Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/listofsomeameric01glen AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. ■ - A LIST OF SOME !< AMERICAN GENEALOGIES WHICH HAVE BEEN PRINTED IN BOOK FORM. Arranged in Alphabetical ©ttoet. COMPILED BY THOMAS ALLEN GLENN, MEMBER OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, GENEALOGICAL 80CIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OF MONTGOMERY, DELAWARE AND CHESTER COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY SONS OF THE REVOLUTION, COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, ETC. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY T. COATES & COMPANY, 1897. COPYRIGHTED, 1896, BY HENRY T. COATES & CO. PREFACE. The very general interest now taken in genealogical research, and the constant demand for a fairly complete list of American Genealogies which have appeared in book form, is the excuse offered for the publication of this somewhat unique bibliography. Some score of years since there issued from the New England press Whit¬ more’s American Genealogies, with its enumeration of a few dozen titles upon the subject of family history. To-day, the thousands of works mentioned in the following pages do not, probably, include nearly all of the pedigrees which have been printed in this country, although it is trusted that the most important ones have been noted. No reference has been made, except in a few instances, to county histories, or to the numerous genealogical periodicals, such works being without the scope of this enumeration. A few chart pedi¬ grees have been included. Many of the volumes here catalogued are of rare excellence both in con¬ tents and manufacture, whilst others, although well-intended efforts, show a lack of genealogical ability and a surprising preponderance of credulity, especially where an attempt is made to connect the family written about with some ancient English house. It is not, however, the privilege of the compiler to criticize any of the books named, all of which contain much that is valuable. The special feature claimed for the present list is that, wherever possible, the unabridged title page of each book is given, thus indicating, in nearly every instance, the locality where the family resided, and the city or town in which the genealogy was printed. It is believed that besides being of great value to those directly interested in the genealogy of their family, and particularly to persons connected with the various patriotic heredity societies, the present bibliography cannot fail to be of much use to biographers, historians and librarians throughout the country. The thanks of the compiler are due to the many persons who have kindly assisted him in completing this list, and especially to Isaac H. Bradley, Esq., of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Frederick D. Stone, L.D., and John W. Jordan, A.M., of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Charles R Hildeburn, Esq., of Philadelphia, whose efforts have largely contributed to the completeness of this list. THOMAS ALLEN GLENN. Philadelphia, July 8th, 1896. A List of Some American Genealogies which have been Printed in Book-Form. Abbot. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbot of Andover, George Abbot of Rowley, Thomas Abbot of Andover, Arthur Ab¬ bot of Ipswich, Robert Abbot of Branford, and George Abbot of Norwalk, Conn. By Abiel Ab¬ bot, D.D., and Rev. Ephraim Abbot. 8vo, pp. 197. Boston, 1847. Abbot. See Dudley, Bliss. Abercrombie of Whately. See Temple. Abrahams. See Wyman. Abramse. See Barton. Adam. Genealogy of the Adam Family. By William Adam, of Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. 4to, pp. 16. Albany, 1848. The descendants of John Adam ; born at Bowfield, Lochwinnock, Renfrew, Scotland ; emigrated 1737. Adams. Memoranda Respecting the Families of Quincy and Adams. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 9. Havana, 1841. This is said to be the rarest of American genealogies. Adams Family of Kingston, Mass. By George Adams. Published by the Descendants of Francis Adams. 8vo, pp. 164. Boston, 1861. Francis Adams was the son of Richard, of England, and was born 1677. Adams. One branch of the Family of Adams. By WilliamS. Appleton, A.B., of Boston. 8vo, p. 1. Reprint from N. E. H. and G. Reg., 1864. Adams. History of Thomas Adams and Hasting Families, of Amherst, Mass. By Herbert Bax¬ ter Adams. Sm. 8vo, pp. 66. Amherst, Mass., 1880. The above volume contains a rare pedigree of John Adams, second President of the United States. Adams. See Morse, Thayer. Adams, of Redding, Conn. See Todd. Adams, of Braintree, Mass. See Vinton. Adams, of Quincy, Mass. See Thayer. Addington, of Mass. See Leverett. Adkins. See Temple. Aenew. See Keith. Ainsworth Family, of Hanover, Lancaster Co., Pa. See Egle. Alberson Genealogy. Alcott, of New England. See Tuttle. Alden. Memorial of the Descendants of Hon. John Alden. By Ebenezer Alden, M.D. 8vo, pp. 164. Randolph, Mass., 1867. This is the same John Alden who figured so conspicu¬ ously in the courtship of Miles Standish, the Puritan captain. Alden. See Thayer. Aldrich. See Capron. Aldricks Family, of Pennsylvania. Descendants of Jakob, son of Claes Aldricks, 1610. See Egle. Aldworth. See Salusbury, Elbridge. Alexander of Whately. See Temple. Alexander Family Genealogy. By Miss Jay. Alexander. A Record of John Alexander, of Lan¬ arkshire, Scotland, and his Wife, Margaret Glas- son, who emigrated from Co. Armaugh, Ireland, to Chester Co., Pa. 1736. Bv Rev. John E. Alexander. 8vo, pp. 220. Philadelphia, 1878. Alger. A Genealogical History of the Alger Family, of Taunton and Bridgewater, Mass. 1665-1875. By Arthur Martineau Alger. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Alison. History of the Alison Family in Europe and America, A.D. 1135 to 1893. By Leonard Allison Morrison, A.M. 8vo, pp. xvi 4- 312. Boston, 1893. Allan. Col. John Allan, an Officer of the Revolution. Born in Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, 1746. Died in Maine, 1805. With a Genealogy. By George H. Allan, of N. Y. 8vo, pp. 32. Albany, 1867. Allardice. Pedigree of Robert Barclay Allardice, Heir Apparent of Line of Prince David Stewart, Earl Palatine, of Strathean, etc. Broadside, 1892. Allen. A Genealogical History of the Allen Family, and Some of Their Connections. By Mrs. Frances M. Stoddard. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 135. Boston, 1891. Being the descendants of Capt. Nathaniel Allen, born in London, 1699. Allen. A Genealogy of the Allen and Witter Fami¬ lies, among the Early Settlers of this Continent and their Descendants. By Asa W. Allen, Salem, Ohio. 12mo pp. 251. 1872. 2 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Allen. Genealogy of Allen, from 156S. By William Allf.n, of Norridgewock, 186S. Svo, pp. 14. Allen. Genealogy of Samuel Allen, of Windsor, Conn., and Some of His Descendants. By Willard S. Allen. Svo, pp. 76. Boston, 1S76. This family of Allen was from Braintree, Essex Co., England. Samuel Allen was born 1588. Allen. A Genealogical Sketch of the Allen Family of Medfield, with an Account of the Celebration of the Golden Wedding of Ellis and Lucy Allen, with the Address delivered at the same. Also an account of the Golden Wedding of Gershom and Abigail (Allen) Adams. By their Elder Brother, Joseph Allen, of Northborough. 12mo, pp. 88. Boston, 1869. Allen. A Genealogy of the Allen Family from 1568 to 18S2. By Hon. William Allen. Revised by Joshua Allen, Farmington, Maine, 1882. Svo, pp. 33. Being an account of the descendants of George Allen, of Sandwich, Mass. Allen, of New England. See Strong, Thomson, Keith, Staunton, Dudley, Vinton, Titus, Temple, Ailing. Allen Family, of Chester Co., Pa.; descendants of William Allen, born in Antrim, 1709. See Egle. Allen. A Genealogy of the Family of Allen, Corliss. Allertons, of New England and Virginia. By Isaac I. Greenwood, A.M., of New York. 8vo, pp. 7. 1890. Alleyne. See Keith. Ailing. Genealogical Sketches of Roger Ailing, of New Haven, Conn., 1639 ; Gilbert Allen, of Mor¬ ristown, N. J., 1736, and Thomas Bancroft, of Dedham, Mass., 1640, and some of their descend¬ ants. By John K. Allen and Edwin Salter. 8vo, pp. 33. Lansing, Mich., 1883. Ailing Genealogy. By Calvin. Allis Family, of New England. See Hadley. Almy Genealogy. By Holden. Alvord. See Burke. Ames. Genealogical Memoranda of the Family of Ames. By Reginald Ames, M.A. 4to. Lon¬ don, 1889. Ames. The Samuel Ames Family. A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Samuel Ames, of Canterbury, N. H., 1723-1891. By John Kim¬ ball. 8vo, pp. 55. Concord, 1890. Ammirdown Genealogy. 1877. 8vo. Amorv Amistad. By T. C. Avery. 8vo, pp. 30. Boston, 1856. Amory, D’Amerie, Emery. 8vo, pp. 6. Boston, 1869. Anderson Family History. Containing a brief ac¬ count of the Families of Anderson, Davies and Wersler. By J. A. Lloyd, Dixon. Ill. 8vo. 1880. The above family of Anderson removed from Scot¬ land to Chester County, 1707, and a branch went West. Anderson, of New Castle, Pa., descendants of James, of Donegal, Ulster; born 1638. See Egle. Andrews. Genealogical History of John and Mary Andrews, who settled at Farmington, Conn., 1640: embracing the Descendants to 1872, with an in¬ troduction of Miscellaneous Names of Andrews, with their Progenitors as far as known ; to which is added a List of some of the Authors, Clergy¬ men, Physicians and Soldiers of the name. By Alfred Andrew's. 8vo, pp. 648. New Britain, Conn., 1872. Andrews. Genealogy of the Andrew's of Taunton and Stoughton, Mass., Descendants of John and Hannah Andrews, of Boston, Mass., 1658-1886. By George Andrews, U. S. A. 8vo, pp. 156. 1887. Andrews. See Thomas (Maryland), Egle (Pennsyl¬ vania). Andrews Memorial. Genealogical and Ecclesias¬ tical History (of New Britain, Conn ). By Alfred Andrews. 8vo, pp. 583. Chicago, Ill., 1867. Angell. Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Angell, who settled in Providence, 1636. By Avery F. Angell. 8vo,pp.209. Providence, 1872 Annin. Centennial Celebration of the Annin Family at the Old Stone House, Somerset Co., N. J. Printed for private circulation for Ferdinand G. Dreer. 8vo, pp. 17. Philadelphia, 1866. Anthon. Narrative of the settlement of George Christian Anthon in America, and of the removal of the family from Detroit and its establishment in New York City. By Charles Anton, one of his grandchildren. 8vo, pp. 22. New York, 1872. Appleton. Monumental Memorials of the Appleton Family. By Dr. John Appleton. 4to, pp. 29. Boston, 1867. Only 150 copies printed. A curious and very scarce book. Appleton. Pedigree. Broadside. Boston, 1864. Appleton. A rough sketch of the Appleton Gene¬ alogy. By W. S. Appleton. 8vo. Boston, 1873. Appleton. A memorial of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass. With genealogical notices of some of his descendants. By Isaac Appleton Jew¬ ett. 8vo, pp. 183. Boston, 1850. Samuel Appleton was born 1586, at Little Walding- field, Suffolk, England. Appleton, New England. See Dudley. Armington Genealogy. Atherton. Armistead. See Keith. Arms. A Genealogical Record of the Arms Family in this country, including all the known descend¬ ants of William Arms, who have retained the family name, and the first generation of the de¬ scendants of other names. By Edward W. Arms. 8vo, pp. 57. Troy, N. Y., 1877. Armstrong. See Cope, Weaver. Armstrong Family, of Wyndham, N. H. By Leonard A. Morrison. Svo, pp. 80. 1884. Arnold Genealogy. Arnold Genealogical Tree. Broadside. New York, 1877. Arnold, of New England. See Titus. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 3 Arnold. Genealogy of the Family of Arnold in Eu¬ rope and America, with brief notices. By John Ward Dean, Henry T. Drownee and Edwin Hubbard. 8vo, pp. 16. Boston, 1879. Includes the family of Gen. Benedict Arnold. Ashley. See Dwight, Olcott. Ashmead. The Legacy of a Good Man. A sermon preached in the Greenhill Presbyterian Church, March 13,1870. By Rev. George F. Wiswell, D.D., on the occasion of the death of Isaac Ash¬ mead, an elder in the church. Printed for private circulation. 8vo, pp. 35. Philadelphia. John Ashmead, born Cheltenham, Gloucester Co., England, in 1648. Married May Courier. Arrived in Philadelphia, 1682. Asshton. See Keith. Astor. See Green. Atherton Genealogy. Atkins. Joseph Atkins. The Story of a Family. By Frances Higginson Atkins. 8vo. 1891. Atkinson. The Atkinsons of New Jersey, from the records of Friends’ Meetings and from Official Records in the State. 8vo. Earlington, 1890. Atlee. Genealogical Record of the Atlee Family. The Descendants of Judge William Augustus Atlee and Col. Samuel John Atlee, of Lancaster Co., Pa. By Edwin Atlee Barber, A.M. 8vo, pp. 130. Philadelphia, 1884. Atwater. A Genealogical Register of the Descend¬ ants of David Atwater, one of the Original Planters of New Haven, Conn., to the Fifth Gen¬ eration. By Rev. E. E. Atwater. 8vo, pp. 130. New Haven, 1851. Second Edition. 1873. Atwell. See Vinton. Austin (John Osborn). Ancestry of Thirty-three Rhode Islanders (born in the eighteenth cen¬ tury). Also an account of Lewis Latham, Fal¬ coner to King Charles I, with a Chart of his American Descendants to the Fourth Generation, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1889. Avery. Biographical Sketch of Elvoy M. Avery, with a Genealogical Outline. 8vo, pp. 7. Cleve¬ land, O., 1888. Avery Family of New England. See Dudley Mor¬ gan. Avery Family of Oxford, N. H. See Gage. Avery Family. See Strong, Stanton. Avery. The Averys of Groton. Genealogical Manu¬ scripts relating to the Descendants of Christopher Avery, of Salem, Mass., and New London, Conn. Died 1679. By H. De L. Sweet. Royal 8vo, pp. 8. 1888. Awl Family of Paxtang, Pa. Descendants of Isaac Awl. Born 1727. See Egle. Axtell Genealogy. 1878. Aylsworth. Register of the Aylsworth Family. By Sylvester Aylsworth, of North Kingston, R. I. Pp. 12. Utica, 1840. Aylsworth. Arthur Aylsworth and his Descend¬ ants in America. With Notes, Historical and Genealogical, Relating to the Family, from Early English Records. By Homer Elhanan Ayls¬ worth, M.D., Roseville, Warren Co., Ills. Edited by James N. Arnold. 8vo, pp. 136 -f- 495. Providence, R. I., 1887. Only 250 copies of this work. Ayres Family of Berks Co., Pa. Descendants of Samuel Ayres, Co. Antrim. Removed to Penn¬ sylvania 1745. See Egle. Ayres. A Record of the Descendants of Captain John Ayres, of Brookfield, Mass. By William Henry Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 55. Boston, 1870. Babcock. The Babcock Family. Albany, 1861. (Reprint.) 8vo, pp. 4. First edition, 1844. This family is descended from one James Babcock born in Essey, England, 1580; joined the Puritans, moved to Holland 1620, and finally came to New England in 1623 and settled in Plymouth. Babcock. See Stanton. Babridge. See Driver. Bacheller. Genealogy of the Bacheller Family. By Bacheller. 8vo. 1864. Bacheller. See Dwight. Backus. See Dudley, Hyde, Walworth, Wetmore. Bacon. A table showing the date and place of birth; to whom and when married; number of sons and daughters; date of decease, age and place of burial of Jabez Bacon, late of Woodbury, deceased, and of his descendants, bearing the name of Bacon. Also of his ancestors, etc. By Nathaniel A. Bacon. 4to, pp. 4. New Haven, 1845. A rare pamphlet. Bacon. See Brown, Keith. Badcock. The Family of Badcock. By W. S. Appleton. 8vo, 1865, 2d ed. 1881. Badcock. See Morse, Wentworth. Badger. See Wetmore. Baetjer (C. R.). The Cartaret and Bryant Genealogy. 16mo. New York, 1887. Bagman. A Genealogy of the Bagman Family. 1767-1890. Compiled for Moses Conant Warren, by Emily Wilder Leavitt. Printed for private circulation. Royal 8vo, pp. iv -j- 36. 1890. Bailey. The Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Bailey, an early settler of Rowley, Mass. By Alfred Poor. 4to, pp. 90. Salem, Mass., 1867. Bailey. Ancestry of Joseph Trowbridge Bailey and Catherine Goddard Weaver. By Joseph Trow¬ bridge Bailey. 8vo, pp. 54. Philadelphia, 1892. Bailey. Dudley, Dunster, Root. Baillie. See Bulloch. Baker. Genealogy of Richard Baker, born in Eng¬ land ; died in Dorchester, Mass., October 25,1689. By Edmund I. Baker. 8vo, pp. 40. Boston, 1889. Baker. Ancestry of Priscilla Baker, who lived 1674— 1731, and was the wife of Isaac Appleton, of Ips¬ wich. By William S. Appleton. 8vo, pp. 143. Cambridge, 1870. Baker. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Edward Baker, of Lynn, Mass., 1630. Prepared and pub¬ lished by Nelson M. Baker, of Lafayette, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 99. Syracuse, N. Y., 1867. Baker. See Dwight, Morse, Otis, Walker, Went¬ worth. Balch. See Poor. ( AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Balcom. See Balkcom. Baldwin. Investigations concerning the Family of Baldwin, of Ashton, Clinton, Bucks. By Joseph Lemuel Chester, D.C.L., LL.D. Svo, pp. 28. Privately printed. Boston, 1884. Baldwin. A Record of the Descendants of John Baldwin, of Harrington, Conn., with Notes of other Baldwins who settled in America in early Colonial Times. By John D. Baldwin, of Wor¬ cester, Mass. Svo, pp. 68. Worcester, 1880. Baldwin. The Baldwin Genealogy, 1500-1881. By Charles Candee Baldwin, A.M. Svo, pp. 974. Cleveland, Ohio, 1881. Baldwin. The Baldwin Genealogy Supplement. By Charles Candee Baldwin, A.M. 8vo, pp. 1373. Cleveland, Ohio, 1889. Baldwin. See Dennison, Hadley, Hyde, Rice, Stan¬ ton, Vinton. Balkcom. Genealogy of the Balkcom or Balcom Family, of Attleboro, Mass. Copied from Town and County Records. 8vo, pp. 12. Balkcom. See Austin's “ Thirty-three Rhode Isl¬ anders.” Ball. Pedigree of the Family of Ball, of Richmond, Com. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. Broadside, (1853). Being an account of William Ball, Armiger, Mer¬ chant and Planter, born 1687; died 1740, and his de¬ scendants, to 1853. Ball. Edward Ball and some of his Descendants. 8vo, pp. 15. Newport, 1891. By N. Ball. Ball. See Hayden. Ballou. An Elaborate History and Genealogy of the Ballou’s in America. By Adin Ballou. 8vo, pp. xiv -j- 1323. Providence, R. I., 1888. The above is a very exhaustive work upon a family well known in the East. Ballou. Genealogy. By J. B. Peck. Ealiou. See Faxon. Balyard Record of the Balyards in Europe, their Origin and Further Developments in America, from A.D. 500 to A.D. 1873. Extending over a period of 1400 years, taken from Authentic Sources. By L. B. Balliet, M.D. 8vo, pp. 28. Allentown, Pa., 1873. Bancroft. See Locke. Bangs. Autobiography of John Bangs. 1846. 8vo. Containing genealogical data. Bangs. Genealogy of the Bangs Family. By Dean Dudley. 1854. [sheet form.] Bangs. See Whitney, Preble. Banks. The Banks Family of Maine [N. E.]. By Chas. Edward Banks, M.D. Svo, pp. 8. Bos¬ ton, 1890. Banta. A Frisian Family. The Banta Genealogy. Descendants of Epke Jacobse, who came from Friesland, Netherlands, to New Amsterdam, Feb¬ ruary, 1659. By Theodore M. Banta. Royal, 8vo, pp. xiii -f- 412. New York, 1893. This is an interesting book, irrespective of its con¬ siderable genealogical value. Barber. Genealogy of the Barber Family, the de¬ scendants of Robert Barber, of Lancaster Co., Pa. By Edwin At Lee Barber, A.M. 8vo, pp. 166. Philadelphia, 1890. Barber. See Brown, Rockwood, Sharpless, Stanton, Wetmore. Barbour (Herman H.). Genealogy; prepared and published in 1864, as an appendix to “My Wife and My Mother.” Svo, pp. 84. Hatford, 1885. Barbour. Descendants of William Low Barbour, of Boston. By E. D. Barbour. 8vo. Boston, 1890. Barbour. See Faxon. Barkeloo. See Bergen. Barker. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Barlow. Family Genealogy, comprising the Ancestry and Descendants of Jonathan Barlow and Plain Rogers of Delaware County, N. Y. Compiled by George Barlow. 8vo, pp. 508. Brooklyn, N. Y.1893 The above comprises accounts of the Barlow Family of Allegheny, now Wyoming Co., N. Y., Erie Co., Pa.; Robertson of Delaware Co., N. Y.; Rogers of Smith- field, R. I.; Cosgrove of Connecticut and New Jersey; Phillips of Baltimore, Md.; Cosgrove of New York City; and Rockland Co., N. Y. ; Lockwood of Norwalk, Conn.; Frost of Putnam Co., N. Y.; Wright of West¬ brook, N. Y. Barlow. See Hill. Barnaby. The Barnaby or Barneby Family. By Ebenezer W. Peirce. 8vo, pp. 3. Privately printed. A New England Family. [Reprint.] Barnaby. See Pierce. Barnard. See Hadley. Barnett. Family of Pennsylvania. See Egle. John Barnett born 1678, Londonderry, Ireland. Re¬ moved to Pennsylvania, 1730. Settled in Hanover Township, Pa. Barnstable. Genealogical Notes of the Barnstable Families, being a reprint of the Amos Otis Papers, originally published in the Barnstable Patriot. Revised by C. F. Swift. 8vo. Barnstable, 1888. Barrett. Thomas Barrett of Braintree, William Bar¬ rett of Cambridge, and their early Descendants. By Joseph Hartwell Barrett, A.M. 8vo, pp. 8. Cleveland, Ohio, 1888. Barrett. Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Barrett. By William Barrett, Sen., of Braintree, Mass. 8vo, pp. 296. St. Paul, Minn., 1888. Barrett. Genealogy. By I. H. Potter. (Concord, Mass.) 1875. Barrett. Sketch of Rev. Blackleach Barrett and Re¬ lated Stratford Families. By M. D. Raymond. 12mo, pp. 44-8. Bartholomew. First Reunion of Descendants of Lieut. Wm. Bartholomew. 8vo, pp. 37. Boston, 1882. Bartholomew. Record of the Bartholomew Family. Historical, Genealogical and Biographical. By George Wells Bartholomew, Jr. 8vo, pp. xvi 4- 752. John, Robert and Richard Bartholo¬ mew and their Descendants. Austin, Texas, 1885. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 5 Bartlett. Genealogical and Biographical Sketches of the Bartlett Family in England and America. By Levi Bartlett, of Warner, N. H., 1875-6. 8vo, pp. 114. Lawrence, 1876. Bartlett. The Bartletts. Ancestral, Genealogical, Biographical, Historical. Comprising an Account of the American Progenitors as of the Bartlett Family, with Special Reference to the Descendants of John Bartlett of Weymouth and Cumberland. By Thomas Edwahd Babtlett. 8vo, pp. 112. (New Haven, Conn., 1892.) Bartlett. See Dudley, Russell. Barton. Genealogy (privately printed), contains mention of Abramse and other families. Barton. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Bartow. Genealogy. Part I. Containing everyone of the name of Bartow Descended from Doctor Thomas Bartow, who was living at Crediton, in England, A.D. 1672, with References to the Books where any of the Name is mentioned. By E. B. 8vo, pp. 218. Baltimore, 1878. Bartow. Genealogy (supplement). Containing Everyone of the Name of Bartow and other Descendants of Doctor Thomas Bartow, who was living at Crediton in England, A.D., 1672. By Rev. Evelyn P. Bartow. 8vo, pp. 216. Baltimore, 1879. Bartow. The Bartow Family in England. By Rev. E. P. Babtow, M.A. Royal 8vo, pp. 44. 1890. A continuation of the former Bartow books by the same author. Bascom. Genealogical Record of Thomas Bascom, and his Descendants. By Edward Doubled ay Habbis. 8vo, pp. 79. Boston, Mass., 1870- Bass. See Thayer. Bassett. See Keith. Battles. See Cary. Bavis. Ancestry of Samuel Adams Bavis (Maternal). 8vo, pp. 4. Baxter. Memorial of the Baxter Family. By Joseph N. Baxter, of Boston. 8vo, pp. 114. Boston, 1879. Baxter. See Childs. Bayard. Col. John Bayard (1738-1807), and the Bayard Family of America. By Gen. James Gbant Wilson. 8vo, pp. 24. New York, 1885. Beal. John Beal, of Hingham, and one line of his De¬ scendants. By N. B. Shurtleff. 8vo. Boston, 1865. Beals. See Cary. Bean. See Dudley, Otis. Beardsley. A Sketch of William Beardsley, and a Record of his Descendants. By E. E. Beabds- ley. 8vo. New York, 1867. Beatty. Record of the Family of Charles Beatty, who emigrated from Ireland to America in 1729. 8vo, pp. 120. Steubenville, Ohio, 1873. Edition of one hundred and fifty copies. Printed for the use of the family. Beatty. Genealogical Record of the Families of Beatty. Egle, Muller, Murray, Orth, and Thomas. By William H. Eole, M.D., M.A. 8vo, pp. 126. Harrisburg, 1886. Beauvelt. See Cole. Beckford. See Driver. Beckwith. The Beckwiths. By Paul Beckwith. 8vo, pp. 384. Albany, 1891. Bedell. See Keith. Beecher. See Strong. Beede. See Otis. Beekman. Some Records of the Beekman Family. By James R. Gibson, Jr. 8vo, pp. 12. 1888. Beekman. See Holgate. Belcher Genealogy. By W. H. Whitmore. 1873. Belding. See Hadley. Bell. Historical of the Bell Family. Edited by Led- yard Bell. 8vo, pp. 368. New York, 1867. Bellows. Historical Sketch of Col. Benjamin Bellows, founder of Walpole. An Address on occasion of the gathering of his Descendants to the Consecra¬ tion of his Monument at Walpole, N. H., October 11. 1854. By Henry W. Bellows. 8vo, pp. 125. New York, 1855. Bellows. Narratives, Traditions and Personal Rem¬ iniscences connected with the Early History of the Bellows Family, and of the village of Walpole, N. H. By Emily R. Barnes. 8vo, pp. 383. Boston, 1888. Bellows. See Strong. Benedict. The Genealogy of the Benedicts in America. By Henry Marvin Benedict. 8vo, pp. 474. Albany, 1870. Benedict. Genealogy of the Benedict Family, taken from a MSS. kept by James Benedict, Esquire, of Ridgefield. Folio, pp. 4. An account of the descendants of William Benedict, of Nottinghamshire. Bennett. See Hastings. Benson. The Benson Family, of Newport, Rhode Island, together with an appendix containing the Benson families in America of English descent. By W. P. Garrison. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 65. New York, 1872. Benton. See Wetmore. Bentzon, See Todd. Bergen. The Bergen Family, or the descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, one of the early settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. With notes on the genealogy of some of the branches of the Cowenhoven, Voorhees, Eldert, Stoothoof, Corte- lvov, Stryker, Suydam, Lott, Wvckoff, Barkeloo, Lefferts, Martense, Hubbard, Van Brunt, Vander¬ bilt, Vanderveer, Van Nuyse. By Tuenis G. Bergen. New York, 1866. 8vo, pp. 298. Second edition, 1866. 8vo, pp. 302. 3d edition, 1876. 8vo, pp. 658. Bergen. The Bergen Family. 8vo, pp. 295. New York, 1864. Bergen. The Bergen Family. 8vo, pp. 658. New York, 1876. Bernaben. See Bolton Genealogies. Berwick. See Dudley. Besbedge. Family Records of some of the descend¬ ants of Thomas Besbedge (Besbee), of Scituate, Mass. By W. B. Lapham. 8vo, pp. 48. Augusta, Me., 1876. 6 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Bethane. A History of the Bethune Family. Trans¬ lated from the French of Andr6 du Chesne, with Additions from Family Records and other Sources. Together with a sketch of the Faneuil Family, with whom the Bethune name became connected in America. By Mrs. John A. Weisse. Royal, 4to, pp. 51-39. New York, 18S4. Bethune. A History of the Bethune Family, to¬ gether with a sketch of the Faneuil Family. By Mrs. John A. Weisse. Royal 4to, pp. 54-39. Newport, 1S84. Bibighaus. Descendants of John Bibighaus of Bed minster, Bucks County, Pennsylvauia. By Samuel H. Bibighaus. Pp. 44. [1888.] Bicknell. A Memorial of a Respectable and Re¬ spected Family, and especially of Joshua Bicknell, Farmer, Representative, Senator, Judge and Emi¬ nent Christian Citizen, “The Noblest Roman of them all.” 8vo, pp. 32 xvi. Boston, 1880. Bicknell. The Bicknells. Proceedings and Ad¬ dresses at the Second Family Re-union at Wey¬ mouth, Mass., September 20, 21, 1882. 8vo, pp. 56. Boston, 1883. Bicknell. The Bicknell Inscriptions on Tombstones in Barrington, R. I. 8vo, pp. 16. Bicknells. The Bicknells and Family Re-union at Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 22, 1880, etc. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 96. Boston, 1880. Biddle. A Sketch of Owen Biddle, to which is added a Short Account of the Parke Family, Together with a list of his Descendants. Privately printed bv Henry Drinker Biddle. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1892. pp. 87. Owen Biddle was bom in Philadelphia, 1737, and was the son of John and Sarah Biddle; Sarah was the daughter of Owen Owen (son of Robert Owen, of Meri- on), High Sheriff of Philadelphia. Biddle. Col. Clement Biddle, with a Genealogy of the Biddle Family. Reprinted from Boogher’s Repository. 4to, pp. 16. Philadelphia, 1883. Bidwell. Genealogy of the first Seven Generations of the Bidwell Family in America. By Edwin M. Bidwell. 8vo, pp. 123. Albany, N. Y. 1884. Bigelow. Report of the Bigelow Family Reunion at Lincoln Park, Worcester, Mass., Thursday, June 2, 1887. By Gilman Bigelow Howe. 8vo, pp. 46. Buffalo, 1887. Bigelow. Genealogy of the Bigelow Family. By W. H. Bigelow. 8vo. Brattleboro, 1887. Bigelow. See Bond, Wetmore. Bigg. Notes on a Family of Bigg. By W. H. Wetmore. 8vo. 1875. Bill. History of the Bill Family. Edited by Led- yard Bill. 8vo, pp. vii + 368. 75 Fulton St., New York, 1867. This family claims descent from the famous “ John Bill, the first King’s Printer,” who was born in the parish of Much Wenlock, in Shropshire, England, 1586. Billings. See Hadley, Wetmore. Binney. Genealogy of the Binney Family in the United States. Collected by Charles J. F. Bin¬ ney. 8vo, pp. 278. Albany, N. Y., 1886. Binney. See Wetmore. Bird. Genealogical sketch of the Bird Family, hav¬ ing its origin in Hartford, Conn. By Elihu Geer. pp. 24. Hartford, 1855. Bird. The Bird Family. A genealogy of Thomas Bird, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, and some of his descendants. By William Blake Trask. 8vo, pp. 40. Boston, 1871. Bisbee. Family Records, Mass., 1634. By Wm. B. Lapham, M.D. 8vo, pp. 48. Augusta, 1876. Bispham. Memoranda concerning the Family of Bispham in Great Britain and the United States of America. By William Bispham, of New York. Privately printed. Royal 8vo, pp. 348. New York, 1890. Edition of 100 copies only. Bissell. Genealogy of the Bissell Family. By H. R. Stiles. 8vo. Albany, 1863. Bissell. See Dwight. Bitgood. See Warden. Bixby. See Dudley. Blackiston Family, of Pennsylvania. See Hol¬ stein. Blackstone. The Blackstone Family; being sketches, Biographical and Genealogical, of Wil¬ liam Blackstone and his Descendants. By L. M. Sargent. 8vo, pp. 43. Norwich, Conn., 1857. Blaine. See Robinson. Blaisdell. See Dudley. Blake. A Genealogical History of William Blake of Dorchester, and his Descendants, comprising all the Descendants of Samuel and Patience (White) Blake, with an Appendix, containing Wills, etc., of members of the Family, and other interesting matter. By Samuel Blake. 8vo, pp. 140. Boston, 1857. The descendants of William Blake, of Little Bad- don, Essex, England, who came to America in 1630. Blake. A Record of the Blakes of Somersetshire, Especially in the Line of William Blake, of Dorchester, Mass., the Emigrant to New England, with one Branch of his Descendants. From the MS. of the late Horatio G. Somerby. Privately printed. Small 4to, pp. 640. Boston, 1881. Blake. See Dudley Pierce. Blakeman. See Goodwin. Blanchard. See Dudley, Wyman. Blarsdell. See Dudley. Blaxton. William Blaxton. By Thomas Coffin Amory, of New England, living 1655. 8vo, pp. 25. Boston, 1886. Bliss. Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America, from about the year 1550-1880. Compiled by John Homer Bliss, Norwich, Conn. 8vo, pp. 810. Boston, 1881. The Bliss family intermarried with Abbot and many other New England families. Bliss Genealogy. By James O. Bliss. Printed for private circulation. 8vo, pp. 19. Boston, 1887. Bliss. See StebbeDs, Wetmore. Blood Family, of Concord. See Potter. Bloss Genealogy. Descendants of Edmund and Mary Bloss. By I. O. Bloss. 8vo. New York, 1886. Blunts. See Dudley. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 7 Boardman. Biographical Sketch of Deacon Timo¬ thy Boardman. By Rev. Samuel W. Board- man, D.D. Pp. 48. Stanhope, N. J. [1885.] Boardman. Memoir of the Life and Character of Mrs. Mary Ann Boardman, with an historic Ac¬ count of her Forefathers, and Biographical and Genealogical Notes of many of her Kindred and Relations. By her son-in-law, John Frederick Schroeder, D.D. Printed for private distribu¬ tion. 8vo, pp. 478. New Haven, 1849. Contains very full pedigrees of the Whiting and Mason Families of New England, the ancestors of Mrs. Boardman. Boas, of Pennsylvania. See Egle. Boerum. See Wetmore. Bogardus. See Gale. Bogman. A Genealogy of the Bogman Family, 1767-1890. By M. C. Warren. Compiled by Emily W. Leaveritt. 8vo. 1890. Bolles. Genealogy of the Bolles Family and De¬ scendants. By J. H. Bolles. 4to, pp. 63. Bos¬ ton, 1865. Bolling. The Bolling Family, in England and Vir¬ ginia, 1485-1868. By Thomas H. Wynne. For private distribution. 8vo, pp. 68. Richmond, Va., 1868. Bolton. The Boltons of Old and New England, with a Genealogy of the Descendants of William Bol¬ ton, of Reading, Mass., 1720. By C. K. Bolton. Small 4to, pp 85. Albany, 1889. Bolton. Genealogical and Biographical Account of the Family of Bolton in England and America. Deduced from an early period and continued down to the present time. By Robert Bolton, A.M. 8vo, pp. 223. New York, 1862. Bolton. The Descendants of William Bolton, of Reading, Mass. By Charles Knowles Bolton, of Cambridge. 8vo, pp. 8. Boltwood. See Hadley. Bomberger, of Lancaster County, Pa. See Egle. Bond (Henry, M.D.) Family Memorials. Genealo¬ gies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass., including Waltham and Weston. Two volumes in one. 8vo, pp. 1094. This valuable work on New England families in¬ cludes the pedigrees of Bigelow, Bright, Bond, Brown, Cooledge, Lawrence, Phillips, Saltonstall, Sterns, Warren, Whitney, and others. Bonnell Family Genealogy. By Bradbury. 1875. Bontecou Genealogy. A Record of the Descend¬ ants of Pierre Bontecou, a Huguenot Refugee from France, in the Line of his Sons. By John E. Morris. 8vo, pp. 271. Hartford, Conn., 1885. Bonython. The Bonython Family of Maine. By Dr. Charles E. Banks. 8vo, pp. 7. 1884. Boodey. Annals of the Boodeys in New England. Together with Lessons of Law and Life, from John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. By Robert Boodey, Ckverly. 8vo, pp.297. Lowell, Mass., 1880. Booge. A Short and General Account of the Family of People by the Name of Booge, being, so far as known, the only Family of that Name in the United States. By D. Williams Patterson. 8vo, pp. 7. 1872. Booth. Genealogy of the Booth Family in England and the United States, being a compilation of the Pedigrees of the English line, and the descendants of Richard Booth, of Connecticut, U. S. A., down to the family of the compiler. By Walter S. Booth. 12mo, pp. 25. Minneapolis, Minn., 1892. Booth. Report of the Booth Association. Smith. Booth. See Wetmore. Borden. A Folded Pedigree of the Borden Family, of Fall River, Mass. Reprint from history of Fall River. Bordley. Biographical Sketches of the Bordley Family, of Maryland, and their descendants. By Mrs. Eliz. B. Gibson, edited by her niece, Eliz. Mifflin. Pp. 158. Philadelphia, 1865. Bordley. See Thomas. Borneman. The History of the Borneman Family in America since the First Settlers, 1721, 1878. Published by J. H. Borneman. 8vo, pp. 114. Boyertown, Pa., 1881. Bostwick. A Genealogical Register of the name of Bostwick, with the Families in their respective generations, Births, Marriages and Deaths as far as obtained from 1668 to 1850. By Erastus Bostwick. 12mo, pp. 56. Burlington, 1851. Bourke. See Bulloch. Bouton. The Bouton or Boughton Family. By J. Boughton. 8vo, pp. 684. Albany, 1890. Bowdoin. Account of the Bowdoin Family, with Notes on the Families of Portage, Lynde, New¬ gate, Erving. New York, 1887. Bowdoin. Pierre Bowdoin. 8vo, pp. 28. A physician at La Rochelle, France; left France 1685; settled in Portland, Maine, 1688. Bowdoin. See Chapman, Bower. Bower Genealogy. By Baldwin. 1879. Bower. Bower Family. By Kilburn. 1856. Bowen. See Hughes. Bowie. See Thomas. Bowles. Pedigree. Tabular form. By T. Wingate Thornton. Boston, 1867. Bowles. Genealogical and Historical Notes of the Bowles Family. By Samuel Bowles, of Spring- field, 1851. 8vo, pp. 8. Boyd. The History of the Boyd Family and De¬ scendants. By William P. Boyd. Small 8vo, pp. 318. Conesus, N. Y., 1884. Boyd. See Egle. William Boyd, born in Antrim, Ulster, emigrated to Pennsylvania, 1730. Settled in Deroy Township. Boylston. See Vinton. Boynton. American Boynton Directory, containing the Addresses of all known Boyntons, Boy- ingtons, and Byingtons in the United States and British Dominions. By John Farnham Boyn¬ ton, M.D. 8vo, pp. 147. Syracuse, N. Y., 1884. Brackett. Genealogical and Biographical Sketches of the Name and Family of Brackett, from the year 1630 to the year 1860. By Jeffery Rich¬ ardson, Jr. 8vo, pp. 56. Boston, 1860. 8 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Bradbury Memorial. Some of the Descendants of Thomas Bradbury, of Agamenticus (York) in 1634, and of Salisbury, Mass., in 163S, with a brief sketch of the Bradburys of England. By William Berry Lapham. 8vo, pp. 320. Port¬ land, 1890. Bradbury Genealogy. By Bradbury. 1875. Bradbury Family of Massachusetts. See Dudley. Bradford Family. Genealogical memorials of Wil¬ liam Bradford the Printer. By Samuel S. Purple, M.D. Pp. 8. Privately printed. New York, 1873. Bradford. A Genealogical Memoir of the Descend¬ ants of William Bradford, Second Governor of New Plymouth in New England. By Guy M. Fes¬ senden. Svo, pp. 27. Boston, 1850. Bradford. See Stebbins. Bradlee. History of the Bradlee Family, with par¬ ticular reference to the Descendants of Nathan Bradlee, of Dorchester, Mass. By Samuel Bradlee Doggett. Royal 8vo, pp. 45. Boston, 1878. Bradley Family of Massachusetts. See Dudley. Bradshon. See Medford. Bradstreet. See Dudley. Brainerd. The Genealogy of the Brainerd Family in the United States, with numerous sketches of Individuals. By Rev. David D. Field, D.D. 8vo, pp. 303. New York, 1857. An account of the Descendants of Daniel Brainerd who settled at Haddam, New England, in 1662. Brattle. An account of some Descendants of Cap¬ tain Thomas Brattle. By Edward Doubleday Harris. 1867. Sm. 4to, pp. 90. Bray. See Driver. Brayton. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Breakenridge. Genealogy of the Descendants of James Breakenridge, who emigrated from Ire¬ land, July 1727. Collected and arranged by Cornelius A. Gould. 8vo, pp. 65. Ware, Mass., 1887. Brearly. Family Genealogical Chart of the Ameri¬ can Branch of the Brearley Family. By Wm. H. Brearly. Brearly Family of New Jersey. See Cooley. Breck. Genealogy of the Breck Family, descended from Edward of Dorchester, and his brothers in America, with an appendix. By Samuel Breck, U. S. A. 8vo, pp. 252 -f- xxix. Omaha, 1889. Breed. Family Meeting. 8vo. 1872. Breed Family of the United States, 1601-1866. Ad¬ dresses. By I. C. Breed. 8vo, pp. 21. James¬ town, N. Y., 1872. Breed. See Dudley, Dwight. Breeze. See Salisbury. Brett. See Cary. Bretz. Genealogy of the Ludwig Bretz Family. By E. W. S. Parthemour. 8vo, pp. 142. Harris¬ burg, 1890. Brevott. See Todd. Brewster. Chief of the Pilgrims; or the Life and Time of William Brewster, Ruling Elder of the Pilgrim Company that founded New Plymouth, the Parent Colony of New England, in 1620. By Rev. Ashbel Steele, A.M., Washington City. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. Brewster. See Wetmore. Bridge. An Account of the Descendants of John Bridge, Cambridge, 1632. 8vo, pp. 120. Boston, 1884. Bridgeman (Thomas). The Pilgrims of Boston, and their Descendants. 8vo. New York, 1856. Briggs. We and our Kinsfolk. Ephraim and Re¬ becca Waterman Briggs, with a few Collateral Branches. Compiled by Mary Balch Briggs. 8vo, pp. viii + 144. Boston, 1887. Briggs. A partial Record of the Descendants of Walter Briggs, of Westchester, N. Y. To which are added Some Account of his Ancestry, Collateral Branches, Origin of the Family Name, Ancient Pedigrees Wills, etc. By Sam. Briggs. Large 4to, pp. 50 1. Cleveland, Ohio, 1878. Bright. Family Genealogy. 8vo. Two editions, 1848, 1856. Bright. The Brights of Suffolk, England; repre¬ sented in America by the Descendants of Henry Bright, Watertown, By Jonathan B. Bright. 8vo, pp. 16 + 345. Boston, 1858. Brimmer. See Sigourney. Brinckerhoff. The Family of JorisBrinkerhoff, 1638. By J. D. Brinkerhoff. 8vo. New York, 1887. Brinton Family of Pennsylvania. By D. G. Brin- ton, M.D. Small 4to, pp. 60. 100 copies privately printed. Bristol. See Todd. Brockden. See Pryor. Brockway. The Brockway Family. Genealogical Records of Wolston Brockway. By E. B. Francis. 4to, pp. 167. Oswego, N. Y,, 1890. Bromfield. Memoir of John Bromfield. By Josia Quincy. 8vo. Cambridge, 1850. Bronson. See Brown, Brooke. See Thomas. Brookes. See Dudley. Brooks. Brooks Memorial. By Wilson. 8vo. 1884. Brooks. Brooks of New England. See Potter. Brooks. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Brown. The Browns of Nottingham. By Gilbert Cope. 8vo, pp. 18. (West Chester, Pa., printed by himself ) 1864. This little work contains names of 243 descendants of James and William Brown, of Bedfordshire or Northamptonshire, England, who settled in Chester County, Pa. Brown. Historical Genealogy Relating to a Branch of the Brown Family, including Brief History of Other Families. G. W.B. Pp. 57+35-(-31-)-xi. Philadelphia, 1885. Descended from George Brown and Mercy, early settlers of the Falls, came from Leicester, England, 1679. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 9 Brown (Abeil)- Genealogical History, with Short Sketches and Family Records of the Early Settlers of West Simsbury, now Canton, Conn. 8vo, pp. 157. Hartford, Conn., 1856. This work contains genealogies of the families of Adams, Alford, Bacon, Bronson, Brown, Barber, Buel, Case, Curtis, Dyer, Everest, Foote, Garrett, Hill, Humphrey, Higley, Merrell, Messenger, Mills, Morse, Phelps, Segur and Wilcox. Brown. Genealogy of the Brown Family; princi¬ pally from the Moses Brown papers and from other sources. By H. H. Brown. 16mo, pp. 16. Providence, 1851. Brown. The Brown Memorial. Family of Benja¬ min Brown, M.D. Compiled by Bertha Victoria Foster, for the family. 8vo, pp. 16. Washington, D. C., 1893. Brown. A Letter Concerning Family History. By Andrew Brown, 1812. pp. 12. Albany, I860. Brown Family of New Jersey. See Cooley. Brown. See Hayden, Stanton. Brown Family of Massachusetts. See Potter. Browne. The Chad Browne Memorial, consisting of genealogical memoirs of a portion of the descend¬ ants of Chad and Elizabeth Browne, with an appendix containing sketches of other Rhode Island settlers—1638-1888. By Mrs. A. I. B. Bulkley, a descendant. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 173. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1888. Edition of 300 copies only. Browning (Charles H.). Americans of Royal Descent. A collection of genealogies of American families whose lineage is traced to the legitimate issue of kings. Reproduced from recognized authorities from privately printed family histories and information supplied in manuscript pedigrees. 8vo, pp. 732. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1891. This work contains ccxiv genealogies, but as many of them are of families descended from the same stock, the emigrants to America thought to be descendants of kings are very few. Brownwell. Genealogy of the Brownwell Family. 18mo, pp. 64. 1893. Brubacher. The Brubacher Genealogy in America. By Jacob N. Brubacher. 24mo, pp. 243. Elk¬ hart, Ind., 1884. Bryan. Alexander Bryan, of Milford, Conn. His Ancestors and His Descendants. By- Bald¬ win. Cleveland, Ohio, 1889. Bryan. Bee Bulloch, Hayden. Bryant. See Baetjer, Stanton. Buchanan. An Historical and Genealogical Essay upon the Family and Surname of Buchanan, to which is added a brief inquiry into the genealogy and present state of Ancient Scottish surnames, and most particularly of the Highland Class. By William Buchanan, of Glasgow. Reprinted 12mo, pp. 246. Cincinnati, 1722. Data relating principally to the Ancestry of the family Buchanan from whom Pres. Buchanan descends. Bucher. See Egle. Claus Bucher born in Newkirch, Switzerland, 1524. Lancaster. Buck. Account of th Buck Family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania; and of the Bucksville Centennial Celebration, held June 11,1892 ; includ¬ ing the Proceedings of the Buckwampun Literary Association on said occasion. Edited by W illiam J. Buck. Printed for the Family. Small 8vo, pp. 142. Philadelphia, 1893. Buck. Origin, History and Genealogy of the Buck Family. By C. B. Harvey. 8vo. Jersey City, N. J., 1879. Pp. 273. Buck. See Dudley. Buckingham. The Buckingham Family; or, the Descendants of Thomas Buckingham, one of the First Settlers of Milford, Conn. By Rev. F. W. Chapman A.M. 8vo,pp. 384. Hartford, Conn., 1872. Descendants of Thomas Buckingham, who was in Boston in 1637, in New Haven, 1638. Buel. See Brown. Bugby. A Record of some of the Descendants of Edward Bugby, who settled in Roxbury, Conn., in 1686. 4to, pp. 17. Killingly, Conn., 1877. Bulkeley. The Bulkeley Family; or the Descend¬ ants of Peter Bulkeley, who settled at Concord, Mass., in 1636. By Rhv. F. W. Chapman. 8vo, pp. 289. Hartford, 1875. Bull. See Todd. Bullard. Genealogical Sketch of tbe Bullard Family and Descendants. By W. S. Barton, of Wor¬ cester. 8vo, pp. 22. Worcester, 1878. Bullard. See Morse. Bullings. See Thayer. Bulloch. A Hist, and Gen. of the Families of Bulloch, Stobo, De Veaux, Irvine, Douglass, Baillie, Lewis, Adams, Glen, Jones, Davis, Hunter. With a Genealogy of the branches of the Habersham, King, Stiles, Foohman, Newall, Turner, Stewart, Dunwoody, Elliott, with mention of the families of Bryan, Bourke, Williams, Willy, Woodbridge, and many other families. By Joseph G. Bul¬ loch, M.D. 8vo, pp. 167 + 6-v. Savannah, Ga., 1892. Burbank. Contributions to the Genealogy of the Burbank and Burbanck Families in the United States. By G. T. Ridlon. 