Duke University Libraries V-t^ •2.xissippi D^^partment, and after examination, to certify the balance, and transmit the accounts with the vouchers and certiticates to the Comptroller for his decision therton in all cases except those connected with the Post-office Department. It shall be his duty to audit and settle all accounts arising in the Post-office Department of the Trans-Mississippi Department, or relative thereto, and certify the balance* to the Assistant Postmaster General for that Department. Sec. 3. In all cases where any sum or sum? of money have been odid out of the fund of any Executive Department, or credits allowed to auy indi- vidual or individuals, under pretense that service had been performed therefor when in fact suclj eervice has not been performed, and in all otlier cases where the moneys of the Government have been i);ud over to any person in conse- quence of fraudulent representations, or by the mistake, collusion or miscon- duct of any officer or clerk engaged in the examination of accounts arising ia the Trans-Mississippi Department, it shall be the duty of the Head of the De- fiartment at the Seat of Government to which said moneys so improperly or raudulently paid belonged, to cause suit to be brought, in the name of the Confederate States of America, to recover back the same, or the excess, as the case may be, with interest thereon. Sec. 4. All accounts audited in the Trans-Mississippi Department by the officer thereof, shall be subject to the revision of the proper accouutinij otEcer of the Treasury at the Seat of Government, if deemed necessary oi proper by the lieads of the several Departments to which they relate ; and the account- ting officer of the Trans-Mississippi Department siiall furnish, as frequently as may be required, full and detailed statements of all accounts adjusted by them, prepared in such manner as may be prescribed by either of tlie heads of the Executive Departments, and they shall perform ail other acts pertaining to the adjustment of the accounts of the Trans-Mississippi Department, wliich may be enjoined upon them by the heads of the several Executive Depart- .meuts of tlie Government, in conformity with law. -- ... _ . Sec 5. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to keep all accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the public money, and of all debts due to or from the Confederate States within the Trans-Mississippi D^partnieiit ; to re- ceive from the Comptroller the accounts which shall have been adjusted by him, and to preserve such accounts with their vouchers and certificates, sub- ject to the Orders of the Secretary of the Treasury; to record all warrants for the receipts or payments of moneys at the Tieasury on account of expendi- tures made within the said Trans-Mississippi Deuartment, certify the same thereon, and transmit to the Secretary copies of the certificates ot balances of accounts adjusted as herein directed. Sec. G. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to superintend the ad- justment and preservation of public accounts ; to examine all accounts settled by the Auditor, except thoso relating to the Post-ohice Department, and certi- fy the balances arising thereon to the Auditor: to countersign all warrants drawn by the Agent of the Treasury for the Trans-Mississippi Department, which shall be autimrized by law ; to report to the Agent of the Tivasury the ollicial forms of all papers to be issued in the dill'crent otlices for collecting the public revenue, and the manner and form of keeping and stating the accounts of the several persons employed therein. Skc. 7. It shall furthermore be the duty of the .Nr.ditor to receive and file away for safe keeping the evidence of all cla: iis that may bo presented against the Confederate Government arising in tWb Trans-Mississippi Department, un- der the acts of August the 30th, 18G1, numbered two hundix-d and seventy, "to .perpetuate testimony in cases of slaves abducted or harbored by the enemy, .and of the property seized, wasted or destroyed by them," and of March 17th, 1862, chapter live, to regulate the destruction of property under military ne- cessity, and to provide for the indrmnity thereot, now required to be filed in the State Dcparlmcnt, as also the claims for money against the Confederate .States and thoso against the U. S., provided tor under aci of August the thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, number two hundred and sixty-four, to provide u mode for authenticating claims for money against tlie Confeder- ate States not otherwise proi'ided for. Sec. 8. The Agent of the Treasury in the Trans-Mississippi Department is authorized and required to appoint, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, as many clerks as may from time to time bo necessary for the discharge of the duties of the two Bureaus established by this act. Sec. 9. The compensation of such clerks shall bo prescribed by the Sec- retary of the Treasury, which shall not exceed two thousand dollars for ihe chief clerk, and fifteen hundred dollars for each assistant clerk per annum. 