b " ; and a b'" are the hori- zontal and vertical components of OA', OA", and OA'", and A, B, the components of the resultant, then or A + B = (V + a" + a'"') + (V + b" + 5'"), A + B = O' + 5') + ( a " + b") + (ct!" + V"). W o 1'lvi X/! ' \ \ \ \\ A rtt s' s' / / ! / 1 r / ! / " J A : 7^P /,X''Z O' / i i 'r 1 1 i 9. — Illustration of Relation of Vectors and tlieir Components. In this expression there is nothing to distinguish the hor- izontal from the vertical com- ponents except the difference between the letters A or a and the letters B or b ; or, in gen- eral, there is nothing to indi- cate the angular positions of the components, or of the lines represented by them, with reference to the initial line ; and the ordinary algebraic processes afford no convenient means for giving these indica- tions. To fully indicate the magnitude and position of a line by its rectangular components, we must abandon the methods of algebra for geometric processes. Therefore we may con- sider, for the moment, that tire compo- nents t and u of the vector A (Fig. 10) both lie on the initial line OX , but in order that t and u may determine the vector A, u must be vertical, that is, rotated 90°.* To indicate such a ro- tation, a prefix such as j may be used. Then A will be represented in mag- nitude and angular position by the Fig expression t x 10. — Single Vector and Components. A= t +ju, where the sole function of the letter j is to indicate that the component u stands 90° from the initial line and the addition is * The letter denoting a vector will be written with a vinculum, thus, A, to dis- tinguish it from its scalar value. When its components are on the horizontal or vertical they will have this designation omitted. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 17 geometric; that is, the joint effect of two vectors in the direction of their resultant is equal to the effect of their resultant. The effect of t and ju is equal to the effect of A. The expression t A ju does not indicate arithmetical addition, hut represents the combination of the ef- fects of t and u. It is sometimes written t , ju. As ju is posi- tive, it is said to have rotated u ahead 90°; — ju would indicate that u had been ro- tated 90° in a nega- tive direction, or that u is measured down- wards (the negative direction) from the . . 1 . . Fig. 11. — Illustration of the Effect of the Operator j. origin. It t and ju are both negative, they are both measured in the negative direction ; hence, if t +ju be multiplied by — 1, there results — t — ju , t and u are both reversed in direction, and the vector line OA is rotated 180° (Fig. 11); jt — u means that the line has been rotated forward 90°, since t is positive but stands at 90° from the initial line, and u is negative ; — jt + u means that the line has been rotated back 90°. Finally, multiplying by/ means advancing the vector line 90°; for, j(t + ju) =jt -f (+/) (/m), and as j 2 indicates rotation twice forward, j 2 u becomes — u, and therefore j (t + jii) is geometrically equal to jt — u ; j is, therefore, seen to be similar to the imaginary term V — 1 since (V— 1) 2 = — 1. Also multiplying by —j means turning the vector back 90°, for — j(t + ju)= —jt + (—/)(/«), and as — j 2 (namely, +/ x — /) indicates rotation forward 90° and back 90°, — j 2 u = u , and there results — jt + u. Quantities comprising associations of real and imaginary quantities, such as the quantities described in the preceding paragraph, are called Complex quantities. The vector expressing a sine wave may now be represented in magnitude or scalar value, as heretofore shown, by 18 ALTERNATING CURRENTS A = Vt 2 + u 2 , where A is the length or scalar value of the vector A and is a purely arithmetical quantity; in phase by tan 6 = - ; t in phase and magnitude by the complex quantity aL(cos 6 +j sin 6), since A cos 8 — t and A sin 6— u ; and also, as just indicated, by the equivalent complex quantity t +ju. The addition of the vectors given in the first illustration of this article now becomes A +jB = ( a ' + a" + a'"') + j(b' + b" + b'"). The assumptions made with respect to the symbol j leave it subject to the fundamental laws of algebra, even though it does not represent an ordinary numerical quantity and may be considered purely as a sign of operation. For a further discussion of the complex quantity and its application to various types of electric circuits, refer to Chapter VI. Prob. 1. The complex quantity expressing a vector of vol- tage is 10 + /8. What is the angular position of this vector with reference to the horizontal axis, Z 0°, and what is its scalar value in volts? Prob. 2. A vector of current is 1= 15 — j 6. What is its angular position and scalar value? Prob. 3. Three vectors of voltage E x = 5 +j 6, = 8 + j 10, E z = 20 +/ 2 are to be added together. What is the angu- lar position and scalar value of the resultant voltage ? Prob. 4. Complex quantities expressing three voltages which are in series are E x = 80 — j 10, E 2 = 100 +j 0 and E z = —j 50. What is the scalar value and angular position of the resultant voltage? Prob. 5. A current having a scalar value of 100 amperes and an angular position of Z 30° may be expressed as a com- plex quantity in what terms ? TIIE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 19 Prob. 6. Two vectors of voltage having respectively scalar values of 20 and 50 and angles of Z 30° and Z — 30° are to be combined. Form their complex expressions and from these obtain the complex expression of the resultant, after which find the scalar value and angular position of the resultant. Prob. 7. Find the scalar value and angular position of the resultant of the four following voltages : -#i = 8 +j 4, J? 2 = 10 -j 6, Jj 3 = 15, E i =j 20. Fig. 12. — Simple Alternator Diagram. 9. The Principle of an Alternating-current Generator. — The simplest form of Alternating-current generator, or Alternator, is a single coil revolving in a constant magnetic field and having its terminals connected to two rings fastened upon the shaft. Such a simple ar- rangement is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 12. The rings to which the ends of the coil are at- tached are called Collector rings or Slip rings, and upon these bear copper or carbon brushes for the purpose of connecting the coil with the external circuit. Revolving the coil in the magnetic field causes a voltage to be generated in one direction during the time it is under the influ- ence of one pole piece, and the direction of the voltage reverses as soon as the coil begins cutting lines in the opposite direction under the influence of the other pole. If the instantaneous voltages set up in the revolving coil are plotted as explained in Art. 2, a curve of two loops, or one complete period, will represent the results in each complete revolution (Fig. 1). As an alternating current will not serve to magnetize the fields of alternating-current generators of this type, which 'are usually called Synchronous generators, some special arrangement for obtaining a direct current for the excitation must be made. This may be done either by commutating or rectifying all or a part of the alternating current produced by the machine, or 20 ALTERNATING CURRENTS a small auxiliary direct-current dynamo called an Exciter may be supplied for the purpose. Sometimes the exciter is mounted on the bed plate of the alternator. 10. Commercial Frequencies and Multipolar Generators. — . The frequencies of alternating currents used for the general commercial purposes of the present day vary widely, but in nearly all cases fall within the limits of 15 and 135 periods or Cycles per second (1800 and 16,200 alternations per minute). The majority of American alternating-current dynamos, or Alternators, give a frequency of 25, 40, and 60 periods per second. The rotation of a coil in a two-pole field gives one complete period, or two alternations, for each revolution ; and the fre- quency is therefore equal to the number of revolutions per second. Since the armatures of two-pole machines, unless driven by direct-connected steam turbines or the like, would be required to run at impracticable speeds in order to give the ordinary commercial frequencies, alternators are usuallv made with a considerable number of poles. The number of poles depends upon the size of the alternator and other condi- tions which may control the speed of the armature, but, in general, it may be said to vary from eight upwards. An ex- ception to this statement must be made in the case of generators which are designed for direct connection with steam turbines. The unusually high speed of these turbines renders a small number of field poles, even as few as two or four, requisite in the direct-connected alternator. Figure 13 is a diagram of a six-pole generator with revolving armature. In the figure A 7 ", S, JY, S, JY, S, are the pole pieces, Y is the yoke, A the armature, B the brushes, and TF TF the field windings. Two of the magnetic circuits of the machine are shown by the dotted lines marked n , n. Instead of using one coil on the armature as was shown in Fig. 12, it is usual in this type of machine to use as many as there are poles for the purpose of utilizing the working space to the best advantage. These coil's may be conveniently connected in series and their free ends connected to the collector rings, as is shown at B, Fig. 13, but they may be connected in series parallel or parallel relations if desired. In the series connection, the alternate coils, which move under pole pieces of opposite polarities, must THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 21 be connected in circuit in relatively opposite directions so that their voltages may add together. The frequency which is produced by an alternator of this type is equal to one sixtieth of the product of the number of its pairs of poles by the number of revolutions per minute made by the armature. It is evident that this must be the case, since an armature coil will have com- pleted one cycle or period when its center has passed from a point under one magnetic pole to a similar position with re- spect to the next pole of the same sign. The number of al- ternations per minute is equal to the frequency, as shown above, multiplied by 120. In any alternator, one complete cycle of the alternating vol- tage is generated while an armature conductor moves from a given point under a pole of one polarity to a like point under the next pole of the same polarity ; and the frequency is equal to the number of cycles per second. This definition applies to all alternators, while the commoner definition involving the num- ber of poles, given in the preceding paragraph, only applies to alternators possessing field magnets with adjacent poles (in the direction of rotation) of opposite signs. The angular distance of movement of the conductor required to generate one complete cycle is called 360 Electrical degrees. The electrical degrees correspond with the mechanical degrees of armature rotation only in a bipolar machine or its equiva- lent. Three hundred and sixty electrical degrees are em- braced in the span from a given point in the magnetic field under one pole to the corresponding point in the magnetic field under the next pole of the same sign ; so that there are as many times 360 electrical degrees measured around an arma- ture as there are poles of like sign in the related field magnet. In speaking of the movement of the armature conductor in the magnetic field, the relative movement of the armature with respect to the field is here referred to, and it may be obtained Fig. 13. — Diagram of Multipolar Generator. 22 ALTERNATING CURRENTS by the actual rotation of either the armature or the field mag- net. In modern machines the latter is most frequently rotated. Prob. 1. What is the frequency of an alternator having 10 pairs of poles and a speed of 600 revolutions per minute? How many alternations does it give per minute? Prob. 2. An alternator gives a frequency of 25 periods per second and lias 5 pairs of poles. At what speed (in revolutions per minute) does it run? Prob. 3. An alternator is to give a frequency of 60 periods per second at a speed of 1200 revolutions per minute. How many poles must it have? Prob. 4. Can an alternator be built to furnish a frequency of 47 periods per second when run at a speed of 600 revolu- tions per minute ? Why ? Prob. 5. Can an alternator be built to furnish a frequency of 60 periods per second when running at 700 revolutions per minute? Why? 11 . Form of the Voltage Curve of an Alternator. — The volt- age set up by a conductor or coil moving in a magnetic field is equal to the rate of cutting lines of force, or to the rate of change of the number of linkages of lines of force with the coil, divided by 10 8 ; or (for a single conductor), 1 deb io 8 x dt ’ where e is the instantaneous voltage and — is the time rate of dt cutting lines of force. In the case of an armature revolving in a magnetic field as shown in Fig. 12 the voltage will be at any instant, 1 S dcf> e — - ^ X — X — £ 10 8 P dt where S is the number of active conductors on the armature, p' is the number of paths for the current through the armature, S and — is the number of active conductors in series cutting the P lines of force. If the armature revolves at a constant speed of V revolutions per minute in a magnetic field of p poles, with THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 23 useful lines of force emanating from each north pole, the aver- age voltage set up may be deduced from this formula to be, E„ pS®V p' x 10 8 x 60’ since is the average rate of cutting lines of force by each conductor. This is the formula used to state the continuous voltage of an ordinary direct-current dynamo. Since the voltage produced by direct-current dynamos is essentially constant, the effective and average values are equal to each other in this case.* In the alternating-current dynamos the same averaging does not occur as in direct-current commutating machines with arma- ture conductors uniformly distributed over the surface of the armature, and the voltage between alternator armature ter- minals varies from instant to instant. Thus, suppose the coil of Fig. 12 has negligible width but comprises S conductors arranged to rotate in the uniform mag- netic field as illustrated ; then the voltage in the conductors is, at any instant, as before stated, 1 S dd> e io sX p /X dt' If is the number of useful lines of force emanating from the north pole, then under the conditions described, becomes, dt for the bipolar machine, d(f> _ 2 7i -r 27 x sin « = — sin a, pv where a is the angular displacement of the conductor from a diameter perpendicular to the lines of force, r is the radius of the armature, and T' is the time in seconds of one revolution. If there are more than two poles, each having <3? lines of force uniformly distributed over its face so as to make a multipolar magnetic field analogous to the bipolar magnetic field illus- trated in Fig. 12, the voltage induced is obviously increased in proportion to the number of poles, and the last formula be- comes, in general, * Jackson’s Electromagnetism and the Construction of Dynamos , Chap. 4. 24 ALTERNATING CURRENTS dd) p 2 Trr \ N. s' /- — > X. ^ — > Fig. 18. -Magnetic Field for obtaining a Peaked Voltage Curve. Fig. 17. — Ideal Rectangular Voltage Curve. On the other hand, if the field is greatly concentrated towards the center, as in Fig. 18, the maximum voltage is very great, and the effective voltage is considerably greater than the average, though it by no means approaches in value the maximum * Art. 5. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 27 voltage. In the case of modem alternators the windings are usually Distributed * over a large portion of the polar area, so that the resulting curves of voltage tend to approximate the sine form. 12. Equations of Curves by Fourier's Series. — It has already been explained that the curves of current and voltage in com- mercial alternating-current circuits may deviate widely from the sine form, hut are always single- valued. A general formula is needed, therefore, that will express such curves whatever may be their forms. The most usual and satisfactory method of obtaining such a formula is by means of Fourier’s Series. This series is based upon the proposition that any single- valued recurrent function may be represented by a constant term, plus a sine term and a cosine term having the same period as the function in question, plus a sine term and a cosine term of one half the period, plus a sine term and a cosine term of one third the period, and so on up to a sine term and a cosine term of one nth the period f ; where n is dependent upon the irregularity of the curve in question and the accuracy of representation desired. If/(£) is a single-valued recurrent function of time having a period T , it may be expressed in accord with the above state- ment as follows : r a , a -27 rt . t> 2 irt , | . 4 7rt . t» 4 irt f (t) = A + A 1 sin — + B x cos — + A 2 Bin — + B 2 cos — . i • 6 irt . D 6 irt + ^8 sm ~jT + ^3 cos -yT , . ■ 2 m rt . r, 2 nirt • + A a sin — — b B n cos T T where A, A v B v A v B v etc., are constants. 2 irt Since the expression represents a proportion of 2 7r (or 360° in angular measure), the equation may be written as follows : /(«) = A + A l sin a + B 1 cos « + A 2 sin 2 a +B 2 cos 2 a • • • + A n sin na + B n cos na. The measure of « at the end of a cycle is 2 7 r. Evidently /(«) is represented by a summation comprising a constant term plus a series of sine and cosine terms having * Art. 20. t Byerly, Fourier's Series and Spherical Harmonics , pp. 30 etseq. 28 ALTERNATING CURRENTS maximum instantaneous values of A v B v A 2 , B v etc., with frequencies of one, two, three, etc., times that of the original function, and with the zero ordinate of each cosine term oc- curring simultaneously with the maximum ordinate of the sine term of equal frequency. The value of the ordinate of the periodic curve in question at any time, £, or angle, «, is equal to the algebraic sum of the ordinates of all the terms at the particular instant. Any single-valued recurrent curve, no matter how irregular, may be thus resolved into component sinusoids. a. Examples of Irregular Waves . — Figure 19 shows a curve, S, of alternating voltage, which is composed of two sine waves having respective maxi- mum values A x and A 3 . The sinusoidal component of the same frequency as the wave is called the Primary or Fundamental harmonic ; remaining component waves may in general be called Minor harmonics, or specifically, the Second, Third. Fourth, etc., harmonics, depending upon their frequencies when com- pared with that of the primary wave. In Fig. 19 the primary and third harmonics only are present, so that the Fourier's Series for the curve is Fig. 19. ■ -Periodic Curve composed of Funda- mental and Third Harmonics. /(«) = y = A x sin a + (— A 3 ) sin 3 a, where y is the ordinate of the curve S for any time, t , or angle, a. The constant A is zero in this as in all periodic curves having equivalent loops above and below the x axis.* All the other terms except those given are also zero as the sum of the first and third sine harmonics exactly satisfy the curve S. The constant term A 3 is negative because the negative loop of the third harmonic starts at zero of time. Figure 20 shows the curve that is formed by the same harmonics, but with the third har- monic moved forward 180°, so that A 3 is positive. Figure 21 * For proof see Art. 13. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 29 shows a curve composed of a primary and a fifth harmonic, with A l and A h both positive; and Fig. 22 shows a curve derived from the following series : x = A x sin a + A 3 sin 3 a -f A 5 sin 5 a. It is to be observed that the loops of the curves shown are symmetrical on each side of a vertical axis drawn through the Fig. 20. — Periodic Curve containing Fundamental and Third Harmonics. axis of abscissas at 90° or 270°. If, now, a cosine term is added to the components of Fig. 19, for instance, as in the expression y = A l sin a — A 3 sin 3 a — B 3 cos 3 «, which is shown by the curves in Fig. 23, this symmetry of the loops with respect to the vertical axis is destroyed. The loops Fig. 21. — Periodic Curve containing Fundamental and Fifth Harmonics. of this type, as of the preceding curves, are, however, sym- metrical one with the other. That is, if the negative loops are revolved 180° on the axis of abscissas so as to stand between the positive loops, all of the loops look just alike, and if one 80 ALTERNATING CURRENTS of the negative loops is then moved along the axis one half a period so as to lie upon one of the positive loops, it will exactly coincide with a positive loop. From the brief description already given of the arrangement of armature windings and uf the magnetic field of the ordinary commercial alternator,* it is Fig. 22. — Periodic Curve containing Fundamental, Third, and f ifth Harmonics. seen that the same magnetic lines are cut in the same order by exactly the same arrangement of conductors during the gener- ation of both the positive and negative loops of voltage which are as a result alike in area and form, provided the machine is Fig. 23. — Periodic Curve containing Sine and Cosine Terms in the Third Harmonic. mechanically and magnetically rigid. It will likewise be shown later that the negative and positive current loops also ordinarily have the same characteristic likeness. It is there- fore evident that such waves can be expressed by such formulas as have preceded and which include only the odd harmonics. * Arts. 10 and 11. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 31 If the even harmonics appear, this characteristic symmetry no longer exists. Figure 24 shows a curve answering to the formula : y = sin a + A 2 sin 2 a. Fig. 24. — Periodic Curve Containing Fundamental and Second Harmonics. Figure 25 shows a curve compounded of the first, secondhand third sine harmonics ; and Fig. 26 has first and second sine and second cosine harmonics — the latter two combined into Fig. 25. — Periodic Curve Containing Fundamental, Second, and Third Harmonics. one curve, which may be done by adding their ordinates algebraically. The resultant irregular curves in these figures do not have positive and negative loops which will superpose by revolution around and sliding along the axis of abscissas as 32 ALTERNATING CURRENTS above described, because for each half period of the primary curve the even harmonics complete one or more entire cycles and have relatively opposite effects upon the positive and nega- Fig. 26. — Periodic Curve having Second Harmonic which is composed of Sine and Cosine Terms. tive loops of the primary curve. On the other hand, the odd harmonics keep at all times the same relation to the primary, i.e. when the primary reverses, the odd harmonics also reverse. Prob. 1. Construct the voltage curve expressed by the formula e = 100 sin « + 50 cos a + 30 sin 3 a + 20 cos 3 a. Prob. 2. Construct the curve of current expressed by the formula i = 200 sin a — 25 sin 5 « + 15 cos 5 «. Prob. 3. Construct the voltage curve expressed by the formula e = 200 sin a + 200 cos a + 50 sin 3 a + 50 cos 3 « --- 25 sin 7 « — 25 cos 7 a. Prob. 4. Construct the curve represented by the formula y = 50 + 50 sin a + 40 cos « + 30 sin 2 a + 20 cos 2 a. h. Fourier's Series with Sine and Cosine Terms Combined . — Sine and cosine harmonics of equal frequency may be combined into one curve, as explained with reference to Fig. 26, and a sine term is formed thereby having a maximum which may be designated C and which is out of phase with the original sine component harmonic by some angle /3„. As a result Fourier's Series may be expressed in a more general form, thus: f = A. -f- C± sin + /3\) ~b sin (2 a. + fdf) ■ • • + C n sin Qua + /3„) ; THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 33 or where /3,[ is the angle between the new harmonic and the original cosine component, /(«) = A + <7j cos (« — ySj) + C 2 cos (2 « — /Sg) ••• + O n cos (na - /3') . In these expressions O n = A\ + B\, tan /3 re = and tan /3'„= —5, since (7„ is the resultant of A n and B n , which differ B» from each other in phase by 90°. It is usual in drawing the harmonics of a curve to plot the total harmonics as given by either of these formulas rather than to use their sine and cosine components, which add to the complication.* 13. Determination of the Value of the Constants in Fourier’s Series. — The value of Fourier’s Series to electrical engineer- ing consists in the possibility of resolving irregular waves of current and voltage into their harmonics and by that means obtaining' mathematical expressions to which the elementary laws of electricity can be applied. To do this it is evidently necessary to obtain the numerical values of the constants con- tained in the formulas. Having given the formula, /(a) = A + A x sin a + B x cos a + A 2 sin 2a + 5 2 cos 2 a ••• + A n sin na + B n cos na , an expression for the value of A may be obtained by multiply- ing both sides of the equation by da , and integrating between 0 and 2 7 r. Thus : X %r r /~2rr f(a)da = Aj da-\-A x J sin ada -f B l cos ada--- + A 0 si sin tiada + B l ( cos nada. * A theoretical discussion of Fourier’s Series will be found in the first three chapters of Byerly, Fourier's Series and Spherical Harmonics ; J. W. Mellor, Higher Mathematics , Chap. VIII ; Merriman and Woodward, Higher Mathe- matics ; and similar works. The following articles are of considerable interest in this connection: Periodic Functions Developed in Fourier Series; The Graphical Method, by Professor John Perry, London Electrician , Vol. 35, p. 285 ; Wave Form Synthesis, London Electrician, Vol. 35, p. 257 ; Trans. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng., Vol. 12, p. 476 ; Fleming’s Alternate Current Transformer in Theory and Practice, Vol. II, p. 454 ; Graphical Analysis of Harmonic Curves, by Wedmore, London Electrician, Vol. 35, p. 512 ; Approximate Method, Houston and Kennedy, Electrical World, Vol. 16, p. 580 ; Graphical Compu- tations in Alternating Current Circuits, Eclairage Electrique, Vol. 16, p. 397. 34 ALTERNATING CURRENTS All the terms on the right, except the first, reduce to zero, as may be shown by integrating the general sine and cosine terms as follows : A Jo 81 sin nada — A r , 1 V* - cos na = 0. n Jo Therefore J --277 f \ \2n cos nudu — A n [ + - sin na) =0. u V n Jo A= jzr^ d ' 1 - en- J r* 2n /(«) da is the net area of the curve for an 0 tire period, and 2 it is its base ; so that A is the average ordi- nate for an entire period. Since, as has already been explained, the positive and negative loops in the ordinary alternating elec- i n* trie voltage and current curves are closely alike, - — I /(«) da 2 IT reduces to zero because the area of the positive loop in a period is equal to the area of the negative loop. The constant A , therefore, need not be included in writing the series for compu- tations of such quantities ; that is, the axis of abscissas is placed symmetrically with respect to the positive and negative areas. To obtain A x multiply the series by sin ada and integrate between the same limits as before. Thus sin ada J ^2n , /(«)si X 2n f2n _ ^ /*2ir s\n ada + A x I sin 2 ada + B X J cos a sin ada J ' 2 " C*2tt # sin na sin ada + B n J cos na sin ada. Each of the terms in the right-hand member of the equation except the second term is of the form of one of the follow- ing : J r2n _ P*2tt I sin ada , I sin a cos ada, o X 2 7T _ _ /' 2 ^- sin pa sin qada, J sin pa cos qada, /*2 7T .^2ir I sill pa cos pada, or | cos pa cos qada. where p and q are unequal integers. As is well known, these expressions reduce to zero. This is equivalent to saying that THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 35 any curve which may be represented by one of these expres- sions incloses as much negative area below the axis of abscissas as positive area above the axis, in any length equal to one period measured along that axis. The rule also applies for full periods, when, of p and q , one is an integer and the other dif- fers from an integral number by one half. The second term in this equation is of the form X 2 tt sin 2 ^«d«, where p is any integer. This reduces to i r, as also does the analogous expression J ^2n 0 ( J "2ir 0 * cos 2 pada. The original equation therefore reduces to f (a) sin ada = ttA v 1 r 2n A x = - I f (a) sin ada. TT A like process in which the original equation is multiplied by cos ada , and reduced to find the expression for B l by sin 2 ada, and reduced to find the expression for A v etc., shows that the expressions representing the various constants are as follows : and 1 r 2*- B, — — I /(«) cos ada, 7W0 1 C 2k A 2 = — /(a) sin 2 ada, Bn = — f f (a) cos 2 ada, 7T»/o A n = - I /(a) sin nada, IT i/O 1 r2w I /(«) cos nada. 7T»/0 14. Method of Finding the Harmonics of a Periodic Curve by Fourier’s Series. — If f («) (that is, each ordinate of the re- current curve) is dependent upon a by some known law, its value can usually be incorporated into the formulas for the constants given above and the integration performed. For 36 ALTERNATING CURRENTS instance, such would be the case if the loops of the curve were rectangular. In the case of current or voltage loops such a relation between the ordinates and abscissas of the curve is not apt to exist, so that it is necessary to change the integral sign into a summation sign and obtain the result as accurately as time will permit or necessity require. Tims erect m equally spaced ordinates on the axis of abscissas of an experimentally determined curve, beginning at the incep- tion of a period. The ordinates divide the base line into m — 1 equal divisions in the period. The lengths of the ordinates, from the axis of the abscissas to the curve, may be called e 0 , e v ••• e m . The base of one complete period being 2 v radians in Fig. 27. — Showing Periodic Wave divided into Elementary Areas for obtaining Harmonics. length, the distance between any adjacent two of the equally 2 t r . spaced ordinates is -radians (see Fig. 27). Then the value m — 1 1 C 2,t A, = — I /(«) sin ada can be written approximately 1 7 rJn' 2 1 m — 1 Z— ■ -i e,.sin [ k vi where e k represents the ordinate of the curve or ,/(«) at any particular division point, k the designating number of the cor- 2 7T responding ordinate, and — distance between adjacent ordi- , vi — 1 nates. Hence, 9 A = -Ar m — 1 e , sin Vi — 1 / ■ + sin 2 vi — 1 + e m sin f 2 ’ m — V vi — 1 /_ THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS where e v e 2 , etc., are the ordinates of the curve at the division points, 1, 2, 3, ••• m, and in general B = on — 1 o m- ■ 1 • / 2tt V . f 0 2tt ) , . ( e.sin n- + e 9 sin In — He m sin nm 1 V m — lj 2 V m-lj \ f 2 IT \ f 0 2 7T \ ( e.cos n +e 9 cos 2 n — be»cos : 1 V m-lj 2 V m-lj \ on — 1 V m — 1 The positive and negative loops of ordinary alternating cur- rents and voltages are similar, and for them it is only necessary to divide up one loop ; and for the same reason even harmon- ics of the series are commonly unimportant. The larger m is made, the more accurate will be the result ; likewise the ac- curacy is increased by making n large, though it is seldom nec- essary to obtain more than the first, third, and fifth harmonic. Having found A v A 3 , etc., and B v B 3 , etc., the values of C v C 3 , and /3 V fi 3 may be at once obtained for substitution into the general formula.* Having obtained these values, the harmonics represented by each term of the series can, if desired, be plotted with the periodic curve to which it belongs. It must be re- membered in doing this that a = 0 when the irregular curve crosses the X axis in an upward or positive direction. The values of the constants may be obtained approximately by the use of a planimeter instead of by the laborious com- putation involved in solving the foregoing equations. Meas- ure the ordinates e v e 2 . e 3 , •■■e m as before and multiply each by the sine of the proper angle as shown in the formula of the desired constant or A v or B x or B 2 , etc.). Plot a curve over the points 1, 2, 3, 4, ■■■m with ordinates equal to ( 2 these products, that is, place the ordinate e x sin [ n m — 1 m — 1 , over the point 1, e 2 sin (2 n m — 1 or e 9 cos Z n on — 1 , over the point 2, and so on (see curve z in Fig. 28). Measure the areas of the resultant loops by means of a planimeter and add them algebraically, considering areas above the axis of abscissas as positive and those below the axis as negative. If m is sufficiently large, this area, l T , will be with sufficient accuracy * Art. 12 6. 38 ALTE R NATING C UR RENTS /'2n U = I /(«) sin nudu or ( f (a) cos nudu. «/0 %) 0 i r n . . u Hence, A n =— I /(a) sin nudu. = — . 7T *Z° 7T In Fig. 28 is shown a recurrent curve, X , and the process of obtaining H 3 is indicated. To do this, 37 values of e and the corresponding 37 values of sin 3 u were used, u being re- 2 77" 2 7T i • spectively 0, — r , 2 — , etc., at the successive points. These 36 36 values multiplied into values of e, e v e v etc., and plotted on the corresponding ordinates give the points on the curve Z. If the areas of the positive and negative loops of curve Z are meas- Fig. 28. — Product of an Alternating-current Curve with Sine Third Harmonic Analyzer, x is the Irregular Curve, and z the Curve of Products. ured by a planimeter, it will be found that there is a small posi- tive area in excess. The constant A 3 is therefore positive : i.e. the sine component of the third harmonic starts at zero with a positive loop, and has a maximum height equal to twice the length obtained by dividing the algebraic sum of the areas of the loops of curve Z by the length of the base for the period. This is readily converted into volts by applying the scale used in plotting the values of e. The dotted line in Fig. 28 shows the harmonic plotted in position and to scale. The other constants may be obtained by following a similar process. While the foregoing example is applied to a com- plete period of the curve, it is sufficient to carry out the analy- sis on a single loop or half period of ordinary alternating current or voltage waves which have half periods alike, as already pointed out. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 39 14 a. Components of Alternating Curves do not always fall within the Fourier Series. — The foregoing articles deal with the harmonic analysis of alternating voltage and current curves on the hypothesis that the components of such curves are all of frequencies represented by integral numbers of times the pri- mary frequency, and this is an accurate hypothesis with respect to curves produced under perfectly stable recurrent conditions, such as voltage curves induced by the uniform rotation of the armature of a synchronous generator constructed with perfect mechanical rigidity and possessing a perfectly rigid magnetic field. But these conditions do not always exist and sometimes are departed from widely. The rotation velocity may lack uniformity, the shaft of the armature may spring and alter the magnetic conditions, and other occurrences may likewise intro- duce influences into the voltage curve that are independent of the primary frequency. Also, even though the voltage wave should be free from such effects, variations in the circuit through which the current flows may introduce distortions into the current wave that are independent of the primary frequency. Variations of the kind here referred to are generally not strictly recurrent, but this may not be indicated by the analysis of a single period of the curve and is not likely to be indicated by the analysis of a half period. As such variations are likely to cause the successive loops to differ in form and area, the analysis of several periods is likely to indicate their existence and magnitude. They are generally too small a factor in most of the existing commercial conditions to make them of serious import, but in case of necessity they may be treated like inter- ference phenomena which introduce recurrent effects embracing several or many of the periods of the alternating curve in ques- tion and have a frequency which is some fractional multiple of the primary frequency. 15. Concrete Examples of the Resolution of an Alternating- current Curve into its Harmonic Components. — The positive loop of a voltage wave of an alternator is represented by the heavy line of Fig. 29, and the constants of Fourier’s Series for this curve have been determined up to the seventh harmonic, giving the values, A 1 = + 98.6, A a =- 13.3, A = -14.7, B z = 8-18.2, 40 ALTERNATING CURRENTS A = ~ !- 6 . A 7 = + 0.56. B 5 = - 4.8, B 7 = + 1.2. The equation for the curve as determined by this means is e =98.6 sin « — 13.3 sin 3 « — 1.6 sin 5 a + 0.56 sin 7 « — 14.7 cos a + 18.2 cos 3 « — 4.8 cos 5 a + 1.2 cos 7 a. Substituting various values of a in this equation, the corre- sponding values of e are given, and the corresponding curve, which is dotted, has been plotted in the figure. It will be noticed that the calculated curve very closely approximates to 0° q e 2 q q e q c 7 lso' Fig. 29. Irregular Curve of Voltage, and Calculated Curve composed of tlie First, Third Fifth, and Seventh Harmonics. the exact form of the original curve. If a larger number of constants had been determined, the calculated curve would have crossed the original curve a larger number of times, and the approximation would have been still closer. The cal- culated curve must coincide with the original curve at each ordinate which was used in the computation. The calculated curve cannot, except in special cases, exactly coincide with the original curve unless m = ac. The series used is rapidly con- vergent, and in this particular curve the effect of the fifth and seventh harmonics is quite small, so that the curve is sufficiently well represented for practical purposes by the fundamental and third harmonics, in which case the equation is THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATOKS 41 e = 98.6 sin « — 13.3 sin 3 a — 14. T cos « + 18.2 cos 3 «. The corresponding sine and cosine terms of the series, A, sin a ) ( A„ sin 3«] f A, sin 5 « + + B 1 cos « J [ + B 3 cos 3 a J [ + B 5 cos 5 « + \ + etc., i + etc., may be conceived as representing the rectangular sine compo- nents of the terms of a single sine or cosine curve.* The equa- tion when reduced to the more general form (using /3) has the following constants : C\ = 99.7, /3 X = - 8° 29', C 3 = 22.5, /S 3 = - 53° 50', C 5 = 5.1, B h = + 71° 34', G 1 = 1.3, /3 7 = + 66°, and the equation is e = 99.7 sin (« - 8° 29') - 22.5 sin (3 a - 53° 50') — 5.1 sin (5 a + 71° 34') + 1.3 sin (7 a + 66°), and its value to a considerable degree of approximation is e = 99.7 sin (« - 8° 29') - 22.5 sin (3 « - 53° 50'). The example which has been taken fairly represents the complexity of the average distorted waves. Some alternating- current curves are so greatly distorted that larger numbers of terms of the series are required to closely represent them, but for practical purposes three or four terms are generally sufficient. In a large number of waves the forms are so simple that two terms of the series give sufficient approximation for practical purposes. Following are examples of the calculation of the constants of these equations : m = 9, (-^r) = 221°. \m — 1 / Values of e from curve by measurement : e x = 18, e 3 = 70, e 5 — 125, e 7 - 30. e 2 = 42, = 110, e 6 — 80, e 0 = e s = 0. a _ i j 18 sin 22|° + 42 sin 45° + 70sin67|° + •••! _ qn 1 ~ 1 1 + 30 sin 1571° “ J “ ’ 42 ALTERNATING CURRENTS , . f 18 sin 674° + 42 sin 135° + 70 sin 2021° "I 100 A ‘ = i { + .. + 80 8 inll2i» = j = - 13.3, Q 1 f 18 cos 674° + 42 cos 135° + 70 cos 2024° + ••• ] 1QO ^“‘i '+30co S 112>° ' |= 18 ' 2 ’ = v'A;?TB7- = 22.5, /3,= tan 1 ^* = - 53° 50.' A As C is a second root, it is algebraically either positive or negative, but the conditions of the problem require it to enter the equation with the algebraic sign pertaining to the corre- sponding A. Prob. 1. Find the primary and third harmonics of an equi- lateral triangular voltage wave having an altitude of 10 volts. Prob. 2. Find the primary and third harmonics of a voltage wave which is in the form of a semicircle with a diameter of 10. 16. Effective Value of an Irregular Curve of Voltage or Cur- rent. — The effective ordinate of an alternating-current curve may be determined by integrating directly from its equation. The effective value squared is ^ 2 =Av.e 2 =- CeHa 7 r*4o _ 1 C ,r (A 1 sin « + A z sin 3 « + etc. + _Bj cos « + B 3 cos 3 « — 77 - J 0 4- etc.) 2 da; X 7T > S*1 7 " /»7T sin pa sin qada, sin^a cos qada, | cosy>« cos qada, J f sin px cos pxda are zero when p and q are unequal integers, there results 1 r n A 2 a 2 /**■ E 2 = — ( e 2 da = — L ( sin 2 ad a + — 3 - ( sin 2 3 ada r jp*J 0 77 0 77 0 A . 2 C n B 2 C n sin 2 5 ada + etc. 4 L I cos 2 ada 7T *'0 7T •/> B 2 B 2 C 17 4 3. I cos 2 3 udu 4 5 - I cos 2 5 ada 4- etc. 7 r c/0 77 c/0 4 2 , ,6 2 , i?„ 2 , 5 2 , , -y- 4- etc. 4- — 4- — y- 4- 4- etc., But X 7T ( %7r sin 2 pud a and 1 cos 2 hence, A 2 1 2 pj2 = Ai. + th_ + and (S ^K=n A 2 E ={L K ,^- THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 43 The effective value of the curve is therefore independent of /S. The area and the mean ordinate of the curve, on the other hand, are not independent of /3, which, of course, depends on the relative magnitude and algebraic signs of the sine and cosine functions. That is, the effective value of the current depends only on the amplitudes of the harmonics, and is not influenced by their relative positions ; but the average value depends jointly upon the amplitudes and relative positions of the har- monics. The following table gives various ratios relating to periodic curves of various forms with known equations or which are illustrated in various figures in this book : TABLE Characteristic Features of Different Forms of Alternating- current and Voltage Curves Name of Curve Ratio of Average to Maximum Value Ratio of Effective to Maximum Value Ratio of Maximum to Effective Value Ratio of Effective to Average Value Area of Squared Curve corre- sponding to Unit Maxi- mum Value Triangle .500 .577 1.732 1.155 .333 Sinusoid .637 .707 1.414 1.112 .500 Parabola .666 .730 1.369 1.096 .533 Semicircle .785 .816 1.225 1.040 .667 Rectangle 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Prob. 1. Find the effective value of a voltage having a wave expressed by the formula e = 50 sin (a + 30°) -f 30 sin (3 a + 60°)+ 20 sin (5 a + 45°). Prob. 2. Find the effective value of a current curve ex- pressed by the formula i = 200 sin (a + 90°) — 50 sin (3 a-f 20°). 17. Alternating Current Voltmeters and Amperemeters measure Effective Volts and Amperes. — Alternating voltages and cur- rents cannot be measured by instruments depending upon per- manent magnets, so that instruments for such purposes usually fall within three general classes : * 1. Electromagnetic instruments, depending on the magnetic attractions of two coils, one fixed and the other movable, * Jackson’s Elementary Electricity and Magnetism , Chaps. VIII and XIV. 44 ALTERNATING CURRENTS carrying the current to be measured ; or of a fixed coil or coils and a small movable vane-like bit of iron or disk of conducting metal. The coils may or may not be provided with soft iron cores, with the iron carefully subdivided to prevent excessive eddy currents. 2. Hot ivire instruments, in which the expansion of a wire due to the heating effect of a current is used to obtain a deflection. 3. Electrostatic instruments, depending upon electrostatic forces for obtaining a deflection, as in an electrometer. In the first two classes the force tending to deflect a needle, suitably attached, is proportional to the square of the current flowing in the coil or wire, and hence is also proportional to the square of the voltage at the terminals of the instrument when it is arranged for use as a voltmeter, except in the cases of instruments with iron cores or vanes, in which the forms of pole pieces or the saturation of the iron may be caused to modify the force. In the third class the tendency of the needle to deflect is proportional to the square of the voltage- im- pressed upon the terminals ; and it is proportional to the square of the current flowing' through a shunt across the terminals of the instrument, if it is arranged with a shunt for the pur- pose of using it as an amperemeter. When an instrument of either of these types is inserted in an alternating-current circuit, it tends at each instant to deflect its needle by a force proportional to the square of the instanta- neous current flowing through it or instantaneous voltage im- pressed upon its terminals. The deflection of the needle is resisted by a spring or like device affording a resisting force proportional to the extent of movement. On account of the great frequency of commercial alternating-current circuits the resultant deflection of the needle is ordinarily constant and is proportional to the average of the squared instantaneous values of the current or voltage. The square root of this deflection is proportional to the effective amperes or volts impressed upon the instrument. Such an instrument can therefore be calibrated to read effective amperes or volts. When the instrument is so cali- brated, it will read direct or alternating currents or voltages THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 45 on the same scale, since the force causing the needle’s deflection is in every case proportional to the average of the squares of the instantaneous values of the current or voltage. It is further evident, for the same reason, that instruments of these types will correctly measure alternating currents or voltages whatever may be the forms of their waves, provided that modi- fying influences from iron cores or similar extraneous influ- ences are not allowed to creep in. Direct currents and voltages and effective alternating cur- rents and voltages are uniformly indicated throughout this hook by the same symbols, I and U, since they are equivalent in their electro-dynamic or heating effects. 18. The Effective Voltage developed by an Alternator. — In Art. 11 it is shown that the instantaneous voltage of a multi- polar armature generating a sine voltage curve is irpSQ V 2 xp' x 10 8 x 60 sin a = — sin cu p' x 10 8 and that then the maximum voltage is 7rpS V ^ 2.22 +SW V2 p' x 10 8 x 60 p' x 10 8 The numerical coefficient in this formula is accurate only for a machine with very narrow coils and with such a distribution of magnetism that the voltage curve is of the sine form. It is, however, correct within a few per cent for a large proportion of the alternators of the present day, as will be seen later.* Prob. 1. What is the voltage generated by an alternator having 500 active conductors in series, a magnetic flux from each pole of 2,000,000 lines of force, a speed of 1200 revolu- tions per minute, and five pairs of poles, supposing the formula above to be applicable ? * Art. 20. 46 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Prob. 2. The magnetic field of an alternator has been de- signed with six pairs of poles so that 2,000,000 lines of force emanate from each pole. The armature is to run at 500 revo- lutions per minute and generates a sinusoidal voltage. What must be the number of conductors in series to give 1000 volts? 19. Comparison of the Voltages developed by an Alternator and a Direct-current Dynamo. — In multipolar direct current dynamos E _ P S<$>V p' x 10 8 x 60 Assuming two machines in which /S', p , p ' , f ~ p' x 10 s x 60 ~ p' x 10 s ’ Kapp states that K varies from .29 to 1.15,* but in the greater number of commercial cases it is between 1.00 and 1.11. Instead of having the windings laid together upon the surface of the armature, it is usual to have them laid in slots as shown in Fig. 31, where the winding is distributed in four slots per pole. If the winding is progressive, as in the Gramme ring, the wires in different slots will set up voltage waves with their max- ima separated by the angular distance between the centers of the slots, as illustrated in Fig. 32, where each slot is supposed to contain the same number of conductors, and the whole width covered by the winding is equal to one half the pitch. The resultant curve, due to connecting the conductors all in series, may be found by adding the instantaneous ordinates together * Kapp’s Dynamos, Alternators, and Transformers, p. 374. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 49 at each abscissa. If the individual curves are sinusoids, the summation is of this form : where e is the instantaneous voltage of the resultant curve, e sm is the maximum ordinate of any one of the individual curves, a is the angular distance from the point where the first Fig. 31. — Multipolar Armature with Winding distributed in Four Slots. Dotted Lines show Cross Connections at the Rear. curve cuts the x axis, /3 is the angular distance between slots, center to center, measured in electrical degrees, and n is the number of individual curves composing the resultant curve. By trigonometry this summation becomes* For the purpose of finding the value of a. at which the resultant curve has its maximum height, the first derivative of this function with respect to « may be equated to zero and reduced to e = e sm \ sin« + sin (a + /3) + sin(« + 2 /3) + ••• + sin (a + O — l)/3)b cos a cos n — 1 o or, * Hobson's Plane Trigonometry, 2d ed., p. 89. 50 ALTERNATING CURRENTS From this the value of « required to give the maximum ordi nate of the resultant curve is found to be « m 7 T 2 / 3 , Fig. 32. — Curve of Voltage set up in the Separate Slots of Progressive Distributed Windings, and the Resultant Total Voltage. and substituting this value of « in the formula for e gives n — 1 a , 71 — 1 x P + — — - a \ ■ p ) sin — y cosec = e. sin (71 3/-) sin (fi/2) ' i 7 T THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 51 The effective voltage is therefore sin Q/ 3/ 2). - yo sin (/3/2) ' If E' = — is the voltage that would have been set up if all the wires had been in a single narrow slot, the formula becomes E' sin (n/3/2) n sin (/3/2) ’ but E' is the voltage given by the formula in Art. 18 ; hence, 2.22 ;SW sin Q/3/2) p' x 10 8 n sin (/3/2) Evidently K of Art. 20, in this case, is equal to , J > n w sin (/3/2) k and k' being respectively equal to 1.11 and s ^ n . i n 61 J ^ n sm (/S/2) any instance in which the conductor voltages are of sinusoidal form. Suppose there are four slots equally distributed through 90 electrical degrees in an alternator armature with the conductors of one coil equally distributed in those slots ; then n = 4 and /3 = 221°, whence k' = \ sin 45° cosec 11° 15' = .906 (approx.) and AT= 1.11 x .906 = 1.006 (approx.), provided the con- ductor voltages are of sinusoidal form. Suppose now that there are a total of 500 active conductors in series, and equally distributed in the slots, 2,000,000 lines of force per pole, and that the frequency is 60 periods per second, then F _ 2 KS$>f _ 2 x 1.006 x 500 x 2,000,000 x 60 _ 12n7 j p' x 10 8 1 x 10 8 Figure 31 shows the slots for a winding such as contemplated in the problem above, and Fig. 32 shows the voltage curves. The following table gives the value of K for various propor- tions of the armature core covered with winding and various numbers of slots per pole up to four, assuming sinusoidal con- ductor voltages. 52 ALTERNATING CURRENTS TABLE I Values of K for Progressively Distributed Windings Group of Slots LOCATED IN Number of Slots in a Group i 2 3 4 45° l.n 1.09 1.085 1.08 60° l.n 1.075 1.07 1.065 90° l.n 1.025 1.015 1.01 135° l.n .925 .895 .885 180° l.n .78 .735 .725 In a single phase winding, i.e. an armature having a single winding, any angular width for the group of slots may be used, though about 90° is common. Where there are two independ- ent circuits on the armature, 90° is also used ; while in three- phase circuits, where there are three independent circuits, 60° is common.* The values given for K in the table can be used with suffi- cient accuracy for most commercial forms of alternators, as the deviations of the curves from sinusoidal form are usually not great enough to change the constant very much ; but this con- dition cannot be relied on unchallenged.! When desired, the curves of conductor voltage may be plotted, and the ordinates of the voltage curve of the machine may be obtained by adding corresponding ordinates of the conductor voltage curves. The vector relations of sinusoidal conductor voltages and the machine voltage are illustrated in Fig. 33, where OA , AA ' , A' A", and A"S are the voltages developed by the conductors in the several slots of the foregoing example. These are laid off in a vector polygon. The effective voltage produced in the con- ductor (or conductors) of each slot is 333 volts, and the resultant of the four voltages is 1207 volts as already computed by the formula. These vectors are plotted in their proper relative positions. Their lengths are laid down equal to their respect- * Art. 28. t De la Tour’s Moteurs Asynchronous Polyphases, Chap. 2. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 53 ive effective values. The corresponding instantaneous values for the instant corresponding to Fig. 33 are proportional to the pro- jections of the various vectors on the vertical axis. The reason that the coefficient k' is less than unity is plainly shown by this figure, in which it is seen that the component or conductor Fig. 33. — Graphical Representation of Voltage generated in an Armature having Four Slots. voltages are in different phases and their resultant is therefore less in magnitude than their arithmetical sum. The complex expression for these vectors is OS = COS") +j(OS') = [(06) + (bb 1 ) + (b'b") + (b"S")] + j [( Oa) + (aa') + (a' a") + (a" S')], or, ( OS") = (Ob) + (bb') + (b'b") + (b"S"), and ( OS') — ( Oa) + (aa') -f (a' a") + (a" S'). Having thus obtained the numerical values of the terms of the complex expression for the resultant, the numerical or scalar value of the resultant is obtained from the relations ( os) = V( os'y + ( osy. 54 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The value of Oa, aa\ Ob , bb', etc., may readily be found by use of the trigonometrical table ; for instance AA' = ( bb ') +j (aa r ) = AA' [cos (« + 221°) + j sin (a + 221°), and therefore, as a, in this case, at the instant indicated in Fig. 33, is Ilf, (bb') = 333 cos 33|° and (W) = 333 sin 33|°. A winding which creates several equal elementary voltage curves following each other at equal angles, but added to obtain a resultant at the collector rings, is called a Distributed winding. Such windings are shown in Figs. 67-70, Chapter III. Prob. 1. In an alternator armature there are five slots in a group and the angle covered by them is 120°. What is the value of the constant K for the group ? Prob. 2. The effective voltage set up in the conductors in each slot of problem 1 is 50 volts. Determine graphically the total voltage of the machine. Prob. 3. Obtain the answer to problem 2 by the method of complex quantities. Prob. 4. An armature has four slots in a group covering 60°. The conductors in each slot develop 400 volts. Determine the total voltage developed by each group, when the conductors are all connected in series, both graphically and by the method of complex quantities. 21 . Most Economical Width of Pole Face. — The output of an alternator is proportional to the product £ = swbw where s is the number of conductors per unit width of coil, b the number of lines of force per unit width of pole face, and w and w' are respectively the widths of coil and pole face. In order to economize material, the distance between pole tips may be taken as equal to the width of the coil, for the reason explained in the previous article, and this makes w + tv' equal to the pitch of the poles, which is constant ; this makes the product ww\ and hence the output of the machine, a maximum when w is equal to w\ or when the width of coil and pole face are each equal to half the pitch. The result thus derived must be modified to suit practical conditions, since fringing tends to increase the width of field, and armature reactions tend to crowd the field THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 55 towards the trailing pole tip, thus narrowing the field. Experi- ment has shown that it is best to have the coils somewhat wider than half the pitch, and it is often advantageous to have the poles slightly less than half the pitch in width. 22. Polyphase Alternators. — As has been shown, only slightly over one half the armature surface is utilized in the machines of the type which has been dealt with, and which are called Single-phase machines or Single-phasers from the fact that they give out a single current. A second set of windings may be placed between the first, as in Fig. 34, which will give out from a second pair of collector rings or terminals another alternating current displaced 90° from the first. This is indicated in Fig. 35, where A, A\ and B , B', represent the two currents. Such a machine is called a Two- phaser. Figures 36 and 37 show by diagram two methods, and c, c' 56 ALTERNATING CURRENTS of connecting up the coils of two-pkasers. In the former the phases are joined together at a central point called a Neutral ARMATURE TERMINALS Fig. 3(3. — Two-phase Armature. Four Terminals. ARMATURE TERMINALS Fig. 37. — Two-phase Armature. Four Terminals. ARMATURE TERMINALS Fig. 38. — Two-phase Armature. Three Terminals. point ; while in the latter the two phases are entirely inde- pendent. The figures indicate a simple bipolar ring, to avoid the complexity that arises in diagraming the windings for multipolar machines, and rep- resent either a stationary or rotating armature. Figure 38 shows the coil terminals passing to only three armature termi- nals, which is made possible by utilizing one wire as a common conductor for both circuits. The current in the common wire, as will be shown later,* is V2 times the current in either of the independent wires when the currents are equal in the two circuits and are of 90° difference of phase, which is the condition of a balanced two-phase system; and the voltage be- tween the two independent wires is then V2 times the voltage between either of those and the common wire. Instead of two independent circuits being placed on the arma- ture, the winding space may carry three circuits, as illustrated in Fig. 39, and the machine is then a Three-phaser. The three- pkaser gives three voltage curves ordinarily differing from each other in phase by 120° as indicated in Fig. 40, where A. A', B . B\ and C, O ’ , are the three curves. Figures 41 and 42 illustrate such a winding for a simple Gramme ring in which a , a', b , b\ c, c\ * Art. 100. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 57 represent the coils of each phase or winding. In both figures the windings are so connected together that only three arma- ture terminals are used instead of three independent pairs. A simple diagram of the connec- tion of the coils of Fig. 41 is shown in Fig. 43. This wind- ing is called a Mesh or Delta(A) winding. The currents which combine from two coils at the armature terminals (A, B , (7) are V3 times greater than the current in a single phase,* Fig. 41. — Three-phase Winding. Mesh Connection. * Art. 100. 58 ALTERNATING CURRENTS provided the currents are equal in the three windings and are 120° apart in their phases, which is the condition of a balanced three-phase system. The arrangement shown in Fig. 42 is called a Star or Wye (Y) winding, and the connection of the coils is diagrammed in Fig. 44. The voltage measured between any two armature terminals connected to the Y winding is V3 times the voltage in the winding of a single phase,* provided the voltages are equal in the three windings and are 120° apart in their phases. Machines having more than Fig. 42.— Three-phase Winding. one phase or winding are St.u Connection. called in general Polyphase and sometimes Multiphase machines, or Polyphasers or Multi- phasers. The methods of connecting up two-phase armature windings are very simple. If the armature is wound with independent concentrated coils, each coil may be con- nected to its individual armature termi- nals, in which case four terminals are re- quired and the two circuits are entirely independent ; or, one end of each coil may be connected to a common armature ter- minal and the other ends to independent terminals, in which case but three terminals are required and the circuits have a common point. If the armature has a direct-current or closed-circuit distributed winding, such as is treated in Art. 20, it may be made into a two-phaser by connecting collector Fig. 44. - Diagram of Y pings to the windings at the ends of two Connection. .. diameters which are 90 apart, it the ma- chine is bipolar ; if the machine is multipolar, the connections must be made as described in Art. 28. Four rings are nec- Fig. 43. — Diagram of A Connection. * Art. 100. THE VOLTAGE DEVELOPED BY ALTERNATORS 59 essary in this case, as the use of a common ling would cause the permanent short-circuiting of one quarter of the armature. A direct-current armature converted into a polyphaser (of any number of phases) in this manner has a capacity when used as a polyphase alternator which is nearly equal to its direct- current capacity, though it has already been shown that its capacity as a single-phaser is only seven tenths as great as its direct-current capacity.* The manner of connecting three-phase armatures is not so immediately evident, but is perfectly simple. It is illustrated in Figs. 64 and 65. Three armature terminals are universally used, and if the armature is wound with three independent coils, these may be connected to the terminals in either of two ways : (1) one end of each of the coils may go to a common point, and the other ends go to independent terminals ; or (2) the coil ends may be connected together two and two, form- ing a sort of triangle, and connections be carried to the arma- ture terminals from these points. The latter arrangement makes each coil terminate at each end in an armature terminal, and, since there are six coil ends and three terminals, each terminal is connected with two coil ends. These two arrangements are illustrated respectively in Figs. 65 and 64, each of which shows the winding diagrammatically as developed and as projected. The following considerations make it perfectly easy to connect the coils in the proper order: Fig. 40 shows that when the cur- rent in one coil is at its maximum point, the currents in the other two are equal to each other and opposite to the direction of the first ; then, considering the instant at which the conduct- ors of one coil (such as C in the figure) are directly under the poles, if we connect its positive end to the common or neutral point the negative ends of the other two coils must be con- nected to the same point. Each of the free ends may then be connected to one of the armature terminals and the connection is completed according to the first or Y arrangement (Fig. 65). To make the second or A arrangement, the coils must be con- nected so that, at the instant considered, the' current flows by two paths through the armature from the negative to the posi- tive end of the first coil (coil C of the figure). Consequently the negative ends of the first and second coils go to one arma- * Art. 20. 60 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ture terminal, the positive ends of the first and third coils to another terminal, and the free ends of the second and third coils to the third terminal (Fig. 64). If the armature has a closed-circuit or distributed winding, the connection is very simple, as the rings (terminals) are con- nected to points in the windings 120 electrical degrees apart. If the machine is multipolar, it must be remembered that one cycle, or 360 electrical degrees, is comprised within the space of twice the polar pitch. In a three-phase machine, if the armature is A connected, the voltage between any two armature terminals is equal to the voltage developed in one coil, while the current leaving a ter- minal is composed of the vector currents in two coils; and, if the armature is Y connected, the voltage between the terminals is composed of the vector voltages developed in two coils, while the current leaving a terminal is equal to the current in a coil. The line currents with a balanced load are V3 times the current in a single coil in the A connection, and the voltages between lines or terminals are V3 times the voltage of a single coil in the Y connection, so that the capacity of a machine is independ- ent of the way in which its armature is connected, but, for a given voltage and output, the windings will differ (though the weight of copper will be the same) for the two arrangements.* Prob. 1. 100 volts are set up in each winding of a balanced Y connected three-phase alternator armature. What are the voltages between the terminals of the machine ? Prob. 2. 200 volts are generated in each coil of a balanced A connected three-phase alternator armature. What are the voltages between the terminals of the machine ? And when 50 amperes flows in each coil, what is each line current? Prob. 3. The two windings of a balanced two-phase armature are connected to three line wires. The voltage developed in each winding is 100 volts; the line wires are designated A, B. C , where B is the common return wire. What are the voltages between A and 74, B and (7, and A and C ? Prob. 4. In problem 4 the current flowing in each phase is 50 amperes. What is the current in the common return wire ? * Chap. VIII. CHAPTER II ELEMENTARY STATEMENTS CONCERNING TRANSFORMERS AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 23. The Fundamental Principle of the Transformer. — If a coil of wire is wound upon a closed iron core of high magnetic con- ductivity, i.e. low reluctance, as illustrated in Fig. 45, a small current passed through the coil will produce a powerful magnetic flux. If an alternating current is passed through the coil, the magnetic flux changes with the cycles of the cur- rent and the chaneino - ^ig. 45. — Coil Wound upon an Iron Core of Low ’ , .. ‘ ° ° Reluctance, number ot lines ot force linked with the coil create a Counter voltage in the coil which opposes the tendency of the voltage impressed at the terminals to send current through the coil. This action is in accord with a natural law which may he stated as follows : When a current in a conductor is caused to change in value , or a conductor is moved in a magnetic field so as to cut lines of force , an induced electro-motive force is set up in the conductor which tends to oppose the change in current value or the move- ment of the conductor. This state- ment is a corollary of the Laiv of the Conservation of Energy. If another coil is wound upon the same core, as illustrated in Fig. 46, the magnetic flux set up by current in the first coil passes through the second coil also, and the changes in the strength of the field set up an induced voltage in this second coil similar to that in the first. An Induction coil of this character, used with 61 Fig. 46. — Low Reluctance Iron Core carrying Primary and Sec- ondary Coils. 62 ALTERNATING CURRENTS alternating currents, is called a Transformer. The coil which receives the current from an outside source is called the Primary coil and that in which voltages are induced by the magnetic flux set up by current in the primary coil is called the Secondary coil. The phenomenon is called Self-induction when electro-motive force is induced in a coil as the result of changes of the current in its own conductors ; and the phenomenon is called Mutual- induction when an electro-motive force is induced in a coil as the result of changes of the current flowing in a neighboring coil. When an alternating current flows through a primary coil, it is obvious that the magnetic flux set up in the iron core, such as is illustrated in the transformer of Fig. 46, must also be alternating and of the same period ; and that the induced voltages in both the coils are also alternating and of the fre- quency of the primary current. The maximum voltage induced per turn of wire in either coil is proportional to the maximum value of the alternating mag- netic flux which links the coil and to the rate of change of the flux. The latter is proportional to the frequency of the current. Therefore, if all the turns of each coil are in series and the same magnetic flux links the two coils, the voltages induced in the primary and secondary coils are respectively proportional to their number of turns ; or where R[ and U' 2 are the induced voltages and n v n 2 are the turns in the primary and secondary coils, respectively. In the case of commercial transformers, when no current is flowing in the secondai-y coil, the self-induced voltage in the primary coil almost equals the voltage impressed at its termi- nals. This is because only a very small Exciting current is required for the core magnetization necessary to set up an induced voltage equal to the impressed voltage, and the voltage used in sending the current through the resistance of the con- ductors of the primary coil is practically negligible. The in- stantaneous value of counter voltage at each instant must be smaller than the corresponding instantaneous value of the impressed voltage by an amount equal to the IR drop at that ELEMENTARY STATEMENTS 63 instant. The IR drop in a commercial transformer is usually very small when the secondary circuit is open. It may therefore be said that, in an ordinary unloaded com- mercial transformer, the ratio of the primary impressed voltage to the secondary induced voltage is substantially equal to the ratio of the numbers of turns in series respectively in the primary and secondary coils. That is, substantially, where R 1 is the primary impressed voltage. The induced voltage set up in the winding of the secondary coil is obviously in phase with the counter voltage of the pri- mary coil, assuming them to be set up by the same magnetic flux, and this secondary voltage is practically opposite to the voltage impressed on the primary coil. Closing the circuit of the secondary coil through resistance (such as a number of incandes- cent lamps) allows a cui’rent to flow under the impulse of the secondary induced voltage, which current is opposed in phase to the current caused by the impressed voltage to flow through the primary coil. The result is that the magnetizing effect of the primary current is opposed by the magnetizing effect of the secondary current, and the primary current must increase suf- ficiently to overcome the magnetic effect of the secondary cur- rent and continue to magnetize the core as before. The ampere turns of the primary coil must therefore increase by an amount equal and opposite to the ampere turns of the secondary coil. That is, ... where n 2 i 2 are the instantaneous ampere turns of the secondary coil, n 1 i 1 are the ampere turns in the primary coil, and n^, u rep- resents the part of the primary ampere turns required to set up the magnetic flux in the core at the corresponding instant. The current in the primary coil, then, must be slightly greater than 2 i 2 in order to supply the core magnetization, n i but in commercial transformers this extra magnetizing current is small, and may usually be neglected ; and the statement may therefore be made that the currents in the primary and secondary coils of the usual commercial transformers designed for constant 64 ALTERNATING CURRENTS voltage service are almost inversely proportional to the number of turns in the two coils. That is, approximately, When currents flow in the secondary coil, the voltage lost in the resistance of the coils can no longer be neglected. This drop at full load amounts to from one to five per cent of the voltage at no load in the transformers of ordinary practice, and the ratio of the voltages at the primary and secondary terminals is no longer correctly represented by the ratio of the numbers of primary and secondary turns. Magnetic leakage, whereby the magnetic flux linking one coil becomes different from the flux linking the other coil, also affects the ratio of voltages. These deviations from ideal action are fully discussed in a later chapter. A transformer may be defined as a combination of coils and magnetic core for transforming alternating currents of a given voltage into propor- tional alternating currents of another fixed voltage with- out the intervention of physical motion. The core of a trans- former must be Laminated, that is, made up of very thin sheets of soft iron or steel laid parallel to the lines Figure 47 shows TERMINAL OF PRIMARY W'NDING TERMINALS OF SECONDARY WINDINGS TERMINAL OF PRIMARY WINDING TERMINALS OF SECONDARY WINDINGS Fig. 47. — Skeleton View of a Transformer. of force to prevent the flow of eddy currents a skeleton view of a commercial transformer. If there were no losses of power in the operation of a trans- former, the power given out by the secondary coil would obviously be equal to the power received by the primary coil ; that is, P 2 would be equal to P r But an actual transformer cannot be operated without I 2 R losses in the conductors, hysteresis losses in the core, and eddy current losses in the core and perhaps other parts, so P 2 is always smaller than P y ELEMENTARY STATEMENTS 65 The difference is only a few per cent of the input in the case of a well-designed modern constant voltage transformer oper- ated at normal full load. A modified transformer having the secondary mounted upon a rotating core and so arranged as to deliver mechanical instead of electrical power is called an Induction motor. A discussion of transformers and induction motors is to be found in Chapter XI. Prob. 1. A certain transformer delivers to the external secondary circuit a power of 50 kilowatts. If the efficiency of the transformer is 96 per cent at this load, what power must be supplied to it ? Prob. 2. In a fully loaded transformer the voltage supplied is 1000 volts, the current 50 amperes, and the secondary voltage is 100 volts. What is the approximate value of the secondary current ? 24. Alternating-current Amperemeters, Voltmeters, and Watt- meters.* — The three general classes of direct-reading instru- ments most suitable for making measurements in alternating- current circuits have already been given. f Working gear for each of the three most important of the instruments for com- mercial electrical measurements (namely, amperemeters, volt- meters, and wattmeters) may be made on the principles of either of the three types named in Art. 17. Paragraphs a, d , and e. following, deal with the first class. a. Electro-dynamometers . — Large numbers of the best known alternating-current instruments depend upon the electro-dyna- mometer principle, i.e. the magnetic action of the current in one coil upon the magnetic field of a current in another coil. Such instruments must be constructed without masses of solid conducting material about them, or eddy currents may be set up and the readings of the instruments become affected by the frequency of the current to be measured. This is due to the dynamic effect which eddy currents (induced short-circuit currents) circulating in the metallic masses produce upon the * Jackson’s Elementary Electricity and Magnetism, Chaps. XIII, XYI, and §231. t Art. 17. F 66 ALTERNATING CURRENTS currents in the moving parts of the instruments.* Likewise, iron cores can be used only with the utmost caution in the construction of the working gear, even though laminated (built up of thin wires or sheets) to lessen eddy currents, as the hysteresis of the iron is likely to impair the accuracy of the readings.) If the instrument is to be used as a voltmeter, the self-induction and electrostatic capacity of the wdn dings must be reduced to negligible values, or the readings may be affected by the circuit frequency. The elimination of self- inductive or capacity effects from the voltage coils of watt- meters is also very important, as is fully demonstrated later. ) If any of these harmful elements are present, the instrument must be calibrated under the exact conditions of frequency, current, or power, with which it is to be used, or the readings may prove to be quite erroneous. On the other hand, such instruments, property constructed, can be relied on to read with equal accuracy in alternating-current cir- cuits having any of the commercial frequencies ; and they may ordinarily be calibrated in a direct-current cir- cuit (unless iron is used in the work- ing gear). Figure 48 illustrates a long-used form of electro-dynamom- eter arranged for use as an ampere- meter. This is often called the Siemens Electro-dynamometer . This form gave excellent service, though it is somewhat clumsy. One coil. F, in this instrument is fastened to the frame of the instrument, and the Fig. 48. — Siemens Electro-dyna- mometer and Diagram of Con- nections to Circuit. other coil, M, which stands at right angles to the first, is suspended by a heavy silk fiber, so that it is free to move. The ends of the wire composing the movable coil dip into little cups, (7(7, containing mercury, which are connected with the main circuit so that the current can enter and leave the coil. The movable coil is attached to a spring 6r, the other end of which is connected to a thumbscrew T, called a Torsion * Arts. 90 and 111. t Art. 106. I Art. 90. ELEMENTARY STATEMENTS 67 head , by means of which the spring may be twisted. When a current flows in the coils, the magnetic force tends to turn the movable coil around so as to place it parallel with the fixed coil. This force is balanced by twisting the spring by means of the thumbscrew. The amount of twist, as shown by a pointer B attached to the screw, is proportional to the force exerted by the coils on each other. This force is proportional to the square of the current flowing in the coils, since the coils are connected in series and the magnetism set up by each coil is proportional to the current, and they act upon each other mutually. The pointer N indicates whether the movable coil is at its zero position. The “ binding posts ” for connecting the instrument into circuit are shown at AA. According to the known laws of electro-dynamics, the torque acting at each instant to rotate the movable coil is proportional to the product of the simultaneous instantaneous values of the currents flowing in the coils, and is equal to this product multi- plied by a constant of the instrument which is fixed by the rela- tive dimensions, the numbers of turns, and the relative positions of the two coils. The average torque acting on the movable coil through each period of an alternating current is therefore proportional to the average (taken through the period) of the products of the corresponding instantaneous currents in the two coils ; and when the two coils are in series relation, as in the electro-dynamometer type of amperemeter or voltmeter, the current at each instant is the same in the two coils, and the average torque is proportional to the average of the squares of the instantaneous values of the current. That is, the average torque is equal to iT(av. * 2 ), where K is the constant of the instrument fixed by the construction. This average torque is balanced by the spring attached to the torsion head in the Siemens electro-dynamometer; and if the spring is uniform, the movement of the torsion head required to hold the mova- ble coil in its initial position is proportional to (av. « 2 ) = I 2 . Instruments of the electro-dynamometer type are more con- venient if the movable coil carries a pointer which moves over a scale. This arrangement has largely displaced the Siemen’s type. Such an instrument, of Weston make, is illustrated in Figs. 49 and 50. This instrument is like that of Fig. 48 in principle, but it has lighter coils connected in series with a large 68 ALTERNATING CURRENTS non-inductive resistance JK to reduce the time constant ot the instrument circuit, and make it practicable for use as a volt- meter.* The resistance of the commercial alternating-current voltmeters of this type is from about 20 to 40 ohms per volt of the maximum reading of the scale. The construction of the voltmeter shown in Figs. 49 and 50, which are lettered alike, is as follows : B is the movable coil, and AA is the stationary or fixed coil ; AT, iV T , 0 are Fig. 49. — Perspective View of Interior of Weston Alter- ]ji n( ^p n( -r posts • J nating-current Voltmeter from below. e I ‘ ’ ’ K are extra resist- ance coils, wound non-inductively \ L is a special variable resistance used to correct the readings for variations of tem- perature ; D is a push-button switch ; C , , C 1 are springs through which the current en- ters and leaves the movable coil ; P is the needle or pointer ; H is the scale, which is en- graved with two sets of figures; and 6r is a ther- mometer with its bulb near the coils of the in- strument, and its stem in view near the scale of the instrument. The instrument boxed up so that only the scale H , IT, over which the pointer moves, the end of the pointer, the dial of L , and the stem of the thermometer are is usually Fig. 50. — Diagram of Weston Alternating-current Voltmeter. * Jackson's Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 250, 251. ELEMENTARY STATEMENTS G9 visible. The thermometer is not always essential when the best modern resistance material of low temperature coefficient is used. When the instrument is in service, the voltmeter is connected to the circuit by means of the binding post 0 , and either the binding post M or the binding post N. When the button D is depressed, current flows through the fixed and movable coils, and through the resistance J -f K or J alone (depending upon which binding post, M or W, is used), and the pointer is made to move over the scale by the movement of the’ movable coil, which action is caused by the electro-magnetic attractions be- tween the current in its windings and the current in the wind- ings of the fixed coil. A pointer on the dial L is set at a mark which corresponds to the temperature indicated by the thermometer, and more or less of the resistance coils connected to the dial are thus in- cluded in the voltmeter circuit. In this way the resistance of the voltmeter, measured from binding post to binding post, may be kept uniform, regardless of the temperature of the instru- ment, and the readings are thus corrected for the variations of temperature. The resistance of the windings AA and B , added to the resistance of J", is just equal to one half of the resistance of the same windings plus the resistance of J -\- K. Consequently only half the voltage between the instrument terminals is re- quired to cause a given movement of the needle when the bind- ing posts 0 and N are used, as when the binding posts 0 and M are used. The scale which reads up to 7.5 volts, in the instrument illustrated, is therefore used in connection witli binding posts 0 and W, and the scale which reads up to 15 volts, with the binding posts 0 and M. The movement of the coil and pointer is opposed by the springs C, C v and the scale is engraved so that the instrument is direct reading. As the springs offer an opposing force which is practically proportional to the extent of movement of the movable coil, and the torque acting to move the movable coil is proportional to the square of the current, it is obvious that the scale of the instru- ment must widen out from left to right. That is, the scale is a “ square-root scale,” but by proper design of the coils of such instruments it is possible to make the widest divisions at the most important part of the scale. 70 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 51. — Diagram of Wattmeter Connections. If an electro-dynamometer is to be used as a wattmeter, the movable coil is usually placed in series with a large non-induc- tive resistance and connected across the circuit, and the station- ary coil is of low resistance and is con- nected in series with the circuit. This is illustrated in Fig. 51. Under these circum- stances the instru- ment can evidently be calibrated to measure watts, since the torque is proportional to the average of the products of the instantaneous voltages with the corresponding instanta- neous currents. Figure 52 shows a portable form of wattmeter with its cover removed so as to show the working parts, which are indicated by let- ters. MM and 0 0 are bind- ing posts, the former of which are terminals for the “ voltage coil,” and the latter terminals for the “ current coil ” (one of the latter is at the far corner of the instru- Fig. 52. — Partial Perspective View of Hoyt ment and is hidden); A is the stationary or fixed coil; BB is the movable coil: P is the pointer or “needle”; H is the scale; K is a non-inductive extra resistance coil which is placed in series with the voltage coil; B is a torsion head by means of which the spring E may be turned so as to bring the movable coil, which is attached to it, into zero position. This position is indicated by the pointer P ' . When the pointer P' points to zero, the pointer _P, which is attached to the torsion head, points to the reading of the instrument. R and Q are the wooden base and supports of the instrument. CC are flexible conductors for affording the cur- rent ingress and egress to and from the movable coil. Wattmeters are usually made so that the needle P is directly attached to the movable coil in the manner illustrated in FJcr. ELEMENTARY STATEMENTS 71 50; and in that case the flexible conductors CC are replaced by conducting springs, also as illustrated in Fig. 50. Electro-dynamometers are made with an endless variety of details. One type of special accuracy is the Kelvin balance, which is frequently used as a standard for calibrating less per- manent instruments. Such a balance, illustrated in Fig. 53, consists essentially of two electro-dynamometers which tend to turn an arm pivoted at the center between the movable coils. The fixed and movable coils in these instruments are parallel to each other and horizontal. The two movable coils are con- nected in circuit in series with each other so that the current in one circulates in the same direction as the current in the other. This balances the effect of any reasonably uniform external magnetic field (such as the earth’s field) on the bal- ance arm and eliminates such effects from the readings, which is very desirable when the instrument is used in connection with direct currents. When the instrument is used with alter- nating currents, the external fields would not, in any event, affect the readings unless these fields also were alternat- ing, and of the same frequency. The force with which the movable coils tend to move when a current flows in the sets of instrument coils is directly balanced and weighed by means of a slider A moving on a scale beam B. Some of the balances having a large number of turns are not suitable for alternat- ing currents on account of the coils being of too high self- inductance. b. Hot-wire Instruments. — If a heated wire is carefully inclosed so that its temperature is not affected by air currents, it will rise a definite number of degrees in temperature for every current that is passed through it, and the rise is propor- ALTERNATING CURRENTS VI tional to the energy expended in the wire and therefore to the square of the current. The length of wire increases practically in direct proportion to its rise in temperature when it is heated, and the length again decreases when the wire is cooled. Con- sequently, when currents of different strengths flow through a wire, it will take up a corresponding length with each current, and measuring its length therefore measures the square of the current. Hot-wire instruments evidently average up the instantaneous currents squared, since the heat developed in the wire is 1 2 B and (the wire being protected so that the coefficients of radiation and convection are constant) the temperature is proportional to the rate at which heat is lib- erated in the wire. Figrure 54 shows a hot-wire switchboard instrument. The current passes through the platinum silver wire A and this fine wire is so ar- ranged, by the use of special springs, that its elongation oper- ates the pointer B , which is mounted on jewels. The wire is of too low resistance to adapt the instrument for direct use as a voltmeter on ordinary voltages, and a resistance coil, non-in- ductively wound, is put inside the case and connected in series relation with the wire to make a voltmeter. The wire is of small current-carrying capacity and must be shunted to adapt the instrument for use as an amperemeter unless the current is only a few milliamperes. Hot-wire instruments have not been used commercially as wattmeters. A shunt, except for very small currents, is ordi- a wire ot Fig. 54. — Hot-wire Instrument. MAIN CIRCUIT MILLI AMMETER narily placed within the case and permanently at- tached in most types of portable amperemeters ; unless the instruments are to be used for large currents or on switch-boards, when the shunt is separated from the instrument and they are connected in circuit as illustrated in Fig. 55, or, as is frequently the case, a Fig. 55. — Ammeter with Shunt. ELEMENTARY STATEMENTS 73 current transformer takes the place of the shunt. The shunt should be made of material having a low temperature coefficient and large surface and should be substantially non-inductive. c. Electrostatic Instruments. — Electrostatic instruments are built on the principle of the electrometer. Figure 56 shows the plan of a quadrant electrometer. If the needle (which is indicated by the dotted line in the illustration) and a pair of opposite quadrants are connected to a point in an elec- tric circuit and the other pair of quadrants to another point in the circuit, the needle will tend to deflect with a force proportional to x A’ IKj. tIU. A 1 iX 11 UA the square of the difference of potential be- Quadrants and tween the points. This must be so, since Needle for a Quad- , , ... , • rant Electrometer. the force tending to move the needle is pro- portional to qq', where q and q' are the electric charges on the two elements of the instrument respectively, and since both these quantities vary with the difference of potential between the points of connection with the circuit. Evidently qq' may be written Aq 2 , where A is a constant depending upon the shapes and dimen- sions of the parts of the instrument. If the movement of the needle is opposed by a uniform spring, as usual in elec- trical instruments, the deflections will be proportional to the torque and there- fore the readings will be: D = .5( av. j 2 ) = _ST( av. e 2 ), where B and K are constants. Such an instrument can therefore be cali- brated to read effective volts, hut (like the electro-dynamometer voltmeter) it has a “square-root scale.” Figure 57 shows a Kelvin electrostatic voltmeter arranged to be used commercially. It is seen from the figure that there are a large number of sets of quadrants and needles, one above the other. The needles receive their charges through a fine phosphor bronze wire which acts as a Fig. 57. — Kelvin Electro- static Voltmeter. 74 ALTERNATING CURRENTS supporting filament for the needles and also furnishes the nec- essary restraining force. If an instrument of this class is to he used as an ammeter, it must be in connection with a shunt, though it is not well suited for this purpose. In this case the needle deflects proportionally to the square of the voltage drop in the shunt, and hence to the square of the current flowing. Special arrangements are made when electrostatic instruments are applied to power measure- ments, as will be explained later.* d. Magnetic Vane Instruments . — Magnetic vane voltmeters and ammeters are instruments in which a very light vane or needle of soft iron is caused to turn under the influence of a mag- netic field. The magnetic vane will theoretically have a torque exerted upon it proportional to the instantaneous current squared, since the torque is proportional to the product of the magnetic field due to the current in the coil and the field in- duced in the iron vane, which is in turn proportional to the current if the intensity of magnetization is low. Hysteresis will not materially affect the readings in connection with alternating currents if the vane is of very small volume. Such instruments cannot be used readily as wattmeters, and they are generally looked upon as less reliable than electro-dynamometer instruments for standard am- peremeters and voltmeters. They are much used for switch- board instru- ments which may be expected to be subjected to currents of a single fixed fre- quenc)'. An in- strument of this type is illus- Fig. 58. — Plan of Thomson Alternating-current Amperemeter. ^ p;) led with its cover taken off so as to expose the working parts, in Fig. 58. * Art. 99. ELEMENTARY STATEMENTS 75 The parts of this instrument are indicated by the letters, where j D is the current coil, C the thin movable iron vane, B the needle, S the scale, and AA the binding posts which are con- nected to the coil I) by the wires WW. e. Induction Instruments. — Induction instruments are made on the same principle as the integrating or recording instru- ments fully described later. In the usual form, they include coils which induce currents in other coils by transformer action. The magnetic fluxes due to the currents of the various coils WATTMETER CURRENT COIL- 5, combine to form what is called a rotating field. This in turn sets up eddy currents in a movable disk, or shell of metal, to which the pointer is attached, which cause a torque between the disk and coils. 25. Arrangement of Instruments for Measuring High Voltages or Large Currents. — In using a wattmeter where very high voltages are met, considerable difficulty is found in arranging a satisfactory non-inductive resistance for the voltage coil. This difficulty may be over- come by the use of a trans- former. Instead of connect- ing the voltage coil of the wattmeter across the termi- nals of the test circuit, the primary of a transformer is so connected, and the vol- tage coil of the wattmeter is connected to the sec- ondary of the transformer (Fig. 59). The constant of the wattmeter is then dependent upon the ratio of transformation of the transformer, which may be readily measured. This method gives fairly reliable results, since the phases of the primary and secondary voltages of a very slightly loaded trans- former are almost exactly 180° apart. If the wattmeter con- stant is determined without the transformer, its constant when in use with the transformer must be multiplied by the ratio of transformation; but wherever practicable, the calibration ought to be made of the wattmeter and transformer as a unit. In like manner if the current is too great to conveniently pass through the instrument, a series transformer may be used, as shown in Fig. 60. In such a case if the wattmeter has a scale Fig. 59. — Wattmeter connected to High-vol- tage Circuit through a Voltage Transformer. 7G ALTERNATING CURRENTS ■WATTMETER Fig. 60. - "“ITSTr* - SERIES TRANSFORMER -Wattmeter connected to a Circuit of Large Cur- rents through a Series Transformer. for use without the transformer, the readings must be multi- plied by the ratio of transformation (the ratio of the main cur- rent to that in the transformer secondary). Changes of fre- quency change the reading slightly where a series transform- er is used, so that it is necessary to calibrate the wattmeter with the transformer for the frequency of the circuit to be measured. Evidently amperemeters and voltmeters can have the current or voltage reduced in the same manner. For high-voltage switchboard instruments it is very desirable to use both series current and voltage transformers with the switchboard wattmeters, and indeed with all such switchboard instruments, as in this way the danger of accident from the high voltage can he greatly reduced. Non-inductive resistance coils can be used in series with the voltage coils of any instrument, as already described, hut it is quite difficult to secure a satisfactory resistance device without appreciable self-inductance or capacity for voltages larger than a few hundreds of volts. Shunts may be provided for the cur- rent coils, but in the case of instruments of the electro-dynamic or magnetic vane type the shunts are apt to cause frequency errors, and in any event the dangers due to direct connec- tion with the high-voltage circuits are not eliminated as when transformers are used. CHAPTER III ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. 26. Classification of Armatures. — Dynamo armatures may be classified under three divisions : 1. Where a wire cuts lines of force by moving across them, as in the case of a slider or of a wire moving around a magnet pole. 2. Where a coil, or set of coils, is moved parallel to itself, or nearly so, between points of different field strength. 3. Where a coil, or set of coils, is wound on a ring or drum and given a rotary motion in a fixed magnetic field. The first division includes only the so-called unipolar arma- tures, and requires no treatment here. Alternator armatures are in general classed in the second division. It is most usual for the field to move instead of the armature, and in some cases neither the armature nor field coils move, but the magnetism linking the former is varied by the revolution of iron Inductors. Where the field rotates, or the variation of the magnetism is effected by moving inductors, the voltage gen- erated in the armature windings is produced in exactly the same manner as if they moved, and such armatures therefore belong to the second division. That is, the generation of the voltage is dependent upon the relative motion of armature with respect to field, and this relative motion may be effected by the mechanical rotation of either. The construction of the machines thus enumerated requires an additional classification into : 1. Alternators with moving fields. 2. Alternators with moving armatures. 3. Inductor alternators. The armatures of alternators belonging to the first and sec- ond of these classes are almost always, in the United States, ’ 77 78 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Chord wound, i.e. the winding of a coil passes across the face of the armature under one pole face, and returns under the next pole of opposite sign without spanning an entire diameter of the armature. The arrangement is the same whether the arma- ture revolves within the field or the field revolves within the armature. Such a disposition is termed Drum winding, in con- tradistinction to Ring winding, where the wires pass through and around a ring-shaped core, as in the armature invented by Gramme. The windings may further be distinguished as Bar and Coil windings. In the former, rectangular bars are laid in slots across the face of the armature, and these are properly con- nected together at their ends by suitable welded, brazed, or bolted connections ; and in the latter, coils of either small rec- tangular or circular wire are wound upon a former, insulated, and then placed in the armature slots. The wires of a coil are sometimes bunched together in a single slot, as shown in Fig. 34, but are more commonly divided into several small coils, each occupying its own slot. The lat- ter arrangement is called Distributed winding, because the active conductors are distributed more or less evenly over the face of the armature. (See Figs. 31, 67, 68, 69, 70.) 27. Examples of Armature Windings. — Essentially the same forms of windings are used for machines with revolving armatures and machines with revolving fields, and those described in the following paragraphs are applicable to botli classes. In some of the illustrations, collector rings and an external crown of poles are shown, for conven- ience, for revolving arma- tures ; but the same type of winding may as well be used for a stationary armature, in which case the crown of poles is internal and the armature terminals are stationary. The original type of armature winding used in America is like that Fig. Cl. — Coil Winding having as many Coils as Poles. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 79 shown in Fig. 61. In this case the field magnet comprises a ring of poles of alternate polarity, and the armature consists of as many coils A laid on the face of the armature core as there are poles in the field magnet. The ends of the set of coils are connected to two collector rings It , on which bear brushes B, by means of which the current reaches the external circuit. In this figure the coils are shown for clearness as though lying in the plane of the page, but in reality they lie upon the face of the cylindrical armature. If another set of coils is placed 90 electrical degrees from those shown, and connected to addi- tional collector rings, the winding is of the two-phase variety * ; while if three sets of coils are placed so that the centers of the coils are 60 electrical degrees apart, the winding is three- phase.* In the latter case, the coils are almost invariably con- nected to three collector rings, and the connections must be made in the manner described in Art. 22. Referring again to Fig. 61, it is seen that adjacent coils move at any instant under magnet poles of opposite signs, and that the voltages developed in them are in op- posite directions. They must therefore be connected in circuit with each other so that they are alternately right and left handed. Like- wise, when an armature winding is composed of a number of coils equal to one half the number of poles, as illustrated in Fig. 62, the coils must all be connected in the same direction in the circuit. To provide a winding similar to Fig. 62 for two or three phases involves adding the additional one or two independent sets of windings properly spaced and suitably connected to appropriate collector rings, as already explained for the winding of Fig. 61. When the coil connections cross each other in their progress * Art. 22. Fig. 62. — Coil Winding having half as many Coils as Poles. 80 ALTERNATING CURRENTS around the armature, as in Fig. 61, or one half of Fig. 63 a, the windings may be called, after E. Arnold* and S. P. Thompson,! Lap windings.^ Alternator armatures are frequently connected with the two halves of the windings in parallel, or, where the machine is to work at low voltage and de- liver heavy currents, there may be several circuits in par- allel in each phase. In this case, instead of being ar- ranged as illustrated in Fig. 61, the coils must be con- nected in each half so that they are alternately right- handed and left-handed ; and where the coils join the col- lector rings, both must have the same polarity. This is indicated in Figs. 63 and 63 a, which are diagrams for Such a winding, having two circuits Fig. 63. — Coil Windings like Fig. 61, but with Halves connected in Parallel. single-phase machines, in each phase, is called a Two-circuit winding. When all the coils are connected in series, the first and last coils lie side by side; consequently, in armatures built for high voltages, a severe strain is thrown upon the insulation separating them, and the strain is especially trouble- some if parts which differ largely in potential occupy the same slot. When the halves of the armature are connected in parallel, the Fig. 63 a. — Coil Winding like Fig. 62, but with Halves connected in Parallel. * Die Ankerioickelungen der Gleichstrom-Dynamomachinen . p. 13. t Dynamo Electric Machinery, 7th ed., vol. 2, p. 168. | For numerous diagrams of alternator windings, see Parshall and Hobart, Armature Windings , Chap. XII. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 81 4 - n first and last coils in the armature circuit lie on the opposite sides of the armature, and effective insulation is therefore less difficult to maintain. In the latter case the voltage between the adjacent coils cannot be greater than the total machine voltage divided by half the number of coils. When the coils are all in series, the voltage between adjacent coils, except the two end coils, is equal to the total voltage divided by the total number of coils. When a coil winding of this type is connected with its halves in parallel, precautions must be taken to make the two halves of the winding alike, and have the field poles of equal strength ; as, otherwise, the in- stantaneous voltage of one half of the winding is likely to differ from that of the other half, and injurious cross cur- rents may occur in the winding. This precaution, of course, applies wherever there are several parallel cir- cuits per phase. Those forms of windings in which the end connections of any one phase need not cross each other at the ends of the armatures are called by S. P. Thompson* Wave windings, or according to more recent and acceptable nomenclature, Progressive windings. Figures 64 and 65 illustrate three-phase progressive windings. * Thompson’s Dynamo Electric Machinery , 7th ed., vol. 2, p. 168. Fig. 64. -Three-phase Progressive Windings with A Connection. 82 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The first is connected in A and the second in Y. Figure 66 shows a winding of the same type for two phases. In these figures, with the exception of the developed views at the top of Figs. 64 and 65, the active conductors lying in the face of the armature are shown as radial lines, while the end connections are indicated by the diagonal lines con- necting the active conductors together in such a way that the electro-motive forces of each circuit add together. Each line may represent a number of wires in the same slot, which may be arranged as coils in each phase in the manner indi- cated in Fig. 62. The principles of armature windings used in direct-cur- rent machines are, in general, applicable to alternators, but practical considera- tions make it often advisable to modify the windings for the Fig. 65. — Three-phase Progressive Windings with Y Connection. latter machines. Synchronous alter- nator armatures often have One-circuit windings ; that is, the conductors of each phase are connected in series, making one circuit per phase, inasmuch as high voltage is usuall) desit ed. Direct-current armatures, on the other hand, have necessarily two-circuit or multiple-circuit windings; hence, while diiect- current windings may be adapted to alternating-current work, the reverse is not always true. The possibility of converting a direct-current dynamo into a ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 83 double-current machine has already been referred to in Art. 20. A machine so constructed, with a direct-current commutator and alternating-current collector rings, may he used to convert a direct-current which is fed into its commu- tator end, and by which it is driven, into an al- ternating-current which is taken from the collec- tor rings. Or, the con- version may he from alternating to direct currents, if the arma- ture is properly syn- chronized so that it runs as a synchronous motor. Or, alternating- current and direct-cur- rent may he simulta- neously produced or utilized in such machines, or either one of them alone. When these double-current machines are used for converting one kind of current into the other, they are called Rotary convert- ers. The simple diagram, Fig. 66 a, shows the principle clearly, though such ma- chines are ordinarily mul- tipolar. (For a discussion of such machines see Chapter XII.) It is possible in this manner to make a two- phaser to be used with separate circuits out of any direct-current machine with Gramme or Siemens armature, by arranging four collector rings on the shaft and connecting them to the armature windings at points which are 90 electrical degrees apart. It is also possi- Fig. 66. — Two-phase Progressive Winding con- nected to Four Collector Rings. Fig. 66 a. — Double-current Dynamo. 84 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ble to make a three -pliaser out of a direct-current machine by arranging three collector rings on the shaft, and connecting them to the armature winding, at 120 electrical degrees apart ; and, in general, a polyphaser of any number of phases may be made out of a direct-current machine by providing a proper number of collector rings and connecting the rings to appropriate points on the armature winding. The taps for the different rings should 360 connect with the armature windings at points electrical n degrees apart, where n is tire number of phases, except that, for single and two-phases, n must be taken equal to two and four respectively. Suck machines may be used to transform direct currents into polyphase currents or vice versa. (See Fig. 66 a.) In connecting the collector rings of such machines to the armature windings the relative angles corresponding to the cur- rent phases must be carefully distinguished. One complete revolution of an armature in a two-pole field corresponds to one complete period of the alternating current, and therefore 360 mechanical degrees correspond to 360 electrical degrees in that instance, but in multipolar machines a rotation of the armature equal to twice the angular pitch of the poles corre- sponds to one complete period, so that, in general, the relation V of electrical degrees to mechanical degrees is ~ : 1, where p is the number of poles. Two-pole alternators of the form here described evidently utilize the whole of the armature winding with each collector ring connected to a single point, as the winding has only two paths for the current from commutator brush to commutator brush, and the same is true of multipolar machines with two path windings. If single connections to the collector rings are used in multipolar machines with multi- ple path windings, a proportion of the armature equivalent to 360 electrical degrees only is occupied in the delivery of alter- nating currents, and the armature capacity is therefore not fully utilized. To fully utilize the armature in this case, each collector ring must be connected to the winding at as manv points as there are pairs of paths, the points being 360 electrical degrees apart ; but the different collector rings must connect Q0| ! successively into points on the armature winding which are - — 1 electrical degrees apart, as already stated. ARMATURE AND EIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 85 In general, any form of winding used for direct-current ma- chines, in which alternating voltages are induced in the coils, may be used for alternating-current machines by properly pro- viding collector rings. The only forms of windings excluded from this are the so-called acyclic or homopolar machines, wherein the induced electro-motive forces are unidirectional. 28. Distributed Windings. — At the present day distributed windings are used almost universally, as they have a tendency to reduce the armature reactions, and also may be more readily arranged to create a curve of voltage which closely approxi- mates the sinusoidal form.* The simplest form of distributed winding is of the coil type, distributed as in Fig. 67, which Fig. 67. — Distributed Single-phase Progressive Coil Winding. shows three partial coils per pole, or three slots per pole. Each coil division may he wound complete on a former. The formed divisions may then be placed in the slots and correctly connected together to make up the armature circuit. Wind- ings of this type can be made for two or three phases by super- imposing one or two more circuits at 90 or 120 electrical degrees apart respectively. For single-phase windings the 86 ALTERNATING CURRENTS distances AB and CD in the figure are each usually made nearly equal to BC to reduce differential action.* A common winding for polyphasers is a distributed winding of the progressive type and is similar to the two-circuit chord wind- ings such as are used on multipolar continuous-current machines. This arrangement is sometimes called “ barrel winding.” Figure 68 shows such a winding for six poles having the Y connection. In this particular armature there should be either three or six slots per pole per phase, depending upon whether one or two Fig. 68. — Three-phase Winding with Y Connection and Three Slots per Phase per Pole in a Six-pole Machine. sets of conductors are placed in a slot ; and all conductors in a phase are connected in series, thus making it a one-circuit wind- ing. It is noticed that, in Fig. 68, after the winding of one phase has passed around the armature three times it doubles back upon itself and passes around the armature three times * Art. 20. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 87 again. This is to permit connecting the armature with its halves in parallel if desired. If the terminals of the coils, in- stead of passing to collector rings at BI, BII , and Bill , re- spectively, are properly connected into the windings to make them reentrant, and the junctions of the interior connection wires are connected to commutator bars, the winding is suitable for a direct-current machine. In fact the alternator windings of the present day are frequently the same as those used for multipolar direct-current machinery. In tracing the winding Fig. 69. -Three-phase, Two-circuit Winding with Y Connection for Six-pole Machine. of one phase through its length it is necessary to follow around the armature six times for the winding illustrated in Fig. 68, which is for a six-pole machine, and the conductors in each complete path traced in going once around the armature gen- erate a voltage wave which differs in phase from the voltage wave of the next set of conductors in the same circuit by an angle equal to the electrical angular distance between the 88 ALTERNATING CURRENTS centers of adjacent slots. As the six slots in each group of Fig. 68 span 60 electrical degrees, the value of K will he 1.055 * approximately. This same winding can be used for a two-phase machine, when, instead of having three sets of windings using 60° of width each, the connections are so made that there are two sets using 90° of width each. In like manner a single- phase machine can be constructed by removing one of the two- phase windings. CONDUCTOR IN TOP OF SLOT CONDUCTOR IN BOTTOM OF SLOT Fig. 70. — Distributed Winding with Four Slots per Pole per Phase connected in either Three-phase A or Three-phase Y Connection, for a Four-pole Machine. Figure 69 illustrates the same armature as Fig. 68, with the halves of the winding of each of the three phases connected in parallel. In this figure, starting from any one of the three terminals BI, BII , or Bill , there are two paths to follow. Each of these paths passes entirely around the armature three times and occupies three slots. In the case of a three-phase winding, as shown, the six slots of a phase should occupy one third of the polar pitch on the armature circumference. Figure 70 shows a distributed winding to occupy four slots per pole per phase and to be connected in either three-phase A or three-phase Y style, intended for a four-pole machine. In this figure the winding is shown in the developed form. i.e. the armature is supposed to be rolled out upon a flat surface. * Art. 20. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 89 The connections at the points a , b , c are brought together in the finished winding. The terminals A, B, (7, and A', B\ C are the terminals which pass to collector rings, as shown by the A and Y diagrams. Figure 70 a shows another form of distributed three-phase Fig. TO a. — Distributed Winding with Four Slots per Pole per Phase, connected in either Three-phase A or Three-phase Y Connection, for a Four-pole Machine. winding with four slots per phase per pole, which may be con- nected in either A or Y style. This is a distributed winding of the type shown for one phase in Fig. 62. The advantage of distributing the winding in several slots, as pointed out in Art. 20, is the reduction of armature reaction and more particularly the closer approximation toward a sinusoidal wave form; but the larger number of conductors used to produce a given effective voltage results in increased self-induction in the armature. The question of the number of slots per phase is settled after balancing the influences of these several effects and the conditions of manufacture. Prac- tice indicates that three or four slots per pole per phase form a satisfactory compromise, though cost of insulation and manu- facture often make it desirable to reduce this number at the expense of the wave form. When a sine wave form is of prime 90 ALTERNATING CURRENTS importance, a larger number than four slots per pole per phase is sometimes used. 29. Disk Armatures. — The disk form of armature for alter- nators is one of the earliest that came into service. The first commercial alternator was a magneto machine (i.e. with per- manent field magnets) known as the Alliance Dynamo. This was originally devised as early as 1849, but was not developed into commercial form until after 1860. It had a ring armature. In 1867 Wilde built an alternator with electro-magnets and a Fig. 71. — Disk Armature with Coil Winding. disk armature. From that time on, the disk armature received much attention in Europe and was an element of many success- ful machines designed by such eminent designers as Siemens, Ferranti, and Mordey. It has received less attention in Amer- ica, and no machines of impor- tance are at the present day being actually manufactured with disk armatures on either side of the Atlantic. This may be due to the'essential peculiarity of the disk which admits of no substantial iron core and is there- fore difficult to build in a solid and workmanlike manner. Also, it is probably not possible to build machines with disk armatures as economically as those in which the armatures are built upon substan- tial iron cores; at least when the two types are made of equal me- chanical stability. Disk armatures may be wound either with lap or progressive windings. Figure 71 illustrates three coils of a coil- winding arranged to rotate be- tween poles of opposite polarities, Fig. 72. — Disk Armature with i ,, , r Progressive Winding, and a section through one pair ot ° poles. Figure 72 shows a progressive winding. Either the armature or the field may revolve. (Examples: Ferranti ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 91 Alternator; Mordey Alternators; Brush Alternator.) The absence of iron in disk armatures reduces the losses due to hysteresis and eddy currents to a minimum, but it increases the depth of the air gap. Hence, a greater exciting current is apt to be required for the field magnets, and many turns must be placed upon the armature. That this objection may be overcome is shown by the small amount of energy required to magnetize the old Mordey alternators. In a 75-kilowatt machine of this type the I 2 R loss in the armature is 2.3 per cent and in the field is 1.5 per cent, which compare favorably with the losses in other machines. The curve of voltage in disk armatures is in general quite near to that of the sine func- tion. The first experimental determination of the form of the curve was made in 1880 by Joubert, who experimented upon a Siemens machine having a disk armature. The curve proved to be practically a sinusoid. This is also true of the curve of voltage developed by the Mordey alternator. A diagram of a Mordey alternator is shown in Fig. 73. It is seen that in the construction of this machine only a single exciting coil F is required, and thus the expense of construction is in some de- gree reduced. In this machine all poles of the same sign lie upon the same side of the armature. The armature coils are arranged in a disk, which is stationary between the faces of the revolving poles. The Ferranti alternator has two crowns of pole pieces and magnet coils at either side of the disk, as shown in Fig. 71. The poles in this machine which lie on one side of the armature alternate in po- larity. The Ferranti alternator is of especial interest on account of the Fer- ranti machines installed at Deptford Station near London, which was the first high-voltage, long-distance transmission plant of any impor- tance. The Ferranti and Mordey machines are now substan- tially obsolete. In iron-cored machines, armature reactions have a more dis- torting effect and therefore tend to modify the form of the vol* Fig. 73. — Diagram of a Mordey Alternator. 92 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 74. — Diagram of a Revolving Ring Armature. tage curve. The variation is usually not great in machines hav- ing distributed windings, but where single-coil windings are used on single-phasers, the curves of voltage may deviate wide- ly from the sinusoid, and sometimes become quite irregular. 30. Other Types of Armatures. — Ring-wound alternator ar- matures were early used with commercial success, and some of the older magneto machines of the De Meritens type with per- manent field magnets and ring armatures are still in existence. The invention of the ring armature for alternating-current machines is usually ascribed to Gramme or Wilde, who inde- pendently patented the form in France and England in 1878. In America ring armatures have never been viewed with as great favor as have drum armatures, and they are not used, partially on account of the small mechani- cal stability of the ring and the greater self-induction of its windings, hut more especially on account of the fact that the windings must be placed by hand and are of greater length, which conditions result in excessive expense. Figure 74 is a diagram of a segment of a revolving ring armature intended to revolve inside of an inwardly point- ing crown of poles of alternate polar- i t i e s . Such armatures can, of course, be mechan- ically arranged so that field magnets with outwardly pointing poles may be located inside the ring instead of the re- verse, and either armature or fields may be arranged to revolve in any particular instance. In some of the older types of foreign alternators the arma- ture coils were wound upon long projections similar to the field Fig. 75. — Alternator with Pole Armature. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 93 cores, and these were called Pole armatures. On account of the great variation in reluctance of the magnetic circuit as the armature revolves, such armatures cause large losses in the pole pieces by eddy currents, unless the iron field is entirely laminated. One form of pole armature is shown in Fig. 75. In this machine the armature is stationary while the field re- volves. (Example: early Ganz alternators and others.) In the form illustrated in the figure, the reluctance of the magnetic circuit varies less as the poles move past the armature coils, on account of the fact that the armature coils are really wound in deep slots, thus reducing the type to a close approximation of the drum windings on slotted cores, as already described. 31. Methods of Applying the Wires to Chord-wound Arma- tures. — The coils for alternator armatures are ordinarily wound on formers and then fastened upon the armatures after having been well insulated. At present the armature wind- ings are nearly always placed in slots, which are properly formed in the surfaces of the cores, but most of the older American machines had their windings fastened upon the sur- faces of smooth armature cores. In the old machines where surface windings were used, the coils were frequently ar- ranged to bend down over the ends of the cores, as illustrated in Fig. 76, where they could be securely fastened by end plates or blocks of wood or fiber. It was usual to fill the . , „ Fig. 76. — Surface-wound Alternator spaces in the centers of the Armature. coils with wood blocks screwed to the cores or held by binding wires. (Examples: early Westinghouse and National alternators.) In some machines the coils were flat or pancake-like, and of the same length as the armature cores. In this case they were laid upon the cylindrical surfaces of the armature cores and securely bound with wire bands. (Examples: early Thomson-Houston and similar alternators.) The high peripheral velocities of alter- nator armatures make heavy bands essential to the preserva- tion of surface windings, and all blocking must be securely 94 ALTERNATING CURRENTS fastened. The wood blocks which fill the center of the coils make excellent driving teeth, and therefore serve a good pur- pose if they are fastened securely to the core. When imbedded coils are used, they may be made upon formers (lathe-wound), and then applied to the core, or the conductors may be threaded through the grooves which are pro- vided with insulating linings. When the core teeth are T-shaped, the coils are sometimes wound of sufficient width to slip over the head, and when in place, they may be narrowed by squeezing. The coils for this purpose must be wound with the ends of such shape that they will bend without injury, as is shown, for example, in Fig. 77. The methods used in manufac- turing the coils and applying them to slotted armature cores of direct-cur- rent machines may also be used in the con- Fig. 77. — A Method of Inserting Coils over T-shaped Teeth. . „ struction of al- ternator armatures with distributed windings ; but the alternator armatures are usually of much higher voltage, and the insulation must be carefully and specially designed. Construction of this character (namely, using small distributed coils) has largely superseded construction of the character illustrated in Fig. 77. Lathe-wound coils are of decided advantage for armatures designed for high voltages, as their insulation may be made particularly safe. Such coils are usually served with layers of japanned canvas, special fuller or press board made for insulat- ing purposes, vulcanized fiber, and mica. The slots between the core teeth may be made of sufficient area to permit the use of any desirable thickness of insulation, and the teeth afford very complete mechanical protection for the coils. Toothed armatures with lathe-wound coils should therefore be thoroughly reliable. If the magnetic surface of the armature is fairly complete, the wires are protected from magnetic drag, which decreases the chances of the conductors chafing and injuring the insulation. The winding shown in Fig. 77 is not distrib- uted, but grouped in one slot per pole, as shown also in the ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 95 Fig. 78. — Two-phase Armature Construction. 96 ALTERNATING CURRENTS diagrams of Figs. 61 to 63. Distributed windings have very largely superseded this type, as already explained. The construction of a two-phase group-wound armature, hav- ing open rectangular winding slots in the core, is shown in Fig. 78. Each phase in this case forms a complete single-phase winding, as in Figs. 61 and 63. It is to be noticed that the forms upon which the coils of one phase are wound are of such a shape that the ends of the coils bend down over the ends of the armature, while the coils of the other phase are rectangular. This construction keeps the coils well apart at points of cross- ing. After the coils are properly insulated they are slipped into the rectangular slots, and are held in place by wedge-shaped strips of hard wood. Grooves are arranged near the upper edges of the iron teeth into which the wooden strips fit. In this manner the windings may be held very firmly without the aid of band wires. The four peripheral slots to be observed in the core are ventilating openings, maintained by fingered grids inserted between the adjacent core stampings. The way in which coils are arranged for insertion into the partially closed slots of the modern distributed armature wind- ings is shown in Fig. 79. One end of each coil, which in this case is composed of several turns of round wire, is left open. The coil is then slipped through the proper slots, and the several wires are joined to complete the coil. In this figure, each coil occupies four slots and is therefore a distributed winding. The coil terminals whereby the coils are connected with each other are shown as spirally insulated wires at the top of the figure. Another and similar winding for partially closed slots is shown in Fig. 80. This winding, as seen, is placed upon a stationary armature intended to surround a rotating field, and copper straps or bars are used for making the coils instead of round wire. To complete the winding, the open ends of the coils must be brazed together and the coils themselves be inter- connected. Figure 81 shows how the straps are brought around ready for brazing, and also shows the completed joints after the final insulating wrapping has been applied. In the left-hand side of the figure may be seen the connectors be- tween coils. The method of insulating the slots is shown in the lower right-hand corner of the figure ; the two slots, which have not as yet received their coils, show the tubes of insulat- ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 97 Fig. 79. — Grouping of Wire Coils for Partly Closed Slots. 98 ALTERNATING CURRENTS J?ig. 80. — Strap or Bar Coils in Partly Closed Slots. Incomplete Winding. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 99 ing material — micanite, fuller board, or other insulator — extending out a short distance from the core. The method of taping the coils to complete the insulation can also be readily seen. The conductors are held firmly in place by wooden wedges driven in the tops of the slots in the manner more plainly seen in Fig. 78. In Fig. 82 is shown a three-phase, coil-wound, stationary armature having a distributed winding of four slots to the coil. Fig. 81. — Method of Connecting Open Ends of Strap Coils. The particular machine from which the photograph was taken is wound to generate a voltage of 13,000 volts, and is therefore very heavily insulated. Figure 83 shows a model of a three-phase partially distrib- uted winding applied to one of the 5000-kilowatt generators 100 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 82. — Three-phase Winding for 13,000 Volts. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 101 Fig. 83. — Model of Three-phase Partially Distributed AViuding. 102 ALTERNATING CURRENTS of the Manhattan Station in New York City. It is especially interesting as showing the manner in which the windings are arranged for crossing at the ends and the methods of construc- tion and insulation. The lap, progressive, and barrel windings given heretofore are suitable for any type of generator, including those used with steam turbines. Figure 83 a shows the stationary arma- ture of a horizontal steam turbine generator of 1000-kilowatt capacity of Westinghouse type. It is evident from the con- Fig. 83 a. — Turbine Generator Armature. struction shown in the figure that this type of generator is of the same character as those driven in a different manner. The high speed of such machines makes it necessary to wind them for a comparatively small number of poles. The winding in the figure is two-phase, four-pole, of the distributed coil type. 32. Collectors. — In all the alternators heretofore described, either the field or the armature windings are arranged to re- volve. In the case of inductor alternators to be described later it is possible to arrange the construction so that both the magnetizing and armature coils may remain stationary, but mechanical and other considerations ordinarily render this inad- ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 103 visable. It therefore may be said generally that either the arma- ture or the field windings must revolve with the iron cores on which they are wound. This makes essential the use of some means for conveying the current to and from the revolving coils. In either case no modification of the current is required and therefore plain insulated Collector rings serve the purpose when they are properly mounted on the shaft so that the brushes may be arranged to bear against them. Figure 8-1 is an illustration of collector rings for conveying the current to a multipolar revolving field. These rings, often called Collectors, are some- times made of copper or bi'onze, though they are now com- monly made of cast iron. In the older construction the rings were imbedded in cylinders of vulcanized fiber or the like keyed to the shaft of the rotating part. In modern construc- tion the rings are usually placed upon a metal spider and hub. This makes it possible to do away with such a large bulk of insulation, and thus adds materially to the mechanical rigidity of the construction. The insulating materials used are ordi- nary pressed fiber, vulcanite, or some form of mica board. Figure 92 shows four rings mounted between discs of solid insulation, for a four-phase rotating armature ; and Fig. 84 shows two rings on metal spiders affording air insulation. Collection is obtained by means of brushes fastened to the brush holders and hearing upon the rings. These brushes are usually of carbon, electroplated with copper to increase their conductivity. The copper coating is cut away from the end of the brush which bears on the ring. As carbon has a high resistance it is not suitable for machines delivering a very large amount of current. In such cases it is common to use brushes made of fine woven copper wire gauze. Former prac- tice employed brushes made of copper strips, but as it is diffi- cult to make strip brushes which will not cut the rings, the substitution of carbon and woven wire has become almost universal. A carbon brush can collect without undue heating from about 40 to 80 amperes per square inch of contact surface, while a woven-wire brush can collect over two or three times that amount. A number of brushes may make contact with each ring. The brushes are mounted in brush holders, which in turn are 104 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 84. — Rotating Field Magnet, showing Collector Rings, and also showing Exciter Armature mounted on Same Shaft. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 105 fastened to the frame of the machine some convenient arms or brackets; the circuit connections are often made to the brushes by means of flexible copper cords or strips soldered on, in addition to the contact of brush with holder. The brush holders are so arranged through the medium of springs that the brushes may be made to bear upon the collector rings with any desired pressure. Ordinary practice calls for a pressure of from 1 to 1^ pounds per square inch. A greater pressure is apt to cause cutting of the rings and a less pressure may permit the brushes to vibrate sufficiently to cause sparking. The safe limit for the amount of current that can be col- lected per square inch is fixed by the heating alone and there- fore may be quite large without danger. If mechanical considerations required it, doubtless as much as 500 amperes per square inch of contact might be satisfactorily collected by means of copper gauze brushes and as much as 200 amperes by carbon brushes, but such extreme cases do not often arise and it is not generally advisable to exceed one fourth these amounts. Instead of brushes the collection may be effected by means of flexible weighted copper bands hung from the rings. Figure 85 indicates such an arrangement. An arrangement somewhat similar to that of Fig. 85 was used on the Ferranti alternators of the famous Deptford Station already referred to.* By this construction a large collecting area may be gained with- out unduly increasing the size of the rings, but the arrangement of carbon brushes rubbing on flat rings is mechanically preferable. As modern alternators are usually of the revolving field type and the collectors are used for trans- mitting exciting current to the revolving field coils, the collec- tors need not be so highly insulated as would be necessary for a high alternating voltage. The field voltage seldom exceeds 220 volts. It is good practice to mount the two rings, for this Fig. 85. — Copper-band Contactors. * Art. 29. 106 ALTERNATING CURRENTS purpose, upon separate spiders attached to one hub, so that there is an air space between the rings. 33. Field Excitation of Alternators. — The exciting current for synchronous alternators must be unidirectional, and it is ordinarily obtained from auxiliary direct-current shunt or com- pound dynamos called Exciters, as illustrated in Fig. 86. If the alternator field magnets are stationary, this exciting current is fed directly into the coils, A RM ATI IDP but if the machine is of the revolving field type, the ex- citing current must be led into the coils through col- lector rings ; in this case the armature current is led directly from the terminals of the stationary armature. Fig. 86. — Diagram of a Separately Excited The eXciter is fluently Alternator, with Bus Bars for Parallel Connec- driven from the same prime tion of Exciters and Alternators. Switches, moygr as is its alterna- etc., not Shown. . . tor, and is sometimes even mounted upon the same shaft. In generating plants having large units, however, it is better practice to have the exciters driven by separate prime movers, in which case two or three exciters may be provided to furnish the exciting current for all the main generators. The regulation of the alternator voltage is secured, by varying the resistance in the field circuit of the alternator or by varying the field strength of the exciter. These are the usual methods in America and are done both by Fig. 87. — Self-excited Alter- nator. Fig. 88. — Compositely Excited Alter nator. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 107 hand or by an automatic controller, as is explained in detail in the chapter dealing with alternator operation. Self-excitation and composite ex- citation, as shown below, were much used earlier and have sufficient pos- sibilities to war- rent study. By suitable com- mutation the alternator may evidently be made to furnish its own exciting current either wholly or in part, and the windings of the field magnets of alternators may be classified according to their arrangement in circuit. The principal divisions are three : separately excited, self-excited, compositely excited; so-called, respectively, when the exciting current is supplied from an external source (Fig. 86), when it is supplied through a rectifying commutator from the armature of the machine under consideration (Fig. 87), or when these two arrangements are combined (Fig. 88).* Self-excited al- ternators may again be d*i v i d e d into series-wound and shunt-wound, de- pending upon, first, whether the whole current is rectified and led through a comparatively small number of turns around the field magnets (Fig. 89), or, second, whether only a portion of the current is rectified and led through a * Compare Jackson’s Electromagnetism and the Construction of Dynamos, p. 136. Fig. 90. — Diagram of a Shunt-wound Alternator. Fig. 89. — Diagram of a Series-wound Alternator. 108 ALTERNATING CURRENTS shunt circuit many times around the magnets (Fig. 90). In the latter, either the whole voltage of the armature, or that of Fig. 91.— Diagram of a Shunt-wound common, as the inconveniences than outweigh any advantages derived from making the machines self-contained. Composite Excitation. — Evidently another division might be added to those named in the preceding paragraph, which would comprise a compound winding in which both the shunt and series field currents are supplied by rectification. This, however, would require two rectifying commutators, which at the best are unsatisfactory, and for other reasons would not prove prac- tical. To gain the result for which compounding is used in direct-current dynamos, the composite winding is used. That is, the alternator is externally excited to its normal voltage on open circuit and the internal losses are compensated by series ampere- turns from self -excitation. This method of excitation is common with machines having rotating armatures and is very desirable in small or medium-sized electric light plants or where the nature of the service calls for constant regulation with meager switch- board attendance. The series turns may be so arranged that they will add more than the voltage lost in the machine itself, thus providing some compensation for the voltage lost in the feeder wires and tending to maintain the voltage at the center of distribution approximately constant. Evidently, in the latter case the voltage at the machine terminals will rise when the load increases. Under such circumstances the machine is said to be Over-compounded, and the term Compound-wound has of recent one or more coils, may be im- pressed upon the rectifying commutator either directly, as illustrated in Fig. 90, or by means of a transformer at- tached to the armature. Fig-- ure 91 illustrates the trans- former arrangement when the fields rotate. Self-excited al- ternators are now quite un- Re volving Field Alternator, with the Voltage reduced for Commutation by a Transformer. accompanying the rectification of the current under usual con- conditions of operation more ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS EOR ALTERNATORS 109 Fig. 92. — Revolving Armature arranged with Series Transformers for Composite Excitation. A A, Series Transformers. 110 ALTERNATING CURRENTS years come into general use to designate these machines instead of the more distinctive term composite-wound. The self-exciting circuit of the composite winding may be arranged in various ways. Thus the armature current may all be rectified for use in excitation (Fig. 93) or it may pass Fig. 93. — Diagram showing All of the Armature Current rectified for Field Excitation. through special series transformers attached to the armature, and the secondary of these may then supply the current for rec- tification and self-excitation (Figs. 92 and 112). The cores of these transformers may be either independent of the arma- Fig. 94. — Diagram of Composite Excitation with Series Turns on All Poles. ture core, as at A in Fig. 112, or may consist of the lami- nated spider or other portions of the armature core. Again, the rectified current may be passed through a few turns of wire ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 111 on each pole (Fig. 91), or all the necessary series turns may be concentrated upon one or two poles (Figs. 95 and 96). In the latter case, the series turns must always be equally divided between two poles with symmetrical positions, as in Fig-. 96, Fig. 95. — Diagram of Composite Winding with Series Turns on One Pole. when the armature winding is connected with its halves in par- allel. Composite windings may be arranged with the self-exci- Fig. 96. — Diagram of Composite Winding with Series Turns on Two Poles. tation in a shunt circuit, but no advantage is gained by this arrangement over complete self-excitation in shunt or over sepa- rate excitation, and the arrangement is never used. In some 112 ALTERNATING CURRENTS old-type self-exciting alternators, a separate set of exciting coils was wound on the armature and connected to a rectifying commutator. These were wound either directly with the main armature coils, or across a chord of the arma- ture core, as illustrated in Fig. 9' 7, in which the coils A for generating exciting cur- rent are wound across a long chord of the armature, as Fig. 97. — Method of Winding Special shown in the upper diagram Alternator Exciting Coil. „ , . „ . .. ot the figure, while the mam armature coils B are wound pancake fashion. The compound- ing may be effected in self-excitecl alternators by means of shunt and series transformers combined as in Fig. 98, which shows a machine with stationary armature. This arrangement pertains to some early European examples put out by Ganz and Co. The arrangement permits a self-excited alternator to be com- pounded by the use of only one commutator. The shunt transformer furnishes what is equiva- lent to the shunt current of an ordinary com- pound dynamo, and the series transformer adds additional voltage to increase the current as required for com- pounding. This latter voltage increases with the load on the alternator as the primary winding of the transformer is in series with one of the alternator leads. In the illustration, S represents the series transformer, T the shunt transformer, and li a variable rheostat to control the degree of excitation. For the purpose of varying the magnetizing effect of the series turns, a variable shunt is often connected across their terminals in a manner similar to the usage with direct-current machines, as at A in Fig. 99, and a shunt is sometimes placed across the rectifier terminals in such a way that only a fixed Fig. 98. — Diagram of Compounding by Means of Shunt and Series Transformers. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 113 proportion of the total current is rectified and passes through the series field winding, as at B in Fig. 99. This latter shunt reduces the difficul- ties caused by spark- ing by reducing the current to be rec- tified. Polyphase alter- nators may be com- pounded in the man- ner described above by rectifying the current of one phase. Another method of compounding is based upon the mag- netic reactive effect of current in an armature upon the field. The revolving field magnet of such a machine, called a “ compen- sated alternator,” is shown in Fig. 100. Upon the same shaft as the revolving field magnet is placed the direct-current ex- citer armature and its commutator. Surrounding the revolv- ing field magnet is a three-phase stationary distributed armature winding of the ordinary type, and supported by the same frame ALTERNATOR FIELD RINGS Fig. 100. — Revolving FieldMagnet and Exciter Armature of a Compensated Alternator. Fig. 99. Diagram of Composite Excitation having the Series Field and the Rectifier Shunted. is the exciter field, which has the same number of poles as the field of the alternator. Direct current is drawn from the com- mutator of the exciter, and part is taken through the alter- nator field rings to the revolving field magnet, and part goes through a rheostat to the stationary exciter fields. So far as described the arrangement corresponds with an ordinary i 114 ALTERNATING CURRENTS separately excited rotating field alternator having the exciter mounted upon its shaft. In order to procure the compounding effect, however, the alternating currents from the secondary windings of three series transformers placed in series with the three-phase alternator leads, are led by means of the special exciter armature rings into the exciter armature winding. As explained above, the exciter and alternator field magnets have the same number of poles, and hence the frequency of the electro- motive force is the same in the exciter and alternator armatures, and therefore the alternating current will pulsate through the ex- citer armature with the peaks of its waves in a definite position with reference to the exciter pole pieces. By a proper organi- zation, the reactions of the three-phase currents thus fed to the exciter armature can be caused to increase the strength of the exciter fields in a degree dependent on both the amount and phase position of the currents. The field magnet of the exciter is mounted so that it can be angularly shifted, slightly, so as to bring the impulses of the alternating current into proper relation with the polar positions. Such machines can be made for any number of phases. 34. Rectifying Commutators. — The rectifying commutator has as many segments as there are poles on the alternator, and alternate segments are joined in electrical connection, making two sets composed of al- ternate segments, as illus- trated in Fig. 101. When series excitation is to be provided by the rectified current, one terminal of the armature winding and one terminal of the external circuit are attached respec- tively to these two sets of segments, as shown in the figure, or the secondary terminals of a series transformer are respec- tively attached to the two sets if the excitation is to be obtained through the medium of such a transformer, as shown Fig. 101. — Rectifying Commutator. in Fig. 92. Brushes bearing upon the commutator at non- sparking points (that is, under the circumstances considered, as nearly as practicable at points of zero current) then collect a rectified current. The brushes are shown in Fig. 101 bear- ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 115 mg upon adjacent commutator segments, but they may ob- viously be placed on the commutator so as to be any odd num- ber of segments apart. It is evident that direct current will flow in the series field between the brushes B, B when the circuit connections are those indicated in Fig. 101, and the ma- chine is in operation. The commutator possesses as many segments as there are poles in the field magnet, and if the brushes are properly placed, each brush will pass from one set of commutator bars to the other at each alternation of the cur- rent. That is, the polarities of the segments reverse, but the brushes simultaneously slip from one set of segments to the next, and therefore remain of fixed polarity. The current in the circuit of the series field is unidirectional, although it is electrically in series relation with the armature and external circuit, and the current is alternating in them. To obtain the maximum effect, the brushes must pass across the insulation between the commutator segments at about the time when the current in the armature reverses. Minimum sparking will occur if the brushes are shifted to the point where the current is zero in the circuit at the instant each brush breaks contact with one segment as it slips on to the next. If the brushes are shifted in the forward direction, commutation will take place on a rising current, which is likely to cause quite serious sparking. The character of the current in the series field winding manifestly could be modified by shifting the position of the brushes, if sparking were not prohibitive. For instance, if the brushes could be maintained in the position where commutation takes place when the armature current is maximum, the current in the series field circuit would in each period change gradually from a maximum in one direction to a maximum in the other and be then reversed to a maximum in the first direction, and the resultant effect on the strength of the field magnet would be zero. On the other hand, if the brushes are upon the neutral points, that is, commutate at the instant the armature current is zero, the current is unidirec- tional in the field circuit. Various devices have been employed to avoid sparking at the rectifying commutator, but in American machines no special precautions are taken. In a Zipernowsky alternator, built by Ganz and Co. of Budapest, the following arrangement of lie ALTERNATING CURRENTS the commutator was employed. Between the commutator divisions are inserted narrow metallic sectors which are con- nected together. Four brushes are used, two on each side of the commutator. One brush of each pair is set a little in the lead of the other, and the pair is connected together through a small resistance. The leading brushes are connected directlv to the circuits. When the commutating point is reached dur- Fig. 102. — Special Rectifier for Minimum Sparking. self-inductance tends to uphold and this, therefore, does not f; tion, as shown in Fig. 103, hut wavy line more like that of Fig mg the rotation of the com- mutator, the trailing brushes move on to intermediate seg- ments, while the forward brushes are still on main seg- ments. Hence both the field circuit and supply circuit are short-circuited for an in- stant through the resistances connecting the brushes (Fig. 102). Upon short-circuit- ing the fields with this or an ordinary commutator, their the current in the windings, ill to zero at each commuta- the current curve becomes a . 101. Picou says * that it is Fig. 103. — Current Impulses that would be produced by a Rectifier having no Self-inductance in Circuit. Fig. 101. — Curve showing the Wavy Cur- rent which passes from a Rectifier to the Alternator Fields. preferable to place the brushes so that commutation occurs slightly earlier than the point of least sparking. In this case the spark is due to a decreasing current, and is thin and weak. With the commutation occurring later than the point of least sparking, the spark is due to a rising current, and it is of great * Machines Dynamo-lSlectriques, p. 99. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 117 magnitude. The advantage of a wavy current in the field, in stead of a discontinuous one, is sufficiently well gained by the use of copper brushes of considerable thickness, on an ordinary recti- fying commutator, which short-circuit the supply circuit and field circuit at the instant when they bridge over the insulation be- tween two segments. Figure 101 very closely represents the form of current curve under these circumstances. Figure 101 shows the circuit connections at the rectifying commutator of a compound-wound machine with rotating arma- ture. For a machine with a rotating field magnet, the series field connections and the connections to armature and external circuit are interchanged so that the former go directly to the commutator segments and the latter to the brushes. 35. Inductor Alternators. — The windings of inductor alter- nator’s may be made entirely stationary, thus avoiding collect- ing devices. These devices, however, are of so little expense in construction and material that there is no marked advan- tage in suppressing them, and the mechani- cal and magnetic difficulties encountered in the design and construction of inductor alternators have not permitted them to come into general use, though there are several theoretical points of advantage presented in their design. In order to avoid excessive losses due to eddy cur- rents and hysteresis it is important that the magnetic density in the field magnets be kept as uniform as possible. Since this cannot be fully accomplished, it is neces- sary to thoroughly laminate the iron in which the density varies. The inductor must be moved in such a way as to periodi- cally short-circuit or break the lines of force which naturally pass through the ar- mature coils. This may be accomplished as shown in Fig. 105, where the effective reluctance of the total magnetic circuit is fairly constant for all positions of the inductor. In this example it is seen that as an inductor travels from one pole piece to the next of opposite sign, the mag- Fig. 105. — Diagram of an Inductor Alternator. A, A are the Armature Windings, NS the Field Windings, and BB In- ductors. 118 ALTERNATING CURRENTS netism through the armature coil changes from a maximum in one direction to a maximum in the other. In spite of the fact that the field poles are maintained at a fairly constant magnetic density it is evidently necessary, in order to sufficiently reduce the iron losses, to laminate all the iron of the magnetic circuit. The figure shows that the reluctance cannot remain entirely constant, and that the effective ampere turns in the magnetic circuits also vary with the position of the inductor. In Figs. 106 and 107 are shown two types of inductor machines in which no attempt is made to keep the magnetic circuit of constant reluctance. Each, of these forms gains some economy in construction by uniting the coils. In the Stanley al- ternators which were at one time consid- erably used in this country, lines of force are caused by the motion of the inductor to sweep across the armature coils, while the total magnetism in the inductor remains fairly con- stant. The field windings, which are arranged in the form of a single coil, em- brace the inductor core, and though this coil is stationary the machines are not true inductor alternators. Figure 108 shows the so- called inductor and field coil of a 2000- kilowatt alternator of the Stanley type. The field coil rests in the frame, as seen in the figure, and does not rotate with the in- f-ARMATURE COIL Fig. 107. — Diagram of an Inductor Alternator having a Single Magnetizing Coil and Single Armature Coil. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 119 Fig. 108. — Inductor and Field Coil of a 2000-kilowatt Stanley Alternator. Fig. 109. — Illustration show- ing the Armature Windings of a 2000-kilowatt Inductor Alternator. Two Coils are partly Removed. ductor. This coil magnetizes the inductor so that the crown of inductor projections on one side of the coil are of one sign and those on the other are of the opposite sign. The armature coils are usually of the distributed type, as shown in Fig. 109, and in modern machines are always chord wound. The armature windings are also in two crowns ; one surround- ing each crown of inductor projections. There are in each phase twice as many coils in each crown as inductor projections, and in order that they shall add their voltages the coils must be connected into circuit alternately right and left handed. The Warren alternator was very similar to the Stanley ma- chine. It had, however, only one set of inductors and armature coils. Figure 110 shows the inductor. The armature windings were placed on the inner surface of a laminated stationary iron frame surrounding the projections at the left hand gle Crown of Projections. ° f the fi S U1 ' e ’ and the magnetiz- ing coil surrounded the cylindrical portion at the right. The magnetic circuit was completed through the frame. 120 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 36. Armature Insulating and Core Materials and Construction. — Before the conductors are placed on an armature core it is usual to insulate it, very much as in the case of a direct-current armature,* but more thoroughly on account of the high voltages usually produced in alternator armatures. For this purpose mica, micanite, mica paper and cloth, shellacked canvas, fuller board, oiled paper and cloth, sheets of vulcanite, vulcabeston, vul- canized fiber, and similar insulating materials, are used. Mica, micanite, vulcanite, vulcabeston, bonsilate, vulcanized fiber, asbestos paper, and similar materials are also used to insulate collecting rings and brush holders, and for insulation between the armature coils. The wire used for high-voltage alternator armatures is often triple-cotton covered, and is thoroughly japanned during the process of winding. Vulcanized fiber is made from paper fiber by a chemical process and is furnished in sheets and tubes. Its convenient form, cheapness, and ease of working have brought it into extensive use. It unfortu- nately absorbs moisture when exposed to the air, which causes it to expand and contract to a remarkable degree. The mois- ture also reduces its insulating qualities to a large extent. It is therefore unsafe to place entire reliance upon it where con- tinuously high insulation is required. Of the various available insulating materials mica is the only thoroughly reliable one, but it is unduly expensive and of poor mechanical qualities. On the latter account it is generally used in combination with other materials. When made up in the form of micanite by treating with varnish, laying in overlapping scales between paper or cambric, and subjecting to high pressure and heat, its mechanical qualities are somewhat improved, and it may be formed into sheets and tubes or molded as desired. Materials such as vulcabeston and bonsilate are advantageous for insulat- ing collector rings and similar details, since they can be molded into any desired form. Vulcabeston, which is a compound con- taining rubber and asbestos, is also manufactured in sheets and has quite satisfactory mechanical and electrical properties. Bonsilate is not sufficiently tough for very general service. Boxwood and paraffined maple or hickory are frequently used for insulation where considerable bulk is required and their mechanical properties will serve, though, as they are liable * Jackson’s Electromagnetism and the Construction of Dynamos, p. 104. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 121 to be more or less affected by the surrounding condition of humidity, they must be used with care. A special material called asbestos wood is now manufactured in sheets and plates adapted for use as insulating material in some of the situations now unsatisfactorily filled by other materials. Tubes or troughs of micanite, varnished fiber, or some other insulator that will meet the conditions, are ordinarily slipped into the armature slots before the wires are inserted. The coils, after careful taping, are then placed within the tubes. The method of insulating armature conductors is illustrated in Figs. 79 to 83. When a coil is made up of many turns of wire, it is sometimes necessary to also insulate between layers, in addition to the insulation afforded by the cotton covering of the wire itself. The field coils of alternators are insulated with the same materials as the armature windings, though the lower voltages usually employed in the field circuits call for a less thickness of insulation. The field coils are generally wound upon formers, and insu- lating sheets are placed between layers. The wire used is often double cotton covered ; but a flat strip (sometimes bare) is not uncommonly used. This latter may be wound on edge with insulating strips between the conducting strips. Winding a single layer of strips on edge is thought to improve the mechanical and electrical stability of the field coil and improve its heat-dissipating qualities. The taped coil may be placed upon an insulating spool and then slipped upon the pole piece. Formed conductors are often given a coating of enamel for insulation; and coils are frequently heated to very high tempera- ture during construction, while under the high pressure of a former, to drive off volatile matter and leave the conductors embedded in a compact and stable mass of insulation. In insulating alternators care must be taken to use such materials as will not deteriorate either electrically or mechani- cally under the rather high temperature which the machines attain when running. If the insulating material softens per- ceptibly, it may permit points of high difference of potential to come close together with a resultant short circuit ; or the same failure may result in the permanent lowering of the specific resistance of the insulating materials. The Dielectric strength, or the property of an insulator to resist 122 ALTERNATING CURRENTS electric puncture, is the basis upon which to calculate insula tion, rather than the electrical resistance, though the latter often serves as an indication of the former. The following table gives the specific resistance, or the resistance in megohms per centimeter of length and square centimeter of cross section, of familiar insulating materials at ordinary temperatures (namely, about 70° F.). The values are only approximate, as different samples of the same material are apt to have quite different characteristics. TABLE Specific Resistance of Insulators (in megohms) Mica Paper Paraffine oil Rubber Shellac Yulcanized fiber 10« to 10 8 10 4 to 10 5 10 6 to 10 8 10 8 to 10 9 10 9 to 10 10 10 6 to 10 8 The dielectric strength of any insulating material is quite de- pendent upon the character of the particular sample under test, the character of the electrodes, the duration of the stress, and other conditions surrounding the tests; and therefore the data from tests should only be used for rough estimates or checks. Dr. Steinmetz * has worked out a number of special formulas from the results of tests which may be used in this way. In the following table of these formulas, d is the thickness of dielec- tric in milli-centimeters through which a disruptive discharge will occur under the impulsion of E kilovolts. The given voltage is the maximum value of a sinusoidal voltage wave between flat electrodes. dielectric materials Air .... Mica .... Yulcanized Fiber Dry Wood Fiber Paraffined Paper . Melted Paraffine . Copal Varnish Crude Lubricating Oil Vulcabeston Asbestos Paper TABLE FORMULAS . d = 36 (e~ 1SE — 1) + 54 E + 1.2 E 2 . d = .24 E + .0115 E 2 . d = 7.66 E + 2.3 E 2 . d = 7.66 E . d = 3 E . d = 12.4 E . d = 30 E . d = 60 E . d = 28E . d = 23 E * Steinmetz on Dielectrics, Trans. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng., vol. 10, p. 85. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 123 In obtaining data upon which these very rough formulas are based, alternating currents of about 100 cycles per second were used, and the voltage was varied from two to thirty thousand volts. In general, thin layers of dry air withstand about six thousand volts per millimeter when the spark occurs between needle points; oils from twelve hundred to a hundred thousand volts, and specially selected oils from one quarter to a million volts per centimeter between needle points, depending upon the quality ; and mica from several hundred thousand to several million volts per centimeter between flat electrodes pressing the material between them. The wire used for winding the fields and armatures of alter- nators is almost always double or triple cotton-covered copper wire or strip of high conductivit}'. The standard of conduc- tivity adopted by the American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers in 1893 is 9.59 ohms per mil-foot at 0° C.* The average rate of change of resistance per centigrade degree of change of temperature within ordinary ranges may be taken as .42 per cent of the resistance; at 0° C. This makes the resistance at any temperature, in comparison with the resist- ance at 0° C., R t = R 0 (l + .0042 0, where R t is the resistance at the required centigrade tempera- ture, R 0 at zero temperature, and t is the required temperature. The copper conductors used in alternator windings should fall little below this standard. For winding armatures and fields the copper is made up in the form of bars (Fig. 83), strap (Figs. 80 and 81), or the ordinary round wire (Fig. 79), as the conditions make desirable. In large machines bar or strap copper is used almost exclusively. The armature cores themselves may be made of punched iron disks, iron punchings of special shapes, iron wire, or iron tape. In American machines the punchings are almost universal. The old Ivapp machines had armature cores made of iron' tape.f In the larger sizes of American machines, which are built to connect directly to steam engines or large turbines, and there- * Trnns. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng., October, 1893. See also Standardization Rules of 1907, Par. 260. t Kapp’s Dynamos, Alternators, and Transformers, p. 467. 124 ALTERNATING CURRENTS fore have armatures of large diameters, the armature cores are usually built up of segmental punchings put together in such a way that the segments of alternate layers break joints Fig. 111. — Punching for Rotating Alternator Armature. (Fig. 111). In stationary armatures the teeth are, of course, inside and the keys outside. Figure 112 shows an old-style single-phase machine with rotating armature constructed with one armature slot per field pole. At A' may be seen one of the punchings which go to make up the laminations of the armature. The field pole pieces are solid in this machine, which is common, though they Fig. Ill a. — Core Stamping with Distance Pieces for Procuring Ventilation. are also sometimes made up of punchings secured in the frame in numerous ways. It is usual to provide ventilating ducts between core lamina- tions, and these ducts are provided for in the assembling by the insertion of distance pieces. The distance jueces c , c , illustrated in Fig. Ill a are usually ribs of brass or T angle iron which may be one half inch or more in depth in large size machines and are riveted to core stampings. These are placed at the desired distance apart in the core and make annular ventilating ducts at intervals of a few inches in the length of the core. The ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 125 ventilating ducts are to be plainly seen where they come to the face of the armature core in various illustrations of the text, such as Figs. 80 to 84. The sectional view in Fig. 113 also shows the ventilat- ing ducts. Figure 113 is a partial side elevation and section of a rotating-field alterna- tor having a three-phase armature winding with one slot per pole per phase, in which the general method of mechanical con- struction is shown. Much care must be taken in the selection of iron for the magnetic circuit of alter- nators, in order to keep the iron losses at a mini- mum. This subject will be discussed at some length in a later chapter.* Fig. 112. — Side Elevation of Alternator, showing Armature Punchings. Fig. 113. — Side Elevation and Section of Rotating Field Alternator, showing General Construction. In high-speed turbine generators the rotating field magnet must be made very substantial to withstand the strains due to * Chap. IX. 126 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 113 a. — Two-pole Ro tating Field for a Tur bine Generator. the high circumferential velocity. Figure 113 a shows a West- inghouse two-pole rotating field magnet with the lower half of the field partly wound. After the coils have been wound in the slots and insu- lated, as shown in the lower half of the figure, they are fastened firmly in place by heavy metal strips driven through the keyways shown near the outer ends of the lugs. Thus the field is made entirely metal-clad. Ventilation is obtained by means of the holes seen in the ends of the core and by the circumferential slots. The core itself is built up of steel disks about .015 of an inch thick, which are machined for the windings and ventilation. Figure 113 b shows an alternator of the General Electric Co. on a vertical shaft, driven by a Curtis steam turbine. This figure shows the machine in one half section. The nozzles and guide vanes of the turbine are within the lower cylindrical por- tion. The shaft, which carries the multipolar rotating field magnet of the alternator at its upper part and the turbine runners at its lower part, is supported on a step-bearing sup- plied with water under high pressure as a lubricant. The fields and armature of the Westinghouse alternator illus- trated in Figs. 83 a and 113 a are intended to be driven by a horizontal steam turbine of the Westinghouse-Parsons type which runs at a high speed, and the field has fewer poles, — in this case it is bipolar. * See Arts. 106 and 113. ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS FOR ALTERNATORS 12 Fig. 113 6. — Alternator on Vertical Shalt of a Steam Turbine. CHAPTER IV SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY. REACTANCE. AND IMPEDANCE 37. Self-induction. — Before proceeding with the develop- ment of the design and operation of alternating-current ma- chines, it is essential to discuss the relations which exist between voltages and currents in circuits which carry alternat- ing currents. It is to be remembered that the current pro- duced by cutting lines of force sets up in turn magnetic force, which is in opposition to the original field. Again, when a current is introduced into a circuit, it produces a magnetic flux the rise of which causes a counter-voltage. These condi- tions are necessary under the law of conservation of energy and its corollary, Lenz’s Law.* This counter-voltage is called the Voltage or Electro-motive force of Self-induction, and the phenomenon as a whole is called Self-induction. Self-induction , therefore , may he defined as the inherent quality of an electric circuit whereby the electro-magnetic induction set up by an electric current in the circuit tends to impede the current's own introduction , variation , or extinction in the circuit. The voltage in a circuit which at any instant is due to self- induction is evidently proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux set up by the current of the circuit ; therefore, the voltage of self-induction is proportional to the rate of change of current in the circuit, provided that the reluctance of the magnetic circuit remains constant ; or e z ce- de}) _di dt X ~Jf where e t is the instantaneous self-induced voltage in the circuit, ej) the magnetism, and i the current, respectively, at the same instant of time t.. The minus sign is used because the voltage induced at each instant is in a direction to impede the changes of current and magnetism. * Jackson’s Electro-magnetism and the Construction of Dynamos, p. 77. 128 SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 129 If the circuit exhibits the phenomena of electrical resistance and self-induction, and none other, as would be true of a sim- ple coil of wire, the voltage impressed on its terminals must at each instant be sufficient to overcome the counter- voltage e : and supply the iR drop corresponding to the current at the par- ticular instant. That is, the voltage impressed on the termi- nals of the circuit, or Impressed voltage, is made up of two components, one equal and opposite to the counter-voltage and the other equal to the drop of voltage through the resistance of the circuit. The latter component represents the portion of the force driving the current through the circuit which results in expending power therein. When the instantaneous values of current and voltage are considered, the iR drop, the counter-voltage e h and the im- pressed voltage e are scalar values, and therefore iR — e — e , ; but a little consideration will show that the Phase of the alter- nating' voltage of self-induction is not in unison with that of the current, although their periods are the same ; because the counter- voltage is proportional to the rate of change of magnet- ism caused by the current, and, supposing the magnetism to be alternating, its rate of change is zero when it is at a maximum, and the voltage of self-induction is therefore zero at the same time. Manifestly, therefore, a vector relation must be recog- nized when the effective values of current and voltage are considered. When the curve of current is a sinusoid, the rate of change of its ordinates at any point is i m being the maximum value of current ; and the counter-electro- assuming that the reluctance of the magnetic circuit is uniform. The curve sin (a + 90°) is manifestly a curve which occupies a position 90° earlier than (or in the Lead of) the curve sin a, and the curve — sin (a + 90°) is 180° later than sin (a + 90°) and therefore 90° later than the curve sin a. Hence the curve of the counter-voltage of self-induction is a sinusoid, the phase of which Lags 90° behind (that is, is 90° later than) the phase di _ i m d (sin a) dt dt motive force e t is therefore proportional to — sin ( a -f 90 °)da dt 130 ALTERNATING CUR R ENTS of the current setting it up. It is evident also that this must be the case, since when sinusoidal current is passing through the zero value, rising in the positive direction of flow through the circuit, its rate of change is a maximum and the self-induced voltage is at maximum value in a direction opposing the rise of current ; and when the current has risen to a maximum (a quarter period, or 90°, later), its rate of change is zero, and the self-induced voltage is zero and about to change in direction from negative to positive. Thus it is seen that the self-induced voltage goes through its cycle in a phase which is 90° later than the current. 