DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY DIPLOMATAEIUM ANGLICUM a:vi saxonici. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/diplomatariumang01thor DIPLOMATAEIUM ANGLICUM iEVI SAXONICI A COLLECTION OF ENGLISH CHAETEES, FROM THE REIGN OF KING ^THELBERHT OF KENT, A.D. DC.V. TO THAT OF MHLLIAM THE CONQUEROR. CONTAINING I. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEES. II. WILLS. III. GUILDS. IV. MANUMISSIONS AND ACQUITTANCES. WITH A TRANSLATION OF THE ANGLO-SAXON. BY BENJAMIN THORPE, MEMRBR OP THE PvOYAL ACADEMY OP SCIENCES AT MUNICH, AND OP THE SOCIETY OP NETIIEKLANDISII LITERATURE AT LEYDEN. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO., 8 & 60 PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC.LXY. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND ERANCIS. RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. T yii D ’ i' ^ ■ '/. Tins VOLUME IS DEDICATED BY THE EDITOR TO JOSEPH MAYEE, ESQ., E.E.A.S., TO WHOSE TASTE AND LIBERALITY EVERY LOVER OF ARCHAEOLOGY, MONUMENTAL AND LITERARY, OWES A LASTING DEBT OF GRATITUDE, AND WITHOUT WHOSE AID, SPONTANEOUSLY OFFERED, THIS COLLECTION OF OLD ENGLISH CHARTERS WOULD HAVE LAIN UNPUBLISHED AND UNKNOWN t < ^ f - jn ■' .. ..J ‘t /> ■X&A ;r A'.fiJ''' ' .0 ■ ■ jm '41 SUBSCRIBERS. A. B. C., per Charles Roach Smith, Esq. Edward Ackroyd, Esq., Bank Field, Ilalifex. J. Adkins Barton, Esq., | „ , , , if j t>i q u * Mrs Barton I Lodge, Bedford Place, Southampton. S. Amos, Esq., St. Ebb’s, Hitchin, Herts. William Armitage, Esq., Townfield House, Altringham, Cheshire. Messrs. M. A. Asher & Co., Berlin. 4 copies. Rev. J. Atkinson, Danby, Yorkshire. Rev. C. Babington, St. John’s Coll., Cambridge. Francis Baigent, Esq., Winchester. John Bailey, Esq., Welford Road, Leicester. Rev. John Baron, Upton Scudamore, Warminster, Wilts. W. Beaumont, Esq., Warrington. Bedfordshire Archeological Society, per Rev. J. W. Haddick, 1 Windsor Terrace, Bedford, or care of A. T. Thomson, Esq., 49 Glou¬ cester Terrace, Hyde Pai-k. W. H. Blaauw, Esq., F.S.A., Beechland, Uckfield, Susse.x. Mrs. Blackett, Hill Green, Stockbury, Sittingboume. Sir J. P. Boileau, Bart., F.R.A.S., 20 Upper Brook Street. Beriah Botjield, Esq., M.P., F.B.A.S.' Richard R. Brash, Esq., Sunday’s Well, Cork. W. H. Brockett, Esq., “ The Observer ” office, Gateshead. Joseph Butterworth, Esq., F.S.A., 7 Fleet Street. W. R. Callender, Esq., F.S.A., Victoria Park, Manchester. Jos. Carlton, Esq., Booth Hall, Knutsford, Cheshire. 6 copies. Edward Charlton, Esq., M.D., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ven. Archd. Churton, Crayke, neai’ Easingwold, Yorkshire. John Clayton, Esq., Town Clerk, Newcastle-on-Tyne. John Cockle, Esq., M.D., 32 a, George Street, Hanover Square. Rev. C. Collier, Training College, Winchester. Rev. Dr. Corrie, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge. Rev. H. O. CoxE, Keeper of Bodleian Library, O.xford. The Earl of Darnley, Cobham Hall, Kent. Robert Uaites, Esq., F.S.A., The Mount, York. Henry Dodd, Esq., City Wharf, Hoxton. Rev. John Earle, Swanswick Rectory, near Bath. The names of deceased subscribers are printed in italics. SUBSCRIBERS. ^•iii James Espinasse, Esq., Recorder of Rochester, Boxley Lodge, near Maidstone. John Evans, Esq., F.S.A., Nash Mills, King’s Langley, Hemel Henip- .stead (care of Messrs. Dickinson & Co., Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill). William E\vino, Esq., Glasgow. 2 copies. R. Ferguson, Esq., Morton, Carlisle. Mr. Septimus Fletcher, Bookseller, Manchester. General Fox, Addison Road, Kensington. 2 copies. William Francis, Esq., Ph.D., F.G.S., &c., 1 Matson Villas, Rich¬ mond, S.W. EnwARD A. Freeman, Esq., Somerleaze, Wells, Somersetshire. Thomas Frewen, Esq., Northiam, Staplehurst, Kent. J. F. Gilbert, Esq., Librarian to the Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin. Nathaniel Gould, Esq., F.S.A., 4 Tavistock Square. Dr. J. Grimm, Berlin. Edwin Guest, Esq., LL.D., blaster of Caius Coll. Camb. 2 copies. Rev. A. W. Haddon, Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire. Dr. Justus II. IIalbertsma, Dr. LL.H.Philol., &c., Deventer. 11. R. Hamilton, Esq., 32 a, George Street, Hanover Square. Rev. Charles Henry Hartshorne, Holdenby, Northamptonshire. Henry Hearn, Esq., St. Thomas’s Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight. J. Hodgson Hinde, Esq., Stetting Hall, Northumberland. Rev. J. C. Wilkes Hook, Winchfield. Rev. Abraham Hume, LL.D., F.S.A., Everton, Liverpool. The Earl of Ilchester. Charles Moore Jessop, Esq., Siu’geon, Inniskilling Dragoons, Mhow, Bengal. John Jolliffe, Esq., R.N., St. Angelo, Clarendon Road, Southsea, Hants. Mr. David Kelly, Bookseller, Manchester. Rev. Professor Kingsley, Eversley, Hants. Rev. Lambert B. Larking, Ryarsh, near Maidstone. Lancashire Independent College, Manchester. Dr. J. M. Lappenberg, For.F.S.A., Keeper of the Archives, Hamburg. Henry Latter, Esq., Harboume House, High Halden, Kent. Library. St. Andrew’s University. -. Bank of England Literary Association, per C. J. Richards, Esq. --. Berlin, Royal. -. Copenhagen, Great National. -. -University. -. Leicester, Literary and Philos. Society. -. Manchester, Owen’s. --. Windsor Castle, Royal. SUBSCRIBERS. IX W. H. D. Longstaff, Esq., F.S.A., Gateshead. Rev. J. E. Major, St. John’s College, Cambridge. Thomas Martin, Esq., Reigate. Hugh Mason, Esq., Ashton-uuder-Line. 2 copies. Joseph Mayer, Esq., F.R.A.S., Liverpool. 30 copies. Very Rev. Dr. Milman, Deanery, St. Paul’s. Rev, Dr. Moberly, Head Master of Winchester College. Lord Monson, Burton HaU, Lincolnshire. George Warde Norman, Esq., Bromley, Kent. Frederic Ouvry, Esq., Treas. Soc. Antiq., 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields. State-Councillor Dr. Pertz, Berlin. George Plucknett, Esq., 1 Calthorpe Place, Gray’s Inn Road. Edward Pretty, Esq., F.S.A., Chillington House, Maidstone. Dr. R. C. Alexander Prior, 48 York Ten-ace, Regent’s Park. Rev. F. Procter, Witton. State-Coimcillor Regenbuhg, Copenhagen. Samuel Rigby, Esq., Bruch Hall, Wai-rington, Lancashire. E. William Robertson, Esq., Athenasum. Evelyn P. Shirley, Esq., M.P., F.S.A., Eatington Park, Stratford-on- Avon. Edm. Smirke, Esq. "Earl Somers, Prioi-y, Reigate. Lord Sondes, 32 Grosvenor Square. Professor George Stephens, Copenhagen. Lord Talbot de Malahide, F.R.A.S., Malahide Castle, near Dublin. Miss Taylor, Alton Lodge, Richmond, Surrey. Joseph Thompson, Esq., Sandy Nook and Pin Mills, Ardwick, Manchester. Conferenceraad Chr. J. Thomsen, Copenhagen. W. H. W. Tytheridge, Esq., General Register Office, Somerset House. Weston S. Walford, Esq., F.S.A., 2 Plowden Buildings, Temple. J. Green Waller, Esq., 68 Bolsover Street, Portland Place. Charles Warne, Esq., F.S.A., Ewell, Surrey. Edmund Waterton, Esq., F.S.A., Walton Hall, near Wakefield. Sir James Watts, Abney Hall, near Manchester. Conrad Wetter, Esq., Doct. Chem., 67 Myddelton Square, Albert Way, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., Wonham Manor, Reigate. J. C. Whiteman, Esq., Theydon Grove, neai- Epping. Humphrey Wickham, Esq., Strood, Kent. G. J. De Wilde, Esq., Northampton. Thomas Willement, Esq., F.S.A., Daiington Priory, Faversham. Rev. Dr, Wilson, F.S.A., Pres. Trin. Coll., Oxford. Professor J. J. A. Worsaae, For.F.S.A., Copenhagen. William M. Wylie, Esq., F.S.A., Blackwater, Hants. PREFACE. While the early history of a state, in the common acceptation of the term, supplies us with a narrative of the public acts and sufferings of its people and their rulers, it affords us little or no insight into its internal life. For an acquaintance with this, as far as it is at¬ tainable, recourse must be had to other sources of infor¬ mation : of these the most prolific is unquestionably those deeds or muniments comprised under the general denomination of Charters, These documents of our ancient kings, prelates, and nobles impart to us informa¬ tion of the most valuable and interesting kind: they prove and rectify the chronology of the chronicles, and serve not unfrequently as a commentary on, and an exemplification of, the Laws, rendering intelligible many points which, without their aid, would be involved in obscurity b The information derivable from the Char¬ ters of the pre-Normannic period has special reference, I, to the Constitutional Law of England anterior to the Conquest; 11. to testamentary dispositions, heriots, marriage and other settlements, leases, mortgages, markets, tolls, customs, jurisdictions, rights, privileges, and immunities of both lay and ecclesiastical persons; * Or, in the words of Mr. Kemble (Pref. to Cod. Dipl.) : “ In attempt¬ ing to form an accurate conception of the Anglo-Saxon law, in its mani¬ fold hearings, we are compelled to resort to other evidence than is supplied by the written law itself. And the most important subsidiary evidence which we can now obtain, is fiunished by the public and private instru¬ ments of the periods alluded to; those documents, in short, which pass under the general name of charters.” PREFACE, xii III. the royal authority, the law of real property, the Witenagemot, or Great Council of the nation, and the inferior courts, viz. the Scir-gemot, or County Court, the Hundred-court, etc., with the forms of civil and criminal process. The Charters may in fact, as Mr. Kemble has observed, to a certain degree be considered, with respect to our early history, what letters, state papers, and pam¬ phlets are to our later history, and may almost be re¬ garded as the documentary annals of England, supplying us with information for which in History we seek in vain. The remaining Charters, consisting almost exclusively of simple grants of land, will, it is to be hoped, ere long find an editor equally zealous with myself, and more competent. With a translation of, and commentary on, the Land-boundaries, they cannot fail of being of the highest interest and value to the topographical anti¬ quary. The First portion of this volume consists of Miscella¬ neous Charters, or of documents that are not simple grants of land, or are not comprised in the other por¬ tions. In common with the Wills, these documents occasionally afibrd a curious glimpse into the manners of the age, particularly some of the grants of immu¬ nity to monasteries from the burthen of entertaining the king’s messengers, horses, hounds, hawks, etc., thus exhibiting a close counterpart to the tenures of the later Norman period. Of these charters many are un¬ questionably spurious, though some of them, hitherto regarded as forgeries, may perhaps be pronounced of a doubtful character. Such will be found distinguished by an asterisk'. 1 There are two documents in this volume, on which a few observations PREFACE. xiii I am, indeed, led to be diffident as to the authen- tieity of some documents by a comparison with others of the period, whereby their character appears at most questionable. But even those generally regarded as decided forgeries may not always be false with respect to their substance, being probably fabrications by the may not here seem altogether out of place. The documents alluded to are those exhibiting the subscriptions of .iElfgifu and .(Ethelgifu as the wife and mother-in-law of king Eadwig. (See p. 191.) Two Roman Catholic wi-iters (Milner, in his History of Winchester, and Lingard, in his History of England, and his Hist, and Antiq. of the A. S. Church) do not hesitate to pronounce ^Elfgifu to have been the king’s mistress; while others not of the Romish Church regard her as his lawful wife. I was among the latter; hut doubts have, I regret to say, of late arisen in my mind as to the genuineness of these subscriptions. In the first place, among the numerous charters of Eadwig, there is not another in which either of these names appears. Secondly, it is only in the Abingdon Chronicle or Chartulary they are found, the original deed or deeds, if such ever existed, being no longer extant. Now we know that Eadwig was a most munificent benefactor to this abbey. I use the words of a much-lamented friend: “ The donations to Abingdon in the time of Eadwig were splendid and numerous. His own immediate grants to our Lady of Abingdon, to St. Benet, the patron of monks, and to the abbot JEthelwold, amounted to fifty hides, and those made by his servants, with his consent and approbation, exceeded three hundred and forty. In the very last year of his reign he conferred on Abingdon a Charter (see p. 192) in the amplest form, con¬ firming all its former privileges and possessions, and giving permission to the monks, on the death of their abbot HEthelwold, to elect his successor ‘ secundum regularia beati Benedicti instituta.’ ”— Inquiry into the Life of King Eadwiy, by .John Allen, p. 241“. Now supposing the good monks capable of perpetrating such a forgery, the deed, though reprehensible, admits of palliation, as springing from feelings of gi-atitude. According to one MS. of the Saxon Chronicle, we are told that, a.d. 958, archbishop (Ida separated (totwimnde) Eadwig and Hilfgifu, because they were too near akin. Why does this statement not appear in the other MSS. ? But he the relation of Ead^^dg to /Elfgifu whatever it may, nothing can excuse or palliate the atrocious barbarity of her persecutors, which calls forth feelings of the most intense horror and disgust. “ At the end of his Inquiry into the Rise and Crowtli of the Royal Rrerogative in England. 8vo, 1849. Longman & Co. XIV PEEFACE. monks, as vouchers for the possession of lands which justly belonged to them by prescription, or of which the original titles had been lost or destroyed, or of Avhich the Norman conquerors had despoiled them. Such charters are usually distinguished by their magniloquence, their inordinate length, and the gaudy splendour of their illuminations, but with still greater certainty by their subscriptions and their occasional anachronisms. When, for instance, we find a charter of ^Ethelberht, a“ 605', subscribed by such names as Angemundus, Pinca, Geddi, Graphio comes, etc., there seems no great risk of error in pronouncing it a forgery. On this subject it is well observed by Palgrave^ “ that there are many instru¬ ments in the shape and form of original charters, but which are probably copies, made long after the Con¬ quest, for use and perusal; and to prevent the injmy which might result to the ancient ‘ Land-hoc,’ if touched by rude or careless hands. Occasionally the calligra- phist attempted not merely to repeat the words, but to depicture the ancient characters; and as these imita¬ tions are easily detected by the skilful antiquary, he may be induced to condemn, as a forgery, a document which was merely intended to be an innocent facsimile.” And again: “ Interest may have tempted the monks to commit forgery; and they did not always resist this temptation so resolutely as might be wished for the honour of their order. Yet, in extenuation, if not in apology of this offence, it must be remembered that their falsifications were chiefly defensive. Lands which unquestionably belonged to the Chm’ch were frequently held merely by prescriptive possession, unaccompanied by deeds and charters. The right was lawful, but there Codex Diplom. i. p. 3. “ Rise and Progi-ess, ii. pp. ccix, ccx. PREFACE. XV were no lawful means of proving the right. And when the monastery was troubled and impleaded by the Nor¬ man Justiciar, or the soke invaded by the Norman Baron, the abbot and his brethren would have recourse to the artifice of inventing a charter for the purpose of protecting property which, however lawfully acquired and honestly enjoyed, was like to be wrested from them by the captious niceties of Norman jurisprudence, or the greedy tyranny of the Norman sword”In documents, however, of the tenth and eleventh centuries, inflation is of itself no proof of forgery, but is a characteristic of the age, fully justifying the words of Malmesbury : “ Angli pompatice dictare solent : id in omnibus antiquis chartis est animadvertere, quantum quibusdam verbis abstrusis et ex Grmco petitis delectuntur.” It should, however, be borne in mind that anachronisms may sometimes be placed to the account of an unskilful or careless copyist, particularly in the case of documents in the chartidaries. It may further be observed, that Malmesbury, who lived at the time when such forgeries were most probably per¬ petrated, does not mention pomposity of diction as a proof of forgery. To tue class of doubtful charters, or of forgeries in words rather than in matter, may per¬ haps be assigned some of those grants of lands, immu¬ nities, etc., to certain abbeys, as Peterborough, Glaston¬ bury, and Crowland. The Wills and Bequests, chiefly of royal and noble persons, archbishops, and bishops, and forming the Second portion of the volume, are, with few exceptions, ' A monk of St. Medard, being on bis death-bed, confessed with great contrition and repentance, that he had forged numerous bulls of exemp¬ tion in favom’ of various monasteries,—the abbey of St. Ouen in Nor¬ mandy and of St. Augustine’s Canterbury being among the number, to the prejudice of the rights of the ordinaries. Anglia Sacra, ii. Pref. p. v, and from the information of Mr. Petrie, cited by Palgrave, tit sttj). XVI PREFACE. in our old vernacular tongue, and most of them hitherto untranslated either into Latin or modern English, and are consequently, to a great number of readers, a dead letter; though, in point of matter, as affording an insight into the private life of our ancestors, their dress, furniture, utensils, ornaments, etc., they are a mine of curious information. They are, moreover, the most ancient collection of similar documents existing in any old vernacular tongue of modern Europe. In the Wills we find the earliest mention of Heriots (the Relief of the Norman times), the introduction of which has been erroneously ascribed to Cnut, with whose enactments they bear a near resemblance; whence it would appear that he only stamped with legal authority what had pre¬ viously, to a certain degree, been optional. In the Third portion will be found the articles of Constitution of some of those corporations or fraterni¬ ties known under the general denomination of Guilds. These may, with great probability, be traced back to the sacrificial feasts of the heathens, and were, no doubt, the germ of the municipal system of the Germanic nations. Of these associations ‘there were three kinds : 1st. Trade Guilds; 2nd. Frith, or Peace Guilds; 3rd. Guilds instituted for social or religious purposes. In the Trade Guilds we may see the origin of our civic companies : but, besides these, there Avere some associations of foreign traders, chiefly from Flanders and the north of Germany, the foremost of which in rank, and perhaps in antiquity, was that of the Hanseatic merchants of the Steel-yard in Upper Thames Street, the origin of which may, with probability, be traced beyond the reign of theired II.^ ' See the title: De Institutis Lundonise in Anc. Laws and Inst, of England; Lappeuberg, UrkundliclieGescliichte des Hansischen Stalilhofes PREFACE. xvii Of Frith (Peace), or Social Guilds, there seems to be a trace as far back as the reign of IneE Of the former we still possess a precious monument in the Judicia Civitatis Lundoniae, a deed of incorporation, by the prelates and reeves of the Londoners, for the repression of theft and maintenance of the public peace, which in its provisions is closely akin to the later institution of Frithborg^ or, as it is mistranslated. Frankpledge. The Third Class of Guilds, and that with which we arc specially concerned, bears, with due allowance for difference of times and manners, a close resemblance to the Friendly or Benefit Societies or Clubs of our work¬ ing classes, though composed of persons of a higher grade, and containing more of the religious element than these. Some of them, indeed, were exclusively eccle¬ siastical. Under the title of Manumissions will be found a col¬ lection of attestations, from entries in the fly-leaves of MS. copies of the Gospels and Missals, many also from the Exeter MS. These are of considerable interest, not only as affording some insight into the state of a numerous class of the community, but as showing to what nationality they belonged. I allude to those of Cornwall and other western parts of the kingdom, in which Keltic, i. e. British, names chiefly prevail, thus informing us to what race those in a state of serfdom in zu Loudon, and Pauli’s Pictures of Old England; Engl, transl. For the Guilds of the Continent, see the estimable work of Dr. W. E. Wilda, Das Gildenwesen im Mittelalter. ' Laws of Ine, 16. * Under this denomination it first occurs in the Laws of the Confessor, where it is described as a known institution ; hut the law of “ borh,” or surety, existed from a very early period. It is mentioned, I believe, in the Ijaws of Ine, 41. Mr. Kemble has collected the several enactments rela¬ tive to Frithborg in his Sax. in Eng. i. p. 249. b PR]-]FACE. XA'iii those shires for the most part belonged. Among these, some of our present surnames will be found, of which many were originally, no doubt, nicknames and personal, but afterwards became transmissible. The form of manumission, as given in the Laws called Henry the First’s, was as follows: Qui servum suum liberat, in ecclesia, vel mercato, vel comitatu, vel hun- dreto, coram testibus et palam faciat, et liberas ei vias et portas conscribat apertas, et lanceam et gladium, vel quae liberorum arma sunt, in manibus ei ponat. Si quis de servitute redeat in liberum, in testem manu¬ missionis, cum testibus redditionis, domino suo xxx. denarios reddat, scilicet, pretium corii sui, in signum quod eo dignus sit in aeternum. From the History of Ramsey (apud Gale, cap. xxix.), Ave get another form of manumission : Per omnes terras suas, de xxx. hominibus numeratis xiii. manumisit, quemadmodum eum sors docuit, et in quadrivio positi pergerent quocunque volu¬ issent. According to the Kentish law of king Wihtraed, in the 8th century, it appears that, if a serf be manu¬ mitted even at the altar, the property, “ wergild ” and “ mund ” of the serf belong to the manumittor ; be the serf over the march wherever he may. From the Manu¬ missions it will be seen that a serf could purchase the freedom of himself and family. From the foregoing it will be seen that the instru¬ ments comprised in this volume, may not inaptly be regarded as the historic portion of the Charters. The remaining documents, consisting, as has been already said, almost wholly of simple grants of land, belong to the province of topography. An Anglo-Saxon Charter, in its usual and restricted sense of a grant of land, privileges, immunities, and PREFACE. XIX the like, consists in its completest form of the following parts, viz.* : I. The Invocation, II. The Proem. III. The Grant. IV. The Sanction. V. The Date. VI. The Attes¬ tation. L The Invocation. This is a short, pious, ejacu¬ latory sentence, with which the charter begins, such as. In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi ; or. In nomine sanctse et individnse Trinitatis, and the like. II. The Proem, or Preamble. This is usually a pious effusion, sometimes, particularly in later documents, of inordinate length, and not seldom hardly intelligible, in praise of charity and beneficence, especially to the Church; on the vanity of the transitory goods of this life, in comparison with the everlasting heavenly trea¬ sures to be purchased by those virtues; on the neces¬ sity of committing all grants and contracts to writing, in order to prevent the violation or evasion to which they would be liable if intrusted only to memory. III. The Grant itself. This is usually introduced by the word Quamobrem, or Quapropter, or one of similar import, having reference to the motive for making the grant, as Quamobrem ego iEthelberht, in¬ duced by these reasons, or exhortations, grant, etc. etc. If it be a grant of land, the boundaries immediately follow, usually in Anglo-Saxon, though the instrument itself be in Latin. IV. The Sanction. This is a form, with few varia¬ tions, of malediction on all who shall infringe, set aside, or diminish the grant or donation; and is followed by a benediction on those who shall augment or improve it. V. Of the time-reckoning of the Anglo-Saxons prior ' See Cod. Dipl. i. Introd. page x. b 2 XX PREFACE. to the introduction of Christianity in the year 597 we know nothing; but as all the documents with which we are here concerned are posterior to that event, the date, as may naturally be supposed, is computed from the year of the Incarnation, commencing on the 25th of De¬ cember, or the 1st of January; for that, together with the Christian religion, Augustine introduced the Christian era, seems almost a matter of course; although there may not be found any undeniable instance of its use among us anterior to the year 676, under which date there is a charter of Osric, sub-king of the Hwiccas (Cod. Dip. No. XII.), the genuineness of which there appears no reason to question. Besides the year of the Incarnation, the date of a charter is, in most cases, further determined by the number of the Indiction, consisting of a constantly re¬ curring cycle of fifteen years. The Indiction, accord¬ ing to the best authorities, came into common use in 312, during the reign of Constantine, and, as the name implies, was the edict, or indictio, subscribed by the emperor, and fixed up in the principal city of each dio¬ cese during two months previous to the first day of Sep¬ tember, and has reference to the fixing of the tributes. Of the origin of the Indictions nothing is known’. * The follo’wing are the words of Beda with reference to the Indictions (De Xatura Rerum, cap. xlviii.). Secimdus ordo circuU decennovalis complectitur Indictiones xv. aimorum circuitu in sua semper vestigia re¬ duces, quas antiqua Romanorum industi-ia comperimus ad cavendum errorem qui de temporibus forte oboriri poterat institutas. Dum enim, verbi gratia, quilibet imperator, medio anni tempore, vita vel regno de¬ cederet, poterat evenire ut exmdem annum rmus historicus ejusdem regis adscriberet temporibus, eo quod ejus partem regnaret; alter vero historicus eundem successori illius potius attitulandum putaret, eo quod et hic partem eeque ejxis haberet in regno. Verum ne per hujuscemodi disso¬ nantiam error temporibus inolesceret, statuerunt Indictiones, quibus uter- PREFACE. XXI There are two principal kinds of Indictions; the one known as the CcEsarean or Imperial Indiction, which, at least till the eighth century, was generally used in Eng¬ land and France, and began on the 24th of September ; the other, the Pontifical, or Roman, which commenced on the 25th of December or 1st of January, according to which of those days was taken for the beginning of the year—thus obviating any confusion or difficulty that might arise from the year of the Indiction falling in two years of the Calendar. The Anglo-Saxon year com¬ menced on the 25th of December. In a few charters, besides the year of the Incarnation, we find that of the reign of the prince under whom they were issued, or, as it is usually termed, the regnal year ’. When this commenced is matter of doubt; but a very reasonable hypothesis is that which dates it from the consecration of the king; though an objection to this hypothesis less grave than it at first appears, has been raised, namely thatEadgar was not hallowed king until the que scriptor, imo etiam vulgus omne, temporum cursum facillime servaret, quas pro facilitate quoque calculandi quindecim esse voluerunt, ut planis¬ simo numero et ad multiplicandum promptissimo, compendiosius transacti temporis status in memoriam possit reduci. Quidam autem putant, quia quondam in republica post censum quinto anno peractum, urbs Roma lustrabatur, ad indicium ternce lustrationis et census Indictiones esse con¬ ditas. Incipiunt autem Indictiones ab viii. Calendas Octobris (Sept. 24), ibidemque terminantur. And in tlie next following chapter be gives tlie rule for biidiug tlie year of tbe Indiction : Hoc autem argumento quota sit anno quocumque computare volueris Indictio reperies : Sume annos ab incarnatione Domini quotquot fuerint in praesenti, verbi gratia, dccxxv., adde semper tria, quia quarta Indictione, secundum Dionysium, natus est Dominus, fiunt dccxxvuii. ; haec partire per xv.; quindecies quadrageni, sexcenti, quindecies octoni, centies et vicies, remanent octo: octaA a est Indictio. Si vero nibil remanserit, decimaquinta est. * The earliest charter dated from the regnal year of the king is one of Ctenwulf of Mercia, a. 798. Cod. Dipl. i. p. 211. * Nicolas, Chronology of History, p. ;IG8, edit. 18.38. XXI1 PREFACE. 13th year of his reign ; on which circumstance Lappen- berg pertinently says : “ Why this ceremony did not “ take place earlier, or, if it had already been performed, “ for Avhat purpose it was at this time repeated, is matter “ of uncertainty, though it has been brought into con- “ nexion with a tradition, according to which, Eadgar, as “ a part of the penance imposed on him by Dunstan, for “ the abduction of Wulfthryth, was forbidden to wear “the crown till the expiration of seven years*. This “ story has been generally and perhaps justly regarded “ as groundless ; though it cannot be denied that a de- “ sire on the part of Eadgar to receive back his crown “ from the hands of him who had forbidden him to wear “ it, w^ould be in perfect keeping wdth the spirit both of “ that and of a much later age” At all events, this is a very anomalous circumstance, and hardly to be ad¬ duced as a proof against the hypothesis that the regnal years were reckoned from the consecration of the kings. Indeed it does not seem likely that a prince so pompous as Eadgar w'ould have deferred such a solemnity till the thirteenth year of his reign, had not an earlier conse¬ cration taken place. It has also been suggested, and ’ Osbemi Vita S. Dunstani, iu Acta Sanctorum, and an extract in Wharton, Anglia Sacra. 2 England under the Anglo-Saxon Bangs, ii. p. 142. On this passage Sir H. .Nicolas (Chron. of Hist. p. 303) remarks; “ Lappenberg’s idea that the Saxon kings dated from their coronation and unction, appears un¬ tenable on grounds di’awn from the old Teutonic law ; and a remarkable fact in contradiction of that theory is furnished by Edgar, who was not crowned until a great many years after his accession, and who dated from his accession, and afterwards used the double date of his accession and coronation.” Now I do not see that Lappenherg here expresses any idea or opinion on the subject; and the charters referred to are both marked by Kemble, and, I doubt not, very justly, as spurious (Cod. Dipl. Nos. 514, 584, and this vol. p. 211). Other instances are not wanting of a charter marked as forged being cited as an authority. PREFACE. xxiii not without probability, that the regnal year of a king was reckoned from the clay of his accession in one year to the same day in the next year. This calculation applies equally to the case of the regnal years being reckoned from the consecration or inauguration; for other¬ wise a small fragment of a year would be reckoned as the first of a reign; and only in the case of a king’s accession or consecration falling on new-year’s day could the regnal year and the dominical year coincide. For the sake of oiu’ chronology, it is to be regretted that the data whereon to found aught but conjecture are so few and insufficient. VI. The Attestation, or Subscriptions. The list of subscriptions was always headed by the king, or by the person in whose name the document is promulgated. In the case of a charter issued by a sub-king (as of the Hwiccas or of Kent), or by a high dignitary, it is usu¬ ally stated that the act is with the consent of the supe¬ rior lord, who at the same time signs the instrument, expressing such consent, as. Ego ^thelred consensi et subscripsi. After the signature of the king, that of the queen usually occurs, then that of the aetheling, or heir to the throne; though these signatures are sometimes preceded by those of the chief ecclesiastical dignitaries. Next in succession come the names of the aldormen (duces), which are followed by those of the minor church-dignitaries, and these by the signatures of the thanes (ministri), &c. To this ordo exceptions are to be found, but it is that which is most generally followed. From the several charters promulgated in the name of the sovereign, it appears evident that they emanated from, and with the consent of, the great Council of the realm, or Witenagemdt, viz. “ cum episcoporum ac prin- XXIV PEEFACE. cipum meorum consensu while others of an inferior class probably issued from the Scir-gemot, or County court; though those of grants by archbishops and bishops are usually drawn up and signed by the members of the cathedral chapter. Prom the original charters still extant, it appears that the names of the witnesses are in the same handwriting as the body of the charter; and even the crosses pre¬ fixed to the several signatures are most frequently in the same hand; thus apparently leaving to the attesting party (pro ignorantia litterarum) the sole office of touch¬ ing the cross, and orally declaring the signature to be his own act and deed, as at the present day; though it appears probable that the cross was sometimes marked by the witness himself, as we find the expression (in a charter marked as spurious, it is true) “ signum crucis aravi” ', equivalent to the Old Norse, at rista runa, to grave runes. The ignorantia litterarum is, no doubt, chiefly applicable to the lay witnesses, as we cannot but suppose that most of the ecclesiastical dignitaries were at least capable of signing their names. Seals, in the modern acceptation of the word, do not appear to have been used by the Anglo-Saxons in sign¬ ing charters,—the term sigillum, which occurs in some instruments of a late date, being merely the diminutive of signum •, so that cum sigillo sanctae crucis is identical with cum signo sanctoe crucis. Other synonyms are tauma, agalma, indicium, trophaeum, etc. etc.^ 1 Cod. Dipl. i. p- 218. 2 That seals for other purposes were in use appears from the following;— A seal of Ethelwald (830-870) was dug up in a garden, about two hundred yards from the gate of the monastery at Eye in SufioUr, by a labourer, who gaye it to the child of a workman employed on the farm. The child threw the seal into the lire, and it thus receiyed some injury. I’KEFACE. XXV The following notice of the sources whence the mate¬ rials of the present work are drawn, is copied nearly verbatim from Mr. Kemble’s great work, the Codex Di- plomaticus *. The repositories in which these documents are pre¬ served, are the libraries of the British Museum, the Uni¬ versities, and the various cathedrals, and, in very rare cases, those of private collections. Many are yet extant in their original form, viz. as single charters, on sheets of vellum of greater or less size; sometimes, too, we have even the duplicates and triplicates of the same charter, laid up in different repositories. A few are known to us from having been confirmed by the early English kings—the usual form in such a case being for the king to state that he had seen a certain charter, in manner and form following, and that he confirmed it. From the words used, this confirmation is, in England, called an Inspeximus, on the Continent, Vidimus ; and the ancient charter is recited in the body of the new one. Many of these are found in the Exchequer, in the office of the King’s Remembrancer; a few only in the Rolls of the Tower; a few are on single sheets of vellum, as they may have been drawn out for the Religious It was afterwards purchased by Hudson Giurney, Esq., and presented liim to the British Museum. The seal is of yellow metal, mitre-shaped, composed of two rows of arches, supported by nine wolves’ heads, the eyes of which are formed by small ganiets. The legend exhibits a mix¬ ture of Greek and Latin characters: SIl’ EDILVVALDI EP. (Archse- ologia, vol. XX. p. 480). Of the seal of Edgitha, probably the daughter of Edgar, only an impression remains. She is represented nearly at full length, the effigy being surrounded by an inscription partly in Greek and partly in Latin r'siGILL’ EAGDGYDE REGAL’ ADELPIIE (Iloare’s Wilton Chartulary, Pref.). Note by Sir F. Palgrave, Rise and Progi-ess, ii. ccxv. ' Vol. vi. Pref. p. vi. XXVI PREFACE. House wliose property it was desired to guard. The most uumerous documents, however, are those which have been entered into Chartularies, or books belonging to the monasteries, and preserved by them as title-deeds, charters of privilege and immunity, and as evidences of property, or rank, precedence, and authority. From time to time these Registers or Chartularies were re¬ copied, and, for the most part, translated in recopying into the form of speech current at the later period; thus they offer to the philologist a mass of data upon which inquiries into the progress and changes of language can be most securely founded. In many cases they have preserved to us copies of charters whose originals are no longer found; and as they have also preserved to us copies of many which we possess in their first and oldest form, they supply the means of comparison and induc¬ tion as to the genuineness of others for which we have no authority but their own. In undertaking this work my first idea was to pro¬ duce an enlarged edition of the Codex Diplomaticus, on which this volume is based, and to which it owes its being, with a translation of every document in Anglo- Saxon, according to the plan submitted by the late Mr. Kemble and myself to Sir James Graham, then at the head of the Home Office; but to which we received no answer. Other occupations then for a time erased all thoughts on the subject from my memory. I afterwards offered the work to Su* John Romilly, as fitted to form one of the series in course of publication under his direction. My offer was rejected on the score of ex¬ pense. To obviate this objection, and, at the same time, render the work more generally useful, I resolved on dividing the charters into two classes, one consisting of PKEl-'ACE. xxyii those directly or indirectly bearing on our early history, the other of those belonging to the province of topography, viz. the simple grants of land. A volume comprising the charters of the first-mentioned class I also offered to the Master of the Rolls, but this offer fared no better than the preceding one. This is the volume which I now submit to the public. Tar from acting as an extin¬ guisher over me and my work, this repulse had the effect of a spur. I instantly resolved on other means of bringing it forth, which have happily proved successful. When engaged on the work, I applied to the Master of the Rolls for the loan of a collection of transcripts of Anglo-Saxon charters, which the late Mr. Petrie had caused to be made, and which had long been lying useless at the Rolls House. My request was obligingly met with immediate compliance, for which I here offer my very sincere thanks. When I made this request. Sir Prancis Palgrave was Deputy Keeper of the Records. These transcripts, though known to, were never seen by Mr. Kemble. They consist of about 350 charters, of which many are from the Stowe collection, many from Westminster, and some from the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps at Middlehill. Such as fell within my pro¬ vince, will be found in the Diplomatauium. Of all the documents not included in the Codex Diplomaticus I have copies; the others I collated Avith that work; and I now possess transcripts of 73 imprinted charters, ivhich may one day serve as a supplement to Mr. Kemble’s work. This volume has been produced under adverse circum¬ stances. More than a year ago I was attacked by illness which had nearly proved fatal, from which I still suffer, and by ivhich the progress of the work was long re- PKEFACE. xxviii tarded : its magnitude, which has exceeded my calcu¬ lation, has put it beyond my power to adorn it with fac¬ similes with which it would have been enriched, had it been admitted into the series published “Under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls.” It was my intention to close this preface with a few strictures on some of the weightiest and most costly of the works published under the above-mentioned Direc¬ tion ; but I will reserve all such for the second part of a small pamphlet which I issued some time ago, entitled “ Some Correspondence relative to the Materials of Bri¬ tish History in this will be given the correspondence down to the final rejection of the Diplomatarium. I will here merely venture on the opinion, that good new editions of the best of our chronicles printed in the collections of Savile, Twysden, Gale, and others, would have been more welcome and infinitely more useful than, very few excepted, the entire mass of those printed under the said Direction. The rule for these publica¬ tions is to admit no reprint : a worse, perhaps, it would be difficult to conceive ; for if it be asked. Why has this or that work been suffered to lie for centuries in manuscript ? what is the answer likely to be ? It was wfith deep regret that I found myself totally unable to avail myself of the kind permission granted me by the Earl of Ashburnham to collate the Anglo- Saxon charters at Ashburnham Place, formerly in the Duke of Buckingham’s library at Stowe ; but my obli¬ gation to his Lordship is not the less on that account, as well as my sincere thanks for his liberality. My chief object in desiring a visit to Ashburnham Place was to col¬ late with the manuscript there the Will of king iElfred ; but I have since collated the text of Manning’s edition rREFACE. XXIX with that of the Hyde Abbey copy, in the library of the Earl of Macclesfield at Shirburn Castle, as published by Mr. Edwards’, and, with the exception of the later and apparently provincial orthography of the latter, have found them to accord without a variation worth noting. To the Dean and authorities at Westminster I have also many thanks to offer, for their readiness in allowing the gentleman employed by me® to copy and collate whatever their rich manuscript stores contained con¬ nected with my object. But to no one do I feel more grateful, for his sym¬ pathy and for his untiring zeal in furthering my under¬ taking, than to my friend Mr. Roach Smith: indeed I do not hesitate to declare that, but for his earnest co¬ operation, my attempt to edit the old charters of Eng¬ land must have proved abortive. B. T. Cliiswick, July 12tli, 18G5. * Chapters of the hiogTaphical History of the French Academy, with an Appendix relating to the unpuhlished Monastic Chronicle, entitled Liher de Ilyda, hy Edward Edwards. Triibner & Co. 1864. I rejoice in being able to state that the entire Liher de Ilyda is in the press, under the able editorship of Mr. Edwards, to whose kindness in supplying me with transcripts from that precious MS. I acknowledge myself greatly indebted. ^ Mr. Henry R. Hamilton. SYNOPSIS OF MS. AUTHORITIES. Additional MSS. Brit. Museum. Nos. 4936, 5811,5937,9067 (Exeter MS. copy), 9381, 14847, 14907, 15350 (Winton MS.). Arundel MS. 278. A modern copy of Ingulf’s Hist, of Crowland. Ashmole MS. Oxford. Aula Trin. MS. at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Bodley MS. Wood I., Rawlin.son, Tanner, Marshal. C. C. C. Cant. MSS. at Corp. Chr. Coll. Cambridge. No. 59. C. xr. (Bath Chartulary). Cotton. Cottonian Library in Brit. Mus. MSS. Augustus, A. ii. Claudius, A. III. B. VI. C. IX. D. II. X. Cleopatra, E. i. Domitian, A. m. Faus¬ tina, A. III. Julius, I). II., Nero, I). i. E. i. Otho, B. xiv., Tiberius, A. XIII. (Worcester Chart.), B. iv. v. C. ix. E. iv.- Titus, A. vm. Ves¬ pasian, A. V. B. XX. XXIV. D. XXII. E. xi. Vitellius, A. xiu. C. ix. Harl. Harleian Library in Brit. Mus. Lamb. Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. Lansd. Lansdowne Library, in Brit. Mus. B. P. Cant. Public Library, Cambridge. Ff. 2. 33, Ee. 3. 60, Ii. 2. 11. Soc. Antiq. MS. No. 60 in Libr. Society of Antiquaries. Reg. of Peter¬ borough Abbey. Chart, in Arce Lond. Charters in the Tower of London. Chart. Antiq. Cantuar. Single Charters in the Archives of Ch. Church, Canterbury—A. 207, B. i. 195, 207. C. 1282, E. 206, M. 14, 363, 369. Chart. S. Nic. Pri. Exeter. Chart. 8 Edward II. per Inspeximus. Chart. Antiq. in Archivis S. Petri Westmonasterii. I. In wooden box. Sec. X. No. VIII. Liber Niger Quaternus. Chart. Antiq. in Archiv. Eccl. Wigorn. Autograph of Windsor Charter, Winton MS. See Additional MSS. Ilchester MSS. in possession of the Earl of Ilchester. Mag. Reg. Alb. penes D. & C. Eboraci. Registrum B. penes U. & C. S. Pauli, Lond. Registrum Malmesb., in Scaccario Regis Remem. Westm. Registrum Chart, de Ramsey, in Scacc. Reg. Remeni. Westm. Registrum Scirebuni., in the possession of Sir Thomas I’hillips, Bart., at Middlehill, AVorcestershire. TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. MISCELLANEOUS CHAETERS. A.D. Page G05. King ^tlielberht of Kent. MS. Aul. Trin. Ilarl. 686. fol. 29, b. Cott. Claud. D. x. fol. 9, b. 1 Augustinus. MS. Aul. Trin. Harl. 686. fol. 32, b. Cott. Claud. D. X. fo. 8. 3 618. King Eadbald of Kent. MS. Aul. Trin. fol. 15, b. Harl. 686. fol. 53, b. 5 671. King Cenwalb of Wessex. Reg. Scirebum. fol. 15. 6 680. Archbishop Theodore. MS. Add. in Mus. Brit. Winton, fol. 110. 7 694. King Wihtraed of Kent. Reg. C. C. Cantuar. A. fol. 88. Lamb. 1212. p. 307 . 9 *699. King Ine of Wessex. MS. Cott. Claud. B. n. fol. 6 .... 11 704. King Ine of Wessex. MS. Lansd. 417. fol. 3, b. 12 705. Bishop Aldhelm. Anglia Sacra, ii. p. 21 . 14 716,717. lUng HSthelbald of Mercia. MS. .\rimd. 178. fol. 30, h. Reg. 13. D. 2. fol. 18. 15 716,717. King ^Ethelbald of Mercia. MS. Ashmole, 790. fol. 63. Bodl. Wood, i. fol. 66, b. Reg. 13, D. 2. fol. 7, b. Cott. Vesp. D. xxn. fol. 69. W. Malm. 16 719. King ^thelbald of Mercia. MS. Chart. Cott. xvi. 1. Tex. Roll. fol. 120 . 16 725. King Ine of Wessex (Charter to GlastonbmT). MS. Cott. TiK A. 1.3. fol. 193, b.'. 17 732. King MSthelberht of Kent. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 91 . 20 734. King yEthelbald of Mercia. MS. Cott. Vesp. B. xxn'. fol. 24, b. 21 736,737. Archbp Nothhelm. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fol. 25. 23 738. King Eadberht of Kent. Text. Rolf. fol. 119 . 24 738. King ^Ethelbald of Mercia. MS. Aul. Tiin. fol. 51, b. Ilarl. 686. fol. 177, b. 25 742. King ^thelbald of Mercia. Chart. Antiq. Cantuar. M. 36.3. Cott. Claud. D. II. fol. 30, b. Lamb. 1212. fol. 308. 26 743,745. King ^thelbald of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiu. fol. 20 28 747. King Eadberht of Kent. MS. Lamb. 1212. fol. 310. 29 747. King ^Ethelbald of Mercia. MS. Aul. Trin. fol. 50, b. Harl. 686. fol. 174, b. 30 748. King Hithelbald of Mercia. MS. Aul. Trin. fol. 52, b. Harl. 686. fol. 180, b. 31 * This charter seems to be under a wrong date, it should probably be DCCIX. not DCXCIX. TABLE OF CONTENTS. • xxxiii A.D. Page 749. King ^thelbald of Mercia. MS. Reg. 13. D. 2. fol. 18. Spelman, Cone. i. p. 256. 33 761. King Eadberlit of Kent. MS. Aul. Trin. fol. 64, b. Harl. 686. fol. 187, b. 35 762. Dunwald a Thane. MS. Aul. Trin. fol. 55, b. Ilarl. 686, fol. 191. 36 759-764. King Offa of Mercia. MS. Aul. Trin. fol. 54. Harl. 686. fol. 187 . 37 789. Heathored and Wulfheard. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. fol. 7,b., 791-796. King Offa of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. fol. 48. Cott. Nero, E. i. fol. 387, b. 39 798. Archbp Hilthelheard. MS. Lamb. 1212. p. 312 . 40 798. yVi’chbp HCthelheard. MS. Lamb. 1212. p. 311. Reg. C. C. Cantuar. A. fol. 88, b. Harl. 1757. fol. 170, b. Twysden, Hist. Angl. col. 2211. 43 799. Ixing Cenwulf of Mercia. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 96. Reg. C. C. Cantuar. A. i. fol. 189, b. 44 801. King Cenwulf of Mercia. Reg. B. fol. 6. penes D. and C. Cicest. 45 803. Bishop Deneberht. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fol. 8, b. Cott. Nero, E. i. fol. 388, b. Harl. 4660. fol. 7. 46 819-821. Endorsement on the same. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fol. 8, b. Cott. Nero, E. i. fol. 388, b. Harl. 4660. fol. 7. 47 803. Archbp H5thellieard. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 61. 48 803. Archbp H5thelheard. Chart. Antiq. Cantuar. C. 195. Wil¬ kins, Cone. I. p. 107. 50 803. Bishops Deneberht and Wulfheard. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 22, b. 52 804. Hilthelric. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fol. 49 & 195. 54 806. King Cenwulf of Mercia. MS. Arund. 178. fol. 31. 55 811. King Cenwulf of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. E. rv. fol. 13, b. 57 811. King Cenwulf of Mercia. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 10. Stowe, III. 70. ;. 59 813. Archbp Wulfred. Somner’s Antiq., Battely, App. p. 35.. 02 821. King Cenwulf of Mercia. MS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. fol. 9, b. Claud. C. IX. fol. 104 . 63 822. King Ceolwulf of Mercia. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 93. 65 823. King Ecgberht. Tex. Roff. p. 97. Palgrave, Rise and Progi’ess, ii. ccxx . 66 824. King Beomwulf of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. fol. 47. Cott. Nero, E. i. fol. 387. 67 825. King Beomwulf of Mercia. Smith’s Beda, App. p. 708. Hickes, Ep. Diss. p. 80 . 70 825. Ai-chbp Wulfred. MS. Reg. B. xviii. fol. 6, penes D. and C. Cicest. 72 825. Archbp Widfred. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 78. Cott. Claud. D. II. fol. 27. Lamb. 1212. fol. 316 . 73 827. King yEthelwulf of Kent. MS. Cott. Vitell. A. xiii. fol. 31, b . 78 828. King Ecgberht. Tex. Roff. fol. 137 . 79 833. King Wiglaf of Mercia. MS. Arund. 178. fol. 31,b. Ing¬ ulf. 487. N. Mon. ii. p. 109 . 81 835. King Ecgberht of Wesse.x. MS. Cott. Claud. C. ix. fol. 104, b. Claud. B. VI. fol. 12 .. 87 c xxxiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. A.D. Page 836. King Wiglaf of Mercia. IMS. Cott. Aug. ii. 9. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 21. C. C. Cantab, cxi. fob 138. 88 840. King Berbtwulf of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fol. 12 90 841. King Berbtwulf of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fol. 1.3 92 844. King Berbtwulf of Mercia. IMS. Cott. Claud. B. ri. fol. 11 . 93 844. King ^tbelwulf of Wessex. MS. Lansd. 417, fol. 6. Reg. Scireburn. fol. 15, b. 94 844. King jEtbelwulf of Wessex. Somner’s Antiq., Battely, App. p. 77. 96 845. King Berbtwulf of IMercia. MS. Cott. A. xin. fol. 104, b. 100 848. King Berbtwulf of Mercia. MS. Soc. Antiq. lx. fol. 42, b. 101 852. Abbot Ceolred. MS. Soc. Antiq. lx. fol. 46. Sax. Cbron. ao852 . 104 854. King yEtbelwulf of Wessex. MS. Lansd. 417. fol. 7, b. Bodley, Wood, i. fol. 67, b. 106 854. King yEtbehvulf. Cott. Chart, viii. 35. 108 854. King Bitbelwnlf. MS. Lansd. 417, fol. 7,b. 110 855. King ^Etbelwulf. Wilkins, Cone. i. p. 1^3. Ingulpb... Ill 855. King Burbred of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiir. fob .39 113 855. King Burbred of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fob 14. Cott. Nero, E. i. fob 391, b. 114 After 856. King yEtbelwulf of Wessex. MS. Winton. fob 117, b. 115 857. King Burbred of Mercia. IMS. Cott. Tib. xiii. fob 19 118 858. King yEtbelberbt of Kent. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 66 .... 119 863. King yEtbelberbt of Wessex. Cbart. Antiq. Cantuar. M. 14. 121 864. King Bitbelberbt of M'essex. E. Keg. Scireburn.124 860-866. Ealbere. Cbart. Antiq. Cantuar. M. 369 . 127 875. King Ceolwulf of Mercia. IMS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fob 27 128 883. BEthelred, aldorm. of Mercia. 31S. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fob 50 . 129 887. yEtbelred, aldoi-m. of Mercia. 5IS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fob 28, b. fob 192. 1.33 889. King BSlfred. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiir. fob 18. 135 886-899. ^'Etiielred, aldorm. and ^Etbelflaad. IMS. Cott. Tib. A. XIII. fob. Cott. Yesp. A. v. fol. 147,b. 1.36 896. .^tbelred aldorm. of Mercia. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fob Cott. Vesp. A. V. fob 169 . 139 897. ^tbelwulf aldorman. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fob 14. Cott. Nero, E. i. fob 391 . 142 900. King Eadward tbe Elder. MS. Winton. fob 09, b. 14.3 879-909. Bisbop Denewulf. IMS. Winton. fob 59 . 147 901. King E.adward tbe Elder. MS. Winton. fob 86 . 148 902. Bisbop Denewulf. IMS. Winton. fob 59, b. 151 903. King Edward, jd^Itbelred and ^tbelflaed. IMS. Stowe, 111. LXX. 21. Bodley, Wood. I. fob 206, b. 153 904. King Eadward tbe Elder. Freedom to I'aunton. ^IS. Winton. fob 68 . 154 901-909. King Eadward tbe Elder. IMS. Winton. fob 6. 156 901 -909. King Eadward tbe Elder. IMS. Winton. fob 61. 158 901-909. Bisbop Denewulf. IMS. Winton. fob 94, b. 161 909. King Eadward tbe Elder. IMS. Winton. fob 18. 16.3 872-915. Bisbop Werfertb. IMS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. fob 5(5. 16(5 901-924. .Vnonymous. MS. Cbart. Antiq. Cantuar. C. 1282 .... 160 TABLE OF CONTEXTS. XXXV A.n. Page 91U-U22. -EthelflfEcl of Mercia. MS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. fol. 14., 174 King MCtlielstan, Charter to INlalmeshiiry. MS. Cott. Vitell. C. IX. fol. 196. 175 King yEthelstau. Beg. B. fol. 20. penes D. & C. S. Pauli. ■ . 176 King jEtlielslan. Twvsden. Hist. Aug. p. 75. 178 King rEtlielstan. Dugdale, N. Mon. ii. p. 163. 179 925. Carta Adelstaui Regis S"^® Johanni Beverlaoi. MS. Lansd. 269. fol. 213. 180 Carta Adelstani Regis S'“ Wilfrido de Rippon. Ex. antiquo registro penes Lindale, suhdecanum eccles. Hipponensis. 1630. 182 93.5. King Hiltlielstan. MS. Lansd. 417. fol. 11. 183 938. King jEthelstan. Chart. Cott. viii. 17. 185 944. King Eadmuud. INIS. Ashmole, 790. fol. 80. Spelinan, Cone. I. p. 427. W. Malm. p. 227, edit. E. II. Soc. . . 187 947. King Eadred. MS. Winton. fol. 216. 189 956. Bp Bvrhthelni and Abbot .^Ethelwold. MS. Cott. Claud. B. VI. fol. 54, & C. IX. fol. 112 . 191 959. I’rivilegium Edwii Regis de villa Abbend. MS. Cott. Claud. B. VI. fol. 43, & C. ix. fol. 109, b. 192 959. Bishop Bunstau. MS. Cott. Faust. A. iii. Westm. in wooden box. 195 961. (iueen Eadgifu. MS. Cott. Cleop. E. i. fol. 78. I^amb. 1212. p. .324 . 201 962. King Eadgar. MS. Westm. Sffic. x. No. VIII. 206 962. King Eadgar. MS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. fol. 78, b, & C. ix. fol. 116. 209 964. King Eadgar. MS. Ilarl. 7513. Spelman, Cone. i.p. 432 211 966. King Eadgar. Chart. Cott. luii. 33 . 210 966. King Eadgar. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 67. Chart. Antiq. Can- tuar. C. 207 . 218 969. King Eadgar. INIS. Cott. Tit. A. viii. fol. 46. Cott. Faust. A. III. Westm. Nig. Quat. N. iMon. i. p. 291. 219 903-975. King Eadgar. MS. Wintou. fol. 8. 226 96.3- 975. Bishop vEthelwold. MS. Soc. Antiq. lx. fol. .54, b. 229 90.3- 975. King Eadgar. MS. Winton. fol. 6, b. 2.31 968. lung Eadgar, Charter to Taunton. MS. Winton. fol. 22 233 970. King Eadgar. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 13. Add. MS. 5819, fol. 5 . 237 About 970. Bishop yEthelwold. MS. Soe. Antiq. i.x. fol. 39, b.. . . 243 971. King Eadgar. MS. Ashmole 790. fol. 89, b. N. Mon. i. pp. 26, 43 . 245 King bladgar. Carta de Romesey. IMS. LaniM. 442. 35 . 248 974. King Eadgar. MS. Cott. Yesp. E. ii. fol. 5. N. IMon. ii. p. 557 . 251 King Eadgar. N. Monast. i. p. 212 . 256 King Eadgar. MS. Cod. Winton. fol. 8, b.257 King Eadgar. MS. Winton. fol. 11 . 259 Bishop Oswald, de Oswaldes Lawes Hundred. MS. Cott. Tib. A. XIII. fol. 134 . 262 This charter should have been mai’ked with an asterisk, fol. B. 136. xxxvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. A.D. Page 975. King Eadgar and King ^thelred. MS. Harl. 311. fol. 24. Tex. Kofi', fol. 102, b. .... 264 Descriptio Terr® Wigoruensis. MS. Tib. A. xiii. fol. B. l;56 . 267 981. King yEtbelred. N. Mon. ii. p. 495. 267 983. King ^Etbelred. MS. Winton. fol. 110, b. 270 Before 988. Of the Laud at Wouldliam. Tex. Kofi’, cc. 72, 73. MS. Harl. 311. fol. 22 ... 271 993. King Hiltbelred. De Eccl. Libertate Abbandunensis. ISIS. Cott. Aug. II. 38 . 276 993. King yEtbelred. De Terrarum Restitutione. MS. Cott. Claud. B. VI. fol. 89, b, C. ix. fol. 123, b.282 994. King Hitbelred. MS. Harl. 358. fol. 31. E. Carta penes 1). & C. ExoniiB, N. Mon. ii. p. 335 . 285 Before 995. Wynflajd. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 15. 288 995. King yEtbelred. MS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. fol. 96 . 290 998. King ^Etbelred. Reg. Scireburn. 293 996-1006. Hillfthrj'tli. MS. Winton. fol. 24. 295 998. Telligraplius de Libertatibus Westmonasterii, &c. MS. Nig. Quat. Westni. 296 1005. King .^tlielred. MS. Cbr. Cb. Oxon. 299 1012. King /Etbelred. Tex. Rofi'. p. 135 . 299 About 1006. Eadmund H^tlieling. Reg. Scireburn. 300 Before 1011. Bp Godwins and Leofwine. MS. Harl. 311. fol. 29, b. Tex. Rolf. p. 155 . 301 1018. King Cnut. Reg. C. C. Cantuar. A. i. No. 234./304 1018. Eng Cnut. MS. Bibl. Pub. Cantab. Tf. 2. 33. fol. 20 ' T & 20 b. Original penes Corpor. de Lynn . .. 305 1013-1020. King Cnut. MS. Wanley, fol. 181, b. 308 1019. King Cnut. MS. C. C. C. Cantab. 59. No. 35. Harl. 358. fol. 32. Inspex. 309 1016-1020. Earl Godwine. Cli. Antiq. Cantuar. Soniner, on Gavelkind, p. 196. 312 1020. Arcbbp Wulfstan. Add. MS. 14907. fol. 17 . 313 1023. King Cnut. Cli. Antiq. Cantuar. S. 259, 260,261, 202. MS. Stowe, III. 70. No. 32 . 314 1023. Carta Regis Canuti S™ Paulo. Reg. D. & C. S. Pauli, fol. 20, b. Dugdale, Mon. ni. p. 303 . . 319 1023. Wulfric. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fol. 598. Hickes, Diss. Epist. p. 76 . 320 Eadwine a Monk. MS. Winton. fol. 114, b.321 1032. King Cnut. MS. Cott. Vitell. D. vn. 30. fol. 29, Stowe, III. 70. No. 73 324 1032. King Cnut. W. Malm. p. 315. edit. E. H. Soc. 327 1032. King Cnut and Queen Hilfgifu Emma. MS. Cott. Aug. II. 70 ? . 328 1020-1030. King Cnut. MS. Cott. Tib. B. iv. fol. 86, b.330 About 1033. Arclib. ^tbelnotli aud Tokig. Addit. MS. 14907. fol. 18 331 1035. King Cnut. Cod. Winton. fol. 114 . 332 King Cnut. Addit. MS. 14907. fol. 20, b.335 King Cnut. MS. Cott. Claud. 1). x. fol. 57 . 336 Before 1036. Eanwen. Hickes, Diss. Epist. p. 2. 33W 1038. King Harold Harefoot. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 90 . 338 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxvii A. D. Page 1039-1042. King Ilarthacnut. MS. B. P. Cantab. Ff. 2. 33. fol. 21. 342 1040. Bishop Alfwold. Reg. Scireburn. fol. 21.346 1042. King Edward the Confessor. MS. B. P. Cantab. Ff. 2. 33. fol. 22. Harl. 74;i. fol. 69, b. 347 1038-1050. Earl Godwine. Chart. Aiitiq. in archivis Eccl. Chr. Cantuar. A. 207. 349 1043. Godric. MS. Cott. Aiig. ii. 35 . 350 1043. King Edward the Confessor. MS. Lansd. 400. fol. 92. Ex. Reg. Scac. Reg. Rem. 75 . 351 1044. .(Egelric Bigge. MS. Cott. Aug. ir. 70. Reg. C. C. Cantuar. C. v. fol. 11 . 354 1044. King Eadward the Confessor. Grants to St. Peter’s at Ghent. Cart. Antiq. in Arce Lond. T. No. 10. 357 1042-1045. Iving Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. Faust. A. in. fol. 111. Nig. Quat. Westm.361 1045. King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 58. Cott. Faust. A. in. fol. 30. 362 Prior Eadmrer and others. MS. Cott. Jul. I), ii. fol.107 364 1050. King Eadward the Confessor. Translatio Sedis Cath. de Cridetuii in E.xoniam. MS. C. C. C. Cant. 59. No.36. Hickes, Diss. Epist. p. 16. 365 Before 1052. Queen .4illfgifu Emma. MS. Cott. Claud. A. in. fol. 5. 368 1053. King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. Faust. A. in. fol. 103. Nig. Quat. Westm.308 1053. Bp. Wulfwig, Earl Leofric, and Godgyfu his wife. MS. Cott.Vesp. B. XV. fol. 6. Harl. 258. fol. 3 .370 1053. Brihtmser. MS. Reg. C. C. Cantuar. C. v. fol. 11, b. & A. fol. 153, b.....372 Godwine son of Earwig. Ilickes, Diss. Epist. p. 11 . . 373 1053-1060. Oswulf and Hithelith. MS. Cott. Nero, D. i. fol. 150, b. 374 Bishop /Ethelstan. Cott. Charters, viii. 37 . 375 Bishop Siweard. MS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. fol. 112 .... 378 1060. Conventio inter Abp Stigand et Conventum Bathae. MS. C. C. C. Cant. C. xi. p. 72 . 379 1060. King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Bodley, Rawlin- son, fol. 1646 . 380 1060. King Eadward the Confessor. Reg. Ramsey in Scacc. 809, fol. 336 . 381 1060, King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Soc. Antiq. lx. fol. 276, b. 385 1060-1061. King Eadwai-d the Confessor. MS. Harley 6968. fol. 7 . 387 1061. King Eadward the Confessor and Queen Eadgyth. Reg. Scireburn. fol. 29 . 388 1055-1064. King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Lansd. 446. fol. 89 391 1002. Iving Eadward the Confessor. Grant to Harold of lands for the endowment of Waltham Abbey. MS. Cott. Tib. C. IX. fol. 48 . 392 1065. King Eadward the Confessor. Reg. Alb. penes D. & C. Ebor. fol. 60 . 398 1066. King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. Faust. A. iii. fol. 25, b. 400 1066. King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. Faust. A. iii. fol.31,b..,. 406 King Eadward the Confessor. N. Monast. iii. p. 56 .. 414 TxVBLE OF CONTENTS. xxxviii A. D. Page lOGG. King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. Fanst. A. in. fol. 104, b. Antogr. in arch. Eccl. Wigorn.414 King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Harley G38. fol. 14. B. r. Cant. Ff. 2. .33. fol. 23.. 415 King Ead-ward the Confessor. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. .33. 41G King Eadivard the Confessor. Beg. B. penes D. & C. S. Pauli. Lansd. 44G. fol. 91 . 41G King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Harl. G45. fol.l25,b, & 743. fol. 8 & fol. .59. Addit. MS. 14847. fol. 35 .. 417 King Eadivard the Confessor. Addit. MS. 5811 .... 419 King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. Claud. D. x. fol. 57 . 420 King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Hail. 2115. fol. 143, b. 420 King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. Otho, B. xiv. fol. 257, h. Add. MS. 493, b, fol. 179, h. 421 King Eadward the Confessor. MS. Cott. "S'esp. B. xx. fol. 227. Cott. Claud. D. x. Cott. Julius, D. ii. fol. 90 425 King Eadward the Confessor. N. Monast. in. p. 5G .. 426 lOGG. Queen EadgiTh. MS. Harl. 69G8. fol. G. 427 1050-1073. Bishop Leofilc. MS. Harl. 258. fol. 125, h.428 lOGG. Services incident to Taunton. MS. Winton. fol. 25 .. 432 Fulder. lilS. Harl. Ch. 83. A. in.434 10G6-10G9. Earl M'altheof. MS. Soc. Antiq. lx. fol. 28, b.435 The Prior and Brotherhood of Bath. MS. C. C. C. Cant. cxi„ art. 9 . 436 Privilegium Ep. Osherni Monachis S'^' Nicl'olai, depul¬ sandis canipanis. Hickes, Hiss. Epist. p. 18. 437 Ordric Treasurer of St. Eadnnind’s. ilS. B. P. Cant. Ee. 3. GO. fol. 161 .; . 438 King M’illiam the Conqueror. MS. Carta 4 Edw. 11. No. 52 per Inspex. 438 King ‘William the Conqueror. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. 439 He Ciricsceatto. MS. Tib. A. xin.440 Commemoratio Placiti inter Wulfstanum episc. et Wal- teruin Abbatem de Eovesham. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. fol. .37, b....... 440 1093. Indicium Donationis Eccles. '^^’estbyri^e. ^IS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 185 . 442 Excommunicatio. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 187. . .. 444 Of Bishop 'Wulfstan. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. fol. B. 177 445 De Ministerio Cellarii. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. fol. B. 45 . 447 De Eibetforde. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 122 . 449 De Witlaege. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xin. fol. 122 . 449 De (TrimmanhyUe et Earesbyrig. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 122 . 449 De Oddunegalea. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 125 .... 450 De Crohlea. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 125 . 450 De Staeffordscire. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 129.... 451 De Werewicscire. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xni. fol. 129.... 452 Memoriale Ten’se de Offcolm. MS. Bodley, 'Wood, i. fol. 60, b. 453 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxxix II. WILLS. A. D. Page 804-829. Arch bp Wulfred, Oswulf Aldorm. and Beornthryth his wife. MS. Cott. Aug. n. 79 . 469 804—829. .dithelnoth Reeve and Gaenburg bis wife. MS. Stowe, m. 70. No. 7 . 402 824. Arcbbp Wulfred. MS. Cott. Aug. II. 72 . 463 830. Eadwald Osbering and Cynetbrytb. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 19 . 406 830. Werbard. MS. Lamb. 682. fob 128, & 1212, fob 319. Bodley, Tanner, 223 . 400 About 831. Ealbburg and Eadwald. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 52 . 408 835. Abba Reeve and Ileregytb bis wife. MS. Cott. Aug. u. 04. Hickes, Diss. Epist. p. 55 . 409 832-870. Lufa. MS. Cott. Aug. n. 92. 474 837. Badanotb. Hickes, Biss. Epist. p. 54 . 470 865. Bunn. Textus Roffensis, cap. 00 . 478 800. Ealbburh. MS. C. C. Cant, cclxxxv.479 871-889. /Elfred Aldornian. MS. Stowe, and Lye, Bict. Ap¬ pendix . 480 880-885. King Hilfred. MS. Stowe, edit. Manning, and Liber de Ilyda . 484 Before 905. Ceolwin. MS. Winton, fob 74, b. 492 After 931. Wulfgar. Chart. Cott. viii. 10 . 495 944^940. .I'Etbelgifu. MS. Cott. Nero, B. i. fob 151. 497 940-955. Leof /Etbelwold, Aldornian. IMS. Winton. fob 85 .... 499 950. Byrbtric and ^Elfswytb. Tex. Rotf. fob 104. Hickes, Biss. Epist. p.51 . 500 About 958. yElfgar. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. Add. MS. 14.847. fob 20, b. 505 958. HCtbelwyrd. MS. Stowe, and Lye, Bict. Appendix . . 509 900. Bishop Tbeodred. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 48. . 512 Alfbild. MS. Harb 311. fob 16. Hist. Ranies. p. 408.. 510 970. Hitbeiic. Chart. Antiq. Cantuar. B. i. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. 510 904- 980. Bribtric Grim. MS. Winton. fob 50, b. 518 About 972. Hiltiied’s Will, reciting Queen yEtbelflped’s. Chart. Cott. 43. C. 4. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 2.619 905- 975. j^flieab, Aldormaii. MS. Winton. fob 93, b. 520 Wulfwaru. MS. C. C. Cant. C.xi. fob 88. Hickes, Biss. Ep. p. 54. 528 i?i'nketel and Walfrim. MS. Harb 311. fob 16, b. Hist. iX. Rallies, p. 409 . 531 Wulfgvfu. MS.Harb311.fobl4,b,&20. Hist. Rames, p. 400 . 532 iort ylitbelgvfu. MS. Harb 311. fob 15 & 20. Hist. Ranies, p.400'. 633 About 995. Wviifbed. Cott. Chart, viii. 38. Hickes, Tbes. Pref. p‘. 22 ^...._.. .. 533 997. King ^Ethelred. licence to -Etberic's widow. Chart. Antiq. Cantuar. B. i. 539 998. Leofwine. Autog. in arch. S. Petri Westm. iMadox Form. Angb p. 421 . 541 1000. Queen vEtlielfbed. MS. Reg. B. penes 1). & C. S. Pauli, fob 200 . .542 xl TABLE OF CONTENTS. A. D. Page 1002. Wulfric. Endowment of Burton Abbey. Eeg. de Burton, penes W. Paget, a° 1650. N. Monast. iii. p.37 543 996-1006. Arcbbp ^llfric. MS. Cott. Claud. B. vi. fob 103. Claud. C. IX. fob 125, b. 549 1012. .^Lfgyfu. MS. Winton. fob 94. 552 1017-1035. Mantat an Anchorite. Addit. MS. 5937. fob 180, b. . 555 1030. Wulfsige. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 1. 33. fob 50 . 556 .iEthelstau .^Etheling. MS. Winton. fob 48. Lyc, Diet. App. MS. Stowe .".. 567 1040. Wulfgyth. MS. Reg. C. C. Cantuar. C. v. fob 11 .... 663 1023-1050. Leoflfe'd. Gale, Vet. Scriptt. iii. p. 607 . 565 1037. yElfric Modercop. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 45 .. 566 1037. Bishop .^Elfric. MS. Cott. Aug. ii. 85. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 48 . 567 1045. Leofgifu. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 45 . 569 1045. Thui’stan. MS. R. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 49 . 571 1045. King Eadward the Confessor. Licence to Tole. Chart. 8 Edw. II. No. 5. N. Monast. iii. p. 56 . 576 1049. Thurstan. MS. Cott. Aug. n. 34. Cart. Antiq. Eccb C. C. Cantuar. C. 70 . 577 1050. Thurketel Heiiig. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 45 . 578 Thored. MS. Cott. Claud. A. iii. fob 5. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 48. 579 1050. Thurkyteb MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. 679 1050. Ketel Alder. Addit. MS. 14847. fob 20. B. P. Cant. Ff 2 33 581 Wuif. ’ MS.’Cott Neiro,’ D.'i. ’foi.’isO,'!).’584 1054. Eadnoth and Wife. MS. Harb 311. fob 19. Reg. Mahnesb. Scacc. Reg. Rem. Westm. 585 1050-1054. ^gelric Bigga. MS. Cott. Julius D. ii. fob 105 .... 586 About 1053. Queen BElfgifu Emma. MS. Winton. fob 98, b. 586 Ordnoth and Wife. MS. Winton. fob 59, b. Add. MSS. 15350 . 588 Eadwine de Cadendune. MS. Cott. Nero, D. i. fob 150, b... 589 1060. Eadwine. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 45 . 589 1060. Thurkil and iEthelgith. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 50 . 591 1060. Siflied. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 49, b. 592 1060. SifliBd. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 49, b. 592 About 1060. Wulfgeat and Wife. Addit. MS. 14847. fob 23. 693 About 1066. Ulf and Wife. M.S. Soc. Antiq. lx. fob 50, b.594 ^Elfhelin. MS. Harb 311. fob 316. Lye, Diet. App.. 596 1097. Bishop Aihner. MS. B. P. Cant. Ff. 2. 33. fob 49.... 599 PriHlegium Fritherici. MS. Cott. Tib. A. xiii. fob 100, b. 600 III. GUILDS. Orky’s Guild at Abbotsbury. MS. penes E. of Ilchester. 605 Guild at Woodbury. Hickes, Diss. Epist. p. 18 . 608 Thanes’ Guild at Cambridge. MS. Cott. Tib. B. v. fob 75. Ilickes, Diss. Ep. p. 20. 610 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xli Page Guild at Exeter. MS. Cott. Tib. B. v. fol. 76 . 613 Association of Bishop Wulfstan and the Abbots of Evesham, Chertsey, Bath, Pershore, Winchcombe, and Gloucester, and the Dean of Worcester. MS. C. C. C. Cant. C. xi. p. 55. Hickes, Diss.Ep. p. 19. 616 IV. MANUMISSIONS. Geatflisd. MS. Cott. Domit. A. vn. fol. 43. Chart. S. Nic. Pri. Exeter . 621 King .^thelstan. Wanley, Cat. p. 181 . 622 Aluric se Canonica. MS. B. P. Cant. li. 2.11. Wanley, p. 152 .. 622 King Eadwig. MS. Cott. Tib. B. v. fol. 76 . 623 On the altar of St. Petroc’s. Add. MS. 9067 (Cod. Exon.) and 9381 623 At St. Peter’s, Exeter. Wanley, Cat. p.82. MS. Bodley, Th. M. 12. 12. Hickes, Diss. Ep. p. 12 . 631 At St. Peter’s Abhey Church, Bath. MS. C. C. Cant. C. xi.640 ^gelsi at Wouldham. MS. Harl. 311. fol. 24. Tex. Roff. fol. 162, b. 644 Acquittances. From Add. MS. Brit. Mus. 9067 (Codex Exoniensis). 645 *,* Charters marked with an asterisk are considered spurious, or of doubtful authority. d ■jv4Vf .'. -<>’1 f tAn»( •I'Wf^ ■- •!' ** 3 ■•■' DIPLOMATARIUM ANGLICUM MYl SAXONICL I. MISCELLANEOUS CHAKTERS. * KING ^THELBERHT OF KENT. JAN. 9th DC.V. In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis. Rex Anglorum yEthelbertus, misericordia Omnipotentis Dei catholicus, om¬ nibus sue gentis fidelibus, et adventum glorie magni Dei et Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi beata spe expectantibus, salutem viteque eterne beatitudinem. Largiente summi Regis cle¬ mentia, ego Altbelbertus solio paterno confirmatus, paccque divinitus concessa, eo jam per decem quinquennia sceptrigera potestate potitus, et per venerabiles sacre fidei doctores. Spiritus Sancti gratia, irradiatus, ab errore falsorum deorum ad unius veri Dei cultum toto corde conversus ; ne ingratus beneficiorum appaream illi a cujus sancta sede nobis in regione umbre mortis sedentibus lux veritatis emicuit, inter alias quas fabricavi ecclesias, monitu et hortatu beatissimi pape Gregorii et sancti patris nostri Augustini, ipsi beatissimo apostolorum principi Petro, et doctori gentium Paulo, eccle¬ siam a fundamentis construxi, eamque terris variisque pos¬ sessionum donariis decorare studui, inibique monachos Deum timentes aggregari feci, et cum consilio ejusdem revercn- B 2 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tissimi archipresulis Au^stini, ex suo sancto sanctorum collegio venerabilem virum secum ab apostolica sede directum, Petriim monachum elegi, eisque, ut ecclesiasticus ordo ex¬ poscit, abbatem preposui. Hanc igitm’ ecclesiam ad pro¬ vectum debiti culminis promovere desiderans, suarumque possessionum terminos dilatare gestiens, sana mente inte- groque consilio, cum .^Edbaldi filii mei aliorumque nobilium obtimatum meorum consensu, ob redemptionem anime mee, et spem retributionis eterne, optuli ei etiam ’\dllam nomine Sturigao, alio nomine dictam Cistelet, cum omnibus reddi¬ tibus ei jure competentibus, cum mancipiis, silvis, cultis vel incultis, pratis, pascuis, paludibus, fluminibus, et contiguis ei maritimis terminis eam ex una parte eingentibus, omnia mobilia vel immobilia in usus fi’atrum sub regulari tramite et monastica religione inibi Deo serviencium: missurium etiam argenteum, scapton aureum, iterum seUam cum freno, auro et gemmis ornatam, speculum argenteum, arm il caisia oloserica, camisiam ornatam, quod milii xenium de domno papa Gregorio sedis apostolice directum fuerat, que omnia supradicte ecclesie gratanter obtuli. Quam etiam ecclesiam ipse seriuis Dei Augustinus sanctorum apostolorum ac mar- tirum reliquiis vai’iisque ecclesiasticis ornamentis ab aposto¬ lica sede sibi transmissis copiose ditavit, seseque in ea et eunctos successores suos ex auctoritate apostolica sepelfri pre- cepit, scriptui’a dicente “ Non esse civitatem mortuorum sed vivorum.^^ Ibi etiam mihi et successoribus meis sepulturam providi, sperans me quandoque ab ipso apostolici ordinis prin- eipe cui Dominus potestatem ligandi atque solvendi dedit, et elai es regni celorum tradidit, a peccatorum nexibus solvi, et eterne beatitudinis januam introduci. Quod monasterium aut ecclesiam nullus episcoporum, nullus successorum meorum regum m aliquo ledere aut in¬ quietare presumat, nullam omnino subjectionem in ea sibi usurpare audeat; sed abbas ipse qui ibi fuerit ordinatus, intus et foris, cum consilio fratrum, secundum timorem Dei, libere eam regat et ordinet, ita ut in die Domini dulcem illam piissimi Redemptoris nostri vocem mereatur audire, dicentis. “ Euge serve bone et fidelis, quia super pauca fuisti MISCELLANEOUS CIIAKTEES. :5 fidelis, super multa te constituam : intra in gaudium Domini tui.” Hanc donationem meam in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, largitate divina ut mihi tribuatur peccatorum remissio, per omnia cum consilio reverentissimi patris Au¬ gustini condidi, atque ad transcribendum Augemundum pres- biterum ordinavi. De his ergo omnibus que hic scripta sunt, si quis aliquid inde minuere presumpserit, sciat se equissimo judici Deo et beatis apostolis Petro et Paulo rationem esse redditurum. Confirmata [est hec] donatio presentibus testi¬ bus reverentissimo patre Augustino Dorovernensis ecclesie archiepiscopo primo. Mellito quoque et Justo, Lundonie et Rofensis ecclesie presulibus, et religioso famulo Christi Lau- rencio presbitero, .-Edbaldo filio meo, Hamigisilo [duce], Augemundo referendario, Hocca [et] Graphione [comitibus] Tangisilo et Pinea et Geddi et Aldhuno regis optimatibus, aliisque pluribus dignitatum diversarum personis. Actum sane quadragesimo quinto anno regni nostri, sub die V. Idus Januarii. * AUGUSTINI^S. Augustinus episcopus Dorobernie sedis, famulus, quem, superna inspirante clementia, beatissimus papa Gregorius, Anglice genti Deo acquirende, legatarium misit ac ministrum, omnibus successoribus suis episcopis, cunctisque Anglie re¬ gibus, cum suis posteris, atque omnibus Dei fidelibus, et in fide et gratia, salutem et pacem. Patet omnibus quod Deo amabilis rex Athelbertus, primus Anglorum regum Christi regno sacratus, nostra instantia et sua prodiga benivolencia, inter ceteras ecclesias quas fecit et episcopia, monasterium extra metropolim suam Doroberniam, in honore principum apostolorum Petri et Pauli regaliter condidit, et regalibus opibus amplisque possessionibus ditavit, dilatavit, magnifi- cavit, perpetuaque libertate et omni jure regio, cum omnibus relms et judiciis intus et foris illo pertinentibus, munivit; B 4 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. suoque regio privilegio et superni judicii imprecatione atque apostolica sancti pape Gregorii interminacione excommuni- catoria contra omnem injuriam confirmavit. Ego quoque, ejusdem libertatis adjutor et patrocinator, omnes successores meos archiepiscopos, omnesque ecclesiasticas vel seculares potestates per Dominum Ihm Xpm et apostolorum ejus re¬ verendam obtestor, atque apostolica memorati patris nostri pape Gregorii interminacione interdico, ne quisquam un¬ quam ullum potentatum aut dominatum aut imperium in lioc dominicum vel apostolicum monasterium, vel terras vel eccle¬ sias ad illud pertinentes, usurpare praesumat, nec ulla prorsus subjugationis aut servitutis aut tributi condicione, vel in magno vel in minimo. Dei ministros inquietet aut opprimat. Abbatem a suis fratribus electum in eodem monasterio, non ad suum famulatum, sed ad dominicum ministerium, ordinet, nec sibi hunc obaudire sed Deo suadeat; nec vero sibi sub¬ jectum sed fratrem, set consortem, sed collegam et commi- nistrum in opus dominicum eum reputet. *Non ibi missas, quasi ad sue ditionis altare, nec ordinationes vel benedic¬ tiones usurpative, sine abbatis vel fratrum peticione excerceat. Nullum sibi jus consuetudinarium, vel in vilissima re exigat, quatinus pacis concordia unum sint in Domino utrimque. Nec quisquam, quod absit, dominandi dissidio in juditium incidat dyaboli, qui superbie tyrannide corruit de celo. Reges gencium, inquit Dominus, dominantur eorum, vos autem Hon sic. Cumque ab alienigenis, non a filiis, accipiantur tributa, sic ipse Dominus concludit: “ Ergo liberi sunt filii.” Qua ergo irreverencia patres ecclesiarum in filios regni Dei sibi vendicant dominationem, maxime autem in hanc eccle¬ siam sanctorum thesaurariam, in cujus materno utero tot pontificum Dorobernie, regumque ac principum, corpora speramus alma refovenda sepulture requie, ex auctoritate sci¬ licet apostolica, et hinc ad eternam gloriam resuscitanda. Tales supremi Judicis amicos si quis offendere non metuens hujus pririlegii statuta violaverit, vel violatorem imitando vim suam tenuerit, sciat se apostolico beati Petri gladio, per suum ricarium Gregorium puniendum, nisi emendaverit. Hec ergo omnia, ut hic sunt scripta, apostolica ipsius iusti- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tutoris nostri Gregorii comprobacione et auctoritate servanda sancimus, suoque ore confirmamus, presente glorioso rege Athelberto, cum filio suo Atbelbaldo*, et collaudante cum ipso omnibus optimatibus regiis, atque ultro volentibus reve- rentissimis fratribus nostris, a sancta Romana ecclesia huc mecum vel ad me in evangelium Domini destinatis, scilicet Laurencio, quem nobis Deo favente successorem constituimus, et Mellito Londonie episcopo, et Justo Rofensi episcopo, et Petro venerabili ejusdem monasterii principum apostolorum abbate primo, cum ceteris in Domino adjutoribus meis, obnixe postulantibus, simulqne in eos qui hec fideliter serva¬ verint benedictionem; aut in impenitentes, quod nolumus, transgressores, dampnationem exercentibiis. * KING EADBALD OF KENT. DC.XVIII. •5« In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Ego .didbaldus rex, gloriosi regis /Ethelberti filius, quem prothodoctor et apostolus Anglorum Augustinus cum suo regno ab eternis inferorum cruciatibus eripuit, et dealbatum fonte baptismatis sanctorum collegio copulavit, per venerabilem Laurencium, beati Augustini discipulum, quem ipse pater novelle adbue Anglorum ecclesie sibi successorem in archiepiscopatum ordi¬ naverat, tandem sermonibus assiduis et signis ac plagis in seipso pro me passis ac ostensis, a volutabro scelerum lotus, et ad agnitionem Creatoris omnium creaturarum promotus. Dominum Deum meum recognosco et adoro. Proinde ego ^‘Edbaldus in solio paterno confirmatus, patris vestigia imi¬ tans, et ecclesias Dei quas viriliter instantia patris Augustini fundavit, et terris multisque honoribus ditavit, augens et confirmans, monasterio apostolorum Petri et Pauli in subur¬ bio Dorovernie civitatis fundato, et prerogative ecclesiastice libertatis privilegio munito, terris ac variis honoribus ditato, ad honorem Dei et sanctorum apostolorum Sanctique Augus- Eadbaldo. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tini, pro remedio animse mei patris meeque parentumque meorum, gratanter concedo et amicabiliterque do quamdam partem terre regni mei, xxx. aratrorum, nomine Nortburne, in usum monacborum ibidem Deo famulancium, ubi ipse pater Augustinus et pater meus requiescrmt, ubi etiam archi- episcopos et reges sibi succedentes requiescere decreverunt, ubi et corpus meum sepeliri precipio. Hanc autem prsefatam terram, in omnibus ad se pertinentibus, pascuis, paludibus, pratis, silvis ac finibus maritimis, ita liberam et quietam dono ac dito sicut pater meus aut ego unquam libeiius habuimus. Hujus donationis confirmationem tropheo agie crucis et carta mea regia consignavi, assidentibus et collaudantibus archiepiscopo, baptista scilicet meo, Laurencio, et subscri¬ bente cum regina mea iEmma filiisque meis Egfi’ido ac Er- cumberto, cum duobus episcopis, MeUito Londonise et Justo Rofensis ecclesie, ceterisque multis comitibus et obtimatibus meis confaventibus et subscribentibus in hujus donationis fautores et auctores vitam eternam optantibus, in invidentes seu minuentes Dei omnipotentis et sanctorum apostolonim et patris nostri Augustini terribilem interminationem. ►J* Ego Laurentius, gratia Dei archiepiscopus, signo sancte crucis, sicut regem vidi facere, hoc donum confirmo. Ego Emma, Francorum regis filia, regis iEadbaldi copula, vexillo adorande crucis armavi. Ego Mellitus, Lundonise epi¬ scopus, signo sancte crucis que vidi astipulor, Ego Justus, Rofensis episcopus, laudo et subscribo. Ego Egbertus signo crucis libenter corroboro. Ego Ercumbertus, attes- tante venerande gratanter concedo, contestor, et subscribo. Ego Sueardus consensi. ^ Ego Guthardus subscribo. Actum est autem anno ab incarnatione Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi sexcentesimo octavodecimo. Indictione sexta. * KING CENWALII OF WESSEX. DC.LXXI. In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, ego Cenimalch regnante Deo rex hanc libertatem et potestatem sedi pontifi¬ cali Scireburnensis secclesife, per privilegii cautionem, coram MISCELLANEOUS CIIAKTERS. senioribus et testibus idoneis, communi consensu atque trac¬ tatu, firmiter atque inmarccssibiliter in aeternum fore con¬ stituo, id est, ut omnium fiscalium ac secularium rerum, sive operum sive tributuum, et cunctorum negotiorum, seu in magnis seu in modicis, per omne modum universaliter sit libera, quia Dei singularis haereditas est, et pontificalis officii sedis. De omnibus quoque curis et causis secularibus, fide catholica et recto baptismate perseverante, lioc decretum statuimus, ut ab universis gravitudinibus et secularium ho¬ minum turbinibus haec eadem aecclcsia, cum tota terra et possessione illius, semper immunis et secura permaneat, ut illic inhabitantes pura et sobria ac sincera mente laudem Domini celebrantes, et legem ejus diligenter tota plebe prae¬ dicantes, sine impedimento Deo servire valeant. Si enim aliquis successorum nostrorum, maligna fraude instructus, et spiritu cupiditatis illectus, hoc infringere ausus fuerit, sciat se in inferni suppliciis suspiraturum, et in faculis tartariis crematurum, et absque ullo remedio sine fine ejulaturum. Si quis vei ’0 haec in bona parte augere misericorditer pro Dei nomine voluerit, augeat omnipotens Dominus bona ipsius, sive in hoc saeculo sive in futuro, centupliciter, et cum om¬ nibus sanctis vitam mereatur aetei’iiam fieliciter. Scripta est autem baee cartula hujus privilegii, consentiente et confir¬ mante Laurentio arcliiepiscoposimul rege Mereiorum Wlflierio, caeteris patricia potestate praeditis corroborantibus ct subscribentibus anno Dominicae incarnationis dc.lxxi. * ARCHBISHOP THEODORE. DC.LXXX. Regnante in perpetuum Deo et Domino nostro Jhesu Christo, qui coelestia simul et terrestria imperio Patris cuncta quae Sancti Spiritus gratia in aequitate disponit. Atque per ejusdem Dei praedestinationem hoc synodus congregatum fuerat in loco celeberrimo ubi nominatur He^feld, anno vero Laurentius ob. 621. Theodore was archbishop in 671. 