8vo, pp. 24. Saco, Me., 1880. Burbeen. 1660-1799. An Account of John Bur- been, who came from Scotland and settled at Woburn, Mass., about 1660, and such of his de¬ scendants as have borne the surname of Barbeen. Compiled from the Town Records of Woburn, Epitaphs of its first and second Burying Grounds. Manuscript Records of Charles Walker, Esq., of Concord, N. H., and sundry other sources. By Joseph Burbeen Walker. 8vo, pp. 52. Con¬ cord, N. H., 1892. Burgess. Genealogy. Memorial of the family of Thomas and Dorothy Burgess, who settled in the Plymouth Colony in 1637. 8vo, pp. 196. Boston, 1865. Burke. The Burke and Alvord Memorial. I. A Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Richard Burke, of Sudbury, Mass. II. A Genea¬ logical Account of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord, of Windsor, Ct. By John A. Boutelle, for William A. Burke. 8vo, pp. 239. Boston. 10 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Burleigh. See Burley. Burley. Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh Family of America. By Chas. Burleigh. Svo, pp. 200. Portland, Me., 1SS0. Burney. See Wetmore. Burnham. The Burnham Family. By R. H. Burnham. Svo, pp. 545. Hartford, 1869. Burnham. Genealogical Record of Thomas Burn¬ ham, the emigrant, who was among the earliest settlers of Hartford, Connecticut, and his atten¬ dants. Second edition. Svo. Hartford, 1884. Burnham. Genealogical Records of the Brothers Thomas and Robert Burnham, who emigrated to this country in 1635, and settled at Chebacco (Ipswich), Massachusetts [sic.], and at Dover, New Hampshire. Hartford, Conn., 1869. Burpee. See Stickney. Burr. See Loomis. Burr. A General History of the Burr Family, with a Genealogical Record from 1193 to 1891. By Charles Burr Todd. Second edition. Royal 8vo, pp. 535. New York, 1891. Burr. A General History of the Burr Family in America, with a Genealogical Record from 1570 to 1878. By Charles Burr Todd. 8vo, pp. 436 + i. New York, 1878. Burrage. The Burrage Memorial. A Genealogical History of the Descendants of John Burrage, who settled in Charlestown, Mass., in 1637. By Alvah A. Burrage. 8vo, pp. 265. Boston, 1877. Burroughs. See Cooley. Burrows. Genealogical Records of a section of the Burrows Family. By T. D. Dennison. Provi¬ dence, 1872. Burwell. Burwell Family Picnic. 8vo, pp. 26. 1870. Burwell. See Keith. Butler. Thomas Butler and His Descendants. A genealogy of the descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Butler, of Butler’s Hill, South Berwick, Me. 1674r-1886. 8vo. New York, 1886. Butler. Some Account of Deacon John Butler, of Pelham, N. H., and his descendants. By Caleb Butler, of Grotan. 8vo, pp. 15. 1849. Butler. A Genealogical Memoranda of the Butler Family, with a continuation to 1844. By Cap¬ tain John Butler. 8vo. Butler Genealogy. Dedication of monument to Deacon John Butler, first settler of Pelham, at Pelham, N. H., June 9, 1886. 8vo, pp. 36. Albany, 1887. Butler. Butleriania, Genealogica and Biographica. or general notes concerning Mary Butler and her descendants. By James D. Butler. 8vo, pp. 162. Albany, 1888. Butterfield. The Butterfields of Middlesex. By Geo. A. Gordan, Am. Memb. N. E. H. G. Soc. 8vo, pp. 11. Cabot. See Pickering. Cadwalader. See Cooley, Keith. Calaway. See Dawson. Caldwell. Caldwell Records. John and Sarah (Dil¬ lingham) Caldwell, Ipswich, Mass., and their Descendants: Sketches of Families connected with them by marriage; brief notices of other Cald¬ well families. Collected and arranged by A. Caldwell, Ipswich, Mass. 8vo, pp. 80. Boston, 1873. John Caldwell, born 1624, died 1692. Caldwell. The Early Caldwells, Nottingham, Eng¬ land. By A. Caldwell, Ipswich, Mass. Broad¬ side. 1888. Canby. William Canby, of Brandywine, Del., His Descendants, Fourth to Seventh Generation in America. Printed for private distribution. Sm. 8vo, pp. 59. Philadelphia, 1883. Candage. An account of the Cavendish, Candish or Candage Family, Bangor, Me. By R. G. F. Cand¬ age. 8 vo. 1889. Candee. The Candee Genealogy, with notices of Allied Families of Allyn, Catlin, Cooke, Mallery, Newell, Norton, Pynchon, and Wasworth. By Charles Candee Baldwin, M.A. 8vo, pp. 240. Cleveland, Ohio, 1882. Capen. See Thayer. Capron. Genealogy of the Descendants of Banfield Capron, from A. D. 1660 to A. D. 1859. By Frederic H. Holden. 12mo, pp. 263. Boston, 1859. Carmer. The Carmer Family of New York City. A Chart Pedigree. New York, 1893. Carpenter. Genealogical and Historical Record of the Carpenter Family, with a Brief Genealogy of the Descendants of William Carpenter, of Wey¬ mouth and Rehoboth, Mass., William Carpenter, of Providence, R. I., Samuel Carpenter, of Penn¬ sylvania, and Ephraim, Timothy and Josias Car¬ penter, of Long Island, including a Full, Com¬ plete and Reliable History of the Carpenter Estate of England. By James Usher, 9 Murray Street, New York City. 8vo, pp. 70. (No date.) Contains a good account of the Carpenter Family, of Philadelphia, Pa. Carpenter Family. By Roberts. 1877. Carpenter. See Lloyd, Vinton. Carruth. Descendants of John Carruth, 1749-1880. By William W. Carruth. 8vo, pp. 12. Boston, 1880. Cartaret. See Batejer. Carter. Carters of Lancaster, Lunenburg, and Leon- minister, Mass. Collected and arranged for the Carter Association by Mrs. Clara A. Carter, Leonminister, Mass., and Mrs. Sarah A. Carter, FitzWilliam, New Hamsphire. 8vo, pp. 272. Clinton, 1887. Carter. The Carter Family Reunion at Woburn, Mass., June 11, 1884, with Historical Address by Samuel R. Carter, and Poem by Mrs. George L. Chaney, as read upon that occasion. 8vo, pp. 52. Boston, 1884. Carter. Bi-Centenary Memorial of Jeremiah Carter, who came to the Province of Pennsylvania in 1682. Containing a Historical Genealogy of His Descendants down to the present time. By Thomas Maxwell Potts. 8vo, pp. 304. Can- onsburg, Pa., 1883. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 11 Carter. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Samuel and Thomas, sons of Rev. Samuel Carter, 1640- 1886. A contribution to the History of the first Carters. 8vo, pp. 272. 1887. Cary. (Moses). Genealogy of the Families who have settled in Bridgewater, Mass. 8vo, pp. 48. Boston, 1824. Alden, Ames, Battles, Brett, Bryants, Beals, Cary, Cole, Crafts, Curtis, Dike, Downie, Edson, Field, Ford, Frenerd, Gamey, Hayward, Howard, Keith, Krugman, Manly, Packard, Perkins, Porter, Pratt, Reynolds, Sylvester, Snell, Snow, Southworth, Warren, Wales, Willis. Cary. See Dawson. Cary. Cary Family. Pamphlet. Caverly. Genealogy of the Caverly Family, from the year 1116 to the year 1880. Made profitable and exemplified by many a Lesson of Life. 8vo, pp. 196. Lowell, Mass., 1880. Caverno. Record of the Caverno Family. By A. Caverno. 12mo, pp. 36. Dover, N. H., 1874. Arthur Caverno, the ancestor, was born in Ulster, north of Ireland, 1718; emigrated 1735, settled in Boston. Chaffee Genealogy. 8vo. Chamberlain Family. By Chamberlain. 1877. Chambers. See Cooley. Champion. A History of the Descendants of Henry Champion, of Saybrooke and Lyme, Conn., with account of other families of the future. By F. B. Trowbridge. 8vo, pp. 12+560. New Haven,1891. Champlin. See Austin’s “Thirty-Three Rhode Islanders.” Champney. The Christian Mother. An Address delivered in the First Church Brighton, Feburary 14, 1855, at the Funeral of Mrs. Susanna [Park] Champney, who died February 10th, in her ninety-fifth year. With an Appendix, containing a Genealogical Notice of the Champney and Park Families. By Frederick Augustus Whitney, Pastor of the Church. 8vo, pp. 36. Boston, 1855. The Champney Family, of Cambridge, Mass. Champney. History of the Champney Family, con¬ taining Biographical Sketches, Letters, Reminis- censes, etc. 8vo, pp. 76. Chicago, 1867. A New England family. Chandler. The Chandlei Family. The Descend¬ ants of William and Annis Chandler, who settled in Roxbury, Mass., 1637. Collected by George Chandler of Worcester, Mass. Printed for the Family. 8vo, pp. viii, 1315. Worcester, Mass., 1883. Channlng. See Austin’s “Thirty-three Rhode Islanders.” Chapin. The Chapin Genealogy, containing a very large portion of the Descendants of Deacon Sam¬ uel Chapin, who settled in Springfield, Mass., in 1642. Collected and compiled by Orange Chapin. (Also Address and Historical Sketch.) 8vo, pp. 368. 1862. Northampton. Chapin. A Genealogical Record with Sketches of Some of the Descendants of Captain Josiah Chapin, 1635-1889. By A. A. Chapin. 8vo. Fort Wayne, 1889. Chapman. See Austin’s “Thirty-three Rhode Islanders.” Chapman. The Chapman Family : or, the Descend¬ ants of Robert Chapman, one of the first settlers of Say-Brook, Conn. With Genealogical Notes of William Chapman, who settled in New London, Conn ; Edward Chapman, who settled at Windsor, Conn; John Chapman, of Stonington, Conn.; and Rev. Benjamin Chapman, of Southington, Conn. By Rev. F. W. Chapman, A.M. 8vo, pp. 413. Hartford, 1854. Notes on Families of Bockus, Bates, Bowdoin, etc. Chapman. The Chapman and Lapham Genealogical Notes, 1878. Chapman. Genealogy. By C. P. Chapman, 1878. Chapman. Genealogy. By I. Chapman, 1878. Chapman. A Genealogy of Edward Chapman, of Ipswich, Mass., 1642-1678, and his descendants. By Jacob Chapman, A.M. 8vo, pp. 139. Con¬ cord, N. H., 1893. Chapman Family. Gerard. 1876. [See Appendix. ] Charle Family. 1843. Chase. A Genealogical Memoir of the Chase Family of Chesham, Bucks in England, and of Hampton and Newbury in New Eng., with Notices of Some of their Descendants. By George B. Chase. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprint from Heraldic Journal. Boston, 1869. Chase. Genealogy of a portion of the Descendants of William Chase, who came to America in 1630, and died in Yarmouth, Mass-, May, 1659. By George W. Chase. 8vo, pp. 31. 200 copies of this book only. Washington, D. C., 1886. Chase Pedigree. By Nathan Chase. Pp. 1. Albany, 1867. Chase. Genealogy of the Ancestors and Descendants of Joseph Chase, who died in Swanzey. His will proved March, 1725. 8vo, pp. 86. Fall River, 1874. Chase Genealogy. By N. Chase. 8vo. 1878. Chase Genealogy. 8vo. 1871. Chase Genealogy. Usher. 1883. [See Appendix. ] Chase Genealogy. 8vo. 1888. Chastain Family. By Brock. 8vo. 1886. Chauncey. Memorials of the Chaunceys, including President Chauncey, his Ancestors and Descend¬ ants. By William Chauncey Fowler. 8vo, pp. 7 + 336. Boston, 1858. Chauncey Family. Tucker. 1884. Chauncey. Appendix to Memorials of the Chaun¬ ceys. By William Chauncey Fowler, of Durham, Conn. 8vo. Chauncey. A Genealogical Table of the Family of Chaunceys, taken partly from Sir Henry Chaun- cey’s History of Hertfordshire, pages 55-61, and partly from a Genealogical Roll I have in my possession, and other information. N. C. Jan¬ uary, 1787. Including the New England Chaunceys. Chauncey. Reprint. Broadside. Checkley. Checkley Family. Reprint from N. E. H. G. Reg. 8vo, pp. 6. Boston, 1848. 12 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Cheever. Bartholomew and Richard Cheever, and some of their Descendants. Bv John S. HAssam, A.M. 8vo, pp. 11. Boston, 1882. Wfceever Family. 1S84. Add. 1S87. Cheever Family. Erase:. Svo, 1878. Cheever. Ezekiel Cheever and some of his Descend¬ ants. By John S. H assam, A.M. 8vo, pp. 64. Boston, 1879. Chesley. See Otis. Chester. Genealogical Chart of the Chester Family. By J. Bayard Backus. Broadside. N. Y., 1893. Chester. Genealogy. 8vo, pp. 10. 1868. Chew. See Thomas. Chldsey. Genealogy. Privately printed. 1878. Child. Genealogies of the Child, Childs and Childe Families of the Past and Present in the United States and the Canadas, from 1630 to 1881. By Elias Child. 8vo, pp. 97. Utica, New York, 1881. Chipman. The Chipman Lineage. Particularly in Essex County, Mass. By R. Chipman, Lisbon, Conn. 8vo, pp. 59. 1872. Chipman. Sketches of the Chipman Family, com¬ municated to the N. E. H. G. Reg., by Rev. R. Manning Chipman, of Wolcottville, Conn. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprint. Boston, 1861. Chittenden. Chittenden Family. William Chitten¬ den of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants. Compiled by Alvan Talcott, A.M., M.D. 8vo, pp. 262. New Haven, Conn., 1882. Church. The Church Family. 8vo, pp. 5. Dover, N. H., 1876. Church. See Hadley. Churchill. Some Facts concerning the Ancestors and Descendants of Asaph Churchill, first of Milton. Compiled by Gardner Asaph Churchill. 8vo, pp. 18. Dorchester, Mass., 1887. Cilley Family. By J. P. Cilley, of Rockland. 8vo, pp. 47. [1893?] Clapp Memorial. Record of the Clapp Family in America. Containing sketches of the original six emigrants and a genealogy of their De¬ scendants bearing the name with a Supplement, and the Proceedings at two Family Meetings. Ebenezer Clapp, Compiler. 8vo. pp. 436 + 80. Boston, 1876. Clapp (D.). The Ancient Proprietors of Jones’ Hill, Dorchester (Mass.). 8vo. Boston, 1883. Clark. Records of the Descendants of Hugh Clark, of Watertown, Mass., 1640—1866. By John Clark, A.B. 8vo, pp. 260. Boston, 1866. Clark. A Few Genealogical Items connected with the family descended from William Clark, of Haddam, Conn. 8vo. New York, 1880. Clark. A Record of the Descendants of John Clark, of Farmington, Conn. The Male Branches brought down to 1882. The Female Branches one Genera¬ tion after the Clark name is lost in Marriage. By Julius Gay. 8vo, pp. 94. Hartford, Conn., 1882. Clark. An Account of the Ancestors and Descendants of John Lnrdner Clark and Sophia Marian Ross, who were married August 1,1797. By Clifford Stanley Sims. 8vo, pp. 11. Prescott, Canada, 1870. The above is an account of descendants of Thomas Clark, of Milford, Conn., 1644. Clark. See Cooley, Robinson. Clarke. Genealogy of the Descendants of Nathaniel Clarke, of Newbury, Mass. Ten Generations, 1642—1885. By Geo. K. Clarke. 8vo. First edition, 1883, pp. 121; second edition, 1885, pp. 216. Boston. Clarke. See Geaney, Warren. Clarkson Genealogy. By M. Clarkson. 1878. Clarkson. Memoirs of Mathew Clarkson, of Phila¬ delphia, 1735—1809. By his great-grandson, John Hall, and his brother Gerardus Clarkson, 1737—1790. By his great-grandson Samuel Clarkson. 8vo, pp. 259. 1890. Clay Genealogy. By Trabue. 1883. Clay. See Holstein. Claypoole. Genealogy of the Claypoole Family of Philadelphia, 1588—1893. By Rebecca Irwin Graff. 8vo, pp. 196. Philadelphia, 1893. Clerke. See Salisbury. Cleveland. A Genealogy of Benjamin Cleveland, a great-grandson of Moses Cleveland, of Woburn, Mass., and a native of Canterbury, Windham County, Conn., with an Appendix. Compiled by Horace Gillette Cleveland. 8vo, pp. 260. Chicago, 1879. Cleveland. A Genealogical Register of the Descend¬ ants of Moses Cleveland, of Woburn, Mass. An emigrant in 1635 from England, with a sketch of the Clevelands of Virginia and the Carolinas. By James Butler Cleveland, of Oneonta, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 48. Albany, N. Y., 1881. Cleveland. Stephen Grover Cleveland. A Sketch of his Life. To which is appended a short account of Thomas Andrews Hendricks. By Deshler Welsh. 12mo, pp. 222. New York, 1884. Contains a chapter on the Cleveland Family. By Edward J. Cleveland, of Elizabeth, N. J. Cleveland. Excerpts from Genealogical Records. Showing Lineage of Hon. (S.) Grover Cleveland. By Cleveland. 8vo. 1884. Cleveland. An account of the Lineage of General Moses Cleaveland. 8vo, pp. 14. Cleveland, Ohio, 1885. Cleveland. Genealogy. By E. J. C. 8vo. 1886. Cleveland. See Gifford, Winton, Wyman. Clifton. See Austin’s “Thirty-three Rhode Islanders.” Clinton. Biographical Sketches of the Clinton Family. By C. A. Clinton. 8vo, pp. 19. New York, 1859. Coates, Sir Andrew. From the College to the Castle. Family Reminiscences. Small 4to. Paisley. Printed for the family. Only fifty copies made. Pp. x, 103. Coates. Family Memorials and Recollections. By Mary Coates. Small 4to. Portraits. Printed for the family. Only eighty copies printed. Pp. xii, 171. Philadelphia, 1885. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 13 Coates. See Holstein. Cobreville Family. 8vo. Namur, 1859. Cocke Family. By Brock. 1886. Coe. Record of the Coe Family. 1596-1856. First edition. 8vo, pp. 14. Coe. Record of the Coe Family. 1596—1856. 8vo, pp. 16. Second edition. New York, 1859. Coe. Genealogy. By D. W. Patterson. 1878. Coffin. The Coffin Family. Its Armorial Bearings and Origin of the Name. By John Coffin Jones Brown. 8vo, pp. 8. Boston, 1881. Coffin. The Coffin Family. The Life of Tristram Coffyn, of Nantucket, Mass., Founder of the Family Line in America, together with Reminis¬ cences and Anecdotes of some of his numerous Descendants, and some Historical Information concerning the Ancient Families named Coffyn. By Allen Coffin. 8vo, pp. 64. Nantucket, 1881. Coffin Family. 1870. Coffin. See Wyman. Coghill Family. Reprint. 1879. Coggshall. The Coggshall Coat of Arms. Accom¬ panied by three photographs of Arms, 11 by 14 inches. Broadside. Coggswell Family. By Kelley. 1831. Coggswell. The Coggswells in America, 1635-1884. By E. O. Jameson. Pp. xxi 4- 683. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1884. Coggswell. See Otis. Coit. The Coit Family, or the Descendants of John Coit, who appears among the settlers of Salem, Mass., in 1638, at Gloucester in 1644, and at New England, Conn., in 1650. Compiled at the request of Samuel Coit, of Hartford, Conn. By Rev. F. W. Chapman, A.M. 8vo, pp. 341. Hartford, Conn , 1874. Colden. Genealogical Notes of the Colden Family in America. By Edwin R. Purple. Small 4to, pp. 24. Privately printed. New York, 1873. Cole. Early Genealogies of the Cole Family in America (including Coles and Cowles). By Frank F. Cole, Columbus, Ohio, 1887. 8vo, pp. xxxii + 308. Cole. See Salisbury. Cole Family. By D. Cole. 1876. Cole Family. By P. S. C. 1887. Coleman. The Coleman Family. Descendants of Thomas Coleman, in line of the oldest son. Six generations, 1598-1867, 269 years. 8vo, pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1867. A New England family. Thomas Coleman was of Wethersfield, Conn., 1636. Coleman. See Cooley. Collins Family. By Smith. 1865. Collins. A Lithographic Tabular Pedigree of De¬ scendants of Isaac Collins, son of Charles and Sarah Collins, of New Castle, Del. By John Collins, of Burlington, N. J., 1867. Collins. Genealogy of the Three Daughters of Samuel and Rosanna Collins, late of Waterford Township, in Gloucester County, and State of New Jersey (in the Paternal and Maternal line). Col¬ lected and arranged from Deeds, Wills, Memo¬ randa, etc. By John Clement, Haddonfield, New Jersey. 8vo, pp. 13. Philadelphia, 1871. Collins. Reminiscenses of Isaac and Rachel (Budd) Collins, with an Account of some of their De¬ scendants, together with a Genealogy of the Col¬ lins Family, and also a History of a Reunion held at Philadelphia, May 9, 1892. 8vo, pp. 164. Philadelphia, 1893. Collins Family. Report in relation to the claim of the heirs-at-law of Samuel Collins,of New Jersey,to any unsettled estate in England. By John Clem¬ ent. 8vo, pp. 54. Trenton [New Jersey], 1871. Colt. Genealogical Memoirs of the Families of Colt and Coutts. By the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., London [England], 1779. 8vo, pp. 59. Includes the New England branch of these families. Comberbach Family. Marshall. 1866. Conable Family. Conable. 1888. Conant. A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America. Thirteen gene¬ rations, 1520-1887. By Frederick Odell Conant. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. xvi + 640. Portland, Me., 1887. Condit. Genealogical Record of the Condit Family, Descendants of John Conditt a native of Great Britain, who settled in Newark, N. J., 1678-1885. Also an Appendix containing a brief record of Harrison, Williams, Pierson, Smith, Lindsley, Munn and Whitehead families. By J. H. Condit and Eben Condit. 8vo, pp. 410. Newark, N. J., 1885. Connor Family. Connabell. Genealogical Memoir of the Cunnabell, Conable, or Connable Family. John Cunnabell, of London, England, and Boston, Mass., and his Descendants, 1650-1886. By Edwards J. Con¬ nable, of Jackson, Mich., and John B. New¬ comb, of Elgin, Ill. 8vo, pp. 183 + x. Jackson, Mich., 1886. Connin. A Brief Study in Genealogy. Connin, Connv, Cony, Coney, Cony. By one of theFamily. For private distribution. 50 copies only. Royal, 8vo, pp. 39. Cambridge, 1885. Converse. Family Records of Deacons James W. Converse and Elisha S. Converse. Compiled by William G. Hill. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. iv 4- 241. Malden, Mass., 1887. Cook. Memorial of Francis Cook, and his immediate Descendants. By Henry Cook. 8vo. Boston, 1870. Cook. See Cooley, Hadley. Cook. (Moody, D-). Genealogical Address, giving a History of the Parishioners and Founders of the Federal Street Church [Newburyport], 1745- 1862, with Names of Descendants, now Parish¬ ioners. 8vo, pp. 35. Newburyport, 1862. Giving some valuable data concerning New England Families. Cooke. A Genealogy of the Family bearing the Name of Cooke or Cook. Principally in Massa¬ chusetts and Connecticut. By James Cook. 8vo, pp. 36. Lowell, Mass., 1882. 14 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Cooley (Eli F., W. S., Hannah L ). Genealogy of the Early Settlers of Trenton and Ewing, “ Old Hun¬ terdon’’ County, N. J. Svo. Trenton, 1S83. Containing very full Genealogies of the families of Anderson, Anthony, Beatty, Brearley, Burroughs, Cadwalader, Chambers, Clark, Coleman, Cook, Cooley, Dean. Dickinson, Ewing, Field, Fish, Forman, Green, Guild, Hart, Hendrickson, Hill, Houston, Howell, Hunt, Jones, Lanning, Lott, Mcllvaine, Moore, Muir- head. Phillips, Potts, Reading, Reed, Reeder, Roberts, Rose, Rozell, Scudder, Slack, Smith, Temple, Tindale, Titus, Tomlinson, Trent, Van Clere, Welling, White, Woodhull, Woodruff, Woolsey, Yard. Coolidge Family. By Hill. 1887. Cooper. Descendants of James Cooper, of Stratford- upon-Avon, the Ancestors of James Fenimore Cooper, the Novelist, 1661-1879. Broadside. Cooper. Descendants of Peter Cooper, of Rowley, Mass. By Albion K. Cooper, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Small 4to, pp. 11. Portland, Me, 1885. Cooper. Thomas Cooper, of Boston, and his De¬ scendants. By F. Tuckerman. 8vo, pp. 11. Boston, 1890. Cope. A Record of the Cope Family, as established in America by Oliver Cope, who came from Eng¬ land to Pennsylvania about the year 1682 ; with the residences, dates of births, deaths, and mar¬ riages of his descendants as far as ascertained. Bv Gilbert Cope. 8vo, pp. 251. Philadelphia, 1861. Cope. Memoirs of the Copes of Wiltshire. By J. C. Biddle Cope, M.A., Worcester College, Ox¬ ford ; with original etchings on copper by Arthur S. Cope. Printed for private circulation [Eng¬ land]. Pp. 104. 1881. The supposed ancestors of Oliver Cope, of Naaman’s Creek, Pa., 1682. Copeland. See Thayer. Copinger. History of the Copinger or Coppingers. By W. A. Coppinger. 8vo. Winchester, 1884. Corliss. A Genealogical Record of the Corliss Family of America, including partial Records of some of the Families connected by intermarriage, among which are those of Neff, Hutchins, Ladd, Eastman, Roby, Ayer, Kingsbury, Merrick, Haynes, Messer, George, Hastings, Bailey, Davis, Dustin, Pattee, Hinds. Also Notes on the Corlie Family. Compiled from Public and Private Records by Augustus W. Corliss, assisted by Mrs. Betsy Ayer and Mrs. Margaret Web¬ ster, of Haverhill, Mass. 8vo, pp. 337. Yar¬ mouth, Me., 1875. Corwin. The Corwin Genealogy in the United States. By Edward Tanjore Corwin, Mill¬ stone, N. J. 8vo, pp. 284. New York, 1872. Corwin. The Parentage of Mathias Corwin, of Southold, L. I., and his Relationship to George Corwin, of Salem, Mass. By Henry T. Waters. 8vo, pp. 19. Salem, 1881. Cowden. See Egle. Cowles Family Tree. Broadside. Washington D. C., 1893. Cowley. Preliminaries to a History of the Cowley Family, including the Cooley, Colley,Coley, Colley, Cawley, Cayley, Culley, Curley, Cowles and Wel- lesly Branches. 12mo, pp. 35. Lowell, Mass., 1881. Cox. In Memoriam. John Cox, 1795-1871. Henry Oxnard Preble, 1S47-1871. 8vo, pp. 24. These families of Portland, Me. Cradin. See Egle. Cradock Family. Reprint. Cragin. The Genealogy of the Cragin Family, being the descendants of John Cragin of Woburn, Mass., from 1652-1858. By Charles PI. Cragin, A.M., M.D. Svo, pp. 38. Washington, D. C., 1860. Craig. See Egle. Craighead. The Craighead Family : A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Rev. Thomas and Margaret Craighead, 1658-1876. By Rev. James Geddes Craighead, D.D. Philadelphia, Pa., 1876. Printed for the Descendants. 12mo, pp. 173. Crandall. Genealogy of a Branch of the Crandall Family. 8vo. Chattanooga, 1888. Cranes. Memorials of the Cranes of Chilton, with a pedigree of the Family and the Life of the Last Representative. By William S. Appleton. 8vo, pp. 89. Cambridge, 1868. Crawford. See Weitzel. Crehore. A Genealogy of the Crehore Family, Wellesley Hills. 1887. 8vo. Cresson. [Descendants of Solomon Cresson and Anna WatsoD.] By C. C. Cresson. 4to. Pri¬ vately printed. Germantown, 1888. Crosby. A Crosby Family: Josiah Crosby, Sarah Fitch (married August 23, 1750), and their De¬ scendants. By their Grandson, Nathan Crosby, of Lowell, Mass. 8vo, pp. 143. Lowell, Mass., 1877. Crowninshield. See Driver. Crowninshield Family. By Cooke, 1889. Culbertson. Genealogy of the Culbertson and Cul¬ berson Families who came to America before the year 1800, and several families that have come over since then ; containing biographical sketches of some of the more prominent members of the various families. By Lewis R. Culbertson, M.D. 1893. 8vo, pp. 316. Cunnabell. Sec Connabell. Curtin. See Egle. Curtis Genealogy. By I. Clark, 1869. Curwen. See Giles, Vinton. Cushing. The Genealogy of the Cushing Family. By Lemuel Cushing, M.A., B.C.L. Small 8vo, pp. 104 x xiii. Montreal, Canada, 1877. This genealogy of a New England family is given from the year 1500. Cushman. A Historical and Biographical Genealogy of the Cushmans. The Descendants of Robert Cushman, the Puritan. From the year 1617 to 1855. By Henry Wyles Cushman. 8vo, pp. 655. Boston, 1855. Cushman. The Proceedings at the Cushman Cele¬ bration at Plymouth, August 15, 1855, in Com¬ memoration of the Embarkation of the Plymouth Pilgrims from Southampton, England, together with an Account of the Services at the Grave of Elder Thomas Cushman, August 16, 1855. 8vo, pp. 76. Boston, 1855. Cushman. Proceedings at the Consecration of the Cushman Monument at Plymouth, September 16, 1858. 8vo, pp. 96. Boston, 1859. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 15 Cushman Family. Reprint. Cutler Family. 1865. Cutler. A Genealogical Record of Several Families bearing the Name of Cutler in the United States. By Rev. Abner Morse, A.M. 8vo, pp. 80. Boston, 1867. Cutler. A Cutler Memorial and Genealogical His¬ tory. By N. S. Cutler. 8vo, pp. 665. Green¬ field, Mass., 1889. Cutter. A Genealogical Record of Several Families bearing the Name of Cutter in the United States. By Rev. Abner Morse, A.M. 8vo, pp. 80. Boston, 1867. Cutter. A History of the Cutter Family of New England. The compilation of the late Dr. Ben¬ jamin Cutter of Woburn, Mass. Revised and enlarged. By William Richard Cutter. 8vo, pp. 363. Boston, 1871. Cutter. History of the Cutter Family of New Eng¬ land. Supplement (to Edition of 1871). 1871— 1875. 8vo, pp. 367-432. Boston, 1875. Cutts. Genealogy of the Cutts Family in America. Compiled by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard. 8vo, pp. 658. Albany, N. Y., 1892. Dabney Genealogy. 8vo. 1888. Daland Genealogy. By Cooke. 8vo. 1889. Dalrymple. The Name of Dalrymple, with the Genealogy of one Branch of the Family in the United States. By W. H. Dalrymple. 8vo, pp. 68. Haverhill, Mass., 1879. Damon. Damon Memorial; or, Notices of Three Damon Families who came from Old England to New England in the Seventeenth Century. By Samuel Chenery Damon. 8vo, pp. 148. Hono¬ lulu, H. I., 1882. Dana. Memoranda of Some of the Descendants of Richard Dana. By Rev. John Jay Dana. 8vo, pp. 64. Boston, 1865. Richard Dana, the ancestor of the family in America, was of Cambridge, Mass., in 1640. Dane. A Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Course of my Life. To which is added a Pedigree of the Dane Family, and a few notes. By John Dane, of Ipswich. 8vo, pp. 16. Boston, 1854. John Dane was born at Berkhamstead, Herts, Eng¬ land, 1638. Danforth Genealogy. By Curtis. 8vo. 1881, 1886. Daniel. See Hayden. Daniell Genealogy. By Daniell. 8vo. 1874. Darling (Charles W.). Memorials to my Honored Kindred. Royal 8vo, pp. 112. Utica, N. Y., 1888. Darlington. See Jackson. Darlington. Sesqui-Centennial Gathering of the Clan Darlington, at the residence of Brinton Dar¬ lington, in East Bradford, Chester County, Pa., on 20th August, 1853. Printed by request of the Tribe. Philadelphia [1853]. Pp. 52. Being the descendants of Abraham Darlington, 1711. Dart. The Dart Genealogy. By W. C. Sharpe 12mo, pp. 16. Seymour, Conn., 1888. Davenport. A History and Genealogy of the Daven¬ port Family, in England and America, from A.D. 1086 to 1850. Compiled and prepared from Ome- rod’s History of Chester [Cheshire]. Collections from Harl. MSS., etc. By A. Benedict Daven¬ port. 12mo, pp. 398. New York, 1851. Davenport. A Supplement to the History and Ge¬ nealogy of the Davenport Family in England and America. By Amzi Benedict Davenport. Pub¬ lished in 1851, and continued to 1876. Printed for the family. 12mo, pp. 432. Stamford, Conn., 1876. Daves. A Sketch of the Military Career of Captain John Daves, of North Carolina, Continental Line of the Army of the Revolution, together with Some Facts of Local and Family History. By Major Graham Daves, C. S. A. 8vo, pp. 16. Baltimore, 1892. Davis. The Davis Family Records. Edited by Charles H. S. Davis, M.D. A monthly jour¬ nal, devoted to the History and Genealogy of the Davis Family. 8vo, pp. 8. Vol. I, 1867. Meri¬ den, Conn. Davis. Samuel Davis, of Oxford, Mass., and Joseph Davis, of Dudley, Mass., and their Descendants. By George L. Davis. 8vo, pp. 610. North Andover, Mass., 1884. Davis Family Record. By C. H. S. Davis, M. D. 8vo. Meriden, Conn., 1867. Davis. Dolor Davis. 4to, pp. 2. Boston, 1889. Dawes. William Dawes, and his Ride with Paul Revere. An Essay. Genealogy of the Dawes Family. By Henry W. Holland. Edition 150 copies. Privately printed. French calf, 4to, pp. 158. Boston, 1878. Dawson. A Record of the Descendants of Robert Dawson, of East Haven, Conn. Including Barnes, Bates, Beecher, Bissell, Calaway, Carpenter, Cary, Colman, Doolittle, Doud, Douglass, Dresser, Evans, Fox, Fuller, Grannis, Johnson, Meloy, Morse, Parsons, Perkins, Richmond, Rogers, Sig¬ ourney, Sill, Smith, Stone, Tuttle, Van Buren, Walker, Werdon, Whittlesey, Woodruff, etc. By Charles C. Dawson. 8vo, pp. 115. Albany. 1874. Notice of Cary. Day. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of the Male Line of Robert Day, of Hartford, Conn., who died in the year 1648. By George E. Day, of New Haven. First edition, New Haven, 1840. Second edition, Northampton, 1848. 8vo, pp. 129. Day. Genealogical Memoir of Descendants of Robert Day, of Hartford, Conn., who died in the year 1648. 8vo, pp. 44. New Haven, 1840. Dean Genealogy. By G. Dean. 8vo. 1883. Dean Genealogy. By J. W. Dean. 8vo. 1883. Dean, of New Jersey. See Cooley, of New England. See Dodd. Deane. Brief Memoirs of John and Walter Deane, Two of the first Settlers of Taunton, Mass., and of the Early Generations of their Descendants. Preceded by some remarks on the origin of the name. With incidental notices of other Deanes in England and America. By William Reed Dean. 8vo, pp. 16. Boston, 1849. Dean. A Genealogy of the Descendants of James Dean, one of the first Settlers of Oakham, Mass. By Gardner Milton Dean. Super Royal 8vo, pp. 19. Boston, 1889. 16 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Deane. Biographical Sketch of John G. Dean and Brief Mention of his Connection with the North¬ eastern Boundary of Maine; also Memoranda about Members of the Family. By Llewellyn Deane. 8yo, pp. 70. Washington, D. C., 1887. Deane. Descendants of Thomas Deane, of Massa¬ chusetts and New Hampshire. By J. W. Dean. Syo, pp. 12. Boston, 1S83. Dearborn Genealogy. By Dearbobn. 8vo. 1848. De Haven. See Holstein. Delamater. Genealogy of Descendants of Claud Le Maitre (Delamater) who came from France, via Holland, and settled at New Netherlands, New York, in 1652. 8vo, pp. 229. Albany, 1882. De Libertat Genealogy. By Liberty. 1888. De Nansbeck. See Todd. Denison Memorial. 8vo, pp. 52. Ipswich, Mass., 1883. Denison. A Record of the Descendants of Captain George Denison, of Stonington, Conn. With Notices of his Father and Brothers, and some Account of other Denisons who settled in America in the Colony Times. Prepared by John Deni¬ son Baldwin and William Clift. 8vo, pp. 423. Worcester, 1881. Also notice of Baldwin. Denny. Genealogy of the Denny Family in Eng¬ land and America, Descendants of John Denney of Combs, Suffolk, England, in 1439. By C. C. Denny. 8vo, pp. 267. Leicester, Mass., 1886. De Peyster. Local Memorials relating to the De Peyster and Watts and affiliated Families, con¬ nected with Red Hook Township, Duchess Co., New York. 8vo, pp. 80. New York, 1881. Derby Genealogy. By Cooke. 8vo. 1887. Descartes Family. By Robartz. 1887. De Veaux. Genealogy of the De Veaux Family, Introducing the Numerous Forms of Spelling the Names by Various Branches and Generations in the past Eleven Hundred Years. By Thos. F. De Voe. 8vo, pp. 302. New York, 1885. De Wastineys Genealogy. Dexter. The Dexter Genealogy; being a Record of the Families descended from Rev. Gregory Dexter; with Notes and Biographical Sketches of Each Parent. By S. C. Neuman, A. M. 12mo, pp. 108. Providence, 1859. Dibble. SeeWestmore. Dickinson Genealogy. 8vo. 1865. Dickinson. Reunion of the Dickinson Family at Amherst, Mass., 1883. pp. 206. Binghampton, 1884. Dickinson, of New Jersey. See Cooley. Dickinson, of Montreal. See Lyman. Dike Family. By Noyes. 1861. 1869. Diller Family. By J. L. Ringwalt. Small 4to, pp. 56. Philadelphia 1877. Dimond. The Genealogy of the Dimond or Dimon Family, of Fairfield, Conn. Together with Records of the Dimon or Dymont Family of East Hamp¬ ton, Long Island, and the Dimond Family of New Hampshire. By Edwin R. Dimond, San Fran¬ cisco, Cal. 8vo, pp. 179. Albany, N. Y., 1891. Dinkle. See Mayer. Dinsmore. A Golden Wedding, and the Dinsmore Genealogy from about 1620 to 1865. 8vo, pp. 24. Augusta, 1867. Dinsmore. History of the Dinsmore Family. By Hon. Leonard Allison Morrison. Small 8vo, pp. 48. Lowell, Mass., 1891. Diodate. Mr. William Diodate (of New Haven, 1717-1751) and his Italian Ancestry. By E. E. Salisbury. Pp. 40. [New Haven, 1876]. Diodate. See Salisbury. Dod. A Family Record of Daniel Dod, who settled with the Colony of Branford, 1644, where he died in 1665; and also of his descendants in New Jer¬ sey. Compiled by Stephen Dodd, of East Hanover, 1839. 12mo, pp. 24. Dodd. Ancestry and Descendants of Lewis Dodd and Elizabeth (Baldwin) Dodd. By C. C. Baldwin, Cleveland, Ohio, 1887. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 11. Dodge. See Sand. Dodge Family Reunion, May 10, 1879. By Robert Dodge, of New York City. 8vo, pp. 53. New York, 1879. Dodge Memorial. Historical Address. By Robert Dodge. 8vo, pp. 30. New York, 1879. Dodge. Genealogical History of a Branch of the Dodge Family. Compiled by Thomas H. Dodge, 1880. Worcester. 4to, pp. 20. Dodge. Tristram Dodge and his Descendants in America, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts of Block Island and Con Neck, L. I., their original settlements. By Robert Dodge. 12mo, pp. 233. New York, 1886. Doggett. A History of the Doggett-Daggett Family. By Samuel Bradlee Doggett. 8vo, pp. 686. Boston, 1894. Doland. See Driver. Dolbeare. A Few Facts relating to the Origin and History of John Dolbear, of Boston, and some of his Descendants Small 4to, pp. 32. [1893,] Dond. See Dawson. Doolittle. Abraham Doolittle and some of his De* scendants. By O. P. Allen, Palmer, Mass. 8vo, pp. 38. Newport, R. I.: R. H. Tilley, 1893. He was one of the original settlers of New Haven. Doolittle. See Dawson. Doude. The Descendants of Henry Doude, who came from England in 1639. Compiled by Rev. W. W. Dowd, A.M. Hartford, 1885. 8vo, pp. 355. Douglass. By C. H. I. Douglass. 8vo, pp. 663. Providence, 1879. Douglas. A Collection of Family Records, with Bio¬ graphical Sketches and other Memoranda of vari¬ ous Families and Individuals bearing the Name of Douglas, or allied Families of that Name. By Charles Henry James Douglas. 8vo, pp. 563. Providence, 1879. Douglass. See Dawson. Douglass. The Douglass Genealogy. By I. L. Douglass. 8vo. Bath, Me. Douthett Genealogy. 1889. Dow. See tranahan. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 17 Dows. The Dows or Dowse Family in America, in¬ cluding the Genealogy of the Masterman Family, two branches of the Newman Family, and a branch of the Morse Family. By A. M. Dows. 8vo. Lowell, 1890. Drake. See Salisbury. Drake. Genealogical and Biographical Account of the Family of Drake in America, with some notices of the Antiquities connected with the Early Times of Persons of the Name in England. By Samuel Gordon Drake. 12mo, pp. 51. Boston, 1845. Drake Family Pedigree. By S. G. Drake. Broadside. Boston, 1867. Draper Genealogy. 1871. 8vo. Draper. The Drapers in America. By S. W. M. Draper. 8vo. New York, 1892. Driver. The Driver Family. A genealogical mem¬ oir of the descendants of Robert and Phoebe Driver, of Lynn, Mass, 1592-1887. By H. R. Cooke. 8vo, pp. xxv + 531. New York, 1889. Contains in an Appendix the Families of Archer, Babridge, Bec.kford, Bissell, Bray, Cash, Crowninshield Doland, Derby, Hunt, Henrick, Ives, Kimball, Lins- comb, Metcalf, Moses, Neal, Palmer, Patterson, Saun¬ ders, Silsbee, Wells, Wellman. Drowne. Genealogy of the Family of Solomon Drowne, M.D., of Rhode Island, with Notices of his Ancestors, 1646-1879. By Henry T. Drowne. Providence, 1879. 8vo, pp. 16. Drury. The Line of Descent from Hugh Drury of Boston, 1640, to Edwin Drury of Wilmette, in 1880. Broadside. Drury Genealogy. By Turner. 1852. Du Bois. Record of the Family of Louis Du Bois, who emigrated from France to America in 1660. By Robert P. DuBois and Wm. E. DuBois. 8vo, pp. 76. Edition of 150 copies only. Phila¬ delphia, 1860. Dubois. See Patterson. Du Chastel. By Goethals. 1859. Dudley. The Dudley Genealogies and Family Records. By Dean Dudley. 8vo, pp. 144. Boston, 1848. Dudley. The Sutton-Dudleys of England, and the Dudleys of Massachusetts in New England. By George Adlard. 8vo, pp. 160. New York. Dudley. History of the Dudley Family, in Numbers* Number VIII, issued 1893. By Dean Dudley, Wakefield, Mass. 8vo. In these volumes may be found mention of the fami¬ lies of Allen, Abbot, Avery, Appleton, Bartlett, Bean, Berwick, Bixby, Blaisdell, Blake, Blanchard, Blunts, Bailey, Backus, Breed, Brookes, Bradstreet, Bradley. Dudley. Memorial of the Reunion of the Descend¬ ants of Governor Thomas Dudley. By Dean Dudley. 8vo, pp. 52. Wakefield, Mass., 1892. Duka of Virginia. See Page. Dumaresq. A Sketch of the Family of Dumaresq, to which is added, Reminiscences of James Du¬ maresq, and an Appendix of documents. By A. T. Perkins. Albany, 1893. 8vo, pp. 23. Dundore. A Genealogical Record of the Dundore Family in America. Compiled by Nathan Dundore. 8vo, pp, 58. Philadelphia, 1881. 2 Dunnell. The True Genealogy of the Dunnell and Dwinnell Family in New England. By Henry Gale Dunnell, M.D. Royal 8vo, pp. 84. New York, 1862. Dunster. Henry Dunster and his Descendants. By Samuel Dunster, Attleborough, Mass. 12mo, pp. 333. Central Falls, R. I., 1876. Notice of Bailey. Dunster Genealogy. By Chaplin. 1872. Durfee. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Dupuy. Brock. 1886. Dutton. Genealogy of the Dutton Family, of Penn¬ sylvania. Cope. 8vo. 1871. Dwight. The History of the Descendants of John Dwight, of Dedham, Mass. By Benjamin W. Dwight, 1874. 8vo, pp. xxxix -f- 1144. 2 vols. Containing the pedigrees of numerous New England families noted in this list, viz.: Ashley, Baker, Bach- eller, Breed. Dwinell. See Dunnell. Dyer. Some Records of the Dyer Family. By Cornelia C. Joy-Dyer. 12mo, pp. 130. New York, 1884. Dyer. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Earle. Ralph Earle and his Descendants. By Pliny Earle, M.D., of Leicester, Mass. Broadside. 1860. Earle. The Earle Family. Ralph Earle and his Descendants. Compiled by Pliny Earle, of Northampton, Mass. Printed for the Family. 8vo, pp. 492. Worcester, Mass., 1888. Eaton. Report of the Sixth Annual Reunion of the Eaton Family Association, held at Boston, August 19, 1890. 8vo, pp. 35. New Haven, 1891. Eaton. Sketch of the Nova Scotia Eatons. By Rev. Arthur Wentworth Eaton. Royal 8vo, pp. 128. Halifax, N. S., 1885. Eaton. The Dedham Eatons, from 1635 to the Fifth Generation. By D. C. Eaton. Royal 8vo, pp. 8. New Haven, Conn., 1884. Eddy. Genealogy of the Eddy Family. By Charles Eddy, M.D. 12mo, pp. 180. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1881. Eddy. Memoir of Col. Jonathan Eddy, of Edding¬ ton, Me. By Jos. W. Porter. 8vo, pp. 72. Augusta, 1877. Eddy Family Reunion. 1881. 8vo, pp. 265. Edgerly. The Edgerly Family. By James A. Edgerly. 8vo, pp. 8. Boston, 1880. Edgerly. See Kelley. Edwards. The Memorial Volume of the Edwards Family Meeting at Stockbridge, Mass., Septem¬ ber 6-7,1870. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Edwards. See Wetmore. Egle. (Wm. H., M.D.) Pennsylvania Genealogies, Scotch, Irish and German. Sq. 8vo, pp. viii -|- 720. Edition of 250 copies only. Harrisburg, 1886. Containing exceedingly full and accurate Genealo¬ gies of the families of Ainsworth, Andrews, Allen, An¬ derson, Awl, Ayres, Burnett, Beatty, Boyd, Crain, 18 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Crowden, Dixon, Elden, Espy, Ferguson, Fleming, Foster, Galbraith, Gregg, Kendig, Kunkel, Muller, Lobingrer, Orth, Wiestling, Byers, Curtin, Hamilton, Hays, Linn, Lyon, MacCov, McCormick, McNair, Murray, Nevill, Craig, Parker, Denny, Roan, Robin¬ son, Rutherford, Stewart, Swann, Wallace, Wiggins, Wilson, Wyeth, Aldricks, Boas, Bomberger, Bucher, Egle, Greenwalt, Keller, and others. Elbridge Genealogy. Containing Aldworth. 8vo. Eldredge. See Hughes. Eliot. Sketch of the Eliot Family. By Walter Graeme Eliot. Pp. 157. New York, 1887. Eliot. Genealogy of the Eliot Family. Originally compiled by Wm. H. Elliot, Jr. Revised and enlarged by Wm. S. Porter. 8vo, pp. 184. New Haven, Ct., 1854. Ellery. See Austin’s “Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.’’ Ellery. Pedigree of Ellery in the United States of America. By Harrison Ellery. Broadside. Boston, 1SS1. Ellicot. See Fox. Elliott. Genesis of the New England Branch of the Family. 1650 to 1850. 4to, pp. 3. Elliott. Captain John Elliott, of Boston, Mass., 1722. By I. J. Greenwood. 8vo, pp. 4. Ellis. Biographical Sketch of Richard Ellis, the first Settler of Ashfield, Mass., and his Descend¬ ants. By E. R. Ellis, M.D. 8vo, pp. 483. De¬ troit, Mich., 1888. Ellis. Notice of the Ellises of England, Scotland and Ireland, from the Conquest to the present time, in¬ cluding the families of Alis, Fitz-Elys, Helles. By William Smith Ellis, Esq. 4 parts, 8vo, pp. 306. 1857,1866. Supplement, 1868, pp. 1-32. 2d do., 1872, 33-96. Ellis. Early New England People. Some account of the Ellis, Pembertons, Willard, Prescott, Titcomb, Sewall, Longfellow and allied Families. 8vo. pp. 288. Boston, 1882. By S. E. Titcomb. Ely. Records of the Descendants of Nathaniel Ely, the Emigrant, who settled first in Newtown, now Cambridge, Mass., was one of the first Settlers of Hartford, also of Norwalk, Conn., and a Resident of Springfield, Mass., from 1659 until his death in 1675. By Herman Ely. 4to, pp. 315. Cleve¬ land, Ohio, 1885. Ely. History of the Ely Reunion, held at Lyme, Conn., July 10, 1878. 8vo, pp. 158. Emery. Genealogy of the Emery Family. Four Generations. By Rufus Emery. 8vo, pp. 22. Salem, Mass. Emmerton. Materials toward a Genealogy of the Emmerton Family. Compiled by James A. Em¬ merton, M.D. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 244. 1881. Ernst. See Meyer. Estabrook Family. Including the Esterbrooks and Easterbrooks of the United States. By William B. Estabrook. 12mo, pp. 359. Ithaca, N. Y., 1891. Eustia. Genealogy of the Eustis Family. By Henry L. Eustis, A.M. 8vo, pp. 27. Boston, 1878. Evans. See Cooley, Dawson, Fox, Haines, Jackson. Everhart. A History of the Everhart Families, from 1744 to 1883. Embracing six Generations. Contains also an account of the Weaver Family, of Frederick County, Md. By O. T. Everhart, A.M., M.D. Pp. 142. Hanover, York County, Pa. 1883. Ewell. See Hayden. Ewing. See Cooley. Ewing. Record of the Family of Thomas Ewing, who emigrated from Ireland to America in 1718. Edition of 150 copies. 8vo, pp. 38. 1858. Fabens. Some of the Descendants of Jonathan Fa- bens of Marblehead. By George A. Perkins, M.D. 8vo, pp. 26. Salem, 1881. Fairfax. The Fairfaxes of England and America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. By E. D. Neill. 8vo, pp. 234. Albany, 1868. Farlee. See Fisher. Farley. See Fisher. Farmar. A Genealogical Memoir of the Family by the Name of Farmer, who settled at Billerica, Mass., 1828. 12mo, pp. 20. Farmer. A Family Register of the Descendants of Edward Farmer. Pp. 9. Concord, 1813. Farnham. Genealogy of the Farnham Family. By Rev. J. M. W. Farnham, D.D. 12mo, pp. 50. New York, second edition, 1889. Farnsworth. Matthias Farnsworth and his Descend¬ ants in America. A Monograph. By Claudius Buchanan Farnsworth. Super royal 8vo, pp. 122. Pawtucket, R. I., 1891. Farrah. A Discourse, occasioned by the Centennial Anniversary of Hon. Timothy Farrah, LL.D. Delivered at Hollis, N. H., July 11, 1847. By Timothy Farrah Clary. The Farrah Geneal¬ ogy. 8vo. Andover, 1847. Pp. 45. Farrington Memorial. 