*« DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FRIENDS OF DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF Ma ry Opal Shuf ord Cable Address: Saco-Lowell, Boston. Codes: Bentley’s ABC, 5th Edition; Western Union; Schofield’s Electric Phrase Code. TEXTILE MACHINERY COTTON MILL EQUIPMENT 1923 SECOND EDITION S ACO-LOWELL SHOPS Executive Offices 77 FRANKLIN STREET * BOSTON, MASS. Shops BIDDEFORD, MAINE • LOWELL, MASS. NEWTON UPPER FALLS, MASS. PAWTUCKET, R. I. Southern Agent ROGERS W. DAVIS ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/cottonmillequipm01saco Introductory I N offering to our clients this second edition of our General Catalog, we wish to extend our thanks for the kind reception given our first issue. In this edition we have rearranged the subject matter with a view to making the catalog more convenient for quick reference. The first section is restricted to cuts and general description, that is, the points which would be of particular interest to the buyer of machinery. The second half contains technical data, specifications, plans, formulae, tables, etc., of interest to the engineers and actual operators. Both sections are logically subdivided by machines, starting with the Opening Room and ending with Slashers. Some of the detailed drawings, gear lists, etc., previously shown in the Picker section have been omitted, this information now being included in our new Picker Parts Catalog for con- venience of mill superintendents and foremen. All tables, formulae, etc., have been carefully checked and revised to accord with changes in machines. In addition to purely technical descriptions of our equipment we have included a brief discussion of the various processes used in cotton spinning and of the uses and operation of the different machines. In this new catalog we have covered many changes in design and construction and particularly call attention to the No. 5 Model Picker, which is of entirely new pattern. We have also adopted many radical changes in our spinning frames, notably the new pattern Geared End, Geared End Drive, Birkenhead Creel, Die Cast Aluminum Separators, Y-Type Spindles, and various other changes in construction. W e wish to assure our customers that our staff of mechanics and engineers is always at their disposal, and we are only too glad to discuss with them any problems which may arise, either in the operation of present machinery or in the production of special equipment to meet special needs. Saco-Lowell Shops. Bostox, Mass. 1 Worsted and Silk Spinning Machinery I N addition to the Cotton Mill Equipment described in this catalog we are prepared to supply a line of Worsted and Silk Machinery of standard construction and proved efficiency. WORSTED MACHINERY Bradford System Revolving Creels — Gill Boxes — Drawing Boxes — Rovers, Two -Rail and Single-Rail- — Spinning, Cap, Ring or Flyer — Twisters, Cap, Ring or Flyer — Spoolers French System Intersecting Mixer- Intersecting Gill Box — Heavy Drawing Intermediates — Finishers — Ring Spinning — Twisters SILK MACHINERY Filling Engines — Spreaders — Intersecting Gill Drawing Frames — Rotary (Porcupine) Drawing Frames — Rov- ing, for Long or Short Silk — Spinning, for Long or Short Silk — Twisters — Gassing Spoolers — Controlling Spoolers SACO -LOWELL SHOPS, BOSTON, MASS. Above machinery built at our Lowell, Mass., Shops 2 CONTENTS Technical Descriptive Dat A Bale Opening and Conveying 4 to 35 330 to 341 Automatic Feeders 36 “ 43 342 “ 343 ( )peners 44 “ 46 344 “ 345 Tappers 48 “ 85 346 “ 360 Waste Cleaning Machinery . . 88 “ 95 362 “ 367 Waste Opening Machinery . . 96 “ 110 368 “ 375 Shoddy Pickers 112* “ 116 376 “ 379 Carding Machinery 118 “ 149 388 “ 403 Card Strippers 150 “ 153 391 “ 392 Lap Winders 156 “ 159 404 “ 409 Drawing Frames . 162 “ 175 412 “ 433 Evener Drawing Frames . . . 178 “ 183 436 “ 442 Roving Machinery 186 “ 204 446 “ 500 Spinning Frames 206 “ 229 502 “ 557 T wisters 232 “ 260 560 “ 642 Spoolers 262 “ 279 644 “ 653 Warpers 282 “ 295 656 686 Slashers 298 “ 316 688 “ 707 Sizing Systems 318 “ 327 - - Miscellaneous Information and Data 709 “ 737 Views of Cotton Mills ... 740 “ 794 Index 795 “ 805 3 4 (See 'page 17 for description.) Opening and Conveying Machinery N O department in the mill has seen so many radical changes and .improvements in methods of handling stock as have been effected in the opening room during the last few years. Modern baling presses compress stock to a density of approximately thirty pounds per cubic foot and this stock when properly opened for delivery to Pickers has a density of about two pounds per foot. To obtain thorough opening, careful manipulation is necessary and much attention has been paid to producing machinery for accom- plishing this result. The old method of ageing cotton consisted of opening up several bales by hand and piling alternate layers in a bin where the fibres gradually opened and straightened out through the absorption of moisture from the air. This process was slow, required a large amount of space and hand labor. With the modern Bale Breaker, stock is placed directly from the bales onto the apron of the machine, alternate layers from several bales being fed at the same time to insure a thorough mixing. The machine thoroughly ©pens up and airs the stock, delivering it in excellent condition for subsequent processes. The capacity of the Bale Breaker is large, one machine handling effectively from ten to sixty bales per day. Stock is usually delivered by this machine to a conveying pipe, through which it is carried by a current of air, this process tending to further open and air the stock and put the fibres in their natural condition. The importance of cleaning stock in the initial stages of its handling is becoming more appreciated by mill men, and to this end it is now common practice to connect the Bale Breaker directly to a Vertical Opener. These machines are used singly or in sets of two or three machines arranged tandem, the number of machines depending on the class of stock used and the amount of cleaning desired. With this system practically all of the heavy dirt, sand, loose seed, and leaf is taken out of the stock before it goes to the Pickers. A surprising difference in the color of the finished yarn will be noted when using a thorough cleaning process of this description in the opening room. Further cleaning is sometimes obtained by the use of sections of cleaning trunk inserted in the pipe line between opening room and Pickers. Cotton bins are frequently used, but rather with the object of handling different grades of stock than with the idea of ageing the cotton. Automatic distributors connected by means of condensers with the pipe line, as described in detail in this catalog, complete the equipment between Bale Breakers and Pickers so that the stock is not touched by hand from the time it is placed on the Bale- Breaker Apron until it is removed from the Breaker Pickers in the form of laps. A detailed description of the various special arrangements of Condensers, Lattice Aprons, Distributors, etc., for meeting all ordinary requirements will be found on following pages. 5 G N umber 4 Male Mueaiceu (Production controlled by Reeves Variable-Speed Device) Number 4 Bale Breaker 'T'HE NUMBER FOUR BALE BREAKER lias been de- * signed to meet the demand for a heavy machine of large capacity. Baled stock is fed directly into the hopper, the best practice consisting of feeding alternate layers from several bales grouped around the machine. By this method of feeding, a thorough mixing is obtained, and stock is in excellent condition for delivering to Pickers without the necessity of ageing in bins. The machine is especially efficient in handling hard-pressed bales, both American and foreign. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Frame is of heavy castings with sides accurately milled and fitted. Cross girts are of similar construction. Top is sheet steel fastened to frame by screws and is readily removed when necessary. All working parts are adjustable to suit varying re- quirements. PIN APRON is made of heavy wood slats with steel pins, fastened securely to heavy belting. BOTTOM LATTICE APRON is made of hardwood oval slats riveted to heavy belting. Both aprons run on large pulleys, insuring positive drive. Hand holes are provided for removing -or adjusting apron pulleys. All SHAFTS are ample size, running in our Self-Aligning Bearings. This bearing, which is used in several of our machines, is illustrated and fully described on a following page. Slots with detachable filling pieces are provided for the easy removal of shafts and bearings. BREAKING-UP CYLINDER consists of four cast-steel pin bars securely bolted to three heavy cast-iron heads keyed to steel shaft of ample size, space between heads being filled in with sheet steel. This cylinder is practically indestructible and has stood the hardest tests. It runs in self-aligning bearings fitted with screw adjustment. The STRIPPING CYLINDER is of similar heavy construction and is fully adjustable. The DOFFER, which strips the stock from the pin apron, is strongly built, with special heads which absolutely prevent any winding-up of the stock. COUNTERSHAFT is an integral part of the Bale Breaker, being mounted directly on the frame sides. It is equipped with SELF-ALIGN- ING BEARINGS ( see detailed description on a following page) and is regularly furnished with 16" X 4" T. & L. receiving pulleys. A speed of 300 R.P.M. is necessary in order to give proper speeds to the various parts which are driven from this countershaft. 7 8 Cross Section ok No. t Hale Breaker Number 4 Bale Breaker — Continued DRIVING: A pair of tight and loose pulleys are provided for driving the lifting apron, with hand shipper that can be operated from either side of the machine. The two gears operating in connection with these T. & L. pulleys are the only gears on the machine, and these are carefully figured with a view to eliminating noise and wear. EXTENSION APRONS, as illustrated in the cut on page 8, can be supplied in varying lengths. The first section adds 6' 6" to over-all length. Additional sections are regularly furnished in 6' 0" lengths. Apron sides are heavy castings, and fitted with adjusting bearings for taking up slack as apron stretches. An extended apron is recommended from the fact that a large number of bales can be grouped around it and fed alternately, providing an excellent mixing. STOP AND START APRONS. The principle of the Hopper Feed Regulator, described on page 41, has been adopted in applying a stop and start apron to the No. 4 Rale Breaker. The use of this device produces a regular delivery from the machine and prevents any possibility of clogging- up through careless feeding. Any amount of stock may be piled onto the lattice apron, but delivery to the hopper is automatically controlled and stock in the hopper kept at a constant level. We strongly recommend its use on all Bale Breakers and particularly when delivering stock to Vertical Openers. A cut illustrating this arrangement is shown on page C. FAN FOR RKMO\ I\G DUST: Under ordinary conditions, this Bale Breaker produces very little dust and lint, and we do not recom- mend the use of a dust fan. However, this fan can readily be added to meet unusual conditions. The GALVANIZED-IRON MOUTH piece, shown in drawing on page 8, is furnished as an extra when required. As supplied by us, this mouth is made of No. 24 galvanized iron and is of the best obtainable stock and workmanship. Mouth is made to fit any desired size of piping. ( See page 2f for description of pipe lines.) KEY TO CUT ON PAGE 8 A Stripping Roll B Pin Cylinder C Pin Apron D I) OFFER E Bottom Apron F Apron Extension G .... Galvanized-Iron Mouth Vertical Opener with Apron Delivery Feeding Single Feed Table Vertical Opener with Apron Delivery' Feeding Double Feed Table Lattice Feed Table IN operation the Feed Table collects stock from two or more A bale breakers or vertical openers and delivers at a single point to some form of conveying system, usually a pipe line leading to condenser in picker room. Aside from its value as a conveyor this apron offers the opportunity of making a very thorough mixing of stock, the product of the various bale breakers being mixed uni- formly on the apron. This Feed Table is shown by cuts on pre- ceding page. The upper illustration shows a Single Feed Table receiving stock from vertical openers with apron delivery. The lower illustration shows a Double Feed Table. With this arrange- ment, different kinds of stock may be fed to adjacent openers and delivered to different condensers. These Feed Tables are also used for receiving stock direct from bale breakers or No. 5 Feeders. GENERAL DESCRIPTION : The sides are heavy castings, sup- ported by adjustable legs. This adjustment permits the proper lining- up of the table regardless of any irregularities in the floor. The apron consists of hardwood oval slats securely fastened to two heavy belts run- ning over large drums at either end of the table. The lower half of the apron is supported by carrier rolls placed at frequent intervals. Bearings are self-aligning and adjustable to provide for tightening apron. Drivingps through a pair of 8" X 2" T. & L. pulleys usually located at the delivery end of the table on the side nearest the feeder. To determine the HAND of a Feed Table stand facing the hopper of the feeder and note which side the pulley is on. Double Feed Tables are provided for special layouts. With this ar- rangement the table is widened and a partition run the whole length of table. Special mouth pieces are provided for the feeders with swinging doors which can be adjusted to deliver the stock to either side. This double table is used where two grades of stock in varying quantities are required. A further description of such a system will be found under Distributors on page 33. Galvanized-iron mouths, with elbow to any desired size of round pipe, are furnished in connection with all Feed Tables. 11 Vertical Opener with No. 4 Bale Breaker Vertical Opener with Apron Delivery and No. 4 Bale Breaker 12 Vertical Opener HE Y ertical Opener provides very thorough cleaning without possibility of injuring the fibres, stock being carried over a large grid surface by the conical cylinder. The amount of clean- ing can be controlled by adjusting the grids, by raising or lowering the cylinder through means of an adjustment provided, and In- varying the speed of cylinder. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Framework is heavy cast iron, each of the four sides and the top being cast in one piece. Joints are accurately milled and fitted. Large cleanout doors are provided. A heavy 3-armed bracket, mounted on top of the machine, supports the upper bearing of the vertical shaft. BEARINGS: High-grade ball bearings, specially designed for this machine, are used throughout. The step bearing at the foot of cylinder is made especially heavy to withstand the great pressure. Detail of both upper and lower bearing is shown by cuts on page 15. No oil or water jackets are required, as these bearings are packed in grease and run for weeks without attention. Bearings are fitted with the alemite greasing system. We supply a grease gun with new installations. DRIVING. We are prepared to supply several methods of driving to meet varying requirements. Gallows Pulleys. This method is illustrated on page 18 and is the newest and in many ways the most satisfactory method. Shaft may be mounted on any desired side of the machine to receive straight drive from overhead countershaft. Pulleys are ball bearing and require no adjustments. Pulley on shaft 11" X 1". Idler Pulleys. This method is illustrated on page 18. Idler pulleys are mounted on adjustable stands which can be set to receive belt from counter- shaft located at any height above machine or at any angle to axis of machine. Pulleys are ball bearing. Pulley on Cyl. shaft 11" X 11". Rope Drive. This has been developed to meet the demands of some of our clients but is not widely used. We call attention to the fact that the principal object of this type, i.e., to prevent side pull on cylinder shaft, is nullified in our machine through the special construction of the bearings, which prevents any possible trouble from this source. DELIVERY. We recommend the use of the apron delivery as the draft and cleaning capacity can be better controlled. Connection can be made direct from outlet of Vertical Opener to conveying pipe. GRIDS. Regular equipment includes the Adjustable Bar Grids described on following page. We can supply a perforated sheet metal cone if preferred. CYLINDER: The cylinder consists of six steel discs or plates to which are riveted picks or fingers. These plates are mounted on a heavy steel shaft and cylinder carefully balanced at running speed. A cross section detail of cylinder is shown on page 15. Improved Vertical Opener Grids (Patent applied for) T HIS type of Grid has many advantages over previous patterns. The steel triangular bars are of uniform size throughout their length, of ample dimensions to insure rigidity. Adjustments are easily made, the adjust- ing levers being positive in their action and holding the bars firmly in posi- tion. There are 120 bars in four sections of 30 bars, the adjusting levers operating sets of 15 bars each. It is possible to get a different adjustment for each set if desired, for example, the set which the cotton strikes first can be opened wide, the next one slightly closed and so on, the final set being set close. Spaces between the bars are filled in with tapered Grids of perforated cast iron, which are easily removed, providing access to the cylinder without disturbing the setting of the bars. The result of tests recently made with these bars may prove of interest Using good middling cotton, cylinder speed of 800 R.P.M. and feeding at rate of 10,000 lbs. per ten hours, six bales totaling 2850 lbs. were run on each test with bars closed, half open, and wide open, with the following results: Bars closed, 6 lbs. (.21%) droppings; bars half open, 21 lbs. (.74%) droppings; bars open, 47 lbs. (1.68%) droppings. The quality of the droppings was quite as remarkable as the quantity, especially those obtained with wide-open bars, which contained many large pieces of unbroken leaf. & OF GREASE CUT 15 Sectional View Sectional View Upper and Lower Thrust Hearings Vertical Opener Sectional View Vertical Opener with Apron Delivery 10 Vertical Opener With Single Screen Section and Horizontal Apron Delivery I X large opening rooms where three or more Vertical Openers are used it is difficult to adjust the fan draft to take care of stock if delivered directly from the Openers to pipe. We have had in use for several years a special section with apron delivery attached to Vertical Opener, arranged to drop stock onto lattice feed table. An improved type of this arrange- ment is shown by line drawing on preceding page and by; cut on page 12. It includes a single screen, a pair of draw rolls, a short horizontal apron and a six-bladed fan which can be arranged to discharge down through the floor or horizontally above floor as required. This section is built 25 ?4* wide, apron being proper distance above floor to deliver stock to standard feed table. Screen is covered with perforated steel and is so arranged that it can be readily removed for repairs or cleaning. Ball bearings are used throughout. Draw rolls are of large diameter and so arranged that stock threads itself when starting machine. Either the Xo. 4 Bale Breaker or Xo. .5 Feeder can be used with this machine, galvanized connections being furnished. Tandem Vertical Openers C UT on page 4 illustrates a gang of three Vertical Openers arranged tandem, coupled to a Xo. 4 Bale Breaker. The value of such an ar- rangement when handling cotton containing a large amount of loose dirt and sand is unquestionable. We have recently made exhaustive tests with these machines, the results of which will undoubtedly be of interest. With reference to cylinder speeds it was shown that best results were obtained by running the first cylinder at 800 R.P.M., the second at 000 R.P.M., and the third at 400 R.P.M. On a test using about 384,000 lbs. of dirty low middling cotton, machines fitted with perforated metal and with our old type of bar grids, we averaged 1.71% on the first machine, 1.19% on the second and .62% on the third, a total of 3.51% on the three machines. After perfecting our new type of bar, using some good middling and some low middling stock, we averaged as high as 4.03% on the good mid- dling and 6.18% on the low middling. The droppings were reclaimed by running through a card and picker waste cleaner, the results from the waste of the first Opener averaging 10.1%; from the second Opener, 9.2%; and from the third Opener, 10.4% of reclaimed fibre. The reclaimed fibre consisted so largely of short fibres, neps, and motes as to be of practically no spinning value. The most noticeable feature of the droppings was the presence of a great amount of leaf in pieces from one-half to three-quarters of an inch in diameter. Yarn spun from the stock cleaned in this way was many shades whiter than that spun from the same cotton that had been through only one Ver- tical Opener, demonstrating clearly the value of this extra cleaning process. 17 Gallows Pulley Drive for Vertical Opener SAC'O - LOWELL SHOPS-KITSON PLANT LOWELL MASS Vertical - Opener Hall- Bearing Idler Pulleys Arranged for No. 4 Bale Breaker Hope Drive for Vertical Opener is Vertical Opener with Apron Delivery — Hand Feed T HIS arrangement is of value to mills handling a limited amount of stock, particularly in localities where cotton is grown and stock received in soft hales, not requiring the use of a hale breaker. The machine is in every respect our standard Vertical Opener, previously described, and is fitted with a galvanized-iron hopper mouth into which stock is fed by hand. This cut also illustrates the auxiliary countershaft mounted on screen section. This makes a neat, compact arrangement requiring only one overhead belt. This auxiliary shaft is always used on tandem or triple Vertical Openers, avoiding use of a long belt from bale breaker. VERTICAL MOTOR DRIVE We are prepared to furnish Vertical Openers fitted to receive motors directly on vertical shaft. This arrangement is illustrated by the above cut. It requires a special vertical motor, mounted on heavy stands and coupled direct to cylinder shaft. We do not supply the motor but furnish the stands and will cooperate fully with the concern furnishing the motor in order to insure proper fit. Cut also clearly illustrates the application of the small auxiliary shaft driving the screen section. This makes a neat compact unit, entirely independent of other equipment. 19 Numbers 6 and 9 Condenser Number 1 Condenser 20 Condensers W ITH the continued growth of the cotton spinning industry, there has developed a demand for improved methods of handling raw cotton. Large storehouses are necessary for taking care of the haled stock, and it is frequently advisable to locate these storehouses at a considerable distance ftom the picker room. The use of the Condenser in connection with a pipe line provides a simple and effective method of transferring opened stock from the storehouse to any desired point in the mill, deliver- ing same, free from dust, to bins for mixing and ageing, or direct to pickers, as may be required. We build two distinct types of Condensers, as illustrated on the oppo- site page. The No. C and No. 9 machines are similar except in size, and require the use of a separate exhaust fan. ( See below.) The No. 1 type is fitted with a self-contained fan and is in itself a complete unit. This type is especially adapted to small mills requiring a reliable and inexpen- sive arrangement. Galvanized-iron inlet and outlet mouths are furnished with the No. C and No. 9 types. Inlet mouth only is supplied with the No. 1. These mouths are made to fit any specified size of round pipe. Fire protection is provided by the dome-shaped easting fitted on top of each machine. Sprinkler heads when fitted into this casting do not extend down into the cotton passage. Any fire originating in the opener room and carried through the pipe line is extinguished on reaching the Condenser. For detailed description of machines see following pages. Fans T HE successful operation of an exhaust system is largely dependent upon the operation of the Fan. This Fan must provide a draft of air sufficient to carry the cotton long distances and must be designed to do this work with the least possible expenditure of power. The Sturtevant Universal Exhauster has been equipped with a special type of wheel to meet these requirements. This Fan is of heavy construction with large bearings, fitted with self -oiling arrangement. It takes a minimum amount of power and its action is uniform and positive. (In layouts when it is necessary to put stock through the Fan, same is furnished with a bronze wheel which reduces the chance of striking fire to a minimum.) We can supply Fans of any type to suit requirements, that is, with pulley on the right- or left-hand side, and arranged to discharge stock either up or down, top or bottom horizontal. Fan can also be arranged either to hang from ceiling or set on floor or platform. In determining the hand of Fan, stand facing the outlet and note on which side the driving pulley is located. 21 Cross Section of Number (i and Number !) Condensers — Insert Shows Gearing Condensers 'TRIE CONDENSER is installed at some point in picker room where it is desired to deliver cotton. Refer to mill plans on pages 338 and 339 which show relative location of units making up an exhaust system. Cut on page 22 shows cross section through Condenser, and letters shown on cut are referred to in following description. Cotton enters through galvanized-iron inlet mouth E and is deposited on the exposed surface of revolving wire screen G-M. The air passes through the meshes of the wire screen covering M out through ends of screen, then through the ogee outlet to the fan. Inside the screen is a sheet-iron damper or shield H which covers about one-half the inner sur- face of the screen. This damper is held by set screws on a fixed shaft and screen revolves around it. A cut-off O with strip of leather on edge of same presses closely on the screen at point I 5 , and the upper edge of the inner damper is set just above this cut-off. This prevents any air sucking into the Condenser at this point. An outside swing damper J meets the opposite edge of the inner damper at point Q. This is controlled by sliding weight K. Cotton is held on the screen by the air draft until it reaches point Q, where the draft is shut off by the inner damper and stock is released and knocked off the screen by the revolving fluted roll R. Heavy leather lagging L is tacked to the framework of the Condenser and extends over the .ends of the screen, forming an air-tight packing. One of the important details in the care of the Condenser is to see that this leather is in good condition. It must be frequently inspected and renewed when worn. Any leakage at this point interferes with the proper action of the Con- denser and also causes waste of good fibre which is sucked through to dust room. The sprinkler casting S is dome-shaped, raising the sprinkler head so that it does not extend down into the cotton passage. The hangers F are heavy castings with feet made to fit accurately onto the Condenser framework. These are made in various lengths- Condenser can be bolted directly to timbers when hangers are not needed. The gearing is simple and accessible. Detailed gear plan for both No. 6 and No. 9 Condensers is shown by insert on page 22. 23 Galvanized-Iron Pipe Work HPHE successful operation of a conveying system depends to a 1 large extent on the quality of the pipe work, that is, the joints must be air-tight and the pipe must be smooth on the inside, especially at the turns or elbows. We are prepared to supply with our machinery, galvanized pipe of the best obtainable quality and workmanship, at current prices. All pipe lines are furnished with cleanouts at frequent intervals. The question of specifications must be handled individually to meet the requirements of each job. The table shown on page 337 gives an approximate idea of the size of pipe required, but this is subject to variation. In laying out systems, sharp turns and long vertical lifts should be avoided. Supports are always supplied by mill and can be of any type preferred. Our only requirement is that the supports must be rigid and at frequent intervals to prevent any movement of the pipe. Covering pipe lines where they run out of doors is usually recommended, as this not only preserves the pipe but tends to lessen the condensation inside the pipe in cold weather. The pipe connecting the fan outlet to dust room should be, through its entire length, the same diameter as the fan outlet. We are prepared to make up complete plans of convening systems including pipe lines. Data for making up plans to be furnished by mill or obtained by our own draftsmen, as may be required by conditions. 24 Lattice Conveyor and Vertical Lattice Feeding-Bin Distributors 25 nnHE VERTICAL APRON offers a convenient and reliable method for taking stock from a Bale Breaker to a Distributing Apron without the use of Condensers and Fan. Above cut shows a No. 4 Bale Breaker delivering stock to a short lattice which acts as a feeder to the elevating lattice. This in turn delivers to a Distributor Apron running in a direction parallel to the axis of Bale Breaker. This Apron is very substantially built with sheet-steel sides strongly reinforced. Head and foot end castings are milled and fitted in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. Aprons are made of oval hardwood slats riveted to heavy belting. All shafts are ample size, running in self-aligning bearings. All working parts are fully adjustable. 26 Vertical Aprons \ BOYE cut shows the Vertical Apron described on page 30 used in connection with No. 5 Feeders and Lattice Feed Table. In the layout shown, the Distributor Apron runs at right angles to the Feed Table. This necessitates a short apron taking stock from the Vertical Apron and delivering to Distributor. The units of this combination, i.e.. Feeders, Feed Table, Vertical Apron, Short Connecting Lattices, are all interchangeable and can be arranged in varying combinations to suit requirements. 28 tomatjo Dimtk'ibutok I )i;uvkiung Stock to Automatic Kkkdkkm Distributor Morton Patent T he evenness of a breaker lap depends largely on the regu- larity with which stock is delivered from the Automatic Feeder. This in turn depends upon the manner in which the stock is fed to hopper, as it is essential that the hopper lie kept at an even level. To do this by hand requires constant atten- tion and an immense amount of hand labor. The Morton Automatic Distributor is designed to overcome this difficulty and to provide a constant, regular feed without attention. This device consists of an iron trough supported on a frame attached to the feeder hoppers, with an endless belt running through same at a high speed. Stock is dropped from a condenser, described on pages 20 to 23, on this traveling belt. A detailed description of the gates and automatic mechanism is covered on pages 30 to 33. The whole device is heavy, all-metal construction, rigidly sup- ported by suitable hangers and stands. Each distributor is laid out in detail to fit the particular mill for which it is designed. It is readily applied to all Kitson Feeders except the old short hopper type. When necessary to use it in connection with these short hopper feeders, we furnish new long-hopper sides to go on old feeders at a slight additional price. We also have patterns for applying the distributor to several other makes of hoppers. Can furnish draftsman on short notice to check up details and get necessary data for applying the distributor. Distributor For Bins \K7HERE a mill is operating on several different grades of stock » ▼ the Distributor is modified for use over bins. Gates are arranged in the center of each bin with doors swinging both ways. These are operated by hand by means of a wire rope extending outside the bin, and each bin can be filled up in turn at the will of the operator. A typical layout illustrating this arrangement is shown on page 338. 1 his arrangement is especially valuable when mixing and ageing of several grades is required or in cases where several different grades of stock are handled separately. 29 Detail of Automatic Shipper Arrangement 30 Distributor Automatic \A/]JILE this device is now well known to a large majority * ' of mill men, a short detailed description may be of interest. Cut on page 28 shows the general arrangement of the con- denser and distributor trough, with automatic shipper rigging on hoppers. Line drawings on page 30 show the detail of the feed end, also of the gate and shipper pawl. The front side of the trough over each hopper is cut away and a curved sheet-steel guide placed in front of the opening. The back wall of trough opposite tins opening is hinged, forming a gate which when thrown across the path of the cotton, diverts same through the opening and into the hopper. The rake or feeler in the hopper is held in a forward position by a weighted lever {see detail on page 32) until the bulk of cotton is sufficient to force back the rake. This movement of the rake drops a latch, which is pivoted on the gate operating lever, into the path of a constantly reciprocating segment, which is also pivotally mounted on the gate operating lever, locking these two members together with the result that the gate is withdrawn, thus allowing the cotton to pass by. The amount of cotton which will be delivered into each hopper can be regulated by the proper adjustment of the collars shown on rod operating the latch, and it is this automatic control of the amount of cotton in the feeders that insures a uniformly even feed to the breaker lapper, with a resultant evenness in weight of laps, while the frequency with which a small amount of cotton is delivered to each of the feeders results in a uniformity of blend and mixing of the cotton, which strongly commends the Distributor to its users. 31 32 Detail ok Double Distributor Double Automatic Distributor 'T'HE drawing on opposite page illustrates the attachment of A two distributor troughs to a line of hoppers. With this arrangement two kinds of stock can be handled simultaneously and the number of machines running on each class of stock can be varied to meet each day’s requirements. Separate condensers and conveying pipe to each system are required. These systems are usually fed by the double feed table described on page 11. This device is particularly convenient for a mill using different grades of stock for its warp and filling yarns or for a yarn mill where frequent changes of stock are made. When operating on more than two grades, the bin system described on page 29 is generally used. A brief description of the operation of this equipment may be of interest. Connection between the upright shippers and gate levers is made at points marked C and D. The horizontal lever slips over pin in end of upright shipper and is held by cotter pin. When operating apron A the connection is broken at point D by removing cotter pin and slipping off the horizontal lever. When operating apron B connection is broken at C. The sickle or guide marked E is hung by slotted holes slipping over screws in the framework to trough and is readily changed from one trough to the other as required. Systems can be arranged with condensers located at opposite ends or both at same end of troughs as called for by conditions at mill. 33 34 Thomas Automatic Regulator For Automatic Distributors (Patented) * I 'HIS device is designed to prevent the overflow of stock from the last * hopper of a line of breakers fed by an Automatic Distributor, that is, to so regulate the delivery from the Bale Breaker that it will always be equal to the amount used by the lappers. This result is accomplished by the use of an electric switch attached to the hopper of the last feeder in the line, the switch being operated by the rake or feeler in the hopper. This switch is connected with another, located in the opening room which controls a motor operating the speed changing mechanism of a Reeves Variable-Speed Drive. The motor is of the reversing type, operating in either direction. If the hopper carrying the switch becomes full the switch lever is thrown over, operating the switch in opening room, starting the motor and re- ducing the speed of apron in bale breaker, resulting in diminishing amount of cotton delivered. As stock is used from the hopper, lever on switch is reversed, motor is reversed and speed of apron returned to normal. Without this device, some method of signaling the opening room is necessary, requiring attention from the operatives and usually resulting in more or less loose stock on picker-room floor. With the Regulator, no attention is necessary, and the fire risk is reduced. 35 Number 5 Automatic Feeder 36 Automatic Feeder No. 5 Model /^VUR No. 5 Feeder, while retaining the general appearance of previous models, has been completely redesigned. Especial attention has been given to strengthening all working parts and to making the machine as nearly fireproof as possible. Woodwork has been eliminated to the greatest extent, and the slat aprons are the only working parts which can be seriously damaged by fire. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Frame is heavy cast iron with all joints accurately milled, and fitted. All cross girts are iron and steel. The to]) cover is heavy sheet steel, attached by screws and readily removed. Shafts are cold rolled steel of ample size, running in self-aligning bearings, which insure against heating or binding and prevent undue wear. Slots are pro- vided in the frame for removing all shafts and rolls. The apron rolls, stripping roll, doffer, etc., are all fully adjustable. Large hand holes are provided for adjusting or removing apron pulleys. COMBING ROLL. This special feature of the No. 5 model is fully described on page 39. DOFFER. The doffer is of an improved type, revolving in fixed heads of the same diameter as the drum. This prevents any winding of stock on the shaft (a frequent cause of fire in older models). Blades are of heavy leather lagging fastened to hardwood strips. A GRID is provided under the lifting apron, and much loose dirt is taken out at this point. A set of fine grid bars is fitted under the doffer with a drawer beneath for the convenient removal of the dirt. APRONS are hardwood slats riveted to heavy belting. The lifting apron has No. 10 steel pins and is fitted with a heavy canvas back. Bottom apron is made of oval hardwood slats riveted to heavy belting and is posi- tively driven. This, together with the use of large-diameter pulleys, pre- vents slippage and insures an even delivery of stock. DRIVING. Bottom apron is driven by outside belt from apron shaft. The combing roll is belt driven. Methods of driving other parts of the Feeder vary according to the machine with which it is used. For detail of Felts, see complete Belting List. 37 Self-Aligning Bearings r I ""HE old type of yoke pivoted bearing has been replaced on our 4 machines with the type illustrated above. This provides a very rigid support for the shaft and at the same time is perfectly flexible. Shafts positively will not bind in these bearings. A large oil hole is provided, and this is covered so that grit will not work into the bearings. This type of bearing, modified to suit varying requirements, is used for all the smaller bearings on our machinery. 3S Patent Combing Roll T HIS Roll, designed by a practical mill man, was adopted by us only after a very thorough investigation of its merits. The stripping ar- rangement is so simple as to appear ineffective, but actual operation during the last five years has proven its efficiency. The roll is constructed on a steel shaft with four heavy cast-iron heads keyed to same. The pin strips are securely fastened to these heads, balance of the drum being covered with heavy sheet iron. The clearing device con- sists of a strip of steel mounted behind the pins at the proper angle and height so that the pins cannot bed into the cotton, and as the cylinder re- volves, stock falls readily from the short exposed points. The slight fan- ning action of the strips aids in throwing back the stock after it is released from the pins. From the viewpoint of repairs, the advantages of this type of Roll are evident. It is practically indestructible and cannot be damaged by fire. The above cut shows clearly the construction and method of installing the Combing Roll. 39 40 Automatic Hopper Feed Regulator C UT on opposite page illustrates an Automatic Feed Regulator with one section of lattice feed table, applied to a standard No. 5 Feeder. This Regulator has been designed to meet the demand for an inexpensive and effective mechanism that will control the delivery of stock to a breaker lapper and thus insure even laps. The object of the device is to keep the amount of stock in the feeder hopper at a constant level by providing an intermittent feed which acts automatically, its action being controlled by the quantity of stock in the hopper. This principle necessitates a source of supply independent of the feeder itself, which is provided by the lattice apron shown in cut or by an additional feeder as shown on following page. The lattice apron is made the full width of the feeder and supplied in any desired length. Standard sec- tions are 6' 6" long, and we prefer to furnish multiples of this length. The feed table is driven by belt from apron shaft of feeder. The Regulator mechanism consists of a swinging gate or rake, supported by bearings on the hopper sides. A horizontal lever is carried on one end of the rake shaft, this lever being fitted with a sliding weight for adjustment. A vertical shipper arm pivoted on a stand to hopper side engages with the horizontal arm. The upper end of the shipper arm is bent at such an angle that raising and lowering the horizontal arm throws the shipper in and out. Stock passes under the rake, and as the hopper fills, the weight of the cotton forces the rake back, lifts the horizontal shipper arm, and throws the belt onto the loose pulley, stopping the lattice supply apron. As the stock is fed out of the hopper the reverse action takes place. The mechanism is very sensitive and positive in its action, so that stock is fed in as rapidly as it is fed out, maintaining a constant amount in the hopper at all times. By increasing the length of the lattice apron, large amounts of stock can be placed on same by the operative and the machine left to itself until the supply is exhausted. This results in a great saving of labor, as it does away with the constant attention necessary when hoppers are fed by hand. 41 42 Tandem Feeders With Automatic Feed Regulator HHHE principle of this arrangement is the same as described on page 41 with the mechanism changed to meet requirements. The swing gate is similar, but the weighted lever is replaced by a quadrant and quadrant weight, operating a bell crank which ships the belt. The tight and loose pulleys are on the lifting apron shaft of the first feeder and are driven from the apron shaft of the second feeder. The doffer and combing roll of the first feeder are driven from the other side of machine and run constantly. This combination is especially valuable where it is desired to handle baled stock. The first machine acts as a bale breaker, while the amount of stock in the second machine is so well regulated that even laps are assured. It is also frequently advisable to add an extension apron and hopper regulator as shown on a preceding page. This permits feeding a larger amount of stock at a time. With this arrange- ment the lattice feed apron is driven from the bottom apron in the hopper and stops and starts with same, preventing any clogging or overflowing of the first feeder. The layout of driving on opposite page shows pulleys provided where feeders are attached to a No. 7 or No. 9 Opener. Variations of this drive are made to accommodate the different types of breaker lappers that may be used. 43 44 Numisku Openers No. 7 and 9 Models C OMMONLY termed “Trunk Openers” from the fact that plain conducting or cleaning trunk is ordinarily used to connect the openers with breaker lappers. Cut illustrates a No. 7 Opener with the No. 5 Automatic Feeder. The opener consists of a single beater section of standard heavy construction. Frames are accurately milled and fitted. All ma- chine work is jigged, and repair parts fit accurately. The No. 7 and No. 9 are similar except in size, the No. 7 taking a beater ^O" in diameter, while the No. 9 takes a beater 30" in diameter. BEATERS. The No. 7 Opener is made to accommodate a beater 20" in diameter. Standard equipment includes a 3-blade beater, with special steel blades strongly riveted to wrought-iron arms. Blades are beveled on both edges, and beater is reversible, providing maximum wear before sharp- ening. PORCUPINE CYLINDER of the “Buckley” type can be sup- plied if required. The advisability of using a Porcupine Cylinder must be determined by the conditions of the stock to be handled and the results required. The No. 9 Opener is always fitted with a Buckley Cylinder, 30" in diameter. A detailed description of these cylinders follows. (See Index.) BEATER LOCKS. Safety locking device is provided so that beater bonnet cannot be opened while beater is in motion. Full description of this device follows. ( See Index.) GRIDS. Fitted with our patent adjustable grids. These are described in detail on a following page. (See Index.) COUNTERSHAFT. Standard equipment includes a countershaft mounted on A-frames as illustrated. These frames are heavy castings, securely fastened to frame and stayed by steel cross girts. Steel counter- shaft lxi" diameter runs in self-aligning bearings and is fitted with 18" X 5" tight and loose receiving pulleys. Driving pulleys of proper sizes are furnished. MOTOR DRIVE. Motors can be readily mounted on standard A- frames. (See detailed description of motor drive.) Other Models We can supply Openers similar in construction to our standard Pickers, having elevated apron delivery rails instead of calender heads. These machines with two beater sections are frequently used by mills mixing wool and cotton, for the purpose of opening up their cotton thoroughly prior to mixing with the wool. 43 “ - f Cleaning Trunk HE above cut illustrates a type of cleaning trunk usually installed in pipe line between openers and breaker lappers. It consists of a metal casing 1-t" wide with air duct in the top half and traveling lattice apron in the lower section. Apron runs in opposite direction from the cotton and is fitted with ratchet slats having sharp smooth edges, against which the cotton strikes in its passage, releasing loose dirt which is carried along by the apron and deposited in container at end of trunk. Apron is built on chain with hardwood slats. This trunk is built in standard sections 17' 6" long and can be carried along a side wall or sus- pended above machines. This type of trunk is used extensively in connection with the exhaust opener breaker. We also build the Robinson Patent Cleaning Trunk, in which the dirt falls through metal grids into a dead-air chamber from which it is removed by fan suction, and the Perharn Patent Incline Cleaning Trunk, in which the bottom board under the metal grids is dropped by means of a hand lever, allowing the dirt to slide by gravity into a suitable receptacle. Both these types are usually installed between horizontal openers and either screen section or gauge box breakers. They are built 21" or 36" wide and are of wood construction, with the exception of the metal grids. 46 LAPPERS 48 Breaker Capper with Vertical Opener and Buckley Cylinder Section Vertical Opener In connection with Picking Machinery 'T'HE use of Vertical Openers in connection with opening equip- L ment, also full particulars of construction, are covered on previous pages. This type of Opener is also extensively used in the picker room either as a separate unit of some combination of machines or as the first section of a 2-beater breaker. It provides additional cleaning and opening without subjecting the fibre to the harsh treatment of beating from rolls. GRIDS. Standard equipment is the adjustable grid described on page 14. Perforated metal cone can be supplied to meet special conditions. Cut on opposite page shows the vertical opener combined with the special screen section breaker, making our standard unit. For handling American cotton the automatic feeder delivers stock directly to the Vertical Opener. The cut shows a Xo. 7 Opener located be- tween the feeder and the Vertical Opener. This type of machine is largely used on China cotton or other hard-pressed and matted stock. The Hori- zontal Opener may be of the X T o. 7 or No. 9 type, the former with either a porcupine cylinder or a blade beater, '•20" In diameter, the No. 9 with a 90" porcupine cylinder. The additional opening produced by this section" puts the stock in good shape to be handled by the Vertical Opener, and excellent results are obtained. DRIVING. Cut on page 48 shows Vertical Opener fitted with the gallows pulley drive and driven by pulley on the countershaft of the lapper section. MOTOR DRIVE. The combination shown on page 48 would require two motors, one with extended shaft mounted on A-frame of breaker, and one with single pulley mounted on opener. 49 50 U \ TKH ItKKAKKU \NI> J*'hKI>KU Lappers T he invention of carding machinery and its adaption to han- dling cotton in large quantities necessitated the employment of preparatory machinery which has developed from crude open- ing machines into the present Lapper. A machine embodying many of the essential features of the present Lapper was invented in 1797, the use of screens for forming the lap was in common use by 1830, and the evener motion for regulating feed was de- veloped about 1863. The Lapper has two distinct functions, the removal of dirt and the forming of stock into a roll or lap. The first is accomplished by the beater and cleaning grids, the latter by the united action of the fan, screens, and calender rolls. Inferior, uneven laps mean inferior work on the cards and subsequent processes, and the picker room is now recognized as one of the most important de- partments of a mill. While the principles of the Lapper remain practically unchanged from the first machines built, the details of construction have been constantly improved and many radical changes have been brought about. With this catalog we are introducing our No. 5 Model Lappers which are a distinct departure from previous models. This type is the result of several years’ study and experimenting, and the machine as now ready for the market is a finished product thoroughly refined in all details. The machine is entirely tool built, every piece from the heavy cast-iron sides to the smallest parts being milled to accurate sizes. All parts are interchangeable, and no hand fitting is used in assembling. The FRAME is of entirely new design with dust flues on the inside instead of extending outside the frame as has been the general practice on all previous types. This gives a smooth side of attractive appearance, easy to keep clean. All sheet-iron work over beaters and screens is applied with screws, the heads of which are inside, leaving the outside perfectly smooth. A-frames are of very heavy construction and are securely bolted to the sides of the machine, making a very rigid and serviceable driving arrange- ment. FINISH. A high-grade enamel paint is used with polished bands around beater and screen bonnets and on edges of gear shields. We have not car- ried the idea of polish work to extremes, but have added enough to give the machine a well-finished appearance without calling for an excessive amount of care. 51 I'ii'st Sccliun, M)" Huckley Cylinder, Feed Regulator and \| ( See page 59 for description) APRONS are made of hardwood slats, smoothed and shellacked, riveted to heavy belting. Apron shafts are of cold-rolled steel with bearings of the self-aligning type. FEED ROLLS. Fluted rolls of special-quality steel are used, and especial care is taken in fluting and grinding in order to insure perfectly balanced rolls, free from sharp edges. Draw rolls, taking stock from screens, are machined in the same careful manner. BEATERS. Standard beaters for both breakers and finisher lappers are 16" in diameter. We furnish steel-blade beaters with two or three blades, porcupine cylinders, and Kirschner carding beaters. The two- blade beaters are made with heavy drop-forged arms keyed to steel shafts. Shafts are accurately turned and ground, and uniform bearings and pulley ends are used so that all beaters are interchangeable. Blades are special steel with both edges beveled alike so that beater is readily reversed. Three- blade beaters are of similar construction with drop-forged arms pinned in cast-iron heads. Porcupine cylinders and Kirschner beaters are fully de- scribed on following pages. BEARINGS. On the No. .5 Model Picker ball bearings are supplied for beaters, fans, countershafts, and loose pulleys on countershafts. Housings are specially designed and high-grade bearings used. GRIDS. The cleaning grids under beaters are of our patent adjustable type, fully described on page 77 . Incline bars between beater and screens are of special cold-rolled steel, accurately fitted in cast-iron cheeks. The shape and setting of these grids insure the maximum cleaning capacity. Dirt is removed from pockets by raising a weighted lever on outside of frame. CUT-OFFS. Adjustable cut-offs are provided on all machines. This is an important feature, as careful adjustment of the cut-off is essential to the proper working of the Lapper. DRAFT REGULATION. Air draft is controlled by a single damper opening into the end of the bottom screen on each side of the frame. The draft flue is left entirely open at the top, taking air from the top screen, the suction on the screens being equalized by opening or closing the damper in the bottom screen. FANS. Fans are located in the center of the picker with flues connect- ing both sides with the side flues of the frame. Fans have been enlarged and will create proper air draft at a slower speed than on previous models. Shafts are of cold-rolled steel, accurately ground to size: blades are of sheet steel. COU NTERSHAFTS. The counter sides of A-frames are of extra heavy construction, securely bolted to frame, equipped with a heavy top girt supporting the countershaft bearings. We also can substitute a special top girt for receiving motors. The standard countershaft is of cold-rolled steel running in ball bearings with full equipment of pulleys necessary to operate picker. Loose pulley runs on a ball-bearing sleeve. Shipper rod is supplied with operating handle. SPLIT LAP PREVENTERS as described on page 78 are standard equipment on all pickers. CALENDER. The new model calender has been designed with a view to eliminating noise, wear, and breakage, and to wind hard and even laps. It is of the 4-roll type but entirely remodeled. The old type of cored cast- ings has been abandoned and the sides are now straight heavy castings accurately milled, capable of withstanding excessive strain. Rolls are turned and accurately ground to size. We supply either flanged or plain rolls, the flanged rolls being regular equipment on standard widths. The plain rolls are used when special width laps are desired requiring cheeking down on calender. We have patterns for machines making 40", 42", 4.5", and 47" laps when used full width. Other widths are obtained by cheeking. Lap rolls are of seamless tubing for use with steel rods. Calender cheeks are made extra heavy with hardened steel face plates attached by screws which can be readily replaced when worn. Calendar racks are of heavy construction with two bearing rolls in the head and held in mesh with rack gear by a specially designed shoe attached to rack shaft bearing. This keeps rack in proper mesh at all times. The rack gears are fitted with a shearing pin which gives way under excessive strain, preventing breakage of the racks or pinions. On intermediate and finisher Tappers w y e supply our spiral spur gear drive in place of bevel gears for driving evener. This arrangement is illus- trated and further described on a following page. A novel feature of this new machine is our lap counter, operating in connection with a knock-off motion. This device is illustrated on following page. The driving shaft on this calender is operated by a special double bearing, obviating the ne- cessity of using an outside floor stand. A plate pulley is also used. SAFETY DEVICES. All exposed gearing is fully covered by shields. BEATER LOCKS are provided which prevent raising beater bonnet while machine is running. These are fully described on page 73. PULLEYS are cast iron, of the plate and arm type. These are carefully machined and balanced. GEARING is of cast iron, a special semi-steel mixture being used. All gears are put through an automatic tooth grinder, which insured regularity and smoothness of teeth. All fast-running gears are cut. 54 Lap Counting Device and Foot Starting Lever Patented W 'lTH this device, picker-room foremen can keep an accurate check on the production of each machine, the number of laps removed during the day being determined by noting the position of the dial when starting in the morning and when stopping at night. The indicator has one more tooth than the knock-off gear, i. eneh Three-Section W-3 Waste Machine This machine is occasionally used by mills having a small quan- tity of hard thread waste which is put through twice. The result- ing product is not so satisfactory as stock put through a five- section machine once. The use of a three-section machine is not recommended without a thorough investigation of the actual requirements. Construction is standard, and equipment includes one counter- shaft with pulleys for driving three cylinders. Unless otherwise specified, cylinder covering will consist of No. 0 pins on first cylin- der, No. 1 on second, and No. L 2 on third. Feed plate is furnished in the third section as standard equipment. Four-Section W-3 Waste Machine This machine is used to a limited extent as a finisher for stock which has been put through a two-section machine with calender. Standard equipment includes two sets of countershafts, each driving two cylinders. The covering of the cylinders varies with requirements. Feed plate is furnished in the fourth section. Five-Section and Six-Section Hard-Waste Machines These machines are recommended for opening all kinds of yarn waste and a large variety of hosiery clips, duck clips, etc. The five-section machine produces satisfactory results in a large majority of cases, but for very fine yarns or hard-twisted, plied yarns the six-section machine may be required. Standard equipment includes either 4' or 7' feed apron, two sets of countershafts, and standard feed plates in fourth anil fifth or fifth and sixth sections. Feed plates in excess of two per machine are considered extras. 103 104 Two-Section VV 3 Waste Oi’ener with Tiikee-Koll Calender Three-Roll Calender 'X'HE three-roll calender formerly used on lappers has l>een re- placed by the four-roll type, which gives better results on staple stock. The objection to the four-roll type in handling short waste stock lies in the fact that there is a slight draft between the rolls which tends to pull apart and separate the fibres, weakening the lap and causing it to break. The three-roll calender illustrated on opposite page does away with this difficulty. The pressure rolls consist of two bed rolls with a top roll working between them, the amount of pressure on the top roll being regulated by weights. Pressure of this roll is sufficient to make a good firm lap, forcing the fibres together rather than pulling them apart. This type of calender is used exclusively on our waste machines. The cut on page 104 illustrates this cal- ender attached to a two-section machine. One object of lapping the product of a waste opener is to put the stock in a suitable form for mixing in uniform quantity on a finisher picker. For example, the calender is provided with cheeks so that it makes laps 20" wide; two of these are placed end to end on a lap rod and put on a finisher apron with two or three laps of staple stock. The weight per yard of the waste lap being predetermined, any percentage desired can be readily obtained. The calender is also used when working especially difficult grades of waste, such as heavy duck made from high-plied, hard-twisted, long-staple yarns. A breaking-up machine of two or three sections provided with heavy pins, is fitted with a calender making laps 21" wide. These are doubled on the apron of a four-section or five-section machine, same being provided with special rails ar- ranged for holding laps. All parts of this calender are substantially made and accurately fitted. Safety knock-off and measuring knock-off motions are provided. 105 106 Kive-Section Hard-Waste Machine Feed Plates for Waste Machines f I 'HIS device is similar in design to the feed plate used on a cotton card. With its use very close adjustments can be made, and very short staple can be handled to good advantage. The plate is of a special heavy construction, accurately milled and fitted. The roll used in connection with the plate is spring- weighted and positively geared. This plate is furnished in all of our hard-waste machines and can be supplied when required for adding to old machines. 107 108 Soaping Attaciimiont Appued to Aphon Delivery Soaping Attachment Applied to Calender Soaping Attachment I N*handling dry, short-staple wastes, trouble is frequently experienced in making the mass of fibres cling together. This is especially difficult in cases where a lap is made, as the fibres tend to fly apart and the lap will not hold together. This difficulty is usually due to absence of moisture in the fibres, and the fact that the large amount of machining to which they have been subjected has taken out much of the natural elasticity and curl. The use of a small amount of soapy water added to the stock as it passes from the machine aids greatly in subsequent handling. This is accom- plished by the soaping attachment illustrated above. It consists of a solid roll running in a pan of liquid with a stiff-bristle brush which throws mois- ture from the surface of the roll onto the sheet of cottop. The above cut shows the soaping attachment connected to a three-roll calender. The cut on opposite page illustrates a similar device attached to elevated apron rails. Gross Weight 300 lbs. Net Weight 225 lbs. Cubic Feet 10 109 I Cylinder Grinder HHHE above drawing illustrates in detail the traverse grinder used for truing up pins on waste-machine cylinders. The grinder is readily applied and supported -on special stands. The grinder wheel is driven from cylinder shaft, the traverse motion being imported through a double worm shaft fitted in a steel cas- ing. All parts are accurately fitted, the grinder being especially durable, all wearing parts being easily renewed at slight expense. no SHODDY PICKERS 112 Standard Snomn I’ickior English Pattern Shoddy Picker r | ^ 1 1 E shoddy picker, formerly used exclusively in working up A soft wool wastes, has now been adapted to reclaiming a large variety of fabrics, both wool and cotton. Various improvements have been made which largely increase the capacity and durability of the machines. The cut on opposite page illustrates our standard English pattern shoddy picker which we recommend for all classes of work. This machine is very strongly built, all girts being of iron. The use of wood has been reduced to such an extent that the machines cannot be badly damaged by fire. Gearing is of a special mixture cast iron with teeth accurately cleaned and tested. Suit- able shields are provided which cover all the requirements of in- surance companies. All parts are made on the duplicate plan and are machined so that little or no fitting is required when making repairs. Cylinders are made up on heavy steel shafts with two cast-iron heads accurately fitted and keyed to shaft. Heads are then turned to size and inside lags securely bolted on and turned. 'Pins are supplied of any length and size to meet requirements. The sizes most in use range from No. 6 to No. 9 and are made long. Lags are furnished either solid blocks or patent three ply. The latter is a special lag designed by ourselves, consisting of three layers of selected beech or maple glued together under heavy pressure. This prevents splitting and makes a very substantial lag. The cylinder in this type of machine is 41" in diameter and lag is 'i \ x/ 2 long with 18" of picking face. Lags are made up in sets of 44. 113 114 Shoddy Picker with Adjustable Base and Fan The bitting arrangement is furnished either of the pin-cylinder or the fan type. The standard drive consists of a single pulley 17" in diameter, 10" face. This can be varied by having a single 0" face pulley on both ends of the shaft, or a pair of tight and loose pulleys may be applied to meet special requirements. The bonnet or top of the machine is made of selected wood, carefully finished. The cut on opposite page illustrates the English Pattern Shoddy Picker equipped with adjustable base, fan and feed hopper. In order to secure full driving power and prevent slippage of belt it is necessary to keep the belt extremely tight. The object of the adjustable base is to provide for tightening the belt by moving the whole machine forward, this being accomplished by a screw with hand wheel. The auxiliary fan is used in installations where the receiving room or gauze room, as it is commonly called, is located at some distance from the machine, requiring a considerable volume of air to carry the stock. The use of the fan insures proper delivery of the picked stock, and its use is advisable when handling heavy fibres or when putting large productions through the machine. The wood hopper is simply an extension of the feed apron for the convenience of the operator. 115 Butterworth Shoddy Picker r pHE demand for a Shoddy Picker of the Butterworth type is confined to mills wishing to match existing equipment and to those working small quantities of shoddy. It is a well-built machine and does excellent work. Cylinder is 30J4" in diameter, 20" total face, with a picking face IT" wide. Lags are our patent 3-ply or solid block, as speci- fied. Pins of any standard size and number required. 116 REVOLVING FLAT CARDS ns Revolving Flat Card (Front View) Carding W HILE the process of spinning and that of weaving date back to ancient times, carding is of comparatively recent origin. The first step was the hand card, consisting of spikes driven in a board. This was improved upon by mounting the hand cards on a drum, the fibres being fed and taken away by hand. The first machine embodying the essential features of the present card was invented about 1774, for the purpose of carding wool and comprising a continuous mechanical feed, continuous carding and continuous delivery to a can. The coder was not brought out until some time later. After the successful operation of this machine on wool it was gradually adapted to carding cotton, developing into the modern revolving flat carding engine. The primary objects of the card are to remove dirt, remove short un- spinnable fibres and straighten the remaining fibres so they will lie in ap- proximately parallel lines in the sliver. The coder, as its name implies, cods the sliver in cans for convenient transportation to the next process. There are three points where cleaning is accomplished: at the lieker-in, where stock is drawn over a set of knife bars, the loose dirt being knocked through the bars; by the flats which take out specks of leaf and seed which are stuck to the fibres and which take out the short fibres; by the screen under the cylinder, through which falls the loose dirt that has been loosened up but not removed by the flats. The flats also perform the combing action. The doffer, with a surface speed much slower than the cylinder but moving in the same direction, catches the fibres from the cylinder and lays them in the doffer clothing from which they are removed by the comb in a thin sheet or web and guided by a trumpet to the delivery or calender rolls, thence to the coder. The fine adjustments necessary for the proper working of the card de- mand absolute accuracy in the machining and fitting of its parts. The cylinder must run perfectly true, and its clothing must be ground to an ab- solutely level surface. The flats must be correspondingly accurate, as they are set to within seven to twelve thousandths of an inch from the cylinder. Means of adjusting the flats must also be provided; this being accomplished by the “flexible bend,” the circumference of which is adjustable to the cir- cumference of the cylinder. The first revolving flat cards built in America were manufactured by our Newton Upper Falls Shops in 1888; previous to this they had manu- factured cards of various older models since 1831. We have made a specialty of these machines, and have developed a large variety of special tools for machining the parts. Their use enables us to put out a product of most unusual accuracy and excellent workmanship, all parts being subjected to most careful inspection. In the matter of design, especial attention has been paid to the elimina- tion of air drafts, which cause a cloudy web. The range of adjustments is such that our card will handle the shortest waste stock as well as long staple Egyptian and Sea Island. A detailed description covering the general construction, special features and attachments is covered on following pages. 119 120 Revolving Flat Card (Back. View) Revolving Flat Cards ONSTRUCTION. In designing and building this card, our first object has been to produce a machine that will give results: this calls for rigidity, to prevent vibration; accuracy of parts, to permit close adjust- ments; highest grade materials, to prevent wear; and accuracy in design, to prevent air drafts, etc. The frame is composed of heavy castings, accurately fitted and assem- bled. Special jigs are used in machining all parts, so that they are inter- changeable and require no fitting in the mill. Pulleys are finished all over and accurately balanced. Practically all gearing is cut, to insure quiet running. FEED MECHANISM. Stands are provided for running a single lap with a support for holding extra lap. A special attachment consisting of two lap rolls or four lap rolls is used for double carding. These are further described on a following page. We have recently developed a combination of feed and lickerin parts which permits using long or short staple without changing any of the parts. LICKERIN. The lickerin is of modern construction. Both ends of the cast-iron shell are reamed simultaneously by a special machine. The heads, ground to size, are forced into the ends of the shell by hydraulic pressure. No screws, bolts, pins or keys are used or needed to hold either heads or journals. By means of the forced fits, the assembled parts become prac- tically homogeneous, securing maximum rigidity and accuracy. CYLINDER AND CYLINDER SCREEN. Especial attention is given the construction of cylinders. Cut of bearing and general description- are covered on a following page. The cylinder screen is of special construction, recently designed, after exhaustive experimenting, to prevent the deposit of white fly under the card. Many builders supply a partition to separate the heavy refuse under the lickerin from the good, white fly under the cylinder. No partition is necessary on our cards, as we have succeeded in designing a screen which eliminates entirely the loss of good staple. All carded staple goes forward through the card, a fine brown dust or “fud" being the only deposit under the cylinder. 121 122 Revolving Flat Card, Sectional Elevation TOP FLATS. The manufacture of top flats has been given most care- ful attention. All finishing operations are performed by special-purpose machines of our own exclusive design and construction. After each opera- tion, the flats are inspected and dimensions checked by special micrometer devices, to insure perfect accuracy and uniformity, i oV o °f ail inch being the unit of measurement. FLEXIBLE BEXDS. Cards are equipped with the type of Flexible Bend invented and designed by Evan Leigh. This type of bend has been in actual use for more than half a century. Many attempts have been made to improve upon it, but for simplicity and practical efficiency no equivalent of this type has yet been produced. DOFFERS. Doffers are constructed along the same line as the cylinders. Shafts are forced into the heads under a high pressure, and the surface ac- curately ground, balanced and subjected to micrometer tests. DOFFER COMBS. We have recently given much attention to the im- provement of doffer combs and comb boxes. All revolving parts are accu- rately finished and balanced. The oscillating comb is also accurately balanced to prevent vibration. By means of special machinery we now manufacture superior comb blades fully equal to the blades formerly imported. CALENDER ROLLS. Calender rolls are of the same accurate and careful construction which characterizes the entire card. Gears are smooth running, and rolls are accurately balanced. Special heads are applied for double carding and multiple coders. COILERS. Coders are carefully made, all parts being machined to accurate jigs, being interchangeable and assembled without hand fitting. Standard turntables are furnished for 9", 10" and 12" cans. CLOTHING. Standard clothing of the highest grade is used on cyl- inders, doffers and flats. A new type of flat clip, which has given un- usually good satisfaction, is described on a following page. GRINDERS. Grinding attachments are of improved design and cover fully all requirements. A more detailed description follows. SAFETY DEVICES. Cards are fully equipped with gear covers and shields. Plate pulleys are used throughout, and every possible precaution taken to prevent accidents to operatives. 123 Improved Steel Front Plates r PHE front plates are made from extra heavy sheet steel, carefully * formed and machined. They are fixed permanently to the short bend or make-up piece, which swivels on a stud in the adjusting stand, which also carries the grinder stands. The stripping and doffer plates are easily adjusted by a short rod pivoted in the make-up piece and securely fastened to the main arch. This makes a very rigid arrangement and prevents the stripping plate from becoming loose or getting out of place. 124 Tr \4.