THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 33 Y HENRY W. CARSTENS, BOSTON AND CAMBRIDGE: JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY. 1 8 5 8. Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1858, Br Henry W. Carstens, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. HENRY J. HOWLAND, PRINTER, WORCESTER. THE PEOBLEM OF LIFE. CHAPTER, I. GENERAL REMARKS ON RELIGION. Among the many treasures which the German literature offers to us, there is one which has always been particularly attractive to me — a drama, called Nathan the Sage, written by the celebrated Lessing. The principal characters in this piece are three good men ; Sultan Saladin, a Mohammedan, Nathan, a Jew, and a young Temple-Knight, a Christian. Lessing not only reminds us by the whole piece in general, of the fact that there are good men to be found among the adherents of all the different creeds ; he also gives us his opinion about these creeds them- selves, and their relative value. The 3d act contains a dialogue between Saladin and Nathan, where the former asks the latter which religion he thinks is the best? Nathan answers the question by the fol- lowing story. Many centuries ago, there lived in the East a man who possessed a ring of an inestimable value. It 4 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR was adorned with a precious stone, which glittered with a hundred beautiful colors, and had the hidden power of making acceptable before God and man whoever wore it, with the belief that it would do so. No wonder, therefore, that the man never left it off his finger, and that he made arrangements which would be likely to keep it forever in his family. He left the ring to the most beloved of his sons, and ordained that this son, in his turn, should bequeath it to the one he liked best among his sons, and thus in succession, the most beloved always should become the chief, the head of the family, alone by virtue of the ring. Thus the ring devolved, from son to son, at last on one who was father of three sons, all of whom were equally obedient to him, and whom he, there- fore, could not help loving equally. Yet from time to time, now the one, then the other, and then the third, seemed to him to be most worthy of the ring, just as each was alone with him, and as the other two did not share in the overflowings of his heart. He had the tender weakness to promise the ring to each of them. This would do as long as things went their even course ; but the time of death arrived, and the father was placed in a great dilemma. It would have grieved him to disappoint two of his sons who de- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 5 pended upon his word. What was he to do? He secretly sends for an artist, and orders, after the pat- tern of his ring, two other ones, and desires that neither expense nor pains should he spared to make them perfectly like the former. The artist succeeds. As he hrings them, the father himself cannot distin- guish the original ring. Full of joy he calls his sons, each separately ; he gives to each separately his "blessing and his ring, and — dies. Hardly has the father died, when each son comes with his ring, and desires to be the chief of the fam- ily. They make inquiries, they quarrel, they com- plain of each other. All is in vain ; they cannot prove which ring is the right one, as little as we now, which faith is the right one. The sons went to law, and each swore before the judge that he had received his ring directly from his father's hand — which was true — after having been promised long ago, that he, one of these- days, should enjoy the prerogative of the ring — which was no less true ! Each one asserted that his father could not have been faithless towards him, and rather than to allow such a thing to be suspected of so dear a father, he would be obliged to accuse his brothers of foul play, however willing he otherwise might be to think the best of them ; however, he would know how to unmask the traitors, and how to take vengeance on them. 6 THE PROBLEM OP LIFE, OR The Judge said : " If you do not soon bring your father before me, I shall send you away from my tribunal. Do you think I am here to solve riddles ? Or do you expect the right ring to speak? But stop! I understand that the right ring possesses the mirac- ulous power of making any one beloved, acceptable before God and men. This must decide, for the false rings will not be able to do that ! Now, whom is it that two of you like best ? Make haste, tell me ! What, you are silent ? Have the rings only an influ- ence upon their owners, and not upon others ? Does each of you love himself the most ? Oh, then you are all three deceived deceivers ! Not one of the three rings is genuine. The original ring probably was lost. In order to conceal the loss, and to make up for it, the father had three rings made instead of one. And therefore," continued the Judge, " unless you wish for my counsel instead of my verdict, I bid you, be gone ! My advice, however, is this ; take the affair exactly as it is. If each of you has received his ring from his father, then let each one firmly be- lieve that his ring is the genuine one. It is possible that the father intended no longer to tolerate in his family the tyranny of that one ring ! And I am sure he loved you all three, loved you equally, and did not wish to oppress two of you for the sake of favoring one." RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 7 " Well then, let each of you strive for being loved, unbiased, free of all prejudice ! Let each one rival with the others in endeavoring to bring to light the power of the stone in his ring ; let him aid this pow- er by meekness, by heart-felt tolerance, by charity, by a confiding reliance upon his God. And if the power of the stones should become apparent among the children of your children's children, then I will summon them again before my chair, thousands of thousand years hence. Then a man, wiser than I, will sit on this chair, and will pronounce judgment. Go now I" Thus spoke the modest judge. This story, necessarily, must lose a great deal of its beauty by being translated into another language, by being deprived of its poetical form, and severed from the remainder of the drama. Those of my readers who have seen it, or can enjoy it in the origi- nal, will be likely to compare my version of it to a diamond, which has lost a great deal of its splendor by having its polished surface tarnished and broken, and by being taken out of a diadem whose principal ornament it was. Still, I doubt not the story, even thus, appears to the reader exceedingly beautiful. I have read it repeatedly, and have always found new attractions in it. There is only one instance, it seems to me, where the essence of religion is so clearly pointed out, and 8 THE PROBLEM OF LTFE, OR so accurately defined, as in this story. I mean the words of Christ : " Love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength, and with all thy mind : and thy neighbor as thyself." These words are so sublime in their simplicity and comprehensiveness, that we cannot conceive of any- thing so impressive as they are to a mind fully im- bued with the spirit of Christianity. But as we are not all so easily moved by a few words, and as we are all in need of having our feelings awakened and developed by human and terrestial affairs, events and impressions, it is well for us at different times to have the same truth conveyed to our minds in differ- ent ways, and for this reason I like to consider Les- sing's story, as a worthy illustration and corollary of Christ's all-comprehending, simple words. Since the contemplation of this story leads me most directly to the object I have in view, I will give a few reasons why I consider it so beautiful. First, it expresses symbolically the idea, that no human being knows or possesses truth in the abstract, or, as we may call it, " the true religion." I will not, here in the beginning, shock any one's feelings by misleading him to think that I doubt whether Christianity is the true religion. No, I be- lieve that the essence of Christianity is true, but it is doubtful to me whether there is any sect or de- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. g nomination in existence, which has not added some- thing human, perishable and erroneous, to the simple christian truth. And even if we divest the latter of all erroneous additions, even then we are not allowed to think we possess truth in the abstract. Man, from his very nature as a finite being, never can compre- hend abstract, infinite truth. For instance, man can never comprehend the essence of the Deity. There may be many who believe they have the right idea of God, who He is and what He is, but they substitute a fancy, a semblance for the reality ; they have not the power of thinking, free from the influence of im- bibed and current impressions. Any one who has learned to seek God, to seek God himself, not through the medium of accepted creeds, but in his own soul, and in the universe around him, he truly finds God ; his belief in the existence of the divine being is better founded, more ennobling, more fructifying than the current belief, which is merely transmitted from man to man. Still, the more his mind is confirmed in the belief in God, and the more his heart is filled with holy adoration of God, the more he will be convinced of never being able to comprehend the essence of the Deity, to com- prehend that spirit which manifests itself in the uni- verse and in man's soul, as infinite in power, wisdom and love. 10 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR Further, we cannot arrive at the abstract truth concerning the universe. We never can comprehend the infinitude of space. If space is a reality, meas- urement must he a reality, and both, in fact, seem to us to he real ; we cannot consider these ideas as mere fancies, since our senses prove them to us as facts. Still we cannot reconcile the ideas of space and infin- itude, because we cannot fathom the idea of going on measuring space without an end. What is there beyond the remotest nebula which we discover through the telescope, or which we imagine to see with our mind's eye ? Empty space ? What is empty space ? What is empty space without limits ? I am sure, no human being ever will answer these questions. Space and infinitude are two ideas which a human mind cannot reconcile to each other. Still, the mind can- not divest itself of either of these two ideas, and must, therefore, acknowledge that there is something which is beyond his comprehension. The same is true in regard to infinitude of time. Generation after generation, everybody talks of God as an eternal being, of man's soul as an immortal and eternal spirit — they speak of it, as of the sim- plest thing, as if they understood all about it — and still, as soon as one really investigates these ideas of eternity and immortality, he will be obliged to con- fess that he cannot fathom them. Time is an idea RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 11 of which we cannot divest ourselves, and yet, the expression " infinite time " has no comprehensible meaning in it. We cannot comprehend what it means, " God never had a beginning." We cannot comprehend that the world could have been created out of nothing a definite number of years ago, and that God should have existed before the world, alone and from eternity. We cannot comprehend how the divine spirit, or any spirit, should exist entirely dis- connected from matter. On the other hand, if we consider the material world as co-existing with the Deity, and therefore as eternal, we have no more a definite idea of a world without a beginning, than of a Deity without a be- ginning. And if we turn to the future, we find the same difficulty. We may count ever so far by years or by millions of years, we never come nearer the end of time ; we cannot „find an end, and still we cannot comprehend what it means, " there is no end." Of the idea of time which is forced upon us by our senses, we cannot rid ourselves, but we cannot recon- cile the word " infinite" to it, and therefore no man can ever comprehend the meaning of the word eter- nity. But we need not lose ourselves in the labyrinth of these vast ideas, in order to be convinced that we never can arrive at abstract truth. 12 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR If we study geology, and try to investigate what lias been the original shape and condition of the earth ; how many and how long periods of develop- ment this globe has gone through ; how the revolu- tions it was subject to, were brought about, and how they terminated ; what will be the next change the earth will undergo ; what is the tendency and the final destiny of this and of other planets, — if we inves- tigate these and many other similar and connected subjects, we shall get delightful glimpses, so to say, into the workshop of the Almighty ; we shall be filled with wonder and awe, and shall bow down in adoration before the Creator ; but we shall have to confess that we only try to follow his footprints, but can never hope fully to trace whither he tends, and what aim he will finally reach. If we study mineralogy, we can notice and admire the laws of crystallization and other similar objects, but we never shall be able to find out why these things are as they are, and what their essence is. If we study botany, it will reveal to us the wonders of vegetation ; we shall be enraptured by the beauty and variety, and the many thousand combinations of shape and color; we shall admire the wondrous mode of propagation, the numerical, and, so to say, artistic regularity upon which the classification de- pends — all tliis . anH many other observations will RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 13 convince us that the Creator is a most powerful and benevolent being, — but after all, we cannot really comprehend much about it. We do not know whether all those plants originated according to invariable laws, or whether each species was created by an in- dependent, momentary will and act of the Creator ; we do not know why there is such a profusion of va- riety and of beauty; what is the use and destination of each species and of each individual plant. There is evidently a higher purpose in them, than merely to be " of use to man and beast," or even " to glad- den man's heart." But this and many other things concerning the vegetable kingdom, man never will fully comprehend. The same remark is applicable to the study of zoology. If we closely observe and study all the various kinds of animals around us, we find that an inexhaustible source of delight and admiration i3 opened to us, and that here, even more beautifully than in vegetable life, the evidences of the Creator's power, wisdom and benevolence are laid open before us. If we watch the birds, what a joyous, privileged race do they seem to be ! How they seem to enjoy their own singing ; for if they did not, they would not repeat the same few sounds day after day, thous- ands of times ! How gracefully and lightly they move about, flitting through the air, an element in 14 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR which man has only learned clumsily, rarely and im- perfectly to move by the means of a balloon ! Really, I have often wondered why the Creator had endowed the birds almost exclusively with the capacity and facility of choosing, for the winter and for the sum- mer, a congenial climate ; why He, on the whole, be- stowed so much of his bounteous care just on the birds. I have often thought, if I did not rejoice in being a man, I should like to be a bird. Then if we watch the multitude of insects, how won- drous do they appear ! If we had never noticed anything about them, except, for instance, a spider weaving his net in the field, this alone would be enough to fill our minds with wonder. But now, though we learn all these facts, and though this knowledge has a very salutary influence upon us, what do we really know about most of the animals? Nothing but their existence, their appearances, changes, &c. Why they are what and as they are, and how they happened to be so, about all this we know ab- solutely nothing. Many a time have I tried to penetrate to the foun- dation of important facts and of trifles ; for instance, how do birds know, long before winter or summer really approaches, that they have to go either north or south, and how do they know in what direction they have to travel? How does the spider know RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 15 beforehand whether the weather will be good or not> so as to make it advisable to weave either a large and substantial, or a small and imperfect net ? Why- has this butterfly just these beautiful spots and de- signs on its wings? Why has that bug just such a horn on its head ? Why is there so great a variety of species of animals, and why do just those exist that do exist ? What is their destiny ? All such questions allude to things which we never can com- prehend. All we know consists in phenomena, in facts, perhaps in facts so invariably repeated and established, that we allow ourselves to call their order and routine, natural laws. But the essence and the foundation of these phenomena and laws we never can comprehend. Much less than these can we hope ever fully to understand what we call imponderable agents : heat, light, electricity, magnetism, gravitation, &c. I think there is an infinite charm in trying to become ac- quainted with the phenomena produced by these powers, in trying to trace and to establish the laws upon which they act, and in making them servicea- ble to man's will and purposes. Still here again, these agents themselves, their origin, essence, vitality and destiny are beyond our comprehension. As much, or perhaps more mysterious than all I have as far as now alluded to, is the power which produces 16 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR the phenomena we learn and apply in chemistry. "What is the way in which two or more simple sub- stances form a new chemical compound ? What real meaning can we attach to the theory of atoms ? "Why do some substances chemically attract, and why do others repel each other? Why do some substances combine in the proportion of one to eight, and others in other proportions? The facts are known, but these questions concerning their origin, &c, will never be solved by man. Quite as wonderful and mysterious as anything I have mentioned, is to us our own self. If we study anthropology and the physiology of man, we meet with more enrapturing proofs of God's wisdom, power and goodness, than in the study of zoology ; but at the same time with more perplexing and irresolulle questions. Not only are the origin, propagation and development of man as a corporal being meie facts to us, ^explained in their essence, but ev< n less than these can we comprehend a host of singularities. Who can, for instance, explain the resemblance we find in the faces of different individuals, and on the other hand the almost total absence of a real, perfect likeness between any two faces? the origin and de- velopment of cutaneous and many other diseases? the circumstance that the hands and feet of the mem- bers and generations of some families have six fin- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 17 gers and six toes ; the existence of moles and other peculiarities of that kind ? If we contemplate man as a rational being, and enter into the labyrinth of psychology, perplexing questions crowd in upon us from all sides. First, we can arrive at the certainty that we have a soul, a mind, a spirit ; but the essence of this being we can- not comprehend in the least. We cannot even form a definite idea of its qualities and functions. How is it that our mind remembers anything ? Why is the memory of some persons quick, that of others tenacious ? Why do we sometimes suddenly and in- voluntarily remember a thing, which shortly before we were entirely unable to recall? Why are some persons entirely destitute of musical talent, though their physical ear seems to be as perfect as that of any great musician ? When is a child's mind so far developed that we can say " this is the moment when the chr 1 begins to be a rational being ?' ; Is man an accountable being as soon as he is to be considered a rational being? If not, when does his accountability begin? What becomes of a person's mind in second child- hood? What is the origin of madness and what is madness in itself? What influence does it have on man's rational and moral worth, and on his rights and duties in his relations to his fellow-men, to the 2 18 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR universe, and to its God ? What is the nature of the process of falling asleep and of awaking? What is sleep itself and the state of the soul during sleep ? What are dreams and what is their connec- tion with man's character and destiny ? In what way is our soul connected with our body, and what is the essence of the influence it exerts on the latter ? How far is the body under the control of the mind ? Where is the exact boundary line between the mind's activeness and passiveness, and consequently the boundary between man's accountability and unac- countableness ? What is the nature of the separa- tion of body and mind, and its effects on the latter ? What is really the destiny of any individual as well as of the whole human race ? Why was there ever such an episode in the history and development of the human race, as that, for instance, which Lamar- tine so forcibly and vividly details to us in his his- tory " des Girondins "? Why did God create just such an incomprehensible compound of matter and of spirit, as man on investigation proves to be ? I might add more such questions, but I suppose those expressed are sufficient to prove what I wished to establish, as an important truth, viz., that any one who tries thoroughly to investigate the physical and spiritual world, will find that there are many, many things which he has to acknowledge as facts, RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 19 but which he cannot fully comprehend. Perhaps there are many persons who have some answers ready, which, as they think, settle some of the above matters very satisfactorily, but it is my conviction that their answers will only satisfy those persons who believe they think, but do not think. This may seem a paradox to many, but real think- ers will appreciate this remark. The world, in this respect, is the same now as it was at the time of So- crates. Eeal thinkers only can reach that state of rational and moral circumspection, which leads them to declare that they love and seek the truth, (that they are philosophers,) but that there are many, many things which are beyond their comprehension. There are persons, (and this class of men is very large,) who believe themselves to be thinkers, but who are no thinkers in reality. And these persons are always in danger of believing things which are not beyond their comprehension, but against their con- viction, against common sense. Their minds are far enough developed to receive ideas, and often they really understand these ideas ; but mistaking the mental function of understanding for comprehending, they believe they do comprehend, where they only un- derstand. That is, they have some vague idea, or even a clear perception of the literal meaning of the words they hear or read, but they have not the fac- 20 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR ulty within themselves, independently to investigate whether the idea they receive, is true or not. They have some preconceived riotions which they have im- bibed by education, by tradition, or by other external influences, unwillingly and unwittingly. Everything that agrees with these preconceived notions, they consider as true, everything that comes in collision with them, as false. But whether those precon- ceived notions are true or false, whether, therefore, this standard of their's, of truth and falsehood, is a reliable and infallible guide — this they have never investigated. Thus they believe they think, but really do not think themselves ; we might say, it is only their authority — their living or departed guide — that thinks through them. We may here mention that this fact is the reason why error is so easily propagated ; this fact explains the existence of so much falsehood and wrong, of so many lamentable and prejudicial actions, events, hab- its, institutions and laws. For we ourselves must be either very wicked or very shortsighted and narrow- minded, if we believe all misfortunes and wrongs on this globe to be produced by the wickedness and malice, or the demoniac spirit of man. No, by far the greater amount of evil is the consequence of man's blindness ; much evil exists only because so many human beings do not think at all, and RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 21 because so many believe they think, but do not think. If we could all at once remove from the physical and moral world, all that is produced by man's ig- norance, delusion and blind belief, there would not be much left to complain of, and those evils which then might remain, would lose their principal sup- port and would also vanish by degrees. Wicked men would not find any field for their wicked activity and influence, if they had not the ignorance and credulity of millions of fellow-men to speculate upon. There is another class of men whom we might call half-thinkers. They have been fortunate enough to disenthral themselves from the dominion of outward authority, of inherited and communicated belief. They have succeeded in examining what was recom- mended to them and urged upon them as worthy of belief, and they have rejected everything that was contradictory to their unbiased and uncorrupted judgment and common sense. But they only suc- ceeded in pulling down what they found to be erro- neous ; the insufficient development of their mental faculties, their want of knowledge concerning the physical and spiritual world, perhaps even the per- version of their hearts, were such as to prevent them from penetrating to a higher sphere ; they would not acknowledge that there are things which are be- 22 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR. yond their comprehension and which they would have to believe on the strength of their being facts, un- deniable and irrefutable facts. The consequence is that such persons remain scep- tics. If their state of mind is the result of a sincere search for truth and not of a desire to free themselves of moral obligations, their condition is a credit and an honor to them, and is by far more valuable in the sight of God and of true men, than blind be- lief ; still it always is a lamentable one, for they often taste only the bitterness of life. I cannot but think that Schiller had this in view when he said " Error only is life, and knowledge is death." I hardly know of any one whom I pity more and whom I should more strongly wish to assist, than a sincere sceptic who is not able to emerge from his bewil- dered and obscured state of mind to a serene and trustful faith. I say faith and not knowledge, because as I said before, it is not given to man ever to arrive at the abstract truth. I have tried to elucidate this fact in a somewhat lengthy way, because I attach the utmost importance to it. I consider it the fundamental principle upon which, in doubtful cases, our final happiness depends. A right view of truth in the abstract is the only thing which in the hours of trial and temptation can give any certainty, stability and efficacy to our re- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 23 ligions views and feelings, and all the minor subjects I have alluded to, are, therefore, more closely con- nected with the great subject under contemplation, than they might at first seem to be. n THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR CHAPTER n. GENERAL REMARKS ON RELIGIOUS SECTS. I can now return to speaking of my subject more directly. By proving that no human being is in pos- session of abstract truth, we have shown how much reason Lessing had to say that probably no one of the three rings was genuine. No sect, no creed does or can give us truth in the abstract ; the only thing they ever can attain, or pretend to attain, is freedom from error. And who is there that would be pre- sumptuous enough to say that his mind is free from error, or that his creed is the pure embodiment of truth ? Alas ! this question is not the right one, for there are only too many who are presumptuous enough to think and to say so without being enabled by their education, their mental development, their experience and their fate in general, to form an opinion inde- pendent of outward authority. I should ask, whom would an impartial observer think to be free from error? The answer certainly would be, very, very few, if any. Truth when coming to us through the channel of a human mind, resembles too much the pure light of the sun which reaches our eye through RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 