i DUKE i UNIVERSITY i LIBRARY j Digitized by tlie Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/freedmenofportroOOunit 3 ^2,^ ^ 1 THE FREEDMEN OF PORT ROYAL, SOUTH-OAEOLIE"A. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF EDWARD L. PIERCE. ^^"EW-YORK: s IB E i_i Hi I o nxr i=^eooi=lid, 441 AND 448 BROADWxVY. 1 86 3. THE NEGROES AT PORT ROYAL, S. 0. EEPORT OF THE GOYEEKMEOT AGEKT. An opportunity was afforded me, while on a visit to Port Royal, extending from March twen- ty-fifth to April tenth, to survey the plantations, the schools, and the regiments. There are in the Department moi-e than thirty schools, conducted by as many as forty teachers, and attended by an average number of two thousand pupils, and fre- quented more or less by another thousand, the main body of the pupils being from seven to fif- teen years of age. The advanced classes were reading simple stories and didactic passages in the ordinary school-books, and those who had enjoyed a briefer period of teaching, were reading short sentences or learning the alphabet — simple lessons in arithmetic, geography, and writing being taught in some of the schools. The eager- ness for knowledge and facility of acquisition displayed in the beginning, had not abated. The laborers, composed of women and children and disabled men exempted from the draft, were working of their own accord and without compul- sion, upon patches set apart for them, larger or smaller as they desired, having each taken a proper amount for corn, and one, two, or three acres for cotton. There was some derangement of labor at certain points, due to the draft and to the excitement and disorder attending military movements ; otherwise the industrial results were satisfactory. There had been an evident development of manhood among the people, demonstrated in their disposition to acquire the conveniences and comforts of household life, in their desire to be- come proprietors of land — five out of the forty- seven plantations recently sold for taxes having been bought by negroes, who united their funds for the purpose — in their growing consciousness of rights, and readiness to defend them when as- sailed by white men, and in their voluntary en- listment as soldiers, under a sense of obhgation to aid us, their allies, to uphold the honor of their race, and to rescue their kindred still in bonds. As a people, they are not exempt from the frailties of our common humanity, or from the vices which hereditary bondage always superadds to these. As it is said to take three generations to subdue a freeman completely to a slave, it may not be possible in one alone to restore the pris- tine manhood. One who expects to find in emancipated slaves complete men and women, or to realize in them some fair dream of an ideal race, will meet disappointment ; but there is nothing in their nature or condition to daunt the Christian patriot; nay, rather, there is every thing to cheer and fortify his faith. They have shown capacity for knowledge, for free industry, for subordination to law and discipline, for sol- dierly fortitude, for social and family relations, for religious aspiration and culture; and these qualities, stirred and sustained by the activities and rewards of a just society, and combining with the currents of our continental civilization, will, under the guidance of a benevolent Provi- dence, which forgets neither them nor us, make them a constantly progressive race, and secure them ever after from the calamity of another en- slavement, and ourselves from the worse calamity of being again their oppressors. E. L. P. Boston, May 1, 1863. Port Royal, February 3, 1862. To the Hon. Salmon P. GJiasc., Secretary of the Treasury : Dear Sir : My first communication to you was mailed on the third day after my arrrival. The same day I mailed two letters to benevolent per- sons in Boston, mentioned in my previous com- munications to you, asking for contributions of clothing, and for a teacher or missionary to be sent, to be supported by the charity of those in- terested in the movement, to both of which favor- able answers have been received. The same day I commenced a tour of the larger islands, and ever since have been diligently engaged in anx- ious examination of the modes of culture — the amount and proportions of the products — the labor required for them — the life and disposition of the laborers upon them — their estimated num- bers — the treatment they have received from their former masters, both as to the labor re- quired, the provisions and clothing allowed, and the discipline imposed— their habits, capacities, and desires, with special reference to their being fitted for useful citizenship — and generally what- ever concerned the well-being, present and future, of the territory and its people. Visits have also been made to the communities collected at Hilton Head and Beaufort, and conferences held with the authorities, both naval and military, and other benevolent persons interested in the wel- fare of these people, and the wise and speedy re- organization of society here. No one can be im- pressed more than myself with the uncertainty of conclusions drawn from experiences and re- flections gathered in so brief a period, however industriously and wisely occupied. Neverthe- less, they may be of some service to those who have not been privileged with an equal oppor- tunity. Of the plantations visited, full notes have been taken of seventeen, with reference to number of negroes in all ; of field-hands ; amount of cotton and corn raised, and how much per acre ; time and mode of producing and distributing manure ; listing, planting, cultivating, picking, and ginning cotton ; labor required of each hand ; allowance of food and clothing \ the capacities of the labor- DOCUMmTS. 303 ers ; their wishes and feelings, both as to them- selves and their masters. Many of the above points could be determined by other sources, such as persons at the North familiar with the region, and pubhcations. The inquiries were, however, made with the double purpose of ac- quiring the information and testing the capacity of the persons inquired of Some of the leading results of the examination will now be submitted. An estimate of the number of plantations open to cultivation, and of the persons upon the terri- tory protected by the forces of the United States, if only approximate to the truth, may prove con- venient in providing a proper system of adminis- tration. The following islands are thus protected, and the estimated number of plantations upon each is given : Port Royal, 65 Ladies', 30 Paris, including Horse, 6 Cat, 1 Gang, 1 Dathaw, 4 Coosaw, 2 Morgan, 2 St. Helena, 50 Hilton Head, 16 Pinckney, 5 Bull, including Barratria, 2 Daufuskie, 5 Hutchinson and Fenwick, 6 195 Or about two hundred in all. There are several other islands thus protected, without plantations, as Otter, Pritchard, Fripp, Hunting, and Phillips. Lemon and Daw have not been explored by the agents engaged in col- lecting cotton. The populous island of Edisto lying in the di- rection of Charleston, and giving the name to the finest cotton, is still visited by the rebels. A part near Botany Bay Island is commanded by the guns of one of our war vessels, under which a colony of one thousand negroes sought protec- tion, where they have been temporarily subsisted from its stores. The number has within a few days been stated to have increased to two thou- sand three hundred. Among these great desti- tution is said to prevail. Even to this number, as the negroes acquire confidence in us, large ad- ditions are likely every v^'eek to be made. The whole island can be safely farmed as soon as troops can be spared for the purpose of occupa- tion. But not counting the plantations of this island, the number on Port Royal, Ladies', St. Helena, Hilton Head, and the smaller islands, may be estimated at two hundred. In visiting the plantations, I endeavored to as- certain with substantial accuracy the number of persons upon them, without, however, expecting to determine the precise number. On that of Thomas Aston Coffin, at Coffin Point, St. He- lena, there were two hundred and sixty, the lar- gest found on any one visited. There were one hundred and thirty on that of Dr. J. W. Jenkins, one hundred and twenty on that of the Eustis estate, and on the others from eighty to thir- ty-eight, making an average of eighty-one to a plantation. These, however, may be ranked along the best peopled plantations, and forty to each may be considered a fair average. From these estimates there results a population of eight thousand negroes on the islands now safely pro- tected by our forces. Of the six hundred at the camp at Hilton Head, about one half should be counted with the aforesaid plantations whence they have come. Of the six hundred at Beaufort, one third should also bfe reckoned with the plantations. The other fraction in each case should be added to the eight thousand in computing the population now thrown on our protection. The negroes on Ladies' and St. Helena Islands, have quite generally remained on their respective plantations, or if absent, but temporarily, visiting wives or relatives. The dispersion on Port Royal and Hilton Head Islands has been far greater, the people of the former going to Beaufort in con- siderable numbers, and of the latter to the camp at Hilton Head. Counting the negroes M'ho have gone to Hilton Head and Beaufort from places now protected by our forces as still attached to the plantations, and to that extent not swelling the eight thousand on plantations, but adding thereto the usual negro population of Beaufort, as also the negroes who have fled to Beaufort and Hilton Head from places not yet occupied by our forces, and adding also the colony at Edisto, and we must now have thrown upon our hands, for whose present and future vre must provide, from ten thousand to twelve thousand persons — probably nearer the latter than the former number. This number is rapidly increasing. This week, forty-eight es- caped from a single plantation near Grahamville, on the main land, held by the rebels, led by the driver, and after four days of trial and peril, hid- den by day and threading the waters with their boats by night, evading the enemy's pickets, joy fully entered our camp at Hilton Head. The ac cessions at Edisto are in larger number, and ac- cording to the most reasonable estimates, it would only require small advances by our troops, not involving a general engagement or even loss of life, to double the number which would be brought within our lines. A fact derived from the census of 1860 may serve to illustrate the responsibility now devolv- ing on the Government. This county of Beaufort had a population of slaves in proportion of 82-^^0 of the whole — a proportion only exceeded by seven other counties in the United States, name- ly, one in South-Carolina, that of Georgetown ; three in Mississippi, those of Bolivar, Washing- ton, and Issequena ; and three in Louisiana, those of Madison, Tensas, and Coficordia, An impression prevails that the negroes here have been less cared for than in most other rebel districts. If this be so, and a beneficent reform 304 EEBELLION RECORD, 1862. shall be achieved here, the experiment may any- where else be hopefully attempted. The former white population, so far as can be ascertained, are rebels, with one or two excep- tions. In January, 1861, a meeting of the plan- ters on St. Helena Island was held, of which Thomas Aston Coffin was chairman. A vote was passed, stating its exposed condition, and offer- ing their slaves to the Governor of South-Caro- lina, to aid in building earth works, and calling on him for guns to mount upon them. A copy of the vote, probably in his own handwriting, and signed by Mr. Coffin, was found in his house. It is worthy of note that the negroes now with- in our lines are there by the invitation of no one ; but they were on the soil when our army began its occupation, and could not have been excluded, except by violent transportation. A small pro- portion have come in from the main land, evading the pickets of l^e enemy and our own, something easily done in an extensive country, with whose woods and creeks they are familiar. The only exportable crop of this region is the long staple Sea Island cotton, raised with more difficulty than the coarser kind, and bringing a higher price. The agents of the Treasury De- partment expect to gather some two million five hundred thousand pounds of ginned cotton the present j^ear, nearly all of which had been picked and stored before the arrival of our forces. Con- siderable quantities have not been picked at all, but the crop for this season was unusually good. Potatoes and corn are raised only for consumption on the plantations — corn being raised at the rate of only twenty-five bushels per acre. Such features in plantation life as will throw light on the social questions now anxiously weighed deserve notice. In this region, the master, if a man of wealth, is more likely to have his main residence at Beau- fort, sometimes having none on the plantation, but having one for the driver, who is always a negro. He may, however, have one, and an ex- pensive one, too, as in the case of Dr. J enkins, at St. Helena, and yet pass most of his time at Beau- fort, or at the North. The plantation in such cases is left almost wholly under the charge of an overseer. In some cases there is not even a house for an overseer, the plantation being super- intended by the driver, and being visited by the overseer living on another plantation belonging to the same owner. The houses for the overseers are of an undesirable character. Orchards of orange or fig-trees are usually planted near them. The field-hands are generally quartered at some distance — eighty or one hundred rods — from the overseer's or master's house, and are ranged in a row, sometimes in two rows, fronting each other. They are sixteen feet by twelve, each appropriated to a family, and in some cases divided with a partition. They numbered, on the plantations visited, from ten to twenty, and on the Coffin plantation they are double, numbering twenty- three double houses, intended for forty-six fami- lies. The yards seemed to s\varm with children, the negroes coupling at an early age. Except on Sundays, these people do not take their meals at a family table, but each one takes his hominy, bread, or potatoes, sitting on the floor or a bench, and at his own time. They say their masters never allowed them any regular time for meals. Whoever, under our new system, is charged with their superintendence should see that they attend more to the cleanliness of their persons and houses, and that, as in families of white people, they take their meals together at a table — habits to which they will be more dis- posed when they are provided with another change of clothing, and when better food is furnished and a proper hour assigned for meals. Upon each plantation visited by me, familiar conversations were had with several laborers, more or less extended as time permitted — some- times inquiries made of them, as they collected in groups, as to what they desired us to do with and for them, with advice as to the course of sobriety and industry which it was for their interest to pursue under the new and strange circumstances in which they were now placed. Inquiries as to plantation economy, the culture of crops, the im- plements still remaining, the number of persons in all, and of field-hands, and the rations issued, were made of the drivers, as they are called, an- swering as nearly as the two different systems of labor will permit to foremen on farms in the free States. There is one on each plantation— on the largest one visited, two. They still remained on each visited, and their names were noted. The business of the driver was to superintend the field-hands generally, and see that their tasks were performed fully and properly. He con- trolled them, subject to the master or overseer. He dealt out the rations. Another office belonged to him ; he was required by the master or over- seer, whenever he saw fit, to inflict corporal pun- ishment upon the laborers ; nor was he relieved from this office when the subject of discipline was his wife or children. In the absence of the mas- ter and overseer, he succeeded to much of their authority. As indicating his position of conse- quence, he was privileged with four suits of cloth- ing a year, while only two were allowed to the laborers under him. It is evident, from some of the duties assigned to him, that he must have been a person of considerable judgment and know- ledge of plantation economy, not differing essen- tially from that required of the foreman of a farm in the free States, He may be presumed to have known, in many cases, quite as much about the matters with which he was charged as the owner of the plantation, who often passed but a frac- tional part of his time upon it. The driver, notwithstanding the dispersion of other laborers, quite generally remains on the plantation, as already stated. He still holds the keys of the granary, dealing out the rations of food, and with the same sense of responsibility as before. In one case I found him in a controversy with a laborer, to whom he was refusing his peck of corn, because of absence with his wife on an- other plantation when the corn was gathered — it being gathered since the arrival of our army. DOCUMENTS. 