■m CONFEDERATE STATES KOR T1IK FHAR OF OUR LORD 8 BISSEXTILE, OH LEAP YEAR, AXD THE 4th TEAR F TI1W IKPKrKNDENCB OF THE CONFEDERATE^ STATES OF AMKRIOA. CALCULATIONS MADE AT NIVERSITY OF ALABAMA. PUBLISHED FOR THE TRADE BY IIIUvE, BOYKIN&CO., SZACOE7, CIA. S. H. GOETZEL, Mobile, Ala. ALMANAC. 1864. Eclipses in 1864. In the year 1864, there trill be two eelipsss, both of tho sun. 1. An eclipse of the sun, May 5, visible in the western frontier of the Confederate States, the north Pacific Ocean, Asia and Australia. 2. An annular eclipse of the sun. October 30th, visible in the western part of Africa, western Texas and South America. morning and Evening Stars. Venus will be Morning Star until July 13, and Evening Star the rest i of the year. Mars will be Morning Star until November 9, and Evening Star the p«at of the year. Jupiter will be Morning Star until May 12, Evening Star uutil No- vember 27. and Morning Star the rest of the year. Chronological Cycles c. r, 22 Dominical Letter*, Epaet, Golden Number, r 3 ST B.— The calculations ef this Alanine are rrwuU ja naenn, ov clock time 25 Soar Cyele, Eo nan Indiction, 7 Julian Period #577 In 1864, the sun enter* Aquaria,.. . .January 20 d Oh Pisces, February 19 3. . Aries, March 20 4 . . Taurus April 19 2.. Gemini, May 20 2.. Cancer, June 20 11.. Leo, July 22 10.. Virgo, August 22 4 . . Libra, September 22 1... Scorpio, October 22 !).. Sagittarius, . November ..21 6 . . Capricornus, December .21 t 30 12 m. . . .Evening. Morning. 16 " . . .41 Evening. .. .4* ...20 " . . .22 Morning. . . .SS Evening. ...35 ...43 " ...28 " .Morning. Explanation or Sigma* *f Ariel, Head. ft Taurus, Neck. tj Gemini, Arms. O Cancer, Breask. & Leo, Heart. UR Virgo, Bowels. libra, Reins. Scorpio, Secrets. Sagittarius,. . .Thighs. Capricornus, . .Knees. Aquarius,. . . .Legs. ^ Pisces, Feet. J 186-1. ALMANAC. Ecclesiastical I'alen January 1. Ciscumcision. May 29 6. Epiphany. ■June 11. 24. Septuagesima. 21, 25. Conversion of St. Paul. 31. Sexagesirua. 29. FeVry 2. Purification of* Virgin July Man-. August 24. 1. Quiuquagesima. ' 21. 0. Shrove Tuesday. •J'f. 10. Ash Wednesday. 14. First Sunday in Lent. October 18. 24. St. Matthias. 28. March 20. Palm Sunday. Nov. 1. 25. Good Friday. 27. 21. Easter. y.o. April 25. St. Mark. Per. 1. May 1. 5th Sunday after faster. 21. Sts. Philip & James. 25. B. Ascension Pay. 26. t. Sunday after Ascension 27. 15. Whit Sunday. 28. S2. Trinity. • ■•1st Sun. after Trinity. St. Barnabas. Nativity of St. John;! the Baptist, - '•ier. h St. James. St. Bartholomew. St. Matthew. St Michael aud All An- gels. . St. Luke the Evangelist ■ ruon and Jude. All Saint's Pay. Adveut. St. Andrew. Is' Sunday in Advent. St, Thomas. Christmas Pay. St. Stephen. St. John : iTa Bvangaiigt Innocents. Grier's Almanac. R©BfflRT Gribr died, May 4th, 1848. Not withstanding the fact thus noted, the people insist on having Almanacs made by Gricr, and strange to relate, Grier's Almanacs aro still published, and ignorant people believe the celebrated Almanac maker had something to do with the calculations. But he has not. lie has gone where they don't make Almanacs. We ask these lovers of Grier's Almanacs to look on the title page and see who makes the calculations — not Grier, certain. A Beautiful and lasting WliUcwasn. Take a quarter of a peek of unslacked limo, and pour it in a kettle of boiling water: while the lime is slacking, add half a gallon of stale chamber-ley; when the lime is perfectly slacked, dilute it With water to the proper consistence, and add to this mixture 'one-quarter of an ounce ©f Prueian blue. This will give you a beautifal and lasting 1 wash, that will neither peel off nor turn yellow. By incroasinf( the quantity of blue, you may make either a pale or dark blae; and by adding yellow er r%4. echre, you may impart either of theeo tints to suit your trwrte. To Remote Panes of Glass. — Put soft soap on the patty for a faw hours, and it becomes as soft as if just put on, though the putty had become as hard as a stone. P270 A MONTHLY TAPER TOR, BOTB J^.1^X> GirXIFLIjrfS. PUBLISHED m THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH, in Macon, Ga. Tins Paper has already attained a, very large circulation, and has become a great favorite with the 2jITTIj33 O 3XT IEI J3 . It is handsomely illustrated and beautifully printed. Tho terms *r© as follows : For a Single Copy, $1.00 For 10 Copies, sent to one address, at the rate of 80 For 20 " " M * * H 70 F^r 50 " a M " " - W For 100 M " * u * " *© (S^° Remit in Gonfecterate Mil*, »r godd Stat* change bills. Address J. W. BURKE, Publisher, MACON, GA. THE CHRISTIAN INDEX, A BAPTIST FAMILY RELIGIOUS PAPER, PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN MACON, GEORGIA, By SAMUEL BOYKIN. The Christian Index possesses the best corps of contributors of any Religious paper in the South. It* stated correspondents are num- erous and able. Its summary *f nrrrs is unsurpassed. It aims to be THE PASTOR'S AID, THE CHRISTIAN'S 80IDE AMD THE SIMMER'S FRIEND. It is of full size and hand*om«ly printed on good p«per. TERMS : $10 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Address, S. BOTEI V, Ulacon, Ga. THE CHILD'S INDEX, PUBLISHED MONTHLY, IN MACON, GA. The Child's Index is handsomely printed on fine paper, and fllme- trated, at the following low rates : Single copies, $2.00 Four " 4.00 Ten <[ 10.00 Twenty " .SO. 00 Thirty copies $30.00 Forty " 40.00 Sixty " 60.00 ioo " loo.eo Or, at the rate of 1.00 per copy. All orSers may be addrowed to S. BOYKIN, Macon, &f&. 