/Z m » Conf Pam 12mo #893 no. fa C <- UrfU GENERAL ORDERS, ^HEAD-QUARTERS, I>KPAUTMKNT OF SO. CA. & GA. j I'n.-oiAi.MM. s.c. j/u-;7 rr*,is62. 1.. Before a General Court Martial, convened at Charleston, S. C, pursuant to Special Orders, Xo733, current series, from the Bead-qaar- ters, Department of South Carolina, etc., and of which Court Colonel Jt)HK Imnovant. 1st Regiment B. C. Infantry, ia President, was ar- raigned and tried, viz : fc - 1.. Private John Dunn, of Capt. Kanapanx's Company, Wagnfer Light Artillery, on the following charge and specifications. \ iz : •■ !• ■■ rlion.'' Ut -In that; Private J»/,n Dunn, ef Capt. Kanapanx's Company, Wagner Light Artillery, was enrolled in said Company on the 14th day of November, 1861 ; bad leave of absence granted him on the 25th January. 1862, to return the next day. at 3 o'clock, p. m.. and did not return." cation 2/, ,^^./• tertian.*' Specification 1st "In that; Private John Nolan, of Captain Kaoapaux's Com- pany, the Wagner Light Artillery, was enrolled in said Companj on the 12th da] of January, istvj. ami was granted a leave of absence until Hie 20tb January, 1862, for the purpose of recruiting for said Company, and was ordered to his post by Lieutenant Ferguson which order he did no1 Obej ." .v,.,. ,<:.-., ii<, ii -id •• In that : Said Private, John Nolan, was found on the let Feb- ruary, 1862, in the recruiting office of Captain Prestos, of the regular ser- vice Provisional Army, and was claimed m an enlisted man in Captain Pres- ton's Company.'' Specification '■'<t Guilty." Findings and Sentence. The Court, after mature deliberation, find the accused, Private John Nolan, Captain Kanapaux's Company, Wagner Light Artillery, as follows: Of the 1st Specification : "C.uilty." Oftht 'ill Specification: "Guilty, except found at that particular time by Lieut. Fergnson." of tin Bd Specification: "Guilty." Of f/iri'innci:: "Guilty of absence without leave from bis Company, from the 2«ith January, 1862.'* And the Court do, therefore sentence the said Private JoJvn Nolan to be returned to Captain C. B. Kanapaux's Company by the commanding officer at Fort Sumter, and in that camp be kept in solitary confinement on bread and water for ten days, and ten days on full rations at hard labor under charge of the guard, and to forfeit all pay and allowances now due. up to the expiration of this sentence 3.. Private Arthur McChrrc, of Captain Kanapaux's Company, Wag- ner Light Artillery. Company " D," on the following charge and speci- fications : Charge. •• Desertion." Specification 1st -In that; Private Arthur McVlure, who was enrolled on the 20th November. lSiil.at Camp Ripley ,' Magnolia Farm.' was granted a fur- lough for four days, and did not return to camp at the expiration of his furlough." Specification 2d "In that: Private Arthur McChtrf. was found at Fort Sumter on the 1st day of February, 1862, by Lieutenant Ferguson, of said Company. who was informed that said Arthur McClure had r^mlisted iu the regular service of the Confederate States Provisional Ari^^ontrary to the 22d Article of War." To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded as follows: To the 1st Specification: '-Not Guilty. - ' To the 2d Specification : " Not Guilty." To the Charge : '-Not Guilty."' Findings and Sentence. The Court, after inatui v deliberation, find the accused as follows ■ Of the 1st Specification: -Guilty." Of the 2d Specification : -'Guilty." Of the Charge : "Guilty." And the Court do, therefore, sentence the said Arthur McClure to forfeit all par and allowances due him from the Confederate goTernment up to the expiration of this sentence. T<> be imprisoned in Fort Sumter three months, and kept at hard labor, with a ball weighing 1 24 > twenty-four pounds, with a chain six feet in length, attached to his left leg, and when 1 1< ■ t at labor to be kept in solitary confinement, under charge of the guard; and. at the expiration of his sentence, to be returned to Captain C. EL Kanapaux's Company, • D" Wagner Light Artillery, by the officer in command at Fort Sumter. 4.. Private T. S. Joiner, of Company " D," 1st Regiment S. C. Volunteers, on the following charge and specification : Charge. / ■ Violation of Mfft Article of War.'' Specification "In this; That the said Private T. & Jbiner, of Company ' D.' 1st Regiment S. C. Volunteers, did. being one of a regimental guard, mounted at Coh-'s island, S. C on the 17th day of February. 1*62. and re- lieved on the isth. while on his regular tour of duty and a sentinel regu- larly posted, Bleep Upon his poet. All this at Cole's island. S. C, on or about the 17th of February. IWt" To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows: To the Specification : "Not Guilty." To the Charge : " Not Guilty." Finding and Sentence. The Court, after mature deliberation, find the accused as follows : Of the Specification : • Not Guilty." Of the Charge: •• Not Guilty." And the Court do. therefore, acquit him. §. .Private Eliaha Clarice, Captain C. E. Kanapaux's Company, " D," AVagner Light Artillery, on the following charge and specifications: Charge. •• Desertion.'' Specification 1st -In that; He. Private Elisha ClarLe. who enrolled in said Company on the 14th day of November. 