Ot^^ [House op Represeitatives, No. 279.] HOUSE OF REPRF8ENTATIVES, December 13, 1864.— Read first and Recond time?, placed on the Calendar and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Boyce, from Coaniittce on Naval Affairs.] ^ BILL To provide for the transfer of certain mechanics, artizans and other persons, from the army to the navy. 1 Section 1. Tht Congress of the Confederate States of America 2 do enod, That the mechanics, artizans and other experts, indi.s- 3 pensa))le for the construction of vessels and machinery for the 4 same, ihe manufacture of ordnance and ordnance stores, and 5 in preparing and forwarding supplies for the navy, detailed from i\ t!;c army or from conscripts, and now employed under tlie direc- 7 tion of the Secretary of the Navy, and who shall request a trans- 8 fer to that service, be and the same are hereby transferred from 9 the army to the navy ; and the Secretary of the Navy isauthor- lO ized to enlist them in the naval service. 1 Skc. 2. That all acte and parts of acts inconsistent with the 2 jtrovisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. !< 'S>IZ 20'^