Duke University Libraries General orders Conf Pam #711 P^ v\6. \ 0^ |6^ -^^y ^^p ^7^' A )3 35 f- HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS,^ Little Rock, April 18, 1863.) GENERAL ORDERS, [ No. 10. I I. At a General Court- Martial, held at the camp of Marmaduke's DiTis-on, by virtue of Special Order No. 36, Paragraph I, Headqu.arters Trans-Mississippi De- partment, February 6, 18G2, and of which Colonel John Q. Burbridge, Burbridge's regiment, Missouri cavalry, is President, were arrainged and tried : 1. Capt. N. R. Bkrry, Companv "H," Thompson's regiment, Missouri cavalry, P. A. C. S. Charge — Cowardice. Sftccificathn I. "In this, that the said Captain jV. R. Berry, did, on the 7th De- cember, 1862, at "Prairie Grove," Ark., wliilc his regiment was engaging theenemv, leave the field and did not return to his company when ordered to do so by his Colo- nel." Specificalion II. "In this, that the said Captain N. R. Berry, did, during the engagement with the enemy at Springfield, Missouri, on the 8th day of January, 1863, absent himself from his command without permission, and remained away, until our forces were withdrawn." Spfcification III. "In this, that the said Capt. N. R. Berrv, did, during the engage • ment with tlie federal forces at Hartsville, Mo., on the 11th day of January, 186?, leave his command without permission and did not return to the field of action, when ordered to do so, by the Major of his regiment." Verdict — Of the 1st Specification of Charge — guilty. " " 2d " " " " " 3d " " '• " " " charge '• Sentence. "The said Capt. Berry to be cashiered; and that his name, and place of abode and his punishment be published in the newspapers of Little Rock — and, if pos sible, in the newspapers near his residence, in Missouri." 2. Private William French, Co. "G," Green's regiment, Mo. Cav., P. A. C. S. Charge — Desertion. Verdict — Guilty. Sentence. "The Said Private, Wm. FrencA, to wear for the period of 30 days, in the camp of Green's brigade, attached k> his leg, a ball and chain of the weight of twelve (12) pounds." 3. Private Leonard C. Cokkr, Co. "E," Green's regiment, Mo. cavalry, P A. C. S. Charge — Desertion. Virdict — Guilty. Sentence. "The said private Leonard C. Coker, Co. E, Green's reg't., Mo. Cav., 10 perform ten days hard labor in camp of Green's brigade, and to be reprimanded pub- licly before Green's regiment by the commanding oflncer of the regiment." 4. Private James A. Hitchcock, Brown's Battery, Light Artillery, P. A. C. S. Charge /.."Violation of 4th art. of War. Specification. "In this, that the said private, J- A. Hitchcock, of Captain Brown's Battery, did, on or about the 25th day of February, 1863, leave his post before he was regularly relieved, and without permission or order. This in camp near Bates- ville, Arkansas." Charge II. "Violation of 6th art. of War." Specification. "In this, that the said private, J- A. Hitchcock, ol Ca.pt. Brown's Battery, did, on or about the 2r)th day of February, 1863, insult and uSe disrespectful language to his superior officer — this in camp near Batesville, Arkansas " Charge II T. Violation of 9th aiticle of War. Specification. "In this, that the said private, James A. Hitchcock, of Capt. Brown's Battery, did disobey the lawful command of his superior officer; and refused, when ordered by him, to be put under guard. This in camp near Batesville, Arkansas.'' Verdict — Of the Specification Ist Charge — Guilty. ■ " " let Charge " " " Specification 2d charge " ♦• " 2d charge V *' " Specificiition 3d charge " " " 3d charge " Sentencf. "Thcsaid private, James A. Hitchcock, Brown's Battery, Green's Brigr.de, to wear a ball and chain weighing 12 pounds on his leg, for the space ot 30 days, in camp of his brigade, and to do hard labor during the same period of time." 5. Captain J. H. Grofk,Co. "E," Thompson's regiment, Mo, cavalry, P. A. C. S. Charge I. Violation 52 article of War. Specification I. "In this, that he, Capt. J . IJ. Groff, of Co. "E," Col. Thompson's regiment, Missouri cavalry, did, on the 7th day of December, 1862, leave iii.-j cosa mand without permission from the commanding officer of his regiment or from any superior officer, at the battle ground called Prairie Grove, while his company and r<'^' - ment were in immediate expectation of a battle, and did not return to iiis company i.ntil after the battle." Specification JI. "In this, he. Captain J. H. Groff, Co. "E," Thompson's regi- ment, Missouri cavalry, did, on the 11th day of January, 1363, on or near the battle held of Hartsville, Missouri, and immediately before the battle took place, absent himself from his company and regiment without permission from the eommatider, and did not return to his command until the battle was over." Spccijicaiion III. "In this, that he. Captain J. H. Groff, Co. "E," Thompson's regiment, Missouri cavalry, did, on the morning of the 11th day of January, llStiS, near Hartsville, Missouri, refuse to obey the orders of the commanding officer of his regiment to move with his company to its place in column of regiment, by ordering his men to remain in the rear of the regiment, and counselled them not to go into the battle, refusing at the same to go himself. Charge II. Neglect of duty. Spebification. "In this, that he, Captain J. H. Groff, Co. "E," Thompson's regi- ment, Missouri cavalry, did, on the march while Marmaduke's DirisiOn vas {f^oingto and coming from Missouri, absent himself without permission from his com- pany, thereby neglecting his duty as commander of his company diid t- ucourig"Jg dis- order." Verdict — Of the let Specification of 1st charge — Guilty. " " 2d " " 3d " " let charge, " " " Specitication of 2d charge, " " " 2d charge, " Sentence. "The said Captain J. H. Groff of Co. "E," Thompson's regimect, ftJis- souri cavalry, to be suspended from the command of his company for the space of iiixty days, and to be reprimanded before the brigade to which he belongs, by ili com- mander." 6. Jr. 2d Lieut. W. H. Bvrch, Co. "K," Shelby's regiment, Mo. cav., P. A. C S. Gliarge I. Lying and swindling. Specification. "In this, that he Lieut. W. H.'Burek, Co. "K," Shelby's Missouri <;avalry regiment, did trade a horse or mare not his own, to a IMr. Cypert, fciiizen) of Izard county, Arkansas; and in this trade, did state, that the horse or mare was his own rightfully and lawfully, and did, whilst making the trade, pass himself off uudvr a false name in order to prevent detection." Charge II. Aiding and abetting in robbing and stealing. Specification. "In this, that he, Lieut. W. H. Burch, Co. K, Shelby's regiment, Missouri cavalry, did allow, permit and aid private Lowe, Shelby's regiment, Missouri cavalry, in taking forcibly or by stealing, a mule, the property of a citizen of Arkan- sas, without proper authority; did allow said Lowe to sell the same under a false name, and under false statements, and did not make known to the proper authority the base conduct of said soldier. Verdict — Of the Specification Ist charge — Guilty. " " Ist charge, " " " Specification 2d charge " ' " " 2d charge " Sentence "The said Lieut. W. H. Burch, Go. K, Shelby's regiment, Missouri cavalry, to be suspended from command 30 days, and that at dress parade the charges and specifications against him, and the finding and sentence of the court thereon be read before thebiigade, in presence of the prisoner, by the Brigade Court; and that 3 be iUcn be reprimanded at dress parade (in presence of the whole brigade) by the Brigade Conimander. 