\ Improvements in the Lickerin A FTER long experience, and as a result of many experiments, we have designed an arrangement of parts around the lickerin, which is a de- cided improvement over older methods and is much appreciated by all prac- tical carders. The boxes or bearings are so arranged as to carry the lickerin, the lickerin knives, lick- erin screen and back edge of cyl- inder screen. Each of the above parts is separately adjusted on the lick- erin box, and when once adjusted in the right re- lation to the cylinder and lickerin, the whole moves collectively, so y that as the card wire wears and it is found necessary to set the licker closer Screen to the cylinder, the one adjusting screw at each end for ad- \dju«tment justing the lickerin moves the whole of the above parts, all retaining the same individual relation to each other. This saves a great amount of time and trouble as compared with the old method of resetting each of the parts separately, which necessitated taking out the lickerin to set the back edge of cylinder screen and bottom edge of back knife plate. Every adjust- ment is outside the frame and can be made conveniently and quickly. The lickerin mote knives are all steel, with edges ground true, with the knife adjusting stands made so that the knives can be set to any required angle in relation to the lickerin. This is a new and important feature which makes it possible to ad- just the knives so as to clean any grade of cotton without Patent Lickerin Screen Showing how making too much fly under the IT IS Fastened to the Main lickerin. Cylinder Screen Lickerin Box Showing Adjustments 125 Point -Hardened Lickerin Wire pOR best results in carding it is essential that the teeth of the lickerin be * kept sharp, while the tendency of the annealed wire commonly used is to wear quickly. To overcome this wear we have recently devised a process whereby we harden the points of the wire and leave the base pliable so that it can be easily rolled into the grooves of the lickerin drum. This type of wire is used exclusively in all lickerins handled by our Shop, both on new cards and for repairs. For customers desiring to rewind their lickerins at the mill, we are prepared to furnish the point-hardened wire and to supply, at reasonable prices, rewinding parts which can be readily attached to a lathe. Cylinders rpHE cylinder shell is made in one casting with sectional and longitudinal ribs that make a strong and very rigid shell. This shell is bored out at the ends, and heavy cast-iron ends turned on the edges are then fitted in. The cylinder shafts are forced in by a powerful press, especially built for the purpose, and a large dowel is afterwards driven through the hub and shaft at each end, which obviates all danger of the shafts working loose. Every cylinder is ground and balanced on its own journals and is sub- mitted to a micrometer test before delivery to the assembling room. 126 Patent Flat Clips Flat clothed with Saco-Lowell Patent Clips E have a patented steel clip for fastening the card clothing to the iron flats, which is a very great improvement over the old style of clip formerly used. We are also using a new design end clip that is giving most ex- cellent results, and enables us to fully protect the wire on the end of the flats. 127 Thompson Stripping Roll r 1 1 HIS stripping roll is clearly shown on Front * View of Card, shown on a previous page. It consists of a roll supported by adjustable arms located on the front of the card at the point where the strippings leave the top flats. This roll col- lects the strippings and prevents all possibility of their being forced over onto the doffer clothing. It also provides an easy and quick method of remov- ing the accumulation of waste. Feed Roll Weighting r ■ ''HE use of steel lap rods with large heads having become general, a more convenient method of weighting the feed roller has been adopted. The weight hangs loosely in a pocket below the surface of the card frame. A wire hook projects upward through a slot in the feed apron, catching onto the feed weight lever. The weight is instantly detached and drops to rest on the bottom flange of the card frame, the weight hook remaining in the slot in the card side, preventing the weight from falling outward, and in right position for re-hooking onto the lever by a single movement. A hand hole is provided in the weight for use in hooking and unhooking. The sim- plicity and convenience of this arrangement are much appreciated. Coiler nPIIE coiler is of special design and an improvement over all previous types. One of the advantages is the open top, which allows the operator to lift the cover of the coiler without stopping the machine. The coiler can be oiled in all of its parts while running. Every time an ordinary coiler is stopped for oiling up, the card necessarily is stopped, which diminishes the production, but as our coiler is never stopped for oiling, the product is not lessened, as the machine runs continually. Another feature is the hinged or swinging calender roll in the coiler, tak- ing the place of the old-style fixed calender roll, which causes so much trouble in case of a “bung-up.” Our coders are now made so that the same post is used for right- or left- hand card, 9", 10" or 12" cans. This allows changes to be made in the mill with little trouble or expense. 12S New Design Sprocket for Flats FTER eight or ten years of constant use, the flat chains on all cards stretch so that as the flats pass around the driving sprockets, they sag away from the disc and tend to rub against the top steel plate. This faces and damages the flat clothing. To overcome this difficulty we have designed a new sprocket, the teeth of which are so formed as to keep the flats in proper contact with the disc as the chain continues to stretch. Flat chains may thus stretch about twice as much as on other cards before needing to be replaced. W e use these sprockets on all new cards. On old cards, when the chains have stretched so much that they need to be replaced, the application of new sprockets will prolong the life of the chains six or eight years. ] 29 |{kvoi,ving Ki,at Cahd (Showing Akkanchmunti oh Ghinding) Grinding Rolls T 'H E importance of the accuracy of the grinding rolls cannot well be over- estimated. They must run in true and rigid bearings. Each grinding roll V-shaped is provided with a pair of patent bronze bushings, resting stands on the card. From this arrangement results a ball-and-socket combination with the maximum of bearing surface and accuracy and the minimum of wear-and-tear. PENNEY CRADLE GRINDER FOR FLATS T HIS device enables the flat to be ground from the same surface that is bearing on the bend when flat is working and is a most important im- provement. If any wearing of the flat is caused by the passage on the bend, it will never affect the efficiency of the flat while at work. One cradle only is required for about twenty cards, and it is easily changed from one card to another, or can be hung clear from the flats when not in use. As this arrangement simply rides or floats on the flats, it is easily ad- justed and requires less care than any other grinder. Cradle grinder can be applied to any make of card. 131 Belt Shippers 132 Belt Shippers for Cards r PHE demand for Belt Shippers for Cards lias greatly increased during the last few years. In many states the labor laws compel the use of these appliances. We are prepared to furnish shippers to meet all ordinary conditions. The three standard varie- ties are described below. SHIPPER NO. 2 This shipper has been recently designed and patented by 11s, and comprises the novel feature of having a ball binder which is pressed against the belt by means of a lever, as the belt is shipped from the loose pulley to the tight pulley. This takes up the slack belt, causes the cylinder to come to speed more quickly, and entirely does away with the necessity or temptation for a man to-put his hand onto the belt. SHIPPER NO. 3 This shipper was designed for cases when it is necessary or ad- visable to ship the belt without going between the cards. Where cards are placed closely together this shipper has been found very desirable. SHIPPER NO. 4 This shipper acts in a horizontal plane and is easily operated. It can be adapted to all makes of cards and can be used on either right- or left-hand drive. All of these shippers lock both on and off and can be easily ap- plied to almost any make of cards, and we are furnishing large numbers of them for cards not of our make. We shall be glad to quote prices or send sample shippers upon application. 133 a i/ 1 > Know i Nr: Double Carding E have adapted our standard revolving flat cards to use in the double carding system, in connection with the standard lap winder fully described in this catalogue ( page 157). With this system, superior goods are produced, and for some purposes yarns can be made from the shorter staples fully equal to combed yarn from the same stock at lower cost and with much less w r aste. An additional lap roll is provided on all cards to be used as finishers, as shown in cut on opposite page. The sliver laps come to the finisher card in two sections, each section l!) 1 > Four-Coiler Finisher Waste Card 'T'HE cut on opposite page illustrates our Waste Finisher Card. A Like the Breaker Card this is our regular Revolving Flat Card, but with adaptations suitable for second carding of waste. The main features of this card are the tandem lap attachment, continuous calender rolls and trumpet plate to take four slivers, and the four-coiler front. The web on the doffer is divided into four equal parts by means of thin steel strips supported by a cross bar between cylinder and doffer. The slivers are coiled in 9" X 30" cans. Each individual end may be pieced up without disturbance to any other, and each can may be doffed separately without dis- turbance to any other can. The group of four coilers and four can tables forms one unit arranged around and supported by one central vertical column. Coiler gears and can tables are connected by one central shaft passing through the supporting column. The production of finisher card is np to 250 lbs. per day, accord- ing to the grade of waste used and the quality of work desired. The floor space required by this machine including coiler and tandem lap attachment is 14' 2"x 5' 5J4". Tight and loose pulleys 20" X 3", to run 10.5 R.P.M. 145 Tandem Lap Attachment r piIIS Attachment is used on our Four-Coiler Finisher Card and consists of four lap rolls arranged in such manner as to take four of our lap winder laps. Doubling the laps gives a more even feed at the back of the card and thus insures slivers of more uniform weight at the front. 146 Two-Coiler Head T A 7 E have frequent demands for a card that w ill deliver two ' light slivers instead of a single heavy sliver, this arrangement being specially adapted to handling certain grades of waste stock. The above cut shows our card equipped with a double set of delivery rolls and coders. This arrangement adds 18" to width of card. 147 148 (Jordon Card Attachment Gordon Card Attachment 'X'HIS device can be applied to existing cards or supplied with new cards. It is essentially an additional cleaning mechanism, as it contains an extra lickerin, with five mote knives, and there is a slight suc- tion of air which tends to prevent fibre from being thrown down with the trash. Further than cleaning, the attachment also loosens up the fibres, airs the stock, and delivers it to the card in a uniform sheet, in good form for carding. The inventor claims this attachment makes less picking neces- sary, allows the use of lower-grade cotton, improves the quality of the carding, lengthens the life of the card clothing, and allows a higher card production. These attachments are made in compliance with designs and details furnished by the Gordon-Hay Co. Adds 26 l-h w to length of card. 149 150 Saco -Lowell Card Stripper (Patented) J N the art of carding the common method of stripping the cylin- der and doffer of the card by means of an exposed stripping roll admittedly creates many objectionable conditions in the card room. Continuous efforts have been made during the last twenty years in many European countries and in America to obviate these conditions by means of many patented devices, some of which are now in extensive use. Our stripper is a combination of a high-speed stripping roll covered with specially designed wire which will strip and let go, with a specially designed nozzle and damper connected by piping to a condenser of special design, which is connected with a com- mon exhaust fan of low H.P. The stripping roll is located in the “V "-shaped space between the cylinder and doffer, and together with the nozzle and damper forms an integral part of each card. By means of a short lever and eccentric the stripping roll is brought into contact with the cylinder and doffer as required, or into a neu- tral position when the stripping operation is complete. One move- ment of the lever operates the stripping door, exposing the cylinder, and opens the damper which starts the air current simultaneously. The lever locks automatically when the stripping door and damper are fully open or fully closed. The stripping brush is protected on the ends by shroud bearings, preventing the wire from getting jammed. By pushing back the locking pins the stripping brush may be removed and placed in brackets provided on the Card, when grinding. This change does not disturb the settings of either the stripping roll or the grinding rolls. Some of the advantages claimed for this system are as follows: One man can strip the card in less time than required by two men using the common stripper roll. No tools or apparatus need be carried from card to card excepting the driving band for the strip- ping roll. As the stripping roll is not carried from card to card and laid upon the floor or other places, it is not subject to injury as is an ordinary stripping roll. The strips are delivered from the con- denser in excellent condition, well open and practically free from dust. When the card is in operation the stripping door is locked in position, preventing accidents to operatives. 151 152 Saco-Lowjou, Card Striim’Eh Card Stripper Condenser T HE Condenser is directly connected to a motor driven or belt driven exhauster, and with the countershaft makes a complete exhaust unit. The power required varies with the amount and size of pipe used. A 10-H.P. motor will usually take care of a 40-Card unit with No. 6 exhauster. The Condenser is especially designed and machined to prevent leakage, at the same time letting the stock drop from the screen at the proper place. The damper is adjust- able from the outside, should occasion require adjustment. There are convenient hand-holes so placed that all parts may be cleaned without disturbing the settings, and with ordinary care and proper oiling this unit will give no trouble. The Condenser is made in three sizes: No. 1 is used for units up to 40 cards. No. 2 is used for 40 to 75 cards. No. 3 is used for over 75 card units. The pipe work is manufactured in our own shops and given the most careful attention. All joints are locked and soldered. The telescoping section is fitted with a gasket which prevents all leakage. The size of pipe varies somewhat with the size of the unit, each being especially designed with a view of preventing friction and to operate with the best possible results. 153 LAP WINDERS 156 Improved Lap Winder Improved Lap Winder For Use in Double Carding on Revolving Flat Cards O meet the requirements of double carding on revolving flat cards, we have recently designed j and put on the market a new improved Lap Winder, a cut of which is shown on page 156. This machine is made in two standard sizes, 20" and 22 x /l > to make laps for cards 40" and 45" wide, respectively. The back or stop-motion section, which is of an entirely new design, takes 40 or 42 cans from the breaker cards. A stop motion is provided on each side to stop the machine when an end breaks down or runs out. The details of the stop motion are the same as on our latest drawing frames, with stamped steel spoons, which can be adjusted to accommodate any size of sliver required. The calender or lap head is of an entirely new construction, with extra heavy frame, machined racks working in grooves milled in the frame sides. Improved rack-lifting motions. All gear and rack teeth cut from the solid, assuring a smooth-running, noiseless and durable machine. A very solid square-ended lap is formed on a hardwood spool, two of these laps being placed end to end on the finisher card. 157 158 Saketv Lock i'or Lai* Winder Lock for Lap Winder /^\UR Lap Winders are fitted with a strong and very simple V ^ safety device, consisting of a perforated folding apron which hangs down in front of the lap as it is being wound. This apron can be lifted only when the pressure roll is raised to remove a fin- ished lap, thus eliminating any chance of getting caught in the rolls while the machine is running. There is also a safety device for pushing the finished lap out of the pan before it need be touched by the hand. Special care has been taken to cover all gears. 159 DRAWING FRAMES 102 l)]{AWIN Gearing Stop-Motion Spoon Stop -Motion Spoons TN the adjoining cut we illustrate our stamped steel spoon. The advantages of this spoon are very apparent to practical carders. They are exceedingly strong yet light, and can be readily closed or opened at the mouth, or bent for balance to suit any weight of sliver from 100 grains per yard to 30 grains or less, as may be re- quired. Thousands of these spoons have been sold to our customers to replace broken cast-iron spoons on old frames, and have been much appreciated. 171 Combination Hank Clock and Full-Can Target Stop Motion E have designed a combination hank clock and full-can target stop motion, as shown in the accompanying illustra- tion. This device can be readily applied to any of our frames. The hank clock not only registers the amount of cotton passing through the frame, but tends to increase production where the operator is paid by the piece. It registers in decimals. The stop motion stops the frame and throws up a target when a given length of sliver has been coiled in the can. The target must be pulled down before the frame can be started again. Change gears are provided to regulate the length of sliver delivered. On fine combed work this stop motion is valuable in preventing tender sliver from being pressed too hard and matted hi the can. Stretching of sliver and breaking back at last process of drawing or at slubbers are thus prevented. This clock is so designed that it can be furnished as a full-can target stop motion alone, without The hank clock, or the hank clock can be furnished alone without the stop motion, or the two may be furnished together as desired. Hank Clock and Full-Can Target Stop Motion 172 Top Clearer nPHE accompanying cut illustrates a much needed improvement 1 in top roll clearers. It is so designed that the clearer cloth or cot can be readily slipped on or off the frame or moved around so as to bring a fresh place in the cloth to bear on the top rolls without t he taking out of wires, or unstitching the cloth. 173 174 Revolving Clearer T HE Revolving Clearer, while originally intended for fine work on leather rolls, is now commonly used and is proving of equal value on metallic rolls. Requiring no picking, it saves time and labor, prevents many slugs and bunches, and improves even the coarser grades of work. Our Revolving Clearer is very simple in design and construction, easily taken care of and requires little or no attention. The clearer cloth is driven by a star roll, connected to the foot end gearing by a link motion in such a manner that it requires no setting of gears when changing the spread of rolls. It has no rocker arm at the back to interfere with the piecing up of the ends, the stripping comb being actuated di- rectly from the star roll. An adjustable stretcher roll is provided whereby the stretch of the cloth can lie taken up. We have recently designed an adjustable bearing for the stretcher roll which allows the clearer to be easily ad- justed to different diam- eters and settings of top rolls. This is especially useful when changing setting of the rolls, as without this vertical adjustment it may be difficult to obtain proper contact of the clearer cloth with all four lines of rolls. The insert shows the simplicity of this ad- justment. The stretcher stand A holds the bearing B which is moved up or down by means of the adjusting screw C. This screw is held in position by the lock screw D. Metallic Rolls r T , HE increase in product from the latest-style metallic rolls, work- A ing at standard speed, is due to the meshing of the flutes. The amount of increase is as if the diameter of ordinary rolls had been enlarged from 1 YY to ] tV', which at same speed would increase the length of sliver delivered by about 33 per cent without changing the draft. Thus a corresponding increase in speed of calender rolls is necessary in order to take up the extra length of sliver delivered by front roll. It is convenient, therefore, to assume that the effective diameter of the 1 Y% metallic roll is lyV". 175 EVENER DRAWING FRAMES 178 EvENElf DbAWING l'KAMli KltONT VlKW Evener Drawing Frame T HE Evener Drawing Frame is the outgrowth of the Railway Head which was used in connection with the old-style Cards. The functions of the Railway Head were: To take up a number of slivers directly from a line of cards, draw them to a single sliver of a given weight, and place the product in a can for convenient use on subsequent process. In case one or more slivers should break down at the cards, the evening mechan- ism operated to reduce the speed of the front roll, and when the slivers were again pieced up, operated in the reverse direction, increasing the speed of front roll again to compensate for the change in amount of stock fed into the rolls at back. The card doffers and railway head being driven from the same shaft, the relative speeds were of necessity maintained to enable the railway to take up the slivers at the rate given otf by the doffers. Thus the back roll was not available as an evener and the evening mechanism had to operate through the front roll. Many experienced mill men had such a high opinion of the railway head that they employed it in connection with the modern revolving flat card, taking up the slivers from the card cans, in- stead of from the old card trough or apron. Practically all that was necessary to adapt the old-style railway head to take the slivers from the cans was to add a back-stop motion and sliver guides, the same as on a drawing frame. Although there was a steady demand for this re-adapted railway head, it soon became apparent that a machine much better suited to modern requirements could be designed, and we placed on the market an evener drawing frame which is the result of much careful study of the practical working of the old machines in the modern mills. It is designed to even up much slighter variations of sliver than could possibly be handled on the old machine, the evening mechan- ism of which was cumbersome, complicated and difficult to keep in order. The cone or evener belt practically taking the whole load of the machine, it was impossible to make changes of speed accurately or delicately enough through the front roll to take care of a variation of only a few grains in the sliver. By the application of a back-stop motion to prevent singles going up at the back, the back roll at once becomes available as 179 Evener Drawing Frame — Back View 180 an evener, thus enabling us to even the sliver by changing the speed of the back roll instead of the front. Our new evening mechanism is placed on the table or roller beam, and is connected through the regular crown and draft gears with the back roll. There is no load on the evener cones, but the driving of the back rolls and the cones with cork inserts which we now use prevent slipping at starting, thus overcoming all danger of cut work. No complicated mechanism beneath the roller beam or table to confuse the help, and unskilled help can be trusted to run these machines as easily as to operate drawing frames. Front and back stop motions are provided, also full-can and roller lap stop motions, which are positive in their action. Doubling 8 into 1 we have repeatedly produced a sliver varying only one grain in thirty weighings, two yards to each weighing. Our standard head is made to double 8 into 1 unless otherwise specified when ordering. It is so arranged, also, that any number of heads, from one upwards, can be embodied in one continuous frame. Each head, being provided with tight and loose pulleys, stop motions, and shipper, remains entirely independent of the others in operation. As this machine is usually run at increased speed and one delivery only being stopped by the breaking of a sliver or the running out of a can, the production is greatly increased over the same number of deliveries on a drawing frame. We use leather-covered or patent metallic rolls." The importance of being able to overcome all the variations which creep into the work, from the opener down to the difference in weight of sliver after stripping out the card, is much appreciated by practical mill men in the making of even yarn. 181 V17 E append a detailed description of our Improved Evener Draw- ^ ’ ing Frame with reference to the accompanying cuts. The main tight and loose pulleys, A A', are on front roll, driven by belt from countershaft at base of frame. The front cone B is also integral with front roll and drives reverse c-one B' through friction ring C. On shaft of cone B' is a pinion D, meshing with crown gear E, which carries draft gear E'. Draft gear drives back rolls in the usual way as on an ordinary drawing frame. The friction ring C is moved back and forth between the cones by shipper fork F, which slides on the surface of table or roller beam. Shipper fork F is connected through an oblique slot in the table with a rack G, which meshes with a pinion, H , on shaft of which is a ratchet gear 7, oper- ated in both directions by two pawls, J ./', attached to crank lever K. Pawls J are moved back and forth by means of connecting rod L from eccentric M on vertical shaft, which operates the can turn table. Swinging loosely on same center as rack pinion is a shield, X, which covers the teeth of the ratchet gear 7. A flat or space is cut away from this shield to expose a pari of the teeth to the pawls. 182 This shield N is moved or swung back or forth through connect- ing lever O and connecting rods P and P' by the front trumpet Q as a heavy or light sliver passes through it. The shield N is steadied in its movements by means of the pendulum R. The slightest variation in friction in the trumpet caused by the passage through it of heavier or lighter sliver is thus sufficient to move the shield N, uncovering the exact number of teeth required to shift the friction ring C between the cones by means of pinion, rack and sliding shipper fork. Number of teeth in ratchet gear ..... 80 Number of teeth in actual use ..... 6(i Number of teeth in rack pinion . . . . 12, ]0 Pitch Movement of belt shipper ...... 3.1" Working diam. of cone, large end .... 8.3" Working diam. of cone, small end . . . .7.1" The cones will take care of a variation each way from standard of 15%. If sliver delivered weighs: 100 grains, 1 tooth movement of ratchet gear will change the weight 1 /, gr., apx. 75 grains, 1 tooth movement of ratchet gear will change the weight 1 /a. gr., apx. 50 grains, 1 tooth movement of ratchet gear will change the weight i 14 gr-, apx. The amount of draft does not directly affect the evener. FRONT ELEVATION OF EVENER DRAWING FRAME 183 ROVING FRAMES The Roving Process HHHE process of roving, following that of drawing, is the first actual step A in the formation of a spun yarn. These machines perform simultaneously three distinct operations, that is, drawing, twisting, and winding. The first named is accomplished by a set of three pairs of rolls, the second by a posi- tively driven flyer, and the third by a positively driven bobbin. Theoreti- cally this type of frame is a perfect spinning machine, for the reason that rolls, flyer, and bobbin are all positively driven by gears, and their speed can be accurately figured and maintained. An equal winding tension is maintained through a differential motion, the action of which is positive. Mechanical difficulties, however, prevent the operation of this machine at high speeds, therefore it camiot be used for spinning yarns which require high twist, and its use is restricted to the preparing of roving for spinning frames. The usual practice on ordinary counts of yarn and average staple is to operate a three-process system, consisting of a slubber, intermediate, and fine frame. These machines are identical as to type but differ in size, the diameter of the bobbins decreasing as the roving is drawn out to smaller diameter. A fourth process is added when spinning fine yarns, this frame being termed a jack frame, identical in construction with the fine frame but arranged for building smaller bobbins. The various details affecting the size of the frame are clearly shown in table on page 456, giving the length of frames. The slubber takes the sliver made on drawing frames, the cans being placed behind the frame, one for each spindle, and sliver passed over a revolving wood roll designed to apply the least possible tension to the sliver. On intermediates and fine frames the source of supply is the roving bobbin made by the previous process. Creels are arranged for three or four rows of bobbins. The drawing out of the sliver is accomplished by three pairs of rolls. BOTTOM ROLLS are of fluted steel made in sections coupled with screw joints, forming a continuous line extending full length of frame. The diameter of these rolls is varied to suit the length of staple, but certain standards have been adopted which should be used, except for special requirements. A traversing motion consisting of a bar with brass trumpets through which the roving is threaded, operates in back of the rolls, by means of a worm and worm gear, drawing the yarn back and forth across 1ST 188 Saco- I .< well Sluhueu the face of the roll, preventing the wear which would result if the yarn continued to run between the rolls at the same spot. TOP ROLLS are of cast iron covered with leather. Middle and back rolls are solid, the front rolls being of the shell type, that is, a cylindrical shell running on an arbor. We can furnish, if required, BALL-BEARING TOP ROLLS. Top rolls are made up with two bosses, the neck between the bosses serving as a bearing for the weight hook, the ends of the rolls being held in place by improved cap bars. Pressure is applied by dead weighting. DRAFT. The object of the drawing process is to decrease the diameter of the roving, and it is usually customary to double two ends in the creel, this doubling having a tendency to even up any irregularities in either of the slivers, also permitting a considerably higher draft than would be possible with a single strand. There is a slight draft provided between the back and middle roll termed the break draft, its object being to loosen up the twist imparted to the sliver by the previous process. The long draft occurs between middle and front rolls. Draft change gears are of easy access, and changes both on the main draft and the break draft can be quickly made. TWIST. On leaving the rolls, the sliver immediately enters the next phase of the process, twisting, which is accomplished by a flyer revolving at a fixed speed driven from the main shaft by gears. The twisting area extends from the top of the flyer, through which the yarn is threaded to the bite of the rolls. Both these points are fixed, therefore the twist area remains unchanged throughout the process. Changes in twist are obtained by changing the speed of the rolls. The twist is determined by the relative speeds of the flyer and the front rolls, that is, if the flyer makes two revo- lutions while the front rolls are delivering 1 inch of sliver, there will be two turns of twist per inch. Any increase in speed of rolls will result in a fewer number of turns per inch. In making this change the relative speeds of the rolls and the bobbin remain unchanged, the winding velocity of the bobbin remaining always the same as the surface speed of the rolls. WINDING OPERATION. Our frames are equipped for the “bobbin lead’’ wind, that is, the bobbin is driven at a speed slightly in excess of the flyer. There are many arguments in favor of this type, one of the prin- cipal being that as the bobbin fills with yarn its speed decreases, whereas with the “flyer lead" system the speed of the bobbin has to be increased 189 Intekmeijiatio on Kin lo Uovinc as it fills with, roving, thereby putting a continuously increasing strain on the train of gears driving the bobbins. With the “bobbin lead” it is evident that as the flyer speed is constant, the surface velocity of the bobbin must also be constant, that is, the wind- ing point on the bobbin must always keep just so much in advance of the foot of the flyer. It is also evident that the surface speed of the bobbin must be exactly the same under all conditions as the surface speed of the rolls, inasmuch as the bobbin must take care of the sliver as fast as it is delivered from the rolls. To accomplish this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number of revolutions made by the bobbin as it fills with roving, and this is brought about through a differential motion commonly known as a COMPOUND. We use in our frames the type known as a square compound, which is one of the simplest and most effective that has ever been used. This motion is known in mechanics as an Epicyclic Train, con- sisting of two wheels geared together by a carrier, the carrier and last member of the train being borne in an arm which revolves in the same axis as the driving wheel. Referring to gear diagram on page 466, note a 45-tooth bevel gear on main shaft next to the twist change gear. This gear is keyed to the main shaft and is the initial mover in the bobbin driv- ing train. The two carrier gears meshing with this revolve on studs carried by the sun wheel marked 155, these carrier gears mesh with another 45- tooth bevel on a loose sleeve carried by the main shaft but entirely inde- pendent of it. The action of this sun wheel is more or less complicated, and a brief description may be of interest. If the sun wheel is held stationary, the bevel gears mounted within it simply act as carrier gears and the bevel gear on the sleeve is driven at the same speed as the main shaft, but in the opposite direction. If the sun wheel is revolving in the same direction as the 45-tooth bevel and at an equal speed, the two carrier bevels remain stationary so far as the driving bevel is concerned. The whole unit is locked and the bevel on the loose sleeve revolves in the same direction and at the same speed as the 45- tooth driver. If the sun wheel is revolved in the same direction but at a slower speed, the bevel on the sun wheel revolves in the same direction but at a slower speed than the driver. When the velocity of the sun wheel is one-half that of the driving bevel, its direction of rotation being the same, motion of the gear on the sleeve entirely ceases. If the speed of the sun wheel is still further decreased, the bevel on the sleeve is again put in motion but in the opposite direction. In actual practice on our frames, the sun wheel revolves in the opposite direction from the main 191 192 Roving 1'ka.me (buck) shaft and at a slower speed, thereby driving the loose sleeve in the opposite direction from the main shaft and at a slower speed. As each succeeding layer is added to the bobbin, the lifting of the bobbin rail operates a rack motion which moves a belt on a pair of developed cones. These cones, as will be noted from diagram, drive the sun wheel, and as the bobbin fills the speed of the sun wheel is decreased. As it moves in an opposite direction from the main bevel this decreases the speed of the loose sleeve, operating the bobbin train. As the bobbin driving gear is on a fixed shaft while the gears operating the bobbins are raised and lowered as the bobbin builds, it is necessary to provide an arrangement for keeping these gears constantly in mesh. This is provided by an intermediate mounted on a swing arm which operates with the bobbin rail. The shifting of the belt on the cones operating the sun wheel is accomplished by a rack which is driven by a vertical shaft operated by the top cone shaft. The vertical shaft is fitted on its upper end with a gap gear, about one-quarter of its circum- ference on either side being blank. During the building up of one layer of roving this shaft remains stationary, the bevel on the cone shaft running in the blank space. When the traverse changes, a spring revolves the up- right shaft just sufficiently to engage its teeth with the bevel on the cone, this action causing the shaft to revolve, and a worm located on shaft operates a gear which moves the rack and changes position of the belt. HEAD END is an original departure in design. The upper part or “dome” is cast separately, and milled surfaces insure its fitting properly on the lower section. After taking off the front roll gear the dome may be swung around so that the rolls are all free to be lifted out directly toward the front of the frame, without springing, cramping, and bending them. The head end is only as wide as the extreme width of the body of the frame, but purposely made wide to protect the frame, front and back, from trucks and accidents. The cut gearing inclosed in the head is readily accessible, and the head also incloses an additional rail counterbalance weight. DRIVING PULLEYS are regularly furnished 1C inches in diameter by 2 5 dj inches face for 23 / 2 -inch belt. Ordinary lengths of frames can be operated without slippage by a narrower belt: but because a roving frame is at best so often stopped and started, this width is recommended to insure less stretching and longer life for the belt. The loose pulley runs on a sleeve independent of the shaft and is self-oiled. It may be supplied with oil while running or stopped. The heavy outrigger supporting the end of 193 Roving Frame Gearing Showing spindle and bobbin drive 194 the driving shaft is made with a removable section, which is easily detached when necessary to change pulleys. The belt shipper is arranged to receive belt from above or below. LIFTING ROLLS for slubbers are regularly furnished of wood, but we can supply brass lifting rolls if required. Lifting rolls are driven by chain and sprockets. BOBBIN TROUGHS can be supplied for attaching to bottom creel bar for collecting empty bobbins. These may be of wood or sheet steel. SAMSONS are of heavy castings located at short intervals to insure perfectly solid and rigid construction. A milled surface pocket supports the roller beam, the step rail being supported and fastened to a specially finished foot. Back rail is inserted in a hub with bored hole, and both beam and rails are coupled at the Samson without the use of coupling plates. This construction gives a very rigid skeleton and a frame that it is almost impossible to throw out of line. Frames can readily be moved to new locations in the mill without disturbing the bearings. STEP AND BOLSTER RAILS are of T section, and are milled per- fectly true, insuring proper alignment. Bolsters are of the long-collar type, are extremely rigid, and can be applied to the rail without fitting. The method of attaching reduces to a minimum the possibility of bolsters getting out of plumb. BEARINGS have self- aligning loose bushings, and can be replaced with- out fitting. Shafts may be removed by slipping these bushings to one side. MAIN SHAFT is supported by improved bearings and runs within a ground, hollow, self-oiling sleeve. On the outer surface of this sleeve runs the compound and bobbin driving gear. Sleeve also supports a swing arm carrying the intermediate gear of the bobbin train. GEARING. Bobbin drive gears, generally difficult of access, have been arranged in a simple and accessible manner and are fully protected by polished steel covers. Cut gears are of the generated type, insuring accu- racy and uniformity of teeth. The bobbin and spindle driving gears are of the spiral-type tooth, making a quiet and durable transmission. In making changes in dr-aft, twist, tension, etc., it is necessary only to adjust into proper mesh the change gear, the crown or stud gear in all cases retaining its proper relation to the driving gear. 195 TRAVERSE MOTION. A perfected type of traverse motion is applied, same being driven by a worm on the back roll. The motion is eccentric, preventing the dwell of the roving at any one spot on the rolls. The wear is equally distributed over the face of the top roll, with the result that they give much longer service and will outwear several sets of rolls on a frame not equipped with this motion. RACK MOTION. The arrangement of the cone-belt rack and the mechanism for actuating the same are of improved and simplified form, which admit of the rack being easily but positively and uniformly driven. After doffing and winding back the rack the mechanism is such as to allow the rack to come solidly against its starting stop, and yet allows the clutch always to engage immediately and positively without cramping and with- out the use of springs. Both the intention of the mechanism to accomplish this important detail and the fact that this essential result is obtained are rather concealed by the very simplicity of the device; it requires no adjustment. The rack is driven by a worm on the vertical shaft; this worm is so connected with this shaft that no movement is given to the rack until the vertical shaft has made a quarter of a revolution. The motion for reversing the traverse is governed also by the vertical shaft, and this change in traverse is started immediately after the bevel or “gap" gear at the top of the vertical shaft engages with the bevel gear on the top cone shaft. It will be readily seen, then, that there is no stress or duty on the vertical shaft until the bevel gears at the top have engaged. It then follows that the duties of the spiral spring are only to hold the dog against the face of the builder motion and to revolve the free upright shaft a small angle five or six degrees until the bevel gears engage. CONES are of new construction and are turned, balanced, and accurately ground as to size and form, all on the shafts on which they are to run in the frame. These shafts are forced in hydraulically, eliminating the use of set screws or other projecting parts. The perfection of the form of the cones, accomplished by calculations and most careful experiments, is proven by the fact that the rack is locked after a doff and is actuated by the frame mechanism from empty to full bobbin with perfectly uniform tension. STOP MOTION. All frames are fitted with a stop motion, which knocks off the frame when bobbins are full. Birkenhead Creel W E are prepared to furnish creels of the Birkenhead type for Roving Frames, as illustrated by the above cut. This type is somewhat more difficult to creel and to keep clean than is the standard type, but is frequently specified in localities where the operatives are of short stature. Standard Creels Our creel is of unusually rugged construction, posts being bolted directly to top of samsons. The general construction is clearly shown in cut of frame on page 192. The ends and couplings are arranged with double posts, the advantages of this being obvious. Special attention is called to the arrange- ment whereby front row of bobbins is brought within easy reach of operator, the bottom board of the front creel being dropped to the lowest possible position. Creels are arranged for vertical adjustment to accommodate different lengths of bobbins and varying skewer lengths. They are fitted with porcelain steps in which skewers run. 198 Compound or Bobbin Differential Motion T HE square compound used on our frames is one of the oldest and most satisfactory types ever devised. A detailed description of its operation has been covered on a preceding page. While the principle of this motion remains as in the older types, we have made many changes in construction resulting in an evenly balanced, smoothly operating mechanism, which is simple and at the same time thoroughly effective. A notable change from older models is the mounting of the bevel carrier gears in the center of the sun wheel, making a perfectly balanced unit. The sleeve carrying the bobbin driving gears is finished inside and out, and has a self-oiling arrangement. The bobbin train is made up of cut spiral gears so arranged that cramping is impossible, and all parts of the swinging mechanism are heavy, carefully finished, and operate with maximum efficiency. LIFTING SHAFT is supported by bearings close to each lifting pinion : this shaft runs the whole length of the frame, but is driven from the center, thereby diminishing the torsion to a negligible quantity. Cut pinions on this shaft engage with cut-tooth lifting arm segments, which in turn apply the force of the lift under the center of gravity of the load, the bolster rail. The lifting driving train runs on a sleeve, loose on a fixed shaft, which pre- vents any cramping in case of settling of the mill floor. The whole com- bination results in a perfectly steady and easy movement of the bolster rail, carrying the bobbins, and in addition to effecting a saving of power, produces a very even lay and well-built bobbins. Roving Frame Rolls r l 'HE above cut illustrates in detail the construction of a section * of rolls. Bottom rolls are of the highest-grade steel obtainable and are fluted by special machines, the flutes being irregularly spaced to prevent creasing the top roll covering. In coupling we have adopted a longer and larger shank than is ordinarily used, providing maximum service with minimum wear. All bearings and bosses are ground and finished to micrometer gauges. STANDARD LENGTHS OF ROLLS given in the catalog tables we regard as best for efficiency in tending and for the best product, but if for any reason a greater or less space should be required between spindles or a certain number of spindles be needed to fill a given floor space, a change can be made in length of roll to meet these conditions. ROLL STANDS are of the standard sliding type, and adjust- ments can be readily made without disturbing the supports holding clearers and cap bars. CAP BARS are of the simplest and most satisfactory type yet developed. Their construction is clearlv shown bv above cut. CLEARERS are of standard construction with high-grade cloth. Covers are of heavy polished steel. Standard equipment includes wood strip underclearers for slubbers only. We can supply re- volving clearers for all sizes of frames, supported either by springs or weights, if required. 200 ROLL WEIGHTING is arranged in the standard method, t lie weights on front rolls being supported by hooks, the middle and back rolls by a single weight carried by a saddle. Detail or roll weighting is shown by following' table: TOP^ROLL WEIGHTS, POUNDS Size of Frame 12 X 6 11 X bVi Slubber 10X5H 10 X 5 Slubber 9X41^ Slubber 10 X 5 10 x'i'Al 9X4 K Inter. 8X4 Inter. Fly F rame 8 X 3 y 2 to 6X2 3-2 F.F., Jack Front Roll 18 18 16 16 20 16 Back and Middle Roll 20 20 18 18 22 18 Ball Bearing Top Rolls CROSS SECTION WARDWELL TYPE BALL BEARING TOP ROLL PATENTS PENDING CAMPBELL MFG CO. WORCESTER MASS. T HE above cut illustrates the Wardwell Type of Ball-Bearing Top Roll, which we can supply if required. Rolls of this type are ordinarily used on the front line only. The important advantages in its use comprise : reduced labor in picking and oiling, saving in oil, saving in leather covering, and a cleaner roving, free from bunches. Less power is required to turn the rolls. Rolls are of the shell type mounted on ball bearings, supported on a solid one-piece steel arbor, the bearings being held in place by cones, the inner cones fixed on shaft, the outer cones being adjustable and locked in position by locknuts. This adjustment when once made is permanent and cannot be thrown out by any ordinary usage. Cones and lock nuts are made with shoulders of nearly the same diameter as the inside of the rolls, minimizing the chance of dirt entering the bearings or of grease working out. The supporting arbor is made up of a single length of Yi' steel, turned to %" at the bearing part. The arbor does not revolve, therefore requires no oiling at the cap bars or at the weight-hook bearing. In assembling, the rolls are packed with grease and need no further attention for 10 to 12 months. They can be refilled when necessary with- out disassembling the bearings. Saco-Lowell Flyers I N the past our dependence upon outside manufacturers for a supply of flyers has resulted in much inconvenience to ourselves and our customers. We have now installed a complete unit for the manufacture of these parts. This department has a sufficient capacity to supply our flyer requirements and will enable us to take care of all orders promptly. Saco-Lowell Flyers are interchangeable in every way with the flyers previously furnished with our frames, including presser arms. They are fully guaranteed and possess all the good features of other flyers, with many refinements of construction which add to their value. The curved slot is uniform in width with edges smoothly finished. The inside of the hollow arm has a perfectly smooth finish, free from any scale or roughness. The presser arms are more uniform in weight so that a change of pressers will not affect the balance of the flyer. The taper inside the socket is held within one half of one one-thousandth of an inch to size. The flyer is extremely rigid and will stand several hundred revolu- tions above normal speed without spreading. Each flyer is balanced accurately on special sensitive spindles. These flyers are entirely machine built, insuring absolute ac- curacy of size and weight. 202 Saco-Lowell Hank Clock T HE Decimal Hank Clock, illustrated above, is applied as standard equipment on all Roving Frames. This clock is of the best construction, rugged and durable, registers accurately, and is so made that it cannot be tampered with. It registers in hanks and tenths of hanks. See page 4.51 for details required when ordering. 203 Bobbin Gauges 204 In addition to l lie type of gauge here shown we also make a gauge which lias Limit Openings at the caliper end. I’rice of either type quotigd on application. See! -page !• > I for standard bobbin charts. SPINNING FRAMES 206 Spinning Frame No. 17 Moiiei Spinning S PINNING, the final process in the formation of a single yarn, is merely the continuation of the process started on the Roving Frames, that is, the drawing out of the yarn to a smaller diameter, the twisting of same, and the winding on bobbins. The development of spinning machinery has occurred during the last two hundred years, all yarn previous to this being spun by hand, first on the primitive spindle and distaff, later on the single spindle spinning wheel, operated by hand. Three types of frame are in practical use today, the throstle or flyer frame, the mule, and the ring frame. The first named is practically out of use in spinning cotton, as it cannot be operated at a high speed and does not meet production requirements. Frames of this type were invented about 1738. The mule frame was invented about 1769, and is a mechanical adaption of the hand-spinning process. The action of the frame is inter- mittent, that is, it first spins or draws~out the yarn, then twists it, and then winds onto a cop. This type is extensively used today on woolen and worsted yarns and on the finest counts of cotton. On ordinary counts of cotton it has been almost entirely displaced by the ring frame, invented about 1828. The action of the ring frame is entirely different from the mule, the drawing, twisting, and winding being accomplished simultaneously, so that the operation is continuous. Drawing is accomplished by a set of three lines of rolls, the speeds of which are so figured as to give the required draft. Twist is put in by the combined action of the spindle and ring traveler, the winding or laying of yarn onto bobbin as spindle revolves being accomplished by raising and lowering ring rail. RING FRAMES have been built by our shops ever since their inven- tion, each succeeding model containing improvements and refinement of detail over preceding types. Our present frames are of heavy, rigid con- struction. Spindle rails of the box type are used, bolted and dowel-pinned to supports and frame ends. Supports or samsons have milled, reinforced pockets for supporting channel roller beam, and are fitted with adjusting screws and lock nuts for leveling on uneven floors. We are now building three different arrangements to meet the varying demands of our trade: “ No. 17 Model,” geared end with swinging doors, foot-end drive only. “ No. 22 Model," geared end with sliding panels, driving at geared end. “No. 22 Model,” geared end with sliding panels, driving at foot end. A detailed description follows, arranged in accordance with the actual progress of the stock through machines and including a brief discussion of the process as well as the mechanical features. Ring frames are adaptable to spinning practically all counts. The finest numbers are more often handled on mules. We build ring frames from 234" to 434" gauge, taking rings from 134" to 234" diameter. Frames to and including 234" gauge are built with 8 spindles per section or roll, 3" to 4" gauge have 6 spindles per roll, and 434" gauge is made with 4 spindles per roll. CREELS. Bobbins made on the roving frame are placed in the creel of the spinning frame, the yarn running over polished steel guide rods to traverse-motion rod, thence to back rolls of the frame. 207 208 Model 22 Spinning Frame Pulleys at I Showing standard overhead shipper Creels are made for single or double roving, either one or two stories high, this detail being determined by the size of the roving bobbins as compared with the gauge of frame. Height is adjustable to accommodate any length of roving bobbin. Bobbins are so spaced in creel that when a bobbin runs out the roving will not come into contact with the adjacent bobbin. Wood creel boards with porcelain steps for skewers are used. We also build the Birkenhead Type Creel, as illustrated on page 217. A two- story creel of this type is about four inches lower than a two-story creel of the ordinary pattern. TRAVERSE MOTION gives a variable length of traverse to the roving guide rod, preventing dwell at the same spot on the top roll at the ends of stroke, insuring a uniform wear on top roll and effecting a large saving in roll covering. We furnish either the flat steel bar with drilled and counter- bored holes for the roving, or the narrow flat bar with adjustable brass trumpets attached. DRAWING OUT of the roving is accomplished by three pairs of rolls, the draft being governed by the relative speed of the rolls. Reference to cut on page 526 will illustrate two methods of roll gearing which we supply. In what we term the head-end drive, all three lines are driven at the same end. In the head- and foot-end drive, the middle roll is driven from the front roll at opposite end. Draft between the back and middle line of rolls is only sufficient to slightly open up the roving and is termed break draft. With the head-end drive this break draft is not easily varied, the back and middle rolls retaining their same relative speed when draft of frame is changed. The double-end drive is more flexible, change gear being provided for varying the break draft. This method of driving is preferable when handling uneven stock, very short staple or waste. BOTTOM ROLLS are of fluted steel of high quality, manufactured especially for our use. They are made in sections of four, six, or eight bosses (one boss per spindle), depending on gauge of frame, and are joined by screw or socket connections, making continuous lines, supported at each joint by roll stands. Flutes are irregularly spaced to avoid cutting covering of top rolls, and plenty of space is allowed between roll stands and bosses to prevent any possibility of oil getting onto flutes. Steel rolls are regularly furnished in the following combinations: 1 inch front, % inch middle, % inch back for medium or long staple. 1 inch front, % inch middle, ”/% inch back for short staple. We can supply rolls case hardened all over or in the joints only. ROLL STANDS are adaptable to either warp or filling. The adjustable slides have milled bearings of ample width for the steel rolls. We can also supply brass-lined bearings for front rolls. TOP ROLLS. We furnish two arrangements of top rolls, the lever- weighted and the self- weigh ted types. LEVER- WEIGHTED rolls are furnished with either shell or solid rolls for front line, middle and back lines solid. We supply both long and short boss rolls. Necks project above the bearings of cap bars to facilitate cleaning and can be oiled without disturbing the cap bar. All top rolls are furnished covered, with five per cent spare rolls on new frames. Saddles 209 210 Model 22 Spinning Frame with I’ullevs at Foot End are of the Dixon Ordinary type .or Adjustable type,' as specified. Lever screws are of the Common type or Speakman Patent. .The latter are preferable, as they permit close adjustments,' and it is not necessary to remove screws from lever when making adjustments. SELF- WEIGHTED ROLLS. With this arrangement the front roll is leather covered, preferably of the shell type, and is dead weighted. Middle and back rolls are usually made jf inch diameter and 1?4 inch diameter, respectively, not covered and running without weighting. CAP BARS are made in sections corresponding to length of rolls and clearer covers, making access to any top roll very convenient. TOP ROLL CLEARERS are furnished covered with high-grade cloth. Lever-weighted frames have the regulation wood clearer covers. The self- weighted arrangement is usually fitted with a revolving box-type clearer of large diameter. Standard under-clearers or scavenger rolls are supplied. THREAD BOARDS. We are prepared to furnish any of the standard types of thread board, either wood or metallic. Our Saco-Lowell Metallic Thread Board, brought out during the past year, is a neat and rugged self-balanced type, easily and accurately adjusted, and rust proof. This thread board is shown by cut on page 222. Thread-board lifters are pro- vided if specified. Guides of any standard pattern will be furnished. RINGS. We will supply any standard type of ring in the following combinations: No. 1 (narrow) or No. 2 (wide) flange; single adjustable or solid rings, integral with holder; single adjustable in cast-iron or steel-plate holder; double adjustable in cast-iron or steel-plate holder. We operate a separate factory for the exclusive production of rings and can guarantee a most satisfactory product, every possible attention being given to pro- ducing rings that are accurate as to size and shape and of proper hardness. RING RAILS are of channel-beam form, carefully finished all over. They are made in short lengths, running from 16 to 20 spindles per section, varying with the gauge of frame. We have developed a new type of lifter rod tip fitted to receive the ends of ring rail sections, holding them firmly in position and preventing any lateral or longitudinal motion of the rail. With this arrangement we use only one lifter rod per section, with one extra rod for the extreme end of rail. Solid bushings for lifter rods are used. SEPARATORS. We equip our frames with the Rhodes Chandler type or ring rail type as specified. We have recently adopted several new types of separator blades {see page 220). We use aluminum castings for these patterns, insuring a light and strong blade, perfectly smooth and non- rusting. BUILDER. We supply a combination builder of the simplest con- struction. See cut and description on a following page. SPINDLES. Our standard McMullan spindle is well known to the trade* having been in the market for many years. We have recently brought out a Y-type spindle, with solid base, for which there is a considerable demand. Details of spindle construction are covered on page 227. 211 212 Shows now typo frank sliipi SPINDLE RAILS (Box Rail) may be readily adjusted to accommodate the desired traverse within the limits of each model. This type of rail also permits the maximum distance between lifter-rod bushings so that the ring rail travels in a perfectly vertical direction and without lost motion in the bearings. It is especially designed to reduce the necessity of plumbing spindles to a minimum. TAPE DRIVE. The advantages of the tape drive are widely recognized and a large majority of frames are furnished with this equipment. A further description of this drive will be found on page 224. CYLINDERS. We use the single cylinder exclusively in our frames, both for tape and band drive. Cylinders are constructed of double layers of heavy tin and with outer and inner heads previously finished and balanced. The finished cylinder is thoroughly tested at a speed greater than its highest working speed. This method of manufacture results in a rigid, true and. steady-running cylinder. We supply 7- or 8-inch cylinder for band drive, and 8, 9, or 10 inch for tape-driven frames. Ball bearings will be furnished if required. HEAD END (Geared end). Our Model 17 frames are arranged with gearing at opposite end of frame from driving pulley. Gearing is quiet running and is made entirely accessible by the use of swinging steel doors with special offset hinges so arranged that only 12 inches is required for swinging doors wide open. A safety lock is provided so that doors cannot be opened when frame is running. We have just brought out a new arrangement with driving pulleys on the geared end, relieving the drum shaft of the heavy duty required with the foot-end drive. We have retained the gearing as in the Model 17 but provided a casing with four sliding panels, allowing easy access to the gears. A small frame end is applied to support outer pulley bearing, with a large removable panel permitting quick and easy access to the pulleys and outer bearing. This construction is extremely rigid, and an exceptionally smooth-running frame is assured. PULLEYS are made 3 J^g-incli face for 3-inch belt, 3?1j-inch face for 3)/2- inch belt, and 4 inch face for 4-inch belt. They can be furnished from 9 to 18 inches in diameter, advancing by Uj-inch sizes. The loose pulley runs on a stationary bushing, inside of which the cylinder shaft revolves. Both may be oiled while the frame is in operation. The loose pulley is turned smaller in diameter than the tight pulley, thereby easing the belt when off the tight pulley, in this way prolonging its life and reducing the danger of heating. GENERAL DETAILS. Our standard frame is built 37 inches from floor to top of roller beam, but we also supply a frame 35 inches high. Eloor plans showing widths of the several models, also tables of overall lengths are shown on following pages. Especial care is given to the finish, a high-grade enamel being used on all painted work. Enough polish is used to give the machines a good appearance without calling for excessive care. Shipper handles of the standard overhead type are regularly fur- nished. We also supply a special shipper for the geared end, with handle on each side of frame. This arrangement is preferred in sections where the operatives are of short stature. Hank clocks showing decimals are applied if specified. All gearing is cut, accurately machined, and balanced. All spindles are thoroughly tested at speeds far in excess of actual requirements. 213 7 Model 22 Spring Frame — Pulleys at Geared End Illustrates application of hank clock when bottom rolls are driven at geared end only and shows Birkenhead Creel self-weighted rolls, and Y-type spindles 214 Model 17 Spinning Frame — Geared End Gearing common to all models 215 Standard Spinning Creel 2-story, for double roving 216 Birkenhead Creel 3-story, for double roving 217 Builder Motion nPHE combination builder illustrated above has been especially 4 designed for our frames. Troubles due to accumulation of fly and dirt have been eliminated. Change from warp to filling and vice versa is quickly accomplished by the substitution of the proper cam and one other part. Cams are accurately machined and tested, and all parts making up the Builder Motion are sub- jected to most thorough inspection before leaving the shops. We can supply bottom-forming attachment for filling wind on warp bobbins. 218 Adjustable Ring in C. I. Base Pin Cleaner Adjustable Ring in Plate Holder Solid Ring 2PJ STEEL PLATE Saco-Lowell Separators \\ 7 E can supply a variety of separators to meet requirements ’ ’ of the mill. The Rhodes Chandler type, mounted independent of the Ring Rail is preferred by some operators. This type is well known and needs no description. We can supply blades 3, 3 }/ 2 , 4, and 4 1 9 inches wide. Ring rail separators require less equipment and are more simple to operate. We have recently adopted several new designs of blades, made from aluminum, die cast, providing a blade that is light, smooth, and durable. The patterns S-lo, S-21, and S-2S are entirely satisfactory on traverses up to and including 6 inches. •220 Motor Drive for Spinning Frames A^TITH the fast-growing demand for individual motor drive * ’ for spinning frames, several satisfactory methods have been developed, among them being the CHAIN DRIVE, where motor is connected with cylinder shaft by means of silent-running cased-in chain; the GEAR DRIVE, where pinion on motor shaft meshes directly with gear on cylinder shaft; and the direct connection where motor shaft is coupled by flexible coupling directly to cylinder shaft. The first two mentioned are more flexible, changes in speed being effected by changing driving sprocket or gear. They are also more easily adaptable to standard speed motors, proper cylinder speeds being obtained by ratio of gearing. The cut illustrates our standard motor stand with motor and chain drive. This stand is of rigid construction with adjustable foot for leveling up with frame and is adapted to receive 5 to H.P. motors. The application of a 5 H.P. Motor adds 10 H inches to overall length of frame, the 7J4 H.P. Motor adds 1 2 A inches. Switch is controlled by connection with shipper rod on frame. \ arious arrangements of overhead motors are also used, in- cluding single motors driving one frame, motors with two pulleys driving two frames, or motors with extended shafts and jf our pulleys, driving units of four frames. 221 222 SaCO-L(>WRLL ^ WOODEN TlIRRAD BOARD WITH WOODEN TllREAD BOARD WITH Metallic Thread Board “ Palmer” Type Guide Wire Wood Screw End Type of Futardo Guide Guide: Wire Saco -Lowell Decimal Hank Clock \ BOVE cut shows dial of our latest decimal hank clock. The method of application varies with the different types of frame previously described. On the Model 17 frame, it is located inside the steel geared-end casing which is cut out to show dial. This is shown by cut on page 206. On the Model 22 frame, the clock is located at foot end when rolls are all driven from geared end. This application is shown by cut on page 214. When rolls are driven at geared and foot ends, the clock is placed inside the geared-end casing, same being cut out similar to the No. 17 Model to show dial. This clock shows hanks and tenths of hanks, is of extremely durable construction, and is so applied that it cannot be tampered with, registering accurately the production of the frame. 223 Tape-Driven Spindles Left-Hand or Reverse Twist Right-Hand Twisl 221 Tape Drive T)ERFECTED means for applying the idler sheave, using self- -*■ lubricating bearings and well balanced sheet-metal pulleys arranged as a simple tape-tightening device, have made this drive wholly satisfactory for high-speed spindles, since its advantages over the band drive clearly justify the necessary extra parts. The value of a nearly constant spindle speed, readily obtained with this drive, compared with the variable speeds of the band- driven spindles, which result in loss of yarn quality and production, has made a rapidly growing field for the tape drive. Our experi- ence with this problem is among the longest of any builders, and after observation of all the available devices used for applying tape drive, we can thoroughly recommend our type of drive. The cut on opposite page il- lustrates method of applying tape for right- or left-hand twist, also shows our new arrangement for applying tension. A detailed view of this tension arrangement is shown by insert. With this arrangement the weights are in- tegral with the bracket. It is durable, effective, requires fewer parts than previous arrangement, and weights cannot fall on drum if tape breaks. Saco-Lowell Spindles McMullan Type Heavy — Tape Drive — 1 ij" to 1^" diam. whirl. Band Drive — 1" to 1^" diam. whirl. Medium — Tape or Band — 1" to 1 " diam. whirl. Regular — Tape Drive — if" to 1 1 /g" diam. whirl. Band Drive — if" to 1^" diam. whirl. V. S. B .— V. C. B. and V-types. if" whirl is standard for both tape and band drive. Above are standard sizes of whirls used on the various types of spindles. See detailed drawings on page 228. 226 Spindles O UR standard spindle of the McMullan type is shown by first illustration on preceding page. Its special feature consists of the use of a loose, locked step, wholly inside the bolster. The bolster is also loose and locked in the outer case. The practical benefit derived from the use of the loose step is that it adds to the running quality of the spindle sufficiently to permit the use of a longer bearing. This extra length of spindle below the main bear- ing serves to keep the spindle upright, and this desirable result is accomplished without impairing the essential movements of the bearings when running at a high speed. For warj) yarns we recommend the Heavy McMullan spindle on coarse numbers, running Us to 10’s (234-inch ring or larger), the Medium, or Regular McMullan with extended blade, for 10's to 23"s, and the Regular McMullan for finer numbers. For filling and hosiery yarns we recommend the Medium McMullan on numbers up to 23’s and the Regular McMullan on finer numbers. We also recommend the use of whirls as large as possible, as the large whirls tend to give a more regular speed and uniform twist, also reduce the repairs on spindles and cylinders. V-Type Spindles T he v -type Spindle illustrated by fourth cut on opposite page has been developed to meet conditions required by some of our clients. It has a larger oil reservoir than our McMullan spindle, oil snouts are in front of rail and of easy access. Bases are solid and cannot leak oil. Individual oil covers are not used, the oil snouts being protected from dust by special shaped angle irons hinged to box rail. These are in sections, usually two rolls long. This type of spindle increases the over-all width of frame about 334 inches. The spindle foot is shorter than in the McMullan type, and spindle is considerably lighter. It runs in a bolster hung from a shoulder and is prevented from rotating by a spring. Half-inch tape is used for driving this spindle. Standard whirl is yf inch diameter. The second cut (V. S. B. type) illustrates a spindle particularly adapted to narrow-gauge frames ( 234”) • Foot and bolster are of the type used in the V-spindle. Spindle blade is removed for oiling. The third cut (V. C. B. type) has running gear similar to V. S. B. but has a screw base with oil chamber. Blade shown on this spin- file is designated for use with paper tubes. 227 McMullan Spindle V. S. B.-type Spindle V. C. B.-type Spindle Y-type Spindle Sewing Machine for Tapes SATISFACTORY splicing of tapes on tape-driven frames cannot ^ be done by hand sewing. The above cut illustrates a Singer Sewing Machine mounted on portable stand, which is easily moved from frame to frame and provides a seat for operative. This outfit should be included in every initial order for tape-driven spinning or twisting frames. We can also supply the New National Sewing Machine, if pre- ferred. 229 RING TWISTERS 232 .‘5S Standakd li i nc; Twintkh Cotton Doubling and Twisting THE PROCESS OF TWISTING T HE process of doubling and twisting yarns has long been an important branch of the cotton industry, although definite records of its development are not readily obtainable. The earliest patents recorded on twisters were issued about 1800. By the year 1836 these machines had developed to embody most of the essential features of the modern frame. The OBJECT OF TWISTING is to unite into a single thread, two or more strands of single yarn. The resultant thread has much greater strength, elasticity and evenness, and offers greater re- sistance to friction than a single yarn of the same count, that is, a single No. 30 will not be as strong as two No. 60 twisted together, the single yarn will be looser in texture, hence greater in diameter, and will show more loose ends than the plied yarn. Doubled yarns are designated by the counts of the single yarn and the number of ends twisted together, for example, 60/2 rep- resents two ends of No. 60 twisted together, equaling in weight a No. 30 single. A 60/5 yarn is made up of five ends of No. 60, theoretically equivalent to No. 12 single. In actual practice the numbering of twisted yarns is more or less approximate, as variation in twist will produce variation in the counts, a hard twisted yarn running somewhat^coarser than figured counts. With a very slack twist there is bound to be a slight draft which will tend to reduce the size and the twisted product will be somewhat under figured counts. Twist is usually applied in the opposite direction from the spinning twist in the single yarns. Yarns twisted in a single operation, whether 2 or more ply, are termed single twist or single throw, while those twisted in two or more operations are termed double twist, double throw or cabled yarns. For example, two ends of No. 60 may be twisted together in one process, and three of these twisted yarns may be twisted together in a second process making a 6-plv cabled yarn, theoretically equaling a No. 10 single in counts. Cabled yarns are extensively used in the manufacture of heavy ducks, tire fabrics, twines, etc. They are also termed “ Cord Yarns” in connection with the sewing thread and tire trades. ‘ ' Plied yarns are used in a great variety of products such as hosiery, lace, ribbon, sewing thread, yarns for crocheting, embroidery and carpets, wrapping twine, sail duck and tent cloths, tire duck, velvet warps, voiles, poplins, sateen, mole skin and terry cloths. They are also used to form the selvedge of practically all woven fabrics. 