8vo, pp. 24. 1880. A New England Family. Faxon. Genealogical Register of the Descendants of Richard Faxon. By Wm. Faxon. 18mo, pp. 24. Hartford, 1842. Faxon. The History of the Faxon Family, contain¬ ing a Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Faxon, of Braintree, Mass., with a Genealogy of Branches of many allied Families. By Geo. L. Faxon. 12mo, pp. 377. Springfield, Mass., 1880. The Faxons intermarried with the Ballou, Barbour, and other New England Families. Faxon. See Vinton. Fell. Genealogy of the Fell Family in America, de¬ scended from Joseph Fell, who settled in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1705, with some account of the Fell Family remaining in England. Com¬ piled by Sarah M. Fell. 8vo. Philada., Pa. 1891. Pp. 515. Felton. A Brief Account of the Descendants of Nathaniel and Mary Felton of Salem, Mass. By Cyrus Felton. 8vo, pp. 19. Boston, 1877-8. Edition of 55 copies only. Ferguson, of Pennsylvania. See Egle. Fermer. Genealogy of the Fermer Family. By Rev. Jas. P. Root. 8vo, pp. 19. Providence, 1886. Fermer. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Islanders.” AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 19 Fettermon. See Fisher. Field. The Field Family. By O. Field. 8vo. Field. See Cooley. Fields. Genealogy of the Fields of Providence, R. I. By Mbs. Habeiet A. Bbownell. 8vo, pp. 65. Providence, 1878. Privately printed for descendants. Fillow, Philo and Philleo Genealogy. A Record of the Descendants of John Fillow, a-Huguenot refugee from France. Compiled by D. H. Van Hooseab. 8vo, pp. 274. Albany, 1888. Fish. See Cooley. Fisher. The Fisher Family. By W. L. Fishee, of Wakefield, 1839. 8vo, pp. 24. The Fishers of Lewes, Del , and Philadelphia, Pa., descendants of John Fisher, who removed from Clith- ero, Lancashire, in 1682. Fisher. Genealogy of Joseph Fisher and his Descend¬ ants, and the Allied Families of Farley, Farlee, Fetterman, Pitner, Reeder, and Shipman. By C. W. Fisheb. 8vo, pp. 243. Troy, N. Y., 1890. Fiske. The Fiske Family. A History of the Fam¬ ily (Ancestral and Descendant) of William Fiske, Senior, of Amherst, N. H. By Albebt A. Fiske. Second edition. 12mo, pp. 209. Chicago, Ill., 1867. Fiske. Genealogy of the Fiske Family. Sixteen Generations, 1399-1867. By Alfbed Pooee. 8vo, pp. 20. Salem, Mass. [1867]. Fiske. Thaddeus Fiske. A Sermon, to which is ap¬ pended the Family Record, with an Extract from his Diary. 8vo, pp. 40. Boston, 1843. Fitch. See Stranahan. Fitts. Genealogy of the Fitts or Fitz Family in America. By James Hill Fitts. 8vo, pp. 91. Clinton, 1869. Fleming, of Pennsylvania. See Egle. Fletcher Genealogy. An Account of the Descend¬ ants of Robert Fletcher, of Concord, Mass. By Edwabd H. Fletcheb, of New York City. 8vo, pp. 279. New York, 1871. Fletcher. Genealogical and Historical Sketch of the Fletcher Family, Descendants of Robert Fletcher. 8vo, pp. 10. Lowell, Mass., 1878. Flewelling. See Wetmore. Flint. Genealogical Register of the Descendants of Thomas Flint, of Salem. Compiled by John Flint and John H. Stone. 8vo, pp. 150. An¬ dover, 1860. Folsom. Descendants of the First John Folsom, through Deacon John, Lieut. Peter, and Ephraim Folsom. [Reprint from New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg.]. 8vo, pp. 29. Boston, 1876. Folsom. A Genealogy of the Folsom Family—John Folsom and his Descendants, 1615-1882. By Jacob Chapman, A.M. 8vo, pp. 297. Concord, N. H., 1882. Foote. The Foote Family: Or the Descendants of Nathaniel Foote, one of the First Settlers of Wethersfield, Ct., with Genealogical Notes of Pasco Foote, who settled in Salem, Mass., and John Foote and others of the name who settled more recently in New York. By Nathan Good¬ win. 8vo, pp. 360. Hartford, 1849. Forbes and Forbush Genealogy. The Descend¬ ants of Daniel Forbush, who came from Scotland about the year 1665, and settled in Marlborough, Mass., in 1675. By Fbedebick Clifton Pieece, of Chicago, Ill. 8vo, pp. 199. 1892. Forster. The Forster Family. One line of the Descendants of William Forster, son of Reginald Forster, of Ipswich, Mass. By Pebly Debby, of Salem, Mass. 8vo, pp. 35. Boston, 1872. Forsyth. A Genealogical Record. Forsyth of Ny- die. By Foesyth De Fbonsac. 8vo, pp.29. New Market, Virginia (U. S. A.). 1888. Matthew For¬ syth, a native of Ireland, settled at Chester, N. H., in 1742. (By F. G. Forsyth.) Foster. The Grandchildren of Col. Joseph Foster of Ipswich and Gloucester Co., Mass., 1730-1804. By Joseph Fosteb. 8vo, pp. 32. Philadelphia, 1885. Foster. The Grandchildren of Col. Joseph Foster of Ipswich and Gloucester. 1730-1804. By Jas. Fosteb. 8vo, pp. 32. Philadelphia, 1885. Foster, of Pennsylvania. See Egle. Foster. See Todd. Fowler. A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Ambrose Fowler of Windsor, andCapt. William FowlerofNew Haven, Conn. 8vo. [Reprintfrom New England Hist, and Gen. Reg.] Boston, 1857. Fowler. The Fowler Family. Descendants of Philip and Mary Fowler of Ipswich, Mass. By a De¬ scendant [M. A. Stickney]. 8vo, pp. xxii + 247. Salem, Mass., 1883. Fowler. William Fowler, the Magistrate, and one line of his Descendants. By Wm. C. Fowlee. 8vo, pp. 12. Fowler. A Genealogical Memoir of the Descend¬ ants of Capt. William Fowler, of New Haven, Conn. Large 12mo, pp. 42. Milwaukee, 1870. Fox. Biographical and Historical Accounts of the Fox, Ellicott and Evans Families. By C. W. Evans. 8vo, pp. 273. Buffalo, 1882. Fox. See Dawson. Franceis. See French. Francus. See French. Franklin. Historical Sketches of Roswell Franklin and Family. Drawn up at the Request of Stephen Franklin. By Robebt Hubbaed. 32mo, pp. 103. Danville, N. Y., 1839. Franklin. The Franklin Ancestry and Descendants in the Col. Lewis Bache (1779) Line to 1889. In¬ terspersed with Historico-Genealogical Events. An Appendix added. 8vo, pp. 8. 1889. Freeman Genealogy. In three parts. Private Edi¬ tion. 8vo, pp. 456. Boston, 1875. French. Lieut. William French, and his Descend¬ ants. By John M. Fbench, M.D. Reprint from New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. 8vo, pp. 8. Milford, Mass. French. John French, of Braintree, Mass. By A. D. Weld Fbench. 8vo, pp. 15. Boston, 1885. French (A. D. Weld). Notes on the Surnames of Francus, Franceis, French, etc., in Scotland, with an Account of the Frenches of Thornvdykes. Three hundred copies privately printed. Pp. 109. Boston, 1893. 20 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. French. See Vinton. Frost. Genealogy of the Frost Family. 8vo, pp. 27. Elliot, York County, Me. Fry. Memoir of Col. Joshua Fry, some time Profes¬ sor in William and Mary College, Virginia, and Washington’s Senior in Command of Virginia Forces, 1754, etc., with an autobiography of his son, Henry Fry, and a Census of their Descendants. Bv Rev. P. Slaughter, D.D. 8vo, pp. 112. 1SS0. Fuller. Records of some of the Descendants of John Fuller, Newton, 1644-98. By Samuel C. Clarke. 8vo, pp. 16. Boston, 1S69. Families of Curtis, Clarke, Hill, given. Fuller. Chief Justice Fuller, a Descendant of one of the Early Settlers of Dedham. 8vo, pp. 8. 1888. Fuller. See Dawson. Furman. See Cooley. Gage Family, containing Avery. 8vo. Gale Family Records. By George Gale, LL.D. 12mo, pp. 254. Galeville, Wis., 1866. Families of Bogardus, Waldron and Young, of New York City. Gale. Genealogy of the Gale Family. By George Gale. 8vo, pp. 9. Gardiner —1599-1890. Lion Gardiner and Descend¬ ants. By Curtiss C. Gardiner. Royal 8vo, pages xxv + 170. St. Louis, 1890. Gardner. Descendants of Richard Gardner, of Wo¬ burn, of the Name of Gardner. Printed for private circulation. 8vo, pp. 14. Boston, 1858. Garfield. President Garfield’s New England An¬ cestry. By Geo. F. Hoar. 8vo, pp. 16. Worces¬ ter, Mass., 1882. Garfield. Concerning President Garfield’s Ancestry. Rev. E. G. Porter. 8vo, pp. 15. Cambridge. 1881. Gates. Genealogical Record. Post 4to, pp. 4. Gay. John Gay of Dedham, Mass., and Some of his Descendants- By F. L. Gay, of Boston. 8vo, pp. 15. Boston, 1889. Gedney and Clarke Families, of Salem, Mass. By H. Fitzgilbert Waters. 8vo, pp. 52. Salem, 1880. Gendall. Captain Walter Gendall, of North Yar¬ mouth, Me. By Dr. Chas. E. Banks. 8vo, pp. 27. Yarmouth, Me., 1880. Gerould. Genealogy of the Family of Gamaliel Gerould. By Henry Gerould, M.D. 8vo. Gerould. Supplement to the Genealogy of Gamaliel Gerould, Son of Dr. Jacques Jerauld. 8vo, pp. 15. Bristol, N. Y., 1890. Gerrish. Genealogical Record of the Gerrish Family. By John J. Gerrish. 18mo, pp. 13. Portland, 1880. Gibbs. Family Notes collected by William Gibbs, of Lexington. Pp. 8. 1845. Gibbs. Report, 1848. By C. Smith. Pp. 28. Gibbs. Memoir of the Gibbs Family of Warwick¬ shire, England, and United States of America. 8vo, pp. 52. Philadelphia, 1879. Gibbs. A Golden Legacy to the Gibbs Family in America. By Montgomery B. Gibbs. 8vo, pp. 77. Chicago, 1893. Gibson. A Chester County Family. John Gibson and his Descendants. By I. S. Futhey and G. Cope. 8vo, pp. 27. Philadelphia, 1881. Gibson Association, 1867. By C. Smith. Pp. 20. Gibson. See Jackson. Gifford Genealogy, also Cleveland. 8vo. Giles. See Vinton. Gilbert. A Genealogical Memoir of theGilbert Family of Both Old and New England. By J. Wingate Thornton. 8vo, pp. 23. 1850. Gilbert. Genealogy of the Gilbert Family of Penn¬ sylvania. John Gilbert. Byberry, 1682. 8vo, pp. 2. By G. Cope. [West Chester.] 1864. Gill. Notes Historiques sur L’origine de la Famille Gill de Saint Frangois du Lae et Saint Thomas de Pierreville, et Histoire de ma Propre Famille. Par Charles Gill. Sq. 16mo, pp. 96. Montreal, 1887. Gill. Notes Additionnelles a L’ Histoire de la Famille Gill. Par Charles Gill. Sq. 16mo, pp. 30 Montreal, 1889. These families of Gill are Descendants of Samuel Gill, an early New England settler, from whence the family removed to Canada. Gillet. Descendants of Jonathan Gillet of Dorchester, Mass., and Windsor, Conn. By the late Salmon Cone Gillette. Arranged and enlarged by Rev. Henry Clay Alvord. 8vo. Boston, 1893. A Reprint from New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Gillson. Genealogy of the Gillson and Jillson Family. Compiled by David Jillson, South Attleboro, Mass. 8vo, pp. 266. Central Falls, 1876. Gilman. Genealogy of the Gilman Family in Eng¬ land and America. By Arthur Gilman. 1864. 8vo, pp. 23. Albany. Gilman. The Gilman Family. By Arthur Gil¬ man. 4to, pp. xi -J- 324. Albany, 1869. Gilman. A Genealogical and Biographical Record of that Branch of the Family of Gilman de¬ scended from the Hon. Counsellor Gilman, of Exeter, N. H., with which is incorporated some account of his ancestors, and the English branch of the Gilman Family. By Arthur Gilman. Pp. 51. Albany, 1863. Gilmer, of Virginia. See Page. Gilpin. Memorials and Reminiscences in Private Life of the Gilpins in England and America. By Henry D. Gilpin. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. Gilpin. The Gilpin Family, from Richard de Guyl- pyn, in 1206, in a line to-the emigrant to America, with a Notice of the West Family. 8vo, pp. 12. 1870. Gilpin Family. 8vo, pp. 12. 1870. Glaasell. See Hayden. Glover. Glover Memorials and Genealogies. An Account of John Glover, of Dorchester, and his Descendants, with a brief sketch of the Glovers who first settled in New Jersey, Virginia, and other places. By Anna Glover. 8vo, pp. 601, Boston. 1867 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 21 Goddard. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Ed¬ ward Goddard. By Wm. Austin Goddard, 12mo, pp., 99. Worcester, 1833. Goode (G. Brown). Virginia Cousins. Ancestry and Posterity of John Goode, of Whitby. Crown 4to. pp. xxxvi + 526. Richmond, Va., 1887. Goodhue. [Biography of the first settlement of the Family of the Name of Goodhue, at Ipswich in 1636, and Genealogy to 1833.] Pp. 16. Goodrich. The Goodrich Family Memorial. Pub¬ lished in parts. Part III., issued in 1884. 8vo. Goodrich. The Goodrich Family in America. By L. W. Case, M.D. 8vo, pp. 417. Chicago, 1889. Goodrich. The Goodrich Family Memorial. By H. P. Goodrich. 8vo, pp. 29. Chicago, 1883. Goodrich. See Wetmore. Goodridge Memorial. Ancestry and Descendants of Moses Goodridge, 1764. By Sidney Perley. 8vo, pp. 8+78. Washington, 1884. Goodwin. The Goodwins of Hartford, Conn., De¬ scendants of William and Ozias Goodwin. Com¬ piled by James Junius Goodwin. 8vo, pp. 798. Hartford, Conn., 1891. Notice of Blakeman. Gosa. The Goss Family. An Historical Romance. Compiled by William H Boomer, and read at the Ninth Annual Reunion of the Goss Family, at the Poland Camp Grounds, Sept. 1, 1886. Pp. 22. Lewistown, Me., 1886. Gorges. Pedigree of Ferdinand Gorges. By F. F. Brown, F.S.A. 8vo, pp. 10. Boston, 1875. 100 copies only. Gould. The Ancestry and Posterity of Zacchius Gould, of Topsfield. By B. A. Gould. 8vo, pp. 109. Salem, 1872. Goulding. See Morse. Graf. Hans Graf Family Association. 12mo, pp. 10. Lancaster, Pa., 1866. Graff. History of the Graff Family, of Westmore¬ land County, Pa. By Paul Graff. 8vo, pp. 103. Philadelphia, 1891. Grannia. See Dawson. Grant. The Ancestry of General Grant and their con¬ temporaries. By Edward C. Marshall, A.M. 12mo, pp. xiii + 186. New York, 1869. Grant. American Ancestry of U. S. Grant. By Dr. H. E. Robinson. Privately printed, 1885. 18mo, pp. 17. [New York.] 50 copies only. Grant. The Grant Genealogy. Descendants of Mat¬ thew, of Windsor, Conn. [Reprinted from Stile’s Revised Hist, and Gen. of Windsor, Conn., 1893.] 8vo, pp. 42. Edit. 100 copies. [D. W. Patterson.] Gray Genealogy. Descendants of John Gray, of Beverly, Mass. By M. D. Raymond. 8vo, pp. 316. Tarrytown, N. Y., 1887. Green. An Account of Percival and Elinor Green. By Samuel Abbott Green. 8vo, pp. 67. Gro¬ ton, Mass., 1876. Green. Genealogical Sketches of the Descendants of Thomas Green[e], of Malden, Mass. By Sam¬ uel S. Greene. 8vo, pp. 80. Boston, 1858. Also Astor. Green. See Cooley, Todd, Vinton. Greene. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Greenleaf. A Genealogy of the Greenleaf Family. By Jonathan Greenleaf, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 116. 1854. Greeves. See Jackson. Griffing. Genealogy of the Descendants of Jasper Griffing. By Clara D. Stone. Royal 8vo, pp. 194. 1881. Griswold. The Griswold Family of Connecticut. Sm. 4to, pp. 37 + 22 + 26. [1884.] Grout. See Morse. Grubb. Genealogical Tables of the Grubb Family from 1752-1887. By Frank P. Griffith. 8vo, pp. 8. Lancaster, Penna., 1887. Grubb. The Grubb Family of Pennsylvania and Delaware. 8vo, pp. 12. [Philadelphia.] Guild. Ancestry of Calvin Guild, Margaret Taft, James Humphreys and Rebecca Coveil Martin, including over One Hundred Surnames, 1620- 1890. By Howard Redwood Guild. 8vo, pp. 42. Salem, 1891. Edition 200 copies, for pri¬ vate circulation. Guild. Genealogy of the Descendants of John Guild, Dedham, Mass. By Calvin Guild. Pp. 120. Providence, 1867. Guild. The Genealogy and History of the Guild, Guile and Gill Family. By Charles Burleigh. 8vo, pp. 381. Portland, Me., 1887. Guild. See Cooley. Gunnison. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Hugh Gunnison, of Boston, Mass., 1610-1876. By Geo. W. Gunnison, A.M. 18mo, pp. 222. Boston, 1880. Guthrie. See Sand. Hadley. Genealogies of the Hadley Families, em¬ bracing the early settlers of the towns of Hat¬ field, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby. 8vo, pp. 168. Northampton, 1862. Contains accounts of the families of Allis, Bernard, Bartlett, Baldwin, Belding, Billings, Boltwood, Chaun- cy, Church, Coleman, Cook, Cowles, Dickinson, East¬ man, Field, Foote, Frary, Gaylord, Goodman, Graves, Hastings, Hawkes, Hawley, Hinsdale, Hopkins, Hoyt, Hubbard, Ingram, Judd, Kellogg, Lewis, Lvman, Marsh, Matloon, Meekins, Montague, Moody, Nash, Parsons, Partridge, Pierce, Pomeroy, Porter, Preston, Pussell, Scott, Selden, Seymour, Smitt, Strong, Taylor, Vinton, Wait, Warner, Wells, White, Williams, Wood- bridge, Wright. Hadley. See Jackson. Haeffner. Family Records of the Descendants of Henry Haeffner, 1754-1886. By Geo. H. Hoff- ner (sic). 8vo, pp. 56. Kutztown, Pa., 1886. Haight. See Wetmore. Haines. (Mary Rhoads) Clover-Croft Chronicles, 1314-1893. 8vo, pp. 347. Philadelphia, 1893. Data concerning families of Haines, Rhoads, Owen, Evans, Humphreys. Haines, of Chester County, Pa. See Jackson. Haines. Ancestry of William Shipley Haines, with some account of the Descendants of John and Joseph Haines and Col. Cowperthwait. Bv Wil¬ liam Francis Cregar. 8vo, pp. 85. Philadel¬ phia, 1887. Contains the families of Hollinshead, Stratton, Cow¬ perthwait and Yard. 22 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Hakes. The Hakes Family. By Harry Hakes, M.D. 8vo, pp. 84. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1886. Second Edition, 1S89. Svo, pp. 220. Hale. Thomas Hale, the Glover of Newbury, Mass. [1635], and his Descendants. By R. S. Hale, 8vo, pp. 19. Boston, 1877. Hale. Thomas Hale, of Newbury, Mass., liis Eng¬ lish Origin and Connections. By Hon. R. S. Hale, LL.D., of Elizabethtown, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 8. Boston, 1881. Hale. Genealogy of Descendants of Thomas Hale of Watton, England, and Newbury, Mass. By the late Robert Safford Hale, LL.D. With addi¬ tions by other members of the Family. Edited by George R. Howell, M.A. Svo, pp. xii + 415. Albany, N. Y., 1889. Hall. Genealogical Notes Relating to Families of Hon. Lyman Hall, of Georgia, Hon. Samuel Holden Parsons Hall, of Binghampton, N. Y., and Hon. Nathan Kelsey Hall, of Buffalo, N. Y. By Theo. Parsons Hall, of Detroit, Mich. 8vo, pp. 191. Albany, N. Y., 1886. Hall. The Halls of New England, Genealogical and Biographical. By Rev. David B. Hall, of Duanesburg, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 4 + 730 + 55. Al¬ bany, 1883. Hall. The Genealogy of the Hall Family, or An¬ cestry and Descendants of Noah Hall. By I. D. Hall, Jr. 1882. 8vo, pp. 31. Danielsville, Conn. Halladay. See Hayden. Hallowell. Record of a Branch of the Hallowell Family, including Longstreth, Penrose, and Nor¬ wood Branches. By Wm. Penrose Hallowell. 8vo, pp. 246. Philadelphia, 1893. Hambleton. Genealogical Record of the Hambleton Family, Descendants of James Hambleton, of Bucks County, Pa., who died 1751. By Chalkley J. Hambleton. 8vo, pp. 105. Chicago, Ill., 1887. Hambleton. See Man. Hamlin Genealogy. Royal 8vo, pp. 4. 1885. Hancock. See Kelley. Handerson. A Contribution to the Genealogy of the Handerson Family. By H. E. Handerson. Svo, pp. 80. New York, 1885. Harbaugh. Annals of the Harbaugh Family in America, 1736-1856. By Rev. H. Harbaugh. 12mo, pp. 148. Chambersburg, Pa., 1856. Hardcastle. Fiftieth anniversary of a Marriage- day. Dedicated to the members and friends of the Hardcastle Family. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1855. For private circulation only. Harlakenden. Pedigree of Mabel Harlakenden. Tabular pedigree. By Rev. Henry Jones, of Bridgeport, Ct. [1863.] Harlan. See Jackson, of Chester County, Pa. Harris. The Harris Family. Thomas Harris, 1636. By W. S. Harris. 8vo, pp. 135. Nashua, N. H., 1883. Harris. See Wetmore. Harris. Robert Harris and his Descendants, with Notices of the Morey and Metcalf Families. By L. M. Harris, M.D. 8vo, pp. 56. Boston, 1861. Harris. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Isl¬ anders.” Hart Family, of Warminister, Bucks County, Pa. By W. W. H. Davis. Svo, pp. 20. 1867. Privately printed. Hart. See Cooley. Hart. History of the Hart Family of Warminister, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. To which is added the genealogy of the Family, from its first settlement in America. By W. W. H. Davis. 8vo, pp. 139 + 20. (Doylestown), 1867. Privately printed. Hart. Genealogical History of Deacon Stephen Hart and his Descendants, 1632-1875. By Alfred Andrews, New Britain, Conn. 8vo, pp. 606. Hartford, Ct., 1875. Hartwell. Handbook of the Hartwell Genealogy, 1635-1887. 8vo, pp. 195. [By L. W. Densmore, Boston.] Hartwell. Eighth Annual Reunion of the Hartwell Family Association, held at the Town Hall, Con¬ cord, Mass., Aug. 27, 1891. 8vo, pp. 19. Harwood. A Genealogical History of the Harwood Family, descended from James Harwood, who was of English origin and resided in Chelmsford, Mass. Bv W. H. Harwood. 8vo, pp. 33. Pots¬ dam, N. Y., 1879. Harwoods, of Vermont. See Robinson. Hassam. Notes and Queries Concerning the Hassam and Hilton Families. By John T. Hassam, A.M. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 12. Hastings. See Adams. Hastings. The Hastings Memorial. A genealogical account of the descendants of Thomas Hastings, of Watertown, Mass., from 1634 to 1864. 8vo,pp. 183. Boston, 1866. Contains Bennett. Hatch. Major Timothy Hatch of Hartford, Ct., and his Descendants. By Edward Hatch Fletcher. 12mo, pp. 36. New York, 1879. Haven. The Genealogy of the Descendants of Rich¬ ard Haven of Lynn, Mass. By Josiah Adams. 8vo, pp. 54. Boston, 1843. Haven. The Genealogy of the Descendants of Rich¬ ard Haven of Lynn, being a Republication of the first Edition, with additional pages, corrections of a few errors, etc. By Josiah Adams. 8vo, pp. 108. Boston, 1849. Hawkes. Gleanings in Relation to the Family of Adam Hawkes, one of the early settlers of the Third Plantation of Massachusetts Bay. By Na¬ than M. Hawkes. 8vo, pp. 20. Salem, 1889. Hawley. Historical Sketch of Major Joseph Hawley of Northampton, Mass., 1723-1788. (A Reprint from Hawley Record.) 8vo, pp. 48. Buffalo, N.Y., 1890. Hawley. The Hawley Record. By’ Elias S. Hawley. “ Et Suivez moy.” Folio, pp. xvi + 592. 300 copies. Buffalo, N. Y., 1890. Hayden. Sketches and Genealogy of the Haydens and Connections. By Jabez H. Hayden. 8vo, pp. 20. Hartford, Conn., 1885. Hayden. See Vinton. Hayden. Records of the Connecticut Line of the Hayden Family. By Jabez Haskell Haydel of Windsor Locks, Conn. Sm. 4to, pp. 329. 1888. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 23 Hayden (Rev. Horace Edwin, M.A.). Virginia Genealogies. A Genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland and Virginia, also the families of Ball, Brown, Bryan, Conway, Daniel, Ewell, Holladay, Lewis, Littlepage, Moncure, Peyton, Robinson, Scott, Taylor, Wallace. Large 8vo, pp. xviii+ 659. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1891. Hayes. George Hayes, of Windsor, and his De¬ scendants. By Rev. Chas. W. Hayes, M.A. 8vo, pp. 84. Buffalo, N. Y., 1883. Hayes. George Hayes, of Windsor, and his De¬ scendants. By Rev. Chas. W. Hayes, M.A. 8vo, pp. xxxiv -f- 320. Buffalo, N. Y., 1884. Hazard. Recollections of Olden Times: Rowland Robinson of Narragansett and his unfortunate Son ; with Genealogies of the Robinson Hazard, and Sweet Families of Rhode Island. By Thos. R. Hazard. Also, Genealogical Sketch of the Hazards of the Middle States. By Willis P Hazard of WestChester, Pa. 8vo, pp. 291. New¬ port, R. L, 1879. Hazard. See Austin’s ‘‘Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Hazen. The Hazen Family. By Henry Allen Hazen, A.M. 8vo, pp. 7. New Haven, Conn., 1879. Hazelton. Genealogical Sketches of Robert and John Hazelton, and Some of their Descendants, with Brief Notices of other New England Families Bearing this Name. Compiled by Dr. William B. Lapham. 8vo, pp. 368. Portland, Maine, 1892. Heacocb. The Ileacock Family. Jonathan and Ann Heacock, who emigrated to America from England, and settled in Chester County, Penna., in 1711, and their Descendants. 8vo, pp. 28. Lima, Pa., 1869. Heard. A History of theHeard Family of Wayland, Mass. By John H. Edwards. 8vo, pp. 61. Boston, 1880. Heatwolfe Family. By D. A. Heatwolfe, 16mo, pp. 24. Dale Enterprise, Va., 1882. Heinecke. Genealogy, from Adam to Christ, with the Genealogy of Adam Heinecke and Henry Vander-Saal, from 1747 to 1881. By Rev. Samuel Heinecke, Elder. 12mo, pp. 241. Lancaster, Pa., 1869. Second Edition 1881. Pp. 302. Hendrickson. See Cooley. Henrick. See Driver. Herrick Family Genealogy. By Jedediah Her¬ rick. 8vo, pp. 69. Bangor, 1846. Herrick Genealogy. By General Jedediah Her¬ rick. Revised by L. C. Herrick, M.D. Royal 8vo, pp. 516. Columbus, Ohio, 1885. Herrick. Some Early Notices of the Herrick Family. By Rev. W. G. Dimock Fletcher, M.A. 8v'o, pp. 19. Leicester, 1885. Hess. A Family Record of the Hess Family. By John H. Hess. Pp. 68. Lititz, Pa., 1880. Heston. Record of the Family of Zebulon Heston, and his wife Dorothy Heston, who settled in America about the year 1684. 12mo, pp. 57. Bridgeton, N. J., 1883. Heyden. The Hevdens in England and America, By Rev. Wm. B. Heyden, of Portland, Me. 8vo. pp. 46. London, 1877. Hildreth Family of Lowell, Mass. ByCapt. Philip Reade. 8vo, pp. 71. 1892. Hill Family Meeting, at Sunbury, Pa., 23d June, 1887. 8vo, pp. 18. Sunbury, Pa , 1887. The Hill family intermarried with the Barlows, of New England. Hill. John Hill, of Dover, in 1649, and some of his Descendants. By W. B. Lapham. 8vo, pp. 16. Augusta, Me-, 1888. Hill. See Cooley. Hillegas. Michael Hillegas and his Descendants. By Emma St. Clair Whitney. 8vo, pp. 118. Pottsville, Pa., 1891. Private edition of 100 copies only. Hilles. See Jackson. Hills. First Reunion of the Hills Family of Frank¬ lin, Mass. By Edwin W. Hills. 8vo, pp. 47. Taunton, 1891. Hinkle. See Levering. Hinsdale. Chronicles of the Hinsdale Family. By Albert Hinsdale. 12mo, pp. 31. Cleveland, Ohio, 1883. Hoadley Genealogy. A History of the Descend¬ ants of William Hoadley, of Branford, Conn. By Francis B. Trowbridge. 8vo, 288. New Haven, Conn, 1894. Hoagland. History and Genealogy of the Hoagland Family in America, from their first Settlement in New Amsterdam, 1638 to 1891. From Data fur¬ nished mainly by Daniel Hoagland Carpen¬ ter. Published by Dr. Cornelius N. Hoagland. 8vo, pp. 276. New York, 1891. Hobart. William Hobart, his Ancestors and De¬ scendants. By L. Smith Hobart, A.M. 12mo, pp. v 182. Springfield, Mass., 1886. Hobbs. See Wetmore. Hodges. Record of the Families in New England of the Name of Hodges. By Rufus Hodges. Sm. 8vo, pp. 22. Cincinnati, 1837. Hodges. Genealogical Record of the Hodges Family in New England. By Almon D. IIodges. 8vo, pp. 71. Boston, 1853. Holbrook. See Morse, Vinton. Holgate (Jerome B., A.M.) American Genealogy, 4to, pp. 244. Albany, 1848. Rapalje, Johnson, Van Rensselaer, Gardiner, Bcek- man, Bleecker, DeGroaf, Hoffman, Kip, DeLancey, Barclay, Roosevelt,Van Schaick, Livingston, Lawrence, Osgood, Jay. Holstein. Swedish Holsteins in America from 1644 to 1892. Comprising many letters and biographi¬ cal matter relating to John Hughes, the “ Stamp officer” and friend of Franklin, with papers not before published, relating to his brother of Revo¬ lutionary fame, Colonel Hughes, of New York. The families of DeHaven, Rittenhouse, Clay, Potts, Blakiston, Atlee, Coates, and other de¬ scendants of Matthias Holstein, of Wicaco, Phila¬ delphia, are included. Thirty-five family pictures and fac-similes of letters of Benjamin Franklin and Rev. Nicholas Collin, D.D., are given. By Anna M. Holstein, Upper Merion, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. 8vo, pp. 307, including indices. Norristown, Pa., 1892. 24 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Hollingsworth Genealogy [16S2--1SS4]. By Mrs. W. B. Hollingsworth. Pp. 144. Baltimore, Md., 1SS4. Hollingsworth Genealogical Memoranda. Pp.6. Philadelphia, 1869. Hollinshead. See Haines. Holt. A Genealogical History of the Holt Family of the United States, more particularly the Descend¬ ants of Nicholas Holt of Newbury and Andover, Mass., 1634-1644, and of William Holt of New Haven, Conn. By Daniel S. Durrie. 8vo, pp. 367. Albany, 1S64. Homer. A Brief Account of the Family of Homer, of Boston,Mass. 8vo, pp. 27. Albany, N. Y., 1889. Hoo. See Salisbury. Hooker. An Account of the Reunion of the De¬ scendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker, First Minister of Hartford, Conn., held at Hartford, May 16,1890. Bv John Hooker. 8vo, pp. 35. Salem, Mass., 1891. Hoopes. See Jackson. Hopkins. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Wetmore. Hopkins Family [of New England.] 8vo, pp. 82. Providence, 1881. Descended from Thomas Hopkins in Providence, 1641-1692. Hornblower. Josiah Hornblower ; a Genealogy of the Hornblower Family. By William Nelson. 8vo, pp. 80. Newark, N. J., 1883. Hornblower. See Cooley. Hornor. See Coates. Houston. The Houston Family. By Rev. Samuel Rutherford Houston, D.D. 8vo, pp. 420. Cin¬ cinnati, 1882. Houston. See Cooley. Howell. See Cooley. Howes Genealogy. The Branch of John, of Mad¬ ison, N. Y., of the Sixth American Generation. By Herman Howes Sanford. 8vo. 1893. Howes. Genealogy of the Howes Family in Amer¬ ica. Descendants of Thomas Howes, Yarmouth, Mass., 1637-1892. With some account of Eng¬ lish Ancestry. By Joshua Crowell Howes, Dennis, Mass. 8vo, pp. 208. Yarmouthport, Mass., 1892. Hoyt. Record of the Hoyt Family meeting, held at Stamford, Conn., June 20 and 21, 1866. By Da¬ vid W. Hoyt, Providence, R. I. Pp. 64. Boston, 1866. Hoyt. A Genealogy of John Hoyt, of Salisbury, and David Hoyt, of Deerfield, Mass., and their Descendants. By David W. Hoyt. 8vo, pp. 144. Boston, 1857. Hubbard. Descendants of George Hubbard, from 1600 to 1872. By Luther P. Hubbard. 8vo, pp. 34. New York, 1871. Hubbell. History of the Hubbell Family. By Wal¬ ter Hubbell. 8vo, pp. xiv + 463. New York, 1881. Huggins. The Descendants of Richard and Harriet Huggins Woolworth, who landed at Newbury, Mass., 1678, and removed to Suffield, Conn., in 1685. Compiled by Charlotte R. Woolworth. 8vo, pp. 209. New Haven, Conn., 1893. Hughes (Rev. Daniel Lawrence, D.D.). The Divine Covenant Fulfilled in the Ancestral Family His¬ tory of the Lawrence, Hughes and Eldredge fam¬ ilies of Cape May Co., New Jersey. 8vo, pp. 161. Petersburg, Pa., 1891. Hughes. See Holstein. Hughes and Allied Families. By W. H. Hughes. 12mo. [1879.] Also Bowen. Hull. Records of some of the Descendants of Rich¬ ard Hull, New Haven, 1639-1662. By Samuel C. Clark. 8vo, pp. 20. [1869.] Humphrey of Pennsylvania. See Haines. Humphrey. Family of North Yarmouth, Maine. By Capt. James J. Humphrey. 8vo, pp. 22. Yarmouth, Me., 1882. Humphrey. The Humphrey Family in America. By Fred. Humphrey, M.D. Royal 4to. New York, 1883. Humphreville. See Meyer. Hunnewell Family. Compiled by Henry Stod¬ dard Ruggles. Tabular Pedigree. Hunt. See Cooley, Driver, Sand, Wetmore. Hunt. Genealogy of the Name and Family of Hunt. By T. B. Wyman. 4to, pp. 414. Boston, 1862. Hunter. See Wetmore. Huntington. See Todd, Wetmore. Huntington. A Genealogy of the Huntington Fam¬ ily in this country; embracing all the known De¬ scendants of Simon and Margaret Huntington, who have retained the family name. By Rev. E. B. Huntington, A.M. 8vo, pp. 428. Stamford, Conn., 1863. Hunton. Philip Hunton and his Descendants. By Daniel T. Y. Huntoon. 8vo, pp. 113. Can¬ ton, Mass., 1881. Hurlbut. A Paper Read at a Family Meeting of the Descendants, comprising Children, Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren of Samuel Hurlbut, born at Chatham, Conn., 1748, and his wife, Jeru- sha (Higgins) Hurlbut, held at Racine, Wis., September 20,1860. By Henry Higgins Hurl¬ but. 8vo, pp. 22. Racine, Wis., 1861. Hurlbut. The Hurlbut Genealogy or Record of the Descendants of Thomas Hurlbut, of Saybrook and Wethersfield, Conn. By Henry H. Hurl¬ but. 8vo, pp. 545. Albany, N. Y., 1888. Hutchins. The Autobiography of Levi Hutchins; with a Preface, Notes and Addenda. Cambridge, 1865. A Genealogy of Gordon Hutchins. Hutchins Genealogy. By Charles Hutchins. 8vo, pp. 16. Boston, 1885. Hutchinson. Descendants of Henry Hutchinson By Edmund D. Barbour. Boston, 1888. Tab¬ ular Pedigree. Hutton. See Jackson. Hyde Genealogy. By R. H. Walworth, LL.D 8vo, pp. 1446. Albany, 1864. Notice of Bald¬ win, Backus. Ireland. Some Account of the Ireland Family, orig¬ inally of Long Island, N. Y., 1644-1880. ByJ. N. Ireland. 8vo, pp. 47. Bridgeport, 1880. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 25 Irwin. The Irwin Family. Sketch of Richard Ir¬ win, Chester County, Pa., and his Descendants. By L. S. Irwin. 8vo, pp. 50. Tionesta, Pa., 1893. Irwin. See Keith. Isbell. The Isbell and Kingman Families. Some Records of Robert Isbell and Henry Kingman, and their Descendants. Compiled by Leroy W. Kingman. Royal 4to, pp. 30. Oswego, 1889. Ives. See Driver. Jackson. Proceedings of the Sesqui - Centennial Gathering of the Descendants of Isaac and Ann Jackson at Harmony Grove, Chester County, Pa., Eighth month 25, 1875, together with the Family Genealogy. 8vo, pp. 371. Philadelphia, 1878. Contains accounts of families of Baily, Brinton, Canby, Carter, Chalfont, Chambers, Cooper, Darling¬ ton, Evans, Gibson, Greeves, Hadley, Haines, Harlan, Hoopes, Hilles, Hutton, Lewis, Moore, Parker, Phillips, Smith, Starr, Taylor, Walker, Way, Watson, Wilson, Windle, Woodward. Jackson. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Isl¬ anders.” Janes. The Janes Family. A Genealogy and brief History of the Descendants of William Janes, the Emigrant Ancestor of 1637, with an extended no¬ tice of Bishop Edmund S. Janes. By Rev. Fred. Janes. Pp. 419. New York, 1868. Janse. An Account of Anneke Janse, and her Family. D. Pp. 31. Albany, 1870. Jarvis. The Jarvis Family; or, the Descendants of the First Settlers of the name in Massachusetts and Long Island, and those who have more recently settled in other parts of the United States and British America. By George A. Jarvis. 8vo, pp. vii + 350 + 19. Hartford, 1879. Jarvis. See Wetmore. Jaudon. An Account of the Jaudon Family. By Edwin Jaquf.tt Sellers, A.M., LL.B. 8vo, pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1890. Descendants of Francois Jaudon, from Soubise, France. Jauncey. The Jaunceys of New York. 8vo, pp. 24. New York, 1876. Jenks. Genealogy of the Jenks Family, of Newport, N. H. By George E. Jenks, of Concord, N. H. 8vo. 1888. Jessup. See Sand. Johnes. The Johnes Family, of Southampton, L. I., 1629-1886. By Edward R. Johnes. 8vo, pp. 46. New York, 1886. Johnson. A Family History. Johnson, Stewart, Wilson, Bowers. 8vo, pp. 17. Washington, 1872. Data respecting Pennsylvania Families. Johnson Genealogy. Record of the Descendants of David Johnson, of Leominster, Mass. By William W. Johnson. 8vo, pp. 80 -f- vi. Milwaukee, 1876. Johnson. The Johnson Family. Descendants of William Johnson, Charlestown, Mass, 1634. By Cyrus Felton. 8vo, pp. 16. Marlboro, 1879. Johnson Genealogy. Records of the Descendants of John Johnson, of Ipswich and Andover, Mass., 1635-1892. With an Appendix, containing Rec¬ ords of Descendants of Timothy Johnson, of Ando¬ ver, and Poems of Johnson Descendants. Com¬ piled by Rev. William Johnson, North Green¬ field, Wis. 8vo, pp. 200. 1892. Johnson. See Dawson, Salisbury, Wetmore. Joliff Family Record, and Genealogy of the Jolifi Family, from the years 1760 to 1878. By O. P. Joliff and J, S. Watson. 18mo, pp. 40. Mor¬ gantown, W. Va., 1878. Jones. Captain Roger Jones, of London and Vir¬ ginia. By Judge L. H. Jones, of Winchester, Ky. 8vo, pp. 295 Albany, N. Y., 1891. Jones Family, of Queens County, N. Y. 8vo. pp. 99. 1849. Jones Family, of Milford, Mass.,and Providence,R. I. By G. F. Jones. 8vo, pp. 182. Philadelphia, 1884. Jones, of Old Hunterdon County, N. J. See Cooley. Jones. See Levering. Jones. Some of the Descendants of Lewis and Ann Jones, of Roxbury, Mass., through their son Josiah and grandson James. By W. B. Trask. 8vo, pp. 8-J-75. Boston, 1878. Jones Records. Nathaniel and Rachel (Bradford) Jones, of Ipswich, Mass., and some of their De¬ scendants. 18mo, pp. 7. [1877?] Jordan. The Jordan Memorial. Family Record of the Rev. Robt. Jordan and his Descendants in America. By Tristram Frost Jordan. 8vo, pp. 488. Boston, 1882. The author is of Metuchen, N. J. Josselyn. See Stranahan. Joy. A Brief History of the Joy Family. By one of them. Printed for private circulation. Small 4to, pp. 37. 1876. Joy Family. By P. C. Joy Dyer. 8vo. Kane. See Todd. Kasson. Genealogy of a part of the Kasson Family in the United States and Ireland. By Geo. M. Kasson. 12mo, pp. 51. Woodbury, Conn., 1882. Keim. Account of the Keim Family. By Henry May Keim. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 26. Read¬ ing, Pa. 1874. Descendants of John Keim, of Alsace, an early set¬ tler in Berks County, Pa. Keim. See Meyer. Keith (Charles P.). The Provincial Councillors of Pennsylvania who held office between 1733 and 1776, and those Earlier Councillors who were some time Chief Magistrates of the Province, and their Descendants. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. Containing more or less full accounts of the families of Markham, Lloyd (of Dalobran, Montgomeryshire, North Wales), Shippen, Cadwalader, Logan, Preston, Palmer, Norris, Hamilton (Alleyne), Allen, Agnew, Ashton, Brooke, Cadwalader, Graeme, Plumstead, Griffitts, Read, Shettell, Taylor, Turner, Growdon, Peters, Shoemaker, Hopkinson, Bacon, Rawle. Keith (Charles P.). The Ancestry of Benjamin Har¬ rison, President of the United States of America, 1889-1893, in Chart Form, showing also the De¬ scendants of William Henry Harrison, President of the United States of America in 1841, and Notes on Families Related. 96 pp. Philadelphia, 1893. The related families comprise the Armistead, Bacon, Bassett, Bedell, Burwell, Cary, Irwin, McDowell, Ram¬ sey, Symmes, and Tuthill. Kelley. Genealogical Gleanings relating to the Kel¬ ley’s of Brentwood, N. H., and Kindred Families of Edgerly, Shute, Robinson, Hancock and Cleve¬ land. By William Henry Kelley. 12mo, pp. 42. St. Paul, Minn., 1892. 26 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Kellogg. Family Meeting of the Descendants of Charles Kellogg, of Kelloggsville, N. Y., with some Genealogical Items of the Kellogg Family. Svo, pp. S. Boston, 1858. Keylor, of Pennsylvania. See Magenuis. Keyes. Genealogy of Robert Keyes, of Watertown, Mass., 1S33. Solomon Keys, of Newburyport and Chelmsford, Mass., 1653, and their Descendants. Bv Asa Keyes. Svo, pp. 319. Brattleboro, 1SS0. Keyser. The Biennial Reunion of the Keyser Fam¬ ily, 1688-1SS8. The Keyser Family, Descend¬ ants of Dirck Keyser, of Amsterdam. Compiled by Charles S. Keyser. Super-royal Svo, pp. 161. Philadelphia, 1889. Keyser. See Levering. Kidder. History and Records of the Kidder Family. 8vo, pp. 32. Chicago, 1876. Kidder. A History of the Kidder Family, from A. D. 1300 to 1876. By F. E. Kidder, Allston, Mass. Svo, pp. 75. 1886. Kilbourn. The Family Memorial; a History and Genealogy of the Kilbourn Family, in the United States and Canada, from the year 1635 to the present time ; including extracts from ancient records, copies of all wills, biographical sketches, epitaphs, anecdotes, etc. By Payne Kenyon Kilbourn. 8vo, pp. 144. Hartford, 1845. Kimball. The Joseph Kimball Family. By John Kimball, A.M. 8vo, pp. 103. Concord, N. H., 1885. Kimball. See Driver. Kimber. The Descendants of Richard Kimber. By Sidney A. Kimber. 8vo, pp. 76. Boston, 1894. King. Pedigree of King, of Lynn, Essex County, Mass., 1602-1891. By Rufus King, Broadside. New York, 1891. King. Pedigree of King, of Salem, Essex County, Mass., 1595-1887. By Rurus King, Broadside, New York, 1887. King. Children of William and Dorothy King, of Salem. By H. F. Waters. 8vo, pp. 8. Salem, 1880. Kingman. See Isbell. Kip. Historical Notes of the Family of Kip, of Kips- burg, and Kips’ Bay, N. Y. Privately printed. Pp. 49. Albany, N. Y. 1871. Kirk. History and Genealogy of the Kirk Family, as established by Roger Kirk, who settled in Not¬ tingham, Chester County, Pa., about the year 1714. Containing Sketches of his Descendants as far as ascertained; also, a record of two hundred and nine of the Descendants of Alphonsus Kirk, who emigrated from Lurgan, North Ireland, and settled in the county of New Castle, Del. By Charles Stubbs, M.D. 16mo, pp. 35 + 252. Lancaster, Pa., 1872. Kirkbride. Kirkland. See Wetmore. Kitchel. Robert Kitchel and his Descendants, from 1604 to 1879. By H. D. K. 8vo, pp. 80. New York, 1879. Knight. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Knowles Family Genealogy. By Knowles. 8vo. 1884. Knox. Thomas (Nock) Knox, of Dover, N. H., in 1652, and some of his Descendants. Compiled by W. B. Lapham. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 34. Augusta, 1890. Kool (Cool, or Cole). Isaac Kool and Catharine Serven, married 1764, at Tappan, Rockland County, N. Y. Their Descendants. By Rev. David Cole, D.D. 8vo, pp. 268. New York, 1876. Kunders. Thomas Kunders and his Children. Also, a list of the Descendants for Six Genera¬ tions of his youngest son, Henry Cunreds, of Whitpain. By Henry C. Conrad. Foolscap 4to, pp. 105 + 23. Wilmington. Ladd. The Ladd Family. A Genealogical and Bio¬ graphical Memoir of the Descendants of Daniel Ladd, of Haverhill; Joseph Ladd, of Portsmouth, R. I., John Ladd, of Burlington, N. J. Compiled by Warren Ladd. 8vo, pp. xii.-j-413. New Bedford, Mass., 1890. Lambert. Record of John Michael Lambert and his Descendants. By J. F. Rathgeber. Pp. 46. Freemansburg, Pa., 1893. Lamson. See Wetmore. Lane Genealogies. Volume I. William Lane, of Boston, Mass., 1648, including the Records of Ed¬ mund J. Lane and James P. Lane; Captain John Lane, of York County, Me., 1693; Captain John Lane, of Fishersfield, N. H., 1737. By Rev. Jacob Chapman and Rev. James H. Fitts. 8vo, pp. 296. Exeter, N. H., 1891. Lane. Hampton Lane Family Memorials. By Rev. James P. Lane. 18mo, pp. 16+15. 1885. Langdon. See Tadd. Lansing, of New Jersey. See Cooley. Lapham. The Lapham Family Register, or Records of some of the Descendants of Thomas Lapham, of Scituate, Mass., in 1635. By W. B. Lapham. 8vo, pp. 32. Augusta, Me, 1873. Lathrop Family Tree. By John Lathrop. Broad¬ side. Buffalo. Lawrence. See Hughes, Starkey, Thomas. Lawrence. Genealogy of the Ancestry and Pos¬ terity of Isaac Lawrence. By Frederick S. Pease, of Albany. Pp. 20. Albany, 1848. Descendants of John Lawrence, of Watertown, Mass., 1630. Lawrence. The Genealogy of the Family of John Lawrence, of Wisset, in Suffolk, England, and of Watertown and Groton, Mass. 8vo, pp. 332. Bos¬ ton, 1869. Lawrence. History of the Lawrence-Townley and Chase-Townley Estates in England. Historical and Genealogical Notes. Lawrence, Chase, Town- ley, etc. By James Usher. Large 8vo, pp. 110. New York, 1883. Lawrence. Historical Sketch of some Members of the Lawrence Family. By Robert M. Law¬ rence, M.D. 8vo, pp. 215. Boston, 1888. Lawrence. Memorials of Robert Lawrence and Robert Bartlett, and their Descendants. By Hi¬ ram B. Lawrence. 8vo, pp- 223. 1884. Lawrence. A Pedigree of the Lawrence Family of Pennsylvania. By G. A. Archer. Chart. Lay. See Salisbury. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 27 Learned. The Learned Family. By W.M. Learned. 8vo, pp. 346. Albany, 1882. Leavenworth. A Genealogy of the Leavenworth Family in the United States, with Historical In¬ troduction, etc. By Elias Warner Leaven¬ worth, LL.D., of Syracuse, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 376. Syracuse, 1873. Lee, of Virginia. Genealogical Notes proving the Error of the Previously Accepted Pedigree. By J. Henry Lea. 8vo, pp. 11. Cedarhurst, Fair- haven, Mass. Lee. Genealogical History of the Lee Family, of Virginia and Maryland, 1300-1866, with Notes. By Edward C. Mead. 8vo, pp.114. New York, 1868. Lee. John Lee of Farmington, Hartford, Ct., and his Descendants. By S. M. Lee, of Norwich. 4to, pp. 149 -f xxxi. 1878. Lee of Virginia. By D. Henry Lea. 8vo, pp. 23. [1892.] Reprint from New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Lee. See Salisbury, Wetmore. Lee. The Lee Family ; relating especially to Samuel Lee, of Watertown, Mass., and some of his De¬ scendants. By O. P. Allen. [R. H. Tilley.] 8vo, pp. 14. Newport, R. I. 1893. Leech. See Meyer. Leete. The Genealogy of William Leete, one of the first settlers of Guilford, Conn., and Governor of New Haven, Conn., Colony. By E. L. Leete. 8vo, pp. 168. New Haven. 1884. Leigh. John Leigh, of Agawam (Ipswich), Mass., 1634-1671 ; and his Descendants of the Name of Lee. By William Lee. Small 4to, pp. 499 Albany, N. Y., 1888. Leighton Genealogy. An Account of the De- scendents of Capt. Wm. Leighton, of Kittary, Me. By Tristram Frost Jordan. 8vo, pp. 127. Albany, N. Y., 1885. Leisler. Genealogical Notes Relating to Lieut. Gov. Jacob Leisler and his Family Connections in New York. By Edwin R. Purple. 8vo, pp. 24. New York, 1877. Leland. The Leland Magazine, or a Genealogical Record of Henry Leland and his Descendants— 1653-1850. By Sherman Leland 8vo, pp. 278. Boston, 1850. Leveret of New England, containing Addington. 8vo, pamphlet. Levering. The Levering Family ; or a Genealogical Account of Wigard Levering and Gebhard Lev¬ ering, two of the Pioneer Settlers of Roxborough Township, Philadelphia County (Penna.) and their Descendants. By Horatio Gates Jones. 8vo, pp. 193. Philadelphia, 1858. Gives some account of the families of Brown, Cart¬ wright, Hinkle, Jones, Lawrason, Keyser, Maris, Mil¬ ler, Sater, Shoemaker, Shuler, Smith, Tibben, Reynolds and Zell. Lewis. See Hayden, Jackson. Libby. The Libby Family in America, 1602-1881. Bv Chas. T. Libby. 8vo, pp. 628. Portland, Me., 1882. Lindsay. The Lindsays of America. By Marga¬ ret Isabella Lindsay. Fcp. 4to, pp. vi + 275. Albany, N. Y., 1889. Linton. [By James M. Swank.] 12mo, pp. 15. Lacock, 1881. Lippett. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Lippincott. The Lippincotts of England and America. Edited from the Genealogical Papers of the late James Lippincott. 8vo, pp. 43. Little. The Descendants of George Little. By G. P. Little. 