Lcm£ "asm. Duke University Libraries General orders Conf Pam 12mo #738 \A o Head Quarters Department of Henrico. Richmond, Va., January £41 1863. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 1. I. At a General Court Martial, convened in this City, pursuant to paragraph II, General Orders, No. 35, Head Quarters Department of Henrico, November 6th, 1862, were arraigned and tried: 74. — First Lieut. Chas. Hunt, of Capt. Dabney's Company Heavy Artillery : Charge, Disposition of Intoxicating Drink . ; Of the Specification, Of the Charge, Finding. Guilty. Guilty. Sentence. The said Lieut. Charles Hunt to be suspended from rank, pay and emoluments for the space of two months ; and the Court do confiscate the liquor seized. 75.— -WliXiAM H. Travers, a Citizen : Cliargc, - - - Selling Intoxicating Drink. To which charge the accused pleaded - Guilty. Sentence. The Court having confirmed the accused's plea of guilty, do sentence him to pay a fine of one hundred dollars, and to be imprisoned until said fine be paid ; and the Court do confiscate the liquor seized. 76.— Charles Rouselot, a Citizen : Charge, - - - Selling Intoxicating Drink. To which charge the accused pleaded - Guilty. Sentence. The Court having confirmed the accused's plea of guilty, do sentence the said Charles Rouselot to pay a fine of one hundred dollars, and to be imprisoned until said fine be paid ; and the Court do confiscate the liquor seized. i , . -William Ready, a Citizen Charge, - - Disposition of Intoxicating Drink. Finding. Of the Specification, - - - Not Guilty. Of the Charge, .... Nut Guilty. And the Court do therefore acquit the accused. 78. — Richard Morien, a Citizen : Charge, - - Disposition of Intoxicating Drink. Finding. Of the Specification, - - Not Guilty. Of the Charge, .... Not Guilty. And the Court do therefore acquit the accused. 79.— John T. West, a Citizen : Charge, ... Selling Intoxicating Drink. To which charge the accused pleaded - Guilty. Sentence. The Court having confirmed the accused's plea of guilty, do sentence him to pay a fine of two hundred dollars, and to be imprisoned until said fine be paid ; and the Court do confiscate the liquor seized. 80.— Private Henry S. Jones, Whitington's Artillery : Charge, .... Desertion. Finding. Of the Specification, .... Guilty. Of the Charge, .... Guilty. Sentence. The said Private Henry S. Jones to receive twenty-five lashes upon 'Lis bare back, at Camp Lee ; to wear at said camp a barrel jacket, with the word " Deserter" written thereon, two hours each day for one month, and to forfeit his pay for one month. 81 .—J aries Kelley, a Citizen : Cliargc, - - - Selling Intoxicating Drink. Finding. Of the Specification, .... Guilty. Of the Charge, .... Guilty. Sentence. The said James Kelley to pay a fine of ten dollars, and to be impri- soned until said fine be paid. 8-2— Francis Myring, a Citizen: Charge, ... Selling Intoxicating Drink. Finding. On the 1st Specification of Charge, - - Guilty. On the '2d Specification of Charge, - - Guilty. On the Charge, .... Guilty. Sentence. The said Francis Myring to pay a fine of fifty dollars, and to be im- prisoned until said fine be paid ; and the Court do confiscate the liquor seized. 83.— Second Lieut. John B. York, Company D, 45th North Carolina Regiment: Charge, - - - Absence without leave. To which charge the accused pleaded - Guilty. Sentence. The Court having confirmed the accused's plea of guilty, do sentence him to be dismissed from the confederate service. 84. — Private M. Hagan, Company H, 9th Georgia Regiment: Charge, .... Forgery. Finding. On the 1st Specification of Charge, - - Guilty. On the 2d Specification of Charge, - - Guilty. On the Charge, .... Guilty. Sentence. The said Private M. Hagan to one month's extra duty ; to forfeit one month's pay, and to wear a barrel jacket two hours each day for ono month, with the word "Fraud" written on the barrel. 85.