•^S^^fe * PRIMARY '•' BiSLE QUESTIONS * FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. 15 Y 8. ROOT. THIRD JEDITION, RETISED, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. ATLANTA, OA.: J. J. TOON fz CO., PUBLISHERS AM) PROPRIETORS, FRANKLtX ST K.AM PRINTING UOTTSK. 3S« a^ -±- George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS PRIMARY BIBLE QUESTIONS FOP. YOUNG CHILDREN. 33 Y s . K. O O T THIRD EDITION, REVISED, KXLAKGFD AND IMPROVED. ATLANTA, GA.: FBANKLTN BTEAM PUBLISHIMO MOX/SB, au ? A. Esau was a strong man and a great huntsman. Q. What kind of man was Jacob ? A. Jacob was a quiet man and spent his time at home minding his flocks of slieep and cows. Q. Did^Eeau and Jacob fallout? A. Yes. Esau was hungry one day and Jacob w uld not share hi* pottage with him unless he would tell him his birthright. m 18 Primary Bible Questions Q. Did Esau sell his birthright to Jacob ? A. Yes ; Esau sold his birthright for the mess of pottage. Q. What happened then ? A. Esau wanted his birthright back. Jacob refused to let him have it again. Q. Was it right of Esau to sell his birthright ? A. No ; Esau did not value the promise God made to Abraham or he would not sell his share in it. Q. What was the promise God made to Abraham ? A. God promised Abraham that he should have a son through whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed. Q. What became of Esau ? A. Esau went to live among the heathen, and be- came a great prince. Q. What became of Jacob ? A. -Jacob dwelt in Canaan, and was the father of twelve sons, who were the fathers of the twelve tribes of. Israel. Q. Who. was Tsrael? A. Israel was a new name which God gave Jacob. The children of Israel were afterwards called Hebrews. Q. Who was the son of Abraham- through whom all nations of the earth is blessed ? A. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, was the son of Abraham. For Young Children. 19 LESSON X. ABOUT JOSEPH. Q. Who was Joseph ? A. Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Q. Did Joseph's father love him better than he di<' his other sons? A. Yes. "Because he was the son of his old age." Q. Did Joseph's brothers love him ? A. No ; Joseph's brothers hated him. Q. Why did they hate him? A. Joseph's brothers hated him because they "saw that their father loved him better than all his brethren." They were jealous of him. Q. Was it right that they should hate Joseph ? \ Xo : it was wrong in Joseph's brothers to hate him. Q. What did they do to him in their hatred? A. Joseph was sold by his brothers as a slave to some merchants. Q Who did the traders sell Joseph to ? A. Joseph was sold to a Captain in Egypt. Q, How did Joseph's brothers deceive their father? \. Joseph's brothers tried to make Jacob believe that wild beasts had killed him. Q. Did Joseph hate his brotheiftfbr their cruel t\ ! A. No ; Joseph loved his brothers still. 20 Primary Bible Questions Q. How did Joseph behave in Egypt? A. Joseph was a good and faithful servant to his master. Q. What did God do for Joseph in his troubles ? A. God blessed Joseph and made him a ruler in Egypt. Q. How did Joseph act when he became ruler in Egypt ? A. Joseph still loved and served God. Through all the courts the tidings flew, And spread the joy around; The angels tuned their hearts anew ; The long-lost sou is found ! LESSON XL MORE ABOUT JOSEPH. Q. What happened to Joseph's father and brothers ? A. There was a great famine, and Joseph's fait her and brothers were in want of food. Q. What did they do to get food ? A. Jacob sent his sons to Egypt for corn. Q. How was it that there was corn in Egypt? A. God foretold to Joseph that the famine was to be, and he saved a great quantity of corn beforehand. Q. Did Joseph's brothers know him when they saw him in Egypt ? A. No; Joseph was soTrich and so great that his brothers did not know him. For Young Children. 21 Q. Did Joseph know* his brothel a } A. Yes; Joseph knew his brothers at once. Q. Did Joseph punish his brothers for their cruelty to him? A. No ; Joseph treated his brothers very kindly. Q. Did Joseph let his brothers have com ? A. Yes ; Joseph gave his brothers as much corn as they could carry home. Q. Did the brothers of Joseph couie again for corn? A. Yes ; the famine lasted for seven years, and when Joseph's brothers wanted more corn they came to him again. Q. Did Joseph still treat them kindly ? A. Yes ; Joseph told them he was their brother, and showed them great favor. Q. What more did Joseph do? A. Joseph sent for his father, and had his brothers with their families to come and live with him in Egypt. Q. Was not Jacob glad to see his son Joseph again? A. Yes ; Jacob rejoiced greatly at seeing Joseph. LESSON XII. ABOUT MOSES. Q. Where was Moses born ? A. Moses was born in Egypt. 22 Primary Bible Questions Q. "What did the mother of Moses do with him? A. Moses' mother put him in a little basket of rushes and tied it on the edge of the river. Q. Why did she put him there ? A. Moses was put there by his mother to be hid from the officers of the king of Egypt, because they put all little Hebrew boys to death. Q. What happened to Moses there? A. The king's daughter found Moses. Q. Did she have him killed? A. No; the king's daughter sent Moses to nurse, and had him kept as her own child. Q. What kmd of man did Moses become ? A. Moses became a very good and wise man. Q. Could he have been king ol Egypt? A. Yes ; Moses could have been king of Egypt, but he chose rather to be with his own people. Q. What became of Moses ? A. God • blessed Moses because he chose his own .people before the riches of Egypt. Q. How did Moses become a great man ? . A. God led the children of Israel by Moses out of Egypt, and by this he was the deliverer of his people. The Lord his peojrfe loves, His hand no goWT withholds From those his heart approves — From pure and upright souls. For Young Children. 23 LESSON XIII. MORE ABOUT MOSES. Q. What was the king of Egypt called 9 A. The Egyptians called their king Pharaoh. Q. Was Pharaoh willing to let the Israelites go with Moses ? A. No ; Pharaoh would not let the peop 1 ^ go. Q. What did God do to make Pharaoh lot the Israelites go ? A. God sent great plagues upon the Egyptians, one after another, until Pharaoh let the people go. Q. How many plagues did God send ? A. God sent ten plagues upon Egypt through Moses. Q. What was the last plague ? A. Last of all, the first horn of every house died at midnight. Q. Was Pharaoh willing then to let them go? A. At first he was, hut afterwards Pharaoh followed them with his army to bring them back. Q. How did Moses and his people escape? A. God made a path through the waters of the Red Sea for the Israelites to go over dry shod. Q. Where were the waters of the sea ? A. The waters of the sea were heaped up on each side of the path. Q Did the Egyptians pass over the path after them? A. The Egyptians startecunrough the path after them. 24 Primary Bible Questions Q. What became of the Egyptians? A. The waters rolled back into the path over them, and they were all drowned. Q. Were Moses and the Israelites glad? A. Yes. They praised God because He saved them and destroyed their enemies. LESSON XIV. MOSES IN THE WILDERNESS. Q. When the Israelites got through the Red Sea, where did they go ? A. The Israelites journeyed through the wilderness. Q. Why did they go through the wilderness? A. To get to the land of Canaan. Q. How were they fed in the wilderness? A. God gave the Israelites bread from heaven every day. Q. What was that bread called ? A. The bread which came down daily was called manna. Q. Did" they have any meat? A. Yes; God sent grea t flocks of quails into their camps. Q. Was there much water there? A. No; but Go 1 bid Moses to strike the rock in Horeb with his rod. and the water flowed out.