U\\-Ji'A-'.'f!!hynHaiOs'UniUli','.i, TuyTWWWmyJ'^iW. ^•M -Wl' '•«»*M*p.<^'.;lWSfflB»-^'-- -WtliW^-"^ "^■^A. w^i::¥p'js if / 1 tJ »-.»xgB»»'-* -• ^irwiTTbL* -.»?■■*{* VjLi.-^.- {evi\v rKw, T-nr^ A (N rr A^T.IT^ ROOM COL. GEORGE WASHINGTON FLOWERS MEMORIAL COLLECTION DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY DURHAM. N. C. PRESENTED BY W. W. FLOWERS htibt^tioiilly -\.mi»H4t'd. VAIUABLE TABLES OF FOREIGN CURRENCY, WEIGHTS, MEASURES. ETC. rUBLLSHED BY D. H. VAN BUREN & CO. AUGUSTA, GA.: bTEAM PRESS OF CHRONICLE & SENTLNEI,, 1S61. 0^ / ADVEETISEME^TT. TnK Tariii" of tlic Confederate States herewith presented has been carefully compiled from an official copy of the Act, and the alphabetical arrangement will be found complete. The unusually intricate nature of some of the })rovisions of the United States' Tariff, renders the work ajiparently more complicated than necessery for simply mercantile purposes. For various reasons, however, it was deemed advisable to present the tAvo Tariffs in parallel columns, and tlie wording of the most extended was necessarily adopted. The Tables of Foreign Currency, Weights, Measures, &c. will be found almost indispensably necessary in our intercourse with European nations. M8305 imm FROM THE TARIFF OF THE CO^'FEDERATE STATES. Till' iiatuiv of soino ot tlio jirovisioiis of the "free list '' of the Tariff of the Con- federate States is sueli, that Ave deem it best to trive tlic entire list as worded in tlie OtHcial Aet. The articles are also embodied, as far as possible, in the alidia- betioal arrangement. AVe give also the following sections of the Act, embracing details and instrnctions of im])ortance: [OFFICIAL COPY. I V. X E M V r F K O M 1) l' T ^ . Hooks, maps, ciiarls, mathematical and nautical inslrnmonts, philosoplii- cal apparatus, and all other articles whatever, ini]>orti'd i'ov the use of the Con- federate !>tates; books, ])am]ihlets, jieriodicals, and tracts, ]iublished by religious associations. All jdiilosophical a]>paratus, instnnnents, books, majis and charts, statues, .-la- tuarv, busts and casts of marble, bronze, alabaster, or plaster of Paris. ])aintings and drawings, etchings, specimens of sftuljttnre, cabinet^: of coins, medals, gems, and all collections of antiijuities ; provided tlie same lie specially imjiorted in good faith for the use of any society, iiicor])orated or established for ]ihiliisoidiical and literary jturposes, or for the encouragement of the tine arts, or for the use or by the order of any church, college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the Confede- rate States. Hullion, gold and silver. Coins, goM, silver and copper; cotfee : cotton; copper, when imported lor tlie mint of the Confederate States. Garden seeds, and all other seeds for agricul iral and horticultural iiur))o>e- : goods, wares and merchandize, the growth, jiroduce or manufacture of the Con federate States, exjtorted to a foreign country, anorted in good faith for the use of any society incor; orated or established for philosophical, agricultural or horticultural j)urposes, or . jr the use or by the order of any college, academy, scliO(d, or seminary of learnii . in the Confederate States. Wearing api>arel, and other i)ersonal effects not ij.erchandize : jirol'essional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trades, i< u|iation or employment, of persons arriving in the Confederate States; ]irovided ti: it this exemption shall not be construed to include machinery or other articles inporfed for use in any manu facturing establishment, or for sale. Bacon. ])ork. hams, lard, beef, wheat, thnir. and lean of wheat, Hon:- and bran of all other grains, Indian corn and nieai, barley, rye, oats, and oat meal, a, id livinjr animals of all kinds, not otherwise ])rovided for; nlsc. ail agricultural |iroduction», includinir thowoftho orchard and garden, in their i.atural state, n(tt otherwise provided for. Cnnpowder, and all the materials of which it is made. Lead, in pigs or in bars, in shot or balls, for cannon, muskets, rities oj* pistols. Rafr', of whatever material composed. ^48305 Anus, of every description, for military i>urj>oses, and parts thereof, luunitioiis of war. military accoutrements, ami percussion caps. .Sliips, steamers, barges, dredginjr vessels, machinery, screw pile jetties, and articles to be used in the construction of harbors, and for dredpinjr and imjtrovinp the same. I EXTRACT. 1 Sec. II. Ami Ot it furtlur enacte*}, Tiiat there shall be kvitd, collected, and ]);ii(i, on each and every non-enumerated article which bears u .»iiiiilitude, either in ma- terial, quality, texture, or the uses to which it n)ay be ajiplied, to any enumerated article charireable with duty, the same rate of duty which is levied and char>red on the enumerated article by the foref:oin;r schedules, which it most resembles in any of the particulars before mentioned : and if any noii-enumeraled article ojually re- sembles two or more enumerated articles on which difVorent rates of . <•)• jijirts tliereol" 10 10 i>er cent 10120 i»er cent free free l^c per 111 2(t jier cent. 1|C fKT 11) All books.inaiis.chnrts and other articles for the use of the Confederate States 1 or of the I'nited States Ajiparel, wearing, of Wool 15 $1.0(1 per KiO j I lbs \nchovie> in oil i 25J30 i>er cent C.S.A. TariO, IMI. free 15 in salt root (see fish) loj 10 2t» per cent 30 lier cent d. Angelica Angora ! Angora gloves and: niits I \ninials, living, of all! kinds i Animal oil, of foreign |free free fisheries. Aninuil carlion | 15 20 ])er cent Annatto, Koncon. or Id tree Orleans. . | do extract . . . . j Angora. Thibet, and' other (ioats or Mo-j hair, unmanufactur-| *'cl i .Vniseed ' ,\ntiniouy, crude on regulus of j .\ntimony. tartrate oil .\iitiipie oil , .\ntit|uities. Anvils free free ,\p|iaratiis. jiliilosopi- cal, books, maps, charts, stationery, ifec, spec'Iy import- ed by order, and for the use of any So- ciety, incorjiorated or established for jihilosphical or lite- rary j.urpo.ses, orj tor the encourage- ments of the linel arts, or by order' :ind for the use of! any college, acade-j my, school, cliurchj or se m i n ar y ofj learning ' 10 5 per cent 10 10 i)er cent 10 free 15 20 jier cent 20 :M) per cent 10 free 15 *1.25 per 100 Apjmrel, wenrinp.und other personal bug- I gage in actual use.. .\osed .\rtiticial Feathers. . . Artificial Flowers. . . jAshes, pot. j.earl aiul I soda iA.sjihaltum JAssafa'tida jAsses' skin (or jiarch- I nient ) Asses' skin, imitation of, or jiarchnient. . I Augers \uripigmentum, or orpiment Awl Hafts Awls U.S. A. Tariff, iHtl. free 12e per lb and 25 per cent free free free 15 10 30 per cent 10 per cent free 50c per gal free 30 i)er cent free 30 i>er cent 10 i»er cent free 20130 per c.-nl Axes. free I free .Vxletrees. ii'ts tlierof Bacon Baggage, jiersonal, in actual use 15 20 30 per cent 20 30 per cent 10 10 i)er cent 10 free 10 10 jier cent 15 30 j)er cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 10 free 15 30 i)er cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 ])er cent 15 2c per lb free 2c )ier lb free free C. S. A. Tariff, ISlil. 1'. s Tar Iff*- ' 1. liagg ng, cotton, \ at less tlian al- io cents per s(|\iare , ^^d. IT) 1A( l.e •Ih Hiigginp, cotton, ^ ned at over 1<» al- cts jier Baggi Bags, Sijuare yard ng. Gunny • bead, made in 15 15 2. pe • lb par Bags, t by hand . . . 15 15 no per ]>er cent cent grass do gunny 15 15 30 80 per cent l)er cent •lo woolen do tlax 15 15 do hemp do carpet, woolen . 15 30 per cent do silk .. 15 30 per cent do wool or worst'd and leatliei 15 30 per cent Baize ^ 15 15 30 per l)er l»er cent Balls billiard .... do ■\viisli 25 15 30 30 cent cent lialin of Gilead . . . I^alsani Coiiaiva . 20 30 ])er cent do Tolu 20 20 30 30 ]»er ])er cent cent <|o medicinal. do all kinds Ol cosmetic 20 30 l)er cent Bamboos 10 10 per cent r. s: A. Tariff, 1S61. Bananas 10 free Bark of cork trees. unmanufact'ed 1.. friT Peruvian, or 1 bark quilla. . . 10 10 jier cent do M 11 not otherwise ]irovidcd for.. 10 10 per cent Barlev free 15c per bush do ]icarl, or huU'd free 10 per cent Barege, delaines 15 Barytes. sulphate of. . 15 20 per cent Barwood 15 free Bastard Files 15 30 jier i^ent Barilla . . . 10 15 tree Baskets, willow 30 per cent do wood or ozier 15 30 i>er cent do i)alm leaf 15 "30 per cent do straw 15 30 i)er cent do jrrass or whale- bone 15 30 i»er cent Battledores 15 30 per cent Bay water or bay rum 20 25c ]ier ^al Bayonets free 30 Iter cent Bedellium, if crude. . 20 1 free iiead^ all 20 30 jter i-ent Beans, ciistor 15 in ]ier cent do tonqua 16 10 per cent do vanilla 15 10 per cent iBeam knives do scales Bed-spreads or covers. «if t h e scraps of printed calicoes, sewed Bed f e a t h e rs and feather beds. , do ticking, linen.. i do ticking, cottton j do caps I do screws iBeef Beer, in bottles I do not in bottles.. 'Beeswax Bellows Bellows pipes Belts, sword leather Benzoin gum Benzoates Bell cranks do levers do ])ulls do silver ' do gold Bells, old, and bell metal Bell metal manufact'd ijBelts, endless 'JBerries used for dye- ' ing, in a crude state. Berries, not otherwise ])rovided for Bichromate of potash Bick iron Billiard and Bagatelle tables, and all other tables and boards on which games are I played Binding, woolen .... do leather. . . . Birds, singing or other Bisnmth Bitts, (•ari)enters". . . . Bitter ap]des Bitumen Black, lamp di> lead or jdnm- b.MLTO Slacking Bladders Blacksmith>' ham'ers do sledpci*. 15 15 15 15 15 15 free 15 15 15 15 15 free 15 20 15 15 15 20 20 30 jter cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent l^c per lb Ic per lb 25o per gal 15c per. gal 10 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per ••enl 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 ])er cent free 30 per cent 25 per cent 10 free 3c i)er lb 30 per cent 30 ])er cent. 30 per cent free jfree 10 free 15 30 per cent 10 jfree 10120 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 10 per cent 15 20 per cent 15120 per cent. 151 2c per lb 151 2c per lb 10 '■ C. S. A. U. S. A. 1 C.S.A. V. S. A. Tariff, Tariff; Tariff, Tariff, IS-SI 1<<61. i IWl. ISSl. IJlankets of all kiinb 15 30 per cent i Bootees, for women do wholly «trin or men, silk 15 30 per cent jiart of wool Boots, (except India not over 2S rubber) 15 30 per cent v\* per lb... 15 Go per lb and Boots laced, silk or lOprct ad val satin for children. . 15 30 per cent do above 28 cts i Boots and bootees, of j per lb and 1 1 leather 15 30 per ct-nl not over 40 1 do of all kinds. . . 15 <;ents 15 6c jterlb and Bookbinders' agates, 25 per cent| i ferruled 15 20 i)er cecl df> above 40 cts Book.s, ma[is, charts. I>cr lb 1.") 12c per lb and 20 per cent ! mathematical and nautical instrum'ts. do _ for print inj; 1 philosophical appa- and other ! ratus and all other machines . . 15 25 per cent ! articles whatever Bleaching power .... 10 15c pr 100 lbs i imported for the use Blooms, iron 10 30 per cent of the Confederate Boards, i)laned 10 20 per cent : 20 per cent ' States free do rough 10 Books, i^arnphlets, pe- Bobbins 15 30 per cent | riodicals and tracts do wire covered published by religi- with cotton 15 30 per cent ; ous associations. . . free Bocking 15 * 1 Books, blank, bound liodkins, all 15 30 per cent ' or unbound 10 20 per cent Boiler plates, iron . . . 15 ^20 per ton ! Books, mag a z i n e s. Bole. Armenian 10 20 per cent pamphlets, periodi- Bologna ISausages. . . 15 30 per cent cals, and all i)rinted Bolting cloths 10 free matter, illustrated Bolts, composition.. . 15 30 i>er cent 1 books .".nd i)apers do shi n g 1 e a n d bound or unbound stave 5 tree i not otherwise pro- lionncts 15 30 per cent i vided for 10 15 per cent I^onnet-wire covered Books of engravings, with silk 15 30 per cent bound or unbound 10 10 jter cent Bonnet-wire covered Books of music bound with cotton thread. , or unbound 10 10 ]ior cent if wire of chief Books, specially im- value 15 30 per cent j ported for the use Mone alphabets 15 30 per cent ' 1 of philosophical and do black 10 15 Iree 30 i)er cent ! literary societies, schools, clmrches, do chessmen do whale rosctts. . 15 10 30 per cent 10 per cent &i' free 10 free do tij) and bones.. Borate of lime 10 per cent do whale, other Borax, refined 10 3c per lb manufacture s {Borax, crude or tincal 10 free of 15 30 per cent [Botany, specimens of j Bottle's, glas.s, filled free free do whale of Amcr. ■ fisheries 15 free 1 with sweetmeats. . do whale not c» f i or i)reserves 25 30 per cent Amcr i c a n Bottles, apothecaries. 1 15 25 ]»er cent fisheries 15 20 per cent do black glass. . 15 25 per cent do nianufiicturesol 15 30 per cent do jierfumery & Bones burnt and bone ; I'ancy 1 15 30 i)er cent dust., 10 'free 11 C. S. A. Tariff, li»61. BottUs, cut glascr cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent as. A. Tariff, 1861. r. s. A. Tariff, 1861. 10! 