DUKE UNIVERSITY DIVINITY SCHOOL LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/lyradavidicaorcoOOIond LYRA D AVID ICA: A Colledion of Divine SONGS and HYMNS, 5::^X-'A^ a r,t l y ^^,...^, .New Compofcd, partly Tranflatcd ' from the Hi^i-Qerrnm^ and L:itin HYMNS : And fet to eafy and pleafant Tuues, for more "General 13 fe. ''\'V -' TheMufick EngravM on Copper Plates. ^ /p. XXIV. XVI,. XIV, XV. lErorn the {^ly^^ili of the Earth rrehive he^^ird %o?igs : ,v' kven Glory to the Rightecus. They Jl;a!i Sing for ' V the M^jefi-y of the Lord j they fluU Ciy aloud from the 5^^. . yyherefoie Glorify ye the Lord in the Jflescf the Sea, ^ L N'D: ON, Printed for J'.Walfli, Servant to Her Majefty, at the Hary and Hchcy in Katherine-Street^ near Scmcrfct- Houfe in xYvtStrrjid: And J. Hare^ Inftrument- makcr, at the Golden Viol and P.ace in Comhill near the Koyd^Exchmie : And P. K^ndjlj at the Violin L find Lute by Tiiids'grays Courts \Yitho\it ror.^l?^ £r>r, T'70§. \ -J \ r»«WP— WCTgWIg— »!■ I I. II 1 II U ' ^ l .l>^ *'«P"*T»g**W To u.^ vVorihy and Eftcem'd J^^.^ Mr miLUM "PATEKSEN: As Approvd of Skill In the Great or P(?//V/<:.^^ Harmon)^ j ^ Like the r/^.^.'r;; ArtilT, Who Received h.s Lute from Mercnrjy \ By the Mufick' of Eloc[uence^ and Powerful V Perfwafive, Charming the Infenfible^ 'As Stones, into Regularity and V N ITX\ yy This Concert of D/'77/> Harmonyy , ^, ^ - As a Birth of Kjr?^ j( '^^^ d under the fame Conftellation ^^ V iL.i that more General Concent, In which He has Performed fo Exquifitea P*tA/ : - ^ And as Acknowledgment of Favour From HIM, and J/75j^ With their Benign Influences on Its Formation and Produ£l j Is Humbly J N S C R I B'D . A 2 The J > I 8 0C60 The rREFACR j\ S there has been of Lite Tears a great 'Revival of the ■jLa Genius of Aiufick in General^ and great Improve^ merits of it in Divine Vfe\ fuch Numbers taught to Sm^ '^ in the CoufHry^ and in the Education of Childr/:n^ both a Care irt their Governors^ and a Fropenfity in theinfelves for the Exercife of Singing to the Traife of God : Jt has been thought fomewhat Ntw in this kind^ that might be . .^fuited to all Capacities ; and of a little freer Air than the gra,ve Movernc?it of the Ffalm Tunesy might be both fea^ . fonahle and acceptable j th. re being little or nothing ad^ njancd of this Nature am^ngiisy but what is quite thro fet to Mufick-y and fo of lef J General Vfe* * - It is Obfrvable, that in Germany, rvlere they have fuch abundance of Divine So72gs and^ Hymns^ fet tojjjort and pleafant Tunes ^ and of more Airy Aiovemtnt \ the Vea^ [ant at his Plow^ the Servants at their Lchovr^ the Cr/iU dren in the Street ; and generally Perfcns both at their Jmploy^ and in. their Diver fin} ^ rnake ufe of theje for ths Exprejfion of their Mirth j and have no fi:ch Cnflome as < we unhappily labour undcr^ of Ballads and Profane Songs ^ Tvhich tend fo much to Vitiate the Mnds of thel^curger fort'^ and Entertain the wicked Inclinations of others. And ■ as it is found they generally haze the Start of us both in 'Religion and Reformation^ foifin this Point alfo we could .follow them J it might be the Tr an fpl anting a Flower into J "our Solly that would yield a grateful Savour both to God ' and Man. * The Ground of this V/orky was a ColleElion and Compoft^ t'lonfor Private ZJfe y inwhich were two or three cf the } \3erman Hymns • to which others were recommended to \ - he Added by fcryic of that Is^ationy and Encouragement gi-^ vsn of good AccejtMCs-i if they weie made Publick. Ths J ■ - ; 7 ' /T^he P R E F A C^E. £ditor has more of thij kind by him^ nhl h If Providenct fi appoint may follow, a?7d the Dcfign be carried an ta jomctlnngin.hr^^ for the Vfe of th, greater Trofic^ents . j . coth m Mufck, and Religion. I ' ! . . ThatfomethUa mne particular in foint of Gratitude U t> ; ygt medfulto be MvatJc'd, in a Nation that above all o- \ . iher has had the Experience offuch jurpnfng Favours and I peculiar Blejfwgs, I believe none will deny : And 'tis for j the Excitement of this Spirit, and as a Mite of 7hankfal Oblation to the Fountain of Mercies and Blefinfs to^ ^arus the afpeafng his Indignation, and averting his Judgments, and for the Continuation of his Goodnefs to ///, that this Defign is Ultimately Intended, Let us above all ctrjcrs. Sing for the Majelly oj the Lord, and let his Namt ce Glorified m This our Ifle. And we fliaU find 'the Af^ ccnding Echo ofPraifefor Mercies Received, Returned and Ke- Echo' d from the Heavens, in Mercies Multiply'd, ■ Tea, It will re feci Glory alfo upon Us, upon our QVEENy and upon our Kingdom ; from the Glory of His Frelence\ and ^t he Smile ef his Countenance, Ev'a Glory to the Righteous. So may the Ghry of our Ife, and of our ■ Kingdom Increafe, in and from the Glory c/His breahng forth amo-ng us, r,nd Shining upon us, ; 8 0C60 Tiig i .H I ,H ii U< i II UPU A TABLE , or t!x HYMNS Contain'd in this BOOK. "^' ALLPraifcto thee: An Evening Hymn. - p. 2.. AvpAkcinySouL A Morning liyran. , p.i. AvpaJiC th: f^cice. iVacht auft ! m ft tins > p. 73. Ca?i I ceafe my God, Solt tch mcmen Gott, Comme- moration of God's Mercies. ' - p. 22.* Christ our Lord is Fije7\ Er(landc?i Ist dcr. p. 12, Co?/;ff Holy Ghofr,' Kom Heiliger Geilf, A Peuteccltal Hymn. ^ - . . " P* 5^- Gloria Patri. p. 7Z, God is cur Refuge, EinfeUc bnrg. Lntherh Hymn go- ing to Worr?7s. P' 7S- Hail rny ^ouV s mie Comforter. Sdve Cordis Gau^ dittm, - ' p. 29; How fairly Shines. Wie fchon lenchut. p» 4^. How longfweet Lord, p. 3^, How 'fweet the Angel Trumpets^ A Sacramental ' Hymn. ' ' p. 8. ./Jefus Chrijl is Eifen to Day, A Refurredioa. ' Hymn. p.. u. Jefus my Loving Spoufe, > ." p. 61, Jefus my Memrjjys fweet. Jefi dulcis memoria. St. Bernard^ Jubile. p. 14. Tn thislVorlls hm. For the Sabbath. ^ p. 66, Let Juhil Trumpets, Jn dulci Jubllo. On the Birth of Chrill. p. 7. Lord now my Sleep. A Midnight Hymn- p. 4. Uy.SoHl and All Praife for the Divine Good - nefs. p, 3^. OdlyeWcrlsofCod. p. jg, O my Soul with, hUehe dish 7?nne',. For 5piritiial Watchfulnef?. P» 53 'imiSliSiir^ ; 20, A T A B L E. . O Sacred Teace'. p. 3 j ^ Oht Good ar.d "Vnlvcrf^il. Lord's Prayer Para j \ phras'd. ' ' p 2, I ;! Ki[c O mySouL An Afpiration. , p* 38 t Sacred FUr.Hs of Love Divine* . '. _. 'lir^rrrr p. 16* ' Si'figtO the Lord. " ■"- p. ^9. Sweef Jefus xpho. Mcin Hertz^ens Jefu, Of the Ex'- . cellence of Chrift. P* 44.. Temptations Lord befei: Meditation for Koon. p. 55, That Glory TTf ay, ;.._:., p. 77. 7hy Servants Lord. "^p, ^p. 58, The UNION Hymn. . . .; ^ p. w/f. 8 0C6i) ; -- ~r*-r A Mor ^yC ?7lOr?f.L'7lO S^^U /rvix- , -& TT rr HE V OrS i iF yi 7vaJi^ 7711/ oJcntC a7id )Vitk the> Jiiih i ^ XT IT iS I ^e- rr^ p y^ (ojArU^'oafm/ j}aqe> of Q/jiita n.i7i n I TT ■e- .17 ,:: I I :e==p: t-TT ^ If. 7iSC i £& P # # Infi .1 I J s ^ 3t±3t — Q- TT ' 61^ >''^y ^^'/ 'fiioiluncj ^ncnjfice . ^r=ffH rx r: , , u. "O J^i'ancis: Jiojf/nan ScnfLxnti, J .(.^. -O *-.:-_-: ;. V 8 .>v r^k^ I — 35>? '^ iy{%-\ ri^i §>?&:^ %>i ^ *»r^ 5»)^ ,.: :;A MORNING H .Y. M A Wake my Soul, \Wc this day o're^ As if thou (vert, to hVe no more. Lord, I my Vowes to *thee renew •, Difpel my Sins as Morning De^^v. ' , . ■ . ji . • .- ... Awake my Soulf on Gad rcfleft^ Whofe Eyes all day thy ways infpcd. Lord, Guard me lea ft I fhould Tranfgrefs^ LoM^ all" my motions Guide and Blef». Awake my Sout as Noon-tide Clear^ ;Let thy Integrity appear. Return all Heavens bsnignefl: rays, ^ in ardent Love, and Sprightly Fraift.- Awake my Strings, Tunc to niy Heirtv. And with the Angels bear your part; Who all Night long Unwearied Sing:,- All Glory to th' Eternal K-ing> 6- 1 Wake, I Wake, ye Heavenly QuireV. May your Devotion me Infpire : l^hat I like yon my Age may fpead"^ Like voi} m^iv on. my God aicend. i' ?.