* b^si * God commanded the rock to b^mitteu the tirst time, though not the last. For Young Children. 25 Q. How long "•<■! c they travelling in the wilden A. The Israelites were forty years travelling before they came to Carman. Q. Did Moses go into Canaan with them ? A. No ; Moses died just before they passed over the Jordan. Q. What caused Moses' death ? A. Moses' offended God by getting angry one day, and God would not permit him to goinio Canaan. Q. Where did Moses die? A. Moses died on Mount Nebo. Q. Where was he buried ? A. No one can tell ; for the angels took him and buried him. LESSON XV. ABOUT SAMPSON. Q. Who was Sampson ? A. Sampson was the strongest man that ewr lived. Q. What did Sampson do that showed h s strength 1 A. When Sampson was a young man lie tore a lion to pieces. Q. What else did be Jo? A. Sampson kille 1 a thorffeui.d enemies of Ms coun- try with the jaw-bone of an a 26 Priiwry Bible Questions Q. Did he do anything else-? I A. Yes ; one night Sampson carried off the great brass gates from the walls of the 'city, on his back. Q. What business did he follow? A. Sampson was the Judge, or ruler of Israel. Q. Did he commit any sin ? A. Yes ; Sampson kept company with God's enemies. Q. "What Was done to him for it? A. The enemy deceived him, and put out his eyes. Q. What became of Sampson? A. One day his enemies were mocking him and he pulled down th^ pillars of the temple so that the temple fell on him and killed him. Q. Was any one else killed when Sampson pulled down the temple? A. Yes ; a great multitude of his enemies were in the temple when he pulled it down, and they were all killed. LESSON XVL ABOUT SAMUEL. Q. Who was Samuel? A. Samuel was a good boy who waited on the priest in the temple of God. • Q. What happened to him one^igut while he slept?. • A. The Lord called him. For Young Children. 27 Q. Did Samuel answer? A. Yes ; Samuel said, " speak, for thy servant hear- eth." Q. What did the Lord tell him? A. The Lord told Samuel that He would punish the priest for the sins of his wicked sons. Q. Why did God punish the priest ? A. Eli, the priest, did not punish his sons for their wickedness, and God was angry with him. Q. What became of Samuel ? A. Samuel became Judge of Israel, and was a great and good man. Q. Why did Samuel become so great ? A. Because Samuel was good, God made him great. Q. Was Israel satisfied with Samuel as their ruler? A. No ; the Israelites wanted a king, and God, in His anger, gave them a king. Q. Who was the first king of Israel? A. The "first king of Israel was Saul, and Samuel annointed him. Q. Was Saul a good king? A. At first Saul was a good king, but he afterwards disobeyed God. Q. Who was the second king? A. The second king of Israel was D?vid, and Sam- uel annointed him, also, while $ui, 28 Primary Bible Questions LESSON XVII. ABOUT DAVID.. Q. You said Samuel annointed David king of Israel ; can you tell me who David was ? A. David was the son of Jesse; and while a boy he used to keep his father's flocks. Q.^ "What was the first thing David did that made the people notice him? A. David killed a great giant, of whom all the Isra- elites were afraid, with a little stone from a sling. Q. What was the giant's name ? A. The giant which David slew was named Goliah. Q. Why did David kill Goliah? A. Goliah chalenged any of the Israelites to fight him ; but they were all afraid except David. Q. How could David kill Goliah with a stone? A. David trusted in God ; and God helped him, be- cause he was a good young man. Q. What became of David ? A. David became king, and was a great warrior, and subdued all the enemies of his country. Q. What were the names of his chief sons ? A. The chief sons of David were Absalom and Solo- mon. Q. Was Absalom a good man ? A. No ; Absalom was very wicked, and persecuted David. For Young Children. 29 Q. What became of Absalom ? A. One day, when David's soldiers were chasing him, he was caught by hia hair in a tree and pulled off his mule, and left hanging there. Q. What happened then? A. When the soldiers found Absalom they killed him. LESSON XVIII. ABOUT SOLOMON. Q. Tell me about Solomon? A. God gave Solomon his choice of whatever he might ask. Q. What did Solomon choose ? A. Solomon chose wisdom above everything else, and God made him the wisest man that ever lived. Q. What became of Solomon? A. Solomon became the king of Israel. Q. What great work did he do? A. Solomon built the great temple of God at Jeru- salem. Q. Tell me of some wise act that he did? A. He judged between the two mothers who claimed the same child. & Hrm ww ttwt J 30 - Primary Bible Questions A. Two women had little babes, the child of one woman died, and she claimed the other, which was alive. Q. How did they manage to settle it ? A. The women agreed to leave the matter to king Solomon, who should say to whom the child belonged. Q. What did king Solomon say? A. King Solomon said, " Cut the child into two pieces, and give each mother a piece." Q. What did the mothers say to that ? A. The true mother said, " No ! let the other woman have the child." Q. What did Solomon then do? A. Solomon gave the child to the real mother. Q. Can you tell how he knew the real mother ? A. The real mother wished the child to live, but the false one wished it killed. Q. Was Solomon always good? A. No. He sinned, through wicked company, but afterwards repented. LESSON XTX. ABOUT ELIJAH AND ELLSHA. Q. Who was El'ijah ? . A. ELj^. wae> a O oo^ man find a prophet: For 31 Q. W hal is ;i prop] A. A prophet is < ^ ell what will happen in the future. Q. Can you tell me of his being fed by birds? A. Yes ; once Elijah was in th< and had no way to get anything ti him bread and meat every morning and evening. Q. Was he ever fed in another wonderful way ? A. Yes ; once when Elijah was suffering from hun- ger he went to a poor widow's and asked for food, and she cooked him the last handful of meal in her barrel, and gave him the Inst drop of oil in her bottle, and God made the meal to increase in the barrel and the oil in the bottle, so that she and her son and Elijah Mire fed until the famine was over. « Q. Who was the next prophet ? A. After Elijah earne Elisha the prophet. Q. Can you tell about Klisha and the mantle? A. When Elijah was carried up to heaven in a char- iot of fire, Elisha saw him, and Elijah's cloak fell down to him ; and by touching the waters of Jordan with J;he cloak the w T aters moved away on each side, and he went over on dry ground. Q. Can you tell about Eiisha and the bad children ? A. As Elisha was passing by, one day, some bad children followed him and called hnnjtfbald head," and two bears came and tore #>rty-two of the children to pieces. • Primary Bible Questions Q. Tell me about Elisha and the ptfor woman ? A. Elisha made a poor woman's pot of oil to increase until she had enough to pay all her debts. Q. Tell me about the axe ? A. A poor man lost an axe in the river, and Eli- sha made the axe swim on top of the water, so that the poor man could get it. 