1861, had leave of absence on the 13th i >f February, 1862, I return to camp for 'Dress Parade" same day, and did not n *^^P Specification 2d •■'iwt sai.l Elisha Clarfo has enlisted in th<- regular t Battalion of South Qarolina Artillery. P, A. of the Confederate Stat* • trary t.p the 22d Article of War." To which charge and specifications 1 1 1 • • accused pie tded as follow a : Hon : " Not Guilty." on : •■ N't Guilty." lb the Chabqe : "Nut Quilty." Findings \m> Si n Tin' ('"in t. after mature deliberation, find the accused as follows : Of Uu \d Specification: "Guilty." Of the '->. therefore, sentence the said prisoner, Elish < Clarjce, i" forfeit all pay ami allowances due him from the Confederate government up t,» the expi- ration of this sentence; tobeimpris 1 in Fort Sumter three months, and kept at hard labor, with a ball weighing (24) twenty-four pounds, with a chain six feet in length, attached to his left leg, and when not at labor to be kept in solitary confine- ment; ami. at the expiration of his sentence, to !"• returned to Captain Kanapaux's Company, Wagner Light Artillery. Company K D," Palmetto Battalion Light Artil- lery. 6. .Private Alfred. Lease, of Company "I," Is! Regiment B. C. V., '•11 the following charge ami specification : Cm \i:<;r. •• Violation <;/' WI, Article <■/ War." Specification "In that; Private Alfred Lease, of Company " I,-*.' LsJ Regiment S. <'. v.. did, being one "fa regimental guard mounted al Cole's island, S. 0., on tlir 28d day of February, 1862, ami relieved on the 24th day of February, 1862, while mi his regular tour of duty ami a Bentiuel regularly posted, sleep npon his post. All this at Cole's island on or about the 28d .lav of February, 1862." fo which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows: '/'.///« Specification: -Nut Guilty." To tin- Chaege: "Not Guilty." Finding and Sentence. The Court, after mat hit deliberation, find the accused as follows : Of the Specification: "Guilty," Of the Chabqe: "Gjiilty." And the Court do, therefore, sentence the prisoner, Private Alfred Lease, of Com- pany. "I," Lsl Regimenl South Carolina Volunteers, to forfeil all pa] ami allow- ances 1 1 tie to him from the Confederate States up to the expiration of his sentence; td be confined on Cole's island two months, at hard labor, under charge of the guard, Hie first month to wear a baU. weighing twenty-four pounds, and chain six feet long, attached to the left leg, and after the expiration of the two monthH to be drummed «>ut <>f the service. 7.. Private Timothy 0' Sullivan, Captain C. E. Kanapaux's Company, " D." Wagner Light Artillery, on the following charge and specifi- cation : CFIAROE. •• D -< rt ion" Specification "In that; He, Private Timothy o'Siillivmi. who was enrolled in Baid Company on the 14tli November. 1861, was sent to the hospital in Charleston, January 26th, 1862; that he ran away from the hospital and was found in Captain Preston's Company of Regular Artillery. Provisional Army. c. s.. <>n the 30th day of January. l{fi$2 ; was arrested and brought bach to camp, where he remained until I>t February, 1862, when he was bi at to Port Sumter by order of Brigadier-General ELipley." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follow a : To the Specification: "Not Guilty." To the. Charge: -Not Guilty." Findivi; on Sentence. She ('"urt. after mature deliberation, find the accused as fettowB: Of the Specification: "Guilty," except as to the words "and ran away from the hospital." Of the Chabob: "Not Guilty.*' Ami finding do sentence, the prisoner ie discharged from arrest. 8.. Private Jaremiak Holt, of Company "A." 1st Regiment B. C. Infantry, on the following charges and specifications : Charge I. " Treason.'' Specification ltt -In this: That the said Private Jeremiah I! it of Company •A.' 1st Regiment 8. C. Infantry. < I i • 1 express hi< intention, ami make preparations to inflict serious injury upon the Confederate States, and aid the enemy by destroying the magazine of Fort Moultrie. S. ('. Tins at Port Moultrie. S. ('.. on divers days, between the 1st day of December. A. IX. 1861. and the lath day of February. A. !>.. lSf*" Specification ~>t -In this; That the said Private Jer e mi ah Hott, of •Company • A." 1st Regimen! S. <'. infantry, 'lid express his intention to communicate intelligence to the enemy's fleet then lying off Charleston Harbor. This at Port Moultrie, s. C. on or about the 10th day of February, 1862." Charge II. •• Conduct to theprejudice qf (jooil order "n't military discipline . ' lion 1st -In this; That the said Private Jeremiah Bolt, of Company • A.* 1st Regiment B. C. Infantry. Aid express his intention, and make preparations to inflict serious injury upon the Confederate States and aid the enemy by destroying the magazine of Fort Moultrie, s. c. This at Fort Monltrie, on divers days, between December 1st. 1861, and the 15th day of February, A. D.. 1S62." Specification 2d 'Tn this: Th.it lh« said Private Jeremiah Bolt, of Company • A " lal Regiment S. C. Infantry, did express his Intention to eommunicate Intelligence to tin- enemy's Beet, then lying off Charleston Harbor. This -it Port Moultrie s. c. on or ab >u( the 10th flay of Pebraery, 1882." 'I'm w hi. ii chai _■ - and specifications the accused pleaded u Iblfowa : To 1st Sfkcificmtion to 1st Cemms; "Not Guilty." Ibid Ikteedfioatio* folsCCHAMK; "Not Guilty." To the 1st Cii\i;-;k: "V>t Cnilty." Tn 1st Spx-inc.ition to M Charge: ■• Not Guilty.