25 the medium of the atmosphere, here less, there more broken, deflecting, discolored, dissolved, but never in its original simplicity and purity. And even if we take it for granted that Christ was the embodiment of pure, abstract truth, to how many christian sects or individuals would an impartial observer grant that they have not distorted and confounded the simple truth which Christ communicated to the world ? Lessing has admirably succeeded in explaining what can be required of us, under circumstances as they are, or may be. The judge advises the three brothers that each should firmly believe his ring to be the genuine one. This is the touchstone which ought to decide the worth of any religion, of any creed, of any individual instance of religious faith and profession. Every one ought to be willing to grant that all the religious sects differing from his own, may also have received their rings from their father though theirs may not be genuine. He ought to acknowledge that God, for some unknown purpose, allows different sects to exist, and at least for a time, to flourish, though there may be many errors mixed with the simple, essential truths which we can find in almost every religion. Every one, however, not- withstanding his duty of tolerating other sects, ought firmly to believe that his own faith is the genuine ring. This is essential. He ought to acknowledge 26 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR that there are things which he must believe without fully comprehending them ; he may even acknowledge that for aught he knows, he may be erroneous in some things he believes, or disbelieves ; but above all he ought to be sure that he fall into no error, nor disbelieve any truth, voluntarily, or through his own perverseness. Every one must think, investigate and choose according to the light that is given to him. If it is his lot to be born in a country, in a family, in a century, (or whatever other outward agencies we may name.) that make it impossible for him to choose without any prejudice, or perhaps to choose at all, then let him faithfully and sincerely accept the faith that is offered him by his fellow-men and his God. If he is fortunate enough to have been disenthralled from outward bondage, let him compare the different sects that are willing to receive him ; let him decide whether any one seems to him really to embody truth in perfect purity, and if he finds such a one, let him join that brotherhood, pledging himself to it with heart and hand. If he find none that seems to be free from error, then let him decide whether love to God and love to man require him, for the sake of fulfilling his destiny on earth to pledge himself to any sect. If so, then let him adhere to that one which he finds to be the RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 27 most free from error. If lie is not prompted to do so, then let him decide whether God has called him independently to preach the truth as he sees and views it. If the spirit move him not, then let him simply and quietly walk hefore his God as an humhle and trustful child, abstaining from evil and doing good as much as lies within him. He will prove that his ring is genuine ; he will follow the judge's advice, and he will verify the judge's prediction. This is the whole secret, or rather the open secret about the worth of any religion, of any religious profession — sincerity and consistency, that is, the fact of having tried to find out one's true relation to God, and the fact of endeavoring to regulate one's whole life in accordance with this relation, or rather as its natural result and effluence. Whatever a man, therefore, may profess, his ring is not genuine, if he is guilty of inconsistency and hypocrisy. If I had written the foregoing pages ten or fifteen years ago, I might have believed that I had now said enough about this story of Lessing, and that it would be enough for me to try living in accordance with the spirit it breathes, and to wish that others might do the same. At that time my state of mind, my experience and my surroundings were such as to make me only admire the beauty and truth I found in this story. I was not then able or induced to take 28 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR another view of the subject. At present, however, I feel bound to state in what respects I find the story deficient and where I think we ought to alter, or at least to complete its meaning and import. I will not lay great stress upon the circumstance that there is no foundation for saying there was at first only one genuine ring which was handed down through generations, from son to son. Abstract truth never has dwelt upon the earth, and the primi- tive generations of mankind never had any percep- tion of religion in all its simplicity and purity. Still we may be easily satisfied with the way in which Lessing states the subject. His supposition cannot have any practical result and effect for the worse. On the contrary, I find it has a very delightful effect upon the mind, since it serves as a contrast to the present transitory and ] amen table state of confusion and degradation, and incites the mind to long for a better and more perfect condition of mankind — no matter whether such a state ever has existed or not More important is the view we must take in devi- ation from Lessing's representation, of the number and the names of the sects we are obliged to compare. In this country and at the present time, there is no practical need of our taking the Jewish and Moham- medan sects into consideration ; we must confine our comparison to the different denominations of Christians. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 29 In Lessing's time and in the country that Lore him, there would have been hardly any inducement to take a comprehensive view of any other than the Catholic, Lutheran and Eeformed churches. With us, however, it is different. The sects which exist around us, which lay claim to our attention and invite us to join their ranks, are far more than three in number, and this circumstance makes, therefore, the matter more complicate and the decision more difficult. The principal things about which we must differ from Lessing are the decision and the choice which ought to be the result of our knowledge and views concerning the different sects. When Nathan has finished his story, he says to Saladin, " If you feel within you that you are this wiser man who was promised," — Saladin interrupts him, saying, "I — dust ? I — nothing ? God ! — Nathan, dear Nathan ! Thy judge's thousands of thousand years are not yet past. His judgment's seat does not belong to me. Go ! Go ! But be my friend V 9 I think we ought not to agree with the opinion which this passage implies. As far as we, individu- ally and personally are concerned, I think, we ought to say that the judge's seat belongs to each and all of us. As I said before, if Providence has enabled us to compare the different sects, it is not only our 30 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR right, but also our duty to decide whether any one of them is an unalloyed embodiment of true religion, or to find out Avhich of them comes nearest to our standard of purity and perfection. And at the pres- ent time most of us, at least in this country, are enabled and induced to compare the different sects, and we are not allowed to waive the question, " what denomination we consider to be the best." There is another passage in Lessing's work which refers to the same subject. Saladin interrupts Nathan's story with these words : " The rings ! — Do not play with me ! — I should think that the religions I named to thee, might be distinguished. Even as to dress ; as to drink and meat !" Nathan replies ; " Only not as far as their foundation is concerned. For do they not all found themselves on history, written, or delivered by tradition ? xVnd history, I suppose , has to be accepted only on trust and faith, is it not so ? Well, whose trustworthiness and faith- fulness is one least apt to doubt ? I should think that of one's own ? That of tli >se from whom we descended — that of those who have given us from our childhood proofs of their love — who never have deceived us, except where it was more salutary for us to be deceived ? How can I less trust in my fore- fathers, than you in yours ? Or the reverse. Can I expect that you should give the lie to your ancestors RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 31 for the sake of not contradicting mine? Or the reverse. The same can be said of the Christians. Is it not so ?" Saladin exclaims ; " By the living One ! The man is right. I must be silent V There is a great deal of beauty, force and truth in this dialogue. Still, neither the views it expresses, nor the whole work of which it is a part, ought to lead us into the belief that it is entirely indifferent or irrelevant what sect we belong to. We know that God will accept every one, to whatever sect he may belong, if he is only sincere in his belief, and dili- gent in making his life the sincere expression of his faith. But we ought not to say that all sects are equal as to the probability of making it easy for us to be sincere in our belief, or to make our life the true and real effluence of our faith. We live in a century and in a country and in cir- cumstances that cannot fail to open our minds more or less to reflection, and we cannot abide by the traditions, by the history and by the opinions of our fathers and grandfathers. We must compare ; we must choose. And in doing so, we shall find a vast difference between the various sects. Some will seem to us repulsive, because our minds revolt against subscribing to their tenets, or because their rites and outward regulations in general do not awaken any sympathy in our hearts. Others will 32 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR have a contrary effect, and if we deliberately choose to join any sect, we must bestow our preference where we hope entirely, or almost entirely, to find ourselves free from danger of subscribing to tenets which seem erroneous or doubtful to us ; where we are sure that the forms and regulations will not hinder us in leading a sincere and godly life ; where on the con- trary, everything will tend to assisting, inciting and strengthening us in our endeavors to become perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect. I know that Providence does not grant equal pow- ers and equal opportunities to all men by their own observation, investigation and experience to come to a comprehensive view and decision concerning all or even most of the many sects of Christians. Still, as I have said before, at the present time, in this country most persons are more or less enabled, obliged and forced to decide and to choose for themselves on some ground or other. It is their duty to use those means which God may send them, by which he induces them to think, and by which he assists them in choosing. Thus I consider it to be the duty of every one who has read the foregoing pages, carefully to examine the following narrative of my experiences. Providence has guided me so far in a strange manner through a checkered life. On my way through the past years I have had many occasions RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 33 and inducements to compare the different christian sects, as well concerning their different creeds, as con- cerning their different forms. I have probably had more experience of this kind than commonly falls to the lot of man, and finally the conviction slowly ripened within me, that I should not have lived in vain, if I had communicated to my fellow-men my experiences and opinions concerning the two aspects of religion I have mentioned. If humility towards our Creator allows us to speak of a special Providence, I might say, I have reason to believe that my fate, my whole life has tended to fit me for the task I have undertaken and to awaken in me the sense of an imperative duty, pointing out to me this task as the only way in which I could make my life the truthful reflection of a sincere faith, of a faith dearly bought through long years of doubt, darkness and severe trials. Under these impressions I write ; under these impressions I trust in the issue of my undertaking. May God destine it to assist individuals in their search after holiness and truth ; or may it pass by silently, unnoticed and as to the world at large, ineffective — one happy result it will produce — it will ease the conscience of one person ; — finished or unfin- ished, it will prepare one person to die with the con- viction of having tried to do his duty, and will 3 34 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR thus enable him to die in tranquillity and peace. I wish, therefore, as I have intimated, to relate the incidents of my past life, as far as they seem to be either directly or indirectly connected with the subject of religion ; as far as they in themselves are apt to show which religious sect seems to be the best adapted to promoting through its tenets and its forms, the aims of religion ; or at least as far as they have given me occasion to meditate on this subject. Among other subjects of general or particu- lar interest I shall mention only those which seemed to have some influence upon the development of my individual religious life and thus indirectly upon my opinions concerning religion in general. I will not raise the reader's expectations so much as to cause him to anticipate a narrative full of start- ling facts and events : on the contrary, many things may appear, in themselves, insignificant ; their only claim to attention will be that they afford me an occasion for making reflections, and that they may induce the reader to look back upon his own life, to compare his own experiences and opinions with mine, and thus to come to a conclusion of his own. What- ever this conclusion may be, God will bless it with happy consequences, if it is only formed with sincerity and with a good will towards God and humanity. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 35 CHAPTEK HI. REMINISCENCES OF CHILDHOOD. I was born in the year 1821 in Germany, in the Northern part of the Granddukedoni of Oldenburg. There is nothing that has so great an influence upon a person's relations throughout his life, as the circumstances connected with the beginning of his earthly career. In what age or century a person is born ; in what country and place ; who are his parents and what their constitution, temperament, character and condition ; whatever other agencies act upon a person about the time of his birth — all this together has such an influence upon his bodily and mental constitution, upon his development, upon his feelings, thoughts, character and fate throughout his life, that it is very difficult to draw a line between the two parts of his actions and fate which depend, or do not depend upon his free will. This general remark is applicable to a good many things connected with religion ; particularly have the circumstances connected with a person's birth, a great influence as to the religious sect to which he after- wards may belong. This is more noticeable in Europe than in this country ; in fact, in any other country 36 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR more so than in the United States. There are mil- lions and millions of people on earth of whom it could never be expected that they should have the remotest idea of belonging to any other sect than to that of their parents. And even if every indi- vidual's mind were so far developed as to be able to comprehend such a possibility, still there would be millions of people left who would not be at liberty to follow their own choice. This shows how little difference it makes, as to acceptableness with God, to what denomination a person belongs ; that is, not by choice, but in fact. In Germany, the inhabitants of the same region belong almost exclusively to the same denomination. The South is Catholic; the North Protestant. In some large cities one may find considerable congre- gations formed by people who do not belong to the prevailing sect ; but in smaller towns and in the country there are usually only a few dissenting indi- viduals ; in many regions there is not one such person to be found. In the Northern part of my native state, the inhabitants belonged to the Lutheran denomination. Probably, I did not see in my child- hood any person who was not a Lutheran, except, perhaps, a few Jews who lived here and there as pedlers or hucksters. Everything, therefore, which had a religious influ- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 37 ence upon me, or which, at least, was intended to have such an influence, came to me through the channel of the Lutheran creed and the Lutheran rites. There and at that time every child was bap- tized a few days, or a few weeks after its "birth. I suppose, no parent would have heen at liberty to deviate from this rule. At least, I recollect that once, (even more than twenty years later) a child was taken by the constable and carried to the church to be baptized. Its parents had refused to have the child baptized by the parish minister, since they had been converted to a sect which just then began to make proselytes in Germany without being tolerated and without being allowed to withdraw from the existing church and ritual. During my childhood, however, there was no agi- tation of any kind concerning religion. Most parents had their children baptized, not exactly because the government commanded it, nor because they them- selves had investigated the doctrine of baptism and had come to the conviction of its necessity. I sup- pose, they were only prompted by a superstitious, or at least a vague belief in the purifying power of baptism, and by the desire of giving the child a name. Perhaps they ventured upon choosing a name sometime before baptism, and, though rarely, upon using this name ; but nobody believed that the 38 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR latter could be lawfully given except by the minister while baptizing. I know of one instance where the minister forgot to pronounce the name intended to be given. The child's parents had no peace of mind until the minister had come once more, had baptized the child again and given it a name. According to the rule I have spoken of, I was baptized when about a fortnight old. Whether I have reason to rejoice in this circumstance, I am hardly able to decide. I know it has done me no harm, and on the whole, I know only of two things which might be said in opposition to such a rite. The one which is merely local and outward, is this : The life, or at least the health of children is often ex-' posed to danger, if the baptism is performed in the church, and if the children are carried there during the winter, as it is done in Germany where the churches are not warmed. And the immersion of adults cannot fail to bo injurious under such circum- stances as we sometimes hear of. It is true that during an intense excitement a person can endure a great deal ; still, such a power of endurance ought not to be put to so severe a test. The other objection is of a graver nature. People are apt to have too high an opinion of the influence of baptism, an opinion degenerating into superstitious awe and hope. There are whole sects whose creed RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 39 enjoins the belief in the purifying effect of baptism. We ought not to find fault with Luther for standing still and halting half way ; for saying in his some- what mystical explanation of the sacraments : " the water does not do it, but the word of God which cometh with and by the water." Luther was a great man, a giant who dared to storm the fortress of the Catholic hierarchy, formalism and superstition ; but should we wonder, if he could not rid himself from some preconceived notions? Truly, if Luther had lived in the present day, he would have been a reformer of a different stamp. At the present time it seems to me infinitely more easy to free one's self from the dominion of precon- ceived notions. A clearer view ought now to be expected even from thousands of men who are far inferior to Luther in mental power and in genuine, rational piety. Nothing but want of independent thought can be the reason why millions of Christians at present ascribe to baptism more than a symbolical significance. If I examine myself, with the best intention, I cannot really ascribe to being baptized anything good that I might find within me. The minister who baptized me, was a very good man, but he could not influence me at the time, neither personally, nor as God's medium or mediator. I met him again when 40 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR I was a youth, and I honored him as a good man, but not because he had baptized me. What virtue or power was there in the act of sprinkling my head with a few drops of water? I was certainly after it identically the same being in body and soul, as the moment before. The sacred words the minister pro- nounced, could not change me, and transform me in that moment from a Heathen into a Christian. They could not drive out the inherited sin, if there was any in me. They could not protect me against the influence of the devil, if I was exposed to the malice of such a being. They could not change the aim for which a kind Deity had created me, for God is good and wise, and does not need the rite of baptism to connect himself kindly and closely with the crea- tures of his hand. The only influence my baptism could have, was that exerted on the grown persons concerned in it, and I hardly venture to say that it had any decided influence upon them. I suppose, my parents' con- science was eased by having me baptized, but I do not believe that their conduct towards me, their care for me and their influence upon me were much affected by that act, or by the recollection of it. The min- ister who was afterward promoted to a higher dignity, and in whose diocese I was teacher for some time, RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 41 treated me very kindly ; still, I am sure he would have done so, if he had not "baptized me. I do not think that my sponsors were much influ- enced by that religious act ; at least, I do not remem- ber that they ever tried, as such, to promote my bodily or mental welfare. In fact, I am not sure that I ever have known who they were. When I commenced this part of my narrative, I did not know their names, and wishing to know of my relation to them, I was obliged, first to examine the certificate of baptism in my possession. I find there one per- son mentioned, whom, I think, I have never known, and the other two were not at all remembered by me as my sponsors. My experience on this subject is no exception. Persons in the most widely differing situations must acknowledge to have had the same experience. The poorer classes of my countrymen chose sponsors principally with the expectation of most welcome baptismal presents, and when the sponsors had given these, they had done all that was expected from them. In other cases, the sponsors were chosen on the ground of consanguinity, or of other claims to re- spect and attention. I do not recollect often to have met with instances where sponsors were chosen, or were acting in accord- 42 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR ance with the principle of responsibility and guar- dianship involved in this relation. Still, after all, I would not very decidedly militate against the continuance of the rite of baptism. I know the Quakers have good reasons for maintaining that baptism with water is no sacrament. John the Baptist says that he himself baptizes with water, but Christ will baptize with the Hohy Ghost and with fire. (Matt, iii : 11. Lukeiii: 16.) The Quakers are right when they say, there is no proof that Christ's injunctions of baptizing and of being baptized, include the necessity of baptizing with water. They are right in saying there is no record of Christ's having baptized anybody. They have, therefore, some reason for explaining baptism as a spiritual regeneration and for discontinuing the rite of baptism as a mere form. I agree so far with them, that I personally do not attach any importance to having been baptized, and that I think the most perfect state of the human mind is the one in which an individual proves to be religious independently of all outward forms. I can- not help wishing, therefore, that all Christians might adopt the view of the Quakers, and that everybody might be baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire, and not with water. Still, I believe, that at present the world at large is not prepared for leading a reli- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 43 gious life entirely independent of forms and rites, and, therefore, I think we ought to be tolerant enough to look without great disappointment upon the con- tinuance of baptism among some sects, for an indefi- nite space of time. However, if I should express my opinion fully, I ought to add that I should have much more sympathy, in this respect, with the Baptists, than with the other denominations who consider the baptism of infants necessary. As I have stated above, the influence of the latter upon the assisting grown persons is very slight, very rare and very passing. The influence upon the child I consider to be null at the time, and problematic as to the future. In this country, I sup- pose I have seen grown persons, at least, I know I have seen children and youths, who never had been baptized, and certainly there was nothing about them by which to distinguish them from those that had been baptized. The Baptists have, at least, this in their favor, that they can say, the baptism of adults is calculated to have some good influence upon the baptized indi- viduals. If it is not the fruit of superstition or of hypocrisy, it is the result and evidence of a right state of mind and probably a means of strengthening and inciting a person to strive for a pure religious faith and a pure religious life. 44 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR Having thus expressed my opinion upon the most important religious subject connected with my child- hood, I have hut little more to add. My parents were both quite as religious as anybody around them. My father was a just, upright and active man. He was organist in the church of a small village and teacher in the parish school, and as such he had offi- cially to take a part in all the customary religious acts and performances. He did this without any great amount of outward signs of devotion, but also without any carelessness or levity. My mother went only once or twice a month to church, but her life was an uninterrupted exemplification of the true character of a good wife, mother, mistress and neighbor. I can hardly remember any instance of having been obliged or induced during my childhood, to join in any religious exercises, or even to witness them. I have a faint recollection of having been at church and of listening to the organ, but I have not the slightest recollection of having heard any sermon. At home we had no morning or evening devotions. As I intimated above, this does not prove that my parents were not religious, or did not try to educate their children well. They were what their time and their country made them. I think there was not in the whole neighborhood a family, where the mem- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 45 bers were wont to meet for any such religious exercises. Thus it could not be expected of my parents, that they should do so. What in this country is left to parents and to Sabbath- School Teachers, was in my native country expected and required from the common schools. There, the children are instructed in religion as soon as they enter, which is at the age of six years, and there I suppose I received my first definite impressions concerning religion. Still I am unable to trace them. Since my father allowed me to enter the school when I was four years old, I learned all the first elements of knowledge, (writing, reading, &c.,) without now being able to recall that, when and how I learned them. Whatever course my parents pursued in my mental and spiritual education, whether they could have done more, or not, for the sake of making me a good and pious man, so much is certain, that they did not kill the spirit by formalism ; they did nothing to make me hate outward religion ; they did not embitter my early years- by useless and irksome attempts to foster a precocious religious spirit. I have no recollection of early griefs and sorrows, and believe, therefore, to have spent a very happy childhood, a childhood which made it less difficult for me, afterwards to aspire to purity and simplicity in religious faith. 