E R A S M I C O L L O QJJ I A SELECTA; OR, THE SELECT COLLOQUIES OF E R A S M U S : WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION, AS LITERAL AS POSSIBLE. tMStiirjlD FOR THE VSE OF BE6INKEXS !N THE ZjiTtN TONGUE. By JOHN CLARK, Author of ihc Efays on Education and Study. FIRST WORCESTER EDITION. Printed at WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS J By ISAIAH THOMAS, Jun. Sold by bim, and by Thomas c2? Andrew s, Bojhn; i< $5 % E R A S M I COLLOQUIA SELECTA. NAUFRAG1UM. A. XTARRAS kor- yirmda: eftifluc navigare ? Deus prohib- eat ne quidquam taleve- n Ire t u n qk a m i n rsentem . B. Imo quod meniora- vWKclenus^iX merits lu- fus praz his, qua nunc audies. A.Audiviplusgtfa tis maloruni. Inhorref- co te mem or ante i quafi ipft interfim ptrlculo* B. Imo, atli laborcs Junt jucundi wz$Az.. Ea /20c7r/z/j. I freinble^'/; 1 /// >' danger. Nay, ##/2 labors #/v plea fa at tome. That W7£#/ fomething happe?ied,\vhich rn a great biea- Jure took away ihehopts of lafc ty from the ma//e>\ What, I pray you ? B. Era* NAUFRACIUM. B.Er» fullu/lris nox, it q ui d am e naut is {lab at in galea ; parn/tc vocant, opinor; circumfpeBans, ft viderat quavi terram. Quctdam fpbgpra ignea ccepit adfi/lere huic ; 7 a? e 11 / r ifiijjim t/moflentura nattiiji fi quando ignis f// folitarius, jte/?'.* cum gernim. -Vetuftas fr^ 2^/// hos effe Caftorem et Pollucern. A. Quid illis cum nautis, quorum zher fa- il c q u e s , a //.<* r p ug i ] ? B. vSic z>?y&/?2 <*// poe- f is . Na uclei u s* q iii tzy^- *Wtf/? clavo, inquit, So- c\efna?n naut as compel- lant fe rruuuo '0#r things ; but ft is not fit that &/£ MJhould be endangered for the lake {?/ jwftr box, otherwise we will thro\* )•#& headlong *>?/canentesyi/^regina, implorabant virginem rnatrem^ appellantes earn ftellam mans, reginam &&li, dominam mundi, portam falutis, ac blcrtlr dientes illi multis aliis titulis ,quos Jacroz li terse nujquam tnbuunt Mi. He falutes us. Friends, fays he, the time exhorts that every one commend himfeli to God, and prepare h\mk\i for death. Being afked by fome not un- skilled in the Jailing bufinefs, for how many hours he believed he could maintain the /h?p, he denied that he could' promife any thing, but that he could not above three hours. This fpeech was 0ar^.y,\vorfhipped the lea, pour- ing whatsoever oil ^r^ ^^zj, into the waves, flattering it #0 other wife //taw we ufe to do an angry prince. What did they fay ? ■■ O mo ft merciful /?# / O mod noble fea ! O mod rich Jea ! grow mild, favt us. They fung many things of this kind to the deaf fez. Ridiculous fuperflition ! what did others ? Some did nothing elfe than vomit, 7110 jl put up* vows. There was there acertainF.ng- lifhman, who promifed golden mountains to the maid o\ Wal- fingham, \\ he touched land a- live. Others promifed viany things to the wood of the cro/s 9 Which was in fuck a place, oth- ers again to that which was in fuch a place. The lame was done as to the virgin Mary : who reigns in maay i) laces f and ^ nifi ex- prunas iocum. A. Ridiculum ! qua/i divi non habitant in ccc- lis. B. Erant qui prorrnV terenty? fore Carthufia- nos< Erat nnus qui Ridiculous ! as though the faints do not dwell in the heav- ens. There were who promifed that they would be Carthujians. There was one who promifed polliceretur fe aditnr- that he zvould go to James, who. urn Jacobum, qui habit- dwells at Compojteua, barefoot at Compq/ie/l&i nuiispe- and head^ with his body only dibus et capite, corpore covered with an iron coat of tantum \ei\ojerrta Ion- mail, befides this : begging his ca, ad hac emendicato meat* cibo. A. Nemo merninit Did nobody mention Chrift- Chriftophori ? op her ? B. Audivi unum non I heard one,r\o\. without {m\\ m fine rifu, qui clara voce, ing,who with a clear voice, left nznon ex a u diretu r, p o 1 - he Jli aula not he hea rd prom i fe d Jiceretur Chrifiophoro, Chrijlo pher jabo is at Paris, en qui ^y? Lutetian injum- the top of a church, a mountain »w temple, mens verius more truly than lower, to wit 3 ille ??2- left Chrijiopher fhould hear, vend us. Turn quit voce jam preffiore, hold your tongue, ycu fool ; do videlicity ne Chriftopho- you think I Jpeak from my rus io NAUFRAGIUM. rus exaudiret, Tact, fa- tue ; an cr ceils me lo- qui ex animo ? Si fe- mel contigero terram, non daturas fum ei Jc m baceam candelam. A. O era ffum ingeni- u m I fu fp ic i ofwffe B a - tavum. B. N on $ Jed erat Ze- I andus, A. Miror Paulum A- poftolum venffe nuili in mentem, qui naviga- vit ipje olim, et nave Jracta, defilierit in ter- rain, nam is haud igna- rus ?;2a/z <\\&\c\t fuc cur m rere miferis. B. Erat nulla rnentio Pauli. A. Precabantur inte- rim ? • B: Certatim. Alius canebat, Jalve regina ; alius, credo, in Deuni. Erant^ttz habebant quaff dem pecutiares preculas, non dijjimiks magicis, adver/us pericute. A. Ut religio/os affile- tin Jacit ! Sec and is re- bus, nee Deus nee divus vemt in mentem : 0/zV tuinterca f nuncupabas vota nulli divorumf B. Nequaquam. A. Curz/fl ? heart ? z/* onee 7 touch land, 7 oj*7/ not give him a tallow can- dle. grofs zvit ! I fufpeft he <^fljaL)utchman. No, buthe was a Zealander m 1 wonder that Paul the A- poftle ca?ne\nto nobody's mind, who failed himfelj former! y,and the fhip being wrecked, leaped out upon land; for A^not be- ing ignorant of evil has learnt to Ju c cor the miferable. There was no mention of Paul Did they pray in the mean time ? Hard. One fung, God five you O queen ; another,! beiieVe in God, There were who had Jcme peculiar prayers, not un m //^magical ones, againjl dan- gers. How religious affliction makes us ! in profperity, neither God nor faint comes into our mind : What didyon in the mean tune ? did you make vows to none of the faints ? Not at all. Why fof B. Quia NAUFRAGIUM, n B. Quia non pacifcor cum dwis. Nam quid eft aliud quam contrac- tus juxiajormulam. Do Ji facies, aut faciam fi facfes. Dabo cereum Ji cnatem ; ibo romam, Ji ferves. A. At implorabas praefidium alicujusdivi. B. Ne id quidem. A. Quamobrem ? B.Quiactf/wm eRJpa- tiofum. Si commendaro mtumfalutem cui divo x puta Sanclo Petri, 0M& fortafle audiet primus, #W0d? aftet ojiio j priuf- quam z7& conveniat Dc- um 9 priufquam exponat caufam egojam,periero* A. Quidjaciebas igi- *ur ? B. Adibam r£<7 condemning before him 7?/jy un- righteoufnefs #/?^ imploring /zz> mercy. Whither would you have gone % Wyou had died fo ? 1 left this to God my Judge. For neither would I be the Judge oj myfelf: yet feme good hopes in the mean time poffjfed my w?W. Whilft theje things are doing, ihefailor returns /0 us weeping. Let every one pre- pare himftlft fays he, for the fhip a;?// /20/ be of ufe to z/J for a fourth part 0/ #/& hour. For «0Z0 being broke til Jeveral plac- es, 2* /a j z/2 the fea. -^ /?/- /& alter the Jailor told wi" that he faw far ofF a /acred tur- ret, advi/ing that icejhould im- plore the ailiftanee 0/ the faint, whofoever t0£j- the prefident 0/ M#£ Church. All fall down dW pray to the unknown faint. If you hadfpoke to himbyhh name, perhaps he would have heard you. It was unknown. In the mean time the mafler fteers the JJnp navem H NAUFRAGIUM. n&vem jam laceramjam combibentem undas undi- que^c plane dilapfuram, ni fuiffet Juccincla ru- dentibus, co quantum pote/L A. Dura conditio re- rum. B. Provecli fumus eo ut incolce ejus loci prof- picerent nos periclitan- tes ; ac procurrentes cq- tervatvn in extremum littus, togis fublatis, ac galeris imp o fins in lan- ceas, invitab.ant ad f'efe ; ac brae hi is jaclatis in c ce I u m , /i'g n if cab a nt f e deplorare no ft ram j^r- tunam. A.Expeclo quid eve- nerit. B. Jam 7**2 ;r occupa- ver&C totam navim, nt fuutri eiiemus «z/zi7d tu- tiores in navi quara z« 77^77*7. A. Heic conjugien- damerat ^&facraimw ckoram. B. Imo ad miferam. NautcE exonerant J'ca- pkam aqua, ac demit-. tunt in mare. ^ Omnes cortantur conjicete Ji in banc, nautis recia- mantibus magna tumul- tu. fcapham non eife ca- pace in ta n tae w^ llitudi - ??ff> quifque arriperet now /077*, now drinking in the waters z tfiejea. Here j'0?j &^rd pofTet ac nata- ret. Acs non patieba- tur lenta confilia, tf/Ztti' arripit remum, alius <:##- /ww alius alvenum, alius Jitulam, aiius tabulam : ac quijque rntentes/tttf prczndio, commitlunt j£ flufciibus. A. Quid interim acci- dit t7& mulierculae, ### fola 720;* ejuldbat ? B. Ilia pervenit prima Omnium ad littus. A. Quipotuit ? B. Impoiueramus £- £tf* rapandae tabula; et a/ligave ram us fie, ui non poflet facile decidere ; dedimus illi tabellam in nianum, #fctf uteretur i>^£ remi ; tfc precantes i^« ? By what z7/ fate happened that ? Before it could deliver it/elf from the great fhip, it was o- verft by its tottering. O ill done ! what then ? I, whiljl. I take care of other s t had well nigh perifhed. After what manner ? Becaufe nothing was left^fa for fwimming. There cork would have been of ff. In \hdit j unci ure cf affairs / had rath' r hav^ had mean cork than a golden candleftick. At lajl it came z>?/0 my mind, as I was looking about, to think of the low part of the majl becaufe I could not get it out alone, I take a companion : we both leaning upon that, commit our- felves to tkefea, (o that I /fo/# the right £/zaf, he the left. Whilft zve were t off ed about io, that prieft, the fta chablain, threw him/elfin the middle up- on our JJwulders. And he was of a huge body* We cry out who's that zVzzW .? he toil I ruin us all : He, on the other hand, /zyj, fmoothly, beoi good cour- age, there is room enough, God will be with us. Why did he begin to be a fwimmer fo /#& ? B. Imo NAUFRAGIUM. B % Imofuturus erat cum Dominicano infca- pha ; nam omnes defe- ftbant hoc honoris iili ; Jed quanquam confejji irant invicem in navu famen obliti nefcio quid circumftantiarum,f0;y£- ientur rurfus in ora na- vis, et alter imponit ma- num alteri ; interim Jcapha perit ; nam Ad- amus narravithoc mihi. A. Quid aclum eji de Dominicano ? B. Is, ut idem narra- bat z implorata ope divo- rum, abjeciis veflibus, eommifit fe nudum nata- tion!. A. Quos divds frivo- cabat r B. Dominicum, Tho- mam, Vincentiuin \ Jed confidebat imprimis Ca- tharine Senefi. A. Chrift'us non ve- niebat itti in mentem ? B. Ita facrifcus nar- rabat. A. Enataffet melius, fi non abjcajfet facram cucullam j ea depofita^ qui potuit Catharina Se- nffis agnofcere turn ? fed perge narrare de te. B. Durn volvebatnur z&\\\icjuxta navitn vo 1 - vcntem fe hue aique illuc B 2. Nay, heJJieul5 have beenwith the Dominican in the boat \for z\\ gave this honor to him ; yW although they had confffed to one another in thejlup^zi hav- ing forgot I do not know JrAtfrl cirtum fiances, they corfejs again w/torc the edge of the fhip ; and one lays his hand «/;07z /fe 0//z^r ; in the mean titirp rife £00/ is loft ; /sr Adam /'0/tf this to me. What became of the Domin- ican ? He, as the fame teldme, hav- ing implored /Ac? Ae/p of the faints, having cajt off his clothes, c0#2?«.?7/£*/hiiiiIelf #<«A- € on to . tell of your/elf. While &4 j&JtfVfc rozi'Ji.ng- as yet 7J2V/2 the (hip rozuling iffelf hither and thither % at the plFaf- arbitrio i8 NAUFRAGIUM. arbitt \o flufiui.i,, clavus f range bat ejus femur, qui tenebat laevurn cor- 72u:fic ille revulfuseft. Sacrificus precatus illi cCternaHi requiem, fuc- ce flit in locum illius&Ar h or tans 7^, ut tuer^r meum cornu magno an* 7?no ac mover em pedes flrenue. Interim pota- bamus multumT^v^ a- quee. Neptunus teni- peraverat ko^z'j non tantum falfum balneum, icdetia?n falfam polio- nem ; quanquam/icn- jfoaj raonftrahat remcdi- urn ei rei. A. Quid obfecro ? B. (3uoties wWa oc- curreretw^'j, \Wzoppo- Juit occipiturn .ore claa- fo. A. Narras #nAz ftre- nuum fen e?n. B. Ubi natantes^ fie aliquamdiu, promovifle- mus jam no n nihil,/? m - ficus quoni*m erat mirte procentatis, inquit, a fait drink, though the prie/l (hewed a remedy for that thing. . What, / befeech you ? As oft as a wave rati us, he oppofd the ba'ckfideot his head with his mouth fhut. • You tell me of a flout old fellow. When fwimming thus fome time, we had advanced now fomeuYing, the priejt, becaufe he was of wonderful tallnefs % fays, be of good courage, I feel & bottom. I W0* ^nw^ to hope for /0 02*0$ happinefs,y^y we at e farther from the more/ //zdw that *A* bottom is to be hoped for. Nay, fays he, I perceive earth with my feet. // is, fay I, perhaps fome 0/" *& boxes, which Md ^/?fl has tumbled hither: Nay ; y^i 4e? f tfcnniis % NAUFRAG1UM. *9 efcriniis, quod mare de- volvit hue : Imo, inquit, fentio plane terram Jcqipiu digitorum* Cum nataffemus adhuc ali- quandiu, ac fentiret va- dum rurfus, tufac, in- quit, quod videtur tibi optimum faclu, ego ce- do tibi totum malum, et credo me v ado, fi??iu I que expe£lato dece[fu fluc- Xuum, /quutus e/i pedi- bus quanto curfu potuit. Run'us undis accidenti- b\is complexusxitnxmqnt genu unaque manu, ob- nitebatur fluclibus, oc- cultans fefe fub undis, quemddmodum mergi et anates folent » rurfus fluclu abeunte, promica- bat et currtbat. Ego videns hoc fuccedere illi Jiim imitatus. Stabant in arena, qui fulciebant fe adverjus impeturn undarum, prae Iongis haflilibus porreclis in- ter fe, robufli viri, et affueti flufiibus, fie ut ultimus porrigeret haft- um adnatanti ; ea con- tafta, omnibus recipien- tibus/*ad littus, pertra- kebatur tuto injiccum. Aliquot Jervatijunth&c ope. A. Quot ? B, Septern. Verum I perceive plainly the earth with the /crate king of my toes. When we had fwam as yet fome time, and he perceived the bot? torn again. Do you, faith he, what Teems to you be ft to be done j I give you the whole maft, and truft my ft If \o the bottom, £tfd £/ /^ /#772£ ft|g£ having vraited the going in ot the waves, he follows on his feet zw'M as great pace jj ^ £e?w in the fliip ? fifty «]gA/. O cruel fea 1 at lea ft :V ww£4/ Adi^ £ c r# content with the tithes, vthxch Jufficeihe priefts ; did it return fo few out of /^ graz/ a number ? There we experienced the in- credible humanity of the nation, furmjliing us rift/8 all things with wonderful cheer fulnejSy lodging,J?rUR ita vifum ejl V^pJerifque commo- rari biduam aut tridu- um Lugduni ? Ego in- grejfus nmexi Jeme I ,non conquiefco, donee per- venero quo conftitui. B. Imo, ego admiror quenquam poffe avelli illinc. Ar. Quamobrem tan» dem ? B.Ouia Hlic eh locus unde Jocii UlyiTis non poterant avelli ; illic S irenes. Nemo trafita- tur melius fuae do mi, quarn zV/zV i:« pando- cheo. A. Quid Jc? B. Aliqua mulier af- tabat menjk kmper, qua: exhilara'ret convivas/#- riflfm ac leponbus. Pri- mum mater fa nihas ad- ibat, ^z/# falutabaty«- fo/zj' nos ^ hilares, ac r eh qui con vivas con- falutandi, quaedam pu- ella adftabat continen- ter f inftru&a ad omnes focos. Una erat fatis excip ien dis o m n i u m ja - cults : hasc Jujhnebat fabulam, donee fiiia re- al ret ; nam mater erat natu grandior. A. Sed qualis erat apparatus tandem; «(2W venter non expletur fa- bulis. B. Profefto lautc, «f ^0 miror zY/tfj" pofle accipere hofpites tarn vili : rurfus convivio peraclo, alunt hominem \t^\A\s Jab v lis, ne ^a^ taedii obreperet. Vide- bar ?;zz/iz effe ^^z? # non pertgrir ry, Ma/ me might divert t]!ato himfelf. Nor dfo M^y talk as ewVA unknown gue/ls, but jj with people formerly known to them, and familiar friends. I perceive M* civility of the French nation* But becaufe //jfy could not ^ prefent always, becaufe the bufinefs 0/"/^ hotife was /0 fo minded,and the rejioi theguefts /0 £ d^r^ ; She kept up the farce, till the daughter returned ; for */z you go # // together into a ftove, tw/A your boots, baggage % dirt, 77/dtf is one common to all. pocauflum DIVERSORIA. *5 pocauftum, cum ocreis, /arcinis, Into. Id efl u- num coinmune omnibus. B. Apud Gallos de- fignant cubicula, ubi exuant fefe, extergant, calefaciant, aut quief- cant etiam, fi libeat. A. Hie nihil tale. In hypocauflo exuis ocre- tt % induis calceos. 