• hliY- ^2 . An E^jentng Hjmn. I^Iay I iLxc you in God delight ; And always have my God in light; Perform (like you; my Makers "vvilf: And never never more do ill. 8. Had I your Wings to Heaven I'd flic. But Love (hall that defect fupply; And my Soul \Vi:ig'd with warm defire. Shall ail day long to Heav'n afplrc. Glory to thee who fif^ hafl kept, ^ - - And hafc refrefht me whiift I'llcpt. Grant Lord, when I from Death awake, ■ / - ^ J may of Endlefs Life partake. . . '.' A to. ; ' I ' r'- . I would not wake, nor rife again ; "-"* ' Ev'n Heaven it felf I would difdain ; Wert thou not there to be Enjoy'd, • ..^•..,.' And I in Hymns to be Imploy'd. * ^..-T^*!''- • • tjeav n is, dear Lord, where e're thou art. Oh! never then from mc depart, For to my Soul 'tis Hell to be, -. •• Bat one fad moment. without Thee- »'•'. ,^ -. Glory to Thee •, be thou this DayV''' ^ ^ ^'^ '* In all I think, or do, or fay. That all my Powers their force may raife. And all Day long recite thy Praife.: AnEve-ing HYiVIN. To the far):: Time. A-Tf. Piulfc totlicc rmy God) this Night, £X lov all The Jik-iTuigs of the Light. Kap me, Oh keep me. King of Kinpc, • • Under thiiie -own Almighty Wings." 2. For An Evening Hjtnn^ J \- ' ' Forgive me Lord for thy dear Son, The 111 that I this d:iy have done, . Tlwt v/iththe World, my fcif, and thee 1 e're I Sleep at Peace, may be. ' Teach me to Live, that I may dread, - - ->- . The Grave as little as my Bed. > . •: :yi Teach,me to Die, that fo I may, Triumphix]g Rife at the laft Day^ «■ "*•*■ •- 4.. ''.'■■' Oh let my Soul ia thee repofe. And with fweet Sleep mine Eye-Lids clofe. iSuch Sleep as may more Vigorous make^ ''« \ To Praife my God when I awake. ?:: I ^-i. ■ y; ' ' ':- rw-^c^^rX When on my Bed I Senfelefs lie, rn c,: My Soul with Heavenly thoughts fupply. Let no 111 Dreams dillurb my Rell \ -- ■ .^''\ No Powers of Darknefs me molefr. *:j' V Dull Sleep does me of Life deprive j ,- _ 1 am but half my days alive. Oh my dear Lord, hov/ am I griev'd, To lie fo long of thee bereav'd. *^ . 7. . ■ . •■ ■ , But though Sleep, o'er my Frailty Reigns, Let it not hold me long in Chains \ But now and then let loofe my Heart, /- Till it an HalUhjah Dart. 8. : The fafler Sleep the Sence does bind. The more unfctter'd is the Mind : Oh! May my Soul from mittcr free. Thy unvaird Good nefs Waking fee. when (hall I in Endlefs Day, ^ For ever chafe dark Sleep away ? B 2 • And And cndlcfs Praife, with Heavenly Choir, InccfTant Sing and never tive. ; . 10. . ' •; Oh ! May my Guardian whilfl: I Hcep, * Clofe by my Bed his Vigils keep; -And in my flead all the Night long, ' ; Pay to my God a grateful Song. - -> »- . A iMid-'Night HY.MX^, . T:ji w r i [,( ■ ) P n- zo=:g==;: p^ ri rj 1 O i^ (/z&- - -72? ^?z^7" ^elcmedO- - - - ne ^les m u Tnanaer. m TX #E^^ o, ' o ' V C/i' »-'i^-;^5: n H— t T-^ XX 1 ^ V J-hy^. ■, II o di s Lo- -TO nj07'<^iia/V'Vild'7HafuefrxfL£ — -m. than,7llanj*j !S=rax2 1.1 ft° J ^-^-^ i-zr-e- ^ ^^1., cll<>-|^ J I p J-ffll"i^i'.l | ocJ| ^ [apcaii4lT^----^ th-J(/pfuLy.areatO- - -ikaMemr&^O. ^ xj- 1 — r ■o^ ^^ -e hzrf-ri 7-n -,;!' ^ EZZE -^-^-^■^i^tiar ' } 8 0» the Birth of Chrtjl 1 r •-, •■ — O Charming -lafincy. My Hejrr it piiuts for thee ; Chcanny anx'ious Miad, Look, look f.vect Babe on mc, -With all thy Graces kind i.-" " Q Princely Majcfty, :• ' --' ' y'-'- Draw me after thee, Hdraw me,^ ^^-2 C Love oth' Father dear, ;"f ^ -^'-"f^-- -igr-.Vi--: More meekly Shining here :'^'^' "" :i ^ '-,•-1"','^. We'd in Hell been chainM, ' ,". Incellant Flames to bear : .._.. . _rt.--^^ .. .But he for us Regain'd ■'S^^'^ry^''^^'^^.' .The Glories of the Sphere. "'~'. " '' -::v— "Vj/ O were we but there._XO were we, crr.3 ^^^ * 4- '} O Joy where art thon foui^l-^^-^-':^^^H OnParadtjh^ Ground^ ^ '- "^>''" f^ >f-^' Where the Angels Sing, And //j//^/wy4/;; Sound. - .__._.....__.. Where the Cymbals ring V'""?^-HS:Fi^J: ■ And where the King is Crown'd. ~-^" There may webcYound. [There may ^e^c.]} ~ Commemorstidn cf^ Chrijl'*s DeatL'^'^ ' , ~ ' /^; : . ^„-i:A rSxcrameittd Hymn. ^- - . , ^'¥q the Tune of ^ Sweet Jefu,' who my WiniFuifils. HOW fwcet the Angel-Triimpctsfoundj With Heaven's kiiid Invitation, That call the Altar to furrpund la A^/cW Celebration : Oai CornmemorcxtioTis of ChriJPs Dc:\tk Our Father has us Wellcome bid,.. - . Upon the Holy LAmb to feed, '!.*.■; ■ :^ Withbleft SolcmniiiAtion. ,"' \'^-^"' '•' 9 :"1 C.LI - V \w ..J O Sacred Viands here preparM For our Divine rcpaHing ! / O Sacred Gate, for us unbarr'd To Pieafurcj Everlafbing! ^cfiis is Df^anna^ Bread Divine. 5^fy«iisGyl, isMilfCand Wine, And Honey to our Tailing. : -'.V;* ;7. '"•" h "'■ '."\'U' ' • Who would not, Lord, Remefhbef T^e^i On all fuch Bkll Occafions ? pcan thy CrpTs e^er buried be ' In Worldly Occupations ? OTree fodry^ fuch Fruitto bring As ne'er in Paradife did fpring, Fo;- Healing of the Nations O Love, that makes rhch Joys to Tpring In fuch ^e^p Scenes of Mourning! TheGrpfs, the Spear, the Deadly Sting To Healthful Ufes turning. V . Death's Servant made, to break tht Bread i And Pierce the Font of Wine faRed> With Flames Cekftial burning. l^nto v/hat Myfteries mull we div^t In this Divine Ilefeftio^ ? We Live to Die, we Die to Lxvtj . In Blifsful Rcfurreftion. Dear Lord, v/ho would no^ Die with tbee^ In Death the New-Births Gate to f^c ^ And Inlet to Perfeftion. ri :• '\ u '€: <> il-ii. lo J^omenwation of Chrirt^s De.ith. .V ^.^. ■ . • ^, O Lord Extend thyChiricy ... ,,..> . , ^ To thy poor Flock disjoynted i \;' )/^- jV-':-'// • Reflore thy Churches Unity, ^ As when 'tv/as firil Appointed.. ^ ^^ / :-__^.j ... I O let us Live in Love with Thee>. -virj -,j;J m^I 1 And in Fraternal Amity, .^ %:::0 h-f.*;..'^ O I With Oyl of Grace Anointed., j An;hi:l*i oi' i * 7. ■ . • , ... «»(\ -,'., .*..■'» j To God the Fathtr^ Fund of Grace,'; j''j;VV-i;Vu - i His Exprefs Image fending •, "-.V^..;,.i».| v ? ^^ * \ The Sc??, the Brightnefs of his Face, '" ^ * ' - ■ { " The Veil of Darknefs rending •, ^^ .^. j ; ...•^. , ; ;^ i j And to the Spirit be Glory, Powt, . [ j^-^'j/i ; v lO jj And Kingdom^ now, as was before^f^ v.!: r::jC ; And Ih^ri be never Ending. . • ,' ,1 .> vi!:.{-;-v/ nl " M* ,^ ~ •'-■::^i*}T'{ »b;.'l c"{'^^'* v^il"^^' ^.?.q:* .. '< y«' :di :o 'jri'^vH 7-;l {I •- »; * '. . .i . . . -ii! ;: L5U :; .i * > •^ r' •' f^ •. ^^: ^r? >f >o:: ' ' .'*-'''f' 'i ? •"i'l !; -1 .7i*^^3H (/!• -■ - - .' . i • ■ .- - -^ . . 1 i:. • l*""!" *f''! ;r:::^ :lT ;- » ' /.iCt Ci / j , -::.:. '■>■ .-.aiajo The If p SesiLs 0/i}%st: isOus^yx. to' day 5-{at&-(}{ai(eCii lua/h ^^^^^^Pf^^i^ jj I y ) u m^m (^ur' tr/hiiTvpfmnbCrtouu^^^ ?t} M' !\ ^ m ^t=i^==f -A=^ f irr ui t [!i^^ i I ^^ 7=t=± ^Dno so tatetu cm tAe Ci^fi- S^aC&>-^atLeiau'af^ mmf^^^vA-f ^ ^^^ff¥^^^^^ ^^ l\\w ir'd to "tedee/m cn^/r &jS- ^aii6 Chrid our Life, our Light, our Way, Hj^H Th"* Object of our Love and Faith \ HalL Who bur dy *d to Conquer Death. HaII. 1. I To Dcdevv theh" Savioi's To nb •, Hj^IL \ .yi:fiis feek anioilg the Dead, HjH. I Fsr from thofe Dark Regions fled. Ha!L \ ...,TvYa5rrgLVtAngeIs^ that appear, H^IL >n... I TMsSsIute'em ', He's not here. Hall. "vT I -BihifeS(!vrFov/> Slio^^ j' V/tli'cQm'etb' your Rife n king, ii/^//.^ 1 « . ' ^ , .! 4- • .". ■ • - f .. ^^]:2^)j. feeili^icous- Angels, fay wha\ place, Ball. ; -D^i, J-:riS char min g Prefence Grace ? //:i//. ! '^t.iS. m;j^ Eyes ;; then bid Rejoyce-: Z:^^//. "JM^ii ta Bikr^ I'll, tunc nl^ Voices i-a/!?. 5- '^^ A Refiirrectior. Diilcgfic.^ i"^ Jn^cl. Firft the Sacred Place behold^ H.ilL Did your Brcathlcfs Lord infold. H^^IL. See the Cloath which bound his Head, '/fv/^.. . Proves he's Rifcu from the Dead. Hall. 6. Mary. True 'tis To : The empty Urn, iT-ZUg Shall myGricftoTranrportsturn. HaU-^ He's not here: O tell mc where-, H% His bleft Refidence declare. JHaJL • 7. . Angel Hafl in Faith prepare to fee; H^H;^^ Your iov'd Lord in GaiiU, Ha.:,-'-. \- BlefllethisDifciples be, /:/^4 "^ ^■■\' With your Sacred Embafly. HaH.