1^ S^A [No. 108.] 4jiq2 An Act to authorize the Organization of Auxiliary Bureaus of -the War De- "^ '^ partmeat West of the Mississippi River. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That, under the direction of the President, such bureaus or agencies may be organized West of the Mississippi river as the public service may require, which shall bo auxiliary to similar Bureaus of said Department established by law, and shall perform such duties as may be directed by instructions from the Secretary of War to the General Commanding in the Traus-Mississippi Department, acting under the War Departtnent. Skc. 2. Such staff officers and c'erksmay be assigned to duty, or appointed 'by the President to these Bureaus, as may be necessary for the service, and under authority from the President the General commanding the Trans -Mis- eissippi Department may assign such officers for duty, or make appointments therein, subject to the iipproval of the President ; Provided, that ho clerk employed under this act shall be allowed a salary exceeding two thousand dollars per annum, or be liable to miUtary duty. Approved, Feb. 17. O I An Agency of the Post-office Department has also been provided for by Ccngress, to have control and superintendence of all Post-masters, Mail-Con- tractors, and other Agents of that DepartRient, through whom all reports are to bo made and accounts settled, concerning postal affairs in the Traus-Missis- sippi Department Extracts from Treasury Regulations for the Trans- Mississippi Department. 1. The Agent shall, as . ion as practicable, upon conference with tha Military Conmiander of the Department establish the place at which the Agen- cy shall be located. 2. The Auditor and Comptroller, appointt^d for the Trans-Mississippi Department, shall forthwith report to the Agent at such place, and shall com- mence discharging the duties of their respective offices. 4. All money sent to the Trans-Mississippi Department shall be deposited with such Depositary as may be designated by the Agent to perform the func- tions of Pruicipal Depositary, and by him shall be distributed as the Agent may direct, in the same manner as the same is distributed by the Treasurer. 5. The requisitions which may be drawn by the Secretaries of the War and Navy, or by such persons as they shall designate, shall be registered by the Auditor, and presented to tlic Agent of the Treasury, who shall issue war- rants- ■upon the principal Depositary to meet the said requisitions in the same manner as they are issued by the Sewetary of the Treasury, paj-able at~such places as the warrant may direct ; upon which warrant the said principal De- positary shall i.ssue Treasury Drafts in payment thereof, and Transfer Drafts from said Deposit uy to any other Depositary may be made under the direc- tion of the agent of the Treasury, and in every case charges and entries shall be duly made in books to be kept for that purpose by the several officers, in the same manner as is now done at Richmond. 9. All notes received by any Depositary, shall be carefully counted by the Auditor, cancelled and reported, whereupon they shall be sealed up and deposited in some secure place until they can be transported to the Seat of Government. 11. The Agent of the Treasury shall superintend the collection of all taxes in the Trans-Mississippi District, and shall give direction as to the place in which funds shall be deposited, and the manner and form of their transmis- sion. The State Collectors shall make all their reports through him to the Commissioner of Taxes, and shall deliver to him all applications, estimates and documents intended to be transmitted to the Seat of Government. All ac- counts must be rendered and claims made through him, and he sh^ have '■ risdiction to settle all questions of constniction and admioistration uau.jr i^- Tax and Assessment Laws, subject to the revision of the Secrularj of the Treasury. 