8vo, pp. vi + 620. 1822. Little. Descendants of George Little. 12mo, pp. 82. Cambridge, 1877. Littlehale. A Genealogy of the Littlehale Family in America from 1633 to 1680. By F. H. Littlehale. 8vo, pp. 10. Dallas, Texas, 1880. Littlehale. A complete History and Genealogy of the Littlehale Family in America from 1633 to 1889. Collated and compiled by Frederick H. Littlehale, of Boston, Mass. 8vo, pp, vi+128. Boston, Mass., 1889. Littlepage. See Hayden. Littleton. The Littleton Family of Virginia. By Robert Patterson Robins, M.D., of Philadel¬ phia. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprint from New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. 1887. Livingston. See Wetmore. Lloyd. The Lloyd and Carpenter Family (of Phila¬ delphia). By Chas. P. Smith. 4to. Trenton, N. J., 1870. Locke. The Descent of Margaret Locke, the Third Wife of Deputy Governor Francis Willoughby. By Col. Joseph L. Chester, LL.D. 8vo, pp. 7. Boston, 1881. The Locke’s intermarried with the Bancrofts. Locke. See Salisbury. Reprint from New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Lockwood. Descendants of Robert Lockwood, Colonial and Revolutionary History of the Lock- wood Family in America from A. D. 1630. By F. A. H. and E. D. Lockwood. 8vo, pp. 884. Philadelphia, 1889. Logan Pedigree. A Southern Family. Privately printed. Logan. See Keith. Lo-Lathrop. A Genealogical Memoir of the Lo- Lathrop Family in this country, embracing the Descendants as far as known, the Rev. John Lo- throp, of Scituate and Barnstable, Mass., and Mark Lothrop, of Salem and Bridgewater, Mass. By Rev. E. B. Huntingdon, A.M. 8vo, pp. 457. Ridgefield, Conn., 1884. Longsellow. See Ellis. Longstreth, of Philadelphia. See Hallowell. Loomis. The Descendants of Joseph Loomis, who came from near Braintree, England, in the year 1638, and settled in Windsor, Conn., in 1639. By Elias Loomis, LL.D. First Edition, pp. 292. Second Edition, 8vo, pp. 611. 1875. Loomis. The Descendants [by the Female Branches] of Joseph Loomis. By Elias Loomis, LL.D. 8vo, 2 vols.; pp. 616 ; pp. 617. New Haven, Conn., 1880. Lord. See Salisbury. Lott. See Cooley. 2S AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Low. Descendants of William Low, of Boston, Mass. Compiled by Edmund Dana Barbour. Broadside. 1800. Luiscomb. See Driver. Ludwell Genealogy. By C. F. Lee, Jr. 8vo. pp. 3. Alexandria, Ya. [1879.] Lyman. Genealogy of the Lyman Family in Great Britain and America; the Ancestors and De¬ scendants of Richard Lyman, from High Ongar, in England, 1631. By Lyman Coleman, D.D. 8 vo, pp. xvi._|_ 533 . Albany, N. Y., 1872. Lyman. See Austin’s “Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Lynde. See Salisbury. McCrillis. Record of the McCrillis Families in America. By H. O. McCrillis. 8vo, pp. 42. Taunton, 1882. McCullough. Historical Reminiscences of the Mc¬ Cullough family and Collaterals. By S. McCul¬ lough. Printed for the Family. 12mo, pp. 84. Philadelphia, 1860. McCurdy. See Salisbury. MacDonald. Contributions to the Early History of Bryan MacDonald and Family, Settlers, in 1687, im Red Clay Creek, Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware, etc. By Frank V. MacDonald, A.B. 4to, pp. 65. San Francisco, 1879. MacDonald. Genealogy of the MacDonald Family. By F. V. MacDonald. Edition “ A.” 8 vo. MacDonald. Genealogy of the MacDonald Family. Edition “B.” Comprising all names added up to February, 1876. Oblong 4to, pp. 123. MacDonald. Supplement No. 1, Edition “ B,” of the MacDonald Genealogy, containing the De¬ scendants of Jesse Peter, one of the Pioneer Set¬ tlers near Macville, Washington County, Ky. By F. V. MacDonald. Royal 4to, pp. 72. Cam¬ bridge, 1880. McDowell. See Keith. McFarlan. Our Kindred. The McFarlan and Stern Families of Chester County, Pa., and Newcastle County, Del. Bv Cyrus Stern. 8 vo, pp. 179. 1885. Mcllvaine. See Cooley. McLaren. The Family Reunion on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marriage of Donald Campbell McLaren and Jane Stevenson, 1873, at Geneva. 12mo, pp. 39. Detroit, 1873. McKean. Genealogy of the McKean Family of Pennsylvania. By Roberdean Buchanan. 8 vo, pp. 272. Lancaster, Pa., 1890. McKinstry. Genealogy of the McKinstry Family. By William Willis. 8 vo, pp. 28. Boston, 1858. Macy. Genealogy of the Macy Family, from 1635 to 1868. Compiled by Sylvanus J. Macy, New York. Large 8 vo, pp. 457. Albany, 1868. Magennis. Origin and History of the Magennis Family. With Sketches of the Keylor, Swisher, Marchbank and Bryan Families. By John F. Magennis. 8vo, pp. 245. Williamsport, Pa., 1891. Magoun. Descendants of Aaron and Mary Church Magouu, Pembroke, Mass. By Samuel Breck, U. S. A. Third edition. 8 vo, pp. 28 + v. Wash¬ ington, D. C., 1891. Magoun. Supplement to the Magoun Memorial. By Samuel Breck, U. S. A. 8 vo, pp. 14. Gov¬ ernor’s Island, New York City, 1893. Makepeace. The Genealogy of the Makepeace Families in the United States, from 1637 to 1857. By William Makepeace. 12mo, pp. 107. Bos¬ ton, 1858. Mann Memorial. By George S. Mann. 8vo, pp. 251. Boston, 1884. Man. Record of the Man, Needles (Nedels) and Hambleton Families, from 1495 to 1876. By Samuel Hambleton Needles. 8vo, pp. 124. Philadelphia, 1876. Mann. Genealogy of the Mann Family. By Rev. Joel Mann. 12mo, pp. 24. 1877. Marchbank, of Pennsylvania. See Magennis. Marsh. Genealogy of John Marsh, of Salem, and his Descendants, 1633-1888. By Col. Lucius B. Marsh, of Boston. Edited by D. W. Marsh. 8 vo, pp. 283. 1888. Marshall. The Marshall Family. By W. M. Paxon. Platte City, Mo. 8 vo, pp. 415. Cincinnati, 0.,1885. Maris. The Maris Family in the United States. A Record of the Descendants of George and Alice Maris, 1683-1885. By George L. and A. M. Maris. Royal 8 vo, pp. 279. West Chester, Pa-, 1885. A Pennsylvania family. Maris. See Levering. Marston, The Marston Genealogy. By N. W. Marston. Pp. 594. S. Lubec, Me , 1888. Martin. Genealogy of the Martin and Wheeler Families. Providence, R. I., 1816. Martin. Notices, Genealogical and Historical, of the Martin Family of New England, who settled at Weymouth and Hingham in 1635. By Rev. H. J. Martin. Pp. 358. Boston, 1880. Marvin. See Salisbury. Marvin. Genealogical Sketch of the Descendants of Renold and Mathew Marvin. By T. R. Marvin. Small 8 vo, pp. 36. Boston, 1848. Masterman. See Dows. Mather. Lineage of Rev. Richard Mather. By H. E. Mather, U. S. A., Hartford, Conn. 8 vo, pp. 539. Hartford, Conn., 1890- Maule. Genealogy of the Maule Family, with a Brief Account of Thomas Maule, of Salem, Mass. By R. L. Nicholson. 8vo, pp. 15. 1868. May. Genealogy of John May, who came from Eng¬ land to Roxbury, in America, 1640. Small 4to, pp. 175. Boston, 1878. Mayer. Memoir and Genealogy of the Maryland and Pennsylvania Family of Mayer, which origi¬ nated in the free Imperial City of Ulm, Wiirtem- berg, 1495-1878. By Brantz Mayer. Medium 4to, pp. 179. Baltimore, Md., 1878. Contains the families of Steinman, Bryan, Denkle, Cottrell, Ernst, Leech, Keim, Turner, Humphreville, Schuler, Thomas. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 29 Medford Genealogy, containing Bradshaw. 8vo. Meloy. See Dawson. Mendenhall. History and Pedigrees of the Men- denhalls of England and the United States. By Edward Mendenhall, of Cincinnati, 0. 8vo, pp. 63. Cincinnati, 1865. Meriam. Some Meriams and their Connections with other Families. By Rufus N. Merriam. 8vo, pp. 52. Worcester, Mass., 1888. Meriwether. The Meriwethers and their Connec¬ tions. By Louisa H. A. Minor. 8 vo, pp. 180. Albany, N. Y., 1892. Merriam. The Family of Merriam, of Massachu¬ setts. By W. S- Appleton. 8vo, pp. 15. Boston, 1892. Merritt. See Wetmore. Metcalf. See Driver, Wetmore. Mifflin. Memoranda relating to the Mifflin Family. By John Houston Merrill. [Philadelphia.] Printed for private circulation, 8vo, pp. 91. [1890.] Mifflin. Charles Mifflin, M.D. With an Account of his Ancestors and Ancestral Connections. By Benjamin C. Mifflin. 8vo, pp. 63. Cambridge, 1876. Mills. See Vinton. Miles. Genealogy of the Miles Family. By Rev. Henry A. Miles. Pp. 12. Lowell, 1840. Miller. See Levering. Minshall. Thomas and Margt. Minshall, who came from England to Pennsylvania in 1682, and their early Descendants, to which are added some ac¬ count of Griffith Owen and Descendants. By Minshall Painter. 8vo, pp. 8. Lima, Pa., 1867. Mitchell. The Mitchell Family of North Yarmouth, Me. By William Mitchell Sargent, Yar¬ mouth, Me. Mitchell. See Salisbury. Moncure. See Hayden. Monroe. The Monroe Genealogy. By John G. Locke. 8 vo, pp. 15. Boston and Cambridge, 1853. Montgomery. Memorables of the Montgomeries, New York. Printed for the King of Clubs. 40 copies in 4to, 60 copies in 8vo. New York, 1866. [D. Williams Patterson.] Prepared and printed for Thos. H. Montgomery. Montgomery. A Genealogical History of the Family of Montgomery, including the Montgom¬ ery pedigree. Compiled by Thomas Harrison Montgomery. Royal 8vo, pp. 158. Printed for private circulation. Philadelphia, 1863. Moody. Biographical Sketches of the Moody Family. By C. C. P. Moody. 1633 to 1842. 16mo, pp. 168. Boston, 1847. Moore, of New Jersey. See Cooley. Moore. See Jackson. More. The Historical Journal of the More Family. [Jan.] Vol. I. 8vo. Newark, N. J., 1893. More. Historical Notes of the More Family. By David F. More. Vol. I. Royal 8vo, pp. 12. Newark, N. J., 1892. Morey. A Genealogy of one Branch of the Morey Family, 1631-1890. Edited for Moses Conant Warren, by Emily Wilder Leavitt. 8 vo, pp. 18-J-36. Printed for private circulation. 1890. Morgan Genealogy. A History of James Morgan, of New London, Conn., and His Descendants, from 1607 to 1869. With an Appendix, contain¬ ing the history of his brother Niles Morgan, of Springfield, Mass., and some of his descendants. By Nathaniel H. Morgan. 8vo, pp. 280. Hartford, 1869. Contains Avery. Morris. Ephraim and Pamela (Converse) Morris, their Ancestors and Descendants. By Tyler Seymour Morris. 8vo, pp. 207. Chicago, 1894. Morison. The History of the Morison or Morrison Family, with most of the “ Traditions of the Morrisons” (Clan MacGhillemhuire), Hereditary Judges of Lewis, by Capt. F. W. L. Thomas, of Scotland, and a Record of the Descendants of the Hereditary Judges to 1880; a Complete History of the Morison Settlers of Londonderry, N. H., of 1719, and their Descendants, with Genealogical Sketches. Also of the Morrisons settled in Dela¬ ware, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Nova Scotia, and Descendants of the Name of Preston, Grange, Scotland, and other Families. By Leonard A. Morrison. 8vo, pp. 468. Boston, Mass., 1880. Morse (Rev. Abner, A.M.). The Genealogy of the Descendants of Several Ancient Puritans, by the Names of Adams, Bullard, Holbrook, Rockwood, Sanger, Wood, Grout, Goulding, and Twitchell. 8 vo, pp. 357. Boston, 1859. Morse. See Dawson, Dows. Morse. The Morse Monument, erected at Medfield, Mass., April 27, 1858, by their descendants in reverence for their memories, and gratitude for their benefactions. 8vo. Morse. Memorials of the Family of Morse. Com¬ piled from the Original Records, for the Hon. Asa Porter Morse, by Henry Dutch Lord. Pp. 116. For private distribution only. Boston. 1889. Morse. Memorial of the Morses; Containing the History of Seven Persons of the Name, who settled in America, in the Seventeenth Century; with a Catalogue of ten thousand of their De¬ scendants. By Rev. Abner Morse, A.M. 8vo, pp. 350. Boston, 1850. Notice of Families of Badcock, Baker. Morton. Memoranda relating to the Ancestry and Family of Hon. Levi Parsons Morton, Vice- President of the United States (1889-1893). By Josiah Granville Leach. Pp. 191. Cam¬ bridge, 1894. Has allied families of Hartpence, Hopkins, Stetson, Parsons, Strong, Stebbins, Sheldon, Frairy, Clapp, Holton, Hinsdale, Dickinson, Barnard, Marshfield, Foster and Reyner. Moseley. A Genealogical Sketch of the Moseley Family. Royal 8vo, pp. 56. Privately printed. Edition 40 copies only. Newburyport, 1878. Moses. Historical Sketches of John Moses, of Ply¬ mouth, a settler of 1632 to 1640; John Moses, of Windsor and Simsbury, a settler prior to 1647 ; and John Moses, of Portsmouth, a settler prior to 1640, and a Genealogical Record of some of their Descendants. By Zebina Moses. 8vo, pp. 138. Hartford, Conn., 1890. so AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Mott. Adam and Anne Mott: Their Ancestors and Descendants. By Thomas C. Cornell. 8vo, pp. 418. Printed for the family. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1S90. Moulton. Some Descendants of John Moulton and William Moulton, of Hampton, N. H., 1592-1892. Compiled by Augustus F. Moulton. 8vo. 1892. Mowry. The Descendants of Nathaniel Mowry, of Rhode Island. By William A. Mowry, A.M. Syo, pp. 343. Providence, 1878. Mudge. Memorials: Being a Genealogical, Bio¬ graphical and Historical Account of the Name of Mudge, in America, from 1638-1868. By Alfred Mudge. 8vo, pp. xiv -f- 443. Boston, 1868. Muirhead. See Cooley. Mulford. A Genealogy of the Family of Mill ford. Bv Wm. R. Mulford. 8vo, pp. 12. Boston [i880]. Munsell. Biographical Sketch of Joel Munsell. A Genealogy of the Munsell Family. By George R. Munsell. 8 vo, pp. 15. Boston, 1880. Nash. The Nash ratnily; or Records of the De¬ scendants of Thomas Nash, of New Haven, Conn., 1640. By Rev. Sylvester Nash A.M. 8vo, pp. 304. Hartford, 1853. Nash. A Portrait of Father Nash, taken briefly from the Genealogy of the Nash Family. 8vo. Pamphlet. Neal. See Driver. Nealley. Genealogy of the Nealley-True Family. By E. B. Nealley. 8 vo. Bangor, Me., 1878. Needles. See Man. Neff. A Chronicle, together with a Little Romance, regarding Rudolph and Jacob Naf of Frankford, Pa., and their Descendants, etc. By E. C. Neff. Small 4to, pp. 352. Cincinnati, 0., 1886. Neill. John Neil, of Lewes, Delaware, 1739, and his Descendants. 8vo, pp. 127. Philadelphia, 1875. Nelson. Descendants of John Nelson and of his Children. With Notes on the Families of Toiler and Stroughton. 8vo, pp. 50. New York, 1886. Nelson, of Virginia. See Page. Newcomb. Genealogical Memoir of the Newcomb Family, containing Records of nearly every per¬ son of the Name in America from 1635 to 1874, also the First Generation of Children descended from Females who have lost the name of New¬ comb, with Notices of the Family in England during the past seven hundred years. By John Bearse Newcomb. 8 vo, pp. 600. Elgin, Ill., 1874. Newdigate. See Salisbury. Newhall. The Newhall Family, of Lynn, Mass. By H. F. Waters. Part I. 8vo, pp. 109. Salem, 1882. Newell. Thomas Newell who settled in Farming- ton, Conn., A. D. 1632, and his Descendants. A Genealogical Table. By Mrs. Mary A. Hall. 12mo, pp. 266. Southington, Conn., 1878. Newman. See Dows. Nicolla. History of the Nicolls Family, with a Genealogical Tree. By W. J. Nicolls. 8vo. [1888.] Niles. See Vinton. Noble. History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble, of Westfields, Mass., with Genea¬ logical Notes of other Families of the Name of Noble. By L. M. Boltwood. 8vo, pp. 870. Privately printed. Hartford, Conn., 1878. Norris. Lineage and Biographies of the Norris Family in America from 1640 to 1892, with Refer¬ ence to the Norrises of England as early as 1311. With Illustrations. By Hon. Leonard Allison Morrison. 8vo, pp. 207. Boston, Mass., 1892. Northend. Descendants of Ezekiel Northend, of Rowley. Royal 8vo, pp. 16. Salem, 1874. Northrop. Genealogy. By Hon. A. Judson North¬ rop, of Syracuse, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 13. Norwood, of Philadelphia. See Hallowell. Noyes Genealogy. Record of a Branch of the Descendants of Rev. James Noyes, of Newbury, Mass. Compiled by Horatio N. Noyes. 8vo, pp. 32. Cleveland, Ohio, 1889. Noyes. See Darling. Odell. See Todd. Odin. Pedigree of the Odin Family. 8vo, pp. 4. Boston, 1858. Odiorne. Genealogy of the Odiorne Family. By James C. Odiorne, M.A. 8vo, pp. 222. Boston, 1875. Families of Stedman, Creighton, Brackett, Meacham, Warren. Odlin. The Odlin Family. By John Taylor Perry, A.M., of Exeter, N. H. 8vo, pp. 9. Ogden Family, of New Jersey. See Salisbury. Olcott (Allcock). Descendants of Thomas Olcott, one of the First Settlers of Hartford, Conn. By Nathaniel Goodwin, descendant of Ozias Good¬ win, one of the said Settlers. 8vo, pp. 64. Hart¬ ford, 1845. Account of Ashley, etc. Olin. A Complete Record of the John Olin Family. By C. C. Olin. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1893. Olin. The Olin Souvenir. By C. C. Olin, of In¬ dianapolis, Ind. 8vo. Oliver Genealogy. A Record of the Descendants of Joseph Reuben and Levi Oliver and of Pierre Elisee Gallaudet, M.D. By Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, M.A. 8vo, pp. 23 -j- 4. New York, 1888. Oliver. Ancestry of Mary Oliver, who lived 1640- 1698. Wife of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich. By W. S. Appleton. Royal 8vo, pp. 35. 1867. Oliver. See Austin’s “Thirty-three Rhode Islanders.” Olmstead. An Abridged Genealogy of the Olmstead Family, of New England. By Elijah L. Thomas. 12mo, pp. 30. Albany, 1869. Olney. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Thoma 8 Olney. By James H. Olney. 8 vo, pp. 293- Providence, R. I., 1889. Olney. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Islanders.’’ Op Dyck. The Op Dyke Genealogy, containing the Opdyck, Opdycke, Opdyke, Updike American Descendants of the Wesel and Holland Families. By Charles Wilson Opdyke. With an In¬ vestigation into their Op Den Dyck Ancestors in Europe. By Leonard Eckstein Opdycke. Royal 8vo, pp. 499. Albany, N.Y., 1889. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 31 Orms. A short Account of the Orms Family, of Pittsburg. By Oliver Orms. 8vo, pp. 46. 50 copies only. Albany, N. Y., 1892. Osborn. Genealogy of the Osborn Family [1755- 1891], 8vo, pp. 11. 1893. Otis Family. Pamphlet. 1848-1851. Contains mention of Bean, Baker, Beede, Chesley, Cogswell. Owen, of Merion, Pa. See Haines. Packard. Genealogies of Samuel Packard, of Bridge- water, Mass., and of Abel Packard, of Cumming- ton, Mass. By Rev. Theophilius Packard, of Manteno, Ill. 8vo, pp. 85. New York, 1871. Page. Genealogy of the Page Family in Virginia, also a condensed Account of Nelson, Walker, Pendleton and Randolph Families. First edition, New York, 1883, pp. 250. Second edition, 1893, pp. 275. References to Bland, Burwell, Byrd, Carter, Cary, Duke, Gilmer, Harnson, Rivers, Thornton, Wellford, Washington. Paine. Genealogical Notes of the Paine Family, of Worcester, Mass. By Nathaniel Paine. 8 vo, pp. 27. Private edition of 50 copies only. Al¬ bany, 1878. Paine. The Paine Family Register, or: Genea¬ logical Notes and Queries. By Dr. H. D. Paine. Printed in numbers, at intervals from 1857. 4to. Albany, N. Y., Nos. 1-8, 1857-1859. Paine Family Records. A Journal of Geneal¬ ogical and Biographical Information respecting the American Families of Payne, Paine, Payn. Edited by H. D. Paine, M.D. Vol. I. 8vo, pp. 202. New York, 1880. Vol. II., 1883, 8vo, pp. 308. Painter. Our Ancestors—Painter. 8vo, pp. 20 -f- 4. Lima, Del. Co., Pa., 1869. Palgrave. See Sand. Palmer. See Driver. Parmelee. See Salisbury. Parker. See Jackson. Parker. The Genealogy of William Thornton Parker, A.M.. M D., of Boston, Mass. By Wm. Thornton Parker, M.D., of Newport, R. I. 8vo, pp. 10. Newport, 1888. Parker. The Parker Family: A short Record of the Roxbury Branch of the Parker Family, of Reading, Mass., and some of their Descendants. By George H. Parker. 8 vo, pp. 10. Cullman, Alabama, 1890. Parker. Genealogy and Biographical Notes of John Parker, of Lexington, and his Descendants, show¬ ing his Earlier Ancestry in America, from Dean Thomas Parker, of Reading, Mass. From 1635 to 1893. By Theodore Parker. 8 vo, pp. 528. Worcester, Mass., 1893. Parkhurst. A Fragment of the Parkhurst Geneal¬ ogy. By Chas. H. Parkhurst. 8 vo, pp. 51. Providence, 1883. Parry Family Records. 12mo, pp. 38. Philadel¬ phia, 1877. Parsons A Partial Genealogy of the Descendants of Samuel Parsons, of East Hampton, L. I. By G. R. Howell. 8vo, pp. 20. Albany, 1879. Parsons. See Dawson. Parthemore. Genealogy of the Parthemore Family. 1741-1885. By E. W. S. Parthemore. 8vo, pp. viii -|- 242. Harrisburg, Pa., 1885. Patterson (D. Williams). A Letter of Directions to His Father’s Birthplace. By John Holmes. With Notes and a Genealogy. 8vo, pp. 76. 1865. Patterson. Genealogical Register of the Patterson Family. By Jas. P. Andrews, M.D., of Coler¬ aine, Lancaster County, Pa. 8vo. Pamphlet. Philadelphia. Patterson. See Driver. Patterson. A Record of the Families of Robert Patterson (emigrated from Ireland, 1774), Thomas Ewing (emigrated from Ulster, Ireland, 1718) and Louis Du Bois, from France, 1660. 8vo, pp. 103. [Phila] 1847. Peabody. The Peabody Family. By C. M. Endi- cott. 8 vo. Boston, 1848. Pearce Genealogy ; being a Record of the Posterity of Richard Pearce, an Early Inhabitant of Ports¬ mouth, in Rhode Island. By Col. Fred C. Pierce. 8vo, pp. 150. Rockford, Ill., 1888. Peck. A Genealogical Account of the Descendants in the Male Line of William Peck—1638—New Haven. By Darius Peck. 8vo, pp. 253. Hud¬ son, 1877. Peck. A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Jos. Peck— 1638. By Ira B. Peck. 8vo, pp. 442. Boston, 1868. Peirce Genealogy ; being the Record of the Pos¬ terity of John Pers, an Early Inhabitant of Water- town, New England, who came from Norwich, Norfolk County, England. By F. C. Peirce. 8vo, pp. 278. Worcester, 1880. Pelham. Herbert P., his Ancestors and Descendants. By J. L. Chester, LL.D. 8vo, pp. 11. Boston, Mass., 1879. Pelletreau. Register of the Pelletreau Family. [By Wm. Smith Pelletreau, Jr.] 12mo. South¬ ampton, L. I. Peloubet. Family Records of Joseph Alexander de Chabrier de Peloubet, the First of the Name in the United States, with Funeral Address of his Eldest Son, L. F. M. Chabrier Peloubet, who died November 28, 1885. Small 4to, pp. 37. Printed for the Family. Pemberton. See Ellis. Pemberton. Records of the Pemberton Family. Principally from Memorials of the City of Boston. Fcp. 4to, pp. 26. Boston, 1S90. Pemberton, The Pemberton Family. By Walter K. Watkins. 8 vo, pp. 9. Boston, 1892. Pengry. A Genealogical Record of Moses Pengry, of Ipswich, Mass. By W. M. Pingry. 8 vo, pp. 186. Lidlow, Vt., 1881. Pendleton, of Virginia. See Page. Penhallow Papers. By P. W. Penhallow. 8 vo, pp. 47. Boston, 1885. Penhallow. Memoir of the Penhallow Family. By Pearce W.Penhallow. 8 vo, pp.22. Boston,1878. Penniman. See Vinton. The Pennington Family. By Capt. A. C. M. Pennington. 8vo. Boston. 1871. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. The Pennypacker Reunion, October 4, 1877. Svo, pp. 50. Pennypacker. The Pedigree of Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, Henrv Clay Pennypacker, Isaac Rusling Pennypacker, James Lane Pennypacker, of Philadelphia. Sons of Isaac Anderson Penny- packer and Anna Maria Whitaker. With large folding Genealogical Charts. Edition of 50 copies. Folio, pp. 5. Philadelphia, 1892. Penrose, of Philadelphia. See Hallowell. Perkins. See Dawson. Perkins. The Family of John Perkins, of Ipswich, Mass. By George A. Perkins, M.D. Svo, pp. 174. Salem, 1882. Perkins Family. A private proof printed in order to preserve certain matter connected with the Boston Branch of the Perkins Family. Svo, pp. 29. Boston, 1S85. Perkins. The family of John Perkins, of Ipswich, Mass., Descendants of Jacob Perkins. By George A. Perkins, M.D. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 173. Salem, 1889. Perkins. Letters concerning the Perkins Family. 8vo, pp. 24. Salem, 1887. Perrin. Genealogy of the Perrin Family. By Glover Perrin. 12mo, pp. 224. St. Paul, 1885. Perry. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Islanders.” Perry. Descendants of Jonathan Perry, of Topsham, Maine, to the Fifth Generation. Compiled by Arthur L. Perry, of Gardiner, Maine. 8vo, pp. 13. Augusta, 1890. Peter. Supplement No. 1 to Edition B of the MacDonald Genealogy, containing records of the Descendants of Jesse Peter, one of the pioneer settlers near Makville, Washington County, Kentucky. By Frank V. Macdonald, A.B. Cambridge, 1880. Peters. See Wetmore. Peyton, of Virginia. See Hayden. Phelps. Genealogy of Othniel Phelps, Esq., of Aylmer, Canada West. By Oliver Seymour Phelps, Esq. 8vo, pp. 44. St. Catharines, 1862. Philbrick. Thomas Philbrick and His Family, 1583-1883. By Rev. Jacob Chapman, of Exeter, N. H. 8vo, pp. 10. Boston, 1884. Reprinted from New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Philip. Family Reunion and Names of Descend¬ ants, 1877. pp. 62. Philadelphia, 1880. Philips. See Cooley. Phillips Genealogies. By Albert M. Phillips. 8vo, pp. 233. Auburn, Mass., 1885. Phillips. See Jackson, Wetmore. Phoenix. The Descendants of John Phoenix, an early settler in Kittery, Maine. By S. W. Phcenix, N. Y. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 53. 1867. Pickering. The Pickering Genealogy. By Charles Bowditch, of Boston, Mass. 8vo. Contains mention of Families of Lee, Higginson, Mackey, Frye, Orne, Paine, Dunair, Green, Prince, Millet, Goodhue, Peirce, Phippen, Henfield, Goodale, Ropes, Symonds, Mihotes, Browditch, Cabot, Goddart, Pickman, Lyman, Gardner, Williams, Lowell, Win¬ gate, Dodge, Silsbee. Pickering. General Data Respecting John Picker¬ ing, of Portsmouth, N. H., and His Descendants. 8vo, pp. 321 + viii. Boston, 1884. Pickering. Supplement to General Data Respecting John Pickering, of Portsmouth, N. H., and His Descendants. By Richard Henry Eddy. Svo, pp. 28. Boston, 1884. Pierce Family Record. 8 vo, pp. 5. Pierce Genealogy. By Frederick C. Pierce. Svo, pp. 367 + ix. Worcester, 1882. Also Blake. Pierce Genealogy, No. IV. Being the record of the Posterity of Captain Michael, John, and Captain William Pierce, who came to this country from England. By Frederick Clifton Pierce, of Rockford, Ill. 8vo, pp. 441. Limited edition. Albany, N. Y., 1889. Notice of Barnaby. Pierpont. See Darling. Pierson Genealogical Records. By Lizzie B. Pierson. 8vo, pp. 104. Albany, N.Y., 1878. Piper. Genealogy of the Family of Solomon Piper, of Dublin, N. H. A great-grandson of Nathaniel Piper, who came to Ipswich, Mass., from Dart¬ mouth, England, and died 1676. 8vo, pp. 20. Boston, 1849. Pitkin Family of America. By A. P. Pitkin. 8vo, pp. 325. Hartford, Conn., 1887. Pitman. Dr. John Pitman, the first of the name in the Colony of Rhode Island. By C. M. Thurston. 8 vo, pp. 48. New York, 1868. Pitner. See Fisher. Pitts. Memorial of the Lives and Services of James Pitts and His Sons John, Samuel, and Lendall, 1760-1780. By Daniel Goodwin, Jr. 8vo, pp. 63. Chicago, 1882. Platt. The Platt Lineage. A Genealogical Research and Record. By Lewis Platt, S.T.D. 8vo, pp. 398. New York, 1891. Plimpton. A Genealogy and Historical Notices of the Family of Plimpton, or Plympton, in America, and of Plumpton in England. By Levi B. Chase. Svo, pp. 240. Hartford, Conn., 1885. Plumb. 1635-1800. By H. B. Plumbs. Oblong 4to, pp. 57. Peeley, Luzerne County, Pa., 1890. Plumsted. Chronicles of the Plumsted Family. By Eugene Devereux. Royal 8vo, pp. v + 168. Philadelphia, 1887. Pocahontas, alias Matoaka, and her Descendants through her marriage (in 1614) with John Rolfe. By Wyndham Robertson and R. A. Brock. 8vo, pp. 84. Richmond, Va., 1887. Pollard. The Ancestry and Descendants of Jonathan Pollard, 1759-1821, with Records of Allied Families. By Lucien M. Underwood. Small 4to, pp. 20. Syracuse, N. Y., 1891. Pollock Genealogy. By Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden. 8 vo, pp. 59. Harrisburg, Pa., 1883. Pond. A Genealogical Record of Daniel Pond and his Descendants. By Edward D. Harris. 8vo, pp. 210. Boston, 1873. Poor. The Poor-Poore Family Gathering at Haver¬ hill, Massachusetts, September 14, 1887. Svo, pp. 107. Salem, 1890. The family of Balch. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 33 Poore. A Memoir and Genealogy of John Poore, 1G15-1880. By Alfred Poore. 4to, pp. 332. Salem, Mass. 1881. Pope. Notices of some of the Descendants of Joseph Pope, of Salem. By Henry Wheatland. 4to, pp. 14. 1867. Pope. Genealogy of Thomas Pope, 1608-1683, and some of his Descendants. By Franklin Leon¬ ard Pope. 8vo, pp. 22. Boston, 1888. Pope. Ancestry of Capt. Ebenezer Pope. 8vo, pp. 7. Elizabeth, N. J., 1882. Pope. Genealogy of a portion of the Pope Family, together with the Biographical Notice of Col. William Pope, of Boston, and some of his Descend¬ ants. 8ro, pp. 68. Boston, 1862. Pope. A History of the Dorchester Pope Family, 1634-1888, with Sketches of other Popes in Eng¬ land and America. By Charles Henry Pope. 8vo, p. 340. Boston, 1888. Porter. Descendants of Col. Joshua Porter, M.D., of Salisbury, Conn. Small 4to, pp. 125. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1882. Porter. The Descendants of John Porter, of Windsor, Conn., 1635-9. Compiled by Henry Porter Andrews. 2 vols., 8vo. Saratoga Springs, 1893. Porter. A Genealogy of Richard Porter, who settled at Weymouth, Mass., 1635, and Allied Families. Also some account of the Descendants of John Porter, who settled at Hingham, Mass., 1635, and Salem (Danvers), Mass., 1644. By Joseph W. Porter, of Burlington, Maine. 8vo, pp. 343. Bangor, 1878. Potter Genealogy. Also Blood and Brooks Family. Potter. Genealogies of the Potter Families and their Descendants in America to the Present Generation, with Historical and Biographical Sketches. Edited by Charles Edward Potter. Boston, 1888. Potter. See Austin “ Thirty-three Rhode Islanders.” Potts. Memorial of Thomas Potts, Jr., who set¬ tled in Pennsylvania; with an Historic-Genealogi¬ cal Account of his Descendants to the Eighth Generation. By Mrs. Thomas Potts James. Privately printed. 1 vol, 4to, pp. 10-f-418. Cam¬ bridge, 1874. Potts. See Cooley, Holstein. Powers. The Powers Family, Genealogical and Historical Record of Walker Power and some of his Descendants in the ninth Generation. By Amos H. Powers. 8vo, pp. 199. Chicago, Ill., 1884. Pratt. The Pratt Family. A Genealogical Record of Matthew Pratt, of Weymouth, Mass., and his American Descendants, 1623-1888. 8vo, pp. 226. Boston, Mass., 1889. Pratt. The Pratt Family, or the Descendants of Lieut. William Pratt, one of the First Settlers of Hartford and Say-Brook, with Genealogical Notes of John Pratt, of Hartford ; Peter, of Lyme ; J. P. (Taylor), of Say-Brook. By Rev. F. W. Chap¬ man, D.D. 8vo, pp. 420. Hartford, 1864. Preble. Genealogy, also Bangs. 8vo. Prentice. The History and Genealogy of the Pren¬ tice or Prentiss Family ofNew England, from 1631 to 1883. By C. J. F. Bunney. 8vo, pp. iv + 446. Boston, 1883. 3 Prescott. The Prescott Memorial, or a Genealogical Memoir of the Prescott Family in America, in Two Parts. By William Prescott, M.D. 8vo, pp. xiv + 653. Boston, 1870. Prescott. See Ellis. Preston Family. Frankfort, Kentucky, 1842. Re¬ printed at Albany, 1864. 8vo, pp. 26. Prince. Elder John Prince, of Hull, Mass. By George Prince. 12mo, pp. 32. 1888. Prince. Some Material for a Genealogy of the Prince Family of Danvers. By Eben Putnam. 8vo, pp. 11. [1891?] Prince. See Wetmore. Proctor. The First Settlers of the Proctor Family in New England. 12mo,pp. 19. Ogdensburg, 1873. Provoost. Genealogical Notes of the Provoost Fam¬ ily of New York. By Edwin R. Purple. 8vo, pp. 32. Privately printed. New York, 1875. Pryor Genealogy. Containing Brockden. Puddington. See Wetmore. Puffer. The Family of Puffer of Massachusetts. By W. S. Appleton. 8vo, pp. 9. Boston, 1882. Pusey. The Pusey Family. By Pennock Pusey, St. Paul, Minn. pp. 14. Wilmington, Del., 1883. Putnam. See Vinton. Putnam. A History of the Putnam Family in Eng¬ land and America, recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam, of Danvers, Mass., Jan. Poutman of Albany, N. Y., and Thomas Putnam of Hartford, Conn. By Eben Putnam. 8vo. Parti. 64-f-v. Salem, Mass., 1891. Part IV, pp. 177 to 248. Salem, 1893. Quincy. A Brief Record of the Quincy Family, of Boston, Mass. 8vo, pp. 8. Boston, 1857. Rainborowe Family. II. F. Waters, Isaac J. Greenwood, A.M. 8vo, pp. 16. New York, 1886. Rainsford. See Wetmore. Ramsey. See Keith. Randall. Genealogy of a Branch of the Randall Family, 1666-1879. 4to, pp. 289. Norwich, N. Y. Randall. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Randolph, of Virginia. See Page. Ransom. A Genealogical Record of the Descend¬ ants of Capt. Samuel Ransom, of the Continental Army. By Capt. C. B. Sears, U. S. A. 8vo, pp. 234. St. Louis, 1882. Rathbone. See Wetmore. Rawlins. Notes Relating to the Rawlins or Rollins, with Notices of Early Settlers of the Name in America. By John R. Rollins, A.M. 8vo. Lawrence, Mass., 1870. pp. 84. Rawson. The Ancestry of Edward Rawson, Secre¬ tary of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, with some Account of his Life in Old and New Eng¬ land. By Ellery Bicknell Crane. 8vo, pp. 54. Worcester, Mass., 1887. Rawson. The Rawson Family Memoirs of Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1651-1686 ; with Genealogical Notes of his Descendants. By Sullivan S. Rawson. 8vo, pp. 146. Boston, 1849. 34 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Rawson. The Rawson Family. A Revised Memoir of Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1650—16S6, etc., etc. By E. B. Crane. Svo, pp. 15+335. Worcester, 1875. Ray. See Sand. Reading. See Cooley. Redfield. Genealogy af the Redfield Family in the United States. By G. J. S. Redfield. Stereo¬ typed. Pp. 11. iS39. Redfield. Genealogy of the Redfields. By Lewis H. Redfield. Onondago, N. Y., 1S19. Redfield. Genealogical History of the Redfield Family in the United States. By John Howard Redfield. Pp.S+337. Albany, N. Y., 1S60. Reed. History of the Reed Family in Europe and America. By Jacob Whittemoke Reed. 8vo, pp. S+5SS. Boston, 1861. Reed, of New Jersey. See Cooley. Reeder. See Cooley, Fisher. Rentoul. Family of Rentoul. By Robert S. Ran- Toul. 8 vo, pp. 28. Salem, 1885. Renwick. See Tadd. Resseguie. The Resseguie Family of Norwalk, Ct. Bv John E. Morris. 8vo, pp. 99. Hartford, 1S88. Rexford. “ I wish to make a Complete Genealogical Record of the Rex fords.” By J. D. Rexford, of Janesville, Wis. 8vo, pp. 8. 1881. Rexford. Genealogical History, showing the Pater¬ nal Line from Arthur Rexford, a native of Eng¬ land, who married Elizabeth Stevens of New Haven, Conn., in 1702. By John DeWitt Rex¬ ford. 8 vo, pp. 77. Janesville, Wis., 1891. Reynolds. See Levering. Rhoads, of Pennsylvania. See Haines’ “ Clovercroft Chronicles.” Rice. A Genealogical History of the Rice Family, Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, who came from Berkhamstead, England, and settled at Sud¬ bury, Massachusetts, 1638-1639. By Andrew Henshaw Ward, A.M. 8vo, pp. 8+379. Boston, 1858. Notes of Baldwin Family. Richards. The Richards Family. By Rev. Abner Morse. 8 vo, pp. 243. 1861. Richards. A Sketch of some of the Descendants of Owen Richards, who emigrated to Pennsylvania previous to 1718. By Louis Richards, Reading, Pa. Royal 8vo, pp. 20. Philadelphia, 1882. Reprint from Penna. Mag. Hist, and Biog. Richardson. See Vinton. Richardson. The Genealogy of the Richardson Family of the State of Delaware. By Richard Richardson. [Philadelphia], 1878. 8vo, pp. 60. Richardson and Russell Families. Ey James Kimball, of Salem, Mass. Pp. 39. Salem, 1880. Richardson. The Richardson Memorial, Compris¬ ing a History and Genealogy of the Posterity of the Three Brothers, Ezekiel, Samuel and Thomas Richardson, who came from England and assisted with others in the founding of the town of Woburn, Massachusetts, in the year 1641, of John Richard¬ son, of Medfield, 1679, of Amos Richardson, of Boston, 1640, of Edward and Samuel Richardson, of Newbury, 1643, with Notices of Richardsons in England and elsewhere. By John Adams Vin¬ ton. 8 vo, xv+ 944. Portland, Me., 1876. Richmond. See Dawson. Ricker. Record of some of the Descendants of George and Maturin Ricker, who were Early Settlers at Dover, N. H. By W. B. Lapham. 8vo, pp. 20. Augusta, Me., 1877. Riddle. See Rydales. Ripley. Genealogy of the Ripley Family. By H. W. Ripley. 12mo, pp. 7. Harlem, N.Y. [1867.] Ripley. Genealogy of the Ripley Family. By H. W. Ripley. 12mo, pp. 48. Newark, N. J., 1867. Rittenhouse, of Pennsylvania. See Holstein. Rittenhouse Family. By Daniel K. Cassel. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1893. Rivers, of Virginia. See Page. Robbins. Family Record of the Ancestors of Ephraim and Abigail Robbins, and their Descendants. 8vo. 1 page. 1844. Robbins. See Todd. Roberdeau. Genealogy of the Roberdeau Family, including a biography of General Daniel Rober¬ deau of the Revolutionary Army. By Roberdeau Buchanan. 8 vo, pp. 196. Washington, 1876. Roberts. Descendants of John Roberts, of Simsbury, Ct., and Bloomfield, Ct. By Lester A. Roberts. Svo, pp. 7. Brooklyn, 1888. Roberts. See Codey. Robins. See Hayden. Robinson (Sarah). Genealogical History of the Families of Blain, Robinson, Safferds, Harwoods, and Clarks. Small Svo, pp. 96. Bennington,Vt., 1837. Robinson. William and Ann Robinson, of Dor¬ chester, Mass., their Ancestors and Descendants. By Edward Doubleday Harris. Royal 8vo, pp. 60. Edition 250 copies. Boston, 1890. Robinson. See Kelley. Rockwell. A Sermon preached at the Funeral of Martin Rockwell, of Colebrook, December 11, 1851. By Rev. Joseph Eldridge, with an Ap¬ pendix and a Genealogy of the Rockwell Family. 8vo. pp. 27. New Haven, 1852. Rockwood. A Historical and Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Timothy Rockwood, born in Medway, July 5,1727, died in Holliston, Feb¬ ruary 21, 1806. Compiled from Authentic Sources, by E. L. Rockwood. 12mo, pp. 146, Index, etc., 5. Boston, 1856. Notice of Barber Family. Rockwood. See Morse. Rodman. Notes on the Rodman Genealogy. By W. W. Rodman. 8 vo, pp. 27. New Haven, Conn., 1887. Rogers. Descendants of Rev. Daniel Rogers, of Littleton, Massachusetts. 8vo, pp. 8. 1885. Reprint from New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Rogers. A Sketch of some of the Descendants of Samuel Rogers of Monmouth Co., N. J. By G. S. L. Ward. 8 vo, pp. 18. Philadelphia, 1888. Rogers. See Dawson, Stebbins. Rollins. See Rawlins. Roome. Descendants of Peter Willemse Roome. 8vo, pp. 348 + 62. 1883. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 35 Root. Genealogical Records, 1600-1870. Compris¬ ing the General History of the Root and Roots Families in America. By James Piekce Root. 8vo, pp. 533. New York, 1870. Notice of Bailey. Rose. See Cooley. Rosenberger. The Rosenherger Family of Mont¬ gomery County [Pennsylvania]. By Edward Mathews. 8vo, pp. 60. Harleysville, Pa., 1892. Rossell Family, of Mount Holley, N. J. “ Stem- mata Rosellana.” By Clifford Stanly Sims. Small 8vo, pp. 8. Philadelphia, 1859. Rowland. A Genealogical Sketch of the Posterity of John Rowland, of Rhosybayvil, Parish of Bay- vil, Pembroke, Wales, and afterwards of East Whiteland, Chester County, Pa. By Henry G. Rowland and Edward A. Rowland. 12mo, pp. 33. Philadelphia, 1893. Royall. The New England Royalls. By Edward D. Harris. Royal 8vo, pp. 27. Boston, 1885. Rozell. See Cooley. Rulon. The Rulon Family Descendants. Pp. 43. Philadelphia, 1870. Rumbaugh. The Rumbaugh Family, 1753-1888, of Perry County, Pa. 16mo, pp. 104. Runnels. Genealogy of Runnels and Reynolds Families in America. By M. T. Runnels, A.M. 8vo, pp. xvi -f- 355. Boston, 1873. Rupp. A Brief Biographic Memorial of Joh. Jonas Rupp. Family Register, 1756-1875. By I. Daniel Rupp. 16mo, pp. 292 Philadelphia, 1875. Russell. Genealogy of that Branch of the Russell Family which comprises the Descendants of John Russell, of Woburn, Mass., 1640-1878. By John R. Bartlett. Privately printed. Royal 8vo, pp. 202. Providence, 1879. Contains Bartlett. Russell. See Richardson. Rust. Record of the Rust Family, embracing the Descendants of Henry Rust, who came from Eng¬ land and settled in Hingham, Mass., 1634-1635. By Albert D. Rust. 8vo, pp. xvi 528. Waco, Texas. 1891. Rutgers. The Rutgers Family of New York. By Ernest H. Crosby. Royal 8vo, pp. 14. New York, 1886. Ryedale. History of the Ancient Ryedales and their Descendants in Normandy, Great Britain, Ireland and America, from 860 to 1884. Riddell, Riddle, Ridlon, Ridley, etc. By G. T. Ridlon. Royal 8vo, pp. 786. Manchester, N. H., 1884. Sabin. The Sabin Family. By Rev. Anson Titus. 8vo. Weymouth, Mass., 1882. Safford. See Vinton. Safford, of Vermont. See Robinson. Sage. Genealogical Record of the Descendants of David Sage, a native of Wales, born 1639, and one of the first settlers of Middleton, Conn. By E. L. Sage. 8vo, pp. 82. Middleton, 1878. St.John. See Whitney. Salisbury (Edward E. and E. Me. A Series of Genealogical and Biographical Monographs on the Families of McCurdy, Mitchell, Lord, Lynde, Digby, Newdigate, Hoo, Willoughby, Griswold, Wolcott, Pitkin, Ogden, Johnson, Diodati, Lee and Marvin. And Notes on the. Families of Buchanan, Parmelee, Boardman, Lay, Locke, Cole, De Wolf, Drake, Aldworth, Bond, Breese and Swayne, Dunbar and Clarke, and a Notice of Chief Justice Morrison Remick Waite. 29 Pedigree charts and 2 charts of Combined Descendants. 3 vols., super royal 4to. Edition of 300 copies only. New Haven, 1892. Salkeld. TheSalkeld Family of Pennsylvania, from John Salkeld, who emigrated in 1705. Pamphlet. 8vo. 1867. Salter. Memorial Service and Notices of George William Salter, of Washington, D. C. A Gene¬ alogy. 8vo, pp. 47. Washington, D. C., 1882. Salter. Salter Family. By J. E. Stillwell, M.D. 8vo, pp. 11. New York. Sambornes, of England and America. By V. C. Samborn, of Concord, Mass. 8vo, pp. 11. [1885.] Sands. Descendants of Comfort Sands and of his Children. With Notes on the Families of Ray Thomas, Guthrie, Alcock, Palgrave, Cornell, Dodge, Hunt, Jessup. 8vo, pp. 91. New York, 1886. Sanger. See Morse. Sankey. The Sankey Pedigree. Swansea, 1880. Sares. The Descendants of Richard Sares, of Yar¬ mouth, Mass., 1638-1888. By Samuel P. May. 8vo, pp. x 4- 665. Albany, 1890. Sarge(a)nt. Genealogy of the Sarge(a)nt Family, Descendants of William of Malden, Mass. By Aaron Sargent. 8vo, pp. 98. Boston, 1858. Sargent. Reminiscences of Lucius Manlius Sargent: with an Appendix containing a Genealogy of the Family. By John H. Sheppard. 8vo, pp. 51. Boston, 1871. Sargent. Sargents from England, first to settle in New England prior to 1690. The first William Sargent, Amesbury, Mass.; his Genealogical Rec¬ ord, and many of his Descendants; giving fully that of Moses Sargent, Warren, Vt., and that of all his Descendants. By Edward Everett Sargent. 12mo, pp. 21. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1893. Sater. See Levering. Saunders. See Driver. Savery. The Savery Families of America. By A. W. Savery, M.A. 8vo, pp. 20. Boston, 1887. Sawin. Summary Notes Concerning John Sawin and his Posterity. By Thomas E. Sawin. Pp. 48. Athol Depot, 1867. Sawyer. A Genealogy of some of the Descendants of William Sawyer of Newbury, Mass., embracing Ten Generations and One Hundred and Seven Families. By Nathaniel Sawyer, of Cincin¬ nati, Ohio, and Joseph Burbeen Walker, of Concord, N. H. 8vo, pp. 471. Manchester, N. H., 1889. Sawyer. Some Descendants of William Sawyer of Newbury, Mass. By W. S. Appleton. 8vo, pp. 11. Boston, 1891. Sayward. The Sayward Family ; being the History and Genealogy of Henry Sayward, of York, Me., and his Descendants, with a Brief Account of other Saywards, who settled in America. By Chas. A. Sayward. Small 8v>, pp. vi 4- 177. Ipswich, Mass., 1890. 36 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Scammon. Materials for a Genealogy of the Scam- mon Family in Maine. Syo, pp. 21. Salem, 1S92. Schenk. Memoir of Johannes Schenk. By P. L. Schenek, M.D. Syo, pp. S3. Flatbush, L. I., 1876. Schenck. The Rev. William Schenck, his Ancestry and his Descendants. By A. D. S. Svo, pp. 163. Washington, D. C., 1SS3. Schuler. See Meyer. Schureman Genealogy. By Richard Wynkoop, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 55. New York, 18S9. Schwenkfelder. Genealogical Records of the De¬ scendants of the Schwenkfelders, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1733,1734, 1736,1737. By Rev. Reuben Kriebel. Svo, pp. xxx + 339. Mana- yunk, 1879. Scott. Dorothea Scott, otherwise Gotherson and Hogben, annotated by G. D. Scull. Printed for private circulation. 8vo, pp. 28, 1882. Second Edition, pp. iv + 216. Oxford, 1883. Scott. See Hayden. Scranton. A Genealogical Register of the Descend¬ ants of John Scranton of Guilford, Conn., who died in the year 1761. Compiled by Rev. Eras- tus Scranton, A.M., of Burlington, Conn. 8vo. Hartford, Conn., 1855. 104 Schillaber. 1680. A Family Souvenir, 1877. Family Reunion, 1877, of Descendants of John Schillaber, at Boston. 16mo, pp. 48. Boston, 1877. Scrase. Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Scrase. By Mark Antony Lower, M.A., T.S.A. 8vo. London, 1856. Scripps. History of the Scripps Family. By James E. Scripps. Printed for private circulation. 12mo, pp. 28. Detroit, 1882. Scudder. See Cooley. Seagrave. Genealogy of the Seagrave Family, from 1725-1881, as descended from John and Sarah Seagrave, who came from England. By Daniel Seagrave. 8vo, pp. 55 + 38. Worcester, 1881. Searight. A Record of the Searight Family (also written Seawright), established in America by William Seawright, who came from near Lon¬ donderry, in the north of Ireland, to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, about the year 1740 ; with an account of his Descendants as far as can be ascertained. By James A. Seawright. 8vo, pp. 228. Uniontown, Pa., 1893. Sedgwick. See Tadd. Selden. Calvin Selden of Lyme, and his Children. An address at a meeting of the Selden Family, 1877. 