8 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Dominice incarnationis dc.lxxx. Indictio ix., praesidente autem Theodoro, gratia Dei episeopo, ceterisque episcopis et Dei sacerdotibus per universam Britanniam, pariter eum regibus Anglorum, -^gfrido regi Humbronentium et Atlieldredo regi Marcentium, cum consensu Halduulfi regis Aesteranglorum atque Clotherio regi Cantuariorum, de multis necessitatibus tractantes, maxime de statu ecclesiarum Dei, quorum ab olitanis temporibus in primordia Christianitatis tocius Bri¬ tannic constituta atque firmata noscuntur, quomodo vel qualiter, secundum normam rectitudinis his temporibus vel futuris ad servandum disposuimus, cum communi consilio omnium nostrorum regum, episcoporum, vel etiam tocius gentis Anglorum hanc discretionem statuimus atque decre¬ vimus, nostrisque successoribus id ipsum in posterium praeci¬ pimus; huic duobus metropolitanis a primitibus locis, que sunt universe Britannie capita constituta prima, ut in Doro- vernia civitate principali honor archiepiscopi et indumento paleg' habeatur, sicut archiepiscopo Augustino priscis jam temporibus at nunc usque detenta est a sui juris ditioni per singida loca xii. episcopi, seu omnis nationes Anglorum et Brittonum in australis partibus usque ad confinia Nor^an- humbrorum; alia vero in Eboraica civitate fundata, simili- terque sui juris ditioni xii. episcopi semper in fntmnim sub¬ jugati et partes aquilonales sicut disposuit praedecessoribus nostris pater noster Gregorius illis duobus sedibus ad ser¬ vandum imperpetuum, ut ex illis praememoratis civitatibus omnis ordo ecclesiastici officii cervatur atque inde mini¬ stratur, tam ordinatio episcoporum, vel etiam unctio regum, quamque canonicas instituciones que suis exhortacionibus et assiduis sollicitudinibus ad regimen Christianitatis perti¬ neant. Et nunc ergo iterum ad memoriam retracti per dominiim apostolicum Agathonem papam ita iurefragabilis et inviolabilis a nobis nostrisque successoribus utrorumque praenominatorum civitatum perpetuo stabilitate firmavi. Si ([uis vero, quod non optamus, obstinata contumacia his salu¬ bris statutis obpugnando contraire temptaverit, quisquis ille sit, sciat canonica subjacere sentencia, et a sinodali hujus ’ pallii? MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 0 communione esse damnatum, vel a participatione corporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Jhesu Christi separatum. Ego [iEgfridus] rex Humbrensium his synodalibus et canonicis constitutis consentiens subscribo. Ego [^^el- redus] rex Merciorum bis sinodalibus et canonicis constitutis consentiens subscribo. Ego Alduulf rex ^stranglorum his sinodalibus et canonicis constitutis consentiens subscribo. Ego [Cloberius] rex Cantuariorum his sinodalibus et ca¬ nonicis constitutis consentiens subscribo. Ego Tbeodorius, gratia Dei archiepiscopus Britannie et civitatibus Dorovernie, consentiens subscribo. * KING WIIITRyED OE KENT. DC.XCIV. Anno ab incarnatione Domini nc.xciiii. Wbytredus glo¬ riosus rex Kancie cum reverentissime arcbiepiscopo Bribt- waldo precepit congregari concilium in loco (pii nominatur Bacbancild, presideute eodem concilio jam nominato clemen- tissimo rege Cantuariorum Wbytredo, et eodem venerando patre primate totius Britannie, simulque Tobia episcopo Roflensis ecclesie, cum abbatibus, abbatissis, presbyteris, diaeonibus, ducibus, satrapis, pariter tractantes de statu ecclesiarum Dei in Anglia, et de biis quae a fidelibus regibus praedecessoribus ejus et propinquis, ^Selberto, videlicet, posterisque ejus, Deo omnipotenti in propriam hereditatem data fuerunt, cpialiter secundum veram justiciam stare et permanere valeant; vel quomodo ea servare oporteat amodo et usque in finem seculi constituentes. Ego, incpiit, Wbyt¬ redus, rex terrenus, a Rege regum compunctus, zelo rectitu¬ dinis accensus, ex autiipia traditione sanctoi’um patrum didici, non esse licitum alicui homini in laico habitu constituto usur¬ pare sibi, quasi propriam possessionem, quod fuerat ante Domino concessum et cruce Christi firmatum. Scimus enim, et veraciter constat, quia quod semel aceeperit homo donatione alterius in propriam potestatem, nullatenus sine 10 MISCELLANEOUS CUARTEIiS. injuria illud iterum dimittet. Horrendum est itaque homi¬ nibus Deum vivum exspoliare, tunicamque ejus et heredi¬ tatem scindere. Cum ergo Deo oblatum aliquid fuerit de terrenis substantiis, ad hoc ut facilius promereri valeant offe¬ rentes eternam retributionem percipere in celis manifeste declaratur, quod quanto incautius homo secularis applicuit se in hereditatem regis eterni, tanto districtius a Deo punietur. Pro qua re firmiter decernimus, et in nomine omnipotentis Dei omniumque sanctorum praecipimus, omnibus successo- ribiis nostris regibus, principibus, et omnibus in laico habitu constitutis, ut nulli unquam liceat alicujus ecclesie vel monasterii dominium habere quae a me vel antecessoribus meis priscis temporibus tradita sunt Deo in perpetuam here¬ ditatem et sanctis ejus : magis autem, sicut in canonibus pre- cipitur, servandum est, ut quando aliquis de prelatis defun¬ gitur, episcopus, abbas, vel abbatissa, intimetur archiepiscopo proprie parochie, et cum ejus consilio et consensu, vita ac munditia ejus examinata, qui dignus invenitur eligatur, et nullo modo sine consensu et consultu archiepiscopi promo¬ veatur. Neque enim de hac re aliquid pertinet ad decretum vel imperium regis. Illius autem est comites, duces, opti¬ mates, principes, prefectos, judices seculares, statuere; metro- politani vero est archiepiscopi ecclesias Dei replere, guber¬ nare, episcopos, abbates, abbatissas, ceterosque prelates, eli¬ gere, statuere, firmare, admonere, ne quis de ovibus Christi, scilicet etemi pastoris, aberret. Hec lex per evum in regno nostro in perpetuum permaneat omnibus ecclesiis Dei nostri, pro salute anime mee meorumque predecessorum, proque spe celestis regni. Igitur ex hac die et deinceps concedimus et donamus ecclesiis regni nostri liberas esse perpetua libertate ab omnibus difficultatibus secularis servitutis, ab omni debito vel pulsione regalium tributorum, ut possint pro nobis Deo omnipotenti hostias dignas offerre, nostraque peeeata abluere immaculatis muneribus. Si quis autem rex post nos levatus in regnum, aut episcopus, aut abbas, seu aliqua alia persona contradixerit huic concilio, vel scripto judicio concilii facto, sciat se a corpore et sanguine Domini sequestratum, et sic excommunicatum sicut ille qui non habebit remissionem MISCELLANEOUS CIIAIITEKS. 11 ueque in hoc secnlo neque in fnturo, nisi ante mortem, se¬ cundum judicium archiepiscopi emendaverit. Hoc sci’iptum irrefragabile sua firmitate muniatur, servetur, et semper ha¬ beatur in ecclesia Salvatoris, que sita est in civitate Doro- bernia, ubi primas habetur, ad exemplum omnium ecclesi¬ arum, atque deffensionem que in Anglia habetur. ^ Ego Wibtredus, auxilio Christi rex, biis legibus consti¬ tutis pro me et Werberga' regina itemque blio nostro Ailrico subscripsi, Ego Bribtuualdus, gratia Dei arcbiepiscopus, biis legibus constitutis subscripsi. ^IvING IN E OF WESSEX. DC.XCIX. In nomine Domini Dei nostri Jbesu Christi Salvatoris. Ea que secundum decreta canonum salubriter decernuntur, quamvis sermo tantum ad testimonium suffieeret, tamen pro ineerta futuri temporis ambigiiitate firmissima litterarum astipulatione roborentur. Quapropter ego Ini rex Saxonum terram juxta Abbendune, c.lxx.iii. cassatorum, Heau abbati libenter reddidi, quam Cissa rex sibi ae Cillan sorori sue atque abbatisse aliquando dederat: sed Ina rex eandem ter¬ ram postea, dum regno potiretur diripiens ac reipublice re¬ stituit, nondum construeto monasterio in ea, nec ullo ad¬ modum oratorio erecto; rursus autem ad edificandum mo¬ nasterium eidem Heano, patricio tunc temporis suo, eandem terram redonavit dieens: Ego Ina monarchiis Saxonie reg¬ nante Domino, regalia gubernans sceptra, terram quam pra;- deeessoris mei Cissa et ceteri Ileano patrieio sueque ger¬ mane Cillan dedisse noscuntur, iterum eum consilio pluri¬ morum reddo et relinco. Deinde prcdietus patricius Ilean se cum omiii facultate sua et praefata terra omnipotentis Dei servitio subdidit, meque ad construendum monasterium illud in loco supra nominato, id est juxta Abbendune, regulari- ’ In a charter of (>94, the queen of Wihtred is named Cynegvth, and in charters of H90 and 997, .Ethelburh. — Cod. Dipl. i. 42, 4S, 49. 1-2 * MISCELLANEOUS CHAETEIIS. terque regendum illud abbatem elegit^ sponteque sua seip- sum meo regimini commisit, votoque monachico constringens. At nunc nondum evoluto ad integrum quinquennio, ex quo liec vota vont solvenda, immutare decreta cupiens. Inique regem in suffragium sibi repetite hereditatis assumpsit ; quibus ego libenter cessi, prsefatamque terram et monasteria que construximus, ut dixi, in toto retribuam. Insuper et de orientale parte fluminis Tamise xx. cassatos, quos mihi Cuth- redus regulus et Merciorum rex Ethelredus, nec non et Ini rex Saxonum tradiderunt, adiciam x. quoque cassatos secus vadum Bestlesford, et c. in Bradenfeld, ubi monasterium erexi, quos Ini et Conred simul dederunt, pariter tribui, qui fiunt simul cc.Lxxiii. cassatos. Votum autem monachi quod mihi spopondit relaxans clementer indulsi, presente vene¬ rando antistite Ileddc, nec non Aldelmo ahbate, et Wintra, et omni familia nostra in ecclesia. Si quis vero contra hoc decretum abbatatus venire temptaverit, vel has donationes regum religiosorum, tirannica fretus potestate, violenter demere vel auferre satagerit, sciat se coram Christo rationem in ultimo vivorum et mortuorum examine redditurum. Scripta est vero haec cautionis singrapha anno ab incarnatione Christi DC.xcix., Indictione xii. ^ Ego Ine rex consensi. Ego Athelbald rex subscripsi. Ego Daniel episcopus subscripsi. ^ Ego Befpha subscripsi. Ego Egfrid subscripsi. Ego Herrid subscripsi. Ego Aldbriht subscripsi, tj* Ego Stranglic subsci’ipsi. Ego llalda subscripsi. Ego Oba subscripsi. Ego Selred subscripsi. Ego Egbrith subscripsi. * KING INE OF WESSEX. MAY 2Gth DCC.IV. In nomine Domini Dei nostri Salvatoris. Ego Yna reg¬ nante Domino rex, cum consilio et decreto praesulis nostri Aldelmi, simidque cunctorum Dei sacerdotum suggestione, et monachorum petitione qui in parochia [West]' Saxonum ' The words between brackets are not in MS. Lansd. MISCELLAN EOUS CHARTERS. l:? conversantur, hanc libertatem ecelesiis impendo, et hanc pri¬ vilegii dignitatem monasteriis confero; ut sine impedimento saeeularium rerum, et absque tributo fiscalium negociorum, liberis mentibus, Deo soli serviant, et monasticam cenobii disciplinam, Christo suffragium largiente regulariter exer- eeant; ac pro statu et prosperitate regni nostri, et indul- geneia commissorum [criminum], ante conspectum divine Majestatis preees fundere dignentur; et orationum offieia frequentantes in ecclesiis, pro nostra fragilitate interpellare nitantur. Si quis vero contra hujus decreti singrapham venire temptaverit, sciat se coram Christo novemque angelorum ordinibus in tremendo examine rationem redditurum. Hoc vero decretum, a nobis libenter consessum, taliter confirmari et servari decernimus, ut tam nobis vita comite propieia divi¬ nitate regni gubernacula regentibus [quam futuris succes¬ soribus hsereditatis jure regnandi monarchiam tenentibus], inextricabili lege firmiter roboretur. Nam pro ampliori fir¬ mitatis testamento, principes et senatores, judices et patricios subscribere fecimus, quorum nomina infra tenentur asscripta. Actum publice et confirmatum in loco qui appellatur Ebur- leagh. Septem Kalendarum Juniarum die. Indictione n“. Anno ab incarnatione Christi ncc.iiii. feliciter. Signum manus Yui regis, qui hec omnia manu propria con¬ firmavit. Ego Aldelmus, servus servorum Dei, hoc decretum manu propria roboravi. Ego Hagona abbas consenciens subscripsi. Ego Adbertus abbas consenciens subscripsi. Ego Haeba abbas consenciens subscripsi. EgoWintra alibas consenciens subscripsi. Ego Wedr abbas consenciens subscripsi. Ego Beornwald abbas consenciens subscripsi. Ego Wilgar abbas consenciens subscripsi. Ego Beahvlf abbas consenciens sub¬ scripsi. Ego Froda abbas consenciens subscripsi. EgoWitta abbas consenciens subscripsi. Signum manus Bcoban. Sig¬ num manus Eanberbt. Signum manus Cconberht. Signum manus Coen. Signum manus Adilfridi. Signum manus Eascwaldi. Signum maniis Duduc. Signum manus Ticcean. Signum manus Bealdhun. 14 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. * BISHOP ALDHELM. DCC.V. Nihil in hoc saeculo prolixa foelicitate perfruitur, nihil diuturna dominatione potitur, nihil quod non ad fatalem Autae terminum veloci cursu tendere videatur. Et ideo sic nobis mundanarum rerum patrimonia sunt perfruenda, ut tamen aeternae patriae emolumentis nunquam fraudemur. Hinc est quod ego Aldelmus, postquam me immeritum nullisque praedignis moribus comprobatum, in pontificatus officii sedem divina gratia subthronizasset, proposui arcano mentis meae affectu, ut monasteriis meis, quibus jamdudum in abbatatus gradu constitutus, suffragante Domino, regulariter praefui, religiosum abbatem, quem sibi spontanea familiarum mearum optio consona voce elegisset, canonica creatione atque regu¬ lari sanctione constitnerem. His voluntariis propositionibus meis pia monachorum meo¬ rum restitit pertinacitas. Et cum hoc sedulo saepiusque in con¬ ventu fratrum meorum fiducianter narrassem, nnllus his votis meis placidissimum praebebat assensum,dicentes quod “ Quam- diu vitali vegetaris spiritu nobiscumque praesentis vitae depu¬ taris stadio, tuae semper dominationis jugo humillime colla subdere non dedignamur. Sed hoc supplici prece communique rogatu deprecamur, quod sub sacra scriptiirarum testificatione et favorabilium virorum claro consensu corrobores : ut nullus post obitum tuum, nec regalis audacitas, nec pontificalis auc¬ toritas, vel aliquis aecclesiasticae seu saecularis dignitatis vir, sine nostro voluntatis arbitrio, in nobis sibi vendicet princi¬ patum.” Huic debitae monachorum meorum maximeque famulorum Dei petitioni libentissime consensi; et in monas¬ terio quod juxta fluvium qui dicitur Uuinburna situm est, cui venerandi regis nostri germana Cuthburh praesidet, cum optabili famosissimi regis Ini consensu, et reverendissimi fratris et coepiscopi mei Danielis nutn, praesentatae profes¬ sionis devotionem decentissimam, et vernarnm Domini postu¬ lationem, sacrae crucis signaculo confirmavi: itidem idem venerandiis rex et praenominatus pontifex pari devotionis manu subscripserunt. Nec multo post, in sacrosancto con¬ cilio, quod juxta fluvium qui dicitur Woder congregatum MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETERS. lo esse dinoscitur, in idem omnium Saxonicse gentis archiman- dritarum, cum regalis potentatus assensu et pontificalis prio¬ ratus nutu consensit auctoritas. Si quis vero contra haec tam illustrium personarum decreta moliri machinetur, et sacra praesentis scedulae scita praevaricari praesumpserit, sciat se ante terribilem divinae Majestatis thronum cum praevari¬ catoribus praeceptorum Domini lugubri damnationis judicio percellendum. Sunt autem haec nomina monasteriorum, Mal- dubesberg, Froom, Bradanford. Scripta est hujus confirma¬ tionis cartula anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Jhesu Christi nccv. Indictione iii. KING ^THELBALD OF MERCIA. DCC.XVI.-DCC.XVII. In nomine Domini Jhesu. Ego .^ISdbald, ex divina dispensatione Mercensium rex, rogatus a sancta familia Christi consistenti in loco cui nomen est Wigranceastre, ali¬ quam agelli partem in qua sal confici solet, ad meridianam plagam fluminis quod dicunt Saluuerpe, in loco qui dicitur Lootwic et Coolbeorg, ad construendos tres casulos et sex caminos, pro redemptione anime mee, in voluntariam possi¬ dendi libertatem, concedens donabo; sex alios a supradicta Christi familia caminos, in duobus casulis, in quibus similiter sal conficitur, vicarios accipiens, ad aquilonalem videlicet par¬ tem fluminis memorati cui vocabulum est Saluuerpe. Hanc autem mutuam vicissitudinem idcirco fecisse nos constat, quia utrisque nobis magis aptum esse visum est. Hanc autem libertatem ego .^ISelbaldus, rex Merciorum, signo sancte crucis confirmabo. Ego Eguuinus episcopus. Ego Wilfridus dux. Ego ^Ej^eluuard dux. Ego Stronglic dux. Ego Sigberhtus minister. Ego Eadberht minister. Ego Oba minister. Ego Eadwlf minister. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. la • KING .ETHELBALD OF MERCIA. DCC.XVI.-DCC.XVn. ^ In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Ego baldus, dum mihi Rex eternus, Omnipotens Deus, terrigeni regni absque merito portionem aliquam contulisset, cogitavi ut exinde aliquam partem, pro remedio anime mee, ad utili¬ tatem ecclesiarum Dei perdonarem. Proinde unam porti¬ onem mansionis in wico emjjtorio salis quem nos Saltwich vocamus, cum conscientia principum ac ducum meorum, quorum nomina inferius perscripta sunt ac notata, pro spe superne remunerationis, ad ecclesiam beate Dei genitricis semperque virginis Marie, que fundata est in Cronuchomme, libenter concedens donabo; quatinus ab omni tributo fiscalis publici imperpetuum illa portio quam nostratim Sele nuncu¬ pamus libera sit. Si quis autem, quod absit, heredum meo¬ rum hanc donationem meam, quam pro redemptione anime mee trado, infringere ausus fuerit, sciat se ante tribunal Christi rationem redditurum, nisi satisfactione digna emen¬ daverit. Si quis autem augere voluerit, augeat Deus partem illius in terra viventium. Hanc vero donationem meam ego .J< Signum sc® crucis quod scripsit ^thilberhtus rex atque donator, Ego Tatuuinus episc. ad petitionem iEthilberhti regis subscripsi. Ego Albinus abbas, jubente piissimo rege ^Ethilberlito, subscripsi. Signum manus Balthh®ardi. Signum manus Bynnan. Signum manus H^an- berhti. Signum manus .^thiliaeardi. KING vETIIELEALl) OF MERCIA. DCC.XXXIV. In nomine Domini Dei Salvatoris nostri Jhesu Christi. Si ea qu® quisque pro recipienda a Deo mercede hominibus verbo suo largitur et donat stabilia jugiter potuissent durare, supervacaneum videretur ut litteris narrarentur ac firma¬ rentur. Sed dum ad probanda donata, ad convincendumque 22 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. volentem donata infringere nihil prorsus robustius esse vide¬ retur quam donationis manibus auctorum ac testium roborate non inmerito plurimi petunt, ut quae eis conlata dinoscuntur paginaliter confirmentur : quorum postulationibus tanto liben¬ tius tanto que promptius consensus praebendus quanto et illis quae praecatores sunt utilior res secundum hoc visibile sclm nunc inpertitiu’. Et illis qui concessores existunt pro in- pertito opere, pietatis uberior fructus secundum invisibile postmodum tribuetur. Quamobrem ego Ethilbaldus rex Mer- ciorum, presentibus litteris, indico me dedisse, pro anima mea Alduulfo episcopo ecclesiaeque beati Andreae apostoli quam gubernat unius navis, sive illa proprie ipsius, sive cujuslibet alterius hominis sit, incessum, id est vectigal, mihi et antecessoribus meis jure regio in portu Lundonie usque hactenus conpetentem, quemammodum mansuetudinem nostram rogavit. Quae donatio ut in perpetuum firma [et stabilis sit] ita ut nullus eam regum, vel optimatum, vel teloniariorum, vel etiam juniorum quilibet ipsorum, in parte aut in toto, [in irri] tum praesumat, aut possit adducere manu propria signum sanctae crucis subter in hac pa[gina faciam, testesque] ut subscribant petam. Quisquis igitur id quod pro anima mea donavi, aut [donatu] m est iiilibatmn perma¬ nere permiserit, habeat commimionem beatam cum praesente Christi ecclesia atque futura. Si quis autem non permiserit, separetur a societate [non solum sane] torum hominum, sed etiam angelorum, manente hac donatione nostra nihilominus in sua firmitate. Actum mense Septembrio die Indic, ii. anno regni nostri XVII. Ego iEthilbald rex subscripsi. Signum manus Oba. Ego Danihel episc. scripsi. Signum manus Sigibed. Dorso. •i* Hoc etiam iterum confirmatum est a Beorhtuulfo rege iMerciorum, in vico regali Uuerburgeuuic. Ego Berhtuulf rex Mere hanc meam donationem et priedecessoris mei iEthilbaldi regis cum signo see crucis Xpi confirmavi, his testibus consentientibus, et quorum nomina hic continentur, ad indulgentiam delictorum meorum atque MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 23 praedecessoris mei AeiSelbaldi regis. Si quis autem succes¬ sorum meorum regum aut principum, vel thelonariorum hanc donationem nostram infringere vel minuere voluerit, sciat se separatum a congregatione omnium sanctorum in tremendo die judicii, nisi prius digne emendaverit. Ego Berhtuulf rex Mere. ^ Ego Tatnoth epis. *i< Ego Ceolnoth arc.episc. Ego Hunberht dux. Ego Sae^ry^ regina. Ego Mucel dux. Ego Ceolred epis. Ego Hunstan dux. ARCHBISHOP NOTHHELM'. DCC.XXXVI.-DCC.XXXVII. Gloriosissimus Mercensium rex ^tbelred, cum comite suo, subregulo Huicciorum Oshero, rogatus ab eo, terram xx. cassatorum juxta fluvium, cui vocabulum est Tillatli, duabus sanctimonialibus, Dunnan videlicet et ejus filiae Buegan, ad construendum in ea monasterium, in jus ecclesiasticum sub libera potestate, pro venia facinorum suorum, condonavit, propriaeque manus subscriptione hanc eorum donationem firmavit. Praefata autem Dei famula Dunne, constructum in praedicto agello monasterium, cum agris suis necnon et cartulam descriptionis agri, cui tunc sola ipsa jiraeerat, filiae, nimirum filiae suae, in possessionem, ad Dominum migratura largita est. Sed quia haec in parvula adhuc aetate erat po¬ sita, cartulam conscripti agri, necnon et omnem monasterii procurationem, quoad usque illa ad maturiorem pervenisset aetatem, matri illius maritate conservandam injunxit. Quae cum cartidam reddi poposeisset, illa reddere nolens, furtu hanc sublatam respondit. Quo tandem omni negotio ad sanctam sacerdotalis concilii synodum perlato, decrevit omne venerabile concilium, cum reverentissimo archiepiscopo Noth- elmo, hanc cartulam donationis, vel regum vel supradictae Dei famulae Dunnan, manifestissime describi, praefateque abbatissae Hrotuuari reddi, ejusque possessionem monasterii firmissimam esse; damnato nimirum eo atque anathema- ' Of Canterburv. 24 MISCELLANEOUS CIL^RTEKS. tizato sj’nodi sanctissimae decreto, qui cartam illam subscrip¬ tionis agri primitivam, vel per furta vel quolibet modo frau¬ dulenter auferendo subripere praesumpserit. Atque hoc de¬ cernit sacra synodus, ut post obitum ejus, sicut ante statutum fuit a senioribus ejus, ad episcopalem sedem castrum Uueo- gemensis liber hic, cum terra reddatur. Ego Nothelmus, gratia Dei archiepiscopus, canonice sub¬ scripsi. Ego Daniel episcopus subscripsi. Ego Incg- uuald episcopus subscripsi. Uuilfrith episcopus sub¬ scripsi. Ego Alduulf episcopus subscripsi. Ego Al- uuine episcopus subscripsi. Ego Forthere episcopus sub¬ scripsi. Ego Cuthberht episcopus subscripsi. Ego Hereuuald episcopus subscripsi. KING EADBERHT OF KENT. APRIL DCC.XXXVIII. In nomine Domini Dei nostri Jhesu Christi. Ego Ead- berht, rex Cantuariorum, donavi aliquam partem terre, pro remedio anime mee atque indulgentia delictorum meorum, episcopatui beati Andrese apostoli, ac venerabili viro Eald- ulfo, ejus ecclesiae antistiti, in regione que vocatur Hohg, in loco qui dicitur Andscohesham, id est decem aratrorum, juxta aestimationem pro\inciae ejusdem. Hujus vero terrae possessionem ita praedicto episcopo largitus sum, cum omni¬ bus ad eam pertinentibus, id est, campis, silvis, pratis, pisca¬ riis, salsilagene, atque omnibus utensilibus ejus, juxta notos terminos constitutos. Hoc quoque praeeipimus, ut nullus praesumat propinquorum meorum vel successorum meorum hanc donationem meam minuere [vel] infringere quoquo- modo. Si quis vero, quod non credimus, contra praeceptum meum, huic donationi meae malibolo animo contraire tempta¬ verit, sciat se, in die judicii, rationem Deo redditunim, ma¬ nentem tamen hanc cartulam nihilominus in sua firmitate. Si quis vero magis defendere [et] augere voluerit, addat Deus bona ejus in terra viventium. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. 2.) >J< Hanc quoque donationem meam ego Eadberht, rex Can- tuariorum, propria manu confirmavi^ et signum sanctae crucis infixi; testes quoque idoneos commites meos confirmare et subscribere feci. Ego Dimheahac commites meos con¬ firmare et subscribere feci. ^Ego Hosberth commites meos confirmare et subscribere feci. Ego Nothbalth commites meos confirmare et subscribere feci. Ego Banta commites meos confirmare et subscribere feci. Ego Ruta commites meos confirmare et subscribere feci. Ego Tidbalth com¬ mites meos confirmare et subscribere feci. In nomine Domini Dei summi. Ego Aldmdfus epi¬ scopus inprimis penitus ignoravi quod a Doroveruensis ec¬ clesiae praesule et rege haec kartula confii-mata esse debuisset^ postea agnovi, et tam diligenter postulavi ab arcbiepiscopo Nothelmo et rege iEthilberto, praesidente meo largitore Eadberto, ut ipsi manu sua hanc donationem corroboras- sent; et sic in metropolitana urbe perfecte compleverunt. Actum mense April. Indic, vi., anno ab incarnatione Christi Dcc.xxxvin. Ego Nothelmus, gratia Dei arcbiepiscopus, testis con¬ sentiens subscripsi kanonice. Ego ^thilbertus rex prae¬ fatam donationem signo sancte crucis confirmavi. ►Ji Ego Beornbeard testis subscripsi. Signum manus Tunau. Signum manus Baltliardi. Signum manus Eanberhti. * KING /ETHELBALU OF MERCIA. DCC.XXXVIII. Ego Ethilbaldus rex Merciorum Deo omnipotenti grati¬ arum acciones in quantum possum persolvo, qui me ad tantum sublimitatis gradum eligere dignatus est, de tam humili et inquieta vita quam per tot annorum spacia trans¬ egi. Idcirco pro remedio anime mee, mihi in potestatem redacta, et pro munificentia sanctarum orationum servorum et ancillarum Dei, largifica munera summi Salvatoris Domini nostri Jcsu Christi libenter ecclesiis Dei inpendo, et til)i Mildritbe abbatisse singulariter, et ccelesie tue, navis onuste 26 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEKS. transveccionis censum qui a tlieloueariis nostris tributaria exactione impetitur, perdonans attribuo ; ut ubique in regno nostro libera de omni regali fiscu et tributo maneat. Si quis hanc donationem a nobis perdonatam infringere vel in maximo vel in modico temptaverit, sciat se alienum a nostra communione, et maxime a cetu sanctorum, manere. Signum manus ^thilbaldi. Signum manus Cuthraedi. •I* Signum manus Selei'aedi. ^ Signum manus Worres. Signum Cottan. Signum manus Cynrices. ^ Signum manus Wlfridi. Signum manus Lullan. Signum ma¬ nus Oban. Actumque est die quarto Kalendarum Novembris, anno vicesimo secundo regni nostri, in loco qui dicitur Willanbalch. KING .OTHELBALD OF MERCIA. DCC.XLII. Anno Dominicae incarnationis ncc.XLii. Indict, x., regni vero yEthilbaldi regis Merciomm xxvii. congregatum est magnum concilium apud Clovesho, praesidente eidem concilio .iEthilbaldo rege Mercioiuim cum Cutbberto archiepiscopo Doroberniae caeteiisque episcopis simul assidentibus, dili¬ genter examinantes eirca necessaria de statu' totius religionis et de symbolo ex antiquis sanctorum patrum institutionibus tradito, studioseque perquirentes qualiter^ in primordio nas¬ centis ecclesiae hic in Anglia jubebatur haberi, aut ubi honor coenobiorum secundum normam aequitatis servaretur. Haec et hiis similia anxie inquirentes, antiquaque privilegia reci¬ tantes tandem pervenit ad manus libertas ecclesiarum et in¬ stitutio vel praeceptum Uuithraedi gloriosi regis de electione et auctoritate coenobiorum in regno Cantiae, quomodo et qualiter secundum imperium et electionem Cantuariensis metropolitani fieri [et] ^ stare praecipitur; et praecepto itaque regis iEthelbaldi lectum est coram omnibus privilegium"* prae- ’ de statu. Cott. I)om. add. Not in Coft. ’ vel qualiter. Cott. Dom. * et haec libertas. Coti. Dom. add. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 27 fati Uithrsedi gloriosi regis, et plaeuit cunctis hoc audien¬ tibus, pariterque dixerunt nullum aliud tam nobile tamque prudenter constitutum decretum inveniri potuisse secundum ecclesiasticam disciplinam’, et ideo hoc ab omnibus firmari sanxerunt. Igitur ego .^thelbaldus rex Merciorum, pro salute animae meae, et stabilitate regni mei, proque venerantia® venerabilis archiepiscopi Cuthberti, propria manu munifica subscribens confirmo; ut per omnia libertas, honor, aucto¬ ritas, et securitas Christi ecclesiae a nulla persona denegetur, sed sit libera ab omnibus saecularibus servitiis, et omnes terrae ad illam pertinentes, exceptis expeditione, pontis et arcis constructione, et sicut saepe praefatus rex Uuihtraedus pro se suisque constituit servandum ita per omnia irrefragabiliter et immutabiliter perdurare praecipimus. Si quis autem regum successorum nostrorum, seu episcoporum, seu principum, hoc salubre decretum infringere temptaverit, reddat rati¬ onem Deo omnipotenti in die tremendo. Si autem comes, presbyter, diaconus, clericus, vel monachus, huic constitu¬ tioni restiterit, sit suo gradu privatus, et a participatione corporis et sanguinis Domini separatus, et alienus a regno Dei, nisi ante placita satisfactione emendaverit quod malo superbiae inique gessit: scriptum est enim “ Quaecunque liga¬ veris super terram erunt ligata et in coelo; et quaecunque solveris super terram erunt soluta et in coelo.” ^ Ego Ethelbald rex, divino suffragio fultus, gentis Mer¬ ciorum regens imperium, signum sanctae crucis subscribo. ^ Ego Cuthbertus archiepiscopus propria manu subscripsi. Ego Uuita episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Torhthelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Wilfredi episc. cons, et subs. Ego Cuthberht episc. cons, et subs. Ego Iluctlac episc. eous, et subs. Ego Eanfrith episc. cons, et subs. Ego Egclaf episc. cons, et subs. Ego Aluuig episc. cons, et subs. Ego Hunvald episc. cons, et subs. ‘ etlioc annuentes stare ab omnibus firmare sanxerunt. Co(f. Dom. ’ reverentia. Cott. Dom. Cantuar. 28 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Ego Daniel episc. cons, et subs. Ego Aldwuulf episc. cons, et subs. Ego jEthelfrith episc. cons, et subs. Ego Herewald episc. cons, et subs. Ego Sigcga episc. cons, et subs. Ego Redwulf episc. cons, et subs. Ego Ofa patricius cons, et subs. Ego Aldwuulf dux cons, et subs. Ego .d^thelmod indolis Merc. cons, et subs. Ego Heardberht dux cons, et subs. Ego Eadbald dux cons, et subs. Ego Bercul dux cons, et subs. Ego Cyneberht cons, et subs. Ego Freothoric cons, et subs. ^ Ego Wermund abbas cons, et subs. Ego Cuthrsed abbas cons, et subs. ^ Ego Buna abbas cons, et subs. KING A5THELBALD OF MERCIA. DCC.XLIII.-DCC.XLV. In usses Drybtnes no¬ man Hfelendes Cristes. ic ^Ebelbald Myrcna cincg wses beden from ]70em arfuUan bisceope Milrede ]?set ic him alefde -j his ]>sem halegan hirede alle nedbade tuegra sceopa pe )?a3rto limpende bco^ )^et ic him forgefe ]?a )7sem eadgan Petre apostola aldormen in J^sem mynstre )7eowia’S. p is geseted in Huicca mseg'Se. in );8ere stowe pc moil hate^ Weogernacester. }ifere bene swybc arfiilre ge^a- In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I .^thelbald king of the Mercians have been solicited by the vene¬ rable bishop Milred that I should allow to him and his holy convent all the dues of two ships which are thereto be¬ longing—that I should grant them to those who serve the blessed Peter, the prince of ajiostles in the monastery which is seated in the proidnce of the Hwiccas, in the place which is called AVorccstcr. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 29 funge ic waes syllende for minre sawle Isecedome- to ^on \>3dt for minum synnum hi heo geea^medden fte heo wseren gelomlice J^ingeras \vi^ Driht- en. Swy^e lustfullice ]>a. for- geofende- ic him alyfde alle nedbade tuegra sceopa- )?a )7e ]>3dr absedde beo^ from J>8em nedbaderum in Lundentunes hySe- ond nsefre ic ne mine lastweardas- ne Sa nedba- deras gebristltecen f heo bit on wend en o^^ie )?on wi^gsen. Gif heo ^ nyllen. syn heo )?onne amansumade from dael- neomencge liceman ■] blodes ussesDrihtnes HaelendesCrist- es- ■;] from alre neweste ge- leafulra syn heo asceadene and asyndrade • nymiSe heo hit her mid pingonge bote gebete. Ic ^j^elbald cincg mine agene sylene trymmende ic heo wrat. Milred bisceop J>are halegan rode tacn he heron gefsestnode. Ingwuald fe ge^afiende he hit wrat. Wilfrid he hit wrat. Alda cinges gefera he hit wrat. To that prayer I have given very honourable consent, for the healing of my soul; that for my sins they vouchsafe to be frequent mediators with the Lord. Very joyfully then giving, I have allowed them all the dues of the two ships which shall be there demanded by the collectors in the hithe of London town. And never I nor my successors, nor the collectors may ever presume this to frustrate or oppose. If they will not that, he they then excommunicated from participation of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; and from all proximity of the faithful be they severed and sundered, unless they here make amends with prayer. I .^thelbald king, con¬ firming my own grant, have written it. Milred bishop has affixed hereon the sign of the holy rood. Ingwald bishop consenting has written it. Wilfrith bishop has written it. Alda the king’s companion has written it. * KING EAUEERIIT OF KENT. UCC.XLVH. Anno Dominicae incarnationis dcc.xlvii., ego Ead- bcrtus rex Cantic cum consensu optimatum meorum, Brego- 30 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. wini arcbiepiscopi et ceterorum principum meorum, concedo ecclesie que est apud Raculfe et tibi, Denebeab abba, tue¬ que familie, pro salute anime mee, vectigal et tributum unius navis in portu ac villa que dicitur Forduuic, ad opus, ut pre- fatus sum, familie Sancte Marie, que in jam nominata eccle¬ sia Deo serviunt. Simulque precipio, in nomine omnipotentis Dei, prefectis, prepositis, et actionariis, et omnibus fidelibus qui in illo portu babent vel babituri sunt aliquam potestatem, ut bec mea donatio sit stabilis et firma imperpetuum. Quod si aliquis, quod absit, hoc meum donum violare presumpserit, a Deo et sanctis ejus separatus, diabolo et angelis ejus sit con¬ junctus. Quod si una navis predicte familie perierit col¬ lisione, fractione, aut vetustate, iterum restituant aliam, et eadem conditione habeant, et sic in perpehiura. KING H^THELBALD OF MERCIA. SEPT. 29th DCC.XLVII. Innomine Domini Dei Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi. Si ea que quisque, pro recipienda a Deo mercede, hominibus verbo suo largitur et donat, stabilia jugiter potuissent durare, supervacaneum videretur ut litteris narrarentur ac fulci¬ rentur; sed dum ad probanda donata ad convincendumque volentem donata infringere, nihil prorsus robustius esse \fide- tur quam donationis [cartula] manibus auctorum ac testium roborate, non inmerito plmfimi petunt, ut que eis prestita dinoscuntur paginaliter confirmentur; quormm postulationi¬ bus tanto libentius tantoque prompcius consensus prebendus est, quanto et illis qui precatores sunt utilior res secundum hoc visibile seculum nunc impertitur et illis qui conccssores existunt, pro impertito opere pietatis, uberior fructus secun¬ dum invisibile postmodum tribuetur. Quamobrem ego ^- tbelbaldus rex Merciorum, presentibus apicibus, indico me concessisse atque donasse, pro anime mee salute, Mildrithe, religiose abbatisse, ejusque venerabili familie, que una cum ea conversatur in insula Tbsenet, totam exactionem navis MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETEES. 31 earum, mihi et antecessoribus meis jure publico in Lnndo- niensi portu prius conpetentem, quemadmodum mansuetu¬ dinem nostram rogarent. Que concessio atque donatio, ut in perpetuum firma et stabilis sit, ita ut nullus eam regum, vel optimatum, vel tlieloneariorum, vel etiam juniorum qui¬ libet ipsorum, in parte aut in toto, in irritum presumat ut possit addueere, manu propria signum sancte crucis subter in hac pagina faciam, testesque ut subscribant petam; pro- culdubio sperans quia sicut ego quod poposcerunt libenter coneessi, sic ille quod promiserunt erga orationes pro me ibidem celebrandas, implebunt fideliter. Quisquis igitur id quod pio animo dona\d, ita ut donatum est illibatum per¬ manere permiserit, habeat communionem beatam cum prc- sente Christi ecclesia atque futura. Quisquis autem non permiserit, separetur a societate non solum sanctorum ho¬ minum, sed etiam angelorum, manente hac donatione nostra in sua firmitate coram universis qui recta diligunt et custo¬ diunt. Actum est die quarto kalendarum Novembris, anno xxxi° regni mei, Indictione xv“ in loco qui dicitur Willan- halch. ►1« Ego .^dbaldus rex Merciorum hanc donationem meam firmavi et subscripsi manu mea. Signum manus Woid. Signum manus Cottan. Signum manus Cinrici. Sig¬ num manus Wilfridi. ^ Signum manus Lullan. ^ Signum Cuthredi. Signum manus Oban. KING ^.THELBALD OF MERCIA. MAY DCC.XLMII. In nomine Domini Salvatoris nostri. Omnem hominem qni secundum Deum vivit, et remunerari a Deo sperat et optat, oportet ut piis precibus assensum ex animo hilariter prebeat, quomodo certum est tanto facilius ea quae ipse a Deo poposcerit consequi posse, quanto et ipse libencius homi¬ nibus recte postulata concesserit; quod tunc bonorum om¬ nium largitori Deo acceptabile fit, cum pro ejus amore et utilitate famulancium ei peragitur. Quocirca ego Ethil- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. baldus Mercioniim [rex], juxta petitionem vestram, tibi, Eadburge abbatisse tueque familie conversanti in monasterio beate Dei genitricis INIarie, quod situm est in insula Tbaneti, necnon et in monasterio apostolorum Petri et Pauli, quod tu ipsa non longe a predicto monasterio construxisti, unius na^ds, quod a Leubrico nuper emisti, dimidium vectigal atque tri¬ butum, quod meum erat, pro intuitu superne mercedis, et amore consanguinitatis religiosae abbatisse Mildrede, cujus venerabile corpus a priori sepultura translatum in ipso mo¬ nasterio apostolorum decenter posuisti, accipiendum possi- dendumque eterna donatione concedo; et, cuicunque volu¬ eritis heredum successorumque vestrorum, seu quolibet ho¬ minum, hoc ipsum de jure in re vestra perdonare liberam habeatis potestatem. Hinc igitur praecipio ac precor, in nomine Dei omnipotentis, patriciis, ducibus, comitibus, thelo- neariis, accionariis, ac reliquis publicis dignitatibus, ut hec inoffense donatio per presentes ac posteros percurrat. Si autem contigerit, ut navis ista disrupta ac confracta sit, vel etiam vetustate detrita, aut omnino, quod absit, naufragio perdita, tunc quoque ad cumulum hujusce donationis hoc addo et concedo, ut alia in hujus donationis locum et con¬ ditionem construatur et habeatur. Et hoc non solum me \dvente in hac vita, sed etiam post obitum meum, per succe¬ dentes semper generationes precipio, et per Jesum Christum judicem omnium, postulo fieri. Quisquis vero heredum suc¬ cessorumque meorum, vel aliorum quilibet hominum, sive secularium sive ecclesiasticorum, huic pie donationi nostre in aliqua re contraire quoquo tempore fuerit ausus, noverit se, quisque ille sit, audacis malicie sue rationem esse reddi¬ turum coram omnipotente Domino nostro, qui judicabit orbem terre in equitate, reddens unicuique secundum opera sua, Jesus Christus filius Dei, filiusque Sancte Marie semper virginis, cujus, scilicet, in prefato monasterio, sacris atque magnificis indesinenter die noctuque frequentatur et adoratur precibus. Judex seculi ipse Jesus Christus Dominus noster, Arnen. Igitur manente hac cartula in sua semper firmitate, quam propria manu sacro signaculo roborare curavi, et testes nonnullos iit id ipsum consencientes agerent feci, quorum MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 33 nomina infra tenentur. Aetum mense Maio, in eivitate Lon- donia. Indietione quarta deeima*. Anno ab incarnatione Christi dcc.xlviii®. Ego iEtliilbaldus rex Merciorum suprascriptam dona¬ tionem meam signo sancte crucis, in hac cartula expresso, diligenter coiifirmavi. ^ Ego iEdbeortus rex Cancie testis, consenciens subscripsi. Signum manus Cutbberti archi- episcopi. Signum Milredi episcopi. Signum Egcuulfi episcopi, Signum manus Obani ducis. Signum manus Kyneberti. Signum Eoppani. Signum Fri^urici. Signum Ealhmundi. Signum Panti tlielonearii. KING AITIIELBALD OF MERCIA. DCC.XLIX. Plerunque contingere solet pro incerta futuroi’um tempo¬ rum vicissitudine, ut ea que prius multarum fidelium per¬ sonarum testimonio consilioque roborata fuerunt, ut fraudu¬ lenter per contumaciam plurimorum, et machinamenta si¬ mulationis, sine ulla consideratione rationis periciilose dissi¬ pentur, nisi auctoritate littei’arum, et testamento cyrogra- phorum eterne memorie inserta sint. Quapropter ego ^thel- baldus rex Merciorum, pro amore cclestis patrie, et pro re¬ medio anime mee, hoc maxime agendum esse previdi, xit eam bonis operibus liberam efficerem ab omnibus vinculis piacu¬ lorum. Dum enim mihi omnipotens Deus, per misericordiam clementie, absque ullo antecedente merito, sceptra regiminis honorifice largitus est, ideo ei libenter et voluntarie ex eo quod accepi iterum retribuo. Hujus rei gratia hanc dona¬ tionem, Deo teste, me vivente concedo, ut monasteria et ec- clesie a publicis vectigalibus, et ab omnibus operibus oneri¬ busque, auctore Deo, servientes absoluti maneant, nisi sola que communiter fruenda sint, omnique populo, edicto regis, facienda jubentur, id est instructionibus pontium, vel neces¬ sariis defensionibus arcium contra hostes, non sunt renuenda. ‘ The Indiction for 748 is i. n 34 MISCELLANEOUS CHAKTERS. Sed nec hoc pretermittendnm est, cum necessarium constat ecclesiis Dei, quia ^thelbaldus rex, pro expiatione delictorum suorum, et retributione mercedis eterne, famulis Dei pro¬ priam libertatem in fructibus silvarum agrorumque, sive m cseteris utilitatibus fluminum, vel raptura piscium, habere donavit; et ut munuscula ab ecclesiis in seculare convivium regis vel principiim a subditis minime exigantur, nisi amore et voluntate prebentru’; sed cunctas tribulationes que nocere vel impedire possunt in domo Dei, omnibus principibus sub ejus potestate degentibus demittere et auferre precipit; qua¬ tenus sublimitas regni ejus prosperis successibus polleat in terris, et meritorum manipuli miiltipliciter maturescunt in cehs. Qui vero hec benigna mentis intentione atque inlesa cogitatione custodierit, eterna claritate coronetur, ornetur, glorificetur. Si quis hoc, quod absit, cujuslibet persone, tyrannica cupiditate instinctus, contra hanc donationis car- tulam, seculari potentia fretus, venire nititur, sit sub anathe- mato Jude, proditoris Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Ad con¬ firmandum vero hoc nostre beneficentie munus, hii testes adfuerunt, et nostri magistratus optimates et duces fidelissi- mique amici consenserunt et scripserunt. Ego .iEdelbald, divinis fultus suffragiis, hiis statutis con¬ sentiens confirmandoque, signum crucis aravi. ^ Ego Huita Mercensis ecclesie humilis episcopus subscripsi. Ego Torhthelm gracia Dei episcopus signum crucis infixi. ►J» Ego Headbcrht primatum tenens subscripsi. Ego Eada his statutis consentiens subscripsi. Ego Cyneberht his gestis consentiens subscripsi. Ego Bercul patricius his donis consentiens subscripsi. Ego Friothuric consentiens sub¬ scripsi. Ego Eopa his statutis consentiens subscripsi. ^ Ego Eadbald subscripsi. ^ Ego Byrnhelm subscripsi. Ego Mocca subscripsi. Ego Aldceorl subscripsi. Ego Alhmund subscripsi. Hujus scedulse scriptio Dominicae incarnationis anno DCc.xLviiii. Indictione secunda, in loco celebre, cujus voca¬ bulum est Godmundeslaech xxxiii. anno iEdelbaldi regis, peracta est. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 35 * KING EAUBERIIT OF KENT. DCC.LXI. Regnante in perpetuum Domino nostro Jesu Christo. Unicuique mortalium vite sue terminus omnipotentis Dei dispensatione incertus esse dinoscitur; venit enim Dominus ad visitandum servum suum in die qua non sperat, et hora qua non putat. Qua de re ego Eadbertus rex Cancife*, anno xxxvi° regni nostri, una cum consensu et consilio archiepiscopi Bregwini et principixm meorum, pro eterna redemptione anime mee, aliquid ex his que mihi idem ipse Dominus et Salvator noster, cunctorum bonorum largitor, tribuerit, sta¬ tuens donare decreveram; id est, duarum navium transvec¬ tionis censum, qui etiam juris nostri [erat] in loco cujus vocabulum est ad Serrae, juxta petitionem venerabilis ab- batisse Sigeburge, ejusque sacre conversationis familie in monasterio Sancti Petri, quod situm est in insula Tensct; sicut a regibus Merciorum, TEthilbaldo videlicet clementissimo et rege Offan®, longe ante concessum est tributum in loco cujus vocabulum est Lundenwic; alterius vero quod nuper edificatum est in monasterio ejusdem religiose Dei famule omne tributum atque vectigal concedimus, quod etiam a the- loneariis nostris juste impetitur publicis in locis que appel¬ lantur Fordwik et Seorre. Hinc igitur precipio et precor, in nomine omnipotentis Dei, patriciis, dvicibus, comitibus, thc- loneariis, actionariis, publicis dignitatibus, ut hec nostra con-. cessio in Dei donatione eternaliter sit confirmata; ita ut nec mihi nec alicui successorum meorum, regum sive principum, seu cujuslibet conditionis dignitatibus, nefario temeritatis ausu, de supradicta donatione nostra aliquid fraudare vel minuere liceat. Si autem contigerit, ut navis ista rupta et confracta sit, vel nimia vetustate consumpta, sive etiam, quod absit, naufragio perdita, ut alia in loco illius ad utili¬ tatem ibidem Deo serviencium famulorum Christi et famu¬ larum construatur; ad hanc videlicet conditionem, ut quic- quid in suis mercimoniis in diversis speciebus adquircre pos- * According to Reda (II. E. v. 2.3), tlie 8ax. Ohron., and Florence, Ead- berht succeeded his father Wihtr.asd in 72.’), and died in 748. ^ Gfta reigned from 757 to 790. 1 ) 2 36 MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETEIIS. sint, nobis fideliter inoffense offerre debeant, simid eum ipsa navi, ad locum qui appellatur Fordewik. Et quicunque de bac donatione nostra, quod etiam specialiter omnipotenti Deo firmiter concessum est, aliquid, nefario caliditatis ausu, abs¬ trahere vel minuere temptaverit, sciat se a consortio sanc¬ torum omnium separatum, et cum diabolo et angelis ejus in perpetuum esse dampnandum ; quoniam sanctum locum istum dehonestare conatus est, in quo primi apostolorum principis Petri intercessio orationibus assiduis et elemosinis floret pro omni populo Christiano. Iccirco vivens benedictione Dei ca- rebit, et moriens maledictioni debite subjacebit, nisi digna satisfactione emendaverit quod nuper studuit depravare. Qm- cunque vero hec augenda custodierit, sit benedictus in per¬ petuum, et beatissimam vocem audire mereatur cum sanctis : “ Venite benedicti Patris mei.” Ego Edbertus rex hanc donationem a me factam pro¬ pria manu signo sancte crucis roboravi. Ego Bregowinus archiepiscopus ad petitionem Edberti regis signum sancte crucis expressi. Signum manus Jamberti abbatis. Sig¬ num manus Dsene abbatis. Signum Bruni abbatis. Signum manus Baltheardi comitis. Signum Eathel- hun principis. Signum manus Redfridi. Signum manus Budda. Signum manus Eathelberti. Signum manus Eadda. ►J* Signum manus Egesasi. Signum ma- *nus Aldred. DUNWALD, A THANE. DCC.LXII. In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi. Ego Dun- waldus minister, dum adjuveret, inclite memorie regis Ethel- berti, nunc A^ero pecuniam illius pro anime ejus salute ad limina apostolorum Home cum aliis perferre desiderans, Aullam unam, post obitum meum, ni forsitan hoc prius me vivente placeat peragendum, que jam ad Quenegatum lu’bis Dorovernis in foro posita est, quam nunc Hringwine tenet; quam idem mihi prefatus rex cum aliis tenmlis jure proprio cum tributo illius possidendam, et cuicunque voluerim tradendam, condo- MISCELLANEOUS CIIAIITERS. 37 navit; hanc videlicet ad ecclesiam prope jjositam beati Petri et Pauli^ ubi scilicet corpus ejusdem domini mei regis ^tbelberti requiescit, pro anime illius et salute mea, eterna donatione cum tributo illius possidenda attribuo; et ut nulla esset inpos- terum de bac contentio, boc ipsum in libello prime donationis mee faciendum descripsi. Et ideo nunc, cum consensu vene¬ rabilis arcbiepiscopi nostri Pregwini, bnne libellum bnjusce donationis mee describi feci et manu propria roboravi, et illum atque alios religiosos testes ut id ipsum faciant adhibeo. Actum anno incarnationis Christi dcc.lxiC. Ego Bregninus, gratia Dei arcbiepiscopiis, signum sanctie crucis subscripsi. ^ Ego Dunwald praefatam dona¬ tionem meam signo sancte crucis roboravi. Ego Balt- heardus dux subscripsi. Ego Kyneardus presbiter con¬ sensi et subscripsi. Ego Jambertus abbas testis sid)scripsi. Hec teri’a circumcincta est hiis terminibus; a Quenega- tum in meridiem extensas habens tres perticas, et inde in occidentem rectissima linea dividit terram regis et istum XXXIII. perticis usque in maceriam que in aquilonali parte civitatis muro adjacet, virgas habens xxxiii. * KING GFEA GF MERCIA. DCC.LIX.-DCC.LXIV. In nomine Regnantis in perpetuum. Ego Cffa rex Merciorum illam donationem quam rex gloriosus Etbil- baldus Deo omnipotenti, gratiarum persolvens actiones, Mil- drithe abbatissc, de navis onuste transvectionis censu, qui a theloneariis exigebatur, conferre voluit, jiro remedio anime mee, et pro munificentia orationum sanctaiaim, tibi Sige- burge, ejusdem monasterii alibatisse, condonans attribuo. Ad bauc conditionem signum Salvatoris nostri propria manu firmavi, et testes ut subscriberent rogavi. Ego Bregwinus arcbiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. Signum Tottan episcopi. Signum Xlilredi episcopi. Signum Egwlfi episcopi. ^ Signum Eardidfi episcopi. 38 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. IIEATHOREU AND WULFHEARD. DCC.LXXXIX. Seculi namque labentis tempora velocius vento aerem* tranant; ideo omnes firmas statutiones serie litterarum ad- notamus, ne forte in posterum aliquis ignorantiae avaritiaeve ea decreta infringere praesumat quae venerabilium virorum fiunt verbis confirmata. Anno Dominicae incarnationis Dcc°Lxxx°viiii° Indictione vero xii®, qui est annus xxxi. regni Offan, strenuissimi Merciorum regis, factum est pontificale conciliabulum in loco famoso qui dicitur Celchyb, praesi¬ dentibus duobus archiepiscopis, Jamberlito scilicet et Hyge- berhto, mediante quoque Offan rege cum universis princi¬ pibus suis; ibi inter alia plirra aliqua contentio facta est inter HeaSoredum episcopum et Wulflieardum filium Cussan, de hereditate Hemeles et Dudae, quod post obitum suorum nominarent ad Weogernacestrae, hoc est Intanbeorgas et Bradanlaeg; voluisset® ergo Uvdflieardus illum agellulum aver¬ tere ab ecclesia praefata in Weogornaceast. cum ignorantia et insipientia si potuisset. Tunc ille episcopus illum refu¬ tabat cum his testibus qui eorum nomina infra scripta liques¬ cunt coram synodali testimonio. Et aiebat quod ei rectum non fieret ulli alio post se tradere praeter et [antedi]ctam civitatem, hoc est Weogorinaceast. Et praeter eorum praece et amore qui illam terram [adqui] sierunt et ad aecclesiam praefatam dedissent, illi senatores familiae consentientes foe- runt ut illud custodiret et haberet diem suum. Tunc arcbi- episcopus simul cum miiversis provincialibus episcopis ita finem composuerunt et reconciliaverunt, ut Uulfheardus ter¬ ram possideret tamdiu viveret, et postquam viam patrum in¬ cederet, sine aliqua contradictione [illuc ad] Weogorncnsc aec[clcsiae] terras atque libellus cum semetipso redderet [ubi corpora requiescunt Hemeles et Dudae.] * MSS. Tib. and Nero read “ad finem tranant.” ^ MS. Nero reads: Wlfbeardus ergo voluit illas a Weogorna civitate avertere, cum insipientia, si potuisset; sed episcopus illum vicit cum testibus quorum nomina infra notantur, coram universa sinodo ; et aiebat quod rectum non esset ulli alii po.st se tradere nisi ad Weogernam civi¬ tatem, et preter eorum prece et amore qui illam terram adquisicrunt et ad pnefatam mcclesiam dederunt. Tunc arcbiepiscopus, etc. MISCELLANEOUS CPIAKTERS. 39 *J< Ego OfFa rex Merc, consentiendo imposui. Ego Jamberht gratia Dei arc.eps sigillo sanctae crucis roboravi. Ego Hygeberlit simlt. arc.ep. conscn. et subs. Ego Ceolwulf ep. con§. et sub. Ego Heardred ep. con§. ^ Ego Unuuona ep. eous, et subscripsi. Ego Hea'Sored ep. eous. Ego Alhcard episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Ceolmund ep. couseusi. Ego .^^elmod ep. Ego Cynebcrht ep. Ego Wermuud ep. Ego Bodwine ab. Ego Utel ab. Ego Fordred. Ego Wulfheard simul subs et confirmavi. . . . . bcrlit pr. Sig. Ceolmuudi p. .mundi p. Sig. iESelhardi j5. •i* Sig. Alhmundi pr. Sig. Byunau'. KING OFFA OF MERCIA. DCC.XCI.-DCC.XCVI. In nomine Domini nostri Ihesu Christi [qui cuncta regit secula®.] Ego Offa trado illam terram mt Westbyrig cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus, id est sexaginta ma¬ nentium, et in alio loco set Heanbyrig xx. manentium to Weogerna cestre, pro remedio animse meae ac parentum meorum, post obitum meiun et filii mei Egcfril5i, et eadem libertatis dicione in omnibus rebus jure permanendam qua eam ante iE[>elbaldus rex, avo meo Eanulfo conscripserat; id est, ut sit libera tam in terrarum donatione seu in om¬ nibus causis parvis vel magnis inconcussa permaneat usque in sseculum, tamdiu fides Christiana apud Anglos in Brit- tannia maneat. [Soluta sit ab omni vi regum et principum ' Tho variations in the subscriptions are numerous. ^ Wanting- in MS. Nero. 40 MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEKS. et subditonmi ipsorum, in summo Dei nomine praecipimus, praeter his vectigalibus, hoc est. J?aes gafoles aet Westbyrig twa tunnan fulle hlutres ale's* j ciunb fuhie liSes aloS* -j cumb fulne Welisces alob* -] vii. hriSru* j six weSeras* xl. cysa* "j VI. lang |>ero. j jn’itig ombra rues comes ambru meolwes, ad regalem vicumb] feower for the rent at Westbury two tuns full of clear ale, and a coomb full of mild ale, and a coomb full of Welsh ale, and VII. oxen, and six wethers, and XL. cheeses, and vi. ' lang ]7ero’, and thirty ambers of rye corn, fom’ ambers of meal. Hoc itaquc cum consensu et consilio pontificum et senatorum meorum firmo fcedere dejudicave- runt. Nulla regalis vel principalis aut aliqua sfecularis digni¬ tas de nostra hereditate plus his in modico vel in magno appe¬ tendo, per vim aut petitionem aliquid exigerit, [absque hoc tantum quod haec praesens cartula continet®.] Hi sunt testes: Ego Offa gratia Dei rex hoc regi singulis annis statum .censum manus meae propriae signo confirmo. Ego EcgferS ejusdem regis filius consensi et subscripsi. Ego Hi)?elheard archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego HealSored episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Unuuona episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Signum Brordani pa¬ tricii. Signum Beonnan abbatis. Signum Alhmundi abbatis. Signum Wigmundi abbatis. Signum For^- redi abbatis. Signum Byuna principis. Signum Esnc ducis. Signum Hi[>elmund ducis. Signum Alhmund ducis. •i* Signum Wigbcrht ducis. ^ Signum Wigcgan ducis. Signum Eadgar ducis. ^ Signum Alhmund ducis. AllCHBISIIOP AITIIELHEAIID. DCC.XCYIII. Regnante imperpetuum Deo et Domino nostro Jhesu Christo. Ego H5belhardus, larga omnipotentis Dei gratia annuente, Dorobernensis ecelesie metropolitanus; cum pre- stantissimo rege nostro Cenulfo, convocans universos provin- ' Wantin"- in MS. Nero. “ Supplied from Nero. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 41 ciales episcopos nostros, duces, et abbates, et cujuscunque dignitatis viros, ad sinodale concilium, in locum qui nomi¬ natur Clouesho, ibi sollicito ab cis scrutinio quesivimus, qualiter apud eos fides catholica haberetur, et quomodo Clu’istiana religio exerceretur. Hiis ita exquisitis, una om¬ nium voce ita responsum est: “ Notum sit paternitati tue, quia sicut primitus a sancta Romana et apostolica sede, bea¬ tissimo papa Gregorio dirigente, exarata est, ita credimus; et quod credimus absque ambiguitate, quantum possumus exercere satagimus.^’ Postquam autem super hiis uberius tractatum est, ita exorsi sumus: “Necessarium est, fratres charissimi, ecclesias Dei et venerabiles viros, qui jam multo tempore terrarum dispendio et absumptione cirographorum miserabiliter laboraverant, corrigere.'’^ Hiis dictis, prolatae sunt inscriptiones monasterii quod vocatur Coccham in me¬ dium, terrarum que sibi adjacentium; quod videlicet monaste¬ rium, cum omnibus ad illud pertinentibus terris, rex inclytus Merciorum Hil^elbaldus ecclesie Salvatoris, que sita est in civitate Dorobernie, dedit; utque illius donatio perseveran- tior fieret, ex eadem terra cespitem et cunctos libellos pre- memorati cenobii, per venerabilem virum Cubbertum archi- episcopum misit, et super altare Salvatoris, pro perpetua sua salute, poni precepit. Sed post mortem prefati pontificis, easdem inscriptiones Dfeihcah et Osbertus, quos idem pon¬ tifex alumnos nutrivit, maligno acti spiritu furati sunt, et Cenulfo regi Occidentalium Saxonum detulerunt; at ille, accipiens statim testimonia, litterarum, predictum cenobium cum omnibus ad illud rite pertinentibus suis usibus coap¬ tavit, neglectis prenominati archiepiscopi Cubberti dictis et factis. Item, Bregwinus et lanbcrtus archiepiscopi, per singulas sinodus suas, questi sunt de injuria ecclesie Salva¬ toris illata; et apud Cenidfum regem Occidentalium Sax¬ onum, et apud Offam regem Merciorum, qui videlicet sepe memoratum cenobium Coccham et alias urbes quamplurimas Cenxilfo rege abstulit, et imperio Merciorum subegit. Tan¬ dem Cenulfus rex, sera ductus penitentia, telligraphia, id est, libellos quos a supradictis hominibus, Dccibeli et Osberto, in¬ juste perceperat, cum magna pecunia, ecclesie Christi in 42 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Doroberniam remisit, humillime rogans ne sub tante autlio- ritatis anathemate periclitaretur. Verum rex Offa preme- moratmn cenobium Coecham, sicut sine litteris aecepit, ita quanto tempore vixit detinuit, et absque litterarum testi¬ monio snis post se heredibus reliquit. Secundo autem anno regni Cenulfi facta est sinodus, sicut supra est prelibatum, apud Clouesho; at ego iE^elhardus, gratia Dei Dorober- nensis archiepiscopus, et Cuba primicherius mecum, et multi alii ex illa ecclesia Christi sapientes, libellos prefati cenobii Coecham in concilium detulimus; cumque coram sinodo relecti fuissent, omnium voce decretum est justum esse ut metropolis ecclesia sepe prefatum cenobium Coecham, cujus inscriptiones in suo gremio habebat, perciperet, quo sub tanto tempore tam injuste spoliata fuerat. Tunc autem placuit mihi vElSelhardo, Dei gratia archisacerdoti, et Cyne^ry^e abbatisse, que eodem tempore sepedicto ceuobio prefuit, ac senioribus ex utralibet parte, Cantia scilicet et Bedeforde, ad hoc ibidem congregatis, quatenus ipsa Cyne'Sri^a in regione Cantia daret mihi, pro commutatione sepe prefati cenobii, terram centum et decem manentium, sexaginta cassatorum, videlicet, in loco qui dicitur Fleote, et triginta in loco qui dicitur Teneham ; in tertio quoque loco, ubi dicitm’ Creges jewylma, ^dginti. Quas scilicet terras olim rex Offa sibi viventi conscribere fecit, suisque heredibus post eum; et, post eorum cursum vite, ecclesie que sita est apud Beodeford consignari precepit. Hoc etiam coram omni sinodo elegi¬ mus ; ut ipsa abbatissa a me percipiet sepe nominatum ceno¬ bium cum suis inscriptionibus; et ego terras et libellos ter¬ rarum illarum quas mihi in Cantia reddit, ab ea acciperem, quatenus nulla imposterum inter nos heredesque nostros et Offe regis surgat controversia, sed quod sub tam nobilis sin- odi testimonio inter nos confirmatum est indirupto federe servetur imperpetuum. Ego quoque .^belhardus archiepi¬ scopus concedo Cyni^riSe abbatisse monasterium quod situm est in loco qui dicitur Pectanege ad habendum, quod mihi rex pius Egfridus hereditario jure possidendum donavit atque conscripsit. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 43 * ARCHBISHOP ^THELHEARD. HCC.XCVHI. Anno Dominicae incarnationis ncc.xcviii. congregatum est magnum concilium in loco ubi dicitur Bachanchilde, presidente eidem concilio Ceneuulfo rege neenon reveren¬ tissime arcliiepiscopo ^belardo, cum episcopis, abbatibus, et multis aliis idoneis personis. Tune idem venerabilis pater et primas totius Britannie, ^belardus sic exorsus est: “ Ego .dDbelardus, gratia Dei humilis sanctae Dorobernensis aeccle- siae archiepiscopus, unanimo concilio totius sancte sinodi, in nomine Dei omnipotentis, et per ejus tremendiun judicium, precipio, sicut ego mandatum a domino apostolieo Leone papa percepi, ut ex lioc tempore nunquam temerario ausu super hereditatem Domini, id est, ecelesias, laici presumant dominium suscipere. Sed sicut in privilegiis ab a230stolica sede datis habetur, seu etiam ab apostolicis viris, in initio nascentis ecclesie traditum est per sanctos canones, vel etiam a propriis possessoribus monasteriorum constitutum est, ea regula et observantia diseiplinc sua [monastiea] jiu’a studeant observare. Si ergo, quod absit, ipsi hoe nostrum mandatum, et domini apostoliei preeeptum spreverint et pro nichilo du¬ cunt, sciant se a presenti eeclesia justorum segregatos, et in die judicii ante tribunal Christi, nisi emendaverint, rationem reddituros.” llec sunt nomina sanetorum episcoporum ct abbatum, qui cum totius sinodi consensu, j^ro eoiifirmatione predicte rei, signum sancte erucis subscripserunt. Ego .dUbclardus archiepiseopus Dorobernensis civitatis signum sancte crueis subscripsi. Ego Hedde episcopus subscripsi. Ego Worr episcopus subscrijjsi. Ego Eguuinus episcopus subscripsi. Ego Forberus episcopus subscripsi. Ego Daniel episeopus subseripsi. Ego Eadbriht episcopus subscripsi. Ego Acca episco 2 )us sub¬ scripsi. Ego Inguualdus episcopus subscripsi. Ego Heardrid episcopus subscripsi. Ego Nobbertus episco¬ pus subscripsi. Ego Widfredus archidiaconus subscripsi. Signum Aldulfi episcopi Licifeldensis. Ego Eaduulf Siddensis episcopus subscripsi. Ego Osmuudus Luudo- uiciisis episcopus subscripsi, Ego Tiidfridus Dammocc 44 MISCELI.ANEOUS CHARTERS. episcopus subscripsi. Ego Fortredus abbas subscripsi. Ego Wernbrihtus Legorensis subscripsi. Ego Ealli- mundus episcopus Uuiutoniensis subscripsi. ^ Ego Wer- mundus Hrofensis episcopus subscripsi. Ego Felogyldus abbas subscripsi. Ego \Ylfredus archidiaconus sub¬ scripsi. * KING CENWULF OF MERCIA. DCC.XCIX. Ill nomine Domini Dei Salvatoris nostri Jhesn Christi Ego Cenulf rex una cum conjuge mea Cenegi^a regina, re¬ ferentes gratias Largitori bonorum, Domino Jhesu Christo, qui dilatavit terminos nostros juxta paternam antiquitatem, in commune pertractavimus aliquam partem terre nobis con¬ late ad vicem rependere, ne ingrati Dei beneficiis videremiu’ Largitori nostro. Qua de re, a presenti die et tempore, tibi pastori et familie ecclesie Christi Deoque dicate, terram juris nostri que sita est in provincia Cantie que quondam apellata est Geddingc et Wudutun, aratrorum iiii., contu¬ limus in perpetuum posidendam, et cum omnibus ad eandem pertinentibus pratis, campis, silvis, pascuis, et quicquit ad supradictam terram pertinet, a quattuor partibus, horientis, occidentis, aquilonis, et meridie, tuo husui et familie tue, et remisionem delictis nostris ditionique subiciatis, teneatis, posideatis, donetis, commutetis, venundetis, vel quicquit exinde facere volueritis, liberam abeatis potestatem, suc¬ cessoresque vestri defendant, in perpetuum ; numquam me eredesque mei contra hanc cartidam descriptionis nostrai aliquando esse venturos. A.d cujus cumulum etiam confir¬ mationis, cespitem uius snpradicte terre super sanctum altare Salvatoris posui, et, propria manu, pro ignorantia litte¬ rarum, signum sancte crucis in ac cartiila expressi; set et CenegiSa idem fecit, principesque mei, ut pari modo propriis manibus facerent, rogavi, quorum nomina subter adnexa sunt. Si quis, quod apsit, contra anc cartulam a me factam, ' ego eredes mei', contraire presumserint noverint se a par- Sic MS. iMISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 4') ticipatione corporis et sanguinis Domini Jhesu Christi esse alienos, et a eeto fidelinm segregandos liic et in eternnm. Qnam sepedictam cartnlam seribendani dictavi, et tibi, pastor, cui supra tradidi conservandam. His vero notissimis terminibus cirenmgyrata est. In aqui¬ lone publica stratus; in oriente ita est; in meridie terra Sancte Eanswi^e; in occidente Denetiin. Aetum est xvi. Kalendas Agnsti, Indictione vii., anno regni nostri iii. Signum manus Cenulfi regis. Signum manus Deodori episcopi. Signum manus Adriani abbatis. Ego Redun epi¬ scopus. Piot dux consensi. Tiolf dux consensi. Cynelm filius regis. Biornhard minister. Egbeard diaconus. KIXtI C^NWULF OF MERCIA. DCCC.I. Anno Dominicpe incarnationis nccc.i., regni vero Coen- ulpbi regis Merciorum anno quinto, orta est aliqua dissensio inter Coenulpbum et We^xinum episcopum Australium Sax- onum, de terra illius predicti episcopi, id est, in Denton xxv. Dicebat rex ut rectius attingere deberet ad monasterium in Beadyngham; dicebat episcopus quod ejus antecessoribus dudum datum fuerat ad ecclesiam que est in Selesegb. Cogi¬ tabat rex eiim in aliqua jiarte sue hereditatis dispoliare, nisi episcopus predicte provincie We^un, cum testimonio ac ver¬ bis canonicis regem resipisceret, ac perniciosam meditatio¬ nem regalis potentie mitigaret, et humili supplicatione po¬ poscit ut eum insontem innocentemque non condemnasset, neque deprivasset hereditati ecclesie. Tunc rex verbis lega¬ libus episcopo promendo consentiens, concessitque episcopo lit ad propria cum cedula remeasset, ibidemque sine ullo con¬ flictu sempieternaliter cum suis successoribus mansisset. Et hoc coram omni sinodo set CclcbiSe ascribere demandavit, ut nullus successorum ejus eum in aliquo molestet, vel eccle¬ siam agitaret, sub hoc testimonio quorum nomina caraxatur esse videntur. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 4() Ego Coenulf rex Merciorum hoc consensi et subscripsi Sigmim manus Hugberti episcopi Signum manus ^J<. Signum manus Wlfbardi episcopi *i<. Signum manus Eadwlfi epi¬ scopi. BISHOP DENEBERHT. DCCC.HI. In nomine Domini nosti’i Jhesu Xpi. Ea quae secun¬ dum aecclesiasticam disciplinam ac synodalia decreta salu¬ briter definiuntur, quamvis solus sermo sufficeret, tamen, pro evitando futimi temporis ambiguitate, fidelissimis scripturis et documentis sunt commendata. Quapropter ego Deneberbtus episcopus fui memor pristinae locutionis antecessoris mei Hio]joredi episcopi et Wulfheardi circa terram illam aet In- tanbeorgan, simul etiam aet Bradanleage, tunc Wulfheardus iterum coram synodali testimonio confirmavit cum signo crucis Xpi Deneberbto episcopo et ejus familiae in Weogornae cmtate, ut illud noluisset umquam avertere ab aecclesia ante nominata, praeter ut ante veraciter ac firmiter definitum haberet, ut hoc per omnia firmum et fixum perpetuo inter eos permaneret. Haec commemoratio facta est in loco qui dicitur Clofesho, an. Dominicae incarnat. dccc®iii® Indic, xi., die II. Non. Octob. Ego Uuigberht ep. Ego Albmund ep. Ego Alhheard ep. Ego Tidferb ep. Ego Osmund ep. Ego Wermund ep. Ego Wihtun ep. Ego Cenwulf rex Mere, consensi et subscripsi. Ego Heaberbt prines. Ego Beorno^ prines. Ego /E^elheard arc.ep. Ego Alduulf eps. •i* Ego Werenberht eps. Ego Eadwlf ep. Ego Denebriht ep. Ego Wulf heard ep. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 47 Ego Ceolward priiics. Ego Cyiiehelm princs. Ego Wicga priucs. Ego Wigheard princs, Ego Bvrnwald princs, Ego Aldred princs. ENDORSED ON THE FOREGOING CHARTER. DCCC.XIX.-DCCC.XXI. ^ Ceolulf rex wilnade 'Saes landes set Bremesgraefan to Heaberhte bisceope 'j to bis higun ^a sende he his aerend- wreoean to Wulfhearde to Intanbeorgum. 'j heht ^ he cuome to him'] to iSaem higum. ?a dyde he swa. Da heo him to spraeeon se biseeop ■] his weotan ymhe ^ land ^ he his him geu'Se ^ heo mehtan 'Sone freodom begeotan. ■] 'Sa waes he eadmodliee ondeta ^ he swa walde. to him wilniende waes ^aette heo him funden swylce londare swjdce he mid arum on beon mehte his wic ^aer on byrig beon mihte on his life. Da sende he moim to ‘haem areebiseeope •] to Ead- berhte'] to Dynne- him heht saeegan ^ he wilnade 'Saes londes aet Intanbeorgau. Da se aercebisceop ] Eadberht hit waerun aerndiende to eyninge. Da euom Dynne to gelaerde ^Sone eyning ^ he his no gejjaef waes. Da waes higen hlaforde King Ceolidf desired the land at Bromsgrove for bishop Heaberht and for his monas¬ tery j and he then sent his messenger to "Wulfheard at Inkberrow, and commanded him to come to him and to the convent; and he did so. Then they, the bishop and his ‘ witan,^ spoke to him about the land, that he shoidd grant it to them, that they might obtain the freedom. And then he humbly agreed that he so would, and was desirous that they shoidd find him such a landed property as he with dignity might reside on, and might have his dwelling there in the town for his life. He then sent a man to the archbishop, and to Eadberht, and to Dynne, and command¬ ed him to say that he desired the land at Inkberrow. Then the archbishop and Eadberht sent to inform the king. Then Dynne came and informed the 48 MISCELLAN EOUS CIIAETEKS. lond iiubefliten egliwses seo^- ■Sau a his daga ende. king that he was no consent¬ ing party. Then was the land given to the convent and tlie lordj uncontested of every one, and ever afterwards until his days’ end. ARCHBISHOP ^ETHELHEARD. DCCC.HI. Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. ►J* Scimus autem quod multis in Deum fideliter confiden¬ tibus notum et manifestum est; et nihil tamen illis placabile in eo visum est, qui in gentibus Anglorum commorantur, quod Offa rex Merciorum in diebus laenberhti archiepiscopus, cum maxima fraude honorem et unitatem sedis Sci Agustini, patias nostri, in Dorovernensi civitate divadere et discindere praesumsit; et quomodo post obitum praedicti pontificis, .^^el- heardus afcepis. Dei gratia donanti illius successor post curri¬ cula annorum erga plurima Dei ecclesiarum jura limina apostolorum et apostolicae sedis beatissimum papam Leonem visitare contigit. Inter alias necessarias legationes etiam discissionem injuste factam archiepiscopalis sedis narravit ; et ipse apostolicus papa ut audivit et intellexit quod injuste fuisset factum, statim sui privilegii auctoritatis praeceptum posuit, et in Brittanniam misit, et praecipit ut honor Sci Agustini sedis cum omnibus suis parrohhiis integerrime red¬ integraretur, juxta quod Ses Gregorius, nostrae gentis apo¬ stolus et magister, conposuit, et honorabili arcepiscopo .^’Sel- heardo in patriam pervenienti per omnia redderetur, et Coen- uulfus rex pius Merciorum ita complevit cum senatoribus suis. Anno vero Dominicae incarnationis dccc®!!!®. Indictione xi®, die 1111“ idus Octobris, Ego .^^elheardus arcepisc. cum omnibus xii. episco sancto sede beati Agustini subjectis, per apostolica praecepta domni papae Leonis, in synodo qni factus MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 4!) est in loco celebri qui vocatur Clofeshoas, unianimo consilio totius sancti synodi, in nomine Dei omnipotentis praecipi¬ entes, et omnium sanctorum illius, et per ejus tremendum judicium, ut numquam reges, neque episcopi, neque prin¬ cipes, neque ullius tyrannicae potestatis homines honorem Sci Agustini et suae scae sedis diminuere, vel in aliquantida particula dividere praesumerint; sed in eo per omnia dignitatis honore plenissime semper permaneat, quo utique in constitu¬ tione beati Gregorii, et in privilegiis apostolicorum suorum successorum habeatur, nec non etiam et in sanctorum ca¬ nonum rectum haberi sanctionibus videatur. Nunc etiam Deo cooperanti, et domno apostolico papae Leoni, ego ADSel- heardus arcepis., et alii coepiscopi nostri, et nobiscum omnes dignitates nostri synodi, cum vexillis crucis Xpi una¬ nimiter primatum scae sedis firmantes, hoc quoque praeci¬ pientes, et signo scae crucis scribentes, ut arcepiscopalis sedes in Liccidfeldensi monasterio numquam habeatur, ex hoc tem¬ pore, neque in alio loco aliquo, nisi tantummodo in Doro- bernensi civitate, ubi Xpi ecclesia est, et ubi primus in hac insula catholica fides renituit, et a Sco Agustino sacrum baptismum celebretur. Insuper etiam cartam a Romana sede missam per Hadrianum papam de palleo et de archi- episcopatus sede in Liccedfeldensi monasterio, cum consensu et licentia domni apostolici Leonis papae praescribimus aliquid valere, quia per subreptitionem et male blandam suggesti¬ onem adipiscebatur: et idcirco manifestissimis signis caelestis regis, primatum monarchiae archiprincipatus permanere ca¬ nonicis et apostolicis munitionibus statuimus ubi scm evan- gelium Xpi per beatum patrem Agustinum in provineia Auglorum primum praedicatur, et deinde per gratiam Sci Spiritus late diffusum est. Si quis vero, contra apostolicis praeceptis et nostrorum omnium, ausus sit tunicam Xpi scin¬ dere, et unitatem see Dei ecclesiae dividere, sciat se, nisi digne emendaverit quod inique contra sacras canones fecit, aeternaliter esse damnatum. Hic sunt nomina sanctorum episcoporum et abbatum qui praescriptam cyrographi cartidam, in synodo qui factus est aet E 50 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEES. Cloveshoum, anno adventus Domini nccc.iii., cum signo scse crucis Xpi firmaverunt : ^^Selheardus arcepis. Alduulfus epis. U uerenberhtus epis. Deneberhtus epis. Uuihtbunus epis. Tidfribus epis. Urdf beard us epis. Alhmundus pfs ab. Beonna pfs ab. Fo^red pfs ab. Uuigmundus pfs ab. Alcheardus epis. Uuigberhtus epis, Alhmundus epis. ^ Osmundus epis. Eaduulfus epis. ARCHBISHOP ^THELHEARD. DCCC.HI. Ego .(Ebelheardus, gratia Dei humilis sancte Dorober- nensis ecclesie arcepisc. unanimo concilio totius see sinodi congregationibus omnium monasteriorum que olim a fidelibus Xpo Dho perpetuam in libertatem dedita fuerunt. In no¬ mine Dei Omnipotentis, et per ejus tremendum judicium precipio, sicut et ego mandatum a domno apostolico Leone papa percepi, ut ex hoc tempore nunquam temerario ausu super hereditatem Domini laicos et saeculares sibi praesu¬ mant dominos eligere; sed sicut in pri\dlegiis ab apostolica sede datis habetur, seu etiam ab apostolicis viiis, in initio nascentis ecclesie traditum est per sanctos canones, vel etiam a propriis possessoribus monasteriorum constitutum, ea re¬ gula et observantia discipline sua monastica jura studeant observare. Si ergo, quod absit, ipsi hoc nostrum mandatum, et domini apostolici papae spreverint et pro nihilo ducunt, sciant se ante tribunal Xpi, nisi ante emendari voluerint, rationem reddituros. Haec sunt nomina sanctorum episcoporum et venerabilium abbatum et presbiterorum, et diaconorum qui, cum totius see sinodi consensu, pro confirmatione predicte rei, signum see crucis subscripserunt. Ego .^belheardus, gratia Dei arcepis Dorobernensis civitatis, signum scae crucis subscripsi. M ISC E ELAN ECUS Cl IA RTER S. 51 ^^elheah ab. *1« Wernob pr. *I< Feologeld pr. ab. Beornmod pr. Uidfheard pr. Uiilfred arc. diac. Ego Aldulfiis, Liccedfeldensis ecclesie epis., sig. crucis subscripsi. Hygberht ab. Monn pr. Eadhere pr. Lulla pr. Wigferb pr. Cumberht pr. *{< Ego Werenberht, Legorensis civitatis epis., sig. crucis subscripsi. Alhmund pr. ab. Beonna pr. ab. Forbred pr. ab. »J< Uuigmund pr. ab. Eadberht pr. Berhthseb pr. *J< Eadred pr. .dilbelbaeh pr. Eanred pr. jNIon pr. Ego Eadwulf, Syddensis civitatis episc., sig. crucis sub¬ scripsi. Eadred pr. ab. ^ Eaduulf pr. *J< Daeghelm pr. ab. Hereberht pr. »J< Plegberht pr. Heabored pr. >i< Ego Deneberlit, Wegoranensis civitatis cpig., sig. crucis subscripsi. Hyseberht ab. Freoboraund ab. pingeferb ab. Coenferb pr. Paega ab. ►J* Seleraed pr. Ego Wulfheard, Herefordensis ecclesie epis., sig. crucis subscripsi. ^ Cubred ab. Monn pr. Strygel pr. Heabobald diac. Dycga pr. M^erferb. Ego AVigberht, Sciraburnensis ecclesie epi§., sig. crucis subscripsi. Muca ab. Berhtmund ab. Eadberht ab. Ego Ealhmund, Wintanae civitatis episc., sig. crucis sub¬ scripsi. Cubberht ab. Lulla ab. Cufa ab. Notheard pr. Marcus ab. M igbegn pr. 52 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Ego Alhheard, Elmhamis ecclesie episc., sig. crucis sub¬ scripsi. Eolcberht pr. Wulflaf pr. Ereo^uberht pr. Hunfri^ diac, Eadberht pr. Beornhelm diac. Ego TidfriiS, Dummucse civitatis episc., sig. crucis sub¬ scripsi. Wulfheard ab. Cynulf pr. Lull ab. Tilberht pr. Ceolhelm pr. >{< Eadberht pr. Ego Osmund, Lundonensis civitatis episc., sig. crucis subscripsi. Heahstan pr. ab. >{< FreoiSored pr. Wigheard pr. iEbelhelm. Tidhun pr. Ego Wermund, Hrofensis civitatis epi§., sig. crucis sub. scripsi. Lullinge pr. Heahberht pr. Tuda pr. Wigheard pr. Beagno^ pr. Heared diac. Ego Uuihthun, Selesegi ecclesie episc., sig. crucis sub¬ scripsi. Ceolmund ab. Beorcol pr. *{< Dudd pr. Heahfer'S. Eadberht pr. Cynebald. Actum est in celebri loco qui vocatur Clofeshoas. Anno ab incarnatione Domini dccc.iii.. Indictione xi., die quarta Idus Oetobres. BISHOPS DENEBERHT AND WULFHEARD. DCCC.IH. Anno Dominice incarnationis dccc°iii° Indict, xi® vero qui est annus vii. regni Cenwulfi pii regis Mercionim, fac¬ tum est sinodale conciliabulum aet Clofeshoum, presidente .®]7elheardo archiepiscopo; ubi cum universi provinciales episcopi, cum abbatibus et presbiteris de necessariis et plu- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 53 ribus universe aecclesie statutis congregarentur; ibi etiam inter alia plura facta est contentio inter Deneberhtum, Uueo- gernensis aecclesie antistitem, Uulfheardumque, Hereforden- sem presulem. Sunt autem monasteria in parochia Deneberhti Celtanhom, Beccanford, quae olim in antiquis diebus ad Here- fordensem secclesiam praestita fuermit, in quibus postulabat suam pastum qui ei episcopali jure pertinebat, ipse Deneberht sibi reddi. Uulfheard autem e contra narrabat, ut ei nullam dare debuisset, neque umquam antecessores illius aliquam ibi haberent. Et si erat umquam, jam xxx. annis et eo amplius nemo illum, neque antecessores ejus, hujuscemodi pastu pul¬ saret neque tangeret. Deneberht autem cum testimonio nar¬ rabat, ut Uuermund episcopus pastum acciperet set Beccan- forda, HaSoredus similiter set Celtanhomme, insuper et ipse Wulf heard ei pecuniam daret pro pastu, hsecque cum testimonio conprobavit. Cum vero hujuscemodi hinc et inde multa contenderunt, ventum est ad sermonem, ut archi- cpiscopus Deneberhtum rogabat dimidia sibi hujus pastus prsestare et altero anno semper set Beccanforda suam refec¬ tionem acciperet, altero set Celtanhomme. Ille autem re¬ spondebat, se et velle et debere in omnibus ejus parere prse- ceptis; hoc modo tamen in testimonio totius sinodi in diem ejus prestare et non amplius; idque litteris confirmare, ut sciant omnes qui ejus sunt successores, quod ipse numquam intermittit quod Uueogernensi aecclesie ad utilitatem recte pertinet. Haec autem pacis conciliatio facta est sub die iiii. Iduum Octobrium. Eodem die, in simili contentione placiti sunt Werenberhtus, Mediterraneorum Anglorum episcopus, et Aldulfus Licetfeldensis prajsul; Uuigberhtus similiter Scira- burnensis antistes et Alhmuudus Wentani pastor aecclesise, tale aliquid inter sc habentes, omnes ad vere fraternitatis pacem adunati, perrexerunt unusquisque ad suam. Erat autem dies v. feria, et hii sunt testes hujus pacis. Ego ^Silheard archiepiscopus consensi, Ego Aldulf episcopus. Ego Werenberht episcopus. Ego Eadulf episcopus. Ego Deneberht episcopus. Ego AI heard episcopus. Ego TidferS episcopus. Ego Wigberht episcopus. o4 I\IISCELLANJ£OU.S CHARTERS. .ETHELRIC. DCCC.IV. In nomine Domini Dei summi, Regis regum, qui in altis habitat et prospicit omnia celestia et terrestria. Anno ab incarnatione Christi nccc.iiii. Indictione xii. ego^thelric, filius ^thelmnndi, cum conscientia sinodali in^dtatus ad Si- nodum, et in judicio stare, in loco qui dicitm’ Clofesboh, cum libris et ruris, id est, set Westmynster, quod prius propinqui mei tradiderunt michi et donaverunt, ibi ^thelhardus archi- episcopus michi regebat atque judicaverat, cum testimonio Coenwulfi regis et optimatibus ejus, coram omni sinodo, quando scripturas meas perscrutarent, ut liber essem teri’am meam atque libellos dare quocunque volui. Postea commen¬ davi amicis meis ad servandum, quando quesivi Sanctum Pe¬ trum et Sanctum Paulum, pro remedio anime mee, et, iterum me revertente ad patriam, accepi terram meam, et pretium reddidi, quasi ante pacti sumus, et pacifici fuerimus ad in¬ vicem. Facta est autem post paucos annos alia sinodus set Aclea. Tunc in illo sinodo coram episcopis, rege, et princi¬ pibus ejus, rememoravi pristine libertatis mee, que mihi ante judicatum est, et cum licentia eorum testificavi, in presenti testimonio, quemadmodum meam hereditatem dare voluissem, et sic dixi: Hec sunt nomina illarum terrarum, que dabo ad locum, qui dicitirr Deorhyrst, pro me et Aiitbelmundo patre meo, si mihi contingat ut illic corpus meum requiescat, To- danbom, et set Sture, Screfleb, et Cohbanleh, ea conditione, ut illa congregatio vota eorum faciat firma, sicut mihi promi¬ serunt. Iterum dabo Werferbse xi. manentium Bremesgrsefan et Feccanhom, ut habeat suum diem, et postea reddat ad Wegornaceastre. Verum etiam do xxx. manentium Under Ofre ad Qleawcestre; et quando michi contingat exitus diei mei, tunc dabo Ciolburge matri mee, si diutius vivit quam ego, terram xliii. manentium set Westmynstre, et set Stoce, ut habeat sua die, et postea reddat ad Weogornensem eccle¬ siam. Pro qua re ea vivente ut ibi habeat protectionem et defensionem contra Berclinga contentione : et si aliquis homo in aliqua contentione juramentum ei decreverit contra Berclingas, liberrima erit ad reddendum, cum recto consilio MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 55 propinquorum meorum, qui michi hereditatem donabant, et meo, quo ei dabo. Et si non habeat patrocinium in civitate Weogornensi, postea primum querat ad archiepiscopum in Cantia. Et si ibi non habeat, sit libera cum ruris et libris ad eligendum patrocinium ubi placitum sibi fuerit. Si aliter fiat, ut non opto, aliquis homo contendat contra libros meos, vel hereditatem, indigne, tunc habeat Aldulfus episcopus in Liccetfelda istius cartule comparem, et amici et necessarii mei et fidelissimi alias, id est, Eadberht Eadgaring, et ^thelheah Esning, ad confirmationem hujus rei. Rogo etiam ^^elric, pro amore omnipotentis Dei, et precipio, et obsecro per omnes virtutes celorum, ut nullus homo hanc positionem crucis Christi, que tantorum virorum testimonio confirmata est, non presumat minuere. Si ausus est aliquis confirma¬ tionem istam infringere, deleatur nomen ejus de laude Dei, si non satisfactione emendaverit. Ego Coemvulf, rex Merciorum hanc munificentiam signo sancte crucis subscripsi. Ego ^Eiielheardus archiepisco- pus Dorovernensis civitatis signum sancte crucis subscripsi. ^ Ego Alduulfus Licetfeldensis episcopus consensi. Ego Werenberht episcopus consensi. ^ Ego Denebyrht epi¬ scopus consensi. Ego Wulf heard episcopus consensi. Ego Eadwulfus episcopus consensi. Ego Heaberht dux subscripsi. Ego Beornob diix subscripsi, Ego Ciol- ward dux subscripsi. Ego Cynehelm dux subscripsi. Ego Wicga dux subscripsi. ^ Ego Wigheard dux sub¬ scripsi. Ego Byrnwald dux subscripsi. Ego Aldred dux consensi et subscripsi. KING Cf:NWULF OE MERCIA. DCCC.VL Kenulfus, Dei misericordia rex Merciorum, omnibus Mediterraneis Anglis per universam Merciam fidem confiten- tibus Christianam, pacem perfectam, sempiternamque salu¬ tem. Omnes et singuli scitote, quia Dominus sanctum suum mirificavit, signis celeberrimis et preclaris prodigiis, beatissi- 50 AI rSCELLAXEOUS CHAKTERS. mum Christi confessorem Guthlacum, in monasterio Croy- landensi corporaliter quiescentem, et novis ac innumeris mira¬ culis, prout ego et regina mea in nostra peregrinatione nuper oculis nostris \udimus, quotidie clarius ad totius mundi noti¬ tiam coruscantem. Unde ad supplicationem religiosissimi viri et spiritualis patris see confessarii nostri, dni Siwardi, abbatis dicti monasterii, consulente idem ac commonente venerabili patre domino Wlfredo archiepiscopo Dorobernensi, tunc nostre peregrinationis comite, dictum monasterium Croylandie, cum tota insula adjacente, sicut in carta quondam regis Ethel- baldi, fundatoris sui, per limites est distincta: monachos etiam ejusdem monasterii, et conversos, ac servos universos, in custodiam capio mee protectionis. Insuper peregrinos omnes illuc causa devotionis accedentes, et cum signo Sancti Guthlaci in suis capueiis vel capellis recedentes, liberos et solutos ab omni passagio et thelonio, ubicunque venerint per totum regnum !Mercie perenniter esse volo. Sed et eleemo¬ synam quam Tlioroldus vicecomes Lincolnie dedit dictis monachis in Bokenhale ; item eleemosynam quam Geulphus filius Malti dedit illis in Halington ; item eleemosinam quam Fregistus, miles validissimus, quondam magister meus, dedit illis in Langtoft ; et eleemosynam quam Algarus miles etiam dudum meus, dedit illis in Baston et in Repingale, Deo, ac Sancto Guthlaco, dictoque monasterio ac monachis in eo Deo serGentibus, in perpetuam possessionem concedo, con¬ fero, et confirmo. Anno incarnationis Christi octingentesimo sexto istud cyrographum ego Kenulphus Merciorum rex signo sanctae crucis consignavi. ^ Ego AYlfredus archiepiscopus Dorober- nensis fieri consului. Ego Kinebertus episcopus Win¬ chester subnotavi. Ego Wonwona episcopus Legeeestren- sis consensi. Ego Celredes abbas de Medeshamsted, ger¬ manus frater domini Siwardi abbatis, multum procuraG. Ego Cuthredus rex Cantuarionim, ad imperium domini mei regis Kenulphi, assensum dedi. Celwulf fi-ater do¬ mini regis Kenulphi approbavi. Ego Algams minister affui. Ego Sigga presbiter, precipiente domino meo rege Kcnulpho, hoc chirographum, manu mea scriptum, in prae- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 57 sentia dictorum venerabilium patrum et dominorum meorum, prefato venerabili domino Siwardo abbati Croylandie com¬ mendavi. KING C£:NWULF OF MERCIA. AUG. 1st DCCC.XI. ^ In nomine Dei summi Regis aeterni. Anno autem incar¬ nationis ejusdem Domini Salvatoris mundi Jhu Xpi dccc°xi“. Indictione vero iiii.; porro quoque imperii piissimi regis Merciorum Coenuulfi anno xv", praesulatus etiam Uulfredi archipontificis anno vi”, prima Kalendarum die Augustarum, in loco preclaro oppidoque regali Lundaniae vicu concilium pergrande collectum habebatur, in quo videlicet ipse rex Coen- uulf atque Uulfred arc.episc. cum coepiscopis illius duobus, verbi gratia, Deneberht Huuicciorum episc., ^theluulf episcop. Australium Saxonum, cum principibus ducibusque et majores natu, quorum nomina infra caraxantur; inter alias quoque diversarum rerum causas in illo habentes concilio interpre¬ tatas, placuit pio regi Coenuulfo, cum consilio et consensu totius concilii illius, id est episcoporum, principum, ducum, judicumve majorumque nafri, pro honore Dei Omnipotentis, ac pro expiatione piaculorum ejus, atque pro reverentissima dilectione Uulfredi arcepisci, seu etiam pro ejus larga pecu¬ niarum remuneratione, hoc est centum et viginti vi. man- cosas, pro his rebus in Occidentale Cantise, in regione subur¬ banaque regis oppido, ibi ab incolis Rogingaham nuncupato, terram duorum aratruum, quod Appincglond illic nominatur, et rursum in alio loco et in regione suburbana ad oppidum regis, quod ab incolis ibi Fefresham appellatur, terram quoque duorum aratruum in locis nominatis illic ^iset Suib- hunincglond set Grafenea, atque iterum in civitate Dorover- nia, in australe parte ecclesiae Salvatoris, duas possessiunculas et tertiam dimediam, id est, in nostra loquella, 'Sriddan healf haga, et prata duo ad eas prius et modo pertinentia in orien¬ tale parte Sture fluminis sita ; Coemiulf rex has terrulas sui propriae puplicae juris, cum pi’aedicto concilii consensu, ac pro cunctis antedictis causis, Uulfrcdo suo archipontifici donare 58 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ac conscribere in propriam atque in perennem hereditatem habendum fruendumque; et ad tractandum, cum campis, pascuis, pratibus, silvis, saltibus, piscuosis ac maritimis fretis, paludibus, vallibusque, dulcis salsuginesque sahsque, stati¬ onibus coctiouesque, et cum cunctis fructibus internis exter¬ nisque, vel aliunde usquam ad eas rite vel imquam pertinentia, in talem sibi usum qualem semetipsi utillimum optimumve fore videretur, firmiter pleniterque dejudicavit. Integram quoque libertatem his terrulis atque ruriculis rex Coenuulf cum auctoritate siipra dicti concilii decreverat, ut peiqjetue sint liberae ab omnibus puplicis tributis et a cunctis regalium rerum vel operum debitis, sive principum seu ducum vel pro¬ curatorum, aut etiam ab omni sseeularium causarum rerumve gravedine, exceptis his debitis, id est pontis instractioue, et contra paganos expeditione, atque arcis munitione distruc- tioneve. Cura tamen hoc universo populo opportvmitas summa poposcerit, et necessitas eximia hoc agendum cunctos unde¬ cumque coherceret, tunc et iUi rite sua reddent. Ego Coenuulf, Dhi misericordia rex Merciorum, hujus nostrae dationis ac libertatis remunerationem mente consona propriisque manibus crucis Xpi signo confirmare roborareque subscripsi. riElfJ^ryS regina consentiens subscripsit. Sigred rex subscripsit. •i- Uulfred archiepiS, Xpi gratia, subscripsit. Deneberht epis subscripsit. Beornmod epis subscripsit. iE^eluulf epis subscripsit. Heardberht prine, subscrip. Beornnob prine, subscrip. Cynehelm prine, subscrip. Eadberht dux con§. subscrip. Ecguulf dux cons, subscrip. Eanberht dux cons, subscrip. Heahferb dux cons, subscrip. Cyneberht propin. ejus sub. ►i* Coenwald propin. ejus sub. riEbelheah pedes sessor saib. MISCELI.ANEOUS CHARTERS. 