1st Month.] JANUARY. [31 Days. i — „ Milledgeville. j Hal. ~D. D. ius MX 1 M00X of X)( -UJSE'.SKTS. SETS. Miscellaneous. sex .rise' MOON SETS. W M h.m.k.m.Jt.. 7/2. h. in. i i 7 -1 .") 3 morn. New Year's Day. 7 12 QOIU. S 2 7 4 5 4 7 C*ld and windy. 4 56 9 < S 2 7 1 :> 5 1 4 Ft Pulaski taken, 'Gl. m 7 12 1 8 M 4 7 5 5 5 2 5 Ft Morgan captured, 'Gl 2 9 T 5 7 5 5 6J 3 C'.eudu. i 3 12 W SKght ran,. 7 11 4 16 T 7 6|5 \ 5 L2 ifer« pleasant. 7 11 5 1 5 21 j 7 6[6 8, sets. UFt. Johnson takon. 7 11 sets. S ssippi seceded, '61. 7 11 5 3 5 50 S 10 7 5 5 9 7 1 I l-'t. Jackson taken, 'el. 7 11 5 4 7 1 M 11 8 Ho,. Via. A Fla. seech, 1, '«i.|| 17 n 8 12 T 12 7 5,5 11 9 29 Pen'cola nary yd tkn, '6 1 X ■ 7 11 9 21 \\ 13 7 5 5 12 10 3-1 Richard IJ, killed. 1490. 7 11 10 29 T 14 7 5 ;, 1:-! l | X. E. winds r 7 11 ■ ■ 1 1*34 F IS 7 4*5 14'lmorn. FlitSTQi.] and darl 7 11 mora. a ir, 7 1 5 M (i 40| dmds flying. 7 10 38 8 in 7 4.) 15 ] 40,jBaUle of Cowpans. « i 5 10 T 40 M 7 4jfi 16 High 5 11 2 40 T 19 7 4 5 17 3 33HGeorgia seceded. '61. ['21 n 7 L0 5 12 3 37 W ■20 9 en. Breckinridge born. " 13 4 31 It 21 7 3 5 1:. 5 /rotuN. W. • O 5 1-5 5 19 F 22 1 3 B rm-haps snow. :» 15 6 3 £ •i.lMoov. ['61. £ 7 8 8 ugusta Ars#u»l taken. 6 21 M 25 7 2 5 2:\ 7 18' Conversion of St. Paul. 7 16 iT 26 7 1 5 21 8 I'l Louisiana s»ceds»d, '61. *£ 8 11 j W 27 7 05 25 9 5 W»*Ut*r v«ry 5 21 9 6 T 28 7 5 27 9 59J thangedbleA ^ 5.22 10 1 ! F 29 5 28; 10 55; S*me Jfpaara S SO G 59 5 29 11 53 6 58 5 30, morn. [ if enow)\ -n\ 7 3 5 24 11 57 ; » 21 Last Qo. [j I 7 2 morn. : Moon's Phases. I Richmond. Raleigh Charleston. : Mobile. | II. M. D - H. U. B. II. H. M. © Last Quarter, 2 2 29 mo. 2 24 mo. 2 1 9 mo. | 1 47 mo. © New Moon ! 9 4 35 mo. 2 30 mo. 2 25 mo. 1 53 mo. ® First Quarter 1 5 . 56 er. i i 1 ev. . 5 46 ev. , 5 14 ev. Full Moon 23 4 52 er. 4 47 ev. 4 42 ev. | 4 10 ev. | (®) L ast Quar 31 7 7 or 7 9 ov G 57 ev. ! G 25 eve. Films ox the Kye.— The easiest as well as most effectual remedy ; for removing a film from the ere of an animal, is simply to put a.tea- i spoonful of molasses on the eye-ball. Oxen, horses, cows, and sheep, hare, in this manner, been relieved. o n n i n 2d Month.] FEBRUARY. [29 Days. Milledgeville. D [Djh3DXj SUN Of 'of ; RISE 1 SETS W|M h.m.\h.m. M T ? f s M T j _ 1$6 575 31 th 565 31! 3R8 oG : 5 33 4.0 55'5 34 5 r ;G 54:5 35 GJ6 5.-1 5 36 7':G 52 5 37 8 6 5115 38; 9 6 50io 39 W406 405 40 T llj|6 48[5 41 F 12'C. 4; 5 42 S § 136 46 5 43 Sj*4'6 45 5 44 M 'l5'G 44 5 45 T 16 J6 44,5 45 W!17 43J5 40 IS G 42'5 47 19 6 4115 48 5 49 5 50 5 51 MOON SETS. h. in 206 40 2116 38 22 6 37 23: 6 36|5 52 21.6 35 5 52 25 6 34|5 53 26' 6 33J5 54 27 6 32;5 55 28 G 20 G 52 1 52 2 53 3 52 A 4 7 sets. 5 55 7 6 8 15 22 10 27 11 30 morn.! 30 1 27 1 2 20 ; 3 9 3 53| Raleigh. Miscellaneous. 3:; 5 13, rises.! 7 0: 7 55 8/50! 9 47< 10 45 30 5 55 11 43 29[5 56|mom. Texas seceded, '01. j "Fair and !j frosty. Rev. Cutter Cass cap. '01 Vj LaPlaoe died, 1827. New Moon. and '■ rs^ iidy. Asli Wednesday. 'jRevoPon. in St. Domingo I j Windy ' and cold, j >^ ;lstQu. [St. Val'inesDajjl Cloudy, j jj Melancthon born, 1 497 . Changeable. Davis inaugurated, '61. Looh out for £ bad weather. Washington born, 1732.J T!£ Full Moon. Xov: a UUM more pleasant Marion died. 1795. towards close of the month. I J SUN i SUN MQQif RISE'SETi. SBTS. h. m:\h. m. h. m. 1 5 03 57 [5 G 56 5 505 6 55 5 6 5416 G 53 5 525 50 5 49 5 48 5 47 5 46 5 45 5 43 5 426 415 39 5 38|i 3 7 5 365 35 ! 5 33 5 3115 2G U 5S 2 7 1 54 m 2 &y 29! 3 69 30; 4 63 31; sots. 321 5 45 32. 6 57 33 * )i 34. 9 17 35 10 24 36 : 11 29 37 morn. 39 G 31 40 1 30 411 2 26 42 3 16 431 4 1 44 4 42 Ai\ 5*18 4G- 6 52 47 rises. 4* 7 1 491 T 6« 50' 8 5? Hi 9 61 52 10 48 5341 48 54!uj»ra. Moon's Phases ]). i® New Moon 7 © First Quarter 14 O Full Moon 22 IL M. 11. :.i. 1 ev. I 55 ev. I 8 Umo.j 8 9 mo. ill 50 mojll 45 mo. Charleston- | Mobile. 11. M. U. M. 50 ev. : 0-18 «v. 8 4 mo. i 7 32 rao. 11 40 mo. [ll 8 m©. To Dye Crimson. — To two gallons of the juice of pokeberries, when they are quite ripe, add half a gallon of strong cider vinegar, to dye ©bo i pound of wool, which must bo first washed vovy clean With hard soap; the wool, when wrung dry, is to be put into the vinegar and pokeber- ry juice, and simmered in a copper vessel for one hour; then take it out, let it drip a while, and spread it in the sun. Tho vessel must b© free from grease of any kiud. S 3d Month.] MARCH. [31 Days. Milledgeville- £ D'lU J SUN' SUN MOQSU of el JJeise' SJWS.J sets. : W'M ,'h. vi. h. ■/)'.. h. m. MISCELLANEOUS. 2 27 5 5b 1 3 6 26 ■! 6 2 ! 6 5 G 23|6 li 6 22 7 21.0 C 20-0 \V U 6 18|6 T 10(16 17 ]•■ 11 ,0 L66 S 12 6 II S 13 6 136 M 1 i 6 11 << 15 6 10 6 m m; lo i 25 T W 10 T 17 f ia g S 19 6 S 20; M 21.0 T 2: W 23 5 T 21 5 59 2 0-3 04 1 I 57 3 58 13 6(9 12 5 10 10 0.11 10 7, morn. J 8;0 12 9.1 3 49 12 Houston born, 179*. ['01 i9 Key. Cutter, Dodge, oa». S-L and urimfy. [tsr, '0L 3 3 vs I] Raleigh. ji SUN] SUN MOO* ULSE'tSHTSi 3BT8. ! h. m.h. m. h. rru Xaiit. 