52 vis, mutas indufium ; fuf pendis veftes madidas pluvia juxta hypocauf- tum ; ipfe admoves te ut ficcas. EJl et tf<7«tf parata,y? libeat, lavare ma.nus; fed ita munda plerumque, ut alia 0- ##a fit quxrenda tibi, ^#tf abluas €j£#- im ad quartam ho ram a meridie, tamen non cannabis <2«/e nonam, nee plures expec- tantur \zx\\.ux\,[enex fa- mulus prodit cana ^r- &j, tonfo capita, torvo vultu> fordido vejlitu. B. Oportebat ^/2^ 0#, or, «j- fome ca// 2V the French, though it be comynon to all nations. I think //z^n? ij nol war A lefs danger from M^/ky purgat 30 DIVERSORIA. purgai Jib i per 'otium, dum pultes coquuntur. Ita Jedentur nonnun- quam ferme fpatio ho- B. Nullus hojpitum efllagitat cibum inter- im ? A. Nullus cui inge- nium regionis eft no- tum. Tandem vinum upponitur, bone Deus, quam non Jumo/um ! O portebatf ophiflas non bibere aliud ; tanta eft fubtilitas et acrimonia. Quod /i quis kofpes, pe- cunia oblata privatim, rogat ut aliud genus vuii paretur aliunde, primum di/jimulantjed to vultu, quaji interfee- turi. Si urgeas, res- pondent, hie tot Comi- tes et Marchiones di- ver fatifunt, neque quif- quam que ft us eft de meo vino ; fi non placet, quaere tibi aliud diver- forium ; nam habent nobilesyj^ gentis Jolos pro hominibus, et ojlen- tant horurn infignia nufquam non. Jam ig- itur habent offam quam objiciant latranti fto- jniicho. Mox difci Jit fometimes, ahnojl the fpace oj an hour. Does none oj the guejls call for the meat in the mean time ? None to whom the temper*?/' the country \$ known. At length wine is ferved up, good God, how far Jrom being tajlelefs I It behoved Sophijters ,not to drink any other ; Juch is the thinnejs and JJiarpnefs. But if any guejl, money to'flg offered privately, dejires thatjome oth~ er fort oj'wine may be got from Jomewhere elfe, at firft, they dif- Jemble the matter \ but with that countenance, as if they would kill you. If you prefs them, //$ey anfwer, here Jo many Earls #7^ Marquifles have lodged, nor ul- fu, ut hypocauftum vi- dealur corruiturum. Neque qui f quam audi- at alterum loquentem. ^interim videntur & clothes, comes out, a/is if we have a mind to any thing. By and by fome more generous wine is brought. But they love thofe who drink plentiful* ly 9 though he pays no more who drinks moll wine, than A grow warm with drink. What need? many words ? all places are full of noife. Pre- tendedyWj thru ft in thernf elves frequently, with which kind of men, though there be none more deteftable, yet you will fcarce believe how much the Germans are delighted. They caufe by tinging, prating, {houting, dancing, thucnping r that the Hove/eems ready ta fall. Nor can any one hear another fpeaking. But in the mean time they fee m to them* felves to live fweetly ; and you mud fit there willing or bi DIVERSORIA. 33 bi vivere fuaviter ; at- que defidendum eft il- lie, volenti nolenti, uf- que ad multam noc tern. A. Nunc tandem ab- folve convivium ; nam me tadet quoque tarn prolixi. A. Faciam. Tan- dem Cafeofublato, qui vix placet ilh s, nifi pu- tris acjeatens vermi- bus, Me barbatus^rtf- dit, adferens pinacium fecum, in quo pinxit creta aliquot circulos,et femicirculos, deponiuV in menfam, tacitus in- terim ac triftis, diceres quempiam Charontem. Qui agnofcunt piftu- ram, deponunt pecuni- am, deinde alius at que alius, donee pinacium expleatur. Deinde no- tatus eos qui depofut- runt, fuppiKat tacite ; fi nihil defit, annuit capite. B. Quid Ji quid/w- perfit ? A. Fortafle redderet, txfaciunt hoc nonnun- quam. unwilling,, until late at night. Now at lafi finifli the enter- tainment ; for I am weary too oj Jo long a one. I will do it. At laft the cheefe being taken away, which fearce pleafes them, unlefs rot- ten and foil of maggots, that bearded fellow comes fortk % bringing a trencher with him, in which he hath drawn with chalk fome circles and femicir- clef, he lays that upon the ta- ble,^/*?/?/ in the mean time and fad \ you would fay he was fome Charon. They who know the pi8ure, lay down their money, then another and another, Hill the trencher be filed. Then having obferved thofe who laid down, he reck- ons filently ; if nothing be wanting, he nods with his head. What if any thing be over ? Perhaps he would return it, and they do this Jo metimes. A, Nemo 34 DIVERSORIA. B. Nemo reclamat rationi iniqua? A. Nemo qui fapit, nam audiret protinus, qui tu es hominis ?Jbl- z/ejnihilo plus quam a* lit. B. Narras liberiim genus hominum. A. Quod Ji quis la/ /us ex itinere, cupiet mox a carta petere lec- turn, jubetur cxpeclare, donee cceteri quoque cant cubitum. B. Videor mi hi vL derePlatonica?nmbem. A. Tum/uus nidus cftenditur cuique, et vere 222^2/ aliud quam cubiculum ; nam ibi Jitnt lefti tantum, et ni- hil praeterea, quo ma- ris, aut quod/ureris. B. Eft mundities il- iic P A. Eadem qua in convivio, lintea lota forte # 22te fex men/es. B. Quid interim fit deequis? A. Tra&antur £ df e- andam difciplinam, ad quam hoinines. B. Sed £/? eadem tra&atio ubique ? A, Alicubi ejl civil- Does nobody £27 out upon the reckoning # j unjujl ? Nobody that is wife ; for he would hear jorthwitk,\V hat arc you of a man ? you Jhall pay no 22202-* than others. You tell oia/ree kind of men* But 2/ any one, weary with his journey, dejires prefently after /upper to go 2*0 2W, he is ordered /0 a^zi* 'till the rejl too £0 to bed. I feem to my /elf to fee a P/j- tonic city. Then Azj neft is/hewn to every one, a?2 D1VERSORIA. 35 ior, alicubi durior quam narravi ; verum in gen- cre eft talis. B. Quid Ji ego nunc narrem tibi quibus mo- dis hofpites traftentur in ea parte Italic, quam vocant Longabardiam, rurfus in Hifpania, de- inde in Anglia, et in Wallia ? Nam Angli obtinent partim Gal- licos, partim German- icos mores, ut mix* ti ex his duabus genii- bus. Walli prcedicant fe aborigines Anglos. A. Quaefo te ut nar- res, nam nunquam con- txgit mihi videreezs. B. In praefentia non eft otium ; nam nauta jujjit adeffem ad ter- tiam \iox*vn,niJi vellem relinqui ; et habet far- cinulam : alia oppor- tunitas dabitur nobis garriendi ufque ad fa- tietatem. in fome places harder than I have told you ; but in general it is fuch. What if I now tell you af- ter what manner guejls are treated in that part of Italy, which they call Lombardy, a- gain in Spain, then in Eng- land, and in Wales ; for the EngliJJihave. partly the French, partly the German manners, as being mixed of thofe two na- tions. The Welch pretend themfelves the orginal En- glifh. I pray you that ^z/ would tell me, for f/ never happened to me /tfy&s them. At prefent there is noti\vat\ for the failor ordered me to be with him by the third hour, unlefs I would be left, and he has my baggage : another time an opportunity will be given us of prattling to fatif- ia&ion. SPECTRUM. A# O ulD hona rei ^Zs ejt quod rides tecum tarn fuaviter,#&tf- Ji naflus fis thejaurum? B.Tua divinatio non aberrat procid a fcopo. A. Annon imperties fodali quicquid boni iftuc £/? ? B. Imo, jumdudum optabam que mpiam dari million cujus finum ^/- Junderem hoc gaudu urn meum. A. Age zgzVar im- perii. B. Audivi modo le- pidiflimam jabulam quam jurares effe com- icum figmentum, mji locus, perfonce ac tota res ejfet tarn nota mihi, ^waw tu es notus wzAz. A. Geftio audire. B. Nofline Polum enerum Fauni ? A. Maxime. B. Is ejl et auclor et i??. J3. Agnofcis igitur You know therefore the way viam feptam utrinque hedged in on both fides zzi&A arboribus digellis /y^rz /r^j placed at an equal dif- intervallo. tance. A. Ad \?zvzvc\ partem O^ the left fide of thehoufe, sedium,ye;'e altero jaftu almojl two bow fliots off. baliilao. B. Tenes. Alterum You ha/e it. ##? fide 0/ iatus vice habetjiccum the way has a dry diich /et alveum obfitum dumis with thorns and briars ; over et yeribus ; e ponticulo the bridge, there is a way into eft iter in planitiem. a plain. A. Me mini. I remember. B.Jampridem vaga- Some time ago there met it a torrutnor, tfc tabula report, ^?2d\-z flory, among the /w ruflicos e/wi loci, coumry people of that ptace, Jpeffrdtim obverfari juxta that a /pint haunted nigh this nunc ponticulum, cuju.s bridge, whofe miferable howl- tnijtrahdi ejulatus e>¥- ings a/^rd heard now and then ; audirentur lubinde ; M^y fuj peeled that it was M$ fecum, i>z- ■m or tale in, Deum ! #&fdf ego video ; Rcganiibus t] 1 1 1 ££« 2 /<2 £<2 H 6 p i'OX - 3ii)c, <7&?' little cloud. Tlure Pool o;*a4 /nj" ^i directed to- wards Heaven marked all his iace and (houlderblades with thefign of the Crofs, and with a countenance compofed to af- tonifliment,/i?^Mz^ with him- felf, immortal God ! What do I fee ? They afung, who rode next, g/jfta/ he faw, again fign- ing huvfe If with*, greater crofs, the moil merciful 6W avert this omen, fays %. When they urged him, out of a defire of knowing, he having fixedhis eyes tt/?£>rc heaven, andfiewing tke place /2/ ^ Heaven with nofcendi SPECTRUM. 39 hofcendi, ille dejixisoc c i\\ is in caelum, ac com- m o nfl ra n s locum call digito, inquit, nonne viaetis immanem draco- nem, armatum igneis cor nib us, cauda re tor- (a in circulum ? Cum negarent fe\ 7 idere,atque Rtejif$lffci 9 intenderent oculos, azfubinde com- monftraret locum, tan- dem units quifpiam ne vidcretur parum ocula- tus, ajfirmavit fe quo* que videre : unus item at que alter imitatus ejl hunc ; nam pudebat non videre quod ejfet tarn perfpicuum. Quid multis ? intra triduum hie rumor pervajerat totarn Anglian, tale portent urn apparauilTe. Mir urn autem quantum popularis farna addidit fabulae. Nee deerant qui ferio interpretaren- tur quid ojlentum vel- vet fibi. ///^ qui c^/7z- mentusjuerat argumen- ium,jruebatur horum ftultitia cum magna vo- luptate» A . Agn of c o inge n iu m hominis ; Jed redi ad JpeSrum^ his finger, fays; do you not fee a vafi dragon, armed with fiery horns, with his tail turn- ed up into a circle ? 7///^ they denied thai tkgy faw it, tftttf 7 he bade them diiefl f&eir £}'£./, and fttfttf c^W $f*i (hewed them the place , atfarijbme one, left he Jliould feem bad fighted, affirmed that he /tfi 1 Jaw it : 0«« likewife and another imi- tated him ;Jor they were a- Gxamed net to fee w h at & a s To plain» What needs many word s ? Wi thin three d ay s th x s report had gone through all E ngla nd, that f u c h a m o n/l t r hath appeared, But it is zven- derjul how much popular faaje added to the ftory . Nor were there wanting fome who in Ceiled interpreted what this prodigy meant. He who** had invented the matter, enjoyed theh'Jolly w'uh great p leaf u re- I know the temper of the. man ; but return to the appati- iion% B. Interea 4o SPECTRUM. B. Interea divertit quidain F annus facer- «ios ad Polum commo- dum, ex contra genere, q tubus von Jatis eft ap- p Hari . - ' e cl ri , c a m Po 1 u sjentz- ret hunc ru?ncrcm non fo ! u m a & di i u m ejfte Fa u - noj vet Hm etiani credi- iicn, coepit obujlari nominem, ut doclus ac p i u s vz r fu c c urreret an- : m idx patien t i tam di- . ra ; et fi quid dubitas, inqu.it, explora rem, obambula ad decimam juxta ilium ponticulum, etaudies rmfev&m eju- tatum, adjunge tibi quern iWej comitem, ito auclies et tutior et cerrius. A. Quid delude ? R.Coena peracla^o- has ex mora abit vena- In the mean time comes one Faun, a prieft to /W/ oppor- tunely, of their kind to who itu/ z> not enoughtobe cdilediu Lat- in rtguht's^unltfs the fame /a r- $4'/K£ be lung tothemz/z Greek, a parfon tf/'^z neighboring town //2d*r the dark- nefs ^#J ta.&# flo/ay a certain judgment of things, a/ length he hears mi/erable groans, 77z§/2 the artifl Ptfz ear them pot ^z'??g w/&/ for that purpofe ! ^/z^ the "voice &fcflig returned from the hollow, might found fomething more mournfully* This farce, as far as //? lf& cunning- er man was joined with them, the myftery of (he iarcefhould be ' bet rayed, j oi n s t o h i m a ce:> ia i n p^rfon of the neighborhood, to whom he difclofes the whole matter ; for fo the acting of the farce required, and he was one that was not averfe to fuch fport. The day after, all things being prepared rightly, about the tenth hour Faun, with the parfbn, enters the circle. Pool, who had gone before? groans miferably out of the bufay place, , Faun begins the exorcifm. In the mean time Pool withdraws himfelf privately in the dark, into the next village. Thence he brings another atlor of the play j ior it could not be acled but by many. What do they ? They mount black horfes ; they carry covered fire with them, wlun they were not far from the circle, theyfliew their fire, that, by fear' they might drive Faun cut of the circle. A. Quantum 44' SPECTRUM. A. Quantum opera fumpfit i lie Pol us, ut falleret ! B. Sic homo eft- Verum ea res propemodumcef- ferat pe/Jime ill is. A. Qui fie ? B. Nam equi confter- nati igne fubito prolato, parum abfuit quinprae- cipitarent et fe, et feiTo res. Habes primum ac- tum fabulae. Ubi red- ditum eft in colli quium, Pol us velut ignarus om- nium % rogat quid effet acl-am- Ibi Faunus 'tiarrat duos leter rimes Dcemonos confpeftos/?. fri, in nigris equis, igne- is oculis, aefpirantes ig- nem nanbus, qui ten- taffent ingredi circulum r verum abaclos in maiam rem effcacibus verbis. Curn animus accrevifftt Fauno his rebus, die poftero rediit in circu- lum cum fummo appa- ratu : cumque provo- cafjet fpe&rum rn.ultis «bteftationibus, Pol us rurfum cum collega of tendit fe procul ex atris equis, horrendo fremi- /tf,quafi cuperentinutn- pere circuto. A. Habebant nihil f B. Nihil, nam id cef Jartt rnzte* Sed audi a* How much pains took tliat Pool, that he might deceive ! So the man is. Rut that thing had well nigh fallen out very badly for them. Howfo ? For the horfes being frighted with the fire fwddenly product d y had like to have thrown both themfelves,tfW their riders. You have the firft acl of the play. When they returned to confer together, Pool, as if ignorant of 'all things ,afks what had been done. There Faun tells him that two very ugly devils had been fcen by him, upon black horfes^ with fiery eyes, and breathing fire 0#/ of their nqfes, who Aaaf /nVd? to enter the circle, but a/£r£ driven away with a ven- geance by powerful wordsv When courage grew upon Faun by thefe things, the day follow- ing he returned into the circle with his utmoft furniture* And when he had called out the fpir- it with many intreaties, Pool a- gain, with his colleague, Jhe we d himfelf at a diflance from black horfes, with a horrid muttering noi/e, as it they dejired to break into the circle. Had they nothing of fire. Nothing, for thatfell out bad- lyt-Zfalhear another invention. Imd SPECTRUM. 