15 10 15 15 free free 15 lOjlO per cent DJlO per cent Brazil i)ebbles i)re]iar ed for s])ectacles. , Brazil wood, brazillet-j to and all other dye woods in .sticks. . . Breccia, in blocks and slabs Brick or tire brick not other wise provided for Bricks, burnt or un- burnt, of clay Brittania ware Bridles Brimstone, crude. . . . do rolled . . . Bristol boards do pei'forated Firistles Brodequins, woolen . . do leather. . Bronze ijBronze casts ' 'Bronze, manul'actures I of, or of which ; bronze is of chief I value, not other- ; wise provided for.. ^Bronze metal in leaf. I 10 i do powder j 10 ; Bronze, pale, yellow ii white and red I Bronze liipiid, gold or |! bronze color ; Brooms, all kinds. ... i Brucine (medical pre-j ! paration) ' i]Brushes, of all kinds. I iBuchu leaves jBuckles I Bugles, glass, if cut. . I do if not cut I P>uilding stones | 10 I Bullets free 1 Bulrushes jBulbs Bullion ;Bunting Burr stones, wrought I or unwrought, n< t \ nianufactui'ed and I not bound up into ' mill-stones Burr stones, nianuta<'- i tured or bound up into mill-stone.". . . 15 [30 per cent free free 15i20 jier cent 30 per 30 per free 20 per 30 per 30 per 4c per 30 ])er 30 per cent cent 15 10 15 15 15 15|30 per cent cent cent cent lb cent cent 10 free 15 30 per cent 10 per cent 20 jier cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 30 per cent 80 per cent 30 per cent free 30 per cent 30 ])er cent 25 per cent 10 per cent l^c per lb free free free 30 per cent lO.free 10|20 per eeut 12 Burgundy i)itch Busts, lead linttons, nil kinds. . . Fintfou moulds o 1' wliateviT nmterijil. liutton dotlis Butter Butcher's knives. . . . Tiutts and liinjres, oa-st iron Cabinet wares Cabinets of coins for societies, schools, churches, «fcc Cabinets of coins, metals, jrems and all collections of antiquities I 'ables, tarred Cables of Avhatever material made .... Cables, nntarred. . . . Cables, iron or cluiin or |>arts of ('admiuni Calamine (/alcined niaf^nesia. .. Calomel Camblets, of mohair or goats C'ameos, real or imita- ton, not set. do .set C'ainels hair do ])encils . . ( 'amjthor, retined ... do crude C 'anary seed Canella alba Candlesticks, alabastV do glass cut do spar do all other Candles, tallow do paraftine . . . do and tapers, sperniaceti or wa.x Candles and taiiors, spermaceti and wax combined Candle-s and tapers, stearino and a 1 1 other (\indy, sugar C.S.A. Tariff I!>6I. free V. S. A. Turlff, 6.6. A. Tariff, 15 Id 15 15 15 5 10 10 15 20 10 free 10 25 25 25 15 15 15 15 15 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 ])er cent 3(» i)er cent 30 per cent 4c j)er lb 30 per cent 2c i>er 11) 30 per cent fret -Iks |.cr 111 '](• per 11 » $1.25 jier 1(» lbs free free 30 i>er cent 20 i)er cent 30 jter cent 5 per cent 25 per cent 10 i)er cent 30 per cent Go per 11) free free 20 per cent 30 i)er cent 30 ])er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 2c i)er lb •4c per lb Sc per lb He per 11) 4c j)er II) 4c i)er ]b 130 jier cent 30 per cent 30 ]»er cent 10 ptr cent free 30 per cent 30 per ci 111 ' Canes and sticks, walking, fiui.shed or not I 20 Cannetille (wire rib bon^ 15 Cannon, brass or iron, free Cantliarides. or Span- ish tlies 10 Caoutchouc g u m (India Rubber). . . 10 Capers 2f ' Caps of fur, chip, lace, leather, cotton, silk, linen. &c 15 Caps, gloves, leggins, mits, socks, stock- ings, shirts, draws, and all similar ar- tides m ad e f)n frames, and worn by men, women or! children, and not otiierwise jirovided for 15 Cap pieces for stills.. 15 Caps, lace, sewed or I not 15 30 per cent j;Ca})sules 15 ! Carbines or cjirabines free 'Carbonate of magnsiaj 15130 (111 of soda. . ..; 15[20 i do of Annuo nia.. . of iron . . . 1 tio 'Carboys Carbuncles Carbuncles set Cardamom seed Card cases iCards, jilaying, visit- I ing, ttc Carmine Caroline plaids,cotton ' aiul wool Cari)ets and carpeting ofAVilton, Saxony, Aubiis.son, Axmin- ster, ])atent velvet. ' and tapestry velvet, Brussels, wrought by the Jacquard machine and all me- dallion or whole car])ets valued at i $1.25 or under per I square yard lOJlO 15 15 '30 10,25 15 frei 30 ler Cent ler cent )er cent )er cent ler cent ler cent ler cent ler Cent )er cent )er cent )er ceiil )er cenl ler cent 30 per cent 15l40cper sq yd 13 C. S. A. To riff, 1S61. Carpets valued at over $1.25 per square yard Carpets, Brussels and Tapestry Brussels. Carpets, treble. In- grain and worsted. Carpets, Venetian . . . Carpets, hemp or jute Carpets, druggets, booking and fe 1 1, printed colored or otherwise Carpets, all o t h e r kinds, of wool, flax or cotton or parts of either or other ma- terials not other- wise provided for . . Carriages and part? of carriages Carriage springs .... Carvers Cascarilla Cashmere, borders of wool in whole or in part Cashmere gown pat- terns^wool being a component mat'rial Cashm ere gowns, made Cases, fish skin . . . Cassimere, cotton, wool being a com- ponent part, chief value Casks, empty Cassada, or meal of. Cassia Cassia buds Castings of plaster or iron, even if with wrought iron rings,! hoops, handles, &c. Castor beans or seeds Castor oil Castors, brass, iron or wood Ca.stor.s or cruets, sil- ver, with or with- out glitsses Castors, cruets, plated with or withotit glass 15 50c per scj yd 30c jier sq yd 25c per .S(i yd 4c per S(i yd 20c ]KT '-■I yd 30 per cenl 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent free 15 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 ]ier cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 10 4c per lb 10 8c per lb 20 30 per cent 10 i)er cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20J30 per cent Castors, wood, with or without glass.. . Castors, glasses,not in the fra'cs, or cruets. cut Castors, glass, not in the frames or cru'ts, not cut Cast or cum Cast slioe bills Cast steel in bars .... Cast iron vessels not otherwise specified Catches, brass, copper or iron iCatechu Catgut .. Catsup Caulking mallets. . . . Cedar wood,nianufac- i tures of Cedar wood, unmanu- I factured Cement, Roman Cerise, or cher'y Avat'r Chafing dislies Chains all sorts Chains, trace, halter and fence, of wire rods J inch or over. Chains, under ^ inch and not under J in Chains under } inch and not under No 9 wire guage Chains under No. !• wire guage Chains or cables, iron Chains, hair Chairs, sitting. . . . Chalk, red, white and j. French Chalk, red, pencil . Chambray, if wool is a component ]>art. . Chambray,of silk only Chamomile flowers. . Chandeliers, braKS . . do glass cut Charts Charts, books of, not connected with any work of which they form a volume. . . . c. s. A. Tariff, 1861. 15 25 V. S. A. Tariff, 1S61. 30 per cent 30 per cent 25 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent Ic jier lb 30 per cent free 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 pi-r cent free 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent l^c per 111 2c i)er II. 2ic].er II. 25 per cent $1.50 per 100 lbs 30 per cent 30 per cent free 30 per cent 30 i»er cent 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 30 ])er cent 30 per cent free 10 free 14 I C. S. A. Tariff, When so connected will pay the same as other volumes. . Charts, for tlie use of societies, schools, colleges, churches. Arc..'. Cheese Chemical p r e p a r a- tion-s salts, &c., not otherwise enumer- ated Chenile.cords or trim- ming, of cotton. ... Cheroots Cherry rum Chessmen, bone, ivory rice or wood Chest handles Chicory root do ground Children's shoes and slippers China ware of every description China root Chinchilla sikins un-i dressed | Chin ch ill a sk i ns| dressed Chip hats or bonnets. Chisels, all Chloride of lime Chloroinetens, glass. . Chocolate Choppa romals and bandana handker- chiefs, silk Chromate of potash, do lead. : Chrome yellow Chromic acid C'hronomet.ers, box or ship and parts there- of Chrysolites Ciar, or coiar, rope . . Cicuta Cider Cigars do paper Cinchona Cinnabar Cinnamon Circingle webb (wool- en) V. S. A Tariff, IS61. 10! 15 per cent free free 10 4c per lb 15 20 per cent 15 30 per cent 25 30 per cent 25 50c per gal 30 per cent 30 per cent 10 20 per cent 10.20 per cent 15 15 15 30 per cent 15; 10 per cent 15 10 per cent 5 5 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 30 per cent 15|30 per cent 10 10 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 15|30 per cent 15|15 per cent 15 20 per cent 20 per cent 15 per cent 15 10 10 per cent 20 per cent Ic per lb 15 20 per cent 15 25 see segars 25,30 per cent 10 free 15|20 per cent 20 10c per lb 15J30 per cent C.S.A. Tariff, jiCircassian (worsted) ■ Citrate of lime Citron in its natural |i state ijCitron preserved. . . . liCivet, oil of jlClasps, all ! Clay, ground or pre- ! jiared , Clay, un wrought ' Clay, pipe \ '} I i Cloaks I ] Cloak pins. j I Clocks, and parts ofj j! clocks j Cloth, India rul)ber. . i 1 Cloth, woolen, wholly] J or in part of wool.j Cloths, oil, not de-1 nominated patentj floorcloth i I Cloths and seatings ofl \\ hair i Cloth, grass i I Clothing, re.'idy made I I and wearing appar- el, wholly or in I part of wool V. s. A. Tariff, 20 per cent Clothing, ready made not of wool Cloves [Cloves, oil of jCoaches or p :i r t s j thereof Coach furniture IjCoal, bituminous jCoke and culm of coal ijCoal, all other \\ ton of 28 bush, 80 lbs to the bush. . . . Coal hods Coatings, brown or bleached, of the value of 30 cts and I under per sq. yard. Coatings, over 30 cts ]KT square yard... . Cobalt Cochineal Cocculus indicus [Cocks Cocoa, and cocoa i leaves lOjlO per cent 25 30 ])er cent 15130 per cent IdiSO per cent lOl 101^3 per ton 10|35c per 100 I lbs 15 30 per cent lo'so per cent I 15'30 per cent 15! 15; 12c lb and 25 per cent 15'30 per cent 15;2o per cent 15 25 per cent 15 12c per lb and 25 per cent 15 30 per cent 20i 4c pel lb ISJSO per cent 15 30 jier cent 15 30 per cent 10l$l per ton 10J25 per cent 10 50c per ton 15 30 per cent 25 per cent 30 per cent free free 10 per cent 30 per cent free 15 Cocoa, sliells Cocoa-nuts Coclilla, or tow of hemp Codfish, dry Coftoe, wlien import- ed iu American ves- sels, from the jilace of its growth, »li:c. . Coft'ee, tlie growth or production of the possessions of the Netherlands, im- ported from the Nctlierlands Coflee, all other Cofiee mills Coins, cabinets of — Coins, cal)inets of for iiso of so e ie ties, schools, churches, &c Coins, gold, silver or copper Coir Coir3-arn Coke Cold cream Colocynth Collections of antiqui- ties Collections of antiqui- ties for the use of societies, schools, &c Cologne water Colombo root Coloquintida Coloring for brandy . . Colt's foot Cols, sanglier, cravat stilfeners Combs Commode handles. . . Commode kntibs. . . . Comforters, made of wool Comfits, ]>reserved in sugar, brandy, or molasses, not other- wise ])rovided for. . Compasses Composition tops for tables, rf-c Composition of glass or paste, sot C. S. A. Tariff, 1861. L'. ^ A. Tariff, 1 1'. S. A. Tariff, lOlfree 10, free lo'^lO per ton IdjoOc pr 100 lb; free Ifror free free 15 10 tree free 10 free 20 jier cent 30 per cent free free free $10 ]ier ton 10| ic per lb 10 25 i)er cent 20|30 per cent lOlfree lo! free Ifree 20180 per cent 15|20 per cent 10 free 15130 per cent 15.20 per cent 15|30 per cent 15|30 per cent 15130 per cent 15|30 per cent 15 30 per rent 30 per cenr 30 per cent 25 30 per cent 20!2o per cent jComposition of glassj ij or paste, not set. . .! 'Confectionery, all not; ij otherwise provided ij for j ! Contrayerva root . . . . j Copper, in pigs, bars.i 1 1 and ingots jCoi)per, old 'jCopper, braziers and j sheets not other- ;j wise provided for. !|Copper bottoms ^ jCopper, manufactures of, or which copper is of the chief value not otherwise pro- vided for Cojiper, for use of the jl mint iiCopper, sheathing, in sheets 14 inch wide 48 inches long and weighing from 14 ; to 34 oz the sq foot I Cojiper, rods, bolts, i spikes and nails. . . Copper, coins I Copper, ore 'jCopperas ICopper, sulphate of. . ijCoral, marine IjCoral, cut or manufac- I tured Cordage, tarred Cordage,untarrcd ma- j nilla Cordage, untarred all I I others Cordage, vegetable j substances, used for' I cordage .Cordials, all kinds. . . ] Coriander .seed Corks jlCork tree, manufac- |l tures of bark of. . . Cork, bark of unmanu- ' factured Cornelian .stone Corn fans i| do Indian or maize jj do. meal 'Corrosive sublimate. . liC'Orsets i Cosmetics 20ll0 per cent 25 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 2c per lb 1^0 per lb 15i25 per cent 15|25 per cent 15 free 30 per cent free 2c per lb 15 25 per cent free |free 5 per cent 25c pr 100 lbs 20 per cent free 30 per cent 2|c per lb 2c per lb 15 3c i)er lb 15 25 15 ill per ton 50cper gal free 15 20 per cent 15 30 per cent 10 5 15 free free 15 16 20 free 5 per cent 30 jier cent 10 per bnshel 10 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent !30 per cent 16 Cotton, do, not bleacli- ed, colored, «.to., on liner and lighter goods not over 140 threadi to S([ inch, &c Cotton, do, bleached. Cotton, do, bleaolied, colored, stained, &o Cotton, do, not Ideached, &c, ocer 140 threads, and not over 200 threach to square inch, &c . . . Cotton, do, bleached. Cotton, do, bleached, colored and stained, &c Cotton do, not bl'cird, &c, oter 200 thr'ds to square inch Cotton, do, bleached. Cotton, do, colored . . I'. S. A. T«riff, )S61. Cotton free Cotton, linen, silk.