ur ciuzeus .n meae Males. But thus* aiaieuiCilla lib. w II. a! our mv.l, uur evideuoes 01 marriage and Ic- gilliu icy, .iii- bistory, and Ilie very bonds ol booiety . it imu a cundiliou oi tnarouy aud civil strife, where no man's right* are secure and wrong may be .lone wiui impuniiy. They have not spared even ibe in of uur .li'. 1. 1, or sutt'ered tbeii rem una iu real undia urbed. They have lorn down and uiuiilaled i lie moDumeuta iu oetue- teries, aud have exbumed and opened coffins, eiiUi no gratify Bordid avarice or fiendish ma- lignity I'bey have mutilated orrentovud pubiio aud pri vale libn t,purtraii8and other paint- ings, Btaiuea ami other wuiks uf mi aud i.'i-i... pi hi.? and other musical iastrumeuia, and ui l Behold lurniture, They have rubbed many persona uf relics ul' deoeaeed fur ii a. in ..i he. i elat ives oi ds, which went iuvaluaole '..- them and vain ■■.!■ ' ibe i bbers, merely to torture Hi of our oil liens nnd io sati ewn mean aud malevi !• nl animosity, 'Ihey hive murdered peaceful and ouuffendiug eiiixene, an i have Ben d .-nut taken many ..i th. in tar ir .in ibeir families and homes, ami iuc arceraled I hem in prisons of the Uuitcd btatea, I'u others they have offered the chuiue of a prison or an oath of atle tu ibe United Sin as. They have rushed bi regiments, baiialions or companies into our ui iges, ami rubbe I, like banditii, boih men tml w..niiu, in Hun- line lings ami mi ih,. ■■reels ol mou*y, watches and other jewolrj Tn. ii soldiers ii ur indulged their brutal u is- n ins upon women, sometimes in open d >y and iu p. I. lie plaues, »iiii impflnity, .1 nut by li ci'ii-i .-ii. luey have no* spare i e Iber uni', r.e\ or calling, Ol.i men, wumen ami children, ministers of religion, peaceful artiztns, merohnnts, men of seience nnd Ifller*, tillers of t lie carili, aodoibeis not beariug aims, or gu Ity of any misconduct, bnve been made to Miller as boslagea, ur vi- carious victims, lor the [severe 5ul defensive lilu'vs intlicied by i.ur gallanl Boldiefa upon these cowardly invaders. Even those utiiur- uniitua whom the mysterious providence of Uod has heml'l of leason, or of I lie faculty ol speech, or ihc sense of sight or bearing, have not escaped the demonical wrath of our eueini ••the Committee would ciie examples of each of these outrages, and the lealiniony by which ihey are sustained, lull it would swell the report beyoud the limiia which will en- sure iis publication nnd perusal, and as 'be and injuries done are nol half lold, itiuua having extended to ouly a • mail pari of lour Staios, ihey have deemed io postpone a full recital to aootbei session ol Congress when they may make a final report, "In i-onclusion, the Committee feci war- ranted iu saying thai lite conduct of the war .ui ihe [.an oi our enemies ini> nut exhibited the moderation, the forbearance, the chival< ourtesy, the magnanimity, or Chris- tian charity, which the spirit of ilie age de- mands, and which the praoitoe of civilized i il centuries la-l paal lias illy illustrated. It has been a war not inure h gainst our unarmed men, than belp- 1 inn i. ni n ..'ii and children. It lied io destroy nol only our me ins oi defence, bui of our fool and i-ii- uien: ; not only io conquer, but to extermi- nate. It has been a war not only against the bodies, but againsi the spnii uf our peo- ple also; their eouIb have hern luriured by all the base arts uf oowardly despotism ; by ing them la insults aud humiliations, is ii Hie very slaves oi their enemies; by robbing them of priceless ti isurei conse- '•i aic ' in I heir affections by association with dead or absent kindred; by false reports to thnse v. it Li i ii their lines, and who were out uff Iroin communication wuh tneir fi-llow- citixens beyond, Ibem of repeated deieata and diaasiera attending Souiliern aim-, ami of our concessions uf the hopelessness of our cau-e ; by desecrating graves, churches, and oilier sacred places ; by destroying things which do nut add to means of bus ilily bui are only useful in peace, and serve iu prumoic the commou and pei pntunl interests uf mankind. Iu short it ii prosecuiedas if with ibe fell pur- pose ol subjugating bulb ihe bodies and souls of our people, or of exasperating aud exterminating tbem. li has been a war against properly, both public and privale; Lea and against all classes of the political, moral and uis of our peoplt ; against ih. n honor ami their public iiU'rei inns ; againsi whatever has hitherto been deemed I, inoffensive and exempt from hostility by all civilized nations, li has been cou- iliici<-d BO us in insult while Ihey injured, lo exhibit toward us contempt as well as haired. It has been waged as if ihey wished never 10 have peace with us, or expboied us never in hold in Inline any ei|iialii\ with ibitn. • ■■ p .li y has m ' been to rc- lorc the Union, or lo Inn. aoj future commerce or intercourse wiih us as indo- peinli in and friendly States They disdain. initiate, and design to subjugate or ex- terminate our people. '•The Coinniitiee ask leave to sil during the rcce-s ul Uungress, thai ttey may con- tinue tho prosecution uf their dunes and .ike lunher report at the next Hess on. Chey suggest ib.it ihii report uml itie ac- ' s b» fib il lor t he press t in the office uf the Secretary of the Senate." •>i pettnulife* P H8J