305 The laborer protested warmly that he had helped to plant and hoe the corn, and was only absent as charged because of sickness. The driver ap- pealed to me, as the only white man near, and learning from other laborers that the laborer was sick at the time of gathering, I advised the driver to give him his peck of corn, which he did ac- cordingly. The fact is noted as indicating the present relation of the driver to the plantation, where he still retains something of his former authority. This authority is, however, very essentially di- minished. The main reason is, as he will assure you, that he has now no white man to back him. Other reasons may, however, concur. A class of laborers are generally disposed to be jealous of one of their own number promoted to be over them, and accordingly some negroes, evidently moved by this feeling, will tell you that the drivers ought now to work as field-hands, and some field-hands be drivers in their place. The driver has also been required to report dehn- quencies to the master or overseer, and upon their order to inflict corporal punishment. The laborers will, in some cases, say that he has been harder than he need to have been, while he will say that he did only what he was forced to do. The complainants who have sulfered under the lash may be pardoned for not being sufficiently charitable to him who has unwillingly inflicted it, v/hile, on the other hand, he has been placed in a dangerous position, where a hard nature, or self- interest, or dislike for the victim, might have tempted him to be more cruel than his position required. The truth, in proportions impossible for us in many cases to fix, may lie with both parties. I am, on the whole, inclined to believe that the past position of the driver and his valu- able knowledge, both of the plantations and the laborers, when properly advised and controlled, may be made available in securing the productive- ness of the plantations and the good of the labor- ers. It should be added that, in all cases, the drivers were found very ready to answer inquiries and communicate information, and seemed de- sirous that the work of the season should be commenced. , There are also on the plantations other laborers, more intelligent than the average, such as the carpenter, the ploughman, the religious leader, who may be called a preacher, a watchman, or a helper — the two latter being recognized officers in the churches of these people, and the helpers being aids to the watchman. These persons, having recognized positions among their fellows, either by virtue of superior knowledge or devo- tion, when properl}^ approached by us may be expected to have a beneficial influence on the more ignorant, and help to create that public opinion in favor of good conduct which, among the humblest as among the highest, is most use- ful. I saw many of very low intellectual devel- opment, but hardly any too low to be reached by civilizing influences, either coming directly from us or mediately through their brethren. And while I saw some who were sadly degraded, I met also others who were as fine specimens of human nature as one can ever expect to find. Besides attendance on churches on Sundays, there are evening prayer-meetings on the planta- tions as often as once or twice a week, occupied with praying, singing, and exhortations. In some cases the leader can read a hymn, having picked up his knowledge clandestinely, either from other negroes or from white children. Of the adults, about one half, at least, are members of churches, generally the Baptist, although other denomina- tions have communicants among them. In the Baptist church, on St. Helena Island, which I vis- ited on the twenty-second of Januarj^, there were a few pews for the proportionally small number of white attendants, and the much larger space was devoted to benches for colored people. On one plantation there is a negro chapel, well adapt- ed for the purpose, built by the proprietor, the late Mrs. Eustis. whose memory is cherished by the negroes, and some of whose sons are now loyal citizens of Massachusetts, i have heard among the negroes scarcely any profane swearing — not more than twice— a striking contrast with my experience among soldiers in the army. It seemed a part of my duty to attend some of the religious meetings of these people and learn further about them what could be derived from such a source. Their exhortations to personal piety were fervent, and though their language was many times confused, at least to my ear, oc- casionally an important instruction or a felicitous expression could be recognized. In one case, a preacher of their own, commenting on the text, "Blessed are the meek," exhorted his brethren not to be " stout-minded." On one plantation on Ladies' Island, where some thirty negroes were gathered in the evening, I read passages of Scrip- ture, and pressed on them their practical duties at the present time with reference to the good of themselves, their children, and their people. The passages read were the first and twenty-third Psalms ; the sixty-first chapter of Isaiah, verses one to four ; the Beatitudes in the fifth chapter of Matthew; the fourteenth chapter of John's Gospel, and the fifth chapter of the Epistle of James. In substance I told them that their mas- ters had rebelled against the Government, and we had come to put down the rebellion ; that we had now met them, and wanted to see what was best to do for them ; that Mr. Lincoln, the President or Great Man at Washington, had the whole mat- ter in charge, and was thinking what he could do for them ; that the great trouble about doing any thing for them was that their masters had always told us, and had made many people believe, that they were lazy, and would not work unless whip- ped to it ; that Mr. Lincoln had sent us down here to see if it was so ; that what they did was reported to him, or to men who would tell hiui ; that where I came from all were free, both white and black ; that we did not sell children or sep- arate man and wife, but all had to work ; that if they were to be free, they would have to work, and would be shut up or deprived of privileges if they did not ; that this was a critical hour with 306 REBELLION RECORD, 1862. them, and if they did not behave well now and respect our agents and appear willing to work, Mr. Lincoln would give up trying to do any thing for them, and they must give up all hope of any thing better, and their children and grandchild- ren a hundred years hence would be worse off than they had been. I told them they must stick to their plantations and not run about and get scattered, and assured them that what their mas- ters had told them of our intention to carry them off to Cuba and sell them was a lie, and their masters knew it to be so, and we wanted them to stay on the plantations and raise cotton, and if they behaved well, they should have wages — small, perhaps, at first ; that they should have better food, and not have their wives and child- ren sold off ; that their children should be taught to read and write, for which they might be will- ing to pay something ; that by and by they would be as well off as the white people, and we would stand by them against their masters ever coming back to take them. The importance of exerting a good influence on each other, particularly on the young men, who were rather careless and roving, was urged, as all would suffer in good re- pute from the bad deeds of a few. At Hilton Head, where I spoke to a meeting of two hundred, and there were facts calhng for the counsel, the women were urged to keep away from the bad white men, who would ruin them. Remarks of a like character were made familiarly on the plan- tations to such groups as gathered about. At the Hilton Head meeting, a good-looking man, who had escaped from the southern part of Barn- well District, rose and said, with much feeling, that he and many others should do all they could by good conduct to prove what their masters said against them to be false, and to make Mr. Lincoln think better things of them. After the meeting closed, he desired to know if Mr. Lincoln was coming down here to see them, and he wanted me to give Mr. Lincoln his compliments, with his name, assuring the President that he would do all he could for him. The message was a little amusing, but it testified to the earnestness of the simple-hearted man. He had known Dr. Bris- bane, who had been compelled some years since to leave the South because of his sympathy for slaves. The name of Mr. Lincoln was used in addressing them, as more likely to impress them than the abstract idea of government. It is important to add that in no case have I attempted to excite them by insurrectionary ap- peals against their former masters, feeling that such a course might increase the trouble of or- ganizing them into a peaceful and improving system, under a just and healthful temporary dis- cipline ; and besides, that it is a dangerous expe- riment to attempt the improvement of a class of men by appealing to their coarser nature. The better course toward making them our faithful aUies, and therefore the constant enemies of the rebels, seemed to be to place before them the good things to be done for them and their child- ren, and sometimes reading passages of Scripture appropriate to their lot, without, however, note or comment, never heard before by them, or heard only when wrested from their just interpretation ; such, for instance, as the last chapter of St. James's Epistle, and the Glad Tidings of Isaiah : " I have come to preach deliverance to the cap- tive." Thus treated and thus educated, they may be hoped to become useful coadjutors, and the unconquerable foes of the fugitive rebels. There are some vices charged upon these people which deserve examination. Notwithstanding their religious professions, in some cases more emotional than practical, the marriage relation, or what answers for it, is not, in many instances, held very sacred by them. The men, it is said, sometimes leave one wife and take another,— something likely to happen in any society where it is permitted or not forbidden by a stern public opinion, and far more likely to happen under laws which do not recognize marriage, and dissolve what answers for it by forced separations, dictat- ed by the mere pecuniary interest of others. The women, it is said, are easily persuaded by white men, — a facility readily accounted for by the power of the master over them, whose solicita- tion was equivalent to a command, and a,gainst which the husband or father was powerless to protect, and increased also by the degraded con- dition in which they have been placed, where they have been apt to regard what ought to be a disgrace as a compliment, when they were ap- proached by a paramour of superior condition and race. Yet often the dishonor is felt, and the wo- man, on whose several children her master's fea- tures are impressed, and through whose veins his blood flows, has sadly confessed it with an in- stinctive blush. The grounds of this charge, so far as they may exist, will be removed, as much as in communities of our own race, by a system which shall recognize and enforce the marriage relation among them, protect them against the solicitations of white men as much as law can, still more by putting them in relations where they will be inspired with self-respect and a conscious- ness of their rights, and taught by a pure and plain-spoken Christianity. In relation to the veracity of these people, so far as my relations with them have extended, they have appeared, as a class, to intend to tell the truth. Their manner, as much as among white men, bore instinctive evidence of this intention. Their answers to inquiries relative to the man- agement of the plantations have a general concur- rence. They make no universal charges of cruelty against their masters. They will say, in some cases, that their own was a very kind one, but another one in that neighborhood was cruel. On St. Helena Island they spoke kindly of " the good William Fripp," as they called him, and of Dr. Clarence Fripp ; but they all denounced the cruelty of Alvira Fripp, recounting his inhuman treatment of both men and women, xinother concurrence is worthy of note. On the planta- tions visited, it appeared from the statements of the laborers themselves, that there were, on an average, about one hundred and thirty-three pounds of cotton produced to the acre, and five DOCUMENTS. 307 acres of cotton and corn cultivated to a hand, the culture of potatoes not being noted. A n article of the American Agriculturist^ published in Turner's Cotton Manual^ pages 132, 133, relative to the culture of Sea Island Cotton on the plan- tation of John H. Townsend, states that the land is cultivated in the proportion of seven twelfths cotton, three twelfths corn, and two twelfths po- tatoes — in all, less than six acres to a hand — and the average yield of cotton per acre is one hun- dred and thirty-five pounds. I did not take the statistics of the culture of potatoes, but about five acres are planted with them on the smaller plan- tations, and twenty, or even thirty, on the larger ; and the average amount of land to each hand, planted with potatoes, should be added to the five acres of cotton and corn, and thus results not diifering substantially are reached in both cases. Thus the standard publications attest the verac- ity and accuracy of these laborers. Again, there can be no more delicate and re- sponsible position, involving honesty and skill, than that of pilot. For this purpose, these people are every day employed to aid our military and naval operations in navigating these sinuous chan- nels. They were used in the recent reconnoissance in the direction of Savannah ; and the success of the affair at Port Royal Ferry depended on the fidelity of a pilot, William, without the aid of whom, or of one like him, it could not have been undertaken. Further information on this point may be obtained of the proper authorities here. These services are not, it is true, in all respects, illustrative of the quality of veracity, but they involve kindred virtues not likely to exist with- out it. It is proper, however, to state that expressions are sometimes heard from persons who have not considered these people thoughtfully, to the effect that their word is not to be trusted, and these persons, nevertheless, do trust them, and act upon their statements. There may, however, be some color for such expressions. These laborers, like all ignorant people, have an ill-regulated reason, too much under the control of the imagination. Therefore, when they report the number of sol- diers, or relate facts where there is room for con- jecture, they are likely to be extravagant, and you must scrutinize their reports. Still, except among the thoroughly dishonest, — no more nu- merous among them than in other races, — there will be found a colorable basis for their state- ments, enough to show their honest intention to speak truly. It is true also that you will find them too will- ing to express feelings which will please you. This is most natural. All races, as well as all animals, have their appropriate means of self-de- fence, and where the power to use physical force to defend one's self is taken away, the weaker animal, or man, or race, resorts to cunning and duplicity. Whatever habits of this kind may ap- pear in these people are directly traceable to the well-known features of their past condition, with- out involving any essential proncness to decep- tion in the race, further