4/0 Duke University Libraries Joint resolutio Conf Pam 12mo #10 X SENATE, May 24, 1864. — Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Semmes.] -JOHSTT RESOLXJTIOIsr Of the iieneral Assembly of the State of Loumana relative to claims against the Confederate Government. Skction I . Be it resolve I by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Loxdsiana, in General Assembly convened. That our Senators and Representatives in Congress be, and they are hereby, requested to use their influence, and urge upon the Confederate Government the necessity of having an officer or officers with power to audit and pay to the citizens of Louisiana the claims they may have against the Confederate Government, for all property impressed or destroyed by order of officers in the Confederate service, and for hire of teams, negroes, &c. Section 2. Be it further resolved, Ac, That the Governor be re- quested to transmit to our Senators and Representatives in Congress a copv of the foregoing resolution. J. B. ELAM; -' ' Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN MOORE, Pre^i4lWkl^iAUSi^''iMiSJmH- .. Approved, February 10, 1864. HENRY W. ALLEN, Governor of the State of Louisiana, A true copy : P. D. Hardy, Secretary of State. Executive Office, ) Shreveport, La., February, 1864. 5 Sir : As requested by the General Assembly, I have the honor herewith to transmit to you a copy of the annexed resolution, adopted by the Legislature of this State, and respectfully invite your atten- tion to the same. Respectfully, &c., HENRY W. ALLEN, Governor of the State of Louisiana. .. , ^.^M-^*** ••••••■■•*•■•"• • Hollinger Corp. pH8.5