Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/peru21pres SIMON BOLIVAR, THE WASHINGTON OF SOUTH AMERICA Per u y z>o/, two IMUorlts’s 38cst f^tstortes PERU BY WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT With Frontispiece if IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME TWO NEW YORK AND LONDON THE CO-OPERATIVE PUBLICATION SOCIETY CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. 1 BOOK III. CONQUEST OF PERU —Continued. CHAPTER IX. SJEW INCA CROWNED. — MUNICIPAL REGULATIONS. — TERRIBLE MARCH OF ALVARADO.— INTERVIEW WITH PIZARRO. — FOUNDATION OF LIMA. — HERNANDO PIZARRO REACHES SPAIN. — SENSATION AT COURT.— FEUDS OF ALMAGRO AND THE PIZARROS, p. 15. PAGE Inca Manco crowned 15 Spanish Government in Cuzco. 16 Christian Churches founded. . . 18 Labors of the Missionaries. ... 18 Sharp Encounters with the Na- tives 20 Landing of Pedro de Alvarado. 20 His March to Quito 21 Terrible Passage of the Puertos Nevados 21 Sufferings from Cold and Star- vation 21 Eruption of Cotopaxi 22 Alvarado reaches the Table- land 23 Benalcazar’s Expedition 24 Almagro’s Pursuit 25 Agreement between Alvarado and Almagro 26 Pizarro at Xauxa 26 His Meeting with Alvarado. ... 27 PAGE Site for a new Capital 28 Foundation of Lima. ......... 29 Almagro goes to Cuzco ....... 30 Hernando Pizarro sent to Spain. 30 Admitted to an Audience by the Emperor 31 Royal Grants to the Conquerors 32 Sensation produced by his Ac- counts 33 Returns with a large Arma- ment 33 His Sufferings at Nombre de Dios 34 Elation of Almagro 34 Difficulty between him and Pi- zarro 35 Reconciliation effected 36 Singular Compact 37 Almagro’s Expedition to Chili . 37 Pizarro embellishes his Capital. 38 His tranquil Occupations. ..... 39 6 CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. B 9 CAFE OF THE INCA. — RETURN OF HERNANDO PIZARRO. — RISING OP THE PERUVIANS. — SIEGE AND BURNING OF CUZCO. — DISTRESSES OF THE SPANIARDS.— STORMING OF THE FORTRESS. — PIZARRO’S DISMAY. — THE INCA RAISES THE SIEGE, p. 39. Condition of the conquered Country 40 Inca Manco 41 Conspiracy of the Peruvians. .. 41 Escape and Recapture of the Inca 42 Kindly treated by Hernando Pizarro 43 The Inca’s final Escape 43 Hotly pursued by Juan Pizarro. 44 Defeated on the Yucay 44 Juan Pizarro entangled in the Mountains 46 Summoned back to Cuzco 46 The Indians besiege it 46 Anxiety of the Spaniards 47 Firing of the City 48 Terrible Conflagration 48 Perilous Condition of the Span- iards 49 Desperate Combats 50 Distress of the Besieged 51 Their resolute Determination. . 52 PAGE Furious Sally 53 Discipline of the Natives 53 Terrible Slaughter of them .... 53 The Spaniards storm the Cita- del 54 Death of Juan Pizarro 56 Heroism of an Inca Noble 57 The Fortress taken 57 Scarcity of Provisions 58 Reinforcements cut off 58 Consternation of the Spaniards. 60 Pizarro seeks Supplies from the North 60 The Inca withdraws his Forces. 61 Chivalrous Encounters 61 Attempt to seize the Inca 62 Attack on his Quarters at Tam- bo 62 The Spaniards compelled to Retreat 63 Biographical Notice of Pedro Pizarro 64 Notice of Montesinos 66 BOOK IV. CIVIL WARS OF THE CONQUERORS. CHAPTER I. ALMAGRO’S MARCH TO CHILI. — SUFFERINGS OF THE TROOPS. — HE RE- TURNS AND SEIZES CUZCO. — ACTION OF ABANCAY. — GASPAR DE ESPINOSA. — ALMAGRO LEAVES CUZCO. — NEGOTIATIONS WITH PIZARRO, p. 68. Almagro sets out for Chili 68 W’ld Scenery of the Andes. ... 69 Numbers perish of Cold and Famine 69 Horrible Sufferings of his Army 69 Cruelty toward his Indian Al- lies 70 Overtaken by Rodrigo de Or- gofiez 7® Receives bad Tidings from the South 71 Returns by the Desert of Ata- cama 72 Many perish among the Sand* . 73 CONTENTS. 7 PAOH Arrives near Cuzco 73 Battle with the Inca’s Troops. . 73 Claims Jurisdiction over Cuzco. 73 Takes Possession of the Place. 75 Captures Hernando and Gon- zalo Pizarro 75 Orgofiez advises their Death. . . 76 Marches against Alonzo de Al- varado 76 Battle of Abancay 77 Almagro defeats and takes him Prisoner 77 Returns to Cuzco ... 78 Pizarro greatly alarmed 78 PAGET Sends Espinosa to negotiate. . . 79 Death of his Emissary. ....... 79 Critical Situation of the Broth- ers Pizarro 80 Almagro leaves Cuzco for the Coast 8l Stormy Conference with Fran- cisco Pizarro 82 Bitter Feelings of Almagro .... 82 Political Concessions of Pizarro 83 Treaty concluded between them „ 83 Hernando set at Liberty 84 CHAPTER n. FIRST CIVIL WAR. — ALMAGRO RETREATS TO CUZCO. — BATTLE OF LAS SALINAS. — CRUELTY OF THE CONQUERORS. — TRIAL AND EXECUTION OF ALMAGRO.— HIS CHARACTER, p. 85. Pizarro prepares for War .... . 85 Perfidiously breaks the Treaty. 85 Almagro disabled by Illness ... 86 He retreats to Cuzco 86 Orgofiez takes Command of the Forces 87 Hernando Pizarro marches against him 87 Composition of the Army 89 His Order of Battle 89 Attacks Orgofiez 90 Bloody Battle of Las Salinas. . 