Unt nv Diiiaama. c. i& THE (fonfekrate PARTING FROM HER HUSBAND! Here is thy trusty blade ! Take it, and wield it in a glorious cause ; Defend our firesides, battle for the laws Which our forefathers made ; And stay, that on thy breast my hand May place the blue cockade ! Go forth to conquer ; where The battle rages fiercest thou wilt be, And I will glory that my Love is there Struggling for Liberty. Haste to the battle field ! Thy country calls thee to the deadly fight — Go forth undaunted in thy manhood's might, Thy noble cause thy shield ; And if thou fallest — hush, heart, thine agony — God will defend the right ! Where the Palmetto waves O'er manly hearts that struggle to b3 free, That bid defiance bold to Tyranny ; Where hospitable graves Are widely yawning for the reckless foe, My lip can bid thee, best beloved, go ! What if thou fallest ? my heart will throb to know He died, South, for thee ! CcmC Hollinger Corp. P H8.5