8vo, pp. 15. New Haven, 1877. Semple. Genealogical History of the Family of Semple, 1214-1888. By William Alexander Semple, of Broad Brook, Conn. 8vo, pp. 60. Hartford, 1888. Sessions. Materials for a History of the Sessions Family in America, the Descendants of Alexander Sessions of Andover, Mass., 1669. By Francis C. Sessions. Fcp. 4to, pp. 252. Albany, N. Y., 1890. Seton, of Parbroath, in Scotland and America. Printed for private circulation. Small 8vo, pp. 28. New York, 1890. Sewall. See Ellis. Shackford. Captain John Shackford and Family. By Samuel Shackford, of Chicago, Ill. Small Svo, pp. 8. [1889.] Sharpe Genealogy. By W. C. _ShArpe. Dmo, pp. 178. Seymour, Conn., 1880. Sharpe. Records of the Sharpe Family in England and America, from 1580-1870. By W. C. Sharpe. 12mo, pp. 33. Seymour, Ct., 1874. Sharpes. The Sharpes (a monthly publication). Svo, pp. 4. [1893]. Sharpless. Family Record, containing the Settle¬ ment and Genealogy to the present time, of the Sharpies Family in North America, with an Appendix, containing Memorials of the Dying Sayings, etc., of several deceased members of the Family, not before published. By Joseph Sharp¬ less. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1816. Sharpless. Genealogy of the Sharpless Family, De¬ scended from John and Jane Sharpies, Settlers near Chester, Pa., 1682, together with an Account of the English Ancestry of the Family. By Gilbert Cope. 4to, pp. 1333. Philadelphia, 1887. Containing genealogies of a number of Pennsylvania families, such as Barber, Maris, Rhodes, etc. Shattuck. Memorials of the Descendants of William Shattuck, the Progenitor of the Family in America. By Lemuel Shattuck. 8vo,pp.414. Bost.,1855. Shoemaker. The Shoemaker Family. By Thomas H. Shoemaker. 8vo, pp. 112. Philadelphia, 1893. Shoemaker. See Levering. Shooner. See Wetmore. Shower. See Everhart. Sheldon. The Sheldon Magazine (Genealogy of the Shelden Family), Issued in Numbers [1856-1857, etc.]. By Rev. Henry Olcott Sheldon. 8vo. Sidney, Ohio. Shepard. Descendants of Edward Shepard, Cam¬ bridge, Mass. (1639). By James Shepard, Naman Sheppard, A. E. B. Shepherd. 8vo, pp. 18. Boston, 1878. Shepard. See Wetmore. Sherman. Records of the Sherman Family. By David H. Sherman. 8vo, pp. 94. 1887. Sherrard. The Sherrard Family, of Steubenville. By Robert A. Sherrard. Edited by Thomas Johnson Sherrard. 8vo, pp. 409. Philadelphia, 1890. Sherwood. See Wetmore. Shipman. See Fisher. Shippen. Descendants of Dr. William Shippen. Compiled by Charles R. Hildeburn. Tabular Pedigree. (Reprint from Penna. Mag. of Hist, and. Biog.) Shippen. Genealogy of the Descendants of Dr. William Shippen the Elder, of Philadelphia, Member of the Continental Congress. By Rober- deau Buchanan. 8vo, pp. 16. Washington, D. C., 1877. Privately printed. Shuey. History of the Shuey Family in America, 1732-1876. By D. B. Shuey, A.M. 12mo, pp. 279. Lancaster, Pa., 1876. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 37 Shuler. See Levering. Shute. See Killey. Sibley. The Ancestry, Life and Times of Hon. Henry Hastings Sibley, LL.D, first Governor of the State of Minnesota. By Nathaniel West, D.D. 8vo, pp. x -(- 596. St. Paul, Minn., 1889. Sigourney. See Dawson. Sigourney Genealogy, also Brimmer. 8vo. Sill. Genealogy of the Descendants of John Sill, who settled at Cambridge, Mass., in 1637. 12mo, pp. 108. Albany, 1859. Sill. See Dawson. Silsbee. See Driver. Silsbee. A Genealogical Account of Henry Silsbee and some of His Descendants. By James A. Emerton, M.D. 8vo, pp. 171. Salem, 1880. Simpkins. Samuel Grant Simpkins: A Memorial. Prepared by Peter Thatcher. 8vo, pp. 41. Boston, 1890. Slafter. Memorial of John Slafter, with a Genealog¬ ical Account of his Descendants, including Eight Generations. By Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A.M. 8vo, pp.x-|-155. Boston, 1869. Privately printed. Slack. See Cooley. Slosson Genealogy. By D. Williams Patter¬ son. Reprinted from N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Reg., 1872. Being a record of the Descendants of Na¬ thaniel Slosson, born about 1696. Norwalk, Conn. 8vo, pp. 20. Slocum. A Preliminary to the Slocum Genealogy. By C. E. Slocum. 8vo, pp. 7. Boston, 1880. Slocum. A Short History of the Slocums, Slocumbs, and Slocombs in America, from 1637-1881. By Charles Elihu Slocum, M.D., Ph.D. 8vo, pp. 644. Syracuse, N. Y., 1882. Smick. See Levering. Smith. Genealogy of Robert Smith, of Bucking¬ ham, Bucks County, Pa., 1719. By Josiah B. Smith, of Newtown, Pa. Royal 8vo, pp. 52. Newtown, 1885. Smith. The Burlington Smiths. A Family History. By R. Morris Smith. Royal 8vo, pp. 296. Philadelphia, 1877. Smith. Genealogy of William Smith, of Wrights- town, Bucks County, Pa., 1684. By Josiah B. Smith, of Newtown, Pa. Royal 8vo, pp. 113. 1883. Smith. Genealogical Record of Wellington Smith and Family. By W. S. 4to, pp. 56. 1889. Smith. See Cooley, Dawson, Jackson. Smith. A Genealogical History of the Descendants of the Rev. Nehemiah Smith, of New London County, Conn. 1638-1888. By H. Allen Smith. 8vo, pp. 317. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889. Smith. John Smith, of Milford, New Haven Colony, and his Descendants to the Fifth Generation. Compiled by Robert Atwater Smith, of New Haven, Conn. 8vo. Smith. A Genealogical Sketch of the Family of Rev. Worthington Smith, D.D., and Mrs. Mary Ann (Tuttle) Smith, of St. Albans, Vt. By E. W. Smith. Royal 8vo, pp. 16. Chicago, 1878. Smith. The Smith Memorial. 12mo. Smyser. Minutes of the Centennial Celebration, held by the Descendants of the Elder Matthias Smyser, May 3, 1845, on the Farm of Samuel Smyser, in West Manchester Township, York Co., Pa. 16mo, pp. 28. Carlisle, Pa., 1852. Snively. Genealogical Memoranda, Sniverly. A. D. 1659 A.D.1882. By( Rev.) Wm. AndrewSnively (S.T.D.). Small 4to, pp. 77. Printed for private circulation. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1883. Stafford Family, Genealogy of the. By Henry Marvin Benedict. 8vo, pp. 24. Albany, 1870. Stafford. A Contribution to the Genealogy of the Stafford Family in America , containing an Ac¬ count of Col. Joab Stafford, and a Complete Rec¬ ord of his Descent in the male line. By H. W. Benedick. 8vo, pp. 27. Albany, 1870. Soule. The Soule Family, of North Yarmouth and Freeport, Maine. By Dr. Charles E. Banks and Enos Chandler Soule. 8vo, pp. 31. Yar¬ mouth, Maine, 1882. Souther. Memoranda relating to Nathaniel Sou¬ ther, the first Secretary of Plymouth Colony. 8vo, pp. 418. Springfield, Ill., 1886. Southwick. Genealogy of the Descendants of Law¬ rence and Cassandra Southwick, of Salem, Mass. By James M. Caller. 12mo, pp. 609. Salem, 1881. Sower. Christopher Sower (of Germantown, Phila¬ delphia,) and descendants. Chart pedigree. Phil¬ adelphia. Spangler. Genealogy of Christian E. Spangler, of Philadelphia, from 1737 to 1883. Pp. 13. Spare. Descendants of Samuel Spare. B} f John Spare, A.M., M.D. 8vo, pp. 68. New Bedford, Mass., 1884. Spencer. Notes on the Descendants of James Spen¬ cer (Junior), of Spencer Hall, Talbot County, Md. 8vo, pp. 26. 1892. Spencer. Family History and Genealogy. Oblong 4to, pp. 26. 1889. Spofford. A Genealogical Record, including Two Generations. By Dr. Jeremiah Spofford. 8vo, pp. 502. Boston, 1888. Spooner. Records of W T illiam Spooner,of Plymouth, Mass., and his Descendants. By Thomas Spooner. 8vo, pp. 694. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1883. Spooner. Memorial of William Spooner, 1637. And his Descendants to the Third Generation of his Great-Grandson, Elnathan Spooner, and his Descendants to 1871. By Thomas Spooner. [Private Edition.] 8vo, pp. 242. Cincinnati, 1871. Spotswood. Genealogy of the Spotswood Family in Scotland and Virginia. By Charles Camp¬ bell. 8vo, pp. 44. Albany, 1868. Sprague. The Genealogy of the Spragues in Hing- ham, arranged in Chronological Order to the Fourth Generation, counting from William Sprague, one of the first Planters in Massachu¬ setts, who arrived at Naumkeag from England in the year 1628. Hingham, 1828. D. pp. 60. Sprague. Memorial of the Sprague Family. By Richard Soule, Jr. Pp. 191. Boston, 1847. Sprague. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Isl¬ anders.” 3S AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Springer. A Genealogical Table and History of the Springer Family. By M. C. Stringer. 8vo, pp. 144. Philadelphia, 1SS1 Standish. See Wetmore. Stanley. The Stanley Families of America, as de¬ scended from John, Timothy and Thomas Stanley, of Hartford, Ct., 1636. By Israel P. Warren, D.D. Svo, pp. 352. Portland, Me., 1887. Stanton. A Record, Genealogical, Biographical and Statistical, of Thomas Stanton, of Connecticut, and his descendants, 1635-1891. By Wit. A. Stan¬ ton, Ph.D., D.D. Svo, pp. 613. Albany, N. Y., 1591. Also Allen, Baldwin, Barber, Avery, Babcock. Starkey. The Starkeys of New England and the Descendants of George Lawrence. By Miss Emily Wilder Leayitt. 8vo, pp. 10. Boston, 1592. Starin. The Starin Family in America, Descend¬ ants of Nicholas Ster (Starin), one of the early Settlers of Fort Orange (Albany, N. Y.). By William L. Stone. 4to, pp. 233. Albany, 1892. Starr. A History of the Starr Family of New Eng¬ land, from the Ancestor, Dr. Comfort Starr, of Ashford, County of Kent, England, who emi¬ grated to Boston in 1635. By B. P. Starr. 8vo, pp. 8 577. Hartford, Ct., 1879. Starr. See Jackson. Stebbeno. Genealogical Notes of the Descendants of Eber Stebbens, of Wilbraham, and of his wife, Elizabeth Bliss. By Bliss Stebbens. 4to, pp. 16. Boston, 1886. Containing genealogies of Stebbens, Bliss, Bradford, Rogers. Stebbins. A Genealogy of the Family of Mr. Sam. Stebbins, and Mrs. Hannah Stebbins, his wife, from the year 1707 to the year 1771. Pp. 31. reprinted 1879. Stebbins. A Genealogy of the Family of Mr. Sam¬ uel Stebbins and Mrs. Hannah Stebbins, his wife. From the year 1707 to the year 1771, with the Names, Times of Births, Marriages, and Deaths of those that are deceased. 8vo. Hartford, 1771. This is one of the oldest of American genealogies; only two copies are extant, but the work has been re¬ cently reproduced, as above noted. Steele. Steele Family. A Genealogical History of John and George Steele (settlers of Hartford, Ct., 1635-6) and their Descendants, with an Appendix containing genealogical information respecting other families of the name who settled in differ¬ ent parts of the United States. By Daniel Steel Durrie. Pp. 145. Albany, 1859. Second Edition, 1862. Pp. 161. Steiner Memoirs. 1311-1878. 8vo, pp. 21. Cin¬ cinnati, 1880. Steinman. See Mayer. Stephens. The American Genealogical Record. The Stephens Family with Collateral Branches. By Edward Stephens Clark, M.D. 8vo, pp. viii + 185. San Francisco, 1892. Stern. See McFarlan of Pennsylvania. Stetson. A Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of the Name and Family of Stetson, from the Year 1634 to the Year 1847. By John S. Barry, 8vo, pp. 116. Boston, 1847. Stewart. See Johnson. Stickney. The Stickney Family: A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of William and Eliz¬ abeth Stickney, from 1637 to 1869. By M. A. Stickney. Svo, pp- 526. Salem, Mass., 1869. Stiles. Genealogy of the Stiles Family. 8vo, pp. 31. Stiles. Contributions towards a Genealogy of the (Massachusetts) Family of Stiles, descended from Robert of Rowley, Mass., 1659-1860. By Henry R. Stiles, M.D. 8vo, pp. 48. Albany, 1863. Stillwell. Notes on the Descendants of Nicholas Stillwell, Ancestor of the Stillwell Family in America. By Wm. H. Stillwell. 8vo,pp. 62. New York, 1883. Stockton. A History of the Stockton Family. By J. W. Stockton. Pp. 70. Philadelphia, 1881. Richard Stockton, the founder of the family, was son of John, of the parish of Malpas, in Cheshire, Eugland, and was born 1606. Stoddard. John Stoddard of Wethersfield, Conn., and his Descendants, 1642-1872. A Genealogy. By D. W. Patterson. 8vo, pp. 96 + xvi. Prin¬ ted for private circulation. Succassunna, N. J., 1873. Stoddard. Some of the Ancestors of Rodman Stod¬ dard, of Woodbury, Conn., and Detroit, Mich. A Compilation. By Edward Deacon. 8vo, pp. 86. Bridgeport, Conn., 1893. Stoddard. See Wetmore. Stokes. Some Memoirs of James Stokes and Caro¬ line Phelps Stokes. Arranged for their children and grandchildren. Printed for the family. 12mo, pp. 579. 1892. Stone. Descendants of Daniel Stone, of Dorchester, Mass. By Waterman Stone. 8vo, pp. 4. Boston, 1882. Stone. Souvenir of a part of the Descendants of Gregory and Lydia Cooper Stone, 1634-1892. By Mrs. John Livingston Stone, of Marlborough, Mass., 1892. Pp. 78. Stone. The Family of John Stone, one of the First Settlers of Guilford, Conn. By William L. Stone, 2d. 8vo, pp. 184. Albany, 1888. Stone. See Dawson. Storrs. The Storrs Family. Genealogical and other Memoranda. By Charles Storrs. Privately printed. Royal 8vo, pp. 552. New York, 1886. Story. See Wetmore. Stougb. See Wetmore. Stranahan. Genealogies of the Stranahan, Iossilyn, Fitch and Dow Families in North America. [By Henry R. Stiles.] 8vo, pp. 126. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1868. Stratton. See Haines. Strawbridge. See Strobridge. Street. Rev. Nicholas Street and his Descendants, By Henry A. Street, of New Haven, Ct. 8vo. pp. 3. Reprint. [1889.] Strobridge. Morrison or Morison Strawbridge. By Mary Stiles (Paul) Guild. 8vo, pp. xxix + 299. Lowell, Mass., 1891. Strong. The History of the Descendants of Elder John Strong, of Northampton, Mass. By Benja¬ min W. Dwight. 8vo. Albany [1871]. 2 vols., pp. 1586. Descendants by name: Bellows, Allen, Avery, Beecher. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 39 Stuart. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Sullivan. Materials for a History of the Family of John Sullivan, of Berwick, New England, and of the O’Sullivans of Ardea, Ireland. Chiefly col¬ lected by the late Thomas Coffin Amory, with a Pedigree of O’Sullivan Beare. By Sir J. Bernard Burke, C.B., LL.D. 8vo, pp. xix + 190. Cam¬ bridge, 1893. Sumner. Record of the Descendants of William Sumner of Dorchester, Mass., 1636. By W. S. Appleton. Royal 8vo, pp. 204. Boston, 1879. Sumner. Memorials of Rev. Joseph Sumner, D.D. 50 copies. 8vo, pp. 175. Worcester, Mass., 1888. Sumner Genealogy. By Wm. H. Sumner. 8vo. 1854. pp. 70. Swett. Mementoes of the Sweet Family. By J. Wingate Thornton. 100 copies. 8vo. Pri¬ vately printed. Roxbury, 1851. pp. 26. Swisher, of Pennsylvania. See Magennis. Symmes The Symmes Memorial. A Biographical sketch of Rev. Zechariah Symmes. 1634—1671. By John Adams Vinton. 8vo,pp. 16+184. Bos¬ ton, 1873. Symmes. See Keith. Swayne. See Salisbury. Taft. A Meeting of the Descendants of Ebenezer and May (Howard) Taft, at the Chestnut Hill Meeting-house in Blackstone, Mass., Tuesday, August 11, 1891, with the Address of Rev. Carl¬ ton A. Staples, and other proceedings of that occa¬ sion. 8vo, pp. 29. Boston. Taintor. The Genealogy and History of the Taintor Family, from the period of their emigration from Wales to the present time. By Charles M. Taintor. 18mo, pp. 82. Greenfield, 1847. Talcott Pedigree in England and America, from 1558 to 1876. By S. V. Talcott. 8vo, pp. 316 4- ii. Albany, 1876. Tanner. The Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Tanner, Sr., of Cornwall, Conn. By Rev. Elias F. Tanner, A.B. Pp. 110. Lansing, Mich., 1893. Tower Genealogy. An Account of the Descend¬ ants of John Tower, of Hingham, Mass. Com¬ piled under the direction of Charlemagne Tower, late of Philadelphia. Died-. 8vo, pp. 689. Cambridge, 1891. Town. Historical and Biographical Notes of the Family of Towne (of Vermont). 8vo, pp. 16. Chicago, Ill., 1878. Tappan. A Sketch of the Life of Rev. Daniel Dana Tappan. With an Account of the Tappan Family. 8vo, pp. 28. Boston, 1890. Tappan. Memoir of Mrs. Sarah Tappan : taken in part from the Home Missionary Magazine, of November, 1828, and printed for distribution among her descendants. 12mo, pp. 150. New York, 1834. Taylor. Reunion of the Family of Joseph Taylor, at Middletown, New Jersey, in 1861. Printed for private circulation. Pp. 9. New York, 1861. Taylor. Descendants of Joseph Taylor, of Kennett, Chester County, Pa. By Gilbert Cope. Broad¬ side. West Chester, 1891. Taylor. See Hayden, Jackson. Taynter. A History and Genealogy of the Descend¬ ants of Joseph Taynter, who sailed from England, April, A.D. 1638, and settled at Watertown, Mass. By Dean W. Taintor. For private distribution. 8vo, pp. 100. Boston, 1859. Temple. Some Account of the Temple Family. 8vo, pp. 100, and chart. New York, 1887. Abercrombie, Adkins, Alexander, Allen, Bowdoin. Temple. See Cooley. Tenney. Genealogy of the Tenney Family, more particularly of the Family of Daniel Tenney and Sylvia Kent, his wife, late of La Porte, Lorain County, Ohio. From 1634 and 1638 to 1875. By H. A. Tenney. 8vo, pp. 76. Madison, Wis., 1875. Terry. Notes of Terry Families, mainly Descended from Samuel, of Springfield, Mass.; but including also some descended from Stephen, of Windsor, Conn.; Thomas, of Freetown, Mass., and others. By Stephen Terry, A.M. 8vo-, pp. 343. Hart¬ ford, Conn., 1887. Thacter. The Thacter Family. By Miss Julia W. Redfield, of Pittsfield, Mass. Small 8vo, pp. 6. Thayer (Elisha). Family Memoir. 12mo. Hing¬ ham, 1835. Families of Alden, Adams, Arnold, Bass, Billings, Capen, Copeland, French, Hobart, Jackson, Paine, Thayer, Wales, White. Thayer. Memorial of the Thayer Name. From the Massachusetts Colony of Weymouth and Braintree, embracing Genealogical and Biographical sketches of Richard and Thomas Thayer and their De¬ scendants, from 1636 to 1874. By Bezaleel Thayer. Oswego, 1874. 8vo, pp. 708. Thayer. See Vinton. Thomas. Genealogical Records and Sketches of the Descendants of William Thomas, of Hardwick, Mass. By A. R. Thomas, M.D. 8vo, pp. vi + 221. Philadelphia and London, 1891. Thomas. The Thomas Family, of Hilltown, Bucks County, Pa. By Edward Mathews. 8vo, pp. 68. Lansdale, Pa., 1884. Thomas. See Meyer Sand. Thomas. Genealogical Notes: containing the Pedi¬ gree of the Thomas Family of Maryland, and the following connected Families: Snowden, Buckley, Bordley, Lawrence, Bowie, Chew, Ellicott, Hopkins, Johnson, Rutherford, Fairfax, Shiefle- lin, Tyson and others. By (Rev.) Lawrence Buckley Thomas, Baltimore, Md. Part I, 1877, 4to, pp. 197. Part II, 1878, pp. 56. Thomas. Pedigrees of Thomas, Chew and Law¬ rence. A West River Register and Genealogical Notes. By Rev. Lawrence B. Thomas. 8vo, pp. 136 -j- xix + 4. New York, 1883. Thompson. The Thompson Family. 8vo, pp. 20. [Pottsville, Pa.] 1887. Thompson. Memorials of the Families of W T m. James Thompson and of Deacon Augustus Thomp¬ son, of Goshen, Conn. 8vo, pp. 106. Hartford, 1854. Thomson. A Genealogy of the Descendants of John Thomson, of Plymouth, Mass., and sketches of Families of Allen, Cooke and Hutchinson. By Charles Hutchinson Thompson, of Lansing, Mich. 8vo, pp. 272. Lansing, 1890. 40 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Thomson. A Genealogy of John Thomson, who landed at Plymouth in the month of May, 1622. By Ignatius Thomson. Pp. S4. Taunton, 1841. Thomson. John Thomson and Family. By John Bodine Thompson. Royal Svo, pp. 29. Wil¬ liamsport, Pa., 1889. Thornton, of Virginia. See Page. Thurston. Genealogy of Charles Myrick Thurston aud of his wife Rachael Hall Pitman, formerly of Newport, R. I.; after December, 1840, of New York, By Charles M. Thurston. Pp. 80. New York, 1865. Thurston. 1635—1892. Thurston Genealogies. Com¬ piled by Brown Thurston. Svo, pp. xvi + 744. First Edition, pp. 59S. 1880. Second Edition, Portland, Me., 1892. Thurston. Descendants of Edward Thurston. By C. M. Thurston. 8vo, pp. 70. New York, 1868. Thwing. A Genealogical, Biographical and Histor¬ ical Account of the Family of Thwing. By Walter Eliot Thwing. 8vo, pp. 216. 1883. Tibben. See Levering. Tilghman. Fac-simile of portions of the Family Register of the Tilghman Family, of “Halloway Court,” County Kent, England, and of “ The Her¬ mitage,” in the County of Queen Anne, Mary¬ land. 1879. Tilley. Genealogy of the Tilley Family. By R. H. Tilley. 8vo, pp. 79. Newport, R. I., 1878. Tindall. See Cooley. Tinker. The Ancestors of Silas Tinker in America from 1637. A Partial Record, prepared by A. B. Tinker, of Akron, and read at the annual reunion of the Descendants of Silas Tinker, at Ashtabula, Ohio, August 15, 1889. 8vo, pp. 11. Akron, Ohio (1889). Titcomb. See Ellis. Titus Family in America. Three Generations. By Rev. Anson Titus, Jr., Weymouth, Mass. Royal 8vo, pp. 8. New York, 1881. Titus Genealogy contains Arnold. Titus. See Cooley. Todd. Genealogy, or Register of the Descendants of Adam Todd, of the Name of Todd, Whitten, Brevoort, Coolidge, Bristed, Sedgewick, Kane, Renwick, Bull, Huntington, Dean, Astor, Bentzen, Langdon, Boreel, Wilks, De Nottbeck, Ward, Chanler, Cary, Tiebout, Bruce, Robbins, Waldo, Woodhull, Odell, Greene and Foster. By R. H. Greene, A.M. 8vo, pp. 143 -f- xvii. New York, 1867. Also Adams, Allen, Brevort. Tomplinson. See Cooley. Tompkins. A Record of the Ancestry and Kindred of Edward Tompkins, Sr., late of Oakland, Cali¬ fornia (deceased), with an Appendix. Prelimi¬ nary Edition. Printed for the Compiler, 1893. Royal 8vo, pp. 65. (Oakland, Cal.) Toppan. The Toppans of Toppan’s Lane, with their Descendants and Relations. By Joshua Coffin. 8vo, pp. 30. Newburyport, 1862. Toppan. The Family Records of James and Nancy Toppan, of the Fourth Generation, formerly of Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey. By P. P. Goode, LL.B. Svo, pp. 126. Liberty, Union County, Ind., 1884. Torrey. Memoirs of Major Jason Torrey, of Beth¬ any, Wayne County, Pa. By Rev. David Tor¬ rey, D.D., Scranton, Pa. 8vo, pp. 131. 1885. Torrey. Genealogical Notes, showing the Paternal Lineage Descent from William Torrey, of Combe St. Nicholas, Somerset County, England, A.D. 1557, to Jason Torrey, of Bethany, Pa., 1884, etc. Compiled by John Torrey, Scranton, Pa. Svo, pp. 50 + 2. 1885. Torrey. A Contribution towards a Genealogy of all the Torreys in America. Compiled by D. Tor¬ rey, Detroit. 8vo, pp. 145 + lxi. 1890. Tottington, of New England. See Gale. Townshend. The Townshend Family. By C. H. Townshend. 8vo. New Haven, Conn. First edition, 1882; second edition, 1883 ; third edi¬ tion, 1884. Townshend. Genealogy of the Townshend Family. By B. D. Townsend, of Lime Springs, la. 8vo, pp. 33. Alfred Centre, N. Y., 1879. Townshend. Notes on the Townshend Family. By H. F. Waters. 8vo, pp. 43. Salem, 1883. Towle. Some of the Descendants of Philip Towle, of Hampton, N. H. By Mrs. A. E. T. Lind¬ say, of Tenafly, N. J. 8vo, pp. 8. Tracy. Genealogy of the Family of Lt. Thomas Tracy, of Norwich, Conn. By Mrs. M. O. Abbey. 8vo, pp. 141. 1889. [Milwaukee, Wis.] Trask. History and Genealogy of the Trask Family. By R. D. Trask. 12mo, pp. 36. Portland, Me. 1877. Treadwell. See Wetmore. Treat. A Genealogy of the Treat Family. Trot, Tratt, Treat. By John Harvey Treat, A.M. Royal 8vo, pp. 637. Salem, Mass., 1893. Trego. A Historical Account of the Trego Family. By A. Trego Shertzer, M.D., of Baltimore, Md. Pp. 138. Baltimore, 1884. Trent, of New Jersey. See Cooley. Trott. The Trotts of Dorchester and Boston. By E. D. Harris. 4to, pp. 4. Boston, 1889. Trowbridge. The Trowbridge Family ; or, the De¬ scendants of Thomas Trowbridge, one of the First Settlers of New Haven, Conn. By F. W. Chap¬ man, A.M. 8vo, pp. 461. New Haven, 1872. Trumbull. A Genealogy of the Ancestors and De¬ scendants of George Augustus and Louisa (Clap) Trumbull, of Trumbull Square, Worcester, Mass. Printed for the Family. Royal Svo, pp. 46. 1886. Tuck Genealogy. Robert Tuck, of Hampton, N. H., and his Descendants, 1638-1877. By Joseph Dow. 8vo, pp. 138. Boston, 1877. Turner. Genealogy of the Descendants of Humphrey Turner, with Family Records. Two Parts. By Jacob Turner, Esquire. 8vo, pp. 63. Boston, 1852. Turner. See Meyer. Turpin. The Turpin Family. An Outline Sketch. By J. M. Bancroft. New York, 1879. Broad¬ side. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 41 Tuthill. Reunion of the Tuthill Family. 8vo, pp. 60. 1867. Tuttle. The Descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle. Settled in New Haven 1639. By George F. Tuttle. 8vo, pp. lx 4- 754. Rutland, Vt., 1883. Mention of families of Alcott. Tuttle. Genealogical Record of a Line of Descend¬ ants of John and Joanna Tuttle, of Ipswich, Mass., from 1635 to 1885. By J. W. Tuttle. 8vo, pp. 46. Plattsburg, N, Y., 1885. Tuttle. See Dawson. Twining. Genealogy of the Twining Family. De¬ scendants of William Twining, Sr., who came from Wales or England, and died in Eastham, Mass., 1659. By Thomas J. Twining. 8vo, pp. 172 + xi. Chicago, 1890. Twitchell. See Morse. Underwood. The Underwood Family of Massa¬ chusetts. By L. M. Underwood, Ph.D. 8vo, pp. 8. Syracuse, N. Y. Updike. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Upham Genealogy. The Descendants of John Upham, of Massachusetts, who came from Eng¬ land in 1635, and lived in Weymouth and Malden. Embracing over five hundred heads of families, extending into the tenth generation. By F. K. Upham. 8vo, pp. 573. Albany, N. Y., 1892. Upham. Family History. Notices of the life of John Upham. By Albert G. Upham, A.M. 12mo, pp. 92. Concord, N. H., 1845. Upham. A Sketch of the Life and Character of Deacon Joshua Upham, of Salem, Mass. Genea¬ logical List of his Descendants. By Prof. James Upham, D.D. 12mo, pp. 80. Boston, 1885. Upham. Genealogy and Family History of a Branch of the New England Upham Family settled in California, showing the Ancestry of Isaac Upham, of San Francisco. By F. K. Up¬ ham. 12mo, pp. 17 + 1. 1884. Upton Memorial. See Vinton. Upton. Descendants of Josiah and Catharine Up¬ ton, of Charlmont, Mass. By W. H. Upton, B. A., LL.D. M. 8vo, pp. 11. Urner. Genealogy of the Urner Family, etc., Chester County, Pa. By Isaac N. Urner, LL.D. 8vo, pp. 175. Philadelphia, 1893. Usher. A Brief Genealogy of the Usher Family of New England. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 11. Boston, 1869. Valentine. The Valentines in America, 1644 to 1874. By T. W. Valentine. 8vo, pp. 248. New York. Van Brunt. Genealogy of the Van Brunt Family, 1653-1867. By Teunis G. Bergen. Albany, 1867. 8vo, pp. 79. Van Cleve, of New York and New Jersey. See Cooley. Van Buren. See Dawson. Vandersal of Pennsylvania. See Heinecke, Van Voorhees. A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, or the Descendants of Steven Coerte Van Voorhees, of Holland, and Flatlands, L. I. By Elias W. Van Voorhis. 4to, pp. 725. New York and London, 1888. Van Voorhis. Notes on the Ancestry of Major Wm. Roe Van Voorhis, of Fishkill, Duchess County, N. Y. By Elias W. Van Voorhis. For pri¬ vate distribution only. 8vo, pp. 239. 1881. Varian. The Book of the Varian Family, with some speculations as to their origin, etc. By Samuel Briggs. 8vo, pp. 102. Cleveland, Ohio, 1881. Vassall Pedigree. 1500-1890. Oblong 4to, pp. 9. Vernon. The Vernon Family and Arms. By Har¬ rison Ellery. 8vo, pp. 8. Boston, 1879. Viall. John Viall, of Swanzey, Mass., and some of his descendants. By David Illson. 8vo, pp. 37. [Providence, R. I.] Vickers, or Vickery Family. Also Lombard Family. 8vo, pp. 5. Vilas. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Peter Vilas. By C. H. Vilas. 8vo, pp. 221. Madi¬ son, Wis., 1875. Descendants of Peter Vilas, born in England, 1704. Vinton. (John Adams.) The Vinton Memorial, Comprising a Genealogy of the Descendants of John Vinton, of Lynn, 1648 ; also Genealogical Sketches of several Allied Families, namely those bearing the names of Alden, Adams, Allen, Boylston, Faxon, French, Hayden, Holbrook, Mills, Niles, Penniman, Thayer, White, Richard¬ son, Baldwin, Carpenter, Safford, Putnam, and Green. 8vo, pp. 534. Boston, 1858. Vinton. (John Adams.) The Giles Memorial. Genealogical Memoirs of the Families Bearing the names of Giles, Gould, Holmes, Jennison, Leonard, Lindale, Curwen, Marshall, Robinson, Sampson and Webb ; also Genealogical Sketches of the Pool, Very, Tarr and other Families. 8vo, pp. 600. Boston, 1864. Vinton. (John Adams.) The Upton Memorial. A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of John Upton, of North Reading, Mass., the Original Emigrant and the Progenitors of the Families who have since born his Name. Together with short Genealogies of Putnam, Stone, Bruce. 8vo, pp. ix -j- 547. Bath, Me., 1874. Virginia Genealogies. See Hayden. Wadsworth. Two hundred and fifty years of the Wadsworth Family in America. By H. A. Wads¬ worth. 8vo, pp. 257. Lawrence, 1883. Waite. The Waite Family, of Malden. By D. P. Corey. 8vo, pp. 11. Malden, 1878. Waite. The Waite Family, of Boston. By Henry E. Waite. 8vo, pp. 4. Waite. See Salisbury. Waldo. Notes respecting the Family of Waldo. Pp. 35. Edinburgh, 1864. Printed for private circulation only. Waldo, of New England. See Wetmore, Todd. Waldos. The Genealogy and Biography of the Waldos of America, from 1650 to 1883. By Joseph D. Hall, Jr. Large 12mo, pp. 127 + xviii. Danielsonville, Conn., 1883. ■12 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Waldron. John Waldron, of Dover, N. II., and his Descendants. Svo, pp. 10. Dover, 1S79. Waldron, of New York City. See Gale. Walker. See Dawson. Walker. Memorial of the Walkers of the old Plymouth Colony, embracing Genealogical and Biographical Sketches of James of Taunton, Philip, of Rehoboth, William, of Eastham, John, of Marshfield, Thomas, of Boston, and of their Descendants, from 1620 to 1860. By J. B. R. Walker, A.M. Svo,pp.xix.-)-400. Northampton, 1861. Notice of family of Baker. Warren, of Virginia. Genealogy of the family of General Joseph Warren. Boston, about 1842. Walker. See Page, Hayden, Jackson. Walworth. Genealogy. Svo. Also Bockus. Ward Family. Descendants of William Ward, who settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1639. By Andrew Henshaw Ward, A.M. 8vo, pp. 265. Boston, [1848], Ward. See Todd, Wetmore. Warden Genealogy. 8vo. Also family of Bitgood. Ware. The genealogy of Robert Ware, of Dedham, Mass. By Mrs. Emma F. Ware, of Milton, Mass. 8vo, pp. 9. Warren. Genealogy of Warren, with some historical sketches. By John C. Warren, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Harvard University. Royal 4to, pp. 113. Boston, 1854. Warren. A genealogy of one branch of the Warren family, with its intermarriages, 1637-1890. Com¬ piled' for Moses Conant Warren, by Emily Wilder Leavitt. Printed for private circula¬ tion, 1890. Royal Svo, pp. Ill + 18. Warren. Genealogy of the Warren family, from Richard Warren, who came in the “Mayflower” in 1620, to 1872. Svo, 7. Albany, N. Y., 1874. Washington. The Washingtons: A Tale of a Country Parish in the Seventeenth Century. By John Nassau Simpkinson, Rector of Brington. North Hants. Pp.xvi,326-(-89. London, 1860. Washington. Fac-similes of the Memorial Stones of the last English ancestors of George Washington in the Parish Church of Brington, Northampton¬ shire, England. Folio, pp. 15. Boston, 1862. Washington. A preliminary investigation of the alleged ancestry of George Washington, first President of the United States of America, expos¬ ing a serious error in the existing pedigree. By Joseph Lemuel Chester. [Reprint from the Herald and Genealogist, London, and the Heraldic Journal, Boston]. 8vo, pp. 23. Boston, 1866. Washington. The pedigree and history of the Washington family. Derived from Odin, the founder of Scandinavia, B. C. 70, involving a period of eighteen centuries, and including fifty- five generations, down to General George Wash¬ ington, first President of the United States. By Albert Wells. 8vo, pp. xxxvii -f- 370. New York, 1879. Washington. An examination of the English an¬ cestry of George Washington, setting forth the evidence to connect him with the Washingtons of Sulgrave and Brington. By Henry F. Waters, A.M. [Reprint from New Eng. Hist, and Gen: Reg., 1889.] 8vo, pp. 53. Boston, 1889. Washington. The Washingtons and their connec¬ tion with Warton. By Henry Whitman. Sm. 4to, pp. IS 2. Boston [1889]. Washington. Experimental Pedigree of the De¬ scendants of Lawrence Washington (1635-1677) of Virginia. Bv Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, M.A. Pp. 6. 1891. This neat pamphlet, which elucidates the connection between the Peytons and Conways and the Washington family of Strafford and King George Counties, is re¬ printed from the author’s volume of “Virginia Gene¬ alogies.” Washington. A Genealogical History, beginning with Col. John Washington, the emigrant, and head of the Washington Family in America. Edited and compiled by Thornton Augustin Washington. Svo, pp. 71. Washington, D.C., 1891. Washington. Wills of the American Ancestors of General George Washington, in the Line of the Original Owner, and the Inheritors ot Mount Vernon. Edited by Joseph M. Toner, M.D. 8vo, pp. 19. Boston, 1891. Washington. The Ancestry and Earlier Life of George Washington. By Edward D. O’Neill, D.D. Pp. 14. Washington. See “Page Family in Virginia.” Watkins. A Catalogue of the Descendants of Thomas Watkins of Chickahomony, Va., who was the common ancestor of many of the families of the name in Prince Edward, Charlotte and Ches¬ terfield Counties, Virginia. By Francis N. Watkins of Prince Edward Co., Va. [Printed for private circulation.] 12mo, pp. 50. New York, 1852. Watson. A Biographical Sketch of Elkanah Wat¬ son, with a Brief Genealogy ofthe Watson Family. Post 8vo, pp. 16. Albany, 1864. Watson. John Watson, of Hartford, Conn., and his Descendants. A Genealogy by Thomas Watson. 8vo, pp. 47 + vi. New York, 1865. [By W. D. Patterson.] Way. See Jackson. Weare. The Weare Family of Hampton, New Hampshire, and North Yarmouth, Maine. By William M. Sargent. 8vo, pp. 8. Yarmouth, Me., 1879. Weaver, of Frederick County, Md. See Everhart. Weaver. The Weaver Family of New York City. By Isaac D. Greenwood. Royal Svo, pp. 12. Boston, 1893. Webb. See Jackson, also Armstrong. Webb. Genealogical Notes of the Webb Family. By E. S. Waters. 8vo, pp. 24. Salem, 1880. Webster. Genealogy, 1836. 8vo. pp. 8. [New Haven.] Webster. Genealogy of some of the Descendants of John Webster of Ipswich, Mass., in 1635. By W. B. Laphan, M.D., and J. O. Webster, M.D. 8vo, pp. 14. Augusta, Me., 1884. Weeden. See Wetmore. Weeks. Genealogy of the Family of George Weeks, of Dorchester, Mass., 1635-1650. By Robert D. Weekes. Svo, pp. 468. Newark, N. J., 1885. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 43 Weeks. Genealogy of the Family of George Weeks of Dorchester, Mass. Part II, Comprising An¬ cient History of this and other British Families, with Additional History of American Families. By Robert D. Weeks. Royal 8vo, pp. viii + 174. Newark, N. J., 1892. Weeks. Leonard Weeks and some of his Descend¬ ants. By Rev. Jacob Chapman, A.M., of Exe¬ ter, N. H. 8vo, pp. 10. Weeks. The Weeks Family. 8vo. Weitzel. The Weitzel Memorial. Historical and Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Paul Weitzel, of Lancaster, Pa., 1740, including brief sketches of the families of Allen, Byers, Bailey, Crawford, Davis, Hayden, M’Cormick, Stone, White and others. By Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden. 8vo, pp. 81. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1883. Wells. A Brief General History of the Welles or Wells Family. By Albert Welles. 8vo, pp. 27. New York, 1848. Wells. Genealogy of the Wells Family, of Wells, Maine. By Chas. K. Wells. 8vo, pp. 43 + 38‘ Milwaukee, 1874. Welles. History of the Welles Family in England and Normandy—Some of the Descendants in the United States. By Albert Welles. 8vo, pp. 312. New York, 1876. Wells. William Wells ofSouthold and hisDescend- ants, A.D. 1638 to 1878. By Rev. Chas. Wells Hayes. 8vo, pp. 300. Buffalo, N. Y., 1878. Wells. See Driver. Welles Family. Compiled by Henry Stoddart Ruggles. Tabular pedigree. Wellford. See Page. Welling. See Cooley. Wellman. See Driver. Wendell. The direct ancestry of the late Jacob Wen¬ dell, of Portsmouth, N. H. By J. R. Stanwood. 8vo, pp. 49. Boston, 1882. Wentworth. The Wentworth Genealogy. Compris¬ ing the origin of the name, the family in England, and a partial account of Elder William Went¬ worth, the emigrant, and his descendants. By John Wentworth, LL.D. For private dis¬ tribution only. 8vo, 2 vols. Chicago, HI., 1870. Also Badcock and Baker families. Werden. See Dawson. Werner. See Wetmore. Wetmore. The Wetmore Family of America, and its collateral branches, with genealogical, bio¬ graphical notices. By James Carnahan Wet¬ more. 8vo, pp. 670. Albany, 1861. Contains accounts of the families of Backus, Badger, Barber, Benton, Bigelow, Binney, Bliss, Boerum, Booth, Brewster, Billings, Butler, Chetwood, Chees- brough, Christopher, Cotton, Croft, Dibble, Ed¬ wards, Ehle, Ellsworth, Flewelling, Goodrich, Haight, Hobbs, Hopkins, Hunt, Hunter, Huntington, Jarvis, Johnson, Kirkland, Lamson, Lee, Livingston, Met¬ calf, Merritt, Peters, Prime, Phillips, PuddingtoD, Rainsford, Rathbone, Shepard, Sherwood, Spooner, Standish, Stoddard, Story, Stoughton, Treadwell, Wal¬ do, Werner, Walker, Willard, Williams, White, Whittlesay, Whitmore. Weytzel. A Genealogical Sketch of the Descendants of Johan Paul Weytzel, of Lancaster, Pa., 1742. By Horace Edwin Hayden. [Reprint from the Harrisburg Telegram , 1881.] Wharton. Genealogy of the Wharton Family, of Philadelphia, 1664 to 1880. By Anne H. Whar¬ ton. 8vo, pp. 134. Philadelphia, 1880. Descendants of Richard Wharton, of Kellorth, in Parish of Orton, Westmorelandshire, England, who was living in 1664. Wheeler and Warren Families. Descendants of George Wheeler, Concord, Mass., 1638, through Deacon Thomas Wheeler, Concord, 1696, and of John Warren, Boston, Mass., 1630, through Ebenezer Warren, Leicester, Mass., 1744. Com¬ piled by Henry Warren Wheeler. 4to, pp. 121. Albany, N. Y., 1892. Wheeler. See Martin. Whipple. Inquiries relating to the Ancestors and Descendants of Job Whipple, of Cumberland, Rhode Island, and Greenwich, Washington County, New York. By F. V. McDonald. F. pp. 46. Cambridge, 1881. Whitcomb. Memorial of the Whitcomb and Pierce Families. By William Frederick Whitcomb. 8vo, pp. 23. Boston, 1888. White. See Cooley, Vinton, Wetmore. White. Memorials of Elder John White, one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn., and of his de¬ scendants. By Allyn S. Kellogg. 8vo, pp. 321. Hartford, 1860. White. Ancestry of the children of James W.White, M.D., with accounts of the families of White, Newby, Rose, Cranmer, Stout, Smyth, Stockton, Leeds, Fisher, Gardner, Matthews, Elton, Revel!, Stacye, Tonkin, McLorihan, Dowse, Jewett, Hunt, Reddinge, Isbell and Griswold. By Wm. Fran¬ cis Cregar. 8vo, pp. 194. Philadelphia, 1888. White. Ancestry of Samuel Stockton White, D.D.S., with accounts of the families of White, Newbv, Rose, Cranmer, Stout, Smith, Stockton, Leeds, Fisher, Gardiner, Mathews, Elton, Revell, Stacye, * Tonkin, Carey and Johnson. By Wm. Francis Cregar. 8vo, pp. 161. Philadelphia, 1888. White. Account of the meeting of the descendants of Colonel Thomas White, of Maryland, held at Sophia’s Dairy, on the Bush Run, Md., June 7, 1877. Pp. 211. Philadelphia, 1879. White. The Descendants of Thomas White, of Mar¬ blehead, and Mark Haskell, of Beverly, Mass., with a brief notice of the Coombs Family. By Perley Derby, Salem, Mass. 8vo. Boston, 1872. White, 1632-1892. Memorials of Roderick White and his wife, Lucy Blakeslee, of Paris Hill, N. Y., with some of their descendants. By Andrew C. White. Printed for the family. 8vo, pp. 32. Ithaca, N. Y., 1892. White. Descendants of William White, of Haver¬ hill, Mass. By Anne Frances Richards. 8vo, pp. 80. Boston, Mass., 1889. Whiting. Genealogical Notes of the Whiting Family. 8vo, pp. 8. 1888. Whitman. Memoir of John Whitman and his De¬ scendants. By Ezekiel Whitman. Pp. 44. Portland, 1832. 44 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. Whitmon. Record of the Descendants of Francis Whitmon of Cambridge, Mass. 8vo, pp. 24. Boston, 1S55. Whitmore Tracts. A Collection of Essays on mat¬ ters of interest to persons bearing the Name. By William H. Whitmore, F.R.S. 8vo, pp. 12-f- 4 4- 8 -f- 47 4- 8. Boston, 1875. Whitney. The Whitney Family, Connecticut, 1645- 1878. Privately printed by the late S. Whitney Phcenix, of New York City. 3 vols., 4to, pp. 916, S9S, 926. Edition 500 copies. (D. W. Patterson.) Whitney. Some of the Descendants of John and Elinor Whitney, who settled in Watertown, Mas¬ sachusetts, in 1635. Compiled by William L. Whitney. 8vo, pp. 101. Private edition of 100 copies. Pottsville, Pa., 1890. Whitney. Memoir of Rev. Samuel Whitney, D.D., and his wife Elizabeth St. John, with reference to some of their New England Ancestors and Ameri¬ can Descendants. 50 copies only. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Whitmore. See Wetmore. Whittemore. A Genealogy of the Whittemore Family, including the Original Whittemore Fam¬ ily of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England, and a brief lineage of other branches. (Revised Edi¬ tion.) By B. B. Whittemore. 8vo, pp. 132. Nashua, N. H., 1893. Whittemore. Genealogy of Several Branches of the Whittemore Family. By B. B. Whittemore. 8vo, pp. 106. Nashua, N. H., 1890. Whittier. Genealogy of Two Branches of the Whit¬ tier Family, from 1620 to 1873. By D. B. Whit¬ tier. Pp. 22. Boston, Mass. 1873. Whittier, 1622. Genealogy of the Whittier Family, 1882. By Chas. P. Whittier. Broadside. Bos¬ ton, 1882. Whitson. See Jackson. Whittlesey. See Wetmore. Wiggin. Charles E. Wiggin, 1813-1888. 16mo, pp. 148. Wight. The Wight Family. Memoir of Thomas Wight, of Dedham, Mass., with Genealogical Notices of his Descendants, 1637 to 1840. By Daneorth Phipps Wight, M.D. 12mo, pp. 119. Boston, 1848. Wight. A Record of Thomas Wight of Dedham and Medfield, and of his Descendants, 1635-1890. By William Ward Wight, one of his descend¬ ants. 4to, pp. xi + 357. Milwaukee, 1890. Wilborn. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Wilders. Book of the Wilders. A Contribution to the History of the Wilders from 1497 in England to the Emigration of Martha, a widow, and her Family to Massachusetts Bay in 1638, and so through her Family down to 1875. By Rev. Moses H. Wilder. 4to, pp. 394. New York, 1878. Wiley. Isaac Willey (Wiley) ofNew London,Conn., and his Descendants. By Henry Willey. 8vo, pp. vi 166 -)- 17. New Bedford, Mass., 1888. Wilkins. See Austin’s “ Thirty-three Rhode Island¬ ers.” Wilkinson. Memoirs of the Wilkinson Family in America. By Rev. Israel Wilkinson, A.M. Svo, pp. 585. Jacksonville, Ill., 1869. Wilkes. See Todd. Willard. See Ellis, Wetmore. Willard. Memoir; or, Life and Times of Major Simou Willard; with Notices of three generations of his Descendants, and two Collateral Branches in the United States. Also some Account of the Name and Family in Europe. By Joseph Wil¬ lard. 8vo, pp. 471. Boston, 1858. Williams. Robert Williams of Roxbury, Mass., and his Descendants. By Edward H. Williams. 8vo, pp. 29. 1891. Williams. The Descendants of Yeach Williams of Lebanon, Conn.; also the Ancestry of Lucy Wal¬ worth, wife of Veach Williams. By Alexander H. Wright. 8vo, pp. 128 + 35 + 23. New Haven, 1887. Williams. See Wetmore. Williams. The surname and coats of arms of the Williamses, with an account of Robert Williams, of Roxbury, and some of his descendants. By A. D. W. French. 8vo, pp. 26 + 2. New York, 1886. Williams. The Groves and Lappan (Monaghan County, Ireland). An account of a pilgrimage thither in search of the genealogy of the Williams family. By John Fletcher Williams. Pri¬ vately printed for the family. 8vo, pp. 68. St. Paul, 1889. Williams The Genealogy and History of the Family of Williams in America, more particularly of the descendants of Robert Williams, of Roxbury. By Stephen W. Williams, M.D., A.M., etc., etc. 12mo, pp. 424. Greenfield, 1849. Williamson. A Brief of the Lineage of the Descend¬ ants of William Williamson, of Thornbury Town¬ ship, Chester County, Pa. By Edward H. Williamson. 8vo, pp. Philadelphia, 1884. Willoughby. Suggestions and Inquiries respecting the Ancestry of Colonel William Willoughby. Royal 8vo, pp. 11. 1885. Willard. See Wetmore. Wilson. See Jackson, Johnson. Winchell. Genealogy of the Family of Winchell in America. By Alexander Winchell, LL.D. 8vo, pp. 271. Ann Arbor, 1869. Winckley. Additional notes on the Family of Winckley. In parts. 8vo. Windle. See Jackson. Wing. A Historical and Genealogical Register of John Wing, of Sandwich, Mass., and his Descend¬ ants, 1632-1881. By Conway P. Wing. 8vo, pp. 334. Carlisle, Pa., 1881. Wing Family. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 4. Boston, Mass. Winslow Memorial. By David Parsons Hal- ton, A.M., M.D., and his wife, Frances K. Halton. Pp. 529, 1057. Vol. II. Vol. L, 529. New York, 1888. Winsor. A genealogical account of the ancient Winsor Family in the United States. Descend¬ ants of Joshua Winsor, 1638. By Olney Win¬ sor. 8vo, pp. 12. Providence, 1847. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES. 45 Winthrop Family. 8vo, pp. 10. Albany, 1864. Winthrop. Some Account of the early Generations of the Winthrop Family in Ireland. 8vo, pp. 24. 33 copies only. Cambridge, 1883. Brooklyn, 1883. Winthrop. A short account of the Winthrop Family. 4to, pp. 16. Cambridge, 1887. Wiswall Family of America. By Rev. Anson Titus. 8vo, pp. 4. Amesburg, Mass., 1886. Witter. See Allen. Wolcott. Memorial of Henry Wolcott. By Samuel Wolcott. 4to, pp. 439. New York, 1881. Wolff Memorial. ByG. W. F. Wolff. A Centennial Memorial of Christian and Anna Maria Wolff, 1863. 4to, pp. 113. Phila¬ delphia, 1863. Wood. Family sketches. By Julianna R. Wood. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. Wood. Fitz Randolph, Growdon, Richardson, Allen. Wood. Descendants of the brothers Jeremiah and John Wood. By W. S. Wood. 8vo, pp. 292. Worcester, Mass. Wood. A Family History. Composed and read by Ephraim Wood, of Chicopee, Mass. 12mo, pp. 3. Seymour, Conn., 1883. W ood. See Cooley, Morse. Woodbridge. The Woodbridge Record. Royal 4to, pp. 272. New Haven, 1883. Woodbridge. The Woodbridge Family. By Mrs. Mary K. Talcott. 