MAPS AND GUIDES FOR TOURISTS, PUBLISHED BY George Philip & Son. Philips’ Handy Atlas of the Counties of England, a series of Forty Maps, shewing the Physical Features, Towns, Villages, Eailways, Roads, &c. With a Railway Map of England ; forming a useful Guide for the Angler, Sportsman or Tourist. Crown 8vo, neatly bound in cloth, 3a. 6d. Philips’ Tourist’s Companion to North and South Wales, a series of Fourteen Maps, forming a Pocket Atlas and Guide for the Angler, Sportsman and Traveller. Crown 8vo, neatly bound in cloth, plain maps. Is. 6d. ; or with colored maps, 2s. 6d. Philips’ Pocket Atlas of the Counties of Scotland, a series of Twenty-seven Maps, shewing the Roads, Railways, Country Seats, Parishes, Rivers, Lakes, &c .; and accompanied by a General Map of Scotland; forming a cheap and portable Guide for the Tourist or Traveller. Small 8vo, neatly bound in cloth, 2s. 6d. Philips’ Excursionist’s Guide to the Environs of London, By G. R. Emerson, comprising a description of every Town, Village, and Place of Interest to the Tourist within a limit of Twenty-five miles around the Metropolis, with their Historical and Biographical Associa¬ tions ; Railway Routes, Distances and Fares. Price Is. sewed, or bound in cloth, with colored map, 2s. Gd. Philips’ Excursionist’s Map of the Environs of London, com¬ piled specially to exhibit all the principal Gentlemen’s Seats, Antiquities and Objects of Interest to the Tourist; together with the Towns, Villages, Parish Boundaries, and Postal Divisions. Constructed from the Ordnance Survey and other authentic sources by Edward Weller, F.R.G.S. Scale—Half an inch to a mile. In cloth case for pocket, plain. Is.; colored. Is. 6d.; mounted on cloth, 2s. 6d. Philips’ New Map of London, Constructed by Bdwaed Weller, F.R.G.S., with Street References, Cab Fares, &c., &c. In cloth case for pocket, plain. Is.; colored. Is. 6d .; mounted on cloth, 2s. 6d. George Philip and Son, Publishers, London and Liverpool. MAPS FOR TOURISTS AND TRAVELLERS. England and Wales, by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Size— 28 by 40 inches. In cloth case, 7s. England and Wales, reduced from the above. Size—22 by 28 inches. In cloth case, 3s. 6d. Philips’ Half-Crown Tourist’s Map of England and Wales. Size—22 by 27 inches. Mounted on cloth and in case, 2s. 6d. Philips’ Eighteen-Penny Tourist’s Map of England and Wales. Size—22 by 27 inches. Folded in neat cloth case. Is. 6d. Scotland, by J. Bartholomew, F.R.G.S, Size—28 by 40 inches. In cloth case, 7s. Scotland, reduced from the above. Size—22 by 28 inches. In cloth case, 3s. 6d. Philips’ Half-Crown Tourist’s Map of Scotland. Size—22 hy 27 inches. Mounted on cloth and in case, 2s. 6d. Philips’ Eighteen-Penny Tourist’s Map of Scotland, Size—22 by 27 inches. Folded in neat cloth case. Is. 6d. Ireland, by J. Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Size—28 by 40 inches. In cloth case, 7s. Ireland, reduced from the above. Size—22 by 28 inches. In cloth case, 3s. 6d. Philips’ Half-Crown Tourist’s Map of Ireland. Size—22 inches by 27 inches. Mounted on cloth and in case, 2s. Cd. Philips’ Eighteen-Penny Tourist’s Map of Ireland. Size—22 inches by 27 inches. Folded in neat cloth case. Is. 6d. Philips’ Map of the English Lake District, by J. Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Size—15 by 20 inches. Folded in case. Is. ; in cloth case, 2s. Philips’ Industrial Map of the British Islands, by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Exhibiting the Chief Locahties of Manvifacturing and Com¬ mercial Industry, with the ratio of Population in the different Counties, and the 'Cowns classified according to their respective Populations. Size—22 by 28 inches. Mounted on cloth and in case, 3s. Cd. Hughes’s Geological Map of the British Isles, by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Size—22 inches by 17 inches. Mounted on cloth and in case, 3s. 6d. George Philip and Son, PnUishers, London and Liverpool. DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PHILIPS’ HANDY ATLAS OF THE Counties of England, BY JOHN BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.G.S. LONDON: GEORGE PHILIP & SON, 32 , FLEET STREET. LIVERPOOL: CAXTON BUILDINGS, SOUTH JOHN STREET, AND 49 & 61, SOUTH CASTLE STREET. I 873. ■ CONTENTS. No. of Map. ENGLAND (Railtuay Map) . I BEDFORDSHIRE . . 2 BERKSHIRE . . .3 CAMBRIDGE AND HUNT¬ INGDON . . .4 CHESHIRE . . .5 CORNWALL . . .6 CUMBERLAND AND WEST¬ MORELAND . . 7 DERBYSHIRE . . 8 DEVONSHIRE . . 9 DORSET . . .10 DURHAM . . .II ESSEX . . . .12 GLOUCESTER . . I3 HAMPSHIRE . . .14 HEREFORDSHIRE . . 15 HERTFORDSHIRE . . 16 KENT . . . .17 LANCASHIRE . . .18 LEICESTER AND RUTLAND I9 LINCOLNSHIRE . . 20 No. of Map. MIDDLESEX . . .21 MONMOUTHSHIRE . . 22 NORFOLK . . .23 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . 24 NORTHUMBERLAND . 25 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . 26 OXFORD AND BUCKS . 27 SHROPSHIRE . . .28 SOMERSET . . .29 STAFFORDSHIRE . . 30 SUFFOLK . . .31 SURREY . .32 SUSSEX . . .33 WARWICKSHIRE . 34 WILTSHIRE . . .35 WORCESTERSHIRE . 36 YORKSHIRE, NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . . 37 YORKSHIRE, WEST RIDING 38 NORTH WALES . 