SENATE, Feb. 15, 1865.— Ordered to be printed. AMENDMENTS Proposed by the House of Representatives to thr. Bill (S. 84) to regu- late, for a limited period, the Compensation of the Officers, Clerks and Em-ployees of the Civil Departments of the Government in the City of Richmond. [ First Amendment.] 1 Strike out all after ihe enacting clause, and insert in lieu 2 thereof the following : 3 ** That ft:oH>-*»4-*f6e!*4h« passagcTrf'thiy^a©^ and until other- 4 wise provided by law, the conijiensation of each of the follow- 6 ing named officers and employees shall be as herein after desig- 6 nated, viz : 7 The Vice President of the Confederate States, the Secretary 8 of War, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, 9 9 the Secretary of the Navy, the Postmaster General, the Attor- 10 ney General, each ten thousand dollars. 11 The Assistant Secretary of War, the Assistant Secretary of 12 the Treasury, the Assistant Attorney General, each fi^lir tliou- 13 sand dollars; and the Treasurer of the Confederate Siar.!"*. scvi'n 14 thousand five hundred dollars. 15 The Register of the Treasury, the Comptroller, Auditors, 2 16 Chiefs of the Finance, Appointment and Contract Bureaux of 17 the Post Office Department, the Chief of the Treasury Note 18 Bureau, the Chief of the Bureau of War, the Superintendent 19 of Public Printing, the Commissioner of Taxes, the Commis- 20 sioner of Patents, each seven thousand dollars. 21 T\w Chief of the Produce Loan, the Commissioner of Indian 22 Affairs, the Chief Clerks in the several Executive Departments, 23 and the Disbursing Clerks of the War and Treasury Depart- 24 ments, each six thousand dollars. 25 The Examiner of Patents, the Corresponding Clerk of the 26 War Department, the Private Secretary of the President, and 27 the Chief Clerks in the several Bureaux, and the Principal 28 Clerk in the office of the Superintendent of Public Printing, 29 each five thousand dollars. ^ W All Clerks, whether civil, detailed or retired, in the several 31 Executive Departments, or in any of their branches or offices 32 of the government in the City of Richmond, and at Camp Lee, 33 four thousand dollars. 34 All Messengers in the several Executive Departments, or in 36 any of their branches, and in the President's office, each three 30 ihuusaud dollars. 37 The Postmast(-'r iti the City Post Office, seveu iIkmi.suuI dol- 38 lars. The Assistiint Postmaster, six thousand dollars. The 39 Chief Clerk, six tliousand dollars. All other chfks in the City 10 Post Office, wiieiJier civil or detailed, four thousand dolhirs. 3 41 The Chief Collector of the Confederate Tax in Virginia, one- 42 tenth of one per cent, on the amount collected in said State : 43 Provided, That in no case shall the salary be less than two 44 thousand nor more than seven thousand dollars." [ Second Amendment. ] 1 Amend the title, by striking out all after the word " regulate,'^ 2 in the first line, and insert in lieu thereof the following — 3 "the compensation of certain officers and employees of the 4 government in the City of Richmond." *'M9» f*« ta0 ■^- mgom mn»\ •^am^^m AMENDMENTS Proposed by fhe Committee on Finance to the Amendments of the House of Representatives to the Bill {S. 84) to regulate, for a limited period, the CQmpensa,tion of the OJicers, Clerics and Employees of the Civil Departments of the Government in the City of Richmond. [First Amendment.] 1 In line 1, after the word " that," insert the words "for the 2 term of twelve months." [Second Amendment.] 1 In line 2, strike out the words "and until otherwise provided 2 by law." [Third Amendment ] 1 In line 1 3, after the word " States," insert the words " and the 2 Comptroller." [Fifth Amendment.] 1 In line 15, strike out the words " the Comptroller." [Sixth Amendment] 1 In line 21, after the word "patents," insert the words "the 2 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the Chief of the Produce 3 Loan." ' [Seventh Amendment.] 1 Strike out the residue of the House amendment, and insert as 2 follows: 8 " The Chief Clerks in the several Executive Departments, the 5 4 Chief of the Bureau of War, the Disbursing Clerks of the War, -5 Navy and Treasury Departments, the Law Clerk in the Depart- 6 ment of Justice, the Principal Clerk in charge of the Inspection 7 Office of the Post Office Department, the Private Secretary of 8 the President, and the Register of the Navy, each six thousand 9 dollars: 10 All clerks, artisans and employees, civil, detailed or retired, in 1 1 the President's office, and in the several Executive Departments, 12 bureaux, offices, w^orkshops, posts and places, and their respec- 1 3 tive branches, in and about the city of Richmond, fifty per cent. 14 in addition to the amount now paid them : Provided, That no 15 clerk shall be paid an annual compensation exceeding five thou- 16 sand five hundred dollars: And provided further. That this act 17 shall not be construed to embrace any of the persons entitled to 1 8 the benefits of an act entitled an act to regulate the pay and 19 allowances of certain female employees of the government, 20 approved 8th day of Febuary 1865."