lam — OUR OWli DIXIE. Dcdica'cd lo the Soultorn Confederal vvtt WRITTEN AM) SUNG HY Miss Jessie Clarke Crisp, From I5al imore the people say. Old Abram Lincoln rail away, Kan away, ran away, ran away, Dixie Land By Adams 1 Express, like china ware, .Marked this side up with greatest Care, lie wbs there, you tnav s' ire, he xnt then was there, llcdid'nt like old Dixie. Hurrah. Hurrah. lie diiln'i like o'd Dixii Land, So .11 Bali'more lie made no stand. Awav, away, away lie ran ihfough Dixie. Away, away, he ran away through Dixie. The Southern States werfl not allured, By old Abe's speech made up by Seward, No, not they, no, not they, not ihcy, Dixie Land He 'I • ike the for, " •' he tail gel them, But I i'i 'k he's found the South won't let Ihem No, uotihey, no noi ihey, not they, Dixie Land. I tlri|k he w 'I not gel litem, 1 1 m rah. Hurrah, Be< mee A'.ie wou'd not cauiion heed. lie found V. a, " .. i. ve be, ••We live or die for Libert) ," Liberty. Liberty, we'll be free, Liberty, We'll light for our old Disic, Hurrah, Hurrah. Yes brothers of one Southern Land, With all our bran- let's join our hand-. Hurrah, Hurrah, and live ui die lor Dixie, Hurrah, Hurrah, shout thiee times ihrce for Dixie. iiisnbi m '" i ii . ram rtR. Hollinger Corp. P H 8.5