7. Private James A. Jackson, Co. "G," Thompson's regiment, Mo. eav., P. A. C. S. Charge — Stealing. Spec^icction. "In this, that said Jai. A- JacA-?0 7i, private Co. G, Thompson's regi- ment, Missouri cavairy, did, on or about the night, of the 2Sthof February, 1S63, enter the tent of Major R. H- Smith, and take therefrom one sack of flour, with the intent 10 appropriate the same to his own use, thereby defrauding Maj. R. H. Smith of thi .sijne. Verdict — Of the Specification — Guilty. '•■ " Charge " Sentsnrt. "The said private Jamet A. Jackson, Co. "G," Thompson'^ regiment. Missouri caralry, to be shaved of the hair of his head, on (about) one-half of hi^ bead — to be paraded thus through camp once with the word thief lu large letters, upon a board across his brea?t. and durinjr 30 days to wear this board upoa his breast, and to bo kept during the same period of time nt hard labor in camp. 8. Private Rval Gli.vtom, Co. "M," lOth Illinois regiment of volunteer cavalry, II. S. Army Charge. Violation cf parole. Specijicaiion. "In this, ! hat the said R'/al O»r! company on drill on or about the 4th of March, and thereby was guilty of diret^i disobedience of orders." Verdict — Of the Specificaticn of Ist charge — Guilty. " " 1st charge " " " Specification 2d charge " " " 2d charge " Sentence. "The said Lieut. D. G. Hathom, Co. "K," Shelby's regiment, Missour cavalry, to be reprimanded before his regiment by the Brigade Commander." lO. Private James H. Stitk, Co. "K," Green's' regimfent, Mo. cav., P. A. C S. Charge I. Disobedience of orders. ■>peeyication. "In this, that the said private, J. H. Stiff,o(Co. "K.," Green's regi meat, Missouri cavalry, did, on or about the 5ih of February, I86.S, report himself v> iiurgeon Wallis for medical tieatment. and was by him ordered to proceed to the Treneral Hospital, established .and existing at Fairview, Arkansas; that the said pri vate, Stifif, did not go to the halpital, as ordered, and that the said private loitered through the country, and went as far as Wild Haws, in the State of Arkansas. Thid in camp near Batesviile, Arkansae- Charge II. Absence without leave. Speqfication. "In this, tbat the said private, J. H. Stiff, of the company and regi- mvnt aforesaid, did, on or r.i.out the 5th of February, 1863, leave bis command with- Oct leave, and did remain away therefrom, from the date afores^aid to the 3d day of March, 1663. This in camp near Batesville" Verdict — Of the Speciticatiou of Ist charge — Guilty. " " 1st charge " " " Specification 2d charge " " '■2d charge '• Sentence. "The said private, J- H. Sti^', Co. "K," Green's regiment, Misouri cav- alry, to be reprimanded before his regiment at dress parade by the regimental corti maader, and to be put to hard labor in camp for the space of ten davs." 11. Jr. 2d Lieut. John Frazier, Co. "B,'"' McDonald's Mo. Cav. P. A. C. S. Charge 1. Unofficerlike conduct. ISpeci/ication I. "In this, that he, the f^aid Jr. 2d Lieut. John Frazier, Co. "B," McDonald's regiment, Missouri cavalry, did, on the 2lst day of February, lb63, at camp Ewing, county of Van Buron, and State of Arkansas, try and attempt to pass the camp guard by force, without offering to present a pass to the guard, .ind the said Lieut. John Frazier, did attempt to ride over the guard when halted, there- f'^re using means that would be detrimental and ruinous to good order and military discipline." Sfiecification II. "In this, that he, the said Jr. 2d Lieut John Frazier, of Co "B," McDonald's regiment, Missouri cavalry, at camp Ewing, Van Burcn cciunly, State of Arkansas, February, 18G3, did, on several occasions leave camp without a pass, by either stealing by the guard or practicing fraud upon them, thereby setting an exam- ple prejudicial to military discipline, and unbecoming an officer and a gentleman." Specification III. "In this, the said Jr. 2d Lieutenant Jyjo. Fraziaff of Co. "B," McDonald's regiment, Mo. cavalry, at camp Ewing, county of Van Buren, and state of Arkansas, did, on the 2Uth day of February, IHftJ, pa.'^s the canif) guard with a p.iss written for the benefit of another man, and written by Hancock, of Co. "D.'" — This pass, false upon its face, he imposed upon the indiscreet guard, and passed by him. His accomplice, to whom the pass belonged, is a private in a dillereut compan; . Specification IV. "In this, that the said Jr. 2d Lieut. Jno. Frazier uf Co. "B," jMcDonald's Missouri cavalry, at camp Ewing, on th.e 21st day of February, did ride through and among the men with a woman of bad character mounted behind him, and the eaid Lieut. John Frazier has upon other occasions been seen riding through the country with this woman moimted behind him, and upon tlie pume horse, nnieh to the annoyance of citizens at whose houses he has taketi her, all of which is unbe- coming an officer and a gentleman." Verdict. — Of the Ist Specification of Charire — not guilty. " " 2d " " 3d '• " " guilty. " " 4th '• " " not guilty. " " charge guilty- Sentence. "The said Lieut. Jno. Frazier, of Co. "B," McDonald's Missouri car airy, to be reprimanded before the regimeet on dress parade by the Colonel com- manding the regiment." 12. F. M. Wadlev, 4th Sergeant Co. "E," Green's regiment Missouri cavalry, P. A. C. S. . Charge. "Absent from his command without leave." Specification. "That the said F. M. Wadley, 4th Sergeant, Co. "E," Green's regi- ment Missouri cavalry, was captured by the U. S. forces near Pittman's Ferry, in (Jctober last, taken to St. Louis, and from thence to Vicksburg, Miss., where he was duly exchanged, with several others belonging to this command. From Vicksburg he was sent to Camden, in the state of Arkansas. He, the said F. M. Wadley, then at Camden, left the other prisoners belonging to this command, and did not report to his company or regiment until on or about the 4th or 5th ol March; the other prisoners from whom he parted company at Camden, Ark., and belonging to this regiment, reported themselves for duty on or about the 8th of January, 18G3. He, the said Wadley, thereby absenting himself from his command for the period of nearly two months unnecessarily." Verdict. — Of the Specification — guilty. " " charge " Sentence. "The said Sergeant F. M. Wadley, of Co. "E," Green's regiment Mis- souri cavalry, the accused, to be reprimanded before the regiment on dress parade by the Colonel commanding the regiment." 13. Private Jno. S. Blackman, o£ Co. "A," Green's regiment, Missouri cavalrv. P. A. C. S. Charge. Absence without leave. Upecijicaiion I. "In this, that oa or about the 7th day of J anuai y, 1& 63, the said Jno f >w iS". Blackmail w.is decjiilcii on the march in Fulton county, Ark., to carry a dispacch to Q'Qn. Marmadnke.. sapjiosed to be in the ricinity of Springfield, Mo. He did not report back to rns command until the ll^h day of March, lb63." Specijication II. "He was absent without leave from the time it wonld hare takea hiai to cany liiC diepatvh mentioned in Speci^cation Ist till he could have returccd to bis-comiiiiind.'' Verdict. — Of the 1st Srecification of charse — guilt v. " " 2d ' '^ " "^ ^ " ■ •* " charge " Scntencf. "The faid private Jno. &'. Blachiian, of Go. '"A,"' Green's regiment, Miiiouri ciivalry, to be reprimanded before his regiment on dress parade by the Colonel commanding the regiment." 