13 Beauregard atTt. Sum»- Dary Crocket died. ':>0. Nhw Moon. : } Last Quartor 1 © New Moon 7 f) First Quarter \\% O Full Moon ,23 (f) Last Quarter ;S0 Richmond- Raleigh. H. M. H. M. 8 1 mo. 7 56 mo. 10 49 ev. 10 44 er. 57 mo 52 mo. 6 14 mo. 5 9 mo. 5 9ev. 5 4 %r. Charleston. Mobile. EL if. ir. H. 7 51 mo. 7 19 mo. 10 39 «v. 10 7 er. 47 mo. 15 mo. 5 4 mo. 4 32 mo. 4 59 ev. 4 27 er. To Dkstboy Flies. — Haifa spoonful of ground black pepper, oua teaspoonful of brown sugar, one tablespoonful of cream, mixed well to-; gether, and place on a plate, will attract and destroy flies, without any j danger of poisoning children. 4th Month.] Milledgeville P f D [, BUN I iuN h. m.\h. in. moon; SITS h. m.\ APHIL. MISCELLANEOUS. [30 Days. 2 £ 2 9 1 M 2 5 15 G 41 2 46! com'ced, '63.] Pleasant. 2 15 T 3 5 14 G 41 :: 24 Tennessee seceded, 'Gi 3 22 W 4 5 L3 G 42 4 3 Robert Grier died. '4s. ; 4 T 5 5 12 6 42 sets, j Napoleon died. 1S21. V 5 5 G 49 P 6 5 11 G 42 7 43] Xew Moon, 5th.] ['03. 7 15 S 7 ■5.10 G 43 vS 40 Stonewall Jackson died,! n 5 30 51 8 45 | a 81 5 9 6 43 9 32 Cool and / 9 39 u 8 5 8 G 4410 10! Blockade of Va begun' 6 1 5 1 G 52 10 28 T to 8 G 44 11 2 St. Louis massacre. : 61.' 11 10 W G 45 11 40 Blockade of Charleston,! 11 49 j T 12 P 8 6 40. morn.! '61.] Warm. morn, i P 13 6 6 G 47 14 1st Qr. i 57 6 50 23 j ; 8 U 5 « 47 47| m 15 |5 4 G 43 I 181 Whit Sunday. 1 25 ii 16, 6 4 G 48 1 49 Puebla capitulated, '47. ! 1 6 59 T 6 3 G 4'9 2 21,' Vegetation grov;s Ji-nebj .' 2 25 ! w 18 5 3 G 50 2 55 Clear are? 2 57 T 1'J G 61 3 32, pleasant. * F 5 | A 13' X. Carolina seceded, 'G!. 4 13 i s 21 |5 1 G 52 rises. • Thin 1 51 7 2 s 22 5 6^53 8 16| lightning* I 1517 2 M 4 59 6 54 9 11 Livingston died. '3G. 4 5017 3 o is ; T 24 4 59 G 55110 2| Queen Victoria born 19 10 7 : w 6 56 10 47. Ckar ami 10 52 r 4 58 6 57 11 30! tool **** 4 49 7 4 1 1 34 F 27 4 57 G 58 morn.| X. Orleans and Mobile 1 49 7 5 morn. { s 28 4 57 6 50 9! blockaded, '61.] ! Mexico captured. '47. Cloudy. 1 X 10 ; 8 29 14 56 7 0'46 47 | ,M 30 :4 5G 7 1 24 r i 22 ; ! T - 21 4 5.') 7 1 ( 2 2 Slight rain, i 4 47,7 7 1 59 Moon's Phaesfi. .Richmond. Raleigh- 'Charleston., Mo . ; H. M. H. u. ii. ii. a. :.i. ; © New Moon . . j 5 7 3 ev. ! C 53 ev. 6 53 ev. ; G 21 ev. J $) First Quarter |13 1 10 ev. LI 5 ev. 1 ev. 28 ev. (ft Last Quarter *2S 8 14 mo. ' 8 8 mo. 8 4 mo. 7 32 mo. 4 10 mo. j 4 5 mo. 4 mo. ] 3 23 mo. Chinese Metood op Mkkdivg Cjuka. — Take a- piece of flint g] : byat it to a fine powder, and grind it witii the white of an egg; this j mixture joins china without riveting, so that no art can break it in the saii!," place. The composition is to be ground extremely line on a paint- er's stone. ] * 6th Month;] Mille&geville I» 1» SUN SIX MOON ofjof LUSKjSETS. SETS.' W M -h. hi. //.. III. h. ill. 1 4 55? •i \ 35 7 ;•; I55i7 -1'i 55 7 5 4 55 3 6 14 557 7 1 55 7 W B 4 53 7 T 4 55 7 F 10 4 55 T S U 14 55-7 S 12 4 55 7 U 13 4 55 7 It 44:4 55|7 |Wli5 4 55:7 T ilG 4 55[7 'F 17 4 547 IS lfl 4 54:7 S 19 U 54i7 M 20 ,4 54,7 T 21 14 54:7 W,22;i4 54|7 T i23-4 54^7 F 124! 4 53^7 iS 251)4 55J7 1 2 42 2 3 25 3 7 22 3 8 12U 4 s 56j 4; 36 4il0 13j 410 4ii 411 17' 5 11 48; 5 1 morn. 5 IK 5' 51! 6i 1 2G 6. 2 SI 6! 2 491 e] 3 38 7 rises.! 7 1 7 53! 8 8 42: 8 9 27J 9:10 8i 940 47! 9iH 25! JUNE. Miscellaneous. [30 Days. S h26!4 557 lOiraorn M27;4 55 7 28 4 56;7 2914 567 30^-4 5617 11 10 10 ll! 2 41 1 23 2 7i( 3 ft , 15a! ile of Acquia Creek | £ : bepun. '61. Jeff. Davis barn, 1808.— rj Bat. ofPhiiipa, VaJ, '6lJ I Wdrm weather.\\ Patrick Henry died, 17 99;' ^ Soirte rain:] Andrew Jackson d. '45.! £ Cloudy) Bat. of Great Bethel, '61 j Warm and\ TJ^ j rather sM8ry.l| HcrRchcl discovM. 1781.1 SHU dry} And'w Jackson b. 1767. j 1 Battle of Vienna, '61. Bat. of Bunker Hill, 1T"75 Bat. of Waterloo, 1815. Ij CloudiM Victoria crowned, 1S3 7. Vj Madison died, 1836. and ioarm':\\ %£ Akenside died, 1772. j John the Baptist born. | }£ Wt other', sultry and\ °f hotA Appearance q f ra i> i.\ 1 Henry Clay died, 1852. | % Raleigh. BUN SUN : HOON RI8B'|81T8. SHTS. 11. m. h. mA It. m. i iifi >4 477 4 47 7 4 4 6 7 14 46:7 4 4 67 4 46;7 4 457 4 45!7 4 457 4 44 7 ;4 44,7 4 44'7 |4 44i7 |4 41,7 4 44 ; 7 ht 2 :;c 8 3 19 91 sets, ltri 7 2S 10! S 19 ll 1 t b 11; » U 12 10 21 124© 64 lSlll 24 mil 54 14;morn. ■4 44 4 44,7 4 45,7 14 45:7 4 45 ! 7 !4 45 ! 7 4 46 7 467 46 7 40;7 47 7 47 7 47j7 48(7 15 24 16 55 16 1 29 16 2 5 16 2 47 16 3 35 16 rises. 10 7 59 16 8 47 16 9 31 16 10 10 10 48 11 24 mern. 1 37 1 18 2 1 Moon's Phases. [Richmond-! Raleigh.. [Charleston ® New Moon . . . @ First Quarter. O Full Moon.... (m Last Quarter.. .;12 .19 .'20 H. M. 6 30 mo. 6 38 mo. 5 44 ev. ! — H. M — r-v; II. m 6 25 mo. ; 6 20 mo. 6 33 mo I 6 28 mo. 5 39 ev. j 5 34 ev. 9 14 mo. i 9 9 mo. 1 9 4 me. Mobile. h. m7 5 48 mo. 5 56 mo. 5 2 ev. 8 32 mo. Starch. — Tn making starch from wheat, the grahi is steeped in cold water until it becomes soft, and yields a ruiiky juice by pressure; it i* ! then put into sacks of linen, and pressed in a vat filled with cold water, as long as any milky juice exudes. After standing some time, the fluid gradually becomes clear, and a white powder, which ie starch, remains at the bottom. 