0« 1 ^fl» iBrrv Duke University Libraries Correspondence Conf Pam #427 DTT13T5T7T ^^ '/ '' I HOUSE OF REPllESENTATIVES, 1 ubniary 13, 1864.— Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. MKS8AGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Feb 12, 18ti4. To the llou^i. uf Representatives : In response to your resolution of the 29th ultimo, I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of of War, submitting copies of papers relating " to the trial and con- viction of W. E. Coftman by a military court, " and to " a writ of habeas corpus issued from the circuit court of llockingham county, Va., to prevent the execution of said Coffman. " JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF WAR. Confederate States of America, ) War Department, ^ Richmond, Va., February II, 1864.) To the T resident of tlie Confederate States : Sir: 1 have received the following resolution of the llou^jc of Representatives, referred by your Excellency to this department : •' Resulvtd, That the President be respectfully requested to com- municate to this House all the orders, correspondence and other papers relating to the trial and conviction of W. E. Coft'raan by a military court, under orders from General Imboden, and also relating to a writ of habeas corpus issued from the circuit court of Jiocking- hain county, Va., to prevent the execution of said Coffman." In response, I have the honor to transmit herewith the papers called for by the House, with the exception of the record of the court by which Mr. Coffman was tried, said record having been stolen from the oflicc of tho provost marshal at Harrisonburg, as will appear from the enclosed affidavit. A copy of General Imboden's order directing the execution of Coffman is transmitted. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War, Headquarters, Staunton, Va,, Feb, 6. 1864. General JS. Cooper : (iENEKAi-: Enclosed please find the papers in the case of W, E, CofAnau. As you will see, the proceeding of court martial in the case have been ^itolen from the office of provost marshal at Harrisonburg. 1 am, General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. Q. A. NADENBOUSGH, Col. commanding post. Mount Jackson, Feb. 4, 1864. Captain John Avi?,, Pfovost Marshal^ Staunton : Captain: I enclose you a copy of the general order sentencing CofFman. The original proceedings in the case were sent to Harrison- burg in December to be used in the habeas corpus trial before Judge Allen, and left with Captain Smith, provost marshal. I understand the record was stolen from Captain Smith's office. I write to him by this day's mail to forward you the record if it has been found. If not, to send you a certificate of the loss by theft of some one. The only paper^ have bearing on the case at all, are the general orders I made convening the court and afterwards sentencing him to be hanged. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. D. IMBODEN, Brigadier General. Provost Marshal's Office. > Harrisonhurg, Va., Feb. 6, 1864. J T. William McK. Wartmann,fsolemnly swear, that I am a clerk in the provost marshal's office, Harrisonburg, Va. ; that some time in the lattei''part of December, 1863, Captain Smith, provost marshal, handed to me the original proceedings of the court martial in the case of Wm. E. Coffmau, Avith directions to copy the same and for- ward the copy to Messrs. Michie and Harman. The original papers were handed to me late in the afternoon, and not having time to copy them on that day, I proceeded to put them in a private, and, as I supposed at the time, a secure part of the desk, preparatory to copying it in the morning. No one was in the office but myself when the papers were put away. On entering the office next morning, I found everything as I had left it on the preceding evening, except, that the papers above referred to, had been abstracted during the !f-1 night. The lock of the office door had been temporarily removed for repairs, and it is presumed the tliief made n^^e of that circumstance to obtain access to the office and abstract the record. !No clue to the missing record has been obtained since. WxM. McK. WARTMANN. Sworn to before me this 6th day of February, 1864. 