*' To M Specification t" -t Cuilty." lb M Cn VK..K: " Nut Guilty." FINDINGS AM) SKMKMK. The Court, after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, And the accused Private Jeremiah Unit. Company " A." 1st Regiment, S. C. Infantry, as follows: Of Ho 1st S/i' war with the United States, and kept at hard labor, under ckaxge of the guard, with a twenty-four pound ball and chain six feet in length, attached to his left leg, and when not at hard labor to bo kept in solitary confinement. 9.. 1st Lieut. F. ./. Sa under 8, 1st Regiment S. C. Volunteers, on the following charges and specifications : Charge I. •* Neglect of Duty" Specification "In that; Lieut. /'. ./. Saunders, of Company 'Q ' 1st Regiment 8. ('. Volunteers, while in command <>i" the regimental guard, mounted <'n the 22d day of January, L86Q and relieved on the 'i.'id day of January, 1862, felled to order under arrest or to report ('.('. Mayno. a private s.ildicr of Company ■<«,' 1st Regiment of B.C. Volunteers although it was reported uy the corp or al of the guard to said Lieut. Saunders that the said C. C. Hayae, a sentinel then on post in the regular tour of duty, bad been found asleep on his post. All this at Cole's island, on or about the morning of the 23d day of January. 1SG2 " Charge 11. "Conduct unbecoming f January, 1862 and re- iieved on the 23d day of January. 1S62. reported that nothing of moment had occurred, although it had been reported to him by the corporal of the guard that the said Private C. C. Hayne. then doing duty as a sentinel, had been Rrimd asleep on his poet. All this at Cole's island, on or about the 23d day .>f January. 1863." ('HARliK Til. •■ Violation of tin 'I'th Article of Wnr." Specification 1st "In this: That the said First Lieutenant F.J. Simntkrs, being, by order of his commanding officer, under arrest within the lines of the camp of the 1st Regiment s. C. v.. did leave, his confinement before he was set at liberty by his commanding officer, by going beyond the lines of said camp. All this at Cole's island, B, <'.. on or about Friday, the 28th day of February, 1888." SpeeifioeStionVd -In this; That the said Fir-t Ldeofc nam" F. J. Saunders, being, by order of his commanding officer, under arrest and confined within the limits of the camp of the let Regiment S. C. V.. did at different time- tears his confinement before he was sel at liberty by his commanding officer, bj going beyond the lines of the said ramp. All this at Ode's island, on or about the 26th and 28th days of February. 1S7 Charge: "Not Guilty." 7b the 1st Charge: •• Not < unity." To tin Specification /« 2(j? Charge : "Not Guilty. "' To tin •■■'In 'Charge: "Mot Guilty." To \. 3d Cham*: -Guilty." And the Court do, there fore , sentence the said First Lieutenant F.J. ffmmftlM. of Company - U." 1st Regiment 8. C. Volunteers, to be cashiered. 10.. T. S. Gilham, a Private of Company " F," 1st Regiment 8. C. Volunteers, on the following charge and specification : Charge. Man of the i6lh Article of War." S/nrfo-otooi -In this; That the said Private T. g. Gilham, Company • F,' 1st Regiment B. C. Volunteers, did, being one of a regimental guard mounted 8 ]■••< bland, S. O.,on Che 25th February, 1864, and relieved on the 26th day of* February, 1882, while on a reguUP tour of duty, and a sentinel regularly posted, sleep upon his post. All thi< .it Cole's Island, S. C, on or about the 26tt i • - accused pleaded as follows : To the Specification : '-Nut Guilty." A ft Cfl uwb: •■>.■! t.uilty.' - FiNM'iMi and SENTENCE. The Court, after mature deliberation find the accused as follows; Of the Specification: "Guilty." Of th, Charge : "Guilty." And the Court do, therefore, sentence, the prisoner, Private '/'. & Oilham Com- pany "F,"lsl Regiment S. C. Volunteers, to forfeit all pay and allowances due him from the Confederates States up to the time of the expiration of his sentence ; confined on Cole's island for two months at hard labor, under guard, the first month to war a twenty-four pound ball and chain, six feaf long, attached to the lef! leg, and after the expiration of the two months to he drummed out >'t" the b< n ice. 1 1.. Private Wm. Donwant, Company •• D." !sl Infantry, 0. B. P. k. on the following charge and specification : Chabco. •• />, si rtion." Specification "hi this: That the said Private Win. Donivant, Company 'D.' l-i Infantry C. S 1*. A., did absent himself, without leave, from the Com- pany to which he belongs when stationed at Cole's bland, on or about the Lsi September, 1861, and remained absent until arrested in the City of Charleston on the 4th Pecemher, 1861, and brought back to his Company. All this at Sullivan's island, on or about 4th December, 1861. ' To which the accused pleaded as follows: To the Specification: "Guilty." 7b the Charge : "Guilty." Findings a.\i> Sbntekcb. The Court, after mature deliberation find the accused h foHowa: Of the Specification: "Guilty." Of the Charge : "Guilty." And the Court do, therefore, sentence the said Private Wm. Donivant Companj n " 1st I [i t:in 1 1 \ O.S.Pi A., to forfeit all pay and allowances due bo him l>y the Confederate government) up to the expiration of this sentence, and be im- priaoned In Fort Moultrie for two months, at hard labor. 