233 234 New Model 38" Twister Fancy plied yarns are made in a variety of effects, the most com- mon of which are briefly described: CORKSCREW YARNS. Produced by twisting together one fine and one coarse thread, varying results being obtained by using different com- binations of single yarns. SPIRAL A’ARNS are a modification of the corkscrew, a more pro- nounced effect being obtained by a faster delivery of the coarser yarn. BOURETTE (usually silk) consists of a foundation thread of plied yarn upon which is wound at intervals bunches made by winding one strand of single yarn around the foundation yarn. Bunches may be small or large, short or elongated, close together or far apart, as desired. SU B YARN consists of a hard twisted foundation yarn into which is twisted roving which is retarded at intervals, producing thin portions into which the twist is inserted. SNARL YARN consists of a foundation thread of regular twist and one of high twist, which snarls or kinks in an irregular manner, thus producing the desired effect. FLAKE YARN is formed in the same way as slub yarn, except that the roving is entirely separated at intervals instead of being drawn out. LOOP YARN consists of a foundation yarn into which is twisted a yarn previously formed with loops inserted at intervals. CHAIN YARN consists of one or two fine ends into which is twisted a freely delivered coarse yarn. This is often used as a foundation for producing other effects. GRANDRELLE is made by twisting together two threads of different colors, usually of the same counts. This effect is also produced on the spinning frame by running two colors of roving, the product then being termed MOCK GRANDRELLE. Yarns may be twisted wet or dry, the wet twist being employed for very hard sewing thread, twisted yarns, and for those that are to be put through a gassing process. Doubling and Twisting Frames T HERE are in use three distinct types of twisting frames: the Twiner, built on the principle of the mule spinning frame; the Flyer Twister, and the Ring Twister. We do not build Twiners, there being a very slight demand for this type. The Flyer Twister is used for high plied yarn up to 80 ends, its product being used for wrapping twine, mop yarns, etc. We have made a special study of the RING TWISTER, our experience 23.5 236 extending over a period of more than fifty years, during which time we have developed many new features and improvements on existing devices. The TWISTER has two functions, first to twist together two or more threads, and second to wind the twisted product on spools or bobbins. The twist is applied by the combined action of the revolving spindle, the feed rolls and the traveler. The winding device is similar to that used on spinning frames, ring rails being operated by a builder motion designed to form packages of the size and shape required by the following process. Method of CREELING the supply yarn varies with the counts of the yarn and the number of ends to be doubled. The use of spinning bobbins in the creel has been largely discontinued, the advantage gained by spooling or re-winding justifying the additional operation. Ordinary warp yarns are usually wound on the upright spooler and ends doubled on the twister. Coarse, high-plied yarns of single throw may be wound on beams, the twister being fitted with special supports for receiving the beams. Creel space can be saved and excellent results obtained by doubling the required number of ends on a single spool through the use of winding machines and creeling one spool to a spindle on the twister. This method insures an even tension on the yarn, minimum breakage and low doffing loss, consequently higher production. The AMOUNT OF TWIST in doubled yarns varies widely, and is deter- mined by the ultimate use of the product. The strength of the yarn increases with the twist until an extreme maximum is reached, after which the breaking strength rapidly decreases. At the same time the cost of production in- creases, the production of the frame decreasing as the twist is increased, so that it is essential to keep twist factors as low as possible, while keeping up to the specifications of the yarn. Saco-Lowell Twisters F RAMES are designed for handling dry or wet twist from two to sixteen ply, with rings ranging from 1 Yi to 6 34" in diameter. These machines are unequaled in weight and ruggedness of construction, and are designed to deliver maximum production with minimum outlay of power. Spindles are designed to run at high speed -without vibration, and all moving parts are so accurately balanced and carefully adjusted that an exceptionally smooth- running frame has resulted. This applies equally to the LIGHT TWISTER for handling fine counts and the HEAVY TYPES for handling high-plied cabled yarns. We have developed three distinct types of frames in order to meet all requirements. The 38" Standard is built along general lines of our spinning frame in the 38" width only. Rings are from l 1 2 " to 3" in diameter, gauge from £Y" to 4". Spindles can be arranged for band or tape drive. Frames for dry or wet twist. Built in two models, one with swinging steel doors (see Model 17 WIST I It Spinning Frame), the other with cast-iron Gear End with sliding panels (similar to Model 22 Spinning Frame). Pulleys can be arranged at either Geared End or Foot End. The Model “A” Twister is built in two widths, 39" and 42". The 39" frame is about the same weight and has practically the same capacity as the 38" Standard; the 42" frame is capable of taking rings up to 5" diameter, gauge running from 3" to 6". The Model “C” Twister is built for very heavy duty and is recommended for 7" gauge or over. It is furnished with pin creel or with stands for beams. Rings are from 5" to 6J4" diameter. The full possibilities of this frame have never been put into actual use owing to the comparatively limited demand for high-plied yarns. Our ring frames are extensively used for twisting fine counts of worsted yarns, for silk yarns and for asbestos. Saco-Lowell Twisters Detailed description, comparing features which vary on the different models. A further description of many features is covered under “Notes on Specifica- tions,” in technical section. RANGE OF PRODUCT. The functions of the different sizes overlap to some extent, that is, a considerable range can be handled equally well on either the S -38 or A-39 frames, the same being true of the lower ranges for the C-42 which may be readily handled on the A-42. The selection of the proper frame in such cases would be determined by such factors as the available floor space, size of ring wanted, arrangement of rolls, etc. As an approximate guide, based on counts of twisted product, the following data may be of use: Model S-38. Model A-39. Model A-42. Model C-42. Combinations not over 6 ply with maximum counts of twisted yarn not to exceed No. 2. Combinations not over 8 ply with maximum counts of twisted yarn not to exceed No. 1. Combinations not over 10 ply with maximum counts of twisted yarn not to exceed. 50. Combinations not over 16 ply with maximum counts of twisted yarn not to exceed -30. GAUGE AND RINGS Model S-38 “ A-39 “ A-42 “ C-42 2 Yff to 4" gauge, using 1 Yff 3" “ 6" “ “ 2" 5" and 6" “ “ 4" 6" to 8" “ “ 5" to 3" rings. “ 5" “ 5" “ 6M"“ SPINDLES (see description of spindles on page 2^9). Model S-38 frames are usually fitted with the No. 1 spindle with a maximum traverse of 7" on 239 240 single-end bobbins, if double-end spools are used the maximum traverse obtainable is 6". The Models A-39 and A-42 v ill take the No. 2 or No. 3 spindle, depending upon size of ring, traverse aYi to 8". The Model C-42 will take No. 4 spindle with traverse up to 9". We strongly recommend the use of tape drive on all twisters, but are pre- pared to furnish band-driven frames if required to match up existing frames. Knee brakes of improved type as described on page 249 are furnished. CREELS. Description of creeling is common to any of the various models. Creels are furnished in a variety of patterns to meet requirements. The standard pin creel is all metal, consisting of steel uprights and steel bars supported by heavy cast-iron stands bolted to frame. A cast-iron top or cap is used. Steel pins with inverted cup washers are used, the washers pre- venting the spool heads from coming in contact with the slats. Standard equipment includes a creel of this type four slats high. We can furnish sub- stantial supports for beams or an upright creel of the type used on spinning frames where the spools are held on vertical skewers. The latter type is commonly used in twisting worsted yarns. YARN GUIDES. From the creel yarn passes through or around guides to the rolls. We have furnished a great variety of special arrangements, with and without traverse motion, to meet varying requirements. The most usual arrangement consists of a porcelain knob guide around which the yarn passes. We also supply case-hardened wire pig-tail guides for dry twist or enameled wire guides for wet twist. Traverse motion for guide rod is rarely used in dry twisting, but is frequently applied to wet twisters. ROLLS. The arrangement of rolls is determined by the class of work to be run. For light and medium counts a single pair of rolls is usually suffi- cient. For heavier work we supply two lines of bottom and one line of top rolls or two lines of both bottom and top. Gearing can be arranged so that rolls will run either toward the front or back as called for by the method of threading yarn. Further details of the different methods of threading rolls are covered in connection with notes on specifications, page 562. For dry twist we use steel bottom rolls and cast-iron top rolls. Bottom rolls are grooved at roll stands to prevent oil running onto bosses. Top rolls, when using a single line only with yarn delivering over top roll, are deeply grooved to prevent yarn twisting off roll when frame is stopped. Bottom rolls will be furnished fluted if required on stock that is difficult to hold. All bottom rolls are made continuous by use of screw joints. For wet twisting the bottom rolls are of steel, brass covered and not grooved. The top rolls are cast iron, brass covered, with ends painted. All rolls are manufactured under the most approved modern methods and are carefully tested before leaving shops. ROLL STANDS are designed to suit the requirements of rolls used. They are of heavy construction with milled bearings, each of which is recessed to hold the grease necessary for proper lubrication of the rolls. With the 241 Saco-Lowell Thread Boards 242 single line of top rolls and two lines of bottom rolls, the roll stands are fitted with projecting lug at the top to prevent longitudinal motion of the top rolls. CAP BARS are provided on frames fitted with double line of top and bottom rolls or with a single pair of rolls. With the double line of bottom rolls and single line of top rolls the top roll rests in cradle formed by the front and back bottom rolls, and a special setting-off stand is provided for holding top roll when it is lifted out of position. Cap bar for a single line of top rolls is provided with a single set-off notch, those for double line of top rolls have two set-off notches. On heavy Model A and C frames with extra heavy single line of top rolls’ a hinged cradle is often used to carry the top roll. With this arrangement the top roll is easily lifted out for threading rolls, and there is no possibility of its slipping from hand of operative and damaging other parts of the frame, THREAD BOARDS. We can supply a variety of Thread Boards to meet requirements. Our new Saco-Lowell Metallic Thread Board is illustrated on page 242. The oval pointed board is used for the narrower gauges on the Standard 38" frame. The rectangular board is used for wider gauges. These lappets are extremely rugged, made of steel, “Parkerized,” giving a dull, rust-proof finish. Arrangement for adjusting wire guides is simple and effective. Snarl catchers, independent of the thread guides, can be applied to Thread Boards with porcelain guides. The third cut shows a special porcelain guide designed for this lappet, for use on wet twist or worsted. Can also furnish wood thread boards with wire guides or with porcelain pot- eye, the latter being commonly used on worsted yarns. RING RAILS are of channel section, finished all over. They are made in short lengths, supported at the ends by a special clamp or tip on lifter rod. We have recently designed a new tip for lifter rod which holds the rails firmly, preventing any lateral or longitudinal motion. Ring rails are painted on wet twist frames. SEPAR ATORS are rarely used on cotton, but can be supplied if required. When twisting worsted or asbestos they are frequently used, we ordinarily supplying a plain tin separator blade, screwed directly onto ring rail. We can apply to the S-38 frame any of the various types of separators used on spinning frames. CYLINDERS. On the 38" frames we can supply 7", 8" or 10" drums for band or tape drive. A single drum is used, located in the center of the frame. Details of tension arrangement for tape drive are covered on pages 225 and 255. On the type A and type C frames the drum is offset from center, either to the right or left. Frames are designated as right or left hand as determined by the location of the cylinder or the right or left of center when facing the driving end. Cylinders for these types are furnished 8" or 10" in diameter. 243 244 All cylinders are made up from double layers of heavy tin fastened to ac- curately finished and balanced cast-iron heads. Cylinders are tested before leaving Shops at a speed far in excess of actual requirements. DRIVING PULLEYS from 12" to 18" in diameter are supplied on the 38" frame, standard widths of face being 33ds", or 4J^". On the types A and C pulleys range from 12" to 20" in diameter, with widths of face 3 J4", 4}/j" or 6V 4 ". BUILDER MOTION. The 38" Standard frame has a combination builder for warp or filling bobbins and may have a bottom-forming attach- ment. The Model A and C frames have a builder respectively for warp, filling, taper top or straight wind. The nature of the work done on these frames is such that the straight wind on double-end spools is most commonly used. The 38" Standard frames are fitted with the cross shaft lifting arrange- ment, as used on spinning frames, the rails being operated through the use of levers on the cross shafts. The lifting arrangement on the Models A and C consists of longitudinal shafts with chain pulleys and chains connected with dogs on lifter rods. WET TWISTERS. The various details applying to frames for handling wet twist are covered on page 251. MOTOR DRIVE. The application of individual motor drive to twisters has entailed the designing of a great variety of supports to conform to the dimensions of various makes of motors. This question is further discussed under the subject of Motor Drive, see page 253. HANK CLOCKS. Decimal Hank Clocks will be applied if required. We also supply a combination hank clock and yardage knock-off stop motion which is widely used on products like tire yarns, where it is of vital import- ance that every twister bobbin should contain the same length of yarn in order to avoid tailing waste and knots. This clock is further described and illustrated on pages 256 and 257. It is attached to our Models A and C frames only. STOP MOTION. We supply a trap stop motion for 2 ply only. This device is further described on page 259. FINISH. Special care has been used in producing a frame of exceptionally fine appearance, the most careful attention being given the smallest’ details. A high-grade enameled paint is used and all polished parts are smoothly finished and free from imperfections. 245 Twister Rings No. 1 Solid Vertical Ring' No. 2 Solid Flanged Ring No. .‘5 Double Adjustable Flanged Ring in cast-iron holder No. 4 Vertical Ring in plate holder No. 5 Double Adjustable Flanged Ring in plate holder No. (i Band Ring in brass plate holder 24G Twister Rings A 1 7E supply rings manufactured by our factory at Pawtucket, ^ ’ R. I., fully guaranteed in every J respect. Cuts on opposite page illustrate the standard types. The Solid Vertical Ring is largely used on the larger sizes of rings, both wet and dry twist. Occasionally the Solid Flange Ring is preferred for dry twisting on these large sizes in order to avoid the lubrication necessary with the vertical ring. The Solid Flanged Ring is commonly used on the medium-sized rings for dry twist. The Band Ring in brass plate holder is popular for the smaller sizes of rings on wet twisting. The Narrow Vertical Ring in plate holder is also used in smaller sizes for wet twisting. The Double Adjustable Flanged Ring is used largely for the smaller sizes on dry twist. It may be held in a cast-iron or a steel plate holder. The Single Adjustable Flanged Ring is sometimes used in its various types under the same conditions as the double adjustable rings. The Carter Ring Oiling Device consists of an oiling wick for lubricating vertical ring travelers. 247 FOR 6'rRAVERSE 24S NO. 1 SACO-LOWELL Spindles and Brakes S ACO- -LOWELL TWISTER SPINDLES are furnished in five standard sizes, all for tape drive. The lighter models are also adapted to band drive. These spindles are of the suspended bolster type, the spindle bearing being integral with the bolster and the bolster supported by a shoulder at its top, resting on the outer case. The No. 1 Twister Spindle has recently been brought out. we previously having supplied the No. 1 McMullan Spindle for light work. In the McMullan type the bolster rests on bottom instead of being supported at the top. This' type is fully described in the spinning section. Spindles have recently been somewhat redesigned to accom- modate our latest type of knee brake, described below. Our standard equipment includes: Saco-Lowell Size of Whirl Width of Tape No. 00 . . . . Standard 1 ^ 8 " No. 0 . . . . . Standard \}/% M" No. 1 . . . Standard Vs" Special sizes 1 }/$" to 1 Vs" No. iy 2 . . . Standard 1 'Y% Special size 1 1 2" 134" No. 2 . . . . . Standard 2" iM" Special sizes 1*4" to 2} -2" No. 3 . . . . . Standard VV iH" No. 4 . . . . . Standard 3 " Special size Sy 1%" These spindles are provided with a generous oil space and have a specially designed doffer guard and oil well, much more durable than previous pattern. Cut illustrates the Saco-Lowell Spindle with new type Knee Brake. This brake is a departure from pre- vious models, as it applies pressure vertically to the bottom flange of the whirl. The operating lever is hinged on the spindle base, its short arm working against a pair of washers, one of steel and one of leather, of the same diameter as the flange on the spindle whirl. As the knee brake is pushed in the leather washer is pressed against the bottom flange of the spindle whirl, stopping its rotation. The upper flange is held by a substantial doffer guard. 249 250 Wet Twisting T J I E process of Wet Twisting consists of applying moisture to the yarn with the object of making loose ends of fibres adhere to the main thread so that they will be twisted into the finished yarn. This results not only in a smoother and better appearing product, but also adds to the strength, owing to the extra fibres twisted. This process is used on all hard-twisted yarns used for sewing thread, lace-making and similar products. The liquid used may be pure water, a soap solution or some special conditioning solution, dependent on conditions. SACO— LOWELL WET TWISTERS are fitted with sheet brass water pans located directly back of the feed rolls. These are made in sections and coupled together with outside flange couplings and sheet rubber packing, making in effect a continuous trough extending the entire length of frame. A drain cock is provided at the pulley end of the frame. IMMERSION RODS AND ROLLS. We have two standard arrange- ments of Immersion Rolls. One of these consists of a brass revolving Im- mersion Roll 1" in diameter in front of which is located a Wiper Rod l /i" > n diameter, both of which are carried in brass goosenecks which are supported by rod at back of water pan in such a manner that they can easily be swung back, leaving the pan entirely clear for cleaning. The other arrangement consists of a glass Immersion Rod with either a glass or brass Wiper Rod, — this glass rod does not revolve. TRAVERSING GUIDES. As the rolls on a Wet Twister are brass- covered, it is important to provide a traverse motion to insure even wear of the roll surfaces. With the revolving brass roll we apply traversing rod with non-corrosive guides back of the water pan. With the glass rods the traverse rod may be located either in front of or back of the pan, — the latter location is more satisfactory, as it gives sufficient traverse to the yarn and is not in the way when cleaning out pan. ROLLS. Any of the combinations of rolls and methods of threading can be supplied. The 38" Standard frame is regularly finished with a single line of bottom and top rolls, although double lines of rolls can be applied if required. Bottom rolls are of steel covered with brass and accurately ground to size. Top rolls are of cast iron, brass covered, with ends painted to prevent rust. THREAD BOARDS may be of wood or metal, but are always equipped with a porcelain eye. We recommend our new Saco-Lowell Metallic Thread Boards with special procelain guide, as illustrated on page 242. This Thread Board is of steel, “ Parkerized,” and is rust-proof. RING RAILS. Our standard rails are of cast iron, exactly similar to those used on the Dry Twisters, but painted all over to prevent rust. We have occasionally furnished solid brass ring rails to meet special require- ments. RINGS. The Vertical Ring is most commonly used on Wet Twisters, and can be supplied either in the solid type or the band type {see cuts on page 3^6). Flanged Rings are used for some classes of work, and with these we furnish either cast-iron holders painted or brass plate holders. The Band Rings are always supplied in brass plate holders. 251 Motor Drive for Twisters T he increasing popularity of individual motor drive for twisters has led to our adapting all types of frames to any of the various methods of motor drive in common use. Motors are utilized in the following methods of driving. FOR CEILING MOUNTS: A — Large unit or group drive, wherein twisters are fitted up as for ordinary belt drive. B — Four-frame group drive, wherein motor is fitted with extended shaft carrying four driving pulleys, connected by belts to frames. C — Individual frame drive from motor on ceiling or on floor. FOR FRAME MOUNTS, with motors mounted on heavy brackets made integral with frames. I) — Motor rotor shaft direct connected to drum shaft. E — Motor and drum shaft equipped with sprockets for silent chain drive. F — Motors and drum shafts equipped with specially constructed spur gears. G — Motor mounted on upright brackets attached to frame ends and connected with driving pulley on frame by means of belting. The silent chain drive has proven most popular, particularly on the heavy models, the gear drive being less reliable and used only on the lighter frames. On the 38" Standard frame with drum located in the center, the motor must be placed to the left of the center, the cylinder rotating in a clockwise di- rection when facing driving end. For this frame we supply a motor shelf bolted to frame end with one adjustable foot at outer side. An outside bearing for drum shaft rests on shelf outside of chain case. See page 221 . For Models A and C frames we supply motor shelves bolted to frame with two adjustable outside feet {see cut on opposite page). This shelf will ac- commodate motor for either right- or left-hand drive, the motor being located at the left of center on a right-hand frame and at the right of center on a left-hand frame. The stand is provided with an adjustable sliding base on which motor rests. Suitable brackets are supplied for mounting any of the standard makes of switches. Shipper rod on frame is connected with switch box handle by suitable levers. On the 38" Standard frame the switch is located at the right while on Models A and C it is always located at the left, regardless of whether frame is right- or left-hand drive. We do not supply motors or chain equipment, but will cooperate fully with the manufacturers of these parts, furnishing them with any data re- quired and obtaining from them detailed information as to dimensions of their equipment so that proper fitting of the parts will be assured. The difference in lengths of frames due to the application of motor drive varies to such an extent with different makes of motors that it is difficult to give accurate figures. Approximate figures for the 38" Std. would be as shown in tables of length of spinning frames. Sliding Tension for Heavy Tape Drive Ring Twister 254 Tape Drive 'T'HE advantages of tape over band drive for twisting are gen- A erally recognized. On the Standard 38" twister and all twisters of 3" gauge, we employ the same type of tension used on our spinning frame. These tension pulleys may easily be adjusted for either right- or left-hand twist. On the 39" and 42" frames of over 3" gauge, we use a heavy slid- ing tension, clamped to a pair of steel tubes which run lengthwise of the frame and are in turn securely fastened to brackets carried by the supports. The tension carriage is universally mounted, making it easily adjustable for either right- or left-hand twist. Suitable weights are provided which hold the tape at the proper tension to insure against slippage. Tension Pulleys for No. 1 Saco-Lowell spindle, using up to tape, are of stamped sheet metal. Tension Pulleys for Nos. l 1 ^ 2, 3, and 4 Saco-Lowell spindles, using 1 1 i” and 1%" tape, are of cast iron. All Tension Pulleys are well made and carefully balanced. Hand of Frames TN the application of tape drive to Type “A” and “C” frames it is necessary to locate the drum off center. This results in making frame Right or Left Hand, a condition not met with in band-driven frames, where drum is in the center. When facing driving pulleys if drum is offset to the right it is termed a right-hand frame, if to the left, a left-hand frame. Dia- gram illustrating this arrangement is shown on page 567. 255 2">(i (’om ki nation Hank Clock and Yahdage Knock-Off Motion Combination Hank Clock and Yardage Knock-off Motion have recently adopted for use with our Model "A” and “C” Twisters, a combination of a standard 100-vard Hank Clock with a measuring knock-off motion which can be arranged to stop the frame at the end of a given number of yards delivered by the front roll. The range covered by the knock-off motion is from 300 to 10,400 yards. Owing to the difficulty of covering the extreme range with one set of gearing, we have divided it into five ranges as outlined in the following table: Range “A” From 300 to 650 yards by 6 1 4 yards division “ “ B" 600 “ 1300 “ 121 2 “ “ “C” “ 1200 “ 2600 “ 25 “ “D” “ 5200 “ 5200 “ 50 “ E ” “ 4800 “ 10,400 “ 100 Hank Clocks D OLLS on all frames are so made that hank clocks can be readily applied. We supply decimal clocks of Saco-Loweli type as described on page 223. 257 258 Section ok Thai* 1’oktion ok Kino Twistkh Trap Twister HE use of a trap motion is advisable under certain conditions. In twisting high-grade yarn, breakages with the resultant wrapping of waste upon the top rolls cause considerable loss of valuable material. In twisting very poor stock, breakages due to weak yarn are apt to be so frequent that inconvenience results from the large amount of waste wrapped upon the top rolls. Our trap motion lifts the top roll from the bottom roll upon breakage or undue slackening of the twisted yarn and holds the end securely until the operative can piece it up, thus preventing lapping of the broken end about the top roll. A releasing bar extends the length of the frame in the rear of the traps and may be operated at either end by a handle to hold the traps up when the frame is started. This stop motion is applied for 2-ply work only, and in specifying its use consideration must be given to the type of yarn handled. The motion consists of a single wire, through a loop on which both ends are passed. As twist is usually put in opposite to the twist in the single yarn, it is obvious that if one end breaks, the other end, running alone, will untwist and separate, permitting the wire to drop and forcing a leather wedge between the rolls, lifting the top roll and stopping delivery of yarn. It is not effective if twist is being applied in the same direction as the spinning twist, nor is it effective if running one end of silk yarn, as this will not break but will con- tinue to support the trap and twist single until noticed by operative. We are for special work of this kind, applying a double motion with two wires, either of which if dropped will stop the rolls. Where the single end is not sufficiently strong to keep up without excessive breakage, and in practically all cases where the strength of the single yarn will not permit of a large creel supply, we recom- mend that the required number of ends be doubled before twisting, in which case the use of a trap motion is neither necessary or advisable. 259 Field Patent Electric Yarn Inspector for Twisters 'I^T’E have made arrangements with Mr. M. F. Field to supply T his patented Automatic Electric Yarn Inspector for Twisters. The use of this device insures perfect yarns and can be applied to frames twisting from 2 to 50 ply, either from beams or spools. There can be no drop ply or imperfect yarns, and the operator is relieved from the constant watching necessary when operating without the device. Careful tests in mills using the Yarn Inspector have shown a saving in waste of 75%. Each thread passes through a separate guide and supports a drop which is wired into the electric lighting circuit. When a thread breaks the drop falls and makes contact which completes the circuit and operates an electric horn, also lights an electric lamp on the side and section of frame where thread is broken. The horn will continue to blow and the light to burn until the end is pieced up and the drop lifted. Operators can tend more spindles and turn out more perfect yarns. They are called to the frame by the horn, are shown approxi- mate location of the break by the light, and the drop, falling out- ward, shows where the break has occurred. Many times, ends can be caught in time to piece up without losing the partly filled spool. Novelty Yarns f\UR Standard Twisters can be arranged for producing certain varieties of novelty yarns such as ratine, knob yarn, etc., with a variety of effects. The details of the necessary attachments vary with the different types of twisters to such an extent that it is hardly practical to cover detailed description in a catalog of this nature. Full particulars covering individual applications will be furnished on request. SPOOLERS Spooler 262 Saco-Lowell Spooler HIS design combines a suitable structure to enable a satisfactory spool to be built, with wide adjustment for shape and size of A machine readily manipulated by the help, accessible and easily kept clean and operative. Dependable stability of traverse-motion mechanism together with sound, durable construction of all wearing parts. THE DRIVE OF THE SPOOLER The machines are regularly supplied with Pi" X 2^" tight and loose pulleys supported bv rigid outrigger and may be belted from above or below. A specially designed shipper arrangement is included. The geared end is readily accessible through the use of a pair of tightly fitting swinging doors which may be opened wide or may be lifted from the hinges when desired. The geared end encloses the bearings, cut-gear traverse-motion and universal mangle wheel. Doors are provided with a safety lock which prevents starting frame with doors open, nor can the doors be opened when the frame is running. All oiling points are readily accessible. The mangle wheel and its attachments are easily reached, and change gears are imme- diately accessible without removing any guards. Another valuable feature of this closed geared end is in the complete protection of the mangle wheel and traverse device from accumulations of lint and yarn. product. 263 THE TRAVELLER GEAR. The traveller gear is made of steel, case-hardened, and has bear- ings with a wearing surface several times as great as ever used on such parts where the gear slides back and forth in a guide while following the contour of the mangle wheel. SAMSON FEET. The feet of each samson are fitted with a special levelling device in the form of a jack nut, which nut when turned raises or lowers the frame and is held in the desired position by a suitable fastening. This device permits relevelling of the frame at any time without removing lag screws from the floor, and is a valuable feature. THE LOWER FRAME RODS. The lower frame rods are raised high from the floor to enable free and easy mopping and sweeping under them. THE SPINDLES. The spindles have been shortened and more ballast has been added to the whirl to ensure steadiness and obviate a doffer guard. Its construction with an enlarged blade is refined and satisfactory from every point of view. Diameter of band whirl is 1 %". Diam- eter of tape whirl is 33/g". METAL CONSTRUCTION. Metal construction is used throughout on our new spooler. BOBBIN BOXES. Bobbin boxes are made with rounded corners to prevent accumu- lation of lint or dirt. 264 TRAVERSE MOTION. The traverse motion is transmitted through gears entirely. The principle of the rack and pinion is the best device to fulfill the requirements of a satisfactory spooler traverse motion. In our new spooler, the traverse of thread guide rods is accomplished by two shafts running the full length of the frame and carrying lifting pinions enclosed in t lie samsons, to raise and lower the lifter rods. These rods are racks and are cut to mesh with the pinions of the lifter shaft. Each lifter rack is enclosed by the hollow leg of a sam- son and entirely protected from obstruction, and hi addition is con- nected, through the medium of the lifter shaft, with all the lifter racks on that side, so that as the traverse falls each rack is positively driven downwards. A release of the whole drive of each side is pro- vided, however, so that no breakage is possible from an obstructing spool or bobbin placed under the falling thread guide rod. Of course the racks are positively driven upwards, and, with the con- dition noted, descend jointly, by gravity. SETTING OF THE TRAVERSE MOTION. The securing of proper position of the thread guides in relation to spool heads is accomplished by the adjustment on head-end lifter shaft gears (see inside head end), whereby the traverse on either side is adjusted independently in relation to head -end mech- anism without disturbing setting of mangle. THE MANGLE WHEEL. The mangle wheel is of high-grade construction. In the head end an oil pan is placed, into which the mangle wheel dips at each oscillation, effectually oiling not only the mangle wheel and its pins, but also the traveller gear. A distinctive feature of our new mangle wheel is its adjustable hub by means of which the crown or barrel of spool may be varied to meet general mill conditions and changes arising from, change in size of yarn. 265 C/2 266 CAREFUL DUPLICATION. Careful duplication is obtained for all parts through accurate jig work. All parts are strictly interchangeable. THE USE OF CLAMPS AND SAFETY-SET SCREWS. The use of clamps is extensive on this machine, as all adjust- ments are of this type and there is not an obstructive set screw on the frame, either on moving or stationary parts. The use of the new hollow, safety-set screw is an attractive feature on our new spooler. OILING. Oiling is especially provided for throughout the frame by oil tubes which are freely used to make all oil holes accessible. PULLEY GUARD. A neat and durable pulley guard and novel shipper are provided, each made and applied in a satisfactory manner to the driving-end structure, and meets all belt angles. 267 Spooler Spindles Showing method of driving with Tape 2GS Tape Drive FTER long experiments in connection with tape drive on spoolers, we are in a position to strongly recommend the use of such a spindle drive. The old difficulties of slack, overloaded bands, with spindles running at almost any speed (some stopped altogether) have been entirely overcome with this new arrangement. AVe use an 8" diam- eter cylinder and a 3} y g" whirl with the tape drive. These extreme diameters enable the use of a very light weight on the idler sheave, which removes any bothersome element of wear; sheave bearings and tapes lasting almost indefinitely, so long at least that as yet in our observations and experiments we have not seen any wear out. We believe, for the above reasons alone, the extra cost per spindle is amply repaid, but in addition, in the field of converting from filling-wound warp bobbins (of which we speak later) this type of drive has been invaluable, enabling uniform speeds and ensuring firm-wound spools. 269 Saco-Lowell Standard Thread Guides rpHE t! iread guide is a well made guide suitable for finest adjust- ment, carefully ground and mounted more closely to spool than usual in order to reduce fliug of yarn and obtain greater accuracy of wind relative to traverse motion. It is fitted with two adjustment screws, one to gauge and the other to check opening. 270 Saco-Lowell Standard Bobbin Holder bobbin holder is constructed in a manner to insure strength and durability. The careful balance of the follow wires suc- cessfully meets the requirements of this device. These wires are held rigidly in large overhanging balance rods, the rods projecting so that the same type of bobbin holder can be used for either center or side draw. These holders are mounted at an angle so that yarn traverses side- ways in winding, thereby preventing scoring of thread guide rods and keeping the thread guides clear. We have found this to be a very successful feature of our bobbin holders, both on our own machines and other makes of spoolers where we have applied them. These holders are furnished in various sizes. 272 Monica Different Models of Spoolers MODEL NO. 1. Model No. 1 comprises a spooler equipped with Saco-Lowel! thread guides and bobbin holders (unless special live spindles or skewers are specified), with steel middle boxes and top shelves, side steel boxes and empty bobbin carrier, band spindle drive (unless tape drive is specified). With this arrangement of spooler the empty bobbins are collected in a chute and carried to the head end by means of an endless-chain traveller with lugs on it, and are there deposited in sheet -metal boxes from which the bobbins are collected periodically and returned to spinning room. This model of Spooler is very much in demand. MODEL NO. 2. Model No. 2 comprises a spooler equipped with Saco-Lowell thread guides and bobbin holders (unless live spindles or skewers are specified), with steel middle boxes and top shelves and with the side boxes made of steel without empty bobbin carrier. This arrangement is not often specified to-day, though we have occa- sional calls for the same. This description refers to the arrangement of long steel side boxes, running from one end of the spooler to the other; built in sections, same length as ordinarily furnished with Model No. 1, but the empty bobbin carrier is left off. This arrange- ment provides receptacles for holding supply and empty bobbins, but we consider that the system of spooling is handicapped by this arrangement, as the empty and full bobbins are hi a more or less mixed condition at all times. 273 274 MODEL NO. 3. Model No. 3 comprises a spooler ecjuipped with Saco-Lowell thread guides and bobbin holders (unless live spindles or skewers are specified), steel middle boxes and top shelves, and adjustable side shelves arranged for supporting portable side boxes. This system in many cases saves in the handling of bobbins over the system employing the empty bobbin carrier, and hi many cases it. is probably the best system. Greater cleanliness and greater econ- omy in handling product is possible with the portable side boxes. The side boxes that are used with this arrangement are furnished by the mill, and are usually the boxes which are used in handling the full and empty supply bobbins between spinning or twister room and the spooler room, the same boxes being placed on the spooler shelves containing full bobbins, the empty bobbins being thrown into empty boxes placed alternately on shelves. With this arrangement the empty bobbins are returned to the spinning or twister room, in the same boxes hi which a full supply is sent in to the spooler room. There are mills who prefer to have the empty bobbin carrier, at the same time using portable side boxes. Our spooler is so ar- ranged that the same can be applied if desired. A spooler with this equipment (Model No. 4) is shown on page 2(56. 275 276 M< >1)101* MODEL NO. 5 Model No. 5 comprises a Spooler equipped with traversing supply bobbin rail, using automatic spiral, or other suitable tension de- vice, steel middle boxes and top shelves, and adjustable side shelves, arranged for supporting portable side boxes. MODEL NO. 5A Model No. 5A comprises a Spooler equipped with traversing supply bobbin rail, using automatic spiral, or other suitable tension device, steel middle boxes and top shelves, and steel side boxes without empty bobbin carrier. This model is the same as the Model No. 5 Machine, except that it has the regular steel side boxes, instead of shelves for portable side boxes. NO 278 'Tension Dkvk Spooling from Filling -Wound Bobbins I N spooling yarns from warp-wound bobbins in patent holders described on a previous page, a sufficient winding tension is sup- plied by the weight and speed of bobbin and its friction on the base plate of the holder, together with the friction of the yarn over the follow wires and the guide rod. In spooling from filling-wound bobbins or cops, the yarn in drawing over the end of the bobbin offers no resistance, and it is necessary to supply some sort of tension device to hold the yarn in order to wind a solid spool. It is obvious that such a device must have a wide range of adjust- ments to meet the various conditions in size and quality of yarns. A great many devices have been put on the market, meeting with more or less success. We are illustrating on the opposite page four of the types com- monly used, which have produced satisfactory results. Application No. 1 is a weighted disc form of tension, with the tension attached to the thread guide rod. In this application the amount of tension put upon the yarn is controlled by varying the number of weights. Supply bobbin is held by a tilting spindle mounted on traversing bobbin rail. Application No. 2 is a spring disc form of tension, with the tension discs located on guide rod. The tension upon the yarn is varied by tightening or loosening the spring which holds the two discs together. Tilting supply spindle and traversing rail are shown. Application No. 3 shows the self-threading spiral tension, tilting spindle and traversing rail. Application No. 4 is a drum style of tension. With this arrangement, yarn passes around peg in face of drum, and the tension is controlled by loosening up and turning the drum, so that the yarn in passing from he supply bobbin to the thread guide, makes more or less of a wrap around the drum. The drum is supported on a special stationary bracket, supply bobbin held horizontally on peg. This bracket can be used with any of the other types of tension. Other devices are furnished to meet special requirements and further information or samples will be furnished on receipt of definite inquiries. 279 WARPERS I Model A Warper 282 Beam Warpers T HE process of warping is preparatory to that of sizing, its object being to lay warp yarns onto a beam suitable for running off in a Slasher Creel. Its requirements must include means for compressing the yarn as it forms on the beams in order to insure solid and cylindrical beams, means for applying even and steady tension to the individual threads and for separating the threads so that they will not overlap in winding, also suitable stop motion to stop the machine if a thread breaks, and a means of measuring the yarn as it is delivered in order properly to determine the length of sets. During our forty-five years’ experience in manufacturing warpers we have developed and tried out many special features and refine- ments, the best of which are retained in our present machines. We now have out two distinct types. Model A and Model C, and either of these perform entirely satisfactory work, the selection of type usually depending on the preference of the customer or the necessity of matching up existing machines in the mill. Model C is used for beams over 26" diameter. For convenience in comparing details, we are arranging our description so as to discuss the principal features of both types under common subjects. WIDTH. The so-called “ Standard Warper” is made with cylinder 5434" long for use with beams 5434" between heads. We can furnish machines with 54" drums for 5434" beams, as well as wider machines to meet special requirements. FRAME. On both types, the frame of the warper is of heavy construc- tion, with parts accurately machined and aligned. Every possible attention is given to all details of manufacture to insure proper running and durable machines. The Model C is about 1" lower from floor to top of frame than the Model A. DRIVING ARRANGEMENT and SLOW MOTION. On both types a slow motion is provided for starting the machine slowly in order to prevent undue strain on the warp. This is provided by a narrow face pulley mounted between the tight and the loose pulleys. In starting the ends are brought gradually to an even tension before reaching full operating speed, and in stopping the speed is checked gradually as belt passes from the tight to loose pulley. Driving pulleys are 11" diameter by 1 34" face. On the Model C the gearing is so arranged that 2.415 revolutions of the pulley give one yard of warp, that is, 50 yards per 120 R. P. M. 283 284 Model C Beam Warper with Positive Expansion Comb On the Model A with 20j" cylinder the ratio is approximately 2.857, giving 63 yards per 180 R. P. M. With 18 j" cylinder, ratio is 3.174, giving approximately 56 yards for 180 R. P. M. All gearing is machine cut, insuring a quiet-running machine. CYLINDERS. Model A. The cylinder is 18J4" diameter for 24" beams and 20J4*’ diameter for 26" beams mounted on a shaft supported by the frame sides. The shaft is Iff" in diameter, thus limiting the working radius of the cylinder to approximately 9", and limiting the diameter of the beam to 26" with 8" barrel or 27" with 9" barrel. Model C. The standard cylinder is 1514" diameter. The driving arrangement is of the offset type, the cylinder being driven by gearing inside its head, giving the cylinder an effective radius of 13%", sufficient for the largest-sized beams. The bearings are of the roller type, packed in grease, both bearings and race being of hardened steel. They are fitted with caps to prevent the grease working out and require very little attention. WINDING PRESSURE. Model A. No dead weighting is used, the winding pressure consisting of the weight of the beam resting on the cylinder. It is obvious that with this method the pressure at the beginning of a beam (weighing approximately 180 lbs.) is much less than the pressure of the full beam (approximately 617 lbs.), that is, the pressure steadily increases as the beam fills. Model C. The beam is supported on its bearings at each end in an open bearing or box resting on the guide arms, and a weighting arrangement is applied designed to provide a constant pressure during the entire winding of the beam. This results in beams of greater and more even density. Weighting can be increased or diminished to conform to the counts of yarn. DOFFING ARRANGEMENT. Model A. As the beam rests on the cylinder the arms are not provided as a support but simply as a guide. Arms are fitted with extension levers controlled by gears operated by a crank on outside of frame, their action being to push the full beam off cylinder onto a low truck. Model C. The guide arms which support the beam are pivoted on sub- stantial studs in the frame ends and are raised and lowered by means of a quadrant gear operated by worm, worm gear, and pinion, connected with crank handle mounted on outside of frame. The heaviest beams are lowered onto a truck with the minimum amount of labor. COMBS. The arrangement of combs is common to both types. Back combs are regularly furnished of the standard Spring Type, the opening and closing of dents being accomplished by the loosening or tightening of the spring in which they are mounted. Front comb may be of the Spring Type or the Positive Expansion Type, illustrated on page 290. SPRING COMB. See table on page 663 for various arrangements for any desired number of ends. We supply spring combs either of the closed or open type. The open type is more easily cleaned and is preferred by many 285 2SG ONIUVHQ UNV MOO'K) AHVNIUUQ mills. All combs are made with right- and left-hand screw adjustments. The best obtainable wire is used for the springs. Any spring comb can be expanded to the limit of the comb case (about 30%) without damage to the spring. RISE ROLLS and DROP ROLLS. Model A. This model is regularly furnished with a Drop Roll, made of polished steel, sliding in grooves in frame side. Model C. This model is supplied with a Rise Roll for taking up the slack in the yarn when warper is stopped. This roll is operated by rack and pinion gears at each end of roll, which insures the roll retaining a perfectly horizontal position at all times. Sectional weights are supplied to maintain the correct tension at all times and for any number of ends within the capacity of the machine. MEASURING APPARATUS. The Measuring Roll runs in ball bear- ings, turning easily with the smallest number of ends that can be beamed and putting the least possible strain on the yarn. Roll is uniform in circum- ference, made from seamless steel tubing. On both models it is located between the back comb and rise roll or drop roll. CLOCK. The clock usually furnished can be set to stop the warper at any multiple of 3500 yards up to ten, making total warp on the beam 35,000 yards. Other combinations can be furnished if required. We can also supply, if wanted, a separate indicator clock, entirely independent of the rap clock, registering up to 10,000 yards. Stop motion connected with rap clock can be set to stop the machine at any predetermined number of yards. STOP MOTION. Drop wires are provided to stop the machine on the breaking of any single end of yarn. These drop wires consist of small loops of steel wire mounted in a brass block, either one, two, or three wires per block. The three-wire block is standard. The single thread, passing through the loop, suspends the wire directly over a set of vibrating blades. If the end breaks, the wire falls into the path of the vibrating blades, which operate the shipper motion and stop the machine. Drop wires are self-raising, with suitable connection to a foot lever for raising wires to position for threading. The mechanisms on the Models A and C are similar except for a difference in the shape of the blocks and length of drop wires. BEAMS. We supply beams constructed on a steel shaft, with wooden barrels and machined cast-iron heads. Barrels 8" in diameter are considered standard, but W’e can supply -9" or 10" diameter if required. The standard width is 543-^" between heads but other sizes can be furnished. Heads are strongly ribbed and machined perfectly true, with grooved edges to receive friction cord. Beams are unusually rugged, will stand hard usage and will not warp. 287 28S Creels Cut on page 288 illustrates standard V type Creel. Stands are adjustable for spools from 5" to 9j^" overall, and for any diameter up to 10". (Note: In determining diameter of spools provision must be made for the barreling of same in winding. Do not base figures on the diameter of spool head.) Bearings or steps may be hardened wrought iron or porcelain. Stand- ards are so shaped that yarn will not rub if creel is located at proper dis- tance from warper. Table given below shows capacity and floor space of creel with varying numbers of spools. We also furnish a special hinged double V Creel where space is limited. The sections are arranged on rollers and can be readily swung out for fill- ing or piecing up ends. This creel occupies somewhat less space from back to front of warper. TABLE OF WARPER CREELS (V-TYPE) Diameter of Spool Recommended 5" 1 iVT 1 4" 3?1" 1 SJ4" 3 y a ’ s" No. Spools long Space occupied by Creel for 4 1 diam. Number of Spools High Spools or less 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 Length 7' l" Width 7' 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 u T 10" 7' 286 308 330 352 374 396 418 12 8' 7" 7' 312 336 360 384 408 432 456 13 9' 4" 7' 338 364 390 416 442 468 494 14 10' 1" 7' 6" 364 392 420 448 476 504 532 15 10' 10" 7' 11" 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 16 11' 7" 8' 5" 416 448 480 512 544 576 608 17 12' 4" 8' 10" 442 476 510 544 578 612 646 18 13' 1" 9' 4" 468 504 540 576 612 648 688 19 13' 10" 9' 9" 494 532 570 608 646 684 722 20 14' 7" 10' 3" 520 560 600 640 680 720 760 21 15' 4" 10' 8" 556 588 630 672 714 756 798 22 16' 0" 11' 1" 572 616 660 704 748 792 836 23 16' 8" 11' 6" 598 644 690 736 782 828 24 17' 5" 11' 10" 624 672 720 768 816 25 18' 2" 12' 5" 650 700 750 800 26 18' 10" 12' 9" 676 728 780 832 27 19' 6" 13' 3" 702 756 810 The cut ofjModel A Warper on page 282 shows a portion of a new type patented creel, which provides a straight draw from creel package to back comb, eliminating all undue tension on the yarn. This creel is easier to operate than other types, is especially valuable in handling fine counts, and has proven very popular since its introduction. 289 Positive Expansion Comb Particular attention is called to the Positive Expansion Comb illustrated above. The dents of this comb are hardened, round steel wire, inserted in brass blocks, called “dent sections.” These sections are of uniform length but are fitted with a varying number of pins, from 10 to 32 each, so that any desired number of dents can be obtained in any specified length within the range of the combs. Minimum contraction of standard sections is 1%*’, maximum expansion 2>*y%' per section. Standard dent sections are 4" long. We also supply a special forty-dent section, 5" long, for special work re- quiring a large number of ends. Minimum contraction of this comb is Vyi" , maximum expansion 4 per section. No springs are used in the construction of this comb, same being replaced by a mechanism of the pantograph type. They are described as “Positive” from the fact that the number of dents per inch is always the same in any part of the comb, insuring uniform delivery of yarn to every part of the beam. Combs are practically indestructible, and their use does away with the frequent repairs necessary with the Spring Type. We can supply Positive Expansion Combs for warpers of other makes. 290 291 Floor Stand Showing Clock 292 Leese Warper HE Leese or Ball Warper is used where it is desired to condense the warp into a chain and wind it into a ball for the purpose of dyeing, bleaching, etc. In general construction it is similar to the Model A beam warper with the omission of the cylinder and other attachments for beam winding and with the addition of a leesing arrangement in place of the ordinary spring comb at the front. The leese comb is similar in construction to the spring comb with the exception that there is but one dent for the passage of two ends of thread, one end passing through an eye in the dent and the other end between the dents. The comb can be made to accommodate either 8, 10, or 12 ends per inch when comb is contracted. The space occupied by the yarn in passing through the warper should not exceed 57" and is usually figured for 54" spread, the same as for a beam warper. Measuring clock is arranged to stop the warper at intervals for the purpose of leesing the warp and also at the completion of the warp. Length of leese may vary from 100 to 1G00 yards (see table) and the length of warp up to 16,000 yards in multiples of the leese. Various combinations of gearing are furnished to give desired results. The warp is condensed into a chain and passes around a guide pulley and through trumpet to the bailer, where it is wound into a ball of required size. See “Bailers” for further details. A^T’ARPERS may be arranged so as to be readily converted from T ’ beaming to leesing and vice versa. Both models are used for this purpose with various arrangements of the bailer. Combination Warpers 293 Combination Beam and Leese Warper with Heavy Baller 294 Bailers B allers are built in three standard sizes, with various different arrangements to meet mill conditions. No. 1 BALLER, with positive weight tension on ball. Style A. This bailer is used either with the Combination or straight Leese 'Warper. It is set close up to the warper and driven by gearing. Regular Floor Stand is used. Maximum size of ball 30" traverse, 32" diameter, with 500 to GOO lbs. of yarn in creel. No. 2 BALLER, with positive weight tension on ball. Style A. This model is somewhat heavier than the No. 1 Model but designed on similar lines. It is used either with the Com- bination or straight Leese Warper, is set close up to warper and driven by gears, using regular floor stand. It will build a ball 30" traverse by 29" diameter, and handle 600 to 700 lbs. of yarn in creel. Style B. Bailer is fitted with driving pulleys and slow motion, is set away from warper with yarn running under platform and over guide pulley on ceiling. Maximum size of ball 30" traverse by 32" diameter, 600 to 700 lbs. of yarn in creel. No. 3 BALLER, with upright rack tension on ball. Style A. Of much heavier construction than Model 2, used only on extra-heavy work. Arranged with driving pulleys and slow motion, yarn running under platform and over guide pulley on ceiling. Size of ball 30" traverse by 42" diameter. Weight of yarn in creel 700 to 800 lbs. Style B. Same arrangement as Style A, with the addition of a Warp Drawing Attachment (supplied only with No. 3 Bailer). Size of ball 30" traverse by 42" diameter, yarn in creel 800 lbs. or more. Ballers can be arranged with double screw for building two small balls instead of one large one. 295 SLASHERS 298 Slasiieu with 7' and !>' Cylinders Slashers E are prepared to furnish Slashing Machinery for use on cotton, woolen, or worsted yarns, spun silk, and other fibrous materials, white or colored, and can supply a full line of special equipment to meet unusual conditions. For sizing cotton yarns the Cylinder Slasher is used, except in rare cases of very heavy yarn and large number of ends, which it is advisable to handle in a Slasher of the Hot-Air Type. For woolen, worsted, and spun-silk yarns the Hot-Air Type is used almost exclusively. Our machines are of unusually solid construction, castings being of ample size and weight to support the maximum strain that will be put upon them. Parts are accurately machined and are inter- changeable. Accurately balanced and quiet-running gearing is used. Fitting is done by skilled laborers, and all up-to-date appli- ances used, with a view to producing a machine of maximum capacity and minimum operating expense. All Slashers are made up in four distinct units, i. e., Head End, Center Frame (Cylinders or Hot-Air Chamber), Size Vat, and Creel. This style of construction gives us a flexible frame and re- moves the great strain imposed upon a machine built as a single unit through the settling of floors and the variation of load in the different parts of the machine. A detailed description of these various units is covered on follow- ing pages. 29'J :J00 Cylinder Slasher with Double Headway Slasher Head Ends T HE Head End used on both Cylinder and Hot-Air Slashers is the same, the following data covering all types supplied. CONSTRUCTION. We have recently changed the design of our head end, with a view to providing additional space for the yarn to expand when using wide head ends in connection with standard width cylinders or heater sections. The pair of carrying rolls formerly mounted on the head end are now added to the center frame, making that section about 2' longer and reducing the head end a similar amount. This standard head is 6' 10" long and is used in all combinations except the double headway, described below. With this arrangement the head end can be placed at any desired distance from the center frame, providing the required space for expansion of the yarn without subjecting it to undue strain. The Regular Head End will take loom beams between heads and up to 24" in diameter, barrels not less than 4j^" in diameter. Carefully polished LEESE RODS are supplied, and binder rolls may be of the revolving roll or flat-bar type, as specified, the flat-bar type being used on heads wider than regular. TYPES OF HEAD ENDS. Two standard types are furnished, the Whitman Lever and the Hand Wheel Friction. The Whitman Lever Type is recommended for warps up to 2500 ends. Increased friction can be added to this type for handling up to 3000 ends. The Hand Wheel Type is recommended up to 3000 ends and can be used for heavier warps by the addition of increased friction and double gearing. The purpose of the double gearing is to permit a sufficient belt speed to drive the machine and at the same time allow the slow winding speed necessary to permit thorough dry- ing of the heavy warps. The above estimate is based on No. 28 cotton yarns. FRICTION may be rubber, felt, fibre, wood or cork-insert. The rubber is commonly used and considered standard equipment. Increased friction is secured by adding discs, thereby increasing the friction surface. DOL'BLE HEADWAY. Cut on opposite page illustrates the applica- tion of a double head for winding two beams simultaneously. This is fur- nished in the regular width only and will accommodate beams with heads up to 20" in diameter. Friction is of the Whitman Lever Type. It is not arranged either for increased friction or double gearing. Neither of these attachments is required, as this type of head is used only for light warps. Length of the double Head End is 8' 10". Other details similar to the standard head. WIDTH. Head Ends are built to take loom beams from 54j'£" between heads (Standard) to approximately 114". This is, however, dependent on other dimensions of the beam and must be carefully figured in every case. 301 Diagram of Tmhee-Cygindke Arrangement The following formula is used in figuring the width necessary to take beam of known dimensions: ^ Over al l -length _|_ [ en g^ Q f i, ear j n g — 38^ X 2 = extra width of head. We can furnish arbors and stands for running narrow beams, also face plate and dog for handling beams without shafts used on wide sheeting looms. DRIVING. Tight and loose pulleys 15" in diameter, 3^g" face are stand- ard for head ends up to and including 24" wider than regular, while 18" X Vi" pulleys are supplied for heads wider than this. A narrow-face SLOW-MOTION pulley is located between the tight and the loose pulleys. This pulley is connected with the slow-motion gearing and starts the machine up gradually. It also serves to stop the machine gradually as the belt moves from the tight to loose pulley. Slow-motion gearing is arranged to give approximately 1 la of the normal speed. This arrangement prevents the excessive breakage of ends that would result if the machine were started up at once on full speed. A pair of taper cones provide the necessary changes in speed. These cones are of iron, accurately designed and manufactured. CONTRACTOR MOTION. This is an arrangement furnished with all slashers. Its use allows the winding of several cuts onto the beam after it has been filled to the diameter of its heads. By engaging a pawl with ratchet on the shaft of the expansion comb, the comb slowly contracts and narrows up the warp so that the yarn is tapered away from the beam heads. This motion is especially valuable when there is not enough yarn left on section beams to fill another loom beam, and it can be added to one or two full beams without waste. ■> COMBS OR REEDS. Combs of the Spring Expansion Type or Positive Expansion Type are supplied. These combs are similar in design to those used on the Warper and are fully described on pages 285 and 290. Tables covering same are shown on pages 096 and 697. In connection with slasher work, the spring comb is not recommended for sets finer than 10 dents per inch. Neither do we consider the spring comb satisfactory for use on head ends more than 12" wider than regular. The positive expansion should be used under these conditions. It is much stronger than the spring comb and has a far wider range. (See tables.) PRESS ROLLS. Three types of press rolls, for condensing the yarn on beam, are furnished: Common Pipe Press Roll Saco-Lowell Expansion Roll Traversing Press Roll The COMMON PIPE ROLL is usually made from 3Y/ diameter pipe, its length being about Yi less than the distance between heads of 303 304 IIot-Aik Siasiihh the loom beam. Roll is supported by four trucks or rolls, held by arms connected with the square shaft extending across head end. Pressure of the roll is regulated by a lever with adjustable weight, fas- tened to end of square shaft. The objection to using a roll of fixed length is that the distance between loom beam heads will vary. There may be a variation of Y" or more between the narrowest and widest beams in the mill, and as the press roll must be made short enough for the narrowest beam, it is liable to cut the yarn when used on the wide beam. Our EXPANSION PRESS ROLL was designed to overcome this diffi- culty. The expansion head is about 7" long and has a variation of about %"• This head is fastened to a plain roll of any desired length and is readily removed. One expansion head will therefore take care of any number of beam widths by substituting extensions of various lengths. The expansion heads are made of malleable iron and are very durable. The TRAVERSING PRESS ROLL uses a plain pipe roll, this being made about lbj" shorter than the distance between heads. This roll rides on four trucks which are fitted with worm and eccentric stud, imparting a traversing motion to the roll as it revolves. This type of roll is especially valuable if using beams with heads that do not run true. It is not advis- able to use the traversing roll on beams more than 80" between heads. The DELIVERY ROLL is made 8-j-f" diameter, allowing 5^" for wrapping, making covered roll 9" in diameter. A STRIKING COMB of high-grade workmanship and quality is supplied for separating the warp for drawing into the comb, if specified. The FLTLTON CUT MARKER is a device recently patented for stamping numbers of symbols onto the warp instead of a straight mark. Such a mark applied at the end of each cut makes a convenient method of identifying cuts as they come from the loom. Beamer F OR dry beaming we furnish our slasher head end and creel equipped with roll arrangement for increasing the tension on the yarn and with modified gearing and friction for providing a more powerful drive to the beam. We sometimes furnish a pin reed for use with wide loom beams, placed back of the ordinary reed to lessen strain on the end dents of the latter. These modifications adapt the machine for beaming heavy yarns such as are used for heavy duck and tire fabrics. 305 To illustrate the effectiveness of our roller bearings we give here- with the results of some carefully conducted tests of slashers equipped with truck and roller bearings. Number Pull in lbs. required of test to start cylinder With truck bearings: 1 All four trucks revolving freely 5.42 2 One truck clogged (common in most mills) . 10.12 3 Two trucks clogged (common in many mills) . 12.96 4 Three trucks clogged (frequently found) 15.92 5 Four trucks clogged (sometimes found) 19.15 6 With roller bearings -68 306 Cylinders and Center Frames T HE standard cylinder slasher is equipped with two cylinders. one 7' 0" and one 5 ' 0" diameter. Both cylinders are 00" wide with an actual face of 5 2 between hoops. We are also equipped for making cylinders witli 72" face, but do not recommend these except to meet very unusual requirements. The 60" cylinders give ample heating surface to meet all ordinary demands. We can build slashers with 6' and 4' cylinders, but prefer not to supply them. The 7' and 5 ' combination makes an easier-running machine, and the additional drying surface permits higher yarn speed. The third cylinder, 40" in diameter, is sometimes added when sizing dyed yarns where colors are not “fast” and where it is neces- sary to dry the colored yarns before they come in contact with the white yarn. This combination is used in connection with a double- vat arrangement by mills running striped ticking or similar goods. CYLINDERS are made of the best obtainable copper, No. to stock, .072" thick being used on the 7' cylinders and No. 16, .065" on the 5' cylinders. All joints are dovetailed and brazed. Heads are made of 34" steel plate and thoroughly stayed by rods. Three SCOOPS or BUCKETS are pro- vided inside cylinder for removing condensed steam. These scoops extend the full width of cylinder, and each will lift approximately one gallon, or a total of three gallons delivered per each revolution of the cylinder. This is ample to take care of the greatest possible condensation. All cylinders are carefully balanced and tested under a pressure of 15 lbs. before leaving shops. A manhole is provided for entering cylinder to make repairs. Vacuum valves are provided to prevent the formation of vacuum as cylinder cools off after shutting down. BEARINGS. Truck bearings are furnished unless otherwise specified. With this type of bearing the journals rest upon two truck rolls about 5" in diameter. We strongly recommend the use of our new type ROLLER-BEARING. This is illustrated by cut on previous page. It is much more durable than the truck bearing and makes an easier-running cylinder. The tension on the yarn is greatly reduced, and the production increased. INSULATED HEADS. A considerable saving in steam is effected by the use of insulated heads. This is now applied in the form of air insulation by fitting oil an extra set of steel heads, specially made, which provide a double air chamber between the outside sheet and actual head of the cylinder. Tests have shown a saving of from 10 to 15 per cent in steam when comparing this style of insulation with the non-insulated heads. 307 308 POSITIVE GEAR DRIVE. This arrangement consists of a set of segments fastened to the outer circumference of cylinder head and driven by suitable spur and bevel gears from side shaft of machine. When cylinders are revolved by the pulling of the warp, a considerable strain is put on the yarn, resulting in excessive breakage of ends if running weak yarns. With the gear drive this strain is eliminated. It is not necessary or advisable to apply this drive on heavy warps, as quicker drying is obtained by the closer contact of the yarn under the strain of revolving the cylinders. The application of the gear drive is illustrated by cut on page 308. CARRYING ROLLS. With the usual threading up of a two-cylinder slasher only about 75 per cent of the cylinder surface is covered by the yarn. On heavy warps where additional drying is necessary we supply an extra set of carrying rolls, by means of which about 95 per cent of the cylinder surface is utilized. The arrangement of rolls is shown by cut on page 308. The use of these extra rolls is not recommended on light warps, as they subject the yarn to considerable extra strain. We can supply carrier rolls with ball bearings if required. STEAM GAUGE. We supply with all cylinder slashers Ashcroft's 20 lb. dial gauge. All gauges should be tested frequently to see that they are correctly registering the pressure. TRAPS. Our standard equipment includes Squire’s Steam Trap. A 1J4" trap is used on 7' and o' slashers and the 1" trap on single-cylinder machines. When the third cylinder is used, an additional 1" trap is supplied. We are also prepared to furnish the Webster Sylphon Drainage System if specified. With this system the valves are fitted with sight glasses, ena- bling the operator to see that they are working properly. STEAM PRESSURE REGULATOR. We supply the standard Watts Regulator, 134" X 134" for two-cylinder machines and 1" X 1 34" for single-cylinder slashers. We are prepared to back up this regulator fully and recommend its use. Regulators are necessary only when live steam is used. In operating directly from boiler pressure it is good practice to re- duce the pressure in line supplying slasher to not over 40 lbs. Ten small weights are furnished with the Watts Regulator, each weight representing about 1 lb. of pressure in cylinder. There is also a larger weight resting on lever while slasher is running and which is raised when slasher is stopped by means of a finger on the shipper rod. When this weight is raised the pressure in the cylinder is somewhat reduced. PIPING AND STEAM SUPPLY. We furnish all piping and valves directly connected with the slasher, ready to connect with live or exhaust steam or both. Safety valves are also included. 