46 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR I ought, however, on this occasion to notice one more thing which is of the greatest importance as to the religious views which a child may imbibe, and which may perhaps be fixed in his mind forever ; I mean superstition. A child can be made to believe anything, and what it does believe at the time — this is entirely the work of outward influences. And what the grown person believes, or disbelieves, may be different from the belief of his childhood ; still, the latter cannot be considered as entirely irrelevant. Happy are those who in their childhood are neither made to believe too little, nor too much ; for any one is apt on coming to years of discretion to be driven into an extreme either on the same side where he erred in his childhood, or on the opposite. My parents, as far as I recollect, did nothing to make me superstitious in religious matters. I only remember that my mother used to relate incidents like the following. One evening during her childhood, a gentleman and his wife who had paid a visit at her father's house, were accompanied home by a servant with a lantern. On the way they were overtaken by a thunderstorm, and the servant, in spite of all admoni- tion, spoke about it in a very irreligious way, saying, " light up, devil, &c." Because the weather was so bad, he was persuaded to stay over night at the RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 47 neighbor's house. There, he lay down to sleep on a bench in a front room. The lightning struck the house, entered at the gable end, went down into that room, killed that servant, and went out again without injuring any one else, or setting the house on fire. I know we ought not to judge others, and ought not to call anybody's misfortunes, except our own, punishments, judgments, admonitions of the Deity. Still, I would rather have been taught by my mother that God punishes the wicked directly on this earth than to be told that money paid for a mass, will help a soul sooner to get out of purgatory, &c. From other children and from grown people of a limited education I heard occasionally some things which were superstitious and absurd enough. There was more superstition among the people at large than one would expect to find in the 19th century, in a protestant community. Many there were who firmly believed in ghosts, in forebodings, in places being haunted &c. I will only give one specimen. In our neighborhood there was an estate which in feudal times had been owned by a noble family. Several centuries ago there lived on this estate a man who was a tyrant over his subjects. He built a church, and when it was finished, and the preacher was to preach in it for the first time, he told the latter not to begin his sermon before he should arrive. 48 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR The preacher waited a long time, but at last, when he gave up all hope of seeing the nobleman, he began his sermon. Very soon, however, his patron entered the church, and finding that he had been disobeyed, he killed the minister instantly in the pulpit. This, and other such evil deeds showed his estrange- ment from God ; he went on from one crime to another, and at last, for some purpose or other, he forfeited himself to the devil. However, when he lay on his death-bed, he determined upon cheating the devil out of his reward, and gave his directions accordingly. His servants, therefore, when their master had died, placed him in a coffin upon the threshing floor. Around it they drew a magic circle, and inside of the circle they seated themselves to watch and to pray over the corpse, and thus to keep off the devil. At midnight, the lord of the infernal regions made his appearance and demanded his own. However, he could not break the spell and could not pass into the circle. Enraged he disappeared. The second night he was not much more successful. Misfortune only befell a chanticleer, whom the ser- vants had kept within the circle to tell by his song the hour of the night ; he ventured across the line, and the devil in his rage tore him into pieces. Dur- ing the third night, by some unaccountable mistake, RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 49 the coffin had been placed too near the circumference. The devil found it possible to lay hold of the corpse. The servants, when they saw this, tried by fervent and loud prayers to avert the impending evil. The devil became so enraged at this that he knew no bounds to his wrath ; he fleeced the dead body in an instant, and threw the skin at the servants' heads. The men stooped, and the skin hit the opposite wall. It made a reddish spot there, and this spot can be seen " up to the present day no whitewashing can blot out the stain. I will not say that I ever believed this and other stories of the same stamp, but I know I listened to them with infinite delight and " pleasant horror," and I am sure there were many old people and chil- dren who firmly believed them. 4 50 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR CHAPTER IV. BOYHOOD. For several reasons early childhood is usually con- sidered as terminating with the eighth year. For a special reason I must consider this age still more decidedly as the end of my childhood. At that time, my father was promoted to a better situation in a village about nine miles distant from my birthplace, and this change of residence had a great influence on me. At least it seems to me, as if it all at once developed my mental faculties to a considerable degree. That event itself left a very lively impression on my mind, and from that time on, I can not only remember many single facts and occurrences, but can also trace the effects these events had on me. On the other hand, the years just preceding that change are almost a blank in my memory. This leads me to believe that it does not injure children to leave their birthplace when young. It is true, they ought not to travel much, nor ought they to be transplanted, single and alone ; but their home need not always be in the same place. If the family ties remain unbroken, a change of residence is more influential RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 51 and desirable than the forming of local attachments by remaining in one place. Kelio-ious exercises did not enter into our domestic life as a regular thing, any more than in our former residence. For some reason or other, however, my father attempted once, or twice to introduce prayers before dinner. One, or two of us children had to recite a short prayer which we had learned by heart. This rule, however, was kept up only a few weeks or months, and I recollect very well how delighted we children were at being freed from such a duty. I am not aware that any religious thought or feeling ever was awakened in me, by and during those prayers ; but I have not forgotten what an irksome thing they seemed to be. I do not know what induced my father to discon- tinue this practice, but I should praise him and con- sider him very judicious, if he gave it up, because he found it a disagreeable task for us. I will not say that parents ought to do nothing that displeases their children, but I think children who are indiffer- ent, or averse to frequent and regular praying, show more good judgment and common sense than their parents who insist upon forcing it upon their children against their wishes. At school, religion formed the principal part of our exercises and instruction. Every morning and 52 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR afternoon, the whole class sang at the "beginning, three or four stanzas of a hymn ; thereupon one scholar read a long prayer ; then the next recited the Lord's prayer, and two or three others followed reciting short prayers from a collection which each of us possessed. At noon and in the evening the school was closed by a short prayer, or by singing one stanza of a hymn. My recollection of these exercises is not a very pleasant one. I cannot trace any good impression they made on me ; on the con- trary, I know how anxious I often was to get through. And I am sure I was no more irreligious or wicked than the other scholars ; they all felt and spoke about the subject as I did. More favorable and cheerful are my impressions of the religious instruction imparted at school. My father had commenced teaching before the year 1810, when the methods of instruction had not yet been so much developed and perfectioned as they were when I began teaching ; moreover, at that time, there ex- isted no special institutions like the teacher's semi- naries of a later date in which we younger teachers were directly prepared for our business. Thus it could not be expected from my father that he should make his religious instruction as interesting and useful, as I know from my own experience they can RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 53 be made. Still, even his labors, I think, were not in vain. The first school hour of two mornings in the week, was dedicated to the catechism ; of two others, to Bible history, and of the remaining two, to the Epis- tles and to Hymns. The first branch of these in- structions did not consist in the teacher's asking questions from the book and the scholars' reciting answers that were learned by rote. The teacher had prepared a dialogue upon a definite plan. For exam, pie, if he was to teach about Omnipotence, he first tried to elicit from the scholars, or to develop in their minds the idea of power and of omnipotence. Then he made them find in the Universe around them and in their own being, the proofs of God's Omnipotence. Then he explained the verses in the Bible which speak of God as the Almighty. Lastly, he tried to bring this knowledge home to the scholars by helping them to find out what influence this truth had, or must have on every human mind. He exemplified this by adducing or relating instances of historical persons whose lives showed the impress of this truth, and he finished by a short epilogue calculated to awaken in the scholars a desire to let their lives be influenced by the religious truth they had contem- plated. If a teacher did not always succeed in warm- ing the hearts of his scholars, at least he was apt to 54 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR enlighten their minds, since he always instructed by means of free and unembarrassed dialogues ; and this seems to me to be doing a great deal. The second branch oi religious instruction consisted in reading, reciting, explaining and applying those parts of the old and new Testament, which, connected wi th occasional supplementary information, gave a knowledge of the ante-Mosaic history, of the origin, continuance and downfall of the Mosaic religion, and of the origin of Christianity. To this was often added an outline of ecclesiastical history up to the present time. The third branch consisted partly in reading, analyz- ing, explaining and reciting hymns, but principally in reading and explaining the Epistles of the Apostles, impressing as much as possible upon the minds and hearts of the scholars the importance and necessity of regulating one's life in accordance with the precepts given in the text. Besides this instruction, complete in itself, we also received instruction from the minister, and I recollect distinctly what a useless and disagreeable addition this seemed to us. On Sundays, the scholars of the first class were obliged to go to church, and when the sei vices were over, we had to place ourselves in the aisle, the boys in a file on one side, and the girls on the other. As I was at the head of the class, I had RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 55 first to say along prayer which. I had learned by heart. Then the minister tried to give us religious instruction, but he never made it interesting, or useful. On the whole, never afterwards did I hear a minister instruct the children so well in religion, as the primary teach- ers. The former were not, like the latter, directly prepared and trained for teaching children, through the medium of dialogues, and failed, therefore, in forming the right plan, in putting the right questions* in making the right use of answers they received. On the whole, they were deficient in tact, and the latter makes the good teacher, much more than any amount of erudition. On Wednesdays and Saturdays the minister came to the school. On the latter day, he explained to us Luther's small catechism. On the former, he ques- tioned us about the sermon of the preceding Sunday, of which he expected us to have written, at least, the text, the subject and the principal heads or subdivisions "We did not like this much ; still if it did not make us better, it obliged us, at least, to be partially attentive, and it proved thus to be a good mental exercise. I learned to give quite an extensive sketch of a sermon, but the minister once made a great mistake, and spoiled the pleasure I might have derived from it. Once, when I showed him such a sketch, he said, he supposed that " I had ploughed with another person's oxen," 56 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR moaning that I had copied from the notes which he knew my father's assistaut was wont to make. I do not think I wrote again an extensive sketch of a ser- mon, until I went to another school and heard other ministers. Truly, suspicion, or any kind of injustice, cuts sha/p- ly into the heart of a child, and grown persons ought to beware of hurting a child's feelings. I remember, for instance, that some years later, one of my teachers, in a fit of passion, threw a book at the head of a scholar. The latter dodged, and the book hit me who was sitting on the bench behind him. The teacher did not say a word of excuse to me, and I remember it took me a long time to forgive him this want of justice and 'of kindness. Surely, the best way of teaching children religion, is to be religious one's self, and especially scrupulously religious in one's treatment of children. And by " religious " I mean " wise, just and kind," towards them, as God is towards us. If I have confessed in the foregoing lines, that I was not interested in most of the religious performan- ces I participated in or witnessed, I think I do not expose myself to the blame of having been more irreligious than other children. I have noticed the same spirit in most children wherever I have been. Even in this country, in a family where the mother was truly a pious woman, and the children were as good RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 57 and as well educated as in any other family, I noticed that the children were not always interested in our family devotions, (at least, not in tke long ones on Sundays,) and that they really disliked heing taught their catechism. Instead of believing, as their mother did, that this was owing to inherent sin, I thought they followed their uncorrupted instinct and best guide. As to public worship, I think the Quakers are, by far, the most judicious. If I am rightly informed they do not oblige their children to be present at the Sunday meetings, but hold a meeting in the middle of the week, which is appointed principally to meet the wants of children. I must notice one instance from my boyhood which shows, in opposition to other things mentioned, that I was neither thoughtless, nor inaccessible to religious impressions. For several years, my father let me go a part of the week, to a neighboring village for the sake of taking Latin lessons from a candidate of Divinity. I remember that every morning just after having started, I recommended myself to God's pro- tection, by repeating Christ's words : " Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." I suppose, I was principally influenced by fear, to do so, for my path led me through many meadows where there were herds of cattle. Occasionally some of them became furious, 58 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR and we heard now and then of instances where a person had heen attacked by them. But even if it was fear, and not the higher motive of disinterested love that first led me thus to pray of my own accord, I look hack upon that circumstance with great delight. It showed that I spontaneously acknowledged God to he my father and protector. And certainly my childish religion was as good as that of most grown persons ; for how many are there, who can say, " I am entirely free from fear and from self-interest, and I pray to God with disinterestedness and pure love ; my prayers are not the result of mere hahit, nor prompted hy the dread of impending evil, or by the hopes of future gifts and rewards ? " When I was about 12 years of age, my father sent me to the gymnasium or college, in a neighboring town. This change could not fail again to have a de- cided influence on me ; it changed my whole course of studies ; it forced me into entirely different associations ; it taught me somewhat early to depend upon myself, since my father hired a room for me in a private house where the people had and exercised no control over me. Still I was not entirely removed out of my fami- ly's circle. I was only five miles from home and spent, therefore, many a Satarday and Sunday with my parents, besides all my vacations which came five times a year, and lasted from one to three weeks each. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 59 For some time there occurred hardly anything of which I could say that it had a decidedly new religious influence upon me. At college we were instructed in religion in a manner which has left no deep traces in my mind, no more than^ the Sunday catechizations which all the students under 14 years of age were ohliged to attend. When I was at home, I often went with my father to church/principally, I suppose, "because I liked to hear the organ and occasionally to play it myself. When I was about 14 years of age, I applied, in conformity with the laws of the state, for being con- firmed. Confirmation is the act which allowed the scholars of the common schools to leave off going to school, and 14 years, or upward, was the age requisite for being admitted to that religious act. According to the law, we had previously to go to the minister several times a week, for several months, in order to be instructed in the catechism. This regu- lation was a remnant of a former half-civilized age. When there were no schools, or at best only miserable ones, this regulation might have been very useful and necessary, but when I went through this course, there was not the slightest need of it, and it seemed espe- cially aggravating to us college students thus to lose so many beautiful and valuable hours which we could have spent so much more usefully and pleasantly. 60 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR The day usually appointed for confirmation was the Sunday before Easter, Palm-Sunday. On this day, after due preparation, we were confirmed in the church surrounded by a large crowd of people. Such a con- firmation, on the whole, seemed to fill a church more than anything else ; on such an occasion there was always a large congregation, in churches even that were on other Sundays almost empty. From this, we may infer that the confirmation was considered by old and young as one of the most solemn religious acts. After the usual prayers and the singing of hymns, the " Confirmandi " ranged themselves in the aisle, and the minister went through a kind of examination or recapitulation of the instruction during the preced- ing winter, intended to give the scholars an occasion, by their answers to show that they had sufficient reli- gious knowledge. This was followed by an exhorta- tion, in which the minister partly addressed the con- firmandi, partly their parents and other relations, and partly the whole congregation. Thereupon the minister took his stand at the altar ; the confirmandi successively came up to him, perhaps in the number of 8 or 10, and knelt round the altar. By giving the right hand to the minister they promised to keep the covenant, if I may thus term the signifi- cance of the rite, which, in other words, is a comple- tion and corollary of baptism, since the " confirmand ,, RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 61 declares that he now acknowledges the validity of what has been done to him when an infant ; that he now takes upon himself the responsibility which, be- fore, rested upon his sponsors ; that he will try to lead a true Christian life &c. Finally, the minister blessed the confirmandi two by two, laying his hands on their heads, and giving them some cardinal verse from the Scriptures as a guide or as a treasure by which to remember this moment. I must, however, confess that I have long ago for- gotten what verse was pronounced over me. By saying this, I do not wish to intimate that this religious act made no impression upon me. On the contrary, I remember very few religious acts that have impressed me so deeply as this one. In the afternoon, a friend of mine and I planted each, in a flower-pot, a rose, which each of us kept for a long time as a token of remembrance. Such a thing I have not done on any other occasion in my whole life. What I have to object to this custom, is this : it ought not to be subjected to law, but ought to be the result of an inward necessity and of a person's free- will. Then the period of life appointed for it, was not the right one. I do not think I was old enough fully to realize the importance and significance of the act, and I am sure there was not one out of a hundred 62 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR who was at that age more able than I, to comprehend the meaning of the act, to meditate on its consequences and to form resolutions adequate to the circumstances. Moreover, the thing has its dangers. Besides the many who go thoughtlessly through such a ceremony, and who consequently desecrate a solemn rite, there are thousands who knowingly and intentionally do not keep their promises, and swear thus a false oath before their God. My opinion, therefore, is that it is best not to have any such ceremony at all, and to leave such declarations, promises and resolutions to each individual, as a pri- vate affair between him and his God. Still, if some one should say that the generality of Christians need some outward signs and forms, I would answer him, that I consider the baptism of adults alone by far superior to infant baptism combined with its completion — compulsory and universal confirmation. With us, the confirmation had a great influence up- on a person's social relations ; directly after it every one was admitted on an equal footing to the different relations and branches of the life of adults. As to religion, that act was followed by the first admission to the communion-table which was again one of the most important events of one's whole life. The Thursday after Palm-Sunday (Maundy-Thursday) was the day appointed for this act. The Germans call RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 63 that day Green-Thursday, because the ancient Jews on that day ate their passover with green herbs. The young Christian usually went to the first com- m union together with his parents, sisters, brothers and friends. This made it the more solemn. And one other thing among the Lutheran ordinances, I con- sidered to be especially useful. When they, after the reformation, abolished the auricular confession which is still kept up among the Catholics, a general public confession was instituted in its stead. That is, all those who wished on a certain day to go to communion, met on the preceding day at the church. Here the minister addressed them in such words as mi^ht be calculated to lead his hearers to a rigid self-examina- tion &c, so as to approach the communion-table on the following day with a contrite heart, with a humble mind and with good and strong resolutions. But it was a pity that in many places a custom was connected with this beneficial preparatory act which seemed to me entirely to spoil the effect of the latter. I went once to such a meeting in a strange place, and with all the others who intended to go to the commu- nion, I stood before the altar listening to the minister's address. "When he had finished, he turned round and laid his head upon the altar as if he was praying. At the same time the file of communicants beo*an to move, and walked in procession around the altar. 64 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR I did not join the ranks and stood looking on in utter amazement. Soon, however, the mystery was solved. When the leader of the procession appeared again on the other side of the altar, he deposited there a piece of money, and all the others followed his example. They payed for their communion, and the minister depended for a part of his income upon the money thus raised. About the first communion, I must repeat what I said about confirmation. For the same reasons it ought not to be such a general thing, and young people of 14 years rarely ought to be admitted to it. I do not recollect whether on that day I really had already investigated the doctrine of the sacrament of com- munion ; if I had, I could not well have joined in the communion with sincerity and in good faith. At least, I do not recollect ever to have consciously believed in the Lutheran doctrine of co-substantiation, and much less, therefore, in the Catholic doctrine of transub- stantiation. How any sane human mind ever could believe the latter, has always been a mystery to me< But even the Lutheran belief of " receiving Christ's body in, with and by the bread " does not seem to me much more comprehensible and acceptable than the former. I know, ever since I had a belief of my own, I looked upon communion as a mere symbolical rite — according to the creed of the Eeformed Church. I RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 65 only went once, or twice again to communion, and that only, for the sake of yielding to my parents' wishes ; afterwards my conscience would not have allowed me even tacitly and practically to assent to the Lutheran doctrine of co-substantiation. At present I should hardly feel able with sincerity to join in communion with Christians of any denomi- nation, at least if they call communion a sacrament. First, I consider it to he of the greatest importance that we should look upon tenets and forms, in the true light and spirit of the Christian religion which is expressed in Christ's words, " the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.' ' The Christian religion is pre-eminently a spiritual and inward religion, and does not depend upon forms or types. The less it is alloyed with the latter, the nobler and purer it is. And that sincere and pure Christianity can and does exist independent of forms, we see verified in the lives of many pious Quakers. The Quakers have discontinued the rite of com- munion. Among other things which justify them in doing so, they adduce the following. On the same occasion, when Christ broke the bread, he also washed the disciples' feet, and insisted very earnestly upon their doing to each other the same. Now, if all Christian sects agree in explaining this act as a sym- bolical one, and construe the injunction in a figurative 5 G6 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR sense, why should not the other act of breaking bread be explained in the same way, since it is not any more plainly and solemnly performed than the former? But even if we would grant that Christ meant to institute a religious rite, which T verily believe he did not mean to do — even then, it would not follow that this rite ought to be performed in the mode it is per- formed, or rather I ought to say, in any of the various modes in which it is performed. The members of one denomination believe they really eat the body and drink the blood of Christ (what a shocking idea this must seem to an intelligent " outsider 99 who thinks of anthropophagi as only living on some islands in the Pacific Ocean. ) The members of another denomination believe they mystically eat the body and drink the blood of Christ, and others have various other, more or less exalted, ideas of the Lord's supper. Not only the doctrine, but also the rite itself varies much. Some say the priest only, must perform the rite. Others consider it necessary that the laity should eat the bread. Some refuse the lay members the wine, some insist upon giving it. Some consider it necessary to give the bread in the shape of wafers, others give pieces of common household bread. Some are of the opinion that wax-candles must burn during the per- formance, others are opposed to it. Some think the RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. G7 communicants ought to kneel around the altar ; others think they may remain in their pews. Surely, if we contemplate all this, and if we then study the history of the Christian Church, we are tempted to agree with an Author (a Quaker) who says, " These ordinances which have been the cause of endless divisions and contentions and persecutions, cannot truly appertain to the law of God." I must repeat, if Christ meant to institute a reli- gious rite, he did not mean to institute such a sacra- ment as the Church has made of it. His command ought to he explained either as referring merely to the annual passover, or to an act more universal and common than the rite of communion. The example of the disciples and of the first Christian society shows that they put the latter construction upon it. Still, though I believe the best Christians to be those who are pious and good without depending upon the rite of communion either for moral strength, or for humility towards God, or for love to Christ, I grant there are many Christians who are really benefited by partaking of the Lord's supper, and we ought to admit that those who cannot do without forms, are justified in continuing the rite of communion. We would only insist upon one thing. It is un- worthy of an enlightened age, country and religious society, that any one should look upon communion as 63 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR anything more than a useful, symbolical rite. Nobody ouo-ht to believe that the mere act should insure re- demption, cleanse from all sins and open the gates of heaven. Much less ought it to be relied upon as an indulgence and as a pretext for deviations from the right path, at other times. In Germany I once knew a man who went one Sunday to communion, and the following Sunday a poaching. I fear, that He who reads clearly the history of every human life and heart, finds many such sad contrasts and inconsistencies. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 69 CHAPTER V. V YOUTH. Though confirmation and first communion, as I have ohserved, admitted hoys and girls into the ranks of grown persons, still they had not so much apparent influence upon the outward life of us, college students, since we had a rank of our own, which was graduated according to the class we "belonged to. The following year I was in a class where we had a teacher upon whom I look as on a mystery, even at the present day, after having had myself so much ex- perience as a teacher. He was less capahle than any other teacher I have ever seen, to govern, and morally or intellectually to improve his class. He was intelli- gent ; at least I do not think that any scholar ever suspected him of not "being master of the subject he taught. He was not negligent, for he performed his duties as regularly, and carefully, as any of the other teachers. We all gave him the credit of being a very good man ; yea, we believed him to be strictly a pious, a religious person. He had been a settled minister, before he was appointed as our teacher, and we knew that he had been a less worldly-minded minister, than any other in the whole neighborhood. And still, he 70 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR kept no discipline. It is incredible what liberties the scholars took, what pranks and tricks, what mischief and wickedness were practised in his classes. Tn later years, I have often thought, and tried to find out, what could have been the reason, that he failed just where some others, an hour before, or after, kept the most admirable discipline. I have never been able to find a fully satisfactory explanation. He was usually too impassive, too weak, or " too good"; he allowed many things to pass a long time unnoticed, but at long intervals he happened to be roused, and then he became so passionate, that he lost all control over himself. Once I noticed that his mouth foamed, and even such scenes were rather a source of sport for the scholars. If I recollect rightly, he once fell upon his knees and prayed, but also without effect. Whether his want of strength, and of the right degree of equanimity explains all this, I do not know. I can only surmise one other cause, which is the secret reason of many failures in teaching, and in education generally, viz., want of disinterested love towards the single scholars ; but I have no right to accuse this teacher of such a want ; on the contrary I owe him much gratitude for private lessons which he gave me gratuitously. It will be easily comprehended, that religious in- struction from such a man, could have no good effect RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 71 on us. I can picture hira to myself as standing before us, with the beautiful book " Charity, Faith, and Hope " of Draeseke in his hand, but I have no recollec- tion of what he said ; I remember much better that one of the students used to make all sorts of sport during the lessons, of a picture of Christ, which was in his book. I remained only one year after my confirmation, in this class ; at that time I left the college entirely. My father had sent me there, wishing and expecting that I should study divinity. For the sake of doing this, I should have been obliged to remain two, or three years longer at college, and then to go for three years to the university. Although my father had not the means of letting me go through such a course of studies, still I could have done so ; the college was richly endowed, and was able always to assist several students throughout their stay at college and at the university. Sometime before I left, one " stipendium " was at the disposal of the consistory, and it was offered to me. Though my teachers wished me to accept it, though it was my father's desire, one day to see me in the pulpit, still I could not make up my mind to enter upon the course proposed. I cannot say that I had any weighty reasons for shunning the study of divinity, nor do I recollect that my father required me to give 72 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR any. When he saw me reluctant to remain at college, he did not urge me any further ; he was probahly wise enough to know that a youth ought not to he forced into any vocation against his will. I have never yet regreted my perseverance, or my father's indulgence in this case. There is much pre- judice in Germany concerning the standing which a stay at the university gives. I say a stay, and not an education, for the college gives the entire, regular and general education. The university gives freedom. Some, therefore, learn there merely what is necessary in their profession; some learn what they just happen to fancy ; others learn hardly anything at all except fencing, drinking beer &c. The usual course at the university of studying, or of neglecting studies, or of misapplying study, is particularly very little calculated to produce pious and practical ministers, and this is one of the reasons why Germany, especially Protestant Germany, has so few good, practical and efficient ministers. I have, therefore, often been led to think that a regular course of the prescribed studies would have made of me a minister of as little worth as so many others, and I rejoice in having been preserved from this fate. Otherwise I might have had reasons to regret my course of action, at least as long as I lived in Germany ; for as I said, the bare fact of having RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 73 been at the university procures many worldly privi- leges, some of which another person never can enjoy. And those even that he can reach, he has to conquer by great perseverance, or extraordinary qualities and attainments. I left college with the intention of preparing my- self in the regular and established way, at the Teach- ers' Seminary of the State, for the profession of teaching. At this institution they received new students only once every two years, and in expectation of such a new term I spent an intervening space of six months at home. Once or twice every week I went to town to take private lessons from my former teachers ; on the other week days, I made some at- tempts at teaching under my father's guidance. On Sundays I went to church, but more for the sake of playing the organ, than from any other motive. The time I spent subsequently at the Teachers' Seminary was one of the most influential periods of my life, as far as my religious education is concerned. Just as in all the other branches, our religious in- struction had two aims ; the one to develop us individ- ually for our own sake ; the other to impart to us, or to develop in us all the sentiments, knowledge and skill that would enable us to be good teachers. We had one teacher of religion who was not a minister and who taught us only the methodical part 74 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR of religious instruction, i. e. the way of forming the plan of a catichization ; the way of forming good questions, of making the right use of a scholar's answer, of adapting the right words to the different subjects, times, scholars &c. &c. A second teacher (he was one of the grandduke's chaplains) seemed to me to be appointed to teach us religion, for the sake of making us religious. If he was, he missed his aim, or rather was faithless to his task, because he gave us all the impression (by his yawning, by his listless behavior and attitude &c.) that he was not with heart and soul engaged in his business. So it could not but be a failure. A third teacher (he was also court chaplain and the director of our Seminary) taught us Bible and ecclesi- astical history. He was seriously engaged in what he taught, and had, therefore, a decided influence upon all of us. According to the bent of mind of the dif- ferent students he made some very orthodox, and some perhaps more heterodox than they would have been without his teaching. He himself was a very orthodox Lutheran. He believed and taught that the Mosaic account of the Creation, of its six days, &c, were to be understood literally ; he believed that Moses had known more of natural sciences, than we moderns, and was, therefore, right in saying that God created the light on the first day, but the sun, moon, and star:; RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 75 on the fourth day, (the light being a substance in- dependent of the heavenly bodies.) He taught us that Balaam's ass really had spoken ; that the sun really had stood still to give Joshua time to fight his battle, which fact, he said, was corroborated by Chinese records. These few instances will be sufficient to give an idea of the spirit in which this teacher tried to influence us. He did not carry me the whole length of his views. On the contrary, he awakened in me the spirit of investigation and of doubt, if it had not been awake before. I do not think that I was conscious at, or before that time, of wishing to avoid all error, superstition, and hypocrisy, and I am sure I did not wish to throw off the imaginary, or real yoke of a certain creed, or sect. But a spontaneous impulse, or various influences led me to take my own views. I recollect, one day while walking with a friend, I said that " Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," certainly were only three different names for three different activities or influences of one single being. My friend thought he agreed with me, but he would not like to hear me say the same thing in the presence of our teachers who did not think so. At that time, I had never heard of the distinction between Unitarians and Trinitarians, but my mind proved thus to have a direction even then, which would not make it doubtful 76 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR which of the two parties I should prefer in later years. Our fourth teacher of religion was the general Superintendent of the churches and schools, and as such the supervisor of our Seminary. He was a rationalist, and prohahly from fear that we might be too much under opposite influences he undertook to instruct us — nominally in catechetics, hut effectually in anything he just happened to hit upon. He engaged us in dialogues on theological subjects, on education, on fine arts, &c. &c, and his mode of instruction was most captivating and effective ; he knew how to make us think and speak. His lessons always seemed to be too short, too few, and too far between. In a model school which was connected with the Seminary, we made, one after the other, attempts at giving religious and other instruction, and derived great benefit from the advice, hints, and criticisms of our teachers, who were present during these exercises. In tbe Seminary, we had regular morning and evening devotions, and a part of our musical instruction was dedicated to the singing of hymns in four parts. The latter I recollect, made sometimes really a solemn impression on my mind. On Sundays we were obliged to go once to church. The city (Oldenburg) contained only one Lutheran church, though almost all its eight thousand inhabi- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 77 tants were Lutherans. There were two services in the morning, and one in the afternoon. The sixty students of the Seminary were divided into four divisions. These had to go alternately, one to the first, two to the second, and one to the third service — avowedly for the purpose of leading the singing. In order to complete my sketch of the religious in- fluences of this period of my life, I must add one thing, which will tend to prove that we are all more or less the children of our time, of our country, and of chance. We students at the Seminary whose every movement was ordered and regulated by one of the most orthodox and pious ministers of the country — we were allowed now and then to go to the theatre on Sundays, but on no other evening in the week. After a stay of eighteen months, I was permitted to leave the Seminary, and to accept the situation of private tutor in the family of a civil officer who was chief magistrate, or judge in the most southern county of the State. The inhabitants of this portion of the state were all Catholics ; only the family with which I was to live, and a few other persons were Protestants. I sent my baggage to my place of destination, and set out alone to travel the distance of sixty miles on foot. Towards the close of the first day, I had to traverse a heath, where there were no houses and hard- ly any trees in sight, on either side of the turnpike. 78 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR In the midst of this heath, at some distance from the turnpike, one sees a large number of enormous unhewn stones placed in two rows. The legend calls them the Bride of Visbeck. It is told that a young lady in the parish of Visbeck was urged by her parents to marry a young man whom she did not like. She declined, remonstrated, refused, but all in vain ; her parents insisted upon it. The day for the wedding was appointed ; the bridegroom and the guests repaired to the bride's house ; the bride, though she declared she would rather be turned into stone, than to be married to that unwelcome lover, was dressed in bridal attire ; a procession was formed, and the whole company set out to walk, two by two, to the church. But lo ! on their way the bride's wish was fulfilled ; all at once the whole company were turned into stone ; and there they stand now, for cen- turies, just as their fate overtook them. The fact is, one finds here and there in that region several similar collections of stones, and sometimes there are several large stones in the midst between the others, arranged as if they were intended to form a rude altar. Historians affirm that here the ancient Germans held their assemblies, and performed their sacrifices in accordance with the description Tacitus and later writers give of them. Without taking these historical recollections into RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 79 consideration, one is apt to be peculiarly affected by the appearance of such a large heath as I then crossed ; and as I, moreover, was somewhat excited by the expectation of what I knew to be before me, this lonely walk of about six miles over the heath, is one of the most interesting among the recollections of the many excursions and rambles I have enjoyed, during my life, as a pedestrian. When I emerged from this solitary waste, I was in a Catholic country. Near the first village I saw a crucifix on the road side. I knew from books how much reverence the Catho- lics showed to these images, which are not only found in the churches, and in small chapels outside of towns and villages, but are also erected by private persons anywhere, on the road side, or in the midst of their fields. I did not know whether it was safe for a stran- ger to deviate from the usual custom of making a cross, or of taking off one's hat ; still my feelings revolted against such an act of homage to an image. I looked shyly around, and when I saw no one near enough to notice me, I followed my inclination and passed by " straight as an arrow." This first success gave me courage, and I did not comply with the custom mentioned. I found afterwards that my Catholic friends and acquaintances, at least, did not expect me to do as they did ; except perhaps to 80 THE PROBLEM OE LIFE, OH take off my hat, when passing a funeral, or one of the grand processions that marched on certain holy days through the streets hehind the host, which was carried in pomp by priests walking under a baldachin. Such an expectation I found reasonable, especially if I put myself into the way of such things. Then and ever since, I have considered it my duty, if possi- ble, not to hurt any one's feelings, or to disturb his devotions by not complying with the established forms and rites. If it was my own free will, perhaps even mere curiosity, that led me to be present at other peo- ple's religious performances, I thought they had a right, either to make me comply with their customs, or to expel me. If I was forced by circumstances to be present at such performances, I thought it was lau- dable to behave like the rest, if I did so without being guilty of hypocrisy, i. e. if I did not wish from selfish motives to appear pious, but wished not to give offence, or to be injurious to children, or to grown persons of a childlike faith. I have, therefore, with a pure con- science knelt as well at that time in Catholic churches, as in later years during public and private devotions of Episcopalians. About six miles from my new residence there was a small Protestant congregation. I sometimes went over, induced by a feeling of equality, to pay a visit to their teacher, and several times I also stopped at the RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 81 minister's house. The latter and his wife were both from the same part of the state wmere I came from. If I may say so, they did not feel much at home in this oasis in a large Catholic desert, and they felt the need of communing with congenial and kindred spirits. They received me, therefore, always very kindly, and we had many a pleasant conversation which naturally often turned upon the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. The Protestants and Catholics of this village made use of the same church. The latter who were the more numerous, used it Sunday mornings before eleven o'clock, and in the evening. The former held their service a little before noon, and contented themselves with a little, very modest looking altar which was erect- ed at some distance from the more splendid Catholic altar. On the whole, I did not go over very often to attend this Protestant worship. I went more frequently to the Catholic church of the place where I resided. Here I found the services for several reasons much more at- tractive. It is true, up to this time my life had been a very happy one, but it had rather lacked an element which I might call a combination of beauty, poetry, romance and sensualism. I had been born and raised in a fertile region where the fields showed for a few summer months, the most 6 82 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR exuberant beauty of plenty and utility, but nothing else. I had never seen a hill, had never seen during my childhood a collection of trees larger than an or- chard. I had been a few times on the sea-shore, but had never seen any fresh water except in ditches and sluggish canals. My education had been plain, though in no wise puritanical. The religious ceremonies and other such things that I had witnessed, were not calcu- lated to develop the element I have spoken of. Almost all the inhabitants of that region bore in their char- acter, temperament, customs and usages the impress of their climate, soil, institutions &c. It is true, I had been under the influence of some circumstances which could not fail to develop the im- agination and an appreciating sense of the beautiful. In my childhood my mind had been nourished with fairy tales which are certainly, though untrue, yet ad- missible and even useful if they do not inculcate really superstitious and irreligious views and sentiments. When I was about eleven years old, there came a re- spectable troop of actors into our place. Some of the members were admitted into private society, and some private persons assisted them as amateurs to perform large pieces. The directress obtained from my parents the permission for me to take some appropriate part of some plays. I desired nothing more than this, and entered into it with great enthusiasm. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 83 I was thus made familiar with the stage and with dramatic poetry, and was led to read the whole of Schiller's works in a very short time. This I suppose was the cause of my taking it into my head at the age of fourteen years, to write a tragedy in four acts for a school exercise. My teacher declared it to be a very successful attempt, except " in the love scenes." Moreover, I had seen a few castles, the remnants of feudal times which led my mind to the contemplation of the middle ages, so full of chivalry and romance. In the town where I went to college, there was a castle with a tower 180 feet high and over 600 years old. saw near it the entrance of a subterranean passage which was said to lead one for 4 miles below the ground. But nobody attempted to verify it. About this as about other similar things there were wonderful stories afloat. In spite of all such things, however, I think I was surrounded in my younger years more by pro- saic than by poetic influences. Now all at once I was transported into a region where the landscape was beautifully varied. I could sit in the shades of a grove, could muse on the banks of a murmuring brook, could wander through lovely vales and climb on hills which seemed to me immensely high, could look out upon a distant lake and beyond upon a beautiful mountain range, could gather, exam- ine and admire flowers which I had never seen before, 84 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR could at night, for the first time in my life, listen to the sweet and melancholy sounds of the nightingale, which sang below my window in the garden, and very soon I could satisfy the longing which the aspect of the distant mountains awakened in me. During a pedestrian excursion, I visited, among others, the ancient cities of Osnabruck and Minden, and saw the Porta Westphalica, one of the most beau- tiful mountain sceneries in Germany, formed around the Weser which flows here at right angles through a gap in the mountain range. I recollect I said in a description of this journey : If an atheist should stand on this mountain top and look upon the land- scape around him, I think he would bend his knee in adoration., and confess there is a God, there must be a God who made this great, beautiful and wonderful globe. The people with whom I associated about this time, were under the influence of a different religion, climate and soil, and seemed to me less cold, prosaic, material and matter of fact than those of my native province. I felt that this change had a great effect on me, and the more so, because I had attained just that age, (about 17 years) when a person must be influenced by such a change if he is susceptible at all. I know I have been visionary enough at different times of my life, but never very poetic and romantic. Still if ever RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 85 a spark of such a quality appeared in my life, it must have been at this time. And really it never was more perceptible than at this period. I liked, therefore> to attend the Catholic church. I liked to look upon the large congregation which thronged the spacious edifice, and filled every corner and passage. I liked to hear the solemn chanting of the priest if he had " music in him I liked to see the thousands of people kneel in apparent humility, at a given sign ; I liked the momentary deep silence during the offering of the host, interrupted now and then by the clear sound of the bell, while burning incense seemed to transport one into another sphere ; I liked to hear the strains of sacred song arising in unison from thousands of voices. Especially did I like during passion week to go to church in the evening, to seat myself in a corner of the unilluminated edifice, to see the priest and a dozen of acolytes approach the altar, to hear the latter sing a Latin hymn,, and to see them kneel around the altar, dressed in white robes, and burning wax candles in their hands. Truly there is a certain stage of development, a certain state of the mind and heart to which the Cath- olic service is admirably adapted. I did not wonder, therefore, that my pupils liked to go to the Catholic church, nor did I ever try to dissuade them from ac- companying me. On the whole I liked the country, 86 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR the people, and many of their customs and institutions so much that the time I spent there, was one of the happiest periods of my life, and that I should have liked to prolong it, perhaps to the end of my days. Nevertheless I can say that I never was tempted to become a Catholic. My mind was too far developed to be made a captive by appearances. Though at that time the Catholic forms might seem to be congenial to me, still, I could not accept them connected with and inseparable from such monstrous superstition as I knew the Catholic creed embodied and enforced. On the contrary, by observation, meditation, arguments, and occasional conversation with priests and laymen, my protestant views became clearer, more decided and deeply rooted. Catholicism is for an enlightened and well disposed mind, a sad subject to dwell upon. Without doubt it has a good and salutary element within it. I cannot help thinking that God would not have allowed it to exist so many centuries, and still to extend over the greater part of Christian lands, if it did not serve some great end in the development of the human race ; I am almost inclined to say, if it was not in itself wor- thy to exist. Surely it has aided millions of human beings to lead a pious and useful life, and to die in peace with God, with the world, and with themselves. And if these millions were guided and comforted by RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 87 a delusive and superstitious faith, what right have we to take exception at it ? The only condemnable idola- try, as Carlyle says, is insincere idolatry. On the other hand, if we read the history of the church and see what cruelties and crimes Catholicism is guilty of ; if we examine the present spiritual, social and political condition of the Catholic nations on the earth ; if we consider what dangerous, incredible and monstrous things the Catholic church forces individuals to believe and to practise (transubstantiation, purga- tory, indulgences, and remission, celibacy &c.) — really we cannot help feeling sad at the existence of Cathol- icism. If it could be purged of its enormities so that a priest could be, at the same time, a priest and a think- ing and sincerely pious man ; so that a layman could be a good Catholic and a sincere, divinely rational being ; then I should say, let Catholicism exist until the end of the world as the best religion for children, and for adults in the lowest stage of spiritual develop- ment. But if Catholicism pretends that it is right and perfect, as it now exists ; if it fears to fall as soon as it changes one iota of its tenets ; then I should wish it would fall as soon as possible, and be swept from the earth and out of man's recollection. After having resided about eighteen months in the midst of . a Catholic community, I applied to the director of the Seminary for another situation. 