'Twas by an order fi om the Lord, The ancient prophets spoke His word; His Spirit did their tongues inspire, And warmed their hearts with heavenly fire. The works and wonders which they wrought Confirmed the messages they brought; The prophet's pen succeeds his breath, To save the holy words from death. LESSON XX. ABOUT ESTHER. Q. "Who was Ahasuerus ? A. Ahasuerus was the king of Persia. Q. What was his wife's name? A. Queen Vashti was the first wife of king Ahasuerus. Q. Did Vashti remain queen? A. No. Ahasuerus put away Va-hti, Q. Why was Vashti put away? *A. Queen Yaflfti disobe^d tfye king, and he put her awajg For Youhg Children. 33 ■ Vashti. Q. Who y A Esther, queen of Persia, was an orphan eiil and Jewish capti to he made qu and God blessed her. cii ? Le cousin and friend of Esther. <«>. How did he befriend Esther? A. Mordecai adopted Esther as hi. daughter. Q. Did he remain her friend when .she vva oucen? Continued to be queen Esther's fiit nd and adviser. Q. What did Mordecai do for the king? A- ti saved king .\] i; isuerus' life. ') Lord' Thy feeble child, « beguiled ; Thou h;st compassion for the treak, 1 thou wilt not break, ttle my unstable I ■"■>■>' thy truth depart; Confirm my fa th, increase n.y love, And fix n.y thoughts on things above. Primary Bible Questions LESSON XXL MORE ABOUT ESTHER. Q. Who was Human ? A.- Hainan was the chief prince in the kingdom of Persia. Q. Did he like Mordecai, the queen's cousin ? A. No: he hated him because he was a Jew and would not bow to him as he went in and out. Q. What did Human do V A. Haman had a law made that all the Jews should be destroyed. Q. What else did he do? A. Haman built a gallows about ninety feet high, to hang Mordecai upon. Q. What did Mordecai do ? A. Mordecai caused queen Esther to beg the king to spare the Jews. Q. Did queen Esther prevail with the king? A. Yes ; the king gave the Jews the right to defend themselves, and they were saved. Q. Was Mordecai hanged ? A. No, Mordecai was not hanged ; but the king hanged Haman on the gallows he had built to hang Mordecai upon. Q. Now, what does the story of Esther show? A. The story of Esther shows that God will always, J For Young Children. provide for those who serve Him, and punish their per- secutors. He fills the poor with good, He gives the sufferer rest ; The Lord hath for the proud, Andjusti LESSON XXII. ABOUT JOB. Q. Can y< A. Job was a very patient man. Q. Did he have much property ? A. Yes,' Job was very rich. Q. Was he a good man ? A. Yes, Job loved and served God. Q. What happened to him one day? A. His servants came and told him he had lost all his property. Q. Did anything else happen to h'.tn that day? A. Yes; other servants came and told him that all his sons were killed by a storm. Q. What effect had these troubles on Job ? A. Job still loved and trusted in God. Q. Did any other trouble come upoii him' A. Yes ; Job was afflicted with great sores all over him. 36 Primary Bible Questions Q. "Who advised Job to curse God? A. Job's wife told him to curse God and die. Q.. Did be do it? A. No-; Job reproved his wife. Q. Why was Job called " The Pdtieut? " A. Because Job did not complain, in. all bis troubles, he was called " The Patient," Q. What was the final history of Job ? A. The Lord blessed Job, after he was tried, and made him very happy and very rich again. Q. What do wejearn from. Job's history? A. From Job's history we are. taught not to be fret- ful, or to complain, when we have trouble. Why should my will complain, When all Le means is kind? Though great my grief and pain, To liim I'll be resigned: Tes, wait and hope, as me behooves, The Father chastens whom He loves. LESSON XXIII. ABOUT THE HEBREW CHILDREN. Q. What were the names of the Hebrew children ? A. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Q. Where did they live ? »■ A« They lived in Babylon* I ii g Children. 37 : they loved and feared God. Q. Why were tl I Hebrew^. children? y were descended from Abraham. A. No ; the kin<: of Babylon was a bad man. What did the king do? The king of Babylon made a great image, and told everybody to worship it. Q. Did everybody worship it ? A. No; Shadrach, Meshach- and Abednego would not worship the image. Why would they not worship it? A. They would not worship it because God said it g to worship images. O. What did the" king do when he heard they disobeyed him? A. The king had the three Hebrew children thrown into a hot furnace of fire. 1 ••"hat happened then ? God kept them from being burned in the furnace. Why did God k^p them from being burned? A. They would not do what it was wrong to do. What became of the wicked king? A. ( i'"l drove him out from among men, and caused him fco eat-^rass like an ex. 38 Primary Bible Questions Q. Why did God punish him in this way? A. Because he was proud and wicked, Q. What was the king's name? A. His nam© was Nebuchadnezzar. Sweet on His faithfulness to rest, Whose lore can never end ; Sweet on the promise of His grace For all things to depend. LESSON XXIV. ABOUT BELSHAZZAR. Q. Who was Belshazzar? A. Belshazzar was the great king of Babylon. Q. Was he a good man ? A. No ; Belshazzar was a wicked man. Q. What wicked thing did he do ? A. Belshazzar made a feast, and invited all wicked people to it, and they drank wine out of the sacred vessels of God's temple. Q. What happened while they were drinking? A. While they were feasting, the finger of a man's hand wrote on the wall of the house. Q. Could the king read the writing? A. No ; the king could not read the writing. For Young Children. 39 Q. What did the king do ? A. The king v. ;ly afraid, and sent for his wise men to read the writing, but they could not read it. Q. What did he do then ? A. The king sent for Daniel, and he read it. Q. What was the meaning of the writing-? A. The writing was that the king was a bad man, and would lose his kingdom. <>. What was done to Daniel for rending the writing? A. The king put a gold chain round his neck, and made him ruler. Q. What became of Belshazrar? A. Belshazzar was killed on the same night that Daniel read the writing, and his kingdom given to Darius. ■ I must not sin as many do, Lest I lie down in sorrow too ; For God ; s angry" "erery day With wicked oiks who go astray. LESSON XXV. ^ABOr/T DANIEL. Q. Who was Daniel that read the writing on the wall ? A. Daniel was a Hebrew captain, a good maa and a prophet, who lived in Babylon. 40 Primary Bible Questions Q. Did king- Darius continue Daniel as a ruler? A. Daniel continued to be ruler under Darius. Q. Was Darius a good man ? A. No ; Darius was a wicked man. Q. What wicked thing did he do? A. Darius made a law that the people should not pray to anybody but himself. Q. Did Daniel keep that law ? A. No ; Daniel still prayed to God. Q. Was it right of Daniel to break that law ? A. Yes ; Daniel would have offended God if he had not,broken it. Q. What did Darius do to Daniel for breaking the law? A. Darius cast Daniel into a lion's den. Q,. Did the lions kill Daniel ? A. No ; the lions did not touch Daniel all the night. Q. Why did not the lions touch Daniel? A. God stopped the lions' mouths, so that they could not touch Daniel, because he had obeyed Him. Q. What do you learnJrom this ? A. From Daniel and the lions' den we learn that if we obey God rather than man, when we are persecuted, God will save us. Q. What did Darius, the king, do when the lions would not touch Daniel? A. Darius took Daniel out of the den and cast into it the wicked men who persuaded him to throw Daniel into it. For Young ChilJre 41 Q. What became of those men? The lions eat up the men who wished them to eat up Daniel. " The Lord our Keeper." n«r guards thy soul, he kenps thy breath, When thickest dangers come; Go and return, secure from death, Till God shall call thee home. LESSON XXVI. ABOUT JONAH. Who w$8 Jonah? . _ A. Jonah was a Hebrew .preacher. Q,. Was he a good man ? A. Yes, Jonah was a good man. Q. Did he always obey God ? • A. No ; Jonah disobeyed God at one time. What did he do? A. God sent Jonah to Nineveh to reprove the .people for their sins; but he was afraid to go, and set off to another place. Q. How did God punish him for his disobedience? A. God raised a storm, and Jonah was thrown out of the ship into the sea. Q. Was Jonah drowned ? A. No ; a great fish swallowed Jonah as he fell into the water. 