309 H s: c/3 310 Size Vats \ J ATS are made of cast iron throughout, tlie body being cast in one piece. Standard vat for cotton work measures from bottom to center of size rolls and 12" between centers of rolls. It contains two size rolls, two squeeze rolls, and one immersion roll, two wood-carrying rolls and a drop roll. This vat holds about 50 gallons of size when filled to the center of the size rolls. We also supply a vat for light warps similar to above except that its depth is instead of 9} holding approximately 30 gallons of size. Heat of the size is maintained by means of steam admitted through a perforated brass pipe in bottom of vat. Copper-lined vats are supplied when specified, also steam-jacketed vats. With the latter arrangement steam is admitted to a chamber at the bottom of vat and keeps the size warm without diluting it by the admission of steam. We usually supply the standard perforated pipe, however, for heating the size on starting up machine; this can be shut off as soon as size is at proper temperature. This type of vat is essential in running woolen or worsted yarns or on very fine cotton work. Rolls are placed on 15" centers, and vat is (i 1 2 " deep. See cut on page 310 for illustration of this vat. For handling colored yarns which are not “fast” we supply a single-roll UPPER VAT, supported above the regular vat by suit- able stands. This vat is furnished with one squeeze roll, one size roll, and one immersion roll and is Q]/^' deep to center of roll. SIZE ROLLS are made from seamless copper tubing, turned to 9" in diameter. Heads are of cast iron or brass as specified. Brass heads are ad- visable when using a corrosive sizing mixture and are more durable than the iron. Shafts extend the full length of rolls and internal heads are used for stiffening same. Rolls are gear driven and can be supplied with ball bearings if required. IMMERSION ROLL is regularly made of heavy brass tubing, 5" in diameter. SQUEEZE ROLLS are made of solid cast iron and vary in weight ac- cording to the weight of warp. An approximate rule for determining the necessary weight of rolls for cotton yarns is as follows: Multiply square root of the weight of one yard of warp by 1000. The first roll is usually about 100 lbs. lighter than the second. The face of the roll is rough turned to provide a good surface for covering. Rolls should be covered with high-grade wool fabric to the depth of about 34". Methods of covering vary with the requirements of the mill. Brass FAUCETS or GATE VALVES for use with Circulating Size System are provided in each vat. 311 CUT MARKER. Rolf’s Cut Marker is supplied as standard equipment. This is a device for marking warps at certain fixed intervals which determine the length of the cut woven in the loom. Marker may be arranged for marking a single or double mark. Gearing is arranged on the “Tooth per Yard’’ basis, that is, one tooth in the change gear equals one yard in the warp. This is a very convenient arrangement as compared with the old method of deter- mining the constant and figuring gearing. Mark is applied to the warp just as it leaves the vat, so that it is thoroughly dried before reaching the loom beam. Marks applied on the head end go to the beam wet and often stain through several layers, causing confusion in the weave room. CREELS. Creel stands are arranged in sections, each holding two beams; therefore are readily furnished in multiples of two. These stands are designed to receive beams with 24", 26", or 28" diameter heads. For larger diameters special attachments are furnished for raising the upper beam sufficiently to clear the lower. Adjustable bearings are supplied, making possible the use of beams varying about 6" in length between bearings. The Truck Creel, illustrated by line drawing on page 704, is used when the leese arrangement is necessary. This form of creel will not accommodate beams over 24" in diameter. W e are also prepared to supply special creels to meet special needs, that is, vertical creels where floor space is lacking, or creels to hang from ceiling. 312 Slipp Device for Slashers (Patented) TN handling pattern warps, where it is necessary to count ends A into the front comb, if the slasher is stopped for this process, the yarn in the vat becomes unduly sized, the vat rolls may become coated, and, unless a circulating system is used, a scum may form on the size. For this reason the yarn from the vat to the front comb is sometimes considered as waste. This waste is avoided by the use of the SLIPP DEVICE, which permits the continuous operation of the rolls in the vat. The im- mersion and squeeze rolls are lifted, permitting the yarn to rise out of the size. When ready to start, the squeeze rolls are lowered into place and the machine started without any waste yarn and without any over-sized section in the warp. This arrangement is applied to slashers not equipped with geared cylinder drive. Selley Device (Patented) HPHE SELLEY DEVICE has the same objective as the SLIPP DEVICE, that is, to prevent waste yarn when counting in pat- tern warps. In operation this device consists of reversing the direction of the yarn after the ends are properly laid in the comb. When stopping the machine the immersion roll and squeeze rolls are lifted, permitting the yarn to lift out of the size. When ready to start the rolls are washed dowm, and in doing this the size is washed from the yarn. To re-size this, machine is reversed and the yarn run back, the slack being taken care of by an extra-heavy drop roll between vat and creel. This arrangement is applied to slashers where the cylinders are equipped with positive gear drive. 313 314 IIot-Atr Slash ick Hot-Air Slasher T HERE is a large demand for hot-air slashers for worsted and woolen work and occasionally for cotton. The general descriptions of the head end, size vat, and creel con- tained on the foregoing pages are applicable to this machine. We illustrate a hot-air slasher having a drying chamber of four sections. Chambers are built two, three, four, and five sections long, containing six, seven, or eight coils of pipe as may be desired. A chamber of four sections seven coils high contains about 2500 feet of 1" pipe. Sections may be added to the chamber in the mill at any time. The warp in traversing the upper portion of the chamber passes around four brass-ribbed guide rolls, two at each end, which may be placed outside of the chamber as shown, or with only the upper pair outside. The warp having become partially dried then passes around several smooth guide rolls, traveling between each coil of steam circulating pipe before passing out to the head end. The chambers are substantially built, with pipe and fittings threaded and tapped in our shop to insure better construction than is ob- tainable with commercial fittings. The overhead fan shown in cut is a standard No. 4 Sturtevant Exhauster. This is not furnished as part of regular equipment, but will be supplied at current prices when specified. Its use is recom- mended when handling very heavy warps or putting through large production where additional air draft is needed to give the best results in drying. The repairs on a hot-air slasher are very limited; the capacity of a large machine equals that of a standard cylinder slasher, and the cost approximately the same for similar capacity. The cost of opera- tion is practically the same, although the usual steam pressure carried on a hot-air slasher is 70 fits. This type of slasher is very popular on woolen and worsted yarn and in combination with parts of our cylinder slasher is used for sizing carpet warps. 315 Slasher Appurtenances HOODS OR BONNETS. We do not build slasher hoods, but are prepared to obtain them for our customers if desired. The type of hood used is entirely optional with the mill, and several varieties give excellent satisfaction. Hoods made of wood radiate less heat and produce less condensation than metal hoods. The best wood for making these seems to be Gulf Cypress, which is not affected by the heat and steam. Metal hoods are also extensively used, and these give good satisfaction. VENTILATING FANS. Outlets from slasher hoods or from canopies over size kettles, etc., should be connected with an exhaust ventilating fan. Natural draft ventilators do not take care of the air and steam, and a fan of ample capacity is necessary. The size of these fans should be in proportion to the number of slashers in- stalled. With a proper system of ventilation a slasher room can be kept reasonably cool and healthful for the operatives. DRIP PANS. Unless slashers are located on concrete or other waterproof flooring, it is advisable to supply metal drip pans under the cylinder and size-vat sections. These are usually furnished by the mill, but we are in a position to supply them if required. The size of drip pans is indicated on line drawings of slashers shown on following pages. OVERHEAD TRACK AND PULLEY BLOCK. In a large majority of cases we supply an overhead track and pulley block for handling section beams. Block is half-ton capacity, and about 18' of track is usually supplied for each slasher. Many mills install complete track systems for handling section beams from warpers to slashers with equipment for weighing the beams. With such a system beams can be readily picked up and transported to the slashers with little chance of damaging or soiling the warps. 316 SIZING SYSTEMS Size Kettles P LAIN KETTLE is cast solid, with the cover and working parts fitted and applied in best manner. The cover is bolted in place, provided with steam-pipe connection and semi-elliptical opening having a door with handle, used for the admission of the Size Kettle sizing ingredients. A stand with two bearings is securely mounted on top of the kettle for carrying the short driving shaft with driving pulleys 14" X 2", usually running at 100 R. P. M. Bevel gears 31S operate the vertical shaft extending into the kettle, lhe stirrers are mounted on the vertical shaft. Covers are drilled to template, so that driving pulleys can be located at any desired position with relation to the outlet. We also make kettles with two sets of stirrer blades, which revolve in opposite directions, and can furnish blades of the pro- peller type. These kettles afford the most effective apparatus for boiling and preparing size. W hen specified we furnish these kettles with inside brass steam-pipe coils, or circular, closed, perforated coil. The dimensions, capacities, and weights of our kettles are as follows: Dimensions Capacity in gallons Local shipping weight Foreign shipping weight Net weigh t lbs. Cubic feet Ocea n tons 32" x 32" . . . 110 950 lbs. 1150 lbs. 900 45 i 36" x 36" . . . 158 1250 “ 1475 “ 1200 70 1M 42" x 42" . . . 250 1675 “ 2040 “ 1600 S3 2 48" x 48" . . . 360 1875 “ 3200 “ 1S00 100 2H 48" x 54" . . . 390 2100 “ 3600 “ 2000 108 48" x 60" . . . 438 2300 “ 3900 “ 2200 116 3 Add for copper lining .... 8% 8% 10% Add for steam jacketng . . . 20% 18% 20% STEAM-JACKETED KETTLE. This is a plain kettle ar- ranged with an inner copper shell. Steam is admitted to the space between the exterior of the shell and the interior of the kettle, per- mitting maintenance of the size at a uniform temperature. This is desirable as the continual boiling with steam admitted into the size reduces through condensation the consistency of the mixture. This size kettle is particularly adapted to requirements demanding size of practically uniform consistency and is preferred in connection with size circulating systems. Details of circulating size systems are covered on following pages. 319 Preparation and Circulation of Size I N order to obtain a uniform sizing solution free from lumps every granule of starch must be separated from its neighbor. To do this it is necessary to agitate the starch violently while slowly heat- ing to a boiling point, the boiling being continued until the whole mass has reached solution temperature. After bringing the solution to a boil, it should be put through a strainer and delivered to a storage kettle, from which the slashers are supplied. In the storage kettle the agitation or stirring is reduced to a degree just sufficient to keep the solution thoroughly mixed. Proper temperature should be maintained by the use of a steam- jacketed kettle. Starch solu- tions undergo a change when standing for any length of time, therefore several slashers should be supplied from one kettle, the size being used up while it is in prime condition. The Nivling System \ SIMPLE and thoroughly efficient means for controlling the quantity of size in vat and for keeping the size in proper condition has been patented under the name of “The Constant Level Size Circulating System.” This system insures a continuance of circulation of size through the size box and at the same time automatically maintains the proper level. This device operating without the use of float valve or moving mechanism of any kind, is based on the continued flow of size from the storage kettle to the slashers, the overflow from the vats being returned to the storage kettles, thereby maintaining a complete circulation at a compara- tively low speed, which prevents deterioration of the size. The level control is made in several forms, one of which consists of a rect- angular bronze box having two compartments attached to the end of the size vat. The first compartment connects with the size vat just above its floor. The second compartment is connected through valves and pipe with’the storage kettle. Between the two com- partments is an adjustable gate enabling the operator to maintain any desired depth*ofjsize in the vat. ■ The rate of* delivery of size from the kettle to the vat is controlled by the special feed device. The method of connecting up this system is illustrated by drawing on page 322, showing typical layout. This of course can be varied to meet actual requirements. In sizing colored yarns where the dye bleeds badly, it is inadvis- able to return the size to the supply kettle, as it will tend to stain the size and damage lighter yarns which are being sized in other slashers connected with the same source of supply. In such cases the return connection from vat of slasher running the bleeding color is reversed so that the discolored size is sent to waste or retained in vat. .320 Nivling System O N the following page is shown a typical layout of the Nivling System, including two inserts showing detail of Level Control Arrangement, Valve, and Screen Box. The following list refers to reference numbers shown on the detail cuts: LEVEL CONTROL ARRANGEMENT No. 1. Adjusting Rod 2. Discharge Gate Hook 3. Overflow Level 4. Cover 5. Level Control Gate 6. Return Connection 7. “ 8. Inlet from Size Box or Outlet 9. Return Connection 10. Quick Discharge Outlet 11. Washout Connection 12. Quick Discharge Gate BY-PASS VALVE No. 13. Inlet 14. Steam Connection 15. By-Pass Port 10. Lever Handle 17. Indicating Dial 18. Internal By-Pass DOUBLE BY-PASS CONNECTION No. 19. Y-connection 20. Heavy Size Outlet 21. Light Size Outlet 22. Discharge Outlet SCREEN BOX No. 23. Removable Screen 24. Overflow 25. Bracket Support 26. Top of Kettle 27. Lock Nuts 321 ST CAM iiGrrr size /» ai/t w GRAVITY FlOW BY PASS VALVES Y CO/VI EC7 10/1 WATER LEVEL CCfiTROL BOA -WASTE PIPE RETUR/1 PUMP LIGHT SIZE RETUR/1" /MAKE L _ UCffT SIZE RETUB/i SC RE LA BOA LIGHT SIZE STORAGE KETTLE' MAI A VALVE SIGHT FffD XlYLIxl 322 STE PE Agfa ,/ff \STE PIPES BY PASS VALVES Y COnAECTlO^ SII£ VAT PIPE STEM 323 2-3— 4 Size Circulating System 324 Saco-Lowell Circulating Size System The Saco-Lowell System, shown by drawing on page S'Jd, provides a circulating system with independent delivery to individual vats. This arrangement differs from the Nivling System described on previous page in that the circulation is not maintained through the vats on the slashers but through the kettles and feed pipe, the vats being fed as required by opening valves located in the feed pipes. The constant circulation keeps the size from congealing in pipes and proper care in operating will insure good results. On the com- pletion of a day’s run, the size is pumped up through the feed pipes and returned to the storage kettles, leaving all piping clear so that the entire system can be blown out with live steam and thoroughly cleaned preparatory for the next day’s run. It is advisable to use brass piping on any circulating system in order to avoid possible corrosion and staining of the size, although this system is occasionally put in with galvanized piping. We will furnish detailed plans covering the installation of each individual system. Pumps used are described on following pages. 325 3 26 Size Pumps D OTARY TYPE. The cut shows our new pattern belt-driven 1 ' rotary pump having a heavy frame sustaining two brass cham- bers for rotors. The stuffing boxes are brass, outside packed, and all parts in contact with the sizing material are of solid brass, including the rotors, which are machine cut to accurate size and are inter- changeable. This pump is adapted to sizing systems where all apparatus is located on the same floor of the mill or where the height to be pumped does not exceed about 25 feet. The capacity of the pump is sufficient for an unlimited number of slashers, the speed of the pump being 100 to 200 R. P. M., depending on the number of slashers served. Driving pulleys 14" X 3". Floor space 27" X 14". Weight 190 lbs. PLUNGER TYPE. Large mills using a number of slashers frequently prepare their size in the basement or in a detached building, elevating it to the slasher room, which is sometimes several stories above the room where the size is prepared. To meet such conditions we can supply pumps of the two-plunger or three- plunger type, with pumping capacity to meet any requirements. 327 TECHNICAL SECTION Number 4 Bale Breaker M ISCELL AN E( ) US DATA Production: 10,000 to 30,000 lbs. per 10 hours. Driving: Self-contained countershaft, 16" X 4" T. &L. pulleys, 300 R.P.M. Belts: See detailed Belting Lut. Floor Space: 9' 7 3 g" X 6' 0" over all. Local Shipping Weight 4200 lbs. Extension apron Foreign “ “ 6400 “ “ “ Net Weight 4100 “ “ “ Cubic Feet when Packed, approx. 186. “ Ocean Tonnage, ship's option: 5 tons. “ Power Required: 3 to 5 II. P. 6' 6" 600 lbs. 6' 6" 700 “ 6' 6" 500 “ 6' 6" 30 6' 6" 1 ton. SPECIFICATIONS And Data Required for Entering Orders 1 — Number of machines 2 — Width: 36" between frame sides 3 — Countershaft attached 4 — Pulleys on countershaft: 16" X 4" T. & L. 300 R.P.M 5 — To what will machine deliver stock? 6 — Is Feed Regulator wanted? 7 — Length of feed apron, if wanted 8 - Is Galvanized-Iron Mouth wanted? 9 — Give size of pipe to connect with mouth 10 — Is Fan for Removing Dust wanted?. 1 1 - Production required 12 — Paint MOTOR DRIVE We strongly recommend the use of regular countershaft, driven from motor attached to ceiling. Under certain conditions (such as low-ceiled room or a sky-light construction where no suitable overhead timbers for hanging motor are available) a low-speed motor with extended shaft can be mounted on the machine in place of the countershaft. For further description of an extended-shaft motor drive, see detail in Picker section of catalogue, page 71. 330 Vertical Opener MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: 5000 to 15,000 lbs. per 10 hours. Driving: Belt with idlers or balanced rope drive. Gallows drive. Floor Space: Pipe delivery, 5' 0" (length) X 5' 0" (width). Apron delivery, (no feeder) 9' 8" X 5' 9". Shipping Weights and Power: Net Local Gross Cubic Ocean Power Vertical Opener Weigh t Shipp’g Wt. Foreign Wt. Ft. Tons Required Pipe delivery 3417 3720 4700 153 4 5 Apron delivery 4033 5070 6700 206 4 K 5 to7H SPECIFICATIONS And Data Required for Entering Orders 1 — • Number of machines 2 — Arrangement of machines 3 — Countershaft wanted 4 — Pulley on vertical shaft: 14" X 4" 5 — Are idler pulleys wanted, or Gallows Pulley Drive? G — Is Rope Drive arrangement wanted? 7 — Type of feed 8 — To what does Opener deliver stock? 9 — Type of grids 10 — Galvanized-iron connection to Bale Breaker 11 — Galvanized-iron connection Vertical Opener to pipe 12 — If pipe connection required, show proposed layout in detail. . 13 — Is Screen Section and Apron Delivery wanted? 14 — Is Small Auxiliary Counter wanted for driving apron section? 1.5 — Will Dust Fan deliver through floor or horizontally? 16 — Is Dust Pipe wanted? 17 — Paint (standard green) 331 Fans MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: The amount of stock that can be handled, varies with conditions. ( See schedule on page 337 for approximate capacity.) Driving: Requires an overhead countershaft. When used in close con- nection with a condenser and distributor, all units should be driven from one countershaft, to insure maintenance of proper relative speeds. Driving pulleys on fans are as follows: No. 6 Fan 8" diam. X 634* Face No. 7 “ 8 Vs" “ X ry 2 " “ No. 8 “ 10} i" “ x 834" “ Over-All Dimensions, No. 6 Height 44" Diam. 41" Width 33" approx. No. 7 50" “ 48" “ 39" No. 8 57" “ 54" “ 46" No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 Local Shipping Weight 650 lbs. 1200 lbs. 1700 lbs. Foreign “ 930 “ 1550 “ 1900 “ Net Weight 650 “ 1200 “ 1700 “ Cubic Feet when Packed 50 Ocean Tonnage, ship’s 80 100 option 1 ton 2 tons 3 tons Power Required 1 Average Speeds for 5 to 10 H.P. 7)4 to 15 H.P. 10 to 20 H.P. Cotton Systems 1250 R.P.M. 1126 R.P.M. 975 R.P.M. Maximum Safe Speed 1700 1400 1200 1 Power required increases in direct ratio to the speed. It is ad r is ah le to run at loicest speed that will handle the required quantities of stock. Feed Table . MISCELLANEOUS DATA Capacity: Unlimited. Floor Space: Standard Sections 6' 6" long, 32" wide over all. Add 12 to over-all length of Feeder or Bale Breaker. Driving: 8" X 234" T. & L. pulley, 375 R.P.M. Belts: 2" Single from overhead countershaft. Local Shipping Weight, approx. 6'6" section 3200 lbs. Foreign “ “ “ “ “ 4000 Net Weight, “ “ “ 2920 Cubic Feet when Boxed, “ “ “ 12 cu. ft Ocean Tonnage: Base on measurement. Power Required, approx. 34 H.P. 332 Condenser SPECIFICATIONS And Data Required for Entering Orders 1 — Number of machines i 2 — Type of machine 3 — Inlet and outlet same or opposite ends 4 — Driving right or left hand (The Hand of a Condenser is determined when facing the Inlet and noting which side pulleys are on.) 5 — Length of hangers (i — Diameter of inlet 7 — Diameter of outlet 8 — Countershaft (give length) 9 — Pulleys (usually figured by shop) 10 — -Standard receiving pulleys on countershaft are 18" diam. Tight and loose, to run 500 R.P.M 11 — Type of Screen (W e can supply perforated metal screen for handling waste stock.) MISCELLANEOUS DATA COVERING TRUNKS Net Weight Local Shipping Weight Foreign “ Cubic Feet Ocean Tons Apron Type Robinson Type Perham Type 17' 6" sects. 10 ft. sects. 12 ft. sects. 1335 590 655 1450 625 700 2055 1175 1400 71.3 112 112 m 2.8 2.8 Number 1 Condenser MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: Approx. 5000 lbs. per 10 hours. ( See table on page 337.) Driving: Separate countershaft required. Pulley on Condenser 8" X 2", 1500 R.P.M. “ “ Countershaft 18" X 2J^" T. & L., 500 R.P.M. Hangers: 18" drop unless otherwise specified. Local Shipping Weight 1375 lbs. Foreign “ “ 2100 “ Net Weight 1200 “ Cubic Feet when Packed, approx. 75 Ocean Tonnage, “ 2 tons. Power Required: 5 H.P. Belting: See Belting List, page 380. Note: Condenser and Fan Speeds are subject to adjustment at mill to meet local requirements. 334 » Number 9 Condenser MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: Up to 10,000 lbs. per 10 hours. ( See tabic on page 337.) Driving: Separate countershaft required. Pulleys on Condenser 18" X 23^" T. & L., 2.50 R.P.M. Hangers: 18" to 42" as specified. Local Shipping Weight 1150 lbs. Foreign “ “ 1550 “ Net Weight 1000 Cubic Feet when Packed, approx. 75 Ocean Tonnage, ship's option, approx. 2 tons. Power Required: About Yi H P. Belting: See Belting List , page 380. Note: Condenser and Fan Speeds are subject to adjustment at mill to meet local requirements. 335 Number 6 Condenser MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: Over 10,000 lbs. per 10 hours. ( See table on page 337) Driving: Separate countershaft required. Pulleys on Condenser 18" X 2}^" T. & L., Ill R.l’.M. Hangers: 18" to 44" as specified. Local Shipping Weight 1800 lbs. Foreign “ “ 2250 “ Net Weight 1600 “ Cubic Feet when Packed, approx. 85 Ocean Tonnage, ship’s option, approx. 2 tons. Power Required: About 1 H.P. Belting: See Belting List, page 380. Note: Condenser and Fan Speeds are subject to adjustment at mill to meet local requirements. Table Showing Schedule of Conveying System Equipment Exhaust Systems — No stock passes through fan shops in each case, giving all data. These figures are not guaranteed, but are given approximately as an aid in laying out schedules. Condi- tions vary to such an extent that fixed rules cannot readily be established. 339 No- 4 BALE BREAKER WITH 1 2 FT- OF WITH APRON DELIVERY, FEEDING DOUBLE LATTICE CONVEYOR FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS OF MACHIN 340 Distributors MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: Limited only by capacity of Condenser and Fan. Drive: Group drive from countershaft. Pulley on Distributor 18" X tight. Belting: 2J4" Single, varying length. Local Shipping Weight, Automatic, 05 lbs. per foot, approx Bin, 45 “ “ “ Foreign “ Automatic, 95 “ “ “ Bin, 60 “ “ Net Weight, Automatic, 55 “ “ “ Bin, 42 “ “ Cubic Feet when Packed, Automatic, Bin, 1 K Ocean Tonnage: Figure on measurement. Power Required: 2^ to 1 H.P. Note: Approximate figures only can be given, as these vary somewhat with different layouts. SPECIFICATION S And Data Required for Entering Orders 1 — Number of distributors 2 — Automatic or Bin 3 — Number of deliveries 4 — Length over all (if Bin) 5 — Type of Condenser used 6 — Detail of Hoppers to be fed 7 — Mill to furnish data for making plans 8 — -Is Thomas Regulator wanted? 341 Cross Section Number 5 Feeder Key to Drawing A Patent Combing Roll B Pin Lifting Apron C D OFFER D . . . Grid under Doffer E Dirt Drawer F Grid under Lifting Apron G . Bottom Apron H . Loose Hopper Girt 342 Number 5 Automatic Feeder MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: Maximum 8000 lbs. per 10 hours. Floor Space: 8' 5" long. Furnished in following widths: 24", 34", 38", 43", and 48" between hopper sides. Add 19" for over-all width when used in combination with pickers. Add 34 5 g" for over-all width when fitted with self-contained countershaft and step cone drive. Belting: Sec Belting List. 24" 34" oo 43" OO Local Shipping Weight (lbs.) . . . 2265 2465 2550 2675 2800 Foreign “ “ “ . . . . 3125 3300 3375 3480 3600 Net Weight (lbs.) . 2100 2280 2380 2470 2600 Cubic Feet when Packed . . . 100 108 no 112 114 Ocean Tonnage, ship’s option ... 2 L 2 % 3 3J4 Power Required Approx, l 1 ^ H.P. Feed Regulator and 6' 0" of Apron adds: Local Shipping Weight (lbs.) 850 Foreign “ “ “ 1200 Net Weight (lbs.) 725 Cubic Feet when Packed Approx. 45 Ocean Tonnage, ship’s option 1 SPECIFICATIONS And Data Required for Entering Orders 1 — Number of machines 2 — Width Note: If 21/' Feeler, state whether dust box and nose piece are wanted for connecting with waste cleaner. 3 — Attached to what? 4 — Method of driving 5 — Is feed regulator wanted ? 6 — Length of feed table Note: If feeder is to be attached to other than Kit-son machines, give all details and sketch of driving. 343 Opener Specifications 1 — Number of machines 2 — Type of machine 3 — Width 4 — What will Opener deliver to? 5 — Is automatic feeder wanted? 6 — Is feed regulator wanted on feeder? 7 — Length of apron 8 — Method of driving Opener 9 — Type of beater 10 — Speed of Beater 11 — Type of bearings 12 ; — Type of grids 13 — ■ Countershaft attached (18" X 5" T. & L. pulleys, 500 R.P.M.) 14 — Driving pulleys on counter 15 — A-frame for motor drive 16 — Motor details 17 — Production required 18 — Paint (standard is green) 19 — Are any galvanized connections wanted? 344 Notes on Specifications 2 & 3 — Various Models of Openers are supplied: (a) No. 7 Opener, 20" dia. beater; built 30" or 40" wide ( b ) No. 9 “ 30" “ cylinder; “ 30" “ 40" “ (c) No. 10 “ 40" “ ” “ “ 40" “ 45" “ (d) Opener with apron delivery: built 40" wide, with one or two beaters, 20" and 10" in diameter. 4 — Opener can be arranged to deliver to vertical openers, cleaning trunk or pipe lines. 5 — Automatic feeder is our Standard No. 5 type. We supply 34" feeder for 30" openers, 38" feeder for 40" openers, and 43" feeder for 45" openers. 0 — Standard feed regulators and aprons can be applied if required. These are advisable when there is direct connection between openers and breaker lappers, as their use will result in more even laps on breakers. 7 — Apron is regularly built in 0' 0" sections, and we prefer to furnish multiples of this length. We have patterns for 4' 10" sections. 8 — Standard openers have self-contained countershaft with T. & L. pulleys. We also supply A-frame and support for motor drive, or will omit countershaft entirely if drive direct from counter on ceiling is preferred. 9 — Beaters for No. 7 may be any of our Standard type; 3-blade porcupine cylinder, or carding. The No. 9 is fitted with porcupine cylinder 30" in diameter. The No. 10 opener has a porcupine cylinder 40" in diameter. 11 — Regular equipment includes self-aligning bearings. 12 — Grids are of our Standard adjustable type. The 20" beaters have 9 bar grids, the 4 top bars being adjustable. The grids for the 30" cylinders have 15 bars, the 6 top bars being adjustable.- 13 — See Item 8. 11 — Countershaft runs at 500 R.P.M. and is fitted with 18" X 5" T. & L. pulleys. Based on this speed we supply proper pulleys for driving feeder or any attached machine. 15 — Our A-frames are fitted to receive any make of motor. Motors should be ordered without adjusting bases. 10 — Always furnish print showing exact dimensions of motor base with location of bolt holes. Also, state full load speed of motors and size of pulley. We recommend the use of 8J4" dia. by 4 A 2 " face pulley for Standard motors. 17 — The production is limited only by the capacity of the automatic feeder, but should always be specified so that opener can be fitted with proper feed pulleys. 19 — We prefer to furnish all galvanized work directly connected with our machines in order to insure proper fit. Specially designed mouth- pieces are required in combinations including vertical openers. Details of all pipe work will be covered in detail on each inquiry or order. 345 Specifications LAPPERS 1 — Breaker Lappers wanted 2 — Intermediate Lappers wanted 3 — Finisher Lappers wanted 4 — Width of laps to be made on Breaker Intermediate Finisher 5 — Number of beaters. Breaker. . .Intermediate. . .Finisher. 6 — Automatic Feeder, No. 5 7 — Hopper Filling Regulator 8 — Length of feed apron for Regulator 9 — Evener Motion 10 — Apron to double 4 laps 11 — Screen Section F eed 12 — Gauge Box Section Feed 13 — Exhaust Opener Feed 14 — Type of beater. Breaker. Intermediate. . . Finisher 15 — Speed of beater. Breaker .Intermediate. . .Finisher 16 — Type of Bearings. (Ball bearings standard) 17 — Type of Grids. .(Patent. Adjustable standard) 18 — Countershafts attached. (18" X 5" T. &: L. pulleys) 19 — A-frame support for Motor 20 — Production required for 10 hours 21 — Weight of laps to be made: Breaker Intermediate Finisher 22 — Weight of laps to be doubled on : Intermediate . . . Finisher. 23 — Beater Pulley (Shops will figure) 24 — Feed Pulley “ “ “ 25 — Fan Pulleys “ “ “ 26 — Draft Gears “ “ “ 27 — Knock-off Gears (state length of lap wanted) 28 — Paint 29 — Is Dust Pipe wanted? 340 Notes on Lapper Specifications 4 — Machines are regularly built for 40", 41' 2 " or 44", 45", 4(4" and 47" laps, these machines being 41?4", 43J4", 46%" and between frame sides respectively. Other widths of laps are obtained by cheeking calender. In cheeking to narrower widths it is necessary to use plain calender rolls, the benefit of the llanges being lost. IV e can supply the arrangement common to many English systems of narrowing from 44" laps on the Breaker to 40" on the Finisher if desired. 7 — The hopper feed regulator is strongly recommended A on all 1 -beater and 4-beater breakers with Feeders, as much more even laps can be obtained with its use. It cannot be used in connection with machines fed by the automatic distributor. 8 — Feed table is regularly built in sections 6' 6" long. Specify some multiple of this if possible. There is practically no limit to the length that can be used, as we have applied a very powerful worm- gear drive capable of carrying a heavy load. 1) — All Intermediates and Finishers are fitted with Eveners. The use of this mechanism on breakers is restricted to machines running long staple on a two-process system and to the 40" cylinder machine. ( See pages 52 and 60.) 10 — Standard aprons are for doubling 4 laps, 41" centers. We can furnish 5-lap rails if recpiired. 11 — The screen section feed is rarely used except to match up existing installations. 14 — The gauge box is used in connection with cleaning trunk where openers are located on different floors. 13 — The exhaust opener is used for large production, having a capacity up to 6000 lbs. per 10 hours. It is connected directly with Opening room equipment by means of pipe line. 14 & 15 — The type and speed of beater depend on local conditions. We will be glad to discuss individual cases if clients are uncertain as to the proper speeds and beaters for their work. 18 — Countershafts with 18" by 5" pulleys running 500 R.P.M. are standard. Will be omitted if direct ceiling drive is preferred. 40 to 44 — Always give full information as to weights, production, etc.; we will figure pulleys and gears from data furnished. 47 — All machines are equipped with a lap counting device in connection with knock-off gears. 48 — -Standard paint is green. Will paint black if specified. No striping is used. 49 — We supply high-grade galvanized fittings and recommend that these be ordered with the machines. 347 Picking Machinery NOTES ON OPERATING Proper mixing is essential to the producing of a high-grade product, and carelessness at this stage will result in uneven, weak and fuzzy yarn. The overseer of the Opening room should see that bales are properly delivered to the Hale Breakers and that layers from different bales are fed to the machines to insure proper mixing. Bale breakers should not be overworked and settings should be close enough to thoroughly open up the stock. Do not feed strap iron, hooks, broom handles or other foreign matter to the machines. A little care in feeding will save unnecessary repairs. If Vertical Openers are connected directly to Bale Breakers a feed regu- lator should be used, as this insures a steady, even feed and insures best results from the opener. Vertical Openers should be cleaned out frequently, at least twice a day. If stock is allowed to accumulate it blocks the grids and prevents cleaning. Conveying pipe should be examined frequently to see that there are no leaks and no accumulations of sand and lint. Pipe running out cf doors should be covered with canvas and painted. Condensers when properly adjusted require little attention other than oiling. Leather packing around screens must be renewed when worn. Distributors require little attention other than oiling and cleaning. The automatic operating mechanism should be kept free from dirt and all bear- ings kept well oiled. Automatic Feeders. If fed by hand, care should be taken to keep stock at an even level. If filled up full and then allowed to run nearly empty, there will be a variation in weight of laps produced. Breaker Lappers with automatic feeders. The weight of lap is governed by the amount of stock delivered by feeders, and any desired change in weight of laps is made by setting stripping [roll in feeder and changing speed of lifting apron. When properly adjusted no attention is necessary other than to keep hoppers properly filled. If laps run heavy on one side and light on other adjust dampers in air flue, closing on the side where lap is heavy. If heavy on both sides and light in middle too strong a draft is indicated. Waste should be removed from under beaters twice a day and grids brushed. Dirt should be removed from under grate bars every two hours. Screens, draw-rolls and feed-rolls should be thoroughly cleaned every other day and whole machine thoroughly cleaned every two weeks. Blade beaters to do effective work must be kept sharp. All blade beaters are reversible and both sides can be worn down before sharpening. The thoroughly opened condition of stock as it passes through pickers makes it especially susceptible to the absorption of moisture. If picker room is not properly humidified a considerable variation in lap weights during a day's run may be entirely due to changes in humidity of the air. 34S Miscellaneous Information CAPACITY OF COTTON BINS. Cotton thoroughly opened up and delivered to bins, weighs approximately 2 lbs. per cubic foot. Length X width X height X 2 = Capacity of bin. DUST ROOM. For best results in picking and to prevent lint sucking up through dust chimney, the dust room should be equal in area to the space occupied by the pickers delivering into it (i. e., full size of picker room) and at least 5' deep. DUST CHIMNEY. Dust chimney must be of sufficient area to pre- vent back drafts. We recommend figuring on the basis of 5 sq. ft. per fan, i. e., a dust room with five fans delivering into it should have a chimney 25 sq. ft. in area. Opening from dust room to chimney must be of the same area. SETTING OF BEATERS. The setting of beaters varies with stock, and fixed rules cannot be given. We recommend in starting up machines on ordinary stock, settings approximately as follows: Blade beaters in breaker lappers xg" to Y% Blade beaters in intermediates and finishers . . . to Carding beaters J/g" to Ys Buckley cylinders YL" to Yi ERECTING MACHINERY. The erection and setting of pickers, waste machinery, and conveying systems is of the utmost importance, and should not be attempted by men unfamiliar with the operation of the machines. We strongly' urge that all installations be started up by erectors from our shop. TABLE OF LAP WEIGHTS Nearest Equivalents English System French or Continental System Ounce per Yard Grains Equiv. Hank Grams per Meter Hank 10 4375 .00190 310 .00161 li 4812 .00173 331 .00151 12 5250 .00158 362 .00138 13 5687 .00146 393 .00127 14 6124 .00136 424 .00118 15 6562 .00127 455 .00109 16 7000 .00119 486 .00103 17 7437 .00111 517 .00096 18 7875 .00105 548 .00091 19 8312 .00099 579 .00085 20 ~ 8750 .00094 610 .00081 349 MISCELLANEOUS DATA LAPPERS Power — Floor Space — Production Note: The over-all width of 40", 41 T 2 " and 42" machines is 6' 45" and 40}^" machines is 6' IT “ 50" machine is 7 ' 4 " Production J per ten hours 11 1 111 1 »0 w JO w w w w ^ CO TO w „ 1 § ‘ | ‘ * * | ' %%' ill” CO CO CO O* -? 5 - Length i \ff* \0> r 4 \ to *0 QHCOC^CbiCCO CO — CO co *o CO rH H b g! i 2 2 b 2 2 3 b 3 § 8 2 5 3 § Approximate Power e- „ „ , TO TO TO x s x c. :«<;<. -:s o o i>©i>oo©*i>©*©* © »o © i> © :::oi. ::::::: s ■§ : t~ 7 . ■ : : : : : : i : = : : : r ' : : | S c t : : : -S : : : 2 1 : : S : *: ® | i i .£ ' : sll . : : |= o : : :* : : o — ^ ~ : : =-* w 5 ■xs - g : © ==' 3 s s | il, *: j- ^ o o< rt g- s - V 53 • = - - ^ ^ O -t-> . ^ PP .C jz O £ -5.0 - < * 1 ’ 1 * if 1:3 | |T= |] = j ! T J' • 1 J -3 j I g ?i Jj 1 1 ^ .Il 1 1 | : : | : ! : : |: 1H : j : -tol — oi< — ot — ^ — rst 350 SHIPPING WEIGHTS OF LAPPERS (Approximate — for Estimating Tonnage) Machine Net Local Export Cu. Ft. Ocean Tons 40" 1 Btr. Breaker and Feeder 9,660 10,450 13,300 390 11 45" 1 “ 10,400 11,400 14,260 410 11.5 40" 2 “ 12,750 13,900 18,200 554 15 45" 2 “ 13,820 15,025 19,500 580 16 40" 1 “ (40" C v 1 .) Brkr. and Fdr. 11,250 12,200 15,350 435 12 45" 1 “ 12,350 13,400 16,850 480 13 40" 2 “ (40" and 10") Brkr. and Fdr. 14,450 15,630 20,260 600 16 45" 2 “ 15,750 17,000 22,075 650 17.5 40" 1 “ Gauge Box Breaker 8.900 9,350 12,600 325 10 45" 1 “ 9,450 9,960 12,950 342 11 40" 2 “ 12,120 12,800 17,500 490 13.5 45" 2 “ 12,875 13,600 18,200 510 14 40" 1 “ Screen Section Breakej' 9,050 9,400 12,700 340 11 45" 1 “ 9,610 9,975 13,575 360 10 40" 2 “ 12,250 12,825 17,530 504 14 45" 2 “ 13,000 13,600 18,800 530 15 40" 1 “ Brkr. with Exhaust Opener 11,550 11,975 15,500 460 13 45" 1 “ “ “ 12,260 12,750 16.300 480 13 40" 2 “ 14,750 15,400 20,400 624 17 45" 2 “ 15,675 16.375 21,500 650 17.5 40" China Combination Machine 16,725 17,700 22,700 675 18 45" 17,700 23,875 23,875 685 19 40" 1 Btr. Brkr. with F verier and Fdr. 10,100 11,100 13,850 400 11 45" 1 “ “ “ “ “ “ 10.900 11,950 14,800 420 11.5 40" 1 “ Finisher 8,600 9,300 11,300 300 10 45" 1 “ 9,225 10,100 12,600 330 11 40" 2 “ 11,800 12,675 16.200 440 12 45" 2 “ 12,700 13,650 17,800 475 13 40" 1 “ Comb. Brkr. and Finisher 10,850 11,650 14,250 370 10.5 4 5" 1 “ “ “ “ “ 11,900 12,800 16,400 440 12 40" 2 “ 14,000 14,900 19,150 510 14 45" 2 15,400 16,500 21,600 560 15 351 Draft F XJR convenience in figuring, a draft constant is used, arrived at by figuring the gears on machine. The standard draft on a No. 5 Model Finisher with spiral side shaft drive is obtained from the following formula: 9" 18 14 17 C -X-X — X — X-X 37 73 67 C' 10 78 48 12 X — X — X — = 3.73 Constant 14 16 2" E B •Mr 3 F D A = Diameter calender roll B = Approximate mean diameter of cone C' = Change gear on cross shaft C = Change gear on side shaft D = Triple worm E = Diameter feed roll F = Diameter evener drum After determining the constant, the following formulae are available: Constant Draft Sum of draft gears = Gear Ratio = Gear on Side Shaft 1 + Ratio Sum of Draft Gears = 55 Given weight of laps to be doubled and made, gears can be determined by the following formulae: Oz. made X 3.73 Oz. doubled X 4 Example: 12 oz. X 3.73 14 oz. X 4 .792 OQ . f , ■ ■ = 30 T in driven gear C 55 — 30 = 25 T in driver C 1.792 Note: For ready reference , refer to draft-gear table which shows the gears required to gi re any desired results. Owing to variations in amount of waste and other circumstances, figured drafts are not accurate, but any necessary changes are made by adjusting the evener, thereby running the cone belt on a slightly different diameter, which changes the speed of the feed rolls as required. In figuring the draft table, allowance has been made to cover estimated waste. (See following pages.) 352 INTERMEDIATE AND FINISHER PICKER DRAFT GEAR TABLE OUNCES PER YARD ON APRON DOUBLING FOUR LAPS For Spiral Side Shaft Drive 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 2 9 2 6 #8 2 6 2 9 To 2 4 3 1 2 3 3 2 it 2 1 34 Driver on Cross Shatt Driven on Side Shaft 10 2 9 2 6 2 9 2 6 2 8 2 7 T8 To 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 Irf 3 3 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 11 3 0 2 5 2 9 2 6 2 9 2 6 2 8 2 7 TT 2 6 2 9 2 5 3 0 2 4 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 ft 2 2 "3~§ 2 1 3 4 12 3 1 2 -A 3 0 2 5 2 9 2 6 2 8 2 7 2 7 2 8 2 6 2 9 2 5 3 0 2 5 3 0 2 4 3 1 2 3 3 2 Tf 13 3 1 2 4 3 0 2 5 2 9 2 6 2 8 2 7 2 7 T8 2 6 2 9 2 5 3 0 2 5 3 0 2 4 3 1 2 3 3 2 14 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 4 3 0 2 5 2 9 2 6 2.8. T8 2 6 2 9 2 6 2 9 2 6 2 9 TO 2 4 3 1 15 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 4 3 0 2 5 2 9 2 6 2 8 2 7 T8 2 6 2 9 Tir 16 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 4 3 0 2 5 2 9 2 6 2 8 2 7 2 7 T8 #T 2 6 2 9 17 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 4 3.0. 2 5 2 9 2 6 2 S 2 7 TT T8 18 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 4 3 0 2 5 3 0 2 5 2 9 2 6 2 8 T8 For ’90 Pat. Lappers Bevel Gear Drive e. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 33 30 27 25 23 21 20 10 37 33 30 27 25 24 22 21 11 40 36 33 30 28 26 24 23 21 20 12 44 40 36 33 30 28 26 25 23 22 21 13 47 43 39 36 33 31 29 27 25 24 24 22 14 46 42 38 35 33 31 29 27 . 26 24 23 15 49 45 • 41 38 35 33 31 29 27 26 25 16 48 44 41 38 35 33 31 29 28 26 17 47 43 40 37 35 33 31 29 28 18 46 42 40 37 35 33 31 30 t = Teeth in Draft Gear d = Draft of Fin. or Int. 132 ~d~ = t 353 Production See tables on following pages r I^HE production from a Lapper varies with the speed of delivery rolls and the weight of lap delivered. The following formula is used in determining a production con- stant when 17 T and 67 T calender gears are used: S X <1 24 X 17 X U X 18 X 9X 314 X W X 540* X 67 X 73 X 37 X 36 X Id X ° 40 s X d X tv 38 Where S = R.P.M. of beater d = diameter of feed pulley W = ounces per yard of lap * 546 = minutes per 10 hours less 9% allowance for stops. S X <1 X W 38 Example: = production per day. 13 X 1500 X 6 38 = 30S0 lbs. per day. To find the diameter of feed pulley, the formula is reversed as follows: Pounds per day X 38 Example: S X w 3080 X 38 1500 X 13 feed pulley. = 6 ". When 14 T and 76 T calender gears are used the formula becomes: S X d W j — = production per day. For Breaker Lapper with 40" diameter cylinder the formula becomes: S X d X W — = production per day. 354 LAPPER PRODUCTION TABLE o OJ 00 -f © © GO O CC O O^ ’f' © r-> *o x i-h — GO O' GO X ^ © oo x g3 »g o oo *g x oo oo oo l> ^ ^ X rft -3t X GO -f- i> r“ r- 51 f}< o o o © © © ”f © © X X X GO *G i— t OO GO X X © © *o rf oo go x x x © © © x © rH © GO © Tfr GH G? X X ^ OtPCOX o l> r-t LG X >“H -ft m G^ G» X X S § i ^ i © © i— i »G © G* G< X X X G$ ^ ^ 2 © © LG © -ft X G* G* X X X 5 vO x © © © © W O Tf H ® -ft i> l-H -ft © © o o *o o © -f< X -+ 1 X CC l^* o cc *c — — GO GO GO r-t X ^ GO OO CO O -f i> o h G^ G> C< X -rft O O O O CO «J ^ -sft X •C 05 X CO 05 © -tft © OO © i> Gi © © X r— ' G* G* X X t> © © " © X i> »“< X © i> r-t © © G* H G< Gf G» X © © © G> © ©-f©Xi> - Gl G< X X >— ©. G# © © X X G* iG — < G* G< X X © J 1 HO X © © -ft © -f X o t- c 00005<10 r-t — GO GO GO CO O O O O r-t 05 i> CO rft »G X GO *G X « GO OO GO -f © © G* © X fH X -rft © ©^iGXr— r- c» G1 GJ X i G 5' X G) X X X i> ^ -f- r— I G* G* X X X © 05 § 5 GO GO © x © x *g -ft X GO -f< l> G< © © G* © X *G »G © © © -ft t- © h Gl Gl G> X © © © -f* © X i> i> © © *G © X © © M H G< ^ G' © © © X © G? i— < © t> © »G © G* iG X F— « r— G^ GH G» -ft © © i> © ©-f-©G^i> i> G< © © X --t G* G? X X in £ c x r. x *c oo »g x r-< x ^ _ ,-h GO G0 c» ic x o oi T— H 1— F— < G^ GO (^t-XOCO l> *-t rft CO r-t I— < GO CM GO ^•3 5 x X 1> © X *G f-( r-t QO CM CM CG ^ G^ © i> .-I © © g> h OJ G^ X U © GO X 1G © i" *G X r— 1 f-< GO GO GO X © G^ X © © X © r— 1 GO X X ■^f’ © © -ft i> © f— t GO GO GO X x <3* © © X © OO O H H ^ -f 2 ^ © O O O O l> C GO CO O GO © © GO -ft r— r-t r-t GO GO --«©©© © G» X X © © -ft i> r-l x © *—t r— • G* G< G> © i-G ^ X X iG © GO © © i— f— GO GO GO x © i> -f -* x OXOXO' r-t r- <— F-I GO X^<-f X i> © X *G r- H G> G< C» X © © X © © X © X GO LG X GO LG X r - 1 *— t GO GO G> CM x © © © © *t 3> X t- C © X *g i> © rf © © © © X X i> © G* r-t -ft t> © GO i- H H G> GJ © © © © © H «5 X H b X © © G^ -ft r“ M H G5 51 LG © © © © r-t i> -ft r— -fX^-t-f-t- i— i <— i GO GO GO CM CO O O *G O O CO G0 O X O OHO(-X 1137 14^20 1700 1920 2130 X © © ^ © ©x©xi> G* »G © >— 1 X 1— < T”t H G* G> X © © X © X-f-X-tf-r- — - GO GO GO X o © -ft © © GO ^ © X X © © © © X © X Tf< Tft © X © X © f^-hhG5 G? © © G> © G> in X © G* hhhiNG> © © © © © X t- © -f- © X © © GO LG — — GO GO GO - CO O O X o GO CO © CO GO © — x in ^ r-< © © © © © X »G O'- © ‘G LG -ft LG ^ -ft t- © X © © X © r“ F- H GO GO o -f O O GO O X - X © - © 5 © ^ © © G> -# © X — X © X © LG © © r-t © — GO GO 1G X GO »G X © G* H H H GO GO 00 © © Tf< © »G »G -ft »G i- M H H G< o © CM O O <-=* © -MO CO OJ O X C G) ^ 1-0 5 X GO © X © — -f © i" X © © © © LG G> X l> t" © X *G i- © •O ‘O -f P" ^ t- © — GO -f »— r-t r- *G X ^ © X © GO -f* © I- © © X © -ft X G> © X © H -ft CO T- GO © © GO © -*■ © © *G LG © X LG i> © ~ ©-©“©“X - © GO © © © -f © H X LG l> 00 -f o © t- o CO X O ^ G> *G »G -f< X OO i> © r-t G> -f” G? © © r— 1 © -ft >G © G) X X © G> -f LG of Beater °§ll:.| X © G> X *G X © G> X * G X 5 G> X 1 G O ^ & in in 355 1501 LAPPER PRODUCTION TABLE ( Continued ) © . Si O © O % ! s i mu - * I 2 § ©5 5i 2 2' -'I © O Q « © ' < XI fH JO P3 | G U-) I XI o ^ '-> -tf 1 o - z X <•0 < ^ -A rr> ? X h ™ 3 O co ® © f< 2 ,S« J3 ® S 1 1 1 S I o/ r. r. -f -t ~ ~ o o © Cl -f Cl o> co ri ^ -4 S ' S § S ' § §5 ?; 3 § 2? mu mu CO « (N C C CO C -* CO C» CO H o Q* O O o> CO CO -* CO O O 50 O o> o» CO CO CO ® | 2 2 § S O' CO "■ CO °° 2 2 g 2 2388$ *0 © © CD © IllJi § 11 ! £ § ! i % § 2 2 2 5 mil lllll to o o i> o 33112 Is II CO © © * 0 © HIM S. X <- ^ 0' 2_S S M & _ C. I~ CO c 3 HI | >o o> x *o o> ■t X H -f HHOJOJOJ c © © -f © pps r- r- r- Ol 0» 5 >OOhC S S § 2 S ; ^ C' o» *0 O' ^ - *o ^ © o* © © O OJ O M 1 1 5 1 :1 lllll X © © O' © t> CO l- »o -f § §822 § 2 § $ § »-0 r-H (- 0> i> OJCOCO-f'-t r- © © ^ © 2 3 § 2 g Ol CO CO -r „ i oS i CT ~ 3 lllll § § i 1 2 §; s 2 & = *-• © o> © © o> o> CO CO -*• o> ccxc O^ O' CO CO CO _2o>O>C0" 2 ^ S 5o CO Still i |i ¥. 5 lllll go = 0,0 j O) o> o, CO l i i £ ! -< o> o> o> CO fboco iilii lp -° 51 < -5 § 2 23 s S ■ a 3 £§§£i -f X * © — — o> o> o> ^ — -o — CO i> o co *o o> o> o> ob ojc S s 2 g £ 2 2 - o3 05 *0 © © CO © § £ s S £ § 2 3 8 2 HQOQCO ?.?>SS = II 2 2 2 § ?; §1111 lllll 1111 ! fe 2 o g s w O o © 2 O X O O' CO ‘O x o 5 - o — — 3 5 S CO 3|l o 356 SOO l'2(i:i 1 121 157!) 1658 1737 1816 18!)5 11)712053 2132 221 I 2290 230!);2H8 25 26126 05 2683 2763 2842 .3 1 58 1000 1580 1780 1 070 2070 2170 2270 2370 2 160 2560 2660 2760 2860 2960:3060 3160 3260 3360 3450 3550 3940 1200 1890 21 30 2370 2 190 20 10 2730 28 10 2900 30803200 3320 3 110 3500 308037903910 1030 1150 12604740 1350 2 132 23!>8 I 2005 2708 293 I 306 13 197 3330 3 10 13598 3721 3861 ■3997 1130 120 1 1.307 15.30 1003,1700 5330 1500 23702000 290031 10 32003110 3500 37003330 1000 1150 1300 1150 1000 17 10 189050 10 5 190 53 105920 LAPPER PRODUCTION TABLE ( Continued ) Beats per Inch r I 'HE number of beats or blows delivered by beater on one inch of cotton is determined by the relative speeds of beater and feed rolls. As rolls are driven by the beater, a change in beater speed will not affect the beats per inch unless corresponding change is made in the feed pulley. On a finisher lapper the varying factors are production and draft, i. e., feed pulley and draft change gears. The following formulae for figuring beats per inch on No. 5 model pickers are obtained by figuring through pulleys and gearing. Breaker with H}/^" Feed rolls, draft being constant: 2-Blade Beater: Beats per inch Breaker with H 1 // Feed rolls, draft being constant: 2-Blade Beater: 114 = Beats per inch 3-Blade Beater: Dia. of feed pulley 171 U ia. of feed pulley Intermediate or Finisher, draft variable: 2-Blade Beater: 272 X gear on side shaft = Beats per inch 3-Blade Beater: Dia. feed pulley X gear on cross shaft 409 X gear on side shaft D ia. feed pulley X gear on cross shaft 358 4 O TVVO BEATER OPENER WITH F5 FEEDER AND ONE 6-6 SECTION APRON FEED REGULATOR AND F5 FEEDER WITH 6 : 6"APRON FEED REGULATOR ATTACHED 359 36"0-7 OPENER AND 34'F5 FEEDER ATTACHED -i±±±3'-2^ -;f1 !— <0- 5-7±*-» g. : sls'r. i_ 4< ii-t LA J- » 360 WASTE MACHINERY Large -Capacity Willow MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: 4000 to 10,000 lbs. per day of stock fed in. This varies with the quality of the stock and the results desired. Floor Space: 7' 5" X 10' 9}^". Driving: 18" X 6" T. & L. Pulleys, 320 to 350 R.P.M. Belting: See detailed Belting List. Local Shipping Weight 6250 lbs. Foreign Shipping Weight 8400 lbs. Net Weight 5750 lbs. Cubic Feet when Boxed 309 Ocean Tonnage, ship's option 10 Power Required 10H.P. SPECIFICATIONS And Data Required for Entering Orders 1 — Number of machines 2 — Automatic feeder attached 3 — Width of feeder 4 — Fan for exhausting dust To discharge 5 — Grids or perforated steel under cylinder 6 — Countershaft attached 7 — - Separate countershaft for feeder 8 — Countershaft pulleys 9 — Stock to be handled 10 — Production required Notes on Willow Specifications 2 & 3 — The feeder used on this machine is of the standard No. 5 pattern 43" wide between sides. The use of a feeder is strongly recommended, as it thoroughly opens up the stock and presents it to the machine in the best condition for cleaning. It cannot be used on certain stringy stocks. 4 — The dust fan is part of regular equipment, and is furnished unless otherwise specified. It can be arranged to discharge either up or horizontally. Direction of discharge must always be specified. 5 — Regular equipment includes a perforated steel screen under cylinder. Steel grid bars will be furnished as an extra if required. The grids will produce better cleaning, but will waste more stock than the perforated metal. 0, 7 & 8 — Countershaft is part of Standard equipment, and should always be supplied owing to the number of pulleys required for operating machine. Standard pulleys on counter are 18" X 6" to run from 320 to 350 R.P.M. See plan and elevation on page 36i for detail. A separate countershaft is recjuired for driving automatic feeder, this being supplied as regular equipment. 9 & 10 — Always give accurate description of stock and state amount to be handled per 10 hours. Notes on Operating XT' OH motes or picker droppings operate with stop set at 6 for best results. -*■ Ordinary run of this class of waste will lose from 60% to 80% in willowing. Overloading machine will tend to curl stock. Card fly can be run with stop set at 5 without danger of curling. Average loss will be between 40% and 60%. Card strips should not remain in cylinder longer than is necessary to clean them. If run too long will have a tendency to curl. Loss will run from 5% to 20%. 363 304 Wii.how with Automatic Fmomou Delivery Roll \Q 0 \ -fttHSJSi, ^ P* Ph Ph P-i Ph Ph ^ i> *o 0^>QOOOO»OOC2 HHHhhHhh HS^HSHS^lSSlS* 0»'$'«0® 7' 8 " •Cylinder to 30" delivery pulley Total 15' ’ 4" 8 ' ’ 4" 23' 0" Var. 35' 9" 35' 9" 15' 4" 31' 4" 71' 6" + 32 5 -Section W -3 Waste Machine. Main line to counter 3 cylinders from one counter 2 cylinders from one counter Cylinder to 1 st fan “ to 4 fans @ 7' 8" ’Cylinder to delivery apron Total 15' ' 4" 8 ' ' 4" 30' 8 " Var. 61' 6 " 35' 9" 15' 4" 39' 0" 97' 3" 33 6 -Section W -3 Waste Machine. Main line to counter 6 cylinders from 2 counters 1 fan from 1 st cylinder 5 fans from Cylinders @ 7' 8 " •Cylinder to delivery Total 15' 4" 8 ' ' 4" 38' 4" Var. 123' 0" 15' 4'' 46' 8 " 123' 0" •Note For calender delivery substitute For pipe delivery substitute 16' 8 '' 14' 0" 385 CARDS Standard Revolving Flat Cards SPECIFICATIONS 1 — Number wanted Right hand 2 — Width 3 — Coders (36" X 9", 10" or 12") 4 — Cylinders (50" diam. X 40" or 45") 5 — Cylinder speed 6 — Doffer (27" diam. X 40" or 45" 7 — Doffer speed 8 — Harrow pulley 9 — Number of knife bars under lickerin 10 — Number of flats (110) 11 — Driving pulleys (20" X 3" T. & L.) 12 — Cylinder clothing 13 — Doffer clothing 14 — Flat clothing 15 — Weight per yard of lap fed (ounces) 16 — Weight per yard of sliver delivered (grains) 17 — Draft 18 — Draft gears 19 — Production wanted 20 — Quality of cotton used WASTE CARDS Left hand 21 — -Number of Breaker Cards Right hand Left hand. 22 — Width 23 — Coders (36" X 9", 10" or 12") 24 — Is fancy roll wanted? 25 — Is mote knife roll wanted? 26 — Number of knife bars under lickerin 27 — Cylinder speed 28 — Doffer speed 29 — Is belt delivery wanted? 30 — Number of lap winders wanted 31 — - Width of lap winders 32 — Number of Finisher Cards Right hand Left hand . 33 — Width 34 — • Number of coders 35 — - Size of cans (30" X 9" standard) 36 — Is fancy roll wanted? 37 — Is mote knife roll wanted? 38 — Number of knife bars under lickerin 39 — Are blank screens wanted under lickerin and cylinder? 40 — - Cylinder speed 41 — Doffer speed 42 — Is tandem lap arrangement wanted? 43 — Weight of lap on Breaker Card 44 — Weight of sliver delivered from Breaker Card 45 — • Number of doublings on lap winder 46 — Weight of slivers from Finisher Card 3S8 Notes on Specifications 1 — Hand of card is determined when facing doffer or delivery end and noting whether driving pulleys are on the right- or left- hand side. 2 — Cards are built in two standard widths: to receive 40" or 45" laps. 3 — Standard coders are built to receive cans 36" high X 0", 10" or 12" in diameter. We build a 9" coder arranged to be set into floor 2" for the benefit of mills employing help of short stature. 5 & 11 — Unless otherwise specified, cards are shipped with 20" X 3" T. & L. pulleys, cylinder to run 165 R. I’ M. 6 & 7 — Speed of doffer governs production and varies from 5 to 16 turns. See pages 1,00 and 1,01 for change gear lists and production tables. 8 — Standard barrow pulley is 18" in diameter. We can supply 15" barrow pulleys, giving correspondingly higher doffer speed. See tables on pages 1,02 and 1,03 for doffer speeds and change gears. 9 — Number of bars used depends on amount of cleaning desired at this point. Cards are equipped with two knife bars unless otherwise specified. 12 & 14 — See page 393 for data relative to card clothing. Counts will be supplied to meet requirements. 15 to 20 — Give full information as to requirements, so that proper gears and pulleys can be supplied. 24 & 36 — The fancy roll makes possible the carding of short staple or waste that cannot be run on a standard card. It should always be specified for handling waste. See page 11,1 for further description. 25 & 37 — See pages 11,2 and 11,3 for description and illustration of mote knife roll and details of operation. 26 & 38 — Three knife bars are used in connection with the mote knife roll to insure the removal of all short un-spinnable fibres. 27 & 28, 40 & 41 — The normal cylinder speed of 165 revolutions usually gives the best results on waste. Under certain conditions, particularly when a small amount of waste is wanted, cylinder is slowed down to 100 R.P.M., flats are slowed down corre- spondingly and doffer kept at normal speed. 389 29 — Belt delivery is advisable in handling waste, as it prevents stock from breaking down between doffer comb and calender rolls. If stock contains sufficient good stock to run without the apron it is better to omit it, but on all-waste or greasy stock it is necessary for economical operation. 30 — One lap winder will take care of a production of 4000 lbs. 31 — The 20" machine makes laps wide for 40" cards, the 22)/£" machine making laps 22" wide for 45" cards. 34 — The 4-coiler head is the most satisfactory for ordinary work. We also make 2-coiler heads. 35 — The 4-coiler head is arranged to take cans 30" high X 9" di- ameter. The 2-coiler arrangement will take standard 36" cans. 39 — If no cleaning is wanted on the Finisher Card we put blank or solid screens under lickerin and cylinder, preventing any waste at these points. 42 — We supply a tandem feed with 4-lap rolls for taking four of the narrow laps from Lap Winder (see page 11^6) . This supplies an extra doubling, making more even slivers. Back laps are put on reversed, so that they unwind from the top. 44 — Best results are usually obtained running from 70 to 90 grain sliver; it is well to keep sliver as light as will run well in order to reduce draft on Finisher Card. 45 — Lap Winder is regularly built for doubling 40 or 42 ends. 46 — Finisher slivers vary to meet requirements. Make as heavy as possible, but do not exceed 2.50 draft on slubber. Revolving Flat Cards MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: See production tables. Floor Space: See Card Plans. 40" Card Local Shipping Weight 7200 lbs. Foreign Shipping Weight 8650 lbs. Net Weight 6540 lbs. Cubic Feet when Packed 280 Ocean Tonnage (ship’s option) 8 Power Required Approx. 1 H.P. 390 45"Card 7800 lbs. 8900 lbs. 7140 lbs. 300 9 1 H.P. Card Stripper SPECIFICATIONS 1 — Number of Cards to be stripped 2 — Make and hand of Cards 3 — Width of Cards Diam. of Doffer 4 — Size of Condenser 5 — Size of Fan 6 — Motor or belt driven fan 7 — Electric current, if used 8 — Disposition of dust from fan 9 — Remarks NOTES ON SPECIFICATIONS 2 — (When facing doffer, if main driving pulleys are at the right, the card is right hand; if at the left, the card is left hand.) Give year built. 4 — Made in three sizes: No. 1,-No. 2, No. 3. See page 392. 5 — Fans used are B. F. Sturtevant, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, Monogram or Universal type. Hand and discharge governed by local conditions. 6 — If fan is belt driven, mill is to deliver the power to fan; if fan is motor driven, mill is to bring wires to motor and connect same. 7 — If motor driven, give volts, cycles and phase. 8 — Where is fan expected to exhaust? Dust chamber or cyclone separator. 9 — It is to be understood that mill is to erect platform for condenser unit to our specifications and drawings. Mill to assist in erection of pipes that are outside of buildings, and fur- nish hangers or supports for them. 391 392 CARD CLOTHING DATA English Counts Points per Sq. Ft. Amer. No. of Wire 60s 43,200 28 70s 50,400 30 80s 57,600 31 90s 64,800 32 100s 72,000 33 110s 79,200 34 120s 86,400 35 130s 93,600 36 FOLLOWING COUNTS ARE ORDINARILY USED Cylinders Doffers Flats i For Coarse Yarns . . Medium Yarns . . . 90s to 100s 100s to 110s 100s to 110s 1 10s to 1 20s 90s to 110s 100s to 120s Belt and Band List Main belt 3" wide Belt driving lickerin 8' 7" long, 1 wide Belt driving doffer 13' 1" long, 1%" wide Belt driving flats 6' 1" long, 1 %" to wide Band driving comb binder pulley 8' 4" long, diameter Band driving comb shaft T 10" long, diameter The lengths of belts and bands given in the above list are necessarily approximate, as they vary with the diameters of the pulleys used. No allowance is made for splicing. Extras Required S TRIPPING roll for stripping doffer and cylinder, covered with hardened and tempered steel wire. Burnishing roll. Drum grinding roll, seven inches in diameter, covered with emery fillet for grinding flats. Traverse grinding roll, covered with emery fillet for grinding cylin- ders and doffers. Emery fillet for recovering grinders. W ire fillet for stripping roils. Wire fillet for burnishing rolls. Medium fine emery for all grinding rollers is recommended. One set of grinders should be supplied for every 20 cards. 393 Care of Cards 'T'HE Revolving Flat Card is a carefully designed and well built *■ machine, capable of fine adjustment, but it too often happens that for want of proper care and attention, full advantage is not taken of its construction. Too much attention cannot be given to good grinding, setting, stripping, and cleaning. Clean cards and a clean card room indicate good spinning and weaving, and it is false economy to employ cheap, incompetent help on cards. Poor work from the cards cannot he improved in the subsequent processes of drawing and spinning. The best results are largely due to the methods adopted by good carders and grinders. Accuracy, or the obtaining and maintaining of true surfaces, being the first consideration in building and working revolving flat cards, it is obvious that this most important feature ought to receive as much attention in the mill as in the shop in order to get the best results in carding. The grinding rolls, therefore, play a very important part in the economy of a card room, a much more important part, in fact, than is often attributed to them. In the first place the grinding rolls must, themselves, run true from end to end, otherwise the surfaces ground by them can not be true. The surface ground takes its form from the surface which grinds. Keep grinding rolls true and in good condition. All cylinders and doffers ought to be ground for a short time every twenty days. Thus, if there are forty cards in a room, it is best to grind two cards per day, one forenoon and one afternoon, giving from one to two hours, to a card. Grind flats about half as often as cylinders and doffers. With careful grinding, it is not necessary to reset the flats more than once for three of four times grinding. I se traverse grinders only on cylinders and doffers, and drum grinders on flats. Keep cards clean. The frequency of stripping depends much on the grade of cotton used, and the amount of cotton put through per day. A heavy production on low-grade stock requires more frequent stripping of cylinder and doffer than a light production when working clean laps. Three or four times a day on lower grades and twice on high grades is about the rule. 394 Setting or Gauging TAON’T Use “Home-made Gauges.” ^ The Saco-Lowell Shops supply with their cards, without extra charge, a complete set of card gauges, specially made of steel, for all purposes on the card. All gauges are ground to micrometer, and the thickness is marked in thousandths of an inch on each respective blade. Settings r T'HE “three-leaf” gauges are ror, riDo, and iJuo of an inch 1 thick, respectively. The following settings have been found by long experience to be about right for obtaining a good average of work without risk of facing the wire on fairly heavy production. Doffer from cylinder, foVo" to TffW , - Flats from cylinder, to t o' o d ", may be set ratio" on light work with cards on a solid floor. Lickerin from cylinder, r() 7 0il " to _J ff," 1 o off • Feed plate from lickerin, 3 to _J T " 1 0 0 0 ■ Lickerin knives from lickerin, top knife -fffffff ,, > bottom knife Lickerin screen, the blank part from lickerin xwott", the nose ■ Cylinder screen from cylinder, lickerin end j-f g-j". Cylinder screen from cylinder, middle T Mo"- Cylinder screen from cylinder, doffer end A". Doffer comb from doffer, to T o" 0 0 • Back knife plate, from cylinder, i ! o ,/ , > top and bottom. FVont knife plate, lower edge from cylinder, r f? )(T ". Front knife plate, top edge or stripping plate jf-j/. This plate is adjustable, as previously described, to regulate to some extent the weight of strippings to be taken out by the flats. The closer this plate is set to the cylinder, the lighter the strip- pings, and vice versa, to a limited degree. 395 396 —Length of Card — 10 / 3K*~ — Length Over 18* Lap — !(/ G' Floor Flan op 4 5 " Card Diagram of Gearing for 9" Coiler rpHE 9" coiler has been largely used for work where a low coiler A is required. Post sets into floor approximately two inches to line up with gear on calender roll. A regular 9" coiler designed to set on top of floor is supplied for domestic use. 398 12-inch Coiler 10-inch Coiler Diagrams of Gearing for 12" and 10" Coilers Draft Table for Revolving Flat Card with 27" Doffer T HIS draft table is figured from the feed roll on the card to the calender rolls in a 10" coder. The gearing is changed slightly for a 9" or 12" coiler, but not enough to change the draft materially. The draft change gears (small bevel on side shaft) are from 11 to 25 teeth inclusive. The following example shows how the draft is figured, using a 20-tooth change gear. COILER CALENDER ROLLS, DIAMETER 2" Feed roll, bevel gear 120 teeth Gear on side shaft, doffer end 40 teeth Doffer gear 214 teeth Gear on card calender roll 27 teeth FEED ROLL, DIAMETER 2.25" Change bevel gear 20 teeth Gear on doffer pulley 45 teeth Card calender roll gear 21 teeth Gear on coiler upright shaft 17 teeth 2 X 120 X 40 X 214 X 27 2.25 X 20 X 45 X 21 X 17 76.73 draft DRAFT TABLE Change Bevel Gear Draft between Feed Roll and Calender Rolls in Coiler Change Bevel Gear Draft between Feed Roll and Calender Rolls in Coiler Change Bevel Geab Draft between Feed Roll and Calender Rolls in Coiler ii 139.51 16 95.91 21 73.07 12 127.89 17 90.27 22 69.75 13 118.04 18 85.26 23 66.72 14 109. Cl 19 80.77 24 63.94 15 102.30 20 76.73 25 61.38 400 REVOLVING FLAT CARD 3 o X >> cS Q e O o Im a> *d d *3 O U d T3 Revolu- tions of L 11" D OFFER PER Minute o zfl >■ z o CO z z aj 00 a 5 § 2 t-t^occ:oOr-^S 5 ooco 4 , S*H§t 2 xocSo§^'^^ aj Ob’fHQOiO^CJOiOOt fHQOJO^^OWOl f -3 SSSoogoo^llsslll-SslllsS o aj ;2 ^ x ^ ^ x ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ p 1 ' ^ ^ ^ ” c 00 aj WOO^OO»OHOO^O^«fliOQlOO»QH^^OO« cot'COcccjooH^^ww’fic^cM'X r: c: — »0 aj 3 oi>Sx§:§o^pH§^c' 555 *^*Hc' 5 t>i>occ:c: aj Tfi -i ^ x x r. 5 5 - 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Tv * ^ i- x x a 5 ea ^«a^C 5 « 3 Hl>QtOO^©»OHO^OOM ®«5 0 ®Q) »;; c co i> i> cc ci c c o h r- ^ -f -t *ci;: c t' t' x o . P3 •fO^HOQt^MOO^.O^CCHM^^noO’Jpi!: 00 aj a aj C3 §S§§gg§S§§S|SSS|«| 5 |S §5 aj XC 01 >i^I> 0 (^t'HCHCHi 0 Ci.'jOi 0 Q'!fi 05 -f' aj » 0 *flC 5 gC 5 OTXCgtjOJO^OO» 20 ^ 0 C« 002 ^; aj MQOOil>HV 50 'fQOO^( 3 \C^ \ 0 * \03 \>1 \rr 401 Revolutions per Minute of 27" Doffer T HE doffer change gears are from 20 to 35 teeth inclusive. The following example shows how the revolutions per minute of the doffer are figured, using a 20-tooth change gear and 3 %" pulley. Revolutions per minute of main cylinder 165 Pulley on cylinder shaft, diameter 18" Pulley on lickerin (drives doffer), diameter 3%" = 15/4" Doffer change gear 20 teeth Pulley on lickerin (driven), diameter = 26/4" Barrow pulley, diameter 18" Doffer gear 214 teeth Change Gear 165 X 18 X 15 X 20 26 >T 18 “X~" 214 8.89 R. P. M. TABLE GIVING REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE OF 27-INCH DOFFER WITH CYLINDER AT 165 REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE AND DIFFERENT SIZE PULLEYS ON LICKERIN Change Gear Inch Pulley 2 \i Inch Pulley 2 % Inch Pulley 394 Inch Pulley 4 14 Inch Pulley Change Gear 20 4.15 5.33 6.52 8.89 20 21 4.35 5.60 6.85 9.34 21 22 4.56 5.87 7.17 9.78 22 23 4.77 6.13 7.50 10.23 23 24 4.98 6.40 7.82 10.67 12.09 24 25 5.18 6.67 8.15 11.12 12.60 25 26 5.39 6.93 8.48 11.56 13.10 26 27 5.60 7.20 8.80 12.01 13.61 27 28 5.81 7.47 9.13 12.45 14.11 28 29 6.01 7.73 9.45 12.89 14.61 29 30 6.22 8.00 9.78 13.34 15.12 30 31 10.11 13.78 15.62 31 32 10.43 14.23 16.13 32 33 10.76 14.67 16.63 33 34 11.09 15.12 17.14 34 35 11.41 15.56 17.64 35 Note. — Special gearing to reduce the doffer speed to one third of speed given in table will be supplied on request. 402 Revolutions per Minute of 27" Doffer, using 15" Barrow Pulley T HE doffer change gears are from 20 to 3o teeth inclusive. The following example shows how the revolutions per minute of the doffer are figured, using a 20-tooth change gear and 3 3 4" pulley. Revolutions per minute of main cylinder .... Pulley on cylinder shaft, diameter Pulley on lickerin (drives doffer), diameter 3^4" = Doffer change gear Pulley on lickerin (driven), diameter 6J4" = ■ ■ Barrow pulley, diameter Doffer gear Change Gear 165 18" 15/4" 20 teeth 26/4" 15" 214 teeth 165 X 18 X 15 X 20 26 X 15 X 214 10.67 R.P.M. TABLE GIVING REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE OF 27-INCH DOFFER WITH CYLINDER AT 165 REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE AND DIFFERENT SIZE PULLEYS ON LICKERIN Change Gear 1 z /i Inch Pulley 1 ) 4 , Inch Pulley %% Inch Pulley 3 % Inch Pulley 4^ Inch Pulley Change Gear 20 4.98 6.40 7.82 10.67 12.10 20 21 5.23 6.72 8.21 11.21 12.70 21 22 5.48 7.04 8.61 11.74 13.31 22 23 5.73 7.36 9.00 12.27 13.91 23 24 5.98 7.68 9.39 12.81 14.52 24 25 6.23 8.00 9.79 13.34 15.12 25 26 6.48 8.32 10.17 13.88 15.73 26 27 6.73 8.64 10.56 14.41 16.33 27 28 6.97 8.96 10.96 14.94 16.94 28 29 9.28 11.35 15.48 17.54 29 30 9.60 11.74 16.01 18.15 30 31 12. 13 16.54 31 32 12.52 17.08 32 33 12.91 17.61 33 34 13.30 18.14 34 35 13.70 18.68 35 403 Floor Plan of 20" Lap Winder 404 12-0 405 0 L It 2* CAL ROLL 5 72 CALENDER RCLLS 6>2 CALENDAR ROLLS 12 CALENDER ROLL (BACK) 12 CALENDER ROLL 1FRONT) Diagram of Gkaris 406 r Lap Winder 407 40S WEIGHT OF LAPS FOR FINISHER CARDS (Composed of Two Laps as Made on Lap Winder) 400 Cubic Feet when Packed 1G4 Ocean Tonnage 4 Power Required 2 II. DRAWING FRAMES Drawing Frame SPECIFICATIONS 1 — Total number of deliveries wanted 2 — Number of deliveries per head 3 — Number of heads per frame 4 — Hand of frame 5 — Space or gauge 6 — Top rolls metallic or leather covered 7 — Diameter of rolls 8 — Kind of clearers wanted 9 — Traverse motion 10 — Back lifting rolls 1 1 — Coilers for 36" X 9", 10" or 12" cans 12 — Number of doublings into one 13 — Weight in grains per yard of sliver fed: 1st process 2d process 3d process 14 — Weight in grains per yard of sliver delivered: 1st process 2d process 3d process 15 — Draft: 1st process 2d process 3d process 16 — Belt from above or below 17 — Size of main driving pulleys 18 — Revolutions of front roll to one of driving pulley . . . 19 — Style of frame No. 1 or No. 2 20 — Stop motion for full cans 21 — Is hank clock wanted? 22 — Paint 23 — Quality of cotton and length of staple 412 Notes on Drawing Frame Specifications 2 — Frames are built with four, five, six or seven deliveries per head, extra charge being made for the four- five- and seven-delivery types. If eight-delivery heads are required, we use two 4-delivery heads, close coupled. 3 — State definitely the exact arrangement wanted. Heads can be arranged straight, that is, all coilers on the same side of frame, or zigzag, every other head being reversed. 4 — Hand is determined by noting whether main driving pulley is on the right- or left-hand end when facing coilers. 5 — Standard frames are 16" space. We can supply 18" space frames in the four- and five-delivery heads. 6 — Metallic top rolls are economical from the viewpoint of repairs and give an increased production over leather rolls. See page 175 for details of metallic rolls. All leather rolls are furnished covered with high grade cloth and skins. 7 — Standard rolls for medium staple are furnished 1^" front and back with two middle lines \ x /% • For shorter staples we furnish various combinations, the two most common arrangements being 1 J4" front, l 3 ^" back with lj^" middle or lfg" front and back with 1" middle. 9 — Traverse motion can be applied ,to frames using leather rolls, reducing the wear of rolls to a minimum. 10 — For handling weak slivers, we can apply a gear driven back lifting roll to reduce strain on slivers when drawing from cans. 11 — Standard coilers are for cans 36" high, either 9", 10" or 12" in diameter. We can supply a coder arranged to set into floor two inches to accom- modate short operatives. 12 — Standard frames are arranged for doubling six ends. 13 to 1.5 — Give "full data of requirements to insure proper gearing being furnished. 16 — State whether belted from above or below. 17 — Main driving pulleys furnished from 3" to 6" face depending on num- ber of heads in frame. We regularly supply 3" face pulleys up to 12 deliveries, 4" for 24 deliveries and correspondingly wider face for longer frames. 18 — All frames supplied with 12" dia. pulley on front roll. Can supply 16" on bottom shaft (ratio 1.3) or 12" with ratio of 1.00. The latter is preferable with high-speed shafting or motor drive. 19 — • No. 1 frame has extreme spread of rolls 5 J4" for use on staple up to 1J4". No. 2 frame has 6" roll spread for staples from l^g" to 1 3 4 ". 20 — We supply a target stop motion for full cans as described on page 172. 21 — Hank clocks can be applied alone or in combination with the full can target stop motion. 22 — Paint is standard green unless otherwise specified. 413 Drawing Frames MISCELLANEOUS DATA Local Shipping Weight . Foreign Shipping Weight Net Weight Cubic Feet when Packed Ocean Tonnage .... Power Required .... Belting: 4 Del. Head PER DEL. . 635 lbs. . 700 lbs. . 580 lbs. 14.4 .45 5 Del. Head PER DEL. 620 lbs. 680 lbs. 565 lbs. 14.7 .44 6 Del. Head per DEL. 610 lbs. 660 lbs. 550 lbs. 15 .42 1 H.P. for 4 or 5 dels. 16" Pullet 12" Pullet 10" Pullet 2" Single 9' 4" 8' 1034" 8' 6 V 2 " Instructions for Setting Coiler Oo Oo Oo Plumb down from the front of the coiler plates, draw a line on THE FLOOR AND SET THE FRONT OF THE COILER BASE TO THIS LINE FOR 10" cans. Set the base forward of this line 34" approximatelt for 12" CANS OR BACK 34 " FOR 9" CANS. 414 Approximate Net Weight of Roll Weighting used on Drawing Frames Metallic Rolls — All Sizes (18, 16, 16, 11 Lb. Wts.) Per Delivery PIS Lbs. Leather Rolls — All Sizes (20, 20, 18, 16 Lb. Wts.) Per Delivery 148 Lbs. TABLE FOR NUMBERING CARD OR DRAWING SLIVERS Grains per Yard Hank Grains per Yard Hank Grains per Yard Hank Grains per Yard Hank 30 .278 48 .174 66 .126 84 .099 31 .269 49 .170 67 .124 85 .098 32 .260 50 .167 68 .122 86 .097 33 .252 51 .163 69 .121 87 .096 34 .245 52 .160 70 .119 88 .095 35 .238 53 .157 71 .117 89 .094 36 .232 54 .154 72 . 116 90 .093 37 .225 55 .151 73 .114 91 .092 38 .219 56 .149 74 .113 92 .091 39 .214 57 .146 75 .111 93 .090 40 .208 58 .144 76 .110 94 .089 41 .203 59 .141 77 .108 95 .088 42 .198 60 .139 78 .107 96 .087 43 .194 61 .137 79 .105 97 .086 44 .189 62 .134 80 .104 98 .085 45 .185 63 .132 81 .103 99 .084 46 .181 64 .130 82 .102 100 .083 47 .177 65 .128 83 .100 8.333 -r- Weight in grains of 1 yard sliver = Hank. 8.333 -i- Hank = Weight in grains of 1 yard sliver. 