Duke University Libraries (Message to the v Conf Pam 12mo #733 ram, DTiossiasa l3nu /JL mo tj33 Executive Department, Hichmond, February 15, 1862. To tlie Honorable President of the Congress : In response to the resolution of the Congress adopted on the 10th instant, I herewith transmit communications from all the respective Departments, except the War Depart- ment. I am informed by the Secretary of War that so great is the press of important business on his Department, that he has not had time, as yet, to prepare the list of officers as desired, but will do so at his earlist opportunity. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Department of State, Richmond, Feb. 12, 18G2. To the President of the Confederate States : The Secretary of State, to whom Was referred a resolution of the Congress of the Confederate States, of the 10th inst., requesting the President ** to have furnished the Congress by the Heads of the several Departments a list of the names of the different officers in each Department at the seat of Government, accompanied by a statement of the salaries they receive, and the State or country of -which they arc na- tive," has the honor to lay before the President the accom- panying paper, which contains all the information called for by that resolution, so far as it applies to this Department. Respectfully submitted, It. M. T. HUNTER. a #?2 <=> z? z£ 5 © o © o q H e •> .2 -a a 5 E 'So** ^ -2 ^ « « S « e> S * £* o to 0) ■eg er, e Br ashin well, a 5 S b- £ o 3 ej g S d§ « . e «3 H 2.S ^ Q © «£.-5 £ w ■J QQ •m O eS 2 CD OB «'§ CCS 5 O £ — CD "B.9 c ■ Confederate States of America, \ Navy Department, Richmond, February 12th, 1862. ) The President : Sir: In compliance with the Resolution of Congress, adopted on the 10th instant, I have the honor to transmit a list of the names of the different officers in this Depart- ment, the salaries they receive, and the State or country of which they arc native, and whence appointed. With much respect, Your obedient servant, S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy. • rt r . ct rt e; eS •- W - — ■- ■- -o a __— = = = "5 "5 -ti "C *5>*Sb'5b" fa t> ■}.■—>>>• Y* K ■ 1 u 'SbSo = -5 c ^ ■- •- * " x < > > C ^ C © © © © © o o - O © - Lt :i :i oi fa Lc ~ a ~ £« tO r- 2 m iz; g« M « 3 s O Z j£ ? Ss-g a fc< >>— c S « : Id S to rt a " ,r lT y> v © 01 o GO IO gg cc o g>§§ -7- ~i- V. V. TO tc s O 5 ^ O* > E> " H. J< -^ JSi i" a J5 if jf*" § «* cn © a £> -r .= g|-sl *-"£ o ^ : c3 .0 P> fa a pq "C § .5 to 3 ■ g toll fa s **Jiii H 2 eS C « o /. fa N 6 H *< & D fa^ O 1-3 Wfa Post Office Department, v Richmond, Feb. 12, 1862. \ Sir: In compliance with a resolution of the Congn . "i the 10th inst., referred by you to this Department, I have the honor to submit herewith a list of the officers ami em- ployees of the Post Office Department, at the seat of Gov- ernment, with their respective salaries and places of nativ- ity. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN. H. REAGAN, P. M. G. The President. Q Q © © O © © © © © O © © © © © © © © © © © © 5 qoqq , -" - t'tt.t' n ,^i : i r : i c .' : [ = . cl . 7 l ;; . : l cl — 85 C «' M « ^ -" r^ n* -«' -T -h' -h' rt rn' rt r-' -1 r4" rH rn" ^T ^' ^T ,h" =» I* 1 § is § 2 3 a' « a xt k W &..ua>.5u-gao .,5 § 3 « c ft* ^ « s » £•£ 2*- 3 h«S « O -d fa i— i a g .g u M S u h o a «<- "T c d ft « ° S a So^Sg ,, a O ^3 o a la "C Oft- a-* - S 5 5 S *■> 3 JO M "S a * h c • i i i i i i • i i s * &"5 22 5 "S a £?s ft R tt a 5 •£ a «•&: d « 6 a § g § ® •§ § * 2 W= J «»4 a .