14. Private Jno. E. Howard, of Co. "f".'" Young's battalion, .Missouri cavalrv, IV A. C. S. O'laTqe I. VioJation of 46lh article of war. Speci/ication. "In thip, that the said Jno. C. i/oz/arrf, of Co. "¥,'' Young's bat- talion, Missouri cavalry, did, at camp Ewing, on the '2Sth day of February, lB6:i, county 6f Van Euren, and state of Arkansas, after being regularly monnled as camn guard, leave his post without permission from any of his ofttcera and get another pn ■ vate soldier to take his place." Ckarqe J J. VioUtion of 5.3d article of war. Specijicatior.. "In this, that the said private Jno. C. Hoteard, of Co. "F," Young'.^ Missouri cavalry, did, on the 2S!,h day of February, lSfi3, at camp Ewicg, county of Van Buren, and state of Arkansas, make known the countersign to the tetilinel on post, for the purpose of passing the guard without permission." Ckaruri cavalry; private (In, Jno. S. Blackraan, Co. "A." Green's reginie-it, Missfiiri cavalry; pnviit,e iH) Jno. E. Howard, Co. "F,'' Young's bittalion, Mis^'^uri cava'rv; privates (15) Wm. C. Euilard, (I6j J. C. Bullard and (17 ~ Alexander Biges, of Cc. "K," Burbridge's regimett. Missouri cavalry, are approvoo. and the senisnces will be can-ied into execution under the direction of their respective brigade ^'immaccors 'Die proceedings in the court in th? case of oiptain (.5) J. H. Grort", of Co. "E," (ireen's regiment,, j\Iis.^o.'."; cavalry, are disapproved: one of the members havir^r been absent during the He^:^ion of , the court and aftervrards permitted to take part :o its proceedings. Capt.GroS" will be released from arrest and retiiraed to the com- ;jaB!'.d of his company. rite proceedings of the coart in the case of private (8) Ryal Clinton, of Co. ">I." I'J'Ji Illinois voluntt-ers, cavalry, U. S. A., are approved, and his acquittil ii^confirmao. JlJ. The general court martial of which Col. J.no. Q. BuRBRiOGr, Burbridge' , /■egitueiit, Missa!>ri cavalry, i.s President, is hereby dissolved. Uy commani: of Lieut. Gt-n- Holmes. S. S. ANDERSON. Asst. Ad'jt. Gen ^ HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS,^ Little Rock, Aek., April 23, 1863. f GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 13. \ I. \t a General Court Martial, convened at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, on the 29ih day of January, 1863, by virtue of Special Orders No. 5. paragraph IV, Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department, January 5th, 1863, and of which Col. Geo. Flodrncy. Flournoy's regiment of Texas Infantry is President, were arraigned and tried: 22. Private James M. Brown, Co.'D, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge — Desertion. Verdict — Guilty. Sentence. "The said Jaines M. Brown, Private Co. D, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, to be kept in close confinement during the war, to forfeit all pay, and at the close of the war, to receive a dishonorable discharge." 23. Private Newton Cook, Co. D, 11th regiment Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge — Desertion. Verdict — Guilty. Sentence. "Private Newton Cook, Co. D, 11th regiment, Texaa Infantry, to be shot to death with musketry, two-thirds of the court concurring therein." 24. Private Jasper Cook, Co. D, 11th regiment of Texas Infantry, P. A. C 3. Cfia rpc — Desert ion. Verdict — Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private Jasper Cook, Co. D, 11th regiment, Texaa Infantry, to be shot to death with musketry, two-thirds of the court concurring therein." 25. Henhv J. Ross, Private Co. H, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C S. Charge — Desertion. Ferdirf— Guilty. Sentence. " The said Private Henry J. Ross, Co. H, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, to be shot to death with musketry, two-thirds of the court concurring therein." 26. James S. May, Private Co. H, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge I — Desertion. Charge II — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Specification. "In this, that the said Private James S. May, Co. H, 11th Texas Infantry, on or about the 29th day of January, 1863, at or about Little Rock, Ark.in- pas, did procurfe to be forged, a false furlough, purporting to be signed by A- H. Johnson, his Captain; and approved by O, M. Roberts, his Colonel, and then and there having possession of the same, did use it for the purpose of going to his home in Texas." Verdict. Of the 1st charge — Guilty. " Specification of the 2d charge — Guilty. •' 2d charge, " Sentence. "The said James S. May, Private Co. H, 11th Texas Infantry, to per- form hard labor during the war, and at the expiration thereof, be dishonerably die- charged." * 27. Dempsey H. May, Private Co. H, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge I — Deset'tion. Charge //-^^Dnduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Spfci/ica^ionW' In this, that the said Dempsey H. May, Private Co. H, 11th regi- ment Texas ^'^^Jt^> on or about the 29th day of January, 1863, at or about Litile Rock, Arkansa^W procure to be forged a false furlough, purporting to be signed by A. H. JoA/^Ufhis captain, and approved by O. M. Roberts, his Colonel, and then and there mPIng possession of the same, did use it for the purpose of going to his home in Texas." Verdict. Of Istcharce — Guilty. " Specification of 2d chaJge — Guiltj. " 2d charge, " Sentence. -'The said Dempsey H. May, Private Co. H, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, to perform hard labor during the war, and at the expiratioa thereof, be dishonorably discharged." 28. J. P.'Bowkrs, 2d Lieut. Co. G. 13th regiment of Texas Cavalry, P. A. C S. Charge I — Desertion. Charge II — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Specification. " In this, that ihe said 2d Lieut. J. P. Bowirx, did forf^e, or procure to be (brged, a pa?s for himself and his brother, Private J. \V. Br "trs, of compauT G, 13th regiment Texas Cavalry, purporting to be signed by the comma dant of the convalescent camp, near Little Rock, Colonel O. M. Roberts, and W- M. Wells. adjutant, and when arrested, did exhibit the said pass, and attempt to deceive the officer, Lieul. of Captain Nunn^s Company of Cavalry, by pretending that it was a fenuine pass; this at or near the Saline river, Arkansas, ou or about the 4th day of 'ebruary, lb63." Virdict — Of 1st charge — Gailty. '• Specification of 2d charge — Guilty. " 2d charge, " Sentence. " The said J. P. Bowers, 2d Lieut. Co. G, I3th regiment Texas Cavalry, be shot to death with musketry, two-thirds of the court concurring therein." 29. T. W. Bowers, Private Co. G. 13th Texas Cavalry, P. A. C. S. Charge — Desertion. Vetdict — Guilty. Sentence. " The said private W. T. Bowers, Co. G, 13th regiment, Texas Cavalry, to be shot to death with musketry, two-thirds of the court concurring therein." .30. Alexander MoIver, Private C». E, Gould's Texas Battallion, P. A. C S. Charge — Desertion. Verdict — Not guilty ordesertion, but guilty of absence without leave. Sentence. " The said l\ivate Alexander Mclver, Co. E, Go.ld's Texas Battalion, to perform three months hard labor in charge of the guard, Sunday excepted." 