| wofd or woisted, if i'liibr o id e red or| tamboured in thei loom or otherwise! by machinery orj with the needle, or otlier process not otherwise provided for lo Cotton, linen, etc, mixed materials, manutactures, i f not otherwise pro- vided for Cotton, all manufac- tures of, not bleach- ed, colored, stained or printed, and not over 100 threads to s()uare inch, «'on- taining the warp !ind tilling and ex- ceeding 5 oz to the scpiare yard 1 Cotton do, bleached. 1.") Cotton, do, bleached, colored, stained, &c L'. S. A. T.riff, free U !\ A. Turiff, 30 i)er cent ISi.jU i»cr ct-nt Ic per .-([ yd Hci)ersqyd 15 Cotton, goods i)laiu woven and other goods of evt-ry de- scription, valued over ICc per square y'd Cotton, goods com- posed o f cotton, bleached, unbleach- ed, i)rinted, paint'd or dyed, not other- wise i)rovided for. Cotton shirts and drawers, wove or made on frames composed wholly of cotton Cotton thread do lace inserting trimming lace. braids laces, colored . cords, gimps, and galloons braces or sus- penders .... Hoss :. s. A. T»riff, do do do do do lOpr cent and Counters, bone, Aic . l^c pr sq yd Couting house boxes. Court pla.stor Cowhage down ': Crab-claws i j Crackers, fire I Crape.s, silk 15 2c per sq yd: Crasii, of the value of lo|2ic i)er sq yd' :30c and under 1 i)'r square yard 15 10 pr cent and do over 30c per I 2|c jir sq yd square yard. i|Cranks, mill, ofwr'ht I i| iron I, Cravats ' Crayons ie per scj yd Cream of Tartar 15 Sicjtcrsqyd Crocus ixnvder. Crockery ware Crowns, Leghorn hat: 10 pr cent and! Crucibles, all IJAc pr .sq yd Cubebs do oil of I Cudbear 4c per.sq yd' Cummin seed 4^0 per sq yd Cupboard turns 10])rcentand Curacoa, 4ic jir s(| yd Curls, or ringlets ... 15 15 25 per rent 30 i^er cell I 15 25 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 3n per tent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 10 20 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 25 ])er cent 15 30 ])er cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 10 free 15 10 per cent 15 25 per cent 15 30 i)er cent 15 30 per cent 15 20 jier cent 15 30 per cent 10 free 15 free 15 30 i)er cent 25 50c i)er gal 2( 30 per cent as. A THriff, 1S6I. Currier's kuives 15 C'nrrants 20 Curtain rings 15 Castas, as nianufac- tures of cotton. ... 15 Cutch I lOl Cutlasses free Cu.lery, all kinds...! 15 Cyanide of iodine. ... 15 do i)Otassiuni.. 15 do zinc 15 Daggers and dirks. . . 15 Dates 2(1 Decanters, cut 25 do ])lain .... 15 Daniask.s, valued at 3(i cts and under i)er square yard ] 5 Damasks, over oU ct ))er stjuare yard. . . 15 DeLaines, M u si i n, Cashmere, and ba- reges, wholly or in part of Avool, and all gray and un- colored goods of similar description 15 I)eli)hinia 15 Demijohns 15| Denmark s a t i n, or | sateens 1 5 ^ Dentifrice 20' Decoctions and ex- tracts for dyeing. . 10 Diamonds and imita- tions not set 5 do set 10 do glaziers' set or not set. Id 1 »iapers valued at liOc and under per sq yd 15 T)iai>ers valued over :30c per square y"rd 15 I>icc, ivory or hone.. 15 I»isfilled vinegar, I medicinal 15 I Muretic sal 15 l>iva diva 15 I >olls of every descrij)- tion 15 Dominoes, hone nr ivory 15 Doyley's, woolen . . . 15 Downs, all kinds. ... 15 Dragons" lilood 10 Dnnving pencils 15 O 30 per cent 2c per 11) 30 ])er cent 30 ])cr free 30 ])er 30 T)cr 30 i)er 30 ])er 30 ])er 30 per ■Jc i)e 30 ])er 25 per cent cent cent cent cent cent cent r 11) cent cent 25 per cent 30 i)ev cent 25 jter cent 20 ])er cent 30 ])er cent 30 per cent 3(^ per cent 5 per cent 25 per cent 10 per cent 25 j)er cent 30 per cent 30 ])er cent 30 per cent 10 i)er cent tree 3(1 ])er cent 30 j)er cent 30 ])er cent 20 per cent I free 130 per cent Drawings Drawings for the use of colle::e.s sdiools, churches, &c Drawer knobs of brass iron, steel, ivory, bone washed, gilt ; or i)hited do of brass rint- ed, dipped, or cream colored, compo.sedi of earthy or mineral j substances | Earthenware, com-l m o n brown and stoneware 15 30 per ceul 15 30 j.er ('..■lit 25 30 ].er cent 15 25 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 ler cent 15 30 l)er cent 15 30 per cent 15 25 l.er cent 15 20 per cent 25 per cent 3il per ( eiit 15 10 10 15 2.) ])er ceul 10 per t-eiit 25 i)er cent 30 ])er cent free 35c p"r loo Ibi 15 25 per cent 20 per cent u Fjirtht'ii^Nare, not warranted above the capacity of ten gallons Kbonv, iiianufactnres of ■. Khony, uninanufac- tiirod Elastic };arter«, msde of clastic wires, covered with leath- er, with metal clasj)s Ek'phaut'3 teeth Elecampane Embroideries, all in gold or silver, fine or half fine, or other metal Embroidery, if done by hand with a needle Emeralds Emery (in lumps or pulverized) Emetic, tartar Enamel, white Encaustic tiles Engraver's c o p p e r, prepared or polish- ed Engraving or plates, bound or unbound. •I Envelopes, paper Epaulets Epsom salts Ergot do extract of Escutcheons, sil v e r, brass, iron, steel, gilt or plated Escutcheon pins Essences, all Etchings, or engrav- ings Etchings for the use of .societies, churches, schools, &c Ether Kt-iil, or stars for or- naments,gold or mi- fin Ether, su.i)huric .... Extracts for the toilet Extracts for medicin- al purposes c. s. .\. T.rlir, 1IS61. ree 15 15 15 20 L'. S. A. Tariff, free 30 per cent free 30 per cent free 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 5 per cent free 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 10 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 10 ])er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 10 jjcr cent free 20 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent Extract of Belladon- na Extract Cainpeachy wood Etract of cicuta do do do do do do do do do do do do do Extracts tions 15 30 per cent colocynth. . elaterium . . ergot gentian hyosciamus. indigo logwood . . . nux vomica. madder opium rhatania.... rhubarb stramonium and decoc- of logwood and other dye w'ods j not otherwise pro- i vided for jEyes and rods for stairs {Eyes, balls, glass. . . . False collars jFans, all Fancy or i)erfumed I shaving soaps, in- ! eluding Windsor I soaps and wash I balls , Fancy vials & bottles Fastenings, shutters i or other, of copper, j iron brass, steel 1 gilt, i>lated or japanned . Feathers, ornamental and artificial, and parts thereof Feathers for beds and I feather beds iFelt, ad hesi ve, for sheathing vessels. . Felts, or hat bodies, made in Avhole or in part of wool Feldspar Felting or blankets, uncolored, for pa- per or printing ma- chines Felting, liatters Fennel, essence of . . . C.!v A. T«rlff, |n6l. L. S. A. T.riir, 30 per cent free 30 per 30 per 30 per 30 per 30 per 30 per free free 30 per free 30 per 30 per 30 i)er 30 i)er cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent free 30 per cent 25 per cent 30 per cent 30 ]ier cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent free 20 per cent 20 per cent 25 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 19 Ferri, rubigo Fertilizers a n d ma- nures of nil sorts. . Fiddles Fifes, bone, ivory or wood Figures, aiiibaster do other Figs , Filberts Fig, blue File cuts Files Fire arms and all i)arts thereof not intend- ed for military pur- poses Fire works, all kinds. Fire crackers do screens do w<^)od Fish, (foreign caught) other than in bar'ls, or half bar'ls, fresh, smoked, dried, salt- ed or pickled, not otherwise provided for Fish, herrings, picklM or salted do mackerel do salmon, j)ickled do ])reserved in oil do prepared Fish,pickled, allotli'rs not otherwise ])ro- vided for in barrels Fish glue, or isinglass do hooks do sauce do skins do skin cases Fish, fresh, caught for daily consumption. Fisheries (;f the U. S. and their territories all i»roducts of . . . . Fishing nets do lines Flageolet.s,wood,bone or ivory Flannels, valued at 30 cts or less pr srj yd. Flannels, valued over 30c per sq yard c. S. A. Tariff, V. S. A. Tnriff, 1^61. 15 free 15 15 25 15 20 10 15 15 15 10 per cent free 20 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 3c per lb Ic per lb 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent c. S. A. Tariff, Flannels, colored, printed or jilaided. or com])osed in pr't of cotton or silk . . . 'Flap hinges jFlasks, or bottles that j come in gin cases. . .Flasks, ))0wder. brass, copper, japanned or I horn Flat irons Flats for n)aking hats or bonnets Flax unmanufactured | Flax manufactures of not otherwise speci- lied Flaxseed 30 per cent 30 ])er cent j jFleams 20 per cent Fleshers |Flies, Spanish or can- tharides Flints Flint stone do ground Float files 50c pr 100 lbs Flocks : jFlocks, waste or shod- $1 i)er barrel j dy $2 per barrel Floor cloth, oiled, $3 i)er barrel stamjted, p.ainted or 30 i)er cent ,, j)rintcd valued at 30 ])or cent 1 1 50c or less per sq yd Floor cloth.s, do, over 50c per sq yard . $1.50 per bbl do all others. .' 20 per cent Floor cloths, lined 30 per cent with woolen or 30 i)er cent wool 20 per cent jiFIor. Benzoin 20 per cent j- Florentine bu 1 1 o n s, I covered with bom- free :i bazette overamet'l l| form j 'Floss silk, and other free similar silks, ])uri- 30 per cent j fied from the gum. 30 per cent |, Floss cotton Flour, of wheat 20 per cent i do of rye d(» of sulphur. . . . 25 per cent Flower water, orange Flowers, artiticial or 30 j)or cent i ornamental I'.S. A.^ Tariff, 15 30 ])er t-ent lie per Ih 15 15 15 10 30 jier cent 30 i)er cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent $15 per ton 15 free free 30 per cent 10c per bnsiri of 52 lbs 30 per cent 30 per cent 10 per cent free free free 30 j)er cent 10 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 ]ter cent 30 i)er cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 20 jior cent 30 j)er cent 10 ])er cent 10 per cent 10 20 |)er cent 15 30 jter cent 20 30 i)er cent ^0 r.s.A. Tariff i Flowers used in dyc- iiig in a cnide state Flowtrs, clianioniile. 15 Flues of wron^rlit iron 15 Flutes of wood, ivory or bone Flushings Foils, fencing Foil, cop;>er Foil, silver Foil, tin Fol. dit?italis Forks, all F'orge hammers Fossils Fowls, land & water Foxglove Frames, or sticks for umbrellas, ])arasols and sun-sbades — Frames, plated cruets do (juadrant — do silver cruet. Frankfort black Frankincense, a gum French chalk Fringes, cotton do wool do silk Frizettes, hair F>ocks, Guernsey — Fruits, West India, in their natural state.. Fruits, preserved in sugar, brandy, o r molasses, not other- wise provided for. . Fruits, preserved in own juice. lo do pickled 15 do prepared — | 20 do juices of, with sugar Frying ])ans F'uller's boards Fuller's earth Fulminates, or fulmi- nating powders 15 Furniture and liouse- hold effects of ])er- sons or families fr'ni foreign countries if used ab road l)y tliem and not in- tended for sale .... free free 20 per cent 2c i)er lb 15 20 per 15j30 per 30 i)er :50 i)er 20 per 10 per 15120 per 15 30 per 15130 per lOfrec free free 15 '20 per cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent 15 30 per cent 15|30 per cent 15 30 per cent 20,30 i)er cent 15 20 per cent free see cotton 30 i)er cent 15i30 per cent 20'30 per cent 15 30 per cent 10 25:30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 ])er cent 10 15 30 ])er cent 15 30 i)er cent 5 free 20 per cent Furniture, coach and ' harness |'Furniture,bras.s, cop- ' per, iron or steel, not coach or har- i: ness j Furniture,cabiuetnnd I' household I Furniture, calico or chintz I Furs, undressed, on IJ the skin Fur, dressed, on the ''] skin ; Furs, dressed or un- ij dressed not on the jl skin iFurs, hats or caps of j do luit bodies or felts do hatters', dressed or undressed. . Fur mutfs or tippet.s, and all other manu- factures of fur, or of which fur is a comi)ouent mat'rial Galangal, or Galangal root Galoons, gold and sil- ver do silk or cotton Galls, nut Gambia, (Terra. Ja- ponica) Gan)boge Game bags, leather or twine Game, prepared Garance, or madder. . ilGarnets and imita- ! tions i;Garnets set Garden seed and all other seeds for agri- cultural & horticul- tural i)urpose.s Garancine, extract of madder Garters, India Kubber with clasps Gas retorts, clay — Gelatine Gems, or imitations not set Gems, set C.S.A. Tariff, V. p. A. Tariff, ls61. 