|tt^"3 t :d^« c © © © o 33353 3 33 r/-> J^ O SO _C g _c eJ w . * «S « « ■ B m = C3 .2 . .5 ■ 5 »0 g r = - g «.fc'3.t; §.fc S.&g'S g Q O « QQ H fc > r^^H^-J^^^iv a 5 2 3 5 a a t i o no ■ '"" 'S «r 2 a « u S.S S.S» a £ « £ £ -' - g u 8-oJoJ Sb-2 3 - - **£Z*C£ fi© "S £ I'gW % _j 2 Sod - *\9 SS 3 £ ' 3fc/,"" - - r- ■ B ~ w x o o -* ej fcG • u q MO •- fl S A J; 10 • . o o as o o ~r io ►J ■v.- •*. CQ H H ■< £ fa c w w. 13 u « C ■< G rt 5 £-1 II 3 c o O 1 5p §h o & § H ^ na ft c =0 W. C. E ff. >> W. L. Curbin » P. 1$. Law " J. W. Hester Marcus Owen " T. W. -nderson • « Charles 11. Ball Messeng r, 3,000 1,500 1,000 1 ,000 i ,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,1100 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 South Carolina. Tennessee. South L'arallna. Tennessee. Virginia. North Carolina. Virginia. Alabama. North Carolina. Indiana. FIRST AUDITOR'S OFFICE. Boiling lUker . First Auditor, 8,000 Virginia. James \V. Kobcitson. j Clerk, 1,200 " W. R. Abbott " l.Oltl Maryland. C. H. Cleveland Messenger, 000 Alabama. D. M. K. Thornton.... lf'leik. 1,000 Virginia. 13 List of Officers in the Treasury Department — Continued, AUDITING POST OFFICE ACCOUNTS. Thomas Iligham, Jr. .. D. W. Archer A. Moisp Edward Auld I. W. Caldwell W. N.J. Godwin J. Ha 1 Moore F. J. McNullv William W. Tyl.r.... J. W.Thomas J. G. Moss John Heart B. Cawthorne R. W. Gregory G. Fitzhu-th H. W. Dennison J. W. Myers W. A. Cocke G. H. Spencer E. C. Caldwell H. C.Dallam W. M. Brown ... Fox Hewitt Columbus Drew W. C.Grady W.J. Bigger H. Richardson D I'. Fiquett G. W. Johnson B. W. I.awson W. Whitehead J. P. Chase. W. A. Hurt George W. Drewry... Thomas B. Addison... John Skinner W. A. Malsby A. H. Brorawell C. G. Addison... R. B. Witter J. C. Bronaugh A. L, Edwards .. J. P. McGuire.... GRADE. Chief Clerk, Principal of Collecting Dlv., Pay " Bookkeep'g " Bookkeeper, Misc.llaneous Clerk. I rincipa: Examining Division '• Stamp " " Registering " Pay Clerk, Messenger, Clerk, Examiner, Pay Clerk, U. S. Account Clerk, Stating Clerk, Warrant and Draft Clerk, Examiner, I Mail Messenger, Registering Division, Krror Clerk, Examiner, Recoiding Clerk, Bookkeeper, Stamp Division, Error Clerk, Examine, Pay Clerk, Examiner, U. S. Accounts Cle'k, Miscellaneous " ■xaminer, Benlsti ring Division, Collecting " Examiner, Bookkeepe-, Examiner, Pay Division, ALARY STATE OR COUNTRY 2,000 South Carolina. 1,200 Virginia. 1,200 South Carolina. 1.2IM' Maryland. 1,200 Virginia. 1,800 1,800 District of Columbia. 1 200 Connecticut, 1.000 Virginia. 1,000 M ii i •• 1.000 1,000 Virginia. 1,000 North Carolina. 1,000 Virginia. 1,000 South Carolina. 1,0(111 Virginia. 1,000 " 1,000 Georgia. 1,000 District of Columbia. 1,000 Maryland. 1,000 Virginia. 1,010 Kentucky. 1,000 \ irginia. 1,000 " 1,000 " i ooo Kentucky. 1,000 Alabama. 1,000 Georgia. 1,000 Virginia. 1 ,' 00 North Carolina. 1,000 Tennessee. 1,000 Virginia. 1, " 1,000 Marvland. 1,000 North Carolina. 1,000 Secrgia. 1,000 Maryland. 1,000 1000 Tennessee. 1,000 Virginia. 1,200 " 1,000 " SECOND AUDITOR'S OFFICE. W. H, S. Taylor Second Auditor, 8,000 Samuel S. Kind Chief Clerk, 1,400 District of Columbia. 