31. Piivate William Tiget, Company F, 18th regiment Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S Charge — Desertion. » rerdic<— Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private Wm. Tiget, Co. F, I8th regiment, Texas Infantry, to be shot to death with musketry, two-thirds of the court concurring therein." 32. Private William Hooper, of Captain Nunn's Co. of Texas Cavalry, P. A- C. S. Charge — Neglect of duty. Specijication. *' \n this, that the said Private William i/9o;)fr, of Captain NunnV Independent Cavalry, being a member of a guaitl, who were escorting several priso- ners to Pine Blutf, did allow one of ihem, a deserter from Colonel Carter's regiment of Texas Cavalry, named Whiie, to escape from the guard, without making any effort to prevent it, although the said Hooper was near enough to have prevented the escape; this near Pine Blufl[\ Arkan.sas, on or about the 10th day of February, 1863." Verdict — Of theiSpecification — Not Guilty. " charge, " " And the court do therefore acquit him." 33. Private W. A Holt, Co. G, Clarke's regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C S. Charge — Absence without leave. Sped ficai ion. " In this, that the said Private W. A- Holt, Co. G, Clarke's regi- ment, Texas Infantry, did, on or about the 12th day of December, 18G2, absent himself from his company and regiment without authority, and remained absent until on or about the 25th day of February, 1863." Verdict — Of the Specification of charge — Guilty. " charge, " "But the court attach no criminality thereto, and the court do therefore acquit him." 34. Private John Williams, Co. A, Clarke's regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. G. S. Charge — Positive and wilfut disobedience of orders. Specification. " In this, that the said John Williams, Private Co. A^^irke's regi- ment of Texas Infantry, did, on or about the 28th day of Jauiiary^^fc63, at camp near Pine Bluff, Arkansas, positively refuse and wholly fail to att^^^uster, wheii ordered by the Lieutenant commanding said company, to so attenM^ Verdict — Of the Specification of charge — Guilt V;^ except the T^ "positively refused." U^ " charge, " Sentence. '• The said Private John Williams, Co. A, Clarke's regiment of Texas lufantry, to perform sixty days hard labor in charge of the guard, with a twenty-four pound ball and chain firmly attached to his left ankle, by means of a strong shackle." .'35. Private Marti.v V. New, Co. A, Flournov's regiment of Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Spedjicaiion. " In this, tliat the said Martin V. New, Private Co. A, Floumoy's regiment, Texas Infantry, did, on or about the 28ih day of November, 1862, at camp Biyou Metre, near Brownsville, Arkansas, without cause or provocation, violently liijiAult one John W. Humpkriea, a. Private in said company A, with a gun, knife and bludgeon, and did severely beat, cut and otherwise wound and ill-treat the said Humphries, with the said gun, knife and bludgeon." Verdict — Of the Specification of charge — Guilty, except the words "without provo- cation," "severely," and "bludgeon." Of the charge. -Guilty. Sentence. " The said Martin V. New, Private Co. A, Floumoy's regiment of Texa? Iiilantry, to perform thirty dayshird labor in charge of theguard, Sundays excepted." .'16. Private Lawrence King, Edgar's Battery, Light Artillery, P. A. C. S. Charcfe — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline," Speci/icalion. " In this, that Private Lawrence Kiv(j, of Edgar's Battery, did, on or al^out the 29th day of December, 1862, charge and accuse/>t. N. R. Going, of Bdgar's Battery, and A. A. Q. M., with bavins received money to pay oft' the cora- p.iny for four or six months, and that he, Lieut. Going, did fail to make said pay- ment, but paid the company two months pay while at Camp Nelson, near Austin, .Arkansas, and retained the balance of four or six months' pay, to be used by him, Lieutenant Going, in liis private speculation." Verdict — Of the Specification of charge — Guilty. Of the charce — Guilty. Sentence. " The said Private Lawrence King, of Edgar's Texas Battery, to per- form two months hard labor in charge of the guard." 37. Private L. L. IIardema-^, of Co. E, 12th regiment, Texas Dragoons, P. A. C. S. Charge I — Disobedience of orders. Specijicatiun. " That the said Private L. L. Hardeman, of said Co. E, did wilfully itid peremptorily relusc to go out on a scout when legally detailed by the Orderly •'iergcant, A. B- Griffin, of Co. E, 12th Texas Dragoons, so to do; this in the county »f .Tefferson, and State of Arkansas, on or about the 4th day of March, 1863," Charge II — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Sptcljication. "That he, the said Private L- L. Hardeman, of Co. E, 12rh Texas J'^agoon-i, did use contemptuous and disrespectful language to the Acting Surgeon, .>f. J. Bijrdiong, as follows: That the siid Surgeon had examined him, said Ilardt- via7i, and had reported him able to go on scout, when he, the siid Surgeon, well knew tliat ho, the said Hardeman, was not able to go on the scout, and that the said Sur- i^eon did so bei.ause he had a grudge against him, Hardeman, or words to that efiect; ;»11 t'ais on or about the 4th day of March, 1863, in tng county of Jefferson, and State '>f Arkansas." Verdict — Of the Specification of the let charge — Guilty. Of 1st charge — Guilty. Of Specification of 2d charge — Guilty. Of 2d charge — Guilty. Sentence. " The said L. L. Hardeman, of Co. E, 12th Texas Dragoons, to wear a IS pound ball and chain for sixty days, in charge of the guard, the chain to be firmlj fixed to his leg by an iron shackle." .S8. Private B. J. Day, of Co. C, 19th regiment, Texaa Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge. Desertion. Verdict. Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private B. J. D(ty,o{ Co. C, I9th regiment, Texas Infantry, to wear a six (6) pound ball and chain attached to his leg dunng the war." .39. Private Joseph Craver, Co. C, I9th Texas regiment infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge. Desertion. Verdict — Not Guilty of the charge, but guilty of absence without leavo. Sentence. " The said Private Joseph Craver, Co. C, 19th regiment Texas Infantry, to'wear a twelve pound ball attached to his leg by means of a chain 6 feet long, for 3 mouths " 40. Private Jerome Dale, of Co. F, 18th regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C S. Charge I — Desertion. Charge II — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Specification. " In this, that the said Private Jerome Dale, of the company and I eglment aforesaid, did have in his poBsession a furlough, the original vf which ia hereunto attached, marked "A," the same being a forgery committed either by the »aid Dale, or with his consent, for the purpose of eluding and deceiving the authori- ties of the Confederate States; this at Little Rock, on or about the 5th day of Janu arv, 1863." Verdict — Of the 1st charge — Not guilty, but guilty of absence without leave. " Specification of 2d charge — Guilty. " 2d charge, •' Senteuce. "The said Private Jerome Dale, Co. F, 18th regiment, Texas Infantrj, t> perform hard labor in charge of the guard, with a twelve (12) pound ball and chain attached to his leg, for the period of three mouths." 