42 Primary Bible Questions Q. Did he die inside the fish ? A. No; God kept Jonah alive, inside the fish, for three days. Q. What did Jonah do while in the fish ? A. Jonah repented, and prayed God to forgive him. Q. What did God do then ? A. God caused the fish to throw Jonah up on the shore of Nineveh. Q. What did Jonah then do? A. Jonah did as God commanded him— he went and preached to the people of Nineveh. Q. What do you learn from this ? A. From Jonah we learn that God will punish His servants until they obey Him in the service He sends them in. Submission. Thy love can cheer the darkest gloom, And bid me wait serene, Till hopes and joys immortal bloom, And brighten all the scene. . THE NEW TESTAMENT. LESSON XXVII. - ABOUT JOHN THE BAPTIST. Q. Who was John the Baptist? A. John the Baptist was the preacher who came be- fore Christ, to prepare the way for Him. Q. Where did he preach ? • A. John the Baptist preached in the wilderness of Judea, near the'river Jordan. Q. 1 Did he do anything else but preach ? A. Yes ; John baptized all who were sorry for their sins, and believed his report that Christ was. coming into the world. Q. Did many go to bear John preach ? A. Yes; great crowds of people went out into the wilderness to hear John preach, and many were baptized by him in the Jordan. Q. What was remarkable in John's life ? A. John wore a cloak made of camels' hair, with a leathern belt round his waist, and fed upon honey and locusts, (an insect that lives in the forests of Judea.)) _ Q. Who was ling at that time ? ' HI ™ A. Herod was king of Judea in the time of John the Baptist. ■ 4 ^ Primary Bible Questions Q. What kind of a man was Herod ? A. Herod was a very wicked man. ' Q. What wicked thing did he do ? A. Herod left his wife and took away Ms brother's wife. Q. Did John reprore Herod for this ? ^ A. Yes, John reproved both Herod and Herodias, his brother's wife, for breaking God's law. Q. Was Herod angry with John ? A. Herod put John in prison and cut off his head. Q. What became of Herod? • A. Herod lost his throne, and died, an' outcast, in Spain. So God punished him. Glad Tidings. Hear the heralds of the gospel News from Zion's King proclaim : " Pardon to each rebel sinner, Free forgiveness in hisjiauae:" How important ! "Free forgiveness in his name." * LESSON XXVIII. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. Q. Who was Jesus Christ? A. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the Saviour of man. ♦ For Young Children. 45 Q. When did Jesus Christ live ? A. Jesus Christ has always lived, and shall live al- . in heaven. Q. ver upon the er.rth ? A. V e came to the earth and lived on it thirty-three years. A. It is now nearly eighteen hundred and sixty- four years since Christ came to the earth. [Let the lain that tin ■mini from Christ's coming, and Q. How did Christ appear ; w is he like we are? A. Christ became as we are, when He came to the earth. Had He a mother? A. Yes ; the Virgin Mary was the mother of Christ. He born ? A. Christ v, in Bethlehem, of Judea. Q. In wl is Christ born? A. Christ was born in a stable. Q. What kind of a cradle did He have 9 A. Christ was cradled : n a manger. Q. Wh i came I Christ when he was a babe? A. Wise men came a great distance, from the East, to see the holy child. (They came fioni Arabia.) Q. How iii I tin y know He had been born? 46 Primary Bible Questions A. The wise men saw a star in the East, and as they followed it, it moved before them until they came near the child, when it stopped over Him. Q. "What did the wise men do when they saw Jesus? A. The wise men rejoiced when they found Jesus, and fell down and worshipped Him, and gave Him fine presents. Behold, the grace appears, The blessing; promised long; Angels announce the Savior near, In this triumphal Song: — '• Glory to God on high,. And heaven \y peace on earth ; Good will to men, to angels joy, At our Redeemer's birth." LESSON XXIX. ♦ ■THE CHILDHOOD OF JESUS. Q. Who was king when Jesus Christ came to the earth ? A. Herod the Great was king when Jesus was born. Q. What did Herod do when he heard of the birth of Christ? A. When Herod heard that Christ was born he sent and killed all the male infants in Bethlehem. Q. Why did he do that wicked thing? A. Herod was afraid that Jesus Christ would become king in his stead, and he wanted to kill him. 47 Q. And why did he kill all A. Herod did not know which of the boys was Christ, and so lie killed nil of them. Q. But did he kill Christ? A. No; God had Jesus removed from Bethlehem, during the night. Q. Whore was Chris A. Jesus was carried into Egypt, and kept there until Herod was dead. <>. Did He then come back to Bethlehem ? A. No ; Christ was brought back from Egypt to Nazareth, and was called a Nazare Q. What kind of a boy do you thin]; Jesus was? A. Jesus Christ was a good boy and obeyed His parents. Q. Why do you tiiink so ? A. Jesus never did anything wrong, and is an ex- ample to all little boys, as well as to all men. Q. 5).) you know of anything lie did when a boy ? A. Yes; when Jesus was a boy, twelve years old, He went into the Temple and talked with the wise men. Q. What did the wise men think of Him ? A. The wise men wondered to find a boy know so much about God and good thin* Q, Should little children know about God? A. Y. : little children ought to know about God, and about Jesus Christ, and about doing good. 48 Primary Bible Questions Behold ! where, in the Friend of man, Appears each grare divine: The virtues all, in Jesus met. With mildest radiance shine. Be Christ our pattern and our guide, His image may we bear; 0, may \vt wa; on eaith. lie went about preach- ing and doing good. 50 Primary Bible Questions Q. What does He tell us in His preaching? A. Christ tells us to love one another, and to serve God. Q. What else does Christ tell us? A. Christ tells us not Jo do anything that is wrong. Q. Does Christ love little children? A. Yes ; Christ loves little children very much. Q. What does He say of them ? A. Christ says of little children, " Of such is the kingdom of heaven." Q. What did Christ do to little Children? A. Christ put his hands on little children, and blessed them. Q. Did they love Him? A. Yes ; the little children must have loved Christ. Q. Was Christ a poor man ? A. Yes ; Christ was so poor that He had no home. Q. How did He get food ? A. Christ was fed by some women who followed Him, and those who loved to hear Him preach. Q. Did any besides the women follow him? A. Yes ; the twelve apostles went about with Christ wherever He went. Q. What are apostles? A. Apostles are the men Christ himself taught and sent into all the world to preach about His life and salvation. For Young Children. 51 Q. What are those called who preach now ? A. Those who preaoh now arc the ministers of God's Word. Christ and His cross are all our theme; The myst< ries that we speak Bcandal in the Jew's esteem, And folly to the Greek. Till God diffuse His graces down, Like showers of heavenly rain, In rain ApoLIos s.