39 SOUTH WALES . . 40 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Duke University Libraries 1 GEORSE PHILIP & SON LONDON 4 LIVERPOOL GEORGE PHILIP A b’OH LONDON A LIVERPOOL yTvthp^ . I ' ^ iTenJiL/^ro/t^ ''^cotton. \ 1 iislei^ „ '\siJuwl^-cZl Scfftdfof'd^ \ C Buxdlcj- c ABik&hox, a.mpto 2 i 'Nbj^tftTnuo} S^cCffbrd '^stead Ald}j0XH-n.\ Tu tM/idoti, vCfti«V4 n'^hrf ’'rilshojni Bt'oAA d Sfjin/'of'/i .y / ^vBticltle'bui:' '^'^ooUuihuitjon ito 1 ® y M'dglwA^ G ' /^OiV/b^^ ,n#dn;yft>f{ yiS'ko\'^ ^d^Urroi/^ '^&Ti rnkpen^-^ ■fO'!v>V \Y')dtBu>.< OIOR&E ‘PHILIP 4 SC . 7 T'P ^:7 k Lamboviri' / „ . , A.. " I ^'( ” '1 Icom^tsfr,- S? ®r k-^%ad4c--^ 'k - /k’II u I»4JJ iisfu3ps'one. ■ .- Ai-O' Nr- Bea/consfield ^ovtmarsK ToburrL ' SaniMlfidon. iisluwi 'tiam. , Park Flojoe jiuldenlie/a^ itham/ Zi^ierf ^Jlitrsl l^fi^ii/ie/d TilcL-Tir^ •Ai^oT'tXcld iUTUUTlQ Etzsehcii^ •^~^orkhafi\ Scaines SwaJlow fit'UL ^t/nnstead. ^ Bagshot iSfiochn.tliiiO'tt ChobhoTti-. 'ohflilc BERKSHIRE Engitah Mil«s ;;^;r7^:^a^'aiinrst, y-' lUy^MUitofy'allege Ffimlty V r . FoT'ftbprough.ibt _ CO iO'bTDON A LU’ERPOOL UlTLir 21 Moss / S^^ret/b^ ^ LTKjyc i/brlji'O Rostht. lvigwq.y PoyntonK WooS/'ijr^ f| Chjjrlei r^'avjo* ver Hobnejf C^f Ltiwttx ,Jiarehcm2ry Audlf^ '^huyihuTy TkeFeak CHE SHIRE KnuUskZfilee Parliamentaiy ivivisions 1 KAST GHi:SHIRE 2 KID CEE SHIRK 3 •TTEST CHESEIE.E Jiaiikxaytf - -- - Roatia — ■„ - CanaJs -— - ni)(jN a mvt:rpooi. • A.£i THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL DMry iohe,itDck f Htjwn- >st**atJujel yfiriTWiv °Ltrrin Ytep c n >voa^ -'T'r^xeWT' Whijtftsand. Bu.\ -^^ampouTuii^ Tre^or^ Hufuf S."^ ^Dodman B ubd e j * Bude. ■ggvew/i_^ B cuy )J|j^ Widenwnthy M Bay jT Bcrdanna^^ TinJUuffi S? tfe Cos. A. j "'AVISTOCK ISTC^MOUTHQ ^rraJ^atdr 3NDON A LIVERPOOL i . .. ^5‘ fi- J X Oh W X o SON LONDON A LIVERPOOL OO frLORGE VHILIP H- SON . LONDON A LIVERPOOL. I K O Oh O W O soil LONDOK & LWERPOOL. OEORGi: PHILIP & S' ^li^t^fibi ) Don-rti •y^amJadt fiW^ Orcb^T^ %:^I»ernr TUf^GunyOly’ ', Gus^iSmi 'SmL \Tarf' -JV^ '^-j'r>»E——•^-- J/Vt f Dudsbii/y ; f^^PuHey^ Svn^^rfdJL ioumemouin Wnrsjf own ■ ISLE]\hF( .Zuiu'ljf/ BreaJovater \d CastiA F^ War -I,* « ^ J er7A -♦ ^K/in§J V , sj( Studland, ■P VRBE CJT ^ty' affi-T. Snidlcmjhh^^^For'^LlJui . -^^iw nCT“ ONDOM ,t Ln'ERFoOl. iMi lit GEOR&E PHILIP A. SOH )'NT)0'N Sc LIVERPOOL GKORGE PHILIP A Si 0N1U)N X- LIVEHHOOL j. STR^TFdh c o fc •4 5a o a o o cu s (•4 O HAMPSHIRE z o t- w •*> c LIVEUPOOL 16 i ■ 1 I -I, ' 1 ^ty « Tr Li' #• * GEOB&E PHTLIP & A/ttwicf^ CKishaU S affcou "W ald.eii'^ J C^yba^ SA iwell J[ 2L ^Uhain ^nrhvii^ ^ Bract