cw. Duke University Libraries A bill to be en Conf Pam #244 »T105t0fl3. [House of Representatives, No. 343.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, January 20, 18G5— Read first and second times, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Herkert, from the Committee on Claim?. A BILL To be entitled An Act providing for the auditing and payment of properly authenticated claims against the Cotton Bureau in the Trans Mississippi .Department. 1 "Whereas. Under authority of Lieut. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, com- 2 manding the Trans-Mississippi Military Department, large quan- 3 tities of cotton have been purchased for the use of the Confeder- 4 ate States, by W. A. Broadwell, appointed for that purpose, and 5 for which certificates have been given, providing that payment