7th Month.] JULY. [31 Days. Milledgeville. 1) T) SUN , SUN IMOON Of of RLSE' SEIS. SETS. W ll\\h. m.\h. m ! h. m. MlSOBLLANEOirS. ^ F S s M T W 6 III S 9 S io M 11 T 12 W 13 T 14 F If. S it; S 1 7 5 M IS 5 T 19 .j W 20 5 T [2] 5 F 22 5 S 23 5 S 24 5 U 25 5 T 26 6 W27 5 F 29 5 S 30H5 s silk 14 50 7 1 ] 2 55 Battle of Gettysburg, '63 2 k 56 7 ]1 3 40 3 4 57 7 ll sets. New Moon. 4 4 57 7 11 ' 7 34 Independence Day, 0. S. 6 4 577 11 8 11 Bat. of Cheat Mountain. 6 4 57 7 11 8 461 '61.] Rain] 10, 9 18! with ;■ 10 9 49 a-rto! lightning. 59 7 LOjlO 20 Pros. Taylor died, '50. ' 0,7 9 10 51' Columbus born, 1147. 7 911 24, 1st QR. ['61. 9 11 59 Fight at Rich Mountain,! 8 morn, j Warm 8' 40; ind sultry] .8 I 26. hotioeathtrA 7 2 19 Stonv Point taken, 1779. \ 7 3 16 Bain. 7 4 22 Battle of Bull ^un, '61. 6 rises. Congress met a£ Itoeh'd, 6 8 4 Full Moon, 19th. ['61. 6; 8 45 iBattle of Manama?, '61.: 5 9 24 Agreemeut for general 1 5 10 3J ex. of prisonors, '02. 4 10 42 , Yankee gunboats ab'doni JEaleigh. SUN I SUN~ MOON ..RISE'jSEm SBT8. \h. m.\h. m.l h. m. 58 7 59 7 1 2 2 7 37 4 7 47 5,7 67 3 11 23L.A.BT Qk ? inorn. I 13^7 1 1 o\ 59 [Yicksbur; Warm and\\ $ 7 rer?/ 53 j i'X!k»v Mook. ! 3|S 15J0 56 1 7 20 Burr'a trial, 1307. ... [JBattleofNil©, !>Tk\v Hook. 1798. iis-e T Jl ! |5 21,* 4S^norn., Hill, Mo., 'Gl £;§ 16$ 56 7 52 : Bain: »j& 17}^ 54 8 23 ,Bnt. of Baton Rouge, 'G2 ; 6ik 1816 53J S 53 \ " Hanging Rock, '62. ! 7 1 if) 18j6 52! 9 25 i Thunder. gl» 19)6* 5ljl0 " So. Mountain, '02. j J>i£ isk 50|10 37 Showery.' KM5 aol« 49111 19.1st Q». Battle of Oak; 12^5 2l(6 47; 7 ! IWnify. is!$ 22r6 46' 1 l!,Cort«z in Mexico, 152i.J u!^ 23J6 45 2 1 ^'Aott-ery.! li'b 24*6 44 ! 3 6|jBonaparte born, 17G9. lfii'5 25J6 43! 4 15'JBattleof Camden, 1780.1 l?i 5 25*6 42' riees.;|FuLL Moox. 18lJ6 26 : 6 41 : 7 18, | ' Worm 1 ! 19!;5 27|6 40 ; 7 BSji «»<*j| 20 5 28 ! 6 39 : 8 39{| saHry. 21 Ik or !9 6 38! 9 21 dierokees take sides 5 with Confederacy, '61.' Rain\ 2&!5 296 37 ! 10 2S U 25 26 27; :5 32 6 31' 1 24' ' Fair and mild.' 23IJ5 33'5 30: 2 18 ! iHatteras taken. '61. Sfjji S3|6 S8: 3 12} John Baptist beheaded.,; 80',© S4rC 27; 4 6 : ,Dr. Webster hung. '50 1 V5 T Kaleigh. §UJX j ilOON RISE*j6ETSi| SUTS. A. m. h. w».i fc. »n. ft 306 36 10 52 jfi 316 3 4! U 40 Li* QR. [§ 316 33 'morn.jjHerschel died, 1822. *6 826 S2! 52 Pr. Adiwn Ciurk d., '32., Wpitf* 84$ 26! set*. Sttifc'y 6 306 30;6 3 !i6 :: 3 1 »ets 2: G 56 : ll 7 2S o ns 1 8 28; 59 : 8 58 i 58' 9 28; 5710 lj 55110 37i 6411 17 j 53ruorn. ! 5l! 43 50 55! 49 1 54; 28! 2 58 j 47 4 6| 46 rises 451 7 19 i 44 7 57 43 8 36 41 9 17 40,10 3 39 10 46 38!U 35 36'inorn. 35; 27 34 1 20 33! 2 15 31! 3 9 30; 4 4 29; seta. 24oon's Fha3S3. i l) - NW Moon ! 2 Yim Quarter '10 Full Moon 117 Last Quarter '24 Hi.clir«oud. H. M. 9 23 mo. 47 8 26 «v. mo. 54 mo. a tf. 9 18 mo. 42 •v. 8 21 mo. 49 to . Cb exle 8 ton. Mobile. H. M. a. m. y 13 i 41 mo. 37 er. 5 ov. 8 16 mo. 7 44 u.0 44 mo. 12 mo. Blaox*»r.ey Syrup. — To two quarts of juice of blackberries, add 1 J pound of loaf sugar, half an ounce of nutmeg;, half an ounce of cinna- [ mom pulverised, one quarter of an ounce of cloves, one-quarter of au I «'a*** «f allspice, pulverized ; boil together for a short time, and when 1 col* aid a piut of'fourth-proof French Brandy. To Clban a Brass Kbttls.— Use salt and vinegar, before cooking in it. 9th Month.] SEPTE1Y1BE [30 Days. Milledgeville. j of of WJM T i 1 F 2 8 S XI T W T F 8 bUN SUN ei-e'setb. moon,: BKT8.! MlgfcELLANKot'S. h. m.-,k. j a. h. in 9 Id 11 M 12 T 13 W 14 T 16 F 16 s n S 18 . 19: h 20: W21 T 22: ; F 23 S :24> :s : 25 lM;26> T [27 |W28 T 29 IF foot 35 6 24 6 366 23 6 370 21 7 31 6 20 8 38'G IS 8 39 17 9 40G 15 10 Haleieh. H SIX MOOX go RISfc'aBTg. SBFS. Hr /<. '//i. .A. w. It. m. Creation. 5508, B. C. London burned. 1G66. Bat Of Ft. Scott, '61. j 40'6 41(6 tlJ6 426 42 ! 6 43 16 436 44>6 456 46 G 466 47 6 47 G 48 6 49 5 1410 1311 56 rain, u. Folk occupies Co- 2 lumbus, Ky.] thunder} 521 Battle o'f Kutaw, 1 . 47 'Invasion of Maryland, 'C2 12:6 27 6 13 5 33G 2G v ] L-0 24 7 32 6 346 23 3 : 6 20 I 12|morn. pat. of Cam ilex Ferry. nsee. 1 G HI 1 14| 7 68] 8 45 9 34 10 2Gi 57' 11 20 5 49 6 55 morn.) " 50 5 53 14 51 5 52 515 50 52 5 49 55 5 48 63.5 4T 48j Ya. '61.] : '.;!. Of Cotton J hi 4 1 1 cap. of Eiarper'a I Pull Moon. Ghtmrjtab1e\\ 1 2 2 55 3 48 Battle of Slinr. sbrrrg', '02 Bat. of Chickarnaur 63 Peyton n. Colquitt died,! and hoist toenther vm r l|(Gen. Beauregard takty command at Charles- 11 ton, S. C, 6 4 41j 64*5 46 sets, Fair una warm. Nzw Moon. S 4 S 3S 9 17 9 69 5 [ISO 17 10 47 t« II 41 G 14 morn. &|l 13 40 ' 4J 6 11 5 416 K I 5 45 6 !6 47'6 9 26 ' ST 11 14 " 6 morn. B 51:5 53 10 : 5 52 1 u 52 !6 60 1 59 ; 2 53 TT£ 5 54,5 47 3 47 15 64J6 46 4 41 rCh « 5 55 e 46 sets. 1 46 9 a 54 S 4 3 riHC?. 6 29 7 11 1 54 8 37 Moon's Phases. Richmond. i. U. M. ® 2sew Moon 1 58 mo. 40 Fir»t Quarter 9 40 mo. O Full Moon lis j 3 59 ev. (Jfr Lust Quarter |22 , 1 44 ev. & New Moon |30 I 5 33 ev. m alei ^. • U 53 mo. I o 35 mo. 3 a 1 38 ev. 5 28 • v. Charleston. Mobil*. - u. U. >J. 4S mo. 16 me 30 mo. mo. 3 49 ev. 3 17 ev. 1 34 ev. 1 2 ev. 5 23 ev. 4 51 sv. Ci/Ki for Murrain in Cattlb. — Give one and a half ounce* p&arl- asb, dissolved i» two quarts of iron-water (from the blacksmith's tub.) If not better in 5 hours, give half an ounce more in one quart of water. The water should be warm. Give no drink but warm water, for two days. Give warm ma8h to eat. All stables and barns shbuid be properly ventilated. 