rUK ! :RE/\I NESS AT DUKE TERRY SANFOR.D Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ATIME FOR GREATNESS AT DUKE Epoch I campaign DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA We are particularly concerned with people. People build institutions, and we think con- cern for people is the first order of the Uni- versity's purpose. Our plans? We want to invest what new money we can raise in stu- dents — undergraduate, graduate and pro- fessional — and faculty, and books and other resources for teaching and research. That is the path to Duke's greatness. Terry Sanford, 1973 In writing about universities today, there is a tendency to speak in cosmic terms, to cite forces overcome and ills vanquished. But the case for Duke University can be stated more simply. Just as genetic codes shape the individual, so the achievements and personalities of the Uni- versity's past shaped its future. From Brown's Schoolhouse, one- roomed and leaky-roofed, to the Gothic complex that is now Duke Uni- versity, is a little over a hundred years. Yet an institution of national rank has evolved. The reason is clear: a sure sense of direction and the ability to see and do what needs to be done. This sense of direction shows us the need now. Now, when the Fifth Decade Campaign has brought us to the brink of greatness, with magnificent physical and research facilities — now we need to be able to attract and hold the people who will bring us to the forefront of American universities. We are at a moment in our history which may never come again: when a special effort will not only ensure Duke's continued place among the top-ranking universities of the Southeast, but secure our position alongside the handful of truly great univer- sities in the nation. We feel it is our duty to undertake this effort. We hope you will join us. THE NEED FOR GREATNESS Today, it is generally accepted that higher education is no longer a luxury for the few but a necessity for the many. Not only in strictly private terms, when more and more jobs demand college and professional training, but also in public terms. Changes in our environment are endangering the quality of life, and life itself. Great poverty exists side by side with great wealth. Wars can literally destroy nations, and peace is often maintained with arms. The basic premises of our political system are being questioned as never before. We are confronting an energy crisis, while sitting atop great untapped resources. As we learn more about the chemical func- tioning of the cell, we are learning to bring about great changes for good — or evil. Only an informed society can hope to find solutions for problems of this magnitude, problems that demand researchers and thinkers of the highest order. The United States has many fine public institutions of higher edu- cation. Why not let them educate the men and women we need? Because it is the interplay of private and public education that has given this country its great educational establishment. The private university, being accountable to trustees, alumni, fac- ulty and students, and not to government, can move without deference to state legislatures or the electorate's temper of the moment. The private university has more freedom to experiment than the state university. A number of the major innovations in education in the past fifty years have come out of private institutions of higher learning: the elective system, now a standard feature of all higher education, which permits the student to devise a curriculum specifically for his or her needs and interests, interdisciplinary research in the social sciences, the case study method in law school, medical education based on preclinical science, full-time salaried clinical faculty in medi- cal schools — all were begun in private universities. 1 A private university can decide to remain small; the public uni- versity, by the nature of its mandate, must grow as the need for it grows. But why stay small? Because smallness gives students and fac- ulty a sense of community and a sense of individuality. It allows the university to keep the ratio of faculty to students such that all get the advantages that only personal contact can give. Duke is, by design, a medium-sized university with approximately 8,500 students. There is room to learn, to breathe, to enjoy. There are enough people to be stimulating, yet never so many that you can't have a chat with any one of them. Duke's search now is not for numbers of people: it is for quality of people. One very concrete argument for private education is that it saves the taxpayer money. As the Reverend Dr. Paul C. Reinert, President of St. Louis University, wrote in 1972 in To Turn The Tide: "With three-fifths of our universities being independent, their demise would place an intolerable burden upon the state systems, forcing sizable and unnecessary outlays of tax money for takeovers and expansions. The message that has not yet been driven home to the public is what it would cost taxpayers if faculties and facilities for students now at- tending independent colleges and universities had to be provided at public institutions." Most important, if we let private education wither away and sub- sidize only public education, we remove the essence of freedom; we remove choice. Uniformity of institutions and methods leads not to equality but to mediocrity and ultimately to the failure of our whole system, which only works when the balances work. The balances are created and sustained by diversity. The healthy competition between private and public higher edu- cation is seriously endangered, and has been since the mid-60s, by escalating costs which have to be met on an income that is generally fixed. Without increased support from the friends of private higher edu- cation, many private universities simply will not be able to survive; some have already been forced to start using their capital for operating expenses. Initially, this means reducing the quality of teaching and re- search or restricting the range of their activities. Eventually, the out- come of such a course is bankruptcy. Duke is not in danger of going bankrupt. Our moneys are man- aged well, our facilities are put to optimum use. Duke has received a great deal of government support, primarily for research and related projects. Tuition, endowment income, hospital patient revenue, various grants, gifts and fees make up the remainder of University income. 