38. Vector Diagrams representing the Voltage Relations in an Inductive Alternating-current Circuit. — Suppose the line 00 C describes a circle and its projection on the vertical axis describes a simple harmonic motion. (In this book, such vec- tors are assumed to rotate in a counter-clockwise direction.) At each instant the projection of the line on the vertical axis proportionally represents the magnitude of the instantaneous active voltage (i.e. iR drop) corresponding to the angular advance of the line. The projection of the line OjD, which is 90° behind 00, likewise represents the instantaneous counter- voltage at each instant. The algebraic sums of the instanta- neous projections of OC and CA (the reverse of OR') are al ways equal to the simultaneous projections of OA, where OA is the impressed voltage. The impressed voltage OA has the magnitude and phase relation of the resultant of the active voltage (iR drop) and the opposite of the self-induced voltage. This may be expressed in still another way, which may pos- sibly give a more useful conception : The impressed voltage ap- plied to an alternating-current circuit must have such magnitude Fig. 114. — Phase Diagram of Voltages in a Self-inductive Circuit. (Fig. 114) repre- sents the maxi- mum value of the iR drop in a cir- cuit carrying a sinusoidal cur- rent. If the line is uniformly ro- tated around the point 0, its end SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 131 and jjhase relation that it will neutralize all other live voltages and at the same time furnish the active voltage which drives the current through the resistance of the circuit. From the relations given it is seen that ( OAf = (OCf + ( GA)\ or OA = V(<96 7 ) 2 + ( CA f. The lengths of the lines in the figure have been assumed to be proportional to maximum values of the voltages, but the effective values of the voltages hold the same relations since each effective value is equal to the maximum multiplied by .707. Consequently, the effective value of the impressed vol- tage operating in a circuit with resistance and self-inductance in series is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of effective values of the active voltage and the inductive voltage reversed. Or when E, E r , and E x are respectively effective values of impressed voltage, active voltage, and self-induced voltage reversed, E=fE 2 + Ef. The triangle of voltages representing these conditions is shown in Fig. 115. (Such triangles, in this book, usually have the active voltage line laid out in a horizontal direction.) If the heights of the points A, (7, and D of the uniformly rotat- ing vectors OA, OC , and OD are plotted as ordinates to the corre- , . . - . Fig. 115. — Vector Polygon of Vol- spondmg talues ol time 01 of tages for Series Self-inductive Cir- ce laid out on the axis of abscissas cuit. as illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4, three sine curves are traced like those at the right hand of Ffig. 114. These are marked respectively E , E n and — E x . They represent the waves of impressed voltage, IR drop, and inductive voltage. The in- stantaneous value of the impressed voltage at each instant is equal to the corresponding instantaneous values of E r and E x added together algebraically. The instant of time in the sine wave plot which corresponds to the time when the rotating vectors arrive at the position in- dicated by the left-hand part of Fig. 114 is shown by the dotted vertical axis cutting through the sine curves. If the zero of time is assumed at the instant when the impressed voltage 132 ALTERNATING CURRENTS is passing through zero from the negative to the positive direc- tion, this would be indicated by the phase diagram of rotating vectors at the instant when OA lies in the positive direction along the W-axis. The relations of the voltage waves at that instant are indicated at the left-hand terminus of the plot of sine curves. It is obvious that the inductive voltage must be equal to the iR drop at that instant, to maintain the current i, since the then instantaneous value of the impressed voltage is zero. Prob. 1. Construct a vector polygon of voltages for a circuit containing a self-inductive sinusoidal voltage of 50 volts and an IR drop of 50 volts. Prob. 2. Construct a vector polygon of voltages for a circuit containing an IR drop of 100 volts and a self-inductive sinu- soidal voltage of 5 volts. Prob. 3. Construct a vector polygon of voltages for a circuit containing 20 volts IR drop and 500 sinusoidal self-inductive volts. Prob. 4. What are the values of the impressed voltages in problems 1, 2, and 3 ? Prob. 5. Draw the curves of voltage in a circuit having an IR drop (effective value) of 100 volts and a self-inductive voltage (effective value) of 50 volts, on the supposition that the curves are sinusoids. Prob. 6. In problem 5 find the instantaneous values of the self-inductive and impressed voltages when the IR drop is 0 ; find the impressed voltage and IR drop when the self-inductive voltage is 0 ; find the IR drop and self-inductive voltage when the impressed voltage is 0. Prob. 7. Find the instantaneous values of the three voltages in problem 5 when a — 0, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270°, 315°, and 360° ; find these values graphically from the rotated vector polygon and from the curves of voltage. 39. Angle of Lag. — The angle 6 between the lines OA and OC in Figs. 114 and 115 shows the amount by which the phase of the active voltage (which is in phase with the current) lags behind that of the impressed voltage. The figure makes it evi- LF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, PEACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 133 dent that this lag is caused by the position of the self-inductive voltage, and that its magnitude depends upon the relative lengths of the line 6hi( = — OB') and the line 00. .The tangent of the angle is „ CA Inductive voltage reversed tan 0 = — — — 00 Active voltage The angle 0 is called the Angle of lag. The relations are plainly shown in Fig. 115. Prob. 1. What are the angles of lag in problem 1, problem 2, and problem 3 of Article 38 ? Prob. 2. Find the angle of lag in a circuit which has an impressed sinusoidal voltage of 100 volts and an active sinu- soidal voltage (IR drop) of 30 volts. Prob. 3. Find the angle of lag in a circuit which has an impressed sinusoidal voltage of 300 volts and a self-inductive sinusoidal voltage of 150 volts. 40. Sinusoidal Voltage in a Self-inductive Circuit expressed as a Complex Quantity. — The complex quantity which ex- presses the vector representing the impressed voltage is E — E r + 3 E x , or E = Z'fTos 6 +j sin d), where E is the numerical or scalar value of E , E r the scalar value of IR drop and E x the scalar value of inductive voltage reversed. Also E = VE* + E} and tan 6 = ^. E,. If there are a number of circuits in series having impressed voltages E v E 2 , ZJ 3 , etc., the combined voltage across the out- side terminals is represented by the vector sum E — E r +jE x — (E ri + E r 2 +E ra + etc . ~) + j (E Xi + E Xi + E Xi + etc.) in which E r — E ri -f- E rt -f- E ri -(- etc. and E x — E Xi + E Xt + E Xa -f- etc. The angle of lag is equal to g = tan -1 ^• ri ^ + ^ etc -) (Zy 1 + E Vi -(- Zy 3 -f- etc.) E r The angle 6 is the angle of lag measured between the phase of 134 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the current flowing in the circuit and the voltage impressed upon the entire circuit. Prob. 1. The IR drop in a circuit is 50 volts and the. self- inductive voltage 25 volts. Find the impressed voltage and the angle of lag of the current. (In this and the following problems all voltages are assumed to be sinusoidal.) Prob. 2. The IR drop in a circuit is 50 volts and the self- inductive voltage 500 volts. Find the value of the impressed voltage and the current lag. Prob. 3. The angle of lag in a circuit is 30° and the im- pressed voltage 200 volts. What are the values of IR drop and self-inductive voltage ? Prob. 4. The IR drop and self-inductive voltage of two cir- cuits are respectively 50 and 30 volts, and 40 and 20 volts. What will be the resultant voltage if the two circuits are placed in series, and what will be the angle of lag between the current- flow and the voltage impressed between the main terminals ? Prob. 5. Two circuits in series have voltages impressed upon them of 100 and 200 volts and angles of lag of 30° and 45° respectively. Calculate the total voltage across the two circuits and the angle of lag of the current with respect thereto. Prob. 6. Three voltages in a circuit of 100, 200, and 300 volts are in series, the angles of lag in the three parts of the circuit being respectively 20°, 40°, and 60°. What are the resultant voltage and angle of lag ? Also what are the IR and self-inductive components of the total voltage ? 41. Self-inductance. — The magnitude of the voltage of self- induction is dependent upon the number of lines of force inclosed by the circuit per unit current flowing in it, the num- ber of turns composing the circuit, and the current flowing therein; which follows from the fundamental equation for vol- tage* ; the formula is ndd> e ‘ ~ ~ l¥Jt' where e t is the voltage of self-induction for the given rate of change of magnetization, n is the number of turns in the coil. * Art. ll. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 135 and, as before, — is the rate of change of magnetism. But in dt a long or closed solenoid, the magnetizing force is * 7i/T _ 4 tmi 10 ’ where i is the value of the current at the instant under con- sideration ; and the reluctance of the magnetic circuit isf where l and A are respectively the average length and cross section of the solenoid and y. is the permeability, assumed in this paragraph to be uniform. Therefore, the number of lines set up by a current i is f and 4 nrniAy 10 1 ’ nd _ n ^ 4 irnAy 10 8 dt ~ ~ 10 8 X 10 z " j, 4:7rnAu j. d + = -wT x *> , di _ 4 irn 2 Ay w di ( jt~ io^ x it The numerical value of n ^ 4 irnA/i To 8 x 10 l is called the Self-inductance or the Coefficient of self-induction of the coil, and is usually represented by the capital letter L. The number of lines of force passing through the solenoid when the current is one ampere is equal to 4 TrnAfj- 10 l Hence the value of the self -inductance of a long solenoid of uni- form ’permeability may be defined as times the product of the number of turns in the circuit by the number of lines of force inclosed by the circuit when carrying one ampere of current. That is, in the case of a long solenoid in a medium of uniform per- meability, n 0 L 10 8 x i ' * Jackson’s Electro-magnetism and the Construction of Dynamos , p. 15. t Jackson's Electro-magnetism and the Construction of Dynamos , pp. 6 and 7. 136 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Since the number of lines of force developed by a coil is pro- portional to the number of turns composing it, its self-inductance is proportional to the square of its turns. Also, it will be ob- served that the formula for self-induced electro-motive force reduces to 7 . t -di “ = ~ L it 42. The Henry. — The Chicago Electrical Congress formally assigned the name Henry to the unit in which self-inductance is measured, after Professor Joseph Henry, the notable Ameri- can discoverer of electro-magnetic phenomena. Since the volt is 10 8 times as large as a C. G. S. unit of electro-motive force and the ampere is as large as the C. G. S. unit of current, it is apparent from the formula that the Henry is 10 9 times as large as the corresponding C. G. S. unit of self-inductance. 43. Self-inductance of a Short Coil ; Circuit containing Variable Permeability ; Examples. — The definition of the henry is above developed for a long solenoid in which all the lines of force pass through all the turns. If the circuit is not so con- structed, the definition still holds, but the summation of the number of lines of force passing through each turn individually must be taken, since the number of lines passing through any turn is a variable which depends upon the position of the turn in the coil. Thus, suppose Fig. 116 represents a short solenoid of eight turns in which are developed ten lines of force when one ampere flows through the coil. Assuming the distribution of the lines shown in the figure, the self-inductance is calcu- lated as follows : Fig. 116. — Solenoid and Magnetic Field. 10x2 + 8x2+6x2 + 4x2 10 s 56 io 8 henrys. If an iron core is now placed in the coil, the number of lines of force is increased directly as the reluctance of the magnetic SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 137 circuit is decreased. Hence, assuming the distribution of the 56 P' lines to remain unchanged, the self-inductance becomes P' henrys, where — 10 8 P is the ratio of the reluctance before and after the iron core is inserted. In the case of a long solenoid T n 4 7 rnA L = — x 10 8 10 Z when the permeability is unity, but when the permeability of the magnetic circuit taken as a whole is g, the number of lines of force per ampere, as shown before, is 4 7 ruA/i 101 and therefore T 11 i = foS x 4 TrnAfi 10 l In general, where the magnetic circuit is composed wholly of non- magnetic material, the self-inductance is t _ n 10 8 i (where represents the number of lines of force for current if and the inductance is a constant for all values of i. However, when iron or other magnetic material is included in the mag- netic circuit, the value of the self-inductance varies with the value of i because g varies with fi. As before, 10 H hut this may have a different value for each value of i since 4 7 rnA/jii 4 > = 10 l and /r varies with 0. In this case the inductance for any value of i is n times as great as when no magnetic material is in- cluded in the magnetic circuit, the value of fi taken being that corresponding to the particular value of i. Therefore, the self -inductance of a long solenoid ivliich contains an iron core , when carrying a certain current , may be defined as 138 A LT E RNATING C U li R ENTS - times the number of turns in the solenoid multiplied by the number of lines of force set up by the current and divided by the number of amperes of the current. It is shown later that the self-inductance found by this relation is not necessarily equal to the apparent self-inductance found by the use of measuring instruments because the disturbing effects of eddy currents and hysteresis in iron cores sometimes mask the results. As an example of the calculation of the value of A, consider a uniform ring of wrought iron 100 centimeters in mean cir- cumference and 20 square centimeters in cross section. Sup- pose a coil of 2500 turns is uniformly wound on the ring, and a current of two amperes is passed through the magnetizing coil. Taking y as equal to 250, which is a fair value, _ 4 7 mAyl _ 10 1 ~ 4 7r x 2500 x 20 x 250 x 2 10 x 100 314,200 ; hence, L = n _ 2500 x 314,200 10 8 / 10 8 x 2 = 3.93 henrys. If the current in the magnetizing coil is taken as 1|, and it is supposed that the value of y becomes roughly 300, then T 2500 x 282,744 , 71 , 10 8 x 1.5 J That is, the permeability having increased with the reduction of the magnetic density in the iron core, the magnetism per ampere is greater with the smaller current and the self-induc- tance is therefore larger, although the total magnetism is smaller. If a similar winding is put on a ring of the same dimensions but of brass or other non-magnetic material, the magnetism set up per ampere is: 4 > = 4 7T x 2500 x 20 x 1 10 x 100 628.3, and the self-inductance is : L = 2500x628.3 10 8 x 1 = .0157 henry. In this case the self-inductance is not affected by the strength of the current, because the permeability of the medium is fixed and independent of the current flow. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 139 According to the foregoing definitions, the number of henrys of self-inductance possessed by any circuit, whatever may be the current flow, is equal to -i- times the change of the sum- mation of the linkages of lines of flux through or around the con- ductors of the circuit which would he caused by a change of the current by one ampere, assuming that the magnetic reluctance of the surrounding medium does not change at the same time. In the case of the long solenoid or the ring solenoid, all of the lines of flux link through the circuit as many times as there are turns in the coil, and the summation of linkages may be found by multiplying the total number of lines of flux by all of the turns of the coil ; hut in other instances some of the lines of flux make a different number of linkages with the cir- cuit from others, and then the summation of the linkages can be determined only by tracing the linkages of the lines indi- vidually and summing them up as in the example on page 136. The self-inductance ordinarily required in dealing with alter- nating-current circuits, is that calculated upon the basis of the circuital magnetic permeability obtaining for the maximum in- stantaneous ordinate of the current under consideration. In the usual practical problems that are met by the engineer, the conformation and numerical constants of the magnetic cir- cuits and their windings are often unknown or are so irregular that the self-inductance cannot be determined by calculation, and experimental determination must then be resorted to ; but the same definitions apply to the units and the same physical conceptions may be cultivated. The formula e t = — L di dt obviously only applies to conditions in which L is constant, which is not the case when the magnetic circuit includes an iron core. In the latter case, the formula becomes : d(Li) e t =- dt _ a dJjn) = _a dt di , -da a 1 - l — dt dt If the winding under consideration is a long solenoid on an iron core, the constant a in this equation is expressed by n 4 7 rnA a = — x . 10 8 10 1 140 ALTERNATING CURRENTS It will be observed that the first term of the last member of the foregoing equation for e t is equal to Z . The second term of the same member shows the effect on the induced voltage which is produced by the change of the permeability of the iron in the magnetic circuit as the current and magnetic density change. The algebraic sign of the first term is fixed by the direction of change of the current, ^ ; but the second term may be at either positive or negative with respect to the algebraic sign of depending on which limb of the permeability curve comes into the conditions concerned, — that is, depending upon whether the permeability increases or decreases as the current rises. The induced voltage e t is therefore numerically equal to L y only when L is constant, and it may be numerically either larger or smaller than L -T when the permeability of the mag- netic circuit concerned varies as the magnetic density and cur- rent change. It is numerically larger than L ^ when the per- meability varies similarly as the magnetic density and current (i.e. increases when they increase and decreases when they decrease); and it is numerically smaller than Z~ when the permeability varies inversely to the magnetic density and cur- rent, as it does when the magnetic density is larger than that producing the maximum permeability in the iron. Prob. 1. A closed ring of iron contains a flux of 2,000,000 lines when a current of 5 amperes flows through its magnetizing coil of 1500 turns. What is the self-inductance of the coil ? In this and the following problems the effect of magnetic leak- age is assumed to be of negligible magnitude. Prob. 2. A closed ring having a constant permeability of 1000 units and a cross section of 200 square centimeters and a length of 150 centimeters, has wound upon it a coil con- taining 2000 turns of wire. What is the self-inductance of SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 141 M the coil? (Aid: remember that the flux = — , where M is 4 7 nil 10 magneto-motive force and P reluctance ; that M = and P = where l is the length of the magnetic circuit and A/x A is its cross section.) Prob. 3. In problem 2 the ring is cut and its ends pulled apart until there is an air space included in the magnetic circuit having a length of a half centimeter and an effective cross section of 280 square centimeters. What is the self-inductance of the coil, supposing that the permeability of the iron has not changed ? Prob. 4. A ring of iron wire 100 centimeters long and 400 square centimeters in cross section is surrounded by a magnet- izing coil of 200 turns. When the magnetic density in the iron is 2000 lines of force per square centimeter, /x = 1000 ; when the magnetic density is 5000, /x = 1200; when the mag- netic density is 10,000, /x = 800 ; when the magnetic density is 20,000, /x = 300 ; when the magnetic density is 40,000, /x = 50. What is the self-inductance of the coil for each value of the five magnetizations ? Prob. 5. The field windings of a bi-polar direct-current dy- namo contain 2000 turns carrying a current of 2| amperes, the field magnet has an average length of 150 centimeters, an aver- age cross section of 500 square centimeters, and an average per- meability of 800; the armature has the same average magnetic cross section and a length of 30 centimeters with a permeability of 1500; and the two air spaces each have a length of 1 centi- meter and a cross section of 600 square centimeters. What is the self-inductance of the exciting winding ? 44. Examples of Self-inductances. — Ordinary practical experi- ence in electrical measurements and in handling wires soon gives a capacity for estimating the values of resistances ; in the same way facility is soon gained in roughly estimating electrostatic capacities, or the current which maybe safely carried by a wire, or even the ampere turns required to produce a given magnet- ization in a magnetic circuit. Ordinary practice, however, gives little clue to estimating the self-inductance in a circuit. 142 ALTERNATING CURRENTS It is true that, as already shown, the self-inductance is depend- ent upon the magnetism inclosed in the circuit and the number of turns thereof, but experience in dealing with coils and mag- netic circuits is not usually regarded in such a way as to aid in estimating self-inductances. The following values of self- inductance are therefore presented here to give a foundation for judgment. The range of self-inductances met in practice is very w r ide. The smallest which are practically met are in the doubly wound resistance coils used for Wheatstone bridges and similar devices. Since the wire in these is doubled back upon itself, the magnetic effect of the current is almost neutral and the inductance is often less than a microhenry (one millionth of a henry). The inductance of a certain electric call bell of 2.5 ohms resistance has been found to be 12 microhenrys ; a tele- phone call bell of 80 ohms resistance, 1.4 henrys; a modern short-core telephone bell of 1000 ohms resistance, 5.5 henrys: the armature of a magneto calling generator of 550 ohms resist- ance, from 2.7 henrys when the plane of the coil lay in the plane of the pole pieces, to 7.3 henrys when the plane of the coil was perpendicular to the plane of the pole pieces ; more modern magneto generator armatures, one measuring 540 ohms resist- ance, 1.6 henrys with plane of coil in plane of pole pieces, 2.4 henrys with plane of coil perpendicular to plane of pole pieces: one measuring 125 ohms resistance, .51 and .74 henry; and one measuring 110 ohms resistance, .89 and 1.17 henrys ; a Bell telephone receiver measuring 75 ohms resistance, with dia- phragm, 75 to 100 millihenrys (thousandths of henrys), without the diaphragm about 35 per cent less; a modern bipolar telephone receiver with 70 ohms resistance, 35 millihenrys; mirror gal- vanometers vary with their resistance from a few millihenrys to 10 or 12 henrys ; a mirror galvanometer for submarine sig- naling of 2250 ohms resistance, 3.6 henrys; astatic min'or galvanometers of 5000 ohms resistance average about 2 henrys. The single coil of a Thomson galvanometer of 2700 ohms resistance measured 2.56 henrys; the coil of another Thomson galvanometer having 100,000 ohms resistance measured 70 henrys ; the coil of an Ayrton and Perry spring voltmeter, with- out iron core, measured 1.462 henrys. This coil had a length of 2.88 inches, an external diameter of 3 inches, was wound on SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 143 a brass tube .58 inch in external diameter, and had a resistance of 338.5 ohms. Each of the above measurements was made with a current of a few milliamperes. The following are meas- urements of telegraphic apparatus: TABLE Polarized Relays of Various Types Type 1 2 3 4 P.esistance in Ohms 419 423 413 413 Self-inductance in Henrys 1.99 1.89 1.69 1.31 Testing Current in Milliamperes 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 All armatures were 4 mils (thousandths of an inch) from the magnet poles. A common Morse relay of 148 ohms resistance measured 10.47 henrys with the armature against the poles, and 3.71 henrys witli the armature 20 mils from the poles, the measur- ing current being 6.3 milliamperes. In ordinary working ad- justment the inductance of a Morse relay is about 5 henrys. Telegraph sounders with bobbins, respectively, 1| by 1, and 1| by 1^ inches, each wound to 20 ohms resistance, measured 191 and 150 millihenrys, the armatures being 4 mils from the poles and the measuring current being 125 milliamperes. A single coil of a Morse sounder with a resistance of 32 ohms, and hav- ing an iron core .31 inch in diameter and 3 inches long, the bobbin being .94 inch in diameter, was found to have a self- inductance of 94 millihenrys. A complete sounder with a core like that of the preceding coil, but with bobbins of 50 ohms resistance having a diameter of 1.25 inches, was found to have a self-inductance of 444 millihenrys. The self-inductance of a complete sounder of 14 ohms resistance measured 265 milli- henrys ; a modern telephone relay with 62 ohms resistance, 300 millihenrys ; another with 2000 ohms resistance, 840 milli- henrys ; a supervisory relay for telephone service measuring 12.5 ohms, approximately 1 millihenry; a modern telephone induction coil, primary coil resistance 17 ohms, self-inductance 117 millihenrys, secondary coil resistance 27 ohms, self-induc- 144 ALTERNATING CURRENTS tance 74 millihenrys, mutual inductance approximately 91 millihenrys ; a modern telephone repeating coil with 46 ohms resistance in each coil, 1.10 henrys self-inductance in each coil and 1.09 henrys mutual inductance. These measurements of telephone apparatus were made with alternating current of a frequency of 800 periods per second. A single phase transmission line of No. 2 B. and S. gauge copper wires spaced 36 inches apart is calculated to have a resistance of about 1.62 ohms and a self-inductance of about 3.78 millihenrys per mile; No. 6 copper wire under similar conditions to have a resistance of about 4.09 ohms and a self- inductance of about 4.08 millihenrys per mile. Bare No. 12 B. and S. gauge copper wire erected on a pole line about 23 feet from the ground is calculated by Kennedy to measure about 8.5 ohms and 3.15 millihenrys per mile; No. 6 copper wire under similar conditions is calculated to measure about 2.1 ohms and 2.95 millihenrys. A quadruplex telegraph line, with all instruments in circuit, measures approxi- mately 10 henrys. The largest self-inductances met in practice are usually in the windings of induction coils or of electrical machinery. The secondary winding of an induction coil capable of giving a 2-inch spark and having a resistance of 5700 ohms, meas- ured 51.2 henrys. The primary winding of an induction coil which is 19 inches long and 8 inches in diameter, measured .145 ohm and 13 millihenrys, while its secondary measured 30,600 ohms and 2000 henrys. The inductance of dynamo fields is likely to vary from 1 to 1000 henrys ; direct-current dynamo armatures measure between the brushes from .02 to 50 henrys ; the fields of a shunt-wound Mather and Platt direct-current dynamo built for an output of 100 volts and 35 amperes meas- ured 44 ohms and 13.6 henrys at a small excitation ; the arma- ture of the same machine measured .215 ohm and .005 henry; a Mordey alternator armature of the disk type, with a capacity for 18 amperes at 2000 volts, measured 2 ohms and .035 henry ; a Kapp alternator armature of the ring type, with a capacity of 60 kilowatts at 2000 volts measured 1.94 ohms and .069 henry ; another Kapp machine, 30 kilowatts, 2000 volts, meas- ured 7 ohms and .0977 henry; the fields of a Ferranti alterna- tor measured 3 ohms and .61 henry, while the armature of the SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 145 same machine built for an output of 200 volts and 40 amperes measured .0011 to .0013 henry, with no current in fields ; the armature of a British Thomson-Houston alternator, three-phase, 850 kilowatts, 5000 volts, measured .332 ohm in resistance and .061 henry in self-inductance per phase ; the armature of a General Electric alternator, three-phase, 2500 kilowatts, 6500 volts, measured .41 ohm in resistance and .035 henry in self- inductance per phase ; while another British Thomson-Hous- ton machine, a turbo-alternator, 1500 kilowatts, 1000 volts, gave an inductance per phase of .0403 henry ; the primary and secondary windings of transformers measure roughly from .001 of a henry up to 50 henrys, depending upon their output and the voltage for which they are designed. An electro-magnet designed by H. DuBois * had, when carrying a current of 45 amperes, a self-inductance of 180 henrys. This electro-magnet had a core of iron made of two half rings butted together, which had a radius of 25 centi- meters and a cross section of 78.5 square centimeters. The core was wound with 12 coils of 200 turns each. The self- inductance given is for all coils in series. The effect of the field magnets upon the self-inductance of a disk-alternator armature is shown by some measurements taken by Dr. Duncan f on a small Siemens eight-pole alterna- tor, the results of which are given in the following table. TABLE Self-inductance of Armature in Place Position of Armatuke Current in Field 0° 111° 22j° 0 ampere .120 .112 .100 2.5 amperes .115 .108 4.5 amperes .128 .115 .106 Self-inductance of armature removed from field, .082 henry; resistance of armature, 7 ohms ; pitch of the poles, 45°. Professor Ayrton found that the self-inductance of an unex- * The Magnetic Circuit, H. DuBois, p. 264. t Electrical World, Vol. 11, p. 212. L 146 ALTERNATING CURRENTS cited Mordey alternator armature varied between .033 and . 038 henry, and that this decreased about 10 per cent when the fields were excited.* 45. Conditions of Establishment and Termination of Current in a Circuit containing Resistance and Self-inductance in Series. — a. Rise of Current under Constant Impressed Voltage. — If a circuit containing constant self-inductance and resistance is suddenly connected to a source of constant voltage, the current is retarded so that its rise is along a logarithmic curve. The voltage E of the source is absorbed at each instant in sup- plying the iR drop and overcoming the counter-voltage which represents the instantaneous value of the current flowing at any moment while the voltage E , constant for the time under consideration, is applied to a circuit of constant induc- tance L. To find the value of the instantaneous current at any particular time t, we have from the same equation, by transposition, — L — • Hence the equation dt and from it is given Ldi dt di dt E - iR L ; whence which gives oi- and finally * Jour. Inst. Elect. Eng., Yol. 18, p. 662; also ibid., p. 654. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 147 Fig. 117. — Logarithmic Curve of Rising Current. where e is the base of the Naperian sys- tem of logarithms. Figure 117 shows the logarithmic curve of rise of cur- rent in a particular circuit and Fig. 117 a shows the di E rate of change — = — e r of the same current. dt L It will be observed that, since in this case the counter-voltage Ldi of self-inductance, — , is equal to — QE — iK), its instan- ce taneous value is represented by the exponential expression _Rt — Ee^, where t is the numerical value of the time for the di instant at which the ratio — is taken. dt b. Fall of Current on Withdrawal of Impressed Voltage. — Likewise, when the voltage is withdrawn, E = 0, and if the or - (log i- log 7) t_ r i i z Rt and logj=-— , R in which I is the value of the current equal to -— . 9 . R l = R e ~ L ' Hence, 148 ALTERNATING CURRENTS which gives the instantaneous value of the current at any instant during its fall, after the voltage is withdrawn. In this Ldi is the voltage of self-induction causing the current case — dt to flow, and it is obviously equal at each instant to iR — EV~l. Figure 118 shows the logarithmic curve of fall of current for the circuit already referred to by Fig. 117, and Fig. 118 a shows the rate of change of the falling current. c. Current Value when the Impressed — Under these condi- Fig. 118. — Logarithmic Curve of Falling Current. Voltage is a Sine Function of the Time tions the voltage equation of the circuit becomes Ldi dt e =f(t) = e m sin cot= Ri + In this expression a> = 2 irf and cot — a. This is a linear differ- ential equation of the first order, the solution of which is * i — V7U + 4 sin (« — d) + in which 6 = tan -1 2 irfL R After a short time the exponential term in the right-hand member of the equation becomes inap- preciable since the expo- nent is negative and t is an increasing quantity. It may be neglected for the present. Its effect will be discussed later, f The current now becomes a sine function of the time Fig. 118 a . — Logarithmic Curve, showing Rate of Change of Falling Current. * Murray’s Differential Equations, p. 26. t Art. 59. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 14S and lags behind the impressed voltage by an angle 6 whose tarn , . 2 7 rfL gent is R It has the same frequency as the voltage. It will be observed that the sinusoidal current has a maximum value of 2 _ ® m VW+ 4 7T 2 / 2 X 2 ’ and since the effective values bear a fixed ratio to the maximum values, we have ~ V^ + 4tt 2 / 2 L 2 ’ in which I is the effective value of the current and R the effective value of the sinusoidal impressed voltage. The de- nominator of this expression is measured in ohms and is called the Impedance of the alternating-current circuit. This im- pedance is composed of the square root of the sum of two terms. The first of these terms is the square of the electrical resistance, and the second of the terms is the square of the expression 2 irfL. This latter expression is called the Reactance of the circuit. The vector relations of the voltages of a circuit containing resistance and self-inductance are shown in Fig. 119, which corresponds to Fig. 115. 46. Transference of Electricity during the Transient State. — When the current in an inductive circuit has reached its full value, a smaller quantity of electricity has passed through the circuit during the interval since the start of the current than would have passed if the retarda- tion, or momentum effect, had not been present. This decrease in the quantity of electricity is proportional to the area OYQ between the curve of the current and the horizontal line YQ (Fig. 117). The ordinates of the curve representing instantaneous current strengths in amperes and the abscissas representing time in seconds, the area referred to obviously represents quantity of electricity measured in coulombs. This area may be found in terms of Z, Z, and R as follows : Er =IR Fig. 119. — Voltage Relations in Circuit con- taining Resistance and Inductance. 150 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The area is equal to J' — i) dt, where T is the duration of time from the instant of the introduction of the source of voltage, E, into the circuit to the instant at which the current E reaches its full or ultimate value /= — • Also, since iR = R E — L— and * = — — it is manifest that dt R Rdt .r(i->=x ’Ldi ~R E , LI R ‘ The area OYQ A, which is equal to — T, represents the number R of coulombs which would have been transferred in the circuit during time T had the current instantly come to its full or E ultimate value of 1= A; and the area OQA , which is equal to ET LI — — — , represents the number of coulombs that are actually transferred through the inductive circuit while the current is rising over the logarithmic curve to its full value. The quan- tity coulombs is equal to the difference between the quan- tity of electricity which actually flows through the circuit in the period during which the current is rising to its permanent E value I— — and the quantity that would flow in the same time R if the current immediately rose to its full value. If the voltage is suddenly reduced from E to zero without breaking the circuit, the current does not stop immediatelj*, but falls off along a logarithmic curve, and the quantity of electricity passing through the circuit is increased on this account. The increased quantity is proportional to the area OYQ in Fig. 118, which shows a curve of falling current in an inductive circuit corresponding with the curve of rising cur- rent shown in Fig. 117. That this quantity, proportional to area OYQ of Fig. 118, which is transferred through the cir- cuit after the voltage E is removed, is equal to the deficit of electricity during the starting of the current in the same cir- di cuit is shown thus: the counter-voltage is, as before, — Z — dt SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 151 and = R Ldi Rdt But the area OYQ of Fig. 118 is equal to dt -Jf 0 Ldi R LI R ’ where T is the time in seconds measured from the instant of removing the source of voltage E to the instant at which the current reaches zero value, and I is the value ^ of the current R at the instant of removing the source of voltage. The current, which is thus maintained by the disappearing magnetic field after the external source of current has been removed and which conveys the quantity of electricity LI R coulombs, was formerly called the extra current of self-induc- tion. It was then thought that the self-induction caused an increase of the flow of electricity through the circuit ; but the foregoing demonstration of the manner in which the current rises and falls in a self-inductive circuit shows that the extra current , which occurs when the external source of current has been removed from the circuit and the current falls from I to 0, conveys a quantity of electricity, which is exactly equal to the deficit of coulombs which was caused at the time that current was introduced into the circuit, — the aforesaid deficit being due to the fact that the self-induction causes the current to rise gradually instead of instantly when the source of voltage is switched into the circuit, and the extra current being due to the fact that the self-induction maintains the cur- rent while the magnetic field is dying away after the external source of voltage is removed. If the value I' is substituted for the value 0 in the integrations, it will be observed that the deficit coulombs upon the current being increased from I' to 1 and the extra-current coulombs upon the restoration of the current to I\ assuming these operations accomplished without changing the circuit constants, are each equal to LCL-T) and the principle may be stated as follows : If a current is started or changed by changing the voltage in a circuit having only resistance and self-inductance, and these of fixed values, and the voltage is then restored to its 152 ALTERNATING CURRENTS original value and the current allowed to return to its original or initial value without changing the resistance or self-induc- tance of the circuit, the total number of coulombs transferred through the circuit during the cycle are equal to the number that would be transferred if the circuit were without self- inductance. The foregoing demonstration is founded on the proposition that the self-inductance of the circuit is fixed in value, and that the magnetic linkages existing at the respective ends of a cycle of changes are proportional to the initial and final values of the current ; but if the electric circuit has an iron core, the density of the magnetism may not fall to its initial value upon restoring the current, and the energy restored is not then equal to that absorbed in building up the magnetic flux. The difference in the energy remains stored in the magnetic flux in the form of mag- netic linkages maintained by residual magnetism. Under the circumstances here referred to, the permeability of the mag- netic circuit usually varies as some complex function of the cur- rent, and the current therefore does not rise and fall in plain logarithmic curves because the value of L in the equation i x dt — is a function of i of greater or less complexity. In R this case the integration along the curves of rise and fall may not be readily accomplished, but it always remains a fact (pro- vided the circuit is affected only by resistance and self-induc- tance and the resistance is of fixed value) that the coulombs conveyed through the circuit by the extra current upon restor- ing a current to its initial value are equal to the deficit occur- ring during the rise of the current, provided the magnetism and the current both return to their initial values. The effect of hysteresis must be negligible in order that this condition may occur. In case a current is started by switching a source of voltage into a circuit surrounding an iron core which is already magnet- ized, the current will rise more rapidly than if the core were not previously magnetized, if the magnetic force of the current is in the direction of the already existing magnetism; and the rise of the current will be retarded if its magnetizing effect is opposite to the already existing magnetism. This is an obvious corollary from the foregoing demonstrations. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 153 Prob. 1. A steady current of 10 amperes is flowing through a coil having a self-inductance of 100 henrys and a resistance of 10 ohms. How many coulombs of electricity will be trans- ferred through the circuit after the voltage is withdrawn with- out breaking the circuit or changing its resistance? Assume magnetic leakage and hysteresis to be negligible in this and the following problems. Prob. 2. A magnetic circuit in the form of a ring of 200 centimeters mean length and 100 square centimeters in cross section, with a fixed permeability of 1000 units, has a coil wound upon it of 1000 turns and 20 ohms resistance. If a steady current of 10 amperes is flowing in the coil, what will be the number of coulombs of electricity which will be transferred through the circuit after the voltage is withdrawn without breaking the circuit or changing its resistance ? Prob. 3. Draw the curves of quantity and current when the voltage is introduced and withdrawn in the circuits in problems 1 and 2, assuming no change of resistance or self-inductance in either instance. Prob. 4. What is the value in amperes of the current flow- ing in the circuit of problem 2, at an instant ^ seconds after the removal of the voltage? 47. Energy stored in a Magnetic Field associated with an Electric Circuit. — The effect of self-inductance is manifested, as already explained, by a counter-voltage which tends to retard a rising current and to sustain or continue a falling current. That is, when a current is introduced into a circuit, the inductive effect of the rising magnetic flux created by the rising current prevents the current from immediately coming to a value equal to the impressed voltage divided by the resistance of the circuit. Likewise, when the voltage is with- drawn from the circuit, the dying out of the magnetic flux prevents, by its inductive effect, the current from immediately disappearing. The inductive effect of the magnetic flux is directly proportional to the rate of change of the summation of the number of linkages around the conductors of the circuit that are made by the lines of force of the magnetic flux. Each such magnetic linkage set up in connection with a cur- 154 ALTERNATING CURRENTS rent in a circuit represents a definite amount of stored energy ; and the phenomena relating to the setting up of the magnetic field (that is, these linkages) about a circuit, thereby storing energy by introducing a current in the circuit, and the phenom- ena relating to collapsing the linkages and recovering the energy by withdrawing the current, have close analogies to the phenomena relating to the energy of moving bodies. If a mechanical force is applied to a movable mass or body, the velocity of the body does not immediately rise to its full or ultimate value, but is prevented from doing so by the inertia of the mass, until an amount of energy proportional to the product of the mass and the square of the ultimate velocity has been stored in the body. Likewise, when the impelling force is removed from a moving body, it will continue to move until all the energy that was stored in bringing it up to speed is dissipated in overcoming resistance to its movement. In civ case of tangible matter — — , Mv, and M — are respectively the energy, momentum, and rate of change of momentum (that is, counter-force or pressure caused by inertia) of the mass M when moving at a velocity v ; while in the case of the electric Li 2 di circuit, — — , Li, and L — , as will be seen later, may be called Jmi GLT/ the energy, momentum, and rate of change of momentum (counter-electric voltage) of its magnetic flux. In such anal- ogies, electric current has its counterpart in velocity or rate of motion, voltage in mechanical force or pressure, electric resistance in mechanical frictional resistance, and self-inductance in mass or inertia. When a source of constant voltage is switched into a circuit with self-inductance and resistance, the current gradually rises LJ to its final value of I = — . Also, a counter-electric voltage R of self-induction is produced in the circuit by the effect of the rising magnetic flux set up by the current. This counter- voltage at any instant may be represented by the expression di — L~, assuming the permeability of the magnetic circuit to be constant. The impressed voltage contains a component equal and SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 155 opposite to this counter-voltage at each instant and also sup- plies the iR drop, or, as has already been pointed out, E=iR + L-. at This equation manifestly is equally accurate when E is of con- stant value or when it represents the instantaneous value of a variable impressed voltage, provided the circuit contains only resistance and self-inductance (that is, the circuit is not subject to the effects of mutual induction or electrostatic capacity). The rate at which work is being delivered from the external source of voltage and energy and expended in the circuit is, in watts, Ei = i*R + Li dt and the work delivered and expended during a time interval dt is, in joules, dw = Eidt = PRdt + Lidi ; and the joules delivered by the source and expended in the circuit during a period of T seconds in which the current rises from 0 to I amperes is The first term of the right-hand member of this equation repre- sents the aggregate heat produced by the current flowing through the resistance of the wire. The second term of the right-hand member is equal to LI 2 2 and represents the work done by the external source of voltage and energy in over- coming the counter-electro-motive force, caused by the magnetic flux while the current is changing. This energy is stored in the magnetic linkages of the flux with the turns of the electric circuit and is maintained as long as the current continues at its value I. As we know the value of current at every instant during its rise,* it is practicable to compute the value of the energy, * Art. 45, a. 156 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 120. — Energy Stored in Magnetic Linkages at Each Instant during Period of Current Rise. W= | Li 2 , stored in magnetic linkages at each instant dur- ing the rise of cur- rent. The curve exhibited in Fig. 120 shows the value of the energy at each instant correspond- ing to the conditions illustrated in Fig. 117. It is also prac- ticable to compute the rate of the rise of energy, — = Li — . in dt dt the magnetic linkages; and the curve exhibited in Fig. 120a shows the value of this rate at each instant, corresponding to the conditions illustrated in Fig. 117. The equation shows that the energy delivered to the circuit by a battery, dynamo, or similar source, switched into a circuit having resistance and self-inductance is equal to the sum of the energy converted into heat by the current flowing through the resist- ance of the conductors and the energy stored in the linkages of the magnetic flux with the conductors of the circuit. If the source supplies a constant vol- tage, the latter portion of energy is fixed by the character of the circuit and the magni- tude of the voltage, and is supplied by the source while the current is rising 1 to its E = ICO VOLTS R = 5 OHM8 L = 0.1 HENRY 0 .01 ,02 .03 .04 05 Fig. 120 a. — Rate of Change of Stored Energy at Each Instant during Period of Current Rise. E steady value of — . As long as the current continues of that value the magnetic flux is maintained without further expen- diture of energy, and the source then furnishes work equal to that converted into heat only. It will be observed that these deductions are founded on the original premise that the phe* SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 157 nomena of hysteresis, eddy currents, and other effects of mutual induction and the like are absent, and the deductions are lim- ited to conditions in which the phenomena of steady resistance and self-inductance alone occur. di From the formula E = iR + L — it is also to be observed that dt idt = — dt — — di. R R The expression idt obviously represents the quantity of electricity (coulombs) transferred through the circuit by the current flow during the period of dt seconds at the instant of time when the current is equal to i amperes. If the current came instantly Ij to its full value of / = — upon introducing voltage R into the R circuit, the coulombs transferred through the circuit in any period of T seconds would be IT ; but the current does not rise instantly to its full value in a circuit containing resistance and self-inductance, on account of the electro-magnetic inertia of the magnetic linkages. During the time of T seconds which is taken by the current in rising to its full value of I amperes, the number of coulombs transferred is less than IT because the current has had a smaller average value than I amperes. The actual number of coulombs transferred during this transient period of the current rise may be determined by integrating the foregoing formula from zero of time and current through the elapsed time of T seconds during which the current rises to its full value of I amperes, thus, fa-! f'a-Z fan J o RJq R or R R 1 R' E Since Q =— T = IT is the number of coulombs that would R be transferred through the circuit in ^seconds of time if the current had its full value of I amperes all of the time 7, the P 7 7 formula Q T = — T shows that during the rise of current to R R E its full value of I = — amperes, there is a deficit of coulombs R 158 ALTERNATING CURRENTS transferred through the circuit, compared with an equal time of full current flow; and that this deficit has a numerical value of Q' = coulombs, as already pointed out.* The total energy expended in the circuit during the time of T seconds while the current is rising to its full value oi I — amperes is Q t E = EIT-LP R LI 2 . and, of this, — — joules goes into storage in the magnetic field. The energy expended during the transient period of the rise of current is therefore less than the energy {LIT) expended in the circuit during an equal length of time with the current at its full value. This is analogous to the energy expended on a moving body. When a given force is externally applied to bring the body in T seconds of time from rest to full speed at which the force is just balanced by frictional opposition, the distance moved by the body and the total work (joules or foot- pounds) done in the time of T seconds are less than would have been the case if the body had moved at its maximum velocity throughout the period of T seconds. If the external source of energy is switched out of the circuit without changing the resistance and self-inductance when the current is of value I amperes, the energy equation becomes 0 = + L f^idi. Li 2 X-Z 2 C T • The last term may be written — ; and— —is equal to I i 2 Rdt , 2 2 o which shows that the magnetic field (under the circumstances considered) discharges energy equal in quantity to that stored at the time the current was started, and that this energy is now all converted into heat during the flow of the “extra current.’’ The energy stored in the magnetic field falls off as the current falls, and the values of the stored energ} 7 corresponding to the conditions illustrated in Fig. 118 are shown by the curve in Fig. 121. The rate with which the stored work is given out by the magnetic field at each instant for corresponding condi- tions is shown by the curve in Fig. 121a. * Art. 46. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 159 The voltage formula also becomes 0 = iR -f- L di Jt ’ Fig. 121. — Energy Stored in Magnetic Linkages at Each Instant during Period of Falling Current. or, idt = ^ di. R The expression idt represents the coulombs of electricity trans- ferred through the cir- cuit during dt seconds by the discharge of the energy from the mag- netic field, after the ex- ternal impressed volt- age has been removed. That is, the current does not fall instantly to zero under the cir- cumstances when the external voltage is switched out of circuit without changing the resistance or self-inductance, but the discharge of the energy from the magnetic field tends to main- tain it briefly. The total coulombs conveyed through the circuit by this “ extra current ” may be ob- tained by integrating the foregoing formula from the instant when the external voltage is switched out of the cir- cuit (that is, from zero Fig. 121 a. -Rate °f Change of Stored Energy at of time and j amperes Each Instant during Period of Falling Current. r of current) through the period of T seconds during which the current falls to zero, thus E = 0 VOLTS R = 5 OHMS [_ = 0.1 HENRY r«ft— #r RJi or. Q" = R ■ LI R ' di, 160 ALTERNATING CURRENTS It will be observed from this that Q" = Q', which is to say that the number of coulombs conveyed through the circuit by the “ extra current ” is exactly equal to the deficit in the coulombs conveyed through the circuit during the time of the current rise, as previously pointed out,* so that the number of coulombs conveyed through the circuit as a result of the cycle of rise and fall of current does not differ from the number that would be conveyed through the circuit if L were zero or had any other value, provided R remained unchanged in value. The time occupied by the cycle consisting of the rise of the current to E its full fixed value of — and its succeeding fall to zero upon switching out the external voltage R is affected by changing the value of _L, but the number of coulombs transferred through the circuit during the cycle is not changed. The gradual decay of the electric current under the condi- tions here described, accompanied by the consumption of the energy stored in the magnetic field, is analogous to the decay of the velocity of the moving body referred to above. Upon the removal of the external force after the body has come to its full speed, the body would continue in motion with gradually fall- ing speed and finally come to rest when the energy stored in its moving mass at the maximum speed had all been consumed in overcoming the frictional resistance and been converted into heat. The work expended in a self-inductive circuit is therefore manifested by (1) the iR drop relating to the conversion of energy into heat and (2) the counter- voltage of self-induction relating to the storage of energy in the magnetic flux by a tendency to retard a rising current and accelerate or continue a falling current. The effects are in many respects analogous to the inertia of tangible matter, as already pointed out, in which Mv, and are respectively the energy, the mo- mentum, and the rate of change of momentum (force) acting in the mass M when moving with the velocity v ; while in the LP . di electric circuit, , I/i, and L - — may be called the energy, 2 dt momentum, and rate of change of momentum (counter- voltage) * Art. 46. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 1G1 of its magnetic field. The manifestations of the electro-mag- netic inertia are exerted through the linkages of the magnetic lines of flux with the conductors of the electric circuit. When the value of L varies with the current, as when iron is magnetized by the electric current under consideration, the energy stored in the magnetic linkages is measured by the value of L corresponding to the current flowing at the instant under TT consideration; and the value of L corresponding to 1 = — is Li 2 ^ the correct value to apply in the expression when it is desired to compute the energy stored during the rise of U current from 0 to — amperes in a circuit affected by a con- stant impressed voltage, since the total number of linkages only is required to obtain the stored energy and not the instantaneous rates at which they are created or disappear. The phenomena of hysteresis prevent the magnetic field from fully discharging its energy as the current falls. For instance, if the current is caused to increase from I x to I and the self- inductance changes from L l to L , the energy that is delivered to the magnetic field by virtue of the increase of current is Lp l 1 2 equal to — LJ- • If the current now returns to the value I x amperes, hysteresis may prevent the magnetic field from assuming its first value, so that the value of the self-inductance has the different value of L v In this case, the cycle of the rise of current from I x to I and its restoration to I x has caused an increase of the energy stored in the magnetic field which is equal to ^2 — Lllh-. If the current changes in recurrent cycles between — I and /, the conditions in the magnetic field also become cyclic, and a certain amount of energy is converted into heat in each cycle as the result of the hysteresis phenomena. If a coil is wound on a closed ring of soft iron, which form exhibits great magnetic retentiveness, the value of L is very great if the ring is magnetized by an alternating current. But if the ring is magnetized by a rectified periodic cur- rent, that is, a periodic current which is unidirectional, the apparent value of L may be practically the same as though the iron core were not present. This behavior is due to the ring 162 ALTERNATING CURRENTS continuously retaining the magnetization caused by the maxi- mum current, and since the magnetism in the core therefore remains constant it does not set up a counter-voltage. By making a transverse cut in the ring, its coercive force may be reduced so much that the effects are practically the same for rectified and alternating currents. Prob. 1. A coil with a self-inductance of .02 of a henry has a steady current of 50 amperes flowing through it. What is the energy of the magnetic field? Prob. 2. A magnetic circuit 100 centimeters long and 200 square centimeters in cross section, the material of which has a constant permeability of 1000 units, is excited by a coil of 500 turns which has a resistance of 10 ohms. What energ}^ has the magnetic field when 100 volts are steadily impressed at the terminals of the coil, there being no magnetic leakage ? Prob. 3. A steady current of two amperes flowing in a coil of 1000 turns creates a field which sets up 1,000,000 lines of force through each turn of the coil. What is the energy of the field? Prob. 4. A magnetic circuit is excited by a coil of 2000 turns in which a steady current of 20 amperes flows and sets up a total of 2,000,000 lines of force. What is the energy of the field, if all the lines of force link with all the turns of the coil? Prob. 5. In what degree does changing the reluctance of a magnetic circuit affect the energy stored therein by an exciting coil, other things remaining equal? Prob. 6. The energy of a certain magnetic field is 20 joules. This is created by a magnetizing coil having 100 turns carrying a steady current of 10 amperes. What is the self-inductance of the circuit if all the lines of force of the field link with all the turns of the coil? 48. The Transient Transfer of Electricity in Divided Circuits. Application to a Shunted Ballistic Galvanometer. — The fact that the total quantity of electricity which passes through a wire when subjected to a transient voltage is independent of the self-inductance of the circuit when hysteresis effects are absent, as is shown above, has a bearing upon the distribution of cur- rents in divided circuits. With no external disturbing factors, it is apparent that where a transient voltage is impressed upon SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 163 parallel circuits of different inductances, the number of cou. lombs which flow through each circuit would also flow were the circuits without self-inductance, but the phase of the flow in each circuit is retarded so as to lag behind that of the voltage by an amount which is proportional to the self-inductance of the circuit. This reasoning would make it appear that shunting a ballistic galvanometer must change the constant in the ratio of the re- sistances of galvanometer and shunt without regard to their self-inductances, as is true when steady currents are in ques- tion. This, however, is not correct, because one of the factors in this problem has not been taken into account, i.e. the move- ment of the needle which occurs before the end of the discharge generates a counter-voltage in the galvanometer winding. This reduces the proportion of the discharge which passes through the galvanometer, but the effect is due to the needle and not to the relation of the self-inductances of the galvanometer wind- ing and the shunt. Assuming that the number of lines of force due to the needle which link with the turns of the winding are proportional to the sine of the deflection of the needle; calling r g and L the resistance and self-inductance of the galvanometer winding ; r s the resistance of the shunt (the inductance of the latter being assumed negligible on account of its being wound with doubled wire) ; and i g and i s being the respective instan- taneous currents : then the instantaneous impressed voltage is e = i s r s . The corresponding instantaneous value of the IR drop in the galvanometer winding is i g r 0 and this is equal to the impressed voltage less the corresponding instantaneous counter- voltages caused by self-induction and the swing of the needle. TI,eiefore: . . (Ldi kd( siiw.)' \ dt + dt where & is a constant representing the summation of linkages of magnetic lines of force from the needle with turns of the gal- vanometer winding when the needle stands perpendicular to the plane of the winding. Whence i s r s dt — i g r g dt = Ldi g +Jcd ( sin a) s*t nt /»o /* a and r s I i s dt—r„ ) i g dt = L I di g + k I c?(sin «). do d () This is r s q s — r g q g = k sin «. If the swing of the needle is small, 164 ALTERNATING CURRENTS then sin a is sensibly equal to 2 sin^, but 2 2Tsin- = q T where 2 2 K is the ordinary constant of the ballistic galvanometer. Hence, Calling Q the total discharge, which is equal to q s + q g , this becomes kq g 7 s r ls r g ( lg % r s(Q f dg) r g1g ’ an d q g Q'\s r a + r s + K This discussion shows that the coulombs of a discharge winch pass through a shunted ballistic galvanometer are less than might be predicted from the ratio of the resistances; that is, do ^ Qr, r g + r s This deficit is caused solely by the lines of force from the needle cutting the galvanometer coils while the dis- charge is passing, and its value is Qr, (?g + r s) 1 + j( r g + The shunted ballistic galvanometer therefore gives readings which are too small, unless the duration of the discharge is very small compared with the time of vibration of the needle. But it must also be remembered that, if the needle is removed from the galvanometer or clamped in a fixed position, the divi- sion of the discharge between the galvanometer winding and the shunt is then independent of the self-inductance of the winding and shunt, and may be predicted from the ratio of resistances, or q a = - • r 4 — x ' g \ ' s Only under special conditions can a single coil with self- inductance be substituted for the coils in parallel so as to produce the same effect as the latter upon transient cui’rents of every duration. These conditions are fulfilled when the ratio of — is constant for all the coils, and an equivalent coil R may then be substituted for the parallel circuits. In this case the resistance of the equivalent coil must be - — = — -| -\ -(- etc., R R x R 2 i? 3 SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 1G5 and its self-inductance must be i = T + A- L i, L % H — — — (- etc. These values make — equal to the constant value of the ratio K for the individual coils.* 49. Effect of Eddy Currents and of Hysteresis upon the Rise and Fall of Current in a Self-inductive Circuit. — If a circuit surrounds or lies near conducting material, the rise or fall of current when a voltage is applied or removed is modified by the magnetic effect of eddy currents induced in such conduc- tors.! The eddy currents tend to quickly rise to a maximum while the main current is changing most rapidly, and then to fall gradually as the main current approaches its full value. Eddy currents are similar to the secondary currents of a trans- former | and are induced in the same way. As in the trans- former, an additional current just sufficient to neutralize the magnetic effect of the secondary currents at the instant flows in the main or primary circuit. This extra neutralizing ele- ment of the main current causes the curve of current to rise more rapidly when the voltage is applied and fall more quickly when the voltage is withdrawn ; that is, energy is expended not only in building up the magnetic field and in i 2 R loss in the main circuit, but also in the eddy current circuits, as the main current rises, and while the main current is falling, the energy yielded from the magnetic field is absorbed by i' 2 R losses in the main circuit and also in the eddy current circuits. This transfer of energy from the main circuit to the eddy current circuits has the same effect on the rise and fall of the current in the main circuit as would be produced by increasing to an equal degree the energy changed into heat by the i 2 R loss in the main circuit and excluding eddy current effects. Any trans- fer of energy by induction from the main circuit while the main current is changing has the same effect of hastening the change of the main current, and thus reducing the apparent effect of the self-induction. It is therefore possible to surround a self-inductive circuit with conducting material in such a manner as to largely mask the presence of self-inductance. * The subject of circuits in parallel is fully treated in later pages, t Art. 111. J Art. 23 and Chap. X. 166 ALTERNATING CURRENTS On account of the counter-magnetizing effect of eddy cur- rents the lines of force set up by the main current tend to crowd outside of the eddy current circuits, which decreases the average cross section of their path and hence increases the reluctance. This effect of eddy currents in apparently screen- ing the interior of an iron core from magnetic influences de- creases the number of lines of force per ampere in the circuit and consequently also decreases the apparent self-inductance. It consequently, also, causes an acceleration in the rise or fall of the current. If the circuit surrounds an iron core, this effect may be quite large unless the core is finely laminated. The phenomena of hysteresis and residual magnetism tend to produce a smaller average rate of change of the magnetic field set up in an iron core when the exciting current is with- drawn than occurs when the exciting current is introduced in the circuit ; and a current therefore dies away more quickly than it builds up in a circuit with an iron core, even though the source of voltage is switched into the circuit and later removed without altering the resistance of the circuit. The change of permeability of iron for different magnetizations, which results in a change in number of magnetic lines set up per ampere in the electric circuit, causes a distortion of the curves of rising or falling current, as already pointed out in the latter part of Art. 46. This effect becomes particularly noticeable when the magnetic circuit is completed through iron, as in the case of a closed ring core or the transformer core illustrated in Fig. 45, as any air gap in the path of the magnetic lines of force introduces a space of relatively large reluctance which is independent of the current. 50. High Voltage generated on Breaking a Self-inductive Circuit. — The condition under which the curves of rising and falling current are logarithmic and of exactly the same dimen- sions when voltage is applied to and withdrawn from a circuit requires that the resistance as well as the self-inductance of the circuit shall remain constant. If the circuit is quickly broken, by opening a switch or otherwise, it is a well-known fact that the counter-voltage rises much higher than the original impressed voltage , frequently rising to many times its value. The extreme severity of the shock which may be received upon breaking a circuit of large inductance attests the fact. This is due to SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 167 the exceedingly large increase of resistance in the circuit which is introduced by the break. This increase in resistance causes the current to fall off more quickly, and hence produces a greater rate of change of magnetism. However, as before, the energy given up by the field must be where q is the current after the break, since the same number of magnetic linkages disappear from the circuit, and the energy given up must therefore be equal to the energy stored in the circuit when the full current I was flowing ; and, also where is the new resistance of the circuit, including the break, assumed to be constant, and cp is the coulombs of the discharge. The current is for small values of t. The total number of coulombs trans- ferred is, therefore, less, and the induced voltage greater, upon breaking a circuit than upon making it.* If hysteresis is present, the field may not be totally discharged, and the amount of energy and quantity of electricity will then not be so great as indicated by the formula, as is explained in the previous article. Prob. 1. A certain electric circuit supports a magnetic field which is charged with an energy of 5 joules. This circuit is opened by introducing resistance increasing to infinity in .01 of a second. What is the average power exerted by the mag- netic field during the time of the break, assuming that the magnetism falls to zero ? Give the answer to this and the following problems in watts and neglect the effect of hysteresis and eddy currents. * Formulas for further expressing the conditions when the resistance of a circuit is changed are given in Art. 55. q = Ie i < 7e z, for finite values of t ; and the induced voltage is 168 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Prob. 2. If 6,000,000 lines of force linking the turns of a coil of 1000 turns are set up by a steady current of 5 amperes in the coil, what is the average power exerted by the discharge of the magnetic field if the exciting circuit is broken in .01 second by introducing resistance up to infinity, and the mag- netism falls to zero ? Prob. 3. A magnetic circuit having an average permeability of 1000 units, a length of 200 centimeters, and a cross section of 50 square centimeters is excited without magnetic leakage by a coil of 1000 turns having a resistance of 25 ohms. A steady voltage of 1000 volts is impressed at the terminals of the coil. What is the average power exerted by the discharge of the magnetic field when the exciting circuit is broken through an arc maintained .01 of a second? 51. Capacity. — All insulated conductors have the property of being able to hold a charge of electricity. When an insu- lated conductor is connected to a source of a different potential, electricity will flow to it or from it, until its potential is the same as that of the source. The measure of the charge or quantity of electricity which is held by the conductor when at unit potential is its electrostatic Capacity, and the unit of ca- pacity may be defined as the capacity of a conductor which con- tains a unit charge of electricity when at unit potential. The practical unit of capacity is the capacity of an isolated conductor which ivould contain a charge of one coulomb when at a potential of one volt. This is called a Farad, after Faraday. It is — jj 9 times as large as the unit of capacity of the C. G. S. set of units. The farad is too large a unit of capacity to be conven- ient in practice, and the Microfarad, or millionth of a farad, is commonly used as the unit of measurement. The capacity of a conductor depends upon its conformation and surroundings. Two adjacent conducting bodies brought to different poten- tials and isolated from external influences assume equal and opposite charges. In this case, the capacity is measured in terms of the difference of potential between the conductors and the charge on each. The capacity is one farad when a differ- ence of potential between the conductors of one volt produces a charge of one coulomb on each, — the charges being (relative SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 169 to each other) positive on the conductor of higher potential and negative on the conductor of lower potential. Capacity effects caused by differences of potential between neighboring conductors or parts of the same conductor, are of constant occurrence and much importance in electrical engineer- ing structures. In most of such instances the influences are complex because many conductors of different potentials and of different shapes and space relations relative to each other may be involved ; but most of these instances may be reduced to approximate analytical processes by considering the conductors pair by pair and thus learning their influence on each other. The term Condenser is applied to any pair of insulated con- ductors having an appreciable capacity, although it is more strictly used to designate a combination of sheets of conducting material, insulated, and laid together with the alternate layers connected in parallel. In the following discussion the term condenser will be used in its broader sense. The Dielectric of a condenser is the insulating medium which surrounds the conductors ; and its dimensions and quality deter- mine the condenser capacity. The capacity is directly propor- tional to the area and inversely as the thickness of the dielectric and depends upon the Specific inductive capacity, or Dielectric constant of the dielectric material. The Charge of a condenser is the quantity of electricity comprised on either conductor or electrode of the condenser. It should be kept clearly in mind that the capacity of a con- ductor or circuit is a quality of the circuit and is not depend- ent upon the current flowing or the voltage applied. In the same way the capacity of a vessel to hold a liquid is a quality of the vessel, dependent upon the conformation of the vessel, and irrespective of the amount of liquid that may be in the vessel or the rate at which it is running in or out. From the foregoing definitions of capacity is at once derived the fundamental relation, Q = CE, where Q represents the quantity of electricity (that is, the coulombs) in the charge of a condenser, C the capacity in farads, and E the voltage between the conductors or electrodes of the condenser. 170 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Prob. 1. A condenser is charged by bringing its electrodes to a difference of potential of 100 volts. What is its capacity if, under that voltage, its charge is .002 coulomb? 52. Conditions of Establishment and Termination of Current in a Circuit containing Capacity and Resistance in Series. — a. Cur- rent and Rise of Charge upon, Impressing Constant Voltage. — The work done during time dt on a circuit containing resistance and capacity at instant t after a constant voltage E is im- pressed thereon is Edq = Eidt = edq + Ri 2 dt , where e, i, and q are the instantaneous values at instant t of the voltage of the charge, current flowing into the condenser, and quantity of the charge. The last member contains two terms, of which the first is the work stored in the increment dq coulombs of the charge which is put in the condenser during the time dt seconds, and the second is the woi’k converted into heat by dq coulombs flowing through the resistance R of the circuit. If this equation is divided by idt = dq, there results an equation E = e -(- Ri , of voltage or From these equations the charge at any instant may be determined when the applied voltage E is constant during the process of charging. The equation may be put in the form dq dt q-CE = “ EC 1 whence Integrating gives log (q- CE ) V dt o RC' and q — CE = — CEe RC . Therefore since CE = Q, where Q is the final value of the charge, SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 171 q = Q(l — e RC ), and i _dq_Q J rC ' dt RC Figure 122 shows the logarithmic curves of the rise of charge in a condenser in a particular circuit and the current flowing Q t_ v e so during the same process. It is R 2 C 2 into the condenser (that is, the rate of change of the charge) while the charge is reaching its full value Q after 100 volts are impressed on the circuit. Figure 122 a shows the rate of change of the current — = dt to be noted that the current at the instant of intro- ducing the voltage E into the circuit (i.e. t = 0) is i = Q E RC = R ampereS ’ and it is therefore instantaneously equal to the cur- rent that the vol- tage E would cause to flow through the resistance R of the circuit if the condenser were absent. b. Current and Fall of Charge on Withdrawal of Impressed Voltage. — During the discharge, assuming that the impressed Fig. 122a.— Curve showing Rate of Change of Current during the Period of Charging. 172 ALTERNATING CURRENTS voltage is withdrawn from the circuit without changing R or (7, the impressed voltage E is zero, and therefore ,dq 0 = — - c R dt ’ dq dt or 9 ~ = ~TlC ’ and 4 — > II so 1^ 1 II Integrating gives log q f = 7- RCjq or log «“ t RO ’ whence 9 = Qe~*a, and Q- €~ dt RC Figure 123 shows the logarithmic curves of falling charge after the impressed voltage has been removed and of current flowing during the period of dis- charging. Figure 123 a shows the rate of change of current, — , during 1 dt ° the same period. From the equations showing the charging and discharging cur- rents, which are of forms similar to those showing the rise and fall of currents in cir- cuits containing resist- ance and self-induct- ance, it is seen that the curves of charge and discharge in cir- cuits containing resist- -.10 - 20 6 QBMS 60 MlCROftj Fig. 123. — Curves of Discharge of a Condenser. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 173 Fig. 123a. — Curve showing Rate of Change of Cur- rent during the Period of Discharging. ance and capacity in series are logarithmic when an unvarying voltage is impressed on the system. (See Figs. 122 and 123.) In many cases of practice RC is so small that the charge and discharge of a condenser are practically instantaneous, but in other cases the dura- tion of the rise or fall of the charge may be quite appreciable. Some condensers have a quality which has some analogy to mag- netic hysteresis and which is often termed dielectric hysteresis from the fact of its being due to a charac- teristic of the dielectric. When hysteresis is present, the con- denser does not at once proceed to a complete discharge when the impressed voltage is removed from its terminals, but it retains a residual charge. The amount of energy retained in this residual charge is a measure of the amount of energy absorbed by the condenser on account of hysteresis, and this energy may be converted in each cycle into heat if the con- denser is subjected to alternating charges and discharges. It is probable that this effect is due to a small part of the electric charge soaking into the dielectric (especially into those layers near the condenser electrodes) and then soaking out again, because of the imperfect insulating qualities of the dielectric, rather than to molecular phenomena strictly analogous to mag- netic hysteresis ; and the heating of the dielectric which is sometimes observed as the result of repeated charging and dis- charging may be ascribed to the I 2 R loss due to the current flow in the dielectric which results from the aforesaid soaking in and out of the charge. The effect is not ordinarily very im- portant in engineering practice. Prob. 1. A condenser of 50 microfarads capacity and negli- gible internal resistance is connected in series with a wire having a resistance of 10 ohms. Draw the curve of charge in this circuit when 100 volts are impressed ; and of discharge 174 ALTERNATING CURRENTS when the impressed voltage is removed without breaking the circuit. Prob. 2. What quantity of charge has the condenser of problem 1 received at the instant when the impressed voltage has been applied for R C seconds? Prob. 3. What quantity of charge remains in the condenser of problem 1, RC seconds after the removal of the impressed voltage? c. Current and Charge when the Impressed Voltage is a Sine Function of the Time. — Under these conditions the voltage equation of the circuit becomes e=f(f) = e m sin cot = Ri + & 0 =R i+ fiM c This is a linear differential equation of the first order, the solu- tion of which is * i =- \ R2 -I 1 ' ' 4 7T 2 f 2 C 2 sin (« — 0) + B x e nc, where a = c of, oo = 2 7 rf and 6 — — tan -1 ( — - R )• \coC In a similar manner the value of q is found to be r =J idt = — — ' 4 t rf 2 C‘ cos (« — d) + B 2 e ac- After a short time the exponential term of the equations be- comes inappreciable and may be neglected. The effect of this exponential term will be discussed later, f The current then becomes a sine function of the time and leads the impressed voltage by an angle 0 whose tangent is 1 2 irfC h- R , instead of * Murray’s Differential Equations, p. 26. t Art. 69. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 175 lagging behind it, as in the case of a circuit containing induct- ance and resistance. The current has a maximum value = or an effective value of ^ 2+ 47 r 2 f 2 C 2 /= E + 4 7T 2 f 2 C 2 in which E is the effective value of the sinusoidal impressed voltage. The denominator of this expression is, as in the case of the inductive circuit, called the Impedance of the circuit. This impedance is composed of the square root of the sum of two terms, one of which is the square of the electrical resistance and the other the square of the expression This latter 2 TrfC term is called the Reactance of the circuit, and corresponds in this case to the term similarly designated in the circuit contain- ing inductance and resistance. 53. The Energy of a Charged Condenser. — As a condenser is charged, a certain amount of work is done in raising the potential of the charge. During the time dt this is equal to dw = (eidt = edq ) : Cede , in which e is the voltage of the charge, i the current flowing into the condenser, and q the charge in the condenser at the instant t ; from which, by integration. w __CE 2 EQ 2 2 ’ where E and Q are respectively the final values of the voltage and the quantity composing the charge. This represents a certain amount of work which is stored in the condenser when its charge is increased from zero to Q coulombs. When the condenser is discharged, an equal amount CE 2 of work is returned to the circuit. The expression — — is similar to that giving the work stored in a compressed spring, NF 2 W = -- -, where N is the compressibility of the spring meas- 176 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ured by the distance compressed per unit of force, and F is the force applied to perform the compression. These expres- sions are proportional to the square of impressed electrical or physical pressure and the stored energy is truly potential. LI 2 These equations thus differ from the expressions — — - and — —4, which are dependent upon momentum instead of pressure and represent kinetic energy. As we know the current and the value of the charge at each instant during the rise of the charge, it is practicable to d 2 compute the value of the energy, w — Ce 2 = | , stored in v the condenser at each instant during the rise of charge, and the rate at which the energy is changing at each instant. These values are exhibited in the curves of Figs. 124 and 124 a for the conditions of the circuit corresponding to Fig. 122. Fig. 124. — Energy stored in Condenser during Period of Charging. The energy stored in the condenser at each instant during the fall of the charge, and the rate at which the condenser gives out energy (the rate of change of the stored energ} ) during the fall of the charge, for circuit conditions corresponding to those indicated in Figs. 123 and 123a are shown in Figs. 125 and 125a. 54. Vector Diagrams showing the Voltage and Current Rela- tions in a Circuit containing R and C- — Expression in Form of Complex Quantities. — When a condenser is connected to a source of alternating voltage, as indicated in Fig. 126, a cur- rent will flow into and out of the condenser. The value of the current at any instant is proportional to the rate of change of the voltage impressed on the capacity, because the charge in the condenser at any instant is proportional to the charging SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 177 E = 1 00 VOLTS R = 5 OHMS C= 50 MICROF. .0002 .0004 .0006 .0008 voltage then acting on the capacity, and the rate at which the charge changes must be proportional to the rate at which the voltage changes. The rate of change of the charge is equal to the number of coulombs flowing per se- cond into or out of the condenser, and is there- fore equal to the current o flowing into or out of the Fig. 124 a . — Rate of Change of Energy stored in , ' mi i Condenser during Period of Charging. condenser. 1 he condenser de current (i c ) at any instant is represented by i c = c'~, and since, when the alternating voltage is sinusoidal, e — e m sin a = e m sin cot, where e m is the maximum voltage acting upon the condenser during a cycle, co is the angular velocity or advance of the cycle, and t the time measured from the beginning of a cycle, clc — = e m co cos cot. dt But co = 2 rrf, where /is the frequency of the cycles. Therefore, and = e m cos a -4- 1 TTfC = 2 7j -fCe m cos a e m cos a = i. x 2 7 rfO The voltage e c of the condenser charge, which is, of course, equal and opposite to the voltage e impressed on the plates, may be called the Capacity voltage or Condenser voltage. This voltage is purely reactive, due to the charge in the condenser. That it must be 90° in ad- vance of the current when the impressed E — o R = 5 OHMS C = 50 MICROF. .0002 .0008 Fig. 125.- .0004 1 .0000 SECONDS ’ -Energy stored in Condenser at Each Instant Voltage is SlllUSOl a during Period of Discharging. may be readily seen 178 ALTERNATING CURRENTS SECONDS .0004 .0006 .0008 from the formula above and the reactions that occur in the cir- cuit. When a sinusoidal voltage impressed at the terminals of a resistanceless condens- er is rising, a current flows into the condenser. This current is a posi- tive maximum at the instant the impressed voltage passes through zero in changing from negative to positive values, for the rate of Fig. 125 a. — Rate of Change of Energy stored in change of voltage is Condenser during Period of Discharging. then a positive maxi- mum. When the impressed voltage passes through its maxi- mum point, its rate of change is zero, and the current at that instant is therefore zero. When the voltage is falling, a cur- rent flows out of the condenser ; that is, in the direction which discharges the condenser. There- condenser fore, the current flowing is 90° in advance of the voltage impressed on the capacity. The capacity voltage is a counter-voltage caused by the potential of the charge, and is equal and opposite to the voltage impressed on the capacity, and is 90° in advance of the current. From the formula for instantaneous current in the condenser the maximum current is seen to be ALTERNATOR Fig. 12(5. — Diagram showing an Alternator connected to a Ca- pacity Circuit. im = 2 7rfCe m , and the effective current, I c = 2 irfCE, where E is the effective value of the voltage impressed on the capacity. This current. I c being 90° ahead of the phase of the voltage impressed on the capacity (which is 180° behind the capacity voltage), the phase of the active voltage which drives the current through the resistance of the circuit is also 90° ahead of the voltage impressed on the capacity. The voltage impressed upon the series circuit containing capacity and re- SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 179 sistance must therefore comprise two components, one equal to the IR drop in the circuit and the other equal and opposite to the capacity vol- tage. A phase dia- gram of these, ac- companied by the D corresponding sinusoidal curves, is shown in Fig. 127, where 00, CA. and OA are ®' IG- 127. — Phase Diagram of Voltages in a Circuit con- . taming Resistance and Capacity in Series, respectively the IR drop, the component equal but opposite to the capacity voltage, and the voltage impressed on the circuit. The triangle of voltages E r , E x , E, as shown in Fig. 128, is derived from this diagram, and it may be observed that E=-JE? + E?-, and also that the angle of lead, i.e. the angle by which the current and IR drop lead the voltage impressed on the circuit, is the angle 0 , with tan 0 — --ffr E r : = E The angle 0 is here called negative because it relates to a leading current, and the corresponding angle for a lagging current has al- ready been called positive. The triangle of voltage (Fig. 128), taken from the phase diagram in Fig. 127, is similar to the triangle for a self-inductive circuit illustrated in Fig. 119, except that the current in the circuit and IR drop lead the impressed voltage instead of lagging behind. It must be carefully borne in mind that in self-inductive and capacitj r circuits the self-inductive voltage and the capacity voltage act under the same laws as any other electric voltages. The impressed voltage , therefore, must comprise ttvo rectangular Fig. 128. — Triangle of Voltages in a Circuit containing Resistance and Capacity in Series. 180 ALTERNATING CURRENTS components , one equal and opposite to the reactive , and the other equal to the active voltage ( i.e . the IR drop). The triangles of Figs. 119 and 128 indicate this. The vertical sides E x of the triangles are vector components of the hypothenuses which represent the voltages impressed on the circuits, and are respectively equal and opposite to the self-inductive or capacity voltages in the circuit, while the active voltages (J72 drop) represented by the horizontal sides of the triangles complete the respective right-angled vector triangles. The vector representing the impressed voltage in a circuit containing resistance and capacity may be indicated by the complex quantity E=E r -jE x , E—E (cos 6 — j sin O'). E is the scalar value of E. The scalar value of E and the angle 6 are determined in the same manner as explained in Art. 40, as is also the sum of several voltages in series. Since 6 = tan 1 the angle of lag 6 is negative, which follows from the fact that the current leads the impressed voltage. The expression E = E (cos 0 —j sin 6) obviously may be written E = E (cos ( — 6) +j sin ( — 0)). 55. The Effect of Introducing Resistance in a Continuous Cur- rent Circuit ; Opening the Circuit. — It has already been pointed out in Art. 50 that the voltage must rise at the breaking of a direct current circuit possessing self-inductance. Breaking such a circuit has the effect of very rapidly introducing resist- ance until the resistance becomes infinite, with a correspond- ingly rapid forced decrease of the current. In case of a closed circuit of resistance R and self-inductance L upon which a steady voltage E is impressed, the equation representing the conditions, while the circuit is in process of being broken, is J!=z|+[i8+/(0]j, SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 181 in which /(£) is a function of time measured from the instant of starting the process and represents the rate of introducing extra resistance to open the circuit. This may be transformed into ' di [ig +/(Q] i _ E dt L L The rate at which extra resistance is to be introduced at breaking the circuit — namely, the form of f(t) — must be known before this equation can be solved. Assuming that the resist- ance is added as a simple function of time, then f(f) = at , in which a is a constant, and the equation becomes di (R + at ) i _ E It L ~ L . / — - ■ di du di Tutting R + at — — 2 aL and — ( 2 ) Va di this becomes di — 2 ui= — du V — 2 aL dt dt du V — 2 L du 2 E (3) and the solution is of the form* 2 E — J*2 udu ie = --±2= C £~P udu du + K. I-taLd Hence, i = 2 E — t V — 2 aL I * 1 "X e u2 du = — ■ 2 E V — 2 aL Ce~*du- Ce~ u2 du\. (4) To Ju J When this is integrated by parts and approximated by neglect- ing evanescent terms and terms containing the reciprocal of (u?) n , the equation reduces to E i = R -|- at The induced voltage caused by the process of opening the circuit is _ di e ’=- L Jt' (5) the ( 6 ) From equation (5) is obtained the value, di _ _ aE dt ( R + at ) 2 aLE aLIR Whence, «i = (A + «£) 2 (R + aty * Murray’s Differential Equations , p. 26. (7) ( 8 ) 182 ALTERNATING CURRENTS E in which 1= — , that is, it is the current flowing in the circuit R before the process of breaking commenced. When the process begins, t = 0, and at that instant, (X T ~r LI e, = — LI = — , R R (9) a in which LI represents the number of linkages of lines of mag- netic force around conductors of the circuit before the process of breaking the circuit was begun, and — represents the ratio JAj of the rate of introducing extra resistance into the circuit com- pared with the initial or steady resistance of the circuit. If the circuit is broken instantly, that is, a = ao, the induced vol- tage obviously must be infinite, as the formula shows ; but this fortunately cannot occur in practice, because the arc which occurs at a break prevents the resistance thereat from going instantly to infinity. If the line voltage is not removed from the circuit upon the incipiency of the break in the circuit (as in the case of open- ing a switch), it must be added to the self-induced voltage e e , and the resultant becomes e — ei+E. The induced voltage, e h is numerically equal at time t = 0 to as many volts as LI is a multiple of — . The formula (8) shows a that e t falls off rapidly with the time, especially when a is large. If the rate of change of resistance increases with t instead of being constant, the maximum value of e t comes when t has some finite value instead of when t= 0. If a current of ten amperes is flowing through a circuit of 10 ohms resistance and .2 henry self-inductance, and the opening of a switch gives an effect at the initial instant of introducing resistance into the circuit at the rate of 10,000 ohms per second, the induced voltage at that instant is approximately 2000 volts, which is the maximum value if the rate of change of resistance does not increase. If the drawing out of the arc following the interruption of metallic contact causes the apparent rate of in- troduction of resistance to increase, the induced voltage may SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 183 continue to rise to a higher value, after which it drops to zero on the breaking of the arc. By applying the same reasoning to the formula when resist- ance and capacity are in circuit together, it may be observed that e c = — E when t = 0 and there is no rise of voltage, which is to be expected from the physical characteristics of capacity. The stored energy remains stored in the condenser. Such storage unaccompanied by How of current is manifestly impos- sible in the case of electromagnetic energy except through some exhibition of the phenomenon of coercive force in an iron core or the like. 56. Rate of Expenditure of Work in Circuit Containing Self- inductance and Capacity ; Analogies. — The effect of self- inductance has been compared with the effect of inertia in a moving physical mass. The inertia effects of water flowing in a pipe, as suggested by Faraday, afford instructive analogies. Thus, on impressing voltage upon a circuit containing resist- ance and self-inductance, the current does not rise to its full value instantly, but increases as a logarithmic function, the con- stant of which depends upon the relation of the self-inductance to the resistance of the circuit. In the same way, if pressure is exerted upon water which fills a pipe, the water cannot begin its full flow instantly, on account of inertia. If a gate is suddenly closed in the pipe after the flow is fully under way, the momen- tum of the liquid tends to continue the flow, and the gate suf- fers a severe blow. In the same way, upon opening an electric circuit a bright spark passes on account of the so-called extra current caused by the tendency of self-inductance to uphold the flow. It must always be remembered that the analogies be- tween the flow of electric current and moving solids or liquids are by no means exact. For instance, there is a marked differ- ence between the effect of bends on the inertia effect in the pipe containing water and in the electric circuit. Thus, in the electric circuit, a solenoid has much more self-inductance than has the same wire straightened out. On the other hand, bends in a water pipe cause the inertia effect to be absorbed by friction. Notwithstanding the differences, the analogies are quite useful in fixing the meaning of the phenomena and worthy of further consideration. When water in a pipe is set in motion, a part of the force 184 ALTERNATING CURRENTS exerted upon it at any moment is utilized in overcoming the re- Mdv action, , caused by the inertia of the accelerating mass, and the remainder in overcoming frictional resistances (J.v). That is. F = Av + Mdv where F is the pressure exerted, v the instantaneous rate of flow (velocity) of the water, M is its mass, and A is a constant. It is here assumed that the frictional resistance is proportional to the velocity, which is true only when v is small. When the velocity of the water has become so great that Av x = F. where v x is the final velocity, the acceleration ceases, and the water continues to flow at a uniform velocity v x as long as the force is applied. In the case of the electric circuit, tlie impressed voltage is expended in overcoming the counter- voltage due to self-induct- Ldi ance and in causing the current to flow through the resist- ance R of the circuit, or E=iR + Ldi dt This is similar to the expression for the flow of a liquid as given above. The voltage exerted in overcoming the electric resistance or electric friction of the conductor is represented by iR, and represents the voltage exerted in stor- ing energy in the magnetic field ; that is, in changing the electro-magnetic momentum of the magnetic field.* When the current reaches such a value that iR = E , the last term dis- appears and the current becomes constant. The expression Mdv^ f __ d(Mv) \ the f ormu i a relating to the flow of water dt \ dt J represents, of course, the pressure or force exerted in storing energy in the water by increasing its momentum. The power expended in the electric circuit at any instant is Ei = i 2 R + Lidi ~1T' * Art. 47. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 185 in which PR is the power expended in heating the conductor di and Li — is the power expended in storing energy in the mag* dt netic field. In this discussion, it is assumed that the electrical resistance of a conductor is a constant, and is the same for a variable current as for a constant one. This is correct within practical limits, provided the rate of variation of the current is not too great and the conductor is not too thick. The capacity effect in a circuit has analogies with the effect of the physical capacity of a system of water pipes upon the flow of water ; or, to make the comparison more simple, suppose that the pipes are so small as to have an inappreciable capacity but lead to the bottom of a large tank. The force acting upon the water must then accomplish two purposes ; first, it must force the water through the resistance of the connecting pipes, and second, it must raise the level or potential of the water to the tank level. A formula may be made to express this as follows, F = Av +JI— Av + where H is the head of the water in the tank, Gr is the volume of the water in the tank, and Y is the capacity of the tank in units of volume per unit of height or head. In case of an elec- tric circuit the analogous equation is, F=Ri + ±. The power which is used can immediately be obtained by multiplying the hydraulic equation by the rate of flow of the water and the electric equation by the current. The equation of power in the electric circuit is then Fi = PR + i l, but as i = — dt iF=RP + %&- Cdt In case there are both capacity and self-inductance in series in the circuit, the two equations must be combined and F = Ri + Ldi q * Art. 52 c. 186 ALTERNATING CURRENTS and the power used is iR=Ri 2 + ^ + dt Cdt It must be remembered in considering this equation that energy is absorbed by the circuit on account of the second term on the right only while the current is rising ; when the current falls the magnetic field gives up energy which is returned to the source. Likewise, energy is absorbed by the circuit on account of the third term of the right-hand member of the equation only while the voltage impressed on the capacity is rising and the charge in the condenser is therefore increasing; when the charge falls the condenser gives up energy which is returned to the source. These reactions are analogous to the effects in water pipes where the inertia absorbs energy while the velocity is rising, to return it as the velocity falls ; while the tank stores energy while being charged and returns it on discharge. The resistance and iron and dielectric losses are analogous to the frictional resistances in the pipes and tank. 57. Effect, on the Transient State in a Circuit, of Self-induct- ance and Capacity Combined. — When an inductive coil of con- , stant inductance L is included in a steady-current circuit of resistance R. and a condenser of capacity C is shunted across a portion of the circuit of resist- ance r, as in Fig. 129, the following conditions obtain : The condenser is charged with a quantity of electricit)*, Q = CIr , where I is the steady value of the current. Fig. 129. -Circuit containing Now if the impressed voltage is sud- Resistance, Self-inductance, denly removed by throwing the switch and Capacity. shown in the figure to the horizontal position, the condenser will discharge and the quantity of elec- tricity which will pass from the condenser through the part of the circuit beyond its terminals is H CIr 2 R At the same time the self-inductance will cause a quantity of electricity to be transferred through the circuit in the opposite direction, which is equal to 1 = LI R ‘ SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 187 Hence, the total quantity of electricity transferred through the circuit is r qi ~ <1c = r^ l ~ and the effect of the condenser is to apparently reduce the self- inductance by an amount equal to the capacity of the condenser multiplied by the square of the resistance around which it is shunted. With iron in the circuit, L varies, but the general relations remain the same. The foregoing relates to the transient state upon removing the impressed voltage which sets up the steady current I in the circuit, but it is obvious that similar conditions are produced during the transient state accompanying the establishment of the current upon introducing the impressed voltage. If Cr 2 is equal to L , it is obvious that the charging current neutralizes the extra current of self-induction and the total circuit acts like a circuit containing resistance R but lacking self-induct- ance or capacity. The neutralization of the effect of self- inductance cannot ordinarily be complete on account of hysteresis in the iron core of the coil (if an iron core is used) and the dielectric hysteresis of the condenser, which cause the curves of discharge from the magnetic field and condenser to vary from the logarithmic form. 58. Conditions of Establishment and Termination of Current in a Circuit containing Resistance, Inductance, and Capacity in Series. — a. Current and Charge under Constant Impressed Vol- tage . — The equation of voltage when current is established by introducing constant voltage E into the circuit is E = Ri + ^l+Z dt C = Bi+L ft + hf idt From (1) we obtain 0 — ^ , 1 dq ~dC + Ld^ + LCdt' Putting q = the equation takes the characteristic form R x 2 , a; 188 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the roots of which are x-, = — A 2 L ^ VI T% TO I R 2 i k 4 L 2 LC ’ 1 x s = °- The solution of such an equation as (2) is * q = cqe* 1 * + a 2 e r2 * + a 3 , (4) in which x 1 and x 2 are the aforesaid roots of equation (3) and and a 3 are constants introduced by integration. Also, since tty, &2P ;=A, dt i = + a 2 x 2 e r - t . (5) These equations (4) and (5) for charge and current assume three forms according to the values of the constants of the circuit, Z?2 1 7?2 1 (3) when namely: (l)whenA>A ; (2) when A ; R 2 1 = — under which conditions the roots x, and x n are 4 A 2 LG 12 respectively real, imaginary, and equal. R 2 1 Case (1). When — — > — — - ; 1 Yon-oscillatory Effect. — Under 4 _£r L (J these conditions the values of x x and x 2 in equations (4) and (5) are real. The values of the constants a v a 2 , and a 3 may be determined by solving when t is given the special values of 0 and oo. For the conditions here named, q = 0 and i= 0 when f=0; q = EC — Q and i = 0 when t = oo. Substituting these two sets of values successively in (4) and (5) gives the following four equations : ^ + a 2 + a 3 = 0, a 1 x 1 + a 2 :r 2 = 0, Q — a 3 = aff 1 " 11 + a.ff-" 0 , 4- a 2 x. 2 e nr = 0, Qx 2 from which, a. = x i ~ X 2 - Qx\ a 3 = Q. * Murray’s Differential Equations, p. 64. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 189 Substituting these values of the constants in (4) and (5), we obtain Qx 2 ^ Qx ^ Q = U l nr nr nr nr 1 x 2 1 •* 2 = Q- Q and i = i = / R 2 1 ^-iL 2 LC ( R U L Qx^c 2 C lt Q ~ x 1 -x 2 X II R nJR 2 L ” * 4 C R + - 1C IL + '4 L 2 1 R 2 1 ' '4 L 2 LC V (6) X, — x n „ V2Z 4Z2 iW „ V2 L 4 L- LC) • ( 7 ) These equations (6) and (7) give the values of the charge and current in a series circuit containing R , Z, and (7, when R 2 1 ■ > , at any time t after the introduction of a constant 4 L 2 LG J voltage R in the circuit, Q being the final charge corresponding to the voltage R. 7? 2 1 Case (2). When ■ — — < — — ■; Oscillatory Rffect. — Under these 4 1 / L C conditions the roots x x and x 2 are imaginary. Hence, using the operator j to indicate the imaginary unit V — 1, we have Substituting where a = — L. 2 L J ^ LC R 2 4 Z 2 ’ U i\\ 1 - R 2 2 L J ' LC 4 L 2 ' Xj = a +jb and 1 1 2 L V LC and are real quantities, 190 ALTERNATING CURRENTS equations (4) and (5) give * q = a 1 e r,< + a 2 G 4 + a 3 = a l G a+jb)t + a 2 e^ b)t + a 3 = e at (A' cos bt + B' sin bt) + a 3 = A'e at cos bt + B' e at sin bt + a 3 , in which A! — a x + a 2 and B' = j (a 1 — a 2 ). Also i — (A! a + B'b)e at cos bt + (B 1 a — A'b)G t sin bt. If p is an angle of which tan p = — , it follows that n m n sin p — — — cos p = — . 's/m 1 + n 2 V m 2 + n 2 and m cos a + n sin u = Vm 2 + n 2 sin (a + p) . Therefore, q — e al a/A' 2 + B 12 sin (bt + 0) + a 3 , (8) i = e a ' V (A'a + B'b ) 2 + ( B'a — A'b ) 2 sin (it + 0'), (9) m i • , a , _id' , /i, i (A/a + 15'i) which 0 = tan 1 — , and 0' = tan 1 1 B 1 (B'a -A'b) The values of the constants of the equations may he deter- mined as in the previous case by solving when t is given the limiting values of 0 and oo. As before, q — 0 and z = 0 when t — 0 ; q = Q and i = 0 when t = go. Whence, A'=-Q, B'=-A'? = ~QR 2 L q = Q-Qe 2L a 3 = Q. \ L 0 I 1 R 2 LG 4 L 2 x Sill LG\ J 1 R 2 'LG 4 L 2 and (9), we "Jl _ R 2 ^ LG 4 Z 2 • <+ e ( 10 ; See Art. 71 and Murray’s Differential Equations, p. 67. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 191 and i = e 2L - E ■ I 1 '^LC 4 R?_ I? . r i e 2 Sm 'X(7 4 L 2 ( 11 ) in which 6 — tan 1 2 lJE-E \ TO 1 T LG 4 L 2 R These equations (10) and (11) give the values of the charge and current in a series circuit containing R , L , and C, when R 2 1 — — < — — , at any time £ after the introduction of the constant 4 Ir LC voltage E in the circuit. It will be noted that the expressions for charge and current each contain the product of a logarith- mic term and a sine term, and their values are recurrent functions of time of an oscillatory nature. The value of the charge at any instant is equal to the difference between a con- stant term, Q = CE, and an oscillatory term which is in the lead 1 R 2 *LC 4 I? R of the current by an angle 6 of which tan 6 = The current consists of a sinusoid modified by a vanishing logarithmic curve, and its oscillations are of gradually vanish- ing amplitude. R 2 1 Case (3). When — — = — Under this critical condition, 4 L 2 LC the roots x x and x 2 of the equation (3) become equal, or R 1 X, = X„ = X = — — — 2 L VLC and the solution becomes : q — a^C 1 + + a z , i = a x xe ri -{- a z xte xt 4- ( 12 ) (13) The values of the constants may be determined by solving when t is given the special values of 0 and oo. As before, q = 0 and * = 0 when t = 0 ; and q = Q and i = 0 when t = oo. Then, a x = — Q, *See Murray’s Differential Equations , p. 65. 192 ALTERNATING CURRENTS R «2 = - Q = - — = Q 2L V LO a 3 — Q‘ Substituting these values in equations (12) and (13) we obtain, Rt\ " q = Q~ (/ I + )e 2 £, 2 A 7?2 E 1 /« i =QjL 2 te^ = -t^. (14) (15) These equations (14) and (15) give the values of the charge and current in a series circuit containing R, L , and (7, when R2 1 = — at any time t after the introduction of a constant 4 A 2 LC voltage E in the circuit. This condition affords the most rapid rate of charging for the circuit. A decrease of R would put the circuit in an oscillatory condition, and an increase of R would put the circuit in a condition represented by equations (6) and (7). b. Current and Charge on Withdrawal of Impressed Voltage . — On removal of the impressed voltage from a circuit containing R, L , and C in series, the equation of the circuit is = m+i § + c. ir* idt - V d( i | | ? ~ dt + dt 2 + c' Putting q = €**, the equation takes the characteristic form the roots of which are ( 16 ) + L X + 1 LC 0, lR 2 1 2 A + ^ 4 A 2 LC' R I A' 2 1 2 L ^ “4 A 2 LC ( 17 ) SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 193 The solution takes three forms according as these roots are real, imaginary, or equal, or when ... 1 , JR* 1 /Q N 1 R 2 1 (1) Tl^lo’ (2) when (3) when 4I? = LC' R 2 1 Case (1). When— — >— — ; Non - oh dilatory Effe ct. — Under T J-J -Lj 0 these conditions the solution of equation (16) takes the form q = aqe* 1 * + (18) i — a x x 1 e r ' t + a 2 x 2 e Xit . (19) To determine the constants we have, when t = 0, q = Q and i = 0 ; and therefore Qz* _ Qx-i ‘X'i OCn Substituting these values in (18) and (19), we obtain R q=Q 4 Lxl* 1 LC and i = ■ -Q Q 4 L' 2 LC r + q 1 i R R 2 i 4 L 2 LC — (IL+ -\/ P \-2L v 4L* -(A+VWIT\ : \2L + V 4£2 LC) 'll 2 LC ( 20 ) ( 21 ) These equations (20) and (21) give the values of the charge and current in a series circuit containing R , _Zi, and U, when R2 l > , any time t after the withdrawal of the impressed 4 U LC voltage E. Case (2). When ; conditions the roots x x and x 2 of equation (17) are imaginary and proceeding as in case (a. 2), p. 189, the equations for charge and current become Oscillatory Effect. — Under these q --- e at y/ fA 1 ') 2 + ( B 1 ') 2 sin ( bt + d), o ( 22 ) 194 ALTERNATING CURRENTS i=e al V(A r a + B'b) 2 + (B'a-A'by sin (bt + 0'), (23) where R , ^ 1 a = , o — \ 9 T V i(7 it * 2 4 X 2 ’ , n .d/ -i , /w -I - R b tan 6 = — , and. tan 0 = — — - — — . B ' B'a - A'b To determine the values of the constants in (22) and (23) we have, when t = 0, q = Q and i = 0. Then, A' = Q and B' = - -A' = - ® Q. b b Substituting these values in (22) and (23), we obtain, " vzv q = Qe 2 L LG W R 2 LG 4 i 2 x and sm i = — e '•LO Rt 1L Q t + tan -l 2ijxi^r 4 L 2 R LG w i 2 sin ( Vi- i? 2 LG 4i 2 (24) (25) 1 LG 4 X 2 These equations (24) and (25) give the values of the charge and current in a series circuit containing R, L , and (7, when R 2 1 - — - < — — , at any time f after the withdrawal of the impressed voltage E. It will be noted that the discharging process is of an oscillatory nature, the expressions for q and i being each made up of the product of a logarithmic term and a sine term, and that the charge leads the current by an angle of which tan 6 = 2 lJ— - 'LG R 2 4 L 2 . R The period of each oscillation is z TV 1 1 _ R 2 J LG 4 L 2 which is the natural oscillatory period of the circuit. If R is small compared with L , this is approximately equal to 2 7rx LG. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 195 R 2 l When — Under these conditions the 4 U LC Case (3). roots of equation (17) become equal, or X, = x 0 = x = — B -1 2 L y/LC and the solution of equation (16) becomes q — a x C l + a^e* 1 , and i = a^x^ 1 + a 2 xte Tt + a 2 € Tt . (26) (27) To determine the values of the constants, we have q — Q and * = 0 when t = 0. Hence, a x = Q and a 2 = — Qx = Substituting these values in (26) and (27), we obtain 1? i = -~te 2L . -Lj Rt 2L (28) (29) These equations (28) and (29) give the values of the charge and current in a series circuit containing R , L , and C, when B 2 1 ■ = — - at any time t after the withdrawal of the impressed 4Z 2 LC J * voltage j E from the circuit. This relation of B , X, and C affords the most rapid discharge of the circuit. A decrease of R would throw the discharging process into the oscillatory state, and an increase of R would put the circuit in a condition represented by equations (20) and (21). c. Current and Charge when the Impressed Voltage is a Sine Function of the Time. — In this case the instantaneous voltage conditions are represented by e = e m sin wt = iR 4- + 7 dt C dt CC dt e m . , cPq R dq q L Sin = dp + L dt + LC or (30) 196 ALTERNATING CURRENTS o ^ In this case of a sine function, u> is equal to ~jT = 2 the angular velocity of a rotating vector generating the sinusoid. The above is a linear differential equation of the second order which is to be solved to find the values of q and i in terms of e m , R , L, (7,/, and t. The solution of such an equation consists of the sum of two parts, the complementary function and the particular integral. The complementary function is the integral obtained by equating the second member to zero. In other words, it is the solution of case (5) ante , i.e. when e = 0, and takes the form * q = a 1 e T,t + a 2 e T2 \ i = a^x-^e 1 ' 1 + a 2 x 2 e Xlt . The particular integral contains no arbitrary constants and is equal to f 9 = R D 1 * + — D + — — L LG — ••• ~ sin a>t = - — % sin cot 1 L I) — a R ^ m ,a( i c —at R /* — e„ and tan 8 = + > 3 1 e bn 1 lb tc co*L 1 Cl ■ — R OR' e bi 1 e u coR R -cos (cot — d). The complete solution is therefore 9 = Pm — — cos (cot - g) + u 1 e ri/ + a 2 e* 1 . (31) + (»£—) In a similar way the complete solution for the current becomes i — — e ' n sin (cot — 8) + a,x,e rit + u 0 rr o e r!/ . (3d) V^ + («,z-L) * Murray’s Differential Equations, Chap. VI. f Murray’s Differential Equations, Arts. 58 and 62. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 197 These equations give the values of the current and charge at any time t after impressing the voltage in a series circuit con- taining constant it, i, and (7, when such voltage is sinusoidal. The above equation for current may be written i = , . € "’ ~ — - sin (a-0) + a 1 x 1 e c i t + a 2 x 2 e x * t . (33) The angle 6 is the angular difference of phase between the cur- rent in the circuit and the impressed voltage ; that is, it is the angle of lag (or lead) of the current for frequency/. Neglecting the exponential terms, which are rapidly evanes- cent where x x and x 2 are real, the equation for instantaneous current under a sinusoidal voltage is where e m is the maximum voltage and the angle 6 is either posi- tive or negative according as capacity or self-inductance pre- dominates. The current is evidently a maximum when sin (a— 0) = 1, and therefore The relation of effective current and voltage can be obtained b} 7 dividing both sides by V 2, and then I — E \/« 2 2 + 2 - 2 7 tfC, The term yjR 2 + (ZirfL — - - is called the Impedance of \ 2 ttj G y the circuit and is composed of the square root of the sum of the squares of two quantities, the first of which, R, is the resistance of the circuit and the other yl^fL — ■ ) is called the React- \ ‘ 2 irfCJ ance of the circuit. 198 ALTERNATING CURRENTS If L is zero and C is infinite, the equation (38) reduces to the value _ g i = V sin «, R as already derived for the current flow when a sinusoidal vol- tage is impressed on a circuit containing resistance alone. If C is infinite (which is equivalent to saying that no capacity voltage arises in the series circuit), but R and L have finite values, the equation reduces to that on page 148, or ri i — ■ sin (a — 6') + A x e z. 4 - (2 77 -fLy The value of A x may be derived by giving a and t the values and t v corresponding to the instant of introducing the voltage in the circuit, at which instant i = 0 and the second term of the right-hand member must be equal to but opposite the first term ; whence A x = - Rti e L sin (oq- ■n V R 2 + (2 tt/L) 2 which is constant, because t x and « 1 and O' have particular values, and A x e l = _ -2lL=hl . z sin («j — 6 '). Vi? 2 + (2 tt/L) 2 The value of t is measured from the instant when the sinusoidal voltage passes through the preceding zero from negative toward positive values ; and t x is the value of t at the instant of switching the voltage into the circuit. If L is zero, but R and C have finite values, the equation reduces to that on page 174, or e ’" — sin (a + 6"') 4- B x e i = _t_ RC . 1 Y 2 77-/CV The value of B v derived from giving a and t the values a x and t v corresponding to the instant of introducing the voltage in the circuit, is B x =- VR 2 + B x e nc — _ l Y 2 77 fC) n V ! + — T 2 irfCJ e RC sin («j + 6 e R c sin (aj 4- 0"'). and SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 199 Fig. 130. — Effect of switching-in on Circuit containing R and L. 200 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 59. Effect of Exponential Terms. — The exponential members of the equations of case ( c ) show the transient effect on the form of the current wave which occurs upon first impressing sine voltage on a circuit containing resistance and inductance, resist- ance and capacity, or resistance, self-inductance, and capacity, in series. In circuits with resistance and inductance or resist- ance and capacity the exponential term quickly reduces to zero and can be then neglected. The actual influence of the expo- nential term in either of these two cases is to distort the current wave for the earlier periods, and the extent of the effect depends on the value of (rq — d) at the instant of introdu- cing the voltage into the circuit. The value of a 1 expresses the advance of the voltage at the instant of its introduction in the circuit, and the value of (cq — d) expresses the advance of the corresponding normal current. Consequently, when eq = d, the exponential value is zero and the current starts from zero, following a regular sine wave ; and when cq = 90° -f d, the exponential obtains its largest value and the current wave is given the maximum of distortion. Figures 130 and 131 show the form of current wave for the first few cycles where a sinu- soidal voltage of 100 volts is switched onto a circuit containing 5 ohms and .1 henry and on a circuit containing 100 ohms and 100 microfarads, the frequency being 60 periods per second in each instance. The curves are shown for cq = d, cq =45° + d, cq = 90° + d, E c , the imaginary term of the complex expression is positive and the equation is similar to one for a circuit contain- ing resistance and self-inductance only, and the angle 6 is posi- tive. If E t < E c , the imaginary term is negative, and the angle 6 is negative. The voltage arising from the combination of the voltages of several circuits in series is E = (E n + E r „ + etc.) -\- j(^E ti -(- E ln + etc. E Ci E Ci etc.) ■ = S^ r +/(2^-2Jr e ), SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 211 and E = E (cos 0 +j sin 6), where , 'LE, -IE E= V(^,) 2 + (2-Ei - 2^,) 2 , and 6 = tan" 1 ' c . Either or both E, and E c may be zero in any of the partial cir- cuits and E r may be so small as to be negligible.* The angle 6 is the angle of lag of the circuit. It is measured from the initial axis or axis of reals (which gives the direction of the current vector or IR drop) towards the vector of impressed voltage. When 6 is positive, the circuit carries a current which lags with respect to the voltage impressed at the circuit termi- nals ; and when 6 is negative, the circuit carries a current which leads with respect to the voltage impressed at the terminals. The current in a circuit may be represented by a vector (complex) equation in the same manner as a voltage. In this case the current must be resolved into rectangular components, preferably with one component parallel to the vector of voltage impressed on the circuit. It will be shown later that the initial axis in this case should correspond with the direction of the vector of voltage impressed on the circuit, and therefore the angle measured from the initial axis to the current vector is the angle of lag reversed ; that is, it is — (±6). Knowing the rectangular components of the several currents in a number of branches or parallel circuits, the components of the main current are obtained by adding the corresponding components of the branch currents together algebraically ; as 1= tl r +/( 2 / r ), and 1= /( + cos 0 — j sin #). In this case and J= V(2J,) ! + (S4) 2 V T 6 = tan -1 63. Impedance and Reactance and their Expression as Com- plex Quantities. — The quantity \/*“ 2 + 2 7 rfL- J_Y called the Impedance of the circuit and ( 2 irfL — 2 TrfCj 1 2 irfC is is * Art. 58. 212 ALTERNATING CURRENTS called tlie Reactance, whatever may be the values of R, L , or C. The square of the impedance of a circuit is therefore equal to the sum of the squares of its resistance and reactance. Imped- ance and reactance are both of the dimensions of resistance and are therefore expressed in ohms. Impedance may be de- fined for circuits in general, as the total opposition in a circuit to the flow of an alternating electric current, or the ratio of the voltage to the current; and Reactance may be defined as the component of the impedance caused by the self-inductance and capacity of the circuit. The reciprocal of impedance is called Admittance. It is equal to the current divided by the voltage. It therefore measures the tendency of a voltage to force current through a circuit. It is measured in Mhos or the reciprocal of ohms, as the term indicates. The Capacity Reactance of a circuit is inversely proportional to the capacity and the frequency in the circuit, since it is equal to — rrfC' The Inductive Reactance of a circuit is directly proportional to the self-inductance and the frequency in the circuit, since it is equal to 2 irfL. The total reactance of a cir- cuit containing capacity and self-inductance in series bears a complicated relation to the capacity, self-inductance, and fre- quency in the circuit, since it is equal to 2 Itis -irfl zero when, for any reason, 2 n rfL and are both equal to 2 irfC zero, which is the condition of a circuit of resistance alone ; or whenever 2 7 rfL = , J 2 irfO that is, when 2nf= — Vic 7 Polygons of impedance may be directly obtained from the polygons of voltages as are shown in Figs. 119, 128, and 133, by dividing each side of the polygon by the current I. Figure 134 shows the impedance diagram for a self -inductive circuit; Fig. 135 for a capacity circuit; and Fig. 136 for a series circuit which includes both self-induction and capacity. The capacity effect predominates over the self-inductance in the latter figure, which in this differs from the circuit represented in Fig. 133. Impedance is usually represented in formulas by the letter Z, reactance by the letter X , and admittance by the letter Ti SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 213 Impedance may be treated as a vector operator ; that is, as a line having definite length and direction. It may be expressed in the complex form in this way, Z=R+jX and Z - Z( cos 0 +j sin ; also Z = V R 2 + X 2 and 0 = tan -1 — • R Circuit. 2?r/C Fig. 135. — Impedance Triangle for a Capacity Circuit. ing both Self-induction and Capacity, Capacity Pre- dominating. Since the triangles of impedance are geometrically similar to the corresponding triangles of voltage, the angle 0 is the same in each, i.e., it is the angle of lag in the circuit. If X and 0 are negative, capacity predominates, and the imaginary terms become — ■ jX and — j sin 0.* * Art. 81. 214 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The combined impedance of a number of circuits in series is Z = (R 1 4- -B 2 + etc. ) j(^X^ 4" X 2 4- etc. ) = ~R 4- j^LX, in which the reactances are to be added algebraically ; Z = Z(cos 0 +j sin 6 ) and tan 0 - IT 17? Admittance being the reciprocal of impedance, 1_ 1 _ R —jX R . X Z R+jX R 2 + A " 2 R 2 4 X 2 ^ R? + X 2 ' Putting g ani b for the horizontal and vertical components, respectively, gives Y = R . X ., t*> . = Thus, g = Also, b - R R 2 + X 2 R 2 + X 2 ' R 2 +X 2 and is called the Conductance of the circuit. X R 2 + X 2 and is called the Susceptance of the circuit. g R Admittances in parallel can be combined in the same manner as impedances in series. Then, Assume sinusoidal voltages and currents in the following problems : Prob. 1. A circuit has a resistance of 10 ohms and a capacity of 50 microfarads in series. What is the impedance of the cir- cuit when the frequency is 60 periods per second? Solve by the graphical method and by means of complex quantities. Prob. 2. A circuit has a resistance of 50 ohms and a capacity of 200 microfarads in series. What is the impedance when the frequency is 25 periods per second? Prob. 3. If the resistance of a capacity circuit is 20 ohms and its impedance is 50 ohms, what is the capacity in micro- farads, and what is the angle of lag, the frequency being 120 periods per second? Solve graphically and analytically. Prob. 4. A circuit has an impedance of 100 ohms. The frequency is 60 periods per second and the angle of lag is 45°. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 215 Find the resistance and inductance of the circuit by graphics and by vector equations. Prob. 5. A circuit has an impedance of 200 ohms. The angle of lag of the circuit is —60° and the frequency is 25 periods per second. Find the resistance and capacity by graphics and by vector equations. Prob. 6. A circuit having an angle of lag of — 90° and a frequency of 40 periods per second has an impedance of 50 ohms. What is the resistance and what is the capacity? Solve by graphics and by vector equations. Prob. 7. A circuit in which there is an angle of lag of 90° and a frequency of 40 periods per second has an impedance of 100 ohms. Find the resistance and the reactance by graphics and by vector equations. Prob. 8. A circuit has a resistance of 10 ohms, a self-induct- ance of .01 of a henry, and a capacity of 50 microfarads in series. If the frequency is 60 periods per second, what is the value of the impedance and of the angle of lag? Prob. 9. A circuit has a resistance of 20 ohms, a self-induct- ance of .01 of a henry, and a capacity of 200 microfarads in series. Find the impedance and angle of lag by graphics and vector equations when the frequency is 40 periods per second. Prob. 10. A circuit has a resistance of 50 ohms, a self- inductance of .02 of a henry, and a capacity of 20 microfarads in series. Find the impedance and angle of lag by graphics and vector equations when the frequency is 25 periods per second. Prob. 11. A circuit has an inappreciable resistance, a self- inductance of .01 of a henry, and a capacity of 100 microfarads in series. Find the impedance and the angle of lag when the frequency is 60 periods per second. Prob. 12. Two circuits having self -inductances of .01 and .02 of a henry and resistances of 8 ohms and 10 ohms, respectively, are in series. Find their combined impedance and the angle of lag of the circuit when the frequency is 40 periods per second. Prob. 13. Two circuits having capacities of 100 and 200 microfarads and resistances of 10 and 20 ohms, respectively, are in series. Find the impedance and angle of lag when the fre- quency is 40 periods per second. 216 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Prob. 14. Two circuits have resistances respectively of 10 and 15 ohms, the first has a capacity of 100 microfarads and the second a self-inductance of .01 of a henry. If the circuits are connected in series, what is the combined impedance and what is the angle of lag when the frequency is 40 periods per second? Prob. 15. If a voltage of 100 volts is impressed upon the joint circuit of problem 14, how much current will flow? Prob. 16. If it is desired to cause a current of 10 amperes to flow through the joint circuit of problem 14, what voltage must be impressed? Prob. 17. A circuit has a resistance of 10 ohms, a self-induct- ance of .01 of a henry, and a capacity of 200 microfarads all in series, and a voltage of 200 volts with a frequency of 60 periods per second is impressed on this circuit. What is the active, and what is the reactive, voltage? Find graphically and by vector equations the current flowing through the circuit. Prob. 18. Three coils of respectively 1 ohm, 2 ohms, and 3 ohms resistance having self-inductances of .01, .02, and .03 of a henry are connected in series. If a current of 10 amperes flows through the series at a frequency of 25 periods per second, what is the voltage between the terminals of each coil, and what is the voltage between the terminals of the series ? Prob. 19. Three condensers having internal resistances of 8, 10, and 12 ohms, respectively, and capacities of 50, 100, and 180 microfarads are connected in series. What is the total voltage impressed on the series and what is the voltage be- tween the terminals of each condenser when the current is 20 amperes with a frequency of 60 periods per second ? Prob. 20. A circuit of 10 ohms resistance and .01 of a henry self-inductance is in series with a circuit of 8 ohms resistance and 200 microfarads capacity and these in turn are in series with another circuit of 15 ohms resistance, .02 of a henry self- inductance, and 150 microfarads capacity. When a current of 5 amperes with a frequency of 40 periods per second is caused to flow through this series, what are the voltage and angle of lag observed at the main terminals, and what are the voltages and angles of lag observed at the terminals of each of the three above-named parts of the total circuit? SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 217 Prob. 21. The current in a circuit is 50 amperes with a period of one one-hundred-and-twentieth of a second. The cir- cuit contains a positive (inductive) reactance of 20 ohms and a resistance of 20 ohms. What are the impressed voltage and the angle of lag ? Prob. 22. Twenty amperes flow through a circuit with an angle of lag of 30°, when the impressed voltage is 100 volts and the frequency 40 periods per second. What are the imped- ance, reactance, and resistance ? Prob. 23. A circuit having an impedance of 40 ohms is in series with a circuit having an impedance of 30 ohms. When a voltage of 100 volts with a frequency of 60 periods per second is applied to the two circuits, the angle of lag in the first cir- cuit is 30° and in the second circuit is — 60°. How much current flows through the circuits and what is the angle of lag observed at the main terminals ? Prob. 24. Three circuits are in series : the first has a re- sistance of 20 ohms, the second a resistance of 10 ohms and a positive (inductive) reactance of 20 ohms, the third a resistance of 5 ohms and a negative (capacity) reactance of 30 ohms, the frequency being 25 periods per second. What is the angle of lag observed at the main terminals and what voltage is im- pressed between the main terminals when a current of 50 amperes flows through the series ? Prob. 25. What is the angle of lag and what is the voltage observed between the terminals of each of the three parts of the main circuit of problem 24 ? Prob. 26. If a voltage of 500 volts, frequency 25 periods per second, is impressed on the main circuit of problem 24, what current flows and what is the angle of lag ? Prob. 27. What is the voltage across each of the three parts of the main circuit of problem 24 under the conditions of current flow fixed by problem 26 ? Prob. 28. A circuit of negligible resistance has a positive (inductive) reactance of 10 ohms when the frequency is 60 periods per second. What current flows when a voltage of 100 volts is impressed on the circuit, and what is the angle of lag ? 218 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Prob. 29. A circuit of negligible resistance has a negative (capacity) reactance of 10 ohms when the frequency is 60 periods per second. What is the current when the impressed voltage is 100 volts, and what is the angle of lag ? Prob. 30. A circuit of negligible resistance has a positive reactance of 10 ohms and a negative reactance of 10 ohms when the frequency is 60 periods per second. What current flows when 100 volts are impressed on the circuit ? Prob. 31. A circuit has a resistance of 10 ohms, a positive reactance of 10 ohms, and a negative reactance of 10 ohms, when the frequency is 60 periods per second. What current flows when a voltage of 100 volts is impressed upon the circuit, and what is the angle of lag ? Prob. 32. A circuit of negligible reactance has a resistance of 10 ohms. When a voltage of 100 volts at a frequency of 60 periods per second is impressed upon the circuit, what current flows and what is the angle of lag? Prob. 33. Find the self-inductance and capacity in each of the circuits given in problems 28 to 32, inclusive. 64. Application. — The application to circuits in general when the currents and voltages are sinusoidal, and to alternator arma- tures in particular, of the preceding deductions is evident. Thus, suppose it is desired to design an alternator which is to generate 25 amperes at an effective voltage of 1000 volts at its terminals when operating on a non-reactive load, the fre- quency being 100 periods per second. Take first, for example, a disk armature without iron in its core, with a resistance of 1 ohm and an average self-inductance of .01 henry. The effec- tive value of the total voltage to be developed in this armature at full load is then E = E r +jE x , E = VA, 2 + E} = _ZV A 2 + (2 t r/A) 2 , E = ,V(1000 + 25 x 1) 2 + (2 tt x 100 x .01 x 25) 2 , which is equal to 1037 volts. Consequently, the effect of self- inductance is to demand an increase of the total voltage equal to 12 volts. Suppose, however, the armature is of a type hav- ing an iron core and has a resistance of 1 ohm and an average SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, KEACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 219 working inductance of .05 henry, the total voltage then becomes E = V(1000 + 25 x l) 2 + (2 7T x 100 x .05 x 25) 2 , which is equal to 1291 volts. Hence, the total voltage must be increased by 266 volts on account of self-inductance. If the two machines were worked at full load upon resistances of absolutely no inductance or capacity, the lags of the currents with respect to the induced voltages in the circuits in the two cases would be respectively 8° 43' and 37° 27' (Fig. 137). JE These values are obtained from the relation 6 — tan -1 -^- On the other hand, in case the load con- tains reactance, the fig- ures are modified. For instance, in case the load contains 40 ohms of im- pedance as before, but in this instance is com- posed of 32 ohms resist- ance and 24 ohms positive (inductive) reactance, the induced voltage required to af- ford 1000 volts at the E _ IR terminals of the genera- Fig 137 ._ Voltage Triangle calculated for an tor with the iron-cored Alternator Armature, armature is E = V[25(l + 32) ] 2 + [25(31.4 + 24)p, which is equal to 1612 volts ; while if the reactance of the load is negative instead of positive, E= V[25(l + 32)] 2 + [25(31.4 - 24)] 2 , which is equal to 845 volts. In each case the terminal voltage of the generator, that is, the voltage impressed on the load, is 1000 volts ; but the voltage impressed on the entire circuit, that is, the induced voltage, is affected by the relations of the im- pedance of the load to the impedance of the armature winding. In case the impedance of the load contains negative reactance, 220 ALTERNATING CURRENTS it is to be observed that the terminal voltage may be actually higher than the induced voltage on account of the interaction of the capacity of the load on the inductance of the armature winding. Prob. 1. An alternator with terminal voltage of 10,000 volts and frequency of 60 periods per second furnishes 50 amperes to an external circuit. The armature has a resistance of 4 ohms and a self-inductance of .02 of a henry. When the external load is non-reactive, what total voltage must be generated by the machine ? Note. — This and the following problems are to be solved by the graphi- cal method and by the use of the complex (vector) equations, neglecting any effects of armature reactions. Prob. 2. An alternator generates a total voltage of 5000 volts at a frequency of 40 periods per second. The armature has 2 ohms resistance and .03 of a henry inductance. How much current will this alternator deliver to a non-reactive load of 20 ohms, and what is the terminal voltage? Also what is the value of the angle of lag between the current and the ter- minal voltage and the angle of lag between the current and the total generated voltage? Prob. 3. The generator of problem 2 is connected to a load containing 10 ohms resistance and 200 microfarads capacity in series. What are the values of current, terminal voltage, and angle of lag between current and terminal voltage? Prob. 4. The generator of problem 2 is connected to a load containing 20 ohms resistance and .02 of a henry self-induct- ance in series. What are the values of current, terminal vol- tage, and angle of lag between the current and terminal voltage ? Prob. 5. An alternator armature has a resistance of 2 ohms and a self-inductance of .02 of a henry. It produces a termi- nal voltage of 2000 volts at a frequenc} r of 100 periods per second. Twenty-five amperes flow in the circuit, the angle of lag between the current and the induced voltage is 30°. What are the impedance, resistance, reactance, and self-inductance of the external circuit? Prob. 6. In problem 5 the angle of lag changes from 30° to — 60° and the current to 50 amperes without changing termi- SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 221 nal voltage or frequency. What then are the impedance, resist- ance, reactance, and capacity of the external circuit ? Prob. 7. The external circuit in problem 5 again changes so that the tangent of the angle of lag is .4652 ; the current 80 amperes. What are the impedance, resistance, and reactance of the external circuit? Prob. 8. What are the values of induced voltage correspond- ing respectively to the conditions in problems 5, 6, and 7 ; and what are the respective angles of lag between the currents and the induced voltages? 65. Equivalent Resistance and Reactance. — When there is no iron near an alternating-current circuit, the self-inductance is constant and the triangles of voltage given previously are true for all values of the current, but if iron is present, L varies with the current. In addition to this, if iron is present, hysteresis and eddy currents absorb power. Under a given impressed voltage this power reduces the reactive voltage and in- creases the active voltage, so that instead of leaving the triangle of voltages OAB (Fig. 138) such as would be obtained Fig 138 . — Triangles of Vol- in a certain circuit when a current I is tages with and without Iron flowing and there are no Iron losses Losses ' present, the triangle actually becomes more like OCD. The reactive voltage is reduced and the active voltage is greater in OCD than in OAB , and the angle of lag decreased. The Equiva- lent or Working reactance of the circuit is -P7 E' x Esm 6' x = T -— I -. ■ The Equivalent or Working resistance is E' r E'cos0' ~ I I These conditions are discussed further in Chapter IX. Prob. 1. A circuit has a voltage applied to- it of 100 volts and a current of 10 amperes flows with a lag of 60°. What is the apparent resistance and what is the equivalent reactance of the circuit? 222 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 66. General Equation for Current in a Circuit. — The voltage impressed upon any circuit has already been expressed * in the form T ,. iK+ “ + $— W in which f(f) represents any voltage which may be impressed on the circuit. This general solution therefore includes, when properly interpreted, the various cases already discussed in Arts. 45, 52, and 58. Since ^ idt = q , (1) may be written III di ~L + dt e L' ( 2 ) Differentiating this with respect to time to rid the equation of the integral sign, there results : d I) 2 i Rdi i _ 1 de _ 1 di 2 + LJtLC~lTt~L The term — can only have one finite value in an electric cir- dt J cuit at any specific time, and is therefore a single-valued function of time, which for convenience is called /'(t). Equation (3) is a linear differential equation of the second order with its second member a function of t.f The object is to find the value of current i, in terms of R, L, C, and the voltage. The equation may be written /'(*)• (3) RD IV /'(Q L + LG) L ’ (■*) where D is a symbol of operation and represents *1 1 dt and I) 2 means differentiation twice with respect to t. I) may be used as an ordinary algebraic term.J j?D 1 The “auxiliary equation” D 2 + -j- + ^~^, = 0 is a quadratic equation with the two roots, * Art. 58. t Price’s Calculus, Vol. II, p. 458; Forsyth’s Differential Equations, p. 86; Perry’s Calculus for Engineers, pp. 213-241 ; John Graham, An Elementary Treatise on Calculus, p. 221. 1 Perry’s Calculus for Engineers, p. 231; Forsyth’s Differential Equations, p. 43 ; Murray’s Differential Equations, Chap. VI. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 223 and A + , 2 L IB? 1 \ R i J 1R2 1 -1 ^4 U LC _2 L ^ MX 2 R y \IB? 1 \h+' J 1 B? 1 "| 2 L ^ Mi 2 LC~ M X 2 (5) ( 6 ) Letting a x and a 2 equal the bracket expressions respectively of the second members of equations (5) and (6), then the “ complementary function ” is Ae~ a J + Be~ a ?. (7) The particular integral is 1 z f(t) -/'( 0 7)2 I BI> i JL C-® + (D + « 2 ) L LC - z /,(f) ;} ( 8 ) _I) T rtj D -f- -)- (1%) B q- $q B -(- ct 2 + « 2 ) + N 2 (^D + «j) = 1, B(N t + N 2 ) = 0, N x a 2 + N 2 a 1 = 1, jV,= -V 2 = - 1 1 ■i 2JIA J _A '4 i 2 LC (10) (11) ( 12 ) (13) The complete solution of equation (3), being the sum of the complementary function and the particular integral, is 1 * = 2 iJT®_ J_ V 1 T 2 TO — |^e — e e a ~ l f (t)dt 4 1? LC + Ae~° lt + Be _ “ 2< . * Wentworth’s Complete Algebra , p. 409. ( 14 ) 224 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The coefficient of the first term of the second member of the last equation may also be written C V_Z2 2 C' 2 — 4 Lc' The terms a 1 and a 2 may also be written R \Tr? T _RC- CICC 2 -4 L C 2 L '4 L 2 LC 2 LG R ilR 2 T~ RC + VR?C 2 — 4 LC 2L + ^4 L 2 LC 2 LC A similar equation can be obtained in the same way for the charge at any instant in a condenser in the circuit. 67. Current in a Circuit when Any Periodic Voltage is Im- pressed. — In the case of a circuit with resistance, self-induct- ance, and capacity in series on which any periodic voltage is impressed, the voltage formula is e =/(f) = iR 4- L — + — C idt. at C* 7 o The general solution of this is equation (14), Art. 66. This contains too many unknown terms to be of much use to the electrical engineer at present; but if e=f(t') is construed to mean an alternating voltage, it may be expressed in terms of the harmonics. This formula becomes e = /( 0 = e m x sin (« + ^ : ) + e„, 3 sin (3 a + # 3 ) + ••• + e TOj sin (no. + 5> n ), and j~ t =/( 0 = "e, ni cos (« + 0j) + 3 cos (3 « + 0 g ) ••• + ncoe m cos ( na + ^„). Substituting this value of f(t) in the general equation for current developed in Art. 66, there results an equation in which there is a pair of similar terms for each harmonic. These may evidently be integrated by parts and the result is as follows : sin (a + tfj) i = SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, KEACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 225 e m H ■■ ■■ 3 — sin (3 u + do) + H n - sin (na + 0 ) + Ae~ aii + Be~ a *. The angle 0 n is determined by the relation tan 0 n 2 t rf nL 1 = X n I t 2 irfnCR II ' Each of the terms of the right-hand member, from the first to the wth, has the form of a sine function. The formula may be more conveniently written i = — 1 sin (« + 6 X ) + — 'sin (3 a + 0 3 ) ... z x z 3 + >sin (na + 0 n ), where Z v Z 3 , ••• Z H each represents the impedance which the circuit offers to the corresponding current harmonic. The exponential terms are omitted, as they ordinarily disappear quickly after the current is started ; and the formula repre- sents the conditions in the circuit after a permanent state is- established. It will be noted that the impedances for the several harmonics may have very different values even though they are all affected by the same resistance, self-inductance, and capacity. This is due to the frequency of the harmonic entering into the reactance component of the impedance, as shown by the formula. Each term of the second member represents the instantaneous value at the instant t,(^ = — of a sine wave current. A similar formula may obviously be derived to represent the condition when even-numbered harmonics as well as odd-numbered har- monics appear in the voltage wave. The effective value of current is found by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the effective values of the 226 ALTERNATING CURRENTS harmonic currents given in the last expression, or i=y/r, + r,+ -p,* ^vfVtc. Prob. 1. A certain voltage wave is composed of two har- monics, the fundamental having an effective value of 150 volts and that of three times the frequency having an effective value of 25 volts. What is the effective value of the resultant voltage? Prob. 2. The impedance offered by a circuit to the primary harmonic of a certain voltage is 20 ohms, the effective value of the harmonic being 100 volts ; the remaining harmonic of the voltage is of five times the primary frequency, has an effective value of 10 volts, and overcomes an impedance of 30 ohms. Find the effective values of the voltage and current. Prob. 3. A current is composed of two harmonics, a primary and one of three times the frequency. The first has an effective value of 50 amperes and flows through an impedance of 50 ohms. The other has an effective value of 20 amperes and flows through an impedance of 40 ohms. What is the effective value of the voltage impressed on the circuit ? 68. Irregular Current and Voltage Waves expressed as Com- plex Quantities. — A Fourier’s series may be used to represent irregular current and voltage by means of component sine waves, as pointed out in Art. 67. The effective value of such a vol- tage is found from the relation, E 2 = E\ + E\ + etc. + E\ + E 2 X3 + etc.,* and E = V. E\ + E\ + etc. + E\ + E 2 Xs + etc., where E r and E x are active and reactive effective voltages for the various harmonics. This may be written : E = V(^ 2 ri + E\~) + (. E\ + E 2 X3 ) + etc. and the term within each bracket is evidently the square of the scalar value of the corresponding sine voltage. A non- sinusoidal alternating curve may be empirically indicated by the expression (-£>,, E ra , etc.) +j(E Xi , E X2 , E Xs , etc.); * Art. 16. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 227 which is intended to convey the idea that each harmonic of the voltage curve acts individually to set up a current of the same frequency in the circuit, as though the other harmonics were not present. The square root of the sum of the squares of the effective values of the harmonic voltages, as already pointed out, gives the effective value of the total voltage impressed on the circuit. In the same way, the square root of the sum of the squares of the effective values of the individual current har- monics caused to flow in the circuit by the harmonics of voltage gives the effective value of the actual current flowing. The irregular current relations are similar to those given for voltage. Triangles of voltages for each harmonic may be drawn, and if the corresponding harmonic of current is divided into the value of each side, an impedance triangle results. Thus, represents the impedance offered to the flow of the harmonic of primary frequency ; = R + jX 3 represents the impedance offered to the flow of the harmonic of three times the frequency, etc. In obtaining the reactances for the different harmonics, care must be taken to use the proper frequency in the formula, X=2t rfL, or X = 1 2 7 rfO' Thus, if the resistance in a circuit is 10 ohms and the reactance for the primary harmonic is 5, there results Zj = 10 +j 5 ; Z 3 = 10 +/15 ; Z 5 = 10 +j 25, etc., when the voltage and current contain harmonics of odd fre- quencies and the reactance is inductive. If the reactance results from capacity, the expression is Z 1 = 10— /5; Z 3 = 10— if; Z 5 = 10 -j f , etc. It will be noticed that the resistance is the same for all harmonics. 228 ALTERNATING CURRENTS If the empirical expression for current C^i’ I g ^ etc.) + j ( 1 j, i . Jf , 3 , etc.), where and _ZJ, are the rectangular components of current, has its several harmonic values divided by the respective harmonic values of the voltage, the admittances which the circuit offers to each current harmonic may be derived. Thus where g and b represent the rectangular components of the admittances. r r is the admittance of the circuit for the current harmonic of primary frequency, is the admittance for the current harmonic of three times the primary frequency, etc. Vector voltage may obviously be multiplied by admittance or divided by impedance to give vector current; or vector cur- rent may be divided by admittance or multiplied by impedance to give vector voltage.* This process gives the relations of the equivalent sinusoids representing irregular curves of voltage and current. The total vector impedance and admittance may be written empirically Z i -)- Z<£ T Zq -f- etc. = (Ri + R + (2„ A L-^)\ ^ is a more complex function of frequency Zl = & + (2*f„L- in which /p/g, etc ,,f n represent the frequencies of the several harmonics, the numerical value of the subscript showing the number of times to multiply the fundamental frequency to arrive at the particular frequency under consideration. Scrutinizing these equations brings out a number of impor- tant facts. 1. Only when reactance is negligible or the voltage sinus- oidal can the current flowing in a circuit have the same wave form as the impressed voltage which sets it up. 2. If the capacity reactance is negligible, as it ordinarily is in the instance of a closed metallic circuit of relatively short length, inductive reactance only is to be considered. In this instance it will be observed that the reactance opposed to each current harmonic is directly proportional to the frequency of the harmonic and the impedance is larger for the harmonics of higher frequency than for those of lower frequency. Under SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 231 these circumstances, the current produced by an irregular im- pressed voltage will be less irregular than the voltage produc- ing it ; that is, the inductive reactance has the effect of reducing the amplitude of the higher harmonics, and thus reducing the ripples or irregularities on the current curve. The lag angles, 8 V 6 V etc., of the several current harmonics with respect to the corresponding voltage harmonics also differ from each other since R is unaffected by frequency, which additionally alters the form of the current wave compared with the voltage wave. The tangent of the angle of lag between each harmonic of current and its corresponding harmonic of voltage is obviously proportional to the frequency of the particular harmonic cur- rent, in this instance. The above conditions are illustrated in Fig. 139. The upper curves show, in a full line the voltage wave E, and in broken lines its component harmonic waves, which are the fundamental, the third, and the fifth harmonics. This voltage wave is im- pressed on a circuit containing resistance and inductive react- ance ; namely, 10 ohms resistance and ,01 henry self-inductance, the fundamental frequency being 60 cycles per second. The lower curves in Fig. 139 indicate in broken lines the harmonics of current corresponding to the harmonics of voltage, while the resultant current is shown by a full line. The impedance in- creases with the frequency, that encountered by the first har- monic being 10.7 ohms, by the third 15.1 ohms, and by the fifth 21.4 ohms. It will also be observed that the resultant wave of current is less irregular than the voltage wave produc- ing it, showing the effect of inductance in a circuit in smooth- ing out the irregularities in the current waves and dampening the effects of the higher harmonics, provided the inductance is fixed in value. 3. If the inductive reactance is negligible, capacity reac- tance only is to be considered. In this instance the reactance encountered by each harmonic of current is inversely propor- tional to the frequency of the harmonic, and the impedance encountered by each harmonic is therefore smaller as the frequency of the harmonic is larger. Consequently, the cur- rent produced in a condenser by an irregular impressed voltage is more irregular than the impressed voltage. Each harmonic of the voltage is represented by an harmonic of current, and 282 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the higher harmonics are exaggerated in comparison with the fundamental. In the instance of a condenser without resist- ance, the relative amplitudes of the higher harmonics of current increase over the relative amplitudes of the harmonics of im- pressed voltage in direct proportion to their several frequencies. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 233 The lag angles, 6 V d 2 , etc., of the several current harmonics with respect to the corresponding voltage harmonics, are obvi- ously smaller as the frequencies of the harmonics are greater. The tangent of each angle of lag is inversely proportional to the frequency of the particular harmonic. These conditions of a circuit containing capacity reactance are illustrated in Fig. 140. In this case the same voltage as that shown in Fig. 139 is impressed on a circuit containing a resistance of 10 ohms and a capacity of 100 microfarads. The harmonics of current corresponding to the harmonics of voltage are indicated in Fig. 140 by broken lines, and the resultant cur- rent is shown by a full line. The impedance encountered by the first harmonic is 28.4 ohms, by the third 13.4 ohms, and by the fifth 11.3 ohms, while the respective angles of lag for the current harmonics are 9 X = 69° 22' ; d 3 = 41° 30' ; = 27° 57'. 234 ALTERNATING CURRENTS It is observed that the resultant current is more irregular than the voltage producing it, showing that the effect of capacity in a circuit is to exaggerate the higher harmonics and distort the resultant wave. 4. When the circuit contains both capacity and self-induct- ance, these two factors of the reactance vary differently with frequency and the effects on the current harmonics are not so represent the reactance, it will be observed : that very low fre- quencies, in general, make the first term negligible compared with the second; that very high frequencies make the second term neg- ligible compared with the first ; and that the two terms are equal to each other and the reactance reduces to zero at some intermediate frequency. Whatever may be the particular nu- merical values of L and C in any instance, some frequency will make 2 7 rfL = - — — • This frequency is, plainly, f — ^ 2 TrfC 1 * >' J 2-kVLC A higher frequency makes 2 irfL > 2-rrfC , and a lower fre- quency makes 2 tt/A<- — — — • The condition in which 2 irfL 1 TTJ C = in which X — 0 and Z — R, is called the condition of 2 TTJ C Resonance, in analogy with the tuning of a wire or a windpipe by adjusting the inertia and elasticity of the vibrating medium so as to afford a maximum natural amplitude of vibration at a particular frequency of disturbance. Applying the above considerations to the circuit conditions wheti, for instance, the numerical values of L and C make 2 7 rfL < o y -y for the fundamental frequency of the impressed voltage, it is to be readily seen that the impedance encountered by higher harmonics of current will decrease up to a harmonic of the frequency at which 2 irfL = anc ^ the impedance over- come by the harmonic of that particular frequency is equal to the resistance of the circuit. Current harmonics of still higher frequency encounter impedance which is again greater than R and increases with the frequency. The angles of lagf for the 236 ALTERNATING CURRENTS various harmonics, as the frequencies increase, change from negative values through zero to positive values. In conse- quence of these relations, the form of the current wave in a cir- cuit of this character may be greatly distorted from the form of the wave of impressed voltage, through the exaggeration of a certain harmonic or harmonics and the shifting of the relative positions of the higher harmonics of current with respect to corresponding voltage harmonics. These conditions are illus- trated in Fig. 141. The upper curves show a voltage wave in a full line and its harmonics in broken lines. It is observed that the harmonics are the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth. This voltage wave is impressed on a circuit of .1 ohm resistance, .3 henry self-inductance and 1 microfarad capacity in series. The fundamental frequency is 60 periods per second. The impedance encountered by the fundamental (first) harmonic of current is 2539.4 ohms; the impedance encountered by the third harmonic is 544.9 ohms ; by the fifth harmonic is 35 ohms, as at this frequency the condition of resonance is almost at- tained; the impedance encountered the seventh harmonic is 412.8 ohms; and the impedance encountered by the ninth har- monic of current is 725 ohms. The respective angles of lag are each nearly 90°, being negative for the first two harmonics and positive for the others. The remarkable exaggeration of the fifth current harmonic caused by resonance illustrates clearly the circumstances here discussed. Looking upon the foregoing considerations, it is to be observed that the form and magnitude of the voltage wave have been assumed, and the conditions of current flow have been derived. Converse^, in case a current of particular form and magnitude is imposed on a circuit, the form and amplitude of the voltage observed at the terminals of the circuit or any part thereof are dependent upon the current harmonics and the constants of the circuit. In these cases it is entirely pos- sible to have high, and possibly injurious, voltages set up in parts of the circuit, although the effective value of the voltage at the main circuit terminals is within ordinary bounds. Prob. 1. A certain circuit has a self-inductance of .01 of a henry and a resistance of 10 ohms, the voltage impressed upon this circuit has a frequency of 60 periods per second. The SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 237 voltage is composed of the first four harmonics having the respective effective values of 100, 75, 50, and 25 volts. What current flows under influence of each one of these harmonics, and what is the impedance opposed to the current of each harmonic 5 What is the effective value of the resultant current ? Prob- 2. The voltage wave of problem 1 is impressed upon a circuit of 10 ohms resistance and 200 ^microfarads capacity. Answer the questions asked in problem 1. Prob. 3. The voltage wave of problem 1 is impressed on a circuit of .02 henry self-inductance and 50 microfarads capac- ity. Answer the questions asked in problem 1. Prob. 4. Answer problems 1, 2, and 3 when the frequency is changed to 120 cycles per second without changing the shape of the voltage wave. Prob. 5. Answer problems 1, 2, and 3 when the frequency is changed to 25 cycles per second without changing the shape of the voltage wave. Fig. 142. — Current Locus in Series Circuit with Constant Reactance and Varied Resistance. 70. The Envel- ope of the Current Vector when the Conditions in Circuit Vary. — (a) A con- sideration of the effects of the varia- tion of the con- stants in a series circuit gives rise to the following theorems for the locus of the current vector when the voltage and frequency are fixed. Case (1). Reactance Constant and Resistance Varied. — In Fig. 142 let OR represent the impressed voltage R and OC JE represent the current J 0 = — when R = 0, in which case it is X obvious that OC must lag (or lead) OR by 90°. Let OA rep- resent the current I for some value of R between zero and infinity. Now r=|and J 0 = |- 238 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Hence, But IZ = I 0 X and I = I 0 X Z X Z OB OA OA 00 - cos 6. Hence, I = I 0 cos 6, E which is the equation of a circle whose diameter is I C) — — , and X the circle is the locus of the current vector when the reactance is constant and the resistance varies. A consideration of the limits in the variation of R shows, as above stated, that when R = 0, I— E_ X' and when R = oo , 1= 0; and thus when R is positive, the current vector is limited to the semicircle OAC. Now suppose a negative resist- ance is introduced in the circuit, — R varying from 0 to go . Negative resistance may he physically considered as the ratio of a voltage to the current flowing, where the voltage may be that of a generator, transformer or other means by which me- chanical, chemical or other energy is transformed into electrical energy, instead of electrical energy being transformed into heat or mechanical energy as in ordinary resistance. The current must have a component in opposition to the circuit fall of potential and thus lies in the lower semicircle ODC. E It will he observed that the diameter OC= I 0 = — will fall A c' 90° to the right or C" Fig. 143. — Current Locus in Series Circuit with Constant Resistance and Varied Reactance. left of the voltage vector OE according as inductive react- ance or capacity re- actance p r e d o m i- nates. Thus in Fig. 142 the circle to the right of the voltage vector represents conditions when in- ductive reactance predominates, while the circle to the left is the locus of the current when capacity reactance prevails. SELF-INDUCTION, CAPACITY, REACTANCE, AND IMPEDANCE 239 Case (2). Resistance Constant and Reactance Varied. — As before, let OR , Fig. 143, represent the impressed voltage and let E OC represent the current I 0 = — when the reactance X = 0, in R which case it will obviously be in phase with OR since there is only pure resistance in the circuit. Let OA' represent the current for some value of X between 0 and infinity. Evi- dently when „ Now Hence, But Hence, X=cx> ,1= 0. T R ij R I= Z* niI °=R 1Z = I 0 R and 1=1 A Zj R Z OB' OA' OA' OC 1= I 0 cos 6', = cos O'. Following the reasoning of Case (1), when R is considered as positive and X is positive, the semicircle OA' C is the limit of the current vector, and when X is negative the semicircle OA" C is the limit of the vector. When R is considered as negative, the current becomes opposed to the voltage and com- prises a component 180° from it, whence the circle OB' C" I)" is the limit of the current vector. As in Case (1) the current vector will fall to the right or left of the voltage OR by an angle O' of lag or lead, according as inductive or capacity reactance predominates. ( b ) The converse of the above cases, namely, when the resist- ance and reactance are constant but the voltage and frequency vary in turn, indicates the following : Case (3). Voltage fi-xed and Rrequency Varied. — Any varia- tion in the frequenc} r must cause a variation in the value of the reactance according to the value of 240 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The effect of variation of the reactance, however, has already been shown in Case (2), and the deductions of Case (2 ) apply to this case. Case (4). Frequency fixed and Voltage Varied. — Under these conditions it is obvious that the current vector is fixed in phase according to the constants of the circuit, but its magnitude increases or decreases as the voltage varies. Case (5). Voltage and Frequency varied proportionally to- gether. — In this case, if the reactance is purely inductive, the rise of voltage matches the increase in reactance, and the proportion of the total volts absorbed in the reactance per ampere of cur- rent is unaffected, hut the proportion of the total volts absorbed in the resistance per ampere of current by the IR drop varies inversely with the voltage. The effect is therefore like Case (1), in which the reactance is constant and the resistance varies. When voltage is zero, frequency and reactance are zero, and Z=-^- = 0, which gives the same result as I— — = 0 and corre- sponds to the point 0 of Fig. 142. When voltage increases toward the limit of infinity, frequency and reactance increase toward the same limit and R becomes of negligible influence on the impedance. This condition, therefore, gives the same result as E I 0 = - — — and corresponds to the point C in Fig. 142. The two circles of Fig. 142 correspond to F positive and 2 7 t/X positive for the upper half of the right-hand circle, F negative and 2 irfL positive for the lower half of the right-hand circle, E positive and 2 71 fiL negative for the upper half of the left- hand circle, and E negative and 2 7 rfL negative for the lower half of the left-hand circle. The negative values for 2 irfL may be secured by substituting the effects of mutual induction in the place of self-induction. When capacity is associated with resistance either alone or in company with inductance, the reactance varies in a different relation with the frequency, and the relationships of the current vector are less simple to illustrate. CHAPTER V THE USE OF COMPLEX QUANTITIES EXTENDED 71. Vector Analysis and the Complex Quantity. — It must be continually borne in mind that as far as mathematics are useful to the engineer, or for developing the applications and extend- ing our knowledge of discoveries in science, they must be con- sidered as a system of logic, which may be conveniently applied to the premises which we possess for the purpose of disclosing or predetermining additional phenomena. When they are used in this manner, it is necessary for us to obtain adequate physical conceptions of the results of all mathematical trans- formations. Our ordinary systems of mathematics are based upon certain assumed premises called axioms, and it is clear that if, by abandoning these axioms and accepting other and different premises which we may or may not call axioms, we can thereby obtain a more convenient and satisfactory system of logic to apply to our ends, then we are justified in abandon- ing the old and adopting the new or of adding the new to the old. This is what we do to a certain extent when we add the processes of vector analysis to the processes of Euclidian and Cartesian geometry for the solution of alternating-current problems. We do an analogous thing when we abandon the ordinary geometry and adopt Hamilton’s quaternion methods or Grasmann's powerful space analysis for treating physical problems involving vectors in space. It is just as irrational for us to confine our attention to the mathematics of a line, as is done in ordinary algebra, when we can usefully extend our consideration to an entire plane or to space, as it was absurd for the early algebraists to neglect all but positive roots in their solutions of equations. The old-time axioms might still be conclusive if viewed within the narrow horizon of Euclid’s time, but in our wider horizon they extend to but a small por- tion of the range of our observations and we can properly extend our methods of reasoning to correspond with the borders of our knowledge. o k 241 212 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Until the engineer has learned that the place of mathematics in his professional training is no other than that of a system of logic and therefore a tool, it is unsafe for him to use anv form of mathematics higher than arithmetic and the elements of ordinary algebra ; but when it is recognized that mathe- matics compose a system of logic and, indeed, a system of the most powerful kind which may be used in improving engineer- ing processes, the propriety of the use of various branches of higher mathematics in engineering studies is manifest. In Art. 6 the following forms and conditions have been given for the vector or complex quantity : A = a + jb, A — ra( cos 0 + j sin 0) = me 30 ,* where m is the Tensor and 0 the Argument of the vector quantity and a and b are the lengths of rectangular com- ponents of the vector. Also, m 2 = a 2 + b 2 , , b sin 0 a cos 0 In these expressions the scalar values of A and m are equal, hut the former is a vector having direction, while m may be considered as a simple number. The expression (cos 8 4 - j sin 6) = e j0 is sometimes called the Direction coeffi- cient or Versor of the expression of which it is a part. It may be abbreviated into (cjs) 0. The tensor (also sometimes called the modulus) of the vector represents its actual numerical value and it is therefore a “ scalar ” quantity ; that is, it is a quantity which has numerical or scale value only, without fixed direction. It is by reason of the latter fact that it is some- times called the “ absolute value ” of the vector. The versor of a vector has direction fixed by the argument 8 , but is of unit length only. The product of versor by tensor therefore fixes the vector in terms of both length and direction. The operator j and the coplaner-vector quantities treated in this hook are assumed to be subject to the usual algebraic laws, * See Williamson’s Differential Calculus, pp. 60-69. THE USE OF COMPLEX QUANTITIES EXTENDED 243 like the law of signs, the law of indices, and, in general, the commutative, associative, and distributive laws.* Such characteristics have been given the operator / that the imaginary quantity V — 1 may be substituted for it, and the equation a -\-jb = a + V — 1 b holds true; for / 2 = — 1 by definition. Hence / = V— 1. 1 The symbol V— 1 may therefore be considered to have a physi- cal meaning like that of the operator/, and if it is met with in the roots of an equation or elsewhere, it may be replaced by /. When interpreted in this way, it is to be observed that an “ imaginary ” expression assumes its true significance of a vec- tor quantity having a numerical magnitude and definite direc- tion. The real roots of an equation or any other “real” expression may similarly be considered as vector quantities, all of which lie on the same line which is at right angles to the axis of “imaginaries.” Since / 2 =— 1, — / 2 =+l, from which follows the relation ^ = — / ; or, in words, the effect of applying the reciprocal of the operator to a vector quantity is the same as the effect of applying the reversed operator. In general it must be remembered that any direction is rep- resented equally by d, 0 + 2 7r, 6 + 4 tt, etc., to an infinite number of angles, so that the argument of the vector has many values, except where the conditions specially fix it. We shall, as a rule, consider it for convenience as equal to 0 even where it is not fixed by the conditions; but where distinct generaliza- tion of the argument is desirable, we shall write it 0 + 2 7 rn. The complex quantity which has been developed lies in one plane and its particularly marked simplicity is a result of its uniplaner condition. Coplaner (uniplaner) vectors, with their corresponding com- plex representations, are quite useful in representing the rela- tions arising in problems which are caused by current flow in alternating-current circuits. These problems deal with periodic quantities which may be treated as though they were the result * For a discussion of these laws in relation to vector algebra, see Hayward’s Vector Algebra and Trigonometry , pp. 2, 14, and 39. t Art. 6. 244 ALTERNATING CURRENTS of uniform rotating vectors, or stationary vectors in a plane which itself rotates about a perpendicular axis. The methods used in vector algebra are analogous to those which are so largely used in the graphical solutions relating to the composi- tion and resolution of forces in graphical statics and to the composition and resolution of velocities and moving forces in graphical dynamics. The alternating-current vectors are mov- ing vectors, and, consequently, the methods must be similar to those used in the vector processes applied to dynamics. 72. Addition and Subtraction of Complex Expressions. — Ad- dition and subtraction of these expressions, as has already been indicated,* is accomplished as in ordinary algebraic operations; as, for instance, O +jb) + 0 —jd) = a + c +j (b - d), (a +jb) - (c —jd) = a — c +j(b + d). The rules for addition are, — reals must be added numerically to reals, and imaginaries must be added numerically to imagi- naries. Whence, when addition is performed, (1) the horizontal component of the resulting vector is equal to the sum of the horizontal components of the vectors added; (2) the vertical component of the resulting vector is equal to the sum of the vertical components of the vectors added. Subtraction being the reverse process gives: (1) the hori- zontal component of the resulting vector is equal to the differ- ence between the horizontal components of the minuend and subtrahend ; (2) the vertical component of the resulting vector is equal to the difference between the vertical components of the minuend and subtrahend. In case an expression has only a horizontal or only a vertical component, then, of course, the addition or subtraction is carried on as though the lacking component were equal to zero. 73. Multiplication and Division of Complex Expressions. — The process of multiplication or division of a complex by a scalar quantity (that is, a quantity which has only a numerical value) is similar to the corresponding ordinary arithmetical process of multiplication or division. For instance, (a +jb) x 2 is 2 (a +jb) = 2 a + j 25 and (a +jb) -r2is|(a +jb) = | a +j b. * Art. 8. THE USE OF COMPLEX QUANTITIES EXTENDED 245 A.' k/ i kV i <— 1_ _J This is illustrated in Fig. 144 where OA is a vector. If this vector is multiplied by 2, its direction is not changed, but its length is doubled and the vector becomes OA'. The proportions of the vector show plainly that the horizontal component of OA' is equal to 2 a and the vertical com- ponent is equal to/2 6. If OA is divided by 2, it becomes a vector of | the length and the same direction as before, and is represented by the vector 0A 1 . The pro- q a X portions of the vector again show clearly Fig. 144.