10th Month.] OCTOBER. D D of or S : 1 U T W T F s : S l 9 |M10 T 11 W12 It is ''¥ ;14j La l n IT |lS Wl'9 T ,20 ¥ 121 S 122 S 23 M 24 T W T 127 UjBl Milledgeville. SUN SUN | MOON RISE 1 SETS. SETS. h. m. h. m. h. m. 55 « 55 5 ,")(;:» 5 7 5 57 5 58* 695 5 25 25 35 45 G 4 6 39 7 13 44 43 41 40' 8 1 30 8 49 3S 9 -11 37 10 39 3611 40 35 morn. 34 44 33' 1 51 32 2 58 5l5 & 7* 85 95 10 5 11 11 12 12J6 13 5 18 6 14J.5 15 5 16 17 18 31 4 7 30: 5 16 28} rises. 27j 6 33 ~ 7 23 8 15 9 9 21 10 4 20 11 1811 54 l7|inorn. 16 48 15 1 41 14; 2 13 12 4 22 5 17 sets. 5 69 3 28 MlSOELLAKBOWS. Cloudy. Maj. Andre ex'ted, 1780. Battle of Corinth com- menced and continued. 1862. Rainy wftUhsr. Battle of Perry till©, '62. Gen. Stuart in Pa., 'G2. British Consuls dismiss- ed from Confederacy, Cool nights. And mornings. Bank panic, 1857. Cool rain. Burgoyne surren'd, 1777 SUght frost. Bat. of York town, 1781. Bat. of Leesburg, '61. Bat. of Trafalgar, 1805. Last Qr. Windy and cool. Daniel Webster d., '52. T )ixon H. Lewis d., '48. Fair weaUi«r. Locke died, 1704. Eat. of Freyburg, 1745. New Moon. um titled* [31 Days. Baleigh. X X T n ra? m : SUN | SUN : MOON j .RLSE'SKTS. SETS. ! Jl. m. h. in. L in. '■ « 55 5 43*' 6 6 I !6 565 42! 6 40 I !6 57 5 40; 7 17 | |6 58 5 38' 7 59 \ ft 59 5 37| 8 44 j 05 36 9 35 05 3410 30 j 1;6 3311 32 j 25 3I;morn. | 2 5 30' 36 ! 8> 29 1 42 j 45 28 ! 2 51 ; *'6 27j 4 ! &5 25 5 11 j 7 5 24; rises. ! G i c i 6 6 6 G 6 6 G G 6 14 6 13, 6 ]6|5 12 6 17 5 11| 85 22 9;5 21 10;5 20 11 5 19 IS 19 k 20 \4> 21 16 22 6 28 7 17 8 9 9 4 125 1810 13J5 17110 56 14 5 1611 51 14|5 14!raorn. 46 1 41 2 35 3 28 4 23 5 19 sets. 5 58 Moon's Phases. H.ichmond.j Raleigh. [D.I H. M. <§) First Quarter i 8 : 10 27 mo, Q Full Moon !15; 1 5 mo m Last Quarter 22 6 17 mo rs 10 ■Chs H. M. H. 22 mo.'lft 17 mo. mo. 12 mo. 55 mo. 6 7 mo New Moon 30 10 18 mo.'lO 13 mo. 10 8 mo. Mobile. H. M. 9 45 mo. 23 mo. 5 35 mo. 9 36 mo. Corn Beer. — Boil one pint of corn, until quite soft, in water to cover it, pour into a jar. Add a quart of syrup or molasses, a handful of dried apples, oue ounce pulverized ginger, a cup of solid yeast dissolved in a little warm water, and three gallons of water. Set it in a warm place in winter, and a cool place in summer. It will bo fit for use iu two days. 11 Month.] NOVEMBER. [30 Days. Millcdgeville. B D of of W M SUN SUN 1I00N SETS. //. ii). MlSCELLAk'KOU*. 'Jz. Raleigh. sun sun ; moon Riaii'SKTS/ SMTH. h. m. h. Ill h. ill. :; 6 G 6 7 6 10 6 F S M T v; T F a s M T T it •; 205 2 1 5 22 5 93 5 2 1 5 26 5 V 11 :i 2*5 ;;-]-! 56 45|4 52 ieeouri seceded, '61. t All Souls Day. 9 33 eisi 36J Guti pewder plot, 161 1 1 M 1st Qh. : s^ morn. Battle of Belmont. *61. 45 Milton died, 1674.' ^ Luther born. 168!-!. and '. G 11 Montreal taken, 1776. 6 1 ('has. Carroll died. 1I3A. ges bunrt in T»n.'€2 n 6 245 [6 .25 5 C 27 5 6 29 4 - 6 31 4 6 32 4 6 33 4 8 4 7 and v:huly. \ 9 13 mom. Last Qr. Fight at Peuaaoola. '4 1 IS Ft. Pickens bomb'd, '01. Zack Taylor born, 1734. & :; 6 Coldwind*\ 4 2 Dr. Watte died, 1784. Cold ctiid cloudy. tfEW Moon. Andrew's Day. m 4 6 4 2 2 8 27 ] i) 25 10 28 50 11 :n 5 8 porn. 1 51 :;7 56 1 44 54 4 53 6 8 52 rises. , 51 5 54 51 6 49 50 7 413 ($ Last Quarter pi (Sfc New Moon ...... 129 Richmond. ( B.Al«igh. IL M. 6 42 fT. 23 ov. ! 2 G mo.i 2 7 moj U. M G 37 ev. ; 18 ev. ■ 1 mo. I 2 2 mo.j 1 (joaneBoii. > j«l I W. U. 9. Mobile. G 32 ev. 1 3 ev. 1 56 mo. 1 57 mo. y. m. ' 6 ev. ; ill 41 mo. 1 24 mo., j 1 25 mo. ; Tat: for Sheep. — A gentleman who hae a large flock of sheep says. that during the reason of grazing; he giTea nis sheep tar, at the rate of > a gill a day to e\ gry twenty sheep. He put* the tar in troughs, sprink- little fine salt over it, and the sheep cowsume it with eagerness. I This preserves them from worms in the bead, promotes their health in j general, and is thought to be a good specific against the rot. 12th Month.] DECEMBER. [31 Days. MILLKDGEYILLK. I) D-j SUN SUN MOON Of Jof IjRISB'jsBrS. SETS. \V 11 .h. m.\h: ni. h. in. T S § M T W T F S MISCELLANEOUS. 16 46 G^O 7-3 9J6 L0y6 T 1316 W 14 |6 T Li#|6 F il6 6 S 15 'j6 S |LS y 6 M L9 1 T 20 17 W 21 '7 T 22 7 F 2:: : 7 S 24 7 § 2..' 7 M 2v 7 '[' 2:; : 7 S |31« 46 4 !7 l 47 4 484 481 49 4 5014 514 5214 534 54|4 5B14 ;>7 4 58;4 58 4 594 594 ok 0.4 04 ^ 1:1 24 2 4 2:5 3 5 i 416 7 26j 8 29! 9 33] 10 38 11 -12! morn. ! 47! 1 52 2 66] 4 1 5 4! rises.j 5 36| [1800. Battle of Hohenlinduu. Windy 1st. Q*. «ud told. 53 8 54 .n. 54 55 no 5G 57 58 53 59 ]! I 3j 331 30| 26 ! 9 211 10 in ! n 8 morn. I 1; 55| 1 49| 2 45: 3 42' 4 40j 5 37^ sets. G id 7 2.1 8 281 Look out for lad. weather. about noiv.' Burnside crossed Rappa-j han'k atFred'kburg, 'G2. ! Full Moo*. Battle of j Fredericksburg-— Yan-i kees badlr whipped— Gea'l T. R. R. Cobb I killed, 1862. Clear and boiHtzroiv-. Last Qr. S. Carolina [seceded, '•;;(;. Cold. A Sir Isaac Nowtoub.1542 ; Christmas Fve. Oiikititas Day. - Colder.