2 Duke currently ranks 13th in the nation in size of endowment, with an effective total of $235,000,000. In addition to the Duke Univer- sity endowment, which is in the vicinity of $125,000,000, we also draw a pro-rata share of the distributed income from The Duke Endow- ment, established by James B. Duke. Although The Duke Endowment will continue to provide invaluable support to the University in the years to come, the notion that The Duke Endowment can meet any needs the University may have is a false one. The Duke Endowment has major responsibilities other than Duke University: Davidson Col- lege, Furman University, Johnson C. Smith University, nonprofit hos- pitals in North and South Carolina, child care agencies in the Carolinas and the Methodist Church in North Carolina. In the fiscal year 1972, the University had a total endowment in- come of $10,300,000. In that same year, Duke University's total ex- penditures were $122,000,000. Thus, endowment income presently covers less than 10 percent of the University's needs. No university that is 13th in the nation in endowment can lay a solid and enduring claim to greatness. Duke must have a larger en- dowment, a firm financial base, if it is to have the freedom to bring in and retain the faculty it wants, to support the students who need and deserve help, and to provide all with the tools necessary to learn and explore. To rank among the top ten endowments of educational institu- tions in the United States would require additional endowment for Duke University of at least 100 million dollars. The Epoch Campaign is a start in that direction. 3 4 THE ROOTS OF GREATNESS Duke's search for greatness has roots that go deep into the Uni- versity's and the state's history. Brown's Schoolhouse would never have been the ancestor of a major university without leaders such as Brantley York, Braxton Craven, John Crowell, John Kilgo and William Preston Few, and benefactors such as Washington Duke and his sons, Benjamin and James. York came to Brown's Schoolhouse, in Randolph County, to teach in 1838. During his four years there, the physical plant doubled: a two- room building with a fireplace in each room housed the school. The name and status were changed, and the school became Union Institute, a private academy. Craven, the next principal, opened a night school for students who had to work during the day, introduced a course in teacher training, and, most important to Duke's future, asked the Methodist Episcopal Church South for financial support in return for educating future preachers without charge. Thus Union Institute be- came Trinity College, a liberal arts school operating under Methodist auspices. Two years later, the Civil War broke out: enrollment dwindled and the school was forced to curtail its programs. Following Reconstruction, John Crowell, who became president of Trinity in 1887, began an unrelenting drive to upgrade every aspect of college life — admissions, curriculum, financial resources, books and equipment, graduation requirements and sports. He real- ized that Trinity's rural location was a handicap, and that if the school were to benefit from North Carolina's accelerating industrializa- tion, it would have to move. With the help of Washington Duke, who had already given some money to the college, Julian S. Carr, and others, Trinity moved to Durham in 1892. The year following the inauguration of Crowell's successor, Dr. John C. Kilgo, the v> Panic of 1893," a national depression which hit the agricultural South particularly hard, worsened the school's financial 5 situation, which had already been seriously damaged by the expense of the move to Durham. Only a mortgage of all the college's property, arranged with the influence of Benjamin Duke, and donations from the Duke family pulled Trinity out of financial despair. President Kilgo was elected a Methodist Bishop and was suc- ceeded by William Preston Few, a distinguished scholar who had served Trinity College for fourteen years as a professor and dean. Presi- dent Few adopted Kilgo's dream of a Trinity University and talked often with James B. Duke. Mr. Duke's friends were aware that he had always contemplated doing "big things for God and Humanity," and they knew that he had been talking to Dr. Few for several years about one possible "big thing" he might do for Trinity College. On December 11,1 924, Mr. Duke signed the Duke Indenture for a $40,000,000 endowment. The En- dowment was designed expressly to benefit hospitals, orphanages, col- leges and the Methodist Church; and to create Duke University as a memorial to his father, Washington Duke. From the beginning, President Few made it clear that Duke Uni- versity aspired to be "not a sectional but a national university. Indeed it is already a national university in its standards and ideals." This, however, did not imply a rejection of Duke's regional role. "We are lo- cated in the South, and owe it certain duties and special kinds of ser- vices." Duke grew as its region grew, and it has attracted students and scholars from around the world. The 48,000 alumni of Trinity and Duke have been leaders of the South — scholars, churchmen, business- men, civic leaders. They have also been men and women of national stature: presidents of major corporations, a great chairman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Corporation, the editor of the Jefferson papers, a librarian of Congress, a president of the United States, two outstanding senators, a Nobel Prize-winner in physics, a president of the American Bar Association, one of the earliest atomic physicists and organizer of Oak Ridge, several critically and popular- ly acclaimed novelists and the chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. Duke has always been blessed with good people. What it seeks now are the funds