8vo, pp. 7. Hartford, Conn., 1878. Woodhull. See Cooley, Todd. Woodman. A List of some of the Descendants of Mr. Edward Woodman, who settled at Newbury, Mass., A.D. 1635. By Joshua Coffin. 12mo, pp. 16. Newburyport, Mass., 1855. Woodman. The Woodmans of Buxton, Maine. By Cyrus Woodman. 8vo, pp. 125. Boston, 1874. Woodruff. See Cooley. Woodward. Genealogy of the Woodward Family of Chester County, Pennsylvania. By Lewis Woodward, M.D. 8vo, pp. 114. Wilmington, Del., 1879. Woodward. See Jackson. Worden. Some Records of Persons by the Name of Worden, particularly of over one thousand of the Ancestors, Kin and Descendants of John and Elizabeth Worden, of Washington County, Rhode Island. By O. N. Worden. 12mo, pp. 164. Lewisburg, Pa., 1868. Wright Family Record. Maryland. By H. Wright. 8vo. Wyman (Thomas Bellowsl. The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1629-1818. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1879. Contains accounts of a great number of New England families, such as Abrahams, Coffin, Cleveland, etc. Wynkoop. Genealogy in the United States of America. By Richard Wynkoop. 8vo, pp. 130. 1866. Second edition, 1878. Yale. The Yale Family, or the Descendants of David Yale, with genealogical notes of each family. By Elishua Yale. 8vo, pp. 197. New Haven, 1850. Yard, of New Jersey. See Cooley. Yard. See Haines. Yardley. Genealogy of the Yardley Family, 1402- 1881. By Thomas W. Yardley. 8vo, pp. 257. Philadelphia, 1881. Yeager Family. 8vo, pp. 221. Allentown, Pa., 18 89. This genealogy of a Pennsylvania family is in Ger¬ man. Young, of New York. See Gale. Youngman. Genealogical and Biographical Sketches of the Youngman Family. By David Young- man, M.D. 8vo, pp. 26. Boston, Mass., 1882. Zell. See Levering. APPENDIX I Adams. The descendants of James and William Adams, of Londonderry, now Derry, N. H. Also a brief account of the families of Robert Cochran and Joseph Morrison of Londonderry, and of Dea. Thomas Cochran of New Boston, N. H. Com¬ piled by Andrew N. Adams, of Fair Haven, Yt. 8vo, pp. 87. Rutland, 1894. Adams. Memoir of the Rev. William Adams, of Dedham, Mass., and of the Rev. Eliphalet Adams, of New London, Conn. By Miss F. M. Caulkins. 8vo, pp. 49. Cambridge, 1849. Adams. Some descendants of William Adams, of Ipswich, Mass. By W. S. Appleton. 8vo, pp. 8. Boston, 1881. Adams. History of the Adams family, with bio¬ graphical sketches of distinguished descendants of the several American ancestors, including collateral branches. Compiled by Henry Whittemore. 8vo, pp. 84. New York, 1893. Ainsworth. Genealogy of the Ainsworth families in America. Compiled by Francis J. Parker, 8vo, pp. 212. Boston, 1894. Alden. The story of a Pilgrim, from the Mayflower to the present time ; with autobiography, recollec¬ tions, letters, incidents, and genealogy of the author, Rev. John Alden, in his 83d year. Introduction by Rev. Frederick Denison. Fully illustrated. 8vo, pp. 429. Boston, 1889. Allen. Family and descendants of Stephen Allen, of New Bedford, Mass. By S. A. Brownell. 8vo, pp. 21. New Bedford, Mass., 1887. Allerton. A history of the Allerton family in the United States, 1585 to 1885, and a genealogy of the descendants of Isaac Allerton. By Walter S. Allerton. Portraits. 8vo, pp. 166. New York, 1888. Ames. Descendants of William Ames. N. d. Sheet form. Ammidown. Genealogical memorial and family record of the Ammidown family, and a partial record of some other families of Soutlibridge, Mass. By Holmes Ammidown. 8vo, pp. 54. New York, 1877. Andrews. History of the Andrews family. A gene¬ alogy of Robert Andrews and his descendants, 1635 to 1890. By II. Franklin Andrews. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 234. Audubon, la., 1890. Appleton. A genealogy of the Appleton family. By W. S. Appleton [enlarged], Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 34. Armstrong. A Genealogical Record of the Descen¬ dants of Nathan Armstrong, an early settler of Warren County, N. J. By William Clinton Armstrong, A.M., with Family Sketches of Family History. 8vo, pp. 201. [New Jersey], 1895. Ash. The Ash MSS., written in the year 1735, Published for the first time. By Henry Tyler, Esq., J.P., Limavady. Edited by Rev. Edward T. Martin, Dundonald. 8vo, pp. 78. 1890. Atwood. History of the Atwood family in England and the United States. To which is appended a short account of the Tenney family. From docu¬ ments collected by Charles Atwood. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 41. Boston, 1888. Austin. Ancestry, Austin Whitaker. Chart. 1878. 26 and 40 ins. Avery. Our family genealogy. Printed for the fam¬ ily. Morgan—Avery. Hartford, 1851. 16 pp. O. Avery. Genealogical Record of the Dedham Branch of the Avery Family in America. By Jane G. (Avery) Carter and Susie P. Holmes. 8vo, pp. 366. Plymouth, Mass., 1893. Avery. The Groton Averys, Christopher and James, the founders of the family. By Elroy M. Avery. 8vo, pp. 20. [Printed for private cir¬ culation.] Cleveland, 1893. Avery. The Averys of Groton. N.p.,n.d. 8vo, pp. 8. Avery. The Averys of Groton. Genealogical and biographical. By Homer De Lois Sweet. 8vo, pp. 698. Syracuse, N. Y., 1894. Backus. Genealogical memoir of the Backus family, with the private journal of James Backus, together with his correspondence bearing on the first settle¬ ment of Ohio, at Marietta, in 1788. Also, papers and correspondence of Elijah Backus, showing the character and spirit of the times during the Revolutionary period. In two parts. Ports. Part 1. Genealogical, including Journal of James Backus and poems by Miss Sarah Backus. Part 2. Historical. By William W. Backus. 8vo, pp. 374. Norwich, Conn., 1889. Bailey. A genealogy of the descendants of Richard Bailey, of Rowley, Mass. In Historical and Gene¬ alogical Researches and Recorder of Passing Events of Merrimack Valley. By Alfred Poor. Vol. I., No. 2, January, 1858. Pp. 77-167. Q. Baldwin. Nathaniel Baldwin and one line of his descendants. By Byron A. Baldwin, of Chicago, Ill. 8vo, pp. 7. Boston, 1871. Bancroft. Thomas Bancroft and his Descendants. Compiled by J. M. Bancroft. New York, 1876. Sheet form. Barber. Genealogy of the Barber-Eno family, of Homer, New York. 8vo, pp. 40. Newark, N. J., 1893. Barker. Memorial of Josiah Barker, of Charlestown, Mass. By Harry’ Herbert Edes. 8vo, pp. 25. [Printed for private circulation.] Boston, 1871. 4S AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. Bassett. Bassett genealogy, 1SS6, 22x17 inches (chart form). Batson. A reunion record of the family of Josiah Batson, held at Milwaukee, Wise., March 25, 1SS5. Svo, pp.51. Cherokee, Iowa, 18S5. Batcheller. The Dalton and Batcheller pedigree. Communicated to the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1873. By Wil¬ liam H. Whitmore, A.M., of Boston, Mass. N. p., n. d. Svo, pp. 6. Bearse. The Bearse or Bearss family. Ancestry and descendants of Dea. John Bearss and his wife Molly ^Beardsley) Bearss, of New Fairfield, Ct., and Westmoreland, N. Y. By John Bearss Newcomb, of Elgin, Illinois. N.p., n.d. 16 pp. O. Beckwith. A complete history of the Beckwith family in America, being the descendants of George Beckwith, who came from Yorkshire, England, and settled in Maryland, 1648, giving the full family records of all his descendants to the present time, with brief biographical sketches of the prom¬ inent members, and the records of the ancestry of the family in England back to 1066. By Paul Beckwith. Svo, pp. 384. Albany, 1891. Con¬ tains intermarriages into families of: Bullett, Fairfax, Griswold, Jennings, Malebisse, Martin, Marvin, Miller, Moore, Neville, Newton, Palmer, Peck, Perkins, Peed, Saunders, Skillman, Smith, Summers, Turner, Williams, and many others. Belcher. Record of the descendants of Andrew Bel¬ cher. By W. H. Whitmore. Reprint from New England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1873. 8vo, pp. 8. Boston, 1873. This was briefly noted in former list. Bennet. The Bennet family of Ipswich, Massachu¬ setts. By John M. Bradbury. Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Regis¬ ter for April, 1875. Boston, 1875. 8 pp. O. Bigelow. Genealogy of the Bigelow family of Amer¬ ica, from the marriage, in 1642, of John Bigelow ad Mary Warren, to the year 1890. By Gilman Bigelow Howe. Portraits. 8vo, pp. 517. Wor¬ cester, Mass., 1890. Bigg- Notes on the family of Bigg, represented by the descendants of Hopestill Foster and John Stone. By William H. Whitmore. Reprinted from New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1875. 8vo, pp. 10. Boston, 1875. Briefly noted in former list. Bissell. Genealogy of the Bissell family. From Stiles’s History of Ancient Windsor, n.p. [1859.] 16 pp. O. Blaine. Fragments of family and contemporary his¬ tory. [Robinson, McCord and Blaine families.] Gathered by T. H. R. [Rev. T. H. Robinson.] Pittsburg, 1867. 142 pp. D. Bolton. The Family of Bolton in England and America, 1100-1894. A Study in Genealogy. By Henry Carrington Bolton, Ph.D.,and Reg¬ inald Pelham Bolton, M. Inst. C. E. 8vo, pp. xvi.-f- 524. New York, privately printed, 1895. Bontecou. The ancestry of Daniel Bontecou, of Springfield, Mass. A record of forty successive generations, extending through thirteen centuries. Compiled by John E. Morris. Hartford, 1887. 29 pp. 8vo. Booth. The family of Richard Boothe (an original settler in Stratford, Conn.) traced through some branches of his posterity, and introduced by frag¬ mentary notes on Ancient Stratford. 8vo, pp. 40. New York, 1862. Booth. Report of the Booth Association of the United States. By Columbus Smith, A.D. 1868. Containing the organization, the Booth constitu¬ tion, and information relative to Booth property in England ; also pedigrees of the different branches of the Booth family in America and England. 8vo, pp. 64. Burlington, 1868. This book was briefly noted in former list. We give extended title. Booth. Genealogical Records of some of the Descend¬ ants of Robert Boothe, of Saco, Me., 1642. Com¬ piled by J. H. Booth. Svo, pp. 56. Milwaukee, 1869-77. Bourne. Remarks concerning Richard Bourne and his descendants. By S. Swett, at the first Anni¬ versary meeting of the Cape Cod Association, with additions. N.p., n.d. Pp. 2. Circular form. Bouton. Boughton family. Descendants of John Bouton, a native of France, who embarked from Gravesend, Eng., and landed at Boston in Decem¬ ber, 1635, and settled at Norwalk, Conn. By James Boughton. Portraits, 8vo, pp. 648. Albany, 1890. [Extended title.] This is the enlarged title of work previously men¬ tioned. Bowdoin. See Temple. Bowen. Memorial of the Bowen family. By E. C. Bowen. Port. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 14 f-107. Boston, 1884. Bower. Rev. John Bower, first Minister at Derby, Conn., and his Descendants. By C. C. Baldwin. Reprinted from W. C. Sharpe’s History of Sey¬ mour, Conn. 8vo, pp. 8. N.p. 1879. Boynton. A reprint of Betham’s History, Genealogy and Baronets of the Boynton family in England, with notes and additional facts, to which is added Burke’s Peerage. Edited by John Farnham Boynton, Syracuse, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 40. Syra¬ cuse, 1884. Bread. A Record of the Descendants of Allen Bread. 8vo, n. p. Philadelphia, 1892. [By J. Howard Breed.] Brewster. Account of the Golden Wedding of James and Mary Brewster, September 18, 1860, Printed by request of their children. New Haven. 1860. 28 pp. O. Bridgman. Genealogy of the Bridgman family, de¬ scendants of James Bridgman, 1636-1894. Com¬ piled by Burt Nichols Bridgman and Joseph Clark Bridgman. 8vo, pp. 168. Hyde Park, Mass., 1894. Briggs. The Archives of the Briggs Family. By Sam. Briggs. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 14 264. Cleveland, Ohio, 1880. Brigham. Genealogical Register of the Descendants of several ancient Puritans, by the names of Grout, Goulding, and Brigham. By Rev. Abner Morse. 8vo, pp. 184. Boston, 1859. Brooks. Brooks Memorial. Communications on the Death of Charles T. Brooks, of Newport, R. I. By E. B. Willson, C. W. Wendte, R. S. Ran- toul, and W. P. Andrews. From Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Yol. 21, and Bulletin Vol. 15. 8vo, pp. 37. Salem, 1884. Brown. Report to the Brown Association, U. S. A., made by Columbus Smith, A.D. 1868. 8vo, pp. 126. Burlington, 1868. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 49 Buell. History of the Buell Family in England, from the remotest times ascertainable from our Ancient Histories, and in America, from town, parish, church, and family records. Illustrated with por¬ traits and coat armorial. Compiled by Albert Welles. 8vo, pp. 385 -|- 19. New York, 1881. Burgner. History and Genealogy of the Burgner Family in the United States of America, as De¬ scended from Peter Burgner, a Swiss Emigrant of 1734. By Jacob Burgner, Oberlin, Ohio. 8vo, pp. 6 +172. Oberlin, O., 1890. Burt. Early Days in New England. Life and Times of Henry Burt of Springfield, and some of his Descendants. Genealogical and biographical men¬ tion of James and Richard Burt, of Taunton, Mass., and Thomas Burt, M.P., of England. By Henry M. Burt, of Springfield, Mass., Silas W. Burt, of New York. 8vo, pp. 617. Springfield, Mass., 1893. Burt. Genealogical records of Henry and Ulalia Burt, the emigrants who settled at Springfield, Mass., and their descendants through nine genera¬ tions, from 1640 to 1891. By Roderick H. Burnham. 8vo, pp. 347. Warwick, N.Y., 1892. Campbell. Robert Campbell and his descendants. By Henry F. Douglas, Esq., of Providence, R.I. n.p. [1878?] 8vo, pp. 8. Carhart. Genealogical record of the descendants of Thomas Carhart, of Cornwall, Eng. Compiled from official records and private MSS. With an appendix of notes. By Mary E. (Carhart) Dusenbury. 8vo, pp. 142. New York, Chicago, and New Orleans, 1880. Carpenter. Annual address delivered by S. D. Car¬ penter, of Missouri, on the occasion of the annual reunion of the Carpenter Family, in the town of Harmony, Chautauqua County, N. Y., August 27, 1885. 8vo, pp. 15. Carthage, Missouri, 1885. Carter. Carter, a genealogy of the descendants of Samuel and Thomas, sons of Rev. Samuel Carter. 1640-1886. A contribution to the history of the first Carters of Lancaster, Lunenburg, and Leo¬ minster, Massachusetts. Collected and arranged for the Carter Association by Mrs. Clara A. Carter, Leominster, Mass., and Mrs. Sarah A. Carter, Fitzwilliam. 8vo, 272 pp. Clinton, N. H., 1887. Carteret. See Baetjer. Champion. The Champion genealogy. History of the descendants of Henry Champion, of Saybrook and Lyme, Conn., together with some account of other families of the name. By Francis Bacon Trowbridge. 8vo, pp. 12 + 560. New Haven, 1891. Chapman. Epward Chapman, of Ipswich, Mass., in 1644, and some of his descendants. Compiled by Rev. Jacob Chapman and Dr. W. B. Lapham. 8vo, pp. 34. Portland, 1878. Chapman. The story of a life. By T. J. Chapman, A.M. Pp. 53. D. Pr. printed. Pittsburg, Pa., 1885. Chapin. The Chapin gathering. Proceedings at the meeting of the Chapin family in Springfield, Mass., September 17, 1862. 8vo, pp. 97. Springfield, 1862. Chapman. Descendants of Ralph Chapman. By Charles B. Gerard. 8vo, pp. 86. Newburg, 1876. (Enlarged title.) Chase. The mystery solved. Facts relating to the “ Lawrence-Townley,” “Chase-Townley,” mar¬ riage and estate question. With genealogical in¬ formation concerning the families of Townley, Chase, Lawrence, Stephens, Stevens, and other families of America. By Frank Alden Hill. 8vo, pp. 94. Boston, 1888. Chase. A tribute of affection to the memory of Pro¬ fessor Irah Chase. [With a genealogical record of Chase, of Newton, Mass.] 8vo, pp. 94. Bos¬ ton, 1865. Chase. History of Lawrence-Townley and Chase- Townley estates in England. With copious histor¬ ical and genealogical notes of the Lawrence, Chase and Townley families, and much other valuable information. By James Usher, N. Y., 1883. 8vo, pp. 110. (Enlarged title.) Cheever. Ezekiel Clieever and some of his descend¬ ants. By John T. Hassam, A. M. Part second. 8vo, pp. 26. Boston, 1884. Chester. Descendants of Leonard Chester, of Blaby, Eng., and Wethersfield, Conn. 8vo, pp. 10. Boston, 1868. Church. The history of the Church family. Notes collected by the Hon. Oliver Chase, of Fall River, R. I., and arranged by his nephew, Edward A. French, Esq. To which has been added many new and valuable notes collected by Vernon Wade, Esq. Edited by James N. Arnold editor of the Narrangansett Historical Register. 8vo, pp. 59 + 85. Pr. printed. Providence, 1887. Chute. Genealogy and history of the Chute family in America ; with some account of the family in Great Britain and Ireland ; with an account of forty allied families gathered from the most authen¬ tic sources. By Wm. E. Chute. 8vo, pp. 216 + 277. Salem, 1894. Clapp. The Clapp family meeting at Northampton, August 24, 1870. Comprising the proceedings, the address, historical and other papers, etc. Pub¬ lished by vote of the Boston Committee of Arrange¬ ments. 8vo, pp. 67. Boston, 1870. Clapp. The Clapp family in America. Ebenezer Clapp, Compiler. 8vo. David Clapp & Son, 1876. Clark. A record of some of the branches of the family of Simeon Clark, of Amherst, Mass. As complied by him just previous to liis death in 1883. N. p., n. d. 8vo, pp. 7. Clark. Record of the family of David Clark, of Northampton, Mass., who was born September 24th, 1729, and died November 13th, 1810. Col¬ lected and arranged by Lewis H. Clark, of Sodus, Wayne County, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 13. Syra¬ cuse, 1857. Clark. History and genealogy of Samuel Clark, Sr., and his descendants from 1636 to 1892—256 years. By Rev. Edgar W. Clark, A. M., Pana., Ill. 8vo, pp. 122, 2d ed. St. Louis, 1892. Clarke. Clarke-Clark genealogy. Records of the descendants of Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1623- 1697. Compiled by Rev. William W. Johnson, Portraits. 8vo, pp. 168 -j- 14. North Greenfield, Wis., 1884. Clarke. Record of some of the descendants of Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1623-1697. Compiled by Samuel C. Clarke. 8vo, pp. 43. Boston, 1869. 50 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. Clarke. Jeremy’ Clarke’s family. An address before the Rhode Island Historical Society, March, 1879. Bv H. E. Turner 8vo, pp. 49. Newport, R. I., 1S81. Clarke. Genealogical statement of the Clarke family of Boston, Mass., 1731; with review of the same. By Isaac J. Greenwood. 8vo, pp. 8. New York, 1S79. Clason. Clason, Clawson, C’lasson, Closson, Clauson. Stephen Clason, of Stamford, Conn., in 1654, and some of his descendants. Compiled and arranged from data chiefly collected by Oliver B. Clason, of Gardiner, Me. By William B. Lapham. Por¬ traits. 8vo, pp. 147. Augusta, 1892. Coffin. Early wills illustrating the ancestry of Har¬ riet Collin, with genealogical and biographical notes, by her grandson, William S. Appleton. Portrait. Svo, pp. 86. Boston, 1893. Coffin. The life of Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, Baronet, his English aud American ancestors. By Thomas C. Amoral Portrait. 8vo,pp. 141. Boston, 1886. Coggeshall. Address delivered at the Coggeshall family reunion, Newport, R. I., September 9,1884. By Hon. Henry J. Coggeshall, of Waterville, N. Y T . N. p., n. d. 8vo, pp. 25. Coghill. The family of Coghill, 1377 to 1879. With some sketches of their maternal ancestors, the Slingsbys, of Scriven Hall, 1135 to 1879. By James Henry Coghill. 8vo, pp. 9 -)- 193. Cam¬ bridge, 1879. Collins. Report in relation to the claim of the heirs at law of Samuel Collins, dec’d, late of Water- town township, Gloucester county, in the western division of the state of New Jersey, to any unset¬ tled estate in England. By the examination of the records in the prerogative court of Canterbury, principal registry of probate in the city of London, England. By John Clement. Svo, pp. 54. Tren¬ ton,1871. (Enlarged title). Comberbach. Collection for a genealogical account of the family of Comberbach. By George W. Marshall, LL. B. 8vo, pp. 58. London, 1866. Cooper. Thomas Cooper, of Boston, and his descend¬ ants. By Frederick Tuckerman, of Amherst, Mass. Reprinted from the New England Histori¬ cal and Genealogical Register for January, 1890. 8vo, pp. 11. Boston, 1890. Cotton. The English ancestry of Rev. John Cotton, of Boston. By H. G. Somerby, of London. Re¬ printed from the Heraldic Journal for April, 1868. Svo, pp. 12. Boston, 1868. Cotton. A needed correction in the pedigree of the Cotton family, as given by Mr. Savage, Mr. Sib¬ ley and some others. By Henry Williams. Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1895. 8vo,pp.3. Crafts. The Crafts family. A genealogical and bio¬ graphical history of the descendants of Griffin and Alice Craft, of Roxbury, Mass. 1630-1890. Com¬ piled by James M. Crafts and William F. Crafts. 8vo, pp. 803. Northampton, Mass., 1893. Crandall. Family Register [Crandall and Ott]. N. p. [1883?] Crawford. Laurus Crawfurdiana. Memorials of that branch of the Crawford family which comprises the descendants of John Crawford, of Virginia. 1660-1883. With notices of the allied families, pr. printed pp. 14-(-180. F. Portraits. N. Y., 1883. Cressey. Genealogy of the Cressey family, descend¬ ants of Mighill Cressey [Mighel Cresse] of Salem and Ipswich, Mass. By George Brainard Blodgette, A. M. From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1877. 8vo, pp.13. Boston, 1877. Cunnabell. See Connabell. Curtis. Records of some of the descendants of Wm. Curtis, Roxbury, Mass., 1632. Compiled from the MS. of Miss Catherine P. Curtis and other sources. By Samuel C. Clarke. 8vo,pp. 29. Boston, 1869. Cutler. A Cutler memorial and genealogical history containing the names of a large proportion of the Cutlers in the United States and Canada, and a record of many individual members of the family, with an account also of other families allied to the Cutlers by marriage. Compiled by Nahum S. Cutler. Portraits. Svo, pp. 665. (Enlarged title). Greenfield, Mass., 1889. Dabney. Sketch of the Dabneys of Virginia, with some of their family records. Collected and ar¬ ranged by William H. Dabney, of Boston, De¬ cember 31, 1887. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 197. Chicago, 1888. Dane. Sermon preached in the Whitefield church, Newburyport. By Rev. S. J. Spalding, D. D., August 8, 1875, and other papers, in memory of Francis Dane. [Genealogy of Dane Family.] Por¬ trait. 8vo, pp. 36. Boston, 1875. Danforth. Report of the sixth meeting of the Dan- forth family, held in Chicago, July 20th, 1893. 8vo, pp. 44. Boston, 1893. Daniell. The Daniell family. A genealogy of Rob¬ ert Daniell and some of his descendants. By Moses Grant Daniell. 8vo, pp. 19. Boston, 1874. Dawson. A collection of family records, with bio¬ graphical sketches and other memoranda of various families and individuals bearing the name Dawson, or allied to families of that name. Compiled by Charles C. Dawson. Portraits. 8vo,pp. 8 + 572. Albany, 1874. Dearborns. The Dearborns of Hampton, N. H., descendants of Godfrey Dearborn, of Exeter and Hampton. 8vo, pp. 16. Salem, 1893. De Peyster. Genealogy of the De Peyster family. By J. Watts De Peyster, of Tivoli, N. Y. 8vo,pp. 18 + 249. (Work not completed.) [Tivoli, N. Y., 1854.] De Peyster. Brief De Peyster and Watts genealogi¬ cal references. With partial list of authorities. N. p., n. d. 8vo, pp. 8. Dexter. Dexter genealogy. 1610-1857. Chart, 24 by 30 inches. Dickinsons. Genealogies of the Lymans of Mid- dlefield, of the Dickinsons of Montreal, and of the Patridges of Hatfield. Svo, pp. 29. Boston, 1865. Dike. See Noyes. Dod. Genealogies of the male descendants of Daniel Dod, of Branford, Conn., a native of England. 1646-1863. By Bethune L. Dodd, M. D., and John R. Burnet. 8vo, pp. 221. Newark, N. J., 1864. Dodge. Genealogy of the Dodge family, of Essex County, Mass. 1629-1894. By Joseph Thomp¬ son Dodge, Ph. D. 8vo, pp. 5 + 448. MadisoD, Wis., 1894. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 51 Doggett. History of the Doggett-Daggett family. By Samuel Bradlee Doggett. 8vo, pp.8.+ 686. Boston, 1894. Draper. An account of the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Draper, at Westford, N. Y., Fri¬ day evening, June 16, 1871. Including the his¬ torical essays on the Draper and Preston families, read on the occasion ; and also the poem, ad¬ dresses, and other exercises. 8vo, pp. 32. Albany, 1871. Dummer. The first century of DummeV Academy. * A historical discourse delivered at Newbury, By¬ field Parish, Aug. 12, 1863. With an appendix. [Dummer genealogy.] By Nehemiah Cleave- land. 8vo, pp. 71 + 53. Boston, 1865. Eaton. Report of the fifth annual reunion of the Eaton family association held at Boston, October 31st, 1888. 8vo, pp. 21. New Haven, 1888. Eberharts. History of the Eberharts in Germany and the United States, from A. D. 1265 to A. D. 1890—625 years. By Uriah Eberhart. With an autobiographical sketch of the author, includ¬ ing many reminiscences of his ministerial and army life. 8vo, pp. 236. [Chicago]. 1891. Edson. See Noyes. Edsons. Genealogical account of the Edsons early settled in Bridgewater. With appendices. 8vo,pp. 48 + 14. Lowell, Mass., 1864. Edwards. Our patronymics. Compiled by Eliza¬ beth Ed wards-Gifford. 4to,pp. 28. N. p. 1886. Elderkin. Genealogy of the Elderkin family, with intermarriages. Containing family records from John 1st, who came from England in A.D. 1637 and located in Massachusetts, through ten genera¬ tions to 1886. . . . Also an appendix, containing a few of the author’s original articles on theories of science, pathology and theology. By Dyer White Elderkin. Portraits, 8vo, pp.223 + 22. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1888. Eliot. Samuel Eliot. [Genealogy.] Portraits, 8vo,pp. 204. Boston, 1869. Elliot. Andrew Elliot, of Beverly, Mass., and his descendants. N. p. 8vo, pp. 4. [1869 ?] Ellis. A memorandum of the Ellis family. Prepared by Thomas H. Ellis, of Richmond, Virginia, 1849. 8vo, pp. 36. Richmond, 1849. Emery. See Amerie—Emery—Amory. Emery. Genealogical records of descendants of John and Anthony Amery, of Newbury, Mass. 1590- 1890. Compiled by Rufus Emery, pp. 11 + 610. Salem, Mass., 1890. Everett. Genealogy of the Everett family. By Ed¬ ward F. Everett. 8vo, pp. 7. Boston, 1860. Estes. Estes genealogies, 1097-1893. Compiled by Charles Estes, of Warren, Rhode Island. 8vo, pp. 16 + 401. Salem, Mass, 1894. Ewell. Genealogy of John Ewell, extending to the 6th generation, covering a period of 144 years from 1734 to 1878, together with personal sketches, family incidents and important events. Enumer¬ ating 280 marriages and 870 births. Collected and compiled by E. H. Ewell, one of his grandsons. 8vo, pp. 78. Buffalo, 1878. Fanuell. See Bethune. Farnham. Genealogy of the Farnham family. By Rev. J. M. W. Farnham, D.D. pp. 91. D. Shanghai, 1886. Farrington. Farrington memorial ; a sketch of the ancestors and descendants of Deacon John Farring¬ ton, native of Wrentham, Mass., who in 1786 removed to China Plantation, or No. 9, District of Maine, and settled seven miles east of the Penobscot river. Incorporated as Brewer in 1812. Set off and incorporated as Holden in 1852. To which is appended the genealogy of his wife, Cynthia Hawes. 8vo, pp. 24. Portland, Me., 1880. (Enlarged title). Farwell. Farwell ancestral memorial. Henry Far- well, of Concord and Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and all his descendants to the fifth generation ; to which are added three branches—the families of Daniel, of Croton and Fitchburg, Mass., 1740- 1815; Bethiali, of Mansfield, Conn., and West¬ minster, Vt., 1747-1813; Elizabeth, of North Charlestown, N. H., 1751-1840, and their descends ants to 1879. By David-Parsons Holton, M.D., A. M., and his wife, Frances K. (Forward). 8vo, pp. 8 + 247. Holton, N. Y., 1879. Felch. The memorial history of the Felch family in America and Wales. The earliest and latest records, 1641-1881. By W. Farrand Felch, Columbus, Ohio. Parts 1-4. 4pts. 8vo. Columbus, O., 1881. Felt. The Felt genealogy. A record of the descend¬ ants of George Felt, of Casco Bay. Complied by John E. Morris. 8vo, pp. 568. Hartford, Conn., 1893. Felton. A genealogical history of the Felton family, descendants of Lieutenant Nathaniel Felton, who came to Salem, Mass., in 1633; with few supple¬ ments and appendices of the names of some of the ancestors of the families that have intermarried with them. An index alphabetically arranged of the Felton families, also an index of other names than Felton. By Cyrus Felton. 8vo, pp. 260. Marlborough, 1886. Fenner. Genealogy of the Fenner family. Nos. land 2. N.p., n. d. 8vo, 2 Nos. Fenton. Genealogy of the Fenton family, descend¬ ants of Robert Fenton, an early settler of ancient Windham, Conn., (now Mansfield). Compiled by William L. Weaver. 8vo, pp. 34. Willimantic, Conn. Field. Record of the family of the late Rev. David D. Field, D. D., of Stockbridge, Mass. Compiled by his youngest son, Henry M. Field. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 132 + 15. 1880. Field. Genealogical sketch of the family of Field, of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, and of Flushing and Newtown in Long Island, N. Y. With a tabular pedigree. By Osgood Field, of London, England. 8vo, pp. 9. Albany, 1863. (Privately printed). Field. Genealogical sketch of the family of Field, of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, and of Flushing and Newtown in Long Island, N. Y. With a tabular pedigree. By Osgood Field, of London, England. 8vo, pp. 14. (Privately printed). Fields. The Fields of New Jersey. By Osgood Field, Esq., of London, England. N. p. 8vo, pp. 4. [1876?] Flanders. The Flanders family. By William Prescott, M.D. N. p., n. d. 8vo, pp. 8. Fleet. Some genealogical sketches of the Fleet family ofVa., 9 x 13 inches. 1891. 52 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. Fletcher. Fletcher family union. (Instituted in Lowell. Mass., Aug. 30th, 1S76). Svo, pp. 12. [1S7S ?] Fletcher. Fletcher family history. The descendants of Robert Fletcher, of Concord, Mass. By Ed¬ ward H. Fletcher, of New York City. Svo. pp. 563. Boston, 1S81. Flunt. See Morris. Follansbee. Report to the Follansbee Association, U. S. A. Made by Columbus Smith, A.D., 1S65. Svo, pp. 2S + 6. Middlebury, 1S65. Foot. Memorial of Elder Adoniram Foot. The ser¬ mon preached at his funeral, in the Presbyterian church, Turin, N. Y., May 1st, 1866. By Rev. E. B. Parsons. With an appendix containing some reminiscences and genealogical notes, sup¬ plemental to the genealogy of the Foot family. Compiled by Rev. John B. Foot. Svo, pp. 32. Rome, 1867. Forster. Pedigree and descendants of Jacob Forster, Sen., of Charlestown, Mass. By Edward Jacob Forster, M.D. Foster. Family of Foster, of Charlestown, Mass. Reprinted from New England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1871. N. p. Svo, pp. 6. 1871. Foster. Genealogy of the Fo(r)ster family. Des¬ cendants of Reginald Foster, who settled in Ips¬ wich, Essex County, Mass., A.D., 1838. By Ed¬ ward Jacob Forster, M.D. 8vo, pp. 24. Bos¬ ton, 1876. Foulke. Ancestry of Edward Foulke, who settled at Gwynedd, Penna., 1698. By Thomas Allen Glenn, 1891. Revised by C. M. Foulke. [50 copies typewritten and bound for private circula¬ tion]. Frey. A concise record of our family, from sixteen hundred and eighty.eight to the present time. [By] Samuel Chollot Frey. 8vo, pp. 35. Leaven¬ worth, Kansas, 1870. Fuller. See Noyes family. Gaillard. The history and pedigree of the house of Gaillard, or Gaylord, in France, England and the United States, with a view of Chateau Gaillard in Normandy; a view of Gaylord’s villa in Connec¬ ticut; a portrait of the author with the family arms and other portraits. By William Gaillard. 4to, pp. 64. Cincinnati (1876?) Gallaudet. See Oliver. Gale. The Gale family records in England and the United States; To which are added the Tottingham family of New England, and some account of the Bogardus, Waldron and Young families of New York. By George Gale, LL.D. 12mo, pp. 254. Galesville, Wis., 1866. [Enlarged title.] Gallup. The genealogical history of the Gallup family in the United States, also biographical sketches of members of the family. By John D. Gallup, Agawam, Mass. 8vo, pp. 329. Hartford, Conn., 1893. Gerould. The genealogy of the family of Gamaliel Gerould, son of Dr. Jacques (or James) Jerauld, of the province of Languedoc, France. 8vo, pp. 84. Bristol, N. H. Gibbs. Family notices collected by William Gibbs, of Lexington, Mass. N. p., n. d. 8vo, pp. 8. Gibson. Genealogical history of the ancestors of James Gibson Johnson and Sarah Bowen, his wife, who were born in Reading, Vermont, in 1799, and settled in the territory of Michigan in 1826. By their son, James Bowen Johnson. 8vo, pp. 27. Wash., 1891. Gibson. Report to the Gibson Association of Ver¬ mont, U. S. A., made by Columbus Smith, A.D. 1867. 8vo, pp. 20+4. Middlebury, 1867. (En¬ larged title.) Giddings. The Giddings family; or, the descendants of George Giddings, who came from St. Albans, England, to Ipswich, Mass., in 1635. With a record of others of the same name not yet traced. Also a sketch of prominent persons connected with the family. By Minot S. Giddings, of New Milford, Conn. 8vo, pp. 227. Hartford, Conn., 1882. Gill. Nouvelles notes sur l’histoire de la famille Gill par Charles Gill. S. pp. 19. Montreal, 1892. Glenn. (Thomas Allen, Ardmore, Pa.) Merion in the Welsh Tract, with sketches of the Townships of Haverford and Radnor. Historical and Genealogical collections concerning the Welsh Barony in the Province of Pennsylvania, settled by the Cymric Quakers in 1682. Printed for the subscribers. Norristown, (Pa.) 1896. Containing full genealogies of the families of Cad- walader, Bevan, Lloyd, Jones, Roberts, Lewis, Griffith, Owen, Foulke, Price, Rees, Evans, Ellis, Walker and many others. 8vo, pp. 395. Glenn. (Thomas Allen.) Notes on the Lewis family, of Newtown, Pennsylvania, but formerly of Eglwysilan, in Glamorganshire. (Chart form.) Glenn. (Thomas Allen.) Owen of Merion, from Penna. Mag., 1889. 8vo. Goode. Virginia cousins. A study of the ancestry and posterity of John Goode, of Whitby, a Vir¬ ginia colonist of the Seventeenth century, with notes upon related families, a key to Southern genealogy, and a history of the English surname Gode, Goad, Goode or Good, from 1148 to 1887. By G. Brown Goode, with a preface by R. A. Brock. 4to, pp. 36 4-526. Richmond, Va., 1887. (Enlarged title.) Goodrich. The Goodrich family memorial. Part one. Containing the English history of the family, as collected by the late Rev. Hiram P. Good¬ rich, of St. Louis. Svo, pp. 29. (Chicago, 1883?) [Enlarged title.] Goodrich. The Goodrich family memorial. Part two. Containing the American history, and four enerations of the descendants of William and arah (Marvin) Goodrich, of Wethersfield, Conn. 8vo, pp. 30-)- 109. (Chicago, 1883?.) Gore. See Payne. Goss. See Lawrence. Gould. The family of Zaccheus Gould, of Topsfield. By Benjamin Apthorp Gould. 8vo, pp. 7 -)- 351. Lynn, Mass. Granger. Launcelot Granger, of Newbury, Mass., and Suffield, Conn. A genealogical history. By James N. Granger. 8vo, pp. 587. Hartford, Conn., (1893). Grannis. Tabular pedigree. No. 1, 1889. 15 x 25 inches. Same, No. 2, 1891. 17 x 18 inches. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 53 Gray. Gray and Coytmore. Communicated by Wil¬ liam S. Appleton, of Boston, to the New Eng¬ land Historical and Genealogical Register, and reprinted from the July number. 8vo, pp. 7. Boston. 1885. Green. Family of Ezra Green. Genealogy and gene¬ ral family history. Bethlehem, Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1754, Remsen, Oneida County, New York, 1824. 12mo, pp. 44. [Remsen, N. Y.,] 1893. Greene. Genealogical sketch of the descendants of Robert Greene, M.D., Boston, Mass. 12mo, pp. 64. Boston, Mass., 1885. Greene. Descendants of Joseph Greene, of Westerly, R. I.; also of other branches of the Greenes, of Quidnesset, or Kingston, R. I., and other lines of Greenes in America. By Frank L. Greene. 8vo, pp. 486. Albany, 1894. Griffin. Centennial observance. Gathering of the descendants of Nathan Griffin at the old home¬ stead in Stockton, March 30, 1863. T. pp. 8. Belfast, 1863. Griffin. A partial history of the Griffin family in Massachusetts. Being a genealogy of the descend¬ ants of Lieut. Joseph Griffin, of Methuen. 8vo, pp. 4+17. Lowell, Mass., 1888. Griswold. Brief history and genealogical sketch of the first Daniel Griswold, of Springfield, Vermont. By F. G. Field. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 23. Springfield, 1880. Guthrie. Brief history of a branch of the Guthrie family. By Seymour Guthrie. 8vo, pp. 61. Chicago, 1889. Haines. Original papers relating to Samuel Haines and his descendants. Edited by Andrew Mack Haines. Reprinted from New England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1869. 8vo, pp. 29. Boston, 1869. Hall. Record of some of the descendants of Richard Hall, New Haven, 1639—1662. By Samuel C. Clarke. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 20. Hall. Hall pedigree. 11 x 18 inches. 1868. Hall. Biographical notes of our beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, late of Cleveland, Ohio. 12mo, pp. 26. Cleveland, 1876. Hammond. History and genealogy of the descend¬ ants of William Hammond, of London, England, and his wife, Elizabeth Penn; through their son Benjamin, of Sandwich and Rochester, Mass., 1600-1894. By Roland Hammond. 8vo, pp. 9 + 311. Boston, 1894. Hammond. Descendants of Benjamin Hammond. Communicated by Philip Battell, Esq., of Mid- dlebury, Vt. 8vo, pp. 11. (1876.) Harris. New England ancestors of Katherine-Brattle and William-Cary Harris, and the descendants of Thaddeus Mason and Mary (Dix) Harris, Amos and Jerusha (Robinson) Holbrook, Eli and Han¬ nah (Streeter) Wheelock, William and Katherine Brattle (Gannett) Bascom. By Edward Double¬ day Harris. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 32. Cam¬ bridge, 1887. Harris. Harris genealogy. A history of James Har¬ ris, of New London, Conn., and his descendants ; from 1640 to 1878. ... By Nathaniel Harris Morgan. 8vo, pp. 239. Hartford, 1878. Harris. Genealogical and biographical sketches of the New Jersey branch of the Harris family in the United States. By Sarah J. (Harris) Keifer. 8vo, pp. 350. Madison, Wis., 1888. Harrison. The ancestry of Benjamin Harrison, presi¬ dent of the United States of America, 1889-1893, in chart form, showing also the descendants of William Henry Harrison, president of the United States of America in 1841, and notes on families related. By Charles P. Keith. 8vo, pp. 96. Philadelphia, 1893. Haskell. Descendants of Thomas White, of Marble¬ head, and Mark Haskell, of Beverly, Mass. With a brief notice of the Coombs family. Compiled by Perley Derby, Salem, Mass. 8vo, pp. 81. Bos¬ ton, 1872. Hastings. See Adams and Hastings. 1880. Hathorne. Hathorne family of Salem, Mass. N. d. Chart, 9x11 inches. Haven. Address at meeting of descendants of Rich¬ ard Haven, of Lynn, at Framingham, Mass., Aug. 29, 1844, being the second centennial anniversary of his landing in New England. By John C. Park, of Boston. 8vo, pp. 27. Boston, 1844. Haven. Address at the second meeting of descend¬ ants of Richard Haven, of Lynn, held at Framing¬ ham, Mass., August 30, 1849. By Rev. Joseph Haven, Jr., of Brookline, Mass. 8vo, pp. 28. Framingham, 1849. Hawes. Edward Hawes, the emigrant, and some of his descendants. By Gilbert Ray Hawes, Esq. , of the New York Bar. N. p. 1895. 4to, pp. 28. Hawes. See Farrington and Hawes. Hayden. Genealogy of the Hayden family. From Stile’s History of Ancient Windsor. N. p. 8vo, pp. 15. (1859?) Hemenway. Genealogical record of one branch of the Hemenway family from 1634 to 1880. Com¬ piled by Rev. Asa Hemenway, of Manchester, Vt. 8vo, pp. 92. Hartford, 1880. Hendrie. See Barlow. Henry. See Burt. Hepburn. Genealogy and history of the Hepburn family of the Susquehanna Valley, with reference to other families of the same name. By John F. Meginness. 8vo, pp. 181 + 4. Williamsport, 1894. Hill. Genealogy of the Hill family from 1632, in¬ cluding a biographical sketch of Joel Barlow. (By Moses Hill). Tt. pp. 29. Norwalk, (1879?) * Hilton. See Hassam. Hiltons. The Dover settlement and the Hiltons. By John T. Hassam. 8vo, pp. 9. Boston, 1882. Hills. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin T. Hills, at Crawfordsville, Indiana, Nov. 18, 1878. 8vo, pp. 23. Allegheny, Pa., 1878. Hinckley. The Hinckley family. 8vo, pp. 7. Bos¬ ton, 1859. Hinman. A family record of the descendants of Sergt. Edward Hinman, who first appeared at Stratford, in Connecticut, about 1650. By R. R. Hinman, Esq., 1856. (Bound with Hinman’s Early Puritan Settlers of Conn., 1852). Hinsdale. See Morton. 54 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. Hitchcock. The genealogy of the Hitchcock family who are descended from Matthies Hitchcock, of East Haven, Conn., and Luke Hitchcock, of Wethersfield, Conn. Compiled and published by Mrs. Edward Hitchcock, Sr., of Amherst, Mass., arranged for the press by Rev. Dwight \V. Marsh, D.D., of Amherst, Mass. Svo, pp. 7 -(-555. Amherst, Mass., 1894. Hoare. Will of Charles Hoare, of Gloucester, Eng¬ land. With notes by George F. Hoar. 8vo, pp. 7. Boston, 1891. Hodgman. A memorial of the golden wedding of Leonard and Jenette Hodgman, at Stillwater, N. Y., January 12, 1865. Svo, pp. 14. Albany, 1865. Holbrook. Record of the descendants of Silence Holbrook, of Weymouth, Mass. 8vo, pp. 19. Worcester, 1851. Holladay. See Hayden. Hollister. The Hollister family of America. Lieut. John Hollister, of Wethersfield, Conn., and his descendants. Compiled by Lafayette Wallace Case, M.D. 8vo, pp. 805. Chicago, 1886. Holloway. See Sullivant. Holmes. A letter of directions to his father’s birth¬ place, by John Holmes. With notes and a genealogy by D. Williams Patterson. 8vo, pp. 76. N. Y., 1865. Holt. Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the Holt Estate Association, held January 10th, 1871. 8vo, pp. 7. N. Y., 1871. Hooker. Paper by Commander Edward Hooker, U. S. Navy, prepared for the Hooker reunion, at Hartford, Conn., and in his absence read by John Hooker, Esq. 8vo, pp. 8. 1890. Holton. See Morton. Holton. Some of the descendants of William Holton, early settler of Hartford, Conn. Chart, 17 x 22 inches. 1866. Hopkins. See Morton. Horton. Horton genealogy ; or, chronicles of the descendants of Barnabas Horton, of Southold, L.I., 1640. Compiled by Geo. F. Horton, M.D. 8vo, pp. 240+ 12. Phila., 1876. Horton. Horton gathering. Proceedings of the Horton family gathering and social reunion. 8vo, pp. 13. Phila., 1876. Hosmer. Genealogical records of the pioneer families of Avon, N. Y., Pierson, Waterous, Martin, etc., and their descendants. 8vo, pp. 32. Rochester, 1871. Hosmer. Genealogy of the Hosmer family. By James B. Hosmer. 8vo, pp. 16. Hartford, 1861. Howe. See Sullivant. Howe. The Howe family gathering, at Harmony Grove, South Framingham, Thursday, Aug. 31, 1871. By Rev. Elias Nason. 8vo, pp. 45. Bos¬ ton, 1871. Howe. See Jennens. Howland. Brief genealogical and biographical his¬ tory of Arthur, Henry, and John Howland, and their descendants of the United States and Canada. Together with an account of the efforts made in England to learn of their English ancestry, etc. By Franklyn Howland. Svo, pp. 463. New Bedford, Mass., 1885. Hoyt. Genealogical history of the Hoyt, Haight and Hight family; with some account of the earlier Hyatt families, a list of the first settlers of Salis¬ bury and Amesbury, Mass., etc. By David W. Hoyt. 8vo, pp. 12+686. Providence, 1871. Hubbard. One thousand years of Hubbard history, 866 to 1895. From Hubba, the Norse sea king, to the enlightened present. Compiled by Edward Warren Day, a Hubbard descendant. 8vo, pp. 512. N. Y., 1895. Hubbard. See Sullivant. Hudson. The genealogy of the descendants of Daniel Hudson, of Watertown, Mass., who emigrated to America in 1639. The progenitor of all of that name settled at Oxford. By Sanford A. Hudson. 12mo, pp. 28. Fargo, North Dakota, 1892. Hull. Book of the Hulls ; being a genealogy of the Hull family, etc. By Oliver Hull, of New York. 12mo, pp. 36. N. Y., 1863. Hull. A record of the descendants of Richard Hull, of New Haven, Conn. Compiled by Puella Follett (Hull) Mason. 8vo, pp. 78. Mil¬ waukee, Wis., 1894. Humphreys. The Humphreys family in America. By Thomas Allen Glenn. Reprint (see Merion). 8vo. Norristown, 1896. Humphreys. See Guild. Hunt. Genealogy of the name and family of Hunt, early established in America from Europe. Ex¬ hibiting pedigrees of ten thousand persons, en¬ larged by religious and historic readings, enriched with indices of names and places. Authorized by W. L. G. Hunt, compiled by T. B. Wyman, Jr. 8vo, pp. 15 + 414. Boston, 1862-63. (E. title.) Hunting. The Hunting or Huntting family in America. By T. D. Huntting. 8vo, pp. 75 + 8. Brooklyn, 1888. Huntington. Memories, counsels, and reflections. By an octogenary. ( Dan Huntington. ) 8vo, pp. 119. Cambridge, 1857. Hutchinson. A brief genealogy of the descendants of William Hutchinson and Thomas Oliver. Fam¬ ilies closely allied by intermarriage, and promi¬ nent at every period of the Colonial history of Massachusetts. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 38. Boston, 1865. Hutchinson. The Hutchinson family; or the des¬ cendants of Barnard Hutchinson, of Cowlam, Eng¬ land. Compiled by Perley Derby. 