45 liud commentum, Du m cebant Ion gum funem s eo iraclo lev iter per hie mum, dum uterque pro- ripit fe hinc atque hint, velut abacli exorcifmis Faunu provolvunt in terrain utvumque facer- do tern, una cum vafe quod habebant plenum iacrae aqu$£ chqfe rather to fatter //h\.r, than to Jo? fake the play&g#»« Thefe things tettg- /&«£ thus., when j£ey returned ^ the conference* % .in tells 10 Pool z>2 how great danger /z^a; ftoutly he had put to flight both the -devils with his words ; 3/id? now he had conceived # cer- tain a durance that there was no devil {omifchievdus, or im- pudent, who a? inquit, ejl tibi nihil ju- ris in bane aniviam x eft »&£&, ac fubinde procur- r i 1 ^/# « ?i- ncijhictibus. Cum ta- r vattly by his friends, cfpecial- men ille nufquam non /}' by his abbot, //W /2^ would depredicaret {aamjlul- not give a different fpecimen of titiam, admonitus eft himfelf /0 a// /rc*», who /2 2*M- c/# tfz ab amicis, prafer- erto had been accounted a ^ra- ft' /# ab abb ate fuo ft£ cWz/ man. y^/ he could be tft/r?/ diverfum fpeci- moved by no man's tali, from men de fe omnibus, qui believing M^/ ^ matter was haclenus habitus effet mz/ ; And /&j imagination prudens vir. Tamen Jeized the mind of the man fo ille potuit commoveri thoroughly, that he dreamt nuiLiks oratione, quo . B. Reddam^^ tibi, Polus et f/wj gerafr commenti funt hajuf modi teclipam. Effinx- erunt epijtolam defcrip- tam in raris Uteris, Idque non in vulgari- bus chartis. Sententia epi(tol3D& tibi gratias coram. Inte- rim cura z^ vivas fu a- viter. Datum ex em- pyreo ccel-o, idibus Sep- tembribus, anno mitle- Jimo quadragintefimo nonagijjimo octavo, Jab figillo mei annuli. Haec epijlola pofua eft clam in altari, z*^' Faunas Jaclurus erat rem divi- nam. Subornatas,<\\i\, ea peracla, fubmoneret '*eu?n de re qua/i depre- head a caju. Nunc circ umje ret earn epifto- lam, ac credit nihil certius, quam earn per- latum e ccelo * horis. 5« ALCUMIST1CA. koris, ant q quaque perte&u-s. Ills vir habet hoc navi in- ter multas egrcgias do- tes. Jam oTim infanit in artem quam vacant -Ale u mi ft i cam. A. Haud tu narras nceviun quictern, Jed in- fignem morbum. B. Utcunque £/?, ille toties delufus ab hoc geneie ho mi nu?n, tamen paffus ejl fibi c/^rz ver- ^mirifice dudum. A. Quo pa£lo ? B. Quidam facerdos adiitz7/w?tf,falutavit ho- norifice : Mox yfr ex- orfus eft, DoffJJime Balbine, ?ni?-a!?ere tor- tafis, quod ignotus in- terpellem te Jlc, quern Jcio nunquam non £ more eafy faciiius 7722/h* apud vi- /0/- 772^ with a man, /0 whom rum, raz hoc totum ne- this 20/20/^ bufinefs ti fo a/*// gotiurn efiSic notumut known, that it is better known toties nulli. • to no body. A.Depingis rhetorem You defcribe a rhetorician mihi,. non .alcumiftam. to me, 72c?/ an Alcumift. B. M.ox audies alcu- By aud by you will hear of mifiam, HceP felicitas, theAlcumilr. J/z/jhappinefs, inquit, contigit mihi a yi/M he, befel ?;z/z0 hitherto Aot^ fweat in that &'/^- rz/7/ eft tutijjima. Ne hhoYzJnquit Balbinus, etiamji fit ^^/j bien- nio, mo do fidas /z/^ ar- ti. Ut conferam rem in pauca ; convenit in- ter eos, a* aggrederen- tur m;* clam in cedibus Balbini, hac lege ut ille fuppecfitaret opera m t Balbinus fumptum ac lucrum divideretur ex that curtation, whofe name T have not fo much as heard ev- er, fo far arri I from under- ftanding it, tell me in good faith, do you under/rand lon- gation exaclly ? Puh \fays he, to a tittle, but the length dijl pleafes me. When Balbinus had ajked, how much time was required, Too much, fays he, almoflz whole year, but 2» //*£ ;tz^;j time it is very fa fe. Do not trouble yourfelf, /iyj Bal- binus, though there be occajion for two years, provided you can tmjft to your art. That! may bring M* matter into few words : // &;# j agreed betwixt them, ^tf/ they mould attempt the matter privately in the houfe of Balbinus, upon this condition, that he fhould give his labor, Balbinus the charge, ' and the gain mould be divided equally and fairly, though the mode [I cheat offered, of his own accord, to Balbinus the whole gain that fuould accrue. They (wore on both fides to fi- lence, which they do who are initiated ifc myfierits* Now prifently money 7 s paid, where- with ^ #77?yi fhould buy^tf^, glaffes/W, and other things, which are proper^ r furmfli- ■ rftg the forge. There our -#/- ALCUMI5TICA. 6i etfuo et bono, quanquam modejlus impoftor de* ferrebat ultro Balbino totumlucrum quod pro- veniret. Juratum eft utrinque de filentio, quvd faciunt qui initi- antur inmyjlriis. Jam illico pecunia numera- /#r,unde artifexmerca- r.etur ollas, vitra, car- bones, reliquaq^ue, qua pertinent ad injlruen* dam officinam. Ibi nofter alcumijla deco- quit ea?n pecuniam fu- aviter in fcorta, akam et compotationes. A. Hoc nimirum eft vert ere fpecies rerum. B. Balbino urgente, ut aggrederetur rem,#« non tenes, inquit, illud^ Qui capit bene, habet dimidium facli ? Eft magnum praeparareflza- teriam bene. Tandem fornax caepit adornari. Hie rurfus eratopusno* vo auro veluti illecebra auri venturi ; Jiquidem ut pifcisnoncapituv abf- que ejea, fie aurum non provenit alcumifhs, nifi pars auri admifct- nlur. Interea Balbi- cumiji fpends that money fweetly upon whores, dice and drinking* This indeed is to change the fpecies 0/ things. Balbinus urging him., that hejhouldfet about the bufinefs, do younot under/land, fays he t that, he that hath begun well, has done \\M his work? It is a great thing to prepare jy^^r materials well. ^ length the furnace ^w^ to be prepared, /ten? again M*r* am need of new gold, # j zV were a wheedie ? j- 7/2?//^ unciis ; decreverat injurfoe- re tantum. Cu*i A leu- mi ft a dec ox"' [f et hanc ■nam quoque,jflw c7^£ fimulaffet mult urn 7. circa folles et t gold is not made with any glajfcs. By how much the more was /rifrf 0/^, by fo much the lets had he a mind to dejjft. So gamejlers ufe to do ; tfj though it were not «tfCjfc bet- ter to loje that than all. So i/ z'j\ The Alcumift /wore thac he was never im noT- ed on///, Now the mijtake . ing dii covered, ///rt is worshipped, as you know at coiit«r a 6 4 ALCUMISTICA. colitur, ut lc\s,Paraliis, nam artem effe facram neque remgeri prof per e, abfque favore numinum. Id conftliumvehemQnter flacuit Balbino pio ho- mini, ut qui pretermit- teret null urn diem quin perageret dmnam rem. Alciumjla fufcepit re- ligiojam prof eft ion em, mmirum, in proximum oppidum, atque ibi de- eoxit pecum&m in gan- eis. Reverfus donuim ntmciat iibi efle /«w- mum fpem, negetium fucceflurum £# Jen ten • tia % adeo divam vifam annuere fais votis. £/<£? fu da turn effetjam multo tempore, at ne mica quulem auri nafceretur ufquam, refpondit Bal- bino expojlulanti, nihil tale unquam accidi]] e fi* hi 1« i-'z'ta, experto artem toties, tw polle conjee- tare iatis #^V/ effet az#- y<2. Ouum druinatum tjfet dm, tandem illud ftutz/ in mentem Balbi- ni nura prater mi fiffet quo die audire lac rum, «tt/ dicere/Wtfntfjpre* k;c*> quas vocant. Nam nlA;/ iuccedere //2i o- miilis. J£* impollor inquit, mc miferum ! Paralia, for /A* dr/ was /acred, nor would the thing be managed fuccefslully without the favor 0/^ Me faints. That advice mightily pleafed Balbinus, a /72^wj* man, dj who omitted no % but ^ performed divine fervice. The Alcumijl under- took the religious journey, to wit, into the next town, and there he fpent the money in tav- erns. Being rcturnedhome, he tells- him, that he had the great- efl hopes that the bu fine] s would tucceed to their mind, fo the Jaint fcemed to agree to his prayers. When he had fweat now a long time, and not a bit indeed of gold was produced anywhere, he anjwered Balbi. nus, expqflulating, that no fuch thing had ever happened to him in his life, having tried his art lb often ; nor could he guefs well what was the r eaten* When they had gueffed a long time, at length that came into the mind of Balbinus, whether he had omitted any day to hear mafs, oriohytke horary pray- ers, as they call thenu For noth- ing would fucceed, thefe being omitted. There the cheat ]ays, woe's me ! Mtf/ was done . through for getfulnejs once and agafn : Arid lately n/5V?£ from a long feaft, I forgot to lay M* falutation of the virgin. 2ftm Balbinus /ayj, no .wonder, ?/ ALCUMISTICA. xWadmiflum eft per ob- livibnem femel at que iterum, et nu per Jurl gens a prolix o conviv- lb, oblitus fum dicere falutationem virgin is. Turn Balbinus inquit. Non mirum,y£tanta res non fuccedit. Artifex recipit, pro dtiobus,/i- en s p r 3£ t er m i fii s , au di ■ turum -duodecim, et pro unica falutatione re.po/t- turum decern. Cum pecunia deficijfet prodi- gurn alcumiflam lb bin - de, nee caufe petendi fuppeterent, tandem commentus eft kanc technam; rediit domum admodum exanimatus ; ac lamentabili voce, pe- ril, inquit, funditus, Balbine, peril, actum efl de capire raeo. Balbi- nus obflupuit, et avebat J are caufam tan'fi. maii. Au ha f ubo d e ra f i f u n t , inquit. quod egimus ; nee expetlo aliuri quam ut mox deducar in car- cerem. Ad hanc vocem Balbinus expalluit fe~ no. Nam fas apud nos effe capitale, ft quis tx ere eat alcurnifiicam ah/ que perm i flu pr ma- ps. II ie pergit. Non metuo mortem, inquit, utinam ilia conturgat ; F2 fo great a thing doe?: nor fuc- ceed. l 77; //r quatn /a/z'j vita ? I- bi res ventilata ejl con- fuitatione . ifa Ibinusq u o- niarn ca/iebat ailem rhe- toricam, pulfavit omnes flatus fi tf&rt periculum p0^(^tf ^ d i 1 a i . Nee poterat Jaclum quidem defh\di ob mamjejlam legem. Cum mmiis ad m dutlis in medium, tii* (h zetur nibi 1^ ///2 / p r ce- fidii, tandem alcumiila, cui erat jam • but //^ ^<>;o- requires # prejent remedy. I fuppofe M^y will be here prefently, that will hur- ry me into an evil conditiqp. Lajlly when nothing occured to Baibinus \ at length the alcu* vtift fays, nor does any thing occur to me, nor do I Jet any thing left, unlefs that I die bravly. unlefs perhaps this pleqfe you x which alone is left, if Jul rather than honorable, but that necefjity is a hard weap- on. y&a W, quoth he, ^/?/ M?j foit 0/ 7^;* are greedy ot money; and thef^fore may £e corrupted more eafily /0 te^r* /r/ as matters now 4j/ melius. I- dem vifum eft Balbino^ ac numeravit triginta aureos, quibus redinie- rtt filentium. A. Liberalitas Balbi- m eft /#z>#. B.Imo alius exiudif fes dentem ah eo quam nummum in honefta re. Sic profpecium eft ahu- mijlcr, cui nihil erat pe- riculi, niJi<\uo& non ka- beret quoA daret arnica. A. Demiror nihil effe nafi Balbino in tanlum. B. Heic lantum ca- fet nafo t nafutiflimus in ceteris. Kurfum for- nax inftruitur novate- cunia, fed precatiuncula prximjfa ad virginem matrem % ut faveret cceptis* Jam totus an- nus exierat dum illo of gold, whereby he mtght pur* chafe filenc-e. The liberality of Balbinus is wonderful. Nay, you mouldfooner have got a tooth from him than a piece of money in an hone ft matter. Thus provifion was made for thealcumifl, who was in no danger, but that he had not to give to his Mifs. I wonder Balbinus Jhould have nofenfe to fuch a degree. Here only he wanta^w/?, be* ing fenfible enough in other things. Again the furnace is fitted up with nezv money, but with a prayer put up fir ft to the virgin molh'r, that^ Jhe would favor their undertakings. Nor*) a whole year was gone, zohilfl he pretending now Mzj, then caufitnU ALCUMISTICA. caufante nunc hoc.nunc 7 Hue/, luditur opera, et impenfa j^nV. Interim extitit quidara ridiculus cafus. A,, Quifnam ? B. Alcumifta habuit furtivam. confuetudinem cum uxore ^ cujufdam aulici J marit\is,conccp- ta fufpicione, capitob- fervare hominem. Tan- dem cum nunciatum ef- fect ?7/2,facrificum "ejfe in cubiculo, rediit domum prater expe&ationem, ^//fl/oftium. A. Qui d f "aclur us ho- mini ? B.Ouid ! nihil fuave, aut occifurus erat aut exfecuuus. Ubi maritus in/tans minitareiury£d- fraclurum oflium vi ni uxor aperiret, trepida- turn eft magnopere, et aliquod prasfentaneum con/ilium circumfpici- tur. Nee erat a/tud, quam quod res ipfa da- bat. Abjecit tunicam, ac dejecit/g/J neifenef- tram angujiam, nonjine pericuio, nee fine vul- nere, acfugit. Scis ta- les fabutesjpargi iilico; itaque permanavit et ad Balbinum ; at que. arti- fex diuinaret id lore. that, his labor is loft, and the the expenie thrown away. In the mean time there happened a certain comical adventure. What ? The alcumift had a private commerce with the wife of a cer- tain courtier ; the hufband iay ing conceived a fufpicion, began to watch M^ fellow. At la ft &r&^8 it was told him, that the prieft z*wj in the bedchamber, he returned home contrary to their expectations, knocksat the door. What &>£j he for doing with the fellow : What! nothingp\eafont,either he would have killed him, or have gelded him. When the hufband being very earnejl, threatened that he would break the door by force^ unlefs the wife opened it, they trembled mightily, t and fome prefent con- trivance is confidered of. Nor was there any other than what the thing it/elf offered. He Jlriptoffb.is waiftcoat,<2/2tff threw hvmfelj through a narrow win- dow , nor without danger, -nor without a wound, and /led, you know that fuch ftories are J'p read prefently ; therefore it came alfo to Balbinus, and the artift had ' gu>ffed that it would be. A. Hcic ALCUMISTICA. 69 A. Heic itaque tene- • tur medzus* B. Imo elapfus eft hinc felecius quam e cu- f J?iculo. Audi tecknam i hominis. Balbinus ni- , hilexpofl.ulabat,/ ; ^nu- , bilo vultu iD.di.cabaty£ , non ignorare £w! 0/; 2 /a /tf - r^/"r. Nee mora, re- peto feneftram, (nam ire nccefitas urgebp.r) et reperi amp lam fatis ad ejfugium. A. Credidit Balbinus iftis ? B. Credidit ! imo ig- ndvit, Hiam, et ad ir on> uit religiofe, nt pr2 had drawn me into /221 Inares, and O woe's me ! of a prie/l, I am become a cuckoldma.ker. Yet /Azj prefent, which we fent /f et audiam lubens, e* pen- fabo fabula* j t\on, for here bias no danger of the cheats he underflood as much of the art as any tf/5yand cheating in this kind Hri favor- ed. But if he. had laid againft him the crime of felony, Azj un&ion rendered hifn fecure from hanging / nor would any one maintain willingly fuck a fellow in the gaol for nothing." 