15 30 l)er cent 15 30 l»er cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 1(1 10 ]ier cent 15 10 per cent 10 15 30 l)er cent 15 30 per cent 10 10 l)er cent 10 free 10 15 10 15 10 30 jier cent 20 i)er cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent free free 10 ])er cent 30 ])er cent 30 ])er cent free 5 i)er cent 25 per cent free free 30 per cent 30 per cent 5 per cent 25 per cent 21 Gems, collectious of, for use of societies, schools, itc Gems, cabinets of — Gentian, o r gentian root German silver Gig liames, springs, or handles Gilt fancy ware, wire, &c Gimlets Gimps, cotton (iimps, wire being a component part. . . (iin, (first ])roof) Ginger root do green Ginger, ground, i)re- served or pickled . . Gin cases, with bottles Ginghams (jrinseng Glass of antimony. . . (tlass bottles or jars tilled with sweet- meats, preserves, or other articles Glass, cut, manuf. of. Glass, engraved, colM, painted, sta i n e d. silvered or gilded . . Glass, plain, moulded or pressed, not cut. engrav'd or jJaintM Glass rough plate, cylinder, or broad window n't exceed- H ing 10 X 1") in " Over the above and not exceeding 16 bv 2-t '. '• Over the above and not exceed'g 24x:j(t " Over the above and not exceeding i n weight 1 lb i)r s(j ft *' All over the above (tlass, crown, jdatc or polished & all other windfiw glass not exceeding 10x15 in. " Above, and not ex- ceeding 10x24 inch C. S. A. Tariff, ).S61. free 10 15 20 15 20 15 15 15 25 15 15 15 25 15 15 15 U. S. A. T«riff, I»61. free 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 ])er cent 30 per cent 40c per gal free 10 i)er cent 30 per cent see cotton 20 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 i)er cent 25 per cent Ic i)r SI) foot l^cpr scjft 2c per sq ft 3c ])er sti ft add on excess at same rate l^c pr sq ft 2J^c pr s(j ft |, Glass Above, and not 1] exct;eding 24x30 in i;" All above I'" Weighing over 150 ii lbs per 100 sq feet j; additional duty on {i such excess of ," Porcelain and Bo- j heraian ," Crystals for watch's , " paintings I" or pebbles for spec- ! tacles plates or disks un- wrought for optical instruments articles n't specifiM connected w i t h other materials not !; otherwise provided jl for jj" when old, not in I ])ieces which can be I cut for use, and tit ;1 only to be remanu- !i factured i" manufactures of, all : vessels and wares ! not otherwise pro- :1 provided for ';" green, pocket bot- i| ties i ' looking, plates, sil- 1 vered IjGlasses, hour I 'Glasses, looking I Glauber salts kilaziers' diamonds. . (iloves Glue Goats' skins, raw — do tanned . Goats' liair not i)ro- vided for Gold, bullion IGold, manufactures of, Ij or of which gold is of chief value, not I otherwise provided i for ;Gold beater's skins. . I do dust I do embroideries. . . j do leaf do muriate of ... . I do oxid« of c. S. A, Tariff, ISBl. U. S. A. Tariff, I SSI. 15 4c i)r S(i ft 15 5c pr S(] ft 4c per 11) 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 20 30 per cent 15 30 i)or cent 1(1 ])or ocul 15 10 30 per cent free 15;30 per cent 15 25 per cent 15J30 per 15 30 per 30 per 20 per 10 per 30 i>er 20 per 5 per 20 Tier 10 free cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent tree 20 10 free 30 jier cent 10 per cent I free 20 30 per cent 10 20 ])er cent 15 30 jier cent 15130 per cent 22 C.S.A. Tariff, V. 8. A. Tariff; IH61. Gold paper, in sheets, strips, or other forms do size do shell for paint'g do studs Gulo shoes or clogs. . Gouges Gowns Gown patterns, wool being a component j)art (trains of Paradise. . . Granadilla w o o d , manufactures of. . . Granadilla wood un- manufactured Grapes (irass bags do cloth er cent 15 25 per cent 80 per cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 16 30 per cent 15 free 15 2c per lb 2c per lb 15 25 per cent 15 30 per cent 15|(see cotton) 15 30 per cent 15|30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15,30 i)er cent 10 10 per cent 1040 per cent 5 10 ])er cent 15 30 i)er cent 15 30 per cent 15]30 per cent 15 20 i)er cent 15 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 10 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 30 per cent ;Hatter''s irons Hautboys Haversacks, of leather Hay knives Head pieces for stills. Hearth rugs, all Hellebore root Hemlock seed Hemp seed 15 30 per cent 15|20 per cent 15 Hemp, allmanuf's of, not oth'rwise speci- fied, or of which hemp is a compon- ent niiiterial, not otherwise provided for Hemp, unmanufactu'd Hemp, manilla and I other hemps of In- dia jHemp, sun Herrings, pickled or ! salted 'Hides, raw,dried,salt I ed or pickled, not otherwise provided for Hides, tanned Hinges, wrought iron Hobby horses Hods Hoes Hollands, brown, of the value of 30c or I under per sq yard. Hollands, if over 30c j to sq y ard .... jHollow ware, glazed I or tinned !Hones Honey |Hooks, all 'Hooks and eyes. Hops Horn, manufactures of Horn combs Horn tips Ilonrn, jilatesfor lan- terns Horses Household furniture.. Hosiery, cotton, on frames c. S. A. Tariff, l,s«l. 15j Ic i)er lb 15 20 per cent 15,30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15|30 per cent 15|30 percent 15i20 per cent 15;freo 10' 10c prbush of I 52 lbs 15 20 per cent 10|$35 per ton 10 $15 ])er ton $10 per ton 15 $1 per bbl 5 per cent 10 20 per cent 15 He per lb 15130 per cent 15|30 i)er cent 15 30 ])er cent 15 25 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 2^c per lb 15 20 per cent 15 loc per gal 15.30 per cent 15 30 i)er cent 10 10 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 10 15 10 jjcr cent 10 per cent free |10 ))er cent, 15|30 i>er cent 15.20 per cent ■24 C.S.A. Tarift IMI. Iluiiseliold rrtccts, iiij use wlion trnvelliiier s(iiiaro yard. .. lliui^rary water liyaciiitli roots Ilydriodate of jiotash Ilydniiiieters of frlass Ic-e, per ton Imitation of ])recious stones Imitation of precious stones not set Imitation of precious stones set Instruments, ])ental, Mathematical, Sur- .irical, &(• India hemp India riil)h('r. in liot- tles India rubber in slabs or sheets, nninann- factured India rubber, milk of '■ '■ boots and slioes,(»r other man- ufactured articles, com])osed wholly of India rubber, not otherwise jirovided India rubber suspen- ders, braces, web- l)in^'-, or other fab- rics composed whol- ly or in part of In- cr cent 10 15 j lol$15.per ton I free 15 20 per cent 15 free free ."lO per cent lOc ])er bush. 10 per cent free 15 ;iO per cent 15 151 15i 15| ! :)0 per <'ent :{0 j)cr cent .'iO ])er cent ■\0 j)er f r'ut Ink stands " " glass, cut.. Iridium Ins'nients for schools, &c Instruments, musical. Inventions, models of Iodine Iodine, salts of Iodine, crude Iodine, resublimed. .. Ij)ecac, or ipecacuan- ha India baj^j^inp and mattini? of all sorts not otlierwise pro- vided for Iris root Iron, manufactures of, or of Avhich iron is of chief value, not otherwise provided loi- Iron taggers Iron castings, not oth- erwise provided for Iron liquor Iron, bar, rolled or hammered Iron for railroads. . . Iron boiler plates — Iron, all other rolled| and hammered — Iron tire for locomo- tives or any ])arts thereof Iron, in pigs Iron vessels, cast, not otherwise i)rovidcd for Iron pipes, cast Iron castings not oth- erwise ])rovided for Iron, (dd cerai>s Iron ore Iron, band and hoop.. Iron, .slit rod, for nails,] nuts, and horse- shoes, not other- wise provided iov.. Iron, nndeable in cast- ings, not otherwise l)rovided for Iron sheet, smooth, or ]iolished U. 8. A. Tarilt l.s«l. 15 25 15 free 15 free 15 15 15 15 15 ;?<• jier cent 'M) per cent I'ree free 20 per cent free 15 i)er cent 15 ])er cent 10 ])er cent 15 jter cent 10 i)er cent free 30 per cent 10 ])er cent 25 i)er cent 10 ])er cent $15 per ton $12 i)er ton $20 Jter ton $20 jK-r ton l^cts i)erlb. $»■> per ton 15.1 ct per lb 15 5c. per 100 lb 15 1 25 per cent 10 $0 jier t(Mi io| 15i$20 per ton 15 $20 i>er ton 15 2 cts per lb 15:2 cts per lb or. Iron, otlier shc'ct iron, )i o t tliinncf tliiiii Xo. 20 wire .una j2;e. Iron, sheet, tliinner thiUi 2it and not tliinner tlian No. 25 Iron, slieet, thinner than 2.") Jron, mill irons, and ni i 1 1 cranks o t' wrought iron, and wrought iron for shi])S, locomotives, and steam engines, o r i)arts thereof, weighing each 25 Ihs, or more Iron galvanized, or iron coated with zinc Iron looi)s Iron, sulphate of Isinglass Issue Peas Issue plaster Ivory Ivorv, manufactures of' Ivory, black Ivory nuts or vegeta- Me ivory Ivory, unnianufactxl . Ivory vegetalde, man- ufactures of Jacks, for i)iano fortes Jacks, clothiers' Jacks, chains a n d screws Jalap Japanned wares, all kinds Jellies, and all other similar ])reparations Jerked beef Jet, and manufactu- res of, real or com- l)osition Jewelry Jewelry false,so calTd Juice of oranges, tfec. Juniper berries Jiinijier ]ilants Junk, old Jute Jute carpotinL' c. s. A. Tariff, 15 V. S. A. Tnriff, IStil. $20 ])er ton 15 $25 ]H'r ton 15 $:]n per ton 15 11 cts per lb 2 cts ])er 11) 15 10 15 15 15 15 10 15 15 10 10 free 15|80 per cent 15.80 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 .'}0 ])er cent 15 10 per cent 15i80 ]»er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent free 30 per cent free free 2o free 30 per cent let per lb 30 per Cent 25 i)er cent 15 20 per cent 10. 10 i)er cent 15 10 i»er cent 10 free 5 free 10|!j;10 per ton -1-Oc ]ier sqr yd I Jute, Sisal grass un- manufactured Jute yarn Jute goods Jute or sisal grass, all manufactures o f, not otherwise ]no- vided for I'Jnte butts Kaleidescopes Kalvdor Kelp Kermes 'Kerines, mineral Kerosine, and all oth- er coal oil iKcrseys I Kettles, brass Kettles, copper Keys, watch, gold or silver Keys, all other of iron brass, copper, &c . . Kilmarnock caps,.. .. Kirschenwasser I Knitting needles Knives, all, of iron, i steel, copper, brass, pewter, lead or tin. Knobs, brass, iron, steel, copper or brass Knobs, gilt, plated or washed Knobs, cut glass Knobs, glass, not cut. Knobs, glass av i t h ■ brass, iron, steel, or composition shanks Knots of gold, silver. Kreosote Labels, ])rinted Labels, gilt or plated Labels, gold or silver Lac dye Lac spirits Lac sulphur Lace, of all kinds, made into wear- ing apparel do bobbinet do shawls, if sewed do bobbinet veils, cotton Laces, silk do cotton do colr)red C.S.A. Tariff, 1S61. V. S. A. Tnriff, 1^61. 4 cts j)er lit 15 per cent 20 per cent $5 per ton 30 per cent 30 per cent free free 10 per cent 15 10 cts i)er gal 15| 15 1 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 jter cent 30 per cent 50 cts per gal 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 30 per cent 25 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 20 15 15 20 20 10 10 10 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent free free free 15|30 per ceni 15|30 per cent 15 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 26 do thread iind i n- sertiug do jrold, silver, «kc. Liiced l» o o t s and bootees T-adles, iron, tin, Hrit- aniiu lauss, (•oi)per, ime, borate of Lime, chloride of . . . . Lines, fishing Lines, worsted Linens, brown or bleached, d u c k s, canvass padding.s. cot bottoms, burlaps •kills, coatings, b r o w n Hollands, blay linens, dam- asks, dia])ers,crash, huckabacks, lawns, or other manufac- tures of flax, jute or hemp, or of which flax, jute or hem]) shall be the material of chief value, of the value of 30c or under per sq yard V. S. A. TBriff, IMil. 30 per cent 20 per cent 20 per cent free 20 per cent free free free 15 30 per cent lo 30 i)er cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent (see linen) (see cotton) 5 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent Linens, do, if over 30 cts ])er square yard 15 30 per cent Linen mitts 15 30 per cent Linen tape 15 20 per cent Links, cortt 15 30 per cent jLinseed j 10 10c i)er bush Linseed cake or mear,free |20 per cent C.S. A.| Tflriff, 10 free 10 10 per cent 10 10 per cent 10 10 per cent lOlScpr 100 lb 15|30 per cent 15130 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 33^ per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 30 jier cent 3c per lb free l|c per lb 20 per cent 30 per cent free 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent (see linen) 15 25 ])cr rent Linsev woolsev Lint.' ." Liquors, spirituous, not enumerated. . . Liquor bronze do iron do purple do tin do cases Liquorice p a s te o i juice Liquorice root Litharge Lithogra])bic stones. . T.ithontriptons Litmus Loadstones [Lotions, all cosmetic, [Lozenges, all medicin- al JLocks, all iT.,ongoloths, linen Looking-glasses, prtes or frames Lunar caustic. . . . Lumber, sawed . . Lustres, glass, cut. Lustres, brass & glass Lutes s iLey, soda Macaroni Mace Mackerel Machinery of every description, not otherwise provided for iMachinery, models of ! it other inventions ;Machinery exclusive- ly imported for the manufacture of flax and linen goods. . . Mads and charts for the use of societies, colleges, churches, schools, &c Maraschino Marble, saw'd,dressM, .squar'd or jjolish- ed, manufactures of .Marble in the rouph C.S.A. T.riff, )H6I. I'. S. A. T«riff, ir.s.A.| Tsrin; V. S. A. Tariff, 1S«1. 10 15 .'JO per cent 15 20 i)er cent ISpJO per cent 15J20 per cent lOjfrec 25 30 ]ier cent 15 ;J0 i)er cent 15 20 jier cent 15 10 per cent ^15 per ton 10 per cent ;}0 i)er cent 30 per cent 25 ;JU i)cr cent 20 15|3U per cent 15jfree free I free lO'free free 25 15 free 5(ic jicr gal 30 i)er cent or blocks Marble, toys, baked or stones Marble table tops Marine coral, unmanu- factured ?, a sweet- 10130 per cent Marmalad meat Marrow, and all other grease a n d s o a p .stocks and soap .stutls 10 Marsh mallows 15 Ma.stic 10 Matches for pocket lights 15 Mathennitical instru- ments imi)orted forj any college, acade- my, .school, &C .... free Mathematical instru- ments 15 Mats, cocoa nut 15 do table,straw,tow or Hag 15 table, wool 15 sheepskin 15 oil, orlloorcloth 15 dish or table. . . 