59 Cuoenburg' abba sub. »J< Seleburg abb, subscripsit, •i* Cu'Sred pr. subscripsit. TvING CfiNWULF OF MERCIA. NOV. 9th DCCC.XI. Regnante Domino nostro in aevum per secula cuncta. Anno vero inear nationis ejusdem Salvatoi’is mundi, Domini nostri Jhesu Christi dccc.xi. Indictione autem iiii., imperii vero nostri a Deo dati anno xvi., die vero a'. idus Novembris. Tunc ego Coenulfus rex Merciorum hoc opusculum, Deo auxiliante atque favente in plenitudine, provineia Wictionum inchoavi, famoso in loco quem solicoli antiquo nomine Win- celcumbam appellare suescunt. Ecclesiam quae modo pul¬ cherrima clarescit, scemate jam nempe preparata enituit, ibi Wulfredus quoque presul Cantuariae, in honore Jhesu Christi Domini nostri beataeque Mariae genitricis Dei, quae suo con¬ tulit gremio regem quem caeli capere terraque nequiverant, dedicavit; ibi quoque meum in Domino corpus pausare de¬ crevi. Complacuit autem mihi Kenulfo, ut ad consecra¬ tionem ante nominatae aecclesiae universos accercissem Merci¬ orum optimates, episeopos, principes, comites, proeuratores, meosque propinquos, necnon et Cuthredum regem Cantuari- orum, atque Sigredum regem Orientalium Saxonum, cum omnibus qui testes nostris sinodalibus concilialibus aderant. Quam vero basilicam ad laudem et ad honorem Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, et pro amore reginae caelestis, atque expiatione piacnlorum meorum, aedificavi, non modo ad roborationem hereditatis mee, atque ad solidationem apostoliei privdlegii quod mihi apostoliei pontifices cum auctoritate beati Petri principis apostolorum, direxerunt. Ego etenim Kenulfus, Dei arridenti gratia rex Mereiorum, ad gratiarum actionem pro devotione illorum qui mihi et mee hereditati beniA'ola mente cum auctoritate apostolorum affirmatione, atque cunctorum sinodalium nostrorum reconciliationem firmiter roboraverunt: jam autem pro confirmatione mese hereditatis, quam dominus Leo papa primus affirmabat cum suo privilegio; et postea 60 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Paschalis summus pontifex, cum preceptis suae auctoritatis, et universis ISIerciorum optimatibus, in tribus sinodis, xma- nimo concilio, in perpetuam hereditatem mihi meisque here¬ dibus dona mea omnibus archontis Merciorum, necnon et aliarum provinciarum, in auro argentoque, et in omnibus utensilibus meis, letus erogavi, necnon in equis electissimis, Tinicuique secundum dignitatem gradus sui; et universis qui agros non habebant, libram in argento purissimo tribui, atque in auro mundissimo, unoquoque presbitero, mane, tradidi unum, et omni servo Dei solidum unum; et ea dona innu¬ merabilia sunt, sicut nostram regalem dignitatem decebat, quse nullus enumerare valet; neque numeranda simt quae tunc meae erogatu genti, ea conditione, ut mihi meisque here¬ dibus plena libertate hereditas mea eo firmior atque stabilior aeternaliter perduraret. Ego Kenulphus etiam rex Merci¬ orum vexillum sanctae crucis, in quo passus est Jhesus Christus Dominus noster, ad hoc conquisivi, ut animae meae, et omnium bonorum secularium, seu heredum immobiliter patrocinando, contra tumultum pravorum tutatrix atque defensatrix perpetuis tempoi’ibus permansisset. Et si quis ahquid ab hoc vexillo per vim studeat auferre, majoris sive minoris personae, sciat se anathematis vinculo innodatum, et a sancte crucis tutela coram Deo in die judicii separatum, nisi ante liic cum satis¬ factione emendaverit: et ab illo patrocinio predicto sanctam istam aecclesiam, sub almae Trinitatis nutu, atque angelorum, et archangelorum, patriarcharum, prophetarum, apostolorum, martirum, confessorum, virginum, atque omnium sanctorum protectione corroboratam sciatis permanere. Hoc quoque ego Kenulfus rex, et omnes qui in nostris sinodalibus con¬ ciliis testes atque conscii hujus rei presentati fuissent, dijudi¬ cavimus atque unanimo consensu constituimus, ut si homo aliquis culpabilis vitae suae, aut in aliquo delicto, oculte pub- liceve delinquens, pervenisset ad apicem hereditatis meae, et nostram aecclesiam, atque vexillum salutiferae crucis requi¬ reret, firmissimam ibi pacem atque indulgentiam inveniret; et nullus fuisset homo aliqua audacitate fretus, quoquo modo torvave cogitatione, aliquid per vim exinde rapere, nec dimi¬ nuere, neque agros meae hereditatis foras transdonare, vcl MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Gl accommodare, nisi ad tempus et ad conditionis statutum unius hominis ; sed immobiliter permansissent, quasi in nostris tribus sinodis firmiter decrevimus aeternaliter perdurare. Hii omnes hujus rei veritatis testes extiterunt, et sacratissimo crucis Christi signaculo roborando confirmaverunt. Ego Kenulfus rex Merciorum hujus definitionis reconcilia¬ tionem signo sanetae crucis confirmavi. Ego Cuthredus rex Cantuariae eonsentiens signiim salutifere cnieis impono. Ego Siredus rex Orientalium Saxonum signum crucis salutiferae corroborans impono. Ego Wlfredus Cantuariae archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. EgoAldulfus [Licetfeldensis'] episco¬ pus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Denebertus [Uuigorniensis] episcopus consensi et siibscripsi. Ego Werenbrihtus [Leo- gerensis] episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wlfhardiis [Hecana, quae nunc Hereford dicitur] episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Tilferthus [Agustaldensis] episcopus sub¬ scripsi. Ego iEtheluulfus [Eastanglorum] episcopus con¬ sensi et subscripsi. EgoEadulfus [Cridiatunensis] episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Alchbertus [Suhtsaxonia] epi¬ scopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego H^thelnothus [Lundoni- ensis] episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wibertus [Scire- burniensis] episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Beormonus^ [Rovecestrensis] episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wig- nothus [Exoniensis] episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Eambeorthus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Heardbearbtus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Beornothus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Cynhelmus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Ceolbertus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Aldredus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wlfredus dux consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Heahferthus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Ciolverthus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Heatferthus dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Plesa dux consensi et subscripsi. ' The names of the sees within brackets are written over the names of the witnesses in a coeval hand. So MS. for Beommodus. 62 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ARCHBISHOP WULFRED. DCCC.XHL In nomine sancti Salvatoris Dei et Domini nostri Jliesu Christi. Anno ab incarnatione ejusdem Dei et redemptionis mundi nccc.xiii. Indict, vi. presidente Christi gratia archi- pontifice Uidfredo metropolitano sedem ecclesie Christi, que sita est in Dorovernia cmtate, anno vii.’ episcopatus ejusdem archiepiscopi, divina ac fraterna pietate ductus amore Deo auxiliante renovando et restaurando pro honore et amore Dei sanctum monasterium Doroverneusis ecclesie reedificando refici auxiliantibus ejusdem ecclesie presbiteris et diaconibus cunctoque clero Domino Deo servientium simid. Ego Uul- fredus, misericordia Dei archisacerdos, pro intimo cordis affectu, dabo et concedo familia Christi habere et perfruere domos quas sivi pro labore construxerunt, jure perpetuo hereditatis, munificentia illis viventibus seu decedentibus cuicumque relinquere vel donare voluerint unusquisque libe¬ ram habeant facultatem in eodem monasterio donandi, sed nec alicui foras extra eongregationi. Ita etiam in Christi caritate obsecrans precipio omnibus successoribus meis hanc predictam donationem inconcussa et inviolatam salva ratione servandam, sed sine semper in evum; hac tamen eonditione, ut Deo humiliores et gratiores omnium benefieiorum Dei semper existant, seduloque frequentatione canonicis horis ecclesiam Christi visitent, orantes ac deprecantes pro seipsis propriis piaculis, et pro aliorum remissione peccatorum, mi¬ sericordiam Domini implorent: necnon domum refectionis et dormitorium communiter fi'equentent, juxta regulam mo¬ nasterialis discipline vite observant, ut in omnibus honorifi- eetur Deus, et vita nostra et bona conversatio nobis nos- trisque proficiat in bonum. Si quis illorum per audaciam sue male voluntatis hanc predictam constitutionem inritam habere, et in oblivuonem deducere, et eongregare convivdas ad vescendum et bibendum, seu etiam dormiendum in pro¬ priis cellulis, sciat se, qviisquis ille sit, reatum se esse proprie domi, et in potestate archiepiscopi ad habendum, et cui¬ cunque ei placuerit donandum k manentem itaque hanc car- tulam in sua nihilominus firmitate. ‘ Wulfred succeeded to Canterbury in BO.*?. MISCELI.ANEOUS CHARTERS. tj-’» *I< Ego Uulfred gratia Dei archiepisc. signo sancte erucis Christi firmans subscripsi. Ego Unernoth pf ab. con. j subscripsi. *i< Ego Wulfheard pr con. sub. Ego Heamund pf con. 'j sub. ►J* Ego Osuulf pf con. sub. Ego Ceolstan pf con. ‘j sub. Ego Tudda pf con. sub. Ego Diornoth pf con. ~j sub. ^ Ego Gutbraund pf con. sub. Ego Cutbberht pf con. sub. Ego Coenhere con. sub. Ego Brunheard cofi. ^ sub. Ego Haebferth con. 'j sub. KING C^NWULF OF MERCIA. DCCC.XXI. In nomine Dei et Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, veri Redemptoris mundi. Anno vero Dominice incarnationis DCCC.XXI., Indiccione xiiii., ego Coenulfus rex Merciorum, ab eodem Deo et Domino nostro, populis et tribubus praeordi¬ natus in regem, anno imperii nostri xxv., fui rogatus ab apo- stolica sede, per privilegium domni apostolici gloriosissimi Leonis papae, et per Rethunum venerabilem episcopum, ut sibimet vel suis propinquis seu ipsa familia que habitat in monasterio quod situm est in Abbandune ecclesie quod ibidem dedicatum est in honore sancte Marie semper virginis et Dei genitricis, domine uostre, ut illud monasterium vel omnia loca que ad ipsum pertinere dinoscuntur, cum rebus molii- libus et immobilibus, in notis causis et ignotis, in modicis et in magnis, in [nomine] Domini Dei omnipotentis et beatissimi Petri principis apostolorum, donans donabo perpetuis tem¬ poribus eternam libertatem, in sancte Trinitatis patrocinio, omnia loca ad praefatum monasterium pertinentia, quorum infra nominantur nomina: Culanhom, Chenigtun, Henges- teseig, Cumanora, Earraundelaeh, Eatun, Sunniggawille, Sond- G4 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ford, Wdtun, Gaging, Deniceswur)?, Ceornei, Gooseig,F8erhom, Waethenesfeld, Scrivenanhom, Burgtuun, Lsehhamstede, Box- ora, Wselingford, mid heora gebiiratimum * [id est cum appen¬ diciis suis], Wicham cum suis campis, sicut Ceadwalla rex perdonavit, cum ilia silva integra que dieitur Spene Wohan- Iseh et Trindlaeh, Eastun cum omnibus agellulis ad praefata loca pertinentibus, concedens perdonabo, sicut praediximus, perpetuam libertatem. Et mandatum mandamus, in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, ut nullus superveniat homi¬ num superbia inflatus, nec rex suum pastum requirat, vel habentes homines quos nos dicimus faestingmen, nec eos qui accipitres portant, vel falcones, vel caballos ducunt, sive canes, nec penam mittere super eos quoquomodo audeat. Nec prin¬ ceps nec graffio hanc lenitatem praefatam in alicujus oneris molestia mutare audeat, aut in diebus nostris vel successorum nostrorum. Si pro alico delicto accusatur homo Dei, ecelesie ille custos solus cum suo juramento, si audeat, illum castiget. Sin autem, ut reeipiat aliam justieiam hujus vicissitudinis conditionem, praefatum delictum cum simplo praecio com¬ ponat. Expeditionem eum xii. vassallis et cum tantis scutis exerceant; antiquos pontes et arces renovent; eeterum plena et integra libertate glorientur. Maxime cum ipsi diebus Dominicis vii. missas pro nobis saluberrimas offerant, et armis spiritualibus, centum psalteriis, contra invisibiles hostes dimi¬ care non cessent. Si quis autem praescriptis statutis noluerit obedire, sciat se alienum esse a consortio sancte Dei ecelesie et a participatione eorporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, per auctoritatem beati Petri apostoli, nisi digne emen-' daverit quod contra Dei ecclesiam fecisset. Dederunt enim, pro hujusmodi rei gratia, in auro et argento, cxx. libras, et centum manentes ad villam regalem que dicitur SuiStun.-- Que postquam vir ille prudentissimus patravit, in summa pacis securitate eoad vixit cenobium illud gubernavit. * Culeham, Chenitun, Hengestesie, Cumenoran, Earmundesle, Eatun, Sunningawelle, Sandford x. manentium, Wdetun, Geinge, Denicheswurde, Ceomei, Goseig, Femham, Wacenesfeld, Scriuenham, Burgtun, Lechani- stede, Boxora, Weliford. Cott. Claud. C. ix. MISCJ]-:i>I.ANEOi:.S ( 'I lAUTEKS. (..) KING CEOLWULF OF MERCIA. SEPT. 17th DCCC.XXIl. . In nomine Jhn Xpi Salvatoris mundi^ qui est, et qui erat, et qui venturus est, per quem reges regunt et dividunt regna terrarum, sicut dispensatur universae terre distribuit secundum mensuram sui propriae voluntatis. Ita iedem Dei gratia concedente. Ego Ceolwulf, rex Merciorum, vel etiam Contvvariorum, dabo et concedo Uulfredo venerabile arcepis aliquam partem terre juris mei, id est, v. aratro, in provincio Cantiae ubi nominatur Mylentun, in propriam potestatem, ad abendum, possidendum, commutandumque, vel etiam post se relinquendum cuicumque ei karorum placuerit, cum omnibus usis ad eam rite pertinentibus, cum campis, silbis, pratis, pas¬ cuis, aquis, molinis, piscationibus, aucupationibus, venati¬ onibus, et quicquit in se abentibus, insuper etiam hanc pdic- tam terram liberabo ab omni servitute secularium rerum, a pastu regis, episcopis, principum, seu prefectum, exactorum, ducorum canorum vel aequorum seu accipitrum, ab refec¬ tione et habitu illorum omnium qiii dicimtur fsestingmen, ab omnibus laboribus, operibus, et oneribus sive difficultatibus, quit plus minusve numerabo vel dico, ab omni gravitatibus magioribus minoriis, notis ignotis, undique liberata perma¬ neat in sefum, nisi is quattuor causis que nunc nominabo; expeditione contra paganos ostes, et pontes constructione, seu arcis munitione vel destructione in eodem gente et singu¬ lare pretium foras reddat, secundum ritum gentes illius. Et tamen nullam penam foras alicui persolvat, set semper sine aliqua vi ullius causae in integritate liber et secura perseveret, Uulfredo episcopi et eredibus ejus in posterum cum cer¬ tissimis terminis suis: Ab oriente Cymesinc; in australe se Hole Welle; ab occidente Diorente; ab aquilone Scorham silba, similiter qui dicitur Cert; ab occidente et aquilone Greotau Edesces lond; in oriente Cymesinges Cert; et in austra Ondred. Item in Ondrede pastum et pascua porcorum et armentum seu caprorum, suis locis: in Hyrst Sciofingden, Snad hyrst: et si quis scire desiderat quare hanc donam tam devotissime dedissem vel liberassim, sciat illi recitatur quod inprimis, pro amore Dei omnipotentis, et pro venerabili F MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. (JG gradui preticti pontificis, sen etiam consecrationis mese, quam ab eo eodem die, per Dei gratiam accepi, nec non pro ejus placabili pecunia, id est anulus aureus abens lxxv. mancusas, ut ab eo accepi. Actum est anno Dominice incati nccc.xxii.. Indict, xv., die vero XV. kl. Octob., in loco regale qui dicitur Bydictun, is testis consentientibus et scribentibus quorum nomina infra abentur. ►ii Ego Ceolwulf rex Merciornm hanc meam donationem proprio manu subscribo. Ego Wulfred arbc.epis cousensiens subscribo. ►i* Ego ./Ebelwald epis consensi subscribo. Ego Rebhuu epis consensi q subscribo. ►ii Ego Wulf heard epis consensi q subscribo. ►ii Ego Heaberht epis consensi q subscribo. ►ii Ego Sigered dux consensi q subscribo. ►ii Ego Eadberht dux consensi q subscribo. ►ii Ego Wulfred dux consensi q sub. ►ii Ego Muca dux consensi q Sub. ►ii Ego Eatferb dux consensi q sub. ►ii Ego Bofa dux consensi q §ub. ►ii Ego Piot prs consensi q §ub. ►ii Ego Eadbald. ►ii Ego Cyneberht. *ii Ego Beadheard. ►ii Ego Wighelm. ^ Tunred. KING ECGBERHT. DCCC.XXIII. ►ii In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Ego Ecgberhtus, gratia Dei rex Anglorum, cum consensu episcoporum ac principum meorum, hanc libertatem donatu ecclesie que sita est in civitate Hrobi, et omnibus agellis qui ad ecclesiam Sancti Andree apostoli pertinent, pro remedio anime mee et filii nostri .^theluulfi, quem regem constituimus in Cantia, ut omnes agri sint liberi ab omni regali servitio, a pastu regum et principum, ducum et prefectuum, exactorumque, ab MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. (i7 equorum et falconum accepitrumque, et canum acceptione, et illorum hominum refectione quos nos festingmenn nomina¬ mus, a parafrithis, et ab omnibus difficultatibus regalis vel secularis servitutis, notis et ignotis, cum furis comprehen¬ sione intus et foris, majoris minorisve, preter pontis construc¬ tionem et expeditionem eternaliter liberata permaneat. Ego Ecgbertus, rex Anglorum, hanc donationem meam hujus libertatis signo sancti crucis Christi confirmavi et sub¬ scripsi. ►fi Ego ^tbeluulf rex consensi et subscripsi. Ego Uulfred archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wig- •Segn episcojms consensi et subscripsi. Ego Ealbstan episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Beornmod episco¬ pus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wulfbard dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Monuedi dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Osmod dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Dudda dux. Aldred. Oshere. ^^eluulf. Duduc. Boba. Ealhbere. Sigesteb. ^ESelbard. KING BEORNUULF OF MERCIA. OCT. 30th DCCC.XXIV. Regnante inperpetuum Domino nostro Jhesu Christo, qui mundi monarchiam sua semper virtute gubernat in aeter¬ num ; anno vero ab incarnatione Domini nostri Jhesu Christi Dccc.xxiiii., Indictione autem ii., regnante Beornulfo, rege Merciorum, factum est pontificale et sinodale coneiliabidum, in loco qui dicitur Clofeshoas, praesidente ibi rege praefato, ac venerando viro Wulfredo archiepiscopo, illo conventu re¬ gente ac moderante. Illic omnes episcopi nostri, et abbates, et universi Mercensium principes, et multi sapientissimi ^ iri congregati adessent; ubi inter alia plura colloquia, aliqua contentio allata est inter Ileaberhtum episcopum et iUam familiam aet Berclea, de hereditate iEthelrici filii ^thelmundi, hoc est monasterium quod nominatiu’ Westburhg. Habuit autem episcopus ante nominatus terram illam cum libris, sicut iEthelricus ante praecepit, ut ad Weogerneusem eccle¬ siam redderetur. Statuta est autem atque decreta ab archi- F 2 m MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. episcopOj et ab omni sancta sinodo ilia consentiente, ut epi¬ scopus qui monasterium et agellum cum libris haberet, cum juramento Dei servorum, presbiterorum, diaeononim, et plu¬ rimorum monachorum, sibi in propriam possessionem teiram illam cum adjuratione adjmasset. Et ita finita est praescripta illa contentio coram episcopo: post xxx. noctes illud jma- mentum to Westmynstre deductum est. Quapropter, si quis hunc agrum ab illa ecclesia in Ceastre nititur evellere, contra decreta sacrorum canonum sciat se facere, quia sancti canones decernunt, quicquid sancta synodus universalis, cum catho¬ lico archiepiscopo suo adjudicaverit, nullo modo fractum vel irritum esse faciendum. Haec autem gesta sunt. Hii sunt testes et confirmatores hujus rei, quorum nomina hie infra notantur, die iii. kal. Novembris. Ego Beornulf, rex Merciorum, hane cartulam synodalis decreti signo sanctae crucis Cliristi confirmavi. Ego Wulfred archiepiscopus hanc synodalem sententiam cum signo gloriosae crucis corroboravi. Ego Oethehvald episcopus consensi. Hraethhun episcopus consensi. Ead- wulf episcopus consensi. Heaberht episcopus consensi. Beonna episcopus consensi. Ego Wigthegn episeopus consensi. Ego Cioberht episcopus consensi. Ego Wermund episcopus consensi. Ego Cynred episeopus consensi. ^ Ego Hunberht episcopus consensi. Ego Eanmund abbas consensi. Ego Cubwulf abbas consensi. Ego Wihtred abbas consensi. Ego Wilferth abbas consensi. Ego Beornoth dux. Sigered dux. ^ Ead- wulf dux. Mueel dux. ^ Ludeca dux. ►i- Eadberht dux. Ecgberht dux. ^ Alhheard dux. Uhtred dux. Bynna, frater regis. Piot presbiter. Cyneberht. NoShelm praeco a domno Eugenio papa. Bola. ^ Aldred theloniarius consensi. ^ Wighelm. Bead- heard. Eadbald consensi. .^t ]7am abe waes aet Westmynstre efen fiftig maesse- preosta. q x. diaconas- ealra o^ra preosta sixtig y hund- teontig. [Hoc est. Eidem juramento apud Westmonasterium prestito aderant quinquaginta sacrifici et x. diaconi, et ex omnibus aliis presbyteris, centiim et sexaginta.] MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 09 Her sindon j^ara msessepreosta naman on j;am a^e stodon '3 on wseron. [Id est. Haec sunt sacrificorum nomina qui jiiramento illi astiterunt^ et idem praestiterunt.] Friomund abbas. Eadberht abbas. Ecgberht abbas. Badheard presbiter. Monn presbiter. *I< Plegberht presbiter. Cu^bald presbiter. Hehstsef presbiter. Brada presbiter. Ecgmund presbiter. »J< Brada presbiter. Wigberht presbiter. *{< Berlithun presbiter. Regngar presbiter. Cu^berbt presbiter. Snyda presbiter. Berbtred presbiter. Monn presbiter. Cuthbald presbiter. Alhmund presbiter. Luhhede presbiter. Ecgberht presbiter. Tidbald presbitci*. Suega presbiter. Eadgar presbiter. »J< Alhhere presbiter. Eastmund presbiter. Mecga presbiter. "Wigberlit presbiter. Beorred presbiter. Hebfer^ diaconus. Tidberht presbiter. Berhtwulf presbiter. Cu^berht presbiter. Ciolheard presbiter. Ecgheard presbiter. Tidberht presbiter. Alhmund presbiter. Wigberht presbiter. Hwita presbiter. Beorhred presbiter. Ilunlaf jmesbiter. Cynemund presbiter. Byrnhelm presbiter. Heaboberht presbiter. •i* Esne presbiter. Preost presbiter. Dudeman presbiter. Eadberht presbiter. Monnel presbiter. Beornwald presbiter. Berhthelm diaconus. ^ Wighelm diaconus. Cynemund diaconus. Ceofa diaconus. Dynne diaconus. 70 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEI! S. KING BEORNWULF OF MERCIA. DCCC.XXV. In nomine Trino di^dno, qui est Dens benedictus in specula. Amen. Dy gere "Se ■wes from Cristes gebyrde agmn eabtahund wintra xxv. q sio pefterre indictio’ waes in rime* q waes Biomwulfes rice Mercna cyninges* ^a ivaes sionoblic gemot onbsere mse- ran stowe be mon hateb Clo- fesboas* q bserse siolfacyning Biornwulf ond his biscopas ond bis aldormenn ond alle ba ivioton bisse biode baer ge- somnade ivaeron. Da waes tiolo mice] spree ymb wndu leswe to Subtune ongaegum west on Scyrbylte. Waldon ba swangerefan ba laeswe forb- ur gedi’ifan* ond bone wudu gejiicgan bonne hit aldge- ryhto weron. Donne cuaeb se biscop q bara bina wiotan j7et bio him neren maran on- deta Jjonne hit araeded waes on iEbelbaldes daege J'rim bund swina maest* ond se biscop );a tugen ahten twaede )?aes Avuda ond )jaes maestes. Da geraehte Wulfred arce- biscop ond alle )?a iviotan j^et se biscop ond ]ja higeii most- en mid abe gecyban ]7et hit sua waere araeden on ^Ebel- In nomine Trino divino, qui est Deus benedictus in saecula. Arnen. In the year that was agone from Christ’s birth eight hundred and xxv. winters, and the Indiction was the ’second in number, and it was the reign of Beorn- wulf king of the Mercians, then there was a synodal meeting in the famed place which is called Clovesho. And there the same king Beorn- Avulf and his bishops, and his aldormen, and all the ‘ witan ’ of this nation were assembled. Then there ivas very great speech about the wood-pas¬ ture at Sutton towards the west in Shireholt. The swain- reeves would drive the pas¬ ture fiudher, and feed off the ATOod further than the old rights extended. Then said the bishop and the ^witnesses of the convent, that they Avere liable to him for no more than had been decided in .dilthel- bald’s time, liz. mast for three hundred SAvine; and the bishop and the convent held tAvo parts of the Avood and the mast. Then archbishop 'Wulfred and all the ‘ Avitan ’ ‘ The Indiction for 825 is -‘5. - Or AA'ise men. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 71 directed, that the bishop and the convent must declare on oath, that it was so decided in ^thelbald’s day, and that they did not seek for more. And he the bishop then forth¬ with engaged to Eadwulf the aldorman to make oath be¬ fore all the Svitan’; and they then led him, about xxx. nights after, to the episcopal see at Worcester. At that time Hama was sAvain-reevc at Sutton; and he rode so that he was at Worcester and saw and beheld the oath, as his aldorman Eadwidf com¬ manded him; and yet he did not greet him. Hii sunt nomina et vocabula qui in synodali concilio fue¬ runt congregati. Signum manus Biornwulfi regis Mei'ciorum. Wulf- red archiepiscopus consensi hanc conditionem. ffiSel- w'ald episcopxis consensi. HrseShun episcopus consensi. Heaberht episcopus consensi. Bionna episcopus con¬ sensi. Eadwulf episcopus consensi. Wilred episco¬ pus consensi. WigSegn ejhscopus consensi. Alhstan episcopus consensi. Humbeidit episcopus, Ccolberlit episcopus. Cynred episcopiis. Torhthelm prior. Eanmund abbas. Wihtred abbas. Civbwulf abbas. Eanmund abbas. Eadbcrht dux. Biornnol5 dux. Sigered dux. CuSreddux. Eadwulf dux. Mu- cel dux. Uhtred dux. Alhheard dux. Bolam. Aldran. Bynna. Wighelm. Heabert. Eadgar presbiter. Wigberht presbiter. Heahstsef presbiter. Brada presbiter. CuSbald presbiter. Rcgcngar presbiter. ^ CuSbert presbiter. Ecg- baldes daege- ond him mare to ne sohte. Ond he );a sona se biscop beweddade Ead- wulfe [laern aldormen Jiaes ahses biforan alium jiaem wio- tum- ond hine mon )7onne gelaedde ymb xxx. naehta to )iaem biscopstole et Wiogaerna- ceastre. In jia tiid waes Hama swangerefa to Subtime- ond he rad jiset he waes et ceastre- q jione aab gesa;h- ond ge- sceawade sua hine his aldor- mon het Eadwulf. ond he hine hwebre ne grette. 7i> MISCELLANEOUS CIIAKTEKS. muud presbiter. HeahferhIS diaconus. «J* Wighelm dia¬ conus. Cyneberht diaconus. mid allra oberra priosta butan With all the other priests, bissum maessepriostum • efen except these mass-priests, just LX. LX. ARCHBISHOP WULFRED. UCCC.XXV. In nomine Domini. Anno ah incarnatione Christi Dccc.xxv., Indictione tertia, anno secundo regni Beornulfi regis jMerciorum, synodus fuit ad Clobe [s] liam, praesidente archiepiscopo Wulfredo; post mortem vero Coenulfi regis Merciorum multe discordie et innumerabiles dissonandae extollebantm’ contra uniuscujusque principalium personarum, regum, et episcoporum, et pastorum ecclesiarum Dei, erga plurima secularia negotia; ita ut multum dispoliate fuerant per loca diversa ecclesie Christi, in rebus, in terris, in tri¬ buto, in omnibus causis..ea episcopus Austra¬ lium Saxonum Coenredus fuerat spoliatus de aliqua parte terre illius XXV. ecclesie que vocitatur Deanton, quod Plegheard abbas dudum tradidit ad sedem episcopalem que est in Seles- egh, cum corpore suo, quod ei rex Offa ante condonaverat et conscripserat de hereditate ecclesie Bedingehommes, quam ipse sibi adquisierat in hereditatem propriam. Tune in prae¬ fata synodo judicatum est, ut ille episcopus, cum consensu et unanimi consilio episcoporum et abbatum seu principum, in jus proprium ecclesie, hereditatem sine ullo obstacxilo acci¬ piat; sicut et ante prius at Cselchybe judicatum est inter Coenulfum regem et Webunum de ejusdem terre assumptione, coram archiepiscopo ^bilheardo, tertio anno Coenulfi regis. Et hec acta sunt coram omni concilio at Clobeshom, cum consensu et licentia regis et principum et archiepiscoporum, quorum nomina infra annotantui-, et cum signo sancte crucis Christi impresserunt et confirmaverunt. Ego Wulfredus archieiiiscopus signum Salvatoris pro am¬ pliore firmitate conscribo et confirmo has testimoniie causas i^. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 73 ASelwal[d] episcopus Ceobberlit episcopus Red- uuin episcopus Eabberht episcopus Eadidf epi¬ scopus Wihtred abbas tj*. Syred dux Eadwlf dux Eadberht dux Ealhstan Ealdred Eadbald Si quis verO; quod absit, banc munificentiam frangere temptaverit, sciat se anathematizatum [et] ab omni sinodali societate separatum, nisi ante satisfactione Deo et hominibus emendaverit. ARCHBISHOP WULFRED. DCCC.XXV. Anno vero Dominicae incarnationis nccc.xxv.. Indict. Ill®, de diversis Saxouiae partibus congregatum est synodale concilium in loco preclaro quae nominatur aet Clofeshoum, praesidente autem huic venerabili concilio Uulfredo arc- episcopo, anno xx® episcopatus sui; seu etiam Beornuulfo regi Merciorum, anno iii“ regni ejus, caeterisque ejiiscopis et abbatibus, necnon et ducibus, omniumque dignitatum opti¬ matibus, ecclesiasticarum vel saecularium personum, eccle¬ siarum Dei utilitatem et necessitatem tractantes atque scru¬ tantes, monasterialisque vitae regidam et observantiam, seu etiam generositatem stabilitatemque regni terrestris consili- antes ac quaerentes. Inter ea etiam ab omnibus illic in eadem synodo residentibus trutinatum ac quaesitum fuerat: Quis cum justitia et aequitate conservatus fuisset; quis autem cum injustitia et violentia fraudatus dispoliatusque in sua persona fieret. Tandundem vero inter aliarum allocutionum verba patefactum est, quod praefatus archiepiscopus Uulfredus, per inimicitiam et violentiam avaritiamque Coemvulfi regis, sive quae hic in nostra propina gente peracta sunt, seu etiam ultra mare ad illam apostolicam sedem, per ejus jussionem et inmissionem adlata sunt. Hoc est vero quod in testimonio totius populi omni dominatione propria privatus est, vel in liis liberis monasteriis act SuSmynstre q aet Raecnlfo omnibus rebus ac possessionibus quae ad illos pertinebant cum vio¬ lentia ac rapacitate ejusdem jn'icfatae regis despoliatus est. MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETERS. 1 4 Nec ille solus episcopus his aliisque rebus perplm’imis in¬ honoratus fuissetj sed per eadem supradictas accussationes et discordias tota gens Ancglorum vi. ferme annorum curricula sua primordiali auctoritate sacrseque baptismatis ministerio privata est; postea etiam ille praedictus rex Coemvulf cum suis sapientibus ad regalem 'vdllam-Lundoniae perveniens ad hoc eodemque concilio illum archiepiscopum cum suo foedu foenoreque principum suorum invitabat. Timcque in eodem concilio cum maxima districtione illo episcopo manda^it quod omnibus rebus quae illius dominationis sunt disspoliatus de¬ buisset fieri, omnique de patria ista esse profugus, et num- quam nec verbis domne papae nec caesaris, seu alterius ali- cujus gradu huc in patriam iterum recipisse, nisi hoc con¬ sentire voluisset, hoc est quod illam terram aet logneshomme ccc. manent, reddidisset, istamque pecuniam tradidisset c.xx. librarum. Sed et ille episcopus hanc reconciliationem diu recussans, spontaneaque voluntate omnino insons nolens con¬ sentire, sed tamen tantundem prae ista supradicta increpa¬ tione rapacitatis et fuge coactus, hac condicione hanc recon¬ ciliationem sic invitus consensit, ut omni potestate obedien- tiaque, quae ad illius episcopalem sedem pertinebant juxta auctoritatem gradus ejus dignus fuisset, sicut praedecessores ejus juxta justam ordinem in pristinis temporibus ante per omnia habuerant. Sed et hocque ille rex Coenwulf illo epi¬ scopo reconciliavit, ut omnium supradictarum sucggillationum discordiarumque insontem et securum contra domne papan fecisset; aut si hoc facere non potuisset, illam pecuniam quam ei dedisset iterum episcopo omnia reddidisset. Sed nihil hujus condicte condicionis impletum est. Sed haec continua omnia fallata sunt, quia post eadem reconciliationem tribus annis integi’is aet Submynstre, tam in pastu et pecunia vesti¬ mentisque, ac omni oboedientia quae ad illam archiepisco- palem sedem pertinebat, sine omni honore fraudatus est; aliisque in locis perplurimis illius parochiae inhonoratus est. Postea vero contigit ut in temporibus praedicti Beornwuilfi regis ad illamque praenominatam synodum aet Clofeshoum, ille archiepiscopus Uulfred Cwoenbry Sam abbt. heredem Coen- u ulfi cum eadem hereditate illius invitabat, emendationemque MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETEKS. 7r> sibf omnium supradictarum molestiarum injuriarumque pos¬ tulavit, quas ille idem rex Coenwulf sibi et eeelesiae Xpi ac porochiae ejus iniqua pravitate perpetrasset. Time vero om¬ nis ille synodus ad aequitatem invenerunt, liuncque judicium unanimo consensu constituerunt, quod illi episcopo reddere omnia debuisset quod violentia abstiderat, in omnibus rebus quibus cum aliqua injuria in omni spatio illa spoliata fuerat, et alteram similem partem ad hoc ipsum adjecisse, et omnem usum emendasse qui in ipsa spatio confracta fuerat. Postea autem placuit Beornwulfo regi, pro amicitia hereditatis Coen- wulfi regis heredesque illiiis, cum siiis sapientibus, illo prse- uominato arcliiepiscopo istarum supradictarum rerum recon¬ ciliationem et emendationem diligentissime facere decre¬ visset, humilique prsece deposcebat ut huic reconciliatione, pro amore Dei et amicitia illius adnueret, quia hereditas et heres ejus ad intercessorem et ad patrouem eum exjietivit. Hoc est ut terram c. manent, in quattuor locis suscipere de- precabat; id est set Hearge, IlerefreSing lond, set Wem- balea, set Geddincggum. In postremo autem ille prsenomi- natus episcopus illius regis allegationibus accommodans, non tamen spontanea voluntate, sed pro amore Dei et amicabili amicitia illius regis, hanc praedictam reconciliationem con¬ sentiendo suscepisset, ut illa abbatissa Cwoen'Si’yS, filia Coen- wulfi, heresque illius hanc prsedictam terram conputati c. manent, illo arcliiepiscopo cum propriis et antiquis telli- graphis, et cum eadem libertate quam ante habuerat, in per¬ petuam hereditatem ad habendam et possidendam, postque dies ejus cuicumque ei placuerit dereliquendum tradiderat. Insuper etiam ille Beornwulf rex, cum testimonio consilioque ejusdem synodi, illam terram, que ante non fuerat liberata, hujus prjedictae donationis eadem libertate liberabat sicut et altera terra set Hearge jamdudum liberata fuerat, et in altera kartula conscrijita habetur. Sed statim ista prsedicta recon¬ ciliatio confracta est, quia xii. mensibus istius praenominati terrse iii. manentes abstracte sunt, librosque xlvii. manent, in tribus locis reddita non fuerunt : hoc est set Boclonde, q set Wembalea, q set IlerefreSing londe. Itcrumque, secundo anno postquam lisec omnia ita jieracta sunt, hsec eadem abbt. 7ti MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. illius episcopi colloquium flagitabat, eumque in provmcia Hu'icciorum expetivit, illo in loco quae nominatur Oslafesblau, eique suam insipientiam confessa est retardate reconcilia¬ tionis ; hoc est illius terrae quam ante negaberat; tuncque in eodem loco episcopus, illa abbt. praesente, exponebat quod ille omnium antiquorum causarum quas ante reconciliave¬ runt liberatus fuisset, cum illa perfecta non fuerunt quas ante spondata habuisset. Tum autem illa abbt. cum omni humi¬ litate promiserat, ut omne quod ei reddita non fuerat cvun omni devotione diligentissimae emendare voluisset: quosdam- que libros, quos ante non habebat, in eodem eoncilio illi red¬ debat; agellum quoque iiii. manent., pro ejus amabili ami¬ citia, ad illam praenominatam terram aet Hearge donabit. Similiter etiam et in provincia Cantiae xxx. manent, terram, ubi dicitur aet Cumbe, cum ejusdem libellis, ad emenda¬ tionem illi in sempiternam hereditatem donasset, ut ista praedicta reconciliatio stabilis firmaque permaneret; ut omnis hereditas Coenwulfi heredesque illius firmaliter sint liberati. Tuncque episcopus hoc idem consensit, bac condicione, ut illorum praedictorum agellorum nomina de antiquis privi¬ legiis quae sunt aet Wincelcumbe eradati fuerint, iterumque in posterum non sunt prolati. Si autem iterum aliqua alter¬ catio ab alicui herede Coenwulfi inposterum elata fuerit, absque omni dubitatione sciat me liberum esse measque heredes q ecclesiam Xpi justitiam et emendationem ad here¬ dem illam requirere, omniaque suprascripta injuria inre- conciliata permanere. Hjec sunt autem nomina illorum ho¬ minum quae ex alia parte conscribuntur, qui cum totius synodalis auctoritate hujus reconciliationis testes adfuerunt, et signo scse crucis Xpi propriis manibus conscripserunt. Ego Cwoen^ryS abb. hanc reconciliationem propriis manibus, cum signo scse crucis Xpi, robor, 'j sub. Ego Beornwulf rex Mere, cum signo sese crucis Xpi confirmabo sub. Ego Uulfredus gratia Dei arccpisc. hanc eadem recon¬ ciliationem cum signo scfe crucis Xpi rob. q sub. Ego AciSehvald episc. eous, 'j sub. ►f* Ego Rcbhun episc. cons.q sub. MISCELLANEOUS CHAKTERS. Ego Eadwulf episc. cons, -j snb. Ego Haeberht episc. cons, j snb. Ego Beornmod episc. cons. ^ sub. Ego Beonna episc. con§. sub. Ego Wigbajgn episc. con§. sub. Ego Alhstan episc. cons, j sub. Ego Humberht episc. cons. sub. ^ Ego Willred electus cou§. j sub. Ego Ceolberbt episc. cons, j sub. Ego Cynred episc. cons. sub. Ego CuSwulf pi? abb. cons. sub. Ego WillferS pr abb. cons, j sub. Ego Eanmimd abb. cons, ‘j sub. Ego Eanmund pr abb. cons, u “^ub. ^ Ego Torbthelm prior cons, j sub. Ego Wiohtred abb. cons, j sub. ►J* Ego Piott pr con§. -j sub. Ego Beornnob dux cons. sub. Ego Eadberht dux conS. sub. Ego Eadwvdf dux cons. sub. Ego Ecgberht dux cons. sub. ^ Ego Alclihard dux cou§. -} sub. Ego Cyneberht dux con§. ^ sub. Ego Sigered dux cons, sub. Ego Mucel dux cons, 'j sub. Ego CulSred dux con§. sub. Ego Eadwulf dux con§. ^ sub. ^ Ego Wulfred dux conS. sub. Ego Bynna ff regis con§. sub. ^ Ego Aldred cons, sub. Ego Wighelm cons, j sub. Ego Aldred cons. ■] sub. Ego Bola pedisecus con§. "j sub. Ego Alhstan conS. •] sub. ►J* Ego Eadbald cons. sub. ►J* Ego Eeologeld pr abb. con§. sub. Ego Oswidf pr cons. -) sub. *J« Ego Hunferb pr eon§. sub. 78 miscellanp:()us chaetees Ego Coena pf cons, j sub. Ego Osmund pr cons, sub. Ego Tudda pr cons, j sub. Ego Brunhard pr cons, j sub. Ego DeornoiS pr cons, j sub. *i< Ego Btegmund pf cons. sub. Ego Ilunred pf cons, j sub. Ego Cynehard diac. cons. ~j sub. Ego Wigmund diac. conS. j sub. Ego D.cgmund diac. con§. sub. Ego Wihtred pf cons. ^ sub. Ego Waerhard cons, sub. *J< Ego Eadwulf pf cons, j sub. >{< Ego Duda cons. sub. Ego Coenliai’d cons. sub. *h Ego Alhhere cons, j sub. Ego Aelfgyb cons, sub. Ego Bconne cons, j sub. Ego Bajgswib cons. sub. Ego Aloburg cons. ■] sub. ►!< Ego Exgburg cons, "j sub. KING .ETIIELWULF OF KENT. DCCC.XXVH. Regnante eternaliter Rege omnium seculorum Domino et Salvatore nostro Jhesu Christo. Orbita labentis seculi coti¬ diano deficit occasu. Hoc quoque indicio fideles quique opido commonentur quo bonorum operum exempla sectantes patrum in benivolencie proficiendo successu^ temporalium vicissitudine bonorum, perpetua et incommutabilia regni ce- lorum mereantur adipisci gaudia sine termino permansura. Quapropter ego .^thelwlfus rex, favente Dei Omnipotentis clemencia, omnes terras, villas, possessiones, prata, pascua, ad quoddam monasterium, quod sub nomine sancte Trinitatis et apostolorum principis Petri constat honore dedicatum, quod famoso apud Anglos nuncupatur Certeseg onomate, omniaque .MISGELLANE0U8 OIIARTEE.S. 7!) ad idem monasterium rite pertineneia, ejusque familie vene¬ rande sub custodia primorum regulariter cum metu Christi degencium^ videlicet ad sustentacionem illius cenobiq pro amore Christi, libenti animo concedo et confirmo, quo illic unanimiter Domino servientes pro meis non desistant inter¬ venire peccaminibus atque offensionibus innumeris. Hoc etiam in ista donacionis et confirmacionis cartula, ut si ali¬ quando aliquis, quod absit, suasione diabolica vel avaricie fascibus accensus, regum successorum, in magno vel in mo¬ dico, vi vel voluntate, minuere temptaverit, sciat se a Christi consorcio et omnium sanctorum separatum, et cum Tuda traditore in inferno inferiori dampnatum, nisi ante satis¬ factione digna plenerrime emendaverit. Acta est hec prae¬ fata donacio et confirmacio anno ab incarnation': Domini Dccc.xxvii. Iliis consencientibus: Ego ^theluulfus rex hanc libertatis donacionem et con- firmacionem vexillo sancte erneis subscribo et confirmo ►i*. Ego Swithunus episcopus Wintonie subscribo Ego .^thel- stanus episcopus Syreburnie subscribo Ego Hunfridus abbas subscribo Ego Osmundus presbiter subscribo KING ECGBEKIiT. DCCC.XXVIII. In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, Ego Ecgbertus gratia Dei rex Anglorum, cum consensu episcoporum ac principum meorum, hanc libertatem donabi ecclesiae qua; sita est iu civitate Hrobi, et omnibus agellis quae ad eccle¬ siam Sancti Andrcae apostoli pertinent, pro remedio animic meae et filii nostri iEtheluulfi, quem regem constituimus in Cantia, ut omnes agros sint libera ab omni regali servitio, a pastu regum et principum, ducum et praefectum, exacto¬ rumque, ab equorum et falconum accipitrumque et canum acceptione, et illorum hominum refectione, qnod nos festing- menn nominamus, a parafrithis, et ab omnibus difficultatibus regalis vel saecularis servitutis, notis et ignotis, cnm furis comprehensione, intus et foris, majoris minorisve, praeter ])ontis constructione, et expeditione, eternaliter liberata per- 80 MISCELLANEOUS CHAETEKS. maneat. Hanc libertatem praedictae ecclesiae donabi pro humili obedientia venerabilis episcopi Beornmodi, et pro amore apostoli Sancti Andreae, et beati Paiilini archiepiscopi, cujus corpus in praedicta ecclesia requiescit; sic etiam om¬ nibus successoribus vel heredibus meis; uecnon cuicunque gradu regibus seu principibus, in nomine sanctae Trinitatis, et per tremendum Dei judicium, praecipio, ut haec donatio mea firma et iulabata inconcussaque permaneat. Si quis vero hoc benivola mente observare voluerit, servetur ei benedictio sempiterna hic in eternum; si autem, quod absit, aliquis in¬ surrexerit, tyrannica potestate fretus, seu diabolica temeritate instigatus, qui hanc libertatem infringere aut minuere, vel in aliut convertere temptaverit quam a nobis constitutum est, sciat se separatum a communione sanctae Dei ecclesiae, et a participatione omnium sanctorum Dei, et eternis ignibus esse nodatum, nisi prius digne et perfecte hic in saeculo emen¬ dare voluerit. Scripta est haec cartula anno dominicae incar¬ nationis Dccc. XXVIII., Indictione vi., his testibus consentien¬ tibus et signo sanctae crucis Christi confirmantibus, quorum nomina infra tenentur ascripta : ^ Ego Ecgbertus rex Anglorum hanc donationem meam hujus libertatis signo sanctae crucis Christi confirmavi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Atheluulf rex consensi et subscripsi. Ego W ulfi’ed archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego WigSegn episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Ealh- stan episcopus subscripsi et consensi. Ego Beommod episcopus consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Wulfhard dux con¬ sensi et subscripsi. Ego Monnede dux consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Osmod dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Dudda dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Aldred consensi et subscripsi. Ego Oshere consensi et subscripsi. Ego .(Ethelwulf consensi et subscripsi. Ego Duduc consensi et subscripsi. Ego Boba consensi et subscripsi. Ego Ealhhere consensi et subscripsi. Ego Sigesteb consensi et subscripsi. Ego A’Selhard consensi et subscripsi. MISCELT.AXEOUS CHARTERS. 81 * KING WIGL.Ie of MERCIA. MAY 2Gth DCCC.XXXIIl. Witlafius dispositione divina rex Merciorum, omnibus Chris- ticolis universam Merciam inhabitantibus salutem sempiter¬ nam. Magnalia Dei prsedicare et publicare minime mihi verecundum, sed vere videtur honorificum et gloriosum ; unde aperte confiteor Domino qui in altis habitat, humilia respi¬ ciens in cselo et in terra, quoniam ad tempus iratus est mihi, conversus est furor suus, et consolatus est me, humilians in ira sua peccatorem usqiie ad terram, detrahens usque ad pul¬ verem, et iterum in misericordia sua suscitans de pulvere egenum, et de stercore erigens pauperem, ut sedeam cum principibus, et solium gloriae teneam. In die igitur honorum ne immemor sim malorum, memor ero Rahab et Babilonis; scientium me non Rahab meretricis, sed Etheldritliae sanc¬ tissimae virginis, cognatae meae, pro sponsi sui agni imma¬ culati amore Croylandiae reclusae, et in tempore tribulationis meae me in cella sua quatuor mensium spatio diligentissime abscondentis a facie inimici et persequentis; memor etiam ero Babilonis, non turris confusionis, sed sanctissimae ec¬ clesiae Croylandensis, q\iae terra turris ad caelum ascendens, vigiliis et orationibus, psalmis et lectionibus, disciplinis et afflictionibus, lacbrimis ct singultibus, eleemosinis et innu¬ meris aliis devotionibixs pietatisque officiis, pro saeculo pecca¬ tore fortissimam violentiam regno caelorum ingerit die ac nocte. Itaque quoniam venerabilis pater dominus Siwardxis abbas Croylandiae protexit me in tabernaculo suo in die malorum, celans et salvans a facie tribxdantis, ultra privilegia meorum antecessorum regum Merciorum, qui praedictxuu monasterium variis libertatibus ct donariis nobiliter illustra¬ runt, offero et ego magno altari praedicti monasterii, de pau¬ pertate mea, calicem aurexnn, crucem auream, et tabulam capellae propriae laminis aureis deauratam, mc profitens dictae ecclesiae perpetuum pro viribus defensorem. Insuper jxrae- cipio omnibus ministris meis per universam Merciam con¬ stitutis, quod abbati Croylandiae, monachis, et onniibus fra¬ tribus illius sanclissiini monasterii, cum ad civitates et cas¬ tella regia pro quocunque negotio accesserint, tanquam \Vi- 82 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. mundo filio meo, vel mihi, obediant in omnibus et ministrent, nihil pro expensis, quas ipsi vel sui fecerint ibidem, ab eis accipientes, sed cum litera vel signo dictorum monachorum, arcbarius meus expensas omnes hujusmodi, cum dicti mini¬ stri mei annumeraverint, pro fisco integre acceptabit. Volo etiam et prsecipio, quod quicunque in regno meo, pro quocunque delicto, reus inventus et legibus obnoxius fuerit, si fugerit ad dictum monasterium, et coram abbate dicti monas¬ terii qui pro tempore fuerit, gratiam sanctissimi confessoris Guthlaci ibidem corporaliter quiescentis invocans, fideli¬ tatem ei et servitium juraverit sempiternum, salvus et securus sub protectione abbatis et monachorum suorum, in quo¬ cunque servitio, per totam insulam Croylandise ipsum posu¬ erint, sicut in asylo, vel in camera mea propria, pace mea et impunitate gaudeat, nullusque ministronim meorum ultra ipsum insequi audeat, nec in aliquo molestare, sub psena per¬ ditionis dextri sui pedis, quicunque de meo regno istud meum privilegium tentaverit in aliquo violare. Licebitque dicto fugitivo, in quibusque aquis quae dictam insulam ambiunt, navigare et piscari, ac aliter, quomodocumque a dominis suis assignatus fuerit laborare, absque ministronim meorum vel alicujus alterius calumnia vel gravamine. Quod si extra dictas aquas vel metas dicti monasterii captus aliquando fuerit, psenam quam quondam meruit, sive mortem, sive membrorum suorum mutilationem, si ministri mei, vel qui¬ cumque sui adversarii, per jimamentum sex hominum fide dignorum, probare poterunt, quod extra metas suas inventus fuerit, absque ulla gratia sustinebit. Dictas vero metas monasterii Croyland, in quinque ejus aquas praedictas tam ministris meis, quam abbati et monachis suis, pro suis dictis fugitivis, describi feci et notari. Dictae namque aquae vocan- tiu’ istis nominibus, videlicet Shepsbee ad orientem, in cujus ripa occidentali crux lignea stat vetusta, et distat ab ipsa aqua per decem pedes, aequaliter posita in medio inter duos angulos ejusdem insulae, scilicet Aswictoft, qui est angulus et meta dictae insulae contra vulturnum, et Tedwarker, qui est angulus et meta dictae insulae contra subsolanum. Secunda aqua, quae claudit dictam insulam ad austrum, vocatur Southee, MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 83 in cujus ripa posita est crux lajudea, distans a Naman- landhirne per quinque perticatas, et a Southee per sex perti¬ catas, ubi Southee intrat in aquam de Nene quae currit ad pontem de Croyland; sed metae fugitivorum in illa parte diriguntur in mariscum occidentale per Einfet eontra affri- cum, et sic usque ad Folwardstaking contra chorum, et sic divertendo ad boream, ubi Southlake intrat in aquam de Weland ex opposito lapideae crucis, quae stat in boreali ripa dictae aquae de Weland, distans ab ipsa aqua per quinque pedes, quae currit inde ad praedictum pontem de Croyland: sed metae fugitivorum ab illa cruce diriguntur in mariscum borcale directe usque ad Oggot, qui est angulus metarum contra favonium, et sic redeundo versus orientem per Wode- lade usque ad Apinholt, et ibi ascendendo per aquam de Weland, quae est quarta aqua elaudens insulam in illa parte, sicut tertia aqua de Nene claudit eam ex altera parte pontis de Croyland, usque ad Seweram de Asendick, cadentis in Weland, ubi stans fracta crux lapidea distat ab ipsa aqua de Asendick [per tres perticatas in ejus ripa australi; et ipsa aqua de Asendyk] ' est quinta aqua claudens ab illo loco in¬ sulam praedictam contra aquilonem usque ad Aswictoft. Si extra istas quinque aquas et metas praenominatas fugitivus inventus fuerit, tanquam Semei extra Jerusalem, publicis legibus subjiciendus, paenam quam meruit patietur. Quod si intra praedictas aquas et metas, et praedictarum aquarum ripas exteriores, homicidium, furtum, vel aliam forisfacturam fece¬ rit, per balivos dicti monasterii capiendus juxta [demerita] ‘ in ipsa insula, cujus immunitatem perdidit, patietur, et ibidem judicandus in carcere abbatis condemnabitur. Et ut istud meum privilegium firmiixs et fortius ad posteros perseveret, per dominum meum Egbertum regem West Saxoniae, et Atbelwlfum filium ejus illud obtinui confirmari. Offero etiam secretario dicti monasterii, in ministerium sanctissimi altaris, clamidem coccineam, qua indutus eram in coronatione mea, ad capam inde sive casulam faciendam, et in ecclesiae sanctissimae ornamentum, velum meum aureum quo inciditur excidium Troiae, in meo annivei'sario, si placnerit, in ‘ M'autiug in MS. 84 MISCELLANEOUS CHAKTERS. parietibus suspendendum. Offero etiam refeetorario dicti mo¬ nasterii, ad ixsum prsesidentis quotidie in refectorio, cypbum meum deauratum, et per totam partem exteriorem barbaris victoribus’ ad dracones pugnantibus celatum, quem cruci- bolum mexxm solitus sum vocare, quia signum ci’ucis per transversum cipbi imprimitur interius, cum quatuor angulis simili impressione protuberaxxtibxxs ; et cornu mese mensse, ut senes moxiasterii bibaxxt inde ixx festis sanctorum, et in suis benedictionibxxs memineriixt aliquando animae Witlafii dona¬ toris. Coixfirmo etiam dicto monasterio omxies terras et tene- menta, possessiones, et earxim pecxxlia, et omnia alia donaria, quae praedecessores mei, reges Mei’cioi’um, et eorum proceres, vel alii fideles Chx’istiani, sive Judei, dictis monachis dede- x’unt, vendiderxxnt, vel invadi averunt, aut aliquo alio modo in perpetxxam possessionem ti’adiderunt 3 et specialiter donxxm Thoroldi quondam vicecomitis Lincolniae in Bokenhale, vide¬ licet, duas carucatas terrae et dimidiam, et viginti sex aeras prati, et qxxinqxxaginta aeras sylvae, [et lxx. aeras] ® de Brushae. Item donum Geolphi filii Malte in Halington, videlicet, qxxa- tuor bovatas terrae de innland^, et decem bovatas in servitio, et triginta quatxxor aeras prati in Gernthorp. Item donum Fre¬ gisti militis, videlicet, totam villam de Langtoft, et in campis ejusdem villae sex carucatas terrae arabilis, habentes in longi¬ tudine XV. quarentenas, et ix. quarentenas in latitudine; et centum aeras prati, et silvam et mariscum duarum leucarum in longitudine, et dxxarum leucarxxm in latitudine. Et eccle¬ siam ejusdem villae, et xl. aeras de eodem feodo in campo de Depyng. Item donxxm Algari militis, scilicet Northlang in Baston, videlicet, quatuor carucatas terrae arabilis, conti¬ nentes in longitudine octo qxxarentenas, et viii. quarentenas in latitudine, et xlv. aeras prati, et mariscxxm continens in longitudine sexdecem qxxarentenas, et viii. quarentenas in latitxxdine, et ecclesiam ejxxsdem villae, et xxnum molendinxxm, et dimidiixm altei’ixis molendini, et totam piscariam in aqxxa a molendino versus occidens xxsqxxe ad finem marisci ejusdem ‘ vinitoribus. Ingulf. ’ Wanting in MS. ^ MS. Luland, Ingulf Inland. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 85 villae versus orientem. Item donum ejusdem Algari militis in Repingale, videlicet, tres carucatas terrse arabilis, et xl. acras prati. Item donum Normauni quondam vicecomitis in Sutton juxta Bosworth, duas carucatas terrse, et unum molendinum veutricium. Item donum ejusdem Normanni in Stapeltou, videlicet, manerium et duas cai’ucatas terrse. Item donum ejusdem in Badby, videlicet, quatuor hidas terrse cum appendiciis. Item donum domini Algari comitis in Holbeche, et in Cappelade, videlicet, quatuor carucatas, et sex bovatas, et xviii. acras prati, et mariscum. Item donum ejusdem in villa sua de Spaldeling, videlicet, tres carucatas prati. [Item donum ejusdem in villa sua de Pyncebck, vide¬ licet, unam carucatam terrse. Item donum ejusdem in Algar- kirke villa sua, videlicet, undecim bovatas terrse; et in paro¬ chia de Sutterton tres carucatas terrse, et unam bovatam, et XXVI. acras prati,] * et iiii. salinas, cum ecclesia ejusdem villse. Item donum Oswii militis in Draitona, videlicet, octo hidas terrse, et iiii. virgatas, et ecclesiam ejusdem villse. Item donum Asketelli coqui mei in Glapthorn®, videlicet, tres vir¬ gatas terrse. Item donum Wulgeti pinceruse mei, in Peie- kirk, tres virgatas terrse. Item donum [Edulphi] ^ nuncii mei, in Laithorp, unam bovatam terrse. Item donum Siwardi vicecomitis, in Kirkby, tres bovatas terrse, unam mansionem, et tria cotagia. Et in Standona donum Sigburgse comitissse, v. hidas terrse. Et donum Wulnoti dapifieri mei, in Ading- tona, videlicet, duas hidas terrse, et piscariam, cum advoca¬ tione ecclesiae ejusdem villse; et in alia Adingtona, ex dono ejusdem, unam virgatam terrse. Istas terras et tenementa praedicto monasterio Croylandise, ct monachis ibidem Deo servientibus, in pacificam et perpetuam possessionem con¬ cedo, trado, et confirmo, habenda de me et haeredibus meis quibuscunque regibus Merciorum post me successuris, in puram et perpetuam eleemosinam libere, quiete, et solute ab omnibus oneribus saecularibus, exactionibus, et vectigalibus universis, quocumque nomine censeantur. Quod si quis ad¬ versarius, instigante diabolo, in quibuscunque jirsedictis terris aut tenementis, tot regum spatio pacifice possessis, et eorum * Wanting in M8. ’ MS. Glaphton. 86 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. auctoritate confirmatis, calumniam ponere voluerit in futu¬ rum, me et successores meos, reges Merciorum, profiteor prae¬ senti ehirographo, et polliceor, dicti monasterii futuros in perpetuum defensores. Istud chirographum domino Siwardo abbati meo patri, et Etheldrithae sanctissimae virgini, pro Chi’isti amore ibidem reclusae, carne quidem cognatae meae, sed, quod majus est, in Christo charissimae sorori, quondam promissum, in praesentia dominorum meorum Egbert! regis West Saxoniae et Athel- vulphi filii ejus, coram pontificibus et proceribus majoribus totius Angliae, in civitate Lundonia ubi omnes congregati sumus pro consilio capiendo contra Danicos piratas Angliae littora assidue infestantes, signo sanctae crucis confirmavi. Ego Celnothus archiepiscopus Dorobornensis consului. Ego Enbaldus Eboracensis archiepiscopus consignavi, tji Ego Osmundus Londoniensis episcopus collaudavi. ^ Ego Helmstanus episcopus Wintoniensis assensum praebui. Ego Herewinus Lichfeldensis episcopus consensi. Ego Cedda Herfordensis episcopus aspiravi. Ego Adelstanus Shire- burnensis episcopus procuravi. Ego Humbrithus Helma- mensis episcopus approbavi. Ego Wilredus Dommo- censis episcopus annui. Ego Herferdus Wigornensis episcopus gratum habui. Ego Godmnus Rofiensis epi¬ scopus favi. ^ Ego Hedda abbas de Medeshamsted rati- ficavi. Ego Ambertus abbas Ripadii interfui. Ego Kinewinus abbas de Bardinei astiti. Ego Egbertus rex West Saxoniae concessi. Ego Adelwlphus filius regis Uuest Saxoniae consensum dedi. Ego Wlhardus dux afiui. Ego Athelmus dux audivi. Ego Herebrithus dux ac¬ ceptavi. Ego Swithinus presbiter regis Egbert! praesens fui. Ego Bosa scriba regis Withlafii manu mea chiro¬ graphum istud scripsi. Ego Withlafius Domini nostri Jhesu Christi gratia rex Merciorum, ad sanctae matris eccle- sim honorem, et divini cultus exaltationem, anno incarna¬ tionis ejusdem nostri Salvatoris n.ccc.xxxiii®, in festo Sancti Augustini confessoris, doctoris, et apostoli nostrae gentis, haec paucula offero, pluraque offerrem, quin corpus meum in morte mea tam sancto monasterio promitterem, nisi antea MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 87 sepulturam meam Ripadio devovissem. Veruntamen spiritus meus permanebit vobiscum in seternum. KING ECGBERIIT OF WESSEX. DCCC.XXXV. In nomine Dei et Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, Redem¬ ptoris mundi. Anno Dominice incarnationis d‘’ccc°xxx°v°, Indiccione xiii., Ego Ecberht rex Occidentalium Saxonum dedi monasterium illud Merebam, quinquaginta manentium, ad Abbendune, cum licentia et consensu tocius nostre gentis et unanimitate omnium optimatum. Hec donatio fuit facta in Pascha in Dorkecestre; et postera vice eandem donationem liberaliter in Natali confirmavimus, anno imperii nostri xxxmi. Et sic mandamus, in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, ut nullus superveniat hominum ibi superbia inflatus, nec rex suum pastum requirat, vel habentes ho¬ mines quos festigmen, nec eos qui accipitres portant vel fal¬ cones, vel caballos ducunt sive canes. Nec penam mittere super eos quomodo audeat, nec princeps nec graphio hanc lenitatem prefatam in alicujus oneris molestiam mutare au¬ deat, aut in diebus nostris vel successorum nostrorum. Si pro aliquo delicto accusatur homo Dei, ecclesie ille custos solus cum suo juramento, si audeat, illum castiget. Sin autem, ut recipiat alienam justiciam, hujus vicissitudinis con¬ ditionem, prsefatum delictum cum simplo precio componat. Quid plura? Ne cui homiuum per vim aliquid ibi tribu¬ atur, neque in palefridis, neque in refectiones, sed ab his omnibus liber permaneat. De illa autem tribulatione que witereden nominatur sit libera, nisi tamen singuli precium solverit ut talia accipiant. Fures quoque quos appellant weregeld'Seofas, si foris rapiantur, precium ejus dimidium illi ecclesie, et dimidium regi detur. Et si intus rapitur, totum reddatur ad ecclesia,m. Similiter de hereditate peregrinorum, id est Gallorum et Brittoimm et horum similium, ecclesie reddatur. Precium quoque sanguinis peregrinorum, id est weregeld, dimidiam partem rex teneat, dimidiam ecclesie 88 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. aiitedicte reildant. Silva quoque omnis que illi ecelesie et suburbanis ejus suppetit^ in omnibus causis sit libera, et non secetm’ ibi ad regis vel principis edificia aliqua pars materiae grossi vel gracilis, sed ab omnibus defensa et libera maneat. Si quis autem praescriptis statutis noluerit obedire, sciat se alienum esse a consortio sancte Dei ecelesie, et a participa¬ tione corporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, per auctoritatem beati Petri apostoli, nisi digne emendaverit quod contra Dei ecclesiam fecisset. Ego Ecgbert rex concessi et subscripsi. Ego .iEtbelwlf filius regis concessi et subscripsi. Ego .^Elfstan episcopus concessi et subscripsi. Ego Rctbun episcopus concessi et subscripsi. Ego Kiured episcopus concessi ct subscripsi. Ego AVlflaf abbas concessi et subscripsi. Ego Eaduald abbas concessi et subscripsi. Ego Wlfar dux concessi et subscripsi. ►J* Ego Osmod dux concessi et subscripsi. Ego \Vigfred dux couseiisi et subscripsi. Et multi alii hanc libertatem praescriptam, cum his testibus infra nominatis, firmiter in Jhesu Christo cum signa¬ culo sancte crucis confirmantes roboravimus. KING WIGLAF OF MERCIA. DCCC.XXXVI. Regnum Dei querendiim est super universa lucra terrena, Paulo testante apostolo ; quae enim videntur temporalia sunt, sed quae non videntur aeterna sunt. Quid prodest homini totum mundum lucrare, si anima ejus detrimentum patietur ? Quapropter ego Uuiglaf, rex Mereiorum, cum meis episcopis et ducibus et magistratibus, illut monasterium in Heanbyrg in circuitu cum silva ad eam pertinentem, et cum campis et pratis et cum omnibus utensilibus et. cum putheis salis et fornacibus plumbis, et villis et omnia illue pertinentia in coelestem culmen generaliter per totum gentem Mereiorum, ct pro absolutione criminum nostrorum libcralitcr liberamus MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 89 a modicis et a magnis causis, a notis et ignotis, praeter vallis et pontes eonstructionem. Factum est hajc donatio in Craeft, anno Dominicae incar¬ nationis Dccc^xxx^vi®, Indic, vero xiiii”, regni autem nostri a Deo coneessi vii*'', pro redemtione animae meae placabile atque dileetabile mente praedieta loca liberabo, eum universis easallis que ipsis locis universis sunt subditi, hoe modo per aevum liberabo a pastu regis et prineipum, et ab omni con¬ structione regalis villae, et a difficidtate illa quam nos Sax- onice Faestingmenn dicimus, haec omnia mente concedo s})outaneo. Scitote ergo vos qui hanc labens regnum post me obtineatis, quare hoc munus et hanc libertatem scripsi et scribere praecepi, quod in Deum meum desidero, et in ejus ineffabilem misericordiam confido, ut Dominus noster Jhesus Christus meas iniquitates quas per ignorantiam feci, Deus delere faciat. Credo per hoc bonum a cunctis me emiuidare dignetur, quod scriptum est, “ Peccatum ibi emenda ubi nascitur,^’ modo posteros meos per gloriosum et praemirabile uomen Domini nostri Jhesu Xpi, humiliter supplico ut ele- mosinam quam in altitudinem caeli culminis in manus Do¬ mini datam, liabeo communiter pro me et pro totum gentem Merciorum tam benigniter stare demittetis et multiplicare dignemini. Ego Wiglaf rex Merciorum, CyiiebryJ? regina. ►I- Ceolnob archiepi. CyneferS cpi. Rae)?hun epi. Eaduulf epi. Heaberht epi. Eaduulf epi. Alh- stan epi. Beormod epi. Husa epi. Cunda epi. Ceolberht epi. Cynred epi. Eanmund ab. Weohtred ab. Beornhelm ab. Ego Sigred dux hanc donationem signo crucis Xpi confirmavi. Mucoel dux. ^ Tiduulf dux. Ac]7clhard dux. Cyneberht dux. Acjjcluxdf dux. Alhhelm dux. Humberht dux. Aelfstan dux. Mucoel dux. Wiega. Ald- red. Aldberht. Aelfred. tj* Hxvithyse. Weren- berht. »{< Wulfrcd. ^ Wiglaf. Eanuulf. Alh- mund. Berhtuulf. Ecghard. ’ Wigliif became king iu 825, was c.xpelled by the Danes, but restored in 828, which year he seems licrc to regard as that of his accession. 90 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. *I< Des friodom waes bi- geten aet Wiglafe cyuinge mid 'Saem tuentigiim hida aet Iddeshale. end baes londes friodom aet Habecaham mid |7y ten hida londe aet Felda bi Waeduman. end Mucele Esninge ‘Saet ten hida lond aet Crogleage hsebben heora daeg- sefter heora dsege agefe moil )7set land into jisere hal- gan Stowe into Weognrna- cestre. In dorso, pis is Heanbi- rige friodum* se waes bigeten mid ]7y londe aet Iddeshale- aet Heanbyrig ten hida )iaes londes- ■3) aet Felda ten hida on Beansetun- biscop ge- salde Sigrede aldormenn six hund scillinga on golde- ‘j Mucele aldormenn ten hida lond set Crogleage. This freedom was ob¬ tained from king Wiglaf for the twenty hides at Iddes- hall; and the freedom of the land at Hawkham for the ten hides of land at Field by Wseduman; and to Mukel Esning the ten hides of land at Crowle; to hold for their day; and after their day, let the land be given up to the holy place in Worcester. Indorsed. This is the free¬ dom of H anbury, which was obtained for the land at Id- deshall and ten hides of land at Hanbury, and ten hides at Felda in Beansetan. And the bishop gave to Sigred aldor- man six hundred shillings in gold, and to Mukel aldorman ten hides of land at Crowle. KING BERHTUULF OF MERCIA. MAR. 28th DCCC.XL. Alto et agio et omnipotentissimo Deo nostro, ac sanctse et gloriose Trinitati, virtus honor et potestas sit in perpe¬ tuum. Amen. Anno autem ab incarnatione ejusdem Dei et Domini nostri Jhesu Christi dccc^xl®. Indictione iii. con¬ tigit autem quod Berhtwlf rex Merciorum tollerat a nobis et tradidit terram nostram quod recte ac jure sub propria potestate ac libera possessione cum firma donatione tradita est et concessa et firmata ad sedem episcopalem, id est, ad Uueogernensem ecelesiam, rex prefatus suobus propriis ho¬ minibus condonavit, sicut se inimici homines docuerunt, hoc est, Stoltun, Uuassanburna, Cyneburgingctun, Tateringctun, MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 91 Codeswelle. Tunc perrexit ille episcopus Heahberht, cum suis secum senioribus, in Pascba, ad Tomewor^ 5 ie, et suas liber¬ tates et cartulas ante nominatorum terrarum secum babentes, et ibi ante regem ejusque proceres fuerunt allecta, et ibi Merciorum optimates dejudicaverunt illi, ut male ac injuste despoliati essent in suo proprio. Tunc illis terra sua reddita est eum pace, et simul etiam ille episcopus banc donativum regem perdonavit iterum in Welesburnan: boc est iiii. ca¬ ballos bene electos, et unum anulum in xxx. mancusis, et discum fabrefactum in tribus pundis, et duas albas cornas in IIII. libris : et ille regina dedit duos equos bonos, et duas steapas in twsem pundum, et unam cuppam deauratam in duobus puudis. Et tuuc rex cum testimonio bas terras fir¬ miter liberavit sibi in evum, coram suis archontis, unius cujusque necessitatis et sustulionis, et illud etiam cum sig¬ naculo sancte crucis Cbristi suo manu firmiter roborando scripsit et munivit. Si quis vero rex, aut princeps, vel alicujus gradus bomo, banc nostram elemosinam ct libertatem per diabolicam avari¬ tiam deceptus sit, ut frangere vel minuere temptaverit, sciat se separatum a consortio omnium sanctorum Dei in die magni judicii, ante tribunal Cbristi, nisi bic Deo et homi¬ nibus cum bona satisfactione emendaverit. Et bii testes ad¬ fuerant, qui hoc consenserunt et scripserunt, quorum hic nomina in altera plaga cartule flavescunt. Ego Berbtwulf rex Merciorum hanc meam libertatem et donationem cum vexillo sancte crucis munio, ut flxa per¬ maneat in evum. Ego Sse^rylS regina consensi. ^ Ego CyneferS epi¬ scopus consensi. Ego Heaberht episcopus consensi. Ego Berehtred episcopus consensi. Ego Cu^wulf epi¬ scopus consensi. Ego Eammund abbud. Ego Hun- berht dux. Ego iElSelhcard dux. Ego Mucel dux. Ego Dudda dux. ^ Ego Cyneberbt dux. Ego Si- gered dux. Ego .^^elwulf dux. Ego Mucel dux. Ego Eadwulf. >{< Ego Wiega. Ego Eaduulf. Ego .^Elfrcd. Ilwitbyse. Ego Aldberht. 92 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. KING BERHTUULF OF MERCIA. DEC. 25th DCCC.XLI.' Aio et alto Domino Deo Zabaoth regnanti in aevum : Siquidem humani generis prosapio de primo patre et matre oriundus in hanc saeculum venit, et sic per longa vaga tem¬ porum spatium diversis nationibus derimuntur, ut janitor caelestis bibliothece et vas electionis, predicator egregius, apostolus Paulus, dixit, preteriit enim figura hujus mundi, ([uomodo in velocitate dies et anni deficiimt: et iterum sagax sophista, qui quondam Solymis dives regnavit in arvis, kato- lectico versu cecinit diceus, Non semper licet gaudere: fugit hora qua jacemur.” Et ideo sunt omnes nostrae seriae litterarum apicibus confirmandas, ne posteris ex memoria labere possit quicquid facta praecedentium patrum ac regum firmiter statuerunt. Qua de re, ego Berhtuulf, Domino dis¬ ponente, rex Merciorum, mihi et omnibus Mercis in aeternam elemosinam, donans donabo Eanmundo venerabili abbate et ejus familie ou Breodune, cum licentia et testimonia obti- matum gentis Merciorum, hanc libertatis gratiam, id est, ut sit liberatum et obsolutum illud monasterium in aeternitatem ab illis incommodiis quam nos Saxonica lingua faestiugmeu dicimus, Christo Domino teste et omnibus sanctis in celis, tam diu fides catholica et baptismum Christi in Brittaunia servetm’. Ob hujus rei gratia, ipse vero supradictus Eaii- mund abbas et illius sancta congregatio Breodunensis mo¬ nasterii dederunt mihi et omnibus Mercis regaliter perfru- endum et possedendum, in famoso vico in Tomewoi-tiie, mag¬ num discum argenteum valde bene operatum ac faleratum in magno pretio, et c.xc. mancusas in ain’o puro ; similiter etiam decantaverunt duodecim vicibus c. psalterios, et c.xx. missas, pro ■ Berhtwlfum regem, et pro illius caros amicos, et pro omnem gentem Merciorum, ut eorrmi libertas firmior ac stabilior permaneat in evum^, et ut illius regis memoria et amicorum ejus, qui hanc pietatem in elemosinam sempiter¬ nam omnibus Mercis ille congregatione on Breodune dona¬ verat, in eorum sacris orationibus jugiter permaneat usque in ’ A clioice specimen of monastic Latin in the 0th century. ^ MS. eorum. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 98 evum. Insuper, in Dei omnipotentis nomine, et novem ordi¬ nibus angelorum, et omnium electorum Christi, praeceptum ponimus, ut nullus unquam regum vel principum, aut ali- cujus personis liomo, magnis sive modicis, in aliquo tempore hanc praescriptam libertatis gratiam infringere ausus sit, sed semper stabilis et indisscussa firmiterque firmata ille congre¬ gatione on Rreodune, coram Deo et hominibus jugiter per¬ maneat in evum. Haec autem cartula caraxata est anno Dominice incarnationis dccc^xli. Indictione iiii., in die na¬ talis Domini, in celebre vico on Tomewor^5ie, his te.stibus consentientibus et signum crucis Christi scribentibus, quorum subter nomina notata sunt. Ego Berhtuulf, largiflua Dei munificentia rex Mcrci- orum, hanc meam libertatis gratiam ac omnium Merciorum cum signo sancte crucis firmiter consignabo. ^ Ego Sa'- Sry^ regina consensi et subscripsi. Ego CyneferS epi¬ scopus consensi. Ego Aldred episcopus consensi. Ego Bcrehtred episcopus consensi. Ego Heabcrht episcopus consensi. ^ Ego Cu^Suulf episcopus consensi. Ego Ean- mund abbas consensi. Ego Wihtred abbas consensi. ^ Ego Ccolred abbas consensi. KING BERIITWULF OF MERCIA. DCCC.XLIV. Regnante in perpetuum Domino nostro .Thesu Christo. Ceolred antistes, cum consciencia et licentia venerabilium familiarum mearum, dabo Berhtwlfo, regi Merciorum, illud territorium at Peginga burnan, xiiii. manentium juxta am¬ nem que dicitur Temes, pro libertate horum monasteriorum, ut habeat eandem terram, perfruat et possideat in diem illius, et post se ciiicunque voluerit relinquat in perpetuam here¬ ditatem. Ego Berhtwlfus, rex Merciorum, donabo yEdelwlfe duci libertatem et territorium et Pfegeinga burnan in per¬ petuam hereditatem. IIoc est, verbi gratia, ut sint liberati a pastu principum et a difficultate illa quot nos Saxonice di¬ cimus Festigmen ; nec homines illuc mittant qui osceptros vel falcones portant, aut canes aut caballos ducunt; set sint libe- 94 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. rati perpetualiter in evura. Si quis autem hoc servaret vel augere voluerit, benedictionem a Domino Deo celi percipiat hic et in futuro. Si quis autem, quod non optamus, in aliqua parte frangere vel minuere voluerit, sciat se rationem reddi¬ turum ante tribunal nostri judicis, nisi ante ea Deo et homi¬ nibus emendaverit. Hoc autem factum est anno Dominice incarng,tionis dccc°xl°iiii°. Indictione vero vi., regni autem regis Bertidfi iiii° anno. His testibus contestantibus et scri¬ bentibus ; et cum signo sancte crucis corroboraverunt, quorum nomina infra notantur. Ego Bertulf rex concessi et subscripsi, Ego Ssej^ryS regina consensi et subscripsi. Ego Ceolred episcopus con¬ sensi et subscripsi, Ego Hunbrht episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Heabrht episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Eanmund abbas consensi et subscripsi. Ego Mucel dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Humbrht dux consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego .^Ifstan dux consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Cynebrht dux consensi et subscripsi. ►J* Ego iEbel dux consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Beorno^ subscripsi. Ego iElfred subscripsi. Ego Wlfred subscripsi. KING ^THELWULF OF WESSEX. NOV. 5th DCCC.XLIV. Regnante Domino nostro in perpetunm. Dum in nos¬ tris temporibus bellomm incendiis et direptione opum nostra¬ rum, necnon et vastantium crudelissima depredatione hostium barbarorum, paganorumque gentium multiplici affligencium usqiie ad internecionem, tempora cernimus incumbere peri¬ culosa. Quamobrem ego .^^elwlfus rex Occidentalium Sax- onum, cum consilio episcoporum ac principum meorum, con¬ silium salubre atque uniforme remedium affirmavi, ut ali¬ quam portionem terrarum haereditariam antea possidentibus gradibus omnibus, sive famulis et famulabus Dei Deo servien¬ tibus, sive laicis, semper decimam mansionem ubi minimum sit tum decimam partem [omnium bonorum] in libertatem perpetuam perdonare dijudicavi, iit sit tuta atque munita ab MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 95 omnibus secularibus servitutibus, fiscis regalibus, tributis majoribus et minoribus, sive taxationibus quae nos dicimus* Uuinteredenj sitque libera omnium rerum; pro remissione animarum et peccatorum nostrorum, Deo soli ad serviendum, sine expeditione, et pontis instructione, et arcis munitione, ut eo diligentius pro nobis ad Deum preces sine cessatione fun¬ dant, quo eorum servitutem secularem in aliqua parte levi¬ gemus. Placuit autem tunc postea episcopis Alhstano Scire- burnensis ecclesiae, et Helmstano Wintanceastrensis aecclesiae, cum suis abbatibus et servis Dei, consilium inire, ut omnes fratres et sorores nostri in unaquaque ecclesia, omni eb- domada Mercoris die, hoc est Wodnesdaeg, omnis congre¬ gatio cantet quinquaginta psalmos, et unusquisque presbiter duas missas, unam pro rege A^elwlfo, et aliam pro ducibus ejus huic dono consentientibus, pro mercede et refrigerio de¬ lictorum suorum: pro rege vivente, “Deus qui justificas”; pro ducibus viventibus, “ Praetende Domini.” Postquam autem defuncti fuerint, pro rege defuncto, singulariter; pro principibus defunctis, communiter. Et hoc sit tam firmiter constitutum omnibus diebus Christianitatis, [quasi libertas constihita est] quam diu fides crescit in gente Anglorum. Et hoc sub testimonio satrapum nostrorum plurimoraim, ad con¬ firmationem quorum nomina subter annexa notantur. Scripta est autem haec donationis cartula anno Dominicae incarnationis DCCC.XLiiii., Indictione vii., die quoque nonarum Novembris, in civitate Wentana, in ecclesia Sancti Petri, ante altare capitale; et hoc fecerunt pro honore Sancti Michaelis arch- angeli, et Sanctae Mariae reginae gloriosae Dei genitricis, si- mulque et beati Petri apostolorum principis, necnon et sancti patris nostri Gregorii papae, atque omnium sanctorum. Et tunc, pro ampliori firmitate, rex iE^elwlfus posuit cartulam supra altare Sancti Petri, et episeopi pro fide Dei acceperunt; et postea per omnes ecclesias transmiserunt in suis parochiis, secundum quod praedictvim est. Terra autem ista quam in libertatem ponamus ad Meldunesburgensem ecclesiam per¬ tinet. Daet is at Ellendune |>rity hyde, j aet Elmhamstede fyftenc hyde, :rt Wttune tien hyde, et Cherltune tuentig ‘ Witerajden. 96 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. hyde, et Minty uif hyde, at Rodbunie tien hyde. Et qui hoc auger voluerit, augeat Deus bona illius in regione viventium. Si quis autem, diaboliea fraude deceptus, in magnis aut in modicis, hoc infringere vel minuere temptaverit, sit anathe¬ matizatus ab omnibus fidelibus hic et in futuro seculo, nisi antea per satisfactionem emendaverit. Ego yE'Selwlf rex consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Elm- stan episcopus subscripsi. Ego ^Istan episcopus sub¬ scripsi. •i* Ego iE^elwlf dux subscripsi. Ego Osric dux subscripsi. Ego Eanwlf dux subscripsi. Ego .^’Selric dux subscripsi. ^ Ego Ceanwlf dux subscripsi. Ego Cearl dux subscripsi, Ego jE^ehnimd abbas subscripsi. Ego Wlflaf abbas subscripsi. Ego Beorhtelm abbas subscripsi. •i* Ego ^gheard minister. Ego Milred minister, Ego Osmund minister. Ego .^lla minister. Ego Wlfhere minister. Ego ^Elfstan minister. ^ Ego Ceolmund minister. ^ Ego Kyneheah minister. Ego Kyneheah minister. ^ Ego Dudda minister. iji Ego .^^elred mi¬ nister. Ego Wihtgar minister. Ego Eadred minister, ►f» Ego yE^elbald minister. ^ Ego Lulling minister. Ego Cealmund minister. KING yETIIELUULF OF AYESSEX. DCCC.XLIV. In nomine Dei summi Regis seterni. Plerumque et¬ enim contingere solet ut res possessae haereditatis acquisitae in contentionem plerisque et altercationis conflictum deveniunt, nisi cum idoneis testibus, et subscriptionibus sapientium, et fidelium personarum testimoniis tractata et confirmata fue¬ rint. Quapropter sapientes salubrem consilium prudentium quaerunt, et cyrographorum cautionibus, et heroicorum viro¬ rum testimoniis confirmantur, ne imposternm aliquibus alter¬ cationibus, vel scrupulo falsi suspicionis corrumpuntur, aut nebulo ignorantiae in aliquo fuscetur. Idcirco etenim Osnulf, Dei gratia dux atque princeps provinciae Orientalis Cantiae, circa suae propriae haereditatis jura tractare studuit ] et hoc MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. 97 coram beatse memorise Uulfredo archiepiscopo, coramque ab¬ batis Uernotho atque Feolgelclo cseterisque fidelissimis et religiosissimis, Ceolstano, viz. Athelhuno atque Heremodo, presbyteris secclesise Cbristi, necnon ssepe coram sociis suis et amicis fidissimis, qualiter post discessionem suam circa hsereditatem suam imposterum agere voluisse; id est, ut post dies uxoris suae et filii ejus Earduulfi filiae quoque suae Ealf- thrythae, ad aecclesiis Dei omnia dare Deo et sanctis ejus sibi in sempiternam baereditatem sub eorum testimonia dare praecepit, sicut in altera kartula manifeste et lucide compro¬ batur. Sed tamen post obitum Osuulfi ducis surrexit exci¬ tata a quibusdam quaestio et contentio magno circa haere- ditatem Osuulfi contra uxorem ejus Beorntbrythae; cujus altercationis conflictum neque a domino arcliiepiscopo nec ab aliquibus personis inferioribus ullo modo sedare potuit, sed utrique partes ad synodale concilium advocari et invitari jube- bantm’: et cum ad synodum devenissent, et diligenti inves¬ tigatione veritatis sententia utrarumque partium a sancto synodo, quae facta est in loco praeclaro aet ^Eclea, quaerendo examineretur, inventum est nihil justius nec rectius esse posse constare quam sic perseverai’e baereditatem Osuulfi sicut ipse Osuulf prius proprio arbitrio per omnia donare coram prae¬ dictis testibus decreverat; atque ita lioc etiam ab illo sancti synodo perpetuae perdurare dejiidicatum est. Insuper etiam sancta illa synodus decrevere statuit, ut illa altercatio nun¬ quam amplius per aliquam inquietudinis discordiam, post illum diem et deinceps excitando moveretur, et hoc cum signo sanctae crucis Christi perenniter perdurare conscripserunt. Et si quis post haec alicujus personis liomo, diabolica insti¬ gatus temeritate, insurrexerit, qui boc kanonica et synodalia decreta infringere temptaverit, a societate sanctorum om¬ nium et a coetu congregationis et communionis ipsorum sciret se esse alienatum, synodali judicio statuerunt. Sed lieu pro dolor, ille antiquus venenatissimus serpens, qixi protuplaustu piacula indidit, et humanum genus sibi per haec subdidit, ceu caelydra infesta et pestifera, in quorundam pectore adhuc tur¬ gescit, et ad excitandas seditiones discordiasque committendas post curricula (piautorum auuoruni, id est, xxxiiii., iterum H .MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. D8 Eecclesiam Christi et hsereditatem sanctorum ejus adgravere et depravere impia nisu ac prava voluntate conatus est; atque illam praedictum altercationis conflictum renovare et exci¬ tare, post synodalia decreta ac probabilium patrum sanc¬ tiones, studuit. Quamobrem congregata mrdtitudine spiri¬ talium saecularium que personum in Dorovernia civitate, anno Dominicae incarnationis dccc.xliiii. Indict, [vii.] TEtheluulfo regi praesente atque ^thelstano filio ejus, Ceolnotho quoque archimetropolitano archiepiscopo, necnon Tatnotb presbitero electo ad episcopalem sedem Dorobrevi, id est, civitatis Hrofi, cum principibus, ducibus, abbatibus, et cunctis generalis digni¬ tatis optimatibus, inter quas etiam ille venenatissimus anguis cognomento .d^theluulf, ad turbandum et inquietandum aeccle- siam Dei deveniens, sicut saepe progenies et parentes ejus fecerunt, prolatis falsis machinamentis e latebris cordis suae, dicens haereditatem Osuulfi ducis cum auro et argento patris sui, ^thelheah, esse comparatum, et per hoc spoliare aeccle- siam Dei et sanctos coenubias ad quas haereditas illa perti¬ nebat, cum pravis sequacibus nisus est. Tunc ille archi- episcopus Ceolnoth et familia ejus, id est, aecclesiae Christi illa, per ordinem replicavit qualiter in iUo sancto synodo de illo reconciliatum et dejudicatum est. At ille nolens ad- quiescere, neque judicio synodis et probabilium patrum sanc¬ tionibus, neque adsertione et veredica voce episcoju vel ali- cujus personis; tunc etenim a sapientibus et prudentibus tru- tinatum ac dijudicatum est, familiam secclesife Christi, et familiam set Folcanstane, familiam quoque at Dobrum, nec¬ non familiam set Liminge, ad quos hsereditas illa pertinebat, justo juramenta hsereditatem illam sibi ipsis contra hseredi- tatem .^thelheahes castigare; nam et ita fecerunt. Jurave¬ runt XXX. homines de familiis prsedictis, xii. presbiteri, cseteri communi gradus ; et sic etiam illa altercatio utrarumque par¬ tium perenniter sedari decretum est; et illa altercatio nun¬ quam amplius, per aliquam inquietudinis discordiam, post diem illum excitando moveatur; et firmiter decreverunt, ut sub anathematis vinculo esset nodatus, qui hanc reconcilia¬ tionem in aliquo irritum faceret, sicut et ille excommunicatus constat a consortio sanctorum omnium, et a communione MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 99 synodalis concilii, et familiis nostris mcclesiicque Dei alienus existat, qui hoc kanonica statuta et sy nodalia praecepta in¬ fringere studuit, nisi digne Deo et hominibus praesumptionis suae conamen emendare voluerit. Et hoc signo sanctae crucis Christi roborando omnes pariter conscripserunt. Ego ^theluulf, Deo dispensante, rex Oceidentalium Anglorum, hanc praedictam reconciliationem familiae Christi et haereditatis iEthelheahes, et omnem altercationis conflic¬ tum, qui inter se concitatum habuerunt, sedatum esse demon¬ strans; et hoc cum sapientibus meis signo sanctae crucis Christi perenni titulo roborabo et subscribo, quorum subter in scedula liqueseunt vocabula. Ego jEtheluulf dux coh. et sub. Ego Cyneuulf coh. et sub. Ego Lullijig coh. et siib. Ego .^thelheah coh. et sub. Ego ^thelheah coh. et sub. Ego Gishard coh. et sub. Ego Ceolnoth, gratia Dei metropolitanus archiepisc., cum presbyteris et familia sua, hoe, id est signo sanctae crucis Christi roborando subscripsi. Ego Alchhere dux coh. et sub. Ego yEtheluulf dux coh. et sub. Ego Freothoric abb. eoh. et sub. Ego .diithelmund coh. et sub. Ego ^thelred coh. et sub. Ego Freothoric coh. et sub. ^ Ego Denemod coh. et sub. Ego Beornfreth coh. ct sub. Ego Osfere coh. Haec sunt etiam nomina familiae Christi, et illius familiae aet Folcanstane, necnon aet Dobrum, atque aet Liminge qui hanc jurationem juraverunt, quorum nomina subter adno- tantur. ^ Ego Abba pf coh. et sub. Ego Br unheard pr coh. et sub. Ego Ilunred pr coh. et sub. ^ Ego Hysenob pr coh. et sub. ^ Ego Uuigmund pr coh. et sub. Ego Eof pr coh. et sub. Ego Degmund pr coh. et sub. Ego Uuealdhere pr coh. et sub. Ego Hithelred pr coh. et sub. ^ Ego Cichus eoh. et sub. Ego Sigemund coh. et sub. »{4 Ego Bornfred coh. et sub. »^4 Ego Uuynna coh. et sub. >{4 Ego Sygeanoth coh. et sub. >{4 Ego Uuihtred coh. et sub. >{4 Ego Uuillmund coh. et sub. <^4 Ego Beornmod coh. et sub. Ego Cynuulf. Ego Uuillhere. Ego Berht- II 2 100 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. noth. Ego. Ego Ceolbald con. Ego Alch- here. Ego Duddel. Ego .