83 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR The government did not usually furnish private fami- lies with teachers, and I had only been excused from teaching in the schools of the State, principally on account of my health. Since the latter now allowed me to teach larger classes, I considered it my duty to enter into the public service for which I had been educated. I was sent to a hamlet where the services of a teacher were only needed for the winter. My new situation seemed to be destined exactly to force me into continuing my meditations and obser- vations on the various religious sects. The place was situated just on the confines of the catholic and prot- estant sections of the State. One or two miles towards the west, there was a village in which a protestant, and a catholic teacher resided. I walked over once or twice every week, and met these two colleagues with whom I spent my time very profitably. On Sundays I sometimes went to a village situated five miles south of us. There I met with a most remarkable fact : the Catholics and Protestants used the same church, together, and at the same time. The services were opened by the first part of the mass ; thereupon the Protestants sang a hymn, which was selected by their school-teacher (for they had no minister of their own) ; then the mass was continued, and after the Protestants had again sung one of their hymns, the priest finished the mass, and finally RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 89 preached a sermon to both parties together. What I heard there, was quite reasonable, and on the whole, the parties got along quite well together, at that time, though there had been occasional disputes and scuffles, even in the church itself. On other Sundays I went to the church of our parish, situated four miles north of our hamlet. There I spent some delightful clays. The teacher (at the same time organist) with whom I associated, was one of the most genial persons I ever met with. 1 often remained over night at his house ; we read and conversed much together, and became very familiar, and I think useful to each other. I never shall forget one remark he happened to make to me. I wish and hope, said he, that you sometime will become very unhappy. His wish has been fulfilled, and I have often thought whether my fate produced the effect which I supposed he hoped from it. My attendance at public worship I recollect to have been sometimes not entirely without effect. My friend had a great talent for music, and he played the organ in an edifying style. The minister preached better than most of those that I had heard before. He was a learned man, and I received some useful information from him in private conversation. He was the first minister whom I heard venturing to say, for instance, that the Mosaic account of the Creation 90 TIIE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR ought not to be explained literally ; that the word "deluge" was not " siindfluth (a flood to punish sins, a universal flood) but " sindfluth " (derived from the Syrian, or some other oriental language and merely signifying a large flood.) The remainder of my leisure time during this winter I spent in close study and in solitary walks ; on the whole, I think very beneficially. A journal which I began to keep, gave at least a slight evidence of thought and general development. In this situation as well as in the preceding and in several succeeding ones, my attention was particularly directed to the investigation of religious subjects, and I studied very carefully several commentaries of the Bible, and other practical and theoretical works on religion. I did this not from any inward necessity, or inclination to piety, but merely because it was in- cluded in a careful and conscientious preparation for my daily business. In the Spring one of my former teachers at the Seminary who had always taken a great interest in me, induced me again to accept a situation as private tutor. In a town just about half way between my parents' residence and the capital of the State, there was a very wealthy man who intended to let his son, a part of the time, go to a high school, which had been newly established in the place ; he wished, however, RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 91 to keep a private tutor besides, who might he a com- panion for the boy and try to conquer his very decided dislike against study. My patron thought, if I accepted this place, I might become connected with the high-school, which he be- lieved to be the right place for me. I found my new situation in many respects a delightful one. My salary was very liberal ; my accommodations comfort- able, even splendid, and the attendance exceedingly good ; only a small portion of my time seriously occupied ; my access to refined society directly and indirectly facilitated through the family with whom I resided. Still the time I spent there, was one of the most unhappy periods of my life. Several circum- stances combined to deprive me of all peace of mind, and where that is wanting, it would seem to me im- possible ever to be happy through fortunate outward circumstances. First, I did not succeed in making my pupil like his studies. I tried hard enough to teach him, but my character was not calculated to attract him, and to carry him along with me, through liveliness, mirth and childlike simplicity, nor could I subdue the boy into passive obedience and willingness, through stern- ness, firmness, and manly superiority. Several years afterwards, when I resided in another town, this pupil of mine called on me, and his behavior showed that '92 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR he wished me well and had learned to appreciate what I had tried to do for him. But while I was his teacher, our relation became less and less satisfactory. Secondly, it was every teacher's duty to show his appointment to the minister of the place, in which he was to reside. The minister was ex officio the inspector of his school, and to the minister he was, for several years, obliged every three months to show an essay of his own. Now with the church of this town, there were connected two ministers. Unfortunately my employer introduced me to the second, and not to the first. The former was a genial person, and with him I remained on good terms, though I wrote occasionally a few things in my essays which he did not like. The latter, however, was a cold, domineering man, and could not brook the slight- est sign of neglect, or of independence. Moreover, I suspect he knew about my wish of being connected with the high school which was under his direction ; incautiously I had spoken of it to a protege of his, who unexpectedly feared me as a rival. With the good intention of making up for former neglect, and of originating at the same time a good work, I had handed to this minister one of my essays, about Sunday schools for apprentices. But instead of accepting and viewing it kindly, he tried to use it as a means of crushing me. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 93 He impeached my motives for writing it ; put a wrong construction on some parts of it ; on the whole criticised it in the hitterest and most malicious way. This criticism did me good, because it roused me to a deeper investigation of the disputed points and' to the writing of a replication, and gave me more firmness, independence and prudence. On the other hand, however, it caused me great sorrow, about being mis- understood, and I fear it also raised in me the spirit of bitter opposition to the unjust and galling yoke of clercial dominion, under which most of the teachers in Germany were chafing with more or less intensity. Thirdly, during my sojourn among Catholics the spirit of negation had been fostered in me, and into this direction my mind was turned more decidedly at this time by the reading of Eousseau's Emile. I will not condemn this book for I know how much good it has done in the world. At present I can read it with composure, and pleasure, and without danger. At that time, however, I was too young to comprehend it fully, and I was not in the right state of mind to be benefited by it. With books it is as with music, with food, medicine, and many other things ; the same thing does not agree with eve^body. The same thing does not even have at all times the same effect upon the same individual. Eousseau's Emile led me at that time only further 94 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR into doubts about man's destiny, duties and rights, into doubts about his relations to God, and to his fellow-men. These and perhaps some other influences all together spurred me on to aspire to higher things, but I hardly think that my feelings deserved a better name than pride, or ambition. I wrote to my father that I could no longer be satisfied with myself and my condition, and asked him, if he could not do more, at least to let me study for a year at Diesterweg's celebrated Seminary in Berlin, or to allow me to come home, and to stay there a year occupied in nothing but studying. My father, however, would not accede to any of my wishes, and desired T might remain in my advantage- ous situation. I held out for sometime longer until my state of mind became utterly intolerable to me. I told my employer that I wished to leave, because I thought his son would be benefited by only and fully attending the high school. I was told they were well satisfied with me, and was urged to remain. This gentleman on the whole, always treated me very kindly, as he did everybody else. He seemed to be a very good man, though he never went to church, nor, if I surmise rightly, had any positive religious belief. Several years afterwards he was led into commercial and in- dustrial undertakings, and lost the greater part of RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 95 his property. He was said then to have attempted suicide, which I lamented very much, since it might prove that in prosperity he had only heen good from habit, or from weakness. I persisted in my resolution to give up my situation, and asked my father to apply to the government to appoint me as his assistant teacher, instead of a stranger, who then held that place. My father did so, and thus I returned once more under the parental roof. 96 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OB, CHAPTER VI. EABLY MANHOOD. FIRST PERIOD. A considerable change was produced in my mental condition by this change of residence and of outward circumstances. First the renewal of the most inti- mate connection with parents and brothers and sisters could not fail to have a beneficial influence on my mind. It is true, our family ties had never been broken ; but for the last four years I had not been able to visit my parents oftener than every six, twelve or eighteen months, and thus our intercourse had mostly been limited to written communications. The possibility of corresponding with relations and friends is perhaps sufficient for a satisfactory intellect- ual relation between mind and mind, but not for a satisfactory intimate relation between heart and heart. The direct heartfelt influence of a loving spirit is not apt to be transmitted by writing ; it needs, as an adequate sphere, the multiplicity, the convenience, the trivialities and conventionalities of common inter- course and every-day life. In accordance with this remark, my stay at home had the tendency to influence me in a salutary way, bringing my troubled soul * nearer to a desirable state of tranquillity and serenity. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 97 Secondly, my mind derived great advantage from the circumstance, that I had an immense amount of labor to perform. Early in the morning I instructed a younger brother of mine, whom my father, on my return home, had taken away from the burgher-school of the neighboring city. During the day, I acted as my father's assistant, and taught for six (during the Summer for seven) hours, about one half of his one hundred and seventy scholars. And teaching in a public school in Germany is a very, very laborious work, because the prevailing method there requires so much oral instruction and direct exertion of the teacher. In the evening I gave instruction to some private scholars in several higher branches which needed much preparation on my part. Besides I was induced to open a gymnasium during a part of the year. The exercises and duties devolv- ing upon me through this institution made a consider- able demand on my time, though on the other hand I acknowledge that I owe to gymnastics, at this, and at other times, the preservation of a sufficient degree of health, perhaps of life itself. Furthermore, I wrote some very elaborate essays which I delivered to the minister of the parish, in accordance with the regulation I have spoken of on a former occasion. Now and then I also wrote some articles for periodicals and newspapers, and tried, in 98 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR addition, by reading to remain familiar with the pro- gressive literature of my profession. This vast amount of labor, however, did not entirely absorb all my time. I could always eke out some leisure hours. But as I was inclined, induced and obliged to spend these hours in society, I was not tempted to indulge in private and silent meditations, and I must, therefore, adduce sociability as a third cause for my being led into other channels of thought and feeling. I will not decide whether the change was entirely and exclusively for the better. I will give the reader a picture of my life at that time, as far as it related to society. This will be partly applicable to German life in general. And, though, of course, allowances must be made on all sides for modulations according to places, times and individuals, still I think the reader will be able to form a somewhat correct idea of the influences for good or bad which German life would seem to have on the religion and morals of individuals. My position in the midst of all the people around me, was extremely flattering. Though I was only 21 years of age, and though I had been known at home all along, as a boy, and as a youth, still I had not the slightest difficulty in taking my position as a man, and as the equal of the most prominent members of the community. I certainly did not find the saying RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 99 verified " a prophet is not without honor, save in his own country." My position, however, did not involve me in a regular round and routine of " calls," such as one's social position in any New England village inva- riably requires. At home I never saw people go to other people's houses, because their social duties re- quired them to do so. They usually went either on business, or on invitation. If they did go at any other time, it was in the most unceremonious way, without thinking whether it was " their turn v &c. They went because they felt like it, and stayed as long as they pleased. I had no idea at that time that I should ever go into a house Jfor five or ten minutes merely for the sake of " making a call." My parents, the minister, the government's admin- istrator, some merchants, a few of the better class among the farmers, on the whole, the aristocracy of the place, formed by mutual consent a circle of acquaint- ances who invited each other, especially in the winter about the time of beef and hog-killing. As there were no butchers in places like that one, the latter circumstance was an important item. The company who had been invited several days beforehand, met at their host's house about 4 o'clock P. M., usually on Sundays. All the ladies and gentle- men were seated around a large table ; they conversed while they enjoyed a cup of coffee and a variety of 100 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR cake. The gentlemen smoked a pipe at the same time. About 6 or 7 o'clock the gentlemen were seated at the card table, after having been out perhaps to admire the horses and cattle belonging to the host, which were always kept in fine stables being under the same roof with the dwelling. Sometimes one or the other of the ladies might assist in making up the necessary number at a card table, but usually they conversed in the mean time, knitting, eating cakes and fruit and perhaps sipping their wine, while the gentlemen drank theirs. About ten o'clock the whole company sat down to a sumptuous supper, consisting of several kinds of meat and a variety of accompanying dishes, and of a suffi- cient supply of wine. After supper the company re- tained their seats, and while engaged in the most lively conversation, they took tea somewhere about midnight, and reached home, thereupon, at or sometime after one o'clock. If the fare on such occasions was rather sumptuous, we must not conclude from this that the people usually were high livers. On the contrary, these occasions were only welcome interruptions in the routine of a most simple, frugal and economical domestic life. Most of these families were accustomed, on week days to breakfast on coffee and brown bread, to dine on one kind of vegetables and a very small piece of RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 101 meat, and to sup on boiled buttermilk. It is certainly very desirable to have the facility of procuring ample and luxurious means of sustenance at any time, and every American ought to thank God that there has hardly been a time when a healthy and industrious man, within the limits of this Union, could not make a little more than a comfortable living. Still, it is doubtful whether it is best always to have so good breakfasts and dinners as even the lower classes in this country enjoy, or to be frugal in the main, and to in- dulge one's appetite only at longer or shorter intervals. Kabelais says with some truth " mirthfulness comes from the stomach ; " and as dyspepsia, hypochondria, gloominess and despondency are often the consequence of high living, but never of frugality, a joyous temper has much to do with a person's morals and religion. The customs and habits I have mentioned, as well as those I am about to mention, may therefore not be so triflmg and so far out of the range of my present un- dertaking, as they might, at first sight, seem to be. A second and very prominent part of our social enjoyments consisted in dancing. The landlords of a few of the hotels and inns in our village and in the surrounding places, arranged during the winter each about four subscription balls, and the landlords of the remaining public houses received permission from the court each to hold at least one ball in the course of 102 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR the season. These balls were only frequented by the so called higher classes of the community, and though these gatherings were not exclusive, still they were not disturbed by any unwelcome intruders. In Ger- many every one seems, so to say, to know his station, and the lower classes do not have the desire to mingle with the higher classes, and to rival with them in show, expenses, modes of enjoyment &c. As a usual thing, every one goes where he knows he finds his equals and where he is welcome. The court allowed the landlords on other days, (always on Sundays) to give the farmers' helps and others, an occasion to dance. Most of us, young and old, attended balls quite reg- ularly, and many a time we marched for a mile or two across meadows and fields, through mud and rain, through snow-drifts, storm and darkness, after having danced from 8 o'clock in the evening until 3, 4, 5 or 6, in the morning. During the winter, the roads in our alluvial soil were often impassable, and no one could rely on horses for locomotion ; but even at other times the farmers them- selves and their ladies would walk in preference to riding. Our ladies were as healthy and robust a set of people as I have ever seen anywhere. At a ball every young man danced first with his mother and with other elderly female relatives and RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 103 acquaintances, and afterwards with his younger lady friends. Among the latter it was not really the youngest ones that were most desired as partners. Ger- man girls are not so early developed as American girls, and therefore not so early attractive and not so early considered as equals in the society of grown people. On the other hand, however, young ladies were not in danger of being counted so soon among " old maids." Thus, I think the age between 20 and 25 years was the culminating period of a lady's attractiveness at balls and other such places. The fondness for dancing which we find to be preva- lent among the Germans, has several causes, one of which I will mention. Dancing is a necessary institu- tion to produce and facilitate sociability between unmar- ried people. In Germany a married lady is neither under too little, nor too much restraint. The wedding is for her not the event which closes the time " when she could enjoy herself." On the contrary, she can now participate in all that is going on around her, and married and unmarried men pay her now more atten- tion and homage than before. An unmarried lady who is engaged, is also well provided for. As soon as her betrothal is made public (and this is done forthwith by sending cards, merely containing the two names, to all her friends,) and as soon as she and her intended have made the customary round of visits to their 104 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR friends, they can go together to any place of amuse- ment : on the whole, their social intercourse is unre- strained. But as for the rest, unmarried ladies in the hotter classes of society are under great restraint. They do not receive calls from young men all to themselves ; they are not invited and would not dare to accept an invitation from a young man to go with him alone to a concert, a hall &c. ; at a party they have to he mod- est, quiet, retiring ; on going home, no one of them is ashed by a young man whether " he shall have the pleasure to see her home." No, on all occasions the mothers and aunts take care of the young ladies, or send a faithful and trusty maid servant after them. Under such circumstances, dancing is often the only occasion where the young people can throw off their reserve, and where they can fully enjoy each other's society. No wonder, then, that they should often pro- long their halls almost until the dawn of day. No wonder that an occasion for dancing was welcome at any time. The halls I have spoken of, were all held during the winter ; but the summer also brought many occasions for dancing — at fairs, target-shootings &c. Even at the present time, with very different views of life, I cannot say that T look back with sorrow upon the many precious hours I have seemingly wasted in dancing. Those occasions might induce many a young RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 105 man to indulge during the pauses too freely in drink- ing and smoking. And though, on many occasions, I may have entered the schoolroom on such mornings after a hall, wearied in body, yet I recollect I felt enlivened and refreshed in soul and spirit, and was, therefore, working to greater advantage than at other times. The dancing itself and the intercourse with the other sex which it brought about, will ever be remembered by me as a pure, innocent and desirable social enjoyment, and though I know that it is liable to be abused as well as every other good thing, I should not like to condemn it in toto, as a snare of the devil. Another source of enjoyment I found in a glee-club which I formed soon after my return home, on the plan of those, of which I had been a member in larger places. If Americans believe that the Germans are particu- larly a Musical Nation, they are mistaken as far as the North Western part of Germany is concerned. There I should much sooner, even in this century, renew the complaint of Bonifacius who compared the singing of the ancient Germans to the rumbling of a wagon over a road made of logs. It is true, almost every boy and every girl of the higher classes learned music as a part of a complete education, but as to the lower classes in the cities and the country people on the whole, there was very little music among them. 106 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR My father had a harpsichord, but that was the only instrument of that kind in the village and neighbor- hood, and only here and there a single flute, or violin might be found. There was not much singing to be heard, and that which might be heard, was not of the best description and not occasioned by the best motives. It is true, in all my experience with hundreds of scholars, I met very seldom a child that could not sing a note, but such an entire absence of latent musi- cal talent is also very rare among people of other nations. The glee-club, which I organized, was the first one formed in a village, in that region. With persons, many of whom did not know the notes, I had a very hard time of it, and was obliged to use the violin to guide one part, and to help with my voice in either of the other parts. But it was a labor of love, and therefore, it did not seem hard to me. By weekly exercises, I succeeded so far that we could celebrate our first anni- versary publicly and to every body's satisfaction, and I had the pleasure to see that within a short time the inhabitants of eight neighboring villages followed our example, and that glee-clubs became one of the ele- ments of social enjoyment in that region. On days and evenings when I was not induced to dedicate my leisure hours to any of the subjects I have mentioned so far, I went to a club which was held every RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 107 evening alternately in the two principal hotels (or rather inns) of the place. During the winter, the time was spent in playing cards. The minister, and a few other dignitaries of the village, were the most regular attendants. A min- ister was the person that induced me, when I was ahout 16 years old, for the first time to play cards at a pub- lic house. We always played for money, though not at a very high rate. It was very rare that one lost, or gained more than half a dollar during an evening. In summer, the cards rested for the most part, and the evenings were spent in playing nine-pins. This game was by itself a very healthy exercise, but it was some- times rather too exciting, since it was played for money, and always by two antagonistic parties who, of course, watched every throw of their partners as well as of their opponents, especially the last decisive throws of every round. From the whole preceding account it will be evident that I had not a minute left to spend on independent philosophical, abstract, or religious meditations, and I have now only to show whether religion did not enter into public life, or into my private life, in such a way as to have at least now and then some influence on my mind. To this end I will give a brief account of the general state of affairs concerning religious matters. To conclude from the footprints past times have left 108 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR in that region, one would think that its inhabitants, several centuries ago, were a very religious people. There is one custom, which I think, is very beautiful, and though it may be, for the most part, thoughtlessly complied with, still I cannot help believing that it had its origin in a truly religious spirit. When a person passes by a garden, a field &c. where one, or several per- sons are at work, he says " Good day, God help," and the individuals spoken to reply " Good day, I thank !" The churches there are numerous, and very few of them were built during the last two centuries. The parishes contain only from 300 to 1800 inhabitants, and thus one meets on travelling through the country, a " church village " every two or three miles. Most of the churches are very spacious, and are built of large granite blocks which are not found in the neigh- borhood, and must have been brought from afar, at great expense. The belfry is usually built near the church, and the latter is not adorned with a steeple. In the belfry there are generally three bells, and these are rung on all possible occasions, singly, or together in differ- ent combinations. It required seven persons to ring the bells which were under the charge of my father (as teacher, organist and church warden), 4 persons for one, 2 for the other, and 1 for the third. I re- member with delight how beautiful it seemed to me RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 109 on a calm Sunday morning to hear the bells of 5 or 6 neighboring villages, sending their sweet and solemn harmonies through the reposing atmosphere. Almost all the churches are richly endowed with real estate, which was given them by the builders, or in subsequent times, (though not of late) by parish- ioners as a legacy. There were churches that could be supported without any taxes being levied for such a purpose. I do not know whether building churches and going to church were then an index of the moral and re- ligious state of communities and individuals, with any greater or inferior accuracy than now. However, so much is known, that in feudal times, the " Younk- ers " (a princely aristocracy of our region) used the churches as fortresses, when they, in their petty war- fare, were urged too closely by their adversaries. Many churches were perhaps built with this end in view, or, at least, with an eye to such an emergency ; the thick walls, the small and elevated windows &c. prove this. Moreover, the churches which were built on small hills, were places of refuge when the North Sea broke through the then very imperfect dykes, and inundated the whole level region. As late as 1825 there was such an inundation. As I was then 4 years old, I have a slight recollection of seeing the water around 110 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR our house, of our having the furniture carried into the church and our cattle driven upon the grave-yard which surrounded the church. And we ourselves went to the minister's house which was situated higher than ours. When the water subsided, and the roads became passable, a number of drowned persons were brought to the grave-yard. Not far from us there was a bay which had been formed several centuries ago during such an inundation which had swept away seven parishes. 