15 X, cocoa nut.. . 15 all floor, of riags, jute or grass 15 C h i n a a n d other floor.. 15 screens, ha.s- soiks.and rugs, and all otiiers not speci- licd 15 Mattrasses, liair or moss, linen tick. . . 15 Meal, corn f\•^}^i Afeal, oat free >reats, prepared 20 Medals and other an- titiuitics 10 Medals of gold, and silver I 20 Medicinal i)rei)ara-l tions not otherwiscj | provided for [ 15 Medicinal roots and leaves an d «)ther drugs & mcilicines in a crude state,not otherwise specitiedj do do do do Mattin lo do 'Mats 30 i)er cent 30 j>cr cent Ifrec |30 i>er cent 10 per cent 20 ]»er cent 30 i)er cent tree 30 ]»er cent 20 j)er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 20 per cent 20 i)er cent 30 per rent 20 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 30 per cent. free free 30 ]ii'r (Tilt 15|20 ])er cent 29 C.S.A.I V. S A. , T«riff. Tariff, 1861. I "<6!^ ] V. S. A. Tariff, 1S6I. N['3tal, silver-plated. . Metnllic slates paper or tin Metallic pens Metals, uuniainifact., not otherwise pro- vided for Melting' or glue pots. earthen ; • Mercury, or quicksil- ver Mercury, all prepara- tions of. Merino shawls, body, of worsted or comb- ed wool • Merino shawls, bord'r of woolen fringe sewed on Merino cloth, entirely of combed wool. . . Merino cloth, wool not combed being a component part . . . }k[er i n o f r in ge, w orst'd Merino trinnnings. . . Merino shawls, made of wool Manilla hemp Mica, isinglass Military a c c o u t r e- ments Milk of roses Millepedes Mill saws Mills, coffee Millinery of all kinds Miniature cases, ivory Miniature sheet,ivoryj Miniatures l Mineralogy, specimens of Mineral and bitumin- ous substances, in a crude state n o t otherwise provided for Mineral waters Mineral blue Mineral kermes Mock i»earls Models of invention, o r iiniirovement, not fitted for use,. 20130 per cent 15130 per cent 15] 30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 10 per cent ■20 per cent 15 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 (see wool) 15 15,30 per cent lOJflS i)er ton 10 20 per cent free 20 30 ]ier cent 20 i)er cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 ])er cent 15 30 per cent 30 i)cr cent free free free 10 20 iier cent 15130 iier cent 15lfree lOJfree ol 5 per cent free 'froe V. S. A, Tariff, 10 20 {2 cts per gal. 15 30 per cent 15130 ])er cent 15120 per cent 15 15 $1 per oz. 30 i)er cent lOilO per cent 15|20 jier cent 5 per cent 25 i)er cent 10 2 10|fi"ee Mohair, manuf. of, (>r of which mohair is I of chief value, not I otherwise provided I for 15 30 per cent JMohair, unmanuf.,not provided for. . . . ^folasses Moon knives Mops i Morocco skins 'Morphine, and its i salts I Mortars, brass, mar- ble, or composition Moss, Iceland do for beds Mosaics, real and imi- tation not set do do set . . . Mother of pearl do of pearl arti- | cles made of, not ot- I h e r WM s e I enumerated 15 30 i)er cent Mother of pearl studs 15125 j.er cent j do of pearl, but- I tons with metal eyes j or shanks.. Moulds, button ... ! Mouse traps, wood or ! wire Muffs, of fur Mnnjcet, or 1 n d i a I madder Munitions of war . . . Muriate of barytei tin, or strontium. Music in sheets or [ bound Music pajier liMusical intruments, i all kinds 15i20pe, ..t Musical instrument strings of all kinds, of whii)-gut or cat-gut, part of me- tal .1 15|30 per cent Mushrooms free l30 per cent Mushroom sauce .... I iri 30 per cent Musk 1 15l30 per cent IjMuskets, rifles, and! ! other fire arms for] military purposes. . jfroe 30 per cent 15 15 15 15 10 iVee 15 10 15 30 iier cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent free 20 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent 30 do Myrrh, du do C,S.A, T.rltt IMll. I'. S. A, free 30 i)er cent free j^O i)er cent 1^ cts per lb. do do do Musket bayonet do barrels do bullets] free do r o d s o r stocks free 30 per cent Mustard, ".'round or :nanuf lo 20 per cent seed 15 free in a crude state 10 free gum retincd 15 10 per cent Myrobalau 20 free Nails, cut, and spikes 15 1 cent ])er lb. ■\v r ought, spikes, rivets, and bolts 15 2 cents per lb. horse shoo — 1 5 ;ii cts. i)er lb. cut tacks, I brads and ! si)rigs, not! | exceeding 10 oz to 1000. ..j 15 2 cts per 1000 exceeding 1 6 oz to 1000. .[ .15 2 cts per lb Nankeens, imported direct from China, as cotton | 15 see cotton Nankeens,not imi)ort- ed directly from China, subject to the regulations on inanu. of cotton. . . | 15 .see cotton Nankeen shoes or slip ])ers I 15 30 per cent Napkin.s, cotton | 15 30 ])er cent Napt, or napped cot- ton.s, a manufacture of wool 15 Narcotin 15 Natron 10 Natural history, spec- imens of free Needles, sewing, darning or knitting 15 Needles, crochet I 15 Nets, lishing | 15 Newspapers, illus-l trated | 10 Nickel I 10 Nippers | 15|30 per cent Nitrate of barytes. . . 15'20 per cent do of iron | 15 20 i)er cent C.S. A. Tariff, It^l. "To L'. S. A. Turifl; lt>6l. 10 per cent 15130 i)er cent 25 50 cts per pal. 5 5 per (■(.•iit lolfree 20 15 cts j.er lb. 15i|'25 per ton Nitrous acid Norfolk latches Noyeau Nutria skins, if i dresssed Nutgalls Nutmegs Nuts, and Avashers of wrouglit iron, ready punched Nuts used ill dyeing, in a crude state I do cocoa do all those not enumerated,ex- rei)t those used I in dyeing... Newspapers , Nux vomica Oakum Oats jfree llO cts jier bus Oatmeal Ifree 110 i>er cent Ochres, or ochreyl j earths, when dry,| I not otlierwise Jtro-I I vided for I 15l35c pr 100 lbs lOchre ground in oil.. I 15|$1.35 i)er 100 lOlfree lOfree loll ct per lb. 10 15 i)er cent 10 free 10! free 30 i)cr cent 30 i)er cent free free 20 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent free do do do of strontium, of tin. lead . . 15,20 per cent 15 20 j)er cent 1513 cts ])cr lb. Ochre, brown, blue, red, and yellow earth, to be consid- ered as ochre Odors or perfumes. .. Oil cake Oil cloth for }loi)rs, stami)ed, jiainted or ])rinted, valued at 50 cents per square yard, or less Oil cloths, valued over 50 cents per sipuire yard Oil cloth, not other Avisc i)rovided for do Harlem do stones do animal do seal do palm do cocoa-nut do of cubebs do of cloves do of cajej>ut do neat's foot and other animals.. . lbs. 15|35cpr 1(»0 lbs 20130 i)er cent free 20 i)er cent 15l20 per cent 15 30 ])er cent 15|30 per cent 15*30 i»er cent 15|20 i)er cent 15120 per cent 15|l0 ])er cent lo'lO per cent 15 10 ])er cent 15!30 per cent Nitro niur. tin | 15|20 i)er cent 15 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 31 |C.S.A.| Tariff, I 1»6I. I U. S. A Tariff, IMS). Oil, ricini, or palnia ohristi do castor do lienip seed do linseed and tiax- seed do olive, in casks. . do olive salad do rape seed do all used in paint- ing do kerosene a u d other coal oils. . do s p e r m a c e t i , whale, and other tish oil, of Ameri- can fisheries, and all other articles the ])roduce of suchiishcries. do spermaceti, whale and other lish oil of foreign fisheries do all other do volatile, essen- tial, or expressed, not otherwise provided for. . . . Old silver, fit onlj' to be re-manufactnred Olives Onions Opium do extract of Orange crj-stals do fiowers Oranges Orange bitters do peel do issue peas. . do flower water Ore, copper do iron Organs Ornaments,gilt,wood. gold paper, or for ladies' head-dresses Ornaments not for head-dresses < trnaments, alabaster and spar Orpiment Orris root Osier, or willow pre- l)ared for baskets.. 15 '20 per cent 15|20 per cent 15 20 cts per gal 15 20 cts pr gal 15|l0 per cent lo|30 ])er cent 15 20 cts per gal 15 20 cts per gal 15 10 cts per gal 15 fn 15 20 per cent 30 ])cr cent 20 per cent free 30 per 10 per 15 $1 i)er 15|30 per 15 20 per 15 20 per 10 10 per 15 '30 per 10 per 30 per 30 per 5 per cent cent lb. cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent 15 20 per cent 30 15 30 per cent 25 '30 per cent 10 free 1 5 free 15 Ostrich plumes and feathers, manufac- tured Oxymnriate of lime.. Oxymuriato, or chlo- rate of potash Oxydeof zinc Oysters Pack thread Paddy Paintings and statu- ary, for the use of societies, sch ools, churches, &c Paintings and statu- ary, as merchandize, not otherwise pro- vided for j Paintings on glass. . . Paints, carmine... .| do dry or gro'ndl in oil, not ot- herwise i)ro-l vided for .... I do Avater colors., do Span, brown, j dry I do Span, brown, in oil I do terra umbra., do Avhitelead. . . Painters colors Palm leaves, unmanu- factured Palm leaf hats or bas- kets Pannel saws | Pitt saws Pamphlets Paper ]ianging.s, and paper for screens and fireboards. . . Paper for printing n e wsjiapers, handltillsand other print- i'lfr.. do a n tiquarian, elei)hant, im- perial, demi, c a ]) , letter, drawing, and all other pa- I)er:? not oth- erwise l>ro-| vided for.. . . 20 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 10 per cent 15llic per lb. 15 20 per cent. 15 30 per cent free |50c pr ]0011>s free free 10 10 per cent 15 16 15 15 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 l|c per lb 15 10 i)er cent free 15 15 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 15,30 per cent 32 C.S.A. r>rifr. Pajier, all niamilac- tiiresof, or of! wiiifli ])ai)erj is a coinpo iK'iit iiifitcri- al. not otlier- wise ))rovid- cd for d«) Avaddiiifr Pa])ior niadic, inanuf. of I'!irasol> and sun- shades do s t i c k s o r frames Parchment Paris white, dry do proimd, in oil.... .. Parts of stills, of cop- per Pasteboard Paste jrijrgcrs do almond do perfumed . . . Pastework set in jrold I'aste, imitation of jirecious stones. . . . Pastel or woad I'atent mordant J'avin;,' stones do tiles, not oth erwise ]) r o ■ vided foi' .... Pearl ash Pearl, motlier of. .... do manufactu's of I 'earls, set do not set .... do c m p osition, set do c o m i» osition, not set Peas Peanuts Pebbles of glass for spectacles IVllitory root I'elts, salted Pencils, black lead, camel's Jiair a nd r e er cent Ic per lb 30 per cent 20 i)er cent 20 i)er cent 30 jier cent 20 jter cent 20 per cent 30 ))er cent 30 ]»er cent 30 per cent 2c per 111 15 30 ])er cent 30 j)er cent 30 per cent free 30 pel" cent 33 Pius do silver, iron or l)OUiul I'il)orine ripe, cast iron, steain, gas and water .... Pipes, clay, smoking. do watch, carre or cannon .... do wood Pipe clay I'istols I'itch Pitch, Burgundy. . . . Plains.., Plaster of Paris, un- ground P 1 a s t e r of Paris ground Plaster of Paris cal ciued .... Plaster of Paris casts or ornaments. . . I'laster, court Planks. Avrought or rouixh Plants Plantains Plants used in dyeing, in a crude state. ... Plane irons Planes Plated and gilt wares of all kinds Platina, uunianufac- turt'd I'latina, nianuf. of, or which jilatina is of chief va- lue, not other- wise provided for crucibles. . . . vases or re- retorts Plaits for hats or bon- nets I'laving cards Pliers.; IMows do plane Phiinbago or black lead IMunis Plumes, ornamental . . do do 30 per cent o(i per cent 30 per cent 50c per 100 lbs 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 i)er cent 35c per 100 Ibf 30 ])er cent 15 20 i)er cent 15i20 ])er cent 15|30 per cent 5 free lOilO i)er cent 15 '20 per cent I 25 30 per cent 15 30 ])er cent 20 per cent free free 5 1 free 30 ]ier cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 10 free 20 20 20 15 20 15 15 15 15 20 20 30 ])er cent 30 per cent free 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 30 i)cr cent 10 jier cent Ic i)erlb 30 jier cent Plush or shag, wor- sted do cotton do wool do hatters, of silk and cotton, or of which cot- ton is of chief value Pocket books do bottles, green glass Points, merino Pole cai)s do carriage hooks. . do ferrules Polishing stones Pomatum Pomegranate peel . . . Poplins, stuli" Poppy heads do oil do seed Porcelain ware do slates ! Pork Porphyry Portable desks Porter, in bottles .... do not in bottks Potassa, i)russiate of. Potassium Potash do n i t r a t e of, when crude. . Potatoes Pots, black lead do blue do cast iron do melting earthen Pounce Poultry, i)rei)ared . . . Powder, gun, r. s. A. Tariff, IHf.l. 30 i)er cent 20 ]»er cent 30 per cent 20 jier cent 30 per cent 25 ])er cent 15130 )ier cent 15 30 per cent 15|3() per cent 15 30 i)er cent free 30 ])er cent 10 ])er cent 30 ])er cent 20 i)er cent 30 per cent do black lead. . do blue do of brass do iiulfs do subtil, for the skin.. . . Powders, |»asfes,balls. balsams, ointments, oils, waters,washe8, tinctures, essencee, or other composi- tions known af- sweet scents, odors. 