^Ethelhere. Ego North- here. KING BERHTUULF OF MERCIA. DEC. 25th DCCC.XLV. ^ In nomine Domini. Certe fugitiva et caduca itaque est status istius mundi, et omnia quae videntur hic vento velocius ad finem trahunt, et quae non videntur fixa ac man¬ sura in aeternum permaneant. Ideo eum istis temporalibus ac transitoriis hujus saeculi divitiis aeterna praemia, ac semper gaudia manentia, studeamus in caelestibus comparare, vocante nos ad se Domino nostro Jhesu Christo, qui ait, ‘‘Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis, et honorati estis, et ego reficiam vos.’^ Qua de re ego Berhtuulf, gratia divina largiente, rex Merci- orum, de remedio anime meae praecogitans, diemque tremen¬ dum distincti examinis ante oculis cordis mei componens, cogitavique, quod aliquit de istius mundani regni perceptione pro memetipsum in perpetuam elemosinam ac libertatem aec- clesiasticam, Deo vivo, in aeternum erogarem; ideo, cum con¬ sensu et licentia episcoporum et principum meorum, et om¬ nium seniorum gentis nostrae, donabo Heaberhto, meo vene¬ rabili episcopo, hujus libertatis privilegium, et ejus familie in Uuegerna caestre, illius monasterii bi Eafene, quod appel¬ latur Ufera Stretford, cujus quantitas est xx. manentium, eo quod placabile pecunio acceptus fui, id est, x. libris argenti, ea conditione, ut libera permaneat in sempiternum. Soluta et liberata sit ab omni jugo humane servitutis, ab omnibus saecularibus tributis et vectigalibus; cum cunctis utilitatibus ad illam ecclesiam recte pertinentibus, campis vel silviunculis, pascuis vel pratis, fluminibus vel piscationibus; ab opere re¬ gali et pastu regis et principis, vel juniorum eorum; ab hospi¬ torum refectione vel venatorum, etiam equorum regis, falco¬ num et ancipitruum, et puerorum qui ducunt canes. Quid plura ? ab omni tribulatione noti et ignoti, magni et modiei, libera consistit in sevum, quamdiu fides Christiane religionis apud Anglos in Brittannia insula pei’maneat. Si quis vero MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 101 regum aut principum vel praefectorum, aut alicujus gradus homo hanc nostram conscriptam libertatem, per diabolicam gastrimoniam deceptus, frangere vel minuere temptaverit, sciat se separatum a consortio sanctorum in die magni judicii, et in aeterna dampnatione dampnandum cum diabulo et angelis ejus, nisi ante hic Theo pontocratore' et hominibus, cum bona satisfactione emendaverit. Hii testes adfuerunt, quorum nomina hic infra flavescunt. Gesta est autem haec donatio anno Domini incarnationis dccc°xlv”, Indictione VIII®, in loco regali qui dicitur TomeuuorSig, in Nativitate Domini. Ego Berhtuulf rex Merciorum hanc meam largifluam libertatem cum vexillo sanctae crucis Christi roboravi, ut fixa permaneat in aeternum. Ego Saehryb regina consensi et subscripsi. Ego Hunberht^ episcopus consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Heaberht episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Ciorred episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Berhtred episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Cuthuulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Uuihtred episcopus^ consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Eanmund abbas consensi et subscripsi. Ego jEtheluulf presbiter consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Berhtric filius regis consensi. Ego Mucel dux consensi et subscripsi. ►J* Ego Humberht dux consensi. Ego .^Ifstan dux consensi. Ego Cyne- berht dux consensi. Ego ^Etheluulf dux consensi, Ego Mucel dux consensi. ^ Ego Sigered dux consensi. Ego Dudda dux consensi. Ego Aldberht dux consensi. Ego iElfred. ^ Ego Uuicga. Ego Jilthelheah. Ego Eadgar. ^ Ego Uuiglaf. Ego Eaduulf. Ego Uulfrcd. KING BERHTUULF OF MERCIA. DCCC.XLVHL In nomine alme et agye Sophiae, qui monarchiam mundi tocius ac celsitudinem coelorum abditamque profundi¬ tatem turgentis oceani, in altis et in imis, omnia cum suo 0(M TTaVTOKpdropi. ’ Tunbcrht? ^ abbas ? 102 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. majestatis imperio, qui in primordio mundi creavit, et nunc in sevum gubernat et regit, summus Pater, omnipotens Deus. Status hujus mundi in velocitate deficiet, et rotunda ssecu- lorum volubilitas facesset, sic alternando creaturarum qualitas decrescit, sic mutando mortalis vitse fragilitas fatescit. De qua miserrima humani status -vdcissitudine .Ecclesiastes, coe¬ lesti afflatus spiritu, competentem protulit sententiam: “ Ge¬ neratio, inquid, venit et generatio vadit: alii nascuntur et alii morirmtur.” Ita universa divitiarum facultas et temporalis gazae possessio, quam praecessorum anxia sollicitudo per in¬ defessa laborum emolumenta lucratur, j)roh dolor, incertis heredibus, interdum optatis interdum exosis, relinquitur. Quemadmodum psalmista inprovidam humani generis socor¬ diam conquerens increpitet: “ Thesaurizat et ignorat cui congregat ea.” Ideo sunt omnes nostras serie et sermocina¬ tionis litterarum apicibus confirmandos, ne unquam ulla obli¬ vione tradantur, sed perpetua memoria serventur, quicquid reges ac praecedentes patres firmiter constituerunt. Qua de re ego Berhtwulfus, divino fultus suffragio rex Merciorum, cum consensu et consilio principum ac magistratuum Meer- cianoriun gentis, donans donabo venerabili abbati Ean- mundo et ejus familise sanctae congregationis Breodunensis monasterii istam libertatis gratiam illius monasterii aet Breo- dune, mihi et omnibus Maercis, tam pro Deo quam pro saeculo, in elemosinam sempiternam. Id est, ut sit liberatum et ab¬ solutum illud monasterium ab illis causis quas cumfeorme et eafor vocitemus; tam a pastu ancipitrorum meorum om¬ nium, quam etiam venatorum omnium, vel a pastu equorum meorum omnium, sive ministrorum eorum. Quid plura? ab omni illa incommoditate aefres et cumfeorme, nisi istis causis quas hic nominamus: praecones si trans mare venirent ad regem venturi, vel nuntii de gente Occidentalium S axonum, vel de gente Norj^anhymbrorum, si venirent ad horam ter¬ tiam diei, vel ad medium diem, dabitur iUis prandium; si venirent supra nonam horam, tunc dabitur eis noctis pastum; et iterum de mane pergent in viam suam. Ob hujus ergo rei gratiam, ipse vero supradictus Eanmund abbas ac illius supranominata familia set Breodiine, ad commercium hujus MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 103 libertatis, cum testimonio obtimatum gentis Mereiorum, de¬ derunt Berhtuulfo regi Mereiorum c.lxxx. maneusas in auro puro, et terram xv. manentium in duobus locis, set Stan- lege et set Bellanforde, ut ista libertatis gratia cum Dei testi¬ monio, et omnium sanctorum in coelo, et eorura hominum in terra qui Dei prsecepta custodiunt, et tremendum diem judi¬ cii metuunt, et honorem sancte crucis Christi colunt, ac illorum baptismatis donum firmiter perenniterque firmatum, nullo homine interdicente, sed Deo favente ac angelis ejus, stabilis permaneat, tamdiu fides Christiana ac baptismum Christi apud Anglorum gentem in Brittannia maneat. In¬ super etiam ego Humberht princeps optinebam a domino meo Berhtuulfo regi Mereiorum, cum consensu optimatum, illo abbati Eanmundo et familise illius supradietse on Breodune, hanc libertatis gratiam pro eorum venerabili pecunia, quod mihi impendebant in uno vaso prsetioso potatorio, quod fuit de nobile genere pulchraliter factum, et ex parte cum auro ornatum. Hoc est ut sit illud monasterium on Breodune liberatum et absolutum ab omnibus causis, magnis vel mo¬ dicis, notis ac ignotis, quae mihi aut principibus Tonsetorum unquam ante ea pertinebant ex illo monasterio, tamdiu voluerit Deus ut baptismi gratia et recta fides cum regibus ac princi¬ pibus Christianis in populo fideli firmiter fideliterque perma¬ neat in aevum. Et ut memoria regis Beorhtuulfi, ac Hum- berhti principis, et omnium optimatum gentis Mereiorum, in eorum sacris orationibus, diebus ac noctibus, memoretur, et mdlus homo alicujus personis, rex aut princeps, magnis sive modicis, in aliquo tempore, diabolica potestate fretus, per tiran- nicam phylargiriam vel gastrimargiam, hanc nostram statu¬ tionem fringere praesumat; sed semper stabilis et indiscussa haec donatio conservetur iuperpetuum; et ut merita ac elemo- sinae nostrae ante Deum florescant, ac nomina nostra coram throno Domini scribantur in libro viventium. Arnen. Ilaec scedula scripta est anno Dominice incarnationis dccc..xlviii.. Indictione vero xi., in venerabili monasterio primum aet Ilry- padune, ct iterum karaxata atque confirmata fuit cum ista testimonia «piorum subter nomina notata sunt. Ego Bcrhtuiilf, Domino disponente rex Mereiorum, hanc 104 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. uostram diui... . ‘ et meam donationem, mihi et omnibus Mer¬ cis in elemosinam sempiternam, firmiter donabo, atque cum signo sanctae crucis consignabo. Ego Se|;ry)j regina consensi et subscripsi. Ego Tunberht episcopus consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Cioired episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Berhtred episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Alchan epi¬ scopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego CuJjuulf episcopus con¬ sensi et subscripsi. Ego Eanmund abbas consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Witbred abbas consensi et subscripsi. Signum Muceli principis. Signum Humberhti principis. Signum jEthelhardi principis. Signum Aldberti principis. Signum Dudan principis. Signum Sigredi principis. Signum Wig- lafi principis. Signum Muceli principis. Signum .^Ifstanis principis. Signum Ilunstauis principis. ‘ Sic MS. ABBOT CEOLR: In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Ceolred abb higan on Medesham- stede Seda'S Wulfrede Set land aet Sempingaham- in Sas ge- rednisse. Set he hit haebbe bruce sua lange sua he life- anum aerfeuuarde aefter him • elce gere sextig foSra wuda to Saem ham on Hornan Saem wuda. 'j tuelf foSer graefan. q sex foSur gerda. End for- Son we him Sis land sellaS Set he Ses landes fulne frio- dom bigete in »ce aerfeweard- nisse aet Sempingaham aet Slioforda- 'j bruce |?ere cirican lafard on Medeshamstede Ses landes aet Slioforda* 'j Wulfred ED. DCCC.LII. ^ In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Ceolred abbot and the convent at Medeshamstede give to Widf- red the land at Sempring- ham, on this condition : that he have and enjoy it as long as he lives, and one heir after him, and every year [give] sixty fothers of wood to the ‘ ham ’ in the wood of Horn, and twelve fothers of pit coal, and six fothers of faggots. And we give him this land that he may obtain the land’s full freedom in perpetual in¬ heritance, at Sempringham and at Sleaford. And let the ' lord of the church at Medes- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 105 ■Ses on Sempingahani* j lie geselle eghwelce gere to Medeshamstede tua tnunaii fulle luhtres alo^- tua sleg- neat. ^ sex hund lafes- ten mittan Waelsces ale's* ‘j jiere cirican laforde geselle eg¬ hwelce gere hors j Srittig scil- linga* hine ane niht gefeorm- ige fiftene mitta luhtres aloS* V. mitta Welsces aloS* fiftene sestras liSes* hi sion symle in allum here life eadmode '3 hearsume 3 under|ieodde. 3 ofer here tuega daig jionne agefe hio )ict land into )>ere cirican to Medeshamstede mid freodome* 3 we him )iis sellaS mid felda 3 mid wuda 3 mid fenne sua jierto be- limpeS. SiS heora tuuege daeg agan sie* jionne agefe mon tuuenti hida higunm to biodland* 3 Jiere cirican laf- arde xii. hida land mt Forde 3 set Cegle* 3 he jies feormied tuuege hida landes set Lsehco- tum his erfeweorda sweolcum swelce him Sonne gesibbast wsere* 3 jiat were Fulfrcdes cynne gefre swa sua Jict oScr into jiere cirican. Anno vero Domiuicse incarnationis Dccc.i.ii., Indictione xv. hoc factum est. hamstede enjoy the land at Sleaford, and Wulfred that at Sempringham: and let him give every year to Medesham¬ stede two tuns full of bright ale, and two neats for slaughter, and six hundred loaves, and ten measures of M elsh ale. And let him give every year to the lord of the church, a horse and thirty shillings, and one night's entertainment, fifteen measures of bright ale, five measures of Welsh ale, fifteen sesters of mild [ale] : and be they ahvays, in all theii' life, humble and obedient and under subjection. And after the day of the two, let them restore the land to the church at Medeshamstede with free¬ dom. And we give him this with field and with wood and with fen as thereto belong. M'hcn the day of those two is agone, then let be given twenty hides to the convent for table¬ land, and to the lord of the church XII. hides of land at Ford and at Kcal; and he for this shall cultivate two hides of land at Ijiehcotum to such of his heirs as may then be near¬ est of kin to him. And be that to Wbilfrcd’s kin freed so as the other is to the church. Anno vero Dominica; incarnationis I Dccc.Lii. Indictione xv. 106 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Her sindan 5 a naman ’Sere monna ]>e )7is wreotan fest- nedan. Here are tlie names of the men who wrote and ratified this. Burgred rex. Cselnoth archiepiscopus. Tunberht episeo- pus. Ceored episcopus. Alchun episcopus. Berhtred epi¬ scopus. Wihtred abbas. Werheard abbas. ^Bthelhard dux. Huuberht dux. Aldbert dux. Osmund dux. .diilfstan dux. Eadulf. Ic Ceolred abb )?as ure se- leue mid Cristes rode tacne trymme ^ festnie. Beornhard dux. Mucel dux. Aldred dux. Wenberht dux. I Ceolred abbot confirm and ratify this our gift with the sign of Christ’s rood. Aldberht praepositus. Alcheard presbiter. Eanred pres- biter. "VVilheard presbiter. Cenferb presbiter. Cynew'eald presbiter. Eaduuald presbiter. Egberht diaconus. Hum- berht diaconus. Aldhelm. Byrnuuald. Tunwulf. KING .ETHELWULF OF WESSEX. APRIL 22nd DCCC.LrV\i Regnante imperpetuum Domino nostro Jhesu Christo, summo et ineffabili rerum Creatore omnium, tempora qm sua multimoda disponens temporibus potencia ut voluerit finem inponet, et hac vita degentibus cunctis certum ut proposuerat dierum terminum constituet; iccirco cunctis agendum ut hic bonis actibus future beatitudinis felicitatem perpetualiter adi¬ pisci mereantur. Quapropter ego Abelwlf, gracia Dei Occi¬ dentalium Saxonum rex, in sancta et celeberrima paschali solempnitate, pro mee remedio anime, et regni prosperitate et populi, ab omnipotente Deo michi collati salute, consilium salubre cum episcopis, comitibus, cunctisque optimatibus meis, ego humiliter pro amore Dei perfeci, rxt decimam par¬ tem terrarum per regnum nostrum non solum sanctis eccle¬ siis dare, verum eciam et ministris in eisdem constitutis in perpetuam libertatem habere concessimus, ita ut talis donacio fixa incommutabilisque permaneat, ab omni regali seiwicio, et ' This and the three following charters are all that are known to he extant of Aithelwulf's cession of a tenth of his lands. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 107 omnium secularium absoluta servitute. Placuit autem Athel- stano Sciraboruensis ecclesie episcopo, et Suuithino episcopo Wyntonceastrensis ecclesie, cum omnibus Deo servientibus, ut in unaquaque ebdomada, die Sabbati, unanimis congre- gacio famulorum famularum que Dei l. psalmos cantet, et unusquisque frater duas missas, unam pro A^elwulpbo rege, et aliam pro episcopis et ducibus : oracio pro rege vivente; “Deus, qui justificas impium”; pro episcopis et ducibus viventibus : “ Pretende Domine”; postquam ii defuncti fuerint, pro rege defuncto specialiter, pro episcopis et ducibus defunctis com¬ muniter hanc conferentibus donacionem, ut tam roborata perseveret quamdiu fides Christianaque religio in Anglorum gente inconcussa pervigeat. Hoc in bonorcm Domini nostri Jliesu Christi fecimus, et beate ac semper virginis Marie, ac omnium sanctorum, et paschalis festi reverencia, ut Deus omnipotens nobisque et nostris posteris misericordiam afferat; et hoc sub testimonio satrapum nostrorum pliu’imorum ad confirmacionem, quorum nomina subter annexa vocentur. Scripta est hec cartula anno Dominice incarnacionis dccc.liiii., indictione prima, die vero paschali, in palacio nostro quod dicitur Wiltonc. Terra ista quam in libertatem ponimus ad ecclesiam pertinet ad Glastingaburi: Dset is Jranne erest on Bok- lond toun fif hide ; in be Pen- nard sex hidas, on Cotenes- felde an hywysce- q on Cera- wicombe- and J?o^er dei of Branok byalf hiwisce- and al j;at oSer dei. That then is first: In Buck- land town five hides; in by Pennard six hides; in Co- tensfield one hide; and in Cerawicomb, and the other part of Branok half a hide and all the other part. Q.ui hanc augere voluerit nostre donacionem satisfactionis, augeat Deus omnipotens dies ejus prosperos. Si vero quis mi¬ nuere vel immutare presumpserit, noscat se ante tribunalChristi redditurum rationem, nisi prius satisfactione emendaverit. Ego A (Sci wolf rex subscripsi. SwiSon episcopus. A'Sclstanus episcopus. ^ Eanwlf dux. Wlfcr dux. Wulfluf abbas. Wyeffard abbas. ASelred frater regis. AlfreS filius regis. Erue minister regis ct multi alii. 108 MISCELLANEOUS CIL^RTERS. KING .ETIIELUULF. APRIL 22nd DCCC.LIV. Regnnante inperpetuum Domino nostro Jhu Xpo, summo et ineffabili rerum Creatori ac Moderatori omnium, tem¬ pora, qui sua multimoda disponens temporibus poteneiam ut voluerit, finem inponet et in ae vita degentibus cunetis certum ut proposuerat dierum terminum constituet; idcirco cunctis agendum est ut a bonis actibus future beatitudinis felicitatem perpetualiter adipisci mereatur. Quapropter ego .dH^elulf, gracia Dei Occiduntalium Saxonum rex, in sancta ac celeberima paxcbali solemnitate, pro mee remedio anime et regni pi'osperitate et populi ab omnipotenti Deo conlato, con¬ silium salubre cum episcojns committibus et cunctis opti¬ matibus, me perfecci ut decimam partem terrarum per regnum non solum sanctis ecclesiis darem, verum eciam et ministris nostris in eodem constitutis in perpetuam libertatem conces¬ sivis ita ut alis donacio fixa iucommutabilisque permaneat ab omni regali servicio, et omnium secularium opsoluto servitute. Placuit Alhstano episcopo Sciraburnanscis eclesie set SuilS- hun Uuentane eclesie episc. cum omnibus Deo serventibus, in unaquaque efdomada die Sabato nnianimis congregacio famu¬ lorum famularum Dei l. salmos cantent, et unusquisque pr duos missas, unam pro Abelulno rege, alteram pro episc. et ducibus: pro rege vivente “Deus qui justificos impium”; pro episc. et ducibus “ Pretende Domine.” Pro rege de¬ functo specialiter, pro episc. ducibus communiter anc con¬ sentientibus donacionem, ut tam roborato perseveret quamdiu fides q xpiana relegio in Agelorum gente inconcusso pungeat. Oc fecimus in onorem Domini nostri Jhu Xpi, j beate ac semper virginis Marie, j omnium sanctorum t . . . um, q pasxalis festi reverencia, ut Deus omnipotens et nostris pos- terris propiciare dignet. Scripta est hec cartula anno ap in- carnacione Domino nostri Jliu Xpi dccc.liiii. Indiccione ii., die vero Paxali, in palacio nostro quod dicitur "NViltun. Qui augere voluerit nostram donacionem satisfaccionis augealS om¬ nipotens Deus dies prosperos. Si quis minuere vel mutare presumseri^, noseat se ante tribunal Xpi redditurum raci- onem, nisi prius satisfacione emendaverit. Ista est libertas MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 109 quam ^Selulf rex suo ministro WiferiSe in perpetuum eredi- tatem abere concessit: i. cassati in loco qui dicitur Heregeard- ingc liiwisce, istis terminis circumdatis : ^rest on ISa norSigge easte- wearde- ^one on ^a miclan med. ISone on Tydginc msed. ■Sonne on 'Sam ylendic- Sone up to Mealmehtan leahe- Sone to Scelees stede- “Sone on ^schyrste sestewerde* Sone to Hunig yrste- ^one to Dunres- Saere nor^igge felda. 'Sonne on Fontanhlewe- iSonne on Wernan broc • Sonne on Wrennan wylle» Sonne on p 'wseterslaed • 'Sset forS on hagan- eft to eastewearde. et istis testibus consentientibus, quorum nomina inufra scri¬ buntur. First to the North island eastward; then to the great mead, then to Tydging mead; then to the island dike; then up to Mealniehte lea; then to Scale’s place; then toAshhurst eastward; then to Honey- hurst ; then to Thundersfield ; then to Fontanlow; then to Wernan brook ; then toWren- fl'ell; then to the water-slade; then on to the “ haga ” ; again to the North island eastward. iESelulf rex. Alhstan episc. SuiShun episc. iESelbal episc. Eanulf dux. Osric dux. iESelbreht dux. ^ Eannulf dux. ^ Lullede dux. ^ Hunlaf abb. HunerferS abb. ^ Esne nn. ^ iESrcd fili reg. ^ yElfred fili reg. Dorso. Sis seondan ISes landes bcc SciESelulf cyning WiferSe his Segue sable. Cyneuiilf mT. Cu'Sindf mT. Cyneeah mT. NiSmud mT. Ecgheard fh. Osmud fh. Milrcd fh. Lidlig fh. Ecmdf fh. ^ Uulfred fh. Alhstan fh. Aldrcd fh. Eanmund fh. Cyma fh. Indorsed. These are the land’s books that king iEthel- wulf gave to "WifcrS his thane. 110 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. KING yETIIELUULF. APRIL 22nd DCCC.LIV. Regnante imperpetuum Domino nostro Jhesu Christo, summo et ineffabili rerum Creatori [ac Moderatori} omnium, tempora qui sua multimoda disponens temporibus potencia, ut voluerit finem imponet, et in hac Auta degentibus cunctis certum ut proposuerat dierum terminum constituet. Idcirco cunctis agendum, ut hic bonis actibus future beatitudinis felicitatem perpetualiter adipisci mereantur. Quapropter ego Athelwulf, gratia Dei Occidentalium Saxonum rex, in sancta ac celeberima paschali solempnitate, pro mee remedio anime, et regni prosperitate, et populi ab omnipotenti Deo michi collata salute, consilium salubre cum episcopis, comitibus, cunctisque optimatibus meis, ego humiliter pro amore Dei perfeci, ut decimam partem terrarum per regnum nostrum non solum sanctis ecclesiis dare, verum etiam et ministris nostris in eodem constitutis imperpetuam libertatem habere concessimus, ita ut talis donatio fixa incommutabilisque permaneat, ab omni regali servitio et omnium secularium absoluta servitute. Placuit autem Alstano Sciraburnensis ecclesie episcopo, et Swithuno episcopo Wyntancestrensi ecclesie, cum omnibus Deo servientibus, ut in unaquaque eb- domada, die Sabbati, unanimis congregacio famulorum famu¬ larumque Dei quinquaginta psalmos cantet, et unusquisque presbyter duas missas, unam pro Athelwulfo rege et aliam pro episcopo et ducibus ejus. Pro rege vivente, “ Dens qui justi¬ ficas impium”; pro episcopis et ducibus viventibus, “ Pretende Domine.” Postquam autem defuncti fuerint, pro rege defuncto specialiter; pro episcopis et principibus defunctis communiter, hanc consencientibns donationem, nt tam roborata perse^mret, quamdin fides et Christiana religio in.Anglorum gente incon¬ cussa pervigeat. Hoc autem in honorem Domini nostri Jhesu Christi fecimus, et beate ac semper virginis Alarie, et omnium sanctorum, et paschalis festi reverencia, ut Deus omnipotens et nobis et nostris posteris misericordiam ejus adferret; et hoc sub testimonio satrapum nostrorum populorum ad confir¬ mationem, qnorum nomina snbter annexa notantur. Scripta est autem hec cartula anno Dominice incarnationis dccc.liiii. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Ill Indictione i% die vero Paschali, in palatio nostro qui dicitur Wyltou. Terra autem ista quam in libertate ponamus ad ecclesiam pertinentem at Malmesburg. per is |7at erest at Pirig- tune. fif q prittig hyde- at Cwacot fiftiene hyde- at Sri’S - tune fif. at Corsaburnan fif hyda. at Criddanwylle tien hyda. at Cemele tien hyde- at Domeccesige jiridde half hiwisc. There is the first at Pur- ton five and thirty hides; at Quacket fifteen hides at Sutton five; at Corsbourne five hides; at Cridwell ten hides; at Kemble ten hides; at Dauntsey two hides and a half. Qui autem augere voluerit nostre donationem satisfactionis, augeat omnipotens Deus dies ejus prosperos. Si vero quis minuere vel immutare praesumpserit, noverit se ante tribunal Christi redditurum rationem, nisi prius satisfactione emen¬ daverit. Ae}?elwlf rex. Aelstan episcopus. Swithun episcopus. Osrich dux. Eanwlf dux. Athelbold dux. Lulling minister. Uuerfd abbas. Ulfhere dux. Cyma minister. Aejielred minister. Lullede dux. Eanwlf dux. Ecghcard minister. Cyne minister. Aethelbert dux. Aelstan minister. Cujiwlf minister. Ulflaf abbas. Eanmund minister. Osmund minister. Cynewlf minister. Nijimund minister. ISIilred minister. Milred minister. Ulfred minister. Aldrcd minister. KING yETIIELWULF. NOV. 5tii DCCC.LV. ^ Regnante Domino nostro in perpetuum. Dum in nostris tempoi’ibus bellorum incendia et direptiones opum nostrarum, necnon et vastantium crudelissimas hostium depraedationes barbarorum, paganarumque nationum multiplices tribula¬ tiones, ad affiigendum nos pro peccatis nostris usque ad in¬ ternecionem, tempora cernimus incumbere periculosa. Quam- obrem ego Ethelwulphus rex Westsaxonum, cum consilio epi¬ scoporum ac principum meorum, consilium salubre atque uni¬ forme remedium affirmantes consensimus, ut aliquam por- 112 MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETEllS. tionem terrarum haereditariam autea possidentibus omnibus "radibus, sive famulis et famulabus Dei Deo servieutibus, sive laicis miseris, semper deeimam mausionem ubi minimam sit, turn deeimam partem omnium bonorum, in libertatem per¬ petuam donari sanctae ecclesiae dijudicavi, ut sit tuta et mu¬ nita ab omnibus secularibus ser\dtutibus, imo regalibus tri¬ butis, majoribus et minoribus, sive taxationibus quae nos di¬ cimus 'Winterden; sitque libera omnium rerum, pro remis¬ sione animarum et peccatorum nostrorum, ad serviendum Deo soli, sine expeditione, et pontis extructione, et arcis mu¬ nitione; ut eo diligentius pro nobis ad Deum sine cessatione preces fundant, quo eorum servitutem in aliqua parte levi¬ gamus. Acta sunt baec apud Wintoniam, in ecclesia Sancti Petri, anno Dominicae incarnationis dccc.lv. Indictione iii. nonas Novembris, ante majus altare, pro honore gloriosae virginis et Dei genetricis Mariae, Sanctique Michaelis arch- angeli, et beati Petri apostolorum principis, necnon et beati patris nostri Gregorii papae. Praesentibus et si^bscribentibus arcbiepiscopis et episcopis Angliae universis, necnon Beorredo rege Merciae, et Edmundo Eastauglorum rege; abbahim et abbatissarum, ducum, comitum, procerumque totius terrae, aliorumque fidelium infinita multiPxdine, qui omnes regium chirographum laudaverunt; dignitates vero sua nomina sub¬ scripserunt. Rex vero Ethelwulplius, pro firmitate ampliore, obtulit hanc chartulam scriptam super altare Sancti Petri apostoli; et episcopi, pro fide Dei illam acceperunt et per omnes eccle¬ sias postea transmiserunt in suis parochiis publicandam. In a donation of land, etc. by .Ethelwulf in dccc.lv. refer¬ ence is made to this grant of a tenth, viz., “ In nomine Trino divino. Ego Etheluulf rex Occidentalium Saxonum, necnon et Cantuariorum, pro decimatione agrorum, qxiam Deo donante ceteris ministris meis facere decrevi, tibi Dunne ministro meo dabo unam villam,” etc. etc. — Cod. Diploni. ii. p. 57 . ' "Witereden ? MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 113 KING BURHRED OF MERCIA. DCCC.LV. In nomine omnipotentis Dei et Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, qni vivit in stecula. Amen. Ego Burgrcdus, Deo auxiliante omnium regnorum Regnatore concedente, rex Mer- censium, mihi in elemosinam perpetuam largiendo hujus liber¬ tatis compositione et privilegium, meo praeclaro pontifice et fidele amico Alhuuino et ejus familiae in Weogerna civitate, cum consilio et licentia pontorum procerum meorum, in hiis territoriis et locis anc lil)ertatem illis firmiter perdonabo et scribo ; hoc est bi Cunelgan decem manentiiim ; set Eadbald- ingtune j set Pultune viiii. cassatorum; set Beorondes lea similiter vi. cassatorum; and set Esege v. manentium ; ita ab omnibus servitutibus et tributalibus rebus, magnis vel modicis, reis vel principis, aut jimiorum illorum, in perpetuum sint liberati has terras omni rei, nisi tantum quattuor causis, pontis et arcis et expeditione contra hostes, et singulare praetium contra alium, et ad poenam nihil foras resolvat. Et illam terram trium manentium in Beonctlege, in occiden¬ tale plaga Sebrine, etiam liberabo a pascua porcorum re[g]is, quod nominamus fearnleswe. Propter hujus libertatis tradi¬ tione, ille praenominatus epis mihi perdonabat duas bradiolas aureas fabrefactas, quas pensarent xlv. mancusas. Si quis autem benivola mente hujus libertatis donant, et nostrae ele- mosinte largitionem augere, vel adjuvai’c, vel servare voluerit, ordinetur, coronetur, et benedicetur, hic in praesenti et in futuro, cum justis; et qui in aliquo fraude vel disceptione, per diabolicam gastrimoniam, istam libertatem frangere aut minuere temptaverit, sciat se cum rapacibus et peccatoribus esse conjunctum, et sine ullo honore in aeterna dampnatione cum diabulo dampnatum et sociis ejus, nisi hic cum satisfac¬ tione emendaverit Deo et hominibus. Gesta est autem hujus liljcrtatis donatum anno Dominice incarnationis dccc.lv". Indictione iiG, in loco qui vocatur Oswaldesdun, quando fuerunt pagani in Wreocensetum. ►J* Ego Burgred, rex Merciorum, hanc libertatem prae- sci’iptam mea manu consensi et subscripsi. Ego ^E^el- suuiS regina libertatem istam consensi. Ego Ciored epi- I 114 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. scopus consensi et subseripsi. ^ Ego Alhliun episcopus con¬ sensi et subscripsi. Ego Berhtred episcopus consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Cubwulf episcopus consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Hunberbt dux. ^ Ego .55)7elheard dux. Ego BeornnoiS dux. Ego Beornob dux. Ego Aldberbt dux. Ego Werberbt dux. Ego Mucel dux. ^ Ego ^)?elwidf dux. Ego Oinund dux. Ego Bernhard dux. Ego Eadgar. Ego Eadwxdf. Ego Werberbt. ^ Ego Aldberht. Ego Ciolmund. Ego Baldred. •i* Ego Mucel. Ego ^{jelwulf. Ego Baldred. Ego .dEpelbeard. KING RURITRED OF MERCIA. UCCC.LV. ►i- Regnante in perpetuum agio et alto Prosatori nostro, universitatis Creatore in saeculorum saecula. Arnen. Ego quidem Burhredus, omnipotentissimo Domino largiente rex iMerciorum, donabo ac trado, pro redemptione animae meae, et pro absolutione peccaminum meorum, et pro spe superne remunerationis, meo fidele et perearo praesule et amico Alliwino hujus libertatis munificentiam et donatio: id est, monasterium quod nominatur Bloeeauleeh, liberabo illud a pastu et ab refectione omnium ancipitrum et falconum in terra ^lereensium, et omnium venatorum regis vel principis, nisi ipsorum tantum qui in provincia Hu icciorum sunt; similiter et a pastu et refectione illorum hominum quos Sax- onice nominamus Wahlfaereld. q heora faesting- q ealra An- gelcynnes monna q aelj^eodigra raedefaestinge, tam nohilium quam ignobilium : istorum omnium sint liberati praenomi¬ natorum in perpetuum, quamdiu Christiana fides in Brittaunia insula aput Anglos perseverat. Propter hujus praefati liber¬ tatis donatione, ille episcopus Alhuuine mihi donabat placa¬ bilem pretium, hoe est ccc.torum solidorum in argento, ut eo liberior perfruantur hujus meae elimosine in eternum. Si quis autem hanc donationem vel libertatem meam cum bona voluntate augere vel servare, aut in omnibus custodire cena¬ verit, sciat se in celestibus habere consortium cum justis, et in MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 115 aeternum requies illius cum Deo et angelis ejus; et si aliquis, quod non optamus, sit, qui convertere hoc voluerit, et ad malum servitutem vel ergastulum mutare maluerit, sciat se separatum et anathematum a consortio omnium sanctorum Dei in celis, et cum diabolo et angelis ejus sine fine in perpe¬ tuum dampnatum, nisi ante hic Deo et hominibus cum satis¬ factione emendaverit. Gesta est hujus liber [tatis] cartula anno Dominicse incarnationis dccc.lv. Indictione iii., in vico celebre qui a midtis vocitatur Tomanworbigne; et hii testes adfuerunt quorum hic nomina infra notantur. Ego Burhred rex Mere, hanc meam donationem ^et ele- mosinam signo crucis Xpi muniat. * Ego ^Ebelswy^ regina consensi. Ego Tumberht eps cs. Ego Ceorred eps consensi. •i* Ego Berehtred eps consensi. Ego Alhiwine eps cs. Ego Cu'Suulf eps cs. Ego Humbriht dux. ^belheard dux. Beorn- no^ dux. Ego Aldberhti dux. Ego Weremberliti dux. Mucel dux. * KING .UITIIELWULF OF WESSEX. On j>0es naman );e on eces lifes bec on heofonan ]?a awrit ]>e her on life wel geewema)?. ic Abulf kyninge on bysum gewrite geswutelie be Cilta- cumbes freulse bone |?c Kyne- gyls kyninge }>e ajrest kin- inga cristen gevear]? on West Sexau his fulluht fieder See Birine biscope geu]>e- si[7[>an a;lc j^ajra kyninga ]>e scfter obran on West Sexan waeron gefribodon q gefyrSredon | 7 eah AFTER DCCC.LVl. In the name of Him, who in the book of everlasting life in heaven, has written down those Avith Avhom here in life he is aa^cII pleased, I Athulf king, by this Avriting make kuoAvn concerning the freedom of Chilcombe, which king Kynegils, Avho first of the kings of West Saxony became a Christian, granted to his baptismal father S‘ Biriuus bisho]); and aftev- I 2 IIG MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ]>e he aer on gewrite ne stode hit to me com j^e nu se nygoJ>a kyiiiugc eom. Eac ic her geswutelie j^aet ic )>isne freols setforan See Petre on Rome J)am halgan papan Leone swa gefaestnode swa swa me eallan ^eodscype gewearp on Englaland aer ic to Rome fore, f waes |7aet mon aelles 'Sises fi’eolses are aefre for ane hide werian scolde- for]>am ]>c Godes ar aefi’e freogre beon sceal j^onne aenig woruld ar. min sime eac iElfred pe mid me for- )7aer tokyninge gehalgod waes* l^an papan on liand gesealde ))aet he Sisne freols ^fre ge- fyr)^rian Avolde* his beam. gif him God aenigra genj^e. to )?am ylcan sprittan wolde. Ic eac- beforan J;am ylcan papan- ealle f»a land are pe ic on Angla )>eode haefde- Gode into halgan stowon- for me for ealle |7code geteobode- ^ on Rome, be )?es pajjan fyrj?runge leaue- mynster geworhte. Gode to lone- Sea Marian his halgan meder to wyr)>mynte - )?aer Englisce scole gesette- })e aefre nihtes j daeges for ure J^eode Gode ] 7 y\nan scolde- p&p 2 t. ic on | wards each of the kings, who were successively in West Saxony has protected and promoted, although it before stood not in writing, until it came to me who am now the ninth king. I also here de¬ clare that I, before S^ Peter at Rome and the holy pope Leo, so confirmed this free¬ dom as was agreed on by me and all the nation in England, before I journeyed to Rome. That was, that for all the land enjoying this freedom, there should ever be defence for one hide*; because God’s pro¬ perty should ever be more privileged than any secular property. And my son iElfred also, who journeyed Avitli me, and was there consecrated king, gave pledge to the pope, that he would ever promote this privilege, and his chil¬ dren, if God should grant him i any, would rear up to the same. I also, before the same pope, conceded all the landed property which I had in the nation of the Angles, to God j for holy places, for myself and ! for all the nation; and at [ Rome, by the pope’s further¬ ance and leave, wrought ’ That is for tlie ‘ Fyrd,’ or military levy. Had the land been lay- property, it would no doubt ha’\e been rated aecording' to the real number of hides. MISCELLANEOUS CILVRTERS. 117 eard com ic oncyiSde ealle folce hwset ic on Rome gedon liaefde. pa ]/ancodon hy Jjyses Gode "j me swy]?e georne- heom eall |7is swy|>e wel licode. j cwsedoii j^ajt lieora )?anees J^is on ecnesse stande. Nn halsie ic- )?nrh ]>a halgan jjrimnisse Scs Petrus. ealne }>aue lialigdom ic on Rome- for me "j for ealne ] 7 Codscype gesohte- )jct uajfre ne kyningc • ne sejjeliiige • ne biscop, ne ealdorman- ne l^egen. ne gerefa- bine silfne swa earme forwyrce jjaet he jjisne freols gelyttlie )7e be svvylcre gewittnesse gefestnod is. bntou tweonan se ]>e bit deS he abilb^ Gode See Petre 3 eallau j^am halgan pe on Romes cyreean resta)?, j him seluan ece hellewite uu- gesjeligliee getila)?. Eac se halga forsseda papa Leo Godes curs. See Petres. ealra halgena. -j his on )?tene gesette );c )?is sefre undo. ^ eac eall ]?cs )?codscype. ge on gehado- dan ge on Isewedan f ylce dyde )?a ie ongean com. him monasteries to the glory of God and the honour of S* Mary, his holy mother; and there founded an English school, which ever, by night and by day, should serve God for our nation. And when I came home I declared to all the people what I had done at Rome. Then they for this thanked God and me very earnestly, and all this they well liked, and said, that with their good will it should for ever stand. I now beseech by the holy Trinity, and S*^ Peter, and all the sacred things, which I sought for myself and for all the nation at Rome, that never any king or setheling, or bi¬ shop, or aldorman, or thane, or reeve, so miserably fordo himself, that he diminish this privilege, which is confirmed by such witness. Without doubt, he who shall do it will incense God and S‘ Peter, and all the saints who rest in the ehurches of Rome, and for himself will unhappily pre¬ pare hell torment everlasting. j?is cy)?de. Also the holy pope aforesaid Leo will set the curse of God, and S‘ Peter, and all saints, and his own, on him who shall ever undo this. And also all this nation, both ecclesiastie and lay, did the same when I came back and announced this to them. 118 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. KING BURHRED OF MERCIA. .APRIL 18th DCCC.LVII. In nomine Domini Dei excelsi^ qui est spes omnium finium terre, et in mare longe. Ego autem Burkredus [Om¬ nipot] entissimo Deo concedente, rex Me [rciorum, donabo ac] trado Alhuno, episcopo meo, pro remedio anime mee, aliquam parvam portionem libertatis, cum consensu consiliatorum meorum, gaziferi agelluli in vico Lundonie; hoc est, ubi nominatm’ Ceolmundingchaga, qui est non longe from West- getum positus, sibi episcopis in propriam libertatem ad ha¬ bendum, vel ad Uueogerna civitate pertinentem, cum om¬ nibus rebus que ad se recte pertinent, modicis et magnis; hoc est, quod habeat intus liberaliter modium et pondera et mensura, sicut in porto mos est ad fruendam. Hec libertas hujus agri comparata est a rege cum sexaginta solidorum argenti, et ante empta cum tanto pecunia uno libra et Ceol- munde prsefecto. Pax et securitas sit omnibus servantibus hanc libertatem; contradicentibus vero et rennuentibus eterni regis ultio sibi incumbat, si non digne emendaverint Deo et hominibus. Gesta sunt hec anno Dominicae incarnationis dccc.lvii. Indictione vero v., in loco famosa qui dicitur Tomanworbig, in sancta pascha Domini. Ad censum vero regi reddatur in anno de agriunculo illo xii. denarios. Hii fuerunt testes quorum nomina hic sunt; *{< Ego Biu’gred rex ^lerciorum hanc libertatem, quam episcopis donavi, signo crucis Chi’isti munio et confirmo. Ego .iEthelswyb [re]gina hanc donationem regis consensi et subscripsi. Ego Tumberht episcopus. Ego Ceorred episcopus. Ego Alhun episcopus. Ego Bp’htred episcopus. Ego Cubuulf episcopus. Ego Hunberht dux. [Ego Beor] htnob dux. Ego Ealdberht dux. Ego Mucel dux. [Ego A^ulf dux.] Ego Beornhard dux. Ego Eadred dux. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 119 KING JETIIELBERIIT OF KENT. DCCC.LVIII. *J< Regnante in pei’petuum Domino Deo nostro omnipo¬ tenti Sabaot. Ego ESelbearht rex, eum eonsensu ae licentia meorum secularium optimatum divinorumque personarum, liventi animo dabo et concedo meo fideli ministro Wullafe aliquam partem terre juris mei, hoc est v. arati’a in illa loco ubi Wasngwelle nominatur, in bicissitudinem alterius terre, hoc est et Mersaham. Hanc terram supranominatam et Wassingwellau ego ESelbearht ab omni servitute regali operis eternaliter liverabo, sicut ante fuerat illa prenominata terra et Mersaham. Ilee smit etenim marisci q: ad eandem ter¬ ram rite ac recte pertinent q, hega ante abuerat; id est, an Wiwarawic, q, ante subjecta erat to Wii g to Leanaham- -j et at Wye and at Lenham, and Febresham, i. sealtern q ii wenagang mid cyninges we- num to Blean ‘Sem vviada- '] iiii. oxnum gers mid cyn¬ inges oxnum an Wiwarawic- XXX. statera kasei et item x. statera in alia WiwaraAvic- et XX. lamba xx. fehta. at Faversham i. salt-house, and II. wainloads with the king’s wains at Bleau wood; and grass for iv. oxen, Avith the king’s oxen inWiwarawic; XXX. staterae of cheese, and likewise x. staterae in the other Wiwarawic; and xx. lambs, and XX. ‘ fehta.’ Hec autem terra suprascripta et Wassingwellau his no¬ tissimis terminibus antiquitus circumjacentibus ab occidente cyninges folcland quae abet Wighelm et Wulflaf, ab aquilone CivSrices dun Ileregebeland; ab oriente Wighelmes land ; a meritie biscepes land to Cert ii. q: molina ad illam eandem terram pertinentia; una an Wassingwellau, alia an HAvite- celdan. Ilee sunt pascua porcorum, quot nostra lingua denbera nominamus: hoc est Lamburnanden, Orricesden, Tcligden, Stanehtandenn, et illa silva Sandhyrst nominata, q: pertinet to Wassingwellau. Hancq: livertatem huic eodem agellulo illo q: Wullafe similiter et WassingAvellan, cum con¬ sensu ac licentia meorum optimatum liventer largitiis sum, ut omnium regalium tributum et vi exactorum operum et penalium rerum principali dominatione, fiirisq: comprehen- 120 MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEES. sione, et cuncta secular! gravidine, absque expeditione sola, et pontium structura, et arcium munitionibus, secura et in- munis permaneat. Si autem aliquis, q, absit, diabolika fraude deeeptus, et mundana cupiditatae inlectus, hoc infringere vel irritum facere conaverit, sciat se a consortione katbolicorum segregatum, et in die magni aexaminis, quando celum et terra moventur coram Xpo et exercitu celesti, nisi ante emen¬ daverit, rationem redditurum esse. Hactum est autem anno Dominice incarnationis dccc.lviii.. Indictione vi., bis testibus consentientibus ac conscribentibus, quorum hic nomina infra karaxanf. Hec sunt prata: to Wassingwellan Stocmed healf be norSan Hegforde be Sturemeda- sue ^erto limpab. at Washingwell Stockmead- side, to the north of Hedge- ford, as thereto belong. Ego ESelbearht rex banc meam donationem cum signo see crucis Xpi rovoravo et subscribo. Ego Ebelmod diix cong. q sbscr. Ego Eastmund pede- secus cons, sbscr. Ego Wullaf cons. '3 sbscr. •J* Ego Ebered cons. sbscr. Ego Sigenob cons. ^ sbscr. Ego Beagmund cons, sbscr. Ego Ese cons. sbscr. Ego Dun cong. q sbscr. Ego Oslac cong. sbscr. Ego Dudda cons', sbscr. Dorso. Dis siondan bes landes boec et Wassing¬ wellan bet Ebelbearht cyn- ing Wullafe sealde his begne wib obrum sue miclum lande et Mersabam. Se cyning sealde q gebocade Wullafe fif sidung laudes et Wassing- ^ Ego Mueel cong. sbscr. Ego Burgnob cong. ►i» Ego Ebelweald cong. Ego Eadweald cong. ^ Ego Lulla cong. Ego Acka cong. ^ Ego Cynelaf cong. ►i-Ego Ebelbere cong. Ego Wigbelm cons. Ego Nobmund cong. Ego Sigemund cong. Ego Hunfreb cong. Indorsed. This is the char¬ ter of the land at Washing- well, which king ^thelberht gave to Wullaf his thane for so much other land at Mers- ham. The king gave and chartered to Wullaf five su- lungs of land at Washingwell MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 121 wellan wi 5 ^em fif sulimgum et Mersaliam. -j se cyning tlyde Set land et Mersaham him to folclande- Sa hie Sem landum iehwerfed hefdan. hutan Sem merscum- '3 butan Sem sealtern et Fefresham- 3 butan Sem wioda Se to Sem sealtern limpS. for the five sulungs at Mers- ham; and the king made the land at Mersham into folk- land, when he had exchanged the lands, except the marshes, and except the salt-house at Faversham, and except the wood wdiich belongs to the salt-house. KING .ETHELBERHT OF WESSEX. DCCC.LXIII. In nomine Trino divino. Regi regnanti in perpetuum, Domino Deo Hsabaoth, cui patent cuncta penetralia cordis et corporis terrestria simul et coelestia, necnon super sethera regnans in sedibus altis, ima et alta omnia sua dicione gubernans, cujus amore et eternis preiuiis ego FSelbearht, rex Occidentalium Saxonum, necnon et Cantnariorum, dabo et concedo meo fideli ministro et principi meo ESelredo aliquam partem terre juris mei, hoc est viii. aratra in illa loco hubi nominatur Mersaham, in sempiternum hereditatenr sibi abendum et possidendum, feliriterque in dies ejus per- fruendum, post dies ejus cuicumque hei heredi placuerit derelinquendum, liberam per omnia habeat potestatem, cum campis, silvis, pratis, pascuis, aquis, venationibus, pascuis porcorum, simulque mariscis, et cum omnibus utilitatibus rite ac recte ad eandem terram pertinentibus. Hoc feci pro ejus humili hoboedientia, simulque pro ejus placavili atque conpetenti pecunia, quam ab eo accepi, hoc est cccc‘°® mancusas auri purissimi. Hanc autem terram sujiranomi- natam et Mersaham ego E^elbearht rex ah omni ser¬ vitute regali operis, intus et foris, magnis ac modicis, notis et ignotis, perenniter liveravo, nisi his tantum tribus causis, hoc est, expeditione, et arcis munitione, pontisque con¬ structione, et illud foras reddat quot sivi intus faciendi ap¬ petat. IIcCC autem terra prenominata his notissimis termi- 122 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. nibus cii’cumciiigitur: A meritie et ab occidente Stur usque Blaneanrybe; ab aquilone et ab oriente Eadwaldes bocland to Bradeburnan; estque una semis aratra ab oriente Sture, que jacet at confinium usque Garulfi regis ministri to Mersa¬ bam et medan be eastan ee^ sue )7er mid rilite to j^em lande limpa’S (as there rightfully belong to the land), unamque salis coquinariam, hoc est, i. sealternstealL q |7er cotato (and two cots there), in ilia loco ubi nominatm’ Ilerewic; et iiii. carris' transductionem in silba regis sex ebdomades a die Pen¬ tecosten, hubi alteri homines silbam cedunt, hoc est, in regis communione, hec sunt paseua porcorum, que nostra lingua Saxhonica denbera nominamus; hoc est, Husneah, Efre^- ingdenn, Herbedingdenn, Wafingdenn, Widefingdenn, Blec- cingdenu; necnon xx. statera casei of Mersce (from the Marsh) ad Mersaham I’eddatur, et xl. agnos, et xl. vellera ovium, et duorum dierum refectio, vel xxx. argenteis, hoc est, semicum libra redimatur. Hsi quis vero heredum successorumque meorum, regum, princijmm, ducum, optimatum, sive exactomm, hanc meam donationem servare voluerit, servetur ei desuper benedictio sempiterna; hsi autem, absit, quod non optamus, alicujus personis homo, diabolica temeritate instigatus, sur- rexerit qui hanc meam donationem vel livertatem infringere, vel minuere, aut in aliut eonbertere quam a nobis constitutum est temptaverit, sciat se ante tribunal summi et eterni Judicis rationem esse redditurum, nisi ante digna hsatisque placabili factione Deo et hominibus emendare studuerit. Hacta est autem hec eadem donatio vel livertas in illa loco que vocitatur Biernefeld, anno Dominice incarnationis nccc.Lxiii., Indictione xi., testibus consentientibus, et signo see crucis Xpi confirmantibus, quorum hic nomina infra ac in scedula patefacta liquescunt. Ego Ebelbearht rex hanc meam donationem vel liver¬ tatem cum vexillo see crucis Xpi rob. sb. sj* Ego Ebered dux COUS. ~j sb. Ego ESered fit. reg. cons, q sb. Ego Dryht- weald dux cons, q sb. Ego Mucel m. cons, q sb. Ego Heahmund pr. cons, q sb. Ego Ileremod pr. cons, q sb. Ego Garulf fh. cons, q sb. Ego Eastmund m. cons, q sb. Ego Uulfred fh. coiiS. q sb. Ego AVigstan m. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 12.‘;5 cons, j sb. Ego EcgferS m. cong. -j sb. Ego Ealdred in. cons, j sb. Ego Sigeno^ in. ^ Ego Elfstan m. *{< Ego Wiglielm in. Ego Piahtred fh. Item at sta¬ bilitatem Imjus suprascripte donationis vel livertatis, Ego CiolnoS, gratia Dei arciepisc., mea propria manu signum see crucis Xpi impressi. Ego Deimund pf. ab. cons'. sb. Ego Biarnulf pr. ab. cong. '3 sb. Ego Ebelweald pr. cong. ■j sb. ^ Ego No'Slieard pf. cong. sb. Ego Osmund ^pr. cong.'] sb. Ego lab pf. cons, j sb. EgoWighelm pf. cong. •] sb. Ego Tida pf. cons, j sb. Ego Biarn- lieah ared. cong. -j sb. Ego Osulf archd. cong. j sb. Ego Ealhstan cong. j sb. Ego Sigefreb archd. cong. ■] sb. Ego Diarvveald sbd. cong. -j sb. Ego Sefreb sb. cong. j sb. Ego Osmund cong. ] sb. Ego Dudda cong. j sb. Ego Beagmund cong. •] sb. ^ Ego Osweald cong. j sb. Ego Lulla cong. •] sb. Ego HunfreS cong. •] sb. Ego Lulla cong. ] sb. ►J* Ego Eadulf cong. ■] sb. Ego Osbearht cong. ■] sb. Ego Wealdhelm cong. -j sb. Ego Ealdhere cons, j sb. tj» Ego Diara cons', -j sb. Ego (larulf cong. ~) sb. Ego Elric cong. 'j sb. Ego Dudda cong. sb. Ego ESel-wulf cons'. ■] sb. Ic Ead-svald sello ■] forgeofu }>is lond et Wifelesbeorge Agustines bigum into hiora beode* minre sawle to are ■j to lecdome- "j eow for Godes lufe bidde |?et ge hit minre sawle nyt gedeo- ^ me hit for Gode leanie cow to elmessum. Amen. I Eadwald give and con¬ cede this land at Wivlesbo- rough, to the brotherhood of S‘ Augustine’s, for their table; for the honour and medica¬ ment of my soul ; and I pray yoxx, for the love of God, that ye render it useful to my soul, and before God requite me for it as alms to you. Amen. 124 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. KING .ETIIELBERIIT OF WESSEX. DCCC.LXH^ LIBERTAS QUAM ATHELBERTUS REX CONCESSIT SCIREEURNENSI ECCLESIA. Regnante in perpetuum Domino nostro Ihesu Christo. Riesiendum urum Dryhtne Hselendum Criste in eenisse* Jjajm liiehstan j^aim unto- sprecendliean ealra |?inga ^ ealra tida Seippende- se iSe on manegum J^ingnm his mihtum setteS- eae swylce ]7am ure hefenlican Jjsem unasecgendliean rice- •|)te he )iisses lifes eadinysse 'j ge- saelinysse on senigum )^ing- um ne forlsete. For]7on ic iE^elbreht mid Godes gife Westsaxna kyning uitodlice ic )?ence- me on gemynde is mid ] 7 issum eorSlicum ];ingum Sa ecelican gestreon to he- gitanne- sicut Salomon dixit. Redemptio animse proprise divitise”- swa swa Salomon cwse'S- ]?aet -sve sceoldon mid urum spedum urum saulum ]>& ecan gesselinesse begitan. For|7on ic cuSlice- mid ge- ]ieahte- mid ge]7afonge leafe minra biscepa aldor- manna- nohte J^onlses minra broSera iESelredes Jilf- redes- ealra jiara selestena Avitona jises rices- ic forgyfe for me sclfne for mine Sa Regnante in perpetuum Domino nostro Ihesu Christo. Our Lord Jesus Christ ruling in eternity, the highest and the most ineffable Creator of all things, and of all times, who holds many things in subjection by his poivers, so also our heavenly and inef¬ fable kingdom, so that he the happiness and prosperity of this life in no things aban¬ dons. Tberefore I .iEthel- berht, by God’s gi’ace king of tbe West Saxons, certainly think and have in mind until these earthly things to beget everlasting reward; sicut Sa¬ lomon dixit: “ Redemptio animae propriae divitiae ”; as Solomon said : that we should, until our riches, beget for our souls eternal happiness. Therefore I, to wit, until the counsel and leave of my bi¬ shops and aldormen, and not less of my brothers zEthelred and .dElfred, and of all the most excellent ‘ untan ’ of the kingdom, I give for myself and for my dearest Mends living, and also for lenera- tion of the soul of my father MISCELLANEOUS CIIAIITERS. 125 liofestan lifiende frynd. j eac swylce for arwiir'Snesse J 3 'Sel- wulfes saule mines feeder- ^ ^"Selbaldes mnies bro'Sor- so'Sliee |iisne freols to ]>sere halgan stowe tet Scireburnan- Jieere iESelbaldes eyninges licbama bine rested- ^ bit sy f?estlice unawended ecelice gefreod alra eynelicra alra domlicra jieowdoma- ge ]ieof- fenges ge seghwelcre unieb- nesse' ealles worldlices broees- nymSe fyrde ^ bryce weorces. Gif hwa |jonne sye ^ he bine for Godes lufan to 'San ge- eaSmedan Aville ■p be )ias ure gyfe geieacnian wide oSSe gemonifseldan wille- geiece him admiliti God eal god her on worlde- bis dagas gesund- fiille. Gyf jianne bwilc man to San ge)>ristlsece • oSSe mid deofles searwum to Sam be- svvicen sye ■}? he )ns on senigum ]iingnm lytliim oS 5 e myelum pence to gebrecanne oSSe to onwendanne- wite be ponne ^ be pais agieldende sie be- foran Cristcs prymsetle- ponne ealle lieofonware '] eorSware on liis andweardnesse lieoS onstyrede"] onhrerede- nymSe he hit eer her on worlde mid ryhte gebete. Dis wees gewriten pees geere Se W0es agan fram Cristes ‘ MS. ie'Snesse. Jilthelwulf, and of my brother ^tbelbald, verily this immu¬ nity to the holy place at Sherborne, ivbere the body of king vEthelbald rests, that it be firmly and immutably and eternally freed from all royal and all judicial services, both of ^pcofteng’ and from every annoyance of all worldly cares, except the ‘ fyrd ’ and bridge-work. If then there be any one who, for love of God, will so vouchsafe, that he will augment or multiply this our gift, may God Al¬ mighty augment all good to him here in the world, and cause bis daj^s to prosper. But if auy man be so auda¬ cious, or by the devil’s wiles so deceived, that be in any things, little or great, think to break or to avert this, be it then known to him that be may have to make reti’ibu- tion for it before the throne of Christ, when all the in¬ habitants of heaven and of earth shall be stirred and ex¬ cited in his presence, unless he previously, here in the world, make just atouement. This was written in the year that was agone fi’om the birth of Christ eight hundred 126 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. acennednesse eahta liuiid win- | tra -j feower j sixtig. j in ]7am tacencircole ^ twelfte gear - )?e deg n'aes septimo kat. lannarii. Dis wses gedon in j^am cynelican setle on )>iere stowe ))e is genisemned Dormvara- ceaster beforan jnssiim witum ge)?afigendum- ]?e baere namon ; her benio^an gematene ge- ! sewene sindon, Ic ^E 5 el- j breht eyning mid J?ajre lialgan j rode tacne }>is bet snibe georn- | lice getrymman'] gefsestnian. Da ajfter }?yssum hit ge- lamp. ];an ilcan geare ]>iesne }7is on midnewinter wms ge- | don. f iESelbrelit se cining- on frigedieg. twam nihtum aer Estron- 'Sisne freols mid bis agenre hande unnende mode nfan )mne heah altare alegde set ham aet Scireburnan- in andweardnesse ealre );8ere bro- ■Sorlican gesamnunga- ealdra geongra. eac swylce his msegan ^ Selrcdes ~} ^Elfredes • his oSi’fe natona- }>e baer ^a j mid him waeron for hine selfne lifigende j for his twegen bro^re j^e |>0er ^a andwearde stodon- -J for h\T’a ealra faeder saule iEbelwulfes cyninges- iE^elbaldes cyninges hyra ! bro^or. be his lichama in )7aere stowe resteb. and sixty-four winters, and in the twelfth year of the Indiction. The day was the seventh of the Kalends of January (Dec. 26 th). This was done in the royal residence, in the place which is named Dorchester, before these consenting watnesses, whose names are here be¬ neath written and seen. TEthelberht king, with the sign of the holy rood, very earnestly command this to be confirmed and ratified*. Then after this it happened, in the same year, after this had been done at Midwinter, that king ^Ethelberht, on Fri¬ day, two nights before Easter, Avith his own hand and with munificent spirit, laid this immunity upon the high altar in the monastery at Sher¬ borne, in the presence of all the brotherly congregation, old and young, and also of his brothers, .d^thelred and j^lfred, and his other ‘ witan ’ who were then there rvith him, for himself Imng, and for his two brothers Avho there stood present, and for the soul of the father of them all, king ^Ethelwulf, and of their bro¬ ther, king ^thelbald, whose body rests in that place. The other .signatures are wanting. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEKS. 127 He )nsne freodom- on sel- militiges Godes namon on ealra his halgra* fsestlice be¬ head ]70et bine nan his sefter- fylgendra eft ne onwende* ne on anegum dselum- Isessan ne on maran • bine ne oncyrde • ac he swa eeelice forS Jjurwnnede swa lange swa God wolde p cristen geleafa mid En golcynne nntosceacen weoxa- ealra | 7 ara worldcundra hefinesse Se her beforan nemde syondon- j se haebbe Godes miltse -j bis halgra- se ^e ]7is mid gode trymman wille 'j liealdon. Gyf }7onne bwa sie p be bis on aenegum daele wanian j^ence o^^e brecau. j^anne naebbe be naber ne Godes miltse Tie his baligra- nymSe be bit *r mid rybte gebete. Dis waes gedon beforan jiaere gewitnesse \e byro naman her bynyo^an gemearcode standaS. This immunity be, in the name of Almighty God, has strongly commanded that none of bis successors either divert, or in any of its parts, great or small, change; but that it should continue on eternally, as long as God shall will that Christian belief wax unimpaired among the En¬ glish race, by all the worldly ills which are here before named. And let him have the mercy of God and his saints, ivho will confirm and observe this with good. But if any one be who in any part think to imjiair or violate it, then may he never have God’s mercy nor his saints’, unless he make just reparation. This was done before* the witnesses whose names stand marked here beneath*. * The names are wanting. EALIIERE. DCCC.LX.-DCCC.LXVI. In nomine Domini, ego Ealhere dabo et concedo Oswige et Weahtrsede aliquam partem terre . virgas in lati¬ tudine contra ejus pecunia que accepi ab eo, hoc est cc. et Lxx. denarios ct.hereditatem illis habendum et possidendum feliciterque in diebus eorum perfruendum. . . derelinquendum liberam per omnia habeant potestates, et si quis hanc meam donationem.benedictio : si 128 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. autem absit, quod non optamus, ut alicujus personis homo, cum diabolica.infringere aut minuere tempta¬ verit, sciat se ante tribunal Xpi racionem.et homi¬ nibus emendaire vo .... it his testibus consencientibus a con¬ scribentibus . Ego ^Selbearht rex hanc me.ne cum vexillo see crucis Xpi roborabo et subscribo. Ego. Ego Cialno^ arhi epic conseh .... [B]ryhtwald dux. Ego ^lucel fh. Ego Eastmund m. Ego Ealhere m. Ego Alfred filius reg. hos omnes consenserunt et signo see crucis con- scrips. Ego E^ehvine. Ego ^Ehelstan et ingan burgware. Ego aE^elhelm et cniahta gealdan. Ego Here- wine et herred. KING CEOLWULF OF MERCIA. DCCC.LXXV. In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis, anno ejusdem incarnationis humane dccc.lxxv.. Indict, viii.. Ego Ceoluulf, gratia Dei gratuita largiente rex ISIerciorum, aliquid mihi in elemosinam donare precogitavi, ut sempiterne mercedis por- tioixem acceptarem; ideo rogatus a "WerfrilSo antiste Iluicci- orum, et familia in Uueogernacestre, istam libertatem, cum meorum omnium unanimo consensu episcoporum et prin- cipum, ac etiam cunctorum optimatum nostre gentis, per¬ petualiter donavi, ut tota parochia Ilwicciorum a pastu aequo¬ rum regis, et eorum qui eos ducunt, absoluta et secura per¬ mansisset ; et ille episcopus dedit regi Ceolwulfo sex manentes, ubi appellatur Daeglesford, et hoc divinum servitium pro ex¬ piatione peccaminum Ceolwulfi regis diffiniunt, ut in illis monasteriis in quibus prenomiuata servitus persolvi deberet, memoria et Oratio Dominica cotidie ad celum mitteretur, quamdiu Christiana fides in ista gente servaretur. Tunc etiam supradictus rex ante nominato episcopo dedit lx. man- cusos auri, ea conditione, ut ipse istam terram habuisset, et tribus heredibus, quibus voluisset, post se relinquisset, et post dies istorum heredum antedicta terra ad Uueogernensem MISC'KLI.AXEOl'S (’IIAirrEPtS. l:ii) civitatem rediret, pro auiraa Ccolwidfi regis et posterorum illius ; et tamen libertas supradicta perpetualiter permaneret. Omnipotens Deus illos custodiat, qui hoc donum custodire dignentur; et qui violare temptaverint, sciant se rationem reddituros iii tremendo examinis dic. Hii sunt testes et con¬ firmatores hujus donationis, quorum nomina infra signo sancte crucis notantur. Ego (^eolwulf, rex Merciorum, hanc conditionem propria manu confirmo. Ego Eadbcrht epi¬ scopus consensi. Ego Uua;rfcr5 episcopus consensi. Ego Deorlaf ejiiscopus. Ego BeorhtnoiS dux. Ego yE'Selhun dux. .ETIIELREU ALDOR.MAN OE MERCIA. DCCC.LX.XXlll. Saeculi namque iabentis tempora, sicut umbrae fugientes, sic velociter tranant, varieque eventaum status in cogita¬ tiones hominum conscendunt. Ideo omnes firmas statutiones nostras litterarum serie confirmamus, ne jx)stcris cadant ex memoria ])rccedentium decreta patrum ; Grecorum talibus exemplis statuta sunt, qni quod scire volunt litteris tradunt, ne ex memoria labetur. Estque nobis nccesse premeditandum in fugabnndis temporibus saeculi quomodo ad aeternam felici¬ tatem pervenire valeamus; quia cuncta quo videntur fugitiva sunt ct caduca, que autem non videntur perbenniter sunt manentia; for J?aere wisan ic ^ESelraed eldorman. inbryrdendre Godes gefe gewelcgod q gewlenced mid sume daele Mcrcna rices for Godes lufan q for alesnessa minra gylta q synna- q for benum abbodes q ]>aerc heo- nedene aet Berclea- q eae for ealre Merce- ic beo gefreoge for which cause I /l^thelrcd aldorman, through the in¬ spiring grace of God, enriched and exalted with a part of the Mercians’ realm, for love of God, and for the remission of my guilts and sins, and for the prayers of the abbot and the society at Berkeley, and ecelice paes gafoles |)e hio nu ' also for all Mercia, I free get to cyninges handa ageo- | them for ever from the tax fan sceolan of |7am d;ele ])e I which they still have to pav 1:50 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. |>fer iingefreod to lafe w?es ^rere cyningefeorme» ge on hlntrum ala^S- ge on beore* ge on hunige- ge [on] hiy- j^rum. ge on swyniim- ge on sceapum. And |?8et ic dyde for luora godcundre gebedre- denne- for |?an eac J>e bio me biora landcs snmne dsel in ecc mrfewerdnesse to for- leortan. j;aet is set Stoce tn elf bida* britig mancnsa goldes bio scaldan eac me* ^ ^ ‘\c •]j mynster fram scgliwelcum gafoliim gefrcoge ]>e to )7iode lilafarde belimpeS* litles oSbe micles* cubes ge uncubes* bntan angilde wib oj^rura* and faestengcAverce* j fyrd- socne* "j brj’cggeweorce * ■p ic do mid yElfredes cyninges leafe gewituesse* mid calra Myrcna nitena* gbd- cundra hada woroldcundra. And nu seft f ilce land set Stoce* p is twelf bida* ic selle Cynulfe Ceolubtes suna in );reora manna dseg* for syxtigum mancesa clsenes gol¬ des* segliwelces J>inges to freon* ge wib cyning* ge wib into the king's hand, viz. from the part Avhicb was left unfreed of the royal farm, in clear ale, in beer, in honey, in cattle, in swine, and in sheep. And that I have done for their dirtne prayers, and also because they have re¬ linquished to me a part of their land in perpetuity. Tliat is, at Stoke twelve hides ; and they have also given me thirty mancuses of gold, and that I free the monastery from all the taxes which belong to the lord of the people, little or great, known or nnknoAvn, except the ' angild’ * to others, and fortress-work, and ‘ fyrd- socn,' and bridge-work. And that I do with the leave and witness of king .Alfred and of all the ‘witan ' of the Mer¬ cians, of divine and secular conditions. And now again that same land at Stoke, that is the twelve hides, I give to Cynulf Ceoluht’s son, for sixty mancuses of pure gold, free of everything towards the king, the aldorman, or the * Angild is a simple payment or compensation, opp. to twygild, a doidde payment; but here and a few lines lower, where, in connection with the trinoda necessitas, it appears as an exception to the several exemptions from imposts, I understand the passage to mean that the enfranchisement does not include the dues to individuals, as the aldorman, reeve, &c., hut the royal dues only. The words noht lit to wite, on the next page, I cannot explain. The ‘ angild ’ is the payment to the indi¬ vidual ; the ‘ wite,’ the penalty due to the state for the infraction of the law. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 131 ealdorman. ge wiS gerefan. seghwelces ]?codomes- lytles and micles- butan fyrdsocne- and faestengeworce- brycg- geworce- angylde wib obrum. noht ut to wite. Ond we beodab f naenig mon on Ceolnhte*- ge sib obbe fremde- bit gereafige in aenig- um J^ingum pa bwyle J^e he lyfie- forbon Jje he hit ge- earnode aet Mercna hlafordum mid I’ilitre eadmodnysse. Ond nu we beodab in Godes al- mibtiges naman- f bes bu- fancwedena freodom ] 7 aes mynstres aet Berclea* 'j eae sio geofn j^aes landes pe we Cynnlfe syllab in breora manna [daeg]- unbereafod borliwunige on ecnesse* on Jjas gerad. p aefter Cynewulfes bis erfewerda twega- j^aet twelf hida land aet Stoce- butan aelcum wibercvvide* sio agefen to Wigornacestre )?am biseeopstole- for iEbelred eal- dormon for ealle Meree- him to eere aelmessan. Eae we biddab alsiab. in naman baere balgan j^rinesse- f^aet gif hwelc mon sio J^aet be mid yfle wyllan oht baes abrecan wylle be on bisse eartan awriten is- wite he )>onne p he hit de ofer Godes est- ^3 ofer ealra his haligra- “j cac reeve^ of every service, little and great, except fyrdsocn and fortress-work, and bridge- work, and ^ angyld ’ to others, and naught out for'witeh And we command that no man, either relative or stranger, in any way, bereave Ceoluht* of it, as long as he lives; because he has merited it of the lords of the Mercians through right obedience. And we now, in the name of Al¬ mighty God, command, that this abovesaid immunity to the monastery at Berkeley, and also the gift of the land, which we give to Cynulf for three men’s day, continue unimpaired for ever, on this condition, that after the death of Cynewulf and his two heirs, the twelve hides of land at Stoke be, without any con¬ tention, given to the epi¬ scopal see at Worcester, for .^Ethelred aldorman and for all Mercians, in perpetual alms. We also pray and beseech, in the name of the holy Trinity, that if any man there be, who with evil will shall in aught violate this which is written in this charter, be it known to him that he does it against the pleasure of God and of all his life? K 2 MISCELLANEOUS CIlAKTEliS, l:f2 ofei’ moima godcundra hada ~j Moroldcuiidra- elces )>e senig rilit ge)jencean cunne o'SSe wylle- lie hit gebete beforan ]iam heabsetle ■8ses eccan Deman- butan he hit £er mid rihtre bote gebetan wille Gode -j monnum. saints, and also of men of divine and secular conditions, of all those ivho can think or will any right: and let him make reparation before the throne of the eternal Judge, unless he will preGously, with just compensation, make amends to God and men. Acta est autem hujus donationis munificentia anno Domi¬ nicae incarnationis dccc.lxxxui., Indict, autem i., his testibus consentientibus et subscribentibus, quorum hic nomina no¬ tescunt. Ego ^Elfred rex hujus traditionis munificentiam signo sanctte crucis adfirmo. Eg-o *E?ielred dux hanc meam donationem signo sanctae erneis iupono. Ego Wulfi’ed episcopus consensi. Ego WerferS episcopus consensi. Ego Deorlaf episcopus consensi. tj* Ego ..E'SelferlS dux consensi. Ego Earduulf consensi et subscripsi. Ego ^ESelwold dux consensi, Ego EadnoS consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego ^Elfred consensi et subscripsi. Ego ^ESel- hun abbas consensi et subscripsi. Wigheard jiresbiter. Wighelm. Luda. Wilfer^. Ecghun. ^ Acha. Terra autem ista hiis circumcingitur terminibus, etc. ^Erest of Haesiwellan in Haesldene- jionne on Waldes- wellan- of Waldeswellan on Sweordes stane in Eowcumb- of Eowcumbe in Afene stream- of Afene streame eft up- jiaet in Hrycgleage- jionne of Hrycgleage- jiaet on Penpau- of Penpau jiaet in Saeferne stream- of Haesi wellan eft- jiaet in Leadgedelf- of Lead- gedelfe on iSIylepnl- of Mylen- pulle eft in Afene stream. First from Hazlewell in Hazledean; then toWoldswell; from Wolds well to Sweordes stone in Ewcombe; from Ew- combe to the Avon’s stream ; from the Avon’s stream again up ; then to Ridgeley; from Ridgeley,then to Penpau; from Penpau then to the Severn’s stream; from Hazlewell again; then to Leadgedelf; fromLead- gedelf to Millpool; from iMill- pool again to the Avon’s stream. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. im .'ETIIELREU ALDORMAN OF MERCIA. DCCC.LXXXVII, Regnante imperpetuum Domino nostro Jliesu Christo, cujus imperio hujus seculi labentis prosperitas in adversis successibus sedulo permixta et conturbata cernitui', omniaque visibilia atque desiderabilia pomparum mundi oimamenta ab ipsis amatoribus suis cotidie fngiendo transeimt. Quapropter quique sapientes ac beati cum his fugitivis seculi eterna gaudia jugiter mansura celestis patrie magnopere mercanda sunt. Quapropter ego iEbelred, gratia Domini largiflua concedente, dux et patricius gentis Merciorum, cum licentia et impositione manus ^dUlfredi regis, una cnm testimonio et consensu seniorum ejusdem gentis, episcoporum vel priu- cipum, pro redemptione animarum nostrarum, et pro sospi¬ tate, nec non et stabilitate regni Merciorum, nobis iu eter- nam elemosinam, quandam ruris portionem Domino Deo et Sancto Petro, liberatam ab omni tributo regali, magno vel modico, noto vel ignoto, hoc est, fet Berhtanwellan vi. man¬ siones, et set Wfetlingtune viii., cum omnibus pertinentibus ad rura eadem, in silvis et iu campis, sicut exterius finibus certis dinota consistunt, ad ecclesiam illam que vocatur ajt Readanoran pertinentes, utrasque terras in unam posses¬ sionis hereditatem, id est, ad episcopalem sedem, scilicet Uueogernensis civitatis, plena videlicet mentis devotione con¬ cedendo humiliter donavimus. Insuper etiam, huic dona¬ tioni in augmentum, sex homines, qui prius pertinebant ad villam regiam iu Beonsincgtune, cum omni prole et stirpe eorum, ad eandem conscripsimus ecclesiam, cum consensu prefati regis et eorundem optimatum meorum, ut, sine con¬ tradictione alicujus, nobilis vel ignobilis, semper ad terram ecclesie supradicte pertineant, in sempiternam hereditatem hec possidenda donavimus. Si qui autem, quod absit, ausu philargirie, hoc nostrum traditionis donum in aliqua cor¬ rumpenda fedare pertemptent, sciant se rationem reddituros in die judicii, cum Anna et Saphira, nisi prius digna satisfac¬ tione emendare maluerint. Acta snnt hec anno Dominice incarnationis dccc.lxxxvii.. Indict, vero v. Dis caron |?ara manna | These are the names of the 134 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. noman )7e gewritene earon from Bynsingtune to Readan- oran in f bisceoprice to Uueogernacestre- mid heora teame mid }>y tudre l^e from him cume* a on ece yrfewardnesse. Alhmund* Tididf. Tidheh. Lull. Ead- wulf. Hoc autem rus his finibus ambitur. ^Et Byrht- anwellan from Ceolulfes treowe • ondlong Longan- hylles on Pildena weg. ]?onan on Holandene up on Cadan- dune to HU'Selheges gemjere. )>onan to EcgfriSes gemsere- Jjonne a big Ecgfri'Ses gemsere to Cuceshsema gemjere- f to Incghaima gemaere su^ j^m’h Eastlch. f to Gisles baece. p ondlong Gisles baeces- f eft to Ceohvulfes treowe- f maeSlond betwconum Egsan- fordam Straetforda- be Norban broce. )7one wudu j)aerto ]>c Scylfhryeg is haten. Hec nomina sunt qui hanc libertatis donationem consen¬ tientes, signo crucis subscripserunt. Ego iElfrcd rex consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego .di^ercd dux hoc nostrum donum signo crucis confirmavi. Ego HilSelflaed conjunx subscribens confirmavi. Ego Uulfred episcopus. Ego Uuerfri^ episcopus. Ego Deorlaf episcopus. men that are written from Bynsington to Radnor in the bishopric of Worcester, wdth their families and with the offspring which shall from them come, ever in perpe¬ tuity : Alhmund, Tidnlf, Tidheh, Lull, Eadwulf. Hoc autem rus his finibus ambitur : At Brightwell from Ceolulf s tree, along Longanhills to Fieldenway; thenceto Hollow- dean up to Chadlington to ^thelhere’s boundary; thence to Ecgfrith’s boundary; then keeping along Ecgfi’itlPs boundaiy to Cuxham boun¬ dary ; then to Ingham boun¬ dary south through Eastlea; then to Gilsbeck; then along Gilsbeck; then again to Ceol- wulFs tree; and the meadow- land between Exford and Stratford, by Northbrook and the wood thereto, which is named Shelfi’idge. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. m *KING ALFRED. DCCC.LXXXIX. ^ Sedule namque nonnullis, et maxime per instantis vitae turbidam discordiae rabiem, in hac decrepita finis mun- dialis canitiae contingere solet, quod simplicem memorialis praecordii oculum turbines obliviose obscenitatis quatientes^ reverberant, seu nebulae neglegentiarum nubiferis depriva- tionum fuscationibus a recte possessionis jure radiantem justitiae Phoebum obnubilant; quapropter necesse cuilibet homini est, ut litteratoriis apicibus omnia atquisita seu pos¬ sessa, ob praesentium sive succedentium cautelam, quae a catholicis vel heroicis viris cujuslibet persone majoris mino- risve potestatis, Deo ejusque sanctis per celorum celsitudinem tradita sunt, etiam testimonio et roboratione ipsorum firme rationis serie firmentur, rectoque caraxantis stilo in scedulis notentur. Anno igitur postquam almifica caelestini luminis gemma per agrum virginalis pudicitiae bnmano generi desi¬ derabilis mistici spiraminis specimine enituit, octingentesimo octuagesimo nono. Indictione vii., cujus denique splendoris et gratiae nobis jubare radiante, ego .dillfred rex Anglorum et Saxonum, et AE^elred subregulus et patricius Merciorum, cum testimonio et licentia seu consensu senatorum, episco¬ porum seu ducum utriusque gentis, pro revelatione facinorum nostrorum, et pro adquirenda deifice rcmunerationis requiae, UuaerfrilSo, eximio Huicciorum antistiti, ad aecclesiam Uiieo- gernensem, in Lundonia unam curtem, que verbotenus ad antiquum petrosum aedificium, id est, aet Hwaetmundes stanc a civibus apellatur, a strata publica usque in murum ejusdem civitatis, cujus longitudo est perticarum xxvi., et latitudo in superiori parte perticarum xiii. et pedum vii., et in inferiori loco perticarum xi. et vi. pedum, ad plenam libertatem infra totius rei sempiternaliter possidendum, in ecclesiasticum jus conscribimus, et concedentes donamus; et intro urnam et trutinam, ad mensurandum in emendo sive vendendo ad usum, sive ad necessitatem propriam et liberam omnimodis habeat; et totius debiti vel pene fiscalis, vel publice rei, nisi ad dominium episcopi ccclesie Uueogernensis qme intus con¬ tingat, absoluta persistat. Si autem foris vel iu strata ])idj- l;?G MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS, lica sen in ripa emtorali qnislibet snornm mercaverit, jnxta qnod rectnra sit^ thelon ad mannm regis snbeat; qnod si intns in cnrte predicto qnislibet emerit vel vendiderit, thelon debitum ad mannm episeopi supra memorati reddatur; et semper qnamdin nnda sacri baptismatis popnli Anglornm sive Saxonnm per fidem Christiane religionis aspergentnr, seu ipsorum auctoritatis dominio \u’bs Lundonia habilis sub¬ jaceat ad Uueogernensem civitatem subdita persistat. Con- testamiu’ et obsecramus unius cujusque personas hominum, presentium sive subsequentium, ut hoc nostrum donum in¬ violatum et integrum, sicut presens pagina testatm’, perma¬ neat. Si qni vero, ut non optamus, serpentino suggestionis demonicje toxico inflati, hujus tramitis seriem in aliquo tem- [)taverint foedare, noverint se cum Anna et Zaphira herehica aeterne anathematis machera perforandos, nisi prius digna satisfactione emendare maluerint. Haec autem sunt nomina illorum qui huic nostrse dona¬ tioni testes et consentientes fuerunt, et trophico sancte crucis vexillo roborantes, propriis manibus subscripserunt. Ego ^Elfred, rex Anglorum et Saxonum, hanc dona¬ tionem confirmans, signo erucis subscribo. Ego iEbelred, subregulus et })atricius Merciorum, hanc donationem signo crucis subscripsi. Ego ^EJjclflaed consensi. ^ Ego Uulf- red episcopus consensi. Ego Alhard episcopus consensi. Ego Uumrfred episcopus consensi. Ego Deneuulf episcopus consensi, Ego Uulfsige episcopus consensi. .ETHELREI) ALDURMAN OE MERCIA ANI) .ETHELEL.ED. DCCC.LXXXVI.-DCCC.XCIX. Dmm ajlmihtigan Gode Iniere soSan annesse q Jusere halgan ];rynnesse on heofo- num sie lof q u uldor q dseda )?oncung* calra jnera goda J^e he ns forgifen hafab. for )nes ^ To almighty Cod the true Unity and the holy Trinity in heaven, be praise and glory, and thanksgiving, for all the good nhich he has given us; for whose love, in Perhaps meant for a translation oi f/mtiarum actio. MISCELLANEOUS CIIAllTEIiS. 187 hifaii set serestan ^^])?elrecl caldorman j vE’Selflaed" for See Petres jjsere cyricean set Weogernaceastre- eac forWserferSes bisceopes bene* heora freondcs* hebtan be- wyrccan ];a burli set Weoger- naceastre eallum );sem folce to gebeorge* -j eac }73eron Godes lof to arsreiine* j heo nu cySab on Godes gewitnesse on )?issc bee* f heo wyllab on jelcum ]?3era gcrihta ]?c to heora hlaforddoine gebyrab* obbe on ceapstowe- obbe on strsete* ge binnan byrg ge butan* geuunan healfes Gode ■3 See Petre '3 jusere cyreean hlaforde f py arlicor on psere Stowe boon nisege* 'j eac by cab be sunium d;ele pjes licoredes helpan* ■p heora gemynd on ecnesse py fsest- licor on picrc stowe seo* pa hwile be Godes hearsnmnes on pam niynstre beo. Ond W serfei’b bisccop ■] se hcored | habbab geseted pas godcund- nyssc beforan pserc be him moil dseghwamlicc deb- ge be heora life ge sefter heora life* •p ponne set eolcum nhtsonge* set eolenm icfensonge* set colcum nndernsongc* De profundis pone scalm pa hwile pc heo lifgeon* sefter heora life* Laudate Dominum* the first place, ^thelred al- dorman and ^thelflsed, and for S* Peter’s and the church at Worcester, and also for the prayer of their friend bishop Werferth, have com¬ manded the ‘ bnrh ’ at Wor¬ cester to be constructed as a protection to all the people, and also to raise the praise of God therein. And they now declare, ivith God’s witness, by this charter, that of all those rights which belong to their lordship, cither in market-place or in street, both within burgh and with¬ out, they will gii e the half to God and S‘ Peter and the lord of the church, that it may be the more honourable in that place, and also the more easily, in some part, help the convent, and that their re¬ membrance may to eternity be the firmer in that place, while obedience to God shall be in that monastery. And bishop Werferth and the convent have established this divine office before that which is daily offered him, both during ‘their life and after their life ; that namely at every uht-song, and at every even-song, and at every undern-song the psalm ‘ De -Etlielred and .Ethcdfifcd. 138 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. aelce Saeteriiesclaege- on See Petres circean j^rittig sealma heora maessan- aeg'Ser ge for lieo lifgende ge eac forS- geleorde. Ond )?onne cy}>e^ iEj^elraed iEj^elflaed f heo willa'S mid estfullau mode luisses umian Gode ^ See Petre on ^Ifredes cyninges gewitnesse •] ealra j^aera witena '5e on Myrcna lande syndon- bntan f se Avagnscilling se seampending gonge to J^aes cyninges lianda. swa lie ealning dyde aet Saltwic* ah elles ge landfeoh* ge fihtcAvite- ge stale* ge avoIi ceapung* ge burhwealles sceatinge* ge aelc jiaera wonessa Jie to aenigre bote gebyrie •)) hit age hcalf Jiaere cyreean hlaford* Godes jiances ■;] See Petres* SAva SAva hit mon to ceapstoive gesette on straetum* ond Art'Sutan iSa ceapstoAve seo se bisceop his landes 'j ealra his gerihta AvyrSe* SAva hit xr ure fore- gengan gesetton •3 gefreodan. And ^jielraed ^ M]>e\^scd )ns dydon on ^Ifredes cyn¬ inges gCAvitnesse* ■j on Myrcna Avitena* Jiara naman her beaeftan aAvritene standa'S * ■j on Godes ealmihtiges na¬ man halsiaS ealle heora aefter- fylgendan f naenig mon Jiaes aelmessan ne Avanige Se heo for Godes lufan See Petres profundis’, Avhilc they Ha'c, and after their life, ‘ Laudate Dominum ’; and every Sa¬ turday, in S* Peter’s church, thirty psalms, and their mass, both for them living, and also hence departed. And then ^thelrcd and Aithelflaed de¬ clare that, Avith devout mind, they desire to give this to God and S‘ Peter, Avith the Avitness of King .ZElfred and of all the Gvitan’ Avho are in the land of the Mercians ; except that the AA'ain-shilling and the load-penny go into the king’s hand, as it ahvays did at SaltAvich; but else, of land- money, fight-AA'ite, theft, ‘^Avoh- ceapung’, burh-Avealles ‘ sceat- ing’, and every one of those Avrongs AA'hich are incident to any hot, let the lord of the church have half, for the sake of God and S‘ Peter; as it Avas settled for the market¬ place, and in the streets; and Avithout the market-place be the bishop Avorthy of all his land and of all his rights; as it our predecessors before established and priA'ileged it. And jLlthelred and ^thel- flied have done this AAutli the AAutness of king Jillfred and of the ‘ Avitan ’ of the Mer¬ cians, Avhose names stand written hereafter. And in MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 139 to ^sere cyricean geseald habba^i. the name of God Almighty, they beseech all their suc¬ cessors, that no man may impair this alms, which they, for love of (xod and S‘ Peter, have given to the church. ^THELREU ALDORMAN Rixiendum ussum Dryht- ene ]?8em Hselendan Crist. vEfter }?on Jje agan wees ehta hund wuntra syx 'J hund nigontig efter his acenned- nesse* j )jy feowerteoSan gebonn gere- }ja j^y gere gebeon .^|;elred ealderman alle Mercna weotan tosomne to Gleaweceastre- biscopas. ■j aldermen. ^ alle his du- guhe- “I ^ dyde be iElfredes eyninges gewitnesse ^ leafe- ^ heo )?a •Sier smeadan hu heo rihtlicost heora |?eodscipe aeg^er ge for Gode ge for weorlde gehealdan mehton • ec monige men ryhtau. ge godcundra hada- ge weorld- cundra. ge on londum- ge on ma ]?ara )hnga jjc heo onfor- haldne weran. Da cydde Werfer^ biscop J>am wcotum f him wsere forneh call ^ wuidulond ongcreafad- l?e to Wuduceastre bclomp • ■)! vEj^clbald cyning gescalde to Wcogernaceastre him to ecre OF MERCIA. DCCC.XCVL Under the rule of our Lord Jesus Christ. After that eight hundred and ninety- six winters w^re passed after his birth, and in the four¬ teenth year of the Indiction, then in that year TEthel- red aldorman summoned all the ‘ witan ’ of the Mercians together at Gloucester, bi¬ shops, and aldormen, and all his chief men; and did that with the knowledge and leave of king Alfred. And they there deliberated how they might most righteously go¬ vern their people, both be¬ fore God and before the world; and also do right to many men, both of divine conditions and Avorldly ; both in lands and in more of the things which had been with¬ held from them. Then bishop ^Yerferth made known to the Gvitan^ that almost all the woodland had been reft from him that belonged to Wood- 140 MISCELLANEOUS CIIAKTERS, ajhnessan* WilferSe fe to msestlonde to Avuduloude- ■j f ssede p hit wsere sum genumeii to Bislege* sum to Miifeniugum. sum to Scorran- stane. sum to pornbyrig- pses pc he ^yeude, Da cweedon calle pa ueotaii p mon uSe paere cyrcan rihtes sua wel swa oSerre- pa sona waes Epchvald paes wordes- p he no pes rihtes wi'Ssacaii wolde- ■j saede p iVldberlit Alhhuii b waerou aer ymb p ylce- ewaeN p he aelcre eircan aa his daela rihtes ube- ^ hit swa swi'Se mildlice ageaf pan b- j heht his geueat Ecglaf hatte ridau mid ecastcrsetua preoste Wulfhuu hatte- ■] he hine pa gelaedde ealle pa gemaeru swa he him of pam aldau bocum raedde- hu hit aer ^Epelbald cyniug gemaer- ude gesealde. Da wilnede ^pelwald swa peh to pam b to pam higen p heo him mildemode alefdan p he his moste brucau ^a hwile pe he waere- heo Alhmund his simu- heo hit woldon habbau ou his laene hiiia- ■j he naefre ue heora uowper hiue bereafiau wolde paere maestreddene pe he him alefed haefde on Longan hrycge- pam tidum pe hine God him salde. Ond he pa ^pelwald ehester, wliich king ^thel- bald gave to Worcester in perpetual alms^ as mast-land and woodland, to bishop Wil- ferth; and said that, as he believed, some was taken from Bisley, some from Aven- ing, some from Sherston, some from Thornbury. Then said all the ' witan \ that right should be done to that church as well as to another. And then ^thelwald forthwith declared that he would not oppose the right, and said that Aldberht and bishop Alhhun had before been stir¬ ring in the same matter; and added, that to every church he woidd always give his share of right. And so very mildly gave it up to the bishop, and ordered his ‘geneat’, named Ecglaf, to ride with the towns¬ men’s priest, named Wulf- hun; and he then led him along all the boundaries, as he read them to him from the old books, how king ^iEthel- bald had before increased and given it. Then, however, ^Ethelwald desired of the bishop and the convent that they would kindly allow him to enjoy it while he lived, and Alhmund his son; and they would hold it in fee of him and the convent; and .MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 141 •)) word gecwsetS- f hit aa hfefde ofer CJiodes est j^e hit hsefde ljutan ) 7 aere cyrcan hlaforde j^e he hit to ageaf. Initan Alh- munde • f jjoime on ]?a geran' ye he heolde |^a ylean freond- reddene J>e he heold wi '5 ]?oiie b. Gif hit }>onne gehirie y Alhmund swa |?a freond- reddeiie healdau nolde- o^be hine nioii oferrictc }) he ne moste londes nyrSe heon* ob'Se l^ridda wend- gif him ser his ende geselde f )?onne paere cyrcan hlaford fenge to his londe. Swa liit Mercna weotan on Jjam gemote ge- rahton- him y& hec wisedon {jses londes- 3) Jjis wajs geddn on ^Ejjclredes gewitnesse aldermonnes- and on /Ej^ccl- flaede- A 5 )^ulfes aldor- monnes- ^EjjelferSes aldor- monnes- “j Alhelmes aldrmes- Eadnobes- /Elfrmdes- Werfer'Ses- •] ^)?elwaldes msessepreostes- -] his agenra maga iEj;elstanes ^Ej^el- linnes- ‘3 cac Alhmnndes his agenes snnn. he neverj nor eitlier of them, would bereave him of the pannage right, which he had allowed him in Longridge, for the time in which God. gave it^ to him. And then he Ailthelwald said the words, that he would ever have it against God’s pleasure who had it, e.xcept the church’s lord to whom he restored it, except Alhmnnd; and that then on the condition that he should hold the same friendly rela¬ tion which he held towards the bishop. But if it happen that Alhmnnd should not hold that friendly relation, or be proved not to be land¬ worthy ; or thirdly, if his end should previously happen, tliat then the lord of the church should take to his land. So did the ‘ witan ’ of the Mer¬ cians declare it in the ' gemot’j and showed him the charters of the land. And this was done with the A\ itness of ^Ethelrcd aldorman, and of J^thclflaed, and of jEthulf aldorman, and of TEthelfcrth aldorman, and of Athelm aldorman, and of Ead- noth, and .Alfred, and Wer- ferth, and iEthelwald mass- priest, and ofhisoAvnkinsmen, ^thelstan and ^thelhun,and also of AllimniuVhis own son. ^ L()upTid<>o. ' o-ei-nd ? 