to attract more students and faculty of quality, be- cause it is becoming harder for good students without substantial re- sources to find the money to go to college, harder to attract good fac- ulty to teach them. THE WILL TO GREATNESS J^s a result of the Fifth Decade Program, Duke built the addition to X^kthe Perkins Library, the Gross Chemical Laboratory, the Divin- # m ity School addition, the Nanaline H. Duke Medical Sciences Building and Edens Quadrangle dormitories. During this same period, a number of new programs were begun. The Graduate School of Busi- ness was established, the undergraduate curriculum was revised, and the new Art Museum was opened on East Campus. Several endowed pro- fessorships were created, and further endowments were established for scholarships and the library. Overall, the emphasis was on building. Good buildings they are, and excellent research facilities. But buildings and facilities are only as good as the people who use them. 7 In 1972, President Terry Sanford appointed fifty-four faculty mem- bers, administrators, trustees, students and alumni to a new University Planning Committee and charged them to "examine Duke's historic commitment, where we stand at the present time, where we hope to go, and how we intend to get there." Thirteen subcommittees looked at every aspect of university life, and of the relationships with the region and the nation. When the separate reports were assembled, the dozens of ideas considered, one fact stood out: the University's endowment, at one time more than adequate for the institution, cannot finance what needs to be done just to keep pace, let alone rise to the national leadership demanded of Duke. Yet the needs set forth by the Duke University Planning Commit- tee were considered ones, identified by representatives from every part of the institution. It is, for Duke, a case of either going on and con- tinuing to build a vital University on the strong foundation of its past, or stopping where it is — on the edge of greatness. The decision is to go, seeking help from friends who believe that private higher educa- tion must endure and that Duke University is in a position to assume lead- ership. In a way, it is the same historic decision that Brantley York and Braxton Craven made at Brown's Schoolhouse. As President Sanford told the University's National Alumni Council: I appeal to you, not as today so many college and univer- sity presidents must, to give to alma mater, to save her, to cover the deficit, to keep her going. Rather, I call on you to join with us in making plans so our already outstanding university will become a mighty beacon of excellence and enlightenment in a confused and trou- bled world. You might well say our day has come. We are in sound fiscal condition. We rank with the very best in our academic achievements. So now we might turn to one another, saying, 'Well done; take a hard-earned break.' But we have far to go before we pause for self-congratulations. Higher education is challenged as never before. Even its validity as a useful in- stitution of society is questioned. Duke has a plan. Together, trustees, alumni, students and faculty have charted our immediate course and picked out the stars to guide us as we move Duke University toward the future. We are not particularly concerned with buildings. We need adequate classrooms and places to live and to meet 8 with one another to develop the atmosphere that charges in- tellectual development. For example, we need a student cen- ter for its contributions to the cohesiveness of the student body and faculty. And we must have several new buildings for our cancer center because we are moving to national leadership in that field of research and medical care; and we have to find some new housing, but we are on the way to getting all of these things. We are not at all concerned with growth. Growth would not substantially extend our influence and usefulness, and would destroy our personality and diminish our capabilities. We are particularly concerned with people. People build institutions, and we think concern for people is the first order of the university's purpose. Our plans? We want to invest what new money we can raise in students — undergraduate, graduate and professional — and faculty, and books and other resources for teaching and research. That is the path to Duke's greatness. THE CLIMATE FOR GREATNESS Jks President Sanford spoke these words, he was surrounded by a E^L University bursting with intellectual ferment and vitality in a • m region that is growing and prospering. The Southeast is at this moment the true growth section of the United States. Good leadership, a fine network of roads, a wealth of natural resources and excellent educational facilities: all are working together to attract industry and people. In particular, the Research Tri- angle area of Durham-Raleigh-Chapel Hill has been attracting industry, government agencies, and highly sophisticated research facilities. Duke, with the campus of the University of North Carolina in nearby Chapel Hill and North Carolina State only a few miles away in Raleigh, is in the middle of an exciting industrial and academic axis. At Duke itself, there is movement in every area. Along with our continuing commitment to traditional academic programs and re- search, we are deeply involved in programs that break new ground: • Duke has the first professionally accredited undergraduate pro- gram in biomedical engineering in the country. This program uses com- puters to give vital information during operations, to help community physicians assess data to facilitate diagnoses, and to facilitate early diagnosis in pediatric cardiology. • The Duke Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development is an acknowledged leader in studying the medical, social and eco- nomic implications of aging. The U. S. Department of Health, Educa- tion and Welfare is funding Center research to be used in developing alternatives to institutionalization for older persons. • As the interest in our environment has grown, so has the work of the Duke Marine Laboratory at Beaufort, North