12.. Corporal John Reynolds, of Lee's Company, C. S. Artillery, on the following charges and specifications: en irge r. '• Shooting his superior officer." HcaHon " in tins: That John Reynolds, a Corporal of Lee's Company, c. s- Artillery, did wilfully and maliciously fire his musket at and dangerously wound his superior officer. Patrick MeXally. Orderly Sergeant of Lee's Com- pany, C. 8. Artillery. All this on Cole's island, on or about the morning of the 3d of March, 1802?' Charge TI. •• Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline."' Specification -in this: That the Bald John Reynolds. Corporal, Lee's Company, C. 8. Artillery, did wilfully ami maliciously fire his musket at and danger- ously wound Patrick McNally, Orderly Sergeant of Lee's Company, <'. S. Artillery. All this on Cole's island, on or about the morning of the 3d of Manh. 1862." To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows: V< tin Specification to 1st Ch urge: " N"t Guilty." To ffu 1st Charge: • Not Ouilty." To t/ir Specification to 2d Charge: '-Not Guilty." To the 2d Charge: -Not Guilty." PntMiroa and Sentence. The Court, after mature deliberation, upon the evidence adduced, fiudVCorporal John Reynolds, Lee's Company C. 8. Artillery, as follows: Of the Specification i,, i.s7 Charge: •■ < ;uilty." except the words "maliciously," ami "superior officer." Of the 1st Charge: "Guilty." Of the Specification I" 2d Charge: "Guilty," except as to the word "mali- ciously." ofth, 2d Charge: ••(iuiity." And the Court do therefore, sentence tin- said Corporal John Reynolds to be reduced to the ranks aa a private ; to forfeit all pay and allowances now due him or to become due him. up to the expiration of this sentence, except the ju■ .<■ ftinU." Specification "In this; That the said Private John C. Heenan, Company 'II,' 1st Infantry C. 8. P. A., did on or about the 6th day of July, 1861, desert his company, then stationed at Battery island S. C, and that he did remain absent until lie was lodged in the guard-house in Charleston, S. C, on or about the 30th of January, 1662." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows: To tht ! i: " (iuiity." Totiu Charge: "Otrilty." 10 KiMUM, wi> Si n i i w i . Tin ('..in i. after mature deliberation, Ru therefore, senteaoe the -.ii.l John C. Btemm to forfeit all pay :imi allowances accruing Bince the 6th of July last up t.> the expiration >.f thi- seuteace; be confined imder charge <>f ih<- guard fer three months wfth faptafw Preston's Company j and* daring one month of said thae, to wear a chain six feet long "ii li is left leg, " ith a twenty-four (24) pound bmU attached. 14. . (reora Johnson, Private of Company "B," Battalion Artillery C. 8. 1'. !•'.. "ii i lu' fdllowing aharge and specification : •• Mutinous Conduct" S/irrij],-ti/i ( ,)i "in tiii<-. That hi', the said Private C/eorge Johnson Company -P..' ■attailou af artillery c. s. P. v.. on being ordered by Ueatenaat 'I". i>. VFaties, officer in c mmand, t^ deliver up his gnn, positively refused i" obey sucli order, making at tin' time forcible resistance to guard when in dis- charge of thi-ir duty, cursing tin- sergeant of tin- guard. James V. Rowell, ami the guard." To whirh charges ami specification the accused pleaded a- follows : T<> tin Specification: "NotGuilty," A Me Cm vuiiK : "Net (iuilty." Purpura am> SswTMN k. fhe Court, after mature deliberation, find the accused as follows: Of the Bpee&Jusation: "Guilty." Of the Charge: 'Guilty." had the Court . therefore, sentence the said Private <;.<>e," Batch's Regimen! S. <\ Volunteers, on the following charges ami specifications: <'n \uiii: i. "Desertion." Specification •• In this: That the said Dennis Murphy, who was enlisted in said Company on the 24th day of September, A. D., 1861, had leave of absence granted him on or about l Ith January. A. l>.. I'M'!-, for two days, an.l .li.l not return." Charge, ii. ■• Violation <>/ ti„ 22d ArtUkef Prhr.' Specification -in this; That the -.ii.l Private Dennis Murphy, being an en- listed soldier in Captain IS. »>. Mwrden's Company, without the pot mission of 11 his asmnianding officer, and without any regular certificate of transfer. joined 1-v enlistment the Battalion of g. C. Artillery. All this at or near the City of Charleston, on or about the 14th January 1862." To whieh charges and specifications the accused plead< 1 as followaj fb apeci£oatienqf\st Chabcb: 'Net Guilty." To tit. MChABOB: "Not Guilty." '/■, apedjfieatie* >>/- S/,., i f,r,, li. n s/ 2d Chu:«:i-: *M«( Guilty." Of tit, 3d CHABOB : "Not Guilty." find the Court do, therefore, sentence the said !>■ tmis Murphy, Private of Com- pany -D." Hatch's Regiment, to forfeit all pay and allowances due him tram the Qonfcderate government, except the just dues of the la undress, and that .he hi confined ander guard for one month and be then disntth* 1 from the service. In the sentence above, the Court is thus lenient in consequence of the personal infirmity of the prisoner, and his probable mental weakm ss. Ifi. . l*i iv.it- Wm. (I. Bob hs. Lee'€ Company «'. 6. Artillery, on the following charge and specification: Chasm. •• Sleeping ,>n Post. 9 Icatiop -In thi>: That the said Private Wm. II. Seeds, Lee's Company C.8. l.rtillery,was found asleep on post, on or about the 22d January, 1862." To which charge and specification the accuse 1 plea led as f Hows : To the Speetfieation : - Not Guilty." To the Chabos: --Nut Guilty." Fl\MN<". AND SBNTENCB. 