than may be ascribed to human nature. Upon this point, special inquiries have been made of the Superintendent at Hilton Head, who is brought in direct daily association with them, and whose testimony, truthful as he is, is worth far more than that of those who have had less nice opportunities of observation, and Mr. Lee certifies to the results here presented. Upon the question of the disposition of these people to work, there are difierent reports, varied somewhat by the impression an idle or an indus- trious laborer, brought into immediate relation with the witness, may have made on the mind. In conversations with them, they uniformly an- swered to assurances that if free they must work, " Yes, massa, we must work to live ; that's the law ;" and expressing an anxiety that the work of the plantations was not going on. At Hilton Head, they are ready to do for Mr. Lee, the judi- cious Superintendent, whatever is desired. Hard words and epithets are, however, of no use in managing them, and other parties for whose ser- vice they are specially detailed, who do not un- derstand or treat them properly, find some trouble in making their labor available, as might natur- ally be expected. In collecting cotton, it is some- times, as I am told, difficult to get them together, when wanted for work. There may be some- thing in this, particularly among the young men. I have observed them a good deal ; and though they often do not work to much advantage, — a dozen doing sometimes what one or two stout and well-trained Northern laborers would do, and though less must always be expected of persons native to this soil than of those bred in Northern latitudes, and under more bracing air, — I have not been at all impressed with their general in- dolence. As servants, oarsmen, and carpenters, I have seen them working faithfully and with a will. There are some peculiar circumstances in their condition, which no one who assumes to sit in judgment upon them must overlook. They are now, for the first time, freed from the restraint of a master, and like children whose guardian or teacher is absent for the day, they may quite na- turally enjoy an interval of idleness. No system of labor for them, outside of the camps, has been begun, and they have had nothing to do except to bale the cotton when bagging was furnished, and we all know that men partially employed are, •if any thing, less disposed to do the little assigned them than they are to perform the full measure which belongs to them in regular life, the virtue in the latter case being supported by habit. At the camps, they are away from their accustomed places of labor, and have not been so promptly paid as could be desired, and are exposed to the same circumstances which often dispose soldiers to make as little exertion as possible. In the general chaos which prevails, and before the in- spirations of labor have been set before them by proper superintendents and teachers who under- stand their disposition, and show by their con- duct an interest in their welfare, no humane or reasonable man would subject them to austere criticism, or make the race responsible for the delinquencies of an idle person, who happened to .308 REBELLION RECORD, 1862. be brought particularly under his own observa- tion. Not thus would we have ourselves or our own race judged ; and the judgment which we would not have meted to us, let us not measure to others. Upon the best examination of these people, and a comparison of the evidence of trustworthy persons, I believe that when properly organized, and with proper motives set before them, they will, as freemen, be as industrious as any race of men are likely to be in this climate. The notions of the sacredness of property as held by these people have sometimes been the subject of discussion here. It is reported that they have taken things left in their masters' houses. It was wise to prevent this, and even where it had been done to compel a restoration, at least of expensive articles, lest they should be injured by speedily acquiring, without purchase, articles above their condition. But a moment's reflection will show that it was the most natural thing for them to do. They had been occupants of the estates ; had had these things more or less in charge, and when the former owners had left, it was easy for them to regard their title to the abandoned property as better than that of stran- gers. Still, it is not true that they have, except as to very simple articles, as soap or dishes, gen- erally availed themselves of such property. It is also stated that in camps where they have been destitute of clothing, they have stolen from each other, but the superintendents are of opinion that they would not ha^ie done this if already well provided. Besides, those familiar with large bo- dies, collected together, like soldiers in camp life, know how often these charges of mutual pilfering are made among them, often with great injustice. It should be added, to complete the statement, that the agents who have been intrusted with the collection of cotton have reposed confidence in the trustworthiness of the laborers, committing property to their charge — a confidence not found to have been misplaced. To what extent these laborers desire to be free, and to serve us still further in putting down the rebellion, has been a subject of examination. The desire to be free has been strongly expressed, particularly among the more intelligent and ad- venturous. Every day, almost, adds a fresh tale of escapes, both solitary and in numbers, con- ducted with a courage, a forecast, and a skill wor- thy of heroes. But there are other apparent fea- tures in their disposition which it would be un- truthful to conceal. On the plantations, I often found a disposition to evade the inquiry whether they wished to be free or slaves ; and though a preference for freedom was expressed, it was rarely in the passionate phrases which would come from an Italian peasant. The secluded and monotonous life of a plantation, with strict disci- pline and ignorance enforced by law and custom, is not favorable to the development of the richer sentiments, though even there they find at least a stunted growth, irrepressible as they are. The inquiry was often answered in this way : "The white man do what he pleases with us ; we are yours now, massa." One, if I understood his broken words rightly, said that he did not care about being free, if he only had a good master. Others said they would hke to be free, but they wanted a white man for a " protector." All of proper age, when inquired of, expressed a desire to have their children taught to read and write, and to learn themselves. On this point they showed more earnestness than on any other. When asked if they were willing to fight, in case we needed them, to keep their masters from com- ing back, they would seem to shrink from that, saying that "black men have been kept down so like dogs that they would run before white men." At the close of the first week's observation, I al- most concluded that on the plantations there was but little earnest desire for freedom, and scarcely any willingness for its sake to encounter white men. But as showing the importance of not at- tempting to reach general conclusions too hastily, another class of facts came to my notice the sec- ond week. I met then some more intelligent, who spoke with profound earnestness of their desire to be free, and how they had longed to see this day. Other facts, connected with the military and na- val operations, were noted. At the recent recon- noissance toward Pulaski, pilots of this class stood well under the fire, and were not reluctant to the service. When a district of Ladies' Island was left exposed, they voluntarily took such guns as they could procure, and stood sentries. Also at Edisto, where the colony is collected under the protection of oar gunboats, they armed them- selves and drove back the rebel cavalry. An offi- cer here high in command reported to me some of these facts, which had been officially communi- cated to him. The suggestion may be pertinent that the persons in question are divisible into two classes. Those who, by their occupation, have been accustomed to independent labor, and schooled in some sort of self-reliance, are more developed in this direction ; while others, who have been bound to the routine of plantation life, and kept more strictly under surveillance, are but little awakened. But even among these last there has been, under the quickening inspiration of present events, a rapid development, indicating that the same feeling is only latent. There is another consideration which must not be omitted. Many of these people have still but little confidence in us, anxiously looking to see what is to be our disposition of them. It is a mistake to suppose that, separated from the world, never having read a Northern book or newspaper relative to them, or talked with a Northern man expressing the sentiments prevalent in his region, they are universally and with entire confidence welcoming us as their deliverers. Here, as every- where else, where our army has met them, they have been assured by their masters that we were going to carry them off to Cuba. There is prob- ably not a rebel master, from the Potomac to the Gulf, who has not repeatedly made this assurance to his slaves. No matter what his religious vows may have been, no matter what his professed honor as a gentleman, he has not shrunk from the DOCTJMEXTS. 300 reiteration of this falsehood. Xever was there a people, as all who know them will testify, more attached to familiar places than they. Be their home a cabin, and not even that cabin their own, they still cling to it. The reiteration could not fail to have had some effect on a point on which they were so sensitive. Often it must have been met with tmbelief or gi'eat suspicion of its truth. It was also balanced by the consideration that their masters would remove them into the interi- or, and perhaps to a remote region, and separate theu^ families, about as bad as being taken to Cu- ba, and they felt more inclined to remain on the plantations, and take then' chances with us. They have told me that they reasoned in this way. But in many cases they fled at the approach of our army. Then one or two bolder returning, the rest were reassured and came back. Recently, the laborers on Paris Island, seeing some schoon- ers approaching suspiciously, commenced gather- ing their little effects rapidly together, and were about to run, when they were Cjuieted by some of our teachers coming, in whom they had confi- dence. In some cases, their distrust has been increased by the bad conduct of some irresponsi- ble white men, of which, for the honor of human nature, it is not best to speak more particularly. I On the whole, their confidence in us has been ; greatly increased by the treatment they have re- ' ceived, which, in spite of many individual cases of injury less likely to occur under the stringent orders recently issued from the naval and military authorities, has been generally kind and humane, j But the distrust which to a greater or less extent j may have existed on our arrival, renders neces- 1 sar}', if we would keep them faithful allies, and j not informers to the enemy, the immediate adop- j tion of a S3'stem which shall be a pledge of our protection and of our permanent interest in their welfare. The manner of the laborers toward us has been kind and deferential, doing for us such good offices as were in their power, as guides, pilots, or in more personal service, inviting us on the plantations to lunch of hominy and milk, or po- tatoes, touching the hat in courtesy, and answer- ing politely such questions as were addressed to them. If there have been exceptions to this rule, it was in the case of those whose bearing did not entitle them to the civility. Passing from general phases of character or present disposition, the leading facts in relation to the plantations and the mode of rendering them useful and determining what is best to be done, come next in order. The laborers of St. Helena and Ladies' Islands ver}- generally remain on their respective planta- tions. This fact, arising parth' from local attach- ment and partly because they can thus secure their allowance of corn, is important, as it will facihtate their redrganization. Some are absent temporarily, visiting a wife or relative on another plantation, and returning periodically for their ra- tions. The disposition to roam, so far as it ex- ists, mainly belongs to the younger people. On Port Royal and Hilton Head Islands, there is a much greater dispersion, due in part to their hav ^ ing been the scene of more active military move- ments, and in part to the taking in gTeater mea- ; sure on these islands of the means of subsistence fi^om the plantations. When the work recom- , mences, however, there is not likely to be any , indisposition to return to them. ' The statistics with regard to the number of laborers, field-hands, acres planted to cotton and corn, are not presented as accurate statements, but only as reasonable approximations, which may be of service. : The highest number of people on any planta- tion visited was on Coffin's, where there are two ' hundred and sixty. Those on the plantation of Dr. Jenkins number one hundred and thirty ; on • that of the Eustis estate, one hundred and twen- , ty ; and on the others, from eighty to thirty-eight. ; The average number on each is eighty-one. The : field-hands range generally from one third to one I half of the number, the rest being house servants, ; old persons, and children. About five acres of i cotton and corn are planted to a hand ; and of potatoes, about five acres in, all were planted on , the smaller plantations, and fi-om twenty to thirty ' on the larger. ! The number of pounds in a bale of ginned cot- ; ton ranges from three to four hundred, the ave- ' rage number being not far from three hundred and forty-five pounds per bale. The average yield per acre on fifteen plantations was about one hundi'ed and thirty-three pounds. The material for compost is gathered in the pe- riods of most leisure — often in July and August, after the cultivation of the cotton plant is ended, and before the picking has commenced. Various materials are used, but quite generally mud and the coarse marsh grass, which abounds on the creeks near the plantations, are employed. The manure is carted upon the land in January and February, and left in heaps, two or three cart- loads on each task, to be spread at the time of listing. The land, by prevailing custom, lies fal- low a year. The cotton and corn are planted in elevated rows or beds. The next step is the list- ing, done with the hoe, and making the bed where the alleys were at the previous raising of the crop, and the alleys being made where the beds were before. In this process, half the old bed is hauled into the alley on the one side, and the other half into the alley on the other. This work is done mainly in .February, being commenced sometimes the last of January. A "task'' is one hundred and five feet square, and contains twenty-one or twenty-two beds or rows. Each laborer is re- quu-ed to list a task and a half, or if the land is moist and heavy, a task and five or seven beds, say one fourth or three eighths of an acre. The planting of cotton commences about the twentieth or last of ^larch, and of corn about the same time or earlier. It is continued through April, and by some planters it is not begun fill April. The seeds are deposited in the beds, a foot or a foot and a half apart on light land, and two feet apart on heavy land, and five or ten seeds left in a place. AVhile the plant is growins:, t 310 REBELLION RECORD, 1862. the stalks are thinned so as to leave two together on high land, and one by itself on low or rich land. The hoeing of the early cotton begins about the time that the planting of the late has ended. The plant is- cultivated with tlie hoe and plough during May, June, and July, keeping the weeds down and thinning the stalks. The picking commences the last of August. The cotton be- ing properly dried in the sun, is then stored in houses, ready to be ginned. The ginning, or cleaning the fibre from the seed, is done either by gins operated by steam or by the well-known foot-gins — the latter turning out about thirty pounds of ginned cotton per day, and worked by one person, assisted by another, who picks out the specked and yellow cotton. The steam-en- gine carries