^ ". ". $'\ ♦ . MoT'^f, Heralds of our joy, toyoiv/Zt^. Grateful Thanks and Love is due. BaIU- While our God in Prailcs high» //^i\ ^ \^ • We together Magnify. B^ll ' '. , lO. ' Chorus. The'Crofs is paHr, thc.G:r^,\V<^ h. liy?,x\i Th' Ranfom paid, and Death'^ Sting gt^nt. ^.^tiy, Let lis Feafl, and Sing, a^ndSay,^ H^A'^ J Chrijl and, \Fe iiave /.?/f. to D^iW;- -|i^f^._' -:./!:'* """.t' a -:' ';;o.{:? ^^Jsov/i. cd ♦/^i^nJoPt f 2'icD -tmh ■, ,iv: .r l« inr 1 14 St. Bernards y/^i/VV, 3cc. y ( 1 . ^^^ cCu/cuTTiernoj f/1 . ^'ltr£ riiV Memory_'i Iweet employ L'en dilrant gives myheart tniejoV/ ■ •■' viorievnor al iii t=r ?t ^ ' lioriey nor Ul Eartfi's deligKt Regale like his ^b Tiginc^ (Tglit. izO ^^ fc^ ^5" ' C !• THere^s Nothing can be fung, more fweet i Nothing the Ears more pleafaat greet *, Nothing be fwcetcr thought npon, Than Jcf^^s^ God's beloved Son, . -^^^/"^'•fv the Penitents Good Hope \ ^:[us^ the Suppliant's Aim and Scope % To thofe that do bucfeek, how kind? But what, O what to thofe that find j 7^/2//, of Hearts the fvveet Delight ; The Fountain of their Life and Light, Joy, .5r..EernardV Jdile, &c. • .'15 • Joy, that all other Joy tranfcends, And ev'n beyond Defirc extends. ""■"• ^;''\- Our ftammcring Tongues can never tellj ;i"r. • Letters and Words but vainly fvvell; ir^A Th' Expericnc'd can believe alone . What 'tis to Love God's only Sj^/. - • ••"''^*-_ • . - ■ I 6.. .. . V ^ •- ^^"^ i --^ Jefits \ feck when on my Bed -^ . -.oI'Jlr>dV'.'' The World fhnt out of Heart and Head,';,^'-;H-Mi *' j .^Private or Publick, when I move, _, .^, t Jefus ril feek with eager Love. ; j' -f '•'•' ^'H' . ; '^■^> •:.'■: - 7.j.;f' :■;/ .:r rl) -ofifiL? I ril run with' A/tfry by Day-break,' •;!;';:■ -o1 My 7f///j in the Tomblll. feeky : < w c.''3tH , With my Heart's Love-complaint and cry ^ • With Heart Til feek and not with Eye*" .;uT i My Tears fhall on his Tomb diflilU :,. A 010^17' - •; My Sighs and Groans the Concave fill.'"- l-^itP. :£j!; ril throw me at his Foot of Grace, And there hojd fall with fld«3: Embraced :::' ^ ' fil^i: :.^ .1 ■■••^.;>i.< v'"J ... :4 ;5iji Dclire*-. rn St. Bernard^ Jd'jlc^ See. 17 Pm held Tth f GalUrUs of Lovc^ f Cm. ?• 5' Intranc'd in flames like Theirs above. ^Tis Para Jijiol LovQ Dcfccnds ^ Heavens Flame through all my Vitals fends *, Pierces the Centre of my Soul, ' ' ■, And Reigns in Joy without Controul. ; • J ' K, !• • O blefTed Conflagration dear, ," ; ■ ' Of Hearts Coojunclion in Love's Sphear ! ' ' ; j Ocool Refrelhment fvveet, in one, j> \ To Love, and Love God's only Son ! ^ Fair Virgin Flower, of Virgin Bed, With Lilly White, and Rofie Red, Grow in my Heart •, then Praife fhall rife Heav'ns belt Perfume and Sacrifice. 7f/w, than Sun more charming calm 9 ;. More Odorous than 6" //^^^x ^j/r//^ , ' " { -! ^ .Sweet to my Talt all Sweets above •, To my Eye lovelie'fl of all Love. • Thou art my Souls Supreme Delight 5 * :; Confummatc Loves Meridian Height : ; f My Conqueft, Glory, Jubile •, Salvation Univerfally. , O come enlarge thy Triumphs here, ' I jEHOrAH's Right-hand, Cohfort dear. And all thy Enemies trod down, • ; Come fway thy Sceptre, wear thy Crown. - j. ; All Powerful King, AUGloriousj ' ' %\ Ore Death and Hell Victorious i ' . ' , ui .The Fountain whence all Graces rife, ^ . 1j i And the Sun-flower of Paradile. / jl ; • ■ • •' ' - ■ '^ !:•" ' C 27. Yc i'j Mi :'^ ■ • \ \ r i i t :8 Tlj^ Song of the Three ChlUren. 17. Ye Orders bright of Heavenly Powers,^ .:•• ... Life up the Everlafting Doors : ^ . _ ^ , . 'to the Triumphant Conqueror Sing, • -^^ ' Hail, Jefn, of all Kings the King. Thee all th' AngelickQjiiresProclaim- - And Shout in thy Imperial Name; •• • - ^ ^ Who Reigns in Peace furpalTingSenfe j ' ; -,; And bids Loves SMath now Commence/ .y'" ' '25. '^ -'* ' , ... •' Jefu! Afccncls his Father's Throne, c^v^ i *^ - -The Godhead Love- Pavilion. .. ...,.-. ^ And after him my Heart fhall fiy ; ;;;: ;^ *,/ '.^.^^ Chris} live in Me and no more^ L \.-l*;:f J„;\ O let us all Refound his Praife •, -i ?t:';t-x. Cur Cries and Vows inceHantraife, _ ^ ^ .^ ., ^ That, he may us the Favour dellga ^.,'':::^tj^'^^^x' In this bleft Throne with him to i?^^?^-;;.:;'.^::;:; j ,^/4 .>^2^7 of^ J Cfuldren correcM. \ '-•-o:? /e//^ Oye the radiant Sun, and Moon, Blefs* -^ O ye the glinering Stars of Heaven, Slefs^, O ye the Rains, and Pearly Dews, BUfs. Ye flormy Winds, and whifpenng Gales, 5/f/i-* ; ^ O ye the Fire, and fervent Heac, BUfs. ; j Ye Winter, and the Summer fair, Blefs. M • OyetheFroft, and chilling Cold, BL-fs. ' ; I ^ O ye congealed Ice and Snov/, Blcfs^ ' Ye Sable Nights, and Sun-bright Days, Biefs . The Darknefs, and Light cheering Rays, Blepii. Ye Lightning, and deftilling Clouds^ BUfs^ .^ pi T~ Earths fpacious Globe, Blefs thoU the Lord^ '--' '■] Blefs the Lcrdj &c. . r><.- ::' . - ^ PJ R T Second. ,' O All ye Mountains, and ye Hills, Blcfiy han. O ail ye flovvring Greens on Earth, sl^fi* O ye the Ever-fpringing Wells, BUfs. O ye the Seas, and flreaming Floods, BUfu / ;Ye Whales that on thi^ Surges ride, £/^/j. . I And all that in the Waters glidc/Btefs, ■ r' ; * ' '. O all ye Fowles that Wing the Air, BUfs, ' "* " • ' Ye Wilder Beafts, and Gentler Folds, BUfs^ * i . O ye the Children of Mankind, B/^/}. ^ ' O //r/??/ loudell Blefs the Lord, -. ^I ^ . BUfs thou the Lordy 2cc. ' I i « \ .Oye theHolyPrieflsofGod, 2?/^//. j : 'O ye the Servants of the Lord, £/f/}. . " !l [ Ye Spirits and Souls of Righteous Men, Bhfu • I' j Ye Holy and ye meek of Heart, BUfs. ' ^r ': ' O jlnam^.s Blefs the Lord, BUfs thon the Lord:, ^:c^ O yf^^r/^j Blefs the Lord, j5/f/}. Aud tSfr^H Slefs chou the Lord, Bhfs the, &c. C 2 . ■ " .Mr J~^ •^ 5^/16 Js''^'-^ ^kitj&r pa'Tcvp/ira^ 'd. ^m m^^^^ ^m ^Atcmns t;ra/risTS€^ ^ ^ J > - faL- ^ i Ui^ ,.^ hjcrmaae T&ndefr CUi lAi/nas. to t/uir 'p^jrijOcL. /ms^. .' } .- i. AS the Eagles Wings expanding Foficr and Protccl Iicr Young; Sd thy Arni all Power commanding, Keeps me fafe in Dangers Throng. Ev'nat firfc when Life tliou gave mei lyiercy reach'd me in the Womb i , - And till drop'd into my Tomb, Kindly will ConduQ:" and Save me : ' '. All things to tficir. Period hajt\- GocCs Rich Mercies €ver la[K .' . x"? ^ ■ ' ' . '••';. 5. ' ^■■"\'.;v:v'",--- ' ** His Dear Son's.not fo Beloved .' ,' "' V ^ '••/^^'• / But he gave him up for me, '^y '-^ '^ *•;"';'. 3 j That from Paths of Death removed ' ^ "" ' ;';' '^ I I to Life Reilored might be. ' ' • * .' I O in depth Abyllal Fountain ! , -. . ^ , - ^ i ;; j • How fhall my weak Spirit ftretch, ' '. ^ % '** ,. H| ! . Thy unmeafur'd Bounds to reach?, y'".*^^ ,..-! ^ ,1 , © for Height Eternal .Mountaia ! " :" Z^ '''"'^ • M^th'wgsto, .,;"-■;■ ^* •\^'/'^':.:^" "' . ■ His Good Spirit, Guide fupernalv "' ^^\' Through his Word to me is given, i ,Me to lead from Things External ' ■ jj ' To the Pearly Gates of Heav'n. -. ^ \\ j This fweet Dove with Splendor glorious •, . " ' Fills my Heart,* the Light of. Faith, Captivating Powers of Death. I Over World and Hell yidorious. . " ' ^ . i ^11 things to> ^ ■ ■ ■ ' : •■ ". 1.^ ■%':.'.- . ■ ' •-' i htellenu4 Health abounding, j ■ ,,, Health "and Wealth provided are 5 \ • Or Cor'^trc'^T/ Ills Turroundiiig, Still appears his/Fious Care. A li: 4 :-^ A Com7nenioratio?i ofGod*s Mentis. v hen my Strength and Pow'r decreafcs, Or is quite to Nccbing come. Then my Father calls me home^ Aad himfelf to Aid me pleafes." ^; '.^^ Ml things to. -..5.vi Th' Heav'n and Earth and all their Treafure, i Made he for my Benefit : Ev'ry Space my Eye can meafure . -.; Yields me Profit or Delight, ^ " * • .''