1 he Conrt, after mature deliberathm find the accused as fi llowfl : Of tht Specification: "Guilty. - ' ()/ tin- Ch\B6E : "Guilty." And the Court, do, therefore, sentence the said Private Wm. H. Hobos to for- feit all pay and allowances due from the Confederate government up to the cxjmsi- tkw of this sentence, exejept the just dues of the laundress; to bj confined under guard for six months, at hard labor, with a chain and a ball <-f (24) twenty-four pounds weight attached to his left leg. and »»• kept in solitary confine- ment, on bread and water, every third week of the said term. 17-. Private Nichols, Lee's Company C. B. Artillery, oq the following charge and specification : Charge. '"Tnstibordinatt t bndwet." Sp, ,ii eatim , --in this: Thai the said Private Nichols, bee's Company C»S» Artil- lery, did on the morning of the 1th of January, 1862, at or about 7 o'clock, n k. m. obc highly offensive and rant! T. B. Tlayne, commanding Lee's Company C. S. A 1 1 i I l.-i \ . saying, 'when :i fight takes place 1 w ill put a bnllet in your neck,' <>\- words t.> that effert ■ hesides using other Impertinent and mntinons language t.> the above-meutloned officer. All this ;ii c.lc's Island, on r about the 4 1 h day "l" January, I - To whidi charge and specification the accused pleaded as followB: T<> th> Specification: "Not Guilty." T<> the Ob iroe: •• V>t Guilty." I'lvi'iv: A-. Tlif Court, after mature deliberation, Bnd the accused m follows : o/th, Specification'. '*Nol Guilty.* 1 Off the Chabgb: • Mot Guilty." And the Court <1>>. therefore; sentence the said Private Nichols, to be iis charged from confinement 18* •Private J. 11'. Weetbrook, Company •• V>." Lucas' Battalion C.S. P. A.. ■.<> rtion. n Specification "Tn this: That the Baid Private Wnfbrook, Company • u." Lucas' Battalion, having obtained a forged pass to \i-it Charleston, was arrested after leaving Cole's island. All this at Cole's island on or ah ml the 24th day of January, 1862." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as f .ll<>ws : y;, tin Specification : •• Not Guilty." To the Charge : •■ Not Guilty." Fim.im; AND SKVI'KWK. The Court, after mature deliberation, find the" accused as foil lws : OftTu Specification: " Not Guilty." of !!,. Cfl vu..i: : •• Not Guilty." And tin- Court do, therefore sentence the said Private,*/*. W, Westbro discharged from confinement. 1 '.». . Private II. E. Yeomane, of Captain Brabham's Company, It Regiment S. C. Volun tears, on the following charge and specification: CB \i'.';i:. •■ Violation of the Article of War." Specification "In this: That the said Private /.'. S. Veomans, of Captain Brab- ham's Company, " I," of the 1st Regiment 8.C. Volunteers did, being one of a regimental guard while regularly posted as a sentinel, sleep u] liis pbst, sometime duriug the night of the llth of March, 1662, or the morning of the l6thof March, 1862. All kfalfl at Cole's island B.C.on or about the night of the Utb of March 1862 or the morning of the 15^ March 1862." Io which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows: '/', the Specification: "Not Guilty." Tu l/ir Charge: "Not'Onllty." 13 Finding and Sentence. The Court, after mature deliberation, find the accused aa follows : Of the Specification: ■■Guilty.'' Of the Charge: •■ (Juilty." 7 And the Court do, therefore, sentence the said Private R. E. Yi t ma ns, to be confined under guard for one month — one half of the time on bread and water. The Court is tlms lenient in its sentence in consideration of the proof of -iek- ne«B, which the prisoner made to the Court. 20. .Private Wm. Casey, Company " A." Lucas' Battalion, C. 8. P. A., on tbc following charges and specification.- - Charge I. ,: Conduct prejudicial to good order and military disciplined" Specification "In this: That the said Private Wm, Casey, Company "A." Lucas' Battalion, C. S. P. A., did break In and take from one of the store-rooms of the Commissary department a quantity of liquor." Charge II. u Omdnct prejudicial tm military discipline." ■•In this; That he, the said Private Wm. Casey, haying taken from one of the commissary store room- liquor, did become intoxicated whilst a member of the guard. All this at Fort Palmetto, Cole's island, on or about the 13th day of January, 18e2. n To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follow-: To the Specification to 1st Charge: 'Not Guilty." To the 1st Charge : •• Not Guilty." To !'" Specification to :V Charge: --Not Guilty." To the -Id Or lrqe : •« Not Guilty." Findings and Sentence. The Court, after mature deliberation, find the accused a- follows: Of the Specific ttton x/f 1st Charge: "Not Guilty." Of the 1st Charge: •> Not Guilty." Of the Specification of 2d Charge : "Guilty," except the words u having taken from one of the commissary rooms liquor." Of the 2d Charge : "Guilty." And the Court do, therefore sentence the said Private Wm. Casey, to be repri- manded for being intoxicated whilst a guard, by his commanding officer, before the Battaliou whilst nnd< r anas, ami he discharged from confinement. The Court is thus lenient in their sentence in consequence of the corporal pun- ishment which the prisoner has already undergone. 21 . .Private Wm. Ihithr, Company "A," Lucas' Battalion, C. S. P. A.. on the following charge and specification: Charge. •• Attempt at Desertion.