one or more gins, each turning out three hundred pounds per day, and requiring eight or ten hands to tend the engine and gins, more or less, according to the number of the gins. The foot-gins are still more used than the gins operated by steam, the latter being used mainly on the largest plantations, on which both kinds are sometimes employed. I have preserved notes of the kind and number of gins used on the plan- tations visited, but it is unnecessary to give them here. Both kinds can be run entirely by the la- borers, and after this year, the ginning should be done wholly here — among other reasons, to avoid transportation of the seed, which makes nearly three fourths of the weight of the unginned cot- ton, and to preserve in better condition the seed required for planting. The allowance of clothing to the field-hands in this district has been two suits per year, one for summer and another for winter. That of food has been mainly vegetable — a peck of corn a week to each hand, with meat only in J une, when the work is hardest, and at Christmas. No meat was allowed in June on some plantations, while on a few more liberal it was dealt out occasion- ally, as once a fortnight or once a month. On a few, molasses was given at intervals. Children, varying with their ages, were allowed from two to six quarts of corn per week. The diet is more exclusively vegetable here than almost anywhere in the rebellious region, and in this respect should be changed. It should be added, that there is a large quantity of oysters available for food in proper seasons. Besides the above rations, the laborers were allowed each to cultivate a small patch of ground, about a quarter of an acre, for themselves, when their work for their master was done. On this, corn and potatoes, chiefly the former, were plant- ed. The corn was partly eaten by themselves, thus supplying in part the deficiency in rations ; but it was, to a great extent, fed to a pig or chickens, each hand being allowed to keep a pig and chickens or ducks, but not geese or turkeys. With the proceeds of the pig and chickens, gene- rally sold to the masters, and at pretty low rates, extra clothing, coffee, sugar, and that necessary of life with these people, as they think, tobacco, were bought. In the report thus far, such facts in the condi- tion of the territory now occupied by the forces of the United States have been noted as seemed to throw light on what could be done to reorgan- ize the laborers, prepare them to become sober and self-supporting citizens, and secure the suc- cessful culture of a cotton-crop, now so necessary to be contributed to the markets of the world. It will appear from them that these people are naturally religious and simple-hearted — attached to the places where they have lived, still adhering to them both from a feeling of local attachment and self-interest in securing the means of subsist- ence ; that they have the knowledge and expe- rience requisite to do all the labor, from the pre- paration of the ground for planting until the cotton is baled, ready to be exported ; that they, or the great mass of them, are disposed to labor, with proper inducements thereto ; that they lean upon white men, and desire their protection, and could, therefore, under a wise system, be easily brought under subordination ; that they are sus- ceptible to the higher considerations, as duty and the love of offspring, and are not in any way in- herently vicious, their defects coming from their peculiar condition in the past or present, and not from constitutional proneness to evil beyond what may be attributed to human nature ; that they have among them natural chiefs, either by virtue of religious leadership or superior intelligence, who, being first addressed, may exert a healthful influence on the rest ; in a word, that, in spite of their condition, reputed to be worse here than in many other parts of the rebellious region, there are such features in their life and character, that the opportunity is now offered to us to make of them, partially in this generation, and fully in the next, a happy, industrious, law-abiding, free and Christian people, if we have but the courage and patience to accept it. If this be the better view of them and their possibilities, I will say that I have come to it after anxious study of all peculiar circumstances in their lot and character, and after anxious conference with reflecting minds here, who are prosecuting like inquiries, not over- looking what, to a casual spectator, might appear otherwise, and granting what is likely enough, that there are those among them whose charac- ters, by reason of bad nature or treatment, are set, and not admitting of much improvement. And I will submit further, that, in common fair- ness and common charity, when, by the order of Providence, an individual or a race is committed to our care, the better view is entitled to be first practically applied. If this one shall be accepted and crowned with success, history will have the glad privilege of recording that this wicked and unprovoked rebellion was not without compensa- tions most welcome to our race. What, then, should be the true system of ad- ministratioji here ? It has been proposed to lease the plantations and the people upon them. To this plan there are two objections — each conclusive. In the fii st place, the leading object of the parties bidding for leases would be to obtain a large immediate revenue — perhaps to make a fortune in a year or DOCUMENTS. 311 two. The solicitations of doubtful men, offering the highest price, would impose on the leasing power a stern duty of refusal, to which it ought not unnecessarily to be subjected. Far better a system which shall not invite such men to harass the leasing power, or excite expectations of a speedy fortune, to be derived from the labor of this people. Secondly, no man, not even the best of men, charged with the duties which ought to belong to the guardians of these people, should be put in a position where there would be such a conflict between his humanity and his self-in- terest — his desire, on the one hand, to benefit the laborer, and, on the other, the too often strong- er desire to reap a large revenue — perhaps to re- store broken fortunes in a year or two. Such a S3^stem is beset with many of the worst vices of the slave system, with one advantage in favor of the latter, that it is for the interest of the plant- er to look to permanent results. Let the history of British East-India, and of all communities where a superior race has attempted to build up speedy fortunes on the labor of an inferior race occupying another region, be remembered, and no just man will listen to the proposition of leas- ing, fraught as it is vrith such dangerous conse- quences. Personal confidence forbids me to re- port the language of intense indignation which has been expressed against it here by some occu- pying high places of command, as also by others who have come here for the special purpose of promoting the welfare of these laborers. Per- haps it might yield to the treasury a larger im- mediate revenue, but it would be sure to spoil the country and its people in the end. The Gov- ernment should be satisfied if the products of the territory may be made sufficient for a year or two to pay the expenses of administration and superintendence, and of the inauguration of a beneficent system which will settle a great social question, insure the sympathies of foreign na- tions, now wielded against us, and advance the civilization of the age. The better course would be to appoint super- intendents for each large plantation, and one for two or three smaller combined, compensated with a good salary, say one thousand dollars per 3'ear, selected with reference to peculi;>r qualifications, and as carefully as one would choose a guardian for his children, clothed with an adequate power to enforce a paternal discipline, to require a pro- per amount of labor, cleanliness, sobrijety, and better habits of life, and generally to promote the moral and intellectual culture of the wards, with such other inducements, if there be any, placed before the superintendent as shall inspire him to constant efforts to prepare them for useful and worth}' citizenship. To quicken and insure the fidelity of the superintendents, there should be a director-general or governor, who shall visit the plantations, and see that they are discharging these duties, and, if necessary, he should be aid- ed by others in the duty of visitation. This olfi cer should be invested with liberal powers over all persons within his jurisdiction, so as to pro- tect the blacks from each other and from white men, being required, in most important cases to confer with the mihtary authorities in punishing offences. His proposed duties indicate that he should be a man of the best ability and charac- ter ; better if he have already, by virtue of public services, a hold on the public confidence. Such an arrangement is submitted as preferable for the present to any cumbersome territorial government The laborers themselves, no longer slaves of their former masters, or of the Government, but as yet in large numbers unprepared for the full privileges of citizens, are to be treated with sole reference to such preparation. No effort is to be spared to work upon their better nature and the motives which come from it — the love of^wages, of offspring, and of famil}^, the desire of happiness, and the obhgations of religion. And when these fail, — and fail they will, in some c-ases, — we must not hesitate to resort, not to the lash, — for as from the department of war, so also from the depart- ment of labor, it must be banished, — but to the milder and more effective punishments of depriv- ation of privileges, isolation from family and so- ciety, the workhouse, or even the prison. The laborers are to be assured at the outset that parental and conjugal relations among them are to be protected and enforced ; that children, and all others desiring, are to be taught ; that they will receive wages; and that a certain just meas- ure of work, with reference to the ability to per- form it, if not willingl}^ rendered, is to be required of all. The work, so far as the case admits, should be assigned in proper tasks, the standard being what a healthy person of average capacity can do, for which a definite sum is to be paid. The remark may perhaps be pertinent, that, what- ever may have been the case with women or par- tially disabled persons, my observations, not 3'et sufficient to decide the point, have not impressed me with the conviction that healthy persons, if they had been provided with an adequate amount of food, and that animal in due proportion, have been overworked heretofore on these islands, the main trouble having been that they have not been so provided, and have not had the motives which smooth labor. Notwithstanding the fre- quent and severe chastisements which have been employed here in exacting work, the}^ have failed, and naturally enough, of their intended elfects. Human beings are made up so much more of spirit than of muscle, that compulsory labor, en- forced by physical pain, will not exceed or tqual, in the long run, voluntary labor v» ith just inspira- tions ; and the same law in less degree m.ay be seen in the difference between the value of a whipped and jaded beast, and one well disci- phned and kindly treated. What should be the standard of M'ages where none have heretofore been paid, is less easy to determine. It should be graduated with refer- ence to the wants of the laborer and the ability of the employer or Government; and this abihty being determined by the value of the products of the labor, and the most that should be expected being, that for a year or two the system should not be a burden on the treasmy. Talcing into 312 REBELLION RECORD, 1862. consideration the cost of food and clothing, medi- cal attendance and extras, supposing that the laborer would require rations of pork or beef, meal, coffee, sugar, molasses and tobacco, and that he would work three hundred days in the year, he should receive about forty cents a day in order to enable him to lay up thirty dollars ti year ; and each healthy woman could do about equally well. Three hundred days in a year is, perhaps, too high an estimate of working-days, when we consider the chances of sickness and days when, by reason of storms and other causes, there would be no work. It is assumed that the laborer is not to pay rent for the small house tenanted by him. When the average number of acres cultivated by a hand, and the average yield per acre are considered with reference to market prices, or when the expense of each laborer to his former master, the interest on his assumed value and on the value of the land worked by him, — these being the elements of what it has cost the master before making a profit, — are com- puted, the Government could afford to pay this sum, leaving an ample margin to meet the cost of the necessary implements, as well as of super- intendence and administration. The figures on which this estimate is based are at the service of the department if desired. It must also be borne in mind that the plantations will in the end be carried' on more scientifically and cheaply than before, the plough taking very much the place of the hoe, and other implements being introduced to facilitate industry and increase the productive power of the soil. It being important to preserve all former habits which are not objectionable, the laborer should have his patch of ground on which to raise corn or vegetables for consumption or sale. As a part of the plan proposed, missionaries will be needed to address the religious element of a race so emotional in their nature, exhorting to all practical virtues, and inspiring the laborers with a religious zeal for faithful labor, the good nurture of their children, and for clean and healthful habits. The benevolence of the free States, now being directed hither, will gladly provide these. The Government should, how- ever, provide some teachers specially devoted to teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, say some twenty-five for the territory now occupied by our forces, and private benevolence might even be relied on for these. The plan proposed is, of course, not presented as an ultimate result : far from it. It contem- plates a paternal discipline for the time being, intended for present use only, with the prospect of better things in the future. As fast as the laborers show themselves fitted for all the privi- leges of citizens, they should be dismissed from the system and allowed to follow any employ- ment they please, and where they please. They should have the power to acquire the fee simple of land, either with the proceeds of their labor or as a reward of special merit ; and it would be well to quicken their zeal for good behavior by proper recognitions. I shall not follow these suggestions as to the future further, contenting myself with indicating what is best to be done at once with a class of fellow-beings now thrown on our protec- tion, entitled to be recognized as freemen, but for whose new condition the former occupants of the territory have diligently labored to unfit them. But whatever is thought best to be done, should be done at once. A system ought to have been commenced with the opening of the year. Be- sides that, demoralization increases with delay. The months of January and February are the months for preparing the ground by manuring and listing, and the months of March and April are for planting. Already important time has passed, and in a very few weeks it will be too late to prepare for a crop, and too late to assign useful work to the laborers for a year to come. I implore the immediate intervention of your de- partment to avert the calamities which must en- sue from a further postponement. There is another precaution most necessary to be taken. As much as possible, persons enlisted in the army and navy should be kept separate from these people. The association produces an unhealthy excitement in the latter, and there are other injurious results to both parties which it is unnecessary to particularize. In relation to this matter, I had an interview with the Flag-Officer, Commodore Du Pont, which resulted in an order that no boats from any of the ships of the squadron can be permitted to land anywhere but at Bay Point and Hilton Head, without a pass from the Fleet Captain," and requiring the com- manding officers of the vessels to give special at- tention to all intercourse between the men under their command and the various plantations in their vicinity. Whatever can be accomplished to that end by this humane and gallant officer, who superadds to skill and courage in his pro- fession the liberal views of a statesman, will not be left undone. The suggestion should also be made that, when employment is given to this people, some means should be taken to enable them to obtain .suitable goods at fair rates, and precautions taken to prevent the introduction of ardent spirits among them. A loyal citizen of Massachusetts, Mr. Frede- rick A. Eustis, has recently arrived here. He is the devisee in a considerable amount under the will of the late Mrs. Eustis, who owned the large estate on Ladies' Island, and also another at Pocotaligo, the latter not yet in possession of our forces. The executors are rebels, and reside at Charleston, Mr. Eustis has as yet received no funds by reason of the devise. There are two other loyal devisees and some other devisees re- sident in rebellious districts, and the latter are understood to have received dividends. Mr. Eus- tis is a gentleman of humane and liberal views, and, accepting the present condition of things, desires that the people on these plantations shall not be distinguished from their brethren on others, but equally admitted to their better fortunes. The circumstances of this case, though of a per- sonal character, may furnish a useful precedent. With great pleasure and confidence, I recommend DOCmiEXTS. 