91 Heroism and Death of Orgofiez 91 Rout of the Army 91 Almagro taken Prisoner 92 Assassination of Pedro de Ler- ma 93 Hernando occupies Cuzco 94 Illness and Distress of Almagro 94 He is brought to Trial 95 Sentenced to Death 96 Earnestly sues for Life 96 Appoints his Son his Successor. 97 Is Strangled in Prison 98 His Character 99 His free and liberal Temper. . 99 Unfortunate Connection with Pizarro 101 CHAPTER III. PIZARRO REVISITS CUZCO. — HERNANDO RETURNS TO CASTILE. — HIS LONG IMPRISONMENT.— COMMISSIONER SENT TO PERU. — HOSTILITIES WITH THE INCA. — PIZARRO’S ACTIVE ADMINISTRATION. — GONZALQ PIZARRO, p. IOI. Pizarro marches toward Cuzco. Learns Almagro’s Death ...... His own Agency in it His arrogant Conduct. Gross Partiality to his Family. . Hernando returns with much Gold to Spain His Warning to his Brother. . . 101 102 102 lor 103 104 105 Coldly received at Court Is thrown into Prison Detained there for many Years. His Character Disorderly State of Peru Commissioners sent out by the Crown Vaca de Castro arrives in Peru. 106 106 106 107 108 109 110 8 CONTENTS. PAGB War with the Inca Manco no Cruelty of Pizarro to one of his Wives in Pizarro establishes Settlements in Peru 1 12 PAoa His Journey to Lima 113 His efficient Administration ... 113 Gonzalo Pizarro sent to Quito. , 1 13 Character of that Chief 114 CHAPTER IV. OONZALO PIZARRO* S EXPEDITION. — PASSAGE ACROSS THE MOUNTAINS.— DISCOVERS THE NAPO. — INCREDIBLE SUFFERINGS. — ORELLANA SAILS DOWN THE AMAZON. — DESPAIR OF THE SPANIARDS. — THE SURVIVORS RETURN TO QUITO, p. II5. Expedition to the Land of Cin- namon 1 15 Gonzalo leads it 115 Tempestuous Weather on the March 1 16 Forests of enormous Growth. . . 116 Miseries and Sufferings of the Spaniards 116 They arrive on the Borders of Stupendous Cataract 1 18 Perilous Passage of the River. . 119 They construct a Brigantine. . . 120 Orellana takes Command of it. 120 They reach the Banks of the Amazon 121 Orellana’s Wonderful Voyage. . 122 His subsequent Fate 123 Dismal Situation of the Span- iards 123 Courageous Spirit of Gonzalo . . 124 Their Return through the Wil- derness 124 Frightful Mortality 125 Survivors re-enter Quito 126 CHAPTER V. THE ALMAGRO FACTION. — THEIR DESPERATE CONDITION. — CONSPIRACY AGAINST FRANCISCO PIZARRO. — ASSASSINATION OF PIZARRO. — ACTS OF THE CONSPIRATORS. — PIZARRO’S CHARACTER, p. 127. Pizarro’s Policy toward the Men of Chili 127 Their destitute Condition 128 Pizarro’s contemptuous Treat- ment of them 128 Their Disaffection 129 Conspiracy against Pizarro .... 130 Betrayed to him 130 His strange Insensibility 131 Assaulted in his Palace 132 Is deserted by his Friends 134 His Coolness and Intrepidity. . 135 His desperate Defence 135 His Death 136 Proceedings of the Conspirators 136 Fate of Pizarro’s Remains 137 His Family 138 His Personal Appearance 139 His Liberality 140 His Want of Education 140 His Courage and Constancy. . . 142 His inflexible Spirit 142 Compared with Cortes 143 His Treatment of the Indians. . 145 Want of Religion 145 His Avarice and Ambition .... 145 Extenuating Circumstances. . . . 147 CONTENTS. 9 CHAPTER VL MOVEMENTS OF THE CONSPIRATORS. — ADVANCE OF VACA DE CASTRO.— PROCEEDINGS OF ALMAGRO. — PROGRESS OF THE GOVERNOR. — THE FORCES APPROACH EACH OTHER. — BLOODY PLAINS OF CHUPAS. — CON- DUCT OF VACA DE CASTRO, p. I47. PACE Arrival of Vaca de Castro 148 Difficulties of his Situation .... 149 He assumes the Government . . 149 Almagro strengthens himself at Lima 150 Massacre of Bishop Valverde . . 15 1 His fanatical Character 15 1 Irresolution of Almagro 153 Death of Juan de Rada 153 Almagro occupies Cuzco 154 Puts to Death Garcia de Alva- rado 154 His energetic Operations 155 He vainly Attempts to Negotiate 156 His Address to his Troops .... 156 Amount of his Forces 157 Marches against Vaca de Castro 157 Progress of the Governor 158 His politic Management 159 Reaches Lima 159 Musters his Army at Xauxa. . . 160 Declines the Aid of Gonzalo Pizarro 161 Negotiates with Almagro 162 PAGE His Terms rejected 163 Occupies the Plains of Chupas. 163 Advance of Almagro 163 The Governor forms in Order of Battle 164 Addresses the Soldiers 164 Dispositions of Almagro 165 Francisco de Carbajal 165 He leads the Royal Army 166 Bloody Conflict 167 Bravery of Carbajal 168 Night overtakes the Combat- ants 168 Aimagro’s Army give way.... 168 His heroic Efforts 170 He is made Prisoner 171 Number of the Slain 171 Execution of Almagro 172 His Character 173 Gonzalo Pizarro at Cuzco 173 Laws for the Government of the Colonies 174 Wise Conduct of Vaca de Cas- tro 175 CHAPTER VIL ABUSES BY THE CONQUERORS.— CODE FOR THE COLONIES. — GREAT EX- CITEMENT IN PERU. — BLASCO NUSEZ THE VICEROY. — HIS SEVERE POLICY. — OPPOSED BY GONZALO PIZARRO, p. 1 76. Forlorn Condition of the Na- tives 177 Brutal Conduct of the Con- querors 177 Their riotous Waste 179 Remonstrances of Government. 180 Humane Efforts of Las Casas. . 181 Royal Ordinances 182 Viceroy and Audience for Peru. 183 Great Commotion in the Colo- nies 184 Anxiety of Vaca de Castro. . . . 185 Colonists apply to Gonzalo Pi- zarro 185 Blasco Nunez Vela, the Viceroy 186 He arrives in the New World. . 