Carolina, an interde- partmental facility serving students from Duke and other institutions 1 1 on a year-round basis. The lab has just received a large grant from the Rockefeller Foundation and UNESCO to train scientists from develop- ing countries. Duke's Medical School is moving into the forefront in cancer re- search in this country: it is one of the institutions selected by the Na- tional Cancer Institute to concentrate on research and treatment. Duke initiated the training of physician's associates — allied health personnel who take on some of a doctor's chores, freeing the physician for more important work. The new Family Practice Program trains phy- sicians in the broader aspects of medicine, for community practice. During their residency, doctors are encouraged to work in outlying cen- ters in obstetrics and other specialty programs, while doctors already at work in outlying areas come back to Duke for ongoing medical train- ing. The Summer Transitional Program is a concept pioneered by Duke. The summer before entering Duke, incoming freshmen who feel they need to make special academic or social adjustments are taken through a carefully structured program. They get a complete introduction to the University and take credit courses in English, pre-calculus, or other courses in which they feel the need for special preparation. • The Institute of Policy Sciences and Public Affairs draws on peo- ple in established fields — economics, political science, sociology, history, law — and newer areas like demography, urban analysis, mass communications, to analyze existing public policy and present new approaches. Under way are special studies on public funding of elections, political socialization of children in elementary school, and land as a resource for minority groups. A new Research Center for the Study of Communications Policy and a Center for the Study of Health Policy have just been announced. The Divinity School, rated one of the top seven in the country by the American Council of Learned Societies, is complementing its aca- demic program with an increased emphasis on field education. Approxi- mately three semesters out of six are spent by students as "apprentice ministers" in prisons, mental hospitals, community centers and social service agencies. Methodist-related, Duke's Divinity School has trained ministers and leaders in teaching and administration in all denomina- tions and is active in the ongoing education of ministers. \1 In International Studies, summer programs set up with the North Carolina State Department of Education help prepare North Carolina school teachers for African studies. Summer seminars in the history of socialism are taught for regional college and university professors. The Duke International Studies program has special strengths in the Canadian, Commonwealth, Latin American, Russian and South Asian areas, and is increasingly developing Japanese studies. 13 14 • At the Law School, clinical approaches to the study of law add a new dimension to a legal education through supervised representation of indigents. Present research centers on campaign spending, revenue sharing, law and finance in public education, taxation of charitable in- stitutions. The Law School has established joint degree programs with Medicine, Business Administration and Policy Sciences. • At the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratories, a joint effort by Duke, the University of North Carolina and North Carolina State, an investigation of neutron cross sections at very high neutron energies is under way. These are measurements which will be needed if the United States is to design the fusion reactors which may be our ultimate source of energy. Another current project involves trace element studies to identify pollutants in the air. • The Phytotron, set up in collaboration with North Carolina State University, is the largest facility in the United States for the growth of plants in an almost completely controlled environment. Current projects include the study of optimum growing conditions for cotton and soy beans, and a Department of Chemistry study on the metabolic pathways in medicinal plants. • Meeting alternate years at Duke and the University of North Caro- lina at Chapel Hill, the Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renais- sance Studies brings together medieval and renaissance scholars in literature, art, history, philosophy, religion, languages and paleog- raphy. The Institute gives teaching scholars a chance to work inten- sively, for six weeks each summer, with outstanding authorities in various disciplines. • The School of Nursing curriculum emphasizes clinical experiences in community facilities such as public schools, welfare departments, clinics and old age homes. Programs under consideration include a continuing education program for registered nurses and the develop- ment of a graduate degree program to train teachers, researchers, administrators and specialists in nursing areas. • The new Center for Demographic Studies takes in the work of people in economics, sociology, medicine, political science and his- tory, collaborating to learn more about the relationships between population and society. Current research includes projections of the 15 aged population in the United States and studies on the social and eco- nomic consequences of the increase in the number of the aged (this is being done in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development); and a cross-national study with the World Health Organization on the health implications of commuting. At the Graduate School of Business Administration, a joint de- gree program with Health Administration prepares people for admin- istrative careers in the expanding health field; a joint degree program with the School of Law trains students in the law and the problems of administration. To help people working in the Durham area, a special evening curriculum has been set up. The Afro-American studies program, set up in 1969 to explore the experiences and concerns of Black America, has been called "the most progressive at a southern white