41. Private Columdus Spidell, Co. A, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Specification /• " In this, that Columbus Sjiidell, Private in Co. A, 11th Texas Infantry, di^i, on or about the night of the 2d February, 1863, feloniously take from and steal from Capt. J. M- Douglas, Act. A. C. S., 2d Brigade, a quantity of salt, the said salt being the property of the Confederate States, and in the possession of Capt. Douglas, A. A. C. S." Specilication II. "That the said Columbus Spidell, did attempt to steal from Capt. Douglas, a quantity ^f salt of about si.K pounds, on or about the night of the 2d of February, 1h63, the said saltbeing the property of the Confederate States, and in the p>tjses3ion of Capt. Douglas, Act. A. C. S., for the 2d Brigade." Verdict — Of the 1st specification of charge — Not guiltv. „ 2d " charge, " '• Andthe court do therefore acquit him." 42. Private John Bennett Co. A, Gould's Battallion, P. A. C. S Charge — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline! • Specification. " In this, that the said John Bennett, Private in Company A, Gould's Kattallion, did, on or about the night of the 6th of February, 1863, feloniously take a:id steal from Capt. J. M. Douglas, A. A. C. S., 2d Brignde, a quantity of sugar, »:r.ounting, it is supposed, to 100 pounds, and of the value of $20 00; the said sugar tiieu and there beiug in the possession of Capt. Douglas, and the property of the Confederate States; all this at the camp near Pine Bluff, Arkansas." Verdict — Of the Specification of the charge — Not guilty. " charge, " " 'The court do therefore acquit him." 4^3. Sergeant Clemans Schraot, Haldeman's Battery, Light Artillery, P. A. C. S. Charge I — Desertion. Charge II — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Specification. "In this, that Sergeant Clemans Schraot, of Halderman's Battery, Light Artillery, p. A. C. S., did steal a Colt's revolver from the company, which ii;volver was and is the property of the Confederate Stiitcs; this at camp near Pine Bluff, Arkansas, on or about the 28th day of January, 1863." Verdict — Of the Ist charge — Guilty. " Specifications of the 2d charge — Guilty. " 2d charge— Guilty. Sentence. "The said Sergeant Clemans Schraot, of Haldeman's Battery, Light Artillery, to be reduced to the ranks, to wear a twelve (12) pound ball and chain attached to his leg during the war, and to be kept at hard labor in charge of tho guard during the same period, to forfeit all pay and allowances that are or may become due him, except the neces.-ary clothing, and at the expiration of the war, to have his head shaved and drummed out of service." 44. Private Charles Schmitz, of Haldeman's Battery, Light Artillery, P. A. C. S. Charge — Desertion. Verdict — Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private Charles Schmitz, of Haldeman's Battery, Light Artil- lery, to perform six (6) months' hard labor in charge of the guard, with a twelve (12) pound ball attached to his right leg, by a chain six feet long, and forfeit all pay during that period." 45. Private Ernst Wiogkrs, of Haldeman's Battery, Light Artillery, P. A. C. S. Charge — Desertion. Verdict — Guilty. " The court beliering that the accused waa subject to mental aberration, do there- fore acquit him." 5 -16. Pdyate Herman Shitltzk, Captain Haldeman'j. Battcrv, Liglit Artillery, P. A . C. S. Chartje — Descrtioa . Verdict— Gallty. SiTiter.ce. "The said Piivitte Hfrmaa Shidtzc, of Haldeman's Battery, Light Artil- lery, to »:ne period, except the necessary clothing." 47. Private Christian Geist. of Haldeman'3 Battery. Light Artillery, P. A. C. S. < 'hargf — Desertion . Vtrdict — Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private Christian Geist, of IIaldeman'3 Batteij, Light Artil- h'ry, to perform two (2) months' hard labor in charge of the guard, and to forfeit all pay and allowances, except the necessary clothing." 48. Private Frederick Tfkmi.er, of Haldeman's B.atterv, Light Artillery, P. A. C. .<. Charge — Desertion Vtrdict — Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private Frederick Thuniler, Haldeman's Battery, Light Artii- I'.TT, to perform twelve (12) months' hird labor in charge of the guard, with a twelve U2) pound ball attached to hi? right leg by means of a chain six feet long, and to forfeit six months' pay." 4!). Private William Schoiz. of Haldeman's Battery, Light Artillery, P. A. C. S!. Charge — Desertion. Verdict — Guilty. Sentence. "The siid Private William SclioJz, of Haldem:in'5. Private \V. G. DonsoN, Co. A, lOtb regiment Texas Infantry, P. A. C S. Charge — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. S};cci/ication. "In this, that Private W. G. Dodson, of Co. A, lOth regiment, ■I>exa3 Infantry, did feloniously take from the quarters occupied by Lieut. E. Burch. of Co. H, lOth regiment, Texas Infantry, on or about the 13th day of March, 1863, a:i artny size Colt's revolver, the property of the said Lieut. E. Burch, and did keep said pistol until comnellcd to give it up, on or about the 15th of March, Uj63; al; thi.s in Pine Bluff", Arkanaae." Verdict — Of the Specification?' of the charge— Guilty. " charge, " S'ntence. "The said Private U'. G. Dodson, of Co. A, 10th regiment, Texa.^ h\fAntry, to perform six (6) months' hard labor in charge of the guard, with a twelve (12) pound ball attached to his leg, by means of a chain six (6) feet long, and tc forfeit two months' pay." ;'j1. Private Nicholas C. White, of. Haldeman's Battcrr, Light Artillery, P. A C. S. Charge — Drawing a weapon against bis superior officer on duty. Specification. "In this, tha.t Private Nicholas C. White, of Haldeman's Batterv, Light Artillery, P. A. C. S., did draw a pistol and shoot his superior oflScer, Charles P- Rowley, Ist Serjeant of H.aldeman's Battery, Light Artillery, with intent to kiil, while said Sergeant Charles P. Rowley was in the execution of his office; all this in Little Rock, Ark insis, on or about the ITUh day of December, 1862." Verdict — Of the specifications of charge — Guilty of all except that part stating '• Ahile said oergeant C. W. Rowley was in the execution of his office." Of the charge — Guilty, except the words "on duty," and attach no criminality thereto, "and the court do therefore acquit him." 52. Lieut. Col. Robt. H. Graham, I9th regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge I — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Specification I. In this, that Lieut. Col. Robert H- Graham, of said regiment did absent hioiself from camp without leave, at camp Biyou JVIei;re, Prairie county, Arkansas, on or about the 27th day of November, 1862, and remain absent aolii caused to return by order of arrest from Brig. Gen. McGulloch, notice whereof he, the said GraAam, received through Lieut. WiUett, of Col. Flournoy's regiment, Texas Volunteers Inlantry, on or about the 2d day of March, 1863." Specific ition II. "In this, that he, the said Lieut. Col. Robert H. Graham, did abandon his regiment in camp Bayou Metre, Prairie county, Arkansas, on or about the 97th day ot November, 1862, thus setting an example of desertion, prejudicial 6 to the interest of the service of the Confederate States, in which he was then engaged a s a sworn officer. Charge II — Absence without leave. i^peeiicathn. "In this, thai he, the said Lieut. Col. Robert H. Grahavi, did absent liimselt', without leave, at camp Bayou Metre, Prairie county, Ark.iueas, on or aboui the 27th day of Novemijer, 1S6"2, and did not return until about the 'ifst day of March, 1863." Vtrdict — Of Ist Specification of 1st charge — Guilty. " 2d " •* 1st charge — Not guilty. " let charge Guilty "The Judge Advocate being of the opinion that there is no Article of War npon which to base the 2d charge, the same was abandoned and no vote taken upon it by the court." Hentence. "The said Lieut. Col. Roht. H. Graham, I9th regiment, Texas Infantry, to be suspended from his command lor the period of twelve months, and forfeit all pay for same length of time " .