— Graphical Rep- that the horizontal component now is Quantity multiplied or equal to \a and the vertical component divided by a Scalar Quan- is equal to j\ b. tlty- Algebraical processes also immediately apply in the multipli- cation or division of complex quantities by complex quantities, as will be more fully illustrated. W e will suppose that the two complex quantities a + jb and c + jd are to be multiplied together and that these quantities are equal, respectively, to m x (cos 6 X A / sin d x ) = and m 2 (cos d 2 + j sin d 2 ) = m 2 e jB \ Multiplying the exponential forms of the two expressions together gives as a result m 1 m 2 e j{e i + e * ) = m x m 2 [cos (6 X + d 2 ) +/ sin (6 X + d 2 )]. If we directly multiply together the expressions m^cos 6 X +j sin 0 X ) and w 2 (cos d 2 +/ sin d 2 ), we immediately come to the expression m 1 m 2 [cos (dj + d 2 ) +j sin (d 1 + d 2 )]. We therefore have a satisfactory demonstration that the ordi- nary process of multiplication in algebra applies to the multi- plication of these coplaner-vector expressions. Consequently, (a +/6)(c+/d) must be equal to ac A j ad A job Aj^bd, which, again, is equal to ac — bdA j(bc + ad'). This shows that ac — bd is equal to m x m 2 cos (d x -f d 2 ) be + ad is equal to m x m 2 sin (0 X -}- d 2 ). and 246 ALTERNATING CURRENTS These equalities may also be proved by expanding the expres- sions mpn 2 cos(d 1 -f $ 2 ) and m 1 w 2 sin(d 1 + d 2 ), and assigning to m x sin 0 V m 1 cos 6 V m 2 sin d 2 , m 2 cos d 2 their respective values in terms of a , b , c, and d, indicated by Fig. 145. By an inspection of the trigonometrical form of the foregoing product, it is made evident that the product of two complex quantities is another complex quantity in which the tensor or modulus is equal to the product of the tensors of the multiplier and multipli- cand, , and in which the argument is equal to the su?n of the arguments of multiplier and multiplicand (see Fig. 145) ; also that the product vector has a horizontal component which is equal to the difference between the products of the horizontal com- ponents and the vertical compo- nents respectively of multiplier and multiplicand, and a vertical compo- nent which is equal to the sum of the product of the horizontal com- ponent of the multiplier with the vertical component of the multiplicand and the product of the vertical component of the multiplier with the horizontal component of the multipli- cand. By Complementary vectors are meant vectors with equal hori- zontal components, equal vertical components, and equal but reversed arguments. Thus, if we desire to multiply a 4 -jb bt T a—jb (i.e. a vector quantity by its Complement), we get the following result, (a -f/4)(a — jb') = a 2 — jab +jab — j 2 b 2 = a 2 + b 2 = m 2 \ 0 a 0 Fig. 145. — The Product of Two Vectors OA 1 and OA 2 is OR, in which OR has a length equal to the length of OAi multplied by the length of OA. 2 . and again (a +i^)(d r — jb) = m 2 [cos {6 — @) + j sin (d — d)] = m 2 . The product of a vector and its complement therefore is a vector with zero argument and may be considered as an algebraic value equal to the sum of the squares of the two components of either of the complementary vectors. In division a similar process may be followed. We have THE USE OF COMPLEX QUANTITIES EXTENDED 247 (a +jh) -h ( 2 t rA . . ■ 2 irk cos V j sm — V n n _ . ink THE USE OF COMPLEX QUANTITIES EXTENDED 251 d (OA) where k is to be given the values 0, 1, 2, 3 ••• n — 1, taken in order. In this case (1) is considered to be a vector lying along the horizontal axis of reals, and therefore 6 = 0. Since the nth root of (1) is a vector with argument it is clear that 1 . n 2 7T multiplying a vector by (l) re causes rotation by an angle - — • n We have here a justification of our use of the imaginary which enables us to determine all the roots of an equation. It would be just as irrational to neglect the imaginary roots as it was in the early algebraists to also neglect the negative roots and con- sider only the positive roots as of any significance. 76. Differentiation and Integration of Complex Quantities. — Differentiation of a vector quantity d(A ) ~ d(a + jb) becomes, in conformity with the distributive law of algebra, the same as da -+- d(jb), and this becomes in conformity with the commutative law the same as da + jdb. The j here acts like any constant quantity in an equation which is differentiated and serves as an operator or indicator to show that db is measured vertically. We can illustrate the condition by Fig. 146 in which OA represents the vec- tor and AA' may be considered to be its increment. AA' therefore is equal to d( OA'), and da and jdb are respectively the horizontal and vertical components of the increment. It is evident that an integration performed on the expression da + jdb must result in a +jb , provided the above reasoning is correct. Suppose the process of differentiation is applied to the ex- pression m( cos 6 +j sin 6). We then have d[m(cos 6 +j sin #)] = dm( cos 6 +j sin 6) + md( cos 6 +j sin 6) = dm (cos 6 +j sin 6) + m(j cos 6 — sin 6)dd. Now writing (cjs)d for the direction coefficient cos 6 +j sin 6, the foregoing becomes (cjs )6dm +/m(cjs)ddd = (dm -\-jmdd) (cjs)0. This, then, is the differential of the expression a +jb. If the 0 « Fig. 116. — Illustration of a Vector increased by an Increment. 252 ALTERNATING CURRENTS expression is in the form me je and we differentiate it, we have this result, (e' j6 ')dm -f jme J0 dO = (dm +jmdd)e 36 . It will also be observed from this that the real part of the differential is da = cos Odm — m sin QdO ; and the imaginary part is jdb = j (sin Odm + m cos 0O0). We have written (cjs)d for the expression cos 0 +j sin 0 in the preceding paragraphs. The expression (cjs) may be pro- nounced as though it were spelled “ siss,” and it can be readily seen that it is derived by combining the initial of cos with the operator j and the initial of sin in the expression cos 0+j sin 0. This abbreviation is a convenient one and will be used here- after. It should be remembered that (cjs)# = e j0 . 77. Logarithms of Complex Quantities. — In the preceding portion relating to the differentiation of complex quantities, we have shown that where A is a complex quantity equal to ?rc(cjs)#, then dA = (dm +jmdO) (cjs ) 0 ; and from these we cl cl/TCL * get = \-jdO, the process performed having been to A m divide the vector into its differential. Since the natural loga- rithm of any quantity is by definition equal to the integral of the ratio of the differential of a quantity to that quantity, that is, log , it, follows that log A = j"— + J'jdO. In- tegrating these gives, log A = log m +j(0 + 2 7 to), where n is 0 or an integer. The term 2 7 to in the final expression may be looked upon as a constant of integration, and it will be noticed that its addition to 0 does not change the real direction of the vector, but shows that the angle 0 is not iixed except in special cases and that the angle 0 may have an infinite num- ber of values differing from each other by 2 7 -j or 360/°. These expressions show that the logarithm of a complex num- ber depends upon the logarithm of the tensor of the number and upon its argument, and that any function may have an infinite number of logarithms which arise in an arithmetical series with the difference equal to 2 7r/. THE USE OF COMPLEX QUANTITIES EXTENDED 253 It is easy to get from this the logarithm of the ratio A x to A 9 ; thus, log = log A x - log A 2 = log m x + jd i - log m 2 - j0 2 A 0 = log^l + jQ0 1 - 02). m„ In the same manner log (A.J A 2 ) may be shown to be equal to log m x m 2 +j(0 x + 0 2 ). 78. Combination of Admittances. — In the previous chapters, series circuits have been dealt with in most instances. The following pages of this chapter will deal more particularly with circuits in parallel and series-parallel. If impedances are in parallel, their reciprocals must be com- bined, in which case the resultant is the reciprocal of the impedance of the divided circuit. It is evident that the com- ponents of the admittance (reciprocal of impedance) will not be equal to the reciprocals of the components of the impedance, but they may be found in terms of the impedance components, as pointed out in Arts. 63 and 74. The component, g, of the admittance that lies along the hori- zontal axis is the component termed the Conductance and the vertical component, 5, the Susceptance. The latter is positive in direction if caused by capacity, and negative if caused by self-inductance. If, then, g , 5, are the admittance components (conductance and susceptance) and R, X , the impedance com- ponents (resistance and reactance) of a single circuit, we may write by the principles of geometric multiplication above stated, 1 Y= — = g Tjb = R±jX O) The numerical values of the first and second terms of the right- hand member of the expression Y = g T jb are respectively proportional to the active current and quadrature current in a circuit. When a circuit contains inductive reactance only, X is essentially positive, but the quadrature current lags 90° behind the active current, so that b is essentially negative. When a circuit contains capacity reactance only, X is essentially nega- tive, but the quadrature current leads the active current by 90°, so that b is essentially positive. When a circuit contains both 254 ALTERNATING CURRENTS inductive and capacity reactance, the signs of X and b are depend- ent upon the relative magnitudes of the inductance and capacity. To reduce the equation 9 Tjb = 1 R±jX (&) to a more convenient form, the numerator and denominator of the right-hand member may be multiplied by R T jX ; whence R t jX RTjX (. R T jX) ( R ± jX) R* + X 2 ‘ since y 2 indicates the operation which is equivalent to multiply- ing by — 1.* Hence, 9^ jf> = R R 2 + X 2 T J R 2 + X 2 ’ X but the numerical value of the impedance is VR Tx 2 . Therefore g T jb = T 3 R ii , ^ or 9 = y* and b = If R , X, and Z are known or can be determined from the con- ditions presented, problems relating to parallel circuits can now be solved. Fig. 147. — Admittances in Parallel. If in Fig. 147 g\ b' and g", b" are the components of the admittances of two parallel circuits having impedances Z' and Z" , *Art. 8. THE USE OF COMPLEX QUANTITIES EXTENDED 255 g'-jv -EL z ,2 3 Z' 2 and „ , R" , -X " , ^ ^ ^//2 ^ 7/2 1 and if g and £ are the components of the total admittance, Y = g + jb = g' + g" + j (b" R' , R" , .X" .X' 7 Z' 2 Z" 2 ^ Z" 2 ' Z' 2 The intrinsic sign of jb depends upon the relative signs and X' X" magnitudes of and The impedance of the circuit is the reciprocal of the admittance thus found. These processes which enable us to find the joint impedance and admittance of parallel or series circuits when the elements of the individual parts of the circuits are known, equally enable us to find the impedance and admittance of any combination of such circuits by computations which are almost as simple and rapid as those which would be used in dealing with a direct- current system. Also, when the impedances of any combina- tion of circuits have been obtained, it is possible to find the voltages in any portion when a sinusoidal current is flowing and to find the current when a sinusoidal voltage is applied. The meaning of the terms in the expression for impedance and admittance may be explained by multiplying (i2 ± jXj by 1 (current in the circuit), when it is evident that rl is the active voltage and XI the component of voltage acting against the reactance; and by multiplying (g T jbj by E (voltage im- pressed on the circuit), when gE is the active component of the current and bE the quadrature current. The following is a recapitulation of the formulas for the analytical solution by geometric processes of many problems relating to alternating-current circuits. The use of a vinculum over a letter (as Z ) indicates its value as a complex quantity and the letter without the vinculum indicates the tensor or numerical value. In this recapitulation the small letters r, x, y, and z represent the resistance, reactance, admittance, and im- pedance of parts of the circuit while the capitals i?, X , IT, and Z represent the same quantities for the whole circuit. In the same manner the capitals Cr and B stand for circuit parts and the small letters g and b for the whole : 256 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Geometric Equations z = r ±jx. Z — IjZ — ±j"Lx = ^ ±y* = Z (cos 0 +y sin 6). y = l = aTjB r .x — ~2 “ 2 ‘ Y=^y = H r -Tj^\ z 2 z 2 _r t x Z 2 Z 2 y E - I= 2 = * r - e = iz = £- Y Algebraic Equations g = S i =RYM = ^ i =XYK z= VW+X 2 = Y = V^ 2 + b 2 — n cos 0 9 _ X sin 6 b cos 6 sin 6 tan 0 = — = -■ R g T =i= £Y - The currents and voltages in the geometric equations are true vector quantities with magnitudes and relative directions. The impedances and admittances are of the character of vector operators. It will be observed that when E is computed by means of the last equation in the column of geometric equations, its phase is measured with respect to the current ; and when I is computed by means of the next to the last equation in the column of geometric equations, its phase is measured with respect to the phase of the voltage. The two measurements give the same angle but it is taken in opposite directions. CHAPTER VI SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS — APPLICATION OF GRAPHICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS 79. Graphical Methods. — As previously pointed out graph- ical methods often lend themselves satisfactorily to the solution of problems relating to circuits upon which sinusoidal voltages are impressed. This application of graphical processes was first brought to general attention by T. H. Blakesley.* This chapter is a general review of portions of chapters I and V, but it goes further, dealing extensively with circuits in parallel and with complex combinations of series and parallel circuits. It also develops a number of important general relations which have heretofore not been dealt with. To go more into detail concerning the graphical combination of vectors than lias been done previously, suppose the line OA in Fig. 148 is conceived as swinging at a uniform angular velocity oo around the point 0, the angle « which it makes with the horizontal axis OX at any instant is a = cot, where t is the interval of time during which the line describes the angle a. The instantaneous pro- jection Oa upon the vertical axis OY, of the line OA, has a value Oa — OA sin a. If OA is propor- tional to the maximum value of a sinusoidal function, its instantane- ous values are proportionally represented by the instantaneous projections of OA ; and if OA is proportional to the effective value of a sinusoidal function, the instantaneous values of the function are proportionally represented by the product of V2 into the corresponding instantaneous projections. It is there- '! . * Blakesley’s Alternating Currents of Electricity. & 2ol Fig. 148. — Rotating Vector. 258 ALTERNATING CURRENTS fore possible to represent all the elements of a sinusoidal func- tion : (1) by a straight line which rotates at a uniform rate around one end; and (2) by the instantaneous projections of the line. It is evident that the motion which the projection of the end A of the rotating line makes along the axis OY is a simple harmonic motion, and that all the theorems relating to simple harmonic motion may be applied to these solutions. As is ordinarily done, the rotation of the line will always be considered to be left-handed ; and angles measured from right to left will be considered positive, while those measured from left to right will be considered negative. If two sinusoidal voltages of the same frequency, but having a phase difference 6, act in a circuit, the corresponding instan- taneous values are, e = V2 E sin «, e' — V2 E' sin (« + #). The total instantaneous voltage acting in the circuit is e -f e' . In Fig. 119, the voltage E is represented by the line OA , and the voltage E' by the line OA' . Oa and Oa' are the instanta- neous values of the voltage for the angular positions shown. The total instantaneous voltage in the circuit which corresponds to the angular position shown is equal to Oa + Oa', or Oa". It is readily shown that Oa" is the projection of the diagonal of the parallelogram constructed upon OA and OA ' . This is true for all angular positions, since the sum of the projections of the lines OA and OA' must be equal to the sum of the projections of the lines OA and AA" , which in turn is equal by construc- tion to the projection of the diagonal OA". The length of the line OA" therefore proportionally repre- sents the magnitude of the effective or maximum total voltage in the circuit, and its position relative to that of OA and OA! SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 259 represents the relative phase position of the total voltage. If, instead of two voltages acting in a circuit, there are three or more, as OA, OA', OA ", OA'", and OA "", in Fig. 150, the same construction is used. Thus, completing the parallelo- gram for OA and OA', their resultant OA x is found. Com- pleting the parallelogram for OA x and OA", their resultant OA 2 is found, and again with this and OA"' the resultant OA z is obtained ; finally OA 4 , the final resultant, is obtained by combining OA 3 with OA"" . The figure shows that it is un- necessary to complete all the parallelograms. It is only neces- Fig. 150. — Resultant of Three or more Vectors. sary to draw the lines OA, AA V A X A 2 , A 2 A 3 , ^- 3^4 respectively parallel and equal in length to the lines OA, OA', OA" OA'", and OA"", and the line drawn from 0 to the end of the last line laid off gives the phase-position and magnitude of the total voltage in the circuit, regardless of the number of the compo- nents from which it is derived (Fig. 151). The composition of voltages is therefore exactly analogous to the composition of velo- cities or of forces. ^4.s in the case of velocities or forces, the re- sultant of any number of voltages may be determined by this method. The resultant of two sinusoidal alternating currents which 260 ALTERNATING CURRENTS flow in a divided circuit may be graphically determined in the same manner. In Fig. 149, let OA and OA! be the currents in the two reactive branches of a divided circuit. The two partial currents differ from each other in phase by an angle 6. The instantaneous values of the currents are represented by the instantaneous projections of the lines as they revolve around the point 0. At each instant, the total current in the main circuit is equal to the sum of the instantaneous partial currents, or to i + i' . Consequently, the magnitude of the effective or maximum value of the current in the main circuit is proportionally represented by the length of the line OA", and the angular direction of OA" gives the angular relation of the phase of the total current to the phases of the partial cur- rents. When the divided circuit contains more than two branches, the same method may be extended as already ex- plained for the composition of voltages. For convenience in using the graphical methods for solving alternating-current problems, it is well to distinguish between two different diagrams. The first diagram represents the mag- nitude and relative phase positions of the voltages or currents by means of lines radiating from a point. This may be called the Phase diagram. It is analogous to the force diagram of graphical statics. The other diagram is the polygon formed by laying off lines equal and parallel to the lines in the phase diagram. This may be called the Vector diagram or polygon. It is analogous to the funicular polygon of graphical statics. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 261 Figures 150 (full lines only) and 151 are respectively phase and vector diagrams for representing five voltages or currents. The resultant voltage is represented in magnitude and phase by the line OA 4 . If the closing line OA i of the vector polygon is inserted in the phase diagram by drawing from 0 a line in the direction obtained by following round the vector diagram against the direction in which the lines were drawn (that is, from 0 to A 4 ), the line so inserted evidently represents the resultant of the component voltages or currents. If the line he drawn from 0 in the opposite direction, it represents a balancing voltage or current. These simple propositions, which so evidently come from the ordinary graphical mechanics (statics and dynamics), give all the foundation that is usually necessary for the solution of problems relating to the flow of current in simple and compound circuits containing definite resistances, inductances, and capac- ities in their different parts. For solutions of complicated problems the analytical method using complex quantities is usually preferable to the graphical. The graphical method has the advantage of showing directly to the eye the relative phases of the voltages or currents in different parts of the circuit, but a drawing board is not always so convenient a medium as a tablet of computing paper and the sharpness of the lag angle sometimes to be dealt with may cause indefinite intersections and inaccuracy in graphical solutions. The graph- ical solutions have the same limitations in regard to alternating currents or voltages which are not sinusoidal as have the ana- lytical methods ; and where the wave form is not sinusoidal, only an approximation can be arrived at by judiciously cor- recting the results shown by the diagrams based on equivalent sine functions, unless the component sinusoids are used. 80. Classification of Circuits. — The problems relating to alter- nating-current circuits which can be solved by graphical meth- ods may be divided into three classes : (1) where the cur- rent flows through all parts of the circuit in series ; (2) where the same voltage is impressed upon all parts of the circuit (parallel circuits) ; and (3) where the first and second classes are combined. Solutions in the third class are effected by combining partial solutions of the first and second classes. Such problems can also readily be solved by the use of the com- 262 ALTERNATING CURRENTS plex quantity. The articles immediately following give a num- ber of illustrative problems which are solved by both methods. In more complicated systems, it is frequently desirable to use the relations, — usually termed Kirclioff’s Laws, — that the algebraic sum of all the currents at any junction point in a circuit , or network of circuits , is zero; and that the algebraic sum of the voltages in a closed circuit , or any closed loop of a network of circuits , is zero. In the first case, the currents entering the point under consideration are usually termed posi- tive and those leaving it, negative. In the second case, it is usual to follow around the circuit in a clockwise direction, and call those voltages, in the several parts or sections of the complete circuit, positive which are considered to increase from one terminal of a section to the next, and those negative which are considered to decrease from one terminal to the next. These relations are in accordance with the simple laws of elec- tricity and in the form above are scarcely worthy of statement as separate laws, but are rather convenient expressions of Ohm's law. The relations should be carefully borne in mind as here stated, for the purpose of affording systematic direction to the solution of complex problems. 81. Series Circuits. — First Class. — Suppose a circuit is given which has a certain resistance, self-inductance, and capacity, and it is desired to know what impressed voltage with a frequency f is required to pass through it a certain current I. In this case the impressed voltage is made up of two components: (1) the voltage equal to the IR drop caused by the current flowing through the resistance of the circuit, which we call the active voltage ; (2) the voltage required to balance or overcome the reactive counter-voltage. The reactive voltage is 90° in phase in advance of or behind the active voltage, depending upon whether the reactance lias the effect of capacity or of induct- ance, and the phase diagram which shows the relative phases of the voltages in the circuit is therefore like that shown in Fig. 152. The active voltage OA' is equal to IR. and the reactive voltage OA" is equal to 2 irfLI, this representing a circuit with inductive reactance. The reactive component of the impressed voltage is required to balance 2 irfLl \ and is therefore equal to and opposite to OA". An arrowhead is therefore placed on OA' to show that in the vector pol}'gon its SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 263 direction must be taken from A" to 0, instead of from 0 out- wards, as is done with the other lines. The vector polygon is therefore given by drawing 0 1 A 1 equal and parallel to OA', A 1 A 2 equal and parallel to A"0 , and clos- ing the polygon by the line 0 X A 2 (Fig. 152). The line O x A 2 taken in the direction from 0 X to A 2 repre- sents the magnitude and relative phase of the impressed voltage. When inserted in the phase dia- gram, it is the line OA'" . The angle d, by which the current lags behind the impressed voltage, is the angle A 1 0 1 A 2 . If a number of inductive circuits are connected in series, the line in the phase diagram which represents the reactive voltage has a length equal to 2 i rfI(L 1 + L 2 + L s + etc.), and the line which represents the active voltage has a length equal to I(R 1 -4- R 2 + R 3 + etc.), where L v L v L 3 , R v R 2 , R 3 , etc., are the self-inductances and resistances of the different parts of the circuit. If the circuit is non-reactive, the phase diagram and vector polygon each become a single horizontal line equal in length to IR, while if the inductive circuit con- tains no resistance, the diagrams each become a single vertical line which is equal in length to 2 71 fLI. Dividing the lengths of the sides of a vector polygon of vol- tages by the value of I in the circuit gives the impedances of the several parts of the series circuit. A vector polygon of the voltages impressed on the parts of a series circuit and a polygon of the impedances of the corresponding parts may evidently be converted, one into the other, by a simple change of scale. It is to be remembered that in a series circuit the current has the same phase, and is equal at any given instant, in all parts of the circuit ; but the phase, with reference to the current, of the voltage impressed at the terminals of different parts of the cir- cuit depends for each part wholly upon the relation between the individual resistance and reactance of the part. Diagrams of Self-inductive Circuit. 264 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Examples. — In the following examples it is desired to find for each of the given circuits : (1) the impedance of the cir- cuit ; (2) the angle by which the current lags behind the impressed voltage ; (3) the current which flows through the circuit when the impressed voltage is 100 volts ; (4) the im- pressed voltage which is required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit. The frequency in each case is taken just under 127-| periods per second, whence 2 irf is equal to 800, and current and voltage are assumed to be sinusoidal. Circuits containing Resistance and Seif-inductance a. The circuit is non-reactive and has a resistance of 10 ohms. The phase and vector diagrams for the first solution each con- sist of a horizontal line 10 units in length. R=io | the The impedance of the circuit is 10 ohms, and current which flows when voltage of 100 volts is impressed on the circuit is 10 O R = 1 ° A amperes. The diagrams for the fourth solu- oi IR ioo tion eac p coi:is i s t of a horizontal line IR( = Fig. 153. — Solutiono. ... . . . 100) units m length, and the impressed vol- tage required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 100 volts. The angle 6 is zero. The complex expression for the imped- ance of the circuit is Z = r +jx = 10 4-/0. Therefore, (1) Z = v/10 2 -|- 0 2 = 10 ohms, and (2) 6 = tan -1 ^ = 0°. When the impressed voltage is 100, and (3) I— = 10 amperes, in phase with the vol When the current flowing through the circuit is 10 anq E—JZ= Ir 4-/70, or R = 1 0 R and (4) E = IZ = 100 volts, in phase with the current. b. The circuit consists of an inductive coil of 10 ohms re- sistance and 0.01 henry self-inductance. The phase and vector SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 265 diagrams for the solutions are shown in Fig. 154. The imped- ance is shown by the closing line of the impedance diagram to be 12.8 ohms, whence it is seen that 7.81 amperes will flow through the circuit when the impressed voltage is 100 volts. R = 10 L= .01 Fig. 154. — Solution b. The fourth solution shows that the impressed voltage required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 128 volts. The angle 6 is 38° 40'. The complex expression for the impedance in the circuit is Z — r +jx — 10 ,+y 8 and (1) Z= VlO 2 + 8 2 = 12.8 ohms. (2) 6 = tan -1 =f$8° 40'. When the impressed voltage is 100 volts, and Y Er .Ex 1000 .800 J =-®y=22-^=i6r^i6i’ (3) /= 100 x — — = 7.81 amperes, lagging behind the 12.8 voltage. The two terms in the right-hand member of the complex expression are respectively the two rectangular components, I g and I b , of the current. 266 ALTERNATING CURRENTS When the current flowing through the circuit is 10 amperes, E = IZ = Ir +jlx = 100 +/ 80, and (4) E — IZ = 10 x 12.8 = 128 volts, leading the current. The two terms in the right-hand member of the complex ex- pression, namely Ir and lx , are respectively the active and reactive components E r and E x of the impressed voltage. c. The circuit consists of a non-inductive coil of 5 ohms in series with an inductive coil of 5 ohms and 0.01 henry. The total phase and vector R = 5 01 diagrams for this are simi- lar to those in example b. The vector diagram may be laid off as shown in Fig. 155. This shows that the voltage O x A 3 im- pressed upon the circuit as a whole is not equal to the algebraic sum of the voltages O x A 2 and A 2 A 3 measured between the terminals of the parts of the circuit, but it is still equal to their vector sum. The solution by means of complex expressions is as follows : Z 1= 5 +/ 8 tan 6 = = . 8. 6 = 38° 40' t a " 27T/L = 8 . ///' R=5 * Z^A38°40 R = 5 A > Fig. 155. — Solution c. 5 +/ 0 Z = Vr 2 +:r 2 =VT0 2 -t-8 2 = 12.8 ohms. Z = 10+/ 8 When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, I=EY=^-j - lift and (3) 1= 7.81 amperes, lagging behind the voltage. When 10 amperes flow through the circuit, E=IZ= 100+/ 80, and (4) E = 10 x 12.8 = 128 volts, leading the current. d. The circuit comprises only inductance of 0.01 henry. The phase and vector diagrams for the first solution each consist of a vertical line 2 7 rf.L(= 8 ) units in length. The impedance of the circuit is 8 ohms, and the current which flows through the SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 267 u ■J 27T/L 8 'iTTj'i I = 8 *-^0=90° = 80 A„ Ai «o circuit under an impressed voltage of 100 volts is 12.5 amperes. The diagrams for the fourth solution L= oi each consist of a vertical line 2 irfLI r^^TSinrirVi (=80) units in length, and the im- pressed voltage required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 80 volts. The angle 6 is 90°, and the current therefore lags 90° behind the impressed voltage. hxe=90° b\0=9o° (1) Z=0 +y 8, Z= 8, a' (2) 6 = tan- 1 1 = 9Q°. When a voltage of 100 is impressed on the circuit, Y 100 .100 Z J 8 ’ and (3) -§-= 12.5 amperes, lagging behind the voltage. When 10 amperes are flowing through the circuit, ^=ioz=y so, and (4) _Z?= 80 volts, leading the current. O, A' O, Fig. 156. — Solution d. The effect of a condenser placed in series in a circuit may be shown by diagrams which are very similar to those relating to inductive circuits. The charging current of the con- denser has such a phase position and magnitude that its effect on the total current flowing in the circuit is the same as the effect of a voltage which is equal to I and is 90° in ad- 2t jfO vance of the circuit current. This may be called the Condenser vol- tage.* The phase diagram is like A 2 that shown in Fig. 157. The vol- Phase and Vector Dia- t a g e impressed on the circuit when current I flows must consist of two components : (1) the voltage required to pass the current Fig. 157 grams of a Capacity Circuit. * Art. 54. 2(58 ALTERNATING CURRENTS through the resistance of the circuit: (2). the voltage required to balance the condenser voltage. The active voltage OA in Fig. 157 is equal to IR, and the condenser voltage OA" is equal to active voltage and is 90° in advance of the 2 77/(7 The capacity component of the impressed voltage is required to balance I 2 t rfC' and is therefore equal and opposite to OA". An arrowhead is therefore placed on OA" to show that in the vector polygon its direction must be taken from A" to 0, instead of from 0 outwards. The vector polygon is then as shown in Fig. 157 (compare with Fig. 152). Examples. — The following examples are to be solved for the quantities as before, the value of 2 nf being taken as 800 and voltage and current being assumed to be sinusoidal. Circuits containing Resistance and Capacity e. The circuit contains simply a condenser having a capacity of 100 microfarads (= 0.000100 farad). The phase and vector diagrams for the first solution each consist of a vertical line - — 12.5) units in length. The impedance of the circuit is 12.5 ohms, and the current which flows through the circuit, when 100 volts is impressed on it, is 8 amperes. The diagrams for the fourth solution each consist of a ver- C=ioo A' O, A' ‘ *“ T “ 0>-9O o, tical line I 27 rfc = 12.5 12.6 1 27 rfc =126 A, 0/1-90° irfC ( = 125) units in 126 A, Fig. 158. — Solution e. length, and the impressed voltage re- quired to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 125 volts. The angle 6 is — 90°; that is, the current is 90° in advance of the impressed voltage. The lines composing the diagrams for this example are drawn in a direction which is exactly opposite to that of the lines in the diagrams of the example d. (1) Z = 0 —j 12.5, Z — 12.5 ohms. (2) 6 = tan" 1 - = - 90°. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 269 When the impressed voltage is 100, and T 100 .100 . q 1 — = 7 = 78, £ J 12.5 J (3) I— ~~ = 8 amperes, leading the voltage. ±A, u When the current flowing through the circuit is 10 amperes, E = 10 Z = - j 125, and (4) E = 10 x 12.5 = 125 volts, lagging behind the current. /. The circuit R =io C '= ioo 2tt/C = 12. 5 R =10 A' contains a resist- ance of 10 ohms and a capacity of 100 A microfarads. The phase and vector diagrams are shown in Fig. 159. The impedance of the circuit is 16 ohms and the current ° which flows under an impressed vol- tage of 100 volts is 6.25 amperes. The impressed voltage re- quired to cause 10 amperes to flow through the circuit is 160 volts. The angle 6 is — 51° 20' (1) Z = 10 — j 12.5, Z = 16 ohms, (2) S = tan" 1 - ^ = - 51° 20'. v 7 10 For 100 volts impressed, Fig. 159. — Solution /. 7=100 Y = — + j 1250 256 256 ’ and 100 (3) I = — = 6.25 amperes, leading the voltage. Zj For 10 amperes flowing, E= 10 Z= 100 -j 125, and (4) E = 10 x 16 = 160 volts, lagging behind the current. 270 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Circuits containing Self -inductance and Capacity C=ioo L = .oi =^ nmnri o-- ♦ A, 2jt/C = 12.5 2tt/L = 8 /- 90 ° 4.5 Fig. 160. — Solution g. g. The circuit consists of a con- denser of 100 microfarads capacity in series with a 0.01 henry induct- ance, the resistance being negligi- ble. The diagrams are as shown in Fig. 160. The impedance of the circuit is 4.5 ohms. The current which flows when the impressed voltage is 100 volts is 22.2 amperes, at which time the voltage measured between the terminals of the con- denser is 277.5 volts and that meas- ured between the terminals of the inductance is 177.6 volts. The im- pressed voltage required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 45 90° volts. The angle 0 is The complex expression for impedance is Z\ = 0 +j 8.0 Z, = 0 -j 12.5 and Z = 0-j 4.5 (1) Z= 4.5 ohms. (2) The angle of lag is 0 — tan" T5 0 = -90° (3) When the impressed voltage is 100, T _100_ .100 Z J 4. 5’ I — = 22.2 amperes, leading the voltage. Z (4) When 10 amperes flow, the impressed voltage is E — IZ = — j 10 x 4.5 = — j 45, E = 1Z = 45 volts, lagging behind the current. The voltage measured between the terminals of the inductive coil when 10 amperes flow is E x = 1Z X = j 80. E x = 80 volts, leading the current, SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 271 L = .016 r^nnr- C = 125 A, and the voltage measured between the terminals of the con- denser is ^7 = IZ 2 = -3 125, = 125 volts, behind the current. Under a current flow of 22.2 amperes, the voltage measured between the terminals of the condenser is 22.2 x 12.5 = 277.5 volts, and the voltage measured between the terminals of the inductive coil is 22.2 x 8 = 177.6 volts as pointed out in the first paragraph. h. The circuit comprises a capacity of 125 microfarads in series with an inductance of 0.015 henry, the resist- a' x ance being negligible. The diagrams of Fig. 161 show that impedance of 2 tt/c the circuit is 2 ohms and the current =1 ° which flows under 100 impressed volts is therefore 50 amperes, at which time the voltage measured between the ter- minals of the condenser is 500 volts and between the terminals of the in- ductance coil is 600 volts. The im- pressed voltage required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 20 volts. With this current flowing, the voltage A'-L measured between the terminals of the condenser is 100 volts and between the terminals of the in- ductance is 120 volts. The angle 6 is 90°. Solving by the complex expressions gives, Z 1 = 0 + j 12 Z = Vo 2 + 2 2 = 2 ohms a .‘in o 0 = 90°. o ■■ 1 1 k-~ i f o-- , V C = ioo Ai 'FT*' .i.l.t. 0, A, 27T/L = 12.5 A'.. Fig. 162. — Solution i. It will be observed that the 500 volts measured between the con- denser terminals and the 600 volts measured between the coil terminals are in exact opposition, and the vol- tage measured between the termi- nals of the circuit made up of the condenser and coil in series is the difference of the two or 100 volts. This combination gives a large rise of voltage at the condenser and at the coil caused by the interaction of the two through their mutual transfer of energy. When current flowing through the circuit is 10 amperes, the vol- tage measured between the circuit terminals is E=IZ = j 20 and E = 20 volts, ahead of the current. Under these circumstances E 2 = IZ. 2 = - j 100 and E 2 = 100 volts, behind the current. E x = IZ X = +j 120 E x — 120 volts, ahead of the current. i. The circuit comprises a capacity of 100 microfarads in series with an inductance of 0.0156 henry, resistance being negligible. The phase and vector diagrams are shown in Fig. 162. In this case 2 irfC = 2 7i fL, O x A x is equal and opposite to A x A 2 , and the impedance of the circuit is zero. Z x = 0 +j 12.5 Z= 0 Z 2 = 0 — j 12.5 That is, this acts like a Z = 0 short circuit. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 273 If a current of 10 amperes is caused to flow through this arrangement of capacity and inductance in series, the voltage measured between the terminals is zero ; but the voltage meas- ured between the terminals of the condenser is and E 2 = IZ 2 = - j 125 E 2 = 125 volts, behind the current ; and the voltage measured between the terminals of the induct- ance coil is --tor E x = IZi =j 125 and E x = 125 volts, ahead of the current. Circuits containing Resistance , Self- Inductance, and Capacity R — lo L=.oi C = ioo j. The circuit consists of 10 ohms plain resistance, 100 microfarads, and .01 henry in series relation. The impedance of the circuit is shown by Fig. 163, to be 10.96 ohms. The current which flows through the circuit when 100 volts are impressed at its terminals is 9.12 amperes. The voltage required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 109.6 volts. This is the vector sum of 125 volts and 128 volts, which are the voltages meas- ured respectively between the condenser terminals and the remainder of the cir- cuit. The angle 9 is — 24° 14'. A'"" l 2jt/C = 12.5 R=lo A' 27T/L = 8 A" R =10, L= 01 Fig. 163. — Solution j. 274 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Solved by complex quantities, there results z x = 10 +j 0 Z 2 = 0 -\-j 8 3 a =0-/12.5 3 = 10-/ 4.5 Here the prefix of the reactance term in the expression for 3 is — /, hence the angle 6 is negative. When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, I_E_ F Y- 1000 • 450 z J (10.96) 2+ ' ; (10.96) 2 and I— = 9.12 amperes, leading the voltage. Under these conditions, the voltage measured across the ter- minals of the condenser is E z = IZ z = — / 9.12 x 12.5 and ^ 3 = 114 volts, behind the current. The voltage measured across the remainder of the circuit is E 1+2 = KZ X + Z 3 ) = 9.12 (10 +/ 8) and E 1+2 = 4- 72.9B 2 = 116.8 volts, ahead of the current. When 10 amperes is caused to flow through the circuit, J= 73= 100-/45 and E = 109.6 volts, behind the current. The values of E 3 and E x+2 under these circumstances may be computed in the same manner. k The circuit comprises 10 ohms plain resistance, 150 micro- farads, and 01042 henry in series. The diagrams in Fig 164 show that the impedance of the circuit is 10 ohms One hun- dred volts is therefore the impressed voltage that gives a cur- rent of 10 amperes. When 10 amperes flow in the circuit, the voltage measured between the terminals of the condenser is 83.8 volts, and that measured between the terminals of the remainder of the circuit is 180 volts. The angle 6 is zero. Z x = 10 +/ 0 3=10 ohms. Z 2 = 0 + j 8 . 33 tan 0 _ q _ qo_ 3 3 = 0 — j 8.33 10 Z =10+/0 Z = VlO 2 + 4.5 2 = 10.96 ohms, tan e = - 6 = - 24° 14'. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 275 When 100 volts are impressed on this circuit, 100 10 = 10 and I— 10 amperes, in phase with the voltage. The voltage measured between the terminals of the condenser (assuming it to be resistanceless) is j? 3 = -yiO X 8.38 = -/ 83.3 and Eq = 83.3 volts, behind the current. The voltage measured between the terminals of the inductance coil (assuming it to be resistanceless) is E 2 = +j 10 x 8.33 = +j 83.3 and _Z ?2 = 83.3 volts, ahead of the current. i 27T/C = 8.33 O R =10 A' 2 tt/L =8.33 These two reactive R = 10 L = .01042 components of vol- tage are equal and opposite to each other, and the vol- tage measured across the circuit is the same as that measured across the plain resistance coil, namely, 100 volts in phase with the cur- rent. 82. Conclusions in Regard to Series Cir- cuits. — The eleven examples thus given cover every funda- mental arrangement of series circuits which may occur. An examination of the diagrams makes the following state- C = 150 R =10, L = .0104 83.3 t 8.33 10 o, Fig. 164. — Solution k. ments evident for circuits in which are sinusoidal voltages and currents : 8.33 R=10, C =150 83.3 276 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 1. When non-inductive circuits are connected in series, the total impressed voltage equals the sum of the voltages measured between the terminals of the individual parts, and the total resistance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the resistances of the individual parts. 2. When inductive circuits of equal time constants are con- nected in series, the total impressed voltage equals the sum of the voltages measured between the terminals of the individual parts, and the total impedance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual impedances. 3. When inductive and non-inductive circuits are connected in series with each other, or when inductive circuits of unequal time constants are connected in series, the total impressed vol- tage equals the vector sum, which is always less than the alge- braic sum, of the voltages measured between the terminals of the individual parts, and the individual voltages are each less than the total impressed voltage. The total impedance of the circuit is equal to the vector sum of the individual impedances, each of which is less than the total. 4. When condensers are connected in series by conductors of 7iegligible resistance , the total impressed voltage equals the sum of the voltages measured across the individual condensers, and the total impedance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the impedances of the individual condensers. 5. When condensers are connected in series with non-hiduct- ive circuits , the total impressed voltage equals the vector sum, which is always less than the algebraic sum, of the voltages measured between the terminals of the individual parts of the series, and the individual voltages are each less than the total impressed voltage. The total impedance of the circuit is equal to the vector sum of the individual impedances, each of which is less than the total. 6. When condense?-s are connected in series with inductive circuits , the total impressed voltage equals the vector sum, which is always less than the algebraic sum, of the voltages measured between the terminals of the individual parts of the series. Since the effects of capacity and self-inductance respec- tively cause the lag angle to become negative and positive, the individual voltages may be either greater OR less than the total impressed voltage , depending upon the relation between the SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 277 various resistances, capacities, and inductances in the circuit. The total impedance of the circuit is equal to the vector sum of the individual impedances, each of which may be either greater or less than the total impedance. The third, fifth, and sixth paragraphs above make the follow- ing proposition evident : When in series circuits the angles measured between the phase of the current and the phases of the individual voltages measured between terminals of parts of the series, are all either positive or negative, the total impressed voltage is always greater than any of the individual or partial voltages. When the angles measured between the phase of the current and the phases of the partial voltages are in part positive and in part negative, some or all of the partial voltages may be greater than the total impressed voltage. 83. Parallel Circuits. — Second Class. — The graphical and analytical treatment of problems relating to parallel circuits is entirely analogous to that given for series circuits. As the simplest cases of parallel circuits are those in which the same voltage is impressed upon all the parts of the circuit, these will be treated first. In this class the same general operations are used in solving problems as in the first class (series circuits), but alternating currents and admittances are dealt with instead of alternating voltages and impedances. Suppose a circuit is made up of two branches in parallel, each with a known resist- ance and reactance, and it is desired to know what impressed voltage with a frequency f is required to cause a sinusoidal current I to flow through the circuit. In this case the total current is made up of two components, each of which flows through one of the branches and is inversely proportional to the impedance of the branch, and the phase of which has an angular retardation with respect to the impressed voltage which depends upon the time constant of the branch. The total current, which is inversely proportional to the equivalent impedance of the parallel circuit, is equal in magnitude and position to the resultant of the branch currents. The con- dition is represented by Fig. 165, in which OA! and OA" are the currents in the two branches respectively, O' and 6" being their respective lag angles. The relative phase position of the impressed voltage is taken on the horizontal line. Then the resultant or total current in the circuit is represented in mag- 278 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 165. — Currents in Parallel Branches. E nitucle and phase by OA. OA! is equal to — , OA" is equal to F E ■ Zx — , and OA is equal to — where E is the voltage impressed on Z 9 Z the branches and the de- nominators of the frac- tions are the respective impedances of the branches and of the total circuit. It is therefore evident that the reciprocal of the joint impedance Z(= the joint admittance) of a parallel circuit may be at once derived from the admittances of the branches, by taking their vector sum, as is shown in Fig. 166. The joint admittance or the joint impedance of a branched circuit being known for a particular frequency, the voltage of that fre- quency required to pass a given current through it, or the current flowing under a given impressed voltage of the same frequency, may be at once dei’ived. In dealing with series cir- cuits, the phase of the cur- rent (or active voltage) has been assumed to be along the horizontal line, .Y. x or line of reference. In dealing with parallel cir- cuits, it is more convenient to assume the phase of the impressed voltage (or conductance) for the reference phase. It must always be remembered, however, that angles of lag are measured from lines representing current to lines representing voltage. Thus, in Figs. 165 and 166 the angle 6 is negative because the current leads the voltage. The resultant current is also obtained by adding the com- plex expressions representing the branch currents. Thus the resultant of two currents in parallel circuits is Fig. — 166. Vector Diagram of Admittances. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 279 1= I x + 1 2 = El \ + E Y 2 — E(g x + gf) — + ^ 2 )* In this equation Eg x + Eg 2 is the active component I g of the particular current, and Eb 1 + Eb 2 the component I b in quad- rature. In the same way the combined admittance of parallel circuits is obtained. The addition is performed graphically in Figs. 165 and 166. Examples. — In the following examples it is desired to find for each of the given circuits : (1) the joint impedance of the circuit at the given frequency, (2) the angle by which the total current lags behind the impressed voltage, (3) the current which flows through the circuit when the impressed voltage is 100 volts, (4) the impressed voltage which is re- quired to pass 10 amperes through the circuit. The frequency is taken as in examples of the series circuit to be just under 127^- periods per second, whence 2 7r/is equal to 800 ; and cur- rent and voltage are supposed to be sinusoidal. R, - 10 Circuits containing Resistance and Self-inductance a. The circuit consists of two non-reactive * branches in parallel, one having 20 ohms resistance and the other 10 ohms resistance. The phase diagram for the solutions, using the admittances as a basis of work, is two horizontal lines superposed, of lengths respec- tively .05 and .10 unit. The vector diagram is obtained by drawing these consecutively, and the equiva- lent admittance of the circuit is OA 2 in Fig. 167 and is equal to .15 mho. The joint impedance of the cir- cuit is therefore 6.67 ohm. The current flowing under 100 volts impressed is therefore 15 amperes, and the voltage re- quired to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 66.7 volts. The complex expressions for these circuits reduce to the ordi- Ot- 0,t A" .10 A, -05_ -.16 Fig. 167. — Solution a. * * The terms inductive , capacity, and reactive circuit are used in this book with the following significations : an inductive circuit is one containing in- ductance, but not capacity ; a capacity or condenser circuit is one containing capacity, but not inductance ; a reactive circuit is one containing either in- ductance or capacity, or both inductance and capacity. A non-reactive circuit is, therefore, one which contains neither inductance nor capacity, that is, one which contains plain resistance only. 280 ALTERNATING CURRENTS R, = 10 L = .01 A, nary forms derived from Ohm’s Law and are, therefore, omitted. b. The circuit con- sists of a non-reactive branch of 10 ohms and an inductive branch of .01 henry in parallel. The phase diagram consists of two lines at right an- b= gles (one being hori- zontal), since the cur- rent in the non-reac- tive branch is in phase A with the impressed voltage and that in the inductive branch lags 90° behind. The lengths of the lines are respectively The vector poly- — (= .10) units and—- ■(= .125) units R 2 irfL gon is as shown. The admittance of the circuit is .16 mho and the impedance is 6.25 ohms. The current flowing under an impressed voltage of 100 volts is therefore 16 amperes, and it requires 62.5 volts to cause 10 amperes to flow. The angle 6 is 51° 20'. The small triangle of Fig. 168 is an impedance triangle drawn on a different scale from the larger admittance - 1 triangle. Its sides are derived from the relation Z = = and z = whence r = and x= Y*' In the complex expression we have g = l = Z - Z“ and -g + jb, therefore 10 F i = 100 + 0 F 9 = 0 -JO -j 64 + 0 Y= .1 - j .125 Y = V.l 2 + .125 2 = .16 mho. tan e = — p e = 51° 20'. Z = ^ r = 6. 25 ohms. When 100 volts are impressed on this branched circuit, SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 281 I = EY = 10 -j 12.5 and I = EY = 16 amperes, lagging behind the voltage. When 10 amperes flow through the branched circuit, W-iz- 10 - 1 |j L25 .1-/.125 .0256 . 0256 and E = IZ = 62.5 volts, leading the current. The current in each branch under either set of conditions is equal to the admittance of the branch multiplied by the im- pressed voltage corresponding to the conditions. c. The circuit consists of a non-reactive branch of 10 ohms in parallel with an inductive branch having a resistance of 10 ohms and an inductance of .01 henry. The impedance and the angle .of lag for the inductive branch are found by the method given under Series Circuits: First Class, and the admittance of the branch is laid off line making with the horizontal axis an angle equal to the angle of lag taken backwards. This is line OA" in the diagram, Fig. 169. The line OA' represents the admittance of, and the relative phase of current in, the non-reactive branch. The length and direction of the line 0 X A 2 in the vector polygon shows the value of the equivalent or joint admittance of the circuit and the angle by which the phase of the main current lags behind the phase of the impressed voltage. The joint admittance of the circuit is .168 mho and the joint impedance 5.95 ohms. The current flowing under an impressed voltage of 100 volts is 16.8 amperes, and the voltage required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 59.5 volts. The angle 6 is 16° 52k The triangle OA! A is equal to the impedance tri- angle of the self-inductive branch rotated on its base until its apex points downward. This reversed construction of the in the phase diagram on a R, =io R 2 = io, L = .oi — ' kfinnrird'- A, -io Fig. 169. — Solution c. 282 ALTERNATING CURRENTS impedance line (used also in following problems) is made foi convenience in obtaining the correct position of the admittance line, since admittance is the reciprocal of impedance and taking the reciprocal of an operator reverses its angle. If the position of the impedance and its components are desired, an impedance triangle should be laid out as in the case of any series circuit. The problem may be worked out by the use of complex quantities as follows : Y — JLQ A 0 1 i — i o o J u Y = 10 • §_ 2 100 + 64 100 + 64 Y= .161 -j .049 Y= V.l61 2 + .049 2 = .168 mho. Z — 5.95 ohms. tan e = e = 16° 52'. .161 When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, I— EY = 16.1 — j 4.9 and /= EV = 16.8 amperes, lagging behind the voltage. When 10 amperes flow through the circuit, e= iz= ~ = — — + /-MiL Y .0282 . 0282 and E = 1Z = 59.5 volts, ahead of the current. The complex expressions for currents in the branches when 100 volts are impressed are J 1 = .2^ = 100 (.1-/0), /j = 10 amperes, in phase with the voltage, Li = .oi L 2 =.0126 — ^ (5 X s * - "‘ = tan ' 1 B =0 ° ; and Y = EY 0 = 100 (.061 -i.049), 72 = 7.81 lagging behind the voltage, = tan- 1 ^? = 38° 40h 2 .061 It will be observed that the arith- metical sum of the currents, 10 amperes and 7.81 amperes, in the two branches is greater than the current, 16.8 amperes, in the main line. A 2 - l Fig. 170. — Solution d. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 283 d. The circuit consists of two inductive branches of respec- tively .01 and .0125 henry in parallel. The diagrams consist of vertical lines, as shown in Fig. 170. The admittance is .225 mho and the impedance is 4.44 ohms. The current flow- ing when 100 volts is impressed on the circuit is 22.5 amperes, and it requires 44.4 volts to cause 10 amperes to flow. The angle of lag is 90°. The complex expressions for admittance are ¥ 1 = -j. 1 Y = .225 mho. Y 2 = -j. 125 Z= 4.44 ohms. f=-jm 0 = tan-^5 = 90 ". 0 The currents in the branches when 100 volts are impressed on the circuit are I l — EY l =.lx 100 = 10 amperes, lagging 90°, and I 2 = EY 2 = .125 x 100 = 12.5 amperes, also lagging 90°. The main current is 1= EY = —j 22.5 and 1 = 22.5 amperes, lagging 90°. When 10 amperes are caused to flow through the circuit, 10 .225’ E = IZ = 44.4 volts, 90° ahead of the current. two reactive branches of respec- Ri=io, L, — .005 r-OS - 5"15Tr"5"'b~'* — R =8, L, = .0125 e. The circuit consists of tively .005 henry and 10 ohms, and .0125 henry and 8 ohms in parallel. The diagrams are 10 as shown in Fig. 171. The admit- tance of the circuit is shown to be .165 mho, and the im- pedance 6.06 ohms. The current flow- ing under a voltage of 100 volts is therefore 16.5 amperes, and the voltage required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is Fig. 171. — Solution e. 284 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 60.6 volts. The angle 8 is 35° 16'. The problem may be solved by the use of complex quantities as follows : y 10 • £_ 1 100 + 16 100 +16 Y — § j 10 2 64 + 100 J 64 + 100 Y= .1349 -j. 0954 Y — ^ . 1349 2 + .0954 2 = .165 mho. Z = = 6. 06 ohms. .165 tan 6 = = .7072, 6 = 35° 16'. .1349 The currents in the branches when 100 volts are impressed on the circuit are I x = EY X — 9.3 amperes, lagging behind the voltage, and / 2 = EY 2 = 7.8 amperes, also lagging behind the voltage ; d x = 21° 48' and 6 2 = 51° 20'. The total current is 1= EY = 13.5 -j 9.54 and I = EY — 16.5 amperes, lagging behind the voltage. The five preceding examples cover all the fundamental com- binations of resistance and inductance in parallel circuits. The following four in like manner cover the combinations of resist- ance and capacity. The solutions in the two cases are similar, but the lag angles become negative in the latter on account of the influence of the capacities. Circuits containing Resistance and Capacity f. When two or more condensers of negligible internal re- sistance are connected in parallel by wires of negligible resist- ance, they evidently act upon the circuit exactly as though it contained one condenser with a capacity equal to the com- bined capacity of those in parallel. The impedance of a con- denser is equal to 2 irfC , and its admittance to 2 i -fC. The admittance of several condensers in parallel is therefore evidently 2 Trf{C x + C 2 + etc.). SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 285 R - 10 C = ioo A" g. The circuit consists of a non-reactive branch of 10 ohms in parallel with a capacity branch of 100 microfarads and negli gible resistance. The dia- grams are as shown in Fig. 172. The admit- tance of the circuit is .128 mho and its impedance is 7.81 ohms. The current flowing under a voltage of 100 volts is 12.8 am- peres, and the voltage re- quired to pass 10 amperes through the circuit is 78.1 volts. The angle 0 is - 38° 40'. The complex expressions for this case are of the same form as for Solution b except that the direction of the vertical component is reversed. Fig. 172. — Solution g. Y^.l-jO F„ = o+y.Q8 Y = .!+/. 08 Y= ^.l 2 + .08 2 = .128 mho. Z - —— 7.81 ohms. 6 = — tan -1 = -38° 40'. When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, I=EY=10+j8 and /= EY = 12.8 amperes; I\ = EY X = 10 —j 0 and I x = EY X — 10 amperes ; I 2 = EY 2 =j 8 and I 2 = EY 2 — 8 amperes ; Q x = 0°, 0 2 = - 90°. When a current of 10 amperes is caused to flow through the circuit, 1 . 0.8 r E = — .0164 .0164 E — IZ =78.1 volts. and 286 ALTERNATING CURRENTS R = 10 R = 10 , C = ioo h. The circuit consists of a non-reactive branch of 10 ohms in parallel with a reactive branch of 10 ohms and 100 micro- farads. The ad- mittance of the cir- cuit is shown by the diagrams of Fig. 173 to be .117 mho and the im- pedance 6.8 ohms. The current flow- ing under 100 volts is 14.7 am- peres, and the vol- tage required to pass 10 amperes -19° 20'. through the circuit is 68 volts. The angle of lag is The solution by means of complex quantities is Y _ 10 • 0 1 100 + 0 J 100 + 0 v 10 ■ 12-5 2 100 + 156 J 100 + 156 Y = .1390 +/. 0488 r = V.l390 2 + .04 88 2 = .147 mho. Z = —5— = 6.8 ohms. .147 tan ^ = _iM§8 = _. 3 509, 0 = -19° 20'. .1390 When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, the currents are I=EY= 13.9 +i 4.88 and I = EY = 14.7 amperes; I x = EY 1 = 10 -j 0 I x = EY X = 10 amperes ; I^EY 1000 .1250 256 +J 256 and SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 287 and / 2 = E Y 2 = 6.25 amperes ; 6 X = 0°, 0 2 = — tan" 1 = When 10 amperes are caused to flow through the circuit, 51° 20'. E = -- = 1.39 . .488 -3 and E - IZ = 68 volts. i. The circuit con- sists of two reactive branches in parallel, re- spectively, of 10 ohms and 100 microfarads, and of 20 ohms and 250 microfarads. The ad- mittance of the circuit is shown by the diagram in Fig. 174 to- be .105 mho and the impedance 9.5 ohms. The current flowing under a voltage of 100 volts is 10.5 am- peres, and the voltage required to pass 10 am- peres through the cir- cuit is 95 volts. The angle 6 is — 35° 10'. .0218 " o0218 R = io, C= loo R =20, C = 260 R = 7.78 Fig. 174. Solution i. The solution with complex quantities is Y= A// .0862 2 + .0605 2 = .105 mho. F= J0 .12,5 1 256 J 256 Y=™-+j±- 2 425 J 425 Z = — r = 9.52 ohms. Y =.0862+ j. 0605 0 = - tan _! .0605 = -35° 10'. .0862 When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, the currents are I=EY = 8.62 +j 6.05 1= EY = 10.5 amperes ; f 1000 .1250 I 1 = EY 1 =mt + 3 256 256 and 288 ALTERNATING CURRENTS and I x = EY X — 6.25 amperes ; i 2 = ey 2 2000 .500 425 + 3 425 and I 2 = EY 2 = 4.85 amperes ; 0. = - tan" 1 — = - 51° 20', 0 2 = - tan^ 1 — = - 14° 5'. 1 10 2 20 When 10 amperes are caused to flow through the circuit, I -862 . .605 J ~Y~ -0111 3 . 0111 ’ E = IZ = 95. 2 volts. The impedance components of the combined circuit may be found as in Problem b or from the formula or Z= --p (cos 0 +j sin 0) %= — b (.817 —J .576), Z= 7.78 —j 5.49. The impedance diagram is shown in the triangle 0 2 BC, Fig. 174. The following examples cover the fundamental combinations of circuits containing resistance , capacity , and self -inductance. j. The circuit consists of two reactive branches in parallel, respectively of 5 ohms and .005 henry, and of 10 ohms and 100 microfarads. The admittance of the circuit is shown by the diagrams of Fig. 175 to be .168 mho and the impedance 5.95 ohms. The current flowing under a voltage of 100 volts is 16.8 amperes, and the voltage required to cause a current of 10 amperes to flow is 59.5 volts. The angle 6 is 16° 50'. The solution by means of the complex quantities is as follows : Y _ 5 4 1 25 + 16 J 25 + 16 Y= ’ s/ . 161 2 + .0487 2 = .168 mho. Y - if 12 ‘ 5 2 100 + 156 '100 + 156 Z = - ^ = 5.95 ohms. .168 tan 6 = •° 487 = .3025, 0 = 16° 50'. .1610 Y = .1610 — j .0487 SOLUTION or CIRCUITS 289 When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, I = EY =16.1-/4.87 and I = EY = 16.8 amperes ; and r 500 .400 I x — EY 1 = 15.6 amperes ; E = EY„ = 1000 .1250 and I 2 = EY 2 400 0 = tan-i = 38° 40', 0 O = 1 O00 2 256 ' 256 6.25 amperes ; ! 1250 1000 tan" = - 51° 20'. R = 5 , L= .005 R = io, C = loo When 10 amperes are caused to flow through the circuit, E=IZ = 1.61 . .0284 .487 .0284’ and E — IZ =59.5 volts. The impedance diagram for the combined circuit is shown in the triangle O^BC, Fig. 175, and is obtained as in the preced- ing cases, thus : 290 ALTERNATING CURRENTS or or Z=R + jX, Z = y (cos 0 + j sin 0), Z = .168 or Z = Z (cos 6 + j sin 0), and from either of the last two, (cos 16° 50' + j sin 16° 50'), Z= 5.70 + j 1.72. k. The circuit con- sists of two reactive branches in parallel, respectively, of 10 ohms and .0156 henry, and of 5 ohms and 200 microfarads. The ad- mittance is shown by the diagrams of Fig. 176 to be .127 mho, and the impedance of the circuit is 7.87 ohms. The current flowing under a vol- tage of 100 volts is 12.7 amperes, and 78.7 volts are required to pass 10 amperes through the circuit. The angle 6 is — 22° 37'. The solution using complex quantities is as follows : 10 • 12.5 1 100 + 156.3 J 100 + 156.3 r= 5 . 6.25 2 25 + 39 25 + 39 Y = .1173 + j .0489 Y =V.ii73 2 + .0489 2 = .127 mho. 1 Z = .127 = 7.87 ohms. tan 6 = - Q = - 22° 37'. .1173 SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 291 and and When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, I— 11.73 +y 4.89 I = EY = 12.7 amperes ; r rrtr_ 1000 ..1250 11 256.3 ^ 256.3 7 1 = FJ\ = 6.25 amperes; 7 w 500, .625 i = -EF„ = — — t 2 — ^ ^ 2 and I 2 = UY 2 = 12.5 amperes ; 6.25 5 = - 51° 20'. When 10 amperes are caused to flow through the circuit. 6, = tan 1 ^ = 51° 20', 6 '„ = — tan" l io 2 E=IZ = 1.173 . .489 ■J and .0162 " .0162 Fj — IZ= 78.7 volts. 1. The circuit consists of two reactive branches in parallel, respectively, of 10 ohms and .01042 henry, and 10 ohms and R=10, L=. 01042 R =io, C = iso Fig. 177. — Solution l. 150 microfarads. The diagrams, Fig. 177, show that the admittance of the circuit is .118 mho and the angle 6 is equal to zero. 292 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The vector expression for admittance is as follows : Y 10 8.33 Y— 1 1 100 + 69.4 3 100 + 69.4 Y 2 10 8.33 z — 100 + 69.4 J 100 + 69.4 Y = .1181 3 0 tan 6 — .1181 0 .1181 = 8.47 ohms. ,6 = 0 . The effect of the reactances in this circuit is noteworthy. It will be observed that the self -inductance and capacity neu- tralize each other’s effects so that the angle of lag is zero, but the admittance is not much more than one half as great as would be the case if the two branches each contained 10 ohms of resistance and no reactance. When 100 volts are impressed on this circuit, and and 1= EY = 11.81 -j 0 I = EY = 11.81 amperes; j EY = ^ <>( ^ — j 833. 1 1 169.4 J 169.4 I x - EY X - 7.7 amperes; 833 ^ — h : v — _i /i I 0 = EY„=l^r+j and I, = EY,= 169.4 ' 169.4 7.7 amperes; e,= tan -1 _833_ _ 39 o 48 / Q = tan -i 1000 2 R=10, L=.01 r^nnnnr^n C = ioo 833 = -39° 48'. 1000 When 10 amperes are caused to flow through the circuit, 10 E=IZ = +j 0 Fig. 178. — Solution m. .1181 and E = IZ = 84. 7 volts. Under the latter con- ditions the currents in the two branches are, respectively, 6.52 am- peres and 6.52 amperes. m. The circuit con- sists of two reactive branches, respectively, SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 293 of 10 olims and .01 henry, and of 100 microfarads. The diagrams in Fig. 178 show the joint admittance to be .0685 mho. The joint impedance is 14.6 ohms the impedances of the branches are, respectively, 12.8 and 12.5 ohms, so that when the impressed voltage is 100 volts, 6.85 amperes flow in the main circuit, while 7.8 and 8 amperes, respectively, flow in the branches. The angle 6 is — 27° 10'. It will be noticed in this case that not only is the arithmetical sum of the branch currents greater than the main current, but each branch current is itself greater than the main current. The solution by complex quantities is as follows: Y 10 8 1 100 + 64 3 100 + 64 Z = 0 +./.08 Y = .0610 +/.0312 Y= ^.OOIO 2 + .0312 2 = .0685 mho. Z — 14.6 ohms. tand = -^^= - .511, .0610 6 = - 27° 10'. When 100 volts are impressed on this circuit, I = EY= 6.1 +j 3.12 and I = EY = 6.85 amperes; T 1000 ' 800 1 “ 1 ~ 164 1 164 and I x = EY 1 = 7.8 amperes; T 2 = EY 2 =j 8 and I 2 = EY 2 = 8 amperes; - - tan 1 .8 = 38° 40', 0 2 = — tan 1 oo = — 90°. When 10 amperes are caused to flow through the circuit, E=IZ = -• 61Q - j ~ 312 - .00469 . 00469 and E = IZ = 146 volts. n. The circuit consists of two reactive branches in parallel, respectively, of .01 henry, and of 10 ohms and 100 microfarads. The diagrams, Fig. 179, show the admittance to be .0856 mho. and the impedance to be 11.7 ohms. The impedances of the branches are, respectively, 8 and 16 ohms, so that when 100 volts are impressed upon the circuit, 8.56 amperes flow in the 294 ALTERNATING CURRENTS main leads, while 12.5 and 6.25 amperes flow, respectively, in the two branches. The angle 6 is 62° 53'. L= .oi Here one branch current is much larger than the main current. The solution by complex quantities is, 10 12J5 100 + 156.25 +J 100 + 156.25 .0391 -j .0762. Y = V.0391 2 + .0762 2 = .0856 mho. Z = ,. 0 -„ = 11.7 ohms. tan 6 = - 0856 0762 0391’ 6 = 62° 53'. When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, 1= EY= 3.91 - j 7.62 and 1= EY — 8.56 amperes; SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 295 and I x = EY,= -j 12.5 I x = EY X = 12.5 amperes; z-^F.-^l+y 1250 tan" 1 ^ 3 = - 51° 20'. 1000 2 2 256.3 ‘ " 256.3 and / 2 = EY% = 6.25 amperes; 0 X - - tan -1 oo = 90°, $ 2 = When 10 amperes are caused to pass through the circuit, E = IZ = and .391 , . .762 +J ....33 ’ " .00733 E — IZ - 117 volts. The impedance diagram of the combined circuit 0 2 BC is given in the figure (Fig. 179). The sides of the triangle are shown from the expression Z = Z (cos 6 + j sin d) Z= 5.34 + j 10.4. L = .01 S = ioo TT ii I O • f or o. The circuit consists of two reactive branches in parallel, respectively, of .01 08 henry and of 100 microfar- ads. The diagrams, Fig. 180, show that the admittance of the circuit is .045 mho, and the admittance of the branches are, respectively, .125 and .08 mho. When the impressed voltage is 100 i => /0=9O° volts, the main current is 4.5 A amperes, and those in the branches are 12.5 and 8 amperes, respectively. The angle 6 is 90°. The corresponding complex quantities are: - 0.8 Y x = - .125 + - ±± 0 + 64 0 = 0 + 156 +.? 0 + 64 12.5 0 + 156 Fig. 180. — Solution o. Y = .045 mho Y = 0 -y.045 Z = 22.2 ohms. 045 tan 6 = — 7 - — = oc , 0 = 90°. 296 ALTERNATING CURRENTS In this problem the active (horizontal) component of current is zero, which is a condition that can only be approximated in practice. The vertical component of current composes the total current. The branch currents are in exactly opposite phases, and the main current is equal to their arithmetical difference. When 100 volts are impressed on this circuit, J = EY = -j 4.5 and I = EY = 4.5 amperes; EY i = -y 12.5 and EY, = 12.5 amperes I,= EY , , = +ys and I 2 = EY, = 8 amperes ; 6, = tan -1 oo = 90°, *2 = — tan -1 oo When 10 amperes are caused to pass through the circuit, E = IZ = j 222, E = IZ = 222 volts. 12 p. The circuit consists of two reactive branches in parallel, respectively, of .01012 henry and 150 microfar- ads. The diagrams, Fig. 181, show that the two branch cur- S = 160 L= .01042 X .12 A, rents are in opposition and of equal value, and that the admit- tance is zero, so that the main current is zero. A comparison of this problem with problem l shows that this condition can only arise when resistance in the branches is negligible. When the impressed voltage is 100 volts, the branch currents are each 12 amperes, and when 10 amperes flow in each branch, the voltage is 83.3 volts. No current can be caused to flow in the main circuit leading to these branches. The complex quantities representing the admittances are: F x = 0-y.l2 Y= 0. T„ = 0+,M2 Fig. 181.— Solution p. Y = 0 Tj.O Z = oo ohms. 6 = tan -1 . -J = indeterminate. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 297 If there is any appreciable resistance, however little, in either of these branches, Y and Z have finite values and 6 is zero. In practical cases all resistance cannot be eliminated, and hence the angle may be considered zero. If circuits approximating those given in this problem are constructed with very small resistance, excessively large local currents may flow when the generator current is almost neg- ligible. Such cases are not unknown in practical operation. 84. Conclusions in Regard to Parallel Circuits. — Second Class. — - The sixteen examples just presented cover every fundamental arrangement of simple parallel circuits. An examination of the diagrams and the principles involved in their construction makes evident the following statements, applicable to circuits in which the voltages and currents are sinusoidal, which are in many respects analogous to those here- tofore given as applying to series circuits : 1. When non-reactive circuits are connected in parallel, the total current equals the arithmetical sum of the currents in the branches, and the joint admittance of the circuit is equal to the arithmetical sum of the branch admittances. 2. When inductive circuits of equal time constants are con- nected in parallel, the total current equals the arithmetical sum of the currents in the branches, and the joint admittance of the circuit is equal to the arithmetical sum of the branch admittances. 3. When inductive and non-reactive circuits are connected in parallel with each other, or when inductive circuits of unequal time constants are connected in parallel, the total current is equal to the vector sum, which is always less than the arith- metical sum, of the branch currents, and the individual branch currents are each smaller than the total current. The joint admittance of the circuit is equal to the vector sum of the branch admittances, each of which is less than the joint total. 4. When condensers are connected in parallel by wires of neg- ligible resistance , the total current equals the arithmetical sum of the branch currents, and the joint admittance equals the arith- metical sum of the branch admittances. 5. When condensers are connected in parallel with non- reactive resistances , the total current equals the vector sum, which is always less than the arithmetical sum, of the branch 298 ALTERNATING CURRENTS currents, and the individual branch currents are each smaller than the total current. The joint admittance of the circuit equals the vector sum of the branch admittances, each of which is smaller than the joint total. G. When condensers are connected in parallel with inductive circuits , the total current equals the vector sum, which is always less than the arithmetical sum, of the currents in the branches. Since the effects of capacity and of self-induct.ance, respectively, cause the angle 6 to become negative and positive, the individ- ual branch currents may be either greater or less than the main or total current , depending upon the relation between the various capacities and inductances in the circuit. The joint admittance of the circuit equals the vector sum of the branch admittances, each of which may be either greater or less than the joint admittance. The third, fifth, and sixth paragraphs make evident this proposition, which is similar to that given for series circuits : * When in parallel circuits the currents in the branches are all either lagging or leading with respect to the impressed voltage, the total or main current is always greater than the current in any one of the branches. When the currents in part of the branches lead the impressed voltage and in other branches lag behind the voltage, some or all of the branch currents may be greater than the total or main current. It is even theoretically possible for the angles to have such a relation that a large cur- rent may circulate in the branches, while the main current is zero. This is obviously the result of the opposing relations of inductive susceptance and capacity susceptance. It may be conceived that a local current is caused to circulate between the condenser and the inductance, under the stimulus of the alternating impressed voltage, acting to transfer energy back and forth between the capacity of the condenser and the magnetic field of the inductance. When the current is not sinusoidal, the deductions given above do not strictly apply, but equivalent sinusoids f may frequently be substituted, when the approximation of the de- ductions is usually satisfactory. The deductions are general when applied to the harmonics of current and voltage when the latter are not sinusoidal. * Art. 82. f Art. 90. SOLUTION OU CIRCUITS 299 In every case referred to in these problems, it is assumed that the parts of the circuits have no appreciable mutual mag- netic effect. If the parts are mutually inductive, the mutual effects must be added to those thus far treated, as will be seen in a later chapter. 85. Solution of Parallel Circuits by the Impedance Methods. — The solutions of parallel circuits may be made by another method in which .voltages and impedances are princi- pally involved instead of currents and admittance. This method may be readily exemplified by illustrations. Suppose, for instance, it is desired to find the joint impedance of the branched circuit in example e (Art. 83). It may be assumed that an impressed voltage of 100 volts acts on the circuit. Upon a line, OX , representing this voltage (Fig. 182) is drawn a semicircle. From 0 draw the line OA making a lag angle of 6, with OX, where tan 6, = = XXLLa = .4. Then OA is 1 1 R x R x equal to and XA is equal to I x X v since the angle at A is a right angle. The current in this branch, when the irn- OA pressed voltage is equal to OX, is — and this may be laid R i off from 0 to B. The current in the second branch is given by laying off the direction of the line OA' so that it makes a lag angle of 0 2 with OX, where tan 0 2 = ^ — 1.25. R 2 r 2 The current in the second branch is equal to OA' divided by R 2 , and when laid off from 0 gives OB' . The total current in the circuit is the resultant of OB and OB' , or OB" . Its value in amperes is 16.5. The impedance of the circuit is Fig. 182. — Resultant Current in a Parallel Circuit. then — : 6 = tan -1 OX _ 100 OB" 16.5 = 6.06 ohms. The angle of lag is 16'. Figures 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, and 188 give the solutions by the same method for examples -12.5- 300 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 7=rl®2. . 5.95 u 16.8 Fig. 1S8. Fig. 185. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 301 5, c, d , g , j of Art. 83. These show fully the application of the method.* It is seen that the triangles OXA, OXA and OXA" are voltage diagrams with the apeces turned down for conven- ience ; and that they can be converted into impedance dia- grams by dividing the sides by the respective currents in the branches and combined circuit. Therefore, it is possible to use the complex quantities expressing the impedances for solving the problem. Thus, Z x = 10 -\-j 4. Z 2 = 8 +j 10. Z 1 = VlO 2 + 4 2 = 10.77 ohms. Z 2 = V8 2 + 10 2 = 12.81 ohms. t E 100 o Q 1, — — = — = 9.3 amperes. 1 Z x 10.77 1 T E 100 _ q J2= ^ = m8i =7 - 8amperes - 6 1 = tan -1 .4 = 21° 48'. 6 2 = tan" 1 1.25 = 51° 20'. I l = ij( cos 6 1 — j sin dj). J x = 8.62 — j 3.45. Likewise, J 2 =. 4.87 — j 6.09. The two current vectors added give 1= 13.49 — j 9.54. /= ^13.49 2 4 - 9.54 2 = 16.5 amperes. E I 100 16.5 = 6.06 ohms. The angle of lag of the main current is 9.54 6 — tan 1 pgTjT) = 35° 16'. This is evidently more cumbersome than using the branch admittances directly, as in the process described in the preced- ing article. * Compare Bedell and Crehore, Alternating Currents , p. 292 ; Loppe et Bou- quet, Courants Alter natifs Industriels, p. 111. 302 ALTERNATING CURRENTS R,= lo, L, —.005 R 2 =8, L 2 =.0125 BKWTSTinPH 86 . Series and Parallel Circuits Combined. — Third Class. — Where series and parallel circuits are combined, the funda- mental solutions already given apply, directly, and it simply requires experience to acquire facility in the solutions relating to the most complicated circuits. Several examples are given below to indicate the general procedure. In these examples it is desired to determine as before : ( 1 ) the total impedance of the circuit, ( 2 ) the lag angle between the total current and the impressed voltage, (3) the total current flowing under a voltage of 100 volts, and (4) the volt- age required to cause 10 amperes to flow. The frequency is taken nearly 127J- cycles per second so that 2 7rf = 800. a. The circuit consists of an inductive coil ' x of 10 ohms and .01 henry in series with a branched circuit similar to e , Sect. 83. We know that the paral- lel part of the circuit has an im- pedance of 6.06 ohms, and that the lag angle is 35° 16b Therefore OA (Fig. 189) is laid off in the phase diagram 6.06 units in length, and making the proper angle with the horizontal. The line OA' is then laid off horizon- tally R 3 ( = 10) units long, and OA" is then laid off verti- cally 2 7 t/X 3 (=: 8 ) units long. In the vector diagram 0 1 A 1 is equal and parallel to OA , A^ 2 to OA'. and A^A 3 to OA . The length of the line 0 X A 3 gives the impedance of the cir- cuit, which is equal to 18.8 ohms. The current which flows under a voltage of 100 volts is 5.32 amperes, and it requires 188 volts to cause 10 amperes to flow through the circuit. The angle of lag, d, is the angle A 3 0 1 X. and is equal to 37° 34b By means of complex quantities we take first the admittance of the parallel branches: Z =18.8 Fig. 189. — Solution a. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 303 Y a = .086.2 -j .0345 Y b = -0487 -j .0609 Tab = • 1349 -j. 0954 tan 6 aK = 0 AB = 35° 16'. Z ... = .1349 1 ( 1 Y ab = .165 mho. .165 = 6.06 ohms. The impedance Z AB can be divided into its components, thus (note the change of sign caused by changing from admittances to impedances) : _ Z AB = -J~: y ab .1349 ..0945 .0272 .0272’ or Z AB = 6.06(cos 9 AB +j sin 0 AB ) = 6.06(.816 +j .577) = 4.95 +j 3.50. This impedance is to be added to the impedance of the remaining portion of the circuit, giving : Z JB = 4.95 +j 3.50 Z c = 10 + j 8 Z = 14.95 +j 11.50 tan e = 11^2, e = 37° 34h Z = 18.8 ohms. 1= ^^ - =5.32 ampei’es when 100 volts are impressed. 18.8 U = 10 x 18.8 = 188 volts when 10 amperes flow. The components of current when 100 volts are impressed on the circuit are I=* = 100 £ 14.95 +j 11.50 = 4.2 -j 3.23; that is, the active current is 4.2 amperes and the quadrature current is 3.23 amperes. When 100 volts are impressed on the circuit, the current flowing in the main circuit is 5.32 amperes, and the currents in 304 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the branches A and B are found from the condition that the voltage across the branched part of the circuit is E ab = Z AB I= 6.06 x 5.32 = 32.3 volts. and or The currents in the branches are, therefore, 4=32.3 4 = 2.78 —j 1.11 4 = 2.99 amperes; 4 = 32.3 Y b = 1.57-/1.97, 4 = 2.52 amperes. When 10 amperes are caused to flow in the main circuit, the currents in the branches are in the same ratio as 2.99 to 2.52. b. The circuit consists of an inductance of .01 henry in series with a branched circuit having two parallel branches contain- ing, respectively, 40 ohms and 100 microfarads. The joint im- pedance of the branched part of the circuit is first found in the usual manner. 40 — R, 100 = C2 -72° 40' 0 -026 A" ’ L 3 =.01 This is 11.9 ohms, and the lag is - 72° 40'. In the phase diagram, Fig. 190, OA! is there- fore laid off equal to 11.9 and making angle of 40', and laid off a lag - 72° is OA' 2 7 rfL( = 8) units in length and mak- ing a lag angle of 90°. Laying off the vector diagram gives 0 X A 2 equal to 4.9 and making a lag angle of — 43° 40'. The current flowing under a voltage of 100 volts is 20.4 amperes, and the voltage required to cause 10 amperes to flow is 49 volts. When 10 amperes flow in the main circuit, the voltage at the terminals of the branched circuit is 119 volts, and the currents which flow through the resistance and the condenser are, respectively, SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 305 3 amperes and 9.5 amperes. The voltage across the inductance i 3 is then 80 volts. By complex quantities the joint admittance of the parallel branches is: ^ A „ r . „ Y a = .025 +j 0 Y b — 0 + j .08 Y ab = .025 +j .08 0 ab = “tan 1 • uo _ _ 70° 40'. .025 The components of the impedance of the branched circuit r ab = 9 _ .025 3.55 ohms, Tab (.084) 2 X AB = b .08 11.38 ohms. T AB (.084)2 Therefore the impedance of the total circuit is: Z AB = 3.55 -j 11.38 Zc=0 +/ 8-0 Z = 3.55 — j 3.38 Z = V05 2 + fW = 4.9 ohms. 6 = - tan- 1 = - 43° 40' . The components of the branched circuit may be obtained from the trigo- nometric expression as indicated in Solution a , or, if more convenient, from the logarithmic formula. b v If the frequency in the preceding example is cut down to 80, the relations are materially changed. The impe- dance of the branched circuit becomes 17.8 ohms, and the lag angle in it is — 63° 32'. The phase diagram, therefore, is as 3.55 306 ALTERNATING CURRENTS shown in Fig. 191. From the vector diagram it is seen that the joint impedance of the whole circuit is 13.5 ohms, and the total current is 54° ahead of the impressed voltage. The total current flowing when the impressed voltage is 100 volts is 7.4 amperes, and it requires 135 volts to cause 10 amperes to flow. When 10 amperes are flowing, the voltage at the terminals of the branched circuit is 178 volts, and the currents which flow through the resistance and the condenser are 4.45 and 8.9 amperes, respectively, while the voltage across the inductance X 3 is 50 volts. To maintain a voltage of 100 volts at the terminals of the divided circuit requires a voltage of 76 volts impressed on the total circuit. With this voltage, 5.6 amperes flow through the circuit. tan e AB = 0 AB = -68°32'. .02o Y . R = .0561 mho. Y A = .025 -/0 Y ri = 0 +/.0503 Y ab = . 025 +j .0503 Z A b =17.8 (cos 6 AB -j sin 0 AB ) = 17.8 (.4456 -j. 8960) Z_ AB = 7.94 -j 15.95 Z r =0 +y 5.03 Z = 7. 94 -j 10.92 ^ = ^k =17 - 8ol,ms - tan0= e= - .54° O'. 7.94 Z = 13.5 ohms. /= ““““7 = 7.4 amperes when 100 volts are imoressed. 13.5 1 E = 10 x 13.5 = 135 volts when 10 amperes flow. When 100 volts are maintained on the divided part of the circuit, I AB = EY ab = .025 X 100 + j .0503 x 100 = 2.5 + j 5.03 and I AB = ^2.5 2 + 5.03 2 = 5.61 amperes. The voltage measured between the terminals of the part C under these conditions is E c — Z c x 5.61 = (0 + j 5.03) x 5.61, E c = 28.2 volts, and 0 C = 90°. The voltage impressed on the total circuit under these con- dltlOllS IS T, -- r> -t y j j r *4-10 = o.61 Z = 44.5 —j 61.3, E — 5.61 Z — 76 volts. and SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 307 It will be observed that the current, voltage, and angle of lag in any part of the circuit under any conditions may be computed by these processes when the conditions are suffi- ciently known. c. The circuit consists of a combination as shown in Fig. 192. The resistance of the branches of the circuit are R 1 = 8 ohms, i2 2 =10 ohms, R s = 5 ohms ; the inductances are Xj = .0125 henry, Z 2 = .01 henry, L z = .005 henry ; and the capacities are 0^ = 125 microfarads, (? 2 = 100 microfarads, C 3 = 150 micro- farads. The diagrams show the impedance of the branched part of the circuit to be 4.74 ohms, and its lag angle is — 10° 12'. From the complete diagrams it is seen that the joint impedance of the whole circuit is 10.95 ohms, and the total current is 28° 10' ahead of the impressed voltage. The total current flowing when the impressed voltage is 100 volts is 9.12 amperes, and it requires 109.5 volts to cause 10 amperes to flow. When 10 amperes are flowing, the voltage at the terminals of the branched circuit is 47.4 volts, and the currents which flow through the branches are 5.9 and 4.3 am- peres, respectively. The voltage across the first part of the circuit is then 66 volts. To maintain a voltage of 100 volts on the branched part of the circuit requires an impressed voltage of 308 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 231.1 volts on the whole. With this voltage 21.1 amperes flow through the circuit. The calculation by complex quantities may be made as follows : — 8 +/ 10-/ 10 = 8 +/ 0 . Z B = 10 +/ 8 -/ 12.5 = 10-/ 4.5. Hence, Y a = .125-/0 Y b =.083+/. 0374 Y ab = . 208+/. 0374 = V & 2 + y 1 = . 211 mho. Z ab = -^1 = ohms- tan d AB = — -, 6 ab = — 10° 12'. 9 Z AB = 4r~= 4.66 — / 0.84 Y Z, = 5-/ 4. 33 Z Z 9.66-/5.17 = ViZ 2 + AT 2 = 10.95 ohms. 9 = tan -1 — = — 28° 10b R The main current with 100 volts impressed between the cir- cuit terminals is ri C\an r,PT Jh _ 966 . 517 “ J~120 + ‘ ? 120’ /= ^ = 9.12 amperes. While, with 10 amperes flowing in the main circuit, E = _ZZ = 109.5 volts, and the voltage at the terminals of the branched circuit is E AB = 1Z AB = 47.4 volts. The currents flowing in the parallel branches are then I A = E AB Y a = 5.9 amperes and I B = E ab Y b = 4.3 amperes. Also, the voltage across C is E c — IZ C = 66 volts. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 309 To obtain a voltage of 100 volts on A and B requires that T 100 oi 1 1 = = 21.1 amperes. ^ A Ii Hence the voltage impressed on the terminals is E= IZ= 231.1 volts. 87. Solution of Series-Parallel Problems by the Impedance or Impressed Voltage Method. — The second method of solution for parallel circuits may be applied to circuits like those included in the above article. Figure 193 shows the solution for example b x made by that method. In this it is assumed that 100 volts are impressed upon the branched part of the cir- cuit. Then lay off a length OX on the hori- zontal axis representing 7g 100 volts and mark Z ~ eT6i = Q(J __ 100 _ 9 5 1_ 40"" ’ Fig. 193. - ■ Solution of Problem &i by Voltage Diagram. which is the current in the first branch. The current in the second branch is 90° in advance of the voltage, and is repre- sented by OC v which is vertical and 2 7rfC 2 B ( = 5.03) units in length. The resultant of these currents is OC, which is 5.61 units in length. The impressed voltage measured across the terminals of the entire circuit is the resultant of the 100 volts at the terminals of the branched part of the circuit, and the voltage required to pass 5.61 amperes through the inductance L x = .01 henry. The line representing the latter voltage is perpendicular to the line representing the current in the circuit. Drawing a semicircle on OX , and from the intersection of OC with the semicircle drawing a line to X gives the direction of this voltage. The magnitude of the voltage is 2 71 -fL x I— 28.2 volts. This must be laid off from X to B , and the total im- pressed voltage is represented by OB. This shows that when 100 volts are maintained at the terminals of the branched cir- cuit, 76 volts must be impressed on the total circuit. The im- pedances of the circuit may be calculated from the data thus 310 ALTERNATING CURRENTS found, as also can the voltage required to maintain a certain current through the circuit. Figure 193a shows the solution of example c by this method. As before, the voltage at the terminals of the divided circuit is assumed to be 100 volts for the purpose of the solution. This is laid down as OX , and a semicircle is drawn upon the line as a diameter. Tan 0 A is equal to zero, so that the current in the first branch is laid off on OX to B , a distance of 12.5 units. Fig. 194. — Solution of Problem c by Voltage Diagram. Tan 6 A = .15, as shown by calculation, and the line OA' is laid off at that angle from OX. From 0 on this line, OB' is laid off equal to the current in the second branch, or ^ -OX . The resultant of the lines OB and OB' is OB’\ which represents the total current in the circuit. The total voltage impressed on the circuit is the resultant of the voltage impressed on the divided circuit, the active voltage due to resistance R y and the reactive voltage due to L 3 and (7 3 . The active voltage required to pass current OB" through R z is represented by 0(7, which is equal to IR y The reactive pressure is perpendicular to this and is equal to 2 7 rfL 3 I — r - ; it is represented by the line OB. - irfCz The voltage impressed on the parallel circuit is represented by the line BE , which is equal and parallel to OX. The closing line, OE, represents the impressed voltage E on the circuit when the current is R and therefore the impedance of the circuit isy = 10.95. The angle of lag is the angle COE = — 28° 10'. SOLUTION OF CIRCUITS 311 87a. Caution. — The foregoing deductions of Arts. 81 to 88 relate to the impedances and admittances in circuits within which the currents and voltages are sinusoidal, and to the effective values of such voltages and currents. They also relate to the impedances and admittances encountered by single har- monics of distorted voltages and currents. That is, impedances, admittances, effective voltages, and effective currents combine vectorially. But the student must constantly remember that instantaneous values of voltages or of currents at a junction point must be combined algebraically since the instantaneous values are simple algebraic values and the vector relations heretofore considered do not extend to them. It is frequently possible also, for approximate solutions, to substitute equivalent sinusoids * for the irregular curves, though on account of the extreme activity which is sometimes exhibited by the higher harmonics f — especially where a condition of resonance is ap- proached — each problem should be carefully studied before such a substitution is made. * Art. 90. t Art. 69. CHAPTER VII POWER, POWER FACTOR 88. The Power expended in a Circuit on which a Sinusoidal Voltage is Impressed. — a. Non-reactive Circuit. In a circuit without inductance or capacity, the current agrees in phase with the voltage which sets it up. The rate of expenditure of energy in the circuit at any instant is equal to the product of the corresponding instantaneous current and voltage. The average rate of expenditure of energy, or the average value of the power expended in the circuit, during a complete period is equal to the average of all the instantaneous products. Or, ie At , but with the voltage and current sinusoidal e e m sin a and i = R' where T is the time, of a period and e m is the maximum voltage ; hence, P = J ^ ie At = sin 2 ada = AA, but E = -* 0 - and I = ^ == ■ V2 E V2 R Hence, P = ^ = IE, I and E being the effective values of the current and voltage. b. Reactive Circuit. If the circuit under consideration is reactive, the current is caused to lag behind or lead the voltage by the angle 6. The rate of expenditure of energy in the cir- cuit at any instant is evidently still equal to the product of the corresponding instantaneous values of the current and voltage. 312 POWER, POWER FACTOR 313 The expression for the average power expended in the circuit is, therefore, as before, P — 2 ie A t. o In this case, however, with the voltage and current sinusoidal e = e m sin a, and i sin (a — 6 ). * Hence, P =•%= f sin a sin (a — 0)da — - m c< ^ ^ f sin 2 ada ttZJo nZ Jo e j sin Of 71 . , ej cos 0 - — — — I sin a cos ada = — — — — , 7 tZ 2 Z and since e m = _E f V2, and — = IV 2, there follows jP = IE cos Also cos 6 = P IE Since sinusoidal current and voltage curves have equal posi- tive and negative loops, the expression thus derived for the power expended in a circuit during one half period applies to every half period, and therefore to continuous operation. In the ordinary measurements of current and voltage the effective values of the quantities are determined. Consequently, the product of amperes and volts , thus determined, does not represent the powqr expended in a reactive circuit , but the product must be multiplied by the cosine of the angle of lag. On the other hand, a Wattmeter, that is, an electrodynamometer with one coil of low resistance connected in series with the circuit and another coil of high resistance connected in shunt with the circuit, aver- ages the instantaneous products, and therefore gives readings that are directly proportional to the power absorbed. The preceding expressions show that the power expended in a reactive circuit is equal to the voltage E, multiplied by a component of the current which is in phase with the voltage and is equal to I cos 0. This component may be called the Active or Energy current. The remaining rectangular compo- nent of current, I sin 6 , is in quadrature (that is, at 90° differ- ence of phase) with the voltage and does not contribute to the * Arts. 58 c and 62. 314 ALTERNATING CURRENTS power expenditure when taken through a complete period. This quadrature component which does no work during a full period may be called the Wattless or Quadrature current. For illustration, suppose in Fig. 195 that OE is the vector voltage impressed on a cir- cuit, 01 is the cur- rent, and 9 the angle of lag. Resolving 01 into its compo- nents in consonance and in quadrature with the voltage, gives 0I a = 01 cos 9 and 0I X = 01 sin 9. Multiplying the former by E gives the power expended, El cos 9 , and the component OI x is therefore inactive when averaged over a whole period. Since instantaneous power is equal to ei, it is obvious that quadrature current must represent work done during some part of the period, and that the wattless character must therefore be due to alternate absorption and return of power by the circuit. Taking the summation of eiAt for successive quarters of a period proves this. Thus, Fig. 195. — Vector Diagram of Current Components and Voltage. 2 P 2 C'l 7 tZ ‘ / 0 and r sin a sin (« y 90 °)da = — f sin a sin (« T 90 °)da, •sn 7 rZ 2 f sin a sin (a T 90°)d« = 0. 7T Z Oo This shows that the quadrature current is inactive only when considered for any consecutive length of time equal to a full half period. It in fact is a vehicle of energy which swashes back and forth in the circuit, in one quarter period chargiug up the magnetic or electrostatic fields and in the next quarter period discharging the fields and returning the energy to the source, the next quarter period charging the fields in the opposite direction, followed again by the return of the energy POWER, POWER FACTOR 315 to the source in the succeeding quarter period, thus balancing off the ebb and flow of energy in each half period and calling for no continuous expenditure of power. If 0 were 90°, the total current would be in quadrature with the voltage and therefore inactive. This would be possible only in a circuit having no electrical resistance or other grounds for conversion of electrical energy into heat, light, or mechani- cal power ; otherwise some power would necessarily be ex- pended in heating the conductors, etc., and the current would have to include an energy component. It is possible, how- ever, to make the ratio of inductive reactance 2 nfL so great in comparison with the resistance R, by using special inductive coils, that the angle 0 is very nearly 90°. It is also possible to make the capacity of a circuit so great in comparison with the resistance that the angle 6 is nearly — 90° ; and thereby these deductions in regard to wattless current may be tested in the laboratory. Prob. 1. The current flowing in a circuit is 65 amperes and the voltage is 200 volts ; the angle of lag between the cur- rent and voltage is 60°. What is the power expended in the circuit? Would a change of frequency change the power, the voltage, current and angle of lag remaining the same? Prob. 2. Three reactive coils respectively comprising resis- tance and self- inductance as follows: 4 ohms and .01 henry, 8 ohms and .02 henry, and 10 ohms and .05 henry, are con- nected in series. Fifty amperes flow in the circuit. If the frequency is 60 periods per second, how much power is ex- pended in the total circuit, and how much in each part ? Prob. 3. An overhead transmission line has a resistance of 2 ohms and a self-inductance of .0002 of a henry. This circuit supplies fully loaded transformers which in effect give a non- inductive load which has an equivalent resistance of 10 ohms. If the voltage at the receiving end where the transformers are placed is 1000 volts when the frequency is 60 periods per second, what is the voltage at the generator, how much power is lost in the line, and how much is utilized by the transformers ? Prob. 4. The three reactive coils of Prob. 2 are placed in parallel, and 100 volts with a frequency of 60 periods per second are impressed between their terminals. What is the total power expended in the circuit? 316 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 89. Power in a Circuit. An Exercise. — Blakesley has given a graphical proof of the formula P = IE cos 9 when I and E are sinusoidal, which is presented here for the purpose of an exercise. Applying the graphical representation of alternating voltages and currents by means of rotating lines, let AB and AO (Fig. 196) represent respectively the maximum value of the impressed voltage in a circuit and the maximum value of the resulting cur- rent. The angle BAC is the angle of lag. If the lines rotate counter-clockwise about the point A, the in- stantaneous projections of the lines AB and AC upon the axis of Y represent the instantaneous values of the voltage and current, when « is measured from the X axis. It is therefore desired to determine the average value of the prod- ucts of these projections for the purpose of obtaining the average power for a period. Draw AB' and AC respectively perpen- dicular and equal to AB and AC. These lines represent the positions of AB and AC after revolving through 90°. In the figure, the angle BAX represents a, and CAX represents a— 9. Also, the angle B' AY = BAX , and CAY — CAX. It is then seen from the figure that AE x AD = AC sin CAX x AB sin BAX, or ie = i m sin (a — d) x e m sin « ; and in the same way AE' x AD' = A C' cos CA Y x A B' cos B'A Y, i'e' = i m cos (a — 6) X e m cos a. The mean of these expressions is I FrhU - — hAjn a s j n _ Qy _|_ cog a cos Q a _ J _ l _m^m cog (a — 0)] = l C m . cos 9 = IE cos 9. Fig. 196. — Voltage and Current Vectors. or POWER, POWER F ACTOR 317 This is the expression for tire mean of the products of e and * for two values of « which are 90° apart. This mean value is independent of the positions of the lines in the figure, and is therefore the mean for all positions. 90. Power expended in a Circuit when the Voltage and Cur rent are Any Single-valued Periodic Functions. — If the current in a circuit is not sinusoidal and is derived from a periodic voltage of irregular form, the instantaneous values of current and voltage are * * = V sin (« + /3j) + i m% sin (2 « + /3 2 ) + i m% sin (3 « + £„) — and e = e m ^ sin (a + 7l ) + e„ h sin (2 « + 7 2 ) + e m% sin (3 « + 7 3 ) • • • + e mn sin (na + 7,,) . Also, ie is the instantaneous value of power, and - eidt is the average power ; therefore, + J 0 imfm, sin (3 a + # 3 ) sin (3 a + 7 3 ) da — + f 0 im n e mn sin (na + Bn) sin (% « + 7n ) da . All the other terms obtained by multiplying the values of i and e together are omitted as they become zero when integrated between 0 and 2 7r.f Expanding and integrating the above expression gives, + *m, sin (na + £„), sin ( a + £1) sin (“ + 7i) da p = l i m e mi cos (/3j - 71) + \ SS c °s (/3 2 - 7 2 ) + I hnf rn, COS (B, ~ 7 a ) • ■ • • + i COS (/3„ - J n ). * Art. G7. t Art. 13. 318 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Since each /3 represents the angular displacement of a current harmonic from the zero of time and each 7 represents the angu- lar displacement of a voltage harmonic from the zero of time, it is apparent that each (/3 — 7 ) represents the angular difference of phase between the voltage and current for the particular harmonic ; that is, it corresponds with the angle of lag 9 associated with the frequency of the particular harmonic. Therefore, since 1 i m e m = IE , P=I 1 E 1 cos 9 X + I 2 E 2 cos 9., 4 - I Z E Z cos 0 3 + ••• I n E n cos 6 n . Each term to the right in this formula is the power expended in the circuit by the particular harmonic and is independent of the other harmonics. The total power expended in the circuit is therefore the sum of the power independently expended b} r the several harmonics. This theorem also follows from the fact that the product of rotating vectors differing in frequency is equal to zero, and hence I m E n = 0, where m and n are unequal integers. It will be observed that the power expended in a circuit when the current and voltage are sinusoidal may be de- rived from the foregoing formula, since, in that case, all of the higher harmonics are zero. When 9 = 90° for any harmonic, that harmonic is inactive. Also if a particular harmonic of current is present but the corresponding harmonic of voltage is zero, the current harmonic is obviously inactive ; and likewise, if a voltage harmonic is not accompanied by a current harmonic of the same frequency, the voltage harmonic does not contribute to average power, though it may contribute to the energy that swashes back and forth in the circuit and balances out for each half period. The effective current squared in a circuit is " 2 *- = I\ + 1% + I3 + "• In-> and the power expended in heating a conductor of resistance R when current I flows is represented by ER = I? R + J 2 2 R + I* R + - I* R. * Art. 67. POWER, POWER FACTOR 319 The active voltage in the circuit may be written for convenience E cos 0, which, substituted for its equivalent IR in the last formula, gives as before, P = IE cos 0=1^ cos 0 l + I 2 E 2 cos 0 2 + I 3 E 3 cos 0 3 + etc. With irregular waves the phase difference 0 cannot be p measured directly from the plotted curves, but 0 = cos -1 — . IE It is sometimes convenient to use the formula P = IE cos 0 in place of the more complicated formula P = I l E 1 cos 0 X + etc., and in that case I and E may be thought of as like sinusoidal functions differing in phase by the angle 0. When so con- sidered I and E are called Equivalent sinusoids. Under some circumstances equivalent sinusoids can be substituted for com- pound curves without error, but as harmonics of different frequencies differ in their effects on circuits containing self- inductance and capacity, the substitution must be made with discretion. 91. Alternating and Pulsating Functions. — It has heretofore been pointed out that commercial alternating currents and voltages ordinarily comprise harmonics of only odd numbers of times the fundamental frequency, namely, 1, 3, 5, 7, etc., in which case the successive half cycles are like in form; but there are nevertheless many instances in which harmonics appear of even numbers of times the fundamental frequency. The fore- going demonstration has therefore been made general in respect to the frequencies of the harmonics, but the following dis- cussion will be confined mostly to the formulas with the even-numbered harmonics omitted. These may easily be re- introduced, however, for use in connection with any particular problem requiring their presence. It is also to be noted that the introduction of a constant term into the general formulas causes a larger average current to flow in one direction than the other or converts the alternating functions into pulsating func- tions. Then, I 2 = 7 0 2 + I* + / 2 2 + I 2 + - I n \ E 2 = E 2 + E* + E 2 2 + E 2 + - I n 2 ; the power expended in heating a conductor of resistance R, by I 2 R = I 2 R + Iy-R + I 2 R + I 2 R + • InR \ 320 ALTERNATING CURRENTS and, P = IE cos 8 = I^E^ + I\P\ cos 8 l + J 2 ^7 2 cos 0 2 + I 3 E s cos 0 3 + ••• I n E n cos 0 n ; in which J 0 and E 0 respectively represent the average values of the current and voltage for a whole period. 92. Power Loops. — - Power loops or curves may be plotted as in Figs. 197 to 201, in which the ordinates of the dotted curves represent the prod- ucts of the corre- sponding ordinates of the current and vol- tage curves (assumed sinusoidal) plotted in full lines. Figure 197 is for a non-inductive circuit in which the voltage and current reverse their direc- tions at the same time, and the power ordinates are there- Fig. 197. -Power Loops in Non-reactive Circuit. fore always positive , but their numerical values vary in each half period from 0 to i m e m and back to 0, so that the power absorbed by the cir- cuit varies continu- + + ally during each half period. In this case 6 — 0, cos 0 = 1 , and the average power is P = IE. Figure 198 shows the power loops for a reactive circuit in which the angle of lag is 45°. This may be taken to represent equally the condition when the current leads or lags. It will be seen in this case that during a portion of each half period the current and voltage are in POWER, POWER FACTOR 321 Fig. 199. — Power Loops in a Circuit having a 90° Lag. opposite directions, and some of the ordinates of the power loops are therefore negative. This must always be the case when the current and voltage do not coincide in phase. During the portion of the half period in which the ordinates of the power loops are positive the circuit absorbs energy, but during the portion in which the ordi- nates are negative the circuit gives out energy which was stored as magnetic field or condenser charge and returns it to the source. The total work given to the circuit during the half period is equal to the difference of that represented by the area of the positive loop and that represented by the area of the negative loop, and the average power absorbed by the circuit is equal to this difference divided by the length of the half period. When 0 = 45°, P=IE cos 45° = .707 IE. When the ordi- nates of the loops represent prod- ucts of instanta- neous volts and amperes, the areas represent joules, and the areas divided by their respective lengths measured in seconds give average power in watts. Figure 199 shows the power loops for a circuit in which the current and voltage differ in phase by 90°. Tn this case the negative loops are equal to the positive ones, or the circuit and source alternately give and take equal amounts of energy, so Fig. 200. — Power Loops showing Negative Work. Current lags 135°. 322 ALTERNATING CURRENTS that, taking each half period as a whole, no energy is absorbed by the circuit. In this case cos 6 = 0, and therefore P = 0. Figure 200 shows the power loops when the current lags 135°. Under these circum- stances the power is negative, i.e. the cur- rent is working against the induced voltage, as in a motor. In case the curves of voltage and current are not sinusoidal, the power loops are not symmetrical. Such loops are shown by the broken lines in Fig. 201. Power loops are periodic curves of double the frequency of the voltage and current curves, since they are obtained by multiplying current and voltage together, and the argument of the product is equal to «+(a — d) = 2 u — 6. That is, a cycle of the power loops is completed for each half period of current and voltage. The power loops may be expressed by means of Fourier’s series in the same manner as any other single-valued periodic curve; thus, Fig. 201. • — Power Loops derived from Irregular Voltage and Current Curves. p = P + p' m sin(2 a + 8 a ) + p" m sin (4 a + S 2 ) + etc.* Where p is the instantaneous power corresponding to the angle a, P is the net average power taken over a period, and p' mi p" mi etc., are the amplitudes of the harmonics. Prob. 1. A circuit has a resistance of 8 ohms and a self- inductance of .01 of a henry in series. The voltage impressed is 100 volts, at a frequency of 120 cycles per second. Con- struct the power loops, assuming the voltage to he sinusoidal. Prob. 2. A circuit has a resistance of 20 ohms, a capacity of 400 microfarads, and a self-inductance of .01 henry in series. Draw the power loops produced when a sinusoidal voltage of 200 volts at a frequency of 40 cycles per second is impressed thereon. * Art. 12. POWER, POWER FACTOR 323 Prob. 3. A circuit of 100 microfarads capacity and 5 ohms resistance, lias a sinusoidal voltage of 50 volts at a frequency of 60 periods per second induced in it. A sinusoidal current of 50 amperes is caused by an external impressed voltage to flow through the circuit in exact opposition to the induced voltage. What is the magnitude and relative phase of the impressed voltage ? Is the power positive or negative ? Con- struct the power loops. 93. Trigonometrical Proof that Power Curves produced by Sin- usoidal Voltages and Currents are Double Frequency Sinusoids with their Axes Displaced. — Sinusoidal current and voltage of equal frequency in a circuit having any fixed phase relation produce instantaneous power that may in general be expressed P = «»*» sin « sin (a - 0), where 0 is the angle of lag. This expanded gives P = e rJm [sin 2 a cos 9 — sin a cos a sin 0] . The trigonometrical part of the expression on the right may be written (i _ 1 cos 2 «) cos 9 — (1 sin 2 a) sin 9 = 1 cos 9 — I (cos 2 a cos 9 + sin 2 « sin 01 = | cos 9 — \ cos (2 a — 9). Hence, the instantaneous power is P = e rJm (I COS 0 - | COS (2 rt - 0)), p = El cos 0 — El cos (2 « — 0). The second term in the right-hand member of this equation is a sinusoid having its maximum ordinate equal to AT, the appar- ent power. It is displaced with reference to the voltage curve. Since the instantaneous values depend on 2 a, it is obvious that the curve goes through two cycles in the period of time required for the current and voltage in the circuit to go through one cycle, and the power therefore has double the frequency of the voltage and current curves. The first term in the right-hand member of the last equation depends upon the cosine of the lag angle, which is assumed to be constant. This constant term is added algebraically to the 324 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ordinates of the cos(2 a — O') curve of the second term, and there- fore displaces the horizontal axis of symmetry of the power loops above or below the axis of abscissas of the current and voltage curves. Figure 200 illustrates the arrangement where the vol- tage curve E has an effective value of 100 volts, and the current curve / has an effective value of 30 amperes and lags 135°. The axis of the power curve P is YY r , and is below the axis X in the scale of watts a distance ///cos 0 = 100 x 30 cos 135° = - 2121, which is the average power expended in the circuit. When the angle TO < 90°, the value of El cos 0 is positive, and the average power is positive, i.e. is absorbed by the circuit, and when t 0>9O°, as in the example above, the power is negative, i.e. is delivered by the circuit. When 6 = 0, the equation becomes p = EI(1 — cos 2 a), in which case the dis- placement of the axis is maximum and the power loops just touch the axis of abscissas as illustrated in Fig. 197. When 6 =90°, p = — El sin 2 a and the axis of symmetry of the power loops corresponds with the axis of abscissas, as shown in Fig. 199. An examination of the power curves shows that an alternator which is connected into a highly reactive circuit, or one in which the phases of current and voltage are far apart, may be under a serious strain even though it may be furnishing very little power to the circuit. This follows from the fact that for one quarter cycle the machine may be delivering large power to the circuit and during the next quarter cycle, when the power is negative, the circuit may be returning nearly as much power to the machine, tending to drive it as a motor. This alternate generator and motor action due to the positive and negative loops is of special importance when there are alternators in the circuit running in parallel or as synchronous motors.* Prob. 1. Using the formula given on page 323, draw the power loops for a sine voltage of 200 volts and a sine current of 50 amperes when the current lags 90°. Obtain the power loops for the same current and voltage when the lag is 45°, 90°. 135°, and 180°, 0°, — 45°, — 90°, and — 135°, and compare the sets of loops with each other. Chap. XII. POWER, POWER FACTOR Prob 2. Draw the power loops in which the current and voltage are expressed by the formulas i = 100 sin (« + 30°) -f 10 sin (3 a + 60°), and e = 200 sin a + 15 sin 3 a + 5 sin 5 a. 94. Apparent Power ; True Power ; Power Factor. — The product of the effective values of the current and voltage , IE, in a reactive circuit is called the Apparent Power or Volt- amperes in the circuit. The term Kilo-volt-amperes is also frequently used (1 kilo- volt-ampere = 1000 volt-amperes). The reading of a wattmeter applied to the circuit , which gives the value of IE cos 6 , gives the True Power or Watts expended in the circuit. The ratio of the tvatts to the volt- amperes in a circuit is generally called the Power factor, as originally suggested by Fleming. The power loops for a circuit are exactly sinusoidal, provided the original current and voltage curves are sinusoids. (Figs. 197 to 200.) When the voltage and current coincide in phase, i.e. their phases are Coincident, the average ordinate of the power loops is equal to one half of the maximum ordinate, since the maximum ordinate is equal to i m e m , and the average ordinate is equal to IE = 2 When the original curves are sinusoids but their phases are not coincident, the average power ordinate is equal to one half of the difference between the maximum value of the positive ordinate and the maximum value of the negative ordinate. When the curves are not sinusoids, the power loops are not sinusoidal and the average power ordinate does not necessarily depend at all upon the maximum ordinate. When either or both the current and voltage waves are not sinusoidal, the power factor may be determined by dividing the volt-amperes, obtained from amperemeter and voltmeter read- ings made in the circuit, into watts obtained from a watt- p meter reading; from which -— = cos d, where cos 6 is a positive El fraction less than unity. Under these circumstances there is no fixed angle of phase difference which may be measured from the relations of the plotted current and voltage curves and called p the angle of lag. But the angle 6 = cos -1 — may be called the IE equivalent angle of lag. It is equal to the angular displacement 326 ALTERNATING CURRENTS between equivalent sinusoids* * of voltage and current which produce the same expenditure of power in the circuit. It must not be assumed that curves of voltage and current which are not sinusoidal and which have no apparent angular displacement with respect to each other, or that dissimilar curves in which the zero ordinates occur simultaneously will neces- sarily give power factors of unity. In fact, potver factor of unity can be obtained only when the voltage and current curves are exactly similar and have no displacement with reference to each other. Curves of current and voltage that are not angularly displaced with reference to each other, but are not similar, pro- duce a power factor less than unity. Curves of current and voltage of relative symmetry, such as a semicircle associated with a parabola, yield their maximum power factors when the zeros of current and voltage occur simultaneously. Their maxima then, likewise, occur simultaneously. When the current and voltage curves are not of such relative symmetry, the maxima will not be coincident in time when the zeros are, and the maximum power factor is yielded when neither zeros nor maxima are coincident. These theorems are easily proved and illustrated. Power factor p ei~ But e = e' m sin a + e" m sin 2 a + e"' m sin 3 a + etc. ; - C eHu = Ef + Ef + Ef + etc. ; 7T i = i' m sin (« — 0f)+ i" m sin (2 a — Of) + if" sin (3 a — Of) + etc. : - f* Pda = If + If + If + etc. : and 1 7 r eida = E^f cos 0 X + E 2 I 2 cos 0 2 + E 3 I 3 cos 0 3 + etc. Hence p.f.= E X I X cos 0 j + E 2 I 2 cos 0 2 + E 3 I 3 cos 0 3 + etc. (Ef + Ef + Ef + etc.)^(/j 2 + If + If + etc .) 4 * Art. 90. POWER, POWER FACTOR 327 Two conditions must be fulfilled to make this unity : E I E T (1) - 1 — 1 — = 1, etc., which is equivalent to saying that the voltage curve and current curve must be alike in form ; and (2) = 0, # 2 = 0, 0 3 = 0, etc., which is equivalent to saying that phases of corresponding harmonics must be in coincidence with each other. As an example of the association of two curves not of relative Fig. 202. — Conventional Curves of Voltage and Current with coincident Zeros. symmetry, consider those illustrated in Fig. 202, which shows a right-angled triangle and a sinusoid with their zeros coincident. The formulas of the curves for one half period are 1 * . . e - — and i — i m sin «. 7 r The effective values are, and The volt-amperes therefore become The power is — sin a — « cos a •1 7T 328 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The power factor is p.f. = -p- = — - = .78. The two curves Jhl 7 T shown in Fig. 202 therefore give a power factor of only 78 per cent when their zero ordinates coincide, and instrument readings 7T ® Fig. 203. — Conventional Curves displaced — . in the circuit would show an apparent angle of lag of 6 = cos -1 .78. Now suppose the current curve is retarded a quarter cycle as shown in Fig. 203. The equations become, for a half period, e — ^ m a 7T and i = i m sin ( « — ^ )• The power now is P = - f « sin (a - p) d a IT V '£J — — sin a -f cos « Hence the power factor is 1 e m i r o + if = -203 e m i m . p.f. = T = .203f„;,x ^ = .497. -tjl ^rn^rn The power for any displacement k of the zero points of these curves with respect to each other may be expressed thus : p = gin , _ K ^ da 7T“ * / 0 e i C n = I « ( sin a cos k — cos a sin /c) da TT* J 0 = j^cos k ^sin a — a cos aj — sin k ^cos « + a sin rcj = e -^f [tt cos k + 2 sin *]. 7T- L POWER, POWER FACTOR 329 The maximum power factor must occur when the power itself is a maximum. Solving the above equation for a maxi- mum gives ^ = cos K + 2 sin *) die g, = 4 1 - cos 0° + a cos 180° = 40.5 - 4.5 = 36. An inspection of Fig. 204 affords an interpretation of this for- mula. The first term of the first numerical member is evidently the power given by the primary harmonics which are of coinci- dent phases, and the power loops for which are marked P v The second term is the power given by the third harmonics, which is shown as P 3 in the power loops, and is negative as the curves are in opposition or 180° apart. The power factor is p p. f. = -— =.80, and the apparent angle of lag is 0 = cos -1 El .80 = 36° 52'. In this instance not only are the zeros of current and voltage coincident, but the pairs of harmonics each have unity power factor (positive or negative) as they are either in exact coin- cidence or exact opposition. POWER, POWER FACTOR 331 If the current curve is shifted 90° to the right, the formula is P = — cos 90° + | cos 27 0° = 0, and p. f . = = cos 6 = 0. Shifting the fundamental of current and voltage from coin- cidence to quadrature generally does not cause all the harmonics to fall into quadrature as in this example. For instance, if the third harmonic of the current is i,„ 3 sin (3 a + 90°) instead of i sin 3 «, the last formulas above become P = -M. cos 90° + cos 0° =- 4.5 and p.f. = F r = cos 6 = .10. A x 7 7T In general the power factor of a circuit, as already demon strated, may be expressed thus : cos 6 = where T7 and Tare the effective voltage and current; or in the form cos 6 = F ^ C0S + F * T * C0s e ? ‘ + ••• + cos 6 n PI The following relations are expressed in the formulas : a. The power factor in the case of sinusoidal curves is unity when the phases of voltage and current are in coincidence or opposition, and is zero when they are 90° apart. b. When the voltage and current curves are not sinusoids, the power factor is unity when the curves are in coincidence or opposition, provided the curves are of exactly like forms. In this case, coincidence occurs when the voltage and current curves are in such relative phases that each current harmonic crosses the zero value at the same instant and in the same direction as the corresponding voltage harmonic ; that is, each current har- monic is in coincidence with the corresponding voltage har- monic. The current and voltage are in opposition when each current harmonic is in opposition to the corresponding voltage harmonic. c. If the current and voltage curves are not of exactly like forms, the power factor never becomes as large as unity for any phase relation of the curves; and it may pass through zero when the power factors of some or all of the harmonics are finite, 332 ALTERNATING CURRENTS but the algebraic summation of power produced by the several harmonics is zero. Power factor is expressed as a matter of convenience and habit in terms of the cosine of an angle between 0° and 180°. The foregoing discussion shows that in the case of sinusoidal current and voltage, this angle is the same as the true angle of lag or difference of phase between the curves. It is therefore usual to call the cos' 1 p. f. the angle of lag, whatever form may he assumed by current and voltage curves. When the current and voltage are sinusoidal, the angle of lag may he scaled off from a plot of the curves, hut this cannot readily be done when the curves are of other forms on account of the effects of the various harmonics. When the power factor is positive , the circuit is absorbing poiver from an outside source ; when it is negative , the circuit is deliver- ing power to the source of the voltage under consideration. Proh. 1. A circuit has an effective sinusoidal voltage of 500 volts impressed upon it and a sinusoidal current of 75 amperes flows at a lag of 30°. What are the volt-amperes of the circuit, the power expended, and the power factor ? Proh. 2. Two circuits are in series, one having a resistance of 5 ohms and a self-inductance of .01 of a henry, the other a resistance of 10 ohms and a capacity of 200 microfarads, and a sinusoidal current of 50 amperes flows through these two circuits at a frequency of 40 periods per second. What is the power fac- tor of the combined circuits and of each circuit separately ? Prob. 3. A circuit is composed of four circuits in parallel, the first having a resistance of 20 ohms, the second a resistance of 5 ohms and a self-inductance of .01 of a henry, the third a resistance of 8 ohms and a capacity of 100 microfarads, the fourth a resistance of 2 ohms, a self-inductance of .02 of a henry, and a capacity of 200 microfarads. When 1000 volts (sinu- soidal) are impressed upon this circuit at a frequency of 60 periods per second, what is the power factor in the entire cir- cuit, and of each of the four parts? Give the angle of lag or lead in each part of the circuit and in the total circuit. Proh. 4. A voltage having two harmonics, the first and the third, of which the effective values are respectively 200 volts and 10 volts, is impressed upon a circuit and a current flows having first and third harmonics with effective values of 50 POWER, POWER FACTOR B33 and 5 each in coincidence with the corresponding voltage har- monic. What is the power factor? Prob. 5. A voltage having two harmonics, the first and the third, with effective values of 200 and 50, is impressed at a fre- quency of 60 periods per second on a circuit having a capacity of 200 microfarads and a resistance of 5 ohms in series. What current flows in the circuit and what is the power factor? Prob. 6. The voltage of problem 5 is impressed upon a cir- cuit having a resistance of 10 ohms and a self-inductance of .01 of a henry in series. What is the power factor ? Prob. 7. The voltage of problem 5 is impressed on a circuit having 5 ohms resistance, 200 microfarads capacity, and .2 of a henry self-inductance in series. What is the power factor? Prob 8. The voltage of problem 5 is impressed upon a cir- cuit having a capacity of 200 microfarads. What is the power factor? What would be the power factor if a sinusoidal vol- tage of the same effective value were impressed on this circuit ? Prob. 9. The voltage of problem 5 is impressed upon a cir- cuit having a self-inductance of .2 of a henry. What is the power factor? What would be the power factor if a sinusoi- dal voltage of the same effective value were impressed on the circuit? Prob. 10. The voltage of problem 5 is impressed upon a cir- cuit having 5 ohms resistance. What is the power factor? What would be the power factor if a sinusoidal voltage of the same effective value were impressed on the circuit? Prob. 11. What would be the power factor in problem 4 if the third harmonic of current was in opposition to the third harmonic of the voltage ? Prob. 12. A voltage curve having loops in the form of a semicircle and with a maximum value of 200 volts is in coinci- dence with a sinusoidal current having a maximum value of 100 amperes. What is the power factor? 95. Expression of Power Relations by Means of Vectors. — The product of the vectors of current and voltage may be called Vector power. Apparent power, which is given by the product of the readings of the amperemeter and voltmeter in the circuit, 334 ALTERNATING CURRENTS or the “ volt-amperes,” is numerically equal to the product of the tensors of current and voltage, and is a coefficient in vector power. Apparent power may be resolved into two components in quadrature about the argument 8. One of these components is equal to IE cos 6 , or the reading of a wattmeter in circuit, and is called real power or true power. The component perpendicu- lar thereto is equal to jlE sin d, and is the power which is exerted alternately positively and negatively in the circuit, but which balances itself in and out during any half period so that its average is equal to zero. The existence of the second compo- nent is dependent on a condition that during one portion of the half period the circuit absorbs power and during the remaining portion the circuit delivers power to an exactly equal average amount, so that a wattmeter reading will be zero with respect to this latter component. Hence comes the absurdly inappli- cable term wattless energy or power, which can better be called Quadrature power or Reactive volt-amperes. It may also be called the quadrature volt-amperes. A mechanical analogy of the reactions of the quadrature power during a half period is found in a cycle consisting of the frictionless raising of a weight and its frictionless return to its initial position. In this case mechanical power is exerted by some source to raise the weight, but the weight delivers back the full power to the source as it returns to its first position. The weight has here had work exerted on it by the source' and has then returned an equal amount of work to the source, and a mechanical power meter would afford a zero reading as the result of this operation. The power vector has the form P = Pcjs-«/r, and it is equal to the product of the current and voltage vectors, or P = El = E( cos a+j sin oc) • Z[cos(« — 8) + j sin (a — 0)] = Ee ]a x Ie j(a ~ 8) = IEe 3<2a ~ 9) = IEcjs (2 a — 8) = (IE cos 8 — jlE sin 0)cjs 2 a. Cjs-v/r is therefore equal to cjs 2 a, and it is clearly seen that P has twice the frequency of Zand Z7, as heretofore explained. Moreover, the apparent power P is shown to be composed of two rectangular components. One of these (IE cos 9 ) represents the true average power in the period, and the other (jlE sin d) is the quadrature power which disappears when POWER, POWER FACTOR 335 taken over any complete half period and stands for the work that swashes back and forth in the circuit but always gives as much as it takes in any complete half period. By drawing a curve through the points found by giving various values to « from 0° to 360° in the expression Pcjs 2 a, we get the well-known sinusoidal “power loops ” which are of twice the frequency of the corresponding vectors of voltage and current. The true power is zero when cos 6=0, that is, when 6 = ± 90°, in which case E and I are in quadra- ture; and the quadrature power is zero when sin 6 = 0, that is, when 6 = 0° or 180°, in which case E and I are either in coincidence or in opposition. The algebraic sign of the angle 6 indicates whether the quadrature power is the result of equivalent inductance or equivalent capacity; and the numerical value of 6 indicates whether the true power is delivered or absorbed by the circuit, power being absorbed by the circuit when ± 6 < 90°, and de- livered by the circuit when ± 6 > 90°. The application of the commutative, associative, and distributive laws of algebra to the vector formulas is not affected by doubling the frequency in the equation. These same deductions can be made, using the ordinary com- plex form of the vectors. In this case the product of current and voltage gives : El = (a +jb')(^c +jd') = ac — bd + j ( ad + bc~) = El j [cos « cos (« — d) — sin « sin (a — d)] + j [sin a cos (a — d) + cos « sin (« — d)] j = -ET[cos(2 a — d) +j sin (2 « — d)]. This expression is the complex expression in which are shown the horizontal and vertical components of the complete power vector; that is, ac — bd = El cos (2 a — d) and ad + be = El sin (2 a — d). This is not what we desire, as the valuable information to be derived from the equation is the relative magnitude of the rec- 336 ALTERNATING CURRENTS tangular components of the apparent power corresponding to the argument 0, since the average of the variable angle « over a period is zero and 0 is constant. The forms given earlier have shown that apparent power is a coefficient in the vector power and is multiplied by (cos 6 — j sin d)cjs 2 « to give the vector power. We now desire to transform El (cos 0 —j sin 0) into terms of the rectangular components of voltage and current a, b, c , and d. But, cos 0 = cos [« — (« — #)] (see Fig. 205) = cos a cos (a — 0) + sin a sin (a — 0) a c , b d _ac-\-bd ~e 1 + E' I ~ El and, therefore, El cos 0 = ac 4- bd. Also, sin 0 = sin [« — (a — #)] = sin a cos (a — 0) — cos « sin (a — 0 s ) _ b c a d __bc — ad ~E ' I~E ' I~ El ’ and, therefore, jEI sin 0 =j(bc — ad). The true power is therefore equal to ac + bd and not to ac—hd\ and the quadrature power to be — ad and not to be -f ad. It is to be remembered that the true power, ac + bd, is the average value for any full period of a periodic quantity of double frequency, Pcjs 2 a, the origin of which is displaced from the W-axis by a dis- tance equal to El cos 0 ; and the quadrature power be — ad is the quadrature component of El obtained by subtracting (ac -p bd ) 2 from (Eiy. The conditions are illustrated in Fig. 205, in which OA and OB, respectively, represent vector voltage and current, OC rep- resents vector power, and OB and BO, respectively, represent IE cos 0 = ac + bd and IE sin 0= be — ad ; OE and EC repre- c Fig. 205. — Vector Diagram of Power Relations. POWER, POWER FACTOR 337 sent the horizontal and vertical components of vector power obtained by the multiplication of the complex quantities, i.e. ac — bd and ad + be. The expression -Z/i (cos 6 —j sin 0) is of the nature of a vector operator, similar in character to — 7^2 El (cos 0 —j sin 0) = E 2 Y = — • z r = Jr (cos 0-j sin 0) ; and Similar deductions are reached when the expressions are still further generalized by assigning an initial fixed angle to the vol- tage vector, in which case E = Ecjs (a — )and I = 7ejs(a —

9. Under these circum- stances the current vector f of Fig. 210 cannot be in the plane of the vectors I and E, but the three vectors must form a tri- angular pyramid in which the faces give the angles IOE = 9, IOI 1 — 9—9 v and I 1 OE=9 v A like relation holds for Fig. 211. b. Correction of Wattmeter Readings on Account of the Poiver * Art. 23. 350 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 212. — Watt- meter connected so that the Power used in Voltage Coil is added to that of the Circuit being Tested. Absorbed by the Instrument. Another correction due to the power used by the wattmeter itself is also necessary. Thus, if the voltage coil is connected to the circuit be- tween the current coil and the test circuit (Fig. 212), it is evident that the power measured includes that absorbed by the voltage coil. If the current coil is included between the point of connection of the voltage coil and the test circuit (Fig. 213), the power measured includes that absorbed by the current coil. In either case this power should be small and usually may be neglected ; but when this is not the case, it is easily determined from the resistance of the coil included, if the voltage or current is known. In some wattmeters a special correct- ing coil wound over the series coil is introduced in series with the voltage coil, which corrects for the current in the voltage coil, — the in- strument being connected as in Fig. 212. (Example : Weston wattmeter.) c. Effect of Eddy Currents in Wattmeter Frame. As in the case of any electrodyna- mometer or other instrument operated by electrodynamic action, it is necessary that a wattmeter of the type here discussed shall have no metal in its frame in which eddy currents may be developed.* If this precau- . tion is not carefully looked after, the constant of the instrument will vary with the fre- quency, and a calibration is necessary for every frequency. The magnetic effects of any eddy currents which are set up in the metal supports of an instrument may have quite a marked effect upon the magnetic fields around the coils, and as the intensi- ties of the eddy currents are dependent upon the frequency of the inducing current, the above statement about calibration is evidently correct. For a properly built wattmeter, as said above, which is used at a point near which there are no masses * Art. 111. Fig. 213. — Watt- meter connected so that the Power used in the Cur- rent Coil is added to that of Circuit being Tested. POWER, POWER FACTOR 351 of metal, a single calibration with direct currents is suffi- cient. 2. Electrometer Method. If the two pairs of quadrants of a quadrant electrometer are connected with points of potential, respectively, V x and V 2 , and the needle is connected with a point of potential V 3 , then the deflection of the needle is theo- retically ri + r? Fig. 214. — -Diagram of Electrom- eter Connections. d = k (T\ - r 2 ) [y s - where k is the constant of the electrometer. An explanation of the truth of this formula may be made as follows. In Fig. 214 the electrometer needle is well under the quadrants, and, if the needle slightly, the capac- ity afforded by the quadrants toward which the needle moves and the portion of the needle under them is increased slightly, due to the greater surface exposed to the inductive effect, while the quadrants from which the needle moves and the por- tion of the needle influenced by them decrease in capacity. If c is the change in capacity of either pair of quadrants and the accompanying portion of the needle for each very small angular movement of the needle, then the amount of charge gained by the quadrants toward which the needle moves is ca (E s — V 1 ') and by the needle is ca (F[ — V 3 ~), where a is the angular distance moved. Likewise, the charge lost by the quadrants from which the needle moves is ca ( T r s — V^), and that lost by the needle is ca(V 2 —V 3 ). These expressions come from the fundamental equation, Q= CE. Equal charges of opposite signs must flow to quadrants and needle. It has been proved earlier that the work stored in a charge is Q V, where V is the absolute potential of the charge. Therefore, the energy gained by the first pair of quadrants is I ca (Fg — V x ) V v and by the needle ca (V x — T r 3 ) V 3 . Like- wise, the energy lost by the second pair of quadrants is \ ca (V 3 — V 2 ) V 2 , and by the needle \ ca ( V 2 — V 3 ) V 3 . Sub- tracting the energy lost from the energy gained, there results 352 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OT = c«(F 1 -F 2 )(r 3 -SAiS). but the couple tending to turn the needle is equal to the work done divided by the angular displacement. Therefore, the torque _F, tending to turn the needle, is T')(r 8 -G±iSj. If the angle « is small, so that the surface distribution of the charges is not materially altered, this torque should be constant throughout the range of the deflection ; and when the restrain- ing force of the needle suspension is proportional to the angle of deflection, the deflection is proportional to the applied torque. As a result, d = k{v 1 -v 2 )(r 3 -^±Hy as stated above. These conditions, however, cannot be rigor- ously obtained in ordinary electrometers because the distribution of the charges will not remain unchanged during the operations. If v v v v and v 3 represent the instantaneous values of the potentials at the points when varying alternatingly, similar reasoning shows that the deflection becomes d f Oi - ” 2 ') ( v 3 - dt - If it is desired to measure the power absorbed by a reactive circuit, the electrometer may be used in the following manner : The reactive resistance BC is connected in series with the non- reactive resistance AB (Figs. 215 and 216). Let the potential of the points A , B , and C at any instant be represented respec- tively by v v v v and v 3 , when B is Fig. 215.— Electrometer in First Posi- the junction between the react- tion for obtaining; a Power Reading. . , , . . . ive and non-reactrve resistance. Then, if a quadrant electrometer is connected with its quad- rants to A and B , and its needle and case to C (Fig. 215), the deflection is POWER, POWER FACTOR 353 d = ^rSo If the connection of the needle is interchanged so that it is connected to B while the connections of the quadrants remain unchanged (Fig. 216), this becomes d ' = -f X^’ 1 ~ ~ By subtraction, this results in k C T d' -d= — J o Oq - v 2 )(v 2 - v^dt. Dividing this by kR , where R is the resistance of AB , gives d' — d _ 1 r T v x tX r kR ^(*’2 v^)dt. Now 12 is equal to the instantaneous value of the cur- R rent passing through the circuit, and v% — v 3 is the correspond- ing instantaneous value of the voltage between the terminals of the reactive resistance BO. d' — d l C T • Consequently, ^ = — J iedt = P, where P is the power absorbed by the reactive part of A B c the circuit. AAAAAAn — On account of structural de- fects, the deflections of electrom- eter needles do not always follow the theoretical law, as aforesaid. Consequently, it is necessary to determine how great the deviation is before the instru- ment may be relied upon. Or, Fig. 216. — Electrometer ill Second the instrument may be calibrated Posi *! on for obtaining a Power by the use of direct currents passing through known resistances, which are so adjusted that v v v v and v 3 are nearly the effective values of the tests. 3. Electrostatic Wattmeter. A modification of the quadrant electrometer may be made which reads directly as a watt- 354 ALTERNATING CURRENTS meter.* In this case the needle box is divided diametrically into two parts instead of into quadrants. The needle consists of a disc divided diametrically into two parts (Fig. 217). The points A and B of the circuit are connected to the two halves of the needle, and B and C to the two halves of the needle box. Then the force which causes the deflection of the needle is theoretically proportional to the difference which is found by subtracting the total loss of energies of the quadrants and needles from the total gain due to a small movement, exactly as was done in the previous case for the electrometer. Hence, 75 d 1 B r (v 1— fo)/- n. Fig. 217. — Diagram of an Electro- static Wattmeter. since -- 1 -— — : ^ is the instantaneous current and (p 2 — 1 > 3 ) the R instantaneous voltage in the circuit. This instrument may also be calibrated, as explained above, by passing a known direct current through a known resistance. Wattmeters of this type have been designed and constructed, but they are not very satisfactory. 4. Three-voltmeter Meth- od .f As in the previous method, a non-reactive re- sistance must be connected in series with the reactive circuit to be tested (Fig. 218). Non-reactive voltmeters are then respectively connected between the points A and B , B and (7, and A and C. Letting 'r ~©~ r— ^ I k — (^y — 1 — (a^) — < Fig. 218. — Connections for Three-voltmeter Measurement of Power. * Gerard’s Lemons sur V Blectricite, 3d ed., vol. I, p. 611 ; Hospitalier’s Traite de V iSnergie Blectrique, vol. I, pp. 205 and 507. t Suggested by Ayrton and Sumpner, London Electrician, vol. 20, p. 736; Electrical World , vol. 17, p. 329. POWER, POWER FACTOR 355 e v e 2 , and e represent instantaneous voltages at the three volt- meters, then e = e 1 + e v whence p* p & p & — V p p O C-i on — 01 Z', 1 D 2* But the instantaneous value of the power in the inductive • £ circuit is p = ie 2 = e 2 . Substituting the value of e 1 e 2 already R ' found gives p = — (e 2 — . This may also be written - 1 J i In this case the greatest accuracy is given when and I 2 are about equal; but, at the best, the method is not very exact. Its accuracy may be checked, as in the previous case, by replac- ing the reactive circuit by a suitable non-reactive resist- ance. 6. Other Three-instrument Methods. Various modifica- tions of the last two methods have been suggested by Ayr- p IG ooo. — Connections for measuring ton, Sumpner, Blakesley, and Power using Two Ammeters and One others. One of the obvious Aoltnuter - arrangements is to omit the amperemeter in series with the non-reactive resistance of the fifth method, and connect a volt- POWER, POWER FACTOR 357 meter across the circuit as in Fig. 220. In this case the power becomes 7. Split Dynamometer Methods. If separate alternating currents of the same frequency are passed through the two coils of an electrodynamometer, its reading will be proportional to 1 C T • — J ip 2 dt. This is equal to I X I 2 cos 6. For = V2 /j sin a and i 2 = V2 I 2 sin (a — 0 ), where 0 is the angle between the two current waves, stituting gives \ rr i) r*T •y Jo i ih dt =JiJ J 2 sin a sin (a - 0) dt, which is equal to - § sin a sin (a — 0 ) da = I X I 2 cos 0. Sub- An electrodynamometer used in this manner is called a Split dynamometer. Now suppose we determine the values of I x and I 2 by means of a dynamometer used as an amperemeter or by other instruments, then the value of cos 0 is at once found. If the measurements are all made by the same electrodynamometer, its constant does not need to be known. Suppose the readings in the two circuits are J x 2 = Jc$ v and / 2 2 = &S 2 , and the reading as a split dynamometer is I X I 2 cos 0 = 7cS 3 , then This plan was first suggested by Blakesley.* 8. Blakesley s Split Dyna- mometer Method. Blakesley planned various methods for using a split dynamometer in measuring the power absorbed by a reactive circuit, f In one of the methods a non- reactive resistance cos 0 - — - 3 — . vs,s 2 Fig. 221. — Measurement of Power by a Split Dynamometer. is con- nected in parallel with the reactive circuit to be tested (Fig. 221), and a split dynamometer is connected so that one coil * Alternating Currents of Electricity, 2d ed., p. 97. t Phil. Mag., vol. 31, p. 346. 358 ALTERNATING CURRENTS carries the total current, and the other carries the current of the reactive branch. An amperemeter is also placed in the reactive branch. Calling i the instantaneous value of the total current, and i v i 2 , respectively, the instantaneous currents in the non-reactive and reactive circuits, the following re- lations hold: the reading of the split dynamometer is propor- tional to 1 I 2 cos 9, and that of the amperemeter gives I 2 \ but i\h = 0 h)h = ~ *2 2 ’ anc ^ Rhh = — f 2 2 )- e d ua ^ to the instantaneous voltage between the terminals of the non- reactive resistance, and therefore Ri 1 i 2 is equal to the instan- taneous value of the power absorbed by the reactive circuit. Integrating gives = R(1 I 2 cos 9) - Rif = kRD - Rif, where D is the scale reading of the split dynamometer, and k is its constant. Hence, the power absorbed by the reactive cir- cuit is equal to R times the difference between the reduced split dynamometer reading and the square of the current in the reactive circuit. A similar result may be gained by putting the amperemeter in the non-reactive branch, provided the instrument is itself non-reactive. CHAPTER VIII POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND THE MEASUREMENT OF POWER THEREIN 100. Polyphase Systems. — A Polyphase system is a system comprising a number of simple alternating-current circuits carrying currents of different phases used conjointly to obtain the advantage of combined vector relations. When the simple circuits number more than two, the several line voltages are capable of forming a closed vector polygon, and the several line currents of likewise forming a closed vector polygon. The circuits of such a system may be operated as separate single- phase circuits, or jointly as a polyphase circuit. A polyphase system is said to be Balanced when the voltages of the principal single-phase circuits are numerically equal to each other and alike in form, and the currents of the same cir- cuits are also numerically equal to each other and alike in form; with the additional proviso that when the simple circuits number only two, the difference in phase between the two voltages is 90° and the difference in phase between the currents is also 90°. When the number of single circuits composing the balanced poly- phase system is greater than two, the phase difference between the 2 7 r successive voltages or successive currents is — , where n is the n number of phases ( i.e . the number of simple circuits composing the polyphase system). Polyphase systems are usually operated with either two currents with approximately 90° difference of phase, called quarter-phase or two-phase currents, or three cur- rents with approximately 120° phase difference, called three- phase currents. The transmission circuits for quarter-phase currents may be arranged to be entirely independent of each other, four wires being then required (Fig. 37) ; or, three wires may be used, in which case one of them is common to the two currents (Fig. 38) and the current in the third or common wire, at any instant, is equal to the algebraic sum of the currents in the other two. 359 360 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The algebraic sum of the instantaneous currents in the three wires is always equal to zero , the total return current being of course equal to the total outgoing current at every instant. The effective current in the common return wire is equal to the vector sum of the two circuit currents ; and it is, therefore, a/2 Z, where I is the effective cur- rent in one cir- cuit, provided the currents are equal in the two circuits and have a phase difference of 90°, which is the condition when the system is properly designed and sym- metrically loaded or Balanced. The voltage between the two outside wires of the quarter-phase system with common return is the vector sum of the two cir- cuit voltages, and is, therefore, a/2 E in a balanced system, where E is the voltage between one side and the common return. The common current in a balanced sys- tem is 45° from the phase of the current in either of the independent wires and the joint voltage is 45° from the voltage of either phase. Figure 222 shows the graphical composition of the voltages. A and B are the two line voltages, and R is the resultant voltage measured across the outside wires. The coils of quarter-phase machines may be entirely independent of each other, in which case an armature requires four circuit terminals, or the circuits may be joined so as to require only three terminals. In a Fig. 223. — Methods of Con- nection — Two-phase Arma- tures. Fig. 222. — Voltage Curves of Three-wire Two-phase System. POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 3G1 quarter-phase machine with rotating armature the armature may be wound with the equivalent of a series-path direct- current winding, and four collector rings and independent circuits are then required to avoid short-circuiting portions of the armature. Figure 223 shows diagrammatically various ways of connecting 1 the coils of quarter-phase machines. (See also Art. 22.) It is possible, in three-phase systems, to use three entirely Fig. 224. — Three-phase Delta Connection. independent circuits, each consisting of two wires, and carrying currents of 120° difference of phase ; but in practice the circuits are almost invariably combined so as to use three line wires. The three armature circuits of three-phase machines may be connected together so that they form the sides of a delta with the transmission wires connected to the three corners of the triangle (Fig. 224), or one end of each of the three circuits Fig. 225. — Three-phase Wye Connection. may be individually connected to the transmission wires, the free ends of the three circuits being connected together (Fig. 225). In either case the number of transmission wires is three. 362 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 226. — Vector Relations in Star-connected System. POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 303 and the algebraic sum of their instantaneous currents is always equal to zero. In the latter, called the Wye or Star arrangement, which is represented by the symbol Y, the voltage between anj T two line wires in a balanced system is V3 E, where E is the voltage in one circuit of the machine. Thus, in Fig. 226 a, the triangle ABC represents the vector polygon of line voltages, and the arrowheads the directions of the vectors which are of successively 120° difference in phase.* The phase diagram of these vector voltages (denominated E AC , E CB , and E BA ) is laid out from the center of rotation 0 , with the vectors of the same dimensions and directions as the sides of the triangle ABC. The wye armature, or load branch, voltages in a balanced system are OA, OB , and 00 (denominated E 0A , E 0B , and E uc ). This must be the case since the three branches are equal and meet at a central or neutral point, and their free terminals have the same instan- taneous potentials as the points A, B , and C. It is evident, then, from Fig. 226 a that the branch voltages — E 0A and E 0B form a closed vector triangle with line voltage E BA , and that the vector difference of E 0A and E 0B (i.e. the vector sum of E 0A and — E ob ) is therefore equal to E BA f; likewise, branch voltages — E ob and E oc form a closed vector triangle with line voltage E cb . and E cb is therefore equal to the vector sum of E 0B and — J£oc> and, in the same manner, it will be observed that E AC is equal to the vector sum of — E 0A and E uc . It is sometimes more convenient to illustrate these relations by laying down — E ob as at OH , and completing the parallelogram on the sides E oa and — E ob , whence it is at once seen that the diagonal, OB, is equal by construction to E BA . Consequently E BA must be the vector sum of E 0A and — E 0B . The vector — E 0B is of course the same as vector E B0 . The line OB shows the position of E BA in the phase diagram of branch and line voltages for a balanced three-phase Y-connected circuit. The lines OGr and OF 7 likewise show the positions of E AC and E CB in the phase diagram. Figure 226 b shows the vector polygon of the voltages E 0A , E ob , and E oc , which, being numerically equal and 120° apart in phase for a balanced system, make a closed equilateral triangle. Returning to Fig. 226 a, since the angle BOA in the phase dia- gram equals angle OAB and OB and OA are of equal length, it is * Art. 103. f Art. 79. 304 ALTERNATING CUR 1 1 ENTS obvious that OD = V3 OA and, therefore, that E BA — V3 E 0 , = VSE B0 when these are given in effective values. Similar relations holding for the other two line voltages, it is seen that E l = v/3 E, when E L is the effective value of a line voltage and E is the effective value of a branch voltage. The figure shows that line voltage E BA leads branch voltage E 0A by 30° and branch voltage E UB by 150° ( i.e . lags behind E B0 by 30°); line voltage E AG leads branch voltage E uc by 30° and branch voltage E 0i bj 150°; and line voltage E clt leads branch voltage E ub by 30° and E oc by 150°. ' In Fig. 227, the curve R shows the potential difference between A and B. The line current in any star-connected circuit must always be the same as that passing through the branch in which the line terminates. In the Delta or Mesh winding, which is often represented by the symbol A, the voltage between wires is evidently that gen- erated by one coil, and the current in the line wire is the com- bination of those in two adjacent coils, or V3 I in a balanced system, where I is the current in a coil. Thus, in Fig. 226 c, the triangle 3INP is the vector polygon of the line currents from the delta corners A , B, and C , of Fig. 224, the arrow- heads representing the vector directions.* The phase diagram of these vector currents, called I Al , I BL , and I CL , respectively, is laid out from the center of rotation 0 with the vectors of the same directions and dimensions as those forming the sides of the triangle MNP. The branch currents between BA, AC, and CB , Fig. 224, called I BA , I AC , and I CB , respectively, are numerically equal and of successively 120° difference in phase. But I BA and I AC join with I AL at the delta corner A and the * Art. 103. Fig. 227. — Voltage Curves of a Three-phase System. POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 365 three must therefore form a closed vector triangle, since the alge- braic sum of their instantaneous values must always be equal to zero in accordance with Kirchoffs law of currents at junction points. Similar relations exist between the branch and line cur- rents at the other corners of the delta. To fulfill these conditions OR , OS, and OT may represent the vector currents I BA , I CB , and I AC .* Then, from the parallelogram OTRU , it is seen that I AL is the vector difference of I BA and I AC (i.e. the vector sum of I BA and — / 4C ) ; parallelogram ORSV shows I BL is equal to the vector sum of — I BA and I CB ; and parallelogram OSTW shows that I CL is equal to the vector sum of — I CB and I AC . These relations are in accord with the principle enunciated by Kirch off that the algebraic sum of the currents meeting in a point is zero, when those flowing toward the point are considered of one sign and those flowing away from the point of the opposite sign. At any point of meeting such as A, Fig. 224, the sum of the instan- taneous currents must always be zero, and the geometric sum of their vectors must therefore be zero. But we have taken I BA to be from B to A and I AC and I CB must therefore be taken in the directions, respectively, from A to C and C to B. Hence I BA has a direction toward the junction A, and I AC has a direction away from A and must be reversed in order that it may add to I BA to give I AL . This is expressed in the vector triangle OUR , where the sum of I BA and — I AC is vectorially equal to I AL , or I AL = I BA + (— I AC '). The same relations exist for the other corners. From Fig. 226 c it is seen that I l = v3I, where I L is the effective value of a line current in amperes and I the effective value of a branch current. It is also seen that I AL lags behind I BA by 30° and I AC by 150°, I BL lags behind I CB by 30° and I BA by 150°, and I CL lags behind I AC by 30° and I CB by 150°. Figure 226 d shows a vector polygon of the branch currents. Figure 228 shows ways in which the coils of three-phase machines may be connected to the external circuit. The arrangements are either of the wye or delta connection. The point of common connection 0 in the wye arrangement is called the Neutral point of the winding. A line wire may or may not be led from this point, depending on the conditions of use of the current. * Art. 103. 366 ALTERNATING CURRENTS In the case of a two-phase system, it is obvious that the algebraic sum of the instantaneous currents must always be zero at any section taken across the line wires when the two phases are kept separate by the use of four main line wires, because the instantaneous incoming current is equal to the instantaneous out- going current in each single-phase circuit. When three wires are used for such a circuit, the joint wire is a common return for the other two, and the algebraic sum of the instantaneous currents in the three wires is, therefore, clearly equal to zero. Fig. 228. — Methods of Connection of Three-phase Machines or Loads. In other polyphase systems, the vectors of the several line currents are capable of making a closed vector polygon, and it therefore follows that at any section taken across the line wires, ij sin a + / 2 sin (« — /S 2 ) + ••• + I n sin (a — /3„) = 0, \il v I v -I n are the effective line currents and /3 2 ••• are the angular differences between the several current vectors. This must be equally true for each harmonic of current. But each of the terms on the left-hand side of this equation multiplied by V2 gives the instantaneous value of the current, and the algebraic sum of the instantaneous currents is therefore always equal to zero. This is plainly to be seen in the case of star-connected wind- ings, when it is remembered that the electric current acts like the flow of an incompressible fluid and the aggregate current flowing from the neutral point through one or more of the windings must at each instant be equal to the aggregate current entering the neutral point at that instant through the other winding's. This is in accordance with what is called Ivirchoff s law of current flow at a junction point. In case of the use of POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 367 a neutral wire, or other extra wire in a polyphase system, the instantaneous current flowing therein, across the section taken, must be included in the algebraic sum. When the system is balanced and has n phases, *3 — ^ m ^ ^ ! in = i m sin (a - 2 ^- n ~p— . . . . . i . f 2 Hence, i x + * 2 + « 3 + ••• + i n = i m j sin a sin la . f 4 7T \ . f 0 ( w — 1 )*7 t'\ ) but evidently, sin a + sin q. s in ^ a — + •• + sin l^a — 2 and therefore i 1 + i 2 + i 3 + ••• +i n = 0. (n — l)7r^ _ ; 0 , 101. Uniform Power in Polyphase Systems. — In general, the power transferred in a balanced polyphase circuit is uniform throughout each period, and the torque exerted by balanced polyphase machinery is uniform. This is different from the conditions in single-phase circuits, where the power has been shown to vary between a maximum and a minimum during every quarter period.* In the case of a single-phase circuit the power at any instant is i m e m sin (a — 0) sin a = i m e m sin 2 a cos 9 — i m e m sin a cos a sin 0, which varies with a. In a balanced two- phase circuit the instantaneous power is i m e m sin 2 a cos 9 + i m e m sin 2 (a — 90°) cos 0 = i m e m cos 0 (sin 2 a + cos 2 a) = i m e m cos 0, which is constant. In the same way the power in a balanced three-phase circuit is, when i m and e m represent maximum values of branch currents and voltages, i m e m cos 0 {sin 2 « + sin 2 (a — 120°) + sin 2 (a — 240°) ( = § i m e m cos 9 , which is constant ; and, in gen- eral, the power in any balanced polyphase circuit in which the * Art. 92. 368 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 9 Jr phase differences are equal to - — , where n is the number of n phases, is, when i m and e m are maximum values of branch cur- rents and voltages, i m e m cos 6 | sin 2 « -f- sin 2 ^« — ^ j + sin 2 ^« — + ••• which is equal to cos 6 , and is constant, since s. n ] sin 2 tt + sin 2 n J -f- sin . 2 { 2(w— l)7r\ n -f sin 2 a x — = - . This being true for one harmonic it is true for all harmonics where the currents and voltages in a balanced circuit are not sinusoidal. The uniformity of power in a balanced polyphase circuit may also be directly deduced from the proposition that the resultant of n equal harmonic motions acting in lines having successive angular differences of is a uniform circular motion with an n amplitude equal to - times the amplitude of the components. mi It is to be observed that uniform transfer of energy is in- herent in direct current and balanced polyphase alternating- current circuits, but that this attribute is not possessed by single-phase circuits nor in general by polyphase circuits which are unbalanced. 102. Delta and Wye Connections for more than Three Phases. — With more than two phases the number of line wires may be equal to the number of phases, as illustrated in Figs. 228 and 229 a to 7j, which show corresponding delta and star arrange- ments of operating circuits and the connection of line wires thereto, for various numbers of phases. Turning to the illus- trations in Fig. 229, a to li inclusive, which show simple mesh and star connections for five, six, seven, and eight phases, it will be observed that there are always as many corners in the mesh connection as there are operative circuits or phases, and it is obvious that an equal number of line wires individually con- * Todhunter’s Plane Trigonometry , p. 243. POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 369 j- k. Fig. 22 EjiC — Ego + Eq c = EgU + ( — ^_CO ) j Eca — E co -T E oa = E co + ( — FT 1(J ). Fig. 230. — Wye Connected Armature and Phase Diagram of Voltages. The currents in the coils are I A oi I B oi and I c0 , and lag behind their respective voltages by angles of lag fixed by their respec- tive circuits. The following are the relations between the currents and the voltages in the lines and coils of a balanced three-phase system developed from the earlier discussion and illustrated in Fig. 228 : 1. Star Connection. I lme = J eoil ; E AB =■■ E BC = E CA = V3 E coil . Line voltage E AB is the vector sum of coil voltages E A0 and E ob (note that E AO = — E OA ) and is 30° behind the phase of coil 372 ALTERNATING CURRENTS voltage E ub . Line voltage E AC is the vector sum of coil vol- tages E a0 and E oc and is 30° behind the phase of coil voltage E au . Similar relations hold for the other two corners. For instance, line voltage E CA (which is equal to — E AC ~) is the vector sum of coil voltages E co and E OA and is 30° behind the phase of E OA and 30° ahead of E co ; and E CB (equal to — E BC ~) is the vector sum of E co and E 0B , and is 30° behind the phase of E c0 and 30° ahead of the phase of E OB . _ 2. Delta Connections. E AB = E BC = E CA = E coiU I Une = Vs J coil . Ila is the vector sum of branch currents I AC and I AB (= — I BA ) and is 30° ahead of I AC . I LB is the vector sum of branch cur- rents I BA and I BC ( = — I CB ) and is 30° ahead of I BA . is the vector sum of branch currents I CB and I CA ( = — I AC ) and is 30° ahead of I CB . Figures 226 a and 226 c show the relations that exist if non- 'reactive wye and delta circuits are placed on the same line wires. Thus, the line voltage between each pair of wires is in phase with the delta current between the same wires, so that I BA , I CB , and I AC of c are parallel, respectively, to E BA , E CB , and E AC of a. Also, the voltage and current in each branch of the wye are in the same phase, so that E 0A , E 0B , and E oc of a are parallel, respectively, to I AL , I BL , and I CL of c. Also, the wye branch voltages in a balanced three-phase circuit successively differ in phase from each other by angles of 120°, and they occupy certain specific relations to the delta or line voltages, which are illustrated in Figs. 226 and 230. It will be observed from Fig. 226 a that E BA , which is in phase with I BA , leads E OA by 30°. But it will also be observed from Fig. 226 c that I AL lags 30° behind I BA , and I AL is therefore in the same phase as E OA . That is, the line current flowing from a corner of the delta has the same phase as the voltage measured from the neutral point of the circuit to the same corner, when the delta circuit is non- reactive. Now, the branch voltage E OA of the wye circuit is identical with the voltage E 0A measured from the neutral point to the corner A of the delta circuit, and they are therefore in the same phase. Hence, I 0A of the wye circuit, which is in phase with E 0A , is also in phase with I AL of the delta circuit. By the same reasoning, I OB of the wye circuit is in phase with I BL of the delta circuit, and I oc of the wye circuit is in phase with I CL of the delta circuit. These relations are always true POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 373 for balanced wye and delta circuits when the phase of each branch current coincides with the phase of the corresponding branch voltage. If the delta and wye branches of the balanced circuits, on the other hand, are reactive, but all of the same power factor, the voltage and current in each branch differ in phase, but the dis- placement of the line current from the phases of the branch cur- rents combining at a delta corner is not altered, and the delta line currents Z Une therefore are still in phase with the correspond- ing wye-branch currents I cojl . If the power factor of the delta branches differs from the power factor of the wye branches, the delta-line currents ij ine are then out of phase with the wye- branch currents _T coil , and the main-line currents feeding the wye and delta jointly are vector resultants of the delta and wye line currents. If the circuits of utilization in a polyphase system are not machines (for instance, are incandescent lamps), the devices must be connected exactly as would be the coils of a machine ; unless transformers intervene, in which case the secondary circuits may be independent ; but the load should be uniformly distributed to keep the system balanced. The following examples deserve careful study, as they exhibit the phase and quantity relations of currents and vol- tages in polyphase circuits which are unbalanced. The voltages and currents are assumed to be sinusoidal to avoid undue com- plexity in exhibiting the underlying principles. If irregular curves are dealt with, a rigorous solution requires that they be analyzed and their sinusoidal components be used in the solution ; but in many instances the substitution of equivalent sinusoids for the irregular waves is sufficientl} 7 accurate. The first two examples deal with three-phase unbalanced wye loads, in which the position of the neutral point of the wye with reference to the three-line voltages must be determined.* Example 1 . — A three-phase line (. A L B L C L , Fig. a) is con- nected to a non-reactive wye circuit containing resistance of one ohm in the branch AO. two ohms in BO. and three ohms in CO. The voltage is balanced, being 100 volts on each phase. (a) What are the values of the current, voltage, and angle of lag in each branch? * H. P. Wood. Electrical World, vol. 55, p. 1597. 374 ALTERNATING CURRENTS (S) What are the current values in the line wires AA L , BB L , and CC L and their phase relations respectively with the vol- c tages E ab , E bc , and E CA ? CO M A Eca: 1 ") L A Rao=1 A 1 e bc =10 V / /Rbo= 2 t E ab =ioo 1 B, B Example 1. — Figure a. (c) What is the total power absorbed ? Figure a diagrammati- cally represents the load. (a) The triangle ABC (Fig. 5) is drawn to scale representing, by the length and positions of its sides, the line voltages E AB , E BC , and E ca . For convenience, the side AB is made horizontal. The point O' is taken at any convenient position in the plane ; and the lines O' A, O'B , and O' C are drawn, representing the corresponding voltages E aA , E aB , and E^ c from O' to A, B, and C. The posi- tion of the point O’ is assumed for convenience in the process of determining the location of the neutral point 0 of the circuit, with reference to the points A, B , and C. Rectangular axes are erected with the origin at O' and the axis of abscissas parallel to AB. From Fig. b we obtain the following vector equations, in which the true values of a and b are to be derived : B 0 -a = a -ft. Bo b = — (100 - «) — jb. Eq. v = a — 50 + j (86. 6 — 5). As the circuit is non-reactive, the directions of the currents, I(y A , I ob' lav, may be represented by the lines 0'A V 0'B V and 0'C V coincident with the lines O' A, O'B. and O' C. Dividing each vector equation for voltage given above by the resistance of its respective branch, gives : POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 375 Since the algebraic sum of the instantaneous currents meeting at the neutral point of the system (currents flowing towards the neutral point being taken of one algebraic sign and those flowing away being taken of the other sign) must always reduce to zero, it is plain that the algebraic sum of the scalar values of the three vertical components, and likewise of the three hori- zontal compo- nents, in these three vector equa- tions must each reduce to zero. This also fol- lows from the fact that the three currents of a three- phase system make a closed vector triangle, and therefore I n , + I nR + I or = 0. To cor- Ex ample 1 .— Figure c. 0A B oc rectly locate the neutral point it is therefore only required to solve for a and b in the following equations : 50 *-hr-i +i-T = # > and whence V 2 2/ 3 , b 86.6 b n - 4 - 5+~-3 = °; a =36.4 and 5 = 15.8. The values of the wye currents and the location of the neutral point 0 are determined by substituting these values in the fore- going vector equations of current, and are plotted in Fig. c. 376 ALTERNATING CURRENTS In this figure the three line-voltages are also drawn from 0 , making a phase diagram. The numerical values of the voltages E 0A , E ob , and E oc are determined by substituting the values of a and b , just found, in their vector equations and obtaining the tensors in the usual manner, thus : E oa = V (36.4 ) 2 + (15. 8) 2 = 39.7 volts. E ob — ^ (63. 6) 2 4- (15. 8) 2 = 65.5 volts. E oc = V(13.6) 2 + (70. 8) 2 = 72.1 volts. The numerical values of the currents are found in the same way from their equations, or by dividing the voltages just determined by the accompanying branch impedances with the result that I OA — 39.7 amperes. I 0B = 32.8 amperes. I oc = 24.0 amperes. The angles of lag of the currents with respect to the voltages of the respective branches are zero, since the branches are non- reactive. (5) The currents in the line wires, I AL , I BL , and I CL are, of course, equal to respectively and in phase with the branch cur- rents Iq A , IoB ’ ^IRl I oc . The phase angle between E BA and I AL (=/ 0A ) is, from the vector equation of the current, 0 BA = — tan -1 15.8 36.4 -15.8 = 23° 28'. The minus sign is applied to tan 1 ( — 36.4 , because by conven- tion the phase angle between current and voltage is positive when measured from the current to the voltage in counter-clock- wise direction , i.e. for a lagging current. In this case we have taken the voltage as the initial line, and measuring from it gives a reversed angle. Moreover, since E CB lags 120° behind E BA or what is the same thing leads by 240°, the angle between I 0B and E CB is @cb — 240° - tan" 1 -15.8 — (100 — 36.4)/_ = 46° 3'. POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 377 In like manner the phase angle is 6 AC — 120° -tan- 1 f 86.6-15.8Y] V 36.4-50 )_ = - 19° 9'. Here E AC lags 240° behind E BA , or, for simplicity, in the formula may be counted as leading by 120°. It must be understood that these angles are the angles between the respective line currents and line voltages, and do not deter- mine the power factor, which is fixed by the phase relations of the branch currents with respect to the branch voltages and is unity in this case. (c) The power in the circuit is E OA I OA + E 0B I 0B + E oc I oc = 5460 watts, since the branches are non-reactive. A check can be applied to the com- putations made in finding the currents by constructing’ a vector diagram as in Fig. d. Here, A'B' is equal and parallel to I OA , B'C is equal and parallel to I 0B , and O' A' is equal and parallel to I oc . Had the triangle not closed, it would have been an indication of error, as in such a case the instantaneous sum of the branch currents could not be zero at the neutral point 0, Fig. a. C Example 1 . — Figure d. Example 2 . — A three-phase line (. A l B l O l , Fig. a ) is con- nected to a wye circuit having the following characteristics : In branch OA, R 0A = 1 ohm in parallel with in -A l X 0A = + 1 ohm ; branch OB , R OB = 2 ohms in parallel with X OB = — 1 ohm ; and in branch OC . , R oc = 1 ohm (Fig. a). Equal vol- tages of 100 volts are impressed on the three phases. Answer the questions a, b , and c of Ex. 1. The same preliminary or trial diagram as was previously used (Ex. 1, Fig. 5) may be employed here for construct- ing the vector equation of branch voltages. They are as before : 378 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Eoa = « ~jb- £ 0B = “ ( 10 ° - a ) ~ J b - U 0 c = « — 50 4- j (86.6 — £). Example 2. — Figure b. Then (a) To obtain the vector expression for branch currents, the voltage equations must be divided by the respective branch im- pedances or multiplied by the respective ad- mittances. As a matter of convenience, multi- ply by the admittances, which are Y OA =l-jt; 1 ob = T ,7 1 5 and Y oc = 1.* Iqa = (« (1 ~j 1) = « - b ~j (a + J). I 0B = (« —100 — jb)Q +j 1) = | a — 50 + b +j( — | b + a — 100). I oc — (a — 50 4 j (86.6 — £>)) (1) = a — 50 +/ (86.6 — J). By placing the vertical and horizontal components respectively equal to zero, there results a = 40 and b = — 5.3, and Fig. b can now be plotted to scale as shown. The scalar values of the branch voltages are : E oa = V (10 ) 2 4 (5.3) 2 = 40.3 volts. E ob = V (60) 2 4 (5.3 ) 2 = 60.2 volts. E oc — V (10) 2 4 (92) 2 = 92.5 volts. * Arts. 74 and 78. POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 379 The currents may be obtained in the same manner from the vector equations of currents, and are : I OA = V (40 + 5. 3) 2 + (40 — 5. 3) 2 = 57. 2 amperes. Iob = ^ (20 — 50 — 5. 3) 2 + 4- 40 — loo) = 67.4 amperes. I oc = V (40 — 50) 2 4- (86.6 -f- 5.3) 2 = 92.5 amperes. The angles of lag between the currents and voltages of the branches are found directly from the admittances and are : d 0A = — tan -1 — — - = 45° ; 0 OB = — tan -1 j = — 63° 26' ; 1 2 0 OC — — tan -1 ^ = 0°. h. The currents in the branches are the same as in the lines to which they are connected. c. The power in the circuit is 1-OA OA ^ OA 4" I()B -® OB C0S ^ OB 4“ ^ OC ~^OC C0S ^ OC = 12,000 watts. The way in which the branch voltages are influenced by the power factors of the branches, as well as by the magnitudes of the branch currents, is clearly seen in this example. Example 3. — A neutral wire is con- nected to the point 0 in the wye of Ex. 2, Fig. a, and is main- tained at fixed equal voltages, 120° apart, relatively to the re- spective potentials of the points A, B, and C. Answer questions a and c of Ex. 1, and calculate the current in the neutral wire. (a) In this case the point 0 in the trial -Y Example 3. — Figure a. 380 ALTERNATING CURRENTS vector diagram of Ex. 2, Fig. a, is fixed at the center of the triangle by the effect of the neutral wire ; therefore, the effect- ive voltages on the branches are equal numerically to each other and of value = 57.7 volts. Figure a shows the rela- V3 tions of the voltages. The vector currents in the branches, each referred to its branch voltage as the initial line, also shown in Fig. a, are as follows : i 0A = Ka Yoa = 57.7 (1 -j 1) = 57.7 -j 57.7. i 0B = YJ ub Y ob = 57.7 (1 +j 1) = 28.9 +j 57.7. loc — E 0C Y 0C = 57.7 (1 +j 0) = 57.7 +j 0. The scalar values and the angles of lag are : I 0A — V(57.7) 2 -t- (57. 7) 2 = 81.7 amperes. 0 OA = 45°. l OB = V (28. 9) 2 -f- (57. 7) 2 = 64.6 amperes. d 0B = — 63° 26'. I oc = 57.7 amperes. 