>tts the ground, • And Paul may plant iu vain. LESSON XXXII. THE MIRACLES OF CHRIST. Q. You said Christ went about doing- good, what good thing did He do? A. Christ cured the sick, and the lame, and the deaf, and the blind. Q. Lid Christ cure with medicine ? A. No ; Christ used no medicine but His word. "He said and it was so/' Q. IJow could He cure iu that way ? V Christ could cure by II is word, because He was (rod, and could do whatever lie pleased. Q. Did He do anything besides cure disea A. Yes ; Christ brought the dead to life. : Primary Bible Questions Q. What did Christ do in the storm ? A. Christ said to the winds, "Cease, be still," and the storm ceased. Q. What did He do for the hungry multitude? A. Christ fed five thousand people on fiv r e loaves of bread and two fishes ! Q. Oujjht not the people to have loved Christ very much, when He did so much for them? A. Yes, the people ought to have loved Christ very much. Q. Did they love Him? A. -No ; only a few people loved Christ. Q. Why did. not the people love Christ ? A. Christ told the people of their sins and they were angry. Q. Was that a just cause of anger ? A. No ; If we wish to be good we will love those who tell us of our faults. Q. What did Christ do for sinners ? A. Christ forgave sinners their sins, and they felt happy. Behold the blind their, sight receive; Behold the dead awake and live; The dumb speak wonders, and the lame Leap like the hart, and bless His name. And didst Thou pity mortal woe, And sight and health restore? 0, pity, Lord, and save my s>'ul, Which needs- Thy mercy more. Young Children. 53 £& LE $SON XXXIII. THE DEATH OF CHRIST. Q. ion said tho.se wicked people did not love Christ; what did they tin nil y determine to du to 11 im ': A. They determined to kill Him. Why did they wish to kill Him? A. Christ was good, ami reproved lit ir sins, so they hated Him, and wanted to get Him out of the way. Q. Who betrayed Christ with a kiss A. Judas, who pretended to be a friend. Q. How did they kill Christ? A. Christ was crucified. Q. How is that? A. They nailed Christ to a wooden cross and,. putting it standing up, left Him there until He died. Q. Was it not cruel to crueily Chri.-t ? A. Yes ; it was a very painful death, and none but very wicked men were crucified ; but Christ never did wrong. Q. Did anything wonderful happen at the crucifixion? A. Yes, the earth shook, and it became very dark at noon-day. Q. What else happened ? A. Many dead persons rose from their graves alive while Christ was dying. 54 Primary Bible Questions Q. Did Christ remain dead? A. No ; Christ rose again from the dead on the third daj. Q. Where did Christ go after He rose from the dead ? A. Christ stayed with the apostles for forty days af- ter He rose from the dead, and then He went up into heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God. the Father. Behold the Savior of mankind Nailed to the shameful tree! How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for me ! But soon he'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine: Lamb of God, was ever pain, Was ever love like thine I LESSON XXXIV. ABOUT ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA. Q. Who were Ananias and Sapphira? A. Ananias and Sapphira were persons who joined the church soon after Christ went to heaven. Q. Were they good Christians? A. No. They pretended t% he very good but they were wicked people. Q What wicked thing did they do ? For Voting Children. 55 A. They hid a part of their money, but pretended that they gave it all to the church. Q. Why did they pretend to give all to the church ? A. Ananias and Sapphira wished to be thought very good people for giving all they had to the church. What kind of sin is that? A. Hypocrisy. A hy-po-crite is one who wishes to be thought better than he is. They were hypocrites. Q. Why did they hide a part of their money? A. Ananias and Sapphira had more faith in money than they had in Christ. Q. Is that a great sin ? A. To love anything more than Christ is a great sin. Q. Who found out thw sin of Ananias and Sapphira ? A. It was the apostle Peter who found out the sin of Ananias and Sapphira. Q. What did he say to them? A. Peter said, " Thou hast not lied unto man, but unto God." Q. What happened then? A. Ananias and Sapphira both fell down dead. Q. What should this lesson teach us? This lesson teaches us that it is a very great sin to lie to the church of Christ. Those children who a promise give Shou 'I ,, 1 '.\ .\ b keep their word ; And falsehood from the r litt'e mouths Should never onco be heard. 56 Primary Bible Questions For when a child a lie has told, He cannot be believed ;• Not even when the truth he speaks, Because he once deceived. LESSON XXXV. ' ABOUT PETER IN PRISON. Q. Who was Peter? A. Peter was one of the twelve apostles. [See Les- son 31.] Q. What happened to Peter? A. Peter was put in prison, by Rerod, for preach- ing. Q. Was he well secured?. A. Yes ; he was chained to the floor, the door was locked upon him, and guards watched outside. Q. What did Peter's friends do? % A. The whole church prayed to God for Peter, day and night. Q. And what happened to Peter one night? A. One night an angel struck Peter on the side and woke him up, and the chains fell from his hands. Q. What happened then? „ . _ A. The angel led Peter out, through the prison doors^ into the btreec, and kfc him there. For Young 57 Q. And what did Peter do then ? A. Peter went straight to the hdu o of the disciples, named Mary. Q. What did Peter find at Man A. Peter found many members of the church pray- ing. Q. Were they surprised i A. At first they could i ; but he showed them how the Lord h Q. What does u teach? A. It teaches us that we ought to pray to God in every time of trouble, for that He can help. Lord, teach a sinful child to pray, And then accept my prayei ; For thou canst hear the winds I say, For thou art everywhere. Whatever trouble T am in, To Thee for help I'll call ; But keep me, mure than all, from sin, For that's the worst of all. LESSON XXXVI. ABOUT PAUL. Q. Who was Paul ? A. Paul was the great apostle to the gentiles. 58 Primary , Bible Questions Q. Was he always named Paul? A. No; he was called Saul before he became a Christian. Q. What was Paul before he became a Christian? A. Paul was, at first, a lawyer, and a persecutor of all Christians. Q. How did he persecute Christians? A. Paul sought for Christians, men and women, and put them in prison, and helped to put them to death. Q. "What changed Paul from a persecutor ? A. As Paul was going to Damascus a light from heaven shone on him and he fell to the ground. Q. Was the light very bright? A. Yes ; the light was brighter than the sun at mid- day, and it made Paul blind. Q. Did he hear anything! A. Yes, Paul heard a voice from heaven, saying, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" Q. Who said this ? A. It was the Lord Jesus, from heaven, said this. Q. What did Paul say then? A. Paul said, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" Q. What did Jesus say? A. Jesus said to Paul, "Arise and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou shalt do." For Young Children. 