*" Specification "In this; That the said Private Win. Butler, Company -A. Lucas' Battalion, C. S. P. A., having obtained a forged pass to pass the line 14 of sentinels v..- t rested after having left C le's island. All this at Coi< i*s island on or ab ml the -4th daj of January, 1862." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded at f"lh>\\-: fb gfc >/,.. ,,,-, rtiott: •• Not Guilty." lb i'i- t'n inac: •• No* Guilty." KlM'IN'. \M> Ban I K\< K. Th-- Court, after nature deliberation, Bod the accused as follows: of ti>- Sfovfitwtkm: *Nol Quirky." Of EaeOa&neai - Not Sulky." And tlit- Oourl do, therefore s ontoac e thai the said Private William Jlu'hr),, discharged from confinement. 22. .Private W. H- MaGlane, of Captain Duncan's Company, 1st Regiment, B. C, V., on the following charge and specification : (II AKliK. "notation of the 18W Article of War." SpeoifiotWion -In this: That the said Privati W. II. McClam, of Captain l>un- i anV Oompaay, •<;." 1st ftegimerrt s. C. Volunteers, « 1 i « 1 . being one of ■ regimental guard while regularly posted as u sentinel, sleep upon his post, some time during the aighl of the 15th day of March, 1862, or the morning of the Uith of March. 1862 All this at Cole's island. B. C, on ,.r ah. nit the night of th.- L5tb or morning of the ldth of March, 1862." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows: Th tli, Specification: "Guilty." 7',, l/i. Cm \k.;i:: "Guilty." Finding: and Skniknck. 'Up- Court, after mature deliberation, and the accused as follows: Of the Specifi toed under guard for one month, ami on alternate weeks ta be placed on bread an. I water. 23. .Private D*nnii Flyna; Company " D," Hatch's Regim nl S. ('. Volunteers, on the following charges and specifications : ClIAKIJK I. l - Desertion™ Sf.rifirnUi,,) 'In this: That the said Private Dennii Flynx, who was enlisted in setdCesusauy on the 24th .lay of September, A. I).. 1861, had Leave of absence gs sited hin >r aboul the 14th January, A. i>. 1863, for two .lays. and did not return." < 'ii utei 1 1. •• Violation of tin- 22d Article of War." Specification ' In this: That thr said Private Denni» Ftj/nn, being an enlisted 1 soldier in Captain B. O. Murden's Company, without th.- permission of his commanding officer, and with, ut any regular certificate of transfer joined H by enlistment the Battalion of S. C. Artillery. All this at or near the City af Charleston, on or about the 14th January, 1862." To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded aa folios - : To Specification t<> 1st Charge: "Not Guilty." yv> the Id Charge: "Not Gaihy." 7V> 3pecifieat*9* toMCuxmex: - Hot Guilty.'' ft tin: M Caaan: -Not Ghntty." fnrenras vm> Sentence. The Court, after mature deliberation, find the accnaed as foMewt : Of the Specification t>> 1st Chabob: •• Not Guilty '* Of the 1st CBAau: -Not fluilty." Of the Specification to 2d Charoe : u Not (Juilty." Of the MOhabos: -Not Guilty." And the Court do therefore sentence that he be discharged from confinement. 24. . Private Jeremiah Sullican, Company "F," l\. C. Infantry, on the following charge and specification : "Violation <>f tin* Wit Artich of War™ Specification •In this: That he, Private Jeremiah Sullivan, ltaring been regu- larly posted as ■ sentinel did leave hie pod without being regularly re- lieved. This at Fort Moultrie, Saltiran's bland, S. C, on or about the Sth day of Mareh. 1888." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded a~ follows: 2b tin >/.- cification : ■■ Not Guilty." To tin Charge: "Not Guilty." FlNIMNO AXT> SENTENCE. The Court, after mature deliberation, find the accased, Private Jeremiah Sulli- van, Company •¥." R. C. Infantry, as follows : of the Specification : "Guilty." Of tin Chaboe : "Guilty." And the Court do. therefore sentence the said Jeremiah SttBivan to be kept in solitary confinement for one month— two weeks on bread and water and two weeks oti full rations and at the end of that time to be put to hard labor, with a twenty- four pound ball attacked by a chain to his leg. for one month longer, and to forfeit two mouths pay.'" 16.. Private Robert JfeJfee, Company ■■ E." 1st Battalion S. C. Artil lery. P. F. C. S. A., on the following charges aud specifications : Charge T. " Drunkeanes* en Duty." Specification 1st •• In this; That he. Private McKee, Company E ' 1st Battalion 8. C. Artillery. P. F. C. S A. did. while on duty as a member of a detach- ment of Company • K,' 1st Battalion 8. C. Artil -ry P. F. C. S. A., get BO much under the influence of intoxicating liquor as to 1 e totally unfit fee duty. All this on or about the 19th day of March. 1862 at Fraser's wharf, in the City of Charleston, B.C." 10 lion 2d "In this; Thai lie Private Robert McKee, Company • E,' 1st J5attiilii.il Nmtli Carolina Artillery, I*. P.C. S. A., diii. while on duty m ■ member of .1 detachment of Company ■ K." 1st Battalion B.C. Artillery. P. I ■ .< v A., load a in I prime hla musket, and go on duty with said piece Id said condition, contrary to positive orders. All this on or abonl the 19th daj of Manh. 1862, al Power's wharf; in the City of Charleston, - Cfl \i.' ■ II. •• ThreajU ntng t<> take the lift of hit Jttjx rior officer" 'Specification u In this; Thai he Private Robert M K< . Company 'B, 1 1st Hat- talion 8. 