■3.3. Private W. L. H. Blackbuiw, Co. 1, 28th regiment, Texas dismounted Cav., P. A. C. S. Charge I — Desertion. Charge II. "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline." Specijicatio . "In this, that he, Private W. L. H. Bi'/c^-6urn,' Co. I, 2Hth Texas '/-avalry (dismounted,) did aid and abtt in stealing six government mules and guns from Col. Burnett's regiment, and that he did persuade and use liia influence, in get- ting others to do the same. All this on or about the 25th day of January, 1863, at camp, near Pine Bluff, Arkansas." Verdict — Of 1st charge — Guilty. Of the Specification to 2d charge — Guilty. " 2n dcharge " ii'.ntence. "The said Private W. L. H Blackburn, Co. I, 28th regiment, Texaa dismounted Cavahy, to v/car a twelve pound ball attached to his right leg with a six feet chain, to do hard labor during the war, and to be dishonorably discharged at the close of the same." r)4. Private M. C. Trammell, Co K, Waterhouse's regiment, Texas Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge — Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Specijication. "That M. C. Trammell, a Private of Co. K, 19th Texas Infantrv, on or about the Ist day of March, l8G3, did steal from Mnjor W. G. King. Q. M. C. H. A., a saddle of the value of twenty dollars, which was and is the property of the Con- I'cderate States. All of which, at camp near Pine Biulf, Arkansas." \ erdict — Of the Specification — Guilty. " " cliarge " Sentence. "The said M. C. Trammell, Private Co. K. Waterhouse's regiment Texas Infantry, to sixty days in charge of the guard to carry a thirty pound log for thirty •lays (eight hours every day) in front of the guard quarters, and to wear a board on his back with the brand "tidi-j" in large capital letters, the remaining thirty days to be kept at hard labor, and forfeit one month's pay." II. The proceedings of the court in the cases of Privates (22) iames M. Brown, Co ]), (27) Dvmpsvij H. May, Co. H, Uth regiment, Texas Infantry, (30) Alexander Me bter, Co. E, Gould's Texas Bafalion, (34) iohn Williams, Co. A, Clark's regiment, Texas Infantry, (35) Martin V. New, Co. A, Flournoy's regiment, 'Texas Infantry (37) L. L. Hardeman, Co. E, I2th regiment, Tex.as Dragoons, {39) Joseph Graver, Co C, 19th reg't, Texas luf y, Scrg't (43) Clemans Schraot, Privates (44) Charles Schullz (46) Herman Schulze (48) Frederick Thunder (49) William Scholz, Haldeman's Bat tery, Liglit Artillery, and (53) W. L. H. Blackburn, Co. I, 2C)th regiment, Texas Dismounted Cavalry, are approved} and the sentences will be carried into execution under the proper direction. The proceedings of the court in the case of Private (23) Newton Cook Co. D, 11th legiment, Texas Infantry, arc confirmed, though the court erred in not permitting the prisoner to prove by the Captain of hiti Company, his previous character, as a soldier; and in consequence of which error, and the long continued illness of the prisoner pre- vious to his desertion, the SHUteuce is remitted. Private N. Cook will be released from arrest and returned to dut>. The proceedings of the court in the case of Private (24) Jasper Cook, Co. D, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, are approved. The sentence will be carried into execn- tion under the direction of Major Geueral Walker, at such time and place as he may determine. The proceedings of the court in the cases of Privates (25) Henry J. /Jojy, and (26) JamesS. May, Co. H, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry, are approved. On account of the previous good character and long continued illness of the same, their sen- tences are remitted. They will be released i'rom imprisonment and returned to duty. The proceedings of the court in the case of 2d Lieut. (28) J. P. Bowers, Co. G, 13th regiment, Texas Cavalry, are co.ifirmed. The sentence is commuted to dismio- .=al from the Confederate service as an officer, and assignment to duty as a private sol- dier. Lieut. Bowers ceases to be an officer in the C. S. Army from this date, and will be borne on the rolls of his company as a Private. The proceedings of the court in the case of Private (29) S. W. Bowers, Co. G, 13th regiment, Texas Cavalry, are approved, though he evidently acted under the direction of his brother, an officer of his company, and as there seems, from this and other caseS: to have been a great looseness in the system of responsibility at the said camp, the sentence is remitted. Private Bowers will be released from arrest and returned to duty. ItSThe proceedings of the court in the case of Private (31) William Tiget, Co. F, 18th regiment, Texas Infantry, are approved. On account of his long illness, and his enfeebled condition at the time of his desertion, the sentence is remitted. Private Tiget will be released from confinement and returned to duty. The proceedings of the court in the cases of Privates (.32) William Hoop'-r, Nunn's company, Texas Cavalry; (33) W. A. Holt, Co. G, Clark's regiment, Texas Infantry; (41) Columbus ^pidcll, Co. A, 11th regiment, Texas Infantry; (42) John Benmit, Co. A. Gould's Texas Battalion; (45) Ernst Wiggeri, and (51) Nicholas White, Halde- man's Battery, Light Artillery, are approved. They will be released from confine- ment and returned to duly. The proceedings of the court in the cases of Private (36) Lavarence King, Edgar'n Battery, Light Artilleiy, and (40) Jerome Dale, Co. F, I8th regiment, Texas InAtntry, are approved. In consequence of the previous good character and long confinement of the prisoners, the sentences are remitted. They will be restored to duty. The proceedings of the court in the case of Private (^38) B. J. Day, Co. C, 19th Texas Infantry, are approved. The sentence is remitted on the recommendation of a majority of the members of his command. Private Day will be released from arrest and restored to duty. The proceedings of the court in the case of Private (47) CAri«?tan Otist,YiMe- man's Battery, Light Artillery, arc approved. In consequence of his youth the sen- tence is remitted, tie will be released from confinement and returned to duty. The proceedings of the court in the case of Private (50) W. J. Dodson, Co. A, lltli legimcnt, Texas Infantry, are approved. Four months of the confinement with thf bail and chain, are remitted. The sentence will be carried out undor the proper direction. The proceedings of the court in the case of Lieut. Col. (52) Robert H. Graham, 19th regiment, Texas Infantry, are confirmed; though the court erred in throwing out the charge of '•ab.