Bfi^a ttvsfuifn 'CiothaU ^Utver^nj '.ftchworth WiiiinU tlkmekina t k'J'rfjW’ ^Lit-I[pr*niat^ Aaptd^ ® 'N. Wrstrm Ui XQurnilur^ 1 JJhiirv' liitfiitphin^ * Steveuaj(o Shfphail a Baxninpton ^zrehai Slandon * 7 / Lit.ilxntdm ’Knfhworih , ThprUy $* 3a Utnp in ay 't I'rxhroff ‘^nple^rtl ThtmArtdpi eiJ SrotfS^O^ Brtyintftfief Mtritryhufyo J ^ • -^^0, BrAThaiuyie i ji'rMbavrnrj/i Vi’Ton/t^/^ f ’rtttthxnit "XWood 'Park '•'.p Chf.fhii ^tniphAOak Wahhom ^ - On^'ar '^altham Abbey 'Enfield. Zox^htan C’hippiAj urtcKUC' Earner Tatrmdpt UottenAt irrtgtiwith OWDON .4 LrVT:RTOOL Roiafbr^ ' Cir(^s liwtvck Coohjuj Dartfoii Siaham. AX.lra^ ®»o£j V6uyS. *‘J)ai'«si/h- isf/huist Smivn axSone* Ifu’M. \ OuJsfi^S^ -.Si^^dtwn ^ ScsUjix Stocid?wry' ISTOiTE '^. I lanal^^ \>si!L-.f. iimrderv ^Tuabrit Veils icdC'07nbe> m^{ie2d. Vckfidd.^ BrighMng ■ ^icrgcssSlL Battle] levoTsl GEORGE PHILIP & SO \ieea&l)oro' \^tufsgate I'XorthTortdimd fBroadsLiir^ (bni7 , lewMy ’•OLStsK. C y^rru/nShojTi STapU/t>^-^ burton. s^psTuhTrC ZTormfmton '‘Zd^dXnpton. jruijiTn, X,' , A^Ziifferthar liTtgtiin, ShanffUift^' hrXa/J^ton >t^worth Cranoe Jixingerton. / Br^ ^' Til?: coirnTLEs or LEICESTER & RUTLAND dmx^-orui s, Bosworth 1 NORTH DIVISION 2. SOUTH LTVISTOH Eertterme RaZlwa R/iado Viuial* i-• 03 ONDON & LTVXRPOOL. o CV3 fc o w o ?0K LONDON 4- LIVERPOOL \20 MIDDLESEX AM^nJiam. [>rthjiiirv roaJs "Watfo? Set^hts Pickmansworth. S]) hAlfont l^GiUo Stajtmore Whjt/iiimit. HatcMA Hastot •Kcn^n. ^Tudslip Ickaiham, Vnyfiird \SanwelL ^outhall '* * ff'est J}ra^ton. ■hyonrooJ Sariinfftii. Heston. ^HjarmonHswordi Colribr^}: "^fedscQ.’ Saiton. )StanMt Afliford. Sushjy |Lv4toi Tipton JtuiOjuo] Moidsey^ taUifor^. Walton, m Thames .Weyhnil^i GIORGZ PHILIP Sc SO *NarOuM ,Waltlain Al)b ej % *. ' Ee/rrwnU>fi\ y/oodfoT'. Ufora ^ ■VToolwiar^ 'enw:; Eldtam. Wimhltdan. Chisdhiuvt Buidt^nKim Mh'don of Gre^nwit-h East of (h^envrieh- CNO )NDON Sc MVT.RPOOI. GEOBGrE PHULIB A S o Jt 7’ THE COrj^TT OE N 0 RF 0 LK £r\ylith Miles ^ •) e Btrlha/rt Crrc^Jii BodhuTn. niiiyhafu Bluyinst SjCncrprnn^ Httppis bti/'^h Witton. M-nrimy \ \J ^hUy\ yi^Birldiny Wi/Uertoth Xe^i Cobtishallf Swan/i taKBMjjtei' T^e/vn. MarlJuun. >rnv^l MolUishy iZtatdski '.'i/imscead, _ oB r-und^jJl \Cauitor ColtOTV YAHMOirrU \'^ton ^rtedwrpCj^ ITtyruu/f'Ueh), pntxm Btesdiorpt Tot't MoJiks '*Sti>cktQV. i hlUgaT Pulhuni lirl/ri^ B'p^ugh A Mwloroi^k^^ ^\co}^Wtsto^^^ ' C ^ ’VnittM'lnff A. _ V t/j, \j- '^>u>rnA^^^ gj. ^ 'Wansfi^dik 's CHffe /— iSCjZi^ 7 '^iSt Jj ^cduir’p»'-f ub*ick \^ooil2re4t^j TTpphi^liam* Zaxlon, Orittoiv Caldtosc', 'Elton • Warmu^tan Coteersuioiit Glapthom- \ ® Coti^hapi ^-.