6 oc = 0. The neutral current I ON must have such a value that the alge- braic sum of instantaneous currents meeting at 0 will be equal to zero, but each of the vector equations of currents just given has its components referred to its own branch voltage for the horizontal axis. These are 120° apart; the coordinates of the current vectors must, therefore, be changed so as to refer to a single pair of axes before they can be added. We will take as the axes for this OX and OY, where OX coincides with the line voltage E BA . It conduces to simplicity to use one of the line voltages as the initial line in this manner. Then, b} r using the proper direction coefficients, I'oa = (57.7 — j 57.7) cjs* (— 30) = (57.7 —j 57.7)(.866 —j .5) = 21.1 — j 78.8. I' OB = (28.9 + j 57.7) cjs ( — 150°) = 3.87 — j 64.4. I'oc = (57.7 +j 0) cjs (- 270°) = 0 + j 57.7. But I'oa. + 1' OB + Y oc + I'ox = 0 5 * Art. 76. POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 381 hence substituting the right-hand sides of the above equations in this and transposing gives, I' ON = — 25 + / 85.5, with a scalar value of l ON = 89.1 amperes, and an angle with reference to the direction axis OX of 0' ON = 106° 18'. (c) The power may be found by taking the product of the current, voltage, and cosine of angle of lag of each branch and adding the three products together. This and the previous problems show clearly the advantage of using a neutral lead wire on a star load for the purpose of keeping the voltages in the branches as nearly as possible equal, and to prevent severe insulation strains and poor service. The check may be obtained as in Ex. 1 by drawing the vector polygons of voltages or currents. The vector polygon of line voltages is partly dotted-in, in Fig. a. In making the check polygon of current vectors, the currents should be drawn parallel to and of equal magnitude to their vectors in the phase diagram ; and should, to avoid confusion, be preferably taken in the order in which they appear on that diagram when following it around in a clockwise direction. Thus, to I OA add I OB , then add I 0N , and then I oc . In order that the solution may be correct, it is evidently necessary for the neutral current to close an open polygon of branch currents. Example 4. — A star circuit having the same impedances in its branches and the same arrangement as in Ex. 2 has impressed voltages as follows : E AB — 141.4 ; E BC = 100 ; E CA = 100. Answer the questions of Ex. 2. Suggestion : Lay out the vector polygon of voltages as in Ex. 2, making E BA horizontal. Assume a point O' and solve for the position of the neutral point as before. Lay out the phase diagram and proceed as in Ex. 2, using care to plot the current phase angles correctly. The problem is in essence the same and as simple as that of Ex. 2, and should be solved without difficulty. These same unbalanced voltages are used in Ex. 5, which has to do with a delta system. Example 5. — The branch-load impedances of Ex. 2 are con- nected in the form of a delta as shown in Fig. a\ 141.4 volts 382 ALTERNATING CURRENTS are impressed on the phase AB and 100 volts are impressed upon each of the other phases. (a) What is the current and angle of lag in each branch? ( b ) What is the current in each line and its lag angle with reference to one of the line voltages ? (a) First the vec- tor polygon of vol- tages is made and then the phase diagram by drawing the voltage vectors parallel to those of the vector polygon ; or as the angles of the triangle and their supplements can readily be obtained by the elementary formulas of trigo- nometry, the vector polygon may be omitted. Using the latter method, we find that E, CB lags E, BA1 asrs E b voltages are 135° behind and that E A 225° behind These laid out in Fig. b with E ba on the initial line OX , as heretofore. The vector equation of each branch current, with components taken with reference to its particular branch voltage, is obtained by multiplying the branch voltage by the correspond- ing branch admittance ; so that, Example 5. — Figure b. I BA = 141.4 -j 141.4. I CB = 50 +j 100. 4 = 100 . POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND MEASUREMENT POWER 383 From this the scalar values of the currents in amperes and the angles of lag are found to be : I BA = 200 amperes. 6 BA = 45°. I CB = 111.8 amperes. 0 CB = —63° 26'. I AC = 100 amperes. d AC = 0°. (5) The currents in the three line conductors may be found by combining the branch currents graphically as shown in Fig. b, or they may be determined more accurately by adding their vectors geometrically. Thus, referring each of the branch cur- rents to the axes OX, OY, there results, * ba = Iba = AB and d where E is the voltmeter reading, S the number of test coil conductors on the surface of the test piece, V the revolutions of the field magnet per minute, and A the mean cross section of the test piece in square centimeters. The test ring is so supported that it can twist against a spring, the torsion of which can be meas- ured. The torque acting between the test piece and the field magnet is proportional to the loss due to hysteresis and eddy currents, as in the case of the Ewing tester, and can be deter- mined from the torsion of the spring. This instrument can be used either for comparison of different samples, by observ- ing the deflections caused by each, other things remaining equal, or for the direct determination of hysteresis constants by computing the power absorbed by the hysteresis per cycle and unit of volume at any desired magnetic density. The apparatus has the advantage of permitting frequency and magnetic density to be varied at the will of the observer. The former is varied by altering the speed at which the field magnet is revolved by an outside motive power, and the latter is varied by changing the REVOLVING Fig. 251. — Diagram of Holden Hysteresis Tester. * Art. 11. 416 ALTERNATING CURRENTS exciting current fed to the field magnet. The hysteresis and eddy current losses may be separated at constant speed by ob- taining the aggregate loss at two magnetic densities, the former varying as B 16 and the latter as B 2 ; or at constant magnetic density by obtaining the aggregate loss at two speeds, in which case the hysteresis loss varies as V and the eddy current loss as V 2 . The separation of the two losses may thus be established by computations similar to those already explained. d. Step by Step Method. In this method a core A, Fig. 252, is inserted in a magnetizing coil B and a measuring coil C. A ballistic galvanom- eter B is attached to the coil C. After the residual magnetism of the sample has been destroyed by some process, such as send- ing an alternating current through the exciting coil and gradually reducing it to zero, direct current is sent through the coil B, and increased by conven- ient increments until the highest desired excitation is reached. The exciting current is then reduced by the same steps. Upon reaching zero, circuit connections are reversed and the process repeated. Each change of the exciting current causes a change in the magnetism set up in the test piece, which in turn induces volt- age in the test coil and causes a throw of the galvanometer needle, which must be read and recorded with the correspond- ing current value. The magnetic density set up in the test piece by the first increment of current may be computed from the relation B = where R is the resistance of the galva- 2 An l nometer circuit, K the galvanometer constant, /3 its throw, A the cross section of the test piece, and n x the number of turns on coil C. The added magnetic density for each additional incre- ment of current may be computed from the same relation, using the corresponding galvanometer reading. Plotting the mag- Fig. 252. Step by Step Method of Testing for Hysteresis Loss. HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 417 netic densities as ordinates with currents or magnetic force (/T = _ 7rn ^- , w p ere n i s ti ie number of turns on the coil B, I is 10 * the current shown by the amperemeter, and l is the average length of the magnetic circuit) as abscissas, gives the hysteresis loop, and the hysteresis loss per cycle may be estimated from the area of the loop. It is desirable to repeat the step by step current cycle a half dozen or more times before taking readings, as otherwise the curve may not be either closed or symmetrical above and below the axis on account of the fact that the first cycle of magnetiza- tion starts at zero //and B and is therefore unsymmetrical. As the reversals proceed, the curve gradually assumes the form of one of the curves shown in Fig. 245. This method is quite laborious and liable to inaccuracies from various sources. 111. Computations of Eddy Current Losses. — In all conduct- ing matter placed in a variable magnetic field there are in- duced, as already frequently referred to, certain Eddy currents, or Foucault currents as they are often called. The exact values of such currents cannot, as a rule, be computed, because the magnetic densities at different parts of a conductor and the rates of change of magnetism cannot be fully known, nor can the exact resistances of the paths of flow be fully determined. There are some conditions under which the computation of these eddy current losses is of value, as, for instance, in a trans- former core where the character of the metal used is well known and the paths of the magnetic lines of force can be approximately predicted. Suppose the condition of a thin plate of iron in which magnetic lines of force are set up parallel to the sides of the plate and the magnetic density is uniform over the cross section. When this magnetic density passes through an alteration in strength, currents tend to circulate in paths which are parallel with the edges of the cross section and per- pendicular to the lines of force. The average length of these paths and their aggregate cross section may be estimated if the dimensions of the plate are known. The voltage set up in each portion of the paths may also be calculated if the maximum magnetic density and its rate of change are known. If we are acquainted with the specific electrical resistance of the plate, we can also determine, with a considerable degree of approxi 2 E 418 ALTERNATING CURRENTS mation, the average resistances in the paths of the eddy cur- rents; and we are therefore enabled to compute with reasonable accuracy the amount of power expended on account of the flow of these currents. We can do the same when the magnetic core is composed of an aggregation of cylindrical wires. In the two following discussions it is assumed that the magnetic material is so finely subdivided that the magnetic flux may be considered constant over the cross section of a lamination. This is permissible in view of the practice in modern manufac- ture of electrical machinery. With such fine subdivisions of the magnetic circuit, it is ordinarily sufficiently accurate to assume that B = yH, where H is the impressed field strength and y is the permeability of the metal, or that the magnetic effect of the eddy currents is negligible. A. Eddy Current Loss in Cylindrical Conductors. — Eddy cur- rent loss varies directly as the square of the frequency, directly as the square of the maximum mag- netic density, and, if the resistance of the circuits in which the eddy currents flow is large compared with their react- ance, the loss varies nearly inversely with the resistance. These relations are manifest from the fact that Fig. 253. — Illustration of Eddy Currents in a Cylindrical Conductor. P = I 2 R = E 2 R E 2 B + X 2 ’ It and E is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic linkages in the circuits. This is equally true whether the magnetic core is rotated in a fixed magnetic field or is influenced by the mag- netism induced by a coil carrying alternating currents. The resistance of the eddy current circuits is dependent upon the specific resistance of the metal concerned and the volume and conformation of the metal within which the eddy currents may be induced. Assume that the large circle, Fig. 253, represents a cross section taken perpendicular to the axis of a cylindrical wire of magnetic metal and that the magnetism passes along the wire perpendicular to the plane of the paper and of uniform mag- HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 419 netic density over the cross section. Now as the magnetism varies, cylindrical currents will be set up which are projected in Fig. 253 as concentric circles in the cross section of the wire. If we consider the path of one of these currents of radius r, the instantaneous voltage acting in the circumference having 1 this radius is 0 dB 1n _ a e = 7rr 2 — - x 10 8 ; dt which, when the magnetism varies as a sine function, becomes e = t rr 2 d ( B m s[nn ) 10-8 = o 7 r‘ l rJB m cos a X 10" 8 , dt since a = 2 7 rft; and the effective voltage is AE= V2 7 T 2 r 2 fB m 10 -8 . The resistance of the circular paths in a unit length (centi- meter) of an elementary cylinder of radius r and thickness dr is 0 R = 2 7 -rp 1 1 x dr where p is the specific resistance of the metal in ohms per one centimeter of length and one square centimeter of cross section. The instantaneous power (watts) expended in a conductor of this resistance due to a current which is set up by voltage having the value given in the first of the foregoing formulas, considering the resistance of the eddy-current paths to be large compared with their reactance, is approximately e 2 _ Trr 3 (dB ) 2 dr 10 -16 r ~Ri~ - h * j 2 When the magnetism is sinusoidal, the average power (watts) expended during a period in the filamentary path or cylinder of radius r, thickness d>\ and unit length (remembering the assumption that the magnetic effect of the eddy currents is negligible in comparison with the inducing magnetic field), is A 7 > (AiT) 2 _ 7r 3 r 3 (r?r) f 2 BJ 1 0 -16 R x P 420 ALTERNATING CURRENTS and the joules per period are A W= AP x T = 7r3r3 ^” > 2 1 ° ~ 16 dr ' P The next to the last expression gives the power expended and converted into heat by eddy currents in an elementary cylinder of unit length, thickness dr , and radius r; and the total power expended and converted into heat by eddy currents in the mass of the solid cylinder of conducting material of radius r l and embraced between planes one centimeter apart is equal to that expression integrated between the limits of 0 and r v We therefore find that the loss of power in watts which is caused by eddy currents in the unit length of the wire is p= P ^PBJPdr _ 7r 3 PB m W Jo 10 K p 4 p 10 16 ’ and the work in joules per cycle converted into heat by eddy currents is W= P T = 77-3 4 p 10 16 ’ T— ~ being the length of one period. The strength of the eddy currents may be found in a similar manner, by integrating j_ P' irfB m rdr _ i rfB m r* A B 1 Jo V210 V 2 v/2 10 8 p To find the watts lost per cubic centimeter of the material at frequency f and the joules lost per cubic centimeter of the material and per cycle of the magnetism, the last two expres- sions but one may be divided by the area rrr\ of the end of the cylinder; and the watts expended per pound of material at frequency f, or the joules per pound of material and per mag- netic cycle, may then he obtained by multiplying the results by the number of cubic centimeters of the material required to make a pound in weight. The formulas show that eddy current losses in a cylindrical wire under the conditions assumed are proportional to the fourth power of the diameter of the wire. If a core of given configuration is to be made up of equal cylindrical wires, it is HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 421 manifest that the number of wires composing the core is substantially proportional to the reciprocal of their diameter squared. The total loss in a wire core of given configuration composed of equal wires is therefore proportional to the square of the diameter of the wires. It is to be noted that the premises used in the analysis include the assumption that the magnetic lines of force are parallel to the walls of the wires, that they are uniformly distributed over the cross section of the wires, that they vary sinusoidally, and that the magnetic effects of the eddy currents may be neglected. These assumptions cannot be accepted as rigidly holding in practice, but any deviation is likely to occur in such a way as to reduce the actual losses below those computed. In particular, the magnetic effects of the eddy currents may not be negligible, but introduce a disturbing factor which reduces the power expended from to ^ GGs _ . This effect is generally treated as though the eddy currents shielded the interior of the conductor from the full impressed magnetic force, since the magnetic effects of the eddy currents increase with the distance from the surface of the conductor.* B. Eddy Current Loss in Sheets of Rec- tangular Cross Section. — - A similar integra- tion will indicate the losses in the case of thin sheets of rectangular cross sections in which the lines of force are parallel to the sides and are uniformly distributed over the cross section. In a sheet of thickness d let a slice be taken a distance x from the middle and of thickness dx as indicated in Fig. 254, which represents the sheet with its edge presented to the paper. This slice, taken in connection with a similar one on the other side of the center line, may be considered equivalent to a complete ele- mentary electric circuit if the disk is thin enough so that the length required to complete the circuit at the ends is negligible. -d \/vvy '%d* i ■I K Ax Fig. 254. — Cross Sec- tion of a Disk or Sheet of Iron much magnified, illustrat- ing Eddy Current Circuits. * Art. 113. 422 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The instantaneous number of lines of force embraced by such a circuit is 2 IxB , where l is the length of the sheet parallel to the page. The eddy currents flow perpendicularly to the lines of force and parallel to the sides of the sheet, up on one side and down on the other as indicated by the arrows in Fig. 254. The instantaneous voltage set up by varying magnetism in one centimeter of the elementary slice dx is d -B 1 A —8 e — x— x 10 8 - dt When the magnetism varies as a sine function, this is e = x s '“ u * x 10 -8 = 2 7i fxB m cos « x 10 -8 , dt and the effective voltage is AJ2= 10 8 The resistance in ohms of a portion of the circuit one centi- meter long, one centimeter deep, and dx thick is lt 1 = where I o is the specific resistance in ohms. The power expended in the elementary slice which is dx thick, one centimeter long, and one centimeter deep (again assuming the resistance of the eddy current paths to be large compared with their reactance) is A P = A E 2 2 ir^PBJEdx * i 10 16 X P and the power expended in a part of the sheet one centimeter long, one centimeter deep, and the full thickness d is 2 t rlPBJx^dx = 2 7T 2 PBJd 3 J-id 10 m p 4 x 8 x 10 16 x p The joules per cycle converted into heat by the eddy cur- rents are w p -2^fB,:-dz f 4 x 3 X 10 16 x P HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 423 The strength of the eddy currents may be found in a similar manner by integrating y A E _ C* d V2 TrfB„,xdx _ V2 7 rfB m d? . ~ ^ 7/ 10 8 x} ~ ~ 8 x 10 8 x p ' To obtain the power expended per cubic centimeter of metal at frequency/, and the work expended per cubic centimeter of metal and per cycle of magnetism, it is only necessary to divide the expressions for P and W by d. This gives : where and 7 T*PBJd 2 6 x 10 16 x p S(fB m dy, 6 x 10 i6 x P ’ w Tf cm fBJd 2 6 x 10 16 x p The value of p for soft steel and iron sheets varies from 0.9 x 10~ 5 to 1.25 x 10~ 5 with an average near 1 x 10 -5 ohms.* The foregoing computations, like those relating to the eddy current losses in wires, are founded on certain assumed premises, including the assumptions that the magnetic lines of force are parallel with the sides of the plate and uniformly distributed over its cross section, and that the magnetic effects of the eddy currents are negligible in comparison with the impressed mag- netic force. Deviations from these assumptions in commercial magnetic cores are likely to cause a reduction of the actual losses below the computed values rather than an increase, and the formulas are therefore safe for use in most commercial instances. The magnetic effects of the eddy currents are often of considerable importance instead of being negligible and are therefore discussed in some detail in Art. 113. The difference between the coefficients of r 1 and d in the foregoing formulas for the eddy current losses in wires and in * Smithsonian Physical Tables, 3ded., p. 255; Steimnetz, Trans. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng. Vol. 11, p. 60d ; London Electrician, Vol. 28, p. 631 ; Loppe’ et Bonquet, Courants Alternatifs Industriels, p. 273. 424 ALTERNATING CURRENTS rectangular cross sections which are very thin compared with their length shows that it is necessary to subdivide a core more finely when the metal is in plates than when it is in wires if the losses are to be equally small, but the greater mechanical convenience during processes of manufacture and the more satisfactory mechanical stability which may be obtained by means of rectangular plates when placed in actual machinery has led to an almost universal adoption of plates for the mag- netic cores of electrical machines. It is to be noted that the eddy current loss in a magnetic core of fixed dimensions is proportional to the square of the thickness of the stampings used to build up the core. Figure 255, following a curve calculated by Ewing, shows the relative hys- teresis loss and eddy cur- rent loss in lamince of different thicknesses when the maximum magnetic density is 4000 lines of force per square centimeter and the frequency 100 periods per second. The curve which starts at zero represents the eddy current loss, the flatter curve repre- sents the hysteresis loss, and the upper curve is the sum of the other two and therefore represents the total iron loss. 4 he curves take into account the magnetic effects of the eddy currents, which become important when the sheets exceed a thickness of one half a millimeter. The hysteresis curve rises slightly with the thickness of the plates on account of crowding of the lines of force by the magnetic screening effect of the eddy currents. The figure makes it plain that eddy currents may be serious sources of loss in the magnetic cores of electrical machinery, and that it is desirable that the iron used in such cores should be of high electrical resistance as well as of low hysteresis constant. 0 9 18 27 36 45 64 63 72 81 THICKNESS OF PLATE IN MILS Fig. 255. — Losses due to Eddy Currents and Hysteresis in Sheet-iron Plates, produced by Sinusoidal Alternating Magnetism of 100 Cycles per Second and 4000 Lines of Force, Maximum Density. HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 425 112. Cyclic Curves of Eddy Currents. — If a periodic mag- netization acts upon a laminated iron core, the eddy current loss produced thereby may be represented by the area of a loop such as is shown in Fig. 256. In this curve the ordinates f\ represent instantaneous values of the mag- netic density B or of the total alternating flux cj) in lines of force inclosed by eddy current circuits, and the abscissas repre- sent the corresponding values of induced V/ eddy currents i in amperes. If e = ■ - is the voltage causing i to 10 8 dt & 45 flow, it is easy to show that the area of the cyclic curve of Fig. 256 is proportional to the power expended and transformed into heat by the eddy currents : The instantaneous value of this Fig. 256. — Loop having an Area Proportional to Eddy Current Loss occasioned by Sinu- soidal, Varying Mag- netization. power IS . . dd> v = ze = i — , F 10 \it and the work expended during a time dt is dW=iedt = i4i- 10 8 The differential of the area of the cyclic loop of Fig. 256 is dA = id(f>. Further, the work expended and transformed into heat by the eddy currents during one cycle of the magnetism is A but this is equal to . 10 8 If the abscissas are laid off on the scale of one ampere per cen- timeter and the ordinates on the scale of 10 8 lines of force per centimeter, the area of the curve in square centimeters is equal to the joules of eddy current loss per cycle. If other scales are used in plotting the curve, the area must be multiplied by a constant in-order to arrive at the joules lost. 426 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The cyclic curve in Fig. 256 is of the form that results when the magnetism alternates as a sine function. If the magnetic wave is irregular, the curve may lose the symmetrical regularity notable in the curve of Fig. 256, since the abscissas of the curve are proportional to the rate of change of the magnetism. Thus if the curve of magnetism has harmonics which cause it to have two maximum points per half cycle, there are two points of rate of change of magnetism and current i equal to zero, which result in subsidiary loops at the top and bottom of the cyclic curve. Or, if the maximum value of the curve of magnetism is pushed over towards « = 0° or « = 180°, the time rate of change of the magnetism is decreased in one part of the period and increased in another part, so that the cyclic eddy current curve is skewed with reference to its axis. An exciting coil which provides the impressed magnetic force in a magnetic circuit must carry an additional energy component of current on account of the eddy current loss which is approximately „ where P is the measured or calculated value of the eddy cur- rent loss in watts, and E x is the induced counter- voltage in the coil (substantially equal and opposite to the impressed line volt- age in a highly inductive circuit as in the case of the unloaded primary coil of a transformer). The combined eddy current circuit is similar to the secondary coil of a transformer with one turn in the coil, so that approximately I 2 =I x n* where I 2 is the effective value of the current in the combined eddy current circuit and n is the number of turns of wire in the exciting coil on the magnetic core. We then have approximately T> Eo R, = r A. n 2 I x In order that the cyclic curve of eddy current loss may be plotted, it is necessary that the instantaneous values of mag- netism and their corresponding rates of change shall be known. * Art. 23. HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 427 B Fig. 257 . ■ ■ Cyclic Curve of Iron Loss. The rates of change are directly proportional to the corre- sponding instantaneous values of induced voltage. The actual plotting of the curve is not usually practiced, but the relation- ships pointed out by means of theo- retical considerations are valuable. If the abscissas of this last curve converted into terms of exciting current are added to the corre- sponding abscissas of the cyclic curve of hysteresis for any par- ticular periodic wave of magnetism, a cyclic curve is obtained like that in Fig. 257, where BTB'T' is the hysteresis curve and BFB'F' is the combined curve. The result is a loop having an area proportional to the total iron loss in the circuit and it may suitably be denominated a Cyclic curve of iron loss. 113. Magnetic Screening due to Eddy Currents. — The law of the magnetic circuit asserts that the magnetism in any part of the circuit is equal to the net magnetomotive force in that part of the circuit divided by the magnetic reluctance thereof. The net magnetomotive force is the vector sum of all magnetic forces acting on the circuit. When a varying magnetic flux is set up in material which is an electrical conductor, the filaments of varying magnetism become surrounded by eddy currents, and the magnetic effects of the eddy currents may be quite large and even comparable to the impressed magnetic force when the material is in large masses and of high electrical conductivity. It is experi- mentally well known that a copper or other highly conducting plate placed in an alternating magnetic field has eddy currents set up in it to so high a degree that their magnetic effect may practically neutralize at the back of the plate the magnetic effect of the impressed magnetic field, and the space beyond the plate is practically screened from the original magnetic field. A non-magnetic copper plate has no screening effect in a magnetic field that is constant, and its screening action in an alternating magnetic field is caused by the magnetic force of the induced 428 ALTERNATING CURRENTS eddy currents. This is in accordance with the theorem that the magnetic force of induced currents must tend to reduce the impressed magnetic flux. The induced voltage causing the flow of eddy currents is in lagging quadrature with respect to the inducing magnetic field, assuming sinusoidal functions ; and if the path of the eddy currents is of very low resistance, its impedance is mostly composed of the reactance component, and the eddy currents are lagging nearly 90° behind the in- duced voltage. Under these circumstances, the eddy currents are nearly 180° in phase from the impressed magnetic force, and their magnetic force is therefore nearly in opposition to the impressed force. On the other hand, when the resistance of the eddy current circuit is high, as has been assumed in the computations of Art. Ill, the currents are small in volume and lag little behind the induced voltage, in which case their magnetic effect is small and nearly in quadrature with the impressed magnetic force. It then has little effect on the magnetism set up. Certain important results of magnetic screening arise in instances where the magnetic flux is constrained within a con- ductor in a particular manner, as in the case of the magnetism in the laminated iron core of a transformer or a dynamo arma- ture which threads through the stampings parallel to their flat sides. A simple example is a homogeneous cylindrical wire of magnetic metal which may be considered as a part of a magnetic core of some machine, and in which the magnetism is set up parallel to the cylindrical sides of the wire bv" an im- pressed magnetic force that is uniform over the cross section of the wire. In case no other influences came into play, the magnetism set up in this wire would be uniform over its cross section, and this is indeed the case if the magnetizing force is constant ; but if the magnetizing force is alternating, as when the exciting current is alternating, circular eddy currents are set up in the conductor which themselves produce magnetic force and which may be in sufficient volume to strongly influ- ence the net magnetic field acting on the iron of the wire. Figure 258 shows the cross section of such a wire in which the lines of force are supposed to be perpendicular to the plane of the cross section. The magnetism being induced by an alternat- ing exciting current is itself alternating of the same frequency, HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 429 and induces eddy currents. These flow in circles concentric with the surface of the wire as illustrated by the dotted line in Fig. 258, and their volume and phase relation to the im- pressed magnetic force depend on the impedance of the eddy current circuits. The magnetic force which the eddy currents produce within the mass of the metal is parallel to the axis of the wire, and its magnitude varies along a radius from a maximum equal to v 2 ^ 77 ^ 1 10 gilberts at the center of the wire (in which I is the aggregate volume of eddy currents in effective amperes per centimeter of length of the wire) to a minimum of zero at the outer surface of the wire. The net vector magnetic force at any point in the cross section is equal to the difference between the vector impressed magnetic force and the vector counter magnetic force caused by eddy currents. The latter is equal to zero at the outer surface of the wire, and the net mag- netic force is therefore there equal to the impressed magnetic force ; but at the center of the wire the counter magnetic force may have a value comparable with the impressed force and a phase nearly in opposition to it, and the net magnetic force may there nearly disappear. The value of the eddy currents depends upon the density of the inducing magnetism, its frequency of alternation, and inversely upon the resistance of the eddy cur- rent circuits ; and the phase of the eddy currents with respect to the induced voltage depends on the frequency of the alter- nations of the magnetism and the resistance of the eddy cur- rent circuit. This resistance depends upon the specific resistance and the dimensions of the conducting body. It therefore follows that the magnetic force of the eddy currents may be relatively large and its phase nearly in opposition to the impressed magnetic force at the center of a thick metal wire of low specific resistance, and the net magnetic force in that case may be very small along the axis of that wire al- though the impressed magnetic force is large. But in the case of a thin metal wire of high specific resistance the eddy cur- rents must be more nearly in quadrature with the magnetic flux and small in volume, and the net magnetic force along the Fig. 258. — Eddy Cur- rent in Cross Section of Wire. 430 ALTERNATING CURRENTS axis of that wire may not differ substantially from that paral- lel to the axis near the surface of the wire. Since the resist- ance of any circular path of the eddy currents of elementary width and concentric with the walls of the wire is propor- tional to the circumference of the circular path and therefore to the radius of the path, and the self-inductance is propor- tional to the area of the circle and therefore to its radius squared, it is obvious that the lag angles of the eddy currents will differ along any radius of the wire, and this will addition- ally cause the net magnetic force to differ in phase from the center to the circumference of the wire. In consequence of these reactions, alternating magnetism tends to forsake the central parts of the stampings of the cores of electrical apparatus unless the stampings are thin enough or of high enough specific resistance, or both, to make the resist- ance of the eddy current circuits relatively large. This results in a smaller aggregate magnetic flux being set up per unit of impressed magnetic force, and gives the appearance of an in- crease in the magnetic reluctance of the core, unless it is rather finely laminated. The extent of this effect in the laminated iron cores of elec- trical machines subjected to alternating magnetism was treated by Ewing in 1891, following a brief mathematical presentation by J. J. Thomson.* The formulas developed by J. J. Thomson, showing the ex- tent of magnetic screening in stampings, take into account the effect on the eddy currents of the modified distribution of the magnetism and are in vector form, and numerical computa- tions are complicated and laborious. Professor Ewing has computed a table of the ratio of net magnetic force ( 7/) at vari- ous depths iu a plate to the magnetic force (77 0 ) at the sur- face, for iron plates of various thicknesses when the frequency of magnetic alternations is 100 cycles per second. The table is * London Electrician , Vol 28, pp. 599 and 631. See also Russell’s Alternat- ing Currents , Yol. I, p. 359. HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 431 TABLE Thickness of Plate in Millimeters :7atio of II at Middle to IIq (at Surfaec) Ratio of ff x to 7/ 0 Ratio of 77 a to 77 0 2. 0.120 0.342 0.250 1.5 0.245 0.42 0.341 1 . 0.520 0.629 0.564 0.75 0.739 0.82 0.793 0.5 0.925 0.940 0.932 0.25 0.995 0.995 0.996 here reproduced. The plotted results for three thicknesses are exhibited in Fig. 259. In this figure the ordinates represent the ratio of H to J? 0 , and the abscissas, measured from zero either way, represent proportional distances from the center through the thickness of the plate. It will be seen that the magnetic screening com- puted by the formula for a plate as thin as one half millimeter (.0197 of an inch) amounts to approxi- mately 7.5 per cent at the center, which is not of great commercial importance in most electrical machinery. But when the thickness of the plate is 2 millimeters (.079 of an inch) the com- puted magnetic screening at the center of the plate is 88 per cent and the net magnetic force at the center as com- puted is only 12 per cent of the impressed magnetic force. The figures are made on the basis of iron with an assumed uniform magnetic permeability of 2000 units, a specific elec- trical resistance of 10,000 C. G. S. units (= 10~ 5 ohms) and a sinusoidal magnetizing force having a frequency of 100 periods per second. The symbol R 0 in Ewing’s table and charts stands for the value of the impressed magnetic force at the surface of the plate, H l stands for the average value of the magnetic force Fig. 259. — Distribution of Net Magnetic Force across Iron Plates of Various Thicknesses, when the Frequency of Magnetic Alternations is 100. 432 ALTERNATING CURRENTS over the cross section of the plate at the instant of maximum flux, and H 2 stands for the value of H which would produce, with eddy currents absent, the maximum total magnetic flux now reached in each period. Figure 260 is a chart taken from Ewing's article, which gives the ratios of H l and to H 0 for various thick- nesses of iron plates. The formulas show that the effect of magnetic screen- ing is to reduce the useful thickness of a plate to super- ficial external layers which have a thickness dependent upon ' P_ Pf .0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 THICKNESS OF PLATE IN MILLIMETERS Fig. 260. — Chart showing Ratios of H l and to H 0 in Iron Plates of Various Thick- nesses. in which p is the specific electrical resistance and p. the mag- netic permeability of the material composing the plate. The formulas also show that, when the thickness of the plate is large the eddy current loss is greatly modified by the magnetic screening, and is proportional to TT 0 2 V ppf which is independent of the thickness of the plate. When the thickness is small, as for iron under 2 millimeters, the heating in each plate is pro- portional to — n represents the magnetic linkages betAveen the dt conductors and the lines of force), it folloAvs that the magnetic relations it may be seen that the form of the voltage curve may be derived from the curve representing the change of magnetic linkages during a period ; and vice versa , the form of the mag- netism Avave may be derived if the form of the induced voltage curve is knoAvn. For instance, if cj),, = A 1 sin (a + /3j) + A 2 sin (2 a + /3 2 ) + A 3 sin (3 « + /S 3 ) + ••• A n sin (ri« + /3„), linkages at each instant are proportional From these 438 ALTERNATING CURRENTS then, sines da = 2 nfdt , e = — cos (« + /Sj) + 2 A 2 cos (2 a + yS 2 ) + 3 A 3 cos (3 a + /S 3 ) + b nA.„ cos (/?« + /?„)]. 2 7r/* In other words the ratio — r ~ is introduced into the ordinates 10 8 of the curve of voltage, all the harmonics are moved one quarter period, and the curve of voltage is therefore in quadra- ture with the curve of the magnetic linkages, and the ordinates of each harmonic in the voltage curve are affected by a coeffi- cient equal to the ratio of the frequency of the particular har- monic to the fundamental frequency. Every harmonic in the wave of magnetic linkages enters into the wave of induced volt- age, and the ordinates of the harmonics are exaggerated in the voltage wave in comparison with the ordinates of the harmonics of the wave of magnetism, in an order proportional to the ratio of their several frequencies compared with the fundamental fre- quency. It is plain from this that induced voltage of sinu- soidal form cannot be derived from magnetic linkages varying according to any other function. Any deviation of the mag- netic wave from the sine form produces a greater deviation in the induced voltage. In the case of a transformer or similar coil under conditions of negligible magnetic leakage, the number of magnetic linkages at each instant is equal to the number of turns in the coil multi- plied by the number of lines of force in the aggregate magnetic flux at that instant ; but, in the case of alternator armatures or other windings which are distributed or are affected In- appreciable magnetic leakage, the number of magnetic linkages at any instant is not equal to the product of turns in the wind- ing by instantaneous flux, but the instantaneous summations of flux embraced by the individual turns must be used as the ordinates of the magnetism wave when plotting that curve. 116. Alternating Flux caused by a Current of Predetermined Form. — The wave of current in the main wire of a circuit is the geometrical resultant of the current in all the branches of the circuit. An inductive coil placed in series with the line will have a current flow through it which is dependent for its form upon the characteristics of all parts of the circuit. Sup- HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 439 pose for convenience that the voltage impressed between the terminals of a circuit which contains an impedance coil, among other things, is of such a form that a sinusoidal current is caused to flow through the circuit. This fixes the form of the current in the winding of the impedance coil. The form of the magnetism wave set up in the core of the impedance coil bj the current in its winding may be obtained by reversing the procedure set forth in Art. 114, if eddy currents are negligible. The construction is shown in Fig. 264 for a core containing hysteresis but neglecting eddy currents. Here curve II repre- sents a sinusoidal current passing through the impedance coil, Y Fig. 264. — Wave of Magnetic Flux caused by Sinusoidal Current. and AHBJA is the cyclic hysteresis curve. Taking any instantaneous value of the current, such as MN, laying it off on the axis of abscissas from 0, as 01, the ordinate of the hysteresis cycle erected from I to the hysteresis cycle at D shows the magnetic density corresponding to current MN. The point C at the intersection of the horizontal line drawn from D with the line MN extended, is one point on the wave of magnetism. The curve representing the wave of magnetism may be deter- mined for an entire cycle by continuing this process. The curve LL in Fig. 264 shows the wave of magnetism set up by the current II in the core with cjmlic curve of magnetization AHBJA, assuming the latter to be plotted in magnetic densities for ordinates and amperes flowing in the exciting coil for abscissas. The induced counter voltage in the coil is a very irregular curve under the circumstances here considered. It is propor- 440 ALTERNATING CURRENTS tional at each instant to the time rate of change of the magnetism. Since the maximum of magnetism comes at the same point as the maximum of exciting current, the induced counter voltage passes through zero at the instant the exciting current passes through its maximum. It will be observed that the eddy cur- rents in the core depend upon the induced voltage in circuits surrounding the magnetism, and the eddy current cycle cannot be assumed to be the same as one caused by sinusoidal eddy currents. The considerations of this article are especially applicable to the study of current transformers used with amperemeters and wattmeters. 117. Effect of Iron Losses on the Apparent Resistance and Re- actance of a Circuit. — The foregoing discussion of iron losses leads to a generalization of great importance. The true electrical Resistance of a conductor is a quantity which depends solely on the dimensions, temperature, and char- acter of the conductor. It is the electrical resistance which is measured by means of a Wheatstone bridge, using continuous currents in the process. It is the same whether an alternating current or a direct current flows through the circuit, though it may be masked by various effects of alternating currents. In a perfectly insulated circuit carrying continuous currents, the causes of losses of energy lie in the passage of the currents through the resistances of the conductors composing the circuit and the currents through devices which absorb energy by presenting a counter voltage. In the case of alternating cur- rent flow, additional sources of loss of energy become evident. Energy may be absorbed by the effects of hysteresis and eddy currents. The hysteresis may be either magnetic hysteresis or dielectric hysteresis. An effect also arises from the self-induc- tion of the conductor, which causes a concentration of the current near the surface of the conductor, which is treated in a later chapter under the name of skin effect. Leakage effects due to imperfect insulation, and the effects of convection accompanying brush discharges and the development of a luminous corona between conductors of the circuit at very high potentials, occur in either continuous current or alternating current circuits. These effects also result in losses of energy. The angle of lag in an alternating current circuit is obtained HYSTERESIS AND EDDY CURRENT LOSSES 441 from the expression 9 = cos -1 where P is the power meas- ured by wattmeter and El is the volt-amperes obtained by multiplying current by voltage. This angle 6 is the angle sub- tended between Z and R in the right-angled triangle defining the relations of Z, R , and X, namely : operator Z = R - f jX, and tensor Z— V R 2 + X 2 . From this triangle also follows the right-angled triangle IZ = X — IR + jlX == E r + jE x . In this instance, the angle subtended between E and IR is the angle 9. The value of X in these triangles is determined by the frequency of the current and the characteristics of the cir- cuit which fix its inductance and capacity, and its value is not affected by the power transferred through the circuit. The question at issue is: Does the value of R (in ohms) of the horizontal sides of these triangles correspond with the circuit resistance as measured by a Wheatstone bridge? A consid- eration of the relations of the sides of the triangles results in a negative answer. Since the horizontal side of the impedance p triangle must be equal to Z cos 6 = Z — — and E = Zf it follows p m pp that Z cos 6 = — , which will always differ from R = ^ if any energy is expended in the circuit besides the I 2 R loss. This points the way to the generalization of the term resistance in which it is referred to as either positive or negative in connec- tion with the semicircle diagrams of Art. 70. Since power may be either positive or negative, that is, it may either be absorbed by and expended in a circuit or be gen- P erated in and delivered by the circuit, it is obvious that -^like- wise may be positive or negative, since its sign depends on P. In general, then. Equivalent resistance of a circuit may be de- fined as the ratio of power expended in or by a circuit to the square of the current flow. When an alternating current flows through a circuit, the equivalent resistance ordinarily differs 442 ALTERNATING CURRENTS from the electrical resistance of the circuit as measured by a P — I 2 R Wheatstone bridge by an amount equal to — — where Pis the wattmeter reading and R is the electrical resistance of the circuit. When the word resistance is used in this text in relation to alternating current circuits, it may be taken as meaning the equivalent resistance unless it is qualified by the word true or the word electrical. The equivalent resistance is the horizontal component of the impedance triangle. In any circuit carrying a steady current, the equivalent resist- ance and the true resistance are always equal unless the effects of some voltage-generating device are included within the circuit. As a comparison of equivalent resistance with the true resist- ance, their values for the primary coil of a transformer may be taken when the secondary circuit of the transformer is open and therefore does not absorb any power. In the case of a cer- tain transformer, the voltage was 1100 volts, the exciting cur- rent .2 amperes, and the wattmeter reading which gives the power expended in hysteresis and eddy currents in the core and I 2 R in the winding 150 watts. From these figures, the equiva- lent resistance of the winding is shown to be 3750 ohms. The impedance is 5500 ohms. The electrical resistance of the con- ductor composing the winding was only one and a half ohms. In another instance of similar kind the voltage was 1100, the exciting current .043 amperes, and the wattmeter reading 37 watts. This gives an equivalent resistance of 20,000 ohms and an impedance of 25,600 ohms. The electrical resistance was 7 ohms. In another instance the voltage was 60 volts, the cur- rent .86 amperes, and the power 43.3 watts. This gives equiv- alent resistance of 58 ohms and impedance of 70 ohms. The electrical resistance of the conductor was .08 ohms. It is obvious that the power consumption in the iron cores of these transformers enlarges the power factor by advancing the current to a phase nearer the voltage. This is partially caused by hysteresis and partially by eddy currents. The part, as stated before, caused by hysteresis was called the “ hysteretic angle of advance” by Professor Steinmetz. This is an angle of advance or negative angle of lag, and is not the whole of the effect pro- duced by the iron core, though it is often the greater part of it. CHAPTER X MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 118. Mutual Induction and Elementary Transformer Diagrams. — The remarkable development in the use of alternating cur- rents for transmitting and distributing electric power is mainly due to the facility and economy with which they may be transformed from one voltage to another. The induction coils that are used for this purpose are called transformers, as already explained, and their action is due to the inductive effect which a varying current in one circuit exerts upon an adjacent circuit as well as upon the circuit itself.* Since this effect is a mutually interacting one, it is called Mutual induction. Evidently, if the magnetism due to a flow of current in one coil, which may be called the primary coil, see Fig. 46, passes through the turns of another coil, which may be called the sec- ondary coil, a variation of the current in the primary coil sets up a voltage in the secondary coil. This voltage, when a sinu- soidal alternating current passes through the first coil, is 90° behind the phase of the current in the primary coil, when core losses in the magnetic circuit are negligible. This is also true of self-inductive voltage, and for the same reasons. f In case the external electric circuit of the secondary coil is open and the magnetism in the magnetic circuit is sinusoidal and all passes through both coils, a phase diagram similar to Fig. 114 may he constructed to represent the phase relations of the primary cur- rent, magnetic flux, impressed voltage, and primary and second- ary induced voltages. Such a diagram is exhibited in Fig. 265, in which OF represents the impressed voltage F x ; 01 the current in the primary coil I x ; OF , the self-induced voltage in the pri- mary coil F lm ', and OK the induced voltage of the secondary coil E v In this case the ratio of OF to OK is evidently equal to the ratio of the numbers of turns in the two coils, since it is t Art. 37, * Art. 23. 442 444 ALTERNATING CURRENTS assumed that all of the magnetic flux links both coils, and there is no secondary resistance drop, since no current flows. OC represents the IR drop in the primary coil, and the primary ampere-turns n 1 I l are proportional to 01. The magnetic flux is assumed to be in phase with the current. Had iron losses not been neglected the angle 6 X would have been less, as the active com- ponent of 01 would then have been required to furnish these as well as the I 1 2 R 1 losses. Also the angle be- tween 01 and OF would have ex- ceeded 90° by the hysteresis angle of lead, but the magnetism itself would still remain in quadrature re- lation with E' lm . In this and the discussion immediately following the subscript m is used to denote in- duced voltages caused by variable magnetic fluxes which pass through both primary and secondary coils. When the letter E is used to repre- sent primary voltages it is given a prime when representing induced voltages, and is without the prime when representing drops of impressed voltages. Thus far the effect of mutual in- duction is similar to that of self-in- duction. But when a current flows in the secondary coil under the in- fluence of the mutually induced vol- tage, another effect is produced, which is not so closely related to the conditions in a self-inductive circuit. The current in the second- Fig. 265. — Phase Diagram of Voltage and Current in a Transformer having Negli- gible Iron Losses with the Secondary Circuit Open. ary coil tends to demagnetize the magnetic circuit apper- taining jointly to the two coils. But the induced voltage in the primary coil must at each instant be equal to the alge- braic difference between the values of the active and impressed voltages at that instant ; that is, the instantaneous impressed MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 445 voltage must be equal to the algebraic sum of the corre- sponding instantaneous active and reactive voltages (the components of impressed voltage drop in primary resistance and reactance), the latter being equal to the self-induced voltage in scalar value but reversed in direction ; or e x — e lm + e 1R ^ where e lm is the primary reactive voltage and e 1R ^ is the active voltage which drives the primary current through the primary resistance. If the waves of voltage are sinusoidal, we may write E lm = V E x 2 - E 1R 2 or E x = VE 1R 2 + E lm 2 , in which expressions E x is the effective value of impressed vol- tage, E 1R of active voltage, and E lm of reactive voltage. This is a fixed relation determined by the law that the algebraic sum of instantaneous voltages taken around a circuit must re- duce to zero, and is therefore independent of the amount of current flowing in either the primary or secondary circuit. Then if the characteristics of the secondary circuit (load on the secondary) are changed so that more secondary current flows with a resultant decrease of induced voltage below the value shown by the relation e lm = e x —e 1Ri , an increased primary current flows in order to maintain the relation ; and if the characteristics of the secondary circuit are changed so as to decrease the secondary current with a resultant increase of the induced voltage as indicated by the equation e lm = e x — e XRl , the primary current falls, so as to reestablish the relation. In other words, if the magnetic flux which induces E Xm is disturbed, as by introducing a magnetizing effect extraneous to the pri- mary coil, such as is caused by current flowing in the second- ary coil, the primary current will again adjust itself so as to maintain the inducing flux at such value as still to produce the relation e Xm = e x — e 1R . Consequently, the magneto-motive force of the primary and secondary currents of a transformer must so combine at each instant that the resultant magneto- motive force will create a wave of magnetic flux in the core, the rate of change of whose linkages with the turns of the primary coil is equal to 10 8 times the primary self-induced vol- tage, which voltage must in turn be at each instant equal to the difference between the impressed and active voltages at that instant, witli algebraic sign reversed. In the special case where the voltages are sinusoidal, the two magneto-motive forces must combine in such a way as to create a sinusoidal 446 ALTERNATING CURRENTS wave of flux which is advanced 90° ahead of the wave of self- induced voltage and is of a magnitude that produces a vector of self-induced voltage equal to — — E 1R ^) = E 1Ri — E r The relation of impressed, active, and reactive voltage then is E x — E lRi — E ]jn — 0. The vector OE lm ! of Fig. 265 is equal to - E lm . This means that when the secondary circuit is closed and a current flows under the impulsion of the secondary induced voltage, the primary current must take such magnitude and phase position as will in conjunction with the secondary am- pere-turns produce the requisite magneto-motive force to act in the joint magnetic circuit. This further means that the pri- mary ampere-turns must, at each instant, neutralize the effect of the secondary ampere-turns in the joint magnetic circuit, and must in addition supply the ampere-turns which maintain the inducing flux, i.e. n l i 1 — n 2 i 2 -\- , where the terms in the equation represent respectively corresponding instantaneous values of the total primary ampere-turns, the ampere-turns of the secondary circuit, and the resultant ampere-turns of the primary and secondary coils. It follows from this that i l = 1 n - i 2 + i/, in which s = - 1 , n x and n 2 being respectively the num- 8 » 2 bers of turns of conductors comprised in the primary and sec- ondary coils. Since flux equals magneto-motive force divided by reluctance, and the reluctance of an iron core varies with magnetic density, the exciting current ij varies quite irregu- larly in a transformer with an iron core, even though the im- pressed voltage and magnetic flux vary sinusoidally. The total primary current which flows, when the secondary circuit is open, multiplied by the primary coil turns may be called the Exciting ampere turns. If the magneto-motive force of either or both coils sets up flux which does not pass through the other coil, the effect is similar to the introduction of external self-inductance into the circuits of the respective coil or coils in addition to the mutual inductance, as such fluxes surround only the currents producing them. Such flux is usually termed Magnetic leakage. In cases where there is no magnetic leakage or other variable flux link- ing only the secondary coil or its external circuit, the phase of the secondary current is coincident with the phase of the induced MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 447 voltage in the secondary coil. Then if the primary current, the exciting element of the primary current, and the secondary current, are assumed to he sinusoidal, and there are no core losses in the magnetic circuit, as may be the case if the mag- netic circuit includes no iron, the relation becomes M x = Vff/j 2 4- Tf 2 2 , where the letters M v and A f 2 represent the scalar values of magneto-motive forces set up in the joint mag- netic circuit by the currents. (In this early discussion of the transformer it is assumed that effects of electrostatic capacity are absent.) The vector relation is then = M x — pro- vided no magneto-motive forces act in the magnetic circuit except those set up by the currents mentioned. A simple diagram, using equivalent sinusoids for currents and voltages, such as is shown in Fig. 266, develops these relations graphically. Vectors E x ( = OE) and OA) represent the impressed voltage and exciting ampere-turns (the latter exag- gerated in length for the sake of clearness) of a transformer having negligible leakage and a non-reactive secondary circuit. The vector n x 1^ and the vector OB representing total primary ampere-turns may be vectors scaled to also represent either primary currents measured in amperes or magneto-motive forces measured in gilberts, while the secondary vector of ampere-turns (9(7, by using the same scales, equals the scalar value and posi- tion of secondary current divided by the ratio of transformation, s, or the gilberts of secondary magneto-motive force. The vector n x IJ( = Off) represents the equivalent magnetizing ele- ment of the exciting magneto-motive force and lags behind the latter by an angle equal to the angle of advance caused by the iron losses in the core. It is 90° in the lead of, and determines the direction of, the primary and secondary induced voltages, tors is laid out the secondary vector of magneto-motive force n 2 I 2 ( = (9(7), the secondary cii’cuit here being assumed non- reactive. The vectors n 2 I 2 and n x I^ must then, to conform to the results of the discussion above, form a closed vector triangle with the total magneto-motive force of the primary current ttj/p or n x l x and n 2 I 2 must combine to furnish the resultant magneto-motive force acting in the joint magnetic circuit. On the line OB , n x I v a distance (9(7 is laid off, which represents On the line of the latter vec- 448 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Y Fig. 266. — Phase Diagram of Voltages and Currents in a Transformer when a Current flows in the Secondary Circuit. The various vector quantities used in the construction are represented by lines as follows: Impressed voltage E 1 by OE; primary self-induced and secondary mutually induced voltages E\ m and sE'om by OF; voltage drop in resist- ance of primary coil E 1R by OG; excit- ing ampere-turns n i/ M and current I ^ by 0 A ; secondary ampere-turns ?ioX> and currenti/j by OC ; quadrature ampere- a that portion of the voltage E^ which, multiplied by the cur- rent I v furnishes the necessary power to drive the primary current through the primary resistance, or E 1R . The vol- tage E 1 minus this voltage E lf ^ must be numerically equal but opposite to the primary self- induced voltage E 1 '(= — OF) and also numerically equal but opposite to the mutually induced secondary voltage E 2m = — (^OF^j multiplied the ratio of transformation, s. The triangle ODE of Fig. 266 corresponds to the tri- angle OCE in Fig. 265 and OCA in Fig. 114, i.e. OD, OC , and OC are the respec- tive components of impressed voltage projected on the cur- rent, and DE, CE , and CA are the respective components in quadrature to the current ; but in the case of Fig. 266, unlike the other two, onl} T part, E 1Ri , of the voltage is lost by reason of power used in the primary circuit. The remaining power represented by the vector product of E l I I is transferred to the magnetic circuit, and thence, deducting core losses, to the secondary electric circuit. Therefore, it is evident that the effect of turns nil/ by OH; primary current and ampere-turns nj/j by OH. the current in the secondary circuit has been to decrease MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 449 E — 1 of the primary circuit, h X' and the angle of lag, 6 X = tan -1 ■ , where X x and R x are the -“'l apparent primary reactance and resistance. Starting with n x I x = n x I^ as shown in Fig. 265, for a transformer with open secondai’y circuit, then closing the secondary circuit and gradu- ally reducing its resistance until full load is reached, will cause the vectors and n x I v in a commercial, constant voltage transformer, quickly to become so extended in length that the parallelograms of magneto-motive forces and voltages will have flattened out so much that, for most practical pur- poses, the primary current and secondary current may be considered to differ substantially 180° in phase. Thus, in a certain transformer of 20 kw. capacity, the exciting current is about one half of an ampere, while the full load primary current is ten amperes, or I x is twenty times larger than 1 ^ a difference which is still more marked in transformers of larger sizes. Therefore, in a transformer without appreciable mag- netic leakage, and fully loaded with a non-reactive load, the apparent self-inductance almost disappears, and the primary and secondary act like a single circuit made up almost entirely of non-reactive resistance. The apparent primary impedance reduces to nearly the sum of the resistances of the primary coil and equivalent resistance of the secondary coil and the sec- ondary external load circuit. There is very little variation in either the phase position or scalar value of 1^ with change of load, as will be seen later.* The various conditions and problems that arise in the opera- tion of transformers are entered into extensively in later articles, hut before taking up the special cases of sinusoidal or other periodic impressed alternating voltages, we will consider the more general case of the characteristics of mutually reactive coils as they are affected by any change of currents or voltages whatever. 119. Mutual Inductance. — Consider two adjacent coils sur- rounded by air and in which currents are flowing. Then at any instant the total number of linkages of lines of force with the turns of the conductors composing either one of the coils, is both the apparent impedance Z x 2g * Art. 128. 450 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the number of linkages due to the current in that coil alge- braically added to the number of linkages due to the other coil which are embraced by the first coil. If the current is changed in either of the coils, an instantaneous voltage equal to ej _ _ i s induced in the coil under consideration, which 10 8 dt may be called the primary coil, where n x is the number of turns and (p 1 the instantaneous average magnetic flux linked per turn of the coil. The average number of magnetic linkages per turn with the turns of the coil due to its own current is -^i j^ i n which L x and I are respectively the self-inductance n i and the current in the coil.* The number of lines of force due to the current in the first coil which pass through the second coil evidently depends upon the relative positions of the coils, but it cannot be greater than the total number of lines set up by the current in the first coil. For any two fixed coils in a medium of constant permeability, this number of lines is proportional to the current flowing in the primary coil. The voltage developed in the second coil, due to a change in the current flowing in the first, is eJ = — ° & 2 10 8 cft where « 2 and <£ 2 are the turns in the second coil and the instan- taneous average magnetic flux linked therewith per turn of that coil. The equation e-J = — ma y p e written eJ = — ^ 1 10 8 dt J 1 dt when the permeability is constant.* The equation e 2 ' = — may be similarly written eJ = — — — 1 where 10 8 J/ !U 8 (ft J J 2 dt is the number of linkages with the turns of the second coil of lines of force which are due to the first coil when one ampere is flowing in the first coil, supposing the coils to be in air or other medium of unchanging permeability. The expression represented by M is called, by analogy, the Mutual-inductance or the Coefficient of mutual induction of the coils. If k is a coefficient numerically equal to the ratio of the reluctance of the path of the lines of force which interlink the two coils to the aggregate reluctance of the path of all the lines of force set up by the primary coil, then the value of cf) 2 k is equal to v * Art. 41. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 451 If the coils are long solenoids in air, with current only in the first coil, the flux in the first coil is (f> l = where A is the cross section and l the length of the coil ; and if the sole- noids are wound one over the other so that their dimensions are practically equal, the value of k is unity, because 0 2 evi- dently becomes equal to v and M becomes equal to . If the same current is now switched into the second coil, we have 1 ■ _ r Ri Sin a t + <»(£, T M) cos + ^ + ( g) a + hi) * Murray’s Differential Equations, Chap. VI. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 461 The exponential terms quickly become negligible after the current is started. Neglecting the exponential terms and rationalizing the right-hand member of each of these equations by multiplying numerator and denominator by a — bD , simpli- fying the expression, and factoring the resulting coefficient in the numerator gives . ^ e m V[aR,+co 2 b(L, t M)V+ co*[a( L 2 t M)- bE 9 J 2 { . 1 a 2 -f oo 2 b 2 1 = e ” Vi?2 2 + a)2 (^ T .I I 2 B i„(©t - 0 X ), Va 2 + co 2 b 2 ( 9 ) 1 a 2 + c o 2 b 2 ( 10 ) = t - Vfi l 2 + a,2 ( J l sin («i - A.) ; V 2 5(f x T df) It follows from equations (9) and (10) that and j _ V R 2 2 + 6)2 (A t df ) 2 £ V a 2 + o» 2 /i 2 j = a) 2 (f, TdP) 2 ^, Va 2 + co 2 b 2 I , I RS + co 2 (L,tM) 2 f 2 V A *! 2 + « 2 (f x T J /) 2 7 Va 2 + o) 2 ^ 2 A V A 2 2 + « 2 ( A 2 t df ) 2 z x = +d ^2 = - = VA 2 2 + a) 2 (X 2 t df) 2 VA 2 2 + ft) 2 (X 2 T df) 2 ' E Va 2 + « 2 f> 2 h V^ + ^T#) 2 ’ Z 2 = :+d Vi ? x 2 + « 2 (X x T df ) 2 V ^! 2 + ® 2 (£ x T df ) 2 ' 462 ALTERNATING CURRENTS When the coils are superposed so that there is no magnetic leakage, are connected in the electric circuit so that their magnetic effects are cumulative, and the resistances and self- inductances are equal, the foregoing expressions reduce to tan dj - tan d 2 — , Ji = / 2 = E Vi£2 + (2 coLy ’ Z 1 = Z 2 = ^E 2+ (2

    L and tan 1 for corresponding resistances and self-induct- ances with M zero. It is also to be observed from the equations that when the coils are connected in the electric circuit so as to make their magnetic effects cumulative, the effect of the mutual inductance is always to increase the impedance of the coils. The impedance is a maximum when M — V L X L 2 ; that is, when magnetic leakage is negligible. When the coils are superposed as before, but connected in the electric circuit so that their magnetic effects are in opposi- tion, R x being equal to R 2 and L v L v and M being equal to each other, the equations reduce to tan 6 X — tan 0 2 = 0, I — I — — i2 ~ir Z x = Z 2 = R. The last condition satisfies the lower one of the algebraic signs di associated with M — and M. The mutual inductance under • dt these circumstances neutralizes the effects of self-inductance and reduces the reactance of the coils to zero. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 463 When the magnetic effects of the coils are in opposition, the effect of their mutual inductance is always to reduce the im- pedance and angle of lag. The maximum influence of the mutual inductance occurs when M = V L X L 2 , that is, when there is no magnetic leakage. The formulas representing the reactions of coils in parallel may be extended to any number of coils larger than two, by the same processes as are exhibited in the foregoing. If either branch circuit has electrostatic capacity in series with its resist- ance and self-inductance, a term representing condenser voltage must be added to the voltage equations corresponding to equa- tions (1) and (2). When the capacity measured from one coil to another is appreciable, it may be treated approximately by considering it as a condenser composing a separate branch in parallel with the coils ; but an exact solution of this case requires the use of equations which represent the effects of distributed resistance, inductance, and capacity, and have the character of those developed in a later chapter. 122. Ratio of Transformation in a Transformer. — The formulas of Art. 119 show that the voltage developed in a secondary coil is at any instant , _ d(Mi^) 2 “ dt • If the current wave is a sinusoid, this becomes eJ = d ( Mi lm sin cot ) dt If the conditions require that M be treated as a variable dependent upon the varying permeability of an iron core, this equation is practically insolvable. For a close approximation to practical conditions, however, it is sufficient to assume M as having a constant value which depends upon the iron of the core and the maximum magnetic density used in the trans- former. The equation then becomes e 2 = — • The maximum value of the voltage is then e 2m ' = 2 7rfMi lm , where / is the frequency of the current wave, since da/dt = w. The effective value of the secondary voltage is therefore evidently E 2 = — 2 7i fMI v where I x is the effective primary current. If ALTERNATING CURRENTS 464 the secondary circuit is open, the following equations may be written j- 1 VE* + 4 7 T 2 f*Lf while — E[ = 2 7 t/L x I x = ~ i where — E[ is numeri- cally equal but opposite to the total induced primary counter- voltage. (This includes the voltage induced by both the leak- age and joint magnetic flux.) E x has been used to represent the impressed voltage, and the maximum number of lines of force in the cycle. If the resistance of the primary winding is considered negligible, the former equation becomes and 2 t rfL 1 E x = 2 t TfL x I x =-E[; and, in this case, if the primary and secondary coils are so com- pletely superposed that there is no magnetic leakage, the value of M becomes M — Vi 1 Z 2 ; whence E^ _ 2 irfLy I x __ L x or E x _ VXj~ _ 2 7 TfMI x ^L~L 2 Vi; E n But — L , since the magnetic circuit of the two coils is assumed to be identical, that is, M = V L X L V and consequently there is no magnetic leakage. Therefore o o E x = s. n 2 In other words, if the active voltage in the primary circuit may be considered negligible when compared with the impressed voltage, and there is no leakage of magnetic lines, the ratio of the impressed voltage to the voltage induced in the secondary winding is equal to the ratio of the number of turns of wire in the two coils. The ratio of the primary voltage and the secon- dary voltage of a transformer is commonly called the Ratio of transformation. The ratio of transformation of well-designed transformers intended for use on constant voltage circuits is MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 465 practically equal to — when the secondary circuit is open, n 2 showing that the assumption that the active voltage and magnetic leakage are negligible in most commercial trans- formers, when the secondary circuit is open, is entirely allow- able. An example will show this in a striking manner. In a certain transformer of 22.5 kilowatts capacity the electrical re- sistance of the primary winding is practically 1 ohm and the inductance is 9.1 henry s. At a frequency of 60 cycles per second and a voltage of 2000 volts, the square of the value of the reactance is nearly 12,000,000. In another transformer of 11.25 kilowatts capacity, designed for 2400 volts primary voltage, the value of the electrical resistance of the primary winding is 6.45 ohms (when squared 41.6), and the square of the value of the reactance is 10,000,000. In three other transformers designed for a voltage of 1000 volts and respec- tively of 7.5, 4.5, and 1.5 kilowatts capacity, the electrical re- sistances of the primary windings are 1.16, 2.15, and 8.90 ohms, while, at a frequency of 60 cycles per second, the squares of the values of the reactances are respectively 25,000,000, 31.000. 000, and 100,000,000; and in a transformer of .5 kilo- watt capacity, the electrical resistance of the primary winding is 25 ohms and the square of the value of the reactance is 400.000. 000. In each of these cases, which represent common practice in the construction of transformers, the value of R x 2 is entirely negligible when compared with 4 7 When the secondary circuit of a transformer without magnetic leakage is closed, neither R x nor i? 2 can be neglected,* and then the ratio of transformation evidently is decreased when the secondary voltage is higher than the primary, and is increased when the secondary voltage is lower than the primary on account of voltage due to the current flowing through R x and R 2 (that is, for a given impressed primary voltage the secondary terminal voltage is decreased). 123. Magnetic Leakage in Transformers. — The primary and secondary coils in the discussion of Art. 122 are supposed to be so sandwiched together that magnetic leakage is negligible when there is no current in the secondary coil. This is not necessarily the case. A case when magnetic leakage is always * Art. 127. 2 H 466 ALTERNATING CURRENTS present is shown in Fig. 267. From the figure it is evident that even if no current flows in the secondary winding, the counter-voltage in the primary winding will be greater per turn of wire than the voltage induced per turn in the secondary winding ; hence, even if the self-induced or counter-voltage in the primary winding is practically equal and opposite to the impressed voltage, the ratio of transformation will be changed by this relative decrease of the secondary induced voltage. If a current flows in the secondary winding, the self-induction due to magnetic leakage in the secondary (lines of force link- ing with the secondary coil, but not linking with the primary coil) will still further reduce the active secondary voltage, and Fig. 267. — Diagram for showing Transformer Leakage, a, a, leakage flux; b, b, mutual flux. the ratio of transformation will be further changed. The effect of magnetic leakage in altering the ratio of transformation (decreasing the proportional voltage induced in the secondary winding by decreasing the magnetic flux passing through it) was early shown by an experiment reported by Professor Ryan.* In the experiment recorded by him, the primary and secondary coils were wound on opposite sides of a laminated iron ring with much the same arrangement as indicated in Fig. 267. The number of turns in the primary and secondary windings were respectively 500 and 155, or -A = 3.2. When a n 2 voltage of 75.6 volts was impressed upon the primary winding with the secondary circuit open, a voltage of only 16.4 volts * Some experiments upon Alternating Current Apparatus, Trans. Amer. Inst. E- E., Vol. 7, p. 324. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 467 was induced in the secondary winding, or — i = 4.6. The -<8 whole difference in the two ratios was due to magnetic leakage, and the magnitude of the difference shows that M was much less than VXjig. The magnetic leakage was, in fact, nearly 30 per cent ; that is, the number of lines of force that linked with the primary winding, but not with the secondary winding, was 30 per cent of the total magnetic flux set up in the magnetic circuit. The change in the ratio of transformation, just spoken of, occurred when the secondary circuit was open. When current is permitted to flow in the secondary circuit of such an arrange- ment, the effect is much more striking, for under such condi- tions the magneto-motive force of the secondary winding op- poses that of the primary winding, and there is a strong tendency to force magnetic flux across the air space surrounding the coils. That is, because of the counter magneto-motive force of the sec- ondary winding, the difference of magnetic potential between the points A and B in Fig. 267 may be very great. When the sec- ondary current is zero, the maximum magneto-motive force tending to send flux from A to B through leakage paths is measured by m = <&P, where is the maximum flux in the core and P is the reluctance in the iron circuit connecting those points through the secondary coil. When a current flows in the secondary winding, the maximum magneto-motive force be- tween A and B is m — P + V2 x 4 7 t« 2 T 2 10 where the second term on the right represents the part of the primary magneto-motive force equal and opposite to the back or counter magneto- motive force of the secondary winding, which in commercial transformers, except for small secondary loads, is many times larger than the first term. The values of and P usually change slightly when current flows in the secondary coil. The effect of magnetic leakage on the action of a transformer is analogous to the effect which would be produced on a transformer without leakage by inserting coils having inductive reactance, i.e. Reactance or Impedance coils, in the primary and secondary circuits outside of the transformer, as is illustrated in Fig. 268. These coils would have such self-inductances as to increase the self-inductances of the primary and secondary circuits in the 468 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ratio of a : 100, where a is the magnetic leakage in per cent. Since leakage causes a proportional increase in the apparent self- inductance of the primary and secondary circuits, it causes an equivalent lag of the currents in the two circuits. The react- ance of the windings of a transformer which is caused by the leakage flux may, for convenience, be called the Leakage reactance, to distinguish it from the reactance caused by the total of magnetic linkages. The part of the self-inductance, which is due to the leakage flux may also, for convenience, be called the Leakage inductance, to distinguish it from the total self-inductance of the windings. TRANSFORMER The effect of magnetic leakage in transformers which trans- form at constant primary voltage — Constant voltage trans- formers — is evidently to interfere with the regulation of the secondary voltage, so that in such transformers the leakage paths are made of as high reluctance as possible. While Con- stant current transformers, that is, those which transform from constant voltage in the primary circuit to constant current in the secondary circuit, depend upon leakage for regulation.* In- duction motors are affected in much the same way as constant potential transformers, with which, in principle, they have much in common. f 124. Diagram of Transformer with Magnetic Leakage. Equivalent Circuit. — The effect of magnetic leakage, as dis- cussed in the preceding article, may be shown bj" a simple dia- gram, such as Fig. 269. In this diagram, 0 C represents the vector magneto-motive force caused by the current I v which flows in the secondary circuit when voltage E 1 ( OE) is impressed on the * Art. 143. t Art. 192. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 469 primary winding, as in Fig. 266, and this magneto -motive force is just balanced by the magneto-motive force produced Fig. 269. — Diagram showing the Relations of Currents and Voltages in a Trans- former with Large Magnetic Leakage. by the component 1 ^ ( 01 of the diagram) of the primary cur- rent. These magneto-motive forces are equal and opposite to 470 ALTERNATING CURRENTS each other as far as the joint magnetic path through the pri- mary and secondary coils are concerned, the mutual flux being produced by the magneto-motive force of primary component OA ; but the magneto-motive forces of I 2 and 1\ act in parallel on the paths of leakage flux, such as the leakage path from A to B in Fig. 267, and set up leakage fluxes which create the re- actance-induced voltages U 1Li and H 2I/2 (OH and OG of the dia- gram). Except for the effect of the magnetizing current 1^ on these reactance-induced voltages are opposite to each other. They lag substantially 90° behind their respective inducing magneto-motive forces, since the reluctance of each leakage path is mostly outside of the magnetic material and there is therefore no appreciable iron loss angle of advance of the current. For conqflete accuracy, the voltage induced by the primary leakage flux should be taken in quadrature with the total pri- mary current, OB , and it is not exactly opposite to the voltage induced by secondary leakage flux. It may be considered as comprising two components, of which one is OH in lagging quadrature with 01 and due to the leakage flux caused by the 01 component of primary current, and the other is in lagging quadrature with OA and is due to the leakage flux caused by the exciting component OA of the primary current. The first of these components is opposite to OG. For simplicity, the second of the components is neglected in the figure, since it is very small in commercial transformers because the exciting current is small. If the highest accuracy is desired, both com- ponents may be introduced in the diagram and treated in a manner corresponding to the treatment of OH in the following discussion. The reactance-induced voltages OH and OG are not necessarily of equal numerical values per turn in the wind- ings, because the reluctance of the leakage paths about the primary and secondary coils may not be the same. The diagram, Fig. 269, is drawn with all vectors reduced to primary equivalents by multiplying secondary voltages and dividing secondary currents by the ratio of the turns in the primary and secondary windings. The counter-induced volt- age in the primary winding is the vector sum of E' lm , the voltage induced by the mutual flux threading both the primary and secondary windings, and represented by OF in the diagram, and F Ul , the voltage induced by the primary leakage flux and MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 471 represented by OH in the diagram. The secondary induced voltage E 2m is represented by OF in the diagram. The voltage drops in the secondary circuit when current flows therein are: OJ = NT. \ which is the drop of voltage E 2R2 in the resistance of the secondary winding when current 00 flows; TF= — OGr , which is the drop of voltage E 2Lt required to overcome the secondary leakage reactance ; and ON which is the drop of voltage through the load, i.e. is the terminal voltage E 2 . The voltage drops in the primary circuit are: 0L= — OF , which is the component —E lm of impressed voltage required to overcome the counter voltage set up in the primary winding by the mutual flux which threads botli windings ; LM 4- PE= OK + OR = 0 V \ which is the drop in the resistance of the pri- mary winding caused by the flow of primary current OB ; MP = — OH , which is the component of impressed voltage — E 1Ll , required to overcome the primary leakage reactance. The impressed voltage is OE— OL + LM+MP + PE. The primary angle of lag is d v The angle between the secondary current and secondary induced voltage is angle TOF, but the angle of lag of the secondary current with respect to the ter- minal voltage is zero in the diagram; that is, the external sec- ondary circuit is assumed to be non-reactive. The vector OB' is the total voltage representing power expended in the primary and secondary circuits, and HE is the total reactive voltage in primary and secondary circuits. The active secondary voltage 0 T is E 2Rn + N 2R — E 2(R .+«) which is required to send the secondary current I 2 through the given resistance of the secondary coil and external circuit. The value of E 2(Ri+R) is determined from the vector diagram com- prising itself and the induced voltages E^ and E 2L ^ the relation being E 2(R 2+ R) = E 2m — E 2Ls . The voltage used in the secondary coil resistance is E 2R , and E 2R is the drop in the load. The pri- mary winding, being cut by the same flux that sets up E 2m , has a counter-voltage E lm set up in it, in phase with and equal to sE 2m , where s is the ratio of the number of primary turns to secondary turns. The impressed primary voltage E 1 must have a component equal and opposite to this E lm . The impressed vol- tage E x must also furnish the voltage E 1R required to drive the element of the primary current 1 which lias a magneto-motive force equal and opposite to that of I 2 , through the primary coil 472 ALTERNATING CURRENTS resistance. It must also have a component — E lLi equal and op- posite to the primary leakage voltage E lL . These three vol- tages are closed, as indicated in Fig. 269, by the vector voltage represented by OP , forming the vector polygon OL3IPO. But i^,the exciting current, joins vectorially with I x , in making up the total primary current I v and I is in advance of E lm by an angle of 90° plus the iron loss angle of advance. Its com- ponent OQ is in quadrature with OF and the angle AOQ is the iron loss angle of advance. The voltage required in phase with 7 m to drive it through the resistance of the primary circuit is E c (= OR), and this must therefore be vectorially added to the voltage represented by OP. The primary voltage drops from the vector polygon OLMPEO , which has the resultant OE equal to E v Instead of separating the voltage drop due to the resistance of the primary coil into two components E xr ^ and E c , its combined value in phase with I x , the total primary current, might have been used as was done in Fig. 266. The primary and secondary phase angles are 6 X and 0 2 , the latter in this case being zero as the load assumed is non- reactive. The triangle ODP is especially worthy of notice. The side OB represents the voltage that would be necessary to drive 7/ through the resistance of the primary coil R x plus the voltage necessary to drive the secondary current 7 2 divided by s through the resistances of the secondary coil R 2 and external load resistance P multiplied by s 2 . Dividing 7 2 by s gives a quotient equal to 7/, and therefore 7 1 ' 2 (R 0 + R)s 2 = I 2 2 CR 2 -f- R). For this reason 2 . R 2 s 2 , Rs 2 , and s E 2m s are sometimes called the primary equivalents of the secondary quantities. For like reasons secondary reactances and impedances must be multiplied by s 2 to reduce to pri- mary equivalents; thus, = V (_R 2 + R) 2 + (x 2 + x) 2 , 7 2 s 2 I x where x 2 and x are the reactances of the secondary coil and load respectively, or s 2 V(if 2 + R ) 2 - f (a -2 + x) 2 . The side OB of the triangle OBP is thus an active component of the voltage represented by OP, while the side BP, 90° therefrom, is reactive MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 473 and equal to the primary leakage voltage drop E lL plus the equivalent secondary leakage voltage drop sE 2L ^. Such a triangle of voltages can also be formed if the secondary winding is replaced by a similar coil having s times as many turns and a resistance equal to s 2 i? 2 , connected in series with and magnetically opposed to the primary coil and in series with a load circuit in which the resistance equals s 2 R. Such an ar- rangement is diagramed in Fig. 270. Then OP (Fig. 269) is the Fig. 270. — A Conventional Arrangement of Coils to absorb the Same Power and produce the Same Reactances as a Transformer of Equivalent Impedance. voltage measured across the three parts, i.e. the first coil, the second coil, and the load; OP is the active voltage, and PP is the leakage reactive voltage, as in the case of the transformer discussed above. Under this arrangement there is no mutual flux in the core, but only the leakage flux. To make the sub- stitution complete, a current equal in scalar value and phase to 1^ must be shunted around the second coil and the external load. The magneto-motive force of this current, when it flows through the first coil to the dividing point, sends the same magnetic flux through the core as 1^ sets up in the transformer, and by which the voltages E lm and E 2m are induced (Fig. 269). This current also combines with the impressed voltage to fur- nish the power absorbed by the iron losses. The component of the impressed voltage required to drive 1^ through the primary resistance is then E c ; this combined vectorially with the voltage 474 ALTERNATING CURRENTS represented by OP equals the impressed voltage E v which is required to make the currents I x and - I 2 flow respectively through the first and second coils, analogously to the trans- former. The counter-voltages set up in the two coils by the mutual flux which threads both coils exactly counterbalance each other, and have no effect on either the voltage or current of the supply wires or the load, so for purposes of analogy they may be considered to be absent. The' combination of resistance and reactance necessary to shunt the current 1^ around the second coil and load is indicated in Fig. 270 by the part marked I Regulator. In this manner two coils in series opposition have been substituted for the transformer reduced to terms of unity transformation, in which the equivalent voltages for the transformer are impressed on the system, driving equivalent currents at the same angles of lag, and expending the same power in each coil and in the load. If the secondary load of a transformer is reactive, an inspec- tion of Fig. 269 will show that 0 2 and 9 X tend to increase, while with a load containing electrostatic capacity these angles tend to lessen, or to reverse in sign if the capacity is sufficiently large.* The leakage fluxes and internal losses of voltage indicated by Fig. 269 are, for the purpose of obtaining a clear diagram, made much greater in proportion to the impressed and mutual induced voltages than would be found in commercial constant voltage transformers. However, the leakage fluxes used for the diagram are not necessarily excessive for conditions in in- duction motors and constant current transformers, to which the diagram is also applicable. Likewise, the exciting current 1 4 has been given a large value in Fig. 269, for the same reasons. It is usually so small in constant voltage transformers that the voltage drop OP may be considered numerically equal to and of the same phase as OE (Fig. 269) for the solution of such prob- lems as usually arise in commercial circumstances. However, when the load current considered is a small fraction of the full load current or the transformer is special, so that in either case the drop due to the exciting current is material, the exact tri- angle representing apparent primary impedances and resultant * Art. 131. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 475 active and reactive voltages is OD' E. In this triangle, when scaled as a triangle of voltages, the side in quadrature to the current I x = OB must be composed of the quadrature projection of the drops of primary voltage that are due to those induced in .the primary and secondary coils and load and is equal to D' E. It will be here remembered that OH , when fully ex- pressed, is at right angles to OB. The active voltage OD' in phase with I x must be composed of the projection of the active drops of voltage caused by the work done in driving the current through the primary and secondary coils and the load. When the triangle OD' E is scaled to represent impedances, i.e. voltages divided by currents, the line OE is the total ap- parent impedance, 0D\ the apparent resistance, and D'E, the apparent reactance offered by the two windings and the load of the transformer. The power input is of course E X I X cos 0 X — OE x OB x cos Z.EOD' and the output E 2 I 2 cos 0 2 = 00 x ON. 125. Transformer Exciting Current. — In the case of an ideal transformer, that is, one without losses or magnetic leakage, the lag of the primary current, when the secondary circuit is open, is 90° with respect to the impressed voltage ; for R x and cos 9 X are assumed to be zero. Since the induced secondary voltage lags behind the magnetism, which is in phase with the primary current when the secondary circuit is open, by an angle of 90°, the phases of the primary impressed voltage and the secondary induced voltage are exactly 180° apart ; that is, they are in exact opposition. The current in the primary circuit of an ideal transformer, when the secondary is open, is all reactive (i.e. wattless), and of a magnitude which depends only upon the total inductance L ' of the primary coil. On the other hand, the losses due to hysteresis and eddy currents in the iron core and to resistance in the primary coil are by no means negligible in commercial transformers, but are of such a magnitude as to decrease the lag of the primary current until the power factor of the primary circuit is ordinarily between 50 per cent and 70 per cent when there is no current in the secondary circuit ; but the magnetism in the core remains nearly in phase with the reactive component of the primary current and is almost 90° behind the phase of the primary voltage, so that the primary impressed and secondary 476 ALTERNATING CURRENTS induced voltages are still almost in opposition. The current which flows in the primary circuit when the secondary circuit is open may therefore be considered as composed of two compo- nents, one of which supplies the power required to make up the transformer losses, and the other of which serves simply for setting up the magnetism, and is therefore wattless. The primary current which flows when the secondary circuit is open is sometimes called the leakage current, open circuit cur- rent, or magnetizing current. In this volume, however, the more satisfactory term, Exciting current, is used, the term mag- netizing current being reserved to apply only to the magnet- izing (i.e. reactive) component of the exciting current. It is desirable to look a little farther into the effect upon the cyclic curve of iron loss which is produced by substituting a sinusoidal exciting current for the irregular current which actu- ally flows, as has been done in the transformer diagram of Figs. 265, 266, and 269, and others following. In Fig. 271, is a Fig. 271. — Conventional Cyclic Curve of Iron Loss, constructed from the Curve of Flux in a Transformer Core and the Equivalent Sinusoid of Exciting Current. sinusoidal curve of magnetic flux which is setup in a transformer core, and is the sinusoidal curve of exciting current, lead- ing the curve by an iron loss angle of 18°. From these curves the cyclic curve is constructed as heretofore explained,* * Art. 114. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 477 with its ordinates and abscissas equal respectively to magnetic flux and exciting current. The shape of the cyclic curve is not that of a true cyclic curve of iron loss, as may be seen by the fact that the maximum value of the exciting current ST does not occur at the point of maximum flux, a condition which could only occur in fact if the eddy current part of the iron loss was relatively greater than is found in commercial transformers. But if curve is the equivalent sinusoid of the actual irreg- ular exciting current, the area of RR must be equal to the area inclosed by the true cyclic curve of iron loss. It is thus seen that the substitution of an equivalent sinusoid for the actual curve of exciting current can usually be made without involv- ing serious error. 126. The Effects of Variable Reluctance, of Hysteresis, and of Eddy Currents on the Form of the Primary Current Wave. — In the preceding discussions it has been assumed that the reluc- tance of the magnetic circuit of a transformer can be taken at an average constant value which is practically equal to the value when the current is at its maxi- mum point. The low maximum value of the magnetic density which is used in commercial transformers as ordinarily con- structed makes this assumption allowable, though it is by no means exact; and if the magnetic density is pushed above the bend in the curve of magnetiza- tion, the influence of the low- ered permeability of the iron becomes marked. The curve OM in Fig. 272 may be taken to represent the curve of magneti- zation of iron in a transformer core, plotted with volts induced . . . Fig. 272. — Diagram showing the Effect in the primary Windings as or- 0 j Variable Permeability, with Iron dinates and exciting ampere- Loss Negligible. 478 ALTERNATING CURRENTS turns as abscissas, supposing the effect of hysteresis, eddy cur- rents, and magnetic leakage to he negligible, and line OP may be taken to represent a corresponding hypothetical curve of mag- netization, assuming the effect of saturation to be negligible, i.e. the reluctance to be constant. Vectors OB and OC are the pri- mary and secondary ampere-turns respectively for a given load. Then when the magnetizing ampere-turns equal n x I^ represented by OA , the induced voltages in the primary and secondary coils are reduced by the effect of saturation from OF and OJ which would be reached with a constant reluctance, to OF' and OJ' . And, conversely, if the induced voltages are to be OF and OJ', OA ampere-turns are required to bring the magnetism up to the requisite value when the curve of magnetization is 031 , while OA! ampere-turns would be sufficient if the magnetic circuits were not influenced by saturation. The construction shows that the saturation of the iron makes necessary more turns of wire on the primary and secondary coils in order that a given output may be obtained. Since, in this case, the permeability varies through each period with the magnetizing ampere-turns, there is a periodic variation of Q , and the primary current wave is distorted from the form of the primary impressed voltage wave. This is shown clearly in Fig. 261 of Art. 114 and is there described. When the transformer has its secondary circuit open, the drop of voltage due to the exciting current flowing through the primary winding is usually negligible, so that the pri- mary impressed voltage at each instant is proportional to the tangent of the curve of magnetism ; and is 90° in advance of the magnetization when the latter is sinusoidal. The tangent relations between the curves of flux and voltage * must exist as long as I X B X is negligible. The effect on the output of impressing excessive voltages upon the primary winding of a transformer is indicated clearly in Fig. 272. Thus, there is but slight rise of magnetic flux in the curve 031 bevond the point M (near saturation) for increases of exciting current. If, therefore, OF is much increased, the exciting current must in- crease excessively. It is thus seen that if transformers, or other apparatus depending upon counter-induced voltage, are sub- jected to voltages that demand rise of core flux beyond the point * Art. 115. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 479 of saturation, the exciting currents demanded may reach danger- ous or destructive proportions. Another important reason for having transformers designed for low flux densities in the core is because an excessive exciting current such as spoken of above will cause a material resistance drop in the primary, while high core reluctance will cause relatively high leakage flux, thus tending to interfere seriously with the regulation. As a very simple example showing that the primary induced voltage is always equal and opposite to the impressed voltage when I 1 R l is negligible, and that the exciting current varies in such a way as to furnish this induced voltage in a transformer with the secondary circuit open, we may consider an inductance coil of negligible electrical resistance with a sinusoidal voltage E x of, say, 100 volts impressed upon it. Suppose the frequency is 60 periods per second, and the self-inductance L x is .01 of a henry, then 27rfL x = 3.71 ohms is the impedance. The current E I x flowing is- — tL_ — 26.5 amperes with a lag angle of 90°. The induced voltage E lm is 2 irfL x T x = 100 volts, which is equal and opposite to the impressed voltage. Suppose the self-in- ductance L x changes to L x = .005; then the current becomes i 7 =53 amperes; but the induced voltage E Xm is 2m -fL x 'I x = 100 volts, which is the same value as before. It is seen, in this case of negligible resistance, that whatever value the self-in- ductance may have, the exciting current takes such a magni- tude that the counter-voltage of self-induction is numerically equal to the impressed voltage. Since the self-inductance of the electric circuit is inversely proportional to the reluctance of the magnetic circuit, when the reluctance changes, the excit- ing current changes, so that, as before, the counter-voltage equals the impressed voltage. Figure 262, described in Art. 114, shows that when core losses and copper losses are present, the exciting current is advanced in phase so that it is less than 90° behind the impressed voltage, and that the summation of the products of the instantaneous values of impressed vol- tage and current is no longer equal to zero for the inductance coil, but becomes equal to the sum of the core losses and the I 2 R losses. The effect of hysteresis in the core of a transformer is to dis- tort the form of the primary current wave to a still more marked 480 ALTERNATING CURRENTS degree than would occur from the effects of magnetic saturation without hysteresis, and the higher the maximum magnetic density is carried, the greater the distortion becomes. The ordinates of the primary current wave are at each instant pro- portional to the difference between the corresponding ordinates of the wave of primary impressed voltage and the wave of in- duced counter-voltage. The latter is, in an ordinary transformer, practically similar to the form of the secondary voltage wave. With the primary impressed voltage sinusoidal and the reluc- tance of the magnetic circuit uniform, the primary current wave would be sinusoidal. With a variable reluctance, hut no hysteresis, the current wave becomes peaked, but remains sym- metrical; but when hysteresis is taken into account, the sym- metrical form is lost. This is illustrated in Figs. 261 and 262.* The effects which eddy currents in the core have upon the exciting current are shown in Fig. 257, which is described in Art. 112, and in Fig. 263, described in Art. 114. The instan- taneous value of the portion of the exciting current which is required to make up the losses due to eddy currents at any instant is equal to the corresponding instantaneous value of the eddy current loss divided by the instantaneous value of the primary voltage. The total core loss maybe shown by plotting a cycle of the core flux having abscissas equal to the arithmetical sum of the corresponding abscissas of the hysteresis and eddy cycles (Fig. 263). The total transformer exciting current may be plotted from this as shown by I' in Fig. 263. The eddy current loss is similar to that which would be pro- duced by a closed secondary circuit of one turn of appropriate electrical resistance, and is unlike hysteresis loss, which is de- termined by the magnetic quality of the magnetic core. However, eddy current loss causes an increase in the angle of advance of the exciting current, as also does current in the secondary coil.f Moreovei’, the loss caused by the exciting current in the resistance of the primary winding — usually very small — causes a still further advance of the exciting current. J The phase of the exciting current is thus caused to be less than 90° behind the impressed voltage on account of (a) the hyster- esis loss, (5) the eddy current loss, and (e) the resistance loss in the primary coil caused by the flow of exciting current. * Art. 114. t Art. 126. 1 Art. 123 a. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 481 The angle by which the exciting current is advanced from lagging quadrature with respect to the voltage is called in this volume the Excitation Angle. Some inaccurately use the term hysteretic angle of advance to express this relation, instead of confining the use of the latter term to the advance caused by hysteresis alone. If the eddy current cycle has a large area, its effect may cause an advancement of the instantaneous maximum point in the exciting current. This would be the case, referring to Fig. 263, if the current curve I f had a maximum greater than the magnetizing current curve 1^. 127. Forms of the Primary Current Waves as affected by Current in the Secondary Winding. — When the secondary cir- cuit is closed, the form of the primary current is changed by the effect of the secondary current. In Fig. 273, curve e x rep- resents the primary impressed voltage; represents the exciting current times the primary turns. Now, if by closing the secondary cir- cuit through re- sistance free of re- actance, a current 1 , g is caused to flow and the instanta- neous values of its ampere-turns are represented by the curve « 2 «2 — the effects of mag- netic leakage are here supposed to be negligible — the effect of the current flowing in the secondary cir- cuit is to cause a corresponding increase in the current flowing in the primary circuit.* The ampere-turns of this increase of the primary cur- rent may be represented by curve n x i^ . The total primary wave of ampere-turns is represented by curve n 1 i v and is the sum of (the exciting ampere-turns) and npq'. The pri- * Art. 118. 2 1 Fig. 273. — Curves showing Effect on Primary Current of a Transformer caused by Current in a Non-reactive Second- ary Circuit. 482 ALTERNATING CURRENTS mary current and its components may be directly shown from this curve by a single change of scale. It is thus shown by the fig- ure that the sec- ondary current, when in phase with the secondary voltage, tends to reduce the distor- tion and lag of the primary current. If the secondary circuit is induct- ive, the effect is altered so that the lag of the primary current is larger, as shown in Fig. 274. In this case n 2 i 2 lags behind e 2 ; and n x i x also lags behind e v The sum of n x i x ' and n^i , which gives n x i v is therefore in a lagging position with respect to e v the angle of lag be- ing largely deter- mined by the angle of lag of i 2 with re- spect to e 2 where is small in compari- son with n 2 i 2 . If the secondary current leads the secondary induced voltage, the curve corresponding to n 2 i 2 leads e 2 , and n 1 i 1 (which is the sum of Fig. 275 . Fig. 274. — Curves showing Effect on Primary Current of a Transformer caused by Current in an Inductive Second- ary Circuit. and nJ ~) also Experimentally Determined Curves of Cur- rent in a Transformer with Open Secondary Circuit. leads e x when is small in comparison with n 2 i 2 . MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 483 Figures 275 and 27 6 show transformer curves experimental- ly observed by Pro- fessor Ryan in 1889,* using sinusoidal im- pressed voltage. These show a strik- ing resemblance to the hypothetical curves built up from the loss cycles. The unmarked half sinus- oid in Fig. 275 is a half cycle of the mag- netic wave, which is Fig. 276. — Experimentally Determined Curves of Cur- rent in a Transformer with slightly Inductive Full Load in Secondary Circuit. in lagging quadrature with the primary impressed voltage. 128. Core Magnetization. — The maximum magnetic density during a period, in the iron core of a transformer, is dependent upon the maximum value of the magnetizing component of the exciting current in the primary circuit, and is equal to T = 4 10 P = 1.257 P where L is the maximum value of the magnetizing current and P is the reluctance of the magnetic circuit, in gilberts, at the time that the current is maximum. Assume, for a moment, that the transformer has a constant reluctance, no magnetic leakage, and neither iron nor copper loss, which is, of course, an ideal case. Then, T = 4V27m 1 J 1 _ 1 777 n 1 I 1 10 P 1 P ’ when the secondary circuit is open. Closing the secondary circuit so that a current may flow in it under the impulse of the induced secondary voltage materially changes the condi- tions. We will neglect hysteresis and eddy current losses in the iron core and resistance losses in the windings, and first assume that the secondary circuit is without reactance in which * Trans. Amer. Inst. E ■ E., Vol. 7, p. 1. 484 ALTERNATING CURRENTS case the secondary current I 2 will be in unison with the induced or secondary voltage E 2 . This current has its own magnetiz- ing effect on the magnetic circuit. If i 1 and i 2 are the primary and secondary currents at any instant, the total magneto- motive force in the circuit at that instant is 4 nT(n x i, + n 2 i 2 ) 10 * where <£>,- is the instantaneous value of the magnetic flux, and P is the assumed constant value of the reluctance of the magnetic circuit. From this is found /10 P4>A h ~ V 4 t rnj ) ( 2 ) If a sinusoidal voltage is impressed upon the primary wind- ing, which under the assumed conditions results in sinusoidal waves of magnetism and current, the instantaneous primary current is . 10 P . n 2 V 2 7, i, — sin a -cos a ; 1 4 irn^ n x but 10 4 7 rrq = V2 7 fl , whence i x = V2 (7^ sin a — n 2 7 2 cos a), (4) n i where a is measured from the zero instant of the cycle of flux, which in this case is in unison with I IL since losses are assumed to be absent. Whence n 1 i 1 = sin a — n 2 I 2 cos «), and ( nfl sin 2 a — 2 n x n 2 I^I 2 sin « cos a + n 2 I 2 cos 2 a) da, (4) where 7, is the effective value of the primary current when the secondary current is equal to 7 2 ; and as before, is the watt- less primary current when the secondary circuit is open. Per- forming the integration gives n 2i2 =n *I l ? + n*I*. ( 5 ) MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 485 Remembering that I and / 2 have, in this case, 90° difference of phase, the three terms of this formula may be represented by the three sides of a right-angled triangle, as in the triangle formed by the points OAB in Fig. 272, in which excitation losses are assumed absent. The current I x amperes, which flows in the primary circuit when the secondary circuit is loaded, is in advance of the current 1^ by an angle the tan- 1 " is here a wattless magnetizing component of the primary current, losses being absent by assumption, it is directly de- pendent on the reluctance of the magnetic circuit and the coun- ter-voltage in the primary coil. As the reluctance is usually small, I is small. When the transformer has an iron core, the exciting current is no longer sinusoidal or in exact leading quadrature with the secondary induced voltage, but is distorted and is advanced by the amount of the excitation angle.* Call this angle 77 , and con- sider it the advance of the equivalent sinusoid substituted for the irregular curve of exciting current. This substitution can be made with sufficient accuracy for this discussion. The magnetism remains, as before, 90° ahead of the induced vol- tage although reluctance varies, so that the following relations obtain : This is the formula of a triangle where 90° — 77 is the angle included between the sides representing and — n 2 I v such as 10P<3> . iUjrcp . /or-/ , \ sin « = V 2 1 sin (oc + 77 ), 4 7 r/q ( 6 ) being the primary exciting current. Substituting, as before, in (3) gives IT Jo — 2 n^I I 2 sin (a + 77 ) cos a -f- n 2 2 I 2 2 cos 2 a) da, or, «i 2 A 2 = n i % 2 + n ‘i l i - 2 sin V = zq 2 // 2 + « 2 2 Z 2 2 - 2 cos (90° - 77 ) . (7) * Art. 125. 486 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OA and AB of the triangle OAB of Fig. 266, in which the effect of excitation losses is shown. 129. The Circle Diagram for Non-reactive Secondary Circuit and Active Voltage Locus. — In a constant voltage transformer the load is zero when the resistance of the secondary circuit is infinite, and the load increases as the secondar} 7 resistance de- creases through the range of normal currents for which the transformer is designed. Then, if leakage reactance is con- sidered constant for all loads, as may be done without appre- ciable error when the frequency of the exciting current is con- stant, its relative effect in causing voltage drop will increase with increase of load. These relations may be neatly shown by a con- struction similar to that discussed before.* Thus, in Fig. 277, OC represents the impressed voltage of a transformer in which, for convenience, a unity ratio of transforma- tion is assumed. The right- angled triangle OG-C is then constructed on OC. The side GO is made equal to the drop of impressed voltage due to the reactive voltage CF of the primary coil and FG of the second- ary coil or — G C = E l = E lLl + The side OG is made equal to the sum of J G , the voltage expended in the resistance of the primary coil R x on account of the flow of the current //, which is equal and opposite to the secondary current _£>, the voltage KJ \ AD 2 ° ’ Fig. 277. - Transformer Diagram for a Trans- which is e( l ual and Opposite former containing Leakage Reactance and to the voltage expended in Non-reactive Secondary External Circuit. the secondary coil resistance R v and the voltage OK , which is equal and opposite to the / * Art. 85. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 487 voltage expended in the load resistance R. In obtaining these voltage drops the exciting component of the primary current is neglected for simplicity, as its effect is ordinarily small. Therefore OG = Ey R< = — / 2 (Ry + R 2 + R) = ly ( /('j + R 2 + R), the ratio of transformation being taken as unity. The sides OG- and GC thus form the right-angled triangle of active and reactive voltages in the transformer. Since GC increases with the current and angle OGC must re- main aright angle for any current,* the locus of the point G , which moves as the current changes, is the arc of a circle with OC as its diameter. In a well-made commercial transformer with its primary and secondary coils divided into parts and sand- wiched together to avoid leakage, the line GC is relatively very short even at full load, so that the point G travels only a short distance from C as the secondary current is increased from zero to the full load current. The point G would be at the point C for all loads if the load and coil reactances were zero. The secondary terminal voltage KO = RI V the voltage in the resistance JK= E 2R ^ or the reactance voltage FG = E 2U of the secondary coil may readily be obtained for any ratio of trans- formation by merely using a scale equal to - times that used in s the original construction and reversing the secondary circuit voltage or current arrow shown in the figure. The total in- duced voltage due to the mutual magnetism of the primary and secondary windings is HO = E 2m = E' lm = —E lm , the ratio of transformation being unity. The voltage drop in the primary coil resistance, due to the current component opposite to the sec- ondary current, is JG =HF= E 1R , and the voltage drop by rea- son of the primary coil reactance is EC = E lLi . The component of primary current used for excitation is indi- cated by the line AO , and is composed of an active component DO, in phase with OC and a quadrature component AD in phase with the core magnetism. The component D 0 is of such value that when multiplied by OC ', the product equals the excitation losses. The exciting current is assumed for the purpose of the diagram to be constant in scalar value and phase position, which * Art. 85. 488 ALTERNATING CURRENTS is sufficiently accurate for most practical cases. Its assumed constant value is usually taken as the amperes flowing in the primary circuit when the secondary circuit is open, i.e. the Open circuit current. On the other hand, the current I 2 of the secondary coil and its opposing element I\ of the primary vary directly with the load or inversely with the impedance. For the present we will continue to consider the load non-reac- tive and the leakage reactances constant. Then we have a case equivalent to a circuit having variable resistance and fixed in- ductive reactance. In such a circuit, as was proved earlier,* the locus of the current vector is a semicircle, located in the first trigonometrical quadrant, with its diameter on the X-axis, one end being at the origin. The diameter of this semicircle was shown to be equal to the impressed voltage divided by the reactance. In Fig. 277, OC may correctly be used as the vol- tage absorbed in the primary, secondary, and load impedances, by the flow of the secondary current, or its primary opposing component, as heretofore explained. Then a semicircle with its center on OV extended, as shown at OBT \ with a diameter equal to OC divided by the combined leakage reactances m , that is, equal to K „ , is the locus of the end of Xiu+Xu. OB ( = J 7 1 ) or of the secondary current vector reversed. In this case, X, the reactance of the external secondary load is assumed to be zero, that is, the load is non-reactive. When the primary triangle of voltages is OGC, the secondary current is B 0, which is in phase with the active element of the voltage, JO = X 2(/?2 + ^). The primary current is then the vector AB = AO + OB. The secondary current can be read directly from the diagram for any ratio of transformation by using a scale with s times as many amperes to the inch as that used in the construction. If the impressed voltage, kilowatt capacity, exciting current as a percentage of full load current, core losses in percentage of kilowatt capacity, and the resistances and reactances of the coils and load of a transformer are known, the construction, such as shown in Fig. 277, can at once be made. From this the primary and secondary currents are scaled off on AB and BO in amperes. The angle of lag of the primary *Art. 70, Case (1). MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 489 current is the angle B WO. The angle of lag of the sec- ondary current is the angle between the terminal voltage KO = E % and the current BO = I V which angle is zero under the circumstances here assumed. The per cent regulation for the given load is one hundred times the ratio of 00— OK to OK, as- suming unity ratio of transformation. The various reactance and resistance drops are measured along G-0 and 0G- respectively. The power received from the mains is 00 times the projec- tion of AB thereupon, or W { = E X I X cos 6 V The power absorbed in the load is KO times BO or W„= E^I V which, though ob- tained in the diagram for a transformer with ratio of transfor- mation (s) equal to unity is also true without change when s has any other value, since the primary equivalent voltage is divided by, and the current multiplied by, s to reduce to secondary values. The total power losses in the transformer are : exciting current losses BO x 00; the primary coil copper loss due to current OB, JO x OB ; and the secondary copper loss, JK x BO. The sum of these losses subtracted from the power input equals the power output. The commercial efficiency of the trans- IT former is the total output divided by the total input or 77 = — ° . W i Changing the position of B to various points on its locus OBT and moving O along the semicircle OMO so that OO is kept in the same direction as OB, permits the determination of the entire transformer performance for any value of the secon- dary current or fraction of the rated capacity of the trans- former. When the reactive voltage OO is very short, as in the case of a well-made commercial transformer supplying, for example, an in- candescent lamp circuit, the line OKJO almost coincides with the line 00. In this case the locus OBT has such a large diame- ter that it is almost a vertical straight line from no load to full load ; then, if OA, for the particular character of the calcula- tion in question, may be considered of negligible length, KO, AB, and BO may be considered without serious error to vary with the load up and down the line 00, and the calculation of the transformer regulation resolves itself into the simple prob- lem of three resistance drops in series. The three resistances causing these drops are the fixed resistances of the primary and secondary coils and the variable resistance of the load. 490 ALTERNATING CURRENTS In the foregoing discussion AO was considered constant. Though approximately true this is not exactly the case, as the magnetizing current must be proportional to the total mutually induced voltage HO, and leading it by an angle of 90° plus the excitation angle of advance. An approximately accurate cor- rection to calculations can be made, when necessary, by giving A 0, for each load, such a length that it will have the same ratio to OH that the open circuit current has to 00, and also turning it to such a position that it maintains the constant angular relation to OH. Inasmuch as the construction of the length OH is dependent upon the resistance drop HF, the length and phase of HF must be corrected if great accuracy is desired so as to include the drop of voltage due to exci- tation losses. The diagram presupposes, also, that the reluctance of the core is constant for all loads, and that the leakage paths are free from iron losses. These assumptions for commercial transformers introduce no great error. The further assumption that the voltages and currents are sinusoidal may, under some circumstances, require correction, as when resonance is present for some of the harmonics. The effects of irregular waves of voltage and current will be treated later. For ordinary trans- former calculations it is usual to assume that the voltage and currents are sinusoidal. 130. Circle Diagram where the Transformer Load contains Constant Reactance and Variable Resistance. — Suppose now, without changing the unity ratio of transformation or other as- sumptions, that the load contains inductive reactance X, then the construction shown in Fig. 277 may be conveniently modi- fied as in Fig. 278. Here the component of the impressed voltage OC, used in overcoming the total reactive voltage, is QC, in which OF and F(J are the primary and secondary coil re- active voltages respectively and GrQ the load reactive voltage transferred to the primary circuit. The total active voltage in phase with the component of the primary current which is equal and opposite to the current in the secondary coil is OQ. This is expended in the resistance of the coils and load. The secondary terminal voltage is KO , and is composed of KK , which is equal and opposite to the reactive voltage of the load, and K'O, which is the voltage drop in the load resistance. The secondary angle of lag 0 2 the an gl e X' OK. The dia- MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 491 gram is similar in construction to that of Fig. 277, and its further description and use may be ob- tained by the pre- ceding discussion concerning the latter. Electrostatic ca- pacity in the load tends to neutralize the self-inductance of the primary and secondary coils.* Thus, if capacity is introduced into the secondary circuit of such value that the capacity voltage equals the inductive ^78. — Transformer Diagram showing the Effect of 1 _ . _. Inductive Reactance in the Secondary External Circuit. voltage (xQ m big. 278, the reactive voltage remaining is (7(7, and the construction becomes like Fig. 277. If the capacity increases, the point (7 moves toward (7, reaching it when the capacity voltage equals the inductive voltage CQ. Because of this increase of capacity, the diameter of the current locus OB T changes from the value X, X Ul + to the value A. x lLi +x^+x L -x c , where X c is E the capacity reactance, and the diameter becomes equal to — = when the capacity reactance in the denominator is equal to the sum of the inductive reactances. For each increase in capacity a locus corresponding to OBT must be drawn with a diame- ter larger than the last, until the capacity balances the self-inductance, when the diameter becomes infinite so that the arc of the circle coincides with 00. When the capacity vol- tage exceeds CQ, the system acts as one having resistance and capacity alone, and the current takes a leading angle determined by the excess of capacity reactance; then the point Q has a * Arts. 81 and 82. 492 ALTERNATING CURRENTS locus on the left of OC , as shown in Fig. 279. Thus the current locus is a semicircle to the left of OC, such as OB^T', and has a diameter equal to the impressed voltage divided by the net excess of capacity reactance. This is in accord with the theorem earlier proved * for a circuit having constant capacity- reactance and variable resistance. Otherwise the diagram is essentially as in the case of an inductively reactive circuit, ex- cept that the primary current is somewhat smaller and the angle of lead somewhat less than would have been the current and lag angle for an equal net amount of inductive reactance instead of capacity reactance. This is because the exciting component of the current, which need move its vector position only slightly under ordinary conditions and is here considered stationary, is in a different phase position in the two instances with relation to the remaining component of the primary current. Figure 279 shows the conditions assumed above when the secondary current is of the same value as in Figs. 277 and 278. The lettering is similar in the three figures. In Fig. 279 is shown the impressed voltage 0(7; the active voltage locus for inductive and capacity reactances, which is the circle OMCN ; the current locus OBT where the net predominance of inductive voltage is CQ, as in Fig. 278 ; the current locus OB^T where the net predominance of capacity voltage is CQQ ; and the current locus OCT" when inductive and capacity voltages neutralize each other or are both negligible. To determine the lengths and phase positions of the lines rep- resenting the vectors of mutually induced primary voltage and the secondary terminal voltage, take, for example, the internal and load reactive voltages of Fig. 278, which are reproduced in the line CQ of Fig. 279, and suppose a net excess of capacity reactive voltage is represented by the line CQJ. To give this excess, the total capacity voltage must then he equal to CQ / plus a voltage equal and opposite to the inductive voltage. The point QQ is fixed by the length QQ C and the locus of the active voltage ONC ; therefore, the total capacity voltage may he laid out from QJ to Q', the length of CQ' being equal to CQ but its direction being in quadrature with the current OB x ' and therefore in line with Q^ C. The part of CQ' represented Art. 70, Case (1). MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 493 by G'Q' neutralizes the effect on the transformer of the load inductance. The triangle of voltages at the secondary termi- nals is then OK^ K' and the impressed voltage OC may be con- sidered to be applied in the following components : OK^ , which Fig. 279. — Transformer Locus Diagram showing the Effects of Capacity or Induc- tance Predominant or Equal. is equal and opposite to the secondary active voltage ; K' which is equal and opposite to the secondary capacity voltage in excess of the inductive voltage of the load ; K'J the drop equal and opposite to the drop in the secondary coil resistance ; J 1 H ' , the drop equal to the secondary leakage voltage ; H'F’, the 494 ALTERNATING CURRENTS drop in the primary coil resistance ; and F'O, the drop equal and opposite to the primary leakage voltage. The total pri- mary mutually induced voltage is H' 0 and the total secondary terminal voltage is K' 0. The coil resistance drops may be transferred from K J' Gr' to the active voltage line at and the diagram then becomes similar to those previously dis- cussed. The secondary angle of lead is the angle K' OK j' and the primary angle of lead is the angle between the lines CO and B^A extended. When inductive and capacity reactances neutralize, as when the current locus is OCT ", the line Q^Q' swings to a horizontal position and Q^C=CQ' ; the coil impedance triangle CGr'K' therefore swings down so that its side CG-' is horizontal. It is thus seen from Fig. 279 that for a given angle between the current and impressed voltage the value of H' 0 is greater when the capacity reactance is in excess compared with its value when inductive reactance is in excess, but for commercial con- stant voltage transformers operating with ordinary power factors and normal secondary currents, the change of H’ 0 , the mutually induced primary voltage, in either length or position is not great. When neither inductance nor capacity is present, H' 0 swings into the line 0(7, and in practice it usually remains close thereto. The circular arcs 0T 2 , 0T 2 ', and 0T 2 " are the circular loci that would be made by the secondary currents had they been drawn outward from 0 instead of inward as shown in Fig. 279. When these arcs are used, a phase instead of a vector dia- gram of the currents results. Prob. 1. Given a 60-cycle transformer of 100 kilowatts rated capacity, in which the primary voltage is 2200 volts, the ratio of transformation, ^l, is 20, the copper loss at full load 2 per n 2 cent of the rated capacity and equally divided between the primary and secondary coils, the iron loss 1 per cent of the transformer rated capacity, the exciting current (assumed con- stant) 2 amperes, and the drop of voltage at full load due to magnetic leakage 1 J, per cent of the impressed voltage when current is being delivered to a non-reactive secondary circuit : Draw for this transformer a large transformer diagram similar to Fig. 277. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 495 (Note. — For convenience use secondary quantities in terms of primary equivalents in making the diagram. After its completion read off the correct secondary quantities by changing the scale. The point G for full load may be found by laying out GC so that OG is 1’ per cent less in length than OC. Since OG is the active component of OC it is proportional to the terminal voltage plus the 2 per cent allowed for copper losses, and KG is therefore 0 ° per cent of OG, while KO is the primary equivalent of the secondary terminal voltage E 2 at the full load of 100 kilowatts. Divide 100,000 (the load in watts) by the number giving the volts represented by the scale length of KO, and the value of amperes in the full load secondary current, — //, is obtained, expressed in primary equivalents. Then the total primary equivalent leakage reactance X L is approximately the volts CG divided by and the diameter of the current locus is . Make 01) of a length which represents in amperes that number which wdien multiplied by the volts represented by OC gives one per cent of the transformer’s rated capac- ity. This fixes the phase angle of OA under the assumption that the mag- netizing element of the current is constant in A T alue and at right angles to OC.) Assuming the exciting current constant in length and phase position, find the primary and secondary currents, the secondary terminal voltage, the primary and secondary angles of lag and the regulation (ratio of primary voltage minus secondary ter- minal voltage in terms of the primary to primary voltage) for full load and for 25 per cent, 50 per cent, 75 per cent, and 125 per cent of full load. Prob. 2. Assume the same specifications as in Prob. 1 for the transformer and conditions there specified, except that the power factor of the load has become 0.9 on account of the in- troduction of self-inductance. Draw the diagram and compute the currents, voltages, angles of lag, and regulation as required in Prob. 1. Also give the amount (in henrys) of self-inductance introduced into the load. Prob. 3. Assume the same specifications as in Prob. 1 except that the secondary circuit contains a net capacity reactance, so that the power factor of the load is .9, with current leading. Draw the diagrams and compute the currents, voltages, angles of lag, and regulation as required in Prob. 1. Find the amount (in microfarads) of capacity in the secondary circuit. 131. Short Circuits. — As explained in the preceding articles, the point 6r in a transformer diagram, such as Fig. 277, does 496 ALTERNATING CURRENTS not, for the ordinary working power factors and loads used in commercial, constant voltage transformers, move far from the point C, within the practicable ranges of continuous load. If, however, for any reason, the terminals of the secondary winding are connected together — short-circuited — through a negligible resistance, the secondary terminal voltage KO becomes zero and Gr swings around the semicircle until iTlies on 0. This means that the primary and secondary currents may become enormous compared with the maximum currents for which the transformer was designed and will be approximately equal to Hj - l , where E x is the impressed voltage, and Z x is the combined A impedance of the primary and secondary coils — the latter re- duced to primary equivalents. The conditions are represented in Fig. 280, where the current locus is OBB' T, the voltage locus OMCN , the rated full load Fig. 280. — Transformer Diagram showing Conditions when the Secondary Termi- nals are Short-circuited. secondary current BO , the primary and secondary impedance voltage triangles HFC and KJH respectively, the diagram being lettered to correspond with Fig. 277. All secondary quantities are shown, as heretofore, as primary equivalents : and, as before, the coil impedances are exaggerated for the sake of clearness in the diagram. When the secondary terminals are short-circuited, Gr moves to Gr 1 and the entire impressed voltage OC is expended in MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 497 driving current through the coil impedances as shown by the triangles H'F' C and K'J'H'. The secondary current is B' 0, which is several times larger than BO. The mutually induced primary voltage here becomes H' 0 , which is out of phase with HO and is much shorter. Since H' 0 must be proportional to the magnetic flux which is mutual to the primary and secondary windings, this means that the mutual flux in the core decreases with the increase of magnetic leakage and resistance drop caused by the extraordinarily large currents and the accompanying large magneto-motive forces impressed on the leakage paths. Exciting current AO can no longer be considered constant but must be changed by reducing its vertical (active) component in a ratio approximately equal to 6 •> and, supposing that the core reluctance remains approximately constant, reducing its hori- zontal (reactive) component in the ratio of • It is then A'O and the primary current is A'B ' . For the sake of making a clear diagram of small dimensions, the leakage and copper drops have been greatly exaggerated in Figs. 277, 278, 279, and 280, as compared with the values they would have in large, well-designed, commercial transformers in- tended for constant voltage working. In such transformers the radius of the semicircle OBB' T would be many times larger than is shown in Figs. 277, 278, 279, and 280, and the point B would move farther along the semicircle towards T in case of short circuit, so that OB' may become enormously larger in proportion to the full load current than is shown in Fig. 280. The coils of a transformer are usually wound close together, as seen in Fig. 46, or are sandwiched together in sections, to prevent undue magnetic leakage, and are bound and supported only by insulating materials. When a short circuit occurs, the forces tending to repel the primary and secondary coils one from the other, by reason of th'e large currents and excessive leakage fluxes (proportional to F'C and Gr' F' in Fig. 280), may become very great. The primary and secondary currents being substantially in opposition, the forces set up between them, by virtue of their magnetic leakage fluxes, are of repulsion. Also, the leakage fluxes being proportional to the currents in primary and secondary coils, this repulsion is proportional to 2k 498 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the product of the currents, and as the secondary and primary currents of a transformer approximately vary together, the mechanical force exerted between the coils is closely propor- tional to the square of the current flowing in either winding. The mechanical strains thus set up in a small transformer which becomes short-circuited may not exceed the strength of the insulating supports of the coils. In the case of large trans- formers the short-circuit currents become larger in proportion to the rated full load currents, because of the proportionately lower resistances of the windings of the larger machines, and the fluxes are larger, hence, the electro-magnetic stresses may be- come very great if short circuits occur. For transformers, of similar physical form but different sizes, the stresses referred to may increase in proportion to the squares of the rated loads; so that of two transformers, one of which has a capacity of 10 kilowatts and the other of 1000 kilowatts, the repulsion strain on conductors of the second may be in the neighborhood of 10,000 times as great as in the first. The result is that the windings of very large transformers are sometimes torn to pieces, as by an explosion, when the secondary circuits are acci- dentally short-circuited. The burning out of the coils, due to the excessive I 2 R losses, when a short circuit is maintained, will occur as in any other electrical machine or circuit, but injury from repulsion may oc- cur before the circuit is broken by a burn-out or by the action of an automatic circuit breaker. The computation of the electro-magnetic stresses has been attempted and may be ac- complished to some degree of approximation.* 132. Locus of Current in a Transformer when the Load Re- actance is varied and the Resistance is kept Constant. Relation of Power Factor to Capacity. — In the discussions just preceding, the load and coil reactances of a constant voltage transformer were considered to be constant while the resistance varied. It is also possible to have a load in which the resistance is ap- proximately constant while the power factor varies because of changing inductive or capacity reactance, as when the load comprises a synchronous motor operating at constant torque but with various field excitations, f Consider a case of the latter kind and assume the transformer to have negligible mag- * Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E., Vol. 30. t Art. 160. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 499 netic leakage. Then let 00 in Fig. 281 be the impressed vol- tage. The voltage locus is OMON \ as before. Consider first that the load and coil reactances are zero. Then the voltages of the primary and secondary coils induced by the mutual flux lie on the line 0(7, if the slight deviation therefrom due to Resistance is maintained Constant. the small element of impressed voltage in phase with the ex- citing current is neglected. The line 00 represents the im- pressed voltage on the primary coil ; HO is the primary voltage drop in the primary coil resistance ; KH is the primary vol- tage drop due to the secondary coil resistance (the ratio of trans- formation is taken as unity for convenience) ; OK is the primary voltage drop due to the resistance of the load ; HO 500 ALTERNATING CURRENTS is the mutually induced voltage. In this case, for ease in con- struction, the secondary current is scaled so that it equals OC in length. It will coincide with that line because there is no appreciable reactance present. Now if positive or negative reactance is introduced so that the apex of the right-angled triangle of voltages takes any posi- tion on the locus OMON as Q ' , Q" , or Q'", the ends of the lines representing the current vectors for the various conditions will also fall on the locus OMCN ; for it was proved in an earlier chapter that when a circuit contains variable reactance and con- stant resistance, the locus of the current is a circle having a di- ameter lying in the line of the impressed voltage and equal to the impressed voltage divided by the resistance, or — . This is R the maximum current and is represented by 00 in Fig. 281. The diameter of the circular locus is equal to this current. The secondary current for a certain positive reactance is then Q' 0 and the primary current for the same reactance is AQ' , where AO is the exciting current. The line CH'K' being drawn perpendicular to CQ' and K' K\ being parallel thereto, the mutually induced voltage, if there is no magnetic leakage in the coils, but when the reactance voltage of the load is CQ', is H' 0, and the primary and secondary coil resistance drops are respectively J\Q' = H'C and K\J\ = K'H ' . The total ac- tive primary voltage is OQ' = K' 0 + OK' v and the secondary terminal voltage is K' -f). It will be noted from the construc- tion that as Q moves along its locus by reason of a change of reactance, K moves around a circle having a diameter OK, and H describes a circle with a diameter OH. The smaller circle is evidently the locus of the mutually induced voltage HO and of the resistance voltage drop HO of the primary coil, and the larger circle is the locus of the resistance drop KO of the pri- mary and secondary coils combined. When magnetic leakage is present, the diagram for a non- inductive load is as in Fig. 277. In Fig. 281 the coil voltage drops are’ similarly shown for a non-reactive load where mag- netic leakage is present, by the lines F X C, H 1 F V J 1 H V and K X J V and the secondary current is then on the line Gq 0. Then when reactance is introduced into the load and Q moves on * Art. 70, Case 2. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 501 the locus OMCN , the figure CGr 1 K l H l swings around and remaining symmetrical diminishes in size when the current de- creases, as did the line OK when leakage was absent. When Q reaches 0, the secondary current becomes zero and only the exciting current remains in the primary circuit, for then the reactive voltage equals the impressed voltage minus the small component required to drive the exciting current through the primary coil. As this requires infinite reactance it is equiva- lent to a transformer with the secondary circuit open. The right- hand semicircle OQ' C is the current locus for varying net in- ductance and OQ"' C for varying net capacity. The broken arc of a circle M 2 0N 2 is of the circular locus that would be formed if the secondary currents for varying induct- ance were drawn outward from 0 instead of inward. Prob. 1. Given a 50-kilowatt 60-cycle transformer transform- ing from 2200 to 220 volts, in which the primary and secondary coil resistances are .8 and .008 ohm respectively, the core losses 100 watts (assumed constant), the exciting current .3 of an ampere, and the magnetic leakage negligible. When the load resistance is maintained such that the output is equal to 50 kilowatts, the primary voltage being 2200 volts, what are the primary and secondary currents for power factors of 1, .8, .5, and .2, for both positive and negative secondary angles of lag? 133. The Use of Equivalent Impedances in Solving Transformer Problems. Vector Formulas. — It is possible to substitute im- pedance coils for the transformer which will duplicate the trans- former diagrams in Figs. 277 to 281. Thus, in Fig. 282, Z v Z v M N P Fig. 282. — Combination of Impedances Equivalent to the Impedances of a Transformer. and Z represent three sets of impedances connected in series which are equal respectively to the impedances of the primary coil, Z x = V + A u 2 , the secondary coil, Z 2 — V Ii 2 2 + X 2L 2 , and the load, Z — Vi? 2 + A 2 , of a transformer after its secon- 502 ALTERNATING CURRENTS dary quantities have been reduced to primary equivalents. A branch, which carries a current equal to the exciting current, is connected across the main circuit at MT. The arm R c is of such resistance that an active current flows which when multi' plied by the impressed voltage, E v gives a product equal to the no load losses (see DO , Fig. 277); while the arm X m is such a reactance as will permit the flow of the proper magnetizing element {AD, Fig. 277) of the exciting current; the two com- bine to give the total exciting current I^{AO, Fig. 277). Under this arrangement the impressed voltage and current of the series of impedances are E v 1^, the load voltage and current are E v I 2 ; and the angles of lag are 0 V 0 V These and component voltages and currents are as shown in Figs. 277 to 281; the particular figure and the character of the loci which apply depending upon the dimensions and character of the various impedances. In order that the combination may be a complete reproduc- tion of conditions of a transformer the exciting current path should shunt the second impedance and load at XS. The current flowing in it would then be proportional to the voltage induced in the primary coil by the mutual flux {SO, Fig. 277 and other figures) and its vector would make a constant angle therewith, instead of being proportional to and at a fixed angle with the impressed voltage. The first arrangement is sufficiently accurate for ordinary calculations and is a less complicated arrangement. It is noticed that by the substitution of impedances the solution of transformer problems becomes in principle equivalent to the simple solutions of circuits dealt with quite extensively in an earlier chapter.* The vector equations necessary for determining the most im- portant characteristics of the transformer may be readily writ- ten from Fig. 282, thus: Considering the first arrangement of impedances illustrated in Fig. 282, the total impedance offered to the impressed voltage bv the main circuit J\INPQ is Zq = Z 1 + Zy -(- Z , Z 0 = {R t -(- R 2 + It ) ■+■ j {X 1L + A 2i ± X) ; where Z v R v and X 1L are the impedance, resistance, and leak- * Al t. 86. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 503 age reactance respectively of the first coil, Z v R v and X 2i of the second coil, and Z, R, and X of the load; X is negative when capacity reactance predominates in the load. Let the first term on the light equal R t and the second equal ±jX t . The admittance of the circuit is then Y — ^ 0 R ? + X , 2 L 3 R? + X? and the current flowing through it, when the voltage E 1 is impressed, is R,R t , E,X t , /.’r+x; 2 J R? + X? The two terms in the right-hand member of this equation rep- resent respectively the active and reactive components of I±. This current represents the secondary current in a transformer having a unity ratio of transformation and the resistances and reactances of the windings are as denoted in Fig. 282, the vector . angle being measured from the impressed voltage E v The total primary current flowing is I\ J\ T I ix ! Ifx — Ic 3 Y m , where _Z^, I c , and I m are the total exciting current and its active and reactive components respectively when referred to the impressed voltage E 1 as the initial vector direction. Then, calling X\Rt _ j R? + X? R ‘ and x,x t r R? + X 2 there results I\ — (Ir, + Ic) —j(Im ± I, t ). The angle of lag between E v the impressed voltage, and I v the total current that would flow in the primary winding of the equivalent transformer, is tan 1 Im ± I.X t I Rt d” Ic The total voltage across the second coil and load, which is equal and opposite to the total mutually induced primary and secondary coil voltages in the equivalent transformer of unity ratio of transformation, is Ej 1 = I 1 , Z 2 + 7/Z — I\(H 2 + H) I J Ii'(X iL ± X). 504 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The voltage across the load is E 2 = I 1 'Z=I 1 'R±jI 1 'X . , and the angle of lag of 1^ with respect to E 2 is # 2 = tan -1 -^p, which is the secondary angle of lag in the equivalent trans- former. The power input is -Eqij cos 6 l ; the power output, E 2 I 2 cos 0 2 ; the excitation losses are I^R C \ the coil resistance losses due to // are T 1 ,2 K 1 and I 1 ' 2 E 2 . The regulation for any load, neg- lecting the small drop due to the exciting current, is — — 2 , -®i where E 2 is the voltage across an impedance which is equivalent to that load. The commercial efficiency, or the ratio of the output to the input for any load, can be readily calculated from the data obtained by the formulas above. If any difficulty attaches to a clear understanding of the formulas just given, it is well to lay out impedance and admit- tance triangles for the equivalent impedances and admittances (Fig. 283) exactly as is done in Chapter VI, though reference to Figs. 277 and 281 may serve as well, as they repre- sent voltage and current diagrams of the same general character. After the data required for a transformer Fig. 283. — Impedance Diagram obtained from are obtained by the use of Equivalent Transformer Impedances. equivalent impedances, which requires the reduction of the secondary quantities to primary equivalents, the secondary currents and voltages may be stated in their correct values by multiplying and dividing respectively by the ratio of transformation s. Prob. 1. A 500-kilowatt, 60-cycle, 5500-volt (nominal pri- mary voltage) transformer having a ratio of transformation of 20 to 1 develops its full capacity with a voltage of 230 volts at the secondary terminals. At full load the copper losses in the primary and secondary coils are for each ^ per cent of the trans- former’s output. The drop in voltage at full load due to mag- MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 505 netic leakage is 1 per cent of the no load voltage. The iron losses are 1 per cent of the full load output, and the exciting current is 2 amperes. The load reactance causes the current to lead the secondary terminal voltage by an angle of 30°. Find by the method given in this article the primary voltage, pri- mary current, and primary angle of lag, and the secondary cur- rent. Find, also, the primary current, and the secondary vol- tage and current when the rated voltage (5500 volts) is impressed on the primary winding, the power factor of the load being as before. Give the regulation and efficiency in each case. Answer the same questions when the load is reduced to one half rated capacity (250 kilowatts), assuming that the iron losses and exciting current do not change. 134. The Effect of Harmonics in the Waves of Voltage and Current upon the Operation of a Transformer. — If the primary voltage impressed on a constant voltage transformer in a single phase circuit contains harmonics, the harmonics are transmitted into the voltage of the secondary circuit, since the form of the wave of magnetism in the core is determined by the form of the impressed voltage wave after the small part that is absorbed in copper losses has been deducted, and the mutually induced secondary voltage is at each instant proportional to — Ctb If the secondary circuit contains considerable capacity re- actance and comparatively small resistance, the higher harmonics of the secondary voltage cause exaggerated current harmonics.* The magneto-motive forces of these secondary current harmonics would affect the magnetic flux of the core and they must be off- set by opposing magneto-motive forces in the primary winding, which results in harmonics of current flowing in the primary circuit that are equivalent to those in the secondary circuit. Thus, irregular voltages and currents in the circuits to which a transformer is attached act very much as would be the case if the transformer was replaced by the equivalent network dis- cussed in the previous article. As the exciting current of a transformer is quite irregular in form, it contains harmonics of relatively large amplitude. Therefore, in a circuit containing a large number of unloaded or lightly loaded transformers, conditions may arise under * Art. 69. ,506 ALTERNATING CURRENTS which the resultant flow of irregular current may prove troublesome. The principal harmonic in the exciting current of higher frequency than the fundamental when the impressed voltage is sinusoidal is the third, although the fifth also may be observed. The conditions may be understood from Fig. 263, which shows a hysteresis and eddy current cycle and the current wave required to produce a sinusoidal magnetic flux. The quadrature component of current is peaked as a result of the increased reluctance caused by partial saturation of the iron toward the top of the flux wave, which occurs at even the relatively low magnetic densities used in transformers. This symmetrical peaking of the quadrature current compo- nent indicates a prominent third harmonic therein. No matter what the primary voltage wave may be like, the secondary voltage wave must have practically the same form, the exciting current and magnetization curves varying to meet this requirement. When the voltage curve is peaked, the magnetization curve is flattened and does not reach so high a maximum as for an equivalent sine curve ; and conversely, when the voltage curve is flat, the magnetization curve will be peaked, as has been hereinafter proved in Art. 157. Since the iron losses of a transformer depend upon the maximum value of the magnetic flux in the core, it is to be expected that a peaked voltage curve will cause minimum iron losses. Roessler has shown that the iron losses of a transformer depend upon the ratio of the average value of the voltage wave to its effective value, i.e. upon the Form Factor. Steinmetz cites a case where the losses in a 200-kilowatt transformer were 13 per cent less when worked on a peaked curve than when a sine curve was im- pressed. The change in full load efficiency is, however, very slight in ordinary commercial practice, although the “all da}'” efficiency may be considerably affected by the form of the vol- tage wave impressed on a transformer which runs for any con- siderable part of the day very lightly loaded. Generally speak- ing, constant voltage transformers have the best efficiencies when operated on circuits having peaked voltage waves. Ex- perience shows that alternating current arc lights give the best results when worked on a flat-topped curve, while a sine curve is most convenient for the operation of synchronous motors and gives the best efficiency in the operation of induction motors. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 507 The last statement is shown later to be theoretically correct.* Since a transformer may be required to supply any one of these kinds of loads, an approximate sine wave probably gives the best general results. 135. Effects of Changes of Frequency and Voltage. — The for- mulas giving the voltages developed in the coils of an unloaded transformer, ^ = 2 V2 7 T<&fn 1 0 8 1 and -E" 2 — -%J2 V f show that if the maximum value of the magnetic flux in the core of a transformer is fixed, then for a given impressed vol- tage the number of turns in the coils must vary inversely with the frequency. To design transformers for all frequencies with a fixed value of the maximum magnetic flux is not an economi- cal plan, however, since the core loss per cubic centimeter of iron depends upon the frequency. If a certain core loss is de- termined upon as being that which will give the most satis- factory general results in the case of a transformer of given size and for a given duty, then the magnetic density in the core must be designed to be smaller as the frequency is made larger. This may be seen from the fact that the eddy current loss varies as the square of the frequency, and the hysteresis loss as the first power of the frequency, other things being equal. Since the former is not uncommonly between one tenth and one fourth of the latter, this makes the total core losses vary somewhere between the first and second powers of the frequency, if the maximum magnetic density is designed to be the same for all transformers. The eddy current loss also varies as the square of the maximum magnetic density, and hys- teresis loss varies with some degree of approximation within the limits of transformer practice, as the 1.6th power of the maximum density. Consequently, the total losses vary as some power of the maximum density between the 1.6th and the second. It is thus shown that the core losses will not be greatly changed if the maximum magnetic density, within reasonable limits, varies inversely with the frequency. Now it is evident from the formula that, if the turns and voltage re- main unchanged, when the frequency changes, the maximum flux * Art. 198. t Art. 122. 508 ALTERNATING CURRENTS will change inversely ; hence a transformer should give nearly the same efficiency for currents of different frequencies reason- ably near that for which it was designed, only a small rate of increase of the iron losses occurring as the frequency decreases ; and the number of turns in the coils may be nearly the same in a series of transformers of equal capacities designed for the same voltages but different frequencies. This statement is made under the supposition that the lower frequencies do not call for a maximum magnetic flux which exceeds the saturation point of the magnetic core. Changing the frequency alters the quadrature component of the exciting current in a proportion which depends upon the saturation of the core, and transformers built of poor material, or which operate with their cores near the point of saturation when used on normal frequency, may give unsatisfactory service and overheat on lower frequencies than their normal, on account of an excessive magnetic density and an excessive exciting current. Transformers under these circumstances may have poor regulation due to large copper drop and increased magnetic leakage. This is seen from the voltage formula, where d>/ must be constant while is constant. It will be seen also from the formula that raising E x above the rated value tends to cause a greater maximum flux , so that even if the insulation will stand an increased voltage, the increase cannot go beyond the point where the core becomes saturated, without causing ex- cessive core losses and an excessive flow of exciting current. Since the rates of variation of the hysteresis and eddy cur- rent losses with the frequency and with the reciprocal of the maximum magnetic density are not exactly the same, it is to be expected that the efficiency of a transformer, so far as it is affected by the iron losses, will vary to some degree with the frequency. Since the flux density varies inversely as the frequency of the impressed voltage in any particular transformer, as is shown, by the foregoing formula, and the eddy current loss is propor- tional on the one hand to the square of the frequency and on the other hand to the square of the flux density, a variation of the frequency leaves the eddy current loss substantially unaf- fected, provided the paths for the flow of the eddy currents do not change. In the case of the hysteresis loss, different consid- MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 509 erations arise, for this loss is proportional to /T 1 - 6 , while in any particular transformer is proportional to 1//. The conse- quence is that the hysteresis loss in a particular transformer, when the frequency is varied, changes proportionally with l//- 6 . In first class modern transformers, the eddy current loss is usually much smaller than the hysteresis loss, and the efficiency of a particular transformer increases appreciably as the frequency of the impressed voltage is increased. Transformers of equal outputs but for different frequencies may be built with windings having like numbers of turns but with the cross sections of the cores inversely proportional to the frequency. The magnetic density would then be the same in all the transformers. This is unsatisfactory, however, since it makes low frequency transformers large and expensive ; and since the weight of iron in a core must vary more rapidly than the cross section, this method of construction also causes com- paratively large core losses in low frequency transformers and gives them comparatively low efficiency. The conclusion is therefore derived that the core and wind- ings of a well-designed and well-constructed transformer will be satisfactory in performance for small variations in frequency, but that transformers designed for high and low frequencies respectively should be made with such numbers of turns, weights of iron, and magnetic densities as will give in each case the efficiency and regulation sought. With the modern high grade alloy steels the hysteresis is so much less than in common steels and irons that it is possible to carry the magnetic density well toward the point of saturation for all frequencies, and this is now standard practice. The modern standard frequencies in this country are 60 cycles per second for lighting and small power purposes, 25 cycles per second for alternating current railroad and large power units, and sometimes 40 cycles per second for combined lighting and power circuits. 136. Transformer Iron and Steel. — Early experience showed that the core losses in some transformers increased to a very con- siderable extent during the first few months of operation. The increase in losses was found to be due to increased hysteresis loss per cycle, and was originally ascribed by Ewing to magnetic fatigue of the iron. Later it was conclusively proved by 510 ALTERNATING CURRENTS experiments and the records of transformer manufacturers to be caused by the continuous condition of heightened tempera- ture at which the iron is operated. This effect of Ageing seems to have the greatest effect upon poor qualities of iron, hastily and imperfectly annealed, and the least effect upon the best grades of iron which have been annealed with great care. The conditions under which the annealing of transformer iron is performed, especially with reference to temperature and dura- tion of the process, have much to do with the extent of the ageing effect, and by proper annealing it can be rendered very small in cores made of proper qualities of iron. The iron formerly and now much used for transformer cores is a very mild steel made by either the bessemer or open-hearth process, though puddled iron sheets were formerly used to some extent. But the magnetic material most approved at the present day is an alloy of silicon with mild steel. This is steel containing from 2 1 to 4 or more per cent of silicon, called silicon steel. Such steels are harder and more difficult to make and work, so that they are more expensive than ordinary soft steel. But these steels are apparently little affected by ageing — which sometimes increases the hysteresis losses in ordinary steels as much as 100 and 150 per cent after the metal has been in service in a transformer core for a few months. Further, these new steels have a lower hysteretic constant, and trans- former cores made of some of them waste from 35 to 45 per cent less power in hysteresis than do the ordinary steels. They also possess higher specific resistances, and this reduces eddy current losses. Thus, for the same efficiency and duty a trans- former can be built having a core of the best transformer silicon steel at a much less weight per kilowatt capacity, than when any one of most of the standard soft steels is used. This is be- cause the magnetic density can be increased from 45 to 65 per cent, without increasing the loss due to hysteresis, which re- sults in a consequent reduction in the cross section of the core and a resultant lessening of the length of wire per turn.* A fair value for the hysteretic constant for good soft transformer steel is .0021 and for silicon steel .00094 in terms of watts per pound and per cycle.* In Fig. 284 the curves A and A' are plotted from the hysteresis equation f and show the hysteresis * Trans. A. I. E. E., Yol. 28, p. 439; also Vol. 30. t Art. 106. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 511 loss in watts per cubic centimeter and per pound of metal when the frequency of magnetic cycles is 100 per second and the hysteresis constant is rj = .0021. Curve A is plotted for max- imum flux densities from 0 to 5500 lines of force per square 512 ' ALTERNATING CURRENTS centimeter, and curve A! is plotted for maximum flux densities from 5000 to 10,500; while the curves B , B ', and B " are plotted for 7) = .00094, the maximum flux densities being 0 to 5500 lines of force per square centimeter for curve B , 5000 to 10,500 lines of force per square centimeter for curve B\ and 10,000 to 15,500 for curve B " . It must be remembered that the character of steels, especially of silicon or other alloyed steels, is apt to be quite variable. Therefore, in designing magnetic apparatus, the exact kind of material to be used should be tested and its qualities as thus determined used in making calculations. As seen from the hysteresis equation just referred to, it is evident that the curves of Fig. 284 may be used for any other hysteresis constant and frequency by multiplying the vertical scale of losses by the ratio where t)f is the product of the hysteresis VJ constant and frequency taken in calculating the curves referred to, and 7]'f is the product of the values of those quantities for which the data are sought. The eddy current losses are dependent both upon the thick- ness of the sheets and the specific electrical resistance of the steel. The thickness of laminations quite commonly used for 60-cycle transformers is from 14 to 15 mils, or more exactly No. 29 sheet-iron gauge, which has a thickness of 14.1 mils, while for 25 cycles No. 26 gauge sheets, having a thickness of 18.7 mils, do not permit the eddy current loss to exceed economical limits. The specific resistance of iron varies quite widely, and this is especially true of the alloy steels, which may have a much greater resistance than the soft steels and irons. In Fig. 285 curves A , B , and O are the calculated eddy current losses in plates of 10, 15, and 20 mils thickness respectively for various maximum magnetic densities, a frequency of 100 periods per second, and a specific resistance of 1 x 10 -5 , which is a fair value for good transformer steel.* The curve shown in three sections, Z), D\ D'\ is for a plate 15 mils in thickness and having a specific resistance three times as great as for the first curves. It represents some of the harder alloys. The curve can readily be used for other frequencies and thicknesses of laminations, as will be seen by an inspection of the eddy current formula. f * Art. 111. t Ibid. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 513 The total core loss in transformers varies more or less, de- pending upon the characteristics desired, being from about 1.1 to 001 = / "WO -no S3d S11VM 3 per cent in small transformers, such as those under 5 kilowatts capacity, and decreasing to about | of a per cent in those of 25 kilo- 2 * 514 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 1GOOO 14000 12000 £ 10000 8000 C5 6000 4000 2000 rB c -A 12 Fig. 286. - 2 4 6 8 10 MAGNETIZING FORCE, H -Curves of Magnetization of Transformer Steels. 14 watts capacity, to § of a per cent in those of 50 kilowatts ca- pacity, and to a smaller percentage as the capacity still fur- ther increases. The eddy currents seldom comprise over 10 per cent of the total core losses. As the best grades of low carbon steels and wrought irons are used for trans- former cores, the ratio between the magnetic maximum density <£ and the field strength H is high. Curve B* in Fig. 286 is from a good grade of transformer steel, and curve A represents a soft steel of poorer grade. The silicon steels do not ordinarily have quite such high curves as the best transformer carbon steels. The rela- tion between curves B and C fairly indicates the difference. The permeability of B in Fig. 286 is shown by B in Fig. 287. Curve A is a poorer grade of soft iron and C represents 0 '-’ 00 ° 4000 6000 8000 10000 t. . - MAGNETIC DENSITY = <#> tll6 permeability of Fig. 287. — Curve of Permeability of Transformer Steels, * Smithsonian Tables, pp. 274 and 275. 12000 14000 MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 515 a good grade of silicon steel. The silicon steels take somewhat more exciting current than the best grades of soft iron and soft carbon steels, on account of their lower permeability. The maximum magnetic densities to which transformer cores are worked is dependent somewhat upon the frequencies for which the transformers are designed. For 60 cycles the den- sities vary from 6000 to 10,000 lines of force per square centi- meter, or slightly higher, with a tendency toward 10,000 when the highest grade transformer core metal is used. For 25 cycles they vary from nine or ten to twelve or more thousand lines of force per square centimeter. The usual silicon steels cannot be run too high in magnetic density or the exciting current will be larger than desired. In silicon steels a maximum mag- netic density of 10,000 lines of force per square centimeter is apt to be about as near the point of saturation as it is wise to go, while economy of material dictates as high a density as possible, so that in modern transformers, using the new metals, the density will not ordinarily be far from that figure. With ordinary steels the greater iron losses tend to make lower den- sities more desirable. In addition to silicon there are other alloying materials used with iron for the purpose of reducing the hysteresis coefficient below figures common in ordinary soft carbon steels. Among these are nickel,* tin, and arsenic, f The new pure irons re- cently produced have also unusually good magnetic qualities. The state of the art in the manufacture of iron and steel is rapidly advancing, and it is probable that present practice will be materially modified as a result. 137. Efficiencies of Transformers. — The average working effi- ciency of a transformer is by no means equal to its full load efficiency. In the case of dynamos placed in a central station it is usual to divide the generating units so that the plant op- erating during any part of the day will be well loaded. In the same way the capacities of stationary motors may ordinarily he chosen so that the motors seldom operate at very small par- tial loads. The way that transformers are usually operated, however, makes it quite difficult to keep a uniform load on them, and, in fact, for a considerable portion of the day they may have their secondary circuits open. When this is the case, t Electromet. Ind., Vol. VII. * Art. 109. 516 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the iron losses of transformers are of much greater influence on their All-day efficiency than the copper losses, and it is desir- able to reduce the iron losses to a minimum. For instance, sup- pose a transformer of 5000 watts output at normal full load has iron losses of 125 watts, and copper losses at full load of 100 watts. Then the full load efficiency of the transformer is 95.7 per cent, the half load efficiency is 94.3 per cent, and the quarter load efficiency is 90.4 per cent. Supposing that the daily output of the transformer is equivalent to 25,000 watts for one hour (25,000 watt-hours), obtained by full load operation for five hours and open-circuit operation for the re- maining 19 hours, then the losses in the iron core are equivalent to 3000 watts for one hour, and in the copper to 500 watts for one hour (neglecting no-load copper losses), or a total of 3500 watts for one hour. The all-day efficiency is then 87.7 per cent. To increase this all-day efficiency, it is evidently necessary to decrease the iron losses. To do this for a fixed frequency requires a decrease in the amount of iron in the magnetic cir- cuit or a decrease of the maximum magnetic density. Either process calls for an increase in the wundings and consequently in the copper losses. Suppose that decreasing the core losses to 75 watts makes it necessary to increase the full load copper losses to 150 watts ; then, other things being equal, the efficien- cies become, full load, 95.7 per cent; half load, 95.7 per cent; quarter load, 93.7 per cent; and the all-day efficiency, on the assumption made above, is 90.7 per cent. There is a saving by the latter construction of 950 watt-hours in twenty-four hours, and in one year of 365 days the saving is nearly 350 kilowatt- hours. If one kilowatt-hour is worth 4 cents to the central station, the difference in the amount of energy wasted each year by the two transformers has a value of nearly fourteen dollars, which is a substantial part of the difference in the original cost of the two transformers. If the average load of the transformer were less than that assumed, which is frequently the case for small transformers in practice, the iron losses would have a still greater influence on the all-day efficiency. A still greater decrease in the iron losses with its attendant in- crease of copper losses would evidently raise the all-day efficiency to a higher point. Here, however, is met the question of regula- tion, which will not satisfactorily admit of too 8'reat a copper loss MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 517 at full load on account of the attendant drop of secondary vol- tage, but this difficulty maybe met by increasing the cross section of the copper. This alternative causes an increase in the cost of the transformer, but a transformer with small losses and good regulation is worth more to the central station than one with large losses or poor regulation. The advantage of decreasing the iron losses, which is thus shown, led Swinburne some years ago to advocate and build transformers with a cyclindrical iron wire core under the windings, but without closed iron magnetic circuits. A diagram of this transformer, called the Hedgehog, which was somewhat extensively used in England at one time is shown in Fig. 288.* Decreasing the amount of iron in the magnetic circuit decreases the core losses but at the same time increases the reluctance, and therefore increases the exciting current. This is a decided disadvantage if carried to excess. While the true magnetizing current is in quad- rature with the mutually induced voltage of the transformer, yet it does result in a continuous I 2 R loss in the conductors leading to the trans- former and in the primary winding of the trans- former itself. It also causes an extra demand for current from the dynamos supplying the circuit, so that extra generators may have to be operated at periods of light load in order to sup- ply the quadrature currents. In other words, the power factor of the system as a whole is de- creased, with an accompanying loss of plant efficiency. Finally, a large magnetic reluctance causes a considerable magnetic leakage and consequent increase in the secondary drop of a transformer, and therefore impairs its regulation. Without entering into a controversy regarding the exact point at which a high reluctance in the magnetic circuit of a trans- former causes more disadvantage than is counterbalanced by the decreased iron losses brought about by decreasing the amount of iron, the examples may serve to show the necessity of carefully designing the magnetic circuit to fit the conditions if they can be predetermined. *For test on transformer of this type see Trans. A. I. E. E ., Yol. 10, p. 497 ; Elec. World, Yol. 22, p. 357. Fig. 288. — Hedge- hog Transformer. 