50 Q. What happened then? A. Paul was led into the city, and Ananias, the minister there, baptized him, and after three days he received his sight. Q. What became of Paul afterwards ? A. Paul became a great and good man, and the greatest preacher that has ever liv Behold the Savior at the door, He gently knocked — has knocked before, Has waited long, is waiting still, You use no other friend so ill. Rise, touched with gratitude divine, Turn out His enemy and thine; Turn out that baleful monster, sin, And let the heart nly stranger in. LESSON XXXVII. ABOUT A SHIPWRECK. Q. What did the Jews think of Paul when he became a preacher? A. The Jews hated Paul for preaching the gospel. <.,>. What did they do to him ? A. The Jews persecuted Paul, and wished to put him to death. Q. Did the Jews put Paul to death ? A. No: hut they complained of him to the Roman governor, and asked that he be put to death as Christ was. 60 Primary Bible Questions Q. "What did the Roman governor do to Paul? A. The Roman governor sent Paul to the king of Rome to "be tried for his life. Q. How did he go to Rome, and who went with him ? A. Paul went in a ship to Rome with other prisoners, and a hundred soldiers to guard them. Q. What happened when they were at sea '? A. A great storm arose, and Paul and all his fellow- prisoners and the soldiers came near being drowned. Q. Were any of them drowned ? A. E o ; not one of them were drowned, but all reach- ed the shore in safety. Q. Why were they all saved? A. Because Paul prayed for their safety, and God answered his prayer. Q. What happened to Paul on the shore ? A. As tbe\ were warming at afire, a snake came out from among the sticks and fastened on Paul's hand. Q. Did the snake kill Paul? A. No ; Paul shook the snake from his hand without being hurt. Q. Wha: did they think when they saw the snake fasten on Paul ? A. At first they thought Paul was a bad man and would soon die ;. but when he shook off the snake with- out injury, they thought he was a good man. Q. Wa» Paul prut to death by the king of Rome ? r • ^ For t>1 ; Paul j two years- after- wards. i'i .<■-, ■ ,i aud love, Br; - ^ ' .iiii;i£r fr:r '.c:ht ; I'i ,i\ r blight ; .And satan tr The ml upon his knees. LESSON XXXVIII. TJIE CHRISTIAN I ND THEIR ORIGIN. What is a Christian church ? A. A Christian church is a society of Christians formed for the support of the worship of God -through Christ. Q. Who first formed lies? A. The Lord Jesus Christ organised the first Chris- tian .church. <,>. After Christ went;.' heaven, who organized the churches? A. Paul and th< < 'her Apostles went from Jerusa- lem into all the world, nnd fotmed churches of those who believed in Christ and wcie 1 aptized. Q. Are the churches of any use in [lie world? A. Yes ; the world would he miserable without them. H- Ol what use ar« the churches to Christians? 62 Primary Bible Questions A. The churches cause Christians to meet .together to worship God, and to learn what the Bible teaches. Q. Of what use are the churches to those who fire not members ? A. The churches send out the knowledge of Christ to all people. Q. How do the churches send out the knowledge of Christ ? A. The knowledge of Christ is sent out by preach- ing, by sending missionaries to where there are no churches, and by Sunday Schools. Q. Were the people glad when the knowledge of Christ was first sent to them ? A. No: the first preachers were persecuted, and a great many of them were killed for teaching about Christ. ' • Q. What were those who were killed called, and where are they gone? A. Those who were killed for preaching were called martyrs, and are gone to heaven where Christ is. Q. Are you not glad that there is no persecution now? A. Yes ;• it is good, and we should be very thankful to have preaching and kind teachers to instruct us about Christ, and no one to disturb us. I love thy Zion Lord, The house of thy abode; The church, blast Redeemer! saved With thy o«vn precious blood. I love thy church, O God ! Her walls beiore thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eye; . And fraven on thy hand. For Toying Childr G3 LESSON XXXTX. ABOUT HEAVEN AND HELL. >n ih.il the martyrs went to heaven. What kind of a ; A. Heaven is a beautiful place, where God and Christ are. and everybody a as t] ey can be. go to li cave 11 ? \'o ; only those who are good and who love and obey < !hi is1 ^ :i ! 2 ^en. Q. Will little children go there? A. Yes; all little children who die quite young go to he;' Q. Rnt it children grow up and are wicked, where do they go? A. All wicked persons, whether children or grown, will go to hell. What kind of a place is hell? A. Hell is a place of punishment, where everybody is always in torment. ;in anybody who once sins ever be saved from hell ? A. ^ es : any sinner who will be sorry for his sins and believe in Chri-t and love Him as his Savior, will saved from hell and go to heaven. t. then, ought yon to do ? A. I ought to forsake my sins and ask God to par- don me f nke. " .Q. Who are the angels ? m 84 Primary Bible Questions A. The angels are perfect beings, who live in heaven aid serve God. ' ^ Q. Are there any wicked angels ? „.J A. Yes, there are many— they are in hell, and are always unhappy— miserable. Q. Should yoirnot strive to get to heaven? A. I ought to repent of my sins and serve God, and love and obey my Savior who died to save my soul. There is, beyond the sky, A beaveti of joy ami love; And go.Jly children, when they die, Goto that world above. « T-here is a dreadful hell, And everlasting pains ; There sinners must forever dwell, In darkness, lire and chains. LESSON XL. ABOUT THE COMMANDMENTS. Q. What is it to do good ? A. To do good is to keep all God's commandments. Q. How many commandments are there ? A. There are ten commandments. Q. Who made them? A. God made the commandments. For Young Children. 65 Q. How did we gel them? A. God gave tlic commandments to Moses, and we find them in the Bible. Q. Where was Moses When God gave them to him ? A. Moses was on Mount Sfnai when God gave him the commandments out of a cloud. Q. On what were they written ? A. God wrote the commandments with his finger on two tables or pieces of stone. Q. What happened when God gave Moses the commandment*? A. When God gave the commandments to Moses Mount Sinai shook, and there was a gre.it d< al of thunder and lightning round about. Q. What are the commandments sometimes called ? A. The commandments are sometimes called the Law. Q. Why are they called the Law ? , ^ A. The commandments are called the Law because they tell us what we must do and what we must not do. Q. Should we keep the Law ? A. We should keep the Law, for it is perfect, just and holy. Q. Where do we find the Law in the Bible? A. The Law or Commandments can be found in the 20th chapter of Exodus. 8 66 Primary Bible Questions LESSON XLL FIEST COMMANDMENT. Q. Repeat the first commandment. A. " Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" Q. What is the first truth taught us in the first commandment ? A. The first truth taught in the first -commandment is that there is but One, who is. God. Q. What is the second thing taught ? A. The second thing taught by the first command- ment is that we shall not have any other for our God. Q. What is meant by having a God ? A. To have a God is to love God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. Q. Should we love God so ? A. Yes, we should love God so, for He made us, he keeps us, and He will save the souls of those who love and obey Him. Q. What are those called who say there is no God ?- A. Atheists are those who say^ there is no God. Q. What are those who worship no God ? A. Those who worship no God are servants of the Devil. Q. Is it very wicked not to worship God ? A. Yes, it is wicked not to worship God, and it is no matter how good any one may be, if he does not tforehip God he cannot be saved. For Ybung Children. 