^tddinatm a/'StonS Brampton yfadtrJiot,/^ ^ttkUt y7 Clap^^ TiL^vnarah ipapston . \ rt&arkton Slip I •,, ? BcrtorC. ddifi^tonf' * ^/'i* I / pi^Of'W^ /(rAam,® / K, 7 {-SwroJi^l ioatone Vcdduj^tono'* pe, '^pttcdon, ^ Aa^ VinahrwMy aUNTIN&DO] Sargr^^ Zfulieoion, *'^5 JKinib olton 'TiUjen- 'v\ JITawtpTU^Tvjrru^o/ti ^^^Co^irJuit JfT'i Bri^fUU p S^Neots* rewport Pace'll ^igr S^atford NDCU LH^KETOOL uO CN3 SON .LONDON A LTVtRPOOL CO C\3 o 3m 5 P fS O Z.’ o (iEORGt: I’HILIP OEORGS PHILIP A SC SEDFO: ^Erribert^n. (• G-olain^w^ SansUnse. TO'Vj^^^tCT^ >. %->. ' 1 ^N-CT'O.wlej^ fi^vrport Pa^ell tbfauisct. of^ STufford \Ca.'S’tfoTd iei^iU' 7 /ihiirv ^y^wton. A Lori^vUl^' \ /> 7 ^yipn\ - <*r 3 rS'loy^ ',inslade\^ \ n Lei^i^ •&©1izzarcl Vuns^Bil' MriowT' b^endon / ,_ acferweiod I ^^arj^n. K Cubbin^tcn lotan^o i^hitchwch J " Aston o / ^ainton, \Abbots M. ^^^SardwxcJk .(rrove- '’Xuto:D^^ ,.^-^Jvj^s worth J’uttfnAdm. yod^bbtj^J ^ ^dhnton I ,fi A. S TVeston. \^ru V G^ B eri^mp sie\ fkn.^ o^Uampder. (■ 3 NjK^^‘'sKi 6 ^l^ai& cj^pj Anie^ai^ "XT' ^TiA / Penn | ' Serrui^empsteady ^iaiaxdi 7 ^^\^hxrhurn. i iWatford iD^wci g" Zj^glLcousra^ dV,_ I Efd^er&y \ ^ <^Mor 'iun,jf^ Vbftn'Jatr Cedri^nJi/O^^ ":'tbridg^ Maidenliei \ Rqfherrield. ^ J \ PtTP'ira , o Ajnpsayn SArptahy‘‘ Ct^led^ba/n iMii brook w:kj>sor "w^yEoT'd Wraysbvr HoTiii slo\^ XADIiyG* I tallies DNDON .< LI\'r:r:T »iol c>o (lEORGT PHILIP A SON LONDOH GEOROE PHILIP & SO! Forth wyo F,eM\ T ^ liroxalL Dowt. "bW Jia 3 ^ Wnn^lor Ti/nsb'ujy Welbw. Sitution/ SiK, (Trowbridge Wairwrt, itonMail^ 168S ^luour .an^port llcheste^ * IsU^Ah^ts^ JiCtid/orCbj Stoncdust^ IJewtcui' ^KOurry FhwiSerC ^ - . .V®i 30n ot CiTTf/nt lch )ND0N It. LmiRPOOL CN 3 <-0 V :{oaNO'i iins v jiniia aonoao 31 GEOKGE PHILIP & SC iroKv^s-, irle^to/i ^^neoy 5 irfon. SiraXtoTv ^^uxb\ LPaJcetieid ^ColyJle 'etfhaUi tuifflivnel J>SatterUy ’iVr^tharni X SC Bay 2 rfwicncm Toolver-i V—' IP> " ''~''^J^^-K<^l^£andper Zoint ^ )-NT)ON A- LIVERPOOL fJfrgj'ton Cah^onk^ Eottoiv '.T) l^TTERET 3 ■ftTSST STIRUEY. Or^uiry OlA.Win^\ -JsiflJliS 'i'vnJ<^fld WinMisharn ^yclb/iytgTiCoV^gi y^tjiro % Cho'Ujuxni "Evtarsiy fforsdl. Fyrford Odi^iUti. Fonihovi Fffai^ley T.€bndon WQajiEon,. Merrow ITOTuJiBl*' CcTnjTwn. ^ComptoTv Crookkbuxy ) Common. f Mf^'^ood Comjiu C^erBnrroi FcnOuaw, 0>Timor\^ '•Zhto/id 0 rr. = Eanibledo!^ Eaxgsicy Jftm ; Thuistbld MfoW GEORGE PHILIP & SOI > Sajwell_ 'to IPrayf^'enA.: Ziih/wi Kati'Ti fSacktnham. y^ist^ longDuiDt .AdJuwior Siaider.-iteaJ Jh s i e^ii a ^ -00 v n i- Fajity Oxdiuiji Stcl<£F dl'fTTUTl *(}uLfham Wai>Un^lii / ^ AMst£dld iea/A^^eo/f \) • ^caJJcy^ dapstea/i' \0 'ihrstifij\ Bod^iU "* s* ^ Ji Wps ^'^'y/zipw.