institution" by an Atlanta paper. Majors in this field must do community field work for six months. The Cooperative Program in Judaic Studies at Duke and Chapel Hill will offer a summer program in Israel in 1974: half the session will be devoted to archeology (digging at the Duke excavations in Israel, begun in 1970), half to Judaic studies in Jerusalem. Everywhere, there is evidence of the University's desire to relate to the urgent questions of the day: aging, ecology, management of resources, control of disease, cell management. As these great ques- tions cross many fields, so they break down the traditional lines be- tween disciplines and create new fields. And people from the tradi- tional fields cooperate with each other in new ways. The relation of academic work to the work of the world is central to our belief that the aim of any university that aspires to greatness is to graduate people who are intellectually equipped and morally concerned to deal with the problems and challenges of an increasingly complex society. Amidst all the intellectual activity, the need for a sound body to house the sound mind is not forgotten. Duke's goal in sports is a na- tionally competitive program that does not compromise the aca- demic goals of the University. Interestingly, in the past 22 years a higher percentage of students on athletic scholarships have graduated than of those who had none. In football victories, Duke is in the top 25 in the country; in basketball, we are one of the 6 schools to have won 1,000 or more basketball games. On the intercollegiate level, Duke competes 1 6 in indoor and outdoor track, swimming, fencing, wrestling, golf, tennis, lacrosse, baseball and soccer. An 18-hole championship golf course is available to all students. At present, Duke undergraduates are required to take one year of physical education in the hope of creating a lifetime interest in the fun and feeling of physical well-being which come from active par- ticipation in sports. There are approximately twenty-two additional physical education courses offered after this first year. Intramural, recreational and club activities make sports participation available to every student. 17 THE PEOPLE FOR GREATNESS FACULTY The University Planning Committee affirmed the critical importance of the faculty to the future of the University, saying, "The qual- ity of undergraduate and graduate learning is more closely re- lated to the excellence of the faculty than to anything else. Indeed, we believe that in the long run, the quality of the faculty determines the quality of the institution." Duke already has very distinguished people. Duke students may study with one of the leading interpreters of modern French literature in America; an economist who did early work on the eco- nomics of aging, and who is, incidentally, a member of the Board of the New York Stock Exchange and on the boards of several corpora- tions; an anthropologist who did pioneer work on the peyote cults; a na- tional authority on corporation law; one of the leading contemporary composers; a world-renowned renaissance scholar; one of the out- standing thoracic surgeons in the country. . .the list is long indeed, longer than we have space for here. However, in the past ten years Duke has fallen behind in attracting faculty, as the building of facilities took precedence. Now, the Uni- versity plans to look for distinguished professors — outstanding teach- ers and creative scholars of the quality that will move the University ahead. The time for attracting people of world stature to Duke is ripe. Now, when the South has become economically and intellectually stim- ulating, and life in the cities, particularly the cities of the Northeast and West Coast, is no longer as attractive as it once was, Duke is in a position to attract greater numbers of the best scholars. With its great physical beauty, and its extensive research and library facili- ties, combined with the advantages of the Triangle area, Duke has be- come the center of a powerful intellectual community. Why is the University thinking first in terms of distinguished pro- fessors? Because these are the men and women who will bring in their wake younger faculty of the highest calibre. People like the young 19 Duke historian who is currently doing a highly innovative, important oral history of the South — something never before attempted on this scale. This historian is also training graduate students in the tech- niques of oral history — training a new generation of specialized his- torians. Good professors attract good students, who, in turn, become good scholars. The influence of distinguished professors is far greater than their numbers: Duke has fewer fully endowed professorships than any other major private university in the country, but the leadership and ex- ample of the scholars who hold these chairs are powerful resources. Since Duke is one of the smallest of the major universities, a depart- ment of ten or twenty faculty members can find itself in competition with departments of fifty or sixty. Still, Duke competes most effec- tively. Aside from thirty James B. Duke Professorships, which provide only salary supplements from endowed funds and which are available in Arts and Sciences and the professional schools (primarily Medi- cine), there are just eighteen named and endowed professorships in the University, and most of these are only partially endowed. This limited number is Duke's greatest single deficit. Therefore, Duke is seeking to establish 50 additional professor- ships with full endowment support at a level of $750,000 each. The total funds needed for these chairs is $37,500,000. Not all the distinguished scholars of the world will be willing to spend the rest of their working lives at Duke, but many are willing to come for a year, or a semester. The fund of knowledge and stimulation they bring is well worth the $3,000,000 the University seeks to invest in 5 endowed Visiting Professorships. STUDENTS Along with measures to reinforce the faculty, nothing is more im- portant to the continued development of the University than the further strengthening of an already able student body. Duke must be able to attract the best students, regardless of their ability to pay. In 1973, it cost approximately $4,750 to send a student to Duke. This includes tuition, room, board, books and other necessities. Costs will go up again this year. These are high expenses for most families. The result is that many middle- and lower-income students have to look to less expensive institutions, or those better able to provide financial assistance. 