15 15 free 15 10 15 10 15 15 15 15 15 2(1 free 15 15 15 15 15 free 30 i)er cent 30 i)er cent Ic i)er lb 15 [30 ])er cent 15^30 per cent 15 25c per gal 15 15c per gal 15J15 per cent 10 per cent 10 per cent free 10c per bush 30 ])er cent 30 per cent Ic per lb 20 i)er cent 2(1 ])er cent 30 Jier cent 20 ])er cent 20 j)cr cent 20 i)er cent 20 per cent 30 i)er cent 20 30 per cent 34 CS.A. T.ri«; U. S. A. 1S8T. IC.S.A.1 V. 8. A. T«riff, T»riir. perl'uines or li. . J'russian blue Pucheri PuUies, iron, brass, co]»i)er and wood. . Pulp, dried Pumice and pumice stones Pumpkins Puiiii)s, stoniacli I'liiiclies, shoe J'unjuns, Madras, cot- ton Purple brown do tin li(iuor.. . . Piittv 20 30 i>er cent 10 15 10 5 10 15c jn- 100 11» 20 per cent 25 per cent 5 per cent 25 per cent 5 per cent 15 30 ])er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 10 per cent 30 per cent frco 30 ].cr cent fi-ee 30 j)er cent 30 jior coiit free 2c i)er lb 15 per cent 10 per cent 20 jier cent 30 ]K'V cent 20 ])er cent free 10 ])er cent 30 per cent 30 ])er cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 10 ])er cent Ic i>er lb I Quadrants and sex- j tants I [Quadrant frames.. . . [Quassia wood I Quicksilver Quill baskets , Qnillabark Quills Quilting, or bed quilts i cotton Quinine Quinine, sulphate of. . Rag stones Rags of whatever ma- terial Railroad chairs, wr't iron Raisins, Sultana, nnis- catel and bloom, in boxes, or jars. . . Raisins, all others. Rakes, iron, steel or wood Rape of (i rapes. . . Rape seed Rappers, brass or iron Rasi»s Ratafia, a li(|Uor Rataus. unmanufact.. Ratans, manufactured or ])artly manufact. Rattles, wood, ivory, coral or with bells. Rtjzors Razor cases Razor strops, wood. . Reaping hooks, iron or steel Ready made clothing I except wool I Ready made clothing of wool Red chronnite of pot- ash Red lead, dry or ground in oil Red chalk Red jirecipitate Red Venetian Red A'enetian, ground in oil Red wood and red Sanders Red wool, or fur for halting 15|30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 free ISjlO per cent 15 20 per cent 15 15|20 per cent ISjSO per cent 15 20 per cent 15[30 per cent 20 per cent Iree 15 tree $25 jicr ton 2c per lb Ic i)er lb 30 per cent 20 jter cent 10c per bush I of 52 lbs 15|30 j)er cent 15 30 per cent 25.50c per gal 10 free 15 20 ])cr edit 3it i)er cent 3(1 i)er cent 3(1 i)er cent 30 ]ier cent .3(1 pel- cent 3(1 per rvul 15 J 2c iier 11 15 15 10 15 15 15 10 15 20 ])er cent He per lb 20 i)er cent 20 ])er cent 20 per cent free 10 per cent 35 Heeds, uiiiuamitact'd. Reeds, nianufaotnred or ])artly niannlac- tnrcd Reeds, weavers Regains of antimony Reindeer skins, dress- ed Reindeer skins, un- dressed Reindeer skins, tan\l Reindeer tonjcnes. . . . Reps, natural silk and cotton Resin, Resin ot Jalap Resin, nux vomica.. . Rest pins Rhubarb Ribbon wire, or cane- till, if covered with cotton or silk Ribbons, silk Rice, cleaned Rice, nncleaned or l)addv Riries.' Rivets, iron i Robes, made up Rochelle salts Rods and eyes of metal for stairs.. . . Rods, wood, composi- tion, casement, slit, or rolled Roman cement Roman vitriol Roman candles Rope lioot, arr( tw Root, madder Roots, medicinal, not s])eci"ly mentioned, in a crude state — Rosewood, manufac- tures of Rosewood, unmanuf.. Rose leaves Rose water Rosin Rosolio, a cordial. . . . Rotten stone Ronjre Rubies, not set Rubies, set c. s. A. Tariff, 1S61. V. S. A. T.iriff, free 1.5 20 per cent oO per cent free 15 10 free 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 ])er cent 5 per cent 20 per cent 2c per lb 30 per cent free free free 30 per cent 10 per cent itree I free I ^•'"^ 15 15 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 1 c per lb 5oc pr 100 lb 30 per cent 2c ]ier lb 30 ])er cent 20 ]K'r cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 20 ]»or cent 15 15 15 10 ]tcr cent 10 free 15 20 ])er cent 25 30 per cent 10 free 15 20 JUT cent 20 3er cent 15 20 iier cent 25'50c ])er gal 111 free 2tion Sieves, lawn, cypress wire and hair Silk, raw or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled,twis- ed, or advanced in manufacture in any way, a n d silk cocoons and silk waste C. S. A. Tariff, isiil. l.J U. S. A. Tariff, C. S. A, Tariff, isi;i. '25 i)ei' cent 1.1 oO |n'i- cent .'iO i)er cent 30 ]>er cent W per cent free free free 30 ])er cent 20 per cent :}0 ]K'r cent 2.} per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 15 20 ])er cent 30 per cent lie per lb Iree | 15]30 i)er cent 15|30 per cent 10, free 15 30 per cent 15|30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 10 free iSilk, in the gum, noti ! more advanced in manufacuture than singles, tram, and I thrown or organzino ;Silk twist Silk and mohair twist Silk ribbons, galoons, fringes, laces, but- ! tons and trimmings Silk, value not over I $1 per square yard Silk, value overij;! jir I S(iu are yard Silk velvets value not I over $8 per sq yard jSilk velvets over $3 i per square yard . . . Silk, manufactures of, j not otherwise pro- I vided for Silk, sewing, in the ' gum or purified . . Silk aprons, collars, cvitts, ehemizettes, turbans, mantillas and pellerines. . . Silk and worsted va- lencias, toilenets,or crape de Lyons . . . Silk and worp;ted shawls, hemmed. . . Silk and cotton vest- ' iugs Silk bobbins or braids Silk, caps, ifentirelv silk \ Silk cords Silk curls Silk Hoss Silk frizettes Silk garters,with wire 1 and clasps 'Silk gloves Silk tossels ■Silk hats or bonnets for women Silk hat bands Silk handkerchiefs not sewed Silk hose Silk hose, sewed Silk lace Silk mitts Silk mitts, sewed lOi 15 15 U. S. A. Tariff, 1S61. per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent 15130 per cent 15130 i)er cent 15130 per cent 15| 15 I 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 I •30 30 '30 |20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent ])ev cent per cent per cent per cent per cent ])er cent per cent l)er cent per cent l)er cent ]»er cent j)er cent per cent 38 V. S. A. Tariff, I . S. A. 1 Tariff, Silk, manufwith pold nr silver, (ir other metals 15 :}(» |ter cent Silk, poM^'ees, white. 1") 30 )er cent Silk ornaments, oil cloth, suspenders. stocks, stockinffs and twist 15 .lO ler cent Silk watch chains or ' ribbons 15 15 .'}0 :10 l)er cent Silk webbing' ler cent Silk, all other articles not otherwise speci- , hands in whole or in i)art 15 30 ])er cent Silver bullion or coin free free Silver, manuf of, or of which silver is of chief value, not otherwise i)rovided for 20 30 jier cent Silver plated metal, in sheets or fither form 211 '.]() 1 1 per cent Silver, (Jernian. i n sheets 20 30 pe!' cent Silver, Gei'iiian. manuf or not .... 20 10 30 20 per cent l)er cent Silver leaf Silver wire 20 3(» ])er cent Sisal jrrass 10 *ll > i)er ton Skates, costing,' 20c or ' less per i)air 1 5 ()( • per pair Skates, costin;,' over 20c ]»er i»air 15 30 l)er cent Skeletons .... ... 15 K 20 20 per cent per cent Skivers, tanned Skivers, pickled 5 5 per cent *Skins, pickled, i n casks .) .) per cent Skins of all kinds in the hair, dried, raw f)V unmanufactured •) ■) l)er cent Skins, calf, tanned . . 10!25 per cent C. S. A. Tariff, Skins tanned »fc dress- ed of all kinds ex- cept calf skins Skins, japanned, pa- tents, or enamelled Skin ., fish, for sad'lers, &c .Skins dressed with alum only Skins, sheep, tanned or dressed Skins, {.'oat or morro« CO, tanned and not dressed Skins, kid, tanned, dressed an er cent 5 per cent 5115 per cent 15 15,30 per cent 15 30 per cent 30 per cent 2c i)er lb 20 per cent fr«o *In the Confederate States Tariff Act, as ]iulilislied, we find the roliowin;: dis- creiiancy : In schedule (\ (15 jter cent, ^froof. Spirituous rnjuors noti enumerated . . . Spokeshaves Spokes fre< lu ■20 ])er cent 20 ])er cent 20 ])er cent oO ])er cent 30 per cent 20 ])er cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent trei' l-")r30 ]ier ('ent 15 30 per cent 30 ])er cent 30 jier cent 30 per cent $1 pr 100 lbs He i)er 11) 20 ])er cent 20 ]»er cent 20 pr cent and 10c per gal 40c jier gal .■'3^ ]>er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent Sponge Spoons, all Spunk Spurs, all S])rings for wig Si)yglasses Squares, all 'Squill Stars and knots of ' gold and silver. . . . St. Ignatius beans. . . Statues and statuary . Statuary of foreign artists (as merchan- dise) not otherwise ])rovided for Statues,statuary, busts and casts of nuirble, bronze, alabaster,or plaster of Paris,and all specimens of si'ul])ture, for the use of societies, col- leges, schools, churches, &c Staves, for pijicSjliogs- heads and other casks Stave bolts jSteel in bars, sheets ! and plates, not far- ther advanced in manufacture than by rolling, and cast steel in bars t'Steel, in ingots, bars, I sheets, or wire, not less than \ inch in 1 diameter, valued at I' 7c per lb or less — i Steel above 7c per lb Ij and not over lie. . I Steel in any form, not I otherwise provided 'I for Steel pens Steel manuf or ]iartly I manuf not otherwise )»rovided for Stereotype plates — I Stitfners for cravats.. I Still bottoms ! Still worms Stockings • • • • Stomiich pumps 10 i)er cent 30 per cent 10 ))er cent 1 30 per cent IT) SO ])er cent ] "» 30 i)er cent lo.ao per cent l'> 10 i)er cent 15 20 per cent 20 30 per cent 10 per cent 10 10 free 10 jier cent free free lOlfree 5 1 free J" 10 Ueper lb 10 2c jter lb 15 20 per cent 15 30 i)er cent 15 30 i»er cent 15 20 i)er cent 15 .30 per cent 15 20 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 15 .10 per cent 40 tC&A.| Tmtitr. 17. & A. Tariff, Stoneware, oniaiii nt ed lo Stone ware, common brown earthenware 15 Stone ware iirtt orna- mented, above tbe tapacity of 10 fjals. 15 Sti>ne, rotten 10 Stones, building 10 Stones, ])avinfi free St«)nes, ]MilisIiing. ... 10 Stone pnniice 10 Stones, burr, inanuf'd or bound u\t into mill stones Stones not merchant- able, as balla.st . , . , Stoves & stove plates Storax (a balsam) Straw l)askcts Straw hats and bon- nets Straw, lor hats, in natural state Stretchers for umbrel- las and jiiirasols Strings for musical in- strnm'nts, whip-gut or cat- ut Strontia Strychnine Studs, all Succory, ground Sugar, er cent 15 20 jter cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 10 fi-ee lOjlO per cent 10 free 10 per cent 30 j)er cent 41 C. S. A. Tariff 1R6K U. S. A. Tariff, 1S61. 'Jerne tin, in j)lates or in sheets Terra Jii])onica Terra desienna, in oil Terra nnibra Tentenef:;ue, in siieets Tentenegue, in i)igs or blocks, nnnianuf Textile fabrics ol'ev'y clescri ji t ion not ((tlicrwise provided lor Tlieriaque Thibet, nnnianuf, not ]»rovided for Tiiibet shawls, real or {Toats hair Thibet shawls body cotton with AvorstM fringe Thimbles, all Thread o f cotton, spool and other Thread, escutcheons. Thread, flax or linen. Thread, pack Threaigs Tin in jdates or sh'ets Tin in jdates galvan ized Tin ore lo|lO per cent lOlfree 151.30 per cent lo 20 ])er cent 5.' He per lb 5 |1 pr 100 lbs 20 per cent (see wool) 30 per cent 15 30 i)er cent 15130 per cent 15 30 per cent 15'30 ])er cent irdso ])er cent 15 30 per cent 15 20 per cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 20 per cent 10 20 i)er cent 5 free 5 free 15 30 per cent 10,10 per Cent 10|l0 i)er cent 1<||10 ])er cent 10 10 i)er cent lOilO per cent 15 10 per cent 15 10 per cent 15 10 per cent 5|frec 10|l0 per cent 10 2c per lb 5110 per cent Tin, manufacsures of, or of which tin is of chief value, not otherwise provided . for .Tinctures, odoriferous iTinctures, medincinal JTippet.s, fur jTobacco, leaves, un- : manufactured JTobacco, all manuf of Tobacco, all manufac- I tured or unmanuf. . Toilet, glasses Tolu, balsam of Tongues, reindeer — Tongues and sounds. Tongues,neats,smok'd Tou(iua beans Tools and implements of trade of persons arriving in tlieC. S. or U.S., not includ- ing machinery or articles imported for manuf establishm'ts or on sale Tooth brushes Tojiaz, real or imita- tion Tojiaz, set [Tortoise a n d other shells unmannfacfd |Tow of hemp Tow of flax Toys, all kinds |Trays and waiters, all iTreacle, molasses — JTresses, lace Tresses and wings of ' gold, silver, etc — Trees, shrubs, bulbs, roots and plants not otherwise provided for » Trimmings, silk Trusses Tubes, iron, for steam gas and water Tug buckles, as sad- I lery Turmeric Turpentine, spirits. 15 15 free free free 15 1'. R. A. Tariff, 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 25 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 ])er cent 2c per lb 2c per lb 2c per lb 10 per cent free free 20 30 per cent 10 5 per cent 25 per cent 10 10 $10 per ton 10|$5 per ton 15 30 i)cr cent " J 30 per cent. 2c per gal 30 per cent 20 15 20 30 ])er cent iTurtlo, green.. Tweezers, all .. 