/ i <2nv #fy lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllll /no MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. To the Senate and House of Representatives of t/ie Confederate States of America : It is with satisfaction that I welcome your presence at an earlier day than that usual for your session, and with confidence that I invoke the aid of your counsels at a time of such public exigency. The campaign which was commenced almost. simultaneously with your session early in May last, and which was still in progress at your adjournment in the middleof June, has not yet reached its close. It has been prosecuted on a scale and with an energy heretofore une- qualled. When we revert to the condition of our country at the inception of the operations of the present year, to the magnitude of the preparations made by the enemy, the number of his forces, the accumulation of his warlike supplies, and the prodigality with which his vast resources have been lavished in the attempt to render success assured ; when we contrast the numbers and means at our disposal for resistance, and when we contemplate the results of a struggle appa- rently so unequal, we cannot fail, while rendering the full meed of deserved praise to our. generals and soldiers, to perceive that a Power higher than man has willed our deliverance, and gratefully to recog- nise the protection of a kind Providence in enabling us successfully to withstand the utmost efforts of the enemy for