X • fRtBti. ' [IIovfefore provided. 1 Si:c. 4. (.)ftences, under this act, may be prosiccuted in any Dis- 1 irict r'ourt of the Confederate States, or any court of the State, iJ county, parish or district, having jurisdiction of such oflfences. 1 Skc. b. The schedule required by the first section of this act, "i or H certitiiid copy thereof, yhall he received in evidence, on a ;} tnal of :iny of the ofionoo>< enumerated in this act. \ Skc. fl. All disbursing oflicerf* who shall fail, or refuse to fill :Z the soheduh* requirevi by this act, for twenty days after being re- 3 quired to do so, which requirement nhall be made by the chief of 4 the department from which he holds his commission, shall be Huh- 5 ject to a fine of one thousand dollars, and enrolled under the con- tv Hcriptiou acts now in force ; and in all cases where such failure 7 or refusal shall ottcur, it shall be competent for the Government 8 to introduce other evidence, to ascertain the property possessed f> by the officer so failing to furnish a schedule, at the time of his 10 induction into office.