100 -T- Weight in grains of 12 yards sliver = Hank. 415 Care of Drawing Frames T HE fact that our drawing frame is one of the simplest machines used in the manufacture of cotton yarn does not relieve the operator from giving it a reasonable amount of care. A good drawing frame tender can save as much yarn from being spoiled as any machine operator in the mill. Care should be taken to see that all stop motions are in good working order so as to avoid singles or doubles. See that the stop motion acts before the tall end of the broken sliver enters the back roll. The operator should make an even piecing when putting up an end at the back. Spoons should be well balanced, and with our steel spoons the best results are obtained by having the mouth closed in so that it gives a slight friction on the sides of the sliver. Cans should be doffed when target full can stop motion knocks-off (see page 172). There is a safety stop motion on each delivery which acts when the can gets too full by pushing the tube gear out of place, but should not be used for doffing the cans, as it puts an added strain on the gears, plates, etc., and soils the sliver in the can. All metallic and fluted rolls should be scoured as often as required. At the same time clean the roll stands, gearing bearings, etc., and replace all defective leather and steel rolls. For leather top rolls a varnish that will preserve the leather and keep it from cracking or crumbling under mill conditions should be used. Keep gears in good condition, rolls well oiled and clean to avoid cut work. When it is necessary to recover top rolls see that arbor centers are clean or the rolls are liable to run out when finished and running on their own bearings. When leather top rolls are stopped for any length of time it is advisable to lift the weight from the rolls by the weight relief provided for that purpose. In setting rolls, gauges should be used to keep the rolls parallel. The spread of the rolls should be governed by the length of staple, speed of rolls and the amount of cotton being drawn. Rolls should be spread more for a large amount of cotton passing through than for a small amount. High speed and long draft require wider spread than low speed and short draft. It is not advisable to run high speed and long draft at the same time. Cleavers should be kept clean to keep fly from getting into the work. Weights should be heavy enough to keep rolls from jumping, but not so heavy as to cause extra friction on bearings. 416 Draft LEATHER TOP ROLLS T HE draft is figured from the back fluted roll to calender rolls. The gear on front fluted roll acting only as a carrier or inter- mediate gear. Draft between front roll and calender rolls is 1.034. The following example, using a 40T draft gear, shows how draft is figured for leather covered rolls. BOTTOM CALENDER ROLL, D AMETER 2" = y" Calender roll compound, change gear 32 teeth Crown gear 100 teeth Gear on back roll 60 teeth BACK FLUTED ROLL. DIAMETER = Gear on calender roll Compound gear Draft change gear 16 X 32 X 100 X 60 11 X 24 X 45 X 40 6.46 draft Change Gear 24 teeth 45 teeth 40 teeth Metallic Top Rolls D UE to the meshing of the flutes, the effective circumference of metallic rolls as compared with ordinary rolls is approxi- mately 33% larger, that is, a 1 %" back roll has an effective diameter of DAo". A corresponding increase in speed of calender rolls is necessary in order to take up the extra length of sliver delivered by the front roll. The following example shows a convenient and approximately correct method of figuring draft on metallic rolls, using a 38 T draft gear and taking 1 A" as the effective diameter of the back roll. BOTTOM CALENDER ROLL, DIAMETER 2" = f°" Calender roll compound, change gear Crown gear Gear on back roll . BACK ROLL 1 3 8 ", EFFECTIVE DIAMETER l T y = Gear on calender roll Compound gear Draft change gear 42 teeth 100 teeth 60 teeth 24 teeth 45 teeth 38 teeth 20 X 42 X 100 X 60 19 X 24 X 45 X 38 = 6.46 draft Change Gear 417 DRAFT TABLE FOR DRAWING FRAME 41S DRAFT TABLE FOR DRAWING FRAME 419 Production of Drawing Frames T HE production of drawing frames is usually based on the front roll speed, this speed oeing easily determined. There is however a slight draft between the front rolls and calender rolls (1.034) which should be considered in these figures. The following formula is used for 100 % 10- hour production: R.P.M. of front R. X Cir. X 1.034 (draft) X 600 (min. per 10 hrs.) 30240 (inches per hank) X hank of sliver As an aid in figuring, the fixed elements of the above formula can be re- duced to the following constants for 10-hour production. (Note that the circumference of metallic rolls is considered One-third greater than that of plain rolls of the same diameter.) .0886 constant .117 .0804 .106 .073 .005 “ for \'Y% roll (leather) — 4.320 circum. “ “ “ (metallic) — 5.749 “ “ 114" “ (leather) — 3.927 “ “ “ (metallic) — 5.215 “ “ lVg" “ (leather) — 3.534 “ “ “ (metallic) — 4.712 “ The formula now becomes: R.P.M. of front roll X Constant Hank of sliver 100% 10-hour production. The amount of production per frame will vary with the number of de- liveries per head, due to increased loss from stoppage as the number of de- liveries per head increase. Tables on following pages are based on 4-delivery frames with allowance of 20% figured for changing cans, cleaning, oiling and stopping. This allow- ance is increased to 25% for 5-delivery heads and to 30% for 6-delivery. Example: Take frame with \\4" leather rolls, making 50 grain sliver (.167 hank) front roll speed 300 R.P.M. = 145 — less 20% for 4-del. frame =116 ■ 10 ‘ “ 25% “ 5 “ “ = 109 “ 30% “ 6 “ “ = 87 See page £15 for table covering the numbering of card and drawing sliver. 420 o B d 0 > H >» d A 13 Q d o 'd o d © 421 DRAWING FRAME, METALLIC ROLLS Production per Delivery for One Day of Ten Hours 422 p o C/3 i-3 S3 2 H a p H 0) < a w o 3 T3 o Ih p hJ ►J o & H a O « 423 DRAWING FRAME, METALLIC ROLLS Production per Delivery for One Day of Ten Hours 424 w « .S ’a d 0) H a o ■+-> CO «4M r3 o a >» a fi *4 th .£ 0) d O ‘o O tB »H H .S o £ ‘3 O o3 & X IX X LQ £ X 1 to \ c J® o sis ~*fci SIS •>?|o ■*!« SIS Size of Frame 12 X 6 to X iO XXX c o o X X ^ CO XX GO GO XX 1^ CO X Ol X 454 TABLE OF DIMENSIONS FOR ROVING BOBBINS 455 OVERALL LENGTH OF ROVING FRAMES 456 OVERALL LENGTH OF ROVING FRAMES — • Continued 457 * With 12" diameter Roving Cans 6' 1". t With 12" diameter Roving Cans 5 ' 1 Rule for finding Overall length, including outside bearing: Total Number of Spindles -f • 4 for 12 X 6 to 9 X 4 3^2 X Length of Roll -f- 34". Total Number of Spindles -j- 8 for 8 X 4 to 6 X 2 % X Length of Roll-j- 34". For Plan and Elevation of Machines see pages 4G0 to 404 inclusive. METRIC EQUIVALENTS OF ROVING FRAME LENGTHS Ft. In. Meters Ft. In. Meters Ft. In. Meters 18 2^ 5.549 26 10 8.179 35 3 'A 10.757 18 5 5.613 26 11 8.204 35 4 10.769 18 7 5.664 27 4 8.331 35 5 10.795 18 8 5.689 27 9 8.458 35 6 10.820 18 10 5.740 27 10 8.484 35 10 10.922 19 1 5.817 28 2 8.585 36 1 10.998 19 2 5.842 28 4 8.636 36 2 11.023 19 4 5.893 28 5'A 8.674 36 4 11.074 19 10 6.045 28 6 8.686 36 5 11.100 19 11 6.070 28 10 8.788 36 6 11.125 20 2 6.146 29 1 8.864 36 7 11.150 20 3 6.172 29 6 8.991 36 8 11.176 20 4 6.197 29 8 9.042 36 10 11.226 20 10 6.350 29 9 9.067 37 0 11.277 21 3 6.477 29 10 9.093 37 4 11.379 21 6 6.553 29 11 9.118 37 6 11.430 21 7 6.578 30 2 9.194 37 8 11.480 21 7^ 6.591 30 4 9.245 37 10 11.531 21 10 6.655 30 10 9.398 38 3 11.658 22 1 6.731 31 0 9.448 38 7 11.760 22 4 6.807 31 2 9.499 38 8'A 11.798 22 8 6.908 31 4 9.550 38 10 11.836 22 10 6.959 31 7 9.626 39 0 11.887 23 4 7.112 31 10 K 9.715 39 1 11.912 23 5 7.137 32 0 9.753 39 3 11.963 23 10 7.264 32 l 9.778 39 7 12.065 24 1 7.340 32 2 9.804 39 8 12.090 24 2 7.366 32 7 9.931 40 2 12.243 24 6 7.467 32 10 10.007 40 4 12.293 24 10 7.569 32 11 10.032 40 5 12.319 25 0 7.620 33 2 10.109 40 10 12.446 25 oy 2 7.633 33 6 10.210 41 1 12.522 25 4 7.722 33 7 10.235 41 4 12.598 25 6 7.772 34 0 10.363 41 6 12.649 25 7 7.798 34 1 10.388 41 7 12.674 26 2 7.975 34 3 10.439 42 \y 2 12.840 26 7 8.103 34 4 10.465 42 10 13.055 26 8 8.128 34 6 10.515 43 i 13.132 26 9 8.153 34 10 10.617 44 i 13.436 458 WEIGHT OF ROVING FRAMES SLUBBERS Bobbin Gauge Roll 12" x 6" 10J4" 2034" 11" & 10" x 534" 9J4" 19" 10" x 5" 9" 18" io" x 4 y 2 ° 8" 16" Base Weight 2800 2700 2600 2240 Add for Bal. of frame except weights per sp. 68 64 59 58 Add weights per sp. 27 27 27 24 Bobbin INTERMEDIATES Gauge Roll 10" x 5" 8" 16" 10" x 434" 8" 16" 9"x434" 7 34" 15" Base Weight 2240 2240 2000 Bal. of frame except weights per sp. 58 58 57 Weights per sp. 24 24 24 FINE FRAMES Bobbin Gauge Roll 8" x 4" 6" 24" 8"x3 34" 534" 21" 7 x 334 534" 21" Base Weight 1850 1700 1700 Bal. of frame except weights per sp. 41 40 40 Weights only 22 18 18 JACK FRAMES Bobbin Gauge Roll 7" x 3" 434" 19" 6" x 3" 434" 18" 6" x 2 34" 434" 17" Base Weight 1700 1700 1650 Bal. of frame except weights per sp. 35 34 34 Weights only per sp. 15 15 15 For Local Shipping Weight, add to net weight 8%. For Foreign Shipping Weights, add to net weight of machine without weights 20%, and to the weight of WEIGHTS 10%. For Total Cubic Feet, divide gross weight without weights by 56 and di- vide weight of weights by 150, adding results to get total cubic feet. For ocean tonnage, ship’s option, take gross weight in tons, + 10%. For ocean tonnage of weights, take actual weight tons. Above figures are not guaranteed to give absolutely accurate weights, but are furnished as an aid in figuring approximate tonnage. 459 FLOOR PLAN AND ELEVATION > E ro X 00 "C C ca X 00 463 FLOOR PLAN AND ELEVATION X ^ 00 iO W S V. CO X CO ' GO lq CO -v— ^ X « 00 LQ r- GO 10 CO 0 s « < £S X , u 464 7 X 3V2 — 7X3 — 6X3 — 6X 2!4 Fly Frame and Jack 465 12 x 6 and 11 x 5!4 DIAGRAM OF GENERAL GEARING 466 10x5 and 9 x 4V£> Slubber 10 x 5 and 9 x 4V£> Intermediate 46 ? 8x4 Intermediate 8x4 Fly Frame 8 x 3 'A- Fly Frame DIAGRAM OF GENERAL GEARING 468 7 y 3Vz Fly Frame DIAGRAM OF GENERAL GEARING 22 Change Gear for Break Draft, o m X o | ^ X X i> o Table of Draft Constants For Roving Frames Size Frame Dia. Roll Formula SLUBBER 12 X 6 1V 4 " 56 X 100 X 134" Ch. X 33 X 1" = 212 Draft Constant 12 X 6 11 X 534 1 3 /' A 16 56 X 100 X 1A" 202 “ 10 X 5 9X4^ Ch. X 33 X 1" 10 X 5H 9 X 43-2 134" 56 X 100 X 134" Ch. X33 X 1" = 191 “ 40 X o 1" 50 X 104 X 1" 173 “ Ch. X 30 X 1" INTERMEDIATE 10 X 5 1 34" 56 X 100 X 134" Ch. X 33 X 1" = 212 “ 10 X 5 10 x 434 9 X 434 i*' 56 X 100 X 1A" Ch. X 33 X 1" = 202 “ XX C5 CO 13-4" 56 X 100 X 134" Ch. X 33 X 1" = 191 “ 8X4 1" 50 X 104 X 1" 173 Ch. X 30 X 1" ELY FRAME 8X4 1 1 4" 56 X 100 X134" 191 “ Ch. X 33 X 1" 8X4 8 X 334 7 X 334 1" 50 X 100 X 1" 173 “ Ch. X 30 X 1" JACK FRAME 7X3 6X3 6 x 234 134" 56 X 100 X 134" Ch. X 33 X 1" = 191 “ 470 Change Gear Table for Standard Draft Constants 471 Table of Twist Constants For Roving Size Frame Dia. Roll Formula SLUBBER 12 X 6 iM" 132 X 46 X 50 X 55 X 1" = 50 Twist Constant 69 X Ch. X 46 X 27 X 3.93'' 12 X 6 1 3 // 1 16 130 X 46 X 50 X 55 X 1" = 50 “ 11 X 5 y 2 71 X Ch. X 46 X 27 X 3.73" 10 X 5V 2 10 X 5 9 X 434 l*' 130 X 39 X 42 X 44 X 1" = 44 71 X Ch. X 35 X 23 X 3.73" 10 X 5 134" 130 X 39 X 42 X 44 X 1" = 47 “ 71 X Ch. X 35 X 23 X 3.53" 9 X 434 i" 126 X 39 X 42 X 44 X 1" - 48 “ 75 X Ch. X 35 X 23 X 3.14" INTERMEDIATE 10 X 5 134" 132 X 39 X 42 X 44 X 1" = 44 69 X Ch. X 35 X 23 X 3.927" 10 X 5 10 X 434 9 X 434 iA' 130 X 39 X 42 X 44 X 1" = 44 71 X Ch. X 35 X 23 X 3.73" 9 X 434 134 " 130 X 39 X 53 X 44 X 1" = 62 “ 8X4 71 X Ch. X 33 X 23 X 3.53" 8X4 l" 126 X 39 X 42 X 44 X 1" = 48 “ 75 X Ch. X 35 X 23 X 3.14" 134" 130 X 39 X 42 X 44 X 1" — 47 “ (( 71 X Ch. X 35 X 23 X 3.53" FLY FRAME 8X4 8 X 334 7 X 3J4 134" 130 X 48 X 47 X 53 X 44 X 1" 71 X 29 X Ch. X 33 X 23 X 3.53" = 124 “ “ 8X4 8 X 334 7 X 334 134" 130 X 39 X 53 X 44 X 1" = 62 “ 71 X Ch. X 33 X 23 X 3.53" 8X4 8 X 334 7 x 334 1" 126 X 48 X 47 X 53 X 44 X 1" = 128 75 X 29 X Ch. X 33 X 23 X 3.14" JACK FRAME 7X3 6X3 6 X 234 1 34" 130 X 48 X 47 X 53 X 44 X 1" 71 X 29 X Ch.X 33 X 23 X 3.53" = 124 “ 472 Roving Twist Constants \ 00 cs Twist X © X b X © © X © N-tr-XC X © CD X X >— X © -S' 03 © 00 © - H®1QC»C b 1-0 O' O X XX — © b iC«H©b © tJ* X — © X © 3-0 03 0 » r- — © © © © © © X X X X b b b b © © © © 1-0 X 1C o »S -t ■? -rf- -rf> CO CO X X CS3 © (A '£ H X — © b X MSJCXb X rf X — © © b © X -i* X 03 — © X X N © UC ^ M 03 - S O ©Xb — — S © © © © © © © © © © © © XXXXX X X X b b b b b b b b b b b b © © © o X w s H >-< © X © X W03H©X bCiO-fO) •—'©©XX b © X 'S- X X 03 — © © ©Xbb © © x ■*?« ©XXXX X X X b b b b b b b t> o © © © © © © © © © © © © © x x X X X X X X 00 w £ H XXXXX X b b b b b b b b X © © © © © © © © © © ©XXX X X X X X X XXX c- to 5 H x — o' — © x b © x x 03 — ©xx t> © x -f -f x o; — © © © x b b © x x — x x o> o> — XXXXX b b b b b t> l> t> © © © © © © © © © © © X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UI 'i H © © b © X CO 0> — © © X b © X X 03 — © © © X b © © X '*"f X 03 0» — — © © ©XX X b b b b b b b b © © © © © © ©©©©X XXXXX XXXXX X X X X -f ’J' -f -*■ ai qiaax X © b X © © — O' X — X © b X © © — O' X — X©l>X© © — O' X -* X © b X © ©--03 XXXXX © © © © © © © © © © b b b b b b b b b b XXXXX XXXXX © © © Twist Constants j oo C3 CO ■£ H X — X © © 03 CO 03 03 “ b- CO ©X©©© © b X © O' X X — — X O' b — © — © O' b b b © © © XXX X — ’ X -*■ *■*«" X -f* XXXXX x’ CO CO X x’ CO 03 03 03 O'’ 03 03 O' 03 03 O'" 03 O' © b X © X_ 03 — © X b X X X X 03 — © © ©X Xb b © © X X X X X X CO X X O' O' O' O' — © no £ H X CO X © GO b b X © O' X © O' b — © O' b- CO © X O' X X O' ©©-?--© ~ ^ X = 5 ©JX 00 M s H X © X X O' 2© © © X b b C S 1C XXXXX X O' 03 O' - — — © © © © © © © © ©©X o '£ H ©r- b C» X X X X b X — X X X © b X O' © X © X O' © © b £ H X - X O' - © © X b © © X X ^ — X X O' O' O' — — — — © ©“©©.©. ©.©©XX XXX ui qiaax bX©©-- O' X X X © bX©©-- O' X X X © b X © © — ^ O' X X X © b X ©© — O' CO © 473 TWIST TABLE Hank Roving Square Root TWIST PER INCH TWIST MULTIPLIERS .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 .20 .447 .31 .36 .40 .45 .49 .54 .56 .58 .25 .500 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .63 .65 .30 .548 .38 .44 .49 .55 .60 .66 .69 .71 .35 .592 .41 .47 .53 .59 .65 .71 .74 .77 .40 .632 .44 .50 .57 .63 .69 .76 .79 .82 .45 .671 .47 .54 .60 .67 .74 .81 .84 .87 .50 .707 .49 .57 .64 .71 .78 .85 .88 .92 .55 .742 .52 .59 .67 .74 .82 .89 .93 .96 .60 .775 .54 .62 .70 .78 .85 .93 .97 1.01 .65 .806 .56 .64 .73 .81 .89 .97 1.01 1.05 .70 .837 .59 .67 .75 .84 .92 1.00 1.05 1.09 .75 .866 .61 .69 .78 .87 .95 1.04 1.08 1.13 .80 .894 .63 .72 .80 .89 .98 1.07 1.12 1.16 .85 .922 .65 .74 .83 .92 1.01 1.11 1.15 1.20 .90 .949 .66 .76 .85 .95 1.04 1.14 1.19 1.23 .95 .975 .68 .78 .88 .98 1.07 1.17 1.22 1.27 1.00 1.000 .70 .80 ' .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.05 1.025 .72 . S2 .92 1.03 1.13 1.23 1.23 1.33 1.10 1.049 .73 .84 .94 1.05 1.15 1.26 1.31 1.36 1.15 1.073 .75 .86 .97 1.07 1.18 1.29 1.34 1.39 1.20 1.095 .77 .88 .99 1.10 1.20 1.31 1.37 1.42 1.25 1.118 .78 .89 1.01 1.12 1.23 1.34 1.40 1.45 1.30 1.140 .80 .91 1.03 1.14 1.25 1.37 1.43 1.48 1.35 1.162 .81 .93 1.05 1.16 1 . 2S 1.39 1.45 1.51 1.40 1.183 .83 .95 1.06 1.18 1.30 1.42 1.48 1.54 1.45 1.204 .84 .96 1.08 1.20 1.32 1.44 1.51 1.57 1.50 1.225 .86 .98 1.10 1.23 1.35 1.47 1.53 1.59 1.55 1.245 .87 1.00 1.12 1.25 1.37 1.49 1.56 1.62 1.60 1.265 .89 1.01 1.14 1.27 1.39 1.52 1 . 5S 1.64 1.65 1.285 .90 1.03 1.16 1.29 1.41 1.54 1.61 1.67 1.70 1.304 .91 1.04 1.17 1.30 1.43 1 .56 1.63 1.70 1.75 1.323 .93 1.06 1.19 1.32 1.46 1.59 1.65 1.72 1.80 1.342 .94 1.07 1.21 1.34 1 . 4S 1.61 1.68 1.74 1.85 1.360 .95 1.09 1.22 1.36 1.50 1.63 1.70 1.77 1.90 1.378 .96 1.10 1.24 1.38 1.52 1.65 1.72 1.79 1.95 1.397 .98 1.12 1.26 1.40 1.54 1.68 1.75 1.82 2.00 1.414 .99 1.13 1.27 1.41 1.56 1.70 1.77 1.84 2.05 1.432 1.00 1.15 1.29 1.43 1.58 1.72 1.79 1.86 2.10 1.449 1.01 1.16 1.30 1.45 1.59 1.74 1 . S1 1 . 8S 2.15 1.467 1.03 1.17 1.32 1.47 1.61 1.76 1.83 1.91 2.20 1.483 1.04 1.19 1.33 1.48 1.63 1 . 7S 1.85 1.93 2.25 1.500 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1 . S8 1.95 2.30 1.515 1.06 1.21 1.36 1.52 1.67 1 . S2 1 . S9 1.97 2.35 1.535 1.07 1.23 1.38 1.54 1.69 1 . S4 1.92 2.00 2.40 1.549 1.08 1.24 1.39 1.55 1.70 1.86 1.94 2.01 2.45 1 .565 1.10 1.25 1.41 1.57 1.72 1 . S8 1.96 2.03 2.50 1.583 1.11 1.27 1.42 1.58 1.74 1.90 1.98 2.06 2.55 1.597 1.12 1.28 1.44 1.60 1.76 1.92 2.00 2.08 2.60 1.611 1.13 1.29 1.45 1.61 1.77 1.93 2.01 2.09 2.65 1.630 1.14 1.30 1.47 1.63 1.79 1.96 2.04 2.12 2.70 1.643 1.15 1.31 1.48 1.64 1.81 1.97 2.05 2.14 2.75 1.658 1.16 1.33 1.49 1.66 1.82 1.99 2.07 2.16 474 TWIST TABLE — Continued Hank Roving Square Root TWIST PER INCH TWIST MULTIPLIERS .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 2.80 1.673 1.34 1.51 1.67 1.84 2.01 2.09 2.17 2.26 2.85 1.688 1.35 1.52 1.69 1.86 2.03 2.11 2.19 2.28 2.90 1.703 1.36 1.53 1.70 1.87 2.04 2.13 2.21 2.30 2.95 1.718 1.37 1.55 1.72 1.89 2.06 2.15 2.23 2.32 3.00 1.732 1.39 1.56 1.73 1.91 2.08 2.17 2.25 2.34 3.05 1.746 1.40 1.57 1.75 1.92 2.10 2.18 2.27 2.36 3.10 1.760 1.41 1.58 1.76 1.94 2.11 2.20 2.29 2.38 3.15 1.775 1.42 1.60 1.78 1.95 2.13 2.22 2.31 2.40 3.20 1.789 1.43 1.61 1.79 1.97 2.15 2.24 2.33 2.42 3.25 1.803 1.44 1.62 1.80 1.98 2.16 2.25 2.34 2.43 3.30 1.817 1.45 1.64 1.82 2.00 2.18 2.27 2.36 2.45 3.35 1.831 1.46 1.65 1.83 2.01 2.20 2.29 2.38 2.47 3.40 1 . S44 1.48 1.66 1.84 2.02 2.21 2.31 2.40 2.49 3.45 1.857 1.49 1.67 1.86 2.04 2.23 2.32 2.41 2.51 3.50 1.870 1.50 1.68 1.87 2.06 2.24 2.34 2.43 2.52 3.55 1.884 1.51 1.70 1.88 2.07 2.26 2.36 2.45 2.54 3.00 1.897 1.52 1.71 1.90 2.09 2.28 2.37 2.47 2.56 3.65 1.910 1.53 1.72 1.91 2.10 2.29 2.39 2.48 2.58 3.70 1.924 1.54 1.73 1.92 2.12 2.31 2.41 2.50 2.60 3.75 1.936 1.55 1.74 1.94 2.13 2.32 2.42 2.52 2.61 3.80 1.950 1.56 1.76 1.95 2.15 2.34 2.44 2.54 2.63 3.85 1.963 1.57 1.77 1.96 2.16 2.36 2.45 2.55 2.65 3.90 1.975 1.58 1.78 1.98 2.17 2.37 2.47 2.57 2.67 3.95 1.987 1.59 1.79 1.99 2.19 2.38 2.48 2.58 2.68 4.00 2.000 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 4.05 2.012 1.61 1 . S1 2.01 2.21 2.41 2.52 2.62 2.72 4.10 2.025 1.62 1.82 2.03 2.23 2.43 2.53 2.63 2.73 4.15 2.038 1.63 1.83 2.04 2.24 2.45 2.55 2.65 2.75 4.20 2.049 1.64 1.84 2.05 2.25 2.46 2.56 2.66 2.77 4.25 2.063 1.65 1.86 2.06 2.27 2.48 2.58 2.68 2.79 4.30 2.074 1.66 1.87 2.07 2.28 2.49 2.59 2.70 2.80 4.35 2 . 0S5 1.67 1.88 2.09 2.29 2.50 2.61 2.71 2.81 4.40 2.098 1.68 1.89 2.10 2.31 2.52 2.62 2.73 2.83 4.45 2.110 1.69 1.90 2.11 2.32 2.53 2.64 2.74 2.85 4.50 2.121 1.70 1.91 2.12 2.33 2.55 2.65 2.76 2.86 4.55 2.133 1.71 1.92 2.13 2.35 2.56 2.67 2.77 2.88 4.60 2.145 1.72 1.93 2.15 2.36 2.57 2.68 2.79 2.90 4.65 2.156 1.72 1.94 2.16 2.37 2.59 2.70 2.80 2.91 4.70 2.167 1.73 1.95 2.17 2.38 2.60 2.71 2.82 2.93 4.75 2.179 1.74 1.96 2.18 2.40 2.61 2.72 2.83 2.94 4.80 2.191 1.75 1.97 2.19 2.41 2.63 2.74 2.85 2.96 4.85 2.202 1.76 1.98 2.20 2.42 2.64 2.75 2.86 2.97 4.90 2.213 1.77 1.99 2.21 2.43 2.66 2.77 2.88 2.99 4.95 2.225 1.78 2.00 2.23 2.45 2.67 2.78 2.89 3.00 5.00 2.236 1.79 2.01 2.24 2.46 2.68 2.80 2.91 3.02 5.05 2.247 1.80 2.02 2.25 2.47 2.70 2.81 2.92 3.03 5.10 2.259 1.81 2.03 2.26 2.48 2.71 2.82 2.94 3.05 5.15 2.269 1.82 2.04 2.27 2.50 2.72 2.84 2.95 3.06 5.20 2.280 1.82 2.05 2.28 2.51 2.74 2.85 2.96 3.08 5.25 2.291 1 . S3 2.06 2.29 2.52 2.75 2.86 2.98 3.09 5 30 2.302 1.84 2.07 2.30 2.53 2.76 2.88 2.99 3.11 5.35 2.313 1.85 2.08 2.31 2.54 2.78 2.89 3.01 3.12 475 TWIST TABLE — Continued Hank Roving Square Root TWIST PER INCH TWIST MULTIPLIERS 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 5.40 2.324 2.32 2.56 2.79 2.91 3.02 3.14 3.25 3.37 5.45 2.334 2.33 2.57 2.80 2.92 3.03 3.15 3.27 3.38 5.50 2.345 2.35 2.58 2.81 2.93 3.05 3.17 3.28 3.40 5.55 2.356 2.36 2.59 2.83 2.95 3.06 3.18 3.30 3.42 5.60 2.366 2.37 2.60 2.84 2.96 3.08 3.19 3.31 3.43 5.65 2.377 2.38 2.61 2.85 2.97 3.09 3.21 3.33 3.45 5.70 2.388 2.39 2.63 2.87 2.99 3.10 3.22 3.34 3.46 5.75 2.398 2.40 2.64 2.88 3.00 3.12 3.24 3.36 3.48 5.80 2.408 2.41 2.65 2.89 3.01 3.13 3.25 3.37 3.49 5.85 2.418 2.42 2.66 2.90 3.02 3.14 3.26 3.39 3.51 5.90 2.429 2.43 2.67 2.91 3.04 3.16 3.28 3.40 3.52 5.95 2.439 2.44 2.68 2.93 3.05 3.17 3.29 3.41 3.54 6.00 2.449 2.45 2.69 2.94 3.06 3.18 3.31 3.43 3.55 6.10 2.470 2.47 2.72 2.96 3.09 3.21 3.33 3.46 3.58 6.15 2.480 2.48 2.73 2.98 3.10 3.22 3.35 3.47 3.60 6.25 2.500 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.13 3.25 3.38 3.50 3.63 6.30 2.510 2.51 2.76 3.01 3.14 3.26 3.39 3.52 3.64 6.40 2.530 2.53 2.78 3.04 3.16 3.29 3.42 3.54 3.67 6.50 2.550 2.81 3.06 3.19 3.32 3.44 3.57 3.70 6.60 2.569 2.57 2.83 3.08 3.21 3.34 3.47 3.60 3.73 6.70 2.588 2.59 2.85 3.11 3.24 3.36 3.49 3.62 3.75 6.75 2.597 2.60 2.86 3.12 3.25 3.38 3.51 3.64 3.77 6.80 2.608 2.61 2.87 3.13 3.26 3.39 3.52 3.65 3.78 6.90 2.627 2.63 2.89 3.15 3.28 3.42 3.55 3.6S 3.81 7.00 2.646 2.65 2.91 3.18 3.31 3.44 3.58 3.70 3.S4 7.10 2.665 2.67 2.93 3.20 3.33 3.46 3.60 3.73 3.86 7.15 2.674 2.67 2.94 3.21 3.34 3.4S 3.61 3.74 3.S8 7.25 2.693 2.69 2.96 3.23 3.37 3.50 3.64 3.77 3.90 7.30 2.702 2.70 2.97 3.24 3.38 3.51 3.65 3.78 3.92 7.40 2.720 2.72 2.99 3.26 3.40 3.53 3.67 3. SI 3.94 7.50 2.739 2.74 3.01 3.29 3.42 3.56 3.70 3.83 3.97 7.60 2.759 2.76 3.03 3.31 3.44 3.58 3.72 3.86 4.00 7.70 2.775 2.78 3.05 3.33 3.47 3.61 3.75 3.89 4.02 7.75 2.784 2.78 3.06 3.34 3.48 3.62 3.76 3.90 4.04 7.80 2.793 2.79 3.07 3.35 3.49 3.63 3.77 3.91 4.05 7.90 2.811 2.81 3.09 3.37 3.51 3.65 3.79 3.94 4.08 8.00 2.82S 2.83 3.11 3.39 3.54 3.68 3.82 3.96 4.10 8.25 2.872 2.87 3.16 3.45 3.59 3.73 3.S8 4.02 4.16 8.50 2.915 2.92 3.21 3.50 3.64 3.79 3.94 4. OS 4.23 8.75 2.958 2.96 3.25 3.55 3.70 3.S5 4.00 4.14 4.29 9.00 3.000 3.00 3.30 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 9.25 3.041 3.04 3.35 3.65 3.80 3.95 4.11 4.26 4.41 9.50 3.082 3.08 3.39 3.70 3.S5 4.00 4.16 4.31 4.47 9.75 3.122 3.12 3.43 3.75 3.90 4.06 4.21 4.37 4.53 10.00 3.162 3.16 3.48 3.79 3.95 4.11 4.27 4.43 4.5S 10.25 3.202 3.20 3.52 3.84 4.00 4.16 4.32 4.4S 4.64 10.50 3.240 3.24 3.56 3.S9 4.05 4.21 4.37 4.54 4.71 10.75 3.278 3.28 3.61 3.93 4.10 4.26 4.43 4.59 4.75 11.00 3.316 3.32 3.65 3.9S 4.15 4.31 4.48 4.64 4. SI 11.25 3.355 3.36 3.69 4.03 4.19 4.36 4.53 4.70 4.86 11.50 3.391 3.39 3.73 4.07 4.24 4.41 4.5S 4.75 4.92 11.75 3.438 3.43 3.77 4.11 4.2S 4.46 4.63 4. SO 4.97 476 TWIST TABLE — Continued Hank Roving Square Root TWIST PER INCH TWIST MULTIPLIERS 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 12.00 3.464 3.81 4.16 4.33 4.50 4.68 4.85 5.02 5.20 12.25 3.500 3.85 4.20 4.38 4.55 4.73 4.90 5.08 5.25 12.50 3.535 3.89 4.24 4.42 4.60 4.77 4.95 5.13 5.30 12.75 3.570 3.93 4.28 4.46 4.64 4.82 5.00 5.18 5.36 13.00 3.605 3.97 4.33 4.51 4.69 4.87 5.05 5.23 5.41 13.25 3.640 4.00 4.37 4.55 4.73 4.91 5.10 5.28 5.46 13.50 3.674 4.04 4.41 4.59 4.78 4.96 5.14 5.33 5.51 13.75 3.709 4.08 4.45 4.64 4.82 5.01 5.19 5.38 5.56 . 14.00 3.745 4.12 4.49 4.68 4.88 5.06 5.24 5.43 5.62 14.25 3.774 4.15 4.53 4.72 4.91 5.09 5.28 5.47 5.66 14.50 3.810 4.19 4.57 4.76 4.95 5.14 5.33 5.52 5.72 14.75 3.841 4.23 4.61 4.80 4.99 5.19 5.38 5.57 5.76 15.00 3.873 4.26 4.65 4.84 5.03 5.23 5.42 5.62 5.81 15.25 3.905 4.30 4.69 4.88 5.08 5.27 5.47 5.66 5.86 15.50 3.937 4.33 4.73 4.92 5.12 5.31 5.51 5.71 5.91 15.75 3.969 4.37 4.76 4.90 5.16 5.36 5.56 5.76 5.95 ie.00 4.000 4.40 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 16.25 4.032 4.44 4.84 5.04 5.24 5.44 5.64 5.85 6.05 16.50 4.062 4.47 4.87 5.08 5.28 5.48 5.69 5.89 6.09 16.75 4.092 4.50 4.91 5.12 5.32 5.52 5.73 5.93 6.14 17.00 4.123 4.54 4.95 5.15 5.36 5.57 5.77 5.9S 6.18 17.25 4.152 4.57 4.98 5.19 5.40 5.61 5. SI 6.02 6.23 17.50 4.183 4.60 5.02 5.23 5.44 5.65 5.86 6.07 6.27 17.75 4.212 4.03 5.05 5.27 5.48 5.69 5.90 6.11 6.32 18.00 4.242 4.67 5.09 5.30 5.51 5.73 5.94 6.15 6.36 18.25 4.272 4.70 5.13 5.34 5.55 5.78 5.98 6.19 6.41 18.50 4.301 4.73 5.16 5.38 5.59 5.81 6.02 6.24 6.45 18.75 4.330 4.76 5.20 5.41 5.63 5.85 6.06 6.28 6.49 19.00 4.358 4.79 5.23 5.45 5.67 5.88 6.10 6.32 6.54 19.25 4.387 4.82 5.26 5.48 5.70 5.92 6.14 6.36 6.58 19.50 4.416 4.86 5.30 5.52 5.74 5.96 6.18 6.40 6.62 19.75 4.444 4.89 5.33 5.56 5.78 6.00 6.22 6.44 6.67 20.00 4.472 4.92 5.37 5.59 5.81 6.04 6.26 6.48 6.71 20.25 4.500 4.95 5.40 5.63 5.85 6.08 6.30 6.53 6.75 20.50 4.527 4.98 5.43 5.66 5.89 6.11 6.34 6.56 6.79 20.75 4.555 5.01 5.47 5.69 5.92 6.15 6.38 6.60 6.83 21.00 4.582 5.04 5.50 5.73 5.96 6.19 6.41 6.64 6.87 21.25 4.609 5.07 5.53 5.76 5.99 0.22 6.45 6.68 6.91 21.50 4.637 5.10 5.56 5.80 6.03 6.26 6.49 6.72 6.96 21.75 4.664 5.13 5.00 5.83 6.06 6.30 6.53 6.76 7.00 22.00 4.690 5.16 5.63 5.86 6.10 6.33 6.57 6.80 7.04 22.25 4.717 5.19 5.66 5.90 6.13 6.37 6.60 6.84 7.08 22.50 4.743 5.22 5.69 5.93 6.17 6.40 6.64 6.88 7.11 22.75 4.769 5.25 5.72 5.96 0.20 6.44 6.68 6.92 7.15 23.00 4.796 5.28 5.70 6.00 0.23 0.47 3.71 6.95 7.19 23.25 4.821 5.30 5.79 6.03 6.27 6.51 6.75 6.99 7.23 23.50 4.848 5.33 5.82 6.06 0.30 6.54 6.79 7.03 7.27 23.75 4.873 5.36 5.85 6.09 6.33 6.58 6.82 7.07 7.31 24.00 4.899 5.39 5.88 6.12 6.37 0.61 6.86 7.10 7.35 24.25 4.924 5.42 5.91 6.16 6.40 6.64 6.89 7.14 7-39 24.50 4.949 5.44 5.94 6.19 6.43 6.68 6.93 7 18 7.42 25.00 5.000 5.50 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 477 PRODUCTION TABLES PRODUCTION AND SPEEDS. The widely varying condi- tions in different mills in the character of the product, the staple and grade of cotton, amount of twist, and length of frames make it difficult to publish production tables to meet individual condi- tions. However, we consider higher speeds than shown in the tables inadvisable. PRODUCTION TABLES. Allowance for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, cleaning, etc., 14 minutes for 12 X 6 to 30 min- utes for 6 X 2J4 is used. TWIST MULTIPLIERS. For ordinary American cottons use 1.00 to 1.30, according to hank roving. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island cottons .80 to 1.30 is used. DYED AND BLEACHED STOCK. As the natural gum and spirality to a large extent is destroyed in these processes about 5 per cent extra twist should be used. HEAVY TYPE on production tables indicates range of roving generally made on that size frame. THESE TABLES, together with table showing range of spin- dles per frame, are adopted for the convenience of users of our machinery and as a guidance to those contemplating purchasing the same. 478 12 X 6 SLUBBER 20J4 INCH ROLL. 10^ INCH SPACE 271 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 600 R. P. M. Spindle, 2.21 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft 1 iV' Dia. Front Roll, 3.73 ,/ Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 44 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 202 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 50 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 31 Tension Constant with 60-50 Gears. 37 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears 18 Lay Constant with 38—17 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 60 55 50 ° r 55 Lay Gear .26 .50 322 13.30 53.21 61 73 40 .30 .55 292 13.37 44.57 56 67 36 .36 .59 273 13.42 38.36 51 62 34 .40 .63 255 13.46 33.66 48 58 32 .46 .67 240 13.25 29.45 45 54 30 .60 .71 226 13.09 26.18 43 52 29 .66 .74 217 12.96 23.57 41 49 28 .60 .78 206 12.52 20.87 39 47 27 .65 .81 199 12.33 18.98 38 45 26 .70 .84 191 12.16 17.38 36 44 25 .75 .87 185 11.90 15.87 35 42 24 .80 .90 179 11.56 14.48 34 41 23 The above table is based on 1.00 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 14 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, cleaning, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about .80 X square root of hank for twist is generally used, and above Roll Speeds maintained. 479 11 X5V 2 SLUBBER 19 INCH ROLL. 9 \i INCH SPACE 294 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 650 R. P. M. Spindle, 2.21 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft liV' Dia. Front Roll, 3.73" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 32 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 202 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 50 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 31 Tension Constant with 60-50 Gears. 37 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears 18 Lay Constant with 38—17 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 60 55 50 or 55 Lay Gear .40 .63 277 12.64 31.60 48 58 32 .45 .67 260 12.55 27.90 45 54 30 .50 .71 245 12.50 25.00 43 52 29 .55 .74 235 12.45 22.64 41 49 28 .60 .78 223 12.19 20.32 39 47 27 .65 .81 215 12.18 18.75 38 45 26 .70 .84 207 11.99 17.14 36 44 25 .75 .87 200 11.83 15.78 35 42 24 .80 .90 194 11.71 14.64 34 41 23 .85 .92 189 11.59 13.64 33 40 23 .90 .95 1S3 11.38 12.64 32 38 22 .95 .97 ISO 11.28 11.88 31 37 22 1.00 1.00 174 11.10 11.10 31 37 21 The above table is based on 1.00 X square root ef hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 15 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, dean- ing, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about .SO X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 4S0 10 X 54 SLUBBER 18 INCH ROLL. 9 INCH SPACE 304 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 700 R. P. M. Spindle, 2.30 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft 1 /g " Dia. Front Roll, 3.73" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 29 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 202 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 44 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 44 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 53 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears 29 Lay Constant with 38-47 Gears. 43 Lay Constant with 30-55 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Tex Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 — or — do 60 Lay Gear 38 30 or T- 4/ 5o .40 .70 268 10.88 27.19 70 84 46 68 .45 .74 251 11.10 24.67 66 79 43 64 .50 .78 238 11.24 22.47 62 75 41 61 .55 .82 230 11.23 20.41 59 71 39 58 .60 .85 221 11.24 18.74 57 68 37 55 .65 .89 208 11.22 17.26 55 66 36 53 .70 .92 204 11.13 15.90 53 63 35 51 .75 .95 196 11.06 14.74 51 60 33 50 .80 .98 192 10.96 13.70 49 59 32 48 .85 1.01 187 10.85 12.76 48 58 31 47 .90 1.04 179 10.72 11.91 46 56 31 45 .95 1.07 175 10.59 11.15 45 54 30 44 1.00 1.10 170 10.46 10.46 44 53 29 43 1.05 1.13 166 10.30 9.81 43 51 28 42 1.10 1.15 162 10.23 9.30 42 50 28 41 1.15 1.18 158 10.06 8.75 41 49 27 40 1.20 1.20 158 9.96 8.30 40 48 26 39 1.25 1.23 153 9.84 7.87 39 47 25 38 The above table is based on 1.10 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 18 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, cleaning, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about .80 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 481 10 X 5 SLUBBER 18 INCH ROLL. 9 INCH SPACE 326 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 750 R. P. M. Spindle, 2.30 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft \ys" Dia. Front Roll, 3.73" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 26 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 202 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 44 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 44 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 53 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears 29 Lay Constant with 38-47 Gears. 43 Lay Constant with 30-55 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving T wist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 c * or cf\ 5j 60 Lay Gear 38 30 or n 4/ DO .65 .89 226 11.31 17.40 55 66 36 53 .70 .92 219 11.37 16.25 53 63 35 51 .75 .95 212 11.25 15.00 51 60 33 50 .80 .98 205 11.31 14.14 49 59 32 48 .85 1.01 199 11.20 13.18 48 58 31 47 .90 1.04 193 11.09 12.33 46 56 31 45 .95 1.07 188 10.90 11.47 45 54 30 44 1.00 1.10 183 10.84 10.84 44 53 29 43 1.05 1.13 178 10.67 10.16 43 51 28 42 1.10 1.15 175 10.62 9.65 42 50 28 41 1.15 1.18 170 10.49 9.12 41 49 27 40 1.20 1.20 167 10.45 8.71 40 48 26 39 1.25 1.23 163 10.26 8.21 39 47 25 38 The above table is based on 1.10 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 18 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, clean- ing, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about .80 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 482 9 X 4i 2 SLUBBER 16 INCH ROLL. 8 INCH SPACE 318 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 800 R. P. M. Spindle, 2.30 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft lj^" Dia. Front Roll, 3.73" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 20 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 202 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 44 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 44 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 53 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears 29 Lay Constant with 38-47 Gears. 43 Lay Constant with 30-55 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear “ or ™ 55 60 Lay Gear 38 30 — or — 47 55 .80 .98 219 10.91 13.64 49 59 32 48 .85 1.01 212 10.80 12.71 48 58 31 47 .90 1.04 206 10.89 12.10 46 56 31 45 .95 1.07 200 10.79 11.36 45 54 30 44 1.00 1.10 195 10.71 10.71 44 53 29 43 1.05 1.13 190 10.65 10.14 43 51 28 42 1.10 1.15 186 10.57 9.61 42 50 28 41 1.15 1.18 182 10.52 9.15 41 49 27 40 1.20 1.20 179 10.47 8.73 40 48 26 39 1.25 1.23 174 10.30 8.24 39 47 26 38 1.30 1.25 172 10.27 7.90 39 46 25 38 1.35 1.28 168 10 13 7.50 38 45 25 37 1.40 1.30 165 10.09 7.21 37 45 25 36 1.45 1.32 162 10.06 6.94 37 44 24 36 1.50 1.35 159 9.85 6.57 36 43 24 35 The above table is based on 1.10 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 18 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, cleaning, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about .90 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 483 10 X 5 INTERMEDIATE 16 INCH ROLL. 8 INCH SPACE 348 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 800 R. P. M. Spindle, 2.30 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft lyu" Dia. Front Roll, 3.73" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 26 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 202 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page471 44 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page473 44 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 53 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears 29 Lay Constant with 38—47 Gears. 43 Lay Constant with 30-55 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving T wist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 — or — 55 60 Lay Gear 38 30 ttz or — 4/ DO .90 1.04 206 11.70 13.00 46 56 31 45 .95 1.07 200 11.58 12.19 45 54 30 44 1.00 1.10 195 11.34 11.34 44 53 29 43 1.05 1.13 190 11.25 10.71 43 51 28 42 1.10 1.15 186 11.18 10.16 42 50 28 41 1.15 1.18 182 11.10 9.65 41 49 27 40 1.20 1.20 179 11.04 9.20 40 48 26 39 1.25 1.23 174 10. Vf 8.71 39 47 26 38 1.30 1.25 172 10.73 8.26 39 46 25 3 S 1.35 1.28 168 10.62 7.87 38 45 25 37 1.40 1.30 165 10.51 7.51 37 44 24 36 1.45 1.32 162 10.40 7.17 36 43 24 36 1.60 1.35 159 10.26 6.84 36 43 24 35 1.55 1.37 157 10.15 6.55 35 43 23 35 1.60 1.39 154 10.08 6.30 35 42 23 34 1.65 1.41 152 10.00 6.06 34 41 23 33 1.70 1.43 150 9.88 5 . SI 34 41 22 32 1.75 1.46 147 9.75 5.57 33 41 22 32 The above table is based on 1.10 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 18 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, clean- ing, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about .90 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 484 10X4.1 2 INTERMEDIATE 15 INCH ROLL. 74 INCH SPACE 370 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 850 R. P. M. Spindle, 2.30 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft 1 A Dia. Front Roll, 3.73" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 23 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 202 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 44 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 44 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 53 Tension Constant with 50-00 Gears 29 Lay Constant with 38-47 Gears. 43 Lay Constant with 30-55 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spixdi.e per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 — or oo 60 Lay Gear 38 30 47 ° r 55 1.25 1.34 171 10.40 8.32 39 47 26 38 1.30 1.37 166 10.28 7.91 39 46 25 38 1.35 1.39 166 10.20 7.56 38 46 25 37 1.40 1.42 161 10.11 7.22 37 45 24 36 1.45 1.45 155 9.96 6.87 36 44 24 36 1.50 1.47 155 9.89 6.59 36 43 24 35 1.55 1.50 150 9.76 6.30 35 42 23 35 1.60 1.52 150 9.70 6.06 35 42 23 34 1.65 1.54 145 9.62 5.83 34 41 23 34 1.70 1.56 145 9.55 5.62 34 41 22 33 1.75 1.59 145 9.42 5.38 33 40 22 32 1.80 1.61 140 9.34 5.19 33 39 ii 32 1.85 1.63 140 9.25 5.00 32 39 22 32 1.90 1.65 140 9.20 4.84 32 38 31 1.95 1.68 135 9.07 4.65 31 38 31 2.00 1.70 135 8.98 4.49 31 37 30 2.05 1.72 135 8.92 4.35 31 37 30 2.10 1.74 130 8.84 4.21 30 37 30 2.15 1.76 130 8.75 4.07 30 36 29 2.20 1.78 130 8.69 3.95 30 36 29 2.25 1.80 130 8.64 3.84 29 35 28 The above table is based on 1.20 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 18 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, cleaning, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about 1.00 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 4S5 9X4^ INTERMEDIATE 15 INCH ROLL. 7 y 2 INCH SPACE 391 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 900 R. P. M. Spindle, 2.30 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft 1 T V' Dia. Front Roll, 3.73" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 20 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 202 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 44 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page473 44 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 53 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears 29 Lay Constant with 38-47 Gears. 43 Lay Constant with 30-55 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 55 or 60 Lay Gear 38 30 47 or 55 1.40 1.42 170 10.40 7.43 37 44 24 36 1.45 1.45 166 10.26 7.08 36 44 24 36 1.50 1.47 164 10.14 6.76 36 43 24 35 1.55 1.50 161 10.01 6.46 35 42 23 35 1.60 1.52 159 10.00 6.25 35 42 23 34 1.65 1.54 157 9.90 6.00 34 41 23 34 1.70 1.56 155 9.88 5.81 34 41 22 33 1.76 1.59 152 9.71 5.55 33 40 22 32 1.80 1.61 150 9.65 5.36 33 39 22 32 1.85 1.63 148 9.58 5.18 32 39 22 32 1.90 1.6.5 146 9.50 5.00 32 38 31 2.00 1.70 142 9.32 4.66 31 37 30 2.05 1.72 140 9.24 4.51 31 37 30 2.10 1.74 139 9.17 4.37 30 37 30 2.15 1.76 137 9.09 4.23 30 36 29 2.20 1.78 135 9.02 4.10 30 36 29 2.25 1.80 134 8.98 3.99 29 35 28 2.30 1.82 132 8.92 3.88 29 35 2S The above table is based on 1.20 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 18 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, clean- ing, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about 1.00 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 486 8X4 INTERMEDIATE 24 INCH ROLL. 6 INCH SPACE 326 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 1000 R. P. M. Spindle, 3.07 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft \Y% Dia. Front Roll, 3.53" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 15 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 191 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 62 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 53 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 63 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears. 92 Tension Constant with 40-70 Gears 45 Lay Constant with 25-60 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 40 — or — or — 55 60 70 Lay Gear 1.50 1.47 193 10.17 6.78 43 52 36 1.60 1.52 186 10.11 6.32 42 50 73 35 1.70 1.56 182 10.08 5.93 40 48 71 34 1.80 1.61 176 9.92 5.51 39 47 69 33 1.90 1.65 172 9.80 5.16 38 46 67 32 2.00 1.70 167 9.70 4.85 37 45 65 31 2.10 1.74 163 9.53 4.54 36 44 63 31 2.20 1.78 159 9.44 4.29 35 43 63 30 2.30 1.82 156 9.32 4.05 35 42 61 29 2.40 1.86 152 9.19 3.83 34 41 59 29 2.50 1.89 150 9.15 3.66 33 40 58 28 2.60 1.94 146 8.97 3.45 33 39 57 27 2.70 1.97 144 8.88 3.29 32 38 56 27 2.80 2.01 141 8.76 3.13 32 38 55 27 2.90 2.04 139 8.67 2.99 31 37 54 26 3.00 2.08 136 8.55 2.85 31 36 53 25 3.10 2.11 134 8.46 2.73 30 36 52 25 3.20 2.15 132 8.35 2.61 30 35 51 25 3.30 2.18 130 8.28 2.51 29 35 51 24 3.40 2.21 128 8.16 2.40 29 34 50 24 3.50 2.24 126 8.08 2.31 28 34 49 24 The above table is based on 1.20 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 20 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling,' clean- ing, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about 1.10 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 487 8X4 FLY FRAME 24 INCH ROLL. 6 INCH SPACE 350 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 107.5 R. P. M. Spindle, 3.07 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft lbs" Dia. Front Roll, 3.53" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 15 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 191 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 62 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 53 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 63 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears. 113 Tension Constant with 35-75 Gears 45 Lay Constant with 25-60 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 35 — or — or — 55 60 / 5 Lay Gear 2.30 1.82 167 9.96 4.33 35 42 29 2.40 1.86 164 9.79 4.08 34 41 73 29 2.50 1.90 160 9.70 3.88 33 40 71 28 2.60 1.94 157 9.57 3.68 33 39 70 28 2.70 1.97 155 9.50 3.52 32 38 69 27 2.80 2.00 152 9.38 3.35 31 38 68 27 2.90 2.05 149 9.22 3.18 31 37 66 26 3.00 2.08 146 9.12 3.04 30 36 66 26 3.10 2.11 144 9. OS 2.93 30 36 64 25 3.20 2.15 142 8.96 2.80 30 35 63 25 3.30 2.18 140 8.84 2.68 29 35 62 24 3.40 2.21 138 8.77 2.58 29 34 61 24 3.50 2.24 136 8.68 2.48 28 34 60 24 3.75 2.32 131 8.43 2.25 27 33 58 23 4.00 2.40 127 8.20 2.05 26 32 57 22 4.25 2.48 123 7.99 1.88 1 25 31 55 21 4.50 2.55 119 7. S3 1.74 25 30 54 21 4.75 2.61 116 7.69 1.62 24 29 52 20 5.00 2.68 113 7.50 1.50 24 28 51 20 The above table is based on 1.30 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 20 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, clean- ing, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about 1.10 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 48S 8X3)4 FLY FRAME 21 INCH ROLL. 5 }{ INCH SPACE 358 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 1100 R. P. M. Spindle, 3.07 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft V/% Dia. Front Roll, 3.53" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 13 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 191 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 62 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 78 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 93 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears. 112 Tension Constant with 45-65 Gears 57 Lay Constant with 20-60 Gears Divide Constant by Sgiiare Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 45 — or — or — 55 GO 65 Lay Gear 2.60 2.10 148 8.81 3.39 48 58 70 35 2.70 2.13 146 8.78 3.25 47 57 68 35 2.80 2.17 144 8.65 3.09 46 56 67 34 2.90 2.21 141 8.58 2.96 45 55 66 34 3.00 2.25 138 8.46 2.82 45 54 65 33 3.10 2.29 136 8.34 2.69 44 53 64 32 3.20 2.33 134 8.26 2.58 43 52 63 32 3.30 2.36 132 8.22 2.49 43 51 62 31 3.40 2.39 130 8.13 2.39 42 50 61 31 3.50 2.43 128 8.05 2.30 41 50 60 31 3.75 2.52 124 7.88 2.10 40 48 58 29 4.00 2.60 120 7.68 1.92 39 46 56 28 4.25 2.68 116 7.48 1.76 38 45 54 27 4.50 2.76 113 7.29 1.62 37 44 53 27 4.75 2.83 110 7.17 1.51 36 42 51 26 5.00 2.91 107 7.00 1.40 35 42 50 26 5.25 2.98 104 6.82 1.30 34 40 49 25 5.50 3.05 102 6.71 1.22 33 39 48 24 5.75 3.12 100 6.61 1.15 32 38 47 23 6.00 3.18 98 6.48 1.08 32 38 46 23 The above table is based on 1.‘20 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 22 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, clean- ing, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about lcIO X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Roll Speeds maintained. 489 7x3J/ 2 FLY FRAME 21 INCH ROLL. 5 % INCH SPACE 391 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 1200 R. P. M. Spindle, 3.07 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft l/dj f/ Dia. Front Roll, 3.53" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 10 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 191 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 62 Twist Constant (Single Gear), for Change Gear Table, see page 473 124 Twist Constant (Double Gear), for Change Gear Table, see page473 78 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 93 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears. 135 Tension Constant' with 40-70 Gears 57 Lay Constant with 20-60 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 50 40 — or — or — 55 60 70 Lav Gear 3.00 2.25 151 8.67 2.89 45 54 33 3.25 2.34 145 8.48 2.61 43 52 32 3.60 2.43 140 8.33 2.38 41 50 72 31 3.76 2.52 135 8.14 2.17 40 48 70 30 4.00 2.60 131 7.96 1.99 39 46 68 29 4.26 2.68 127 7.86 1.85 37 45 65 28 4.60 2.76 123 7.70 1.71 36 42 64 27 4.76 2.83 120 7.55 1.59 35 42 62 26 6.00 2.90 117 7.45 1.49 35 42 60 26 6.26 2.98 114 7.30 1.39 34 41 59 25 6.60 3.05 111 7.15 1.30 33 40 58 24 6.76 3.12 109 7.02 1.22 32 39 56 24 6.00 3.18 107 6.96 1.16 42 38 55 23 6.25 3.25 105 6.81 1.09 31 38 54 23 6.50 3.31 103 6.70 1.03 30 36 53 22 6.75 3.38 100 6.55 .97 30 35 52 21 7.00 3.44 98 6.44 .92 29 35 51 21 The above table is based on 1.30 X square root of hank for twist for American Cotton up to 1 inch, with allowance of 24 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, clean- ing, etc. For Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton about 1.20 X square root of hank for twist is generally used and above Rcll Speeds maintained. 490 7x3 JACK FRAME 19 INCH ROLL. 4% INCH SPACE 407 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 1250 R. P. M. Spindle, 3.07 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft 1 Dia. Front Roll, 3.53" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 8 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 191 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 124 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 102 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 147 Tension Constant with 45-C5 Gears. 178 Tension Constant with 40-70 Gears 100 Lay Constant with 14-71 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 45 40 — or — or — 55 65 70 Lay Gear 5.50 2.82 125 7.70 1.40 44 63 42 5.75 2.88 123 7.65 1.33 43 62 74 41 6.00 2.94 120 7.56 1.26 42 60 73 41 6.25 3.00 118 7.44 1.19 41 59 71 40 6.50 3.06 116 7.35 1.13 40 58 70 39 6.76 3.12 114 7.22 1.07 39 57 69 38 7.00 3.17 112 7.14 1.02 39 5o 67 38 7.25 3.23 110 7.03 .97 38 55 66 37 7.60 3.29 108 6.98 .93 37 54 65 36 7.75 3.34 106 6.86 .89 37 53 64 36 8.00 3.39 104 6.76 .85 36 52 63 35 8.25 3.45 103 6.68 .81 36 51 62 35 8.50 3.50 101 6.63 .78 35 51 61 34 8.75 3.55 100 6.56 .75 35 50 60 34 9.00 3.60 98 6.48 .72 34 49 59 33 The above table is based on 1.20 X square root of hank for twist for Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton, with allowance of 26 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, cleaning, etc. 491 6x3 JACK FRAME 18 INCH ROLL. 4J6 INCH SPACE 423 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 1300 R. P. M. Spindle, 3.07 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft 1 J/g" Dia. Front Roll, 3.53" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 7 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 191 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 124 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 102 Tension Constant with 55-55 Gears. 147 Tension Constant with 45-65 Gears. 218 Tension Constant with 35-75 Gears 100 Lay Constant with 14-71 Gears Divide Constant by Square Root of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 55 45 35 — or — or — 55 G5 75 Lay Gear 7.00 3.17 116 7.14 1.02 39 56 38 7.25 3.23 114 7.11 .98 38 55 37 7.50 3.29 112 7.05 .94 37 54 36 7.75 3.34 no 6.98 .90 37 53 36 8.00 3.39 109 6.88 .86 36 52 35 8.50 3.50 105 6.72 .79 35 51 34 9.00 3.60 102 6.57 .73 34 49 73 33 9.50 3.70 100 6.46 .68 33 48 71 32 10.00 3.79 97 6.30 .63 32 47 69 32 10.50 3.89 95 6.20 .59 32 46 67 31 11.00 3.99 92 6.05 .55 31 45 66 30 11.50 4.07 90 5.98 .52 30 44 64 29 12.00 4.16 89 5.83 .49 29 43 63 29 13.00 4.33 85 5.72 .44 28 41 60 2 S 14.00 4.50 82 5.46 .39 27 40 58 27 The above table is based on 1.20 X square root of hank for twist for Staple American, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton, with allowance of 30 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, cleaning, etc. 492 6 x 2Vz JACK FRAME 17 INCH ROLL. 4'A INCH SPACE 440 R. P. M. Main Shaft, 1350 R. P. M. Spindle, 3.07 Ratio of Spindle to Main Shaft 1H" Dia. Front Roll, 3.53" Circumference, 1" Dia. Middle and Back Rolls 5 Ounces Cotton on Bobbin 191 Draft Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 471 124 Twist Constant, for Change Gear Table, see page 473 118 Tension Constant with 50-60 Gears. 172 Tension Constant with 40-70 Gears. 262 Tension Constant with 30-80 Gears 106 Lay Constant with 14-71 Gears Divide Constant by Square Roof of Number for Tension or Lay Change Gears Production per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours Hank Roving Twist per Inch Revs. Front Roll Hanks Pounds Tension Gear 50 40 30 — or — or — 60 70 80 Lay Gear 11.00 4.31 89 5.72 .52 35 52 32 11.50 4.41 87 5.64 .49 35 51 31 12.00 4.50 85 5.52 .46 34 50 30 13.00 4.69 82 5.33 .41 33 48 73 29 14.00 4.86 79 5.18 .37 32 46 70 28 15.00 5.04 76 4.95 .33 30 44 68 27 16.00 5.20 74 4.96 .31 29 43 66 26 17.00 5.36 71 4.76 .28 29 42 64 26 18.00 5.52 69 4.68 .26 28 41 62 25 19.00 5.67 67 4.56 .24 27 40 60 24 20.00 5.81 66 4.40 .22 26 39 59 24 21.00 5.95 64 4.41 .21 26 38 57 23 22.00 6.10 63 4.18 .19 25 37 56 22 23.00 6.23 61 4.14 .18 25 36 55 22 24.00 6.37 60 4.08 .17 24 35 54 22 The above table is based on 1.30 X square root of hank for twist for Staple Ameriean, Egyptian, or Sea Island Cotton, with allowance of 30 minutes per set for doffing, breakage of ends, oiling, cleaning, etc. 493 TABLE FOR NUMBERING ROVING Rule. 100 -4- Weight in Grains of 12 Yards of Roving = Number of Hank 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. W'eigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving i. 100.00 7. 14.29 12. 8.33 17. 5.88 22. 4.55 .2 83.3.3 .1 14.08 .1 8.26 .1 5.85 .1 4.52 .4 71.43 .2 13.89 .2 8.20 .2 5.81 .2 4.50 .6 62.50 .3 13.70 .3 8.13 .3 5.78 .3 4.48 .8 55.56 .4 13.51 .4 8.06 .4 5.75 .4 4.46 2. 50.00 .5 13.33 .5 8.00 .5 5.71 .5 4.44 .2 45.45 .6 13.16 .6 7.94 .6 5.68 .6 4.42 .4 41.67 .7 12.99 .7 7.87 .< 5.65 .7 4.41 .6 38.46 .8 12.82 .8 7.81 .8 5.62 .8 4.39 .8 35.71 .9 12.66 .9 7.75 .9 5.59 .9 4.37 3. 33.33 8. 12.50 13. 7.69 18. 5.56 23. 4.35 .1 32.26 .1 12.35 .1 7.63 .1 5.52 .1 4.33 .2 31.25 .2 12.20 .2 7.58 .2 5.49 .2 4.31 .3 30.30 .3 12.05 .3 7.52 .3 5.46 .3 4.29 .4 29.41 .4 11.90 .4 7.46 .4 5.43 .4 4.27 .5 28.57 .5 11.76 .5 7.41 .5 5.41 .5 4.26 .6 27.78 .6 11.63 .6 7.35 .6 5.38 .6 4.24 .7 27.03 .7 11.49 .7 7.30 .7 5.35 .7 4.22 .8 26.32 .8 11.36 .8 7.25 .8 5.32 .8 4.20 .9 25.64 .9 11.24 .9 7.19 .9 5.29 .9 4.18 4. 25.00 9 11.11 14. 7.14 19. 5.26 24. 4.17 .1 24.39 .1 10.99 .1 7.09 .1 5.24 .1 4.15 .2 23.81 .2 10.87 .2 7.04 .2 5.21 .2 4.13 .3 23.26 .3 10.75 .3 6.99 .3 5. IS .3 4.12 .4 22.73 .4 10.64 .4 6.94 .4 5.15 .4 4.10 .5 22.22 .5 10.53 .5 6.90 .5 5.13 .5 4.08 .6 21.74 .6 10.42 .6 6.85 .6 5.10 .6 4.07 .7 21.28 .7 10.31 .7 6.80 .7 5.08 .7 4.05 .8 20.83 .8 10.20 .8 6.76 .8 5.05 .8 4.03 .9 20.41 .9 10.10 .9 6.71 .9 5.03 .9 4.02 6. 20.00 10. 10.00 15 6.67 20. 5.00 25 4.00 .1 19.61 .1 9.90 .1 6.62 .1 4.98 .1 3.98 .2 19.23 .2 9.80 .2 6.58 .2 4.95 .2 3.97 .3 18.87 .3 9.71 .3 6.54 .3 4.93 .3 3.95 .4 18.52 .4 9.62 .4 6.49 .4 4.90 .4 3.94 .5 18.18 .5 9.52 .5 6.45 .5 4.SS .5 3.92 •6 17.86 .6 9.43 .6 6.41 .6 4.85 .6 3.91 .7 17.54 .7 9.35 .7 6.37 .7 4.83 .7 3.89 .8 17.24 .8 9.26 .8 6.33 .8 4. SI .8 3.8S .9 16.95 .9 9.17 .9 6.29 .9 4.7S .9 3.86 6. 16.67 11. 9.09 16. 6.25 21. 4.76 26. 3.85 .1 16.39 .1 9.01 .1 6.21 .1 4.74 .1 3.S3 .2 16.13 .2 8.93 .2 6.17 .2 4.72 _2 3.S2 .3 15.87 .3 8.85 .3 6.13 .3 4.69 .3 3.80 .4 15.62 .4 8.77 .4 6.10 .4 4.67 .4 3.79 .5 15.38 .5 8.70 .5 6.06 .5 4.65 .5 3.77 .6 15.15 .6 8.62 .6 6.02 .6 4.63 .6 3.76 .7 14.93 .7 8.55 .7 5.99 .7 4.61 .7 3.75 .8 14.71 .8 8.47 .8 5.95 .8 4.59 .8 3.73 .9 14.49 .9 8.40 .9 5.92 .9 4.57 .9 3.72 494 TABLE FOR NUMBERING ROVING — Continued Rule. 100 -5- Weight in Grains of 12 Yards of Roving = Number of Hank 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 27 . 3.70 32 . 3.12 37 . 2.70 44 . 2.27 54 . 1.85 .1 3.69 .1 3.12 .1 2.70 .2 2.26 .2 1.85 .2 3.68 .2 3.11 .2 2.69 .4 2.25 .4 1.84 .3 3.66 .3 3.10 .3 2.68 .6 2.24 .6 1.83 .4 3.65 .4 3.09 .4 2.67 .8 2.23 .8 1.82 .5 3.64 .5 3.08 .5 2.67 45 . 2.22 55 . 1.82 .6 3.62 .6 3.07 .6 2.66 .2 2.21 .2 1.81 .7 3.61 .7 3.06 .7 2.65 .4 2.20 .4 1.81 .8 3.60 .8 3.05 .8 2.65 .6 2.19 .6 1.80 .9 3.58 .9 3.04 .9 2.64 .8 2.18 .8 1.79 28 . 3.57 33 . 3.03 38 . 2.63 46 . 2.17 56 . 1.79 .1 3.56 .1 3.02 .1 2.62 .2 2.16 .2 1.78 .2 3.55 .2 3.01 _2 2.62 .4 2.16 .4 1.77 .3 3.53 .3 3.00 .3 2.61 .6 2.15 .6 1.77 .4 3.52 .4 2.99 .4 2.60 .8 2.14 .8 1.76 .5 3.51 .5 2.99 .5 2.60 47 . 2.13 57 . 1.75 .6 3.50 .6 2.98 .6 2.59 .2 2.12 .2 1.75 .7 3.49 .7 2.97 .7 2.58 .4 2.11 .4 1.74 .8 3.47 .8 2.96 .8 2.58 .6 2.10 .6 1.74 .9 3.46 .9 2.95 .9 2.57 .8 2.09 .8 1.73 29 . 3.45 34 . 2.94 39 . 2.56 48 . 2.08 58 . 1.72 .1 3.44 .1 2.93 .1 2.56 .2 2.07 .2 1.72 .2 3.42 .2 2.92 2 2.55 .4 2.07 .4 1.71 .3 3.41 .3 2.92 .3 2.54 .6 2.06 .6 1.71 .4 3.40 .4 2.91 .4 2.54 .8 2.05 .8 1.70 .5 3.39 .5 2.90 .5 2.53 49 . 2.04 59 . 1.69 .6 3.38 .6 2.89 .6 2.53 .2 2.03 .2 1.69 .7 3.37 .7 2.88 .7 2.52 .4 2.02 .4 1.68 .8 3.36 .8 2.87 .8 2.51 .6 2.02 .6 1.68 .9 3.34 .9 2.87 .9 2.51 .8 2.01 .8 1.67 30 . 3.33 35 . 2.86 40 . 2.50 50 . 2.00 60 . 1.67 .1 3.32 .1 2.85 .2 2.49 2 1.99 .5 1.65 .2 3.31 .2 2.84 .4 2.48 .4 1.98 61. 1.64 .3 3.30 .3 2.83 .6 2.46 .6 1.98 .5 1.63 .4 3.29 .4 2.82 .8 2.45 .8 1.97 62. 1.61 .5 3.28 .5 2.82 41 . 2.44 51 . 1.96 .5 1.60 .6 3.27 .6 2. SI .2 2.43 .2 1.95 63. 1.59 .7 3.26 .7 2.80 .4 2.42 .4 1.95 .5 1.57 .8 3.25 .8 2.79 .6 2.40 .6 1.94 64. 1.56 .9 3.24 .9 2.79 .8 2.39 .8 1.93 .5 1.55 31 . 3.23 36 . 2.78 42 . 2.38 52 . 1.92 65 . 1.54 .1 3.22 .1 2.77 .2 2.37 .2 1.92 .5 1.53 .2 3.21 .2 2.76 .4 2.36 .4 1.91 66. 1.52 .3 3.19 .3 2.75 .6 2.35 .6 1.90 .5 1.50 .4 3.18 .4 2.75 .8 2.34 .8 1.89 67. 1.49 .5 3.17 .5 2.74 43 . 2.33 53 . 1.89 .5 1.48 .6 3.16 .6 2.73 .2 2.31 .2 1.88 68. 1.47 .7 3.15 .7 2.72 .4 2.30 .4 1.87 .5 1.46 .8 3.14 .8 2.72 .6 2.29 .6 1.87 69. 1.45 .9 3.13 .9 2.71 .8 2.28 .8 1.86 .5 1.44 495 TABLE FOR NUMBERING ROVING — Continued. Rule. 100 ~ Weight in Grains of 12 Yards of Roving = Number of Hank 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 12 yds. Weigh Grains Hank Roving 70. 1.43 90. i.ii 120 .83 170 .59 280 .36 .5 1.42 .5 1.10 121 .83 172 .58 285 .35 71. 1.41 91. 1.10 122 .82 174 .57 290 .34 .5 1.40 .5 1.09 123 .81 176 .57 295 .34 72. 1.39 92. 1.09 124 .SI 178 .56 300 .33 .5 1.38 .5 1.08 125 .80 180 .56 305 .33 73. 1.37 93. 1.08 126 .79 182 •OD 310 .32 .5 1.36 .5 1.07 127 .79 184 .54 315 .32 74. 1.35 94. 1.06 128 .78 186 .54 320 .31 .5 1.34 .5 1.06 129 .78 18S .53 333 .30 75 1.33 95. 1.05 130 .77 190 .53 340 .29 .5 1.32 .5 1.0.5 131 .76 192 .52 350 .29 76. 1.32 96. 1.04 132 .76 194 .52 360 .28 .5 1.31 .5 1.04 133 ./ o 196 .51 370 .27 77. 1.30 97. 1.03 134 ./ o 19S .51 380 .26 .5 1.29 .5 1.03 135 .74 200 .50 390 .26 78. 1.28 98. 1.02 133 .74 202 .50 400 .25 1.27 .5 1.02 137 .73 204 .49 410 .24 79. 1.27 99. 1.01 138 .72 206 .49 420 .24 .5 1.26 .5 1.01 139 .72 208 .48 430 .23 80. 1.25 100 1.00 140 .71 210 .48 440 .23 1.24 101 .99 141 .71 212 .47 450 .22 81. 1.23 102 .93 142 .70 214 .47 460 .22 .5 1.23 103 .97 143 .70 216 .46 470 .21 82. 1.22 101 .93 144 .69 218 .46 480 .21 .5 1.21 105 .95 145 .69 220 45 490 .20 83. 1.20 106 .9 1 146 .68 222 .45 500 .20 .5 1.20 107 .93 147 .68 224 .45 525 .19 84. 1.19 10S .93 143 ,6S 226 .44 550 • IS 1.18 109 .92 149 .67 22S .41 575 .17 85. 1.18 110 .91 i50 .67 230 .43 600 .17 .5 1.17 111 .91 152 .66 235 .43 625 .16 86. 1.16 112 .SO 154 .65 240 .42 650 .15 .5 1.16 113 .88 156 .64 245 .41 675 .15 87. 1.15 114 .88 158 .63 250 .40 700 .14 .5 1.14 115 .87 160 .62 255 .39 725 .14 88. 1.14 116 .83 162 .62 260 ,3S 7 to .13 .5 1.13 117 .S3 164 .61 265 ,3S 825 .12 89. 1.12 118 .85 166 .60 270 .37 900 .11 .5 1.12 119 ,S4 168 .60 275 .36 1000 .10 496 TABLE FOR NUMBERING CARD OR DRAWING SLIVER Rule. 8.33 -f- Weight in Grains of 1 Yard of Sliver = Hank Weight in Grains Hank Weight in Grains Hank Weight in Grains Hank Weight in Grains Hank 10 .833 24 .347 38 .219 54 .154 10.5 .793 24.5 .340 38.5 .216 55 .151 11 .757 25 .333 39 .214 56 .149 11.5 .724 25.5 .327 39.5 .211 57 .146 12 .694 26 .320 40 .208 58 .144 12.5 .666 26.5 .314 40.5 .206 59 .141 13 .640 27 .30S 41 .203 60 .139 13.5 .617 27.5 .303 41.5 .201 61 .137 14 .595 28 .297 42 .198 62 .134 14.5 .575 28.5 .292 42.5 .196 63 .132 15 .555 29 .287 43 .194 64 .130 15.5 .537 29.5 .282 43.5 .192 65 .128 16 .521 30 .278 44 .189 66 .126 16.5 .505 30.5 .273 44.5 .187 67 .124 17 .490 31 .269 45 .185 68 .122 17.5 .476 31.5 .264 45.5 .183 69 .121 18 .463 32 .260 46 .181 70 .119 18.5 .450 32.5 .2.56 46.5 .179 71 .117 19 .438 33 .252 47 .177 72 .116 19.5 .427 33.5 .249 47.5 .175 73 .114 20 .416 34 .245 48 .174 74 .113 20.5 .406 34.5 .241 48.5 .172 75 .111 21 .397 35 .238 49 .170 76 .110 21.5 .387 35.5 .235 49.5 .168 77 .108 22 .378 36 .232 50 .167 78 .107 22.5 .370 36.5 .228 51 .163 79 .105 23 .362 37 .225 52 .160 80 .104 23.5 .355 37.5 .222 53 .157 TABLE OF DIVIDENDS FOR NUMBERING ROVING Rule. Dividend -4- Weight in Grains of Yards Weighed of Sliver or Roving = Hank Yards Weighed Dividend Yards Weighed Dividend Yards Weighed Dividend i 8.33 10 83.33 60 500.00 2 16.66 12 100.00 80 666.66 3 25.00 15 125.00 100 833.33 4 33.33 20 166.66 120 1000.00 6 50.00 30 250.00 240 2000.00 8 66.66 40 333.33 840 7000.00 « 497 RULES, TABLES, ETC. Table of Length 1 M yards (yd.) 120 840 30240 inches 1 thread, or circumference of yarn reel 80 threads = 1 skein, or lea 560 “ =7 skeins, or leas = 1 hank 560 “ = 7 “ “ “ = 1 “ Table of AYeight 27.34 grains (gr.) = 1 dram (dr.) 437.50 “ =16 drams = 1 ounce (oz.) 7000.00 “ = 256 “ = 16 ounces = 1 pound (lb.) 100 PER CENT PRODUCTION CONSTANTS Per Spindle per Day of 10 Hours (600 Minutes) Rule. R. P. M. of Front Roll X Constant = Hanks in 10 Hours R. P. M. of Front Roll X Constant Hank Roving Pounds in 10 Hours .104 Constant for 1 1 4 " Roll (Metallic) = 5.236 .078 “ ur “ (Regular) = 3.927 .074 “ l 3 Ae" “ = 3.731 .070 “ l^s" “ = 3.534 .066 “ DAe" << = 3.338 .055 “ Vs" (( = 2.750 498 RULES, TABLES, ETC. — Continued SLUBBER, RULES TO FIND GRAINS, HANK AND DRAFT 8.33 X Draft = Grains. 8.33 X Draft Hank Roving Grain Sliver Grains Sliver X Hank Roving Hank. 8.33 = Draft WHEN CHANGING FROM ONE HANK OR NUMBER TO ANOTHER DRAFT For Changing Draft: Present Draft Gear X Present Draft Required Draft For Changing Weight : Present Draft Gear X Required Weight Present Weight For Changing Hank: Present Draft Gear X Present Hank = Required Draft Gear = Required Draft Gear „ . . ,, . = Required Draft Gear Required Hank TWIST For Changing Twist: Present Twist Gear X Present Twist Required Twist For Changing Hank: Present Twist Gear X Sq. Rt. of Present Hank f Required j Twist Gear = Required Twist Gear Square Root of Required Hauk TENSION For Changing Hank: ( Required Present Tension Gear X Sq. Rt. of Present Hank i = < tension ( Gear Square Root of Required Hank 499 RULES, TABLES, ETC. — Continued LAY For Changing Hank: Present Lay Gear X Sq. Rt. of Present Hank ( Required Lay Square Root of Required Hank ( Gear PRODUCTION PER SPINDLE PER DAY OF 10 HOURS: Rule : 840 Yards in I Hank X 36 Inches in 1 Yard = 30240 Inches 30240 Inches X Twist per Inch X Hank X Lbs. Cotton on Bobbin _ \ Minutes required R. P. M. of Spindle ( for 1 Set 600 (Minutes in 10 Hours) Min. per Set + Alin, allowed for Doffing, etc. = Sets in 10 Hours Sets in 10 Hours X Lbs. Cotton on Bobbin = Pounds in 10 Hours Pounds in 10 Hours X Hank Roving = Hanks in 10 Hours TO DETERMINE LENGTH OF TIME BOBBIN WILL LAST IN CREEL Rule: 840 Yards X Hank Roving 16 = Yards in 1 Ounce Yards in 1 Ounce X Ounces on Full Bobbin = Yards on Bobbin Yards per Rev. of Front Roll X Rev. of Front Roll per Alin. X 60 Min. = Yards Delivered by Front Roll per Hour Total Yards on Creel Bobbin X Draft _ i Length of Time Creel Yards Delivered by Front Roll per Hour 1 Bobbin will Last 1)4" Diam. Front Roll Delivers .1090 Yards per Revolution 1 3 /i 6 " “ “ “ “ .1036 “ 1 y 8 " “ “ “ “ .0982 “ IHe" “ “ “ “ .0927 “ 1" “ “ “ “ .0873 “ 500 SPINNING FRAMES Spinning Frame Specifications STANDARD DOMESTIC FRAMES FRAMES FRAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SPINDLES 21 and 22 CYLINDERS ^ 24 25 26 27 RINGS 31 32 33 34 35 STEEL 44 ROLLS 45 46 TOP 52 ROLLS 56 57 YARN 61 DATA 62 63 64 Spindles each Drive {Band or Tape) Model Driving Pulley at Geared or Foot End (Note: Model 17, Swinging Steel Doors, pulley at foot end only Model 22, Cast Iron Head, pulley at either foot or head end ) Width of frame (36" or 38" over spindle rails) Height of frame (37" standard) Gauge of frame Traverse Kind of Thread Boards Saco-Lowell Metallic Separators (Rhodes Chandler — state width of blade) (Ring Rail — state style of blade) Builder (Combination) Set frames for warp. Set frames for filling. Is bottom forming attachment wanted Are Hank Clocks wanted Over-all length of frame Paint GREEN. Type and size of spindles Band or tape drive Diameter of whirl Spindle Speed wanted Diameter of cylinder (7", 8", 9" or 10") Cylinder bearings plain, moccasin bushings or ball bearing Style of ring Style of Ring Holder and Clearer Diameter of ring Size of flange (No. 1 narrow, No. 2 wide) Bore Ring Rails for inch rings. Case-hardened front roll wanted Are case-hardened necks for 2d and 3d lines wanted Roll gearing at both ends or at head end only Lever- weighted middle and back rolls a — Lever Screws, SPEAKMAN b — Saddles. Dixon Adjustable Front Rolls Solid or Shell Type Are top rolls to be furnished covered Are frames to spin warp, filling or hosiery yarn What counts shall frames be geared for Is extra gearing wanted for other counts Kind of cotton and length of staple 502 65 66 67 68 CREEL 71 72 BELT 81 DRIVE 82 83 Roll draft wanted Gears Twist multiplier Gears Hank Roving in creel Single or double roving in creel Size of bobbins in creel Creel to be one or two story Size of Driving Pulleys Loose pulley plain or moccasin bushing Belt from above or below MOTOR 91 DRIVE 92 93 94 95 Method of attaching motor (Chain, Gear or direct) . . Horse Power and make of motor Type and make of switch Current: Volt Phase Cycle. . . . If chain connection, state make of equipment wanted 96 Is motor and driving equipment to be supplied by Saco-Lowell Shops SPINNING FRAME SPECIFICATIONS ( Including special features applied to EXPORT FRAMES) See explanatory notes on following pages FRAMES Spindles each Drive (Band or Tape) FRAME 1 Model Pulley at geared or foot end 2 Width of frame 3 Height of frame (37" or 35" to beam) 4 Gauge of frame 6 Kind of Thread Boards SACO-LOWELL METALLIC.. . 6 A Style of thread guide — send sample 6B Is Thread Board Lifter wanted 7 Separators, Ring Rail Type, Style of blade 8 Builder 9 Is bottom forming attachment wanted 10 Are Hank Clocks wanted 1 1 Over-all length of frame 12 Paint 13 Weights will be furnished by SPINDLES 21 and 22 CYLINDERS 24 25 Type and size of spindle Band or tape drive Diameter of whirl Spindle speed wanted . . 503 26 Diameter of cylinder (7", 8", 9" or 10") 27 Cylinder bearings plain or ball bearing RINGS 31 32 33 34 35 Style of ring Style of ring holder and clearer Diameter of ring Size of flange (No. 1 Narrow, No. 2 Wide) Bore Ring Rails for inch rings. STEEL 41 ROLLS 42 43 44 45 46 Diameter of front bottom roll Diameter of middle bottom roll Diameter of back bottom roll Are case-hardened front rolls wanted Are case-hardened necks for 2d and 3d lines wanted Roll gearing at both ends or at head end only TOP ROLLS 51 and 52 CLEARERS 5 „ 54 55 56 57 58 YARN 61 DATA G2 63 64 65 66 67 68 Type and angle of roll stand Self-weighted middle and back rolls Diameter of front top roll, covered Diameter of middle top roll Diameter of back top roll Front top roll short boss, shell type Are top rolls to be furnished covered Style of top clearer Frames to spin warp or weft yarn What counts shall frames be geared for Is extra gearing wanted for other counts Kind of cotton and length of staple Roll draft wanted Gears Twist per inch Multiplier Gears Hank Roving in creel Single or double roving in creel CREEL 71 Size of bobbins in creel 72 Creel to be one or two story 73 Is creel to be of the Birkenhead type BELT 81 DRIVE 82 83 84 85 MOTOR 91 DRIVE 92 93 94 95 Size of driving pulleys Loose pulley plain or moccasin bushing Belt from above or below Shipper handles overhead, high or low drop Shipper handles at geared end Method of attaching motor (Chain, Gear or direct) . . Horse Power and make of motor Type and make of switch Current: \ olt Phase Cycle... If chain connection, state make of equipment wanted 96 Is motor and driving equipment to be supplied by Saco-Lowell Shops 504 Notes on Specifications, as listed on page 503 Minimum standard length of frame is 208 spindles up to 2 gauge and 204 spindles for 3" gauge or over. Frames shorter than these are special and carry an extra charge. Item 1 . See pages 207 and 208 for description of different models. The No. 17 model has swinging steel doors on geared end, pulleys at foot end only. The model 22 standard frame for export has pulleys at geared end with small frame ends supporting outer end of shafting. Item 2. Frames are furnished in two widths, 38" in all models and 30" in Model 22 only. The 38" frame is 38" between outer sides of spindle rails, 40" over-all width of geared end. The 36" frame is 30" over spindle rails and 38" over-all. The use of the V-type spindle adds approximately 3,bs>" to the width over rails, or Y/i' to the over-all width of frame. Item 3. Frames are built in two sizes, 37" to top of roller beam being standard for domestic use. Frames 35" to top of beam are supplied to localities where the operatives are of short stature. Item 4. Frames are built in the following gauges — 2J4", 2J^", 2%", 2 ^ 4 ", 3", 3Y", 3 ^ 2 ", 4", 434 ,, • There are eight spindles per roll on gauges up to and including 2%", six spindles per roll on 3" to 4" gauge and four spindles per roll on 4J4" gauge. Item 5. Traverse is adjustable from 5" to 8 ". Item 6. See page 222 for cut of Saco-Lowell Metallic Thread Board. The use of this is recommended under all conditions. Item 6 A. The lifting arrangement for raising all the thread boards on the frames simultaneously will be supplied if specified. We have several types of lifters to meet various requirements. Item 7. Cuts of separator plates are shown on page 220 . When traverse is not over 6 " we furnish either the S- 21 , S-23 or S-15 type. If frames are run by small operatives, we recommend the S-23 or S-15. Items 8 and 9. The Combination Builder is described on page 218, and is standard equipment for all spinning frames. It can be adapted to either warp or filling wind by changing cams. A bottom forming attachment can be applied if required for improving the shape of bobbins when using filling wind on straight or warp type bobbins. 505 Item 10. Hank clocks are not included in standard equipment and must be specified if wanted. See description on page 223. Method of applying clocks varies with the model of frame. With double end roll drive, it is placed inside the geared end casing. With single end roll drive, it is connected with the front roll at foot end of frame. Item 11. For over-all lengths of frames see tables on pages 516 to 521. Table showing metrical equivalents will be found on pages 522 and 523. Item 13. On export orders, it is frequently to the Mill’s advantage to have weights cast locally, thereby saving freight charges. In this case we supply detailed drawing for getting out patterns or will supply wood patterns if required. Item 21. See pages 226 to 228 for description of spindles. Always- send sample spindle and six bobbins if necessary to match up existing spindles. Item 22. We strongly recommend the use of tape drive. See de- scription on page 225. Item 23. Standard whirl diameters are shown on page 226. Item 24. It is advisable to state spindle speed wanted. If not specified, we base our calculations on speeds as shown by our production tables. See pages 543 to 546. Item 26. Cylinders are regularly furnished 8" diameter for band drive and 10" for tape drive. We can supply cylinders 7" or 9" in diameter if required to match up old frames. See tables on pages 534 and 538, for ratio between cylinders and spindles using various sized whirls. Item 27. We are prepared to supply ball bearing cylinder bearings fitted with the Alemite greasing system. With this arrangement pipe connections are run from the bearings out to the box rail and so located that the fitting for receiving grease pump_is of easy access without reaching into the frame. Items 31 and 32. Rings are illustrated and described on page 219. Items 33 and 34. Rings should be at least 1" smaller in diameter than the gauge of frame. Always give full description and if possible send sample of ring and holder wanted. 506 Item 35. Mills running on a variety of work frequently change from warp to filling or vice versa, or go on to different numbers of yarn requiring change in the size of ring. Rails should be ordered bored for the largest rings that will be used on the frames. Items 41 to 43. Standard combinations of bottom rolls which we are prepared to furnish are: A. For Indian or China cotton, front middle back f-g". B. For American and Indian cotton, front 1", middle back T-g", C. For American cotton, medium counts, front 1", middle 1 /%". back D. For long staple cotton, front 1 1 s ", middle J/g", back I ts". Unless otherwise specified front rolls are furnished with screw joints middle and back rolls with square or socket joints. Items 44 and 45. Case-hardened front rolls are strongly recom- mended, the slight extra cost being more than compensated for by the longer service given by the rolls. Item 46. The arrangement with roll gearing at both ends of frame (see page 526) is more flexible, permitting accurate regulation of the break draft. The single end drive is preferred by many mills, as it requires the changing of only one gear when making changes in draft, permits the carrying of a smaller stock of change gears and requires less time in making changes. Item 51. Regular roll stands are 28° angle. We also supply a 24J4° and 35° stand for special work. Items 51 to 55. Lever-weighted top rolls are ff" diameter when covered. We supply 5% spare rolls with frames. For self-weighted middle and back roll arrangement our standard sizes are: Front f|" diameter covered ft" before covering 13 '/ “ 11 // “ “ 16 16 1 / 1 i" “ “ 1 " Middle ft" plain cast-iron roll not covered 11 " << << “ “ << << 16 Back 1 %" 2" “ “ “ “ “ Item 56. With the self-weighted roll arrangement we usually supply short boss shell front rolls. or or or 507 Item 57. We regularly supply all leather top rolls covered with high- grade cloth and leather. Will supply rolls ready for covering if mill prefers to have this done locally. Item 58. The box type clearer is usually furnished with self- weighted rolls. With 24^2° roll stands, the clearers are made half-roll length without gudgeons. With the 28° roll stand, they are made full roll length with gudgeons supported by tips on cap bar fingers. Items 61 to 68. These questions should be fully and carefully answered. Unless otherwise specified, we supply three changes of draft, twist and lay gears, one tooth each side of figured gearing for a given count. If other counts should be spun, they should be definitely specified, and we will figure the necessary gears, taking care of require- ments. Item 81. Standard width of pulleys are for 3", 3Yt!' or 4" belt. Item 84. We have recently designed a crank shipper handle located at geared end with a handle on either side of frame. This is shown on frame illustrated on page 212. It is designed for use in mills where operatives are of small stature and have difficulty in reaching the overhead shipper. Items 91 to 96. We require all data mentioned in these questions. The details of motor, switch and chain equipment will be covered direct by the manufacturer of this equipment, in order to insure proper fit of all parts. Care of Spinning Frames ^TH ) obtain the best results on the spinning frame, both as to 1 quality and quantity of yarn, it is important that the smallest details should not be overlooked. Systematic care in keeping the frames clean and in good working order will repay the spinner. LEVELING. New frames should be carefully leveled both ways before starting, and old frames should be gone over at intervals to see whether, or not, they need releveling and aligning. Oiling STEEL ROLLS. Oil bearings twice weekly. TOP ROLLS. Oil front top roll twice a week. Oil the middle and back top roll bearings once a week. 508 CYLINDER BEARINGS, LOOSE PULLEY and END GEARING. Oil daily. SPINDLES. On new frames, spindles will require liberal oiling at first, and afterward once every two weeks. Cleaning STEEL ROLLS. Wipe off twice a week, and thoroughly clean at least once in two or three months. FRONT TOP ROLLS. Clean bearings of top rolls daily, and, if so desired, the leather covers may be cleaned while the frame is running. Waste, dipped in a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and water, may be used for this purpose. BACK and MIDDLE TOP ROLLS should be treated in the same manner as the front top rolls, except that it is necessary to clean them only once a week. TOP CLEARERS. These should be picked three or four times daily and the scavenger rolls as often as necessary. CREEL. For medium and fine counts, dust off the creel at least once a day, and remove the accumulation of lint about the skewer steps and top holes every two days. THREAD BOARDS. Wipe thoroughly with waste at least twice a day and move the cleaner board along the thread board from end to end of frame every hour or so. RING RAILS and SEPARATORS. Brush off every other day and oftener for coarse counts from short staple. SPINDLES should be taken from the frame at least twice a year, dirt and oil removed, and all parts of the spindle thoroughly cleaned. Brush the remaining parts of frame daily. Miscellaneous STEEL ROLLS. If steel rolls become rough and show a tendency to catch fiber, polish with whiting, or sawdust, and oil. Fill the flutes with paste and use a piece of card clothing for polishing. Rub clothing lengthwise of the flute and go over every inch of the roll carefully. Thoroughly clean the flutes after scouring. 