7.; > ^^^Zuf^y ^^ A^N ACT 10 RKDUCK THK CUKaEXCV AND TO y\l TJInl!l/,r, v M^W l-- Confederate >Statci^ <>f AtD'-.rim do enart. Thai, llio holders of all tveasur}' notes above the (Icnoiuiniitiod ol' five dollars, nol bcuriiii; interest, shall bctillowed until the first d:i_y of April, eiifhtoen hundred and sixty-four, east of the Mississippi river, and until the first day of .lul^, eii^hteon hundred and sixty- four, west of the Mississippi river, to fund the same; and until ihe ]teriod!< and at the places stated, fhe holders of all such treasury notes shall he allowed to lund the same in reiijistercd bonds, |)a3-able t\vent\- years after their dale, bearinj^ interest at Uic rate of four per cent. i)er annum, payabh' on the'llrst day oi' January and July of each year. Sec. 2. The 8e(rretary of the Treasury is lu^i-eby authoi-iztid to issue the botids requircil for the fundiiii:; provided for in the j>rc- eedin/i section. a»id until the bonds can bo ])ropfired he may issue eertific^ites to answer the ])urpose. Such bonds and certiticatos fthall be receivable, without interest, in payment of all (J-overu- luent dues payable in the year eighteen hundred a?id sixty-four, except oKport and import duties. Seo. o. That all treasury notes of the donomination of one hundred dollars, not bearing interest, which shall not be presented for funding under the j)rovisions of the firsi section of this act, shall, from and i'fter the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixt3'-four, east of the Mississip])i river, and the first day of .Iul\-, eighteen hundred and sixty-tour, west of the Mississippi riveV. cease to be receivable in the payment of public dues, and said notes, if not so presented at that time', shall, in addition to the tax of thirty-three and one-third cents imposed in the fourth sec lion of this act, be subject to a tax of ten per cent, periiionth until »(> presented, which taxes shall attach to said notes wherever cir- culated, and shall be deducted from the face of said not-.'s when- ever ])resented for' payment or for funding, and 'said notes shall not be exchangeable for the new issue of treasury notes provided for in this act. Stc. 4. That on all said treasury notes not funded or used in payment of taxes at the dates and places prescribed in the first section of this act. there shall be levied at said dates and places a tax of thirty-three and one-third cents for everj' dollar promised on the face of said notes. Said lax shall attach to said notes wherever circulated, and shall be collected by deducting the same at the Treasury, its depositories, and b\' the tax collectors, and by all (lovernraent ofiicers receiving the same, whenqvcr pre- sented for payment, or lor funding, or in payment of Government dues, or for postage, or iu exchange for new notes as hereinafter provided; and said treasury notes shall be fundable in bonds as provided in the first section of this act until ilie first day of Jan- uary, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, at the rateof sixty-six and two-third cents on the dollar. And it shall be the duty of the Socretarv of the Treasury at anv time between the first April east, and the first July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, west of the Mi^^sissippi river, and the first January, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, to substitute and exchange new treasury notes for the same, at the rate of sixty- six and two-third cents on the dollar: Fror/i/cd, That notes ol" the denomination of one hundred dollars shall not be entitled Lu the privilege of said exchange: Provided further, That the right lo fund any of said treasury notes after first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, is hereby taken away: A)id provided further, That upon all such treasury notes which may remain outstanding on the first January, eighteen hundi-ed and sixty-five, and which may not be exchanged for new treasury notes as herein provided, a tax of one hundred per cent, is hereby imposed. Sec. 5. That after the first da}' of April next, all authority here- tofore given io the Secretary of the Treasury- to issue ti'easury notes shall bo, and the same is hereby, revoked : Provided, The Secretar3'of the Treasury may, after that time, issue new treasury- notes in such form as lie may prescribe, payable two years after the I'atification of a ti'eaty of peace with the United States, said new issues to be receivable in payment ot all public dues except export and import duties, and to be issued in exchange for old notes, at the rate of two dollars of tlio new for three dollar^ of the old issues, whether said old notes be surrendered for exchange by the holders thereof, or be received into the Treasury under tlie provisions of this act; and the holders of the new notes orof thu old notes, except those of the denomination of one hundred dol- lars, after tliey are reduced to sixty-six and two-third cents ou the dollar, by the tax aforesaid, may convert the same into call certificates, bearing interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum, and paj'able two 3'ears after the ratification of a treaty of j)eace with the United States, unless sooner converted into new notes. Sec. 6. That to pay the expenses of the Government not other- wise provided for, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author- ized to issue six per cent, bonds to an amount not exceeding five hundred millions of dollars, the principal and interest whereof ."hall be free from taxation, and lor the paj'ment of the interest thereon the entire nett receipts of any export duty hereafter laid on the value of all cotton, tobacco, .and naval stores, which shall be exported irom the Confederate States, and the nett proceeds of (he import duties now laid, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary to pay annually the interest, are hereby specially pledged : Provided, That the duties now laid upon imports and hereby pledged, shall hereafter be paid in specie, or in sterling exchange, or in the coupons of said bonds. Sec. 7. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author- ized, from time to time, as the wants of the Treasury may require it. to sell or hypothecate for Irea-sury notes said bonds, or any part thereoi', upon tlio best turmt' he can, so as Lo meet approprla- tions by Coner cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and transferable only by special endorse- ment under regulations to bo prescribed by the Secretarj- of the Treasury, and said certificates shall be exempt f'roni taxation in principal and interest. Sec. 15. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to increase the number of depositories so as to meet th.e requirements of tins act, and with that view to employ'' such of the banks of the several States as lie may deem expedient. Sec. 16. The Secretary of the Treasury shall forthwith adver- tise this act in such newspapers published in the several States and by such other means as sliall secure immediate publicitj'^, and tlie Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Xavy shall each cause it to be published in general orders for the information of the army and navy. Sec. 17. The forty-second section of the act for the assessment ;ind collection of taxes approved May first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, is hereb}^ repealed. Sec. 18. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required, upon the application of the holder of any call cer- lifieates — which b}' the tii-st section of the act -'to provide for the funding and further issue of treasury notes," a])proved March twentj'-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, was. required to be thereafter deemed to be a bond — to issue to such holder a bond therefor upon the terms provided by said act. Approved February 17, 18G-i.