C i. I06i 6 Duke University Libraries Attention : Cont Pam q#47 #y/ m ft /^/'^ ■SM .11 n. ?* ^ is Head-Quarters 68th Regiment, N. .H Greensborough, April 8, 1862. )j otice i« hereby gVen to G. W. J^^iggott, i:iil iha F. Hall, John A. Newman, Adam Leoii^rdi ames MeCaiidless, John S^^arrington, I^oren/cij zment, Robert Hodgin, Emsley Safewright George Htitton, George L. Anthony, l>Biaiti ^inebery, Franklin Stevenson, Daniel Farmer,. Anlired il. Phipps, John Stanley, John K irkmanJ Jjiinies Curtis and A. G. Crates, men who were] d^tailet from this Regiment en the 1st day ot] ilUreh last for military service, and who havel w^i^yet reported themselves, J^o report to me atl (Jreer"'^ trough, on Tuesdaythe 15th instant,' With '' reqnisi^'^ ^quipyt' "^' and ready to gf>, hi tCani^ ,..-.»> Raleigh. T(ios< fauiii^ to eomplj .tUo nn^ sioi.f^e will be |bou< sidered deserters ai^d de^lt with as suchf I It is my duty to execute tl^. following oWei Which 1 shall have to do, unless those persons report themselves. EXECUTIVE DEPAiRTMENT NORTH CAROLINA.: Ai:>,i UTAN r ' ' V ; •' ^I,>^ offioe, MiLirtAj ; Genernl Ordei%\ i ]>o. 4. } Ahy person secreting a drafted mail, or who shall assist him ic escaping from the service for which he had been detailed, will be arcsted and made to take* the J^lace of the drafted man, by th( ij\ lonel commanding the regiment. Bv (V " ,f GoYci'Hor Ckrk. * The t'oilowing persons woo nave been repoitei to me as siek, or unlit for immediate duty wil atso report to me at Greensborou^h on the day •above specified : — Franklin Jordan, Joseph LI S-oonard, John Kdv^ards, William Edwards^ Wl L. Fbher, Daniel Clapp (of Jacob), and Davici wShepperd. fiK iJ<>0I.E, 1 « / pH8.5