1 fhduld pity Bafbinui, un* lefs /fo loved ta be deluded. Now / mujl haflen to court; fome other time 1 will tell you much more foolifh things even than thefe. When jytfw Jhall be at leifure 9 I both fliall hear you gladly and requite Jiory with ftory. hippoplanus: ^ H1PP0PLANUS. A.TMMORTALEM 1 Deu m ! qu am tor- ve intuetur noJierPhtt- drus, eifabindejujpicit in caelum ! adoriar. Quid novce rei accidit, Phaedre ? B. Quamobrem in- terrogas i{\uc,.dule ? A. Quoniam vicferis nAhiJaffus. CatoeP/ice- dro ; eft tanta fe Veri- tas in vultu. B. Non mirum, ami- ce, conjejfusjum inoay me a peccata. A. Phy ! jam dell no mirari, fed age mini £#/?£ yfcfc, ccnieilus es omnia ? B. Omnia quidem -quae veniebant in men- tern, &/nc2 duntaxat *#- cepto. A. Cur reticuijli hoc .unum ? B. Quiznondum. po- iuit difplicere ?/n/n. G IMMORTAL G 1 turned oflf into the next vicuia ; H1PPOPLANU3. vie urn ; iilic depofui equum apad quendam notum mihi, et conduxi a Itt rum ; pro feci u s f u m quo deiliaarem, rever- jus fnn reddo condiuli- tium equum ; repcrio w.n\i\x\fo phi ft ampler at ^ cbefum . et pukhre pc- quiet urn, vcflus eo, re- de o adimpoftorcm,r0g"tf vx alert t aliquot dies in fuo ii-dbulot donee repe- tiero. percunclatur quam commode geiicnt mt. Ego dejero per omnia iacra, me nun- quam confcendille ter- gum felicioris cqui in ' vha,ro!aj/epoumqua)?i ambuluiie, nee Jenfijfe laflit.udinem tarn longo itinere, nee factum ^z/tf, xnacriorera oh laborem. Cum perfuaferam illi kttceffc vera, cogitabat iacitus fecum ilium e* qurnn efte alium, quam Iiaftenus fufpicalus ej- fiet. Itaque priufquam abirem, rogabat rnim na hi equus eflet vena- lis; piimo negabam, quod fi iter incident denuo, nonforet facile mnjcifci fitnilem ; at- tamen nihil eiTe tarn eharura mxhi % quod no a town : There I fet up my horfe with one //W was known to me, <2tf J hired another ; I went whither I had defigned, returned^tiioxc mykiredhoik ; 1 find my cheat, as ^e &'tf j fat ## J finely rejled /. riding upon him, / return to the rogue : / beg of him that he would keep him fome days in his ft able, /2// I come for him again. Ht aflis me how well he carried me. If tear by #// that s fa- cred, Mfi/ / never got upon//z£ £#£/£ of a better horfe in my life ; that he flew rather than paced, and was not fenfble of wearinefs in fo I mg a journey, nor made a hair the leaner for his labor. When / had ptr- fuaded him that theje things were true r he thought filtntiy with himfelf, that the horfe was another fort of one, than hith- erto he had fuf peeled him. Therefore before I went away, he ajked me if my horfe was t9 be fold : At fir It I [aid no, be- catafe if a journey fliould fall out again, it would not be eafy to get the like ; but that noth- ing was fo dear to me 9 which was not to be fold for a leirge price ; although any one [hould defire to buy myftf lay U eft HIPPOPLANUS. ■* 77 effet venal e p retro lar- go • etiamfi quis cupe- ret emptum map/urn, inquam, A. Nee hi agebas Cretenfem pule hre cum Cretenfi. B.Quid multis ? Non dimittit me, donee in- •dicarem, Indicavi non paulo pkmsiyjwrai erne- ram. DigreJJus ab nom- ine, 7no x iuborno qui age re t pa rtem h u j u sfa - bulce mihi, pule hre in- flruflum £/ edocium. /ringreffus domum in- rlamat locatorem, ait fibi opus effe injigni e~ quo et egregie patienti labon s. Alter 0/ikrc- B#l m-uitos, et prasdicat pejjimum quemque maxi- me; non laudat ilium Jolum, quern vendiderat mihi, quoniam exifti- mabat r/^r* talem, £7#<2- lern prsedicaveram. At alter rJ/zVi rogat numct ille ^/ venalis. Lo- cator primum obticef- ceret atque prozdicaret alios ambitioje. Cum */?y aW />j/ I fuborn one, who fhould act a part of this ■/>/#y for me, well in Unified and taught. He entered the. houfe, calls upon the jockey, he fays that he had need of a very good horfe^ and excellently ca- pable of enduring labor. The other Jliezvs him many, and commends every iheworji hdrje m.oft. He does not commend him alone, which he had fold to me, becaufe he thought him truly fuch, as I had commend- ed him for. But the other prefe ntly afks whether he too was to befold. The jockey at fir ft was f lent, and commended others mightily. When he % the reft being approved of \\x fome meafure, always treated about that alone ; at lafl the jockey fays to hmff my judgment of (hat horfc plainly tun HIPPOPLANUS. urn meum de ilio equo plane fjeilit me. Si- quidem hie peregrinus fatim agnovit kunc in- ter omnes. Cum Hit. k) ft a ret, tandem, in quit, hie eft ven alis, kdfor- tajft deterreberis p rctt d. Pretium, inquit ille, ncn eft magnum, y? dig- nitas rei refpondeat. Indica. Indicavit all- quanta pluris, quam in- dicaram xpfi, cap tans et hoc lucrum. Tandem convenit de pretio ; Ta- lis magna arrha datur, ne?npe regalis aureus, ne qua fufpicio Jimulata emptionis incident. Emptor jubet pabulum dan cquo. Ait fe redi- turum mox et abdu&u- rum. ZWetiam drach- mam flabulario. Ego , iimul atque cognovi paclionem ejfe firmam Jic ut nonpojfet recindi, cedo rurfus ad locaio- 7c?n armatus ocreis et caicanbus. Clamo an- helus, ille adefl, rogat quid velim. Me us e- *quus adornetur, illico, inquam nam p r o ft a fee n- dum eftt ve ftigio max- \mtftriam rem. /Uqui vaQ&o % inquit } mandabas deceived me : Since this ft ran- ger immediately knew him a- mong them all. When he urg- ed him, at lafl, fays he, he\% to be fold, but perhaps you will be frighted with theprice. 1 he price, fays he, is not great, if the worth of ' the thing anfwer. Set your price. He fet him at fomething more than I had fet him at to him, catch- ing alfo at this gain. At length they agreed about the price ; a good large earnef penny is given, to wit, a royal crown, left any fufpicion of a counter- jeit purchafe fiould happen. The buyer orders hay to be given to the horfe. He fays, that he will return prcfently, and take him away. He gives alio a fix pence to the hoftler, I, as foon as / knew the bar- gain was firm,/? that it could not be broken, returned again /0 the jockey, drefled in my boots and [purs, I call out of breath, he comes, afks me a/tatf I would have. Let my horfe be got ready prefently,^)- /, for / m it ji go i id m ed i at r I v upon a very /enou r affair. But juft now, quo ik he, you ordered i&rf I flbould keep v0«r horfe /^;;zo, non vender em eum e- quum, etiamfi quis nu- xuerat quadruplum. ln- cipio rixam % clamo we perditura. Tandem et illc incaluit. Quid opus, inquit, jurgiis ? In die a/It equum, ego vendidi; fi numeroprc- tium, Adtaf nihil quod cgas mecum. Sunt leges in hac urbe : non potts compellere me ad exhibendum equum. Cum clamaflem flftii, aut eitJii (met equum f aut torem ; tan dun ira- tu3 numeral firepufli. Emeram quindecim. au- i vi- befides my expeclah on , and that //£.£ King's, which admits no delay. Here he /aid, you may choofe (7i// 0/ ^ which ji?^ a?///, you cannot ^ai/* your own : I afk, what for ? Be- cauje, fays he, he is fold. There pretending a great diflurbancc, I fay, God forbid, whatjy^w ya>i. This70#r ney being fallen out, / would not fell that horfe, although any one would pay me four times the worth. I begin a folding, I cry out thai I am undone. At length he too grew hot. What need, quoth he, of all this bawling : you fet a price on your horfe, I have fold him, it I pay you your price, you have nothing that you can do with me. There are laws in this city ; You cannot compel me to pro- duce tht horfe. After 1 had bawled a long time, either that he fliould produce the horfe, or the buyer, he pays me my price. X had bought him for fifteen crowns. I had v lued him at twenty fix, he had valu- ed him at thirty two. He thought to him/elf it is better to make this advantage, than to return the horfe. 1 go away like one grieved, and fcarce appeafed with the money given gmti 8e HIPPOFLANUS. jjinti fex, ilk aeftima- *at tnginta duo bus. Cogitabat apud fe ; prieftat facer e hoc lucri, quam redrlere equum. 'Abeofmilis dolenti,£C xixplacatus pecuniaaftf- ta. Ille rogat ut £0/22 confulam, fe penfatu- rum hoc incommodi fit tt/n'j rebus. Sic 2?w- pofitum ejl impoilofi. Ha bet equum nullius pretii. ExpeQat ut qui 6 edit arrh a ffi,venidLt numer&tum pecuniam ; at nemo venit nee &#- quam venturus eft. A. Interim nunquam cxpojlulavit tecum ? B. Qua fronte aut quo jure facer et id ? Convenit quidem Jemel at que iter urn. Con- queftuseft de fide emp- tor is. Verum ego ex- poftulavi w/jVtf cum no- mine dicens ilium dfrg*- 722/7/2 eo inalo qui fpoli- avit /72 ^ tali equo pra- propera venditioni Hoc f/? crimen ta7/z &?- ne collocatum mcafen- ttntia y ut non pqjjim inducere animum con- fiteri. 772^. Hi? ^i- that 'I would take in good part, that he would make amends for this inconve- nience in other things. So I cheated the cheater. He has a horfe of no value. He ex- petls that he who gave the ear- nejt penny, may come to pay his money ; but nobody comes, nor ever will come. In the mean time did he never expoflulate with you'? With what front or with what right could he do it ? He met me indeed once and again. He complained of the honejly of the buyer. But I expostu- lated of my own accord with the man, faying that he was worthy of that misfortune, who had robbed me of inch ahofe, by too hafty felling of him. This z'jacrime/tf o#// placed, 272 ?72> opinion, that / cannot bring 7/2^ mzW to confefs it. A. Ego C0NV1V1UM FABULOSUM. A. Ego pofcerern^a- tuam mihi, ft defignaf- fem aliquid tale. B. Nefcio an loque- ris tx ammo : tamen addis animum mihi, quo magis Wbcdtjactre jucum talibus. I fhould demand a Jlatue for myfelf, if I had contrived any fuch thing. I know not whether you [peakjrom your heart: Yet you give encouragement to me, that I have the more mind to put thetrick upon fuch fellows. CONVWiUM F4BULCSUM, Poly my thus, Gelafinus, Eufcrapelus, Aftacus, Phylythlus, Phitogelos, Eugloitus, Lerocha- res, Adolefchcs. A.T TT nendecet bene w inftitutam civi- talem define legibus ac principe, ita nee o~ port't convivium. Ge. I flue vero pep- placet, ut unus refpon- deam nomine totius populi. Po. Heus puer, adfer hue talos, ho rum J af- freights regn u m decerne- tur cukunque Jupiter AS */ aWj 720/ become a well ordered /fate to be with- out laws A/?ia Prince, fo nei- ther a&j z7 become a feait to be. That indeed pleafes us very well, that 1 alone ^z^v anfzver in the name of the whole peo- ple. Soho, />tf>', bring hither the dice, Ay ^/zecr 1/0 tej the king- dom fnall be difpofed of to whomfoever Jupiter lhafi fa- fa ver it, «2 CONV1VIUM FABULOSUM. faverit. Euge ! Jupi- ter favit Jlutrapelo. -Sortes non fuere cara:. Magis idoneus non po- terat eUg\,etiam/i punc- ta colletlafuiffent viri- tim per fingulas tubus. Vulgojugatur prover- biurn, non tam vanum quoin parum Latinum, novus rtfa novus kx. „ £u. Quod fit felix fauflumque huic con- vicio. Primum edico, ne quis prefer et heic prater ridicuias fabu- las. Cui dceritf abula multator drachma. Ea petunia infumitor in vinum. At que extem- pore confida habtntur in legitimis fabulis,/#0- do probabile et deco- rumfervetur. Si nulli deer it tabula, duo pew dunto pretiura vim, quorum alter dixerit kpidifjimam alter fri- gidijjrmam fubulam. Convivator eflo im mu- nis a fumptu vini : u- nus juppeditato fump- tu m ciborum. Si quid controverfce incident, Gelafinus efto arbiter et judex kujus rd* Si vor. Well done ! Jupiter has favored Eutrapelus. The lotf were not blind. A more fit man could not have been c-hof- en, though the votes had been taken man by man through ev- ery tribe. There is common- \ytoffed about a proverb, not fo filly ash is bad Latin, a new king, a new law. That which may be lucky and fortunate for this feaft. Firjt I proclaim that nobody produce any thing here befides comical J 'lories. He that wants aflory, let him be fined^Zv- pence. Let that money be fpent in wine. And let things -invented extempore be reckoned among lauful llories, provided probability and decency % be preferved. If nonefiall want a ltory, let tkofe two pay the charge of the wine, whereof the one mall tell the prettuji, the other the dullefi ftory. Let the mafler oj the fenfl be free from the charge of the wine : Let him alone bear the charge of the vicluah. If .any dtf- pute happen, let Gelafinus be the decider and judge oj that affabr. If you confirm tkefe things^let them be eftablifhed. He ■t-fa&Y/ill «tot obey the la%, CONVIVIUM FABULOSUM. 83 vos fciveritis haze rata funto. Qui nolueritjfoz- rere icgi, abito tamen Jic, ut Jit jus Jafque re- dire pojlridie ad com- potationem. G . Volu mu s legem la tarn a rege effe rat am noftris Jujfragiis, fed uncle circulus J'abula- rawproficifcetur? Eut. Unde ni a con- vi/atore ? Af. Jureconfulti ne- gant elTe /^7» quae nonjit aequa. Eu. Alfentior. At. At /«£ /^a" eequat optxmam fabulam pejji- me. Eut. Ubi voluptas quaeritur, ibi premore- tuxnon minus laudis, qui *//a7 peffime quam qui opti?ne, velut inter can- tores ??£?;2 yet fo that it may be lawful and allowable jo r him to return the day after to the club. We will that the law made by our king be confirmed by our votes ; but whence lhall the circle of Jlories proceed ? From whence but from the entertainer ? The lawyers deny it to be a law which is notjuft. I afient to it» But your law- equals ihe l^ ftory to theworft. , T j t Where pleafure is fought, there he deferves «0 \eSsprai/e 9 who Jays very badly ///#?* he who fays very zvell, as among fingers no ma a pleafes, unltjs he thdit Jirtgs either notably well, 0r extraordinary ?7/. Do not more laugh, upon hearing the cuckow, than the nightin* gale? Here indifference ha s no praife. Rut why are they punifhed who get praife? Eut. Ne H CONVIVIUM FABULOSUM. Eut. Ne nimia felici- tas provocat aliquam Nemefm Mis, fi aufe- rent ct laudem ttimmu- nitatem fimul. Af. Per Bromium Minos ipfe nunquam tulit aequiorem legem. Phylyth. Feres nul- lum legem de modo bi- bendi ? Eut. Re defpefla, fe- quar exemplum Agefiiai r-egis Laced^emonio- rum. Phylyth. Quid is fe- cit ? n\i£« Cum is quodum piety ore delectus tjfet ui Mipofiarchus, arbitrio laiorum ; architnclino rogante quantum vini iuberet apponi. cuique, inquit, Ji largior co- pia vini parata eit, data cuique, quantum po- pofcerit ; Ji malignior, di/iributio omnibus ex aque. 