\'""^ j ' f^afts, and Herbs, and Fruitful Earing, ;- In the Bottoms, on the Hills, What the Air, or Ocean fills *, EvVy where my Food appearing. ''-:\ ^ I - Aujhingsto. . ^^ , '^^i.^ij;;'] 1- In Sleep, Death's Preludious warning, " ^-'Z- : • He my Fainting Life fupplys. - \ '•''^•-^t •; Grace and Mercy ev'ry Morning •; '\ p^ \^l ^ Conftant as the Sun arifc. ' ' ' ^'*/'\'* ^ ', I in this Worlds Errant-Mazes, *• - Dangerous Gulfs, and Rocks unfeen, .. , ' J LoH and overwhelm'd had been, but for 'thy Indulgent Graces* \ j All tbuigs to^ ' . '.^^y"" O how many fad Affliftions, . • '"'t/rV" Rais'd up by the Enemy, *: '^-^ Prbvidentijl Rcilriaions • ^'^->^ i Have with-hcid from hurting me? ' \ The Mid-night and Noon-day Evil ■ Fly before th' Angelick Band, I That around rac Guardians frand : M.chuel flill CoiUrouls the PeyiU All t'.h?(rs fJ. 'V. ""i 9^ Ev'n r>. >r- -^ "' T -^ CommemorAtio/t cfGcvs Mercies. 25 Ev'n his Tryals and his CroiTcs, Tho' at firil they bitter be. Are inflead of Hurt or LoiTes Signs of Birth'Le^itimacy. Xvidencing God my Father . . Who me Loves now thinks on mc ; From the Worlds Captivity By the Crofs t^himfelf to gather. j4ll things to. "'...■ f o. '. ' T^is I know my Father's Pleafiire 9 And its bleil Event attend: Chriftian Crofles have their Meafure, ' : :- - 1 CrownM with Glory in the End. -^ When the Winter has done Snowing, Comes the Summer fmiling on, " " So when the Crofs-Work is done, Joysinflead of Tears comefiowingr- - ' Ml things to. _-..«__ -.":u^ Now becaufe no End or Meafure , Can in God's great Love be found ; Grant, O Lord, of thy good Pleafure, To it I may fet no Bound. But with Strength of Love fupply mc. That I may withHeart and Might Thee Embrace both Day and Ni^ht ; TiU -this Life (hall Breath deny mc^i' . = l Jnd my Love when Time isceafi^ J I' Like thy Merciesjver h$l. _ 1 \ . ! a *JL Mar. /TlDjrt'irrdo77z Ote-^f^r^s 'of or Z6 r—t $ ^m s ##=^ Sacred flajnes of love divine In ourheaits untainted [jime I X C- -^ xr^ ^ T 1 — T -C-TL t^^ ^ ^ f ps •eedupon ourlouls and let tliemtDLpves burning flake te let , ^ JJL t 2 J /.'; • \-/i.) tis: p M— ^ TT :f==T i — h ^ J .c ^' ^^73 ) bleft fires quickly come We're prepar'd For Marb/rdom f r-T^-^ f^E3 2=53 ^ ^ ^m T-J El ! ! ilelsed is the ioul that dies thus to Love a Sacrifice/ f ^ ^ ^^ 3 ! j^rr ]Si:trtjrdom Rei>ers\{ : SiC. ^1 ,.*. ■ ^, BLeffedy^/:^; from thine Eye, - "' ^\ , ^ • Thofe thrice 5acrcd Flames did fly> :' i / '*^'|' ; '.I Which now burn without controul> -►': i" -^*w*;; '{.-! ; ! As on the Tinder of our Soul. -'-^ '■^- j-toi.Uc:! -BlelTed Fires, O confume ^' •"■ -^ ,^->l'[^\l\('J.'\0 \ What's preparMfor Mavtyrdom^^'^^:'^ ' ^^^'d^l ■?:n: JBlefled as the 5oul that dies, ^'"-. ;^'-: .i V-:qiH Thus to Love a Sacrifice, -: '• v^^'. jjv j.I ^:,;. V The Etherial Flames that are • ^•:^^'t :*::;-v/ O Couched in the Welkin Fair v '•' --''!■'•••'» .1 iljirt iThofe that croivn the radiant'Suri V"' '■''■^ ^^^ • ^'^ 'And thofe that beautify the Moon, •r': ..r-vrailpl^ Are lefs fair than thofe that' come' ;'3.i.^ i^u n-jj'i Thus to Crown our MartyrdomI • - - '^f »»'•''-» ' ^T BlelFed is the Soul that dies', - vr'-^ '^'*'^^^l jLoves unfpotted Satrifice/ "-- *'-v^.l aiirir , O hov/ raging,, yet how Turcef * "'^^ -'7^^ ^ Are thofe Sacred Fires,' which greef' I'-d cV.oJ Our dry Souls with flaming Kifies, •■ ^'-^^'^ y^o nl Pains difpenfmg with our Blifles./-' '^^''^ ^''^-'^^.V: But fuch Pains wewifh:to conie» \'-' '-'' ^^ *'*-''\|, J That briug us Crdwns of MaVtyrdoT^^' ^-^^'^^ ^'^ BlelTed is the Soul that dies; '; \ ; ;al r.ydrO Thus 10 Lovea Sacrificei-'^-^*^^-^ knrijji aVvoJ , J. > O our Souls are all on Fire, , We confume in our Defire, We'Dcfire whatvve PolTefsf — ^ Water's but our Fires Increafc : Thofe- bright Fires which arc come vTo. crown our Souls with Martyrdom. ""Happy is the Soul that dies Loves AU-willing-Sacrifice. J: J* i 2$ Miirtjrdoms Revzrs^dy Sec, (. . O what lingrii^g Death is this, Biifs iaviting unto blifs. . ^.^ B7 thofe Tafts of Love arc we \'-^^]r ,'f.-r '-[;_ Butmore Enamour'd of the5ca . .::.^sp." Of AbylTalLove, whence come /:i *::,T.cM The Flames that crown our Martyrdom. \';p/f\V Happy is the Soul that dies • - --^ .: •..,.-fj[a. Thus Loves daily Sacrifice ^ .,1 -^ - ;,vi oi z:iXY O what kind of Pain is this, * 'J-:;.:,*' cJT Which is fweetefl of all blifs, • -^-^ \ ; ,-.!ji;cD Oh! tis Pain intolerable ! . ' j'-r^vflT Pleafure yet Unutterable . ; \ Such are thefe blefl Flames which come [ ,\'^ To crown us with Loves- Martyrdom. . ,7-^^ Happy, happy Soul that dies. ^ : r.iv.^--* \ai vJ loail niy (weetelt leiu. .T; .'vi.^ vrii o ,%''2 i is xx '.■'• '.^»>'- "^ H^.•<•^' I JO A Hjmn to JefuS. s. AThouland times I think on tliee, Come fweet 5poi]re to me. A Thoufand times I vvifli for thee : Come fvveet Spoufe to me. A Thoufand times I cry to thee ; Come fvveet 5poufe to me. Come my fvvecteft 5poiife to me. He^jvenly Pafturcsme afford j 1 new Life fhail gain : Drop the Milk of thy pur6 Word, My Lips fhall then be '\ fain. Immerfe me in thy Bowels Lord, Hopelliall fpring again: ' Life of Love fliall bloom amain. No fv/eet Tafle can Vie with thee, 'Sweet delicious Lo^e. No fvveet Smell comes near to thee, Sweet Perfume of Love. None for Mildnefs like to thee Lov^slweet Lamb and Dov^, ye-^fweeteft, fweetofLove. ■ 5.- ■ lamCold, Inflame thou me - -^ Heavenly Lover. - - I am Sick, oh! Comfort me / My Creator. .. _•*: Ah ! I \:^\%^ give Life to me, -^ "" O my Saviour, ^ ~ . ^e[n^ O my Saviour. ^^m • - •'* ' t ?9M Pfal, 71. ir, Hi . J Hue ^nd Crjj Sec. ijl H^e and Cry after Peace. ,^ ,^ . To the Tuae of, Arv.ilc mj Sr^.y^^'''}^^ .* ,'';.; 7 • . ■ .1 ;y . • ' 'jI\1 j : li'sr-l ■; ■ ; ■ ■•■ ■ . .-V, •- <• - ••' '•'•' - * OJacrcJPcace where art thou fled? * ;.,; Wb.it Rc^^ioa hides t;hy drooping Head? p . • I l| -Fled from the Church, fled from the State^ ,;.^r| ^r :i •-•-Tied horn the Poor, iand;;from the Greau -.t'"-,'^ ' I A a Exile now from every Land, ^ Ev'n where tliy Sovereign's Altars Hand. ^.,/ ^vj ; Fled fiom our Paltimes and Delights': ['^'.^^ "^.i— ' i . Ev'nthefc but ?a// our Appetites. ^^.^.^^^.|.^ li Peace for the Wicked nere was known : ■•: But ah ! She's now from 5/o« flown. '.?(;•:,;[ f . Into the Defcrtsdnv'n, and Woods; V^,.,;7{u/ And there purfiiM by pragon-Floodsr.."-.;- r;V O Prince of Peace, how canfl: thou fee • : Thy SilbjcQs Wreck and Mifery ! ^ Ah! they Ve Rebellious grown/ thou faifl 5 "liave Open- War with Me Profeft'__"^ By Joint Confentrejefting Peace, They've fcnt home my AmbalTadrefs. Love cannot dwell with Wrath, or Spite: ; ! No Peace With Qod where Brethren Fight. 6. Yet ? 1 ■ii 32 Jl Hue ani Crjy Sec. Yet Courage, thou, my Sioa dear ; And bear of Prefcnc His thy Share, Ev*n at the Worft difmifs thy Fears, For at the Worit thy God appears. Thy fufFering Lord obtaia'd his 5lrthV '.^''^ In Peace Proclaim'd throughout the Earth. .*- But th' yT/^^/c/;//^ of TriuxTiphant Power" ' " Shoots forth ev*n in the Darknefs Hour : He breaks the Clouds, and thijnders'thro' '?- The Storm, with Gales that flrojiger blow. / - .' 5oon jiwes the Tempefts with his Nod : " ^^ And quells his Foes with Iron^Rod. Thenfhall the Virgin Peace Return'-, ;., ;.T\Vr r And Love in Flames 5eraphlck burn. * ^"'); ;^.;r V \^ And jointly in AU Hearts Hiall Reign ^^ ;^^J::: ----- As ev'ry where they now iare 5l?in* ^ ^ :.:*: IinnD v/od ^o-yt^H ioo:>m5i i < ; ! v^^ti',': b::. )i^x.V/ catvlia \::t -: :^^ : J-j f/jv/o-it^ ^-f/oi^^di^l :?v^^;il Idh, .)iq^TO rhi;v//;Ai:./ [^v/!> lo^inc:^ ^•:.\i 33 CL '^r^^l/uruj cntD t/ie /iiclino-j7face o^luorl*j poriMjr. 