1 visited this bay several times. During ebb-tide one could go out a distance beyond the dyke to a small hill which still showed the foundation of one of the churches that were destroyed. As I spoke of not knowing whether there was really more religion in old times than now, I will notice one tradition connected with the event, I have just recalled. It is related that those 7 parishes were swept away, because their inhabitants were so wicked. Among others things, it is said, for instance, that a farmer sent for a clergyman to administer the rite of " communion " to his dying wife ; but the minister on his arrival found on the supposed death- bed, a — pig, instead of a woman. The inhabitants of my native province, while I lived among them, did not thus boldly defy and mock religion and its ministers, but on the other hand they envinced very little interest in them, and had on the RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. Ill whole very little to do with them. There was always a sufficient number of young men who acquired at college a thorough education, and who went thereupon to a university there to study theology. After their return home, they were examined by the consistory (the state's church government), and if they passed this examination, they were allowed to preach occa- sionally. According to the evidence of scholarship they had given in this first examination, they could apply for a second examination; the best of them after one, the others after two, or three years. Having passed this second ordeal, they were allowed not only to preach, but also to administer the sacraments. But they had to bide their time to become settled ministers. When a minister died, or if a parish needed, for some other reason, a minister, the government selected a person to fill this vacancy. If the place was one richly endowed, the government chose from out of the ministers who were not quite so well paid, that one who had been the greatest number of years in his actual situation. The place then vacated was again filled on the same principle, and so on, until a place for a beginner was opened, and there the government sent the oldest of the unemployed candidates of divinity. It was a rarity, if any minister, or candi- date was preferred and advanced on any other ground than age and length of service. 112 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR It is true, the ministers lived principally on the income of the landed estate with which their places had been endowed in old times, and on fees, which had to be paid for every funeral, marriage and baptism, and on produce, (grain, bread, cheese, milk, meat &c.) which the farmers were obliged to contribute every year (as a kind of tithe I suppose.) Thus the largest salaries of the ministers were not made up by the heaviest direct taxes. Still it was hard for the parishes with the richest churches and parsonages, in conse- quence of the above-mentioned arrangement always to have the oldest and most inefficient ministers, and thus to derive very unwelcome fruits from their parish treasures. The oldest ministers were the most inefficient, not only on account of their age. A young man who had recently and freshly come from his books and from other sources of learning, might hold out for a few years and show some scientific zeal, though he might not have the remotest idea that religious zeal was the kind of enthusiasm he and others ought to wish to find in him. But even that scientific zeal could not fail to vanish very soon. What was there to keep his zeal alive, or to infuse any into him, if there wa3 none ? The people had not wished, or bidden him to come ; perhaps they had never seen him, or heard of him before his installation. They took RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 113 him because they could not help it, or because they thought it was none of their business to have any opinion about the matter. Why should he try to do anything particularly for his parishioners ? He had not come among them, because he liked them, or because he thought he had a mission from God, for the welfare of immortal souls. To be a minister was the way he had chosen for the sake of getting through this life. There was a parish ; he was sent to be its minister until he should get a better situation. And then, why should he even strive to deserve and soon to reach a better situation, by good behavior, good preaching &c. ? He knew he would be promoted, anyhow, in his turn. The consequence was this. The ministers preached once every Sunday, and on every Christian festival (Christmas &c.) because this was a business imposed upon them by the church laws. They had received a good education, and their sermons, therefore, could not be all poor ; still, on the whole, I think the preach- ing was not effective, because it was a mere matter of routine, a sounding brass. The ministers performed the baptismal and mar- riage rites, and officiated at funerals if they were particularly called upon and paid. They kept the parish registers of these events, and they acted as superintendents of the parish schools, and as chairmen 8 114 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR of the boards of overseers of the poor. Very few of them had any idea of ever paying* pastoral visits. They went where they were invited, to such feasts as I have described above. And the minister of whom I have spoken as my companion in playing cards and nine-pins, dancing and drinking at balls &c., was no exception. Most other ministers did the same. The people looked upon such worldliness either with indifference, or with approbation. Their indif- ference, or submissiveness, or want of feeling (or whatever one may call it) went even so far, that I know of instances where they were satisfied with keeping for many years, a minister among them, who was known to have committed flagrant crimes. It was a thing hardly ever heard of, that a minister should be removed on the wish of his parishioners. What did they care, who was their minister ? If he let them alone, and if he was a man they could toler- ably well get along with, he might stay if he liked, take it easy and preach to empty pews if this pleased him, or sometimes not at all, if he liked that better. I was once told of a minister in a small parish who went for a month to the church always with the same sermon in his pocket without finding an audience before which to deliver it. The parish in which my father was organist, consisted of about 1800 persons, and the usual attendance at church on common Sun- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 115 days ranged between 30 and 50 individuals. Later I played the organ in a town of 4 or 5000 inhabitants with only one church. There were morning and afternoon services. In the former, I counted usually about 50 persons present, in the latter about 6 or 10. Under such circumstances, ministers could hardly be expected to be zealous in their calling, for as I have intimated, there was nothing that would be likely inwardly to develop religious sentiments in their souls individually ; there was nothing in their surroundings that could act as a stimulus outwardly ; the govern- ment even provided her foster children only with plenty of food and raiment, but did hardly anything to develop their spiritual life and influence. All it did, consisted in sending every two, three, or four years a committee successively into all the parishes. It was composed of the general superintendent, (somewhat like a bishop) and a civil officer or magistrate. The former was to look into the spiritual concerns of the churches and schools, and the latter into the management of their temporal affairs. Accordingly one day was appointed for " school visitation " and another for church visitation. The latter was hardly more than a mere form. The minister had to preach and to catechize in the presence of the superintendent. The principal event of the day was a grand dinner which the minister gave to his 116 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR guests and to the dignitaries of the parish, and for which he was reimbursed from the church funds. The people, therefore, liked to call these stated visitations, Kwclicn (kitchen) visitations instead of Kirchen (church) visitations. Thus religion entered into public life and into the life of individuals for the most part only so far as the laws of the state made it obligatory. The few even who voluntarily engaged in some act of public wor- ship, seemed hardly to be animated by any spiritual or religious thought or feeling. And private worship there was none, for neither single households were in the habit of keeping family worship, nor did friends or neighbors meet for any such purpose. If they had done the latter, the police, probably, would have dis- turbed their meetings. This happened, at least, a few years after the time I have been speaking of, when the Methodists began to send emissaries into that part of the country. Considering these circumstances I cannot find it strange that religion, at that time, should have entered into my life, merely as a matter of business. More- over, since my father was so sickly that he was entirely confined to the house during the greater part of the year, I had to perform that part of his duties (or his business) which related to the religious institutions of the community. This caused me still more decidedly RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 117 to have no spiritual concern in religious matters. On Sunday mornings, I went to church to play the organ which I liked very much and which was really now and then edifying to me, viz. if on a festive occa- sion there was a larger congregation than usual, so that their singing would rise majestically and sol- emnly above the sounds of the organ. Congregational singing, or a large choir is necessary to bring out the character and effect of a simple hymn ; the singing of a small choir and especially of a quartett is a lament- able innovation as to this kind of music. I was, therefore, glad that there was hardly anywhere a choir in the churches of my native country. The singing, however, was spoiled by another thing ; it was too slow, and the organist, moreover, had to play a short interlude, not only between every two stanzas but even between every two lines ; a means of badly mangling* and destroying the thoughts and feelings of almost every sentence. The other parts of the services I hardly noticed. The minister read his prayers from a book containing a collection of formulas, probably published by the government ; but about their style and contents I rec- ollect nothing. The sermons were not calculated to arrest my attention, or that of any other person. After the sermon, the minister catechized the older scholars of the parish school collected in the aisle, but lis THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR all the younger teachers of that time, who had "been educated in the teacher's Seminary, believed to under- stand " that business " much better than the ministers, i and looked with compassion upon their crude and unskilful mode of teaching. If there was a baptism to be performed after the services, I had to send warm water to the font, for which service my father received 4 cts, while the minister made 8 cts by the perform- ance itself. Both of us were usually as expeditious as possible in performing all these duties, and as soon as the door of the church was locked, I should almost say, religion was laid aside for the remainder of the day, and if possible for the remainder of the week. Daring the week, however, we were sometimes sum- moned to attend a marriage; the minister in his offi- cial capacity, since civil marriage was not allowed ; I, . usually as a guest, except on particularly splendid occasions, where I was required to take about a dozen of school-boys with me to sing before and after the wedding ceremony. The latter, however, was always the most unimportant part of the whole celebration. Sometimes the dancing began soon after the religious act and lasted often until the next morning. The father of the bride, or the minister used to open the ball with the bride. The wedding sometimes lasted three days, though of late not so often as in old times. The way in which the minister and I and the RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 119 church-bells were concerned in funerals, depended upon the* money that was paid. I forget what fees the min- ister received. My father was paid 30 cts for the funer- al of a child (the hells ringing a quarter of an hour) ; GO cts for the funeral of a grown person in the evening, unattended by the minister and organist, (the hells ringing an hour at noon) ; 72 cts for a funeral in the afternoon. On the latter occasions the hells rang during the burial, as well as the day before at noon, one hour. I had to meet the funeral procession at the gate of the church-yard. The minister and I went in front of it with a dozen or two of boys, singing while we slowly walked round the cemetery and into the church. Here the bier was placed in the aisle ; some hymns were sung ; the minister preached a funeral sermon, and read a short sketch of the life of the deceased which had been written by the organist. Then the procession was formed again and proceeded to the grave where the coffin was deposited while a hymn was sung. Now and then there was a funeral with some additional solemnities on which occasion the organist received $5,00. The minister and I and the singers must then go to the house of mourning. There the former and I were placed in the seats of honor among the numerous guests. We and all the other men smoked out of long, white, earthen pipes, drank 120 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR coffee, and partook afterwards of a frugal repast of bread, cheese and small-beer. Then after the funeral sermon had been preached over the corpse, I and the boys were seated on the vehicle which opened the train, and before every house we passed on the road, we must sing a stanza of a hymn. The coffin was placed on a second vehicle, and this was followed by other carriages, containing the mourn- ing friends and guests. At the church, the same rites were performed which I have described above, but in addition the organ was played, and the church (as it was now evening) was illumined by a great many can- dles. At the grave, one boy who was usually chosen on account of being the best singer, had to stand very near the grave and to sing a solo alternating with the chorus of the others, and representing the departed spirit. I have thus given a description of the mode in which religion was connected with public life, and as it appeared on the surface in the life of individuals. And I have very little reason to believe that there was much internal and invisible religious life. It is true, a per- son may make very little show of religion and may still have built an altar in his heart. Thus I remem- ber that my mother who made no pretensions to appearing as a religious person, once said to me : " she had prayed many a time that I might become a good RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 121 man, and hoped her prayer might be granted." This one word was to me a greater proof of her inward reli- gious life, than many so called religious acts would have been. Of myself, I also must say that I was not entirely lost to religious thoughts, feelings and conversation. I remember, I came home one evening from the club later than usual. My mother who had been waiting and watching for me, expressed her fear that I had been dissipated. I told her " quite the contrary." I had forgotten the time over a conversation with a friend who had said among other things, " if there was no God, the government ought to make one," and I had tried to strengthen him in the belief in the existence of God. From this incident, it appears that I was not an atheist, or an infidel. Still I think I could not have called myself a religious man. I say this not on account of my not believing in all the doctrines of the Catholic, the Lutheran, or the Calvinistic church, but because I think religion was not the only, or even prin- cipal motive of my actions. I did a vast deal of labor, and I hope I did a great deal of good and but little harm. I say, but little harm, because I think that teachers and physicians ought not to be too sure of doing no harm. A person belonging to either of these professions, may he be ever so skilful and con- 122 THE PKOBLEM OF LIFE, OR scientious, is apt sometimes to make a mistake in the treatment of those he practises on. Still this fact need not discourage him ; he is allowed to continue his pro- fession, if he knows he is as fit for it as most other people would be in his stead. Whatever good I did, was, however, not the embod- iment of a really religious feeling. A part of my labors I performed merely because it was my business ; a part because I earned advantages and honor from it, and a part because I liked to do it. As to that part of my time which I spent in society, I cannot look back upon it with remorse, taking it on the whole. Over those enjoyments I did not neglect my duties, since I was no idler, but bore at least the average share of the work mankind has to perform. I withheld from nobody what was due to him ; 1 earned enough to have ample means to meet all my expenses. I did not set a bad example, because the national conscience, so to say, did not condemn our mode of enjoying ourselves. Thus on the one hand I must say, that considering the circumstances, my life at that time was not a worthless one, though on the other hand, I should not allow my- self now to live it over again exactly in the same way. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 123 CHAPTER VII. EARLY MANHOOD. SECOND PERIOD. How long I should have wished to remain in the position I have described, I do not know. I was called away from it, when I had as yet no desire to leave it. The college in the neighboring town had lost its teacher of gymnastics who had received a call to the capital of the state. It was hard to find a successor to fill his place, as teachers of gymnastics were rare at that time. The director of the college, my former teacher there, had heard of my being engaged in teaching this branch of education, and desired to procure my services. He could not offer me a sufficient salary, but there hap- pened to be a vacancy, at the girls' school of the city. He mentioned, therefore, to the superintendent of the schools the expediency of inducing the government to appoint me as teacher in that school, so that he at the same time might avail himself of my services as teacher of gymnastics. His wish was granted, and I received the appointment quite unexpectedly. My father and I were not pleased with it. Perhaps the government would not have forced me to accept the situation, if I had refused it. But my father did not like to injure the feelings of the superintendent. 124 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR The latter was his friend ; he was the minister who had baptized me, had known and liked me as a child, and had believed now to confer a favor upon me. Moreover, my father thought the city would be a better place for me to enter upon a successful career. I accepted, therefore, the offered situation. I was connected with the girls' " town school 99 for five years. I entered as the youngest or the fifth in the corps of teachers, but about eighteen months later there was another vacancy, and I was promoted to the place of the fourth teacher, and about two years after- wards I was made third teacher. Our school contained about three hundred girls. The first class was a select school with twenty scholars, the second contained sixty, the third eighty, the fourth and fifth each seventy pupils. "We taught five hours a day. Most of the time I was engaged in my own class, but the French, writing, drawing and (for some time)the singing lessons in the two upper classes, were entrusted to me. In consequence of this, I had always a number of private pupils from the second class who wished especially to prepare themselves for entering the select class. During the day, I gave some other private lessons; I was appointed as writing master in one of the classes of the college ; in the evening I directed the gymnas- tic exercises of the seventy students of the college. Besides, I taught gymnastics to a private class of small RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 125 boys, and for some time to a class of grown men. For two summers, I walked once every week over to another town, to teach gymnastics there for two hours, and walked hack the six miles, the same day. For several years, I walked on Saturdays over to my parents' home, to lead the glee-club there whose members thought they could not do without me. Thus I led again a very active life, and the affair turned out much better than I had expected. I had hesitated to accept the situation of fifth teacher there, partly on account of the pitifully small salary connect- ed with it (eighty dollars a year and free lodging) and still even during the first year, I made money enough. And a few years later, at the age of twenty- six years, I had an income as large as most teachers obtained only at the age of forty or fifty years, and some, perhaps, never in their whole lives. My social life became, from year to year, more satisfactory. In the higher classes of German society, there exists a prejudice which I might call partly the effect of a real aristocracy of learning, partly the remnant of ancient barriers of custom, rank and privileges. I have no personal experience of the pride and haughti- ness of a feudal aristocracy of nobility, since my native state fortunately had got rid of this aristocracy of the " shot-pouch," as Carlyle calls it. There were some noblemen at court, who had mostly come over from 126 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR other states, but they were dependent 011 court favors and salaries, and had no prerogatives out of their proper sphere. We had, however, a half real, half imaginary aris- tocracy of learning. The government officers, minis- ters, lawyers and physicians who had all been obliged to spend three or four years at the university, usually considered themselves superior to everybody who had not " studied." There may have been a time when knowledge and education were found nowhere except among the " studied " classes, but that time had passed. Especially had the teachers' Seminaries for the last thirty years educated a class of men who had in some respects a superior education, and the burgher schools began in opposition to colleges and universities to send forth their pupils educated by the means of mathe- matics and natural sciences, in preference to the ancient languages. Still, the aristocracy of learning were gen- erally not willing to admit any persons thus educated, into their society as equals. Some of the wealthier merchants were admissible on account of their money and their daughters. Very few others succeeded in gaining admittance. I was, however, fortunate enough to overcome this prejudice, and was admitted on equal terms into all the circles of the higher classes of society in the city. Nevertheless, this circumstance had not the effect RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 127 to separate me from the primary teachers, and espe- cially it did not prevent me from sharing in their gen- eral antipathy against ministers as a class. According to law, ministers were the local superintendents of all the schools, and very ample power was given them to assist, or to check the teachers, to interfere, to rule, to domineer. This might have been a wise measure in former centuries. But now the teachers understood and performed their business infinitely better than the ministers could or would understand and perform either their own business, or that of the teachers. No won- der, therefore, that the latter should chafe under the galling yoke imposed upon them, especially if this yoke was made more oppressive by perverseness, or haughtiness on the part of the superintendent. I sup- pose many of the teachers would have been willing to have superintendents chosen from among the people, or chosen by the people from among the ministers, but they could not be satisfied with being made, indis- criminately, the subjects and humble servants of the ministers. As soon as I had accepted the situation I have spoken of, I had ample reason for being, for my part, strengthened in this aversion against the existing reg- ulations. The school committee, and the second min- ister of the parish church who was our local superin- tendent, had a grudge against one of the older teachers 128 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR of our school, and had hired two very miserable lodg- ing rooms for him. He refused to take them, and as they did not dare to force him, they thought they had a good opportunity of getting rid of the matter by giving those rooms to me, a new comer and a young man. I disappointed them by refusing in my turn. The minister tried to persuade me, then to frighten me into yielding. Thereupon I was ordered to appear before the con- sistory (our ecclesiastical tribunal) where they also tried to persuade and to threaten me into acquiescence. As there was no inclination on either side to give up, I told them I should appeal to the central government and even to the Grandduke himself. So I did, explain- ing very minutely how shabbily my superiors intended to treat me. The result was, that they received a warning admonition, and that they had to pay me a sufficient sum of money wherewith to procure lodgings for myself. Still the government was so partial to the consistory and the minister, that l was not even directly informed of having gained my cause. The very people against whom I had petitioned, were the only ones who received the above decision and directions. This incident had the good effect to rid me of all further trouble. In fact, I had afterwards not a single disagreeable experience with any minister, and since RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 129 my social position on the whole was so very satisfactory, I had no right to complain of suffering, personally, from unjust laws and regulations and prejudices con- cerning teachers. Still, from principle, I continued to side with the teachers whenever there was an occa- sion for showing one's sentiments and views. From what T have said, it is apparent that my situ- ation was one that might he envied by many of my colleagues, and it would not be difficult for me to add some more remarks which would prove that my lot was really — outwardly — a very, very happy one. And yet within five years this happiness became an intoler- able burden to me and was mingled with the bitterest grief and mental agony. It will perhaps be impossi- ble fully to describe and to explain this, still I will make an attempt at doing so. During the first summer that I taught gymnastics at the college, I found that many students were much more skilful than I, for I had never been taught by any one, and had practised but little by myself after having sought information from books. Moreover I was hardly older than some of the students. I found it, therefore, hard to be useful to the scholars, as well as to retain the relation of superiority which a teacher always ought to maintain. Thus I felt the necessity of perfecting myself in gymnastics, and consequently I took a leave of absence, 9 130 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR and went to the capital where I received permission to practise with the subaltern officers of the garrison. This happened just at the time when gymnastics were the favorite and most flourishing part of martial train- ing, and my stay there produced the desired effect. Practising for six weeks, every day four or five hours, gymnastics, fencing, bayonet-fighting and common evolutions, I became much more expert in these matters. At the same time, however, I had an opportunity to see human life under a new aspect. In the after- noon and evening I frequented several circles of military and literary men, into which the lieutenant who was my teacher, introduced me. I will not say that I met there persons who weakened my faith in human goodness and virtue, still I associated, more than ever before, with people who had not a very exalted idea of man's destiny and man's duties, but made great demands on life as a source of enjoyment. Thus, I think, I returned home a better teacher of gymnastics but also, more than ever before, inclined to aspire to obtaining worldly treasures, honor, fame, rank, money — though, the latter not for its own sake, but only as a means of enjoyment. During the following summer, I did not yet succeed in teaching gymnastics entirely to my satisfaction. I told, therefore, the director of the college that I RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 131 must see other large institutions for this branch of education, so as to know where the secret was of ruling and guiding a large number of boys who were scat- tered over a large place and practising at many dif- ferent instruments at the same time and thus escaping the teacher's immediate notice. The director who was always a most kind patron and friend to me, offered, if possible, to procure for me the " nervus rei " as he called it, and although I departed before he could do so, he really handed me on my return, after an absence of six weeks, a sum of money which almost reimbursed me for my expenses ; it was a present, solicited and received from the Grand- duke. During my journey, I visited Bremen, Hanover, Brunswick, Magdeburg, Dessau, Berlin, Leipsic and Dresden. I saw the gymnasiums of the different places, and was exceedingly interested in the arrangement, management and working of some of these institu- tions. In Berlin, I visited the place where Jahn, the father of gymnastics, had trained the youths of the city and of the university to become strong and bold defenders of their fatherland, against the invading foe, against the victorious French. This place was now laid out in beautiful terraces, filled with a gymnastic apparatus of every description and variety where eight hundred youths practised, all 132 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR dressed in the " Turner's " costume — white pantaloons, and white, or bluejackets. In several of the places I visited, I was disappointed, finding the teachers of gymnastics to be persons of no culture or refinement, and the exercises to be con- ducted without any order or propriety. Thus I had the consolation to find out that my own unpleasant experience was not a solitary fact, but a general one ; that it was either natural and unavoidable, or that there was a flaw in the system. I was fully satisfied only in one place viz. in Dessau, in the gymnastic and orthopaedic Institute of Pro- fessor Werner. And this Institute was decried by the Turners in general as a humbug. It is true, there was much show ; still, while dancing and conversing with the young ladies there, I was convinced that Mr. W. had produced wonderful cures of deformities. And during the daily exercises and performances the strictest order was enforced, and beauty and grace were the end in view rather than mere force. During the present civilized age, I think the latter ought never to be tolerated when being rude and brutal, but always ought to be combined with the former. During my journey, I did not turn my attention exclusively to my principal object. I tried to see and to learn as much as possible of life in its various aspects and phases. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 133 Wherever I stopped I went to the opera, to the theatre, to concerts, to museums, to dancing halls and other places of amusement for the higher and lower classes of society. In Berlin, I made it my particular object to become familiar with the life and pursuits of university students. Some of my friends were studying there at the time ; I went with them to their lectures, and heard Neander, Mitscherlich and other celebrated men. I entered fully into the students' mode of spending and enjoying their leisure time, and as the students in Berlin were said to be rather sober and hardworking, compared with those of most other German universities, I was confirmed in my opinion, first, that the German universities afford an opportunity of hearing the most erudite men in the world ; secondly, that the regulations of the univer- sity, however, do not make it easy for, and incumbent on the students to derive full benefit from these facilities ; thirdly, that very many students spend their three or four years very unprofitably at the university as to advancement in book-learning and thorough scientific education ; fourthly, that it is altogether a false notion to make a stay at a university the cri- terion of a man's moral, intellectual, social, politic and civic worth. In Berlin, I also went to see Diesterweg to whom I gained access by a letter of introduction. 134 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR D. was, at that time, one of the most celebrated men in the department of education, and I rejoiced in seeing and examining the Seminary and model school which were under his direction. One of the most important incidents of my journey was the last meeting of the " friends of light " which I attended in Dessau. Some time before, Johannes Kongo had stirred up the general interest in religious matters by his attacks upon the Jesuits, upon the pilgrimages to the wonderworking seamless coat of Christ at Treves &c. I do not know whether he was not capable, or not worthy of being leader of a new religious sect, or whether the impediments which the governments placed in the way of his followers, were sufficient to kill the flower in the bud ; the fact is, the new German catholic congregations soon decreased in number, size and internal life. Still, I think Konge's movement bore a share in producing, or at least in eliciting a greater interest in religion among the protest ants. In and about Magdeburg especially, several liberal ministers and literary men began publicly to deliver speeches on religious subjects. This was done outside of the church — taking this word as well in the mean- ing of " edifice " as of " institution. " The meetings were generally held at the different railway stations where the beautiful and spacious halls of the usually RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 135 splendid depots afforded a convenient place, easy of access. The tendency of all the speeches was as well to induce the people to free themselves from the cramping fetters of an established church, as to free themselves from the fetters of a creed which could no longer satisfy the minds and consciences of an enlight- ened age and of an enlightened nation. This was certainly the tendency, though on the other hand everything was conducted with great pro?- priety and loyalty. I am convinced, there were many men engaged in this movement who sincerely believed they had hit upon the right means of making their fellow-men wiser and better — more religious. The different governments, however, could not look with indifference upon the existence of the societies of these " friends of light " and upon their rapid extension and propaganda. They forbade these meet- ings in one state after another. The duke of Dessau was the last to put in his veto, and thus the people of the surrounding states flocked several times together on his territory. But in the meeting at which I was present, it was known, that that would be the last one they should be allowed to hold. Thus an indescribable sorrow and gloom pervaded the whole assembly and its proceedings. Personally, I concurred in the liberal views and iieterodox opinions which all the speakers expressed, 136 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR but at that time I could not make up my mind to believe that the common people were prepared for seeing pulled down the whole structure of time- hallowed creeds and institutions. Still, I could not help thinking that the German people were not to be blamed if they kept aloof from religion as it was forced upon them. I felt sure that I admired Frederic the Great, the friend of Voltaire, more than his " pious 93 descendant Frederic William IV, were it only for that word of his " Let every one become blessed after his own fashion. 99 The assembly dispersed quietly and orderly with a sad farewell, and I was more than ever convinced that religion and true piety could not be expected to flourish where state and church are united, where the heads and the officials and the sycophants of the two recipro- cally abet and aid each other in using and abusing the people as a means of promoting their own worldly interests. Another incident occurred in Dessau which very forcibly led me to think of my own state of mind and character. One morning, while taking a walk in the suburbs, I noticed a building, which, according to an inscription, was a school for poor and neglected chil- dren. I walked in, and being introduced to the director, I asked permission from him to see the institution. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 137 I found him to be a very affable man and a true- hearted imitator and follower of Pestalozzi. He politely showed me the different parts of the institution. By entreaty and persuasion he had gathered together about two hundred poor children. He taught them not only all the branches of a com- mon school education, but he gave the older boys an opportunity to learn any trade they had a particular liking for ; he let the girls learn whatever was practi- cally useful for them, housework, sewing &c, and the smaller children were employed, a few hours daily, in assorting rags, bones, broken glass &c. Each one thus contributed a little to supporting the institution ; yea, it was almost entirely supported by itself. The children were allowed to sleep at home, and I was told the instances were not rare, where it was evident that they had a good influence at home and had dif- fused a better spirit through a whole family. I met in the institution four young men who took a part in the labors of teaching &c. They were vol- unteers ; they had come from different parts of Ger- many to make themselves acquainted with the working of the system of this school, and then, probably, to transplant it into their native places. I could not help asking myself whether I would be willing to do the same, and was obliged to confess that I was not hum- 138 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR ble and good enough to sacrifice my actual position to such an undertaking. This thought overpowered and confused me so much that on taking leave of the director aud expressing my admiration, I added, " I hope this visit will do me good." He smiled and dismissed me with kind wishes. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 139 CHAPTER VIII. EARLY MANHOOD. THIRD PERIOD. The state of mind I have alluded to, developed itself more and more after my return home. The greater number of the girls I taught, belonged to the poorer classes, and I found that teaching them became more and more a burden to me, so that I disliked to have this duty for the principal part of my business. Certainly, therefore, I should have been much less willing to dedicate myself entirely to teaching these children. If I should say how this dislike could spring up and grow in me, I believe an explanation may be found in the following circumstances. Though I might believe in the existence of a God, still this belief was no prac- tical faith. My mind was biased and was bent rather upon denying and combatting those parts of our reli- gion and creed which I believed to be erroneous, than to be satisfied with the simple, essential, and incontestable part of the Christian religion. I could not, therefore, believe that God had destined me to remaining in the station I held, and could not in humility perform my duties as a labor made easy by love and obedience to God. Nor did love to man enter into my character 140 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR in such a way as to be a motive for self-sacrificing charity. I loved those that loved me, and did good to them whenever I could do so without encountering any par- ticular difficulty. About the remainder of society, at least considering them as individuals, I concerned my- self very little. Worldly considerations there were none that could attach me more strongly to my principal business. Its pecuniary advantages were very small ; by teaching one hour gymnastics I earned more than by teaching school a whole day. Since my education had been better than that of most of the primary teachers, I considered myself worthy of teaching other branches than the common ones. With the parents of my scholars I had hardly any intercourse and connection ; I mingled in society with a class of persons who looked down upon most of those people as their inferiors, and in this social position I maintained myself, therefore, in spite of my official position. When I became fully aware of this condition, I resolved upon extricating myself from such a dilemma by giving up school teaching, and by dedicating myself entirely to gymnastics. This branch began to be so popular in the country that it seemed to open to me a career satisfactory in a two-fold aspect. First, I might expect such worldly rewards from it as I then RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 141 aspired to obtain ; secondly, I looked upon gymnastics with more trust as to their usefulness and efficiency than upon any other branch of education. However, when I revealed my intention to my parents, I met wdth such decided opposition that I felt obliged to give up this idea. Thus I went on plodding in the usual way, without being with heart and soul engaged in the most impor- tant part of my work. No observer could be aware of this fact, because I performed my duties with the utmost punctuality, more so than several of the other teachers with whom I was connected. Yea, I did more. Once when one of our teachers, my particular friend, was dangerously sick, I united his scholars with mine, and thus I taught one hundred and forty children for three months without asking any of the other teachers to aid me. Since my mind was not absorbed in my daily busi- ness, it turned itself to other objects. Though, as I said, my actions were not prompted by charity to indi- viduals, by a practical philanthropy, still the objects I chose, pertained to philanthropy in the abstract, in theory. I succeeded in most of them ; if not always in the form, at least in the substance viz. as far as they had not been prompted by really selfish motives. For instance, I published an article endeavoring to show that singing ought not to be the prerogative of 142 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR the higher classes, as it was then and there ; but that the burghers and even the journey-men (Gesellen) ought to have their glee-clubs. A few days after, a gentleman called on me, saying, a number of citizens had resolved upon following my advice ; he asked me to join the glee-club they were ahout to form. Sometime afterwards the journeymen also formed a singing society of their own. If I had had some expectation of being called upon to act as leader of these societies, I was disappointed in this respect ; a man older and more experienced than I, was chosen. At another time, I published anonymously an arti- cle showing the'necessity of controlling the organ-grind- ers, in regard to the songs they brought before the public. A few weeks later the government issued a law enjoining upon the magistrates not to allow the organ- grinders &c. to bring any immoral songs and pictures before the public. When the different glee-clubs in the city and in the country were firmly established, I proposed to them to meet once every year, for a grand festival. I offered to be a medium for interchanging the songs which each society would like to have sung by all the others. I am not sure that I sought personal aggrandizement by this measure, since it seemed to be a necessary practi- cal expedient, and I do not feel obliged to accuse my- RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 143 self of ambition. Still I was violently attacked upon this ground by some anonymous writer, apparently a secret enemy, and I bad to fight a literary feud. It was quite an ordeal for me, but on the whole it did me good in every respect. My proposals were not passed by unheeded. Another gentleman took up the affair, declaring to me that he acted upon hints received from me, and the following summer we celebrated, with great success, our first annual singers' festival. When I saw Diesterweg in Berlin, he was very enthu- siastic about preparing and causing all over Germany a grand celebration of the centennial anniversary of Pestalozzi's birth-day. He asked me to work for it at home. Accordingly I invited some teachers to meet for a consultation. We agreed upon the necessary expedients, and the result of our exertions was most gratifying. The teachers of the whole province responded to our invitation and met in full numbers on the appointed day. We had not invited any ministers, even not the teachers of the college who were men educated at a university. Thus entire harmony, equality, freedom and conviviality reigned during our festival which began with speeches, poems, discussions and singing, and ended with a din- ner which was enlivened by appropriate toasts aud refreshing, unreserved conversation. The fruit of this festival was the formation of teachers* conferences viz. 144 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR monthly meetings 'of the teachers of several small districts, and annual meetings of the teachers of the whole province. I had the pleasure of witnessing, for a few years, the beneficent results of these institutions, and later, I have had friendly greetings from them sent over to me across the ocean. If I was thus partly engaged in unwelcome duties and partly in self-chosen and welcome labors, still I had plenty of time left to employ for some other pur- pose, and this time I did employ most fully and assid- uously in — worldly enjoyments. Before dinner, I went, as others did, to a club to " sharpen one's appetite," to hear the news, to pass away the time. On those afternoons which were free from school-duties, I went to some coffee garden outside of the city where play- ing ninepins was the usual amusement. In the eve- ning I went, once every week, or every fortnight, to the " aristocratic " glee-club, once to the burghers' glee-club, once to a singing society for ladies and gen- tlemen, once to the glee-club which I had formed while living with my parents. On those evenings which brought nothing particular, I went to a club where we conversed and drank, and played cards and lotto ; or I passed the evening with some friends at home over a glass of beer, or wine, or a bowl of punch. I was a member of three different RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 145 dancing societies or casinos, the aristocratic, the citi- zens', and the young men's casino. These societies had monthly festivities, and thus I danced on three Sunday evenings, every month. Be- sides I went to almost all the balls which were arranged on other days, on some particular occasion. Thus days, months and years of my life passed away — apparently the most delightful source of activ- ity and happiness, and yet in fact only a whirl, a constant change of burdensome duties and of a round of enjoyments and gaieties. The latter seemed to be the only means of appeasing the soul's longing for something to interest itself in. When I, sometimes during a conversation with my parents, hinted at this unsatisfactory state of things, my mother always recommended to me, as she believed, a panacea by advising me to take a situation as teacher and organist in the country, to get married and thus quietly to settle down. But I would not listen to such an advice. I would not leave the city again. And while in the city I could not think of getting married. I was not willing to deny myself the worldly enjoyments for which I was then, as a single person, fully able to pay, but which I could not have afforded in married life. Moreover, any of the ladies with whom I associated, and who then considered me as their equal, would hardly have been willing to descend into the station 10 146 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR of a primary teacher's wife. And to marry any one who would have seemed inferior to these ladies — this idea was too revolting to me, seriously to occupy my thoughts. Fortunately an event happened which brought to a close (or at least to a crisis) this dangerous state of wavering between moral and spiritual life and death. Like a thunderbolt the news of the French revolution (Feb. 1848) burst upon our quiet and peaceful lives. It produced in me, as well as in others, an enthu- siasm, almost a delirium, such as I had never experi- enced and witnessed before. Nor do I think that I should be able ever to experience such a feeling again ; it was too beautiful, too intense 'to bless a man's life more than once. Truly if it is as poets say, that man can love only once, it is no less certain that such a patriotic enthusiasm never can be rekindled when it has died away. And alas ! the flames which the French revolution in '48 kindled in so many hearts, were extinguished so very, very soon ! However, if the events of that Spring afterwards seemed to be but a pleasant fleeting dream; at the time, at least, they were as intense a reality as any- thing can be. To me they were for a short time identified with life itself, because they opened to me a new world, or rather a new era into which the thirst- ing soul could look with new hopes of universal regen RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 147 oration and of finding a stay and contents for an individual life, full of meaning and utility. I must not attempt to give an outline of the events of that time in general. We, in our remote part of Germany, could take only a general, sympa- thizing interest in the general affairs of Europe, or even of our fatherland ; but we had besides enough to do — practically, in our own state. Though our gov- ernment had not treated its subjects quite so badly as many others in Germany had done, still, this was only the consequence of the Grand-duke's forbearance and of other accidental circumstances. Our civil rights had not been established; we had no guarantee for being governed with justice and equity. The sovereigns of Germany had promised their subjects a constitution when the nation had so heroically risen to free the country from Napoleon's dominion. But the Grand-dukes of Oldenburg had not fulfilled that promise ; they had not even given a mock constitution as most other German sovereigns had done. We had no jury, no freedom of the press, no militia. We were not allowed to hold meetings of any kind without permission from government officers. No parish, or county business could be transacted; no institutions could be carried on by the people them- selves without the supervision and interference of the government. 148 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR The sovereign gave no account of the use he made of the taxes which were, moreover, imposed and col- lected without the people's consent ; nohody knew how much of the public revenues was used for government purposes, and how much for the Grand-duke's own court. All this flashed upon the minds of the people as soon as the French revolution gave an impulse to political discussion and activity. And as our govern- ment, as well as the others, seemed to he paralyzed, we felt entirely free to follow the impetus of the moment. The town in which I lived, was the foremost in the movement. From one of the mass meetings we held, we sent a deputation of five citizens to the Grand-duke to peti- tion for a constitution. We requested them to send word if the Grand-duke did not yield, and we would come at a minute's warning to support their petition by the threats, and if need be, by the use of arms. The Grand-duke yielded, and, I think, in better faith than most of the other sovereigns, for we had very soon almost all we wished for at the moment. A legislature was chosen on tolerably liberal princi- ples ; it framed a constitution, and the Grand-duke accepted the same, though it granted, perhaps, more to the people than any other limited monarchy on the continent. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 149 In all the movements which accompanied and im- mediately followed this great change, I took an intense interest and as active a part as circumstances allowed. I cannot tell with what sanguine hopes I advocated and assisted the formation of a burgher-guard, or opened and recommenced in the Spring the military and gymnastic exercises of the college students, or tried to do some good by speaking in public meetings and by writing for the press. And when the legis- lature had almost finished its general work and was expected soon to deliberate about special laws and institutions, there were new incentives for hopeful activity. I engaged in bringing about a general conference of the primary teachers of our province where the future organization of the schools was discussed. A committee was chosen to draft a sketch of a " school- law and to send it with a petition to the legislature. I acted as secretary and was busy day and night, until the matter had been discussed, indicted, accepted, signed by the whole body, and dispatched to the legis- lature. While being thus concerned about the institutions of my native state, I watched as most others did, the progress of national affairs with the intensest interest. We believed our most sanguine hopes would be realized. At national and provincial singing festivals we had so 150 TIIE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR often sung our beautiful national hymn : " what is the German's fatherland"? We believed that this question would now be answered in a satisfactory manner; that Germany would be one in fact and not only in name ; that it would be harmonious and free within and respected abroad, its national flag " black, red and gold" being admitted, recognized and saluted on all the oceans of the globe. Alas ! how cruelly were such hopes deceived ! The Parliament in Frank- fort talked while they ought to have acted, and soon all prospects of national greatness, unity, freedom and honor were lost, buried under the political, if not the moral ruin of the popular and truly democratic movement. The governments awoke from the lethargy into which fear and momentary impotence had thrown them, and either guided by base love of tyranny, or deluded by a blind belief in their own rights and usefulness, they drew the reins of law and violence tighter than ever before, and crushed the national movement. And very soon, when the "reaction" felt its own strength, the new liberal institutions of the single states were also abolished, or at least greatly modified. In my native state the constitution was revised, and robbed of many of its best features ; and the special laws we had expected, were either given up, or appeared mangled and curtailed. The people and RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 151 their leaders made all this easy for the governments. The masses, on the whole, showed no energy, and in the few instances where they did show their strength, there it ended in deeds of violence and cruelty against the life and property of their oppressors, and some- times even of innocent persons. The leaders of the democratic party were not all pure patriots ; many tried to use the masses merely as a pedestal for their own aggrandizement. The well-meaning and virtuous among the people and its leaders, were either too slow to move and to act at the right time, or too trustful, hoping that the govern- ments and everybody else would now do right with- out being watched, urged, or subdued, as if all on a sudden the time had come when the lion and the lamb would peacefully lie down together. If there were any men who were free from all selfishness, and had at the same time a large heart and a clear head, they .were either crashed by the pressure from above and from below, or their efforts were at least fruitless, because they were isolated and badly supported. I do not mention these sad occurrences and experi- ences, for the sake of blaming others, and of complain- ing about the ignorance, perverseness and meanness of individuals, or of the masses. No man has a right to complain of others, until he has exhausted all the means for guiding and improving them, that are at 152 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR his command. When a man sees that the leaders of the people are not wise, or virtuous enough to carry their fellow-citizens to the goal of liberty, justice and prosperity, then he ought to aspire to being leader himself, if he will deserve the name of a true patriot. He ought not to give up struggling for such a posi- tion, as long as there is a breath of life in him, and he may be sure, if he is the man, if he is wise, coura- geous and sincere — then he will be the chief, and he will lead his people gloriously, through all difficulties and dangers, to the goal before them — if it is God's will. If a man fails in any undertaking, though he thinks he has acted prudently and has used all the means he could use, then let him be sure of this thing : he has failed either because his undertaking was not in accordance with God's plan for the universe, for the earth, for the human race, for the destiny of individ- uals, or because the undertaking was intended to pro- mote some selfish end. Accordance with God's will and absence of egoism, these are the two things which make a man infallible and sure of success ; within the sphere prescribed by these limits, he is christlike, god- like — almighty. He may lose his life in the cause he struggles for, but his death will be the victory of his cause; the individual may perish, but the spirit will live ; short-sighted mortal witnesses may deem RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 153 such a hero and martyr unfortunate and his attempts a failure ; but future ages and their history will un- fold the secret and testify to his success. This truth we find verified in the history of the heroes and martyrs of all ages — and in no instance more strikingly, more divinely true than in the histo- ry of the founder of our religion. At the time of which I have been writing, this truth had never been clearly brought home to my mind, and there was not a vestige of such a genuine heroism in me. No wonder, therefore, that I then thought I had a right to complain of others, to grieve about the mistakes and crimes that were committed, to be discouraged by the sorrowful and miserable end of a political and social revolution which seemed so bright and promising in the beginning. The last tie which had retained me in a worthy and ennobling union with my fellow-men, began to loosen ; the last star which had shone in the firmament of my moral and spiritual world, faded away, and all around me became darkness and utter ruin. For the sake of merely making a living, I could not continue my business ; or with other words, my maxim was not that which Werner advocates in his letter to Wilhem Meister : " Perform your business, make money, enjoy yourself with your kindred, and concern yourself about the remainder of the world no 154 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR more than as far as you can make it subservient to your own advantage.' 