10 15 15 15 15 10 15 15 15 free 30 per cent 30 per cent 2c per lb 30 per cent •free J20pr cent and 10c per gal 10 per cent 30 per cent 42 Twines & ])ack thread not othVwise speci- tied Twines & i».ick tliread linen or flax Twist, silk Twist, mohair «k silk. Types, new Types, old, only lit. to he reniaiinfactnred Type metal Umber Umbrellas Umbrella I'urnituro Valencias, wool . . . Vanilla, j)lants of. . Vanilla beans. . . . Vandyke, brown. . Varnishes of all kinds Vases, porcelain, con-j taining flowers with stands and shades Vegetable ivory. Vegetable ivory manf of. ' . . Vegetables, prej)ared Vegetables used in dying, in a crndc state Vegetables, nototh'r wise ])rovided for.. Vehicles of all kinds or parts of. . . . Veils, lace, cotton, silk, &c Vellum Velvet, cotton Velveteens, cotton . Velvet, silk, value not over $3 i)er yard Velvet, not over $;j ])er yard Velvetjbindi'g, cotton Velvet, terry, or figVl, in strips or patterns of the size exclu- sively of buttons. Velvet, binding,silk. . do when ])rinted (h- l)ainted , Venetian red .... Veratrine Verdigris , Verditer Vermicelli t'.S.A. Tariff, 1MI. «'. S.A. Tariff, IMI. 10 15 lo 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 per cent 30 j)cr cent 30 i»er cent 30 per cent 20 jier cent free 20 i)er cent 50c ]>r 100 lbs 30 per cent 30 per cent (see wool) free 10 per eent 20 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent free 30 per cent free 10 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 25 per cent 30 per cent 25 ])er cent 30 per cent 30 i)er cent 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 fret^ 30 per cent 30 per cent 20 ])er cent 20 per cent 10 per cent 20 per cent 30 per cent Vermillion Vessels, cast iron, not otherwise speoifled Vessels, cojtper Vesting.s, cotton Vests Vinegar Violins Violin .strings, gut... do do wire.. Vitrol, blue or Ro- man Vitrol, green do wiiite Wadding, paper Wafers Wagons and vehicles of every description or parts thereof — Wagon boxes or i)arts of. Waiters, all Walking sticks or canes Wash balls I Waste or shoddy. . . . W^atches and parts of Watch materials and nntinisiied jiarts of watches Watch crystals do l>ipe keys Water pil>e, iron .... do wheels, of iron do colors Wax beads do bees^ do sealing do shoemakers Wearing ai)i)arel of wool C.&A. Tuu; IMI. Wearing ai)parel, of whatever material compo.sed, not oth- erwise J) r o v i ded for W\'aring apparel, in actual use in travel- ling Webbing, all Wedge wood Weld Wet blue Whalebone, of foreign fisheries 15 free 15 15 I'. S. A. Turiff, l»>fil. 20 ])er cent Ic i>er lb. 30 per cent 30 i)cr eent 30 per cent (5 cts per gal. 20 per cent 20 per cent 30 i)er cent 20 per cent 25c per 100 lb 20 per cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 i)er cent 30 per cent 30 ]>er cent 10 ]>er cent 15 jter cent 15 per cent 30 i)er cent 30 i)er cent 50c per 1(10 lb 30 ])er eent 30 i>er cent 30 i>er cent 10 i)er cent 30 i)er cent 10 i)er cent 12c i)er lb and 25 per cent free 30 per cent 30 per cent free 20 per cent 15| 15 20 i)cr cent 43 "Whalebone, of Amer- ican fisheries WhakM)()ne hats iuid bonnets Wheat Wheat Hour AVIioelbarrows AVIictstonos Whips AVliiskcy, all Wliitinp do ground in oil.. White lead Wigs Willow or osier, pre- ])ared for l)asket- niaking Willow, nianuf. of. . . Window glass, broad crown or cylinder.. Wines Wines or imitation of Wire, iron, not more than J inch in di- ameter, nor 1 c f s than Xo. 10 wire gauge Wire, between lO and 2') Wire, finer than 25. . AVire, steel, less than \ in. diameter, and not less than No. m wire gauge (;. s. A. Tnriff, ISfil. l.") u. s. .\. Tnriff, free 20c i>er bush, 10 per cent Wire, steel, less than Xo. Ifi wire gauge Woail or pastel Wold Wood, manuf. of, or of which wood is a component part not otherwise provided for Wood, bar do Brazil do Brazilctto di> Chessmen do Camwood.... do Carmaguey . . . do l)ye, all, in sticks 1.5 ee ee lo ir)'20 per cent l.")|:$0 i)er cent 25 40 cts per gal 25c per 1001 bi- 25cperl00lbs- IJ ct per lb :30 pel" cent 20 ])er cent :}() i)er cent see glass •to per cent C.S. A.l Tariff, IJ. S. A. T«rlff, '5cts i)er lOOJ lbs«fc 15prct $1.50 per 100| lbs & 15 prct |2per 100 lbs and 15 pr ct 15 15 15 15 15 10 5 15| 10 free 10, free lolfree 15:30 per cent lojfrec 10 free loIfrec do do do do $2 per 100 Ibsj and 15 pr cti $2 per 100 lbs and 15 pr cti free do Fire do Fustic do (ioncallo, aloes do Jacks do Lignum vitae.. do Log do Nicaragua . . . do Pernambuco. . do Queen's do Ked Sanders., do Rio d e la llache Santa Martha. S a n d a 1, in sticks, dust or powder.. Quassia Kose, satin, ce- d a r, b o x, g r a n adilla, ebony, lig- n u ni vitae, lance, m a - hogany, and all cabinet wood unman- ufactured. . . do unmanufactur- ed not other- wise provid- ed for Wood, manufactures of cedar wood,gran- 1 adilla, ebony, ina- liogany, rosewood, satin wood, &c... . Wool, unmanufactur- ed, and all hair of the goat, alpaca and other like animals, u n m anufactured, the value whereof, at the last i»ort or place from whence exported, shall he under 18 cts per lb Wool (as above) ex- ceeding IS cts and under 24 cts per lb Wool (as above) ex- ceeding 24 cents pr ])onnd Wool, all manufnctnr- e» of, of every de- scription, wliolly or in i>art of wool, not 20 per cent free 80 per cent 30 per cent free free free free free free free free free free 10 10 15 tree 20 per cent 30 per cent 10 10 10 5 per cent 3 cts per lb 9c per lb 44 C.S.A. T«riff, otherwise provided for Wool, nianufacturo of, if emboidcred or tamboured, in the loom or otlierwise, by machinery o r with the needle, or other ])rocess not otherwise provided for "Wool, with other ma- terials manuf. of. . . VN'ool, stained, colored or printed, and all other manufactures of, or of which wool shall be a compo- nent material, not otherwise i)rovided for Wool, on the skin — W'oolen, delains, cash- mere, muslin and barege, wht)lly or in part of wool, and all frrey and nncol- orcd goods of simi- lar description Woolen cloths a n d shawls Woolen cassimere. do hats do listings do yarns Woolen stockings, gloves, bindings. . . Woolen bags do tippets Worms for stills Wonnwood, oil of. .. Worsted stutf, a 1 1 piece goods 15 I'. S. A. Tariff, Is*!. and silk ■ Worsted 12c per lb andr shawls 25 per cent' Worsted a n d silk shawls, hemmed . . 'Worsted a n d silk j manufactures o f il and of mixed mate- ',, rials not otherwise I provided for Worsted l»ag ' do caps . do aswA. Tariff. Ivtl. 30 per cent 30 i>er cent 30 per cent 15 per cent braces, hose, or drawers. . . . idains gloves mitts wove panta- loons shirts shag or plush, cut or not . . Yams Yarns Yarn, woolen a n d worsted, valued at 50 cts and not over |1 per lb do do do do do do 25 per cent 12c i)erlb and 25 per cent 12c per lb and 25 ])er cent 20 per cent 20 per cent | 30 per cent ' 30 per cent ' 30 per cent ' 30 per cent |30 ])er cent I 30 per cH.'nt | Yarn, over ^l per lb Yarn, woolen a n d| I worsted for car]>ets, j I under 50c jjcr 11 | ' and not exceeding I inlinenessNo. 14 Do. do. do. exceed- 1 ir;j; No. 14 in fine- ness Zinc, nails I do in blocks on pigs do in sheets 1 do sulphate of I do oxide of I do manufactures of loLsO per cent U.S. A. Tariff. IMI. 30 per cent 30 i>er cent 30 ]>er cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent , , 25 per cent 15 30 per cent 15 30 ]>er cent 15 15 15 15 30 i)er cent 30 i>er cent 20 per cent 10 ])er cent 4 cts per lb 12c per lb and 15 per cent 12c per lb and 25 ]ier cent ])er 0(.»»^. 30 ])er cent 15 30 per cent 5'$1 pr 100 lbs 5|l.y ct per lb 15 20 per cent 15 1^ ct per lb 15 30 per cent --^{^ ^Lc-i^iA^-J^ 45 Stsrling Money reduced into Dollars and Cents, AT THE VALUE OF $4.84 THE POUND STERLIXG, s. d. ♦ Ct». s. <*. $ ets. £ % CT8. £ ♦ CT8. & • CTB. 2 6 «l 10 3 87 20 90 80 47 227 48 74 358 10 30 :.i 10 3 99 21 101 04 43 75 «6;i 00 3 6 S.") 17 4 11 2'- 100 48 49 237 10 70 367 84 4 !I7 17 6 4 21 23 111 32 50 242 00 ■ 372 OS 4 fi 1 mt 18 4 '^<■^ 24 116 10 51 246 84 78 377 62 5 1 21 IS 4 4S 2i 121 00 52 251 68 79 382 36 6(i 1 33 19 4 l!0 20 125 84 53 250 52 80 387 20 (i 1 45 19 4 72 27 130 68 54 261 30 81 392 04 C (i 1 57 A'l 4 84 28 135 52 55 200 20 82 896 &8 7 1 69 2 9 6S 29 140 30 50 271 04 83 401 73 7 6 1 82 14 52 30 145 20 57 275 88 84 40C 50 8 1 94 ■1 19 30 31 150 04 ^s 280 72 a-) 411 40 80 206 .1 24 2il 32 154 SS 59 265 56 80 41: 34 110 2 18 (i 2;) 04 :« 159 72 00 290 40 87 421 08 9 6 2 30 7 33 «8 34 104 50 61 295 24 88 425 9J 10 2 42 t' 38 72 3". 109 40 02 300 03 81 430 76 10 6 2o4 43 50 30 174 24 03 304 9 J 90 435 60 n 2 60 lit 48 40 37 179 OS 04 309 76 91 440 44 U 6 2 73 11 5;j 24 38 183 92 05 314 60 92 445 26 12 2 90 12 68 08 39 188 70 0« 319 44 91 450 12 12 6 3 03 1.1 62 92 40 193 GO 67 324 23 94 454 9t 1.3 3 115 It 07 7ti 41 198 44 OS 329 12 95 459 80 i:t 6 3 27 15 72 09 42 203 rs 69 3:33 96 96 404 64 14 a 3 39 Hi 77 44 43 208 12 70 ajs 80 97 409 48 14 ft 3 51 17 82 28 44 212 96 71 343 64 98 474 3J ).-. S 63 19 87 12 91 96 45 217 90 72 348 48 99 479 16 1.-. 6 8 75 19 46 222 64 73 353 82 100 484 00 Franc? reduced into Dollars and Cents, AT THE VALUE OF 18 G-10 CENTS PER FPvANC. 1 KANt^S »CT« ►RANCS • OTt KnAKUS ~29 ♦ UT» fHANl^S ~l3 ♦ CT> 'RANCS ♦ OTS| 10 00 fllANtS 7l~ 13 21 FRANCS 85 »0T» 15 81 rKAMCH 99 • .-TH 1 19 15 5 3!- 8 (H 18 41 2 37 10 2 9? 30 5 5; 44 8 h 58 10 7il 72 13 39 86 16 0« 100 18 60 3 C(l 17 3 11 31 5 1 t 45 8 3', 59 10 97 73 13 5H 87 16 1« 900 37 20 4 74 18 3 3.'. 32 5 95 40 8 51 00 11 10 74 13 70 88 16 37 300 59 80 5 9S 19 3 5.'- :« 14 47 8 7i 61 11 3.5 75 13 95 89 16 55 400 74 40 6 1 12 20 3 7-.' 34 6 32 48 8 9: 02 11 53 70 14 14 90 16 74 fKIO 93 00 7 1 SO 21 3 !t] 35 6 51 49 9 11 03 a 72 77 14 32 91 10 93 600 111 60 8 1 49 22 4 Oil 50 9 3( Ot 11 90 78 14 51 92 17 11 700 1,'» 20 9 1 07 2.5' 4 2^- 37 88 51 9 4(1 05 12 Oil 79 14 69 93 17 30 900 148 80 10 1 80 24 4 40 38 7 o; 52 9 o: 00 12 2^ 80 14 88 94 17 48 900 167 40 n 2 (i;, 2> 4 0.', «9 7 25 53 9 ». 07 12 40 81 15 07 95 17 67 looo 186 00 12 2 23 2 42 20 4 84 40 7 44 M 10 (M 08 12 O,-) 82 15 25 90 17 86 13 27 5 02 41 7 o; 55 10 2;: 0;t 12 R3 8.3 15 +4 97 18 04 14 2 60 28 5 2 42 1 7 81 50 10 4i 70 13 02 84 15 62 98 18 2.S Bremen Rix Dollars reduced into Dollars and Cents '#>« AT THE VALUE OF V8J CENTS I^EU liLX DOLLAR. B. IX'I.. • (TX H. IXIL. «I ri. Kou. »rTH II. I'OI.. )H-Tn 1 1 7«^ 15 11 "^I 2'.i 22 f^l 43 :« MO 2 1 58 10 12 Oi 30 23 O.-, 4« 31 0.- 3 2 30 17 13 Wi 31 21 41 45 .3.5 4'l 4 3 15 IS 14 1- 32 2.". 20 40 .30 2- 5 3 94 19 14 9t' 3.3 2'. 99 47 .37 01 6 4 73 20 15 7.- .'14 20 7'* 4S 37 w 7 5 51 21 10 5( .'1'. 27 50 49 3S 6'J S 6 -M 22 17 .'I.' 30 2M .V, U\ :w 3- 9 7 fl9 21 H 11 37 29 14 51 40 I' 10 7 R-< 'H H 9f 3S 29 93 52 40 V 11 s r,6 2.'* 19 01, 39 31) 71 .V! 41 74 12 ii 45 20 21) 4' 40 31 .V) 54 42 5.' 13 10 24 27 21 2f 41 32 29 fo 4.3 31 14 11 TO 38 22 O-l 43 3-3 08 50 44 V\ IHII,. »OTt R. IH)I,. ».-« tt. HOI.. • CT* «. IMIL. ( CTII ,',* 44 St 71 .V. Ul 8"« 00 94 99 77 90 .'.S 45 Or 72 .50 7< 80 0" 73 100 78 75 5'.) 40 4( 7.3 57 49 ^7 03 51 5*10 1.57 80 0') 47 2.' 74 .58 2^ 88 69 .If) .300 Vt, 25 01 4S 20 20 67.00 60 62 01.00 llKI 103 35.00 4 4 13.40 8 8 26.80 30 31 on ..VI 70 72 3;..50 26.:io 70 154.70 1 200 442.>«i FRENCH LITRES, REDUCED TO AMERICAN PINTS. LiTRK*. 1 A. Pints. Litrks.|A. Pints. Litres, a. Pints. LiTRKS. A. Pints. LnPEs. A. Pints. 1 2 3 4 1 2.11 5 10.55 4.22 ti 12.66 6 3J 7 14.77 8 41 8 16.88 9 18.99 10 21.10 20 42.20 30 63.30 10 .50 60 70 84.40 105.50 126.60 147.70 30 90 100 2O0 168.80 189.90 211.00 4'.'2.00 47 LIST OF TARES ALLOWED BY LAW Al^B C U S T A[ Almonds, In cases 8 per ccnti do In casks lli do do in doabc bales 8 lb. each do in bales 4 do do in frails 10 per cent du iuceroons 10 do ilo in bags 5 do Alu in in bags 5 lb . each I do in caslis 10 per cent' Anvils, in casks 90 lb. each I IJristlcs, in casks t 10 per ceml Kutlcr, weighing from 80 to 100 lbs. in kegs. ...^8 lb. eaci ! Itlack I'late, in boxes 8 1b. do. ' C'an»^'' I for4mals. Chocolate, in boxes 10 per cent < 'oIlVc in iiags 2 per cent do in bales 3 per ceni do in casks 12 per cent do in ccroons C per ccnl do in boxes 15 per cen. Cinnamon, in boxes actu.al do in bales per cent Cocoa, in b.igs 1 per cent I do in ca.sks 10 do do in cerr>ons 8 do | do in baskets 2 lb each Ciove.s in casks 12 1b do , do in bags 4 1b do ('otton, In bales 2 per cent do in ccroons 6 do f'omposition spikes or nails, in casks s do \ Copper 8 do Coppjra-s, in casks 10 per cent I Corks, in small bales r, lb each | do in Large bales 8 1b do do in double bales Ifi lb do Cordage, Twine, in boxes 15 per cent do do in casks 12 do do do inhales 3 do Currants, in ca-sks 12 do do in boxes 10 do Figs, in boxes, 10 do d.i in mats 4 do do in frails 4 do do in drums 8 do do in casks 12 do FiJh, Dry, in casks 12 'do do do in boxes 12 do Lead, White, in oil, Inhlids loo ii,s ..o^i. do do dry, in tasks.... fi r. r pf.f,. do Red, dry; in casks..:. *. '^ L ' do do in oil. In casks...;:;::;; io So do Shot, in casks '!/ ?° Nails, in ca,sks 2 H <»o in bags ;;■; ?. " Ochre, diy, in casks ;„ ,,,. do in oil, in casks ;;;;: }X 1" r.aris White, in casks ,„ T, Pepper, in casks VI " do inhales H .4° do in bags S 'J" do indoublebags :::.' J ll,, ,„.h nmento, in casks.??. ,7 ''"' •*'=V do ' in bags.... :: '* P"'^*"^ Plums, In boxes 2 T do in casks ;; \?, °," Prunes, in boxes Z .!" Paper, In bales fi.' fi '- ' knH a ii" „ i Raisins, in jars 0. 6, , , and 8 lb each do in boxes. ...... v. ■; ,'?.'!''«•?'! do incasks;;;:;::;; S»'*Hn''"" do in frails...:::::;: '; ,1" do in drums ; ,„ aI Rice, in casks. •Salts, Glauber, in "^Aks; ; .