4^ ^■6^-^ U-m J-^ ^^ Udi m - S&w ijDTm^jrJt£tJ^yJ>pAfi' tnow -^ oftwina Am; imo muy'acc s ^ !, •;-; «-: ^^ ^^ y»-^ -^-M-2— iU ¥ ^ Fi r\ -^ — g — Tt m.i/^^&yy AtdmrffO r^rw thje> Vti^ y;amie, a, T ii :\\f \f nwi^m _ ^t F=?= ^-g. -CL 'CX m 'ZTW ca?vrin^J^^ajuJorcbpV6 L07m/jOJ€e!>c9ii^lL ^^ 72/J7: s j^^asE^ i i -m. "^j tm r^w thd ^e'tCa'f ana ccnne come corne aivavo/o-j Wiff^^EP^=^f=^=^' f^ -^ — ^ ^ r;,r- Eifsst: Bro— f'iHte ■r^ ms li J 4 j4 Brcithing tKio thc^ S^c. 2. nn Hy 5f<3«/« Wounds 1 Bleed without Curing : Her Patient Soul Long, long enduring.- Srill Crovvn'd withThorn5> In ShiQie and Scorning*; Still Sh'n with thee Till thy Returning. Lite up thy Horn^ Thou iTiighcy Vnkorn* (a) Pufh down thy Foes and S^rlr.^ The Glorious Morning* 3- Let Heavenly Teace^ Long Life and Pleafures \ LetCrcmt?; adora'd -^^^—-^-..j:- With \Vi domi Trcafurcs^ The Portion be Of thine Elefted; ..^"^:*r.. - ^ Now Honour'd more ^'';; ^.'. -_.-/_ Than once Neglefted." , --'.::/. Now let *em Rife And enter Paradife^ By thy Great Mchad's Fhming Sword Protected, v^ . - 4. O fhow the Place -•—•"■ Of thy Abiding ; And where thy Mighty Poxr^r Is Hidhtl' O rend the Veil . And cpxnc away Lord -, Love grows Inflam'd And cannot Hay Lord, Come fct us free To Juydate with thee. O vend the Veil, and comev Coinc, come away Lore), twt Ef- ftes ss cf ibc Horn §f Povcr snd the Htm cr £iv cf the He. brew IVord m« porting, bitk. menc: th% Ghry Face it Re^-rcfsjt. - ted ds with 1 ' fh-?k- ?=? E^IJl f f r f i^ :p i •" ^ ?;ac^ I ^^ ^ It g * — t—,^ Tf=W ^M m f ^ a i^ wX tncCX^its T^-eccno nts afce^naLnxj ^J^a^rrze , tty f t i rr i 'iVt^^ ^ ^L-;? f- *^^ f — v-t ^ ¥ ^ tl U^o^S U\ Quorate, ^^J2a7rL& nor e/uer &^ij]7lermcnhj at ^ ^^ iW^ifrf'f! f ^ ^^ >f<:^ M7y>iZ&L7 jg^ laWUT^ c/iB , ^6 A Hjrnn of Pr.ufe^ &0. :!-- HE gently Pardons our MIs-dceds, And Cures the Wound which inward bleed?. Has from the Chains of Death unbound ; VViih Clemency and Mercy crownM. With food our Hunger he fubdues, And Eagle-like our Youth renews. From him the Springs of Mercy flow ', Swift to Forgive, to Anger flow. Far he will not for ever chide, -.::.^-. Nor conflant to his Wrath abide ; ^But mildly from it will relent, Andlhorcen our duePrnifliment. His Jullice he Extends to all : Oppreflbrs by his Vengeance fall. But as the Heav'ns in amplitude ."';-. ■^" Exceed the Centre they include : .' - . _ :: - • Soampleis hisClernency ^ To all who on his Grace rely. -v^' *^ r^ri^ .~ ' -", ^' • ■'""'* As far as the tright Orient Is diftant from the Sun's Defcent '-, So far he fe.ts from his Afpedl . .. ^ - . _, Their Guilt, who His juli Laws affcft,-: ---■^. ^: - Ev'n as a Father to his Child, "^ ~ — ^'^ ' So fofc, fo quickly reconcil'd. For his fure Mercy fliall Embrace - " -*'^- - * ' Kis Saints for ever, and their Race^ HisRighteoufnefs their Souls llp-rear. Who Faithful in his Covenant arc : Who fear his Threats, who v/ait his Will, And his Commands with Joy fulfill. la L ^.:l In Heaven the Grc'dtJF HOr^H Reigns, And Governs all that Earth conrains. You Angels who in Strength exceed, Who him obey with winged fpecd ; - . You Order'd Hods of Radiant Stars j And you his flaming Minifters •, 8. All, whom his Wifdom did Create, Thro' his large Empire, Celebrate His Glorious Name with fweet accord : With me extoll and praife the Lord. Daily recount his Deeds of Fame j And O my Soul do thpu the fame. • ' Let Praife afccnd to God above ; To the Almighty Father's Throne j < To our Redeemer God the Son, .;. And God the Holy Spirit of Love. As was when Times firfl Hours wheel'd on, And Ihall be when their Circle's done. >v ' ..■■v:.^.,\ ■ :* 38 j{iri\i/fL Cor da, Q/fz CLjioi/radcri . .-frfrr ^f- if ^^^^^^^ i ^ ^^^ 5^ f I rijii n|.if^ U7n//£eilhlrz tAmxoR^no may^t^i^ 'Jouf armc£e:ButdunmirJltent I ! i ! ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ Si I ! 7^ AMD thou, my Soul, infpirM with Holy Flame, View and Review with moll rcgardtui Eye That Holy Crofs, whence thy Salvation came j - On which thy Saviour and thy Sin did Die : For \\i that Sacred Obje^Tt is much Pleafure ^ And in that Saviour is my Joy, my Treafure. 5- ^ . ' To thee, O "Jcfuy r direifl mine Eyes, ' ^ Tochec my Hands, to thee mv humble Knees j To thee my Heart fhall offer Sacrifice \ To thee my Thoughts, who all their Motions fees. To thee my Life, my Self and all I give i To Sfn I Die, to Thee alone I Live. ... .-. . • 4» - ,. ■ ' OHoly, Holy, Holy, Lord moll High, ;. Coequal, Coeterhal Deicy, - C WhoMad'rius, did'Il Redeem, and doit Infpirc Cur tepid Souls with new CcIeRial Fire j \ We Blefs, thee now, and (hall Eternally, -^- "-"^-7 t, OHoly, Holy, Holy;' Lord moft High. .^'; ■-XT". -^^'^^'^^^:^^c^..i.^;.^,^.'..X.■;;: ^,;:— .-£1__.-.;; ) } ; i ■ ' i : • ^ i-^ J^^TZ? fai/riy Sklruts ymjnur^/tfzir w oraceU truth Icyorib iL'^I^aAAd'j Jem, of- Saar6j LneikcnLartmij^rwitJjxi^ist O / 1 O I ^ r l P ^ i g s r:3oT p-S-r XX % i TJ. =T=^ ^ r ^ ^ nrr 7X7 iT), . - f.^ ..y i IS ' ' \ L) -:. • ; s ^ f Tir7= L \laueJaf /ujTid p'tt i/n TvAoifec^vee^^ce'G/e^ti/xl ^"^^ce^ •_ ^ ^ i :ni » I gp^FP ^^5 m^tiolo-ry J^rusJrmfii^^hi^k-estJto - ru^ IZX- ~cr r f^no: 44E XJ liJe'^^^Ofigcj tijsBriac, . 41 AH! my f\vect Pcavl, my precious" Crov/n, God and the humble Marys Son, Heaven's King, and Eifths i.ow'bov/ing. My Heart calls thee its Lily true : w'J''" Bnt thou artRofe and Lily too ^ •*''*^."^ ' With Milk and Honey Rowing. , ' Swett Flood ! - ^ Rich Food! Hofaf:r,ay this \i Sing Ha fart nA^ ' f' v".^-. True Mitnn.i is \ C Heav'nly Manna 3 Angels Feafting ;! L :/. Ito Savour with us Reiline. ^ ^ -* ''**-*-''' ^ D' ^' ; . . .,...' ' ' ■; Thou Rw&y fair, V>vi^\tJafj)e/'^to?:e^'^ - ' , , '^ Deeply into my Heart pour down, ' ' . ! ■ Thy burning Streams Anointed. -. ,, '^ ThyGoldenSea, in Love's full Tide ^ : /• •,'^\V While I in full fvvolu Jovs abide =\^S^ ;r.''' '■" Thy Spoufai Rib faft pynted-. - v"' ?^'^-^ ^- • Heavens Rofe, .^']- • p Gracious, • '-; , .._. • ' ;j Tm Sick and cry, Clamcrylng] *';^:'A j |' F^eart wounded lie. Q wounded lyin^^ .'" \,* '.^ Poor and lonely, • • ^ /- - j; , i canbehelp'd by Theconly. . * ^'^ ^ '(- Or n W'hofe out-flreaming Beauty beaming, j What IS here J -and afterward ( in this Song ) inclnc-eil in Bracket s-i is accc/r.r/wddtedto tinQther ^va\' ofSi?-^ify^ While thou with thine AIl-charmmgEye, Moft kindly me beholdefl. Xord Jcfu dear, my precious Good, Thy Word, thy Spirit, thy Body and Blood, My Food thou nere with-holdeft. , :;. , Take me ^xxa\ To thee, ^ Into thy Arms, C Beauty charm: me ;] VVhofe Love fo warms, £ Love alarms mc ^ Andme BlefTes* .;::. .^i^:^,. • Icome to thy CarefTcs, r:nz.Hzc<^ > My Father, Hero of Might Divine, \ • Before all Worlds, in Grace Inclin'd, .^ ., Thou purpos'd to Refine rae. ;-:T V:-- Thy Son to me Bctroth'd has been -, ..t> Yi-T My Royal Spoiife, and I his Qiieen *, ' ' - My Life of Hcav'n v;ithin me. I Eja! -^ \ \ \ £)^ ! 'Tis Life of Heav'n, C All I wanted 3 So freely giv'n, [Freely gracted;3 { li ! And conftantly. I My Soul Praife him incelTantly. \ \ ,. I': ■ Force, force the Strings upon the Lyrc^ i i ', And found our Joys in fuli tun'd Quire 3 With /feav'ns Ivveet Notes Inspiring- i While I v/ith Jcfus^ wondrous fair, My Sacred Bridegroom, Sv/eeteft Dear^ lye in Love Flames Expiring. . ; • loy O J Joy, Spring, Shout, Siiig, Triumphant Praife C In the Praifes ] In Tuneful Layes, C Each one raifcsl Tribute bringing: The King of Glory Singing. --'- '' I ' Ho\7 glad! am I that my Love-Prize '•''""• - The Alpha and Omc/a is, , ^ ::," __?!Clir- I ' Firll, Laft, All.comphehendlng.:'^: li/z^zEi:^. I know He'll to his Praife at Jaft ' ' " ^~ BringmeinParadifeReplacM; , . i{ I And clap my //ands attending. "'l'::::^:T-:iJ±rr---:- Come Fairefl foon, C Come my FairellS' ' Wy Joy, my Crown, C Come my DearellT ^-F^^^- Vindicate her r^ . . r J.z:.: ^■.i-:ll:p^'). Who fits thy Sion Waiter. — * y - — — c ^ i''l ! J V j ; ■ .U«Wf » > l| m; ^ j .