509 Carefully set the rolls in relation to the length of staple used; also, take care in setting draft change gear with back roll gear so as not to cause vibration in the back and middle rolls, as this is liable to cause breakages and weak places in the yarn. Steel rolls should not be allowed to accumulate laps. By keeping them clean there will be much less trouble with the roving winding up on the top rolls. TOP ROLLS. Leather top rolls can be cleaned while running. Back top rolls need not be cleaned more than once a week. It is a good plan when sending top rolls to be re-covered to cut them with a knife so as to spoil leather and cloth. This insures the use of new foundation cloth. The leather should not be put on too tightly. Rolls with a soft “feel " are preferable. Examine leather on top rolls frequently and either re-cover, or true up in the case of worn ones. Place top rolls in machine with star below the lap so that the lap on roll will revolve with the direction of the sliver. TRAVERSE MOTION should be properly adjusted as to length of traverse, also have as little dwell as possible at the end of a stroke so as to prevent wearing ridges in top rolls. ROLL WEIGHTING. Adjust stirrups so they will not rub on the steel rolls. Keep weight levers level so that the weights will exert all their force. ROVING GUIDES. These should be carefully inspected to see that they are not bent nor loose thereby delivering the roving too near together. THREAD GUIDES. Set so that they will deliver the yarn directly over the center of the spindle; also adjust the snarl catcher so that it will just clear the yarn at the maximum balloon, care being taken in bending so that when thread board is tipped back and scavenger roll is out, the end of snarl catcher will not strike the front steel roll. Thread guide should be examined periodically and, if necessary, adjusted concentrically with the spindles and rings. SEPARATORS to be so adjusted that they will properly break the balloon and not interfere with the thread board when they are in their highest position. LIFTER RODS on new frames, when started, are sometimes tight in the bushings for a time and should be carefully watched; also, they should be kept free of dirt or lint to prevent their sticking in the bearings. 510 SPINDLES. For new frames the spindles should be taped and run empty for at least twenty-four hours before they are set to the rings. When plumbing spindles careful attention should be given to get the spindle con- centric with the ring when the ring rail is at the bottom and top of traverse. There are several things that cause vibrating spindles such as bad bobbins, crooked spindle blade, or a worn or dry bolster, therefore the spindles should be examined very closely to detect the cause of the vibration, and proper steps shoidd be taken to remedy it. RINGS should be properly set with the spindle in the exact center. If out of center, they will wear quickly and cause broken ends. TRAVELER. Extreme care should be taken in the selection of travelers for the correct weight in relation to the yarn being made and also of the correct circle for the ring used. While a heavy traveler will make a hard bobbin, too heavy a traveler will strain the yarn and cause weak places. A light traveler will make a more elastic yarn than the heavy, but it is not always true that a light traveler will reduce end breakage. It is difficult to give advice on the weight of travelers as the conditions of spinning vary so much, and the overseer can, by making his own experiments, find out which weight and circle of traveler will best suit his particular conditions. POWER REQUIREMENTS OF SPINNING FRAMES The power consumed by spinning frames is dependent on so many variable conditions such as size of ring, traverse, twist, spindle speed, type of bear- ings, method of driving spindles, etc. that it is impossible to compile a table to accurately cover all conditions. Accurate tests frequently show wide variations in power taken by identical frames, located in different mills. The following schedule is based on tests in local mills but is not to be considered as definite engineering data and should be used for ROUGH ESTIMATES ONLY, where approximate figures are required. Figures include an average shafting load and number of spindles per II. P. can be increased approximately 12% for individual drive. Average Counts Warp Yarn Filling Yarn Spindle Speed Ring Spindles per 1 H.P. Spindle Speed Ring Spindles per 1 H.P. 7 6000 2M" 30 5500 1° s" 40 12 7500 2V 35 6500 IV 38 20 8900 2" 38 7700 IV 45 30 9500 i 3 V 45 8300 IV 50 40 9700 1/1" 55 8000 IV 70 60 9550 iV 60 7900 iv 75 80 9450 iV 65 7900 i V 75 Use this table for rough estimates only. 511 512 Bobbins HE selection of bobbins is an important factor, as a badly fitting or poorly made bobbin will be the cause of a lot of bad work. The diameter of barrel of bobbin should be great enough to prevent undue traveler pull on the yarn when winding on the bare bobbin, yet not so large as to reduce the amount of yarn to be wound on them, as less yarn means more doffing, less production, and higher cost. In ordering new bobbins, a spindle should be furnished the bobbin makers with instructions to the effect that the spindle must fill the bore of bobbin at top, but not bind. For domestic frames, the bobbin is driven from the cone of whirl, and not by the top of spindle. For foreign frames, it is the usual practice to drive the bobbin from the top of spindle and have it loose on the acorn. On spindles with cup, it is advisable to allow about YY clearance between bottom of cup and bobbin, also a slight clearance between cup and outside of bobbin. The cuts on opposite page show several standard types of bobbins. No. 1. McMullan spindle with warp bobbin. No. 2. McMullan spindle, with stepped barrel 3-ring Northrop Loom Bobbin. No. 3. McMullan spindle with Draper Clutch and filling bobbin. No. 5. V-type spindle with cup and export type warp bobbin w ith metal shield on base. No. G. McMullan spindle with warp or hosiery yarn bobbin, filling No. 7. McMullan spindle with Draper type cone and cup, warp bobbin with metal shield on base. No. 8. McMullan spindle with Draper type cone and cup, filling bobbin with metal shield on base. wind, reverse taper, i. e., bobbin larger in diameter at top than just above cone. 513 NET WEIGHT OF SPINNING FRAMES The variations in weight of frames, due to difference in specifications, makes it difficult to compile an list of weights. The schedule shown below gives itemized weights of frame parts and from these appro corre ct net weights can be figured. 514 NET WEIGHT OF SPINNING FRAMES The following tables showing approximate net weights of spinning frames have oeen made up for convenient reference, being based on the schedule shown on brevious page. They are not guaranteed correct but are sufficiently accurate for ■stimating tonnage, etc. Model 17 Frame, tape drive, lever weighted rolls, 2 story double stand- ard creel, R. C. separators, ring in C. I. holders, McMullan spindles. Spindles 2 Vi" 2 Vf 2^" 2M" 3" 3M" 3V 2 " 3M" 4" 4M" 144 5778 6007 6273 6626 180 627.5 6696 6984 7270 7602 8064 204 7006 7483 7809 8133 8510 8932 216 7403 7910 8255 8598 8997 9494 224 7626 8150 8508 8865 9279 9850 240 til 93 6695 718.5 7437 8135 8696 9078 9459 9901 10488 252 8468 9058 9462 9863 10330 10930 256 6585 7120 7642 7912 11141 272 6912 7480 8035 8320 11785 288 7306 7908 8496 8796 9597 10271 1 0732 11190 11723 12430 300 7551 8178 8790 9102 9930 10632 11112 11589 12144 1 2864 320 8025 8694 9347 9683 352 8745 9481 10199 10570 368 9073 9842 10593 10980 384 9466 10269 11052 11455 12122 13420 400 9793 10629 11445 11865 13030 13900 432 10512 11415 12297 12750 13983 448 10906 11842 12758 13230 464 11232 12202 13150 13640 480 1 1625 12630 13610 14115 512 1 2345 13415 1 4460 14996 528 12672 13776 14853 Model 22 Frame, pulleys at geared end, tape drive, self-weighted rolls, 2 story double standard creel, ring rail separators, rings in C. I. holders, McMullan spindles. Spindles 2K" W 2^" 2M" 3" 3H” 3 Yi' 3M" 4" 4 l /i" 180 6760 7271 8025 8313 8772 204 7569 8148 9003 9329 9814 216 8006 8618 8963 9522 9867 10365 240 6875 7375 7865 8115 8818 9496 9880 10501 10691 11150 262 9186 9903 10307 10960 11364 266 7317 7852 8374 8643 12193 272 7696 8264 8819 9105 12908 288 8142 8744 9332 9635 10370 11253 11714 12460 12921 13628 300 8426 9053 9665 9980 10805 11682 12162 12939 13419 14139 326 9107 9788 1 0453 10795 362 9789 10525 11243 11613 368 10170 10939 11690 12077 372 13232 14316 14938 384 10614 11417 12200 12603 13670 14761 15376 400 10993 11829 12645 13065 432 11817 12720 13600 14054 15286 448 12262 13198 14112 14582 464 12641 13611 14558 15046 480 13086 14089 15068 15572 16580 612 13909 14979 16023 16560 528 14290 15395 16471 17024 I aod d3AWnv 3DTdC i w § < os pH o z Z Oh Cfl hJ w Q o s 6 Z to O z < ►J Oh OS o o ►J pH 516 517 w 518 519 3g &3g FACE H9f6 NtoO — I PS Q Q W Q W PS << w o ! i-p w Q O ta O £ < P< PS o o HP fcu C/5 w s < P 4 O 5 HH 6 & hH Ph C/5 o w > M P 4 Q Q & W Q W <3 W O 520 -\ 5S : : •Tf 01 t- — 01 XNiO Tf OJ 2 X • • •CO X © -“ X © 05 X i-0 cO X o • ■ •X X if Tf Tf Tf Tf if © © © © iO CO - c t^if - CNt}< - if - © t>Tf- •o r- c. 03 Tf © X 05 — X © CO X O CO ” ”” Tf if Tf Tf Tf Tf IO © LO IOIOCO o lO —< X if — Ol © lO 1-t X Tf —• 03 o iO 1— i M iOC X rr. — Tf o X 05 03 Tf © r- 05 T^ X X XX X CO Tf ^f Tf Tf Tf Tf © 10,010 LO LO co Tf tC * oS S 7 : 1 c. • l£ fe CO . i— . — . 05 N» iO X co . rH . n* . x ■i N* co th t>- co *■ ■tN^-N -NhN CO 00 (N O X 4 13.500 50 OH 15.259 56 9H 17.304 44 IH 13.532 50 3 15.316 56 10 17.323 44 5 A 13.551 50 3A 15.329 56 11 A 17.361 44 6A 13.576 50 4 H 15.360 57 3J4 17.462 44 6 A 13.583 50 5A 15.379 57 m 17.494 44 7 13.589 50 6H 15.411 57 0A 17.538 44 754 13.608 50 7 15.418 57 17.551 44 9 13.640 50 7 A 15.430 57 7 H 17.570 44 9A 13.652 50 8H 15.462 57 9A 17.615 44 10 13.665 50 9 15.168 57 10 17.627 44 io?4 13.684 50 11 15.519 57 ion 17.646 45 1 13.741 51 0A 15.557 58 1 17.704 45 5 13.843 51 VH 15.589 58 3 A 17.767 45 6J4 13.875 51 3A. 15.633 58 *H 17.799 45 7 A 13.906 51 4 15.646 58 GA 17.843 45 8 A 13.932 51 4 H 15.665 58 7 17.856 45 854 13.938 51 7 15.722 58 7H 17.875 45 9 A 13.957 51 9 A 15.786 58 10 17.932 45 1054 13.989 51 ion 15.818 58 11 A 17.970 45 11 13.995 52 1 15.875 59 on 18.002 4G 0J4 14.033 52 3 A 15.938 59 i A 18.021 46 1 14.046 52 *H 15.970 59 O 18.034 46 154 14.065 52 7 16.027 59 2 H 18.053 46 2 14.071 52 8 16.053 59 3 18.059 46 3J4 14.103 52 9 H 16.084 59 3 H 18.065 46 3A 14.109 52 11 16.129 59 3A 18.072 46 4 14.122 52 li A. 16.141 59 4M 18.104 46 454 14.141 53 0H 16.160 59 5 18.110 46 5A 14.160 53 0A 16.167 59 5J4 18.123 46 7 14.198 53 l % 16.199 59 7 18.161 47 3A 14.414 53 m 16.218 60 0 A 18.300 47 454 14.446 53 3A 16.243 60 m 18.332 47 14.503 53 4 16.256 60 3 A 18.377 47 7 A 14.516 53 4 % 16.275 60 4 18.389 47 854 14.548 53 7 16.332 60 4 n 18.408 47 9 A 14.567 53 7A 16.345 60 5 18.415 47 1054 14.598 53 8 H 16.376 60 on 18.447 47 n 14.605 53 11 16.434 60 7 18.466 48 1 14.656 53 11 >2 16.446 60 7 A 18.478 48 i a 14.668 54 on 16.478 60 8A 18.504 48 254 14.700 54 3 16.535 60 8H 18.510 48 354 14.719 54 3 A 16.548 60 ion 18.561 48 454 14.751 54 *H 16.580 60 11 18.567 48 5 14.757 54 7 16.637 60 ii A 18.580 48 7 14.808 54 8 A 16.675 61 OH 18.612 48 9 A 14.871 54 9A 16.700 61 1 18.618 48 1054 14.903 54 io% 16.732 61 3 18.669 48 1154 14.922 55 1 16.789 61 10 % 18.866 55 5A 16.903 523 r CYLINDER V /I Spinning Frame Gearing C ommon to all Models 524 Gearing A. Cylinder Gear ( Band Drive. 1 20 T, 24 T, 30 T, 40 T, 52 T. 1 Tape Drive, l 25 T, 32 T, 40 T, 54 T, 70 T. B. Jack Gear ( Band Drive, ] 100 T, 96 T, 90 T, 80 T, 65 T. ) Tape Drive, ( 125 T, 128 T, 120 T, 108 T, 90 T. C. Twist Change Gear . . s 20 T to 80 T. (12 Pitch, M" Std. Hole.) ( ( Interchangeable with lay gear. ) D. Intermediate Gear. . . \ 148 T Band Drive. ( 160 T Tape Drive. E. Front Roll Gear . . . . 102 T. F. Front Roll Gear . . . ( High Draft — 32 T. ) Medium Draft — 40 T. ( Low Draft — 50 T. G. Crown Gear ( High Draft— 158 T. ’ Medium Draft — 150 T. ( Low Draft — 140 T. H. Back Roll Gear . . . . . 84 T. I. Draft Change Gear . . . 30 to 84 T. ( 24 Pitch, V 8 " Hole. ) J. Comp. Inter. Gear . . . . 40 T. K. Intermediate Gear. . ( Band Drive, 78 T. | Tape Drive, 70 T. L. Stud Gear j Band Drive, 56 T. I Tape Drive, 52 T. M. Lay Change Gear . . ( 20 T to 54 T. ( 12 Pitch, %" Std. Hole. ) • j (Interchangeable with twist gear.) N. Lay Train Comp. Gear -60 T. 0. Lay Train Bevel Gear- — 30 T. P. Vertical Shaft Bevel Gear — 23 T. Q. Vertical Shaft Worm Single or Double Thread R. Heart Gear — 120 T. 525 DRAFT GEARING DIAGRAM 526 HEAO END ROLL DRIVE w o Formula for Draft Gearing Head End Gears F = Front Roll Gear. = Crown Gear. = Back Roll Gear. I = Head End Change Gear. Diara. Front G X H X Roll = Head End Draft F X I X Diam. Constant. Back Roll Foot End Gears S = Front Roll Gear. T = Stud Gear. U = Middle Roll Gear. V = Foot End Change Gear. Diam Front T X TI X Roll _ Foot End Draft S X V X Diam. Constant. Middle Roll Draft Constant Draft Draft Gear. Draft Constant Draft Gear Draft. HEAD AND FOOT END ROLL DRIVE Foot End Draft Change Gear -H Head End Draft Change Gear = Draft between Back and Middle Rolls. (Break Draft.) HEAD END ROLL DRIVE W = Back Roll Gear X = Intermediate Gear Y = Middle Roll Gear W-i- Y = Draft between Back and Middle Rolls. (Break Draft.) Table of Draft Constants — Spinning Diameter Roll Formula Head End Draft Constant Foot End Draft Constant 140 X 84 X 1" 269 Front 1" Middle Vs" Back y 8 ” 50 X Ch.X y 84 X 84 X 1" 269 30 x ch.x y 8 " 158 X 66 X y% 326 Front Y%" Middle V & " Back y 8 " 32 X Ch.x y s " 100 X84 xy S '' 323 26XCh .xy 8 " 150 X 84 X 1" 360 Front 1" Middle %" Back y 40 x ch.x y% 100 X 94 X 1" 358 30 X Ch.X %" 155 X 71 X 1" 359 Front 1" Middle %" Back y 8 35 X Ch. X %” 88 X 80 X 1" 361 26X Ch. X W 160 X 72 X y»" 384 Front y & " Middle 3|" Back y 8 " 30 x ch. x y 102 X 84 X W 384 2 X Ch. X Vi" 160 X 72 X 1" 438 Front 1" Middle M" Back y & " 30 x ch. x y 101 X 84 X 1" 436 26 x ch.x y 158 X 84 X 1" 474 Front 1" Middle %" Back y 32 X Ch.X y 117 X 106 X 1 " 473 so x ch. x y 52S Change Gear Table for Standard Draft Constants Spinning Teeth in Change Gears Draft Constants Head End Foot End 269 326 360 384 438 474 Draft Draft Draft Draft : Draft Draft 30 32 8.97 10.87 12.00 12.80 14.60 15.80 31 33 8.68 10.52 11.61 12 39 14 13 15 . 29 32 34 8.41 10 19 11.25 12.00 13.69 14.81 33 35 8.15 9.88 10.91 11.64 13 . 28 14.36 34 36 7.91 9.59 10.59 11.29 12.88 13.94 35 37 7.69 9.31 10.29 10.97 12.51 13 54 36 38 7.47 9 06 10.00 10.67 12.17 13 17 37 39 7.27 8.81 9.73 10,38 11.84 12.81 38 40 7,08 8.58 9.47 10 11 11.53 12.47 39 41 6.90 8.36 9.23 9.85 11.23 12 15 40 42 6.73 8.15 9.00 9.60 10.95 11.85 41 43 6.56 7.95 8.78 9 . 37 10.68 11.56 42 44 6.40 7.76 8.57 9.14 10.43 11.29 43 45 6.26 7.58 8.37 8 . 93 10.19 11.02 44 46 6.11 7.41 8.18 8.73 9.95 10.77 45 47 5.98 7.24 8.00 8.53 9 . 73 10,53 46 48 5 . 85 7 . 09 7.83 8.35 9.52 10 30 47 49 5.72 6.94 7.66 8.17 9.32 10.09 48 50 5.60 6.79 7.50 8.00 9.13 9.88 49 5 1 5.49 6 . 65 7.35 7.84 8.94 9.67 50 52 5.38 6.52 7.20 7.68 8.76 9.48 1 51 53 5.27 6.39 7.06 7.53 8.59 9.29 52 54 5 . 17 6 . 27 . 6.92 7.38 8.42 9.12 53 55 5.08 6. 15 6.79 7.25 8.26 8.94 54 56 4.98 6 04 6.67 7.11 8 11 8.78 55 57 4.89 5.93 6.55 6.98 7.96 8.62 56 58 4.80 5 . 82 6.43 6.86 7.82 8.46 57 59 4.72 5 . 72 6.32 6 74 7.68 8.32 58 60 4.64 5 . 62 6.21 6 . 62 7.55 8.17 59 61 4.56 5 . 53 6.10 6 51 7.42 8.03 60 62 4.48 5.43 6.00 6.40 7.30 7.90 61 63 4.41 5.34 5.90 6 30 7. 18 7.77 62 64 4.34 5.26 5.81 6 19 7.06 7.65 63 65 4.27 5.17 5.71 6 10 6.95 7.52 64 66 4.20 5.09 5 . 63 6.00 6.84 7.41 65 67 4.14 5.02 5.54 5.91 6.74 7.29 66 68 4.08 4.94 5.45 5.82 6.64 7.18 67 69 4.01 4.87 5.37 5.73 6.54 7.07 68 70 3.96 4.79 5.29 5.65 6.44 6.97 69 71 3.90 4.72 5.22 5.57 6.35 6.87 70 72 3.84 4.66 5.14 5.49 6.26 6.77 71 73 3.79 4.59 5.07 5 41 6.17 6.68 72 74 3.74 4.53 5.00 5.33 6.08 6.58 73 75 3.68 4.47 4.93 5.26 6.00 6 . 49 74 76 3.64 4.41 4.86 5.19 5.92 6.41 75 77 3.59 4.35 4.80 5 12 5.84 6.32 76 78 3.54 4.29 4.74 5 . 05 5.76 6.24 77 79 3.49 4.23 4.68 4.99 5.69 6. 16 78 80 3.45 4.18 4.62 4.92 5 . 62 6.08 79 81 3.41 4 13 4 . 56 4.86 5 . 54 6 00 80 . 82 3.36 4.08 4.50 4.80 5.48 5.93 81 83 3.32 4.02 4.44 4.74 5 41 5 . 85 82 84 3.28 3.98 4.39 4.68 5.34 5.78 83 85 3.24 3.93 4.34 4.63 5.28 5.71 84 86 3.20 3.88 4.29 4.57 5.21 5.64 529 TWIST GEARING 530 Formula for Twist Gearing A = Cylinder Gear. B = Jack Gear. C = Change Gear. E = Front Roll Gear. El = Circumference of Front Roll. Z = Ratio of Whirl to Cylinder. E X B X _Z A X E 1 Twist Constant. E X B X Z C X A X E 1 = Twist per Inch. Twist Constant Change Gear Twist per Inch. Twist Constant Twist per Inch Change Gear. Revolutions of Front Roll X Circumference of Front Roll X Twist per Inch = Revolutions of Spindles. Revolutions of Spindles -f- (Twist per Inch X Circumference of Front Roll) = Revolutions of Front Roll. 531 TWIST TABLE No . OF Sqoabe TWIST PER INCH Twist Multipliers 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 1 1.0000 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 2 1.4142 7.07 6.72 6.36 5.66 5.30 4.95 4.60 4.24 3 1.7321 8.66 8.23 7.79 6.93 6.50 6.06 5.63 5.20 4 2 0000 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5 2.2361 11.18 10.62 10.06 8.94 8.39 7.83 7.27 6.71 6 2.4495 12.25 11.64 11.02 9.80 9.19 8.57 7.96 7.35 7 2.6458 13.23 12.57 11 91 10.58 9.92 9.26 8.60 7.94 8 2.8284 14.14 13.43 12.73 11.31 10.61 9.90 9.19 8.48 0 3.0000 15.00 14.25 13.50 12.00 11.25 10.50 9.75 9.00 10 3.1623 15.81 15.02 14.23 12.65 11.86 11.07 10.28 9.49 11 3.3166 16.58 15.75 14.92 13.27 12.44 11.61 10.78 9.95 12 3.4641 17.32 16.45 15.59 13.86 12.99 12.12 11.26 10.39 13 3.6056 18.03 17.13 16.23 14.42 13.52 12.62 11.72 10.82 u 3.7417 18.71 17.77 16.84 14.97 14.03 13.10 12.16 11.22 15 3.8730 19.36 18.40 17.43 15.49 14.52 13.56 12.59 11.62 16 4.0000 20.00 19.00 18.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 17 4.1231 20.62 19.58 18.55 16.49 15.46 14 43 13.40 12.37 18 4.2426 21.21 20.15 19.09 16.97 15.91 14.85 13.79 12.73 19 4.3589 21.79 20.70 19.61 17.44 16.35 15.26 14.17 13.07 20 4.4721 22.36 21.24 20.12 17.89 16.77 15.65 14.53 13.41 21 4.5826 22.91 21.77 20.62 18.33 17.18 16.04 14.89 13.75 22 4.6904 23.45 22.28 21.11 18.76 17.59 16.42 15.24 14.07 23 4.7958 23.98 22.78 21.58 19.18 17.98 16.79 15.59 14.39 24 4.8990 24.49 23.27 22.05 19.60 18.37 17.15 15.92 14.70 25 6.0000 25.00 23.75 22.50 20.00 18.75 17.50 16.25 15.00 26 6.0990 25.50 24.22 22.95 20.40 19.12 17.85 16.57 15.30 27 5.1962 25.98 24.68 23.38 20.78 19.49 18.19 16.89 15.59 28 6.2915 26.46 25 13 23.81 21.17 19.84 18.52 17.20 15.87 29 6.3852 26.93 25.58 24.23 21.54 20.19 18.85 17.50 16.15 30 5.4772 27.39 26.02 24.05 21.91 20.54 19.17 17.80 16.43 31 5.5678 27.84 26.45 25.05 22.27 20.88 19.49 18.10 16.70 32 5.6569 28.28 26.87 25.46 22.63 21.21 19.80 18.38 16.97 S3 5.7446 28.72 27.29 25.85 22.98 21.54 20.11 18.67 17.23 34 5.8310 29.15 27.70 26.24 23.32 21.87 20.41 18.95 17.49 35 6.9161 29.58 28.10 26.62 23.66 22.19 20.71 19.23 17.75 36 6.0000 30.00 28.50 27.00 24.00 22.50 21.00 19.50 18.00 37 6.0828 30.41 28.89 27.37 24.33 22.81 21.29 19.77 18.25 38 6.1644 30.82 29.28 27.74 24.66 23.12 21.58 20.03 18.49 39 6.2450 31.22 29.66 28.10 24.98 23.42 21.86 20.30 18.73 40 6. S 246 SI . 62 80.04 28.46 25.30 23.72 22.14 20.55 18.97 41 6.4031 32.02 30.41 28.81 25.61 24.01 22.41 20.81 19.21 42 6.4807 32.40 30.78 29.16 25.92 24.30 22.68 21.06 19.44 43 6.5574 32.79 31.15 29.51 26.23 24.59 22.95 21.31 19.67 44 6.6332 33.17 31.51 29.85 26.53 24.87 23.22 21.56 19.90 45 6.7082 33.54 31.86 30.19 26.83 25.16 23.48 21.80 20.12 46 6.7823 33.91 32.21 30.52 27.13 25.43 23.74 22.04 20.35 47 6.8557 34.28 32.56 30.85 27.42 25.71 23.99 22.28 20.57 48 6.9282 34.64 32.91 SI . 18 27.71 25.98 24.25 22.52 20.78 40 7.0000 35.00 33.25 31.50 28.00 26. 25 24.50 22.75 21.00 50 7.0711 35.36 33.59 31.82 28.28 26.52 24.75 22.98 21.21 532 TWIST TABLE — Continued No. OF Yabn Square Root TWIST PER INCH Twist Multipliers 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 51 7.1414 35.71 ’ 33.92 32.14 28.57 26.78 24.99 23.21 21.42 62 7.2111 36.06 34.25 32.45 28.84 27.04 25.24 23.44 21.63 58 7.2801 36.40 34.58 32.76 29.12 27.30 25.48 23.66 21.84 64 7.3485 36.74 34.90 33.07 29.39 27.56 25.72 23.88 22.04 55 7.4162 37.08 35.23 33.37 29.66 27.81 25.96 24.10 22.25 56 7.4833 37.42 35.55 ss.e’)' 29.93 28.06 26.19 24.32 22.45 67 7.5498 37.75 35.86 33.97 30.20 28.31 26.42 24.54 22.65 58 7.6158 38.08 S6.17 34.27 30.46 28.56 26.66 24.75 22.85 59 7.6811 38.41 36.49 34.56 30.72 28.80 26.88 24.96 23.04 GO 7.7460 38.73 36.79 34.86 30.98 29.05 27.11 25.17 23.24 61 7.8102 39.05 37.10 35.15 31.24 29.29 27.34 25.38 23.43 62 7.8740 39.37 37.40 35.43 31.50 29.53 27 56 25.59 23.62 63 7.9373 39.69 37.70 35.72 31.75 29.76 27.78 25.80 23.81 64 8.0000 40.00 88.00 36.00 32.00 30.00 28.00 26.00 24.00 65 8.0623 40.31 88.30 36.28 32.25 30.23 28.22 26.20 24.19 66 8.1240 40.62 38.59 36.56 32.50 30.47 28.43 26.40 24.37 67 8.1854 40.93 38.88 36.83 32.74 30.69 28.65 26.60 24.55 68 8.2462 41.23 39.17 37.11 32.98 30.92 28.86 26.80 24.74 69 8.3066 41.53 39.46 37.38 33.23 31.15 29.07 27.00 24.92 70 8.3666 41.83 39.74 37.65 33.47 31.37 29.28 27.19 25.10 71 8.4261 42.13 40.02 37.92 33.70 31.60 29.49 27.38 25.28 72 8 4853 42.43 40.30 38.18 33.94 31.82 29.70 27.58 25.45 73 8.5440 42.72 40.58 38.45 34.18 32.04 29.90 27.77 25.63 74 8.6023 43.01 40.86 38.71 34.41 32.26 30.11 27.96 25.81 75 8.6603 43.30 41.14 38.97 34.64 32.48 30.31 28.15 25.98 76 8.7178 43.59 41.41 39.23 34.87 32.69 30.51 28.33 26.15 77 8.7750 43.88 41.68 39.49 35.10 32.91 30.71 28.52 26.32 78 8.8318 44.16 41.95 39.74 35.33 33.12 30.91 28.70 26.49 79 8.8882 44.44 42.22 40.00 35.55 33.33 31.11 28.89 26.66 80 8.9443 44.72 42.49 40.25 35.78 33.54 31.30 29.07 26.83 81 9.0000 45.00 42.75 40.50 36.00 33.75 31.50 29.25 27.00 82 9.0554 45.28 43.01 40.75 36.22 33.96 31.69 29.43 27.16 83 9.1104 45.55 43.27 41.00 36.44 34.16 31.89 29.61 27.33 84 9.1G52 45.83 43.53 41.24 36.66 34.37 32.08 29.79 27.49 85 9.2195 46.10 43.79 41.49 36.88 34.57 32.27 29.96 27.66 86 9.2736 46.37 44.05 41.73 37.09 34.78 32.46 30.14 27.82 87 9.3274 46.64 44.31 41.97 37.31 34.98 32.65 30.31 27.98 88 9.3808 46.90 44.56 42.21 37.52 35.18 32.83 30.49 28.14 89 9.4340 47.17 44.81 42.45 37.74 35.38 33.02 SO. 66 28.30 90 9.4868 47.43 45.06 42.69 37.95 35.58 33.20 30.83 28.46 91 9.5394 47.70 45.31 42.93 38.16 35.77 33.39 31.00 28.62 92 9.5917 47.96 45.56 43.16 38.37 35.97 33.57 31.17 28.77 93 9.6437 48.22 45.81 43.40 38.57 36.16 33.75 31.34 28.93 94 9.6954 48.48 46.05 43.63 38.78 36.36 33.93 31.51 29.09 95 9.7468 48.73 46.30 43.86 38.99 36.55 34.11 31.68 29.24 96 9.7980 48.99 46.54 44.09 39.19 36.74 34.29 31.84 29.39 97 9.8489 49.24 46.78 44.32 39.40 36.93 34.47 32.01 29.55 98 9.8995 49.50 47.02 44.55 39.60 37.12 34.65 32.17 29.70 99 9.9499 49.75 47.26 44.77 39.80 37.31 84.82 32.34 29.85 100 10.0000 50.00 47.50 45.00 40.00 37.50 35.00 32.60 30.00 533 Table Showing Ratio Between Whirl to Cylinder and Twist Constants Rule: To find Twist Gear, divide “Constant” by required turns per inch of twist. TABLE FOR BAND DRIVE Diam. of Cyl. Diam. Front Roll Diam. of Whirl Ratio Front R. Gear Cyl. Gear Jack Gear Twist Constant • 20 T 100 T 1310 21 96 1072 7" 1" k" 8.25 102 T 30 90 801 10 80 636 52 65 336 20 100 1269 21 96 1007 7" i" 1 3" 7.75 102 , 30 90 765 40 80 601 52 65 316 20 100 1178 21 96 912 V i" Vs" 7.25 102 30 90 707 10 80 171 52 65 291 20 100 1072 24 96 858 V i" n" 6.60 102 30 90 613 10 80 129 52 65 268 20 100 1016 24 96 812 V i" 1" 6.25 102 so 90 609 40 80 106 52 65 261 20 100 950 21 06 760 7" 1" 1 is” 5.85 102 SO 90 670 40 80 380 52 65 238 20 100 880 24 96 701 7" 1" IK" 5.42 102 so 90 528 10 80 352 52 65 220 20 100 816 24 96 677 7" 1" iA* 5.21 102 so 90 608 10 80 338 52 65 212 20 100 812 21 96 650 T i" IK' 5.00 102 SO 90 487 10 80 326 52 65 203 20 100 780 21 96 621 T 1" 1.80 102 SO 90 168 40 80 S12 52 65 195 534 TWIST CONSTANT TABLE — Continued BAND DRIVE Dlam. op Ctl. Diam. Front Roll Diam. of Whirl Ratio Front R. Gear Ctl. Gear Jack Gear Twist Constant f 20 100 1627 24 98 1221 8* r %" 9.40 102 30 90 916 40 80 611 . 52 65 382 20 100 1421 24 96 1137 8* V 13 » 8.75 102 30 90 853 40 80 568 52 65 355 20 100 1340 24 96 1072 8" l * nr 8.25 10-2 30 90 804 40 80 536 52 65 335 20 100 1243 24 96 994 8" i " ir 7.65 102 SO 90 746 40 80 497 52 65 311 20 100 1145 24 96 916 8" i" 1" 7.05 102 30 90 687 40 80 468 52 65 286 20 100 1104 24 96 884 8" r IrV' C.80 102 30 90 663 40 80 442 52 65 276 20 100 1007 24 96 806 a’ i" i l A" G.20 102 30 90 604 40 80 403 l 52 65 252 20 100 966 24 96 773 8" i" ift' 5.95 102 SO 90 680 40 80 • 387 52 65 242 20 100 926 24 96 741 8' l" 1J4" 5.70 102 30 90 555 40 80 370 52 65 231 f 20 100 887 24 96 709 8" i" 5.46 102 so 90 532 40 80 355 52 65 222 535 Table Showing Ratio Between Whirl to Cylinder and Twist Constants Rule: To find Twist Gear, divide “Constant” by required turns per inch of twist. TABLE FOR TAPE DRIVE SPECIAL TWIST TABLE FOR CHINESE COTTON (%" Diameter Front Roll) Rule: To find Twist Gear, divide Constant by required turns per inch of twist. TAPE DRIVE Diam. of Diam. Diam. of Ratio Front R. Cyl. Jack Twist Cyl. Front Roll WllIRL Gear Gear Gear Constant 40 120 1128 Va" 102 T 54 108 762 10" ii' 1 ' 1 10.14 54 96 669 70 90 484 40 120 1067 102 T 54 108 706 10" Va" r 9.50 54 90 626 70 90 463 40 120 996 Va" 102 T 54 108 663 10" 1 iV / 8.94 54 96 690 70 90 426 40 120 940 Va” 1 Ya 102 T 54 108 627 10" 8.45 54 96 667 70 90 403 40 120 890 102 T 54 108 693 10" Va" UV 8.00 54 98 628 70 90 382 40 120 890 102 T 54 108 693 8" Va" is" 8.00 54 96 627 70 90 382 40 120 861 102 T 54 108 667 8" Va " 1" 7.G5 54 96 604 70 90 366 40 120 807 102 T 54 108 638 B" Va" AtV / 7.25 54 96 478 70 90 346 40 120 768 102 T 54 108 612 8" Va" VA" 6.90 54 96 466 70 90 329 40 20 723 8" Va" hY 6.50 102 T 54 54 108 96 482 428 70 90 310 537 SPECIAL TWIST TABLE FOR CHINESE COTTON (%" Diameter Front Roll) Rule: To find Twist Gear, divide “Constant” by required turns per inch of twist. BAND DRIVE Diam. of Cyl. Diam. Front Roll Diam. or Whirl Ratio Front R. Gear Cyl. Gear Jack Gear Twist Constant r 20 T 100 1419 24 96 1135 8" w w 7.65 102 T 30 90 851 40 80 567 52 65 355 20 100 1307 24 96 1046 8" w 1" 7.05 102 T 30 90 784 40 80 523 l 52 65 327 20 100 1261 24 96 1009 8" 1A" 6.80 102 T 30 90 757 40 80 504 52 65 314 20 100 1150 24 96 920 8" Vi" lVs" 6.20 102 T 30 90 690 40 80 460 52 65 287 f 20 100 1103 24 96 883 8" % " 1A" 5.95 102 T 30 90 662 40 80 441 52 65 276 20 100 1057 24 96 846 8" 1M" 5.70 102 T 30 90 634 40 SO 423 52 65 264 538 8" CYLINDER SPEEDS, TAPE DRIVE With the Following Whirls a 2 5 5 % <© ic^CO T-* US CO »o CO *-h CO © © i-< -F b- CO d O H O CO 00 O © to © CO © l> t> 00 GO OOOS5C O HHHOl a 2 jjj 5 s © ^h 04 04 GO ^ O O b- 00 00 © © »0 C5 W ^ H IO 05 W N ^ *o © CO l> 04 © © i> i> 00 CO CO 05 05 O © o i-h •“< 04 r— < F=H r-H iH r=H t— H lfz" Whirl 6.50 Ratio to tP 04 f-h © GO © »-0 CO 04 O CO N 'O -P 04 pH H 03 CO o © -f co 04 © © CO b- r”< »0 ©CO © © © l> b- 00 GO 00 © © © O O -- H h (51 1 y% n Whirl 6.90 Ratio © © 04 00 to t~h l> CO © © 04 GO -S' »-=< b- co © © 04 GO i— ' K0 00 04 ©©cot-'© ^ H CO 04 CO © CO tO © © © b- b- b- GO CO © © © © © © »—< <— i fh 04 f-h t—* rH r-H r-H p— ( r-H Whirl 7.25 Ratio 04 © fH ifH © ■<$< © GO GO 04 b* p- © © tF C5 CO CO '■M P* f-h »o co 04 *o © 04 »o © 04 © © CO © © CO © © CO b © 4©i©©©© b» b- b*> 00 00 00©©©© © H H H d r—H r— H r-H r— H r—H H r-H r-H 1" Whirl 7.65 Ratio CO © CO H ^ © © 04 ^F b- © 04 to 00 © CO © CO r-H ^ © © 04 Cl *C CO (N '"5 00 H o GO fH i-O CO r-H CO r-H -F b r-H -ft !>©-? *©»o*o©© © b- b- t> go coco©©© ocohh ^h 04 04 Y ," Whirl 8.00 Ratio ©r-HGO-^LO © CO © © r-H CO ~F »0 © CO © © rH CO *f *0 © 00 © © © CO © © 04 1C CO rH to CO r™< -F b © CO © © © © © 04 1-0 CO >— 1 tr$ »0 ‘O *0 to © © © l> l> J> OOGOCO©© ©©©©© rHHHClSl r-H F-H P-H r-H H H r 1 r-H r— H r.p.m. Spindle © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © tO © © to © to © to ©to© to© to© to ©to ©to ©to© ©<0*toi>© 04 »0 b- © 04 to I> © 04 to t— © 04 to t— © 04 to b- © TfH ^ ^ to to»OtO©© © © b* b- b- b* 00 CO 00 GO <©©©©© 539 10" CYLINDER SPEEDS, TAPE With the Following Whirls B 2 £5 l> ©* O H IO O *f 05 M CO^t- lo CO ^ 05 ©< 'O 05 O C5 « O ‘O'OOOO t- i> i> GO 00 CO C5 C5 1 Y\ Whirl 7.60 Ratio O 05 CO H t' 05 ^ »0 ® h <0 05 ^ »o O 04 *0 X 04 cc s< *o *o *o O CO O t- t- L- X X X O B 2 5 a o « 00 OHGS'# IS O X O O CO IS O CO O O CO •* *00X00 O CO O 05 SI *0 X «— 1 *0 x -f- O X C O CO 'O C5 SI IS x r- IS *0*0*0*00 O O l> t> i> X X X O O O O O O O — 04 04 K 2 la % C0C0C0SIS1 I— IP-IOOO 05 05 X X X t- t> o o o *0 *0 ^ ^3* X i- O CO O O si 'O X H -t C 05 SI *0 X — -* O CO C 05 SI IO X -f< *0 *0 *0 *0 O O O t> t> i> t- X X X 05 05 05 c c CO — — — 1 X 2 £ 5 ft ^ PH CO b*!OC0HO5 t- IO CO H 05 MOCOHS5 N i-O CO -- 05 N i.O CO - 05 rf l' c CO to X — -f t- O SI *0 X H CO C 03 SI LO N OCOOO — *0 *0 *0 *00000 l>i>t>XX X X 05 05 05 C C C O — R.P.M. Spindle O'OOOO ooooo ooooo ooooo o o © © © 0*00*00 *00*00*0 0*00*00 *00*0 0*0 0*00*00 O SI *S h O SI »o h O SI *o t' O SI IO N o si *s i' C SI S 4* o Tf Tj< ^ IO *0*0*000 O O t- i> t> t> X X X X ooooo 540 8" CYLINDER SPEEDS, BAND DRIVE With the Following Whirls ~W a < && * <© — *o WX*f OO 0* l> X C5 * 0 O O X i> 01 1> ’-i CO O O) ^ 0 W t> I> X X O ° ® 2 S m S2J si ts* <— *o MIC 0 « CO O ^ X © tJ< X X 1> CO O *C Q X 01 i>j>i>xx ° 05 ® 2 2 a < * *o i-> *o 01 O X O 01 o x o 01 ^ o x b» M »c 0 OO^COO*C C CC h H O l> I> l> GO CO0QCO o II 1* 40»0OOO l> t- X X X X © © O O «*f< X 01 O © X 01 O © ^ COO i> X X X © © © OOHHGJ 01 « s 5 H E < * © CO <© X 40 ©1 © 40 (^QO^CJ O X © O X 00X0 X 0* O O C0 i>0'^Xr-l 40 © 01 O © Tf< t> M 40 *0 O O O t- i> X X X © © © © © *-h H H ^ oi 1" Whirl 7.05 Ratio I> X X -^ © 40 © O *-* 0) b* CC X ^ C5 40 O O T— < O © X 1> © Tf x H 1C X 01 10 c: 01 O 0Wt*O^ 40OOOi> i> t- X X X © © © © © O H M Cl 51 J 0 S H Q ^ ^ O co ~Ht>’ X O X »— ' O © 01 -"fi t>* 00^40X0 XOX*— O 0 01 01 >C CO 01 10 X f-l 40 x H 4C CO H ^ x r-< ,— 1 O ^ 40*0*000 O i> t- i> X XX©©© O O O I-H 1 — i r— < 01 01 %" Whirl 8.25 Ratio 40 40 10 o O Ot>t>i>X XXX©© OOOOrM < 01 01 01 XHiM>0 0 O 0 01 10 X t> © X © X O 0 01 *0 X - >^10*0*00 O O O t> t> i> X X X © © © © © © o M -H H 01 Whirl 8.75 Ratio hO’fWH 001-0^ X >— lOGb* O X <-i © © l> O mP X *0 X H T? J> o 01 10 X H T? t- o 01 10 X H ^ o 01 *0 X H Tfi 10 *c 10 O O O O t> i> X X X X © © © © © © © r- 1 ►J 0 £ H E < 5 ° «'d 0 01 O 40 01 C5 40 01 X 40 1— 1 X 40 1-M X ^HX*f H i> '■p rM -*4 01 *0 l> © X 40Xr-^C0O © ^ -* 1> © 01 *0 i> O X 40 X H CO o ^■^^*5*0 10*0 000 O I> 1> I> t> XXX©© © © © © © R.P.M. 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The widely varying condi- A tions in different mills, the character of the product, staple and grade of cotton, amount of twist, whether frames are properly lined and leveled, make it difficult to publish Production Tables. Therefore, the following tables are figured on a 100 per cent basis that is, no allowance has been made for cleaning, oiling, and doff- ing. From a conservative estimate for what the majority of mills are able to get on our frames of an average length, we give in the right-hand column of table estimated per cent loss for doffing, etc. DYED AND BLEACHED STOCK. The natural gum and spirality, to a large extent, is destroyed in these processes, there- fore about o per cent extra twist should be used. TWIST MULTIPLIERS. Tables are based on the multipliers as shown at the foot of Production Table. 543 WARP YARN 100 Per Cent Production Table. Per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours 1" Diameter Front Roll Sepa- rator Diam. Bobbin Barrel Type Spin die Trav- erse Ring Gauge Num- ber Yarn R.P.M. Spin - die Twist R.P.M. Front RoU Pounds at 100% Estimated % Loss for Doff- ing, etc. 434" a 8" 234" 4 6 6 5075 5550 6000 9.5 10.6 11.6 170 167 165 2.640 2.070 1.700 12 12 11 1J4" a I 7M" 23i" 7 8 6450 6725 12.6 13.4 163 160 1.441 1.240 11 11 3 9 10 7100 7250 14.3 15.0 158 154 1.088 .955 11 10 11 12 7550 7775 15.8 16.5 152 150 .857 .775 10 10 lVio" a — 7 34" 23'i" § _o 13 14 15 16 8000 8175 8325 8475 17.0 17.8 18.4 19.0 149 146 144 142 .711 .647 .595 .550 10 10 10 10 4" £ 3 2" 1 17 18 19 20 8625 8750 8850 8925 19.6 20.2 20.7 21.2 140 138 136 134 .511 .475 .444 .415 10 10 10 9 \w o 21 22 23 24 9050 9100 9175 9225 21.8 22.3 22.8 23.3 132 130 128 126 .390 .366 .345 .326 9 9 9 9 15 /io" c « 25 26 27 9300 9425 9475 23.7 24.2 24.7 125 124 122 .310 .296 .280 8 8 8 3 34" O Co" 28 29 30 9475 9500 9550 25.0 25.6 26.0 120 118 117 .266 .252 .242 8 8 7 634" 1M" cs 6 •S « II 05 % I* 31 32 33 34 35 9550 9550 9600 9650 9675 26.4 26.9 27.3 27.7 28.0 115 113 112 111 110 .230 .219 .210 .202 .195 7 7 7 7 7 a 134" e g 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 9675 9700 9700 9700 9700 9700 9675 9675 28.5 28.9 29.1 29.4 29.6 29.7 29.9 30.2 108 107 106 105 104 104 103 102 .186 .179 .173 .167 .161 .157 .152 .147 7 7 7 7 5 W' O a's- <3 ^ 5 5 5 _c3 s 2? ^ "53 e § s « 0=2 & s *Ur 44 9675 30.5 101 .142 5 3" 4? 6" 134" 45 46 47 48 49 60 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 9675 9681 9690 9698 9736 9740 9896 9544 9640 9577 9456 9447 9274 9073 8944 8796 50. 8 28.8 29.1 29.4 29.8 30.1 51. 5 31.0 32.3 33.5 34.6 35.8 36.9 38.0 39.0 40.0 100 107 106 105 104 103 100 98 95 91 87 84 80 76 73 70 .138 .144 .140 .136 .132 .128 .113 .101 .091 .081 .072 .065 .058 .052 .048 .043 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 ? No Separators j 3 A" 5" to 534" 134" ? 2 « a Note: The Twist for above table is based on the following Twist Multipliers: 4.75 X Sq. Root of Number of Yarn from 4.00 to S9.00 inclusive 4.60 X “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 40.00 “ 45.00 “ 4.25 X “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 46.00 “ 59.00 “ 4.00 X “ “ “ “ 60.00 “ 100.00 “ Rule: To find the pounds or hanks per day with Twist Multipliers different than given above, divide the given Twist Multiplier by the proposed Multiplier and multiply the result by the hanks or pounds per day as shown in the above table. FILLING YARN. 100 Per Cent Production Table Per Spindle per Day of Ten Hours, 1" Diameter Front Roll Tmv- Num- R P M R.P.M. Estimated Spindle erse Rin g Gauge ber Yarn Spindle Twist Front Roll Founds % Loss for Doffing, etc. 4 4700 7.50 200 3.100 20 8" 5 4875 7.83 198 2.460 20 6 5225 8.57 194 2.000 20 7 5525 9.26 190 1.680 20 8 5825 9.90 187 1.450 18 9 6025 10.50 183 1.260 18 10 6225 11.07 179 1.110 18 c C 11 6375 11.60 175 .986 17 £ 12 6500 12.12 171 .883 17 13 6675 12.62 168 .801 17 7" 14 6825 13.10 166 .735 16 15 6975 13.56 164 .677 16 g § 16 7125 14.00 162 .627 1*5 p a. 17 7250 14.43 160 .583 15 r* s 18 7425 14.85 159 .547 14 - 19 7525 15.26 157 .512 14 20 7675 15.65 156 .483 13 •S 21 7800 16.04 155 .457 13 22 7950 16.42 154 .434 13 23 8075 16.79 153 .412 12 ^ 60 *" 24 8200 17.15 152 .392 12 ?= O 25 8300 17.50 151 .374 11 26 8400 17.85 150 .357 11 ? § 27 8325 17.66 150 .344 10 28 8300 17.99 147 .325 10 29 8300 18.29 145 .310 10 30 8300 18.35 144 .297 10 ^ 3 31 8300 18.62 142 .284 9 32 8250 18.64 141 .273 9 N £ 33 8200 18.94 138 .259 9 £ § 34 8150 18.95 137 .249 9 "2 -is 35 8150 19.23 135 .239 9 c ^ 36 8150 19.50 133 .229 8 c 6'A" g 37 8125 19.77 131 .219 8 y ^ 38 8100 20.03 129 .210 8 39 8100 20.30 127 .201 8 w 40 8075 20.55 125 .193 7 41 8050 20.81 123 .186 7 42 8000 21.06 121 .178 7 £ 43 7975 21.31 119 .171 7 O "2 44 7975 21.56 118 .166 7 X §'$ 45 46 7950 7950 21.80 22.04 116 115 .159 .155 6 6 47 7900 22.28 113 .149 6 48 7850 22.52 . Ill .143 6 49 7850 22.75 110 .139 6 50 7800 22.98 108 .133 5 1 •'ff 55 7800 24.10 103 .116 5 o 2 60 7825 25.16 99 .102 4 65 7850 25.79 97 .092 4 S’ 70 7825 26.75 93 .082 3 6" s ■£ 75 7825 27.71 90 .074 3 80 7825 28.62 87 .067 2 K “5 85 7800 29.50 84 .061 2 90 7725 30.35 81 .055 2 95 7675 31.19 78 .050 o 100 7650 32.00 76 .047 2 Note: The Twist for above table is based on the following Twist Multipliers: 3.50 X Sq. Root of Number of Yarn from 4.00 to 26.00 (Inclusive) 3.40 X “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 27.00 “ 29.00 3.35 X “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 30.00 “ 33.00 3.25 X “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 34.00 “ 64.00 3.20 X “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 65.00 “ 100.00 Rule: To find the pounds or hanks per day with Twist Multipliers different than given above, divide the given Twist Multiplier by the proposed Multiplier and multiply the result by the hanks or pounds per day as shown in the above table. 545 HOSIERY YARN 100% Production Table per spindle per day of 10 hours. 1" diameter front roll. Using Twist Multiplier of 3.25 X Sq. Rt. of Number Number of Yarn Using Twist Multiplier of 3.00 X Sq. Rt. of Number Pounds 100% Estimated Loss in Doffing etc. R.P.M. of Spindle Twist R.P.M. of Fd. Roll R.P.M. of Spindle ! tas' 3676 6.50 180 4 3393 6.00 180 2.790 14% 4020 7.27 176 5 3711 6.71 176 2.182 4326 7.96 173 6 3995 7.35 173 1.787 “ 4539 8.60 168 7 4191 7.94 168 1.488 “ 4764 9.19 165 8 4396 8.48 165 1.278 13% 4993 9.75 163 9 4609 9.00 163 1.122 5200 10.28 161 10 4800 9.49 161 .998 12% 5419 10.78 160 11 5001 9.95 160 .901 5589 11.26 158 12 5157 10.39 158 .816 5781 11.72 157 13 5337 10.82 157 .748 n% ; 5959 12.16 156 14 5499 11.22 156 .690 6131 12.59 155 15 5658 11.62 155 .640 6289 13.00 154 16 5806 12.00 154 .596 “ 6399 13.40 152 17 5907 12.37 152 .554 “ 6498 13.79 150 18 5999 12.73 150 .516 6588 14.17 148 19 6077 13.07 148 .483 10 % 6619 14.53 145 20 6109 13.41 145 .449 6689 14.89 143 21 6177 13.75 143 .422 “ 6703 15.24 140 22 6188 14.07 140 .394 “ 6710 15.59 137 23 6193 14.39 137 .369 6752 15.92 135 24 6235 14.70 135 .348 6790 16.25 133 25 6267 15.00 133 .329 6819 16.57 131 26 6297 15.30 131 .312 9% | 6845 16.89 129 27 6318 15.59 129 .296 “ 6863 17.20 127 28 6332 15.87 127 .281 8% | 6872 17.50 125 29 6342 16.15 125 .267 6934 17.80 124 30 6400 16.43 124 .256 6994 18.10 123 31 6453 16.70 123 .246 7045 18.38 122 32 6504 16.97 122 .236 IT° ! 7097 18.67 121 33 6550 17.23 121 .227 7144 18.95 120 34 6593 17.49 120 .218 7189 19.23 119 35 6636 17.75 119 .210 *■* 7229 19.50 118 36 6673 18.00 118 .203 6% 7267 19.77 117 37 6708 18.25 117 .196 7299 20.03 116 38 6738 18.49 116 .189 “ 7334 20.30 115 39 6767 18.73 115 .182 7360 20.55 114 40 6794 18.97 114 .176 5 C /C 7388 20.81 113 41 6820 19.21 113 .170 “ 7410 21.06 112 42 6840 19.44 112 .165 “ 7431 21.31 111 43 6859 19.67 111 .160 7451 21.56 110 44 6877 19.90 110 .155 7465 21.80 109 45 6889 20.12 109 .150 4% 7478 22.04 108 46 6905 20.35 108 .145 7489 22.28 107 47 6915 20.57 107 .141 7499 22.52 106 48 6920 20.78 106 .137 7504 22.75 105 49 6927 21.00 105 .132 3% 7508 22.98 104 60 6930 21.21 104 .128 “ .546 NUMBERS AND WEIGHTS OF SPINNING TRAVELERS Weight of Ten Travelers, in Grains Weight Grains O ^ -f O GO © d -f* © CO © d “»* © GO © d © 00 © d -pf © CO ph ph ph ,h ph d d 04 04 d CO CO CO © © rfi nfi -f< h* iOt-Oi-Oi-O^O rH pH P-l r— 1 pH pH (H rH (H H pH i-H pH pH fH pH pH pH pH pH rH pH rH pH pH Number O O H Cl CO *f © t> 00 © © - H d © ^i-0©t^C0 © © — id© r-O *o »o »o *o *o »o »o *o »o © © © © ©©©©© © fc- t> t> b- Weight | Grains j © d -f © CO © d © 00 © d *rf< © CO O Cl *? © CO © d -t* © CO © © © © © t> b- b- b- t> ©©©©© © © © © © ©o©o© pH pH pH pH pH Number -f »0 © t> CO © © — ' 04 © ■»* *0 © b- 00 © © ph d CO ^ *0 © b- 00 04 d 04 04 d © © © © © © © © © © -^ T? ^ Weight Grains X 00 © © rH d © -^ © CO © ©©©©© © 04 H? © CO © d -* © CO rH pH pH pH rH pH pH d dd©©© © ^ © »0 © *0 O Number ?? \C4pHpHd© »0 © b- CO ©OrHd© ■*£< »0 © l> CO ©©pHd© r-\ rHpHpHpHrHpHpHpHpHpHdddd pH Weight [ Grains | :scsssl ^ sss xs >•* x$S£ ^ ^ pHpHpHpHd ddd©© © © ^ ej © © t> b* co Number © © © © © ©©©©© ©©©©© ©ooo© ©©©©© 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 »n^©drH © © cc b* © ic o © d h ©©ooi>\c4 c o ■2 15-0 VA 7800 3 'A 15-0 Vi 9544 60 s'A 16-0 VA 7825 3 A 15-0 m 9640 65 s'A 16-0 VA 7850 s'A 16-0 VA 9577 70 3 17-0 VA 7825 3 A 16-0 Vi 9456 75 3 17-0 VA 7825 3 17-0 Vi 9447 80 2 *A 18-0 VA 7825 3 17-0 VA 9274 85 2 *A 18-0 VA 7800 i*i 18-0 VA 9073 90 2 A 20-0 1H 7725 lYi 19-0 va 8944 95 o 21-0 lK 7675 Vi 20-0 VA 8796 100 VA 22-0 VA 7650 54S TABLE FOR NUMBERING COTTON YARN Rule: 1000 -J- Weight in Grains of 120 Yards of Yarn = Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight o rains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 1. 1000. 12. 83.33 17. 58.82 22. 45.45 27. 37.04 2. 500. .1 82.64 .1 58.48 .1 45.25 .1 36.90 3. 333.3 .2 81.97 .2 58.14 .2 45.05 .2 36.77 4. 250.0 .3 81.30 .3 57.80 .3 44.84 .3 36.63 5. 200.0 .4 80.65 . .4 57.47 .4 44.64 .4 36.50 5.5 181.8 .5 80.00 .5 57.14 .5 44.44 .5 36.36 ts. 16G.7 .6 79.37 .6 56.82 .6 44.25 .6 36.23 6.3 153.8 .7 78.74 .7 56.50 .7 44.05 .7 36.10 7. 142.9 .8 78.12 .8 56.18 .8 43.86 .8 35.97 7.5 133.3 .9 77.52 .9 55.87 .9 43.67 .9 35.84 8. 125.0 13. 76.92 18. 55.56 23. 43.48 28. 35.71 .1 123.5 .1 76.34 .1 55.25 .1 43.29 .1 35.59 .2 122.0 .2 75.76 .2 54.95 .2 43.10 .2 35.46 .3 120.5 .3 75.19 .3 54.64 .3 42.92 .3 35.34 .4 119.0 .4 74.63 .4 54.35 .4 42.74 .4 35.21 .5 117.6 .5 74.07 .5 54.05 .5 42.55 .5 35.09 .6 116.3 .6 73.53 .6 53.76 .6 42.37 .6 34.97 .7 114.9 .7 72.99 .7 53.48 .7 42.19 .7 34.84 .8 113.6 .8 72.46 .8 53.19 .8 42.02 .8 34.72 .9 112.4 .9 71.94 .9 52.91 .9 41.34 .9 34.60 9. 111.1 14. 71.43 19. 52.63 24. 41.67 29. 34.48 .1 109.9 .1 70.92 .1 52.36 .1 41.49 .1 34.36 .2 108.7 .2 70.42 .2 52.08 .2 41.32 .2 34.25 .3 107.5 .3 69.93 .3 51.81 .3 41.15 .3 34.13 .4 106.4 .4 69.44 .4 51.55 .4 40.98 .4 34.01 .5 105.3 .5 68.97 .5 51.28 .5 40.82 .5 33.90 .G 104.2 .6 68.49 .6 51.02 .6 40.65 .6 33.78 .7 103.1 .7 68.03 .7 50.76 .7 40.49 .7 33.67 .8 102.0 .8 67.57 .8 50.51 .8 40.32 .8 33.56 .9 101.0 .9 67.11 .9 50.25 .9 40.16 .9 33.44 10. 100.0 15. 66.67 20. 50.00 25. 40.00 30. 33.33 .1 99.01 .1 66.23 .1 49.75 .1 39.84 .1 33.22 .2 98.04 .2 65.79 .2 49.50 .2 39.68 .2 33.11 .3 97.09 .3 65.36 .3 49.26 .3 39.53 .3 33.00 .4 96.15 .4 64.94 .4 49.02 .4 39.37 .4 32.89 .5 95.24 .5 64.52 .5 48.78 .5 39.22 .5 32.79 .6 94.34 .6 64.10 .6 48.54 .6 39.06 .6 32.68 .7 93.46 .7 63.69 .7 48.31 .7 38.91 .7 32.57 .8 92.59 .8 63.29 .8 48.08 .8 38.76 .8 32.47 .9 91.74 .9 62.89 .9 47.85 .9 38.61 .9 32.36 ii. 90.91 16. 62.50 21. 47.62 26. 38.46 31. 32.26 ■i 90.99 .1 62.11 .1 47.39 .1 38.31 .1 32.16 .2 89.29 .2 61.73 .2 47.17 .2 38.17 .2 32.05 .3 88.50 .3 61.35 .3 46.95 .3 38.02 .3 31.95 .4 87.72 .4 60.98 .4 46.73 .4 37.88 .4 31.85 .5 86.96 .5 60.61 .5 46.51 .5 37.74 .5 31.75 .6 85.21 .6 60.24 .6 46.30 .6 37.59 .6 31.65 .7 85.47 .7 59.88 .7 46.08 .7 37.45 .7 31.55 .8 84.75 .8 59.52 .8 45.87 .8 37.31 .8 31.45 .9 84.03 .9 59.17 .9 45.66 .9 37.17 .9 31.35 549 TABLE FOR NUMBERING COTTON YARN — Continued 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 32. 31.25 37. 27.03 42. 23.81 47. 21.28 52. 19.23 .1 31.1.5 .1 26.95 .1 23.75 .1 21.23 .1 19.19 .2 31.06 .2 26.88 .2 23.70 .2 21.19 .2 19.16 .3 30.96 .3 26.81 .3 23.64 .3 21.14 .3 19.12 .4 30.86 .4 26.74 .4 23.58 .4 21.10 .4 19.08 .5 30.77 .5 26.67 .5 23.53 .5 21.05 .5 19.05 .6 30.67 .6 26.60 .6 23.47 .6 21.01 .6 19.01 .7 30.58 .7 26.53 .7 23.42 .7 20.96 .7 18.98 .8 30.49 .8 26.46 .8 23.36 .8 20.92 .8 18.94 .9 30.40 .9 26.39 .9 23.31 .9 20.88 .9 18.90 33. 30.30 38. 26.32 43. 23.26 48. 20.83 53. 18.87 .1 30.21 .1 26.25 .1 23.20 .1 20.79 .1 18.83 .2 30.12 .2 26.18 .2 23.15 .2 20.75 .2 18.80 .3 30.03 .3 26.11 .3 23.09 .3 20.70 .3 18.76 .4 29.94 .4 26.04 .4 23.04 .4 20.66 .4 18.73 .5 29.85 .5 25.97 .5 22.99 .5 20.62 .5 18.69 .6 29.76 .6 25.91 .6 22.94 .6 20.57 .6 18.66 .7 29.67 .7 25.84 .7 22.88 .7 20.53 .7 18.62 .8 29.59 .8 25.77 .8 22.83 .8 20.49 .8 18.59 .9 29.50 .9 25.71 .9 22.78 .9 20.45 .9 18.55 34. 29.41 39. 25.64 44. 22.73 49. 20.41 54. 18.52 .1 29.33 . | 25.58 .1 22.68 .1 20.37 .1 18.48 .2 29.24 .2 25.51 .2 22.62 .2 20.33 .2 18.45 .3 29.15 .3 25.45 .3 22.57 .3 20.28 .3 18.42 .4 29.07 .4 25.38 .4 22.52 .4 20.24 .4 18.38 .5 28.99 .5 25.32 .5 22.47 .5 20.20 .5 18.35 .6 28.90 .6 25.25 .6 22.42 .6 20.16 .6 18.32 .7 28.82 .7 25.19 .7 22.37 .7 20.12 .7 18.28 .3 28.74 .8 25.13 .8 22.32 .8 20.08 .8 18.25 .9 28.65 .9 25.06 .9 22.27 .9 20.04 .9 18.21 35. 28.57 40 . 25.00 45. 22.22 50 . 20.00 55. 18.18 .1 28.49 .1 24.94 .1 22.17 .1 19.96 .1 18.15 .2 28.41 .2 24.88 .2 22.12 .2 19.92 .2 18.12 .3 28.33 .3 24.81 .3 22.08 .3 19.88 .3 18.08 .4 28.25 .4 24.75 .4 22.03 .4 19.S4 .4 18.05 .5 28.17 .5 24.69 .5 21.98 .5 19.80 .5 IS. 02 .0 28.09 .6 24.63 .6 21.93 .6 19.76 .6 17.99 .7 28.01 .7 24.57 .7 21.88 .7 19.72 .7 17.95 .8 27.93 .8 24.51 .8 21.83 .8 19.69 .8 17.92 .9 27.86 .9 24.45 .9 21.79 .9 19.65 .9 17.89 36 . 27.78 41. 24.39 46 . 21.74 51. 19.61 56 17.86 .1 27.70 .1 24.33 .1 21.69 .1 19.57 ■1 17.83 .2 27.62 .2 24.27 .2 21.65 .2 19.53 .2 17.79 .3 27.55 .3 24.21 .3 21.60 .3 19.49 .3 17.76 .4 27.47 .4 24.15 .4 21.55 .4 19.46 .4 17.73 .5 27.40 .5 24.10 .5 21.51 .5 19.42 .5 17.70 .6 27.32 .6 24.04 .6 21.46 .6 19.38 .6 17.67 .7 27.25 .7 23.98 .7 21.41 .7 19.34 .7 17.64 .8 27.17 .8 23.92 .8 21.37 .8 19.31 .8 17.61 .9 27.10 .9 23.87 .9 21.32 .9 19.27 .9 17.57 .550 TABLE FOR NUMBERING COTTON YARN — Continued 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 57 . 17.54 62 . 16.13 67 . 14.93 72 . 13.89 77 . 12.99 .1 17.51 .1 16.10 .1 14.90 .1 13.87 .1 12.97 ! „2 17.48 .2 16.08 .2 14.88 .2 13.85 .2 12.95 .8 17.45 .3 16.05 .3 14.86 .3 13.83 .3 12.94 .4 17.42 .4 16.03 .4 14.84 .4 13.81 .4 12.92 .5 17.39 .5 16.00 .5 14.81 .5 13.79 .5 12.90 .6 17.30 .6 15.97 .0 14.79 .6 13.77 .6 12.89 .7 17.33 .7 15.95 .7 14.77 .7 13.76 .7 12.87 .8 17.30 .8 15.92 .8 14.75 .8 13.74 .8 12.85 .9 17.27 .9 15.90 .9 14.73 .9 13.72 .9 12.84 68 . 17.24 63 . 15.87 68 . 14.71 73 . 13.70 78 . 12.82 .1 17.21 .1 15.85 .1 14.68 .1 13.68 .1 12.80 .2 17.18 .2 15.83 .2 14.66 .2 13.66 .2 12.79 .3 17.15 .3 15.80 .3 14.64 .3 13.64 .3 12.77 .4 17.12 .4 15.77 .4 14.62 .4 13.62 .4 12.76 .5 17.09 .5 15.75 .5 14.60 .5 13.61 .5 12.74 .6 17.00 .0 15.72 .6 14.58 .6 13.59 .0 12.72 .7 17.04 .7 15.70 .7 14.56 .7 13.57 .7 12.71 .8 17.01 .8 15.67 .8 14.53 .8 13.55 .8 12.69 .9 10.98 .9 15.65 .9 14.51 .9 13.53 .9 12.67 59 . 16.95 64. 15.62 69 . 14.49 74. 13.51 79 . 12.00 .1 16.92 .1 15.60 .1 14.47 .1 13.50 .1 12.64 .2 16.89 .2 15.58 .2 14.45 .2 13.48 .2 12.63 .3 16.80 .3 15.55 .3 14.43 .3 13.46 .3 12.61 .4 16.84 .4 15.53 .4 14.41 .4 13.44 .4 12.59 .5 16.81 .5 15.50 .5 14.39 .5 13.42 .5 12.58 .6 16.78 .6 15.48 .6 14.37 .6 13.40 .6 12.50 .7 16.75 .7 15.46 .7 14.35 .7 13.39 .7 12.55 .8 16.72 .8 15.43 .8 14.33 .8 13.37 .8 12.53 .9 16.69 .9 15.41 .9 14.31 .9 13.35 .9 12.52 60 . 16.67 65 . 15.38 70 . 14.29 75 . 13.33 80 . 12.50 .1 16.64 .1 15.36 .1 14.27 .1 13.32 .1 12.48 .2 16.61 .2 15.34 .2 14.25 .2 13.30 .2 12.47 .3 16.58 .3 15.31 .3 14.22 .3 13.28 .3 12.45 .4 16.56 .4 15.29 4 14.20 .4 13.26 A 12.44 .5 16.53 .5 15.27 5 14.18 .5 13.25 .5 12. 42 .6 16.50 .6 15.24 .6 14.16 .6 13.23 .6 12.41 .7 16.47 .7 15.22 .7 14.14 .7 13.21 .7 12.39 .8 16.45 .8 15.20 .8 14.12 .8 13.19 .8 12.38 .9 16.42 .9 15.17 .9 14.10 .9 13.18 .9 12.36 61 . 16.39 66 . 15.15 71 . 14.08 76. 13.16 81 . 12.35 .1 16.37 .1 15.13 .1 14.06 .1 13.14 .1 12.33 .2 16.34 .2 15.11 .2 14.04 .2 13.12 .2 12.32 .3 16.31 .3 15.08 .3 14.03 .3 13.11 .3 12.30 .4 16.29 .4 15.06 .4 14.01 .4 13.09 .4 12.29 .5 16.26 .5 15.04 .5 13.99 .5 13.07 .5 12.27 .6 16.23 .6 15.02 .6 13.97 .6 13.05 .6 12.25 .7 16.21 7 14.99 .7 13.95 .7 13.04 .7 12.24 .8 16.19 .8 14.97 .8 13.93 .8 13.02 .8 12.22 .9 16.16 .9 14.95 .9 13.91 .9 13.00 .9 12.21 551 TABLE FOR NUMBERING COTTON YARN — Continued 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 82. 12.20 87. 11.49 92. 10.87 97. 10.31 102. 9.80 .1 12.18 .1 11.48 .1 10.86 .1 10.30 .1 9.79 .2 12.17 .2 11.47 .2 10.85 .2 10.29 .2 9.78 .3 12.15 .3 11.45 .3 10.83 .3 10.28 .3 9.78 .4 12.14 .4 11.44 .4 10.88 .4 10.27 .4 9.77 .5 12.12 .5 11.43 .5 10.81 .5 10.26 .5 9.76 .6 12.11 .6 11.42 .6 10.80 .6 10.25 .6 9.75 .7 12.09 .7 11.40 .7 10.79 .7 10.24 .7 9.74 .8 12.08 .8 11.39 .8 10.78 .8 10.22 .8 9.73 .9 12.06 .9 11.38 .9 10.76 .9 10.21 .9 9.72 83. 12.05 38. 11.36 93. 10.75 98. 10.20 103. 9.71 .1 12.03 .1 11.35 .1 10.74 .1 10.19 .1 9.70 .2 12.02 .2 11.34 .2 10.73 .2 10.18 .2 9.69 .3 12.00 .3 11.33 .3 10.72 .3 10.17 .3 9.68 .4 1 1 .99 .4 11.31 .4 10.71 .4 10.16 .4 9.67 .5 11.98 .5 11.30 .5 10.70 .5 10.15 .5 9.66 .« 1 1 .98 .6 11.29 .6 10.68 .6 10.14 .6 9.65 .7 11.95 .7 11.27 .7 10.67 .7 10.13 .7 9.64 .8 11.93 .8 11.26 .8 10.66 .8 10.12 .8 9.63 .9 11.92 .9 11.25 .9 10.65 .9 10.11 .9 9.62 84. 11.90 89. 11.24 94. 10.64 99. 10.10 104. 9.62 .1 11.89 .1 11.22 .1 10.63 .1 10.09 .1 9.61 .2 11.88 .2 11.21 .2 10.62 .2 10.08 .2 9.60 .3 11.86 .3 11.20 .3 10.60 .3 10.07 .3 9.59 .4 11.85 .4 11.19 .4 10.59 .4 10.06 .4 9.58 .5 11.83 .5 11.17 .5 10.58 .5 10.05 .5 9.57 .6 11.82 .6 11.16 .6 10.57 .6 10.04 .6 9.56 .7 11.81 .7 11.15 .7 10.56 .7 10.03 .7 9.55 .8 11.79 .8 11.14 .8 10.55 .8 10.02 .8 9.54 .9 11.78 .9 11.12 .9 10.54 .9 10.01 .9 9.53 85. 11.76 90. 11.11 95. 10.53 100. 10.00 105. 9.52 .1 11.75 .1 11.10 .1 10.52 .1 9.99 .1 9.51 .2 11.74 .2 11.09 .2 10.50 .2 9.98 .2 9.51 .3 11.72 .3 11.07 .3 10.49 .3 9.97 .3 9 50 .4 11.71 .4 11.06 .4 10.48 .4 9.96 .4 9.49 .5 11.70 .5 11.05 .5 10.47 .5 9.95 .5 9.48 .6 11.08 .6 11.04 .6 10.46 .6 9.94 .6 9.47 .7 11.07 .7 11.03 .7 10.45 .7 9.93 .7 9.46 .8 11.06 .8 11.01 .8 10.14 .8 9.92 .8 9.45 .9 11.64 .9 11.00 .9 10.43 .9 9.97 .9 9.44 86. 11.63 91. 10.99 96. 10.42 101. 9.90 106. 9.43 .1 11.61 .1 10.98 .1 10.41 .1 9.89 .1 9.43 .2 11.60 .2 10.96 .2 10.40 .2 9.88 .2 9.42 .3 11.59 .3 10.95 .3 10.38 .3 9.87 .3 9.41 .4 11.57 .4 10.94 .4 10.37 .4 9.86 .4 9.40 .5 11.56 .5 10.93 .5 10.36 .5 9.85 .5 9.39 .6 11.55 .6 10.92 .6 10.35 .6 9.84 .6 9.38 .7 11.53 .7 10.91 .7 10.34 .7 9.83 .7 9.S7 .8 11.52 .8 10.89 .8 10.33 .3 9.82 .8 9.36 .9 11.51 .9 10.88 .9 10.32 .9 9.81 .9 9.35 552 TABLE FOR NUMBERING COTTON YARN — Continued 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. W'eight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 107. 9.35 115. 8.70 130. 7.69 155. 6.45 190. 5.26 .1 9.34 .2 8.68 .5 7.66 .5 6.43 191. 5.24 .2 9.33 .4 8.67 131. 7.63 156 6.41 192. 5.21 .3 9.32 .6 8.65 .5 7.60 .5 6.39 193. 5.18 .4 9.31 .8 8.64 132. 7.58 157. 6.37 194. 5.15 .5 9.30 116. 8.62 .5 7.55 .5 6.35 195. 5.13 .6 9.29 .2 8.61 133. 7.52 158. 6.33 196. 5.10 .7 9.29 .4 8.59 .5 7.49 .5 6.31 197. 5.08 .8 9.28 .6 8.58 134. 7.46 159. 6.29 198. 5.05 .9 9.27 .8 8.56 .5 7.43 .5 6.27 199. 5.03 108. 9.26 117. 8.55 135. 7.41 160. 6.25 200. 5.00 .1 9.25 .2 8.53 .5 7.38 .5 6.23 201. 4.98 .2 9.24 .4 8.52 136. 7.35 161. 6.21 202. 4.95 .3 9.23 .6 8.50 .5 7.33 .5 6.19 203. 4.93 .4 9.23 .8 8.49 137. 7.30 162. 6.17 204. 4.90 .5 9.22 118. 8.47 .5 7.27 .5 6.15 205. 4.88 .6 9.21 .2 8.46 138. 7.25 163. 6.13 206. 4.85 .7 9.20 .4 8.45 .5 7.22 .5 6.12 207. 4.83 .8 9.19 .6 8.43 208. 4.81 .9 9.18 .8 8.42 139. 7.19 164. 6.10 209. 4.78 .5 7.17 .5 6.08 109. 9.17 119. 8.40 140. 7.14 165. 6.06 210. 4,76 .2 9.16 .2 8.39 .5 7.12 .5 6.04 211. 4.74 .4 9.14 .4 8.38 141. 7.09 166. 6.02 212. 4.72 .6 9.12 .6 8.36 .5 7.07 .5 6.01 213. 4.69 .8 9.11 .8 8.35 214. 4.67 142. 7.04 167. 5.99 110. 9.09 120. 8.33 .5 7.02 .5 5.97 215. 4.65 .2 9.07 .2 8.32 143. 6.99 168. 5.95 216. 4.63 .4 9.06 .4 8.31 .5 6.97 .5 5.93 217. 4.61 .6 9.04 .6 8.29 144. 6.94 169. 5.92 218. 4.59 .8 9.03 .8 8.28 .5 6.92 .5 5.90 219. 4.57 in. 9.01 121. 8.26 145. 6.90 170. 5.88 220. 4.55 .2 8.99 .4 8.24 .5 6.87 171. 5.85 221. 4.52 .4 8.98 .6 8.22 146. 6.85 172. 5.81 222. 4.50 .6 8.96 .8 8.21 .5 6.83 173. 5.78 223. 4.48 .8 8.94 174. 5.75 224. 4.46 122. 8.20 147. 6.80 112. 8.93 .5 8.16 .5 6.78 175. 5.71 225. 4.44 .2 8.91 123. 8.13 148. 6.76 176. 5.68 226. 4.42 .4 8.90 .5 8.10 .5 6.73 177. 5.65 227. 4.41 .6 8.88 124. 8.06 149. 6.71 178. 5.62 228. 4.39 .8 8.87 .5 8.03 .5 6.69 179. 5.59 229. 4.37 113. 8.85 125. 8.00 150. 6.67 180. 5.56 230. 4.35 .2 8.83 .5 7.97 .5 6.64 181. 5.52 231. 4.33 .4 8.82 126. 7.94 151. 6.62 182. 5.49 232. 4.31 .6 8.80 .5 7.91 .5 6.60 183. 5.46 233. 4.29 .8 8.79 127. 7.87 184. 5.43 234. 4.27 .5 7.84 152. 6.58 114. 8.77 .5 6.56 185. 5.41 235. 4.26 .2 8.76 128. 7.81 153. 6.54 186. 5.38 236. 4.24 .4 8.74 .5 7.78 .5 6.51 187. 5.35 237. 4.22 .6 8.73 129. 7.75 154. 6.49 188. 5.32 238. 4.20 .8 8.71 .5 7.72 .5 6.47 189. 5.29 239. 4.18 553 TABLE FOR NUMBERING COTTON YARN — Continued 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 1-20 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains Number of Y 7 arn 240. 4.17 290. 3.45 350. 2.86 450. 2.22 600. 1.67 241. 4.15 292. 3.42 352. 2.84 455. 2.20 610. 1.64 242. 4.13 294. 3.40 354. 2.82 460. 2.17 620. 1.61 243. 4.12 296. 3.38 356. 2.81 465. 2.15 630. 1.59 244. 4.10 298. 3.36 358. 2.79 470. 2.13 640. 1.56 246. 4.08 300. 3.33 360. 2.78 475. 2.11 650. 1.54 246. 4.07 302. 3.31 362. 2.76 480. 2.08 660. 1.52 247. 4.05 304. 3.29 364. 2.75 485. 2.06 670. 1.49 248. 4.03 306. 3.27 366. 2.73 490. 2.04 680. 1.47 249. 4.0*2 308. 3.25 368. 2.72 495. 2.02 690. 1.45 250. 4.00 310. 3.23 370. 2.70 500. 2.00 700. 1.43 252. 3.97 312. 3.21 372. 2.69 505. 1.98 710. 1.41 254. 3.94 314. 3.18 374. 2.67 510. 1.96 720. 1.39 256. 3.91 316. 3.17 376. 2.66 515. 1.94 730. 1.37 258. 3.88 318. 3.14 378. 2.65 520. 1.92 740. 1.35 260. 3.85 320. 3.12 380. 2.63 525. 1.90 750. 1.33 262. 3.8-2 322. 3.11 382. 2.62 530. 1.89 760. 1.32 264. 3.79 324. 3.09 385. 2.60 535. 1.87 770. 1.30 266. 3.70 326. 3.07 390. 2.56 540. 1.85 - 780. 1.28 268. 3.73 328. 3.05 395. 2.53 545. 1.83 790. 1.27 270. 3.70 330. 3.03 400. 2.50 550. 1.82 800. 1.25 272. 3.68 332. 3.01 405. 2.47 555. 1.80 820. 1.22 274. 3.65 334. 2.99 410. 2.44 560. 1.79 840. 1.19 276. 3.62 336. 2.98 415. 2.41 565. 1.77 860. 1.16 278. 3.60 338. 2.96 420. 2.38 570. 1.75 880. 1.14 280. 3.57 340. 2.94 425. 2.35 575. 1.74 900. l.n 282. 3.55 342. 2.92 430. 2.33 580. 1.72 925. 1.08 284. 3.52 344. 2.91 435. 2.30 585. 1.71 950. 1.05 286. 3.50 346. 2.89 440. 2.27 590. 1.69 975. 1.03 288. 3.47 348. 2.87 445. 2.25 595. ! 1.68 1000. ; i.oo TABLE OF WEIGHT EQUIVALENTS 1 ounce = 437.5 grains ii ounces — 4812.5 grains 2 ounces = 875.0 grains ny 2 ounces = 5031.25 grains 3 ounces = 1312.5 grains 12 ounces = 5250.0 grains 4 ounces = 1750.0 grains UH ounces = 5468.75 grains 5 ounces = 2187.5 grains 13 ounces = 5687.5 grains 6 ounces = 2625.0 grains 13H ounces = 5906.25 grains 7 ounces = 3062.5 grains 14 ounces = 6125.0 grains 8 ounces = 3500.0 grains ounces = 6343.75 grains 9 ounces = 3937.5 grains 15 ounces = 6562.5 grains 10 ounces = 4375.0 grains \5V 2 ounces = 6781.25 grains 10 H ounces = 4593.75 grains 16 ounces = 7000.0 grains Rules, Tables, etc TABLE OF LENGTH V /2 yards (yd.) = 1 thread = or circumference of yarn reel. 120 yards = 80 threads = 1 skein, or lea. 840 yards = 560 threads = 7 skeins, or leas = 1 hank. 30,240 inches = 560 threads = 7 skeins, or leas = 1 hank. TABLE OF WEIGHT 437.50 grains (gr.) — 1 ounce (oz.) 7,000.00 grains = 16 ounces = 1 pound (lb.) 1,000 4- Weight in Grains of 120 Yards of Yarn = No. of Yarn. 100 PER CENT PRODUCTION CONSTANTS Per Spindle per Day of 10 Hours (600 Minutes) Rule: R.P.M. of Front Roll X Constant R.P.M. of Front Roll X Constant Hanks in 10 Hours. = Pounds in 10 Hours. Number of Yarn .062 Constant for 1" Roll = 3.1416 Circumference. .0545 Constant for Roll = 2.7489 Circumference. The following allowances to be deducted from 100 per cent production as given by the above rule: Warp Number of Filling % Allowance Yarn % Allowance 12 3’s to 5’s 20 11 5’s to 10’s 18 10 10’s to 20’s 13 9 20’s to 30’s 10 7 30’s to 40’s 8 5 40’s to 50’s 7 5 50’s to 60’s 5 3 60’s to 80’s 3 2 80’s to 100*s 2 Example: To find how many hanks of number 30 warp yarn per spindle per day of 10 hours will be produced by a frame with a 1" front roll running at 117 R.P.M. 117 X -062 = 7.25 hanks. Deduct 8% from 7.25, leaving 6.07 hanks. 555 Rules, Tables, Etc. — Continued Speed of Front Roll: Revolutions of Spindles 4- (Twist per Inch X Circumference of Front Roll] = Revolutions of Front Roll. Speed of Spindles: Revolutions of Front Roll X Circumference of Front Roll X Twist per Inch = Revolutions of Spindles. Numbers of Yarn 4- Hank Roving = Draft. To Find Hank Roving: Numbers of Yarn 4- Draft = Hank Roving. To Find Numbers of Yarn: Length of Yarn in Yards X 8.33 4- Weight in Grains = Number of Yarn. To Find What Per Cent Yarn Contracts in Twisting: Divide the number of yarn by the product of the actual draft and hank roving and subtract the quotient from 1. 00. Example: No. 30 yarn made from 6.00 hank roving doubled with an actual draft of 10.30. Note: Actual draft equals draft constant divided by the number of teeth in the draft gear that ia actually used on frame. WHEN CHANGING FROM ONE NUMBER OF YARN TO ANOTHER DRAFT For Changing Draft: To Find the Draft: 10.30 X (6.00 4- 2) = 30.90 30 4- 30.90 = .97 1.00 - .97 = .03, or 3% Present Draft Gear X Present Draft Required Draft = Required Draft Gear. For Changing Weight: Present Draft Gear X Required Weight Present Weight = Required Draft Gear. For Changing Yarn: Present Draft Gear X Present Number of Yarn = Required Draft Gear. Required Number of Yarn 556 Rules, Tables, Etc. — Continued TWIST For Changing Twist: Present Twist Gear X Present Twist „ . _ . ; — . = Kequired 1 wist Gear. .Required I wist For Changing Number of Yarn: Present Twist Gear X Sq. Root of Present Number of Yarn _ Required Sq. Root of Required No. of Yarn Twist Gear. LAY For Changing Number of Yarn: Present Lay Gear X Sq. Root of Present No. of Yarn Required Lay Sq. Root of Required No. of Yarn Gear. TO DETERMINE LENGTH OF TIME BOBBIN WILL LAST IN CREEL _ , 840 Yards X Hank Roving , r . Hule: — = lards in 1 Ounce. 16 Yards in 1 Ounce X Ounces on Full Bobbin = Yards on Bobbin. Yards per Rev. of Front Roll X Rev. of Front Roll per Min. X 60 Min. = Yards Delivered by Front Roll per Hour. Total Yards on Creel Bobbin X Draft Number of Hours Creel Yards Delivered by Front Roll per Hour Bobbin will Last. 1" Diam. Front Roll Delivers .0873 Yards per Revolution. Diam. Front Roll Delivers .0763 Yards per Revolution. SPINNING TAPE Use rs" tape for Regular McMullan, for Medium and Heavy Mc- Mullan, x /i for V. Type. To find quantity required, multiply the number of spindles by 2 ? 3 , which gives the amount in feet. There are about 45 yards to the pound of and 48 yards to the pound of ys" tape; approx. 53 yards to the pound of J^". Sewing Thread : A 200-yard spool of No. 18 thread is sufficient for 102 to 108 splicings. 557 RING TWISTERS Specifications for Cotton Ring Twister FRAME 1 — Model 2 — Hand of frame R. H L. H 3 — ■ Dry or wet twist ■1 — Number of spindles in frame 5 — Gauge 6 — Traverse 7 — Kind of thread boards 8 — Thread board lifters 9 — Style of thread guide 10 — Style of separator 11 — Builder for bobbin 12 — Is bottom forming attachment wanted ? 13 — Overall length of frame 14 — Paint 15 — Weights to be supplied by SPINDLES AND CYLINDERS 16 — Type of spindles 17 — Will mill send sample spindle and bobbin?. 18 — Diameter of spindle blade 19 — Diameter of whirl 20 — Tape or band drive 21 — Width of tape 22 — Are knee brakes wanted ? 23 — Spindle speed 24 — Direction of spindle rotation 25 — Diameter of cylinder 26 — Cylinder speed 27 — Style of cylinder bearings RINGS 31 — Style of ring 32 — Diameter of ring 33 — ■ Style of ring holder 34 — Bore ring rails for . . . " rings 35 — Is Carter Ring Oiling Device wanted? ROLLS 41 — Diameter of bottom rolls (Std. I 1 2 ") 42 — Number of lines of bottom rolls 43 — Diameter of top rolls (Std. 2") 44 — Number of lines of top rolls 45 — Method of threading rolls 46 — Are rolls to be brass covered (wet twist)? 560 YARN .51 — Number of yarn (singles) 52 — Ply to be twisted 53 — Twist per inch (See twist tables) 54 — Independent twist CREEL 61 — Type of creel 62 — Description of creel supply (send sample if possible) (Beams, spools, bobbins, cones, tubes or cheeses) 63 — Size of creel package (Diam., length, bore) 64 — Creel to be ... . slats high 65 — Vertical spacing of creel pins 66 — If beam creel, state number of beams per frame 67 — Type of guides between creel and rolls WET TWIST 71 — Arrangement of rolls in water pan: a. One glass rod and one brass wiper rod b. Two glass rods c. Revolving brass rod and brass wiper rod 72 — Is water drain to be at pulley end P BELT DRIVE 81 — Pulleys at geared end or foot end 82 — Diam. of driving pulleys (12" to 20") 83 — Width of face of driving pulley (3", 3J4", 4" or 6" belt) 84 Loose pulley to have ball bearings 85 Tight pulley to have cork inserts 86 — Belt from above or below MOTOR DRIVE 91 — Method of applying motor 92 — Horse power and make of motor 93 — Type and make of switch 94 — Current Volt Phase Cycle 95 — If chain connection, state make of equipment wanted 96 — Is motor and complete equipment to be supplied by Saco-Lowell Shops ? KNOCK OFF AND CLOCKS 101 — Is hank clock wanted ? 102 — Is yardage clock wanted ? 103 — Is combination yardage clock and knock-off motion wanted ? 104 ■ — Knock-off to be arranged for how many yards ? 561 Notes on Twister Specifications Items 1 — Regular Models are: “38" Standard Frames” built in three styles as follows: a — No. 17 with swinging steel doors at geared end, pulleys at foot. end supported by small frame end. b — No. 22 with cast iron geared end, pulleys at foot end supported by small frame end. c — No. 22 with cast iron geared end, pulleys at geared end supported by small frame end. Models A-39 and A-42, similar except in width. Model C-42. 2 — Hand of frame is required on Models A and C, tape drive, and is determined by facing the driving pulleys and noting whether drum is offset to the right or left of center. ( See diagram oil page 567.) 5 — Gauge is at least 1" wider than the diameter of ring. With wide flanges and large travelers, special consideration must be given to gauge to insure clear- ance of working parts. 6 — Traverse. The “38" Standard” will take up to 6" traverse on double head bobbins and up to 7" on single head bobbins. The A-39 will take up to 8" traverse, the A-42 up to 8" and the C-42 up to 9" on double head bobbins. 7 — The Saco-Lowell Metallic Thread Board is recommended for all models of twisters. Illustrations and description of these will be found on pages 242 and 243. 8 — Thread board lifters for raising all the lappets on the frame will be applied if specified. 9 — Guide wires may be case-hardened, round or oval eye. If special guides are required send samples. Porcelain guides are furnished for wet twist. Snarl catchers will be applied if required. 10 — Separators are rarely specified except on frames handling asbestos or worsted yarns and for this purpose we usually furnish plain tin separator plates screwed to ring rails. On the 38" Standard Models we can supply if required any of the various types of separators described in connection with spinning frames on page 220. 11 & 12 — Specify type of bobbin and send sample full bobbin if possible. The “38" Standard” frame for light work is regularly equipped with our Combination Builder which can be changed from warp to filling wind or vice versa by changing cam and chain. Heavy twisters are ordinarily fitted with straight wind builders but we can supply warp, filling or taper top wind if specified. ( See types of bobbins on page 570.) Bottom forming attachment for building filling wind on straight bobbins can be applied. 13 — Overall lengths of the “38" Standard" frames are shown in spinning section on pages 516 to 521. Lengths of Models A and C are covered by tables on pages 574 to 576. 14 — - Unless otherwise specified, frames will be painted our standard green. 562 15 — Many of our foreign clients prefer to obtain cast iron weights locally to avoid costly transportation charges. We will supply all necessary data for making these weights. 16 — Standard Spindles are described on pages 248 and 249. The “38" Standard” frame will take spindles No. 00, 0, 1, and 1 J^. Model A frames will take spindles No. 1, l}/£, 2 or 3, and the Model C frames are usually equipped with the No. 4 spindle. Special spindles will be supplied if required. For light work we have supplied the V-type spindle described in connection with spinning frames on page 227. Can also furnish special large diameter blades for use with pasteboard tubes. 17 — It is always advisable when ordering frames to use in connection with existing frames, to send a sample spindle and two or more sample bobbins. 18 — Standard diameters of blades are shown by drawing on page 248. Special diameters will be furnished to match old spindles. 19 — ( See description on page 249 for standard whirl diameters.) While it is advis- able to adhere to these standards, we can supply special diameters if necessary. 20 — The use of the tape drive for twisters has become almost universal and we recommend its use in every case. 21 — The widths of tape specified on page 25.5 should be strictly adhered to for best results. 22 — Our standard knee brake is described on page 249. We can furnish any of the older types previously supplied by our shops. 23 — Spindle speed varies with the counts of yarn, twist and various local con- ditions. A reference to production tables on pages 638 to 642 will show common practice. Unless mill definitely states spindle speed required, this will be determined by us, based on known requirements of the mill. 24 — Spindle rotation varies with the work being handled. It is customary to twist opposite to the spinning twist and frames will be so arranged unless definitely specified by mill. 25 — We prefer to supply cylinders 10" or 8" in diameter. Can furnish 7", 9" or cylinders for the “38" Standard” frames if required to match up existing frames. 26 — Tables showing ratios of cylinders to whirls are shown on page 592. Tables on pages 593 to 597 show cylinder speeds to correspond with various spindle speeds. 27 — Plain bearings of the ring oiling type with oil reservoir are supplied as regular equipment. We can supply bad bearings or patent self-oiling bearings if required. 31 — Types of standard rings are shown on page 246 with description of their use. 563 32 — The size of ring is dependent on several factors: the counts of single and twisted yarn, number of ends, strength of single yarns and other local con- ditions. It is difficult to offer any fixed recommendations where conditions are so variable but we will be glad to take up individual cases if mill is in doubt as to the proper ring for their work. The maximum ring sizes on our different models are: “38" Standard” 3" Model A-42 5" Model A-39 5" Model C G%" \ 33 — Flanged rings are usually furnished with cast iron holders, but plate : holders can be used if preferred. Brass plate holders are frequently used on wet twisters. 34 — Mills handling a variety of product are frequently obliged to change ring I sizes. In answering this item, state largest size of ring that will be used. For smaller sizes we can supply ring with special holders to fit rail boring, i 35 — The Carter Ring Oiling Device is a wick arrangement for oiling. It is used only on the larger sizes where continuous oiling is necessary. 41 & 43 — Regular equipment includes bottom rolls 1 V 2 diameter and top rolls ; diameter. We frequently supply 2" bottom and 2J4" top rolls or can furnish other sizes if required to meet special needs. 42 & 44 — Standard equipment includes one line of bottom rolls and one line of top rolls. An extra charge is made when two lines of bottom or top rolls j are supplied. 45 — Rolls may be arranged in any of the three ways shown by the following i diagram, and sketch should be furnished by mill showing desired method of threading yarn through the rolls so that gearing can be arranged to give proper direction to the rotation of rolls. 46 - Regular equipment for wet twisting includes steel bottom rolls covered with brass and cast iron top rolls, brass covered, with ends painted to prevent rusting. 54 — Gearing can be arranged so that each side of frame can be operated inde- pendently as regards twist. Fhiless otherwise specified, three changes of twist gearing are furnished with frame, the extra gears having one tooth more and one tooth less than figured requirements. 564 61 — Creels may be of the regular pin type for taking bobbins, spools, tubes, etc. or of the beam type for holding section beams. We also frequently supply vertical creels of the type used on spinning frames for twisting worsted or union yarns. 62 — If possible, send sample package to be used in creel. If such sample is not available, give all dimensions of the package including size of bore. 64 — A pin creel four slats high is included in the base price of our frames. Hori- zontal spacing cannot be greater than the gauge of the frame and if creel packages are of larger diameter than gauge, two slats are required for each ply, the horizontal spacing then being twice the gauge of the frame. 65 — Vertical spacing is arranged to accommodate size of creel package and will be laid out by the shops from data supplied in connection with the creel package. 67 — State whether porcelain knob guides or wire pigtail guides are wanted. Our standard porcelain guide is Mitchell-Bissell No. 87. If special guides or traversing arrangement is wanted, give full details of requirements and send sample guide if possible. 71 — Indicate arrangement wanted as shown by sub-items A to C. A full descrip- tion of this equipment is given under the subject of wet twist on page 251. 72 — Water drain is at pulley end unless otherwise specified. 81 — (See Item 1 relative to location of pulleys on “38" Standard” frames.) On Models A and C, pulleys are always at foot end. 82 to 85 — Pulleys range from 12" to 18" on “38" Standard" frames and to 20" on Models A and C. Face of pulleys on A and C frames is ff" wider than width of belt required. On “38" Standard" frames they are made Y %" or Y" wider. Ball bearings for loose pulleys can be supplied on certain sizes for the “38" Standard" frames. We also supply a patented self-oiling bushing for loose pulley. Pulleys with cork inserts in face will be supplied for heavy frames to prevent slippage of belt. 91 to 96 — Details of motor equipment vary with each individual installation and these questions will be taken up in detail when obtaining specifications from the mill. 101 — All models can be equipped with Saco-Lowell decimal hank clocks of the Orme type similar to the clock used on spinning frames described on page 223. All frames are sent out with end recesses of rolls threaded ready for the application of clocks whether ordered with frames or not. 102 to 104 — Models A and C can be equipped with the Saco-Lowell combination hank clock and yardage knock-off motion. This clock registers accurately the number of yards delivered by the rolls. Its readings must be corrected to take care of expansion or contraction due to twist. This allowance is a local condition which can only be determined by tests at mill. (See page 257 for range of gearing and further description.) Specify the yardage wanted on bobbins and amount of expansion or contraction, so that proper gearing can be supplied. Power Requirements: 10 to 50 spindles per 1 H. P. 565 Notes on Operating Twisters SPINDLES Spindles should be maintained central with ring at both top and bottom of traverse. This condition insures a uniform tension on the yarn and prolongs the life of rings and travelers. Spindles should be well lubricated before starting frame and should be oiled at least once a week thereafter. Vibration of spindles is frequently due to unbalanced bobbins. Such bobbins when discovered should be rejected and replaced by perfect bobbins. VERTICAL RINGS To prevent excessive wear of travelers, rings should be kept properly lubricated, the frequency of the lubrication being dependent on the size of ring and speed of traveler. Rings should be oiled at least once in each doff and large sizes may require more frequent oiling. TRAVELERS Worn travelers cause unequal tension and make inferior yarns. The condition of travelers should therefore have careful attention. Brass travelers used on heavy rings and for wet twisting, when spread for slipping over ring, do not spring back to their original shape. In applying these travelers each one should be examined to see that it has proper bearing on the ring, if not, it should be pressed together with pliers. BUILDER Builder worm gear and worm in geared end must be properly meshed together to prevent backlash at reverse of traverse. This backlash occurs when point of earn passes over Pitman Roll, causing a sudden drop in ring rail. Pitman Roll should be kept well lubricated so as to rotate freely. CYLINDERS Ring oiling cylinder bearings have ample reservoirs for several days’ supply of oil. It is advisable however to add a little fresh oil daily to these bearings. ROLL STANDS Roll stands are supplied with grease pockets at back and front of bearings. These pockets should be kept well filled with grease. OILING All running parts of the machine, not specifically mentioned above, should be oiled once a day. TWIST CHANGE GEARS Twist gears, though figured accurately to formula, will not always give the required twist per inch, due to varying contraction in yarn. Figured gear can be used for trial and actual gear determined from results produced by the trial. These conditions also apply to the CLOCK CHANGE GEAR. 566 567 Diagrams Showing Method of Determining Hand of Tape-Driven Type “A” and “C” Twisters Weight of Frames 38" Standard and Type A Below are listed for convenient reference actual weight of a few sizes of frames of the 38" or A Types. For approximate weight of other sizes, see table on next page. | Spindles Gauge Foreign Shipping Weight Net Cubic Feet Ocean Tonnage 200 9200 7000 215 6 1*0 3" 6050 4650 155 4 160 3 l A" 9236 6925 200 5H 144 4" 11075 9270 230 7 176 i'A" 11499 9536 229 7 144 5" 12795 9500 250 7H 112 5J4" 11081 9124 253 6 Type “ C ” Frames Spindles Gauge Foreign Shipping Weight Net Cubic Feet Ocean Tonnage 100 7" 15900 13250 340 10 120 7" 18200 15100 360 11 128 7" 18600 15500 400 12 For approximate figures on other sizes 7" gauge: Take number of spindles X 115 + 1200 = Net weight 7J4 ,/ gauge: Take number of spindles X lid -j- 1200 = Net weight 8" gauge: Take number of spindles X 122 -j- 1200 = Net weight &W' gauge: Take number of spindles X 125 + 1200 = Net weight For Local Shipping Weight add 8 per cent. For Foreign Shipping Weight add 20 per cent. For Total Cubic Feet divide Foreign Shipping Weight by 46. For Ocean Tonnage (ship’s option) — total weight tons plus 2 per cent. Twister Extras Equipment and appliances not included in base prices of frames Beam creels. Boxing and other special packing. Carter ring oiling device. Combination hank clock and yardage knock-off motion. Cork insert pulleys. Creels more than four slats high. Gears — Change gears in excess of three sets. Hank clocks. Independent twist for both sides of frame. Jack spinning arrangement. Knee brakes. Metal top shelf. Metallic thread boards. Motor drive. Novelty twist arrangements. Pulleys, grooved, for spindle drive. Rolls: Larger than regular. Fluted. Case hardened. Extra lines in excess of single top and bottom. Revolving brass rods in water pan of wet twisters. Spindles: Extra heavy or special. Separators. Stop motion for 2-ply. Tape drive. Wet twister equipment. Weight relieving device for rolls. Wood thread board with porcelain guide. 56S WEIGHT TABLE FOR 38" STANDARD AND TYPE A TWISTERS For obtaining Net Weight of Frame % 0 . • i-t\eo\ • © © i> i> • l> f-1 CO O ^ 0 CO F-H © to ■*$< ' i> 00 X * 10 \CM \CM •©©*”<© . i> f— < G* to W H 0 G4 H © »g tp •— 1 t> X X UO • © © © »G ■ i> ^ *0 X ^ O G* O to X ' i> X X k . ^ :sc«s ^ © O O O G* i> • GI X GJ ^ O !-« T-4 X O to X i> t> X X O O O i> ^ G< t> ■ G* x Gi H O r-* X © to G* *> i> X X % O . ^ X JsCsCS ^ COO • © X G* • • r-t G* T-M »~< 0 f-< X X G< i> i> i> «; " . s . .^ sSbs ^ ^ ©CO •‘OXGi ■ .H G) »— • t— * O X X Gl i> t-i> « © © • X X G* • • 1— 1 Ol »-•«-« O XX 04 t> i> i> & . ^ XSES ^ ^ © © -GXG< • .»-l *-• !