1,800 1,200 .Maryland. [Sou h Carolina. James H. Nash James W. Hampton... " 1,200 Thomas 0. Daniel A. T. McCallum " 1,200 North Carolina. Robert G-arne David N. Cardwcll... ., 1,000 1,000 1,000 Virginia. Richard I,. Brown »• « Edward M. Clark ;; 1,000 1,200 1, Kentucky. Maryland. Virgida. F. L. Brock. -U B. E. Peltlaux. . ...... John A. Belvln, Jr •• i, Charles A. Rose " 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 i. C. D. Mclndoe •' i John J. Wright Thomas Edwards » Kentucky. Maryland. 11 List of Officers in the Treasury Department — Continued. SECOND AUDITOR'S OFFICE— Continued NAMK3 GRADE. SALARY. STATK OR COUNTRY. Clerk, 1.0H0 Maryland. William P. l.awton... l.iiOO West Indies. John McCormlck " 1,000 Maryland. C. B. Keech 1,000 M. P. Andrew* •« 1.000 Virginia. " 1 Dim " William N. Bowden... " 1,000 North Carolina. John T. Booth M >aa 'nger, 800 Virginia. T. R. Lock-rmai Clerk, 1,000 Maryland. James 11. Robinson . '• 1,000 \ irgiuia. REGISTER'S OFFICE. Register, Chi f Clerk Clerk, Charles T. Jones J. H. Woolford P. W. Hampton N. L. Feiguson W. O. Crenshaw R. F. Wilson " A. D. Allen JohnShick Messenger, R. J. Delouey It. Hii.. Jr ii Thomas J. Miller M. CRig^s « T. L. Crouch M. Winston William Nott ... » 3,000 Virginia. 1,500 Ohio. 1,200 Maryland. 1,200 District of Columbia 1,000 Alabama. 1,000 " 1,000 Virginia. 1,000 " 1,000 " 1 000 " BOO Pennsylvania. 1,200 South Carolina. 1,000 Georgia. 1,000 Virginia. 1,000 " 1,000 " 1,000 Connecticut. 1,000 Vireinia. 1,000 '• 1 ,000 " 1,000 " TREASURER'S OFFICE. 8,000 Chief Clerk, 1,500 M. P. Go van Clerk, 1,200 Virginia. John Q Wlnr> " 1,200 " H. H. Goodloe " 1,200 North Carolina. S. G.Jamison " 1,200 South Carolina. John Ott 1,200 Maryland. Thomas Ta\ lor " 1,000 Alabama. Virginia New York. M.J. Pmead ■ 1000 D. R. Senimes «' 1,000 Virginia. George W. Butler " 1,000 " 1000 R. H. L. Tighe 1,000 Sngland. R. M. Payne " 1,000 Virginia. R. G lliam 1 ,000 'i 1,000 1,000 1,000 Pennsylvania. Virg'nii. Washington City. " W. 1). Porter " J. M. Ciawford " 1,000 Virginia. B. C. Pollard " 1,000 ti J. B. White ;; 1 000 1.000 1,000 1.000 ti South Carolina. James P Simons •t E. W. Allen 1,000 1,000 Georgia. Virginia. ti 15 List of Officers of the Treasury Department — Continued. TREASURER'S OFFICE— Continued NAMES. GRADE. SALARY. STATE OR COUNTRY. G. J. Thomas J. C Addlngton J. W. Jones Clerk. 1,000 1,000 1, 1 1,000 1,IHI0 1,000 1,000 300 Virginia. W P. Thaw Virginia. 14 ,i L. D. Thornton Messenger, " LIGHT HOUSE BUREAU. T. E. Martin IChief Clerk, G. V. Taliaferro I Clerk, 1,500 | Maryland. 1,000 'Kentucky. LADIES TRIMMING TREASURY NOTES. Mrs. Charles Howard. . 600 | Mrs. M. D. P. Wise.... 500 Miss Emily Smith BOO | Miss Sarah E. Wise.... 500 Mrs. H R. Pickett 5oo | I certify the above to be a true transcript from the official report of the Heads of the several Bureaus of this Department. H. D. CAPERS, Chief Clerk Treasury Department. Confederate States ok America, ^ Department of Justice, Richmond, 12th February, 1862. ; To the President : Sir : I have the honor to enclose a list of the officers in fchia Department, accompanied by a statement of the sala- ries they receive and of the places of their nativity. Your obedient servant, THOMAS BRAGG, Attorney General. 18 I 4> I =3* •U » - s < in $6,000 2,500 1,500 1,200 and for disburs'g $200 500 > o CD s 2 North Carolina, Alabama, Virginia, Louisiana, Ireland. w o i. o Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General, Law Clerk, Clerk, Messenger, w to Thomas Bragg, Wade Keyes, James M. Matthews, Jules de St. Martin, Patrick Doran, © © O © © o 0_ O CO O OOOOO O O P- OOOOO CO 12 OXiOiOO a M bf rt^ rt •~ J5S ~ •S^g Q ^-~ g-S.S kg. Sh OQ S "S c- V "f? a