> ^JL,JW II HI; -. ^4- ^eszL5 ClU i{rL ClU . Dlelti h£rtKZ£/n ^ -e- # W ^S » lly goodneG thus di/playes, io many fweets indoles . : L-i ,_-, '-T^^=^P^ IK- p p^ e^ ^ \jefu5 Ail in /lu. 45 MY //eart is ravIfhM and for thcc ' ' Ja Fiarncs of Love i> burning- . ; It rprings, iificgs in JhviIt _/:_.i?/iu^.-':.\*r*T When ever thou'rt Returning.! : -- ':.;• --U^--';! ' A? oft in Love it Kines Darts. -j ;;i: -■^i.:.;:;;*^^ i>5 To thee the AU of Pious hearts ,* • :■ .;..5>\-r^ -■ ': By F?ich \7ith. thee Sojourning. / ,. /.--.vyic-". Light of ray Soul, in tby bright Rays . ; ... ,: .; Alone I Hand beholding, . \. v.ul v-..T • Thofe Beauties, withuncover'd Face ^yys :ij\Vl7 . ' Which quicken me Unfolding." ' i^::■~ut^r^ri■ take my //eart," and fill it quite^ Y ./i^P * ?t i^I My Glory, with thy Glory Bright.i,./:V;; r,: ;;;v:jj- •v Fad-Iock'd for ever holding. .C; '^-rV t^'l .: .^U' . Thy Self Lord art my [^ay to //eay'n, ; 7;;;;T ' The Key of the Creation : :;y-::t ^I M:-'S' Who finds thee has his Pa fport given :>^f;,;rc.^/7/ To Lifes Eternal Station. '■ .y^j. W;^::.t:^:^i^i^O -'-. Ah deareft Saviour, ne'er let mc^:,li.^l.^^l!,ic^:\T Expefta /yeav'ndivefl: of thee,:.;VHl>L:i:.i:i^^ tiif . Gf Man's Imagination. , .:i\iii'ic^t-^Xiill : - y. . - ■ -...*.^;- Thou art the Trmh^ and that alone"; .u's i/vrtT My Intelledlual Prize is. :r:ti .:r^5t>V^^. •' Without tliee Words and //usksare.fliown,'-* ;-d.W * Thouall Things Rcjllx.es. ■■■_ -- ^ ,; :.^; .^BT'^ O make my //^<^2rf entirely free^'f rn-.-ri -j;.(Jir.»vjA-^j To be Devout alone to thee, ; -z-t: :4 / -c? v7 czri: '' •■ Where its true F^rjdife is. . ::;^,ic^-3 -,^>.fI^« ■' . ..I. .1 ■. . ■ I . ^ I r . ^ . I, ^^ " ■f Or thus, IVhite thy Gr.tce it felfdifpLiys. ^ ThoJt art the Sf'.h!lanc€\f ^.U ihf 5h.idoxvj^ hsn In Infcricur Niiturn The Crc-ii::d t^nd SuTprt of ail Things, ■•' ■ .>....: ■' ' f. Thoa 46 . "J^f^i^' All //? APi. Thou art my /->/^, ics flowing Pov/crs, Thro* every Pan difperllng ; Thy5pirit v/ichits Vitafshovvers Both Soul and Ecdy picrciug. So let me be all Life and Spirit^ My Jffu^ all ways thee Inherit; No Power the Grsnt Reverilng. '^ ; - Thou art my food^ and Heavenly Feaif^' " • ^ The Father's beft iJonation. Which gives, when Hungry and Diftrcft, Full Strength and Confolation, • ^ Bkft fVlantia ! traught with Life and Pow'r, Let Husks which this V/orlds Swine devour Be ne'er my Delectation. - .^-r r-irr-.-:!. ; 8.' - Thou zrtmy Drinh^ and Sacred Wine Mod pleafant to my Tafting. Who Tails mLift wifh the Draught Divine . ^ .;, Of fwectnefs Evcrlafting. ^ -^' Thou WeU-fpring of my panting Heart, Thy Milk and Honied Streams impart^ - Richljr for my Rcpalling. Thou art the jyicJe wherein 1 Drcrs ^ My Gem, and coftly Tiring. Who deaths me with thy Righteoufner>, The Silk to my Admiring. Let me be from the Vanity Of thiis Worlds pompous Gandery^ - - ^_ - As Rags of Shame, Retiring. - '^"^--^ '^' __^ - 10. ■ "Thou art niy "C'^y?/r, andTmy Fence •, Where fafely I rcpofc me. No Enemy can drive me thence ^ No Heatcaadii^*ompofeme. /Ah ';jefus AH in AH ; ^ ^^ Ah! Svftztc^\fifuy here lot me * Be ilill fecnrcly kept in thcv *, ^ Aad thy Itron^ Arm iiici'>'c rnc- * XI. ' . * \-a V. . .,:ni'i :i.::n -'.0 vm 1 aA s//i3rrl •;v/.ci^ "* ■ I- '-I •" • ' . n. .-''v^ ' •" ^iAi:?V£- Thou arc my ShephcrdT.'th^ui, rriic» "-/''^ v • To fruitful Pafcurcs iCiJ. :^. - •• '; - *<-^ Thy Call of Grace my'v\\-7 dL; fnew, • ;^ • ,' When far from Lhcc rcliiii.*^. - -''^'**-<:< Ahl now luke Care ofme thy ?^hccp, ^.^^ ... j That Satan's Pcvv r, nor ciiniiiag peep '*'^ r?;j> . ' ; MayBias myfure crcadine. -^. i '-'^i'.; ' - ^ 12,. ^ - -. .- ViU J *^> .,. ,.! L . ^ ^ ^ Thou art my Bridegro.m vvhofe Lovechaini "-'"^ 'I 5hallever fail indole me. ^ . .: v.;.\ vM l^ Krjy triie/Z/^/y^ri^, and myXi:i;»?;^ fliia^/;''.-^--^;^^^'^ »;; The_way to Life that fhows me. • ^ ?ifr*-:lT i! Thou art my Kitig^ that dofl Reign o'er^ ^ _ ,_ And fave me by Almighty Power, '-I'^J^r v' *^ When Enemies oppofe me. "•?''' !r .: , ;^^ Thou art my true and dearell Friend^ / ■ - '■ v^* ^ Within my Heart abiding. . jtv -^^^I^M My Brother fvveet, my Mother kind, . ^,t^-\^^ "f- ^ In Care for me providing. - i'^}^;^i.^^-^%'^^ i Phyfician^ and Medecin^ ■, j .' - -' a. .: .. ^.. •. * And watchful iV//r/f, that keeps me in,;; And holds m'e up when Hiding. * 14- / ; ,. Thbu art my Valiant Heroy'--' •.:^^r:^ vm \.^lx ■ ' j ^Intime of War's adkiling. • - ^ "' ?r ^^:':r ^-i :.|l t In Fight my Jlrmonr^ Shield^ and Bs^tp In Sorrow, Joy prevailing. . ' - - In Storms my 5/;i|, and Anthor fure, Cc7np/ifs^ and Heavenly Lo(id'fto;:e pure, . In Conduifl never failing. ij.Thoa !i!l 4S "^jefus All ;;; All. IS' • • > Thou art my Li/,ht and Guiding Star When N i^ht and 5Iidc!es furroimd me; yij Wealth \i time of Pinching Care. My Hij^ht^ when Dec ps cnntouad me. In BiiCcniers my Honey fweet. My R<;dj^ and Shelter vv here I lit, When Tempells fall around me. »^- . ' Thou art my lovely Garden where 1 fmd fwect Calm and Plcafurc. ^ v^,i ■ Tfiou art my F/on?^/* moll charming Fahr; * My Orfiament and Jrcafure. . : • ''."l ^ Hy Rafc i'th* Valley of the Crofs Refrefhiag, me when oft with Lofs . ;_; ,>v..: Thorns iuterrux^t my Leifure. I :';jr{^.,v;.t;rll' ^Thou art my Comfort when diltrelt 9 . ...,,-:. ^. .>^ When freed me joyful makings, '' ^ My daily Care in which I'm blell. My Thought when I'm Awaking. . - ^^ rciT In Sleep my Dream^ and fweet Rfpo/r; iii-MJV^' ' The Cuna-n 'which I interpofe : -"^ sv»:cnri v:-'. . in Bed, the World forfaking. --yrr.'tOJ J i And to what elfe moft Beautiful,* • f; v-liTev/ b '.;\ My Love, fhall I compare th^^* ^ -j^i^li^X I'll call thee my Defire in fuFI -, " "'"".'^ "^ And my 0;/^-^// declare Thee. . -z.^i'^T For what I want thou artto mc, ^ii:n-* Oh! let my Heart then conftantly , ^, i^.n-^*''-"^ la Heavenly Flames Infphear Thee;. v'*r: Jul'iUte ' IL atCcitc , 4P / >biiiv't:r/ Jfti k^H\i^u \ \i/nr:^ \Jj/natD the, o(oi^ mr znZ aume' 'is uox>o y/tis^ t=T=^ J ^ ^m f I '. ^ -f^i.^f ..^ 3rir P i^ ^ f m i ^ i C: Olil'Q, '[,.'71 :H ^(i;* f '^fmnAs I g f^ I ^ Mr'uoi2n^U€'7^ -Pus ^ fe ±d S /t/OTijdrxms Qjctioris aiid Acs Q3rals3 ^reAerys^ s p^^ i S ' ! i 50 "Jubilate. ^ 2. I ^ ET them give Life and Numbers to your Song-, .S--4 And count the Glories, which to him belong. ! But who their Verfe can to his Glory raife, Or, as his .Ai fiof f/ ^/lotrt Jord our- ^d^y. /vh/nj gifts of i^rutecosc iAe. faiMA.16 Aaar^ jf^ Jiaivs IVaiUrs fil/.- th Y iumina. Icrjc in thtm. instilA man ha^fi 6y tnu laif^ aIl^-Jrt(>£s to thin& Jnkertlancel^r i/iis '^aise. ^heSiTi ; i nil 1 i 1 1 ; ! 5- ' A Pehtecojl.ti Hj?rnh 2. t;y Ail Holy, HolyLi-hti Diamond Rock, 1 OrTparkling Truths, fhine on thy Flock. Thou, God in * Lm'e to know the Grace imparts To call Hhn y/W;,-? in our Hearts^ From Doftrincs Strange, O keep us clear ; -Let us our own true A/after hear : Ev'n Jefus Chriji wi[h Faith fmcere. Ever Confiding, -]Q Him our KnTg-r^^-.-.i,'^' .V :HalhlHuih. HdlUhtjahr ' ' : -^^«-« Come Holy Flanie of Love,' our Dove--^/ate, --Let us, with Joy and Courage great, Coiillant for thee in Holy VVartare [tand; 1 Let no Temptation Countermand j — - I _. And flill with Power infpir'd from Thee, Like "CFTanjpions Fight for Liberty, i .Till Sabbaiizing with Chriil our -King, I — - I » ,i ii ..y. ■ ■ --- .'"^-^.. ■ z-f."^ ;Ef^j^rv^i/?pr^^ % of Scrvann - C^ Rom. 8 ■ 1:4, ,c?:f.\v ' \^-^4 -i ^,^- ■", •^-^r^"""^- "'""' ■■■^"^ z~- — •**•' •-" •- n:rJ^ti-X .:_3i— rt- Spi ^^^^ ' iVIacKe diclirniJie Ueift bereit. ^^m XX ^ O TnijJoulTO: praucrjy, crie/IVatJi tc y^tci - ay ry ^ ^ fcf rn: <■■ > . I I -V — '<- ^^^^^^^^ g iriOM^lheeAest awrVuckf^hjM lA't-vil li/ne ^'er ^ ■+-f-r =^H^ f^ J — f—* — ^ ^ :jC!