«n PA' ANGELICAL mktJt 8O0IETY, ? Xfo fil WOKDS OF WARNING. " Wuc unto the v:kkcd! H shall be ill ivith him.'' — IsA. iii. 11. *'To whom the mist of Jarkness is reserved for r?vi-/' — 2 Pet. ii. 17. Unconverted Sinner, thy state is sad, and thy misery is great ! No ton;j:ne can tell how sad is that state — no soul can conceive how great is that misery. Thine heart ir.ay well meditate terror, for thou art still unpardoned, uncleansed, unsaved ! Thy feet arc just about to stumble upon the dark mountains ; and woe, woe, yea, ten thousand times woe to thy poor soul, if this night it were required uf thee. Poor forlorn soul I Thou hast no God, and therefore thou hast no happiness ! Thou hast no (^'hrist, and therefore tiiou hast no ])ardon, no peace ! Thou art without a lather, without a friend, without a hope, and without a home ! This earth is truly to thee "a wilderness and a hiiid of darlvucss," Thou walkest through it a houseless, homeless wanderer ; no arm to lean upon, no chosen compiniou of your secret thoughts and feelings; no friend to soothe yonr griefs or share your joys I Thou mayest have what men call a father, a brother, a home, on earth ; but thou canst not call G^d thy father, nor Jesus thy brother, nor heaven thy honie above ! Thou wanderest on from day to day, a houseless homeless outcast, seeing nothing around thee but trouble and sorrow, and noth- ing before thee or above thee but the bLT^lsUcss of darkness for ever I Jude lo. Thoit art an enemy to God\ Kom. viii. 7. Aud who has ever hardened his heart against Him and prospered \ An enemy to the blessed God .■ An enemy to Him that made thee, — to one that has never wronged thee in ought, — to one that has loved thee with a love so true and tender as to give for theo His only begotten Sou ! Yea, thou hatest Him ! John XV. 24. Thou treatest Him as if He were some hateful and hated fellow- worm, whose company thou couldst not endure. Job xxi. 11. O what vile ingratitude, what desperate malignity, thus to return enmity for friendship, hatred and scorn for gentleness and love ! The most lovable object iu all the universe is the object that thou hatest most ! what madness, what enormous wickedness I '^ -Voiii^a 02!- wAfii!{iNa. Tlioa art a child of torath. Eph. ii. 3. And 0, what words can express, or what inind can conceive, all that is meant by this ! Every thing threatens wrath to thee. Thou dost not yet, indeed, gnaw thy tongue for pain, or gnash ihy teeth in sg:uiy, but thou shalt shortly do so, if grace prevent not. T dare not call thee a "vessel of wrath fitted for destruc- tion," Rom. ix. 22 ; (or who knows but thy God may yet pluck thee as a brand from the burning; but at least I know that so Vnvy as thou reniainest unconverted, thou art treasuring up wrath aaainsl the day of wrath. And if to be a child of wrath be so awfnl a thing, even when seen afar oft" in this place of uiercy, what must be the horrors of that wrath throughout eternity ! A child of wrath ! — that is, all made up of wrath — whose ver) being is wraihl The a^' thou shalt breathe in shall be wrath —buraing wrath I The light in which thou shalt dwell shall be scorching wrath ; how difterent from the pleasant sunshine of earth, and the cool fresh air of m. rning ! Wrath shall be within thee and around thee ; above thee and beneath thee : wrath shall throb in every pulse and flow in every vein ! And it shall be for EVER ! O that word which sums up all despair! For ever I The eternal wrath of the eternal God ; the unchangeable wrath' of the unchangeable God ! Poor child ot wrath, wilt thou n( \ turn and flee ? Then art a child of the devil! Matt. xiii. 38 ; Acts xiii. 10. Satan is thy master, and thou art his willing slave. Poor miserable soul, canst thou be content with such a master and such a bondage? Remember! thy bondage is eternal, thy chains eternal, thy prison-house eternal, thy torment and thy tormenters are eternal ! If thou diest oat of Christ, hell must be thy habitation for ever. what an abode I — amid flames and wrath ; echoing eternally with waiiiugs of woe that raig-ht melt the very mouutaia-rock ! It is called "a lake burning with fire and brimstone," Rev. xxi. 8 ; Psal. xi. 6 ; that is, with the hottest, fiercest, most penetrating, most tormenting of all flames. It is called a lake. Not a river, whose waters of burning anguish might be dried up or pass away ; nor a sea which ebbs and flows, and whose wide extent or perpetual change, or wind-swept surface might furnish some respite some cooling relief. No ; bat a lake—^iill, stagnant, gloomy, aud unchangeable ! But more than this—thy soul ilseif shall be its own hell. Even were there no flames without, the furnace within shall be torment beyond enduraice. Thy passions, thy unsatisfied desires, thy conscience, \'ili be thy worst tormentors, worse than all the fiends of daikness — tormentors from which thou canst not flee. All that thou mio'htest have caiucd, all that thou hast lost fo-c\ er, shall cui^se thee with thy bitter memory. P^irth cost—in-^ndi. lost possessions /os^— time loH — the soul /o*-^— he-rcn loiit — eternity undone ! Poor sinner, why wilt thou not live ? Precious immortal, why wilt thou die? Prov. i. 28; Ezek. xxxiii. 11. Poor Christless scul what a bitter lot is thine I What ji doom of wrath and woe I To bo tormented day and night foi ever, in presence of the holy angels and in pr.3seuce of the Lamb I The bottomless pit incloses thee fur ever, and seals thy evei histing despair. Ah ! the most d slant and lonely hill of immortality would be welcome in comparison with "this; aye, the gloomiest wilderness of ».artu would be Paradise when compared with this! There j.-y i« a thing unknown. Love is a thing forgotten ; or remembered only as a part of the once familiar fccenes of earth, now gone for ever ! No peace nor hope in all the God torsnk 3n region:'i of the damned! No Saviour troubles you now wiUi his off'ers of life. No God wearies you with his messages of love. Life and love belong oaly to heaven : and tnou art in hell. Thy portion is the second death. Who shall undo your prison-bolt, or unbind you chain i Who shall fetch water to pour upon the unquenchable tire, or obiaiu even one drop to cool vour buridng tongue? Who shail dig the worm that never dies, out of your tortured marrow ? Who shall sooth your hopeless wailing, or dry np youi everlasting tears ? No friends now ; no"" companions now ! The mirth of the world is over, and all its glory is departed. The song and the dance are over. Job xxi. 12, 13. The revelry ot midnight is hushed, and the pleasant sunshine of earth has been ^exchani^ed for the bhickness of darkness forever. With all thts'e certainties in view, 01 what is tiiis world to a dying creature ? VVhat are all its pleasures or its business to a being formed for immortality ? Poor dying sinner ! dost 4 Vroil.t>9 Of WAKKiNU. thou not know that