*w DT113TS52D % . / fm Lcv^^ag*. [House Bill, No. 20.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.— January 28, \863. — Read first and second times, referred to Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. j By Mr. Lyons.] J± JBILL To appropriate five millions of dollars for the relief of the families of non-commissioned officers and privates of the Confederate Army. 1 Section 1 . The C&ngrtss of tJie Confederate States of America do 2 enact. That the sum of five millions of dollars be, and the same > is hereby appropriated for the relief of the families of the non- 1 commissioned officers and privates now in the army, and those 5 who have died in the army, whose necessities require such relief. 1 Sec. 2. The said sum of money shall be divided among the 2 States in proportion to the number of soldiers Vhich they have 3 furnished for the war, and it shall be the duty -of the Secretary I of the Treasury to pay over to each State its share of the said .5 sum, as soon as the Legislature thereof shall have made provision 6' for receiving anddisbursing the same. 1 Sec. 3. This act shall be in force from its passage. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5