518 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The commercial efficiency of a transformer is equal to the watts delivered to the external secondary circuit by the trans- former divided by the watts absorbed by the primary coil. It may be written Po P 0 71 — i = « , Pi P, + L where P x and P 2 are the power absorbed and delivered respec- tively by the primary and secondary coils, and L represents the total losses of power in the transformer. The losses are made up of the I 2 R losses in the primary and secondary coils, eddy currents in the windings caused by leakage flux, and the losses due to hysteresis and eddy currents in the core. The I 2 R loss in the secondary winding is directly proportional to the square of the load (secondary output), assuming the secondary terminal voltage to be constant, while the PR loss in the primary winding is nearly proportional to the square of the load, though it contains a small approximately constant term due to the exciting current. The rated capacities of very large transformers are not uncommonly expressed in kilo- volt-amperes instead of kilowatts, since the PR heating effect is dependent upon the current, which depends not only upon the load but also inversely upon the power factor when the vol- tage is constant; but ordinarily the rating of small transformers is in kilowatts capacity, the assumption being that the power factor for which they are specified is approximately unity. The efficiency will obviously have different values for different loads even when power factor and primary impressed voltage are kept constant; and also if the load (i.e. the output in kil- owatts) is kept constant, the efficiency will have different values for different power factors. The hysteresis and eddy current losses vary from .5 to 1.5 per cent of the full load capacity in transformers of 500 or more kilovolt-amperes full load rating, and the percentage in- creases as the capacity decreases. In a transformer of 100 kilovolt-amperes capacity the losses may be only a little higher than the minimum given above, or they maybe as much as one- half or more above the maximum figure given above. Intrans- formers of from 5 to 100 kilovolt-amperes capacity of a given make and type, the iron losses usually increase gradually with decreasing rated capacities until at the small size named they are MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 519 from 1 to 2.5 per cent or more of the rated capacity. In very small transformers they rise to from 3 to 5 per cent of the rated capacity. The loss in watts per pound of iron varies from less than J a watt per pound for the best grades of alloy steels, when a low magnetic density is used, to as high as 2 or 3 watts per pound where poorer grades of metal are used and the magnetic density used is higher. The copper losses at full load are apt to be from 25 to 100 per cent greater than the iron losses, though the tendency in modern designing is to keep these losses down, for by increas- ing the weight of the core and decreasing the number of the coil turns, the IR drop and the IX drop are reduced, and the regulation is improved. The range of variation in watts lost per pound of copper for full load current in commercial trans- formers is in the neighborhood of from slightly less than one to six or more watts per pound. For transformers to go into lighting service or for duties where there are short full load peaks, however, the copper losses may to advantage be made relatively still higher, with an accompanying reduction of the iron losses ; for then the copper losses varying with the load do not have so much influence on the all-day efficiency and the reduction of the fixed iron losses results in better all-day efficiency. This is not always desirable, however, as there is then a higher load on the circuit during the peak when all power available in the circuits may be most valuable. In any event, the copper losses must not exceed reasonably low values, or the regulation of the transformer becomes too poor to afford satisfactory conditions for electric lighting where incan- descent lamps are used. The United States Government specifies the iron and cop- per losses shown in the table on page 520 for small step-down lighting transformers designed for a frequency of 60 cycles per second, 2200 volts primary voltage, and ratios of transfor- mation of 10 and 20 to one. The losses shown are low, and the relatively low iron losses compared with the copper losses result in the maximum commercial efficiencies occurring at loads less than the full loads, with resulting high all-day efficiencies compared with those which would be obtained were the same total losses at full load equally divided between the copper and the core. 520 ALTERNATING CURRENTS U. S. TABLE OF IRON AND COPPER LOSSES Kva. Rated Capacity Ikon Losses in Watts Full Load Copper Losses Total Fcll Load Losses in Pee Cent of Capacity 1 21 26 4.70 2.5 33 55 3.52 5 45 93 2.76 10 82 160 2.42 20 135 280 2.08 30 175 374 1.83 40 210 470 1.70 50 255 580 1.67 75 400 800 1.60 100 560 1000 1.56 The commercial efficiency of transformers at full load ranges from 95 to 98 per cent or better in machines of from 10 kilo- watts to the large sizes of several thousands of kilovolt- amperes capacity. In smaller sizes the full load efficiency becomes materially smaller and at one or two kilowatts capa- city it may not exceed 92 or 98 per cent. Commercial trans- formers designed for the standard lighting frequency of 60 cycles per second are apt to have a slightly higher efficiency than those designed for 25 cycles per second, and likewise transformers designed for 2200 volts in the high voltage coil (whether primary or secondary) usually have a slightly higher efficiency than those designed for higher voltages. In Fig. 289 the curves A and B represent the full load efficiencies of a standard line of 500 Kva. transformers designed for voltages in the high voltage coil of 2200, 6600, 11,000, 16,500, 22,000, 33,000, and 44,000 volts respectively. Curve A is for trans- formers designed to operate on 60 cycles per second ; and B for those operating on 25 cycles per second. The curve in Fig. 290 is the commercial efficiency curve of one of these 500 Kva. transformers designed for 2200 volts in the high voltage coil and a frequency of 60 cycles per second. The curve is typical of good efficiency curves for transformers of this size. It is noted in this figure that the efficiency at ^ load is only about 2 per cent less than that at full load, and in this regard it is not far from the performance of other well-designed trans- formers, except those of very small capacities, — five kilowatts MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 521 or less capacities, — which show relatively lower efficiencies at light loads. 100 99 98 96 95 94 __ A B 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE 35000 40000 45000 Fig. 289. — Curves showing the Full Load Commercial Efficiencies of the Same Size and Style of Transformers when designed for Various Voltages and for Frequencies of 60 and 25 Cycles respectively. Fig. 290. — Curve of Commercial Efficiency of a 500-Kva., 60-cycle, 2200-volt (High .Voltage Coil ) Transformer. 522 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The weight efficiency, that is, the weight of transformers without their containing cases or tanks per kilowatt of rated capacity, is from 7 to 20 pounds for transformers of 500 Kva. capacity and over. This increases by 50 to 100 per cent as the size decreases to 50 Kva. or thereabouts, and from there to 10 Kva. capacity the weight increases by 10 to 25 per cent further. For smaller sizes, especially those less than 5 Kva., the complete weight per kilo-volt-ampere of rated capacity including oil and cases, may be as much as eight or more times that of transformers of 500 Kva. capacity. Consequently, large transformers are very much less expensive to build than small ones per unit of output. The weight of a transformer is dependent not only on the design, but also upon the frequency and voltage of the circuit with which it is intended to be used ; for low frequencies require a larger total magnetic flux to in- duce a given voltage in a given number of turns in the wind- ings and hence they require larger cores or greater windings ; very high voltages require more insulation space to be allowed in association with the windings ; and very low voltages require the use of inconveniently thick conductors or conductors composed of multiples of parallel elements. The ratio of weight of copper to weight of iron varies from about 50 to 80 per cent, when the design follows the usual practice. The regulation of transformers is of the highest importance, especially where carbon filament incandescent lamps are at- tached to the secondary circuit, as such lamps are liable to serious injury when subjected to varying voltages. A closely constant voltage for what is termed constant voltage apparatus is al- ways desirable, though the percentage permissible variation is dependent somewhat upon the character and duty of the load. The accepted general definition of “ regulation ” of a machine or apparatus in regard to some characteristic quantity (such as terminal voltage, current, or speed) is “the ratio of the deviation of that quantity from its normal value at rated load to the normal rated load value,”* and for a constant voltage trans- former it is specifically : “ the ratio of the rise of secondary terminal voltage from rated non-inductive load to no load (at constant primary impressed terminal voltage) to the secondary *Amer. Inst, of Elect. Eng., Standardization Rules, No. 187, Trans.. 1907, p. 1809. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 523 terminal voltage at rated load.” * The regulation is dependent upon the drop of primary voltage due to the leakage reactance and the resistance in the primary and secondary coils of a transformer, as may be seen by a study of the internal reactions of transformers given earlier, f The total rise of the secondary terminal voltage when the load changes from non-reactive full load to no load, and the primary impressed voltage is maintained constant, is u d = [(u+ i 2 ny + / 2 2 x 2 ] * - e, where 1^ is the full load secondary current, H is the sum of the primary and secondary coil resistances, the former reduced to the secondary equivalent, and X is the sum of the leakage re- actances of the primary and secondary coils, the former reduced to the secondary equivalent, and E is the secondary terminal voltage at rated full load. The drop due to the primary exciting current is neglected here. This formula becomes evident from a study of the loci of the earlier article to which reference has just been made. The regulation with a load of unity power factor (as called for in the foregoing definition) varies from less than 1 per cent to about 2 per cent in transformers of 10 Kva. capacity and greater, and may increase to 3 or 4 per cent in the very small sizes. The regulation obtained when the power factor of the load is other than unity is impaired if the load is inductive, but improves with a load exhibiting capacity reactance until the effect of the leakage reactance of the coils is neutralized and then with further increase of capacity reactance it becomes poorer. With inductive reactance in the load, the regulation is always poorer than when the load is of unity power factor. As inductive loads must ordinarily be reckoned with in com- mercial electric circuits, it is common for buyers of transformers to specify the regulation, not only for loads having unity power- factor, but also for loads in which the power factor is .9, .8, and sometimes down to .6. If the constants of a transformer are known, it is easy to compute the regulation for any power factor of the load by constructing transformer diagrams or using the transformer formulas. | *Ibid., No. 197, p. 1810. t Art. 123. t Arts. 117-118. 524 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 138. Polyphase Transformers. — A saving in the amount of material used, and therefore a reduction of the cost of con- struction and an improvement of the operating efficiency, may be effected for polyphase transformation by combining the magnetic circuits of the individual transformers in the several phases in a manner which is analogous to that in which poly- phase electric circuits are combined into common circuits. Figure 291 represents a quarter-phase transformer with a combined magnetic circuit. Since the phases of the magnetic fluxes in the two halves of the transformer are 90° apart (the phases of the impressed voltages being 90° apart and here assumed sinusoidal), the re- sultant magnetism in the middle tongue is their vec- tor sum and is V2 times as great as that in either of the cores under the wind- ings. Therefore this cen- tral tongue should have V2 times as great a cross sec- tion as the remainder of the magnetic circuit. There is a saving of iron in the com- bined transformer, as com- pared with two independent transformers, which is equal to ( V2 — 1) times the weight of the central tongue. This saving is further emphasized by the advantage of the small space occupied and the convenient form obtained by inclosing this equivalent of two transformer units in one case. In this illustration, the high voltage external cir- cuits are shown with a common return wire, and the low vol- tage external circuits are shown with independent wires ; but it is obvious that the use of independent circuits requiring four wires for the two phases, or the use of three wire circuits utilizing one wire for the common return, are free alternatives for use with the primary and secondary circuits. A similar combination may be effected in tri-phase trans- formers, and the magnetic circuits may be coupled in either the wye or the delta arrangement. Figure 292 shows a conventional Fig. 291. — Diagram of Circuits and Core of a Quarter-phase Transformer. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 525 diagram of a tri-phase transformer of a form early made by several manufacturers, in which the magnetism in the yokes DD', which join the cores A, B , and (7, is 1/V3 times as great as that in the cores. These yokes make a delta coupling for the magnetic Fig. 292. — Diagram of Circuits and Core of a Tri-phase Transformer with a Yokes. circuits. Figure 293 shows a similar diagram of a tri-phase transformer, in which the yokes are joined so as to make a wye coupling of the magnetic circuits. These constructions allow a considerable economy in use of materials in comparison with Fig. 293. — Diagram of Circuits and Core of a Tri-phase Transformer with Y Yokes. separate transformers in the three phases, on account of the fact that the magnetic circuit through the core under each winding is completed through the cores under the other two windings. In Fig. 294 is shown a diagram of circuits and core for a common type of tri-pliase transformer. To obtain an expres- sion for the instantaneous magnetic fluxes in the three cores 526 ALTERNATING CURRENTS W, X, and y, shown in Fig. 294, assume the magnetic reluc- tance in the path from A to A' indicated by the U-shaped dotted line through the core W and the path indicated by the corre- sponding U-shaped dotted line through the core Y to be equal, and of constant value P w ; also let the reluctance of the path directly from A to A' through X he represented by P Con- sider that sinusoidal alternating exciting currents, 120° apart Fig. 294. — Diagram of Circuits and Core of a Tri-phase Transformer having Straight Yokes. in their phases, flow in the three exciting windings, and let w , (f) x , and (j) y represent values of the magnetic fluxes in the cores W, X , and Y, respectively, at a given instant, and m w , m x , and m y represent the corresponding instantaneous values of the magneto-motive forces exerted in the aforenamed paths through the three cores. Then, using the same conventions in regard to the algebraic signs of the instantaneous values of magneto- motive forces and fluxes in the several parts of the transformer as are set forth in Art. 103 for three-phase electric circuits, the following simultaneous equations represent the conditions : m w — m x = cf) lc P, c - x P x , m w — m y = 4> ir P lc — m x -m y = 4> U P X - <$> y P w , flA + 4>x + = MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 527 Solving these equations gives the values of cf> w , (p x , terms of m w , m x , m y , P w , and P x , as follows : and » = p a fsin a - sin (« - 120°) w + 1 + PJP w \s\n a — sin (a — 240°)] } (4) x = p a \ p <2 sin (« — 120°) — sin (« — 240°) — sin (5) 4> v = Jsin(a- 240°)- sin(a - 120°) w ^ r ~‘ x + P z /P u ,[sin(a — 240°) — sin a]|. (6) The hysteretic angle of lead being zero under the assumption made, these fluxes come to their respective maxima when a = 90°, a= 210°, and a= 330°, and have the numerical values, = O + A/A) (7) w "4 x cp 1 X Sal P. + 2P,' ( 8 ) These values are obtained on the assumption that sinusoidal magneto-motive forces of equal amplitudes and differing suc- cessively in phase by 120° are impressed by the coils in the three branches of the magnetic circuit, and also on the assump- tion that P x differs from P w and P y , but that the last two are equal to each other. It is obvious from these formulas, that with equal magneto- motive forces, the value of dq is larger than the value of dq and dq, in case P x is smaller than P w on account of the shorter 528 ALTERNATING CURRENTS length of the middle magnetic circuit. The maximum fluxes <£>„,, d>„ are all equal to one another when P x = P w = P y ; but if P x is negligible compared with P w , z becomes twice as large as and dq,. Under the usual conditions of transformer operation, equal voltages, 120° apart in their phases, would be impressed on the three equal primary windings. Under these circumstances, equal fluxes would be set up in the three branches of the magnetic circuit, and equations (7) and (8), which give the relations between the fluxes and exciting currents, show that the exciting currents must differ under these circumstances unless P x = P w = P v . Such a difference of currents causes an unbalancing of the supply circuits. Also on account of the difference of form of the magnetic leakage path around the middle limb compared with the leakage paths around the two outer limbs, unbalancing is felt in the secondary voltage. To partially avoid this unbalancing, the middle leg may be made of smaller cross section than the other two legs, so that P x is made more nearly equal to P w and P y , but this is likely to increase the core losses on account of the increased magnetic density in that part of the core, and it also changes the power factor of the exciting current of that leg compared with the currents exciting the other legs. As the yokes which complete the magnetic circuits at the ends of the limbs obviously carry the same maximum flux as the limbs themselves, if magnetic leakage is neglected, the yokes are usually made of the same cross sections as the outer limbs. The same advantages in respect to reduced weight and bulk and reduced exciting current relate to this form of construction as to the construc- tion with wye and delta magnetic circuits. The magneto-motive forces of the three primary coils being out of phase with each other, magneto-motive force pulsations between the points 8 and T, and U and V are created which tend to set up leakage fluxes between these points, which is in addition to the ordinary magnetic leakage between the primary and secondary coils. Pulsations of the third harmonic are most prominent and are in the same phase and the same direction through their respective cores.* Quite large additional third harmonic currents may therefore flow around the mesh made by * Art. 198. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 529 the primary coils if they are delta connected as shown in Fig. 294. If, however, the coils are connected in wye without a neutral return wire, these currents comprising the third harmonic can- not flow and the resulting leakage magnetism is absent. If the neutral point of the wye is connected to a neutral or fourth wire of the supply system, the currents comprising the third harmonic will flow through the three lead wires and coils in parallel relation and complete their circuit through the neutral wire. When the three-phase transformer is of the shell type (in which the windings are embedded in the iron), as in Fig. 295, and the primary windings are all connected in the same relative direction, the result- ant magneto-motive force act- ing along the whole length of the common core is M a + M b + M c = 0, where M A , M B , and M c are the magneto-motive forces in the coils A , B , and (7, in case the magnetizing currents are assumed to be sinusoidal, equal in scalar value, and 120° apart in phase. This means that the vector sum of the mag- neto-motive forces, as in the previous case, equals zero, but Fig - 295. — Diagram of In-phase Shell 1 l . 1 . Type Transformer. in this case any two are m series instead of parallel with reference to the third ; also, ® A + ® B + $c = °, where d> A , d> 5 , and d> c respectively represent corresponding vector values of the three magnetic fluxes. The distribution of the magnetism in the core is as follows : The flux in Y is the combination of the fluxes threading coils C and B , and that in X the combination of the fluxes threading coils B and A. As the vector fluxes threading coils C and B are numerically equal, but differ in phase by 120°, the flux in Y 530 ALTERNATING CURRENTS is (neglecting magnetic leakage) equal to vector (7-flux plus vector ,5-flux reversed. That is. the vector addition is made in the same manner as for three-phase electric circuits.* There- fore Y, and for the same reason X, must carry a flux equal to V3 times the flux threading either of the coils. The maxi- mum flux in the shell at W, Z, and H has the same value (neglecting magnetic leakage) as the maximum flux threading the coils. When the middle coil B in Fig. 295 is reversed relatively in respect to A and (7, the magneto-motive force formula becomes M r = M A -M B + M c . The vectors on the right-hand side of this formula are now only 60° apart in phase and the scalar value of their resultant M r — 2 M, where M is the scalar value of the vector magneto- motive force in each coil. But the fluxes in all of the cores must be equal in scalar value and 60° apart in phase in order to produce the proper counter-voltages in the primary coils. Therefore the flux due to JEf r , or A> r = where <3?^, <3> 5 , and <3> c are the fluxes threading the coils A, B. and C. In order to maintain the proper counter-voltages in the windings and vector sum of fluxes in the main core, flux d> A is set up in the magnetic circuit AWITXA, <3> fi in BXHYB . and <3> c in CYHZC. Fluxes <£> 4 and B are 60° apart in phase in the central core or tongue, so that they are 120° apart in phase in X. The tensor of their sum is then equal to the scalar value of either of the two. The same conditions exist in Y, so that the combined cross section of iron at A, B, (7, W. X . Y, Z. and H may be made uniform for the same induction in all parts of the iron. There is thus some saving obtained in material, or reduction in the reluctance of the core, by reversing the mid- dle coil connections. The exciting current is the same in each phase as would be required in three single-phase transformers having equal core reluctances. When the voltages or currents or both are unbalanced, the conditions still hold that the magnetic flux for each phase must * Art. 103. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 531 be such that it will produce the proper counter-voltage, and hence the flux under each coil remains proportional to the counter-voltage in that phase ; and the three fluxes, however different in value, will combine vectorially according to the same laws as where the circuits are balanced. 139. Some Constructive Features of Constant Voltage Trans- formers. — The formula ™ _ V2 Trnf 1 10 8 contains the four quantities U v n , , and /, which may be varied, but in practice and f are usually fixed by the re- quirements of the service, and only n and <1> may be varied. Their relative variation is also limited by the fact that the product n<& is fixed when JE X and f are fixed. In designing a transformer, the relative values of n and <3> depend upon the relative weights which it is considered desirable to assign to the copper and iron in the transformer. When the magnetic density which is safe to use in the core has been chosen, the cross section of the core depends directly upon fl? ; while n, and therefore the weight of copper, assuming that the size of wire to be used has been decided upon, is inversely dependent upon the same quantity. The weight of iron depends upon the cross section and length of the magnetic circuit, and must be limited so that the losses occurring in the iron of available quality shall not reduce either the full load efficiency or the all-day efficiency below a reasonable figure. The number and length of the turns ( n ) of wire used in each winding and the size of the conductors which are chosen for the purpose of preventing injurious heating, objectionable reduction of full load efficiency, or poor regulation, jointly determine the required weight of copper. The density of current in the windings varies widely, from 400 to over 2000 circular mils cross section per ampere. This density is largely dependent upon the form of the coils. These are seldom made so that the heat liberated by the 1 2 R loss must travel more than one half an inch before reaching the radiating surface of the coil. It is not unusual to make the density somewhat smaller in the low voltage winding than in the high voltage winding, and the values in the best transform- 532 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ers frequently fall between 1000 and 1500 circular mils per ampere for the high voltage winding and between 1200 and 2000 for the low voltage winding. On the other hand, some designers make the density of current greater in the low vol- tage windings, while others make the density about the same in both. As the high voltage conductors carry less current and are therefore of smaller cross section than the low voltage con- ductors, the insulation of the high voltage winding takes up more space in proportion to the space occupied by the con- ductors ; and this condition becomes emphasized when the vol- tage exceeds a few thousands of volts, on account of the exag- gerated thickness of insulation required for the high voltage. This heavier insulation also makes it more difficult for the heat generated to escape, and it is often necessary to divide the high voltage winding into a number of thin coils separated by ducts for the circulation of air or oil. The I 2 R loss in transformers at full load is ordinarily equal to from per cent to 3-|- per cent of the full load capacities. This is divided with approximate equality between the primary and secondary windings. Sometimes this loss is permitted to reach 5 per cent, but in the better transformers it is more often between 1 per cent and 3 per cent. The percentage of loss which is allowable depends primarily upon the trans- former efficiency and regulation which are desired, and secon- darily upon the duty to be performed, the voltage, and the frequency. Transformers are of two general classifications, termed the Core type and the Shell type, these designations depending upon the manner in which the windings and the iron core are disposed with respect to each other. Both forms seem to lend them- selves satisfactorily to the design of transformers for ordinary duty, and, in fact, there is no definite line of demarcation be- tween them. In general terms, core type transformers may be defined as those in which each of the principal branches of the magnetic circuit is embraced by windings, as illustrated in Figs. 47 and 296, while shell type transformers are those in which the return branches of the magnetic circuit embrace the windings, as illustrated in Figs. 300 and 301. Laminations for the cores are made in various shapes. Fig- ure 296 represents the core and coils of a core type transformer, MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 533 and Fig. 297 shows a pair of the lami- nations or stampings of which the core is made up. When the stampings are of this form, they are built up into a core within the iinished coils. In every other layer of the core the stampings are reversed end for end so that they break joints. This is for the purpose of reducing the magnetic reluctance of the magnetic circuit to a minimum. It is important that joints in the mag- netic circuit shall be as few as possible, and be so made as to be of low reluc- tance, as otherwise the exciting current may be caused to be of undesirable magnitude. Rolled iron or steel sheets as they come from the rolling mills are usually covered by a tough and closely adherent coating or thin scale of magnetic oxide of iron, which is developed in the process of manufacture of the sheets. This is a poor electrical conductor, and since it sticks to the stamping, it usually affords sufficient insulation between the lamina- tions to prevent eddy currents from becom- ing excessive. However, to give double assurance, it is usual to dip the stampings into a liquid varnish or enamel and then bake them to solidify the coat before build- ing them into a core. Fig. 296. — Core Type Trans- former, Core and Coils. Fig. 297. — Laminations In Fig. 298 is shown a leg of the core for Transformer shown a i ar g e transformer which is composed of rectangular laminations built into a cross section having a cruciform shape. This is for a core type transformer such as is shown in Fig. 47. The complete core com- prises two such legs, each covered with windings, and connecting yokes completing the magnetic circuit at former Core buiIt up of Rect . their ends. The crossbars con- angular Laminations. 534 ALTERNATING CURRENTS necting the ends of the legs are also made of rectangular laminations which alternately slip between and butt against those on the leg shown, every other one on the leg being made short to give space for this purpose, or the dovetailing may be done by bunches of laminations instead of by al- ternate sheets. The type of coil used for the wind- ings of a trans- Fig. 299. — Division of a Coil for the Transformer of which Part of the Core is shown in Fig. 298. former using the cruciform core is shown in Fig. 299. It is composed of a cotton-covered rectangular cojiper strip wound edgewise. Where possible to insulate properly proportioned rectangular wire, its use is often desirable, as it occupies less space for a given effective area than round wire. It is also frequently desirable to wind it edgewise, that is, with its greatest width in the plane at right angles to the core, as this construction often makes it practicable to make the complete coil with only one layer of the conductor, thus affording opportunity for efficient cooling, and the con- struction may be made rigid and strong. Bare strips are sometimes wound in the edgewise coils, with thin strips of vulcanized fiber, var- nished paper, or varnished cambric laid on edge between the turns of conductor. Figure 300 shows a shell type trans- former with the laminations horizon- tal. The wire in this construction is wound with its flat faces parallel to the axis of the coil, and the windings are made up of a number of flat sec- tions, each having a thickness equal to the breadth of one conductor strip. It is usual in the larger trans- formers, — 50 Kva. capacity and over, — to split up the primary winding into sections or divisions and sandwich between them MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 535 the secondary winding, which is also wound in sections. This reduces magnetic leakage and, when free space is left between the coil sections, facilitates the dissipation of heat by providing opportunity for the circulation of air or oil. Figure 301 shows a shell type transformer in which the laminations and coils are vertical. In this case the coils are made elongated as in Fig. 299, and therefore the sections of the primary and secondary windings are sandwiched within one another, while in Fig. 300 the sections are flat and wide and lie side by side. Fig. 301. — Shell Type Transformer with the Coils and Laminations Vertical. From the illustrations it may be observed that core type transformers usually consist of a simple rectangular magnetic circuit with half of the primary and secondary turns wound upon each of two legs, and the cross sections of the two legs and the two end pieces are equal. Likewise it may be observed that the core of a shell type transformer usually comprises a central branch or leg upon which the windings are located and 536 ALTERNATING CURRENTS which is of double the cross section of the remainder of the magnetic circuit if the latter is closed by two branches as illus- trated in Figs. 300 and 301. Figure 301 a shows the construction looking down on the core and windings from the top, Mica Shields y Secondary Winding OH Duel 'Oil Channels Fig. 301 a. — Transformer Type. of Intermediate of a transformer belonging to a type now much used, in which the windings surround a central branch of the mag- netic circuit, and the mag- netic circuit is closed by several limbs which join radiating end pieces. This arrangement lias proved ad- vantageous for transformers of small and medium capac- ities, since it affords windings in which the mean length of turn is reasonably short and at the same time affords a magnetic circuit of the requisite cross section while permitting the use of a moderate bulk and weight of iron. This results in satisfactory regulation associated with reasonably good all-day efficiencies. The construction also has some advantages in reducing the total bulk of small transformers with- out interfering objectionably with the opportunities for getting rid of the heat produced by the operation. It presents a little more difficulty in the mechanical construction of the core, more particularly in respect to obtain- ing a magnetic circuit of the lowest practicable reluctance without undue expense. Figure 302 shows a tri-phase trans- former of the shell type with three cores fig. 302. — Tri-phase Traus- meeting at the center for carrying the former Wlth the Ma -' ienc ^ J ° Circuits connected in V ye coils of the three phases. It is com- Fashion. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 537 mon in this type of transformer to have the coils of the three phases distributed on a single core, as in the diagram of Fig. 295. A core type tri-phase transformer may be arranged as in the diagram of Fig. 294, and the reluctances of the three magnetic paths can be made equal by arranging the limbs at the corners of a triangle, with their magnetic circuits joined in either delta or wye, as indicated in Figs. 292 and 293. The quarter-phase transformer core may be built conven- iently as shown in the diagram of Fig. 291, or it may be built of the shell type, similiar to that shown in Fig. 295. The various arrangements in which the iron of a transformer may be disposed, which will give approximately the same results in operation, are quite numerous, and the particular one to be selected in any instance is apt to turn upon the question of the cost of manufacture rather than the needs of service. The first and most important element to be dealt with in the construc- tion of a transformer, as in the case of most other electrical machinery, is the disposition of the heat occasioned by the iron and copper losses. Upon the solution of this problem depends the rise of temperature of the transformer per kilovolt- ampere of load when in operation, and its ultimate safe capac- ity. The windings of transformers are usually embedded more or less in the iron cores, as is illustrated in the preceding figures ; and the whole transformer is inclosed in a waterproof iron case, as illustrated in Figs. 47, 303, and 304. The rise of temperature when in operation is due to the heating of the structure by the core losses and the copper losses. If transformers were not encased, but were placed naked in the open air, the entire external surface could be assumed to be effective in dissipating heat by radiation and convection ; but on account of the inclosing case, convection of heat to the ex- ternal atmosphere cannot take place directly, and all the heat must be radiated to the wall of the case or carried thereto through the poor heat conductors which are used to electrically insulate the transformer from its case. The conditions there- fore point to the conclusion that, without some special method of cooling, for a given liberation of heat per square centimeter of surface, the working temperature is likely to be higher in transformers than in dynamo field windings. In fact, to pre- vent excessive working temperatures and permit the highest 538 ALTERNATING CURRENTS safe output per pound of iron and copper, special means of cool- ing are usually provided for transformers. These are described later. Transformer coils are usually designed to be lathe wound, and these may be very effectually insulated by a liberal use of mica, varnished cotton cloth, fiber, and wood. It is therefore possible to safely run transformers with the windings at a con- siderably higher temperature than dynamos. Sixty degrees centigrade (108° F.) may be set as a maximum limit to the safe rise in temperature caused by operation, though so high a temperature is undesirable, both because of depreciation of the insulating materials and the tendency of the core to age unless a non-aging steel alloy is used. A high temperature limit has also a marked disadvantage in causing an undue impairment of the regulation when the transformer is hot, which results from the increased resistance of the windings. Many trans- formers still in operation exceed the temperature limit named, but most of the best types do not exceed 40 ° centigrade rise. As the rise in temperature also increases the electrical resist- ance of the iron core, it decreases the eddy current loss, so that, as suggested by Elihu Thomson, it was early considered advantageous to have the core of a transformer operated at a high temperature while the windings were kept cool. This could not be conveniently arranged in small transformers, but the cooling of the conductors of very large transformers has been experimentally effected by making the conductors tubular and passing a cool liquid through them. It is practically impossible to fix any averages for the external surface of transformers needed per watt lost in the core and wind- ings, on account of the very varied arrangements of the coils with reference to the core, and the effect of the containing case. In good commercial designs of transformers the superficial area of core and windings varies from 3 to 7 square inches per watt of energy to be dissipated. For transformers of small and medium capacities it is usual to make the design as compact as possible, and no particular trouble from heating is experienced if the losses are not excessive when judged from the criteria of efficiency and regulation, provided the inclosing case is filled with oil for the purpose of improving the facility with which the heat can escape to the outer surface of the case. A highly MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 539 refined petroleum oil carefully filtered and dried is used for this purpose, and is commonly called Transformer oil, on account of the principal object of its use. Such oil also posesses high insu- lating qualities, which is an advantage in the transformers. Transformers with which oil is associated for cooling purposes are called Oil-cooled transformers. Those without oil are some- times called Dry-core transformers. As transformers increase in size, the weight per unit of capacity decreases, and the superficial area per unit available for dissipating heat decreases at a still more rapid rate, since the bulk and weight are pro- portional to the cube of the linear dimensions, and the super- ficial area is proportional to only the square of the linear dimensions ; and some device, such as circulating the oil within the case and through ducts in the core and between the divisions of the windings, or blowing air through ducts in the core, must be provided for forcing the more rapid conveyance of heat from the core and windings. Otherwise the heating would be ex- cessive unless the transformer is of unreasonably great and ex- pensive bulk. Dry core transformers, arranged for cooling by a blast of air, are called Air-cooled transformers. A small transformer will evidently cool more readily than a large one of the same type and design. Thus, in a number of transformers of different capacities having the same efficiencies, losses per pound of copper and iron, and voltages, and of similar design, if we let A stand for linear dimensions, A for superficial area, W for weight, K L for full load losses, and Kva for rated full load output, we have TFxA*; ioci 2 ; K l x W x A 3 x A 2 , approximately ; 4. 4 Kva oc A 4 oc IF 3 x x A 2 , approximately. It is evident that Kva varies approximately as A 4 , since when the dimensions are varied the cross section of the magnetic cir- cuit and hence the magnetic flux is varied as A 2 . With fixed voltage, the number of turns in the windings therefore changes proportionately to ^ and the space in which the windings go changes proportionately to A 2 . Hence with winding space 540 ALTERNATING CURRENTS changed in proportion to L 2 and number of turns in pro- portion to — , the area of each conductor may be changed in proportion to X 4 , and its current-carrying capacity correspond- ingly changed, provided the necessary insulating space can be reserved and the heat produced by the PR losses at full load can be carried off. It is seen, therefore, that transformers of large sizes should have normally less weight per kilowatt capacity, full load losses lower in proportion, and higher efficiency than those of smaller size, — which deductions are, in fact, borne out in practice. But the dissipation of heat in the larger transformers is more difficult, since K L oc X 3 oc AK and therefore the area exposed for cooling in similar transformers of different sizes varies only with the f- power of the losses, when the losses are taken to be proportional to the weights of the transformers, and it also varies as the square root of the rated transformer capacity given in kilovolt-amperes. Hence it is evident that if a small transformer of a given form heats at full load to the maximum temperature allowed, say 40° centigrade, a transformer of ten times the size but equivalent in form and all other constants of the design will heat to a much higher temperature ; for, using primed symbols to represent the larger transformer, A _ (Kvay* _ ( Kva )- _ _J_ A ' ~ ( K'vaf- 10* (Kvaf- 3 - 2 ’ nnr1 k l _ ( Kva)* __ (Am)’ _ 1 K l ( K'vcCy 10 *(Kvay 5 - b whence ^ = 1 : If* A A That is, the full load losses of the larger transformer are about three quarters greater per square inch of the superficial area of the transformer, although the losses are only about half as great per kilovolt-ampere of rated capacity. Had the size been 100 times increased, the rate of liberation of heat would have been over 200 per cent greater per square inch of radiating surface. Therefore, transformers of large size require either the application of special measures for carrying away the heat MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 541 generated, or they must be given special designs which would prove bulky and expensive in sizes of 50 Kva. capacity or over. Several methods for cooling are in use : For very small transformers — a fraction of a kilowatt capacity — no special arrangements are needed. For transformers from a kilowatt capacity to those of several hundred kilowatts capacity the most common method is to immerse the transformer in a tank of insulating oil. For the smaller sizes this is not necessary, but it is desirable, as the oil tends to maintain the insulation and close up punctures. The tanks for smaller sizes of transformers, say to about 50 Kva. or less capacity, are frequently made of cast iron with a smooth outer surface, as shown in Fig. 47 ; while those of larger capacity are made of cast iron or riveted boiler plate with a corrugated surface in order to present more radiating surface, as shown in Fig. 303. The action of the oil is to circulate up- ward through ducts in the warm core and over the surface of the warm coil sections and downward alongthe cooler interior of the the tank or case. The coils and cores are so arranged that the oil can readily circulate through them ; thus in Fig. 298 the cruciform shaped core leaves triangular channels through which the oil can flow between the core and the cylindrical inner face of the coil. Where necessary, channels or ducts are left between each 1|- or 2^ inches of thickness of the laminations. In trans- formers of large size space is left for the oil to circulate freely between sections of the coils ; thus in Fig. 302 is shown a trans- former intended for oil cooling in which the coils are so separated. The radiation of the heat from the case is commonly at the rate of one watt (joule per second) to each 4 to 8 square inches Fig. 303. — Transformer Case having a Corrugated Surface for increasing the Area for Heat Dissipation. 542 ALTERNATING CURRENTS of surface when the case temperature is from 35° to 40° centi- grade above the temperature of the surrounding air. In the case of large transformers, from a couple of hundred to several thousand kilowatts capacity, it is found necessary to artificially cool the oil, as the case will not radiate heat to the surrounding air fast enough to keep the temperature down to a reasonable value. In this case it is common to circulate water in a spiral of pipes located inside of the case above the height of the transformer proper. Such a transformer is said to be Water-cooled. The arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 304, which represents the design of a water-cooled transformer, the cooling coils being at AA. This figure shows one of the ways for mak- ing an oil-proof case of riveted or welded boiler plate, which in this instance does not need to be corrugated since the major part of the cooling is accomplished by the circulating water which flows in the pipes. The figure also shows means which may be used for supporting the cores, coils, and terminals, and for draining the oil from the tank. The latter is accomplished by the pipe containing the valve B. which leads to a suitably protected receiving tank. This is most important in order to prevent dis- astrous results in case the oil in the transformer catches fire. Other constructive details are also illustrated in the figure. The water pipes in this case are covered with cotton tape above the oil to prevent the collection and drip of moisture. When a water-cooled transformer, such as is illustrated in Fig. 304, is in operation, the oil in contact with the core and windings becomes warm and tends to rise, while the oil cooled by contact with the cooling pipes tends to fall. This sets up a circulation of oil upwards through the ducts and over the sur- face of the transformer into contact with the cooling pipes, then the cooled oil falls to the bottom of the case through the ample space left around the transformer. In this manner heat is carried away from the transformer and delivered to the cooling pipes. The cooling water may be caused to circulate by a pump and some means utilized to cool it after its exit from the cooling coil. The water may thus be used over and over. For transformers of very large sizes it is sometimes desirable to also give the oil a forced circulation. In this case, oil is drawn from the transformer by means of a pump, passed through a surface condenser or cooler from which the heat is MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 543 abstracted by water, and returned to the transformer under pressure, where it is compelled by the design to circulate through the core and windings before again reaching the outlet. A good method, and one of the oldest, of cooling indoor trans- formers of low or medium high voltage is by means of a blast 544 ALTERNATING CURRENTS of air. The air blast is produced by a fan, and directed to the transformer by way of an air chest under the transformer case, thence through the core and windings, and thence out of the top cover of the case. The windings and core are designed with ducts to give as free circulation of air as possible. A large number of air-blast transformers can be located over one air chamber and cooled effectively and economically in this way. Figure 305 shows the rise of temperature of the conductors of an old type air-blast transformer of 200 kilowatts capacity as a function of the period of operation, operated with the blast Fig. 305. — Curves showing the Effects of an Air Blast in Cooling Transformers. and without the blast. Point D shows the temperature of the stampings after the transformer has been operated seven hours with blast on; curve A shows the temperature of the windings when operated at full load without blast; curve B shows the temperature of the windings when operated at full load with blast of 1040 cubic feet per minute; and curve C shows the temperature of the air issuing from the transformer. The insulation in transformers is composed largely of the materials described for generator insulation,* but materials which deteriorate in either hot or cold oil cannot be used in oil-cooled or water-cooled transformers. The usual substances used for the insulation between the cores and coils are mica and * Art. 36. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 545 varnished cotton cloth or paper, with the addition of blocks of wood or press board where large volumes of insulating materials are demanded. The wire is usually double cotton covered, and varnished cloth is used between the layers. The voltage between layers seldom exceeds 200 volts. In fact, 200 volts per layer is high. Each winding is divided into thin sections, giving a total of not over 3000 or 4000 volts, which figures are also rather high for the best construction. These coil sections are thoroughly impregnated, usually by using a vacuum process, with linseed oil, asphaltum, or compounds derived from coal tar. It is evident that in transformers for high voltages, such as from 60,000 to 100,000 or more volts, the insulation between the cores and coils must have very high dielectric strength so that much mica is employed. The insulation between coil sec- tions is largely accomplished by the cooling oil which surrounds them, as the sections are kept apart by narrow separators of wood or pressboard. The terminals of a transformer are troublesome to insulate, as they are not in oil, and especially since high disruptive forces are apt to be set up at those points upon opening or closing circuits. Fig. 306 shows at A a pair of 66,000 volt leads for a transformer located under roof. The wires themselves are insulated to many times their diameter and are bushed in porcelain where they pass through the iron cover plate of the transformer. At B is shown a lead, for a similar voltage, to be used in a transformer intended for use out of doors. The multiple petticoated porcelain insulator is for the purpose of effectively disposing of rain water. A desirable form of terminal is now manufactured with alternate layers of insulating material and tin foil, the function of the latter being to distribute the electric stress uni- formly through the dielectric.* The oil in transformers should withstand a breakdown test of about 30,000 volts when the voltage is applied between * Trans. A. I. E. E., Vol. 28, p. 209. 2 N Fig. 306. — Terminals for 06,000 Volt Transformer. A, for Indoor Service. B, for Outdoor Service. 546 ALTERNATING CURRENTS PRIMARY SIDb SECONDARY SIDE electrodes having spherical ends of .5 centimeter diameter placed .4 centimeter apart. It should be free from moisture and other foreign substances, such as materials containing sulphur, alkali, or acids; should be a mineral oil manufactured by the fractional distillation of petroleum; and should be very fluid and neither solidify or form wax at 0° centigrade. Its flash point should be at least 170° centigrade.* The removal of moisture which may have got into otherwise satisfactory oil may be accomplished by filtering the oil through common soft blotting paper. It may also be accomplished by heating the oil to a temperature above 100° centigrade and stirring it. 140. Methods of connecting Constant Voltage Transformers and some Features of their Operation. — Single-phase trans- formers can be connected to single phase circuits either to raise or lower the voltage, as shown by the upper or lower trans- formers in the dia- gram of Fig. 307. If the three-wire system is used in the secondary cir- cuit, two trans- formers in series can be used, but more commonly the neutral wire is tapped to the middle of the secondary winding, as shown by the dotted line in Fig. 307. Lighting transformers generally have their secondary windings divided into two coils with their terminals brought out to terminal blocks so that the three-wire connection can be readily made. Two or more transformers are sometimes connected with their secondary windings in parallel on the same secondary cir- cuit ; in which case it is necessary that they shall have equal ratios of transformation, and that their internal resistances and reactances shall be inversely proportional to their respective rated capacities, or they will not divide the total load proportionally to their rated capacities. Thus, consider two transformers designed for equal primary and no-load secondary voltages and equal rated capacities, but having their total internal impedances, resolved in terms of secondary circuit equivalents, in the ratio * U. S. Government Specifications. Fig. 30T. — Diagram showing Connections of Transformers. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 547 of the vectors Z t and AZ t , where A is a constant, the trans- formers being connected to the same primary circuit. The currents in the two are respectively proportional to ~ and — . Z t AZ t The load on one transformer is therefore less than that on the other transformer in the ratio of Z t : AZ t = 1 : A. Moreover, the secondary terminal voltages may not be exactly in the same phase, and an undesirable cross current will flow, so that the arithmetical sum of the currents carried by the two transformers X is greater than the current in the load, unless — ^ is equal for the ti t two transformers. If the ratios of transformation on open circuit are different in the ratio of E. 2 + B to E v where E 2 is the secondary ter- minal voltage of one transformer, the transformer having the lower secondary voltage absorbs power from the other until the total load becomes great enough to cause the terminal voltage of the latter to drop to E 2 volts. With further increase of load the first continues to carry the load required to bring its voltage to E 2 and divides further increases with the second transformer in the proportion stated in the preceding paragraph. If the internal impedances are both very low compared to the load impedance, differences in the division of load are little noticeable, but it is always wise to keep these conditions in mind when designing transformers for manufacture or selecting them for use. When secondary circuits of transformers fed from one primary circuit are to be connected in parallel it is, of course, essential that they be connected in the proper relation so that they will not short-circuit upon each other. It is thus necessary to know or determine the Polarity of the windings. The relative polarity of two transformers may be obtained by connecting up one transformer, and then, after attaching the primary terminals of the second to the primary line, connecting one of its second- ary terminals directly to a secondary line conductor and the other secondary terminal to the other secondary line conductor through a voltmeter. If the transformers are connected in series instead of parallel relation, the voltmeter will read double the normal secondary voltage. A light fuse may be used instead of the voltmeter, and the blowing of the fuse will 548 ALTERNATING CURRENTS denote wrong connections. Figure 807 a shows correct connec- tions for two transformers in parallel. Figure 307 b (1 and 2) show incorrect connec- tions for parallel opera- tion, as the transformers in each diagram are short-circuited on each other. Figure 30 7 c shows the connections whereby a three-wire, may be obtained by means two-wire primary circuit Fig. 307 a. — Correct Connections for Two Transformers in Parallel. circuit from a 1 1 CD single-phase, secondary of two transformers when a middle con- nection to the second- ary winding is not avail- able. The transformation of voltage in polyphase circuits may be com- passed by using single- phase transformers in groups. A quarter- phase circuit then re- quires two transformers at each point of trans- formation, and a tri- phase circuit requires either two or three transformers. The individual transformers must each have a capacit)' equal to the power required to be transformed by it divided by the power factor of the part which it sup- plies. As the power factor of an incan- descent lamp load by is practically unity, and since circuits supplying induction motors are likely^ to have full load power factors not higher than 0.8, and further since when such motors Fig. 307 b . — Incorrect Connections for Two Trans- formers in Parallel. Fig. 307 c. — Three-wire Secondary Circuit supplied Two Transformers. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 549 are only partly loaded the power factor is much decreased, it is evident that transformers which supply currents to motors must be of greater kilovolt-ampere capacity than those which supply equal power to incandescent lamps. This rule applies equally to single-phase and polyphase circuits and it is important to bear in mind when purchasing transformers that their capacities should Fig. 308. — Diagram of Transformer Connections for a Three-wire Quarter-phase System. GROUP 1 be suitable for the kilovolt amperes of the load to which they are to be connected. Figure 308 represents the connections for a quarter-phase circuit when a common return wire is used in both primary and secondary circuits. In the case of a four- wire quarter-phase circuit, the transformers may be kept inde- pendent, one single-phase transformer ABC — being provided for each phase of the circuit. A four-wire circuit may be used for either the primary or second- ary circuit and a circuit with common return for the other by associating the four-wire connection with one side of two transformers and the three-wire connection of Fig\ 308 with the other side of the trans- formers. In Fig. 309 are shown the usual connections utilized for groups of three single-phase transformers for three-phase transformation. The figure shows three groups each of which comprises three transformers. In Group 1 the primary windings ABC' and the secondary windings of the Fig. 309. — Diagram showing transformers are both connected in Ways of Connecting ihree Single-phase Transformers to A arrangement. In Group 2 the Tri-phase Lines. GROUP 2 GROUP 3 550 ALTERNATING CURRENTS primary windings and the secondary windings of the trans- formers are both connected in Y arrangement. In Group 3 the primary windings of the transformers are connected in A ar- rangement and the secondary windings are connected in Y arrangement. The third arrangement may be reversed so as to connect the primary windings in Y and the secondary windings in A. When transformers are to be connected in any of these arrangements, the terminals must be joined correctly according to the polarities, or the voltage phases will be unbalanced in the secondary circuit. Thus, when the secondary coils are properly connected and the system is balanced as to the vol- tages. the three coil-voltages may be laid out graphically as a sym- metrical phase diagram, as shown by the vectors represented by OA, OB , and 0(7, in Fig. 310. By reversing the con- nections of one of the windings of one of the transformers in a Y ar- rangement, its secondary voltage is reversed. For instance, reversing the transformer giving the voltage OB of Fig. 310 gives the voltage vector OJD of the diagram, which, using the relations shown in the figure, lies 60° behind OA and 60° ahead of 0(7 instead of in the proper position 120° ahead of OA and behind 0(7. The voltages between the sec- ondary line wires A and B , B and C, and (7 and A are there- fore changed to the values and vector relations shown by the lines AT), DC , and CA in the vector triangle ADC , instead of their balanced relations for the proper connections shown by A B, B (7, and CA. The diagram shows by inspection that the voltages AD and DC are numerically equal to the wye voltage CO of the circuit, but CA is equal to V3 times the wye voltage. The angles between AD , DC , and CA are re- spectively equal to 60°, 150° and 150°. Fig. 310. — Diagram of y-connected Transformer Voltages in a Tri-phase Circuit to show the Effect of reversing the Connections of One Winding. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 551 C B' Fig. 310 a. — Diagram of A-connected Transformer Voltages in a Tri-phase Circuit to show the Effect of reversing the Connection of One Winding. When the secondary coils are connected in delta, the diagram of Fig. 310 a can be applied, but now OA, OB , and OC repre- sent, not only the coil voltages, but also the line voltages. Hence, when the con- nection of the wind- ing of transformer B is reversed, the voltage between B and C is reversed and the vector diagram of voltages AB , B' C ( = — BO) and OA does not close. This leaves an uncompen- sated voltage B' B to make a circulating current in the mesh, which would burn out the transformers. In a wrongly connected wye system, unbalanced voltages are impressed on the secondary circuit which would ordinarily lead to the flow of unbalanced currents in both primary and secondary circuits, and if maintained would cause inconvenience to users of apparatus of which the load might be composed. In a wrongly connected delta system the transformers are jeop- ardized by a circulating current caused by the resultant vol- tage in the mesh. This is generally obviated by use of proper fuses and other circuit breakers, but it is well to guard against such dangers by making polarity tests before cutting the trans- formers into circuit. It must be observed that the phases of the voltages between three-phase secondary line wires are opposite to the voltages impressed between the primary line wires when both primary and secondary windings of the transformers are connected both either in delta or in wye arrangement. This is not true, how- ever, when the primary windings are connected in one arrange- ment and the secondary windings are connected in the other arrangement, as this results in a displacement of the secondary voltage phase 30° from the position of opposition, for the reasons heretofore explained.* The line voltages are shifted forward 30° when going through the transformers from delta to wye and are shifted backward 30° when going through the trans- * Art. 100. 552 ALTERNATING CU RR ENTS formers from wye to delta. For this reason groups of three transformers operating in three-phase circuits cannot be con- nected in parallel on both the primary and secondary circuits unless due consideration is given to the manner of their con- nections. Transformers connected delta primary and delta secondary and transformers connected wye primary and wye secondary can be paralleled on the secondary side with like groups and with each other, when operated from the same pri- mary circuit; but they cannot be paralleled with transformers connected delta primary and wye secondary nor with trans- formers connected wye primary and delta secondary. Each of the two last-named arrangements may be paralleled with like groups, but neither may be paralleled with the other. When the connection of the windings is delta primary and delta secondary or wye primary and wye secondary, it is mani- fest that the ratio of primary and secondary voltages at no load is equal to the transformation ratio of the individual trans- formers, but tins is not true when the connections of primary and secondary windings differ. When the arrangement is delta primary and wye secondary, the wye voltage of the secondary circuit is equal to the primary impressed voltage divided by the ratio of transformation, and in a balanced circuit the secondary line voltage is V3 times as great. When the arrangement is Avye primary and delta secondary, the secondary line voltage is equal to the primary wye voltage divided by the ratio of transformation. The primary line voltage is V3 times the pri- mary wye voltage, and the secondary line voltage is therefore 1/V3 as great in a balanced circuit as would be given by divid- ing the primary line voltage by the ratio of transformation of the transformers. In Fig. 311 is shown a diagram for connecting two trans- formers on a tri-pliase circuit in what is sometimes called the Open delta or Vee connection. The two arrangements shown are alike in result, but the transformers are attached to different phases. The secondary voltages of the respective transformers are represented in Fig. 312 by the lines AB and CA< cor- responding with the connection shown in the upper part of the figure, while the distance BO represents the resulting secondary line voltage that is maintained jointly by the two transformers between the wires B and C. When three transformers are con- MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 553 nectecl in delta arrangement and one becomes disabled so as to be disconnected from the circuit, a large part of the full load can still be carried by the two transformers a b C that remain in V connection. With three transformers connected in the delta arrange- ments the total power delivered to the cir- cuit is equal to V3 cos # 2 , and each transformer delivers one third of this power, E„Ir, COS Or, or 2 2 V3 After the circuit of one of the three transformers has been opened, as- suming the load to remain the same, each of the remaining transformers must deliver VBAJgig cos 0 2 ^ to the receiving circuit. Since the current in each line wire remains unchanged as does the voltage between line wires, it is evident that in the transformer coils there will be additional angular dis- placement corresponding to an angle of v/3 cos _1 - — , that is, ± 30°. The total phase dis- Fig. 311. — Connections for using Two Trans- formers on a Tri- phase Circuit. V Con- nection. SC' placement in the two transformers is then re- spectively # 2 + 30° and 0 2 — 30°. From this it will be seen that the current in each transformer increases in a greater proportion than does the power delivered by the trans- former. Hence when two transformers are op- erating in open delta (i.e. V connection) on a tri-phase circuit the transformers will not (without being overloaded) deliver their full rated capacity in kilowatts even when supply- ing power to a non-reactive load. Thus, three transformers each of 200 Ivva. rated full load capacity being delta connected to a tri-phase showing Voltages circuit and delivering a total of 600 kilowatts of Secondary to a balanced receiving' circuit having unity Phases of a Tri- ° J phase System when P ower factor, when one of these transformers Two Transformers has its secondary circuit opened by accident are used, and the eac p 0 f tq-, e two remaining transformers will Wrong Connections, deliver 300 kilowatts to the receiving circuit, 554 ALTERNATING CURRENTS but the current in each transformer will be out of phase with its secondary voltage by an angle of 30° ; hence, the kilo- volt amperes delivered by each transformer must be equal to V3 300 h — — = 346 Ivva. and the transformers are 73 per cent over- loaded. This is but one of many possible transformer combi- nations which result in a phase displacement between voltage and current in the transformers ; and in every case when such a combination is made the kilowatt output of the transformers is less than the sum of the kilovolt amperes on account of the internal phase displacement of the current. If the connection of either the primary or the secondary winding of the transformer giving voltage CA in Fig. 312 is reversed, the three secondary line voltages become AB , BC, and C'A. The last is equal to — CA. This is a workable com- bination because the third side of the vector diagram BC is not fixed in position or magnitude by its own transformer, as it is in the case of delta connection of three transformers ; but it gives unbalanced secondary voltages. The diagram shows by inspection that the voltage BC is numerically V3 times vol- tages AB and C'A, and the angles between the voltages AB , BC , and CA are 150°, 150°, and 60°. This arrangement is sometimes used to get a 60° phase difference. A substitute for the V connection may be made with two transformers, in which the windings of Ci 0 B, Ax a/vvWa Wvw\ B,. one transformer possess ^ times as many turns as the windings of the other. In this case, one end of each winding of the former is connected to the middle of the corresponding winding of the latter, as illustrated in Fig. 313. This is called the Tee connection of transformers. The windings of fewer turns which are pos- sessed by one transformer are sometimes called Teaser windings. The potential of A v the line end of the primary teaser winding, is fixed by the tri-phase relations of the line voltages, while the potential of the other end is fixed by being midway between the potentials of B x and C v by reason ) \ LOAD / ' Fig. 313. — Tee Connection of Transformers for Tri- phase Circuit. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 555 of the connection of the teaser at the mid-point 0. The vector diagram of voltages is given in Fig. 314, in which BO is the voltage from B x to 0 of Fig. 313, 00 is the voltage from 0 to O v and OA is the voltage from 0 to A v The line voltages are represented by AB , BO, and CA. The tensor value of voltage V3 OA is — - times that of either line voltage. The voltages of 2 the secondary circuit are proportional to those of the primary circuit, by reason of the correspondence of the pri- a mary and secondary windings and, therefore, are also represented by the vectors of Fig. 314. That is, the secondary line voltages must be proportional in magnitude and angular relations to the vectors represented by AB, BO, and OA of the figure. Assuming the system to be balanced, the line Fl g G ran fo{ v7itages currents flowing in the two halves of the coil produced by B 1 0 1 or B 2 C 2 are numerically equal to each other arranged 0 in* Tee and are 120° apart in phase. At 0 they add Connection, together vectorially to form the line current which flows through the teaser, which is numerically equal to each of the others and 120° in advance of one and 120° behind the other, in accordance with the law that the vector sum of the currents at a junction must be zero. The kilovolt-auqjeres capacity of the transformers manifestly must be greater than the kilowatt output even when the load is non-reactive. The T connection of two transformers for tri-phase circuits possesses the disadvantage, compared with the V connection, that the two transformers cannot be alike unless part of the winding of one is allowed to be idle and its capacity is therefore sacri- ficed ; but the T connection has a countervailing advantage in the fact that the system is not so likely to become unbalanced as when the V connection is used. The relative transformer capacities required when the delta, wye, vee, and tee connections are used for three-phase to three- phase transformation may be determined by the following rela- tions: For delta and Avye, the capacity of each of the three transformers must be equal to one third of the total load in kilovolt amperes. This, for any power factor, is equal to E r l = EI± = — - El (where E r , E, I, and are the wye voltage, V3 55G ALTERNATING CURRENTS line voltage, line current, and delta current of the circuit), for in the delta the primary coil current equals — ^ I and in the wye the primary coil voltage equals E. The three required Vb transformers then have a combined kilovolt ampere capacity of V3 El. If the windings are delta-connected, they must be designed to produce full line voltage and carry a current equal to the line current divided by V3, while if the windings are wye-connected they must be designed to produce a voltage equal to line voltage divided by V3 and to carry full line cur- rent. In the tee connection the coils carry the same currents as the line wires, but the voltage of one transformer having the teaser winding is onlv V3 times as large as the line voltage. to El , while that of the main transformer must be equal to The kilovolt ampere capacity of the teaser transformer is equal V3 2 ~ El. The combined capacity of the two transformers required for an output of V3 El kilovolt amperes is therefore — El In the vee connection the voltage in the primary windings of each of the two transformers is E and the current I. The cur- rents entering the windings at the outer ends of the vee are equal to the two corresponding line currents, and these vectori- ally add at the apex at a phase angle of 120°, which gives an equal current for the third wire. Hence the combined capacity of the two transformers should be 2 El. It should be understood that in the case of the tee connection or the vee connection the relations of the currents and voltages in the transformers so connected are not necessarily the same as the phase relations between line currents and line voltages. In the case of the tee connection the current in the teaser winding has the same angular relation to the voltage of that winding as the line current lias to the line voltage, but as pre- viously explained in this Article there is an inherent phase displacement of the currents in the two halves of the main transformer winding irrespective of the power factor of the line. In the case of the vee connection the currents in both transformers are out of phase with the respective transformer MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 557 voltages as explained earlier. Because of this condition the total kilovolt ampere capacity of the transformers connected in tee and in vee must be in excess of the total kilovolt amperes supplied by the line or to the load. When the three transformers are connected in wye in a tri- phase system, a fourth wire may be connected to the neutral point or common junction point, and part or all of the load may be connected from the three independent wires to the neutral wire.* This reduces the load voltage, as shown in Fig. 315, to the secondary coil voltage, while maintaining the voltage between the three-phase wires at V3 times that value. When the load is not perfectly balanced, currents will flow in the neutral wire, and it is usual to make the neutral conductor of ! S K E., j f» :i ■ n / i E„ r i i e 2 vf Fig. 315 — Tri-phase Transformer Connections when a Neutral Wire is used. the same size as the other three ; but as the phase voltages are equal to V3 times the load voltages, and as the weight of copper is inversely as the square of the voltage, the weight of copper required for the transmission of a given power over a given distance with a fixed loss of power is only ^ as great as when the ordinary delta or wye arrangement is utilized with the same voltage on the load, and these in turn require only f as great a weight of copper as a single-phase or a four-wire quarter-phase system with the same voltage between the con- ductors of each phase. Consequently, the arrangement of Fig. 315 requires only ^ as great a weight of copper as a two-wire single-phase or four-wire two-phase circuit with the same vol- tage on the load. The neutral point of a tri-phase system is likely to float from the balanced center when the phases become unbalanced.! That is, the voltage between each of the line wires and the * Art. 100. t Art. 103. Examples. 558 ALTERNATING CURRENTS neutral wire is dependent upon the character of the load in the several phases. It is common practice to ground the neutral point of wye con- nected secondary circuits, both for the purpose of reducing the tendency of unbalancing and of reducing danger which might threaten life or property through having exaggerated voltages arising for any reason between the line conductors and ground. Thus, for instance, if a single phase of a high voltage primary circuit accidentally makes connection into the secondary wind- ings where the neutral is grounded, it may be brought to earth potential, and it cannot rise with reference to the ground poten- tial above the potential of the secondary phase wire with which it comes in contact. The neutral conductors of single-phase three-wire secondary circuits are commonly grounded to ob- tain similar protection. Variations of voltage between earth and the line wires of an insulated system may also occur from other causes than the illustration just given, but when a system of conductors has a ground connection, whether from a wye neutral or otherwise, the voltages between the ground and the several line wires evidently depend upon the values of the vol- tages between the wires themselves. Thus, if one line wire of a wye or delta load is connected to ground, the voltages between the ground and the other line wires are equal to the full line voltage. When the wye neutral point is grounded, the voltage between either phase wire and ground is equal to the voltage be- tween the neutral point and the phase wire, which, in a balanced three-phase system, is equal to the line voltage divided by V8. When the neutral points of several generators or transform- ers are brought into conjunction as by grounding, any third har- monics of the voltages induced in the windings may cause third harmonic cross currents to flow through the ground connections, windings, and line wires, which currents could not exist except for such connections. This condition may be controlled by inserting a small amount of resistance in each conductor leading to ground. Although grounding at special points may be made designedly with good effect, accidental grounding of otherwise ungrounded systems is generally objectionable, as it ma 3 r be the cause of serious disturbances. This is particularly true of systems of very high voltage. Even though this relation may not prove serious at the point where accidental grounding occurs, the MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 559 effect is carried more or less directly, depending upon the com- bination of wye and delta connections of the various step-up and step-down transformers, over the whole distribution system and may at one point or another be the cause of accident. It is essential, then, that ground detectors be used on all insulated portions of a distribution system, and that when grounding is desired the ground connection be made with due reference to the voltages and insulation strength over the whole system. Disastrously high voltages may be caused under certain con- ditions when the primary circuit of a transformer, having its secondary winding connected into a long high voltage three- phase transmission line of large electrostatic capacity, is open circuited. Thus, suppose a group of three transformers are con- nected in wye fashion to the primary and secondary conductors of a transmission system, as illustrated in Fig 316. If the pri- mary coil connected into lead A 1 is open-circuited for any rea- son, and the sec- ondary coil remains connected into its circuit, the voltage between wires B 2 and C 2 may not be seriously affected, but the voltages be- tween A 0 and B, Aj A Cl Tc 2 Bf L 2 ’ Fig. 316. — Diagram showing Three Transformers Con- and C 2 and A 2 , may become dangerously high ; for now the coil 0 2 A 2 acts as a high inductive reactance which is in series nected in Wye Fashion in a Tri-phase System, with the Primary Circuit of One Transformer Open. Illustration of a Dangerous Condition. with what may happen to be an equivalently high capacity re- actance of the line conductor leading from A 2 to the load. This would produce a condition of voltage resonance similar to that assumed in some of the problems of Chapter VI,* and' an ex- cessive voltage would appear between A 2 and 0 2 and also per- haps elsewhere between the line wire connected with A 2 and the other line wires. Evidently with the conditions, as illustrated, the primary voltages will also be disturbed. Various other conditions which produce objectionable results may arise when making and breaking connections of trans- * Art. 81 (Examples g to k) and Art. 82 ; also Art. 86. 5G0 ALTERNATING CURRENTS formers associated with polyphase circuits, so that circumspec- tion must be exercised under such circumstances. The balance of the load is a most important element in using transformers with their secondary windings connected on single- phase three-wire or on polyphase circuits. It may be readily understood that with the two halves of the secondary winding of one transformer connected to a single-phase three-wire system, any unbalancing of the load will affect the balance of the second- ary voltages respectively produced by the two half windings, on account of the fact that greater magnetic leakage will affect the more heavily loaded half winding, unless the two halves are very closely associated on the magnetic circuit. It is there- fore important to have each transformer, which is to be used for this purpose, constructed with the halves of its secondary winding so arranged that the magnetic leakage shall be ap- proximately the same in each even if the load becomes unbal- anced. When a core t} T pe transformer, with the primary and secondary windings each equally divided between the two legs of the core, is to be used to supply current to a three-wire sec- ondary circuit, the half of the windings to be connected be- tween either outside wire and the neutral wire should not be placed on one leg of the core only, but should be composed in equal parts of turns on each of the legs. When transformers are connected in polyphase circuits a similar effect of unbalanced magnetic leakage is produced by an unbalanced load, as may be seen by reviewing the examples given earlier in the book.* The effect of such unbalanced loads is to tend to overheat the transformer coils, generating apparatus, and load appliances on the phases carrying abnormal currents, and to cause unsat- isfactory regulation and danger to the insulation over the phases or circuits which have abnormal voltages. Not only do incan- descent lamps suffer from the abnormal voltages, but the trans- former coils, induction motor fields, and similar apparatus in the circuits having excessive voltages are apt to have their core fluxes go beyond the point of saturation, thus calling for excessive exciting currents which may become, under such circumstances, sufficiently largo to cause serious overheating. Many low voltage secondary distributing systems supply three- wire loads from the secondaries of transformers connected to polyphase * Art. 103. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 561 primaries, and there have been frequent cases where excellent plants of this kind have given most unsatisfactory service because the systems have not been properly balanced. Thus, the three-wire secondaries of the transformers may be unbalanced, and in addition to this defect the sum of the loads of the trans- formers attached to one phase of the primary supply system may be very different from the loads called for on the other phases. The line and generator IR drops will then vary in the different phase circuits, causing the vector diagram of poly- phase voltages to become skewed and the voltages of the several phases at the points of power consumption to become unequal. It is, therefore, essential for good service, when con- necting transformers to compound primary or secondary circuits, to first properly balance the load which is to be attached. The connections of quarter and tri-phase transformers are made circuit by circuit, in the same manner as earlier explained for single-phase transformers. 141. Phase Transformation. — Connections for transforming one polyphase system into another system with a different number of phases may be readdy developed from the principles set forth in earlier chapters. Quite a number of commercial devices for this purpose have been proposed. The one most commonly used is a T connec- tion arranged as follows : In Fig. 317, the primary wind- ings of the transformers M and M' are alike and are connected to a quarter-phase circuit. The secondary winding OA^ of M (sometimes called the Teaser winding) is attached to the middle of the secondary winding of M 1 at the point 0. The secondary winding of M has —B times the OR LOAD Fig. 317. ■ — Diagram of Arrangement of Two Transformers for converting Quarter- phase into Tri-phase System and Vice Versa. The Tee Connection. number of turns that there are in the secondary winding of M' . Then, the voltages impressed on the primary windings being numerically equal and 90° apart in phase, the line OB in Fig. 314 represents the voltage between the points 0 and B 2 in Fig. 317, 00 that between 0 and C v and OA that between 0 and A 2 . Voltage OA must be at right angles to OB and 00 , as the 562 ALTERNATING CURRENTS THREE-PHASE A f Cl j LESi M/WWWWv wwwwaaaT ~lwvWW\AM phases of the two primary circuits are 90° apart. Thus, the voltages in i? 2 0ancl OC 2 being in phase with others and the voltage in OA 2 being in quadrature with them, it is seen that between the points A, B , and C three equal voltages are set up 120° apart, since the number of inducing turns between 0 and A 2 bears the same relation to the number of inducing turns between B 2 and C 2 , that the length of the bisector of an equi- lateral triangle bears to one of its sides. The apparatus may be used with equal facility for transforming two phases into three phases or vice versa, by impressing two-phase voltages on A X P X and B 1 0 1 and thereby producing three-phase voltages between A 2 , B 2 and C 2 in the one case, or by impressing three- phase voltages on A 2 B 2 , B 2 C 2 , and C 2 A 2 and thereby producing quarter-phase voltages respectively in A X P X and B X C V For some services it is desirable to use a six-phase system, and to do this economically generally requires transformation from quarter-phase or tri-phase transmission lines. Figure 318 shows method whereby this can be done in a simple manner. Here the secondary circuits of the three transformers of a tri-phase primary system are connected at opposite junctions of the six junction points R , M, S, 2F, T, P (Fig. 318) of a mesh-connected six-phase load. The load makes what is equivalent to the combination of two tri-phase systems. The dotted lines between the load junctions R, 31, S, W, T, and P represent the paths of the current in a mesh load and the broken diametral lines represent the paths for a star load. In six- phase systems mesh and star connections call for the same vol- tages and currents in the individual branches of the load. With the arrangement shown in Fig. 318 the neutral point of the six-phase star is at the same potential as the middle point of the secondary winding of each of the three transformers, and if a neutral return conductor is added to the system, it may be led to those three middle points. In Fig. 319 each secondary winding is shown divided into aaaaaa MA/W\ R LOAD P M/WV\ o :u N Fig. 318. — Transformer Connections for transforming Three Phases to Six Phases. Opposition Arrange- ment. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 563 two equal coils. Each set of halves is connected in delta ar- rangement, one delta being re- versed compared to the other in accordance with the connecting diagrams shown in Fig. 319 a. The corners of one delta are con- nected in tri-phase mesh to three points M, N, and P on the load, while the other delta is connected to the points P, S, and T. This arrangement is commonly called the Double delta connection. Cl MAMAWvJwA WW mT B, Ai maammmJ Fig. 319. — Transformation of Three Phases to Six Phases by the Double Delta Arrangement. Figure 320 shows a similar arrangement, but with the two Fig. 319 a. — Connection Diagram for Plan of Fig. 319. Ci B. wmmvaaJ Ai sets of half coils connected in wye. The connection diagram is shown in Fig. 320 a. The primary windings of the transformers may be in either delta or wye in each of the arrangements illustrated for the transformation from three phases to six phases and the reverse. Which arrangement to select for either the primary windings or secondary windings depends upon the voltages desired and the problems of insulation and current-carrying capacities of the copper in the transformers, second- A/VWY 4vVW y 5 lA/VVWL _, A/yw y' 3 A/wvy' s /wwy ' '!S '' N T Fig. 320. — Transformation of Three Phases to Six Phases by the Double Wye Arrangement. 564 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ary leads, and load. With a delta system the line current equals V8 times the coil current for the balanced three-phase system, with voltages in lines and coils equal; and with a wye M connection the line voltages equal V3 times the coil voltages, with the currents in lines and coils equal.* For the balanced six-phases, line currents are equal to coil currents, and line voltages are equal to coil vol- tages in both mesh and star, provided line voltages are measured between electrically adjacent terminals. Figure 320 b illustrates the vector relations of the line currents and the coil currents for the six-phase mesh. The line cur- rent at corner M is equal to the vector sum of current RM and current SM (= — MS ) . This is the current Mb. The line current at corner S is equal to the vector sum of currents MS and JVS, and so on at the other corners. Figure 321 shows the tee method of connecting two trans- formers with divided secondary windings for the purpose of transforming from three to six phases. In this case the primary winding may be connected to a quarter-phase circuit, * Art. 100. Fi«. 320 6. — Vector Diagram of Currents in Six-phase Mesh. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 505 Ci MWiwlvWVWVW _/VW VwWNAA Fig. 321. — Transformation of Two or Three Phases to Six Phases using Two Transformers and the Tee Connection. in which case the primary windings of the two transformers must be alike and the secondary winding of the teaser trans- former must contain only .866 ^ = as many turns as the other secondary winding, or to a three-phase primary circuit, in which case both the primary and secondary winding of the teaser transformer must contain VB/2 times as many turns as the corresponding winding of the other transformer, as shown in Fig. 321. Other combinations may be used, but those given are sufficient to indicate in general the manner in which the transformation is accomplished. Transformation may also be ef- fected from a polyphase circuit to a single-phase circuit for the purpose of distributing the load of a single- phase circuit over the several phases of the polyphase circuit. Each phase of a polyphase circuit is a single-phase circuit, but when it is desired to distribute the load of a single single-phase circuit over the three phases of a three-phase circuit this may be done by connecting three trans- formers, as illustrated in Fig. 321 a , which also exhibits the vector diagram of secondary voltages. It will be observed that the connection of the secondary winding of one of the transformers is reversed in compari- son with the normal connection for a delta, and the connecting wire re- quired to close the delta is omitted. The vector diagram shows that the secondary voltage is equal to twice that of one transformer. The current carrying capacit} r is equal to any one of the transformers, and three transformers are required to Single-phase Load over Three Phases. transform th.6 full load, of two. Cl B, Ai Vwwww wwwwv VWAAAW 56G ALTERNATING CURRENTS Moreover, the results are not to be recommended because the arrangement transmits the pulsating power of the single-phase circuit into the three-phase circuit and unbalances it. To accomplish the corresponding result with a two-phase pri- mary circuit, the secondary windings of the transformers should be connected as for use with a common return wire, and the single-phase load should be worked off the outside wires. The transformation of single-phase into polyphase currents by means of stationary transformers may be accomplished by phase-splitting devices, such as by dividing the single-phase circuit into two or more branches and obtaining currents of the desired polyphase angles by inserting property proportioned resistances and inductive and capacity reactances into the branches. No satisfactory commercial method has been devel- oped, where large units of power are required, which does not include moving parts in the transformer, though phase-splitting devices such as described are much used for single-phase inte- grating meters and for starting small induction motors. 142. Transformation from Constant Voltage to Constant Cur- rent. — - The effect of magnetic leakage has been shown in Art. 123. Remembering that the effect is like that produced by self- inductance coils placed in the primary and secondary circuits, the final vector diagram is the same as in the case of a transformer working on an inductive secondary circuit, with an additional correction applied to the angle of lag between the primary voltage and current to account for the direct effect of the leak- age on the primary circuit. Such a diagram shows that, as the leakage is increased so that the angle of lag between the mutu- ally induced voltages and the secondary current approaches 90°, the deficiency in the inherent tendency to regulate for con- stant secondary voltage when constant primary voltage is im- pressed, becomes so great that the secondary terminal voltage tends to vary inversely with the current ; that is, the voltage ordinates of the transformer regulation curve decrease with in- creasing rapidity as the current increases. Such a transformer should therefore tend to transform a variable current at con- stant voltage into a constant current at a variable voltage. This characteristic makes transformers with large magnetic leakage desirable for use for providing constant current for series arc lighting by transformation from a constant voltage MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 567 circuit. A transformer constructed for use in this way is called a Constant current transformer. When the lag angle between secondary voltage and current becomes 90°, the transformer can of course do no work, conse- quently it is impossible to get very exact regulation in thus transforming from constant voltage to constant current, but it is possible to arrange the transformer so that the percentage of leakage react- ance can be varied when nec- essary by partially closing a shunt magnetic circuit by a [G. 322. — Diagram showing a Simple Way in which Magnetic Leakage can be Varied in a Transformer Core. proposed by Elihu Thomson (Fig. 322). Figures 323 and 324 show the results of a test of a small transformer, in which the constant current regulation is wholly due to fixed magnetic leakage. In the first figure, one curve shows the efficiency as a function of the current in the sec- ondary circuit, and the other curve shows the secondary termi- nal volts as a func- tion of the secondary current. The sec- ond figure has curves A and B which show for the same trans- formers the watts in the primary and sec- ondary circuits as functions of the sec- ondary current. The crosses on the curves in the two figures show the points corresponding to normal load. Close regulation in the trans- formation into constant secondary current from constant primary ppfUClENCY It* \ \ \ 0 2 4 6 s 10 12 AMPERES Fig. 323. — Carves of Efficiency and Regulation as functions of the Secondary Current in a Small Trans- former having High Magnetic Leakage. 568 ALTERNATING CURRENTS voltage requires the use of accessory means, such as means to vary the magnetic leakage. In well-built trans- formers designed for constant secondary voltage, magnetic leakage is not likely to be of much mag- nitude, and in fact it can only be brought to a large value by making the space oc- cupied by the pri- mary and secondary coils very large com- pared with the cross section of the iron core, by using iron of a low permeability, or by specially arranging leakage paths. In Fig. 325 is shown a sketch of a modern constant current trans- former in which it may be observed that the magnetic circuit is long and the space within which the coils are wound is large. The letters (7, (Vindicate the laminated iron core, the central limb of which is embraced by the primary and secondary coils A and B. The coil A is movable and its position is determined by the balance between the weight of the counter-weighted coil and the magnetic repulsion be- tween the coils. Thus, if the repulsion just balances the weight of the movable coil and mechanism when certain currents flow in the two coils, any change in the currents will cause the movable coil to Fig. 325. — Constant Current Transformer. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 AMPERES Fig. 324. — Curves of Power Input and Output as func- tions of the Secondary Current in a Transformer having High Magnetic Leakage. A, Primary Kilo- watts ; B, Secondary Kilowatts. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 569 move up or down. Instead of only one, both coils may be made to move. The transformer being connected to a secondary circuit com- prising translating devices, such as arc lamps in series, if one of the units of load is short-circuited for the purpose of remov- ing it from operation, the current in the circuit will rise on account of the reduced impedance. Thereupon, the repulsion between the two coils is increased and the movable coil retreats farther from the stationary coil, thereby causing an increase of the magnetic leakage and a reduction of the secondary terminal voltage. The counter-weight being suspended on an arc of slightly decreasing radius, the coil promptly finds a position of balance, with the secondary current at substantially its normal value. If, on the other hand, additional load is added to the circuit, the current will at once correspondingly decrease, the repulsion between coils also decreases, the movable coil will move toward the fixed coil, the magnetic leakage will be thereby decreased and the secondary terminal voltage increased, and the coil will find a new position of balance with the secondary cur- rent again at substantially its normal value. The full load secondary voltage evidently occurs when the coils are nearly as close together as the construction per- mits, and the load impedance is at the highest value through which the transformer is designed to send the normal secondary current; while at no load, which is the condition occurring when the secondary circuit is short-circuited, the coils are at the extreme ends of the central magnetic core. When a heavy load is suddenly reduced, preliminary hand regulation may be necessary with such a transformer to prevent unsafe currents or voltages occurring while the movable coil is moving to its proper position, but as a rule the devices are considered automatic. The secondary terminal voltage when the secondary circuit is open, that is, when the load impedance is infinite, should approach a value equal to the primary voltage divided by the ratio of trans- formation, as in such a case the coils will be at their nearest approach to each other, since the secondary current is zero and no repulsion exists between the coils. The circle diagram for such a transformer when the load is considered to have a power factor of unity and the ratio of transformation is unity is shown in Fig. 326. For con- 570 ALTERNATING CURRENTS venience in this figure the negative resistance loci are used for representing secondary quantities. In the case under consider- ation the reactance and resistance of the equivalent circuit both vary and in such proportion that the secondary current is main- tained constant. The secondary current locus is therefore rep- resented by the semicircle A, I 2 ", I 2 , I 2 , B.* The construc- tion is otherwise of the same principles as shown in Figs. 277 to 281 inclusive. At full load the leakage reactance voltage drop, represented by the line Q 1 B V is at the relatively low value which occurs when the trans- former coils are close together. At no load, that is, the secondary short-circuited, the leakage re- actance voltage drop and the resistance drop in the two coils must combine to equal the im- pressed voltage OE v The leak- age voltage then has the value of E X Q". The resistance drop remains numerically equal to K^Q V since the secondary cur- rent is maintained constant and the ampere-turns of the primary winding therefore must stay con- stant, except as the variation of the magnetic leakage may affect the losses and thus affect the exciting component of the cur- rent. That is, reducing the series load by short-circuiting the translating devices does not decrease the primary current, but it causes the primary angle of lag to increase and therefore reduces the power absorbed from the primary supply circuit. The primary current is found as in the constructions in the earlier figures referred to, and is shown for one position of Q by the line S X I V where S 1 0 is the exciting component. If the load impedance is increased beyond the point required to bring the two coils of the transformer to their position of * Compare with Art. 70. E, Fig. 326. — Diagram showing Circular Loci for Constant Current Trans- former. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMED 571 nearest approach, which represents the condition of maximum load, the primary and secondary currents will decrease along a locus determined by the effects of a varying resistance^ and constant reactance in a circuit.* The equivalent impedance combination required to represent the reactions of this type of transformer can be built up as in the case of constant voltage transformers for any value of the load, but the equivalent coil reactance is not fixed but varies with the position of the movable coil, and the parallel impedance sup- plying the exciting current should be connected at the position indicated by JYS in Fig. 282, since the mutually induced vol- tage varies widely. Figure 329 shows a constant current transformer at A, which has a double secondary circuit arranged to operate two series of arc lamps. A plug switch is provided in each secondary ex- ternal circuit, as shown at £, to be used for short-circuiting either one at will. Other plug switches are provided at C and D to be used for disconnecting the external secondary circuits from the transformer and for disconnecting the transformer from the primary supply circuit. An amperemeter is arranged so that it may be introduced into either lighting circuit by means of a switchboard plug, and a lightning arrester is con- nected to each circuit. 143. Series Transformers. — When transformers are connected in series with a line carrying a load as shown in Fig. 327 they are usually called Series or Current transformers. Such transformers in commercial service are usually of very small capacity, such as for loads of from ten to fifty watts in the secondary circuit, and are provided for service with electrical measuring instruments, circuit breaker relays, and the like. The current in the second- ary coil divided by the ratio of transformation takes a value equal to the vector difference between the total primary current and the exciting current component. The exciting current varies with the load for the reasons next explained ; but in a well- designed machine it is relatively small for all conditions of load from a short circuit of the secondary terminals up to an imped- ance in the secondary circuit which is considerably greater than that of normal full load. The voltage across the primary terminals equals the whole transformer impedance, including * Art. 70. 572 ALTERNATING CURRENTS that of the secondary load, reduced to primary equivalents, multi- plied by the primary current ; consequently, when the primary current is constant, if the impedance of the load increases, the sec- ondary current tends to fall, but the exciting component increases so as to maintain the closed vector relation between secondary ampere-turns, exciting ampere-turns, and total primary ampere- turns. If the impedance of the load decreases, the secondary cur- rent tends to increase and the exciting component decreases. The tendency, therefore, is for the magnetic flux, and therefore the secondary voltage, to vary so as to maintain the secondary current in approximately fixed relation to the primary current. The secondary mutually induced voltage equals the primary < GENERATOR LOAD WW Fig. 327. — Connections for a Current Transformer. mutually induced voltage divided by the ratio of transformation. For the conditions of constant impedance in the secondary cir- cuit, the secondary current is therefore substantially proportional to the primary current and in nearly opposite phase, so long as the maximum magnetic density in the transformer core is suffi- ciently well below the point of saturation so that it may be considered to be substantially proportional to the exciting current. When the transformer secondary load is the current coil of a wattmeter or an amperemeter, as is usually the case, this condition is approximately realized. If the load impedance is increased so that the saturation of the magnetic core is high, a large portion of the primary current may be used for exciting purposes, leaving a comparatively small portion equal and opposite to the equivalent secondary current. It is thus seen that the ratio of the secondary current to the primary current may vary considerably in case the impedance of the secondary circuit varies, especially if the latter is rather large. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 573 so that when a series transformer is used to supply current to the coils of a measuring instrument, it should be used only with in- struments with which it was designed to be associated, or the instruments should be calibrated in association with the trans- former. When more than one instrument coil (such as the current coil of a wattmeter and the coil of an amperemeter) is to be associated with a particular series transformer, the in- strument coils should be connected in series with each other in the transformer secondary circuit. The transformer should be designed so that the magnetic density in the core is sufficiently far below the point of saturation so that the exciting current is small and approximately proportional to the impressed voltage and hence to the secondary current, over the entire range of the readings of the instruments from zero to their maximum readings. When the secondary circuit of such a transformer is opened, the total current flowing through the mains into which the primary coil is inserted, acts as an exciting current. The form of the wave of this current is largely fixed by the constants of the load attached to the mains, a small current transformer having little effect upon it, so that the mutually induced vol- tage and the secondary current may be very irregular in form if the magnetization of the core is carried beyond the point of saturation. This is the same condition as is shown in Fig. 264, which gives the curves of current, magnetism, and induced voltage in an induction coil through which a current of fixed form flows. * The secondary voltage when the secondary circuit is open depends upon the magnetic reluctance of the core, the current in the main wires, and the ratio of the windings. As the magnetic density in current transformers designed to be used for measuring instruments is made very low through the range of currents to be measured, it is evident that the second- ary circuit voltage may rise to a high and dangerous value when a large current flows in the mains, if the secondary circuit is open, and in any event the magnetic flux is likely to rise to an excessive density and cause injurious heating from the hysteresis and eddy current losses. The secondary coils of such transformers can be short-circuited at any time, however, without danger, as they will not then take a greater current * Art. 116. 574 ALTERNATING CURRENTS than that in the primary circuit divided by the ratio of trans- formation. It is a safe rule never to open the secondary circuit of an instrument transformer when current is flowing, and it should be short-circuited when connected to a supply circuit but not provided with a load. Figure 328 represents a commercial current transformer complete in a neat iron case. Figure 329 shows a current transformer at F and a potential transformer at F connected to a registering watt-hour meter. When a wattmeter is used in association with a current transformer and a potential Fig 328. — Current transformer, a good deal of caution should be Transformer in its observed in respect to its readings unless the Case ' instrument has been calibrated in association with the same transformers and with due regard to the power factor of the load which it is to be used to measure. The accuracy of the watt- meter readings is dependent upon the preservation of the same angular relation between the current in its current coil and the voltage impressed on its voltage coil as exists between the main circuit current and voltage ; and also upon the transformation of both current and voltage occurring in fixed ratios. The potential trans- former, being a small constant vol- tage transformer, its secondary terminal voltage differs in phase very nearly 180° from the phase of the primary impressed voltage, but there is a very small deviation from an exact 180° re- lation which is caused by the magnetic leakage and the primary IR drop. In the current transformer, the secondary Fig _ 32 9 . _ constant Current current differs substantially 180° from Transformer with Double See- the phase of the primary current except t Tl bu Ah T TT-T. I LIGHTNING JJG 13 ARRESTER iJlU C(y) C($) swishes (§)C (y)C MMETEI Q f * =7 B CONSTANT CURRENT TRANSFORMER WATTHOUR METER 4/ T =-i- R L ? )(|) for the effect of the exciting current. ondary Circuit connected to Series Load. Also Instrument Transformers. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 575 Each of these causes of inaccuracy in apparent lag angle is quite small in good commercial transformers and has relatively little effect on readings of the instrument when the load has a high power factor, but even such small deviations may intro- duce a large error into the readings when the power factor of the load is small. 144. Impedance Coils, Compensators, etc. — The design of Reactance coils, Impedance coils, or Choking coils, as they are variously called, is carried out in very much the same manner as the design of a transformer. An impedance coil consists of a magnetic circuit with a winding of small resistance but large inductance. It may be used in lieu of a rheostat to modify the current in an alternating-current circuit and with less loss of power than would be caused by the rheostat. The magnetic circuit and winding are proportioned in exactly the same manner as the magnetic circuit and the primary winding of a trans- Coils of this type former, using the formula E x = are used for a variety of purposes where it is desired to throttle the flow of current without the attendant loss of power which always follows the use of resistances. Thus where an arc lamp is used on a constant voltage alternat- ing-current circuit, a reactance coil is ordinarily used to re- duce the voltage from the voltage on the wires to that required at the lamp and to aid in maintaining the stability of the flow of current. Such an arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 330, where the circuit connections are in- dicated at the left hand, and the vector diagram of voltages measured across the line, between the arc terminals, and be- tween the coil ter- Y REACTANCE COIL (arc Fig. 330. — Reactance Coil in Series with an Arc Lamp. minals, are indicated at the right-hand. The voltages upon the distributing circuits in a theater, or upon the feeders of any plant furnishing alternating currents for incandescent lighting, may be regulated by impedance coils. Figure 331 shows one of the original Thomson impedance coils, in which the reactive 576 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 331. — An Early Type of Voltage Regulator in which the Reactance of the Coil is varied- by Means of a Movable Copper Shield. effect is varied by moving a heavy copper shield A so as to more or less inclose the winding B, instead of varying the number of turns of the winding included in the circuit. This shield acts like the short-circuited sec- ondary of a transformer, and therefore reduces the apparent impedance of the windings as it approaches them. Figure 332 is a reg- ulator for a constant-cur- rent circuit such as may be conveniently used in series lighting circuits, in which A is the impedance coil winding and B is an iron core for the magnetic circuit. By means of the regulating mechanism (7, the core B is automatically thrust varying distances into A, thus holding the load current con- stant very much as is done in a constant current regulating trans- former.* It is evident that the reactance of an impedance coil is more eco- nomical for use in reducing voltages than a simple resistance, since pure reactance in a circuit neutralizes part of the impressed voltage with- out absorbing power, though it has the disadvantage of lowering the power factor. There is another type of induc- tive apparatus which is much used and which goes under the name of Autotransformer or Compensator. This consists of a single winding on a proper magnetic circuit, to which single winding both the primary and secondary circuits are connected. Figure 333 shows the connec- Fig. 332. — Regulator for a Current Circuit. Constant * Art. 142. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 577 tions of a 220-volt compensator which feeds two 110-volt sec- ondary circuits. In this case the function of the compensator is to equalize the voltage between the two secondary circuits re- gardless of their relative loads. This purpose is fulfilled fairly well, although when the two loads are unbalanced the voltages de- livered by the two halves of the compensator are different, due to the differences of drop caused by the local impedances of the two halves with different currents flowing through them. When the load is c balanced, no current flows through the neutral wire which is connected to the compensator at 0 , and the compen- sator winding car- ries Only sufficient Fig. 333. — Compensator used for Maintaining the Vol- current to excite ta S es of a Three-wire Circuit. the core so that a counter-voltage is produced which is equal and opposite to the vector difference of the impressed voltage and the IR drop caused by the exciting current. Upon unbal- ancing the load more power is absorbed on one side of the neutral wire than on the other, and a local current flows through the neutral wire and part of the compensator winding. In this case the halves of the compensator act as a transformer. Con- sidering the case when one side, A, of the three-wire circuit is fully loaded, and the other side, B, is without load, — then, neglecting the compensator core losses and exciting current, the current in wire 6r is zero and the current in wires E and F is twice as great as the current in wires Q and D, since the power delivered all comes from the primary circuit but the delivery voltage is only one half as large as the primary voltage. The compensator must operate as a transformer to transform one half of the power required for the load from the B side of the circuit to the A side of the circuit. The current in the neu- tral wire therefore divides at 0 into two halves, which flow re- spectively in opposite directions through the winding. A similar condition exists for any degree of unbalance, so that one half the current in the neutral wire flows in opposite direc- tions through the two halves of the compensator winding when it 2 p 578 ALTERNATING CURRENTS is used to halve the primary voltage as in this instance, and the wire of the winding need be made only large enough to carry without overheating one half the current in the neutral wire at the time of the maximum degree of unbalance that can occur in the circuit concerned. A compensator therefore requires less copper under these conditions than is required for a regular transformer. Figure 334 shows the connections of a 330-volt compensator which supplies a 1100-volt secondary circuit or vice verm. In this arrangement suppose that a, b are the terminals of the primary circuit, and b, c of the secondary circuit. Then the exciting current is an element of the primary current, and passes from a to b. The induced voltages between a and b, and b and c are proportional to the num- Fig. 334. — Compensator arranged to Trans- her of turns between the ter- form Voltage from uoo to 330 Volts or m inals, as in a transformer. Vice Versa. rr ,, , , • ,■ , lhe secondary current is the combination of two currents, flowing in ac and be, which produce equal and opposite magneto-motive forces. Neglect- ing the core losses and exciting current, the current in ac is equal to the current in the secondary circuit divided by the ratio of the turns in ab to the turns in cb, that is, divided by the ratio of transformation, since the power delivered to the secondary circuit all comes from the primary circuit. The current in the windings between terminals cb must therefore be less than the current in the secondary circuit in the ratio of turns ab — turns cb ___ turns ab turns cb turns cb The current in the winding between c and b is therefore equal to the difference between the secondary current and the primary current. Thus, it is evident that the autotransformer acts very much like a transformer ; and modified transformer diagrams and arrangements of substituted impedance can be as readily worked out for them as for transformers. The sizes of wire in ac and MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 579 Fig. 335. — Connection of Compensators to a Tri-phase Circuit in Wye, — Step-down or Step-up. be must be made with reference to the current in each part at full load, and the two parts should be sandwiched together or otherwise arranged so as to keep down magnetic leakage to the limit required. The magnetic circuit is made of the same materials and is sub- ject to the same con- ditions as are the cores of transform- ers, but for equal cur- rent densities in the windings the weight of copper is less in the autotransformer by an amount proportional to twice the weight of the primary winding divided by the ratio of transformation. Autotransformers maybe connected in wye to a tri-phase circuit as shown in Fig. 335, when the secondary parts are grouped around the neutral point; or in delta, as shown in Fig. 336, though in this case, as can be seen from the figure, the lowest secondary voltage possible is one half of the pri- mary voltage. Figure 337 shows autotransformers con- nected into a tri-phase circuit for starting a motor at lower vol- tage than that of the Fig. 336. — Connection of Compensators to a Tri-phase Circuit in Mesh — Step-down or Step-up. GENERATOR Fig. 337. — Compensators connected for starting Motor at Reduced Voltage. 580 ALTERNATING CURRENTS line. Here any one of three sets of secondary taps may be used. The switching devices are so arranged that the autotransformer is only in series during the starting period. Polyphase auto- transformers can be built with the cores like those of polyphase transformers. Regulation or starting taps can be taken from the polyphase secondaries of banks of ordinary transformers used in supplying load to motors or other apparatus. The connec- tions can in such cases be made similar in principle to those shown in Fig. 337 or sometimes as those in Figs. 335 and 336. Where special transformers are used for supplying a motor this arrangement is desirable, as the transformers thus perform the dual functions of furnishing the proper operating voltage to the machine and acting as a regulator or starter. One or both of the secondary terminals of an autotransformer may be arranged so that the position of connection to the winding may be varied, and by that means the secondary voltage may be caused to vary through any desired range, while the primary current changes only so far as is required by any change in the power absorbed b} r the secondary circuit. The last step may bring the secondary circuit terminals into connection with the primary circuit terminals, thus putting full voltage on the secondary circuit, as, for instance, in the case of autotransformers in three-phase circuits, the final step puts the secondary terminals in connection with the primary terminals, as shown by a, 5, c of Figs. 335 and 336. Autotransformers are commonly used for voltage regulators in intermittent serv- ice, as, for instance, in place of rheostats for starting alternat- ing current motors. They are evidently lighter in weight per kilowatt of energy transmitted, and are therefore desirable for use when neither the primary nor secondary voltages are of such a high value that it is unwise to have the primary and secondary circuits electrically connected together. Figure 338 shows a small autotransformer intended for vol- tage regulation, which may he used either to reduce the voltage in the circuit Fig. 338. — Auto transformer arranged telescop- ically so that it can he used as a Regulator. (in which case it is called a Dimmer) or to raise it (in which case it is called a Booster) depending upon how its internal connections are made. The regulation is effected by pushing MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 581 Fig. 339. — Transformer Windings ar- ranged in Shell Transformer of Given Dimensions so that Leakage is large. a part of the winding in or out of the solenoid formed by the re- mainder. Numerous devices of this kind, which depend upon moving the primary and secondary coils with reference to each other, or the core with reference to both, are manufactured. 145. Calculation of Magnetic Leakage. — By properly plac- ing the windings with respect to each other and to the magnetic circuit, the magnetic leakage of transformers may be re- duced to reasonably small values. Thus in Fig. 339 the primary and secondary wind- ings P and S are so placed that a short-circuiting of mag- netic flux along the path indi- cated by the dotted lines is to be expected ; but when the windings are arranged as shown in Fig. 340, the leakage is not as great, because of the greater reluctance in the magnetic circuits of the leakage paths caused by their greater length and lesser cross section; while if each of the windings is divided and the primary and secondary parts sandwiched together, the leakage maybe made very small. The magnetic leakage may be calculated with approximate accuracy by the method indi- cated below. Since the currents in the primary and secondary coils of the transformer are in prac- tical opposition of phase, their magnetizing effects are oppo- site. This tends to cause lines of force to short-circuit through the coils, as shown in Fig. 339, the tendency being greatest at the plane where the coils touch each other, since the magneto-motive force is there the greatest, and falling off to zero at the outer edges of the coils, so that the magnetic leakage will differ for each layer of wire in the coils. The effect of leakage must therefore be calculated for each layer, and the total effect may then be summed up. Fig. 340. — Transformer Windings ar- ranged in the Shell Transformer shown in Fig. 339, but so that Leakage is reduced. 582 ALTERNATING CURRENTS C' In Fig. 341 the ordinates of the line A 'BA" are proportional to the total ampere-turns acting at any point to cause leakage lines to pass through the coils P and S. These ordinates are equal to the number of turns in a coil between the foot of the ordinate and the outer edge of the coil, multiplied by the current flowing in the turns. The ordinate at the outer edge of each of the windings is evidently zero, and at the plane between the windings reaches a maximum equal to practically n 2 I 2 . The number of the leakage lines of force inclosed by any layer is proportional to the corresponding when these ordinates are respec- A 1 1 1 1 1 1 ff> 1 *7 1 \ B / 1 1 ^ • I 1 1 1 1 __ ^ 72' 2 , I 2 i 1 A' A" P s Fig. 341. — Diagram for showing the Relation of Transformer Leakage Magneto-motive force to Magnetic Leakage. ordinate of the lines C DC" tively equal to 1.25V2 ya x = l where x is the desired ordinate, y is the mean ordinate of the line A' BA" taken from the neutral plane at D to the point under consideration, a = m n is the area of the coil between the neutral plane and the point under consideration, n being the length of the coil perpendicular to the plane of Fig. 342, and l is the average length of the leakage lines of force through the coils (Fig. 342). The maximum value of x falls at the outer edges of the coils and is _ 1.25V2V,a, ** m 21 Fig. 342. — Diagram showing the Dimensions of Leakage Paths in a Transformer. where A x is the total iron surface presented to a coil from which leak- age lines emerge ; and the average number of leakage lines inclosed by the different layers at the instant of maximum leakage is 1 . 2 -> d 2 I 2 A^ _ 2V2 l ,45 # MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 583 The inductive effect of this leakage on the secondary winding is equal to /7T mf V 2 7 rn 2 108 ; and an equivalent effect is produced on the secondary voltage on account of the leakage of lines of force through the primary coil. If A is taken to represent the total area of iron presented to both windings from which leakage lines emerge, the for- mulas become = l- 25 n 2 I 2 A d E = V2 t m^J = ±n 2 2 I 2 Af 1 V2 1 10 8 10 8 Z ’ where is the combined leakage voltage of the primary and secondary coils, the former reduced to secondary equivalents. The inductive effect due to magnetic leakage lias already been shown to be in quadrature with the mutually induced voltages of the transformer.* The effect of the leakage voltage is deter- mined by the formulas or diagrams already given, f The formu- las given above are for the parts of the coils under the iron only, and the iron portion of the leakage paths was assumed to be of negligible reluctance. Leakage around the ends of the coils has some effect, and the leakage paths in the iron have a low reluctance which cannot always be considered negligible. As a result the formulas derived do not give the total magnetic leakage exactly and though approximately correct they should be used with discretion. 146. Current Rushes and Surges. — It was shown earlier that the exponential term in the complete equation for an alternating current in an inductive circuit is ordinarily negligible, but under certain conditions its effect for a few periods after the cur- rent is started in a circuit may be considerable. This question was investigated by Fleming | and others § with especial refer- ence to the action of transformers when first switched on to an al- ternating current circuit. If a transformer is switched on to a * Art. 124. t Arts. 123, 124. t Jour. Inst. Elect. Eng., Vol. 21, p. 677. § Hay, On Impulsive Current Rushes in Inductive Circuits, London Elec- trician , Vol. 33, pp. 229, 277, and 305. 584 ALTERNATING CURRENTS circuit, tlie current does not instantly assume the final form of the wave, but comes gradually to its final form through a short interval of time. The length of the interval and the magnitude of the early current depend upon the instantaneous reactance of the circuit, the frequency, and the point in the voltage wave at which the connection is made. The instantaneous reactance of the circuit depends upon the magnitude of the residual mag- netism in the core at the instant of switching in the current, and its direction compared with the instantaneous impressed voltage at the instant of switching in. If the instant of switch- ing on to the circuit is that at which the impressed voltage is passing through zero, the current in the transformer is less dur- ing the early interval than its final value ; while if, at the instant of switching on, the impressed voltage is passing through its maximum value, there may be quite an excess of current flow through the circuit for a short time, on account of the relations which exist between the instantaneous impressed and counter electric voltages during the first half period. If the residual magnetism has a direction in the core corresponding to the magneto-motive force of the current at the instant of switching in, the apparent reactance may be very small, and the instan- taneous current rush be correspondingly large ; but if the resid- ual magne'tism is in opposition to the magneto-motive force of the current at the instant of switching in, the quick reversal of this magnetism may give an apparent large reactance for the instant and the current may rise gradually. The abnormal state of the current can only exist for a very short time unless the reactance of the circuit approaches a condition of resonance. When the transformer circuits contain resistance, self-induct- ance, and capacity, the disturbances upon opening or closing the switching devices controlling the circuits may be excessive and may cause the flow of very large momentary currents or the generation of abnormal voltages.* Troublesome effects of this nature are most apt to occur on high voltage transmission lines and where large units of power are used. The excep- tional care with which transformer terminals are insulated is in part necessary on account of the unusual conditions that exist upon opening or closing circuit switches or upon sudden shifts of load. * Art. 59. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 585 147. Methods of Testing Transformers. — The commercial output rating of a transformer should be the number of kilo- volt amperes it will supply to a load at unity power factor, without heating beyond a specified rise of temperature, when the rated full load voltages are used in the primary and second- ary circuits, and when the voltage and current waves are ap- proximately sinusoidal. Commercial efficiency and regulation have already been defined.* The most important tests of trans- formers are those for determining the temperature rise at full load, and at any overload for which the transformer is de- signed ; the regulation between no load and full load, or at other proportions of load, as desired ; the core losses and the copper losses, from which to compute the efficiency ; and the dielectric strength of the insulation between the primary and secondary coils and the coils and core. The efficiency and regulation are often desired also for loads with power factors other than unity. In addition to tests to determine those quantities it is often desirable to obtain the values of the exciting current under various conditions. It is evident that having obtained the values of the coil re- sistances and leakage reactances, the iron losses, and the value and power factor of the exciting current, the more important quantities related to the transformer operation except' the heat- ing can be closely determined for various loads and power factors by the use of the transformer circle diagrams and formulas. All tests should be made with load currents and voltages of rated value and frequency, and approximating to sinusoidal form, that is, having ordinates not varying, at any instant, more than 10 per cent from that of the equivalent sinusoid ; with a room temperature at 25° centigrade or with the quantities affected properly corrected ; with the barometer at 760 mm., or with proper corrections for other conditions ; with the rise of temperature of the transformer at the normal value for the conditions of the test ; and witli the apparatus operating under the normal conditions for which it has been designed and rated. In this country the Standardization Rules of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers are generally accepted as au- thoritative.! In these rules are given detailed statements of the * Arts. 123, 137. t Trans. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng , 1907, pp. 1797-1825, and Year Book, ditto , 1909. 586 ALTERNATING CURRENTS conditions under which tests of the electrical apparatus, in- cluding transformers, should be made ; and they should be con- sulted before making tests of the kind indicated above. The following few paragraphs give in outline some of the simpler methods for testing transformers. Wattmeter Method. — A wattmeter may be placed in the pri- mary circuit of a loaded transformer and another in the second- ary circuit. Then the ratio of their readings is the efficiency of the transformer. Or, a wattmeter may be used in the primary circuit, and an amperemeter and voltmeter can be used to deter- mine the output if the transformer is worked on a purely non- reactive load, though it is always wisest to use a wattmeter on alternating-current circuits for measuring power. The watt- meter was early used by Fleming in an extended series of trans- former tests, and found to be satisfactory. It has now become the standard method for measuring electrical power. Before taking the readings the transformers should be run at full load until the temperature has become constant in all parts, which requires from live to fifteen hours, depending upon the size. Also, such other conditions as are specified earlier in the article and in the rules referred to should be carefully observed. This method requires a supply of power, and a secondary load for absorbing it, equal to not less than the full load capacity of the apparatus, or larger if the efficiencies at overloads are required. When very large transformers are under test this may be impossible or un- desirable, in which case one of the methods given later may be adopted. In transformer manufacturing establishments it is often possible to feed back the secondary test load into the load circuits of the works. It is common in testing to obtain the efficiency at |, 1, 1|, and sometimes 1-| the rated output. For great accuracy these efficiencies should each be obtained after the temperature has become constant. It is also not unusual to make the efficiency tests for several power factors if the trans- former is to be used on loads of various power factors. Figure 813 shows a tri-phase transformer connected up with tri-phase wattmeters in the primary and secondary circuits as required for making an efficiency test, though ordinarily two single-phase wattmeters would be used in place of each tri-phase instrument. On the low voltage load side the watt- meter current coils are attached to the secondaries of current MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 587 Fig. 313. — Tri-phase Wattmeters connected to a Tri- phase Transformer for Testing. Connections are also shown for Current and Potential Instrument Trans- formers. transformers (C. T 7 .), while on the high voltage primary cir- cuit the instrument voltage coils are attached to the secondaries of potential trans- formers (P.IZ 7 .) in addition to the cur- rent coils being con- nected to current transformers. In making the test, two voltmeters and amperemeters would ordinarily be also connected into two of the circuits of the primary and secondary leads. The method here described has the disadvantage of depend- ing 1 for its result on the ratio of two instrument readings that are nearly alike, and error is therefore introduced into the efficiency measurement nearly in proportion to the errors inherent in the instrument readings. Additional errors are introduced when current and potential transformers are used. This method, therefore, should only be used for purposes of checking results of other methods or under circumstances in which other and more accurate methods are not avail- able. Stray Power Methods for obtaining Efficiency. — A very convenient method of measuring the efficiency of transformers is to determine the various losses directly, and thence the efficiency by calculation. The iron losses may be determined by measuring with a wattmeter the power absorbed by the transformer when the secondary circuit is open, and may be considered to be constant for all loads with sufficient accuracy for commercial purposes, since the core magnetism changes but little with changes of load in constant voltage trans- formers. The copper losses for any load are readily calculated when the secondary and exciting currents and the primary and secondary resistances are known. The exciting current may be measured at the same time that the iron losses are de- termined, by the insertion of an amperemeter into the primary circuit with the wattmeter ; and the resistances may be measured by a bridge or voltmeter and amperemeter method 588 ALTERNATING CURRENTS using direct currents. For a given load, the secondary current is a fixed quantity. The efficiency is then, practically, P <1 + P c + 1*1 P% + ( + In ) Pi In where P c represents the measured iron losses and s the ratio of transformation. Due care must be used that the temperatures are right, or else proper corrections must be made to the coil resistances. The iron, loss will vary only slightly with the temperature and need not ordinarily be corrected. A still more convenient method, which may be readily used in central stations for testing transformers, is to measure the iron losses by a wattmeter, as explained above. The copper losses may then be measured by short-circuiting the secondary winding through an amperemeter, and adjusting the primary voltage until the full load current, or any desired fraction thereof, passes through the amperemeter. The reading of a wattmeter in the primary circuit is now nearly equal to the copper losses for the tempera- ture of the wind- ings at the time, since the voltage and maximum magnetic density must be very small, and the iron losses are therefore almost or entirely negligible. The exact copper losses may be determined by measuring and correcting for the small iron loss. The tests for the iron losses may often be conveniently made by using the low resistance coil of the transformer as the primary coil Fig. 314. — Transformer arranged for measuring Iron Losses. Low Voltage Circuit used as Primary. (Fig. 344). This method of testing may be used with satisfaction where numerous transformers must be tested, since the losses and efficiency may be determined expeditiously and with the ex- penditure of little power. When combined with a run of several hours with full load current, the secondary circuit MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 589 being made up of impedance coils, the method proves econom- ical for shop tests. Ayrton and Sumpner early devised a method which is fre- quently used in which two transformers of the same size and make are opposed to each other, and which is often called the op- position method. The method of connecting is shown in Fig. 345, in which A and B are the transformers to be tested, with their primary windings connected in relatively opposite directions to the leads and their secondary windings in series with each other. The voltages of the secondary windings are thus in opposition. A trans- former T is inserted with its secondary winding in circuit with the secondaries of A and B. By vary- ing the resistance R, the voltage of T may be regulated so that any desired currents will pass through the primary and secondary windings of A and B. Then the output of T measured by the wattmeter W 2 will give approximate^ the copper losses of A and B plus the loss in leads and instruments. The power supplied to the primary circuits of A and B by the alternator, measured by the wattmeter W v gives approximately the iron losses of the two transformers. From the data thus derived the efficiencies may be computed on the assumption that the losses are equally divided between the transformers A and B. Various modifications of this method may be made, such as putting an autotransformer in place of T, or the two primary circuits may be fed from two branches connected to the mains, but with the voltage of one regulated above normal and the other below normal, so that the difference will be sufficient to send Fig. 345. — Transformers connected up for Testing by the Feeding Back or Opposition Method. 590 ALTERNATING CURRENTS full load current through the short-circuited joint secondary circuit. Wattmeters in the primary branches will then, together, measure the entire losses of the two transformers. An ampere- meter should he inserted in the primary or secondary circuit by which to regulate the current. Either the high or low voltage coil may be used as the pri- mary coil in making transformer tests, as is convenient. The last method described is largely used in manufacturing establish- ments or when two transformers of similar make are to be tested. It must be borne in mind that the maximum magnetic density in the core which corresponds to any particular impressed voltage as read by voltmeter is smaller when the voltage wave is peaked and larger when the voltage wave is flat- topped, than when the wave is sinusoidal,* and the core loss is therefore less for a transformer run on a circuit with a peaked voltage wave than when the voltage wave is flat-topped, other things being equal, and correction must be made for that. Regulation Tests. — The regulation of transformers which are used in incandescent lighting is a matter of much moment, and regulation tests are of almost equal importance to the tests of losses and temperatures. An ordinary method of making regu- lation tests is to place a voltmeter across the primary circuit and another across the secondary circuit of the transformer tobe tested, care previously having been taken that the transformer is at the specified temperature and other conditions called for in the test- ing rules heretofore referred to are observed. At no load, the re- duced equivalent readings of the instruments should be equal, and the numerical difference between the reduced readings at any other load gives the drop of voltage corresponding to that load. The reduced readings are gained by dividing the reading of the voltmeter in the high voltage circuit by the ratio of transforma- tion of the transformer. This method lies under the serious disadvantage that the result to be measured is a small quantity equal to the difference of the much larger observed quantities, and the ordinary errors inherent in instrumental readings there- fore are likely to introduce large errors in the value found for the voltage drop. The drop of voltage, measured in this way, includes the IR drop in the windings and the drop due to magnetic leakage, both of which increase with the load. The *Arts. 115, 134. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 591 magnetic leakage drop may be determined by subtracting from the total drop, the value of the IR drop which is calculated from measured resistances and currents. The scalar value of the induced leakage voltage is obtained from the expression e^-Vej-%? when E d is the total drop measured and E R is the total drop in the secondary voltage due to the resistance of the two coils. Having obtained E L and E R , and the exciting current, for a given voltage and load, the circular transformer diagram loci may be drawn as earlier explained.* The transformer reactance equals A much more accurate regulation test may be made by using two transformers of equal transformation ratios and one volt- meter. The primary circuits are separately connected to the supply mains, and the secondary circuits are connected together on one side, terminals of like polarity being tied together. A voltmeter of high resistance or an electrostatic voltmeter is con- nected between the other legs of the secondary circuits. The reading of this voltmeter with a load on one transformer, when the other is unloaded, gives the total drop of voltage caused by loading the former. Regulation ratings ai'e usually made with non-reactive loads, though the regulation for loads of lower power factor is often very important. The regulation of a transformer is changed for the worse by introducing inductance into the secondary circuit, and for the better by introducing electrostatic capacity into the secondary circuit, as has already been proved. f Regulation tests on a reactive load are made in the same manner as ex- plained above. The power factor of the load may be obtained by dividing the wattmeter reading of the load by the product of the secondary amperes and volts. The efficiency and regulation of polyphase transformers can be obtained by the same methods as have been explained for single-phase transformer tests, using the methods given earlier for measuring polyphase power and power factor. | Heating . — The rated capacity of a transformer is determined * Arts. 130, 132. t Art. 132. t Art. 104. 59 2 ALTERNATING CURRENTS mainly by the amount it rises in temperature clue to the heat caused by internal losses of power. The rise of temperature is affected by the temperature of the surrounding air, the barometric condi- tions, and extraneous movements of air over the apparatus. There- fore these conditions during a test should be made to accord with the accepted standards.* The temperature of the conductors can be accurately obtained by measuring their resistance while at the temperature of the room in which the test is being conducted and again after their temperature has become constant under load. The change of temperature can then be determined by substitute ing in the formula ? 2 - ^ when a is the tempera- ture coefficient of copper with respect to zero degrees centigrade and may be ordinarily taken as .0042, R 0 is the resistance of the windings at zero degrees centigrade and is obtained from the formula R 0 = i2 1 /(l + at 1 ), R x is the resistance measured at the initial temperature t v t 1 is the temperature of the transformer when the first resistance measurement was made, R 2 is the resistance measured at the final tempei'ature, and f 2 — t 1 is the rise of temperature to be determined. The temperature of core, case, and insulation can be measured by thermometers, as can also that of the windings as a check upon the resistance temperature measurement. The bulbs of the thermometers must be carefully protected from improper radia- tion. In transformers with water circulation, air-blast, or forced oil circulation the temperatures at inlet and outlet, and the volumes of the water, air, or oil respectively introduced per unit of time, should also be measured. From these data and the specific heats of the cooling agent the amount of heat disposed of by the special cooling device may readily be obtained. In selecting a transformer, the amount of heat to be removed by special cooling devices should be specified. No part of the trans- former should exceed 50° centigrade rise in temperature for the full load it is to carry, and from 5° to 10° lower is preferable, referred to an initial temperature of 25° centigrade. Dielectric Strength of Transformer Insulation . — The dielectric strength of the insulation of Transformers is tested by applying sufficiently high voltages between the primary coil and the core or the secondary coil and the core connected together, to insure * Trans. Amer. Inst, of Elect. Eng., 1907, pp. 1815-1818. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 593 an insulation factor of safety which will be a sufficient protection against accident.* For transformers in which the high voltage coil is for 550 to 5000 volts the accepted testing voltage for this purpose is 10,000 volts when the secondary coil connects directly with power consumption circuits. The general rule for other transformers is that the test voltage shall be twice that of the high voltage coil. The test voltage should be applied for the period of one minute. When the test voltage exceeds 10,000 volts, great care must be exercised that the voltage be brought gradually to its full value, and while being maintained no large variations occur in it, as otherwise destructive oscillations may be set up. The testing voltage may be measured by a voltmeter in con- nection with a potential transformer if necessary or by means of a standard spark gap. Where high test voltages are used, the connections must be made with great care to prevent a spark occurring due to a break, which is especially apt, on account of its own oscillatory character, to cause trouble. For this same reason the spark gap, when used, should be in series with a large resistance. The testing voltage should be sinusoidal, under which conditions the stress imposed on the dielectric is 1.41 times the testing voltage observed by the voltmeter. The ordinary commercial frequencies are all equally effective for testing purposes. Special testing transformers are often employed for testing the dielectric strength of machines. These are designed with relatively small electrostatic capacity and large impedance which tends to reduce danger due to a breakdown of the dielectric from the causes named above. Determination of Wave Shape . — Various methods of checking the shape of voltage and current waves used in testing have been used. One of the oldest of these is by means of a Contact maker revolved synchronously with the generating apparatus and so arranged that instantaneous values of currents and volt- ages may be obtained at any series of angles of advance during a cycle ; but undoubtedly the most convenient and satisfactory apparatus to use for the purpose is the Oscillograph. Briefly, this consists of a looped ribbon wire, mounted so as to have a relatively very high natural frequency of mechanical vibrations, * Trans. Amer. Inst. Elect. Eng., 1907, pp. 1811-1815. 594 ALTERNATING CURRENTS which is placed within a strong constant magnetic field. Through this loop is passed a current proportional at each in- stant to the current or voltage wave that it is desired to trace. The loop is then influenced by a torque proportional at each instant to the value of the current within it, acting on one half of it in one direction and on the other half in the opposite direction. By a minute mirror attached at one edge to one strand of the loop and the other edge to the other strand of the loop, it is possible to cast a beam of light upon a fi lm or screen which repeats very accurately a tracing of the wave required. The subject of curve tracing is more fully discussed later.* Methods used in Some Historically Important Tests. — The con- tact maker was used, in the early days before reliable watt- meters had been invented, for tracing the voltage and current curves of a transformer ; and from the data thus obtained efficiency and other characteristics were calculated. Among the historic investigations of this kind were those by Ryan and Merritt,f John Hopkinson,| Mordey,§ and others. A large calorimeter was sometimes used in which the transformer was immersed for the purpose of obtaining its losses. || The power in the transformer circuits was sometimes measured by the split dynamometer or combinations of the three voltmeters and three amperemeters method. That the value of the iron losses is largely independent of the load carried by a transformer was first conclusively proved experimentally by Ewing. The same thing was also proved by Fleming's experiments. Figure 346 is plotted from one of Fleming’s tests made on a transformer of 4000 watts capacity. The ordinates of line AB represent the differences of the power in the primary and secondary circuits as measured by watt- meters. The calculated copper losses are represented by the ordinates of the line CD. The difference of the ordinates of the lines AB and CD at any point is the iron loss for the par- * Art. 157. t Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E., Vol. 7, p. 1. t Hopkinson’s Dynamo Machinery and Allied Subjects, p. 187 ; Elect. World, Yol. 20, p. 40. § Jour. Inst. E. E., Vol. 18, p. 008. || Duncan, Electrical World , Vol. 9, p. 188 ; Roiti, La Lumiere Electrique, Vol. 35, p. 528. MUTUAL INDUCTION, TRANSFORMERS 595 ticular load. The lines AB and CD are approximately paral- lel, which shows that the iron losses were practically constant, regardless of the load. Therefore the conclusion was drawn that the stray power methods of testing transformers give efficiencies which are entirely reliable. OUTPUT IN SECONDARY WATTS Fig. .'540. — Curves showing Results of a Classic Experiment for determining Iron Losses with Varying Load. Ewing’s very neat plan for proving this point was designed to get at the matter directly. Two small transformers were made up exactly alike, the cores of which consisted of insulated iron wire wound into the form of a ring. Over this were uniformly wound two layers of wire making a primary coil, and another two layers making a secondary coil. In operating, the primary and secondary coils were respectively connected in series, but the two halves of each coil in one transformer were so connected as to be in magnetic opposition (Fig. 347). The core of one transformer was therefore magnetized and that of the other was not. While the I 2 R losses at any load were equal in the two, the transformer with magnetized core heated more when put in operation than the other transformer, but the temperature of the second was brought to equality with that of the first by passing a direct current through the in- sulated wire of the core. The power expended in heating the second core by the direct current was thus equal to that ex- pended in the first core due to iron losses. The equality of temperature was determined by means of thermo-electric couples embedded in the cores, which were connected in series with each other through a galvanometer (Fig. 347). In this experiment it was found that, after a balance of temperature was once obtained, it was unaltered by any changes in the loads of the transformers, thus showing that the core losses 596 ALTERNATING CURRENTS in the magnetized transformer were independent of the load.* These tests fully confirm the a priori deduction that the core loss must be substantially independent of load in an ordinary constant voltage transformer, which follows from the relations of counter-voltage to impressed voltage. Neither the con- clusions nor the experiments apply to transformers in tvhich Fig. 347. — Ewing’s Apparatus for determining Iron Losses. IR drop or leakage reactance drop absorb a considerable part of the impressed voltage, however ; because in them the mutually induced voltage and therefore the maximum magnetic density in the core must vary with the load if the primary im- pressed voltage is maintained constant, and the core losses vary when the maximum magnetic density is varied provided the cycles per second remain the same. * Ewing and Klaassen, Magnetic Qualities of Iron, London Electrician , Vol. 32, p. 731. CHAPTER XI SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES — ALTERNATORS. MOTORS, RO- TARY CONVERTERS, FREQUENCY CHANGERS 148. Losses in an Alternator. The principal internal losses of alternators are caused by: (1) T 2 R loss in the conductors on armature and field magnet : (2) Eddy currents in armature cores and field magnet : (3) Eddy currents in armature con- ductors: (4) Hysteresis in armature cores: (5) Friction of bearing and brushes, and air friction, often called Windage. In well-designed direct-current dynamos, the pole pieces usually cover not less than two thirds of the armature surface. In alternators, the poles usually cover about one half of the armature surface, or a little more.* This would make it appear, upon a superficial examination, that the field ampere-turns, and therefore the field losses, must be much greater in the alternator. However, since alternator armatures are made proportionally larger in diameter (usually exterior to a rotat- ing field magnet) in order to give space for the windings and to avoid excessive magnetic leakage, the proportional excitation really required need not be much increased when the magnetic circuit is well designed. In the same way, while not much more than one half of the armature surface is covered with wire in a single-phase machine, the surface for winding is made much larger by increasing the diameter, while the number of revolutions per minute of the rotating part is not much reduced. Consequently, the voltage produced in a given length of conductor is commensurable in the two classes of machines running at equal speed. When windings for two or more phases are wound upon the armature, the entire surface is covered, and as a result, taking into account the advantages in design named above, polyphase machines can be made to give a larger output per pound of material, with- out excessive heating, than is usual for direct current machines. * Art. 21. 597 598 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The fact that the copper is usually divided among more cores increases the length of wire on alternator field magnets for a given magnetizing power, as compared with the field magnets of direct-current machines. On the other hand, the losses may be brought by careful designing to approach the average values used in direct-current machines. For large machines running from 200 to several thousand kilowatts capacity, the combined armature and field copper losses in good practice gradually reduce to a combined value of between one and two per cent for the very large sizes. A certain line of 5000 kilowatt machines built by a large manufacturer in this country has a combined I 2 R loss of approximately one per cent, while a similar line of 500 kilowatt machines has close to two per cent I 2 R loss. The loss is about equally divided between the field and armature windings. Eddy currents in alternator cores are apt to cause greater loss than in ordinary direct-current machines unless greater precautions are introduced for preventing them. Thus, in the armatures of direct current machines of considerable capac- ity, the magnetic cycles in the core seldom reach twenty-five complete periods per second. On the other hand, the com- mercial frequencies for alternating currents are now 25 and 60 periods per second. The number of magnetic cycles per second in alternator armatures is evidently equal to the fre- quency of the induced voltage and current. Since the heating in the core discs which is caused by eddy currents is pro- portional to the square of tire induced voltage and therefore to the square of the number of magnetic cycles per second, it becomes particularly important that the discs composing al- ternator armatures be thin and well insulated from each other. Therefore, the iron oxide composing the mill scale on the sur- face of the laminations is not always to be depended upon for insulation, and the stampings may be covered with an insulat- ing enamel. However, when some of the newer irons giving low losses are used, the oxide proves sufficient. All burrs caused by punching the discs or truing the surface of the core should be carefully avoided or removed. Eddy currents in the pole pieces are felt quite severely in some types of alternators, but the loss caused by them can always be brought within reasonable limits, in well-designed SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 599 machines, by making the pole faces of laminated iron, which is cast or dovetailed into the rotating spider frame. Tufting of the magnetic flux in the polar space due to the effect of the armature teeth is apt to be one of the causes of eddy currents in the pole pieces. This trouble can be reduced by careful design of the teeth. The loss due to eddy currents in armature conductors of a fixed size has a tendency to be greater for alternating than for direct- current dynamos, on account of the more frequent and sudden changes in the strength of the field through which the conductors pass. However, since alternators are, in general, built for con- siderably higher voltages than direct-current machines designed for a similar duty, the conductors on the alternator armatures are of proportionally smaller cross section. This reduces the relative eddy currents to such an extent that they are not par- ticularly noticeable except in very large or special machines. The common practice of winding armature coils with copper ribbons or bars set on edge (the broad side parallel with the lines of force) also tends to decrease eddy currents. In very large machines built to generate voltages not exceeding 2000 volts, armature conductors of a large cross section become es- sential. In such cases they can be made up of insulated strips connected in parallel. The uniform practice, however, of build- ing alternator armatures with embedded conductors avoids all great difficulty from eddy currents of this character, since the relatively high frequency of the magnetic cycles in the core makes it undesirable to saturate the core teeth and but little stray magnetism from the field magnets gets into the slots. The effect of hysteresis in iron core armatures is proportional to the number of magnetic cycles per second, and is therefore usually greater in alternator armatures, for a given magnetic density, than in those of direct-current machines. There are only two ways of decreasing the hysteresis loss per cycle and per unit volume: (1) by reducing the magnetic density; (2) by improving the quality of the iron used in the core. Reducing the magnetic density serves to decrease the eddy current loss also, and is therefore doubly advantageous. With the best quality of ordinary soft steels, the magnetic density used in the cores of alternator armatures and in the field cores varies commonly from 10,000 to 12,000 lines of force per square centi- 600 ALTERNATING CURRENTS meter, and tends toward tlie former figure for machines having frequencies of 60 cycles per second. In the teeth the density runs up to from 15,000 to sometimes even 20,000 lines per square centimeter. For machines of 25 cycles frequency the magnetic densities tend to mark the higher values given. When the new silicon and other alloy steels, which have very low hys- teresis constants, are used, the magnetic densities for 60-cycle machines also give values approaching 10,000 lines of force per square centimeter or slightly more in all parts of the magnetic circuit. In the case of these steels the low point of magnetic saturation largely determines the density it is possible to use. Halving the magnetic density tends to quarter the eddy current loss for an equal number of cycles per second. In the same way, the hysteresis loss varies nearly in the proportion of B 1S , or in other words, halving the magnetic density decreases the hysteresis loss per unit volume to one third. On the other hand, the cross section of iron must be increased to decrease the magnetic density per square centimeter. This makes the careful selection and handling of the iron designed to enter alternator cores of special importance. The total iron loss varies, in commercial 60-cycle alternators of good design, from 1.5 to 2 per cent of the rated output capacity, and this is in- creased about .25 per cent for alternators having a frequency of 25 cycles per second. High voltage alternators are apt to have slightly higher iron losses than those for low voltage on account of the greater depth of teeth required on account of the additional conductor insulation. 149. Armature Ventilation. Density of Current in Conductors of Alternators, etc. — Since the hysteresis and edd}' current losses are apt to be greater in alternator armatures, it is usually nec- essary that more opportunity be given for cooling than is the case in direct-current machines. The real effect of the velocity of rotation upon cooling is dependent largely upon the design of the rotating field magnet, or, if the field magnet is stationary, upon the fanning arrangements made in the construction of the armature; but for a given type of construction, the cooling effect is roughly proportional to the velocity, as was early indi- cated by the experiments of Rechniewski.* Consequently high * Bulletin cle la Societe Internationale des Electriciens, 1892 ; Electrical World , Vol. 19, p. 336. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES G01 surface velocity is desirable for the purpose of cooling. Internal ventilation of rotating armatures is also rendered more effective by I'eason of the high surface velocity. For the purpose of in- ternal ventilation a revolving armature is virtually converted into a centrifugal blower, which sucks in air at its center, along the shaft, and ejects it from the surface. For this purpose the openings in the spider which supports the core communicate with the surface through radial ducts, as seen in Figs. 78 and 92. The rotation of the armature then causes a continuous circula- tion of air through the ducts, which is proportional in volume to the surface velocity of the armature. Sometimes special wings or projections are placed on a rotating armature which greatly assist in ventilating the field magnet and also the armature. These remarks apply with particular force to rotary converters, which always have rotating armatures. When the field magnet revolves, which is the case in all large size modern alternators, the poles cause a vigorous circulation of air, which serves in lieu of the blower action of a revolving armature, except in the case of steam turbine driven field magnets, which are generally built without projecting poles so as to give a cylindrical surface, and such field magnets are provided with blower ducts similar in character to those of revolving armatures. The stationary armature has radial ventilation ducts between the laminations, from ^ to inch in width and spaced from 1|- to 2|- inches apart. When the field poles are properly arranged, large volumes of air are forced through the ducts. Figures 80, 81, and 82 show the ventilating ducts of stationary armatures quite clearly, while Fig. 113 shows the adaptability of the rotating crown of poles on a rotating field magnet to act as a fan. The blower ducts of a steam turbine driven field magnet ordinarily deliver air into corresponding ducts of the stationary armature of the machine. The peripheral velocity of rotating field magnets varies from 3000 to 20,000 feet per minute, the latter figure being marked in certain high speed alternators of large capac- ity, while the velocities near the lower limit are suited to low speed small machines. With all precautions to avoid excessive heating in alternator cores, careful design is demanded to prevent them from heating to a higher temperature than is desirable, especially when they are of the modern high speed types. It then becomes a matter of some 002 ALTERNATING CURRENTS concern to determine the possible amount of energy which may be expended in the armature conductors without placing an ex- cessive additional burden upon the cooling surface. There is no valid reason for admitting a higher temperature limit in al- ternator armatures than is allowed in direct-current machines, as was formerly done, and consequently, the radiating surface per watt of the power to be dissipated should be the same, where the ventilation and construction are similar. On account of the large amount of heat caused by core losses which must be radiated, it is not safe to allow an armature I 2 R loss of one watt for each square inch of cooling surface. In common prac- tice, for each watt of PR loss an average of from 1|- to 2 square inches of outside winding surface is allowed. This constant is sometimes made much larger, but seldom smaller. This makes the total watts to be radiated, about 2 to 6 watts per square inch of the surface. It will be appreciated that the velocity of an alternate!’ not only determines the amount of blower action possible in a machine of given type, but also determines the form of the masses of material from which the heat must be extracted. Thus, in a low speed alternator arranged for direct connection to a reciprocating engine, the diameter of the armature must be made large relatively to its length in the direction of the shaft. While in a high speed machine, arranged for connection to a steam turbine, the diameter of the armature is relatively less and its length greater. This difference is caused by the different numbers of poles required and the permissible circumferential velocity. Further, the high speed machines, up to certain limits of speed, as shown by Fig. 348*, have a better weight efficiency and thus have a less volume of material per watt loss. The density of current in conductors wound upon iron core armatures in good practice should usually not much exceed one ampere for from 300 to 1000 or more circular mils cross sec- tion. The density of current that is allowable in either arma- ture or field windings varies quite widely with the dimensions of the coils and the efficiency of their ventilation. Since the field cores of alternators are usually quite thin, the windings are often of a depth equal to as much as one half *Behrend, Electrical Review , Yol. 45, p. 375 et seq. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 603 the thickness of the cores. At the same time this depth is generally no greater than that on many direct current dynamo field magnets. The same radiating constant can therefore be safely used, that is, from .35 to .40 watt per square inch of the outer surface of the winding when the armature rotates as in ro- tary converters, and 1.5 to 3 watts per square inch when the field magnet rotates — the latter value depending upon the speed and SPEED IN REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE Fig. 318. — Relation of Speed to Weight in Alternators, for a line of 1000 Kilowatt, 3-Phase, 25-Cycle Alternators. design of the field magnet. The ratio of winding depth to thick- ness of core is widely variable, and the radiation constant can wisely be based upon the external surface of the windings. The field cores should therefore be made of sucb a length that the area of the external surface of the windings on rotating field magnets, in square inches, may be from ^ to f times the PR loss in watts. The form of the field magnet, and therefore the effect of the 604 ALTERNATING CURRENTS iron in conducting away the heat in the field windings, has a considerable effect on the allowable value of the constant, as is also the case in direct-current machines. If the winding depth exceeds two inches, it is likely to cause injurious heating in the inner layers. The field windings are often made of edgewise- wound coils of wide, thin copper strips. Strips of insulation are wound with the copper strips, and the edges of the copper strips are allowed to remain bare. This type of construction is • not only mechanically strong but affords ready radiation of heat from the coils. The cross-sectional area of the field cores is given by the formula, where is the useful armature flux re- quired from one pole, v is the leakage coefficient, and B the magnetic density desired in the field core. The pole width is determined by the mechanical and electrical conditions which fix the pitch, and only the length of the pole faces may be al- tered to vary B. The value of the coefficient of magnetic leak- age is quite large in most types of alternators. It probably averages from 1.15 to 1.45 in standard alternators with poles set in a circle either without or within the armature. The calcula- tion of this coefficient of alternators may be carried out upon the same methods as those used for continuous current-machines,* or it may be measured for a complete machine by the search coil method; that is, a test coil may be arranged about a pole piece and connected to a ballistic galvanometer. When the field current is then suddenly reversed, the throw of the needle is closely proportional to the magnetic flux in the pole. A coil of equal turns may then be laid on the armature surface inclos- ing an arc equal to the polar pitch and extending the full length of the ‘armature coils. The throw is now proportional to the useful flux from the pole. The ratio of the first to the second reading is approximately proportional to the leakage coefficient. The coefficient varies somewhat with different armature currents and power factors on account of the mag- netic reactions of the armature currents upon the poles. By likewise using test coils placed around different parts of the field core, the distribution of the magnetic flux may be measured. * Jackson’s Electro-magnetism and the Construction of Dynamos, p. 133. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 605 150. Determination of the Number of Armature Conductors. — The formula for voltage induced in an alternator, F 2 KSQVp 10 8 x 60 ’ may be put into the form yr _ 2 KSf 10 8 ’ since Vp 60 is equal to the frequency f of the induced voltage.* Taking a proper value for K, as already explained, gives the effec- tive value of E. In a well-designed machine of the usual Ameri- can types, the value of K is about 1.1, which is the value for a machine which gives a sinusoidal voltage and in which the dif- ferential action is negligible. The conditions of service usually fix the values of E and/ in any particular case, and the equation then contains two dependent variables, and S. The ratio of these is determined from the form and dimensions of the ar- mature which it is desired to make. The number of poles is limited by constructive considerations and the importance of keeping the magnetic leakage within reasonable limits. On the latter account the poles must not come too near together. With this in view the frequency cannot be increased beyond a certain limit by increasing the number of poles, without carry- ing the periphery velocity of the armature beyond the safe limit. Thus, suppose a machine is designed with a twenty-pole rotat- ing field magnet, and its field magnet is designed to be driven at the safe limit of velocity. If it should be desired to increase the frequency of the voltage by 10 per cent, two poles must be added to the field magnet and the revolutions kept constant, or else the field magnet must be speeded up 10 per cent. Suppose the latter is not permissible on account of mechanical safety; then, if the poles are already as close together as economy admits, in order to increase the number of poles the pitch circle must be increased in diameter. This again calls for an in- crease of the periphery velocity of the field magnet, the revolu- tions per minute remaining constant. Hence in any type of machine a limit of frequency may be reached which cannot be safely exceeded. The limiting frequencies in the ordinary types * Art. 20. GOG ALTERNATING CURRENTS of machines designed for commercial service are from 100 to 150 periods per second. In the old Mordey type the limit was much higher, since the poles of this machine may be very close together and cause no additional leakage, and structural con- derations, only, set the limit. Commercial frequencies for elec- tric lighting and power are all less than 150 periods per second, and are usually 60 or less, so that all practical types of alter- nators may be used in commercial service. The requirements of wireless telegraphs, on the other hand, are now making a demand for some relatively small alternators of special t} r pes designed for generating currents of frequencies as great as two or three hundred thousand cycles per second. Fixing the frequency of a machine and the periphery velocity and revolutions of the revolving part, fixes both the diameter of the armature and the number of field poles. The diameter of the armature fixes the space for armature slots. With the slot space fixed and the dimensions of the slots determined from the conditions of tooth saturation and core reluctance desired, the value of iS is determined from the number of insulated conductors of requisite area which can be properly placed in the slots. The value of S being determined, the length of the armature must be made such that the necessary total magnetization may be set up in the field cores and armature without forcing the magnetic density in the teeth and cores to too high a value. Finally, the ratio of radiating surface to I 2 M loss should be checked. It is well to consider here the effect upon the output of an alternator, of making a change in the number of armature con- ductors. The voltage developed in the coils due to their cut- ting lines of force is proportional to the number of turns in the coils. The voltage of self-induction, on the other hand, is pro- portional to the square of the number of turns in a coil. Hence, increasing the number of armature turns beyond a certain limit may actually decrease the output of the machine, and if carried to a sufficient degree may make it even tend to regulate for constant current instead of constant voltage. The following argument, in which is approximately determined the number of turns that will give maximum output, is of some value in giv- ing a conception of the effect of the number of turns upon output. In the discussion the effect of armature reactions on SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 607 the field is assumed to be included in the inductive reactance of the winding. Where the load is non-reactive the assumption is justifiable.