12 The said Agent shall have general supervision of all Depositaries, Collectors and Treasury Agents in his Di-partnient ; sliall re^eivc and forward all tlieir reports, estimates and other docuinents, and receive from this Govern- ment and distribute all orders, regulations and documents intended for them, and generally shall exercise such power aud authority over thu'ir onices as are confided to tiie Secretary of the Treasury, subject, in all cases, however, to the revision and control of the Secretary of the Treasurv. (SigueJ) C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. The ofueos of Agent of the Treasury, i^.udito^ and Comptroller will bo established aud organized at Marshall, Texas, on th; first of July, ISil-l. Keports, returns, accounis, rc(iui.sitions, &e., from Treasury and oilier of- ficers in tlie Trans-Mississippi Department, required by law to be made to or intended for the Seeret.ary of tho Treasury, Auditors or (JomptroUer at the Seat of Government, should be made to the Agent, Auditor or Comptroller, respectively, at Marshall. Depositaries of the Treasury will make their wcchUj reports of amounts of notes deposited for funding, under . the Currency Act, to the Agent and Auditor, but will retain the notes until notified that the Auditor is appointad and at his post. The Agency of the Post-office Department will also be established at Marshall. Dr. James H. Starr, the Agent, has its organization in progress. AGENT OF TREASURY, Pktkr W. Gr.\t; COMPTROLLER, T. H. KiiNSEUY; AUDITOR, Treasury Instructions to Depositaries and Tax Collectors. TnEASURY Agency, Tran's-Mis.s. Dept., ) Houston, May 28, 1861. J The following regulations will be obseived by all Regular Depositaries and by Tax Collectors in the Trans-Mississippi Department: 1. In order to afford f\icility to the troops in the field for funding Treas- ury notes under the Currency Act of February, 186t, it is directed that Brigade or Division Quartermasters, acting as Paymasters, C. S. Army, may, under orders from the Commanding General, receive Treasury Notes, for fund- ing, from the troops; and Certificates far fourp-'r cent. Bonds will be issued by any Depositary to the Paymaster for delivery lo the Troops from whom he may eo receive deposits, upon his paying over the money received, to the Deposi- tary, accompanied with a Report specifying the names of Depositors, dates of Deposit, and amounts received from each. In such cases, the Depositary will issue Certi!icates as if the Paymaster hftd acted as his Deputy. To effect I his. the Paymaster must keep, and return to the Depositary,* Numbered Register of the names of Depositors, stating Company and Regi- ment, dates of Deposit, and the amounts deposited by each,- which can only bo in sums of $100 or its multiple; and number the. notes received from each with the corrcsp onding number on the Register, so as to know from whom any counterfeit note may have been n-ceived. 2AIuterc/tyiue onA|5ond.s >ot IntcucfU-bearii^g Tre^iry I^es, p^viou^ to tb/li\t o{J0\\\, ]8(l/. 16 j)ayhbl\ bv/l)ep|Dsit«rieVoj>?y ir^riV^sWy/ tWold isSu^ and\lyfere.s\bCconii\^ue oiV^id afjp- that\«e wi/fbe flpja- Te in notefof the Vew issivE 3. Certificates for four percent. Bonds under the Currency Act of Feb- rtiary, 18G4, may be transferred or assigned by the owner by writing endorsed on, or attached to, the Certificatt?, to be sigrneJ and acknowle dgfcd bsfore, and certified by, a Notary Public or other officer nuder his official seal ; anlif trans- ferred by an Accent, the assipciiment: ami certificate must b^ accompanied with a Power of Attorney avithorizing hini to assign, to be in like mannir signed, acknowledged and certilled. 4. Djpositaries and Tax Collectors will not receive any of said Certifi- cates from an Assignee unles? the assignment be duly authenticated. When duly assigned. Bonds for the amount may be issued by the prop'^r Depositary to the assignee, after he shall have be^n supplied with Bonds under the Reg- ulations of the Treasury : au'l Tax Coliecfors will receive said Certificates from the owner or regular assignee, in payment of Taxes due for the years of 1863 or 18t}4, either from the holder of the Certificate, or ot'ier Tax Pavers whom he may designate. All fractional amounts must bo paid by the Tax paj'er io Treasury Notes 5. Tax Collectors will write on the face of each Certificate, that it is received for Taxes — date and sign it. Certificates so receive J. they will report and pay over to the State Collect 'r at the time, and in the manner required for r.'ports and i)ayments of money; returning, iu addition, a descriptive schei'.ule or list of the certificate-!, stating the d Itc, number.