313 that this loyal citizen be placed in charge of the plantation on Ladies' Island, which he is willing to accept — the questions of property and rights under the will being reserved for subsequent de- termination. A brief statement in relation to the laborers collected at the camps at Hilton Head and Beau- fort may be desirable. At both places they are under the charge of the Quartermaster's Depart- ment. At Hilton Head, Mr. Barnard K. Lee, Jr., of Boston, is the Superintendent, assisted bv Mr. J. D. McMath of Alleghany City, Pa., both civihans. The appointment of Mr. Lee is derived from Captain R. Saxton, Chief Quartermaster of the Expeditionary Corps, a humane officer, who is deeply interested in this matter. The number at this camp is about six hundred, the registered number under Mr. Lee being four hundred and seventy-two, of whom one hundred and thirty- seven are on the pay-roll. Of these four hundred and seventy-two, two hundred and seventy-nine are fugitives from the main land, or other points, stiU held by the rebels ; seventy-seven are from Hilton Head Island; sixty-two from the adjacent island of Pinckney ; thirty-eight from St. Helena ; eight from Port Royal ; seven from Spring, and one from Daufuskie. Of the four hundred and seventy-two, the much larger number, it will be seen, have sought refuge from the places now held by rebels ; while the greater proportion of the remainder came in at an early period, before they considered themselves safe elsewhere. Since the above figures were given, forty-eight more, all from one plantation, and under the lead of the driver, came in together from the main land. Mr. Lee was appointed November tenth last, with instructions to assure the laborers that they would be paid a reasonable sum for their services, not yet fixed. They were contented with the assur- ance, and a quantity of blankets and clothing captured of the rebels was issued to them with- out charge. About December first, an order was given that carpenters should be paid eight dollars per month, and other laborers five dollars per month. "Women and childi'en were fed without charge, the women obtaining washing and receiv- ing the pay, in some cases in considerable sums, not, however, heretofore very available, as there was no clothing for women for sale here. It will be seen that, under the order, laborers, particu- larly those with families, have been paid with sufficient liberality. There were sixty-three la- borers on the pay-roll on December first, and one hundred and one dollars and fifty cents were paid to them for the preceding month. On January first there were for the preceding month one hun- dred and twenty-seven on the pay-roll, entitled I to four hundred and sixty-eight dollars and fifty- nine cents. On February first there were for the preceding month one hundred and thirty-seven on the pay-roll, entitled to something more than for the month of January ; making in all due them not far from one thousand dollars. This \ delay of payment, due, it is stated, to a deficiency { of small currency, has made the laborers uneasy, | and afi'ected the disposition to work. ' On January eighteenth, a formal order was issued by General Sherman, regulating the rate of wages, varying from twelve dollars to eight dollars per month for mechanics, and fi'om eight dollars to four dollars for other laborers. Under it, each laborer is to have, in addition, a ration of food. But fi'om the monthly pay are to be deducted rations for his family, if here, and cloth- ing both for himself and family. Commodious barracks have been erected for these people, and a guard protects their quarters. I ha^e been greatly impressed by the kindness and good sense of Mr. Lee and his assistant, in their discipline of these people. The lash, let us give thanks, is banished at last. No coarse words or profanity are used toward them. There has been less than a case of discipKne a week, and the delinquent, if a male, is sometimes made to stand on a ban-el, or, if a woman, is put in a dark room, and such discipline has proved successful. The only exception, if any, is in the case of one woman, and the difficulty there was conjugal jealousy, she protesting that she was compelfed / by her master, against her will, to live with the man. There is scarcely any profanity among them, more than one half of the adults being members of churches. Their meetings are held twice or three times on Sundays, also on the evenings of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. They are con- ducted with fervent devotion by themselves alone or in presence of a white clergyman, when the services of one are procurable. They close with what is called ''a glory shout," one joining hands with another, together in couples singing a verse and beating time with the foot. A fastidious re- ligionist might object to this exercise ; but being in accordance with usage, and innocent enough in itself, it is not open to exception. As an evi- dence of the effects of the new system in inspir- ing self-reliance, it should be noted that the other evening they called a meeting of their own accord, and voted, the motion being regularly made and put, that it was now but just that they should provide the candles for their meetings, hitherto provided by the Government. A collection was taken at a subsequent meeting, and two dollars and forty-eight cents was the result. The inci- dent may be trivial, but it justifies a pleasing in- ference. No school, it is to be regretted, has yet been started, except one on Sundays, but the call for reading-books is daily made by the la- borers. The suggestion of Mr. Lee, in which I most heartily concur, should not be omitted — that with the commencement of the work on the plantations, the laborers should be distributed upon them, having regard to the family relations and the places whence they have come. Of the number and condition of the laborers at Beaufort, less accurate information was attain- able, and fewer statistics than could be desired. They have not, till within a few days, had a General Superintendent, but have been under the charge of persons detailed for the purpose from the army. I saw one whose manner and language toward them was, to say the least, not / 314 REBELLION RECOED, 1862. elevating. A new Quartermaster of the post has recently commenced his duties, and a better order of things is expected. He has appointed as Su- perintendent Mr. William Harding, a citizen of Daufuskie Island. An enrolment has commenc- ed, but is not yet finished. There are sup- posed to be about six hundred at Beaufort. The number has been larger, but some have already returned to the plantations in our possession from which they came. At this point, the Rev. Solo- mon Peck, of Roxburj^ Mass., has done great good in preaching to them and protecting them from the depredations of white men. He has established a school for the children, in which are sixty pupils, ranging in age from six to fifteen years. They are rapidly learning their letters and simple reading. The teachers are of the same race with the taught, of ages respectively of twenty, thirty, and fifty years. The name of one is John Milton. A visit to the school leaves a remarkable impression. One sees there those of pure African blood, and others ranging through the lighter shades, and among them brunettes of the fairest features. I taught several of the children their letters for an hour or two, and during the recess heard the three teachers, at their own request, recite their spelling-lessons of words of one syllable, and read two chapters of Matthew. It seemed to be a morning well spent. Nor have the efforts of Dr. Peck been confined to this point. He has preached at Cat, Cane and Ladies' Island, anticipating all other white clergy- men, and on Sunday, February second, at the Baptist Church on St. Helena, to a large congre- gation, where his ministrations have been attend- ed with excellent effects. On my visits to St. Helena, I found that no white clergyman had been there since our military occupation began, that the laborers were waiting for one, and there was a demoralization at some points which time- ly words might arrest. I may be permitted to state, that it was at my own suggestion that he made the appointment on this island. I cannot ; forbear to give a moment's testimony to the no- bility of character displayed by this venerable ; man. Of mild and genial temperament, equally earnest and sensible, enjoying the fruits of cul- ' ture, and yet not dissuaded by them from the : humblest toil, having reached an age when most others would have declined the duty, and left it i to be discharged by younger men ; of narrow i means, and yet in the main defraying his own ' expenses, this man of apostolic faith and life, to < whose labors both hemispheres bear witness, left ! his home to guide and comfort this poor and ' shepherdless flock ; and to him belongs, and ever i will belong, the distinguished honor of being the i first minister of Christ to enter the field which j our arms had opened. i The Rev. Mansfield French, whose mission was i authenticated and approved by the Government, 1 prompted by benevolent purposes of his own, and < in conference with others in the city of New- York, has been here two weeks, during which time he i has been industriously occupied in examining the j state of the islands and their population, in con- < , ferring with the authorities, and laying the foun- • dation of beneficent appliances with reference to their moral, educational, and material wants. These, having received the sanction of officers in command, he now returns to commend to the public, and the Government will derive import- ant information from his report. Besides other things,^ he proposes, with the approval of the authorities here, to secure authority to introduce women of suitable experience and ability, who shall give industrial instruction to those of their own sex among these people, and who, visiting from dwelling to dwelling, shall strive to improve their household life, and give such counsels as women can best communicate to women. All civilizing influences like these should be welcom- ed here, and it cannot be doubted that many noble hearts among the women of the land will volunteer for the service. There are some material wants of this territory requiring immediate attention. The means oi subsistence have been pretty well preserved on the plantations on St. Helena; so also on that part of Ladies' adjacent to St. Helena. But on Port Royal Island, and that part of Ladies' near to it, destitution has commenced, and will, unless provision is made, become very great. Large amounts of corn for forage, in quantities from fifty to four or five hundred bushels from a plan- tation, have been taken to Beaufort. On scarce- ly any within this district is there enough to last beyond April, whereas it is needed till August, On others, it will last only two or three weeks, and on some it is entirely exhausted. It is stated that the forage was taken because no adequate supply was at hand, and requisitions for it were not seasonably answered. The farther taking of the corn in this way has now been forbidden ; but the Government must be prepared to meet the exigency which it has itself created. It should be remembered that this is not a grain- exporting region, corn being produced in moder- ate crops only for consumption. Similar destitu- tion will take place on other islands, from the same cause, unless provision is made. The horses, mules, and oxen, in large numbers, have been taken to Beaufort and Hilton Head as means of transportation. It is presumed that they, or most of them, are no longer needed for that purpose, and that they will be returned to those who shall have charge of the plantations. Cattle to the number of a hundred, and in some cases less, have been taken from a plantation and slaughtered, to furnish fresh beef for the army. Often cattle have been killed by irresponsible foraging parties, acting without competent au- thority. There can be no doubt that the army and navy have been in great want of the varia- tion of the rations of salt beef or pork ; but it also deserves much consideration, if the planta- tions are to be permanently worked, how much of a draught they can sustain. The garden seeds have been pretty well used up, and I inclose a desirable list furnished me by a gentleman whose experience enables him to designate those adapted to the soil, and useful DOCUMEXTS. 