^=i : wd , 1 1 f - ^^mm \OaJ(£t/m J^^^- .a 72/lilUS^Ua}Vs7l&namjxrsma-mi I ^^^a^itf i ■^^ g ^ ,^e 1^ ^T^?. I Hj liEn ini0ii6Jl(wfdtD' ^bmpt mid t^'!^-^ • ^A &te ^^^^^^ ^^= »■ i 1 I ^ 1 ' i 54 Spiritual lYatchfuhiefs. a. Flrft take care thy fclf to roufe From Sin's Sleep enchanting 9 Torments great fuch heavy Brows Will not long be wanting. Lead miihaps And Death traps Seize thee time mifpending, Unav/arcs Offendinc^. "Wake for Jefus otherwife ..-:::-. ::" - Cannot thee Enlighten. ' ""^^^ Roufe thee e're the true Light flies --j::Which thy Lamp fhould biighten. . ::~" Grant he will ° Graces ftill ; .^^^i. But bids us that have them . '^^" Look to him that gave them. ^4-:--^. "^^ Watchful be lefl Satan's Craft'^-"'^- Should furprife thee fleeping. Since his Darts more fwifc than (haft Fly the Winds out fliipping. God let's all 5uch Saints fall, Into woes and weeping, Who are guardlefs fleeping, --;- riz. . • - - f. - ■■ ""'.^"~ •' Left the World Ihould thee confTraiii, Watch with fear and trembling ^ Left fhe to herfelf regain Thee by her dirfcnibling. 5tria Watch fct ^ And ne'er let Treach'rous Convcrfation Jnr' AJcciaiiou. AI.C 'v ■ i 6. . \ Alfo watch ihyfclf within, I Fleih and Spirit ever ^ ' Left thro' Carclefncfs and Sin * , s God withdravv his Favour. Mortal Duft's Full of Lnfts, Ofhfelffhort fighted. In its Pride delighted. 7. But upon thy Watch TowV pray Taking no denyals. That the Lord v?ould take away 5ins which cauie thy Tryals, Which deprefs __ _ And diftrefs. And lofleepy make thee, * 1 That Death may o'er take thee. ' . ! s. • ] God will humbly be ador'd . i E'er he does Relieve us. With our Cries he'll be implor'dy That he may retreive us. . > . Evermore i By his Pow'r \ Conquer Sin and Evil, ^ f World, and Flefh, and Devih . . * ' • / All things muft however turn ' ■; To the befb and eafe usj - . j ; If to him we pray and mouru '. ^ ^| Thro' his dear 5on Jefus \ ij Foryekno;v > • ' Ij He'll beftow if On us Grace exceeding, • v Thro'ChriIi;s Jaterceding. . ;:? ': !• ' i; E 4 iQ. Stilt '■ 5<5 ■ - The CGm^Uint.' '■'■'' ro. ' . - . Still let's watch, and cry, and pray, -" • •;•' c-iiA And with Iiall prepare us ^'. . ■ ' -M-^ *' • El(e the Evil Time and Day .^ :'/'--— ' -}-- J-^ ' Quickly wil! erjfp.are us, ^ ' < v::-;/t!ri v j oC' God's Jull Doom ^^"^ ;; i-^^I-V Is e'en come v*[^^ u>Vin cv'ry Creati-re v AndDilTolvc all Nature To try cv'ry Creati-re v %---'i^:»; - ■'"•'i; IjM li^ :0 r/;^ Complaint : "O/, A'lMitittion far • XT V .... 1 . .J A 09/7. , . '. ^ ~^ "To the Tunc of, ^ir;z?:•*■ ; ■ . • ^: Replenilh me with Wifdoms Light, •:; Clear fhining thro' Afflidions Night. r Thy Preicnce is Etevnai Day : ■; To th' ILrivViIy'-C/Tf.M^: guide my Way. T/b^ 62 ^ &%€ L>€st C/io/'ce !■!! 1 ^tiili '^ f=^=F~-F i ^Si ' { 3esiMS7wtj,mln^Jp^u^e ^^rru^i l^errctie. Af*- z^ wm^^^ m » ^ r Ftt ^rg: i f ^'i\* u 3ti=^ i n ^- ^ T T-^ i {>.: : Jefus my Choice Ihall be. ^ ir ^ I vc;>^ 5. ' • /,•.*_; Fond Lovers long full fore * '"'";'■'*=/> Their Miltrefs Eyes to fee. . . : ' ^.ii Li:'/;. ^ ?" Difcarded Courtiers crave : ' Il-o.v jiv-jfj -^-ir • il t In Princes Grace to be. No want, no woe feel I • -^ If I Enjoy but thee. Thou only art, and fhalt .My only Comfort be. 1:1 Ji I.:. ■ i ■ , ■ » li/i'.arf^' JlVirr;-r'^ Some weary out themfelves In ways of Vanity. " ' ^' . ;^^^^p^;^ 5ome follow painted Flies lv : r c: bt Thro' Fields of Milery. 'v-. ..-:>!. .: . ;^:a Some in the Mouths of Men '^^t •: I* . ' .. cMi Place their Felicity. ^i-ri^i^r;^:;^^^:) Such trifles I contemn : l* -j^p: r^-M \:ir::r 7r/«j for Love of thee; ^ -- Some fail thro' furging Seas In daily Jeopardy ; ■ Hazarding Life and Limbs , To be Enrich'd thereby. 5ome toil at home therefore- I by pofTelTing thee Have all they have and mor^g CoinzT^P^s then to me. & m ^ i 64 T/je Beji Choice, €. All that Heart caa conceive. Ear can hear. Eye can fee. All and more 1 poiTefs, Sweet j€[us Chrilt, by thee. Heay'n Earth, and all therein, Life, Limbs thou ^.'^avcfc mc. Have I not caufe to {\\\^ Jefns I thine will be ? ' t i j\ J v.'r 7. Tho' the World tempt me fore, And the Fielh trouble me> >. The Devil would me devour. My Refuge is to thee. Tho' Heav'n and Earth fhould fair. And all perplexed be ; Thou art, and ever fhalt My Joy and Comfort be. _ : 8. ... What can this wretched World Replete with mifery, , Yield to delight my 5oul, Made for Eternity. All is vain, all is frail. Compared unto thee. _-/, All Earthly Pleafures fail : ... • Thou liv'It Eternally. .-,- : v- 9. ^ ' Thou art, my Saviour fvveet> Life and Food unto mc. A Medecin mofl meet,, For each Infirmity. To my taftc Honey ivfQct ; To my Ear melody ^ Perfect Guide to my Eeet; To my Heart Jubilc. C I i: 1 ^ h ' ^ ')::, /ir.r '. '. r'i -w-oli >.ii. ^Mtr- ■''*;v^- ■ - ■ » -f* ) \h i vl.^. ^ 4 . :T.vJ70i *"V- .:-h;?r"^ -' y te, ^ofc The B':y Choice. .6 5 - , 13. -j Not my Will, Saviour fwcet, But thine performed be- | AH things I count as Dung . ' ! Compared unco thee. I Pomps, Pleafures, and Delights, (That I may worthy be, ^ . •■ I do abandon quite, ♦ Sweet Chrill: for Love of theej . \ ■ - ■'- - - ".- . • -.11. ■. i . For thee my Soul was made, '^, \ Nought elle contenteth me. ^' All Earthly Pleafures fade 5 '"* ; Thou liv'fl Eternally. ^ ] Strengthen me by thy Grace - .1 . That r may worthy be "--'■■" [ ' la Heav'n to fee thy Face, j And burn in Loyc with thee* _ ^ - '\ --"-^■'^"--- "ilT ■•~i-^.->^^--^->iSe-A- ill ^•f 66 ^ /yrta/Ai^ria a^/^r'i^^^Jai'iaA^GfQLest, -«— , z_ _ j .-i^ c_i ^:;:ziz:i J^ t/iU 97}n}'{jo^.-s ^7irL ^Dfic Lodci-? therein, ccm. ! t^Srr ^-QdzTL^sa/lrml/jvoTL As df^jTj^arirrha, Oyut IVf 'T I S^^* — (T ^ ^ — ^^^^^^=Mf-^-r-^ ^^ f=^--'^f^=r=r=f^^ IaceAi7rLsAn/Jj^iU}'e/2j/i}?^/uo7L alrucms ju/nclarut othen^mare e/rrv&race kion . J Bre.xrhir/z 4^-'^i ^^' ^7 E Ach Day on Wings Vexation brings U iJ ,'>:' » t 4 And ccrraiii Cares abounding^ Yet fhill net this diflurb our Blifs, ^ ' With reftlefsThoughtscoufoimding. .^^ f^.:i^ God sProfi-iife true is ever new ",. ", .,:',X t- -twv To Hearts la him Conhding ^ His Heav'nly Grace, in cv'ry Cafe, Advice aad Aid providing. .-' U' n' Contentednefs with Godlinefs •. ''j,..V.^q \ Is Gain that bed may pleafe uSj : . ;.' . 1 The reft fhall be all added free, ;.'- *:'.',- -V) -^ "• ff vve Poflefs but JcfHs. ■[ ■[ i .'e^'ilj'^ \ Then rich We are i like Angels ^^^ S'';^;^;,.:. x" vj And tho' v;e here are Dying, 'I'-'ro-l' - Yet God in all, and after fhall ., :V|i\>{ jf/. With Comforts be flipplying,/ v-^x^j'VdT '^ ^ "^ 4- ' ^' ' * """ ' Ah! God let me burn ardently : ^ in thy fweet Love for ever. And Succour fend when th' Evil Fiend Me from my Reft would fever. Td own thy Truth with Heart and Mouth, , * Before thy Scepter falling : '• , .-_.^.. .^J.' Thy Spirit in me, of Liberty, ^ ;iv/" - ThQQ j^bba Father calling. - . y. O fix thou me frotr felf fet free, In thee my Habitation. With Chrift thy Son my Head made one. In bleft Incorporation. When fhall I Re[i from Aft? unblcft, And only work thy Pleafure^ Where all is done by thee alone In Number, Weight and rrleafarc? ^. W- N 6S A BreAthing after y &c. We wait tl^ dear Sabhatkk Year -^(.'V Aj Of Grace and Judgment Grcetiri^r;;;j->j j/-/ All Enemies made now thy Prize, . ■\^. \.,_ rj * And at thy Feet fnbmiccing."/ • ' ...^'.^j",' ^.^ When ev'ry King fiiall Tribute brlflgv^\/.y Their Rights to Thee Revolving •,. V:"^-^/! ^^Y^■ And ev''ry Crov/n be Molten dovvn,'^^'^.y_-.' ''"' In tliy pure Love diirolving. " ^"-^"^ O 5/o«; Rock, fave thy poor Flock ;~;.:>/^^ Thy faithful Word remember, V."/^ ^^..-^^ Conhrni the Hands, and break the Bands . Of each diftreiled Member. y :^..'^^-- ^hy^^ill be known, thy Horn be blown 7\ ^^r'' For Joy and JubiUtini: .