'Phylyth. Quid fibi \o\u\t ille Lacon cum diceret hcec ? Eut. Agebat hoc ut ccnvivium neque eflet temulentiwi, neque rur» Jam querulum. Left excefwe happinefs mould provoke/^*: Nemefis o,gainJl them, if they Jliould get both praife and immunity together. By Bromius Mvnos himfelf never made a more reafonable law. Will you make no law con* ceming the manner of drink- ing ? o The thing being con/idered,! will follow the example of A- gefilaus, King of the Lacede- monians. What did he? When he on a certain time had been chofen governor of a feaiW the plea Jure of the dice ; the m after of the houfe atfking how much wine he ordered to be ferved up to every one, he fays, if a large plenty of wine be provided, give to every one as much as he calls for; if a more fparing, divide to every one alike. What meant that Lacede- « monian when he faid theft things ? Fie meant this that thefeaft fhould neither be drunken, not again quarrelfome. Phvlvth. •CONVIVrUM FABULOSUM. %5 Phylyth. Qui fie ? How fo ? Eut. Quia funt qui Becaufe there are fo me who gaudent bibere largius, love to drink plentifully , there funt qui gaudent par- are others who love to drinle cius. Reperiuntur et fparingly. There are Hkewife abflemii, qualis Romu- found abflemious people, fuch lus dlcitur fuiffe. Ita- as Romulus is faid/# havebeen» que Ji vinum datur Therefore if wine is given t» nulli niji pofcenti, pru none but him that calls for it mum nemo compellitur firfl, nobody is forced to drink, ad bibendum, et tamen und yet they want nothing, to dejiderant nihil, quibus whom plentiful drinking is a-* largior potatio eft gra- greeable. So it comes about ta. Itaft ut nemo fit that nobody is fad in the feafL Again, if -a lefs quantity of wine is diftributcd 272 equal /hares to each, they have e~ nough that drink moderately, nor can any one murmur in e- bibunt moderatius, ne- quality, fince he that would qne poteft quifquam have drunk plentifully ,compof- obmuvmur^re in a^qual- es him fe If to temperance zoitk ztate ; quando qui hauf- a contented mind. If this ex* turus em largius^com- ample pleafcs you, / will ifeit* iponitfe ad temperan- for we would have this to be a tiam azquo animo. Si itory telling, not a drunken hec exempium placet, feafL utar, nam volumus hoc e/fe fabulofum, nonv'i- nofnm convivium. Phylyth. Quid igi- tur bibahat Romulus ? Eut. Idem quod ca- nes be bunt. Ph) ] ylh. An -non if tud inJitrnum re?e ? triflis in convivio. Rurfus, fi parcior co- pia vini diftribuitur ce* quis portionibus in fin- gulos t habent fatzs qui II What then drank Romulus? The fame that dogs drink ? Is not that unworthy of a king ? Eut. Nihil .86 CONVIVIUM FABULOSUM. .Eut. Nihil ?nagis quara ! quod reges Jpu rant sere communi cum canibus, nifi qnodzllud interefl, rex non bib 4 eande?naqudLm,quam ca- nis bi beret, fed r<2?uj haurit tfre ;»■ quetn r€# efflavit. Et viciffem rex haurit cerem quern ratffj efflavit. Alexan- der Hie Magnus tuliflet ^/z/j* glorias, J? bibiffet <:w/ra canibus. Nam &£. •St/ pejus rege qui tfrgi* /at tot millibus homxn- u?n, quam vinolentia, -Casterum Romulmniu- 2 fie abfle?niu?n, apo- thegma diclum ab illo .57(7« infejlivittr 4ecla- rat. Etenim cum ywi- dfara videns tV/z/wi ab- ftinere 6 nW dixiflet, vinum futurum azVe, fi omnes bibcr cut que mad- modum ille : Imo, z«- ^wz/, turn arbitror fore cari{ji/mum,Xi omnes bi- berent vinum quemad- rnodum e?o, nam fo'^0 quantum /z&tf. Ge. Utinam nojlcr Joannes Botzemus ca- aionicus Conflantinenjis '^de/frt /*e?c. Nam et No ?72t7ra/ that Mere t'j Ma/ d// ference ; the king does nol drink the fame water which the dog dra nk, but Me dfog draw* in the air which Me /$?'7?£breath. ed out. And again Me king draws in Me azr which the dog breathed out. Alexander the great had got more glory, if he had drunk with the dogs. Foi nothing is work for a king, who watches over fo many thoufand we/z,then drunkenne/s, But M#* Romulus was ery dear, if well, inquitj par calceorum quoth he, would a pair of fhoes duplicatis foleis cor*- with double folcs, agree jz'z/A grueret /zzi" ocreis. /?#- //z^/I? leather flockings. Being gatus an velUt et calce- afked whether he would have os, annuit» Keperti Jhoes too. he agrees to it* They funt et additi pedibus. were found, and put upon his Maccus laudabal ocre- feet. Maccus commended the as, laudabal calceos. ilockings y com?nended thefhoes. Calcearius gaudens la- The five ma her rejoicing fiknt- cite fuccinebat illi lau- ly % agreed with /22/72 commend- danti, fperans a?quius fng them, hoping for a better pretium, pofteaquam price, feeing the ware pleafed ?nerx placeret emptori the buyer lo much. And now tantopere. Et jam non- Jome familiarity was contracc- nulla familiaritas erat ed. Here Maccus /ays, tell contrafta. litic Mac- me in good faith, did it never cus inquit, die ?nihi bo- happen to you, that one whom na fide nunquamne ufu youhadjurniftedthuswithlea- vtnit tibi, #2* quern «r- ther floe kings and /Wi for a maffes tic ocreis et cal- race,as nowyou have me,wen toff ctis ad curfum quemad- without paying the price ? viodum nunc armafli Never, fays he. But if by me, abierat non name- chance, fays he, itfnould hap- rato pretio ? Nunquam, pen, what would you do then ? ait ille. At que tifor- I zoould follow Mm, fays //i quam poflea refolvit. Ge. Verumenz/aclio furti. Po. Ea quidem inten- tata eft pojt, fed jam Maccus innotuerat ali- quot in agi fir ah bits. Ge.Ouid attulitMac- cus ? Po. Quid attulit, ro- gas in cafu tarn vincibi- \\ ? Aclor magis peri- clitatus eft quam reus. Ge. Qui fie ? Po. Quia gravabat ilium aclione calumniae, et intendebat Rhemian legem % qua? did at, ut quin intenderet crimen quod non pqfpt probare? jlret pcenarn quam reus laturus erat 9 (i juiffet conviclus. Negabat fe g o n tr e 6ta fle zke na m rem invito domino, Jed de- ferente u!tro 9 nee til lam xnentionem pretii inter- ceGifle ; fe provocajfe calcearium ad certavien cur jus-/. Ilium accept jfe 'conditionem,firc. habere qucd querentur cum ejj'it fuperatus curfu, Ge. Uaec atlio non mukum abefl ab umbra afini. Quid tandem ? Pivhaps money wag not at hand which afterwards he paid. But (here was an aftion of the/}. That indeed was brought af- terwards, but now Maccus was become acquainted with fome magiflrates. What did Maccus plead ? What did he plead, do you- ajk, in a caufe, fo eafy to bs. carried ? The prqjecutor was- more in danger than the perfon indifted. How fo ? Becaufe he loaded him with an acHon of'flander ; and urgecr the Rhemian law, which orders,,. that he who brings a charge. which he cannot prove,, Jliall fi-'Jfe r the p un i (h m e n t wh ich the perfon indlEted Jliiuld have Juffered, \\ he had been convift- ed. He denied th3t he med- dled with the other's ware a- gainft the will of the owner, but on his giving it of his own accord, and that na mention of price had paffed betwixt them ;. that he had challenged the fhoe- maker to the running of a race ,\ That he had accepted 'the propo- fal, and had nothing that he could complain 0/" feeing he was beat in a .ace. This action is not muchJJiort of the fhadow of the ajs. What came of it at laft ? P, CONVIVIUM FABULOSUM. 9* P. Ubi rifum ejl fatis, qui dam e judicious vo- eavit Maccum ad cce- nam, et numeravit cal- ceario pretium. Quid- dam fimile accidit Da- ventnoz me puero. E- rat ill ud temp us, quo pi/ cat ores regnant, lann frigent. Ouidam afta- bat ad fenejtra??i fruftu- aviae, vehementer cbefae fanuna, .oculis intentis in ea quoz pofita erant venum. Ilia invitabat hominem ex wore fi quid vellet. Et cum vi- deret intentum ficis, &£f ficos ? ait, {unt per quam el'gantes. Cum ille an- nuiflet, rcg-fl^ quot /z- ^r^j vellet. J'u, in- quit, quinque libras ? Annuenti eflfudit t "ant urn ficorum in gremium. Dum ilia reponit lan- ces > i\\e fhbduatfe, non curju, fed placide. Ubi prodijjet acceptura /tf- cumam, vidit emptor em abire ; infequitur ma- jore t/0t' cceperat 2r/^/z fhe faw him intent upon the fig, «uz// jy#& Aat/* fl?zy figs ? faxsjhe, they arc very fine- ones. When he agreed on it, jhe a/ks him how many pounds he would have. Will you kave s fays fhe, five pounds ? On his agreeing to italic poured/3 manyhgs inio his hg/pm'i W nil R Jhe lays by the Jcales, he withdraws* not running but eafily. When Jhe came out to receive her money \ ihe faw her chapman was going off.Jke follows with a greater W02/5? than pace. He taking no notice) goes on whether he had begun /0 £ fed r arprntece. Quidam im- ; poftor animadv?rterat id. yWnV facrifcum, qui ge/labat crumenam turgidam numm'xsin zo- na j falutat avi liter, narrat fibi datum nego- hum a fuis, ut m rcare- tur novum facrum pal- , Hum parocho fui vici, qua eftfumma v eft is Jacerdoti per3genti di" vinam rem. Rogat ut commodaret/^f tantil- lum operas, ut irct ie- cum ad eos s qui vendunt ejufmodi pallia ; quo(\i m rneret majus aut minus ex modotllius corporis, nam ip/ius ftaturam vi- dtn fibi congruerz ve- hementer caw magni- tudine parochi. Cum hoc vuleretur love 0^z- a«//i, facrificus facile pollicitus efl. Adeunt aedes cujuj'dam. Palli- um prolatum ejl. Sacri- fices induiL Venditor ajfxrmat mire congru- e/e, caw impoftor c$n* ver» A certain cheat had ob- Jervedit. He went to theprie/i^ who carried the purfe ftuff'd with money ?rc Azj - i he tells him that he was employed by his neighbors *0 buy a new farplice for ike par/on of their town, which is the upper garment of the priejt performing divine fer- vice* He afks him that he would lend him a little of his help, that he would go with him to thofe who fell /tfc/a- gowns ; that he might take it bigger or /r CONVIVIUM FABULOSUM. 95 tis. Eft/ catena, quae demifja in terras pertin- get did Joveni. Eu. Redeundum ad Jabulas. As. Ordo rtdit ad te, j£ fas eft c0g4J huntings got acquaintance with 0?2£ Conon, a country fellow, but of an hcneji and Jincert mind ;j^r monarchs ^r he was prefently known bv the king and Jent for. He offered his prefent with great cheerful* nejs j the king received it with greater cheerlulnefs ; ordering one of thofe next him» that itfzouldbe laid up diligently among thofe things which he ptorepfifTel CONVIVIUM FABULOSUM. 97 arorepfiflet in aulam, }ua rex erat iturus,Hdr :im agnitus eft a rege, it accerjitus. I lie dt* Yklit munus cum m»g- I J a alacritate, rex acce- hit cum majore alacri- ate, mandans cuidam e fyroximis, ut reponere- tur diligenter inter ea jua haberet charijjima. /\w\>zlCononem prandere tecum ; a prandio agit 'gratias Cononi,^ juflit \mille coronatos numera- ri pro rapa Mi eupienti repetere fuum rus. Cum ifama kujus r ei, ut Jit per* vagata effet per omne regis famulitium, qui- dam ex aulicis dedit re- gi non inelegant em e- quum dono. Rex in- telligent ilium provo- tatum benignitate qu am pi aeftiteret Cononi, cap- tare pra:dam, accepit mwnus vultu major em in modum alacri,^ con- vocatis primoribus,ccc- pit confultare quo mu- nere penjaret tam bel- lum tamque pretiofum equum. Interim qui doaarat equum, conce- pt opimas fpes animo, I counted mojl dear» He or- ders Conon to dine with him ; after dinner he gave thanks to Conon ;#w^/ordered a thoufand crowns to be paid For his tur- nip to him, defiring to return to his own country. When the fame §J this things it happens* had gone through all the king's fervants, one of the courtiers gave the king no uhhandfoma horfe as a prefent. The king under/landing that he being encouraged by the kindneis which he had (hewn to Conon t catched at a prize, received the- prefent with a countenance ?nore than ordinarily cheerful ; and having called together his nobles, he began to ccnfult with thzmwhditpYtkniheJIiGuldfnake as a return/or fo fine and Jo valuable a horfe. In the mean time he who had given the horfe, conceived rich hopes in his mind thinking thus, if he made fuch a return for a tur- nip prefented by a country fel- low,^?*; much moregeneroudy will he make a rtturnfor fuch a horfe given him by a courtier ! When one anfwered one thing, another another, Jo the king, confulting a/about a grand af- fair, and this catching fellow had ieenfed a Jong time with covitans 98 CONVIVIUM FABULOSUM. cogjtans fie, fijk pen- vain hopes, at laft the kinghA javit rapam donatam a it comzs into my mind what J ruflico, quanta munifl- JJiould give him, and one oftht centius penjaturus ejl nobles being called to him, ht talemequum oblaturn zvhifpe red in his ear, that he ab aulico. Cum alius fhould bring that which fa refponderet aliud regi fnould find \nh\s bedchamber, confultanti vehdi de and atthe fame ftWhed'efcribei magna re, et captator the place jwrappedun dilige?ztl) latlatus ejfet dm vana in (ilk. The turnip is brought, fpe, tandem rex inquit, 77z ?g ^ 0^? ce o i other. Lewis offering himfeif, /ze /j ? 4 off t ! i e I o u fe, a n d 1 1 i r e w it away privately. The king z?/7z z tfg W h ut i t wa s , he tea f djha m - td to confefs. When the king urged him, he con fe fled /A a/ if a.'tf.y a loufe.// zj a joyful omen, quoth he, y#r it declares that I ^/72 a man, becaitfe this kind ^jT vermin does infeit w£^ peculiar- ly, ejljeciatiy in his yo.::h, $i^ he ordered forty crozvns to be \paid him /i)r hisfervice. After a good many days, /> minding that there is a great deal of differ- ence whether you do a thing /rtf/, 7 z zVzr2*M kings in waggery : Jir as lions c^er themfelves fometimes quietly to one tha rubs them, the fame, when M!iffimus omnium regum, wait, fays he> another occa- ,ui habeam tarn opu- fioru -ntum cancillarium. leic fpes accenfa eft aagis omnibus, futu- ' umut pecunia diftrib- heretur ceteris, quan- iloquidem ille ambiebat \ihiL Ubi rex lufiflet id hunc mo dam fatis, . ". ' \ . . liu, coegit cancellaji- jm, ut aujerret totam :am fammam domum. Moxq ; verfus ad cac- :gt os ja?Ji mceftos, vo- bis ent expeclanda, in- quit, alia occafio. Phil, Fortaffe vide- Perhaps it milt appear flat friiur frigidius, quod zvhic h I am going to tell, wh ere' fum narraturus vproin- fore 1 bar thefujpicion of evil ie deprecor fufpicio- deceit, or roguery, that I may \nem mali doli fucive \ not Jeem to have fought immu- ne videar ambiffe im- nity on purpofe. A certain munitatem deinduflria. man went to the fame Lewis, Quidam adiit eundem defiring that he would order Ludovicum, petens ut an office, which by chance was juberet munus, quod vacant in that dijtric7,m which /auditafeutione,.rfpon- you will da nothing. The pe- dit expedite, effices ni- titioner likewife prefently hav- hil. Petitor ■ etiam mox ing given thanks to the king, aclis grains regi dif departed. The king gather- cejfet. Rex, colligens ing from his very look, that ex ipfo fronte, effe ho- he, was a man by no means of mincm i04 CONV1V1UM FABULOSUM. minem non omnino fm- iflri ingenii, fufpicans que ilium non intellex- iffe quod refpondiffet, jubet cum revocari. Redit. Turn rex in- quit, intelligebas quid refponderim tibi f In- tellexi. Quid igitur dixi ? Me efftclurum nihil. Cur igitur age- bas gratias ? Ouoniam, inquit, eft quod agam domi : proinde perfe- cuturus eram ancipi- / I want not fomething to re- late of Lewis, but I had rather CONVIV1UM FABULOSUM. 105 fed malo de nojlro tell of our Maximilian : TVho 7 vMaximiliano. Qui ut as he ufed not to bury his mow \nequaquam folitus eji ey, fo he was very merciful to elefodere pecunia?n, ita thofe who had/pent their efiate t erat clememiffimus in fo they were recommended by a \eos qui decoxerant, mo- title of nobility. Being dt fir- do commendarentur ti- ous to help a certain young tulo nobilitatis. Cum ?»tf# of this fort of men, he vellet opitulari cuidam committed tohim* deputation, juveni ex hoc genere that he mould demand a hun* hominum, mandavit il- dred thoufand Jlorins from a li legationem, ut pete- certain city upon I know not vet centum miWia jlore- what title. But the title was \norum a quadam avi- fuck, that 2/ any thing a^j 0^- ^^ nefcio quo tituio. tained by the dexterity ^/ /^?