187 His high-handed Measures .... 188 The Country thrown into Con- sternation 188 Gonzalo Pizarro repairs to Cuz- co 190 Assumes the Title of Procura- tor 190 His ambitious Views 190 JO CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. CHE VICEROY ARRIVES AT LIMA.— GONZALO PIZARRO MARCHES FROM CUZCO. — DEATH OF THE INCA MANCO. — RASH CONDUCT OF THE VICEROY. — SEIZED AND DEPOSED BY THE AUDIENCE. — GONZALO PRO- CLAIMED GOVERNOR OF PERU, p. 191. filasco Nufiez, the Viceroy, en- ters Lima I91 His impolitic Behavior 192 Discontent of the Colonists. . . . 193 Gonzalo Pizarro assembles an An «y 193 Marches from Cuzco 193 Death of the Inca Manco 194 Hesitation of Gonzalo Pizarro . . 195 Reassured by Popular Favor. . . 196 Suspicious Temper of the Vice- roy 196 He confines Vaea de Castro . . . 197 He prepares for War 197 Audience arrive at Lima 198 FAGS Disapprove the Viceroy’s Pro- ceedings 198 Murder of Suarez de Carbajal. . 199 Rash Design of the Viceroy . . . 200 Thwarted by the Audience .... 201 Made Prisoner in his Palace. . . 201 Sent back to Spain 202 Gonzalo Pizarro claims the Gov- ernment . . 202 Cruelties of Carbajal 203 Audience grant Pizarro’s De- mands 204 His triumphant Entry into Lima 204 Proclaimed Governor 205 Rejoicings of the People 205 CHAPTER IX. MEASURES OF GONZALO PIZARRO. — ESCAPE OF VACA DE CASTRO. — RE- APPEARANCE OF THE VICEROY. — HIS DISASTROUS RETREAT. — DEFEAT AND DEATH OF THE VICEROY. — GONZALO PIZARRO LORD OF PERU, p. 205. Gonzalo Pizarro establishes hjs Authority 206 Vaca de Castro escapes to Spain 206 Is there thrown into Confine- ment 207 The Viceroy Blasco Nunez set on Shore 208 Musters a Force at San Miguel 209 Gonzalo Marches against him. . 209 Surprises him by Night 210 Pursues him across the Moun- tains 210 Terrible Sufferings of the Ar- mies 212 Disaffection among the Vice- roy’s Followers 212 He puts several Cavaliers to Death 213 Enters Quito 214 Driven onward to Popayan. ... 215 Reinforced by Benalcazar 215 Stratagem of Pizarro 216 Blasco Nunez approaches Quito 216 Attempts to surprise Gonzalo Pizarro 217 Determines to give him Battle. 218 Addresses his Troops 218 Inferiority of his Forces 219 Battle of Anaquito 219 The Viceroy defeated 220 Slain on the Field 221 Great Slaughter of his Troops . 222 Character of Blasco Nuffez . . , 223 Difficulty of his Position .... 223 Moderation of Gonzalo Pizarro .- 224 His Triumphant Progress to Lima 225 Undisputed Master of Peru 225 CONTENTS. II M.GE Carbajal’s Pursuit of Centeno. . 226 He works the Mines of Potosi . 227 State assumed by Pizarro 228 Urged to shake off his Alle- giance 228 PASS His Hesitation 228 Critical Notices of Herrera and Gomara 230 Life and Writings of Oviedo.. 231 And of Cieza de Leon 23a BOOK V. SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTRY. CHAPTER I. eREAT SENSATION IN SPAIN. — PEDRO DE LA GASCA. — HIS EARLY LIFE. — HIS MISSION TO PERU. — HIS POLITIC CONDUCT. — HIS OFFERS TO PIZARRO. — GAINS THE FLEET, p. 234. Consternation produced in Spain Embarrassments of the Govern- ment Conciliatory Measures adopted. 236 Pedro de la Gasca Account of his early Life.. Selected for the Peruvian Mis- sion Receives the Instructions of Government ••• 239 Demands unlimited Powers. . . . 241 Granted by the Emperor. . . . . . 241 Refuses a Bishopric Sails from San Lucar • •• 243 State of Things in Peru .... ••• 243 Gasca arrives at Nombre de Dios ...244 His plain and unpretending De- meanor He gains over Mexia 245 Cautious Reception of him by Hinojosa 246 He distributes Letters through the Country 246 Communicates with. Gonzalo Pi- zarro 246 His Letters to him and Cepeda 248 He is detained at Panama 249 Refuses to employ Violent Measures 249 Secret Anxiety of Pizarro 250 He sends Aldana to Spain .... 251 Interview of Aldana with Gasca 252 He embraces the Royal Cause . 253 Hinojosa surrenders the Fleet to Gasca 253 Gasca’s temperate Policy suc- ceeds 254 CHAPTER II. OASCA ASSEMBLES HIS FORCES. — DEFECTION OF GONZALO PIZARRO’S FOLLOWERS. — HE MUSTERS HIS LEVIES. — AGITATION IN LIMA. — HE ABANDONS THE CITY. — GASCA SAILS FROM PANAMA. — BLOODY BATTLE OF HUARINA, p. 254. Gasca seeks Supplies of Men and Money 254 Aldana sent with a Squadron to Lima 255 Influence of Gasca’s Proclama- tions .... 255 Change of Sentiment in the Country 256 12 CONTENTS. PAGE Letter of Gasca to Pizarro 256 Different Views of Carbajal and Cepeda 256 Centeno seizes Cuzco for the Crown 258 Gonzalo’s active Measures. . . . 258 Splendid Equipment of his Army 259 He becomes suspicious and vio- lent 260 Solemn Farce of Cepeda 261 Aldana arrives off Lima 261 Gonzalo’s Followers desert to him 262 Perplexity of that Chief 263 He marches out of Lima 264 Tempestuous Voyage of Gasca. 