• j .^•';^ -^^^r All Nations round in Peace be found, '" . :* ' Thy SMath Celebrating. v':;;'3bin f;i jd tjaj :^?I Lcnc) l^l-T* »^ ' ,.::r^;jlo\-rn .> :?. lir u>'. -en tort: v::! ^y '^.i^i! 'il A I'lcv^ r lv'5*^-: A I'* '^- ^''*1 ^ •■ J^. — -{ — ^ — i- ^ rr ^ TT-^ ^^ n i Qdju^x. tky Self my fend cnclzairijr to^pet thy f^QO -m/ ChfLSt til y ^^^Jfwrusrw^u hlsniumr colli ihti c^M: of ^MLk - r*y •j^rr-Y^^^ Tt O— rO- '>= -r-Q " ^ ^m rr zz DI QjltJinj Grosses TLOTV^i^^ . ..| e=e g v. .-ri f 1=©: i ^ ^ ■ p I Q ' I ]CX p: T-e-r t2^=d i^^xi tHrrT r=^ iX -^^ \^?ieasv^r^vvi.^/icri^hza: Utv- out rmasiore . p -f=± r:; i il 1 I « ' ii ' 1; |i i 'ii hi\ |i 'M 1 'M\ t 1 .[\\ il I . ^ 1 ! ^' I- \i ) 1 1 i •' 70 a^ t/j-j J pp reach cf Death . D^\V'^ ^^ig^^t was 1 coniphining Ot my trouble, Lortl, to thee\ I long'd allwavs for tli' obtamius Of a fafc Delivuy. Travellers vvoi.'ld have their ri^y Tq their End without delay. Soiiave I been oft dcliring That my Lifetime were Expiring, iji For as Kofes are iiiclofed I ;' Ronnd about with Thorns and Stings ^ j I So arc Chriflians here expofcd ; ;, To a World of Sufferings. ^.z As the Sea is usM to rife. In tumultuous Waves and Noife •, So are we by mifchiefs hurry'd. Tip and down, till v/e are bury'd. World and Sin, yea Hell and Devil, Joyn with our'owu Flcfh and Bloody To afliid the Soul with Evil, ' And deflroy all that is good. Cares and CroHes every Day Take our Pieafure here away. Doleful is our Lif's Beginnin^^ ^ Woful always, for our Sinning! The Sun rlfing every Mo-ning, Every Evening ihc Sun fct. Seems to m'^ us a new Warning Of mifchfevous Snaies and Ncr. Thus we fpend our Days and Nights' ThrongM with ilgh?, and harM with frights; \\'^cr!::a;id Slave to be maintain'd, -Eat uitii 'icdis, what vrc have gain'd. There- • TU GAte of Fsnid:ji\ jj Therefore come, O Lord, i^iXi^ hadcu, Chrill, Eternal Morning-Ilar, Sbev/ me, whereupon to faflcn *, My Redenier be not far. Oafiill me, that I may ' Die with Peace and Joy this Day. Thou art able to Enlighten P^rknefsj wherewith Death would fright eiu ■i-^^tE^-E^The Gate of Faradifc. ,^ - • -^ , " JHcquihus irt Terris^ & ^xts mlhl Magnus k'^o^o^ ^svi^iSrz:^Cz_ Firgif." la 'Engli[h thus. ^3;; J;^ . Say, and thoa'rt my /Jf oiT^, in what Land Is Heav'ns wide Space in Cnbits Three contain'd ? The Soiutlen. , To the Tune of, S/^^ to: the Lord. •:;\":-v:^^\:-y^;.;^H-itv^i^^''^^"- I. ^ ■"■- >^^ . , . • HOW^ long,, vain Main, dofl: thou_ fo eagre ffy^ To meet thy God mV/;^//t, beyond the Sky ? Outward is Piill hut AUtters Region Dark. lie's evVy- where ^ ' but' ilill ffithln the Bark.., - ^_:...^-_--"l.' • -■•^; - '-,:, -\*.-: —■■"':'-■ " -'^. ^^" ^ ~ Ontw^rdis DowfiTparc^ : hwarh Vpi^ardskaQ'Nn x Ifh' Afcent ftill tow'rds the Centre^ and the Crown. Thy Way's too L(7«^,vYithdraw from r4i^tcrs"6o\ind, AndHeav'ns bright Qrbs may in thy SelfhQ foiind. God's proper P/^ctf Region of5f/V/Ms.^' ■//w^ Borders on it.'Scek'n: thou Realms of Blifs? Retire then. Recoiled*. Break thro', Arife. 5a thy own SouFs the G^te of F AU^A D 1 S £. F 4 Glqr'tJ^ 72 ulorr-^a jJ^ci'.ri Zj_j. ->7r i« r I P' f Z^IJL \ ^ -^ \ ^ L I i 1 1-_- :: - „^ ' . ' ^ ^ ^t~^ • Uto-- -I ' i ! ' ' ' -^-r ^^ -j — r I .i ' — ri : c^ ^ T-y; V- V , ••!' ^^' ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ g ^ ffi il '^y/iE IVoJ.r/i. rrtaTi Ij Call . 7fc Vjatkt: aruS^t^ m.f^t.i^/us. die. ^t4/nvt7L^,' %cc. !t2: •^^^ xx xm r^ •t vft £^ Ddp ■£)!„'! ^a ^EE r l ;o , i f ■4- I • : zmr :^^ -e-^ro- -e-M n: :d: -e- rz xc ■o- -H — f -he^ TTTTT tsxtlnii t- > o 'Q -^ .0/ ^ovCs^oTiuio &m^s7iaiv ^''m^^Oirif^^ae/^'J^qilym^^ i /[.O^- D±I ^ i -e- i 5=d: -^ z:: ■& tT nr vr ^ ^ 5: -^■^ n — « ■ ■ ' — ^— — : — «o--. . — ^;:3r~| — Q — ^r t^Tlu'ptiai'^^astdrw /last to rocfcom& dorunymii^imy (/''est , i i^ g=P Hr-^ -e-^ p I p =^ XT TJ XJ' i ■■• 74 The IVMchmvPs Ca!(. F' kit S lens iV/itch ate Singing, Her Heart for Joy and Triumpli fpringing. She wakes, fiie nfesfLreightVand hafts away, Hef Joy comes do;vn all Glorious ; - : With Grace, and Truth, and Might VicTiorious. Her Morning dawns, her Scar proclaims the Day Come now Celeflial Crown, ,_^._^_ :.. ^~ " Lord Jefuy Go(i,\ deai_S,ou.. '""" 'Itt J-^ ■:. : zz::s:r:Bof2nn3,l ~'~v—zx~r7 :'-r:Jj:^\S'zl Now, now wc enter all the Court Royalj^ ] 7' ,^— And Celebrate the Nuptial Fcftivalr ._:-.--^:^-ji: '.'ii V. Thy Glory ay be founding '•:-,,-' 7 >.' From Men and Angels Tongues refounding, — --- VVithHarps& Cymbalsfweet harmonious Toa^, :^.^S4lcms''twQlrz f Fearis unfolding ^ - -.1^; We Equal Seats with Angels holding, ("T-frrone. l^ ^. _J^ Love-link t Wreaths encircling thy bright ZJLS T>^P gye has ever fcen, ;^/ "^:£:^*irr r-^:- zn:ii;vNox'evcr heard, .has be c » „ , x^n'i J. . . Llni ^, .;<.v . Such Light, fuch^oy. " , • .\.:^ ;;,;:^^ For this our Praifes flow, Jo I Jo ! ' - ; - A'nd^jl^ies Eternal -Jubil-Tru^ I . 1; ^. ....:jtkl-:."--'-^':,: ........ .. _A-..„_ « i. — t -]- ,j' • -'■ r-r' .., ■ «-».i. - .A., ,^:: -1- -Rev:-a7u ; » X : - i*-4 -A- X// Jnj./'Ae'?' Jw.'^i'Tc on fas ^^^i to/Vai-vn^, \7U/uU.}mv of doT^fu^Tvyro ccnn -mtnu.lhir£z:c v ar^ Ufr-ftitfci. hpo- ■P I P 'j-i-^ i I ! J&rP- LX xxzrO rj-^ m e i * . * V- -,//r.^~^'J^tfl ivAlie jj old €7ie>m^- assaults lU vr&rulltj aUanm'dw a,^f - f4j nr rroT I ^M / i i O. .0.' f \ p p , , I o p #= ^ ^ XX -e- J v.. \ .t -* i 'i , J O ^^ fe TT- iE a^//4^ World 6'&r. i TI o^ - ''-'' yt Nought here avails our Strength or D^-J - We prcfeiitlv muil be deflroy'd. But for us fights a Man indeed •, A Champion bold, th' £/c\^ of God. Uoes any ask,' who is't ? His Name is Jefi^s Chrljl ; ^ The lord of HoUs Divine-: - ^ -^■.---. .. VVe'il to cone elfe incline,''^- "iV-T:-::^: He, He fuilains the Inroad, " r "'" ""And fhonld we thoiifand Dire js fee, "^ • -Juft ready us to Svvallov/, "'..i^^.:^ We would not doubt the Vidtory: ^ ;*-:The Day is ours we furely know ' , "-:-> r'^-The Prince of this World 'vai% ' '^ ^ With all his Might- and Main, ..Can do no Injury. -■— — --"-:For Judg'd himfelf is he. Ji One littje f^Kcrd caii him o'rcthrow. 4- Theylhall not fnake God^s 5tabIe'Wt5f(?. And this we-fhall not thank 'em for. He keeps the Field with Flaming Sw.ord Of his own Spirit's Victorious Power: - And tho' they Rob of Life, Goods, Honour, Chilu or Wife \ To thcni no Gain' 'twill be ^ We'll ./rand Reii2,n'd andTree: The Kiri^ikm\ jcfc ftill itt]thc Dcor.*' Tit s an Q^rcu7n.pha7i^ crCaniw/i u. hq V H ^^^^^-^ ^i -I ;__ l^Mta^u&ru maija?vflilrb cur^-y.ndJr^ Con.ccit'df!avefs i 4=P= ^ TZt-" ^P S3 j.^ _^-J-*: ii ^s ^^=<- -e-^-^ KTT XX 6 P^ ZT 'i I 'i s -e-e ^^ -- f '- IK n=t a i^ 7^-0-^-0 -Hi' : -XT;;: i / - OUR Senfcs all enjoy your founds, Thro' Chrifl the Lord's rnofi: glorious Wounds. Their Number's FivC) and iMufick's Five Love's moil harmonious Concord give. No Notes fo clear, nor Voice fo fvvcct As grateful Praife at Jefiis Feet. Strike up again, charm Ears and Hearts •, ' ' The Spheres and Heav'ns will bear their Parts^ Ye Heiiv'niy Hofus, that 5ung on High^.^. When Jefiis did in th' Manger lie, "'-v Defcend and with us joyn, let's all Together down before him fall. Then Rif' and 5ing, to God on high, Be Glory Peace on Earth ; and cry. Good VV I to ch' Male and Female Train* ThenSin;^ united, Chrif} does Rei^n. C H O R VS. All Glory be to God on high. On Earth, Peace and Profoerity. Be thofe that bear his Image Bleft. To all Inferior Creatures Reft. Hallelujah ! The Lord does Reign j All things are now Reftor'd again. '^' The 5on Rcfign the Kingdom fhall : And God be Father All in All. F 1 N^'-sy^ ; Xlie Union I lyrnn . .i d Canon o/^^feiyen^msi/fi o^^z, , ! (i^ *^ hciman'^j cooe ioi>t arui /lannciinj, j \ 'lie l/u joh fut t le . 1^ jak. ^^^ ^L-^ ^ i Date Due AUG 13 Tt DcMnco 3S-297 Lyra David ip??.