0. Artillery. P. F. C. 8. A., did af tec being pat on extra post fer pun- ishment with his musket unloaded, by Lieut. .1. B. Hawkins, the officer in charge of detachment of Company C E,' let Battalion 8. C. Artillery, did re- mark to the actiug sergeaul of guard of said detachment, while passing, that he had loaded or fixed his musket to si t the one who had placed him .•11 extra post, and at the same time showed Bald piece to - lid Berge int, who found piece primed and charged. All thieon or about the 19th day of March, 1 $ 2, at Praser's wharf, in the City of Charleston, 8. «'."' To which charges and specifications the acoused pleaded as follow 3 ; To the Specification of Lsi Obaboh -Not (Juilty." T'> //<-■ 1st <'ii lrge: •■ Not Guilty." Totlu Specification of ^Charge: "Not Guilty." T<, I/,, 2d\ Charg :j '-Not Guilty." Findings and Sentence. « The Court, alter mature deliberation, find the accused, Private Robert McKet. Company "B," 1st Battalion South Carolina Artillery, a- follows; Of the \si Specific vtion of the let Change : -(Juilty." OJ tht 1st Charge: ''Guilty." Of the Specification oftfa 2d Charge: ''Guilty." Of the 2d Charge: • Guilty." And the Court do. therefore, sentence the said Private Robert McK , Company '■ K." Battalion of Artillery, to be confiued, under guard, for six months, with u twenty-four pound ball attached, with a chain six feel long, to his left lag; the alternate months of this time at hard labor, During the month not at ha id labor, t , be kept in a ilitary confinement, with bread and water as rations the alternate week- of his solitary confinement, and to forfeit one- half of bis pay and allow- ances accruing during the execution of the sentence. 26. .Private Samuel Hutchinson, Company " B," Lai Regiment B, C, Artillery, C. B. 1'. F., on the following charge and specification: C11 \i:*.i . Specification 'In this: That lie. said Private Samuel Hutchinson Company •li ■ 1st Regiment S. C. Artillery, C. S, P, I'., did, after belfig regularly- posted as Bentinel at Post No. 7. in front of magazine sit down and go to 17 sleep on his post, in which condition he was found by the officer of the day." All this at Fort Sumter, on or about the morning of the 29th of March. 1862. To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows : To the Specification : "Guilty." 'h> the Charge: "Guilty." Finding and Sentence. The Omit, after mature deliberation, find the accused, Private Samurt Hutchin- son. Company "B," 1st Regiment S. C. Artillery. C.S. P. F.. M follow-: Of the Specification : ■ Guilty." Of the GttBSB: "Guilty."' Aad the Court do, therefore, sentence the said Samuel Hutchinson, Private in Company "B." 1st Regiment B. C. Artillery, to be imprisoned for three months, and to forfeit all pay and allowances which may accrue during the execution of the sentence, except the just due- of the laundress. The Court is thus lenient in the above sentence, in consequence of the good character of the accused as a soldier. 27. .Private Henry Gnllidg«, of Hani's Company, " F," 7th Regiment S. C. Volunteers, on the following charge and specification : Charge. '•Desertion." Specification "In this; That on the 21st day of July, 1S01. fife*? >ri m r-rit 8. C. Volun- teers, whore he remained until the 11th March, 1868, at wbil h time he Ml arrested, and sent to Fort Sumter, hy Brigadier-Genera! Ripley, to await trial." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows : To the S]>ccification : '• Not Guilty." To Mp Charge: "Not Cuilty." FlNDINIi AND SENTENCE. The Court, after mature deliberation, find the MBWed M follows (having no proof in support of the charge;: Of the Spe ijicalion: " Not Guilty." Of the Charge : •• Not Guilty." And the Court do. therefore, sentence the said Private Wade Voiinr/iiier to he discharged from confinement and arrest. 29. .Private James M. Cartin, of Hani's Company, 7ih Regiment S. C. Volunteers, on the following charge and specification : Chargk. ^Desertion." Specification "That on the 21st July. 1861, Private Ja/nes M. (hrliu. of Hard's Company, 7th Regiment S. C. Volunteers, did desert his Company at Centre- ville. Va.: and having proceeded to Charlottesville, did there obtain a fur- lough for thirty days from the hospital surgeon; and having made his way to South Carolina, and his furlough having expired, he failed to report him- self to his Company or Regiment; he attached himself to Captain Gregg*! Company, Moragne's (19th) Regiment S. C Volunteers, and ha.- been sta- tioned near Charleston until the 11th day of March. ls(VJ ;it which time ho was arrested and sent to Fort Sumter, by order of Brigadier-Genera] Ripley, to await trial." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows: To the Specification : "Not Guilty." To the Chargk : - Not Guilty." Finding and Sentence. Tin- c>urt. after mature deliberation (having ae proof in rapport of the charge), find the accused as follows: Of the Specification : - Not (iuilty." Of the Charge : •• Not (Juilty." And the Court do, therefore, sentence that tin- said Private /antes .V. Cm-tin be discharged from confinement and arrest. 