20 Duke has $1,800,000 available to give annually in scholarships. Harvard gives $4,800,000 a year. It is easy to see which university has the advantage in attracting students. Yet 30-35 percent of Duke undergraduates need some form of stu- dent aid. At the moment, the University can provide the first $1,200 of funds needed in a "Moan and work" package, which enables the stu- dent to earn up to $600 a year, while the rest is made available as a loan which is interest-free until the student leaves Duke. The rest of the student-aid money is made up of scholarships and grants-in-aid. More loan and grant funds are needed. As matters stand, there is no money to allow students to participate in ordinary extracurricular activities, much less to spend the summer in an internship program. Such conditions operate to handicap the student with insufficient funds. Duke needs additional funds for tutoring students who have in- sufficient preparation in certain areas or those needing help in a par- ticular field. For that matter, Duke does not have funds for the kind of career counseling it would like to provide. 21 For the graduate student, each year is a struggle for financial aid or tor fellowships. Federal funds are harder and harder to come by, and many graduate students cannot finish their dissertations without such assistance. In this campaign, $7,500,000 is sought as an endowment for under- graduate aid. Other goals are a $2,500,000 endowment for graduate scholarships and fellowships; a $2,500,000 financial aid endowment for the professional schools, including Medicine and Nursing. Duke also seeks an additional $2,500,000 for loan funds. 21 THE TOOLS FOR GREATNESS Just as a household constantly needs new supplies to keep daily life going, so a university needs new supplies in the way of books and research facilities to keep the scholar's life going. And as a house needs constant care to remain in prime condition, so too, Duke's buildings need constant work to keep them in safe working order. So while this campaign deals with people, it must also deal with the tools people use. BOOKS For many years, the Perkins Library's holdings of books, manu- scripts and other materials have by sheer size kept it among the top twenty major university research libraries of the nation. Far more im- portant than mere quantity, the quality of the collection has indicated an even higher ranking. While acquisition funds in the University's unrestricted budget have been steadily increased during periods of financial stress, and will be increased as much as possible in the fu- ture, additional endowment funds will be essential to maintain the pace of growth. Endowed funds presently total about $2,000,000. Duke must have $4,000,000 in new endowed funds to provide addi- tional income for annual purchases of periodicals, books and other library materials. FACULTY RESEARCH One of the reasons outstanding scholars are attracted to Duke is that the University recognizes the importance of original research, and does everything in its power to give its scholars time and resources for their work. Up to this time, outside sources have been largely relied on for these funds. To give its faculty the assurance that worthwhile research will be sufficiently supported, the University needs an additional $4,000,000 to endow funds for faculty and student research. 25 PLACES TO WORK Duke is clearly underendowed in relation to the size of its student body, faculty, and the extensive physical facilities it must maintain. By providing maintenance endowments for new or existing build- ings, the University will ease the pressure on future budgets, and as- sure proper maintenance on a permanent basis. Nine million dollars is being sought for maintenance endowment. The Planning Committee recommended three significant build- ing needs outside the Medical Center: a University Center, the com- pletion of Phase II of the Student Activities Building and a new activi- ties building on East Campus. The University Center, a center for creating student, faculty and community cohesion, is a building Duke is sorely lacking. There are few places for students, faculty and staff to come together in- formally; there is no place to greet, entertain or house visiting art- ists and lecturers; and there is inadequate space for student organiza- tion offices. Student, faculty and staff representatives have all had an active part in planning the Center, and they determined the needs to be met. The Center will have a modern theater (something Duke does not have now), craft and art studios, gallery spaces, restaurants, lounges, student activity offices, meeting rooms and specialty shops. There will also be a post office, campus mail room, bookstore, bank, barber shop and laundry. 