0. C. STIRLING, /. P. Provost Marshal's Office, } Jlarrixniihurs^. Va., Feb. G, 1SG4. ji Captain Avis, Provost Mars/in/ : Enclosed please find affidavit, directed by General Imboden to be sent to you. No trace of these papers has ever been discov- ered since their abstraction. Respectfully, <^'c.. .T. W. G. SMITH, Capt. and Pro. Mar. IlF.AnQUARTERS VaI.T.KY DiSTRICT, } Kratzcr'a Sprhia. Dec. 4, 1803. I GENERAL ORDERS, } * No. 14. S I. At a fjeneral court martial, continued and held at these headquar- ters at Dudley's fnnn, on the 3nd day of November, I > F^'hruarij 4, 18G4. ^ Official : F. B. Bfrkf.i.v, a. a. a. OhFiCF. J'liovosT Marshal. } Siaunto/i, Docemher 17, ISO.'i. S (.Jenfrai.: Please see enclosed a copy of wv'a o^ habeas cor pwi yi\nc\\ has just been served on me. Not knowing whether my communication would reach you or not, I have telegraphed the Secretary of War for instructions also. Please direct me. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN AVIS, Captai:., Prornst ]\Inrshal. Brigadier General J. D. I.MBonK?v, commanding, Ss'c. Thf. Common wkalth of ViRf;iNFA : To the Sheriff of Augusta county, and to Genera/ John I). lmhod(n^ Cap'ain John Avis, Provost Marshal at, Staunton, and George Harlan, Jailor of Augusta county : Whereas, it is allec'cd by William E, Cofimau that he, a citizen of Rockingham county, in Virginia, in no wise connected with the army or navy of the Confederate States, and not liable to any military duty either to the State of Virginia or to the Confederate States of America, has been arrested by the military authorities on the charge of aiding deserters from the army and communicating with the enemy. Has been tried before a court martial at the camp of General John D. hnboden and sentenced to be hanged on the 18th day of December, 1863, and is now confined in the jail of Augusta county, Virginia, waiting the execution of said sentence; and that, as such citi/.en. his saiti iirrest, trial and present imprisonment are unlawful ; and it appearing from the sj)ecification of the charge upon which he was thus tried that the said ('oft'man does not brdong to the militar}' organization ol' either the Lnited States or the Confederate States, and the court expressly dcclinin Staunton, Dec. 1 7th, 1863. ) General — Since receiving the \yrit with your returns, and also your letter, I have 'received the enclosed dispatch from General Cooper. In accordance with his directions, I have prepared the papers, and will forward them by mail to-morrow. I have the honor to be. General, A'^ery respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN AVIS, Captain, Frovost Marshal. Brigadier General J. D. Imbodenji Commanding Valley District, Brownsburg, Va. llEAnQUARTERS, VaLLEV DlSTKICT, i In the Field, ^ December 17th, 1863. V Capt. John Ams, Provost Marshal, Staunton, Va. : (Japtain : The writ of habeas corpus in the case of Wm. E. Coffman has just been received by me. I have made my return on i* , and send it back to you. You will please retain a copy of the writ and return, and send the original to .ludge Allen, or the clerk of me circuit court of Rockingham. I decline to obey tlie writ, and now direct you to execute the sentence of death on William E. Coffman, according to the order in his case, at the time therein mentioned. I assume the wholo respoutibility of the execution, and also the responsibility of ordering jou to disregard the writ. A more unmitigated scoundrel was never hung. I will camp near Brownsburg to-night. Yours, respectfully, J D. IMBODEN, Brig. General. A true copy, John Avis, Captam, Provost .Marshal. [TELEGRAPHIC] Office Provost Marshal, ) Staunton, Fa., December 17, 1863. > Gen. S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General, Richmond : W. E. Coffman is now in ray custody, sentenced to be hanged, to- morrow, by court-martial. A writ of habeas corpus has just been served on me. I do not know that I can communicate with General Imboden. What shall I do ? Tried under the fifty-seventh article of war. JOHN AVIS, Captain, Provoit Marshal [TELEGRAPHIC] Office Provost Marshal, Staunton, Va., December 17, 1863 S.I S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General, Richmond, Va.: Since my dispatch to you, I have communicated with General Im~ boden, who has made return on the writ, and directs me to execute the man. JOHX AVIS, Captain, Provost Marshal. [TELEGRAPHIC] Office Provost Marshal, Staunton, Va., December 21, 1863. I General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General, Richmond, Va. : Must I obey the writ in the CofFman case, or only suspend execu- tion ? One order from you directed me to obey the writ ; the other, to suspend execution until further orders. The writ is returnable on the 23d instant. JOHN AVIS, Captain, Provost Marshal. ^k peRmaliffe* pH8.5