^ broth immediately to be poured out zwto another earth em pot, ?Y/£ him, but ?2^>/^ was found. What needs many word 9 ? The pot was demand- ed of him z>2 earneft, becaufe he alone had entered the kitchen, at what time 2* a^j mfjing. He conjrjjed he borrowed a certain pot, Z>^ which he had fint back to him of whom he had it. When they denied it, a^ the conten- tion ^T^a/ warm,&\\\\ionyJbmc witneiTes being taken to ium % fays,yfe how dangerous it is to deal with werc of tbele times without a note : an aflion of th [ft would be almoft laid a- gain ft me, unlets / had the hand of the ufurer ; and he pro- duced the note. The roguery was under flood ; ihejtory was fpread through the whole coun- try with a great deal oi laughs Anton lus^ J 10 CONVIVIUM FABULOSUM. Antomius, aliquot, tefti- bus ad/nbitis/mqyxh, vi- de te quam pen cut of urn eft agere cum komimbus horurn temporum line ckirographo J atliofur- ti properr;odum inten- deretur rnihji m habe* rem manum fanerato- ris, et prctulit lyngra- pham. Dolus intc Hec- tus eft ; fabula difiipa- ta e ft per tot am regio- nem cum magno rifu, ollam oppignoipatam ip- ficujmerat. Homines favent hujufniodi do lis libentius, Ji commiffi lint in odiofas perfonas, prxfeuvm eps qui folent imponere aliis. A. Nae tu apperuifti nobis mare babularum, norninato Antonio : Jed refer am dunraxat w nam, earn que brevem, quam audivi nuperri- ine. Aliquot belli ho* munculi, ut dicunty agi- tabant convivium fimul, quibus nihil in vita pri- 1.1 s quam ridere. Inter has erat Ant on i us, atquc item alter, et ipfe Cele- bris 2,7 hoc genere lau- dis,-?/ velut amulus An* tonii. Porro quemad- modum inter pkilofo- pkos, fi quando conve- niuat, quefliunculx la- ter Mfl/ Mrz- wafw laudem hone/iatis on ob aiiudi nifi /yw?! called a rude droll. ^tfJ" Anthony recover- ed the glory /0// before. ffV have atljaid, it remains Mo| the judge pronounce fentence. I will do it, but 770/ before every man drinks off his glajs. Lo / begin, but f/ze a;'^ in the table. Levinus Panaga&us brings no unlucky omen» What A/W tarn ,,- L. NiG/a/^zraiwihoc Unlels yctii cflw/g/J that this Jwffe jucundius vobis rvas more plea fan t to you than fdbiloib convivio, non the fabulous feaft, / do not re* recufo daie poeoas in fufe to fuffer punifhment^^/p- cxna. Nihil jucundius per. Nothing is more pleafant quam cum nuges trac- than when trifles are handled tamur/?rz?. Ch EfTer ?£-//« r quod Declare M^/fc what )1 4 CHARON, riaviter quam feliciter, mfecerunt omnes partes oibis tartareis malis diffidiis, bellis. latroci- «its, peftilenttis, adeo uty&mfint plane calvcz % emiflis colubris, et c- bambultnt exhauftae ve- neniSi quaerentes quic* quid viperarum atque efpidum eft ufquam, quando fmt t am glabra quam ovum, et non ha* bent pilum in capite ,nec qu?dquamefih™c\s fucci in pttlore. Promde tu fac appares cymbam ac remos: mox enim tcmta multitude) umbrarum ventura eft, ut verear ne non fufficias tranf mittendis omnibus. Ch. Ik&nonjugerant nos. Al. Unde refcibas ? Ch OfTa ptrtuhrat ante biduum* Al. Nihil fonsy fe^king zvhatfoever vipers and afps there are any wh re r feeing they art as bare as an egg 9 and nave not a hair upon their head, nor any thing of effectual juice intheirbreaji. Wherefore ak ycu fee you make ready) apud H* [panes, apud Brnan nos- apud Italos, apud IGallos, Ad hacc noyam Ifotfra natam » calamo, et adhor- tari ad pacem. A!. I lie nanit fardis jampridem. OYimJcrip- Jit querimoniam profli- gates pacis, nunc fcnp- fit epitapkium eidem extinclcz. Sunt alii contra, qui juvant nof- trani rem non minus quam ipfas furia3. Ch. Quinam ifti ? Al.Sum quadavi an. of men will arikfYvm hence tc hereafter, if the thing comi fromhon^ues and quills to ham OfTa /p/i all theft things ver truly ; for I j&t; more &/$ thefe eyes, being a conftar companion 2nd aj/i/lant of tl furies, which at no time dared themfelves 772nr a complaint J/ xjanquifhed peace ;?lumis. Haec nunquam ecedunt ab aulis ^rz«- |^z/77z .* ififlillant in au- em amorem belli : -fortantur procures et ^lebem, eundem. Clam-, tant in evangelicis oncionibus, bellumeffe \itjlum, fan&um et pi- lm. Ouogue magis mireris fortem anu mum hominum, clam- \tant idem apud utram- que partem. Apud Gallos concionantur D^um flare pro Gallis, nee poffe vinci. ^m ha- beat Deum protefto- refti. Apud Anglos et IHifpanos, hoc helium jnon geri a Ccefare, fed \a Deo. Tantum prse- Ibeant fe fortes viros, vitioriam effe certam. Qucd fi quis inter ci de- nt, cum non perire,{(ti r eel ef ub volar t\\\ ccelum armatum ficut er^/. Ch. Et tanta ji.de $ habetur iftis ? A I, Quid non potefi fim u la t a relig 10 f Hue accedxt juveatus % m- black and white garment, with ajhcolored tunicks, adorned with divers feathers. Thefe never depart from the courts ofprinc.es : they inftil in their ear the love of war : They advife the nobles and common people to the fame they batvl cut in their fermons, that the war is jufl, holy and pious. And that you may the ynor-e ad- mire the flout mind of the men, they fay the fame with bolhftdes. Among the French they preach that God fands up for the French, and that he cannot be conquered, who has God for his prote&or. Among the Engiifh and Spaniards, that this war is not carried on by Cct/ar, but by God. Let them only fhew them/elves ftcut we>2, the viclory is cer- tain. But if any one /i//j that he does not per fit, bnx flies di- reclly into heaven, armed as he was. And /jyj? ^raz/ credU given to them ? What cannot pretended re" ligion do ? To this is added youth, ignorance of things, a peritia n8 feritia rerum ,jitis glo- riae, ira, animus pro- mts natura ad id cui v'ocatur. His facile imponitur, nee plau- Jlrum propellxtur diffi- cile, pro pendens ad ru- iuam Juapte Jponte. Ch. Ego lubensjecero aliquid boni iftis ani- malibus. Al. Appara I an turn conviviurn. Potes ni- hil gratius. Ch. Ex malvis, lupi- nis, et poms, nam non eft alia annona apud nos, tufas. Al. lino fcft per did- •ins, capis # phafianis, i^f vis j^L' gratus convi- vator. Ch. Sed quarts mo- vet iftos, z/£ promove- ant helium tantopere ? Aut quid commodi me- tuntAtW. AI.Quia capiuntphis emolumenti e morienti- bus quam e vivi.s. «S#/2/ teftamenta, parentalia, bullae, mvltaque alia/w- cra non afpemanda. Denique ma hint v er fa- ir i ?/7 caflrts, q&arn & */#ii alvcanbus, Bel- CHARON. Mzr/? of glory, finger, a Tmri /?r0flu\\z&fuddcnly out of a grofs era (To *20 CHARON; era (To corpore, ferunt multum corporece molis fecum. Apoplexia au- tem, fynanche, pefti- lentia, fed praecipue bcllum, mitt it tales. AL Non opinor Gallos aut Hfpanos adferre. multum pende- ns. Ch. Multo minus quam et ho rum animce non veniunt omnrno plumeae. Ccetevum ta- les veniunt aliquoties e BritanntSy e Germa- nis belle paftis, ut nu- per peri clitatusfian ve- hens decern duntaxat, et n\{\feciJJ'emje>Muram, perieram una cum cym- ba, vefloribus, £ this one thing \ as nui €HARON. 121 .quoties <*/2bellum, veniunt ad me, fau- cii lacerique,nt denirer ullum faperejfe apud fuperos. Nee veniunt \\folum onufti crapula, \etabdomine, verum c- \tiam bullis, facer 'do >tiis, plurimifquetf/2*V rebus. Al. Sed non dtferunt i&ajecu?n. Ch. Verum ; fed quae veniunt recentes ddferunt fomaia talium rerum. Al. Itane gravant fomnia ? Ch. Gravant meam cymbam. Quid dixi, gravant ? Demerferunt jam, Poftremo putas tot obolos habere nihil farcin as ? Al. Equidem arhi- tror, tijerani asreos. Ch. Proinde cerium eft ?nihi profpicere de vavi, Qndzfufficiat on- eri. Al. O felicem te ! Ch. Quid ita ? Al. Quia diie/ces propediem. Ch.Ob multitudintm umbrarum. Al, Nae. often as there is a war,yS> many come to me, wounded and man- gled, that I wonder that any one is left with thofe above. Nor do they come only loaded with the dregs of hard drink- ing, ?nd big bellies, but alfo with balls, livings, and very many other things. But they do not bring thofe things with them. True ; but thofe which co vie frefh, bring the dream of fuch things. Do dreams load you fo ? They do load my boat. What faid I, load it ? They funk itjujl now. Finally do you think fo many half pennies have no weight ? Truly / think fo, if they bring brazen ones. Wherefore / am refolved to look outfonajhip which may fuffice for the burden. O happy you ! Why fo ? Becaufe ^£d72 /craped together by me - .quod corrofum eft mi- .720?#thefe three thoufand jyc^rj, I hi ja?n ter mille annis, d\\ xhat 7nujl be laid out in one galley. 5/2 id totum ejfundendum in unam tiremem. Al. Sumptum faciat oportet, qui cua?rit lu- crum, Ch. At ?nor tales, ut audio, negotianturjtc/z- C?Wf f ouxfavente Me?- curio ditefcunt intra inennium, Al. Sed nWm deco- quunt nonnunquam : iuum lucrum mi» us, y^/ certius. Ch. Nefcio quam certum. Si quis deus cxoriatur nunc, .qui CQinpcn.it res pr ina- pt um, hsec tota {qxs pe- loft by me ficrit mihi. Al. De iila re <7«z- t/ewz jubeo dormias in iitramvis aurein. JW- hilzfl quod metuas pa- cem intra' decennium. He muft-be at charge, &;/*£ kzks gain. But men, as / hear 9 trade ?;z jy the favor of Mercery, grow rich 272 three years. But t//£ fame break fome- times. Your ^azw is lefs, £*/£ more certain. I know not how certain. If any .God mould arife now, that fliould fettle the affairs of prin- ces, this 20/20/* booty will bt For that matter truly 1 bid you fZeep on either ear. You need not fear a peace within theft ten years. The Roman pontiff "alone exhorts diligent- Roman us itorrjanm bontifex unus hortatur fedulo quidem ad'concordiam, fed la- , vat later em. Et civi- Itates murmur ant ta^dio I vialorum. Nefcio qui ( populi confer unt fufor- ros, diclitantes iniqu- u m effe a / h u m a n le n' * I mitceantur J urfu/n de~ ' orfiuri, ob privatas ' iras i fl&f arnbiiionern. d/W- r#7/* triumve. vW cre- de mt'^'tj furias vincent con'fih'a quamlibtt rec- ta. Cceterum qivAopus erat peterefupe.ro a ? At" Bon ftint fabri a pud nos ? C^rte habemus Vulcanum. C. Pi!!chre,y? quae* ram ceream n a vim. Ak A Ho ins accerle- tur minimo, Ch. Ita 5/?, fed-tfztf^- rz# deficit «&?. AI. Quid Wz'tf P nihil fylvarum illic ? Ch. Etiain vemora quzefuerant in ElviTiis campis abfumpta funt. Ch. In quern ufum tandem ? Ch. Exurendis &;;z- ^r?i haereticorum, aafea a/ nuper coaQiJimus CHARON i*g ]y indeed to concord ; but her w allies # brick. The cities tod murmur out of wearinefs of their calamities. I know not what people join' their whifpers, faying, it is unrea- fonabie that human affairs' mould be jumbled up and down, for the private relent- ments, or ambition, of two or three. But believe ?ne, the furies will conquer counfels never fo good. But what need' was there £0 go to thofe above? Are there no workmen with us ? Certainly we have Vulcan ,■ Right, ?/I wanted braze:*' ftip. Somebody wtzy befentfor for a fmall matter. So z/ zj, but owa? fails as, What^ I hear ? Is there nothing of woods there ? Even the g ro ves to 1 \\ c h &•2 navem gale at a ?n ? B. Nequaquam,/^/ Synod ii. A. Periclitatuses bu- limia in tam opulenta urbt ? FROM whence are you fai void of juice ^ as \$ you had v ^/z y^^ with dew with the. gr a/shoppers. You feem to me nothing elfe than thejkin of a man. In hell ghojls are fed with mallows and onions, but / /z^r/tf /zWaf- ten months where notfo much as that fell to my fhare. Where, / pray you, were you carried aboard a galley ? No, but at Synodium, Were you in clanger by jam* inciii foriehtf city, B; Maxima j 126 OPULENTIA SORDIDA. B. Maxime. A. Quid in caufa ? An deerat pecuma ? B. Nee pecunia nee amici. B. Quid erat mali igitur ? B.Mihi res erat cum hofpite Antronio. A. Cum illo opulen- to? B. Sed fordidiffimo . A. NdLrrasJimilc raon- ftro. B.Minime. Sic di- vites Jiunt qui emur- gunt e furnma inopia. A. Quid ita libuit commorari tot menfes apud ta/m hofpitem ? B. Erat quod dWiga- xet t et fie animus erat A. Sed die obfecro, qui apparaiu' v\v\t i!le. B.Dicam qkandoqui- dem commemoratio a do rum 1 a'fepr u m folet Gflejucunda- A. Futura eft mihi certe. Be Illud incommodi acceffit a ccelo, cum a- gerem illic. Boreas Tpirabat tres totos ffze??- /272£ unlefs it was corrupted^ that he might by it cheaper., Left any of it fhould be loft» now and then he mixed dregs of ten years old, rumbling and jumbling all tpgether, that it might feem nezv wine. For he would not have^ fuffered any,: bit of dregs to be loft. But if any credit muft be given to the doclors, fuch wine breeds the jl one of the bladder* They were not doclors ; for there was no year in thathoufe y2> happy, but one ##0ar^0w his mk^fons^ rem, filios, BWam, gen- daughter, foninlazo, workfolks, erum, operas, ap«dSynodos ?Re- fwered foftly, that Antronius fpondit commodeAntro nium adfuturum brevi. Cum viderem nihil ap- ■parari, ctjlomachusla- Itraret ; heus, inquam, lOrthrogone^rlt pereun- dum fame hodie ? Ex- cufabat horam, aut ali would come prefently. When I /aw nothing got ready, and my flomach barked ; Joho i I fay ,Orthrogonus muft we per- ifli with famine today ? ife alledgedin excufe the hour, or fome like thing. When / could not bear the barking of | quid fimile. Cum non my flomach, I interrupted him jerrem latratum^/? oma- being bufy again. What wiU cki 9 interpellabam oc- become of us ? fay I, muft we cupatum rurfus. Quid die of hunger ? When now futurum ejl ? inquam, Orthrcgonus had fpent all his erittemoriendumfame? excufes, he went to thefervants, Ubi jam Orthrogonus and ordered the table to be confumpfiffet omnem fpread. At length, when nm- tergiverfationem, abiit ther Antronius returned, nor ad famulos, juffitque anything was got ready, Or- throgonus, being prevailed up - *>n by my reproaches, went down to his wife, motherinlaw, and children, crying out, that theyjhould make ready fupper. menfam adomari. Tan deni cum nee Antroni- us rediret nee quidquam apparatum, Orthrogo* nus viclus meis convi- ciis, defcendebat ad uxorem, focrum, ac li- beros, clamitans, ut ap- pararent caenam. A. Nuncfaltem ex- Now /lozuevw I expecl; the peQo ccenam. /upper. B. Ne propera. Tan- Be not hafty. At length a dem claudus famulus lame fervant came out appoints prodibat prafetlus ei ed for that bufinefs, not very negotio, non admodum unlike Vulcan ; he covers the difimilis Vulcano ; in- table zoith a doth. That was M flernit *34 OFULENTIA SORDIDA. fernit menfam linteo. £a prima fpes cczruz. Tandem pojl longam voaferationem, vitrei phiahz aiTeruntur cum aqua limpida fane. A. Altera fpes cce- B. Ne propera, in- qua?n. Rurfus pojl atroces clamores, p/iia- la plenis ijiius fecu- lenti neclaris adfertur. A. O bene factum ! B. Sed Jine pane. Nihil periculi adhuc. Nemo famelicus bibit tale vinum lubens. Cla- Saturn eft iterum uf- que ad ravim. Turn demum ilk panis op* ponitur, quern urfus vix frangeret dentibus. A. Certe /#w con- fultum eft vitce. B. Sub multam noc- tem tandem Antronius r/^/zzV, fere hoc inaufpi- catifiimo prooemio ut dicer et ftemacbum fibi dolere. A. Quid mail aufpi- cii hie ? B. Quia tunc erat nihil quod ederetur. A. Dolebat re vera ? thejirfl hope of Juppsr. At I laft after long fhouting, glafs t/m/j- are brought^ »tM water I clear indeed. Another hope of (upper. Do not haften, If ay. A* gain, after fierce clamors, a vial full of that dreggy neclor is brought, O well done I But zvithout bread. Ncnh-, ing of danger yet. No hun- gry body drinks fuck wine wil- lingly. I fhouted again even to hoarfenefs. Then at laft that bread i*j ft on, which a bear could fcarce break with his teeth. However now provifion is made for life. Late at night at lajl Antro- nius comes, commonly with this moft unlucky preface, that he faid his ftpmach was out af order. What ill luck was here ? Becaufe/te there was noth- ing to eat. Was it out of order indeed ? B. Adeo C'PULENTIA SORDIDA, *3$ B. AJeo tit fo'lus \devoraturus Juerit tres capos fi qias dediflet I gratis. A. Espe£lo conviv turn* B. Primum patina cum Jab a cea farina ap- pontbatur ilH, quod genus opfonii venditur illic tenuibus. Aiebat ie uti hoc remeclio ad- verfus attme genus xnorbi. A. Quot c'onvivce e- ratis ? B. Interdum but ^027 forne- times three giltheads areferved up, nor thefe great ones, z^rc there are /even or «gA* guefts, Nothing be/ides ? Nothing but that Jlony cheefe. You tell me of a new Lu- cullus : But how £0&/af fuch fender provitionfujficv fo ma- ny guefts, efpecially refrefhed •with no breakfaf ? Nay, thai you may not be ig- norant, a mot her inlawed daugh- ters n law, the younger fon, a maid, an&fome little ones were fed out of the remains of that meal. You indeed have increafed my admiration, not taken it a way. I can hardly defcribe that ta you, unlefs firf 1 paint the or* der of the feafh Paint it then. A, Antronius 140 OPULENTIA SORDIDA. B. Antronius 0^2*?