7 On the one hand teaching seemed, therefore, to me too hard a business to undertake it for so mean an object. And really it began to be harder and harder for me. I would not give up being punctual and faithful ; still I could not interest myself in the duty of the hour, and consequently could not interest my scholars, so that it was hard for me to make them progress in their studies, and without rigorous measures to keep them in as strict obedience and order as I wished to. On the other hand teaching seemed to me too noble a task to be undertaken without an inward calling, without faith, without love. This love of children, love of individuals on the whole which is so necessary for a teacher — I was destitute of it ; I knew I was destitute of it, and I knew, therefore, that I could not be successful and happy as a teacher. My love to mankind in general, my faith in its worthiness of being cared for, had been shaken. I know I did not lose my faith in the perfectibility of mankind. I recollect I spoke one day of the causes which made the revolution of that epoch a failure. I said it would take a long time to prepare the nations of Europe for a republican government ; education ought first to dispel ignorance and immorality. A RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 155 friend replied to this : " Thus you think that we teachers are the real revolutionists of the future?" 1 replied in the affirmative. Still I did not feel the mental and moral capacity in me, to do a great work as a teacher, and I was not self-sacrificing enough willingly to be a humble member of that noble band of revolutionists, to resolve upon a life of toil and resignation, and yet to be insignificant, to disappear like a drop of water in the Ocean. My religion was at that time purely negative in its influence upon my actions. I believed in God's supremacy over the world and mankind, so far that I considered it man's duty to look upon his life as a gift from God, which he had no right wilfully to give up. Consequently I never was in danger of de- termining upon suicide as the means of ridding my- self of my earthly existence, though during that gloomy period, life seemed to me a riddle, or perhaps a thing without meaning, yea, an intolerable burden. I went even further in the path of duty. I acknowledged to myself that man had no right to do evil, and ought not, therefore, to harm any of his fel- low creatures. But I settled down into a state of mind which enforced no other religious or moral obli- gations. I looked upon the world as an institution, which for aught I knew, might be ruled on a fixed plan by a supreme intellect, but where minor human 156 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR affairs certainly were ruled by mere superiority of intellect. At that time I suppose I had no clear idea of the practical difference between faith, belief, and creed. Otherwise I could not have dared to do what I did during the last public examination I participated in, at the school where I taught. When I reviewed the religious instruction I had given to my class, I ven- tured publicly to affirm that the " spirit " (or intellect rather than faith) was the victory which overcometh the world. I will not dwell upon the mental agony which I endured during that period where outward reality and inward conviction most flagrantly contrasted with each other; where one feeling of duty urged me in one, and another in another direction ; where conflicting feelings prompted me to wish for a change, and then again for the permanency of actual circumstances. For some time I tried to reconcile myself to my condi- tion, but it was in vain. My duties became more and more burdensome to me ; every day I counted the hours and minutes which my duties required me to spend in teaching, and wished every evening the last minute would come. I sought gay society for the sake of losing myself and of escaping from the tantalizing consciousness of an unwelcome slavery. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 157 At last, however, this state began to be really insup- portable, and after a long inward struggle I burst my bonds, and resolved upon leaving off teaching at all hazards. I had no definite idea of what I should do, after that. I only knew I would not be a teacher for merely worldly ends, and I was not and thought I could not be a teacher with philanthropic, charitable and self-sacrificing views and feelings, so that I thought I could neither submit to being a teacher, nor dare to be one. I cannot express my state of mind in any better way, than by saying that I resolved upon making a compromise with the human race, with the outside world, and with its Creator. I would patiently bear the burden of life ; I would spend it in a harmless way ; would not require and claim from others any- thing except the mere permission to exist, but would also not allow anybody to require anything from me except noninterference. Thus I disclaimed all human and social rights and duties. The causes which urged me into such a resolution, were so weighty, and I had considered the matter so seriously, that my determination could not be shaken by any influence, that was brought to bear upon it and to work against it, as soon as I made it known to others. My parents tried to persuade me to remain in my situation, by counting up all the outward 158 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR advantages I derived from it, but I told them these were just what I did not wish for; I would not abuse, for worldly purposes, the business of training dozens and hundreds of intellects and hearts without having myself a heart for them. Further, my mother's advice of settling in the country I could not heed, though now for reasons differing from former ones. I was now willing to give up city life and city enjoyments, but I was not willing to give them up, and yet to continue teaching. My eldest sister warned me not to grieve our parents by giving up the future they had augured for me ; but I told her our parents would not require me to be unhappy all my life, merely for the sake of not acting contrary to their wishes and expectations; they would rather see me made happy by following my own convictions, than sure of being unhappy by following theirs. There were very few other friends to whom I com- municated my resolution at this stage of its develop- ment, for I found very soon that it was of no use to do so. It was too difficult to make any one fully understand the inward necessity which forced me into this resolution without revealing to them my whole mode of thinking and feeling. And this I did not like to do, because I thought it could not do anybody any good, and might do harm to some. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 159 For the sake of carrying out my views and plans I had now to choose some employment which would afford me the means of existence, without laying upon me any other duty, hut that of honesty, especially without engaging me in any labor directly tending to the intellectual, or moral improvement of man- kind. But here many difficulties arose in my path. The laws and customs of my native country make it very difficult for any one to change his place of residence, and still more difficult to change his occupa- tion. All professions and trades must be learned in a regular way by going through a prescribed course of education or training. To become a minister, a physician, an apothecary, a surgeon, a veterinarian, a lawyer, a civil officer &c, one must have been at college and the university, or in some particular institution. To become a merchant of any kind, even a retail grocer, one must have been apprenticed in that business. To be allowed to settle as an artisan of any kind, one must have been an apprentice, a journey-man, a travelling-artisan (for two years) ; one must have made a master-piece, and even then it depends upon the court's particular opinion whether there is room for one, whether to allow him to settle even in his native place, and to open a shop for himself. Clerk- ships in government offices &c, are usually given to 160 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR officers and subalterns who wish, or are expected to retire from military service. Farming is hardly taken up by any one who is not trained for it. The law does not really forbid doing so, but makes it very difficult, and then public opinion does not think very highly of " latin farmers as the country people used to call persons of a liberal education who took up farming without a previous practical knowledge of it. On the whole, public opinion was apt to hold in low estimation every one, who gave up the occupation which he had chosen in his early life, or into which he had perhaps been driven in his youth. The only business which did not seem peremptorily to require a particular training, and which was open to any one, was that of keeping a tavern, i. e. not of opening one when, and where a person might choose, but of buy- ing, or renting one of those hotels, taverns, inns, club-houses, or coffee-gardens which the courts might allow to exist, (with an occasional permission of adding a new one.) Still even here, public opinion was in favor of persons who had been for years wait- ers in hotels &c. With this state of affairs, I found very soon, that there was not much hope for me to find another occupation. I applied to the government for the situation of clerk in the post office in our town, where RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 161 there was a vacancy just then. This place would not have yielded me half of the income which I had at that time. It would have made it impossible for me to continue my expensive mode of living and of enjoying myself. Through this circumstance and through its own social inferiority it would probably have compelled me to leave the " first and best soci- ety/ 7 in which I had moved so far. Still I was wil- ling to make such a sacrifice only for the sake of no longer having the responsibility of teaching. The situation, however, was not given to me ; some one was preferred because he had been " trained " in that business. I met with no better success when I applied for the place of auctioneer, which the government advertised as being vacant in another province of the state. Afterwards I wrote to one of the Grand-duke's coun- sellors who knew about me. I asked him to procure for me some situation in any government office, what- ever it might be, where I might support myself by writing. This also proved to be of no avail, and I began by degrees to become familiar with the idea that I should be obliged to leave the country, as I would not con- tinue my actual business, and could not find any other. I knew it would be infinitely more grievous to my 11 162 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR parents to see me leave my home and country, than to see me change my business, and I was, therefore, willing to descend into any station of insignificance and inferiority at home, rather than to emigrate. It would have been preposterous in me, at my age and in my condition, to begin learning a trade according to law and custom, but I really made up my mind to be an inn-keeper. In a village, a few miles from my parents' home, an inn was advertised for sale, or to let. The evening before the day appointed for the public sale I walked home, and entreated my father to consent to my taking that place, and asked him to become my security. He would not listen to the project, and thus my last hope seemed to be cut off. I think at least this was the last expedient I could devise. It occurs to me I forgot above to mention that peddling needed no special training and no other permission than a license, and it is really a fact that I looked upon a few peddlers with some thoughts .of myself, meditating whether I should follow their example. But I could not seriously resolve upon doing so, because peddling was no regular trade ; it was not resorted to except perhaps by half a dozen of persons in a whole province, and on account of small profits and poor trade, they were obliged to carry so large burdens on their backs, that I knew I should RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 163 not be able to lead such a life from want of strength. When I saw that there was no other alternative ; that I had either to continue my business, or to emigrate, I resolved upon the latter. But truly, I did not resolve upon this joyfully or willingly. I had never before been conversant with the idea of existing and maintaining myself in a doubtful and adventurous way ; I had never been reckless or uncon- cerned about the future, or courageous enough to think of striking out a path for myself, and calmly to encounter vicissitudes, dangers and misfortunes. Thus I wished, just as little on my own account as on that of my parents, to leave my native country. Still as I believed to owe it to myself and to the world to give up teaching, I could without scruples resign to the necessity of emigrating which seemed to be the unavoidable consequence of my previous determination. When this necessity was to my mind a fixed fact, I had some difficulty in choosing between several ways that were open to me, or rather in finding any way that might seem to be practicable. At that time the discovery of the gold mines in California was of a recent date, and I noticed what effect this news had on thousands of minds that were as unsettled as mine. Still I was never for a minute tempted to join the throng that hastened to the Eldorado. The 164 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR rapid acquisition of wealth had nothing tempting for me; what I wanted and needed was tranquillity and peace of mind, and I knew that gold could not give that to me. Australia was also much talked of, at that time ; its gold mines had not yet been discovered, hut it seemed to be the most desirable part of the globe, for farming purposes. A person could in no way be successful there, if he could not rely upon himself alone, particularly on his bodily self. This considera- tion prevented me from fixing my hopes on the plan of going there. More seriously I turned my thoughts and desires towards the West Indies and South America, where I might hope to find some solitary spot, which under the benign influence of a mild and propitious climate would easily afford me shelter and the means of supporting a frugal, simple life. I happened just then to read Indiana by George Sand, and I have even now a lively recollection of the entire satisfac- tion the end of the story gave me, if I except the attempt of the lovers to destroy their lives, by throw- ing themselves down the precipice. Surely it was nothing but want of independence, of courage and of self-reliance, that prevented me from going to the tropical regions for the sake of leading there the life of an anchorite. RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 165 At last I fixed upon the idea that a person might live a solitary life in a large city more easily than anywhere else, if he could avoid being engaged in a business which would bring him into close relations to his fellow-men. I resolved, therefore, upon going to the United States, to the land of religious, political, social and individual freedom, and to live there, in a large city, without forming any more acquaintances, than I could help forming ; without taking more duties upon me, than I could help taking ; without expecting from the world around me anything for my enjoyment ; without trying to earn anything beyond what was necessary merely to clothe and feed me. The best way in which I could attain this end, seemed to be the employment of book-keeper ; this would not bring me in contact with many persons, and would not impose any duty upon me, except regularity, exactness and honesty. When I had settled the whole affair in my mind, I made my intention known wherever I was obliged to do so, but I received no approval from any side. My parents, it is true, gave up contending against my fixed purpose, but their silent grief was more eloquent than serious remonstrances would have been. When I asked the consistory to dismiss me from the State's service without obliging my father, or myself to refund to the Seminary a certain sum which 166 THE PROBLEM OE LIFE, OR was stipulated for such cases, my request was granted, and an honoring testimony of dismissal was sent to me. Previously to obtaining this, I had corresponded with the director of the Seminary concerning this matter, and received from him the following private letter : " My dear Carstens, Your letter in which you announce to me your intention of leaving the school (i. e. the State's service as teacher), has surprised me — not in a pleas- ant way — and also our inspector G. whom I informed of it yesterday. We both are convinced that the scJiool has had an efficient laborer in you, and that it would continue to find you such a one, if you would remain faithful to it. I must, therefore, really con- sider it my duty, once more most seriously to urge upon you the question whether you have very care- fully considered everything which was to be considered in this case. As far as I could see into it, you allege as the sole motive for your determination, a want of internal satisfaction with the efficacy of your labors, or — what I suppose to be the same — the consciousness of the incapability of realizing an ideal which exists in your imagination. It seems to me — allow me to say this — you act neither reasonably nor rightly, if by such RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 167 a feeling — however noble it may be, considered from another side — you allow yourself to be induced to give up a vocation which, as far as I know, you have hitherto discharged to the great satisfaction of your superiors and of the parents of your scholars. An ideal includes the conception of a perfection which needs not to be in actual existence, though it may be imagined to exist. But pray, my dear C, to what mortal is it granted to realize his ideal ! What minister, for instance, could ever laud himself for preaching as our Lord Jesus Christ preached, or for being such a pastor as St. Paul, or St. John was ! Or to take for an example a vocation of a lower order : what watchmaker could ever boast of furnish- ing, as often as he chose, a watch of an entirely faultless motion? Does not also the apostle who could congratulate himself upon having worked and effected the most, say explicitly : ' Not as though I had already attained &c.' ? Now, what would become of the world, if every one whom the relative imperfec- tion of his labors grieves, would directly give up and relinquish, on this account, the business which has been allotted to him ? Our activity, if it shall cor- respond to the principle of the moral law which is founded in the nature of man, must be regulated by rules, concerning which we ought to desire that they should be the universal maxim of human activ- 168 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR ity. With great and decided pertinence says, there- fore, a noble German poet ; 1 He who has done enough, according to the opinion of the noblest of his own age, has lived for all ages/ Such a one may certainly be satisfied with his own efforts, though he himself may feel most strongly that they do not correspond to the ideal in his head and heart. Herein also lies the truth of the paradox : 1 The better Christian, the greater sinner ; ' — because nobody is more distant from true Christianity, than the self-righteous who is not willing to find himself guilty of any sin. But why should 1 give you still more examples and proofs of a truth which you surely must acknowledge yourself? Whether you, therefore, can justify it before yourself, before the school, before the children who are to be educated, before their parents &c, to give up laboring as a teacher, merely on account of that feeling of not being satisfied with yourself as such, in spite of the consciousness of having satisfied competent judges of your labor, of your results — this certainly deserves to be weighed very seriously, before you carry out your intention. Besides, I think I ought also to ask you what your good father says to it, for although you are no longer, in the common acceptance of the term, under the con- trol of parental power, still, just as every son and RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 169 daughter whose father is living, you stand in a filial relation to him which certainly requires you not to do anything by which a father's heart might he grieved, or offended, or filled with uneasiness and care. You do not mention your father in your letter to me,- which, as I must frankly confess, has surprised me a little, since I know that he is still living. Nor do you say to what vocation you will turn, if you give up teaching — which at all events ought to be a call- ing of which you would be sure beforehand, that your endeavors in it would correspond to the ideal which might be formed of it. I should be exceedingly rejoiced, if, after another revision and investigation of your motives for relin- quishing the vocation of teacher, you could look upon the affair in another way, and could change the reso- lution you have now formed. I cannot imagine that you would find any cause for repenting of such an inconstancy, if you would like to call it thus. But I can very well imagine the opposite. " After having given some kind advice about the technicalities connected with the request of being allowed not to pay the stipulated sum to the Seminary, the letter concludes thus : 170 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR " Although with regret, still I should willingly coun- tenance your request, since I should be obliged to believe that you could not act differently. But may God grant that I need not do it ; — I mean, that you take another, a better view of the matter, and that we retain you as a co-laborer in the service of the schools of our country. With this hope I bid you, for the mean time, adieu, and beg you to keep me in kind remembrance." This letter, however cogent and affecting I felt it to be, could not make me waver in my determination. From the people with whom I had daily intercourse, I had to hear various opinions about myself and about my intention of going to America. Some thought they were sure I should soon come back; others thought I was born to be a teacher ; others believed I was too proud any longer to be a teacher ; some sup- posed that I had a desire to become rich, and that I hoped to attain this end in America. Truly, they all knew very little about the state of my mind, or if they did, they could not appreciate it. The superintendent of the schools told me, I might depart, but if I should, within a short time, change my mind, I might return ; they would keep the situa- tion at my disposal. All comfort I had from others, was that several RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 171 friends expressed a hope I might succeed in America, and many thought I could easily make my way in the mercantile world. My former teacher of mathemat- ics said, I could go West, and be a surveyor, if I could find no other employment. My landlady came one morning after a ball into my room, and after compli- menting me on a speech I had made at table, she added, that her husband said, I could not be badly off in America ; if I failed in every thing else, I might turn to preaching. To notice that all other people doubted the necessi- ty, or even the wisdom of the step I intended to take, was a source of great grief to me, and a thing not easily to be borne, but it led me also to a more serious investigation, and finally to greater confidence in my- self, and to a firmer belief in the necessity of persist- ing in my resolution. It was, therefore, the very means to make the execution of my plan less grievous and difficult to me. My departure did not need much preparation. At the end of the winter term of our school (March 1849) I resigned my situation. I sold my piano and the few articles of furniture I had, and thus I procured money enough to pay my passage, and to support my- self for a month or two in America, if I should not find some occupation at once. I also sold my little library, not only because I might need the trifling sum, 172 THE PROBLEM OF LIFE, OR which I knew it would bring, but because I wished to get rid of the books, which I thought I should never desire again to look at. I will not dwell upon the feelings with which, very soon after, I parted from niy parents, and from other relatives and friends, or as I ought to say perhaps, the feelings with which they saw me departing. I suppose I have no idea of what my parents suffered. As for myself, I might have had cause enough for being overpowered by grief, for I knew that I gave up a great deal, and did not know what fate I should meet with. I did not expect, and could not believe that I should ever have the means to return home, if I should wish sooner or later to do so, and thus I could not hope ever to see my parents and friends again upon this earth. Moreover, I had no guarantee that I should be able to make my way clear in Amer- ica ; I had hardly any acquaintances there, and pos- sessed very few practical capacities whereupon to build my hopes. Still, after all, I must say, that I parted from my kindred, my home, and my country, with a heart not so heavy as such circumstances would seem to indicate. Life had been such a burden to me, that any change whatever could not fail to be welcome, and that I had fortitude enough to bear up under the pressure of the saddening feelings which were awakened within and RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY. 173 around me, when I thus exchanged an apparently bright reality, against a dark and gloomy future. In order to make my narrative complete, I ought to add, what I gained, or lost hy this important change. A recital of the principal events of the fol- lowing nine years of my life, and of their influence on my mind, would show in what direction my religious views and feelings were developed, as well concern- ing the life of an individual as concerning the princi- pal denominations of Christians in general. How- ever, I cannot attempt such an undertaking at present. So much, nevertheless, I know, if it is God's will yet to spare my life and strength for sometime, I shall try to accomplish this task. In the meantime, I will wish that all my readers may he graciously preserved from ever falling into such a deplorable state of mind as that one by which I was driven away from my home and my native country. But if God in his wisdom should allow any of them to be thus afflicted, I wish them to come out of the labyrinth of doubt and sorrow, by a shorter and less rugged way than the one I have been obliged to travel for nine long, weary years. THE END. CONTENTS. Chap. I. General Remarks on Religion 3 Chap. II. General Remarks on Religious Sects 24 Chap. III. Reminiscences of Childhood 35 Chap. IV. Boyhood 50 Chap. Y. Youth 69 Chap. VI. Early Manhood. First Period 96 Chap. VII. Early Manhood. Second Period 123 Chap. VIH. Early Manhood, Third Period 139 /