-■ O xx'—' i> i> i> 1 CM OO 'CXGI • -F-H *-* r~i r-=t O X X «-< i> i> i> Unit per frm. per frm. per frm. per spdl. per spdl. per spdl. per spdl. per spdl. per spdl. per line ) per spdl.) per spdl. per spdl. per spdl. each per slat ) per spdl . ( per spdl. j Fixed base weight, 38" .... Fixed base weight, A 39" . . . Fixed base weight, A 42" . . . Varying weights Rail weighting No. 1 spindles No. 2 spindles No. 3 spindles Tape drive Extra top rolls Extra bottom rolls Separators, R.C Separators, ring rail Supports. (See note) .... Creels Wet twist o* a O o ‘-'i >-£ •“ ■fl Q.'K.O.S E g 33.9J l E " ■;> * rs ^ ■*-> .s m 3 > *> a gS -a 0 „ c * -a l? 5 .p S a Si *J a « « ,J= CJ O 3 ■£ fcC-^J OT fcfi 2 o 0 a s & 9 -“ e 1 “ll a » t lit i l C C-*? , 5 5 3 « *S«J-S O 60 o W « £ -S-gS § 2 a u w « o • c O ■£ « J2 W i-JS- So * t k fc. k. L. & ° O O O O J= Z fefc-fefc. t- 569 570 Diagrams of Standard Twister Bobbins R efer to table on following page for dimensions and weight of yarn Builders are supplied for winding Bobbins shown by cuts on preceding page. For dimensions refer to following table. 571 Dimension Plans of 38" Standard Twisters A FFCE Fl/LLFYS- ; - * oooooooo O o 0 0 4 o ~Z o o Z 0 o 5 1 § is o o 0 o o I 38 ' L ! * 4 C 0 1 o 9 -i . i j r~ -0-2 — 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 r°[°oooo qq ■j l-^i' . - -J si ■j *' r// 3$ FXCE Fl/L L EY3. — OVERALL LEMQTH=SPtNDLES RER FRAME TZXqAi/GE+Zqj* Model 22 with Pulleys at Foot End Overall lengths of these twisters are the same as for correspond- ing models of spinning frames. See table of lengths, pages 516 to 521. 572 573 Dimension Plans of Models A and C Twisters (Motor drive adds from 11" to 18" over all ) Overall Lengths of 39" and 42" Twisters No. of Spindles S88S|3SSSSaS8gSSS5S|SSg?lSSS||||22|gg|S|2||| l ft 1/ [ ri05b-*c«>- HOlt’iQW - — H5i 2 § 5 25 3 g 8 § £ g 8 § g S « g 2 g g 1 £ S3 § g 3 3 3 5 5 3 5 5 2 5 5 5 5. ; t \ Vi-CO«i^HCC‘fJ93I>!r^;?2?^3‘~-2.r.r3222222222222222222222222V22*- < .2 IQ H ai >C rH Cl*0*-'0i‘0'-«0S»0F-s:«3 — l 2 2 2 2 2 2 g S £ 8 S3 S3 g S S § & & S 8 g S3 £ £ S S3 g £ S3 S3 S3 £ £ S3 § g 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 § O ; w ; 0 3 a«O‘0OMN05't'-'OHCcnoi.Qot'9»O'+-Oe-®«O‘0Ot'0'c:'j'--S'-»nO‘3Oi'!XS " 23322b2222gS5SilSgggSS§SSgSggSgggggggggggggggg § \ 1 22 23 s, ^ ^ Su 23 ^ S, s* s* 23 23 23 ^ A 23 3 «3b©Ht'Ci«)«a'»j-c«5-Hoot'--'®oC>-iiCf-iCp-iiCmiC - i-r.i.'3H«3Hi3H iCe-^^cQ — CQ — '*C — *3 „ 222 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 g 5 5 S3 S3 S3 S3 £ £ 3 S 1 § S S 8 g § 1 §3 g £ £ S3 S3 g g £ | i.Zb « 2 3 *» « l» 2 £ 22 2 3 13 32 « 5> 22 2 1 £% STlo -2 i\ 22 33 1 k 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 g S £ £ S3 S S $ g g g S S S § S & 2 2 S S S g g g g No. of Spindles ggSggg§22ggggg3S3S§§g$K2igSgi|||2||g||l|||S| 574 Overall Lengths of 39" and 42" Twisters — Continued ■s o & CO w S fn pc< o w o p < o 5’ Gauge 4’ Gauge 4 J4" Gauge | C5*Of~«0‘0»'=«OS*0 | V333333S be 3 O fO Tj< ^,t>.p^ooeoo»«©t^oics’«f>“'»i-^coeo § = 5 3 * ? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 § 0) Pj 3 RS 0 S ro S 3 S 3 is, S 3 S 3 S?* S:* S?* S 3 S 3 S MO^HlQOWHt.^COCOPTfO'Or-OOt'H S g 3 3 3 % '% 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 g 3" Gauge | m uj *Q >-i *0 « 1 — *Q — O — « »Q —< »o r- »o *-* O S S 3 1 g 3 3 g g g g 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 § 2 z /i" Gauge I „ S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S: «CO(Nt'M©©«5 rt ^Owa^OOf-t-r=-> g g g g g 3 b 8 « 1 § b £ \ » 2 = = = ® 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 No. of Spindles S28S§H8SS§iSSHS8S833SSSSS§SS2S8SSHSSSi 575 Overall Lengths of 39" and 42" Twisters — Continued q ■OOMOOrt©p-^©(Nt'0«50«00'-'0^^05H>00}rH*005Hi005HioaiH»0 Jo 2 2 b I! S3 S3 I b S3 g S g S g b g g 5 3! 3 3 § 5 § g *O0C-o*ioa'-5<»OOD-'N‘O®-(5<*O«^(N‘CXM'3 o t> ^ o> — ■ -< co *o c: — -hm«5 1'0 - pH««5^d-'-P'Ot'C.- ~ m •o^ao 2 2 b 5: S3 3 S3 S $ g g 3 85 g g g b g g 3 3 5 3 3 3 b 3 § O^t^C0CiO-^O'-<0®C;C — O«(XC0'^ < C5^£>»C5O — 2 2 b 2 2 g b S3 S S3 § b g S3 g S S g 35 g b g g 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 b 3 S 5 O *0*0*0*0*0*0*0 10 »o »o *o «o *o »o »o *o *o *© *o *o »o *o *o «5 ‘O O ‘OCOC>;CC>3‘5C i lb 2 2 b 2 2 1 b ?: S3 35 S3 I b g § g 5 8 g 35 S g b g g 3 b 3 3 3 3 3 b 3 3 § 1 rt ^^M0)HOHOa®l> , OC’J'n5<'-O-OC5Xt' , O«5’fnU3-5-C3*t'Ci5'?n0)'« 33! 2 2 2 2 b 2 2 2 g b S S3 35 S3 S3 b g § S3 g b 8 g 35 8 g fe g g 3 3 b 3 3 b 3 3 b 3 3 S I 3^g§3g?22gggggi|§22ggggg333|giS$gggSg||!|| 576 V/ jL/yuivnJL/miio v/r i n loimv x->. As shown by tables on pages 574 and 570 Detail of Gearing — 38 " Standard Twister 578 Schedule of Gearing Standard 38" Twister (Refer to cut on opposite page) A — Front roll gear B — Large intermediate roll gear C — Twist change gear D — Stud gear G — Drum gear H ■ — Traverse driving gear J — Traverse intermediate gear K — Traverse stud gear L — Traverse change gear M — Traverse intermediate gear N — Builder cam shaft worm gear Y - — Ratio cylinder to whirl Z — Circumference front roll Formulae for Figuring Twist A x D x Y CXGXZ Twist per inch A X D X Y G X Z = Twist constant T wist constant . . . — — = 1 wist per inch I wist change gear Twist constant _ . , 77, — ; . — r = 1 wist change gear 1 wist per inch Tables of twist constants on following pages 579 Table of Twist Constants 38* STANDARD TWISTER BAND DRIVE 7" Diam. Cyl. Front Roll IK" Diam. Front Roll Gear 102 Teeth Whirl Diam. Cyl. 54 T Stud 65 T I Cyl. 44 T Stud 80 T Cyl. 44 T Stud 108 T Cyl. 30 T Stud 90 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 96 T Cyl. 30 T Stud 120 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 120 T i" 163 246 332 406 542 542 677 i*' 152 230 311 380 506 506 634 i W 141 213 288 352 469 469 588 1 3 if A 16 136 205 277 339 451 451 564 IK" 130 197 266 325 433 433 542 1 5 it 1 16 125 189 255 312 416 416 520 IK" 121 182 246 301 401 401 502 1 X" 111 168 226 277 369 369 462 M" 103 156 211 258 343 343 430 iM" 96.5 146 197 240 320 320 401 2" 85.3 129 174 212 283 283 354 8" Diam. Cyl. Front Roll IK" Diam. Front Roll Gear 102 Teeth Whirl Diam. Cyl. 54 T Stud 65 T Cyl. 44 T Stud 80 T Cyl. 44 T Stud 108 T Cyl. 30 T Stud 90 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 96 T Cyl. 30 T Stud 120 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 120 T l" 184 278 375 458 611 611 764 iA' 177 268 362 442 589 589 736 IK" 162 244 330 402 537 537 672 iA" 155 234 316 386 516 516 644 i*T 149 224 303 370 494 494 618 iA' 142 215 290 355 473 473 592 iH" 139 210 284 346 462 462 578 lK" 128 193 261 318 425 425 531 M' 119 179 242 296 394 394 493 IK" 111 167 226 276 368 368 461 2" 98.1 148 200 244 326 326 408 580 Table of Twist Constants 38" STANDARD TWISTER TAPE DRIVE 7" Diam. Cyl. Front Roll IK" Diam. Front Roll Gear 102 Teeth Whirl Diam. Cyl. 54 T Stud 65 T Cyl. 44 T Stud 80 T Cyl. 44 T Stud 108 T Cyl. SO T Stud 90 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 9G T Cyl. SO T Stud 120 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 120 T i" 175 264 356 435 581 581 726 W 165 250 337 413 550 550 688 i k" 157 238 321 393 523 523 654 iA' 148 224 304 370 493 493 616 IK" 139 210 283 346 461 461 576 1 5 // 134 202 273 333 444 444 556 IK' 126 191 257 315 419 419 524 IV?" 115 174 235 288 384 384 480 IK" 107 161 217 266 354 354 443 lM" 99.2 150 202 247 329 329 412 2" 86.8 131 177 216 288 288 361 8" Diam. Cyl. Front Roll IK" Diam. Front Roll Gear 102 Teeth Whirl Diam. Cyl. 54 T Stud 65 T Cyl. 44 T Stud 80 T Cvl. 44 T Stud 108 T Cyl. 30 T Stud 90 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 96 T Cyl. 30 T Stud 120 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 120 T 1" 199 302 407 497 662 662 828 1*" 189 286 385 471 628 628 785 IK" 180 272 367 448 597 597 748 iA' 169 256 345 422 563 563 704 IK" 158 239 323 395 526 526 658 iA' 153 231 312 380 507 507 634 IK" 144 218 294 359 479 479 599 IK" 132 199 269 329 438 438 548 IK" 122 184 248 306 404 404 506 IK" 113 171 231 282 376 376 470 2" 99.2 150 202 247 329 329 412 10" Diam. Cyl. Front Roll Diam. Front Roll Gear 102 Tseth Whirl Diam. Cyl. 54 T Stud 65 T Cyl. 44 T Stud 80 T Cyl. 44 T Stud 108 T Cyl. SO T Stud 90 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 96 T Cyl. 30 T Stud 120 T Cyl. 24 T Stud 120 T 1" 250 377 508 622 828 828 1036 1A" 236 357 482 588 786 786 982 IK" 225 340 458 560 746 746 934 ! iA" 212 320 432 528 704 704 880 iK' 198 300 404 494 658 658 823 1 5 // A 16 191 288 389 476 634 634 793 IK" 180 272 367 449 598 598 749 IK" 165 250 337 412 549 549 687 1 IK" 152 230 310 380 506 506 633 IK" 141 214 288 352 470 470 588 r 124 187 253 309 411 411 515 581 Detail of Gearing — Type “A” and " C ” Frames 582 Schedule of Gearing (Refer to cut on opposite page) A — Front roll gear B - Large intermediate roll gear C — Twist change gear D — Stud gear E — Jack change gear F — Jack gear G — Drum gear H Traverse driving gear J — Traverse intermediate gear K — Traverse stud gear L — Traverse change gear M — Wind-up gear N — Builder cam shaft worm gear Y — Ratio cylinder to whirl Z — Circumference front roll Formulae for Figuring Twist AXDXFXY ^ . . , CXEXGXZ = Twist per lnch Multiply and divide, as above, leaving out “C,” to get twist constant Twist Constant „ . . , rp ■ . pi r- = Twist per inch I wist change Gear Twist Constant . , rp • . r — t- = Twist change gear 1 wist per Inch Table of Twist Constants on following page 583 M Jg o U o 3 H I O -*-» a £ »2 SiaiaalilsIsSsS «SiiS8siE33S2s§ HH ss: 66 t4« iiiiSISi lllllsS CO CM T 3 § <2 -*-> a £ T 3 >> o HH =S 66 C t4« P KS dd “"353SSMS5S2SS IllssISilsllISs ‘mnmmimi &3£tSSmSS3ttlil **■£' SlslsSSSSSIsSSs * 2-S . Hh - §si« 56 li? F ^WNCCOOOa ^»5 0 *K &SS33§g3g':3gs3£ sss-sssgssl^lii MM M r gggsssssssss's'gg hi - iigS2?^5£S sss, utj _ 22££?§g ^ = k v .X. = 52§5 I?i5?=2££- ■>» ©* ce He}©©L'i’f , ci’4'oip-*focidi' •©■*j*CM«“*©©cot~©ococM©©t'* CM — riHpinnHH HH © ©» ■'f V© -fi-C uu _t*t _• a >. o si CM MOO^^OliOOS^ait^^Ob;© c© © ci co »-© o» © -«!» © © © ©" c© © ©5©OOt>t^t^l>©©©-<*-©©eo®*©*-©*O«3''fC0 00 <** CO Cl uu o >. Si cm ■ T#< ix uu -hf _* £ >> CM t-< © © 00 CO © © © t> © © -■ © cm co -* © © o © cm" »© © ci © — p='©©©©C0C0l>t>©*O«5'^ , C© “o si COO*CO©©»©©aO »-©©■ ^'f^wcownOToiwoioi'H'-r. 3 C© © ®» ^ © <-; L© © © *-• L© © t- CO © C© ©*’ ^ ©’ 00 ».©•*■^•C0C0C»CM'“<©©©C0t'•®‘O''^ , r—r-F-«f“lr-l Jack Ch. 71 T Cyl. Ch. 21 T o si ©»©©©i-iCC©ii©i©t-©©COCOt'- — ©©■^CO^-i-'OOO^'-'Ol^'^Of •'f«coa , 5coC©©©* ©CO©© «-©'-?■'?© C> --<©©a0©»O Hh ©t © i> ©i -fi.fi uu a >» *0 si ©>-''rf»C©C©GC©C©> "o t^©— C©i©CO->f—'©— •©■<®««00t^ -^COCONCCI©H.K — oo»® ”o si ©*© — ©‘©©»-<.“<©'*ja©.-« CO©>-<©t> *-©■***©£'■ *-0^-t^r©.— c0 o si 00 ©©^■^■^■^ao^-®-*^©®*©© oci'n^nci>-'OcoN©«aiocD <}i-.F-iF-i-t Jack Ch. 7G T Cyl. Ch. 16 T "o si CM ©®©®©©i©©®lt^t^©»*-a0© h«©»©^«ON'*ONL'5 0b. *0>C‘Q'»f’t , 'J , ’t l ^W©©QlG101r- HH © ©> ■•O CO -fi-d o si CM © 9* © l>©©©*-'f»©»*eet~t'-<-'©©CM"© CM'-'C2©CCt'-t^*-©'*J , CO©t©©COt> 0<(5<01p-HHr“<'*§>i©e©i-iC0' 1 *f'Ce© © -f t'* •*?»<©*© co eo©©©©cot^c© t^t>®©©*0*-©*0-^<«?.-J a 2 & (VI T3 § e-h 8§ dd 11 HH g£ dd II HE-" dd IIIllISsISsISSI sSs51iSislsl!s2 iSiSgiSiSSlsigg sissIlSIllsiaal •51111111111112 Sllsllli™!!! isisssiieisiis ? Illlsslllllilll llgllSslIllSsil IlilislllisISlI HE- 1 35 dd 11 3gS||3g2sll£§li HH S3 dd 11 --cowocc 33SS3i§ggS SgSS3£ ^ .S.S uo HE- SS J3JB UU SS5 = §gg§g3??2§ls:| |Sii33|g2gll2lg 2||ggSS3SS§1^5 §SISSiS2l22Sl=» ||2|ggSSSg2Sall 31 g ssssssssssssss* g|;fjs8M8sSSS£S8«* dd = 111 m.mmmm Mr, s = .2 U -£X"2-t-^. 5S6 Table of Twist Constants « Q W Si c n <& w H CO I— I p H A S 8" Diam. CyL 1)4" and 2" Front Rolls Front Roll Gear 108 T Cyl. Gear 47 T Jack Gear 48 T Jack Ch. 31 T Stud Ch. 61 T 2 " Roll -f> © X t -1 O Ol ^ “O f" O t- 1-1 i' »© OiCWO»r- 003 t'©« 5 «HOOOl> Of Ol Cl Ol Cl rl pH rH r- «’*coooo‘oc!)L- 5 o>ceot '0 cc«wnc— -“•I— — Jack Ch. 50 T Stud Ch. 42 T | 2" Roll e^iQNNO-HaoM- © ©* ^ © ©’ -ft? CC ■*? ©’ CO '|J' t> ©i -^©©©xxxt>©©*®-'?'if‘coao o ©X©X«-©'$>©.-<©©*e®.- 4 «»®© ©X©-f , ©J-*©t'-*OX©X©C©^ ^eoocWOTWOi^etcui^ — MP-irH o a • 3 oo«t*^cot» 0 '^x j I > Roll X>—X©*-#'©®*©©X®*Tf<©»X-i* ©ai-cMoxccc-cci.ccioc’f ‘-©•^■^^•^xcocox©*®*©*©*^ — f © I> oq ® «-< xt^©*o^^c©©» — ©©xt^©»® Jack Ch. 23 T Stud Ch. 09 T o & CO©»*'?OJ©©^-t>©©©X©«'*J» ©X©'*J'©J©©©-f'®*©t>COC©»-i ^COMMCCMSKCKNOI^p-php-^ Jack Ch. 40 T Stud Ch. 52 T 1I°H *8 qxsi^qq tcoxxc^oot'doNaN® t'©*-C«i'nMClH©©Xt'®CTf ~o X k XCl'fNt'dCJtOCOtCNX'fXISI MOMkCUIP-XitXHOOWpH^io o q © © Wp-OXU 5 XX'>f 9 »CIO«ciNd W«lrt©Xl'®iO' 4 , CC-OaM 8 ©t©*©*—!,-.,-.,-.— Jack Ch. 20 T Stud Ch. 72 T o ■'■POO©— <■»? — ©©c^^o^^©^ x H-H CC©J>^©X© 0 »©© — MU 5 - «C 0 © 0 *©‘©* 0 -f‘''*-'J »o — ittCJadNox-? a®M' 0 ®otci.C'>fT?nn(RQ< ■o a 5 ©XC©»©t^t^«©*»®©t'-X«p-«W «-ox®io^ 9 <®®©^coi-— •— ■ «-« — •— ""61 G* Q< GO CO Whirl Diam. 587 o> ro Table of Twist Constants Table of Twist Constants 589 Table of Twist Constants 590 Table of Twist Constants 591 Ratio of Cylinder to Whirl 592 10" CYLINDER. TAPE DRIVE 593 10" CYLINDER. BAND DRIVE R. P. M. of Spindle 11 mi mi mi mi mil R. P. M. of Driving Pulley for Indicated Spindle Speeds Diameter of Whirl * o» il Bill §111 1151 lie ; : on §1 Ills Ills 5111 llll 1 : : : *0. 11 1111 lll| %m llll 111 j 11 llll Bill ills Sill III? : k 5 il mi mi iii| mi inn il iiii sin ill's 1111 §s~n k si iiii mi mi iiii inn :§ iiii iiii nil iiii lull : §§£2 2SS2 22S5 SS2SS ■ • -*■■*-* *o 1 -~ t- x x x c; c: c; o o © : ; ; ;ii ms sin mi inn % : ; : : ; : llll llll 1151 Iiii! : ill III! llll mil ; : ; ; : : ; : :» llll nil Hill : : 5115 ISIS Hill R. P. M. of Spindle 11 IIII ill! ill! III! IIIII 594 CYLINDER. TAPE DRIVE Q Ph Q 595 DRIVING PULLEY SPEED Ii. P. M. of Spindle ii mi mi mi mi mu R. P. M. of Driving Pulley for Indicated Spindle Speeds. Diameter of Whirl C* Gf si nsi mi iss \ ww \\\w is ills l§il $m i\\\ is 1111 ISSI ms IIS = : : : : : Vj 11 Sill 5f§ = HU HU 1 : : : £ SI lill Sill III! III! 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M. of Driving Pulley for Indicated Spindle Speeds Diameter of Whirl Of' 937 1030 1124 1217 1311 1405 1498 1592 1085 V cm 851 936 1921 1106 1190 1275 1360 1446 1531 1616 1701 - 4 *0 — QO^ON COOOCO 0 ) 00 ) O'* M® N Tf cm © t> *o OOGO ■ .... i >00 0500 -—' CM X X - 1 - * 000 - .... sc O CO HMO-f HOO^f — © -f< — - 1 < — X — X *0 — X *0 ©* • • • O t- COCOOO © — CM O) COrfT* O OOOf- © X t> »0 »f CM — O X t> O *0 CO -f © O CM X coco- t> x © *o © O CM X *0 O t> X X OOO— — 1 O © -I' X CM O O ® 8 ) O © -S' X CM O • • • -#*o — © *o — O — b- b- XX©© OO — — O»CMC 0 C 0 ifTju .0 0 ■ 5 •CM CM — OO OXXN O O »0 -S' -s* x ©» — — © © © X • -s« © -s« © t* xxx x x x x x x x x x x x t> i> X X © OOO— — O* CM CO — * 0*0 • • 0 0*00 •f a-tx X X CM b- — O — *0 © *0 © -S' © • • X X CM —*0 0 - 1 * © X X CM I- — O © *0 © X X CM • • * 0*000 b- X X XOOO © — — CM CM CM X X -* - • ■ XXX XXXX X b- b- b- b- b- t> b- OOOOO ■ • • — *0 0 X b- — *0 © X b — *0 © X b- — *0 © X b- - ■ -* 0 * 0*0 O O b- b- b- X X O OOOO — — — CM CM . . . .* 0 » 0*0 OOOO b b b X XXOOO R. 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II llsll 35 >SI§ g f ^ ■«* •** "* •*■? ^ *d 10*0*0*^ approx. No. of Twisted Yarn 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 15211 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 »d © »d © »d aaasia 28.0 28.5 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.5 32.0 82.5 33.0 33.5 34.0 34.5 35.0 35.5 36.0 pill sssss sssss 32SSS 3S“S° 599 TWO PLY TWIST TABLE ( Continued ) Number of Yarn to be Twisted Approx. No. of Twisted Yarn Sq. Root of No. of Twisted Yarn Twist peb Inch Square Root Multiplied by 4 4 34 6 5M 6 6'A 7 73 36.5 6.042 24.17 27.19 30.21 33.23 36.25 39.27 42.29 74 37.0 6.083 24.33 27.37 30.41 33.46 36.50 39.54 42.58 76 37.5 6.124 24.50 27.56 30.62 33.68 36.74 39.81 42.87 76 38.0 6.164 24.66 27.74 30.82 33.90 36.99 40.07 43.15 77 38.5 6.205 24.82 27.92 31.02 34.13 37.23 40.33 43.44 78 39.0 6.245 24.98 28.10 31.22 34.35 37.47 40.59 43.72 79 39.5 6.285 25.14 28.28 31.42 34.57 37.71 40.85 44.00 80 40.0 6.325 25.30 28.46 31.62 34.79 37.95 41.11 44.28 81 40.5 6.364 25.46 28.64 31.82 35.00 38.18 41.37 44.55 82 41.0 6.403 25.61 28.81 32.02 35.22 38.42 41.62 44.82 83 41.5 6.442 25.77 28.99 32.21 35.43 38.65 41.87 45.09 84 42.0 6.481 25.92 29.16 32.41 35.65 38.88 42.13 45.37 86 42.5 6.519 26.08 29.34 32.60 35.85 39.11 42.37 45.63 86 43.0 6.557 26.23 29.51 32.79 36.06 39.34 42.62 45.90 87 43.6 6.596 26.38 29.68 32.98 36.28 39.57 42.87 46.17 88 44.0 6.633 26.53 29.85 33.17 36.48 39.80 43.11 46.43 89 44.5 6.671 26.68 30.02 33.35 36.69 40.02 48.36 46.70 90 45.0 6.708 26.83 30.19 33.54 36.89 40.25 43.60 46.96 91 45.5 6.745 26.98 30.35 33.73 37.10 40.47 43.84 47.22 92 46.0 6.782 27.13 30.52 33.91 37.30 40.69 44.08 47.47 93 46.5 6.819 27.28 30.69 34.10 37.50 40.91 44.32 47.73 94 47.0 6.856 27.42 30.85 34.28 37.71 41.13 44.56 47.99 96 47.5 6.892 27.57 31.01 34.46 37.91 41.35 44.80 48.24 96 48.0 6.928 27.71 31.18 34.64 38.10 41.57 45.03 48.50 97 48.5 6.964 27.86 31.34 34.82 38.30 41.79 45.27 48.75 98 49.0 7.000 28.00 31.50 35.00 38.50 42.00 45.50 49.00 99 49.5 7.036 28.14 31.66 35.18 38.70 42.21 45.73 49.25 100 50.0 7.071 28.28 31.82 35.36 38.89 42.43 45.96 49.50 101 50.5 7.106 28.42 31.98 35.53 39.08 42.64 46.19 49.74 102 51.0 7.141 28.56 32.13 35.70 39.28 42.85 46.42 49.99 103 51.5 7.176 28.70 32.29 35.88 39.47 43.06 46.64 50.23 104 52.0 7.211 28.84 32.45 36.06 39.66 43.27 46.87 50.48 106 52.5 7.246 28.98 32.61 36.23 39.85 43.47 47.10 50.72 106 53.0 7.280 29.12 32.76 36.40 40.04 43.68 47.32 50.96 107 53.5 7.314 29.26 32.91 36.57 40.23 43.89 47.54 51.20 108 54.0 7.349 29.40 33.07 36.74 40.42 44.09 47.77 51.44 109 64.5 7.382 29.53 33.22 36.91 40.60 44.29 47.98 51.67 110 55.0 7.416 29.66 33.37 37.08 40.79 44.50 48.20 51.91 111 55.5 7.450 29.80 33.53 37.25 40.98 44.70 48.43 52.15 112 56.0 7.483 29.93 33.67 37.42 41.16 44.90 48.64 52.38 113 56.5 7.517 30.07 33.83 37.58 41.34 45.10 48.86 52.62 114 57.0 7.550 30.20 33.98 37.75 41.53 45.30 49.08 52.85 116 57.5 7.583 30.33 34.12 37.91 41.71 45.50 49.29 53.08 116 58.0 7.616 30.46 34.27 38.08 41.89 45.69 49.50 53.31 117 58.5 7.649 30.60 34.42 38.24 42.07 45.89 49.72 53.54 118 59.0 7.681 30.72 34.56 38.41 42.25 46.09 49.93 53.77 119 59.5 7.714 30.86 34.71 38.57 42.43 46.28 50.14 54.00 120 60.0 7.746 30.98 S4.S0 38.73 42.60 46.48 50.35 54.22 121 60.5 7.778 31.11 35.00 38.89 42.78 46.67 50.56 54.45 122 61.0 7.810 31.24 35.15 39.05 42.96 46.86 50.77 54.67 123 61.5 7.842 31.37 35.29 39.21 43.13 47.05 50.97 54.89 124 62.0 7.874 31.50 85.43 39.37 43.31 47.24 51.18 55.12 126 62.5 7.906 31.62 35.58 39.53 43.48 47.43 51.S9 55.34 126 63.0 7.937 31.75 35.72 S9.69 43.65 47.62 5 1.59 55.56 600 TWO PLY TWIST TABLE ( Continued ) Number of Yarn to be Twisted Approx. No. of Twisted Yarn Sq. Root of No. of Twisted Yarn Twist per Inch Sq uare Root Multiplied by 4 lA 6 5A 6 6 H 7 127 63.5 7.969 31.88 35.86 39.84 43.83 47.81 51.80 55.78 128 64.0 8.000 32.00 36.00 40.00 44.00 48.00 52.00 56.00 129 64.5 8.031 32.12 36.14 40.16 44.17 48.19 52.20 56.22 130 65.0 8.062 32.25 36.28 40.31 44.34 48.37 52.40 56.43 131 65.5 8.093 32.37 36.42 40.47 44.51 48.56 52.60 56.65 132 66.0 8.124 32.50 36.56 40.62 44.68 48.74 52.81 56.87 133 66.5 8.155 32.62 36.70 40.77 44.85 48.93 53.01 57.09 134 67.0 8.185 32.74 36.83 40.93 45.02 49.11 53.20 57.30 135 67.5 8.216 32.86 36.97 41.08 45.19 49.30 53.40 57.51 13G 68.0 8.246 32.98 37.11 41.23 45.35 49.48 53.60 57.72 137 68.5 8.277 33.11 37.25 41.38 45.52 49.66 53.80 57.94 138 69.0 8.307 33.23 37.38 41.53 45.69 49.84 54.00 58.15 139 69.5 8.337 33.35 37.52 41.68 45.85 50.02 54.19 58.36 140 70.0 8.367 33.47 37.65 41.83 46.02 50.20 54.39 58.57 141 70.5 8.396 33.58 37.78 41.98 46.18 50.38 54.57 58.77 142 71.0 8.426 33.70 37.92 42.13 46.34 50.56 54.77 58.98 143 71.5 8.456 33.82 38.05 42.28 46.51 50.73 54.96 59.19 144 72.0 8.485 33.94 38.18 42.43 46.67 50.91 55.15 59.40 146 72.5 8.515 34.06 38.32 42.58 46.83 51.09 55.35 59.61 146 73.0 8.544 34.18 38.45 42.72 46.99 51.26 55.54 59.81 147 73.5 8.573 34.29 38.58 42.87 47.15 51.44 55.72 60 . 0 t 148 74.0 8.602 34.41 38.71 43.01 47.31 51.61 55.91 68.21 149 74.5 8.631 34.52 38.84 43.16 47.47 51.79 56.10 60.42 160 75.0 8.600 34.64 38.97 43.30 47.63 51.96 56.29 00.62 161 75.5 8.689 34.76 39.10 43.45 47.79 52.13 56.48 60.82 162 76.0 8.718 34.87 39.23 43.59 47.95 52.31 56.67 61.03 153 76.5 8.746 34.98 39.36 43.73 48.10 52.48 56.85 61.22 164 77.0 8.775 35.10 39.49 43.88 48.26 52.65 57.04 61.48 156 77.5 8.803 35.21 39.61 44.02 48.42 52.82 57.22 61.62 166 78.0 8.832 ' 35.33 39.74 44.16 48.58 52.99 57.41 61.82 167 78.5 8.860 35.44 39.87 44.30 48.73 53.16 57.59 62.02 168 79.0 8.888 35.55 40.00 44.44 48.88 53.33 57.77 62.22 169 79.5 8.916 35.66 40.12 44.58 49.04 53.50 57.95 62.41 160 80.0 8.944 35.78 40.25 44.72 49.19 53.66 58.14 62.61 161 80.5 8.972 35.89 40.37 44.86 49.35 53.83 58.32 62.80 162 81.0 9.000 36.00 40.50 45.00 49.50 54.00 58.50 63.00 163 81.5 9.028 36.11 40.63 45.14 49.65 54.17 58.68 63.20 164 82.0 9.055 36.22 40.75 45.28 49.80 54.33 58.86 63.39 165 82.5 9.083 36.33 40.87 45.42 49.96 54.50 59.04 63.58 166 83.0 9.110 36.44 41.00 45.55 50.11 54.66 59.22 63.77 167 83.5 9.138 36.55 41.12 45.69 50.26 54.83 59.40 63.97 168 84.0 9.165 36.66 41.24 45.83 50.41 54.99 59.57 64.16 169 84.5 9.192 36.77 41.36 45.96 50.56 55.15 59.75 64.34 170 85.0 9.220 36.88 41.49 40.10 50.71 55.32 59.93 64.54 171 85.5 9.247 36.99 41.61 46.24 50.86 55.48 60.11 64.73 172 86.0 9.274 37.10 41.73 46.37 51.01 55.64 60.28 64.92 173 86.5 9.301 37.20 41.85 46.51 51.16 55.81 60.46 65.11 174 87.0 9.327 37.31 41.97 46.64 51.30 55.96 60.63 65.29 176 87.5 9.354 37.42 42.09 46.77 51.45 56.12 60.80 65.48 176 88.0 9.381 37.52 42.21 46.91 51.60 56.29 60.98 65.67 177 88.5 9.407 37.63 42.33 47.04 51.74 56.44 61.15 65.85 178 89.0 9.434 37.74 42.45 47.17 51.89 56.60 61.32 66.04 179 89.5 9.460 37.84 42.57 47.30 52.03 56.76 61.49 66.22 180 90.0 9.487 37.95 42.69 47.44 52.18 66.92 61.67 66.41 601 I THREE PLY TWIST TABLE GO 3* pf O pf CO ?0>QO^« pf d cd © © H HO»COCOH cq o» © cq cq i-i o» cd cd pf o» © co CO 05 cq © cq 05 cq d d d t- t- t- -f © © yp © lg w> cq cd © © © © n M ^ 05 05 tn © LG 05 © pH © PH cq PH pi P^ oi oi cd 05 05 05 05 05 © © Pf tH © 50 © pf X cq cd pf pf pf 50 05 05 05 05 05 05 X -f pf « t> - H 40 © « 50 © d © t* 05 05 05 05 05 « p«\ t- WMO'^CO cq p-; 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Illli H oo^a I wi>o! u fcH CO © o c |l'|* i iis-s £ O H S§gS§ f?S§i| ggSgg £§§S§ co id iq uj 6 d d t> i> od cd oo cs cs os’ © §S§§S §§S§§ £§ §§sss; §£§§§ ss: 33332 3 S 23 S sssss gssss ssssg sssss es 603 THREE PLY TWIST TABLE ( Continued ) Number of Yarn to be Twisted Approx. No. of Twisted Y arn '■ Sq. Root of No. of Twisted Yarn Twist peb Inch Sq uare Root Multiplied by 4 6 512 6 6 Vi 7 73 24.33 4.933 19.73 22.20 24.66 27.13 29.60 32.06 34.53 74 24.07 4.967 19.87 22.35 24.83 27.32 29.80 32.29 34.77 75 25.00 5.000 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 32.50 35.00 76 25.33 5.033 20.13 22.65 25.17 27.68 30.20 32.71 35.23 77 25.67 5.006 20.26 22.80 25.33 27.86 30.40 32.93 35.40 78 2 G .00 5.099 20.40 22.95 25.50 28.04 30.59 33.14 35.69 79 26.33 5.132 20.53 23.09 25.66 28.23 30.79 33.36 35.92 80 20.67 5.164 20.66 23.24 25.82 28.40 30.98 33.57 36.15 81 27.00 5.196 20.78 23.38 25.98 28.58 31.18 33.77 36.37 82 27.33 5.228 20.91 23.53 20.14 28.75 31.37 33.98 36.60 83 27.67 5.260 21.04 23.67 26.30 28.93 31.56 34.19 36.82 84 28.00 5.292 21.17 23.81 26.46 29.11 31.75 34.40 37.04 85 28.33 5.323 21.29 23.95 26.61 29.28 31.94 34.60 37.26 86 28.67 5.354 21.42 24.09 26.77 29.45 32.12 34.80 37.43 87 29.00 5.385 21.54 24.23 26.93 29.62 32.31 35.00 S 7.70 88 29.33 5.416 21.66 24.37 27.08 29.79 32.50 35.20 37.91 89 29.67 5.447 21.79 24.51 27.23 29.96 32.68 35.41 38.13 90 30.00 5.477 21.91 24.65 27.39 30.12 32.86 35.60 38.34 91 30.33 5.508 22.03 24.79 27.54 30.29 33.05 35.80 38.56 92 30.67 5.538 22.15 24 92 27.69 30.46 33.23 36.00 38.77 93 31.00 5.568 22.27 25.06 27.84 30.62 33.41 36.19 38.98 94 31.33 5.598 22.39 25.19 27.99 30.79 33.59 36.39 39.19 96 31.67 5.627 22.51 25.32 28.14 30.95 33.76 36.58 39.39 96 32.00 5.657 22.63 25.46 28.28 31.11 33.94 36.77 39.60 97 32.33 5.686 22.74 25.59 28.43 31.27 34.12 36.96 39.80 98 32.67 5.716 22.86 25.72 28.58 31.44 34.30 37.15 40.01 99 33.00 5.745 22.98 25.85 28.72 31.60 34.47 37.34 40.22 100 33.33 5.774 23.10 25.98 28.87 31.76 34.64 37.53 40.42 101 33.67 5.802 23.21 26.11 29.01 31.91 34.81 37.71 40.61 102 34.00 5.831 23.32 26.24 29.15 32.07 34.99 37.90 40.82 103 34.33 5.860 23.44 26.37 29.30 32.23 35.16 38.09 41.02 104 34.67 5.888 23.55 26.50 29.44 32.38 35.33 38.27 41.22 106 35.00 5.916 23.66 26.62 29.58 32.54 35.50 38.45 41.41 106 35.33 5.944 23.78 26.75 29.72 32.69 35.67 38.64 41.61 107 35.67 5.972 23.89 26.87 29.86 32.85 35.83 38.82 41.80 108 36.00 6.000 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 42.00 109 80.33 6.028 24.11 27.13 30.14 33.15 36.17 39.18 42.20 110 36.67 6.055 24.22 27.25 30.28 33.30 36.33 39.36 42.39 111 37.00 6.083 24.33 27.37 30.41 33.46 36.50 39.54 42.58 112 37.33 6.110 24.44 27.50 30.55 33.61 36.66 39.72 42.77 113 37.67 6.137 24.55 27.62 30.69 33.75 36.82 39.89 42.96 114 38.00 6.164 24.66 27.74 30.82 33.90 36.99 40.07 43.15 116 S 8.33 6.191 24.76 27.86 30.96 34.05 37.15 40.24 43.34 116 38.67 6.218 24.87 2798 31.09 34.20 37.31 40.42 43.53 117 39.00 6.245 24.98 28.10 31.22 34.35 37.47 40.59 43.72 118 39.33 6.272 25.09 28.22 31.36 34.50 37.63 40.77 43.90 119 39.67 6.298 25.19 28.34 31.49 34.64 37.79 40.94 44.09 120 40.00 6.32-5 25.30 28.46 31.62 34.79 87.95 41.11 44.28 121 40.33 6.351 25.40 28.5 S 31.76 34.93 33.11 41.28 44.46 122 40.67 6.377 25.51 28.70 31.89 35.07 38.26 41.45 44.64 123 41.00 6.403 25.61 28 . SI 32.02 35.22 S 8.42 41.62 44. S 2 124 41.33 6.429 25.72 28.93 32.15 35.36 38.57 41.79 45.00 125 4' 67 6.455 25.82 29.05 32.28 35.50 38.73 41.96 45.19 126 42.00 6.481 25.92 29.16 32.41 35.65 38.89 42.13 45.37 604 THREE PLY TWIST TABLE ( Continued ) Number of Yarn to be Twisted Approx. No. of Twisted Yarn Sq. Root of No. of Twisted Yarn Twist per Inch Square Root Multiplied by 4 434 5 5 a 6 6j| 7 127 42.33 6.506 26.02 29.28 32.53 35.78 39.04 42.29 45.54 128 42.67 6.532 26.13 29.39 32.66 35.93 39.19 42.46 45.72 129 43.00 6.557 26.23 29.51 32.79 36.06 39.34 42.62 45.90 130 43.33 6.583 26.33 29.62 32.92 36.21 39.50 42.79 46.08 131 ' 43.67 6.608 26.43 29.74 33.04 36.34 39.65 42.95 46.26 132 44.00 6.633 26.53 29.85 33.17 36.48 39.80 43.11 46.43 133 44.33 6.658 26.63 29.96 33.39 36.62 39.95 43.28 46.61 i 134 44.67 6.683 26.73 30.07 33.42 36.76 40.10 43.44 46.78 1 135 45.00 6.708 26.83 30.19 33.54 36.89 40.25 43.60 46.96 136 45.33 6.733 26.93 30.30 33.67 37.03 40.40 43.76 47.13 137 45.67 6.758 27.03 30.41 33.79 37.17 40.55 43.93 47.31 138 46.00 6.782 27.13 30.52 33.91 37.30 40.69 44.08 47.47 139 46.33 6.807 27.23 30.63 34.04 37.44 40.84 44.25 47.65 140 46.67 6.831 27.32 30.74 34.16 37.57 40.99 44.40 47.82 141 47.00 6.856 27.42 30.85 34.28 37.71 41.14 44.56 47.99 142 47.33 6.880 27.52 30.96 34.40 37.84 41.28 44.72 48.16 143 47 . C 7 6.904 27.62 31.07 34.52 37.97 41.42 44.88 48.33 144 48.00 6.928 27.71 31.18 34.64 38.10 41.57 45.04 48.50 i 145 48.33 6.952 27.81 31.28 34.76 38.24 41.71 45.19 48.66 146 48.67 6.976 27.90 31.39 34.88 38.37 41.86 45.34 48.83 147 49.00 7.000 28.00 31.50 35.00 38.50 42.00 45.50 49.00 148 49.33 7.024 28.10 31.01 35.12 38.63 42.14 45.66 49.17 149 49.67 7.048 28.19 31.72 35.24 38.76 42.29 45.81 49.34 150 50.00 7.071 28.28 31.82 35.36 38.89 42.43 45.96 49.50 161 50.33 7.095 28.38 31.93 35.48 39.02 42.57 46.12 49.67 152 50.67 7.118 28.47 32.03 35.59 39.15 42.71 46.27 49.83 153 51.00 7.142 28.57 32.14 35.71 39.28 42.85 46.42 49.99 164 51.33 7.165 28.66 32.24 35.83 39.41 42.99 46.57 50.18 165 51.67 7.188 28.75 32.35 35.94 39.53 43.13 46.72 50.32 166 52.00 7.211 28.84 32.45 36.06 39.66 43.27 46.87 50.48 157 52.33 7.234 28.94 32.55 36.17 39.79 43.40 47.02 50.64 168 52.67 7.257 29.03 32.66 36.29 39.91 43.54 47.17 50.80 169 53.00 7.280 29.12 32.76 36.40 40.04 43.68 47.32 50.96 1 160 53.33 7.303 29.21 32.86 36.52 40.17 43.82 47.47 51.12 161 53.67 7.326 29.30 32.97 36.63 40.29 43.96 47.62 51.28 162 54.00 7.348 29.39 33.07 36.74 40.41 44.09 47.76 51.44 163 54.33 7.371 29.48 33.17 36.86 40.54 44.23 47.91 51.60 164 54.67 7.394 29.58 33.27 36.97 40.67 44.36 48.06 51.76 166 55.00 7.417 29.67 33.38 37.09 40.79 44.50 48.21 51.92 166 55.33 7.439 29.76 33.48 37.20 40.91 44.63 48.35 52.07 167 55.67 7.461 29.84 33.57 37.31 41.04 44.77 48.50 52.23 168 56.00 7.483 29.93 33.67 37.42 41.16 44.90 48.64 52.38 169 56.33 7.506 30.02 33.78 37.53 41.28 45.04 48.79 52.54 170 56.67 7.528 30.11 33.88 37.64 41.40 45.17 48.93 52.70 171 57.00 7.550 30.20 33.98 37.75 41.53 45.30 49.08 52.85 172 57.33 7.572 30.29 34.07 37.86 41.65 45.43 49.22 53.00 173 57.67 7.594 30.38 34.17 37.97 41.77 45.56 49.36 53.16 174 58.00 7.616 30.40 34.27 38.08 41.89 45.70 49.50 53.31 176 58.33 7.638 30.55 34.37 38.19 42.01 45.83 49.65 53.47 176 58.67 7.659 30.64 34.47 38.30 42.12 45.95 49.78 53.61 177 59.00 7.681 30.72 34.56 38.41 42.25 46.09 49.93 53.77 178 59.33 7.703 30.81 34.66 38.52 42.37 46.22 50.07 53.92 179 59.67 7.724 30.90 34.76 38.62 42.48 46.34 50.21 54.07 180 ! . — 60.00 7.746 30.98 34.80 38.73 42.60 46.48 50.35 54.22 FOUR PLY TWIST TABLE 00 4.00 5.66 6.93 8.00 8.94 sss§§ d d - o> of SS5q5 cd cd -* i* d ifssa to to o l- £- £22S§ cd cd © © d ?S = 3S Of Of Of Of Of 5$q=§ §i?:?:gs $ b- CO *0. to t> GO 33SS$ oiao-H 11313 g = SSS U5 4-0 *o c= to Sggss b» b* t> 00 00 55S23 £2222 llsss Of Of Of Of Of b- ggggg CO ^ tO t> b» sssss? oo 02 a © ^ S2S2S ^ of of co d gSSSS 'f d d d d 33222 d to to t- t> b- X X X 02 ?g2 = = £2222 £ tO sgsss cd d d to b~ gg£2S b“ co d d d ill §5222 §SS§S SSjSSg CO CO CO -f -f ■** 40 *c *-o o> to •= b b b Mil! o g=2g= £S5g5 b t* oo d d 02 o o — *“< §S2S3 o» ai ai w « 2S52g cd d d d gg£23 *0 40 40 to O 25252 d to" t> t> g >2 g >> -O to 2S2S2 Of CO d d tO* 22222 <© b^ t> cd cd 2SSSS acicioo S2252 gg£52 Of of co co cd mu « 3 » © S *o *-= *o to to 3 g to sss?§s of co *o *o £Sq = S tdtobbb ggqg§ oo oo d d d S3S§2 o o' o o h 52g£| 2s2?§ Of of co co cd ^-2§S CO — — -* — c- I $ •># S2iS§ Of CO CO 'f *o £§£2 = *£5 d tO tO b" 22 = 31 = t> t> cd cd cd §SS5g d © d d o 322SS dcoHH :ssi 18151 1 ■«* g25g$ of oi co ^ §ssssj 40 fO to to gg=5= to to t> »> t> g8523 cd cd cd oo co =gggg 02 02 02 05 O ggg=g © © d © d 15!!! . CO 2SSS5 <-• Of CO CO CO 53333 S.OqSg *o to to to to g§S§S bbbbb 33333 g§85§ cc d d cc d 2i§=g . dcodd CO g=ggg r-i Of Of CO CO Hills © of 5 to oo •d d d d d g2g ; S = to © to to to SSSgg tO t> b- £> £> S21gS 25=25 t> tS tS x" cd ccxadcc'cd C4 1=11= © O 6 H H 81=1® IHsl USSi ri - ™ ™ -i pin Of Of Of Of Of lilii gissi Of Of Of Of Of Of Of Of Of Of *1 I'l 1 s§2gg S2§SS »-« Of Of Of 2§8S2 gsggg SS2g§ §2gg§ 2§SS2 bS cd cd cd go >* ! Sjs •g = 22 = 2 sssss 25SSS sssss : £ 3 £ ?- I H 2222S 606 Square Root Multiplied by j oo £g£3 ggg?S3 23£g| S§§§S &ES§g S838S ggggg SSggS SSgSS S3 g§i§ii igggg sees?? sssssi ss l:s 22.81 23.12 23.42 23.72 24.02 24.30 24.59 24.88 25.10 25.43 25.71 25.98 26.25 26.52 26.78 27.05 27.30 27.56 27.81 28.07 28.31 28.50 28.81 29.05 29.29 29.53 29.76 30.00 30.23 30.46 30.70 30.92 31.15 31.37 31.60 31.82 fr- iE£2 sgJggJS SSSSg §S3Si 23SS5 £?£gg$ SSSoS ssssi liijgiss gjssss §§s§§ §§si§si sisisiss sssss ss '£> £ggg £§SSg SSgg? s§§§ ississi gisigss S3§£2 S3SSE ggggg sgggs SSS38S5! 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No . of Sq. Root of No. of Twist per Inch Square Root Multiplied by Twisted Yarn Yarn 4 6 5 H 6 6 'A 7 73 18.25 4.272 17.09 19.22 21.36 23.50 25.63 27.77 29.90 71 18.50 4.301 17.20 19.35 21.51 23.66 25.81 27.96 30.11 76 18.75 4.330 17.32 19.49 21.65 23.82 25.98 28.15 30.31 76 19.00 4.359 17.44 19.62 21.79 23.97 26.15 28.33 30.51 77 19.25 4.388 17.55 19.75 21.94 24.13 26.33 28.52 30.72 78 19.50 4.416 17.66 19.87 22.08 24.29 26.50 28.70 30.91 79 19.75 4.444 17.78 20.00 22.22 24.44 26.66 28.89 31.11 80 20.00 4.472 17.89 20.12 22.36 24.60 26.83 29.07 31.30 81 20.25 4 . 50u 18.00 20.25 22.50 24.75 27.00 29.25 31.50 82 20.50 4.528 18.11 20.38 22.64 24.90 27.17 29.43 31.70 83 20.75 4.555 18.22 20.50 22.78 25.05 27.33 29.61 31.89 84 21.00 4.583 18.33 20.62 22.92 25.21 27.50 29.79 32.08 86 21.25 4.610 18.44 20.75 23.05 25.36 27.66 29.97 32.27 86 21.50 4.637 18.55 20.87 23.19 25.50 27.82 30.14 32.46 87 21.75 4.664 18.66 20.99 23.32 25.65 27.98 30.32 32.65 88 22.00 4.690 18.76 21.11 23.45 25.80 28.14 30.49 32.83 89 22.25 4.717 18.87 21.23 23.59 25.94 28.30 30.66 33.02 90 22.50 4.743 18.97 21.34 23.72 26.09 28.46 30.83 33.20 91 22.75 4.770 19.09 21.47 23.85 26.24 28.62 31.00 33.39 92 23.00 4.796 19.18 21.58 23.98 26.38 28.78 31.17 33.57 93 23.25 4.822 19.29 21.70 24.11 26.52 28.93 S1.34 33.75 94 23.50 4.848 19.39 21.82 24.24 26.66 29.09 31.51 33.94 96 23.75 4.873 19.49 21.93 24.37 26.80 29.24 31.67 34.11 96 24.00 4.899 19.60 22.05 24.49 26.94 29.39 31.84 34.29 97 24.25 4.924 19.70 22.16 24.62 27.08 29.55 S2.01 34.47 98 24.50 4.950 19.80 22.28 24.75 27.23 29.70 32.18 34.65 99 24.75 4.975 19.90 22.39 24.87 27.36 29.85 32.34 34.83 100 25.00 5.000 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 32.50 35.00 101 25.25 5.025 20.10 22.61 25.12 27.64 30.15 32.66 35.18 102 25.50 5.050 20.20 22.73 25.25 27.78 30.30 32.83 35.35 103 25.75 5.074 20.30 22.83 25.37 27.91 30.45 32.98 35.52 104 26.00 5.099 20.40 22.95 25.50 28.04 30.59 33.14 S5.69 106 26.25 5.124 20.50 23.06 25.62 28.18 30.74 33. SI 35.87 106 26.50 5.148 20.59 23.17 25.74 28.31 30.89 33.46 36.04 107 26.75 5.172 20.69 23.27 25.86 28.45 31.03 33.62 36.20 108 27.00 5.196 20.78 23.38 25.98 28.58 SI. 18 33.77 36.37 109 27.25 5.220 20.88 23.49 26.10 28.71 31.32 33.93 36.54 110 27.50 5.244 20.98 23.60 26.22 28.84 31.46 34.09 36.71 111 27.75 5.268 21.07 23.71 26.34 28.97 31.61 34.24 36.88 112 28.00 5.292 21.17 23.81 26.46 29.11 31.75 34.40 37.04 113 28.25 5.315 21.26 23.92 26.58 29.23 31.89 34.55 37.20 114 28.50 5.339 21.36 24.03 26.69 29.36 32.03 34.70 37.37 116 28.75 5.362 21.45 24.13 26.81 29.49 32.17 34.85 37.53 116 29.00 5.385 21.54 24.23 26.93 29.62 32.31 35.00 37.70 117 29.25 5.408 21.63 24.34 27.04 29.74 32.45 35.15 37.86 118 29.50 5.431 21.72 24.44 27.16 29.87 32.59 35.30 38.02 119 29.75 5.454 21.82 24.54 27.27 30.00 32.73 S5.45 38.18 120 30.00 5.477 21.91 24.65 27.39 30.12 32.86 35.60 38.34 121 30.25 5.500 22.00 24.75 27.50 30.25 33.00 35.75 38.50 122 30.50 5.523 22.09 24.85 27.61 30.38 33.14 35.90 S8.66 123 30.75 5.545 22.18 24.95 27.73 30.50 33.27 36 . C4 38.82 124 31.00 5.568 22.27 25.06 27.84 30.62 33.41 36.19 38.98 126 81.25 5.590 22.36 25.16 27.95 30.75 33.54 36.34 39.13 126 31.50 5.613 22.45 25.26 28.06 30.87 33.68 36.48 39.29 60S FOUR PLY TWIST TABLE ( Continued ) Number of Yarn to be Twisted Approx. No. of Twisted Yam Sq. Root of No. of Twisted Yarn Twist per Inch Square Root Multiplied by 4 4 H 6 5'A 6 6 Vi 7 127 31.75 5.635 22.54 25.36 28.17 30.99 33.81 36.63 39.45 128 32.00 5.657 22.63 25.46 28.28 31.11 33.94 36.77 39.60 129 32.25 5.679 22.72 25.56 28.39 31.23 34.07 36.91 39.75 130 32.50 5.701 22.80 25.65 28.50 31.36 34.21 37.06 39.91 131 32.75 5.723 22.89 25.75 28.61 31.48 34.34 37.20 40.06 132 33.00 5.745 22.98 25.85 28.72 31.60 34.47 37.34 40.22 133 S3. 25 5.766 23.06 25.95 28.83 31.71 34.60 37.48 40.36 134 33.50 5.788 23.15 26.05 28.94 31.83 34.73 37.62 40.52 135 33.75 5.810 23.24 26.15 29.05 31.96 34.86 37.77 40.67 136 34.00 5.831 23.32 26.24 29.15 32.07 34.99 37.90 40.82 137 34.25 5.852 23.41 26.33 29.26 32.19 35.11 38.04 40.96 138 34.50 5.874 23.50 26.43 29.37 32.31 35.24 38.18 41.12 139 34.75 5.895 23.58 26.53 29.47 32.42 35.37 38.32 41.27 140 35.00 5.916 23.66 26.62 29.58 32.54 35.50 38.45 41.41 141 35.25 5.937 23.75 26.72 29.69 32.65 35.62 38.59 41.56 142 S5.50 5.958 23.83 26.81 29.79 32.77 35.75 38.73 41.71 143 35.75 5.979 23.92 26.91 29.90 32.88 35.87 38.80 41.85 144 36.00 6.000 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 42.00 146 36.25 6.021 24.08 27.09 30.10 33.12 36.13 39.14 42.15 146 36.50 6.042 24.17 27.19 30.21 33.23 36.25 39.27 42.29 147 86.75 6.062 24.25 27.28 30.31 33.34 36.37 39.40 42.43 148 37.00 0.083 24.33 27.37 30.41 33.46 36.50 39.54 42.58 149 37.25 6.103 24.41 27.46 30.52 33.57 36.62 39.67 42.72 150 37.50 6.124 24.50 27.56 30.62 33.68 36.74 39.81 42.87 151 37.75 6.144 24.58 27.65 30.72 33.79 36.86 39.94 43.01 152 88.00 6.164 24.66 27.74 30.82 33.90 36.98 40.07 43.15 163 38.25 6.185 24.74 27.83 30.93 34.02 37.11 40.20 43.30 164 38.50 6.205 24.82 27.92 31.03 34.13 37.23 40.33 43,44 156 38.75 6.225 24.90 28.01 31.13 34.24 37.35 40.46 43.58 156 SO. 00 6.245 24.98 28.10 31.23 34.35 37.47 40.59 43.72 157 39.25 6.265 25.00 28.19 31.33 34.40 37.59 40.72 43.86 168 39.50 6.285 25.14 28.28 31.43 34.57 37.71 40.85 44.00 169 39.75 6.305 25.22 28.37 31.53 34.68 37.83 40.98 44.14 160 40.00 6.325 25.30 28.46 31.63 34.79 37.95 41.11 44.28 161 40.25 6.344 25.38 28.55 31.72 34.89 38.06 41.24 44.41 162 40.50 6.364 25.46 28.64 31.82 35.00 38.18 41.37 44.55 163 40.75 6.384 25.54 28.73 31.92 35.11 38.30 41.50 44.69 164 41.00 6.403 £5.61 28.81 32.02 35.22 38.42 41.62 44.82 165 41.25 6.423 25.69 28.90 32.12 35.33 38.54 41.75 44.96 166 41.50 6.442 25.77 28.99 32.21 35.43 38.65 41.87 45.09 167 41.75 6.461 25.84 29.07 32.31 35.54 38.77 42.00 45.23 168 42.00 6.481 25.92 29.16 32.41 35.65 38.89 42.13 45.37 169 42.25 6.500 26.00 29.25 32.50 35.75 39.00 42.25 45.50 170 42.50 6.519 26.08 29.34 32.60 35.85 39.11 42.37 45.63 171 42.75 6.538 26.15 29.42 32.69 35.96 39.23 42.50 45.77 172 43.00 6.557 26.23 29.51 32.79 36.00 39.34 42.62 45.90 173 43.25 6.576 26.30 29.59 32.88 36.17 39.46 42.74 46.03 174 43.50 6.595 26.38 29.68 32.98 36.27 89.57 42.87 46.17 176 43.75 6.614 26.46 29.76 33.07 36.38 39.68 42.99 46.30 176 44.00 6.633 26.53 29.85 33.17 36.48 39.80 43.11 46.43 177 44.25 6.652 26.61 29.93 33.26 36.59 39.91 43.24 46.56 178 44.50 6.671 26.68 30.02 33.36 36.69 40.03 43.36 46.70 179 44.75 6.690 26.76 30.11 33.45 36.80 40.14 43.49 46.83 180 45.00 6.708 26.83 30.19 33.54 36.89 40.25 43.60 46.96 6U9 FIVE PLY TWIST TABLE 610 : i ■ H O <5 S3 a On & to E Square Root Multiplied by oo oco^w r- co to w o co co oo p © jo © jo cs p ® > *o ® p © o< p © a >-i ^ « jo © i> © co © cs f-j p t-. © o< »o t> © cq jo co © o< *o © o< p a ^ ^ co x © o< © t> © — co f-h o< o< o< o< ed cd cd p p p p jo »d jo jo cd cd © t> oo od oo cd © ©5 © © os © ©* G< G< G< ©< 0 G< CO P JO © © © © t-« ■p © © G< h* © G< »q S> © G< Hp J> ©rH«(^©aO f-h CO *q t> © g< p © cc © o< P © 00 © o< p ©’ © © >-* f-4 hh ©< o< o< ©icocococo CO P P P p JO »d »d >D JO CD CD © ©‘ coco* 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < o< o< p © »o © jo © co © © eo © © f-h co © oo © © o< coco-**©*© jo to »o »o p co co o< f-h o cc e- © CO »q 00 © G< JO t> © ©< p © 05 f-h CO *-0 i> © 0< Hp © 00 © o< hp © oq © o< ««j; 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Multiplier 3 9[pmdg J9d spnnoj 21.70 15.50 11.84 11.10 9.12 7.63 6. on 5.66 5.96 5.28 4.74 4.27 3.86 3.55 3.74 3.44 8.35 2.76 2.41 2.16 2.25 2.03 1.84 1.68 1.54 1.39 1.32 1.37 1.29 1.20 1.12 1.06 0.92 0.80 9[paidg jo •h a a !£3 3 : {2: : : : : £g: : : : : g: : : : : s <§ s : ~ : : : : ; ; ; n°a M i p •xua’a siSssSsSsSsgsllSBSSSSBlsSSSSSSSSss : : ; Multiplier 2 9jpmdg J9d spnnoj MM:--- 8 IP n ! d S J° •h - a a g: : 2: ! : : §'• : : : : 2t : ’• '• : “"• F-4 3< CH CO CO UOH J-A I }° •xm 'a a gS§g?§SSg£§§SSSSSS2$;g2SSS?3:; ::::::::::: 8mH : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : CO 04 ©SntJQ ^ s : : *0 -f CO CO aq o*t't-tn«oisioio00eJ o- 22S:22 t ; « s o* S ; i$ o gS g i o s5? o s og = 642 SPOOLERS Spoolers SPECIFICATION'S 1 — Number of machines 2 — Model of machine 3 — Number of spindles per machine 4 — Gauge 5 — Traverse 6 — Diameter of spindle blade. ... 7 — Band or tape drive {Items 8 to 11 inclusive to be answered if winding from warp wind bobbins.) 8 — Are bobbin holders wanted? 9 — What is length of traverse of spinning bobbin? 10 — State diameter of ring of spinning frame 11 — Are two live side spindles wanted for snarl yarn bobbins? {Items 12 to lk inclusive to be answered if spooling from twister bobbins.) 12 — Is machine to be equipped with live side spindles? 13 — What is traverse of twister bobbin? 14 — What is size of twister ring? {Items 15 to 18 inclusive to be answered if spooling from filling wind bobbins.) 15 — What style of tension required? 16 — Are vertical skewers wanted to hold supply bobbins? 17 — Are tilting spindles wanted? 18 — Send sample of full bobbin or spool 19 — Style of thread guides 20 — Number of yarn to be spooled 21 — Will machine belt from above or below? 22 — Size of driving pulleys 12 x 25^" standard 23 — Is empty bobbin carrier wanted? . 24 — Are steel side boxes wanted? 25 — Are side shelves wanted? 26 — Is traversing supply bobbin carrier wanted? 27 — Is steel middle box wanted? 28 — Paint 644 Notes on Specifications Items 2 — For convenient reference we have adopted a series of model numbers to describe frames which are differently equipped. Model No. 1 is equipped with steel middle boxes and top shelves, steel side boxes and empty bobbin carrier, bobbin holder for warp wind. Vertical skewers for filling wind cannot be applied with the empty bobbin carrier, and if this type of frame is wanted for filling wind we use a special bracket in which the bobbin is supported horizontally. ( See Style No. If Tension Device on page 278.) Model No. 2 has the same equipment as Model No. 1 except that bobbin carrier is omitted and vertical side skewers can be used if required. Model No. 3 is equipped with steel middle boxes and top shelves and adjustable side shelves arranged for supporting portable side boxes (boxes furnished by mill). Model No. 4 is equipped with a steel middle box and top shelf with adjustable side shelves similar to No. 3. This model also has the empty bobbin carrier. Model No. .5 is fitted with steel middle boxes and top shelves and adjustable side shelves, the bobbin rail having a vertical traverse so that same distance from top of bobbin to thread guide is main- tained at all times. Model No. 5-A is same as Model 5 except that it has regular steel side boxes instead of shelves for portable boxes. 3 — Standard frame has 100 spindles or over, for example, we make an extra charge for 80, 60 or 40 spindle frames. 4 — Standard gauge is 5". Other gauges can be furnished in quarter- inch sizes. The distance between spindles when winding straight side spools, the full spool not exceeding diameter of spool head, can be determined by adding to diameter of spool head. This allowance is inadequate when winding crowned spools and 1 to 1J4" should be added, depending on amount of crown used. 6 — Actual traverse runs from 3^f" to 7'°/%' for 3 Yl to 8" spools. A table showing traverse change gears will be found on page 649. This table etched on brass plate is attached to inside of frame door for convenient use of operators. 6 — Standard spindles for 5" gauge are xg' diameter. Diameter of whirl for band drive is 1 — for tape drive Larger diameter spindles can be furnished if desired. For 7” traverse we recommend Vi' spindles. 7 — Tape drive is recommended as it insures uniform speed of spindles and firmly wound spool. Band drive cylinder is 6 J 4 " diameter, 645 ratio 3.33. Tape drive cylinder is 8" diameter, ratio 8.56. We recommend the use of tape 1" wide. 8 — Bobbin holders are of standard construction. (For further description see page 271.) 9 & 10 — This information is required in order to make bobbin holders of proper size. 11 — We frequently put one live spindle on each side of a spooler equipped with bobbin holders for the purpose of winding from bobbins of snarled yarn. These spindles will be supplied if specified. 12 — In spooling from heavy twister spools it is advisable to use live side spindle to reduce the strain on the yarn. 15 — We supply a variety of tensions to meet different requirements. ( These are described in detail on page 278.) 16 & 17 — These items apply only to spooling from filling wound bobbins. Neither straight skewers or tilting spindles can be used with the empty bobbin carrier as arranged on Model No. 1. The tilting spindle is arranged for convenience in putting on full bobbins and removing the empty bobbins. Spindles hinge at the bottom and can be tilted forward when removing the bobbins. 18 — If possible always send sample of full bobbin in order that skewers, spindles, bobbin holders, etc. can be properly fitted. 19 — The Saco-Lowell Combination Thread Guide and Slub Catcher is standard equipment. (This is described fully on page 270.) 22 — Standard driving pulleys are 12" diameter by 2 face, tight and loose. 23 — Empty bobbin carrier consists of a travelling chain apron located directly in front of and below the spindles onto which empty bobbins are dropped and conveyed to a box at the end of machine. This tends to prevent mixing the full and empty bobbins and makes a very convenient arrangement. 24 — Stationary steel side boxes are supplied with the machines. On Model No. 1 they extend the whole length of the frame except for the space occupied by the portable box receiving bobbins from the empty bobbin carrier. On Model No. 2, 5 and 5-A they extend full length of frame. 25 — Adjustable side shelves are made up of angle irons supported by ad- justable floor stands. Portable boxes are supplied by the mills. Many mills prefer this arrangement to the stationary boxes as the 646 portable boxes are easy to keep clean and an extra handling of the bobbins is avoided. 26 — This arrangement is regular equipment on Models No. 5 and 5-A. It is described in item No. 2. 27 — Steel middle boxes located on beam between spindles are supplied on all models unless specified to be omitted. 28 — Paint is our standard green enamel unless otherwise called for. NOTES ON OPERATING Once adjusted, the spooler requires little attention, aside from frequent brushing off and cleaning to keep working parts free from dust and lint. Driving bands or tape should be kept tight to provide proper driving of the spindles. Oiling The lifting rod bearings, mangle wheel slide bearing and pinion shaft should be oiled once a day. The bearings at geared end are made readily accessible by oil tubes projecting slightly above the casing. These should be oiled twice a day. Cylinder bearings should be oiled twice a day. Oil in spindle bases should be renewed about once every two weeks. Reservoir containing oil for mangle wheel should be kept at the proper level and will require filling about twice a week. 647 Group Band Drive 9-8-10 or 12 spindles may be driven by a single band Separate Band Drive 2 spindles may be driven by single band, and at ends the odd spindle driven by extra band. 648 SPOOLER TRAVERSES Gears Actual Traverse Spool Gears Actual Traverse Spool 40 Ql 9 3H 66 5 3"f 41 02 5 °6 i 67 5/s 42 SH 68 m 43 3 3 4 69 5 if 6 44 m 70 45 3 If 71 5*1 46 3H 4 72 3f 2 47 3ft 73 61 V 48 3|| 74 6 Si 49 A3 4jJ 75 6/2 6'A 50 4^8 76 61 a 51 m 77 611 52 m 4K 78 6H 53 ■±H 79 6 |f 54 Hi 4 3 4 80 6? 8 7 55 4i 9 f 81 6 |i 56 4*1 82 6 If 57 4fi 5 83 6 If 58 4it 84 Gil 59 4ft 85 60 4 If 5M 86 7 S \ 7\i 61 K 1 °1 6 87 711 62 88 7K 63 So 534 89 7*1 64 3 i7; 90 7H 65 £25 ^(T4 93 7% 8 This table etched on brass is attached to inside of door at head end of spooler. 649 MISCELLANEOUS DATA Production: See table. Floor Space: See plan and table. Shipping Weights: Following formula gives approximate weights of spoolers. Gauge X (5 X No. of spindles + .500 lbs. = Net Weight. Local Shipping Weight = Net Weight plus 8%. Foreign Shipping Weight = Net Weight plus '20%. Cubic Feet when packed = Foreign Shipping Weight -f- 44. Power Required: Approx. 200 to 300 spindles per H. P. Belting: Driving Belt 2 1 2 " single, variable length. Banding: Group drive, approx. 20" per spindle. Separate drive, approx. 1.5" per spindle. Tape: ? 4 " wide, approx. 2' 4" per spindle. EXTRAS Following equipment is supplied when required at extra prices. Frame shorter than standard (100 spindles). Gauge over 5". Tape drive. Extra heavy spindles. Empty bobbin carrier. Live side spindles with brakes. Motor drive brackets. Production Table for Spooler T'MIE tables given on opposite page are based on average speeds when converting from warp-wound bobbins, using bobbin holders. Spooler spindle speeds are varied considerably to meet different classes of work and must be properly adjusted to suit both work and operative. 650 SPOOLER PRODUCTION TABLE 651 RATIO CYLINDERS TO WHIRLS Band Drive — QH" dm* cyl., 1 dia. whirl = 3.33 ratio. Tape Drive — 8" dia. cyl., 314" dia. whirl = 2.56 ra'io. 652 Note — To find over-all length not including opened doors, one half total number of spindles, minus one, multiplied by gauge, plus 25a*. LENGTH OF FRAMES OVER-ALL GAUGE 653 WARPERS Model Warpers Specifications for 1 — Total Number Warpers 2 — How many R. IT? 3 — How many L. H.? 4 — Beam, Leese or Combination Type 5 — Width of Warper 0 — Dimensions of Cylinder, length ... diameter 7 — Driving Pulleys (11" x 134") 8 — Belt from above or below 9 — Front Comb (Spring, dents) (Positive,. . .Sections dents each; 10 — Back Comb (Spring, dents) 11 — Leese Comb for ends (Leese or Combination Warper only) 12 — How many drop wires? 13 — How many rows of drop wires? 14 — Is yarn to run over beam? 1.5 — Is warper to measure from measuring roll? 16 — Clock arranged for yard raps yard leeses 17 — Is Yardage Clock wanted? 18 — Paint 19 — WARPER CREELS for. 'Spools. . . . 20 — Number of Spools high x wide 21 — Dimensions of Spool Will you send sample? . 22 — Iron, porcelain or glass steps 23 — WARPER BEAMS heads 24 — Distance between beam heads 25 — Diameter of beam barrel 26 — BALLERS No Model 27 — - Number right hand 28 — - Number left hand 29 — Size of ball (regular 30" long x 32" diam.) .... 30 — Belted from 31 — Diameter of pulleys (15" x 2") 32 — Overhead pulleys to guide yarn or floor stand 656 Notes on Warper Specifications Items 2 & 3 — Hand is determined by noting on which side driving pulley is located when standing facing front or beam side of machine. 4 — Beam warpers are equipped for winding beams only. Combination machines will wind either beams or balls. Leese warpers may be equipped with either light, medium or heavy bailers, the size of the bailer depending on the weight of yarn in creel. 5 — Standard width is for winding beams 5434" between heads. Wider machines supplied in multiples of fi". 6 — Cylinder is 34" shorter than distance between beam heads, that is cylinder on a 5434" warper is 54 J 4" long. Can also supply cylinders .54" long for use with 5434" beams. Cylinders for Model A are made 1834" diameter for winding 24" beams and 2034" diameter for 26" beams. On the Model C the cylinder is 1.534" diameter but is mounted on offset bearings so that the effective radius of the cylinder is 1354", accommodating up to 30" beams. 9 — ( See table on page 663 for details of spring combs.) We recommend the use of the positive expansion comb for the front of machine. (See pages 290 and 66J/for details of the positive comb.) 10 — Back combs are of the spring type. 11 — The expanding mechanism of the leese comb is similar to that of the regular spring comb but are run two ends to a dent, one thread passing through eye in the dent, the other between the dents. 12 — Drop wires are made with one, two or three wires per block. Number of rows used is determined by the number of ends, but we do not recommend using over two rows. This will take care of 520 ends which is the maximum recommended for beam warping. 14 — State whether yarn is to pass over or under the beam in winding. 15 — Ball bearing measuring roll is supplied as regular equipment. For leese warping a measuring clock is applied to the floor stand. 16 — For details of Rap Clock see pages 286 and 287. 18 — Unless otherwise ordered, machines will be painted our standard green. 19 — Regular equipment is the Y-tvpe creel described on pages 288 and 289. Can supply a double V-creel mounted on rollers if floor space is limited. Also can supply special creels to meet requirements, in- cluding our recently designed steel creel which permits a practically straight draw from spools to back comb. 23 — Beams furnished by us are made up with wood barrels and cast iron heads. We will obtain and supply any of the various patented types of beams if specified. 26 to 32 — ( See page 295 for detailed description of bailers.) Size will depend on number of ends run and weight of yarn in the creel. Always specify Model A Warpers for use with Bailers, unless 28" or 30" beam in combination is desired, or unless using overhead draw, when either model A or C can be used. 657 MISCELLANEOUS DATA WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS Standard Beam Warper Without Creel, Regular Width 1 MX) Add for each 12" wider than regular 240 Creel — Approx, per spool 1}^ Heavy Baller 525 Light Baller 300 Local Ship. Wt. (lbs.) Foreign Ship. Wt. (lbs.) Cubic Feet Ocean Tons 2150 2300 70 1% 205 300 10 1M W2 .05 700 750 30 1 450 500 25 Z A WARPER BEAMS Approximate net weight of heads only and of complete beams with 8" diameter barrel Heads Only Complete H eads Only Complete 18" diam. 62 lbs. 129 lbs. 25" diam. 108 lbs. 172 lbs. 20" “ 70 “ 137 “ 26" “ 114 “ 181 “ 21" “ 70 “ 142 “ 27" “ 124 “ 190 “ 22" “ 80 “ 147 “ 28" “ 132 “ 199 “ 23" “ 88 “ 155 “ 29" “ 150 “ 217 “ 24" “ 96 “ 103 “ 30" “ 180 “ 250 “ Driving Belt: 1V£" Single, from countershaft on ceiling. Power Required : Approx. to Yl H. P. per warper. 65S STANDARD WARPER REAMS 659 i ■ APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF YARDS OF YARN ON 24 " SECTION BEAM 54 ' 2 " BETWEEN HEADS, 8" BARREL 660 (jG 1 APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF YARDS OF YARN ON 28" SECTION BEAM 54^" BETWEEN HEADS, 8" BARREL 662 TABLE OF WARPER SPRING COMBS 663 These figures will vary slightly if there is any variation in thickness of the wire or dent. TABLE SHOWING RANGE OF POSITIVE EXPANSION COMBS FOR 664 Leese Clock ^UT shows detail of gearing with change gears indicated. See ^ following pages for tables showing change gears in various combinations. 665 Leese Clocks (Special) r T' , HE illustration on page 665 shows a special clock arranged with 4 change gears for producing leeses of any desired length. A registering clock for 1 to 10,000-yard leeses can be supplied in connection with this clock when required. Letters shown on cut indicate the change gears and adjustments which are governed by the following general rules: Use for gear “A” as many teeth as yards of yarn are wanted in the cut. Use for gear “B” four times as many teeth as cuts are wanted in the leese. Use as many turns or thread on hub of gear “C” as leeses are wanted in warp or ball. Set collar “D” for number of leeses wanted. Leese Clock Change Gear Tables /AN the following pages are shown change gear tables arranged for finding easily the proper change gears to give required lengths of leeses. These tables cover all ordinary requirements but we can arrange the clock for handling shorter warps than shown in table w'hen required for unusually coarse or high-plv yarns. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING TABLE Change gears “A” and “B” referred to in tables are indicated on cut. Find in the Multiplier column, a multiple of leese wanted and read across table to column showing length of required leese. Gear “A” is shown at top of this column and gear “B” in the column next to multiplier. Example: Wanted a 660-yard leese: multipliers are 10, 11, 12, or 15. Can use combinations of 66 and 40, 60 and 44, 55 and 48, or 44 and 60. 666 to i w o w o a 1 9 10 O o *0 o 40 © 40 © 40 © 40 © 40 © {- P X *0 X 01 40 © 01 © © X © © CO rH CM 01 01 X X X p p p 40 40 40 © © o p rH X ID 01 05 CD X o 1- p X 40 01 © © X © 1- p X 40 01 © © X © *cjl 1- X o 01 X ID 1- X O 01 p *0 © 01 -p 40 f- © 01 p © © 01 p © X 01 01 Ol 01 01 01 X X X X X X p p p P P p 40 40 © © 40 40 © © © © © CO 40 f r . i rH P o X © © 01 40 X p © CD © X CD 05 X © © 01 © © 01 © © 01 © 01 01 01 X X X P Tp p 40 © 40 © © X 05 o 01 X p 40 © r- X © © 10 X P 1- p f'- © X © © 01 40 X 01 rH 01 01 01 X X X P p p p 40 40 40 © _ O 10 o >D O *0 o •0 o >0 o »o © 40 © 40 © 40 © 40 © 40 © 40 © »0 © 40 © 40 © *d CD X © 01 H- *D X o X p f- © 01 X 40 © X © 01 p 40 X © 01 01 01 01 01 01 X X X X X X X p p p p p p p © *0 40 *0 *0 *0 © © »D p X 01 _ o © X r- © *0 p X 01 © P i- o 05 p © X © © 01 ‘0 X © X © © 01 40 X p © CD P CD CD X X 01 X P © p X 01 X ID © © 0J p 40 © X © © 01 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 X X X X X X X p p p p p p p p 40 40 ID o 40 o 10 © 40 © 40 © 40 © 40 © 40 © 01 t> o 01 »D f- © 01 40 0- © 01 40 r- © 03 rH rH 01 01 01 01 X X X X p p p p 40 P O 01 p CD o 01 P CD X © 01 p © X © 01 p © X © 01 p © X © 01 p © X © 01 CD p *D X © 0 p 40 © X © 0J X p © r~- X © © 01 X p 40 X 03 rH 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 X X X X X X X X X p p p p p p p CO X rH p 1- © X © © 01 *0 X r- p © X X <- 01 p © © X © 03 01 01 01 01 01 X X X X p p p OH^W'fi-'iCOl>CO©0^ l SiM^».OCl>CCCjO»H^WTfu.'5C^COC5C HO)ff5'f»OOi>COOCOC005C-HM^V5C^XOOH!N^ : ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo C-^O^’fi^Ct'XJ'.C'- 9<^*f‘.VC^XC:C«^K*t'.VJ^XC30 fcfi u: § Sm so: O^^CO!»O^Tf(OClOO^^COOO^^^COO^^OCOO'V^OOOO 0101010101XXXXXPPPPP*0404£i»0i0X \C^ \N \N \ S W S C5 § 5 ©* 5 0§ 3 -* ?5 © X C9^»0C0i>l>G0OOrH^-(0<05-e*Oi0 s |§gSS8ffiSSg3SSSSSg35§53g§3g5S§S2l*§ « *f -t i.o ifj «5 c ^ ^ co x x c. cj o o c - h 8< ^ ^ 05 x -* -? -* * • • p 1 1 1 1 1 & 1 ! § 1 s 1 ! 1 1 1 C£> - i!33S§iilg!gissii!issEs!iii!l!! IQ O- Tt< II 3 ^ Illlll^sillllllBSSill § 1 = 2 a S lisliilliliilsli s iilllilsili^ililliii=i2iilllll rH 1 1 1 1 § ? £ 1 1 1 1 1 1 § 1 1 ^ r- — O lll^lllliil^illllieil^lllllll s tn -? -f l- 5 •— £ t- oo x c; ® — — ■N ® M $ ©rf *X®*©O-*X'3*©3-*XG*©C S&^SjSZCiSSSgSSSSggSgggSiSSSgSSSg 5 {88gS§?s*3?SS?iS’§5S X X w i> X X © C: © — ^ X £ 1111111^11111 IHPllll 1111^11 §2 IJt .2 £ 3 S iOiOCDOC*^OOOOO^O5OOHHCQC3W«^^iOU30Ot*^COOOC5C5O y—\ rH t— I iH i-H i-H t-H tH tH i-H tH i-H iH i-H rH i-H »— I ^H 05 670 Floor Plans L INE drawings are provided showing floor space occupied by a regular beam warper, leese warper with heavy bailer, and leese warper with light bailer. The space occupied by the various sizes of creels is shown in the creel table on page 289. A space of 2' 0' should be allowed between the back comb and front post of creel. 671 Model A A = 5' 7H" B = 26" (max. c = m" D = 18 W E = 13%" F = 3' ~%" G = 3' 10%" Model C A’= 6' 10" B = 30" (max. C = 7M' D = !)%'' E = 16; 8 " F = 3' 10 y s ” G = 4' 6 %' 672 Plan and Elevation of Model A Warper and Light Baller 673 — FOR 60 YDS. PER MJN. Plan and Elevation of Leese Warper with Heavy Baller Above drawing shows a Model C Warper. Dimensions of the Model A which differ are: A — 5 ' 7*4"; B — O' 2%"; C — 0' 30". 674 Production Calculations "PRODUCTION tables are provided for cylinder surface speeds of 50, 60, 66, 72 and 78 yards per minute with a wide range in number of ends and size of yarn. These tables are based upon a theoretical production of 100% from which the actual production can be obtained by use of a proper percentage of stoppage. The percent of stoppage varies with the quality of yarn, size of yam, number of ends, speed of machine, care of machine, amount and quality of help and probably numerous other causes. The table herein gives the percentage of stoppage which will approximate the conditions in the average mill. This assumes that the operative tends from four to two warpers depending upon the speed, and is provided with a helper for creeling. The production formula is as follows: Yards per minute of cylinder surface X 600 (Min- utes in 10 hours) X number of ends of yarn = lbs in 10 hours. 840 (Yards in 1 hank) X No. (Hanks in 1 lb.) For example: 54 R. P. M. of 1 5 1 q" cylinder having approximate surface speed of 72 yards per minute, number 12 yarn, 400 ends. 72 X 600 X 400 „ . . =1/14 lbs. theoretical production. 840 X 12 P The table of allowances shows a percentage for stoppages of 30%. 1714 X 70% = 1200 lbs. Actual production. WEIGHT OF YARN ON BEAM. To the diameter of the beam barrel, add the diameter of the beam when full of yarn. Multiply this sum by the difference between these two diameters, and multiply this product by .7854. Multiply this product by the width of the beam between heads, dividing the figure thus obtained by 60, which is the number of cubic inches of yarn required to weigh a pound. If all the dimensions are in inches the final figure will give the approximate number of pounds of yarn on the beam. LENGTH OF WARP. Lbs, of yarn on beam X no. of yarn (hanks in 1 lb.) X 840 (yards in 1 hank) -r- number of ends = length of warp in yards. PERCENT ALLOWANCE FOR STOPPAGES 676 WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE 677 WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE POUNDS IN 10 HOURS. RUNNING 100',. 50 YARDS PER MINUTE' (Continued) 67S WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE POUNDS IN 10 HOURS. RUNNING 100%. 60 YARDS PER MINUTE c a rj oo © o* -s* co » © ©* -S’ © X oi o< o» d d C C *f © X CO CO X CO X © ©* © © © -S’ -S’ -S’ *© co © © -t co -s< © -s* »-h o* -S’ l-H t> »o O “f C w. ©1 ,-H pH pH r-« t> © -s* © ©* x t> i> co co 1> X © ^ ^ *C *C CC 00 CO ©* *© CO *-■ © C ® OO H o 55 ©* _ ^ ^ r-< 2 ^ ©> X X D C 50 'C J© *© ^ -f -S’ b* X S' CO O © X *© ©* b- •S’ CO CO C© ©1 © © 55 W w 5J *t i> d’tXOOiC 55 'O h J5 X 0^ r— < CO CO *— ■ 1 b- © -S’ 05 *0 J> t> co »© *o -fCi-t X CO — x »o ©> © *C -t ^ CO I- »© ©5 b- x © co © »© © -f ©* *o -S* *“• x -s« ©> © © x © d b* O O ©> © © CO ©1 b w 50 »C >C x '-i ci d x -S’ -P -S’ -S’ X -S’ b- b- H co CO -S’ i— 1 ©5 -S’ s in Warp © cb •s* ©» X © *> ©* »— t> -S’ X *0 CO h X 55 X D 50 GO H 00 O x ©* i- ©> © © CO *-© *o -S’ i> 05 X ^ *-« »© ©> © X *05 -f S"S xco CO i> X -S’ © -S’ ©> ©5 t> ©1 X X O CJ o No. of End © © © X t- ^- © — < C O O 35 X D CO -S’ CO 40 Cl -S’ X CO 05 *© CO »© *0 -S’ -S’ © Cl X b* X ^Sbicx •S’ -S CO CO C© HCSb • O X *c X X Cl Cl • © X 1500 1200 1000 857 750 667 o »o C CJ © O "t 050 CJ © *© ‘© -S’ -S © *© CO CO CO © t> *© e© »-< -S’ CO CO CO CO © co • • © x co • • X Cl Cl • • © © 1393 1114 929 796 696 619 t> t> -s* 05 x *o c © o © »© *© -S’ -S’ CO — X X © CO -S* ^ 05 CO CO CO CO ©* b- © ... ©* ©* © C ^ X © CO b — < CO ©* © CO *© -S’ -S' CO CO CO ^ CO CO -s- ©* © x t- CO CO CO ©* ©I *©-••• ©* • • • • © CM ©5 CO CO CO © -S’ t> -S’ 00 b- X ©* t-M 05 t> CO *© *0 r~* 05 CO CO b- b- ©* © © CO -f -S’ CO CO CO S 'C b X — 05 i> CO -S’ GO Cl Cl O) Cl nr a £ XOd^fOX ©CJ^OX ©* ©1 <0* ©I ©* © Cl ^ CO X CO CO CO CO CO ©©*©©© -S’ -S’ -S’ »o © 679 WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE POUNDS IN 10 HOURS. RUNNING 100%. GO YARDS PER MINUTE (Continued) 650 WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE 681 WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE POUNDS IN 10 HOURS. RUNNING 100%. 06 YARDS PER MINUTE (Continued) 682 WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE POUNDS IN 10 HOURS. RUNNING 100%. 72 YARDS PC It MINUTE 683 w hp H £ C H p- K 684 WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE 685 WARPER PRODUCTION TABLE POUNDS IN 10 HOURS. RUNNING 100%. 78 YARDS PER MINUTE (Continued) SLASHERS Specifications for Cylinder Slashers and Hot Air Slashers HEAD END 1 — Style of Head End 2 — Width of Head End 3 — Length of Head End 4 — Double gearing 5 — Increased friction 6 — Size of driving pulleys 7 — Contractor Motion 8 — Kind of press roll 9 — For what distance between heads? 10 — Type of expansion comb 11 — Total number of dents 12 — Space when closed 13 — Number of sections 14 — Number of dents per section 15 — Rolf's Cut Marker lfi — Length of cuts 17 — Yard Constant 18 — Number of dents in striking comb . . 19 — Selley Reversing Motion 20 — Bitten Yarn Arrangement . . 21 — Slipp Clutch CYLINDER CENTER FRAMES 31 — Number of cylinders 32 — Diameter and face of cylinders 33 — Cylinder heads to be insulated 34 — Cylinders to have positive gear drive. 35 — Cylinders to have roller bearings . . . . 36 — Extra carrying rolls 37 — Steam Trap (Squires) 38 — Steam Gauge (Ashcroft) 39 — Steam Regulator (Watts) HOT AIR CHAMBER 51 — Width of chamber 52 — Number of sections 53 — Number of coils high 54 — Overhead fan 55 — Carrying roll for five and six sections 56 — Steam trap 57 — Double dip arrangement 6SS VAT 71 — Number of vats per slasher 72 — How arranged, if two 73 — Single or two roll 74 — Copper lined 75 — Steam jacketed 76 — Width of Vats 77 — Weight of squeeze rolls 78 — Are size rolls to have brass heads ? 79 — Is Nivling Size System wanted ? CREEL 91 — Type of creel 92 — Number of beams 93 — Diameter of beam heads 94 — Distance between heads of beams 95 — Overhead track and pulley block 96 — Chain hoist 97 — Warp — number of ends (maximum and minimum) 98 — Warp - — number of yarn (maximum and minimum) 99 — Pounds per day ( 10 hour) production required LOOM BEAMS 111 — Distance between heads 112 — Distance between bearings 113 — Overall length 114 — Diameter of heads 115 — Diameter of barrel 116 — Diameter of bearing ( See notes) 121 — Paint 689 Notes on Slasher Specifications 1 — We can supply two types of friction drive — the Whitman lever and the hand wheel. The Whitman lever is ordinarily used for warps up to 2500 ends, the hand wheel for heavier warps. Frictions are of the disc type with rubber, felt, fiber, asbestos, wood or cork insert discs. We are now supplying rubber discs unless otherwise specified. 2 — Width of head is determined by width of loom beams used. It must not be narrower than the vat or creel but may be wider. Standard width, termed “regular,” is for beams 54" between heads, and is .5' 1014" overall width. Wider heads are furnished in multiples of 12" up to 60" wider than regular or 10' 1034 ” outside width. 3 — Standard head end is 6' 10" long, exclusive of the beam projection. Can also supply head ends 9' 1" or 11' 4" long by adding standard sections. In running wide heads with standard width cylinders, the head may be set at any required distance from the center frame to permit proper expansion of the warp. 4 — Double gearing may be applied, permitting the running of cones at higher speeds, increasing the power of the drive. 5 — Increased friction is obtained by adding two discs, applying the friction to both sides of plate. W ith this arrangement the Whitman type can readily handle up to 3000 ends and the capacity of the hand wheel type is sufficient to take care of any possible require- ments. 6 — For head ends up to 24" wider than regular, we supply 15" by 324” driving pulleys; for heads wider than this 18" by 3 1 9 ” are regularly furnished. 7 — The Contractor Motion automatically contracts the comb after the beam has been filled to the diameter of the heads, thereby permitting a slight barreling of the beam and allowing the winding on of several cuts after the beams reach the full diameter of the heads. This is furnished as regular equipment on all slashers. 8 — We supply three types of press roll. The plain pipe or common roll, the Saco-Lowell expansion roll and the traversing press roll. The pipe roll is regularly made 322” diameter and is supported by four trucks or rolls, the pressure being regulated by lever with adjustable weight. The expansion roll consists of an expansion head 7" long 690 fastened to a pipe roll of proper length to fit the beams. Expansion head has a variation in length of about 3 4 ". The traversing arrange- ment is used in connection with a plain pipe roll, this roll being made about 1 \ff' shorter than distance between heads of beams. Roll is fitted with worm and eccentric stud which moves it back and forth across the full face of the beam. This roll is particularly useful when running loom beams which vary slightly in length of barrel or with heads which do not run true. 9 — Always specify distance between heads of all loom beams which will be used in order that proper length press rolls may be furnished. 10 — See pages 285 and 290 for description of both spring and positive type ex- pansion combs. 11 — Specify total number of dents required, based on the greatest number of ends that will be run. 12 — Space when closed represents the narrowest beam that can be run using all the dents of the comb. 13 & 14 — Having ascertained the minimum contraction and maximum expansion required to accommodate beams and determine the number of ends to be run in a dent, refer to table covering expansion combs and pick out the comb meeting requirements. Combs with seventeen sections provide the greatest possible expansion and contraction for regular width slasher heads. Twenty-five dent sections should be specified when possible. 15 to 17 — Rolf s Cut Marker is standard equipment on all slashers. It is arranged in a tooth per yard basis, that is, one tooth in gear represents one yard in warp. Always specify the number of yards wanted and state whether a marker is to make a single or a double mark. 18 - Unless otherwise specified, we furnish a striking comb having ten more dents than the expansion comb. 19 - See page 313 for description of the Selley device. 20 — AVe can supply spindle driven by cord from cone shaft for winding spools of bitten yarn. (Sized warp for supplying missing ends on the loom.) 21 — See page 313 for description of the Slipp device. 32 — Regular width slashers have cylinders 60" face overall, actual drying surface 5734'- We can furnish cylinders 12" wider than regular to meet special requirements. 33 — Insulated heads are recommended as effecting a saving of steam and reducing temperature of the slasher room. 691 34 — Positive gear drive is recommended for light warps as reducing strain on the yarn. 35 Roller bearings are recommended for all classes of work as they greatly reduce strain on the yarn and are more durable than the plain truck bearings. 36 - We can supply extra carrying rolls arranged in sets of four with suit- able supports for the purpose of increasing the area of contact with the cylinders. With these bearings about 95% of the cylinder surface is utilized as against 75% available with the usual thread- ing of the yarn. 37 — Squire’s Steam Traps are furnished unless otherwise specified. We can also supply the Webster Sylphon Drainage System. iSee page 300.) 38 — Regular equipment includes the Ashcroft Steam Gauge. 39 — We supply the Watts Pressure Regulator, which is thoroughly reliable and will take care of any reasonable pressure from the main line. 51 — Regular hot air sections are 5' 10%" wide outside of frame. We can supply them 12", 24" or 36" wider than regular. 62 - Hot air chambers are furnished in from two to six sections. The sections are 3' 4" long. (Sec page 315 for further dimensions.) 63 -Hot air chambers may be fitted with seven or eight coils of 1" pipe, depending upon the drying capacity required. The seven coil arrangement will cover all ordinary requirements. 64 - Individual overhead fan can be mounted on slasher or several slashers can be connected to one large exhaust fan. A suitable arrangement for taking away the moist air must be provided to insure best results. 56 — Can supply either the Squire’s or Walworth Trap. 57 The double dip arrangement, used in connection with hot air slashers only, consists of an arrangement of carrying rolls, whereby warp is passed through one set of squeeze rolls in the vat, through the drying chamber and then back through second set of size rolls and returned to the drying chamber for final drying. This is used on worsted yarns to insure thorough penetration of the size. 71 to 73 — Regular equipment includes a single deep two roll vat con- taining one immersion roll, two size rolls and two squeeze rolls. We can supply two single roll vats arranged tandem or an upper single roll vat mounted above the regular two roll vat. Can also 692 supply vats with extra immersion roll in vats having size rolls 13" between centers. 74 — Copper lining is advisable to prevent any possibility of rust stains, and is essential where the sizing liquid is of the nature which would act on iron. 76 — See page 311 for description of steam jacketed rats. 76 — Standard vats are made 5' 4" inside of frame. We can supply vats 12", 24" or 36" wider than regular. 79 — For detailed description of Nivling System, see page 320. 91 — Standard creel is of the horizontal type, built in two-beam sections. Length of sections vary with the size of section beams. (See detailed drawing on page 703 for dimensions.) We can also supply horizontal creels mounted on trucks for beams not over 24" in diameter, or special vertical creels for use where floor space is limited; also creels to hang from ceiling. 96 & 96 — We can supply overhead track with necessary supports, also chain hoist for handling section beams. 97 & 98 — Always specify maximum and minimum requirements to insure proper equipment being supplied. Ill to 116 — The sketch shown below indicates dimensions required for determining proper width of head end to accommodate beams. Always supply accurate dimensions. If hollow beams without shafts are used we supply face plate with dog for driving beams. Always submit accurate sketch of such beams, including diameter of bore and length. Also indicate dimensions of hub or extension on the outer sides of beam heads. 693 Equipment Furnished with Standard Slasher Included in Base Price Steam trap. Steam gauge. Watt’s regulator. Rolf’s cut marker. Creel for 8 beams. One leese rod per beam in creel. Common press roll. Contractor motion. Spring comb. Extras and Appurtenances Furnished When Specified Increased friction. Double gearing. Quick-wind attachment for beam with small barrels. Traversing press roll. Saco-Lowell expansion press roll. Positive expansion combs. Spring combs with double dents. Extra width of head end in 12" units up to 60". Extra width cylinders (72" only). Heat insulation for cylinder heads. Positive gear drive. Extra contact carrying rolls with stands. Roller bearings. Webster sylphon drainage system. Extra-width vats, 12" and 24". Copper-lined vats. Steam-jacketed vats. Extra immersion roll with stands. Double dip arrangement. Lever weighting for squeeze rolls. Brass heads in squeeze rolls. Truck creel. Upright creel. Overhead track and pulley block for handling beams. Fan for top of heating chamber (hot air). Extra carrying rolls (hot air). 694 Installation and Care of Cylinder Slashers F AULTY installation and lack of proper care of cylinder slashers frequently lead to serious accidents, with a resultant and expensive loss of production, as cylinders can seldom be properly repaired on the spot. Our cylinders are regularly tested at 15 lbs., and it is important that they should be operated at a pressure not exceeding 12 lbs. Main steam supply lines should be thoroughly insulated and properly drained by a suitable separator to free steam line from all condensation, and to prevent access of condensation to the cylinder, thus cutting down its drying capacity. We consider it advisable as additional protection to introduce in the feed line from boilers a reducing pressure valve or regulator so that the steam will reach the reducing pressure valve provided for each slasher at not exceeding 40 lbs. pressure. The reducing valves will best per- form their functions when they are adapted to the particular con- ditions under which they are to operate, and in ordering slashers information should be furnished as to the pressure under which the steam will be supplied and the largest count of yarn and number of ends which it is anticipated will be dried. A steam gauge should be installed between the main line reduc- ing valve and the slasher reducing valve to indicate the pressure between these points. The steam gauge for each slasher should not register a pressure above 12 lbs. All of these gauges should be occasionally tested to determine their accuracy. Regulating valves, steam traps, safety and vacuum valves should be regularly inspected and kept in proper repair. Steam should be admitted very slowly into cold cylinders when starting up. If slasher fails to dry yarn properly, it is a positive indication that there is insufficient dry steam being supplied, or that conden- sation water is not being removed from the cylinders. Failures of cylinders are commonly due to excessive pressure arising from appurtenances being out of repair. 