265 He lands at Tumbez 266 Encamps at Xauxa 267 PACE Gonzalo resolves to retire to Chili Centeno intercepts him Pizarro advances to Lake Titi- caca The two Armies approach Hua- rina Inferiority of the rebel Army . . Carbajal’s Arquebusiers Battle of Huarina Centeno’s Cavalry bear down all before them Critical Situation of Pizarro . . . Carbajal’s Musketeers retrieve the Day Decisive Victory of the Rebels. Great Loss on both Sides Escape of Centeno Gonzalo Pizarro enters Cuzco in Triumph 268 268 269 269 270 270 272 273 273 273 274 275 276 277 CHAPTER III. DISMAY IN GASCA’S CAMP. — HIS WINTER QUARTERS. — RESUMES HIS MARCH. — CROSSES THE APURIMAC. — PIZARRO’S CONDUCT IN CUZCO.— HE ENCAMPS NEAR THE CITY. — ROUTE OF XAQUIXAGUANA, p. 278. Consternation in the Royal Camp 279 Energetic Measures of the Presi- dent 279 He marches to Andaguaylas . . . 280 Joined by Valdivia from Chili. 280 Excellent Condition of Gasca’s Troops 281 He sets out for Cuzco 282 Difficult Passage of the Andes. 282 He throws a Bridge over the Apurimac 283 Great Hazard in crossing the River 283 Dangerous Ascent of the Si- erra 285 He encamps on the Heights . . . 286 Gonzalo Pizarro’s careless In- difference 286 Wise Council of Carbajal 286 Rejected by his Commander . . . 287 Acosta detached to guard the Passes 288 Tardy Movements of that Of- ficer 288 Valley of Xaquixaguana 288 Selected as a Battle-ground by Pizarro 290 Gonzalo takes up a position there 29® Approach of the Royal Army. . 291 Skirmish on the Heights 292 The President fears a Night- Attack 293 The Armies drawn up in Battle- array 293 Chivalrous Bearing of Gonzalo. 293 Desertion of Cepeda 294 His example followed by others 296 A Panic seizes the rebel Troops 296 They break up and disperse . . . 296 Pizarro surrenders himself Pris- oner 297 Sternly received by Gasca 298 Capture of Carbajal 299 Great Booty of the Victors. . . . 300 C O NT ENTS. 13 CHAPTER IV. EXECUTION OF CARBAJAL. — GONZALO PIZARRO BEHEADED. — SPOILS OF VICTORY. — WISE REFORMS BY GASCA. — HE RETURNS TO SPAIN. — HIS DEATH AND CHARACTER, p. 3OI. PAGB Sentence passed on the Pris- oners 3 01 Indifference of Carbajal 302 His Execution 303 His early Life 303 Atrocities committed by him in Peru 304 His caustic Repartees 305 His Military Science 305 Execution of Gonzalo Pizarro . , 307 His Conduct on the Scaffold . . . 307 Confiscation of his Estates .... 308 His early History 308 His brilliant Exterior 309 His Want of Education 310 Fate of Cepeda 311 And of Gonzalo’ s Officers 31 1 Gasca occupies Cuzco. 31 1 Gasca’s Difficulty in apportion- ing Rewards. ... - 312 His letter to the Army 313 Value of Repartimientos 314 Murmurs of the Soldiery 314 The President goes to Lima . . . 315 His Care for the Natives 316 He abolishes Slavery in the Colonies 317 Introduces wholesome Reforms 317 Tranquillity restored to the Country 318 He refuses numerous Presents. 320 Embarks for Panam4 320 His narrow Escape there 321 Sails from Nombre de Dios. . . . 321 Arrives with his Treasure at Se- ville 321 Graciously received by the Em- peror 322 Made Bishop of Siguenza 322 His Death 322 His personal Appearance .... 323 Admirable Balance of his Qual- ities 324 His Common Sense 324 His Rectitude and Moral Cour- age 324 Concluding Reflections 325 Critical Notice of Zarate 327 Life and Writings of Fernan- dez 329 APPENDIX. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Description of the Inca’s Prog- resses 331 Account of the great Peruvian road 332 Policy of the Incas in their Con- quests . . . . 333 Will of Mancio Sierra Lejese- ma. :. 335 Interview between Pedrarias and Almagro 337 Contract of Pizarro with Al- magro and Luque 339 Capitulation of Pizarro with the Queen 342 Index Accounts of Atahuallpa’s Seiz- ure 34* Personal Habits of Atahuallpa. 353 Accounts of Atahuallpa’s Exe- cution 355 Contract between Pizarro and Almagro... 35^ Letter of Almagro the Younger to the Audience . . 362 Letter of the Municipality of Arequipa to Charles the Fifth 364 Sentence passed on Gonzalo Pizarro 367 3 6 9 CONQUEST OF PERU CONQUEST OF PERU BOOK III. CONQUEST OF PERU. (continued.) CHAPTER IX. New Inca Crowned. — Municipal Regulations. — Terrible March of Alva- rado. — Interview with Pizarro. — Foundation of Lima. Hernando Pizarro reaches Spain. — Sensation at Court. — Feuds of Almagro and the Pizarros. 1534 — 1535 - The first care of the Spanish general, after the division of the booty, was to place Manco on the throne and to obtain for him the recognition of his countrymen. He, accordingly, presented the young prince to them as their future sovereign, the legitimate son of Huayna Capac, and the true heir of the Peruvian sceptre. The annunciation was received with enthu- siasm by the people, attached to the memory of his illustrious father, and pleased that they were still to have a monarch rule over them of the ancient line of Cuzco. Everything was done to maintain the illusion with the In- dian population. The ceremonies of a coronation were stu- diously observed. The young prince kept the prescribed fasts and vigils ; and on the appointed day the nobles and the peo- ple, with the whole Spanish soldiery, assembled in the great i6 CONQUEST OF PERU. [BOOK III. square of Cuzco