30.. Private Martin I/ol/inn, of Company "(J," 18tli Regiment 8. C. Volunteers, on the following charge and specifications : Specification 1st "In this; That the said Private Martin HblUns left his quar- tet* at Camp Guerin, St. Andrew's parish, on or about the 9th of February, 19 l e 62. with the intention of deserting, and was recovered from the guard- house in the Oity of Charleston, Si C. ten or twelve days afterward." Specification '2d 'That the Private Martin Hollins did leave his quarters at Cainjj Guerin. St. Andrew's parish, with written permission for eight hours, on the 24th of March, l^'-'2 and was recovered from the guard-house in the City of Charleston three days afterward." Specification 3d "That the Private Martin Hollins. combining with others, pro- cured a forged pass, upon which, knowing the same to be forged, left his quarters at Camp Guerin on the 29th day of March. 1862. and remained absent until arrested and bnmght hack to camp. All this at Camp Guerin. St. Andrew's parish. State of South Carolina." To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded as fellows: To the \.t (inilt.v. - " And Hi.- Cunt do, therefore tentence thai the said Private JMa B. AUmam be discharged Prom arresl and confinement. II. .The proceedings, findings and sentence >»(* tin General Court Martial in the ease of First Lieutenanl F.J. Saunders, Let Regiment 5. C. Volunteers, are approved. Lieutenant Sauudert bean officer of the Confederate army from tin- date of tin 1 promulgation of this sentence. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the case of Private R. K. Yeomaus, of Company "I," 1st Regiment S. C. Volunteers, are con- firmed, and the sentence will lie duly executed, although, in the opinion of the Major-General commanding, the sentence is entirely inadequate to the offence; if unable to perform the important duty of a sentinel, he should have applied to be relieved. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the ease of Private Dpnnis Murphy, Company " D," Hatch's Regiment, arc approved, and the sentence will he duly executed, except that portion <>f the sentence which requires that he he dismi88ed from the service, which i< remitted. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the ease of Private Jere- miah Holt, Company "A," 1st Regiment S. 0. Infantry, are approved, and the sentence will he duly executed, except that portion which relates to the solitary confinement, which is remitted. The proceedings and findings in the eaffee of Privates Wade £oun- giner. Henry (iullidge, James H. Cartin and John 1!. Altman, are • •on tinned. The Judge Advocate of the Court should not havo assigned Younginer, (iullidge, Cartin and Altman, on charges of BO grave a character, until the presence of the necessarj witnesses for »he prose- cution could he obtained. In all such cases the charges should bo referred hack to the I >c)>arlnienl Dead- quarters, with a statement of the reasons, therefore they will he released from confinement, and assigned to temporary duty with such o >rps as the commanding officer of the Second .Military District shall direct. The proceedings and findings in the case of Private William Casey, C pany " A,'' Lucas' Battalion, are confirmed; the sentence is disap- proved, as, in the opinion of the .Major (ieiieral commanding the De- partment, the sentence awarded is entirely inadequate to the offence. Private Casey will he released from confinement and returned to duty with hi- I 'ompany. The proceedings and findings in the cases of Privates Denni- Flynn, 21 Company " D," Hatch's Regiment S. C. Volunteers, and William But- ler, Lucas' Battalion, Company "A," are confirmed. If found "Nut Guilty'' by the Court, they should be acquitted. Privates Flynn and Butler will be released from confinement and returned to duty with their Companies. The proceedings, findings and sentences in the cases of Privates T. S. Joiner, Company "I)." 1st Regiment S. C. Volunteers: Timothy O'Sullivan. Captain Kanapaux's Company. " L»." Wagner Light Artil- lery : J. W. Westbrook, Company '• B," Lucas' Battalion ; Nichols. Lee's Company C. S. Artillery, are confirmed : they will be released from confinement and returned to duty. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the case of Private McClure, Company " G." 1st Regiment S. C. Volunteers, arc confirmed, and the sentence will be duly executed. Although in the opinion of the Major-General Commanding, the sentence is inadequate to the offeuce. The proceedings, findings and sentences in the oases of Privates Elisha Clarke. Jobn Dunn, John Nolan. Arthur McClure, of Captain Kanapaux's Company, " D," "Wagner Light Artillery: W. 11. Hobbs, of Lee's Company, C. S. Artillery: Samuel Hutchinson, Company "B," 1st Regiment B.C. Volunteers; Robert MeKee. Company "K." 1st Bat- talion S. C. Artillery: T. S. Gilhani. Company '• F" : Alfred Lease. Company "I" 1st Regiment B. C. Volunteers: John C. Hcenan, Com- pany ••II"': William Dunovaut. Company "D," 1st Regiment Infantry, C. B. P. A.: Martin Jlollins. Company " G." 18th Regiment 8. C, Vol- unteers; Jeremiah Sullivan. Company "¥." R. C. Infantry; George Johnson, Company " B." Battalion of C. 8. Artillery, and Corporal John Reynolds, Lee's Company, C. S. Artillery, art' appro red, and the sentences will be duly executed. III. .The general Court Martial, of which Colonel John Dunovant, 1st Regiment S. C. Infantry, is President, is hereby dissolved. By order of Major-General Pk.mbertox. J. R. WADDY. A vtitlant Adjutant- Central 1 peRtmlipe* pH 8.5