*- bat primum locum, nifi quod ego fedebam dex- ter illi, #0*/y could touch what ttftfj ferved up, be/ides three, before whom the difh* ftood ; unlefs any one would have en'du red to be t/(?ry impudent, and /4 /ra^ 0## bovem eodem die. A. Irnmortalem De- ism ! o? licet" /wen va- le tud in em tarn parvo vi£lu, quantum impen- diorum per it Germa- nis, Angus., Danis, et Polonis ? B. Plurimum hand dubie, et quidtm non fine gravi detnmenlo turn valetudims, turn ingenii. A. Scd £K2/W£ day, partem foiz^j diei, /?i jytffc /flr/e to loofe what is M^ gaudes perdere quod mojl precious in the molt pre- eft pretiojijjimum in cious things pretiofiffima re, B.An hoc perit^W Is that loft, which is given datur cdrpufculo ? to the body ? A. Imo detrahitur Nay, it is taken from the eorpufculo, quod, turn body, which then is mojlfwect- fuavijjime ajjiciturmax- ly affetled, and mo ft of ail re~ imeq ; vegetatur, cum cruited, when it is refrefhed reficitur tempeflivo mo- with Jeafon able and moderate, deratoq ; fomno,ex ccr- Jltep y and is Jlrengthened with robatur matutina vigi- morning watching, lia. B. Sed eft dulce dor- But it is plea/ant to fleep. mire. A. Quid potejl. efle What raw be pieafant to one «eW^ fentienti 722/22/ ? that perceives nothing ? B. Hoc ipfum eft This z/*ry Mzw^ is plea/art dulce fenti're nihil mo- tc perceive nothing of trouble, leftiae. A.Atquifunt felici- But they are more happy in ores DILUCULUM. *<53 ores ijlo nomine, qui \dormiunt in fepul- Ichris ; nam nonnun- Iquam inf omnia funt molefla dormienti. B. Aiunt corpus fa- ginari maximt eo fom- no. A. Ifta eft fagina glirium, non hominum. Animalia quaz parantur epulis rcfte faginantur. Ouorfum attinet homi- ni accerfere obefitatem, nifi ut incedat *nuftus graviori farcina ? Die mihi, Ji haberesfamw lum utrum malles obe- fum, an vegetum et ha- bilem ad omnia mu- ni a ? B. At qui ncn Jum famulus. A. Sat eft attz'/h',quod malles miniftrum aptum officiis quam bentja- ginatum. B. Plane mallem. A. At Plato dixit animum horn in is effe hominem, corpus eife nihil aliud quam domi- -c ilium, aut inftrumen- tum. Tu cent fate- bens, opinor, animam effr.principalem portio- that refpefl whojleep in their graves ;for fometimes dreams are troublejome to a man a- fleep. They fay that the body is fattened mojl of all with that fleep. That is the fattening of dor ^ mice, not of men. Animals that are prepared Jorfeafs are rightly fattened. What figni- fts it for a man to procure fatnefs, but that he may go loaded with a heavier- pack ? Tell me, if you had a fervant > whether you had rather have huii fat, or lively and fiifor all fer vices \ But I am not a fervant. It is enough for ?ne, that you had rather have a fervant fit for fervice than well faU tentd. Indeed I had rather. But Plato faid that the foul of a man is the man, that th* body is nothing elfe than a houfe, or inftrument. You however will confefs, I fup- pofe, that the foul is the pmn- cipal part of man, the body the fervant of the mind. aem *54 DILUCULUM. ncm kominis % corpus miniflrum animi. B. Efotj&yk* A. Cam tibi nolle s miniftrum tarclum ab- domine, Jed malles a- gilem et alacrem, cur pares ignivum et obe- fum minijlrem animo ? B. Vincor veris. - A. Jam accipe aliud difpendium. Vt ani- mus longe pr aflat cor- pcri, €# fateris tf/w an- irni longe prsecellere bona corporis. B. Die is pjrobabile. A. Sed inter bona animi, fapientia tenet primam. B. Faieor. A. Nulla pars diei eft utilior ad paran- dam hanc, unam dilu- culum, cum fol exori- ens novus adjtrt v\go- rem e/ alacritatem 0>;z- nibus t difcutitque ??£- bulas confuetas exha- hari e ventriculo, qua: (blent obnubilate &Q m micilium mentis. B. Non repugno. A. Nunc fupputa mihi quantum erudi- tionis pojjis parare tiki Let it be fo, if you will. Since ^tfzz would noi have & fervant heavy with a great bel- ly, £&/ had rather have on nimble and brfk, why dfo j'0 provide a lazy £?z<^ Idifervan for the mind:? I am overcome with truth» Now Atf/zr another lofs. As M€ tfn*7z# learning y DILUCULUM. *55 i'ilis quatuorhoris,quas f>erdis intcmpejhvo fomno. B . M ultum profeclo. A. Expertus fum •plus effici in Jludus, ^una hora matutina % xjuam fn^z/j poftmerid- ianis>z"dtywenullo detri- ment o corporis. B. Audivi. A. Deinde reputa H- Jud ;Ji conferas infum- mam ja&ur am fingulo- ~jum dierum, quantus cumulus fit futurus. B. Ingens profeclo. A. Qui profundit jremmas et aurum te- merejnahetur prcdigus, et accipit tutorem ; qui perdit iiozc bona tanto pretiofiora, nonne eft mu\totur piusyr o&\gus? B. Sic apparet, fi papendamus rem 7£ff<2 ratione. A. Jam expende illud quod Plato Jcripftt, ni- hil ^ pulchrius, gz&l amabilius fapientia, qwxji poffet or???' cor- poris 0£ulis t excitaret incredibilem amorem J™; B. Atqui ?'/& non jpoteft cerni. which you lofe z/z unfeafonable Heep. Much indeed, 1 have experienced jVzaz: /W(?r<; is done i» gtzs'j' jludies, in one hour 2« the mornings than 272 Mra? in the afternoon, and that with no damage to ^he body. I have heard fo. Then confider that ; i/" you caft up into a fum the lofs of every day, how great a mafs it will be. A huge one, truly. He that Jquanders a&ay)t\*- els and gold rajhly, is reckon- ed £ prodigal, and receives a guardian; he that throws away Me good things^ y/zz/cA more precious, ij not he much w2- Jww apparentem, ^/W adventantem cantu ; cum elephantus adoret I confefs, with bodily eyes, but it is feen a/zVA the eyes of the mind, which is /Ae better part of man, and tt/^erc there il incredible love, M*re muft fo the greater pleafure, as oft as //z^ rather among the dead. nee DILUCULUM. *59* nee inter inoriuos % fed tamen potius inter mer- inos. An Ita videtur omni- no. R . Nunc fubdu cito rationem mki t quan- ta ?n portionern vitas re j'ecent fibi qui fmgulis diebus per aunt tres nut quatuor horas fomno. A. Video immenfam fu tn mam. B. Nonne haberes ale a mi jl am pro deo,qui 'pulfet adjicerc decum annos fa mm re vitce, et re v . > c a re /> ) v veclic re m sst item ad vigoren dd o- 1 c f, curiae ? A. Qui J ne baSe- rem ? ^ B ♦ Sed p otes p rae fl a re ,&?/■ tarn diviuum ben-e- un hbu A Qui fie 7 B.Quia ofc/ri» efi ado- Ir/teniia diei, juvenilis fervet ufq&e ad merid- iem. Af (m v i r i I i s fctrfa s , en ? fu c c eel i { wy^f ra p ro fenccla ; occajas exci- p-j t 8f$® ram 9 vel u t mats diei. Parfmonia au tan eft magnum vec- fjgal, y?48? nufquam »&: jfa/quanl 0M, An non igitur adjunxit /?fo in. gens lucrum, qui jtfyfcl perdere mag nam partem So itfetms indeed. Now ca/i up the account for me, how great # part of life //z?/? \qk$?l fatis caique, y? difpenfetur par re, Nee eft mediocris ^r officina floina- chrij peragentes offici- um ccncoclioms ad fu- periora /^//0 minus # cctna. At ^002.0 eft /0/#j homo matutinis /iorzs 9 dum corpus eft habile ad omne minif- terium, ^w alacer ##- t/WMi 1 viget* dum omnia org ana mentis J ant tranquilla tt ferena, dum particula divince KwxTtJpiralt ut ait il- le, ac fapit fuam origi- You fay true. Wherefore their compliant. feems very impudent, who ac- cufe nature for having bound- ed the life of man within jo narrow a compafs, when they ' Biffici'e germs hominufi) ; fed vifne lit imponamus illis ? Po. Libcrety? Iu>e- ret. Eli. Simulemus nos velle a Lire {imul pedi- bus. Po. Credant alius czncrosvolaturos ^unm nos tarn grandes con- fecluros hoc iter pedi- bus, Gl. Vultis retlum ac verum confilium ? Po. Maxime. Gl. llli potant, quo diutiusyia'z/w/ id, hoc plus pcnculi erit, ??£ w- ^2 'dejiciant fltfi in lu- tum. Po. Oportet venias admodum diluculo, ft z^j 1 aurigamy^m?#2. G i. Quo per veniamus maturius Antwerp? am, ftipuiemus currum no» bis quatuor foiis. Oft- /£0 tanfcillurn pecuniae contemnendum. //t?c damnum* penfabitur muhis commoditatibus. Sedebimus commodius, ac tranfigemus hoc zV^r fuzviffimemutuis fabiu (jr. We are not yet agreed a/?7A the coachmen. A hard kind of men ; But afeyou willing that we {houid impoie upon them. It. would ple'afe me if it could be. Let us pretend t-hat we will g fill am. Pa. At *« » fo quanta in aqua lit as ? Nam Glycion habet «ifoV fe r nii, t/ Polygamtis /02- Tell me, ?'/? gwaf faith, G/y* cion, how many j^/cj do you reckon ? More than ducats* How hi any at la[? SLxtyy^A. * But by what arts have you kept off- old age ? For neither boarinefs, war a wrinkled^rrc isyei. come upon you, 7&* ■ eyes are brlik, ^ r#i^ of teeth on each fide is neat, the color ii 4u»r/^ and the body jail of bi&od. I will tell ffzy arts,[o be you tell #5" again your arts, ^y which you hafteioedon old age* I undertake £fltf'&^/ m £«/£ mernet'wH///j 'ne- l fe\l from that which a^/W /10 gotiis, /?; fence of many. Wherefore; .quae $» poterant fuf- a fiiend jfjr to be affifted, / bt , that / proem rum. I'taque/F amicus ho eri$tny to' inyfeif upon the erit juvandus, bene.fa- account. And if any J d?flei C20 iliifc, ut j&*>m ^^arifes^z any hand, Ie nullum inimicum mihi ther fofteri it £y clearing myfd kac de c'aufa. Et fi or quajhit by ■ kindnefs,^ fuff< Qaidjw.utiatis otmva it to die away, by taking 1 COLLOQUIUM. SENILi iji \ialicunde, aut le- nip purgatione, aut^v- tiuguo officiis, aut pa. tior intermori difftmu- latione, Abflineotem- per a contentione ; q^'&ji incident, 7723/0 facer£ '[J^tvrHTil 7di Qf&fc ami cilice. h •At-terjs ago quendam Muione???, amdto om~ - ; jaiiito et ff/#- Q&gW JH!-i;i;S ammo. D a i n n o * /?//' ■ V rf / cv /72, a u t jauum .n nil Ids ; praeft- ro rr;e runvni ; quod t'c/.m vdctn, credo ne- Wirri ; R072 fcrutor a!i- orum arcana* tztfi for- te /,'vc't q-:;.i nunquam- effulw. Am taceo Jv zr£ ac civil iter, hl^g- m pars limuitaturn 2/2- fer homines nafcUurcx, itftemperaiitia lingua. Nee excico h#j alo #/2- * fiia-.wiates. oW I'bicunqmi s hatlenus vitavi (a- vidaam.y $t tfAu benevo- Isnfciana ?;zn;/. a/jfc, i v in rri. ; « Pa. Noil fenfifti cce- li&atum gravem f notice. I abflain always/nm contention; which if it hap- pen, 1 had rather fuflfer the lofs 0/ money than friendfhip, In other things 7 ## a Mi tie, I J mile upon ail men ; IJalute Kid .i/~lt' re kindly. J eppfd in» ^in'C wfo^ZiijTlS, I COIi- dejrin Ms ujage or a [lions or no man. I prefer myfelf £?- /enefcere una mecum, et rz'j ; fed quando v*T"fulrri eft ati'ter fuperis, /#/?- cavi fie expedire map?) utriquc ; nique pinavi cm jam cur djcrucia- rem me in am luetu, prajattm cum u nihil piodeffet defuntlcE. Po. Nunquamne in- cclfit libido repetendi matrimonii, praefenim ca/g iftui ciffijfet ieli- citer ? Gl. Incest libido ; Jed dux-eram uxor em caufa liber or urn ; non duxi rur/us caufa /;£?/£ lor the fake of children ; 1 did not marry &- PTzzw for the fake of children. But it is miferable to lie a- 3one whole nights. Nothing?* difficult to one that is wilung. Then confider how great advantages a (ingle life has. Some take out of every thing, z/any incoaven- iency is in it : Such as that Crates feems /0 /for/* £**«, un- der whefe name goes an epi- titulo COLLOQUIUM SENILE, m titulo ferkur epigram- ma caligens mala vita» Iftud fir over hum pla- cet his, optimum non fiafci. Metrpdprus ar- *idet mi hi magis, de- cerpe&s undiquaquc,y£ -quid <£<3#z ineft. A 7 a/# fie vita fit dulcior. Et igpi induxi anirnum fie, a/ oderim po£ expetam gram, colktling the evils 0/ /?/?. That proverb pleajes then? Vzj £{/? not to be born. h&eirodorus pleafes me more, gathering from all fides, //any g^W be in a thing. For fo life becomes ?&are plea f int. And / have brought my mind to that, that 1 hate or deiire W$iwg very much. So it comes to pafs } tkatii anygood nihil vehememer. ita happens to me, I am not elated fit, zit h quid bom con- or infolent ; if any thing is tingat, non efferar nut lojl, I am nut much troubled. infoJefcam, ft quid de- cedat, non admodum cruder. Po. Nae /# espkilof- ophus fapientior Tha- itit ipfo,y£ quidem ^?0- tes iftud. Gl. Si y&z<2^/ effe probro vel wnta" vel w^'i" Iiberis ; na?n ni- hil Lufri, fupdidibefl no a No ?«{?r^ than the day of my birth troubles vie. 1 know / mujl die. That trouble per- haps would take away from mefome days 0/ #*y /?/£, how- ever it could add nothing. Wherefore / commit tYxhwhole care to God. I wzW nothing elfe but Ma/ I may live wclll and pleafantiy. But / (houid grow old with. wearinefs, if I Jhould live fo many years in the fame city although it fhould happen to me /0 #c£ at Rome. The change of [place indeed has fornething of plea/ure ; but as travelling into foreign countries gives prudence per- haps, fo has it very much dan- ger. Ifeem to myfelf to pafs over the whole world more faftly in a map, ##/^ I divert, not torment myjtlf with them^ For I ftudy «JA*r for pleafure, or for the conve- nience of life, and not f or ofien- iation. After meat /#/# £zM<*r cheered with learned^? rzw, or / employ a reader. Afar do I ever mind my books above an hour. Then / rif\ and taking up my riddle, / either play whilft I walk a //////? in my COLLOQUIUM SENILE. s 77 TufgAy et arrepra teftu- dine, vel contillo obam- bulans faulifptr in cu- biculo, vel repeto me- cum quod legerim, etji congerro eft in promp- tu, refer o ; mox redeo ad I i brum. Eu. Die bona fide, Jen t is nulla incommoda ienefttuis, ^z/^ ierun- tur M& plurima ? Gl. Somtras eft ali- quanto deter? or 9 nee ^ memcrria pennde, te- nax, »^f infixero #/<- ^W. Libera vi meam ridem, exp-Jui vg&J£ rneas magtcas artes, q u i b □ s a 'V meam ju ven - tutem. Nunc refer at Pclygamus pari jfjfV, unde colleger it tann^m Jenii* Po, Fquidem cetabo nihil tarn fid os fodales. Eu. Narrabis e//^^ tacituris. Po. Cum agf.rem Lu- tetias, ipft noils a/mm non abhor ruerxm ab E- picuro. Eu. Sane meminimus t fed arbitrabamur te relicluriim iilos mores. chamber, #r I run over arc/A myjelj what I have read, and 2/ a companion ^. Mirer dabatrxon» inh\\J~urtim,zc pnxterea plus- /^zi 3&ris aiiem conflatum eft. Eu. Reperieba-nfcur #wti fatui tit crederent Fo. Sunt qui credent with. your, youth, at^ans. Of w^tty .