695 TABLE OF SLASHER SPRING COMBS 696 SACO-LOWELL POSITIVE DENT EXPANSION COMBS FOR SLASHERS AND WARPERS 40 dent sections ( See Note ) Dents Seventeen sections represent greatest possible expansion and contraction for Standard Width Slasher (5' lOU") ! 000«tXG> -tXGt-tX • • t> t> x x x © coceo 32 dent sections Dents -fcxeot-t (X -* -+ ‘0 ‘O CO X © 04 rf< CO X © G> ^ © X © »0 © © © l> t- i> X X X X © © 30 dent 1 sections Dents o o o o © © ©■5 CO ^ ^ ^ ©©©©©© ©©©©©©© © X © © Gt«5X-’tt'© uo *o © © © © t> i> J> x x x © 25 dent sections Use this column whenever possible o o o O ©5 *0 t"- O O* w « w « -t o *0 © *o © *o ©> »o © *o © *o © *0 © 04 *0 t- OGt»Cl> © 04 »0 -f< ‘0 *0 *0 *0 © © © © l> i> t> 20 dent sections Dents ^5x35? 04 04 04 X X X © X © 04 ^ © X © 04 -P © X © X X -f< -f* *0 »<3 *0 *0 *0 © 15 dent sections Dents o *o o *o o *o GO a H (5) rfno H H Ct ct O ^ © »o © *o © *o © »o © »o © >o © t> X © 1— 1 X © i> © © 04 X *0 04 04 X X X X XXX^^^*^ 10 dent sections Dents CJ GO ”t 'C w h X ©. © ^ 04 CO *0 © i> X © © — G4 G4 G> G4 04 04 04 04 04 04 X X "w D. co t. a \^\00\^\00 \00 CO T- © '-+ X *0 *0 »0 CO \oo\^\oo\^\oo\^i »o X 04 ©' © X ^ © ^ ^ *0 X Con- tracted 1.75" per Sect. * ^ H O) ^ c X C5 04 04 04 04 04 04 xx, * xsx I-H X *0 © X © 04 X *0 t> © © 04 X X X X X -F Sec- tions 04 X *0 © t> X © © H x *0 © i> X © © <04 04 04 04 04 04 04 X 697 * Dents will not expand to greater distance than length of case. Standard for Slashers, 63>^", for Warpers, 76". Note: Forty-dent sections are 4>s" long, total expansion 1" per section greater than figures shown in third column. PRODUCTION TABLE FOR SLASHER HAVING 7 FT. AND 5 FT. CYLINDERS Pounds per 10 Hours COS Approximate. Based on proper attendance, medium-grade yarn, and percent of size not less than 5 or over 10. Approximate. Based on proper attendance, medium-grade yarn, and percent of size not less tlian 5 or over 10. Miscellaneous Data— Slashers Power Required : 1 H. P. up, dependent on varying conditions. Belting: Variable length, 3" light double, from overhead countershaft. Cone belt, 3" to 6" single, varying with width of Head. Shipping Data. Approximate Weights. Local Shipping Weight Foreign Shipping Weight Net Weight Cubic Feet Ocean Tons 7' and 5' x 60" 2-cyl. slasher, standard widths and creel 16,500 18,000 13,500 835 22 Hot-Air Slasher, 4 sections, 8 coils . . 26,000 28,500 23,000 900 27 7' x 60" Cylinder sections only . . . . 4,000 4,700 3,300 400 10 7' x 60" Cylinder only 3,100 3,450 2,000 340 8K 5' x 60" Cylinder sect ions only . . . . 3,100 3,600 2,450 240 6 5' x 60" Cylinder only 2,000 2,500 1,200 190 5 Head End only, 6' 10" long, regular width 6,500 7,000 5,500 200 6 Add for each 12" wider 400 450 400 25 Size Vat, regular width, deep 2-roll . . 2,100 2,300 1,800 80 2 Add for Steam-Jacketed Vat .... 350 400 300 Upper Single-Roll Vat with stands, cop- per lined 1,540 1,750 1,300 40 1 Creel, per beam 250 300 250 7 Truck Creel, per beam 275 325 275 8 Heater Sections: 7 coils high 3,600 4,100 3,300 72 2 8 coils high 4,000 4,500 3,400 80 2 Cylinder Slashers. Approx. Sep Ft. of Cyl. in Contact with Yarn. Regular Width 12" Wider 7' and 5' Cylinders without carrying rolls . . . 7' and 5' Cylinders with carrying rolls .... 7' Single Cylinder 119 145 151 185 88 108 Hot-Air Slashers. Approximate Square Feet of Heating Surface. 7 Coils High 8 Coils High Reg. Width 12" Wider 24" Wider Reg. Width 12" Wider 24" Wider Two Sections . Three Sections Four Sections . Five Sections . 400 4S5 , 570 625 7G0 894 850 1037 1220 1080 1312 1544 450 555 652 717 871 1025 975 1184 1394 1234 1500 176S OVERHEAD TRACK REQUIRED Nu mber of Beams in Creel G 8 10 12 14 16 Regular Creel 24" beams 18' 18' 18' 22' 26' 29' 26" beams IS' 18' 22' 2 o' SO 7 33' 28" beams . . 18' 20' 24' 2S' 32' 36' Truck Creel (Beams not over 24") . . IS' 22' 26' 31' 35' 40' 700 701 and 5 ' Cylinder Slasher with Creel for Eight Beams 702 70.3 or 7' Cylinder Slasher with Creel for Eight Beams 704 0 or / Cylinder Slasher with Double Size Vat, Brushing Machine, and Truck Creel for Six Beams SPEED OF PULLEY 350 REVS 705 '-Air Slasher with Creel for Eight Beams SPEED OF PULLEY 225 REVS. -Toi-t— 0€e5I K (KHl ■=< M ■=! N 1 Hi Wh t u n iT o 70G Reamer with Creel eor Eight Reams Double Geared Friction •viq|^ 8 rvoy AyBAiiaa 707 SUPPLEMENT USEFUL INFORMATION, TABLES, ETC., FOR THE ENGINEER, MILL MAN, AND TEXTILE STUDENT LIST OF COTTONS WITH AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAPLE COUNTS WHICH CAN BE SPUN AND CHARACTERISTICS Variety Average Staple Counts UP TO Color Characteristics Sea Island 1.8 400 Cream Silky — regular .Florida Sea Island 1.6 soo Cream Silky — regular Meade 1.75 120 Cream Silky — regular EGYPTIAN Sakellaridis 1.6 150 Dark Cream Silkv — soft Nubari 1.4 100 Light Brown Silkv — irregular Jokanovich 1.5 100 Dark Cream Silky Brown 1 4 100 Deep Brown Regular Uppers 1.2 60 Brown Dirty AMERICAN Orleans V/t," 60 While Soft — strong Texas 1" 50 White Clean — strong Uplands 1" 50 White Softest of American Cot. Mobile Vs” 50 White Weaker than Uplands BRAZILIAN Pernams We," 60 Light Gold! Harsh and wiry. Maranhams I A" 60 Light Gold ! good for warp Ceara 1" 60 Dull White I varns and for Puraiba 1" 50 Dull White J mixing PERUVIAN Sea Island i y%" 100 Variable Silkv — irregular Smooth nr 60 White Soft, similar to Orleans Rough 1H" Cream Used for mixing with wool WEST INDIES West Indian 1" 40 Varies Harsh — wiry CHINA Vi" to yr 20 White Harsh — clean INDIA Surat Group Surtee Vi" to 1" 28 Golden Good quality Broach Ve" 28 White Clean, strong Dhollera 28 White Similar to Broach, weaker Dharwar Ve" to yr 20 Light Gold Weak Oornra vr 20 Cream Strong, dirtv Khandeish yr 20 Cream Similar to Oornra Coomptah yr to 15 Cream Weak, dirty Scinde y&" 10 Dull White Poor and dirty Madras Group Tinnevelly %" 26 While Best Indian Cotton Westerns H" 20 Light Brown Strong, dark, dirtv Northerns vr 20 Brown Silkier than Westerns Coconada Redish Medium grade Cambodia i" 20 White Similar to Uplands Hinganghat (or Bani) . i" 36 White Clean, strong, fine, silkv Bengal y%" 10 Light Brown Harsh, dirty 710 In addition to the above-mentioned cottons, most of which are more or less widely known in the world’s markets, considerable quantities are raised principally for local consumption in: Russia — (Turkestan and the Caucasus region) a rough, short staple, not over ]/%' in length. In the Caucasus region American cotton is also raised. Turkey — -(Around Smyrna and Adana) a harsh, short staple, dirty cotton used only for coarse numbers. The native variety is called Yerli. American cotton is also grown to some extent. Africa — A cotton similar to American staple is grown to some ex- tent in Nigeria, Lagos, and the Gold Coast of West Africa. The Uganda and East Africa raise a good grade, comparing favorably with Texas. The Soudan raises the Mitafifi variety or Brown Egyptian, but it is not so regular in length or so clean as that grown in Egypt. GRADING OR CLASSIFICATION Methods of grading vary in different countries. Present standards are shown by the following table: American. Ordinary Good ordinary Fully good ordinary Egyptian. Fair Good fair Fully good fair Low middling Fully low middling Middling Fully middling Good Fine Extra fine Good middling Fully good middling Middling fair Brazilian. Middling — Middling fair — Fair — Good fair — Good — Fine Peruvian — East African — West Indian. Middling — Middling fair — Fair — Good fair — Good — Fine — Extra fine Indian. Good fan- — Fully good fair — Good — Fully good — Fine — Superfine West African. Low middling — Middling — Good middling — Fully good mid- dling — Middling fair USUAL WEIGHT OF BALES American — 500 lbs. Egyptian (hard compressed) — 730 to 750 lbs. East Indian (hard compressed) — about 400 lbs. Brazilian and Peruvian — vary from 160 to 500 lbs. 711 YARN NUMBERING AND COMPARATIVE TABLES The “sizing” or numbering of yarns is based on many different systems, vary- . ing with the kind of yarn and with local customs and practice. All of these sys- . terns come under two general heads, i. e., numbers based on fixed weights and numbers based on fixed lengths. In the WEIGHT system, counts are based on the length of yarn required to weigh a certain fixed standard, therefore the FIXER THE YARN the HIGHER the number. Under the length system counts are j based on the weight of yarn in a fixed length, therefore the FIXER THE YARX the LOWER the number. In the following tables we have endeavored to cover such systems as are in most common use, without attempting to mention the almost endless local systems, particularly on woolen yarns, which are still used ! in some localities. NUMBERING SYSTEMS BASED ON WEIGHT (Class A) Yarn Name of System Unit Base Length Rule for Counts COTTON AND SPUN SILK American & British Hank 840 yds. Number of hanks in 1 lb. International Metric Hank 1000 m. Number of hanks in 1 kilo. Continental or French Metric Hank 1000 m. Number of hanks in F6 kilo. Waste & Counts under No. 1 Ounce Yard Number of yards in 1 oz. WORSTED English Hank 560 yds. Number of hanks in 1 lb. Metric Hank 1000 m. Number of hanks in 1 kilo. WOOLEN American Run English Run Run Run 100 vds. 1600 yds. Number of runs in 1 oz. Number of runs in 1 lb. American Cut Cut 300 yds. Number of cuts in 1 lb. Alloa Scale Cut Spindle 240 yds. 48 cuts A spindle is 11,520 yds. Number of spindles in 24 lbs. Dewsbury Yard Number of yards in 1 oz. Galashiels Cut Spindle . Slip 300 yds. 48 cuts 12 cuts Number of cuts in 24 oz. Harwich Do. Do. Number of cuts in 26 oz. Leeds & Huddersfield Yard Number of yards in 1 dram. West of Eng. Snap 320 yds. Number of snaps in 1 lb. Yorkshire Skein 1536 yds. Number of skeins in 6 lbs. LINEN Wet spun Hank Spindle Bundle 300 yds. 48 hank 200 hank Number of hanks in 1 lb. RAMIE International Metric Hank 1000 m. Number of hanks in 1 kilo. THROWN SILK Ounce System Hank 1000 yds. Number of hanks in 1 oz. UNION YARNS Hank 840 yds. Number of hanks in 1 lb. 712 YARN NUMBERING SYSTEMS BASED ON FIXED LENGTHS (CLASS B ) Yarn Name of System Unit Base Length Rule for Counts WOOLEN Aberdeen Spindle 14,400 yds. Weight in pounds of 1 spindle Amer. Grain Weight in grains of 20 yards Sowerbv Halifax Rural Weight in drams of 80 yards LINEN (Dry Spun) JUTE HEAVY FLAX COARSE HEMP Hank or Lea Spindle 300 yds. 14,400 yds. Weight in pounds of 1 spindle ARTIFICIAL SILK RAW AND THROWN SILK Italian Denier Hank 400 ells 476 met. 520 yds. Weight in deniers of 1 hank. (1 denier = .8203125 grains) (533F6 denier = 1 ounce) THROWN SILK (See note) Legal Denier Hank 450 met. Weight in half decigrams (.05 grams) of 1 hank, or Weight in grams of 9000 met. International Denier Skein 500 met. Weight in half decigrams (.05 gram) of 1 skein, or Weight in grams of 10,000 met. Dram System Hank 1000 yds. Weight in drams of 1 hank Note: The various “Denier Systems” for numbering silk are not standardized but vary in different localities. In addition to the Italian Denier mentioned above, there are in use in Italy several older systems including: Old Milan Denier — 450 meter hanks, .0511 gram. Old Turin Denier — 476 meter hanks, .05336 gram. Old Lyons Denier — 476 meter hanks, .05311 gram. New Lyons Denier — 500 meter hanks, .05311 gram. The Legal Denier described above was adopted by the Paris Silk Conference in 1900 as their standard. The International Denier has been adopted by the London Silk Conditioning House. PLIED YARNS. Cotton plied yarns are indicated by the number of the single yarn and the ply. Example: 60/3 means three threads of No. 60 single, making the twisted yarn approximately equal in weight to a No. 20 single. Spun Silk plied yarns are indicated by the number of the twisted yarn and the ply. / See also \ Example: 100/2 means two threads of No. 200. making the resultant yarn \page 720 ) equivalent to a No. 100 single. Woolen and Worsted plied yarns are termed “Fold” rather than ply — that is, a 2-fold 60 is written 2/60 and means 2 threads of No. 60 equivalent to No. 30 single. 713 COMPARATIVE YARN TABLE OF VARIOUS NUMBERING SYSTEMS SHOWING WEIGHT OF 120 YARDS & NO. OF YARDS PER POUND No. of Yards per lb. ^X^tOc5x9)'«5 0r}iCOOJ*cO-fX^2c?X?'3c-r °o o jc w ^ o co i>- -t s) c ^ O' - * x r: - c r. ■; r- — — 1 — 1 — ? O' 4* Jute Linen, Dry H’vy Flax /' 6 ° ■t t- - x w ^ ^ -t c -< -o ci ^ -t i- - x c x H«5t-«^x^HQi.«)^ WW H5ccjay. X GO X ”f< X oi <3^ •— 1 1 — 1 t— 1 r— 1 r— 1 1 — i— 1 — ( — Raw Silk ja x i-5 go ©* x’ d -* x ' x ©* x d -* ‘d ^ x d x* x — — — d -* x x x — x < ~ x x — x 3' — x r. xxxxoxxx x x -* -* -*■ x x x x 3' n> nt r:> r>> ->> ^ — Raw Silk Artificial Silk x^x^xxxxx?>x^xxxx^— x x x x ^ 5* d — x d X 51 H H H J2 o r* •A x x d x x x — x x r-J x x ~ -* x — -* x — •* x — -* x — a a js c /y> a < ^ mmmmmmimm ■■. ■ Woolen Linen, Wet Spun. Fine Hemp q'w 1 a < xSSSoSS^SoxS^ScxS^Soxc^^cxv d X X* d d X 2 X x x cj X x -* X X X X — X X X d X Worsted a > W n dddxXXX>d X X X X X — d -* X l- X X — : X -* X X X X < _ . _ <^4 '*'***'* ~* *^ 7* — Cotton Spun Silk ^ o ja o c £ O ofc, U- X -t X X x d X d X ^ X — X X X X X x -*• X X X X x ^ X X X X X O* X X X X X X — X X X X X X X X X -* X — X X ' — d x d x x x x x d x — — d x x x x x x x x — d d. Cotton Spun Silk Ramie i D A a P; $5 - § _o X X X X X X X •+ X X ^ ~ — x X X X X X X X ;* ^ X £* — — Cotton Spun Silk Union Yarn < - 7Z HO,«^c, ot -co a o- 22S2 e S x=o S ^| § J Weight 120 yds. in grains X X X X X x d X — X X X X — X d X X d X X X x — X X X ■“> X X X X X -? — X X X X X X X X X x x -*■ — -* -*■ — x X X>OW5 >S X GO r-« ©? * r- rH — ^ Jill o» i © co *o -? © 5 © oi -*0* Xr-oi i-< C5 *-< r-5 © Jj III s s ;c- ss i § = S 8 g 2 g ~ SiS 2 g § III! g 1 1 2 S3 2 1=1 S 1 “ - — " ' - | |“|ll lF|i * § 1 I S3 § 1 Is 1 1 « oi t-h ri - 1 »o <-« -* x tplJ 2 S S = 2 2 s Is s g r- © II g IP g Is SsSIsgliSs - - oi £ .i Sa a JJlI % s I ^1 ill! 11 2 § § ISSISSsl5 r-J I— Of f— « 2J Ill'll g 2 1 §151 is IS® ‘ * -i © Known Counts ill ® 8 .fiiiliii! gl lll-lll'll'll i Hit =j g < - 718 Counts Based on Fixed Lengths 719 EUROPEAN NUMBERING SYSTEMS COMPARED r I TIE following table shows some of the local systems for numbering 1. cotton yarns used in European countries, compared with English and metric systems. Equivalents of No. 1 of each system are shown and these can be used as multipliers in reducing from one count to another, for ex- ample, to find the equivalent of No. 25 Int. Metric in Catalan counts: 25 X .567 = 14.17 Catal. The Austrian System is based on hanks of 1487 Vienna Ells (approx. 168 yards) and a weight unit of 1- Vienna Found (approx. 1.23 Eng. poundj. The Catalan System is based on hanks of 500 canas (approx. 851 yards or 777.5 met.) and a weight unit of 440 grams. The Netherlands and Belgian System is based on a hank of 840 yards and weight unit of Y 2 kilo. Austrian Continental or French Catalan English Netherlands & Belgium International Metric l. 1.035 1.173 1.222 1.3478 2.07 .966 1. 1.014 1.18 1.302 2.00 .852 .8828 1. 1.04 1.149 1.764 .818 .8475 .96 1. 1.103 1.694 .74193 .768 .87 .90629 1. 1.535 .483 .50 .567 .59 .651 1, COUNTS OF PLIED YARNS 1 7 OR calculation purposes it is customary to consider a plied yarn made ’ up of two or more equal single yarns as equaling in counts the counts of the single yarn divided by the number of ends plied. In actual practice this is not correct as the size of yarn will vary with the twist and also with the twist of the single yarns. There is no rule for figur- ing actual numbers and these can be obtained only by testing samples. To find approximate counts of plied yarns made up of two yarns of dif- ferent counts, divide the product of the single counts by the sum of same. Example: a yarn made up of one No. 30 and one No. 20 single would figure 30 X 20 divided by 30 plus 20, equals 12, approximate counts of the plied yarn. To find counts of three ply or more, divide the highest count by itself and by each of the other counts, add results and divide into the highest count. Example: Three ply made up of one No. 100, one No. 80 and one No. 50. 100 4 - 100 = 1 100 4 - 80 = 1.25 100 4 - 50 = 2 4.24 100 4- 4.25 = 23.50, Approx, counts. 720 DRAPERS TABLE Breaking Weights of American Yarns 120 Yds. Weight Grains No. of Yarn Cardec Old Yarn New Combed Yarn Soft Twist Yarn 120 Yds. Weight Grains No. of Yarn Carded Yarn Combed Yarn 1000 i 20 51 37 47 500 2 19 52 30 40 333 3 530 034 + 803 020 19 53 30 45 250 4 410 476- 040 462 19 54 35 44 200 5 330 381 510 307 18 55 34 43 107 0 275 318- 429 304 18 50 34 42 143 7 238 272+ 367 258 18 57 33 42 125 8 200 238 + 321 224 17 58 33 41 111 9 187 212 + 285 198 17 59 32 40 100 10 109 191 250 177 17 00 32 39 01 11 154 174- 232 160 10 01 31 39 83 12 142 159 + 213 145 10 02 31 38 77 13 132 147 + 190 133 10 03 30 37 71 14 123 137- 182 123 10 04 30 37 07 15 115 128- 109 114 15 05 30 36 03 10 108 120- 158 106 15 00 29 35 50 17 103 113- 149 99 15 07 29 35 50 18 97 107- 140 93 15 08 29 34 53 19 93 101 133 87 15 09 28 34 50 20 88 90 126 82 14 70 28 33 48 21 84 91 + 120 77 14 71 27 33 40 22 80 87 + 114 73 14 72 27 32 44 23 70 84- 109 70 14 73 27 32 42 24 72 80 + 104 00 14 74 27 31 40 25 09 77 100 03 13 75 26 31 39 20 00 74 + 90 00 13 70 20 30 37 27 64 71 + 92 57 13 77 20 30 30 28 01 09- 89 55 13 78 25 29 35 29 59 07- 80 53 13 79 25 29 33 30 57 04 + 83 50 13 80 25 28 32 31 56 62+ 80 48 12 81 24 28 31 32 54 00 + 77 40 12 82 24 28 30 33 53 59- 75 45 12 83 24 27 29 34 51 57- 72 43 12 84 23 27 29 35 50 55 + 70 41 12 85 23 27 28 36 49 54- 08 40 12 80 23 20 27 37 48 52+ 00 38 12 87 23 20 26 38 47 51 04 37 11 88 22 26 26 39 40 50- 03 36 11 89 22 25 25 40 45 48 + 01 34 11 90 22 25 24 41 44 47 + 59 33 11 91 22 25 24 42 43 40 + 58 32 11 92 22 24 23 43 42 45 + 50 31 11 93 21 24 23 44 41 44 + 55 30 11 94 21 24 22 45 41 43 + 54 29 11 95 21 23 22 40 40 42 + 53 28 10 90 21 23 21 47 39 41 + 51 27 + 10 97 21 23 21 48 39 41- 50 27- 10 98 20 23 20 49 38 40- 49 26 10 99 20 22 20 50 37 39 48 25 10 100 20 22 THERMOMETER SCALES COMPARATIVE TEMPERATURES FAHRENHEIT AND CENTIGRADE Far. Cent. Far. Cent. Far. Cent. Far. Cent. Far. Cent. 0 -17.78 50 10.00 100 37.78 150 65.56 200 93.34 1 -17.23 51 10.56 101 38.34 151 66.11 201 93.90 2 -16.67 52 11.11 102 38.90 152 66.67 202 94.45 3 -16.11 53 11.67 103 39.45 153 67.23 203 95.00 4 -15.56 54 12.23 104 40.00 154 67.78 204 95.56 5 -15.00 55 12.78 105 40.56 155 68.34 205 96.11 6 -14.45 56 13.34 106 41.11 156 68.90 206 96.27 7 -13.90 57 13.90 107 41.57 157 09.45 207 97.23 8 -13.34 58 14.45 108 42.23 158 70.00 208 97.78 9 -12.78 59 15.00 109 42.78 159 70.56 209 98.34 10 -12.23 60 15.56 110 43.34 160 71.11 210 98.90 11 -11.67 61 16.11 111 43.90 161 71.67 211 99.45 12 - 11.11 62 16.67 112 44.45 162 72.23 212 100.00 13 -10.56 63 17.23 113 45.00 163 72.78 213 100.56 14 -10.00 64 17.78 114 45.56 164 73.34 214 101.11 15 - 9.45 65 18.34 115 46.11 165 73.90 215 101.67 16 - 8.89 66 18.89 116 46.67 166 74.45 216 102.23 17 - 8.34 67 19.45 117 47.23 167 75.00 217 102.78 18 - 7.78 68 20.00 118 47.78 168 75.66 218 103.34 19 - 7.23 69 20.56 119 48.34 169 76.11 219 103.90 20 - 6.67 70 21.11 120 48.90 170 76.67 220 104.45 21 ^ 6.11 71 21.67 121 49.45 171 77.23 225 107.23 22 — 5.56 72 22.23 122 50.00 172 77.78 230 110.00 23 - 5.00 73 22.78 123 50.56 173 78.34 235 112.78 24 - 4.45 74 23.34 124 51.11 174 78.90 240 115.56 25 - 3.90 75 23.90 125 51.67 175 79.45 245 118.34 26 - 3.34 76 24.45 126 52.23 176 80.00 250 121.11 27 - 2.78 77 25.00 127 52.78 177 80.56 255 123.90 28 - 2.23 78 25.56 128 53.34 178 81.11 260 126.67 29 - 1.67 79 26.12 129 53.90 179 81.67 265 129.45 30 - 1.11 80 26.67 130 54.45 180 82.23 270 132.23 31 - 0.56 81 27.23 131 55.00 181 82.78 275 135.00 32 0.00 82 27.78 132 55.56 182 83.34 280 137.78 33 0.56 83 28.34 133 56.11 183 83.90 285 140.56 34 1.11 84 28.89 134 56.67 184 84.45 290 143.34 35 1.67 85 29.45 135 57.23 185 85.00 295 146.11 36 2.23 86 30.00 136 57.78 186 85.56 300 148.90 37 2.78 87 30.55 137 58.34 187 86.11 310 154.45 38 3.34 88 31.11 138 58.90 188 86.67 320 160.00 39 3.90 89 31.67 139 59.45 189 87.23 330 165.56 40 4.45 90 32.22 140 60.00 190 87.78 340 171.11 41 5.00 91 32.78 141 60.56 191 88.34 350 176.67 42 5.56 92 33.33 142 61.11 192 88.90 360 182.23 43 6.11 93 33.89 143 61.67 193 89.45 370 187.78 44 6.67 94 34.45 144 62.23 194 90.00 380 193.34 45 7.24 95 35.00 145 62.78 195 90.56 390 198.90 46 7.79 96 35.56 146 63.34 196 91.11 400 204.45 47 8.38 97 36.11 147 63.90 197 91.67 450 232.23 48 8.83 98 36.67 148 64.45 198 92.23 500 260.00 49 9.45 99 37.23 149 65.00 199 92.78 550 287.75 CONVERSION FACTORS FOR STANDARD THERMOMETER SCALES Centigrade X .80 = Reamur Reamur X 2.-25 = Fahrenheit Centigrade X 1.80 = Fahrenheit F. ■— 32 X 4 -s- 9 = Reamur Reamur X 1.25 = Centigrade F. — 32 X 5 -4- 9 = Centigrade HUMIDIFICATION The cotton fibre is capable of holding a relatively large percentage of water, which can be driven out by drying at a temperature of 220 degrees F. On exposure to normal atmosphere after drying, the fibres will regain or absorb an amount of moisture approximately equal to the original content. This amount however is dependent on the amount of moisture in the atmos- phere and can be controlled by artificial humidification. This process is one of the essential features of the modern mill and is required for the following reasons: 1st. To maintain proper weights of yarn and cloth. 2d. To prevent trouble in handling fibres due to static electricity, which is a troublesome feature if stock is too dry. .‘3d. Fibres containing a proper amount of moisture cling together better and produce more even and stronger yarns, resulting in less breakage of ends, less waste and improved products in all departments of the mill. 4th. The freshening and cooling effect make the air more healthful and agreeable to the operatives, resulting in increased efficiency of the operative, therefore increased product and lower costs. REGAIN. In testing the amount of moisture in cotton, samples are taken from several bales and thoroughly dried to a constant weight, the difference in weight before and after drying representing the amount of moisture contained in the stock in its original state. Moisture standards for textile materials are based on a “Regain system, wherein a certain fixed percentage of moisture is assumed to be present in the material under ordinary atmospheric conditions. No Standard Regain for cotton has been adopted in the United States, the variation in climatic conditions in differ- ent parts of the country being such that figures representing normal condi- tions in one locality would be entirely wrong for other sections. The English Standard Regain is based on the assumption that 100 parts of absolutely dry cotton will absorb 83-2 parts of moisture, that is, properly conditioned cotton will represent 108^2 per cent, or 100 parts of cotton will contain 7.834 per cent of moisture. This also applies to cotton yarn. The actual amount absorbed is dependent on the length of time exposed, the bulk of the sample, the temperature of the air, the barometric pressure and the amount of moisture in the air, therefore the above standard is based on ordinary atmospheric conditions peculiar to the British Isles, and is not applicable to localities where conditions are different. Owing to this differ- ence in moisture content it is customary in cotton and yarn transactions to allow a percentage of moisture agreed upon between the buyer and seller. The Cotton Duck Manufacturers Association recommends the exposure of all samples of yarn and fabric for not less than four hours to an atmos- pheric condition of 65 per cent relative humidity at 70 degrees prior to test- ing for strength, weight, or counts. 723 Humidity has a definite relation to temperature, that is, the higher the temperature the greater the sensation of oppression which results from a given humidity. To insure the comfort of operatives some localities have passed laws fixing the maximum allowable humidity permissible at given temperatures, the scale adopted varying considerably in different locali- ties. The Massachusetts Factory Laws permit humidities ranging from 6(1 per cent at a temperature of 96 degrees to 88 per cent at 60 degrees. The amount of moisture in the air is found from the temperature of the ordinary dry bulb thermometer compared with the temperature shown by a wet bulb thermometer. Knowing the temperature and the difference between it and the wet bulb temperature, the relative humidity is deter- mined by consulting humidity tables, or charts. The Common or Stationary Hygrometer has a dry bulb and a wet bulb thermometer, the latter covered with a wick connected with a water con- tainer to keep the bulb moist. The instruments should be protected from such abnormal influences as perceptible draughts of air and the influence of heat from nearby radiators which might affect their readings. In a large room several sets of instruments should be used and their readings com- pared frequently. Extreme care is necessary to keep the wet bulbs clean and moist. Such instruments are slow in registering changes and are not as accurate as psychrometers. Their readings should be compared with hygrometric charts rather than those prepared for use with psychrometers. The Sling Psychrometer is a particularly accurate instrument and is used for testing humidity when accuracy is especially desired. Being car- ried in the hand, readings may be taken with the one instrument at any desired location. It registers a somewhat lower wet bulb temperature than the hygrometer and psychrometer charges should be used in determining degree of humidity from its readings. The Electro-psychrometer is another extremely accurate instrument. It is provided with an electrically driven fan which draws a rapid air current over the bulbs. The instrument is portable and readings can be taken at any desired point. Authorities differ somewhat in their recommendations as to the proper amount of humidity for the various departments of the mill. Average recommendations are covered by the following schedule: Picker Room Artificial humidification rarely used. Cards and Drawing 45 to 55% Combing 60 to 70% Roving 50 to 60' c Spinning, Twisting, Spooling, Warping 60 to 70% Weaving ' 65 to 90 c 0 The tables on following pages show relative and actual humidity based on psychrometer readings. If hygrometer readings are referred to psy- chrometrie tables the humidity indicated will be too high, while if psy- chrometer readings are referred to hygrometric tables the indicated humidity will be low. The error in either case averages about 5 per cent, the difference increasing as the humidity increases. RELATIVE HUMIDITY is the percentage of moisture as compared with the amount present if air is saturated. ACTUAL HUMIDITY is the weight of moisture in one cubic foot of air expressed in grains. 724 HUMIDITY Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist. inCu.Ft.of Air Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist. inCu.Ft.ofAir 60 60 100 5.7 64 64 100 6.5 59 94 5.4 63 95 6.2 58 89 5.1 62 90 5.9 57 83 4.7 61 84 5.5 56 78 4.4 60 79 5.1 55 73 4.2 59 74 4.8 54 68 3.9 58 70 4.5 53 63 3.6 57 65 4.2 52 58 3.3 56 60 3.9 51 53 3.0 55 56 3.6 50 48 2.7 54 51 3.3 49 43 2.4 53 47 3.0 61 61 100 5.9 65 65 100 6.7 60 94 5.5 64 95 6.4 59 89 5.2 63 90 6.1 58 84 4.9 62 85 5.7 57 78 4.6 61 80 5.4 56 73 4.3 60 75 5.0 55 68 4.0 59 70 4.7 54 63 3.7 58 66 4.4 53 58 3.4 57 61 4.1 52 54 3.2 56 56 3.8 51 49 2.9 55 52 3.5 50 44 2.6 54 48 3.2 62 62 100 6.1 66 66 100 7.0 61 94 5.7 65 95 6.6 60 89 5.4 64 90 6.3 59 84 5.1 63 85 5.9 58 79 4.81 62 80 5.6 57 74 4.5 61 75 5.2 56 69 4.2 60 71 4.9 55 64 3.9 59 66 4.6 54 59 3.6 58 61 4.2 53 54 3.3 57 57 4.0 52 50 3.0 56 53 3.7 51 45 2.7 55 48 3.3 63 63 100 6.3 67 67 100 7.2 62 95 6.0 66 95 6.8 61 89 5.6 65 90 6.5 60 84 5.3 64 85 6.1 59 79 5.0 63 80 5.7 58 74 4.7 62 75 5.4 57 69 4.3 61 71 5.1 56 64 4.0 60 66 4.7 55 60 3.8 59 62 4.4 54 55 3.4 58 58 4.2 53 50 3.1 57 53 3.8 52 46 2.9 56 49 3.5 HUMIDITY — Continued Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist. inCu.Ft.of Air Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist. inCu.Ft.of Air 68 68 100 7.4 72 72 100 8.5 67 95 7.1 71 95 8.0 66 90 6.7 70 91 7.7 65 85 6.3 69 86 7.3 64 80 5.9 68 82 6.9 63 76 5.6 67 77 6.5 62 71 5.3 66 73 6.2 61 67 5.0 65 69 5.8 60 62 4.6 64 65 5.5 59 58 4.3 63 61 5.1 58 54 4.0 62 57 4.8 57 50 3.7 61 53 4.5 69 69 100 7.7 73 73 100 8.7 68 95 7.3 72 95 8.3 67 90 6.9 71 91 7.9 66 85 6.5 70 86 7.5 65 81 6.2 69 82 7.2 64 76 5.8 68 78 6.8 63 72 5.5 67 73 6.4 62 67 5.1 66 69 6.0 61 63 4.8 65 65 5.7 60 59 4.5 64 61 5.3 59 55 4.2 63 57 5.0 58 51 3.9 62 53 4.6 70 70 100 7.9 74 74 100 9.0 69 95 7.5 73 95 8.6 68 90 7.1 72 91 8.2 67 86 6.8 71 86 7.8 66 81 6.4 70 82 7.4 65 77 6.1 69 78 7.0 64 72 5.7 68 74 6.7 63 68 5.4 67 69 6.2 62 64 5.1 66 65 5.9 61 59 4.7 65 61 5.5 60 55 4.3 64 58 5.2 59 51 4.0 63 54 4.9 71 71 100 8.2 75 75 100 9.3 70 95 7.8 74 96 8.9 69 90 7.4 73 91 8.5 68 86 7.0 72 86 8.0 67 81 6.6 71 82 7.6 66 77 6.3 70 78 7.3 65 72 5.9 69 74 6.9 64 68 5.6 68 70 6.5 63 64 5.2 67 66 6.1 62 60 4.9 66 62 5.8 61 56 4.6 65 58 5.4 60 52 4.2 64 54 5.0 726 HUMIDITY — Continued Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist inCu.Ft.of Air Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist inCu.Ft.of Air 76 76 100 9.6 80 80 100 10.9 75 96 9.2 79 96 10.4 74 91 8.7 78 91 9.9 73 87 8.4 77 87 9.5 72 82 7.9 76 83 9.0 71 78 7.5 75 79 8.6 70 74 7.1 74 75 8.2 69 70 6.7 73 72 7.8 68 66 6.3 72 68 7.4 67 62 5.9 71 64 7.0 66 59 5.7 70 61 6.6 65 55 5.3 69 57 6.2 77 77 100 9.9 81 81 100 11.2 76 96 9.5 80 96 10.8 75 91 9.0 79 92 10.3 74 87 8.6 78 88 9.9 73 83 8.2 77 84 9.4 72 79 7.8 76 80 9.0 71 74 7.3 75 76 8.5 70 71 7.0 74 72 8.1 69 67 6.6 73 69 7.7 68 63 6.2 72 65 7.3 67 59 5.8 71 61 6.8 66 56 5.5 70 58 6.5 78 78 100 10.2 82 82 100 11.6 77 96 9.8 81 96 11.1 76 91 9.3 80 92 10.7 75 87 8.9 79 88 10.2 74 83 8.5 78 84 9.7 73 79 8.1 77 80 9.3 72 75 7.7 76 76 8.8 71 71 7.3 75 72 8.3 70 67 6.8 74 69 8.0 69 63 6.4 73 65 7.5 68 60 6.1 72 61 7.1 67 56 5.7 71 58 6.7 79 79 100 10.6 83 83 100 11.9 78 96 10.1 82 96 11.5 77 91 9.6 81 92 11.0 76 87 9.2 80 88 10.5 75 83 8.8 79 84 10.0 74 79 8.3 78 80 9.5 73 75 7.9 77 76 9.1 72 71 7.5 76 73 8.7 71 68 7.2 75 69 8.2 70 64 6.7 74 66 7.9 69 60 6.3 73 62 7.4 68 57 6.0 72 59 7.0 727 HUMIDITY — Continued Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist. inCu.Ft. of Air Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist inCu.Ft. of Air 84 84 100 12.3 88 88 100 13.9 83 96 11.8 87 96 13.3 82 92 11.3 86 92 12.8 81 88 10.8 85 88 12.2 80 84 10.3 84 85 11.8 79 80 9.8 83 81 11.2 78 76 9.3 82 77 10.7 77 73 9.0 81 74 10.3 76 69 8.5 80 70 9.7 75 66 8.1 79 67 9.3 74 62 7.6 78 64 8.9 73 59 7.2 77 61 8.5 85 85 100 12.7 89 89 100 14.3 84 96 12.2 88 96 13.7 83 92 11.7 87 92 13.2 82 88 11.2 86 88 12.6 81 84 10.7 85 85 12.2 80 80 10.1 84 81 11.6 79 77 9.8 83 77 11.0 78 73 9.3 82 74 10.6 77 69 8.8 81 70 10.0 76 66 8.4 80 67 9.6 75 63 8.0 79 64 9.1 74 60 7.6 78 61 8.7 86 86 100 13.1 90 90 100 14.7 85 96 12.6 89 96 14.2 84 92 12.0 88 92 13.6 83 88 11.5 87 89 13.1 82 84 11.0 86 85 12.5 81 81 10.6 85 81 11.9 80 77 10.1 84 78 11.5 79 73 9.5 83 74 10.9 78 70 9.1 82 71 10.5 77 66 8.6 81 68 10.0 76 63 8.2 80 65 9.6 75 60 7.8 79 61 9.0 87 87 100 13.5 91 91 100 15.2 86 96 12.9 90 96 14.6 85 92 12.4 89 92 14.0 84 88 11.9 88 89 13.5 83 85 11.5 87 85 12.9 82 81 10.9 86 82 12.4 81 77 10.4 85 78 11.8 80 74 10.0 84 75 11.4 79 70 9.4 83 72 10.9 78 67 9.0 82 68 10.3 77 64 8.6 81 65 9.9 76 61 8.2 80 62 9.4 HUMIDITY — ■ Continued Read. Dry of Ther. — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist, in Cu. Ft. of Air Read, of Ther. Dry — Wet Deg. of Humidity Grs. of Moist, in Cu. Ft. of Air 92 92 100 15.6 96 96 100 17.6 91 96 15.0 95 96 16.9 90 92 14.4 94 93 16.4 89 89 13.9 93 89 15.6 88 85 13.3 92 86 15.1 87 82 12.8 91 82 14.4 86 78 12.3 90 79 13.9 85 75 11.7 89 76 13.4 84 72 11.3 88 73 12.8 83 68 10.6 87 69 12.1 82 65 10.2 86 66 11.6 81 62 9.7 85 63 11.1 93 93 100 16.1 97 97 100 18.1 92 96 15.5 96 96 17.4 91 93 15.0 95 93 16.8 90 89 14.3 94 89 16.6 89 85 13.7 93 86 15.1 88 82 13.2 92 82 14.8 87 79 12.7 91 79 14.3 86 75 12.1 90 76 13.7 85 72 11.6 89 73 13.2 84 69 11.1 88 69 12.5 83 66 10.6 87 66 11.9 82 63 10.1 86 63 11.4 94 94 100 16.6 98 98 100 18.6 93 96 15.9 97 96 17.9 92 93 15.4 96 93 17.3 91 89 14.8 95 89 16.6 90 85 14.1 94 86 16.0 89 82 13.6 93 83 15.5 88 79 13.1 92 79 14.7 87 75 12.4 91 76 14.1 86 72 11.9 90 73 13.6 85 69 11.4 89 70 13.0 84 66 10.8 88 67 12.5 83 63 10.4 87 64 11.9 95 95 100 17.1 99 99 100 19.2 94 96 16.4 98 96 18.4 93 93 15.9 97 93 17.8 92 89 15.2 96 89 17.1 91 85 14.5 95 86 16.5 90 82 14.0 94 83 15.9 89 79 13.5 93 80 15.3 88 75 12.8 92 77 14.7 87 72 12.3 91 73 14.0 86 69 11.8 90 70 13.4 85 60 11.3 89 68 13.0 84 63 10.7 88 65 12.4 729 APPROXIMATE POWER REQUIRED FOR OPERATING COTTON MACHINERY Bale Breaker . 3 to 5 Fans: No. 6 5 to 10 No. 7 7^ to 15 No. 8 10 to 20 Lattice Feed Table Li Condensers: No. 1 5 No. o y 2 No. 6 1 Distributor Li to 1 No. 5 Feeder 1 Btr. Brk. & Feeder 7% 2 Btr. “ “ “ 10 1 Btr. Screen Sect. Brk 7 Li 2 Btr. “ “ “ 10 1 Btr. Gauge Box Brk 7} -> 2 Btr. “ “ “ 10 2 Btr. Brk. 40" Sect 10 1 Btr. Brk. Exhaust Opener 10 1 Btr. Finisher Lapper 5 2 Btr. “ “ 10 to 12 Waste Willow 10 C. & P. Waste Cleaner 5 Thread Extractor 2 W-3 Waste Openers, per sect 5 to 7 English Shoddy Picker 12 to 30 But terworth Shoddy Picker 10 to 20 40" or 45" Cards 1 Card Stripper 10 to 25 Drawing Frames: 4 to 5 del’s per 1 H.P. Evener Drawing: 3 to 4 del’s per 1 H.P. Lap Winder Roving Frames: Slubber 40 to 45 spdls. per 1 H.P. Inter. 55 to 60 “ “ 1 “ Fine 70 to 85 1 “ Jack 90 to 100 “ 1 “ Spinning Frames: (See page 511 ) Heavy Spindles 30 to 40 spdls. Medium Spindles 38 to 50 “ “ “ Light Spindles 55 to 75 Twisters: 10 to 50 spdls. per 1 H.P. Spooler, 200 to 300 spdls. per 1 H.P. Beam Warper H to }4 Leese Warper Li to 1 Slasher 1 up (Varies with weight of yarn) Size Kettle 1 to 1 Li Size Pump 1 to 2 Yarn Reels 300 spdls. per 1 H.P. Cone Winders 12 “ 1 Tube Winders 40 “ 1 Filling Winders 40 1 Plain Looms: 32" to 36" M 40" to 48" H 80" s 4 to 1 92" to 1 OS" 1 Brushing Machine 1 Brushing & Shearing Machine 3 Cloth Folder .... * Li to }4 Above figures are only approximate but offer a fair average for estimating purposes. The friction of shafting and belting adds about 20% to the load. 730 Belting Data Whenever possible, use large diameter pulleys. Keep belt speed below 4000 feet per minute if possible. Give slight sag to belt. Give sag of IJ 2 " to 2 }/±" for narrow belts, with pulleys about 15 ft. 011 centers, and S}4" to 5" for main belts, with pulleys between 25 and 30 ft. on centers, according to width of belt. To Find Belt Speed in Feet Per Minute : Multiply the diameter of the pulley in inches by 3.1410 and again by the number of revolutions per minute of the pulley and divide by 12 to get the result in feet per minute. To Find the Horse Power Belting Will Safely Transmit When the Drive is Open (without Idlers) and the Pulley Diameters are Nearly Equal: Multiply the belt speed in feet per minute by the width of the belt in inches and multiply that product by 55 for single, 88 for double, or 110 for 3-ply belt. Divide this product by 33,000. The quotient will be the amount of horse power that belt will safely transmit. To Find Width of Belting: Multiply the given horse power by 33,000 and divide this product by the result obtained by multiplying the belt speed in feet per minute by 55 for single, 88 for double, or 110 for 3-ply. The quotient will be the width of belting required. The above is with an arc of contact of 180 degrees. To Find the Horse Power When the Arc of Contact is Smaller than 180 Degrees: Multiply the arc of contact (determined in accordance with the rule given below) by 55, and divide this product by 180. This is for single belt- ing. Multiply by 1.6 for double, or 2 for triple belting. To Find the Arc of Contact on the Smaller Pulley When the Drive is Open and without Idlers: Multiply the difference between the diameters of the pulleys in inches by 4.75, dividing the product by the distance between the pulley centers in feet and subtracting the quotient from 180. 731 Belting Data — Continued Example: Having pulleys 3 feet, 6 inches and 10 inches diameter, 14 feet between the centers. 16 inches subtracted from 3 feet, 6 inches, or 42 inches, equals 26 inches. 26 multiplied by 4.75 equals 123.5. 123.5 divided by 14 equals 8.82. 8.82 subtracted from 180 degrees equals 171.18 degrees. To Find the Length of a Belt When It is not Convenient to Use a Tape : When both pulleys are about the same size, add the diameters of the two pulleys, multiply this result by 3.1416, and divide by 2. To this quo- tient add twice the distance between centers of the shafts and this will give the required length. When one pulley is considerably larger than the other, square the dis- tance between the centers of the shafts, add to this the square of the differ- ence between the radii of the two pulleys; extract the square root from this sum and multiply by 2, thereby obtaining a result which we will call “A.” Add the diameters of the two pulleys and multiply this sum by 3.1416, add to one-half of this product the result “A,” which gives the length of the belt required. For Cross Belts: Square the diameter of the large pulley and the distance between centers, add, and extract the square root. Square the diameter of the small pulley and the distance between centers, add, and extract the square root. To the sum of the two roots add one-half of the circumference of the two pulleys, and the total will be the required length. Single Belts Should be put on with the grain, or hair side, next to the pulley so that the points in the laps will run against the pulleys, as the laps on the outside of the belt are more liable to give than when the points are run against the atmospheric pressure. Double Belts Should be put on so that the points in the laps will run with the pulleys as both sides point in the same direction. 732 HORSE POWER TRANSMITTED BY LEATHER BELTS AND BY LINK BELT Velocity of Belt in feet PER INCH OF WIDTH Leather Link or Chain Belts per minute Single Lt. Dbl. Hvy. Dbl. %" 14" Vs" Vi Vi" 1" 100 0.15 0.21 0.27 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.24 0.27 200 0.30 0.42 0.55 0.25 0.29 0.35 0.40 0.47 0.55 300 0.45 0.64 0.82 0.38 0.44 0.52 0.60 0.71 0.82 400 0.61 0.85 1.09 0.51 0.58 0.69 0.80 0.95 1.09 500 0.76 1.06 1.36 0.64 0.73 0.86 1.00 1.18 1.36 600 0.91 1.27 1.64 0.76 0.87 1.04 1.20 1.42 1.64 700 1.06 1.49 1.91 0.89 1.02 1.21 1.40 1.65 1.91 800 1.21 1.70 2.18 0.92 1.16 1.38 1.60 1.89 2.18 900 1.36 1.91 2.45 1.05 1.31 1.55 1.80 2.13 2.45 1000 1.51 2.12 2.73 1.27 1.45 1.73 2.00 2.36 2.73 1100 1.67 2.33 3.00 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.20 2.60 3.00 1200 1.82 2.55 3.27 1.53 1.75 2.07 2.40 2.84 3.27 1300 1.97 2.76 3.55 1.65 1.89 2.25 2.60 3.07 3.55 1400 2.12 2.97 3.82 1.78 2.04 2.42 2.80 3.31 3.82 1500 2.27 3.18 4.09 1.91 2.18 2.59 3.00 3.55 4.09 1600 2.42 3.39 4.36 2.04 2.33 2.76 3.20 3.78 4.36 1700 2.58 3.61 4.64 2.16 2.47 2.94 3.40 4.02 4.64 1800 2.73 3.82 4.91 2.29 2.62 3.11 3.60 4.25 4.91 1900 2.88 4.03 5.18 2.42 2.76 3.28 3.80 4.49 5.18 2000 3.03 4.24 5.45 2.55 2.91 3.45 4.00 4.73 5.45 2100 3.18 4.45 5.73 2.67 3.05 3.63 4.20 4.96 5.73 2200 3.33 4.67 6.00 2.80 3.20 3.80 4.40 5.20 6.00 2300 3.49 4.88 6.27 2.93 3.35 3.97 4.60 5.44 6.27 2400 3.64 5.09 6.55 3.05 3.49 4.15 4.80 5.67 6.55 2500 3.79 5.30 6.82 3.18 3.64 4.32 5.00 5.91 5.82 2600 3.94 5.52 7.09 3.24 3.78 4.49 5.20 6.15 7.09 2700 4.09 5.73 7.36 3.28 3.85 4.66 5.40 6.38 7.36 2800 4.24 5.94 7.64 3.31 3.86 4.73 5.60 6.62 7.64 2900 4.39 6.15 7.91 3.32 3.87 4.78 5.80 6.85 8.91 3000 4.50 6.36 8.18 3.31 3.86 4.75 5.97 7.09 9.18 3100 4.60 6.58 8.45 3.30 3.85 4.73 5.96 7.33 8.45 3200 4.69 6.79 8.70 3.28 3.82 4.71 5.94 7.37 8.73 3300 4.77 7.00 8.86 3.24 3.77 4.70 5.92 7.35 8.88 3400 4.84 7.21 8.96 3.19 3.71 4.64 5.87 7.32 8.86 3500 4.90 7.31 9.06 3.13 3.61 4.50 5.78 7.26 8.80 3600 4.95 7.40 9.16 3.05 3.50 4.37 5.67 7.16 8.73 3700 4.99 7.48 9.24 2.96 3.39 4.26 5.55 7.01 8.58 3800 5.03 7.54 9.29 2.84 3.28 4.15 5.41 6.87 8.41 3900 5.06 7.60 9.34 2.72 3.13 4.02 5.20 6.70 9.27 4000 5.08 7.64 9.37 2.58 2.95 3.84 5.01 6.48 8.04 4200 5.10 7.70 9.38 2.27 2.55 3.37 4.52 5.98 7.51 4500 5.07 7.69 9.27 1.64 1.77 2.45 3.68 5.05 6.55 5000 4.82 7.42 8.75 0.42 0.55 0.61 1.55 2.78 4.32 733 734 MENSURATION DATA Circumference of a circle = diameter X 22/7 or 3.146. Area of circle = square of diameter X .78.54. Area of sector of circle = length of arc X V% of radius. Area of triangle = Yi of base X perpendicular height. Area of equilateral triangle = square of side X .433. Area of regular polygon. Inscribe a circle, then, of radius of circle X length of one side X number of sides. Area of a parabola = base X height X %■ Area of an ellipse = long axis X short X .7854. To find one side of a square equal in diameter to a given circle = diameter of circle X .8862. To find diameter of a circle equal to a given square = side X 1 .1284. Side of square inscribed in circle = diameter of circle X .707. Diameter of circle circumscribing square = side of square X 1.414. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONVERSION FACTORS lb. per sq. inch = .0703 kilos per sq. centimeter, kilo per sq. centimeter = 14.223 pounds per sq. inch. lb. per cubic foot = 16.018 kilos per cubic meter, kilo per cubic meter = .064 lbs. per cu. ft. lb. per gallon kilo per liter = .09983 kilos per liter. = 10.438 lbs. per gallon. grain per inch = .0255 grammes per centimeter, gramme per centimeter = 39.198 grains per inch. grain per inch = .00514 lbs. per yard, lb. per yard = 194.444 grains per inch. gramme per centimeter= .2016 lbs. per yard. lb. per yard = 4.96054 grammes per centimeter. kilo per meter lb. per yard = 2.016 lbs. per yard. = .496 kilos per meter. oz. per sq. yard = 33.905 grammes per sq. meter, grain per sq. meter = .02949 oz. per sq. yard. 735 TABLE OF DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS Inches MM. || Inches MM. Inches MM. 1/64 .015625 .397 23/04 .359375 9.128 45/64 .703125 17.859 1/32 .03125 .794 3/8 .3750 9.525 23/32 .71875 18.256 3/64 .046875 1.191 25/64 .390625 9.922 47/04 .734375 18.053 1/16 .0625 1.588 13/32 .40625 10.319 3/4 .75 19.050 5/64 .078125 1.984 27/64 .421875 10.716 49/04 .765625 19.447 3/32 .09375 2.381 7/16 .4375 11.113 25/32 .78125 19.844 7/64 .109375 2.778 29/64 .453125 11.509 51/04 .796875 20.241 1/8 .1250 3.175 15/32 .46875 11.906 13/16 .8125 20.638 9/64 .140625 3.572 31/64 .484375 12.303 53/64 .828125 21.034 5/32 .15625 3.969 1/2 .5 12.700 27/32 .84375 21.431 11/64 .171875 4.366 33/64 .515625 13.097 55/64 .859375 21.828 3/16 .1875 4.763 17/32 .53125 13.494 7/8 .875 22.225 13/64 .203125 5.159 35/04 .546875 13.891 57/64 .890625 22.622 7/32 .21875 5.556 9/16 .5625 14.288 29/32 .90625 23.019 15/64 .234375 5.953 37/64 .578125 14.684 59/64 .921875 23.416 1/4 .2500 6.350 19/32 .59375 15.081 15/16 .9375 23.813 17/64 .265625 6.747 39/64 .609375 15.478 61/64 .953125 24.209 9/32 .28125 7.144 5/8 .625 15.875 31/32 .96875 24.606 19/64 .296875 7.541 41/64 .640625 16.272 63/64 .984375 25.003 5/16 .3125 7.938 21/32 .65625 16.669 1 1.000 25.400 21/64 .328125 8.334 43/64 .671875 17.066 11/32 .34375 8.731 11/16 .6875 17.463 MILLIMETERS REDUCED TO DECIMALS OF AN INCH MM. Inches MM. Inches MM. Inch es MM. Inches MM. Inches 1 .03937 21 .82677 41 1.61417 61 2.40157 81 3.18897 2 .07874 22 .86614 42 1.65354 62 2.44094 82 3.22834 3 .11811 23 .90551 43 1.69291 63 2.48031 83 3.26771 4 .15748 24 .94488 44 1.73228 64 2.51968 84 3.30708 5 .19685 25 .98425 45 1.77165 65 2.55905 85 3.34645 6 .23622 26 1.02362 46 1.81102 66 2.59842 86 3.38582 7 .27559 27 1.06299 47 1.85039 67 2.63779 87 3.42519 8 .31496 28 1.10236 48 1.88976 68 2.67716 88 3.46456 9 .35433 29 1.14173 49 1.92913 69 2.71653 89 3.50393 10 .39370 30 1.18110 50 1.96850 70 2.75590 90 3.54330 11 .43307 31 1.22047 51 2.00787 71 2.79527 91 3.58267 12 .47244 32 1.25984 52 2.04724 72 2.83464 92 3.62204 13 .51181 33 1.29921 53 2.08661 73 2.S7401 93 3.66141 14 .55118 34 1.33858 54 2.12598 74 2.91338 94 3.70078 15 .59055 35 1.37795 55 2.16535 75 2.95275 95 3.74015 16 .62992 36 1.41732 56 2.20472 76 2.99212 96 3.77952 17 .66929 37 1.45669 57 2.24409 77 3.03149 97 3.81S89 18 .70866 38 1.49606 58 2.28346 78 3.07086 98 3.85S26 19 .74803 39 1.53543 59 2.32283 79 3.11023 99 3.S976S 20 .78740 40 1 .57480 1 60 2.36220 80 3.14960 73G TABLE OF INTERRELATION OF UNITS OF MEASUREMENT LENGTH Units Inches Feet Yards Centimeters Meters I inch 1 .0833333 .0277778 2.540005 .02540005 1 foot 12 1 .333333 30.48006 .3048006 1 yard 36 3 1 91.44018 .9144018 1 cm. .3937 .03280833 .010936111 1 .01 1 meter 39.37 3.280833 1.0936111 100 1 AREA Units Square Inches Square Feet Square Yards Square Centimeters Square Meters 1 sq. inch 1 .00694444 .000771605 6.451626 .0006451626 1 sq. foot 144 1 .1111111 929.0341 .09290341 I sq. yard 1296 9 1 8361.307 .8361307 1 sq. cm. .1549997 .001076387 .0001195985 1 .0001 1 sq. meter 1549.9969 10.76387 1.195985 10000 1 VOLUME Units Cubic Inch Cubic Feet Cubic Yards Cubic Centimeters Cubic Meters 1 cu. inch i .000578704 .00002143347 16.387162 .00001638716 1 cu. foot 1728 1 .037037 28317.016 .028317016 1 cu. yard 46656 27 i 764559.4 .7645594 1 cu. cm. .06102338 .00003531445 .00000130794 1 .000001 1 cu. meter 61023.38 35.31445 1.3079428 1000000 1 WEIGHT Units Grains Drams Avoirdupois Ounces Avoirdupois Pounds Grams Kilograms 1 .03657143 .00228571 .0001428571 .064798918 0000647989 27.34375 1 .0625 .0001395 1.772 .001772 i 437.5 16 1 .0625 28.349527 .02834953 7000 256 16 1 453.5924277 .4535924277 15.432356 .05643833 .03527396 .00220462 1 .001 1 kilogram 15432.356 564.38332 35.27396 2.204622341 1000 1 737 - VIEWS OF COTTON MILLS 740 Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co., Sai.em. Mass. 1.50,356 Spindles, 2934 Looms Cotton Sheetings 741 Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co., Salem, Mass. Picker Room (42 Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co., Salem, Mass. 74:J Natjmkeag Steam Cotton Co., Salem, Mass. Spinning Department • 714 Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co., Salem, Mass. Slasher Room 745 Quissett Mill, New Bedford, Mass. 80,000 Ring Spindles Combed Egyptian and Sea Island Yarns 46 Soule Mill, New Bedford, Mass. 45, (>!)(> Ring Spindles, 1150 Bnuid Looms, 1150 Narrow Looms Lawns and Organdies, Cotton and Silk 747 International Cotton Mills, Lowell, Mass. 48 M ASSAC1IUSKTTS COTTON MlLLS, LOWELL, MASS. 17<>,232 Ring' Spindles, .j()5(> Looms Denims, Clinmliniys, (iinglmms. Rlankels, Klii.nelett.es, etc. 749 of the Pacific Mills, Lawrence, 184,096 Ring Spindles, 3811 Looms Prints and Fancy Cotton Fabrics 750 New Bedford Cotton Mills Coup., New Bedford, Mass. 4d,00() Ring Spindles, 1400 Looms Fine ( ’otton Goods 751 Great Falls Mfg. Co., Somersworth, 125,100 Ring Spindles, 2650 Looms Sateens and Coutils Nashua Mfg. Co., Jackson Mill, Nashua, N. H. 03,400 Ring Spindles, 1722 Looms Sheetings, Drills, Domets and Flannels i 02 American Cotton Fabric Cohi\. Passaic Mills Division, Passaic, Tire Fabrics 754 Amkiucan Cotton Faiiuic Coiii*., Passaic Division, Passaic Picker Room 755 American Cotton Fabric Corp., Passaic Division, Passaic, Carding and Drawing Department 756 Amkiiican Cotton Kahkic Cori\, Passaic Division, Passaic Spinning Hoorn 758 Riverside and 1)an River Cotton Mills. Danville, \ a. 411.864 Ring Spindles. 11,704 Looms CliamLrays. (linghams. Sliirliiigs, Sheetings, Cheviots, ete. 759 Riverside and Dan River Cotton Mills, Danville, Slasher Room GO Flint River Cotton Mills, Albany, G 22,210 King Spiiidlos, 520 Broad Looms Shod ings 761 Massachusetts Cotton Mills, Lindale, Ga. 102,016 Ring Spindles, 460 Broad Looms, 2734 Narrow Looms Sheetings, Shirtings, Ducks, Drills, Flannels and Denims 02 Dwight Mfg. Co., Alabama City. 74,492 Ring Spindles, 1 {)(>() Looms Sheetings, Drills and Duck 703 Brown and Bleached Sheeting: 764 Musgrove Mills, Gaffney, S. C. 15,000 Ring Spindles, 400 Broad Looms Cotton Goods 765 :olet Mfg. Co., Pacolet, S. < ,184 Ring Spindles, 2080 Looms Sheetings, Drills and Twills 66 Winnshoko Mills, Winnshoko, 77.0 t 28 Kin<« Spindles Dunean Mills, Greenville, S. ( 50,720 Ring Spindles, 1200 Looms Picker Room 768 Dunean Mills, Greenville, Warping 1 )epartment c c C jj 769 .Brandon Mills, Creenville, b. C. Duck Mill. (5712 Spindles, 52 Looms) 87,808 Ring Spindles, 2200 Broad Looms Converters Cloths, Sateens and Sheetings 770 Miller Cotton Mills, Waco, Texas 10,000 Spindles, .‘3.50 Looms Mine Denims Cosmos Cotton Co., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 19,508 Ring Spindles, 18(i Looms Cotton Duck, Paper Felts, Hose and Belting, Press Cloths and Twines 772 Compania dio Industhias Textis, Salto, Brazil Complete Installation of Saco- Lowell Machinery for Waste Yarns 773 Inca Cotton Mills, Lima, Peru Largest Cotton Mill in Peru 774 "'aukica Ki. Tkimdad, IYkhla, Mexico 775 Ebmundo Bebie, La Farga, San Quirico de Besora, Spain 776 Riva y Garcia, San Hipolito re Voltbeqa, Spain 777 Toyq Cotton Spinning Co., No. 1 Mill, Yamada, Japan 30,000 Ring Spindles. Cotton Yarns This Company Operates 100,000 Spindles of Saco-Lowell Machinery 778 Intkuioh of Toyo Cotton Spinning Co. Mill, Yamaha, Japan 779 Cotton Mixing Room of the Toyo, Yamaha Mill 780 Drawing and Roving Machinery in Torn Cotton Spinning Co., Yamada, Japan 781 Sanko Cotton Spinning Mill, Tokio, Japan Roving Frames Spinning Machinkhv, Sanko Cotton Spinning Mii.i.. Siiidzouka, Japan .‘{2,000 l{ing Spindles Colton Yarns S3 Card Room op the Nagoya Spinning Mill, Nagoya, Japan 35,000 Ring' Spindles Cotton Yarns 784 Kasiiiwara Spinning & Weaving Co., Kasiiiwara, Japan 12,000 Spindles. Saco-Lowell Machinery 785 Nagasaki Spinning & Weaving Mill, Nagasaki, Japan 12,000 Spindles This Company Operates 60,000 Spindles of Saco-Lowell Machinery 7 S(i Spinning Room ok the Mousselaine ok Laine Spinning & Weaving Mill. Osaka. Japan IK), 000 Spindles. Saco- Rowell Maeliinery 78 ' Godown and Office of the Wing On Co., Shanghai, China 30,720 Ring Spindles 788 Intkhioh of Wing On Miu„ Shanghai, China 789 IIou Sung Cotton Mills, Shanghai, China 49,536 Ring Spindles, 396 Looms 790 Waii IIsinc; Cotton Mills, Tientsin. China L 27.072 Ring Spindles 791 Interior of the Heng Yuen Cotton Mill, Tientsin, China 30,720 Ring Spindles, 200 Looms 92 Yu Yuan Cotton Mill, Tientsin, China 71,3(10 Ring Spindles, 1,000 Looms 793 Great China Cotton Mills, Shanghai, China 42,104 Ring Spindles 794 Fabrica de IIilados y Tejidos Del Hato Medellin, Colombia, 3300 Spindles. Saeo-Lowcll Machinery Index Adjustable (irids for Vertical < Ipjeher If Adjustable Grids for Lappcrs 77 Apron Conveyors 26-27 Area of Circles and other plane figures 735 Area, Metric vs. U. S. Standard units 737 Automatic Feeders 37 Automatic Hopper Feed Regu- lator 41 Automatic Distributors 31 Rale Breaker, No. -t 7 Bale Breaker, Motor Drive . . 330 Bale Breaker Specifications . . 330 Ball Bearings for Lappers 74 Ball Bearing Top Rolls for Roving Frames 201 Bailers 29.5 Reamer 305 Ream Warpers 283 Bearings, Ring Oiling, Lappers 75 Beater Locks 73 Beats per inch, Lapper Beaters 358 Belt Guards for Lappers 85 Belt List for Openers and Lap- pers 380 Belt List for Cards 393 Belt Shippers for Cards 133 Belts — Power transmitted by 733 Belting Data 734 Birkenhead Creels for Roving Frames 198 Birkenhead Creels for Spinning Frames 207 Bin Distributors 29 Bins, Capacity of Cotton 349 Bobbin Charts, Roving 454-455 Bobbins, Spinning 512-513 Bobbin Charts, Twisters . .570-571 Bobbin Gauges, Roving 204 Breaker Lapper, Condenser and Gauge Box 57 Breaker Lapper, Screen Section 57 Breaker Lapper, with Automatic Feeder 57 Breaker Lapper, Two-Beater Machines 59 I Breaker Lapper with Exhaust Opener Section 59 Breaker Lapper with Feeder and Evener 60 Waste Carding and Spinning. . 137 Buckley Cylinders (Lapper) . 76 Builder Motion, Spinning 218 Butterworth Shoddy Picker . 116 Calender, 3-Roll for Waste Ala- chine 105 Calender Rolls for Drawing Frames 169 Card Appurtenances: Fancy Roll 141 Mote Knife Roll 143 Card & Picker Waste Cleaner. 93-95 Card Clothing Data 393 Card Extras 393 Carding Beaters 67 Carding, the Process of 119 Carding Waste Stock 135-147 Cards, Description of 121 Card Stripper 151 Card Stripper Condensers . . 153 Care of Cards 394 Drawing Frames 416 Picking Machinery 348 Roving Frames 452 Slashers 695 Spinning Frames 508 Spoolers 647 Twisters 562 Centigrade vs. Farenheit 722 Chain Belts, Power transmitted by ... 733 Cleaning Trunk 46 Cleanout for Card and Picker Waste Cleaners 95 Clearers for Drawing 173-175 Coders, Method of setting on drawing frame 414 Combination Beam and Leesc Warpers 293 Combing Roll for Feeder 39 Compound for Roving Frames . 199 Condenser for Card Stripper . 153 Condensers 21-23 Cone Belts on Roving 448 795 INDEX — Continued Contraction in Yarn due to Twist 556 Conversion Factors — Metric and American systems 737 Conversion Tables for number- ing yarn 716-720 Conveying Machinery 5 Conveying System — table of eqidpment 337 Cotton Bales, Size of 711 Cotton Bins, Capacity of 349 Cotton Grading 711 Cotton, Varieties of 710 Counts — conversion tables .710-720 Creels for Warpers 289 Cylinder Grinder for Waste Ala- chines 110 Cylinder Speeds, Spinning . .539-542 Decimal Equivalents of Frac- tions 736 Diameter of yarns 717 Differential Motion (Roving) . 199 Distributor, Automatic 28-31 Distributor, Bin 29 Doffer. Revolutions per minute 402- 403 Double Carding 135 Double Distributor 33 Doubling and Twisting Frames. 235 Draft Calculations and Tables: Card 400 Drawing Frames 417-419 Evener Drawing Frames . . 439 Lappers 352-353 Roving Frames 470-471 Spinning Frame 527 SpinningFrame Change Gears 529 Spinning Frame Constants 528 Drawing Frame 163 Drawing Frame Roll Weights . 415 Dust Chimney Area 349 Dust Room Area 349 Elevator for Laps 81 English Shoddy Picker 113 Evener Drawing Frame 179 Evener, No. 5 Lapper 64 Fancy Roll for Cards Fans for Conveying Systems. Fahrenheit vs. Centigrade Feeder, No. 5 Feeder in connection with Waste Machinery Feeders, Tandem Feed Plate for Waste Opener. Feed Regulator for Bale Breaker Feed Regulator for No. 5 Feeder Feed Table Field Patent Electric Yarn In- spector for Twisters Five-Section Waste Opener Flyers, Roving Four-Coiler Front for Cards Four-Section Waste Opener French Yarn Numbering Sys. Front Plate for Cards 141 21 722 37 88 43 107 9 41 11 260 103 202 145 103 716 124 Galvanized Pipe for Card Strip- pers 153 Galvanized Pipe for Conveying System 24 Gear Drive for Slasher Cylinder 309 Grading Cotton 711 Gordon Card Attachment 149 Grids, Pat. Adj. Lappers 77 Grids, Patent Adjustable for A’ertical Openers 14 Grinder for Cards 131 Grinder for Waste Openers . 110 Hand of Twisters 255-567 Hank Clock and Stop Alotion for Drawing Frames 172 Hank Clock for Roving 203 Hank Clock for Spinning 223 Hank Clock for Twisters . 245-257 Hank Clocks, Directions for Ordering 151 Hank of Laps 349 Hank of Laps (French System) 349 Hot Air Slasher 315 Humidity Tables 725-729 Installation of Slashers 695 Intermediate Lapper 63 Knee Brakes. Twister 249 196 INDEX — Continued Lap Counting Device 55 Lap Elevator 81 Lappers 51 Lap Rods 79 Laps, Weight of for Finisher Card 409 Laps, Weight of Picker 349 Lap Trucks 83 Lap Winders 157 Large-Capacity Willow 91 Lattice Conveyors 26-27 Lattice Feed Table 11 Lay Gears on Roving Frame (See production tables) . . 479-493 Leese Clock Change Gears . .666-670 Leese Warpers 293 Length, Metric vs. American . 737 Length of Roving Frames . 456-457 Length of Roving Frames, Met- ric 458 Length of Spinning Frame .516-521 Length of Spinning Frame, Met- ric 522-523 Length of Spoolers 653 Length of Twisters 572-576 Length of Twisters, Metric . . . 577 Length, Table of Skeins and Hanks 498-555 Lickerin, Cards 125 Lickerin Wire, Point-Hardened 126 Lightning Tie Cutter 79 Lock for Lap Winder 159 Machinery-Moving Trucks ... 85 Mensuration Data 735 Metallic Rolls, Drawing 175 Metallic Thread Boards, Twister 243 Metric Conversion Factors ... 735 Metric Conversion Tables .... 736 Metric Lengths of Roving Frames 458 Metric Lengths of Spinning Frames 523 Metric Lengths of Twisters . . . 577 Metric System of Numbering Yarn 712 Millimeters reduced to decimals of an inch 736 Mills, Photographs of .... 740-794 Mote Knife Roll, Cards 143 Motor Drive for Lappers 71 Motor Drive for Spinning Frames 221 Motor Drive for Twisters 253 Motor Drive on W-3 Waste Opener 373 Nivling System of Size Circu- lation 320 Notes on Specifications: Card and Picker Waste Cleaner 367 Cards 389 Card Stripper 391 Drawing Frame 413 Lappers 347 Openers 345 Roving Frames 447 Slashers 690 Spinning Frames 505 Spoolers 645 Twisters 562 Warpers 657 W-3 Waste Openers 370 Novelty Yarns 260 Numbering Card and Drawing Frame Slivers 415-497 Numbering Cotton and other fibres 712 Numbering Cotton Yarn . 549-554 Numbering Plied Yarns . . . 713, 720 Numbering Roving 494-497 Numbering Yarns, Comparative Tables 714 One-Section Waste Opener .... 101 Opener, Nos. 7 & 9 45 Opening Machinery 5 Operating, Notes on: Care of Cards 394 Care of Drawing Frames . 416 Care of Roving Frames . . . 452 Care of Spinning Frames . 508 Changing Hank Roving on Roving Frames 499 Miscellaneous Rules for Spinning 556 Picking Machinery 348 Setting Beaters 349 Setting of Cards 395 797 INDEX — Continued Operating, Notes on (continued): Setting of Coilers 414 Setting Waste Machine Cylinders 371 Slashers 69.5 Spoolers 647 Twisters .566 Ounces reduced to grains 5.54 Pipe for Card Stripper . 153 Pipe for Conveying System . 24 Plied Yarns, System of Number- ing 713 Porcupine Cylinder 76 Positive Expansion Comb for Slasher <507 Positive Expansion Comb for Warper 664 Positive Expansion Combs 290 Power Required for Cotton Ma- chinery 730 Power Requirements: Bale Breaker 330 Butterworth Shoddy Picker 379 C a r d a n d P i c k e r Waste Cleaner 366 Cards 390 Card Strippers 392 Condensers 334-336 Distributors 341 Drawing Frames 414 English Shoddy Picker 376 Evener Drawing Frames . 436 Fans 332 Feed Table 332 Lappers 350 Lap Winders 409 No. 5 Feeder 343 Roving Frame 4.50 Slasher 700 Spinning Frame 511 Spooler 650 Thread Extractor 368 Twister 56.5 Warpers 658 Willow 362 W-3 Waste Opener . 372-373 Power transmitted by Belts . . 733 Power transmitted by Chain 733 Power transmitted by Shafting 734 Production Calculation — Rov- ing 500 Production Constants — Draw- ing 420 Production Constants — Roving 498 Production Constants — Spin- ning 55.5 Production Data and Tables: Bale Breaker 330 Card and Picker Waste Cleaner 3(56 Card — Production tables 401 Condenser, No. 1 334 Condenser, No. 6 336 Condenser, No. 9 33.5 Conveying System 337 Distributors 341 Drawing Frames 420-426 Evener Drawing Frames 441-442 Lapper Production Tables 3.50- 3.5.5-357 Lap Winders 408 No. 5 Feeder 343 Roving Frames 479-493 Shoddy Picker, Butter- worth 379 Shoddy Picker, English . . 376 Slashers 698-699 Spinning — Filling ^ arn .54.5 Spinning — Hosiery Yarn . 546 Spinning — Warp Yarn . .544 Spoolers 651 Thread Extractor 368 Twister 637-642 Vertical Opener 331 Warpers 675-686 Willow 362 W-3 Waste Opener 372 Pulley Speed — Twisters . . .593-597 Ratio, Cylinder to Whirl — Spinning 534-538 Ratio, Cylinder to Whirl — Twisters 592 Revolving Clearers, Drawing 175 Rings, Twister 247 Roll Sizes on Roving Frames 449 Roll Sizes on Spinning Frames 507 Roll Weights on Drawing Frames 41.5 INDEX — Continued Roving Frame Roister Sizes . . 148 Roving Frame Cone Belts . . 448 Roving Frame Creel Space .... 450 Roving Frame Rolls 200 Roving Frame Spindle Sizes . . 448 Roving, The Process of 187 Roving Waste Machines 98 Rule for Changing Hank on Roving Frames 499 Self-Aligning Bearings .'58, 75 Selley Device for Slashers 318 Separators (Spinning) 220 Setting Beaters 349 Setting Cards 395 Setting Coders of Drawing Frames 414 Setting Waste Machine Cylinders 349 Sewing Machine for Tapes . 229 Shafting, Power transmitted by 734 Shoddy Picker, Butterworth Pattern 116 Shoddy Picker, English Pattern 1 13 Silk, Systems of Numbering .712-713 Six-Section Waste Opener . 103 Size Kettles 318 Size of Cotton Bales 711 Size, Preparation and Circula- tion of 320 Size Pumps 327 Sizing, Saco-Lowell Circulating Size System 325 Sizing, The Nivling System . . . 320 Skewers, Roving Frame . 454-455 Slasher Appurtenances 316 Slasher Combs 303 Slasher Cylinder and Center Frame '. 307 Slasher Extras 694 Slasher Head Ends 301 Slasher, Hot Air 315 Slasher Positive Gear Drive . . 309 Slasher Regular Equipment . . 694 Slasher Size Vat 310 Slashers 299 Slashers, Area of contact of yarn 700 Slashers, Hot Air, Area of heat- ing surface 700 Slipp Device for Slashers 313 Soaping device for Waste Opener 1 09 Space in Roving Creels 450 Specifications: Bale Breaker, No. 4 330 Butterworth Shoddy Picker 379 Card and Picker Waste Cleaner 366 Cards 388 Card Strippers 391 Condensers 333 Distributor 341 Drawing Frame 412 English Shoddy Picker . 376 Evener Drawing Frame . . 436 Feeder. No. 5 343 Hank Clocks 451 Tappers 346 Openers 344 Roving Frames 446 Roving Waste and Hard Waste Openers 369 Slashers 688 Spinning F’rames 502 Spoolers 644 Thread Extractor's 368 T wisters 560 Vertical Openers 331 Warpers 656 Willow 362 Spindle Sizes on Roving Frames 448 Spindle Speed on Roving Frames (See production tables) 479-493 Spindles, Spinning Frame 227 Spindles, Twister 249 Spinning Frame 207 Spinning Frame, Motor Drive . 221 Spinning Frame, Pape Drive 225 Spiral Gear Drive for Evener in Lapper 65 Split Lap Preventer 78 Spooler 263 Spooler Bobbin Holder 271 Spooler, different models 273 Spooler, Methods of Applying Bands 648 Spooler Thread Guides 270 Spooler Traverse Table 649 Spooling from Filling- Wound Bobbins 279 Spring Combs for Warper, Table of 663 99 INDEX — Continued Sprocket for Card Flats 129 Steel Lap Rod 79 Stop Motion for D rawing Frames 172 Stop Motion for Twister 259 Stop Motion Spoons, Drawing 171 Systems of Numbering Yarn. 712 Table of Warper Creels 289 Tandem Feeder 43 Tandem Lap Attachment for Waste Card 146 Tandem Vertical Openers 17 Tape Drive for Spinning Frames 225 Tape Drive for Spoolers. 269 Tape Drive for Twisters 255 Tape for Spinning Frames . 557 Tape Sewing Machine 229 Tension Gears on Roving (See Production Tables) 479-493 Thermometer Scales 722 Thomas Automatic Regulator . 35 Thompson Stripping Roll . . 128 Thread Boards, Spinning 211 Thread Boards, Twister 243 Thread Extractor 97 Thread Guide for Spooler 270 Three-roll Calender for Waste Opener 105 Three-Section Waste Opener. . . 103 Tie-Cutter for Cotton Bales ... 79 Top Clearers for Drawing F’rames 173 Top Flats (Cards) 127 Track for Handling Section Beams in Slasher Creel 700 Trap Twister 259 Travelers, Number and Weight of 547 Travelers, Numbers for different counts 548 Truck for Laps 83 Trucks for Moving Machinery 85 Trunk 46 Twist Constants and Tables: Roving Frame 472 Roving Frame Change Gear 473 Roving Frame Twist Ta- bles 474-477 Twist Constants and Tables: Spinning Frame Formulae 531 Spinning Frame Twist Con- stants 534-538 Spinning Twist Tables and Multipliers 532-533 38" Standard Twister Con- stants 580-581 Model A & C Twister Con- stants 584-591 Twist Tables (Twisters 2 to 12 ply) 598-635 Twister Bobbins 570-571 Twister Extras 568 Twister Motor Drive 253 Twister Rings 247 Twister Spindles 249 Twisters, Saco-Lowell 237 Twisting, The Process of 233 Two-Section Waste Opener . 101 Varieties of Cotton 710 Vats for Slashers 311 Vertical Apron Conveyor 26-27 Vertical Opener Grids 14 Vertical Opener, Hand F'eed 19 Vertical Opener, Motor Drive . 19 Vertical Openers arranged Tan- dem 17 Vertical Opener with Apron De- livery 17 Volume, Metric vs. American Standard 737 Warpers for Beaming 283 Warper Spring Combs 663 Waste Carding and Spinning: Preparatory Process 89 Spinning 137 Waste Openers, Motor Driven 373 W-3 Waste Openers 98-101 Weight Equivalents, Ounces and Grains 554 Weight of Cotton on Roving Bobbins 479-493 Weight of Laps for Finisher Card 409 Weight of Machines: Bale Breaker, No. 4 330 Bailers 658 soo INDEX TO CUTS W eight of Machines ( continued ): Butterworth Shoddy Picker 379 Card and Picker Waste Cleaner 366 Cards 390 Condenser, No. 1 334 Condenser, No. 6 336 Condenser, No. 9 335 Distributors 341 Drawing Frames 414 English Shoddy Picker . 376 Evener Drawing Frame 436 Fans 332 Feeder, No. 5 343 Feed Table 332 Lappers 351 Lap Winders 409 Roving Frames 459 Size Kettles 319 Slashers 700 Spinning Frames 514-515 Spoolers 650 Thread Extractor 368 Trunks 333 Twisters 568-569 Vertical Openers 331 Index Adjustable Grids for Vertical Openers 14 Adjustable Grids for Lappers . 77 Apron Conveyors 25-27 Automatic Distributor 28 Automatic Feeder 36 Automatic Hopper Feed Regu- lator 40 Bale Breaker, No. 4 6 Bale Breaker, Cross Section ... 8 Bale Breaker andVertical Opener 12 Ball Bearings for Lappers 74 Ball Bearing Top Rolls for Roving 201 Bailers 291, 294 Beam Warper, Model A 282 Beam Warper, Model C 284 Bearings, Ring Oiling, for Lappers 75 Weight of Machines {continued) : Warper Beams 658-659 Warpers 658 W-3 Waste Openers 372 Willow 362 Weight of Picker Laps in Ounces, Grains, and Hank . 349 Weight of Travelers 547 Weights, Metric vs. U. S. Stand- ard 737 Weight System of Numbering Yarns 712 Weights, Table of Roving 498 W eights. Table of Yarn 555 W eights used on Drawing Frame Rolls 415 Wet Twisting 251 Willow 91 Yardage Knock-Off Motion for Twisters 257 Yarn, Contraction due to Twist 556 Yarn Diameters 717 Yarn — Numbering 712-713 Yarn, Varieties of Twisted 235 Yarn, Yards on Section Beams 660- 662 o Cuts Bearings, Self-Aligning 38 Bearing for Slasher Cylinder . 306 Beater Locks 72 Beater, Kirschner Carding .... 66 Belt Shippers for Cards 132 Birkenhead Creel for Roving 198 Birkenhead Creel for Spinning 217 Bobbin Gauges, Roving 204 Bobbins, for Roving 455 Bobbins, Spinning 512 Bobbins, Twister 570 Breaker Lapper with Vertical Opener and No. 7 Opener ... 48 Breaker Lapper with No. 5 FYeder 50 Breaker Lapper, 2-Beater with 40" Cylinder 52 Breaker Lapper with Condenser and Gauge Box 56 INDEX TO CUTS — Continued Breaker Lapper with Screen Section .50 Breaker Lapper, 2-Beater with Feeder .58 Breaker Lapper with Exhaust Opener Section 58 Breaker Lapper with Feeder and Evener 00 Breaker Waste Card 130 Buckley Cylinder 70 Builder Motion, Spinning 218 Lutterworth Shoddy Picker 110 Calender, 3-Roll, for Waste Machine 101 Calender Rolls for Drawing Frame 109 Card and Picker Waste Cleaner 92, 94 Carding Beater 00 Card (front and back views) 118, 120 Card Cross Section . . 122 Card Belted for Grinding 130 Card. Breaker for Waste .... 130 Card. Finisher for Waste .. 134 Card with Fancy Roll 140 Card with 4-Goiler Front 144 Card with 2-Coiler Front 147 Card with tandem lap attach- ment 140 Card with Gordon Attachment 148 Card Diagrams of Gearing. .398-399 Card Cylinder Detail . 120 Card Stripper 150, 152 Clearers, Common for Drawing Frame 173 Clearers, Revolving, for Draw- ing Frame 174 Cleaning Trunk 40 Clips for Card Flats 127 Comb, Positive Expansion 290 Combination Breaker and Fin- isher Lapper 08 Combing Roll for Feeder 39 Compound on Roving Frame . 199 Condensers, Nos. 1, 0 and 9 20 Condenser, No. 0, Cross Section 22 Creel, Standard for Spinning 216 Creel, Birkenhead for Roving . 198 Creel, Birkenhead for Spinning 217 Creel, V-type for Warper 288 Cylinder Grinder for Waste Machine 110 Cylinder Bearings for Cards 126 Distributor, Automatic 28 Distributor, Detail of Parts . 30 Distributor, Double 32 Differential Motion of Roving Frame 199 Drawing Frame, front view 162, 164 Drawing Frame, cross section, metallic rolls 166 Drawing Frame, cross section, leather rolls 168 Drawing Frame, Head End Gearing 170 Drawing Frame, Diagram of Rolls and Gearing 429-433 Drawing Frame, Diagram for Setting Coilers 414 Drawing Frame, Diagram of Tube Gear Drive 428 Elevator for Laps 80 English Shoddy Picker 112-114 Evener, No. 5, for Lapper 64 Evener Drawing Frame 178, 180 Evener Drawing Frame Plan and Elevation 182, 183 Evener Drawing Frame Dia- gram of Rolls and Gearing. . 438 Fancy Roll for Cards 140 F'eeder, No. 5 36 Feeder, No. 5, Cross Section 342 Feeders, Arranged Tandem 42 Feed Regulator, No. 5 Feeder . 40 Feed Table, Single and Double. 10 Feed Plate for Waste Opener 107 Finisher Lapper 62 Finisher Lapper Cross Section 61 Finisher Waste Card 134 Five-Section Hard Maste Opener 106 Flat Clips, Card 127 Flyers, Roving 202 Four-coiler Front for Card ... 144 Front Plate for Card 124 ' Gallows Pulley Drive for Verti- cal Opener 13 INDEX TO CUTS— Continued Gear Diagrams: Coilcr Gearing 398-39!) Drawing Frame Gearing 429-433 Fine Roving Frames . 467-468 Intermediate Roving Frames 466-467 Jack Frames 469 Lap Winder 406 Slubbers 465-466 Spinning Frame 524 Spinning Frame Roll Gear- ing 526 Tube gears. Drawing Frame 428 Twister, 38" Standard . 578 Twisters, Model A and C . 582 Willow Gearing 365 Gear Drive for Slasher Cylinder 308 Gearing for Card Coders . 398-399 Gearing in Spinning Frame Head End 215, 524 Gearing in Twister Head End 578 Types A and C 582 Gordon Card Attachment 148 Grids, Patent Adjustable for Vertical Opener 14 Grids, Patent Adjustable for Lappers 77 Grinder for Waste Machine Lap Trucks 82 La]> Winder 156-158 La]) Winder Gearing 406 Lattice Conveyors 25-27 Leese Clock for Warper 665 Leese Warper, Model A 291 Leese Warper Floor Stand 292 Lickerin Details, Card 125 Lightning Tie Cutter 79 Lock for Lap Winder 156 M aehinery Moving Trucks . .84-85 Metallic Thread Boards, Spin- ning 222 Metallic Thread Boards, Twist- ers 242 Mote Knife Roll, Cards 142 Motor Drive for Lappers 70-71 M otor Drive for Spinning Frame 221 Motor Drive for Twisters 252 Nivling System of Size Circu- lation 322-323 One-Section W-3 Waste Opener 100, 108 Opener, Xo. 7 with Feeder . . 44 Cylinder 110 Grinder for Cards 131 Hand of Twisters, Diagram . . 567 Hank Clock, Drawing Frame 172 Hank Clock, Roving Frame . . 203 Hank Clock, Spinning Frame 223 Hank Clock, Twisters 256 Hank Clock Diagram for Order- ing 451 Hot Air Slasher 304, 314 Intermediate Lapper 62 Intermediate Roving Frame 190, 192 Knee Brakes for Twister Spin- dles 249 Knock-off Motion, Twisters . . . 256 Lap Counting Device, Lappers. 55 Lap Elevator 80 Lap Rods 79 Plans and Elevations of Machines: Bale Breaker A T o. 4 340 Beamer 706 Breaker with Xo. 5 Feeder 359 Breaker with Condenser and Gauge Box 360 Breaker with Screen Sec- tion 360 Breaker with Exhaust Opener Section 360 Breaker with 40" Cylinder, First Section 359 Breaker with 0-7 Opener and Vertical Opener . 360 Butterworth Shoddy Picker 378 Card, 40" 396 Card, 45" 397 Card Stripper Condensers 392 Combination Breaker and Finisher Lapper 360 Condenser, Xo. 1 334 Condenser, Xo. 9 335 803 INDEX TO CUTS -Continued Plans and Elevations of Machines: Condenser, No. 6 336 Distributor Layout 338 Drawing Frame, 4 del. head 427 Drawing Frame, 6 del. head 428 English Shoddy Picker . 377 Evener Drawing Frame 437 Feeder, No. 5 340, 3.59 Feed Regulator 359 Finisher Lapper 360 Lap Winder, 20" 404 Lap Winder, 223^" 405 Opener, No. 7 with Feeder 359 Opener, No. 9 with Feeder 359 Opener with Apron delivery 359 Opener with pipe delivery 359 Opener, One-Section W-3 . 374 Picker Room Layout 338 Roving Waste Opener 374 Roving Frames 460-464 Slasher, 7' and 5' Cylinders 701 Slasher Double Head 702 Slasher Single Cylinder . . 703 Slasher with Truck Creel . 704 Slasher, Hot Air 705 Spinning Frames 516-520 Spooler 652 Twisters 572-573 Vertical Opener 340 Warper, Beam 672 Warper, Leese 673-674 Willow with Automatic Feeder 364 Porcupine Cylinder ... . 76 Positive Expansion Comb . 290 Revolving Clearers, Drawing . . 174 Rings, for Spinning Frames. . . 219 Rings, for Twisters 246 Roller Bearings for .Slasher 306 Rope Drive for Vertical Openers 18 Roving Frames in Mill 186 Roving Frame, front view . 190 Roving Frame, back view . 192 Roving Frame Gearing 194 Roving Frame Rolls 200-201 Roving Frame, diagram of gear- ing 465-469 Roving Traverse Motion 196 Roving Frame Compound 199 Self-Aligning Bearings for Lap- pers 38, 75 Separators for Spinning Frames 220 Sewing Machine for Tapes .... 229 Shoddy Picker, English Pattern 112 With Adj. Base 116 Shoddy Picker, Butterworth 116 Size Kettle 318 Size Pump 326 Sizing System, Nivling 322 Sizing System, Saco-Lowell . 324 Slasher, 7' and 5' Cylinders . . 298 Slasher with Double Headway . 300 Slasher with Three Cylinders . . 302 Slasher Cylinder Bearings 306 Slasher, Positive Gear Drive. . 308 Slasher Size Vat 310 Slasher, Hot Air 304-314 Slubber 188 Soaping Device for Waste Opener 108-109 Spindles for Spinning Frames . 226, 228 Spindles for Twister 248-249 Spinning Frame, Model 17 206 Spinning Frame, Model 22 208, 210. 212, 214 Spinning Frame, Motor Drive . 221 Spinning Frame, Tape Drive 224-225 Spinning Frame Draft Gearing. 526 Spinning Frame Twist Gearing. 530 Spinning Frame Head End Gear- ing 215, 524 Spinning Bobbins 512 Spiral Gear Drive for Tappers . 65 Split Lap preventer 78 Spooler, Model No. 1 272 Spooler, Model No. 3 274 Spooler, Model No. 4 266 Spooler, Model No. 5 276 Spooler Bobbin Holder 271 Spooler Geared End Open 262 Spooler Spindles 268 Spooler Tape Drive 268 Spooler Tension Devices 278 Spooler Thread Guide 270 Sprocket for Card Flats 129 INDEX TO CUTS — Continued Steel Lap Rods 79 Stop Motion for Drawing Frames 172 Stop Motion Spoons Drawing Frames 171 Stop Motion for Twisters, Trap 258 Strippers for Cards 150, 152 Tandem Feeders 42 Tandem Vertical Openers 4 Tandem Lap Attachment for Waste Cards 140 Tape Drive for Spinning .... 224-225 Tape Drive for Spooler 208 Tape Drive for Twisters 254 Tape Sewing Machine 229 Tension Devices for Spoolers 278 Thomas Automatic Regulator for Distributor 34 Thompson Stripping Roll . . 128 Thread Boards, Spinning 222 Thread Boards, Twisters 242 Thread Extractor 90 Thread Guides for Spoolers .... 270 Tie Cutters 79 Top Clearers, Drawing Frames 173- 174 Top Clearers, Roving Frames . 200 Trap Motion for Twisters .... 258 Trucks for Laps .. 82 Trunk, Cleaning 40 Twister, 38" Standard 232 Twister New Model 234 Twister Type A 23G, 238 Twister, Type C Beam Creel . . 240 Twister, Type C Pin Creel .... 244 Twister, Type C Motor Drive . 252 Twister Bobbins 570 Twister Diagram showing Hand 507 Twister Head End Gearing . 578, 582 Twister Rings . 240 Twister Spindles 248-249 Two-Coiler Head for Card . . 147 Vat for Slasher 310 Vertical Apron Conveyors . . . .20-27 Vertical Openers, Battery' of Three 4 Vertical Openers with Bale Breaker 12 Vertical Openers, Hand Feed . . 19 Vertical Openers, Motor Drive. 19 Vertical Opener, Grids 14 Vertical Opener, Cross Section 15 Vertical Opener with Apron Delivery, cross section 10 Vertical Openers, Methods of Driving 18 Vertical Openers with Picker (China Combination) 49 Views of Cotton Mills 740-793 Warper, Model A Beam 282 Warper, Model C Beam 284 Warper, Model A Leese 291 Warper, Combination Beam and Leese 294 Warper, Clock and Gearing . . . 280 Warper, Clock, Special Leese . 005 Warper, Floor Stand for Leese . 292 Warper V-Creel 288 Waste Breaker Card 130-140 Waste Finisher Card . . 134-144-140 Wet Twister Detail 250 Willow 90 Willow Gearing 305 W-3 Waste Opener, 1-section 100 With Soaping Attachment . 108 W-3 Waste Opener, 2-section 102-104 W-3 Waste Opener, 5-section 10G Yardage Knock-Off Motion for Twisters 250 805 .