HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Jitu. 15, 1864.— Referred t the Committee on Claims and ordered to bu ptinted. [By Mr. Staplh^.' 'To the H&norahu the Senait and House nf Repre&entatu'es of itit Conftderate ^tott: oi' America, hi Congrtss aastt/ibkc' 1 ii^.t; lUc iiouor to curumuiiioatt; to your iiouoiuble body cojjies ^ lately passed curreiipoudence betweoU the Secretary of .War and myseU, re^pL-etfuliy begging you that it may be. considered conjointly with uther papei-a. relating to my claim of brigadier's salary, or of refund- ing to me expenses actually, incurred in raising my brigade, being luw before the Commitli^c on Claims f the Iljuse of llepresentacives. "With grea-t respect, I am, Your most obedient servant, G. TOCHMVX. Richmond, Va., Jan. 13, 18G4. GEX. TOCHMA.N TO MR. SEDDON. Richmond, Va., Jan. a, 1864, ) ^0. 1U7, Spottswood Hotel. < Hon. James A. Seddon, Secretary of War Confederate Stales : SfK : 1 do not hnd recorded in the document's office of your Depart- iiunttbe letter which I addressed, and personally handed to ycu, on th^ 4ih of December last, requesting you to review your decision thcreia referred to, iu the case relating to the claim, either of brigadier's aal- aiy, due mo for the period I raised ny brigade, (its troops being in the service of the Confederate States since the commencement of this,) or of refunding to me five thousand nino hundred and twenty- live dollars, in gold, and one thousand six hundred dollars in the cur- rency of the Confederate States, expended in raising that brigade, •VC- — its command having been taken from me without c&uee attributa- ble to mo. Anxious to bring thia matter to a iinal issue, to enable me to go to Europe, to help my native land (Poland) in her present struggle, I have, almost simultaneously with hanHy rrferei ce to the'enclosed record, (primed by order of the House,) and a c<>py of the letter I subse- quently addressed to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Aflfiiirs, to which this case was oiiginally ieferre Richm)nd, Va, Jan. Tth, 1864.) G. TocHMAN, Esq., Bickmomly Fa. : Sir: I have received and considered your letters of the 4th of December, 1863, and the 2^ been done you. The nature of the authority given you, manifestly, in my judgmeat, shows that the troops were to be raised abroad; else why the stipulation that ofhcers should be sunt to enlist them? The r^^ference to the regim^'nts, wiih the o'licers. if acceptable, are all the same view. 'JVoops emit i not be enli->ted abroad ; thny could only be engaged to c )me in. Hence, they had to be enlisted by C.^ufed- erate authorities liere. Officers, too, might be engaged abro id, and arrangements were made to accept ihem, likewise. No pecuniary claim could arise against the depirtment unless from a commission issued, and as that of itrigadier general was not conferred, no power f'u- the pay of such olSce or iis ecjuivaient can exist Besides, the matter had limg been determined before my connection with this department. I do not see the force of equities presented in the case, but if they exist, they pertain to the jurisdiction of Congress, and would not justify an^' action or recommendation on my part. Vour obedient servant, i JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. 4 GEN. TOCHMAN TO MR. SEDDON. RrciiMOND, Va., Jan. 12tb, 1SG4. To Hon. Jamfs A. Seddon, Secretary of War, C. S. : Sir : On the 17th of February, 1863. you wrote' to me a letter, ■which reads as follows: " Your claim for perviccp as recruiiinfi agent is apparently a just one, but Congress has not aftorded to this department the power or means of paying for official services in cases where no commission has been issued. A great many claims of this vaturc, whose merits 'ire not denied, have been rejected for this reason. The department has recommended to Congress to make same provision for them, and until that is donp, it is without power or means to act. "Respectfully. Jamf.s A, Skddon, **Secr(tary of IFflr." By an answer, bearing the date of March 2, 1863, I have corrected your misconstruction of the authority under which I raised my brigade, informing you therein, that I have never acted in the capacity of a recruiting agent ; that, being a field officer of the Polish army, in 183(1 and 18;il, I would have never sacrificed my property in the United States, th.e Avelfare of my family I left there, and all my prospects at the North, to be a mere recruiting agent, ray most sincere devotion to the cause of the Confederate States, notwithstanding ; that I raised that brigade of troops for my own corxmand, which was taken from me in violation of the authority stipulated for under the provisions of the act of Congress, No. Ips, you again returned to that olfensive construction in the letter bearing date January 7, 1864, addressed to me in answer to the claim, either of paying me brigadier's salary for three years, this being the period for which I raised my brigade, and its regiments being in service of the Confederate States since the commencement of the war; or, of refunding to me five thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars in jgold, !wad oxxe thousand six hundred in tb© currency of the Confede- rate States, actually expended in raising those troops, y any cavil, that your predecessor, Mr. Walker, who stipulated with me for raising these troops and drew the authority, knew where 1 was raising them, and fully endorsed my proceedings in this respect, as the following official correspondence, herein attached in a printed cut, shows it: TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. 1st. From the Secretary of War. " Dated Richmond, June ifl, 1861. Received. New Orleans, Juno 19, 1861, o'clock, min. M." To Col. Gasper Tor inn an : •♦ Our supply of arm i is so limited that you had better not undertake to raise exceeding a regiment. L. P. Walkka." 2d. Answer to above, by tekgrnph. • " Hk^DQUARTERS OF THE POLTSH BrIRADE, C. S. A., ) " N(V) Orleans, La., 57, St. Charles Street, June 20, IbGl. ] *' Hon. L. P. IValksr, Secretary of ]Vn against mc,be fully exposed to the view and reoordt> . 1 bave the honor to be, sir, Yunr obedieiil ;:5ervant,