142 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. And ))us se ceastersetna preost hit gerad- se waldes geiieat mid hiue- serost on Gemy^lege- jjanon on Roddaiibeorg sylfne* panon on Sraececumb- j^anon on Sengetlege- j^anon on Heardanlege. )?iere is o5er noma Dryganleg* f swa on |?a Isessan Nsegleslege- swa to /E)?elferbes londe. pus him gewisede se ^|?elwaldes mo[n] pa gemseru swa him pa eaklan bee ryhtan wisedon. And thus the townsmen’s priest rode it, and ^tliel- wald’s ^geneat’ Avith him. First to Gemythley, and thence to Rodborough itself; thence to Smechcombe; thence to Sugley; thence to Hardley, of which there is another name, Dryganley; then so to the less Nailsworth; and so to .3i]thelferth’s land. Thus did iEthelwald’s man point out to him the boundaries, as the old charters directed and ! indicated. ^THELWULF ALDORM.IN. DCCC.XC^^L Anno Dominice incarnationis nccc.xcvii. Indictione vero XV., eo anno contigit, quod ^theluulf venerabilis dux recitavit et investigavit hereditarios libros Cenwulfi regis, et in priAulegiis illius scriptum inveniebat, quod nullus haeres post eum licentiam haberet hereditatem Cenurdfi, que pertinet ad Wincelcumbe, alicui hominum longius donandam vel con¬ scribendam quam dies unius hominis; sed si quis hoc ob¬ servare noluisset, vel contraire, longius spatium addendo conatus fuisset, sciret se anathematizandum esse, nisi digna satisfactione emendaret. Accidit autem tunc, inter alias locutiones, quod J3^eluulf loquebatur de illa terra quae ap- pellatm' in Uptime v. manentium ad UuUafum, qui tunc eam possidebat, quoniam de hereditate ipsius Cenuulfi erat. Tunc ille dicebat, quod Cynepryb patri suo illam terram dies trium hominum donasset, et rifled sibi postea trium addi¬ disset ; sed ^belred et illi omnes adjudicabant quod illa donatio aliter stare non posset, nisi sicuti in diebus Cenuulfi constitutum erat. Tunc ille predictus Wullaf reddidit iEbel- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 143 uulfo pristinos libellos a Cyne];rida et iElflcda conscriptos, et yESclnidfns ei istum postea scribere precipiebat. Ea namque dictione, ut habeat et perfruatur per tempora vite sue, et postea sine contradictione reddatur ad sedem episeopalem que est in Uueogernensi civitate, antistiti, qualiscumque rector et gubernator illius tunc exstiterit, pro redemptione anime Cenuulfi regis et omnium heredum ipsius, necnon qiioque et pro renovatione et reconciliatione pacis inter illam familiam que est in Uueogernensi civitate et illam que est in Uuincelcumbe, et sedatione diseordie et conviti- arnm quas ante inter se habuerunt. Et ut illa pax, quam Uusei’fri^ us episcopus et iEiSeluulfus dux, cum testimonio yElfredi regis, et .dH^elredi ducis Merciorum, atque omnium senatorum ipsorum, invenerunt, firmior ac stabilior inter illas perpetualiter permaneret. Et hee diffinitio cum Uullafo facta est cum testimonio supradictarum familiarum et eorum hominum quorum nomina infra caraxata patebunt. ►^4 Ego UuerfriS episcopus consensi. Ego Berhthun presbiter. Ego Berhtmund presbiter. Ego Tidbald presbiter. ^ Ego Cynelm diaconus. Ego EcgferS dia¬ conus. Ego Wigheard. ^ Ego iEScluulf dux. Ego Wigred. Ccnbriht. Wyidielm. Allielm. ^ Ego Deorbriht. /E^elswy^. Wigswy^. ^ Lulle. KING EADWARH.TIIE ELDER. DCCCC. Regnante imperpetuum Domino nostro Ihesu Christo, et omnia de summo caeli apice visibilia et invisibilia ordinabi- liter gubernante, presentisque vitae semper curriculo cotidie decrescente. Quapropter ego Eadward, gratia Dei Angui Saxouum rex, litterarum memorise commendare procura¬ verim, quod in diebus avi mei .iESehvlfi regis et /Elfredi regis patris mei factum fuei’at ; hoc est quod ille ASulf rex moriens commendavit iElfredo regi, filio sno, illam terram set Ceolsel- dene et set Sweorcs holte, ca eonditione, quod ille iElfred rex, post obitum suum, dimitteret eandem terram illi familie U4 MISCELLANEOUS CriAlITERS. venerabili in Wintonia civitate^ specialiter ad refectorium snum, habendam et possidendam perfruendamqne perpetu¬ aliter, cum silvis, campis, pratis, et pascuis, atque omnibus ad se pertinentibus, in sempiternam hereditatem. Attamen ego Eadward rex utraraque praefatam terram ab illa venerabili praefata familia in Wintonia civitate comparavi, dedique pro iitraque praefata terra x. manentes in illo loco qui dicitur aet Stoce be Ilysseburnan, cum omnibus hominibus qui in illa terra erant quando ^.Elfred rex obiit, et etiam cum illis om¬ nibus hominibus qui tunc fuerunt aet Hisseburna quando ^'Elfred rex viam universe carnis adiit. Sunt autem utraeqaie terrae ab omni censu mundiali et regali libere et expedite, excepta expeditione, et arcis et pontis constructione. Anno autem Dominicae incarnationis dcccc““. Indictione ni°, quando iElfred rex obiit, et Eadward rex, filius suus, regnum suscepit, haec cartula scripta est in Wintonia ci\itate, coram illis idoneis testibus quorum nomina subterscripta sunt. Ego Eadward rex signaculo sanctae crucis corroboravi. ►Ionne die utt on Terstan on };one syjieran ste^* jionne ■3lang ste|?es. f beneo^an Beamwffir on Jione norJ?ere steji. andlang stabes seft on Twyfyrde. Anno autem Dominicse incarnationis dcccc"”’ Indictione III., quando iElfred rex obiit, et Eadward rex, filius suus, regnum suscepit, haec cartula scripta est in Wintonia civitate, coram illis idoneis testibus, quorum nomina subterscripta sunt. Ego Eadward rex signaculo sanctae crucis corroboravi. Ego Denewulf episcopus. Ego Asser episcopus. Ego A 5 el- weard filius regis. Ego Ordlaf dux. Ego Ordgar dux. Ego Tata presbiter. Ego Werulf presbiter. Ego Beornstan presbiter. Ego iEbelstan presbiter. Ego Waldo presbiter. Ego OsferS minister. Ego Witbrord minister. Ego Deor- mod minister. Ego Beorhtclm minister. Ego Alfred minister. Ego Wulfred minister. Ego Wulflielm minister. Ego Beornstan minister. to the south bank; then along the bank; then below Beam- weir to the north bank; along the bank again to Twyford. BISHOP DENEWULF. DCCC.LXXIX.-DCCCC.IX. Dcneivulf bisccop q ba by wan on Wintanceastre aenlaenab J]]lfrede his deg xl. hida landes tet Alresforda- aefter ]iaere laena jie Tunbryht bisceop aer alende his yldran- q agan wes on baet gerad ];et he gesylle aelce geare to haerfestes emnihte breo pund to gafole q cyresceattas q cyresccatwcorc. q jiennc paes Bishop Denewulf and the convent at Winchester have leased to ^Elfred, for his day, XL. hides of land at Alresford, according to the lease which bishop Tunberht formerly leased to his parents, and was settled on the con¬ dition that he give every year, at the autumnal equinox, three pounds as rent, and 148 MISCELLANEOUS CHAETERS. church-shots and church-shot work, and when there he need, that his men be ready both to reap and hunt; and after his day, that the property pass nneontested to Peter. These are signatures of the witnesses and the inmates who were at this agreement. neod bi^ his men beon gearuwe ge to ripe ge to hunto^e. efter his dege gange seo ar unbeflitan into See Petre. pis synt )?ara witena hand- setena 'Sere hina Se on l^jere geSafunge w'eron. Dmt is Denewulf bisceop- and Tata bisceop- and Byi’nstan bisceop- and Wighelm diaconus- and .Ji))7elstan clericus- and Eadwulf clcricus- and riilfstan clcricus- and Wulfstan clericus- and Wulfric clericus- and Winsige clericus- and Wulfi'ed clericus- and Beorhtsige clericus- and .^Ifsige clericus- and Wulflielm clericus- and Wulfsige clericus- and Wiglaf clericus- and iESelm clcricus- aud Cynestan clericus- and AScric clcricus- and DruSgar clericus- and Wulfred ministcr- and Beornulf minister- and Winstan minister- and ASulf minister. KING EADWARD THE ELDER. DCCCC.I. Dis is J^fera [x. hida] land hoc to hi Wilig )jse Eadweard cing gebocade ASelwulf bi- sceope on sece yrfe. This is the charter of the [x. hides] at Wiley, whieh king Eadw'ard chartered to bishop riEthelwxdf in perpe¬ tual inheritance. In nomine altitonantis mundi Satoris. Provida namque jamdudum ac praevalens aecclesiarum censuit institutio, ob- servandumque succedentibus diffinitione cautissima decrevit, ut dationes piissimorum regum pro mutabili temporum varie¬ tate cartarum monumentis tradere, suhque testimonio cyro- graphi concludere, quominus ingruente caligosa oblivione origo veritatis cassaretur. Idcirco, praesentibus, absentibus, posteris cunctis, hujus descriptionis tenore declaratm’, quia Eadweard, Angul-Saxonum, Dei gratia annuente, rex, aliquam agelli partem proprii juris donans in perpetuam possessionem, MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 149 jure hereditario, A^elwlfo coucedo, proque ejus amabili sub¬ jectione eo firmius ei corroboro prefate telluris magnitudinem, id est, X. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur bi Wilig, cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus, id est pratis, pascuis, silvis, aquis, aquarumque decursibus, ut habeat et possideat feliciterque condonet cuicumque voluerit in omnibus cum libero mentis arbitrio; ei equidem liberam in omnibus praefatam con¬ scribimus terram, preter arcis munitionem, et pontis con¬ structionem, et expeditionem. Ista vero praenominata tellus primitus fuit praepeditus a quodam duce, nomine Wulhere, ct ejus uxore, quando ille utrumque et suum dominum, regem yElfredum, et patriam, ultra jusjurandum quam regi et suis omnibus ojjtimatibus juraverat, sine licentia dereliquit. Tunc etiam, cum omnium juditio sapientium Gevisorum et Mer- censium, potestatem et hereditatem dereliquit agrorum ; nunc vero in calce hujus singraphae legentibus et audientibus omnibus patet, quia omnibus illis antiquis libris, si quis habeat, sit proscriptum, et nil ultra praevaleant, in modico vel Haec vero praefata terra his terminibus circumcincta esse videtur. yErest on Codanford. ponne andune andlang Wilig on Hyssa poL J>aet on )?aere ge- byge* J^aet be eastan Cynelm- ingham ofer Jja maede on Hafocwylle. jjonne andlang maerfyr on greatan |?orn- J?onne andlang weges on Landscorehlinc- J>one andlang Scorchlinces ou Alercum. ]>onne ofer Radune sweorau ofer Nacum on Trindlea- )?aet swa 6n Wilafes treow- }>ict ofer )>one Hebfeld on diegeat. ISct west andlang die on Wylie weg. 'Sae andlang Wylie weges on Widancuni. Sonne qiang First to Codford; then down along Wiley to Hyssa pool; then to the bending; then to the cast of Kynclmingham, over the mead to Hawkwell; then along the boundary furrow to the great thorn; then along the way to Land- score link; then along Score link to Alercombe; then over Rawdon neck over Nacombe to Trindley; then so to Wilaf’s tree, then over the heath field to the dike gate; then along the dike to the Avell-way; then along the wcll-rvay to Wit- conibc; then again along the 150 MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEKS. weges seft on Odenford. Odanforda on Codanford. of way to Odford j from Odford to Codford. Si quis autem hujus nostrse donationis cartulam augere vel amplificare voluerit, augeat Deus bona sua in regione vivorum. Si autem evenerit, quod non optamus, ut alicujus personae supervenerit qui hoc infringere vel mutare voluerit, sciat se esse epicarmai a consortio Dei et sanctorum ejus, nisi prius digna satisfactione Deo et omnibus emendaverit. Dis gewrit cyS Deormodes foresprece j A^ulfes ymb past land set Wilig. J^aet is )?set A)>ulf hit gesealde Deorswi'Se on agene seht to ateonne swa hire Icofost waere- aegSer ge on hire lyfe ge aefter hire lyfe- ■j ageaf hire )>a b»c 'by Ucan deg be bi man him geaf on bissa manna gewitnesse. This writing makes known the agreement of Deormod and^ Athulf concerning the land at Wiley. That is, that Athulf gave it to Deorswith in full possession, to dispose of as to her might be most de¬ sirable, both in her life and after her life; and gave over to her the titles on the same day on which they were given to him in these men’s witness. Scripta est autem hsec cartula anno Dominicae incarna¬ tionis Dcccci., Indictione vero iiii. His testibus consen¬ tientibus sanctaeque crucis vexillum adponentibus, quorum nomina infra caraxata esse videntur. Ego Eadweard rex. Ego .^belweard filius regis. Ego Ordgar dux. Ego Ordlaf dux. Ego Sigulf dux. Ego Heahferd dux. ^ Ego Ordgar dux. Ego Deormod dux. Ego iElfstan dux. ^ Ego Beorstan dux. Ego iEbelfcrd dux. Ego .^Ifheah dux. Ego ^Elfred dux. ^ Ego Beorhtsige minister. Ego Occa minister. Ego Wulfhere minister. >}< Ego .^Ifhere minister. Ego yElfred minister. Ego /Elfred mi¬ nister. Ego Buga minister. Ego Cufa minister. Ego yEbelstan minister. Ego Wulfhun minister. Ego Witulf minister. ^ Ego ^Elfheah minister. Ego Llfla minister. Ego Wulfhere minister. ^ Ego Burhtric minister. Ego Dudig minister. Ego Bcorsige minister. Ego Widfsige minister. ^ Ego Witbrob MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 151 minister. Ego Odda minister, Ego Eardulf minister. Ego iElfstau minister. BISHOP DENEWULF. HCCCC.H. In nomine Domini. Dene- wulf bisecop ^ jja hiwan in Wintanceastreletoutd Beorn- ulfa hiora laudes xv. liida jet Eblesburnam- wi^ }?am gafole i 5 e he wi 5 bisceop wilS hiwan ared. 'Sset is xlv. scih to luerfestes emuihte* sie simle agyfeS on “Sa gerad •Siet hine nage nan man of to aeeapienne- ne his beam jefter his dege j;a wile )>e hi ■ 5 a gerihta forSbringan a magen- eae aelee geare ful- tumien to }?jere eyriean bote )>e 5 et land to hyrS- be 5 em (hele |?e 5 et o 5 er foie do jelc be his landes me 5 e* 'j );a eyriesceattes mid rihte agyfe- fyrSe bryege fester- geweore hewe swa mon ofer eall foie do- ■]) ’Sis wes geddn on ]7ara witena gewitnesse 'Sa fur^e^ 'Se hiora naman her benio'San standa]? awri- tene- 'Se geare "Se Aves agan fram Cristes aeennesse twa winter 'j nigan lunid- bet In nomine Domini. Bishop Denewulf and the eonvent at Winchester have let to Beoriiulf xv. hides of their land at Ebbesborne, in con¬ sideration of the rent which he has settled with the bishop and the convent, that is that XLV. shillings, at the autumnal equinox, be always paid, on the condition that no man may buy him ofl'\ nor his children after his day, as long¬ as they may perform the ser¬ vices, and also, every year contribute to the repair of the church which belongs to tlic land, in the proportion which other folk do, each according to the condition of his land ; and rightly pay the church- shots, and the ‘ fyrd,’ and bridge- and fastiiess-Avork hcAv^, as is done by all the folk. And this Avas done Avith the Avitness of the ‘ Avitan,’ and also of those aaIiosc names stand here beneath Avrittcu ; ' That i.s, olF tlie land, by oflbring a higher rent. 'that is, licAv the timber, if the reading is correct ^ a men mostan on Jjan londe wunien- hsefde swa ic swa minra freonda swelce hit haefde- f»onne weron j^ajr breo ■svtte);eowe men burbserde- breo beowberde ba me salde bisceop •] |>a hiwan to ryhtre sehta* hire team. Dis wes gedon ba man pa cyricean halgode set Hysse- burnan. on bara manna ge- witnesse ];e hira naman her ncoban standat. .^rest Denewulf bisceop* and Tata presbiter* and Beornstan presbiter* and Wigea diaconus* and .^J^elstan presbiter* and Eadwulf presbiter* and Dyrewine presbiter* and Wulfhere Cidding* and Widfstau presbiter* and Eadulf cempa* and Beorhtsige presbiter* and Windsige presbiter* and iElfsige presbiter* and DencAvulf bisceop* and Tata presbiter* and Byrnstan presbiter* and Eadstan diaconus* and .^j^elstan presbiter* and Eadulf presbiter* and iEdelstan presbiter* and ^Ifstau presbiter* and Wulfstan presbiter* and Wigea presbiter* and Widfric presbiter* and Eahtan presbiter* and in the year that was agone from Christ’s birth nine hund¬ red and two winters. And that was done in the famous place of Winchester. Bishop Denewulf has al¬ lowed Beomulf his kinsman to house the inborn people at Ebbesbome. I have now housed Lufe and her three children, and Luha and his six children. Then the convent at Win¬ chester sent me word, that the men must dwell on the land, whether I or any of my friends had it. There were then three penal serfs there boor-born, and three serf- born : these the bishop and the convent gave me in law¬ ful possession, with their fa¬ milies. This was done when the church was hallowed at Husse- bourne, in witness of the men whose names stand here be¬ neath. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. 163 Winsige minister» and Wulfred minister» and Beorsige mi¬ nister» and ^Elfsige minister» and Eadulf minister» andWulf- helm minister» and Wulsige minister. lUNG EADWARD, /ETHELRED, AND HiTIIELFL.EU. DCCCC.III. Regnante in perpetuum et mundi monarchiam guber¬ nante, altithrone Patris S obole, qui coelestia simul et terrena moderatur: illius etenim anno incarnationis an. ncccc.iii.. Indictione vero sexta, contigit quod ^Selfri^o duci omnes hereditarii libri ignis vastatione combusti perierant. Tali igitur necessitate cogente, praedictus dux rogavit Eadweardum regem, Selredum quoque, et iESelflaedam, qui tunc prin¬ cipatum et potestatem gentis Merciae sub praedicto rege teuu- ermit, omnes etiam senatores Merciorum, ut ei consentirent et licentiam darent alios libros rescribendi. Tunc illi unanimiter omnes devota mente consenserunt ut alii ei libri rescribe¬ rentur, eodem modo quo et priores scripti erant, in quantum eos memoriter recordari potuisset. Si vero quoslibet recordari minime potuisset, tunc ei ista kartida in auxilio et adfirma- tione fieret, ut nullus eum contentiose cum aliis libris affli¬ gere valuisset, nec propinquus nec alienus, quamvis aliquis homo aliquem de vetustis libris protulerit, quem prius frau¬ dulenter, in hora ipsius incendii, vel alio quolibet tempore, per furtum abstraxisset. Novimus namque quod omnia quse in hoc mundo contingere solent, aliquando citius aliquando vero tardius, ex memoria mortalium elapsa deveniunt, nisi in scedulis litterarum caracteribus adnotantur. Quapropter in hac kartula innotescere ratum atque gratum satisque com¬ modum duximus, de illa videlicet terra’ a;t 'Ssen easteran Ilrisanbyrge, cujus quantitas est xxx. cassatorum, quod eam 1 The text is from MS. Stowe, which accords with MS. Bodley, as far as the words ‘ videlicet terra,’ after which the latter reads thus: [terra] at W’ringtone, oijus quantitas est vigiuti cassatorum. Et lianc prsefatam largitionem ego Edred (sic MS.) et totus senatus Anglomm devoto animo 154 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. A^ulf ^f5elgySe filiae suae ciim hereditaria libertate in pro¬ priam et' perpetuam donavit hereditatem. KING E-ADWARD THE ELDER. DCCCC.IV. E.4DWARDES CININGES FREOLS TO TANTUN.®. KING EADWARD^S FREEDOM TO TAUNTON. Regnante imperpetuum Domino nostro Jhesu Christo, cujus potestas nec crescit nec minuit, omnibusque presentis vitae curricidis cotidie semper subterlabentibus suaeque con¬ dicioni omnibus visibilibus et invisibihbus inevitabditer velint nolint cotidiae subdentibus. Quapropter ego Eadward, divina indulgente clementia, Angid Saxonum rex, omnia quaecunque dicta aut facta vel etiam pacta sunt in nostris temporibus relatui digna pro necessitate animae meae, et pro communi nostra necessitate, necnon etiam subsequentis posteritatis nostrae, litterarum memoriae commendare procuravi, ne aut fusca oblivionis caligine oblitterata, vel incuria scriptorum et testium id agente ignorata, regnantibus post nos et suis opti¬ matibus ad lites et contentiones de caetero devenirent. Qua de re in hac cartula demonstrare conor quod ego cum con¬ silio et consensu optimatum meorum, quorum nomina infra scripta sunt, libertatem illius monasterii quod Saxonicae Taiitmi dicitur, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus villis, campis, sihds, pascuis, pratis, et piscium capturis, in sempi¬ terno graphio in cruce Christi Denemilfo episcopo et iUi venerabili familiae in Wentana civitate commoranti, ab om¬ nibus regalibus, fiscalibus, et commitialibus, necnon et ab omnibus mundialibus taxationibus expeditam, excepta expe- yE'SelfritSo duci iu perpetuam hereditatem persolvimus, ut nemo post nos percipientes sine indignatione Dei omnipotentis illam irritam faciat. Ego yE'Selred consensi et confirmavi. Ego Eadward rex consensi ct subscripsi. Hanc praefatam hereditatem AliSelstan dux filius AlSelredi, consensus et factus monachus, optulit secum ad monasterium Glastingeuse, illamque sibi largitus est vESelstan rex. ' ISIS. ad. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 155 ditione et arcis et pontis constructione, toto mentis affectu dedi; ea conditione quo semper prefatum monasterium perti¬ neat atque deserviat episcopali sedi in Wintonia civitate, sine ulla controversia et sine disceptatione, nec in nostro tempore, nec etiam ab ullo nostro successore, Inec donatio commutetur aut violetur in sempiternum. Sed et hoc alacri animo Christo concessi ut episcopi homines, tam nobiles qriam ignobiles, in praefato rure degentes hoc idem jus in omni haberent dignitate quo regis homines perfruuntur, regalibus fiscis commorantes, et omnia secularium rerum judicia ad usus praesulum exerceantur eodem modo quo regalium negotiorum discutiuntur judicia. Praedicte etiam villae mercimonium, quod Anglicae j'aes tunes cyping appellatur, censusque omnis civilis, sancte Dei aecclesiae in Wintonia civitate, sine retractionis obstaculo, cum om¬ nibus commodis aeternaliter deserviat; erat namque antea iii illo supradicto monasterio pastus unius noctis regi, et viii. canum, et unius caniculari pastus, et pastus novem noctium accipitrariis regis, et quicquid rex vellet inde ducere usque ad Curig vel Willettun, cum plaustris et equis; et si advene de aliis regionibus advenirent, debebant diicatum habere ad aliam regalem villam quje proxima fuisset in illorum via. Ille quo¬ que episcopus et illa venerabilis familia michi lx. manentes in illis illustribus locis qurn Saxonicee ita nominantur: id est x. manentes set Crauuancumbe, set x. set Cumbtune, set xx. set Bananwylle, xx. quoque set Stoce juxta Sccaldeburnan, per¬ petualiter in sempiterno graphio in cruce Christi, pro prefati monasterii libertate, ab omni regali censu et comitiali, om- nique mundana exactione cqualiter expeditas, excepta expe¬ ditione, et arcis et pontis constructione, libenti animo con¬ donaverunt. Hoc etiam sub divino testamento prccipimus et imperamus, ne umquam aliqua commutatio vel vicissitudo illius nostrse donationis et confirmationis in utraque parte fiat, quamdiu illa Christianitas in ista insula consistat. Si quis hanc nostram donationem et commutationem custodire et augere voluerit, custodiat illum Deus et augeat illi omnia bona praesentis et futm’se vitae; sin vero, aliqua mala machi¬ natione, minuere vel infringere voluerit, sciat se ante cel¬ sissimi Judicis horribile tribunal rationem redditurum in dic 156 MISCELLANEOUS CHAETERS. judiciij si non prius hic digna emendaverit poenitentia. Haec autem cartula scripta est anno Dominicae incarnationis Dcccc.iiii., Indictione vii., in villa venatoria quae Saxonicae dicitur Bicanleag, coram idoneis testibus, quorum nomina subsequenter seripta sunt. Ego Eadward rex. Ego Pleigmund arcbiepiscopus. Ego Dcnewulf episcopus. Ego Wulfsige episcopus. Ego iE];el- weard filius regis. Ego Ordlaf dux. Ego Osulf dux. Ego Ordgar dux. Ego Heabferd dux. Ego .iElfwald dux. Ego Johan presbyter. Ego Werulf presbyter. Ego Tata pres¬ byter. Ego H]]| 7 elstan presbyter. Ego Byrnstan presbyter. Ego Searu presbyter. Ego Wealda presbyter. Ego Fribe- stan minister. Ego Wigbelm minister. Ego Witbord mi¬ nister. Ego Deormod minister. Ego Beorthelm minister. Ego Odda minister. Ego Wlfred minister. Ego Buga mi¬ nister. Ego Ealbmund minister. Ego Wlfstan minister. Ego .dHj^elferb minister. Ego Wlfbelm minister. Ego Wlf- bun minister. Ego Wlfhere minister. Ego Wlfric minister. KING EADWARD THE ELDER. DCCCC.I.-DCCCC.IX. In nomine Domini. Ic Eadwerd kinig begeat aet Deiadfe biscepe aet baen biwun Oli Winteceastre jia Wiiidcirican q baet staeiuene slapcrii. ‘Saerto 'baes landes be suSan baere cirican- q baen sleperii xxiiii. gerda onlaiige» q 011 braede bar bit bradest is fif geurda. q baer bit un- bradost is anne geurde- to baen baet ic baer mynster on gestaSolode for mme saule liailo" q mines baes arwyrdan fader iElfrcdcs cyninges* q ic let- be calra West Sexiia In nomine Domini. I king Eadward have obtained from bishop Denewulf and from the convent at Win- ebester, the ‘ Wind-church ’ and the stone dormitory, and thereto of the land south of the ehurch and the dormitory xxiv. rods in length, and in breadth, where it is broadest, five rods, and where it is least broad, one rod; in order that I might thereon found a monastery, for the health of my soul and of my venerable father king yElfrcd. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. lo7 witena ge^eahte 'j Icafc- to biscepe to J^an liiwun See Andreas ciricau “Sone worSig ■Se “Sserto gaunnan wes into ■Saere stowe. on ece erfe. 'Saet bit nage nan man fram ^Ssere stowe to dselanne. Donne is “Sisse eaca ^e eallra West- seaxna witan Saerto eacan me geboeodon on ece erfe. Jilrest sn'Srichte from San beoSaern to SceGregories cirican- “Sonne from “Saere su^west hyrnan See Gregories cirican xii. geurda westrichte to :Saere strete- “Sonne richte norS xiii. geurde to j^aere norSstraete- Sonne eastriebte xliii. geurde. vi. fet to Saere east- strete* Sonne snSricbte xx. geurde vi. fet to Saere suS- strete* j^onne westrichte be Saere suSstretc to Saen lie- tune VII. geurde “] vi. fet- Sonne richt norS v. geurde- Sonne is “Saes imbganges ealles Srio furlangcs Sreo met- genrda. And I have let, with the counsel and leave of all the ' witan ’ of the West Saxons, to the bishop and the convent, the church of S‘ Andrew and the ‘ worSig ’ which was there¬ to granted to the place, in perpetual inheritance, so that no man may separate it from the place. Now this is the augmentation which the Gvitan’ of all the West Saxons have in addition char¬ tered to me in perpetual in¬ heritance. First direct south from the refectory to S*^ Gregory’s church; then from the south-west corner of S* Gregory’s church, xii. rods due west to the street; then direct north, xiii. rods to the north street; then due east XLIII. rods and vi. feet to the cast street; then due south XX. rods and vi. feet to the south street; then due west, by the south street, to the cemetery, vii. rods and VI. feet; then direct north, v. rods. Then is the circuit of the whole, three fiudongs and three rods. EadwearS rex. EaldcreS frater regis h Plemun “5 archiepiscopus. Denewulf episcopus. Wilfmrd epi¬ scopus. Wulfrige episcopus. Asser episcopus. Wighen episcopus. Eodmund episcopus. Eadgar episcopus. Wimund episcopus. Brinhelm abbod. WitbrorS minister. «J* Deormo^ minister. Beortb- sige minister. Ocea minister. Adelstan minister. ‘ Eadwavcl’s brother was named /EK'lweard; oh. 922. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ir,8 *I< Wiilfhelm minister. Alla minister. Heorstan minister. Wnlfhelm minister. Beorstan presbiter. Tata presbiter. Brichtulf presbiter. KING EADWARD THE ELDER. DCCCC.I.-DCCCC.IX. In nomine Domini. Ead- ward cyning pa hiwan in AVintanceastre IsetaS to Dsene- wulfe bisceope twentig bida landes be Ticceburnau. swa geirfaS swa hit nu stent- predra manna deg- sefter his dege swilcum fraud to to- IcCtenne swilce him leofost beo^L on pa gerad pe man [his] gemynd setter his dege to psere halgan stowe do in AVintanceastre- swa swa he psenne finde pset hit mse^Slic sie aberendlic- be pses landes me^e- selce geare to psere edmeltide®- pset mon geselle twelf seoxtres bedras- twelf geswettes AAblisc ealo^S- twentig ambra hluttor ealoS- tu bund greates hlafes- 'j pridde smales- ■;) tu hrie'Seru- oper sealt oper fersc- six we^eras- feower swin- feor fliccu- twentig cysa- gyf lilt on lencten gebyrige •p pse ponne psere fisescun 1 In nomine Domini. King Eadward and the convent at AA'inchester let to bishop Denewulf twenty hides of land at Tichbourne, so stocked as it now stands, for three men’s day; after his day to let it to such friend as to him shall be most desirable: on the condition that after his [Eadward’s] day his comme¬ moration be solemnized in the holy place at AAun Chester, as he [Denewulf] may then find it fitting and bearable, according to the condition of the land : viz. That every year at the retmm of the day, there be given twelve sesters of beer, and twelve of sweet AVelsh ale, and twenty am¬ bers of clear ale, and two hundred great loaves, and a third of small, and two oxen, one salt, the other fresh, and six wethers, and four swine, and four flitches, and twenty I MS. bofJ. ^ Edmel, dies naturalis : Fris. etinal; Dutch etmaal. See Outzen, (iloss. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. 159 geweor^ on fisce gestrienc buton p ]?is forgenge sie. Gif hit jjsenne sie se "Se j^fct land hsebbe f he j^is his geagenes |7ances tuwa forgy- meleasie. buton hit haeres® unaemetta sie* ];onne bid hie hiwan for Godaes lufan to tidsongum min gemund don* jjonne bebeoda^ hie on Godes mlmihtiges naman* j on Sanctes Pctres* -j on Sanctes Paules* J?8et hi fon to }»an lande 'j min gemund J?aer on J>am gerilitum Jjae )>aerto bc- limpa^ arcrad* be ];am ilcan |>e hit her bufan gecvveden is* buton pset hi for Godes lufan to tidsangum min gemund don* jjonne bcbeodad hie on Godes aelmihtiges naman* on Sanctes Petres* on Sanctes Paules* )jae hit hiera yrfe is* p hit swa umbesaeccen gauge into j^aerc cyrican swa hit pa, on daeg wes )>a hit man him to laet. ]>is gewrit was awriten on Wintanceastre* on )?ara witena gewitnesse );e hiera naman haer baenij?an awriten standad. paet is ge- nemned Eadward cyning* and cheeses. If it happen in Lent, then let the worth of the flesh be obtained in flsb, unless it be extremely abun¬ dant*. But if it be that he who has the land sponta¬ neously tAvice neglect this, unless there be a failure^ of the harvest, then I pray the convent, for love of God, to solemnize my commemora¬ tion at their daily offices. Then [Ave] command them, in the name of Almighty God, and of S* Peter and S* Paul, that they take to the land, and there establish my com¬ memoration Avith the rites which thereto belong, in the same manner, as it is here above said, except that they, for love of God, solemnize my commemoration in their daily offices. Then [we] command them, in the name of Almighty God, and of S* Peter and S* Paul, Avhose pro¬ perty it is, that it pass to the church as uncontested as it was on the day Avhen it Avas let to him. And this Avrit Avas Avritten at Winchester ^ iVnd, consequently, so cheap as not to require the expenditure of tlie whole A’alue. My translation of forgenge by abundant is conjectural, a.«, indeed, is that of the entire passage. The dictionaries render genge by valens. An error for hrerfestes ? ^ Or .strictly an obstruction, caused, Ave may easily suppose, by warfare. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. RiO Plcgmund arcebisceop. Fri^estan bisccop. and on the witness of the ‘ witan ’ whose names stand here be¬ neath written. That is, the said Eadward king, and Pleg- mund areebisceop. and FriiSe- stan bisceop- and Osulf dnx* and Deormod minister, and Tata presbiter. and Beornstan jmesbiter* and ^Ej^elstan presbiter. and ./Elf- stan presbiter. and Ealhstan presbiter. and Wulfi'ie presbiter* and ^J;elbyrth presbiter* and Ybelbeard presbiter* and Wig- elm diaconus, and Beornulf minister* and .dE]?elstau clericus* and Eadulf clericus* and .J^lfstan clericus* and iEj^elweard clericus* and Wulfhelm clericus* 'and Wulfstan clericus* and AVidfric clericus* and Wiusige clericus* and Beorhtsige cle¬ ricus* and iElfsige clericus* and Eadulf clericus* and Wulfsige clericus* and Winsige clericus* and Wulfsige clericus* and AVilaf clericus* and Wulfstan clericus* and ^belhelm cle¬ ricus* and Cynestan clericus* and Heremod clericus* and Drudgar clericus* and ^&ic clericus* and iElfred clericus* and Uffa clericus. Dis s\mt ^a gemsero to Ticceburnan. iErest on EllenforS* )?anon on ];one miclan hlinc* ^onne on iEpphangran easteweardne * •Sanon on Hormsercs Avudu middeweardne* J>anon on ge- rihteto Scealdsemereshamme* )>onon on Mselanbeorh midde¬ weardne* )7onne jjser to wuda on ]?one heal* andlang weges utt to Higleage* ]janon norh •] Avest inn an pione heal* ]>a.- non ';]lang leage* Jjonne ^lang Aveges to Torscagan* j^anon ■]lang weges upp on Gandrau dune* andlang Aveges to readan anstigan* ]>anon ‘jlang AA'cgcs These are the boundaries at Tichbourne. First to Ellenford ; thence to the great link; then to Epphanger eastAvard; thence to Hormer’s wood south- AA'ard; thence right on to Shaldmersham; thence to Melbury southAvard; then there at the Avmod to the hall; along the Avay OAit to High- ley; thence north and west in at the hall; thence along the lea; then along the way to Torshaw; thence along the way up to Gander doAvn; along the Av^ay to the red ‘anstia;’; thence along; the MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 161 on Ceaforleage. J?anon on l^oiie miclan hliuc- )7auon on Cuj^aenes ford nor^eweardne • J^anon on Tornageat* J?anon utt )?ur)7 Beaddes scagan to Aclea* andlang weges utt to felda* jjanon be wyrtwalan on langan leage nor^wearde- j^anon to Hindsceata- Jjanon on Ostercumb nor|>eweardne. J>anon to jNIsenan leage* |?anon on Ostercumb suSewear^ne- Jjauon ■jlang weges on Wines heafod- j>onne ■;]Iang weges utt on Elleuford. way to Chaverley; thence to the great link; thence to Cuthen’s ford northward; thence to Torngate, thence out tlirough Bead’s shaw to Oakley; along the way out to the field; thence by the ' wyrtwal ’ to the long lea northward; thence to Hind- sceat; thence to Ostercomb northward; thence to Mjene lea; thence to Ostercombe southward; thence along the way to Wines head; thence along the way to Ellenford. BISHOr DENEWULF. DCCCC.I.-DCCCC.IX. In nomine Domini. Ego Denewulfus episcopus indico Edwardo regi domino meo de terra illa Beaddinctun, de qua egisti apud me, ut ego eam tibi commodarem. Unde, mi care, nunc a conventu Wintonie optinui, et apud seniores et apud juniores, quod ipsi bono favore concedunt michi ut eam tibi per cartam tradam quamdiu vixeris, sive ad possidendum sive ad comm’odandum alteri, cuicunque tibi magis pla¬ cuerit. Hujus terrae sunt lxx. hidae, et est modo tota bene procurata, quae quando dominus meus michi eam tradidit omni peccunia caimit et pauperibus hominibus erat destitu¬ tum. Tunc ego ipse peccuniam meam in ea reparare studui, unde interim pauperes vixerunt, et nunc nos eam tibi libenter concedimus. Sed nunc familia ipsa expetit te ut post dies tuos loco suo iterum restituatur. Modo habetur ibi pecunia quantum pro hyemae residuum fuit: ix. veteres boves, et iiii. et c.xi. veteres porci, et l. arietes, preter jus porcorum quos porcarii debent habere, et xx. bacones. Non fuit il)i fru¬ menti cpiid, nisi (luantulum fuit praeparatum ad firmam 162 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. episcopi. Sunt autem ibi xc. acr® seminat®. N\mc vero rogamus, et ego ipse episcopus et tota familia Wincestri®, et hoc tibi ad elemosinam, quo pro amore Dei et ipsius sanet® ®cclesi® terram ejusdem loci amplius non expetas; quia videtur eis rex tua necessaria pr®ceptio, quatinus nec tibi nec nobis Deus debeat imputare hanc imminutionem diebus nostris actam, quia ibi alFuit magna ex parte Dei obtestatio eorum qui eandem terram eidem loco concesserunt. IDEM ANGLICE. Ic Denewulf biseeop kyS® EadAvarde kyninge minum lilafurd® ymb )7®t land on Beaddinctune j?® ^u m® firmdig to \v®r® ^®t ic pas lend®. ponn® min leof h®bbe ic nu ®t ^am hivvum fund®n on Wint®ceastr® • g® ®t gieldran g® ®t giengran* j>®t hie m® mid ealr® ®st® unnun his m® ^®t to bociann® J^inn® deg. swu^® to brucann® SAVuhum to l®nann® ^® J?® leofust bi^. ponn® his J;®s lond®s hund- seofontig hida. and is nu eall geAV®red. and Sa hit ®st min laford m® to l®t. j^a av®s hit ierf®l®as and mi's ®Snum folce aburod. And ic Sa s®lf )?®t ierf® togestrind® ]i®t S®r mon siSSan bi w®s. and ■w® his p»® nu swyS® ead- modlic® unuon. ponn® min leof siondon hiwun nu firm- dige )7®t hit ®fter }nuun deg® to )?®r® stow® ®ft agyf®n ste. Donn® is ]7®r nu irf®s I bishop Denew'ulf an¬ nounce to king Eadward my lord concerning the land at Bedhampton, which thou Avast desirous that I should lease to thee. Now, then, my beloved, I have settled with the convent at Win¬ chester, both with old and with young, that they, with all good will, have granted me to charter it to thee, for thy day, whether to enjoy it or to lease it as to thee shall be most desirable. Noav of this land there are seventy hides, and it ismoAV all stocked; and when my lord first let it to me, it Avas unproAuded with cattle, and laid waste by heathen folk: and I myself then provided the cattle, and there people Avere afterwards. And Ave now very humhly grant it to thee. Now, my beloved, the conA'ent are de¬ sirous that after thy day it be again given up to the place. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 163 ]7aes )? 0 es stranga wintaer laefaed haef^ nigon eal^i hri-Sru- and feower and hundsendlseftig ealdra swina* and fiftig wae- );fera* butan )7ani scipae and swinun ]>ie ba hirdas habban sculon- bara is twsentig ealdra. and Jiaer is hundend- laeftig ealdra sceapa seofaen l^eowae maen. and twaentig llicca. and naes j^aer eornaes mare Jjonnae paer waes bi- sceopaes faerm gaegearwodii. and l^aer hundniogontig gae- sawaenra aecaera. ponnae bid- daeb {lae bisceop );a biwan on Wintanceastrae baet to aelmaessan. for Godaes lufan for baerae haligan eiricean. jiaet bu };aere stowae londaes maraen ne willnie- forbam jie him byncb ymbae bine* haes- jiaet nabaer ne {jae ne us God ne Janrfa oncunnan for jiaerae waniungae on nrum daege. forjiam ]>e baerae waes swibae micel Godes baebodd pa maen pa lond to ]?aere stowae ge- sealdae. Now of eattle which the severe winter has left, there are nine old oxen, and a hund¬ red and fourteen old swine, and fifty wethers, besides the sheep and swine which the herds are to have, of which there are twenty old; and there are a hundred and ten old sheep, and seven serf men, and twenty flitches: and there was no more corn there than w’as provided for the bishop’s sustenance. And there are ninety sown acres. Now the bishop and the convent at Winchester pray thee in cha¬ rity, for love of God, and for the holy church, that thou wdlt not desire more land of that place, because it seems to them, wdth reference to thy behest, that God should have no need to accuse either thee or us for its diminution in our day; because of that the command of God was very strong when those lauds w^ere given to the place. KING EADWARD THE ELDER. DCCCC.IX. DONUM ET RESTITUTIO SIVE CONFIRMATIO REGIS EADW'ARDI I)E ALRESFORDA AD VETUS CENOBIUM. Summo atque seterno rege aeternaliter regnante, atqne ‘ .MS. ‘SviU' 'Sviib:L‘ dune. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. lf)4 omnia Aasibilia et invisibilia ordinabiliter atque incommuta- biliter dispensante et gubernante. Intelligens omnia penae pretei’ita dicta vel facta quae in antecessorum nostrorum diebus evenerunt fuscae oblivioni tradita, nisi ea quae discrete et sapienter litterarum apicibus commendata sunt, coniciens- que presentia et futura eodem modo labi, nisi prefato ordine litterarum caracteribus diligenter et studiose a presentium et futurorum temporum regibus et presulibus insignita fuerint. Quapropter ego Eaduuard, divina indulgente clementia, Angul-saxonum rex, rogatus fui a meo dilecto episcopo FriSestano territoria aecclesiae Dei cui deserviebat pertinentia no^^s litterarum apicibus renovare, et veterum librorum monimenta, recenti recuperata auctoritate, restaurare; idcirco votis ejus libenter obtemperans, renovare studui territorium illius telluris qufe Alresford usitato dicitur vocabulo, prefato episcopo cathedram beati Petri, apostolorum prineipis, Pauli- que, ejusque co-apostoli praesidenti, uti Cemvald atque Ine Egcbyrtlique, mei antecessores Domino nostro Ibesu Christo, omnium rerum Conditori, aeterna concesserant libertate. Prefatum equidem rus, pro stupro cujusdam militis, cui accommodatum fuerat ut censum singulis aunis persolveret indictum, a prefata aecclesia injuste abstractum nuper fuerat; sed Denewlf Uuentanae aecclesiae cathedram illo in tempore regens, pateram, centum auri siglis appendentem, regi qui tune temporis Angul-saxoniam regebat, licet non juste, tribuit, et possessionem ad usus succedentium presulum aecclesiae Dei restituit. Precavendo igitur ne tale periculum posteris futuro tempore miserabiliter eveniat. Ego Eadunardus, di¬ vina largiente gratia, Angid-saxonum rex, et Plegmund, Dorubernensis aecclesiae arcliiepiscopus, caeterique sufFraganei, quorum inferius vocabula notantur. In nomine almae Trini¬ tatis atque individuae Unitatis praecipimus, tam Fribestano, ejusdem Wentane sedis episcopo, quam cunctis ejus succes- spribiis, ut nulli seeularium militum, nee ipsum rus, nec aliud aliquot ad aecclesiam Dei pertinens, pro munere quo¬ libet, ne talis perturbatio aecclesiae Dei contingat ut per stu¬ prum prefati militis contigit, dare vel accommodare prae¬ sumat. Qui autem temerarius nefas interdictum praesum- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Ui5 pserit, anathema sit^ et auctoritate beati Petri, cujus pos¬ sessio est, dampnatus intereat, nisi cum ejulato magno quod contra nostrum decretum abstulit penitendo ante obitum suum restituerit. Haec cartula scripta est anno ab incarnatione Domini Dcccc.viiii., Indictione xii. Maneat igitur gratis terminibus veterum librorum manifestatione harum mansionum quantitas indissoluta, his testibus infra notatis unanimi con¬ sentientibus judicio. Ego Eaduuard rex hanc restaurationem a me renovatam signum sanctae crucis propria manu scribendo firmavi, quando episcopium Uuentane civitatis in duas parrocbias divisi. Ego Plegmund arcbiepiscopus mellifluam donationem prae¬ fati regis subscripsi cum signaculo sanctae crucis. Ego FrrSe- stan episcopus, cum consilio ejusdem regis, boc roboravi atque conexi cum triumpho aeterni regis. Ego Wulfsige episcopus conexi et subscripsi. Ego Wigbelm episcopus conexi et subscripsi. Ego Celmund episcopus conexi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego iESelweard frater regis. Ego ^Ebelstan filius regis. Ego yElfweard filius regis. Ego Osferb dux con¬ sensi. Ego Orlaf dux consensi. Ego Beorbtulf dux consensi. Ego Ordgar dux consensi. Ego IleabferS dux consensi. Ego Werulf presbiter. Ego jEj^elstan presbiter. Ego Beornstan presbiter. Ego Ealbstan presbiter. Ego Deor- mod minister. Ego TVitbbrord minister. Ego Odda mi¬ nister. Ego iElfwold minister. Ego Hiilfred minister. Ego ASulf minister. Ego .^|>elfcrS minister. Ego Wulf beard minister. Ego ^Elfric minister. Ego Wulfhelm minister. Ego Uffa minister. Ego iElfstan minister. Ego Hillfreb minister. Ego iElfstan minister. Ego ^Ifstan minister. Ego Wulf here minister. Ego Adulf minister. Ego Wulf- bun minister. Ego Wullaf minister. Ego Buga minister. Ego iElfred minister. Ego ^ Selno'S minister. Ego TYulfric minister. 166 MISCELLANEOUS CHAKTERS. BISHOP WERFERTH». DCCC.LXXII-DCCCC.XV, In usses Dryhtnes naman Haelendes Cristes. Ic Wei'fer^ bisceop cybe swa me Alchun bisceop sfegde. eac mine gewrytu wisodon* ]>eet Mired bisceop gesealde Eanbalde f land aet Soppan- byrg mid )ns bebode* '3 seob^an Eanbald hit sealde Eastmnnde- 3 him behead IMired bisceop bebod on Godes ealmihtiges noman. 3 on ]?asre halgsen pi’inesse- f 'Sa hwile )>e aenig man waere on liira maegbe j^e godcundes hades beon walde. 3 )?aes wyr^e waere. f he )?onne fenge to^];am lande ast Soppanbyrg. gif hit ]>onne hwaet ellcs geselde. f hit naefre on laedn hand ne wende. ac hit seo^ban code to ]7am bisceop-stole to M^eo- gornaceastre. for heora ealra saule. Ond he }^a Eastmund aer his ende behead, on ]7aes lifgendan Godes noman. |7am men J^e to |?am lande fenge. f he l^onne on j^a ilcan wisan to fenge )?e ]\Iired bisceop behead, gif he )Jonne to |>an gcdyrstig waere ^ he ]>aet abraece. ^ he triste hine scyl- digne beforan Godes heah- setle aet )>am miclan dome. Da aefter Eastmundes forb- In the name of oni’ Lord Jesus Christ, I bishop Werferth declare, as bishop Alchun said to me, and as my writings have also shomi, that bishop Milred gave to Eanbald the land at Sodbmy, with this injunction, (and Eanbald afterwards gave it to Eastmund, and to him enjoined the injunction of bishop Mih'ed, in the name of God Almighty and of the holy Trinity,) \’iz. that as long as there should be any man in their family who would be of diGne order, and were worthy thereof, that he should succeed to the land at Sodbury; but if it happened aught otherwise, that it should never pass to a lay hand, but it shoidd afterwards go to the episcopal see of Worcester, for the souls of them all. And he, Eastmund, then, before his end, enjoined, in the name of the li^dng God, the man w'ho should succeed to the land, that he should succeed thereto on the same condi¬ tion as bishop Milred had enjoined; but if he were so presumptuous as to break it, that he should know himself ^ Of Worcester. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 1G7 si^e- bereafode seo m'aeg^ )?jes ilcan londes ge f>a gastas J^ara for'Sgewitenra manna ge )mne bisceop ^ )?a cirecean let Weogornaceastre- Heab- berht bisceop oft )?8es lAyn- gode o^^e )>aes landes baed. seobban Alcliun bisceop for oft. ]>a bwile )?e he waes* eac ic Werferb bisceop oft his baed- we ne militon to nanum rihte becuman aer .dilj^elrcd wees Myrcna hlaford. Da gesamnode he Mercna weotan to Saltwtc ymbe mee- nigfealde j^earfe. ge Godes deeles ge worolde deeles. pa spraec ic on pa magas mid pe erfegewrite* wilnade me ribtes. Da beweddode me EadnoS iElfred iElfstan. peet bio ober para dydon. oS5e hit me ageafon- o^5e on liira maegbe pone man fuiiden pe to pam hade fenge to lande- ■;] me wsere ge- hearsum for Gode for worolde. pa Eadnob pe peet land heefde gebcad hit ealre peere meegSe hwmSer hit feiiig swa gegan wolde. Da wees aelc pees wordcs • p him leofre weere •p he land forcode ponne he peenc had underfenge. Da gcsohte he ^pclred ^pcl- flaede eac Ail]>elnoS iirne calra freond- heo ealle to me wilnodon p ic hitie laetc tet guilty before God’s throne, at the great doom. Then, after Eastmund’s decease, the fa¬ mily bereaved of the same land both the ghosts of the men departed and the bishop and the church of Worcester. And bishop Heahberht often called this to remembrance, or demanded the land; and bishop Alchun afterwards very often, while he existed; and I also, bishop Werferth, have often demanded it; but we could obtain no right before iEthelred was lord of the Mercians. He then assem¬ bled the ‘ witan ’ of the Mer¬ cians at Saltwich, on account of manifold things needful, both on the part of God, and on the part of the world. I then pleaded against the kins¬ men, producing the deed of in¬ heritance, and desired right. ThenEadnoth,and^lfi’ed, and yElfstan pledged me, that they would one or the other, either they woidd give it up to me, or would find a man in their family who woixld take to orders and to the land, and would be obedient to me before God and before the Avorld. Then Eadnoth, who had the land, offered it to all the family, whether any one would so obtain it. Then 168 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. me f land begeotan him to | agenre aehte* swelcum erfe- wasardnm to syllenne snelce he wolde. j ic )>a swa dj de ealles swy^ost for hiora bene. -j he eac me gesealde feower- tig mancesa. 'j ic ]?a mid mira higna leafe aet Weo- gornaceastre him sealde f lond on ece erfe- 'j ]>a. bee. 'j ^ Eastmundes erfegewrit- ^ eac lu’e agen raedengewrit- ■p AVfere him to )?am gerade land tolaeten ]>e mon aelce gere gesylle fiftene scillingas claenes feos to Tettanbyrg )jam bisceope. him eac ]>one lie* scrift healde. Ond ic Eadno^ eac beode minum erfeweardum- on Godes ael- mihtiges naman- ^ heo naefre J^is feoh gelitliaen. ah sien a )>aem bisceope mid rihte holde- -] l^aere heoraedene aet Weo- gornaceastre. God aelmihtig )^a gehealde for baem lifum ]>e unne ]jeos geraednis stondon mote in ecnesse- ■] )>is syndon )>ara manna naman \)e aet j^ae^ rednisse waeron* aet gcAvitnysse. )?e her be- neobau aAvritene syndon. * No doubt a repetition of the preceding syllable. ^ baere? CA-ery one declared that he Avoidd rather forgo the land, than he AA'ould take holy orders. He then sought TEthelred and ^thelflaed, and also* vEtheluoth, the friend of us all; and they all desired of me that I Avould let him get the land of me in abso¬ lute possession, to give to such heirs as he Avould. And I then did so, above all for their prayer: and he also gave me forty mancuses. And I then, Avith the leave of my convent at Worcester, gave him the land in pei’petual heritage, and the charters, and East- mund’s deed of inheritance, and also our own agreement, that the land should be re¬ linquished to him, on the condition that every year there shoidd be fifteen shil¬ lings of pure money given at Tetbury to the bishop, and the Avritten contract AA’ith him be also observed. And I Eadnoth also enjoin my heirs, in the name of God Almighty, that they never diminish this money, but be ever rightly faithful to the bishop and the convent at Worcester. May God Almighty preserA'e them in both lives, Avho grant that this agreement may stand to ' eternitv. And these are the MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 169 Ic Waerfer^ bisceop- mid minre agenre handa. )?as sylene getrimme j gefnestiiie. BeornferS pr. Werfrib pr. Berhtliun pr. Tidbald pr. Oslac pr. Berbthelm. names of the men who were at the agreement, and at the witnessing, which are here beneath written. I Werferth bishop, with my own hand, this donation confirm and ratify. Wigheard. ^ Wulfred. Cynehelm. Wulfhnn. Eardwulf. BeornferS. .VNONYMOUS. DCCCC.I.-DCCCC.XXIV. Leof' ic )?e cy^e hn hit waes ymb ]>8et lond fet Funt- iab )>a fif hida )>e yESelm Iliga ymb spycS* Sa Helm- stan ]>a undaede gedyde ]?aet he ./ESeredes belt forstseb )?a ongon Higa him specan sona on mid oSran onspe- cendan. ^ wolde him obflitan ■Saet lond. Da sohte he me* haed me 'Saet ic him waere forespeca. for Son ic his Inefde ter onfongen set biscopcs handa aer he Sa undaede ge¬ dyde. Da spaec ic him fore- )>ingade him to rElfrede Beloved ! I will declare to thee how it was concerning the land at Fonthill, the five hides about which yEthelm Higa sues. When Ilelmstan did the misdeed of stealing rEthered’s belt. Then Higa began forthwith, with other accusers, to implead him, and would litigate the land from him. Then sought he me, and prayed me that I would be his advocate, because I had formerly received him at the bishop’s hand, before he did that misdeed. I then pleaded ' The person addressed is King Eadward the Elder, son of .Elfred. There is much in this document that I do not pretend to understand. See ‘Sa.xons in England,' i. pp. 610, 61.3, ii. p. .51. 170 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. cinge. Da God forgelde his saiile- 'Sa lyfde he ■Sst he moste beon lyhtes •svyr'Se for mire forspaece- ryht race ■«diS iE'Selm ymb “Saet lond. Da het he hie seman. Da waes ic 'Sara monna sum \e Saerto genemned -vvaeran. •] AVihlbord. ^Ifric waes Sa liraelSen. •j Byrhthelm- Wulflum f>es hlaca aet Sumor- tune- S trica. Ubba* ^ ma monna )Jonne ic nu genem- nan maege. Da reahte heora aegSer his spell. Da Jjuhte us eaUan ]>8et Helmstan moste gan forS mid Son bocon. geagnigean him Saet lond Saet he hit haefde swa ^ESeldryS hit Osulfe on aeht gescalde udS gemedan feo- heo cwaeS to Osulfe Saet heo hit ahte him -vvel to syllanne- forSon hit u'aes hire morgengifu Sa heo aest to ASulfe com. Helmstan )>is eal on |7on aSe hefeng. i Hilfred cing Sa Osulfe his houdsetene sealde. Sa he Saet lond aet ^DSeldrySe bohte. Saet hit swa stondan moste. EadAveard his. .iESelnaS his. Deormod his. aelces ]>ara monna Se mon Sa habban wolde. Da Ave hie aet Weardoran nu semdan. |>a baer mon Sa boc forS. raedde hie. ]>a stod seo hond- seten eal Saeron. Da )nihte for him, and interceded for him to king Hilfred. Then, may God reward his soaiI ! then he allowed that he might he right-worthy, on account of my advocacy, and plead his right against iEthelm about the land. He then com¬ manded them to come to an agreement. Then was I one of the men who were named thereto, and Wihtbord, and ^Elfric, Avho was then keeper of the wardrobe, and Byrht- helm, and Wulfbun the Black at Somerton, and Strica, and Ubba, and more men than I can now name. Then each of them said his say. Then it seemed to us all that Helm¬ stan must come forth Avith the titles, and prove his right to the land, that he had it as iEthelthryth had sold it to Osulf, in possession, for a fair pecuniary consideration. And she said to Osulf, that she well possessed it to sell, be¬ cause itAA'as her morning-gift, when she first came to Athulf. And Helmstan included all this in the oath. And king ^Elfred gave his sign manual to OsAilf, when he bought the land of .LEthelthiyth, that it must so stand; and EadAvard his, and iEthelnath his, and Deormod his, and every one MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 171 us eallan tie jet J^aere some waeran. |78et Helmstan wsere aSe l^aes near. Da naes iE^elm na fullice geSafa aer we eodanin tocinge- ‘j saedan eall liu we hit reahtan» 'j be liwy we hit reahtan. 71 iESelm stod self J;aerinne mid. cing stod }?woh his honda aet W eard- oran innan ]?on hure. Da he ^aet gedon haefde* ^a asc- ade he iESelm hwy hit him ryht ne ^uhte ^aet we him gereaht haefdan. cwaeS Saet he nan ryhtre geSencan ne meahte J^onnc he ]>one aS agifan moste gif he meahte. Da cwaeS ic ]>aet he wolde cunnigan. 'j baed hone cing Saet he hit andagade- 7) he swa dyde. he gclaedde ha to Son andagan hone ah be fuUan. -j basd me haet ic him fultemade- j cwaeh haet him waere leofre haet he. aide honne se ah forhurste- ohhe hit aef.aede. Da cwajh ic haet ic him wolde fylstan to ryhte. 71 naefre to nanan wo. on ha gerade |?et he his [hoc me uhe. 7) he me haet in wedde gesealde. Ave ridan ha to Son anda¬ gan. ic 7) Wihthord rad mid me. 7) Byrhthelm rad hider mid iESelme. -j we gehyrdan calle ScCt he Sone ah be fulan 1 Not of the men that it was wished to have. When Ave had now brought them to an agree¬ ment at Wardour, the titles Avere brought forth and read, when the sign manual stood all thereon. It then seemed to us all who were at the agreement, that Helmstan was so much nearer to the oath. Then did ^thelm not fully assent, before Ave went in to the king, and said all how Ave had arranged it, and why Ave had so arranged it. And iEthelm himself stood therein Avith us; and the king stood washing his hands at War- dour, within the chamber. When he had done that, he asked .^thelm, Avhy that did not seem right to him, which Ave had arranged; and said that he could not conceive anything more right, than that he [Helmstan] should give the oath if he could. Then said I that he Avould make the trial, and prayed the king that he Avould ad¬ journ it; and he did so; and then, on the day fixed, he would take the oath fully; and prayed me that I Avould sup¬ port him, and said that he Avould rather.than that the oath should fail, or in MS. 172 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ageaf. Da we cwap.dan ealle ■Saet hit waere geendodu sptec- Sa se dom waes gefylled. j leof liwonne biS angu spaec geendedu. gif mon ne maeg. nowSer ne mid wed ne mid aSa geendigan* o 5 Se gif mon aelcne dom wile onwendan. Se JElfred cing gesette- hwonne habbe we ]>onne gemotad. And he me Sa boc ^a ageaf swa be me on ‘Son wedde aer geseald haefde- sona swa se a^ agifen waes- -j ic him gebet Saet lie moste Ses londes bru- can Sa hwile Se be lifde- j gif be bine wolde butan bys- more gehealdan. Da on ufan Saet- ymb an oSer bealf gear- nat ic bweSer Se ymb tua- Sa forstael he Sa unliedan oxan aet Funtial- 'Se be mid calle fore forwearS- draf to cytlid- j bine mon )iaeraet aparade- j bis speremon abredde Sa spor wreclas b Da he flcah ba torypte bine an brember^ ofer Saet nebb. Da be aetsacan wolde Jia saede him mon |iaet to tacne. Da swaf Eanulf Penearding on- waes gerefa- Sa genom eal Saet yrfe him on ]iaet he ahte to Tyssebyrig. Da ascade ic bine hwy he swa dyde- ba cwaeb he “Saet be waere Seof- ' his.wrecks. This I do r ■’ Perhaps another name for cotlif, . I then said that I would aid him to right, and never to any wrong, on the condition that be should give me his [title], and be gave it me in pledge; and we rode then on the appointed day, I, and Wibtbord rode with me ) and Byrbthelm rode thither witb^thelm; and we all beard that he gave the oath fully. Then we all said that the suit was ended, when the judg¬ ment was completed. And, Beloved! when shall any cause be ended, if it cannot be ended either ivith pledge or with oath ? or if every decision may be set aside which king iElfred laid down, when then shall w^e have finished? And he then gave up to me his book, as he had before given it in pledge, as soon as the oath w'as given; and I pro¬ mised him that he might en¬ joy the land while he lived, and provided he would hold himself without reproach. Then after that about a year and a half, or, I know not whether, about two [years],he stole the unguarded oxen at Fonthill, for which he totally ruined himself, and drove them to a ^cytlidand there )t understand. ^ MS. brebcr. « cottage, or small holding. MISCELLANEOUS CPIARTERS. 173 -j mon gerehte'Saet yrfe cinge* for^on he 'wses cinges mon* Ordlaf feng to his londe* for ^on hit waes his laen ^aet he on saete* he ne meahte na his forwyrcan* 7) tu hine hete ■Sa flyman. Da gesahte he ■Sines faeder lie* brohte in- sigle to me* 7) ic waes aet Cip- panhomme mit te. Da ageaf ie baet insigle “Se* 7] Su him forgeafe his eard 7) Sa are Se he get on gebogen haefS* 7) ic feng to minan londe* 7) sealde hit Son biscope Sa on Sine gewitnesse 7) Sinra weotena* Sa fif hida wiS Son londe aet Lidgeard ’vviS flf hidan'* 7) biscop 71 eal hiwan forgeafan me Sa feower* 7) an waes teoSing lond. Doune leof is me micel neodSearf 'Saet hit mote stondan swa hit nu ge- don is 71 gefyrn wais. Gif hit elleshwaet biS* Sonne sceal ic 7) wylle beon gehealden on Son ^e ^e to aelmessan ryht SincS. he was discovered, and his tracer. As he fled a bramble tore him on the face. When he would deny, they told him that as a token. Then Eanulf Penearding turned upon him, who was the reeve; then took all the pro¬ perty from him that he owned in Tisbury. I then asked him why he did so, when he said that he (Helmstan) was a thief, and the property was confiseated to the king, be¬ cause he was the king’s man. And Ordlaf took to his land, because being his fee on whieh he resided, he could not forfeit it. And thou then didst declare him a fugitive. Then sought he thy father’s body, and brought a signet to me; and I was at Chip¬ penham with thee. Then de¬ livered I the signet to thee, and thou didst grant him his country, and the property on whieh he has yet dwelt. And I took to my land, and then gave it to the bishop, in wit¬ ness of thee and thy Gvitan’, viz. the five hides for the land at Liddiard. And the bishop and all the convent then gave me four, and one was tithino- land. Now, Beloved ! it is to me much needful that it 'iidiiTii ® 174 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. In dorso. ^ yE Selm Higa eode of 5 am geflite 5 a cing waes aet Worgemynster. on Ordlafes gewitnesse* ^ on Osferbes- on Oddan- j on Wihtbordes. on ^Ifstanes bysblerian- on 7E5elno5es. might stand as it now is done and formerly was. If it shall be otherwise, then I shall and will be held to that which shall appear to thee right eleemosinarily. Indorsed, And^thelm Higa gave up the suit when the king was at Warminster, in witness of Ordlaf, and Os- ferth, and Odda, and Wiht- bord, and iElfstan the Bald, and H^thelnoth. a:thelfla:d of mercia. dcccc.xv.-dcccc.xxii. Regnante Christo Mediatore nostro. Filio Dei et Salvatione mundi, qui sceptra regit, et alta tociusque telluris orbem, post opere et umbratione conceptioneque Sancti Spiritus, ex sacra¬ tissimo prosiliens virginis alvo, cujus imperio cuncta optem- perant celestia, tremuntque terrestria, et formidant infernalia. Hujus gloriosissime incarnationis anno dccc^lxx^viii" * ego iE|7elfled, juvante superna pietate, et largiente clementia Christi, gubernacula regens Merciorum, cum consilio episco¬ porum optimatumque meorum, dedi licentiam Eadrice meo ministro comparandi terram x. manentium aet Fernbeorngen, sibi suisque haeredibus perpetualiter possidendam. TeiTam quidem hanc ego Eadric placabili pecunia comparavi aet Wul- lafe, liberam ab omnibus tributis notis vel ignotis, nisi expe¬ ditione et arcis construccione, et singulare precium contra aliud Terram vero hanc Offa rex Mercioimm tradidit Byn- nan, abavo Wullafi, et litteris consignaHt. Casu quidem * This date is erroneous : the genuineness of the document is more than doubtful; Althelhun succeeded to the see of Worcester in 915, and died in 922. “ alium ? The equivalent in Saxon is, hutan angilde wilS otSrum. See p. 130. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 175 contigit, anno eclypsi solis, perdicio prioris libri; nunc autem nostra licentia et confirmatione antieus praescribitur liber; si causa alicujus rei inveniatur, igne cremetur. Karaxata est autem eartula hujus donationis et confirmationis anno divine inearnationis sieut supra invenitur, et die v. Idus Septembris, in loco qui dicitur W eardbm’g. Hoc autem servantibus pros¬ peritas, vita, salus j minuentibus vero et frangentibus mors, pena et perdicio. Nomina vero hujus eonfirmationis et testi¬ monii hic infra nitescunt. Ego iEj^elfled hanc meam licentiam confirmo signaculo sancte crucis. Ego J^lfwyn' episcopus consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego iElfwine episeopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego .di])?elhun episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Eadgar episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego iElfred epi¬ scopus consensi et subseripsi. Ego iEJ;elferd dux eon- sensi et subseripsi. Ego iElfred dux eonsensi et subscripsi. Ego iEj^elhun abbas consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Ecg- berht abbas consensi et subscripsi. Ego Cyna^ abbas con¬ sensi et subscripsi, Ego Wihtred consensi et subscripsi. Ego Berhsige consensi et subscripsi. Ego iE];clna)> consensi et subscripsi. Ego iE}7elward consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Hilfstan consensi et subscripsi. * KING yETIIELSTAN. “ THE ORIGINAL CHARTER TO THE BURGESSES OF MALMESBURY.’' Athelstanus rex Anglorum do, pro me et meis successo¬ ribus, burgensibus meis et eorum omnibus successoribus Meldulfueusis burgi quod habeant et teneant semper omnes functiones et liberas consuetudines suas, sicut tenuerunt tempore regis Eadwardi patris mei, illibate et honorifice. Et praecipio omnibus subter imperio meo, quod non faciant eis injuriam, et sint quieti absque calumpnia et scot. Et do et concedo eis illam brueram regiam quinque hydarum terre ^ Tliis is a female name : perhaps for “ episcopus ” we should rend Jilia 170 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. juxta villunculam meam de Nortona, propter auxilium eomm ill conflictu meo contra Danos. Confecta est hujus dona- cionis cartula cum signo meo, per testimonium Eadmundi fratris mei, et per consilium magistri Wolsini cancellarii mei, et Odonis thesaurarii mei, et Godwyny. Goduynus qui fert vexillum regis perquisirit hoc pro burgensibus. KING .ETIIELSTAN. On )jam halgan naman ures Hselendes Cristes- se ■Se us gescop )ia 'Sa yve sylfe meron, us eft alysde mid his agenum life- Sa Sa [avc] fordone ujeron ]mi’h Sees deofles lare- -} mid ealle for- scylgode into )iam ecan susle- ac his myccle arfestnesse us alysde of Jiam. Nu ic ^ESel- stan cyning ofer riEiigla Jieode cySe minum 'witiim- on Jiisum gewrite mid wordum afsestnige- ■p ic wille friggen ealle Jia laude are into Sanctes Paules mjuistre- Jisereto ge- setan Jiysne priuelege- Jiiet is synderlic freols- S. Paul to lofe San halgan apostle Se Jieos stow is halig- minre saule to alysednesse mine synnan to forgifenesse - be Jiam Se Sybba cyiig hit serest ge- freode- se halgaErkenwold- ■j hig begeii Jiaerto- gebugen- mid ealle Gode geSeowode- -j Sa stowc gegodedcn- q se In the holy name of our Saviour Christ, who created us when we ourselves were not, and afterwards redeemed us with his own life, when we were fordone through the devil’s lore, and totally condemned into eternal siil- phur; but his great mercy liberated us therefrom. Now I riUthelstan, king over the Angles’ nation, make known to my ‘ witan ’, and in this writing by words confirm, that I Avill free all the landed property [belonging] to S‘ Paul’s monastery, and thereto add this privilege, that is an extraordinary immunity, to the praise of S‘ Paid, the holy apostle, to whom this place is holy, for the redemption of my soul and forgiveness of my sins, according to that which king Sebbi first pri¬ vileged it, and the holy Er- kenwold; and they both re- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 177 msere biscop S. Erkeiiwold )?cene freols gefette on Rome birig -Se on )nsse cartan is awriten- -j manega o'Sre freolsas heron gewriten synd “(Se mine forgengan gesetten heora saule to alysednesse. Sc 'Se Sysne freols geeacnige God his lief* her on life- j him heofonarices myrh^e sylle |?onne he heonon faran seeole. Se 'Se j^aenne -Sa ai’e j^aence to |?eofigenne o'SSe on o^Sre wis on to awendenne^ on oSre hit her beforeu awriten is- sy his lif her ge- littled- j Bienne he heonon faran seeole- sy a his winning on helle grund- baton he hit her aer his aende "Se stibelieor gebete wi^i ]iaene aecan God ^e ah ealra jhnga geweald. Forjn we swa faestlice 'ISysne freols bebeodaS ]iat we swa moten eft ealle aetgaedere heofonan riees myrhSe habban mid Sam ecan Gode |;e ah ealra )?inge geweald. Amen, be observed], that we may so 1 joy of heaven’s kingdom, witl power of all things. Amen. tired thereto, and wholly I served God, and endowed the I place; and the great bishop i S* Erkenwold obtained this privilege in Rome, which is written in this charter; and many other privileges are herein written, which my pre¬ decessors established, for the redemption of their souls. Whoever shall augment this privilege, may God preserve him here in life, and give him the joy of heaven’s king¬ dom when he shall go hence. But whoever shall think to rob this property, or in other wise to avert it to other than is here before written, be his life shortened, and when he shall go hence, be his habi¬ tation in the ground of hell; unless before his end he the more rigidly compensate to¬ wards the everlasting God, who has power of all things. Therefore do we so firmly command this privilege [to a-eafter all altogether have the the everlasting God, who has THE SAME IN LATIN. In sancto nomine nostri Servatoris Christi, qni nos creavit quando nosmet ipsi non eramus, et nos redemit cum sua propria vita, quando perditi fuimus ex diaboli doctrina, et * his lief. Not understandiiip- tliis, I li.ave translated the Latin. ^ -MS. awadenne. N 178 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. penitus damnati in jeternum sulphur; sed ejus magna de¬ mentia nos liberavit ah eo. Nunc ego A’Selstanus, rex super Anglicam gentem, notum facio meis sapientibus, et in boc scripto verbis confirmo, quod liberabo omnem terram ad Sancti Paidi monasterium [spectantem] ; et insuper con¬ stituam istud privilegium, boc est singularem immmiitatem in laudem Sancti Pauli illius sancti apostoli, cui hic locus est sacratus, in animae meae redemptionem et peccatorum meorum remissionem, secundum quod Sebba rex eundem [locum] primo liberavit, et Sanctus Erkenwaldus; quorum ambo eo se contulermit, omnino Deo inservierunt, et illum locum locupletarunt; magnusque ille episcopus Sanctus Erkenwaldus illud privilegium impetravit Romae quod in hac carta scribitur; et pliu'a alia privilegia bic inscribuntur, quae mei praedecessores irrogarunt in animarum suarum re¬ demptionem. Qui boc privilegium adauxerit, Deus ejus vitam in hoc mundo [conservet], et ei coelorum regni gaiidia concedat quando bine decesserit. Qui vero quid illinc abs¬ tulerit sive in aliixm usum converterit, aliter [scilicet] quam bic suprascriptuni est, sit ejus vita bic decurtata, et quando bine decesserit semper sit ejus habitatio in inferni fundo, nisi id hic ante finem suum diligentius compenset apud aeternum Deum qui omnium rerum habet potestatem. Idcirco tam firmiter boc priWlegium [observari] praecipimus, ut ita nos omnes deuuo possimus simul coelorum regni gaudia assequi cum aeterno Deo, qui omnium rerum habet potestatem. Arnen. KING /ETHELSTAN. In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Ego .dilbel- stanus rex do Sancto Cu^berto hunc textum evangeliorum, duo casulas, et unam albam, et unam stolam cum manipulo, et unum cingulum, et tres altaris cooperimenta, et unum calicem argenteum, et duas pateras, alteram armo paratam alteram Graeco opere fabrefactam, et unum tburibidum ar- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 179 genteum, et unam crucem auro et ebore artifieiose paratam, et unum regium pallium auro textum, et duas tabulas aiu'o et argento fabrefactas, et duo candelabra argentea auro parata, et unum missalem, et duos evangel iorum textus auro et argento ornatos, et unam Sancti Cu^berti vitam metrice et prosaice scriptam, et septem pallia, et tres eortinas, et tria tapentia, et duas eoppas argenteas eum cooperculis, et quatuor magnas eampanas, et tria eornua auro et argento fabrefacta, et duo vexilla, et unam lanceam, et duas armillas aureas, et meam villam dilectam Wyremu^e australem cum suis appendiciis, id est, Wertun, Uffentun, Sylceswyr'Se, duas Weothehoppas, Byrdene, Seham, Setun, Daltun, Daldene, Heseldene. Haec omnia do sub Dei et Saneti Cu^berti testi¬ monio; ut si quis inde aliquid abstulerit, damnetur in die judieii cum Juda traditore, et trudatur in ignem aeternum qui paratus est diabolo et angelis ejus. * KING H^TIIELSTAN. In nomine sanctae et individuae Trinitatis. Adelstanus rex. Dei gratia, regni Angliae, omnibus hominibus suis Ebo¬ raci, et per totam Angliam salutem. Sciatis quod ego con¬ firmo ecclesiae et capitulo Ripon pacem suam, et omnes liber¬ tates et consuetudines suas; et concedo eis euriam suam de omnibus quaerelis et in omnibus curiis de hominibus S. Wil- fridi, pro ipsis et hominibus suis, vel eontra ipsos, vel inter se ad invieem, vel quae fieri p.et judicium suum pro Frodmortell; ct quod homines sint credendi per suum ya, et per suum na; et omnes suas terras, habitas et habendas, et homines suos ita liberos, quod nee rex Angliae, nec ministri ejus, nec archiepiscopus Eboraci, nec ministri ejus, aliquid faeiant vel habeant quod est ad terras suas vel ad soeam eapituli. Testibus ff. arehiepiscopo Eboracensi, et P. prae¬ posito Beverlaei. * N 'l 180 MISCELLANEOUS CHAETEES. * CARTA APELSTANI REGIS SANCTO JOHANNI REVERLACl; ANNO DOMINI DCCCC.XX’V. DE RRIVILEGIIS. pat witen alle ]jat ever been, )jat l^is charter heren and seen^ ):>at I ];e king Adelstan has yaten and given to seint John of Beverlike^ jjat sai I yovv, tol and theam, pat n it ye now, soke and sake over al pat land, pat es given into his hand, on ever ilke kinges dai, be it all free pan and ay; be it almousend he all free wit ilke man and eeke \nt mee pat wil i be him j^at me scop, hot til an erccbiscop, and til pe seven minstre prestes pat serves God per saint John restes. pat give i God and seint John her hefor you ever ilkan. All my herst corn ineldeel, to uphald his minstre weel: pa fourpreve be heven kinge of ilka plough of estriding. If it swa betid, or swa gaas, ]?at ani man her again taas, be he baron, be he erle, elark, prest, parson, or cherel; na be he na pat ilk Gome, I will forsaye pat he come (pat wit ye weel or and or) till saint John mynstre dor. And par i will (swo Crist me red) pat he bet his misled, or he be cursed son on on wit al pat serGs saint John. .MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 18] Yif hit swa betid and swa cs, )>at ])e man in mansing es : i sai yow over fonrti daghes, (swilk )?an be sain John lagbes) )^at )>e cbapitel of Beverlike til ]>e scirif of Everwike send )?air writ son onan, )>at ]ns mansed man betan. pe scirref )>an say i ye^ witoiiten any writ one me, sal nimen him (swo Crist me red), and into my prison lede, and bald him (]?at is my wilt) til be bet bis misgilt. If men reises newe lagbes, in any o)?er kinges dagbes, be pay fromed, be pay yemed wit ybam of the mynstre denied, )?e mercy of ye misdeed, gif i saint Jobn, sw'o Crist me red, yif man be cald of limes or lif, or men cbalenges land in strif wdt my bodlaik, wdt writ of right, y w'il saint John have ye might, pat man par for nogbt fight in feeld, nowpcr w'it staf no wit sbecld; hot tw'elve men wdl i pat it telle, swo sal it be sw^o beer ibelle. And be pat him sw'O weenie may, overcomcn be be ever and ay, als be in feld war overcomen, pc cravantise of him be nomen. pat yat i God and saint John her bcfor iow' ever ilkon. If man be foundcn slan idrnnkcnd, stcrvcd on saint John rike, bis agben men, wipouten swikc bis agben bailifis make ye siglit, nan oper coroner have ye miglit. 182 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Swa mikel fredom give i ye swa hert may think or eghe see, )>at have i ]7ought and forbiseen, i will J^at )>er ever been, samening and mynstre lif last foUike witouten strif. God help alle ]?as ilk men ]>at helpes to ]>e )?eowen. Amen. CARTA AUELSTANI REGIS SANCTO WILFRIDO DE RIPPON CONCESSA. Wyt all that es and es gan }>at ik king Adelstan as gyven as frelich as I may, and to |>e capitel of seint Wilfrai, of my free devotion, )>air pees at Rippon. On ilke side ]?e kyrke a mile, for all ill deedes and ylke agyle, and wi]hn |?air kirke yate, at )?e stan ]>e GriJ?stole hate ■, wi)>in )>e kirke dore and quare, ]?air have pees for les and mare. Ilkan of j^is stedes sal have pees of frodmortell and il deedes )>at j^air don is, tol, tern, with iren and with water deme; and ]>at |>e land of seint Wilfrai of alkyn geld fi’e sal be ay. At na man at langes me to in |>air Herpsac sal have at do; and for ik will at )?ai be save, T will at |>ai alkyn freedom have ; and in al jhnges lie als free as hcrt may thynke or eygh may se, at te power of a kinge masts make free any )?ynge. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 183 And my seale have I sett J^erto, for I will at na man it undo. * KING yETHELSTAN. DEC. 21st DCCCC.XXXV. Fortuna fallentis sfeculi proeax, non lacteo inmarcessilji- lium liliorum candore amabilis, sed fellita ejulande corrup- cionis amaritudine odibilis, foetentis filios in valle lacrimarum carnis rictibus debachando venenose mordaciter dilacerat; quae quamvis arridendo sit infelicibus attrectabilis, Acheron¬ tici tamen ad yma Cociti, ni satus alti subveniat boantis, im¬ pudenter est decursibus. Et ideo quia ipsa ruinosa deficiendo taliter dilabitur, summopere festinandum est ad amena indi- cibilis leticie arva, ubi angelica ymnidice jubilationis organa mellifluaque vernancium rosarum odoramina a bonis beatis- que naribus inestimabiliter dulcia capiuntur, sineque calce auribus cliviparum suavia audiuntur. Cujus amore felicitatis illectus, fastidiunt jam infima dulcescunt superna; ejusque pro percipiendi semperque specie concupiscibili fruendi. Ego Atbelstanus, rex Anglorum, per Omnipotentis dexteram tocius Britannic regni solio sublimatus, quandam telluris particu¬ lam venerabili familie Maldubiensi, pro animabus patruelium meorum, filiorum Atbelvvardi clitonis, videlicet Alwynis et Athelwinis, sub estimatione x. cassatorum, in loco qui dicitur Wdetun, servienti familie Deo et Sancto Petro imperpetuum jus largitus sum b Hoc prmcipiens, in nomine Dei, ut nos- • The copy in Malmesbury (Gale, Scriptt. xv. i. p. 3G4) has the follow¬ ing reading and interpolation sub festimatione vi. cassatorum in loco qui dicitur Breoni, et sub sostimatione v. cassatorum in loco qui dicitiu Sum- nierford ; item v. in loco qui dicitur Nortun, item v. in loco qui dicitur Ewulm: hoc praecipiens ut nemo nostrorum successorum hoc nostrum donum, quamdiu Christianitas vigeat, vel ex minimo interrumpere tentet; quod si quis tentaverit, a Deo se damnandum in pei-petuum sciat. Sciant autem sapientes nostrte regionis nos has praefatas terras non injuste rapuisse, rapinamque Deo dedisse, sed sic eas accepi quemadmodum judicaverunt omnes optimates regni Anglorum, insuper et apostolicus papa Romanm ecclesiic Johannes, Elfredo defuncto, qui nostrae felicitatis et vitic aemidus 184 miscella:s’eous charteus. trorum nemo successorum hoc nostrum donum, quamdiu Christianitas vigeat, vel ex minimo irriunpere temptet; quod si quisque temptaverit, a Deo imperpetumn dampnandum. Hujus namque a Deo Dominoque Jhesu Christo, innuente atque inspirante voluntatis scedula, anno Dominice incarna¬ tionis Dcccc. XXXVIII.', regni vero gratis michi commissi xi®. Indictione viii., Epacta xiiii.. Concurrente iii., xii. Kal. Jan., luna vertentis mensis x., in civitate celeberrima que Dornea- cester appellatm’, tota optimatum generalitate sub alis regie dapsilitatis ovanti, perscripta est. Cujus etiam inconcusse firmitatis auctoritas hiis testibus roborata constat, quorum nomina subtus grammidis depicta annotantur. Ego Athelstanus, ierarchia florentis Albionis praedictus rex, cum signo sancte semperque venerande crucis corrobo¬ ravi hunc indiculum, et subscripsi. Ego "Wlfhelmus, Doro- bernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus, consensi. Ego Wlfstanus Eboracensis ecclesie archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Eugenius subregulus consensi et signavi. Ego floreant subregulus. Ego Howel subregulus consensi et signaii. Ego Cunan episcopus signavi. Ego Jutual subregulus ^ consensi et subseripsi. Ego Wlfhelm episcopus consensi. Ego Afivyne episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Aelfwold dux consensi. Ego Uhtred dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Urm dux con¬ sensi. Ego Osulf dux consensi et subseripsi. exstitit, nequitiae inimicorum meorum consentiens, quando me voluerunt, patre meo defuncto, caecare in Wintonia civitate, si non me Dominus sua pietate eripuisset. Sed denudatis eorum machinamentis, remissus est ad Romanam ecclesiam, ut ibi se coram Johanne apostolico jurejurando defenderet; et hoc fecit coram altari Sancti Petri. Sed facto juramento cecidit coram altari, et in manibus famulormn suorum portatus est ad scholam An glorum, et in m. nocte vitam finivit. Et nunc apostolicus ad nos remisit, et quid de eo ageretur considuit. Xos autem, optimatum nostrorum rogatu, concessimus, ut portaretur ad caiteros Christianos, quamvis indignus. Et sic indicta est mihi possessio illius omnis in magnis et modicis, etc. Hujus namque, &c. * This date is erroneous. ^ MS. Jutwal episcopus. :\IISCELLANE()US CHARTERS. 185 KING yETIIELSTAN. DCCGC'.XXXVIII. ^ Regnante in aeternum Christo Filio Dei, qui sicut tem¬ pora temporibus, ita etiam dat regna quibus vult regibus, Ego rEbelstaiius, humilis et devotus rex Aiiglorum, venerabili epo Frithestauo Uueutanae aecclesiae, quae iu honore sanc¬ torum apostolorum Petri et Pauli consecrata est, hanc ear- tulam fieri jussi; atque in ea, pro indulgentia peccatorum meorum, libertatem I’enovavi quam ^Selheard rex dudum constituit; quia volo ut pro pace regni et gentis salute aec- clesia Uuentana, quae caput est ecclesiarum quae in Occiden¬ talium S axonum provinciis construuntur, aeternam libertatem et reverentiam et dominationem principalem sine fine possi¬ deat. Prefatus autem rex /Ebellieard, sicut rogatus fuit a FrySegyJja regina, dedit ad villam Tantuu, quae nunc est possessio et hereditas episcopalis Uueutanae ecclesiae, mansas in loco qui dicitur WiSiglea, ad pascua pecorum, et III®® in loco qui Cearn nuncupatur, ad coquendam salis copiam. Istarum autem vii. mansarum quantitas, justo valde judicio totius populi et seniorum et primatum, ablata fuit ab eis qui eorum possessores fuerunt, quia aperto crimine furti, usque ad mortem obnoxii inventi sunt. Ideoque decretum est ab omni populo ut libri illorum, quos ad has terras abe- bant, feternaliter dampnarentur; et quicumque cos in adju¬ torium sui umquam proferre presumeret, anathematizatus et maledictus ab omnibus Xpianis haberetur. Nos quoque nostris temporibus dampnamus et maledicimus omnem homi¬ nem qui libertatem scie et Deo dilectai Uuentanee ecclesim in magnis vel in modicis corrumpere seu diminuere presum- pserit; nec habeat hereditatem in regno Xpi et Dei qnicnmque huic sanctissima} ccclesiie inimicus vtI adversarius, sive ex¬ terminator extiterit; nisi ante finem snum, cum manifesta poenitentia, malitiam suam purgaverit. Et qnicnmque huic ecclesim adjutor et amicus esse studuerit, benedictionem et salutem longam, et felicitatem temporum, et indulgentiam })eccatorum, atqnc societatem regni cieloiaim consequatur in sccnla scculorum. 186 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. Limites terrarum predictarum diiFuiiduutur sicut sermo Anglicus monstrat subsequens. ^ yErest 011 Ucingcford First to Uckford; from the combe’s head to the nar¬ row way through the moor to Withislade; then to Broken- borough; so to Woodford, then to Lulsborough, so on along the high road to Main- stone dean; so to Widley gate; then to Nadderborough; then through the moor, by the right boundary to Widmore; then again to Uckford. First from the sea to Henstridge; thence north to Yardway; so north along the ridge to the south of Salter- combe; then by the combe meadow to Holbrook; then along the stream meadow to Losmock; down to the stream to the seven acres; thence from the stream again round the seven acres; again south to Losmock; then down to the stream as far as the sour appletree; then south to the north row; then again over Cerne to Gatford; then south above the little grove; so south to Erneslink; from Ernslink again to the sea. Acta est liaec praefata donatio anno ab incarnatione Dili nostri Jhesii Xpi ncccc.xxxviii., in quo anno bellum factum est in loco qiii Bruninga feld dicitiu’, iibi Anglis victoria data est de caelo. of baes cumbes heafde on ]ione smalan w'eg )mrh bone mor to Wibigslaede- Jiset to Bro- cenan beorge. swa to Wudu- forda- f to Lulles beorge* swa forS .arpaSes to Maegenstanes dene* swa to Wiblea gate* f to Naedran beorge* f burh ]?one mor be riht gemaere on Wibigmor* baet eft on Ucingcford. yErest of sae up on Hengestesrigc* bonan norb on Gyrd weg* swa norb ■;]lang hricges on middeweardne Scaltera cumb* f be cumbe ing on Holan broc* f "jliing streames ing on Hlosmoc* adune on stream on seofan aeceras* ]iaer of streame eft onbutan seofan aeceras* eft sub on Hlosmoc* baet adune on stream* obba suran apel- dran* f sub onba noi’b raewe* banan eft ofer Cern on Gata ford* baet sub bufan litlan graf* swa sub on Earnes hlingc* of Earnes hlince eftut on sae. MISCELLANEOUS CHAKTERS. 