* If L l represents the effective or working self- inductance for each armature conductor, including its propor- tion of reactive effect on the field magnet, then the total effective self-inductance of the armature is approximately L— S 2 L V In the same way, if E 1 represents the voltage de- veloped per conductor, the total voltage developed in the arma- ture is E — SE V From the fundamental formula VR 2 + 4 7 r 2 f 2 E 2 ' we get EE 1 = E 2 - 4 7 j 2 f 2 EL\ or IR = VE 2 - 4 EPEE 1 . This may be put into the form IR = V S 2 ]lf- 4 EP1 WE 2 , supposing the external circuit to which the alternator is con- nected to be non-reactive. The term IR is the active voltage in the complete alternator circuit, and it is desirable that this be a maximum for a given armature. Differentiating the equa- tion with respect to S and solving for a maximum, we get the following : d(IR ) = 2 S(E 2 - 8 EfEEL 2 ) = Q . dS 2 VS 2 E 2 - EEfU^L 2 hence E j 2 — 8 Ef 2 I 2 L 1 2 S 2 =0. Or IR is a maximum when S = . 2 V2 7 rfIL l In this it is assumed that the armature resistance is small com- pared with that of the external circuit, which is always the case in efficient working. For E 1 may be substituted its value E,= 2 K f ~ 10 8_ ’ and the expression for S at maximum output becomes a- K * - I-a, 10« tt/£, ILi * Art. 155. 608 ALTERNATING CURRENTS where A is a constant depending upon the type and dimensions of the machine. If K has a value of 1.1, the value of A is practically 25 x 10 ~ 10 . The final form of the variable portion of the expression giving the maximum economical value of S is striking. Its numerator is the total useful magnetization due to the field magnet which passes through an armature coil, and its denominator is the magnetization passing through the coil due to the current in each of its own conductors. The fact is, however, that mechan- ical limitations and limitations due to heating and regulation, and the considerations of efficiency, prevent the number of con- ductors in modern alternator armatures even approaching the number given by this formula, when the machine is worked on a non-reactive load. When the external circuit is inductive, as is commonly the case, the number of armature turns which gives a maximum active voltage is smaller than when the external circuit is non-reactive. If S' is the number of conductors giving the maximum active voltage when the external circuit has self- inductance _L C , and S is the number of conductors giving the maximum voltage when the external circuit is non-reactive, then In the latter expression S 2 L } is the self-inductance of the arma- ture when wound with the proper number of turns to give a maximum active voltage when the external circuit is non- reactive. This becomes larger when there is an inductive load, since the reactions of the armature upon the field are greater.* When L e is greater than S 2 L V the right-hand mem- S' her of the expression for — becomes imaginary ; that is, the ratio is an indeterminate. It is impossible to put so many turns on commercial alter- nator armatures as the criterion shows would give the greatest output at unity power factor, since the question of regulation or * Alt. 152. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 609 in constant- voltage alternators demands that the fall of voltage in the armature due to resistance and inductance shall be as small as possible. Nevertheless where alternators are subject to inductive loads, the self-inductance, reactive effect upon the field, and resistance of the armature conductors are most im- portant elements affecting regulation under the various operat- ing conditions to be met in practice, as is shown clearlj" by the relations just developed. 151. Armature Ampere-turns and Self-inductance of Alterna- tors. — The self-inductance of an alternator armature may be approximately estimated from the magnetic and electric data of the machine. The reluctance of each magnetic circuit must be calculated exactly as in the case of a direct-current multipolar dynamo, — in order to determine the field windings, — using the formula P = where l is the length, A the cross section, /j.A and /i is the permeability of the part of the magnetic circuit Fig. 349. —Diagram for showing the Magneto-motive force required for Each Field Core to set up the Required Magnetic Flux. under consideration. The reluctance to be overcome by the magneto-motive force of each field core belongs to that part of the magnetic circuit which lies between the planes parallel to the armature shaft in which lie the lines AA' and BB' in Fig. 349, which is a section of an alternator with rotating armature. Machines with rotating field magnets may be treated in the 610 ALTERNATING CURRENTS same manner. Calling that reluctance P, the ampere-turns for each field core are in number, nI=^- P , <£ P L _|_ 8 3 _|_ 1.25 1.25 $ P cb P 1.25 1.25 where ® f , 8 , „, and ,, and P f , P 8 , P a , and P t are respectively the magnetic fluxes and reluctances of the field core and yoke, air gap, armature body, and armature teeth lying between AA' and BB'. The reluctance in the different parts of the magnetic circuit met by lines of force which are set up by the magneto-motive force of the armature ampere-turns when the field magnet is ex- cited, may be assumed to be equal to the reluctance in the same parts of the circuit met by the lines set up by the field coils, except for the part of the flux due to armature turns which leaks from tooth to tooth in a multi-tooth armature. The number of Hues of force set up in the portion of the magnetic circuit between the planes A A' and BB' by a unit current in one armature coil, the center of which is directly under a pole face, is 1.25 S, 2 P ’ where S x is the number of conductors in the coil and is equal to twice the number of turns in the coil, and P is the equiva- lent combined reluctance of the magnetic path in the field mag- net, armature, and air gap. Each one of these lines of force in completing its circuit through another segment of the mag- netic circuit must link another armature coil, so that we may say that the number of lines of force set up by each pair of coils is 2 P The self-inductance of the pair of coils, there- fore, so far as relates to the magnetic circuit through the field core, is 1.25 S? 2 x P x 10 8 ’ since S x is equal to the number of turns in two coils. The self -inductance per phase, of the whole armature due to this magnetic flux, is equal to L x multiplied by the number of pairs of coils, when the armature windings of a phase are con- nected in series, or L = 1.25 Sfp SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 611 when the coils are placed in one slot per pole per phase. When the windings are distributed in several slots per pole per phase the value of L is diminished. When the armature is connected with the halves in parallel, this inductance is one fourth as great as is given by this formula; but in the case of two similar arma- tures built for the same voltage and output, the one connected with the halves in parallel has twice as many conductors in each coil as has the other armature, and their self-inductances are equal. The path of the lines of force set up by the armature coils has been assumed to be the same as the path of those set up by the field magnets, and the real effect of the armature magneto- motive force upon the number of lines of force in the mutual magnetic circuits is to increase or decrease the number that would exist were the armature turns absent, rather than to set up an independent magnetic flux. The extent of this effect depends upon the lag of current in the armature, and the effects of armature reactions and of self-inductance are therefore closely related. In the case of machines with toothed armature cores, as already said, the reluctance measured around the path of the leakage lines of force set up by eacli group of conduc- tors in a slot may be quite small. This is due to the effect of the leakage from tooth to tooth. Consequently, the self-induct- ance of the armature must be increased over the amount given in the preceding formula by an amount equal to that caused by the tooth to tooth leakage. This is made up of the self-induct- ance caused by this leakage for each group of conductors in a slot multiplied by the number of groups in the whole winding of a phase. It is comparatively constant in value for different armature currents, since the leakage path may be partially in air, and the teeth, because of their small cross section relative to other parts of the magnetic field circuit, are apt to be magnetized to a comparatively high degree of saturation. 152. Armature Reactions in Alternators. — The armature re- actions of alternators do not cause as serious consequences in some respects as those of direct current machines, as the com- mutator is absent, but their effect upon regulation is of prime importance and demands first attention from the designer. Consider first the conditions which exist in single-phase ma- chines, or in polyphasers when the armature currents are 612 ALTERNATING CURRENTS unbalanced, which, as will be seen later in the discussion, pro- duces much the same effect as is produced in single-phasers. Then when the current of the armature is in exact phase with the impressed voltage, the armature current has comparatively little opportunity to affect the field magnetism. When the arma- ture conductors are directly between the pole pieces, the instan- taneous current is zero, and therefore at this point the armature has no effect upon the field magnetism. When the coils have the armature toward the right-hand with respect to the field poles. moved through one half the pitch, a sheet of current at its max- imum value flows directly under the pole faces. This current has such a direction that its magnetic effect tends to crowd the lines of force of the field magnet into the trailing tips of the poles (Fig. 350). Hence the field is weakened on account of the increased reluctance of the magnetic circuit. This effect is probably not very marked in the usual forms of alternators, since the armature ampere-turns are usually not large compai’ed with the impressed magneto-motive force of the field magnets, but, to SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 613 whatever extent the effect exists, it produces a periodic shifting of the magnetic density across the pole face as the armature coils move from pole to pole. The distortion and consequent weak- ening of the field may be reduced by cutting a slot longitudi- nally across the pole faces, or by carefully designing the pole tips. In Fig. 350 the irregular line dd indicates the tendency of the groups of conductors in a slot to distort the curve bb on account of the fact that the magneto-motive forces of their currents are not evenly distributed over the armature surface. This effect is usually not large. When the armature current is out of phase with the induced voltage, the conditions are quite different. Suppose that the phase of the current is retarded on account of self-induction. When the centers of the coils are under the poles, the current is not zero, but has an instantaneous value which depends upon the amount of retard- ation. This current in a generator is in such a direction that its magnetic effect opposes that of the field, as illustrated in Fig. 351, in which the dot or arrow point on the armature con- ductors represents the current flowing toward the observer and the cross or arrow feather represents the current flowing away from the observer. As the coils move, the opposing effect of armature reactions merges into the cross effect already indi- cated, and the armature reactions therefore tend to cause a periodic variation of the strength of magnetic flux. When the machine under consideration is operating as a synchronous motor, the current under the poles lagging behind the impressed voltage but being reversed in phase with respect to the induced voltage, evidently tends to strengthen the fields instead of to weaken them. If the current is in advance of the phase of the induced vol- tage, the armature of a generator tends to strengthen the field Fig. 351. — Diagram for showing the Effect of Armature Reactions of a Single-phase Generator when the Cur- rent in the Armature lags behind the Induced Voltage. 614 ALTERNATING CURRENTS magnetism when the coils are directly under the poles, as may be understood by examining Fig. 352. On the other hand, a motor armature with the current leading the phase of the im- pressed voltage tends to weaken the fields. This tendency of the armature current, when in advance of the induced voltage, to strengthen the fields could be taken ad- vantage of to make an alternating-current generator completely self-regulating, or even self-exciting, Fig. 352. — Diagram for showing the Effect of Armature through the action of Reactions of a Single-phase Generator when the Cur- jp g armature CUITeilt rent in the Armature leads the Induced Voltage. . lhis, however, would require the use of a condenser or other source of capacity react- ance attached across the armature terminals to give the proper lead to the current, which would not be practical in appli- cation. The quantitative effect of the armature current and the angle of lag on the results produced by armature reactions is not read- ily determined in single-phase machines. The effect is periodic and depends for its relative instantaneous values upon the in- stantaneous positions of the armature coils with respect to the poles, and the corresponding instantaneous current values. The latter depend upon the effective value of the current, the angle of lag, and the form of current wave. Doubtless the relative shapes of armature coils and pole pieces also enter the relation. Moreover, the field frames are fairly large masses of iron, and they do not respond rapidly to changes in their magnetic sur- roundings ; this apparent magnetic inertia being caused by the effect of eddy currents and the considerable inductance of the field circuit, which tend to suppress rapid changes of the mag- netic flux. It is therefore reasonable to assume in general that the results of armature reactions are less marked than misfht be inferred from a scrutiny of the variation of the instantaneous values of armature magneto-motive forces acting in the polar regions of the magnetic circuit. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 615 The instantaneous value of the back turns of each armature coil at any moment depends upon the instantaneous value of the current multiplied by a function of the instantaneous position of the coil. If the current is sinusoidal, then the current at any instant is proportional to sin a, and if the magnetizing effect on the pole pieces caused by the current in the coil is assumed to vary as a sine function of the position of the coil with reference to its position when the induced voltage is zero, then the magnetizing effect per ampere is proportional to cos a. The back turns are then equal to V2 nl sin(« — 0) cos a at each instant, in which 0 is the angle of lag, I is the effective value of the current in the coil, and n is the number of turns in the coil. Expanding this expression reduces it to 7hl (sin 2 «cos 0 — cos 2 a sin 0 — sin 0). Vz If 0 is zero, this is a periodic expression of twice the funda- mental frequency and of zero average value. Averaging the expression from a = 0 to a = 7 r, when 0 is not zero, gives the value — -^isin 0. V 2 The armature reactions in polyphase generators are materi- ally different from those in single-phase generators, but consist essentially of the sum of the effects of the several phases. Thus, referring to Fig. 350, it was seen that when the current of a single-phaser is in phase with the voltage, magnetism is crowded into the trailing pole tips at each time of maximum current, and resumes its initial position when the current falls to zero. In the case of polyphase machines, in which the wire, in effect, covers the entire surface of the armature, the skewing effects which the currents in the armature coils of the several phases of a balanced machine produce on the magnetism of the field magnet come into action succes- sively so as to maintain the total effect uniform when the currents are equal and in phase with the induced vol- tages of their respective circuits. When the currents lag bib ALTERNATING CURRENTS or lead, the skewing effect decreases and the back turns become V2 nl | sin (« — 6) cos « + sin [ a — 6 — ^-^jcos fu — ••• m ) . ( a 2(m — l)7r\ ( 2(m — l)7r' + sm « — 6 L — cos a — \ m J \ m in which m is the number of phases. This is zero and the back turns disappear when 6 = 0, since sin «cos a + sin 2 7 r\ ( 2 ir\ it I cos (a )+ ••• m J + sin a — 2 ( m — 1 )7r m COS It — 2 (m — 1)7 r m = 0 . Under these circumstances the skewing effect of the armature magneto-motive force is a maximum. When 6 is not zero, the expression becomes nl r . o -of 2 77") • 0 ( 2 (m — 1)7 r sin 2 a -f sm 2( a - + ••• + sin 2 ( a | — m J V2l_ m 9 tt\ cos 2 « + cos 2 ( a — - — )+ ••• + cos 2( te- rn / 2 (m — l7r) m cos 0 sin 6 — m sin 6. But 2 a + sin 2^a — ••• + sin 2 — ^) = 0, sin and cos m 2 ct + cos 2 (it — + ••• + cos2(^« — ^ = 0. V m J \ m J Therefore the expression for the armature magneto-motive force has the constant value, — rsin 6. V2 This is obtained on the assumptions that the current is sinusoidal and that each armature coil acts on the main magnetic circuit with an influence proportional to cos a. Neither of these assumptions is exactly met in most machines, and the back turns therefore are more or less irregularly variable through each period of the armature current. In case the cir- SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 617 cuit is unbalanced, a pulsation is introduced by the differences between the phases. The effect of armature ampere-turns in a single-phase machine is illustrated in Fig. 353, coils a, a, connected as in Fig. 350, being indicated. (To simplify the figure, winding slots are not shown.) Curve E is the induced voltage curve of the machine plotted as a function of time beginning when the coils are located neutrally in the magnetic fields as shown in the Figure, that is, at the instant when the induced voltage is zero; and curve c is a current curve assumed to be in phase with the induced voltage. Curve d represents the magnitude of the magnetizing effect which would be produced per ampere by a continuous cur- rent flowing in the moving armature winding, which aids or opposes the field magnetization, but differs in value with the instantaneous positions of the coils, and is here plotted with space abscissas corresponding to the time abscissas of curve E. Fig. 353. — Curves showing the Magnetic Activity of the Armature of a Single-phase Generator ivhen the Current is in Phase with the Induced Voltage. This magnetizing effect or activity with a uniform current flowing in the armature winding must evidently have a maxi- mum value when the centers of the coils are directly under the centers of the poles, i.e. when the coils are at the point shown in the figure. When the centers of the coils are ninety elec- trical degrees from the position shown in Fig. 353, only a skew- ing effect results from the armature ampere-turns acting on the field magnet, as is illustrated in Fig. 350. Multiplying the ordinates of the current curve with the corresponding ordinates of the curve of magnetic activity, the actual effect of the alter- nating current in the armature coils may be obtained, as is shown by the shaded areas oiftlined by curve k. It is seen that the sum of the positive and negative effects is zero, but that they produce the periodical skewing effect caused by the armature 618 ALTERNATING CURRENTS current upon the field magnetism as already explained. In the same manner it is shown in Fig. 354 that if the current lags be- hind or leads the voltage, alternate loops of the curve k are greater than the others, and the field magnets are periodically either weakened or strengthened. In this case, the effect of the back turns is larger while the effect of the cross turns is smaller. Fig. 354. — Curves showing the Magnetic Activity of the Armature as in Fig. 353, but with the Current out of Phase with the Voltage. Now, in the case of a balanced quarter-phase alternator, a second curve of reaction exactly similar to k and one-fourth the pitch, or 90 electrical degrees, from k , may be drawn as shown in Fig. 355 to represent the action of the second set of coils when the current is in phase with the induced voltage. The vertical lines crossing Figs. 353, 354, and 355 are located 180 electrical degrees apart, as guides. The magnetizing effect of one phase gradually increases while the magnetizing effect of the other phase decreases, and the skewing effect becomes nearly neutralized when the armature current and voltage in each branch are in phase with each other. Similarly, when the cur- rent lags or leads in the two branches of the two-phase circuit, the armature magneto-motive forces add together so as to give a more or less constant weakening or strengthening of the field magnets, as shown in Fig. 355, where the ordinates of the hori- Fig. 355. — Curves showing the Magnetic Activity of the Armature of a Quarter- phase Generator. Currents in Phase with Induced Voltages. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 619 zontal line k" represent this effect. In Fig. 355 curves c and c 1 represent the currents of the two phases ; d and d x are the curves of activity of the coils of the two phases respectively ; and k and k x are the reaction tendencies of the separate phases. The poles are assumed to lie midway between the vertical broken lines as in the previous two figures. In case the current leads, the fields are strengthened, and in case it lags the fields are weakened, as illustrated in Fig. 355 a. By the same process it may be shown that the armature reaction in any polyphase machine is practically constant when the system is balanced. Fig. 355 a. — Curves showing the Magnetic Activity of the Armature as in Fig. 355, but with the Currents out of Phase with the Induced Voltages. The effect is possibly more simply explained by considering the armature resultant magneto-motive force of a polyphaser as producing a Rotating magnetic field, relatively to the armature core, which core may either be stationary or rotate. This is evidently permissible, as the armature windings and currents of a balanced polyphase armature bear the same relations as those in the primary circuit of a rotating field induction motor. The creation of a rotating field is explained fully in the chapter following.* It will suffice to say here that in a polyphase arma- ture the magnetic fluxes of the phases grow successively to their maximum values in a direction opposite to the direction of rota- tion of the armature. Thus in a tri-phase armature a coil of one phase, then the next phase to it against the direction of rota- tion, and then the third in the same direction around the arma- ture rise to maximum flux, thus giving an effect as though the flux set up by the armature windings moved 360 electrical de- grees with reference to a point on the armature during the period of a cycle. Taking this view, and supposing first that the armature is stationary and the field magnet revolves, it is * Art. 185. 620 ALTERNATING CURRENTS evident that a rotating magneto-motive force may be considered to be set up by the armature current having a speed equal to, or in synchronism with, that of the mechanically rotating alter- nator field magnet. This must be so since, when the alternator field magnet moves through 360 electrical degrees of rota- tion, it creates a complete cycle of currents in the several arma- ture phases and hence the position of the resultant armature magneto-motive force for the coils of each phase also moves 360 electrical degrees during the same period of time. When the power factor is unity, the magneto-motive forces for the several balanced phases substantially neutralize each other. When the armature currents lag, their combined rotating magneto-motive force lags in space with reference to the alternator field magnet, causing a weakening of the field magnet by back magnetization. When the currents lead, the armature magneto-motive force steps forward in its space phase relation with the alternator field magnet, and causes a strengthening of the latter. Similar reasoning applies when the armature rotates and the field magnet is stationary ; since, in that case, the magneto- motive force set up by the armature currents may be considered to stand in a fixed position with respect to the stationary field magnet as the armature revolves, which fixed position depends on the lag of the currents with respect to the induced voltages in the branches of the polyphase windings. The resultant magneto-motive force always rotates in rela- tively the same direction about the armature as the relative motion of the alternator field magnet, or against the direction of rotation of the armature, as said before. This may be proved by drawing the curves of phase currents and laying out the space phase positions of the resultant armature magneto-motive force and alternator magnet for a series of angular advances of the armature or field. The opposing and cross-magnetic effects of lagging armature currents in alternating current generators, when operating under usual conditions, cause the external characteristics * to slope toward the horizontal axis. This effect must be added to the slope of the characteristic caused by resistance and re- actance in the armature. When the current leads, the voltage tends to rise due to the strengthening of the field, a character- * Art. 1 55. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 621 istic that is made valuable use of in maintaining uniform vol- tage at the receiving ends of transmission lines through the use of synchronous apparatus which is regulated to furnish a lead- ing current.* The rise, however, may be made excessive by the same effect when the conditions of the line and load are abnormal. It is evident that the effect of the armature reaction depends for its relative instantaneous values upon the instantaneous positions of the coils with reference to the poles, as already pointed out ; and that it depends further for its actual instan- taneous and average values on the current strength, the angle of lag, the shape of the current curve, and the conditions of balance in polyphase systems. The relative shapes of armature coils and pole pieces also enter the relation, as do also the air space and tooth reluctances, as well as the total reluctance of the magnetic circuits. Since the effect of the reactions is periodic in the case of single or unbalanced polyphase machines, it is difficult to determine accurately its exact result in any particular case, by any means except that of experiment. By taking the instantaneous value of the single-phase current or unbalanced polyphase current for a number of angular positions of the armature, the average skewing and direct magnetizing or demagnetizing effect of the armature reaction can, however, be approximately determined. The reactions of polyphase ma- chines, however, may be determined with a greater degree of accuracy and ease for any load power factor when the sys- tem is balanced, as has been shown by the previously given equations. 153. Alternator Characteristics. — There are four curves which exhibit particularly important relations between the functions of alternators. These curves, which are called characteristics, may be enumerated as follows : 1. The Saturation Curve or Curve of Magnetization. 2. The External Characteristic. 3. The Curve of Synchronous Impedance. 4. The Magnetic Distribution Curve and Voltage Curve. 154. Curve of Magnetization. — The curve of magnetization shows the relation between the ampere-turns in the field wind- ings and the total voltage induced in the armature. From the * Art. 175. 622 ALTERNATING CURRENTS voltage induced in the armature, the value of may be deduced by means of the formula E = ’ P rov ided the value of K is known.* The value of K cannot be determined exactly by calculation, but may be ascertained by means of the fourth curve named in the preceding article. The experimental determination of the curve of magnetization is carried out exactly as in the case of direct-current machines, substituting for the direct-current voltmeter an instrument which is capable of measuring alternating voltages. It is desirable that the instrument used shall indicate the effective value of the voltage ; hence, the measurements should be made by a voltmeter built upon the principles of either the hot-wire instrument, the electrostatic instrument modeled after the quadrant electrom- eter, or the non-inductive form of high resistance electro- dynamometer, arranged preferably for direct reading of voltage. f All instruments used in alternating-current measurements which depend for their indications upon electrodynamic action, must be constructed with no masses of conducting metal about them, or their constants will depend upon the frequency of the current measured. This is due to the dynamic effects which eddy currents, circulating in metallic masses, have on the cur- rents in the moving parts of the instruments. If a voltmeter has an appreciable inductance, its reading will also depend upon the frequency, since the current flowing through it is inversely proportional to VjR 2 -f- 4 tt 2 / 2 !?. From this it is readily seen that if flu is not negligible in comparison with R< the current flowing through the voltmeter when it is connected to a circuit, and hence its indications, will be dependent upon the frequency. The indications of an inductive voltmeter will always be less when it is connected to an alternating-current circuit than when it is connected to a continuous-current circuit of equal effective voltage. The self-inductance of an electrody- namometer arranged for use as an amperemeter is usually quite small, but in some cases may reach a millihenry. An electro- dynamometer which is arranged to be used as a voltmeter, usually has a considerable non-inductive resistance in series with the inductive working coils, so that its time constant is quite small. * Art. 20. t Art. 24. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 623 If the alternator under examination is a special one and was designed to be partially or entirely a self-exciting one, there is some question of the comparative magnetizing effects of con- tinuous and rectified currents. In general, however, the recti- fied current in a self-excited field is doubtless always a wavy one. The effective value of this, as indicated by an electrodyna- mometer, is very nearly the same as the average value indicated by an ordinary amperemeter. The average magnetizing effect of the current is also practically equal to that of a continuous cur- rent which gives the same indications on the instruments, though the actual magnetic flux set up is always proportional to the instantaneous value of the current divided by the magnetic circuit reluctance, after due correction has been made for hysteresis and the magnetizing effects of any eddy currents induced in the field magnets by a pulsating excitation. A wavy current tends to set up eddy currents in the iron of the magnetic circuit and thus cause heating, but this result is not marked. The exciting current of a separately excited alternator, the type used almost exclusively in modern practice, may also be caused to become wavy if the armature reactions are very large. It has already been shown that the effect of the armature reactions of a single-phase or unbalanced polyphase machine is a periodic one ; and when the periodic effect becomes of sufficient magni- tude, it causes fluctuations in the field magnetism, which react upon the windings and throw the exciting current into pulsa- tions. On account of this tendency of the exciting current to become wavy and of the magnetic flux to vary locally in the pole pieces, it is common to build the pole cores of laminations in order to prevent the generation of excessive eddy currents in them. The general form of the curve of magnetization for an alter- nator is similar to the form of the curve for a direct-current dynamo. As it is not uncommon for alternators to have a some- what larger reluctance in the air space than have direct-current dynamos of the same size, the knee in the alternator curve is sometimes not so abrupt as it is in the case of direct-current machines (Figs. 356 and 357). For studying the details of the design of the magnetic circuit, the curve may be re- solved into component curves representing the air space, frame, and armature. In this case the excitation compared to 624 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the magnetic flux is a straight line for the air space, since the reluc- tance of that part of the magnetic circuit is constant. Figure 357 shows the relation be- tween exciting current and ter- minal voltage in a particular alter- nator when cur- rent flows in the armature. 155. External Characteristic. — An external characteristic is a curve showing the relations between the armature current and the terminal voltage which exist for a stated condition of field Fig. 356. - EXCITING CURRENT - Type of Curve of Magnetization of an Alternator. excitation. To ex- perimentally deter- mine an external characteristic of an alternator, it is ex- cited by the method for which it is de- signed, so as to give its normal voltage on open circuit. The volts at its terminals, and the current and kilowatts in the ex- ternal circuit, are measured with various loads in the external circuit of various magnitudes but fixed power factor. The observations may be plotted in a curve, Fig. 357. — Relation of Terminal Voltage to Exciting Current with Different Currents in the Armature. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 625 using volts as ordinates and kilovolt-amperes or kilowatts as ab- scissas. In separately excited alternators, the curve cuts the ver- tical axis at its highest point at no load, and then gradually falls, the exciting current being held constant. The decrease of the ordinates (drop in voltage) is caused by the effects of armature resistance, armature self-inductance, and armature reactions. The magnitude of the armature reactions is changed on account of the lag or lead of the current, when there is re- actance in the external circuit. If it is desired to quanti- tively determine the effect of lag or lead on armature reactions, curves may be taken with different values of reactance inserted in the external circuit. The portion of the drop which is caused by self-inductance and armature reactions when the machine is supplying current to a load of unity power factor may be sepa- rated from that caused by resistance by the formula, E? = E a 2 -P E In this case is the open-circuit voltage, E a is equal to the terminal voltage for the current flowing plus IR a where Ea is the armature resistance, and E, is the quadrature compo- nent of the drop which results from self-inductance and arma- ture reactions. By taking the characteristics of an alternator when worked on circuits of different known resistances and re- actances, the effect of armature reactions may be determined for different values of the angle of lag, and such tests are quite valuable for determining the purpose for which the machine is best adapted. The self-inductance and reactions of some of the early alternators were so great that the external character- istic drooped to the X axis at a current not greatly exceeding full load. Figure 358 shows the characteristics of two alter- nators plotted to show the relations of terminal volts to arma- ture current when the load is non-reactive. One (Curve A') is of a standard type of alternator, having small armature self- inductance and reactions, and the second (Curve B ) of a special machine having large armature self-inductance and reactions. Curves showing the relation of output and armature current for the two machines are also shown. These are especially enlightening as showing relatively how much lower the output of the highly inductive machine is for the same proportions of full load current. The two curves of machine B illustrate the difficulty of obtaining good regulation or the economical utili- zation of the copper and iron in the machine when the machine 620 ALTERNATING CURRENTS is highly reactive. As inductive reactance in the load has the same effect upon these characteristics of operation as has react- ance in the armature itself, it is evident from the figure that inductive reactance should be avoided in both the machine itself 0 50 100 150 200 ARMATURE CURRENT IN PER CENT OF FULL LOAD CURRENT Fig. 358. — External Characteristics. Machines worked on Non-reactive Loads. Machine A with Small and Machine li with Large Armature Reactance. The Rela- tions of Output to Current are also shown. and its load so far as possible. The three following figures (Figs. 359, 360, and 361) graphically indicate the effect of an inductive load. Figure 359 shows the relation between voltage drop and load power factor upon a generator of normal design connected to inductive loads of different power factors. In this case, the load was at the end of a transmission line. The drops in the step-down transformers, line, and generator, and their total are given for power factors ranging from 100 per cent to 20 per cent, inductive, when the full load rating of 250 kilovolt- amperes are being delivered to the transmission line. Figure 360 shows the reduction in the kilowatts of capacity available in this particular generator when used on the same range of power factors and with a kilovolt-ampere output for the various SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 627 Fig. 359. — Curves showing the Effects of the Power Factor of Inductive Loads or the Regulation of an Alternator. Fig. 360. — Curves showing the Relation of Inductive Power Factor to Kilowatts and Kilovolt-amperes for the Alternator referred to in Fig. 359. 628 ALTERNATING CURRENTS power factors as shown by the upper curve. The lessening of the capacity is clue to the fact that the output of the generator is limited by the heating of the armature, and therefore when the current contains a large quadrature component, the active component must be relatively low. Figure 361 shows the field exciting currents required by the alternator to supply normal voltage to the transmission line at the same range of power factors, when the alternator is operated so as to furnish 250 kilovolt-amperes, and it also shows the corresponding armature core losses. Eig. 361. — Curves showing the Variation of Field Exciting Current and Armature Core Losses with the Power Factor of an Inductive Load for the Alternator referred to in Figs. 359 and 360. When the load has the effect of electrostatic capacity the quadrature leading current tends to strengthen the alternator field magnet and neutralize the effect of armature self-induct- ance. It may, therefore, reduce or neutralize the drop in the external characteristic, or cause it to rise, depending upon the amount of the quadrature current flowing. The external characteristic of a special, self-excited, shunt- wound alternator is shown in Fig. 362. The droop in the curve is a little greater than would occur for the same machine separately SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 629 “2000 £1000 excited. This is due to 3000 the loss of exciting current as the armature drop in- creases, and the terminal voltage decreases accord- ingly- The effect of armature resistance and true self- inductance can be shown by drawing the loci of the p IG 352. — External Characteristic of a Special alternator terminal voltage Self-excited Alternator. — maintained constant by proper variation of the field excita- tion — when the power factor of the load is varied, but the load current is maintained constant. The construction is shown in Fig. 363. -■£2*2*4 1 10 13 ARMATURE AMPERE8 In this figure the circular arc EE x E^E^E i with the center at 0 is the locus of constant terminal voltage when the constant cur- rent 01 flows but the power factor is varied. The triangle OXR represents the voltage drops in the impedance of the armature by reason of the flow of current OL Then the total voltage generated, E', must be equal to the vector sum of OX and the terminal voltage E. By geometrical construction it is seen that the locus of E\ = OE', etc.) for various angles of lag 6 in the external circuit must be the circular arc E' E X E^E^E X with its center at X. I 11 the figure, when 01 lags by the angle 6 with respect to the terminal voltage, the latter is represented by OE , the total voltage generated by OE ’, and the impedance drop by EE', of which Ea is used in overcoming self-inductance and aE' in overcoming resistance. The figure shows the vector diagrams for lagging angles 6 and 0 V zero lag $ 2 , and leading angles 0 3 and 0 X , where the thetas represent the phase differences of the current and voltage in the external circuit. It will be noted, in order that constant current may flow with varying power factors, the load must be assumed to change in its components of resistance and self-inductance or capacity in such a way as to keep the impedance Z constant. The line EX in the figure is assumed to be constant, which is not absolutely true, as the reluctance of the self-induction paths around the armature conductors will change with varying values of theta. In this figure the values of total voltage in- 630 ALTERNATING CURRENTS duced, OE ' , OE^, etc., are due to cutting the total flux in the air gap, which in turn is created by the vector sum of the field ampere-turns and effective armature ampere-turns. The latter Fig. 363. — Loci of Terminal and Total Voltages generated in an Alternator when the Power Factor of the Load is varied but the Numerical Values of Terminal Voltage and Current are maintained constant. vary with the positions of the centers of the armature coils at the instant they are carrying maximum current, as shown in an earlier article, or approximately with sin 0.* This shows that * Art. 152. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 631 when 9 is positive the field ampere-turns must not only create sufficient flux to create the total voltage required, but must also neutralize the effective armature-turns, but that when 9 is negative the field ampere-turns directly add to the effective armature ampere-turns to set up the required flux. A diagram which expresses graphically the effect of armature-turns upon the voltage generated is shown in Fig. 364. T r ian g 1 e OFC represents the voltage triangle of the external cir- cuit, when the gen- erator terminal voltage is OC, the angle of lag 9, and the current 01. Triangle CD A rep- resents the internal drops in the ma- chine due to self- inductance and re- sistance, the total drop being CA. OA is the voltage that would be required to drive the cur- rent 01 through an impedance equal to This voltage, however, is less than would be generated by the same field excitation on open circuit by reason of the demagnetization caused by the current flowing in the armature coils. Repre- senting the loss of voltage from this source by AB, then the open circuit voltage is represented by OB. Or, a field excita- tion which would create an armature voltage OB is required to furnish a terminal voltage OC when current 01 flows at an angle of lag 9 behind OC. The triangle OAB may then be considered proportional to the ampere-turns of the machine, in which OB is proportional to the useful field ampere-turns. AB the armature ampere-turns, and OA the net ampere-turns effec- tive in producing useful flux in the armature. It will be noted that the total field ampere-turns must include the ampere-turns Fig. 364. — Vector Diagram showing the Effect of Ar- mature Magnetizing Ampere-turns upon the Voltage generated in an Alternator. Armature Current lagging behind Terminal Voltage. 632 ALTERNATING CURRENTS which set up leakage flux ; and these vary, since the leakage increases with a positive lag of the current and decreases with a negative lag. Since OB does not include ampere- turns necessary to set up leakage flux, the figure is onty approximate. Fig- ure 365 is a diagram showing- the effect C D Fig. 365. — Diagram showing the Effect of Armature Magnetizing Ampere-turns upon the Voltage Gener- ated iu an Alternator. Armature Current leading the Terminal Voltage. of armature magnetization when the current in the external circuit leads the terminal voltage. 156. The Short-Circuit Current Curve and Synchronous Imped- ance of an Alternator. — From the discussion preceding it is evident that there is difficulty in separating the effects of true self-inductance and armature reactions in an alternator, but the combined effect of the two in connection with the armature resistance may be studied to advantage by the use of the Short- circuit current curve. This curve shows the relation between the ampere-turns of the field magnet and the armature current flowing when the armature terminals are short-circuited. The curve may be obtained by placing an amperemeter in the field circuit and short-circuiting the armature directly across its own terminals except that a very low resistance amperemeter should be placed in at least one of the leads. The field magnet may be then excited by successively increasing values of exciting cur- rent and the readings of the amperemeters observed and plotted, this process being continued until the maximum safe value of the armature current is reached. The machine should be driven at normal speed. As in the case of the saturation curve, the curves of rising and falling field excitation will differ on account of the effect of hysteresis in the field magnet. In order to ob- tain all the information desirable, a saturation curve for the same excitations should also be obtained and should be plotted on the chart with the short-circuit current curve. Figure 366 shows a short-circuit curve of an 1800-kilowatt, tri-phase ma- chine, marked A. Curve B is the saturation curve of the same machine, and the points R and S are the points for full load rated voltage and current respectively. TERMINAL VOLTS SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 633 From these two curves an imaginary impedance may be obtained corresponding with each armature current, which is approximately equal to an actual impedance calling for the same loss of voltage as is jointly caused by the armature resist- ance, armature self-inductance, and armature reactions. This is called the Synchronous impedance, and is sometimes defined as the numerical ratio of the open-circuit voltage generated at normal speed for a given field excitation to the short-circuit cur- rent at the same speed and excitation. The term synchronous impedance, however, can be better considered as designating the 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 C/ B ^ / r J r / \ X V / ✓ ✓ / / ' / / / / x / / | / / ' ✓ 1 ✓ . / A / / / / V' / / / A v >.✓ / / / ^00^ K| 0 N M2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 AMPERE TURNS ON EACH FIELD COIL Fig. 366. — Short-circuit Current Curve of an Alternator. A, Short-circuit Curve; B, Magnetization Curve. actual vector loss of voltage, due to armature resistance, self- induction, and reactions, divided by the armature current flow- ing. Its value, therefore, changes with the angle of lag of the armature current on account of the resultant change in effective armature magnetizing turns. A curve which is useful in determining the excitation required to give a desired terminal voltage or vice versa , when a given current flows at a given angle of lag, is marked MGrL in Fig. 366 and is sometimes called the wattless current char- acteristic. The curve is constructed in this way: assume some ARMATURE AMPERES PER PHASE 634 ALTERNATING CURRENTS armature current, say 50 amperes, and lay off the distance OM equal to the number of ampere-turns per pole that are shown by the short-circuit curve to be necessary to cause a short-circuit current of the chosen value to flow through the armature cir- cuit. Then lay off MN, which is the back-magnetizing turns per pole caused by the armature current of 50 amperes when flowing at an inductive lag angle of 90° and is computed for a polyphase machine by the formula on page 616 and for a single- phase machine by the formula on page 615. To do this the ar- mature resistance must be considered negligible, which for ordinary machines is admissible. Then ON represents the am- pere-turns per pole in the field windings which are effective in setting up useful flux, and I)N (which is the induced voltage corresponding to field ampere-turns ON) represents the induc- tive drop in the armature. The field reaction of a constant quadrature-lagging current in the armature, and the self-induct- ance set up thereby, are constant whatever the terminal voltage may be, provided the effect of saturation may be neglected, and therefore if the machine is loaded with pure inductive reactance and the field current modified so as to keep the armature cur- rent constant, the relation between terminal voltage and field current will be expressed by curve MOL of Fig. 366, the offsets HGr, PL , etc., being all parallel and equal to PM. Then, if the reactive load is such that the terminal voltage is OK and the ampere-turns per field spool are ON Gr will be one point on the wattless current characteristic and GrH must equal and be parallel to PM. The curve MGrL is evidently constructed by drawing it through the extremities of lines drawn from curve B equal and parallel to PM. For greater currents MGL is further removed from B. The line 00 represents approximately the ampere-turns re- quired by the air space. 157. The Magnetic Flux Distribution Curve of an Alternator, and Curves of Voltage and Current. — These curves may be ex- perimentally determined by various methods. They consist of a series of curves which are closely interrelated, but may be, and in fact are likely to be, of quite dissimilar forms. The form of the curve representing the wave of impressed voltage, or total vol- tage induced in the armature of an alternator, is dependent upon the distribution of the magnetic flux over the pole faces, and also SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 635 on the arrangement of the armature windings. By design, either of these may be given a controlling influence to the exclusion of the other. A two-pole machine with closed-circuit, evenly dis- tributed, Gramme ring armature winding, as shown in Fig. 30, gives an excellent illustration of this, when it has two connections 180 degrees apart to two collector rings, thus connecting the two halves of the winding in parallel between the rings. The differential action, which occurs in the coils of such an arma- ture, makes its curves of voltage almost independent of the distribution of the magnetism over the pole faces, provided the same total number of lines of force is cut by each con- ductor per revolution; and the maximum value of the voltage is entirely independent of the magnetic flux distribution. This is shown by Fig. 367, where the full line in the left- hand drawing shows the curve of voltage developed in such Fig. 367. — Voltage Curves produced by a Two-pole, Gramme Ring Armature Winding having Two Coils in Parallel and each Coil covering 180 Electrical De- grees, when subjected to Magnetic Fluxes of Differing Distribution. Full Lines represent Voltages and Dotted Lines Magnetic Distribution under the Pole Faces. an armature winding with a uniform distribution of the magnetic flux of the field, and the full line in the other draw- ing shows the curve of voltage with the same total field greatly distorted. The dotted lines in the drawing indicate the dis- tributions of the magnetism over the pole faces. The unidirec- tional voltage delivered by the armature when the windings are connected to a commutator and the machine is operated as a direct-current dynamo, is not affected by the distortion, provided the brushes are always placed on the neutral plane and the total magnetism passing through the armature re- mains constant. When the machine has been converted into an alternator by the addition of collector rings as stated, the maximum instantaneous voltage is equal to the voltage devel- oped in the direct-current machine, and is therefore independ- 636 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ent of the distribution of the magnetism,* and the form of the curve representing the wave of voltage is but slightly altered, as shown in Fig. 367. Now suppose the same machine to be arranged with a single narrow coil on the armature. The change in the magnetic distribution now not only changes the form of the voltage curve proportionally, but also changes in a marked manner the maximum value of the instantaneous voltage. The difference between the curves of voltage devel- oped by the broad coil and narrow coil armatures is due to the effect of differential action in the broad coil armature. It has already been shown that differential action occurs to some degree in commercial alternators, but it does not occur to a sufficient degree to make the form of the voltage wave independent of the magnetic distribution. It is there- fore true that the magnetic distribution largely influences the form of the voltage wave, and the magnetic distribution should therefore be carefully studied during the development of a type of alternators. A proper study of the magnetic flux distribution and of the arrangement of the armature windings makes it possible to so design an alternator that it will produce any desired form of voltage wave. The angular relation between the curves representing the magnetic flux distribution and the impressed voltage is inter- esting. The ordinate of the curve of voltage at any instant is proportional to the rate at which lines of flux are cut by the armature conductors at that instant, the rate being taken alge- braically. Consequently, the voltage is zero when the mag- netization is all symmetrically threaded through the coils; that is, when the algebraic net rate of cutting flux by the conductors is zero. The voltage is a maximum when the rate of cutting flux is the greatest ; that is, when the algebraic summation of the number of flux lines threaded through the coils is a minimum. A curve which represents the algebraic summation of the number of flux lines threaded through the coils at each instant, therefore, has an angular position which is 90° from that of the voltage curve (Fig. 368). The form and dimensions of this curve of magnetic linkages evidently depend upon the actual distribu- tion of the magnetic flux and the arrangement of the armature windings. When the voltage curve is irregular, and the angular * Art. 20. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 637 relation is not made evident from the curve, as in Fig. 369, the point at which the curve of magnetic linkages cuts the X-axis may yet be easily found, since it is directly under the center of gravity of the voltage curve. That is, since as manj r lines of flux must be withdrawn from the coils as are inserted, for each loop of the curve, the summation of the ordi- nates of the voltage curve on each side of the crossing must be equal. This curve, which shows the alge- braic number of magnetic lines of flux which are threaded at each instant through the coils, may be deduced from a known curve of voltage. Erect an ordinate to the voltage curve which bisects the area as in Fig. 369 ; then by means of ordi- nates divide the half areas into a number of small areas. The magnetism threaded through the armature coils is algebraically equal to zero at the instant represented by the bisecting or- dinate, and the al- gebraic value of the magnetic leakages through the armature Fig. 368. — Curves showing Relation of Magnetic Flux Linkages and Induced Voltage in an Alternator. Fig. 369. — Alternator Voltage and Magnetic Linkage coils at anv other ill- Curves. Area of Voltage Curve is bisected. J . stant is proportional to the area inclosed by the voltage curve between the corre- sponding ordinate and the bisecting ordinate, since e = ~ and do $ = "Zedt, where e is instantaneous voltage, , the maximum value of the magnetic flux linkages, and the scale of the curve may thus be conveniently fixed. The loops may not be symmetrical, but, with a fixed value of and a fixed arma- ture winding, the successive loops must always be exactly alike, though they may be looked upon as alternately positive and neg- ative, since the magnetic flux is alternately threaded through the coils in opposite directions. The corresponding curves of voltage and magnetic linkages for various forms of voltage curves are shown in the accompany- ing figures. In Fig. 369 the voltage curve is one experimen- tally determined from a special alternator when working on a series load of arc lights.* In Fig. 370 the voltage curve is an Fig. 370. — Curve e is a Triangular Voltage Curve ; Curve m, Magnetic Flux Linkages. Fig. 371. — Curve e, Sinusoidal Voltage Curve; Curve in, Magnetic Flux Linkages. isosceles triangle, in Fig. 371 it is a sinusoid, and in Fig. 372 it is a rectangle. The voltage curves of Figs. 373 and 374 are respectively a flat-topped curve and a parabola. f Since the induced voltage is proportional to the rate of change of the number of lines of flux threaded through the * Tobey and Walbridge, Stanley Alternate-Current Arc Dynamo, Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E., Vol. 7, p. 367. f Emery, Alternating Current Curves, Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E., Vol. 12, p. 433. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 639 Fig. 372. — Curve e, Rectangular Voltage Curve ; Curve m, Magnetic Flux Link- ages. Fig. 373. — Curve e, Flat-topped Vol- tage Curve ; Curve in, Magnetic Flux Linkages. armature coils, the ordinates of the voltage curve are pro- portional to the tangents of the curve representing the number of magnetic linkages through the armature coils. Figure 375 shows a graphical construction for determining the voltage curve from this magnetic flux linkage curve. Ordinates Oa' , Ob ' , and OA are, by construc- tion, made proportional in length to the tangents of the angles made with the X-axis by lines tangent to the mag- netic curve at p v p 2 , and 0. The point O' is a point taken at any convenient position, and the lines O' a ' , O'b ', O' A are drawn parallel respectively to aa , bb, and the tangent to the Fig. 374. — Cur ve e, Parabolic Voltage Curve ; Curve in, Magnetic Flux Linkages. Fig. 375. — Construction showing Method of Determining Voltage Curve from th« Magnetic Flux Linkage Curve. 640 ALTERNATING CURRENTS magnetic curve at 0. The points of intersection of horizontal lines drawn from a b ' , etc., and vertical lines drawn from p v p v etc., are points y> 2 ', etc., which are located on the re- quired voltage curve. Another directly useful magnetic flux distribution curve is one showing the distribution of the lines of flux over the pole faces. This curve is analogous to the magnetic flux distri- bution curve of direct-current machines. It may be experimen- tally determined by using a narrow test coil connected to a ballistic galvanometer and fastened to the armature surface. By rotating the field magnet or armature by equal small increments through 360 electrical degrees, the galvanometer readings plotted in the form of a curve will have ordinates proportional to those of the curve of magnetic flux distribution. If the number of turns of the test coil and the constants of the gal- O vanometer are known, the number of flux lines cut by the coil are at once determinable. When this method is used, it is convenient to wrap the test coil across the face of the armature and around the core like a ring winding when the armature construction permits this arrangement. The number of turns needed in the test coil depends upon the density of the mag- netic flux and the constants of the galvanometer. It can readily be determined by trial. Another method is to make a narrow test coil of pancake shape as long as the armature coils. This is laid upon the armature surface. The field current is then reversed and the galvanometer throw read. The field magnet or armature is then rotated a distance equal to the width of the coil and another reading taken, and so on through 360 electrical degrees. The sides of the coil in this case should be very nar- row so that all of the turns will inclose essentially all of the magnetic flux passing within the boundary of the coil. If the average distribution of magnetic flux over the pole faces of a machine is known, it is evidently possible to approxi- mately determine the form of the voltage curve which will be produced b} r any particular arrangement of the windings. It is also equally possible to determine the arrangement of the wind- ing required to give any desired form of voltage curve. Again, if a particular form of winding is desirable, the magnetic flux distribution which is necessary to give a desired voltage curve may be determined. This distribution may then be used as a SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 641 guide in designing the width and shape of the pole faces. The application of the magnetic flux distribution curve is illus- trated in Fig. 376. The dimensions and form of the pole pieces and of an armature coil belonging to an alternator are indi- cated in the figure. The ordinates of the line ABCD repre- sent the magnetic density in the air space. When the coil is in the instantaneous position represented, the value of the voltage is zero. As the coil moves, each conductor cuts lines of flux. Suppose that in a frac- tion such as a twelfth of a period the coil has moved from the position indi- cated by the letters x, y , to x ', y' . During this motion each conductor has cut a certain number of lines of force, and the Fig. 370. — Diagram indicating Use of Magnetic number cut by all the con- Flux Distribution Curve for determining Form , . , of Voltage Curve, ductors is approximately proportional to the sum of the areas of the curve ABCD taken from x to x' and from y to y' . The shorter the step taken, the more accurate this becomes. The average voltage developed during this interval is also proportional to the same area. Consequently an ordinate which is numerically equal to the area may be erected at the point corresponding to the inter- mediate position of the coil during the increment motion, to approximately represent the voltage at that point in the revo- lution of the armature. This proceeding may be repeated step by step through the half period, taking the algebraic summation of the voltage developed in the two halves of the coil, and the outline of the voltage curve which corresponds to the par- ticular arrangement of armature conductors and flux distri- bution is thus determined. The curve representing the current wave also represents, when taken to the proper scale, the curve of active voltage. From preceding pages it is evident that the curves of active and impressed voltages have the same forms and are superposed, if the circuit in which they act is non-reactive. They have the same form, also, when the circuit is reactive if the impressed voltage is sinusoidal, provided the inductance or capacity 642 ALTERNATING CURRENTS causing the reactance is independent of the instantaneous values of the voltage and the current and the armature reactions are approximately uniform. The condition of a uniform inductance can only hold when no iron is inclosed in any portion of the circuit. In general this condition is not found in commercial service. Even with a uniform inductance the curves of impressed and active voltages will not coincide in phase, since phase coinci- dence between them can occur only when the circuit is without either inductance or capacity, or these exactly neutralize each other. As the latter is also a condition not often found in commercial service, it may be said that, in general, curves of impressed and active voltages are neither similar in form nor coincident in phase; but they are always, perforce, of the same frequency, though usually composed of more than one harmonic. Fig. 377. — Diagram arranged to show the Angular Space Position of Alternator Pole Cores with the Angular Time Value of Voltages or Currents. The curves are usually plotted to rectangular coordinates; magnetic densities, magnetic linkages, instantaneous voltages, or instantaneous currents being plotted as ordinates, and elec- trical degrees or time as abscissas. To more definitely locate the phases it is not unusual to indicate the position of the pole pieces by laying them off at the top or the bottom of the plot (Fig. 377), a method used heretofore in this text. To make a complete study of the magnetic flux distribution in an alternator, the machine should be worked at various loads under different conditions of current lag.* Since, at any instant, the effect of the armature current on the magnetization * Art. 155. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES t>43 of the pole pieces depends upon the positions of the armature conductors as well as the strength of the current, the effect of the magneto-motive force of the armature is evidently a variable, and consequently the distribution of the magnetic flux will not be constant in a single-phase machine. In other words, both the cross and back magneto-motive force of the armature wind- ing for any load vary continuously during each period, and therefore the magnetic flux distribution varies with the position of the armature. The variation due to this cause is probably not very great in machines with multitooth armatures, and an aver- age distribution may be assumed as satisfactorily representing working conditions. In polyphase machines where the system is balanced, the magneto-motive forces of the windings of the several phases of the armature combine to form an approxi- mately constant reaction; unbalancing, however, destroys the uniformity of the resultant and the reactions vary in value, depending upon the amount of unbalancing.* In machines with only a few teeth, the effect of armature reactions and the movement of the teeth across the pole faces is often sufficient to cause regular pulsations in the field flux and ex- tremely marked distortions in the voltage curve. The pulsations are sometimes suffi- cient to materially affect the exciting current. Figure 378, Curve II, shows an experi- mentally deter- n " j, , i Fig. 378. — Curve illustrating tne Variation of Field mined curve of the Current caused by Poorly Designed Armature Teeth, field current of a Curve I is the Irregular Voltage Wave, and Curve II shows the Pulsations in the Field Current due to the Reactions of the Teeth and the Armature Current. nator having a very deeply toothed armature core with one tooth per coil and a large self-inductance in the armature. The machine was excited by a * Art. 152. single-phase alter- 644 ALTERNATING CURRENTS small shunt-wound exciter.* The very irregular wave of vol- tage is shown by curve I. Various methods may be used for experimentally determin- ing the form of electric voltage or current curves. 1. The Oscillograph. — Much the most efficient method of tracing alternating current and voltage curves is by means of the Oscillograph, as originally worked out by Blondel and Duddell, but now become one of the important measuring in- struments for alternating current phenomena. This instrument Fig. 379. — Diagrams showing the Essential Features of a Three-element Oscillo- graph. I, View from the Side. II, View from Above. in essential parts consists of a loop of wire ribbon placed in a strong field of constant magnetic flux with the plane of the loop parallel to the lines of force of the field. Figure 379 is a dia- gram of the optical system of an oscillograph having three independent loops placed at V V, and V. Sketch I is a side view and II a view looking from above. The curve desired may either be made visible upon the screen D or be photographed on a sensitized film wrapped upon the drum T. First consider- ing the visible record: an arc light at F throws a beam of light D * See Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E., Vol. 7, p. 374. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 645 through the condensing lens E to the prisms _P, _P, P , where it is deflected in three beams and passes to mirrors fastened to the loops at E, V, V, each mirror being fastened at one edge to one strand of a loop and at the other edge to the other strand of the same loop. The loops are so designed that the two wires of the sides have a very rapid natural rate of vibration — some- times as much as 10,000 vibrations per second, though more frequently about one half that number. The beams of light thrown upon the mirrors V, V, V pass through a long cylindrical lens at C 1 and fall upon a long mirror shown at B which oscil- lates on a horizontal axis. At the focus of C is placed a semi- opaque screen D. When an alternating current, the curve of which is to be determined is passed through a loop, the magnetic reactions between the current in the two sides of the loop and the constant field flux tend to turn the mirror at V to the left or right, depending upon the instantaneous direction of the current. Since the natural rate of vibration of the loop is much higher than that of the current or its harmonics, the curve of which is to be traced, the mirror changes its angular position substan- tially proportionately to the instantaneous values of the current. The beams of light from V, V, V move over the length of mirror B. Mirror B is oscillated at one half synchronous speed compared with the frequency of the current through the loop wires. The beams of light are cast by B upon the semiopaque screen at JD. Each is then subjected to the resultant of the two mirror movements, i.e. a movement by B which is uniform and is proportional to the angular advance of the voltage of the circuit, and a movement at right angles thereto caused by the mirror at V, V, V, which is at each instant proportional to the strength of current in the loop wires. The beams of light thus trace upon the screen curves in which the abscissas caused by B are always proportional to the angular advance during a cycle of the impressed voltage and in which the ordinates are propor- tional at each instant to the current strength in the loop wires. The curves are, therefore, of the same character as those obtained by the ordinary method of plotting alternating current waves. By using the several oscillograph loops at once and casting the beams of light from their mirrors upon the same mirror B, curves of three currents may be traced upon the screen at the same time and their relative phase positions and forms compared. 646 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The wave cycles are repeated over and over at the frequency of the impressed voltage, and for ordinary frequencies appear like fixed curves on the semiopaque screen. To prevent the curve from being shown double, the shutter S is driven in synchron- ism with the vibrating mirror B in such a way as to cut off the light from F during every other half oscillation of B. When the photographic apparatus is to be used the beams of light from V, V, V pass through the long cylindrical lens C 2 and strike the photographic film placed upon T, (7 a and B being moved aside. The drum T is rotated at a desirable speed and the shutter S opens and closes at the beginning and end of one of its revolutions. The movement of the drum obviously de- scribes the abscissas of the curve. Fig. 380. — Vibrating Mechanism and Electro-magnets of One Type of Oscillograph — Cover removed. Figure 380 shows the vibrators and magnets of a commercial type of three element oscillograph. In this figure, Gr is one of the openings for admitting the three beams of light to the galvanometer or loop mirrors just inside. B is one of the elec- tromagnets. The cells holding the loops, sometimes called vibrators, one of which is shown at W. are immersed in a liquid to deaden the natural vibrations. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 647 Figure 381 shows the vibrator element at A, which is made of fine silver or bronze ribbon. The part between the bridges B and B 1 is between the magnet poles and to that part is at- tached the mirror. To obtain curves of current, current transformers may be re- quired, or sometimes the loop is shunted around a non-reactive resistance device through which the current to be measured flows. In measuring voltages it is in ordinary cases necessary to use a constant voltage trans- former to cut down the voltage impressed upon the loop as well as to place non-inductive resist- ance in series in the loop circuit. A forerunner of the oscillo- graph is due to Gerard and may sometimes be used for tracing the voltage curves of an alter- nator when no current flows in the armature. The machine to be tested is rotated at a very slow speed, the field being excited in the usual manner. The terminals of the machine to be examined are connected to a shunted d’Ar- sonval galvanometer. The nat- ural rate of oscillation of the galvanometer bobbin is made quite rapid, as compared with the period of the voltage supplied by the alternator at its slow speed. Then the deflection of the needle at each instant will be proportional to the instantaneous voltage. By moving a sheet of sensitized paper before the galvanometer mirror which throws upon it a beam of light, the paper being moved at right angles to the mirror movement, the curve of voltage may be permanently recorded.* Figure 382 is a current curve traced by an oscillograph of a current containing a marked peak caused by highly saturated iron cores in coils in series with the circuit. Figure 383 is a Fig. 381. — An Oscillograph Vibrator. * See Gerard’s Le$ ons sur l' Electricite, Vol. 1, p. 565, 3d ed. 648 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Fig. 382. — Peaked Current Curve traced by an Os- cillograph. voltage curve of an alternator which is almost sinusoidal in form. In both cases the waves were taken by means of the pho- tographic attachment to the instrument. 2. 3Iethods using Contact Makers. — A large number of methods require the use of a revolving contact maker of some kind, and they therefore have much in common. These were much used in the past and are use- ful for special pur- poses or where an os- cillograph is not avail- able. The principal differences in the methods relate to the types of instruments used to give the indi- cations, and the con- venience with which the manipulations may be made. Whether current or voltage curves are to be ob- tained, only instanta- neous voltage measure- ments are made. For the former, the instan- taneous voltages ai’e taken at the terminals Fig. 383. — Sinusoidal Alternator Voltage Curve traced by au Oscillograph. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 649 of non-reactive resistance, and the instantaneous currents are readily deduced. In one of the earlier methods, advanced and used by Joubert, the terminals of the alternator armature, or of one bobbin of the armature, are recurrently connected to a condenser in the following manner : One armature terminal is connected perma- nently to one terminal of the condenser; the other armature terminal is connected to a rotating point which may be put into brief connection with the free terminal of the condenser when the armature is at any desired point in its rotation. At the instant this contact is made, the condenser receives a charge which is proportional to the instantaneous voltage between the terminals. The charge may be measured by discharging the con- denser through a ballistic galvanometer and the voltage computed from the amount of charge and the capacity of the condenser. By successively setting the contact maker so that the instant of contact corresponds with various points in the revolution of the armature, the correspond- ing instantaneous voltages may be thus measured and the curve of voltage may be plotted (Fig. 384). The contact maker used by Joubert was an insulated pin set in the armature shaft, against which a brush could be Fig. 384. — Approximate Curve of Voltage made to bear at any point in the obtained by the Use of a Contact Maker. revolution. A quadrant electrometer may be used in place of the condenser and ballistic galvanometer ; in which case it is desirable to introduce a condenser permanently in parallel with the electrometer, to neutralize the effect of leakage in the test circuit. Joubert’s investigations made in 1880 resulted in the first determination of the curve of voltage of an alternator. The investigations of Duncan, Hutchinson, and Wilkes probably produced the earliest series of experimental curves showing the relations between the waves of voltage and current in circuits of different kinds. The investigations of Searing and Hoffman were probably the first made upon an alternator with iron in the armature core. Their results showed the curve of voltage de- veloped in a smooth-core drum armature with wide coils to 650 ALTERNATING CURRENTS approach a sinusoid. Ryan and Merritt, in 1889, did much valuable work in studying the current and voltage relations in a transformer. Various methods were used and desirable data obtained by Blondel, Searing, Hoffman, Mershon, Duncan, Ayr- ton, Pupin, and others. The last named used a method for determining harmonics by means of resonance, while Professor Ayrton proposed obtaining the harmonics by means of the vibra- tions of a stretched wire. The earliest and simplest contact maker was, as already pointed out, simply an insulated pin set in the shaft of the alternator furnishing the current for the test. With this was a brush so arranged as to make contact with the pin at any desired point in the revolution. This arrangement is often inconvenient of application, and is likely to give rather irregular results. The contact is likely to be variable in resistance and, as the brush wears, the duration of contact varies. Each of these variables introduces errors of greater or less magnitude, depending upon the conditions of the test. Various refine- ments of construction have been introduced by experimenters in order that the defects of the contact makers may be eliminated. If a contact of absolute uniformity were assured, special instru- ments would not be necessary for taking the indications in determining voltage and current curves, because the indications of a sensitive electrodynamometer might then be directly used. The contact maker was originally arranged for a single con- tact, but it is frequently desirable to make simultaneous observa- tions of several curves. This may be readily accomplished by using a contact maker with the appropriate number of contact disks on the same spindle. Then a satisfactory instrument, such as an electrostatic voltmeter, may be used in each circuit. Fig. 385. — • Contact Maker with a Flexible Shaft. Sometimes it is not conven- ient to have the contact maker attached to the dy- namo shaft, in which case it may be attached to a short length of flexible shaft (Fig. 385), which may in turn be attached to the djnamo shaft, but the flexible shaft must possess uniform tor- SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 651 sional rigidity or the rate of rotation of the contact maker may be unsteady, or the instrument may “ hunt,” and thereby in- troduce error by causing variations of the contact duration. When connection to the alternator cannot be conveniently made, the contact maker may be driven by a synchronous motor as has been done by Blondel, Siemens and Halske, and Fleming. In this case, “ hunting ” by the synchronous motors is likely to cause errors. The contact maker shown in Fig- 385 indicates the attach- ment of the contact brush to a scale, whereby it can be moved to any desired angular position and there make contact once in a revolution with the contact button on the revolving drum. The plan of charging and discharging a condenser to measure the instantaneous voltage is not convenient, and various other expedients have been proposed and more or less used. A gal- vanometer with a sufficiently great natural rate of vibration will be steadily deflected by the succession of impulses which it re- ceives when connected in circuit with a contact maker. This deflection may be balanced by a steady voltage which is intro- duced in the circuit in series with the galvanometer and contact maker as indicated in Fig. 386. A telephone put in the place - J o- CONTACT MAKER REVERSING KEY © GALVANOMETER of the galvanom- eter gives oral - instead of ocular notice of a bal- ance. It is de- sirable to place a condenser in par- all Q l with the gal ^ IG ' — Potentiometer Arrangement for Contact Maker. vanometer or telephone when this arrangement is used. In Fig. 386, cd represents a graduated rheostat with a moving contact post e, V is a voltmeter, and B a battery or direct cur- rent dynamo, to give a steady voltage which is greater than the maximum instantaneous voltage to be observed. The con- tact post c is moved along the rheostat until a balance is produced, and the voltmeter reading is then equal to the instan- taneous voltage corresponding to the particular setting of the contact maker. The reversing key is introduced in the circuit to make it equally convenient to explore the positive and nega- tive loops of the alternating voltage. 652 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Any method enabling the use of a reflecting instrument in circuit with the contact maker may be made continuously self- recording by a proper disposition of the apparatus. In this case, a beam of light is thrown upon the mirror, and its devia- tion is recorded by means of a moving photographic film. In order that the complete curve may be thus recorded, the contact points must be caused to rotate continuously around the spindle of the contact maker. Since the needle of the galvanometer or electrometer which is used with the contact maker in this case must rigidly follow the intensity of the current impulses, the instrument must have little inertia and be truly deadbeat. The vibrations of a telephone diaphragm with a mirror mounted on it have been used to replace the deviations of a galvanometer or electrometer needle. 158. Areas of Successive Curves of Alternating Currents and Voltages. — In general, observations which cover one complete period entirely define the curves of commercial alternating cur- rents and voltages. Since there is no continuous transference of electricity in one direction, the areas of successive loops of the curves should be equal. In the voltage curves produced by an alternator, for instance, e — and = Cedt , where is dt J the total number of lines of flux passing into the armature core and T is the time occupied by a cycle. If and Tare constant, as would be the case for a symmetrical alternator with fixed field magnetism and a rigid armature shaft, which is driven at a uniform speed, the areas of the successive loops of the voltage curve must be equal. On account of various irregularities in the construction and working of alternators, experimentally determined curves are not always uniform. In fairly large commercial machines the differences are usually not greater than might be caused by the errors of observation due to the experimental determination ; and appreciable differences in the areas of successive loops of the curves produced by mechani- cally rigid machines, driven at a uniform angular velocity, are not to be expected, except possibly when the machines have armatures with their halves connected in parallel, and then only when the magnetic circuits lack symmetry to a consider- able degree. In the case of certain small eight-pole alternators, Dr. Bedell found differences in the areas of the consecutive SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 653 loops which are not explainable upon the ground of errors of observation or of variable speed.* The curves given by two of these machines in one complete revolution (four complete periods) are shown in Fig. 387. The individual areas of the loops are marked upon the figure. While these differ as much as 25 per cent amongst themselves, the sums of the positive and negative areas differ by no more than might be caused by * Physical Review , Vol. 1, p. 218, 654 ALTERNATING CURRENTS experimental errors, while the angular speed of the prime mover or of the exciter may cause similar deviations in the curves. This apparently shows that irregularities in the mag- netic circuits and in the armature windings may in some cases cause differences in the successive loops of the curve developed in 360 electrical degrees, but the algebraic summation of the areas due to each revolution is zero. The latter must be true, or there would be a continuous flow of electricity in one direc- tion. The fact that the machines tested by Dr. Bedell had notable structural weaknesses leads to the probability that the springing of the shaft or other parts of the machine may have caused the unusual result which he found. Indeed, it is not uncommon where an alternator is badly aligned or the shaft is slightly bent, in either the alternator or its exciter, to have such irregularities set up in the voltage wave. Irregular angular speed of prime movers or of the exciters may cause similar variations of the areas. These may become so pronounced in certain voltage loops occurring during the alternator revolu- tions, as to be manifested to the eye by flickering of incandes- cent lamps attached to the alternator circuit. Variation between the areas of the successive loops of current curves may be introduced by unsteady resistance or reactance, even when the voltage curve is perfectly uniform. 159. Regulation of Alternators for Constant Voltage. — A sep- arately excited alternator has, as already intimated, no inherent tendency towards regulation. The regulation is usuall}' effected by means of a rheostat in the field circuit of the shunt or com- pound-wound exciter, a rheostat in series with the alternator field winding, or both. The adjustment of these rheostats may be performed by hand or through devices actuated by a relay placed in shunt to the main circuit. In Great Britain and Europe automatic devices have been used in large plants for many years, and of recent years they have come into very common use in this country. A type commonly used in this country for controlling alter- nator voltage is arranged to make brief successive periods of short circuit around a part or all of the field rheostat of the ex- citer, the periods of short circuit being of greater or less duration depending upon whether the alternator voltage should be in- creased or decreased. The short-circuiting periods repeat them- SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 655 selves in rapid succession, varying the field current and giving it a wavy form having a magneto-motive force of the value needed to set up the required exciter voltage. The exciter field rheostat is usually set so that when the short circuit around the rheostat has been opened the alternator voltage will fall in from six to eight seconds to about 80 per cent of normal full load value when compound or interpole exciters are used, and to the no- load alternator voltage when shunt exciters are used. The delay with which the voltage falls to its lower value when the rheostat comes into the exciter field circuit by the removal of the short circuit is caused by the eddy currents and the self- inductance causing an apparent electro-magnetic inertia in the exciter and alternator field magnets. At other than no load the short-circuiting contact of a regu- lator of this type seems always rapidly moving. The smaller the load and the greater the resultant tendency for the line voltage to rise, the shorter must be the periods of the short circuit of the exciter field rheostat. Figure 388 shows a dia- D CURRENT Fig. 388. — Voltage Regulator which short-circuits a Siugle Section of the Exciter Field Rheostat and has One Set of Relay Contact Parts. gram of one of the commercial types of such a regulator. The regulator has a direct current control magnet A, an alternating current control magnet B, and a relay C. The winding of the magnet A is connected across the exciter circuit, and its movable core is attached to one end of a pivoted lever which carries at its opposite end a flexible contact part D which is pulled down- ward by springs. The magnet B has two windings, one being connected to a potential transformer and the other being a 65b ALTERNATING CURRENTS compensating winding connected to a current transformer and giving an opposing magnetizing effect proportional to the cur- rent flowing in the alternator circuit. The movable core of magnet B is attached to one end of a pivoted lever which is counterweighted at its other end and carries a contact part which cooperates with the contact part D already referred to, securing what may be called a floating contact arrangement. The relay C consists of a U-shaped magnet core carrying a differential winding and provided with a pivoted armature which controls a circuit contact arranged to close and open the branch which short-circuits the exciter field rheostat. One half of the differential winding is permanently connected across the exciter circuit. The other half of the differential winding is connected to the floating contact points, and is also con- nected across the exciter circuit and neutralizes the magnet- izing effect of the first half when the floating contact is closed. A condenser K is connected between the contact parts at the relay armature, to prevent serious sparking when the contact opens. Now, assuming the floating contact to be open, the relay armature is drawn down and the field rheostat is introduced in the exciter field circuit ; this lowers the voltage of the ex- citer and thereby lowers the voltage of the alternating current generator to which the exciter is connected. This weakens both of the control magnets, and the floating contact closes, whereupon the second half of the differential winding of the relay is energized and neutralizes the relay excitation, and the relay armature is released. This results in closing the relay contact and short-circuiting the field rheostat. That increases the excitation of the exciter and therefore of the alternator, so that both exciter and main voltages increase. Both control magnets are strengthened, the core of A is attracted downward and the core of B is attracted upward so that the floating con- tact opens, interrupting the circuit through one half of the differential winding on (7, the relay armature is attracted, and the exciter field rheostat is again short-circuited. As the vol- tages rise in consequence of the last condition, the cycle of operation begins again, and it is repeated over and over again at a fairly high rate of vibration which maintains the alternator voltage with reasonable precision at the value desired for all SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 657 loads. The actual variation of voltage required to produce the cycle of operations is very slight. It is often desirable to have the regulator control the alter- nator so as to keep the voltage constant at the point of con- sumption rather than at the generating plant, and this may be reasonably accomplished by the use of the combination of current transformer and potential transformer indicated in Fig. 388. This obviates the use of “ pressure wires ” (that is, wires which run from the center of consumption to voltmeters at the generating station for the purpose of indicating the voltage at the consumption center), which were much used in the early days of electric lighting. Where several exciters are used in parallel on the exciter bus bars they may be connected as shown in Fig. 389. In this case, Fig. 389. — Several Exciters connected to a Voltage Regulator of the Type in which Part of the Field Rheostats are short-circuited. the alternator field windings are connected in parallel, and care must be taken that the regulation affects the voltages of all the exciters alike, or the exciterloads will not divide equally. This requires care in the adjustment of the rheostats, and of the exciter field compounding where the exciters are compound wound. When the exciters are of large capacity, the relay magnet controls several sets of contact parts so that each exciter rheostat can be operated by an independent set, or two or more rheostats con- 2 u 658 ALTERNATING CURRENTS trolled by separate contacts can be used for the field winding of a single exciter. By such an arrangement the values of the cur- rents and voltages can be reduced suitably to be handled by the contacts without injury. The device used for obtaining at the termi- nals of the regulator a voltage which is propor- tional to 1Z , where E is the generator terminal voltage and IZ is the line drop, is similar in operation to the arrangements used for obtaining compensated voltmeter readings. It is often desirable to show at the switch-board the voltage at the point of consumption. The station voltmeter is then connected in series with the secondary windings of a voltage trans- former and a current transformer which act in opposition (Fig. 390). The transformers being properly adjusted, the voltmeter shows at all times the voltage at the center of con- sumption. In such an arrangement several terminals may be brought out from the sec- ondary winding of the current transformer to a switch like that shown in Fig. 391, and the ad- justment of the apparatus to compensate for any given line drop may then be made by changing the secondary connections by moving the switch lever and so changing the number of effective secondary turns in the voltmeter circuit. The secondary winding of the cur- rent transformer may be shunted by resistance as at R 2 in Fig. 392, and the adjustment of this resistance serves a corresponding purpose. To get exact compensation in the voltmeter circuit, E 2 should be replaced by resistance and react- ance in the same proportions as the resistance and reactance of the line for the drop over which compensation is to be made. If the ratios of transformation of the potential and current transformer T and T' are alike, the ratio of the line impedance to the impedance substituted in the position of E 2 should be equal to the ratio of transformation, and the voltage at the far end of the line will then bear the same Fig. 390. — Diagram of Connections for a Compensated Voltmeter. Fig. 391. — Hand- regulating Switch for Controlling Number of Turns in Transformer Secondary. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 659 ratio to the voltage measured by the voltmeter. If the ratio of transformation of the current transformer differs from the ratio of the potential transformer, then the shunting impedance should be changed in a corresponding degree. The secondary winding of the current transformer does not necessarily have to be connected into the circuit of the regular voltmeter coil, but can be connected to an auxiliary coil which is wound along- side of or over the main coil. When a regulator without a compensating coil is used, the voltage acting in the circuit of the automatic regulator must be caused to remain constant as the alternator current increases, while at the same time the alternator voltage increases by a sufficient amount to compensate for the fall of voltage in the feeders, in case the regulator is intended to maintain constant voltage at the center of consumption. In other words, E — IZ must be kept constant, E being the alternator voltage, I the current, and Z the impedance of the feeders. This may he effected approximately as illustrated in Fig. 388, or as follows (Fig. 392). The regulator is connected to the secondary cir- cuit of potential transformer T, R which is connected in parallel across the feeders. The voltage of the secondary of this trans- former is proportional to the al- ternator voltage E. A current transformer T' is connected with its primary winding in series with the feeders. The voltage devel- oped in the secondary winding of this transformer can be adjusted so as to be practically proportional to IZ for all values of the current. The secondary winding of this transformer is connected in series with the secondary circuit of the first transformer, and in such a way that their voltages are in opposition. Hence a voltmeter V connected across the ter- minals of the two secondaries indicates a voltage which is pro- portional to the voltage at the terminals of the feeder, or E — IZ. If the automatic regulator is also connected across 1 p v ' “CT R 3 Jh — fjjjj— •'Tnnnr— SHUNT Wwv l/VW SER T ,( WV\A [p V q Fig. 392. — Connections of Voltage and Current Transformer to Alternator Regulator to maintain Constant Vol- tage at the Center of Distribution. 660 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the terminals of the two secondaries, it adjusts the excitation of the alternator so that E — IZ is kept fairly constant regard- less of the value of I. In the figure, S is the solenoid of the regulator, R v is the resistance automatically controlled by the solenoid to vary the excitation of the alternator, and R v R v R 3 are impedances in circuit with the regulator which are used for adjusting it to give proper indications for various values of I and Z. Regulation of generator voltage by means of compound wind- ing is difficult, as the number of series turns that give regula- tion on a non-reactive load evidently may fail for a reactive load. It is evident, therefore, that a compositely excited alternator will only regulate on loads having the power factor for which regulation of the machine was adjusted. The ratio of series ampere-turns per field-magnet pole to armature ampere-turns per coil which is required to give regulation for one alternator of a fixed type will doubtless give equally satisfactory results on machines of different capacities but of the same type' but the marked differences in the magnitude of the effects of self-in- duction and armature reactions in alternators of different types make it impossible to fix any ratio that would even approxi- mately cover all types of machines. The regulation of ordinary alternators which are self-excited, or otherwise, can only be sat- isfactorily effected by means of variable resistance regulators placed in the exciting circuit, or by varying the exciter voltage. This statement includes the self-excited alternators now on the market in which the rectified current for the fields is obtained from a special independent winding placed in the slots with the ordinary windings of the armature. The regulation might be effected by moving the brushes on the rectifying commutator, if the machine was self-excited, but only at the expense of pro- hibitive sparking and wear. If it is desired to have an alternator give constant current, the regulation maybe made inherent by designing the armature reactions and self-induction to be so great that the current cannot rise much above its normal value. The armature should be wound to generate a voltage upon open circuit much greater than that required for full load, and hence the current remains near its full normal value up to, and even considerably beyond, full load. Such machines can be worked on short-circuit with- SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES G61 3,000 2,000 out injury; but if the circuit is opened, they are liable to injury on account of the excessive open circuit voltage breaking down the insulation. These machines are really worked on a part of the characteristic which is caused to be almost vertical on account of the large self-inductance and reactions of the armature ; that is, the number of armature conductors is many times greater than comports with obtaining the maximum output per pound of copper and iron in the machine. Constant-current alternators have sometimes been used in the past for arc lighting and are referred to here to show the effect of their extreme design on regulation. The external characteristic of such an alter- nator is given in Fig. 393. This shows how the terminal voltage increases as the current decreases relatively little, while the external circuit is changed from short circuit to an equivalent resistance of between two and three hundred ohms, the exciter voltage im- pressed on the field windings remaining constant. The curves are given for three different excitations. 160. Feeder Regulators. — Feeder regula- tors for use in plants where several circuits are fed from one alternator or set of bus bars are in quite common use, as already intimated. The regulator may be a special transformer (Fig. 394), with the secondary windings CD in series with one feed wire, and the primary winding AB connected across the main bus bars. The voltage in- duced in CD may be made to either aid or oppose the alternator voltage by means of a reversing switch, X. The strength of the voltage introduced into the feeder circuit by CD may be varied by changing the number of turns of CD in the circuit, by means of movable contact parts. For convenience, such contact parts are usually arranged on the arc of a circle or upon a drum. The con- tact slider at F may be divided into two parts and reactance 1000 500- AMPERES Fig. 393. — External Characteristics of an Alternator designed to Produce Constant Current. (362 ALTERNATING CURRENTS inserted between the parts to prevent excessive current from flowing when a trans- former coil is short-circuited. Other arrangements are used for this purpose and for re- ducing sparking. Devices in which the regu- lation is effected by varying the position of the primary and secondary coils with re- spect to each other, or of the core with respect to both, are also used. Thus, a regulator with armature and field wind- ings arranged like those of an induction motor* (Fig. 395), with independent coil- wound secondaries of the re- Fig. 394.— Diagram of a Feeder Regulator, quired number of phases, may consisting of Transformer with Secondary . , „ . . r i Winding with Variable Turns connected Used foi polt phase feedei in Series with the Feeder Circuit, and regulation. Each Set of Sec- Primary Winding in Parallel with the Qnd coils of a pllase is Feeder Circuit. J L connected in series with a line conductor of the feeder to be controlled. The primary wind- ings are connected in mul- tiple arc on the main poly- phase circuit. The pro- gressing or rotating mag- netic field induced by the primary windings, caused by the magnetic fluxes of the several phases rising successively across the air- space and at angles ad- vancing around the polar circle, sets up a voltage in the secondary windings. Fig . 395. -Diagrammatic Representation of a This voltage is constant Polyphase Induction Regulator. * Chap. XII. GENERATOR BUS BARS /, REGULATOR \ PRIMARY i U MOVEABLE j SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 663 in strength, but has a phase relation with the feeder voltage dependent upon the angular position of the field magnet with respect to the armature. Thus the voltage may directly add to the feeder voltage, be subtracted from it, or combine in an intermediate angular position, as shown in Fig. 396, where A 0 is the generator vol- tage of one phase and AS, AB\ Fig. 396. — Voltage Diagram of a Polyphase Induction AB",AB "' are the Regulator. feeder voltages beyond the regulator for one phase for various positions of the regulator field magnet with respect to its arma- ture. One core carrying either the primary or the secondary windings in such a regulator is mounted in a fixed position, and the other is mounted in such a manner that it may be rotated such part of a revolution as is needed for sufficiently influenc- ing the feeder voltage. The core carrying the primary wind- ings is usually made the movable core. A single-phase regulator may be made in the same way, using only one set of windings respectively on the primary and secondary cores. In this case zero voltage will be produced in the secondary winding when its coils are so moved as to be parallel to the magnetic flux from the primary winding, and will increase to maximum value when the coils are rotated to the right or left from this point until they are at right angles to the flux. Compensating short-circuited coils such as are used in series motors * must evidently be used for a single-phase regulator of this kind to prevent an excessive reactance in the secondary circuit when its windings are not at right angles to the flux from the primary winding. These compensating coils are wound on the core with the primary winding but magneti- cally at right angles thereto. The transformer characteristics of these induction regulators makes their operation subject to the condition that the vector difference between the primary ampere-turns and the secondary ampere-turns plus the ampere- turns of any compensating coil makes the exciting ampere-turns. Autotransformers may also be used as voltage regulators, * Art. 206. 664 ALTERNATING CURRENTS as has heretofore been pointed out ; * and a form of regulator for single-phase circuits was commonly used in former years which consists of two coils placed at right angles on the inner barrel of a hollow cylindrical laminated core, one of the coils being connected across the circuit and the other introduced in series in the feeder concerned. A segmented rotatable core is used to direct the magnetic flux set up by the primary winding through the secondary winding or shunt it therefrom. Such regulators are commonly made to vary the voltage of the circuit to which they are attached over a range from 10 per cent lowering to 10 per cent boosting. The primary winding must be designed for the voltage of the main circuit, and the secondary conductors must be capable of carring the full feeder current. When the regulator is raising the voltage, the outgoing current is smaller than the current in the main circuit leading to the device, and when the regulator is lowering the voltage, the out- going current is larger than the current in the circuit leading to the device. 161. Connecting Alternators for Combined Output. — The con- ditions required for successfully connecting alternators so that their outputs may be combined are quite different from those obtaining in the case of direct-current machines. In order that the output of alternators may be added, it is evident that the voltage waves impressed by them upon the circuit must be in exact consonance. That is, the voltage waves must be of equal period or In synchronism and also of corresponding phase or In step with each other. If this is not the case, the machines will be in opposition during all or a portion of the current wave. The following discussions concerning combined output are applicable to both single-phase and polyphase alternators. In case of the latter, the voltage and current in the windings of a single phase should be understood to be referred to, while the power of the single phase should be multiplied by the number of phases to get the total machine power. 161 a. Alternators in Series. — The alternators will be assumed in this discussion to be constructed so as to give equal currents at equal frequency. The form of the current waves will also be assumed to approximate to sinusoids and the armatures to have negligible reactive effects upon the field magnets. * Art. 144. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES t>65 In Fig. 397 let the curves A and A' represent the voltage waves measured respectively across the terminals of two alter- nators with their armatures connected in series, the machines being driven independently, but so as to give practically the same frequencies and voltages. The ordi- nates of curve It are the algebraic sums of the corresponding or- dinates of curves A and A', and hence curve It represents the resultant voltage impressed on the external circuit by the two machines. Curve C is assumed to be the curve of lagging current flowing in the circuit. Assuming the two machines to be running synchronously, but to be out of step by an angle 2 , makes the phase difference between the resultant voltage wave and either component wave. Finally, the current lags behind the resultant voltage by an angle d, on account of self-inductance in the circuit. The work put into the circuit by each machine is propor- tional to the alge- braic summation of the products of the ordinates of the re- spective voltage Fig. 398. — Power Loops of Alternators producing the Vol- wave with the CU1'- tages and Current shown in Fig. 397. , rT , , ° s rent wave. The total work done in the circuit is equal to the sum of the prod- ucts of the ordinates of the current and resultant voltage curves. Therefore, since the voltage wave of the lagging machine is Fig. 397. — Curves of Voltages and Current show- ing Unstable Conditions existing when Alternators are Connected in Series. 666 ALTERNATING CURRENTS nearest the current wave, that machine furnishes more work to the circuit than does the leading machine. The power loops for the two machines are shown by the curves a and a' in Fig. 398. The power delivered to the circuit by one machine is represented by the height of the line xx above the JT-axis, and the power delivered to the circuit by the other machine is represented by the height of the line x'x' above the axis. If the two machines were rigidly connected together, this condition would continue indefi- nitely. Assuming, how- ever, that the machines are driven by separate t . „ , ,, u , „ . , belts, or attached to Fig. 399. — Curves of voltages and Current snowing ’ Unstable Conditions when Alternators are con- separate engines, the nected in Series. lag'crinsf machine be- OO O ing the more heavily loaded, tends to fall farther behind its more lightly loaded mate, and a still greater percentage of the load is thrown upon it. At the same time, as is illustrated by Fig. 399, this re- duces the total work done in the external circuit, for the total voltage wave is now of less height than it was when the c o m - ponent curves were nearer of phase. The power loops for the condition of Fig. 399 are shown in Fig. 400. The height of the line xx has decreased, and that of x' x' has increased, but the sum of the heights is less than before. The tendency of the lagging machine to fall farther behind may a a coincidence Fig. 400. — Power Loops of Alternators producing Voltages and Current shown in Fig. 399. the SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 667 Fig. 401. — Voltages of Two Alternators connected in Series, after they have the Stable Position of Series Opposition. continue until the voltage waves of the two machines approach exact opposition to each other in the series circuit (Fig. 401). When in opposition the machines are in stable equilibrium, but are delivering no power to the external circuit. If the machines were started with their voltage waves in exact step, they would do equal work, but their equilibrium would be unstable, and any disturbance of their relations would cause them to tend towards opposition. It is therefore not possible to operate alternators in cumula- tive series on an induc- tive circuit unless they are rigidly united by a mechanical coup- ling. This result also follows when the nor- mal voltages of the machines are different, in which case the vol- tage impressed on the circuit when equilibrium is attained is the difference of the machine voltages. Even if there were no reactance in the ex- ternal circuit on which the machines were working, the resultant voltage and current would have the same phase, and the ma- chines would be in equilibrium; but the equilibrium would be unstable, for after any disturbance of the operation of the machines they would have no tendency to return to their former operating state. The condition of operation of two alternators connected in series on an inductive circuit is also plainly indicated by means of a vector diagram (Fig. 402). In this diagram the lines represent quantities as follows: Voltage of leading machine = OA. Voltage of lagging machine = OA'. Resultant voltage in circuit = OR. Current in circuit = OC. Power given to circuit by first machine = Oa x OC. Power given to circuit by second machine = Oa’ x OC. Total power given to circuit = Or x OC = (Oa + Oa ') x OC. It is evident from the construction that if the angle ROC is fixed by the conditions of the circuit, then the length of OR de- 668 ALTERNATING CURRENTS R Fig. 402. — Vector Diagram of Voltages and Currents for Two Alternators in the Unstable Condition of Series Operation. creases as the angle 2

    2 V B *+ 4 t t*PL? where e a and e b are the instantaneous voltages of the machines which are of ojiposite sign and equal when the machines are in exact synchronism and step, and R a and L a are respectively the resistance and the inductance of the armature circuit of each machine including the leads from the bus bars. It is here assumed that the effective voltages of the two machines are numerically equal, which is an essential condition for the synchronizing current to be practically wattless, and is the con- dition in which it is aimed to run alternators in practice. Now suppose the voltage curve of the machine B to lag be- hind the phase of the voltage curve at the bus bars by an angle fi. Let the effective values of these voltages be E. and the corresponding maximum voltage be e m . At any moment the instantaneous voltages are e a and e 6 , and e a = e m sin « = v/2 E sin a, e b = e m sin (« + 180° — /3) = V2 E sin (« -f 180° — $), when considered to be acting in the series circuit. The in- stantaneous voltage causing a synchronizing current to flow is the algebraic sum of these, or e a + e b — V2 E [sin a + sin (a + 180° — /3)]. It is evident from Fig. 405 that this is a maximum at the in- stant when e a and e b are equal and of similar signs, in which SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 673 case a = .f /3. Tlien the maximum value of the voltage causing a synchronizing current is found by substituting this value of a in the expression for e a + e b and ( e a + e b ) m •= 2V2i?sin /3 . The effective value of the voltage is then 2 E sin | /3, and the synchronizing current is I _ E sin j, /3 For smooth and successful working in parallel I s must become sufficiently great, in case the machines tend to get out of step, to pull the machines together before /3 becomes of appreciable magnitude. Hence it is desirable that the denominator in the expression for I s be reasonably small. In other words, arma- ture impedance must be small to give smooth parallel work- ing. Figure 405 shows plainly that the voltage ( Oq ) causing I 3 is behind the phase of the voltage of the trailing machine by an angle 90° — 1 /3. The synchronizing current (Z, = Oc ) lags behind the voltage Oq by an angle 9 S (angle qOc ), the tangent of which is 2tt fL a Rn Consequently the synchronizing current is out of phase with the trailing machine voltage by an angle of 90° + ( 9 a — 1/3) and out of phase with the leading machine voltage by an angle of 90° — (0 8 -f | /3). A current (wattless) which has a phase difference of 180° or 0° compared with the voltage of a machine has the strongest effect in bring- ing the machine into step by tending to accelerate it or to retard it. This effect is to accelerate or retard the refractory machine depending on whether the phase difference is 180° or 0°, which in turn depends upon whether the machine is trailing or leading. The component Ou( = 7^) of the synchronizing current just found is and therefore, I = 1 * = la Sin E sin i f3 2 i rfL a V^ 2 + 4 ri 2 f 2 L a 2 vX 2 + 4 7 T 2 pL 2 or. -^ = E sin -t /3 2 7rfL a Ra + 4 7 r 2 PL 2 and, with a fixed value of R a , this will have a maximum value when R a = 2 7 rfL a or when tan 0 S = 1 and 0 S = 45°. 2 x 674 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The maximum possible value of I u where the machine cir- cuit has a given resistance is therefore 1^ max = E sin t /3 2 R a ’ and the corresponding value of I„ the total synchronizing cur- rent, is T _ Esin 1/3 -*~8 — V2 R a The limits in the value of R a are fixed by considerations of economy in construction and of efficiency, and the frequency is fixed by conditions of operation ; L a is therefore the only independent variable in the preceding equations. In order to have the most sensitive mutual control, the self-inductance of the armature circuit, which at its least value is always many R times larger than - ° ■ , must be as small as commercially pos- 2 7 TJ sible. If it were possible to reduce the reactance to the value of the resistance, the jerking of a refractory alternator into phase would probably be too severe for good working, and the stresses imposed on the machine might be injurious; but in most commercial machines such trouble is not likely to exist on account of the unavoidable magnitude of the self-inductance, which cannot be reduced beyond certain limits. The foregoing equations are developed on the hypothesis of two equal alternators operated in parallel, but the conclusions are equally applicable to two alternators of unequal internal resist- ances and reactances and also to the conditions of many alter- nators connected in parallel to the same bus bars. In either case the impedance of the cross current circuit for any particular machine is equal to the sum of the impedances of the arma- ture and connecting leads of that machine in series with the circuit composed of its mates in parallel and their connections. The bus bar voltage may be considered to be unaffected by the cross-current flow ; then the equations for i s and I s show that their values are as large as the values given in the foregoing paragraphs, for the reason that the resultant series voltage Oq for one machine only acts in a circuit of impedance made up of the armature and leads of only one machine. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 675 Fig. 406. — Vector Dia- gram of Voltages and Synchronizing Current when One Alternator in Parallel with Others lags in Step. The vector diagrams, Figs. 406 and 407, contrast the con ditions of a leading and a trailing alternator with respect to bus bars of fixed voltage OA. Figure 406 shows the position of the voltage OB of the trailing alternator and the position of the synchronizing current Oo which tends to accelerate the alternator into step ; while Fig. 407 shows the corresponding conditions for an alternator with leading voltage OB and synchronizing current Oc which tends to retard the alternator into step. In each’ of these figures, OA represents the bus bar voltage in phase and magnitude. OB represents the machine voltage in phase and magnitude. OQ represents the resultant, or synchro- nizing, voltage in phase and magnitude. Oc represents the synchronizing current in phase and magnitude. A Ou represents its wattless, or phasing, component. /3 is the angle by which the machine differs from its proper phase for parallel working, OB 1 . 6, is the angle QOc by which the synchro- nizing current lags behind the resultant voltage. The figures show plainly that if OA and OB remain constant, then as /3 increases OQ increases and at the same time Oc and Ou increase. The product OB x Ou x cos \ /3 is proportional to the synchronizing torque exerted on the machine. It is negative in Fig. 406 and positive in Fig. 407, so that hen One Alternator the torque is exerted on the machine and m Parallel with others accelerates it in one case, and it is exerted step. by £p e mac pi ne au q retards it in the other case. For the conditions of OB = OA and a given value of /3, the torque is a maximum when Ou x OB is a maximum, which Fig. 407. — Vector Dia- gram of Voltages and Synchronizing Current 676 Alternating currents occurs when 2 n/L — E, or 6 S — 45°. In a 2200-volt 500-kilo- watt machine giving a frequency of 60 periods per second and having a resistance in the armature circuit of .5 ohm, it is required that L = .0013 to give a maximum synchronizing effect, which is smaller than the smallest value which is now commercially attainable in any type of alternator of that size. An inspection of the figures shows that if the synchronizing current Oc led the resultant voltage OQ , there would be no tendency for the machine to come into parallel step with the bus bar voltage ; but this condition will not occur fn practice, since it is impossible to build alternators without self-inductance in the windings. In the foregoing discussion, the usual condition in which a prime mover tends to lag or race in speed is considered ; and it is shown how a synchronizing cross current is set up through alternators operating under such conditions, which current tends to hold the generators at speeds giving a common fre- quency for the voltage. This current causes a transfer of power from a leading machine to its mates or from the mates to a trailing machine. The current is therefore wattless with respect to the system, except for PR losses. 162. Division of Load between Parallel Alternators. — Alter- nators may be completely synchronized but yet fail to properly divide the load of the external circuit between them, as the driving torque of the prime mover of each machine may not be adjusted to exactly overcome at the correct speed the resist- ing moment of the load which that machine should carry. The condition is illustrated in Fig. 408, where the conditions are the same as assumed in the preceding article except that the ex- ternal circuit is receiving power. In this figure, OT \ is the bus bar voltage E which is assumed to be constant in length and is used as the reference phase position with respect to time. The vector of current I in the external circuit is represented by the line OH , which is shown lagging behind the line voltage by an angle 6 , and which is dependent for its value upon the char- acter and value of the impedance of the external circuit. Assume first that two exactly equal machines are connected to the bus bars and are excited so as to give equal total vol- tages. Further assume that the governors of the driving en- gines are so adjusted as to give exactly equal torques. Then SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES nrrrr bt t the voltage of the generators must be in exact opposition of phase so far as the series circuit through the two armatures are concerned, and no series current will flow, but they are in exact parallel relation with reference to the external circuit. These relations, under these circumstances, are quite similar to that of two equal direct-current gen- erators delivering equal loads to an external circuit. The value and phase position of the alternator voltage required to furnish the external power, P — El cos d, may be obtained as follows : lay out TM parallel to OH and of such a length that it equals R a I, where R a is the re- sistance of one of the armature windings. At right angles to TM lay off MO of a length equal to X a I, where X a is the synchronous reactance of one of the armature wind- ings. Then CT=IZ a = E a represents the voltage drop in the parallel impedances of the two armatures when current I flows. The generated armature voltages must then be vectorially equal to OT plus TC ', or E g = E + E a . When considered with reference to the series armature circuit the total generated voltages may be laid off as 00 and OC, as was done in Figs. 405, 406, and 407. The load given out by each machine is, ssrn TM 1 Fig. 108. — Vector Diagram for showing the Division of Current and Load between Two Equal, equally Excited Alternators connected in Parallel. 678 ALTERNATING CURRENTS since TM= H R Ji IR a and \ I = T ^-, tin and the total power generated by each machine is i p — i p _i_ i nj? Suppose, now, that the governors of the driving engines are so adjusted that one has a greater torque than the other, but so that the external load is not changed. The two machine voltages will then fall apart in phase, say by the angle /3 (Fig. 408). Suppose also that the total voltages of the two genera- tors are again equal in scalar value. Construct the isosceles triangle OAB so that the base AB passes through the point C and is at right angles to CC, and the sides OA and OB make the required angle /3. OA and OB are the required generator voltages and combine in parallel to send the load current I — OH through the circuit composed of the line in series with the two generator armatures in parallel. The resultant AB being at right angles with the voltage OC it has no effect upon the external current OH. Now draw the lines TA and TB and erect the internal armature voltage triangles TNA and TSB. The current generated by machine A is proportional to the active side of TNA , or TN or I A — when E R is the B a R a active voltage lost in the generator copper. Likewise, the total current flowing in generator B is proportional to TS or I B = As the generators are similar and equal, the b a B a X ratio — - is the same for both and for the two in parallel. Ba Scale TN and TS in terms of currents and then we have their resultant TK equal to the total line current OH or double TOL i.e. 1= I A + I B ; while their vector difference equals SN and The total power gen- . , . r SN — I B the series current is J s = — = — - erated by machine A is the product of the projection of TN on OA with OA and of machine B the product of the projection of TS on OB with OB. For indicating the series relation, one of the generator vol- tage vectors can be conveniently reversed. Thus, we obtain SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 679 the parallelogram OAFB' which is similar to those of Figs. 405, 406, and 407. The resultant series voltage OF equals BA , while the series current which would flow because of OF . OG , . , . , , SN is , which is equal to . If OA and OB are not equal, the triangle OAB is no longer isosceles, but the construction can be carried out in the same manner as above. However, instead Q of going further into this special case of two alter- nators, consider the more general case of one alter- nator connected to bus bars to which are connected a large capacity of other alternators, so that the bus bar or external voltage remains practically constant in value. In order to find the current and power that will be pro- duced by a machine having an induced voltage E g of a given scalar value equal to the radius of circle MM with center at 0, but of variable phase po- sition, the follow- ing construction can be made; lay out OF, as in Fig. 409, equal to the bus bar voltage E, and assume that the driving engine torque is such that the generated voltage E g makes angle (3 with E. Fig. 409. — Diagram showing Locus of Current for Con- stant Bus Bar Voltage and Generator Voltage. 680 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Then OB=E g . The internal voltage is then B V. Lay out on BV the internal voltage triangle BVN, in which BV=IZ a is the total loss of voltage internally, and is composed of the active and reactive voltages VN = IR a and NB = IX a , respectively. In this case, as in those preceding, synchro- nous impedance and reactance are used. The apparent vol- E tage or impedance triangle in which E g or — ? is the hypot- enuse is OHB. The apparent impedances in this case are composed of the self-inductances, field reactions, voltage re- actions, and resistances encountered throughout the system in absorbing E g . With any change of the driving engine torque, which changes ft, the form of the triangle OHB changes. In the figure with /3 = angle V OB the generator current leads the bus bar voltage by the angle JVN, or 6 is negative. The side OH, however, must always be parallel to VN, the active voltage line, and the angle OHB is always a right angle. In finding the current locus as f3 varies or B moves along its circular locus MM, the following symbols are used : The generated voltage, OB = E g . The bus bar voltage, 0 V = E. The angle between E g and E, VOB — /3. The internal voltage, BV— E z . The internal active voltage, VN = E R . The internal reactive voltage, NB — E x . The armature current scaled to equal VN = I. The internal angle of lag, NVB = 6„ The angle between I and E, NVI = 6. The armature resistance = R a . The synchronous armature reactance = X a . The synchronous armature impedance = Z a . The locus of the point B is determined by the formula for the triangle OBV, E g 2 = EJ - 2 E Z E cos [180° - (0 a - K from a point I), mid- way between 0 and C or H and B, and connect the points D E From the last formula it is seen that the current I equals — 1 R and I. The length 01) = = ^ 00, and by construction and Also 2 R By construction (2)F) 2 = ( PK) 2 + (FT/) 2 . SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 723 Substituting in this the values of PK and KI and using the value for current given in the formula for current in Equation (1), then E*n*-p s fvi -oo^' + 1 E x cos 0, R ± ll E 2 cos 2 6>, P 0 V 4 R 2 R which reduces to 1 p 2 (Diy =-^y- K J 4 R 2 Po R ( 2 ) or pi=hp = ± JI*1-^ '4 R 2 R ( 3 ) Since I is assumed in the premises to he the current which can supply the power P 0 at a given value for the angle 6 V the point I so long as P 0 is constant must travel the locus HMBR which must be a circle having a radius equal to El R 2 P —2, with its R 1 E, center P at a distance equal to - ^ from the origin 0. 2 R Any power P 0 was assumed, hence by assuming a series of outputs, the circular loci for the outputs are concentric circles such as those marked M, M\ and M" . The largest locus possible has a radius about equal to PO , P 0 then being only sufficient to supply the no-load rotative losses. The smallest is the point P , where the radius is zero, the power factor is unity and the greatest out- put occurs. For this locus there is only one current OP , half the input power is used up in I 2 R loss and the other half in turning the armature since — = - and I=~^. The s R 4 R 2 2 R efficiency is thus less than 50 per cent. Commercial synchronous motors could not approach this amount of load without causing excessive and disastrous heating. The maximum efficiency oc- curs when the copper losses equal the rotation losses, which may usually be assumed without serious error to be of fixed value. By projecting 01 upon the voltage line OE x and at right angles, the active and quadrature components of the' current, OF and 0(7, are obtained. By suitably changing the scale of 724 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the figure, 01, OF, and OGr , may be read off directly as total kilovolt-amperes, kilowatts, and quadrature volt-amperes re- spectively. The output may be determined for any locus by marking the locus with the power assumed in its construction. Since the radii of the current loci are scaled in amperes so that FI 4 R 2 Po R' the radius of the locus circle depends upon the output, as F x and R are constant. Therefore, loci for various outputs can be readily laid out by making the radius r — \l A — — ° ' R IE 2 where A is a constant equal to - — -L. 4 R 2 By combining Figs. 430 and 431 all of the information desired concerning the motor voltages and phase angles is obtained for any output when the voltage and power factor of the input are known. A figure or construction similar to that of Fig. 410 may be made for a synchronous motor having constant power output, variable induced voltage, and constant impressed voltage. By a process of reasoning similar to that used in discussing the division of load in alternators,* it may be shown that the induced voltage locus (constant power circle) is a circle having a radius JA and the polar coordinates E 0 and — 1 - ■ , 1 2 2 cos 6 a where P 0 is the motor output, F 1 the impressed voltage, E 2 the motor counter voltage, and 6 a the internal angle of lag. The angle included between the coordinates is (# a — /3). The con- struction is like that of Fig. 410, except that the angle O'OB is (0 O — /3) instead of (# a + /3) and the locus radius is shorter than 00', which throws the motor counter-voltage to the right of the terminal voltage OB' and causes the loci TT, etc., to be at the right of OV. 170. Curve showing the Relation of Armature Current to Excitation. — The relation of armature current to field excita- tion may be plotted for a motor operating under the conditions considered above, namely, when driving a constant load, by * Art. 162. f F 2 P 0 Z a 4 cos 2 6. cos 6. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 725 taking the corresponding values of E l and I from a chart made like Fig. 426, or like Fig. 431. This gives a curve like Fig. 432, which has two values of its abscissas for every value of the ordinate except the lowest and highest, points A' and O' in the figure ; or for each value of the armature current there may be two values of the excitation, one giving a counter- voltage FIELD EXCITATION Fig. 432. — Calculated V-Curve for a Synchronous Motor, showing the Relation between Field Excitation and Armature Current for a Constant Load. greater and the other a counter-voltage less than the impressed voltage, except at the points of minimum and maximum arma- ture current, which correspond to but one excitation, as has already been explained. Likewise there are two values of the armature current for each value of the field excitation except for the minimum and maximum excitations at which the given 726 ALTERNATING CURRENTS load can be carried, namely at tlie points I) and I)' in the figure. The way in which Figs. 426 and 431 are constructed shows that the smaller the angle -*/<-, or the smaller the armature self- inductance, the less will be the difference in the two excita- tions corresponding to any armature current ; and hence the curve showing the relation of excitation to current in a machine having a large re- actance compared with the resistance is broad and rounded, but the curve for an armature having a small reactance compared with the resistance is sharp and nar- row. In actual working, only the lower part of the closed curve of Fig. 432 is available for use. This cor- responds to curve C of Fig. 428 and the curve shown in Fier. 433. These curves are ordinarily called V-curves on account of their shape. Curves for loads smaller than the one for which the , „ - , r „ curve is shown in the figure Fig. 433. — V-Curve of a Synchronous Motor ^ ° Plotted from the Observed Value of Arina- 6XpR f P a + Pm + I f l K{ SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 739 when operated as a generator and producing the same current with the same excitation. This method is also applicable to determining the losses in machines with revolving armatures the coils of which are all connected in series. In this case the fields are excited with the poles on one half reversed (Fig. 440), one half of the field being slightly stronger than the other. If the armature is connected to that of another alternator of proper voltage, it will run as a motor. The instantaneous counter- voltage of the machine under test depends upon the relative strength of the two halves of the field magnet, and by adjusting Fig. 440. — Synchronous Motor Method of testing Single-phase Alternator with Ro- tating Armature. Field divided into Two Parts. this, with due reference to the impressed voltage which should be of a relatively small value, the current flowing in the arma- ture circuit may be given any desired value. Under these conditions the losses in the test machine are equal to the power absorbed, which may be measured by a wattmeter. The core losses may be very much altered from their normal value by the practice of this method. When, in either of the cases mentioned heretofore, the opera- tion of an alternator as a motor is predicated, it is assumed either that the test machine is brought to synchronism with the alternating source, or that the primary generator is started from 710 ALTERNATING CURRENTS a state of rest after the circuit connections are made with the machine to be tested, in which case the duly excited test ma- chine will start and run with the generator. These methods of testing are not only sometimes convenient in determining the losses and the efficiency of an alternator, but the tests, according to several of the methods, are made with the consumption of comparatively little power. This makes the methods satisfactory for use in shop tests for deter- mining the reliability in operation and the heating limits of machines. Mordey suggested that the efficiency of an alternator with stationary armature may be determined from a test of one armature coil, but this cannot serve as a satisfactory shop test, which requires a test of the complete machine. 7. Seating Tests. — The heating of an alternator should be determined much as is done in the case of a transformer.* The machine should be run at specified load under normal condi- tions until the temperature has become constant. The temper- atures of field and armature windings should be determined by both resistance measurements and thermometers. The temper- atures of the cores, collector rings, bearings, and other parts must be measured by thermometers. After a machine has run until thermometers on the stationary parts have reached con- stant readings and is then stopped, the thermometers on venti- lated stationary parts will again begin to rise. This is due to the heat from interior masses of the constructive material tend- ing by conduction to equalize the temperatures at the surface and interior. The temperatures recorded for the test should be the highest obtained. The heating test can sometimes be made conveniently by alternately running the machine with the arma- ture short-circuited, with the field flux of such a value that some- thing over full load current flows, and then running it with open circuit armature and a field flux which will give something over normal no-load core losses (this can be determined by the power input). The alternate periods of each kind of operation should be short, i.e. only a few minutes. The short circuit current and its period of flow should be so adjusted that the product of the average I“R loss times the time of the runs is equal to the kilowatt hours which would be expended by the rated full load current flowing constantly during the total time of the test. *Art. 147. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 741 Likewise the iron loss and its period of activity should be so adjusted that its average value times the time of the runs is equal to the kilowatt hours which would be expended by the normal full load excitation during the period of the test. 8. Insulation Tests. — Dielectric strength tests should be made as in the case of transformers.* The voltage applied should follow the accompanying specification, which is in general applicable to all electrical machinery. The voltage wave should have an approximately sinusoidal form. In the case of field windings, the voltage of the exciter circuit should be used in obtaining the test voltage from the succeeding table, except where the alternator is to be used as a synchronous motor and is brought to speed as an induction motor, when the test voltage should be 5000 volts, since high voltages are likely to be induced in the field windings under such conditions. In testing the dielectric strength of high voltage machines care should be ex- ercised, as in the case of transformers, to bring the testing voltage up very gradually. It may be noted that high voltages in a large machine may cause appreciable heating due to the dielectric loss. This amounts to from 8 to 5 or more kilowatts in some of the largest machines now in service while generating voltages of 10,000 volts and over. TABLE OF DIELECTRIC STRENGTH. TEST VOLTAGES f Rated Terminal Voltage ok Armature Rated Output Testing Voltages Under 400 volts Under 10 Kw. 1000 Under 400 volts 10 Kw. and over 1500 Under 800 and over 400 volts Under 10 Kw. 1500 Under 800 and over 400 volts 10 Kw. and over 2000 Under 1200 and over 800 volts All 3500 Under 2500 and over 1200 volts All 5000 Over 2500 volts All Double the normal rated voltage 9. Regulation. — The regulation of a constant voltage alter- nator may be obtained by loading the machine to full load at normal speed, voltage, and other normal full load conditions, * Art. 147. f Standardization Rules of American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 742 ALTERNATING CURRENTS and then removing the load without change of speed. The regulation is the ratio which the difference between the voltage at full load and the voltage at no load bears to the voltage at full load. Knowledge of the regulation and the efficiency are frequently desired for fractions of full load and at various power factors. In the latter case full load is rated in kilovolt- amperes, and the normal full load conditions of the test must include the power factor concerned. Except where otherwise denominated, however, testing is done with loads of unity power factor. When the power factor is less than unity with current lagging, the excitation must be larger than is required to obtain equal voltage at unity power factor and equal arma- ture amperes. The losses are then far greater at the lower power factor, and both the efficiency and regulation are depreciated. In the combined regulation of direct-connected units composed of an engine and constant voltage alternator, the speed is made the normal value for full load and is supposed to be the same for no load. However, when the load is suddenly removed, there is a short fluctuation of speed. The speed regulation is then commonly taken as the ratio of the greatest instantaneous change of the speed at the instant the load is removed to the normal full speed. The rapidity with which the load is re- moved is apt to have an influence upon this ratio. The instan- taneous values of the speed fluctuation can be obtained by a sensitive speed-recording instrument, or the necessary data can be obtained by a recording voltmeter or oscillograph connected to a small magneto-generator driven from the engine shaft, in which case the speed variation can be calculated from the vari- ation in instantaneous voltage. 10. Wave Form. — The wave form of the voltage produced by an alternator can he obtained by means of the oscillograph or otherwise as already explained at some length.* As said earlier, the conditions surrounding the measurements of dielectric strength, regulation, and other quantities during a test should, in America, be in accord with the Standardization Rules of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, to which reference has already been given earlier in this article, unless other specifications are specially provided. *Art. 157. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 743 A Power-factor indicator is often of service in testing and also for a permanent place on a switchboard. This may be built on the same principle as the synchroscope explained earlier (Fig. 418), or it may be built like a two-phase induction motor. In the latter case a current having the phase of the line current is passed through the windings of one phase, and another having the phase of the voltage is passed through the other, and the torque of the armature is then a function of the phase angle. Revolution of the armature being restrained by a spring, the degrees of rotation of the armature are proportional to the torque and therefore indicate the phase angle. A pointer at- tached to the armature and arranged to play over a scale com- pletes the essential parts of the instrument. 173. Hunting of Synchronous Motors and Other Synchronous Machines. — All machines, such as alternating current generators, synchronous motors, and rotary converters, which depend upon a Fig. 441. — Synchronous Motor Diagram showing the Effect of Hunting. series or synchronizing current to hold them instep, are subject to vibratory irregularities in angular velocity which are given the name of Hunting. In explanation of this effect consider a synchronous motor of which the voltages and current relations are illustrated in the diagram of Fig. 441. In this diagram the impressed voltage is kept in a fixed position and is assumed 744 ALTERNATING CURRENTS to be of constant scalar value. The counter-voltage E 2 is also assumed to be of constant scalar value. Now suppose that the motor load has just been reduced from a higher value to one where the normal relations of the voltages and current are repre- sented by the parallelogram OE x RE 2 and the line 01, OR being the resultant voltage and 01 the current. These relations will not, however, immediately prevail, because in moving forward to its new space-phase position the rotating part of the machine is required to take a momentary speed somewhat greater than that of synchronism. The added momentum gained by the rotor then tends to drive it farther .ahead in space phase than the normal position, so that the counter-voltage takes a position such as OE 2 , which is too far advanced for steady balance, and the resultant voltage and current vectors at the same time move forward in phase and fall off in length as illustrated in 0R X and 01'. The component of the current in opposition to the counter- voltage also falls off in length, and the resist- ing moment of the load being then greater than the electro- magnetic torque between rotor and stator, the extra momentum is absorbed in the mechanical load and the speed is reduced to normal. Now the resisting moment of the load still being greater than the electro-magnetic torque, the rotor must fall back. It then must for an instant slow its speed to below that of synchronism and thus it gives up to the load some of its momentum. When it has reached the space-phase posi- tion where the counter- voltage for the load is normal, its speed is, therefore, less than normal, and it drops back still farther, as, for instance, so that the counter-voltage lies in OE 2 " . But as it falls back the current increases and the electro-magnetic torque becomes greater than the resisting moment of the load. In the figure the limit to which the rotor has fallen behind proper step is supposed to have been reached when the counter- voltage is OE 2 " and the current 01 " . The electro-magnetic torque while the rotor is at the retarded point is greater than the load torque, 01" being above normal for the load, and the armature tends again to gain speed in excess of synchronism and step ahead to normal position. The excess momentum due to excess speed may again carry the rotor beyond the normal point for the load and the whole process be repeated over and over again. If there were no losses caused by this vibration, it SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 745 would continue indefinitely at full amplitude. There are, however, frictional, magnetic, and electric losses. The frictional losses of the rotor bearings and of windage absorb some of the excess energy stored in the rotor which produces the vibratory movement, just as frictional losses tend to absorb the energy of a pendulum which has been set swinging. The hysteresis loss and eddy, or short-circuit, currents in the iron core and field windings caused by the changes of the current value act in the same way. In connection with the latter, loss is also occasioned by the inductive action of the armature magnetic flux as it sweeps through the iron of the field poles because of the superimposed vibratory motion of the rotor. If no new dis- turbance occurs, this energy loss ordinarily causes the vibration to rapidly reduce to zero, and the voltages and currents assume and maintain their normal relation. In this case the rotating part of the machine has the characteristics of a torsional pen- dulum, of which the normal position gives counter-voltage in the position OR 2 (Fig. 441), and which is drawn toward that posi- tion by the electro-magnetic torque, but which possesses the moment of inertia of the rotating part of the machine with re- spect to the shaft. The normal position of rest of this torsional pendulum travels in synchronism with the uniform theoretical rotative speed of the rotor, and the pendulum vibration is super- posed on that rotative speed. A mechanical illustration of the conditions can easily be de- vised. Thus, suppose a mass of given weight is attached to the lower end of a spiral spring and is lifted at a uniform rate by a rope attached to the upper end of the spring. Suppose now that some of the mass breaks away and thus causes the remain- ing mass to vibrate up and down. The spring is first shortened due to the lessened weight, but the momentum given to the mass causes it to pass beyond the normal position that it should assume. The tension on the spring in pounds is then less than the supported weight, and the mass falls back. When it reaches normal position again, it is rising with less than the speed of the rope and, because of its inertia or force of momen- tum, it falls below the normal position. The spring is now stretched so that its tension in pounds is greater than the weight of the mass, which is therefore pulled back, and the process may be repeated over and over. The molecular friction 746 ALTERNATING CURRENTS of the spring and the extra wind friction of the mass due to the vibratory motions dampen down the amplitude of the vibrations until they become zero. The product of the speed of the rope by the weight of the mass is equivalent to the output of the motor, or its rotor speed times the load torque. The weight is equivalent to the rotor load torque ; the momentum of the mass to the rotor momentum ; and the pull of the spring on the mass to the electro-magnetic motor torque. The time of vibration of the mass may be expressed where M is its weight and K the compressibility of the spring. Likewise the same formula is approximately applicable to the motor, where M is the moment of inertia of the rotor about the rotating axis, and K represents the reciprocal of the rate of change of the electro-magnetic torque with reference to the dis- tance of the rotor from its normal instantaneous position. It is seen, therefore, that the time of vibration is increased with increase in weight and diameter of the rotor and with decrease of the rate of change of electro-magnetic torque per unit of dis- tance that the rotor is away from its normal instantaneous posi- tion. Now this latter factor depends upon the rate of change of the component of the current vector which is in opposition to the counter-voltage for the various positions of the rotor with reference to its normal instantaneous position. A studj r of the diagrams given in Figs. 424, 425, and 441 will show that the angle -i ]r between the resultant voltage and current should be small to give the greatest proportional change of electro- magnetic torque with a swing of the rotor through a small given angle. The armature impedance should evidently be small, but also to make - b =^/-^| A In the actual machine, where there are losses, an additional alternating current must flow in each section of such a value that, P c = I c E'Np , where P c is the watts loss due to the rotation of the armature, I c is the additional current required, E' is the effective voltage SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 763 in an alternating-current winding section, 2V is the number of phases, and p is the number of pairs of poles in the field magnet. Also as the current flowing in the armature causes an IB drop, E in the formula given above for relations of voltages and currents must be the total direct-current voltage generated. If the impressed voltage and current are not in phase, there will be an additional component of quadrature current, I' q = T sin 0 — I a tan 6 , where I' is the total com- ponent of alternating current, I a is the active component of current heretofore dealt with alone, and 6 is the angle between the impressed voltage and current in the section. The larger current causes a greater IB drop in the direct-current voltage, and as will be seen later causes increased reactions on the converter field magnet. 177. Frequency and Voltage Limitations in the Converter. — Direct-current generators usually have alternating-current fre- quencies in the armature conductors which are between 8 and 25 cycles per second, while the frequencies of alternating-current systems are usually from 25 to 60 cycles per second. Since the product of number of magnet poles and speed is proportional to the frequency of the conductor current in the usual direct-cur- rent machine, and the speed is limited by the permissible circum- ferential velocity of the commutator, which ordinarily should not run at a velocity of over 3000 feet per minute, the number of magnet poles must in general increase with the frequency. The larger the number of poles, the less is the distance between direct-current brushes on a commutator of given diameter and hence the less the number of commutator bars of particular width that can be placed in the commutator in the arc between adjacent direct-current brushes. As the voltage which a direct- current machine of given design can produce without excessive sparking at the commutator is dependent, among other things, upon the number of commutator bars between adjacent brushes of opposite polarity, it is apparent that the higher the frequency of the alternating current, the less is the possible safe direct-cur- rent voltage on a converter. By careful designing it has been found possible to build polyphase converters that operate satis- factorily at a frequency of 60 periods per second with direct- current voltages of from 500 to 600 volts, which is the max- imum direct-current voltage ordinarily employed, and for lower 764 ALTERNATING CURRENTS voltages. Difficulty may be experienced in designing very small machines which can be manufactured at a reasonable cost for the maximum frequency and voltage named, on account of the inherently small commutator. The commercial converter, in its design, is a combination of an alternator and a direct-current generator with a large com- mutator. Figure 450 represents a typical 60-cycle, 600-volt converter of American design. Fig. 450. — A Typical Three-phase Converter. At one end of the shaft of a converter there is ordinarily in- stalled a small mechanical or magnetic device which will cause the armature to move slowly back and forth lengthwise of the shaft. If this was not done, the converter would rotate with- out any material movement longitudinally, and grooves would be worn in the commutator and bearings. The commutation of the higher voltage converters is apt to be quite sensitive, and if the machine is not in good order or there are disturb- ances in the alternating-current line, it may “flash over,” that is, short-circuit instantaneously from brush to brush. When a converter is to be operated inverted (Art. 182) either in regular service or at starting, it is usual to attach an auto- SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 765 matic switch actuated by centrifugal balls on the end of the shaft, for the purpose of automatically causing the main switches to open in case the armature races and goes to too high a speed. This is a precaution of great importance, since any defect arising in the field excitation may result in the armature rapidly accel- erating to a dangerous speed unless it is instantly disconnected from the circuit.* 178. Heating of the Armature Conductors in Rotary Con- verters. — Making the same assumptions as in the discussion of the relations of voltages and currents,! the currents in the direct and alternating circuits are as shown in the formulas already developed, but they flow in opposite relative directions in the coils since the alternating current produces, in connection with the field magnet, the motor torque, while the direct current produces the effect of a counter-torque. In Fig. 451 at the top (a) is a diagrammatic representation of part of the field magnet and armature of a quarter-phase converter developed. The ver- tical lines at C and D represent two quarter-phase taps to two of the four quarter-phase collector rings. For convenience only three armature conductors or coils C, F , and D are shown, though the armature is supposed to be completely wound with distributed windings. Consider first the current which flows in the middle conductor F of the section CD. The direct current reverses in the conductor as it passes under the brush B (the armature is supposed to move to the left), and again when it passes under brush A. The current in the outside leads from brushes A and B is 2 I, where the direct-current component in section CD is I. The line NNX, drawn with respect to axis XX, Fig. 451 (6), is the rectangular curve of this component of the current in conductor F, where the abscissas are in electrical degrees having the same scale as in Fig. 451, (a). The alter- nating component of the current in conductor F, which is as- sumed to be in exact opposition to the counter-voltage of the windings and to be sinusoidal, is shown by the curve M, with its maximum value occurring when F is under the center of pole piece X, and the zero values of the cycle occurring when F is under the brushes A and B. It has been shown f that in a quarter-phase system the effective alternating current between C and D of the section is equal to the current between the * Art. 182. t Art. 176. 766 ALTERNATING CURRENTS direct-current brushes or I' = I. Hence, the maximum value of current M is V2 /, where I is equal to one-half the current entering the external circuit from brush B. Plotting the differ- Fig. 451. — Diagrams for Representing the Current Distribution and Heating in the Armature Coils of a Converter. ence between curves M and NNF for the half period shown in the figure gives curve PPP. This shows the resultant current in conductor F, and it is equal in value and direction to current SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 767 iV’iVTV’ just as the conductor approaches or leaves the direct-cur- rent brushes but flows in the opposite direction therefrom when the conductor is within the arc from 45° to 135°. Squaring the ordinates of the current curve PPP, and the curve Q results, the ordinates of which are proportional to the heat produced in conductor F as it passes from B to A, and the area of which is proportional to the average heating in F. The height of line VW shows on the same scale the heating that would be pro- duced in TP by the component NJSfN alone. The relative areas of curves Q and VW for a half cycle, using the X-axis as the base line, show the relative heating of conductor F when used in a converter and in an equivalent direct-current generator. The arrows in Fig. 451 (a) are of some service in obtaining a phys- ical conception of the conditions — if the full line arrows rep- resent the direction of the direct current component of current between the brushes, the dotted arrows represent the direction of the alternating component as the center of the section CD passes from brush to brush. Consider now conductor D at the end of section CD ; the rela- tions are set forth in Fig. 451 (c). The alternating voltage line M, marked M l , is as before, but conductor D does not re- verse its direct current until 45° after the reversal in F , so that the direct current curve for D is N X N X N V Then from 0° to 45° of the trail of conductor F from brush B to brush A, the alter- nating current component in D is in the same direction as the direct current. This is shown by the curves and M v The same condition is repeated when D starts its second loop at 180° and at every other half period. The resultant of the direct and alternating currents, in conductor D from —45° to 225°, is given in the curve S'P l SP 1 and the heating curve is TQ X Q X T' Q v In a quarter-phase converter the maximum resultant current in the end conductors of a section is equal to 2 /as shown at S and *S", and the heating is four times as great for the instant as that which would be caused by current /, the heating effect of which is shown by the height of the line VW as before. The average heating in D is nearly as great as though I flowed in it constantly. The condition of conductor C duplicates that of D. Conductors lying between F and D or F and C in the section are subjected to heating effects, on account of the P Z R loss, 768 ALTERNATING CURRENTS which are intermediate between those of the edge conductors C and D and the middle conductor F. By making the width CD correspond with the angle covered by a section between rings for any other number of phases, that is, for tri-phases 120°, six-phases 60°, twelve-phases 30°, or single-phase 180°, and using the currents determined in Art. 176, the relative heating effect in the conductors maybe deter- mined by the foregoing process for any converter. By thus obtaining and adding the heat loss for all the conductors of a section, the average heat loss of the section is determined. From this may also be obtained what may be called the apparent resistance. The sum of the areas of the curves of instantaneous resultant current squared for the conductors, which have been referred to as heating curves, made to proper scale and multiplied by the electrical resistance of the section, gives the energy expended for heat losses in the armature section per half cycle of the alternating current. Dividing this by 7 r gives the average power, P', which goes into the heat pi losses. Then R' A = , where I is one half the current from a P direct-current brush, and R' A is the apparent resistance of the alternating-current section. The apparent resistance of a direct- ly current armature circuit, R" A , is manifestly R' A multiplied by — , which is the ratio of the winding arc between the direct-cur- rent brushes to the arc between taps at the ends of an alterna- ting-current phase section. Dividing R" A by 2 p, the number of direct current paths through the armature winding, gives the apparent resistance of the entire armature, or NP' 7 ?" 7? — 7 A — — 0 — 2 p 4 pi 2 In general, the heating under the conditions can be found in this way : I' = 2V27 * where I' and I are the alternating and direct currents respec- tively in an armature section, and N is the number of phases. * Art. 176. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 769 This formula was derived under the assumption that the rota- tive losses were zero and the angle of lag between the alternat- ing voltage and current was zero. If, however, c per cent of the total current component entering the conductor is used in causing rotation, the left-hand side of the equation must be increased by the ratio and if the power factor is not unity, it must be further increased by the factor — — , when 0 is the cos 6 angle of lag. Hence the alternating current becomes for such a general condition I' — 2V2 I N sin r ^~ N 1 (1 — c) cos 6 From the curves in Fig. 451 it is seen that the component of alternating current at any instant for any conductor between commutator bars at a distance 8 from the middle conductor F, when the angle of lag, 6 , is zero, is i' c = V2 I' sin (« — 6), where a is the angular advance of F from 0°. When the lag is not zero this becomes i' c = V2 I' sin (« — 8 — O'). The component of direct current at any instant is /, where I is one half the current flowing through a direct-current brush to the external circuit. Therefore the instantaneous resultant current in the conductor is i R = I — V2 /' sin (« — 8 — O ') ; and substituting the value of I' in terms of I, 41 1 ip — T — N sin 7 T (1 — C) COS 0 ~N sin (« — 8 — d). Placing ^ • — j — = A , squaring, and integrating tit ■ 7 r (1 — c) cos 0 Jy sin — v ’ JSf this function of i R with respect to a between the limits tt and 770 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 0, and dividing by it to obtain the effective current,* we obtain Ij ? = — 2 V = f f"[l - A sin (« - 3 - 0)] 2 d«, 7T ^0 7T ♦'0 or i* 2 = / 2 ^ d 2 _ 4 4 cos (3 + 9 ) nr When 9 — 0, this is evidently minimum for 3 = 0 or the middle point of the armature section, and maximum for the edges of the section where 3 is a maximum. The heating of the conductor is P' = RJ 2 A 2 j \ _ ^ 4 A cos (3 + 6 ) where R c is the electrical resistance of a single conductor of the section. To obtain the mean heating in the conductors of the armature section assume that the single conductors are of negligible width, and then, by integrating the right-hand term in the brackets of the equation with respect to 3 between the limits and — — and dividing by the width of the section, 2-^, the mean heat is found to be Pr. = RJ 2 Kf +i )-^4 C Jco f + > ] and \AN • sin — cos 6 ■ N Substituting the value represented by A gives 8 1 P, = RJ 2 7V7-2 ' 2 7r (1 — e) 2 COS 2 0 iv 2 sim — v J N + i-SS 1 ■ (1-c) . When the rotation losses are considered zero and the power factor is unity, this becomes Pr = RJ‘ W 2 sin 2 J N + 1 16“ Trl Since R c is the true resistance of the conductor, RJ 2 is the heating per conductor that would occur if the machine were run as a direct-current dynamo with an output per brush of 2 Z and as P c is the mean heating per conductor when the machine gives * Art. 5. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 771 out 2 1 amperes per direct-current brush when running as a con- verter, the expression surrounded by brackets in the formulas for P c is equal to the ratio of the power lost in heat in the two cases. The rated capacity of a machine is inversely propor- tional to the square root of its temperature rise, and therefore the expression within the brackets may be considered as express- ing the square of the ratio of the capacity of the machine when running as a generator to its capacity when running as a con- verter subjected to sinusoidal voltages. It will be noted that through much the same method of reasoning it is possible to find the ratio of the apparent to the true resistance of the converter armature. From the graphical constructions and the last formula it may be observed that the capacity of a converter operated at unity power factor, limited by the rise of temperature of the armature, when compared with the capacity of the same machine used as a direct-current generator, is as follows : single- phase .85 to 1 ; quarter-phase 1.63 to 1 ; tri-phase 1.34 to 1 ; six-phase 1.95 to 1 ; and 12-phase 2.21 to 1. Also, comparing in the same way, the apparent resistances are respectively 1.38 to 1 ; .38 to 1 ; .56 to 1 ; .26 to 1 ; and .21 to 1. If the small component of active current required to rotate the armature is included in the calculations, the resistance ratios will be slightly increased over those given. Also, if a quadrature current flows in the armature, the increased current will cause a greater I 2 R loss in itself and will cause a further loss by reason of the shifting of the phase position of the current. To solve the problem under those conditions the values of c and 6 must be substituted in the general formula for P c , or if in Fig. 451 a quadrature current flowed, it would have to be combined with components JV and M and by reason of its position would cause greater peaks of current and hence greater heating ; and to obtain the heating effect of the total current of a converter in which the current is out of phase with the generated counter-voltage it is necessary to add fo M an active component equal to that necessary to supply the rotation losses, and a second component equal to the quadrature current. The processes may then be carried through as before. If the impressed and counter voltages are not both sinusoidal, the heating is modified from that computed. 772 ALTERNATING CURRENTS It will be noted both from the formula for P c and Fig. 451 that the width of the alternating-current coil section directly affects the capacity of the machine. It is evident then that the type of the winding may materially influence the converter capacity. The figure also shows that the heating is not uni- formly distributed amongst the armature conductors, but that part of each section is more heated than the remainder. 179. Armature Reactions of a Converter. — A consideration of the basis of the construction of Fig. 451 will show that the mag- netic reactions of the armature upon the field magnet in a con- verter are small when no quadrature current flows. Thus, in the figure, which is for a quarter-phase machine, the effective alternating current component equals and is opposite to the direct current component in any section, so that there can be no resultant reactive effect when integrated through the duration of a cycle. But it is noted that there is none the less a result- ant current flowing of irregular double frequency wave shape and irregularly disposed in the individual coils. This varying current causes an alternate skewing of the field magnetic flux forward and back as the directions of the current alternately predominate in the coils. In a single-phase machine, having alternating current coil sections 180 electrical degrees wide, the heavy current that flows in a small part of an alternating current section of the armature when the alternating currents in the coils near the edge of the section are in the same direction as the direct current, makes the reaction of double frequency especially heavy. By reason of their changing the reluctance of the field magnetic circuit these reactions may set up appreci- able double harmonic vibrations in the current in the direct- current leads. As the skewing is first one way and then the other way, the brushes cannot be shifted to the point of field strength which gives the least sparking, as in direct-current machines. However, even single-phase converters are built which give excellent satisfaction, while the smaller amount of the resultant current variations in polyphase converters make the effects mostly negligible. Further, induced currents in the pole faces of the field magnet or in the amortisseur windings cut down materially the variations in field flux. A converter being equivalent to a synchronous motor, in its effect on the alternating current supply circuit, when the SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES “"5V I i U excitation is raised beyond the point giving unity power factor, a leading quadrature current is drawn from the line as explained in Art. 170. This is in such a position, as may be seen by studying the relations shown in Fig. 451, that it tends to weaken the field magnet. Indeed, the amount of the quadrature current that flows in any synchronous machine is such that the field magnet will have a strength which will enable the resultant between the impressed and counter voltages to just drive the armature current through the armature impedance. Hence, changes in converter excitation make only small changes in the direct-current voltage, when the impressed alternating voltage is constant. When a lagging current is drawn from the line due to under excitation of the converter field magnet, the reactions strengthen the field magnet. In polyphasers, the reaction due to the quad- rature component of current is caused by flux from the armature which is stationary with respect to the field magnet, i.e. the com- bined ampere-turns of the several phases cause the armature flux to revolve with respect to the windings against the direction of the revolution of the armature and at equal speed, thus causing this flux to maintain a fixed angular position with reference to the poles of the field magnet.* 180. Voltage Control of Converters. Split-pole Converters. — From the discussion of armature reactions in the previous article it is evident that the direct-current voltage is approximately proportional to the impressed alternating current voltage in any particular converter. The direct-current voltage may then be controlled by any method whereby the impressed voltage is controlled, such as by cutting out or in active turns on the transformers feeding a converter, or by using autotransformers in which the secondary voltage may be varied, or using induc- tion regulators f in the leads. By placing reactive coils in series with the converter leads, or when the converter is used on lines where there is other in- ductance, the impressed voltage may be varied somewhat by the same processes as where the synchronous condenser is em- ployed.^; An illustration of this method is given in Fig. 447. Or this action may be made automatic by winding a few series compounding turns from the direct-current leads of the con- f Arts. 159, 160. J Art. 174. * Art. 152. 774 ALTERNATING CURRENTS verter on tlie field spools, and inserting reactances of proper values in the alternator leads. A special alternator may be connected to the converter shaft, with its own field magnet having the same number of poles as the converter, and with its armature coils of each phase connected in series with those on the converter armature, thus composing a Synchro- nous regulator. Such a machine is shown in Fig. 452. The synchronous regulator is shown on the right-hand side of Fig. 452. — Synchronous Regulator attached to a Converter. the figure. By varying the field strength of the regulator, the voltage delivered to the converter is varied. As the direct-current voltage depends on the maximum value and wave form of the alternating counter-voltage, anj r arrange- ment whereby the wave shape of the counter-voltage can be varied may be used to vary the direct-current voltage. Thus, if each field pole is split parallel to the shaft into three narrow poles, all having separate windings, the magnetic field distribu- tion may be made peaked by strengthening the middle pole part relatively to the others, or may be flattened by weakening the SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 775 center part. If the outside pole parts are strengthened when the middle part is weakened, or vice versa , the direct-current converter voltage may be varied several per cent. When such an arrangement is made, the machine is called a split-pole con- verter. As in any direct-current machine, the direct-current voltage of a converter varies with the shifting of the brushes with refer- ence to the field poles. In order to vary the voltage conven- iently by this means, some machines are built with extra poles whereby the magnetic flux instead of the brushes can be shifted. Figure 453 is a diagram of such an arrangement. The auxil- iary I may be strengthened when the poles NS are weakened or vice versa, thus shifting the center of density of magnetic Fig. 453. — Flux shifting Auxiliary Poles on a Converter. flux. The auxiliary pole piece I is usually somewhat nearer what is intended to be the trailing pole tip, thus leaving a fairly wide space for commutation, and it is not an interpole for com- mutation. 181. Some Features of Converter Operation. — A converter may be started as a direct-current motor from the direct-cur- rent side, or it may be brought to synchronism as a rotary field induction motor, or again it may be brought to speed by some external mechanical starting device. Except for the first-named method, a converter is started like a synchronous motor, and is paralleled in the same way. Figure 454 shows the connections of two six-phase machines arranged to start as rotary field in- duction motors. A switch for breaking up the length of the shunt field windings is shown at the right hand of each con- verter, for the purpose of preventing excessive voltages being 776 ALTERNATING CURRENTS induced in them during the starting process ; and a switch for short-circuiting the series or compound field winding is at the left hand. The direct-current switchboard panels shown in the THREE PHASE INCOMING LINE Fig. 454. — Diagram of Connections for Six-phase Converters, including the High Voltage Supply Line, the Transformers with Starting Taps, and the Direct-current Switchboard Panels arranged for Electric Railway Circuits. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 777 figure are arranged for railroad work at from 500 to 600 volts. The neutral point of the polyphase circuit is shown ungrounded. Keeping in mind this figure, the following instructions, taken from those issued by one of the large manufacturers of electrical machinery, give an insight into the methods of operating this kind of machines when arranged for self-starting by the alter- nating current : Close the oil circuit breaker on the high voltage side of the transformer. Insert the voltmeter plug for the direct-current voltmeter. Close the double-throw starting switch to the starting position. The rotary converter should come up to synchronous speed in about 30 seconds, and lock into step, in- dicating this condition by a steady current on the alternating- current side of the converter, and a continuous deflection of the direct-current voltmeter. When the direct-current voltmeter indicates the correct polarity, close the field break-up switch so as to have the field rheostat in the field circuit. When the direct-current voltmeter indicates reversal of polarity, reverse the field break-up switch, thus reversing the shunt field and connecting it directly across the armature. The voltmeter indicator will swing back towards zero. When it reaches zero, throw the field break-up switch to the lower position. If the voltage now comes up with the right polarity, proceed as directed above. If, however, the converter fails to slip a pole, and the voltage again comes up with reversed polarity, it is evident that the field induced by the alternating currents in the armature is too strong. The starting switch should then be opened for a moment, thus permitting the converter to slow down somewhat. The starting switch should then be closed again in the starting position. When the machine is up to synchronous speed, and the direct-current voltmeter shows correct polarity, throw the starting switch to the run- ning position. Adjust the direct-current voltage to the proper value. Close the series shunt switch (when there is a series shunt circuit). Close the direct-current equalizer and negative switches ; then close the direct-current circuit breaker and the positive switch. The following instructions for connecting up rotary converters for the first time after they have been installed come from the same source : 778 ALTERNATING CURRENTS “ Connect the alternating current leads from the same bus bars to similar switches and collector rings as compared with the converters already installed. Place the direct-current brush holder in the same position with respect to the field poles as that on the other converters, and run the positive, negative, and equalizer leads through their respective switches to the positive, negative, and equalizer bus bars of the other converters. See that the field wires are brought out to the corresponding ter- minals of the other converters and connected in the same way. Be sure that the voltmeter lead from the positive terminal goes to the positive voltmeter bus, and the negative to the negative bus. After carefully checking all wiring and seeing that all is clear, start the converter by closing the alternating-current switch in the starting position. If the armature revolves in the wrong direction, shut down and change the alternating-current cables to the converter. If the converter is two-phase, reverse the two leads of either one of the phases, if it is three-phase, re- verse any two leads. After the converter has come to correct speed, proceed as above for self-starting rotaries. In first start- ing a converter it is necessary to synchronize all phases. This can be done in a two-phase converter by placing a bank of lamps equal to the voltage of the converter across the jaw and blade of the switch on each side of each phase. If the converter is three- phase, place a bank across each of the three switches. Now synchronize as before, noticing the lamps. If they all indicate the proper phase relation at the same time, the phases are wired correctly and the switch may be closed at the proper time. If, however, one set of lamps is bright, while the other is dark, it will be necessary to change the main alternating-current leads, either at the converter terminals or at the point of the switch running directly to these terminals. If the converter is two- phase, reverse the leads of either phase ; and if it is three-phase, interchange any two leads. After this change is made, check it by means of the lamps when starting again. After synchroniz- ing the converter, put load on the direct-current circuit and test the series field coil by short-circuiting it and noticing the direct- current voltmeter. If this is in opposition to the shunt field, as shown by the voltage increasing with the series coil short-cir- cuited, reverse the lead connections to these coils. The con- verter should now be ready for paralleling on both sides." SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 779 The windings of a converter are of the same general type as the windings on direct-current machines with reentrant arma- ture coils. As there are likely to be many sets of direct-current brushes on account of the multiplicity of poles on high fre- quency converters, there are many direct-current paths through the armature winding. An} r inequality of the resistances in Taps to Collector Rings Equalizer Connection Fig. 455. — Equalizer Connections between Sections of the Armature Windings of Converters. these paths or in the strengths of the individual magnet poles is apt to unbalance the currents in the paths and cause undue heating. It is thus necessary to use equalizer connections between points of equal potential in the windings, as shown in Fig. 455. The direct-current characteristics of a converter are very much like those of a direct-current generator. Figure 456 shows typical curves of regulation, commercial efficiency, and losses for a machine of this type. Since there is little armature 780 ALTERNATING CURRENTS reaction, the field and all other losses except the armature cop- per loss may be considered constant. The efficiency of the converter is IE v Te+p + pr' where I and E are the direct current and voltage, P is the fixed power loss, including the field and rotation losses, and R is the apparent resistance of the armature. The efficiency may be measured by placing wattmeter’s in the alternating and direct current leads respectively, and loading the machine to the amount and at the power factor desired. Or the losses ma} r be determined by running the motor unloaded at the excitation giving minimum current, when the power input measured by the wattmeters in the alternating-current lines plus the field losses approximately equals P. The apparent resistance may be obtained by measuring the actual resistance of the armature and multiplying by the ratio of apparent to true resistance for the number of phases of the machine tested.* From this the PR losses can be calculated. Otherwise tests of this kind of apparatus conform with that of other electrical machines. The efficiencies of converters are higher than the efficiencies * Art. 178. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 781 of direct-current or alternating-current generators of corre- sponding size, on account of the greater output obtained for the converters with given conditions of loss, as set forth in Art. 178. When converters are feeding a three-wire direct-current sys- tem, the neutral conductor of the direct-current side may be connected to the neutral point of the alternating-current side. For a quarter-phase converter, the secondary windings of the supply transformers can be connected to the direct-current neu- tral conductor at their neutral points. For a tri-phase con- verter, the neutral point can be readily obtained from a wye or tee connection of transformers and for a six-phase converter the connections may be conveniently either wye or tee. 182. Inverted Converters : Double-Current Generators. When a converter is driven by direct-current power and delivers alternating current to the line, it is termed an inverted rotary converter. When so run, the machine has features similar to that of a direct-current shunt motor. Thus, the speed varies inversely as the field strength and directly as the impressed voltage. The alternating-current end acts like an alternating- current generator, a lagging current delivered by the machine causing a weakening of the field magnet, and a leading cur- rent delivered by the machine causing strengthening of the magnet. Therefore, if an inverted rotary finds variable alter- nating inductive loads, the speed and hence the frequency are apt to be dangerously variable. It is therefore common to use an individual shunt-wound exciter for such a machine, which is driven at a speed proportional to that of the inverted converter. The field magnet of the exciter is designed with low magnetic saturation, so that with slight increase of speed the exciter voltage is largely increased, thus sending an increased current through the inverted converter field windings and thereby main- taining approximately normal speech If the armature of an in- verted converter has little reaction on the field, and if the field magnet is highly saturated, very little trouble need be experi- enced. Mechanical and other devices may be used if necessary to control the speed. The distribution of current among the armature conductors and other characteristics for inverted con- verters may be determined in the same manner as that developed in the preceding discussion of the non-inverted converter. In the use of inverted converters, and indeed in all alter- 782 ALTERNATING CURRENTS nating-current generating plants, it is desirable to have a Fre- quency indicator attached to the lines. Such an instrument can be made on the principle of a rotary field induction motor, where a pointer is attached to the armature, which is restrained by springs. The torque of the armature varies as the frequency and hence a scale in frequency can be made for the pointer to travel over. The frequency may also be determined by an instru- ment depending upon the vibration of reeds and in other ways. Double-current generators are sometimes of use in plants connected to both direct and alternating current systems. The double-current generator differs from the converter in that it is driven by mechanical power and therefore both the alter- nating and direct currents are in relatively the same direction in the armature windings. If curve M in Fig. 451 is reversed, its resultant with JSf gives the current distribution in the arma- ture conductors of a double-current generator when the power factor is unity and equal amounts of power are being delivered to the direct current and the alternating-current circuits. It is evident from the construction of Fig. 451 that reversing curve M must result in a relatively great I 2 R loss, and a further in- vestigation will show a larger I 2 R loss for a given output in a double-current generator than in an equivalent converter for the same output. 183. The Alternating-Current Motor-generator. — The motor- generator consists of an alternating current motor driving a di- rect current generator or vice versa , or another alternating cur- rent generator, the two machines being mounted on a common bed plate and shaft. In the latter case the generator in commer- cial practice is usually of different frequency from that of the motor, and the machine is called a Frequency changer. A problem of importance is to be met in connecting up and paralleling the latter machines when they are to run in parallel with each other. Suppose, for instance, that the motor of a synchronous motor- generator set is fed in parallel with the motors of other motor- generators with currents having a frequency of 25 cycles per second, and the generator delivers currents in parallel with the generators of the same motor-generator sets, the currents having a frequency of 60 cycles per second. The number of poles on the two machines of each motor-generator set must have a ratio equal to the ratio of their respective frequencies; thus if the SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 783 25-cycle motor has 10 poles, the 60-cycle generator must have 24 poles. With the ratio of frequencies incommensurable, like 25 : 60 = 5 : 12, there is much embarrassment to conjointly meet the mechanical and electrical requirements of good commercial machines. Each field magnet must contain an even number of poles, and the number of pairs of poles must be in the ratio of 5 : 12. This gives 10 poles and 24 poles for the respective field magnets as the smallest numbers that will fit. The speed of the motor-generator set with these numbers is 300 revolutions per minute. The next polar relation is 20 : 48, which gives a speed of 150 revolutions per minute and no exact ratio intervenes. The choice of two incommensurable numbers like 25 and 60 for the standard frequencies therefore causes inconvenience in this situation. A modification to 24 and 60 would improve the re- lations here and also elsewhere. After the motor is running properly in synchronism and the voltages of both motor and generator are right, the generator phases may be out of step with those of the mains to which it is to be connected, and it may become necessary to reverse the polarity of the motor field magnet by the field switch and pos- sibly continue opening or reversing the field circuit a number of times in order that the motor may fall back successive angles of 180 electrical degrees until the counter-voltages in the motor and the terminal voltages in the generator hold the proper step relations coincidently in their respective circuits ; or the re- quired step relations may sometimes be obtained by reversing the polarity of the generator field magnet. Even when the best practicable point is reached, a large synchronizing current may flow if the motor-generator does not have quite its designed ratio of frequencies, i.e. 25 to 60, or if the angular relations of the parts of the motor and the generator are not adjusted to ac- curately give the proper time phase between their two voltages. When a motor-generator set is being brought into parallel operation with others, it must be brought up to speed (the motor usually starting as an induction machine) and the motor be connected to the supply circuit when the indications of the synchroscope are favorable. The generator is then in syn- chronism, but the synchroscope must still be used to show whether the generator is in proper step with the generator bus bars before it is connected to its circuit. CHAPTER XII ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 184. Asynchronous Motors and Generators Defined. — Motors called Synchronous are those in which the moving parts rotate at such a velocity with reference to the fixed parts that an angular distance equal to that of the polar pitch is passed over during the time of a half cycle of the impressed alternating voltage, i.e. the motor runs in Synchronism with the generating apparatus which drives it, and it has the same speed for all loads pro- vided the impressed voltage is of constant frequency. Motors which do not have this characteristic, but vary the relative speed between the fixed and movable parts more or less independently of the frequency of the impressed voltage, are called Asynchronous motors. Alternating current Induction motors, Repulsion motors, Series motors, and others in which there is no magnetic field set up by direct current are usually of the latter class. Asynchronous generators are similar to asynchronous motors in possessing no definite relation between the armature speed and main circuit frequency. 185. Rotary Field Induction Motors. — The well-known prin- ciples which cause the rotation of a disk of copper pivoted above a rotating horseshoe magnet have been put into use through the discoveries of Ferraris, Tesla, Hasel wander, Dob- rowolsky, and many others. The arrangements proposed by Tesla were doubtless the first direct applications of these prin- ciples to commercial use, in which they now play a primary part in the transmission and distribution of power.* An almost simultaneous publication of a series of scientific experiments by Ferraris shows the operation of similar apparatus, f and various experiments of a similar nature or for a similar purpose are on * A New System of Alternate-Current Motors and Transformers, Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E., Vol. 5, p. 308. t Electro-dynamic Rotation by Means of Alternating Currents, London Elec- trician , Vol. 21, p. 86. 784 ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 785 Fig. 457. — Apparatus for setting up a Rotating Magnetic Field. record. Each of these experiments caused an iron or copper armature to rotate when placed within the region of a rotating magnetic field, and these are the foundation of the now well- known asynchronous induction motors. 186. A Rotating Magnetic Field. — If two pairs of coils are placed at right angles on a laminated iron ring (Fig. 457), with the connections so arranged that the coils of each pair are in magnetic opposition in the ring, or again, if the two pairs of coils are placed on two pairs of salient poles, or embedded in the inside face of the ring, so that the current in each pair of coils tends to send magnetic flux directly across a central core (7, the magnetic flux set up in the core when a cur- rent is passed through the coils may be considered as the resultant of the magnetization due to the two coils or pairs of coils. As in a transformer, if the resistance of the coils is rela- tively small, the magnetic flux threading those of each phase when alternating currents flow in them must be such that it will create a counter- voltage in the coils practically equal and opposite to the impressed voltage. This must always be the case, whatever may be the form of the impressed voltage wave ; consequently, if the voltage wave is sinusoidal, the wave of magnetic flux within the coils must be sinusoidal, because its rate of change is sinusoidal. On the other hand, the wave shape of the exciting current takes the form requisite to set up the re- quired core flux, as in transformers,* and its wave form is, therefore, dependent upon the variation in the reluctance of the magnetic core caused by saturation and hysteresis, f The resultant flux in any fixed direction across the central core 0 will vary in value as in the common core of a quarter-phase transformer, but the special arrangement of the magnetic cir- cuit causes it also to vary in direction in case the currents in the two circuits are not in the same phase. Considering a more or less conventional case where four coils, as in Fig. 457, are supposed to uniformly cover the whole ring, which is t Art. 126. * Art. 118. 78G ALTERNATING CURRENTS equivalent to an elementary arrangement in a rotary field induc- tion motor winding, the magnetic reluctance of the ring and core C being assumed constant for all paths the flux may take parallel to the plane of the paper, the following propositions are approximately true. If two equal sinusoidal voltages 90° apart in phase are im- pressed upon the respective equal pairs of coils on the ring of Fig. 457, the exciting currents must be sinusoidal to create the required sinusoidal magnetic flux, the magnetic reluctance being assumed to be constant, and the magneto-motive forces must, therefore, be sinusoidal. Under these conditions at any instant, the magnetizing force due to one pair of the coils is H, = H m sin «, and the magnetizing force due to the other pair of coils is, = H m sin (a — 90°) = — H m cos a, where H m is the maximum magnetizing force of either pair of coils. Thus the two magnetizing forces differ in phase by 90°, and the resultant magnetizing force of the two pairs of coils is then //, = Vi/j 2 + H 2 2 = H m , as illustrated in Fig. 458, and is, therefore, constant in magnitude. The direction in which this constant magnetizing force acts across the core 0 varies with «. When a — 0°, H, tends to lie in the plane of one pair of coils, and when « = 90°, it tends to lie in the plane of the other pair of coils. The magneto-motive force of each pair of coils has a sinusoidal or harmonic variation, and the resultant magnetizing force is the resultant of two harmonic variations with 90° difference of phase. Such a resultant tends to have a uniform magnitude and a uniformly rotating direction in one plane. The instantaneous values of the resultant may, there- fore, be diagrammatically represented, with approximate ac- curacy under the conditions assumed, by the instantaneous positions of a line of fixed length, rotating at a uniform rate around one end, such as OH r in Fig. 458. In this figure the vector of magneto-motive force H x of one pair of the coils of Fig. 457 is considered to lie in the line AB , and to vary sinus- oidally in magnitude, while the magneto-motive force R 2 of the other pair of coils lies in the line CD , and also varies sinus- oidally in magnitude. The combination of these two magneto- motive forces in space causes the resultant R r , which as ex- ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 787 plained is, under the conditions, approximately constant in length and of uniform coplaner rotation. In Fig. 457 the small arrows show the direction of the magnetic fluxes at the instant when the currents, and hence the magneto-motive forces, are equal in the two branches of the two-phase circuit. As the current in the coils of one phase dies out, and the other in- creases to a maximum, the flux in C swings around 45° on the center of C as an axis. When that point is reached, the current is zero in one pair of coils, and the other pair furnishes the entire flux in O. As the current now rises in the reverse direction in the first pair of coils and falls in the other pair, the flux in C is still caused to rotate by virtue of the rotating direction of the resultant magneto-motive force. In this way the direction of the flux in C uniformly rotates through 860° during the time of each cycle of the current. This may be readily illustrated by a series of diagrams similar to those shown in Fig. 457, in which the magneto-motive forces are represented by arrows for the range of angular advances during a cycle of the currents. The arrows must be reversed in direc- tion in a pair of coils when the current reverses, and should be made approximately proportional in length to the instantaneous currents. The instantaneous current for each value of a may be taken from a pair of sine curves, drawn with one displaced 90° from the other. Y If the maximum value of the ampere-turns of one pair of coils is greater than that of the other pair of coils instead of the two being equal, as above assumed, the mag- nitude of the resultant magnetizing force varies. The rotating field, in this case, may be diagram- matically represented by a uniformly rotating line, which varies in length so that its tip approxi- mately traces an ellipse Fig. 458.— Locus Diagram of a Uniform Constantly Rotating Magneto-motive Force created by Two Equal Harmonically Vibrating Magneto-motive Forces spaced 90 Mechanical Degrees Apart. 788 ALTERNATING CURRENTS whose minor and major axes are respectively in the planes of the stronger and weaker coils. If the windings of the coils are similar, and the currents equal, but the phase difference is not 90°, a variable field again results. If the phases of the two currents are in unison instead of in quadrature, l H r = VT^ 2 + H* = V2 H m sin «. This shows that when the two currents are in unison the mag- nitude of II r varies with sin «, and therefore varies from — V2 H m through zero to + V2 H m , hut the direction of H r re- mains constant, since the instantaneous values of its two com- ponents are always equal. Its direction evidently lies in a line corresponding to the arrows in Fig. 457 (or 90° therefrom de- pending upon the connections) if the two currents are equal, and turned more or less from that position if the two currents are unequal. The diagrammatic representation of the resultant here is a line of fixed direction which harmonically varies in length, the total range of variation being from — V2 H m to + V2 X- For any difference of the current phases between zero and 90°, both the magnitude and direction of H r vary, and the diagrammatic representation is a rotating line with its tip approximately tracing an el- lipse. The ratio of the two axes depends upon the phase difference of the currents. If the currents have 90° phase difference, but the planes of the coils are not 90° apart, the effect on the resultant magnetizing force is evidentlv the same as if the conditions were reversed. If the impressed voltages are not sinusoidal, the value of the resultant magnetizing force H r varies in a more or less irregular manner, inasmuch as the different harmonics combine in differ- ent ways. For instance, in a quarter-phase circuit the third harmonics of the two magneto-motive forces produce a result- A' Fig. 459. — Locus of Rotating Field Vector when the Exciting Current Wave is of Distorted Form. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 789 / 1 \ \ ! o v / / / ant that rotates in the opposite direction from the rotation of the resultant produced by the fundamentals, and the rotation is three times as fast. The fifth harmonics produce a resultant which rotates in the same direction as the resultant produced by the fundamentals, but rotates five times as fast. The heavy line in Fig. 459 illustrates the locus of the tip of the rotating field vector produced by two mag- neto-motive forces in time and space quadrature, when each consists of a funda- mental and a third harmonic, the latter located to cause peakedness of the wave of B' magneto-motive force. Fig- ure 460 shows a correspond- ing locus when the third harmonic causes a flattening of the top of the wave of magneto-motive force. The value of flux for a = 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° is alike for the two figures, and the dotted circles show the locus for sinusoidal magneto-motive forces. The same argument may be readily seen to apply to the re- sultant magnetizing force due to any number of coils surround- ing a core. Thus, an arrangement similar to that of Fig. 457, except that it is applicable for obtaining a rotating field from a tri-phase circuit, may be constructed by winding three coils upon the ring and property connecting them to the three phases of a triphase supply circuit. When equal coils are at equal angular distances, and equal currents in the individual coils differ in phase by an amount equal to the angular distances of the coils from each other, the resultant magnetizing force is always approximately uniform in magnitude under the condi- tions assumed, and rotates at a uniform rate, provided the currents are sinusoidal. The magnitude of the resultant is ib In-iF;, H r — 2 H m , where m is the number of phases, in accordance with the theorems of simple harmonic motion. The correctness of these deductions has been proved by experiment. Fig. 460. — Locus of Rotating Field Vector when the Exciting Current Wave is of Dis- torted Form. 790 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The Germans call the rotating magnetic field Drehfelde, and the polyphase currents which set up a rotating magnetic field the Drehstrom, or rotating current. In the actual rotating field, the magnetic flux does not necessarily vary with absolute con- stancy in accord with the propositions given above, but it varies even if the windings are uniformly distributed. This variation is dependent upon the variation of the instantaneous values of magneto-motive force and reluctance of each elementary width of the magnetic circuit through the central core. Indeed, it is possible for the resultant magnetic flux to vary in instantaneous value as much as 40 per cent, as it rotates, even in the case of properly distributed coils and balanced voltages, when there is no closed secondary circuit acted on by the flux. The extent of this variation depends upon the number of phases of the windings and other variables. However, when secondary cir- cuits on the central core are closed, the reactions are found to smooth out the irregularities that occur, and the wave of result- ant magnetic flux may be considered approximately sinusoidal in distribution and of approximately constant value in magni- tude and rate of rotation in those cases in which care has been exercised to properly place the windings on the core, and when approximately sinusoidal impressed voltages are used. 187. Action of a Short-circuited Armature Winding within a Rotating Field. — If a drum core of laminated iron is suitably pivoted within a ring on which coils carrying alternating cur- rents are so situated that the resultant magnetic field rotates, the pivoted core will be dragged into rotation by the magnetic pull. If the pivoted core is a cylinder of copper, it will be dragged into rotation by the reactions between the rotating magnetic flux and the eddy currents which are developed in the cylinder. The latter is directly analogous to the classic experiment of Arago with a disk of copper pivoted before the poles of a rotating permanent magnet. In the case of either a solid core or Arago disk, the eddy currents are not constrained in position and therefore take the paths of least resistance. The result is that much of the effec- tiveness of the currents in bringing about a rotation is lost, and the efficiency of the device is small. If, in the disk experi- ment, the disk is cut up into an indefinitely large number of fine radiating wires which are connected together at their inner ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 791 and outer ends, the losses due to parasitic eddies may in a large measure be done away with, and the efficiency of the device is considerably raised. In the same way the drum core may be made of laminated iron in order that the magnetic circuit shall be of small reluctance, and embedded in this may be copper wires which cross the face of the core and are all short- circuited by copper rings at the ends (Fig. 461), making a cage of conductors like a squirrel cage. These make con- strained paths for the induced currents, and, if the core is Sufficiently laminated F I( j. Til. — Induction Motor Armature having a Short- , ,i circuited (Squirrel Cage) Winding. and the copper con- ductors are not too thick, the parasitic eddies are largely done away with and the efficiency of such a motor may be made quite large. This construction is the essential construction of what are known as induction motors. There has been more or less ambiguity in applying the desig- nations of field and armature windings to the primary and sec- ondary windings of induction motors, since either may rotate, and both windings carry alternating currents. The following definitions avoid all ambiguities in simple machines. The Field magnet is the core upon which are placed windings connected to the external circuit. The currents in the field windings are, therefore, due to the impressed voltage of the external circuit. The Armature is the part carrying conductors in which current is induced by the revolving magnetism of the field magnet. Since the current is inductively set up in the armature conductors, these motors are called Induction motors. It is readily seen that the induction motor is a transformer as well as a motor, the pri- mary winding of which is on the field magnet, and the secondary winding on the armature, and it is convenient to call the windings receiving power conductively from the power supply circuit the Primary windings, and those in which current is induced the Secondary windings. The part that rotates in any alternating current machine having a rotating part is often called the 792 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Rotor, while that which is stationary is called the Stator, irre- spective of which is the primary or secondary part. 188. Counter-voltage induced in Primary Circuit. Exciting Current. — Treating the primary winding of an induction motor in the same manner as the primary winding of a transformer, — which is permissible, — the following formula* gives the rela- tion between counter-voltage, frequency, magnetism, and the turns of the coils : E' 1 1 A8 in which E\ is the induced voltage in the coil, n x the number of turns in the coil, $ the maximum flux including the leakage flux from one pole of the magnetic field, f the frequency of the magnetic cycles, provided all the magnetism is included within all the turns of the winding. This proviso, however, must be modified in an ordinary induction motor, since the magnetic density in the air gap may be assumed to vary as a sinusoid,! and that condition requires that the number of lines of force passing through the different turns of the coils shall also vary as a sine function. This is illustrated in Fig. 462. In this figure, overlapping distributed polyphase windings are laid in slots in the internal face of the field magnet ; and polyphase currents of a corresponding number of phases flowing in the coils produce a resultant rotating magnetic flux distribution in the air gap between field magnet and armature similar to that shown in the figure for a particular instant by the dotted lines in the air gap. The figure pertains to a four-pole field magnet. Secondary windings are laid in slots in the external surface of the cylindrical armature core, and both primary and second- ary windings are laid down so as to uniformly cover the winding surface of the core on which it is laid, as is usual in commercial practice. The broken lines in the polar space and the curves indicate the approximate magnetic distribution. Consequently we have for the induction motor, - 1 I cos uda 1 10 s 6 e . where ^ is the value of « corresponding to the sine ordinate * Art. 135. t Art. 186. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 793 which is proportional to the number of lines of force passing through the extreme turns of the winding concerned, when the center of the magnetic field is exactly over the center turns of the coil. Fig. 462. — Diagram showing Primary and Secondary Windings of an Induction Motor evenly distributed over Internal aud External Surfaces of Field Magnet and Armature Core respectively, and also showing the Approximate Distribu- tion of Magnetic Flux for a Given Instant. For uniformly distributed windings in two phases, 9 = 90°; and in three phases, 9 = 60° ; while for coils on salient poles 9— 0°. The values of E' for the field winding of the induction motor then become 4 n^f E' „ = and E' , 1,2 L3 _ 3V2 n&f 10 8 where E\ 2 is the induced voltage in the coils of one phase of a quarter-phase motor field winding and E\ 3 is the induced voltage, likewise, for a tri-phase motor field winding. Hence, the voltage set up in a uniformly distributed field winding of a 794 ALTERNATING CURRENTS quarter-phase motor is, other things being equal, about 10 per cent less than if the windings were in narrow coils ; and in a tri-phase motor the deficit is nearly 5 per cent. The exact ratios are 7 r : 2v/2 and 7r : 3. To give the same counter vol- tage in the uniformly distributed field windings of an induction motor arranged for two phases, requires about 6 per cent more turns in the windings than when the same machine is arranged for three phases. If the windings are placed on salient poles, as was at one time done in quarter-phase motors, all the lines of force pass through the windings, and the coils therefore act as though they were very narrow; but the increased and irregu- lar reluctance of the magnetic circuit caused bj r this construc- tion more than destroys any advantage for ordinary motors per- taining to this form of the winding. The formulas given above may also be derived by consider- ing the primary windings as stationary windings of an alternat- ing-current generator with rotating field magnet in which the magnetic flux from the poles has approximately a sinusoidal distribution. For some purposes this method is useful.* It is evident that the voltage set up in the windings by the rotat- ing magnetism is exactly the same whether the magnetic flux moves with the field core as in a synchronous machine or moves through the core by reason of the varying resultant of two or more magneto-motive forces as in the induction motor. The voltage induced in a conductor depends, in other words, upon the relative angular velocity of conductor and magnetic flux, and it makes no difference how the relative velocity is ob- tained. Therefore, the generator formulas apply to this case, of 2 7r/q VP 10 8 x 60 sin a, f in which e\ is the instantaneous induced voltage in the coil, V the revolutions per minute, « the instantaneous angular position of the coil in the magnetic field, and the flux per magnet pole. In the case under consideration, ^ _ 2 2 7 rrlcf) _ 2 rl o ’ 7T 2|) p * Art. 20. t Blondel, Notes sur la tlieorie dl^mentaire des appareils k champ tournant La Lumiere Vlectrique, Vol. 5, p. 351 ; Jackson, Three-phase Rotary Field. Electrical Journal, Vol. 1, p. 185. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 795 where r and l are the inner radius of the field core and its length parallel to the motor shaft, <£ the maximum magnetic density in the air space, and p the number of pairs of poles in V f the magnetic field. Since — = — , and the magnetism per 60 p magnetic circuit in a multi-polar machine must be multiplied by the number of pairs of poles to get the total number of lines of force cut per conductor per revolution, the formula may be written, generally, in the form e\ = _ 2 Trnp$>f 10 8 sin a ; whence e' m — _ 2 7T» p \)f 10 8 •> and E\ = 1 1IJS which is as in the transformer. This is the value of the vol- tage developed in a narrow coil, but if the coil is spread over a considerable area, the maximum voltage is less, as shown earlier in the article. For various reasons it is more convenient to stud}' induction motors from the transformer standpoint, and we may consider them as transformers with relative motion between the pri- mary and secondary windings. Since an air space must be made in the magnetic circuit to allow such a motor to operate, it is evident that the quadrature element of the exciting current of induction motors must be ma- terially greater than that of ordinary transformers. In fact, the no load current of some comparatively small motors of this type, which show quite a high full load efficiency, is entirely comparable to the full load current. To reduce the quadrature current to a reasonable limit, every effort must be bent to decrease the reluctance of the air space. As the armature conductors are embedded in the primary and secondary cores, it is possible to make the air space simply that required for mechanical clearance ; and, by care in the workmanship, this may be made quite small compared with the air space of dynamos built according to the ordinary methods. 796 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The exciting current for an induction motor may be calcu- lated for each circuit in exactly the same manner as that for a transformer. It is composed of two components in quadrature : (1) The active component, which is equal to the sum of the no- load losses in the circuit measured in watts, divided by the volts per circuit. The fixed losses, as in the transformer, vary but little from no load to full load in well-designed motors. The number of circuits is equal to the number of phases. The total losses entering into the exciting current (or the no load losses) are the core losses in the field magnet and armature ; the I 2 R loss in the field winding which is due to the exciting current ; a small I 2 R loss in the armature conductors which is due to the secondary current required to run the armature against friction and armature core losses ; and the friction loss. The watts represented in the exciting current per electrical circuit are equal to the total no load losses divided by the number of phases. (2) The magnetizing ampere-turns, which are in quadrature with the active component of the exciting current, may be calculated, as in the case of transformers, from the formula nl— 1.25 , where P is the reluctance of the magnetic circuit and nl represents the resultant ampere-turns. But the mag- 2 neto-motive force per phase is equal to — times the resultant m magneto-motive force.* Therefore, if n x is the number of turns per phase which link each magnetic circuit, the actual magnetizing component of current per circuit is T Px$ 2 Ifj. — “= X , rij x V2 x 1.25 m where m is the number of phases. Which for a quarter-phase machine becomes approximately T _ P4> " 2 ~ 1.75 V and for a tri-phase machine, approximately T = P($> ^ 2.65 n x * Art. 186. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 797 Since mechanical clearance between the armature and field mag- net is an essential feature of a motor, the reluctance of the motor magnetic circuit is much greater than that of a transformer of corresponding capacity. This makes the magnetizing current greater, as stated, increases the exciting current, and reduces the power factor. The total exciting current is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of its two components, or I e — V I c 2 + i^ 2 , where I c is the active component of the current. The ampere-turns on each magnetic circuit of an induction motor are the resultant of the ampere-turns due to all the phases. It is therefore evident, from previous deductions, that the resultant ampere-turns in the magnetic circuit of an induc- tion motor is --(nl^ 2), where n is as before the number of turns belonging to each phase which link each magnetic circuit, m is the number of phases, and I e is the no load or exciting current in each phase.* Consequently if y ampere-turns are required in the magnetic circuit, the winding in each phase 2 must furnish — times the whole, as was assumed earlier in the to paragraph in obtaining a value for 1^. For quarter-phase 2 2 2 motors, — = 1, and for tri-phase motors, — = -• to mo 189. Motor Speeds, Slip, and Secondary Induced Voltage. — The velocity of rotation of the resultant primary magnetic flux depends upon the frequency of the current supplied to the motor, and the number of pairs of poles in the field. In two- pole machines, the number of rotations which the magnetic flux makes per second, or the Field frequency, is equal to the frequency of the primary voltage ; and, in multi-polar machines, the field frequency is equal to the frequency of the primary f voltage divided by the number of pairs of poles, or — . The P number of pairs of poles which is referred to by the symbol p is the number in the rotating magnetic field. This is equal to the number of pairs of poles set up by the windings in the primary cores with a smooth magnetic surface, but is equal to times * Art. 186. 798 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the number of polar projections which would be necessary if each phase coil was wound upon a projection, though in this latter case the number of resultant magnet poles is the same as where the smooth core is used. The velocity of rotation of the secondary winding of an induction motor can never equal the velocity of rotation of the rotating magnetic flux (when the machine is running as an induction motor), since the secondary conductors must be cut by the lines of force of the rotating flux in order that voltage may be developed in the armature conductors ; that is, the rotating magnetic field must always have a relative velocity of rotation with reference to the armature conductors. In any machine, the relative velocity given in terms of revolutions per minute is v—V— I 77 , where V and V are respectively the number of revolutions per minute of the magnetic field and the secondary conductors. This relative velocity measured as a fraction of the rotating field velocity is called the secondary Slip, and is small, seldom exceeding 5 or 10 per cent of the speed of the motor for ordinary so-called constant speed machines, and reaching these values only in small motors. Slip is usually for convenience named as a fraction or per- centage of the synchronous velocity V oi the machine, in which case slip is s 2 = -p ; and as in a machine with a given number of poles, the frequency of the current in the primary conductors must be to the frequency in the secondary conductors as — * f V therefore s 2 = where f and / 2 are the two frequencies, re- spectively. Since the current in the secondary winding must be proportional to the work done by the motor, it must vary with the load, if the secondary impedance is constant, and v must increase as the load is increased. A little consideration shows that, if the rotating field flux remains constant in value, the variation of v with the load must be just sufficient to coun- terbalance the drop of the secondary voltage caused by the current flowing in the secondary conductors. A variation of v demands a variation of V of equal magni- tude, since J^is fixed by the frequency of the current delivered to the motor ; consequently, the speed regulation of a rotary field motor is directly dependent upon the loss of voltage in the ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 799 secondary conductors, if we neglect the effect of variable arma- ture reactions and drop of voltage in the primary windings. This is analogous to the case of direct-current shunt -wound motors. At starting, the relative velocity of the rotating field flux with respect to the secondary conductors is evidently V, since V is zero. The secondary current therefore may be very great, and the starting torque may also be great provided the armature reactions do not too greatly disturb the phase posi- tion of the rotating magnetic flux. To avoid injury to the secondary windings, in large motors, by the current at starting, means must be taken to prevent its becoming excessive, exactly as in the case of direct-current motors worked on constant voltage. From the relation V — F 7 = v, it is evident that the value of v determines the frequency with which the rotating magnetic flux, = 10 » • For other armature speeds than zero, the voltage evidently be- comes s 2 E v as the rate at which the secondary conductors are cut by the rotating field is proportional to s 2 , i.e. at standstill the secondary voltage is proportional to the speed V, while when running it is proportional to the speed v, but s 0 = — , hence for any speed the secondary voltage is s 2 E 2 . E 2 , it will be noted, is the standstill secondary voltage. It is sometimes more convenient to know the voltage for a conductor, rather than the resultant voltage for all the conduc- tors in series or parallel; in such case the instantaneous maxi- mum voltage is, for any slip s 2 , _ 2 7rd>/s 2 _ 2 TrA>pv e ‘lmc- 108 ~ 1Q 8 x 60 ’ where is the maximum value of the mutual rotating flux per pole. The effective voltage per conductor is p _ V2 7rfl>/s 9 _ V2 irA>pv 2c ~ 10 8 ~ 10 8 x GO ’ since the voltage curves in the conductors must he sinusoidal if the magnetism has a sinusoidal distribution in the air space and the velocity is uniform, as has been assumed. 190. Currents, Torque, Impedance, and Magnetic Leakage in a Rotary Field Induction Motor. — The reactance of an induction motor is that due to the magnetic leakage between the primary and secondary windings, as in a transformer. The reactance due to one phase of the secondary windings when the armature is at a standstill and the slip equals unity is X 2 = 2 7 rfL v where L 2 is the self-inductance of the secondary winding due to leakage flux ; and where s 2 equals any fractional value other than unity, X' 2 = 2 i rf 2 L v but f 2 = s 2 /, and X\ - s. 2 X 2 = 2 t rfL 2 s 2 . ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 801 Therefore, the impedance of the secondary winding for any slip is ^2 = ( + S 2 2 X 2 2 )K where B 2 is the resistance of the secondary winding. The cur- rent which flows in the secondary winding is then J __ S 2^2 _ ,S 2^2 TT-An 2 fs 2 2 ^2 mZ 2 The symbols for current, resistance, reactance, impedance, etc., have the same subscripts and meaning as used when in dealing with the secondary windings of a transformer, but it must be remembered that the impedance Z 2 varies as the speed of the motor changes. The primary current has a component, of which the magneto- motive force is equal and opposite to that of the secondary current, as in a transformer ; therefore, the primary current is composed of the exciting current and the component required to neutralize the mutual magneto-motive force of the secondary current. The angle of lag in the secondary circuit is = tan -1 - 2 — 2 = cos 2 Bo Bo VB* + s* X* The torque between the field magnet and armature is pro- portional to the integrated product of the rotating mutual mag- netic flux with the secondary current, or T = KQIo cos 6o = jSTI? Bo V BJ + s’ z x* V M2 -is 2X 2 , where K depends upon the construction of the machine and the distribution of the flux and current at the surface of the armature. From this the torque is found to be T=K So Bo B .) B*Vs*X*' From the formulas given it is seen that the I 2 B 2 loss is „ 27^2 P — b 2 ^2 7? - ' B* + S*X , 2 2 Ts 2 E 2 K<$> 3 F 802 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Hence there results when K can be considered to be constant, since E 2 is a direct function of . From the last formula it is seen that, if the motor is attached mechanically to a load having a constant resisting moment, the copper loss and slip will bear the same ratio whatever may be the changes in the secondary resistance or the primary voltage. Thus, if the secondary resistance is lowered, the armature speed increases slightly and the slip becomes less, the current becomes somewhat less, but the cosine of the angle of lag decreases pro- portionately so that the electro-magnetic torque continues to just balance the mechanical torque of the load. In a short-circuited secondary winding, s. 2 E 2 volts are all used in driving the current through its impedance. The electrical power converted into mechanical power by the motor can be expressed by S 2 E 2 I 2 cos d 2 = E 2 I 2 cos d 2 — cos 0 2 , when >%e 2 is a voltage that would be generated if the armature ran at a slip of V — v = V' and S 2 = 1 — s 2 . An analogous situation is created if the rotating flux is imagined to be station- ary as in an alternator with rotating armature and the arma- ture is mechanically driven at a speed V ; then there results a voltage S 2 E 2 generated in the secondary windings if E 2 is the voltage accompanying a speed V and *S 2 = — , as in the foregoing. In the case of the motor the power delivered to the shaft equals the torque times the velocity of rotation in angular travel per unit of time, so that the mechanical power in watts is P = 2 7T T. Transposing gives T= 2 7 The voltage S 2 E 2 does not actually appear in the motor as an electrical quantity, but as a mechanical torque, and it is represented in the primary circuit by the voltage drop whose active component, multiplied by the component of primary current flowing because of the sec- ondary current, equals the motor’s mechanical output in watts. In a transformer the secondary external circuit provides a path for a current which, by setting up a counter-magneto- motive force, causes a current of equal and opposite-magneto- motive force to flow in the primary windings. The vector ASYNCHRONOUS motors and generators 803 product of this current by the impressed voltage equals the transformer output plus the copper losses of this component of current. In an induction motor the resisting moment of the load, by lowering the velocity of rotation of the armature, is the cause of the flow of a current in the secondary windings which, as in a transformer, demands current of equal and op- posite magneto-motive force in the primary windings. 191. Vector Relations in the Rotating Field Induction Motor. — From the preceding discussions it is evident that a diagram of current and voltage loci may be drawn for an induction motor similar to the corresponding diagram for a transformer. In the transformer diagram showing the effect of internal reactance and a non-reactive load (Fig. 277), the secondary current locus is drawn upon the basis of a circuit containing fixed inductive reactance and variable resistance.* In the rotary field induc- tion motor the resistance of the secondary circuit is usually constant when the motor is in normal operation, but the fre- quency and voltage vary together, which results in an effect equivalent to varying the resistance as in the case of a trans- former, f Therefore, the induction motor diagram is similar in principle to that of Fig. 277 for the transformer, but in the motor diagram the diameter of the current locus is relatively much shorter, on account of the greater magnetic leakage caused by the air space ; and the motor current varies less in the windings of small-sized motors from standstill, which is equiva- lent to the condition of secondary terminals short-circuited in the transformer, to nearly synchronism, which is equivalent to secondary circuit open in the transformer, than is the case for transformers. Figure 463 shows a diagram for an induction motor which is similar to the transformer diagram of Fig. 277, in which as before the ratio of transformation is for convenience taken equal to unity, and reference should be made to the method of construction of that figure. J The exciting current SO is taken to be constant though it varies somewhat more in both length and angle than in a transformer because of the greater portion of the circumference of the current locus which comes within the limits of no load and full load. The primary power factor is a maximum when the primary current vector FS, closing the triangle of which the other two sides are the exciting * Art. 70 (a), Case 1. t Art. 70 (&), Case 5. \ Art. 129. 804 ALTERNATING CURRENTS current SO and tlie secondary current FO, is tangent at F to the secondary current locus OFMX. For smaller primary currents the exciting current component SO causes the lag angle between the primary current and the vertical impressed voltage line OE to be larger than at F , the point of tangency, and for larger currents than FS the magnetic leakage of the primary and secondary circuits causes the angle to be greater than at tan- gency. At F" on OFMX is shown the current locus point of maximum power input, as at this point the projection of the primary current on the voltage vector OE has its maximum value. The primary current at no load is SO in the diagram; ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 805 the exciting component, which may be considered constant without serious error, and the component due to the secondary current are at that time of very small value, the latter hav- ing an active component just sufficient to drive the armature against bearing friction and windage and to supply magnetiza- tion losses. The component of the primary current required to oppose the magneto-motive force of the no load secondary current is added vectorially to the true primary exciting current and is considered part thereof. The standstill or starting cur- rent, when starting resistance or other current-reducing devices are not used, is OF'". This is located on OFMX at the point where the active voltage OQ'" shown in the voltage locus con- struction is all absorbed in the resistance of the primary and secondary windings. At this point the drop of impressed voltage due to magnetic leakage is Q'"F. This is the same as the short-circuit point in a transformer diagram.* The power input, output, and all conditions of working may be obtained from this locus, as has already been explained for the trans- former,-)- or a different method described fully by McAllister, which is sometimes more convenient, may be used for the pur- pose. J Using Fig. 463, the triangle of primary voltages OEQ ' , for any secondary current as OF', is similar by geometrical con- struction to OF'c , where F'c is a line drawn from F' to c at right angles to OX. The side OQ' of OFQ' is proportional to F'c. The points a and b are laid off on F'c so that F'a is proportional to 0 K, the impressed voltage drop due to the torque of the motor load ; ab is proportional to KJ, the drop due to the secondary resistance ; and be is proportional to J Q' , the drop due to the primary resistance. The distance cd is equal to the active com- ponent of the no load current. Then, since F'd is the active component of the primary current, it is proportional to the power input ; also, F'a is proportional to the power output ; ab is proportional to the I 2 R loss in secondary resistance ; be is proportional to the I 2 R loss in primary resistance ; and cd is proportional to the no load power loss. The lengths of these lines respectively multiplied by a value representing the im- pressed voltage OF (that is, taken to a proper scale) are there- * Art. 129. t Art. 130. X McAllister, Sibley Journal of Engineering , Nov., 1904, and Alternating Current Motors, 3d Ed., p. 105 et seq. 806 ALTERNATING CURRENTS fore equal to the motor input and output and the several losses. The angle Q'KE is considered constant for all positions of Q\ hence the angle Oac is constant for all values of F, and the two straight lines drawn from 0 to F'" and 0 to M, through a and l respectively, divide every vertical line dropped from any point on the current locus to the line Sd extended into seg- ments proportional to the power quantities. F' a From the construction it is seen that equals the efficiency when the secondary current is OF' . The corresponding ratio decreases to a value of zero when the motor is standing still or running at no load, and increases to a maximum when F is at a point on the locus where the tangent to the locus is parallel to OF'". The length F'b is proportional to the torque measured in terms of watts received by the secondary circuit divided by the theoretical synchronous speed, and it grows from a value of zero when the secondary current is zero to a maximum value when F is at a point on the locus where the tangent is parallel to OM. The speed is proportional to , since the speed equals the output divided by the torque. The slip for varying loads is proportional to since, as shown by the formulas,* the slip is F b proportional to the secondary copper loss divided by the torque, provided K of the formulas remains constant. When the impressed primary voltage, the no load primary current, the no load primary angle of lag, the resistances and standstill reactances of the primary and secondary windings, and the synchronous speed of an induction motor are known, it is possible to construct accurate curves of its performance from no load to full load. In fact, test curves of motor performance closely approximate those that are derived from the circle dia- gram. In using the diagram it should be noted that the ex- citing current is assumed to be the same in all the phases, and that all currents represented are for a single phase, so that the power and losses obtained from the products of current and vol- tage vectors must be multiplied by m , where m is the number of phases. The exciting current line S 0 should have an active com- ponent equal to the no load losses divided by m and a quadra- * Art, 190. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS ANI) GENERATORS 807 1 2 ture component equal to , . x — times the magneto- n i X V2 X 1.25 m motive force necessary to create a flux equal to that of the rotat- ing field, as shown in Art. 188. Prob. 1. Construct the circle diagram and from that draw the curves — from no load speed to standstill — of efficiency, power factor, torque, power input, copper loss, slip, speed, and primary and secondary currents (considering the ratio of trans- formation unity) as functions of the power output used as the abscissas, for a rotary field two-phase induction motor having the following characteristics : full load capacity rating 25 horse power ; pairs of poles 6 ; connection quarter-phase ; impressed volts per phase 440 between loads ; no load losses 2 kilowatts, which are assumed fixed for all loads. The no load current is 15 amperes per phase and the no load power factor is 20 per cent. The standstill, or short-circuit current, is 125 amperes, and the standstill power factor is 50 per cent. The secondary winding is also assumed to be quarter-phase and the resistances and stand- still reactances of the primary and secondary windings to be equal. Figure 463 indicates the process. The circle diagram may be drawn and the currents laid out for a single phase, as suggested above, using one-half of the total power as the full load output. The standstill reactance for either the primary or secondary winding may be obtained by dividing one half the product of the voltage and standstill induction factor (sin 0) by the stand- still current. The resistance of either winding is equal to one- half of the product of the voltage times the standstill power factor (cos 0 ) divided by the current. The diameter of the E locus is D = , where X , and X 0 are the standstill re- Xi+X* actances of the primary and secondary windings. The stand- still current is very large, so that some error is introduced in finding the diameter by using the reactances as here deter- mined. More accurate methods will be given later. 192. Substituted Impedance for the Rotary Field Induction Motor. — From the circle diagram and the formulas of the pre- ceding article it is evident that equivalent impedance can be substituted for the rotary field induction motor, as was done in the case of the transformer. In this case the load must be represented by non-reactive resistance having a value equal 808 ALTERNATING CURRENTS to the watts output per phase divided by the square of the sec- ondary current reduced to the primary equivalent. This latter is equal to the primary current per phase after the no load cur- rent per phase has been vectorially deducted from it. Figure 464 shows the arrangement. In this figure R, and X f repre- sent an impedance which will permit the exciting current to flow; R x and X x are the resistance and reactance of the primary coils ; R 2 is the resistance of the secondary coils ; X 2 is the re- actance of the secondary coils at standstill ; s 2 is the slip ; and R is the resistance that would be required when the slip is s 2 to dissipate power equal to the mechanical load of the motor when connected into the circuit as indicated in the figure. The a c e Fig. 4G4. — Arrangements of Impedance which are Approximately Equivalent to the Circuits and Load of a Rotary Field Induction Motor. impedances of the primary and secondary windings should be the impedances of one phase for each, and the secondary quan- tities should be properly reduced to primary equivalents. The coils arranged to absorb the exciting or no load current should absorb a current comprising a quadrature component equal to the — — — times the magneto-motive force of the coils of a V2 x 1.25 n x single phase, combined vectorially with an active component rep- resenting — times the total no load losses, where m equals the m number of phases; this is of course equal to the no load current measured in one phase. The solution of these circuits by impedance and conductivity formulas is the same as in a simple transformer,* except that * Art. 133. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 809 the total motor output and losses are equal to the values given by the formulas multiplied by the number of phases. The no load current varies in value and phase position more than in the case of a well-designed constant potential transformer, so that it is necessary, where minute accuracy is for any reason demanded, to transfer the no load circuit (Fig. 464) from ab to cd. The secondary induced voltage is all absorbed in the imped- ance of the secondary windings. In terms of Fig. 464 in which the secondary quantities are all reduced to terms of the primary circuit, it is the voltage measured from c to e. It varies directly with the slip and has a value at any slip s 2 which is s 2 E v in which E 2 is the induced voltage corresponding to a frequency of f periods per second for the cycles of inducing magnetism and is the voltage measured from c to d in Fig. 464. The in- duced voltage in the primary winding is also E 2 . From Fig. 464 it will be observed that in which I x is the total current in the primary winding, 1^ is the component in opposition to the induced secondary current, I f is the exciting current, E x is the primary impressed voltage, Z is the impedance of the motor circuit from a to b through c*, e , /, and d, and Z s is the impedance from a to b through the parallel path. Also, obviously, S 2 E 2 — E 2 (^2 4 * JS 2 ^ 2 ) and E x — E 2 + I 2 (R t +jX 1 ) = / 2 (r i + - +j (A) 4- A 2 ) • j From which, s 2 E 2 = h ( E 2 + s 2 2 - Y 2 2 )’’ and SgAj = J 2 [(* 2 #! + R 2 Y + s 2 2 (A 1 + X 2 ) 2 ] J . Therefore 810 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Also, the torque per phase is equal to T = K'n 2 I 2 cos 0 2 ; 10 8 _EL but V2ttAw 2 / s 2^2 and cos d 2 _ W + S, 2 ^ 7L Therefore, T = K • S 2^2 2 ^2 _ X R* + s 2 2 X 2 2 ( s 2 EfR 2 h R, + ^ 2 ) 2 + «2 2 (^l + ^2) 2 ’ in which K is a numerical constant. The torque is therefore a function of the slip. If the resist- ance of the armature circuit of a motor is varied, while E v R v X x and X 2 are maintained unchanged, the torque will pass through a maximum value when dT/ds 2 = 0, which value is y 2 T = 1 K — 1 max 2 R 1 + [R* + (X 1 + X^f This equation shows that the maximum torque of any induc- tion motor is proportional to the square of the impressed vol- tage, and that its value is independent of R 2 . The primary current producing it is also independent of R 2 ; but the slip at which it occurs, R, [^+(V 1 + X 2 )2]*’ is directl} r proportional to R 2 . If the armature core losses are relatively large and vary with the slip, as would be the case if the armature core were made of unlaminated hard cast iron, the apparent resistance of the armature winding might be mostly the effect of core losses, which vary with the slip, and the motor might then produce a uniform torque (like a series-wound, direct-current motor sup- plied with a constant current) over a considerable range of speeds. The resistance of the armature conductors is usually such that the maximum torque comes at from 1 to 10 per cent slip, ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 811 or s 2 equals from .01 to .1 ; and in practice an external resist- ance is usually introduced into the armature windings at start- ing,* which serves both to increase the torque at starting and to avoid the excessive rush of current which might otherwise occur while the armature is stationary. Figure 465 shows the relation of torque to slip for a motor when the armature circuits have resistances of .02, .045, .18, and .75 ohm.f This shows plainly that the torque can be caused to have a maximum value at different slips from 100 per cent to 10 per cent of the field Fig. 4(i5. — Torque Curves for a Rotary Field Motor with Different Resistances intro- duced into the Secondary Winding. frequency by gradually reducing the resistance of the armature circuit from .18 to .02 ohm as the speed of the armature in- creases. An increase of armature resistance above .18 ohm brings the torque to a maximum value when the armature is driven backwards by external mechanical power, thereby in- creasing the slip beyond 100 per cent. Induction motors are usually designed to run normally at a speed which is between synchronism and the speed giving the greatest torque. In designing them X 2 is made as small as practicable, by reducing the magnetic leakage to a minimum, and R 2 is then given such a value that the slip at normal full t Steiumetz, Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E., Vol. XI, p. 700. * Art. 196. 812 ALTERNATING CURRENTS load is sufficient to give a value of the torque which is from one fourth to three fourths of its maximum value. Such motors can therefore carry considerable overloads, as they normally operate at speeds between synchronism and the speed of maximum torque ; but if the resisting moment of the load is increased beyond the maximum torque, the motor stops. In this respect, induction motors differ from shunt- wound direct- current motors operated at constant voltage, in which the torque increases in direct proportion with the armature cur- rent and therefore with the resisting moment of the load, provided the total magnetic flux passing through the armature remains constant and does not shift. Increasing the load on a well-designed shunt-wound direct-current motor will not ordinarily stop it until the armature windings are melted, or in small motors until the drop of voltage due to current flowing through the armature conductors is equal to the impressed voltage. Near synchronism the leakage reactance of induction motors becomes negligible, and from the formula it is seen that the torque varies almost directly as the slip. This is approximately true through the ordinary range of slips from no load to full load in commercial induction motors. The torque of the armature when the speed is V revolutions per minute and the output P is given in watts is equal to T = — — in dyne-centimeters, mn P X 10 7 2 rrV 16.3 in gram-centimeters, r " = 2^226 hl P° UDd ' feet - Since the power equals 2 7 t times the product of torque and speed, and it has already been shown that s 0 E„Ro p = 60 Z 2 2 therefore, ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 813 V V in which S 2 = — r and s 2 = — , and consequently, since V V o V V- V s *=v = ~r 1 V H 1 1 Sg, P — J_ g 2 ) /i*. 2 ^2 60 K 2 + s 2 2 X 2 2 ’ * which readies a maximum value at a lesser slip than the torque. The sum of the output of the motor plus the armature core losses and friction is equal to the continued product of (1) the number of armature conductors, (2) the effective motor load current in each conductor for the given output, (3) the voltage which would be developed respectively in each conductor if the armature were driven at its running speed in an equal stationary field, and (4) the cosine of the angle of lag of the armature current with respect to the induced voltage, or, P — W 2 ^2r'^2 ^2c C0S ^2 c’ but J _ S 2-^2c . 2i where n v L c , s 2 E 2c , ^20 X 2 c , and d 2c are the number of con- ductors and the current, voltage, resistance, reactance, and angle of lag for any conductor, the subscript c indicating that the quantities are for a single conductor ; and cos 9 2c — Bo Therefore, also vv+w 2c P _ . -^2 c — K — 1 where n 1 is the number of primary conductors, and therefore 1 F 2 >S. 2 s 2 B, 2c E 2 S 2 s 2 R 2c P = V + S 2 X 2c ft 2 ( i? 2c 2 + S 2 X 2c) This formula is not one which is ordinarily needed in the design of a motor, but it plainly shows the effect on the output 814 ALTERNATING CURRENTS of a motor which is caused by varying any one of its construc- tive details while the others remain unchanged. A very im- portant deduction from the formula is that the torque and output of an induction motor vary as the square of the primary voltage, so that a machine which will carry an overload of 50 per cent on its normal voltage will barely run at full load if the vol- tage is reduced 20 per cent. The formula also shows that the slip is inversely dependent on the square of the primary voltage. The motor torque is shown from the equivalent impedance circuits to be approximately, in gram-centimeters, rp_ HI? 10 7 2ttV 16.3’ where V is the revolutions of the motor secondary per minute and Rl 2 2 is the motor rotative output. The slip is , = _A_. 2 R 2 + R The number of revolutions per minute the motor armature speed is less than that of the rotating field is v — V ^2 = PPX ^2 R + R 2 p R + R 2 ' since the speed of the rotating field in revolutions per minutes. V, is equal to PPX, where /is the frequency of the primary P circuit and p is the number of pairs of motor poles. Likewise, the actual speed of the armature in revolutions per minute is V = V( 1 — s ) = ^ ■ 2 P r + r 2 Methods of determining other characteristics are apparent from the study of the induction motor formulas and Figs. 464 and 465. The processes used in dealing with substituted impedances for the induction motor are very similar to those required for the transformer. It will be remembered that to reduce sec- ondary resistances and reactances to primary equivalents, they must be multiplied by s 2 where s is the ratio of transformation. l 3 rob. 1. Determine the substituted impedances for the motor given in the Problem at the end of Art. 191. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 815 Prob. 2. From the substituted impedances obtain the pri- mary current and power factor for full load, half load, and quarter load for the motor of Prob. 1. Prob. 3. From the substituted impedances of Prob. 1 find the torque and slip at full load, half load, and quarter load. 193. Additional Formulas for Torque and Slip of a Polyphase Induction Motor. Circle Diagram of Magnetic Fluxes. — In the last article, the slip was expressed thus, s = ^2 . 2 R 2 +R Multiplying this by the secondary current I 2 , squared, there results I 2 R 0 82 i 2 2 r 2 + 1 2 R' where the numerator represents the armature copper losses and the denominator represents the same copper losses plus the power output (72 should be of such value that this will in- clude frictional losses) ; thei-efore, where P c equals the armature copper losses and equals the power transformed from the primary circuit into the secondary circuit. The iron losses may be considered as all absorbed from the primary circuit. The value of torque stated in pound-feet is T= P n 10 * 2 77 - V ■ 226’ where P a is the output. P 0 = 7 2 72, where R is the equivalent secondary substituted load impedance and P t = PR + Z 2 72 2 . Therefore, R P = P n 1 R + 72/ but V'=V- R 60/ R R 4- R 2 p R + R 2 P 0 and V in the formula for torque gives - 117 £3 / 2 7T • 226 • 60 ' / Substituting these values of T= P- 816 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The secondary current of the motor when the armature has no external load, expressed in primary equivalents, may be ob- tained with approximate accuracy by vectorially subtracting the primary current at no load from the primary current which flows at any input under consideration. Likewise, the resistance of a closed circuit secondary winding can be calculated by observ- ing the primary power input and current when a low voltage is applied to the primary windings and the armature is locked in a stationary position. The difference between the calculated primary I 2 R loss and the observed power is approximately the secondary I 2 R loss. Dividing this difference by the square of the observed current gives the approximate armature resist- ance in primary equivalents. The current used should be less than that for full load in order that the magnetization losses may be negligible. However, correction can be made as in a transformer.* In an earlier article it was stated that the leakage reactance of a polyphase motor decreases on account of the saturation of the core teeth with the heavy currents of short circuit. In order to obtain a value of X x + X 2 to be used in laying out the diameter of the circular locus of currents, it is well to experi- mentally determine the value when the current is at or near its value for full load. This can be done by locking the armature in a stationary position and applying a sufficiently reduced vol- tage to the primary winding so as to cause the desired current to flow. Then, if the observed voltage, current, and watts are E ' , I r , and P\ we have O' = cos -1 ET where O' is the angle of lag. From which the reactive com- ponent of the voltage is E' sin O' = E' x = I'X' and X' = — , where E' x is the component of the voltage produced by the change of the leakage flux, and X' = X x + X 2 is the combined leakage reactance of the primary and secondary circuits. Then the diameter of the current locus for a machine having leakage reactance X' when current F flows is I) - ET E' sin O' ’ * Art. 147. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 817 where E is the normal motor voltage; or, if the assumption is made that the reactance of the primary and secondary circuits are equal, — which will not ordinarily introduce a very large error, — and we know the current, voltage, watts, and slip, and hence 6 when the machine is running at the working load de- sired, we can calculate the combined leakage reactance at that load. Thus, E sin d XT- v~\ ■ — — — — (at + s 2 xy, where X is the leakage reactance of either winding ; hence, where s 2 is the slip _ E sin 6 7(1 + s 2 ) and the diameter of the current locus circle is EI(1 4- s 2 ) 7(1 + s 2 ) 2 E sin 6 2 sin 9 In laying out the circle diagram, it is possible to consider the diameter of the locus extended to the origin of the primary current vector as being proportional to a magnetic flux, if the power component of the exciting current is neglected. Thus, consider OFCA, Fig. 466, the parallelogram of currents in a motor when the primary current is OF = I v the secondary cur- rent is OA = I 2 , and the exciting current is 00=1^ (neglect- ing the power component of the exciting current for the present). The impressed voltage is 0E V This is the phase diagram of currents for a transformer with magnetic leakage * which is similar in voltage and current relations to a polyphase induc- tion motor. For convenience, consider that the primary current sets up a magneto-motive force which sets up the mutual flux through the primary and secondary windings, the leakage flux about its own windings, and neutralizes any tendency of the secondary current to set up leakage flux. The secondary cur- rent and the component of voltage produced by the mutual flux thus considered are in the same phase, while the leakage flux about the primary conductors is due to the magnetic paths not only across the teeth in the field core, but also across the teeth of the armature core. This assumption is not necessary, but it * Art. 124. 3g 818 ALTERNATING CURRENTS simplifies the conception without introducing error. Draw OB upon 00 extended so that OB = 4 = c p 10 R 1 where n l are the primary turns, <3?, the total flux, and R the reluctance of the magnetic leakage and mutual magnetic paths in parallel, or where B M R XL R iL [i M R\L + R M R,L + B XL R 2L where R M is the reluctance of the path of flux which passes through both windings, R XL is the reluctance of the path for Fig. 466. — Circle Diagram for showing Relation of Fluxes, Slip Line, and Circle Loci for determining other Characteristics of a Polyphase Induction Motor. primary leakage flux which passes across the teeth of the field core, and R 2L is the reluctance of the path for leakage flux around the primary windings which passes across the teeth of the armature core and around the air gap. OB then equals the total flux set up in the magnetic circuits of the machine, and it is produced by the magnetizing current 00. The leakage component of this flux must be in phase with the total primary current, if the iron loss angle is neglected ; and by properly ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 819 adjusting the flux scale in which OD and other fluxes are laid out it may be represented in phase and magnitude by OF , where OF= ^FILiLx = q> 10 R l where Z is the leakage flux and R L is the combined reluctance of the leakage paths in parallel. The mutual flux must be the vector difference of the two noted, or ®M= ®t~®L=FI). But the mutual flux is cut by the secondary conductors and sets up the secondary voltage E v which must be at right angles to it. As the secondary voltage is, by the assumption, in phase with the secondary current I v the latter also must be in quad- rature with T > M . Therefore, as FC in Fig. 466 equals OA , the angle DFO is always a right angle. Therefore, as F moves, due to changes in the load and hence the primary and secondary currents, it must describe an arc, OFMD. If there were no losses this locus would be a complete semicircle. The output when the secondary neutralizing component of the primary current is OF is evidently F l x FP, or at proper scale equals FP if there are no losses. A primary resistance loss will reduce this because the induced primary and secondary voltages will be smaller by the effect of the drop in the primary windings. This means that FP, the mutual flux, must be shorter in equal proportion. In the same way the secondary output must be less by reason of the resistance drop in the sec- ondary windings, and this may also be considered as equivalent to the shortening of the mutual flux line. Suppose, now, the motor is loaded until it comes to a standstill, and that the cur- rents have increased until IP has moved to F' . Since the arma- ture is doing no work, the secondary voltage set up by the mutual flux FD is now all expended in driving the current F' C through the secondary windings. The proportion of the in- ductive effect of the mutual flux used in overcoming IR drop per ampere is then measured by the ratio F'D OF if the copper loss of the exciting current 00 is neglected and the currents are reduced for the ratio of transformation of unity as shown in the figure. Since the same relations must hold for all cur- 820 ALTERNATING CURRENTS rents if the reluctances of the magnetic circuits are considered to be constant, the proportion of the inductive effect of the total flux which is absorbed by IR drop for any other current, such as CF , is FD' where the triangle CFD' is made similar to CF' D. But F is any point on the arc CFF' and angle FD' C is constant, and therefore angle CD'D is constant for any posi- tion of F on the locus CMD. Hence the point D' must trace the arc of a circle CM" D, having the chord CD. If U is the center of the chord, the perpendicular UN lies on the radius of the circle CD'D , and, D being one point of the circumference, the center of the circle is the intersection of a normal to F'D at D with UN, since F'D must be tangent to the circle at Z>, as the inductive effect of the mutual flux represented by F'D is just used up in furnishing the IR voltages. The power lost in the resistance of primary and secondary windings when any current CF flows is then FR. If now the ordinates of the line ZZ' are equal to the assumed constant waste of power in iron losses, the losses in the primary winding by reason of the copper loss caused by the flow of the magnetizing current OG , and the mechanical frictional losses, then the net power given to the shaft by the armature when the secondary current CF flows is represented by the line RS. The relative primary and secondary copper loss can be found in this way : divide F'D, the standstill mutual flux which is all used in generating the primary and secondary IR voltages, into two parts, such that F'B is proportional to the flux used in generating the primary resistance drop and BD to that used in generating the secondary resistance drop. Then, the mutual flux used in generating the IR drop for any other current such as CF must be divided in the same proportions, and hence, FD' is divided into FB' and B'D' . Now a triangle drawn between the points C, B , and D is similar to a triangle drawn between the points C, B', and D', since triangles CF' D and CFD' are similar. Hence, as F varies in its positions, the angle made by lines connecting C and B' , and B' and D must be equal whatever may be the position of F. The locus of B' is then the arc of a circle upon the chord CD. The center His the intersection of the perpendicular UN with the normal to BD erected at center point Q. This is evident, since B and D both lie on the arc and the line BD is therefore a chord of the arc between B and D. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 821 For any primary current OF = /, supposing the scales in which the lines are measured to be properly adjusted, we have the pri- mary input equal to FP ; the secondary input nearly equal to TS ; the secondary output equal to RS ; the primary copper loss equal to FT ; the secondary copper loss equal to TR ; and the excita- tion and frictional losses (assumed constant) equal to SP. The total armature torque for any primary current OF may be scaled as approximately equal to TS, since CFx FB=I 2 x which is proportional to the torque. But, if the perpen- dicular B' W = TS is dropped from B', the similar triangles B' WB and CFB give the proportion OF : B' W: : OB : B'B, or OF x B'B = B'W x OB. Therefore, as OB is fixed in length, B' W = TS is proportional to the torque and can be scaled to read torque directly. The load torque equals TS minus the frictional and windage torque of the armature itself. The slip for any primary current may be found as follows: the secondary current I 2 ac $> M s v where s 2 is the slip, or s 2 ac A ac OF B'B' But, as the triangle CFB' is similar for all positions of F, the slip may be taken as approximately proportional to OB' B’B There- fore lay out the angle BKT equal to OB'B , then triangles OB'B OB' BK and LKB are similar and — — — = — — - . As KB is constant in B'B KB length, the slip is approximately proportional to the intercept LK made from the fixed line JK by the line FB, wherever F lies on the locus. This diagram, in so far as the current locus is concerned, is similar to that of Fig. 463, and the various quantities may be determined in the same way in either, with the exception that in Fig. 466 the fixed losses are subtracted from the measuring line dropped from the end of the current vector, while in Fig. 463 the voltage is made a little larger and the fixed losses are added to the same line. The circle diagram of Fig. 466, with the approximate method of finding the losses, etc., was discov- ered by Heyland, Behrend, and others early in the art of induc- tion motor manufacture, but it is only approximate at the best and in many instances is quite inaccurate. The diagram of Fig. 463 is more accurate and is therefore preferable to use. The point F' in both Fig. 463 and Fig. 466 shows the stand- ALTE RNATING CUHIl ENTS • 822 still point ; the locus from F' to C represents the machine as a motor for the entire range of speeds from standstill to theoretical synchronous speed ; and the locus from F' to D represents the machine as a frequency transformer, driven backwards (with respect to the rotating magnetic field) from a speed of standstill to infinite speed. Either of these circle diagrams given for the induction motor is lacking in absolute accuracy, since both the phase and the scalar value of the induced voltage of the induction motor change when the current changes, and this changes the phase and scalar value of the exciting current as well as the radius and position of the locus circle. Attention has already been called to the fact that the reluctances of the leakage paths vary with different currents. Suffice it to say, however, that the diagrams given are sufficiently accurate for many practical purposes, and if they are constructed upon the basis of the magnetic path reluctances to be found at or near full load, they will ordinarily approximate to accuracy from no load to well over full load. 194. The Rotary Field Induction Motor as an Asynchronous Generator. — If a rotary field induction motor is driven above synchronous speed by a source of mechanical power attached to the shaft, while it is electrically connected to a conductor system in which there are voltages which would run the machine as a motor, it no longer acts in the capacity of a motor, but the arma- ture generates electric power and delivers it to the supply lines. In this case the primary circuit of the machine continues to receive its quadrature current from the external supply system, and the rotating magnetic flux is the same as if the machine was operating as a motor. But the relative motion between the primary and secondary circuits having been reversed, — the secondary circuit now rotating faster than the rotating flux, — the active component of current generated in the windings of the armature is reversed, which results in the opposing compo- nent of the primary current being reversed. This gives the locus shown in Fig. 467. The upper half of the locus OTXT' is the induction motor and frequency transformer locus and the lower half the asynchronous generator locus. When sufficient power is applied to the pulley to drive the machine at theoret- ical synchronism, only the primary circuit exciting current SO flows. When the armature speed is raised above synchronism. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 823 current flows in the armature windings, inducing an equal and opposite component of current in the primary windings, which passes out to the external circuit to which the machine is at- tached. Since the magnetic flux has not been reversed, however, the primary circuit of the machine must continue to draw from the external circuit a component of lagging quadrature current Fig. 467. — Locus of Currents in Induction Machine when Run as a Motor and as an Asynchronous Generator. sufficient to furnish the requisite magneto-motive force. This is equivalent to a flow from the machine of a leading quadrature current. Such a machine will evidently work in parallel witli synchronous alternators or other apparatus which will furnish this exciting current, but it will not work when connected to circuits containing only resistance and self-inductance. The exciting current may be obtained by placing condensers of suf- ficient capacity across the circuit or by obtaining the required leading current from a synchronous motor connected in the 824 ALTERNATING CURRENTS circuit.* The asynchronous generator function of the polyphase induction machine is sometimes made use of on traction systems in which the cars are driven by such motors. In this case, when the motors are properly connected in tandem, f they can be caused to pump power back into the line when running down grade or being brought to a stop. When an induction generator receives its quadrature exciting current from synchronous generators of fixed speed, the current delivered from the asynchronous generator is of the same fre- quency as that of the synchronous generators, regardless of the speed of the armature of the asynchronous machine, but the output changes with the speed in the manner shown by the locus diagram. However, when the quadrature exciting cur- rent is provided by a condenser or a synchronous motor, no synchronous machine of fixed speed being connected with the circuit, the frequency of the voltage and current delivered by the asynchronous machine varies with its armature speed. The locus diagram of Fig. 467 is not applicable to the latter case. If a circuit receiving power from an induction generator be- comes short-circuited, the generator at once ceases delivering power on account of the fact that the magnetic flux disappears when the impressed voltage disappears. This is contrary to the ac- tion of synchronous generators, which are self-reliant in magnetic field and continue to deliver power to the short-circuited lines. 195. Some Features of Construction of Rotating Field Induc- tion Motors. — The secondary windings of induction motors are wound upon laminated drums or equivalent rings, which, with the windings, usually constitute the rotating part or rotor. The arrangement of the windings may be of several forms: 1. Squirrel-cage Form , in which single embedded bar con- ductors are placed on the armature core and all connected to- gether at each end by a copper ring, thus making a conductor system similar in form to the revolving cylinder of a squirrel cage (Fig. 461). The conductors are insulated from the core 2. Independent Short-circuited Coils. — In this form of wind- ing the secondary conductors are of insulated wire wound in independent short-circuited coils, or of insulated bars connected by end connectors in such a way as to make independent short- circuited coils. * Art. 174. t Art. 196 (6). ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 825 Fig. 468. — Elementary Diagram of a Tri-phase Armature Winding for a Secondary Stator arranged to surround a Primary Rotor having Eight Resultant Poles. 3. Independent Coils short-circuited in Common. — Here the coils are wound as in the preceding form, but instead of being short-circuited independently, all the ends are brought to a common point, or pair of points, one of which may be at the front end and the other at the back end of the armature. 4. Coil-wound Armatures connected to External Devices. — The windings of paragraphs 2 and 3 can be arranged for connection to ex- ternal terminals or collecting rings, so that external resistances may be in- cluded in series for varying the torque or slip. The connection may be so ar- ranged that the windings form single or any polyphase system of circuits. It is evident that the pitch of the coils of the second and third forms of drum windings must be equal to an odd number of times the pitch of the rotating field poles, in order that the voltage set up in the conductors may be additive, and coils may therefore be diametral or chordal in machines with an odd number of pairs of poles, but cannot be diametral in machines with an even number of pairs of poles. The actual number of coils is a matter of perfect freedom, pro- vided it is a multiple of two or three, and the connections of conductors is properly made so that the surface of the armature core may be uniformly covered. A tri- phase winding for a stationary drum ar- mature, which is intended to surround a rotating primary structure having eight poles, is shown diagrammatically in Fig. Fig. 469. — Elementary 468, and a three-coil armature which is in- Diagram of a Wound ^ en q e q t 0 revolve within a six-pole primary Secondary Rotor to be . * structure is shown in t lg. 4b9. As said earlier, it is a matter of indiffer- ence from the electrical standpoint whether the primary or the secondary part rotates. From the mechan- ical standpoint it is usually desirable to have the secondary part rotate, as the primary windings, which are usually of higher Surrounded by a Six-pole Rotating Field of the Primary Stator. 826 ALTERNATING CURRENTS voltage than the secondary, are then subject to less mechanical vibration and can be connected directly to the supply mains without the interposition of collector rings. Coil-wound sec- ondary windings are in general of the same type as the arma- ture windings of synchronous alternators, and, as explained, may have their terminals short-circuited, or they may be con- nected (through collector rings if the armature rotates) to out- side devices suitable for starting or for regulation purposes.* The primary windings of induction motors are almost always arranged to produce more than two poles, in order to bring the machine to a reasonable speed. The rotating field frequency / in revolutions per second is equal to — , where / is the fre- quency of the alternating current and p the number of pairs of poles in the magnetic field, and in revolutions per minute this PA becomes V= — — . We therefore have the following table of p 6 motor speeds for the frequencies common in this country. Relation of Number of Poles to Synchronous Speed in Induction Motors Number of Poles of Motor V , WHEN / = 25 Y , vritEN f = 60 2 1500 3600 4 750 1800 6 500 1200 8 375 900 10 300 720 12 250 600 16 187.5 450 20 150 360 24 125 300 This table shows the futility of attempting to build satisfactory induction motors, intended for use on even the lowest fre- quency commonly used in this country, with less than four poles ; and on the higher frequencies not less than six to ten poles are required to give reasonable speeds. Motors of greater output than ten horse power should have a sufficiently * Art. 19(5. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 827 large number of poles to give a field velocity which does not exceed 750 or 800 revolutions per minute. A The primary windings, in the very early history of the art, were sometimes placed directly upon polar projections of the field frame, as in Fig. 470, which shows a four-pole two- phase machine. In modern machines the windings are ar- ranged as embedded uniformly distributed conductors in a frame of uniform magnetic sur- face, as in Fig. 471, which shows a four-pole three-phase machine. Conductors embedded in open slots give the most approved arrangement, since embedding serves to reduce the Fig. 471. — Diagram of Rotating Field Induction Motor, in Which the Stator has a Tri-phase Four-pole Primary Winding, and the Rotor may be wound either as a Squirrel Cage or Coil-wound Secondary. Fig. 470. — Diagram of Salient Pole In- duction Motor Primary Winding as sometimes used in the Early History of the Art. 828 ALTERNATING CURRENTS reluctance of the magnetic circuit and reduce magnetic leakage, and therefore serves to increase the power factor of the motor. Open slots are better than closed slots, as they offer greater reluctance to the magnetic leakage paths and permit the use of form-wound coils. Since the actual magnet poles are produced by the resultant effects of the polyphase currents, it requires two coil sections to produce each magnet pole in a two-phase rna- Fig. 472. — Simple Ring Diagram for showing the connections of a Four-Pole Tri- phase Wye-Connected Winding. chine, and three coil sections in a three-phase machine. The connections of the field coils may be traced out according to the instructions given for connecting the armature coils of poly- phase generators.* The connections for a three-phase field winding are illustrated diagrammatically by Fig. 472, which shows a wye-connected, four-pole ring field. The arrows indicate how the magnetic fluxes combine at a particular instant under the impulsion of the magneto-motive forces of the tri-phase currents. It should be * Art. 22. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 829 1 1 • I s ! NsX> Fig. 473. — Diagram of a Simple Progressive Tri- phase Eight-pole Winding such as is to be found on the Primary and Secondary Windings of Fig. 474- noted that the ring type of winding is used in this illustration for the sake of simplicity in showing the connections. Wind- ings embedded in the polar surfaces are now used almost alto- gether, but the principle of the connections is the same as in the simple diagram of the figure. The wye connection is often preferred for three-phase field windings, as less voltage is im- pressed on a coil, so that fewer turns of wire are ' > required, and the strain on the insulation of each coil is less. The circu- lation of internally in- duced third harmonic currents is also pre- vented. The total weight of copper is equal in wye and delta connections. Figure 473 shows a development of the eight-pole, wye-connected winding such as that of Fig. 474. In the case of Fig. 474, the secondary winding terminals are connected to rings so that regulating or starting resist- ances may be inserted. It is seen from the above discussion that the primary wind- ings of rotating field induction motors are of the same forms as the armature windings of synchronous alternators. The second- ary windings may be of the short-circuited squirrel cage type or be similar to the primary windings, but the numbers of slots in the field and armature cores should differ, and should be of num- bers which are prime to each other, to prevent recurrent varia- tions of the resultant reluctance of the mutual magnetic circuit. The frequency of the magnetic cycles in the iron of the primary core is equal to the frequency of the current flowing in the magnetizing coils, but in the armature it is equal to the motor slip ; and the hysteresis and eddy current losses per pound of iron are therefore many times greater in the primary core than in the secondary core when the motor is operating at ordinary speeds. In this respect the character- istics of an induction motor are the reverse of those of a synchronous alternator, in which the field loss consists in most 830 ALTERNATING CURRENTS part of the PR loss, while the armature loss is the sum of the I 2 R and core losses, of which the latter may be the larger portion. In the induction motor, the field core losses are large and the Fig. 474. — Diagram of a Rotary Field Induction Motor having Eight Poles. The Field and Armature Cores are both wound for Three Phases Wye connected and the Secondary Winding has its Free Terminals connected to Collector Rings for Use with Starting and Regulating Resistances. armature core losses are scarcely appreciable in a well-designed machine; it is therefore desirable to reduce the amount of iron in the primary core to a small volume, keeping in mind the effect of the several variables such as weight of copper, density of flux, etc., which enter in the problem as they do in the design of a ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 831 transformer.* It will be noted that with a rotating armature the winding space is smaller for the secondary than for the pri- mary windings, but the voltage of the former is usually lower than that of the latter, so that less space is used for insulation. The smaller the number of slots per coil, the smaller is the re- luctance of the leakage paths and hence the greater is the leak- age reactance with its attendant disadvantages. It is therefore common practice to make the rotor diameter large and the length correspondingly short so that from 3 to 6 slots can be used on the stator per coil side and from 3 to 7 on the rotor — the num- ber depending upon the given conditions that must be fulfilled in each particular motor design, such as voltage, speed, rated load, etc. To reduce reactance the air space is of course made as small as is mechanically practicable. In all cases, especially where squirrel cage secondaries are used, the number of primary core slots should be an uneven multiple of the number of secondary core slots, as intimated, in order that there may be no dead points in starting. If the teeth of the primary core lie exactly opposite the teeth of the secondary core, the magnetic reluctance of the paths through the teeth will be very low compared with that of the wind- ing spaces between the teeth. This causes exceedingly dense tufts of magnetic flux to be set up between opposing teeth at the instant when the)'' are facing each other. The tendency, then, of each tooth of an opposing pair is to strongly attract the other as the magnetic poles created by the flux at their ends are of opposite sign. If at starting the tooth to tooth attraction is stronger than the pull between the secondary current and rotating magnetic flux, the motor will not move. Using unlike numbers of slots on the two members avoids this trouble. In a somewhat similar manner when the armature is running unloaded and nearly at synchronism, there is a tendency for the secondary core to jump into syn- chronism with the rotating magnetic field and convert the machine for the time into synchronous motor relations, the ar- mature becoming the mechanically rotating field magnet with permanent poles magnetized by the synchronously running re- sultant rotating field. This is because the secondary current when the speed nears synchronism at no load is exceedingly * Arts. 135-137. 832 ALTERNATING CURRENTS small, only enough to drive the armature against the resisting moment of the friction of bearings and air, and the attraction between teeth under these circumstances sometimes shows a larger torque than that between the rotating flux and the bands of armature current. When this occurs, the former prevails and the secondary core takes the same speed of ro- tation as the rotating flux. While this condition continues, the secondary current becomes zero and the windings act somewhat to maintain the condition of synchronism as will be seen later. The condition is not necessarily undesirable, though it calls for a sudden change in primary current. Where a load of any material size comes on to the motor, the secondary core drops out of synchronism and the machine resumes its action as an induction motor. This peculiarity is of material value when synchronous motors are started as induction motors.* 196. Starting and Regulating Devices. — Several different ar- rangements ma} r be used for starting polyphase induction motors. 1. Small machines are commonly connected directly to the circuit without the intervention of any special starting devices. This is not a safe proceeding for large machines, as when the secondary circuit is at rest and the primary windings are directly con- nected to the supply circuit, the machine is in the condition of a transformer with the secondary windings short-circuited, and is liable to burn up before getting under way. Some of the older small motor armatures were ar- ranged with two rows of con- ductors, making two independent squirrel cages (Fig. 475), one con- siderably farther from the armature surface than the other for the ostensible purpose of reducing the starting current of the machines. 2. (a) Resistance in Field Circuit. — Resistance may be in- serted in the circuits leading to the primary windings to be used in much the same manner as starting rheostats are used in starting direct-current, constant voltage motors. Rheostats * Art. 167. Fig. 475. — Squirrel Cage Secondary with Double Row of Conductors. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 833 arranged in this way in each circuit must be manipulated simul- taneously in all the circuits, and therefore must be mechanically coupled. Besides starting rheostats similar to starting boxes for direct-current motors, liquid rheostats, arranged to be varied by dipping plates in a bath, have been used with early motors. Three rheostats are required for a tri-phase motor, and two for a quarter-phase motor operated on independent circuits. Quar- ter-phase motors on three-wire circuits may be started with a single resistance device inserted in the common wire, or by two resistance devices inserted respectively in the independent wires. The insertion of resistance in the field circuits of induction motors serves to restrain the starting current by reducing the voltage at the primary terminals. Tins, however, reduces in the numerator of the expression * T= K s 2 j?i 2 fi 2 (s 2 /fi + -Zf 2 ) 2 + s 2 2 (-^l + -^2 ) 2 and thereby greatly lowers the available torque per ampere and the motor takes an excessive current from the supply mains to accelerate a heavy load. In the past this plan was used quite extensively by European manufacturers, especially for large machines which could be started with the belt on a loose pulley. This method has the disadvantage of wasting much energy through the dissipation of heat in the rheostats, and has, there- fore, except in special cases been abandoned in favor of the auto- transformer and transformer methods described below. (6) Variable Compensator or '•'■Autotransformer.'' — The vol- tage at the terminals of the primary circuits may be reduced at starting by introducing an impedance coil across the supply cir- cuits and feeding the motor from variable points on its windings. This arrangement may be caused to supply a large starting cur- rent to the motor without interfering with the supply circuits, but it has the same effect on the motor torque as resistance in series with the primary windings. The losses by this method of starting are much reduced, for the power required by the motor for starting is delivered at the proper reduced voltage by trans- former action at comparatively high efficiency. Figure 476 shows a compensator connected to a tri-phase motor with a no- voltage release, which automatically opens the circuit when, for * Art. 192. 3 H 834 ALTERNATING CURRENTS any reason, the supply voltage disappears. It contains also an overload release. The lower row of terminals, designated the starting side, are connected by proper switch blades or contactors Fig. 476. — Diagram of Compensator Starting Device for Tri-phase Induction Motor, with No-voltage and Overload Release. with the middle row marked “ cylinder switch” when the motor is to be started. This connects the motor with the low voltage terminals of the autotransformer or compensator and the supply Fig. 477. — Diagram of Compensator Starting Device for a Quarter-phase Motor with No-voltage and Overload Release. mains with the primary terminals thereof. When the motor has reached its full speed for this connection, the central switch cylinder blades or contactors are thrown over to the running side ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 835 and the motor is connected directly to the supply lines. When very large motors are in use several steps can be made in this operation by having several sets of taps on the compensator coils and stepping from one to the next successively. Figure 477 shows a similar arrangement for a quarter-phase motor. It is evident that these arrangements are purely starting devices and not regulators, since from the motor formulas * it is seen that the running torque is changed with the square of the voltage; and, therefore, if it should be desired to drive a load of given torque at reduced speed, reduction of the impressed voltage by means of the compensator could only change the speed through very narrow limits before the maximum motor torque would be reduced to the opposing moment of the load. Further reduction of voltage would result in the motor coming to a standstill. 3. Resistance in Armature Circuits for Speed Regulation. — The torque of the armature at starting may be made equal to the max- imum running torque by inserting a definite amount of resistance in the secondary circuits which increases the total armature re- nal or starting resistance. The value of R e may be determined where s 2m is the slip at maximum torque, and R t is the total resistance through which the armature current flows. There- fore to get a maximum torque when s 2m = l, requires that reactances are determined from the circle diagram or by calcu- lation. The total resistance used in a starting rheostat should be much larger and arrangements should be made to reduce it gradually in order that the motor may not start with a jerk. As the maximum torque is usually designed to occur at a slip between one and one third and two times that corresponding to the normal full load torque, when running with the winding resistance only in the secondary circuits, the armature and field currents at maximum torque do not exceed twice the full load currents, so that resistance inserted in the armature circuits as follows: As already shown, f s 2m = R t [R* + (x 1 + x 2 y ]*, R% + R e = 1 or R e = [Rf + (X x + X 2 ) 2 ]* - R r The [R^ + (X 1 + X 2 n h t Art. 192. * Art. 192. 836 ALTERNATING CURRENTS serves the double purpose of increasing the starting torque and keeping the starting current within bounds. This plan is largely used by many commercial companies. The arrangement of the starting rheostat depends largely upon the type of the secondary windings to which it is applied. In secondary windings of the squirrel cage type the conductors may be tipped at one end with tapered high resistance metal strips, which come in contact with a sliding copper ring. At starting, this ring may just touch the high resistance tips, and as the machine speeds up the ring may be slid along until the tips are cut out and the copper armature conductors are directly connected together through the ring. If the armature revolves, it is evident that the ring must be arranged to slide on a spline on the shaft, and to be controlled by a grooved sliding collar and loose lever. The same device may be used for secondary windings with coils having a common short-circuiting point. In this case one set of coil terminals are permanently connected together, and the other set are connected into a rheostat of high resistance metal strips, which may be short-circuited by a slid- ing ring, as already explained. If the secondary windings are arranged so as to have but one coil for each phase, the introduction of resistance is very simple, since only one resistance coil for each phase is required. In this case, if the secondary core is stationary, the connections of the rheostat are made directly into the secondary circuits, or between the secondary circuits’ and one point of common con- nection ; while if the secondary core revolves, collector rings may be placed on the shaft, and stationary rheostats may be used to control the resistance of the coils which are properly con- nected to the rings, or the resistance may be placed inside the armature spider and be controlled by a sliding collar and loose lever. Figure 478 shows a tri-phase motor having three col- lector rings for connecting up external starting and regulating resistance to the secondary windings. The rheostat coils can be connected in wye or delta. A quarter-phase winding would preferably use four rings and two resistance devices. By using this method the motor can be regulated for any torque up to its maximum value for all speeds, from standstill to the speed at which the machine drives its load when the sec- ondary winding is short-circuited. The method is effective for ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 837 speed control, but has the disadvantage of absorbing much power in the external resistance when the speed is made much below that normal for the given load when the secondary wind- ings are short-circuited without external resistance. Also, with a given resistance inserted, the speed varies with the load. These conditions are somewhat analogous to those of a direct- current shunt- wound motor when the speed is controlled through the introduction of external resistance into the arma- ture circuit. Fig. 478. — A Rotary Field Motor with Tri-phase Secondary Winding arranged with Collector Rings for the Introduction of External Starting or Regulating Re- sistances. 4. Commutated Armature . — The armature may be wound with the coils so arranged that, instead of starting with all conductors in cumulative series in each coil, a portion of the conductors are connected in opposition to the others at the start, and are then reversed and connected properly in series with the others after the machine is in operation. The opposi- tion arrangement affects the current both of the secondary and primary circuits. Again, the connectors, by means of which the armature con- ductors are placed in series, may be made of high resistance material, and these connectors may be excluded from the cir- cuit when the conductors are short-circuited together after the 838 ALTERNATING CURRENTS motor is running at full speed. Devices of this character can be used for giving two motor speeds through the range of torque for which the motor is designed, but any additional speeds would make cumbersome connections. 5. Commutated Primary Windings. — In order to enable a motor to run at two speeds without loss in external secondary resistance, the number of poles of the rotating magnetic field may be changed by properly arranging the primary windings. Thus, a motor having a primary winding for eight poles may have its speed doubled by so connecting the primary coils that the resultant flux has four poles. This, as may be seen by a study of primary windings, requires quite a little shifting of coil terminals, which becomes burdensome if the method is used for obtaining more than two speeds. To obtain the same motor torque at the double speed requires one half as many primary coils per phase, since the number of poles of the rotating field is cut in half, while the primary and secondary magneto-motive force must remain constant to supply the neces- sary torque, since the flux per pole is doubled but the polar area is also doubled. Changing from wye to delta connection for starting purposes is referred to on page 857. 6. Concatenation Control. — Where two like motors are con- nected rigidly to the same mechanical load, as when two poly- Fig. 479. — Diagram of Connections of Tri-phase Motors for Concatenation Control. phase motors are used in driving an electric car, a speed control may be obtained which is somewhat analogous to the series- parallel control of two direct-current electric traction motors. Figure 479 shows two motors, both having unity ratio of trans- formation between their primarjr and secondary windings, con- ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 839 nected in this way, which is called the Tandem or Concatenated connection, ready to start. Motor A is connected directly to the supply mains ; its secondary windings are connected to the primary windings of motor _B, which thereby is supplied with current of frequency corresponding to the slip of motor A ; the secondary windings of B are connected to an external set of rheostats ; and the shafts of the two motors are rigidly joined mechanically. The ratios of transformation of the motors are equal, and the motors are otherwise alike. When motor A begins to rotate, motor B is caused to rotate through the mechanical connection. As the resistance in the secondary circuits of motor B is cut out, the speeds rise until, when the resistance is short-circuited, the motors are running at some- thing under one half the synchronous speed pertaining to each when supplied with voltage at the frequency of the mains. They cannot run above half speed and carry any considerable load, for in that case motor B would run above synchronism with the current supplied to its primary windings from the sec- ondary windings of A , and this would convert motor B into an asynchronous generator * tending to force .current back into the secondary circuits of A. The faster the motor armatures rotate, the smaller is the slip of A and the lower the frequency of the current it supplies to B. At a speed of revolution equal to one half synchronous speed for motor A , the rotating flux of B and its armature conductors would be in exact synchronism. Then the only current that could flow from the secondary cir- cuits of motor A would be that delivered to the primary circuits of B , which, under the conditions named, would be the exciting current necessary to set up the rotating magnetic field of B. Therefore neither motor would produce useful torque at this speed. Since the resisting moment of the load must be equaled by the electrical torque, this state could not exist when any considerable load is to be driven ; and, therefore, the speed of rotation of the armatures when driving a load must be less than one half normal speed by an amount which results in currents flowing in the windings sufficient to produce the necessary torque. At this point the slip in B (with respect to the field frequency provided by current from the secondary circuits of A) is sufficient to induce enough secondary voltage to drive * Art. 194. 840 ALTERNATING CURRENTS current through its secondary winding. The slip in A (with respect to the field frequency provided by current from the mains) is sufficient to induce enough secondary voltage in its secondary windings to drive the current through the imped- ance of those windings plus as much more as is required to provide the primary terminal voltage at B. The primary current in each phase of A is the sum of a com- ponent equal and opposite to the secondary current of B, the exciting current of B , and the exciting current of A. The currents in the secondary circuits of A are equal to those in the primary circuits of B. The primary voltage is absorbed by the drop due to the mutually induced voltage of A, the imped- ance of the primary and secondary windings of A, the mutually induced voltage in B , and the impedance of the primary and secondary windings of B. The induction motor locus diagram given in Fig. 463 can be readily applied to this case by letting the current locus which represents the current in the secondary windings of B have a diameter equal to the voltage of the mains divided by the sum of the leakage reactances of the two motors, and the exciting current have a value equal to the combination of the exciting currents of the two motors. The quadrature voltage in the voltage locus diagram of Fig. 463 is then the sum of the leakage drop voltages ; and the active voltage is the sum of the drops through the counter-voltages and resistances of the two motors. If the ratios of transformation of the motors are not both exactly alike or the impedances of the two motors are not equal, one motor will “ rob ” the other of load with danger of its becoming overloaded; which is comparable to the results in the case of two rigidly connected series direct-current motors which have different armature resistances or field strengths. As a result of this discussion the conclusion can be safety drawn that the rotary field induction motor does not, in its present form, lend itself readily to wide, economical variation of speed. Where such speed variation is demanded, series or repulsion motors, which are described in later pages, are more naturally fitted. 197. Reversing Polyphase Motors. — Potyphase motors may be reversed by reversing the direction of rotation of the rotat- ing magnetic field. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 841 In quarter-phase motors with two independent circuits, re- versing the terminal connections of either circuit will effect the reversal of rotation, but reversing the terminals of both circuits will not alter the direction of rotation. Quarter-phase motors Fig. 480. — Curves for showing the Effect of Third and Fifth Harmonics on the Operation of a Quarter-phase Induction Motor. 842 ALTERNATING CURRENTS with three-wire connections may be reversed by interchanging the connections of the outside conductors, leaving the common return conductor unchanged. The direction of rotation of tri-phase motors may be reversed by interchanging the connections of any pair of leads. 198. Effect of the Form of Curves of Voltage. — The effect of distorted curves of voltage upon the operation of induction motors depends upon the number of phases. The harmonics of three and five times the fundamental frequency are the only ones which need be considered ; and indeed, that of three times * the fundamental frequency is the only one which as a rule has an appreciable influence. In single-phase motors the harmonics should affect the magnetic field as they affect that of a trans- former, so that peaked voltage curves should cause a decrease in core losses, and the operation of the motor should not be other- wise greatly influenced. In polyphase motors, however, the harmonics may set up a rotating field of their own, which is superposed upon the regular held, and may interfere with the operation of the machine. The harmonics with three times the fundamental frequency belonging to the two circuits of a quarter-phase system have a phase difference of 90° (Fig. 480), and these set up a superposed rotating field in the induction motor which has a field velocity of three times that of the main field. The figure shows that the harmonics of ti'iple frequency, belonging to the two phases, are reversed in relative position compared with the fundamental waves. The field due to these harmonics rotates in the reverse direction from that of the main field, and therefore tends directly to decrease the torque of the motor and to increase the slip. The field due to the harmonics of five times the frequency rotates in the same direction as the main field, and its only dis- advantageous effect is in causing eddy currents which may slightly decrease the efficiency of the motor. The frequencies of the harmonic curves are indicated in the figure by subscripts. In tri-phase circuits the harmonics of triple frequency belong- ing to the different currents are directly superposed in phase as is shown in Fig. 481, and therefore the superposed field which they cause in tri-phase induction motors is a stationary one whose influence is only to decrease the efficiency by setting up extra losses. The figure also shows that the harmonics of five ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 843 frequencies have 120° difference of phase and are in reversed orders, so that they set up a reverse rotating field, and if they are of much strength they may affect the torque. 199. Single-phase Induction Motors. — If the field magnet of an induction motor is wound with one set of coils so that the Fig. 481. — Curve showing the Effect of Third and Fifth Harmonics on the Operation of a Tri-phase Induction Motor. 844 ALTERNATING CURRENTS field poles are set up by a single alternating current flowing in the coils, the poles will be stationary but alternating, and the effects of electro-magnetic repulsion may be utilized for the pur- pose of causing the armature to rotate. Thus, if a uniformly wound short-circuited armature (such as is used for polyphase induction motors) is started to revolving in a single-phase alternating magnetic field, the balance of repulsions which ex- ists when the armature is at rest is disturbed, and the armature tends to continue its motion. To illustrate this, the condition, of two coils in complementary positions with reference to one of the poles may be considered. As the armature revolves, one coil moves toward a position where it includes more lines of force from the pole, and the other coil moves so as to exclude lines of force. If the strength of pole is rising, the first coil will have the larger current induced in it, since the rate of change of lines of force through the first coil is proportional to the sum of the rate of change in the strength of field and the rate of change of flux linkages due to the motion, while the rate of change of lines of force through the second coil is the difference of these two rates. Thanks to the lag in the coil circuits, the currents in both coils are in such a direction as to result in an attractive force on the pole, but a much stronger force is experienced by the first coil than the second. When the field is falling, the mag- netic condition of the second coil is changing the more rapidly, but the direction of the induced cui’rents in the coils is reversed with respect to the direction of the inducing field, and the coils experience a repulsive force with reference to the pole. The effect during one complete period of the magnetic field therefore tends to cause the armature to rotate in the same direction in which it was started. The torque is a maximum when the posi- tive product of current and magnetic flux is a maximum, which is when the current lags behind the induced voltage by an angle between 45° and 90°. The torque at an)' speed is equal to the torque which would be given by a polyphase induction motor of similar construction at the slip v = V — V minus the torque which the polyphase induction motor would give in a field of double the frequency, and with a slip proportioned to V + T r '=2T r —v; where Y is synchronous speed, V' actual speed, and v relative speed in revolutions per minute ; but with the ordinary ratio of the resistance and inductance in the arma- ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 845 ture winding, the torque due to the latter slip is negligible at such full load slips as are satisfactory in practice. In this case, V need not be looked upon as a speed of rotation of a magnetic field, but as the speed of the armature which keeps each con- ductor at the same position with reference to a pole for any fixed instant in each period of the magnetic flux. Hence V — P exactly as in rotary field machines. When the armature is t stationary, v = V, and the two torques are equal and opposite. A single-phase induction motor may therefore be designed in a manner similar to the manner of designing a polyphaser in re- spect to its operation after it has reached its normal speed, but it requires special treatment in the design for the purpose of making it self-starting, and it is both heavier and less efficient for a given output. The principal voltages induced are indicated in the dia- gram of Fig. 482 for a bi-polar machine. The alternating magneto-motive force impressed by current flowing from the ex- ternal circuit through the primary or field coils is represented by the arrow CD and the designation N-S and S-JV. The resulting alternating magnetic flux set up through the armature core sets up counter-voltages in the secondary or arma- ture windings, as in any transformer. The direction and position of the voltage in the armature conductors are indicated by the arrow points (dots) and feathers (crosses) marked in the figure within the cross-sections of the conductors which are indicated by small circles. This voltage is in time quadrature with the primary flux. These conditions are as in a transformer with large magnetic leakage and may be indicated by the ordinary Fig. 482. — Diagram for indicating the Voltage gen- erated in a Single-phase Induction Motor. 846 ALTERNATING CURRENTS transformer diagram.* The turns across the vertical diam- eter have the highest voltage induced in them. (The arma- ture, for convenience, is assumed to be of the squirrel cage type and the primary windings to be distributed windings, passing through the holes from the top to the bottom of the figure.) This voltage decreases more or less sinusoidally until the horizontal turns are reached, which are in a neutral posi- tion with regard to N-S. When the armature revolves, vol- tages as shown by the arrowheads and feathers indicated in the inner circle are set up in the conductors by their mo- tion through the primary field. These voltages are propor- tional in strength to the field N-S and hence are in time phase therewith. They reach a maximum value in the conductors under the poles N-S and S-N and decrease more or less sinus- oidally to zero in the turns 90° therefrom, which do not cut the field flux. There are, therefore, two sets of voltages in the conductors, the first created by ordinary transformer action caused by variation of the field N-S, and the other by the motion of the conductors through the lines of force of the same field. These two voltages are at ninety degrees displacement with reference to each other, both in time phase and space position. Two components of current, conjointly composing the armature current, will flow under the influence of these two voltages. The fii’st reacts on the primary circuit like the secondary current of a transformer, and has a time lag due to leakage flux only ; while the second or “ speed ” current sets up magnet poles at n-s and s-n , and as the reluctance of the magnetic path is low, this component tends to take a time quad- rature relation with its inducing’ voltage. Hence JY-S and n-s tend to rise and fall nearly in time quadrature and exactly in space quadrature. When the armature is running at the speed corresponding to theoretical synchronism for the frequency of the primary cur- rent, each turn of wire on the armature in each revolution cuts the same number of lines of force as are comprised in the maximum value of the field JY-S in one cycle of the magnetic flux, so that the transformer and speed voltages are equal. Therefore, the fields JY-S and n-s are then of approximately equal magnitude. Under these conditions N-S and n-s may be * Arts. 124 and 129. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 847 considered to form an ordinary rotating field acting upon a short- circuited armature, as in polyphase motors. When the speed is lower than the theoretical synchronous speed, the speed vol- tage is proportionately less; and at standstill the speed voltage is zero. The foregoing shows that it is possible to consider the single- phase motor in the light of a motor-generator in which the transformer component of current is a torque producing current acted on by the poles n-s , and the speed current is a generated exciting current which sets up the motor fields n-s. The counter-voltage caused by the conductors cutting flux n-s tends to oppose the effective transformer voltage in driving current through the armature resistance. The product of counter- voltage with transformer current equals the output of the motor. If the load is changed, the motor speed must change so that the difference between the transformer and counter voltages will permit a transformer current to flow which will give the requisite torque. Again, the single-phase alternating field may be treated in a different manner to get the same result more simply. An alternating field stationary in position may be resolved into two rotary fields, revolving in opposite directions, having the same frequency as the stationary field, and of one half its magnitude in strength.* This is similar to the principle of mechanics by which a simple harmonic motion may be resolved into two uni- form opposite circular motions of one half the amplitude. The torque diagrams of each of these fields acting alone are shown in Fig. 483, where 0 is the point of armature rest, and arma- ture speed is counted from that point along the horizontal axis. The curves A and A' are the torque curves that would be given by either field acting alone, the torque due to one being in one direction, and that of the other in the opposite direction. It is evident that when the armature is at rest it has no tendency to revolve, as the slip of the armature with respect to the two fields is equal, and torques Ot and Ot' created by the two fields are equal and opposite ; but if the armature is started in one direction, for instance toward the right, the slip with respect to field A decreases, the torque caused by it increases and tends * Ferraris, A Method for the Treatment of Rotating or Alternating Vectors, London Electrician, Vol. 33, p. 110. 848 ALTERNATING CURRENTS to continue the rotation, while the slip with respect to field A' increases, and the torque caused by A! decreases. When the armature speed becomes V, the torque caused by A is T, which is due to a slip V— V=v; while the torque caused by A' is T\ which is due to a slip in relative speed between armature and field of V+ V = 2 V— v. From the relations of torque to slip, which have already been discussed,* it is evident that the torque caused by A' decreases as the relative speed increases. If the differences between the corresponding ordinates of the curves of torque A and A! are plotted in a curve, the actual Fig. 483. — Motor Torque Diagram of a Single-phase Motor with the Field resolved into Two Component Rotating Fields having Opposite Directions of Rotation. torque curve M is given. The ordinates of this will give the actual motor torque with respect to slip. From this curve it is seen that the motor will work at no load at an almost syn- chronous speed, and may then be loaded until the speed has dropped to a point where the torque is at a maximum. If the load exceeds this, the motor will stop. The curve M falls to zero a little to the left of 4- T( because of the torque T' . However, as the backward field is, at synchronism, cutting the armature conductors at a rate of S' 2 = 2 /, the reactance (2 fX 2 ) against that field is very great and the ordinates of T' (exaggerated in the figure) are ordinarily negligible for working speeds. From * Art. 192. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 849 the point + F to + V there should be a double frequency com- ponent of current in the armature and a slight negative torque. The ordinary values of resistance and inductance which are re- quired in an efficient and economical design, make the effect of A' so small at the speed of normal full load that the action of A only need be considered. If the armature should be started toward the left, instead of the right, as here assumed, the conditions would be reversed and the motor would operate under the torque line M'. Evi- dently the formula from which the torque curve M (Fig. 483) can be plotted is T — K •b^’r^-2 1 _ C^l + ^Y) 2 + s 2 2 (^1 + -Y 2) 2 _ X { - f — h) Ffp/Y (2/Bj ~h^i + ^ 2 ) 2 + (2/-s 2 ) 2 (X 1 + X 2 ) 2 The second term becomes small for armature speeds approaching synchronism. It will be appreciated, on account of the high reactance (2 /— s 2 )X 2 , that the magnetic flux of this field which actually passes through the armature windings is very small when s 2 is small, so that if <£>' represents this flux, A>' = <3? — is the backward rotating component of the flux in the field, and £ ' is always large and approaches closely to the value of <1> when s 2 is small. From these considerations it is seen that a single-phase motor may be designed in the same manner as a polyphaser, and that for equal output the ampere-turns upon the field magnet must be equal to the resultant number on a polyphase motor. The field winding may be arranged as in polyphase motors, cover- ing the entire polar surface, as is shown in Fig. 484, for a four- pole machine; but the differential action in this case reduces 2 the effectiveness of the winding in the proportion of 1 : as 7 r lias already been shown in Art. 188. Consequently, the equa- tion from which the field windings are determined becomes xr/ _ x-V2 7 rn'A>f_ 2 V2 vn'^f _ 2 V2 — 108 10 8 The value of K may be increased and material saved by leaving 3 1 850 ALTERNATING CURRENTS space between the primary coils, as in Fig. 485, which shows the windings for a two-pole field. The efficiency of single-phasers is less than that of poly, phasers, since the armature core losses are proportional to the llllllllllllll M . T T i Fig. 484. — Diagram of a Single-phase Induction Motor with Primary Winding dis- tributed over the Entire Surface of the Field Core. frequency of the main field instead of to the slip, and the I 2 R losses are greater ; their slip for a given load and similar de- sign is greater; and their maximum torque is slightly less than that of polyphasers, as is shown by Fig. 483 ; but these Fig. 485. — Diagram of a Single-phase Induction Motor with the Primary Winding Grouped in Coils covering Part of the Field Core. differences in well-designed machines should not be great. The weight of single-phasers is larger than that of equal poly- phasers, because the value of K is smaller. 200. Locus Diagram of the Single-phase Motor and Substi- tuted Impedance. — As the single-phase motor is equivalent to ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 851 a transformer having constant reactance and varying load of unity power factor, it may be represented by a current locus diagram similar to that of a transformer or polyphase induction motor. Thus Fig. 486 shows such a diagram, constructed and lettered similarly to the diagram of Fig. 463, which represents the condition of one branch or phase in a polyphase induction motor. The only important element of difference is found in Fig. 486. — Locus Diagram of a Single-phase Induction Motor. the no load current SO. This shows an active component which is greater in proportion, due to the larger armature iron losses, and a wattless current which is greater in propor- tion, due to the backward rotating components of the field. The line OF' is as before the added component of secondary current due to the load, but the total secondary current is greater than this by some component SS' because of the arma- ture current set up by the backward rotating component of the magnetic flux. Referring to Fig. 483, the total armature cur- rent found by adding the forward and backward components of the current may be roughly considered, for a given load, to have 852 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the value F'S' (Fig. 486), and to have the relations to the im- pressed voltage OF, the total primary current SF', and the phase angles which are shown in the diagram. This is under the assumption that the backward rotating component of the primary current remains constantly of uniform value, since its function is to set up the backward rotating component of the field magnetic flux '. The forward rotating component of the field current, on the other hand, must not only have a no-load component S' 0 sufficient to set up its component of the rotating flux , but must also neutralize the mutual magnetic effect of the armature current component OF', which is the t.orque-producing com- ponent of the armature. Upon the same suppositions as used in the diagram of Fig. 466, where the armature current and voltage were considered to be in phase with each other, F' H is propor- tional to the flux necessary to induce the voltage which drives the current F'O through the armature. The diameter of the locus semicircle is found in the same way as for the semicircle representing a phase of a polyphase motor, as are the various elements of performance. KJ represents the slip line con- structed as in Fig. 466; the loci of copper loss may also be shown as in that figure. Impedances can be substituted for the single-phase motor circuits, for the purpose of making computations, as was done with the polyphase motor.* Referring to Fig. 464, the shunt circuit representing the no-load losses should be connected at cd instead of ab , in order that great accuracy may be obtained in representing the conditions of a polyphase motor. In the single-phase motor a similar arrangement is required for great accuracy, and allowance must be made for the extra reactive effects of the exciting currents ; but for most purposes it is suf- ficiently accurate to have the no-load circuit connected from a to b , which will take a current equal in phase and quantity to the no-load current, and it is upon the basis of such an approx- imation that the locus diagram Fig. 486 is drawn. 201. Starting Single-phase Induction Motors. — Since single- phase induction motors are not per se self-starting, special start- ing devices must be included in their design and construction. This sometimes takes the form of what is called a Phase splitter. The field is wound with two coils similar to the windings of a * Art. 192. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 853 two-phaser, and at starting these are connected in parallel to the circuit, one directly, and the other through dead resistance or capacity. This throws the currents in the two coils into a difference of phase, which may be accentuated by winding one coil so that it has greater self-inductance than the other ; and the machine then starts as a two-phaser. After the machine is running, both coils are connected directly to the circuit, or one coil is cut out, and the motor operates as a single-phaser. This operation of “ phase spliting,” as applicable to such motors, cannot give a large difference of phase between the currents in the two motor circuits with a reasonably large power factor, and consequently single-phase induction motors started in this way must have either a very small starting torque or an unreasonably small power factor at starting. Another method frequently used in small motors, such as small fan motors, is to use Shading coils. That is, the motor field magnet may be constructed with salient pole pieces like an alternator field magnet, — the core of course being laminated. Around a similar tip of each pole piece is wound a short-circuited coil. The currents in the short- circuited coils tend to oppose the growth of magnetic flux under these pole tips, and hence it rises to a maximum first in the un- wound tips, and then in the wound tips, causing the effect of a two-phase winding. A more satisfactory method is to start the motor as a repul- sion motor,* but this requires a commutator and more expensive mechanism. When this plan is adopted, the armature is wound with an ordinary reentrant direct-current winding connected in the usual manner to a commutator, and it is self-starting with large torque when a short-circuiting connection joins the brushes and the brushes are displaced from the neutral plane. When the armature has come to full speed, an automatic device may be used to short-circuit the commutator, and the machine will then run as an induction motor. 202. Efficiency of Induction Motors and Methods of making Tests. — Polyphase induction motors can be built to give about the same efficiency as direct-current motors, and for somewhat less cost on account of the absence of a commutator and the low insulation required on the armature conductors, but with a counterbalancing extra cost on account of the high grade and * Art. 205. 854 ALTERNATING CURRENTS expensive sheet-iron stampings which are required for the field magnet. The most satisfactory design, as already explained, calls for a machine of short axial length and large diameter in order that sufficient teeth may be used to reduce magnetic leakage to small proportions. This is well illustrated in Fig. 487, which is from the photograph of the armature of a 300 horse-power, 25-cycle, 10-pole motor of stand- ard design, having a speed of 300 revolu- tions per minute. The length of the core is quite small compared to its diameter. 1. By far the quickest method of experimentally obtaining the operating characteristics of an induction motor, including efficiency, torque, regulation, and power factor, is by means of the circle or locus diagram.* The no-load exciting current can be obtained in phase position and scalar value by means of amperemeters, voltmeters, and wattmeters when the armature is running free. The current locus is fixed with approximate accuracy by using the same instruments to determine the phase position and quantity of the standstill current, using a reduced voltage for the measurements and considering the current to be proportional to voltage (or by obtaining it more accurately from the reactances at full load). The vector difference between the standstill and the no-load current is approximately the arma- ture standstill current. The length and position of the vector of the armature standstill current determines the current locus. The resistance of the primary circuit may be measured, and that of the secondary circuit may he obtained by dividing the primary induced voltage (reduced to the secondary circuit by the ratio of transformation) by the product of the computed armature standstill current and the cosine of its angle of lag. * Arts. 191, 192. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 855 Correction can be made for variations in the exciting current if great accuracy is desired. Having thus laid out the locus, the desired operating quantities may be read off for any load. 2. Direct Measurement. In testing the efficiency of these motors, the output may be measured by a brake or transmis- sion dynamometer, but the input must be measured by one of the wattmeter methods explained earlier. The two-wattmeter method is the best, but care must be taken to determine whether the readings of the two instruments are additive or subtractive, since the power factor of a partially loaded induction motor is likely to be quite low and at no load may be only a few per cent. The power factor is determined by taking simultaneous readings of amperemeter, voltmeter, and wattmeter in one cir- cuit, if the machine is balanced ; but if the circuits differ, read- ings for each circuit must be taken. The power factor is then the true watts divided by the apparent watts. This method requires that the motor shall be operated with its full load if the full load efficiency is to be obtained, and therefore may prove inconvenient, and it does not give any way of separating the losses. 3. Stray Power Method. — A method similar to that described for testing transformers (Art. 147) is often more convenient and satisfactory. By this plan the core losses, friction, and wind- age losses are determined bj r measuring by wattmeter the power which is absorbed by the- motor when running light under nor- mal voltage and frequency. The losses may be of such value that the field current flowing is considerable, especially as the power factor is likely to be rather low, and the PR loss cannot be neglected, but a correction can be made after the test for copper losses is completed. To measure the copper losses, the machine is locked so as to remain stationary, in which case the armature serves the purpose of a short-circuited secondary cir- cuit, and such a reduced impressed voltage is applied as to cause any desired current to flow in the field winding. The wattmeter readings give the PR losses for the current flowing, and the losses for any other current may be at once calculated. A cer- tain amount of core loss is included in this measurement, but an approximate correction may be made on account of it by considering its ratio to the total corrected core losses as the 1.6 power of the voltage applied in the copper loss test is to the 856 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 1.6 power of the normal voltage. From these results the total losses and the efficiency at any load may be calculated. A motor running, without load, or with part load, on an un- balanced circuit, is likely to absorb widely different amounts of power in its coils ; one coil may even return power to the circuit, while the others absorb the power required for opera- tion plus that returned. In all such cases, the two-wattmeter method of measuring the power gives the net power absorbed by the machine. 4. Power Factor. — The power factor at any load may also be calculated from the circle diagram or it may be obtained for various loads by means of computations made from the readings of amperemeters, voltmeters, and wattmeters. 5. Regulation and Torque. — The exact regulation of a ma- chine may be determined by actual running tests under load, in which the actual slip is measured, but the percentage slip may be taken to be approximately equal to the percentage drop of voltage in the armature windings. The starting torque can be measured by clamping a lever upon the pulley, and measuring the pull at the end of a fixed length of arm. For a machine having an improperly divided starting rheostat associated with the armature, this gives a value which is higher than the torque against which the motor will start and run up to speed. In such a machine, the standing torque and starting torque are dif- ferent ; but in a machine having a properly arranged starting rheostat associated with the armature, the maximum standing torque and the maximum starting torque are equal, and are practically equal to the maximum torque which the machine can exert. The torque and slip are, of course, obtainable from the circle diagram. All desired information in regard to the operation of induction motors may be determined bj ? purely electrical measurements, and to a high degree of accuracy for commercial measurements. Using commercial amperemeters, voltmeters, and wattmeters which have been properly calibrated, the errors probably affecting the full load efficiency and power factor need not exceed one per cent. The operating characteristics of a 50 horse power, four-pole, tri-phase, 60-cycle, 440-volt motor are given in Fig. 488. This shows a drop in speed of about 5 per cent from no load to full load, while the efficiency rises to about 88 per cent at slightly ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 857 over one half load. It is noted that the power factor drops rapidly for loads smaller than about one half load. In large machines the efficiency sometimes exceeds 95 per cent, while the PER CENT OF FULL LOAD Fig. 488. — Operating Characteristics of a Tri-phase 50 H. P. Induction Motor. slip is from 2 to 4 per cent at full load. Figure 489 shows the primary current per phase and the torque of a 5 horse power, four-pole, 60-cycle motor, in per cent of their normal values at full load, as functions of the armature speed. The figure there- fore illustrates the conditions during starting, and especially the change in operating characteristics caused by change of voltage impressed upon the coils of a phase, obtained by changing the connections of the field coils from wye to delta. Figure 490 shows the curves of torque as a function of speed and of current when a 25-cycle induction motor is operated from various taps of an autotransformer starter. It is to be noted that the starting current is reduced at serious expense of start- ing torque, but that a starting torque equal to full load running torque may be obtained with a current approximating to full load current. The various taps of the autotransformer give respectively 60, 70, 80, and 100 per cent of the full voltage, and 858 ALTERNATING CURRENTS 0 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 100 SPEED IN PER CENT OF SYNCHRONISM Fig. 489. — Curves of Primary Current and Torque of a Small Tri-phase Induction Motor, with the Primary Coils connected in Wye and in Delta. PER CENT OF FULL LOAD TORQUE Fig. 490. — Torque Speed and Torque Current Curves of a 25-Cycle, Four-pole In- duction Motor when started and run on various Taps of an Autotransformer. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 859 the starting torques corresponding to the respective taps are therefore in ratio with each other as 36, 49, 64, and 100, that is, as the squares of the respective voltages. The maximum torques for the several voltages, which arise at 55 per cent of synchronous speed in this machine, are in the same ratio, as also are the torques corresponding to the several voltages at any given speed. 203. Effect of Frequency. — -An examination of the formulas relating to the design of induction motors shows that the fre- quency of the current for which a machine is designed does not greatly affect its efficiency, slip, power factor, or starting torque, but that for a given speed the number of poles selected must be directly related to the frequency. Increasing the number of poles of a given machine reduces the cross section of each pole, but the number of lines of force at each pole is equally reduced, so that the magnetizing current is unaltered. Consequently, induction motors of equal merit may be designed for all reason- able frequencies, though magnetic leakage may interfere with the operation when the poles become too numerous. On the other hand, when a machine which has been designed for a certain frequency is operated at another frequency, the synchronous speed is changed in direct proportion to the fre- quency, the percentage slip is practically unaltered, the starting torque varies inversely from the frequency, and the efficiency and power factor both vary in the same direction as the fre- quency because the magnetic density is inversely proportional to the frequency, as in transformers. The frequencies which are commonly used with induction motors cover a wide range. In Europe, 50 periods per second is frequently adopted for tri-phase and single-phase motors ; while in this country the frequencies of 60 periods per second and 25 periods per second have been generally adopted. The former is equally suitable for lighting and for stationary power purposes. The latter was early adopted at Niagara Falls and is used for plants where power service is of greater importance than the lighting service. The ratio of these two frequencies being 12 : 5 makes frequency changing inconvenient by limiting the numbers of pairs of poles practicable for use on the motor and generator of the frequency changer, within a reasonable range of speeds. The minimum number of poles available for use in 860 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the frequency changing between these frequencies is 5 pairs on the 25-cycle machine and 12 pairs on the 60-cycle machine, giv- ing a speed of 300 revolutions per minute. The next practicable combination is 10 pairs of poles and 24 pairs of poles, giving a speed of only 150 revolutions per minute, and therefore making an unduly expensive machine. If the lower frequency is re- duced to 24 periods per second while the other is maintained at 60 periods, rather more flexibility is obtained, as speeds of 720, 360, 240, 180, etc., are then available for frequency changers. Nevertheless it would be of distinct advantage to electrical en- gineering in this country if the two commonly used frequencies were standardized at values more readily interconvertible. This would be accomplished if the lower frequency were stand- ardized at 30 periods per second.* The frequency of 40 periods per second was adopted in certain of the earlier power transmission plants in this country, and still persists in a few. In most instances the frequencies other than 60 periods per second and 25 periods per second have disappeared in this country. 204. Polyphase Induction Motor with Exciting Current sup- plied to the Armature. Motor with Unity Power Factor. — If a polyphase induction motor has its armature coils wound as a continuous reentrant winding, and has direct current supplied to the coils through slip rings, so as to form as many magnetic poles as there are poles in the rotating field of the field magnet, the machine becomes a synchronous motor, and the lagging current of the primary windings may be neutralized when the machine is running in synchronism, or a leading current may be drawn from the alternating-current supply mains, f Now assume the simple case of a two-pole tri-phase induction motor having a continuous reentrant winding tapped to a com- mutator. Suppose that three brushes bear upon the commu- tator, spaced 120° apart, as in Fig. 491, where B is the armature winding, C the commutator, and d , d, d the brushes. Then, when the armature is at rest, a rotating field may be created by current in its windings by attaching the brushes to three-phase supply mains. If the connections are properly made and the brushes are set at the proper positions, this rotating field may be given the same direction of rotation and space phase as the rotating * Art. 183. t Art. 168. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 8G1 field set up by windings on the field magnet. If the two magnetic fields are superposed and the direction of their fluxes is the same, the exciting current in the field winding decreases, since the total flux required to link the field winding is limited by the amount necessary to set up a counter-voltage in the primary winding, which is equal to the vector difference of the impressed voltage and the IR drop in the winding. If the current introduced through the brushes is increased by raising the voltage impressed on the brush circuit, the exciting Fig. 491. — Diagram of a Polyphase Induction Motor capable of High Power Factor. current in the primary winding can be entirely replaced, and further increases of current through the brushes tend to call for a neutralizing leading current in the primary winding. Since rotation of the armature does not affect the rotation of the primary field, and the commutator maintains a uniform relation of the magnetic axes of the armature winding with respect to the brushes, the same time and space relations be- tween the two magnetic fields exist, when the armature is run- ning at anj r speed, as exist when the armature is standing still. That is, whatever may be the speed of the armature, its wind- 862 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ing continues to be tapped through the medium of the brushes and commutator at three fixed points in space. Therefore, since the windings spanning between the brushes, in the three segments X , Y , and Z , are at all times unchanged, except di- rectly under the brushes as commutation goes on, the strength and rotation of the field set up by the introduction of the tri- phase currents through the brushes is practically unchanged by changes in the speed of the armature. When the brushes are placed directly under the field taps Gr , 6r, Cr, as shown in Fig. 491, exciting current furnished through the armature will tend to lag, and no advantage will be obtained in increased power factor ; but by shifting the brushes slightly, and over- exciting through the armature brushes, the counter-voltage of the field windings may be made to take such a position with reference to the impressed voltage that a leading current will be drawn from the mains sufficient to neutralize the lagging current to the armature, or even cause a resultant leading cur- rent in the supply mains. By joining the commutator bars by resistance A , the motor may be run as an ordinary short-circuited armature induction motor, while the exciting current is being supplied through the brushes d, d , d. Evidently in this case part of the current entering through the brushes is wasted in the parallel path through A , but by making the length of armature coil be- tween the commutators sufficiently small, the resistance of A between brushes can be made great enough to reduce the cur- rent through it to a reasonably small proportion. This gives a motor with good starting torque and good regulation, and also affords opportunity for control of the power factor. Various modified arrangements for accomplishing the purpose may be used ; thus, two separate windings may be placed in the arma- ture slots, one to serve purely in the capacity of a commutated field magnetizing winding, and the other a short-circuited wind- ing, which makes unnecessary the use of resistance A shown in the figure. The plan is equally applicable to single-phase and polyphase machines. After the motor has been started in this way upon the high- starting torque and power factor, the brushes can be raised and the commutator can be short-circuited, thus reducing the ma- chine to an ordinary induction motor having all of the advan- ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 863 tages of low armature resistance, or it may be allowed to run as a self-regulating motor of high power factor. In order to start the motor through the armature, the requisite exciting current can be obtained by connecting the brushes d, d, d to the supply mains through the medium of an autotransformer, or transformer having a suitable number of voltage regulation taps, as shown at _F, Fig. 491. The effect of such lagging cur- rent as flows to the transformer F can be neutralized by properly placing the brushes. 205. Electromagnetic Repulsion and Repulsion Motors. — If a coil of wire is held in an alternating magnetic field in such a way that the lines of force pass through its turns, an alternating voltage is set up in it which has 90° difference of phase from the alternating magnetic flux. This in turn causes a current in the coil, and the coil experiences a force at each instant tend- ing to move it in the magnetic field, which is proportional in magnitude and direction to the product of the corresponding instantaneous values of current and magnetic flux, paying due attention to their relative algebraic signs ; and the average force for a cycle of flux is equal to the average of the instantaneous torques during the period. If the coil could have no self- inductance, and the phase of the current could therefore be in quadrature with that of the magnetic flux, the average forces during alternate quarter periods would be equal but in opposite directions (compare Fig. 199), and the average force during a whole period would be zero, so that the coil would have no tendency to move ; but in all practical cases a coil, or even a flat disk, must have some self-inductance, so that the current lags behind the impressed voltage, and the current phase is therefore more than 90° behind the phase of the magnetism. In this case the instantaneous values of the force, when plotted in a curve, give a figure similar to the dotted curve in Fig. 200. The ordinates of the large loops represent a negative or repul- sive force, and the ordinates of the small loops a positive or attractive force, and the summation of the instantaneous forces during a period has a finite negative value. This shows that the coil experiences a repulsive force which tends to move it out of the magnetic field. If the coil is pivoted, the force tends to turn it into such a position that the lines of force of the field do not thread through its turns. The conditions here set forth 864 ALTERNATING CURRENTS were first fully explained and illustrated in a remarkable lecture by Professor Elihu Thomson.* If an armature is wound with uniformly spaced short-cir- cuited coils or conductors, the repulsive effects in the different coils will balance each other when the armature stands still ; but if the coils have their independent ends separately connected to the opposite bars of a commutator having as many bars as there are sets of conductors in the arma- ture, brushes may be so arranged as to short-circuit each coil when Fig. 492. — Diagram for Showing the ^ ^ a position to gi\e a force Principle of a Repulsion Motor with in one direction. This arrauge- Open Circuit Armature Coils. , . j , r> r ment was suggested by Professor Thomson,! and is illustrated in Fig. 492, and represents the first type of repulsion motor. The motor is self-starting, and runs by virtue of the repulsion between the magnetic field and the coils, which, as they come into the active position, are short- circuited by the brush connections. Such a motor is bulky, inefficient, and expensive, since only a portion of the armature can be made continuous^ effective. A better method of arranging a repulsion motor is to use an armature with a re-entrant winding and commutator like a direct-current armature, the field magnet being laminated, as originally developed by Anthony, Jackson, and Ryan. The ar- rangement is as illustrated in Fig. 493. In this figure the lead wire cc makes a short-circuiting connection between the brushes b , b' which rest on the commutator to which the armature wind- ing is attached. The brushes are usually set a little less than 45° from the neutral plane. Then the alternating poles N-S induce, by transformer action, currents in the armature winding which is short-circuited through the brushes and conductor cc The voltage induced in the armature winding is zero when meas- ured between commutator' bars lying on a diameter perpendic- ular to the magnetic axis of the inducing flux, and is a maximum when measured between commutator bars on a diameter parallel * Novel Phenomena of Alternating Currents, Trans. Amer. Inst. E. E.. Vol. 4, p. 160. t Trans. Amer. Inst E. E., Vol. 4, p. 160. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 865 to the flux. A large current flows through conductor cc when the brushes are placed in the latter position, but the currents flow in the armature conductors so that they neutralize each other’s torque. When the brushes are placed in the position at right angles, no current flows and therefore no torque is pro- duced. Consequently, the brushes are placed in a compromise position, giving a considerable current flow accompanied by the jv oduction of a considerable torque. A convenient method of determining the action in the repul- sion motor is to resolve the magneto-motive force OP of the field magnet into two quadrature components, one of which, OM, is in line with the short-circuited brushes, and the other, OF, at right angles thereto. The field windings are wound through the holes or slots in the outer ring of Fig. 493, and produce the magneto-motive force OP, proportioned to their ampere-turns. Now, since the vector expression OP= OF + OM holds true, we can replace these field windings by two sets in space quadrature, but connected electrically in series, such that one set, which we shall call the torque or F coils, creates the magneto-motiye force OF, and the other, which we shall call the mutual or M coils, creates the magneto-motive force OM. 8G6 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Assume first an ideal motor in which the F and M coils and the armature winding are of negligible resistance. Remember that the armature winding is of the closed coil variety and is short-circuited between the brushes by wire cc. Assume also that the reluctance of the magnetic circuit is uniform and the magnetic leakage zero. If the armature is stationary and an alternating voltage E is impressed across the extremities of the F and M coil circuit, causing a current I to flow through the circuit, an alternating magneto-motive force is set up along the line MM\ and another along the line FF' by reason of the M and F windings respectively. The flux from the M wind- ings or poles induces in the armature windings bands of cur- rents which complete their circuit from b through c to b\ The armature windings having negligible resistance and leakage in- ductance by assumption, this armature current I M flows with negligible voltage drop. The value of this current is Im = ^Z 8 where s" is the ratio of transformation of the transformer thus formed between the M coils and the armature windings or A coils, or s" = — , where n A and n M are the equivalent numbers n M of turns in the A and M coils respectively. The resistance of the M coils being also assumed to be negligible, I M in the A coils acts to destroy the mutual reactance of the M coils, like the current in the secondary circuit of any transformer; then, there being no induced voltage drop in the A coils, the induced voltage in the M coils is zero, which means that the magneto- motive force of the M coils has been counterbalanced and neutralized by that of the A coils. On the other hand, the magneto-motive force caused by the current I in the F coils does not set up current in the armature or A coils, because the brushes b and b' rest on neutral points with reference to the voltages induced by reason of the magnetic flux along FF' caused by this F magneto-motive force. Hence, there must be an induced counter-voltage in the F coils. This is E F = — IX F , where I is the line current and X F the reactance of the F coils. The impressed voltage E is thus all used in drop through the F coils, in the ideal motor, there being no drop in the M coils, the other part of the complete field circuit, since their reactance is destroyed by the mutual effect of the A coils, and all resistance ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 867 is considered negligible. The voltage E M , across the M coils, cannot be absolutely equal to zero, or E F be equal to — IX F , in an actual machine, since neither resistance nor leakage reactance can be entirely eliminated, but for our purposes of discussion the assumption of an ideal motor is warranted. The foregoing two effects are combined in the armature and an alternating magnetic flux <3?^, emanates from the field mag- net on the line FF and heavy sheets of alternating currents Im flow through the armature coils and the conductor cc between b and b' . Moreover, the time phases of <3>^ and I M are in opposi- tion, since I M must be in phase opposition to the current / in the inducing coils to accord with the laws of the transformer if losses and magnetic leakage are negligible.* Therefore, the armature current I M and field or F flux <3?^ are in phase relation and space position to exert a torque upon one another. Now suppose that the armature rotates under the influence of this torque. Then the two sheets of cond uctors lying on the armature between b and b' will generate a voltage E c between those points, due to cutting the flux $ F , so that E c = kS<& F , where Jc is a con- stant, and S is the speed of rotation in per cent of the frequency /. But <3?^ is in phase with I. Idence E c and I are in the same time phase and E c is in phase opposition with I M . The voltage E c is alternating, because its instantaneous values are proportional to c which passes through the M coils and sets up in them a voltage E u lagging 90° behind it and proportional to its rate of change. E But I c = —A., when X M is the reactance (mutual) offered on Xju account of the flux <3> c , and, therefore, since the circuit is as- sumed to be purely reactive, I c lags 90° behind E c , and hence is 270° behind or 90° ahead of I M . This makes E M ninety de- grees behind E F = — IX F in time phase. But since E F is 90° behind /, E M must be in phase opposition to I and the vector product of the two must represent real power. We now have two induced voltages E M and E F in quadra- ture which cause the drop E in the field circuit or E = -E'=- VE m * + E/. * Chap. X. 8G8 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Likewise, we have two quadrature components of current h the armature I M and / c , which are flowing in what is the equiv alent of a transformer secondary to the M windings, and the current through the brushes must be equal to their resultant, or. I A = VIJ + I*. The stator current is j- E F E cos A F where A is of such value that tan A = — Evidently E F , E M , E F and I can be expressed graphically by means of locus diagrams. Thus, let OE , Fig. 494, be the impressed voltage. Then since Fig. 494. — Vector Diagram of Relations in a Repulsion Motor having Negligible Resistance and Leakage Reactance. the induced voltages E u and E F are in quadrature and their vector sum equals — OE , they may be represented respectivel}' by the vectors EQ and QO. The point Q travels from E at stand- still, when E m is zero, to 0 , when E F is zero, along the semi- circle OQE The current, I, in the stator is at right angles to ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 869 OQ - — E r , under the conditions assumed. It may therefore be i presented by the line 01 for the particular value of E p slum in the figure. The point I travels from X when the _ Tl armcure is at rest and the current I has the value — , to 0 X F whe infinite speed has been reached and E F is zero. The sec- ondly current is composed of the two components I M and / e . As hs been explained, 1m sets up a magneto-motive force equal and pposite to that of I in the M coils. It may therefore be represented by the line OJ. The point J travels along the cir- cula locus OJU with change in load, but alwaj^s takes such a positon that JOI is a straight line. The scalar value of I M is equi to I — , where s equals the ratio between the turns in the 8 M fild coils and the F field coils, or — , and s' is the ratio be- n F tweo the effective armature turns and the F turns, or — . This n F is erdent, since I and the mutually induced armature current I u rust have the ordinary transformer relation = n M = A = I n A s s" Thi ratio is constant so long as the brushes are not moved, so that if I races a semicircle, J must follow a similar locus. The di- ame^r OU equals OX — . The second component of armature s curint / c , as can be gleaned from the preceding discussion, is al- way in phase with E F and at right angles to E c . It is also pro- _ JT porDnal to I and the armature speed. Since I c = — £ , J= — — X A X F and he reactances are proportional to the square of the numbers of trns in which the voltages E c and E F are induced, then j n 2 -S =~ A ’ , and, as will be shown later, E c = E F s' S ; hence I ™F n A s I c = — , S being the armature speed in per cent of the impressed freqency. Being proportional to and set up by E c , I c may be i presented by the line OK. The point K travels the semi- E circ; OKV \ which has a diameter OV equal to — f-, and reaches K a V a infinite speed of the armature. The resultant of OJ and 870 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OK is the total armature current, and it also, as seen by the geometrical construction, traces a circular locus having a diam- eter uv. The power input is 01 x OE cos E 01 = IE cos 6 — E U I and may be represented by IW in the figure. The torque, under E I the assumption made, is . Since the generated voltage E M is proportional to the product S F is the maximum value of the flux from the E coils, and since F is proportional to E f , we have S x x tan (90° - 6) yo Zg. wer factor . 