-, amounts, Depos. jtary by whom issued, and the date and name of party from wliom they are received. State Collectors will maki their r,}nors and returns of the cer- tificates received by them to the Agent of the Treas ury. P. W. GRAY, Ajent Treasury^ T. M. Department. EH. Uu.sHi.\(} «& Co.. Pkintkhs. Houston, lexas. from 5 be ast's time sol- tone cola o:u- r of ; the lim- ?ud3 ;rcat 'OW, eat- the ;;OUt ind \r- Hire re- f- idet the jck- liist her r mA%>if / m^ ^r - Ml' ' ^^ . TREASURY NOTICE. Agency of Treasury -> For Trans-Mississippi Department ) Houston, April 7, 1864. j" Notice is given to ail holders of Prca-iury Notes not bearing interest, tliat they may cxcnange them at the office of any Depository of theTlreasury, for Certidcates which will entitle thorn to Foiir per cent. Bonds, uni^ the first day of July next. After that date, all Notes over the denomination of F:ve Dol- ars are taxed thirty three and one-third per cent., and^n only be fiMied or received for - ^ taxes at 66^ cents on the dollar, and One Hundred Dollar Notes will, after • that date, not be receivable for public due3;«|ind can be funded only sfttyect to an additional tax and reduction of ten per cent, per month. On the first ot October next. Five Dollar notes will alio be SH+ject to the tax of ^\ per cent; and, after the first of Jaimary, 1865, alt Treas- ury Notes of ihp present issues cease to be fundable or receival)la*for public dues. The Certificates issued, and Bonds for which ^^ they may be cxchi^gged, ore receivable ' for ^^^ (axes due ani>payable during the year 1864 atfiio fuH amount expressed on their face*^ ^ wimout interest •'i^nd are-not subject to»the ^ ' tax imposed for th^ ye^r^t\ other bon^ and credits. For convenience, in funding, additional Depositories will be appointed, and the several Depo.-sitonesQf the ?Veasury are authorized to appoint Deputies in comities convenient to | them to receive dcpositJ for funding, to whom the prnicipal Depositories will forward Certifi- cates for the amounts received. The short time allowed for funding should admonish all holders prompti'v to present their notes and not risk the chance of exclus'on bv^^L the pressure which will occur ot the end oir^ ^ the month of June. Collectors of Customs are notified-thatTreas / u;;y ^tCTvarQj^j^longeureceivablc.Jor lmp'.«rl^ Duties. BoiiP'Exprjrt and linport. Duties must be paid in coin by iill parties. ■^^nust be paid in com by ill parties, the \ P. W. GRAY, un- Agent of Treasur^ Trans-Miss. ^Dept. Gaivesto/n Neat, Houston Democrat, Sari Antonio Der»?d,8hreTepoi tNews and Gazette, ^.,. ^{tfnt^ilA tsmtL Ao5TtfrState Gillette, Crtft^ V*^ ^d WlMf^TOMIfth (AA) Herald, and DtiflMK *T~ 1f*d9«WW'^biIsh isnce « week tUf oMttf *7 ' imfitMj'ifctfoi^ardbnis.' •J»**fc-"t-" « ■"^ '» - ' J ' 'W i - Hr *? . — TT!: <***s8^ \ rr- -*( — -? — T it. n^llB a^encv of Hu- Treasury for \W' \ ^\\ I Tmns-Mis-i.>sii.i>i Dopiirlim-nt will be oreaniz-cl for IxiMne-, =a Marsliall, Tc.xas ou tlu^ lirst.lav of July next. All Tvo.M.n ufiuers aivl Hun.ts, a.ul *^tl.^Mv. havii-g uc- cou'i-s witii, or ic'poi i.s U) laaUo to the i rcas- ,,ry i).M.a,1;ne;it, will forward ibeiu to t.ie a^ em, or (^mntrollLT, or Au.lUor. re^poct- i\-V>lv at, Marshall. i'lste.Kl of to tlu- fcecn'- tary of Trc'a^iiry, (JonipU-ollor or Auditors al ibo seat of govern-n.-nt. Agent oltho T,va.ury. ?*■»«»• ^\ ^'-V Comrti-ollor, T. H. l.eunody ; Auditor. (not vet knoun.) . Tiie followiiii; are refi:ular. Dopositancs of the Treanu-y , nc'v r.otln-. with whoiu disbursing oflicer.s of the govon\mont may d^'iVc^itt^ t'lindH. vir, . , . , » i . Hon. iMhvard Cross, \\ aHhiivj;toii. .\rk. , Ool H. J. G. Br/tle, Sin-evoport. La, ; bami. F Mosely, .Teirer^*on,Texa,i ; J. W-bnuth, : Dallas. Texas ; -^'^'"1^ ^orley l^us>on, Texas : D. M. Stapp, V K-tona. Texas, , b>.o. Vr. Tuluier.San Auionio, IVKa^*. I r. \V.GRA\. Ag'.^nt I of Treasury, for Traus-Miss. Dep't. Galveston Xow.s will copy tri-wcekly one week. Sbrtn-tMwrt News and Caddo Gazette 'tippy weekly one mouth. C. S. TREASURY AGE^'CY,•1 TkASSMiSS. DKPAKTJXfJNT, > Marshall, Texas, Aug. 8, 18G4. ) MAJOR David F. Shall, of Arkansas, liaving bfen appi'iuted Auditor of the Treasury iu connection with this agency has euteied on the discharge of his official duties. M.J. Hall, Esq., has been appointed and de- signated as Principal Depositary of the Treasury at Marshall. The appointment and qnalification of these o£D- cer8 completes the organization of this Agency. P. W. GRAY, Atii^. 12, 1664. 5t. Agent Treasury T.M. i Hollinger Corp. pH8.5