187 *J< Ego iESelstanus rex hoc donum meum regiae potestatis libertate confirmavi. Ego Wulfhelm archieps hanc donationem scae crucis titulo consecravi. Ego Frithestan, Wintaniensis eps, consignavi. Ego peodredj Lundoniensis eps, consolidavi. Ego Cenwald eps praedictum donum conlaudavi. Ego Oda eps hanc cartixlam corroboravi. Ego iE);elgar eps sancta cruce signavi et conclusi. Ego Alfwold dux. Ego Uhtred dux. Ego Odda mi. Ego Wulfgar mi. Ego Sigered mi. Ego ^Ifric mi. Ego Eadmund mi. Ego Wulfsige mi. Dorso, pis is seo hoc )>e .iE)?elstan cing gebocode Frijjcstane bisceope to Wijng- lea “j to Cearn. pis syndon Tantunes land. Ego iElfhere mi. Ego Wihtgar mi. *J 4 Ego AJ^ehvold mi. Ego .dillfheah mi. ^ Ego .dillfred mi. Ego Wulfmaer mi. Ego Ordeh mi. This is the charter Avhich king Jilthelstan chartered to bishop Frithestan for Widley and Cerne : these are Taun¬ ton’s lands. KING E.ADMUND. DCCCC.XLIV. CHARTER TO GLASTONBURY. In nomine Domini nostri Ihesu Christi. Ego Edmundus rex Anglorum caeterarumque in circuitu gencium persisten- cium gubernator et rector, cum concilio et consensu opti¬ matum meorum, pro eterne retributionis spe, et relaxatione pcccaminum meorum, concedo ecclesie sancte Dei genitricis Marie Glastonie, et venerabili viro Dunstauo, quem ibidem abbatem constitui, libertatem et potestatem, jura et consue¬ tudines, et omnes forisfacturas omnium terrarum suarum, id est, burgbrice, hundred socna athas, ordelas, infangcnetheofas, hamsocna, et frithbricc, et forcstcall, et tol et team, in omni 188 .MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. regno meo; et sint terre sue sibi libere et solute ab omni ealumpnia, sicut mee michi habentur. Seel praecipue ipsa villa Glastonia^ in qua celeberima vetusta aecclesia sancte [Dei] genitricis sita est, pre ceteris sit liberior cum terminis suis ; abbati tantum ejusdem loci tantummodo potestas sit, tam in notis causis quam in ignotis, in modicis et in magnis, et in Iliis etiam que sunt super et subtus terram, in aridis et in rivis, in silvis et in planis. Et eandem auctoritatem puniendi aut dimittendi delinquentium in ea commissa habeat quam mea curia, quemadmodum mei antecessores concesse¬ runt, et statuendo firmaverunt, videlicet pater meus Edwardus, et Elfredus pater ejus, et Kentvvynes, Ines, Cuthredus, et alii qua mplures qui locum illum honorantes gloriosum habue¬ runt, et apostolica auctoritate roboraverunt. Et ne quis¬ quam mortalium, seu episcopus, aut dux, aut princeps, aut quislibet ministrorum eorum, audeat eam omnino intrare, causa placitandi, vel rapiendi, vel qnippiam faciendi, quod contrarium possit esse iuibi Deo servientibus. Dei interdic¬ tione prohibeo. Quisquis igitur benevola mente meam dona- cionem vxl devocionem ampliare, et privilegii dignitatem servare satagerit, in hoc praesenti seculo vita illius prospera sit, et longiturne vite gaudia teneat. Si quis autem propria temeritate violenter invadere temptaverit, sciat se procul dubio ante tribunal districti judicis titubantem tremebun¬ dum que racionem redditurum, nisi prius digna satisfactione emendare maluerit. Acta est autem hujus privilegii pagina anno Dominice incarnationis nongentesimo quadragesimo quarto. Indictione secunda. Ego Edmuiidus rex Anglorum prefatam donacionem, cum sigillo sancte crucis, confirmavi. Ego Eadred, ejusdem regis frater consensi. Ego Eadgiua, ejusdem regis mater, prodic¬ tum donum consignavi. Ego Oda, Dorobernensis ecclesie arcliiepiscopus, ejusdem regis donacionem, cum troplieo agie crucis, sidjai’ravi. Ego Wlfstanus arcliiepiscopus praefatam donacionem confirmavi. Ego Elflieah, Wintoniensis ecclesie episcopus, triumphalem tropheum agie crucis impressi. Ego AVlflielm, Eontauensis episcopus, corroboravi. Scriptacjuc est litteris aureis in libro cvangcliorurn quem MISCELLANEOUS CIIAin E1!S. 18!» eidem ccclesic obtulit, opere satis eleganti composito, (pii textus Sancti Dunstani dicitur. KING EAPREB. BCCCC.XLYII. pis is ]i0es laudes boc let Tail tune Se Eadred cing cd- niwon gaebocode sanctae Tri- nitatae ^ Sanctae Petrae Paulae into Ealdan mynstre. This is the Book of the land at Taunton, ivbicli king Eadred booked anew to the Holy Trinity and S‘ Peter, and S‘ Paul, at the Old monaster3\ In nomine Dei summi et altissinii Jliesii Christi. Sub¬ tilissimo mentis certamine Deum quem diligimus et credimus, intima mentis affectione timeamus et amemus; quia Psal¬ mista, qui quondam Siillimis regnabat dives in anis, conqiie- relando ac lamentabili voce ita protulit, dicens, ‘‘Thesau¬ rizat, et ignorat cui congregat ea,” eo quod interdum [non] optatis et sepius exosis relinquitur quod prius homo per ambi¬ tionem seciili concupivit; tamen, miserationis Omnipotentis Dei largitate, caducis opibus seternm celestis vitm premia mercari queamus. Quapropter ego Eadrediis, rex Anglorum cieterarumque gentium in circuitu persistentium gubernator et rector, sanctae Dei aecclesiae "VYentana civitate locatae, ac . beato Petro apostolorum principi, ejiisqiie coapostolo Paulo dicate, ^Elflicago ejusdem sedis pontifice impetrante, uti Ery Segyb regina, penae in exordio Christianae religionis, reve¬ rende Trinitatis ejiisque praenominatis apostolis devota mente concesserat, ac Abelwlf rex augmentando amplificaverat, iti- demque Eadward rex, novis litterarum apicibus, iterum re¬ stauraverat, cum isdem territoriis quas Abelwlf rex heredi¬ taria carta conscribi jusserat, c. scilicet ac xxx. quantitatem manentium continentem loco celebri qui Tantun nominatur, - aeterna restituendo largitus sum hereditate. Prefato siquidem regi Eadwardo lx. telluris manse, quattuor locorum partibus disperse sicut ipsius territorii cartula, quam priefatus rex edere jussit, liquido testatur, a quodam episcopo Denewlfo 190 MISCELLANEOUS CIJAKTERS. videlicet; pro ejusdem telluris libertate concesse sunt. Maneat igitur meum hoc inmobile donum aeterna libertate jocundum cum omnibus quae rite ad praedicta loca pertinere dinos- cuntuT; campiS; pascuis, pratis, excepto commrmi labore, expe¬ ditione, pontis arcisve constructione. Si qui denique, michi non optanti, hanc libertatis cartam, livore depressi, violare satagerint, agminibus tetre caliginis lapsi, vocem audiant ex¬ aminationis die arbitris sibi dicentis, “ Discedite a me male¬ dicti in ignem aeternum,^’ ubi cum demonibus ferreis sartagini¬ bus crudeli torqueantur in poena, si non ante mortem digna hoc emendaverint poenitentia. Aeta est haec prefata donatio anno Dominicae incarnationis dcccc.xlvii.. Indictione v. Ego Eadredus rex Anglorum prefatam donationem sub sigillo sanctae crucis indeclinabiliter consensi atque robo¬ ravi. Ego Eadgyfu, ejusdem regis mater, cum sigillo sanctae crucis confirmavi. Ego Oda, Dorobemensis aecclesiae archi- episcopus, ejusdem regis principatum et benivolentiam cum sigillo sanctae crucis conclusi. Ego Wulfstanus archons, divinae servitutis officio mancipatus,* Eboracae civitatis archi- episcopus, sigillum sanctae crucis impressi. Ego peodred, Lundoniensis aecclesiae episcopus, conclusi. Ego .dSlfheah, Wintoniensis aecclesiae episcopus, testudinem sanctae crucis subscripsi et confirmavi. Ego Cenuuald episcopus praedictrun donum consensi. Ego .^Elfric episcopus consignavi. Ego .^Eiielgar episcopus roboravi. Ego iElfred episcopus conclusi. Ego iEhelstan dux. Ego Eadric du». Ego .^E^elstan dux. Ego Wulfgar dux. Ego iEJ^elmund dux. Ego Ealhhehn dux. Ego .iElfstan minister. Ego Eadmund minister. Ego Wlfric minister. Ego iElfric minister. Ego Wulfedc mini¬ ster. Ego iElfsige minister. Ego ^EiSelno^ minister. Ego iElfred minister. Ego iElfheah minister. Ego iElSerelS minister. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 191 BISHOP BYRHTHELM AND ABBOT ^THELWOLD. DCCCC.LVI. Dis is seo gersednes )?e Byrhtelm biscop and A|?el- uuold abb hsefdon ymbe bira landgehwerf. Dset is jjonne )je se biscop gesealde ]>& hida set Cenintune into J^sere cyri- cean set Abbendune to ecan yrfe- ^ se abbud gesealde f seofontyne hyda set Crydan- brigce )?an biscope to ecenesse- ge on life ge efter life* hi eae ealra pinga gehwyrfdon. ge on cuean ceape ge on o^rum *. swa swa hi betwelis him geraeddon. j^is wses Eadwiges leaf cyninges. )?is syndon “Sa gewitnessa- AUlfgifu 'Sses cininges wif. ..dEbelgifu );ses cyninges wifes modur. Jilfsige biscop- Osulf biscop. Coenwald biscop- Byrhtnob ealdorman- ^If- heah cyninges discj^en- Eadrie his brodur. This is the agreement that bishop Byrhthelm and ahbot ^Ethelwold had con- eerning the exchange of their land. That then is, that the bishop gave the hides at Kennington to the chm’ch at Abingdon in perpetuity, and the abbot gave the seven¬ teen hides at Crydanbridge to the bishop for ever, both during life and after life. And they also exchanged all things both in live stock and in other, as they settled between themselves. And this was with the leave of king Eadwig. And these are the witnesses : Aillgifu the king’s wife, and iEthelgifu the king’s wife’s mother, ^Ifsige bp., Osulf bp., Coenwald bp., Byrhtnoth aldormau, .dillfheah the king’s sewer, Eadrie his brother. Dominus autem abbas Athelwoldus commutationem ejusdem terre, id est Cenintun, concedente eodem rege, egit aput Brihtelmum episeopum. In cujus vicissitudine ipse episcopus accepit illam villam que appellatur Crydanbrigce. Testes autem fuerunt hujus commutationis: iElfgifa regis uxor, et Athelgifa mater ejus, iElfsige episcopus, Osulfus episcopus, Kenwald episcopus, et multi alii. ’ MS. otSeorn, or a word resembling it. MISCELLANEOUS CHAETEES. li»2 KING EADMIG. MAA’ 17th DCCCC.LIX. PRIVILEGIUM EDWII REGIS DE VILLA ABBEND. ET DE ABBATE ELIGENDO DE PROPRIA CONGREGATIONE. Ortodoxorum vigoris ecclesiastici monitu creberrime instruimur, ut illi oppido subjecti suppeditantes famulemur, qui totius mundi fabricam miro ineffabilique serie disponens, micocrosmum, Adam videlicet, tandem quadriformi plas¬ matum materia almo ad sui similitudinem instinctum spira¬ mine, universis que in infimis formaverat, uno probandi causa excepto vetitoque, prieficiens Paradisiace amenitatis jocuuditate conlaterana, Eva scilicet comite decentissime col- locaidt. Larvarica, pro dolor! seductus cavillatione, versi¬ pellis suasibilisque tergiversatione viraginis pellectus ana¬ thematis alogia ambro pomum momordit vetitum, et sibi ac posteris, in hoc erumnoso dejectus seculo, letum promeruit perpetuum. Vaticinantibus siquidem prophetis, et celitus superni Regis diuturna clandestino praesagia dogmate pro¬ mentibus nitide ortodoxis, eidogium ex supernis deferens: non ut Judeorum seditiosa elingue fatetur loquacitas; sed priscorum atque modernorum lepidissimam ambiens facun¬ diam, Arrianas, Sabellianasque proterendo nenias anagogico infi’ustrans famine, nosque ab obtunsi cecitate umbraminis ad supernorum alacrimoniam patrimoniorum advocans, angelus supernis elapsus liminibus in aurem intemerate virginis, ut evangelica promulgant famina, stupenda cecinisse videtur carmina; cui ecclesia tota, videlicet catholica, consona voce altiboando proclamat, “ Beata es, virgo Maria, que credidisti, perficientur in te que dicta sunt tibi a Domino.” ]\Iirum dictu ! incarnatiu’ verbum et incorporatur scilicet illud de quo evangelista supereminens universorum altitudine sensuum inquit, “ In principio erat verbum, et verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat verbum,” et reliqua. Qua iddelicet sumpta de margine incarnatione, antique virginis facinus de- mitiu’, et cunctis mulieribus nitidis preclueus taumatibus decus irrogatur. Intacta igitur redolente Christi divinitate, passaque ipsius humanitate, libertas addictis clementer con- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 193 tigit servulis. Hinc ego Eadwig, Altitrono amminiculante, Auglorum ceterarumque gentium in circuitu triviatim per¬ sistentium basileus, ut hujus libertatis Altitroni Moderatoris dementia merear optinere consortium, cenobio loco celebri, qui ab hujus prosapie solicolis ^bbandun nobili nuncupatur vocabido situm, genitricique Domini nostri semper virgini Marie, necnon beato Petro apostolorum principi, ejusque coapostolo Paulo dedicatum habetur, monachis regulariter degentibus monastici eternam privilegii concedo libertatem, quatenus post decessum vE^eluuoldi abbatis egregii, cujus temporibus hec libertatis restauratio, Christo suffragante, con¬ cessa est, quem sibi universa praefati cenobii congregatio apto elegerit consilio, secundum regularia beati Benedicti insti¬ tuta, abbatem juste ex eodem fratrum cuneo eligens constituat. Hujus privilegii libertas deinceps usu perpetuo a cunctis tene¬ atur catholicis, nec extraneorum quispiam, tirannica fretus contumatia, in praedicto monasterio jus arripiens exerceat potestatis; sed ejusdem cenobii collegium perpetue, ut prae¬ dixi, libertatis glorietur privilegio. Sit autem praefatum mo¬ nasterium omni terrene servitutis eodem tenore liberum, quo a praedecessoribus nostris catholicis, a sancto Leone, videlicet, papa, et Coenulfo rege catholico, vetusto continetur privilegio, Rethuuo abbate optinente, solutum : agri equidem ad usus monachorum Domino nostro Jhesu Christo ejusque genitrici Marie priscis modernisque temporibus a regibus et religiosis utriusque sexus hominibus, et a meipso meoque patruo Eadredo, rege fidelissimo restituendo jure concessi sunt, ejusdem per¬ petualiter sint libertatis. Nam rex praefatus rus quod Ab- bendun nuncupatur, quod rex Ceadwala Domino nostro ejus¬ que genitrici Marie priscis temporibus devoto concesserat animo, in quo praedecessores nostri, diabolica decepti avaricia edificium regale sibi injuste construxerant aecclesie Dei resti¬ tuens, interdixit ut regum nemo inibi pastum requireret, nec edificium in sempiternum construeret; quod ego Eadwig An- glorum basileus, optimatum meorum usus consilio, tam meis quam meorum successorum temporibus fixum in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti fieri in eternum praecipio. Si quis vero tam epilempticus, philargyrie seductus amentia. o I!t4 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. (jiiod noil optamus, lianc iiostre munificientie dapsilitatem ausu temerario infringere temptaverit, sit ipse alienatus a con¬ sortio sancte Dei ecclesie, necnon et a participatione sacro¬ sancti corporis et sanguinis Jhesu Christi filii Dei, per quern totus terrarum orbis ab antico humani generis inimico libe¬ ratus est; et cum Juda Christi proditore sinistra in parte deputatus, nisi prius hic digna satisfactione humilis penituerit quod contra sanctam Dei ecclesiam rebellis agere praesumpsit, nec in vita hac practica veniam, nec in theorica requiem apostata obtineat ullam, sed eternis baratri incendiis trusus, cum Anania et Saphira jugiter miserrimus crucietur. Anno Dominice incarnationis dcccc.lix., indictione 11®, regni autem mei iiii“, XVI. Kalendas Junii scripta est hujus muuificentie singrafa, his testibus consentientibus, quorum inferius nomina, secundum uniuscujusque dignitatem caraxantur. Ego Eadwig, Britanniae Anglorum monarcus, praeformatas propinquorum sed et regum donationes hoc taumate agie crucis roboravi. ^ Ego Odo, Dorobornensis ecclesie archi- episcopus, ejusdem beiiivolentiam subscripsi, Ego Ead- giuu, ejusdem regis ava, hanc donationem cum sigillo sancte crucis confirmavi. Ego Osulf plebi Dei famulus, canonica subscriptione manu propria firmavi, Ego Brihtelm epi¬ scopus, jubente rege, signum sancte crucis impressi. Ego Alfwold presul tropheum agie crucis imposui. Ego Brihtelm antistes testudinem sancte crucis subscripsi et con¬ firmavi. Ego Daniel pontifex consensum prebui figens crucem. Ego /Elfheah dux donum ejusdem regis con¬ firmavi. Ego A’Selwold abbas hoc eulogium manu propria apicibus depinxi. Ego Alfric abbas crucis vexillo cor¬ roboravi. Ego Alfwold abbas crucis modum manu propria infixi. Ego Eadmund dux consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wulfgar custos. Ego yEscwig custos. Ego Alfnob custos. Ego Alfgar minister, Ego Brilitferji minister. Ego Eadric minister. Ego Wulfgar discifer. Ego .^belsige pincerna. Ego /Elfsige minister. Ego .Alfred minister. Ego Ealdred minister. Ego Lefincg minister. Ego ^Elfsige minister. Ego yElfwig minister. ^ Ego .Elfiidne minister. Ego .E]>cl\vcard minister. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 195 Ego Wulfric minister. Ego Cyneric minister. Ego Wihtsige minister. Ego Leofa minister. ^ Ego /Elfric minister. Ego Leofstan minister. ^ Ego Wulfric mi¬ nister. Ego Eadric minister. Ego iESelstan minister. Ego Alfwold minister. Ego ^])elweard minister. ►1« Ego ^Ifric minister. Ego iE|?elfer^ minister. Ego Osweard minister. Ego Osulf minister. Ego Osiiuig minister. Ego Ordgar minister. ^ Ego Brilitric mi¬ nister. ►Jf Ego iE]jelferS minister. Ego iElfsige mi¬ nister. Ego yEj^elsige minister. ^ Ego Wulfliere minister. Ego Leofric minister. Ego Alfwold mi¬ nister. Ego ^Ifmser minister. Ego Ordwold minister. Ego Ordno'S minister. Ego ^Elflieali minister. Ego Eadred minister. Ego Cyneric minister. ^ Ego Alfwold minister. ^ Ego Ealdred minister. Ego Eanulf mi¬ nister. Ego iElfno^ minister. Ego ^Ifric minister. Ego Wulfric minister. Ego Wulfgar mini-ster. Ego Ceoleali minister. Ego Brilitric minister. Ego Ajiel- wold minister, bj^ Ego Leofincg minister. Ego yElfsige minister. bJ^E go iE)ieric minister. bj< Ego Brilitelm mi¬ nister. Ego /Elfweard minister. bj< Ego Eadric minister. Ego Brihtwald minister. bj< Ego ^)ielferlS minister. Ego vElfric minister. Ego iElfmer minister. ^ Ego Eadulf minister. Ego Sigelm minister. ^ Ego Eadric minister. bj< Ego ^ElSelm minister. * BISHOP DIJNSTAN. APRIL Ist DCCCC.LIX. Dunstanus, Dei misericordia Londoniensis episcopus, om¬ nibus episcopis abbatibus, et cunctis lecclesise filiis, praesen¬ tibus et futuris, inperpetuum. Quum, fratres karissimi, inimicus humani generis semper laborat superseminare zi- zaunia in agro Dominice sationis, et quos non potest incitare ad graviora delicta plernnque de minimis occasionibus in¬ cendit ad lites et discordias, cavendum est, eis maxime qui in aecclesiasticis ordinibus eminere videntur, ut publice ac privatim, quanta virtute possunt, amputent omnes occasiones 19G MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS, per quas inter servos Dei scandala possunt oriri, ut quietam et tranquillam vitam agamus in caritate Domini. Qua¬ propter noverit omnium catholice secclesie cultorum gene¬ ralis universitas, quod domnus gloriosissimus Eadgarus Anglorum rex, divino irradiatus lumine, religiosa petitione humilitatis nostrae extremitatem poposcit, propter frequentes monachorum et clericorum simultationes, ut et nos et ca¬ nonicorum nostrorum communis fraternitas securitatis et incommutabilitatis privilegium ederemus, pro reverencia summi apostolorum principis Petri, ad basilicam ipsius quae dicitur Westmonasterium, ubi reliquiae ipsius virtutum mira¬ culis coruscant, quamquam multo ante nos tempore, beatus papa Gregorius de eadem re sentenciam tiderit, dicens inter alia, “ Interdicimus in nomine Domini Jhesu Christi, ex autoritate beati Petri apostolorum principis, cujus vice huic aecclesiae presidemus, ut nullus episcoporum vel secularium ulterius presumat de redditibus, rebus, vel kartis monaste- rioiaim, vel privilegiis que ad ea pertinent, quocumque modo seu qualibet occasione, vel dolos vel inmissiones facere; sed si qua forte occasio inter ea evenerit, et pacifice non potuerit ordinari, apud electos abbates et alios patres timentes Deum, sine voluntaria dilatione, mediis sacrosanctis evangeliis, fini¬ atur.^’ Item post pauca, “ Missas quoque publicas ab epi¬ scopis in coenobiis fieri omnino prohibemus, ne in servorum Dei recessibus et eorum receptaculis ulla prebeatur occasio conventus vel mulierum fiat novus introitus, quod omnino non expedit animabus eorum. Nec audeant ibi cathedram collocare, vel quamlibet potestatem habere imperandi, nec aliquam ordinationem, quamvis levissimam, faciendi, nisi ab abbate fuerint rogati, quatinus monachi semper maneant in abbatum suorum potestate.” Idem alio loco : “ Grave nimis et contra sacerdotale constat esse propositum, cujusque monasterii privilegia olim indulta confundere, et ad irritum quse sunt pro quiete disposita niti deducere.” Item Leo papa Marciano Augusto: “ Privilegia monasteriorum sanc¬ torum patrum auctoritate instituta nulla possunt improbitate convelli, nuUa novitate mutari.” Item ex decretis Anacleti papfe; “ Privilegia monasteriorum intemerata et inviolata ^USCELLANEOUS OIIAliTERS. 197 perpetuis deeernimus manere temporibus.” Item beatus Augustinus, in libris de eeelesiastieis ordinibus, docet: “ Sid) quiete monaclios regulariter viventes sua singulari lege de¬ bere quiescere, et ab omni infestatione clericorum intrepidos permanere, ne secidaris strepitus eos lajdat quos districta regula servitutis Domini moderatur.” Item ex Concilio Ilispalensi secundo: “ Statuimus pari sententia, ut cenobia que antiquitus instituta sunt, immobili et inconcussa stabili¬ tate permaneant solidata. Si quis autem, quod absit, nostrum vel succedentium sacerdotum quodlibet monasterium, aut vi cupiditatis expoliandum, aut simulatione aliqua fraudis con¬ vellendum, vel dissolvendum temptaverit, anathema eftectus, maneat a regno Dei extraneus, nec proficiat illi bonum fidei vel operis ad salutem, qui tantje et tam salutaris vitae de¬ struxerit tramitem.” Ilanc ergo scriptorum istorum senten¬ tiam considerantes, vel ideo quia supradicti domni Eadgari regis ])ctitio nobis quasi jussio est, cui difficillimum est re¬ sisti, seu pro reverentia tanti apostoli, cujus patrocinio se ipse commisit, seu ut ipsis monachis secundum sanctum ordinem vivere liceat, et ut tam pro nobis quam pro om¬ nibus aecclesiae nostrte fratribus Deum orent, hoc privilegium })lena voluntate una cum consensu fratrum meorum ipsis con¬ cessi, per quod decerno atque obtestificatione divini nominis interdico, ut nec ego deinceps nec ullus successorum meorum e2)iscoporum Londoniensium hoc audeat infringere, vel teme¬ rario ausu aliquatenus violare, videlicet, ut omnis presbiter vel clericus ex iis qui in ipso procinctu beatissimi Petri, et omnes illi qui in circumscripto spatio, sicut designant cruces, vel fossata, vel alia signa, illi ajcclesi:e serviunt, sint liberi et absoluti ab omni debito et redditione circadarmn et syno¬ dorum. Tamen volumus et, pro amore vel reverentia Sancti Petri, concedimus, ut ex nostro vel successorum nostrorum episcopatu sine pretio erisma et oleum accipiant. Conce¬ dimus etiam illi loco cymiterium liberum, sicut et a regibus ab antiquis temporibus concessum fuerat, ita ut quieunque, de quocunque loco vel cujuscunque conditionis, petierit se ibi sepeliri, non impediatur vel prohibeatur, vel ab episcopo, vel ab arehidiacouo, vel a parrocluano suo presbitero. Et si (piis 198 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. eorum, presbiter vel clericus, forte aut occisus, quod absit, aut \uilueratus fuerit, aut ex eis omnibus alicujus injuriae aeclamatio surrexerit, quicquid ex his omnibus ad nos atti¬ nere videtur, hoc totum abbati qui in ipso sancto loco prae¬ fuerit, caeterisque fratribus, habendum et disponendum con¬ cedimus. Si autem, quod absit, etiam de rebus eorum fur¬ tum fuerit factum, et abbati vel fratribus visum fuerit ut examinatio ex hoc debeat agitari, habebunt licentiam acci¬ piendi a nostro episcopatu benedictum ferrum, vel si qua alia sunt instrumenta aut benedietiones ad hujusmodi rem ex¬ ercendam, absque exactione pretii a calumpniatore vel ca- lumpniato intra procinctum monasterii tantum, sed extra efferendi ad villas suas vel causas aliorum agendas non habe¬ bunt potestatem. Relaxamus etiam eos qui intra villam ipsius procinctus commorantur a collecta denariorum quam Romeschot appellant, sicut relaxatum est a regibus Offa, et Kenulfo, et Eadgaro, et omnia quae ad libertatem et exalta¬ tionem illius loci per nostram auctoritatem accedere possunt, hilari et prompta voluntate concedimus: nimirum cum ego illi sancto loco, quasi multorum regum temporibus neglecta prefuerim, quem postea additis ei aliquantis terris venera¬ bili Wulsino ejusdem loci monacho commendavimus ser¬ vandum, quas scilicet terras hic denotare non omittimus. In primis circa illud monasterium v. mansas a venerabili rege Eadgaro c.xx. mancusis auri,'una cum loco emi, et cum redditibus et cum terris, quas antiqui reges, scilicet. Offa, Kenulfus, et Alfredus, illi sancto loco benigne dederant. Item V. mansas in Blecenham, et sex in Loj>ereslege a pre- fato rege emi x. mancusis auri, et addidi monasterio prefato. Item mercatus sum a venerabili Ethelwoldo "VTintoniensi episcopo X. mansas, et x. a quodam Wulnojjo milite regis octoginta libris probati argenti, easque sub uno territorio addidi praefato monasterio, in loco scilicet qui Hendun dicitur. Item tres cassatos emi a quodam Eadnoj^o regis ministro xii. libris, in loco qui Codenhleaw nuncupatur, et addidi prae¬ dicto loco. Quidam autem minister regis in Middelsexan mansitando, Elfwine vocitamine, qui adiens limina sanc¬ torum apostolorum Petri ct Pauli, Rome scilicet, et gratia MISCEl.LANEOUS CHARTERS. ID!) inopie petiit a me quoddam amminiculum, qui eotnmodans ei XXX. libras argenti, suscepi ab eo viii. mansas cnjusdam telluris in Hanewelle, et addidi loco sepe nominato. Item x. cassatos emi ab ^Elfego duce ducentis mancusis auri in loco qui Sunnabyri dicitur, et dedi prtefato cenobio. Et illam possessionem in Scepertune emi ab Ealfleda vidua lx. Bi- zanteis nummis, et dedi loco praescripto. Item iElflielm Wolga, pro anime sue remedio, v. mansas largitus est ceno- bitis in Westminister conversantibus, in loco qui Brikandun vulgari vocitamine dicitur. Item iElfwine praefectus regis dc Kent iii. cassatos cenobio praefato, pro animula sua con- jugisquc, largitus est in loco qui Sillinctune dicitur. Et illa possessio in Perham, post dies Wnlno}u, redeat ad praefatum cenobium, quam ab eodem mercatus sum xxx. mancusis auri. Et illud praediolum in Padintune lecclesiae praedicte addidi. Item praedium illud in Cofenlea praefate aecclesiae adjeci. Item praedium in ^Ewelle illi sancto loco in perpetuam per¬ strinxi possessionem. Ego Eadgarus rex Anglorum hujus liliertatis donationem, culminis totius regimen gubernans, episcopo Dunstano de¬ siderante, libenter concessi, et signo sancto regiaque potestate roboravi in Christi nomine, sub horum testimonio quorum nomina flavescunt infra. Ego Dunstanus, ac si peccator et nomine tantum episcopus, hanc libertatis sccdulam in- pressione sigilli nostri et anuli, insuper et agalmate sancte crucis, diligenter consignavi; ac deinde manibus ad coelum extensis dixi: Si quis hanc munificentiie libertatem sanctum prtedictumque locum, in terris, vel decimis, vel aliis redditibus, seu in aliquo, nostris et futuris temporibus, melioraverit vel adauxerit, augeat illi Deus perpetuitatis beatitudinem, atque in nostris orationibus et benedictione ab omnibus peccatis suis absolutus foeliciter permaneat. Qui vero hanc nostram auctoritatem vel immunitatem infringere voluerint, vel alios ad hoc conduxerint, et tam ea que pneteritis vel nostris tcmporilms snnt data quam ea que in futuro a fideli¬ bus danda sunt, stolido conamine absumere cogitaverint, vel aliquod amminiculum, aut calices, aut cruces, seu indumenta altaris, vel sacros codices, aurum, argentum, vel qualcmcun- 200 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. que speciem ibidem collatam eripere temptaverint, vel alias de rebus illius secelesise haereditaverint, fratribusque ejusdem loei vim inferre praesumpserint, vel eos injuste eontristaverint, necnon et bane scedulam eartulasque regum vel aliorum fide¬ lium, ad defensionem et tuitionem loei ibidem data auferre seu evertere studuerint, ignibus aeternis, cruciatibus perpetuis illos damus, maledicimus atque excommunicamus, portas coeli eis claiidimus, et deleantur nomina eorum de libro vitae, sitque pars eorum cum Juda Domini traditore, nisi resipis- eant et tribus annis a communione fratrum sequestrati poeni¬ tentiam agant. ^ Ego Oswoldus, Eborum aecclesiae arehi- episcopus, hujus muuificientiae eonservatores benedixi; con¬ tradictores vero perpetuo dampnavi, dieens; Effundat Do¬ minus super eos iram suam, et furor irae suae comprehendat eos. Ego ^Ifstanus, RoflPensis aecclesiae episcopus, hanc libertatem augmentantes Regi regum commendavi; destruc¬ tores autem sic dicendo maledixi: Veniat mors super illos, et descendant in inferum viventes. Ego ^Ifeagus, Winto- niensis aecclesiae episcopus, illius loci adauctores Jhesu Christo consignavi; invasores nempe aeternis cruciatibus tradidi, di¬ cens : Non sit illis pax, non misericordia, non pietas, sed terror infernorum, crudelitas poenarum, impietas cruciatuum. Ego Escwius, episcopus Dorecensis aecclesiae, hoc adjeci: Erubescant destructores praesentis loci, et conturbentur in saeculum saeculi, et confundantur et pereant; benefactores autem in aeternum \uvant. Ego A'Sulfus, praesul Here- fordensis aecclesiae, hoc idem hoc dicens affirmavi: Maledicti sint raptores illius sanctae aecclesiae in omnibus operibus suis, et in omnibus Auis suis, et in cunctis adinventionibus suis pravis; benefactores vero adeo benedicantur. Ego iE)?elsinus, episcopus Schiresburnensis aecclesiae, supradicta sic conclusi: Quicunque inferior vel sublimior contra hunc libellum quicquam sinistrum audere praesumpserit, vivus ad inferos raptus, inter omnia perpetua mala inperpetuum dampnetur. Anno ab incarnatione Domini dcccc™°l“°ix”°, imperii autem gloriosi regis Eadgari iiii., ego Aldredus abbas hanc scedulam scripsi, kalendas Aprilis, episcopo Dunstano rogante. MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTERS. L>01 qiiam idem episcopus Londouije et Wigornise, necnon et totius Anglise decanus, super altare beati Petri in eadcm £Ecclesia, quae manibus angelicis consecrata dinoscitiuf, optulit atque ibidem in aevum, propter iniquitates simulationesque futurorum, atque inopinata mala quae saepe praedicebat futura eam servari ad defensionem loci praecepit: Indictione vera n^. QUEEN EADGIFU'. Eadgifu cyj> j^am arc.- bisc. q Cristes cyrcean hyrede* hu hire land com aet Culing- on. f is l^aet hire laefde hire faeder land -j bdc- swa he mid rihte beget, him his yldran lefdon. Hit gelamp f hire faeder aborgude xxx. punda aet Godan. q betaeht him ])aet land )?aes feos to amvedde- q he hit haefde vii. winter. Da gelamp emb |?a tid jjaet man beonn ealle Cantware to wigge- to Holme, pa nolde Sigelm hire faeder to wigge faran mid nanes mannes scette unagifnum- q agef }>a Godan XXX. punda. q becwae‘5 Ead- gife his dehter land, q boc sealde. Da he on wigge afeallen waes. J>a aetsoc Goda j?8es feos aegiftes. q ];ies landes wyrnde. oS |?aes on syxtan geare. Da spraec hit faestlice Byrhsige Dyrincg swa lange oet land forbead SAA'a he eeniges brucan AA'olde* ■j he hit SAva alet. Da gelamp on fyrste ■p se cynincg Godan oncu'Se SAva sAvybe SAra him man eet- rehte bee “j land ealle )?a |>e he ahte- 'j se eynincg hine j;a "j ealle his are mid bocum landnm forgeaf Eadgife to ateonne SAva SAxa heo Avolde. Da CAveeb heo f heo ne dorste for Gode him SAva leanian SAva he hire to geearnud heefde- agef him ealle his land* butan tAA’am sulungum eet Oster- lande* 'j nolde J7a bee agifan eer heo AA yste hu getriAvlice he hi eet landum healdan AA olde. Da gCAA’at EadAveard cyneg* ■] feneg .lEbelstan to rice. Da Godan seel )?uhte. )ia gesohte he |ione kynineg .iEbelstan* ■] heed f he him ge]iingude AA’i]i Eadgife his boca edgift* 'j se cyneg )ia sAva dyde* heo him ealle agef butan Osterlandes bee* ^ he )ia hoc unnendre lianda hire to let* para operra mid eaSmettum gepau- Then ByrsigeDyring urgently sued for it so long until the ‘AAutan’ Avho then Avere, de¬ creed to Eadgifu, that she should clear her father’s hand according to so much money. And she took an oath of it in AAutness of all the people at Aylesford, and cleared her father of the payment by an oath of XXX. pounds. Still she might not enjoy the land be¬ fore her friends had obtained from king EadAAard, that he forbade him that land, as he AA’ould enjoy any, and so he relinquished it. Then it hap¬ pened after a time that the king aecused Goda so strongly, that his charters and all the lands that he OAAmed Avere decreed forfeited. And the king gave him and all his pro¬ perty, AA'ith charters and lands, to Eadgifu, to dispose of as she Avould. Then said she that she durst not before God so requite him as he had me¬ rited from her, and gave him up all his lands, except tAVO suluugs at Osterland ; but AA Ould not give up the charters before she kneAV hoAv faith¬ fully he Avould conduct him¬ self AA'ith regard to the lands. Then king EadAvard departed, and jEthelstan succeeded to the kingdom. Then it seemed MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. cude* ufenan ]>cet twelfa sum hire a^ sealde for gebo- renne ^ ungeborenne. ^ J^is aefre gesett spraec wsere* f’is waes gedon on yESclstanes kynincges gewitnesse- ■] his wytena set Hamme wijj Lmwe» •] Eadgifu hsefde land mid bdcum J;ara twegra cyninga dagas hire suna. Da Eadred geendude* ^ man Eadgife be- rypte selcere are. pa namon Godan twegen suna. Leof- stan ■] Leofric* on Eadgife )>as twa foresprecenan land set Culingon set Osterland. ssedon ]?am cilde Eadwige- l^e ))a geeoren wses. p by ribtur hiora wseren jjonne hire* p ]ni swa wses o^ Eadgar asti^ude* he ^ his wytan gerehton p by manfull reaflac gedon hsefden. ■j hi hire are ge¬ rehton agefon. Da nam | Eadgifu be |?ses cynincges leafe j gewitnesse* ^ ealra his bi- sceopa* ]?a bee- ■]) land betsehte in to Cristes cyreean- mid hire agenum handum up on )>one altare lede- }>an hyrede on ecnesse to are • hire sawle to reste- 'j cwse]? p Crist sylf mid eallum heofonlieum msegne |?ane awyrgde on ec- nessc ]>e ]>as gife sefre awende o)^)?e gewanude. Dus eom |)eos tir in to Cristes cyrccan j liyredc. i to Goda a favourable moment, and he sought king ^thel- stan, and prayed him that he would intercede with Ead¬ gifu for the restoration of his charters; and the king then so did; and she gave him up all except the charters of Oster- land, and he that charter gratefidly relinquished to her, and for the others humbly thanked her, and besides that, with eleven others took an oath to her, for born and unborn, that this shoixld for ever be a settled suit. And this was done in witness of king ^thelstan and his ‘ witan ’ at Ham by Lewes. And Eadgifu had the land with the charters during the days of the two kings her sons. Then Eadred died, and Eadgifu was bereft of all her property. Then the two sons of Goda, Leofstan and Leo- fric, took from Eadgifu the two aforesaid lands at Cool¬ ing and Osterland, and said to the child Eadwig, who was then chosen [king], that they were theirs more rightly than hers. That then was so until Eadgar resolved, and he and his ‘witan’ decreed that they had done a wicked robbery; and they decreed to her and restored her property. Ead¬ gifu tlicn, with tlic leave and 204 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. witness of the king and all his bishops, took the charters and delivered the lands to Christchurch, and Avith her own hands laid them on the altar, in perpetual property to the convent, and for her soul’s rest; and said that Christ himself, Avith all the heavenly might, would curse to eternity him Avho should ever avert or invalidate this gift. Thus came this property to the convent at Christchurch. IDEM LATINE. Anno Dominicfe Incarnationis dcccc.lxi. Ego Ead- giua regina, et mater Eadmundi et Eadredi regum, pro salute auimse meie, concedo {ecclesiae Christi in Dorobernia, monachis ibidem Deo serA-ientibus, has terras, Meapeham,' Culinges, Leanham, Peccham, Fernlege, Munccetun, Ealdintun, liberas ah Omni saeculari gravitate, exceptis tribus, pontis et arcis constructione, expeditione. Qualiter autem istae terrae michi A'enerunt,operae pretium duxi intimare omnibus: scilicet Odoni archisacerdoti tociusque Britanniae primati, et familiae Christi, id est, monachis in Dorobernia emtate. Contigit aliquando patrem meum Sigelmum habere necessitatem xxx. librarum, quas a quodam principe nomine Goda mutuo accepit, et pro vadimonio eidem dedit terram quae nomiuatur Culinges, qui tenuit eam septem annis. Septimo itaque anno expeditio praeparabatur per omnem Cantiam, cum qua Sigelmum patrem ire oportuit. Cum vero se pararet, venerunt illi in mente XXX. librae quas Godae debebat, quas statim ei reddere fecit. Et quia nec filium nec filiam nisi me habuit, heredem me fecit illius terrae et omnium terrarum suarum, et libros michi dedit. Forte tunc evenit patrem meum in bello cecidisse* postquam autem idem Goda audivit defunctum in bello esse, negaAut sibi triginta libras persolutas fuisse, terramque quam pro vadimonio a patre meo accepit detinuit fere per sex annos. Sexto vero anno quidam propinquus meus nomine Byrsige Dyring cepit instanter aperte conqueri apud optimates et principes et sapientes regni de injuria propinquae suae a Godoue facta. Optimates autem et sapientes pro justicia invenerunt, et justo judicio decreverunt, quod ego, quae filia et heres ejus sum, patrem meum purgare deberem, videlicet iMISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 205 Sacramento XXX. librarum, easdem triginta libras patrem meum persolvisse ; quod, teste toto regno, apnd Agelesford peregi. Sed non tunc quidem potui terram meam habere quoad usque amici mei regem Eaduuardum adierunt, et illum pro eadem terra requisierunt. Qui videlicet rex eidem Godoni, super omnem honorem quem de rege teniiit, praedictam terram in¬ terdixit, sicque terram dimisit. Non multo autem post tem¬ pore contigit eundem Godonem coram rege ita inculpari, quod per judicium judicatus sit perdere omnia quae de rege tenuit, vitamque ejus esse in judicio regis. Rex autem dedit eundem miclii et omnia sua cum libris omnium terrarum suarum, ut de eo facerem secundum quod promeruit; sed reddidi ei omnes terras suas excejita terra duorum aratrorum apud Osterland : libros autem terrarum non reddidi ei, probare enim volui quam fidem de beneficio contra tot injurias michi ab illo illatas tenere vellet. Defuncto autem domino meo rege Eaduuardo, jEfielstanus filius suscepit regnum ; quem vide¬ licet regem requisivit idem Godo, ut pro eo me rogaret qua¬ tinus ei redderem libros terrarum suarum. Ego autem libenter, devicta amore videlicet regis .iE'Selstani, ei omnes libros terrarum suarum reddidi, excepto libro de Osterlande, quem scilicet bumiliter bona voluntate dimisit. Insuper pro se et omnibus parentibus suis, natis et nondum natis, nune- quam querimoniam facturos de praedicta terra, secum acceptis undecim comparibus suis, michi sacramentum fecit. IIoc autem factum est in l5co qui nominatur Hamme juxta Laewcs. Ego autem Eadgyua habui terram cum libro de Osterlande dielnis duoi’um regum, ^Selstani et Eadmnndi, filiorum meo¬ rum. Eadredo quoque rege, filio meo, defuncto, despoliata sum omnibus terris meis et rebus. Duo quoque filii jam saepe nominati Godonis, Leofstanus et Leofricus, abstulerunt michi duas suuerius nominatas terras, Culinges et Osterlande, veneruutque ad puerum Eadrmium, qui tunc noviter levatus est in regem, et dixerunt se majorem justiciam in illis terris habere quam ego. Remansi ergo illis terris et omnibus aliis privata usque ad tempora Eadgari regis. Qui eum audisset me ita dehonestatam et despoliatam, idem rex Eadgarus re¬ stituit mihi terras meas et omnia mea. Ego autem licentia et MISCEI.LANEOUS CHARTERS. consensu illius, testimonioque omnium episcoporum et opti¬ matum suorum, omnes terras meas et libros terrarum propria manu mea posui super altare Christi quje sita est in Doro- bernia. Si quis hanc meam donationem a jure praedictae ecclesiae auferre conatus fuerit, auferat ei omnipotens Deus regnum suum. Confirmatio. Ego iE^elredus, Dei opitulante misericordia totius Anglicae gentis regimen tenendo, privilegiis auditis veter [a] norum sapientium, cordis tactus compunctione, archi- praesulis exhortatione Alfrici, ad animae commodum deputa¬ mus nostrae, quin praedecessonim nostronim decreto firme¬ mus, hoc aeternaliter statuentes, ut impii quique a prmlegiis praedictis Christo tonanti quid auferentes, sub anathemate in aeternum cum diabolo puniantur. Qui vero hanc liberta¬ tem augendo firmaverit illaesum, piissimo liberetur a Domino, cum novissima insonuerit tiiba, reddens cuique secundum opera sua. KING EADGAR. DCCCC.LXII.' Se fruma waes mon for- stael aenne wimman aet Iceslea iElfsige Byrhsiges suna. Dur- vif hatte se wimman. Da befeng ^Ifsige pone manu aet Wulfstane Wulfgares faeder. Da tymde Wulfstan hine to iESelstane aet Sunnanbyrg- pa cende he tem q let pone forberstan. j forbeh pone andagan, Jilfter pam baed ^Elfsige aegiftes his mannes- he hine agef* ■] forgeald The beginning was that a woman was stolen at Ikesley, from .^Ifsige Byrhsiges son. The woman was named Thur- Avif. 4^1fsige then traeed the Avoman to Wulfstan, Wulf- gar’s father. Wulfstan then Aouched her to .^thelstan at Sunbury: then he acknow¬ ledged the Avouching, and let it fail, and avoided the day of decision^. After that iElf- sige demanded the delivery * This document has many difficulties, and unfortimately I have not been successful in finding the manuscript, notwithstanding the good A\dll of the authorities at Westminster. - That is, the vouching stopped with ASthelstan, who was unwilling or unable to declare how the bond-woman came into his po.ssession. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 207 him mid twam puudiim. Da bsed ByrhferS ealdormann /E^elstan Ins wer for ]>am tembyrste. Da cwse’S jE^el- stan p he naefde him to syl- lamie. Da cleopade Ead¬ weard iE-Selstaues bro^or. -j cwseS- Ic haebbe Sunnan- burges boc );e uncre yldran me hefdon- Iset me p> land to handa. ic agife jnnne wer pam cyiigc. Da cwa;^ iEbel- stan p him Icofre waere p hit to fyre oSSe flode gewurde j^onne he hit aefre gebide. Da cwseb Eadweard - Hit is wyrse p uiicer nabor hit naebbe. Da waes p swa- 3 forbead Byrhferb p laud Hibelstaue- he of ferde ^ gebeh under Wulfgare set Norbhealum. Biniian )?am wendun gewyrda- gewat Eadraed cyng- ge- sealde p land Byinirice- ^ he feng to- ~} wearp H^belstan ut. Gemang bam getidde p Myrce gecuran Eadgar to cyug- him anweold ge- sealdon ealra cynerihta. Da gesohte iEbclstan Eadgar cyng baed domes. Da aetdemdou him Myrcna witan laud butou he his wer agulde );am cynge- swa he obrum *r sceolde. Da uaefde he hwanou- ue he hit Eadwearde his breber gc|;afiau noble. Da gesealde se ryng. -j gc- of the woman, and he deli¬ vered her up, and indemnified him wdth two pounds. Then Byrhferth the aldorman de¬ manded his Gver’ from^Ethel- stan for the failure of the vouching; then said iEthel- stan that he had nothing to give him. Then cried Ead- ward, iEthelstWs brother, and said : “ I have the charter of S unbury, which our pa¬ rents left to me; deliver the land to me; I will pay thy wer to the king.” Then said .dithelstan, that he would rather it were turned to fire or flood than he would ever abide it. Then said Ead- ward : “ It is worse that nei¬ ther of us should have it.” Then that was so : and Byrh¬ ferth forbade iEthelstan the land, and he went from it, and placed himself under Wulfgar at Northhall. In the meanwhile fortune changed, and king Eadred departed; and he had given the land to Byrnric, and he took to it and cast Hiithclstan out. In the meanwhile it befel that the Mercians chose Eadgar for king, and gave him power over all royal rights. Then iEthelstan sought king Ead¬ gar, and prayed for judgment. Then the ‘ witan ’ of the IMer- 208 3IISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. bette land ^belstaiie eal- dormenn. to hajbbenne j to syllanne- for life -j for legere- )iam him leofost ivsere. yEfter })am getidde f Eegferb ge- bolite boc 'j land aet ^'Sel- stane ealdormcnn- on cynges gewitnesse 'j bis witena- swa bis gemedo wseroii- bsefde j breac ob bis ende. Da be- tfelite EegferS on lialre tungan land boc- on cynges ge- Avitnesse- Dunstane arcebi- sccopc- to mundgenne his lafe bis bearna. Da be geendod wies- ])a rad se bisceop to )iam cynge- myngude ]>8ere munde bis geivitnesse. Da cwseb se cyng him to and- sware. ISIine witan habbab aitre Ecgferbe ealle his are- ]mrb f swyrd ]ie him on hype hangode ba he adranc. Nam ba se cyng jia are Jie he abte- XX. bida set Sendan- x. set Sunnanbyrg- forgef .^If- hege ealdormenn. Da bead se bisceop his iver jiam cynge. Da cwseb se cyng f milite beon gebodeii him wib clsen- um legere- ac ic hsebbe ealle >a spsece to tE if liege Iseten. Dses on syxtan gere gebolite se arcebisceop set iElfliege ealdormenn li land set Sendan mid xc. piindum- ■j set Sun¬ nanbyrg mid cc. manciissan goldes- unbecAvcdenc ^ un- cians judged the land from him, unless he paid bis wer to the king, as he should to the other. Then had he not whence [he could pay it], nor would be consent that Ead- ward bis brother should. The king then improved and gave the land to TEthelstiin aldor- man, to have and to give, for life and for death, to whom it Avere to him most desirable. After that it happened that Ecgfertli bought charter and land of .dilthclstan aldor- nian, with the Avitness. of the king and his ‘ Avitan,^ as his merits Avere : he had and enjoyed them until his end. Then Ecgfertli, in plain lan¬ guage, deliA^ered over land and charter to archbishop Dunstan, as guardian to his relict and his children. When he Avas dead the bishop rode to the king, and reminded him of the guardianship and his Avitnessing. Then said the king to him in ansAver; “ ]\Iy ' Avitan ’ have deprived Ecgfertli of all his property, through the sAvord that hung on his hip when he droAvned himself.” Then the king took the property that he had OAAUied— XX. liides at Send, x. at Siinhury—and gave it to /Elfhch aldorman. Then the MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 200 forboclene wi^ aelcne man to )>8ere dsegtide. -j he him swa J>a land geagnian derr- swa him se sealde )?e to syllenne ahte« hi iSam se cyng sealde swa hi him his witan ge- rehton. bishop solieited his ^wer’ of the king. Then said the king, “ That might have been ordered him, if he had died a pure death; but I have left the whole suit to .^Elfheh.” In the sixth year after, the archbishop bought from .^Elflieh aldorman the land at Send for xc. pounds, and at Sunbury for cc. mancusses of gold, un¬ bequeathed to and unforbidden by any man to that day. And so he ventured to appropriate the land, as he gave it who had it to give, and the king gave it, as his 'witan' had decreed. KING EADGAR. DCCCC.LXII. In onomate alme et individue Trinitatis. Cuncta secu- lorum patrimonia incertis nepotum heredibus relinquuntur; et omnis mundi gloria, adpropinquante vite hujus termino, ad nichilum reducta fatescit. Idcirco terrenis caducarum j)Ossessionibus semper mansura superne patrie emolumenta adipiscentes. Domino patrocinante, lucranda decrevimus, Quamobrem ego Eadgar, tocius Brittannie basileus, instinctu Dei monitus, magno animi conamine procuravi, ut omnia prajsentis vite commoda Abbendunensi monasterio, quod ego Creatoris nostri juvamine regulari vite restauravi, per nostram largifluam donationem devote largirentur. Unde vineam circa Wsecet sitam, cum vinitoribiis, rusque sibi pertinens suis giratum terminis, censum quoque regale ad cenobium prajfatum per singulos annos decorandum set Su’Shamtune, unius seque navis piscationem et regale vectigal set Ilwitan clife, alterius autem set Portmonna hy^ 5 e, unam capturam et salinum, unamque terre mansam, et ex regis nemore capture restaura¬ tionem que Brunuuic wer nuncupatur. Domino nostro Jhesu Christo ejusque genitrici Marie, ad usus monachorum inibi degentium, ob facinorum nostrorum veniam et eterne beati- tudinis premium, Aj^eluuoldo abbate obtinente, eterna lar¬ i’ 210 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS, gitus sum hereditate. His monachorum cuneus communiter locupletatus donis regularem tripudians servando custodiam in Domino jugiter voti compos hilarescat, crcbraque Dominum supplicatione pro nostris intercedendo excessibus veniam im¬ petrans sedulo deprecetur. Qui autem hanc nostram munifi- centie dapsilitatem augere voluerit, augeat Dominus vitam et prosperitatem ejus hic et in evum. Si quis igitur hanc nostram donationem in aliud quam constituimus transferre voluerit, privatus consortio sancte Dei ecclesie, eternis baratri incendiis lugubris jugiter cum Juda Christi proditore ejusque complicibus puniatur, si non satisfactione emendaverit con¬ grua qiiod contra nostrum deliquit decretum. Anno Dominice incarnationis dcccc.lxii. scripta est hec carta, his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina caraxantur. Ego Edgar, Anglorum basileus, hoc donum agie crucis taumate hilariter corroboravi. Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus tanti regis benivolentiam alme crucis impressione consignavi. Ego Oscutel archiepiscopus hoc ejusdem regis donum tripudians crucis designavi indiculo. Ego Osulf, gratia Dei episcopus, dilecti regis largifluam dapsilitatem crucis signaculo roboravi. Ego Byrhtelm, dono Dei episcopus, tante consulens largitati, crucis signaculum devotus impressi. Ego Alfuuold episcopus. Ego Byrhtelm episcopus. Ego Osuuold episcopus. Ego iElfstan episcopus. Ego Abulf episcopus. ^ Ego .(Elfhere dux. Ego iElfheah dux. Ego Abelstan dux. ^ Ego AlScluuinc dux. Ego Beorhtno-S dux. ^ Ego ByrhtferlS minister. Ego TElfuuinc minister. Ego Uidfhelm minister. Ego iEbelsige minister. Ego iElfsige minister. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 211 * KING EADGAR. Dec. 28th DCCCC.LXIV. Altitonantis Dei largiflua dementia, qui est Rex regum ct Dominus dominantium, ego Eadgarus Anglorum basileus, omniumque regum insularum oceani que Brytanniam circum- jaeent, cuiictarumque nationum quae infra eum ineluduntur, imjierator et dominus, gratias ago ipsi Deo omnipotenti. Regi meo, qui meum imperium sie ampliavit et exaltavit super regnum patrum meorum ; qui licet monarchiam totius Angliae adepti sint a tempore ^]?elstani, qui primus regum Anglorum omnes nationes quae Brytanniam incolunt sibi armis subegit, nullus tamen eorum ultra ejus fines imperium suum dilatare aggressus est; mihi autem concessit propitia Divinitas, cum Anglorum imperio, omnia regna insularum oceani cum suis ferocissimis regibus usque Norregiam maximamque partem Hiberniae, cum sua nobilissima civitate Dublina, Anglorum regno subjugare: quos etiam omnes meis imperiis colla sub¬ dere, Dei favente gratia, coegi'. Quapropter et ego Christi gloriam et laudem in regiio meo exaltare, et ejus servitium amplificare, devotus disposui; et per meos fideles fautores, Dunstanum videlicet arcicpiscopum, et iEj^clwoldum ac Oswal- dum episcopos, quos in patres spirituales et consiliatores elegi, magna ex parte, secundum quod disposui, perfeci. Siquidem temporibus antecessorum meorum regum Anglorum, monas¬ teria tam monachorum quam virginum destructa et penitus neglecta in tota Anglia erant, quee ego ad Dei laudem, pro remedio animae meae reparare, et servorum et ancillarum Dei numerum multiplicare devovi. Et ipsis supradictis meis co¬ operatoribus sti’enue annitentibus, jam xl. et vii. monasteria cum monachis et sanctimonialibus constitui, et si Christus mihi tamdiu vitam concesserit, usque ad quincpiagcsimum remissionis numerum meae devotae Deo munificentiae obla¬ tionem protendere decrevi. Unde nunc in presenti monaste¬ rium qiiod predictus reverendus episcopus Oswaldus, in sede ' l suspect that this preamble was fabricated or interpolated about 1155, when Henry IL, in concert with pope Adrian IV. (Nichobus Break- spearc), was meditating the conquest of Ireland. An earlier conquest by Eadgar afforded at least the shadow of a pretext for the undertaking. p 2 212 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. episcopali Weogrcceastre, in honore sanctae Dei genitricis Mariae, amplificavit, et, eliminatis clericorum neniis et spurcis lasciviis, religiosis Dei servis monachis, meo consensu et favore suffultus, locavit; ego ipsis monasticae religionis viris regali auctoritate confirmo, et, consilio et astipulatione prin- cipum et optimatum meorum, corroboro et consigno, ita ut jam amplius non sit fas neque jus clericis reclamandi quic- quam inde; quippe qui magis elegerunt, cum sui ordinis peri¬ culo et aecclcsiastici beneficii dispendio, suis uxoribus adbe- rere quam Deo caste et canonice servire. Et ideo cuncta quae illi de aecclesia possederant cum ipsa aecclesia, sive .‘Eccle¬ siastica sive secularia, tam mobilia quam immobilia, ipsis Dei servis monachis ab bac die perpetualiter regiae munificen [tiae j]ure deinceps possidenda trado et consigno, ita firmiter ut nulli principum, nec etiam ulli episcopo succedenti fas sit aut licitum quicquam [inde] subtrahere aut pervadere, aut ab eorum potestate surripere [et in] clericorum jus iterum tra¬ ducere, quandiu fides Christiana i[n An]glia perduraverit. Sed et dimidium centuriatum quod Anglice vocatm’ Cu'S- burgcbl [awes b]undi-ed, ad quod jacent l. hidae in Croppe- 'Sorne, q[uas] Offa rex Merciornm quondam familiae in Weo- gereceastre donavit, liberas ab om[ni re]gali exactione, ego ipsis Dei servis cum eadem libertate tra[do et con]scribo. Insai2)er etiam, ad supplendum ipsum centuriatum, id est, hundred, ut ex [m]eo dono illud plenum habeant, terras ipsius aecclesiae, quae hactenus regiae exactioni subjacebant, ab bac die in perpetuum liberabo et liberas esse concedo et precipio; eas videlicet quas sunt ultra Avene flumen, quae istis vocabulis nominantur, Uucrabreodun cum Peonedoe, Teotintun cum Myttune, Secgesbearuwe, et in monte Wiccisca, NorSwica, Eowenland, Daeiglaesford, et Dorene, et Iccacumb, et, in ripa Sturae fluminis, Scepwaesctun, et ibi juxta eam Blacwaelle, et, in occidentali parte Sabrinae, Grimanlaege cum Wittlaege, et Cnibtawice, et Hallege cum sibi pertinentibus; et item Here- fordtun juxta Avene, pro supplendo, ut supra diximus, centu¬ riatu, id est, hundred, Deo et sanctae Dei genitrici Mariae, ad usus servorum ejus, monachorum scilicet, liberas dono, et quietas esse precipio deinceps ct in perpetuum ab omnibus MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 21 secularium rerum oneribus, duris et levibus, et ab omni servi¬ tute et exactionibus fiscalibus, magnis et modicis, notis et ignotis, tam regis quam principis et ministrorum atque ex¬ actorum eorum, exceptis pontis et arcis constructione et expe¬ ditione contra hostem. Habeatque Winsinus reverendus sacerdos, quem ipse episcopus Oswaldus, me favente et aucto¬ ritatem regiam prestante, in sede episcopali monachis pre- posuit, quandiu ipse vixerit, omnesque post eum sui succes¬ sores, qui eidem congregationi prepositi fuerint, ipsum hund¬ red cum omnibus debitis, qufe rex antea in eo habuit, et jus et potestatem earundem possessionum, cum tolle et tcame, saca et socne, et infangenej^eof, et proprii juris debitum trans¬ gressionis, et penam delicti quae Anglice dicitur ofersaeumesse, et gyltwite; nec sit fas aut potestas cuiquam prepositorum seu exactorum vel ministrorum meorum, nec alicui principi vel ex succedentium numero pontifici, hanc meae munificentite libertatem et concessionis firmitatem in aliquo minuere, vel infringere, vel quoquo modo mutare aut pervadere, aut quo¬ cunque ingenio ipsos monachos Dei servos inquietando per¬ turbare, ut aliqua fraudulerita occasione iterum in clericorum aut ipsius episcopi proprium transeant jus, ab ipsorum potes¬ tate quorum usui ista concessi et donavi. Providi etiam cau- tebe studio ut haec libertas firmius eis posset perdurare, ne cum regis ministris aut ejus centuriatus, id est, bundredes, exactoribus, naumachiae expeditionem, quae ex tota Anglia regi invenitur faciant; sed cum suo arcliiductore, videlicet episcopo, qui eos defendere et protegere debet ab omni per¬ turbatione et inquietudine. Et quia idem reverendus antistes Oswaldus, per suos amicos et meos consiliarios supranomi- natos, videlicet Dunstanum arcbiepiscopum, ct Ai]}7elwoldum episcopum, et virum magnificum BryhtnoSum comitem, me requisivit ct impetravit ut ad confirmandam aecclesiasticarum possessionum libertatem sui episcopatus, ad centuriatum qui Wulferesl [aw] dicitur, quem ipsa aecclesia antiquitus libere possidebat ei co [ncede] rem alterum liundredum facere, liber¬ tate donata de terris aecclesim qua*, adhuc hactenus regiis exactionibus subjacebant, videlicet Brcodunc, Blcccclea, Tyr- dintuue, quatinus posset ipse cum monachis suis unam nau- 214 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. cupletionem, quod Anglice sc3q)fylle’5 dicitur, per se haijere, placuit mihi hoc ei annuere, tam pro ejus religiosa sanctitate quam pro ipsorum legatorum reverentia et dilectione. Qua¬ propter ego Eadgarus Anglorum rex et basileus Deo et sanet® Dei genitrici Mari® ejusque ministro Oswaldo, meo fideli episcopo, libens annuo et dono hujus libertatis pnAulegium, sicut ab ipsis rogatus sum, scilicet ut ipse episcopus cum monachis suis de istis tribus centuriatibus, id est bundredis, videlicet Wulfereslaw, et AVinburgetrowe, et tertio monacho¬ rum quod dicitur CuSburgelawe, constituant unam naucuple- tionem, quod Anglice dicitm* scypfylleS o}?]>e scj^psocne, in loco quem ob ejus memoriam Oswaldeslaw deinceps appellari placuit, ubi querelarum caus®, secundum morem patri® [et] legum jm’a jure discernantur: habeatque ipse episcopus omnesque sui successores ibi ad jus ®cclesiasticum debita transgi'essionum et penam delictorum qu® nos dicimus ofer- segenesse, et gyltwite, et omnia qu®cunque rex in suis buud- redis habet; ita tamen ne ipsi qui ibi Deo serviunt monachi de suo jure aut libertate quam ad suum hundred eis con¬ cessi quicquam perdant, sed habeant ipsi ibi omnia qu® ad suum jus, id est ad tertium eenturiatum, pertinent ®que integra ac si per se sepai’atum essent, videlicet debita trans¬ gressionum et penam delictoimm, et cetera qu® superius com¬ prehensa sunt, qu® eis libere et quiete perpetualiter tenenda concessi; sintque h®c omnia et qu®cmique illorum sunt sub ejus manu et potestate, qui ipsis in monastici ordinis regimine sub episcopo pr®positus fuerit. Qui si se riderint injuste gravari vel ri opprimi, fas sit eis ad regi® majestatis et arcbi- episcopi examen et tutelam, si tamen necesse fuerit, con¬ fugere, qui propter Deum equitatem et clementem defensio¬ nem eis impendant. Servantibus h®c rita ®tema tribuatur a Domino in c®lestibus. Quieunque vero imminuerit, vel in pejus mutando subtraxerit eis quicqiiam de iis, sit pars ejus cum Datban et Abiron, et cum Juda traditore Domini, et Juliano apostata, ®cclesiarum Dei oppressore et persecutore, ®terno anathemate ligatus cum diabolo et angelis ejus in¬ fernalibus, ignibus perpetuo cruciandus, nisi resipiscat et emendet. Arnen, amen, amen; fiat, fiat, fiat. Facta sunt MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 215 haec anno Dominicae nativitatis dcccc.lxiiii., Indictione viii.*, regni vero Eadgari Anglorum regis vi., in regia urbe quae ab incolis Gleaweceastre nominatur, in natale Domini, festi¬ vitate sanctorum innocentum, feria iiii. Dis syndon )?a gew.waeron . . mid . munge getrymdon- 'J . ■ • . . . urs allinge gefaestnodon uppon alium 5am j^e }>is undo^ o\>pe gewania’5 o^be gewemmab . . . obbe of J;aere munckan anwalde eft on clerican hand getyrna’S. Ego Eadgar basileus Anglorum et imperator regum gentium, cum con [sen] su principum et archuntorum meorum, hanc meam munificentiam signo crucia Christi corroboro. go iElf[>ryb regina consensi et signo crucis confirmavi. ^ Ego Duustan archiepiscopus Doruvernensis aecclesiae Christi consensi et subscripsi. Ego Oscytel archiepi- scojjus Eboracensis aecclesiae consensi et subscripsi. Ego /Elfstan episcopus consensi. Ego 7E[>elwold episcopus consensi. Ego Oswald episcopus consensi. Ego Osulf episcopus consensi. Ego Wynsi episcopus consensi. Ego Wulfric episcopus consensi. Ego .dilscwi abbas. Ego Osgar abbas. Ego iElfstan abbas. Ego yEJ>el- gar abbas. ^ Ego /Elfrie abbas. Ego Kineward abbas. Ego yElfere dux. Ego Brihtnob dux. Ego Ordgar dux. ^ Ego iElfaeh dux. Ego /Ebelwold dux. Ego /ESclwine dux. Ego Brihtfer'b minister. Ego .dillf- wine minister. Ego yEbelwai’d minister, Ego Wid- stan minister. Ego Earnulf minister. Ego Osulf minister. Ego Wulstan minister. Ego Leofwine minister. Ego iElfward minister. Ego yEjjelmund minister. Ego Oswai’d minister. Ego Leofwine minister. ’ The Iiulictiou for f)G4 is 7. 21G MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEES. KING EADGAR. DCCCC.LXVI. In nomine regnantis in perpetuum Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Ego Eadgarus rex Angloi’um ceterammque gen¬ tium, considerans et recolens quod etiam vas electionis vera¬ cissimis innotuit verbis, quod in novissimis temporibus insta¬ rent tempora periculosa, idcirco unusquisque de semetipso plenius poterit agnoscere quod quanto quis in boc terreno babitacido longiorem protraxerit vitam, tanto veraciora esse omnia quaj olim antiqui vates divinitus edocti iuplenda esse prcdixeruiit. Quod cernens ego necessarium duxi ut, per intercessionem plurimorum, pro venia delictorum meorum et requije aeterna adipiscenda animse meae aliquid ex eis quae milii Largitor bonorum Xps Dns donare dignatus est, hoc est decem mansas quod Cantigene dicunt x. sulunga, in illo loco ubi jamdudum solicole illius regionis nomen imposuerunt xt Bromleage, tibi venerabili apostolo Xpi Sco Andrese, et pro placabili pecunia jElfstani antistitis, aecclcsiae Ilrofensi con¬ cedo, cum omnibus utensilibus quae Ds caelorum in ipso tel¬ luris gramine ci’eavit, tam in notis causis et ignotis, in modicis et in magnis, campis, pascuis, pratis, sihds, silvanimque densitatibus, donans donabo libertatem, preter expeditione et pontis arcisve instructione; quia tanti pretii emtum est suprascripta terra octuaginta mancusis auri purissimi, et sex pondus electi argenti. Et insuper dona meo prefecto Wulf- stano donando auxit xxx“ mancusas auri, ut fixa et immo¬ bilis permaneat sempiternaliter nostra donatio. Ita adjuro in nomine Dni Dei uri Jhu Xpi, qui est omnium Judex justus, ut nec mihi nec alicui successorum meonim regum, seu cujus- libet dignitatis, aliquid fraudare vel minuere liceat, sed absque aliqua retractione inlesa jugiter permaneat sine fine. Si quis autem propria temeritate violenter invadere presumserit, sciat se procul dubio ante tribunal districti Judicis titubantem tremebundumque rationem redditurum, nisi prius digna satis¬ factione emendare maluerit. Hiec utilitas silvarum ad eandem terram pertinet in An- drede. Billanoran be Liiidhyrste- | Billanora by Lyndhyrst and MISCELLANE()US CHARTERS. 217 -j on Glseppan felda. Scearii- daen- ‘j j^arrilite \vi^ poru- dsen. Broccesliam be eastan ea* 7) Tanuera hole. 7) Trind- hyrst. Istis terminibus multis nota. Dis synt )jara tyn sulunga landgemajro td Bromleage. /Erest on castan Cyselhyrstes gemsero. )mnne on Croptunes gemaero. J^onne {^anon dn Rugebcorges gemasro. ]?onne dn SIX'S liealfe Cyssestanes ge¬ msero for^ be Weard setlan- |?onne be westan Wichammes gemseru. 7) Beohhaliammes gemaeru. ]7onne be norSan Beringahatnmes gemaeru. 7) Modingahammcs gemsero. j }?onon eft east dn Cinges ge- miero. ]>3dt dn Cyselliyrst. in Glapfield, Sliarnden, and straight on to Thornden and Broeksham, by the east water, and Tanner’s hole, and Trind- hyrst. cireumgirata est terra suprascripta, ct These are the land-bounda¬ ries of the ten ‘ sulungs’ at Bromley. First to the east boundary of Chiselhurst, then to Cropton’s boundary, then thence to llugebeorg’s boun¬ dary, then to the south side of Keston’s boundary, on by ^ Weardsctl’, then to the west of Wickham’s boundary, and Bedlam’s boundary, then north of Beringham’s boun¬ dary, and Mottingham’s boun¬ dary, and then again east to King’s boundary, thence to Chiselhurst. Acta est hsec prefata donatio anno ab incarnatione Dni nri Jhesu Xpi dcccc'’'“l“‘’v‘“ ’ Indictione vero novem. Ego Eadgar rex Angloi’um, sub sigillo sancte crucis corroboravi. ►I. Ego Dunstan, Dorobornensis secctse archieps, crucis Xpi conclusi. Ego iElfJ?ry}x mater regis pre- dictum donum confirmavi. Ego Oswald, archieps Ebo- race civitatis, crucis ^ Xpi impressi. Ego A)iclwold, Win- tanieusis ajcche eps, subscripsi et confirmavi. Ego /Elf- stan, Lundoniensis secclesiae sepiscopus, corroboravi. /Elf- stan jepiscopus consignavi. Ego Eadclru sepiscopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Sydemann sepiscopus conclusi. Ego Alfwold ajpiscopus corroboravi. Ego Byrhtclm aipiscopus ‘ This date is wrong, and inconipatiblo with the Indiction. Eadgar did not become king even of Mercia till O.o?. ^ An error for n.vor ret/is; Eadgar's mother wa.s named ^Elfgifu. 218 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. roboravi. ^ Ego Byrhtfer^ minister. Ego ^j^elweard minister. Ego iElfwerd minister. Ego iEj^elmser minister. Ego iElfsige minister. ^ EgoWnlfstan mi¬ nister. Ego ^Ifric minister. (J» Ego iElfheah minister. *J« Ego Ealdred minister. Ego Leofstan minister. Ego iElfhere dux. Ego vEl^elstan dux. Ego ^EJ^elwine diix. *J< Ego ByrhtnoS dux. Ego Ordgar dux. Ego iElfric minis. Ego Alfwold minis. Ego Wulfsige minis. Ego Sigred minis. Ego Eadelm minis. Dorso. pis is Jjara x. | Dorso. This is the char- snlunga hoc aet Bromleage ]>e Eadgar eing gebocode See Andree Cristes apostole on ece yrfe. ter of the x. snlungs at Brom¬ ley, that king Eadgar char¬ tered to S* Andrew, Christ’s apostle, in perpetuity. * laNG EADGAR. June 3rd DCCCC.LXVI. In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis. Ego Edgarus rex et basileus tocius Anglise, divino instinctus admonitu et sancte Dorobernensis ecclesie antistitis Dunstani precibus se^nus exortatus, reddo et concedo sancte Dorobernensi eccle¬ sie et monachis ibi servientibus Deo, in puram elemosinam, portum et villam de Sanduuich, eisdem monachis olim ablatam, cum omnibus libertatibus et consuetudinibus regiis ad Sand¬ uuich pertinentibixs, que ego aliquanto habui, vel aliquis ante¬ cessorum meorum, ex utraque parte aque cujuscuinque terra hinc vel inde fuerit. Praeterea confirmo eis omnes mansiones quas habent in villa de Sanduuich, que eis collate smit in piu-am elemosinam a fidelibus. Unde volo quod nnUus ibidem habeat aliquod jus, nisi tantum monachi nostri de Doro- bernia. Quicumque autem hanc meam largifluam munificen- ciam interrumpere aut violare praesumpserit, indignationem Domini nostri et Sancte Marie et Sanctorum omnium, qui in Dorobernensi ecclesia requiescunt, senciant, nisi ante mor¬ tem emendati fuerint. Ego Edgarus, rex tocius Angliae, huic codiecUo meo signum MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 219 sancte crucis propria manu apposui Ego Kinath rex Sco¬ torum subscripsi Ego Maccus rex insularum vidi Ego Dunstanus Dorobernensis archiepiscopus subscripsi Ego Etheluuoldus Uuintoniensis antistes consensi *!<• Ego Malcolm rex Cumbrorum subscripsi Ego Dufnal vidi Ego Oskitellus Eboracensis archiepiscopus subscripsi Ego Osuualdus Uuigorniensis episcopus consensi Ego Kineuuardus abbas Mideltun subscripsi Ego lacob sub¬ regulus signum apposui Ego lukil subregulus signum apposui »J<. Ego Siferch subregulus signum sancte crucis apposui, in festo Pentecostes in civitate Aclimanni *KING EADGAR. MAY 15th DCCCC.LXIX. Regnante Domino nostro Jesu Cliristo in perpetuum. Ego Eadgarus, Dei gratia Anglorum rex, omnibus episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, vicecomitibus, centenariis, caiteriscpie nostris agentibus, presentibus, scilicet, ct futuris, salutem. Dignum et conveniens est clementie prineipali inter ceteras actiones illud cpiod ad salutem anime pertinet, quod pro divino amore postulatur, pio auditu suseiperc, et studiose ad effectum perducere; quatenus de caducis rebus presentis seculi, que nunquam sine inquinamento et erumpna possi¬ dentur, peeeatorum emundatio ct vite eterne securitas ad- quiratur; juxta preceptum Domini dicentis : “ Date elemo- sinam et omnia munda sunt vol)is.^’ Ergo dando elemosinam, juxta hoc ipsius dictum, oportet nos emercari peccatorum nostrorum emundacionem, ut, dum ecclesiis Christi imper¬ timur eongrua benefieia et justas bonorum vivorum peticiones effieaeiter audimus, retributorem Dominum ex hoc habere mereamur. Igitur postquam dono Dei et paterna suceessione in regnum Anglorum intbronizatus et confirmatus fui, ubi vidi ecclesias Dei tam peccatis exigentibus quam erebris bar¬ barorum irruptionibus dirutas, et maxime sanctam et apo- stolicam \dtam, id est monachicum ordinem, per omnes regni mei provincias funditus deperisse, graviter dolens et con¬ silium a sancto spiritu accipiens, Dunstano arcliicpiscopo ct 220 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. A^elwoldo Wyntoniensi episcopo hoc negotium indixi, ut omnia monasteria que inter terminum totius Anglie sita sunt supra vel infra circumirent, et reedificarent, possessiones qiie ad fiscum redacte erant de ipsis monasteriis vel ab aliis scc\ilaribus potestatibus pervase ubiciimque, cartis vel testimo¬ niis recognoscerent mea auctoritate freti, ad integrum resti¬ tuerent ; et tanquam docente michi Domino: “ A capite in¬ cipe,” imprimis ecclesiam dompni specialis patroni ac protec¬ toris nostri beati Petri, quae sita est in loco terribili qui ab in¬ colis Thorneye nuncupatur, ab occidente, scilicet, urbis Lundo- nic, qme olim, id est Dominice incarnationis anno dc“°iiii., beati ^belbritlii hortatu, primi Anglorum regis Christiani, destructo prius ibidem abhominationis templo regum paga¬ norum, a Sabertho, prsedivite quodam subregulo, Lundonie, nepote videlicet ipsius regis, constructa est, et non ab alio, sed ab ipso Sancto Petro, apostolorum princijse, in suum ipsius proprium honorem dedicata; dehinc ab Ofta et Ken- ulpho regibus celeberrimis possessionum privilegiis et variis ornamentorum speciebus vehementer fuerat ditata, et in qua sedes regia et locus etiam eonsecrationis regum antiquitus erat, hanc precipi ut studiosius restruerent, et omnes pos¬ sessiones ejus readunarcnt, et ipse de dominicatis terris meis aliquanta addidi, et cartis atque legitimis testibus corroboravi. Deinde, succedente tempore, eoneilio habito intra basilicam ipsam, presidente me cum filio meo Edwardo, et eodem archiepiscopo venerabili Dunstano, et universis episeopis et baronibus meis, secutus exemplum majorum meorum, reno¬ vavi, addidi, et eorroboravi eartas et privilegia ejusdem loci, et ad apostolicam sedem legenda et confirmanda transmisi, atque legitima eoucessione in hune modum astipulata recepi: “ Johannes episcopus urbis Rome, servus servorum Dei, domino exeellentissimo Edgaro, filio suo, regi Anglorum, salutem et apostolicam benediccionem. Quia literis tue Celsitudinis, fili karissime, nobis innotuisti de monasterio Sancti Petri, specialis patroni tui, quod ab antiquis Anglie regibus a potestate Londoniensis sedis episcopi, cum consilio pontificum ejusdem patrie fuerit ereptum, et ab hinc sub regimine regum vel claifissimorum abbatum semper dispo- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 221 situm, et postulasti a nobis ut privilegium episcoporum de eodem monasterio factum nostro privilegio, immo magis apostolorum principis roboraremus auctoritate, libentissime secundum tue benevolentie petitionem facimus. Auctoritate siquidem beati Petri apostolorum principis, qui potestatem ligandi atque solvendi a Domino accepit, cuj usque nos vicarii existimus, stabilimus ut ipse locus regum, preceptis et privi¬ legiis apostolicis fultus, per omnia tempora sine repeticione cujuscunque Londonice urbis episcopi, aut alicujus judi¬ ciarie potestatis, vel cujuscunque prepotentis hominis, cujus¬ cunque ordinis vel dignitatis sit, semper, sicut preoptat et expetit tua benevolentia, ratus futuro tempore permaneat. Venerabiles igitur ejusdem loci fratres ydoneos ex se vel ex quacunque voluerint congregacione, abbates sive decanos sibi per successiones eligendi, ex auctoritate liujus sancte Romane sedis et nostra, sicut postulastis, amplius habeant potestatem; et ne impediantur auctoritate apostolica pro¬ hibemus, neque per violentiam extranea persona introdu- catui’, nisi quam omnis concors congregatio elegerit. Pre- terea illi loco quicquid contuleris, vel collatum est, vel con¬ feretur, divina auctoritate et nostra roboramus. Privilegia vero possessionum et dignitatum karissimi fratris nostri venerabilis Duustani aliorumque fidelium ibidem indulta, nec- non et privilegia vestra ad honorem Dei pertinencia que ilji instituere volueris, gratanti affectu annuimus, confirmamus, et confirmando in perpetuum rata iuviolataque stare de¬ cernimus, et infractores eorum eterna maledictione damp- namus; observatores autem hujus firmitatis gratiam et mise¬ ricordiam a Domino consequi mereantur. Causa igitur in¬ fractionis nostri privilegii ad posteros nostros perveniat. Datum Ravennm ix. kalendas Februarii. Cognoscat ei’go magnitudo seu utilitas vestra quam decrevimus, et in per¬ petuum mansurum jubemus atque constituimus, ut pro re- verencia reliquiarum gloriosissimi apostoli Petri, et pro quiete monachorum ibidem Deo famulantium, honor et laus ejus¬ dem ecclesie habeatur et observetur: id est, ut quisquis fugitivorum, pro quolibet scelere ad prefatam basilicam beati apostoli fugiens, procinctum ejus intraverit, sive pedes, sive 222 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. eques, sive de euria regali, sive de eivitate, seu de villa, seu eujuscunque eondieionis sit, quocunque delicto facinoris con¬ tra nos vel succedentes reges Anglorum, vel contra alium quemlibet fidelem sancte ecclesie Dei forisfactus sit, re¬ laxetur et liberetur, et vitam atque membra, absque ulla con¬ tradictione, obtineat.” Prjeterea interminamur divina aucto¬ ritate et nostra, ut neque nos, neque suecessores nostri, neque quilibet episcopus vel arcbiepiscopus, nec qnicunque de judi¬ ciaria potestate, in ipsam sanctam basilicam, vel in manentes in ipsa, vel in homines qxii cum sua substantia vel rebus ad ipsam tradere vel devovere se voluerint, nisi per volun¬ tatem abbatis et suorum monacborum ullam unquam liabeant potestatem; sed sit hec sancta mater ecclesia peculiaris patroni nostri beati Petri apostoli libera et absoluta ab omni invasione vel inquietudine omnium hominum, eujuscunque ordinis vel potestatis esse videantur. In maneria vero vel curtes praefate basilice sic et ubi in quascunque regiones vel pagos in regno nostro quicquid a die praesenti ipsum mo¬ nasterium possidere et dominari videtur, vel quod a Deum timentibus hominibus per legitima cartarum instrumenta ibidem fuit concessum, vel in antea erit additum vel dele¬ gatum, nec ad causas audiendas, nec ad fidejussores tollendos, nec ad freda vel bannos exigendos, et ad mansiones vel paratas faciendum, nec ullas redibiciones requirendas infra immunitatem Sancti Petri ingredi vel requirere quoquo tem¬ pore presumatur; sed quicquid exinde fiscus noster exauc- tare poterat, omnia et ex omnibus, pro mercedis nostre augmento, sub integra et firmissima immunitate concedimus ad ipsum sanctum locum, et imperpetuo confirmamus. Con¬ cedo eciam et confirmo omnes libertates et donaciones ter¬ rarum que a predictis regibus seu aliis, sicut legitur in antiquo telligrapho libertatis, ante me donatae sunt: scilicet Hamme, Wynton, Mordun, Fentun, Aldenham, Bleccenham, Lothereslege, quas tamen venerabilis Dunstanus a me, una cum predicto loco, emerat; necnon et libertates atque emp- ciones quas idem Dunstanus, me concedente, ab optimatibus meis mercatus est, et quas eciam coram legitimis testibus sigillo suo et anulo episcopali ibidem in \isum fratrum MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 223 prefate ecclesie in perjietuam perstrinxit possessionem. Nos itaque ad laudem nominis Domini, et ad honorem Saneti Petri, terras que hie earaxantur ibidem donavimus : Hole- welle, Deeewrthe, Wattune, Cillingtune. Hee igitur supra- dieta rura, eum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, et eum eenobio quod Stana voeatur, et omnibus sibi pertinentibus, seilieet Tudingtun, Halgeforde, Feltham, Eeelesforde, priscis tem¬ poribus ad eandem perhibentur ecclesiam Sancti Petri per¬ tinere, sicut legitur, ut diximus, in antiquo telligra])ho libertatis, quam rex Offa illi monasterio contulit, quando ec¬ clesiis per universas regiones Anglorum rccuperativa pri¬ vilegia, Wilfredo archiepiscopo hortante, scribere jussit; quod cenobium Stanense jam olim regulari et monachorum ex¬ amine pollebat, postea vero hostili quadam expedicione, fra¬ tribus dispersis solotenus est dirutum. Hanc eandem itaque libertatem prefate ecclesie Sancti Petri principis apostolorum concessi, quia locus prcdictus, qui templum fuerat dudum Apollinis, Dei providencia nunc mirabiliter ab ipso clavigero est consecratus et dedicatus quatinus ab omni secidari sit semper in perpetuum quieta servitute. Et ne quis presen- cium vel magis futurorum ambiget que sit illa libertas quam amabiliter et firmiter concedo, omnimodis cuncta illius monasterii possessio nullis sit unquam gravata oneribus, nec expcdicionis nec pontis et arcis edificamine, nec juris regalis fragmine, nec furis apprehensione, et, ut omnia simul com¬ prehendam, nil debet exsolvi nec regi, nec regis preposito, vel episcopo, vel duci, vel ulli homini, sed omnia debita ex¬ solvent jugiter que in ipsa dominacione fuerint ad supra- dictum sanctum locum, secundum quod ordinaverint fratres ejusdem cenobii. Obsecramus etiam omnes successores nostros, reges et principes, per sanctam et individuam Tri¬ nitatem, et per adventum justi Judicis, ut quemadmodum ex munificencia antecessorum nostrorum ipse locus videtur esse ditatus, nullus episcoporum vel abbatum, aut eorum ordinatores, vel quelibet persona, possit quoquo ordine de loco ipso aliquid auferre, aut aliquam potestatem sibi in ipso monasterio usurpare, vel aliquid quasi per commutationis titulum, abscpic voluntate ipsius congrcgacionis vel nostrum 224 MISCET>LANEOUS CHARTERS. permissum, minuere, aut calices, aut cruces, seu indumenta altaris, vel sacros codices, aurum, argentum, vel qualem¬ cunque speciem ibidem collatam auferre, vel alias deferre presumat; sed liceat ipsi congregationi quod sibi per rectam delegacionem collatum est perpetim possidere, et pro stabili¬ tate regni nostri jugiter exorare, quod nos pro Dei amore, et reverencia sancti apostoli, et adipiscenda vita eterna, hoc beneficium ad locum illum terribilem et sanctum, cum con¬ silio pontificum et illustrium virorum nostrorum procerum gratissimo animo et integra voluntate visi sumus prestitisse, eo videlicet ordine ut sicut tempore predecessorum meorum ibidem chorus psallencium per turmas fuit institutus, ita die noctuque in loco ipso celebretur. Si autem quispiam hanc nostram auctoritatem vel immunitatem infringere voluerit, et alios ad hoc conduxerit, unusquisque pro seipso libras v. partibus Sancti Petri solvat, et, ut dictum est, quicquid exinde fiscus noster ad partem nostram sperare poterat in luminaribus vel stipendiis monachorum, seu etiam elemosinis pauperum ipsius monasterii perenniter per nostra oracula ad integrum sit concessum atque indultum. Et ut hec auc¬ toritas nostris et futuris temporibus circa ipsum sanctum locum perenniter firma et inviolata permaneat, vel per omnia tempora illesa enstodiatur atque conservetur, et ab omnibus optimatibus nostris et judicibus publicis et privatis melius ac certius credatur, manus nostre subscriptionibus subtus eam decrevimus roborare, et de sigillo nostro jussimus sigillare. Signum Eadgari incliti et serenissimi Anglorum regis. Signum Eadwardi ejusdem regis filii. Signum TEfiel- redi fratris ejus. > 5 « In nomine Christi ego Dunstanus, aesi peccator, Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus, hanc liber¬ tatem sancte crucis agalmate consignavi; ac deinde, se¬ cundum apostolici Johannis preceptum, observatores hujus libertatis, auctoritate qua perfruor, a peccatis suis absohfi; infractores vero perpetim maledixi, nisi resipiscant, et tribus annis a liminibus sancte ecclesie sequestrati penitentiam agant. Ego Oswoldus Eboracensis archiepiscopus im¬ posui. ►J* Ego .dilfstaniis Londoniensis ecclesie episcopus MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 22-5 adquievi. Ego ^'Selwoldus Wintoniensis ecclesie epi¬ scopus corroboravi. ^ Ego .^Ifstanus RofFensis ecclesie episcopus supposui. Ego jEscwius Dorcicensis ecclesie episcopus impressi. Ego jElfegus Lichefeldensis ecclesie episcopus consolidavi. Ego ^E^elsinus Scireburnensis ecclesie episcopus commodum duxi. Ego Wlgarus Wil- tuniensis ecclesie episcopus confirmavi. Ego .iE'Sulfus Herefordensis ecclesie episcopus ovanter dividgavi. Ego ^ISelgarus Cisseniensis eeelesie episcopus adnotavi. Ego Sigarus Wellensis ecclesie episcopus gaudenter conclusi. Ego Aluricus Cridiensis ecclesie episcopus amendixi. Ego Sigarus Allmaniensis ecclesie episcopus consigillavi, atque cum prescriptis arcliiepiscopis et episcopis et abba¬ tibus, luminibus accensis, violatores hujus munificentie, dig¬ nitatis immo apostolici, transgressores hujus decreti imper¬ petuum excommunicavi, nisi pretitulatam penitentiam resi¬ piscendo peragant. ^ Ego Folemerus abbas. *ie on angynne cristendomes hit sealdan- ealswa hit lib on seiche heahe J>ses portes into Jjsere halgan stowe- sybban ealle heora seftergengen- ];set wses Egebirt eynincg-*‘j Aj^ulf eyning- ^ Alfred cynineg- Eadweard cynineg. he geube j^set man j^set land on eallum l^ingon for ane hide werode- Here is made known in this writing how bishop .iEthel- wold obtained from his be¬ loved royal lord king Eadgar, that he, with the counsel of his ‘ witan renewed the liberty of Chilcomb to the holy Trinity, and S‘ Peter, and S* Paul at Winchester, for the brotherhood of the Old Mo¬ nastery, as his forefathers had before freed it : first king Kynegils, and his son king Kenwald, who, in the begin¬ ning of Christianity, gave it as it lies, on eaeh side of the town, eontiguous to the holy place: and afterwards, aU their sueeessors, Hz. kingEcg- berht, and king Athulf, and king vElfred, and king Ead- ward; and he granted that the land in all things should ' r. Cenwalh. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 227 swa swa his yldran hit jer ge- setton gefreodon- waere mare landes- wsere )??er Isesse- ■;) he bead, on Godes naman- )?aet naiSer ne J^sere stowe bi- sceop ne nanesbisceopes aefter- genga |;?et land njefre of )?aere stowe geutode. ne hit nanan woruldmen wi'S nanan sceatte ne wi^ ceape gesealde. he head • };urli Godes selraichtiges myclan msegenj^rymm. )78et nan his bearna ne nan heora Eeftergengcana )?0et menster sefre leng mid preostan ge- sette. ac ]>sst hit efre mid munecan stode. swa swa he hit mid Godes selmihtiges ful- tume gesette. )7a );a he hit ]>a modigan preostas- for heora mandtedon J^anan ut adrefde. )?erinnc munecas gelogode- )^8et hi Godes J^eowedon sefter Sancte Benedictes tsecinge. dseghwamlice to Gode cleo- podon for ealles cristenes folces alisednesse. Ealles jjses landes is an hund hida • ac pa godan cynegas ■j pa wisan- jelc sefter oj^ran. f ylce land swa gefreodon. Gode to lofe his )7cowan to bryce into fostorlande. ^ hit man sefre on ende for ane hide werian sceolde. Se J’e Jjysne freols healdan wille. God selmihtig ' That is, that the contribution for one hide, instead of a hundred. be defended for one hide as his forefathers had before esta¬ blished and freed it; should there be more land, should there be less. And he com¬ manded, in the name of God, that neither the bishop of the place, nor any bishop’s succes¬ sor, should ever alienate that land from the place, nor should sell it to any secular man for any money or chattel. And he commanded, by the great ma¬ jesty of God, that none of his children, nor any of their suc¬ cessors, ever set that monas¬ tery with priests; but that it should ever stand with monks, as he, with God Almighty’s aid, set it, Avhen he drove thence the proud priests, for their sinful deeds, and placed monks therein, that they might serve God after the teaching of S* Benedict, and daily cry to God, for the re¬ demption of all Christian folk. Of all the land there are a hundred hides ; but the good kings and the ‘ w itan’, each after other, so freed that same land, to the praise of God, and the use of his ser¬ vants as ‘ foster-land’, that finally it should ever be de¬ fended for one hide. Who- I the ‘ fjTd’ should be uo more than Q 2 228 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. hine gehealde her on ec- nesse. Gif hwa }jonne [freols.] |?urh senige dyrstignesse. o^iSe )?urh deofles lare- j^isne freols abrecan wille» ]>as ge- setednesse on o'Ser awendan durre* se he awyrged mid eallan J^an awyrgednessan )pe synd awriteue on eallan hal- gan bocan- sy he ascyred from nres Drichtnes gemanan 'J ealra his halgana- sy he gebimden )>a hwile pe he libhe on )?isnm life mid p>an ylcan bendan )>e God jelmihtig )>yrh hine sylfne betaechte his hal- gan apostolan Petre Paule- aefter his awyrgedan for^S- si^e ligge he efre on helle grundleasan pytte- byrnehe on J>an ecan fyre mid deofle 'j his englan a butan aelcan ende- butan he hit ser his forSsiSe gebete. Amen. ever this freedom will ob¬ serve, may God Almighty pre¬ serve him here and to eter¬ nity. But if any one, through any audacity, or through the devil’s lore, will violate this freedom, or dare to avert it to other, be he aceursed with all the curses that are written in all holy books, and be he severed from the communion of our Lord and all his saints, and be he bound, while he lives in this life, with the same bonds which God Almighty through himself committed to his holy apostles Peter and Paul; and after his accursed departure, may he ever lie in the bottomless pit of hell, and burn in the everlasting fire with the devil and his angels, ever without any end, unless, before his departure, he make atonement for it. Amen. IDEM LATINE. In hac chartella manifeste declaratur, qualiter ego Ead- garus, opitulante gratuita Salvatoris clementia, Anglorum basileus, ^^elwaldo mihi pontifice suggerente, tam optima¬ tum meorum consilio devotus, renovavi Chiltecumbes hseredi- tariam libertatem, et sanctae et individuae Trinitati commen¬ davi, et in veteri monasterio, in aecclesia beatorum Petri ac Pauli, ad usum monachorum inibi Deo regulariter famulan¬ tium, perpetuo jure consecravi; praecepi hanc quoque reno¬ vationem in ipsa eadem libertate fine tenus perdurare, qua illam ah aliis ditatam, et ab antecessoribus regibus omni¬ bus meis donatam esse comperi, quorum primi extiterunt. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 229 Kingilsus rex, et filius ejus Kinewalclus rex, qui in exordio fidei Christianae, sanetissimo Berino episcopo verbum Dei prae¬ dicante, eoncesserunt ejusdem juris possessionem ad praefatum sancti loci monasterium. Deinde Egbertus rex, A'Sulpbus rex, ^Ifredus rex, Eadgarus rex : ideoque praecipio, in nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, ut nullus episcopus ejusdem loci illam terram de ipso monasterio trahere audeat, nec alicui secularium pro munere quolibet eam dare praesumat. Hoc quoque provida consideratione superaddidi, et mandavi, ut nullus filiorum vel nepotum meorum, nec aliquis suc¬ cessorum meorum ad praedictum sedis episcopalis coenobium, clericos unquam introducat ; sed electis eisdem monachis Christo ibidem Deo servientibus deputetur, sicut ego ipse, co-operante omnipotentis Dei auxilio, constitui, quando su¬ perbos clericos, qui Deo servire contempserunt, pro nefandis suis actibus et detestandis servitiis inde eliminatos expuli, ibique sacram coenobitarum congregationem, qui in hymnis et laudibus Domino voluntarie sei’virent, congregavi. Quicun- que hanc libertatem custodire voluerit, custodiat eum Deus et hic et in sevum. Si quis autem, diabolica suggestione deceptus, hanc libertatem minuere vel infringere praesump¬ serit, veniant super eum omnium maledictionum genera quae scripta sunt in Novo et in Veteri Testamento; sitque coelum ferreum super caput ejus, et tellus ahenea sub pedibus ejus; et sit ipse seterno anathemate separatus a Deo et omnibus sanctis ejus, et apostolica beatorum Petri et Pauli authoritate ligatus sit quamdiu vixerit, et post maledictum obitum suum, gehennalibus flammis, cum diabolo et angelis suis, sine fine damnatus et criiciatus intereat, nisi prius emendaverit, quod Deum omnipotentem et sanctos apostolos ejus pro nihil spe¬ rare non timuit. BISHOP ^THELWOLD. DCCCC.LXIII.-DCCCC.LXXV. Her swutelaS on |^ys- sum gewrite )?et A}?elwold bisccop Wulfstan Uccca Here is made known in this writing, that bishop .Ethclwold and Wulfstan 230 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. hwyrfdon landa on Eadgares cyuinges on his witena ge- wytnesse. Se bisceop sealde Widstane );et land set Hwess- ingatune. Wulstan sealde him l^et land set laeeslea set ^geleswurhe. pa sealde se hisceop ];et land set laces- lea into pornige- j^et set .digelleswyr^e into Buruh- 'j p land set .d3geleswyr5e headde an wydiiwe ^ hire sune aer forwyrt. foipan ) 7 e hi ch’ifon' [i]serne stacan on Alsie Wulfstanes feder- p wcr5 sereafe- man teh p mor"? tor's of hire inclifan^. pa nam man p wif adrenete hi set Lundenebrigce. hire snne setberst '3 werS utlah- ^ p land eode pam kynge to lianda* T se kyng hit forgeaf pa yElfsie* ^ Wulstan Uccea his sunn hit sealde eft Adel- uuolde bisceope- swa swa hit her bufau ssegS. Uccea exchanged lands, ^vith the witness of king Eadgar and his ^witan’. The bishop gave to Wulfstan the land at Washington, and Widfstan gave him the land at Jaceslea and at Aylesworth. Then the bishop gave the land at Jaceslea to Thorney, and that at Aylesworth to Peterbo¬ rough : and a widow and her son had previously forfeited the land at Aylesworth, be¬ cause they had driven an iron pin into .