315 too for army supplies. The general cultiyation of the islands also requires the sending of a qaan- tity of ploughs and hoes. Since the writing of this report was commenc- ed, some action has been taken which will largely increase the number of persons thrown on the protection of the Government. To-day, February tenth, the Forty-seventh regiment of New-York volnnteevs has been ordered to take military occu- pation of Edisto Island, which is stated to have had formerly a population of five or six thousand, and a large number of plantations, a movement which involves great additional responsibility. Agents for the collection of cotton are to accom- pany it. Herewith is communicated a copy of an order by General Sherman, dated February sixth, 1862, relative to the disposition of the plantations and of their occupants. It is evidence of the deep interest which the Commanding General takes in this subject, and of his conviction that the exi- gency requires prompt and immediate action from the Government. I leave for TTashington, to add any oral ex- planations which may be desired, expecting to return at once, and, with the permission of the Department, to organize the laborers on some one plantation, and superintend them during the planting season, and upon its close, business en- gagements require that I should be relieved of this appointment. I ani, with great respect, Your friend and servant, Edward L. Pierce. second report. Port Royal, June 2, 1S62. To the Eon. S. P. Chase, Secretarij of the Trea- sury : Sir: Upon the transfer of the supervision of affairs at Port Royal from the Treasury to the War Department, a summary of the results of this agency may be expected by you ; and there- fore this report is transmitted. Your instructions of February nineteenth in- trusted to me the general superintendence and direction of such persons as might be employed upon the abandoned plantations, with a view to prevent the deterioration of the estates, to secure their best possible cultivation, and the greatest practicable benefit to the laborers upon them. The Department, not being provided with proper power to employ upon salaries superintendents and teachers, under the plan submitted in my report of February third, enjoined cooperation with associations of judicious and humane citi- zens in Boston, New- York, and other cities, who proposed to commission and employ persons for the religious instruction, ordinary education, and general employment of the laboring population. Authority was given to the Special Agent at the same time to select and appoint applicants for such purposes, and assign each to his respective duty — such persons when compensated, to draw their compensation from private sources, receiv- ing transportation, subsistence, and quarters only from the Government. The Educational Com- mission of Boston had already been organized, and the organization of the National Freedman's Relief Association of New- York followed a few days later. Still later the Port Royal Relief Com- mittee of Philadelphia was appointed. On the morning of March ninth, forty-one men and twelve women, accepted for the above pur- poses and approved by the first two of the above Associations, disembarked at Beaufort, having left New-York on the third of that month on board the United States transport, the steamship Atlantic, accompanied by the Special Agent. The Educational Commission of Boston had commis- sioned tvrenty-five of the men and four of the women. The National Freedman's Relief Asso- ciation of New-York had commissioned sixteen of the men and five of the women, and three women from Washington City had received your own personal commendation. The men were of various occupations, farmers, mechanics, trades- men, teachers, physicans, clergymen, ranging in age from twenty-one to sixty years. Not being provided with full topographical knowledge of the islands, it was necessary for the Special Agent to explore them for locations. At the close of the first fortnight after their arrival, the entire origi- nal delegation had been assigned to districts which they had reached. Since then others have arrived, namely, fourteen on March twenty-third, fourteen on April fourteenth, and a few at a later date, making in all seventy-four men and nine- teen women, who having been commissioned by the Associations, and receiving the permit of the Collector of New- York, have arrived here, and been assigned to posts. Of the seventy-four men, forty-six were commissioned and employed by the Boston Society, and twenty-eight by'that of New-York. Of the nineteen women, nine were commissioned by the New- York Society, six by that of Boston, one by that of Philadelphia, and three others not so commissioned, but ap- proved by yours'elf, were accepted. Except in the case of the three women approved by your- self, no persons have been received into this ser- vice not previously approved by the associations with whom you enjoined cooperation. Of the seventy-four men, twenty-four were stationed on Port Ro3^aJ Island, a few of these doing special duty at Beaufort, fifteen on St. Helena, thirteen on Ladies', nine on Edisto, seven on Hilton Head, three on Pinckney, one on Cat and Cane, one on Paris, and one on Daufuskie. A few of the above returned North soon after their arrival, so that the permanent number here at any one time, duly commissioned and in actual service, has not ex- ceeded seventy men and sixteen women. The number at present is sixty-two men and thirteen women. A larger corps of superintendents and teachers might have been employed to advantage, but as injurious results might attend the over- doing of the work of supervision, it was thought best not to receive more, until experience had in- dicated the permanent need. The following is a list of the islands, with the 316 REBELLION RECORD, 1862. number of plantations and people upon them which have been superintended by the above per- sons : Islands. No. of Plantations, Population. Port Royal, 56 1,909 St. Helena (including Dathaw and Morgan,). .53 2,T21 Ladies' (including Wassa, Coosaw, Cat, and Cane,) .31 1,259 Hilton Head, 15 943 Pinckney, 2 423 Daufuskie, 3 69 Paris, 5 274 Edisto,. 21 1,278 Hutchinson, Beef, and Ashe, 3 174 Total, ,050 The above population is classified as follows : three hundred and nine mechanics and house servants not working in the field ; six hundred and ninety-three old, sickly, and unable to work ; three thousand six hundred and nineteen child- ren, not useful for field labor, and four thousand four hundred and twenty-nine field-hands. The field-hands have been classified, as under the former system, into full, three quarters, one half, and one quarter hands. The term one quarter generally designates boys and girls of about twelve years, just sent to the field ; the term half appHes often to persons somewhat infirm, and to women enciente, and the term three quarters ap- plies to those doing less than a full hand and more than a half hand. According to this classi- fication, which will aid in arriving at the effective force, the field hands are made up of three thou- sand two hundred and two full hands, two hun- dred and ninety-five three quarter hands, five hundred and ninety-seven half hands, and three hundred and thirty -five one quarter hands. Com- muting the fractional into full hands, according to the custom of the former planters, in determin- ing what crop should be required of the laborers, there results the equivalent of three thousand eight hundred and five and a half full field-hands. Four thousand and thirty field-hands were paid for work on the cotton crop. There is, then, a difference of three hundred an^ ninety-nine be- tween this number and the entire number of field- hands. The number making this difference do not appear to have worked on the cotton. Eighty- seven of them are found on Hutchinson, Beef and Ashe, where they were sent from Otter Island, when it was too late to make it advisable to attempt the planting of cotton. The statistics of population and classified laborers were taken some weeks before the pay-rolls were made, and a number of laborers sought employment at the camps in the intervening time. Some of the one quarter hands were not employed in the cotton culture. The mechanics and house-servants on the plan- tations have not been profitably employed — the former, because they had not proper stock and tools, and we were not authorized to attempt im- provements of any permanent or valuable charac- ter ; the latter, because the superintendents were not accompanied by their families. Both classes were averse to field-labor, and occasioned consid- erable trouble. Some were assigned to the charge of gar(ipns, and others went to the camps. The proportion of old, sickly, and disabled is large. The fugitive masters, who forced away many of their other slaves, were wilHng to leave these. The amount of disability among the people is generally quite large, due to moral and physical causes. There appears to be a want of vital en- erg}^ in them such as often carries a feeble person safely through great toil and vexation. This may be ascribed partially to their vegetable diet, and partially to their former condition, v»^hich has nothing in it to give strength to will or purpose. Their bedding and' sleeping apartments are un- suitable, and at night they sleep on the floor without change of clothing. As boatmen they are often exposed, and do not properly care for themselves after exposure. During this season small-pox has been prevalent, and deranged the labor on several plantations. For the purpose of staying it there was a general vaccination, and a hospital was established on Port Royal Island, and put under the care of a physician employed by one of the benevolent associations. Six phy- sicians have been employed and paid by them. It was an entirely inadequate corps for so exten- sive a territory, particularly as it was impossible to procure for them reasonable means of convey- ance. Since the above statistics were prepared, some two hundred fugitives have come to Port Royal and Edisto, and have been distributed on the plantations. Besides, the table does not include negroes at any of the camps as at Beaufort, Hil- ton Head, Bay Point, and Otter Island, who are under the control of the Quartermaster Depart- ment. These will amount, with their famiHes, to two thousand persons, or more. They have not been under the Treasury Department, but they have been instructed by the teachers and attend- ed by the physicians, and they have shared in the distribution of clothing contributed by the asso- ciations. The able-bodied men have been em- plo3'^ed on wages, very much relieving the soldiers of fatigue-duty. Some of the smaller of the above islands have only been visited by the superintendents, who are stationed on other islands — the visits being made two or three times a week. Five of the women authorized as above have resided at the junction of Ladies' and St. Helena Islands. The rest have resided on Port Royal, most of those on Port Royal living at Beaufort. Their labors have been directed, some to teaching daily schools and others to the distribution of clothing, to the visitation of the sick among these people, and to endeavors for the improvement of their household life. They have been welcomed on plantations where no white woman had been seen since our military occupation began. A cir- cle at once formed around them, the colored wo- men usually testifying their gladness by offering presents of two or three eggs. Their genial pre- sence, wherever they have gone, has comforted and encouraged these people, and without the co- operation of refined and Christian women the best part of this work of civilization must ever remain undone. DOCUMENTS. 317 The superintendents have generally had five or six plantations in charge, sometimes one, aided by a teacher, having under him three, four, and even five hundred persons. The duty of each has been to visit all the plantations under him as often as practicable, some of which are one, two, three, and even four miles from his quarters — transport to them implements from the store- houses, protect the cattle and other public pro- perty upon them, converse with the laborers, ex- plaining to them their own new condition, the purposes of the Government towards them, what is expected of them in the way of labor, and what remuneration they are likely to receive ; procure and distribute among them clothing and food, whether issued in army rations or contributed by the benevolent associations ; collecting the mate- rials of a census ; making reports of the condition and wants of the plantations and any peculiar difficulties to the Special Agent ; drawing pay rolls for labor on cotton, and paying the amounts ; going when convenient to the praise meetings, and reading the Scriptures ; instructing on Sun- days and other days those desirous to learn to read, as much as time permitted ; attending to cases of discipline, protecting the negroes from injuries, and in all possible ways endeavoring to elevate them, and prepare them to become worthy and self-supporting citizens. Such were some of the labors cast upon the superintendents, for which, as they were without precedent in our his- tory, none could have had special experience, and for which, in many cases of difficulty, they were obhged to act without any precise instructions from the Special Agent, as he had received none such from the Government. In a very few in- stances there appeared a want of fitness for the art of governing men under such strange circum- stances, but in none a want of just purpose. Many toiled beyond their strength, and nearly all did more than they could persevere in doing. A knowledge of the culture of cotton was found not necessary in a superintendent, though it would have facilitated his labors. On this point the la- borers were often better informed than their for- mer masters. Indeed, those persons who might already have possessed this knowledge, and ap- plied for the post of superintendent, would have been hkely in gaining it to have acquired ideas of the negroes as slaves, and of the mode of deal- ing with them as such, prejudicial to their success in this enterprise. The duty to be performed has consisted so much in explaining to the labor- ers their new condition and their relations to the Government, and in applying the best spiritual forces to their minds and hearts, that just pur- poses, and good sense, and faith in the work have been of far more consequence than any mere ex- perience in agriculture ; and, even in the more practical matters, those who had the most in- spiration for the service were found the most fer- tile in resources and the most cheerful and pa- tient in encountering vexations and inconveni- ences. It would not be easy again to combine in a body of men so much worth and capacity, and it is but a deserved tribute to say that but for Sup. Doc. 20 their unusual zeal and devotion under many ad- verse influences, added to the intrinsic difiiculty of the work itself, this enterprise, on which patri- otism and humanity had rested their faith, would have failed of the complete success which has hitherto attended it. It is proper to add that an accomplished woman accepted the superintendence of a single planta- tion, in addition to other duties for which she specially came, and carried it on successfully. Upon the arrival of the superintendents the plantations were generally unsupplied with tools, even hoes, those on hand being the tools used last year, and a few found in the shops at Beaufort. Some three thousand dollars' worth of ploughs, hoes, and other implements and seeds were in- tended to come with the superintendents. The negroes had commenced putting corn and pota- toes into their own patches, and in some cases had begun to prepare a field of corn for the plan- tation. No land had been prepared for cotton, and the negroes were strongly indisposed to its culture. They were willing to raise corn, because it was necessary for food, but they saw no such necessity for cotton, and distrusted promises of payment for cultivating it. It had enriched the masters, but had not fed them. Soldiers passing over the plantations had told them in careless speech that they were not to plant cotton. As this was a social experiment in which immediate industrial results were expected, it seemed im- portant that all former modes of culture should be kept up, and those products not neglected for which the district is best adapted, and which, in time of peace, should come from it. Besides, when a people are passing through the most radi- cal of all changes, prudence requires that all old habits and modes not inconsistent with the new condition should be conserved. Particularly did it seem desirable that the enemies of free labor in either hemisphere should not be permitted to say exultingly, upon the view of a single season's experiment here, that a product so important to trade and human comfort could not be cultivated without the forced, unintelligent, and unpaid labor of slaves. Therefore no inconsiderable effort was made to disabuse the laborers of their pretty strong prejudice on this point, and to convince them that labor on cotton was honorable, remu- nerative, and necessary to enable them to buy clothing and the fitting comforts they desired. It was not made in vain ; and its necessity would in the main have been dispensed with if we had had in the beginning the money to pay for the labor required, and the proper clothing and food to meet the just wants and expectations of the laborers. At the same time, the importance of raising an adequate supply of provisions was en- joined, and with entire success. On this point there was no trouble. The amount of these planted is equal to that of last year in proportion to the people to be supplied, and probably ex- ceeds it. The negro patches are far larger than ever before, and as these had been begun before we arrived, we were unable to make them equal on the different plantations. They alone in a fair 318 REBELLION RECORD, 1862. season, and if harvested in peace, would probably prevent any famine. On the whole, it is quite certain that without the system here put in opera- tion the mass of the laborers, if left to themselves and properly protected from depredations and demoralization by white men, would have raised on their negro patches corn and potatoes suffi- cient for their food, though without the incentives and moral inspirations thereby applied, they would have raised no cotton, and had no export- able crop, and there might, under the uncertain- ties of the present condition of things, have been a failure of a surplus of corn necessary for cattle and contingencies, and for the purchase of needed comforts. There is no disposition to claim for the movement here first initiated that it is the only one by which the people of this race can be raised from the old to the new condition, provided equal