^ St. John the Evangelist') XlSTV Moon. The Java taken, 1812. [ Savannah takea, 1778. ij Bat. of Murfre«sboro','G2i T n m t UAL eh W. j 8 UN J SUN |MOON \ 9ETS. SETS, j A. fli.|ft. in. . h. m. 1 G 514 45 7 19 G 55 4 4.7 8 21 ! G 554 45 9 25 • 16 5 0,4 J. 5 10 30 i J6 57 4 45 11 35 ! 'G 5811 45 ! moru. j 6 59 4 45 41 j 7 0,4 45 1 47 j 7 0,1 451 2 54 j 7 1 4 45, 4 3 '7 2:4 45 5 5 7 3 4 45 ris< 7 4 4 45' 5 31 '7 4 4 45 G 28 1 a 5:4 46; 7 26 !7 5j4 4tV 8 23 '7 6 4 46 9 19 7 G4 47 10 14 7 74 47 11 3 ; 7 7 4 47 ! morn. | 7 "8 4 48 1 7 8 4 48' 57 | 7 9 4 48: 1 52 | 7 10:4 49 2 49 : 7 10 4 49i 3 46 ,7 10 4 50 4 45 ; 7 10 1 50 5 43 7 11 4 51 sets. 17 ll!4 17 12 : 4 52 6 7 ; 53 7 IS | 17 12,4 34 8 21 MOOON'S PIJASES. I RlOttUOHB. I KAI.KICU. (JllAKLWTON. I 1>. II. M. © First Quarter i 2 23 rau. O Full Moon !l3 2 2 mo. © Last Quarter 20|11 52 ev. © New Moan 28, 4 Her.] 4 6 ev. j 4 1 ev. ] 3 29 H. M. 2 1 8 mo. 1 57 mo. 11 47 ev. H. M. 2 13 mo. 1 52 100. 11 42 ev. Mobilh. 11. M. 1 41 mo. 1 20 mo. 11 10 ev. To make good Coffsk our op Rtk. — The rye is to be well cleaned, and then boiled till soft ; but care should be takeu that it does not burst. It is afterwards to be drisd in the sun, or in an oven, and then burnt like coffee. Turn it about frequent!/, and let it all be well browned, but not black. Do not grind too Ine, e*at@ 0:@v©rameat r K ESI) .: N T, JEFFERSON DAVIS, OF MISSISS V1CK-PL ! ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, OF PEOBGIA. CABINET, Secretary of State— J. P. BEXJAM1X. of Louisiana. Secretary of the Treasury— C. G. UBfMMINGKR, of S. C. Stcretury of War— JAS. A. SEDDEN/ of Virginia. Secretary of tin Xavy—S. R. MALUJlLY, of Fl< I AUornty Gmerai— TI10S. H. WATTS, of Alabama. Foetmaster Gvn&ral — J. 11. HF,.\ ! iAK. of Texas. ITEMS OF SOUTHERN ESISTORY. JSfiC. MareW4th. — Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal llamiin elected Presi- dent ana Vice President of the L T nited State*. This result of the Pre- sidential election was viewed by the people of the South as an assur- ance that their political rights in the Union were no longer to be res- pected ; and they, therefore resolved to assert their independence, as our forefathers did in the Revolution of 1770. and set up a Government for themselves. They determined first', however, to try and settle all difficulties, by an effort either to obtain some guarantees frwh the Norili that their rights would be respected, or to separate peaceably, if possi- ble. For this purpose, offers of compromise wore made by Souther* members of Congress, and a Peace Convention assemble*} iu "Wasbiag- ton city; and Commissioners were, also, Bent to Washington city from South Carolina; but all to no purpose. Hence the States now «•■• posing the Southern Confederacy seceded by the adoption of ordinances of tecession, which were adopted in State Convent ions in the order iu which they are here presented : Pee. 20th-— South Carolina gecedgd, 18 ITEMS OF 80UTHKBN HISTORY. 1861. Jan. 9th — Mississippi. Jan. lOtk. .Florida. Jan. 19th. .Georgia. Jan. 20th. .Louisiana. Feb. 1st. .Texas; declared, by the State Conveatfo*, to be »ut of the Union, March 20th. April lSth. .Virginia. May 6th. .Arkansas. May 6th. .Tennessee; rati lied by the people, June 8th. May 20th. .North Carolina. Missouri. .Declaration of Independence issued by Got. Jackson, at New Madison, April 15th." % Kentucky . . ©titer Events of" Importance. Feb. 4th. .Provisional Congress meets at Montgomery, Ala. Feb. 7th. .The Provisional Congress adopts a Provisional Constitution. Feb. 9ih. .Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, and Alexander H. Steph- ens, of Georgia, elected Provisional President and Vice President of the Confederate States of America — the name adopted by the itw nation. Feb. 18th. .Jefferson Davis inaugurated in Montgomery, Ala., as Provisional President of the Confederate States. March 9th. .Permanent Constitution of the Confederate States adopt- ed by the Provisional Congress. BATTLES. April lath, 13th. .Battle of Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor. .Con- federate victory. Juno 3d. .Battle of Phillippi, in Western Va. . .Federal victory. June 10th. .Battle of Great Bethel, Va. .Confederate victory. June 17th. .Battle of Kansas City, Mo.. .Confederate victory. June 18th. .Battle of Booneville, Mo.. .Federal victory. July 2d, 3d. .Battle of TIaynesville, Va.. .Confederates retire. July 5th. .Battle of Carthage, Mo.. .Confederate victory. July 12th. .Battle of Rich Mountain, Va.... Federal vietory. July 13th. .Battle of St. George, W. Va.... Federal victory. July 17th. .Battle of Scarey Creek, W. Va. . .Confederate ^>tory. July 18th. .Battle of Bull Run, Va.. .Confederate victory. W July 21st. .Great Battle of Manassas. .Confederate victory. July 25th . . Battle of Mesilla, Arizona Ter. . . Confederate victory. Aug. 10th. .Battle of 0;d< Hill, Mo.. .Confederate victory. Aug. 27th. .Battle of Cross Lane,«W. Va. . .Confederate victory. Aug. 28th, 29th. .Battle of Fort Hatteras. .Federal