^Isie, Widfstan’s father, and that was detected : and they drew the deadly thing forth from her cham¬ ber®. They then took the woman and drowned her at London Bridge ; and her sou escaped, and became outlaw; and the land went into the hands of the king; and the king then gave it to ^Elfsie, and Wulfstan Uccea his son gave it again to bishop ^Ethel- wold, as it is here above said. ' See Anc. Laws and Instit. folio edit. pp. 379,409, and Glossarj^, voce Stacung; and Grimm, Deutsche Mythol. 2nd edit. p. 1045. ’ p.inclifan. INIy translation of this passage is quite conjec¬ tural, and based on the supposition that for aereafe we should read arasod. p I understand to refer to a waxen image into which the woman had driven an iron pin, for the purpose of tormenting Alsie, whom the image was intended to represent; mortS I take to mean the deadly image itself. This kind of witchcraft was known by the name of invtiUttafio. See L.L. Ilenrici 1. 71. § 1. ut sup. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 231 KING EADGAR. DCG Her is geswitulod on ^ysum gewrite Im Eadgar cining mid rymette gedili- ligean * het pa mynstra on Wintanceastrse* sy]7j;an he hi ■Surh Godes gyfe to mnnuc- life gedyde- pet asmeagan het p nan 'Sera mynstera Jjser binnan j^iirh pet rymet wiiS o'Srum sace nsefde* ae gif o^res mynstres ar on o&es mynstres rymette lege- p ]7es mynstres ealdor "Se to |7am rymette fenge- ofeode jjses o'Sres mynstres are mid swilcum l^ingum swylce 'Sam hirede Sae )7a are ahte ge- eweme waere. ForSy Sonne Aj^elwold hisceop- on )>es cinges gewitnesse '31 ealles p>aes hiredes his bisceopstoles- gesealde twa gegrynd butan SySgeate into Niwan myn- stre- ongen Ses mynstres mylne Se stod on Sam ry¬ mette Se se cing het gery- men into Ealdan mynstre. And se ahbod ^J^elgar- mid geSeahte ures cynelafordes- 3) }>aes bysceopes AJ;ehvoldes- ■3) ealles ]?aes hiredes- pa ylcan mylne )?e se hisceop seolde- 31 oSre p'cs hi aer ahtun binnan ]>0ere byrig- to sibbe 31 to some gesealde into nunnan ' Qu. for C.LXIII.-DCCCC.LXXV. Here is made known in this writing how king Eadgar commanded the monasteries in Winchester to be separated by a space^ after that^ by God’s grace^ he had turned them to monkish life; and commanded it to he borne in mind that none of the monas¬ teries there within should, on account of that space, have strife with the others ; but if the property of one monas¬ tery lay w'ithin the space of another monastery, that the principal of the monastery wdiich may take to that space should relinquish the property of the other monastery, for such consideration as should be acceptable to the society that owned the property. Therefore has bishop Hilthel- wold, in witness of the king and all the brotherhood of his episcopal see, given two plots of ground without Southgate to the New Monastery, against the monastery’s mill, which stood in the space which the king commanded to be ceded to the Old Monastery. And the abbot iEthelgar, by the counsel of our royal lord, and of bishop iEthelwold, and of edasliui ? 282 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. mynstre* ^ Eadgyfe* abbed- esse ]?aes cinges dohter be- tehte ongen ^one weterscype )?e he into Niwan mynstre. be ^es cinges leafan geteah. aer 'Ses nunhiredes wes. him se tige sume mylne adil- gade. ^ he gesealde J’am cinge hundtwelftig mancaes reades goldes to bance be- foran ^Ifdrybe “Ssere hlaef- dian- beforan )?am bisceopan Abelwolde wib }>am lande 'Sae seo ea on yrnS- fram |>am norS wealle to )>aes mynstres suS ■nealle an leucge. twegrae metgyrda brad 'Ser •Jj ■waster aerest infylS. }»aer •p land unbradest is* )^er hit sceol beon eahtatyne fota brad. Dyses ie geann M\>e\- gare abbode j^am hirede into Niwan mynstre. for his gccwemre gehyrsumnesse a on ecnesse. ic halsige aelc •Sara "Se eftaer me cyneriees wealde. )mrh ba halgan Dryn- nesse. J>et hyra nan nae undo )jct ic to 'Sam haligum myn- strum binnan J>aere byrig gedon hebbe. Se J^e 'Sis ]?onne awendan wylle Se ic to sibbe to gesehtnesse betweoh J>am mynstre geradigod haebbe* oSSe )?ara Singa pe on J^issan j^rim cyrografum Se on Sis- all the brotherhood, has, for peace and concord, given to the Nuns’ monastery the same mill which the bishop gave, and another, which they before possessed •within the town, and assigned them to the abbess Eadgyfu*, the king’s daughter, against the water-course which, with the king’s leave, he has drawn into the New Monastery, and which had previously be¬ longed to the nunnery; and the channel® of Avhich had destroyed a mill of his. And he gave to the king a hundi’ed and twenty maneuses of red gold in acknowledgment, be¬ fore ^Ifthryth the lady, and before the bishop iEthelwold, for the land in which the Avater runs, from the north wall to the south wall of the monastery in length, and two meteyards broad, where the water first falls in : and where the land is narroAvest, there it shall be eighteen feet broad. This I grant to abbot .Ethel- gar and the convent at the New Monastery, for his ready obedience, in perpetuity. And I beseech each of those avIio shall rule the kingdom after me, by the holy Trinity, that ' Eadgar had an illegitimate daughter wdio died abbess of Wilton, but her name Avas Eadgyth, ^ or reserA oir ? MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 233 no one of them undo what I have done for the holy mo¬ nasteries within the city. But whoever will avert this which I have counselled for peace and concord between the monasteries, or any of the things which in these three chirographs are set down, for the guidance of these three monasteries, may the eternal Lord avert him from the kingdom of heaven, and his dwelling, after his dcjiarture hence, be in hell-torment, with those who ever rejoice in every discord; unless before his departure he atone for it. sum J^rym mynstrum to swytelungum gesette syndon- awende hine se eca Drihten fram heofenan rice. ■;) sii his wunung aefter his for’SsiSe on helle wite* mid )>ara ^e symle on aelcre ungel^waernesse blissiaiS- butan he hit aer his for^si^e gebete. KING EADGAR. DCCCC.LXVIII. FREOLS BOC TO TANTUN^. CHARTER OF LIBERTIES TO TAUNTON. Ilac autem cartula liquido declaratur qualiter ego Eadgar Anglorum basileus Tantunes libertatem devotus renovavi ob amorem reverende Trinitatis consubstantialisque Unitatis, necnon beati Petri apostolorum principis, ejusque co-apostoli Pauli, uti episcopali cathedre Wintoniensis aecclesiae eadem deserviret libertate qua priscis temporibus ab ejus avo, Ead- wardo videlicet rege, insignita libere gloriabatur. Usus itaque saluberrimo obtimatum meorum consilio, ammodum Christo dapsilis concessi, ut episcopii homines, tam nobiles quam ignobiles, priefato rure degentes hoc idem jus in omni haberent dignitate quo sui proprii perfruuntur regalibus fiscis commorantes; omnia enim sccularium rerum judicia ad usus presulum exercere eodem modo diligenti jussi ex¬ amine quo regalium negotiorum discutiuntur judicia. Pre- dicte igitur ville mercimonium censusque omnis civilis sanctae Dei ajcclesiie Wentane civitatis, sine retractionis obstaculo, cum omnibus commodis aeternaliter deserviat. Haec autem libertas, antecessorum meorum temporibus, iElfeago anti¬ stiti, aliisque eodem rure fruentibus concessa fuerat, quam 234 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ego renovando humillime restauravi. Qui autem hanc liber¬ tatis dapsilitatem augere voluerit, augeat Dominus ejus ritam et prosperitatem hic et in evum; si quis autem prsesump- tuosus, diabolo instigante, hanc libertatem infringere, minu- ereve, vel in aliud quam constituimus transferre voluerit, anathema sit, et in Christi maledictione permanens aiterno barathri incendio, cum luda Christi proditore ejusque com¬ plicibus miserrimus puniatur, si non cum satisfactione ante obitum emendaverit quod contra nostrum deliquit decretum. Dedit autem Abelwoldus Wmtoniensis aecclesiae episcopus, pro hujus libertatis recuperatione, regi Eadgaro, ducentas auri mancusas, ejusque conjugi ,(ElfJ;ry)?e quinquaginta, et quoddam vas argenteum quinque libras appendens. Priscis utique temporibus, pro hac eadem libertate, date sunt Ead- wardo regi sexaginta terrae mansae, quattuor in locis dirempte, X. ridelicet aet Crawancumbe, et x. aet Cumbtune, xx. aet Scealdeburnan stoce, et xx. aet BananwyUe. Hoc idem rus Eadward prefatus rex dedit famulis famulabusque Domini on Ceodre degentibus, pro commutatione illius telluris quae Carintun nominatur. Acta est autem hujus libertatis nota renovatio. Pascali sollempnitate, sede regali aet Ceodre, anno Dominicae incarnationis dcccc.lxxviii.*, decimo vero anno ejus regalis imj^ei’ii. His testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina ordinarim carraxantiu’. Ego Eadgar Anglorum basileus hoc jiiivilegium, in honore reverende Trinitatis atque consubstantialis Unitatis, crucis signo devotissime confirmavi. Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus confirmavi. Ego Oscytel archiepiscopus consensi. Ego Abelwold episcopus corroborari. Ego iElfstan episcopus con¬ solidavi. Ego Byrhtelm episcopus consensi. Ego Oswold episcopus corroboravi. Ego Alfwold episcopus consolidavi. Ego Osulf episcopus consenri. Ego Wynsige episcopus cor¬ roboravi. Ego .tElf]7ryj? regina. Ego Hij^estan dux. Ego iElfhere dux. Ego BElfheah dux. Ego Ordgar dux. Ego ^]?ehrine dux. Ego Byrhtnob dux. Ego Oslac dux. Ego Eadulf dux. Ego yElfric abbas. Ego Osgar abbas. Ego ^Ifstan abbas. Ego riilscuig abbas. Ego ^);elgar abbas. * An error for 968. Eadgar died in 975. xMISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 235 Ego Cynewerd abbas. Ego pyrcytel abbas. Ego J^lfheah abbas. Ego Ealdred abbas. Ego Eanulf minister. Ego ^If- wine minister. Ego ^);elweard minister. Ego Wulfstan minister. Ego ByrtferS minister. Ego Oswerd minister. Ego Osulf minister. EgoElfwerd minister. EgoE}?elweard minister. IDEM ANGLICE. Her ys geswutelod on );ysiim gewrite- hu Eadgar cyning. mid ge);eahte bis witena- geniwode Tantunes freols • )?8ere halgan prynnesse •;) Scse Petre Scse Paule into Win- taneeastre to )^am biscopstole^ ealswa Eadweard eyning bit aer gefreode- y geu)>e f rngj^er ge twelfhynde men ge twy- bynde weron on )?am Godes hame j^ara ylean gerilita wyr|je ]>e bis agene men sindon on bis agenum eynebamum; j man ealle spaeca gerihtu on f ylce gemet gefe to Godes handa ]>e man to liis agenre drifS. J>es tunes eyping seo innung Jjara portgerilita gange into )^ere halgan stowe- ealswa heo aer dyde on myra yldrena dagon. ^ ^Ifeage biseope gebafod waes* ge- wyleum )?ara |?e j^es landes breae. Se |>e j^isne freols geyeean wille- geyee God bis gesynta to langsumun life her “) on eenesse- gif liwa ]>onne. )>urli gedyrstignesse y deofles o]jJ>e bis lima lare- piysne freols abrecan wille- ol'J'c on o]7er Here is made known^ in this writing, how king Eadgar renewed the liberty of Taun¬ ton, for the Holy Trinity and S‘ Peter and S* Paul, to the episcopal see of Winchester, as king Eadward had before freed it, and granted that both Twelfhynde men and Twyhynde should, in that vill of God, be worthy of the same rights that his own men are in his own royal vills; and that all suits and rights be in tbe same manner given into the hand of God as they were brought to his own; and let the town’s market, and the produce of the town-dues go to the holy place, as they did before, in the days of my fore¬ fathers, and were levied for bishop HHfeah, and every one of those who enjoyed the land. Whoever will increase this liberty, may God increase his prosperity in a long life here, and in eternity. But if any, through audacity, and the in¬ stigation of the devil and liis limbs, will violate this liberty, 236 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. awendan. buton he bit aer his fordsi)>e gebete* sy he mid awurgednesse aseyred fram ures Drithnes gemanan eaHa his halgena. ^ on helle susle eeeliee getintragod mid ludan )?e Cristes lewa wes. Donne gesealde Abelwold biscop his cynehlaforde twa und mancussa goldes anne sylfrene lefel on fif pundum Avib )?e niwnnge l^yses freolses. ■3 ^lf)?ryde his gebeddan- hcalf hund mancussa goldes wi]? richtes aerendes fultume. aer waeron wij? freolse ge- sealt. on Eadwardes dege cinges syxtig hide landes* x. aet Crawancumbe- x. aet Cumbtune* aet Bananwille XX. XX. aet Scealdeburnan Stoce. 3 eft E ad ward cyning gesealde f land aet Cumbtune j aet Bananwille ban hiwon aet Ceodre. wij^ j^an lande aet Carintune. pis wes gedon aet Ceodre- on jjere halganEaster¬ tide- |)y geare weron agang- ene ncccc. geara eahta j hundseofontig' fram Cristes acynnednesse- ^ );e teof>an geare his cynelican anwealdes- on gewitnesse J^ara witena hiora noman her wi}7neo|;an awritene syudou. or pervert it to other^ unless ere his departure hence he make reparation, be he with male¬ diction cut off from the com¬ munion of ourLord and all his saints, and ever be tormented in hell torture, with Judas, who was Christ’s betrayer. Then gave bishop Athelwold to his royal lord two hundred mancusses of gold and one silvercupof five pounds weight, for the renewal of this liberty ; and to ^Elfthryth his consort, half a hundred mancusses of gold, for aid in a just trans¬ action. And erewhile, in the day of king Eadward, there were given for the liberty, sixty hides of land: x. at Crow'combe, and x. at Comp¬ ton, and at Banwell xx., and XX. at Shalbournstoke. And again king Eadward gave the land at Compton and at Ban- well to the convent at Ched- der, for the land at Carhamp- ton. This was done at Ched- der, on the holy Easter tide, in which year were agone ncccc. and seventy-eight' years from the birth of Christ; and in the tenth year of his kingly sway, in witness of the 'witan’ whose names are here beneath Avritten. ' An error for 968. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 2.37 KING EADGAR. DCCCC.LXX. ^ Omnipotentis Dei eunctorum sceptra regentis modera¬ mine regum^ immo tocius seculi creatureque cunctge indisso¬ lubili regimine aeque gubernantis habenas, ipsius nutu et gracia suffultus, Ego Eadgarus basileus dilecte insule Albionis, subditis nobis sceptris Scottorum, Cumbrorumque, ac Brit- tonum, et omnium circumcirca regionum quiete pace per- fruens, studiosus sollicite de laudibus Creatoris omnium occu¬ por addendis, ne nostra inertia, nostrisque diebus plus aequo servitus ejus tepescere videatur; set greges monachorum et sanctimonialium hac nostra tempestate, ipso opitulante qui se nobiscum usque in finem saeculi manere promittere dignatus est, ubique in regno nostro desertis monasteriis antiquitus Dei famulatu deficiente, nunc reviviscente, adsurgere cupimus, sub Sancti Benedicti abbatis regula viventes, quatinus illorum precatu et vigente religione sancta servitus Dei nos ipsum placatum rectorem habere queamus. Unde frequentes moni¬ tus venerabilis AJ^elwoldi episcopi cordetenus pertractans, cupio honorare hoc privilegio rebusque copiosis monasterium quod in regione Elig situm dinoscitur'antiquitus, ac Sancti Petri apostolorum principis honore dedicatum, decoratumque reliquiis et miraculis almjB virginis E^Seldrydse, cujus vita venerabilis nobis modernis historia Anglorum promitur, quae eciam incorruptibili corpore hactenus condita mausoleo mar¬ moreo albo perdurat*. Locus denique praedictus, deficiente servitio Dei, nostra aetate regali fisco subditus erat; set a secretis noster A)?elwoldus Deique amator, diocesi Wyntoni- ensis civitatis fungens, datis nobis sexaginta cassatis in villa quae ab accolis Heartingas nuncupatur, mutuavit locum prae¬ dictum cum appendiciis ejus, augmentavique mutuationi tres villas quae hiis nominibus vocitantur, Mcldeburna, Earninga- ford, Nortlwold, et ipse ilico monachos, meo consilio et auxilio, Deo fideliter regulari norma servientes perplures inibi collocavit, quibusque Brihtnothum quendam sapientem et bene morigeratum virum praepositi jure praefecit. Cui effectui admodum ego congaudens, letabundus pro amore ' See Beda, Hiat. Eccle.a. iv. 10. 238 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Christi et Sancti Petri, quem patronum michi sub Deo elegi, et Sancte E|?eldribe virginis Deo dilectae, et ejus prosapie sanctae illic quiescentis, et pro animabus patrum meorum regum antiquorum augmentare largiter mutuationem illam hiis donis, testibus consiliariis meis, volo: hoc est decem milia anguillarum omni anno in villa quae aet Uuyllan dicitur, pro expeditione redduntur, fratribus ad victualia modo et deinceps concedo: et intra paludes causas seculares duorum centuriatuum, et extra paludes quinque centuriatuum in Uuiclauuan in provincia Orientalium S axonum benigne ad fratrum necessaria sanciendo largior. Quineciam omnes causas seu correpciones transgressionum juste legis in ser¬ monibus secularibus omnium terrarum sive villarum ad monasterium predictum rite pertinencium, et quae in futurum aevum Dei providencia loco praefato largitura est, sive em¬ ptione, seu donatione, aut aliqua justa adquisitione, stent causae seculares emendandae, tam clementi examine fratrum loco mauencium victui vel vestitui necessaria ministrantes : adhuc insuper omnem quartum nummum reipublice in pro^dncia Grantaceaster fratribus reddendum jure perpetuo censeo. Et sit hoc privilegium liberum quasi munus nostrum Deo devote oblatum et sanctis ejus praedictis, ad remedium animarum nostrarum, sicuti praefati sumus, ut nullus regum nec prin- cipum, aut ullius ordinis quislibet praepotens, imposterum obstinata tyrannide aliquid horum infringere praesumat, si non vult habere omnipotentis Dei maledictionem et sanctorum ejus, et meam et patrum meorum, pro quibus ista omnia libera haberi volumus aeterna libertate in aeternum. Arnen. Hoc privilegium hujus donationis et libertatis fecimus scribi anno incarnationis Domini nostri Jhesu Christi non- gentessimo septuagessimo. Indictione tercia decima, anno regni mei aeque tercio decimo, in Hila regali quae famoso vocabulo a solicolis Uulfamere nominatur, non clam in angulo, set sub divo palam evidentissime scientibus totius regni mei primatibus, quorum quedam nomina hic infra inseri ad testi¬ monium imposterum mandaHmus. Ego Eadgarus rex animo benigno hoc largiendo Deo concessi, et regia sublimitate corroboravi. Ego Dunstan MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 2.39 archiepiscopus corroboravi. EgoOscytel archiepiscopus con¬ solidavi. Ego Atheluuold episcojjus confirmavi. Ego Alfstan episcopus consignavi. Ego Osulf episcopus confirmavi. Ego Wulfric episcopus adquievi. Ego Uuynsyge episcopus corro¬ boravi. Ego Alfuuold episcopus confirmavi. Ego iElfuuold episcopus consolidavi. Ego Osuuold ejnscopus adquievi. Ego Byrhthelm episcopus confirmavi. Ego Eadelm episcopus consignavi. Ego Jillfric episcopus consolidavi. Ego Uulfsige episcopus corroboravi. .dillfSryS regina. Alfric abbas. .iEscwig abbas. Osgar abbas >J<. .Alfstan abbas. AUthelgar abbas. Cyneuueard abbas. Durey tel abbas. Ealdred abbas. Ordbriht abbas. SiferS abbas. Martin abbas. ^}?el- stan dux. ^Ifhere dux. Aiilfeah dux. Ordgar dux. Aitliel- iiuiue dux. Oslac dux. Malcolm dux. Byrhtnobt dux. Eadulf dux Birlitfer^ minister. Eanulf m. A 51 fuuine m. .^theluueard m. Uulstan m. jElfuueard m. Jiilf- uuine m. Uulfgeat m. Osulf m. Osuueard m. Leofa m. Birhtric m. ^Ifsige m. Ulf m. Osulf m. Heanric m. Hryngulf m. Leofstan m. Oslac m. Ersena m. SiferS m. Leofric m. Eadric m. UulfnoS m. iElfsige m. Ulfcytel m. Hroold m. Durstan m. Osgod m. Gota m. Frithegist m. DurferS m. Durgod m. Osfertli m. Oscy- tel m. Siferth m. Durey tel m. Forne m. Cnut m. Durstan m. Durey tel m. Hiis igitur testibus, et aliis compluribus de omnibus digni¬ tatibus et primatibus regni mei, IicEC constituta et peracta noscuntur; quae eciam nostra usitata sermocinatione deseribi mandavimus hac eadem sceda, quo possint in auribus vulgi sonare, ne aliqua serupulositate admiseeri videantur, set regia auctoritate, seu potestate, nobis a Deo donata, omnis contra- diecio funditus adnulletur. IDEM ANGLICE. Gode aelmihtigum rixiende ■Se raet -] gewissaS eallum gesceaftum )mrli his agenne wisdom- he calra cininga cynedom gewylt. Ic Eadgar God Almighty ruling, who counsels and directs all crea¬ tures, through his own wis¬ dom ; and he governs the kingdom of all kings : I Ead- 240 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. cyning eac )>urh his gife ofer Engla )>eode nu up araered- -j he hsefS nu gewyld to minum anwealde Scottas Cumbras eac swylce Bryttas • j eal ^ |>is igland him on innan hsefS. f icnu on sibbe gesitte on minne cynestoL hohful cmbe f hu ic his lof artere- ))e Ifes ’Se his lof alicge to swiSe nu on urum timan. J»urh ure asolcennysse- ac ic wille nu- J>urh Godcs wis- sunge- jja forlsetenan mynstru on minum anwealde gehwaer mid munecum gesettan- eac mid mynecenum- j Godes lof geedniwdan- "Se aer waes forlaeten- Criste wissiendum- ^e cwaelS -p he wolde wunian mid us olS }>issere worulde geendunge- pa muuecas lib- ban heora lif aefter regole j^aes halgan Benedictes- us to )?ing- unge- f yve |)oue Haelend haebben us glaedne- be us gewissige urne card ge- bealde- defter geendunge p ece lif us forgife. Nu is me on mode aefter mynegungum A)>eluuoldes bisceopes be me oft manode- ■)> ic wille ge- goodiaii- )?urb Godes silfes fultum- p mynster on Elig- mid agenum freodome sin- derlicum wurSmynte- sib- ban mid aehtum - pam to big- leofan be Ave gelogiab pair to gar king am also, through bis grace, now raised up over the English nation; and be has now reduced under my power Scots and Cumbrians, and in like manner Britons, and all that this island within it has; so that I now sit in peace on my throne, mindful in what manner I may exalt his praise; lest his praise, now in our time, lie too greatly prostrate, through our slothfulness; but I will now, through God’s guidance, the forsaken monas¬ teries in my dominion, every¬ where plant with monks and also Avith mynchens, and God’s praise renew, which was ere neglected; according to the direction of Christ, who said that he Avould dAvell Avith us until the ending of this Avorld; and that the monks live their life after the rule of the holy Benedict, to mediate for us, that Ave may have the Saviour propitious towards us, and that he may guide us, and preserve our countr}”^, and, after the ending, give us the life everlasting. Now it is my intention, after the admo¬ nitions of bishop ^thelwold, Avho has often exhorted me, that I Avill endoAV, through the support of God himself, the monastery in Ely Avith its MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 241 Godes )?eo\vdome |je ^ser symle wunian. Seo stow wses ge- halgod iu fram ealdum dagum )>am halgan Petre to wyr^- mynte* ‘Ssera apostola yldost- j heo wees geglengd }?urli Godes sylfes wuiidra* };e ge- lome wurdoii eet iESeldry^e byrgene- }>8es halgan mae- denes. j^e Saer gehal lib ob };is. on eallhwitre bryh of marmstane geworht. Be hire we raedab hu heo her on life waes. -j hu heo Gode beo- wode on godre drohtnimge- -j be hire geendunge* j hu heo up adon waes ansund of hyre byrgene- swa swa Beda awrat* Engla beode lareow- on his larbocuin. Nu waes se halga stede yfele forlaeten mid laessan j^eowdome bonne us gelicode nu on imum timan. eac waes gehwyrfed bam eyninge to handa- ic ewebe be me sylfum. ae Abel- wold biseeop. be is min raed- bora sob Godes freond. sealde me to gehwearfe }>one ham Heartingas- on sixtigum hidum. wb j^am mynster- lande be lib into Elig- ie )>a geeaenode into Elig mynstre )?as bry hamas be ]7us sind gehatene- Meldeburna- Earn- ingaford- Norbwold. j he l^aerrihte- mid minum raede i fultumc- mid muneeum ge- own freedom and extraordi¬ nary honour, and then with possessions, for the sustenanee of those whom w e place there for God’s service, who may there ever dwell. And the place was hallowed of old, from ancient days, to the honour of the holy Peter, chief of the apostles, and it was embel¬ lished by the miracles of God himself, which w'ere frequent at the tomh of the holy maiden iEthelthryth, who there lies whole until now, in an all- white coffin wrought of mar¬ ble. Of her w'e read, how she was here in life, and how she served God by a good life- course, and at her ending; and how she was taken up sound from her tomb, as Beda, the doctor of the English na¬ tion, wrote in his lore-books. Now was the holy place evilly left with less service than it pleased us, now in our time, and had also passed into the hand of the king : I said in myself; hut bishop ^thel- w^old, w'ho is my counsellor and a true friend of God, gave me in exchange the vill of Hartings, of sixty hides, for the monastic land adjacent to Ely; and I added to Ely the three vills which are thus named: Melhourn, Erning- K 242 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. sette ^ mynster sefter regole. ■j him ealdor gesette us eallum fulcu^ne Brihtno^ gehaten- f be under him ^ane halgan regol for Gode geforjigede. ffifter mynsterlicum j^eawe. Da gelicode me f he hit swa gelogode mid Godes )7eou-um Gode to lofe- ic 5 a geeacnode to ]>are aerraii sylene tjm |?uscnda mlfixa eelce geare )>am munecum. )?e me for fp’dinge gefyrn- dagum aras himian ]jam iggo 5 e of]?am folce fet^Tyllan* 'J ealle ]>& socna eac ofer ^ fennlaud into }>am twam hundredum. him to scrudful- tume- on East Englan 8et WichlaTvan, eac ealle socna ofer fif huudredum- ofer ealle }>a land* gelice 5 a socna 5 e into ];am mynstre nu synd begytene. o 55 e 5 a ]?e him gyt becuma 5 * J?urh Cristes foresceawunge* o 55 e J^urh ceap. o 55 e )?urh gife- hahbon hi fefre on eallum )7a socne* ■} ]?one feor 5 an pening on folclicre steore into Granta- bricge* be minre unnan. gif {enig man )7is awendan wille- Jjonne gange eal seo socn );e to anre niht feorme ford, Northwold. And he straightways, with my counsel and aid, planted that monas¬ tery Avith monks, according to rule, and appointed them for pi’incipal Brihtnoth so called, and well known to us all; that he under him may before God further the holy rule accord¬ ing to monastic custom. Then it pleased me that he had so ordered it, with God’s servants, to the praise of God; and I then added to the former gift ten thousand eels every year, for the monks, which from days of old have accrued to me, within the isle, for military serGce, from the folk at Wells; and all the jurisdictions over the fenland in two Imndreds, in aid of their clothing; and in the East Angles at Wicklow; also all the jurisdictions over five hundreds, and over all the lands; in like manner, the jurisdictions which are now acquired for the mo¬ nastery, or which may yet come to it, thi’ough Christ’s providence, or through pur¬ chase or through gift, let them ever have the jurisdic¬ tion in all, and the fourth penny on the public penalties in Cambridge, by my grant. And if any man will avert MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 243 gebyre'S into l^sere stowe- j beo J>is priuileginm* f is sin- derlic wurSmynt o^Se agen freodom into ‘Saere stowe mid eallum ^isum l^ingum Gode geofFrod- mid urum godum willan. Gode sefre frig';] Godes halgum. for minre sawle minra yldrena- us to alysed- nesse* swa p nan ]>ara cyn- inga pe cuma'S aefter me- obSe ealdorman- ob-Se obcr rica- mid aenigum riccetere obbe unrihte j^iss ne awende obbe gewanige- be ]7am be he nelle habban Godes awyr- gednysse- his halgena- ^ mine- minra yldrena- be )>as Jnng fore synd gefreode on ecum freode on ecnysse. Amen, this, then let all the jurisdic¬ tion which is incident to a night’s sustenance go to the monastery. And be this pri¬ vilege (that is, the special lionour or peculiar freedom to the monastery) with all these things offered to God with our good will, ever free to God and God’s saints, for the soul of myself and of my parents, for our redemjDtion, so that none of the kings that shall come after me, or aldorman, or other potent, man, by any power or injustice, may this avert or diminish, if he will not have the malediction of God, and his saints’, and mine, and my parents’, for whom these things privileged with an eternal privilege to eter¬ nity. Amen, BISHOP yETHELWOLl). ABOUT DCCCC.LXX. pis synd pa madmas pe Adeluuold bisceop sealde into pam mynstre pe is Medes- hamstede gehaten- Gode to loue See Petre- his saule to alysednesse- p is ponne an Cristes hoc mid sylure bere- nod- HI. rode eac mid sylure berenode- ii. sylurene candelsticcan and ii. ouer- gylde- ■] I. sylurene storcille- These are the treasures which bishop ^tlielwold gave to the monastery which is called Medeshamstede, to the praise of God and Peter, [and] for the redemption of his soul. These then are: one Christ’s book ornamented with silver, and iii. roods likewise ornamented with silver; ii. silver candlesticks, k2 244 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ■] I. seren. i. sylurene waterfet. j ii. sylurene bellan. j nil. sylurene calices- iiii. patenan- syluren pipe- VI. masse hacelan- -j iiii. cieppan. j i. roc- viii. stolan. emfela handlina- j XI. subumbrale- 'j ii. pistol cla)?as. j III. corporale- j in. ofFrinc sceatas- -] xviii. albaen- j nil. pselles- ir. linen web to albfen- j n. blace rsegl caesternisce- •] vi. uualiryft- 'J vnii. setreil- 'j x. bang- iende bellan- vn. handbellan- j nil. bedreaf- j vi. hornas- nil. gerenode- 'j vni. syl- frene cuppan- and n. gegylde weofod sceatas. And an twentig is );ara boca );e Adeluuold biscop gesealde into Burch- f is |)onne. Beda in Marcum. Liber Miraculorum. Expositio Hebreorum nomi¬ num. Provisio Futurarum Rerum. Augustinus de Achademicis. Vita Sancti Fehcis metrice. Sinonima Isidori. Vita Eustacliii. Descidia Parisiace polis. Medicinalis. De Duodecim Abusivis. and n. gilded over^ and i. silver censer^ and i. of brass, and I. silver water-vessel, and II. silver beUs, and iv. silver chalices, iv. patens, and a silver pipe, and vi. mass- robes, and IV. copes, and i. rochet, and vni. stoles, as many hand-napkins, and xi. snbumbrals, and ii. epistle cloths, and iii. corporals, and III. offering napkins, and xviii. albs, and iv. palls, and ii. webs of linen for albs, and ii. black civic cloaks, and vi. wall-hang¬ ings, and IX. seat covers, and x. hanging bells, vii. hand bells, and IV. bed hangings (cover¬ lets ?), and VI. horns, iv. orna¬ mented, and VIII. silver cups, and II. gilded altar cloths. And of the books there are twenty which bishop ^thel- wold gave to Peterborough: these are:— Sermo super quosdam Psal¬ mos. Commentum Cantica Canti¬ corum. De Eucharistia. Commentum Martiani. Alchimi. Aviti. Liber Differentiarum. Cilicius Ciprianus de Litteris Grecorum. Liber Bestiarum. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 245 * KING EADGAR. DCCCC.LXXI. In nomine Domini nostri Jliesn Christi. Quamvis decreta pontificum et verba sacerdotum inconvulsis ligaminibus, velud fundamenta moncium, fixa sunt, tamen plerumque tempes¬ tatibus et turbinibus smcularium rerum religio sancte ecclesie maculis reproborum dissipatur ac rumpitur. Iccirco profu¬ turum succedentibus posteris esse decrevimus, ut ea quae salubri consilio ct communi assensu diffiniuntur, nostris literis roborata firmentur. Quapropter dignum videtur ut ecclesia beatissime Dei genitricis scmperque virginis Marie Glastoniae, sicut ex antiquo principalem in regno meo ob¬ tinet dignitatem, ita speciali quadam et singulari privilegii libertate per nos honoretur. Hoc itaque Dunstano Doro- bernensi atque Oswaldo Eboracensi archiepiscopis adortan- tibus, consenciente etiam et annuente Brithelmo Fontanensi episcopo, caeterisque episcopis, abbatibus, et primatibus, ego Edgar, divina disposicione rex Anglorum ceterarumque gen- cium in circuitu persistencium gubernator et rector, in nomine alme Trinitatis, pro anima patris mei, qui ibi re¬ quiescit, et antecessorum meorum, presenti privilegio decerno, statuo, et confirmo, ut predictum monasterium omnisque pos¬ sessio ejus, ab omni tributo fiscalium negociorum nunc et imperpetuum libei’a et quieta permaneant, et habeant socam et sacam on stronde q on streame, q on wude q on felde, on gri^brice, [on burhbrice], hundred setena, [morhas], adas, ■j ordelas ; ealle hordas biifan eor^an q beneo^an; infang- eneScof q outfangeneSeof, q flemeneferde, hamsocne, fri'5- brice, forsteal, tol q team, ita libere et quiete sicut ego habeo in toto regno meo. Eandem qixoque libertatem et potes¬ tatem quam ego in curia mea habeo, tam in dimittendo quam in puniendo, et in quibus libet omnino negociis, abbas et monachi prefati monasterii in sua curia habeant. Si autem abbas vel quilibet monachus loci illius latronem, qui ad sus¬ pendium vel quodlibet mortis periculum ducitur in itinere obviam habuerit, potestatem habeant eripiendi eum ab immi¬ nenti periculo in toto regno inco. Confirmo etiam et cor¬ roboro ut, quod hactenus ab omnibus nostris anteccssorilxus 246 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. diligenter observatum est, Fontanensis episcopus vel ejus ministri super hoc monasterium, vel super parochiales ejus¬ dem ecclesias, videlicet, Strete, Mirieling, Budeclea, Schape- wike, Sowy, aut super earum capellas, nec eciam super eas que in insulis continentur, scilicet, Bekeria, que parva Hi¬ bernia dicitur, Godeneya, Marteneseia, Ferramere, Padene- berga, et Adredeseia, nullam potestatem omnino habeant, nisi tantum cum ab abbate, causa dedicandi vel ordinandi, advocati fuerint; nec eorum presbiteros ad sinodum suam, vel capitulum, vel ad quodlibet placitum convocent, nec ab officio divino suspendant, et omnino nullum jus in eos ex- cercere presumant. Monachos suos et ecclesiarum predic- tarum clericos, secundum antiquam ecclesie Glastonie con¬ suetudinem et apostolicam auctoritatem, archipresulis Dun- stani et omnium episcoporum regni mei assensu, abbas, a quocunque comprovinciali episcopo voluerit, ordinari faciat. Dedicaciones vero ecclesiarum, si ab abbate rogatus fuerit, Fontanensi episcopo permittimus. In Pascha quoque erisma sanctificacionis et oleum a Fontanensi episcopo ex more acci¬ piat, et per prefatas ecclesias suas distribuat. Hoc eciam super omnia. Dei interdictione et nostra auctoritate, salva tamen sancte Romane ecclesie et Dorobernensis dignitate, pro¬ hibeo, ne persona cujuscumque potestatis, sive rex, sive epi¬ scopus, sive dux aut princeps, vel quilibet ministrorum eorum, Glastonie terminos vel supradictarum parochiarum, perscru¬ tandi, rapiendi, placitandi gratia, vel quicquam aliud faci¬ endi, quod contrarium possit esse ibidem Deo servientibus, intrare praesumant. Abbati tantummodo et conventui po¬ testas sit, tam in notis [causis quam in ignotis,] in modicis et in magnis, et in omnibus omnino negociis, sicut supra memoravimus. Quisquis autem hujus privilegii mei digni¬ tatem, qualibet occasione, cujuscumque dignitatis, cujus¬ cumque ordinis, cujuscumque professionis, pervertere, vel in irritum deducere, sacrilega preesumpeione amodo temptaverit, sciat se proculdubio ante districtum judicem titubantem tre- mebundumque racionem redditurum, nisi prius digna satis¬ factione emendare studuerit. Acta est hec privilegii pagina et confirmata apud Londoniam, communi consilio omnium MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 247 primatum meorum, anno ab incarnacione Domini nostri Jhesu Christi dcccc.lxxii. Indiccione xiiii. Hujus doni con- stipulatores fuerunt, quorum nomina inferius caraxari vi¬ dentur. Ego Edgar, rex tocius Britannie, prefatam libertatem cum sigillo sancte crucis confirmavi. Ego Eilfgiua, ejusdem regis mater, cum gaudio consensi. Ego Edward dito patris mei donum cum triumpho sancte crucis impressi. Ego Kinadius rex Albanie adquievi. Ego Mascusius archipirata confortavi. Ego Dunstanus, Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus, cum trophseo sancte crucis, et cum suffraganeis presulibus, regis donum corroboravi. Ego Oswald, Eboracensis ecclesie primas, consentiens subscripsi. Ego Ethelwold, Wintoniensis ecclesie minister, et Glaston. monachus, signum sancte crucis impressi. Ego Brithelm, Fontanensis episcopus, consenciens corroboravi. Ego Elstan episcopus confirmavi. Ego Oswold episcopus con¬ cessi. Ego Winsige episcopus cum signo sancte crucis con¬ clusi. Ego Segegar abbas confirmavi. Ego Ordgar abbas corroboravi. Ego Ethelgar abbas concessi. Ego Kynewrde abbas consensi. Ego Sideman abbas consolidavi. Ego Elpheh abbas subscripsi. Ego Aldulf, Hercfordensis ecclesie cata¬ scopus, corroboravi. Ego Elfhere dux domine mee sancte Marie, Glastoniensis ecclesie libertatem omni devocione, cum sigillo sancte crucis, confirmavi. Ego Oslac dux con¬ sensi. Ego Ethelwine dux hoc donum triumphale agie crucis proprie manus depiccione impressi. Ego Oswald minister confirmavi. Ego Elfward minister corroboravi. Ego Ethel- sie minister consensi. Ego Elfsie minister consensi. Hanc privilegii paginam rex Edgarus duodeeimo anno regni sui saero seripto, apud Londoniam, eommuni consilio optima¬ tum suorum, confirmavit. 248 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. KING E.IDGAR. CARTA DE ROMESEyL Christo ortodoxorum vigoris ecclesiastici monitu cre¬ berrime instruimur, ut illi opido subjecti subpeditarius famu¬ lemur, qui, tocius mundi fabricam miro inefiabilique serie disponens, micro cosmum Adam videlicet tandem quadriformi plasmatum materia, almo ad sui similitudinem instinctum spi¬ ramine, universis que in infimis formaverat una probandi causa excepto vetitoque proficiens paradisiace amenitatis jocundi- tate, collaterana Eva scilicet comite, decentissime collocavit; larvarica, pro dolor, seductus cavillacione versipellis suasi- bilisque tergiversacione Airaginis pellectus anathematis alogia ambro pomum momordit vetitum, et sibi ac posterum in hoc erumpnoso dejectus seculo letum promeruit perpetuum. Vaticinantibus siquidem prophetis et celitus superni Regis diuturna clamdestino praesagia dogmate promentibus, nitide orthodoxis orilogium ex deferens non ut Judeorum seditioso elingue fatetur loquacitas, sed priscorum atque modernorum limpidissimam ambiens facundiam Arrianas Sabellianasque proterendo vanias anagogico infrustrans famine, nosque ab obtusi cecitate uinbraminis ad parvorum alacrimoniam patri¬ moniorum advocans angelus supernis elapsis liminibus in aurem intemerate virginis ut evangelica provulgant famiam stupenda cecinisse videtur carmina. Cui Audelicet ecclesia catholica consona voce altiboando proclamat, Beata es, virgo Maria, que credidisti; perficientm* in te que dicta simt tibi a Domino.” Mirmn dictu incarnatur verbum et incor¬ poratur, scilicet illud de quo evangelista supereminens univer¬ sorum altitudinem sensum inquit, “In principio erat verbum, et verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat verbum,” et re¬ liqua. Quia \ddelicet sumpta de virgine incarnacione antique virginis facinus demitur, et cunctis mulieribus nitidis prae¬ cinens taumatibus decus irrogatur. Intacta igitur redolen- tente Chi’isti divinitate, passaque ipsius humanitate libertas addictis clementer: hinc ego Edgar altitrono amminiculante ' This document has reached us in a late and very corrupt form. Both the Latin and the Saxon are in many parts to me unintelligible. MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEES. 249 Angelorum terrarumque gentium in circuitu triviatim per¬ sistentium basileus, ut hujus libertatis altitroni Moderatoris dementia merear optinere consorcium, cenobio loco celebri qui ab hujus prosapie solicolis Romesye nobili nuncupatur vocabulo situm, agie genetrici Domini nostri Jesu Christi dedicatum habetur, sanctimonialibus regulariter degentibus monastici eternam privilegii concedo libertatem, quatinus post decessum Merewenne abbatisse egregie, cujus tem¬ poribus hec libertatis restauracio, Christo suffragante, con¬ cessa est, quam sibi universa praefati cenobii congregacio elegerit concilio, secundimi regularia beati Benedicti in¬ stituta abbatissam juste ex eodem sororum cuneo eligens constituat, hujus privilegii libertas deinceps usu perpetuo a cunctis teneatur, nec extraneorum quispiam, tirannica fretus contumacia, in praedicto monasterio jus arripiens exerceat potestatis, set ejusdem cenobii collegium perpetue, ut prae¬ dixi, libertatis glorietur privilegio. Sit autem praefatum monasterium omni terrene servitutis jugo eodem tenore liberum, quo a praedecessoribus nostris, catholicis videlicet regibus, uti vetuste continetur, privilegio solutum est. iDgii equidem qui ad usus sanctimonialium Domino nostro Jhesu Christo ejusque genitrici Marie priscis modernisque tem¬ poribus a regibus et religiosis utriusque sexus hominibus, et a meipso divdno respectu clementia restituendo jure concessi sunt ejusdem perpetualiter sint libertatis. Si quis vero tam epilenticus philargirie seductus amencia, quod non optamus, hanc iiostre munificentie dapsilitatem ausu temerario in¬ fringere temptaverit, sit ipse alienatus a consortio sancte Dei ecclesie, necnon et a participatione sacrosancti corporis et sanguinis Jesu Christi filii Dei, per quem totus terrarum orbis ab antiquo generis inimico liberatus est, et cum Juda Christi proditore sinistra in parte deputatus est, nisi prius hic digna satisfactione humilis penituerit quod contra sanctam Dei ecclesiam rebellis agere praesumpserit j nec in hac vita practica veniam, nec in theorica requiem apostata optineat illam, sed eternis baratri incendiis trusus, cum Anania et Zaphira jugiter miserrimus cruciatur. Pro silva vero huic telluri pertinente regi praefiito data sunt dcccc. meri auri 250 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. manciise in patera quadam mirifice fabricata, et in armillis honorifice scultis, vaginaque auro nimium decorata. Hiis metis hoc rus hinc inde giratur. METE VEL BUNDE DE ROMESEYE. pis is |:>e landmarke to Romesye. Erest up andlang strete )>are ]>at purst au seit' • and so to Eareburne* up aud- lang Eareburne* anon to Carebrok* of Carebrokes on |>a Rugcdich* andlang pare Rugedich to pare Lapemere* and sipen oure bi Bisshopes marke to Risbrigge-of Meark- brok* andlang Mearkbrok to Cumeran treuwe* of Cumcran t reowe oii ]\I archbrokes heued • on pane brode mere* of pane mere suprist innan pa willan* of pan Avillan* on Grynden brok* of Grynden brok on Stcnnes paeS* andlang pape but on Rusfcld* panne and¬ lang begges ond hit comeh to Wirmesie* of Wirmesye to Bodestan*framBodestan suthe andlang lauen* fram pe lauen in pe dich bi wu'Sen* panne andlang dich innon pe wipige* of pan wipie inan pe heae* andlang heae in pan dede lake* of pare dede lake to Huntesige* of Huntesige inan pan aide Tersten* and¬ lang par calde Terste ond This is the landmark at Romsey. First, up along the road where theTerstan springs forth, and so to Farebourne; up along Farebourne on to Carebrook ; from Carebrook to the Rugeditch; along the Rugeditch to the Lathemere; and then over by the bishoji’s boundary^ to Rushbridge; from Markbrook; along Mark- brook to Cumera’s tree; from Cumera’s tree to Markbrook head ; to the broad mere; from the mere due south within the w'ell; from the well to Grindenbrook 3 from Gryndenbrook to Stennes path; along the path out to Rushfield; then along the hedge until it comes to Wirmesey; from Wirmesey to Bodestan; from Bodestan south along the low; from the low to the ditch by the wood; then along the ditch within the withy; from the withy within the hedge; along the hedge to the dead lake; from the dead lake to Huntcsey; from Huntesey ’ scit ? MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETERS, 251 ]>e hit corne)^ in j^are streit pare purstan seyth De gylclene melle so on |?ane ledene speketh. and pa ye angrenene boges. an jjare goleggede^ hause]? mid golde- waron gesald sanwel stedte. Edmond aj^eling he on Jjare ministre lig^- and j^e kyng witej? |7ane sette J^ane Wodecalue sealde in to pare Stowe- on pan gerad J^at no man pare on tij^e na nede hut of pam hurede. within the old Terstan ; along the old Terstan until it comes to the road where the Terstan rises. The golden crucifix which speaks in Latin^ and the ever¬ green boughs.were given to the same place. Ed¬ mund setheling lies in the minster : and the king knows the 'sette’ which Wodecalve gave to the place, on the con- dition that no man should drive or force it out of the convent. KING EADGAR. DEC. 28th DCCCC.LXXIV. Rege regum, et Domino dominantium, in eternum et ultra omnipotenter ubique regnante, et ineffabili sua clementia universa celestium et terrestrium ac infernorum agmina gubernante: Ego Edgarus, jDcr magnam ijDsius Dei miseri¬ cordiam tocius Anglorum regni solio sublimatus, omnibus post me futuris regibus, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, vicecomitibus, centenariis, ceterisque sancte eccle- sie filiis, innotesco quod quidam vir dilectissimus mihi, nec- non et propinquitatis consanguinitate connexus, Aylwynus aldreman nomine, instigante divina clementia, cum beuivolo meo assensu ac licencia, in insula que nuncupativo usu ab incolentibus Rameseya promulgatur, in honore beate Dei genitricis ac perpetue virginis Marie, Sanctique Benedicti, omniumque sanctarum virginum, arcisterium construxit; previdens itaque incertum futurorum temporum statum, om¬ nibus posteris meis scire profuturum decrevi quale igitur Omnipotentis gratia operante, ibidem miraculum emicuit, ' scyt ? * gokl-ecgede, gnld-edfied ? 252 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. sicut non incerta relatione quorumdam episcoporum meorum, immo et ipsius Aylwyni didiei. Igitur diuturno ac laborioso cruciatu podagre pedum suorum praedictus illustris vir Aylwynus multis laborans annis, usquequo nox affuit salutifera in qua piscator quidam ipsius, qui Wlfget vocabatur, cum carinula et asseelis suis, et lino,, aquam que Anglieo nomine Rammesmere dieitur, in¬ gressus est, piscem videlicet gratia ad usum domini sui pre- dieti usu consueto adquirendi. Sieut itaque noverat velle domini sui rete suo sedulo huc et illuc proiciendo aliquid capere nitebatur; sed ex predestinatione Dei omnipotentis frustra laborans, et tandem piscario labore nimium fatigatus, in carinula sua soporatus obdormivit, cui Sanctus in sompnis apparuit sic fando Benedictus: “ Aurora spargente polum, tuum eiciens tragum multitudini copiose, voti compos, ob¬ viabis piscium; captorum itaque piscium majorem, quem vos baked nuncupatis, Ayhvyno domino tuo ex mea parte offerens, dices ei, ut meam donationem benigne assumens, pie matri misericordie et mihi omnibusque sacris virginibus, in hac insula, monasterium, monachorum habitationem, cum offi¬ cinis necessariis congruum, sine dilatione studeat fabricare; ut ei igitur hec omnia per ordinem innotescas exhortor, sermonem addens sermoni quatinus scrutetur diligencius in loco predicto quomodo noctu fessa terre sua inciimbant ani¬ malia, at ubi tauram surgentem pede dextro viderit percutere terram, ibidem proculdubio xenodochii sciat se aram erigere debere. Et ut mente perspicatiori et fide constantiori meis hiis credat mandatis, hunc tuum tibi exteriorem incurvo digitum, quem et ipse mox a nexu podagre solutus, et signi certioris judicio roboratus tibi erigat reparandum.” Predictus igitur piscatorum didasculus, hiis auditis evigi¬ lans, lucisque diei spiculum iii oriente conspiciens, in aqiiam, sicut sibi jussum fuerat, tragum suum laxare cepit, et, sicut sanctus pater predixerat, copiosam multitudinem piscium con¬ clusit, quorum majorem eligens, ex parte Sancti Benedicti, eum domino suo obtulit, eique omnia que in sompnis didicerat revelavit, digitumqiie suum a sancto incurvatum ut erigat obnixe rogavit. Que omnia mente sagaci concipiens Ayl- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 25;5 wynus, digitum viri herentem erexit, piscemque suscipiens, matri Domini Jliesu Christi et Sancto Benedicto grates innu¬ meras benedicendo exsolvit; surgensque vir insignis festinus jubet mannum preparari, et in insulam ipsam vadens, quomodo jacent sua animalia, ut preceptum erat, explorat. Mira res, et miranda, ubi vir predictus insidam est ingressus, ab intracta¬ bili statim et gemino morbo, nutu Dei funditus liberatus est, animaliaque sua in modum crucis, taurum vero in medio eorum jacere prospexit. Et sicut quondam Sancto Clementi agnus pede dextro locum fontis, sic viro isti taurus terram percuciendo locum mense futuri arcisterii significavit divinitus. Unde vir prefatus Deum laudans confestim truncatis lignis actitari capellam ibi pulchro opere precepit, ac deinde scemate condecenti, sicut mandatum sibi fuerat, regulare future congre¬ gationi monachorum construxit cenobium. Deinde revoluto quinquennio diebusque duodeviginti, precibus venerabilium amicorum meorum, Dunstani Dorobernensis, et Oswoldi Eboracensis archiepiscoporum, eandem ecclesiam in honore beate virginis Marie, sanctorumque predictorum, sexto Idus Novembris, anno ab incarnatione Domini nongentesimo sep¬ tuagesimo quarto. Indictione secunda, sollempniter, ut dece¬ bat, dedicari concessi. Eodem vero anno, cum in Natali Dominico omnes majores tocius regni mei, tam ecclesiastice persone quam seculares, ad curiam meam, celebrandae mecum festivitatis gratia, convenissent, a predictis amicissimis meis archiepiscopis itidem rogatus, omnes donationes terrarum vel possessionum, quas vel idem Ayhvynus, vel queeumque alie persone, in dotalitium ejusdem ecclesie, et jus hereditatis per- severabile ad victuale subsidium monachorum Christo jugiter ibi famulantium indulserant, dando et concedendo hoc regie majestatis mee privilegio coram tota curia mea corroboravi, et tam ipsas donationes quam nomina donatorum literis meis ad future posteritatis notitiam exprimere curavi; Hoc est, primitus dona [ipsius] aldremanni, scilicet insulam in qua sedet xenodochium predictum, cum omnibus sibi pertinen¬ tibus pratis, pascuis, campis, paludibus, silvarumque densi¬ tatibus ; deinde rus illud quod Upwode nominatur, cum Rave- leya berewyco suo, Hemmingeford, Saltreiam, Stivecleiam, 254 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Bi'ininton, Weston, Hebngeh, Walsocnam, cnm omnibus ad easdem villas pertinentibus : in Welles quoque viginti homines piscatores, sexaginta miliaria anguillarum singulis annis de¬ bentes, ad usum fratrum predictorum; Widfina uxor ejusdem aldremanni, Brancestreiam cum omnibus ad earn pertinenti¬ bus ; Dunstanus archiepiscopus Dorobornensis, Wardebusc cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus ; Oswaldus archiepiscopus Eboracensis, Kingeston, id est, Wistowe, cum Baveleia et Biri, berewycis suis omnibus sibi pertinentibus ; Atbelstan Mannessune, Slepam et Cliateriz, et de Elesworth partem orientalem, cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus ; Brithnot aldre- manus, Wychenton et Ysliam, cum omnibus sibi pertinen¬ tibus ; Aylfwoldus frater Aib\'yni prescripti, Houcton, Witton, Riptonam, Clinton, et Bitliernam, cum omnibus sibi perti¬ nentibus; Limtli vidua. Gravet, Dilinton, Stocton, et Gil- linger, cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus. Hec itaque rura, ut supra dixi, pro adipiscenda didcediuis diGne misei’icordia, et pro stabilitate regni mei, libenti animo, in dote perseverabili annui, cum ecclesiis, cum terris cultis et incultis, exitibus, redditibus, viis, inviis, segetibus, silGs, brueriis, secundum antiquos diu servatos confinium terminos, in pratis, pascuis, aquis, aquariimque decursibus, paludibus, piscariis, mariscis, molendinis, et theloneis, ad se pertinentibus, et cum omni utilitate que inde poterit omni tempore evenire, et cum omnibus per circuitum terminis et metis suis ab regia actione et angaria, vel a qualibet humane servitutis subactione liberrima, lege, libertate, consuetudine, tam bene et tam plene sicut ea sub mei juris dominio, suffra¬ gatore Deo, melius et liberius prenominati nobilissimi possi- dei’unt viri, favore et consensu primatum et optimatum meorum, prenomiuate ecclesie firmiter perpetuo habenda con¬ cessi et confirmavi. Ut igitur hoc donationis mee decretum fixiori firmitate et stabilitate perduret, presentis pagine priGlegio decerno et statuo, ut sint libera et expedita tam predicta territoria ibi¬ dem jam data, quam ea que a fidelibus deinceps sunt danda, ab omni angaria constructionis pontis arcisve restaurationis, et ab omnibus secularibus serviciis et operibus, ita quod MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 255 nullus umquam regum, vel episeoporum, seu prineipum pro- euratorum sive exactorum, ab illis pastum nec opera vel tributa exigat; sed omnia sint libera omnino et quieta que- cunque superixxs prfEiiotantur, Preterea ex consultxx et admo¬ nitione venerabilium amicorum meorxxm, Dxxixstani Doro- bcrnensis et Osxvaldi Eboracensis archiepiscoporxxm, decreta xxtilia statxxi, ut qxxicunqxxe majestatis regie reus, vel cxijxxs- libet alterius offense, ad locxxm illxxm confugerit, ejus rei et membrorum ac vite impxxnitatem conseqxxatur; semperqxxe sit habitatio monacliorum, ac secundum beati Benedicti tradi¬ tionem, post obitum abbatis ex eadem congregatioixe alter qui dignus sit eligatur; aliixnde vero nxxllus ibi preficiatxxr, nisi nxxllus, qxxod absit, ibi contigerit qui dignus tali officio sit, inveniri; qxxod si contigei’it, potestatem habeant de alio noto monasterio abbatem eligexidi, cujxxs vita sapientia et religione clarescat; laicorum axxtem axxt clericorxxm nemo loci illius do- minixxm usurpare presxxmat. Possessiones vero qxxe ibi a qui¬ buscunque donate sxxnt, non abbas, non alia qxxelibet persona licentiam habeat vendendi extraneis vel dandi, sed regxxm mxxnimine locxxs ille semper tueatxxr, ipseqxxe abbas regi Deo soli serviens spiritxxali et temporali commissxxm sibi gregem pastu diligenter foveat; liceatque ipsi congi-egationi qxxod sibi per rectam delegationem collatum est pei’petxxo possidere, et pro me et pro stabilitate I’egni mei Deum jxxgiter exorare. Post hujxxs itaqxxe privilegii mei donationem, excommxxni- caverunt omnes episcopi, abbates, presbitcri, qxxi in plxxrima nxxmerositate eodem die affxxerxxnt, eos qui hoc constitxxtxxm infringerent vel infidngi permitterexit, qxxantxxm in ipsis esset. Et xxt liec auctoritas meis et fxxtxxrorxxm post me regxxm temporibus, circa ipsxxm sanctxxm locxxm firma perhenniter permaneat et inxdolata, et xxt ab omnibus optimatibus meis et judicibus, pidvatis et pxxplicis, melixxs et certius credatur, manus mee subscriptione hanc cartulam, qxxinto Kalendas Jaxxxiarii, decrevi roborare, et sigilli mei impressione com- mxxnire. Signxxm Edgai’i et sei’enissimi Angloi’xxm imperatoris. Signxxm Edwardi ejxxsdem regis filii. Signum Atheli’edi fratris ejus. Ego Dunstanus Dorobernensis ai’cliiepiscopus confir- 256 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. mavi. Ego Oswaldus Eboracensis archipresul corroboravi. Ego Alfstanus Londoniensis episcopus consolidavi. Ego Athel- woldus Wintoniensis episcopus commodum duXi. Ego Alf- nothus Dorocensis episcopus conclusi. Ego Alfstanus Rofensis episcopus consigillavi. Ego Alfgarus Wiltoniensis episcopus amen dixi. Ego Elsinus abbas, cum coabbatibus meis et presbiteris, infractores hujus firmitalis excommunicavi. Ego Elwynus alderman hoc meum desiderium ad perfectum, Deo suffragatore, usque perduxi. KING EADGAR. Mundane volubilitatis orbita nunquam in eodem permanet statu, sed quotidiano defectu more fluentis aque decurritur, ob id quod rerum effectus preteritarum oblivioni traditur, nisi literature characteribus exaretur, qui quasi quodam arctiore ligamento ne penitus e memoria defluat retinetur, boc quo¬ modo que olim gesta fuerunt innotescit posteris. Quapropter in hac cbartella manifeste declaratur, qualiter ego Edgarus, opitulante gratuita Salvatoris clementia, Anglorum basileus, iEj^elwaldo mihi pontifice suggerente, tum optimatum meorum concilio devotus, renovavi Chiltecumbes hereditariam liber¬ tatem, et sancte et individue Trinitati commendavi; et in Veteri monasterio in ecclesia beatorum Petri ac Pauli, ad usum monachorum inibi Deo regulariter famulantium, per¬ petuo jure consecravi; precepi hanc quoque renovacionem in ipsa eadem libertate fine tenus perdurare, qua illam ab aliis ditatam et ab antecessoribus regibus omnibus meis donatam esse comperi, quorum primi extiterunt Kingilsus rex, et filius ejus Kiuewaldus rex, qui in exordio fidei Christiane sanetis- simo Berino episcopo verbum Dei predicante concesserunt ejusdem juris possessionem ad prefatmn sancti loci monaste¬ rium; deinde Egberthus rex, Ajjulphus rex, .^Ifredus rex, Edgarus rex. Ideoque precipio in nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi ut nullus episcopus ejusdem loci illam terram de ipso monasterio trahere audeat, nec alicui secularium, pro MISCEI.LANEOUS CHARTERS. 257 munere quocllibet, eam dare praesumat. Hoc quoque provida consideracione superaddidi et mandavi, ut nullus filiorum vel nepotum meorum, nec aliquis successorum meorum ad pre- dictum sedis episcopalis cenobium, clericos unquam intro¬ ducat ; sed electis eisdem monachis Christo ibidem Deo servi¬ entibus deputetur, sicut ego ipse, cooperaute omnipotentis Dei auxilio, constitxii, quando superbos clericos, qui Deo servire contempserunt, pro nefandis suis actibus et detes¬ tandis servitiis inde eliminatos expidi, ibique sacram cenobi- tarum cougregacionem, qui in hymnis et laudibus Domino voluntarie servirent, congregavi. Quicunque hanc libertatem custodire voluerit, custodiat eum Deus et liic et in evum; si quis autem diabolica suggestione decephis hanc libertatem minuere vel infringere presumpserit, veniant super eum omnium maledictionum genera que scripta sunt in Novo et in Veteri Testamento, sitque celum ferreum super caput ejus, et tellus alieuea sub pedibus ejus, et sit ipse eterno anathemate separatus a Deo ct omnibus sanctis ejiis et apostolica bcatornm Petri et Pauli autboritate ligatus sit quamdiu vixerit, et post maledictum obitum suum, gehennalibus flammis ciim diabolo et angelis suis sine fine damnatus et cruciatus intereat, nisi prius emendaverit, quod Deum omnipotentem et sanctos apostolos ejus pro nihil sperare non timuit. KING EADGAR. Cum saerfe auctoritatis doctrina nos veridica sedulo ammo- neat exortatioue, ut non solum activ?e visibilibus religiose conversando, sauctisque proficiendo virtutibus carisinatis dono perfusi decentissime perfruamur, verum etiam contemplative invisibilia vite toto mentis conamine partim a recidivis semoti libentissime, cum puro tranquilloque animi intuitu contemplando amplectemur, dicens : “ Cuncta que videntur temporalia sunt, que autem non videntur eterna^” [Qua¬ propter] ego Eadgar, Christi annuente clementia, tocius Al¬ bionis basileus, his recidivis practice vite possessiunculis s 258 MISCELLANEOUS CIIAllTEES. aeterna theoricae emolumenta lucrando mercari desiderans, quoddam rus a supradicta Wintoniensi aecclesia injusta quon¬ dam a philargiriis abstractum rapina, Ajjelwoldo obtinente preside, ab illo qui injuste possederat justo arripiens judicio. Trinitati reverendae ejusque apostolis Petro et Paulo humillima reddens restituo devotione, xl. videlicet cassatos, loco qui celebri Alresford nominatur vocabido. Nam rex religiosus Cynewalh nuncupatus, a Birino pontifice fidei sacramentis imbutus, idem rus, in Christiane religionis exordio, praefatae Dei aecclesiae magna animi largitus est devotione; hoc idem Ecgbirct, regali fretus stemmate, nova territorii consolidavit cartida. Quidam aliquando prodictae pontifex basilicae a notis Deneivulf nuncupatus, cuidam propinquorum suorum yElfred vocitato, eatenus cum consensu aecclesiasticae familiae accom¬ modavit, ut annis singulis censum tocius tellims vita comite rite persolveret: is equidem insijuens adulterans stuprum, propriam religiose pactatam abominans, scortam diligens, libidinose commisit. Quo reatu omni substantia peculiali recte privatus est, et prefatum rus ab eo abstractum rex hujus patriae suae ditione avidus devenire injuste optavit: cujus aviditati presul supradictus minime consentiens, datis centum viginti auri mancusis, praedictam tellurem ad usus praesulum satisfaciendo aecclesiae Dei restituit: succedente itaque tem¬ pore supradicti adulteri et scelerati filius, falso dicens esse sibi naturale, suo injuste subiciens dominio ab ecclesia Dei presumptuosus arripuit, hereditariamque cartulam novis litte¬ rarum apicibus, rege Eadredo cum animae suae consentiente periculo, daemonis instinctu fascinatus edidit. Quae igitur car- tula, et omnes qui ei ausu consenserint temerario, in Domini maledictione permaneant et nullo umquam tempore ad aliquam utilitatem perveniat. Vetus namque et liaec nova quam edidi cartula jugiter Christi omniumque judicio fidelium incolumis prevaleat; adulterina quana predixi cartula aeterna dampna- tione ad niehilum redaeta, et imperpetuum anathematizata. Si quis igitur hanc nostram largifluam augere voluerit dona¬ tionem, augeat ejus Dominus et vitam et prosperitatem, bic et in futuro : qui autem lenocinante diabolo fastu superbiae inflatus, nosti’a violare vel minuere presumpserit statuta, in MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 269 Domini maledictione permaneat, et a sanctae Dei secclesise consortio, sanctorumque omnium contubernio privatus, aeterna misellus dampnetur miseria, nisi resipiscens satisfaciendo restituerit quod in Domini possessione violare praesumpsit. KING EADGAR. Ad redemptionis suae augmentum omni conatu cuncti student orthodoxi, ut fidei, spei, caritatisque alis veluti ves¬ tium fulgore amicti, prcciosarumque splendore gemmarum adornati, sanctarum virtutum copia perspicui, criminum pon¬ dere semoti, terreni corporis ergastulo versantes, lacrimarum valle cum nimio degentes certamine, totius animi cultum celesti habitatione theorico figunt meditamine: “ Nostra,’^ inquit apostolus, “ conversatio in celis est.” Hinc igitur ego Eadgar, Domini largiente gratia, totius Albionis basileus, sedula procurans sollicitudine, ne catholicorum quispiam actuali degens conversatione, aliqua secularium rerum vexa¬ tione a contemplativa impeditus vita incongrue revocetur, quod olim a prmdecessoribus nostris secclesiis Domini ad sui famulatus obsequium egregia concessum fuerat libertate, renovando libentissime recupero : hujus rei gratia rura omnia prmdicta*, et superius distinctis locis ordinatim noHs litte¬ rarum apicibus designata, Christi compunctus spiramine, justo utens judicio, ad usiis pontificum supradictm aecclesim jura religiosa regentium, pro animae meae salute, regnique ac successorum meorum prosperitate, aeterna libertate, cum opti¬ matum meorum consilio, devotus ammodum restitui, omnique seculari soluta gloriose ditavi servitute, ne vexatione mun¬ danae afflictionis, mens praesulum pro nostris facinoribus intercedentium a divina contemplatione remota deficiendo lasesceret. In nomine almae Trinitatis et individum Unitatis praecipio, ut succedentium temporum episcopi ita gregem dyrocheo, id est, duplici 2 )astu, nutriant monachorum, sicut nostris temporibus per sapientium ordinatum est providen- ' Scc preceding: charter. s .2 •JGO MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tiam, et alimenta ex Ciltaneumbe monachis copiose tribuant, et sine ulla retractione hilariter subministrent, et nullius nimietatis inquietudine perturbent; ne a vita theorica, vel immoderata superfluitas, vel intolerabilis paupertas, cum magno animi detrimento illos amoveat, omnia in victu et vestitu secundum regulae modificet praeceptum. Certe cano¬ nici omni viciorum naevo deturpati, inani gloria tumidi, in¬ vidiae livore tabidi, pbilargyriaj maculis obeeeati, luxuriae facibus libidi, gulae omnimodo dediti, regi terreno non ejji- scopo subjecti, praefati ruris usu veterano moderno temjjore pascebantur alimentis. Ebrietatem siquidem et homicidia sectantes, conjuges suas turpiter nimia et inusitata libidine amplectentes, aecclesiam Dei raro et perpauci frequentare volebant, nec horas celebrare canonicas dignabantur; quo reatu ejectis cum praeposito canonicis, et eliminata immun¬ dorum spurcicia, monachi in sede constituti sunt episcopali, qui sanctis adornati virtutibus, humilitate precipui, vigiliis, hymnis, et orationibus assidui, abstinentia macti, castitate perspicui, legitime viverent, et obsequium aecclesiae regu¬ lariter implerent. Rura absque dubio superius notata bene¬ vola studii intentione, et quae injuste abstracta fuerant, Durtun videlicet, Tantun, Alresford, Cleares, Ticceburn, UorSig, Funteal, Stoke, Fermesliam, aecclesiae Dei devotus ammodum ideo restitui, ut tali et tam necessario jocundati additamento, monachorum, Christo humani generis Re¬ demptori fideliter casteque servientimn, gregem facilius li- bentiusque pascerent; dum praefatis ruribus sublatis, canoniei turpiter contra fas inbonesteque degentes, in tam angusti rerum possessione usu pascebantur perpetuo. Alantur igitur solito monachi, ab hujus vitae curis remoti, unde alebantur canonici, cum aviditate nimia curis vitae recidivae intenti: rura omnia superius notata episcoporum usui peculiariter ad votum deserviant; illa vero quae canonici olim cum prae¬ posito sine peculiari praesulis dominio usu possederant vete¬ rano, haec eadem monachi communiter ad necessarios usus jure possideant perpetuo, et cum antistitis consilio ac juva¬ mine bene regant, et per praepositum fratribus cunctis ne¬ cessarium, episcopoque, uti regula praecipit, cum omni humi- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 261 litate subjectum, sapienter disponant. Pastum ex mona¬ chorum villis nequaquam praesul cliocesim lustrando avidus exquirat: emptis necessariis fratrum indumentis, quicquid ex lucro villarum superfuerit, unito episcopi fratrum que con¬ silio, ob aeternae beatitudinis premium, Christi erogetur pau¬ peribus, et non loculis episcopi peculiaribus, ad anime detri¬ mentum, reclusum custodiatur. Post unius episcopi obitum, alter ex eadem monachorum congregatione, qui dignus sit pontificatus ordine fungi, et non aliunde eligatur: si autem impedientibus peccatis vel imperitia, in eodem monasterio talis qui dignus sit inveniri nequiverit, ex alio noto monas¬ terio monachus, non autem canonicus, ad tanti gradus digni¬ tatem, qui dignus sit secundum meritum atque doctrinam, unanimi regis et monachorum ejusdem monasterii consilio sapienter eligatur: et non solum in hac pontificis electione, verum etiam omnibus rebus regulte usus jugi teneatur cus¬ todia, ut in omnibus qufe egerint vel regulae normam hilariter custodiant, vel majorum cum omni devotione imitentur exempla. Electus vero nulla superfluitate monachos per¬ turbet vel inquietet, nec clericos sive laicos in claustra vel refectorium introducat, sed missam celebrans, monachorum reverenter fungatur officio; ac in refectorio quotiens voluerit comedens, eorum et non canonicorum vel laicorum iuibi utatur obsequio; monachos, si quoslibet secum suum lus¬ trando episcopium habere voluerit, illos sumat qui provectae aetatis sint, quorum profectu et moribus ad Christi roboretur famIllatum, et non pueros vel juvenes lascivos, quorum levi¬ tate laesus in aliquibus depravetur, llura tam a regibus (piam a diversis catholicis ad usus fratrum Domino largiflue collata, hujus saeculi militibus sive propinquis carnalibus, pro munere quolibet adulando tribuens, ad animae suae detri¬ mentum nequaquam disperdat. Qui praedicta statuta beni- vola servare voluntate studuerit. Domini nostri Ihesu Christi benedictione in presenti saeculo perfruatur, et post ejus obitum ad aeternae beatitudinis vitam, Christo opitulante, securus perveniat. Si quis autem philargyria seductus aliquid cx his, quae cum consilio sapientium prccepta sunt, [avertere] vcl minuere praesumpserit, deleatur nomen ejus de libro vitae ; 262 mSCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ct in lesu Christi Salvatoris mundi ejusque genitricis Mariae omniumque sanctorum persecutione maneat, et post vitae suae terminum cum Juda Christi proditore ejusque complicibus inferni miseria punitus intereat, si non cum satisfactione emendaverit quod nequiter pejorando deliquit. BISHOP OSWALD. INDICULUM LIBERTATIS DE OSWALDES LAUUES HUNDRED. Domino meo karissimo, regi Anglorum Edgaro, ego Osu al- dus Uuigorncnsis ecclesie episcopus, omniumque que mihi, per ipsius clementiam, munerum tradita sunt, apud Deum et apud homines gratias ago. Igitur, si Dei misericordia sup¬ peditet, coram Deo et hominibus perpetualiter ei fidehs per¬ manebo, reminisceus, cum gratiarum actione, largiflue benig¬ nitatis ejus, quia per meos illud, quod magnopere expetebam, mihi concessit intern uncios, id est, reverentissimum Dun- stanum archiepiscopum, et venerandum A^eluuoldum Uuin- tonie episcopum et virum magnificum Brihtno^um comitem, quorum legatione et adjutorio meam et sancte Dei ecclesie querelam suscepit, et secundum consilium sapientum et prin- cipum suorum juste emendavit, ad sustentamen ecclesie, quam mihi benigne et libens regendam commisit. Quare, quomodo fidos mihi subditos telluribus que mee tradite sunt potestati per spatium temporis trium hominum, id est, duorum jiost se heredum, condonarem, placuit tam mihi quam ipsis fautoribus et consiliariis meis, cum ipsius domini mei regis licentia et attestatione, ut fratribus meis successoribus, scilicet episcopis, per cirographi cautionem apertius enuclearem, ut sciant quid ab eis extorquere juste debeant, secundum conventionem cum eis factam et sponsionem suam; unde et hanc epistolam, ob cautelie causam, componere studui, ne quis maligne cupidi¬ tatis instinctu hoc sequenti tempore mutare volens, abjurare a servitio ecclesie queat. Ilee itaque conventio cum eis facta est, ipso domino meo rege annuente, et sua attestatione muuificentie sue largitatem roborante et confirmante, omni- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 263 busque ipsius regiminis sapientibus et principibus attestan- tibus et consentientibus. Hoc pacto eis terras sancte ecclesie sub me tenere concessi; hoc est^ ut omnis equitandi lex ab eis impleatur que ad equites pertinet, et ut pleniter persol¬ vant omnia que ad jus ipsius ecclesie juste competunt, scilicet ea que Anglice dicuntur ciricsceott, q toll, i. e. theloneum, j tacc, i. e. swinsceade, et cetera jura ecclesie, nisi episcopus quid alicui eorum perdonare voluerit, seseque, quamdiu ipsas terras tenent, in mandatis pontificis humiliter cum omni sxibjcctione perseverare etiam jurejurando affirment. Super liec etiam ad omnis industrie episcopi indigentiam semetipsos presto impendant, equos prestent, ipsi equitent, et ad totum pirarniticum opus ecclesie calcis, atque ad pontis edificium ultro inveniantur parati. Sed et venationis sepem domini episcopi ultronei ad edificaudum repperiantur, suaque, quando- cumque domino episcopo libuerit, venabula destinent vena¬ tum ; insuper ad multas alias indigentie causas, quibus opus est domino antistiti sepe frunisci, sive ad suum servitium, sive ad regale explendum, semper illius arcliiductoris domi¬ natui et voluntati qui episcopatui presidet, propter beneficium quod illis prestitum est, cum omni humilitate et subjectione subditi fiant, secundum ipsius voluntatem et terrarum quas quisque possidet quantitatem. Decurso autem prefati tem¬ poris curriculo, videlicet duorum post eos qui eas modo possident heredum vite spatio, in ijxsius antistitis sit arbitrio qxiid inde velit, et quomodo sui velle sit inde ita stet, sive ad suum opus eas retinere, si sic sibi utile judicaverit, sive eas alicui diutius prestare, si sic sibi placuerit, velit; ita dun- taxat, ut semper ecclesie servitia pleniter, ut prefati sumus, inde persolvantur. Ast si quid prefatorum, delicti prevari- cantis causa, defuerit jurum, prevaricationis delictum, secun¬ dum quod presulis jus est, emendet, aut illo, quo antea potitus est, dono et terra careat. Si quis vero, diabolo instigantej quod minime optamus, extiterit, qui per nostrum beneficium ecclesiam Dei, fraude seu vi, sua possessione aut servitio debito privare temptaverit, ipse nostra omnique benedictione Dei et sanctorum ejus privetur, nisi profundissima emenda¬ tione illud corrigere studeat, et ad pristinum statum quod 204 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. defraudavit redigat. Seriptum est enim, “ Raptores et sacri¬ legi regnum Dei non consequentur.” Nunc autem, propter Deum et Sanctam Mariam, in cujus nomine lioc monastei’ium dicatum est, moneo et precipio, ut nullo modo quis lioc pre- varicare audeat, sed, sicut a nobis statutum est, ut prefati sumus, perpetualiter maneat. Qui custodierit, omni bene¬ dictione repleatur; qui vero infringcrit, maledicetur a Domino et ab omnibus sanctis. Arnen. Gratanter, reverentissime domine, quo tantis tue donis clementie, secundum quod totius Creatoris cosmi est velle, preditus sum mee operam voluntatis, ut pro te tuisque Deum jugiter interpellem, devotus impendam, meosque successores ad hoc hortari studebo, ut Domini misericordiam pro te deprecari non desinant, ut Christus pace qui perhenni regnat etbrali in arce te consortio haberi dignetur sanctorum omnium in aula celesti. Valeat in evum, qui hoc studuerit servare decretum. Harum textus epistolarum tres sunt ad pretitulationem et ad signum, una in ipsa civitate que vocatur Uuigraceastre, altera cum venerabili Dunstano arcliiepiscopo in Cantuaria, tertia cum Abeluuoldo episcopo in Uuintonia civitate. KING EADGAR AND KING yETIIELRED. ALTER DCCCC.LXXV. DE FALCEHAM ET BROMLEAGeL Dus waeron ]>a land set Bromleage ‘j aet Fcalcnaham jmm cinge Eadgare gerebt on Lundenbyrig- )>urli Suoding- laiidcs landbec- )>a 5a preostas forstielon ]>am biscope on Hrofeceastre q gesealdon heo /Elirice /Escwynne s\uiu wib leo dearnunga- q lico HDscwyn ^Elfriccs modor sealdc heo mr ’ 8ee Kemble, Saxons Thus were the lands at Bromley and at Eawkham de¬ creed to king Eadgar at Lon¬ don, through the charters of Suodlaiid, which the priests stole from the bishop at Rochester, and sold them to Hillfric son of yEsewyn pri¬ vately for money, and she, .Esewyn, yElfric’s mother, in England, ii. p. 4(1. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 2C5 )7ideriu. Da geacsode se biscop ^ ]>a becc forstolene wteron. baed )?ara bdca Sa georulice. Under jjam ^a gewatt ^Ifric- be baed };a lafe sy'Sjjan man gerelite on cinges Jjeningmanna ge¬ mote jjsere stowe j {^am biscope )>a forstolenan becc Snoding- landes- “3 bote set j^sere j^yfSe- ■Jj wees on Lundene. Daer waes se cing Eadgar- se arcebiscop Dunstan- ASel- wold biscop- xElfstan biscop - •3 o 5 er yElfstan- ■3 ^Ifere ealdorman- -3 fela cynges Avitena- ■3 man agaef 5 a into };ara AvydcAvan are on )?aes cinges handa. Da Avolde Wulfstan se gerefa niman )>a are on ]>aes cinges handa- Bromleah ■3 Pealcna- liam- 5 a gesobtc seo AvydeAve J>alialgan stoAA e"] jjaiie biscop- -3 agaef )>am cinge Bromleages hoc '3 Fealcnaliames- 3 se Ijyscop gebohte J^a becc 3 }>a land aet |jam cinge on Godes- bylle mid fiftigan mancessan goldes- 3 hundtcontigan- 3 jndttigum pundum- jjurh fore- spi’fece 3 costnunge into See Andrese. Si 5 ]:>an ba lefde se biscop l^are AvydcAvan 5 ara lande bryces. Under )?am 5 a geAvat se cing- ongan 5 a sy 5 - )nin liyrhtric |;are AvydcAvan had before given them thither. When the bishop Avas in¬ formed that the charters had been stolen, he earnestly demanded the charters. In the meanAvhile ^Ifrie died, and he [the bishop] after- Avards demanded them of the AvidoAA', until they decreed, in the ' gemot ’ of the king’s thanes, the stolen charters of Snodland to the place [Rochester] and to the bisho]), and compensation for the theft: that Avas at London. There AA^ere the king Eadgar, and the archbishop Dunstan, and Athehvold bishop, and iElfstiin bishop, and the other TElfstan, and ^Elfere aldor- man, and many of the king’s Gvitan’. And the charters Avere then given up into the place to the bishop. Then stood the AvidoAv’s property in the king’s hand. Then Wulfstan the reeve Avould take the property, Bromley and FaAvkham, into the king’s hand. The AvidoAV then sought the holy place and the bishop, and gave up to the king the charters of Bromley and FaAvkham; and the bishop bought the charters and the lands of the king at Godshill for fifty mancuses of gold, and a hundred and thirty 206 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS, mseg 'j lieo to |7am genedde -p hy brucau ]>ara lauda on reaf- lace- j gesolitan ]>a, J^ane eald- orman Eadwine* ■3) ^ folc ]7e Avaes Godes anspreca- ■3) ge- neddan ]>ane biscop- be alre his are- agiftes ]?ara boca- ne moste be beon )?ara ju’eora uaiies WA'rbe ^e eallum leod- scipe geseald 'waes on M'edde- tale- ne teames- ne abnimga. Dis is SCO genitnesse l^aes ceapes- Eadgar ciug- Dun- stan arcebisceop- Oswald arcebisceop- ~} Abehvold bi- sceop- j A'Selgar bisceop- ,^scwi bisceop- 'j yElfstau bisceop- o 5 er ^Elfstau bi¬ sceop- ^ Sideman bisceop- jjfes cinges modor iElfSrvS - Osgar abbud- ^Elfere eald- orman- ■] AVulfstan on Dael- bam- ■] ,iElfric on Ebbesbam- -j seo dugulS folces on AVestan Caent- }>aer f land f laeS to li«. pounds, through mediation and bribery, for S^Andrew^s. AfterAvards the bishop allowed the widoAv the usufimct of the lands. In the meanwhile the king died; then Byrhtric, the widow’s kinsman, began, and thereto compelled her, that they should possess the lands by Golence, and they then sought the aldormanEadwine, and the folk, that was God’s adversary, and compelled the bishop, on peril of aU his pro¬ perty, to give up the charters : nor might he be worthy of any of the three things which had been given to all the people in pledge: neither plea, nor vouching, nor possession. These are the witnesses of this purchase: Eadgar king, and Dunstan archbishop, and Oswald archbishop, and Athelwold bishop, and Athel- gar bishop, and .ilscwi bishop, and ^Ifstan bishop, and the other aElfstan bishop, and Sideman bishop, and the king’s mother ..Elfthryth, and Osgar abbot, and ^Elfere aldorman, and Wulfstan at Dalham, and ^Elfi’ic at Ebbesham, and the chief of the people in West Kent, where the land and the lath lie. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 267 DESCRIPTIO TERR.E EPISCOPATUS WIGORNENSIS EC- CLESIE, SECUNDUM CARTAM REGIS QUE EST IN THESAURO RE. Ecclesia Sancte Marie de Wiricestre habet i. Imndret, quod vocatur Osuualdeslau, in quo jacent ccc. hidse, de quibus episcopus ipsius fecclesiiE, a constitutione antiquorum tem¬ porum, habet omnes redditiones soeharum, et omnes eonsue- tudines inibi pertinentes ad dominicum victum, et regis servitium et suum : ita ut nullus vieeeomes ullam ibi habere possit querelam, nec in aliquo placito, nec in alia qualibet causa: hoc attestatm totus comitatus. Hse prsedictm ccc. hidae fuerunt de ipso dominio aecclesise; et siquid de ipsis euicunque homini quolibet modo attributum vel prestitum fuisset ad serviendum inde episcopo, ille, qui eam terram praestitam sibi tenebat, nullam omnino consuetudinem sibimet inde retinere poterat, nisi per episcopum; neque terram retinere, nisi usque ad impletum tempus, quod ipsi inter se constituerant; et nusquam cum ea terra se vertere poterat. KING .ETHELRED. DCCCC.LXXXI. ^ Universitatis Creatore in aeternum regnante, ae justo moderamine cuncta creata, visibilia et invisibilia, miro in- cftabilique modo gubernante. Ego iEthelred Anglicae nationis caeterarumque gentium triviatim intra ambitum Eritanniae insulae degentium, regiae dignitatis solio ad tempus Christi mundi Redemptoris gratia subthronizatus basileus, h quodam milite, avunculo videlicet meo, qui seeimdae regenerationis utero innovante gratia ineflabiliter editus, nobili Ordulf })ollens floret onomate, humili devotione eompunctus, sub¬ nixis deposcens precibus efflagitare Deum compunctus gratia beuivolus ceperat, ut arcisterium cui notabile at Tavistoce fulget vocabulum, ubi mater ejus fraterque, ava videlicet mea et avuneulus, caeterique nostrae posteritatis prosapies mausoleis somate tumulati, tuba hujus caducae vitae clan- 2G8 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. gente ultima, terciam resurreetiouis nativitatem, anima cor¬ pori Deo faciente in ictu oculi mirabiliter associata, diem judicaturi vel judicandi praestolantur extremum, ut ibi loco celebri Domino nostro Jesu Christo ejusque genetrici sem- perque virgini Mariaj dedicato, monachos non seculares sed regulares in omnibus sanctae regulae obtemperantes praeceptis, licenter constitueret fiscisque naturalibus devotus locuple¬ taret. Ejus igihir votis applaudendo, voti compos animi, et quod fides catholica poposcerat, admodum libens tripu- diansque concessi, admiranda namque ejus fidei constancia. Nam illo in tempore quo praefatus miles Sancti Spiritus gratia compunctus, ad legitimos monachorum usus, ad aeteiaiae vitae lucrum, hoc construxerat coenobium, eseteri quique infidelitatis nevo turpati, loca sancta dissi])antes, sanctae religionis monachos, insipidi me impote nolenteque, infantili adhuc, ut ita dicam, aetate vigente, atrociter, veluti pagani ad perpetuum sui dampnum fugabant. Ejus igitixr benivo- leneiae eongaudens, meorum optimatxim usus consilio, liber¬ tatis privilegium praefato loco sanctae Dei genitriei semperque virgini Mariae dicato, magna animi alacritate tripudians con¬ cedo, et secundum patroni nostri beati Benedicti traditionem, post obitum abbatis qui nunc sancto praesidet loco, abbas ex eadem eligatur congregatione, qui dignus sit tali fungi offieio; aliorsum vero minime, nisi exdpis promerentibus inibi inveniri nequiverit qui aptus sit animabus lucrandis. Quod si hoc, quod absit, miserabiliter evenerit, de alio noto et familiari monasterio, unanimi fratrum consilio eligatur, eujus vita probabilis sapientia praedita, cultuque religionis fulgida fidelibus elarescat. Finitis namque diebus benivoli et laudabilis viri, qui specialis lucri copia sanctum dapsilis ditaverat locum, laicorum nemo ijxsius loei dominium prae¬ sumens sibi usurpet. Rex vero quae ab eo Domino nostro Jesu Christo ejusque genitrici semperque virgini Mariae ab aeterno, usque remunerationem coneessa sunt vel eoncedenda, nec abbas nec alicujus personae homo licenciam habeat pro pecunia vendendi, vel gratis concedendi, vel mutandi, sed aeterno Deo maneat imperpetuum, quod ei concessum vel concedendum est. Regum vero muuiminc deinceps ipse MISCP]LLANEOUS CHAPTERS. 2G0 locus, Domino protegente, tueatur, ipsiusque loci abbas regi deserviens gregem sibi commissum diroebeo, id est, duplici pasto foveat. Sit igitur praefatum monasterium omni terrenae servitutis jugo liberum, tribus exceptis, rata videlieet expe¬ ditione, pontis arcisve restauratione. Si quis vero tam epi- lemptieus philargyriae seductus amentia, quod non optamus, hanc nostrae munificeneiae dapsilitatem ausu temerario in¬ fringere temptaverit, sit ipse alienatus a eonsorcio sanctae Dei eeclcsiae, neenon et a participatione sacrosancti corporis et sanguinis Jesu Christi filii Dei, per quem totus terrarum orbis ab antiquo humani generis inimico liberatus est, et cum Juda Christi proditore sinistra in parte deputatus, ni prius liic digna satisfaetione humiliter poenituerit quod contra sanctam Dei ecclesiam rebellis agere praesumpserit, ncc in vita bac practica veniam, nee in theorica requiem apostata optineat ullam; set aeternis baratri ineendiis trusus, eum Anania et Sapliira jugiter miserrimus erucietur. Anno Dominieae incarnationis dcccc.lxxxi. Indictione ix. scripta est haee earta, liiis testibus eonsentientibus, quorum inferius nomina earaxaiitur. Ego Adclrcd rex totius Britanniae pnefatam donatio¬ nem cum sigillo sanctae crucis confirmavi. Dunstan Dorobernensis ecclesiae arcbicpiscopus ejusdem regis benivo- Icntiavn consensi. Ego Alftliritb ejusdem regis mater hanc donationem confirmavi. Oswald arcbicpiscopus triumphale troplueum agiae crucis impressi. Adeluuold Pictaviensis' ecclesiae episcopus praedictum donum consensi. ►I. E go Alfstan Londoniensis ecclesiae episcojms consignavi. Ego Atbelgar episcopus trophaeum agiae crucis imposui, ►i- Ego Alfstan episcopus jubente rege signum crucis infixi. Ego Alfstan episcopus consensum praebui figens crucem. Ego Atbulf episcopus crucis modum manu propria sub¬ scripsi. Ego ^Ifric episcopus. Ego /Elfeab epi¬ scopus. Ego Gerdie episcopus. Ego iEdelric episcopus. Ego Wulfr. episcopus. Ego Alclicre dux. Ego Atliclwine dux. Ego Bryhtnod dux. Ego Athelbriht dux. ^ Ego Atbclmere dux. ►i- Ego /Edvvine dux. ►i. Ego * Sic pvo 'Wintoniensis. 