opportunities and an equal period for de- velopment are accorded to them as to communi- ties of the white race. But it seems to have been the only one practicable where immediate mate- rial and moral results were to be reached, and upon a territory under military occupation. The preparation of the ground for planting be- gins usually about February first. It was not until March twenty-fourth that the superintend- ence of the plantations under the present sys- tem can be said to have been in operation — the first fortnight being occupied by the superintend- ents, upon their stations being assigned, in going to them with a moderate supply of implements. The planting, except of the slip potatoes, which are planted in July, some cow-peas and a small quantity of corn, closed in the week ending with May tenth. Each superintendent, in response to a call fi:om the Special Agent, has furnished a written statement of the acres of cotton, corn, potatoes, and vegetables, then planted on each plantation in his district, with an estimate of the amount thereafter to be planted, the figures of which have been arranged in a tabular form, pre- senting the amount of each kind on all the plan- tations on all the islands where agricultural ope- rations are being carried on under the protection of our forces. It is with pleasure that the aggre- gate results is here submitted. It makes (adding the negro patches to the corn-fields of the plan- tations) 8314 7-8 acres of provisions (corn, po- tatoes, etc.) planted, 5480 11-100 acres of cotton planted — in all, 13,794 98-100 acres of provisions and cotton planted. Adding to these the 2394 acres of' late corn, to a great extent for fodder, cow-peas, etc., to be planted, and the crop of this year presents a total of 16,188 98-100 acres. The crops are growing, and are in good condi- tion. They have been cultivated with the plough and hoe, and the stalks of cotton have been thin- ned, as is usual at this stage of their growth. They are six or eight, and in some fields twelve, inches high. Next month will close the work of cultivation. Notwithstanding the recent withdrawal of six hundred able-bodied men from the plantations for military purposes, a very large proportion of the working force, the spirit of the laborers has so improved that, according to present expecta- tions, only a small proportion of the above acres already planted will have to be abandoned. The effect of the order will, however, be to diminish the number of acres to be planted, as the esti- mate was made just before it was issued. The statistical table presenting the aggregate result on each island is here introduced. The full tabular statement, giving the amount of each crop planted on each of the one hundred and eighty-nine plantations, also accompanies this report. No. acres of Potatoes, (slip,) Cow-Peas, etc., to be planted. O CM 3 O o !z; o 11 Total No. of acres planted. O o tH CO CM CM T-< O iO CO CO 1-1 o o o o Ci o ^^^^ lil CO CO 00 i—t-Tti CO CO o c<> t- CO rH o o Oi t- CO No. acres of pro- visions planted by laborers on their own ac- count. ^ CO CO 0^ OlOCOQO t-r-lr-( t- o No. acres of mis- cellaneous, as Vegetables, Cow- Peas, Rice, etc., planted. T-f 1-1 CO 00 rJ< r-l t- "£ o 12; s 1 CM No. acres of Cotton planted. 125T 75-100 1042 75-100 659 19-100 1554 57-100 221 47 60-100 697 25-100 o o No. acres of Potatoes (root) planted. CO (NO t- Tl tH t-I d 00 O (U !M CO CO 0^ <^ No. acres of Corn planted. O C5 CO O O iO CO CO 1-1 00 Ig? IS Islands. Ladies', (including Coosaw, Wassa, Cat, and Cane,). St. Helena, (including Da- thaw and Morgan,) Paris, Pinckney and Daufuskie,. . Hutchinson, Beef, and Ashe, e 1 Satisfactory as the result is, the crop would have been considerably larger, but for several un- favorable circumstances. DOCUMENTS. 319 In the first place, the laborers had just passed through four months of idleness and confusion, during which the only labor done by the great mass of them was upon the baling and local trans- portation of the cotton. During this time they had no assurances as to their future, no regular employment, no care of their moral interests, no enlightenment as to their relations to this war, except the careless and conflicting talk of soldiers who chanced to visit the plantations, and whose conduct toward them did not always prepossess them in favor of the ideas of Northern men as to the rights of property or the honor of women. The effects of this injurious season had to be met at the threshold, and, as far as could be, removed. The usual season for preparing for a crop had already advanced six -weeks before the superin- tendence and the distribution of implements com- menced. Besides the labor thus lost, there was no time to devise useful plans for abridging it, and so conducting it as to be able to ascertain defin- itely what each had done, and to how much each was entitled. The working of all the hands to- gether is not the best mode for this purpose, but we had no time to change the course pursued the year before. In the future it will probably be found that when there is time to arrange accord- ingly, the best mode will be to assign a piece of land to each laborer, and thus the amount done and the proportionate compensation due, can be more justly fixed. Nothing is found to discour- age faithful laborers so much as to see the indo- lent fare as well as themselves. Even now, since the close of planting, some of the superintendents, impressed with this difficulty, have allotted pieces of ground in that way, and they report that this plan works well. It will, besides, introduce ideas of independent proprietorship on the part of the laborers, not so likely to come from what is called the "gang" system. The same cause, namely, the lateness of the season, together with the in- sufficient means of fencing, required the selection of such fields for cultivation as could be best pro- tected from cattle, and not such as could be most easily and productively worked. There was an inadequate supply of implements when the work commenced. A small quantity, less than that required, was purchased, and was to have been sent with the superintendents, but by some accident the larger part of the hoes and some other articles were left behind, and did not come tall some weeks later. The plantations were bereft of mules and horses necessary for ploughing and carting manure. The former owners had taken away the best in many cases, and nearly all the workable mules and horses remaining had been seized by our army for quartermaster and commissary service. On a long list of plantations not a mule was left to plough. Others had one only, and that one blind or lame. On none was there the former number. The oxen had to a great extent been slaughtered for beef The laborers had become vexed and dispirited at this stripping of the plantations, and they had no heart to attempt the working of them productively. Indeed, in some cases, it did seem like requiring them to make bricks without straw. At last, in answer to a pressing appeal to the Treasury Department by the Special Agent, ninety mules were forwarded from New-York, forty ar- riving at Beaufort on the eighteenth April, and fifty on the twenty-first. Within three days after their arrival they were distributed, except some dozen intended for localities not easily accessible. This was a most necessary consignment. It made the hand-labor available, and showed the laborers that the Government was in earnest in carrying on the plantations. This recognition of their just complaints helped to give confi- dence. This reenforcement of the implements of labor must have added not far fi'om two thou- sand acres to the crop of this year, and perhaps even more. Another difficulty was found in the destitution of corn prevalent in many districts, as Port Royal, Hilton Head, and Paris Islands. In some locali- ties it had been burned by the rebels. It had been taken in large quantities by our army for forage under orders of General Sherman, and the result indicated as soon at hand in the report of the Special Agent of February third, had already arrived. The first week after the return of the Special Agent here, was passed in exploring loca- tions for superintendents on Port Royal. Every- where he was met with complaints that there was no corn or provisions. A few rations had been doled out, but only on a few plantations, and without system or regularity. It took some two or three weeks there, and longer on other islands, to get a system in operation under which the negroes, where the corn had been taken, or there was destitution, should receive a part of a soldier's ration. From Ladies' Island the corn had been taken largely, and it was thought it might be supplied by a possible surplus on St. Helena. On these islands there was considerable discontent on .account of the exclusive diet of hominy, and a great call for meat, molasses, and salt. On some of the best conducted plantations these articles had formerly been furnished by the planters in small quantities at some seasons. So many cattle had been taken by the army for beef, that following his instructions, which required him to prevent the deterioration of the estates, the Special Agent hesitated to continue the slaugh-. ter. Salt was twice furnished to these two islands by a special purchase — a quart being given to a family. At length a consignment of two thousand dollars' worth of provisions, for which an appeal had been made early in March, consisting of bacon, fish, molasses, and salt, arrived, being delayed by many accidents, and forwarded by the Port Royal Relief Committee of Philadelphia. Bacon and fish, to the amount of three pounds of the former, and one pound of the latter to a grown person, were distributed May fifteenth, and a distribution of molasses has since been made of one quart to a family. The laborers have been greatly encour- aged b}^ this distribution, and if it could have been made earlier, or rations could have been issued earlier, the crop would have been increased, and we should have been relieved of many griev- 320 REBELLION RECORD, 1862, ous complaints, the justice of which we were com- pelled to confess without the power to meet them. Again, the laborers had but very little confi- dence in the promises of payment made by us on behalf of the Government. The one per cent a pound which had been promised on the last year's crop of cotton, mostly stored when our military occupation began, and for the baling and local transportation of which the laborers had been em- ployed in November and December last, had not been paid. This sum, even if paid, was entirely inadequate to supply the needed clothing and other wants, and it would seem that the laborers were fairly entitled upon the taking of the cotton which they had raised, to have been paid for the labor expended by them in raising it, or if they were to be paid only for the labor of baling and transporting, that they should have been provided with the winter clothing which their masters had not furnished before they left. The destitution of clothing was such as to produce much discon- tent, subsequently relieved to a considerable ex- tent by the benevolent associations. The Special Agent was not provided with funds to pay for labor on this year's crop until April twenty-eighth. Then the moderate sum of one dollar per acre was paid for cotton planted by April twenty-third, being distributed among the laborers according to the amount done by each. This was paid on account, the question of the value of the labor already done being reserved. This payment quickened the laborers very much, and the work went rapidly forward until May tenth, when the time for closing the regular plant- ing season arrived. Indeed, from the beginning, where they could clearly see that they were to receive the rewards of their labor, they worked with commendable diligence. Thus they worked diligently on their negro patches at the time when we had the most difficulty in securing the full amount of proper work on the plantations. Not the least among our troubles was, that many able- bodied men had gone to the camps at Beaufort, Hilton Head, and Bay Point, where they were profitably employed on wages, occasionally re- turning to the plantations on which their wives remained, to display their earnings and produce discontent among the unpaid laborers on them. No money has been paid for the planting of corn, or of vegetables, except in the case of a large garden of ten acres, it being expected that these products will be consumed on the planta- tions. A second payment for the cotton planted since April twenty-third, and at the same rate as the first, has been made. In all, the sum of five thousand four hundred and seventy-nine dollars and sixty-five cents has been paid for 5480 11-100 acres of cotton, with ten dollars more for the gar- den of vegetables. Four thousand and thirty per- sons received their proportions of this sum. Small as the payment was, the laborers received it with great satisfaction, as, if nothing more, it was at least a recognition of their title to wages, and to treatment as freemen. Accurate pay-rolls for each plantation, with the name of each laborer and the amount paid, and certified by the super- intendents, are preserved. These drawbacks are not stated with any in- tention to cast blame on the Government, already overcharged with transcendent duties; but it seemed fitting to mention them, in order to do full justice to laborers who are passing from one condition to another. The order of Major-Gen. Hunter compelling the able-bodied men to go to Hilton Head on May twelfth, where a proportion of them still remain against their will, produced apprehension among these people as to our intentions in relation to them, and disturbed the work on the plantations, the force of which has been greatly reduced, leav- ing the women, and children over twelve years of age, as the main reliance on many plantations. The Special Agent entered a protest against the order and its harsh execution, and the retention of any not disposed to enlist ; but the civil being subordinate to military power, no further action could be taken. The cases of discipline for idleness have been very few, and cannot have exceeded, if they have equalled, forty on the islands. These have been reported to the military authorities and been acted upon by them. The most trouble has been upon plantations lying exposed to the camps and ves- sels both of the navy and sutlers, as on Hilton Head Island and on St. Helena near Bay Point, where there were considerable discontent and in- subordination induced by visits from the ves- sels and camps. This trouble, it is hoped, will hereafter be removed by a more effective police system than has yet been apphed. It is not pretended that many of these laborers could not have done more than they have done, or that in persistent application they are the equals of races living in colder and more bracing latitudes. They generally went to their work quite early in the morning, and returned at noon, often earlier, working, however, industriously while they were in the field. Late in the after- noon, they worked upon their private patches. They protested against working on Saturdays. A contrary rule was, however, prescribed and enforced, and they did double work on Friday in order to secure for themselves the day follow- ing. As they were making themselves self-sup- porting by the amount of work which could be obtained from them without discipline, it was thought advisable, under the present condition of things, not to exact more, but to await the full effect of moral and material inspirations, which can in time be applied. What has, nevertheless, been accomplished with these obstructions, with all the uncertain- ties incident to a state of war, and with our own want of personal familiarity at first with the indi- vidual laborers themselves, gives the best reason to believe that under the guidance and with the help of the fugitive masters, had they been so disposed, these people might have made their way from bondage and its enforced labor to free- dom and its voluntary and compensated labor DOCUMENTS. 