victory. Sept. 10th.. Battle of theGauley, at Cam ilex Ferry, in W. Va... both parties retired. Sept. 11th. ►Battle of Lewisville, on Potemao. .Confederate victory. Sept. 11th. .Battle of Toney's Creek, on Kanawha. .Confed. victory. Sept. 19th. .Battle of Barboursville, Ky. .Confederate victory. Sept. 20th. .Battle of Lexington, Mo. .Confederaie victory. Sept. 25th. 20th. .Battle of Alamesa, in N. Mexico. .Confed. victory. Oct. 3d. .Battle of Green Briar River, in W. Va. Confederate victory. Oot. 9th. .Battle of Santa Rosa Island, Fla. .Confederate victory. Oct 12th. Battle of the Mississippi Passes. . Co»fe«lerate victory. ITEMS OP SOUTHERN HISTORY. * 19 Oct. 16th. .Battle of Bolivar, near Harper's Ferry. .Oonfed. victory. Oct. 21st. .Battle of Fredericks towu, Mo. .Federal victory. Oct. 21st. .Battle*of Leesburg, Va. .Confederate victor y. Nov. 6th. .Battle of Belmont, Mo. .Coafedorate victory. Nov. 7th. .Baltic o\' Port Royal. £. C. . .Federal victory. Nov. 8th. rBattle of Piketon. Ky. .Confederate victory. Nov. Oth. .Battle of Guyandotte, Ya". .Confederate victory. Nov. 22d, 23d. .Bombardment of Fort Pickens, nc olft. . 'ih. .Battle of Drniusville, A'a.. .Confederate victory. c. 1 :::h. . Battle of the Alleghany, \V. Ya . .Confederate victory. • :c. 16th. .Battle between Opotheyoholo, (Taukee India*,) and Col. i Mcintosh, (Confederate,) TO miles northwest of Fort Gibson, Indian Territory . .Confi i tory. -. 1 7 th. .Battle of "Woodaonville, Ky. .Confederate viotory. Dec. 28th. ;Battle of Mount Ziou. Ho. .Federal victory. 1*6*. Jan. Isf, .Battle of Fort Royal, S. C. I ite viotory. Jari bardihent of Fort Pickens, and Bragg'a batteries re- sumed. . Rfenll s&lmportant. Jan. 6th. .Battle between the Indiaus in the Chorokee country.. tory. Jan. 1 5tl •' Preston sburg, Ky. . .Confederate victory. Jan. 1 9th. . Battle of Falling Creek, Ky. .Federal victoiy. ack on Ft. Henry, Tennessee. .Abolitionists reputeed. >. 6th. .Fort Henry, Tenn., captured by the Abolitionists. . .Bur.nside's fleet attacks Roanoke Island. N. (\ Feb. 8th. ."Roanoke Island, N. C., captured by the Abolitionists. l.".;h. .Attack on Ft. Do nelson, Tenn, by the Abolitionists. sriing GTeen, Ky., shelled by the Abolitionists. Fob. 16th. .Fort Donelson, Tenn., captured by the Abolitionists. 22d. .Inauguration of President Davis, at Biohmond. Ma . . Battle of Flk Hern, er Pea Ridge. .Confed. retreat. . -i. .Naval battle in Hampton Roads. The Vi/ginia-Merri- ion vessels. Bombardment of New Madrid, Mo., and Island No. 10, in the Mississippi, commenced. March 2!>d. .Battle of Kernstown, Va. .Stonewall Jaekson defeats the Abolition General, Shields. April 6, 7. .Battle of Shiloh. Tenn. .Confedetate victory. April 7th. .Capture of Island No. 10, by the Abolitionists. April 1 1th. .Attack on Fort Pulaski, near Savannah, Ga. April 12th. .Capture of Fort Pulaski by the Abolitionists. April 12th. .Attack on Fort Mncoa, N. C, by ths Abolitioaists. April 13th. .Attack on Forts Jackson and St. Phillipe. near Now Or- leans. La., by the Abolitionists. April 10. '.Battle of South Mills, Sawyers 1 Lsr.e. Ya. .Confed. vie'ry. April 24. .Xaval engagement above Ft, Jackson, near N. 0., La. April 28. -Fort Macon, N. O, surrendered conditionally to the Abo- litionists. April 26. .The Abolition fleet arrives in front of New Orleans and take! possession of the city 20 « ITEMS OP SOUTHERN HISTORY. April 27, 28. .Battle, of Carsville, Missouri. .Federal victory. May 7 . .Battle of Barhamsville, ©r West Point, Ya. .Confed. victory. May 8. .Battle of McDowell's, or Lithiugton's Mills, Ya. . .Confeder- al® victory. May 9. .Battle of Farmiogton. Tenn., near Corinth.. .Confed. victory. May 15. .Attack on Dairy's Bluff, James River, near Richmond, Ya. by the Abolition fleet, which id repulsed. 17. .Battle of Princeton, "Western Ya. .Confederate victory. 18, 19. .Battle near Searcy, Ark. .Confederate victory. May ~1 . .Bombardment ofFtPillow, near Memphis, Tenu., resumed. May 23, 24. .Battle of Fronts Royal, Ya. .Confederate victory. I 25. .Battle of Winchester. Ya. .Confederate victory. May 31. '.Battle of the Seven Pines, near Richmond, Ya. .Confeder- ate victory, June G. .Naval battle on the Mississippi river, in front of Memphis, Tenn. .Federal victory; June G. .The city of Memphis, Tenn., surrendered to the Abolitionists. June 8, 9. ..Battle of Port Republic, Ya... Con federate victory. June 11. .Battle of Cross Keys, Ya. .Gen. Ewell defeats the Aboli- tion General, Fremont. Jane 14. .Battle of Languelle, on White river, Ark. .Confed. victory. June 1G. .Battle of Secessionville, S. C. .Confederate victory. June 25. Battle on the Williamsburg road, near Richmond, Ya. . . Confederate victory. June 2 6- July 1. .Battles ef the Chickahominy, or the Seven Days' Battles before Richmond, as follows : . June 26. .Battle of Mechaniesville. June 27 . .Battle of Gainesville. June 29. .Battle of Frazier's Farm. June 30. .Battle of Wiliis'-Church. July 1 . .Battle of Malvern Hill. .All Confederate victories. June 28. .Bombardment of Yicksburg, Miss., by the Abolition fleet. July 13. .Battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. .Confederate victory. July 15. .The ram Arkansas successfully runs the gauntlet of tke Abolition fleet near Yicksbur %. July 24. .The seige and bombardment of Yicksburg, abandonad »y the Abolitionists. July 23. .Battle of Moore's Mill, near Fulton, Mo. .Federal victory, Aug. 5, G. .Second battle of Malvern Hill, near Richmond, Ya... Federal victory. Aug. 5. ..Battle of Tazewell, Tenn., near Cumberland Gap.. .Confed- erate victory. Aug. 5. .Battle of Baton Rouge, La. .Confederate. victory. Aug. G. .The ram Arkansas abandoned and destroyed by her officers and crew. Aug. 8, 9. .Battle of South West Mountain, Ya-. .Confed. victory, .Battle of Independence, Mo. .Confederate victory. 