67 Q. What is meant by worshipping God ? A. To worship God is to love God, pray to Him, and keep His commandments. Q. Will you not, my dear child, try to worship God ? A. I will ask God to give me His grace to help me to worship Ilim. If there be aught the world contains, Which I love more than Thee, That sinful love withers my heart, Idolatry must be. Deeply inscribed upon my heart, Let thy commandments be; That there may live within me, None other God but Thee. LESSON XLII. THE SECOND COMMANDMENT. Q. What is the second commandment ? A. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,, or anv likeness of anything that is in heaven al ove, or that is in the eanh beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not how down thyself to them nor serve them, for I t!>e Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting 1 lie iniquities of the rath ts u the children unto the th'rd and fourth generati i, them that haie me, and showing mercy unto liuuottuuo 68 Primary Bible Questions of them that love me and keep my commandments. Q. What does the second commandment first teach? A. The second commandment first teaches that we must not worship the image or picture of anything, nor make any image to represent God. Q. What is the worshipping of images called ? A. To worship an image is called idolatry. Q. Are there any people#in the world who are idolaters 1 A. Yes ; the heathen worship idols. Q. What should we do to stop them ? A. We should send missionaries to the heathen to teach them that it is wrong to worship idols. Q. Why is it wrong ? A. It is wrong *to give the honor due to God alone to the works of our own hands. Q. Is God angry with idolaters ? A. Yes, God hates idolatry, and will always punish it, even to the children's children of those who refuse to serve Kim. Q. Does God love those who serve him ? A. Yes, God loves those who honor Him, and will be merciful unto their children. Q. Is it not good to have pious parents ? A. Yes; it is better to have pious parents, though poor, who serve God, than rich ones who serve Him not. For Young Children, 69 The heathen perish, day by day Thousands on thousands pass away; Christians, to their rescue fly ! Preach Jesus to them as they die. Wealth, talents, labor, freely give, Spend and be spent, that they may live; What hath your Saviour done for yon ? And what for Him would you not do ? LESSON XLIII. THE THIRD COMMANDMENT. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. Q. What is it to take God's name in vain ! A. To take God's name in vain is to curse and swear and speak lightly of Him. Q. How should we use God's name ? A. We should use God's name with reverence, feel- ing that He is so holy that we are not worthy to take His name upon our lips. Q. Has God any other name besides God ? A. Yes ; God is sometimes called Lord, Jehovah, Jesus, Christ and Savior. Q. What else does this eommandment teach besides that we raOAt not curse or swear or profane God's name ? 70 Primary Bible Questions A. The third commandment teaches that God will certainly punish those who curse and swear or profane His name. Q. Should you not be careful to avoid sayingbad and wicked words? A. Yes, I should put a watch upon my lips, lest I speak what God forbids me. •For we know the Lord of Glory Always sees what children do ; And is writing now the story Of our thoughtsand actions too. LESSON XLIV. FOURTH COMMANDMENT. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy : six days shalt thou labor anddoall thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou shall do no manner of work, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man servant, nor thy maid servant, nor thy cat- tle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates, for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. Q. What do we learn from the fourth cbnimandment ? A. From the fourth commandment we learn tbat the Sabbath is God's day, and that on it we must do no work that can be done on any other day of the week. For Young Children. Q. Is the Sabbath called by any other name ? A. Yes ; the Sabbath is sometimes called Sunday, and sometimes the Lord's day. Q. What else do we learn from it ? A. We learn also that we must not let our servants, nor any one else, nor our cattle, work for us on the Sabbath. Q. How are we to spend the Sabbath or Lord's day ? A. We should spend our Sabbaths in reading the Bible and other good books, and learning about God at Church and Sunday School. In holy duties let the clay, In holy pleasures, pass away ; How sweet, a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end ! LESSON XLV. THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT. Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days nny be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Q. What does this commandment teach ? A. The fifth commandment teaches that we must love and obey our parents, and do nothing to displease them. Q. Is thi« a jood commandment? 72 Primary Bible Questions A. Yes ; our parents* love us and seek our welfare, bo we ought to love thera and obey them. Q. What will God do for them who keep it ? A. God will bless those who love their parents, and cause them to live long on the earth. Q. What will become of those who disobey their parents ? A. Those who disobey their parents will fall into sin, and come to trouble and sorrow. THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT. "Thou shalt not kill." Q. Is it a great siu to murder ? A. Yes, it is a great sin to murder. Q. What does God say shall become of a murderer ? A. A murderer shall surely be put to death. Q. What else does God say shall become of a murderer? A. God says that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. They shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone. Let children that would fear the Lord Hear what their teachers say, With reverence heed their parents' word, And with delight obey. Have we not heard what dreadful plagues Are threatened by the Lord, To him who breaks his father's law, Or mocks his mother's word ? For Young Children. 73 But those that worship God and give Their parents honor due, Shall lontf on earth in comfort live, And live hereafter too. LESSON XL VI. THE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT. "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Q. What does this commandment mean ? A. The seventh commandment means that we must not indulga in impure thoughts, words or actions. Q. What lesson does it teach us ? A. The seventh commandment teaches us to have a guard upon our hearts, for blessed are the pure in heart, for thej shall see God. EIGHTH COMMANDMENT. A. " Thou shalt not steal." Q. What does this commandment teach? A. The eighth commandment teaches us not to take anything which belongs to another, be it ever so small. Q. Is it wrong to steal apples, fruit, sujjar or such little things? A. Yes ; it is wrong to take anything that does not belong to us. NINTH COMMANDMENT. " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 74 Primary Bible Questions Q. What does this commandment mean? A. The ninth commandment means that we must never tell arylhing about any one which is not strictly true. TENTH COMMANDMENT. " Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house ; thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man ser- vant, nor his maid servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's. Q. What does this commandment teach ? A. The tenth commandment teaches us to be content with our own things, and not to desire what other peo- ple have. Q. Ought we to keep all these commandments ? A. Yes, in keeping them there is great reward. Lord ! if e'er I dare to speak Words of falsehood check my tongue, Lest I sin against thy law, By CO omitting what is wrong. Plainly doth Thy word declare How the wicked dost despise, Who with base and impious lips Utter fearful oaths and lies. For Young Children. 