26 The East Campus recreational facilities are close to condemna- tion: they stem from the Trinity era. If the East Campus is to remain a viable part of the University, new facilities are an absolute necessity. For these building needs, the University seeks a total of $10,350,000. An analysis of other building needs indicates renovations in Engi- neering, Old Chemistry, Card Gymnasium, the Graduate Center, the Chapel, Page Auditorium and the Art Museum. Since most of these buildings were constructed in the same period, it is inevitable that signs of decay appear in all at about the same time. For the neces- sary renovations, at least $7,130,000 is required. Medical Center needs include expanded hospital facilities, a li- brary and communications center, and three new buildings for cancer research: an animal laboratory, a basic research facility and a clinical laboratory. Duke is seeking $21,020,000 for the library and cancer fa- cilities. Modernization and expansion of Duke Hospital is the largest sin- gle construction project planned. Since the hospital was built in the early 1930s, the need for its services has grown tremendously. Duke Hospital provides the most sophisticated care and treatment, but it has to do so in inadequate surroundings. The need for teaching facili- ties in the hospital has grown far beyond the capacity of the present physical plant. The demands projected for the 1980s indicate an even greater strain on the present hospital. A plan has been proposed for constructing a new hospital with 614 beds, support services, a physicians' clinic and research facilities. As present facilities in the old hospital are dispersed, there will be room to add 352 additional beds in that building. The existing buildings will be utilized as far as possible. It is estimated that the new hospital fa- cilities will require a minimum of $27,000,000 in private funds. THE BUDGET Although Duke is one of the few private universities that has been able to maintain a stable financial condition in recent years, balancing income and expenditures is an increasingly difficult proposition in the face of inflation and other fiscal uncertainties. Substantial changes in the financial area may occur within a budget year and put great pres- sure on those who must administer the University's programs. Deci- sions become harder and harder as needs intensify. Duke is therefore seeking $15,000,000 for current operating support to help pay for fi- nancial aid for students, faculty salaries, maintenance of physical 27 plant, and modest increases in academic programs. Support for new and expanded programs is also part of this campaign objective. An additional $9,000,000 is being sought for unrestricted endow- ment. The great advantage of unrestricted funds is the flexibility with which these funds may be used. The University is able to put such funds to work wherever the need is greatest at any given time. Contributions to the various annual giving programs of the Uni- versity will count toward the Epoch Campaign goal. This would in- clude, among others, The Loyalty Fund, Athletic Scholarship Fund, Friends of the Library and Friends of the Art Museum. These pro- grams provide ongoing income on which the University depends heav- ily in these, as in all other years. AND SO THE CAMPAIGN BEGINS— As Braxton Craven said in 1866, Taking into consideration our condition in all respects, and the country generally, including all influences that are likely to affect the fortunes of the College, and the work that we ought to accomplish if we pretend to sustain a college at all, I am clearly of the opinion that the time has come for de- cisive, wise and united effort. The $162,000,000 Duke seeks to raise during the Epoch Campaign will expand its capacities for service to the Southeast and to the nation and will usher in a new time of greatness for Duke, but it will not alter the University's basic mission: teaching students and searching for answers about the past and future. With firm North Car- olina roots, Duke will continue as it has from the beginning, sensitive to its time and place. There are no statues of heroic figures on horseback on the Duke campus. Washington Duke sits in a marble armchair in a quiet circle on East Campus. His son, James, stands in a grassy space in front of the Chapel on West. Nearby are the residential quadrangles: Craven, Crowell, Kilgo, Few and Edens. Students and professors move along the slate walks, carrying on the tradition saluted by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1905 when he came to the Trinity campus to pay this tribute: I know of no other college which has so nobly set forth, as the object of its being, the principles to which every col- lege should be devoted in whatever portion of this Union it may be placed. You stand for all those things for which the scholar must stand, if he is to render real and lasting service to the State. You stand for academic freedom, for the right of private judgment, for the duty more incumbent upon the scholar than any other man, to tell the truth as he sees it, to claim for himself and to give to others the largest liberty in seeking after truth. 29 EPOCH CAMPAIGN NEEDS ENDOWMENT Professorships Arts and Sciences $22,500,000 Professional Schools 15,000,000 (Including Medicine and Nursing) Visiting Professorships 3,000,000 Total $40,500,000 Financial Aid Undergraduate $7,500,000 Graduate Awards 2,500,000 (Scholarships and Fellowships) Professional Schools 2,500,000 (Including Medicine and Nursing) Loan Funds 2,500,000 Total $15,000,000 Libraries 4,000,000 Advancement of Basic Knowledge 4,000,000 (Faculty Research Fund) Unrestricted Endowment 9,000,000 Maintenance Endowment 9,000,000 (To be broken down by project) Total Endowment $81,500,000 FOR GREATNESS AT DUKE PHYSICAL FACILITIES University East Campus Activities Building $2,000,000 Student Activities Building— Phase II 350,000 University Center (Union) 8,000,000 Subtotal Renovations (These include at least the following buildings: Old Chemistry, Graduate Center, Page, Card Gym, Engineering, Chapel and Art Museum) Subtotal Medical Center Cancer Animal Research Building $1,470,000 Basic Cancer Research Building ()ones Building) . . 