321 without any essential diminution of products or any appreciable derangement of social order. In this as in all things the universe is so ordered that the most beneficent revolutions, which cost life and treasure, may be accomplished justly and in peace, if men have only the heart to ac- cept them. The contributions of clothing from the benevo- lent associations have been liberal ; but liberal as they have been, they have failed to meet the dis- tressing want which pervaded the territory. The masters had left the negroes destitute, not hav- ing supplied their winter clothing when our forces had arrived, so that both the winter and spring clothing had not been furnished. From all ac- counts it would also seem that since the war be- gan the usual amount of clothing given had been much diminished. That contributed by the as- sociations cannot fall below ten thousand dollars. It has produced a most marked change in the general appearance, particularly on Sundays and at the schools, and tended to inspire confidence in the superintendents. It would have been almost useless to attempt labors for moral or religious instruction without the supplies thus sent to clothe the naked. A small amount, where there were an ability and desire to pay, has, with the special authority of the societies, been sold, and the proceeds returned to them to be reinvested for the same purpose. The rest has been delivered, without any money being received. In the case of the sick and dis- abled it is donated, and in case of those healthy and able to work it has been charged without ex- pectation of money to be paid, that being thought to be the best course to prevent the laborers from regarding themselves as paupers, and as a possi- ble aid to the Government in case prompt pay- ments for labor should not be made. It is most pleasing to state that, with the small payments for labor already made, those also for the collection of cotton being nearly completed, with the partial rations on some islands and the supplies from benevolent sources on others, with the assistance which the mules have furnished for the cultivation of the crop — the general kind- ness and protecting care of the superintendents — the contributions of clothing forwarded by the associations — the schools for the instruction of the children and others desirous to learn — with these and other favorable influences, confidence in the Government has been inspired, the labor- ers are working cheerfully, and they now present to the world the example of a well-behaved and self-supporting peasantry of which their country has no reason to be ashamed. The educational labors deserve a special state- ment. It is to be regretted that more teachers had not been provided. The labor of superin- tendence at the beginning proved so onerous that several originally intended to be put in charge of schools, were necessarily assigned for the other purpose. Some fifteen persons on an average have been specially occupied with teaching, and of these four were women. Others, having less superintendence to attend to were able to devote considerable time to teaching at regular hours. Nearly all gave some attention to it, more or less according to their opportunity, and their aptitude for the work. The educational statistics are incomplete, only a part of the schools having been open for two months, and the others having been opened at intervals upon the arrival of persons designated for the purpose. At present, according to the reports, two thousand five hundred persons are being taught on week-days, of whom not far from one third are adults taught when their work is done. But this does not complete the number occasionally taught on week-days and at the Sunday-schools. Humane soldiers have also aid- ed in the case of their servants and others. Three thousand persons are in all probability re- ceiving more or less instruction in reading on these islands. With an adequate force of teach- ers this number might be doubled, as it is to be hoped it will be on the coming of autumn. The reports state that very many are now advanced enough so that even if the work should stop here they would still learn to read by themselves. Thus the ability to read the English language has been already so communicated to these peo- ple that no matter what military or social vicissi- tudes may come, this knowledge can never perish from among them. There have been forwarded to the Special Agent the reports of the teachers, and they result in a remarkable concurrence of testimony. All unite to attest the universal eagerness to learn, which they have not found equalled in white persons, arising both from the desire for knowledge com- mon to all, and the desire to raise their condition, now very strong among these people. The re- ports on this point are cheering, even enthusias- tic, and sometimes relate an incident of aspiration and affection united in beautiful combination. One teacher on his first day's school, leaves in the rooms a large alphabet card, and the next day" returns to find a mother there teaching her little child of three years to pronounce the first letters of the alphabet she herself learned the day before. The children learn without urging by their parents, and as rapidly as white persons of the same age, often more so, the progress being quickened by the eager desire. One teacher reports that on the first day of her school only three or four knew a part of their letters, and none knew all. In one week seven boys and six girls could read readily words of one syllable, and the following week there were twenty in the same class. The cases of dulness have not exceeded those among the whites. The mulattoes, of whom there are probably not more than five per cent of the entire population on the plantations, are no brighter than the children of pure African blood. In the schools which have been opened for some weeks, the pupils who have regularly attended have passed from the alpha- bet, and are reading words of one syllable in large and small letters. The lessons have been confined to reading and spelling, except in a few cases where wi'iting has been taught. I 322 REBELLION RECORD, 1862. There has been great apparent eagerness to learn among the adults and some have progressed well. They will cover their books with care, each one being anxious to be thus provided, car- r}^ them to the fields, studying them at intervals of rest, and asking explanations of the superin- tendents who happen to come along. But as the novelty wore away, many of the adults find- ing perseverance disagreeable, dropped ofil Ex- cept in rare cases it is doubtful whether adults over thirty years, although appreciating the pri- vilege for their children, will persevere in con- tinuous study so as to acquire the knowledge for themselves. Still, when books and newspapers are read in negro houses, many, inspired l3y the example of their children, will be likely to under- take the labor again. It is proper to state that while the memory in colored children is found to be, if any thing, live- lier than in the white, it is quite probable that further along, when the higher faculties of com- parison and combination are more to be relied on, their progress may be less. While their quick- ness is apparent, one is struck with their want of discipline. The children have been regarded as belonging to the plantation rather than to a family, and the parents, who in their condition can never have but a feeble hold on their off- spring, have not been instructed to training their children into thoughtful and orderly habits. It has, therefore, been found not an easy task to make them quiet and attentive at the schools. Through the schools habits of neatness have been encouraged. Children with soiled faces or soiled clothing, when known to have better, have been sent home from the schools, and have re- turned in better condition. In a few cases the teachers have been assisted by negroes who knew how to read before we came. Of these there are very few. Perhaps one may be found on an average on one of two or three plantations. These, so far as can be ascertained, were in most cases taught clandes- tinely, often by the daughters of their masters who were of about the same age. A colored person among these people who has learned to read does not usually succeed so well as a white teacher. He is apt to teach the alphabet in the usual order, and needs special training for the purpose. The Sabbath-schools have assisted in the work of teaching. Some three hundred persons are present at the church on St. Helena in the morn- ing, to be taught. There are other churches where one or two hundred attend. A part of these, perhaps the larger, attend some of the day schools, but they comprehend others, as adults, and still others coming from localities where schools have not been opened. One who regards spectacles in the light of their moral aspects, can with difficulty find sublimer scenes than those witnessed on Sabbath morning on these islands, now ransomed to a nobler civilization. The educational labors have had incidental re- sults almost as useful as those which have been direct. At a time when the people were chafing ' the most under deprivations, and the assurances made on behalf of the Government were most distrusted, it was fortunate that we could point to the teaching of their children as a proof of our interest in their welfare, and of the new and bet- ter life w^hich we were opening before them. An effort has been made to promote clean and healthful habits. To that end, weekly cleanings of quarters were enjoined. This effort, where it could be properly made, met with reasonable success. The negroes, finding that we took an interest in their welfare, acceded cordially, and in many cases their diligence in this respect was most commendable. As a race, it is a mistake to suppose that they are indisposed to cleanli- ness. They appear to practise it as much as white people under the same circumstances. There are difficulties to obstruct improvements in this respect. There has been a scarcity of lime and (except at too high prices) of soap. Their houses are too small, not affording proper apartments for storing their food. They are un- provided with glass windows. Besides, some of them are tenements unfit for beasts, without floor or chimneys. One could not put on a face to ask the occupants to clean such a place. But where the building was decent or reasonably commodious, there was no difficulty in securing the practice of this virtue. Many of these people are examples of tidiness, and on entering their houses one is sometimes witness of rather amus- ing scenes where a mother is trying the effect of beneficent ablutions on the heads of her children. The rehgious welfare of these people has ■ not been neglected. The churches, which were closed when this became a seat of war, have been opened. Among the superintendents there were several persons of clerical education, who have led in public ministrations. The larger part of them are persons of religious experience and profession, who, on the Sabbath, in weekly praise meetings and at funerals, have labored for the consolation of these humble believers. These people have been assured by the Special Agent that if they proved themselves worthy by their industry, good order, and sobriety, they should be protected against their rebel masters. It would be wasted toil to attempt their develop- ment without such assurances. An honorable nature would shrink from this w^ork without the right to make them. Nor is it possible to ima- gine any rulers now or in the future, who will ever turn their backs on the laborers who have been received, as these have been, into the ser- vice of the United States. Special care has been taken, to protect the pro- perty of the Government on the plantations. The cattle had been taken away in such large numbers by the former owners, and later by the army, the latter sometimes slaughtering fifty or more head on a plantation, that the necessity of a strict rule for the preservation of those remaining was felt. For that purpose the Special Agent procured or- ders from the military and naval authorities, dated respectively April seventeenth and twenty- sixth, forbidding the removal of " subsistence, DOCUMENTS. 323 forage, mules, horses, oxen, cows, sheep, cattle of any kind, or other property from the planta- tions, -^i^iithout the consent of the Special Agent of the Treasury Department or orders from the nearest General Commanding." No such con- sent has been given by the Special Agent except in one case, as an act of mercy to the animal, and in another where he ordered a lamb killed on a special occasion, and has charged himself with the same in his account with the department. Your instructions which expressed your desire to prevent the deterioration of the estates, have in this respect been sedulously attended to. The superintendents have not been permitted to kill cattle, even for fresh meat, and they have sub- sisted on their rations, and fish and poultry pur- chased of the negroes. The success of the movement, now upon its third month, has exceeded my most sanguine expectations. It has had its peculiar difficulties, and some phases at times, arising from accidental causes, might on a partial view invite doubt, ban- ished however at once by a general survey of what had been done. Already the high treason of South-Carolina has had a sublime compensa- tion, and the end is not yet. The churches which were closed have been opened. No mas- ter now stands between these people and the words which the Saviour spoke for the consola- tion of all peoples and all generations. The Gos- pel is preached in fulness and purity, as it has never before been preached in this territory, even in colonial times. The reading of the English language, with more or less system, is being taught to thousands, so that whatever military or political calamities may be in store, this precious knowledge can never more be eradicated. Ideas and habits have been planted, under the growth of which these people are to be fitted for the re- sponsibilities of citizenship, and in equal degree unfitted for any restoration to what they have been. Modes of administration have been com- menced, not indeed adapted to an advanced com- munity, but just, paternal, and developing in their character. Industrial results have been reached, which put at rest the often reiterated assumption that this territory and its products can only be cultivated by slaves. A social prob- lem which has vexed the wisest approaches a so- lution. The capacity of a race, and the possibil- ity of lifting it to civilization without danger or disorder, even without throwing away the present generation as refuse, are being determined. And thus the way is preparing by which the peace to follow this war shall be made perpetual. Finally, it would seem that upon this narrow theatre, and in these troublous times, God is de- monstrating against those who would mystify his plans and thwart his purposes, that in the councils of his infinite wisdom he has predestined no race, not even the African, to the doom of eternal bondage. There are words of personal gratitude which it is not easy to suppress. To the superintendents, who have treated me with uniform kindness and subordination ; to the Rev. Dr. Peck, to whom was assigned the charge of the general interests of Port Royal Island; to the Rev. Mr. French, who was charged with special duties ; to the be- nevolent associations in Boston, New- York, and Philadelphia, without whose support and contri- butions, amounting, in salaries and donations of specific articles, to not less than twenty thousand dollars, this enterprise could not have been car- ried on or commenced ; to the Flag-Officer of the Squadron and the Generals commanding, for facihties cheerfully afforded, particularly to Bri- gadier-General Stevens, to whom, as Port Royal, Ladies', and St. Helena's Islands, were all within his district, it was necessary often to apply ; to the Collector of New-York, with whom the busi- ness operations, have been conducted; to your- self, for confidence intrusted and continued, I am under special obHgations. But, more than all, in parting with the inter- esting people who have been under my charge, I must bear testimony to their uniform kindness to myself One of them has been my faithful guide and attendant, doing for me more service than any white man could render. They have come, even after words of reproof or authority, to ex- press confidence and good resolves. They have given me their benedictions and prayers, and I should be' ungrateful indeed ever to forget or de- ny them. I am your friend and servant, Edward L. Pierce, Special Agent of Treasury Department. Date Due MAY" a ii^S — i sf^ oaH? 1 TT^r^j — Form 335. 45M 8-37. I 325.4 Z99F 1860-65 v. 14 Nos, 277-310 321752