to witness the concluding ceremony. Mass was publicly performed by Father Valverde, and the Inca Manco received the fringed diadem of Peru, not from the hand of the high-priest of his nation, but from his Conqueror, Pi- zarro. The Indian lords then tendered their obeisance in the customary fix m ; after which the royal notary read aloud the instrument asserting the supremacy of the Castilian crown, and requiring the homage of all present to its authority. This ad- dress was explained by an interpreter, and the ceremony of homage was performed by each one of the parties waving the royal banner of Castile twice or thrice with his hands. Manco then pledged the Spanish commander in a golden goblet of the sparkling chiclxa ; and, the latter having cordially embraced the new monarch, the trumpets announced the conclusion of the ceremony . 1 But it was not the note of triumph, but of humiliation ; for it proclaimed that the armed foot of the stranger was in the halls of the Peruvian Incas ; that the cere- mony of coronation was a miserable pageant ; that their prince himself was but a puppet in the hands of his conqueror ; and that the glory of the Children of the Sun had departed for- ever ! Yet the people readily yielded to the illusion, and seemed willing to accept this image of their ancient independence. The accession of the young monarch was greeted by all the usual fetes and rejoicings. The mummies of his royal ances- tors, with such ornaments as were still left to them, were paraded in the great square. They were attended each by his own numerous retinue, who performed all the menial offices, as if the object of them were alive and could feel their import. Each ghostly form took its seat at the banquet-table — now, alas ! stripped of the magnificent service with which it was wont to blaze at these high festivals — and the guests drank deep to the illustrious dead. Dancing succeeded the carousal, and the festivities, prolonged to a late hour, were continued night after night by the giddy population, as if their conquer- 1 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. — Ped. Sancho, Ret., ap. Ramusio, tom. iii., foL NEW INCA CROWNED. CHAP. IX.J 1 7 ors had not been intrenched in the capital ! 2 What a con* trast to the Aztecs in the conquest of Mexico ! Pizarro’s next concern was to organize a municipal govern ment for Cuzco, like those in the cities of the parent country. Two alcaldes were appointed, and eight regidores, among which last functionaries were his brothers Gonzalo and Juan. The oaths of office were administered with great solemnity, on the twenty-fourth of March, 1534, in presence both of Span- iards and Peruvians, in the public square ; as if the general were willing by this ceremony to intimate to the latter that, while they retained the semblance of their ancient institutions, the real power was henceforth vested in their conquerors. 3 He invited Spaniards to settle in the place by liberal grants of lands and houses, for which means were afforded by the numer- ous palaces and public buildings of the Incas; and many a cavalier who had been too poor in his own country to find a place to rest in now saw himself the proprietor of a spacious mansion that might have entertained the retinue of a prince. 4 From this time, says an old chronicler, Pizarro, who had hither- to been distinguished by his military title of “ Captain-Gen- eral,” was addressed by that of “ Governor.” 5 Both had been bestowed on him by the royal grant. Nor did the chief neglect the interests of religion. Father Valverde, whose nomination as Bishop of Cuzco not long af- terward received the Papal sanction, prepared to enter on the 3 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. — “Luegopor la manana iba al enterramiento donde estaban cada uno por orden embalsamados como es dicho, y asentados en sus sillas, y con mucha veneracion y respeto, todos por orden los sacaban de alii y los trahian A la ciudad, teniendo cada uno su litera, y hombres con su librea. que le trujesen, y ansi desta manera todo el servicio y aderezos como si estubiera vivo.” — Relacion del primer Descub., MS. * Ped. Sancho, Rel., ap. Ramusio, tom. iii., fol. 409. — Montesinos, Annales, MS., afio 1534.— Actto de la fundacion del Cuzco, MS. — This instrument, which belongs to thecoU lection of Munoz, records not only the names of the magistrates, but of the vecinos who formed the first population of the Christian capital. 4 Actto de la fundacion del Cuzco, MS.— Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS.— Gar* cilasso, Com. Real., Parte r, lib. 7, cap. 9 et seq. When a building was of immense size, as happened with some of the temples and palaces, it was assigned to two or even three of the Conquerors, who each took his share of it. Garcilasso, who describes the city as it was soon after the Conquest, commemorates with sufficient prolixity the names of the cavaliers among whom the buildings were distributed* 6 Montesinos, Annales, afio 1534. i8 CONQUEST OF PERU. [BOOK III. duties of his office. A place was selected for the cathedral of his diocese, facing the plaza. A spacious monastery subsequently rose on the ruins of the gorgeous House of the Sun ; its walls were constructed of the ancient stones ; the altar was raised on the spot where shone the bright image of the Peruvian deity, and the cloisters of the Indian temple were trodden by the friars of St. Dominic . 6 To make the metamorphosis more complete, the House of the Virgins of the Sun was replaced by a Roman Catholic nunnery . 7 Christian churches and monas- teries gradually supplanted the ancient edifices, and such of the latter as were suffered to remain, despoiled of their heathen insignia, were placed under the protection of the Cross. The Fathers of St. Dominic, the Brethren of the Order of Mercy, and other missionaries, now busied themselves in the good work of conversion. We have seen that Pizarro was re- quired by the crown to bring out a certain number of these holy men in his own vessels ; and every succeeding vessel brought an additional reinforcement of ecclesiastics. They were not all like the Bishop of Cuzco, with hearts so seared by fanaticism as to be closed against sympathy with the unfortu- nate natives . 8 They were, many of them, men of singular hu- mility, who followed in the track of the conqueror to scatter the seeds of spiritual truth, and, with disinterested zeal, de- voted themselves to the propagation of the gospel. Thus did their pious labors prove them the true soldiers of the Cross, and show that the object so ostentatiously avowed of carry- c Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 3, cap. 20; lib. 6, cap. 21. — Naharro, Relacion su maria, MS. 7 Ulloa, Voyage to South America, book 7, ch. 12. — “The Indian nuns,” says the author of the Relacion del primer Descub., “ lived chastely and in a holy manner.” — “Their chastity was all a feint,” says Pedro Pizarro, “for they had constant amours with the at- tendants of the temple.” (Descub. y Conq.. MS.) — What is truth? In statements so con- tradictory, we may accept the most favorable to the Peruvians. The prejudices of the Conquerors certainly did not lie on that side. 8 Such, however, it is but fair to Val verde to state, is not the language applied to him by the rude soldiers of the Conquest. The municipality of Xauxa, in a communication to the Court, extol the Dominican as an exemplary and learned divine, who had afforded much ierviceable consolation to his countrymen : “ Es persona de mucho exemplo i Doctrina icon quien todos los Espaholes an tenido mucho consuelo.” f Carta de la Just, y Reg. de Xauxa, MS.) And yet this is not incompatible with a high degree of insensibility to the Batural right9 of the natives. CHAP. IX.] MUNICIPAL REGULATIONS. 19 ing its banner among the heathen nations was not an empty vaunt. The effort to Christianize the heathen is an honorable characteristic of the Spanish conquests. The Puritan, with equal religious zeal, did comparatively little for the conversion of the Indian, content, as it would seem, with having secured to himself the inestimable privilege of worshipping God in his own way. Other adventurers who have occupied the New World have often had too little regard for religion themselves, to be very solicitous about spreading it among the savages. But the Spanish missionary, from first to last, has shown a keen interest in the spiritual welfare of the natives. Under his auspices, churches on a magnificent scale have been erected, schools for elementary instruction founded, and every rational means taken to spread the knowledge of religious truth ; while he has carried his solitary mission into remote and almost in- accessible regions, or gathered his Indian disciples into com- munities, like the good Las Casas in Cumana, or the Jesuits in California and Paraguay. At all times, the courageous eccle- siastic has been ready to lift his voice against the cruelty of the conqueror and the no less wasting cupidity of the colonist ; and when his remonstrances, as was too often the case, have proved unavailing, he has still followed to bind up the broken- hearted, to teach the poor Indian resignation under his lot, and light up his dark intellect with the revelation of a holier and happier existence. In reviewing the blood-stained records of Spanish colonial history, it is but fair, and at the same time cheering, to reflect that the same nation which sent forth the hard-hearted conqueror from its bosom, sent forth the mission- ary to do the work of beneficence and spread the light of Chris- tian civilization over the farthest regions of the New World. While the governor, as we are henceforth to style him, lay at Cuzco, he received repeated accounts of a considerable force in the neighborhood, under the command of Atahuallpa’s officer, Quizquiz. He accordingly detached Almagro, with a small body of horse and a large native force under the Inca Manco, to