8vo, pp. 107. Salem, 1870. Hutchinson. Notes upon the ancestry of William Hutchinson and Anne Marbury. By Joseph Lemuel Chester. 4to, pp. 24. Boston, 1866. Hutton. The life of William Hutton. And the history of the Hutton family, edited from the original manuscripts, with the addition of numer¬ ous illustrative notes, original matter, examples of Hutton’s poetical productions, and notices of all his works, etc., etc. By Llewellynn Jewitt. 12mo, pp. 12 + 464. (London, 1872.) AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 55 Hyde. Hyde genealogy; or the descendants, in the female as well as in the male lines, from William Hyde, of Norwich, with their places of residence, and dates of births, marriages, etc., and other particulars of them and their families and ancestry. By Reuben H. Walworth. 8vo, 2v. Albany, 1864. (Enlarged title.) Hyatt. See Barlow. Ingham. The Ingham family; or Joseph Ingham and his descendants. 1639-1871. 12mo, pp. 59. Hartford, 1871. Ingersoll. The Ingersolls of Hampshire. A genea¬ logical history of the family from their settlement in America, in the line of John Ingersoll, of West- field, Massachusetts. Compiled from authentic records by Lieutenant Charles Stedman Rip¬ ley. 8vo, pp. 107. Boston, 1893. Ingrahani. To the descendants of Timothy Ingraham. Information respecting the great Ingraham estate, in the kingdom of Great Britain. By G. R. Glad¬ ding. 12mo, pp. 79. Providence, 1859. Ireland. See Barlow. Jaquett. Genealogy of the Jaquett family. By Ed¬ win Jaquett Sellers. 8vo, pp. 190. Philadel¬ phia, 1896. Jauncey. The Bermuda branch of the Jauncey family. 8vo, pp. 6. (N. Y., 1873.) Jennens. Pedigree of the Jennens, Hanmer, Howe, Beauchamp and Howard families. 13 x 17 inches. No. 1, 1870. Same. No. 2. 15 x 19 inches. Jennings. Report to the Jennings Association, U. S..A., made by Columbus Smith, C. M. Fisher, agents, A.D., 1863. Containing information in their possession relative to the Jennings property in England; the crest and coat of arms of the family; likewise several genealogies of different branches of the family in America and England. 8vo, pp. 24. Rutland, 1863. Jennings. Report of the Jennings Association. (Made by C. M. Fisher and Columbus Smith. ) 8vo, pp. 10. West Salisbury, Vt., 1866. Jessup. Edward Jessup, of West Farms, Westchester Co., New York, and his descendants. With an introduction and an appendix, the latter containing records of other American families of the name, with some additional memoranda. By Rev. Henry Griswold Jesup. 8vo, pp. 21 -f 442. Cambridge, 1887. Jewell. The Jewell register, containing a list of the descendants of Thomas Jewell, of Braintree, near Boston, Mass. 8vo, pp. 104. Hartford, 1860. Jillson. Genealogy of the Gillson and Jillson family, collected and compiled by David Jillson, South Attleboro, Mass. 8vo, pp. 266. Central Falls, 1876. Johnson. The Johnson family. A brief account of some of the descendants of Wm. Johnson, who settled in Charlestown in 1634, and of his son, Jonathan Johnson, who settled in Marlborough, Mass., as early as 1662. Including about all the Johnsons that have resided at Southborough. Compiled by Cyrus Felton. 8vo, pp. 16. Marl¬ boro, 1879. (Enlarged title.) Johnson. The Johnson family of the Mohawk Val¬ ley. 8vo, pp. 10. (Albany, 1883.) Johnson. Genealogical history of the ancestors of James Gibson Johnson and Susan Bowen, his wife, who were bom in Reading, Vermont, in 1799, and settled in the territory of Michigan, in 1826. By their son, James Bowen Johnson. 8vo, pp. 27. Wash., 1891. Jones. The early history of Merion and an old Welsh pedigree. By James J. Levick, M.D. 8vo, pp. 41. Pliila., 1880. (Reprint from Penna. Mag. Hist. Biog.) Jones. Book of minutes of Col. John Jones, of Ded¬ ham, Massachusetts ; with explanatory notes, by his grandson, Amos Perry, of Providence, Rhode Island. 8vo, pp. 41. Boston, 1894. Judd. Thomas Judd and his descendants. By Syl¬ vester Judd, of Northampton, Mass. 8vo, pp. 112. Northampton, Mass., 1856. Keith. See Sullivant. Kelker. Genealogical record of the family of Koel- liker, of Herrliburg, District Meilen, Canton Zu¬ rich, Switzerland, completed in summer of 1849, by Rev. John Jacob Hess. To the above now (1883) added a record of the family of Kelker, since their arrival in this country, in 1743, com¬ piled from authentic sources, for the use of the members of the family, by Rudolph F. Kelker. 4to, pp. 132. Harrisburg, 1883. Kendall. Memorial of Josiah Kendall, one of the first settlers of Sterling, Mass., and of his ancestors, and of his descendants. By Oliver Kendall. 4to, pp. 16 -f-135. Providence, 1884. Kendall. Celebration on the seventy-fifth birthday of Leonard Jarvis Kendall, July 31st, 1885. Augusta, Oneida Co., New York. Genealogy of the Kendall family. S. pp. 21. Brooklyn, 1888. Keyes. A brief notice of the late Thomas Keyes, of West Boylston, together with a short historical account of his descendants, and also of his ancestry ; with some incidents and circumstances connected therewith. 12mo, pp. 15. Worcester, 1857. Kilbourn. History and antiquities of the name and family of Kilbourn (in its varied orthography.) By Payne Kenyon Kilbourne. 8vo, pp. 444. New Haven, 1856. King. King family. By Enoch Sanford. N. p., n. d. 12mo, pp. 28. Kinsman. The Kinsman family. Genealogical record of the descendants of Robert Kinsman, of Ipswich, Mass. From 1634 to 1875. Compiled for Fred¬ erick Kinsman, by Lucy W. Stickney. 8vo, pp. 258. Boston, 1876. La Monte. An account of the reunion of the des¬ cendants of the late Thomas W. La Monte, of Charlotteville, N. Y., at the residence of his son, George La Monte, Bound Brook, N. J., Nov. 22 and 23, 1876. 8vo, pp. 16. N. Y., 1877. Lamborn. The genealogy of the Lamborn family. With extracts from history, biographies, anec¬ dotes, etc. Compiled by Samuel Lamborn. 8vo, pp. 486. Phila., 1894. Lane. Memoranda relating to the Lane, Reyner and Whipple families, Yorkshire and Massachusetts. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 24. Boston, 1857. 56 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. Lane. Hampton Lane family memorial; a reprint of the address at the funeral of Dea. Joshua Lane, of Hampton, N. H., (who was killed by lightning, June 14, 1766.) By his son, Dea. Jeremiah Lane, of Hampton Ealls. With sketches of his ancestry and families to the fourth generation from William Lane, of Boston, Mass., 1651. By Rev. Jas. P. Lane. S. pp. 16+ 15- Norton, Mass., 1SS5. (Enlarged title.) Lane. Lane families of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Memorial address at the reunion of descendants and kindled of William Lane, Boston, 1651, Wil¬ liam Lane, Hampton, 1685, Dea. Joshua Lane, Hampton, who was killed by lightning, June 14, 1766, in the Congregational Church, Hampton, N. H., Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1886. By Rev. James P. Lane. Svo, pp. 58. (Norton, Mass.,) 1886. Lane. James Lane of North Yarmouth, Maine, and liis descendants. By I. P. Lane. 8vo, pp. 12. Boston, 1888. Lapham. Lapliam family register; or, records of some of the descendants of Thomas Lapliam, of Scituate. Mass., in 1635. By William B. Lap- ham. 8vo, pp. 32. Augusta, 1873. (Enlarged title.) Lathrop. Lathrop genealogy. N. p. 8vo, pp. 13. (1882.) Lathrop. A genealogical memoir of the Lo-Latlirop family in this country, embracing the descendants, as far as known, of the Rev. John Lothropp, of Scituate and Barnstable, Mass., and Mark Lothrop, of Salem and Bridgewater, Mass., and the first generation of descendants of other names. By the Rev. E. B. Huntington. 8vo, pp. 457. Ridg- field, Conn., 1884. Lawrence. Genealogical memoir of the family of John Lawrence, of Watertown, 1636 ; with brief notices of others of the name in England and America. By John Lawrence. 8vo, pp. 64. Boston, 1847. (Enlarged title.) Lawrence. Memorials of Robert Lawrence, Robert Bartlett and their descendants. By Hiram Bart¬ lett Lawrence. 8vo, pp. 223. Holyoke, Mass., 1888. Lawrence. Genealogical memoir of the families of Lawrences, with a direct male line from Sir Rob¬ ert Lawrence, of Lancashire, A.D. 1190, down to John Lawrence, of Watertown, A.D. 1636. With notices of others of same name in different states. By Mercy Hale, Stowe, Mass. 8vo, pp. 20. Boston, 1856. Lawrence. Historical genealogy of the Lawrence family, from their first landing in this country, A.D. 1635, to the present date, July 4th, 1858. By Thomas Lawrence. 8vo, pp. 240. N. Y., 1858. Lawrence. The genealogy of the family of John Lawrence, of Wisset, in Suffolk, England, and of Watertown and Groton, Massachusetts. Continued to the present year. 8vo, pp. 74. Cambridge, 1876. Lawrence. In memorial. The family of John Law¬ rence (continued.) The family of Philip Goss, of Lancaster, Mass., and Winchester, N. H. The family of Selah Pomroy, of Stanstead, P. Quebec. By Rev. John Lawrence. 8vo, pp. 92. Albany, 1881. Lawrence. The Divine Covenant fulfilled in the ancestral Family History of the Lawrence Hughes and Eldredge generations of Cape May County, New Jersey. By the Rev. Daniel Lawrence, D. D., of Petersburg, Pa. 8vo, pp. 161. Cape May City, N. J., 1892. Lawrence. Memorials of Robert Lawrence, Robert Bartlett, and their descendants. By Hiram Bart¬ lett Lawrence. 8vo, pp. 223. Holyoke, Mass., 1888. (Enlarged title.) Lawrence. The mystery solved. Facts relating to the “ Lawrence-Townley ” marriage and estate question. With genealogical information concern¬ ing the families of Townley, Chase, Lawrence, Stephens, Stevens, and other families of America. By Frank Alden Hill. 8vo, pp. 94. Boston, 1888. Lee. A Record of the descendants of Col. Richard Lee, of Virginia. Prepared as an aid to further investigations. By C. F. Lee, Jr. and I. Pack¬ ard, Jr. 8vo, pp. 11. Boston, 1872. Lee. Lee of Virginia, 1642-1892. Biographical and genealogical sketches of the descendants of Colonel Richard Lee, with brief notices of the related fami¬ lies of Allerton . . . and others. 8vo, pp. 586. Philadelphia, 1895. Leverett. Pedigree of the Leverett family. N. d. 9x 12 inches. Lewis. See Glenn. Lincoln. Stephen Lincoln, of Oakham, Massachusetts. His ancestry and descendants. Compiled by John E. Morris. 8vo, pp. 109. Hartford, Conn., 1895. Marsh. Marsh genealogy. Giving several thousand descendants of John Marsh, of Hartford, Ct. 1636-1895. Also including some account of Eng¬ lish Marshes, and a sketch of the Marsh family association of America. Compiled, edited and published by Dwight Whitney Marsh, No. 5251, of Amherst, Mass. 8vo, pp. 67 4- 516. Am¬ herst, 1895. Merion. Welsh genealogies in Pennsylvania. See Glenn. Montague. History and genealogy of Peter Monta¬ gue, of Nansemond and Lancaster counties, Vir¬ ginia. and his descendants, 1621-1894. Compiled and published by George William Montague. 8vo, pp. 494. Amherst, Mass., 1894. Morris. The lineal ancestors of Edward Morris and Mercy Flynt, of Wilbraham, Mass. Compiled by Jonathan Flynt Morris. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 74. Hartford, 1882. Munson. Munson family. Morehouse, New Haven, 1895. 2 vols. Noyes. Genealogical account of the Noyes family, together with the Dike family, and Fuller and Edson families. Compiled by Jacob Noyes, of Abington. 8vo, pp. 13. Abington, 1861. Oliver. Oliver genealogy ; a record of the descend¬ ants of Joseph Reuben, and Levi Oliver, of New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, 1727-1888. And of Pierre Elisee Gallaudet, M.D., of New Rochelle, New York, 1711-1888. By Horace Edwin Hayden. 8vo, pp. 23 -f 4. N.Y., 1888. (Enlarged title.) Oliver. See Appendix II. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 57 Orton. Partial list of the descendants (in the male line) of Thomas Orton. Chart, 16 x 21 inches. Osgood. A genealogy of the descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood, who came from England and settled in New England early in the seventeenth century. Compiled by Ika Osgood. Edited by Eben Putnam. 8vo, pp. 13 + 478. Salem, 1894. Otis. A genealogical memoir of the family of Richard Otis, and collaterally of the families of Baker, Varney. . . . Prepared and arranged for publi¬ cation by Horatio N. Otis, of New York. 8vo, pp. 48. Boston, 1851. Ott. See Crandall. Oxnard. Martha Preble Oxnard, eldest child of Brig. General Jedidiah Preble and Mehitable Bangs, 1754—1824, and her descendants to 1869. Prepared for the genealogy of the Preble family in America, by George Henry Preble. N. p., n. d. 8vo, pp. 8. Packard. Celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the landing of Samuel Packard in this country, August 10, 1638, at Brockton, Massa¬ chusetts, August 10, 1888. (Proceedings of the Packard Memorial Association, August 10, 1888.) N.p., 1888. 8vo, pp. 72. Page. The Page family. By William Prescott, M.D., author of the “Prescott Memorial.” N.p., 1870. 8vo, pp. 4. Page. See Welles. Paine. Paine genealogy, Ipswich branch. Including a brief history of the Norman race (to which all families of “ Paine” belong) from its origin until the conquest and crusade in which Hugh de Payen served. By Albert W. Paine, Bangor, Me. 8vo, pp. 184. Bangor, Me., 1881. Palmer. Genealogical record of the descendants of John and Mary Palmer, of Concord, Chester (now Delaware) Co., Pa.; especially through their son, John Palmer, Jr., and sons-in-law, William and James Trimble. With notes of ancestry, or in¬ formation, of many of the families with whom they intermarried. By Lewis Palmer. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 474. Pliila., 1875. Palmer. Palmer records. Proceedings, or memorial volume of the first Palmer family reuniou held at Stonington, Conn., August 10 and 11, 1881, the ancestral home of Walter Palmer, the Pilgrim of 1629. Edited by Noyes F. Palmer. 8vo, pp. 295. Brooklyn, L. I., 1881. Palmer. Supplement to volume No. 1, of Palmer records. Addresses, poems, proceedings of the second Palmer family reunion, held at Stonington, Conn., August 10, 11 and 12, 1882, the ancestral home of Walter Palmer, the Pilgrim of 1629, under the auspices of the Palmer Re-union Associa¬ tion. Edited by Noyes F. Palmer. 8vo, pp. 119. Jamaica, L. I., 1882. Palmer. See Barlow. Parker. Memorial of the family and descendants of Peter Parker, of Washington County, New York, by Asa Fitch, M.D. 8vo, pp. 18. N. Y., 1877. Parsons. See Morton. Partridge. Genealogies of the Lymans of Middlefield, of the Dickinsons of Montreal, and of the Part¬ ridges of Hatfield. 8vo, pp. 29. Boston, 1865. Payne. The genealogy of the Payne and Gore fami¬ lies. Compiled by W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 30. Boston, 1875. (Publications of the Prince Society.) Peabody. Genealogy of the Peabody family, as com¬ piled by the late C. M. Endicott, of Salem. Re¬ vised and corrected by William S. Peabody, of Boston. With a partial record of the Rhode Is¬ land branch, by Frank Peabodie, of Providence. 8vo, pp. 60. Boston, 1867. Pease. A genealogical and historical record of the descendants of John Pease, Sen., last of Enfield, Conn. Compiled by Rev. David Pease, and Austin S. Pease, as associate editor. 8vo, pp. 24 + 401. Springfield, Mass., 1869. Pease. The early history of the Pease families in America. By Austin Spencer Pease. 8vo, pp. 96. Springfield, Mass., 1860. Peck. See Barlow. Peirce. The Peirce family of the Old Colony ; or the lineal descendants of Abraham Peirce, who came to America as early as 1623. By Ebenezer W. Peirce, of Freetown, Mass. 8vo, pp. 20 + 490. Boston, 1870. Peirce. Contributions biographical, genealogical and historical. By Ebenezer Weaver Peirce. 8vo, pp. 9 + 443. Boston, 1874. Containing the following families : Barnaby, Bart¬ lett, Booth, Brownell, Caswell, Gardiner, Godfrey, Harlow, Howland, Haskins, Macomber, Pearce, Richmond, Rogers, Roundevill, Sheffield, Shelly, Warren, Weaver, Williams. Peirce. Daniel Peirce, of Newbury, Massachusetts, 1638-1677, the founder of the Peirce family of Newbury, Mass., and Portsmouth, N. H. By Albert H. Hoyt. 8vo, pp. 11. Boston, 1875. Pelton. Genealogy of the Pelton family in America. Being a record of the descendants of John Pelton, who settled in Boston, Mass., about 1630-1632, and died in Dorchester, Mass., January 23d, 1681. By J. M. Pelton. 8vo, pp. 722. Al¬ bany, 1892. Pendleton. See Page. Penn. A pedigree and genealogical notes from wills, registers, and deeds of the highly distinguished family of Penn, of England and America, designed as a tribute to the memory of the great and good William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. 8vo, pp. 24. London, 1871. Penny-packer. The Pennypacker reunion, October 4, 1877. N.p. 8vo, pp. 50. 1877. Penrose. See Hallowell. Perkins. A record of births, baptisms, publishments, marriages and deaths, in the Perkins family of Ipswich. Communicated by Geo. A. Perkins, M.D. 8vo, pp. 16. Salem, 1872. Perkins. The name of Perkins as found on the Essex County records. From Historical Collections of Essex Institute, Vol. 13, 1875. 8vo, pp. 16. Peter. Supplement No. 1, to edition B, of the Mac¬ Donald genealogy. Containing records of the descendants of Jesse Peter, one of the pioneer set¬ tlers near Mackville, Washington County, Ken¬ tucky ; together with a few remarks on the early history of the Peter family, and whatever other information of value concerning this branch of the 58 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. name could be collected up to Feb. 25,1S80. Com¬ piled and edited by Frank V. McDonald. F. pp. 72. Cambridge, 1S80. (Enlarged title.) Pettee. See Morse’s Genealogical Register, v. 2, 1S59, pp. 147-164. Peyton. See Hayden Virginia Genealogies. Rantoul. See Rentoul. Rawlins. Records of families of the name of Rawlins or Rollins, in the United States. Compiled by John R. Rollins. 8yo, pp. 16 + 348. Lawrence, Mass., 1S74. Rentoul. Some material for a history of the name and family of Rentoul, Rintoul, Rantoul. Com¬ piled by Robert S. Rantoul. Reprinted from Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. 21, Nos. 10, 11, 12. 8vo, pp. 28. Salem, 1885. (Enlarged title.) Reamy. See Sullivant. Reyner. Memoranda relating to the Lane, Revner and Whipple families, Yorkshire and Massa¬ chusetts. Reprinted from the New England His¬ torical and Genealogical Register, for April and July, 1857. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 24. Boston, 1857. Reyner. See Morton. Richardson. Notes on the Richardson and Russell families. By James Kimball, of Salem. From the Essex Institute Historical Collections, Vol. 16. 8yo, pp. 39. Salem, 1880. Richardson. The Richardson Family. New York. 8yo, pamphlet. New York descendants of Samuel Richardson, of Philadelphia. Riker. Brief history of the Riker family, from their first emigration to this country in the year 1638, to the present time. By James Riker, Jr. 8yo, pp. 19. New York, 1851. Rintoul. See Rantoul. Robertson. See Barlow. Robinson. Fragments of family and contemporary history. Robinson, McCord and Blaine families. Gathered by T. H. R. (Rev. T. H. Robinson.) 12mo, pp. 142. Pittsburgh, 1867. Robinson. Recollections of olden times; Rowland Robinson of Narragansett, and his unfortunate daughter. With genealogies of the Robinson, Hazard and Sweet families of Rhode Island. By Thomas R. Hazard, “Shepherd Tom,” in his eighty-first and eighty-second years. Also geneal¬ ogical sketch of the Hazards of the middle states. By Willis P. Hazard, of West Chester, Pa. 8vo, pp. 288. Newport, R. I., 1879. Robinson. Genealogical history of the families of Robinsons, Saffords, Harwoods, and Clarks. By Sarah Robinson. 8vo, pp. 96. Bennington, Vt., 1837. Robinson. See Hayden Virginia Genealogies. Rochester. Early history of the Rochester family in America; with charts of the family and its con¬ nections from 1640 to 1882. Collected and com¬ piled by Nathaniel Rochester, Buffalo, N. Y. 4to, pp. 15. Buffalo, 1882. Rodgers. See Sullivant. Rodgers. See Barlow. Rodman. Genealogy of the Rodman family, 1620 to 1886. By Charles Henry Jones. 4to, pp. 287. Philadelphia, 1886. Rogers. Genealogical memoir of the family of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers. N. p., 1851. 8vo, pp. 48. Russell. William Russell and his descendants. By Anna Russell des Cognets. 8yo, pp. 124. Lexington, Ky., 1884. Russell. See Tracy. Rutherfurd. Family records and events; compiled principally from the original manuscripts in the Rutherfurd collection. By Livingston Ruther¬ furd. 8vo, pp. 16 + 355. New York, 1894. Sabin. The Sabin family of America. The four earliest generations. By Rev. Anson Titus, J r. 8vo, pp. 7 + 4. Weymouth, Mass., 1882. (En¬ larged title.) Salter. In memoir. Benjamin Salter, (with geneal¬ ogy, ) born at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Sept. 4, 1818, died at Paterson, New Jersey, October 3, 1873. 8vo, pp. 3. Salter. First families of Old Monmouth. Salter family. By J. E. Stillwell, M.D., New York City. 1882. 8vo, pp. 11. (Enlarged title.) Sampson. Genealogical memoirs of the Sampson family in America, from the arrival of the May¬ flower, in 1620, to the present time; including a biographical sketch of Deborah Sampson, the heroine of the revolution. By John Adams Vin¬ ton. 8vo, pp. 4 + 136. Boston, 1864. Sanborn. Genealogy of the Sanborn family. By Nathan Sanborn, M.D., Henniker, N. H. 8vo, pp. 21. Boston, 1856. Sanborn. Sanborn family in the United States and brief sketch of the life of John B. Sanborn, with speeches and addresses. 8vo, pp. 75 + 45. St. Paul, 1887. Sands. See Sullivant. Sanford. Sanford genealogy, the branch of William of Madison, N. Y., of the sixth American genera¬ tion. By Heman Howes Sanford. 8vo, pp. 70. Syracuse, N. Y., 1894. Sares. See Sears. Savery. A genealogical and biographical record of the Savery families (Savory and Savary) and of the Severy family (Severit, Savery, Savory, and Savary) . . . By A. W. Savary, M.A., assisted in the genealogy by Miss Lydia A. Savary. 8vo, pp. 20 + 266. Boston, 1893. Sawyer. Golden wedding. Fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Jesse Jawyer and Elizabeth Goodell, February 11, 1869, Belvidere, Illinois, with notices of the family since 1639. 8vo, pp. 12. Utica, N. Y. Salisbury. Family memorials ; a series of genealog¬ ical and biographical monographs on the families of Salisbury, Aldworth-Elbridge, Sewall, Pyldren- Dummer, Walley, Quincy, Gooken, Mendall, Breese, Chevalier-Anderson, and Phillips ; with fifteen pedigrees and an appendix. By Edward Elbridge Salisbury. F. 2v. New Haven, 1885. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 59 Sawyer. Sawyers in America ; or, a history of the immigrant Sawyers, who settled in New England ; showing their connection with Colonial history— the many thrilling scenes they passed through— narrow escapes from death by the Indians, etc. . . . By Amory Carter, of Worcester, Mass., (who, by a sad accident, has become blind.) 8vo, pp. 120. Worcester, 1883. Schenck. The Blyenbeck and Afferden branch of the family of Schenck van Nydeck. From the family of Schenck van Nydeggen. Cologne, 1860. 8vo, pp. 26. Hampton, Va., 1885. Scott. Antiquity of the name of Scott, with brief historical notes. A paper read before the Western Reserve Historical Society, by Martin B. Scott. 8vo, pp. 15. Boston, 1869. Schuyler. Schuyler family. By Joel Munsell. 8vo, pp. 11. Albany, 1874. Seaman. Copy of an account written by Jordan Seaman, of Jerico, tracing the family of Seaman. 1800. 13x16 inches. Searight. In loving memory of a reverend father and a sainted mother. William Searight, and Rachel (Brownfield) Searight-Stidger. By James A. Searight, Uniontown, Pa., 1893. 12mo, pp. 66. Sears. Genealogies and biographical sketches of the ancestry and descendants of Richard Sears, the Pilgrim. 8vo, pp. 96. Boston, 1857. Sears. The descendants of Richard Sares, (Sears) of Yarmouth, Mass., 1638-1888. With an appendix containing some notices of other families by the name of Sears. By Samuel P. May. 8vo, pp. 10 -J- 665. Albany, N. Y., 1890. Seaver. The Seaver family. A genealogy of Robert Seaver, of Roxbury, Massachusetts, and some of his descendants. By William Blake Trask. 8vo, pp. 52. Boston, 1872. Sheldon. The Sheldon magazine ; or, a genealogical list of the Sheldons in America, with biographical and historical notes, and notices of other families with which they intermarried. Embellished with portraits and facsimiles. By Rev. Henry Olcott Sheldon. 8vo, pp. 113. Loudonville and Sid¬ ney, O. (Issued in numbers.) (Enlarged title.) Sheldon. See Morton. Shepard. A genealogical history of William Shep¬ ard, of Fossecut, Northamptonshire, England, and some of his descendants. By George L. Shepard, Boston, Mass. 8vo, pp. 63. Salem, Mass., 1886. Sigourney. Genealogy of the Sigourney family. By Henry H. W. Sigourney. 8vo, pp. 31. Boston and Cambridge, 1857. Skilton. The ancestral register. (Skilton family.) By Edwin Hubbard. 19x24 inches. 1847. Slayton. Genealogical and biographical sketch of the Slayton family. Te. pp. 12. Calais, Vt., 1849. Smith. Family register of the descendants of Nathan¬ iel Smith, Jr., to which is prefixed some notices of his ancestors. 12mo, pp. 44. Utica, 1849. Smith. Genealogy of the family of William Smith, of Peterborough, N. II. By L. W. Leonard and Samuel Abbot Smith. 8vo, pp. 24. Keene, 1852. Smith. A complete genealogy of the descendants of Matthew Smith, of East Haddam, Conn., with mention of his ancestors, 1637-1890. By Mrs. Sophia (Smith) Martin, Hartford, Conn. 8vo, pp. 269. Rutland, 1890. Smith. See Sullivant. Spalding. Spalding memorial ; a genealogical his¬ tory of Edward Spalding, of Massachusetts Bay, and his descendants. By Samuel J. Spalding, Newburyport, Mass. 8vo, pp. 11 + 619. Boston, 1872. Spofford. A family record of the descendants of John Spofford and Elizabeth, his wife, who came from England to America, and settled at Rowley, in 1638. By Jeremiah Spofford, M.D. 8vo, pp. 64. Haverhill, 1851. Spofford. Family record of the descendants of John Spofford, who emigrated from England and settled at Rowley, Essex County, Mass., in 1638. By Jeremiah Spofford. (2d ed.) 12mo, pp. 127. Haverhill, 1869. Spofford. A genealogical record, including the gene¬ rations in female lines of families spelling their name Spofford, Spafford, Spafard, and Spaford, descendants of John Spofford and Elizabeth Scott, who emigrated, in 1638, from Yorkshire, England, and settled at Rowley, Essex County, Mass. By Dr. Jeremiah Spofford, of Groveland, Mass. Memorial edition by his daughter, Aphia T. Spofford. 8vo, pp. 502. Boston, 1888. (En¬ larged title.) Sprague. History of the Sprague families, of Rhode Island, cotton manufacturers and calico printers from William I. to William IV. ... By Benja¬ min Knight, Sr. 8vo, pp. 74. Santa Cruz, 1881. Stafford. Contribution to the genealogy of the Staf¬ ford family in America ; containing an account of Col. Joab Stafford, and a complete record of his descendants in the male lines. By Henry Mar¬ vin Benedict. 8vo, pp. 27. Albany, 1870. (Enlarged title.) Standish. The Standishes of America. By Myles Standish, A.M. 8vo, pp. 8 + 145. Boston, Mass., 1895. Start. Genealogical record of the Start family in America. By William A. St ary. 8vo, pp. 29. Boston, 1894. Starling. See Sullivant. Stebbins. See Morton. Stetson. See Morton. Stewart. History and genealogy of the Stewart, Elliott and Dunwody families. By Joseph Gas¬ ton Bulloch, M.D. Dedicated to Judge Henry J. Stewart. 8vo, pp. 23. Savannah, Ga. Stiles. The Stiles family in America. Genealogies of the Massachusetts family, descendants of Robert Stiles, of Rowley, Mass., 1659-1891, and the Dover, N. H., family, descendants of William Stiles, of Dover, N.H., 1702-1891. By Mrs. Mary Stiles (Paul) Guild, of Lynn, Mass. With a prefatory chapter on the origin of the family and name ; and an appendix on the family in England. By Henry R. Stiles. 8vo, pp. 6 + 683. Al¬ bany, 1892. 60 AMERICAN GENEA LOGIES—APPENDIX. Stiles. Index to genealogy of the Massachusetts and Dover, N. H., Stiles families. By Mrs. Mary Stiles (Paul) Guild. 8yo, pp. 35. Lynn, Mass., 1S92. Stiles. The Connecticut family of Stiles. N. p., n. d. Svo, pp. 31. Stillman. Miscellaneous compositions, in poetry and prose, bv William Stillman. With a genealogy. S., pp. iSS. New London, 1S52. Stoddard. A genealogy of the family of Anthony Stoddard, of Boston. Svo, pp. 23. Boston, 1849. Stoddard. Anthony Stoddard, of Boston, Mass., and Ills descendants ; a genealogy. Originally compiled by Charles Stoddard and Elijah W. Stoddard, and published in 1849. Revised and enlarged by Elijah W. Stoddard, and repub¬ lished in 1865. Svo, pp. 95. N. Y., 1865. Stoddard. The Stoddard family, unlocated. N.p., n. d. Svo, pp. 16. Stone. Genealogy of the Stone family originating in Rhode Island. By Richard C. Stone. 8vo, pp. 8 + 193. Providence, 1866. Strong. See Morton. Strycker. Genealogical record of the Strycker family. Compiled by William S. Stryker, of Trenton, New Jersey. Printed for private distribution. 8vo, pp. 112. Camden, N. J., 1887. (Enlarged title.) Sumner. Memoir of Increase Sumner, governor of" Massachusetts. By his son, William H. Sum¬ ner. Together with a genealogy of the Sumner family. 8vo, pp. 70. Boston, 1854. (Enlarged title.) Sumner. Pedigree of direct line of Gov. Sumner. 11 x 12 inches. Swayne. See Salisbury family histories, 1892. v. 2- Swain. Tabular pedigree of Swain family. 11 x 17 inches. Swift. The memoirs of Gen. Joseph Gardner Swift, LL.D., U. S. A., first graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point, Chief Engi¬ neer, U. S. A. from 1812 to 1818. 1800-1865. To which is added a genealogy of the family of Thomas Swift, of Dorchester, Mass., 1634, by Harrison Ellery. Privately printed. 4to, pp. 292 + 58. Worcester, Mass., 1890. Tappan. The family records of James and Nancy Dunham Tappan, of the fourth generation, formerly of Woodbridge, Middlesex County, N. J., and their children of the fifth generation. . . . By Peter P. Good, LL.B. 8vo, pp. 126. Liberty, Ind., 1884. Temple. Some account of the Temple family. By Temple Prime. 2d ed. 8vo, pp. 111. N. Y., 1894. Thayer. Ancestors of Adelbert P. Thayer, Florine Thayer McCray, and Geo. Burton Thayer, children of John W. Thayer and Adeline Burton. Com¬ piled by Geo. Burton Thayer. Also Reminis¬ cences of a Christmas Eve at Windermere, and some early events in the life of the writer. Edition limited to fifty copies. 8vo, pp. 180. Hartford, Conn., 1894. Thayer. Thayer ancestry. Supplement to the “Family memorial of the early settlers of New England” in the line of Col. Abraham Thayer, his ancestors and descendants. By Mrs. Albert Hastings Pitkin. Svo, pp. 5S. Hartford, Conn., 1890. Wallace. See Barlow, 1891. Walsworth. See Williams, 1887. Walter. Pedigree of Walter. Compiled by C. Fred, erick Adams, Jr. 9 x 14 inches. Boston, 1854, Wanton. History of the Wanton family of Rhode Island. By John Russell Bartlett. 12mo, pp. 152. Providence, 1878. Rhode Island Historical Tracts, No. 3. Ward. Ward family ; descendants of William Ward, who settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1639. With an appendix, alphabetically arranged, of the names of the families that have intermarried with them. By Andrew Henshaw Ward. 8vo, pp. 265. Bos¬ ton, 1851. (Enlarged title.) Ware. The descendants of Robert Ware, of Dedham, Massachusetts. 8vo, pp. 47. Boston, 1887. Warren. See Wheeler. Warrens. The Warrens of Williamsburg, Mass. By H. M. Warren, 1893. 22x40 inches. Washington. Origin of the stars and stripes. To¬ gether with an accurate account of the Washington genealogy. Prepared by Edward W. Tuffley. 12mo. N. Y., 1883. Chart to accompany above, 21 x 28 inches. Washington. Washington family arms, emblazoned. Chart, 15 x 19 inches. Philadelphia. Waterous. Genealogical records of the pioneer fami¬ lies of Avon, N. Y., Pierson, Waterous, Hosmer, Martin, etc., and their descendants. 8vo, pp. 32. Rochester, N. Y., 1871. Watson. See Sullivant. Watts. Local memorials relating to the De Peyster and Watts and affiliated families, connected with Red Hook Township, Duchess Co., S. N. Y. 8vo, pp. 80. N. Y., 1881. Webb. See Wilcoxson, 1893. Webb. See Driver, 1889. Weeks. Leonard Weeks, of Greenland, N. H., and descendants, 1639-1888. With early records of families connected, including the following names, Bailey, Bartlett. ... By Jacob Chapman, Exeter, N. H. 8vo, pp. 18 + 184. Albany, 1889. Welles. Chart of Welles family. Compiled by Henry Stoddard Ruggles. 30 x 16 inches. 1892. Welles. History of the Welles family in England ; with their derivation in this country from Gover¬ nor Thomas Welles, of Connecticut. By Albert Welles. . . . With an account of the Welles family in Massachusetts, by Henry Winthkop Sargent, of Boston. 8vo, pp. 127. Boston, 1874. APPENDIX II Adams. Genealogy of John Adams and his Descend¬ ants. With notes and incidents. 12mo, pp. 139. Franklin, Mass., 1874. Adams. History of the Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings Families, of Amherst, Mass. [Adams Arms.] By Herbert Baxter Adams, in memory of his Father and Mother, Nathaniel Dickinson Adams, born July 5, 1813; died September 7, 1856, and Harriet (Hastings) Adams, born May 15, 1816; married December 1, 1836. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 66. (Enlarged title.) Amherst, Mass., 1880. Adams. Genealogy and History of a part of the Newbury Adams Family, formerly of Devonshire, England. Being the descendants of Robert Adams and wife, Eleanor, who were the first American ancestors of the Newbury Adams Family, who came to Ipswich-, Mass., in 1635, and settled in Newbury, Mass., in 1640; together with other valuable information collected and prepared for publication by I. Smith Adams, of Milltown, Me., formerly of Newburyport, Mass. 8vo, pp. 61. Calais, Maine, 1895. Allen. Genealogical and Historical Sketches of the Allen Family, of Dedham and Medfield, Mass., 1637-1890. Compiled by Frank Allen Hutch¬ inson. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 80. Lowell, 1896. Austin. Whitaker. Tabular Pedigree, 1881. 27 x 41 inches. Avery. Our Family Genealogy. Printed for the family. Morgan-Avery. 8vo, pp. 16. Hartford, 1851. Bailey. Records of the Bailey Family. Descendants of William Bailey, of Newport, R. I. By H. C. Hopkins. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 206. Providence, 1895. Balyards. Record of the Race of the Balyards in Europe, their Origin and Further Development in America, from A.D. 500 to A.D. 1873. By L. B. Balliet, M.D. 8vo, pp. 28. Allentown, Pa., 1873. Bangs. History and Genealogy of the Bangs Family in America, with genealogical tables and notes, by Dean Dudley ; tracing the descendants, male and female, from the pilgrim ancestor, Edward Bangs, of Plymouth and Eastliam. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 360. Montrose, Mass., 1896. Bangs. History and Genealogy of the Bangs Family, descendants of Edward Bangs, the Pilgrim of 1623. By Dean Dudley, of Montrose, Mass. 8vo, pp. 400. 1896. Bartlett. Memorials of Robert Lawrence, Robert Bartlett and their Descendants. By Hiram Bart¬ lett Lawrence. 8vo, pp. 223. Holyoke, Mass., 1888. Bassett. Bassett Genealogy. Chart, 17 x 22 inches. 1886. Beatty. Record of the Family of Charles Beatty, who emigrated from Holland to America in 1729. 8vo, pp. 120. Steubenville, O., 1873. Bellinger. A History and Genealogy of the Families of Bellinger and De Veaux, and other families. 8vo, pp. 107. Savannah, Ga., 1895. Biddle. Notes on the Genealogy of the Biddle Family, together with Abstracts of Some Early Deeds. By Henry D. Biddle. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 95. Philadelphia, 1895. Boardman. Boardman Genealogy, 1525-1895. The English home and ancestry of Samuel Boreman, Wethersfield, Conn., [and] Thomas Boreman, Ipswich, Mass., with some account of their des¬ cendants (now called Boardman) in America. Illustrated with views, autographs, and an English pedigree. Compiled by Charlotte Gold- thwaite. Published by William F. J. Board- man. 4to, pp. 13+ 778. Hartford, Conn., 1895. Bonython. Bonython Family, of Maine. [Dr. Chas. E. Banks.] 8vo, pp. 7. [1894.] Bowen. Genealogical History of the Ancestors of James Gibson J ohnson and Sarah Bowen, his wife, who were born in Reading, Vermont, in 1799, and settled in the Territory of Michigan, in 1826. By their son, James Bowen Johnson. 8vo, pp. 27. Washington, 1891. Bowman. Bowman Family. A Historical and Memorial Volume, from the Earliest Traditions to the Present Time. 8vo, pp. 258. Harrisburg, Pa., 1886. Boyd. Proceedings of the First Boyd Convention, held at Beaver, Pennsylvania, October 26 and 27, 1881; Youngstown, Ohio, 1882. Published by the Boyd Historical Association Historical Committee. 8vo. Brewster. Account of the Golden Wedding of James and Mary Brewster, September 18, 1860. Printed by request of their children. 8vo, pp. 28. New Haven, 1860. Brown. (Abram English.) Genealogy of Bedford Old Families, with Biographical Notes. Contains families of Abbot, Ashby, Bacon, Billings, Blake, Boynton, Brown, Brooks, Butterfield, Calef, Cham¬ berline, Clark, Cole, Corey, Crosby, Cutler, Davis, Dean, Desmazes, Durrant, Duren, Dutton, Everett, Fassett, Fitch, Flint, Frost, Gilooly, Gleason, Goodwin, Gragg, Hartford, Hartwell, Haynes. Royal 8vo, pp. 49. Bedford, 1892. Brown. Report to the Brown Association, V. S. A., made by C. M. Fisher, A.D. 1866. Published by order of the Brown Association. Pamphlet, 8vo. Middlebury, 1866. 61 62 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. Buck. Genealogy of the Samuel Beck Family, of Portland, Conn., to the year 1891. By Horace B. Buck. 4to, pp. 54. Worcester, Mass., 1894. Burhaus. Burhaus Genealogy, Descendants from the First Ancestor in America, Jacob Burhaus, 1660, and his son, Jan Burhaus, 1663 to 1893. Compiled by Samuel Burhaus, Jr. Royal 8vo, pp. 799 + 11. Isew York, 1S94. Burroughs. Genealogy of the Burroughs Family. By L. A. Burroughs. 8vo, pp. 24. Garretts- ville, O., 1894. Burt. Early Days in New England, Life and Times of Henry Burt, of Springfield, and some of his Descendants. Genealogical and biographical men¬ tion of James and Richard Burt, of Taunton, Mass., and Thomas Burt, M.P., of England. By Henry M. Burt, of Springfield, and Silas W. Burt, of New Y T ork. 8vo, pp. 617. Springfield, Mass., 1893. Cabell. The Cabells and their Kin. A memorial volume of History, Biography, and Genealogy. By Alexander Brown, D.C.L. 8vo, pp. 641. Bos¬ ton and New York, 1895. Carpenter. Genealogy of one branch of the Carpen¬ ter family. By Martin L. Roberts. October, 1877. 8vo, pp. 11. Willimantic, Conn. Clarke. Records of some of the descendants of Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1623-1697. By Sam¬ uel C. Clarke. 8vo, pp. 43. Boston, 1869. Chapman. Descendants of Ralph Chapman. By Charles B. Gerard. 8vo, pp. 86. Newburg, 1876. Chesman. Genealogy of the Chesman family in the United States from 1713 to 1893. With appendix and reminiscences of his father’s family. Col¬ lected by Samuel Chesman. 8vo, pp. 101. [Salem], 1893. Clay. The family of Clay, of New Castle, Delaware, and Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. 51. Washington, D.C., 1895. Cobb. Autobiography of the first forty-one years of the life of Sylvan us Cobb, D.D. With memoir and genealogy bySYLVANUS Cobb, Jr. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 552. Boston, 1867. Collins. Family Tree. Chart form. Crandall. Family Register. [Crandall and Ott. ] N. p. [1883 ?] 8vo, p. 7. Craft. The Craft Family. A Genealogical and Bio¬ graphical History of the Descendants of Griffin and Alice Craft, of Roxbury, Mass., 1630-1890. Compiled by James M. Crafts and William F. Crafts. Pp. 803. Northampton, Mass., 1893. Crane. Genealogy of the Crane family. Yol. 1. Descendants of Henry Crane, of Wethersfield and Guilford, Conn. With sketch of the family in England, by Ellery Bicknell Crane. 8vo, pp. 201. Worcester, Mass., 1895. Creigh. History of the Creigh family. By Thomas A. Creigh. 8vo, pp. 7. Omaha, Nebraska, 1893. Cruger. The Cruger Family in America. A gene¬ alogical chart, showing the descendants of John Cruger and their alliances. By Bentley D. Hasell. 30 x 36 inches. N. Y., 1892. Curtis. Records of some of the descendants of Wm. Curtis. Roxbury, 1632. Compiled from the MSS. of Miss Catherine P. Curtis, and other sources. By Samuel C. Clarke. 8vo, pp. 29. Boston, 1869. Dallas. Dallas, of Cantray and Saint Martins, Scot¬ land ; Dallas—York, Walmsgate, County Lincoln, England, representing Dallas of that Ilk, and Can- tray and Saint Martins ; Dallas, of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, United States of North America, representing the American family founded by Alexander Dallas, son of Robert. 8vo, pp. 19. [Philadelphia, 1877 ?] Dane. Sermon preached in the Whitefield Church, Newburyport. By Rev. S. J. Spalding, D.D., August 8, 1875, and other papers in memory of Francis Dane. [Genealogy of Dane Family.] 8vo, pp. 36. Port., Boston, 1875. Daniell. The Daniell Family. A Genealogy of Robert Daniell and some of his Descendants. By Moses Grant Daniell, A. M. Boston, 1874. Printed for private distribution. 8vo, pp. 19+1. [Enlarged title.] Dawson. A Collection of Family Records, with Biographical Sketches, and other memoranda of various families and individuals bearing the name of Dawson, or allied to families of that name. Compiled by Charles C. Dawson. 8vo, pp. 572. Albany, N.Y., 1874. Deacon. Preliminary sketch of the Genealogy of the Family of Deacon, originally of Bedfordshire, England. “ By Edward Deacon. 8vo, pp. 19. Bridgeport, Conn., 1895. De Haven. History of the De Haven Family. By Howard De Haven Ross, Ph.B. (University of Penna.) Privately printed and illustrated. 12mo, pp. 27+2. Philadelphia, 1894. Drake. The Drake Family in England and America, 1360-1895, and the descendants of Thomas Drake, of Weymouth, Mass., 1635-1691. By Louis Stoughton Drake. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. xvi. + 323. Boston, 1896. DuBois. Bi-Centenary Reunion of the Descendants of Louis and Jacques DuBois (emigrants to America, 1660 and 1675), New Paltz, N.Y., 1875. Compiled for the family connections. 325 copies. Small 4to, pp. 155 + 2. Philadelphia, 1876. Dudley. Official Report of the Reunion of the De¬ scendants of Governor Thomas Dudley, containing an account of the preliminary arrangements, busi¬ ness meeting, organization, reception and dinner of the Governor Thomas Dudley Family Association. 8vo, pp. 103 + 1. Salem, Mass., 1893. Emery. Reunion of the Emery family at Boston, September 14th, 1887. 8vo, pp. 18. Taunton, 1888. Estes. Estes genealogies, 1097-1893. By Charles Estes. 8vo, pp. 400. Salem, 1894. Fahnestock. Family Memorial of the Fahnestocks in the United States. By A. K. and W. F. Fahne¬ stock. Small 8vo, pp. 69. Harrisburg, 1879. Field. A genealogical sketch of the family of Field of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, and of Flushing and Newtown in Long Island, N. Y., with a tabular pedigree. By Osgood Field, of London, England. 8vo, pp. 14. Printed for private distribution, 1874. Garrison. Memoranda of the Garrison family for three generations. 8vo, pp. 4. New York, 1876. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 63 Gage. A record of Pierce Gage and his descendants. With a brief account of his ancestry. Compiled by George N. Gage. 8vo, pp. 62. East Wash¬ ington, N. H., 1894. Gazzam, History of the Gazzam family. Together with a biographical sketch of the American branch of the family of De Breen. By A. De Breen . Royal 8vo, pp. 76. Mackenzie, 1894. Gaylord. The history and pedigree of the House of Gaillard, or Gaylord, in France, England, and the United States. By William Gaillard. 8vo, pp. 64. Cincinnati, O., 1886. Gibbes. Genealogical Chart. N. d. Philadel¬ phia. (?) Gibbons. A Chester County, Pa., family—John Gibbons and his descendants. Prepared for the new historical work of Hon. J. Smith Futhey and Gilbert Cope, on Chester County. 8vo, pp. 27. Philadelphia, 1881. Gibbs. Family record of James and Sarah Gibbs, of Bristol, Mass. Royal 8vo, pp. 23. Cambridge, 1894. Gilman. The Gilman family traced in the line of Hon. John Gilman, of Exeter, N. H., with an account of many other Gilmans in England and America. By Arthur Gilman, A.M. 8vo, pp. 324. Albany, N. Y., 1869. Grant. American ancestry of U. S. Grant. By D. H. E. Robinson. Privately printed, 1885. [Missouri.] 12mo, pp. 17. Green. Percival and Ellen Green. By Samuel A. Green, M. D. 8vo, pp. 5. Greene. Greenes of Warwick in Colonial History. Read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, 1877. By Henry E. Turner, M.D. 8vo, pp. 684. Newport, R. I., 1876. Greenough. Notes on the ancestry of Ebenezer Greenough and of his wife, Abigail Israel, of Haverhill, Mass., Sunbury, Pa., Christine, Del., and also a list of their descendants. By Frank¬ lin Platt. 8vo, pp. 38. Philadelphia, 1895. Grifflts. Genealogical tables of the Griffits family from 1752 to 1887. Compiled and arranged by Frank Griffits, of Lancaster, Pa. 8vo, pp. 88. Lancaster, Pa., 1887. Goodhue. Biography of the first settlement of the family of the name of Goodhue, at Ipswich, in 1636, and genealogy to 1833 ; together with an address by Deacon Samuel Goodhue, to his descendants. 12mo, pp. 16. Guild. Guile and Gile. The genealogy and history of the Guild, Guile, and Gile family. By Charles Burleigh. 8vo, pp. 381. Portland, Me., 1887. Gyles. Thomas Gyles and his neighbors, 1669- 1689 ; or, the settlement of the Lower Kennebec By J. A. Vinton. 8vo, pp. 14. Boston, 1867. . Halsey. Thomas Halsey, of Herfordshire, England, and Southampton, Long Island, 1591-1679, with his American descendants to the eighth and ninth generations. By Jacob Lafayette Halsey and Edward Drake Halsey, with an introduction by Francis Whitney Halsey. 