16. .Battle of Lone Jack, Mo. .Confederate victory. .Battle near Gallatin, Tenn. .Confederate victory. .Battle of Big Hill, near Richmond, Ky. .Confed. victory, .Battle of Richmond, Ky. .Gen, Kirby Smith victorious, Aug, 28, .Battle of Thoroughfare &ap, Ya,, .Confederate Yictory, Aug. 11 Aug, ]r>. Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 30 BURKE, BOYKIN & GO. T MA.O©Isr, GA., Publish the following works, whieh they will sell at wholesale only: Webster's Elementary Spelling Book; Burke's Picture Primer; Young Iflarooncrs, Bt Mr, Goulding; Child's Scripture Question Book. J^~ Circulars sent to Boeksellere. JLddrem as abort. T»b following beautiful Song s may ee had by addressing J. W. BURKS. Agent, Macon, Ga., AND ALMOST ALL TRB N1W API) POPULAR MUSIC 0FTM3 DAT: Gentle Nettie Moore, (post paid,) $1.00 Brightest Eyes, H " 1.00 Shells of Ocenn, " " 1.00 "When I saw sweet Nellie home, (post paid,) 1.00 Will you Love me Then as New, 1.00 Dearest, Then I'll Lore you more 1.00 Tale of Rest, 1.00 Sleeping, I Dreamed, Love 1.00 On the Mount sins airy Summit, 1.00 Gently Rest, ' 1 .00 Listen to the Mocking Bird, 1.00 Lorena, , ,.,. 1.00 Monastery Dells, 1.00 Softly, Ye Night Winds. 1.00 J7*xf* We will send seren eitew ef the above for $5.00, post paid. AND WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED^ IASTEB WILLIAM HUM; OR, A Youth of Brilliant Talents, Who was Ratified fey Bad JLuck. By fiie Author */ " @cor§ia 8*0ne8." A liberal discount will be MfHie te the trade, from wiom orders aro solieked, by S3SIRIS.E, BOYKIJff & CO., Publishers, Macon, 6ft. GREAT CENTRAL FOR ftlASSM, BA., AHD SURROUNDING COUNTRY. J. W. BURKE, Agent, Mulberry Street, between Lanier House and Post Office. This Agency represents tfie following first class Companies: Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Richmond, Va. Cash Capital, $300,000 | Surplus, $200,000 Marion Insurance and Trust. Company, Marion, Ala. Cask Capital, $500,060 | Surplus. $150,000 Petersburg Sayings and Insurance Company, Petersburg, Va. Cash Capital, $256,000 j Surplus, $100,000 Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia, Farmville, Va. Cash Capital .$360,000 j Surplus, $150,000 James River Insurance Company, Howardsville, Va. Opsh Capital, $250,000 j Large Surplus, Danville Insurance Company, Danville, Va. Gash Capital, $200,000 j Surplus, $ 15.000 Firemen's and Merchants Insurance Company, Petersburg. Va. Oaah Canital ,$250,600 | Large Surplus, ' CITY INSURANCE AND SAVINGS SOCIETY, Petersburg, Va» Cash Capital, $156,000 | Large Surplus, FARMVILLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Farmville, Va. Cash Capital, $150,000 C*y Parsons de«ire*s of effeet*** JtaMH-anee nyon any aperies of property would do well te •»» •> me teefere In*«ii»g •lsc-nhere. Prti»ie« teyied en detaiehed rehid»n««.s for 3 or 6 ji*»rs, win . fce allowed a liberal deduction horn *he annual rates. 0ST Ope* polities fcnrae* npon eo1*»m for sterage or steppage^ J. W. BURKE, Agent, Next to Post Office. PRIlIli IH BURKE, BOYKIN & CO, •Mulberry St., Macon, Ga., Ark engaged largely in Printing and Binding, and from th« superiority of their ft\«flides, are prepared to take largo contracts for BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, BLANKS, BILLHEADS, C ABBS, &c, &o. OP EVERT DESCRIPTION MADE AND BOUND TO ODDER. (Mel Bea&s, Pemdleals & Mmm Bound and Re-bound in any style. Th« attention of Quartermasters and other Government officers k especially invited, as ws har« k LARGS SUPPLY OP PAPER, and «en undertake large •omtrao^s for printing and furnishing GOVERNMENT BLANKS. NEATNESS AND IESPATCH IS THE WATLHWORD. GIVE US A TRIAL. WilOI.ESAT.E AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATiONI Mo. 9& Brea& Street, Respectfully invites the attention of Country Merchants, Tm Bring us pieces -white or blnej Bring us rags and brinjens t»j Bring ns good-for-»othing ba Anything just »o 'tis elean- White, or hi nek, or bin*, »rl Anything tint paper makes,' Rvery Editor tow takes. And will pay yo* for yoar : And yonr gootkfor-mothiig Bring them in, and bring th« Morning. evening, and at nets Save your rag?, and e;*Ye your tags, Save your good-for-nothing bags-* Briag them to this office, soon. Bring tfcem morning, eve, or noon. JSVosn the mountain, from th<> Vale, Where the lingering ramp-fire* -pale, If here the biorniag tint* the rose, "Wker* the parting sunset glows, 3*rosn the East and from the W**st, Tiring us raff* and do your bett; Bring ns scraps of cotton thread, Bring the night-cnp from your head,