— Mrs. Ellen Hayes, a Citizen: Charge, - - - Selling Intoxicating Drink. To which the accused pleaded - - Guilty. Sentence. The Court having confirmed the accused's plea of guilty, do sentence her to pay a fine of ten dollars, and to be imprisoned until said fine be paid ; and the Court do confiscate the liquor seized. *(>.— Private Andrew Redden, Company C, 53d North Carolina Re- giment : Cluirgc 1st, - - - - Desertion. Charge 2d, - Leaving post before regularly relieved, Finding. Of the 1st Specification of 1st Charge, - - Guilty. Of the 2d Specification of 1st Charge, - - Guilty. Of the 1st Charge, - - - - Guilty. Of the Specification of 2d Charge, - - Not Guilty. but guilty of leaving guard before regularly relieved. Of the^d Charge, - Not Guilty, but guilty of leaving guard before regularly relieved. f Sentence. The said Private Andrew Redden to receive twenty-five lashes upon his bare back ; to be confined at hard labor for six months, and to forfeit his pay for nine months. 87.— Private Frederick Keck, Captain John F. Wren's Cavalry Company : Charge, .... Desertion. Finding. Of the Specification, - - - - Guilty. Of the Charge, ... - Guilty. Sentence. The said Private Frederick Keck to one month's extra duty, and one month's forfeiture of pay. 88.— T. S. Hayme: Cliarge, - - - Selling Intoxicating Drink. Finding. Of the Specification, .... Guilty. Of the Charge, - - - Guilty. Sentence. And it appearing to the Court that the accused was a soldier, they sen- tenced him to one month's forfeiture of pay ; to one month's extra duty, and to two weeks' cunliuementin the guard house. 89.— Private W. J. Walker, President's Guard: Charge, .... Desertion. Finding. On the Specification of Charge, - - Not Guilty. but guilty of absence without leave. On the Charge, - -J - Not Guilty. but guilty of absence without leave. Sentence. The said Private W. J. Walker to one week's close confinement on bread and water, and to one month's forfeiture of pay. 90. — Colin Kitchen, a Citizen : Charge, - - - Selling Intoxicating Drink. Finding. Of the Specification, .... Guilty. Of the Charge, .... Guilty. ■ Sentence. The said Colin Kitchen to pay a fine of five dollars, and to be impri- soned until said fine be paid. 91. — Private Frank Taylor, Company E, 10th Virginia Cavalry: Charge 1st, - - - - Insubordination. Charge 2d, .... Desertion. Charge 3d, - - - Theft. 6 Finding. Of the Specification of 1st Charge, - - Guilty. Of the 1st Charge, ... - Guilty. Of the Specification of 2d Charge, - - Guilty. Of the Specification of 3d Charge, - - Guilty, excepting the word " pistols." Of the 3d Charge, .... Guilty. Sentence. The said Private Frank Taylor to be first branded on the right hip with the letter " D," an inch and a quarter long ; then to receive fifty lashes upon his bare back, well laid on, and to be confined at hard labor for twelve months, wearing a ball and chain; and to forfeit all pay and allowances that are now due or which may become due to him during the said twelve months. 92. — Sergeant Wm. Prosser, Captain Reed's Company, President's Guard: Charge, - - Violation of 99th Article of War C. S., and conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Finding. Of the Specification, - - - Guilty. Of the Charge, .... Guilty. Sentence. The said Sergeant Wm. Prosser to be confined one month to the limits of his station, except when on duty. II. The proceedings, findings and sentences of the Court in the fore- going cases are hereby approved, and the sentences will be executed, with the exceptions hereafter named. III. The proceedings and findings of the Court in the cases of William Ready and Richard Morien are approved, and they are hereby discharged. IV. The proceedings, findings and sentences of the Court in the case of Lieutenant John B. York are hereby approved ; but taking into con- sideration the good character of the accused, the mitigating circumstances of the case, and the recommendation of the Court, the sentence is re- mitted, and Lieutenant York will report for duty to his commanding officer. By order of Brig. Gen. Jno. H. Winder, Com'dg Dep't. J. W. PEGRAM, A. A. General Hollinger Corp. P H8.5