\p*-v<-<<> HOUSE OF RFTRFSKNTATi". -Order- ed to lio prin: Mr. Babksdalb. M j ;• Mr. Ti - reso- lutions.] 1 KESOLUTIOISrs Relating to the war and negotiations I 1 Whereas, The people of the Confederate S . -een 2 compelled by the people of the non-slaveholdl - to dia- 3 solve their connection wf- coin- 4 pact, in order to preserve their liberti . whereas, the eft •*> ft» t- y the government >nfederate States imraedi- 6 atelv on its organization, to establish friend between 7 it and the government of the United Stat 8 unavailing by reason of the refusal of the gover if the B United States to hold intei s ap- 10 pointed by this government for that purpos 11 ; rnment of the Unite 12 refnsed to listen to pro] 13 having declared to foreign nal 1 re- 14 .k'ft any ( ffer < f mediation -.-. make in the 16 thus having i 17 a view to the reduction of the people of these states to degrad- 18 ing bondage or to their extermination. Therefore be it 19 Resolved. That while we reiterate our readiness to enter upon 20 negotiations for peace whenever the hearts of our enemies are 21 so inclined, we will pursue without faltering, the course we 22 have deliberately chosen: and for the preservation of our liber - 23 ties, we will employ whatever means Providence has placed at 24 our disposal. 25 Resolved That the mode prescribed in the constitution of the 26 Confederate States for making treaties of peace, affords ample 27 means for the attainment of that end whenever the government 28 of the United States abandon their wicked purpose to subjugate 29 them, and evince a willingness to enter upon negotiations for 30 the termination of the w\