■.; '.' "i "," do Epsom, in ca.sks if ,,' Seg.ars, in boxes ih ',,' do incasks iS '" Shot, in casks 'S '"' •Snuti; in ca.sks :2 °" do in bo.ves '. ii V Soap, in boxes I'll.,,.! .. Spanish Brown, dry, in ii^sl-.V.V.V.V.V."."-!?^ c?m , do do in oil 12 ,l„ .Spikes, in cisks « '}° Klax, in liobbins S to .tj/jlbscach (junpowdcr, in casks 2.') lbs eacl. do in J^ cisks !♦ do do 111 K ca.sks 5 do Oluc, In boxes 15 per ccnl do III casks 20 do do from < 'anion, in boxes 11 do Ilcmp, Manilla, in bales (i lbs cacl do Hamburg, Lcgliuni, Trieste, In bales.no allowano Indigo, ill CMH-* 15 per cent ■ In ill b:irrcl8 12 do do in oilier casks 15 do 5 «•" do inhales j Whiting, In casks ;::;:';;;"io Wire, lu c■l^ks ::::::::::: 1 8 vv'ooi, lu bales :;;;:;;::;;::; 's do do du du ' Extra allowance fur hogsheads, t Clicsl, so called, as uow liuporU-d, but lu rcalltv ouar. tcr chrBl. ' ' 48 RATES OF FOREIGN MONEY OR CURRENCY Knii'tliinal parts of iiic Currency. Uanou RU Dollar, Sweden , '• " •' Norway *' " " Denmark I'rown of TiiKcany • 'uracoa OuUdcr Current Mark D.'llar Thaler of Bremen of 72 grotea Ducat of Naples Franc of Knince and Kelgiuni Klnrin of tlio Netherlands Klorin of the Soulhoni States of Ucmiuny Florin of Au.ilrla Flonn of Trieste Flonn of Nurenibiirg Florin of Fra klort Florin of IJohcmia h'lorin of the City of A ugsburg Flirln 01 I'nissia Florin of Basle Franclsconl UullJer of Netherlands and other places— same as Florins (jullder. Brabant Genoa Llvrc Kobane of Japan Lira of the Lombardo and Venetian Kingdom Livre of Leghoni Lira of T Msuiy Jilra of >ardina Llvrc Toiirnois of France , . . . Livre of Genoa Llvre of Catalc ni;i i^lvrc of Neufchalel Leghorn Dollar or Fezzo Mllrea of Portugal Milrca 01 Maderla MUiea of Azores Marc Banco of Hamburg Ounce of Sicily I'ound Sterling of Great liritaln I'ound Sterling of .lanialca I'ound Sterling of British Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Canada.. Pagoda of India I'agoda Star o Madras Keal Vellum of Spain Heal Plate of Spain Kupee Company Kupce liritlsh India Jlix Dollar (or Thaler) of Prussia and the Northern St.ates of (ierman v Klx Dollar of Bremen Kiv Dollar (or Thaler) of JWrlln Klx Do'lar (or Thaler) of Saxony Klx Dollar (or Thaler) of Lelpslc Klx Dollar of Batavia Klx Mynth Dollar of Sweden ,.. Klx nil Thaler of Gottcnburg Koman Dollar Kouble, silver of Kussla Koubic, paper, of Kus.ia. 3VX 39 ¥ as 1 K, 40 2>i 71 80 18 S-16 40 40 *Sii 4SK 40 40 4.SK 48K ii\ 41 1 OC 83X 21 1 38 111 Ifi IC 1S«-10 1S)< 18 6- 10 Ma IK) 76-100 1 12 1 00 .V. 2 40 4 84 4 iH 4 00 1 HI I M 1(1 44 S ■uy, 6<.l 2(1 « 1 05 Specie Dollar of Denmark. Specie Dollar of Norway... Specie Dollar of Sweden... Swiss Llvrc ScudI of Malta Scudi, Koman St. Gall Guilder Tale of China Tiail of Slam Turkish I'.astre (»; (Mi 27 40 a y bush. Viertcl of wine 2.04 galls. Cupcnhajteu or Kliineland fo»t l.O.'t foot. ENGLAND. OMale gallon 1.22 galls. Imperial gallon 1.20 galls. ( )ld wine gallon 1 .(lO galls. tjuiirterol gr.iin. or Simpcrlal biisliels ,8.25 bush. Imperial corn b\ishel. or 8 imperial gallons I.O.J bush. ( )ld Winchester bushel 1.00 bush. Imperial yard :«.00 inch. Troy 10 141-175 lbs, avoird's. FRANCE. Metre 2 2S foot. Decimetre ^l-lOlb metre) 3.94 Inuh. Velt 2.00 galls. Hectolitre 26.42 galls. Decalitre 2.64 gall . Litre 2.11 pints. Kilolitre 3>..S2 ft. Hectolitre J.S4 Imsh. Decalitre 9,0,S qt<. Millicr 2.2i'5 bs. Qu nta 220.51 lb<. Kiilogramme 2.21 lbs. FLOREVCE AND LEGHORN. 100 lbs. or 1 cantaro 74.80 Ihg. f'antai-a lilcolo lOfi.ni lbs. <'arro of grain .',2.24 hush. Carro of wine 2«4.(H) galls NETHERLANDS. „, AMERICAS STA.>(nARn. Kll .•<.28 foot Mudilc of Zak 2.84 bush . \ at Hactolitre 26.42 galls Kin litre B.ll iJints." I'oud kilogrammi' 2.21 lbs. PORTUGAL. 100 lbs 101.19 J2 lbs (1 arroba) 23.26 t arrob.as of 22 lbs. (1 iiuiuial) 89.05 Alq^uiere 4.7.'i Mnjo of grain ......!.".. is' 03 Last of salt 70.00 Aluiude of wine 4.37 I'RUSSIA. 100 1 R. of 2 Cologne marks each 10.3.11 Quintal 110 lbs 11:1. 12 Shelfei or graiu ] V. )ftoar -f wl e is'.14 Ell of cloth ',.2 19 t'oot '. . r.oj ROME. Rubbio of grain a.sfi Barlli of wine !.. 15.31 RUSSIA. 100 lbs. of .32 In'hs caih 90.20 (."liert wert f graiu .".'.". . .5.95 Medro of wine ...3.25 P tersburg foot ... .... ...l.Ts Moscow foot '. I'lK I Pood .'.'.".'.'.'..■i6.V,0 I SICILY. C'ntaro grosso I92..'iO i _'antaro sottilc I 5 00 llOO lbs , ■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■. .70'.00 Silma grosso of gr.iin 77 '.■^alma gencrale .......'..'. .. .'.785 Salma of win • .21.03 ! S WIN. Quintal or 4 arrob lO 10I 41 l.\rrol)a ...."."..... 25 tti I .\rrob I of wi i- "/_■_'■ " ' ' ^ ^^ Fanega of gra'ti ....!.!...!.!!! I.'fi j 1 SW ;UE.V. 100 Ib.s. or 5 1 spunds .s 7(i Kan or can. ..'..'. .'..'.. 7' 42 La.s, lbs. lbs. lbs. bush. bush. bush. galls. lbs. lbs. hush. galls. foot. bush, galls. lbs. bush. gllh. for.t. foot. lis. lb«. lbs. lbs. bush bush .calls Can ol 'viiie. EU of cloth.. .1.9- bs galls. '. .»h, I's. •ush busi'. .1 gal'ot feet. ! SilYRNA. I 100 lbs. (1 quiu* d) !•■>!» 48 'bs 'm'^oVTV ••• !'.■ ■.■.■.■.■. .'2.81 bush. ! Qu talofgram ] 4,; i„|,i,. I Qulltal of wmc i3..',o galls. ' TRIESTE. 100 lbs ]23.cn il.«. [Staio of grain 2..'M bush :Oriia or cirner of wine 14.94 iralls' KII of woolen ..............2.22 feel.' Ell of silk ..........'!!! "!!2!lO feel.' I VENICE. idOOlbs. fresco groRso IWi 18 Ihs. I 100 lbs. peso satille ;.(i.-..'04 lbs Moggio of grain j 08 bush. ,\Tiifara of wine i:t7.(K) galls STANDARD AVP:iGIIT« YOR (UiAlX, SEED, &c. AVhc.-it sliould weigh -60 pounds. 'Iluckwhpnt Com, Bhelled .*ifi ' do Corn, on the cob 70 do Rye 66 do Oats Mi do Rarlcy 46 do Irish potatoes 60 ' d Swecl potatoes Wi do K'nlons 57 do Heans 00 do I Bran ;o do .59 pounds. I Clover seed. .r>4 poumfa. [Timothy scfd 4ft du IKIax seed 45 do lllemp seed 46 do Blue cruM wpd 14 do I Dried prachCB. 3S do Fine Gold Foil, MANUFACTURED BY 217 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Opinions of a tew of the tir.st Dentists in the country who have used this Foil : "I am much pleased with your Gold Foil. It possesses two very important requisites — tenacity and mallcabilitv. I think it equal to Abbey's best. ^ F. PARSONS, J). D. S. Savaiinah, Ga., March 17, 1861.'' "Tl:e last Foil you sent me worked beautifully. It had that soft, tenacious texture, so necessary to insure thorough condensing, and withal sufficiently adhesive for beautiful work. F. Y. CLARK, D. D. S. Savannah, April 12th, 1861." "I have used the Foil manufactured by Dr. Chase for the p st two years, and think it fully equal to the best in the market. W. F. LEE, D. D. S. Coliuubus, Ga., 3Ia>^ 1st, 1861." ''Your Foil I consider /<«/(y equal to Abbey's, which T h ive use 1 for fourteen years. T. L. JOXES, D D S Sparta, Ga., April 1st, 18ol." "I have used the Foil manufactured by Dr. Chase for the 1 1'^t two years, and consider it the best I have ever worked. A. F. BIUXOX, D. D. S. Augusta, Ga., January, 1861." From the American Journal of Dental Science. tober. 1 -io!', edited by the late Prof. Chapin A. Harris, of Biltimorc, M.j : ''Gold Foil. — We received, a few weeks sin<-e, an ciirhili of an ounce of Xo. 4 (iohl Foil, ma ufictured by Dr. D. S. ('Iuhc, of Augusta, Georgia. It is soft and tough, and easily compress •«! into very solid masses — properties all-im|»ortant to the Djntist in tilling teeth. In point of excellence, it is equal, we think, to any we have ever used." CARMICHAEL & BEAN, 1» I II K C T I M r O K T E 11 ? (fro M E V It <• V V. ) O V IRON, B X E E L , lIAKDWAltE c^ CUTLERY. ALSO A.MOXC; Till-: O liXT :\.S1VK DKM.KUS IN THE ( oNKKDEItATK STATES IX HORSE POWERS, THRASHERS, FAN MILLS, AND GIH^.R 41RT JULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A. •■. JO ES, W. H. 8AI.I8BUBT. t . ■ - 1 ' t ' 8. B. JONEa .IO.\ES,SALISBUin\\i(;0., SUCCESSORS TO E. C. REACH, ACT., Wil OLE SALE AXP RETAIL ])EALERS IX Btoyes, Urates and Eaii^^'es^ Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, and Tinners' Stock, Tools and Machinery- \\m FHSiiiiii ami mi.. No. 109 Hrou»htoii Sr., Ilodtrsoirs Block, COKNKR I'.ILL STREET, s ^ V" ^ isT isr A. Ti , a A. . HEMY LATHROP & CO. COK. CONGRESS AXD W]I1TAKER STS., S A V A TSJ^ IsT A EC , G A.., IMPORTERS AND DKALKRS IX FOREIGN AKD DOMESTIC DEY GOODS, English Kerseys, Georgia Kerseys, Georgia Domestics, LONDON DUFF BLANKETS, SILKS. MERINOES, fl &C. WITH A FULL LINE OF OTHER FAXCY (iOODS. IIEXRY J-ATIIKO]', .IAS. S. NEIDLIXGEli, WM. F. CHAPLIN, ClfA.s. A\'. liKUNNER. c;Eoitc;iA DENNIS' ALTERATIVE, I'KEI'AKKD HY .1. DKXXTS, M. P., AITGUSTA, «;A.. For Purifying; the Blood and Diseases of llie Livf^r, III small doses, it is alterative and tonic; in large doses it acts f'-enerally asa mild juirgative. In some cases it produces no per- ceptible "action on the bowels, but removes,- insensibly, impurities from the blood by its diaphoretic action, and greatly improves tlie general health. If the Liver is kejit in a healthy condition, and the blood i)ure bv the use of this Compound Sarsaparilla, it will prove a great pre- ventive of sickness, and great saving of expense in medicines, for the more it is appropriately used in a family, the bettoi- will bo the sreneral health of the family. Jt is excellent in diseases arising fnim (Toneral J)c'bility, or a torpid state of the Liver, or in the most common ^RLOJR, DININ& ROOM AND m EVERY VARIETY, AXD UPHOLSTERED IIS" Brocatel, Haii* Clotlis and Rep ENAMELLED CHAMBER AND COTTAGE SETTS, Cotttage and French Bedsteads, Hair, Cloth and Cotton Mattresses, Spring Beds of every style. In our Curtain Department, we have a large and beautiful assortment, imported direct from Europe, and we can confidently commend our Goods for inspection, as aftbrding the very best assortment ever offered in this market. BROCATELS AXD SATIX DELAINES, IX XEW DESIGNS ; DAMASK, IX ALL QUALITIES AND COLORS; LACE MUSLIX, AXD XOTTIXGIIAM CURTAIXS, SOME VERY CHEAP. CENTER TASSELS, LOOP GIMPS, I'ICTURE TASSELS, CORDS, &c. WINDOW shadp:s of every design, CORXICE PIXS AXD BAXDS, A FULL ASSORT^rEXT. We are enabled, by our extensive Steam Works, to furnish, a ^ short notice, anv article in the Cabinet line, as well as all kind of CAMP FURXiTURE, such as Camp Stools, Chests, &c., &c. We arc the exclusive manufacturers and owners of " PLATT'S ARMY CAMP CHEST," which contains every article necessary for the table and cooking for a messs of six, besides being readily converted into a table large enough for eight, by simplj' raising two leaves. Also, "Painter's Camp Cot," which is one of the most convenient articles for the soldier in camp ever invented, being a fine Cot whcji opened, and when not in use making a roll only feet long and 4 inches in diameter. ^HIRTIIIf;^, SHEETINGS AM) AUOTJSTA FACTORY, .A. TJ C3r XJ S T -A. , Gr^^L. Are prepared to .sup[ily, proin[ttly, all orders lor the Ibllon'iug STAND AR D GOODS, () F T II E T K W X M A X V V A (' T U R E: 4-4 SHEETINGS, 7-8 SIIIRTIXC4S, 13K0WX DRILLS, Xo. 1 (8 oz.,) BROWX DRILLS, No. 2(7 oz.) The above Mills are eapable of lurninu: out 100,000 yards j)er week. OEOT nT ""WTMAI^ & Co! 208 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA GA. M A y U F A C T U R E R S A X J) D E A L E R S I X w i\ /f?^ '■■ mm HARNESS AND ALT, KINDS OAimiAGE FURNITURE. A AVELL ISELECTED ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. Also CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, TRUNKS, VALICES, &c. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. JACKSON, MILLER d: VERDERY, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX FOREIGN AND SOUTHERN-MADE DRY GOODS, ISTo. -^48 BRO^D STREET, MASONIC HALL BUILDING, WlLLIiM H. GOODRICH, CONTRACTOR AND RDILDRR, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF S^^SH, DOOllS ^ND BLIISTDS, MOULDINsta, Georjjia. MaJ. H. ('. Yo\iiiir. Tlioiiias t'oiiiity, " Mes. Dickinson it: Parramore, Madison.Fla AMiilc tlic leading feature of Mes-srs. M. & P.'s business^ will l)o that of a Cotton Factorage and General Commission — with the at- tention of the senior partners devoted exclusively to that interest — they will (having tlie direct importation of Sombrero, tlie richest Phosphate Guano known, together with a large sujiply at their fac- tory and dei)Ot, of Peruvian, Plio.spho-Poruvian, and all other .stan- dard Guanos constantly on hand), be. prepared at all times to fit orders for the genuine articles, and guarantee them such. Also, a full supply of Ground Pla.ster constantly on hand, in quantities to suit. ORDERS FOR BAGGING AND ROPE PROMPTLY FliLED. lift jpirigE; ^ m. DEALERS IN SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, PAINTS, OILS. WINDOW GLASS, VARNISH, TURPENTINE, P^PER IIMGIIiiS. BORDERS, lit ALSO, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Soulti Carolina While Lead, Zinc and Color Works. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. CALLAWAY'S CELEBRATED mi IILIM). DOOR l\D MOI l/DIMi ^HMFUITORV. West side Monument Square. Savannah. Ga vS^. ^D V'S /V