75 LESSON XLVII. THE LORD'S PRAYr.R. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen ! Q. Why is this called the Lord's prayer? A. This is called the Lord's prayer because our Lord Jesus Christ taught it to his disciples when he was on earth. Q. Of how many parts does it consist ? A. The Lord's prayer has nine parts. Q. What is the first part ? A. The first part of the Lord's prayer is the ad- dress — " Our Father, who art in heaven." Q. What does this mean ? A. This means that we pray to God as our heavenly Father. Q. What is the next part ? A. The next part is the first petition—" Hallowed be Thy name." Q. What does this mean ? A. The first petition means that the chief desire of God's servants is that God be honored. 76 Primary Bible Questions Q. What is the second petition ? A. The second petition is — " Thy kingdom come." Q. What does that mean ? A. " Thy kingdom come " means that we wish every- body to become christians. Q. What is the third petition ? A. The third petition is — " Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven." Q. What would be the good of this ? A. If every one did as they do in heaven the world would be happy. O that it were my chief delight, To do the things I ought ; Then let me try with all my might, To mind what I am taught. For God looks down from heaven on high, Our actions to behold ; And He is pleased when children try, To do as they are told. LESSON XL VIII. THE LORD'S PRAYER CONTINUED. Q. What is the fourth petition of the Lord's prayer ? A. The fourth petition is — " Give us this day our daily bread." Q. What do you mean by that ? For Young Children. 77 A. We mean that we want God to give us food, and make us comfortable for the day. Q. What is the filth petition? A. The fifth petition is — " Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." Q. What does this mean ? , A. This means that we want God to forgive us our sins like we forgive those who injure us. Q. What is the sixth petition ? A. The sixth petition is — " Lead us not into temp* tation." Q. What does this petition mean? . A. The sixth petition means that we wish God not to give us too much good lost we grow proud and forget Him. Q. Do men forget God when they have too much ? A. Yes, riches are a snare. Q. What is the seventh petition ? A. The seventh petition is — " Deliver us from evil." Q. What does this mean ? A. The seventh petition means that we wish God to keep us from too much sorrow, to which we are ex- posed, le.'t we should murmur against Him. Q. What is the last part? A. The last part of the Lord's prayer is — " Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever." Q. Whnt does it menn? 78 Primary Bible Questions A. This means that we believe that God rules in everything. Our Father in heaven, we hallow Thy name ; May thy kingdom, all holy, on earth be the same ; give to us dai'y our portion of bread : It is from Thy bounty that all must be fed. Forgive our transgressions, and teach us to know, That humble compassion that pardons each foe; Save us from temptation, from wickedness and sin ; And Thine Be the glory, foreve*, Amen. LESSON XLIX. ABOUT THE BIBLE. Q. Can you tell me where all these lessons come from ? A. All the lesions in this book are from the Bible. Q. What is the Bible? A. The Bible is the book which God has given us. Q. How was it written ? A. God made holy men of old to write all that is in the Bible, that we might know His will. Q. How should we treat the Bible ? A. We should read the Bible every day and think upon its teachings, and be guided by it in our actions and in our wishes. Q. Into what parts is the Bible divided F For Young Children. 79 A. The Bible is divided into two parts — the Old Testament and the New Testament. Q. What is the difference between the Old and New Testaments ? A. The Old Testament was written before Christ came into the world, and tells us of His coniirg. Q. What does the New Testament t<*Jl us ? A. The New Testament was written after Christ came into the world, and tells us of His works and his sayings, and what Christians ought'to believe and what they ought to do. Q. Are there any people who have no Bibles? A. Yes ; the heathen have no Bibles. Q. Do they know anything about Christ there? A. No ; the heathen are ignorant of Christ. Q. Can they get to heaven without Christ ? A. No ; no one can get to heaven without Christ. Q What, then, should we do for the heathen ? A. We should send missionaries and Bibles to the heathen. See that heathen mother stand. Where the sac-red currents flow; With her own maternal hand, 'Mid the waves her infant throw. Send, send, the Bible there ; Let its prere|.ts reach the heart ; She n ay then her children sprire, She may act the mother's part. 80 Prayers, <&d PRAYERS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, MORNING PRAYER. I thank Thee, Lord, this morning bright, Because I see its pleasant light ; AndO may I be kept this day Far from sin and harm away. Bless parents, kindred, friends so dear ; Keep all who love Thee in 'I hy tear ; 0, Lord, be near our little band, Until we reach the belter land. EVENING PRAYER. '* Now T lay me down to sle«p, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; If I should die belbre I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." 0, God. make me a good little child, Bless my parents, and all my friends, and Help us to get to Heaven when we die, for Chiist'a sake. Amen. Note. — The Teacher is recommended to review parts of the book, perhaps the whole. Chapters 1. 2, 4. 5, 9. 10, 15. 20. 22. 24 25, 26 27 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 33, 3b, 39, 40 and 41, are considered as especially important. W NOW IN,PRESS! ^RITHSDiTta^L TABLES, COM BIN ISO WITH EASY LESSONS MENTAL ARITHMETIC. BY 11EV. GEO. Y. BROWNE, A. M., Eckacla', Alabama. SCHOOL BOOKS. Fullv appreciating the wants of the country, it has been our cherished " S) lodevot* a large &baie ol our attention a. d machinery to the K iL " Book* for Common School*, Sunda, Schn ,\* and m.scel. lautmu* works of the moat ^proved morwl «nd literary character. In his urpc^ «.ur efforts tunc not been rewarded, though the demjnds uponU n*To been fcreat and prt.si.g- nor uur J^W^. ^"^g rW the past viar, ,n const quence ot thei.u.dt qnat^uj vb ut paper \V.t he cheennif'pri^sBects before u* ol •» men** i r u| p.j «.J fchise^eutja matS owing ti ... uppjouchh g m»soi,» ; a, with < ui .t h.et object null v e v *e ag^n announce ,u. U. n . «... ; M. ? « , uW»hn*. as rapidly a* possuble, the most ^proved original «„,ks, t,y omrj™ «u ^"Jjjg lu accomplir* mo: , nurtng ..I , nseut year, f.twtfrda meeting the u.gtnt wants of the country to this .mfoiiant depal .t. j. r ro*'»w & co. Errata.— Ik the foregoing pages' the following errors and omissions escaped attention : Pa-e 3 Preface, <• er" omitted in prayerfully. Page 18, "put. C sell" read not have sold ; last question same page, "■W blessecV read areblemd. Page 25, omit " p" in Sant- fon Pages 27 and 28, " annointed" anorntcd. Page 28, supply "t" in Guiiafr; and ''Tin challenged. Page, 38, " all wiekecf i cad many wicked. Page 54, Chris? " staid instead oj* vtuytd. ... . . Future ed'rtioBS shall be free from like blemishes.