1 1 mav , E F y J cos(90° — d) y ' therefore, be represented by the line TE. The output under the assumption of negligible losses is equal to the input. The E E angle of lag 6 equals cos^ 1 — tan -1 — £ • E f E m The relation of the voltages in the two sets of imaginary field coils E m = EpSs may be found in this manner: — = ^ S = s'* S'. E f n F E 7t and — 5 = — = — = s", from which E M = E F Ss. Substituting this E M s in the formula E— — V E^ 1 + E F 2 gives E F = — E Also 1 = — -- = X F Xps/l + Sh 2 VI + w Substituting the values of I c and I M , obtained in terms of /, *S', s, and s', in the formula I A =V I 2 + I M 2 gives Ia = — Vs 2 + *S' 2 , and therefore s' Ia = _Ej:_ A>' Vs 2 + S 2 — EVs 2 + S 2 XpsW lTw' From the above formulas and the diagram much information concerning the operation of the repulsion motor may be ob- tained. If the speed is such that S — 1, which is sometimes called synchronous speed, since then 360 electrical degrees of the polar pitch is turned through by the motor armature dur- ing the time of one cycle of the impressed voltage, I A reduces to E When s is also made unity by placing the brushes 45° from the neutral plane, the primary current becomes I = — — E V2AV ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 871 By completing the circular arcs in the locus diagram the loci are obtained for the machine driven backward, in which case it runs as a generator. The conditions are illustrated by the dotted halves of the circular loci of Fig. 494. Fig. 495. — Vector Diagram of a Repulsion Machine as Generator and Motor when Winding Resistance and Reactance are Neglected. Figure 496 shows diagrammatically the windings of a repul- sion motor when the stator coils are actually divided into parts. In this case the brushes are directly under the windings marked “ mutual coils.” At standstill the magneto-motive forces of the armature and mutual field currents neutralize each other except for the drops required to overcome resistance and leakage re- actance. The sheets of current in the armature react upon the unneutralized flux which is set up by the current in the “ torque coils,” causing the torque which results in rotation. As in the discussion of the simple repulsion motor, the voltage set up in the armature conductors by the rotation of the armature is (neglecting the iron loss angle) in phase with the torque flux and hence with the field current. The component of armature current caused by this flux lags nearly 90° behind this voltage, 872 ALTERNATING CURRENTS and hence its flux entering the mutual coils sets up a voltage in those coils in quadrature with the voltage in the torque coils. An extra current must flow through the stator circuit to oppose the magneto-motive force of this new component of the armature current. At synchronous speed the two stator fields become equal, and beyond that speed the mutual field becomes the stronger, for which reason the repulsion motor commutates better below synchronous speed than above. The formulas and diagram given for the simple repulsion motor apply also to this modified type. As explained, the usual forms of commercial repulsion motor have field cores like those of induction motors. In order then to prevent undue reactance in the armature circuit, caused by the low reluctance of the iron path, special arrangements may be used as shown in Fig. 497. In this case, in a two-pole machine, the pair of mutually induced poles are at M and while the torque poles excited by current in the armature are at F and F ' . The two short-circuited brushes are directly under the points M and M' and collect the mutually induced currents in the armature, neutralizing the reactance in the field. The ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 873 two brushes under F and F' are connected in series with the field coils and the mains. The armature currents in the short circuit paths react on the torque poles F and F' and cause the armature to rotate. The series current through the rotor sets up the motor flux, which produces a torque by its action on the current in the stator coils. The slxort-circuited induced rotor Fig. 41)7. — Compensated Repulsion Motor, Compensating Current in Armature. current opposes its magneto-motive force to that of the cur- rent in the stator coils, reducing the reactance of the latter to a reasonable value. At starting, the stator circuit has very low impedance. When the machine is running, however, the top and bottom bands of the rotor conductors cut the flux set up vertically by the line current in the rotor. This creates a voltage in phase with the line current, which in turn sends, through the short-circuited rotor circuits, a current lagging nearly 90° behind the line current. The flux from this current passing into the stator at M or M' creates in the stator coils an induced voltage lagging approximately 90° behind its own phase, and hence in approximate opposition to the line current. Therefore, the stator coils have set up in them a counter-vol- 874 ALTERNATING CURRENTS tage proportional to the speed of the rotor, which is similar in effect to the counter-voltage in the armature of a direct or alternating-current series motor. In this motor the excitation of the field magnet is furnished by currents in the armature conductors, which are at full line frequency when the rotor is standing still ; at synchronism the frequency in each conductor is fcero ; and above line synchronism the conductor frequency again gains a value proportionate to the relative speed above synchronism of the rotor with respect to the frequency of the line current. As a result, at synchronism the power factor ap- proaches unity, and above synchronism the motor may draw lead- ing current from the line. Figure 498 shows a cross section of a single-phase motor which starts as a re- pulsion motor and runs as an induction motor. In this case the brushes are mov- able, and when the motor comes to speed the commutator is short-circuited by a ring of copper and the brushes are raised from contact. The movements are accomplished by means of a centrifugal governor on the shaft within the armature spider. Figures 499 and 500 show the normal performance of a 20 horse power, 60-cycle, six-pole motor of the type illustrated in Fig. 498. As the repulsion motor commutates best at speeds below the theoretical synchronous speed for its armature as an induction machine, this combination of repulsion motor starting and induction motor running gives an excellent form of single- phase machine. 206. Series Alternating Current Motors. — Since a direct- current series motor does not reverse its direction of rotation when the current is simultaneously reversed in its field and armature windings, it might be expected to run when supplied Fig. 498. — Cross Section of a Single-phase Motor con- structed to start as a Repulsion Motor and run as an Induction Motor. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 875 with an alternating current. This is the case when the field and armature cores are sufficiently well laminated to avoid ex- Fig. 499. — Torque and Current Curves of Single-phase Induction Motor arranged to start as a Repulsion Motor, such as is shown in Fig. 498. cessive eddy currents and the electric and magnetic circuits are so designed as to keep self-inductive reactance down to reason- able limits. In the case of the direct-current motor it is common to make the fields strong to prevent skewing of the flux, with resultant PER CENT OF FULL LOAD HJ 3 . Fig. 500. — Performance Curves of Motor such as is shown in Fig. 498. 87G ALTERNATING CURRENTS poor commutation, while the armature is made magnetically weak for the same purpose, and in order to reduce the self- inductance of the coils under commutation to a minimum. In the alternating-current series motor the field magnet is made magnetically weak to reduce its self-inductance to a minimum, while the armature is made relatively strong as a magnet. The self-inductance of the latter is reduced or overcome by means of Compensating coils as described below. The general construction of the motor, as frequently used, is seen in Fig. 501. In this figure the field coils A are undistrib- Fig. 501. — Diagrammatic Sketch of a Series Alternating Current Motor. uted and surround the armature, the armature winding B is of the continuous closed circuit type, and the compensating coils C are distributed along the long pole faces and carry a current which opposes the magneto-motive force of the armature current. Sometimes the field windings are distributed, but this is more or less disadvantageous, as it interferes with the best use of the compensating windings. More often the ordinary polar projec- tions are used with the compensating windings distributed over ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 877 Fig. 502. -Diagram of an Inductively Compensated Series Motor. the pole shoes. For mechanical convenience every other pole only need bear a field winding, the alternate ones merely carrying the magnetic fiux. The methods of connecting up the windings are shown dia- grammatically in Figs. 502 to 507. In Fig. 502 is shown an Induc- tively compensated series motor. In this case the com- pensation winding distributed over the pole faces is short-circuited upon itself, and by the effect of mutual induction it has generated within it a short-circuited current having approximately the same magneto-motive force as that in the armature. In this way the armature self-inductance is in large part destroyed. The armature may be considered equivalent to the primary winding and the compensa- tion winding to the secondary winding of a transformer, and the transformer diagrams previously given apply to this case.* Figure 508 shows Fig. 503. - Conductively Compensated Series Motor. the connections 0 f a Conductively compensated series motor. Here the compensation winding C is in series with the field winding A and the arma- ture B . By properly proportioning the turns in winding O the * Art. 124. 878 ALTERNATING CURRENTS motor may be Overcompensated or Undercompensated, i.e. C may be made magnetically stronger or weaker than B. It will be noted that less voltage will be available for the armature with this connection than when the in- ductively compen- sated arrangement is used. Figure 504 shows the connections when the field and compensation wind- ings are connected in series with each other and the req- uisite current is induced in them by the ar- mature acting as a transformer primary winding. In this case full line voltage is available across the armature brushes. Figure 505 shows the field windings A in series with the compensation windings C arranged for electrical connection Fig. 504. — Series Motor with Inductively Connected Field _ ^ nail v and Compensation Windings. J Fig. 505. — Series Repulsion Motor. Field and Compensation Windings Independent of the Armature Winding. with the supply circuit independently of the armature wind- ings B. With this arrangement the stator and rotor cir- cuit voltages can be controlled independently of each other. ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 879 A motor so con- nected is sometimes called a Series re- pulsion motor. An arrangement somewhat similar to the last is shown in Fig. 506, where the compensating coils alone are connected independently to the line, and hence the value of the com- pensation Can be Fig. 506. — Series Repulsion Motor. The Compensation varied at will with- Winding is connected to the Line independently. out interfering with the voltage applied to the armature and field windings, which are in series. Figure 507 diagrams a true repulsion motor, similar to that shown in Fig. 496, except that the current of the stator coils setting up the torque flux is obtained directly from the armature. Figure 508 shows a conductively compen- sated series motor such as is illustrated in Fig. 503, except that a non- reactive shunt D is added around the field windings for the pur- pose of reducing the impedance of the field circuit. It is evident that by bringing the terminals of the field winding A, the armature terminals J3, and the ter- minals of the compensation winding C to a proper switching device a motor can readily be given any of the connections shown in Figs. 496, and 502 to 507. In this way a motor may be started with the connection that gives best commuta- Fig. 507. — Repulsion Motor with Torque Coils in Series with Armature Circuit. 880 ALTERNATING CURRENTS tion, power factor, and torque, and may then be converted to such other connections as will give the proper speed and best power factor and commutation for the speed and load which are to be maintained. The compensation winding cannot absolutely neutralize the effect of the armature magneto-motive force because of the mag- netic leakage around the conductors of both the armature and compensation coils, which is not mutual, but bridges across the core teeth. Nor will it fully op- pose the armature magneto-motive C force in the mutual circuit unless distributed entirely around the ar- mature when the armature wind- ing pitch is 180 electrical degrees. Thus, take the inductively con- nected compensation when the Fig. 508.— Compensated Series Motor compensating current times the with Non-reactive Shunt around ra tio of the compensating turns to Field Windings. . . ° , the armature turns is approximately equal to the armature current, which gives equal and opposite magneto-motive forces for the two. Then the distribution of magneto-motive force in the compensating coils will be different from that in the armature if the former is wound upon an arc equal to the pole width while the latter covers 180 electrical degrees. If the armature winding has a pitch equal to the width of the pole face, the two magneto-motive forces can be made practi- cally equal and opposite in their effects, and thej r therefore prac- tically neutralize each other. Under ordinary construction, then, the armature and compensation winding self-inductance is not absolutely overcome, but it is reduced to reasonable values. When the motor is to be used alternatively with direct currents and alternating currents, conductive compensation should be used, since otherwise with the magnetically strong armature and weak field, excessive skewing of the field flux would occur with the direct currents, with resultant bad commutation and low maximum power. The alternating-current commutator motor if sufficiently small may be started by throwing it directly upon the line. In the case of heavy motors, such as are used in railway work, it is desirable to start by varying the supply voltage by means of ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 881 transformers or autotransformers having variable voltage taps brought out from the secondary windings. When necessary to improve the power factor, the field coil may be shunted by a non-inductive resistance as shown at D in Fig. 508. 207. Vector Diagrams of Alternating Current Series Motors, and Expressions for Voltage. — The vector diagram of the series motor may be constructed as in Fig. 509. Consider the con- ductively compensated type first. Here the current flowing is represented by OA. The magnetic field flux, represented by OM, lags behind this because of the iron loss angle and by reason of the fact that there is a considerable amount of true power consumed in the short-circuited armature coils lying under the brushes during commutation. The voltage drop in the leakage reactance of all the windings is represented by OC, which is in quadrature with OA, and in their combined resistance by OD which is in phase with OA. Thus OF may be considered as the voltage drop in the local impedance. The line FG repre- sents the voltage drop equal and opposite to OG', the voltage generated in the field windings by the alternation of the field flux, OM= <3>, through the field windings. The line OB is the drop of impressed voltage equal and opposite to the voltage OB' created by the armature conductors cutting the field flux <3? as the armature rotates. Voltage OB' must be in phase opposition 882 ALTERNATING CURRENTS to the flux OM, as it tends to drive a current in opposition to the current caused to flow by the impressed voltage. Combin- ing these three voltage drops OF , FGr , and OB , gives OJ as the impressed voltage for the current OA when the speed is proportional to the voltage OB. The angle of lag is JO A, the power input is OJ x OA x cos 6, and the torque is proportional to OM x OA x cos B. Suppose now that the current OA , Fig. 509, is kept constant in value as the speed varies, a condition entirely possible in traction work. Then T> = OM is constant ; and hence the vol- tage OGr is constant. Now, suppose the impressed voltage is reduced by means of a controller until the speed has lowered to such a value that the induced voltage caused by the armature ro- tation is — 0B 1 ; then the impressed voltage is OJ v the angle of lag is increased, and the power input and output have decreased. The torque, however, which is proportional to the current OA times the flux fl>(= OM) times cos B, has remained constant. At standstill the impressed voltage that maintains a current OA is voltage OGr. By the construction it is seen that the straight line G-J 1 JJ 2 extended to the right is the locus of the impressed voltage vector for constant current and torque but variable speed. If the speed increases beyond the original value, considered, for instance, so that the armature counter-voltage becomes — OB v the impressed voltage must become OJ 2 to maintain the same current, and the angle of lag is decreased and the input and output are increased. It will be observed that the speed is proportional to the voltage on the line OB. By considering the vertical component of OGr constant and the angle S negligible in Fig. 509, a simple circular locus dia- gram can be constructed for the compensated series motor when operating at various loads (variable currents) under constant voltage. The counter-voltage E c generated by the armature conductors cutting the field flux may be considered as replace- E able by a variable resistance such that R c = —^-. Then the current flowing through the motor is / = E vl 2 +(«t rS 2 ' where X is the uncompensated reactance, R is the true resist- ance of the windings plus such additional amount as is required to be substituted for iron and commutator losses to give an equiv- ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 883 alent power loss, and R c is the apparent resistance due to the counter-voltage. But the reactance is constant, while the resist- ance (i2 + Rc') varies when the current, and hence the speed, and with it E c , varies. Therefore, we have a case of a circuit contain- ing a constant reactance and variable resistance.* Then lay off OR, the voltage E, Fig. 510, and at right angles with this lay E off OA such that OA = ~T. Then the semicircle OQA repre- sents the required locus. At standstill R c is zero and the total V Fig. 510. — Current Locus of a Series Alternating Current Motor. resistance is R. If, then, OQ x is the starting current, Q X T X rep- resents the standstill losses. The power input for any current OQ is _Pj= El cos 6 = OE x QT , which varies with QT. The angle of lag is EOQ = 0 ; and tan 6— ^-~ = where E a is the QT E a active 'and E x the quadrature component of the impressed vol- tage. Therefore tan (90° — 6) = — = . But X is con- E r X * Art. TO (a). 884 ALTERNATING CURRENTS stant and R is constant, but R c varies as the speed and the counter-voltage E c . Therefore, a vertical line such as R V, Fig. 510, can be erected and the speed and counter-voltage will be approximately proportional to the intercept WV when current OQ flows. WV at proper scale times the current then equals the motor output. The torque is approximately propor- tional to the current squared, under the conditions assumed. By mean proportionals, OQ x 2 : OQ 2 : : 0T 1 : OT ; hence the torque can be measured off directly on the line OA if the proper scale is used. As the copper losses vary as T 2 , it is sometimes assumed that all losses vary as P. In this case TU would be propor- tional to the losses for current OQ , and UQ be proportional to the Field Circuit. The power factor of the motor may be increased if desired by shunting the field circuit as shown in Fig. 508 at D. In this case, the diagram of voltages becomes as shown in Fig. 511. The current entering the motor terminals is OA. It divides into two components assumed to be at right angles, through the non-inductive shunt and the inductive field coils ; let the former component be OQ and the latter OR. The magnetic field flux OM= is (neglecting the iron loss angle) in phase with OP, the current in the field coil ; and the countei’-voltage OB' is in oppo- ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 885 sition to ; while the field-induced voltage GF is at right angles with . Joining the local impedance drop OF with FG and OB gives an impressed voltage OJ. The voltage locus is GJ for constant current OA and variable speed. This arrange- ment makes it possible by using a variable shunt resistance to neutralize the lagging currrent and even draw leading current from the line. Various other methods of controlling the phase displacement between the impressed voltage and current are omitted here for lack of space. The diagrams just discussed (Figs. 509 to 511) apply equally to motors having inductive compensation, since the local drop in the impedance of the compensation windings is furnished by the impressed voltage as in any transformer. The vector diagram of an inductively excited motor such as diagrammed in Fig. 501 is practically similar to that shown in Fig. 512. — Vector Diagram of a Repulsion Motor or an Inverted Inductive Series Motor. Fig. 509. The only difference in the diagrams lies in the fact that the secondary induced current is slightly more than 180° be- hind the primary current on account of the losses in the winding circuits ; hence its opposite component in the primary current is slightly ahead of the total primary current ( OA , Fig. 509). As the field induced voltage (OG' , Fig. 509) is at an angle to its current equal to quadrature plus the iron loss angle, it is thrown slightly to the left. The result is a slightly lower power factor. With A and C of Fig. 504 connected to the line and the brushes of B short-circuited there results a split coil repulsion motor. 886 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The vector diagram for such a motor may be drawn quite simi- larly to that of Fig. 509, since the speed-induced counter- voltage is transferred directly to the compensating or mutual inducing coil C. Thus, assume that current OA of Fig. 512 is flowing through the torque and mutual coils of Fig. 496. Cur- rent flows in the armature, lagging slightly less than 180° from OA , supposing the reluctance of the path of the flux which links the mutual coils and armature coils is small. The voltage set up by the armature rotation is in phase opposition to OM. This induces in the mutual coil 0 a practically equal and oppo- site voltage OC. The self-inductive voltage of the field GrF is at right angles to OM. Then if OF is the total local drop of voltage due to magnetic leakage and conductor resistance, the impressed voltage is OJ , and the construction is, as said, sim- ilar to that of Fig. 509. The voltage induced in the field coils of a series motor by the torque flux is (i) where n is the number of field turns, f the frequency of the supply current, X s the reactance of the winding, and I the motor current. If the magnetic flux were constant instead of alternating, the counter-voltage induced in the armature by its rotation, with the brushes in the neutral plane, would be F = a ~ 10 8 in which a is the number of conductors on the armature, is the total flux per field pole, v is the number of revolutions of the armature per second, p is the number of pairs of poles in the magnetic field, and p' is the number of paths in parallel for cur- rent to flow through the armature winding. But the flux is of sinusoidal alternations instead of being constant, and, being the maximum flux per pole, the counter-voltage set up in the armature by its rotation is E = V2 x 10 8 P 1 ( 2 ) ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 887 The third voltage used in the diagrams represents that ab- sorbed by resistance and leakage reactance and is E,= IZ* ( 3 ) in which Z t is the impedance from resistance and leakage react- ance. If R c is a resistance such that IR C = E c , then 7? _ E c av p_ ' I V2 x 10 8 x I P 1 ' (4) Putting 2 tv for 00 a n and S for v T gives from Equations (1) and The motor input is the output is and the torque is R c = -?- 7 wSX f . irp' Pi = El cos 0, P 0 = PR C , T RJ\ 27 TV (5) 208. Commutation and Other Characteristics of Commutating Alternating-current Motors. — The process of commutation in alternating-current motors differs from that of direct-current machines by reason of the voltages induced in the short-circuited coils under the brushes, caused by the rapidly alternating char- acter of the field flux passing through them. Thus, to prevent sparking, it is necessary to neutralize these induced voltages to reasonable values or reduce the resultant currents and yet per- form the ordinary function of reversing the current in the coils while short-circuited under the brushes. It will also be noted that the value of the current in the short-circuited coils is de- pendent upon two conditions at each instant of the primary current cycle. Namely, the actual currents in successively short-circuited coils depend upon the load and the instantaneous value of the field flux. Thus, at the instant when the field flux is a maximum, no current is induced in the short-circuited coils due to its change, but the coils enter the condition of short circuit bearing maximum line current ; and when the field flux is zero, a maximum current is induced in the short- circuited coil, but the line current is zero. 888 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The short-circuited coils being, with respect to the field wind- ings, in effect transformer secondaries of very low resistance, the short circuit currents become so great, if not reduced by some special construction, as to seriously demagnetize the fields and interfere with the operation of the motor by destroying its torque. This, taken in connection with the liability to serious sparking, makes the question of commutation of very serious im- portance in designing alternating-current commutator motors. One of the methods of reducing the short-circuit currents is to introduce high resistance strips into the leads between the commutator bars and the armature windings. This is useful ; but leads of sufficient resistance, having large enough radiating surfaces to dissipate the heat generated in them, are difficult to insert in the confined space available. Therefore, though suit- able when the armature is moving and the resistance strips are in use only a small part of a revolution, they are liable to be destroyed if the motor is stalled or fails to start promptly. Nevertheless, this method has proved valuable. Another method is to insert reactance coils in the commutator leads and thus avoid the heating caused by the previous method, but with the disadvantage of adding to the self-inductance of the short circuit and thus making commutation difficult. Vari- ous arrangements have been proposed of this nature. One of them uses a differentially wound coil so that the line current largely neutralizes the reactance in its path while the short- circuited current sets up full reactive flux in the coil. Another method uses a wide space between commutator bars and a split brush between the halves of which is a reactance coil. The two halves of the brush are so spaced that they touch two adjacent bars, and hence the short-circuit current must flow through the reactance. Special devices may be ar- ranged so that the line current is not affected by the reactance. The use of overcompensation with connections of the motor windings in the relations of a series repulsion motor has been found desirable for reducing the transformer voltage in the short-circuited coils. The use of commutating interpoles placed over the brushes has also been found advantageous. These poles can have windings which are shunt-connected across the brushes and through a variable autotransformer so that their strength may be changed with the speed and load. A method ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 889 shown in Fig. 513 of connecting the commutating poles gives one of the many possible arrangements. Thus, part A of the commutating pole winding is shunted in series with resistance B across the field coil, which gives a current strength in A pro- portional to the field strength. The part F of the same winding is connected in mag- netic opposition to A and receives current from the secondary cir- cuit of a small trans- former 6f, the primary winding of which is connected across the armature brushes and which receives current in proportion to the armature speed. Then at low speeds, when the current to be reversed in the armature conductors and the field flux tending to induce heavy secondary currents in the short-circuited coils are large, the commutating poles are strong. When the speed is high and the armature current and field flux are low, the commutating pole flux is low. The reactance Vindicated in series with the small transformer is required to ad- just the value and phase of the current.* However, since commutating poles or overcompensation are effective to any extent only when the armature is rotating and hence its con- ductors are cutting the commutating flux, such schemes require also the use of resistance, or an equivalent device, in the leads between armature coils and commutator. The commutation of repulsion motors is better when the speeds are below synchronism than when the speeds exceed syn- chronism, while the reverse is true of plain series motors whether compensated or uncompensated. * McAllister, Alternating Current Motors, p. 302. Alternating-current Motor having Commutating Poles connected for Automatic Strength Variation. 890 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The operating characteristics of a series alternating-current motor are shown in Fig. 514. As in a direct-current series- motor, the torque starts at a high value and decreases as the speed increases and the current and field flux decrease. The power rises rapidly to a maximum when the product of torque and speed is a maximum and then decreases. The power factor rises rapidly to nearly unity. From the formula and diagram already developed (page 887) -X" 7T ^ it may be shown that tan 6 = = -IL , approximately, where n c wSp 6 is the angle of lag in a series-motor. Then to reduce 0 to a R.P. M. Fia. 514. — Operating Characteristics of a Series Alternating-current Motor, Compen- sated. minimum, w, S and p should be as great as possible — a fact which has been found true in practice. To keep the power factor at the highest possible value, it is evidently desirable to reduce the air gap to the minimum allowable by mechanical considerations. The frequency for which large series-motors are built in this country is usually 25 cycles per second, though mam* smaller mo- tors of the series and repulsion tj-pes are used on circuits having a frequency of 60 cycles per second. Some European traction ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 891 circuits, on which commutating alternating-current motors are used, have frequencies of 15 periods per second or even less. Alternating-current motors having their field windings con- nected in shunt with the armature can be built, though diffi- culty is experienced in keeping the field flux and armature current in phase ; and further the place for motors of this type is occupied satisfactox-ily by the single-phase induction motor or repulsion motor. The efficiency of alternating-current commutator motors can best be obtained by measuring the input b}^ a wattmeter and the output by a rated generator or other mechanical absorbing device. However, the losses can .be approximately determined if desired. The copper losses can be calculated. The field core losses cau be measured by a wattmeter when the field is excited, the armature being removed. And the armature core loss and other rotating losses can be approximately obtained by driving the armature by a rated motor when the field is fully excited for the load and speed desired. 209. Frequency Changers and Motor Converters. — Frequency changers are much used in this country for transforming low frequency currents to higher frequency where electric power transmitted from a distance is needed for lighting. One form of frequency changer, called a Motor-generator, consists of a motor operated from the circuit of one frequency and driving a generator connected with the circuit of the other frequency.* The two machines are usually mounted on one bed plate and have a common shaft, thereby making a motor-generator set, and a starting motor is sometimes also mounted on one end of the shaft. The numbers of magnet poles in the field magnets of the two machines must be in the ratio of the two frequencies. When two such machines are expected to operate in parallel at both ends of the sets, it is necessary that the alignment of the field magnets and arma- ture coils shall be exactly corresponding in the two, or exces- sive cross currents will flow. It is also necessary to synchronize at both ends of the set, since the set may parallel correctly at one end and yet be out of correct phase for paralleling at the other end. In this case it is necessary to slip one or more poles at the motor end by opening the field switch, or in some other * Art. 183. 892 ALTERNATING CURRENTS manner bring the machine into paralleling phase at both ends. The number of points in one revolution of the shaft of such a machine at which paralleling can be accomplished at both ends of the set is equal to the greatest common factor of the numbers of pairs of poles respectively in the field magnets of the motor and the generator. The generator terminal voltage of an un- loaded set which is to be put in parallel with a loaded set will also not be in exactly the same phase as the terminal voltage of the loaded set, on account of the mechanical lag of the loaded motor and the electrical lag of the loaded generator, even though the motors have been brought into the correct relations for paralleling the sets. A Frequency converter as distinguished from a motor-gener- ator consists, in its ordinary form, of a synchronous motor driv- ing the armature of an induction motor backwards, i.e. against its direction of rotation as a motor, the armature winding of the synchronous machine and the field winding of the induc- tion machine being connected to the supply mains of lower frequency, while the armature winding of the induction ma- chine is connected to the higher frequency circuit. The con- nections are shown in Fig. 515. The power which must be sup- plied by the synchronous motor in driving the induction motor armature backward is equal to the torque exerted be- tween the induction motor field flux and armature current times the speed of the armature, while that transferred by the induction motor itself is that which would be trans- ferred if the armature were stationary and the same cur- rent flowed. Therefore, if a is the frequency of the supply mains and b is the frequency of the secondary mains, the in- duction motor must supply j times the total power transformed and the synchronous motor must supply times the total power. Then, if it is required to convert 200 kilowatts from 25 to 60 cycles, the induction motor field must transform x 200, or 83^ kilowatts, while the synchronous motor must supply 116-|- kilowatts to the armature shaft. The armature losses must be supplied in equal ratio. The voltage given out will be equal to - times the voltage that would be generated a ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 893 in the armature windings if they were stationary. The capacity of synchronous motor and induction motor field winding must be then in the proportion given, but the capacity of the induc- tion motor armature must be that of the entire output. The losses of the armature tend to be high on account of the high frequency of the magnetic cycles to which its core is subjected. SUPPLY MAINS Fig. 515. — Connections of a Frequency Converter. A Motor-converter is a machine for converting compara- tively high voltage alternating currents to comparatively low voltage direct currents without the intervention of a transformer. It consists of the combination of an induction motor and a rotary converter as shown in Fig. 516. The armature of the motor sends polyphase currents directly into the windings of the con- verter armature, but slip rings are not needed, as the machines are connected together mechanically. Suppose that the two 894 ALTERNATING CURRENTS machines have equal numbers of poles, then when the induction motor armature reaches one half synchronous speed, the current it sends to the synchronous converter armature has a frequency equal to the frequency of the counter-voltage induced in the converter armature. The frequency of the voltage induced in RESISTANCE Fig. 516. — Diagram of a Motor-converter. the armature conductors of the induction motor falls propor- tionally with the armature speed, from the frequency of the supply circuit to zero, as the armature increases in speed from standstill to synchronism. The voltage likewise falls off dur- ing this change of speed. At the same time the frequency of the voltage induced in the armature conductors of the synchro- O J ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND GENERATORS 895 nous converter armature rises proportionally with the armature speed, from zero to the frequency of the supply circuit, in the same range of speed, and the voltage itself increases. At half synchronous speed the induced voltages are of the same fre- quency. If the speed tends to rise, the counter-voltage of the synchronous converter armature tends to reverse the resultant voltage in the circuit of the armatures. Therefore, if the in- duction motor and synchronous converter are of the proper relative proportions and have equal numbers of field poles, the speed will be maintained equal to one half the speed corre- sponding for the induction motor to synchronism with the supply current. Part of the power converted by the synchro- nous converter is received mechanically through its shaft from the induction motor and part electrically from the induction motor armature windings. If the machines have unequal num- bers of field poles, the speed of the set is proportional to the ratio of the number of poles on the induction motor to the sum of the numbers of poles on the two machines. In addition to permitting the use of high alternating voltages without the use of transformers, the motor-converter has the advantage of furnishing a low frequency to the rotary portion of the apparatus. 210. The Mercury Vapor Rectifier. — The mercury vapor rectifier or converter has come much into use for operating series direct-current arc lamp circuits, and charging storage battery circuits. It consists of an exhausted globe as shown in Fig. 517. A small amount of mercury is placed in the tube or globe, and when the latter is shaken, causing the mercury to bridge across the terminals A and B, a current flows from the alternating-current mains between the terminals. This frees mercury vapor, and current flows alternately into the terminals O and O' and out of the terminal A. By virtue of the peculiar property of the vapor in connection with the terminal electrode, current apparently cannot flow out of the terminals O and O', so that it flows in on alternate half cycles. Consider an instant when it is flowing into 0: It then passes from the iron or carbon electrode, through the vapor, into the mercury at the bottom, out of terminal A , through the storage battery E, through the reactance coil F, and thence to the alternating- current return main. Upon the next half cycle, the current 896 ALTERNATING CURRENTS flows into the rectifier at C ' , out at A, and thence through the battery in the same direction as before, then through F' and out to the other main. A drop of voltage of about 15 volts occurs when current passes through the tube, which makes it quite efficient for supplying series arc lighting circuits, in which the current is low and the voltage high. For such circuits the alternating current is usually sup- plied to the rectifier by a constant-current trans- former.* Polyphase tubes are also used for charging storage batteries and similar purposes. In a tri-phase tube three positive electrodes similar to C and C are used. The secondary windings of the supply trans- formers are connected in wye. The free battery terminal is connected to the neutral point and the three electrodes are connected to the three wye terminals. Electrolytic rectifiers are also used to some extent. They are based on the fact that an aluminum electrode in a cell will pass a current only in one direction (i.e. that which makes the aluminum the anode) unless the voltage exceeds a certain criti- cal figure. This peculiarity of aluminum is also made use of in the electrolytic lightning arresters, now largely used on high voltage transmission circuits. For this purpose what are equiv- alent to long strings of aluminum cells are joined in series from a line wire to ground or from one line wire to another. When a current is passed through them, they quickly take a property of very high resistance. This property gradually disappears with time, when the arrester must be “ recharged,” by having a suit- able voltage impressed upon it for a short time. * Art. 142. Fig. 517. — Single-phase Mercury Vapor Rectifier. CHAPTER XIII SELF-INDUCTANCE, MUTUAL INDUCTANCE, AND ELECTRO- STATIC CAPACITY OF PARALLEL WIRES. SKIN EFFECT 211. The Self-inductance of Parallel Wires. — The self-in- ductance of two parallel wires hanging upon a pole line, con- tained in a cable, or otherwise, has much influence on the processes of long distance power transmission, long distance telephony, and long distance telegraphy. In the ordinary alternating-current systems for electric lighting and for trans- mission of power over relatively short distances, the effects of the self-inductance of the transmission lines are not particularly serious, but even in those instances it is important to be able to predetermine the nature and magnitude of the effects. An expression for the self-inductance of two parallel wires may be developed thus : conductors A and A', Fig. 518, form a circuit of indefinitely great length. Let I be the amperes of current flow- ing through the con- ductors, r the radius o.f each conductor meas- ured in centimeters, and d the distance between the axes of the con- ductors also measured in centimeters, and as- sume the current to be uniformly distributed over the cross section of each of the conductors. Also let fi and /// be respectively the magnetic permeability of the medium surrounding the conductors and of the material" composing the conductors. The intensity of the magnetic field 3 m 897 Suppose that two parallel cylindrical / / <— 1 crriT> PLANE i d PLANE / / Fig. 518. — Diagram for studying Self-inductance of Parallel Wires, consisting of Two Conductors A, A' of Indefinite Length cut at Right Angles by Two Imaginary Planes. 898 ALTERNATING CURRENTS (Ha) measured in dynes at a point outside of the conductor A, at a distance a centimeters from its center and due to the current in A , is H = 21 10 a ( 1 ) This may be readily understood from the fact that the lines of force due to the current in the straight conductor are circles with their planes perpendicular to the conductor, and if the magnetic force at any point in space at a distance a centimeters from the conductor is F a dynes, the work done against this force in moving a unit magnet pole around the conductor is W = 2 7 raF a ergs. In this case the electromagnetic intensity, and therefore the force exerted on a unit pole, is perpendicular to the conductor, since the lines of force are circles with their planes perpendicular to the conductor. Also, the work done in carrying a unit pole around the conductor is equal to W = 4:7m— in any case in which n is the number of times 10 J the current is circled and the current is measured in amperes. The symbol n stands for the number of turns in the coil if the conductor concerned were a coil ; but in this case n = 1, and therefore 2 iraF a 4 7 rl 10 ’ or F=H = 21 10 a' The magnetic density (i? a ) in lines of force per square centi- meter at the point a is therefore & < 2 > Now, considering a space cut out by two planes perpendicular to the axes of the conductors and one centimeter apart (see Fig. 518), within this space at a distance a centimeters from conductor A a number of lines of force equal numerically to B a da = d^ a =m^ 10 a ‘will pass through a radial width da centimeters ; and the total number of lines of force set up by the current in A which pass INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 899 through the area bounded on two sides by the surface of A and the center of A' and on the other two sides by the planes, is rd 2 filda Ar 10 a (3) At any point p within conductor A and at a distance of b centimeters from the center of A, the magnetic intensity will be the same as though the current within a circle of radius b centimeters were condensed at the center of the- conductor, as far as the magnetic effect of the current in conductor A is con- cerned. Since the magnetic effect at the point p of the uniform layer of the current in the conductor outside of radius b centi- meters will be zero, the strength of field at p may be written 2 I irb 2 _ 2 bl 105 X 7T? ~ ToV 2 ' (4) and the magnetic density at p is (5) Hence within the conductor and between the two planes one centimeter apart, a number of lines of force numerically equal to B h = 2 n’bl 10 r 2 ' B b db = dA> b - - 2 p'bldb 10 r 2 will pass through a radial width db. But this flux does not link with the whole current in the conductor A , but only with 7rb 2 the current equal to — - 1 amperes which is within the circle having a radius of b centimeters. The product of the current with the number of lines of force inclosed by it, giving the magnetic linkages for current within the whole conductor, therefore is 2 p'lbdb 1/J r6 . «/o 7 rr 2 10 r 2 2 10 The self-inductance of conductor A given in henrys for a centimeter of length is equal to 10 -8 times the number of lines of force linking the current when it has a value of one ampere ; and, summing the effects of the magnetic field without and 900 ALTERNATING CURRENTS within the conductor by adding (3) to (6) when I is one am- pere, and multiplying by 10~ 8 gives i=(2/*log^4-|/* , )l0-», (7) which is the self-inductance in henrys per centimeter of con- ductor length. The effect of the return conductor A! in a single-phase cir- cuit is to exactly double the flux which is linked or inclosed by the current, and therefore the self-inductance per centimeter of length of circuit is the same as the self-inductance for two cen- timeters length of conductor. Given in terms of common logarithms the self-inductance per centimeter of length of conductor is L= ^4.605 ti log- + O' 9 ; and in terms of 1000 feet of conductor the self-inductance is L x = ^.1404 n log - + .01524 fx'^j 10~ 3 henrys or .1404 /a log - + .01524 /x ' millihenry. r When the conductors are of copper suspended in the air or embedded in the usual insulating materials, fx — /x' = 1 and the self-inductance per 1000 feet of conductor is X = .1404 log- -f- .01524 millihenry. r As a rule the value of 2 log - derived from the distances r. apart of diameters of wires in ordinary overhead electric cir- cuits is quite large compared with the term 4, but in the case of conductors in underground cables the ratio - may be so r small that the constant term ^ comprises a large part of the self-inductance. In underground cables, however, the con- ductors are so close together that the uniformity of distribu- tion of the currents over the cross section of each conductor cannot be relied upon, as the conductors will influence each other and the results may be modified. The following table gives the resistances and self-inductances of wires of different sizes at a number of distances apart. Table showing Self-inductances of Solid Cylindrical Copper Conductors at Various Distances Apart, Measured from Center to Center INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 901 © . r^O 00 05 05 C Cl Cl CO -H co co o a lo c 05 CD CO o 05 O i-H i- Cl co CO -C »o CD 3d CO rji Tf tH rf< -d nt 4 r_< Jid CO N N CO 05 o Cl CO LO CO O 1- -H 1—1 co »o Cl 05 1 - G -2 ci co co -f o io cd r- 1 - 00 CO CO CO CO co CO CO CO CO CO H «o O CO O o m rH © r -T D N N CO 05 o <0 *-h Cl CO 00 lO CJ 05 CD —H I-H CO »o Cl G 3 05 O i— l Cl CO -M -H LO CD Cl co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO -+ {J fc w £3 H C ) (M CO LO lO CD 1- CO CO 05 o i-H H 00 IO OI 05 CD CO O I- I-H a) »o CO b- fa G -2 00 CO 05 O o Cl CO CO o lO I- an Cl Cl Cl CO CO co. CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO co co O 55 H .ad ^ IO LO CD 00 CO 05 o o i-H i-H Cl co CD CO O -H i-H 00 IO CO o I- Hf CO Cl c 2 LO CD 1- l- 00 05 05 O Cl Cl CO -0* -t 4 CD H Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl ci co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO -N ^ fa fa © o i—i Cl Cl CO -r* lo »0 CD 1- I- co co 05 o Cl fa — ^ ^ H CO LO Cl 05 CD CO o L — CO CD o X ' Cl Cl CO LO CD I- 1^ 00 05 05 O Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CO CO ©d GO 05 O I-H Cl cn oo -H LO lo CD b- CO 05 o Cl CO LO I- »fa T— 1 CO CD CO o b- -H i-H CO LO Cl 05 CD CO I- Cl CD o CO c 2 N N CO D o o i-H Cl Cl CO -f nfi LO CD 1- 05 o Cl CO hH i— ' i-H i-H t— l Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CO CO CO CO -g d 05 05 O h Cl CO CO -H lO LO CD l- CO 05 o Cl CO LO I- © -H H 05 CD CO o I- -f I-H CO »o Cl 05 CD o 05 co b- O -h i-h Cl CO o CD CD t- GO CO 05 I— 1 Cl CO LO CD CO i-H i-H t— i r-H Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl ^d fa £ fad co o o i— i °o 05 !>• CO *-H 1- o I- o CO -H CO CO Cl <5 * h * in which /x, fi v /u, 2 represent the magnetic permeabilities respec- tively of the medium surrounding the conductors and the two conductors, r v r 2 represent the external radii of the two con- ductors, r' v r\ represent the internal radii of the hollow cylinders.* The foregoing formulas relate only to cjdindrical wires, but apply with an ample accuracy to conductors of other forms of cross section, such as square or oval, provided the distance between the conductors is large compared with their thickness through. In the case of flattened conductors in underground cables where the conductors are near together, these formulas can he applied approximately in lien of satisfactory exact formulas which have not been developed on account of the complexity introduced in the integrations when the conductors deviate far from cylindrical form. If the currents are not uniformly distributed over the cross section of the conductors, as may be the case if conductors A * See Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Art. 685. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 903 and A! lie close together and are so thick that the magnetic flux from each one sets up an appreciable redistribution of the flux in the metal of the other, the inductive reactance com- puted from the formulas may go quite wide of the truth if the reactance is taken as 2 7 rfL and L computed from the formulas. In case the alternating currents are of rather high fre- quency and the diameters of the conductors are considerable, the currents tend to forsake the central part of each conductor and become of greater density toward its surface on account of the so-called Skin effect,* and an approximation of the self-inductance may then be made by means of formula (9). When the frequency is sufficiently great to cause the currents to concentrate substantially in a thin cylindrical film of the metal at the surface, the inner and outer radii of the cylindrical conductor become equal to each other. Formula (7) may be written in the following form in case the conductors are of the same radius and the same material and are sufficiently far apart compared with their thickness so that they do not affect the current distribution in each other, L = C 2/xlog e ? + %')10- 9 , r 2 in which v is a variable coefficient with limits from unity when the currents are uniformly distributed over the cross section to zero when the frequency is high enough to bring the currents to the surface. The minimum value for the self-inductance of a circuit composed of two indefinitely long cylindrical conductors obviously occurs when the conductors are separated by the least practicable distance. If the current can be assumed to be uniformly distributed over their cross sections, Equation (7) reduces for the minimum value to L = (2 ix, log e 2 + 1 n’) 10- 9 = (1.386 n + .5 /*') 10~ 9 , and when and \jJ are equal to unity this becomes Z= 1.886 x 10" 9 henrys per centimeter of conductor length. This reduces to L = 0 in the limiting case of the two conductors very close together and carrying currents of such high fre- quency that the currents concentrate wholly on the surface, * Art. 212. 904 ALTERNATING CURRENTS since in that case (the conductors being so close together) the currents in the conductors react on each other so that the cur- rents in the tube conductors come to occupy positions in narrow strips of the surfaces facing each other. When the conductors of equal cross section are concentric with respect to each other and the inner conductor is solid, a similar integration shows that the self-inductance of the pair of conductors per centimeter of length of the cable is 2 log. R ( R 2 + r 2 \ 2 r V r 2 / log. where r is the radius of the inner conductor and R is the radius of the inner cylindrical surface of the external con- ductor. In case the inner conductor is also tubular, the distribution of the current is limited to the area of a hollow cylinder and the self-inductance of the concentric cable per centimeter of length of the cable then becomes L = 2 log, _i r ( r 2 — rp 2 ) 2 R log, - + R i log — - - (r x 2 + i^Xr 2 -^ 2 ) [ r i /l i > . 10 ~ 9 , in which r 1 and r are respectively the inner and outer radii of the inner conductor and R 1 and R are the inner and outer radii of the outer conductor. Prob. 1. A pair of solid electric light wires are erected on a pole line 15 inches apart center to center for a distance of 12 miles. The wires are of 0000 B. & S. gauge. What is the self-inductance of the loop composed of these two conductors ? What is the inductive reactance of the loop at a frequency of 25 cycles per second ? Prob. 2. A concentric underground cable 3000 feet long is composed of a solid No. 6 B. & S. gauge wire surrounded by an external conductor composed of a spiral wrapping of fine wire but giving the effect of a hollow cylinder of 300 mils internal radius with the same conducting cross section as the inner wire. The insulation between these two conductors is composed of * Russell, Alternating Currents, Vol. 1, pp. 53-54. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 905 oiled paper of which the permeability maj r be considered unity. What is the self -inductance of the loop composed of these two conductors? It must be remembered that the foregoing formulas for the self-inductance of parallel wires are applicable only to lengths which are parallel for such large distances compared with the distances apart of the conductors that the ends of the loops need not be considered, and tliey are not applicable to coils or to wires with frequent turns in them, inasmuch as the magnetic 2 I force at the turns does not respond to the condition H a — 10 a The equations are sufficiently accurate in their representation of the facts to meet the requirements of most computations with respect to overhead and underground electric light and power circuits, telephone circuits and telegraph circuits ; but may prove seriously in error if applied to wiring on switch- boards or inside of buildings on account of tbe many turns which may exist in such wiring, and also may prove seriously in error if applied to circuits composed of conductors deviating far from cylindrical form. Flattening the conductors tends to decrease the self-inductance. Also dividing the total current between two circuits, each having cylindrical conductors of half the total cross section, reduces the reactive voltage in the circuit because the current per circuit is reduced to a greater degree than the self-inductance is increased. Overhead wires of considerable thickness and the conductors of underground cables of greater cross section than No. 6 B. & S. gauge wire are usually made by stranding a sufficient num- ber of smaller wires to afford flexibility while maintaining the desired aggregate cross section. In applying the formulas to such conductors it is usual to assume that they give the same magnetic effects as smooth, cylindrical conductors of equal cross section. The error introduced by this assumption is difficult to determine for any particular instance, as it depends upon the various proportions entering into the strand. It is usually in the direction of a positive error, that is, it makes the computed self-inductance somewhat too large, but the error is usually quite small. The foregoing formulas all deal with circuits composed of parallel conductors completing a loop. When a conductor is 906 ALTERNATING CURRENTS vertical with respect to the earth and removed from parallel conducting bodies, a flow of current may occur through the effects of radiation or of electrostatic capacity. In this case the self-inductance per centimeter of length of a cylindrical conductor is of the form of in which R is the geometric mean distance from each other of the elements of current in the conductor and is equal to re-* or r ( r being the radius of the wire), depending upon whether the current is uniformly distributed over the cross section of the conductor or is concentrated on its surface. When the loop composed of two conductors carries currents which are in different phases in the conductors, as is the case with a loop composed of either pair of wires of a three-phase circuit, the self-inductive voltage introduced into the loop is not equal to the reactance of the loop multiplied by the current in one of the wires. The currents in the two conductors being not in the same phase, the maximum magnetic flux set up in the loop is proportional to their vector sum instead of their algebraic sum. The self-inductive voltage introduced in the loop in such cases is therefore equal for a balanced circuit to the loop reactance per unit length of conductor (as given above) n is the number of phases. This voltage is in quadrature with the vector representing the sum of the two currents. In the case of a symmetrically placed three-phase circuit, a convenient manner of computing the effect of self-induced voltage on the regulation of the circuit is to consider the voltage per conductor, which is equal to the conductor reactance multiplied by the conductor current and acts in quadrature to the conductor cur- rent. This voltage is opposite to the reactive drop along the wire which is measured between the conductor and the neutral point. Prob. 1. The parallel conductors of a balanced three-phase circuit are each composed of a No. 0 B. & S. gauge wire and are located at the corners of an equilateral triangle so that they are * Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism , Arts. 685-693. Steinmetz, Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations , Chap. VIII, Sec. III. current per conductor and INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 907 36 inches apart, center to center. The length of each conductor is 10 miles, and each carries a current of 50 amperes. What is the value of the self-inductive voltage induced per con- ductor ? What is the value of the self-inductive voltage in- duced in a loop composed of two of the conductors ? Prob. 2. In Prob. 1, suppose the voltage between conductors at the receiving end of the line is 10,000 volts, what is the delta voltage and also what is the wye voltage at the generator, assuming that the onl} r causes contributing to line drop are resistance and self-inductance ? 212. The Distribution of Current in a Wire. — The distribu- tion of current over the normal cross section of a homogeneous conductor along which it flows is uniform, provided the current is steady, as this is the distribution that requires the smallest voltage to cause a given current to flow. The proof of this theorem is as follows: The total power lost in heating the con- ductor is, according to Joule’s law, I 2 R, where R is equal to Z, p, and A being respectively the length in centimeters, the specific resistance in ohms per centimeter cube, and the area in square centimeters of the conductor. Considering the con- ductor to be divided into elementary filaments of equal area and of resistance r, the current flowing in one of these is i and the power lost in it is i 2 r. The total power lost in the conductor is 2i 2 r, and the conditions afford the two simulta- neous equations 2Z 2 r = im, = I. These conditions can be simultaneously fulfilled only when the currents in the filaments are all equal to each other, and the distribution of the current over the cross section of the con- ductor is therefore uniform. If the filamentary currents were not uniform, the values of ir for the different filaments would differ from each other and from IR, which would cause a diver- sion of current from one filament to another until the uniform distribution was again reached. The theorem of uniform distribution over the cross section applies to steady currents as just shown, hut it does not apply to alternating currents, as the effect of mutual induction be- tween filaments comes in to disturb the distribution. Suppose 908 ALTERNATING CURRENTS a homogeneous cylindrical conductor divided into concentric cylindrical elements of equal cross sections, then by the formulas developed in the preceding article, _2 ill- _ log 2 + 10 S r 10 I which exhibits the flux within a radius d which is set up by a steady current I flowing in the conductor, and shows that a greater number of lines of force surround the central element of the conductor than surround the elements nearer the surface, when the current is uniformly distributed over the cross section of the conductor. In fact, when the current is uniformly distrib- uted over the cross section of the conductor, the element com- posing the outside of the cylindrical conductor is surrounded by ^ less lines of force than the central element. When the current flowing through the conductor is alternating, however, the uniformity of distribution is disturbed because a counter- voltage is set up in each element which is equal to — where dt f is the flux which is set up by the current and surrounds the filament under consideration. Since (f) f increases from the outside of the wire towards the central elements, unless the current is all concentrated on the outer surface of the conductor, the counter-voltage is greatest at "the center and least at the surface of the conductor. Con- sequently there is a tendency for the current to forsake the center of the conductor and to seek a place nearer the surface. This tendency is directly proportional to the frequency of the cycles of flux when the current is sinusoidal. This tendency is opposed by the tendency of the current to a distribution which will give the least loss of energy, and alternating current there- fore distributes itself in a conductor so that these two tenden- cies are balanced against each other, for which reason the current becomes distributed over the cross section so that its density increases from the center to the surface of the conductor. This makes an increase in the actual resistance to the flow of al- ternating current , and in the loss of energy caused by the current flowing through the conductor. The resistance i? a , which a straight conductor of length l ex- poses to an alternating current, in ratio to the true resistance INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 909 (or resistance which the conductor exposes to a steady current) R, may be calculated by the following formula in which R a and R are given in ohms, f in periods per second, and l in centimeters,* R a _ X , R 12 U0 SR) 2 tt/AV . 10 v ) JLr^fL Y+ etc lSOUO 9 ^ 2440U0 9 i27 /X 4 f 2 tt/AV , p? (2 7rfA\ 6 , 180V 10 9 p 7 + 2440V 10 9 p 7 6 In the last expression A is the area in square centimeters of the cross section of the conductor and p is the specific resist- ance of the material measured in ohms per centimeter of length and square centimeter of cross section (per centimeter cube). When the material of the conductor is copper, fi = l, and the formula may be written approximately for copper conductors, in which p = 16 x 10~ 7 ohms for the centimeter cube, ^ = 1 + 30(dyio- 9 ) 2 , R where cP is the number of circular mils in the cross section. For other conductors the approximate formula is •| a = l + 30^^10- 9 J, in which p is the specific resistance of copper, p' the specific resistance of the material composing the conductor concerned, and p is the permeability of the conductor. When d 2 fp in these approximate formulas exceeds 5 x 10 9 , the resistance which a cylindrical conductor offers to alternating currents is approximately equal to the true resistance of a tube of the same material with its outside diameter equal to that of the conductor and with the thickness of its wall equal to 2500/V/mils. The following table gives the ratio of R a to R for various values of the product d 2 f for cylindrical conductors, d being the diameter in mils. * Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism , Vol. II, Chap. 13 ; Rayleigh , On Self- Induction and Resistance of Straight Conductors, Philosophical Magazine , May, 1886, p. 381. 910 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Product of Circular Ha Product of Circular Mils and Frequency It Mils and Frequency R 10,000,000 1.003 70,000,000 1.15 15,000,000 1.007 80,000,000 1.19 20,000,000 1.012 90,000,000 1.24 30,000,000 1.03 100,000,000 1.30 40,000,000 1.05 125,000,000 1.47 50,000,000 1.08 150,000,000 1.67 60,000,000 1.11 Infinite GO This table shows that with an increase of the frequency of the circuit or of the diameter of the conductor, or of both, the energy loss per ampere flowing in the conductor increases, and that the energy loss may become very great (as though the current wholly forsook the middle parts of the conductor and confined itself to a thin exterior layer) when the product of the frequency of the current and the square of the conductor diameter becomes very great. On account of this apparent concentration of the current in a superficial skin of the wire the phenomenon is commonly called Skin effect. The current density at any point within a conductor is shown by Thomson to fall off in going from the surface inwards, in the ratio of where x is the distance of the point from the surface.* Gray f points out that, however great the diameter of a wire may be, its resistance to alternating currents of different frequencies will never be less than the true resistance of a wire of the diameter in centimeters given in the following table : Frequency Copper Lead Iron, h = 300 80 1.43 4.98 .195 120 1.17 4.08 .159 160 1.02 3.52 .138 200 .91 3.16 .123 * J. J. Thomson, Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism, pp. 260 and 281. t Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism, Yol. II, p. 338. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 911 The specific resistance of lead is not far from that of average German silver. It is about twice that of iron and about twelve times that of copper. The remarkably large skin effect indi- cated for iron by this table is due to its relatively large magnetic permeability. The tabular values should be proportional to the square roots of the specific resistances of the different metals and inversely proportional to the square roots of their mag- netic permeabilities. For metals of a given specific resistance, the tabular values should be inversely proportional to the square roots of the frequencies. In view of the high frequency harmonics that it is desirable to preserve in telephone currents, the table indicates a reason why iron should be rejected as a material for telephone conductors. It must be understood that the permeability of iron wires depends upon the quality of the iron and the magnetic density set up in its mass, and that it may vary from a few tens of units to many hundreds of units. The tabular value of 300 is taken as a median or rep- resentative figure for iron subjected to rather low magnetiz- ing forces. The formula for the self-inductance of a cylindrical wire was developed in the preceding article on the assumption of a uni- form distribution of current over the cross section of the con- ductor. The disturbance of this distribution by skin effect reduces the self-inductance, the formula for self-inductance in henrys per centimeter of length becoming L a = V lo g^ + /“' 1 1 ( 2 tt/^ Y | 13 2 tt/aMY _2 48 \ 10 9 p J 8640 V 10 9 p J f 2 7T V 1( — etc. or L a =L-/ ■ 1 f 2 wffi'A V _ _ 13 _ ( 2 vfu'A Y _ 48 V 10 9 p J 8640 V 10 9 p J + etc. lO- 9 , 10-9. The limiting values of R a and L a are R a = R and L a = L for steady currents or alternating currents of low frequency in con- ductors of moderate thickness; and R a = cc and L a — 2 log - for very high frequencies. 213. Mutual Induction of Parallel Distributing Circuits. — Where two or more electric light or power circuits carrying alternating currents run parallel to each other, they act in- ductively upon each other, and in some cases the mutual indue- 912 ALTERNATING CURRENTS tion may cause considerable interference with the uniformity of the voltage on the lines. The mutual inductance of any two parallel circuits of indefinitely great length may be easily cal- culated, provided the distances apart of - the different wires composing the circuits are known. The mutual inductance of the two circuits given in henrys is equal to 10 -8 times the number of lines of force which pass through or link with one of the circuits due to one ampere flowing in the other circuit, provided there is no iron in the magnetic path ; and this num- ber of lines of force is equal to the algebraic sum of the number of lines of force embraced by the first circuit which would be set up by the current in the individual conductors of the second circuit taken separately. The method of Art. 211 is therefore directly applicable to the calculation of the mutual inductance of two long and parallel, narrow circuits. The following examples represent the commonest arrangements of circuits on pole lines. Suppose that a, a' and 5, b' represent the conductors of two circuits, and that the order of the wires is a — a' — b — b' , the dis- tance apart center to center of the wires of circuit A is x, of circuit B is y, and of the adjacent wires of the two circuits ( a ' — b~) is z ; then if we consider the currents as concentrated at the centers of the wires, which makes but an insignificant error with the ordinary dimensions of conductors and circuits, and consider the space between two planes perpendicular to the cir- cuits and one centimeter apart, the number of lines of force due to a current of one ampere in a', which pass through the circuit B between the planes, is (Art. 211) and the number of lines of force due to a current of one ampere in a which pass through the circuit B between the planes, is C*+y+z 2 da Uz 10 a The total number of lines of force set up by the current of one ampere in circuit A , which pass through the circuit B between INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 913 the planes, is 0 4- 4> a <, the number which link through the B circuit in a length of l centimeters is Z($ a + and the mutual inductance of the parallel circuits of length l centimeters is M= 1(4'. + K..) = 2 l A xy r(x + y) ii 10 9 x -f y _ 9.20 l y 10 9 -- y TEtz-i JU ~ If V I X ~\- If - ^ log, — ^ = - T ^ r log 10 T , Tvrn 9.20 1, 0 2.77 l If x = y, M"= — — log 10 2 = - 10 9 The mutual inductance in millihenrys per 1000 feet of dis- tance in which the circuits are parallel is, using common loga- rithms, M’= .2807 log 10 ^hJ/ ; M" = .08451. y If the circuits are not in the same plane, as, for instance, they are arranged thus, a — a ’ , b-b', and the distance a — a' is x, the distance b — b' is y , the dis- tance a' — b' is z , the distance a' — b is w, a — b is v, and a — b' is u ; then the formulas are d>a = • 2 flog, - — log, -'W .2 log, - , \ r r) v 4 >«• = - 2( l°g,^ - lo g,f) = - 2 lo £ w and nr ^ i \ 2 Z, uiv 4.60 £ , uw M = Tua (4> “ + *“■> = 105 ‘° g - ^ l0 *i. T7 ' If one circuit is directly beneath the other and x = y, v = z. then w = u = V.t 2 + z 2 , and the formula becomes INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 915 The mutual inductance in millihenrys per 1000 feet of dis- tance in which the circuits are parallel is, using common loga- rithms, M= .1403 log — ; M' = .1403 log ; M" = .04225. vz Z l In case the arrangement is a — b V -a! , one circuit being directly above the other and the distance a — b equal to the distance b' — a, that is, the wires are on the corners of a square with the plane of each circuit tracing the diagonal, then the flux set up by either circuit is tangential with the other and the mutual inductance is zero, there being no linkages. These results plainly show that the mutual inductance of two circuits is entirely independent of the actual distances apart of the conductors composing the circuits, but depends wholly upon the relative values of the distances. The mutual induct- ance of two circuits is a maximum when the circuits are exactly superposed, in which case M=VL'L"=L, and decreases as the distance between the circuits is increased in comparison with the distance apart of the conductors of each circuit ; con- sequently, mutual inductance between circuits on the same pole line may be reduced by decreasing the distance apart of the conductors of each circuit and increasing the distance apart of the circuits. A better way to avoid annoyance from the effects of mutual inductance in most cases is to transpose the positions of the circuits with reference to each other at fixed in- tervals of distance on the pole line, so that the inductive effects of the circuits on each other are in opposition in different equal parts of the line, and neutralize each other for the line as a whole. If there are more than two circuits on a pole line and trans- positions are needed, it is important to make the transpositions so that the magnetic mutual reactions which occur between any of the circuits all balance off and neutralize. For this purpose it is necessary that the transpositions shall be made properly. In any transposition interval, one line may be run straight through, one should be transposed at the middle, one at a quarter way from each end of the interval, one at the quarters and the middle, etc. The effect of mutual induction between two circuits is to set up a voltage in one when the current in the other varies. If 916 ALTERNATING CURRENTS the current is a sinusoidal alternating one, this voltage is (Arts. 119 and 120) 2 7 rfMI, and the effect of an alternating current in one circuit upon another circuit is easily determined if Afis known. When the two circuits are fed from the same single- phase alternator, the induction of one upon the other is in quad- rature with the current in the first, and the phase relation of the voltage induced in the second relative to the impressed voltage therein depends on the current lag in the first. If this is zero, the induced and impressed voltages are in quadrature, while they are in opposition if the lag is 90°. The result is a dis- placement of the voltage waves and a drop of voltage along the lines. The effect of reversing the connection of one of the cir- cuits to the alternator causes an interchange of the voltage relations of the two circuits, but nothing else. If the circuits are fed from different alternators the frequen- cies of which are slightly different, the inductive voltage and impressed voltage interfere in each circuit so as to form pulsa- tions or beats, the frequency of which is equal to the difference of the two alternator frequencies, and the amplitude of which is the sum of the impressed voltage and the induced voltage. This may cause a perceptible winking of incandescent lamps connected to mutually inductive circuits carrying heavy cur- rents of nearly the same frequency. 214. Effects of Self and Mutual Induction in Polyphase Cir- cuits. — The effects of self and mutual induction in polyphase circuits may be determined by using the principles set forth in the preceding articles, provided the resultant effect of the differing phases is always considered. In unbalanced circuits, if mutual inductive effects are allowed to occur, they may in- crease the defect in balance. Mutual induction between the phases of one polyphase feeder may be avoided by suitably placing the conductors. Thus, in the case of a four-wire two ' phase feeder, the wires may he located on two cross arms so that the planes of the conductors of the two phases form the diagonals of a square, thus a where a , a are the conduc- o a tors of one phase and 5, b are the conductors of the other. In this case there is no mutual induction between the circuits. When this arrangement cannot be utilized with quarter phase lines, transpositions must be resorted to. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 91T Three-phase circuits may he erected on insulators located so that the three wires occupy the corners of an equilateral triangle, thus a . The lines of force set up by the current c b in any one of the conductors are circles surrounding the conduc- tor and are therefore tangent to the plane of the loop composed of the other two conductors. Hence they do not link the loop and no mutual induction occurs. When this arrangement can- not be utilized, transpositions may be used to neutralize mutual inductance. When two or more feeders are near each other, as on the same line of poles or towers, mutual induction between feeders may be neutralized by transposing the wires of each feeder spirally in such a way that the inductive actions in successive lengths balance each other. With the equilateral triangle ar- rangement of three-phase conductors, the spiraling of each feeder composed of three conductors may be carried out with regard onty to the effects of the feeders on each other and on other neighboring circuits; but when the equilateral triangle arrangement is not used, the spiraling of each feeder should be accompanied by suitable transpositions to neutralize the mutual induction occurring between the phases of the feeder. The vector relations of the voltages in four-wire two-phase circuits when the conductors lie in a plane (as when they are mounted on the pins of the same cross arms on a pole line or are supported one above another by suspension insulators) are illustrated in Fig. 519. The assumed relative positions of the wires are illustrated in the upper part of the figure, at AB, and the vector relations in the left hand and lower parts. The vector diagram is drawn for conditions of balanced load at the receiver end of the line. In the vector diagram of Fig. 519, 0E A and 0E B are the vol- tages at the receiver in the respective phases 90° apart, and OI A and OI B are the corresponding currents. The voltage .at the generator 0E° in each circuit is equal to the vector sum of the voltage at the receiver and components numerically equal and opposite respectively to the IR drop in the circuit E' E, the IX drop in the circuit E" E ' , and the voltage E°E" intro- duced in the circuit by the inductive influence of the current in the other branch of the two-phase circuit. The generator voltages 918 ALTERNATING CURRENTS in the two circuits are therefore 0E A and 0E B °. The effect of the mutually induced voltage is therefore to increase the numeri- cal difference and decrease the angular difference between the genei’ator voltage and the voltage delivered to the receiver in E°* Fig. 519. — Diagram of Vector Voltage Relations in Four-wire, Four-phase Circuits when the Four Wires lie in a Plane, as at AB. the leading phase, and to decrease the numerical difference and increase the angular difference between the generator voltage and the voltage delivered to the receiver in the lagging phase, compared with the relations when mutual induction is absent. If E a ° is the line voltage at the generator for the leading phase, E a the line voltage at the receiver, R A , L< and JSI the line resistance, self-inductance, and mutual inductance, I A the cur- INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 919 rent, and Z , R. and X the impedance, resistance, and reactance of the load in the same phase, then Ia= ~z = ir+jx and Also E a = E A ° - I A R A - jcoLl A -jcoMTs P o B a E a (R — jX') . coLE a (R — jX) — . . + J ~ R 2 + X 2 R 2 + X 2 By the same process e b ° = e b ■ RR a + XX A — (o3IR ,RX a -XR a + coMX 1+ R 2 + X 2 +J R 2 + X 2 When the load is non-reactive, X = 0 and the equations for E ° and E b ° become e a ° =e a ( i + e° = e b 1 + R, — co3f . ,X 4 A R It may be observed from the equations as well as the diagram that, when mutual induction exists between the phases, the generator voltage is not balanced in case the voltage and cur- rent at the load are balanced ; and conversely, if the generator voltage is balanced, it is necessary to abate mutual induction or else introduce special phase regulators in order to obtain balanced voltage conditions at the load. Inasmuch as the IZ drop of a distribution line is ordinarily much greater than the mutually induced voltage between circuits on the same poles, the unbalancing by mutual induction may not be very serious. Figure 520 shows the effect of mutual induction in a three- phase circuit with three wires in one plane, as when they are erected on the same cross arm on each pole of a pole line, or are suspended in a vertical plane by suspension insulators. The lines OE ab , OE bc , and OE ca are balanced delta line voltages 920 ALTERNATING CURRENTS at the receiver, OE a , OE b , and OE c representing the correspond- ing wye voltages from each line conductor to the neutral point, and OI a , OI b , and OI c are the line currents. In this case the mutual inductance of the middle conductor b on the loop com- posed of conductors a and c is zero, provided the distance between a and b is equal to the distance between b and c , since Fig. 520. — Diagram for showing the Effect of Mutual Induction in a Three-phase Circuit when the Wires are in One Plane, as at abc. under those circumstances the flux set up through the loop a — c by current in b is half upward and half downward. Conductor c, however, possesses mutual inductance with respect to the loop a — b, and conductor a has mutual inductance with respect to loop b — c. In case conductor b is not exactly halfway between a and c, mutual inductance also exists between conductor b and loop a — c. In a balanced three-phase circuit the mutual induced voltage set up in a loop of two conductors, such as a and b , by current in the third conductor is -y V 2 2 7 rfMI L sin [a + 120° - (30° + 0)], INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 921 when the instantaneous delta voltage on the loop is propor- tional to sin a. Therefore, if 9 = 0, that is, the receiver cur- rent is in phase with the wye voltage at the receiver, the mutually induced voltage is in the same phase as the delta voltage at the receiver. If 9 is not equal to zero, the mutually induced voltage differs in phase from the delta voltage at the receiver by the angle 9. If, in the arrangement of conductor's illustrated in the left- hand part of Fig. 520, the conductor b is moved perpendicular with respect to the plane of loop a — e, tire mutual inductance of a with respect to b — c and of c with respect to a — b decreases until b has reached a point at which distances a — b = b — c = c— a. Under the latter circumstances, the conductors occupy positions corresponding to the corners of an equilateral triangle, the lines of force due to any one conductor are tangent to the plane of the loop composed of the other two, and the mutual inductance is zero. If conductor b is moved farther from the a — c plane, the mutual inductance again increases, but the direction of the fluxes of a and a through the loops b — c and a — b are reversed, so that the mutually induced voltages are reversed. This is obvious from the following considerations: If distance a — c is #, distance a — b is y, and distance b — e is z, then the mutual inductance of conductor a on loop b — c is 9 / T M a = ^logA 10 M y and the mutual inductance of conductor c on loop a — b is M c = p-\og e -. c 10 9 Se z When b is nearer the plane of a — c than (distance a — + r 2 ) K(x 2 + r 2 ) Vx 2 +r 2 jv(.r 2 +r 2 )i entire cylinder of indefinitely great length is therefore —7^ dynes. K(x 2 + r 2 ) 2 Kr INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 925 In case the cylinders are side by side instead of one inside the other, as in the case of two overhead line wires or two separately insulated conductors lying side by side in the same underground cable, the equation takes a different form. The following development of the equation is simple. Considering two indefinitely long parallel conducting fila- ments A and A! (perpendicular to the plane of the page), Fig. 521, charged respectively with + q and — q electrostatic units of charge per centimeter of length, the force experienced by a unit charge at any point P in the electrostatic field of filament 9 A and distant r centimeters from the filament would be if Kr filament A' were removed, and the potential at the point due to A is =f if Also, the potential at P due to A' alone is '•--JTfc*' if r' is the radial distance of the point from the filament A ' . The total potential at P due to the charges on A and A ' is therefore v p = V+ V' = dr 2 q-. r' =ic los -y Therefore, if the point P moves, the potential V P at the point P does not change provided the locus of P maintains the ratio — constant ; and this locus is a circle with its center 0 r (Fig. 521) located on the line joining A and A' extended and with radius of length a which is a mean proportional between the lengths OA and OA ' . If P 1 is the intersection of the circle with the line OA', these conditions arise, A'P AP - m, OP , _ OA' OA OP i 92G ALTERNATING CURRENTS in which P is any point on the circle, P, is the point where the circle intersects the line OA ! , and m is a constant. It therefore follows that OP OP, _ OA' A'P, A'P OA OA OP, AP, AP m ' and by division in the third and fourth ratios, OP = A- P\ x AP, 1 A'P , - AP, The equipotential surfaces around each one of the charged filaments are cylinders of radius increasing from zero to infinity Fig. 521. — Diagram showing a Locus of Equal Potential between Two Parallel Charged Filaments A and A'. as the point P is taken at increasing distances from the fila- ment. These merge into a plane of zero potential when A'P, = AP V P, being halfway between the two equally but oppositely charged filaments. This plane touches infinity and has the same potential (namely, zero) as space at infinite dis- tance from the charges. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 927 Introducing a cylinder of conducting material with its outer surface coincident with the position of any one of the equipo- tential surfaces will not alter the electrostatic field; and the electrostatic field of two charged cylindrical parallel metal con- ductors may be computed by considering the surfaces of each as an equipotential surface surrounding a charged filament, the Fig. 522. — Diagram for illustrating Method of finding the Mutual Potentials of Two Charged, Cylindrical, Parallel Conductors. center to center distance between tbe cylinders being the center to center distance 00' between the corresponding equi- potential circles (Fig. 522). Then, according to the preceding paragraphs, the mutual potential at the surface of cylinder A is D=^io g .r,, and the mutual potential at the surface of the cylinder A' is 7 Therefore, the difference of potential in C. G. S. electrostatic units is K = v A - V A , = ii log r* = log, K r,r, K aa 1 4 since the relations proved by Fig. 521 are in Fig. 522, r 2 _ A'P __ OP a d r„ _ AP' _ O' P' _ a ' r x AP OA « :UU r 4 A’P' O' A! a r The electrostatic capacity with respect to each other of the two 928 ALTERNATING CURRENTS parallel cylindrical conductors given in C. G. S. electrostatic units is therefore o. = i Kl 2 l0g e aa aa' where l is the length of each cylinder in centimeters. It is desirable to convert this formula into one involving only the radii a and a' and the center to center distance 3 of the cylinders, by eliminating the distances a and This may be easily done, since a + «' -f- d = 3. Then putting gives Whence 3 2 - a 2 - (V) 2 _ t aa — = b± V6 2 - 1. aa' c a = Kl 21og e (b ± Vi 2 — 1) When the cylinders are eccentric, as in the case under consider- ation, the positive sign applies before the radical in the denom- inator of the last expression. To bring this to farads per 1000 feet of conductor in the circuit and using common logarithms, this must be multiplied by 7.35 x 10 -9 , so that C 7.35 K 1Q~ 9 _ 3.68 K 10~ 9 1 21og 10 (6 +V6 2 - 1) log 10 (6 + VP- 1) When the two cylinders are of the same diameter, a = a', whence b = ^ — 1, and Therefore b + VJ 2 - 3.68 Kl 0- 9 1.84 K 10~ 9 lo olO + z a m-')' When the distance apart (center to center) of the conductors is large compared with the diameter of each conductor, as for INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 929 instance if this ratio is as great as is usual with overhead line ires, \j\ wir ^ — 1 approximates to and a closely ap- proximate formula for the capacity in farads per 1000 feet of conductor may be written ^2 = 1.84 K 10 -9 log 10 ' When the conductors are in air, the dielectric constant is unity ; therefore for overhead line wires the capacity in farads, measured from conductor to conductor, per thousand feet of conductor, is usually obtained from the expression ^2 = 1.84 x 10~ 9 i 3 log„- Since log 6 (b + v/6 2 — 1) = cosh -1 b,* the exact formula for the capacity in farads per thousand feet of conductor may be written c = 16.94 iT10- 9 1 cosh -1 b which is easily computed with the aid of a table of the functions of hyperbolic trigonometry, such as are contained in the Smith- ,32 sonian Mathematical Tables. In this formula b = — - — 1 when 2 a 2 the conductors are of equal diameters, in which case, putting c for the ratio of the center to center distance to the diameter Q of a conductor, c = — and b = 2 e 2 — 1. 2 a Therefore, b + ^/b 2 — 1= 2 c 2 + 2 ci^c 2 — 1)^ — 1 = ( ( 6 ') (7') Substituting these values of the derivatives in equations (3) and (4) gives a vector equation which is independent of t and in which the values of e and i may therefore be taken as either maximum or effective vector values, and = ( - co 2 L 0 + >(P C + L G) + P G) E = ( P G A- j(ff+>c)i Writing P for (E +ja>Ly(Gr +jcoC) 2 in the last two equa- tions gives d 2 E dx 2 Pi dx 2 and = P 2 E = P 2 I. The solutions of these equations are E = A cosh Px -f- B sinh Px, (8) and 1— A! cosh Px + B' sinh Px.* (9) To find the constants, put x = 0, when E and I become the generator voltage E 0 and generator current I 0 . Therefore, since sinh Pa* =0 and cosh Px = 1 when x = 0, A = E 0 and A! = I 0 . Also, according to equations (1) and (6'), = — (B +j(i>L)I= — ( B +jwL')QA' cosh Px + B' sinh Px), dx the negative sign being required here because of the vector relations, (P + ja>L)I being a counter voltage measured in the opposite direction from x; and by differentiation of equa- tion (8), — = AP sinh Px + BP cosh Px. dx Hence, AP sinh Px = — (P +ja>L)B' sinh Px , and BP cosh Px = — (P 4 -jcoL)A' cosh Px. * McMahon, Hyperbolic Functions, Art. 14. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 937 Therefore B _ _ R +jwL j , _ _ VR +,jcoL A , _ P ^/G+jcoC P A 7 ... : vg+j^c a = _ R+jmL WR+jwL ■Z t A'=-ZX, and B' = — A Zi % z t Z t being put for the impedance of the line per mile of con- ductor, (R +jo)L')^( Cr +jco C)~'K Consequently, equations (8) and (9) become E = E 0 cosh Px — ZJq sinh Px , and 1= P cosh Px — sinh Px. Zi If a; is measured from the receiver, when x = 0, A = E t and A’ = in which E t and I x are the voltage and current at the dE — receiver. Also in this case — = + ( R +jcoL)I , and therefore ax - - E, B= Z t I t and B r = —■ Hence the equations representing the Zi voltage and current at any distance x from the receiver, in terms of the voltage and current at the receiver, are like the foregoing except that E t and I x are substituted for E 0 and I 0 and the negative sign before the second term of the right- hand member changes to a positive sign. Since P = (R + j<*L) %(Gr +jcoC)%= \RGr — co 2 LC +j(i)(RC + LGr )\ *, the foregoing equations contain hyperbolic functions of com- plex arguments, which it is desirable to convert into functions of real arguments.* Putting \RGr — coPLC+jcoQRC + X£r)|* =a + j/3, gives E = E 0 cosh (u +j/3)x — ZJ 0 sinh (a + jf3~)x, — — jE 1 = / 0 cosh (a -f- jfi)x — =5 sinh (a +jf, 3)cc. Zi * This is for the purpose of convenience in computation with the mathemati- cal tables that are ordinarily available, but tables are being developed by Kennedy and others which may make it more practicable to compute directly from the hyperbolic functions with complex arguments. 938 ALTERNATING CURRENTS Since sinh (ax + jfix) = sinh ax cos fix +j cosh ax sin fix* and cosh ( ax + j fix') = cosh ax cos fix -\-j sinh ax sin fix , the foregoing convert to E= E 0 cosh ax cos fix — Z l L 0 sinh ax cos fix + j(E 0 sinh ax sin fix — Zjl^ cosh ax sin fix ), (10) — — E I — E cosh ax cos fix — ~ sinh ax cos fix ° Z t - _£> +j(I 0 sinh ax sin fix — ■=? cosh ax sin fix'). (11) Zi These may be computed by the ordinary tables of functions of circular and hyperbolic trigonometry, such as the Smithsonian Mathematical Tables. A twenty-inch slide rule and a set of tables make computation by this formula relatively easy. The values of « and of fi may be computed from the original expression which it has been convenient to represent by a +jfi, that is, f BG-< 0 2 LC+j(^R C+ L Cr) = (« +^/3) 2 , R a - gAL C + jco(RC + LG) = a 2 — fi 2 + 2 jafi, and a 2 - fi 2 = RG - co 2 LC, 2 jafi =jco(RC+ LG). Whence, taking positive and real values only, as being appli- cable to the premises here under consideration, a = — [ V( U 2 + co 2 L 2 )(G 2 + co 2 C 2 ) + (RG - a> 2 LC)f V2 and fi = - 4 ; r ^(R 2 + o> 2 L 2 )(G 2 + a> 2 C 2 ) - (RG - O > 2 Z<7 )] l - V2 Of these terms, a is the coefficient a associated with x in the exponential terms of equation (5). It is called the Attenuation constant, since it determines the rate of decrement with distance due to the exponential terms of the wave formula. The term * McMahon, Hyperbolic Functions, Arts. 28-30. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 939 /3 is the coefficient b associated with x in the sine terms of equation (5), and is called by Fleming the Wave length constant since the length of the space wave of voltage or current is 2 77- equal to -g- • The unit in which the wave length is measured depends on the unit of length corresponding to R , L , Cr, and C. If these are measured in ohms, henrys, mhos, and farads per mile of conductor, the last two being measured from con- ductor to neutral plane, then the space wave length is A. = — miles of conductor. /3 The velocity of propagation of the space wave is then v = ^ = /\ miles of conductor per second. The quantity P = a +j (3 has been called the Propagation con- stant of a circuit, since it is a complex quantity made up of the attenuation constant and the wave length constant. The imaginary roots of the equations on the preceding page lead to solutions representing oscillatory phenomena. To obtain the voltage and current at the receiving end of a transmission line when the current and voltage at the sending end are known, it is only necessary to substitute the total length of a line conductor in the place of x in equations (10) and (11), giving, E 1 — R 0 cosh al cos (31 — Z t I^ sinli al cos /3Z +j (P 0 sinh al sin /3l — Z t I 0 cosh al sin /3l), I x = ^ = I (t cosh al cos /3l — ^ sinh al cos (31 +j[ I 0 sinh al sin /3l — n? sinli al cos (31 ), ( 12 ) (13) E v I v and Z x being the voltage, current, and impedance at the receiver. Eliminating I 0 from (12) and (13) gives Z ( sinh al cos (31 + Z)cosh al cos f3l + j{Z t cosh al sin j3l -1- Z x sinh al sin (31 ) 940 ALTERNATING CURRENTS and the ratio of / x to J 0 is = ^ I Z[ cosh cd cos (il + Z x sinh al cos [il + j(Z l sinh al sin (il + Z x cosh al sin /il) ’ (15) from which the generator voltage and current may be computed if the characteristics of the line and the voltage, current, and impedance of the receiver are given. ... — !<} It is to be observed that Z t is quite different from Z 0 = P & . I, The former depends only on the frequency of the current and the electrical constants of the line conductors per unit length. It is independent of the length of the line and of the character of receiver into which the line delivers power. The impedance Z 0 , on the other hand, depends on the length of the line and the character of the receiver in addition to being dependent on the constants of the line per unit length. For a line of infinite length Z t = Z 0 , but for an ordinary line they bear a complex relation to each other. A relation that is sometimes useful to know is the ratio of the generator current when a short circuit occurs at the receiver to the generator current in normal work- ing. The ratio is T {) _ tanh (PI + 6) T tanh PI in which P 0 and I 0 are the generator current respectively with the receiver end of the line short-circuited and in normal work- ing, and 6 = tanh -1 ^ 1 . The effect of either a short circuit or an open circuit at anj r point is readily observed from these equations. In the case of a short circuit occurring with a length x of conductor between it and the generator, P becomes zero at that point, and E () cosh ax cos fix — Z,Z 0 sinh ax cos fix +j(P 0 sinh ax sin fix— Zj^ cosh ax sin fix') = 0. Therefore h = Z^fcosh ax cos fix +j sinh ax sin fix) . t 9 Z/sinh ax cos fix +j cosh ax sin fix) and INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 941 I — ZJ 0 - a ~x — - — . — .Zi cosh az cos /ix + Zjsinhaxcos /to+A.Z'jsinhccrsin fix + ^cosh to; sin fix) K Zj(sinh ax cos / 3x +j cosh ax sin fix') In case of an open circuit at distance x from the generator /becomes zero at that point, and _ P cosh ax cos fix — sinh ax cos fix Zi +j(l 0 sinh ax sin fix— cosh ax sinh fix\ = 0. ^ Z l J Therefore f _ A/ n (sinh ax cos fix +j cosh ax sin fix') A)- , _ ; r , . _ ’ and E r = Z;(cosh ax cos fix +j sinh ax sin fix) K (cosh ax cos fix +j sinh ax sin fix) In an infinitely long cable I x = / (cosh Px — sinh Px) = I 0 e~ Px i of which the real part is I(f~ ax and therefore I x = I 0 e~ ax . As pointed out in an earlier paragraph, the space wave length 2 7 r measured in conductor miles is when the resistance, in- ductance, insulation conductance, and capacity are given in terms of ohms, henrys, mhos, and farads per mile of conductor. For conductors of the ordinary sizes and spacings used in the long distance transmission of large amounts of power, and cur- rents of the ordinary frequencies used for that purpose, a wave length is many hundreds of miles when measured along the line. For instance, an ungrounded 3-phase overhead line of No. 0 copper wires spaced ten feet apart has resistance of ap- proximately .52 ohm per mile of conductor, self-inductance of approximately .0022 henry per mile of conductor, leakage conductance negligible at ordinary altitudes if the line voltage is below 125,000 volts, and capacity of .0078 xlO -6 farads per mile of conductor. This gives for the value of the wave length constant when/= 25 cycles per second or co = 157 radians per second, fi = .00077 and for the wave length 2 7r A = = 8150 miles of conductor. fi 942 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The wave length in miles of line is one half as great as the length in miles of conductor, since the constants are all given on the assumption of an outgoingconductor and return. No over- head transmission line has ) r et approached this length, or even the length of 1925 miles, which are the miles of line required to give a complete wave length if the frequency were 60 cycles per second on the foregoing line. Consequently, it is possible to neglect the formulas which recognize the effects of distributed resistance, self-inductance, leakage, and capacity when computing long distance power transmission lines of lengths within the limits of existing prac- tice, and to make the computations on the assumption that the fall of potential is uniform along the conductors. Leakage being usually negligible, the effects of the electrostatic capacity may be approximated by assuming the capacity of the conduc- tors concentrated at certain points instead of distributed. For short lines it is sufficient to consider the capacity all concen- trated at the middle of the line ; but for lines having lengths approaching the limits of the existing longest lines, it is some- times essential to make a closer approximation to truth, and the capacity may be assumed to be concentrated in three divisions, one sixth of the whole capacity at each end of the line and the remaining two thirds at the middle of the line. The transmission of large amounts of power over under- ground cables has not yet reached lengths of circuit approach- ing the lengths in individual overhead lines, and the voltage impressed on cables is usually less than 20,000 volts. The self- inductance of the conductors in the usual underground circuit is much less than the self-inductance of a corresponding over- head circuit, on account of the closer spacing of the conductors ; but the electrostatic capacity of the cabled conductors is much greater than when the circuit is overhead, on account of the closer spacing of the conductors and the relatively high dielectric constant of the solid insulating material. An un- grounded 3-phase cable of three symmetrically spaced No. 0 wires with rubber insulation having ^ inch thickness of wall around each conductor has a resistance of approximately .52 ohm per mile of conductor, a self-inductance of approximately .00065 henry per mile of conductor, leakage negligible, and a capacity of approximately .0545 x 10 ~ 6 farads per mile of INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 943 conductor. The wave length constant when the frequency is twenty-five cycles per second is therefore /3 = .001645 and the wave length in miles of conductor is This corresponds with 1910 miles in length of cable. This far exceeds the lengths of circuit ordinarily found in underground cables for heavy electric power transmission, hut in the case of the longer underground cables used with voltages higher than a few thousand volts, it is desirable to utilize the exact formu- las for determining the effects of capacity. In the case of long distance telephone service the situation is different on account of the higher frequency of the current harmonics which it is desirable to retain without great attenua- tion, and also because it is desirable to adjust the relation of resistance, self-inductance, and capacity so that the attenuation and the velocity of propagation shall be substantially the same for current harmonics of a considerable range of frequencies (such as from 200 periods per second to 1800 periods per second), in order that the intelligibility of the irregular speech waves may be maintained. This requires what is called a Distortionless circuit and the exact formulas are needed in the computation of such circuits. When leakage is negligible, the values of a and ft heretofore given reduce to If the inductive reactance a>L is at the same time negligibly small compared with the resistance, these reduce to approximately, since the square root of a -f b is very nearly A = — = 3820. /3 944 ALTERNATING CURRENTS equal to Va -| — when a is large compared with b , and when 2V a leakage is negligible under these circumstances, Also, leakage being negligible, if 2 wL is very large compared with R 2 , 0 = coVCL, 1 and « _ 0 V LC Whence, by making wL for the various harmonics of a periodic current very large compared with R , the attenuation and the velocity of wave propagation of the harmonics are both made independent of the frequency of the harmonics and dependent solely on R , X, and C. The latter condition may also be accomplished v r hen leakage is not negligible, provided LG= RC , except that attenuation and velocity of propagation are dependent upon R , L , 6r, and C instead of R , X, and (7, only. In this case, the original ex- pressions for a and 0 reduce to «= -L [V(ze<7 + co 2 Lcy + a>\La - Rcy+ 2 LCrf V2 = coV LC. The importance of this sort of treatment in the case of a long distance telephone line may be recognized from the facts that an overhead line of No. 8 B. & S. gauge wire spaced twelve inches apart has resistance of 3.3 ohms per mile of conductor, self-inductance of 2 x 10~ 3 henrys per mile of conductor, capac- ity of .004 x 10 -6 farads per mile of conductor, and the insu- lation resistance ought to be in the order of some megohms per mile of conductor; and that it is desirable to maintain the attenuation and velocity of propagation substantially the same for harmonics of the voice currents within the range of 200 to INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 945 1800 cycles per second. The foregoing constants give wave lengths which are but fractional compared with the length of many long distance telephone circuits. In the case of telephone cables, the relations are even more impressive. With the usual lead-covered cables with loose dry paper wrapping for the conductors, the constants for No. 19 B. & S. gauge conductors are per mile of conductor approxi- mately 45 ohms, 5 x 10 -3 henrys, .035 x 10 -6 farads, and insu- lation resistance of one half a megohm or more. This gives a wave length of less than sixty miles of cable for the harmonic corresponding to an angular velocity, &>, of 5000 radians per second (/= 800 periods per second, approximately), which is about a mean value for the harmonics of voice currents that are necessary to retain an approximately unaltered relative magnitude during transmission in order that the transmitted speech may be fully articulated by the receiver. For the har- monic of frequency 1800 periods per second, the wave length on this cable is less than thirty-five miles. Since telephony through underground cables is now practiced over many tens of miles, the transmission computations must obviously be executed with the formulas which include all the features of the wave transmission.* The foregoing formulas relate to uniform circuits. They may be applied to each uniform part of a non-uniform circuit, provided the voltage impressed on the part concerned and the vector impedance of the succeeding part are known; but changes of character, especially if they are abrupt, cause reflection points which greatly alter the distribution of voltage compared with the distribution of voltage over a uniform section of the same length. 217. Analogies of the Electric Circuit. — The deductions of Chapter VI have shown very clearly that concentrated self-in- ductance and concentrated capacity in a circuit may be made to neutralize each other when a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the circuit, and the self-inductance and capacity are constant. In this case the self-inductance and capacity act in opposition, so that at each instant energy is being restored or released in * The simpler problems .of long distance telephone transmission are dealt with admirably by Fleming in a book entitled The Propagation of Electric Currents in Telephone and Telegraph Conductors. 3 p 94 G ALTERNATING CURRENTS the magnetic field at exactly the same rate as energy is being released or stored in the charge of the condenser. The self- inductance and capacity may therefore be said to supply each other’s demands, and the power delivered by a generator to the circuit may be wholly utilized in doing work on a non-reactive receiver such as incandescent lamps and in heating the wires of the circuit. The vector power which is transferred back and forth between the self-inductance and capacity may be many times as great as that given to the circuit by the generator, and volt-amperes at the terminals of the self-inductance and of the condenser must then be proportionally greater than the volt-amperes delivered by the generator. This condition can fully exist only when the frequency of the impressed voltage produces the relation 2 irfL = ^ or 2 7rfC LO = and the natural period of the circuit is 2 tt^/LC . j From the condition 2 rrfL— — - — it is seen that - = 2 7rVZ6 r . 2 irfC f The natural period of discharge of the circuit is therefore equal to the period of the cycles of impressed voltage, or, as may be said, equal to the rate of the electrical vibrations impressed on the circuit by the generator. This relation between the vibra- tions of the line and of the generator is similar to that of a vibrating tuning fork or string and a sounding board when the}* are in resonance, and therefore the term Electrical resonance lias, on account of the analogy, been applied to the electric circuit. An electric circuit is said to be in resonance with an im- pressed voltage when the natural period of the circuit is equal to the period of the impressed voltage. When this condition exists, the maximum current is caused to flow in the circuit by the application of a given impressed voltage, the value of the cur- rent in a resonant circuit from which no external work is sup- plied being If the self-inductance, capacity, and resistance are in series in the circuit, it is evident that when the periods of the circuit 1 = U * Art. 69 (4) . t Art. 58, Case (2). INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 947 and the impressed frequency are in resonance, the voltage be- tween the terminals of the capacity ^ = ^ is a maximum, since the circuit current is a maximum ; and the same is true of the voltage between the terminals of the inductance. If either the frequency, the self-inductance, or the capacity is changed in value, the value of the current falls, and the condenser voltage falls, unless the other elements are changed in value in such a way as to continue the condition of resonance. A condenser in a resonant circuit may be used as a transformer of voltage by connecting non-reactive apparatus across its terminals, as has been suggested by Blakesley, Loppe et Bouquet, Pupin, and others. If the self-inductance and capacity ai’e in parallel in the cir- cuit, the voltage at their terminals cannot be greater than that impressed upon the circuit minus the loss of voltage in the lead wires; but when the circuit is resonant, the current furnished to the circuit by the generator is at a minimum which is equal to the power consumed by the circuit divided by T the impressed voltage, while the current transferred between the inductance and capacity is a maximum which may be a great many times as great as the value of the generator current. Resonant circuits in the hands of experimenters such as Hertz, Lodge, and others have produced remarkable results, which have led to great advances in our knowledge of elec- tricity, while mathematical analysis of such circuits has led to further discoveries. These results have caused some to expect remarkable effects to be gained from the use of resonant cir- cuits (or Tuned circuits, as they are sometimes called) for the purposes of the electrical transmission of power. Circuits which are installed for the transmission of power over considerable distances (whether the wires are overhead or underground) always contain capacity and self-inductance dis- tributed along their lengths. It would be possible in such lines to adjust the capacity and self-inductance so as to give reso- nance, and the results to be gained from so doing may be ex- amined through analogy. A mechanical analogue of an electric circuit is shown in Fig. 523. This consists of a tube fitted with two plungers and filled with a perfectly elastic fluid. The properties of this fluid 948 ALTERNATING CURRENTS may be used to represent electrical quantities according to the analogies ; fluid velocity — electric current ; fluid pressure — voltage ; inertia — self-inductance ; compressibility * — elec- trostatic capacity ; frictional resistance — electrical resistance. Now suppose the fluid to be without inertia and perfectly incom- pressible ; then if plunger A is moved toward _Z>, a uniform cur- rent is instantly set up in the whole length of the tube, the ve- locity of which is equal (in proper units) to the pressure applied to the plunger divided by the frictional resistance. If plunger A is caused to move up and down harmonically, the plunger A' D a Fig. 523. — Illustration of a Mechanical Analogue of an Electric Circuit. at the other end of the line will have an exactly equal syn. clironous harmonic motion. This is analogous to the state of an electric circuit without inductance or capacity. Figure 524 shows diagrannnatically the state of the circuit, the distance of the broken line from the heavy line being equal to the current at each point. The light full line shows the gradual fall of pressure between A and A', caused by the resistance, and the sudden fall of pressure at A f , caused by the external work done by plunger A'. If the fluid is compressible but has no inertia, it is evident that the motion of the plunger at A! will be less than that at A, which is analogous to the decadence of current as it flows along a circuit having capacity, due to the quantity of electricity entering into the electrostatic charge on the conducting wires. The move- ments of the plungers are isochronous but not in synchronism. * Compressibility of a fluid is the ratio of compression (change of volume) to the pressure producing it, and electrical capacity is the ratio of the charge (change of quantity) to the voltage producing it. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 949 In this case the motion of the plunger A will exert its maximum pressure when the fluid is most compressed, or at the end of its stroke where its velocity is least. Hence the velocity of the fluid at the genera- tor (i.e. the genera- tor current), which is greatest at the middle of the stroke, leads the pressure by 90° of Fig. 524. — Illustration showing Conditions of Currents phase The mao'- an< * Pressures when the Pistons of Fig. 523 move in an r " ” Incompressible Fluid which is without Inertia. nitudes of the cur- rent and voltage throughout the circuit are illustrated in Fig. 525, after the manner explained in connection with Fig. 524. If the fluid has inertia but is incompressible, the velocities at A and A' are equal ; that is, the current throughout the circuit is uniform, but the pressure exerted upon piston A is greatest when the acceleration is greatest, which is at the beginning of the stroke where the velocity is least. Consequently the cur- rent lags behind the pressure by 90°. This is analogous to the electric circuit with self-inductance but no capacity. If the fluid has both inertia and compressibility, the column of fluid in the tube then takes upon itself the usual properties of material elastic bodies, and possesses a natural rate of vi- bration of its own which depends upon the dimensions of the column and the Fig. 525. — Illustration showing the Conditions of Cur- inertia atld COmpreS- rents and Pressures when the Pistons of Fig. 523 move m-tj. r j.i a - i in a Compressible Fluid having No Inertia. Slblllt y ° f the flulcb The period of this vibration, as is proved in elementary mechanics, is proportional to the square root of the density divided by the elasticity, or to the square root of the product of the inertia and compressibility. Hence T = a V MK where a is a constant, M mass, K compressi- bility, and T time of vibration. In this case, if the plunger A (Fig. 523) is moved with a sinusoidal velocity having a period of T seconds, which is the 950 ALTERNATING CURRENTS same as the natural period of vibration of the column of fluid, the fluid will be thrown into vibrations which require one com- plete traversal of the circuit to make a wave length. Hence, if there is no power taken from the circuit, there are nodes or points of no motion at a and a', and antinodes or points of maximum motion at the plungers. Since the directions of mo- tion in the two halves of a wave are opposite, the two plungers move in opposite directions in the tube. As the velocity of the fluid varies from node to antinode as a sinusoidal function, the loss of power by friction is reduced to one half the value which it has for an equal plunger velocity in the inertialess, incompressible fluid. The velocity of propagation of the dis- turbance through the fluid from plunger A to A' is equal to - centimeters per second, where l is the length of column. affMK Since the velocity of movement of the fluid falls off from the plungers toward the nodes, the pressure upon the fluid exerted by the plungers must be proportionately multiplied at the nodes, in order that the same power may be transmitted through the fluid across the nodes as is applied at the prime plunger A. The condition of pressure and velocity is diagrammatically rep- resented in Fig. 526. If power is transferred to an outside under the conditions here cited, require that the power shall he transferred from one 'plunger to the other tvholly through the ab- sorption and redelivery of the power by the fluid by means of the effects of inertia and elasticity. The fluid must therefore have a sufficient mass so that even at the slow velocity at the nodal INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 951 points its kinetic energy shall be sufficient to carry the energy in the circuit across those points. This analogue represents the conditions in the resonant elec- tric circuit with distributed self-inductance and capacity. Carrying in mind the analogue and the diagrammatic represen- tation of current and pressure in Fig. 526, it is easy to draw definite conclusions in regard to the effect of resonance on the operation of electric circuits for the transmission of power. The advantages of a resonant circuit for electrical transmis- sion are then : (1) a gain of upwards of one half of the I 2 R loss that would be caused by the transmission of an equal amount of power at an equal receiving voltage over the same circuit when out of resonance ; (2) more satisfactory regulation than would be found in a non-resonant but reactive line, since the difference in voltage between generator and receiver is equal to current times resistance instead of current times an imped- ance which is greater than the resistance. The principal disadvantage of a resonant circuit for electrical transmission is : a very large excess of voltage on the line at certain points, or nodes of current, which excess decreases to- ward the antinodes. If satisfactory resonance is to be gained by adjusting the self-inductance and capacity of the circuit so that the voltage at the nodes of current is no greater than ten times that at the antinodes, the average voltage along the line must be caused to be seven times that of the antinodes, using a sinusoidal function. In other words, if the voltage which is safe for use is limited by the insulation, we may say that the average strength of insulation on the line must be seven times as great as would be necessary at the generators. This enor- mous increase of insulation must be made to save fifty per cent of the I 2 R loss caused by the transmission of a certain amount of power over a given line. A much more reasonable plan for heavy power transmission would be to reduce the self-inductance and capacity of the line to a minimum, avoiding resonance and raising the generator voltage to 1.4 its previous value. Now the same power could be transferred over the line with the same resistance as before, the I 2 R loss being the same as when the line was resonant, but the average strain on the insulation would be only one fifth as great as in the resonant line. 952 ALTERNATING CURRENTS The highest voltage which can be economically used on cir- cuits for the electrical transmission of large amounts of power over long distances is generally conceded to be set at the limit which may be properly insulated. If this is true, the preced- ing paragraph shows that, with equal insulation, the generator voltage may be safely made — = times greater on a non-resonant, V2 long distance transmission line than that which is safe on a resonant line, where X is the ratio of the maximum voltage to the generator voltage on the resonant line. This shows that the non-resonant line would be by far the most economical for long distance heavy power transmission, even if it were com- mercially possible to maintain resonance on service circuits. For the distribution of power over short distances, the voltage is usually quite low, and the insulation limit is not approached, so that resonance might be introduced without adding to the insulation ; but the reactions of transformers and motors on the line make it practically impossible to keep the line in reso- nance. Similar defects are seen in the propositions for using resonant lines for various other classes of electrical transmission except telephony. These deductions in regard to resonance have been made upon the assumption of sinusoidal currents. In practice these are now seldom exactly realized, since iron-cored transformers and motors, and tooth-cored alternators, introduce distortions, and a circuit which is resonant for the fundamental wave is not resonant for its harmonics. As the question of resonance now rests, it does not enter into problems relating to ordinary elec- tric power circuits in such a way as to modify practice except as it in certain instances causes undue stresses on the insulation through its accidental occurrence in connection with transient effects caused by switching, arcing between wires or from wires to ground, effects of lightning induction, and the like. In telephony (which consists of the electric transmission of power in very minute quantities under certain special condi- tions), the voltages are relatively low and satisfactory insulation for resonant transmission may be readily accomplished. It is, therefore, good practice to load long distance telephone lines with self-inductance by inserting coils at frequent intervals, for the purpose of making the lines more nearly distortionless. INDUCTANCE AND ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY 953 218. Corona. — One of the earliest observed manifestations of electricity was the brush discharge between the electrodes of an electrostatic machine or near a highly charged pointed body. It was early recognized that this is accompanied by convection effects whereby a current of electrically charged air is caused to flow away from the body concerned, with a tendency to dis- charge the body. This is illustrated by holding a lighted candle near a point protruding from the electrode of an electrostatic machine in operation, when it may be observed that the candle flame is blown aside by the air current caused by the particles of air receding from the electrode on account of repulsion after they have become charged by contact. The phenomenon is ac- companied by a silent transfer of electricity from one electrode of the machine to the other by means of the air particles. While the usual electric circuits of commerce were only of relatively low voltage, it was thought that the phenomena of the brush discharge and electrostatic convection might pertain only to the extraordinary voltages of the so-called electrostatic machines; but the development of high voltage power transmis- sion has proved that those phenomena are associated with vol- tages of only a few tens of thousands of volts and that they occur in striking degree on aerial power lines when the voltage exceeds a hundred thousand or more volts. Such lines, when the voltage exceeds 125,000 volts, become luminous from the discharge, and seem, when viewed in the dark, to be covered with a brush discharge having the appearance of the correspond- ing discharge between the electrodes of an electrostatic machine. The discharge is established at a voltage which is inversely related to the radius of curvature of the conductors on which it is seated, and, in the case of aerial lines for the transmission of power by alternating currents, it results in a serious loss of power when the voltage much exceeds 125,000 volts and the wires are of the usual transmission sizes such as from No. 6 to No. 0000 B. and S. gauge. The loss is greater when the baro- metric pressure of the atmosphere is low, and it is therefore more strikingly observed in connection with high voltage lines in mountainous regions. The phenomena thus denoted are called Corona effects, on account of the luminous corona which may be observed in a dark room around conductors on which the phenomena are active. The phenomena are accompanied 954 ALTERNATING CURRENTS by the crackling or hissing sounds and the production of nitric oxide and ozone (which may be observed by the odor) that are recognized accompaniments of brush discharges at the terminals of an electrostatic machine. The amount of power lost by convection between power trans- mission conductors of the usual diameters increases slightly with the voltage up to a certain critical point, at which the corona seems to be fuily established, and the ratio of power lost to line voltage is much higher for voltages above the criti- cal point. The critical voltage for ordinary transmission lines at the usual central altitudes of this country seems to be about 125,000 volts, and the loss would be prohibitive on long lines at higher voltages when conductors not exceeding one half inch in effective diameter are used. The loss also increases with the frequency of the cycles of the voltage. These phenomena have been given much study, but no reli- able laws have yet been formulated. The consensus of knowl- edge may be obtained fairly well from various papers in the Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers for the years 1910 to 1912.* It has not yet been conclusively determined whether or not the effects of corona may occur in liquids or solids, but the best opinion leans to the hypothesis that corona is a result of ionization in a gas and requires a gaseous medium for its devel- opment. There are, however, certain recognized effects of ex- cessive electrostatic stresses in solid dielectrics which indicate that some phenomena occur in solids which are at least similar to corona effects. * Steinmetz, Ryan, Merslion, Whitehead, Peek, and others. INDEX A Active current, 313. Active voltage locus of transformer, 486. Adams, operation of alternators in parallel, 669. Admittance, the reciprocal of im- pedance, defined, 212 ; expressed as a complex quantity, 214. Admittances, combination of, 253-256. Ageing, effect of, on iron in transformers, 509-510. Air blast, cooling transformers by, 543- 544. Air-cooled transformers, 539. Air friction, losses in alternators due to, 597. All-day efficiency of transformers, 516. .Alliance dynamo, 90. Alloying materials used in transformers, 515. Alternating circuit, current in, 316- 317 ; methods for measuring power in, 344-358. Alternating current, controlled by same laws as direct current, 1-2 ; relation between alternating voltage and, 2-3 ; period and frequency of, 3 ; heating effect or power activity of (Joule’s law), 3 ; determination of effective value of, 4-6 ; frequencies of, 20-22 ; instruments for measur- ing, 43-45, 65-75. Alternating-current curve, resolution of, into its harmonic components, 35-42 ; determining the effective ordinate of an, 42-43. Alternating-current generator, 19. Alternating-current motor-generators, 782-783. Alternating - current motors, series, 874-881 ; commutation and other characteristics of commutating, 887- 891 ; vector diagrams of series motors, and expressions for voltage, 881-887. Alternating flux, caused by current of predetermined form, 438-440. Alternating voltage, 2 ; instruments for measuring, 43-45. Alternators, 19 ; form of voltage curve of, 22-27 ; measurement of effective voltage developed by, 45 ; comparison of voltages developed by. and by direct-current dynamo, 46 ; single-phase and polyphase, 55-60 ; armature windings for, 77-119 ; field excitation of, 106-108 ; composite excitation of, 108-114; inductor, 117-119; calculation of effective value of voltage of armature, 218- 220 ; losses in, 597-600 ; relation of speed to weight in, 602-604 ; self- inductance of, 609-611; character- istics of. 621 ; regulation of, for constant voltage, 654-661 ; con- necting, for combined output, 664 ; in series, 664-668 ; in parallel, 668- 669 ; synchronizing current of, 669- 676 ; division of load between parallel, 676-686 ; maximum possible load and regulation of prime movers in parallel operation, 686-688 ; effect of form of voltage curve and varia- tion of angular velocity on parallel operation and division of loads, 689-690 ; methods of connecting, in parallel to feeder circuits, 699- 702 ; as synchronous motors, 702- 704 ; methods of testing, 729 ff. ; efficiency by rated motor and stray power measurements, 729-732 ; feed- ing-back method for measuring effi- ciency, 732-733 ; efficiency by rated motor, 733-734 ; Mordey’s method of testing, 734-736 ; divided field method, 736-737 ; motor-generator method, 737-740 ; heating tests, 740-741 ; insulation tests, 741 ; regu- lation, 741-742 ; wave form of voltage produced by, 742. Amortisseurs for preventing hunting, 747. Amperemeter (three) method of measur- ing power, 356. Amperemeters, alternating current, 43- 45, 65—75 ; arrangement of, for measuring high voltages or large currents, 76 ; alternating-current, for testing alternators, 730. Ampere turns, exciting, 446 ; of ar- matures, 609. Amplitude of scalar value of vectors, 11. Analogies of the electric circuit, 945- 952. Analytical method for solution of problems, 261. Angle of lag, 132-133 ; method of measuring, 343. 956 INDEX Apparent power, 325. Argument of vector quantity, 242. Armatures, multipolar, 45 ; comparison of voltages developed in alternator and direct-current, 46 ; effect of arrangements of windings on voltages of, 47-54 ; classification of, 77 ; in- sulating, 120-123 ; core materials, 123-124 ; ventilation of, 124-126 ; measurement of self-inductance of, 145 ; curve showing relation of current to excitation, 724-727 ; heat- ing of conductors in rotary converters, 765-772; reactions of converter, 772-773 ; action of a short-circuited winding within rotating field, 790- 792 ; of induction motors, 791 ; coil-wound, connected to external devices, in construction of rotating field induction motors, 825 ; re- sistance in circuits for regulation of speed of induction motors, 835-837 ; commutated, 837-838. Armature conductors, determination of number of, 605-609. Armature cores and conductors, losses in alternators due to eddy currents and hysteresis in, 597. Armature reactions in alternators, 611- 621. Armature windings for alternators, 77-119. Arnold, E., 80. Asynchronous generator, 784 ; rotary field induction motor as an, 822-824. Asynchronous motors, 784 ff. Attenuation constant, 938. Automatic devices for regulation of alternators, 654-661, 699-702. Automatic switches, 764-765. Automatic synchronizers, 699. Autotransformers, 576-581 ; use of, as voltage regulators, 663-664 ; for regulating induction motors, 833-835. Ayrton, measurement of self-induct- ance, 145-146 ; measuring power in alternating-current circuit, 356 ; testing transformers, 650 ; testing alternators, 736. Ayrton and Sumpner, three-voltmeter method of measuring power in al- ternating-current circuit, 354 ; method of obtaining transformer efficiency, 589. B Balanced polyphase system, 359 ; uniformity of power in, 367-368 ; measurement of power in, 389 ff. Ballistic galvanometer, effect on resist- ances of shunting a, 163—165 ; use of, in tracing curves, 649. Barrel winding, 86, 102. Bar windings, 78. Bedell, testing alternators, 652-654. Bedell and Crehore, Alternating Cur- rents , cited, 301. Behrend, relation of weight to speed in alternators, 602. Blakesley, T. H., application of graphi- cal processes by, 257 ; measurement of power, 316 ; three-instrument method of measuring suggested by, 356. Blondel, measurement of power, 395; tracing curves, 650. Blondel and Duddell, oscillograph of, 644. Booster, 580. Brown, C. E. L., parallel operation of alternators, 689. Brush alternator, 91. Brushes of collectors, 103, 105. Byerly, Fourier's Series and Spherical Harmonics, cited, 27. C Calculation of magnetic leakage, 581- 583. Capacity, electrostatic, 168 ; unit of, 168 ; specific inductive, 169 ; con- ditions of establishment and termina- tion of current in a circuit containing, 170-175 ; effect of, in a circuit, 185- 186 ; conditions of establishment and termination of current in circuit containing resistance, inductance, and, in series, 187-199 ; vector relations of current and voltage in circuit containing resistance, self- inductance, and, in series, 209-211. Capacity circuit, definition, 279 n. Capacity reactance, 212. Capacity voltage, 177, 267. Characteristics, alternator, 621. Charge of a condenser, 169. Choking coils, 575. Chord-wound alternators, 78. Chord-wound armature, methods of applying the wires to, 93-102. Circle, power, 685. Circle diagram, for non-reactive sec- ondary circuit, 4S6 ; where trans- former load contains constant react- ance and variable resistance, 490- 498 ; of magnetic fluxes in polyphase induction motor, 816-822. Circuit, effects of changing resistance of a, 166-167 ; effect of introducing resistance in a continuous current, 180-183 ; effects of self-inductance and capacity in, 183-186 ; effect on transient state in a, of self-induct- INDEX 957 ance and capacity combined, 186- 187 ; time constant of a, 206-208. See Self-inductive circuit. Circuits, solution of, by graphical methods, 257 ff. ; classification of, for solution, 261-262 ; series, 262-277 ; parallel, 277-301 ; signification of terms inductive, capacity, reactive, and non-reactive circuits, 279 n. ; series and parallel combined, 301- 309 ; mutual induction of parallel distributing, 911-916; effects of self and mutual induction in polyphase, 916-922 ; distortionless, 943 ; tuned, 947. Circular loci for constant current transformer, 570. Classification of circuits, for solution by graphical methods, 261-262. Coefficient, of self-induction, 135 ; of mutual induction, 450. Coils, current, 345 ; voltage, 345 ; reactance of, causing errors in watt- meter readings, 346-349 ; impedance, 467, 575; reactance, 467, 575; choking, 575 ; shading, 853 ; com- pensating, 876. Coil windings, 78, 85. Coil-wound armatures connected to external devices, in construction of rotating field induction motors, 825. Coincidence of voltage and current phases, 325. Collector rings, 19, 47, 102-106. Combination of admittances, 253-256. Commutated armature, 837-838- Commutated primary windings, 838. Commutation of commutating alternat- ing-current motors, 887. Commutator, rectifying, 114-117. Compensated alternator, 113. Compensating coils, 876. Compensators, 576-581 ; variable, for regulating induction motors, 833- 835. Complementary vectors, 246. Complex expressions, addition and subtraction of, 244 ; multiplication and division of, 244-246. Complex quantities, 17 ; involution and evolution of, 249-251 ; differen- tiation and integration of, 251-252 ; logarithms of, 252-253. Complex quantity, vector analysis and the, 241-244. Composite excitation of alternators, 107-114. Compound-wound machines, 108, 110. Concatenation control, induction mo- tors, 838-840. Condenser, the term, 169 ; dielectric of a, 169 ; the charge of a, 169 ; I curves of charge and discharge of a, 171-173; energy of a charged, 175- 176 ; synchronous, 748-754. Condenser circuit, definition, 279 n. Condensers, total impressed voltage of circuit when connected in series, 276 ; current when connected in parallel, 297-298. Condenser voltage, 177, 267. Conductance, of a circuit, 214 ; of an admittance, 253. Conductively compensated series motor, 877. Conductor losses in transformers, 64. Conductors, density of current in, of alternators, 602-604 ; electrostatic capacity of parallel, 922-931. Connecting constant voltage trans- formers, 546-561. Connecting up armature windings, 58-60. Constant current transformers, 468, 567. Constant voltage transformers, 468 ; constructive features of, 531-546. Constants, determination of value of, in Fourier’s Series, 33-35; hys- teresis, 408-409. Construction of rotating field induction motors, 824-832. Contact makers, 593 ; methods of using, in determining form of voltage or current curves, 648-652. Converters, rotary, 83, 754-758 ; ratio of transformation in, 758-763 ; fre- quency and voltage limitations in, 763-765 ; heating of armature con- ductors in rotary, 765-772 ; arma- ture reactions of, 772-773 ; voltage control of, 773 ; split-pole, 773 ; synchronous regulators, 774 ; features of operation, 775-781 ; inverted, 781-782 ; mercury vapor, 895-896. Cooling, of transformers, 538-544 ; of alternator armatures, 600. Copper-band contactors, 105. Copper conductors, self-inductances of solid cylindrical, 901. Copper losses in transformers, 519-520. Core magnetization, 483-486. Core materials in armatures, 123-124. Core type transformers, 532-534. Corona effects, 953-954. Counter voltage, 61 ; induced in pri- mary circuit of induction motor, 792- 795. Current, conditions of establishment and termination of, in circuit con- taining resistance and self-inductance in series, 146-149 ; effect on rise and fall of, of eddy currents and of hysteresis, 165-166 ; establishment and termination of, in circuit con- 958 INDEX taming capacity and resistance in series, 170-175; establishment and termination of, in a circuit containing resistance, inductance, and capacity in series, 187-199 ; measure of the growth of, by the time constant, 206- 207 ; 'general equation for, in a cir- cuit, 222-224 ; in a circuit when any periodic voltage is impressed, 224- 226 ; irregular, and voltage waves expressed as complex quantities, 226- 229 ; envelope of vector when condi- tions in circuit vary, 237-240 ; in series circuits under varying condi- tions, 276 ; in parallel circuits, 297- 298; active or energy, 313; wattless or quadrature, 314 ; magnetizing, 476 ; curves of voltage and, 634 ff. ; distribution of, in a wire, 907-911. Current coil, 345. Current curve, methods for deter- mining form of, 644-652. Current rushes, 583-584. Current surges, 583-584. Current transformers, 571-575. Currents, relations between voltages and, in polyphase systems, 370 ff. ; in rotary field induction motor, 800-803. Curve, alternating voltage, 2 ; of squared instantaneous ordinates, 4 ; harmonic, produced by rotating vector, 9-10 ; form of voltage, of an alternator, 22-27 ; method of finding the harmonics of a periodic, by Fourier’s Series, 35-38 ; of voltage in separate slots of progressive distrib- uted windings, 48, 50, 51 ; satura- tion, or magnetization, 621-624 ; external characteristic, 621, 624-632 ; of synchronous impedance, 621, 632-634 ; magnetic distribution, 621, 634 if. ; voltage, 621, 634 ff. ; short- circuit current, 632 ; showing rela- tion of armature current to excita- tion, 724-727. Curves, equations of, by Fourier’s Series, 27-33 ; table of characteristic features of different forms of alternat- ing-current and voltage, 43 ; of rise of charge and discharge in a condenser, 171-173 ; of hysteresis, and of current and voltage distorted by hysteresis, 404-407 ; of hysteresis and eddy current losses in transformer irons and steels, 509-515 ; areas of succes- sive, of alternating currents and vol- tages, 652-654. Curves of torque of induction motor, 857, 858. Curves of voltage, effect of form of, on operation of induction motors, 842- 843. Cycles of frequencies of alternating currents, 20-21. Cyclic curves, of eddy currents, 425 ; of iron loss, 476-477. Cyclic hysteresis curves, 404. Cylindrical conductors, eddy current loss in, 418-421. D Damping grids, 747. De la Tour, Moteurs Asynchronous Polyphases, cited, 52. Delta connection, 368-370, 552-554. Delta winding, 57, 364. De Meritens armature, 92. Deptford Station transmission plant, 91, 105. Dielectric constant, the, 169. Dielectric hysteresis, 407-408. Dielectric of a condenser, 169. Dielectric strength, of insulating ma- terials, 121-123 ; of transformer insulation, 592-593. Dielectric strength tests of alternators, 741. Differentiation and integration of com- plex quantities, 251. Dimmer, 580. Direct-current dynamo, conversion into a double-current machine, 82-83. Direction coefficient of an expression, 242. Disk armatures, 90-92. Distortionless circuit, 943. Distributed coils, 27 ; effect of, on armature voltage, 47-54. Distributed resistance, 932. Distributed windings, 54, 78, 85-90. Distribution of current in a wire, 907- 911. Divided circuits, transient transfer of electricity in, 162-165. Divided field method of measuring al- ternator losses or efficiency, 736- 737. Dobrowolsky, 784. Double-current generators, 782. i Double-current machine, 47. I Double delta connection, 563. Drehfelde, 790. Drehstrom, 790. Drum winding, 78. Dry-core transformers, 539. Du Bois, H., electro-magnet designed by, 145. Duncan, measurements by, 145 ; testing transformers, 594 ; tracing curves, 649. Dynamo, voltage developed by a direct- current, compared with that de- veloped by an alternator, 46 ; convert- INDEX 959 ing direct-current into double-current machine, 82-83. Dynamometer, measuring power by a split, 357-358. E Eddy currents, effect of, on rise and fall of current in self-inductive circuit, 165-166 ; effect of, in watt- meter frame, 350-351 ; cyclic curves of, 425-427 ; magnetic screening due to, 427-433 ; effect of, on form of primary current wave, 480-481. Eddy current losses, in core of a trans- former, 64 ; from magnetic hysteresis, 400-404 ; measurement of, 410-417 ; computations of, 417-424; in cylin- drical conductors, 418-421 ; in sheets of rectangular cross section, 421-424 ; curves of, in transformer irons, 512- 515; in transformers, 518-519; in alternators, 597. Effective value, of alternating current and voltage, 4-6 ; of an irregular curve of voltage or current, 42-43. Effective volts and amperes, measure- ment of, 43-45. Efficiencies of transformers, 515-523. Efficiency, of alternators, 729 ff. ; of converters, 780-781. Electrical degrees, 21. Electrical resonance, 946. Electric circuit, analogies of the, 945- 952. Electricity, transference of, 149-152 ; transient transfer of, in divided cir- cuits, 162-165. Electro-dynamometers, 65-71, 344-346, 357. Electrolytic rectifiers, 896. Electromagnetic instruments for meas- uring alternating voltages and cur- rents, 43-44. Electromagnetic repulsion, 863-874. Electrometer, quadrant, 73-74. Electrometer method for measuring power in alternating circuit, 351-353. Electro-motive force of self-induction, 128. Electrostatic capacity, of parallel con- ductors, 922-931 ; relations of resist- ance, self-inductance, and, 932 ff. Electrostatic instruments for measur- ing alternating voltages and currents, 44-45, 73-74. Electrostatic wattmeter, for measuring power in alternating circuit, 353-354. Emery, alternating-current curves, 638. Energy, stored in a magnetic field associated with an electric circuit, 153-162; of a charged condenser, 175-176; of mutual induction, 453- 456. Energy current, 313. Energy losses caused by magnetic hysteresis, 400-404. Equalizer connections between sections of armature windings, 779. Equations of curves by Fourier’s Series, 27-33. Equivalent impedances, use of, in solving transformer problems, 501- 502. Equivalent resistance and reactance, 221 . Equivalent resistance of a circuit, 441- 442. Equivalent sinusoids, 319. Ewing, .1. A., experiments by, 403, 404, 407 ; hysteresis tester, 414; table of ratio of magnetic force in a plate to magnetic force at surface, 430-431; experiments by, to determine iron losses in transformers, 595-596. Ewing and Klaasen, cited, 596. Ewing’s apparatus, 596. Excitation, of alternators, 106-114; relation of armature current to, 724- 727. Excitation angle, 481. Exciters, 20, 106. Exciting ampere turns, 446. Exciting current, form of, required to set up a given core magnetization, 433-437 ; of transformer, 475-477 ; for an induction motor, 796-797. Exponential terms, 200-204. External characteristic, alternator, 621, 624-632. F Farad, the unit of capacity, 168. Feeder circuits, connecting alternators in parallel to, 699-702. Feeder regulators, 661-664. Feeding-back method, of testing trans- formers, 589 ; for measuring efficiency of alternators, 732-733. Ferranti alternator, 90, 91. Ferraris, 784. Field current, wavy alternator, 116, 117. Field excitation, relation of armature current to, 724-727. Field frequency of induction motor, 797. Field magnet, defined, 791. Field windings for armatures, 77 ff. Fleming, Alternate Current Transformer in Theory and Practice, cited, 33 ; transformer tests, 583 ; determining iron losses, 594-595 ; Propagation of Electric Currents in Telephone and Telegraph Conductors by, 945 n. 960 INDEX Form factor, of current curve, 7 ; de- pendence of iron losses of transformer on, 506. Foucault currents. See Eddy currents. Fourier’s Series, equations of curves by, 27-33 ; determination of the value of the constants in, 33-35 ; finding the harmonics of a periodic curve by, 35-38. Frequencies, commercial, 20-22. Frequency, of alternating current, 3 ; effects of changes of, on transformers, 507-509 ; in converters, 763-765 ; effect of, on induction motors, 859- 860. Frequency changer, 782, 891. Frequency converter, 892-893. Frequency indicator, 782. Friction, similarity between magnetic and dielectric hysteresis and, 407-408 ; losses in alternators due to, 597. Functions, alternating and pulsating, 319-320. G Galvanometer, effect of shunting a ballistic, 163-165. Ganz and Co., alternator, 115-116. Generators, synchronous, 19 ; multi- polar, 20-22 ; double-current, 782 ; asynchronous, 784. Gerard, cited, 354 ; device for tracing voltage curves of an alternator, 647. Gilbert, defined, 400. Graphical indication of effect of induc- tive load, 626-628. Graphical solutions of problems, 257 ff . ; in series circuits, 262-275; in series circuits, conclusions, 277 ; in parallel circuits, 277 If. ; in parallel circuits, conclusions, 297-299 ; in series and parallel circuits combined, 302-309. Gray, distribution of current in a wire, 910. H Harmonics, spherical, 28-33 ; method of finding, of periodic curve, 35-38 ; variation in impedance offered to current and voltage, of different frequencies, 229-236 ; effect of, in waves of voltage and current upon operation of a transformer, 505-507. Harmonic voltages and currents, 11. Haselwander, 784. Hay, investigation of current rushes by, 583. Hayward, Vector Algebra and Trigo- nometry, cited, 243. Heating, testing transformers as to, 591-592 ; tests of alternators by. 740-741 ; of armature conductors in rotary converters, 765-772. Heating effect of alternating current, 3. Heaviside, Electrical Papers, cited, 931. Hedgehog transformer, 517. Henry, defined, 136, 452. Hobson, Plane Geometry, cited, 49. Hoffman, tracing curves, 649. Holden, hysteresis tester, 415—416. Hopkinson, John, 594 ; operation of alternators in parallel, 669. Hospitalier, cited, 354. Hot wire instruments for measuring alternating voltages and currents, 44, 71-73. Houston and Kennedy, article by, 33 n. Hunting of synchronous machines, 743-748. Hutchinson, tracing curves, 649. Hysteresis, effect of, on rise and fall of current in a self-inductive circuit, 165-166; energy losses caused by magnetic, 400-404 ; curves of, 404- 407 ; similarity between magnetic and dielectric, and friction, 407-408 ; constants of, 408-409 ; measurement of energy absorbed by, 410—417 ; form of exciting current in circuit with and without, 433-437 ; effect of, on form of primary current wave, 479-480. Hysteresis loop, 403. Hysteresis losses, in core of a trans- former, 64 ; measurement of, 410- 417 ; curves of, in transformer irons, 510-512; in transformers, 518-519; in alternators, in armature cores, 597. Hysteresis testers, 414-416. Hysteretic angle of advance, 435, 442, 481. I Impedance, of alternating-current cir- cuit, 149, 211-214; in circuit con- taining capacity and resistance in series, 175 ; in circuit containing resistance, inductance, and capacity in series, 197; polygons of, 212; expressed as a complex quantity, 213-214 ; variation in, offered to current and voltage harmonics of different frequencies, 229-236 ; syn- chronous, 633, 706-715; in rotary field induction motor, 800-801 ; sub- stituted, for rotary field induction motor, 807-815; locus diagram of single-phase motor and substituted, 850-852. Impedance coils, 467, 575. Impedance methods, solution of parallel circuits by, 299—301 : solution of series-parallel problems by, 309-310. INDEX 961 Impressed voltage, 129 ; in self-in- ductive and capacity circuits, 179- 180 ; solution of series-parallel prob- lems by method of, 309-310. Indicator, power-factor, 743; frequency, 782. Inductance, conditions of establish- ment and termination of current in circuit containing resistance, capacity, and, in series, 187-199 ; mutual, 449- 453 ; leakage, 468. Induction, mutual, of parallel dis- tributing circuits, 911-916; effects of self and mutual, in polyphase cir- cuits, 916-922. Induction coils, 61-62 ; primary and secondary, 62. Induction factor, 343. Induction instruments for measuring alternating-current circuits, 75. Induction motor, 65, 784, 791 ; rotary field, 784-785 ; counter voltage in- duced in primary circuit of, 792- 795 ; exciting current for, 796-797 ; speeds, 797-798 ; slip, 798 ; secondary induced voltage, 798-800 ; currents, torque, impedance, and magnetic leakage in a rotary field, 800-803 ; vector relations in the rotating field, 803-807 ; substituted impedance for the rotary field, 807-815; formulas for torque and slip of a polyphase, 815 ff. ; circle diagram of magnetic fluxes, 816-822 ; the rotary field, as an asynchronous generator, 822-824; squirrel-cage form of windings, 824 ; independent short-circuited coils, 824; features of construction of rotating field, 824 ff. ; starting and regulating devices, 832 ff. ; reversing polyphase, 840-842 ; effect of form of curves of voltage on operation of, 842-843 ; single-phase, 843-850 ; locus diagram of single-phase, and substituted im- pedance, 850-852 ; starting single- phase, 852-853 ; efficiency of, and methods of making tests, 853-859 ; effect of frequency, 859-860 ; poly- phase, with exciting current supplied to the armature, 860-863. Inductive circuit, definition, 279 n. Inductive circuits of equal time con- stants, connected in series, 276 ; connected in parallel, 297. Inductively compensated series motor, 877. Inductive reactance, 212 ; effect of, in secondary external circuit, 490- 492. Inductor alternators, 77, 117-119. Instruments for measuring alternating voltages and currents, 43-45. 3 Q Insulation, of armatures, 120-123 ; dielectric strength of insulating materials, 121-123 ; in transformers, 544- 545 ; dielectric strength of trans- former insulation, 592-593. Insulation Tests of alternators, 741. Inverted converters, 755, 781-782. Involution and evolution of complex quantities, 249-251. Iron, constants of magnetic hysteresis related to, 409 ; quality of, for trans- formers, 509-515. Iron losses, 221, 412 ; due to hysteresis, 402-404; measurement of, 410-414; cyclic curve of, 425-427 ; effect of, on apparent resistance and reactance of a circuit, 440-442 ; cyclic curve of, 476-477 ; dependence of, upon form factor, 506 ; in transformers, 519- 520 ; experiments to determine, in transformers, 594-596 ; in alter- nators, 599-600. Irregular current and voltage waves expressed as complex quantities, 226-229. Irregular rotary field, 787-788. Irregular waves, examples of, 28-32. J Jackson, Electromagnetism and Con- struction of Dynamos , cited, 23, 33, 47, 107, 120, 128, 135, 604, 732; Elementary Electricity and Magnetism, cited, 43, 65, 68; paper on “Three- phase Rotary Field,” cited, 794. Joubert, tracing curves, 91 ; use of contact maker by, to determine form of voltage and current curves, 649. Joule’s law, 3. K Kapp, Dynamos, Alternators, and Trans- formers, cited, 48, 123. Kapp alternators, armature cores in, 123. Kelvin, alternating kilowatt balance, 71 ; electrostatic voltmeter, 73-74. Kennelly and McMahon, 935. Kilo-volt-amperes, 325. Kirchoff’s law of current flow, 366. Kirchoff’s Laws, 262. L Lag angle, 132-133 ; measuring, 343 ; relation of wattmeter readings to, in balance three-phase circuit, 397-399. Laminated core of transformer, 64. Lamp synchronizers, 691-694. Lap windings, 80, 102. 902 INDEX Lead and lag, 11, 129. Leakage, magnetic, 446, 451 ; magnetic, in transformers, 465-468 ; calculation of magnetic, 581-583 ; in rotary field induction motor, 800. Leakage conductance, 932. Leakage flux, 451. Leakage inductance, 468. Leakage reactance, 468. Lenz's Law, 128. Liquid rheostats, 833. Load, maximum possible, in parallel operation of alternators, 686-687. Load reactances of transformers, 498- 501. Locus diagrams, of currents, voltages, and loads of the synchronous motor, 715-724 ; of single-phase motor and substituted impedance, 850-852 ; testing induction motors, 854. Locus of current in a transformer when load reactance is varied and resist- ance is kept constant, 498-501. Logarithms of complex quantities, 252-253. Loppe et Bouquet, cited, 301, 423. M McAllister, Alternating Current Motors, cited, 727, 889 ; vector relations in rotary field induction motor, 805. McMahon, Hyperbolic Functions, cited, 929, 935, 936, 938. Magnetic distribution curve, 621, 634 ff. Magnetic field, energy of self-induced, 153-162; rotating, 619, 785-790. Magnetic flux distribution curve of an alternator, 634 ff. Magnetic fluxes, circle diagram of, in polyphase induction motor, 816-822. Magnetic hysteresis, energy losses caused by, 400-404. Magnetic leakage, 446, 451 ; in trans- formers, 465-468 ; diagram of trans- former with, 468-475; calculation of, 581-583 ; in rotary field induction motor, 800. Magnetic linkages, 152 ; energy stored in, 158-160. Magnetic screening, due to eddy cur- rents, 427-133. Magnetic vane instruments, 74-75. Magnetism wave, relation between form of, and form of induced voltage, 437—138. Magnetization, core, 483-486 ; curves of, 514, 621-624. Magnetizing current, 476. Magnetomotive force, 427. Mathematics, employment of, by engineers, 241-242. Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism by, cited, 902, 906, 909. Measurement, of alternating voltages and currents, 43-45 ; of self-induct- ance, 136-141 ; of power factor, 343 ; of angle of lag, 343 ; of power in alternating circuit, 344-358 ; of power in polyphase systems, 389- 399 ; of energy absorbed by hystere- sis, 410-417. Mechanical analogue of an electric circuit, 947-948. Mellor, J. W., Higher Mathematics, cited, 33. Mercury vapor rectifier, 895-896. Merriman and Woodward, Higher Mathematics, cited, 33. Merritt, testing transformers, 594. Mershon, testing transformers, 650. Mesh winding, 57, 364. Mhos, unit for measuring admittance, 212 . Microfarad, the, 168. Mordey, testing alternators, 594, 734- 736, 737. Mordey alternator, 90, 91. Motor-converter, 893-895. Motor-generator, 782-783, 891-892. Motor-generator method for measuring efficiency, losses, and heating of an alternator, 737. Motors, alternators, as synchronous, 702-704 ; relation of voltages, cur- rents, and power in synchronous, 704-715; asynchronous, 784; series, 784 ; induction, 784, 791 ; repulsion, 784, 863-874 ; rotary field induction, 784-785; series alternating current. 874-881 ; inductively and conduc- tively compensated series, 877 ; com- mutation of commutating alter- nating-current, 887. Multiphase machines, 55-58. Multipolar armature, 45 ; with wind- ing distributed in four slots, 48, 49, 51. Multipolar generators, 20-22. Murray, Differential Equations, cited, 148, "l74, 181, 188, 190. 191, 196, 222, 460. Mutual inductance, 449-453. Mutual induction, 62, 443-449 ; coeffi- cient of, 450 ; energy of, 453—156 ; transfer of electricity by the effect of, 456-463 ; of parallel distributing circuits, 911-916. N National alternator, 93. Neutral point, 56; of wye connection, 365. INDEX 963 Non-inductive circuits, connected in series, 276 ; power loops in, 320. Non-reactive circuits, 279 ; current in, when connected in parallel, 297 ; expenditure of power in, 312. O Oersted, discovery by, 1. Oil, transformer, 539. Oil-cooled transformers, 539. One-circuit windings, 82. Open-circuit current, 488. Open delta connection, 552-554. Opposition method of testing trans- formers, 589. Oscillograph, 593-594, 644-648. Over-compensated series motor, 878. Over-compounded machines, 108, 110. P Parallel, mutual inductance in coils in, 459-463 ; alternators in, 668-669 ; division of load between alternators in, 676-686 ; maximum possible load and regulation of prime movers in operation of alternators in, 686- 688. Parallel circuits, 261 ; solutions of problems in, 277-299 ; solution of, by the impedance methods, 299-301 ; solution of combined series and, 302- 309. Parallel conductors, electrostatic capac- ity of, 922-931. Parallel distributing circuits, mutual induction of, 911-916. Parallel operation, of alternators, 668- 669 ; effect of form of voltage curve and variation of angular velocity on, 689. Parallel wires, self-inductance of, 897- 907. Parshall and Hobart, diagrams of al- ternator windings, 80 n. Pender, computing formulas, 935 n. Pender and Osborne, electrostatic capac- ity of parallel conductors, 929-930. Period of alternating current, 3. Permeability, effect of, on self-induct- ance, 137-138 ; curve of, of trans- former steels, 514-515. Perry, John, article by, 33 n. Phase, 8. Phase diagram, 12, 260, 443-449. Phase difference, 9. Phase indicators, 696-699. Phase splitter, 852. Phase transformation, 561-566. Picou, quoted, 116. Plant efficiency, 339. Polar coordinates, 13-15. Polar curve, method of obtaining effec- tive voltages from the, 13-15. Polarity of windings, determination of, 547-548. Polar surfaces, 46. Pole armature, 92-93. Pole face, width of, 54-55. Polygons, of voltages, 131, 149, 179, 209-210 ; of impedance, 212 ; of vectors, 260. Polyphase alternators, 55-60 ; method of connecting up, 58-60 ; method of compounding, 113. Polyphase circuits, effects of self and mutual induction in, 916-922. Polyphase induction motor with ex- citing current supplied to the arma- ture, 860-863. Polyphase machines, 58. Polyphase systems, defined, 359 ; bal- anced, 359 ; uniform power in, 367- 368 ; relations between currents and voltages, 370 ff. ; measurement of power in, 389-399. Polyphase transformers, 524-531. Potentiometer arrangement for contact maker, 651. Power, expended in a circuit on which a sinusoidal voltage is impressed, 312-315; in alternating circuit, 316; expended in circuit when voltage and current are single-valued periodic functions, 317-319; apparent, 325; true, 325 ; vector, 333 ; quadrature, 334 ; methods for measuring in al- ternating circuit, 344-358 ; measure- ment of, in polyphase systems, 389- 399. Power circle, 685. Power curves, produced by sinusoidal voltages and currents are double frequency sinusoids wdth axes dis- placed, 323-324. Power factor, 325 ; method of measur- ing, 343 ; relation of wattmeter readings to, in balanced three-phase circuit, 398-399 ; relation of, to capacity in transformers, 498-501 ; relation of, to capacity, 500-501 ; of induction motors, 856. Power-factor indicator, 743. Power factors, table of reactive factors and, 342. Power loops, 320-323 ; quadrature components of, 340-341. Power relations, expression of, by means of vectors, 333-339. Pressure wires, 657. Primary current wave, effects of vari- able reluctance, of hysteresis, of eddy currents, and of current in the 9G4 INDEX secondary winding upon form of, 477-483. Primary windings, 791 ; commutated, for regulating induction motors, 838. Prime movers, regulation of, in parallel operation of alternators, 686-688. Progressive windings, 81-82, 102. Propagation constant, 939. Pupin, testing transformers, 650. Q Quadrant electrometer, 73, 351. Quadrature components of power loops, 340-341. Quadrature current, 314. Quadrature power, 334. Quarter-phase currents, 359-361. Quarter-phase transformers, 524. R Rated motor, testing alternators, 729- 734. Ratio of transformation in a trans- former, 463-465. Rayleigh, article by, cited, 909. Reactance, of alternating-current cir- cuit, 149, 197, 212 ; of circuit con- taining capacity and resistance in series, 175; capacity, 212 ; inductive, 212 ; expressed as a complex quan- tity, 213-214 ; equivalent or working, 221 ; of coils, errors in wattmeter readings due to, 346-349 ; of a cir- cuit, effect of iron losses on the ap- parent, 440-442 ; leakage, 468. Reactance coils, 467, 575. Reactions, alternator armature, 611- 621 ; armature, of a converter, 772- 773. Reactive circuit, definition, 279 n. ; expenditure of power in, 312-313 ; power loops in, 320-321. Reactive factor of a circuit, 342-343. Reactive factors, table of power factors and, 342. Reactive volt-amperes, 334. Rechniewski, experiments of, 600. Reciprocal of a vector expression, 248. Rectifier, mercury vapor, 895-896 ; electrolytic, 896. Rectifying commutator, 114-117. Regulation, of transformers, 522-523 ; of alternators, 654-661, 741-742; of induction motors, 832 ff., 856. Regulation tests for transformers, 590- 591. Regulators, voltage, 575-581 ; feeder, 661-664 ; synchronous, 774. Relays, table of polarized, 143. Reluctance, effect of variable, on form of primary current wave, 477—479. Repulsion, electromagnetic, 863-874. Repulsion motors, 784 ; series, 878- 879. Residual magnetism, effect of, on rate of change of magnetic field in self- inductive circuit, 166. Resistance, effect of introducing, in a continuous current circuit, 180-183 ; conditions of establishment and termination of current in circuit containing inductance, capacity, and, in series, 187-199 ; vector relations of current and voltage in circuit containing self-inductance, capacity, and, in series, 209-211 ; equivalent or working, 221 ; effect of iron losses on apparent, of a circuit, 440 ; in field circuit of induction motors, 832- 833 ; in armature circuits for speed regulation of induction motors, 835- 837 ; distributed, 932. Resonance, condition of, 234 ; electrical 946. Reversing polyphase motors, 840-842. Revolving armatures, 77, 92. Rheostats, starting and regulating, for induction motors, 832-833. Ring armature, 92. Ring winding, 78. Roessler, on dependence of iron losses of transformer upon form factor, 506. Roiti, cited, 594. Rotary converters, 83, 755 ; heating of armature conductors in 765-772 ; connecting up, 777-778. Rotary field induction motors, 784- 785 ; currents, torque, impedance, and magnetic leakage in, 800-803 ; vector relations in the, 803-807 ; substituted impedance for the, 807- 815 ; as an asynchronous generator, 822-824 ; features of construction, 824 ff. Rotating-field alternators, 77, 125-126. Rotating magnetic field, 619, 785-790; action of a short-circuited armature winding within a, 790-792. Rotating vector, 257-258. Rotor, defined, 791-792. Rushes, current, 583-5S4. Russell, Alternating Currents, cited, 430, 904, 931. Ryan, experiment showing effect of magnetic leakage, 466 ; tracing trans- former curves, 594. Ryan and Bedell, synchronous motor experiment, 714. Ryan and Merritt, testing transformers, 650. INDEX 965 s Saturation curve, 621-624. Scalar value of two forces, 8. Screening action due to eddy currents, 427-433. Searing, tracing curves, 649. Secondary induced voltage of induction motor, 798-800. Secondary winding, effect of current in, on forms of primary current waves, 481-483. Secondary windings, 791. Self-excited alternator, 107, Self-inductance, 134-136; the henry the unit for measuring, 136 ; of a short coil, 136-137 ; of a circuit containing variable permeability, 137-138 ; ex- amples of values of, 141-146 ; rate of expenditure of work in circuit containing, 183-185 ; vector relations of current and voltage in circuit con- taining resistance, capacity, and, in series, 209-211 ; of alternators, 609— 611 ; of parallel wires, 897-907 ; relations of distributed resistance, leakage conductance, electrostatic capacity, and, 932-945. Self-induction, 62, 128-130 ; coefficient of (self -inductance), 135. Self-inductive circuit, vector diagrams of voltage relations in, 130-132 ; current in, 146-149 ; effect of eddy currents and of hysteresis on rise and fall of current in, 165—166 ; high voltage generated on breaking a, 166-167. Separately excited alternator, 107. Series, mutual inductance in coils in, 456-459 ; alternators in, 664-668. Series alternating current motors, 874- 881. Series circuits, 261 ; graphical and analytical treatment of problems relating to, 262-275; conclusions in regard to, 275-277 ; solution of, com- bined with parallel circuits, 302-309. Series motors, 784 ; vector diagrams of, and expressions for voltage, 881-887. Series repulsion motor, 878-879. Series transformers, 75-76, 571-575. Series-wound alternator, 107. Shading coils, 853. Shape of voltage and current waves used in testing transformers, 593-594. Sheet-iron plates, eddy current loss in, 421^24. Shell type transformers, 532, 534-535. Short-circuit current curve, 632. Short-circuited coils, independent, in windings of rotating field induction motors, 824. Short-circuiting of terminals of second- ary windings, 49.5 — 198. Shunt, use of. in amperemeters, 72-73, 76. Shunt-wound alternator, 107. Siemens electro-dynamometer, 66—67. Single-phase induction motors, 843- 850 ; locus diagram of, and sub- stituted impedance, 850—852 ; start- ing, 852-853. Single-phase machines, 55. Sinusoidal voltage in a self-inductive circuit, 133-134. Skin effect, 903, 910. Slip of induction motor, 798, 815, S56. Slip rings, 19. Smithsonian Mathematical Tables, 93S. Solenoid, self-inductance of a, 136—137. Sparking, avoidance of, at rectifying commutator, 115—117. Specific inductive capacity. 169. Speeds of induction motor, 797-798. Split dynamometer methods of measur- ing power, 357-358. Split-pole converters, 773. Squirrel cage winding, 791 ; of induc- tion motors, 824. Standardization Rules of American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 585—586, 742. Standing torque, 856. Stanley alternator, 118-119. Star-connected systems, 361-363. Starting devices, polyphase induction motors, 832 ff. Starting single-phase induction motors, 852-853. Starting torque, 856. Star winding, 58. Stator, defined, 792. Steel, constants of magnetic hysteresis related to, 409 ; for use in trans- formers, 509-515. Steinmetz, cited, 13, 423, 506, 906; experiments by, 122, 407 ; experi- ments showing energy loss due to hysteresis, 403 ; hysteretie angle of advance of, 435. 442 : parallel opera- tion of alternators, 689. Step, voltage waves in. 664. Step by step method of testing for hysteresis loss, 416. Stray power methods, for obtaining transformer efficiency, 587-590 ; of testing alternators, 729—732 : of testing induction motors, 855-856. Substituted impedance, for the rotary field induction motor, 807-815 : locus diagram of single-phase motor and, 850-852. Sumpner, 354, 356. Surges, current, 583-584. 966 INDEX Susceptance, of a circuit, 214 ; of an admittance, 253. Swenson and Frankenfield, table . of hysteresis constants compiled by, 409. Swinburne, Hedgehog transformer of, 517. Switchboards for connecting alternators in parallel, 699-702. Synchronism, voltage waves in, 664. Synchronizers and synchronizing, 690- 699. Synchronizing current of alternators, 669-676. Synchronizing lamps, 691-694. Synchronous condenser, 748-754. Synchronous generators, 19. Synchronous impedance, 621, 632-634, *706-715. Synchronous machines, 597 ff. Synchronous motors, alternators as, 702-704 ; relation of voltages, cur- rents, and power in, 704-715 ; locus diagrams of currents, voltages, and loads of, 715-724 ; application of diagrams to machines wound with any number of phases, 728-729 ; for testing alternators, 738-739 ; hunt- ing of, 743-748 ; asynchronous motors contrasted with, 784. Synchronous regulator, 774. Synchroscopes, 696-699. T Table, characteristic features of dif- ferent forms of alternating-current and voltage curves, 43 ; effect of distributed coils on armature voltage, 52 ; specific resistance of insulators, 122 ; formulas for dielectric materials, 122 ; polarized relays, 143 ; self-in- ductance of armature in place, 145 ; power factors and reactive factors, 342 ; hysteresis constants, 409 ; Ewing’s, of ratio of magnetic force at various depths in a plate to magnetic force at surface, 431 ; of iron and copper losses in trans- formers, 520 ; of dielectric strength of alternators, 741 ; relation of number of poles to synchronous speed in induction motors, 826 ; self-inductances of solid cylindrical copper conductors, 901 ; distribution of current, 910. Tandem connection, induction motors, 838-840. Teaser winding, 554, 561. Tee connection of transformers, 554- 555. Teeth, armature, 94, 124 ; of rotating field induction motors, 831. Telephone service, long distance, 943- 945. Tensor of vector quantity, 242. Terminals of transformer, insulation of, 545. Tesla, rotary field motor applications, 784. Testing, transformers, 585-586; alter- nators, 729 ff. ; induction motors, 853-859. Thompson, S. P., 80, 81. Thomson, Elihu, 538, 567 ; on electro- magnetic repulsion, 864. Thomson, J. J., formulas showing extent of magnetic screening in stampings, 430 ; current density at any point within a conductor, 910. Thomson alternating-current ampere- meter, 74. Thomson-Houston alternator, 93. Thomson impedance coils, 575-576. Three-instrument methods of measuring power, 354-358. Three-phase machine, 56-57. Three-phase systems, methods of con- nection, 361—367 ; measurement of power in, 389, 391. Time constants of a circuit, 206-208 ; examples of, 208-209. Tobey and Walbridge, article by, cited, 638. Todhunter, cited, 368. Torque, in rotary field induction motor, 801 ; of polyphase induction motor, 815 ff. ; standing and starting, of induction motors, 856. Torsion head, 66-67. Transference of electricity, in self-in- ductive circuits, 149-152 ; transient, in divided circuits, 162-164; by the effect of mutual induction, 456- 463. Transformation, ratio of, in converters, 758-763. Transformer oil, 539. Transformers, fundamental principle of, 61-64 ; definition, 64 ; losses in operation of, 64-65 ; mutual induction by means of, 443 ; diagrams of, 443-449 ; ratio of transformation in, 463—465 ; magnetic leakage in, 465—168 ; constant current, 46S ; constant voltage, 468 ; diagrams of, with magnetic leakage, 468—475; exciting current, 475-477 ; effects of variable reluctance, of hysteresis, and of eddy currents on form of primary current wave, 477-481 ; forms of primary current waves as affected by current in secondary winding, 481-483 ; core magnetiza- INDEX 967 tion, 483-486 ; circle diagram for non-reactive secondary circuit, and active voltage locus, 486 ; circle dia- j gram where transformer load con- tains constant reactance and variable resistance, 490 ; locus of current when load reactance is varied and resistance is kept constant, 498-501 ; use of equivalent impedances in solv- ing problems, 501-505 ; effect of harmonics in waves of voltage and current upon operation, 505-507 ; effects of changes of frequency and voltage, 507-509 ; iron and steel for, 509-515; alloying materials, 515; efficiencies of, 515-523 ; Hedgehog, 517 ; U. S. table of iron and copper losses, 520 ; regulation of, 522- 523; polyphase, 524-531; construc- tive features of constant voltage transformers, 531 ff. ; core type and shell type, 532-537 ; cooling, 538- 544; insolation in, 544-546; connect- ing constant voltage, and features of their operation, 546 ff. ; polarity of windings, 547 ; open delta on V connection, 552 ; tee connection, 554 ; teaser windings, 554, 561 ; phase transformation, 561-566; double delta connection, 563; transformation from constant voltage to constant current, 566 ; series or current transformers, 571-575; reactance coils, impedance coils, or choking coils, 575-576; autotransformers or compensators, 576-581 ; calculation of magnetic leakage, 581-583 ; current rushes and surges, 583-584 ; methods of testing, 585 ff. ; wattmeter method, 586-587 ; stray power methods, 587 ; regulation tests, 590-591 ; heat- ing tests, 591-592 ; dielectric strength of insulation, 592-593 ; determina- tion of wave shape in testing, 593- 594 ; methods used in historically important tests of, 594-596. Transient state in a circuit, effect of self-inductance and capacity on, 186-187. Tri-phase transformers, 524-527. True power, 325. Tuned circuits, 947. Turbine generators, rotating field for, 125-127. Two-circuit windings, 80. Two-phase machine, 55-56 ; method of converting a direct-current ma- chine into, 83. Two-phase system, voltage curves of, 360 ; methods of connection, 360- 361 ; measurement of power in, 389- 391. U Undercompensated series motor, 878. 1 Underground cables, transmission of power over, 942-945. Uniformly rotating magnetic field, 786- 788. V Variation of angular velocity, effect of, on parallel operation of alternators and division of load, 684-690. V connection of transformers, 552-554. V-curves, 686. Vector, envelope of the current, when conditions in circuit vary, 237-240. Vector analysis and the complex quantity, 241-244. Vector diagram, 260. Vector diagrams, representing voltage relations in an inductive alternating- current circuit, 130-132 ; showing voltage and current relations in a charged condenser, 176-180; of alter- nating-current series motors, 881- 887. Vector formulas in solving transformer problems, 502-504. Vector polygon, 12, 260. . Vector power, 333. Vector quantities, 8. Vector relations, of current and voltage in circuit containing resistance, self- inductance, and capacity in series, 209-211; in rotating field induction motor, 803-807. Vectors, 8 ; rotating, 9 ; relations of their components and, 15-17 ; addition and subtraction of, 244 ; multiplication and division of, 244- 246 ; complementary, 246 ; recipro- cals of, 248 ; involution and evolu- tion of, 249-251 ; differentiation and integration of, 251-252 ; graphical combination of, 257 ; expression of power relations by means of, 333- 339. Vector triangle, 12. Ventilation, armature, 124-126 ; of armature alternators, 600. Versor of an expression, 242. Vibrator, oscillograph, 647. Vinculum, use of, 255. Voltage, alternating, 2 ; resolution of irregular waves of, into their har- monics, 33-35 ; instruments for measuring alternating, 43-45 ; com- parison of that developed by an alternator and that developed by a direct-current dynamo, 46 ; effect of arrangements of windings on that of armatures, 47-54 ; of self-indue- 968 INDEX tion, 128 ; impressed, 129 ; genera- tion of high, by breaking a self- inductive circuit, 166-167 ; capacity or condenser, 177, 267 ; effects of changes of, on transformers, 507- 509. Voltages, vector diagrams representing, 130-132 ; vector relations of, in circuit containing resistance and inductance, 149 ; relations between currents and, in polyphase systems, 370. Voltage coil, 345. Voltage control of converters, 773. Voltage curve of alternator, 22-27, 621, 634 ff. ; determining the effective value of an irregular, 42-43 ; methods for determining form of, 644-652 ; effect of form of, on parallel operation and division of loads, 689-690. Voltage limitations in converters, 763- 765. Voltage regulators, 575-581, 654-661. Voltage transformer, 75-76. Voltage waves, irregular current and, expressed as complex quantities, 226-229. Volt-amperes, 325 ; reactive, 334. Voltmeters, alternating-current, 43-45, 65-75; ar\ ,'angement of, for measur- ing high voltages or large currents, 76. W Warburg, on energy losses due to hysteresis, 403-404. Warren alternator, 119. Water-cooled transformers, 542-543. Wattless current, 314. Wattmeter, alternating-current, 65-75, 313 ; arrangement for measuring high voltages or large currents, 75-76 ; for measuring power in alternating circuit, 344-351 ; errors in readings, due to reactance of coils, 346-349 ; correction of readings, on account of power absorbed by instrument, 349- 350 ; effect of eddy currents in frame, 350-351 ; electrostatic, 353-354 ; for measuring power in polyphase sys- tems, 389 ff. Wattmeter method of testing trans- formers, 586-587. Watts expended in a circuit, 325. Wave form of voltage produced by an alternator, 742. Wave length constant, 939. Waves, examples of irregular, 28-32. Wave shape, determination of, in test- ing transformers, 593-594. Wave windings, 81-82. Wavy field current in alternator, 116, 117. Westinghouse alternator, 93, 126. Westinghouse rotating field magnet, 126. Weston alternating-current voltmeter, 67-69. Weston wattmeter, 350. Wilde, operation of alternators in parallel, 669. Wilkes, tracing curves, 649. Williamson, Differential Calculus, cited, 242. Windage, losses in alternators due to, 597. Windings, armature, 47 ff. ; single and polyphase, 55 ; mesh or delta, 57 ; star or Y, 58 ; methods of connecting up, 58-60 ; drum and ring, 78 ; bar and coil, 78 ; distributed, 78, 85-90 ; lap, 80 ; two-circuit, 80 ; wave or progressive, 81-82 ; one- circuit, 82 ; barrel, 86 ; polarity of, 547-548 ; teaser, 554, 561 ; amor- tisseur, 747 ; armature, in rotating field, 790-792 ; primary and second- ary, 791 ; of induction motors, 824-832. Wood, H. P., cited, 373. Working resistance and reactance, 221. Y Y-box for measuring power, 395. Y-connection, 361, 363; for more than three phases, 36S-370. Y-winding, 58. Z Zipernowsky alternator, arrangement of commutator in, 115-116. Printed in the United States of America, ' Date Due i ..... _ MAR 2 41< 48 g|p1 9'S 3 L. B. Cat. No. 1137 u 54537 f