7,645,000 Clinical Cancer Research Building 7,600,000 Medical Center Library and Communications Center 4,305,000 Subtotal New Hospital Facilities Total Physical Facilities CURRENT OPERATING AND PROGRAM SUPPORT GRAND TOTAL $ 21,020,000 27,000,000 $ 65,500,000 $ 15,000,000 r GIFT OPPORTUNITIES ENDOWMENT Endowed Professorships Humanities and Social Sciences $ 750,000 Scienc e s 1,000,000 Endowed Visiting Professorships 600,000 Endowed and named professorships can be established by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees for lesser amounts when there are reasonable prospects for additional gifts from the same or other interested donors or through some matching program. Endowed Scholarship Funds Named Scholarship Fund 25,000 Named Scholarship Program With Special Procedures 100,000 Other Endowed Funds Library Purchase Fund 10,000 Faculty Research Fund 10,000 Special Purpose Fund 10,000 PHYSICAL FACILITIES With respect to new buildings, thegeneral rule is that a building will be named when the donor's gift provides at least one half of the private cost of the new facility. Examples are listed below: University Campus East Campus Activities Building 1,000,000 Student Activities Building (Phase I and II) 450,000 University Center 3,000,000 (est.) Theatre in University Center 1 ,1 50,000 (est.) Medical Center Cancer Animal Research Building 300,000 (est.) Clinical Cancer Research Building 2,000,000 (est.) Expanded Hospital Facilities 13,500,000 EPOCH CAMPAIGN NEEDS ENDOWMENT Professorships Arts and Sciences $22,500,000 Professional Schools 15,000,000 (Including Medicine and Nursing) Visiting Professorships 3,000,000 Total $40,500,000 Financial Aid Undergraduate $7,500,000 Graduate Awards 2,500,000 (Scholarships and Fellowships) Professional Schools 2,500,000 (Including Medicine and Nursing) Loan Funds 2,500,000 Total $15,000,000 Libraries 4,000,000 Advancement of Basic Knowledge 4,000,000 (Faculty Research Fund) Unrestricted Endowment 9,000,000 Maintenance Endowment 9,000,000 (To be broken down by project) Total Endowment $81,500,000 Epoch Campaign contributions may be made as outright gifts of cash or securities, gifts in trust with the reservation of income to the donor, or a transfer of property such as real estate. All gifts are tax de- ductible as provided by law and may be designated for specific pur- poses, or made for the general campaign. If you have any questions about the form of a gift, or the tax ques- tions involved, please write or call J. David Ross, Director of Institu- tional Advancement, or -F. Roger Thaler, Director of Development, 2127 Campus Drive, Durham, North Carolina 27706. Phone (919) 684-3254. CAMPAIGN STEERING COMMITTEE EDWIN L. JONES, JR. '48, Chairman President, J. A. Jones Construction Company Charlotte, North Carolina WILLIAM G. ANLYAN Vice President for Health Affairs Duke University JOHN O. BLACKBURN '51 Chancellor Duke University JOHN A. FORLINES '39 President Bank of Granite Granite Falls, North Carolina RICHARD B. HENNEY Executive Director The Duke Endowment New York, New York ALFRED M. HUNT Vice President and Secretary Alcoa Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania J. ALEXANDER McMAHON '42 President American Hospital Association Chicago, Illinois CLIFFORD W. PERRY '36 Retired Treasurer Hanes Corporation Winston-Salem, North Carolina J. DAVID ROSS, J. D. '65, Secretary Director of Institutional Advancement Duke University TERRY SANFORD President Duke University MARY D. B. T. SEMANS '39 Chairman Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Durham, North Carolina W. M. UPCHURCH, JR. '31, J. D. '36 Retired Senior Vice President Shell Oil Companies Foundation New York, New York J. FRED VON CANON '25 Retired President Sanford Furniture Company Sanford, North Carolina CHARLES B. WADE, JR. '38 Senior Vice President R. J. Reynolds Industries Winston-Salem, North Carolina (Committee in process of formation at publication date) 35 BOARD OF TRUSTEES DR. C. E. BOULWARE Durham, North Carolina BLANCHE BRIAN '22 Raleigh, North Carolina WERNER C. BROWN '42 Wilmington, Delaware DR. MERRIMON CUNNINGGIM '33 St. Louis, Missouri KATHLEEN W. DALE '43 Cincinnati, Ohio EDWARD S. DONNELL '41 Chicago, Illinois THOMAS A. FINCH Thomasville, North Carolina BISHOP W. KENNETH GOODSON '37 Richmond, Virginia P. HUBER HANES, JR. '37 Winston-Salem, North Carolina NANCY HANKS '49 Washington, D. C. HOWARD HARDESTY, JR. '43 Stamford, Connecticut PAUL HARDIN, III '52, J.D. '54 Dallas, Texas J. WELCH HARRISS '27 High Point, North Carolina ALFRED M. HUNT Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania EDWIN L. JONES, JR. '48 Charlotte, North Carolina AMOS R. KEARNS '27 High Point, North Carolina THE REVEREND WALLACE H. KIRBY '54 Fayetteville, North Carolina DR. JOHN H. KNOWLES New York, New York JEFFREY KURZWEIL '71 Nashville, Tennessee ISOBEL CRAVEN MARTIN '37 Lexington, North Carolina GEORGE C. McGHEE Washington, D. C. J. ALEXANDER McMAHON '42 Chicago, Illinois DR. BEN N. MILLER '32, M.D. '35 Columbia, South Carolina CHARLES S. MURPHY '31, J.D. '34 Washington, D. C. RAYMOND D. NASHER '43 Dallas, Texas CLIFFORD W. PERRY '36 Winston-Salem, North Carolina MARSHALL I. PICKENS '25, M.A. '26 Charlotte, North Carolina ROBERT H. PINNIX '24 Gastonia, North Carolina DR. WILLIAM R. PITTS '29 Charlotte, North Carolina HENRY E. RAUCH Greensboro, North Carolina CHARLES S. RHYNE '34, LL.B. '37 Washington, D. C. MARY D.B.T. SEMANS '39 Durham, North Carolina 36 THOMAS F. SOUTHGATE, JR. '37 Mt. Airy, North Carolina RICHARD E. THIGPEN '22 Charlotte, North Carolina SUSAN TIFFT '73 Durham, North Carolina WRIGHT TISDALE Dearborn, Michigan WALTER M. UPCHURCH, JR. '31, J. D. '36 New York, New York TRUSTEES T. A. ALDRIDGE '26 Naples, Florida KENNETH M. BRIM '20, LL.B. '21 Greensboro, North Carolina NORMAN A. COCKE Charlotte, North Carolina N. E. EDGERTON '21 Raleigh, North Carolina B. F. FEW '15, AM '16 Southport, Connecticut JOSH L. HORNE '09 Orlando, Florida C. B. HOUCK '22 Roanoke, Virginia SENATOR B. E. JORDAN '18 Saxaphaw, North Carolina FRED VON CANON '25 Sanford, North Carolina CHARLES B. WADE, JR. '38 Winston-Salem, North Carolina DR. K. BRANTLEY WATSON, M.A. '36, PhD '37 Durham, North Carolina DR. WILSON O. WELDON '34 Nashville, Tennessee EMERITI DR. EDGAR H. NEASE '25, B.D. '31 Charlotte, North Carolina FRANK O. SHERRILL Charlotte, North Carolina J. RAYMOND SMITH '17 Mt. Airy, North Carolina ESTELLE FLOWERS SPEARS '14 Durham, North Carolina KENNETH C. TOWE '18 Greenwich, Connecticut GEORGE R. WALLACE '27 Morehead City, North Carolina B. S. WOMBLE '04, LL.B. '06 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 37 ADMI TERRY SANFORD President, Duke University DR. JOHN O. BLACKBURN Chancellor, Duke University DR. FREDERIC L. CLEAVELAND Provost ISTRATION CHARLES B. HUESTIS Vice President for Business and Finance DR. JU ANITA M. KREPS Vice President STEPHEN C. HARWARD Treasurer DR. WILLIAM G. ANLYAN Vice President for Health Affairs