-ence without leave," which was perfectly legitimate. The proceedings of the court in the case of Private (54) M. C. Trammdl, Co. K, Waterhouse's regiment, Texas Infantry, are approved, and the sentence will be exe- cuted, except so much as relates to his carrying a log and thirty days hard labor, which is remitted. IPIII. The General Court Martial, of which Col. Geo. Flouknov's Flournoy's regi- ment, Texas Infantry, is Pre.-ident, is hereby dissolved. Bj' command of Lieut. Gen. Hoims. S. S. ANDERSON, Asst. Ad'jt. Gen HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS, ) Little Rock, June 8, 1863. ) GENERAL ORDERS, ) No. 25. . [ In order that all Hides taken from Beeves slaughtered for this Army in the field or elsewhere, may be saved, the following order will he strictly obeyed: I. It will be the duty of officers of the Commissary Department, under whose immediate orders beeves are slaughtered for issue, to secure and dry all the Hides, and when dry, to sell them to the Quartermas- ter's Department, in accordance with Par. Ill, Gen. Orders No. 34, A. & I. G. O., current series. II. Officers of the Quartermaster's Department will purchase from officers of the Subsistence Department all the dry Hides they may have fo^.'sale, as they accrue, and see, that thsy are without delay delivered to the nearest Depot Quartermaster, who will receipt for and hold the Hides subject to the order of the Purchasing Quartermaster of the District. III. Commanding officers will verify the returns of the Commissaries of their respective commands, as well as those of their j Quaitermaster.-;, to see that all the Hides taken from beeves slaughtered are properly ac- counted for. By command of Lt. General Holmes. W. B. BLAIR, Ad'ff. Asst. AdJ't. Gcn'l. HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OP ARKANSAS,); ' Little Rock, Jxino 13, 1£63.|" GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 26. i Major G. H. Hill, P. A. C. S., is relieved from duty as Act'g. Inspector General, District pf Arkansas, and is announced as Chief of Ordnance in this District. By command of Lt. General Holmes. W. B. BLAIR, AcVg. Asst. Adft. Gcu'l. I t HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS, ) Little Rock, June 14, 18G3. j GENEHAL ORDERS, ) No. 27. \ I. Before a General Court M-irti-.l r.is.ieiiiMeil nt D.iyV- Blnff, Aikansas, in acccird- ance witli Special Oniers No. <14. Ilpmliiuiirteis District of Arkinisaj!, Little Rock, M;iy 4, l?r>:^. aii'l of wliicli Col. CiiAui.Ks S. IMirrmi/.L, Mitciiell'^ Regiuieui Mo. Infantry, F. A. C. S. is Fresiilent, were aiiaicncd an i tiird; 1. 5th Sergeant Joseph Scott, Co. "A," Mitchell's Ue^imeut, Missouri InHxntrv, P. A.C. S Chnrcj' I. Disobedience of onJer.^. Specification. "In this, that Sort.'e:int Josf;>/i Scnlt, of Co. ".A," Mitchell's Ropi- ment, Missouri Infantry, Vols., 1st Bri^'aile, Walker's Division, Trans-Miss. Ainiv, (lid, on tlie 20th (lav of April, A. D. 1803, at the fortifications known as Fort Plea-i- ants, in tlie State of Arkansas, refuse to obey the ordf rs of Lt. Col. J. W. Sinizer, of said Reiffiinent, Brigade, Division and Armv, to- wit: the said Sergcat Scott heini or- dered by Lt.CoI. Smi7AM', the Lt. Col. of Mitchell's Repinient, and of which s^aid Scott was a member, to perform certain duty, the saiiing Bureau, Trans-Miss. Dept., of all the charges and spoci Ideations made against him. III. The proceedings of the Court of Enquiry, in the case of Major W. H. Haynes, Qr. Mr. P. A. C. S,, are approved. IV. The above named Court of Enquiry, in the case of Major W. H. Haynes, Qr. Mr., P. A. C. S., is hereby dissolved. By command of Lt. General Holmes. W. B. BLAIR, Ad'^. Asst. Adj't. Oen'l. HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS. [ Little Rock, June IG, 1863. ^ GENERAL ORDERS. ) No. 29. f I. Before the Militarv Court appointed by the President, to attend Lieut. Gen. Holmes' corps (under act of Oct. 9, iBfii, proridinK fur the appointment of Military Courts to attend the Army), and of which Col. Trlsten Polk is Presiding Judge, were arraifrned and tried: » * « * • » * 2R. Jr. 2d Lt. H. G. Coleman, Co. "H," King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, P. A. C.S. Charqf. Absence without leave. Specification. "In this, that the said Lieut. H. G. Coleman, Co. "H," King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, P. A. C. S.,on or aljout the iSth of April, 18G3, at camp near Little Rock, did absent himself from his command without leave from his commanding of- ficer, and remained absent until brought back under arrest on the day aforesaid." Verdict. Of specification to charge — Guilty. " charge — Guilty. Sentence. "The said Lieut. H. G. Coleman, Co. "H," King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, to be reprimanded before his Regiment at dress parade, by the Colonel commanding his Regiment, and to be reduced to the ranks." 29. John Mourns, a citizen of Missouri. Charge I. Spv. Specification. "In this, that on the return of Dr. A. M. Ileadlcy from Cane Hill on or about the 7th day of January, 1863, he fDr. Headley) met the said Morris on the Cove-Creek road, thirty-three mile above Van Buren, and that the said Monis mis- taking the said Dr. Headley for a Federal, acknowledged to him, that he was on his way to Blount's Headquarters with information from the tfnion men of Fort Smith to the" effect, that the Union men of Fort Smith were much diiappointed, the U.S. forces did not take possession of Fort Smith, when they made the raid on Van Buren, and that the said Union men of Fort Smith hoped, the Federals would now come and tako possession; and that he was deputized to take the invitation to them. And further, that he had headecci/(ca/w«. "In this, that the said J, J. McAnally, of Company and Battalion aforesaid, while on duty as a guard over public property, on or about the 8th day of May, 1863, at camp Anderson, Ark., did steal, take and carry away, a large quaptity of fixed cartridges and other ammunition belonging to the Confederate States, with the felonious intent to convert the same to his own use." Verdict. Of 1st specification 1st charge— Not guilty, ii 2d " " " " " " 1st charge " " " specification 2d charge " " " 2d charge " " "And the Court do therefore acquit hira." 26. Private R. Bklt, Co. "I," Brooks' Reg. Ark. Infantry, P. A. C S. Charge. Desertion. Verdict. Guiltv. Sentence. "The said Private iJ. Belt, Co. "I," Brooks' Reg. Ark. Infantry, to have the hair shaved off one half of his head, and to be dismissed from the service, as he is permanently disabled." 37. Private J. H. Nichols, Co. "I," Brooks' Reg. Ark. Infantry, P. A. C. S. CJtarge. Desertion. Verdict. Guiltv. Sentence. "The said Private J. /f. JVicM«, Co. "I," Brooks' Reg. Ark. Infantry, to perform six month's hanl labor on fortification, or such other hard labor as the pro- per commanding officer shall direct." 38. Private Reddin Barnes, Co. "K," King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge. Desertion. Verdict. Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private Reddin Barnes, Co. "K," King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, to perform five (5) month's hard labor on fortifications, or such other hard labor as the proper commanding officer may direct." 39. Private Daniel R. Yates, Co. "F," Hawthorne's Reg. Reg. Ark. Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge. Desertion. Verdict. Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private Z?anteZ i?. Yates, Co. "F," Hawthorne's Reg. Ark. Infantry, to have the hair shaved off one half of his head, to be paraded through camp once with a board across his breast, with the words Deserter in large letters on it, and to wear this board across his breast, until he is capable of performing duty." 41 . Private John McCoy, Co. "K," King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, P. A. C. S. Charge. Desertion. Verdict. Guilty. Sentence. "The said Private John MoCoy, Co. "K" King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, to have the hair shaved off one half of his head, and to perform bard labor on fortifica- tions or such other hard labor, as the proper commanding officer may direct, for the period of six (6) months." II. The proceedings of the Court in the case of (28) Jr. 2d Lt. H. G. Coleman, Co "H," King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, are approved, and Lt. Coleman ceases to be an of- ficer of C. S. Provisional Army from this date. He will be taken up on his Company Rolls as a private soldier. The proceedings of the Court in the case of (29) JoAn Morris, a citizen of Mis- souri, are approved. He will be released from confinement. The finding and sentence of the Court in the case of (30) Private ^ntircjo H. Pane, Co. "D," Glenn's Reg. Ark. Infantry, are disapproved. The evidence clearly estab- lished the desertion. The prisoner will be released and returned to duty. The proceedings of the Court in the cases of Privates (31 ) M. H. Hodqes, (32) J. H. Carver, Co. "B," (36) R. Belt, (37) J. H. Nichols, Co. "I," Brooks' Reg., (38) Reddin Barnes, and (41) John McCoy, Co. "K," King's Reg. Ark. Infantry, are ap- proved. The sentences will be carried into execution under the proper direction. The proceedings of the Court in the case of (33) Private Daniel Phelps, of Block- er's Ark. Battery, are approved. The confinement at hard labor — except two (2) months — is remitted. The proceedings of the Court in the case of (34) Corporal Wm. Fallis, Co. "D," Hart's Reg. Ark. Infantry, are confirmed. The Sergeant not being on trial, the Court should not have mentioned his conduct in the sentence. The proceedings of the Court in the case of (35) Private J. J. McAnally, Co. "B," Pindnll's Battalion, Sharpshooters, are approved. He will be released and returned to duty. The proceedings of the Court in the case of (39) Private Danitl R. Yates, Co. "F," Hawthorne's Reg. Ark. Infantry ,|are confirmed — so much of the sentence, as requires the prisoner to wear a board on his breast, until he is able for duty, is remitted. By command of Lieut. Gen. Holmes. W. B. BLAIR, Act. Asst. Adj't. Gen'l. ^ jJ:^^ >• >j>i;.^-^i».si v^ ■«1 r HEA.DQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS.) Little Rock, 1st Aug., 1863. f G; NIGRAL ORDERS J .No. 36. \ Tlie increased corapcnsation allowed to men employed on detached or dcMiled service within this District will be paid only to clerks ami modianics, and in special cases to other detailed men, upon the recom- la-^iiclation of the officer in charge of them, with the approval of the Cuinmandinc: General. C.-noral Orders No. 36, current serie."?, from these Headquarters, will Ij: vonvtiued in accordance herewith. By order of Maj. Gen. Price. W. B. BLAIR, Act'ff. Asst. AdJ't. Gen'l. HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKAN?5Af^ ) LiTTLB Rock, July 24, IbCi;! J GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 85. f In consequence of tho illness of Lt. General ITolmeB, and st h'a request, tho undersigned this day assunies command of the troops iu iha District of Aikansas. The Headquarters will continue at Little Rock. STERLING PRICE, Maj. Gen'l. Commandtvg. ^^ ifll I HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAf^^ 1 Little Rock, .July 15, Ibtj: I GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 34. f In accordance with the act of Congress, apf.rov.'d Mny 1st, 1S63, «nd the regulations for carrying it into effert, pnblisbed in Geneal Order«, No. 75, A. & I. G. O., June 4, 1863, «)ffi<^pi« of the n.iflf departments serving without troops at the depots and stations in thia District, will pay to extra duty men, properly detailed in orders frrm these Headquarters, the per diem of three dollars, (S3) for snch tim - as they may have served on such extra duty, between the 1st day of J^n- oary, 1863, and the Slst day of December. 1863, on rolls properly ^ rc- pared, deducting from the whole amount of the pay heretofoie dup, t^e value of the clothing, rations, extra duty pay, and other allowanoos (except pay proper) they may have received during the time. Commanding officers of armies in the field will carry out the prov's* ions of the order cited above, for the men employed on extra dufy 'n their respective armies. By command of Lt. General Holmes. W. B. BLAIR, Acl'ff. Asst. ArfjH. Oen'I. "^ HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS, [ Little Rock, June 20, 1868. J GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 30. \ I. Major Geo. A. Gallagher, Aset. Adj't Gen'I, is announced as a member of the Staff of the Lieut. General commanding. II. All trading with the enemy within the limits of this command is pro- hibited, except under authority of permits granted from Department or District Headquarters. Persons found violating this order will be arrested; their goods seized, and both, persons and property, sent under guard to the C. 8. Attorney for the District of Arkansas, at Little Rock, together with the witnesses and other evidences to the matter. By command of Lt. General Holmes. W. B. BLAIR, Act'ff. Asst. Adft. Gen'I. no. . HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS, ) Little Rock, April 28, 1863.J" GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 15. j' I. All employees of the Quartermaster anrl Subsistence Depart- ments in the District of Arkansas, subject to the operation of the Con- script Law — with the exception of the princijml or co7}fdenUal clerk in the employ of an officer of sai'l Departments, vtitb snob commands and at such posts, depots, etc., as" may be designated by the Chiefs of those respective Departments; will be enrolled, assigned to companies, and then regularly detailed for their present duties. i II. Enrolling Officers will at once proceed to carry out the above, and will make complete Descriptive Rolls, in duplicate, of the persocs so enrolled, and forward one to the Assistant Adjutant General ot the District, through the Commandant of Conscri]its, the oilier to be left with the officer in wbo.se employment the enrolled person is. Persons thus enrolled will be assigned to such companies and regiments within the District, as they may elect, and the fact of election will be stated on the Descriptive Roll. By command of Lt. General Holmes. S. S. ANDERSON, Asst. AdJ't Gca. #5 HEADQUARTERS. DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS. \ Little Rock, August 18, 1^63. ) GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 30. J I. Cart. Jno. W. Hinsdat.e, A. A. G., is assigned to duty as Acting Inspector General of the District of Ark^in^as. n/capt. Samuel H. BacK, A. A. G., having r-^porte.l to tl.e M»j. Gen. ComMg. iu compliance with Special Orders, No. 167, A. & I. i>. Q., current aeries, is assigned to duty at these Iloadquariers. By command of Maj. Gen. Price, THOMAS L. SNEAD. A. A. Gen'h Hollinger Corp. pH8.5