disperse the enemy, and, if possible, to capture the 20 CONQUEST OF PERU. [BOOK II!. leader. Manco was the more ready to take part in the expedi- tion, as the hostile Indians were soldiers of Quito, who, with their commander, bore no good will to himself. > Almagro, moving with characteristic rapidity, was not long in coming up with the Indian chieftain. Several sharp en- counters followed, as the army of Quito fell back on Xauxa, near which a general engagement decided the fate of the war by the total discomfiture of the natives. Quizquiz fled to the elevated plains of Quito, where he still held out with undaunted spirit against a Spanish force in that quarter, till at length his own soldiers, wearied by these long and ineffectual hostilities, massacred their commander in cold blood. 9 Thus fell the last of the two great officers of Atahuallpa, who, if their nation had been animated by a spirit equal to their own, might long have successfully maintained their soil against the invader. Some time before this occurrence the Spanish governor, while in Cuzco, received tidings of an event much more alarm- ing to him than any Indian hostilities. This was the arrival on the coast of a strong Spanish force, under the command of Don Pedro de Alvarado, the gallant officer who had served under Cortes with such renown in the war of Mexico. That cavalier, after forming a brilliant alliance in Spain, to which he was entitled by his birth and military rank, had returned to his government of Guatemala, where his avarice had been roused by the magnificent reports he daily received of Pizarro’s conquests. These conquests, he learned, had been confined to Peru ; while the northern kingdom of Quito, the ancient resi- dence of Atahuallpa, and, no doubt, the principal depository of his treasures, yet remained untouched. Affecting to con- sider this country as falling without the governor’s jurisdiction, he immediately turned a large fleet, which he had intended for the Spice Islands, in the direction of South America ; and in March, 1534, he landed in the Bay of Caraques with five hundred followers, of whom half were mounted, and all ad- 9 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS.— Naharro, Relacion sumaria, MS.— Oviedo, Hist, de las Indias, MS., Parte 3, lib. 8, cap. 20.— Ped. Sancho, Rel., ap. Ramusio, torn, gi,, fol. 408. — Relacion del primer Descub-, MS. CHAP, ix.] TERRIBLE MARCH OF ALVARADO. 21 mirably provided with arms and ammunition. It was the best equipped and most formidable array that had yet appeared in the Southern seas . 10 Although manifestly an invasion of the territory conceded to Pizarro by the crown, the reckless cavalier determined to march at once on Quito. With the assistance of an Indian guide, he proposed to take the direct route across the moun- tains, a passage of exceeding difficulty, even at the most favor- able season. After crossing the Rio Dable, Alvarado’s guide deserted him, so that he was soon entangled in the intricate mazes of the sierra ; and, as he rose higher and higher into the regions of winter, he became surrounded with ice and snow, for which his men, taken from the warm countries of Guatemala, were but ill-prepared. As the cold grew more intense, many of them were so benumbed that it was with difficulty they could proceed. The infantry, compelled to make exertions, fared best. Many of the troopers were frozen stiff in their saddles. The Indians, still more sensible to the cold, perished by hun- dreds. As the Spaniards huddled round their wretched biv- ouacs, with such scanty fuel as they could glean, and almost without food, they waited in gloomy silence the approach of morning. Yet the morning light, which gleamed coldly on the cheerless waste, brought no joy to them. It only revealed more clearly the extent of their wretchedness. Still struggling on through the winding Puertos Nevados, or Snowy Passes, their track was dismally marked by fragments of dress, broken harness, golden ornaments, and other valuables plundered on their march — by the dead bodies of men, or by those, less fortunate, who were left to die alone in the wilderness. As for the horses, their carcasses were not suffered long to cumber the ground, as they were quickly seized and devoured half raw by the starving soldiers, who, like the famished com dors, now hovering in troops above their heads, greedily ban- The number is variously reported by historians. But from a legal investigation made in Guatemala it appears that the whole force amounted to 500, of which *30 were cavalry. Informacion echa en Santiago, Set, 15, 1536, MS. 22 CONQUEST OF PERU. IBOOK III. queted on the most offensive offal to satisfy the gnawings of hunger. Alvarado, anxious to secure the booty which had fallen into his hands at an earlier part of his march, encouraged every man to take what gold he wanted from the common heap, reserving only the royal fifth. But they only answered, with a ghastly smile of derision, “that food was the only gold for them.” Yet in this extremity, which might seem to have dissolved the very ties of nature, there are some affecting instances recorded of self-devotion — of comrades who lost their lives in assisting others, and of parents and husbands (for some of the cavaliers were accompanied by their wives) who, instead of seeking their own safety, chose to remain and perish in the snows with the objects of their love. To add to their distress, the air was filled for several days with thick clouds of earthy particles and cinders, which blinded the men and made respiration exceedingly difficult . 