*vhich 7 had !oved % there, / carried one with me home, and her with -child. Into your failures houfe ? DkreErly ; but pretendingA^ > jhe* was the wife of a certain friend pi mine^ &/j£ would come by. $nd by. ©id yourjather believe it ? Nay, he [melt out t|>e rraHe.r zv'uhin four days, Piefcmly there was cT^/fcolling. ifor ytx did 1 abjiamm the mean time jromfeafls, from dice, <3 /7 J 0/,W ;;«d ■ «-W j, Wl-at needs m 5 n y w o r d s ? Wk ei&m y fa : h e r ivovld not make and end c$ ^fcoidrzz. denying that ht would j&tp fuch •rk , ??j at home, tf/ii. now ancl then iLredi-nt^g to. dil'card me, I ran azvay 9 and removed to anocher piacs zvjih my #fff. She 'brought mtfoms chickens. Where had you money ? "My mother gave me fo-me- thing by jkalth. and beftdes^ more ^&h enough of debt : eon traded. Were there any found ^ foolifh z/f ? Words of the future time had poffed betwixt us, but a rencounter of the prefent /m An eighth ! you were not called Poly gam us witkovt au- • gury. Psrhaps they all died barren. Nay/?'.f?7 one \chjbme young ones "m ?ny houje. 1 had rather have as many ( kens, that might lay eggs for vie at home. Are you not wta* ry cA marrying fd often ? I am lo weary, that if this . kcec &5o COLLOQUIUM SENILE, hose oflava moreretur hodie, ducerem nonam perinde. Imo hoc male nabet me, quod non lice» at habere duinas aut ternas, cum unus galius poffideat tot galltnas. Eu. Equidem ^tfW miror, {\barum pingutf ti t quocique collegeris tantum fenii : Nam ni- hil acceierat feneclutem aeque quam immodiclerumque magnis ma- is. Pa. Sic eft. Itaque f*ter numeravit fatis k \plam fortem, ut auf. S'arer negotiationem. *ique uxor cum *&£>& dote ambiebatur, UsrTeaJorma, quae /w/ Pa. Nihil eftfaclum, fed ccepi cogitare defufpendio. Gl. Erat pater adeo //«- placabilis ? Pa. Interim excidi 4b uxore, mifer. Namparen- te? puellce frmul atque ro^- nonjerunt haec aufpicia, re- uunciunint affinitatem \ et aftiabairi perditiffime. Gi. Mifeieleir me *#i. Sed interim quid confilii tentatum eft ? Pa. Id quod lolet /« *fe/*- peratis rebus. Pater ab- dicabat, ref perierat, uxor perierat. Quid pluris P Deliberabamy^rio meeum, an fufpenderem me, an conjicerem memet aliqho in monafterium. Eu. Crtidele con/ilium. Scio utrum eljgeris mitius genus mortis. Pa. Imo quoi vifum eft Did it fucceed ? Nay, &?/or* I returned home. both principal and */* was gone. By fhipwreck, perhaps. Plainly by Jhtp£*/ rock? Or what *#/#£ has it > I cannot /*>// the fea ; but the rock is infamous for the ruin of many. In Latin it is called tflea : How you Greeks name it, I know not, you fool ! Nay, my father was more fool- ilh, {/> was gone . #7xz/ «^/ wo re words ? I deliberated ferioufty with myfeli, ^whether i (hould hang myfetf, or ^#/ my tetffomeivAe re into a mon- aftery. , . . A cruel refoluthn. Iktiowwbich you chofe the milder kind of death* Nay* wAtf* ftem€4 '0 ** &*". COLLOQUIUM SENILE. **f mibi turn crudelius, adeo totus difplicebam mibi, Gl. Atqui compluresde- ficiunt/> eo t ut viyantfua- Pa. Corrafoviatico fub- duxi me furtim procul a pafria. Gl. Quo tandem ? Pa. In rliberniam. II lie faclus fum canonicus ex ho rum gene re, Qui rant llnei extime, /tftf^i in time; Gl. ?-J.ybernaffr igitur a- pud Hibernos ? Pa. Non. 3W ver'atus apHd\\S3& ^oj menfes, tftf - cviga-ui in heottara. G I . ■<> i i d otfendk te #jW- Ma Nihil »#/£ quod ?//«// • lUt&fi .? non admodum fam, I* folitudinew, iff *> #z#/ they may live W0r«? pleafantly. Having fcraped together money for my journey , I withdrew my f elf privately /9 a £rra/ diftance from my country. vV hither *# krjl ".? Into Ireland, "here I was made «ar cannon of their kind, Ao are //W/z without, and Q&y : qUen within. Did vou winter then amono- the Injh ? No. But having been 'with them two months, Zfa/ied-into &cotiarid. What tjrendedyQu -among them > _ Nothing &*/ that that eonfti tu- ft on feemed to me more gentle than' to futtrve defertx of him tu^o was T^r/Aj not cf a fugle hanging. What did you do hi Scotland ? There a/ # fitaf* man I became- « leathern^ one among the Carthu- nans. Men plainly dead to the xvcrld. So it appeared to me ou/j^w I heard /^/«iinging. What do the d*adfng too ? Hotjj many months didyoujpend with- thofe Scots } Aimo r r ./?:*•. G onJiancy ! What ojfcidedyeu there ? Becaufe the life feemed to me la- zy and nice ; then I fbuud war/ry th e re o/ a Jft#' i no t 1 1 i £ e - cauje of the hlitude, as / imagine. \ had hut U;tle bra : n, / tv^j ajraid left itjhould.ail be loft. rebri 1*4 COLLOQUIUM SENILE, rebri, .W hos &/#* decern ;*ra« Eu. Quid ofendebatlnc ? Pa. Nihil admodum ; nam reperi hos i fodales commodes fans. Sed Gracum proverblum /&£- *> Greek proverb moved me. Wherefore I was refolved either wot to be « monk) or /0 &z a monk *v- markabty. I had heard there ivere f j me £ r^r t den fa n s , men .' n* /y ce - leftial. i betook myfeif /t> /jfc^7?i. How many months did you fpend Two days,«or that indeed entire* Did this kind of life difpleafe yoit fo much ? They admit no one that does not bind himfelf immediately to the feflioni COLLOQUIUM SENILE*. feflTioni. At e£o nondunt adeo infaniebam ut prabe- rem me facile ca.p\ftrd,quod nunquam liceret exeuiere. Et quoties audiebam vir- gines canentes, uxor erepta e rue i a bat an i mum. Gl. Qjad deinde ? Pa. Anrmus- ardebat- a*- more faucli monies. Tan- dem' ogctynbulans incidi in quo/dam praefe rentes eru~ ce i n. Hoc Jignum arrWit" mihi vvot'mus, fed varietas remorabatur electionem. Aui gethbant albam> alii rubr am, alii viridem., aUi verfcoHrem, alii Junpii- cem, alii dupli em; Ego,' w^ reltnquerem quid /'«- testatum, gefli ferme om- nzsformas. Veru.n? fr/ ipfa re, ^ ionge <*£/- im£ c i r cu m f e r re domunv onuftus f&ntlimvnia. Po. Nuin- profectus es ev P Pa. Maximc Po. Undtfuppetebat vr- aticiMi-r Pa. Dimiror V/?//^ venire tibi innientem «f/«r deni- q.u'e «> rogares, ac «vi fsreundatum fuijfj ma ho <*«/tf i^ o/. And as often as I heard {he virgins (inging, the' wife I had loll tormented my mind. What then P My mind was inflamed with the" love of hblmefs. At laft, #f / was walking, 1 lighted upon some car- rying a crofs. Th ; s badge pleaied tfjr immediately, but the variety hindered my choice. «Sow* bore /7 white one, feme /»/ ?* Pa- Atque /r# liberos at jam . Eu. O fenem imfcie pi- um ! Atque rediiih illinc fanclus ? Pa. Vis fatear verum ? Aliquant o deterior quam iveram- Ku. Sic, ut audio, amor reli^ionisexculfus eft* Pa. Imo magis tncandu- it. Itaijue re : verfut \\\\- tsliam, addixi me mili- tia. Eu. I^ane venabaris re- ligionem r* btllo ?■ Quo ^//i^ pote.\ ejfe fceteratius"? • Fa, Er&xfancla militia. En. Fcmliis in lur- cw ? Pa. I mo ckoddam fane- tins, «/ pneaicabant /&//;. Eu. Quidnim f Pa. Juhus/fi undus bel- Under what matter ? Him avho teaches every things the belly. / foretold things paft^ prefent, and /o come. And did you know them ? Nothing lefsy but I guejftd bold- ly, and that fafely, that is, my reward being received firft. ponld/o ridiculous aw ar/ main- tain you '? It could, and indeed tvlth two fer-vants ; fo many [foolijh men and foolijh women are there every- where. Yet when I went /o 3^- rufalem, I joined mfelf to the company 0/<* c/rtain great man, ffry >***&> who being fe^ma* Urum. Pa Ita. compfri $o(i. I?i tamen fr omnes terras et maria j vident multa, an- diunt multa, penetrant 2// omnes domus, plebeicrum .-. nob Hi urn atque re gum Eu. At non.caupQnan.-i tur. Pa*, Ssepefelicius nobis. . Eu, Qjiod ^«w/ ex his delegijli ? Pa. Expertus firm a**- 3f j lor mas, . Eu». Nulla .placuit ? Pa^ lmo, smnes perpla- cu*runt y ft lieu i net ttegoti- ari ftatim. Verum per- pendebam fudandum mihi diu in ehoro priufquam ne- fotiatio c rede ret ur mi hi. am que ice pi cogicare de *venanda abbatia» Sed primum hie Diana nan fa- vet omnibus, et venatio. eft tape tonga. Icaque oe- to annis confumptis in nunc gainft the French. Moreover \ thfe. experience of many things likeujifn recommended war to me. Of many, but bad things., So I found afterwards. And yet- 1 lived more hardly here than in the too naileries. What then afterwards ? * * N'ovj my mind began to waver, vobeiber f fhould return /3 mer- chandize, which I had given over % or ptrfue religion*: flying from me* ln< the mean time /"/ came into my; mind that they might . be joined to-' gether. What? that you * might be at once both a merchant and a r monk; Why not > Nothing, is more re- ligious than the orders of the men* dicants \ and yet nothing is more like merchandize ; they rove. thtough ali lands ax\\feas y they fee /tftf/ry tbingsAlicj hear many things^ , they thruit /«/0 all houfes ct-com- , moners, noblemen and kings. But they do not traffic. Oftentimes morefuccefsfully tha;* us. What /sr/ of thefe rfirf. jo«. cboofe ? I tried #// forts» Did none pleafe you ? Nay, /£^>> a// plea'ed me very nvellj if I might have traded im- mediately, ifo/ I cenfidered that I muft fiveat a long time in the com~ fany, before tie > bidfnefs of traffic would be trusted to me* And now 1 began to think cf hurting after an abbot's place. But in the tirft place /^r^ Diana does not favor all men, tftf^ the hun»ng /* often longs 'there fore eight years being fpei:t- after this manner/ ■'when the dearh madum 1 8* COLLOQUIUM senile; modum, aim mors fatris elfet nuntiata, rever(us domum, ex confilio matris^ duxi uxorem, et re ail ad vetevemnegotiqtionem. Gl. Die /«//•/', cum fume ■- &es -fubinde nouam veftem, *z<: velut transformareris in aliud animal, qui ^o/w- //?/ fe re decorum £' Pa. Qui minus quam A/ qui /« e:\demfafrula agunt v arias perfonas ? £u. Die «o£i,r bona /£^, qui expertus es nullum non genus vitae, ^.^V/ pro- bas maxime omnium ? Pa. Omnia wo/? congru- unt omnibus : Nullum ar- ridet mibi mag,** rc hoc yao returning. home by the advice of my mother, I married # ivife, and relumed to my old traffic. Tell w•£ nowand then * »*&» coat, and as it wers changed into another rr^a^/n^how could you keep uy at decorum P Why /^/> than ///^y who iff the fome playacl various parts* ? Tell «i in good earnejl, you who have tried \-\::y k:ndo\ XM^ivhick do you ap.:>; ^ve rn&ft of ail ? Airthin«R d* not agree with all men : Noxe pleafes wfi more /6#* this which I have followed. Yet merchandfee.'\\a& many in- conveniences. So it is,. B.ut feeing no £i#<3/7r partem ^^avw .nacfcus got. But' now- remains Kuiel uss rLt^& will not think much to\releue> fQUie /^«£ of s h is i ///'"mtQ nty tr-iam, deliberafvi*$\\& me own ; country, / deliberated- with annum q,uod nam #*««/:. vi- vny{e\$ayea.r. whdi fond - of life A- fyou-ld >e mb irate a An d a t t he f & me> time I 'examined n\y Mi, for wka*ti kind I. atw inclinable on tit. /«> //>t' /«r-'/« tit&e a prebend t/jult o/w fere.i 'me, as they call \t,vfagq9& rich income'. I accepted />. tae velum ample c^i . Si- mula ue. exployaw meip- nim, .^r/ " ^wffc/ genus .z exap,- This /e?rf of life commonly got& under an ill name. lt-feein$73 me defirablq, enough; . tanduia C0LLOQURJM SENILE. ig9 iaadum/a/zV, xxt human* res font. An putatis ejfe mediocrem fe licitatem, tot commoda dari fubito vekit e c<2?/d,dignitatein, bonejlas ^edes, beneque inftructas, /Sr/Ef amplos annuos redi- tus, honorificum fodaliti- itm, deinde templum, ubi, fi Iibeat,tf c^j religion! ? Pa. Iilic luxus otfende- bat /Txf, et infamia concu- binarum, /#« quod tleri- que ejus generis oaerunt litera*. E u . Ego « on f peel o qu id #/// agu>it,/>*/ quid ^/r a- gendum mi hi ; et adjungo me melioribus, fi non pof- Jam reddere tf/iw melio- res. Po- Vixifti per pet uo in ii\o genere ? Eu. ? ; erpetuo, #7/* quod yzquatuor annos primum Po. Quamobrem ? Eu. Partitus fum hos an- nos z/tf, ut da rem feffjui- amuim fiud'io medicine, rtliquum tempus theolo- Po. Cur id? Eu. Quo melius mode- rarer et animumet corpus, et nonnunquam conjulcrcm amicis. Nam et concionor nonnunquam pro mea fapi- entia.S , /rhacteni»s'yi.*itran- qulle/«/if, contenius z/- nico facerdotiu, nee ambi- ens quidquam pr#terea y recufaturus etiam li offera- tUr. Pa. Utinam lie ere t dif- cere, quod caeteri noitri fo- dales aganty quibufcum miximus familiaritcr. Eu. Pollum commem?n*~ as human affairs are. Do you think it to be a (malt happinefs y x\\aX. fa many good things (Hould be giv- en a man en afudden, as it were from he&men, honor, a band fame houfe, and ivell furniftied, a gooi large yearly income , honorable company, and then a cburcbywhere, if you have a mmd,_V0K way enter upon divine woffhip ? i here luxury attended me y and the infamy of concubines, ar»4 */- y*• a year and a halt za the ftudy of phytic, the rejl of my time to di- vinity. Why that? That / /night the better manage both mir.d and body, and feme- times affljl my friends. Fori preach too fometimes according to my vviidom Thus [o far 1 bame li\ed quietly enough, content 'with one \ i '''tn,,and not Jeekirg tor any thing hejtde's, and w. old retufe it too 9 n it jbould be offered. I wifh ive could learn what the reft of our companions are domg f with whom »£/" fenes fub levarw.t meum cur rum e- gr^gle, $£* totuin */?r. gur~ rienres perpetuo. Nun- q.iuin vidi meliores. del eu.tr i talibus Hen Sed /»i (eniculi sunt boni. Hug. Qni sets ? , Hen. Cjnaia bibi per eos te r per via u infig n ite r b o - nam cerenjifiam. Hog. Ha, ha, hae. Sic $W#bmz tib'u of them ; but / *^? we are not far /row the city ; wherefore, */ it feems good, we 'will repair to the fame inn . T here at our leifure we will confer about other tilings at large. Where got thou To miferable a tuggagt, blinkard ? Nav, whither art thou carrying that bawdy company, thou rake ? Thou fttouldeft have thrown thofe frigid old fellows fomewhere into a bed of nettles,*© warm them. Nay, do thou take care of that enmpany, to throw >them some- where into a deep ditch, to cool, for they are more warm than e- nough. i do not ufe to overthrow my load. No ! Rut T fow-tbee lately th^ouo fix Carthufians into the dirt, so that f/tey came out black, in dead of •White. Thou in the mean time Ivj ghedft, as if the. tiling had been well done. Not without r-eafon.;. they were all ajleep, and added m\ich