8vo, pp. 550. Mor¬ ristown, N. J., 1895. Hamlin. History of the Hamlin Family, with gene¬ alogies of early settlers of the name in America, 1639-1894. Part 1. By H. Franklin Andrews. 8vo, pp. 130. Exira, Iowa, 1894. Hamilton. Genealogy of the Hamilton Family, from 1716 to 1894. Compiled by Salome Hamil¬ ton, Faribault, Minn. 8vo, pp. 133. Minneapo¬ lis, 1894. Hassam. Hassam Family. By John T. Hassam, A.M. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 54. Boston, 1896. Hathaway. Narrative of Thomas Hathaway and his family, formerly of New Bedford, Mass., with incidents in the life of Jemima Wilkinson. By W. Hathaway, Jr. 8vo, pp. 43. New Bedford, 1869. Herrick. Herrick Genealogy. A genealogical regis¬ ter of the name and family of Herrick, from the settlement of Henrie Hericke, in Salem, Massa¬ chusetts, 1629 to 1846, with a concise notice of their English ancestry. By Jedediah Herrick. Revised, augmented and brought down to A.D. 1885, by Lucius C. Herrick, M.D. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 10-(-516. Columbus, O., 1885. Hill. Letters of Doctor Richard Hill and His Chil¬ dren, or the History of a Family, as told by them¬ selves. Collected and arranged by John Jay Smith. Pr. printed for the descendants. 8vo, pp. 466. Philadelphia, 1854. Holgate. (Jerome B., A.M.) American Genealogy, being a History of Some of the Early Settlers of North America. 4to, pp. 244. Albany, 1848. Families of Rapalje, Johnson, Van Rensselaer, Gardiner, Beekman, Bleecker, De Graaf, Hoffman, Kip, De Lancey, Barclay, Roosevelt, Van Schaick, Livingston, Lawrence, Osgood, Say. Hollingsworth. Genealogical Memoranda, 1865. 12mo, pp. 6. [Philadelphia?] Horton. The Addend to the Horton Genealogy ; or, Chronicles of the Descendants of Barnabas Hor¬ ton, of Southold, L. I., 1640. Compiled by George F. Horton, M.D. 8vo, pp. 80. Towanda, Pa., 1879. Houghton. Report to the Houghton Association, U. S. A., made by Columbus Smith, A.D. 1869. Containing information, now collected, relative to Houghton property in England ; also several gene¬ alogies of different branches of this family. Pub¬ lished by order of the Houghton Association. 8vo, pp. 60. Chart. Burlington, Vt., 1869. Howland. Extracts from the Journal of Sarah Howland, and some of the poetry, letters, and other papers preserved by her, together with some account of her family. Compiled by her grandson, Howland Pell. 8vo, pp. 122 -f- 4. 1890. Hoyt. A Genealogical History of John Hoyt, of Salisbury, and David Hoyt, of Deerfield, Massa¬ chusetts, and their descendants ; with some account of the earlier Connecticut Hoyts, and an appendix. By David W. Hoyt. 8vo, pp. 144. Boston, 1857. Hurry. Memorials of the Family of Hurry, of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and of New York, United States. 8vo, pp. 102 + 2. Norwich, England, 1873. Hutchinson. A Genealogy of the Hutchinson Family, of Yorkshire, and of the American Branch of the Family descended from Richard Hutchinson, of Salem, Mass. By JosErn Lemuel Chester. Small 4to, pp. 33. Boston, U. S. A., 1868. Hutchinson. A Brief Sketch of the Hutchinson Family of New Hampshire. Compiled by Frank Allen Hutchinson. 8vo, pp. 23. Lowell, Mass., 1896. 64 AMERICAN GENEALOGY—APPENDIX. Innis. Report of the Imiis Association. Svo, in parts, 1869, 1871, etc. Jennens. Pedigree of John Jennens, iron merchant, of Birmingham, England. Compiled by M. S. Smith, Esq., attorney for the Isaac Jenings Heirs Association. Camden, N. J., 1859. Jennings. Jennings Estate. To the heirs of John Jennings, who left 'Whitehaven, England, and arrived in Fredericksburgh, Virginia, in Decem¬ ber, 1754, or thereabouts, this pamphlet, the result of his investigations till date, is submitted by Thomas G. Clinton, Washington, D. C., Novem¬ ber, 1S52. Svo, pp. 14. Washington, D. C., 1852. Johnson, Stewart, Wilson, Powers. A Family History. 8vo, pp. 17. Washington, D. C., 1872. Jolliffe. Historical, Genealogical and Biographical Account of the Jolliffe Family, of Virginia, 1652- 1893 ; also sketches of the Neills, Janneys, Hol¬ lingsworths, and other cognate families. Svo, pp. 245. Philadelphia, 1893. Jordan. The Jordan Memorial. Family records of the Rev. Robert Jordan and his descendants in America. Compiled by Tristram Frost Jordan. Svo, pp. 488. Boston, 1882. King. Genealogy of the Families of Kings, who lived in Raynham. From 1680 to the present [time], 1865. By E. Sanford, A.M., Raynham. 8vo, pp. 28. Taunton, 1866. King and Haines. Extracts from English Registers relating to the King and Haines families. By Rufus King. Reprinted from New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 8vo, pp. 4. Boston, 1888. King. The King Family of Suffield, Conn. By Edward James Cleveland. 8vo, pp. 7. Boston, 1892. Kingsbury. Henry Kingsbury and His Descendants. [By John Ward Dean, of Boston.] 8vo, pp. 4. Boston [1858 ?]. Kirkbride. Family Portraiture. The Kirkbride Family, of Philadelphia. 8vo. Kratz. A Brief History of John Valentine Kratz, and a complete Genealogical Family Register, with Biographies of his descendants from the earliest available records to the present time. . . By Rev. A. J. Fretz, of Milton, N. J., with Introduction by O. R. W. Kratz, of Pomonia, Kan. 8vo, pp. 314+ 1. Elkhart, Ind., 1892. Kulp. A Genealogical History of the Kolb, Kulp, or Culp family, and its branches in America, with biographical sketches of their descendants from the earliest available records, from 1707 to the present time, including Dielman Kolb in Ger¬ many. With portraits and other illustrations. By Daniel Kolb Cassel. Norristown, Pa., 1895. 8vo, pp. 584. Lee. Genealogical Table of the Lee Family from the first emigration to America in 1641. Brought down to the year 1851. Compiled from informa¬ tion furnished by Hon. Martin Lee, of Gran¬ ville, Washington County, N. Y., and from other sources. By the Rev. William H. Hill, of Morris, Otsego county, N. Y. Printed for private circulation only. 8vo, pp. 31. Albany, 1851. Lee. Lee Family. Quarter-Millennial Gathering of the Descendants and Kinsmen of John Lee, one of the early settlers of Farmington, Conn. Tues¬ day and Wednesday, Aug. 5th and 6th, 1884. 8vo, pp. 116. Meriden, 1885. Lefferts. Genealogy of the Lefferts Family, 1650- 1878. By Teunis G. Bergen. Bay Ridge, New Utrecht, N.Y. Svo, pp. 172. Albany, N. Y., 1878 . Leverett. A Memoir, Biographical and Genealogical, of Sir John Leverett, Knt., Governor of Massa¬ chusetts, 1673-9, of Hon. John Leverett, F. R.S., Judge of the Supreme Court, and President of Harvard College, and of the Family Genealogy. 8vo, pp. 203. Boston, 1856. Levering. Proceedings of the Levering Family Reunion held at Levering, Knox county, Ohio, August 6th, 1891. Published by order of the Association. 8vo, pp. 120. Columbus, Ohio, 1892. Leverett. A genealogical memoir of the family of Elder Thomas Leverett, of Boston. By Nathan¬ iel B. Shurtleff. 8vo, pp. 20. Boston. Lewis. Brief memoir of Dr. Winslow Lewis. By John Sheppard, Esq. 8vo, pp. 33. Albany, N. Y., 1863. Lincoln. Tribute to the memory of Noah Lincoln with genealogical and biographical notes. By Chandler Robbins. 8vo, pp. 49. Boston, 1856. Lincoln. The Lincoln family and branches, of Wareham, Mass. Compiled by James Minor Lincoln, 1885. 8vo. Little. Descendants of George Little, who came to Newbury, Mass., in 1640. By George T. Lit¬ tle. Illustrated. Small quarto, pp. 82. Cam¬ bridge, 1877. Livermore. Report of the Livermore Association, U. S. A. Made by Josiah Q. Hawkins, Agent, A. D. 1865. 8vo, pp. 38. Rutland, 1865. Livingston. The Livingstons of Callender, and their principal cadets,—a family history. By Edwin Brockholst Livingston, F.S.A. Privately printed for presentation only. 4to. Issued in parts. 1888. Locke. A genealogical and historical record of the descendants of William Locke, of Woburn, with an appendix, containing a history of the Lockes in England ; also of the family of John Locke, of Hampton, N. H. By John Goodwin Locke. 8vo, pp. 4. Boston and Cambridge, 1853. Logan. Extract from the will of James Logan, deed of trust. A genealogical table of some of the families of the descendants of James Logan, show¬ ing “hereditary librarian” of Logan Library. 8vo, pp. 29 + [2]. [1851 ?] Lowrey. Historico - genealogical sketch of Col. Thomas Lowrey and Esther Fleming, his wife. By Henry Race, M.D. 8vo, pp. 16. Fleming- ton, N. J., 1892. Ludwell. Ludwell Genealogy. Reprinted from N. E. Gen. and Reg., 1879. By C. F. Lee, Jr. 8vo, pp. 3. Ludwig. Ludwig Genealogy. Sketch of Joseph Ludwig, who was born in Germany in 1699, and his wife and family, who settled at “ Broad Bay,” Waldoboro, 1753. By M. R. Ludwig. 8vo, pp. 223. Augusta, 1866. Lewis. Genealogy of the Lewis family in America from the middle of the seventeenth century down to the present time. By Wm. Terreel Lewis, of Perryville, Winston County, Miss. 8vo, pp. 454. Louisville, Ky., 1893. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 65 Lyman. Lyman Anniversary. Proceedings at the Reunion of the Lyman family, held at Mt. Tom and Springfield, Mass., August 30 and 31st, 1871. 8vo, pp. 59. MacKinlay (McKinley). Scotland, 1745—Amer¬ ica, 1893. The gathering of the Clan MacKinlay at Chicago, Ill., U. S. A., September 13th, 1893. Small 8vo, pp. 13. MacLaughlin. The MacLaughlins of Clan Owen. A study in Irish history. By John Patrick Brown. 16mo, pp. v + 87. Boston, 1879. Maclellan. Genealogy of the family of Maclellan. Compiled from various sources, with notes. By M. A. McClelland, M.D. 8vo, pp. 21. Knox¬ ville, Ill., 1882. Maltby-Morehouse. Family record of the Maltby- Morehouse family ; a list of pedigrees, with genealogical notes, arranged for the convenience of the children of George Ellsworth Maltby and Georgia Lord (Morehouse) Maltby. By their Mother. 4to, pp. 157. New Haven, Conn., 1895. Marsh. Genealogy of the family of George Marsh, who came from England in 1635, and settled in Hingham, Mass. By E. J. Marsh. 8vo, pp. 107 -f- xxxii. Leominster, 1887. Maris. The Maris Family [of Worcestershire, Eng¬ land, and Pennsylvania. ] By George L. Maris, of West Chester, Pa. N. d. 12mo, pp. 15. Markley. Desceudants of Jacob Markley, of Skip- pack, Montgomery County, Pa. Published by the Markley Freundschaft, 1884 [Norristown], Pp. 36. Mason. A record of the descendants of Robert Mason, of Roxbury, Mass., including representa¬ tives at Dedham, Medfield, Northfield, Worcester, Boston, Mass., New York City, Orange, N. J., Brunswick, Maine, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Wash¬ ington, ~D. C. By William L. Mason. 8vo, pp. 39. Milwaukee, 1891. Meade. Pedigree of the Meade family. By A. J. Dallas. 8vo, pp. 4. (Philadelphia, 1879.) Mears. Biographical notice of Henry Hallen Mears, Sr., to which is appended a genealogy of the Mears family. By Prof. John W. Mears, D.D., of Hamilton College, N. Y. Small 8vo, pp. 9. Philadelphia, 1873. Meres. The family of Meres, and some early Eng¬ lish newspapers. By Edward Deacon. 8vo, pp. 21. Bridgeport. Messinger. Messinger family in Europe and Amer¬ ica. By George Washington Messinger, of Boston, with a memoir of Hon. Daniel Messin¬ ger, of Boston, by John Ward Dean, A.M. 8vo, pp. 12. Lowell, Mass., 1882. Miles. Annals of Miles ancestry in Pennsylvania, and story of a forged will. By Charles H. Barnes. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 182. Philadel¬ phia, 1895. Moelick, Molick, Melick, Mellick. Genealogy. 8vo. N. p. [Philadelphia?] Morris. Memoranda of the Descendants of Amos Morris, of East Haven, Conn. Small 8vo, pp. 103. New York, 1853. Morris. A genealogical and historical register of the descendants of Edward Morris, of Roxbury, Mass., and Woodstock, Conn. Compiled by Jonathan Flynt Morris. 8vo, pp. 406. Hartford, Conn., 1887. Mowry. A family history. Richard Mowry, of Uxbridge, Mass., his ancestors and descendants. By William A. Mowry, A.M. 8vo, pp. 239. Providence, 1878. Moulton. A genealogical register of some of the descendants of John Moulton, of Hampton, and of Joseph Moulton, of Portsmouth. Compiled by Thomas Moulton. 12mo, pp. 44. Portland, 1873. Munroe. Munroe genealogy. By John G. Locke. 8vo, pp. 15. Boston, 1853. Munsell. Genealogy of the Windsor family of Munsell. From Stiles’s “History of Ancient Windsor.” N. p., n. d. 8vo, pp. 8. Munsell. Genealogy of the Munsell family (Mun¬ sell, Monsell, Maunsell) in America. By Frank Munsell. 8vo. Albany, 1884. Munson. 1637-1887. Proceedings of the first Mun¬ son family reunion held in the city of New Haven, Wednesday, August 17th, 1887. 8vo, pp. 88. New Haven, 1887. Mygatt. Historical notice of Joseph Mygatt, one of the early colonists of Cambridge, Mass., and afterward one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn., with a record of his descendants. By Frederick T. Mygatt. 8vo, pp. 116. Brook¬ lyn, 1853. Neal. The Neal Record, being a list of the descend¬ ants of John Neale, one of the early settlers of Salem, Mass. Compiled by Theodore Augustus Neal. 8vo, pp. 30. Boston, 1856. Neal. The Neal Record, being a list of the descend¬ ants of John Neale, one of the early settlers of Salem, Mass. Compiled by Theodore Augustus Neal. 8vo, pp. 30. Boston, 1856. Naf. A Chronicle, together with a little romance re- f arding Rudolph and Jacob Naf, of Frankford, ’ennsylvania, and their descendants, including an account of the Neffs, in Switzerland and America. By Elizabeth Clifford Neff. Gambier, Knox & Co., Ohio. Small 4to, pp. 352. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1886. Neill. Historical Notes on the Ancestry and Des¬ cendants of Henry Neill, M.D. [By E. D. Neill, D.D.] Pr. printed. N. p. 8vo, pp. 33. 1886. Nelson. A Family Record of the Descendants of Thomas Nelson, and Joan, his wife. By one of them. 12mo, pp. 25. Newburyport, 1867. Nicoll. The Descendants of John Nicoll, of Islip, England, who died A. D. 1467. 8vo, pp. 62. Norton. Descendants and Ancestors of Charles Nor¬ ton, of Guilford, Connecticut. [By Albert B. Norton.] 8vo, pp. 26. Washington, 1856. Ogden. The Ogdens, of South Jersey. The descend¬ ants of John Ogden, of Fairfield, Conn., and New Fairfield, N. J. Bom, 1673 ; died, 1745. 8vo, pp. 35. [Philadelphia, 1895?] Olcott. The Descendants of Thomas Olcott, etc. By Nathaniel Goodwin. Revised edition, by H. S. Olcott, Albany, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 124. 1874. Olin. Biographical Sketches and Records of the Ezra Olin Family. By George S. Nye, the family historian. 8vo, pp. 441. Chicago, 1892. 66 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. Oliver. A Brief Genealogy of the Descendants of William Hutchinson and Thomas Oliver. By \V. II. Whitmore. Svo, pp. 38. Boston, 1865. Ormsby. A Short Account of the Family of Ormsbv, of Pittsburgh. By Oliver Ormsby’Page. 4to, pp. 4S. Albany, N. Y., 1S92. Orton. An Account of the Descendants of Thomas Orton, of Windsor, Connecticut, 1641 (principally in the male line). By Edward Orton, LL.D. Svo, pp. 220. Columbus, 0., 1896. Orton. Partial List of the Descendants (in the male line) of Thomas Orton. 16 x 21 inches. Chart. Osgood. A Genealogy of the Descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood [a New England settler]. Compiled by the late Ira Osgood. Edited by Eben Putnam, Salem, Mass., 1894. 8vo. Otis. A Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Rich¬ ard Otis, and collaterally of the families of Baker, Varney, Waldron, Watson, Bean, Smith, Stack- pole, Wentworth, Carr, Purling, Beede, Newton, Heard, Ham,Tuttle, Puncham, Chesley, Cogswell, Wallingford. By Horatio N. Otis, of New York. 8vo, pp. 48. Boston, 1851. Otis. Discourse on the Life and Character of Dea. Joseph Otis of Norwich, Conn., with a genealogi¬ cal record of Joseph Otis’ family. By Alvan Bond. 12mo, pp. 75. Norwich, 1855. Penn. The Penn Family. By John Jay Smith. Svo, pp. 25. Philadelphia, Pa., 1867. Penn. Penn Ancestry. By P. S. P. Connor, of Philadelphia. 4to. Albany, N. Y. Pennypacker. Hendrick Pannebecker [Penny- packer], Surveyor of Lands for the Penns, 1674- 1754. Flomborn, Germantown and Skippack. By Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker, LL.D. Pr. printed. Royal 8vo, pp. 164. Philadelphia, 1894. Phelps. Our Phelps Chronicles. By O. S. Phelps, J. P. Small 8vo, pp. 1. Portland, Oregon, 1880. Phelps. A phew Phelps phamily ; phacts, phigures and phancies, phaith-phully pherretted, philed and phixed phor phuture phrendly repherence. N. p. 4to. 1862. Phelps. In Memoriam. Orson Phelps, Esq. [With genealogies.] 8vo, pp. 54. Portland, Oregon, 1870. Phelps. The Phelps Family. An interesting letter touching the genealogical record of one branch of the Phelps family. By Oliver Seymour Phelps. 12mo, pp. 23. Big Rapids, 1878. Phillips. The Phillips Family and Phillips Exeter Academy. 8vo, pp. 26. Boston, 1858. Phillips. Tabular Pedigree. Compiled by S. Whit¬ ney Phcenix. 12x29 inches. 1875. Phillips. Phillips Genealogies ; including the family of George Phillips, first minister of Watertown, Mass., through most of the traceable branches from 1630 to the present generation ; also the families of Ebenezer Phillips, of Southboro, Mass., Thomas Phillips, of Duxbury, Mass., Thomas Phillips, of Marshfield, Mass., John Phillips, of Easton, Mass., James Phillips, of Ipswich, Mass. With brief genealogies of Walter Phillips, of Damariscotta, Me., Andrew Phillips, of Kittery, Me., Michael, Richard, Jeremy and Jeremiah Phillips, of Rhode Island, and fragmentary records of early American families of this name. Compiled by Albert M. Phillips. 8vo, pp. 233. [Enlarged title.] Auburn, Mass., 1885. Phippen. Fitzpen or Phippen, and allied families. By George D. Phippen. of Salem. 4to, pp. 20. [Boston, 1868.] Philbrick. A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Phil- brook Families, descended from the emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667. By Rev. Jacob Chapman, of Exeter, N. H. 8vo, pp. 202. Exeter, N. H., 1886. Phoenix. The Phcenix Family, of New York. Com¬ piled by S. Whitney Phcenix. 8vo. [Tabular pedigree.] N. p. [1880.] Pierson. Genealogical Records of the Pioneer Fami¬ lies of Avon, N. Y. Pierson, Waterous, Hosmer, Martin, etc., and their descendants. 8vo, pp. 32. Rochester, N. Y., 1871. Pierson. The Descendants of Stephen Pierson, of Suffolk County, England, and New Haven and Derby, Conn., 1645-1739. By Frederick Lock- wood Pierson. 8vo, pp. 33. Amenia, N. Y., 1895. Pillsbury. Account of the Proceedings at the Re¬ union of the Pillsbury Family, at Newburyport, Mass., September, 1891. With an illustration showing the ancient Pillsbury mansion at New¬ buryport. 8vo, pp. 16. Salem, Mass., 1891. Pine. See Barlow Family, 1891. Piper. Genealogy of Elisha Piper, of Parsonsfield, Me., and his descendants, including portions of other related families. With an appendix, con¬ taining the genealogies of Asa Piper, of Wakefield, N. H., Solomon Piper, of Boston, Mass., Stephen Piper, of Newfield, Me., and their immediate descendants, from 1630 to 1889. By Horace Piper, A.M. 8vo, pp. 121. Washington, D. C., 1889. Pitkin. See Salisbury Family Histories, 1892. Pitkin. Pitkin Family of America. A genealogy of the descendants of William Pitkin, the progenitor of the family in this country, from his arrival from England in 1659 to 1886. With additional historical and biographical notes of the family, etc.; also additional notes of the descendants of Martha Pitkin, who married Simon Wolcott. Illustrated. By A. P. Pitkin. 4to, pp. 93-f 325. [Enlarged title.] Hartford, Conn., 1887. Plumb. The Plumbs, 1635-1800. By H. B. Plumb. 8vo, pp. 102. Second ed. Peely, Luzerne County, Pa., 1893. Plummer. Proceedings upon the Dedication of Plum¬ mer Hall, at Salem, October 6, 1857 ; including Rev. Mr. Hoppin’s address and Judge White’s memoir of the Plummer family. 8vo, pp. 97. Salem, 1858. Polk. Genealogical Tree of the Polk Family. 18 x 26 inches. 1849. Pollock. Pollock ; a Record of the Descendants of John, James, Charles and Samuel Pollock, who emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania about 1750. 8vo, pp. 26. [Harrisburg, Pa. ] 1884. Pomroy. See Lawrence. Pond. A Genealogical Record of Samuel Pond, and his descendants. By Daniel Streator Pond. Rochester, Lorain County, Ohio. 8vo, pp. 126. [New London, Ohio.] 1875. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 67 Poole. The History of Edward Poole, of Weymouth, Mass. (1635), and his descendants. By Murray Edward Poole, A. B. 8vo, pp. 164. Ithaca, 1893. Poore. A Memoir and Genealogy of John Poore, ten generations, 1615-1880. Including the pos¬ terity of numerous daughters whereby pedigrees of many other families, extending through from three to six or more generations, are given. By Alfred Poore, genealogist. 4to, pp. 332. [Ex¬ tended title.] Salem, 1881. Pope. Pope ; His Descent and Family Connections. Facts and conjectures. By Joseph Hunter. 12mo, pp. 46. London, 1857. Pope. Pope ; additional facts concerning his mater¬ nal ancestry. By Robert Davies. 12mo, pp. 53. London, 1858. Pope. A Genealogy of the Pope Family, of Ken¬ tucky. By Dr. Nathaniel Field, of Jefferson¬ ville, Ind., November 7th, 1879. T, pp. 15. Jeffersonville, Ind., 1879. Powell. Long Island Genealogies. Families of Albertson, Andrews, Bedell, Birdsall, Bowne, Carman, Carr, Clowes, Cock, Cornelius, Covert, Dean, Doughty, Duryea, Feke, Frost, Haff, Hal- lock, Haydock, Hicks, Hopkins, Jackson, Jones, Keese, Ketcham, Kirby, Loines, Marvin, Merritt, Moore, Mott, Oakley, Onderdonck, Pearsall, Post, Powell, Prior, Robbins, Rodman, Rowland, Rush- more, Sands, Scudder, Seaman, Searing, Smith, Strickland, Titus, Townsend, Underhill, Valen¬ tine, Vanderdonk, Weeks, Whitman, Whitson, Willets, Williams, Willis, Wright, and other families; being kindred descendants of Thomas Powell, of Bethpage, L. I., 1688. Compiled by Mary Powell Bunker. Small 4to, pp. 350. Albany, N. Y., 1895. Pratt. Sketch of the Life of Samuel F. Pratt; with some account of the early history of the Pratt family. A paper read before the Buffalo Histori¬ cal Society, March 10th, 1873. By William P. Letchworth. 8vo, pp. 211. Buffalo, 1874. Preble. Genealogical Sketch of the First Three Generations of Prebles in America; with an account of Abraham Preble, the emigrant, their common ancestor, and of his grandson, Brigadier-General Jedediah Preble, and his descendants. By Geo. Henry Preble, Captain U. S. N. 8vo, pp. 5 -f- 336. Boston, 1868. Prentice. The History and Genealogy of the Pren¬ tice or Prentiss Family, in New England, from 1631 to 1852. Collected by C. J. F. Binney. 8vo, pp. 4-(-272+ 8. Boston, 1852. Preston. Memoranda of the Preston Family. [By Orlando Brown.] 8vo, pp. 10. Frankfort, Ky., 1842. Price. The Golden Wedding of Benjamin and Jane Price, with brief family record. Small 8vo, pp. 48. Philadelphia, [1870?] Price. Biographical Sketches of James Embree Philip Pricfe, and Eli K. Price. 8vo, pp. 67. Philadel¬ phia, 1881. Price. Centennial Meeting of the Descendants of Philip and Rachel Price. [By Eli K. Price.] Small 8vo, pp. 86. Philadelphia, 1864. Supplement, 1880. Pp. 87 and 88. Price. See Sullivant, Prime. Notes Genealogical, Biographical and Bib¬ liographical of the Prime Family. By E. D. G. Prime, D.D. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 118. New York, 1888. Prime. Autobiography of an Octogenarian, contain¬ ing the genealogy of his ancestors. By D. N. Prime. 8vo, pp. 293. Newburyport, 1873. Procter. The Procter Gathering, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the wedding- day of their progenitors, Mr. Joseph Procter and Miss Elizabeth Epes, together with the genealogy of the family. 8vo, pp. 46. Gloucester, Mass., 1868. Pumpelly. Short History of the Ancestors and Founders of the Pumpelly Family, taken from the oldest traditions, by Major Harmon Pumpelly Read, F. R. G. S.: also two letters by Captain Pumpelly, one to Solon Pumpelly, the other to Geo. James Pumpelly, Esq., Albany, September 20th, 1893. 8vo, pp. 25. Albany, N. Y., 1893. Punchard. A Tribute to the Memory of John Pun- chard ; a sermon preached at his fnneral, Febru¬ ary 16, 1857, by Samuel M. Worcester. With an appendix containing obituary notices of Mr. Punchard, his revolutionary recollections, his last days, and the genealogy of the Punchard family. 8vo, pp. 68. Boston, 1857. Randall. Genealogy of a Branch of the Randall Family, 1666 to 1879. Collected and arranged by a member of the family, [Paul K. Randall.] 8vo, pp. 289. [Norwich, N. Y., 1879.] Raymond. Genealogies of the Raymond Families of New England, 1630-1 to 1886, with a historical sketch of some of the Raymonds of early times, their origin, etc. Compiled by Samuel Raymond. 8vo, pp. 288. New York, 1886. Roberts. Roberts Family, of Burlington County, New Jersey. Chart form. [Philadelphia.] Rockwell. The Rockwell Family in America. A genealogical record from 1630 to 1873. By Henry Ensign Rockwell. 8vo, pp. 224. Boston, 1873. Rockwood. A Genealogical Record of the Descend¬ ants of Timothy Rockwood, bom in Medway, July 5th, 1727 ; died in Hollister, February 21st, 1806. Compiled from authentic sources, by E. L. Lockwood. Rodenbough. (Theo. Francis.) Autumn leaves from Family Trees ; historical, biographical and genealogical materials relating to the Cauffinan, Chidsey, Churchman, Foster, Montgomery, Rodenbourg, Shewell, and affiliated families. Gathered and preserved for whom it may concern, by a kinsman. 8vo, pp. 304. New York, 1892. Rogers. Descendants of the Rev. Daniel Rogers, of Littleton, Mass. 8vo, pp. 8. Rollo. A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Alexander Rollo, of East Haddam, Conn., 1685- 1895, with biographical notes. By John Hol¬ lenbeck Rollo. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 56. Wilmington, 1896. Rose. A Chart of the Descendants of Rev. Robert Rose, born at Wester Alves, Scotland, February 12th, 1704 ; came to Virginia in 1725 ; died June 30th, 1751. Prepared by W. G. Stanard, for Miss Annie Fitzhugh Rose Walker. 8vo. Rich¬ mond [Va. ], 1895. 68 AMERICAN GENEALOGY—APPENDIX. Ruggles. The Ruggles Lineage; five generations. Bv Henry Stoddard Ruggles, of Wakefield, Mass. Pr. printed. Svo, pp. 14. Ruggles. Evidences of the Derivation of the Ruggles Families of England and America from that of Ruggeley, of Staffordshire. By Henry Stodard Ruggles, Esq. , of Wakefield, Mass. 8vo, pp . 4. [New York, 1894.] Runyan. Genealogy of the Runyan Family. 8vo, pp. 8 -f-1. [By Henry Runyan, Princeton, N. J., 1893.] Scranton. A Genealogical Register of the Descend¬ ants of John Scranton, of Guilford, Conn., who died in the year 1671. Compiled by Rev. Eras- tus Scranton, A.M., of Burlington, Conn. 8vo, pp. 104. Hartford, 1855. Scull. Genealogical Notes relating to the Family of Scull (presumed ancestors to the Scull family of Pennsylvania, a genealogy of which family is added to the copy in possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania). By G. D. Scull. Pr. impression. 4to, pp. 12. [Philadelphia] 1876. Sears. Pictures of the Olden Time, as shown in the Fortunes of a Family of the Pilgrims. By Ed¬ mund H. Sears. [Sears Genealogy.] 8vo, pp. 337 -f- 96. Boston, 1857. Selden. Family Meeting at Fenwick Grove, Old Saybrook, Conn., August 22d, 1877. 12mo. N. p. Sinclair. The History of the Sinclair Family in Europe and America, for 1100 years. By Leonard Allison Morrison, A.M., of Windham, N. H. 8vo, pp. 453. Boston, 1896. Sprague. Sprague Family Items. By Dwight H. Kelton, LL.D., Montpelier, Vermont. 8vo, pp. 6. Stafford. A Contribution to the Genealogy of the Stafford Family in America. By Henry Marvin Benedict. 8vo, pp. 27. Albany, 1870. Stearns. His tory and Genealogy of the Stearns Family, and Branches of the Same—Chapin, Rey¬ nolds, Parsons, and Pease families, originating in England. By George Chapin Stearns. 8vo, pp. 68. Buffalo, N. Y., 1891. Stebbins. An Inquiry as to the Heirs-at-law of Maria Stebbins, who died intestate in New York, April 8th, 1875, leaving no relative nearer than cousins, which is necessarily a genealogical table of the descendants of her two grandfathers, The- ophilus Stebbins and Robert Whitlock, both of Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Conn. Compiled by A. S. Wheeler, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1880. Pp. 20. Stiles. Stiles Family in America. Genealogies of the Connecticut family descendants of John Stiles, of Windsor, Conn., and of Francis Stiles, of Windsor and Stratford, Conn., 1635-1894; also the Connecticut-New Jersey families, 1720-1894, and the Southern (or Bermuda-Georgia) family, 1635-1894 ; with contributions to the genealogies of some New York and Pennsylvania families, and an Appendix containing information concern¬ ing the English families of the name. By Henry Reed Stiles, A.M., M.D. 8vo, pp. 782. Jersey City, 1895. Stilwell. Early Memoirs of the Stilwell Family, comprising the Life and Times of Nicholas Stil¬ well, the common ancestor of the numerous fami¬ lies bearing that surname. By Benjamin Mar¬ shall Stilwell. 8vo, pp. 289. New York, 1878. Street. The Street Genealogy. By Henry A. and Mary A. Street. 8vo, pp. 542. Exeter, N. H., 1895. The Family Book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell. Compiled by B. G. Bakewell. 4to, pp. 99. Pittsburg, 1896. Street. The Street Genealogy. Compilation begun by Henry A. Street, New Haven, Conn. Com- leted, edited and published by Mrs. Mary A. treet, Exeter, N. H. 8vo, pp. viii.-t- 542. Exeter, N. H„ 1895. Stuart. Memoranda of the Descendants of Christo¬ pher Stuart, of Montgomery County, Pennsyl¬ vania, and Elizabeth Bull, his wife, to January 1st, 1894. 8vo, pp. 8. Philadelphia [Pa.], 1894. Swain. Swain and Allied Families, including Tilley, Howland, Chipman, Hale, Barrett, Gilbert, Fox, Brayton, Egerton, Huntington, St. John, Keyes. Compiled by William C. Swain, Milwaukee, Wis. 8vo, pp. 137. Milwaukee, 1896. Taylor. Genealogy of Judge John Taylor and his descendants. 12mo. Detroit, Mich., 1886. Temple. Acconnt of the Temple Family, with Notes and Pedigree of the Family of Bowdoin. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 15. Boston, 1856. Terry. The English Founders of the Terry Family. Edited by Henry K. Terry. For private circula¬ tion. 8vo, pp. 43. London, [England], [1887?] Thacher. Hopeful Trust and Vigilant Caution. A sermon occasioned by the death of Hon. Otis Thacher, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Hornellsville, N. Y., on Sabbath, March 16th, 1868, by Rev. Milton Waldo. 8vo. Hornellsville, N. Y., 1869. Thayer. Genealogy of Ephraim and Sarah Thayer, with their fourteen children ; from the time of their marriage to 1835, with notes of reference, etc.,as in part first. By Elisha Thayer. (Family Memorial, Part 2.) 8vo, pp. 100. Hingham, 1835. Thomas. To my boy, Thomas Head Thomas. [By Alfred Addison Thomas.] 8vo, pp. 39. Day- ton, Ohio, 1885. Thomas. Descendants of John Thomas, co mm encing with John Thomas, seaman, of Sackville, New Brunswick, grandson of John Thomas, 4th. Tabu¬ lar pedigree, 18 x 24 inches. Thomas. Descendants of John Thomas, who removed from Wales, C. B., to America, and married in Boston, Massachusetts, to Elizabeth -, March 30th, A.D., 1667. Tabular pedigree, 18x 24 inches. Thompson. Memorial of James Thompson, of Charlestown, Mass., 1630-1642, and Woburn, Mass., 1642-1682 ; and of eight generations of his descendants. By Rev. Leander Thompson, A.M. 8vo, pp. 244. Boston, 1887. Thornton. Matthew Thornton’s Family and Des¬ cendants. [By George E. Betton. ] 8vo, pp. 8. Also McGaw family. Thurston. Descendants of Edward Thurston, the first of the name, in the colony of Rhode Island. Collected by Charles Myrick Thurston. 8vo, pp. 70. New York, 1868. [Enlarged Title. ] Todd. The Todd Geneology, or register of the des¬ cendants of Adam Todd, of the names of Todd, Whetten, Brevoort, Coolidge, Bristed, Sedgwick, Kane, Renwick, Bull, Huntington, Dean, Astor, Bentzen, Langdon, Boreel, Wilks, De Nottbeck, Ward, Chanler, Cary, Tiebout, Bruce, Robbins, AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 69 Waldo, Woodhull, Odell, Greene and Foster; with notices and genealogies of many persons and fami¬ lies connected with the before-mentioned descend¬ ants. By Richard Henry Greene, A.M. 8vo, pp. 143+ 17. New York, 1867. Tolman. The Needham Branch of the Tolman Family. By Anna Maria (Tolman) Pick- ford. [Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register, Volumes V. and VI., for 1894-’ 95. ] 8vo, pp. 29. Dedham, Mass., 1894. Tomlinson. Henry Tomlinson and His Descendants in America, with a few additional branches of Tomlinson, later from England. By Rev. Samuel Orcutt. 8vo, pp. 16 + 228. New Haven, 1891. Tompkins. Cursory Family Sketches. By S. Ann Garnett. [Tompkins.] Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 140. [Albany], 1870. Totman. John and Thomas Totman (or Tatman) and their Descendants. By Rufus N. Meriam, A.M. 8vo, pp. 31. Worcester, Mass., 1895. Tower Genealogy. An account of the Descendants of John Tower, of Hingham, Mass. Compiled under the direction of Charlemagne Tower, late of Philadelphia, deceased. 8vo, pp. 689. Cambridge, 1891. Towne. The Towne Family Memorial. Compiled from the New England Historical and Genealogi¬ cal Register, Towne manuscripts, public and family records, for A. N. Towne, Esq., San Fran¬ cisco, Cal. By Edwin Hubbard, Chicago, Ill. 8vo, pp. 113 -f-16. Chicago, 1880. Towne—Town. Historical and Biographical Notes of the Family of Towne. Genealogical Memo¬ randa of the Ancestry and Descendants of the late John Town, Esq., of Georgia, Vermont. Printed for private distribution. 8vo, pp. 16. 1878. Towne. The Towne Family Memorial. Compiled from the New England Historical and Genealogi¬ cal Register, Towne manuscripts, public and family records, for A. N. Towne, Esq., San Fran¬ cisco, Cal. 8vo, pp. 113 -f- 16. Chicago, 1880. Tracy. Lineage of the Tracy Family ; with notes of the Lord, Garrott, Russell, and other intermarry¬ ing families. Cnmpiled by Puella F. (Hull) Mason. 8vo, pp. 32. [Milwaukee], 1895. Tracy. The Ancestors of Lieutenant Thomas Tracy, of Norwich, Conn. By Lieutenant Charles Stedman Ripley, U. S. N. 8vo, pp. 100. Bos¬ ton, 1895. Trubee. History of the Trubee Family. By Har¬ riet Trubee Garlick. Trumbull. Contributions to a Trumbull Genealogy, from Gleanings in English Fields. By J. Henry Lea. 8vo, pp. 27. Boston, 1895. Tuthill. Tuthill and Kent Chart. Philadelphia, Pa. [1880.] Tuthill. A family meeting of the descendants of John Tuthill, one of the original settlers of the town of Southold, N. Y., held at New Suffolk, L. I., August 28th, 1867. 8vo, pp. 60. Sag Harbor, N. Y., 1867. Tuttle. The descandants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from Old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches; also, some account of the descendants of John Tuttle, of Dover, N. H. ; Richard Tuttle, of Boston ; John Tuttle, of Ipswich ; and Henry Tuthill, of Hingham, Mass.; to which are appended genealog¬ ical notes of several allied families. By George Frederick Tuttle. Pp. 60 -f- 754. Rutland, 1883. Tuttle. William Tuttle, of New Haven. An address delivered at the Tuttle gathering, New Haven, Conn., September 3d, 1873. By Joseph F. Tuttle. 8vo, pp. 22. Newark, N. J., 1873. Tweed. Sketch of the James Tweed family, Wil¬ mington, Mass. By Benj. Walker. Read at a family reunion, Foster’s Pond, Andover, Mass., June 17th, 1887. 12mo, pp. 30. Lowell, Mass., 1887. Upton. Upton Family Records ; being genealogical collections for an Upton Family History. By William Henry Upton. Pr. printed. 4to, pp. 14 -(- 518. London, 1893. Usher. A Memorial Sketch of Roland Greene Usher, 1823-1895. By his son, Edward Preston Usher. To which is added a Genealogy of the Usher Family in New England from 1638 to 1895. Pr. printed. 8vo, pp. 160. [Boston,] 1895. Upham. Genealogy and Family History of the Up- hams, of Castine, Maine, and Dixon, Illinois; with Genealogical Notes of Brooks, Kidder, Per¬ kins, Cutler, Ware, Avery, Curtis, Little, Warren, South worth, and other families. Compiled by F. K. Upham, 1887. Printed for private circu¬ lation, 1887. 8vo, pp. 68. Upsall. Nicholas Upsall. By Augustine Jones, of Providence, R. I. 8vo, pp. 12. Boston, 1880. Van Deusen. The History and Genealogy of the Van Deusens, of Van Deusen Manor, Great Bar¬ rington. Berkshire County, Mass. By Louis Hasbrouck Sahler. 8vo, pp. 36. Vasealls. The Vassalls of New England and their Immediate Descendants. A Genealogical and Biographical Sketch compiled from Church and Town Records. By Edward Doubleday Har¬ ris. 8vo, pp. 26. Albany, 1862. Van Horn-Van Zant. The First Annual Report of the Van Horn Association. 12mo, pp. 20. Philadelphia, [1879]. Van Voorhis. Line of descent of Elias W. Van Voorhis, of 129 East 36th Street, New York City. [1885?] 17 x 18 inches. [Chart.] Voorhees. Voorhees [Genealogy.] 16mo, pp. 11. N.p.,n.d. [1896.] Van Rensselaer. Annals of the Van Rensselaers in the United States, especially as they relate to the family of Killian K. Van Rensselaer. By the Rev. Maunsell Van Rensselaer, D.D., LL.D. 8vo, pp. 241. Albany, 1888. Vaughan. Reminiscences of the Vaughan Family, and more particularly of Benjamin Vaughan, LL.D. Read before the New England Historic- Genealogical Society, August 2, 1865. By John H. Sheppard, A.M. With a few additions, a genealogy and notes. 8vo, pp. 40. Boston, 1865. Ware. Genealogy of the Descendants of Joseph Ware, of Fenwick Colony, 1675. 8vo, pp. 31. Philadelphia, Pa., 1891. Washburn. The Washburn family. Descendants of John, of Plymouth, Mass., and William, of Stratford, Conn., and Hempstead, L. I. Compiled by W. C. Sharpe, Seymour, Conn. 8vo, pp. 16. Seymour, Conn., 1892. 70 AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. Walker. The story of my ancestors in America. By Rev. Edwin Sawyer Walker, A.M. 8yo, pp. 72. Chicago, 1S95. Watson. History and genealogy of the Watson family, descendants of Matthew Watson, who came to America in 171S. Compiled by Mrs. Julia Draper (Watson) Bemis and Alonzo Amasa Bemis, D.D.S. 8vo, pp. 163. Spencer, Mass., 1S94. Webster. Genealogy compiled and printed for pre¬ sentation only. By Noah Webster, New Haven, 1836, with notes and corrections by his great- grandson, Paul Leicester Ford. 4to, pp. 9. Brook¬ lyn, N.Y., 1876. Wentworth. A genealogical and biographical account of the descendants of Elder William Wentworth, one of the first settlers of Dover, in the state of New Hampshire. Pp. 20. Boston,1850. Weeks. Leonard Weeks, of Greenland, N. H.,and Descendants, 1639-18S8, with early records of the famous families connected, including the following names. Bailey, Bartlett, Brackett, Burley, Chap¬ man, Chesley, Clark, Eastman, Folsom, Fowler, Frost, Haines, Hilton, Home, Lane, March, Mead, Moody, Moore, Philbrook, Pickering, Per¬ kins, Rollins, Sanborn, Scammon, Thompson, Wiggin, and Wingate. By Rev. Jacob Chap¬ man. 8vo, pp. 184. Albany, N. Y., 1889. Wentworth. The Wentworth genealogy, English and American. 8vo, pp. 35. Boston, 1878. Weston. The descendants of Edmund Weston, of Duxbury, Mass., for five generations. By Thomas Weston, Jr. 8vo, pp. 23. Boston, 1887. Whipple. A brief genealogy of the Whipple family. Compiled for Oliver Mayhew Whipple, Esq., of Lowell. [Compiled by John H. Boutelle, of Woburn.] 8vo, 36 pp. Lowell, 1857. Whipple. A brief genealogy of the Whipple families, who settled in Rhode Island. In two parts. By Henry E. Whipple. 8vo, pp. 63. Providence, 1873. Whipple. See Lane, Reyner and Whipple. Whitaker. See Austin-Whitaker. Whiting. Memoir of Rev. Samuel Whiting, D.D., and of his wife, Elizabeth St. John, with refer¬ ence to some of their English ancestors and American descendants. By William Whiting. 8vo, pp. 334. Boston, 1872. Whitman. History of the descendants of John Whitman, of Weymouth, Mass. By Charles H. Farnam, A.M. 4to, pp. xv +1246. New Haven, 1889. Whitney. The descendants of John Whitney, who came from London, England, to Watertown, Mass., in 1635. By Frederick Clifton Pierce. 4to, pp. 692. Chicago, 1895. White. Ancestral chronological record of the Wil¬ liam White family, from 1607-8 to 1895. 4to, pp. 393. Concord, 1895. White. The descendants of Thomas White, of Mar¬ blehead, and Mark Haskell, of Beverly, Mass. Compiled by P. Derby, Salem, Mass. 8vo, pp. 81. Boston, 1872. Whittier. Genealogy of two branches of the Whittier family, from 1620 to 1873. By D. B. Whittier. 8vo, pp. 22. Boston, 1873. Whittier. Genealogy of the Whittier family, 1622 to 18S2. Compiled by C. C. Whittier. Chart, 30x44 inches. Boston, 1882. Whittlesey. Memorial of the Whittlesey family in the United States. Published by the Whittlesey Association, 1855. 8vo, pp. vi + 125. Whittlesey. Address of Elisha Whittlesey, deliv¬ ered at a meeting of the Whittlesey family, which convened at Saybrook, Conn., September 20th, 1855. 8vo, pp. 22. Washington, 1855. Whittlesey. Asaph Whittlesey, late of Tallmadge, Summit County, O. Vesta Hart Whittlesey and Susan Everett Whittlesey, nee Fitch. 8vo, pp. 14. Cleveland, 1872. Wilbur. Genealogical record of the Wilbur family. Compiled by Asa Wilbur, of Boston. 12mo, pp. 89. Boston, privately printed, 1871. Wilbur. Life of Lafayette Wilbur (autobiography), and family genealogy. By La Fayette Wil¬ bur. 12mo, pp. 75. Jerico, Vt., 1881. Wilcoxson. The descendants of William Wilcox - son, Vincent Meigs, and Richard Webb. Com¬ piled by Prof. Reynold Webb Wilcox, M.A., M.D., LL.D. 8vo, pp. 75 + 7. New York, 1893. Wilcox. See Sullivant. Wilkinson, See Barlow Genealogy, 1891. Willard. Willard memoir. Sketch of the life of Major Simon Willard, with notice of some of his descendants of the ninth generation. Compiled by D. H. Willard. 12mo, pp. 10. Cincinnati, 1879. Willard. Memoir, or life and times of Major Simon Willard, with notices of three generations of his descendants, and two collateral branches in the United States ; also, some account of the name and family in Europe, from an early day. By Joseph Willard. 8vo, pp. 470. Boston, 1858. Willey. Isaac Willey, of New London, Conn., and his descendants. By Henry Willey (1658), of New Bedford, Mass. 8vo, pp. 165 + 17. New Bedford, Mass., 1888. Williams. A sermon delivered at the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Williams, consort of the Rev. Eliphalet Williams, D. D., pastor of the Church of Christ in East Hartford ; she departed this life, January 23d, 1800, in the 63d year of her age. By Nathan Strong. 8vo, pp. 15. Hartford, 1800. Willis. Willis genealogy. Traced from the Genea¬ logical Register, Vol. II. Published by Rev. Abner Morse. 8vo, pp. 8. 1863. Willoughby. The Willoughby family of New Eng¬ land. By Isaac Greenwood. 8vo, pp. 15. New York, 1876. Willoughby. See Salisbury family history, Vol. I., Part 2. Willoughby. Willoughby Association, U.S. A report made by Columbus Smith, A.D. 1864. 8vo, pp. 28. Middleburg, 1864. Wilson. Report to the Wilson Association, U. S. A., made by H. O. Smith, A.D. 1866. Published by the Wilson Association. 8vo, pp. 28. Middle- bury, 1866. Wilson. The genealogy of the family of Elihu Parsons Wilson, of Kittery, Me., bom 1769, died 1834. By Fred A. Wilson. 8vo, pp. 25. [Na- hant, Mass., 1894.] AMERICAN GENEALOGIES—APPENDIX. 71 Wingate. History of the Wingate family in Eng¬ land and in America, with genealogical tables. Compiled by Charles E. L. Wingate. Pub¬ lished by James D. P. Wingate. 8vo, pp. 293. Exeter, N. H., 1886. Winslow. Journal of Anna Green Winslow, 1771— 1773. Edited and published by David P. Hol¬ ton, M.D. Centennial Issue. Bulletin of the Pilgrim Record Society, Vol. I. 4to, pp. 17+48. New York, 1876. Winslow. Winslow memorial. Family records of Winslows and their descendants in America, with the English ancestry as far as known. Kenelm Winslow. By David Parsons Holton, A.M., M .D., and his wife, Mrs. Frances K. ( Forward ) Holton. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 1057 + 179 + 112. New York, 1877-88. Winthrop. Notes on the Winthrop family, and its connections before its emigration to New England. By William H. Whitmore. 8vo, pp. 7. Al¬ bany, 1864. [Enlarged title.] Wood. Brief history of the descendants of Thomas Wood and Ann, his wife. Compiled by Amasa Wood. 8vo, pp. 34. Worcester, Mass., 1884. Woodbridge. The Woodbridge record, being an account of the descendants of the Rev. John Woodbridge, of Newbury, Mass. Compiled from the papers left by the late Louis Mitchell, Esq. Pr. printed. Folio, pp. 272. New Haven, 1883. Woodman. A list of the descendants of Mr. Joshua Woodman, who settled at Kingston, N. H., about 1736. By J. H. Woodman. 8vo, pp. 54. Bruns¬ wick, Me., 1856. Woolworth. The descendants of Richard and Han¬ nah Huggins Woolworth, who landed at Newbury, Mass., 1678 ; removed to Suffield, Conn., in 16S5. Compiled by Charlotte R. Woolworth, as¬ sisted by her daughter, Josephine L. Kimpton. 8vo, pp. 209. New Haven, Conn., 1893. Worcester. The Worcester family; or, the descen¬ dants of Rev. William Worcester, with a brief notice of the Connecticut Wooster family. Col¬ lected by J. F. Worcester. 8vo, pp. 111. Lynn, 1856. Wynkoop. Wynkoop family ; preliminary geneal¬ ogy. By Richard Wynkoop, of the City of New York. 8vo, pp. 34. New York, 1866. Wynkoop. Wynkoop genealogy in the United States of America. Also a table of Dutch given names. By Richard Wynkoop, of the City of New York. 2d ed. 8vo, pp. 130. New York, 1878. Young. Fragmentary Records of the Youngs, com¬ prising, in addition to much general information respecting them, a particular and extended account of the posterity of Ninian Young, an early settler of East Fallowfield Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. By I. Gilbert Young, M.D. 8vo, pp. 110. Philadelphia, 1869. 05/14/03 33357