>'-:3. »A if*/ 'M '«|5-' DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FRANK BAKER COLLECTION OF WESLEYANA AND .BRITISH METHODISM .■jmai^^tixi'i,. n ^a^i^i^c. / C A T O, TRAGEDY, By Mr A D D I S O N. E9ce fpeSacuhm di^num, ad quod refp'tciat, intentus oper'i fufft Deus ! Ecce tar Deo dtgtmm, vir fortis cum mala fortunx compofitus ! l^on video, inquam, quid habeat in terris Jupiter, puJchrius, ft convertere animum velit, quam ut fpedet Catonemt jam partibus non femel fradiSt nihilominui inter ruinas publicds trtdum. Sen. de Divin. Prov. EDINBURGH: Printed for John Wood, Bookfeller in the New Exchange. (Price Sixpence.) ^ P R O L O G U E, By Mr POPE, Spoken by Mr WILKS. CJ^O "wake the Sou/ by tender Strokes of Art, -^ To raife the Genius ^ and to mend the Heart ^ To make Mankind in confcioui Virtue hold^ Live o'er each Scene, ajid be what they behold : For this the Tragic- Mufe fir fl trode 'the Stage, Conmianding Tears to jireain thro* every Age ; Tyrants no more their fav age Nature kept, And Foes to Virtue •wo?ider'd h(jw they wept. Our Author Jhuns by vulgar fprings to ?nQv: The Heroes Glory or the Virgm*s Love ; In pitying Lo-vCy we but our IVeakncfs fJ^oiv, And wild Ambition well defervss its H^'oe* ^ Here Tears /hall fow from a fnore gin'rous Caufc, Such Tears as Patriots /bed for dying Laws : He bids your Breajls with ancier.t Ardcr rife, And calls forth Roman Drops fro:n llnuraEycj ^ Virtue confefs'd in human Shape he draws, What Plato thought, and God-lih Cato wa: : Ko cothmon Object /u sour Sight dfplays. But what n;:ith Pleajure^ •Ne^hlffilffuryeyi. A have Man flruggiing.ia the Stonnsoj Fate, And greatly falling with m f^lli^^g State ! While Cato gives his little ^'eaia'te Laws, JVhat Bofo?n beats not in his Country^ s Caufc ? Who fees him ad, but enViCs evry Deed P Who hean hint groan, and does not wifh to bleed? E-vn when proud Ctfar 'midji triumphal Cars, The Spoils of Natijns, and the Pomp of Wars, Ignobly vain, and iinpotently great Shew d Rome her Cato*/ Figure dravjn in fate, As her dead Father's rev rend T?nage pafl, The Pomp was darkened, and the Day o'ercafl, A 2 The 4 PROLOGUE. The Triumph ceased — Tears gujh*d frcrtM ev^ry Eje^ The Wo, Id's great ViSi or p.-fid unheeded by ; // ovi Greece, whom Jhe fubdu*d Our Scene prtcarioujly fubfifis too Ung On French Tranflution and Italian So fig. Dare to have Senfe your fe Ives ; affert the Stagey Be ]uj\ly u-armd ivith your oivn Native Rage, Such Plays alor.e Jhould pleafe a Britifh Ear^ Ai CatoV felf had not difdain'd to hear» Dramatis Perfon^, M E N. CATO. Lucius, a Senator, Sempronius, a Senator, Juba, Prince of Numidk. Syphax, General of the Numidians. 1°"'""' 'Is.mofCHo. Marcus, 3 Decius, Ambfllfaddr from Cclar. Mr Booth, Mr Keen, Mr Mills, Mr Wilks. Mr Cibber. Mr Powell, Mr /^ian. Mr Bo7r»ian, I^htineer^f Cuardi, &c. WOMEN. Marcia, Dafighter tc Cato. Lucia, Daughter to Lucius, Mrs Oldfeld, Mrs Porter,. SCENE, A lajj^e llcdl in the Govetriof *s Pakce of Utica. CATO A O, ACT I. SCENE I. Fortius, Marcus. Fortius. ^r^H E tUvvn is over-caft, the mdrning low*rs,, t And heavily in clouds brings on the day, TTie great, th' important day, big with the fate OfCato and of /?(?;//.' Our father's death Would fill up all the guilt of civil war, And clofe the fcene of blood. Already Cc/ar Has ravag'd more than half the globe, and fees Mankind grown thin by his deftju(5live fword : Should he go further, numbers would be wanting To form new battles, and fupport his crimes. Ye gods, what havock does ambition make Among your works ! Marc. Thy fteddy temper, Poriius, Can look on guilt, rebellion, fraud, and Ce/ary la the calm lights of mild philofophy : I'm toftur'd e^en to madnefs when I think On the proud vi