^- ’’i V y \ : 'OtaltLti ^/oUluwhan Me 4 St}it )^y(Li;h'ham '^^Gdfto-n VA>rTn3ibri3j^e_ Cast Grinstel^ ^r~r- ffoluVvursC CrojJir-ooh Xw^^mr^t YQ£^ ^urwas^ hajTL ■.^ C H A N N E L NDON c4 Ln'ETtrOOL GEOKGi: PHILIP A SON.LONDOIT A LIVERPOOL o « % o 2 o Vi GEOROE PillLIP “ 4 . '^•V ' ■ • failLTP A SC • amends’ C^e (! Collesliill Shddor^ SdL^ COVEIfTKy, ’/yiprt^y ' (>>.'*#»- CatfftAU I ' Kenilworth ns^oTi^' y' \ ^ fm&TOK Oldher*r^ ^^tiuiicv WARWICK .^Lrmston {“ p Strailbra oriAvonj {ford pithimfihnr Owr^tliKA iJ7ire(chT7/>r(on i ^■Pinyir- ( SannTixft^ « 3 i^ Jf^nrtnn. / i oJV"^ cjfitf :,S^liZ Cijiforl To' TVorcesj t f*iorx Tcn^oi (pr-on 'Comhertan. y y^^^ethef'U^ W'lfjfcm. SyJ^ed^i k j^s7uxm.i \/^j^~^oOvgr^iay} To Worc^ oBlockiA ^ Bucyiard. fckford SnowshO^ Lon^ Compton}*- Moreton, 71 the~2{aj'.^ , To Wor. 'Ciitsiea/i \Wmchcornb 2* HT ot' Gretnwich )NDO‘N A LrVXRPOOL Stociktolu >taa Croft* Jfiilcer isl^% \(L*ves .osuil (SttHo Bolted ^W. 'W'etlieL^-’ J ^ «# ^ « r T-a^ GEORGE PHILIP & S( Lfiboroii^’ •Moor' ■grimston. ^ 'FrniliTU^'h/ 'i Sutton. \upaiiJta' OTOTL^ Head Bri/ilin^ton. Quay Br'vcLltngton. Sarri^ton. Jj cij .OUDON if-y. ^oy/0^-3i ’H^‘i)H'>%cI ■Hrttlrtiitffsfi.c . .^M^-ZonawooS.^ Eo dkdalejv/ y.'^wd Bolton., jSolih/iHh^ ^or^L) /It’ .MohruG Chat. Mew tori. WaitTi73.^l:o^ 'VZo'C tircenwieJv GEuRCtI: THILIP & SO' ’!Rartliallertaii yom: '^orest. 1/ ^jrton SircL.Tnha.rTt< ^SarclypvUi. ^eveT-7^. Ab&^ord Zhtteh'7^ Sherbjf^ °Templt ye*n Ah/>eyC> • laribisui \laniMir ii^ader^wy ^^^$adQfirRirest ny>^ PreAtel8'ii< ^' < HpVKAldfOU r ■•iniljjd.'. \ ■ , ^y^^0fkRa3nof'\::j ^^ n 0hidestrv jiyf 7 Uf/inha/ta^ yAbera*yeAsvt 1 JilanUeony^ (Z7art/aXr ClylTi^au .Pairi^castle n^'^vchcf^^ 1 •' ' V\ Contx-d hii^inil. . J'; o<>trf7 o) L ^ , } Llo-udoverw A,/ CrvckiiBaj^^i^ ^(/U^ L £^oTif2jy^y ^r±''^. ^''^ 1 - ZWja,-'^ /'Talsarfh. e \ C G^K :« ' -^vJ^RECON/ J^oresK - /^iu,j,ohK ' •y CojitrerP^ ( CS r fn/^/tJu. Ll<27tf'yrndd Jiflpj Iqt'ajf Lfw\ ddau saini^ P-armShtJifnTiuXi^M lUa•"->. ■* vf^r , tjafidfhie] Cp^unmmmi/. Blaendfon. i ^laina \ H ontypfnm jAberpet'a ^yr^r^ ^y^^s J^ irvf M*i vr"'-'^^ffi' MerunJ^ .\r 'a/iynf>Ic '^anfzor/y'yrrv r'-- A' P '' V \s>Aheravon v ^ I '\’tr il LI nlitrfs s aWj/' ~—^'T. T - hU^bunh g^onyr Bocks ^^enartb Ih*ii,\f Porth =arfh-r«>^ Cowbrii Penprth » V 5*/Z{vj LlasttH'ir^ oM^or I7i7f BoJint BrvaA'sea Borth A TiharMclyy / w Str^H adam. r'aM^' L Um^rw^^x I R J? \/y^ -A R s Xxej^oj'OB. ^jL(yn.^iUO!.of^ )NbuM ^ LmiRPOOl. ^r' CALL NUMBER Vol. -1 5 Date (for periodical) p Copy No. iujj^ 1^0 i