11 This phenomenon, it seems probable, was caused by an eruption of the distant Cotopaxi, which, about twelve leagues southeast of Quito, rears its colossal and perfectly symmetrical cone far above the limits of eternal snow — the most beautiful and the most terrible of the American volcanoes . 12 At the time of Alvarado’s expedition it was in a state of eruption, the earliest instance of the kind on record, though doubtless not the earli- est . 13 Since that period it has been in frequent commotion, sending up its sheets of flame to the height of half a mile, spouting forth cataracts of lava that have overwhelmed towns and villages in their career, and shaking the earth with subterraneous thunders, that, at the distance of more than a 11 41 It began to rain earthy particles from the heavens,” says Oviedo, “ that blinded the men and horses, so that the trees and bushes were full of dirt.” Hist, de las Indias, MS., Parte 3, lib. 8, cap, 20. 13 Garcilasso says the shower of ashes came from the “ volcano of Quito.” (Com. ReaL, Parte 2, lib. 2, cap. 2.) Cieza de Leon only says from one of the volcanoes in that region. (Cronica, cap. 41.) Neither of them specifies the name. Humboldt accepts the common opinion, that Cotopaxi was intended. Researches, i., 123. 11 A popular tradition among the natives states that a large fragment of porphyry near the fbase of the cone was thrown out in an eruption which occurred at the moment of Atahuallpa’s death. But such tradition will hardly pass for history. chap. ix. 1 TERRIBLE MARCH OF ALVARADO. 23 hundred leagues, sounded like the reports of artillery 1 14 Al- varado’s followers, unacquainted with the cause of the phe- nomenon, as they wandered over tracts buried in snow — the sight of which was strange to them — in an atmosphere laden with ashes, became bewildered by this confusion of the elements, which Nature seemed to have contrived purposely for their destruction. Some of these men were soldiers of Cortes, steeled by many a painful march and many a sharp en- counter with the Aztecs. But this war of the elements, they now confessed, was mightier than all. At length, Alvarado, after sufferings which even the most hardy, probably, could have endured but a few days longer, emerged from the Snowy Pass, and came on the elevated table- land, which spreads out, at the height of more than nine thou- sand feet above the ocean, in the neighborhood of Riobamba. But one-fourth of his gallant army had been left to feed the condor in the wilderness, besides the greater part, at least two thousand, of his Indian auxiliaries. A great number of his horses, too, had perished ; and the men and horses that escaped were all of them more or less injured by the cold and the ex- tremity of suffering. Such was the terrible passage of the Puertos Nevados, which I have only briefly noticed as an epi- sode to the Peruvian conquest, but the account of which, in all its details, though it occupied but a few weeks in duration, would give one a better idea of the difficulties encountered by the Spanish cavaliers than volumes of ordinary narrative. 13 As Alvarado, after halting some time to restore his exhausted 14 A minute account of this formidable mountain is given by M. de Humboldt (Re- searches, i., 1 18 et seq.), and more circumstantially by Condamine. (Voyage k l’Jilquateur, pp. 48-56, 156-160.) The latter philosopher would have attempted to scale the almost per- pendicular walls of the volcano, but no one was hardy enough to second him. 16 By far the most spirited and thorough record of Alvarado’s march is given by Herrera, who has borrowed the pen of Livy describing the Alpine march of Hannibal. (Hist, gener- al, dec. 5, lib. 6, cap. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9.) See also Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS., — Oviedo, Hist, de las Indias, MS., Parte 3, lib. 8, cap. 20, — and Carta de Pedro de Alva- rado al Emperador, San Miguel, 15 de Enero, 1535, MS. — Alvarado, in theletter above cited, which is preserved in the Munoz collection, explains to the emperor the grounds of his expedition, with no little effrontery. In this document he touches very briefly on the inarch, being chiefly occupied by the negotiations with Almagro, and accompanying his re- marks with many dark suggestions as to the policy pursued by the Conquerors. 24 CONQUEST OF PERU. {BOenc