270 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Athelweard minister. Ego Oeclehveard minister, Ego Beorthwold minister. ^ Ego ./Elfric minister. Ego Briht- wold minister. Ego Ordelm minister. Ego God minister. Ego ^Ifric minister. Ego Leofwine minister. Ego Leofric minister. Ego .dillmere minister. Ego Goduuine minister. Ego Alwine minister. Ego ^Elfric minister. laXG ^TIIELRED. DCCCC.LXXXIII. Nunc mutando fragilitas mortalis vitfe marcescit, et ro¬ tunda sfeculorum volubilitas inanescit, ac in carorum pro- pinquomm amicorumque amissione conqueritm’ ac defletur. Ideo ego ^Edelred, totius Brittanie basileus, quandam cap- tirram in amne Derentan constructam, qme usitato set Ginan- hecce nuncupatur vocabiilo, et exiguam ruris partiunculam praedictae capturae piscatori atque procuratori ad usus neces¬ sarios aptam, Adelwoldo mihi episcoporum carissimo, per¬ petua largitus sum hereditate, ut ipse vita comite voti compos habeat, et post vitae suae terminum quibuseunque voluerit cleronomis immunem derelinquat. Hoc autem, in nomine alme Trinitatis et individue Unitatis, atqxie in veneratione sanctae Dei genitricis semperque Hrginis Mariae et omnium sanctorum angelorum, patriarchainim, prophetarum, aposto¬ lorum, martyrum, confessorum, et virginum, ut nemo suc¬ cessorum meorum nec aliquis hominum, altioris vel inferioris gradus, aliam capturam huic anteponere a ripa usque ad ripam ullo modo praesumat. Quod si quis, diabolico in¬ stinctus spiritu, presumpserit, anathema sit, et nisi satisfac¬ tione sui reatus cessando veniam optinuerit, in maledictione Domini persistens, aeternis barathri incendiis punitus cru¬ cietur; abyssos vero gurgitum ante capturam locatos nemo retibus piseari, sine lieentia episcopi, sive capturam possi¬ dentis, nilo modo audeat. Si quis vero in tribus abyssis ad capturam ipsam pertinentibus retia piscando traxerit vel statuerit, furti erimine obnoxius teneatur. Termini vero hujus exigui telluris hi sunt; MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 271 Of Dserentan on ealdan Jjornraewe to J?am sesce- on jja l^ornraewe j^set eft innon Dserentan. From the Darent to the old thorn-row; to the ash on the thorn-ro\Y; then again to the Darent. Haec sunt nomina gurgitum qui ad piscandum extraneis onm anathemate prohibiti sunt: Cytala pol* Wylles mu]>a. Lym pol. Kettle pool, Well’s mouth. Lyme pool, Anno Dominice incarnationis dccc[c].lxxxiii. scripta est [haec] carta, his testibus consentientibus quorum nomina inferius caraxantur. Ego H 5 }>elredus rex praefatam donationem concessi. Ego Dunstan, Dorovernensis episcopus consensi. Ego Oswald archiepiscopus confirmavi. Ego A}>elwold episcopus cor¬ roboravi. Ego ^IfSrylS, prefati I’egis mater confirmavi. Ego Ordbryht abbas confirmavi. Ego Leofric abbas consensi. Ego H^lfere dux consignavi. OF TITE LAND AT WOULDIIAM. BEFORE DCCCC.LXXXVIII. Dns waeron l^a seox sulung aet Wuldaham See Andrea gcseald into Hrofeceastre. yESelbryht cinc hit gc- bocode ]>am apostole on ece yrfe- 'j betaehte hit )>am bi- scope Eardulfe to bewitenne- q his aeftergaencan. pa be- twconan ]>am wear^ hit dte* ■3 haefdon hit cynegas 0’S Eadmnnd cinc. pa gebohte hit Aillfstan Heahstaninc »t jjam cince mid hundtwelftigan mancesan goldes 'j )>rittigan pnndan. -j p him sealde maest cal /Elfeh his snmi. After Eadmunde cinege |?a gebo- Thus were the six snlungs at Wonldham given to S* Andrew’s at Rochester. King iEthelberht char¬ tered it to the apostle in per¬ petuity, and committed it to the bishop Eardulf and his suc¬ cessors to administer. Tlien in the meanwhile it became alienated, and the kings had it until king Eadmund. Then yElfstan Ileahstan’s son bought it of the king for a hundred and twenty mancuses of gold and thirty pounds; almost all of which his son H^lfeh gave him. After king 272 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. code hit Eadred cine ^Ifstane on ece yrfe. Da aefter stanes daege waes his sunn his yrfewaerd- j p he leac on lialre tnngon. "j ofteah yElfrice his brewer landes 7) aehta- butan he hwset set him geearnode. Da for }?sere brobor sibbe geuSe he him Earhi^es. j Crsegan. j /Enesfordes. 7) Wuldahames his dseg. Da oferbad yElfeh Ids brobor 7) feng to his Isene. Da hsefde ^Elfric snna Ead- ric hatte- 7) .^Ifeh nsenne. Da .geube iElfeh ]>am Eadrice Earhibcs-7| Crsegan- 7) Wulda¬ hames- 7) hsefde himsylf ^Enes- ford. Da gewat Eadric ser iElfeh ewideleas- Ti^lfeh feng to his Isene. Da hsefde Eadric lafe 7) nan beam- )>a geube .Elfeh hire hire morgengife set Crsegan- j stod Earhib- j Wuldaham- 7) Lytlanbrdc on his Isene. pa him eft ge- )nihte- ba nam he his feorme on Wuldaham- j on );am obran -wolde- ac hine gey- flade- 7) he ba ssende to l^am arcebiscope Dunstane- 7) he com to Scylfe to him- 7) he cwseb his ewide beforan him- 7) he sette senne ewide to Cristes cyrican- 7) oberne to See Andrea- 7) J?ane )?riddan scalde his lafe. Da brsec sy|7]7an Leofsnnu- ]nirh p Eadmund, king Eadred char¬ tered it to ..Elfstan in per¬ petual inheritance. Then after ^Ifstan’s day, .dElfeh his son was his heir; and that he de¬ clared in healthy language, and withdrew from ^Ifi’ic his brother land and posses¬ sions, unless he might merit aught from him. Then for brotherly kinship he gave him Erith, and Cray, and Ensford, and Wouldham, for his day. Then ^Ifeh sur¬ vived his brother, and took to his fee. But iElfric had a son named Eadric, and ^Ifeh none. Then /Elfch gave to Eadric Erith, and Cray, and Wouldham, and held Ensford for himself. Then Eadric died before ^Ifeh intestate, and ^Ifeh took to his fee. Then Eadric had a relict and no child, and iElfeh gave her her morn¬ ing-gift at Cray; and Erith, and Wouldham, and Little- hrook remained in his pos¬ session. When afterwards it seemed good to him, he took up his abode in Wouldham, and would in the others, but he fell sick; and he then sent to the archbishop Dunstan, and he came to Scylf to him, and he declared his testa¬ ment before him, and he MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 273 wTf ]>e he nam- Eadrices lafe- J^aene cwide. herewade )?aes arcebiscopes gewitnesse- rad J^a innon J?a land mid )7am wife butan witena dome. Da man f |?am biscope cibde. )ia gelaedde se biscop ahnunga ealles .^Ifehes cwides to Earbi'Se- on gewitnesse ^If- stanes biscopes on Lundene ealles )iaes hiredes* baes aet Cristes cyrican. •j jiaes biscopes ^Ifstanes an Hrofe- ceastre. Wulfsics preostes )>aes scirigmannes- Bryht- waldes on Maereweorbe* ealra East Cantwarena- West Cantwarena. hit waes gecnaewe on Sub Seaxan- on West Seaxan. on Middel Seaxan. ^ on Est Seaxan. •j se arcebiscop mid bis selfes ajie geabnode Gode See Andrea, mid )?am bocan on Cristes brode. )ia land |ie Ijeofsunu him to teah. "j l^aene aS nam Wulsige se sci- rigman. ]ia be noble, to jiass cinges banda. ^ ]>aer wees god eaca ten bundan mannan |ie ]iane aS sealdan. placed one testament at Christchurch, and a second at S' Andrew’s, and the third he gave to his relict. Then Leofsunu, through the wife he had taken, Eadric’s relict, violated the testament, and contemned the archbishop’s witnessing: rode then into the land with the woman, with¬ out the decree of the ^witan’. When that was made known to the bishop, then the bishop laid claims in all A 51 feh’s tes¬ tament at Erith, in the witness of ^Ifstan bishop of London, and of all the convent, and of that at Christchurch, and of the bishop ^Elfstan of Ro¬ chester, and of the shireman Wulfsige’s priest, and of Bryhtwald at Mereworth, and of all the East Kentishmen and West Kentishmen. And it was knowni in Sussex, and in Wessex, and in Middlesex, and in Essex. And the arch¬ bishop, with his oAvn oath, claimed for God and S* An¬ drew, with the charters, on Christ’s rood, the lands that Leofsunu took to himself: and Wulfsige the shireman, on the part of the king, received the oath, as he [Leofsunu] declined it. And there was a good addition of ten hundred men who gave the oath. IDEM LATINE L Isto tali ordine fuerunt illse vi. sulingae, quas vocantur ’ The Latin is evidently of much later date than the Saxon, but of T 274 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Uuldeham, primiim venditae ecclesiae Sancti Andreae apostoli de Hrofecestra, et postea extractae, et iterum emptae ipsi ecclesiae, ac tandem, per beatum Dunstanum archiepiscopum, juramento mille virorum eidem ecclesiae acquisitae, et jure hereditario in aeternum relictae. Rex j®thelberhtus primum hereditaverat de Uuldebam apostolum Sanctum Andream, et ecclesiam suam in Hrofe- cestra aeterno jure, et commisit illud manerium Eardulfo epi¬ scopo Hrofensi ad custodiendum, et ejus successoribus. Igitur in manibus successorum ablatum est iterum apostolo et eccle¬ siae suae in manibus regum, ita quod plures reges, unus post alterum habuerunt illud postea, usque ad tempus regis Ead- mundi. Tunc quidam probus homo nomine ^Ifstanus Heah- staiiinc emit illud a rege Eadmimdo, et dedit ei pro dio cen¬ tum duodecim mancas aui’i, et xxx. libras denariorum. Hujus pecuniae majorem partem dedit postea ipsi regi ^Ifegus filius ipsixis ..Elfstani. Postea, mortuo rege Eadmundo, Eadredus rex hereditavit inde praedictum ^Ifstanum in aeternam here¬ ditatem. Itaque post mortem hujus ^Ifstani, praefatus ^Ife- gus, qui regi Eadmundo dederat majorem partem pecuniae pro patre suo propter Uuldeham, successit huic ^Elfstano in hereditatem. Qui statim conclusit, et omnino confirmavit totum quod pater suus in vita sua fecerat. Hic autem fratri suo iEIfrico et terras atque pecunias patris sui ita plene sub¬ traxit, quod ipse Hilfricus nichil omnino inde poterat habere nisi servitio illud ab eo promeruisset, quemadmodum qudibet extraneus. Tamen praecogitatus tandem .^Ifegus, propter consanguinitatis fraternitatem, concessit illi Earhetham, et Craeiam, et Hiinesfordam, et Uiddeham, in diebus \'itae suae tantum in praestito solummodo. Itaque mortuo Hilfrico iElfegus statim omnia praestita sua, quae fi’atri suo viventi praestiterat [resumpsit]. jElfricus autem habuit filium nomine Eadricum, Hillfegus vero non habuit. Et ideo iElfe- gus concessit illi Eadrico Earhetham, et Craeiam, et Uul¬ deham, et retinuit in manu sua ^inesford. Mortuus autem which it is a useful paraphrase, elucidating some passages where the Saxon seems obscure. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 275 ipse Eadricus absque commendatione vel distributione rerum suarum, tunc iterum JElfegus accepit praestita sua omnia. Habebat etiam ipse Eadricus uxorem, et non liberos. Hac de causa concessit .iElfegus illi viduae donum dotis suae tantum quod ei dederat Eadricus, quando eam primum accepit uxorem in Craeia. Et tunc remansit Litelbi’oc et Uuldeham in praestito suo. Postea, quando ei visum pla¬ citum fuit, accepit firmam suam in Uuldeham, et in aliis volebat similiter facere; sed iterum infirmatus est. Et quia infirmatus valde, misit ilico ad archiepiscopum Dunstanum ut veniret ad eum, et locutus est ei in loco illo qui vocatur Scelfa. Ibi coram arcbiepiscopo fecit ^Ifegus commenda¬ tionem sive distributionem omnium rerum suarum, et con¬ stituit unam partem ecclesiae Christi Cantuariae, et alteram partem ecclesiae Sancti Andreae, et terciam partem uxori suae. Postea fuit quidam Leofsunu, qui uxorem Eadrici nepotis .iElfegi relictam accepit sibi in uxorem; et per ipsam muli¬ erem incepit frangere constitutiones ^Ifegi, quas fecerat coram arcbiepiscopo, et vituperare archiepiscopum, et testi¬ monium ejus irritum facei’e. Tandem, multa stimulatus cupidine, cum illa muliere sua, quasi quadam securitate illius uxoris suas inductus, intraUt in terras illas, absque consilio et judicio sapientum virorum. Quod ubi archiepiscopus au¬ divit, sine omni mora induxit statim calumniam proprietatis in omnem distributionem ^Ifegi, cui ipsemet affuit, et quae per eum facta fuerat. Diem ergo placiti hujus rei constituit archiepiscopus apud Erhetham, per testimonium ^Ifstani episcopi Lundoniae, et ^Ifstani episcopi Hrofecestrae, et totius conventus ecclesiae Christi Cantuariae, et omnium orientalium et occidentalium Cantiae, et Wulfsii presbyteri, qui tunc vocatus scirman, id est, judex comitatus, et Briht- uualdi de Maerewurtba. Ad ultimum ita notificatum in Sutbseaxa, et in Westseaxa, et in Middelseaxa, et in East- seaxa, qriod archiepiscopus Dunstanus, cum libris eccle¬ siastici juris, et signo ci’ucis Christi, quam suis manibus tenebat, sui solius juramento, acquisivit aeternam heredi¬ tatem Deo et Sancto Andreae apostolo omnes terras illas, quas Leofsunu sibi usurpabat. Ipsum vero juramentum 276 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. arcliiepiscopi accepit Uulfsi scirman, id est, judex provineise ad opus regis, quandoquidem ipse Leofsunu illud suscipere nolebat. Insuper ad hoc perficiendum fuit hoc quoque maximum adjumentum, temporibusque futuris maximum securitatis probamentum, quod decies eentum Auri electissimi ex omnibus illis supradictis comitatibus juraverunt post archi- episcopum in ipsa cruce Christi ratum, et aeternae memoriae stabile fore sacramentum quod arehiepiscopus juraverat. *KING ^ETIIELRED. DCCCC.XCIII. nE ECCLESI.E LIBERTATE [aBBAXDUNENSIs] . Al[tithr]oni [Tonantis onomate. Orthodoxorum au- goris aecclesiastici monitu creberrime instruimur] ut illi opp[ido subjecti supp] editantes famulemur qui totius mun[di fajbricam [miro inef] fabilique serie disp[onens] mierocos- mum, Adam videlicet, tandem quadriformi plasmatum ma¬ teria, almo ad sui similitudinem instinctum spiramine, uni¬ versis quae in infimis formaverat uno probandi causa excepto vetitoque, praeficiens paradisiace amoenitatis jocunditate con- laterana [Eva seiliejet comite decentissime eolloeavit. Lar- varica, pro dolor, seduetus cavillatione, versipellis suasibi- lisque tergiversatione viraginis pelleetus, anathematis alogia ambro pomum momordit vetitum, et sibi ac posteris in h[oc serjumnoso dejectus saeculo loetum promeruit perpetuum; vaticinantibus siquidem prophetis et caelitus superni Regis diuturna clandestino praesagia dogmate promentibus nitide orthodoxis, eulogium ex supernis deferens, non ut Judaeorum seditiosa elingu[e] fatetur loquaeitas, sed priscorum atque modernorum lepidissimam ambiens faeundiam, Arrianas Sabellianasque, pi’oterendo nenias anagogico infrustrans famine, nosque ab obtunsi ceeitate umbraminis, ad super¬ norum alacrimoniam patrimoniorum advocans, angelus su¬ pernis elapsus liminibus in aurem intemeratae virginis ut evangelica promulgant famina, stupenda cecinisse videtur carmina; cui ecclesia tota, videlieet catholiea, consona voce MISCELI.ANEOUS CHARTERS. 277 altibohando proclamat: “Beata es, virgo Maria, quse credidisti, perficientur in te quse dieta sunt tibi a Domino.” Mirum dictu, incarnatur Verbum et incorporatur, scilicet illud de quo evangelista supereminens universorum altitudine sensuum inquit: “ In principio erat verbum, et verbum erat aput Deum, et Deus erat verbum,” et rt. Qua, videlicet, sumpta de vir¬ gine incarnatione antiqua; virginis facinus demitur, et cunctis mulieribus nitidis precluens taumatibus decus irrogatm*. Intacta igit [ur redo] lente [Christi div] initate, passaque ipsius humanitate, libertas addictis clementer contigit servulis. Hinc ego iEf^elreed altithrono amminiculante Anglorum cete- rarumque gentium in circuitu triviatim persistentium basi- leus, non immemor angustiarum michi meseque nationi sep¬ timo regni [mei ann]o, et deinceps frequenter ac multipli¬ citer accidentium; post decessum videlicet beatae memoriae micbique interno amore dilectissimi Adeluuoldi episcopi, cujus industria ac pastoralis cura non solum m[ea]c, verum etiam universorum hujus patriae tam pr[incipum] quam subditorum utilitati superno Plasmatoi’e inspirante, consuluit, mecum plurima voluere tacitus cepi, et quae tantorum causa pericu¬ lorum existeret studiose percunctari sollieitus curavi. Tanto igitur talique studio magnopere incitatus, et arcliana quaeque dilig [enter mal]a mecum examinans, tandem Domini com¬ punctus gratia, ad memoriam reduxi partim haec infortunia pro meae juventutis ignorantia, quae d[iv]ersis solet uti moribus, partim etiam pro quorundam illorum detestanda pbilargiria, qui meae utilitati consulere debebant, accid[iss]e. Siquidem inter caetera memoriae occurrit, me rogatu quo¬ rundam talium, Uulfgari, scilicet, episcopi defuncti, atque [abbati] s iElfrici qui adhuc superest sacri /Ebbandunensis coenobii [pote] statem, pro munere in se.beate [mem]orie episcopus Adeluuold a prodecessoribus meis, Eadredo, scilicet, rege, patruo patris mei, necnon et a patruo meo rege Eaduuige, nec minus et a patre meo, rege, videlicet, E [ad] garo, ad usum monaeborum Domino [nostro Jhesu Christo ejn]sqne genitric[i] Mariae liumilitatis et obedientiae, ceterarumque virtutum meritis, in aeternam promeruit here¬ ditatem, et [in] perlienncm adquisivit libertatem. Haec igitur 278 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEKS. mecum vigilanti pectore volvens, et citius a tanto tamque exhorrendo anathemate liberari cupiens, anno Dominicae In¬ carnationis Dcccc.xciii., mei autem regni xvii. sinodale con¬ cilium Uuintoniae, in die sancto Pentecosten fieri jussi, illuc- que episcopis, et abbatibus, ac ceteris optimatum meorum p [r] imoribus verba salutatoria et pacifica benignissime desti¬ navi, cun [ct] osque, Christi inspirante gratia, monui, ut quaeque superno Creatori digna, quaeque spiritali animae meae saluti, seu regali meae dignitati congrua, quaeque etiam omni An- glorum populo oportuna valerent. Domino consulente, in commune tractarent, vovens etiam.[v]ita comite, et retroactas ad purum cohercere neglegentias, et juxta prae¬ decessorum meorum decreta, Jhesu Christo Domino nostro ejusque genitrici priscum restituere libertatis cyrographum. Hoc illi meo, immo Christi, monitu simul et hortatu, magno¬ pere delectat [i vo]ti compotes. Salvatori Christo gratias ege¬ runt, et quaeque condigna salubriter instituta sanxerunt, pacto spiritali confirmaverunt. Nunc autem ego .^Jjelraed, Anglorum, Christo opitulante, basileus, quo debitum voti mei factis adimpleam, et ut aeternae libertatis altithroni Modera¬ toris clementia merear optinere consortium, pretium quod michi dux praefatus .®l£ric, pro fratris sui Eaduuini prioratu contulit, quo praefata Christi sanctaeque ejus genitricis here¬ ditas iniqua servitute est venundata, perpetualiter anathe¬ matizando reicio, et gratuita Domini inspirante gratia, meo¬ rumque optimatum, tam laicorum quam ordinatorum, rogatus simul et usus consilio, eidem sanctae Christi genitricis aec- clesiae monachisque inibi degentibus aeternam privilegii, ut praedecessores mei, renovandam concedo libertatem. Hujus etenim renovandae libertatis auctoritas, Christi auctoritate nostraque largitate, concessa et corroborata est die xvi. ka- lendarum Augustarum, in oratorio vici qui usitato Gillinga- ham nominari solet, missaeque caelebratione peracta, sub horum testium praesentia, me assensum praebente, confirmata est, abbatis scilicet ^Elfsini, consangineique mei iE);elmaeri, necnon et avunculi mei Ordulfi, ac prioratum praefati ^b- bandunensis ccenobii in manu et potestate Uulfgari abbatis michi humillima devotione subjecti, gratis sine pretio volun- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 279 tariae reii[o]vando commisi ; hancque privilegii libertatem, tam sibi quam cunctae simul ejusdem sanctae aecclesiae con¬ gregationi pro mille quingentis missarum sollemniis, ac mille ducentis psalteriorum melodiis, quas spontanea devotione, prd aeterna animae meae redemptione decantaverunt, aeter¬ naliter renovandam cum sancte crucis impressione concessi, quatinus post decessum ejusdem praefati abbatis Uulfgari, cujus temporibus haec ipsa libertatis restauratio Christo suff [rag] ante concessa est, quem sibi universa praefati coenobii congregatio apto elegerit consilio, secundum regularia beati Benedicti instituta, abbatem juste exodem f[rat]rum cuneo eligens con¬ stituat. Hujus privilegii libertas deinceps usu perpetuo a cunctis teneatur catholicis, nec extraneorum quispiam, tyrannica fretus contumacia, in praedicto monasterio jus arripiens exer¬ ceat potestatis, sed ejusdem coenobii collegium perpetuae, ut praedixi, libertatis glorietur privilegio. Sit autem praefatum monasterium omni terrenae servitutis [jugo] eodem tenore libe¬ rum, quo a praedecessoribus nostris catholicis, a Sancto Leone videlicet papa et Coenulfo rege catholico, vetusto continetur privilegio, Hrethuno abbate optinente, solutum. Agri equi¬ dem ad usus monachorum. Domino nostro Jhesu Christo ejus¬ que genitrici Mariae priscis modernisque temporibus a regibus et religiosis utriusque sexus hominibus, et a meipso meoque patri Eadgaro rege, fratreque ejus meo patruo rege Eadwigo, eorumque patruo, scilicet, Eadredo, rege fidelissimo, resti¬ tuendo jure concessi sunt, ejusdem perpetuae sint libertatis. Nam reges praefati rus quod Abbandun nuncupatur, quod rex Ceadvvealla Domino nostro ejusque genitrici Mariae priscis temporibus devoto concesserat animo, in quo praedecessores nostri, diabolica decepti avaritia, edificium sibi regale in¬ juste construxerant, aecclesiae Dei restituentes interdixerunt, ut regum nemo inibi pastum requireret, nec edificium in sempiternum construe [ret] . Quod ego Hilbelred Angi orum basileus, optimatum meorum us[us c]onsilio, tam meis quam meorum successorum temporibus, fixum in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, fieri in aeternum precipio. Tempore siquidem quo rura quae Domino devoto per hoc modernum 280 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. privilegium restauravi animo, injuste a sancta Dei mcclesia ablata fue [ran] t, perfidi quique novas sibi hereditarias kartas usurpantes ediderunt. Sed in Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti nomine precipimns, ut catholicorum nemo easdem recipiat, sed a cunctis repudiatae fidelibus in anathemate de¬ putentur, veteri jugiter vigente privilegio. Si quis vero tam epilempticus phylargiriae seductus amentia, quod non opta¬ mus, hanc nostrae munificentiae renovatam libertatem ausu temerario infringere temptaverit, sit ipse ahenatus a con¬ sortio sanctae Dei aecclesiae, necnon et a participatione sacro¬ sancti corporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, per quem totus terrarum orbis ab antiquo hum [ani g] eneris inimico liberatus est, et cum Juda Christi proditore in si¬ nistra parte deputatus, ni prius hic digna satisfactione hu- mdis penituerit quod contra sanctam Dei aeclesiam rebelHs agere praesumpsit; nec in vita hac practica veniam, nec in [thejorica requiem apostata optineat ullam, sed aeternis barathri incendiis trusus jugiter miserrimus crucietur. Anno Dominice incarnationis, ut praedixi, ncccc.xciii.. Indict. VI., humillimo rogatu prefati et devoti abbatis Uulf- gari, scriptum est hujus renovatae libertatis privilegium, his testibus consentientibus quorum inferius nomina, secundum uniuscujusque dig[nit]atem utriusque ordinis decusatim Do¬ mino disponente karaxantur. •i* Ego ^E)>elred, Brittanniae Anglorum monarchus, hoc tauma[te cruci] s roboravi. Ego Sigeric, Dorobernensis aecclesiae archieps, ejusdem regis beniv [ole] ntiam subscripsi. ^ Ego .iElfstan Lundoniensis aectae eps hanc regis muni¬ ficentiam confirmavi. Ego ^Ifheah Uuintoniensis aeclae eps hanc renova¬ tionis libertatem corroborart. Ego iElfric Corvinensis parrochiae eps, quae praefatum adjacet monasterium, huic dono sanctam crucem impressi. •i* Ego /Elfheah, Licetfeldensis aeclae eps, testudinem sanctae crucis depinxi. ►J* Ego .^Escivig, Dorccensis aectae eps, hoc regale donum consolidavi. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 281 Ego peodred, Orientalium Anglorum eps huic largitati assensum prebui. Ego ^Ifstan, Hrofensis seclae eps, huic dapsilitati cru¬ cem imposui. Ego Ordbyrht, Australium S axonum eps, sigillum sanctae crucis annotavi. Ego Wulfsige Scirburnensis aeclae eps gaudenter con¬ sensi. Ego Ealdulf, Wigornensis aeclae eps, hilari vultu sub¬ scripsi. Ego A)julf, Herefordensis aectesiae eps,.di. Ego Sigar, Wyllensis aeclae eps, ita posse .... [sijgnum duxi. Ego Alfwold, Cridiensis aeclae eps, huic sc[ript]o non con¬ tradixi. Ego Ealdred, Cornubiensis aeclae eps, hoc dec [return] con¬ sentiendo laudavi. Ego iElfSryS, mater ejusdem regis, hujus doni fautrix extiti. Ego iE)?elstan, ejusdem regis filius, hoc stare non rennui. Ego Ecgbyrht, ejusdem quoque regis filius, assensum prae¬ bere non distuli. Ego Eadmund, ejusdem etiam regis filius, hoc posse fieri non interdixi. Ego Eadred, ejusdem quidem regis filius, hoc mihi placere professus sum.. Ego Uulfgar, abb. Abbandunens. coenobii, hoc sintagma triumphans dictavi. Ego iElfwcard, Glaest. abb. tj* Ego iElfsige, Niw. abb. ^ EgoWulfric, Aug. abb. ►i^E go Byrhtno)?, iElig. abb. ^ Ego Lifinc, [F]onf. abb. Ego iElfric, Meat. abb. Ego ^Ifere, Ba)?an abb. Ego Lcofric, Micel. abb. Ego iElfhun, Middel. abb. Ego Byrhthelm, Eaxc. abb. Ego A5}jelric, abb. Ego Wulfsige, Westm. abb. Ego Germanus, Ram. abb. Ego Keuulf, Burh. abb. Ego Godeman, Jorfi. abb. Ego Alfwold, Wind. abb. 1 ^ [Ego] .... [Al]bah. abb. [Ego jE)>el]weard dux. Ego iElfric dux. Ego iElfhelm dux. 282 >nSCELLANEOUS CHAKTERS. Ego 7E]7[e]lsige mis. Ego [.iEj?el]maer mis. [Ego Byjrhtwold mis. [Ego O] rdulf mis. Ego iElfsige mis. [Ego W]ulfheah mi§. [Ego W]ulfi’ic mis. [Ego WJulfgeat mis. Ego ^Ifwig, Westm. abb. • KING ^THELRED. DCCCC.XCni. DE TERRARUM RESTITUTIONE. Regnaute in perpetuum Domino nostro Jhesu Christo, omniumque regna saeculorum magni moderaminis imperio gubernante. Ego A|?elred, ipsius opitulante gratia rex An- glorum, inter varias hujus labeutis seculi vicissitudines ad memoriam reduxi qualiter in tempore pueritie mee erga me gestum fuerit, dum pater meus rex Eadgar, universe terre viam ingrediens, senex et plenus dierum migravit ad Domi¬ num j quod \ddelicet omues utriusque ordinis optimates ad regni gubernacula moderanda fratrem meum Eaduuardum unanimiter elegerunt, mihique terras ad regios pertinentes filios in meos usus tradiderunt. Ex quibus, scilicet, terris quasdam pater meus dum regnaret omnipotenti Christo ejus¬ que genitrici Sancte Mane ad monasterium quod Abbandun nuncupatur, pro redemptione anime sue, concessit: hoc est Bedeuuinde cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Hisseburna cum universis suis appendicibus, Burhbec omnesque sibi ad¬ jacentes redditus. Que statim terre, juxta decretum et pre- ceptionem cunctorum optimatum de prefato sancto cenobio violenter abstracte, meeque ditioni, hisdem precipientibus, sunt subacte; quam rem si juste aut injuste fecerint ipsi sciant. Deinde cum frater meus hoc erumpnosum deseruit seculum, et sibi a Deo predestinatum percepit interminabilis vite emolu¬ mentum, ego, annuente Christo, et regalium simul et ad regios filios pertinentium terrarum suscepi dominium. Nuuc autem, quia mihi ndetur esse valde molestum patris mei incuiTcre et portare maledictum, retinendo hoc quod ipse pro sue anime MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 283 redemptione Deo contulit donarium, et quia gratia Dei me ad intelligibilem perducere dignata est etatem, mihique per meorum optimatum decreta affluentem et copiosam terrarum largita est portionem, iccirco et ego ex mea propria heredi¬ tate prefatum sanctum cenohium mimere congruo honorare, et oportuna possessionum largitione ditare dispono; primum pro Dei Omnipotentis ej usque sancte genitricis amore, ut ipsa pro me pia interventrix esse dignetur ad Dominum Deum nostrum; deinde pro anime genitoris mei dileccione, meeque proprie anime eterna redemptione, necnon et pro meorum causa liberorum, qui easdem prefatas sibi attrahere, sueque ditioni cogitant subicere terras. Nomina vero terrarum, quas ad prefatum libenti animo concedo monasterium, hec sunt; Unum scilicet apud Feornebeorh alterum apudWilmaleahtun, tercium apud Cyrne. Has terrarum portiones Alfric cogno¬ mento Puer a quadam vidua Eadfled appellata violenter abs¬ traxit, ac deinde cura in ducatu suo contra me et contra omnem gentem meam reus existeret, et he quas prenominavi portiones et universe quas possederat terrarum possessiones mee subacte sunt ditioni, quando ad sinodale concilium ad Cyrneceastre universi optimates mei simul in unum convene¬ runt, et eundem Alfricum majestatis reum de hac patria pro¬ fugum expulerunt, et universa ab illo possessa michi jure possi¬ denda omnes unanimo consensu decreverunt. Deinde pre- fatam viduam, pro amore optimatum meorum, qui ejus apud me extiterant advocati, suam hereditatem possidere clementi benignitate permisi, et ipsa tandem, in extrema sue migra¬ tionis sententia, mihi rursus earumdem terrarum possessionem benigno et libenti animo in perhennem dereliquit heredi¬ tatem. Tellurem vero ad Pyrian, quam etiam ad idem pre¬ fatum concedo monasterium, unam illarum constat esse ter¬ rarum qiias Adelward Ceolflede filius mihi eternaliter possi¬ dendas pro mea donaUt amicitia. Omni vulgo longe late- que satis est cognitum qualiter ipse et frater ejus contra me rei extiterint, qualiterque ambo meam inimicitiam, exigen¬ tibus suis reatibus, incurrerint. Hec prefatarum descriptio terrarum facta est per admonitionem Ordulfi avunculi mei, atque AJ^elraari, consanguinitate mihi conglutinati, et Wlgati 284 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS, miuistri mei dilecti^ necnon et abbatis mei Wlfgari tota mihi devotione benigni, qui me fi’equenti suggestione eum ceterorum fidelium commonuit suasione quatinus Dei Omni¬ potentis hereditatem ex aliqua parte innovare et augere curarem: quod et feci, propter Christi, qui me in regno sublimavit, amorem, et eorum qui me amica assiduitate ad meam exortantur necessariam et eternam salutem, et propter humilem et benignam quam mihi prefatus abba fideliter et gratanter exibere solet obedientiam. Hoc qxxoque voluntatis mee beneficium palam cunctis innotesco, quod earumdem possessionum terras in unaquaque cui adjacent provincia, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, sive in prediorum muni¬ cipiis, sive in tributo, sive in thelonio, sive in quocumque negotio, quod in unoquoque rure diverso modo solet exigi, plena libertate ab omni terrene servitutis jugo liberas esse concedo, quemadmodum pater meus supranominatarum por¬ tionem terrarum ab universa mundanarum rerum servitute liberas esse concessit, exceptis tribus, rata videlicet expedi¬ tione, pontis arcisve restaiirationc. Illud etiam cum sancte Trinitatis, et individue Unitatis, et beate IMarie semper virginis auctoritate precipio, ut nullus homiuixm presumat hanc donationem occasione qualibet immutare, nec territorii codicem vel cirografi dictatum contra mee munificentie scripta in medium proferre; sed universa illa antiqua territoria, supradicto exigente reatu, semper in posterum pro uichilo computentur, et ad nichilum redacta omnium sputis obnoxia conculcentur, et hujus privilegii decreta stabili et inconcussa soliditate roborentur. Si quis autem, instigante diabolo, hec consulta tam mea quam divina auctoritate corroborata violare presumpserit, sive meus sit filius, sive dux, sive episcopus, sive minister, aut cujuscumque dignitatis extiterit. Omni¬ potens Deus, sanctaque ejus genitrix semperque Urgo IMaria, et omnis supernorum sancta virtus exercituum majestatem divinam incessabili voce laudantium, hunc in vita ista despi- ciat, et despectum in futuro seculo sine fine dis^xerdat illum, nisi congrua satisfactione ante exitum suum emendaverit quod contra Deum sanctamque Mariam deliquit. Arnen. Hujus privilegii descriptio jugiter in prenominato con- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 285 servetur monasterio, ut sit libertas externa librorum ad uni¬ versas supradietarum possessiones terrarnm quas Omnipotenti Deo ejusque sanete genitriei Marie ad idem coenobium, be¬ nigno et libenti animo, concessi, et eoneessas eterna stabili¬ tate commendavi. * KING ^THELRED. DCCCC.XCIV. Dis is se freols ^e iE)7el- red cynincg bet gesettan to |»am bisceoprice in to Wiel- cynne. Ealdrede bisceope. This is the freedom which king ^thelred lias commanded to be established in the bishopric, for the Welsh race, under bishop Ealdred. Rector altipolorum culminis, atque Architector summse fabriese sethereie aulae, ex nihilo quidem cuncta creavit, coelum scilicet et terram et omnia qnse in eis sunt, candida quidem angelica agmina, solem, lunam, lucidaque astra, et caetera quae super firmamento sunt; mundi antem fabricam inenarrabili disponens ordine, ut Genesis testatur: “ Et hominem sexto die formavit ad similitudinem suam.” Adam, videlicet, qua- driformi plasmatum materia, unde nunc constat genus huma¬ num, quae in terris moratur, et ima terra larvarica latibula, ubi et Lucifer cum decimo ordine per superbiam de coelo ruit. Sed et lioc invidet pestifer Chelidrus, protoplastum a Deo conditum intellexerat ut hoc impleret, a quo ipse miser et satelliti illius de coelo projecti sunt. Ileu, quidem boni creati sunt, sed miserabiliter decepti. Ideoque invidus Zabulus totis viribus homini invidet, suadet mulieri, mulier viro; per suasionem atque per inobedientiam ambo decepti sunt frau¬ dulenter per gustum pomi ligni vetiti, atque amoenitate Para¬ disi dejecti sunt in hoc aerumnoso scculo, et lethum sibi ac posteris suis promeruerunt, atque in tetrum abyssi demersi sunt. Sed hoc misericoi’s et piissimus Pater indoluit perire tamdiu nobilem creaturam sui imaginem; misertus est generi humano; misit nobis in tempore, id est, post quinque millia annorum, proprium filium suum, ut mundum perditum iterum 286 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. renovaret ; ut sicut mulier genuit mortem in mundo, ita per mulierem enixa est nobis vita in mundo; et sicut per delictum Adse omnes corruimus, ita per obedientiam Christi omnes surreximus; et sicut mors per lignum intravit, ita et vita per lignum sanctae crucis venit, et antiquum inimicum superavit, et fortis fortem alligavit, et in imo baratro retrusit. Juste periit qui injuste decepit, atque omnes antiquas turmas a fauce pessimi leonis eripuit, et ovem perditam in humeris posuit, et ad antiquam patriam reduxit, et decimum ordinem implevit. Unde ego JE-Selredus, compunctus Dei miseri¬ cordia, totius Albionis caeterarumque gentium triviatim per¬ sistentium basileus, dum plerumque cogitarem de hujus seculi caduci rebus transitoriis, quomodo superni Arbitris examine cuncta quae videntur vana sunt, et quae non videntur aeterna, et cum transitoriis rebus perpetua praemia adquirantur: Qua de re nunc patefacio omnibus catholicis, quod cum consilio et licentia episcoporum ac principum et omnium optimatum meorum, quod pro amore Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, atque sancti confessoris Germani, necnon et beati eximii Petroci, pro redemptione animae meae, et pro absolutione criminum meorum, donavi episcopium Ealdredi episcopi, id est, in pro¬ vincia Cornubiae, ut libera sit, eique subjecta omnibusque posteris ejus, ut ipse gubernet atque regat suam parochiam sicuti alii episcopi qui sunt in mea ditione, locusque atque regimen Sancti Petroci semper in potestate ejus sit successo¬ rumque illius. Itaque omnium regalium tributorum libera sit atque laxata vi exactorum operum, poenaliiunque causa¬ rum, necnon et furum comprehensione cunctaque seculi gravedine, absque sola expeditione, atque libera pei’petualiter permaneat. Quicumque ergo hoc augere atque multiplicare voluerit, amplificet Deus bona illius in regione viventium, paceque nostra conglutinata vigens et florens, atque inter agmina beatitudinis tripudia succedat, qui nostrae donationis muneri consentiat. Si quis vero tam epilenticus philargyriae seductus amentia, quod non optamus, hanc nostrae elemosinae dapsili- tatem ausu temerario infringere temtaverit, sit ipse alienatus a consortio sanctae Dei ecclesiae, necnon a participatione MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 287 sacrosancti corporis et sanguinis Jhesu Christi filii Dei, per quem totus terrarum orbis ab antiquo humani generis inimico liberatus est, et cum Juda Christi proditore sinistra in parte deputatus, ni prius hic digna satisfactione humilis poenituerit quod contra sanctam Dei ecclesiam rebellis agere praesumpsit; nec in vita hac practica veniam, nec in theorica requiem apostata obtineat ullam, sed aeteimis baratri incendiis trusus jugiter miserrimus crucietur. Anno Dominicae incarnationis dcccc.xciiii.. Indictione vii., scripta est haec cartula a venerabili archiepiscopo Sigerico, Dorobernensis ecclesiae, hujus munificentiae cyrographa, biis testibus consentientibus, quorum inferius nomina decusatim Domino disponente caraxantur. Ego ^'Selredus, Britanniae totius Anglorum monarchiis hoc agiae crucis taumate roboravi. Ego Sigeric, Doro¬ bernensis aecclesiae archiepiscopus, prefati regis benevolentiae laetus consensi. Ego ^Elfheah praesid canonica subscrip¬ tione, manu propria, hilaris et triumphans subscripsi. Ego Ealdred, plebis Dei famulus, jubente rege, signum sanctae crucis plaudens impressi. Ego .^Ifwold pontifex, agiae crucis testudine intepidus hoc donum lepidissime roboravi. Ego Ordbricht, legis Dei catascopus hoc eulogium propria chira devotus consolidavi. Ego .^Ifricb, episcopus Wiltanae civitatis, consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wulfsye, episcopus Shyreburnensis aecclesiae consensi et subscripsi. Ego ^ISelwerd dux. Ego ^Elfric dux. ^ Ego Leof- ric dux. Ego Leofwyne dux. Ego Leofric abbas. Ego .(Elfred abbas. Ego iElfric abbas. Ego Brichtbelm abbas. ^ Ego ^^elmar minister. Ego .^Ifric minister. •i' Ego yElfwine minister. ^ Ego Leof¬ wyne minister. ^ Ego Osulf minister. 288 MISCELLANEOUS CHAETERS. WYNFL.ED. BEFORE DCCCC.XCV. Her cy|? on j^ysum ge- write hu Wynflsed gelsedde hyre gewitnesse aet Wulfa- mere beforan ^j^elrede cyn- inge- f waes ]?onne Sigeric arcebiscop. Ordbyrht bi- scop- ^Elfric ealderman- 7Elf)?ry)? jjffis cyninges modor- •)) hi waeron ealle to gewitnesse p iElfric sealde "Wynflaede p land set Hacce- burnan set Bradanfelda on- gean p land aet Deccet. pa sende se coming |jaen’ilite- be ]jam arcebiscope* ^ be ]>ani )>e j>aer mid him to gewitnesse waeron- to Leofwine cyl^don him )?is. Da nolde be butan j hit man sceote to sciregemote- )>a dyde man swa. Da sende se cyning be fluere abbude bis insegel to ]?am gemote aet Cwicelmes blaewe- grette ealle pa, witan pe J>aer gesom- node waeron. p wasre Hi]}?el- sige biscop- ^Escwig biscop- 'j /Elfric abbud- eal sio scir- baed bet p hi scioldon Wyuflaede 'j Leofwine swa ribtlice geseman swa him aefre rihtlicost }>ubte- Si¬ geric arcebiscop sende his swutehinga J^aerto- Ord- byrlit biscop his. pa getaehte man Wynflaede p hio moste hit hyre geahnian. Da ge- Here is made known, in this writing, how Wynflaed adduced her witnesses at Wolfmere, before king iEthel- red. Then it was that Si¬ geric archbishop, and Ord¬ byrht bishop, and iElfric al- dorman, and Hillfthryth the king’s mother, were all to witness that iElfric gave to Wynflaed the land at Hag- borne and at Bradfield, for the land at Datchet. Then the king sent forthwith, by the archbishop, and by those who were there to witness with him, to Leofwine, and i made this known to him. Then he would not [comply] unless it were carried to the shire-mote; and they did so. Then the king sent by abbot Hillfere his brief to the mote at Cuckhamslow; and greeted all the ^ witan ’ who were there assembled. That was ^thelsige bishop, and .^scwdg bishop, and vElfric abbot, and all the shire ; and prayed and commanded that they shoidd reconcile Wynflsed and Leof¬ wine as justly as might ever seem to them most just. And Sigeric archbishop sent his declaration thereto, and Cs- byrht bishop his. They then MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 289 Isedcle hio )>a ahnunga mid vElff^ryl^e fultume jjses cyn- inges modor* f is )7onne serest- Wulfgar abbud. -j Wulfstan priost- 3 ^Efic p&ra, aejjelinga discsteu' • j Eadwine. Eadelm- ^ ^If- elm- ^Ifwine- ^Ifweard- Eadwold- -} Eadric- JEli- gar- Eadgifu abbudisse- Liofrun abbudisse* -j yE|jel- hild. Eadgyfu aet Leofetaii oran* byre swustor. byre dohtor- ^ ^Ifgyf.deb¬ tor. Wulfwyii. •]) iEj>elgyfu. ^Ifwaru- iElfgyfu* 'j iEj^elflaed. menig god j^egen god wif. |)e we ealle atellau ne magon. p.forj^com eal se fulla [a|j] ge on werum ge on wifnm. Da ewaedon J^a witan }>e pscr wajron. f betere waere ^ man j^ene ap aweg lete jjonne bine man sealde. forj^an j^aer syJ’jjan nan freond- scype naere- man woldc biddan j^aes rcaflaccs f be bit sciolde agyfan forgyldan- );am cyninge bis wer. Da let be j^one ap aweg. '3) sealde iEjJclsigc biscope unbesacen land on band. ■]! be |;anon- forS syj>];an Jneron ne spraece. pa t;ebte man byre p bio sciolde brill gan bis faeder gold ■] sioltbr eal •)? bio baefde. pa dyde bio swa bio dorste byre ' Sic MS. for dis('I>cn. ’ Tlie names which follow art instructed Wynflaed that sbe must adduce ber claims. Sbe tben adduced ber claims^ with tbe support of ^Elftbrytli tbe king’s motber. That is tben first, ^Wulfgar abbot, and Wulfstan priest, and ^fic tbe mtbelings’ sewer, and Ead- wiue, and Eadelm, and ^Elf- elm, and iElfwiue, and ^If- weard, and Eadwold, and Eadric, and ^dilfgar, and Ead¬ gifu abbess, and Liofrun abbess, and .^tbelbild, and Eadgyfu at Leofetan ora, and ber sister, and ber daughter, and ^Ifgyfu .... daugbter, and Wulfwyn, and iEtbel- gyfu, and iElfwaru, and ^Elf- gyfu, and .^tbelflsed, and many a good tbane and good woman, all of whom we can¬ not recount; so tliat tbe full oatb might come forth, both by men and by women. Tben said tbe ‘ witan ’ who were there, that it were better that tbe oatb should be dispensed with than given; because there would be no friendship there afterwards; and that they would desire that he should give up and pay for the reft property, and to tbe king bis 'wer’. He tben dispensed with tbe oatb, and gave tbe land over to bishop ^Etbelsige those of the consacramentals. u 290 MISCELLANEOUS CHAETERS. ape gebiorgan. pa naes he pa gyt on );am gehealdeu. butan bio sceolde swerian p bis aehta paer ealle Aveeron. Da CAvsep bio p bio ne mibte liATe daeles ne be bis- pyses Avaes ^Ifgar paes cyninges gerefa to geAAntnesse- Bwbt- ric. Leofric aet Hunte- cyrcan. ^ menig god man to eacan bim. uncontestedj so that tbence- fortb be AAOuld not contest it. They then directed ber tbat sbe sbordd bring bis father’s gold and sih'er, all tbat sbe bad. Then did sbe as sbe durst defend ber oatb. Then Avas be not yet tbereAvdtb satisfied, unless sbe should SAA’ear that all bis property AA'as there. Then said she tbat she could not for ber part, nor he for his. And of this AA'as -'Elfgar the king’s recA'e to Avitness, and Byrhtric, and Leofric at 'Whitchurch, and many a good man besides them. KING .ETIIELREU’. DCCCC.XCV. Quicquid perpetualiter permanens a secularibus agitur seris litterarum firmiter muniri debetm’; quia hominum fra¬ gilis memoria moriendo obliviscitur quod scrijjtura litterarum servando retinet. Unde ego Apelred, gratia Dei Anglorum rex, cunctis meis volo notum adesse fidelibus, quod ego jure hereditario cuidam meo militi nomine Apefr ig quinque trato mansos, in villa que a notis vocatur Eardulfes lea, ut vita comite eos possideat, et postquam dies extremus ejus clau¬ serit oculos, cuicumque amico voluerit in perpetuam dere¬ linquat possessionem. Sit autem praesens donatio absoluta ab omni serAub jugo, tribus tamen rebus exceptis, populari scilicet expeditione, arcis construccione, pontis restauratione. Qualiter A^ero praesens terra in mea adAcnerit manu, brevi volo enucleare sermone. Tres fratres in quodam residentes con- AUAno, quorum unus homo, nomine Leofric, instigante diabolo, furatus est frenum; quo invento in ejusdem sinu, concito cursu qui frenum perdiderunt, et tres fratres, predicti furis domini, concito cursu bellum in inAUcem insmgentes inierunt: duobus vero fratribus in bello peremptis, iElfnolS scilicet et * See Palg-rave, Rise and Progress, ii. p. cxxvi. MISCI^LLANEOUS CHARTERS. 291 ^Ifric, vix tercius AJ^elwine cum predicto latrone evasit, Sancte Helene intrans ecclesiam. Circummanentibus vero liec eadem audientibus, A}>elwig meus prepositus in Bucinga- ham, et Winsige prepositus on Oxonaforda, inter Chi’istianos predictos sepelierunt fratres. Leofsige igitur dux, audito hoc verbo, meam adiit presentiam, prefatos incusans prepositos, peremptis fratribus non recte inter Christianos sepultis. Ego autem nolens contristari Aj^elwig, quia mihi erat carus et preciosus, una simul et sepultos cum Christianis requiescere permisi, et predictam terram eidem in hereditatem coneessi perpetuam. Si quis vero, cupiditatis zelo inflatus, hunc rnee donationis libellum destruere temptaverit, sit anathema ma- ranatha, hoc est alienatio a consortio Christianorum, nisi resipuerit, et quod callide facere temptaverit penitens peni- tuerit. Hoc autem praecipiens praecipio, ut nulla aliorum librorum scedula nostro libello praecelli videatur, sed in per¬ petuum delitescat et aboleatur. Dis sindon J>ara fif hida landgemaera aet Eardulfes lea. JErest of |?aere greatan dic- p to A)?ehvoldes lea to 5an landgemaere- of 'San ge¬ nuere swa aefter dene in Sexig broc- of Sexig broce p into UflPewylle broce- of '5an broce j^aet on j^a gi'enan die- of 'Saere dic be suban ^aere These are the land-bounda¬ ries of the five hides at Eard¬ ulfes lea. First from the great diteh; then to /Ethelwold’s lea at the land-boundary; from the boundary, so along the dean to Sexig brook; from Sexig brook, then to Uflewylle brook; from the brook, then to the green ditch; from the eor’Sbyrg- p on Cwicelmes i ditch, to the south of tlie earth hlaevv- of );an hlawe p on ba portstraete- ofbaere portstraete p wib lytle Ciltene an aecer braede- p on jaaene grenan weg be scyt to Hegforda- aefter ban grenan wege- p foran ongen Cynewynne wylle- of baere wylle p into Jaaere greatan die- qlang baere mount; then to Cuckamslow; from the low; then to the town-road; from the town- road, then towards little Chilton, one acre wide; then to the green way that leads out to Hedgford, along the green way; then towards Kynewyn’s well; from the 292 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. dic p into Bunon. ■;jlang Bunan f to 5an caldan forda- of 'San forda f into Eardnlfes lea- of "San lea p eft to jjsere greatan die. well, to the great ditch; along the diteh, then to the Boone; along the Boone, then to the Old ford; from the ford, then toEardulf’slea; from the lea, then again to the great ditch. Scripta est hsee seedula anno ah incarnatione Domini Dcccc.xcv., Indictione xiiii.', his testibus eonsentientibus quorum inferius nomina caraxantur. Ego Ajjclred rex, Anglorum basileus, hnjus doni liber¬ tatem tocius regni fastigium tenens, libenter eoneesso, vel largior et eonsentio vel hilariter confirmo. ^ Ego Sirie. Ego ^Elfstanus, Lundoniensis ecclesie pr;esul, corroboravi. Ego ^Elfhegns, Wintoniensis ecclesie praesul, confirmavi. Ego .lEscuuig, Dorccensis ecclesie presul, dictavi. Ego ^Ifric, Wiltoniensis ecclesie presul, consolidavi. ^ Ego Ealdulf, Wigoracensis ecclesie presul, adqnievi. Ego Osbyrht, Australium ecclesie presul, snbplevi. Ego Jillf- heagus, Licetfeldensis eeelesie presul, gaudenter consensi. Ego A’Sulf, Herefordensis eeelesie presul, adjnvavi. Ego ^Ifuuold, Crydiensis eeelesie presul, sustentavi. ^ Ego Wlfsige, Seyrehnrnensis eeelesie presul, letus desiderio do¬ navi. Ego Ajjeluuaerd dux exultanter munio vel affirmo presens testis adsto. Ego .3illfric dux signum crucis imprimo vel sustento. Ego .^Elfhelm dux. Ego Leofuuine dux. Ego Leofsige dux. Ego .^Ifuueard abbas. ^ Ego ^Elfsige abbas. Ego Brihtnob abbas. Ego Bribtelm abbas. Ego Leofric abbas. Ego iEluere abbas. Ego Ceanulf abbas. ^ Ego yElfric abbas. Ego ^Ifhun abbas. ►i* Ego Germanus abbas. Ego ^Elfsige minister, Ego Ordulf minister. ^ Ego Leofric minister. ^ Ego Uulfheah minister. Ego Uulfric minister. Ego Uulfget minister. Ego A)>el- nob minister. Ego A)^elric minister. Ego A]>elsige minister. Ego AJ^elmser minister. Ego CeolniTind minister. Ego Uuihtsige minister. ^ Ego ^Ebelunig minister. The Indiction for 99.o is 8. MISCELLANEOUS CILLRTERS. 2^4 Ego Godwine abbas. Ego .dil^elmaer minister. Ordulf minister. Wulf- get minister. Brihtmaer minister. Leofwine minister. Brihtric minister. Wulfno^ minister. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 295 HiLFTHRYTH. DCCCC.XCVI.-M.VI. AlfSryS gret .^Ifric arce- biscop ^ E}?elwerd ealdarman eadmodlice- ic cy^e inc ^et ic com to gewitnysse ■p Dunstan arcebiscop getelite A|?elwolde biscope Tantun. ealswa his bee specon- Eadgar cyning hit agef Sa- bead lelcon his j^egna \e enig land on )jan lande hafde ^ hi lut ofeodon be |?es biscopes gemedon. o'SiSe hit agefon* ^ se cyning ewae^ pa pet he nahte nan land ut to syllanne- pa he ne Sorste fram Godes ege himsylf 'Set heafod hab- ban. ^ nia gerad pa Risetun to pes biscopes handa- Wulfgyp rad pa to me to [ Cumbe- "j gesohte me- ic ! ba- for pan pc heo me gesib was iElfswylS for pan pe he hyre bropor was- abedon set A'Selwold biscope •p hi moston brucan pes landes hyra deg- efter hyra dege code pet lond into Tantnne mid mete "3 mid mannum- eal¬ swa hit stode- ■3 wit hyt swiSe unease to pan broeton. Nu cydde man me pet AlSelwold bisceop ic sceoldon ofnea- dian pa boc set Leofrice. Nu I ^Ifthryth greet ^Elfric archbishop and iEthelward aldorman humbly. And I make known to you that I am to witness that archbishop Dunstan assigned Taunton to bishop Athelwold, as his charters declared. And king Eadgar then gave it up, and commanded each of his thanes, who had any land on that land, that they should hold it with the bishop’s consent, or give it up. And the king said then that he had no land to give out; as he durst not, through awe of God, have the headship himself, and more¬ over had then surrendered Rushton into the bishop’s hand h And Wulfgyth then rode to me at Combe, and sought me. And I then, be¬ cause she was akin to me and ^Elfswyth, because he was her brother, obtained from bishop Athelwold that they might enjoy the land for their day, and that after their day the land should go to Taunton, with meat and ivith men, as it stood. And we brought it with great difficulty thereto. * My translation is liere very conjectural. The whole document is particularly obscure, and seems to require illustration from some pre¬ ceding: one. 236 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ne eom ic nanre neade ge- cnewe \c libbe );e ma he wolde )7eab he lyfode- ac Leofric halfde ane niwe boc- }>a agef be ))a cydde he mid J?an j^et he nolde nan fals )?eron don. pa cydde A^el- wold bisceop him p hine ne mihte nan his eftergenga be- reafian. bet |?a gewritan tAva gewritu- ober himsulf hefde* o]7er he Leofrice sealde. him that none of his successor commanded two writings to b( the other he gai-e to Leofric. Now it has been made known to me that bishop Athehvold and I must have extorted the charter from Leofric. Now I, who am living, am not aware of any extorting more than he would be were he alive; for Leofric had a new charter; when he gave it up he thereby manifested that he would do nothing false therein. Then bishop Athelwold declared to should bereave him, and then written, one he himself had. TELLIGRAPHUS ^THELREDI REGIS DE LIBERTATIBUS EJUSDEM LOCI (WESTMOXASTERII), ET DE TERRIS PR.EDICTIS ET ALUS. DCCCC.XCVIH. Anno incarnationis Domini nostri Jhesu Christo non¬ gentesimo nonagesimo octai’o, ego Athelredus, totius Albionis, Dei moderante gubernatione, basileus, renovare hac cartula studui, ammonitione .dillfrici archiepiscopi attactus, quomodo pater meus Eadgarus rex venerabili et sancto viro Dunstano archiepiscopo, illud monasterium quod Anglice AVestminster vocitatur, ad Dei servitium concessit *, acceptis ab eo lidelicet centum viginti mancusis optimi auri, ea ratione ut monachi- lem conversationem inibi, secundum sancti patris Benedicti normam, ordinaret, quod et benivolo fecit effectu. Nos quoque paterno regno potiti, pro nostro modulo libertatem praefato monasterio augmentantes, hoc privilegium scriptitare mandaiimus, ne forte, quod absit, quis tirannica suffultus potestate, vim in ibi degentibus inferret. Scimus namque ' Referring apparently to the charter of Eadgar at p. 219, the genuineness of which this valuable document would seem to confirm. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 297 ultimis temporibus [simultates] erebreseere, diseordias ebul¬ lire, rapaeitates iuardeseere, amieitiam titubare, caritatem re¬ frigescere multorum, et inaudita mala evenire. Ideoque hanc largitatem benigno animo renovamus, et concedimus Sancto Petro principi apostolorum, cui locus praedictus consecratus dinoscitur antiquitus, ut omni servitute carcat, tribus exceptis quae cunctis communia sunt, scilicet, expeditione, pontis arcisve restauratione; et tamen regi emendatione monasterii solummodo administretur. Hoc quoque notum fore cupimus, quod beatae memoriae Dunstanus cuidam sibi fideli ac pro¬ bato monacho Wulfsinus vocabulo, quem quasi filium pura dilectione amavit, illud monasterium ad regendum regidariter commisit, et nos postea abbatem illum illic constituimus. At ])ost annos aliquot episcopum illum elegimus ad sedem Scire- burnensis ecclesiae, firmo sibi jure concesso, ut secimdum suum regimen locus ille ordinetur et disponatur; et post dies ejus sit tam liberum sicuti caetera monasteria. Rura etiam ejusdem monasterii qualiter adquisita sint hic notare non omittimus. Hoc est primitus circa illud monasterium, quin¬ que mansas quas pater Dunstanus a patre meo emebat, septua¬ ginta maneusis auri. Iterum, quando frater meus Sanctus Edwardus regni sceptra obtinuit, habuit quidam miles ipsius Bryhtmer vocitatus tres mansas juxta Logereslea; tunc, vari¬ ante rerum ordinatione, dimisit Brihtmer dominum suum regem, cum tellure praedicta, et alterius dominium elegit; et Dunstanus nil moratus terram illam emebat triginta libris a meo fratre, et addidit monasterio saepe nominato. Item, ut ego regni gubernacula Dei nutu possedi, dedi quinque mansas pra 3 nominato monasterio in loco qui Ilamstede vocitatur a ruricolis. Item Sanctus Dunstanus mercatus est decem mansas a beato ASelwoldo episcopo, et x. a quodam Wulno^o milite regis octoginta libris probati argenti, et addidit monas¬ terio. Item tres cassatos emebat ipse a quodam EadnoSo regis ministro xii. libris, in loco qui Codanhlaw nuncupatur, et dedit monasterio srepe nominato. Tunc etiam temporis erat (juidam minister regis in Middilsexan mansitans, ^Elf- wine vocitamine, qui adiens limina sanctorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli, Romfe scilicet, et gratia ino})ife petiit a beato 298 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Dunstano quoddam amrainiculum, qui commodans ei xxx. libras argenti, suscepit ab eodem octo mansas cujusdam tel¬ luris in Hanawella, ea ratione, ut rediens Roma, pecunia reddita arebiepiseopo, rus redivit ad se; sed ille demum domum reversus nequaquam quivit aecommodata persolvere, et Sanctus Dunstanus permisit ei diebus suis terra illa uti, et post ejus obitum redire ad coenobium praescriptum, quod et factum audivimus. Item Sanctus Dunstanus emebat x. cas¬ satos ab iElfheago duce ducentis auri, in loco qui Sunnan- burig dicitur, et accommodavit eos, insita ei largitate, cuidam vidiiae diebus suis, ^belflaed nomine, et post ejus finem redeat rus illud ad Westminster. Et iUa possessio in Scepertune redeat ad jus Sancti Petri in praefato monasterio post dies iEbelflaedi. Item iElfhelm Polga, pro animae suae remedio, quinque mansas largitus est coenobitis in Westminster con¬ versantibus, in loco qui Bricandun vulgari vocitamine dicitur. Item iElfwine, praefectus meus in Kent, tres cassatos coenobio praefato, pro animula sua conjugisque, largitus est, in loco qui vulgo Sillingtune dicitur. Et illud praediolum in Paddingtone, post dies Wulfrici ad libertatem propriam redeat ad monaste¬ rium praedictum. Sciendum etiam quod illud praedium in Cofanlea, post dies .^Ifrici, ad arbitrium episcopi Wulfsini reverti debet. Quisquis fidelium hanc nostram munificen¬ tiam amplificare propriis donis satagerit, augmentet illi omni¬ potens Deus gaudium perhenne, ubi perpetuitas viget. Si quis autem demere seu atque temere violentia conatus fuerit, caveat opido ne obseretur ei introitus coelestis paradisi ab eo janitore, cui Christus tradidit claves regni coelorum, cui et locus ille honorifice consecratus antiquitus dinoscitm’. Scripta est namque hsec sceda, me jubente, biis testibus, quorum ouomata infra habentur, consentientibus *, quando ad classem proficiscens illud monasterium visitarem. * The witnesses’ names are wanting. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 299 KING H5THELRED. M.V.' ■X- -X* :^c * >|c Emit ^^elraarus a me cum triginta libris duodecim man¬ siones de villulis quas matrona quaedam nomine Leoftaet suis perdidit ineptiis et amisit, tres semis, videlicet, manentes et Maranaclive, etc. KING H5TIIELRED. M.XII. ******** ******* Erat eadem villa cuidam matronae nomine jE^elflasde, de¬ relicta a viro suo, obeunte illo, quae etiam habebat germanum quendam, vocabulo Leofsinum, quem de satrapis nomine tuli, ad celsioris apicem dignitatis dignum duxi promovere ducem constituendo, scilicet, eum, unde humiliari magis debuerat, sicut dicitur, Principem te constituerunt, noli extolli,” et caetera. Sed ipse hoc oblitus, cernens se in culmine majoris status sub rogatu famulari sibi pestilentes spiritus promisit, superbiae, scilicet, et audaciae, quibus nichilominus ipse se dedidit in tantum, ut flocci penderet quin ofieusione mrdti- moda me multoties graviter oflenderet; nam praefectum meum ^Eficum, quem primatem inter primates meos taxavi, non cunctatus in propria domo ejus eo inscio perimere, quod nefarium et peregrinum opus est apud Christianos et gentiles. Peracto itaque scelere ab eo, inii consilium cum sapientibus * Thi.s and the following extract are from charters belonging to the second division of the work, or the Grants of Land, but are here in¬ serted on account of the manner in which the lands became forfeit to the crown, by the delinquency of the holder. The cases here cited are ineptice (perhaps incontinence), and harbouring a relative guilty of murder; in conformity with the law of king Eadmund I., where it is said: “ If any one of his kinsmen harbour him, be he forfeit to the king of all he owns.” According to the Saxon Chronicle ^fic was murdered bv Leofsige in the year 1002. 300 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. regni mei petens, ut quid fieri placuisset de illo decernerent, placuitque in commune nobis eum exulare et extorrem a nobis fieri cum complicibus suis. Statuimus etiam inviolatum foedus inter nos, quod qui praesumpsisset infringere, exhe¬ reditari se sciret omnibus habitis, hoc est, ut nemo nostrum aliquid humanitatis vel commoditatis ei subministraret. Hanc optionis electionem posthabitam nichili habuit soror ejus iESelflaed omnia quae possibilitatis ejus erant, et utilitatis fratris omnibus exercitiis studuit explere; et hac de causa aliarumque quam plimmarum, exheredem se fecit omnibus. EADMUND zETIIELING '. ABOUT M.VI. Her si.vutela'S on ^isum gewrite Eadmund aeSeling baed Sone hired aet Scireburn- an "Sfet he moste ofgan 'Saet land aet Holancumbe. Da ne dorste se hyred hym Saes A\Ti’nan. ac cwaelSon f hy 'Saes u'el uSon- gyf se cing q se bisceop Se heora caldor uaes ISaes geuSon. Da ge- werS hym. q se aeSeling •j se prafost q Sa yldostan mu- necas comon to ISam cinge. q him forecyddon. q his leafe baedon. q Sajt aerende abead Widfstan archebisceop. Da cwaeS se cing he nolde "Sfet •]) land mid ealle ut aseald waere. ac f hi elles swilce foreword worhton ^aet ji land eft into Sa^re halgan stowe agifen waerc to Sam fyrste Here is made known in this Avriting, that Eadmund aetheling prayed the convent at Sherborne that he might have the land at Holcomb. Then the convent durst not refuse him this, but said that they would well give it, if the king and the bishop, who was their principal, would grant it. It was then agreed between them: and the aetheling and the provost and the senior monks came to the king, and made it known to him and besought his leave ; and arch¬ bishop Wulfstau announced the errand. Then said the king that he would not that the land should be sold out¬ right, but that they should else make such an agreement. Afterwards king Eadmund Ironside. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 301 5 e hyra ealle gewurde. Da gewear^ lii se eeSeling sealde ^am hyrede xx. punda wi^ ‘ 5 am lande aelswa hit stod mid mete mid mannon ■j mid jfillon jjingou. ^ bruee his dfeg. ofer his daeg code f land eft into ^aere halgan Stowe, mid mete 'j mid man- nnn mid eallum jnngum- swa swa hit ‘Sonne waere. Dises waes to gewitnesse Wulfstan archebisceop. Lyfiiig b. ^-Selrie b. j iESelsie b. Eadrie ealdor- man. -j iE^Sclmaer ealdorman. /ESelfand ^E^elmaeres snna- •3 Lcofsnna abbud aet Cernel- ■j vElfgct Ileng'Ses sunn- ■] Siwerd. -j Brihtric rcada. 'j ealle ‘ 5 a ildostan |?£egnas on Dorsaeton- 'j Ealdwine pr. •;} Widfric pr. j Leofwine ae^Selinges discSen. ^Ifget ^ jElwcrd his cnihtas. ~j ealle 5 e geo^re hircdraen. that the land should be given haek to the holy place at the term they should all settle. They then agreed that the aetheling should give the eon- vent XX. pounds for the land as it stood, with meat and with men, and with all things, and enjoy it for his day, and that after his day the land should revert to the holy place, with meat and with men, and with all things, as it then might he. Of this was to witness: Wulfstan archbishop, and Lyfing bp., and .dEthelric bp., and ^Ethelsie bp., and Eadrie aldorman, and ^thelmser aldorman, and ^thelfand son of /Ethelmaer, and Leofsuna abbot of Cerne, and iElfget Hengthes son, and Siwerd, and Brihtrie the Red, and all the senior thanes in Dorset¬ shire, and Ealdwine priest, and Wulfric pr., and Leofwine the fetheling’s sewer, and yElfget and iElwerd his pages, and all the other household men. BISHOP GODWINE AND LEOFWINE. BEFORE M.XI. Here is made known, in this writing, how God wine bishop of Rochester, and Leof- » 1 « Her cy 5 on j^ysum ge- write hu Godwine biscop on Ilrofcceastre Leofwine /Elf- 302 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. eagcs suuu wurdon gesybsu- mode ymbe p land set Snod- diuglande on Cantwarabyrig. Da ^a se biscop Godwine com to J^am biscopstole- )?urh haese his cynehlafordes ^^el- redes cynges- aefter .dilfstanes biscopes foriSsilSe- j^a gemaetae he on 'Sara mynstre pa, ylcan swutelunga pQ his foregenga haefde- )>aermid on Sat land spaec. Ongan p>a to specenne on pat land- elles for Godes ege ne dorste- oS j^aet seo spraec wearS J?am cynge cuS. Da Sa him seo tain cuS waes- pa sende he gewrit his in- segl to )jam arcebisceope iElf- rice- bead him )jat he hys )>egenas on East Cent on West Cent hy on riht gesem- don- be ontale ^ be oftale. pa J»aet waes Saet se bisceop Godwine com to Cantwara¬ byrig to Sam arcebiscope- pa com Sider se scyres man Leof- ric- mid him ^Elfun abbod J>egenas- aegSer ge of East Cent ge of West Cent- eal seo duguS- hy )?aer Sa spaece swa lange handledon- sySSon se bisceop his swutelunge gc- eowod haefde- oS hy ealle baedon J'one biscop eaSmod- lice Saet he geunnan sceolde pxt he moste mid bletsunga );aes landes brucan aet Snod- dinglande his daeg- se bi¬ wine son of jElfeah were agreed respecting the land at Snodland in Canterbury. When bishop Godwine came to the episcopal see, by com¬ mand of his royal lord king .dEthelred, after the death of bishop .^Ifstan, he found in the monastery the same title- deeds w’hich his predecessor had, and therewith laid claim to the land. He began then to lay claim to the land, and for awe of God durst not otherwise; until the suit be¬ came known to the king. When the case was known to him, he sent his writ and his signet to the archbishop Jilf- ric, and commanded him that he and his thanes in East Kent and in West Kent should justly decide between them, by plaint and by defence. Then it was that bishop God¬ wine came to Canterbury to the archbishop; then came thither the shiresmau Leofric, and with him abbot .^Ifun, and thanes both from East Kent and West Kent, all the chief people; and they there handled the suit so long after the bishop had produced his title, until they all prayed the bishop humbly that he would grant that he (Leofudne) might, with his blessing, enjoy MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 303 sceop |)a ■Sees geti-Sode on ealra l^aera witena )?anc ‘Se Jjser ge- somnode waeran. -j he behet ^aes truwan. Jjset land aefter his daege unbesacen eode eft into ISaere stowe hit ut- alaened was. ■j ageaf Sa swute- lunga^e he to j^ara lande haefde ]7e aer of ^aere stowe geutod waes. )?a hagan ealle 'Se he be westan )7aere cyrcan haefde into Saere halgan stowe. And Ibises loces aerendracan waeran- Aillfun abbod. Wulfric ab- bod- Leofric sciresman- ■] Siweard. Wulfstan aet Sealt- wuda- 3 ^Ifelm Ordelmes sunu. Donne is her seo ge- witnes Se aet j^isum loce waes- )?aet is aerest se arcebiscojj iElfric- se biscop Godwine. Wulfric abbod- -y ^Ifim abbod- •;j.d 51 fnoS aetOrpeding- tune- 'y se hired aet Cristes cyrcan. -y se hired aet See Augustine- 'y seo burhwaru on Cantwarebyrig. ■;] Leofric sciresman- ~y Lifing aet Meal- lingau- -y Siweard- 'y Sired his broSor- ~y Leofstan aet Maerseham- ~y Godwine Wulf- eages sunu- ~y Wulfstan aet Sealtwuda- -y Wulfstan iunga- ~y Leofwine aet Dictune- ~y Leofric Ealdredes sunu- 'y Goda Wulfsiges sunu- ~y ^Elf- hehn Ox’delmes sunu- 'y Side- wine aet WealesAvyrSe- ~y the land at Snodland for his day. And the bishop assented thereto, for the sake of all the ‘witan^ who were there as¬ sembled. And he (Leofwine) pledged his faith for this, that the land, after his day, should revert micontested to the place whence it had been alien¬ ated; and gave up the titles that he had to the laud which had before been alienated fi’om the place, and all the mes¬ suages which he had west of the church, to the holy place. And of this compact the de¬ legates w'ere : ^Ifun abbot, and Wulfric abbot, and Leof¬ ric shiresman, and Siweard, and Wulfstan at Saltwood, and ^Ifelm Ordelm’s son. Noav here are the witnesses who were at this compact: That is first, the archbishop AllLfric, and the bishop God¬ wine, and Wulfric abbot, and ^Ifun abbot, and ^Elfnoth at Orpington, and the convent at Christchurch, and the con¬ vent at S‘Augustine’s, and the burghers of Canterbury, and Leofric shiresman, and Lifing at Mailing, and Shveard, and Sired his brother, and Leof¬ stan at Mersham, and God¬ wine Wulfeah’s son, and Wulf¬ stan at Saltwood, and Wulf¬ stan the Young, and Leofwine 304 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Wserelm. ^^E^eli’ed portge- refa on Byrig- J Gu^wold. Gif liTra ^is ]>ence to awen- denne ‘j ^as foreword to abre- ceune- awende him God fram his ansyne on j^am miclan dome- swa ]?at he si ascyred fram heofena riees myrh^Se- j sy eallum deoflum betaeht into belle. Amen. from him at the great doom, s joy of heaven’s kingdom, and devils in hell. Amen. at Ditton, and Ledfric Eald- red’s son, and Goda Wulf- sige’s son, and ..^Elfhelm Ord- elm’s son, and Sidewine at Wallsworth, and Wserelm, and ..Ethelred portreeve at Bury, and Guthwold. If any one meditate to avert this, and to break this agreement, may God avert his eountenance so that he be cut off from the be delivered over to all the KING CNUT. M.XWII. ^ Ego denique imperator Knuto, a Christo Rege regum regiminis Anglici in insula potitus, audiens beneficia praede¬ cessorum meorum regum, scilicet regalia privilegia, similiter cernens libertatem monasteriorum intra Cantiam positorum, archipraesulisque Liuingi admonitione, placuit cordi ambonim praesentem chartulam corroborare ; videlicet, aecclesia Salva¬ toris in Dorobernia sita, omnium aecclesiarum regni Angli- geni mater et domina, cum omnibus ad illam pertinentibus, sit libera, nec quisquam hominum in ea et in rebus suis aliquid juris vel consuetudinis, praeter archiepiscopum et monachos ibidem Deo famulantes, exigat vel obtineat. In sempiternum hoc nostrum decretum inviolabile tempore meo et successorum meorum, pro spe salutis aeternae, stabile per¬ severet : his testibus quorum signa subtus annotantur. Ego Knuto gubernator Anglici orbis propria manu con¬ firmo Ego Liuingus metropolitanus archipraesul libenter annuo Ego Emma regina signo crucis confirmo Ego Wolstanus Eboracensis consolida\'i Ego Ealdelmus episcopus gratum habens Ego ^Ifgarus episcopus con¬ cedo Ego Leofricus episcopus confirmo Ego Hald- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 305 enne princeps regis [done] pro viribus assensum praebeo Et ego Turkillus dux concedo Facta est autem ista con¬ cessio anno Dominicae incarnationis millesimo xvni. * KING CNUT. M.XVIII. In nomine Poliarcliis Ibesu Christi, Salvatoris mundi tociusque creature Creatoris, cujus divino dominatui quaeque dominaciones debito servicio subnixe deserviunt, cujus etiam omnipotentatui universi potentatus obsecundari examussim preproperant, quia bonitas ejiis bonitas est incompreliensibilis, et miseracio interminabilis, dapsilitas bonitatis ineffabilis, longanimitas quoque su])er pravorum nequicias quantitatis prolixitate eujuslibet longior, qiii cotidianis admonicionibus religiosam conversacionem ducentes monet, ut pie sectando justicifB culturam non cam deserendo linquant, quin pocius perseverabili instaneia in ejus cultura, ut permaneant paterno affectu hortatur, qui nihilominus eadem affectione mandet peccatorihus ut resipiscant a suis iniquitatibus convertentes, qtiia eorum exeeratur mortem. Ejus amoris stimulo et fide suffultus, eujus largiflua miseracione, ego Cnut rex tocius Albionis insule aliarumque nacionum plurimarum in cathedra regali promotus, cum consilio et decreto archiepiscoporum, episcoporum, abhatum, comitum, aliorumque omnium meo¬ rum fidelium, elegi sanciendum atque perpeti stabilimento ab omnibus confirmandum, ut monasterium quod Beadrices- wurthe nuncupatur sit per omne jevum monachorum gregibus deputatum ad inhabitandum, et ab omni dominatione omnium episcoporum comitatus illius funditus liberum, ut in eo Domino servientes monachi sine ulla inquietudine pro statu regni Dominum prmvaleant precari. Placuit etiam mihi hanc optionis electionem roborare privilegio isto in quo videre praecepi libertatis donum, quod jam olim Eadmundus rex Occidentalium Saxonum largitus est suo equivoco, pro nan¬ ciscenda ejus gracia q mercede eterna, scilicet, Eadmundo regi et martyri, quod bone voluntatis voto augere cupinms. x 306 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. quatinus ejus promereri ju’ecibus merear porcionem ejus beati- tudinis post hujus cursum vite. Tali libertate concedo fundo frui illij in quo idem sanctus pausat, ut quotiens populus universus persolvit censum Danis, vel ad naves seu ad arma, persolvant inhabitantes in ipso fundo eadem ad usus quos elegerint fratres illius loci. Sitque nobis remedio hoc, mihi quippe eque regine mee .iElgife ac filiis nostris, omnibusque qui pridem ei hoc contulerunt. Huic libertati concedo additamentum, scilicet, maritimos pisces qui mihi contingere debent animaliter per thelonei lucrum et piscationem quam Ulfkytel habuit in Wylla, et omnia jura quarumcunque causarum in villis que monasterio adjacent, et quse adiciende sunt per gratiam Dei. Dedi quoque, regine mee assensu con¬ cedens ei, pro sua elemosina dare quatuor milia anguillarum cum muneribus que pertinent ad illas pro annuali censu, in villa que cognominatur LacyngahySe. Si quislibet, quod absit, istam libertatem quoquolibet conatu nititur servitutis jugo subigere, vel prava intentione transmutare, ut rursus clericos iu eo collocet loco, sit addictus captivitati eterne, carens sempiterna libertate, et mancipatus servitio diaboli, ej usque consortio sit inextricabilibus habenis constitutus, nisi satisfactio ejus erratui subveniat, quod prorsus optamus. Ego Cuut rex gentis Auglorum aliarumque nationum nihilominus hoc privilegium jussi componere et compositum cum signo Dominice crucis confirmando impressi. Ego ^Igifa regina omni alacritate mentis hoc confirmavi. ^ Ego Wlfstanus archiepiscopus confirmavi. ^ Ego Godwinus episcopus corroboravi. Ego ^Ifwinus episcopus assensum dedi. •i* Ego yElfsinus episcopus consignavi. ^ Ego iE5[el]ricus episcopus conclusi. Ego AElfwinus episcopus roboravi. ^ Ego Brihtwaldus episcopus. ^ Ego Iric dux. Ego Godwinus dux. Ego Ulf dux. Ego Eglaf dux. Ego Hakun dux. Ego Leofwinus dux. Ego Godricus dux. Ego H^lfwinus abbas. Ego Leofwinus abbas. Ego Wlfredus abbas. Ego Oski- tellus abbas. Ego Leofricus abbas. ^ Ego iElfwardus abbas. Ego ^EiSelstanus abbas. Ego Oslacus miles. ^ Ego Dol'd miles. ►Ji Ego Durkil miles. Ego Drim MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 807 miles. Ego Brobor miles. Ego .^ilfrieus miles. Ego iElwinus miles. Ego yElfwinus. Ego iElfrieus. Ego Leofsius. Ego Leofricus. Ego iElfricus. Ego Leofrieus. IDEM ANGLICE INTERPRETATUM^ ET EIDEM CART.® PRINCIPALI INSERTUM. On lelmilitiges Drilitnes naman. Ic Cnut kyning kySe eallum mannum ymbe )?one raed )7e ic mid minum raed- gyfum gersedd lisebbe- for minre sawle J^earfe ‘3) for ealles )>codscypes gesundfulnysse Ins¬ 'll ic aim ecc freodomes |nam halgan kyniiige Sancte Ead- munde swa for^ swa he fyrm- est hiefde into |ia;re stowe }>e he on restaS- ^ swa wille ic p se freedom stande on his geweald unawend- buton elces bisceopes amvealde |?aere scire ecelice freo- swa fela sySe sAva menn gylda^ heregyld oS'Se to scipgylde- gylde se tunscipe- SAA'a swa o^re menn doS- to l^sere muneca neode |>e |?aer binuaii sceolon for us |ieowian- Ave gecuron hit nsefre ue sceolde aenig mann gCAv^endan to obres hades mannum, buton he wolde beon ascyred fram Codes gc- manan 'j eallum his |7am hal- gum- “j ic geaun |nim munc- can to fodan ealne |mne fixno^ |ic Ulfkytel ahte let Wyllan- and min gafol fisc. |;c me arist In the name of the Al¬ mighty Lord. I Cnut king make known to all men, with resjiect to the resolution Avhich I liaA’C adopted AAuth my counsellors, for my soul’s need and for the well-being of all the nation, this—That I grant perpetual freedom to the holy king S‘ Eadmund, as com¬ plete as he best had it, at the place in which he rests. And I will so that the freedom stand in his control unper- A'erted, exempt from every bishop’s poAver, to that shire eternally free. And as often as men pay the armj^-tax, or for ship-tax, let the toAvuiship pay, so as other men do, for the need of the monks Avho shall for us therein serve. And Ave have resolved that no man shall ever turn it to men of another order, unless he Avould be cut off from tbe communion of God and all bis saints. And I give to the monks for food all the fishing that Ulfkytel OAvned at Wells, and my toll-fish, Avhich accrue MISCELLANEOUS CHAIITERS. :j()s be S8e lande* j min cwen iElf- g 3 'fu ann }>am halgum feower Jjusend aela. mid hera lacon herto gebyriaiS- aet Lak- jmge bySe- j ic ann lieom ealra heora tun socne of ealle beora lande ]7e hi nn babbab -) git bcgitan sceolon on Codes este. to me from the maritime lands. And my queen Jillf- gyfu gives to the saint four thousand eels, -with the gifts whieh are ineident thereto, at Lakeuheath. And I give to them ‘ tun-socn ’ of all their lands Avhich they now have, and, b\" favour of Cod, may yet acquire. KING CNUT. ^ Cunt cing gret Lifing arceb. q Codwiue b.q ^Imaer abb. q aEj^elwine scirman- q ^■Ej^elric. q ealle mine )?egnas twelflmide q twihynde* freondlice- q ic cybe eow se arceb. spaec to me ymbe Xpes circean freols- f heo hfefb nu laesse mundQ j^onne hio hwilan aer haefde. palyfde ic him he moste niwne freols settan on minan naman. Da cwaeS he to me ^ he freolsas genoge heefde- gif hi aht forstodan. Da nam ic me sylf )>a freolsas q gelede hi uppan Xpes agen weofod on jjaes arceb. gewitnysse- q on Dur- killes eorles- q on manegra goddra manna be me mid waeron* to )?an ylcan fore- weardan ]>q hit .dilj^elbyrht cing gpfreode- q ealle mine I M.XIII.-M.XX. ►I. I Cnut king greet Lyfing archbishop, and Cod- wine bishop, and iElraaer abbot, and ^Dthelwine shire- man, and ^Dthelric, and all mj" thanes, twelfhynd and twihynd, amicabh'. And I make known to you that the archbishop spake to me con¬ cerning the liberty of Christ¬ church : that it has now less immunity than it had a while before. I then allowed him that he might establish a new liberty in my name. He then said to me that he had liberties enough, if they stood for aught. I myself then took the liberties and laid them upon Christ’s own altar, in witness of the archbishop, and of earl Thnrkill, and of many good men who were with me. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS, 3U9 foregencgan- p iicefre iiau man iie sy swa dyrsti. sy he gehadod sy he laewode- p fenig l^inga gelytlie pe on Sam freolse staent. Gif hit hwa }?8enne do- sy his lif her gescert “j his wunung on helle grimde- Initaii he hit Se stiS- licor gebete aer his aende be )jajs arcebisceopcs taecinge. with the same immunities with which king ^thelbyrht and all my predecessors had privileged it 3 that never any man should be so daring, be he in orders, be he lay, that he diminish any of the things which stand in that liberty. And if any one so do, be his life here shortened, and his dwelling in the ground of hell, unless he the more make amends before his end, by tbe archbishop’s teaching. KING CNUT. xM.XIX. Rector altipolorum culmine atque Architector summe fabrice etberee aule, ex nichilo quidem cuncta creavit, coelum, scilicet, et terram, ct omnia que in eis sunt; candida quidem angelica agmina, solem, lunam, lucidaque astra, et cetera que super firmamento sunt; mundi autem fabricam inenarra¬ bili disponens ordine, ut Genesis testatur: “ Et hominem sexto die forniavit ad similitudinem suam,” Adam, videlicet, quadriformi plasmatum materia, unde nunc constat genus humanum que in terris movetur, ct ima terra larvarica lati¬ bula, idji et Lucifer cum decimo ordine per superbiam de celo ruit. Sed et hoc iuvidet pestifer Chelidrus protho- plastum a Deo conditum intellexerat iit hoc impleret, a quo ipse miser et satellites illius de celo projecti sunt. Ileu ! quidem boni creati sunt, sed miserabiliter decepti. Ideoque invidus Zabulus totis viribus homini invidet, suadet mulieri, mulier viro, per suasionem atque per inobedientiam ambo decepti sunt fraudulenter per gustum pomi ligni vetiti, atque ab ameuitate Paradisi dejecti sunt in hoc erumpnoso seculo, et letum sibi ae posteris suis promeruerunt, atque in tetrurn abyssi demersi sunt. Sed hoc misericors et piissimus Pater 810 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. indoluit perire tandiu nobilem creaturam sui imaginem; misertus est generi liumano, misit nobis in tempore, id est, post quinque millia annorum, proprium filium suum, ut mundum perditum iterum renovaret; ut sicut mulier genuit mortem in mundo, ita per mulierem enixa est nobis vita in mnndo; et sicut per delictum Adae omnes corruimus, ita per obedientiam Christi omnes surreximus; et sicut mors per lignum intravit, ita et vita per lignum sancte crucis venit, et antiquum inimicum superavit, et fortis fortem alligavit, et in imo barathro retrusit: juste periit qui injuste decepit, atque omnes antiquas sanetas turmas a fauce pessimi leonis eripuit, et ovem perditam in humeris posuit, et ad antiquam patriam reduxit, et decimum ordinem implevit. Unde ego Cnutb, rex Anglorum ceterarumque gentium persisteneium iu cir- euitu, patefacio omnibus hanc cartulam legentibus et auscul¬ tantibus, quod Adelbertus dux revelavit micbi quod mei prae¬ positi in Defonia provincia imponebant jugum servitutis prediis sancte aecclcsie Dei et ejus genitricis Marie, omnium- que sanctorum, que est in Exencestria, diruto monasterio a paganis, et crematis privilegiis que antiqui reges concesserant supradieto cenobio. Quamobrem ego Cnutb, Deo favente, tocius Albioiris primieerius, pro peticione supradicti dncis, et pro remedio anime mee mearumque eulparum emendatione, atque incolumitate mei regni, bane cartidam concedo Adel- woldo abbati ej usque fratribus et suorum successoribus in supradieto monasterio eommorantibus ad perpetuam liber¬ tatem, ut liberum permaneat ipsum monasterium eum om¬ nibus praediis illi concessis, et cum omnibus rebus ad eum rite pertinentibus, id est, eampis, pratis, pascuis, silvis, vena¬ tionibus, piscariis, ab omni regali atque seculari gravedine, majora atque minora, exeeptis assiduis orationibus, nisi sola expeditione et pontis eonstructione; et si aliqnid pro expe¬ ditione, aut pro aliquo regali tributo reddatur, detur mo¬ nasterio. Quicumque ergo boc augere atque multiplicare voluerit, amplificet ^ Deus bona illius in regione viventium, paceque nostra conglutinata vigens et florens, atque inter agmina beatitudinis tripudia succedat, qui nostrje donationis muneri consentiat. Si quis vero tam epilenticus pbilargyide MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. .311 seductus amentia, quod non optamus, hanc nostrae elimosyne dapsilitatem ausu temerario infringere tentaverit, sit ipse alienatus a consortio sanctae Dei ecclesie, necnon a partici¬ patione sacrosaneti corporis et sanguinis Jhesu Christi filii Dei, per quem totus terrarum orbis ab antiquo humani genei’is inimico liberatus est, et cum Juda Christi proditore sinistra in parte deputatus, nisi prius hic digna satisfactione humilis poenituerit quod contra sanctam Dei aecclesiam rebellis agere praesumpsit, nec in vita hac practica veniam, nec in theorica requiem apostata obtineat ullam, sed aeternis barathri in¬ cendiis trusus, jugiter miserrimus crucietur. Anno Domi¬ nice incarnationis m^xix”. Indictione secunda, scripta est hujus munificencie singrapha, hiis testil)us consencientibus quorum inferius nomina, secundum uniuscujusque dignitatem ntriusque ordinis decusatim. Domino disponente, carraci- antur. Ego Cnhut, Britannic Anglorum monarchus, hoc taumate donum agie crucis roboravi. Ego Lyuingh, Dorovernensis basilice primas, huic regali dono assensum praebui. Ego Wlstan, Eboracensis cathedre archipontifex, signum sancte crucis letus impressi. Ego iElfsige episcopus praebui. Ego (rodwync episcopus consensi. Ego iElfwine episcopiis ad- quievi. Ego Leofsige episcopus annui. Ego Brichtwolf episcopus jussi. Ego /ESelfred episcopus roboravi. Ego ^Ebelwine episcopus praebui. Ego EadnoS episcopus sub¬ scripsi. Ego Brihtwolf episcopus impressi. Ego Diircil dux. Ego Hacun dux. Ego Leouuine dux. Ego Halfdan dux. Ego Yric dux. Ego J5belred dux. Ego Eilaf dux. Ego Godwine dux. Ego Haram dux. Ego Syhrod dux. Ego Brihtrig abbas. Ego iElfsige abbas. Ego .^Hfstaii abbas. Ego yElfhere abbas. Ego Lcofric abbas. Ego .^Selwold abbas. Ego Germanus abbas. Ego/ESerie abbas. Ego Alia abbas. Ego iESehvine abbas. Ego Liixihs abbas. Ego /ElfnoS abbas. Ego Filno^ abbas. Ego iElfwine mi¬ nister. Ego Ilaldan minister. Ego Swesa minister. Ego Lcofric minister. Ego Hiilfgar minister. Ego Odda mi¬ nister. Ego Ailfwig minister. Ego Eadivig minister. Ego OsferS minister. Ego Leofsige minister. Ego EadsiS mi- 312 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. nister. Ego ^Elfgar minister. Ego .^Ifrich minister, .^^el- mar minister. Eaclwyne minister. Leofno^ minister. Wulf- siglie minister. Eadwig minister. Wyne minister. JElua minister. ^E^elwine minister. Sewlf minister. iEIfric mi¬ nister. Sodda minister. ^^elno^ minister. ^ESelmar minister. EARL GODWINE. M.XVI.-M.XX. Her swntela^ on |)ysan gewrite J>a foreward ^Se God- wine worhte wi^ Byrhtric )>a he his dohter awogodeh Daet is serest- f he gmf hire anes pundes gewihta goldes- wi^ )>on 5e heo his spfece under- fenge- 'j he geu^Se hire ]ws landes set Strsete mid eallan •Sou ]>e jjserto herS- “j on Bnr- wara mersce o^er healf hiind aecera. ^ j^serto )7rittig oxna twentig cuna- tyn hors, tyu l^eowinen. Dis wses gespecen set Cincgestune- heforan Cuute cincge- on Lyfinges arcebiscopes gewitnesse- ~j on J)seshircdes set Cristes circan- ^Elfmeres abbodes- i ]>ses hiredes set See Augustine* HiiSelwines sciregerefan- Siredes ealdan. Godwines Wulfeages suna. Hiilfsige cild- Eadmer set Burham. GodAvine Wulfstanes sunu. ^ Kar[l] Jises cineges cniht. * God'wine’s second wife. Here is made known, by this writing, the compact that Godwine made with Byrhtric, when he wooed his daughter'. That is first, that he should give her one pound weight of gold, in considera¬ tion that she woidd receive his suit] and he slioidd give her the land at Street, with all which thereto belongs; and at Buiuvash a hundred and fifty acres, and thereto thirty oxen, and twenty cows, and ten horses, and ten serfs. This was agreed at Kingston, before king Cnut, with the witness of archbishop Lyfing and the convent at Christ- chru’ch, and of .Elfmser abbot, and the convent at S‘ Augus¬ tine’s, and of ^thelwine the shii’e-reeve, and of Sired the Old, and of Godwine son of Wulfeah,and of Hillfsige child, and of Eadmer at Buimham, See "Will. Malmesb. p. 342, edit. E. H. Soc. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 31.3 and of Godwine son of Wulf- stan, and of Karl the king’s page. And when they fetched the maiden from Brightling, then for all this went as secu¬ rity ^Elfgar son of Syrcd, and Frcrth the priest at Folke¬ stone; and from Dover Leof- wine priestj and Wulfsige priest, and Eadred son of Eadelm, and Leofwine son of Wferclm, and Cenwold Rust, and Leofwine son of Godwine at Horton, and Leof¬ wine the Red, and Godwine son of Eadgifu, and Lcof- sunu his brother. And let Avhichsoever of them live the longer succeed to all the possessions, both in the land which I have given them, and in every thing. Of these things is cognizant every good (doughty) man in Kent and in Sussex, of thanes and churls. And of these writings there ai’e three: one is at Christchurch, another at S* Augustine’s, and the third Bvrhtric himself has. x\nd -Sa man f miedan fette aet Byrhtlingan, Sa code )?yses ealles on borh. .Elfgar Sy- redes sunn. ■] FrerS preost on Folcestane- 'j of Doferan Leofnine preost- ^ Wulfsige preost- Eadraed Eadelmes sunu- Leofwine Waerelmes sunu- Cenwold Rust- Leofwine Godwines sunu aet Hortune- j Leofwine se Reade- Godwine Eadgeofe sunu- ^ Leofsunu his broSer. And swa hwaeSer heora heng libbe fd to eallan se[li] tan¬ ge on l^am lande 'Se ic' heom gief- ge o[n] aelcon J'ingan. Dyssa };inga is gecnajw'e lelc dohtig man on Kfent on SuS Sexan- on jjegenan -3 on eeorlan- 3 Syssa gewrita synd }>reo- aen is aet Cristes cyr- can- o'Ser aet See Augustine- 3 ju’idde haefS Byrhtric self. ARCIIBISIIOR WULFSTAN. M.XX. Widfstan arcebisceop® gret Cnut cyning his hlaford and Aelfgyfe |?a hlaefdian ead- modlice- and ic cySe inc Icof ■f we habbaiS gedon swa swa ' Bvrlitric. Wulfstan archbishop greets Cnut king, his lord, and /Elf- gyfu the lady, humbly. And I make known to you, be¬ loved, that Ave have done, ’ Of York. 314 MISCELL-\NEOUS CHARTERS. us swutelung fram eow com aet "Sam fe. .^ESelno^eE f we habba^ bine nu gebletsod. Nu bidcle ic for Godes lufon and for eallan Godes balgan f gewitan on Gode ]?am ae'Se- 'J on jjam balgan bade* j? be mote beon |>sere J>inga wyr^e 5e o^ra beforan waeron* Dun- stan 'Se god waes j maenig oSer* p )jes mote beon eallswa ribta -j gcrysna wju’Se p inc byS bam |?earflic for Gode* j eac gerysenlic for worolde. with respect to bisbop iEtbel- notb, so as tbe declaration from you came; viz. that we bave now blessed bim. I now pray, for love of God, and for all God’s saints, wbo depart in God tbe lenient, and in tbe boly state, that be may be worthy of tbe things which others were before, [as] Dunstan tbe Good was, and many another; so that this [man] may be as worthy of rights and regards as may be desirable for you both, and fitting before tbe world. KING CNUT. M.XXIII. In nomine Dei summi et Salvatoris nostri Ibesn Christi. Certis astipulationibus nos sancti et justi patres frequenta¬ tivis orationibus admonent, ut Deum quem diligimus et credimus intima mentis affectione cum bonorum operum dili¬ gentia incessanter eum timeamus et amemus, quia retribu¬ tionem omnium actuum nostrorum, in die examinationis juxta uniuscujusque meritum reddet. Ideoque subtilissima mentis certatione illum imitari satagamus, licet mortalis rit* pondere pressi et labentibus hujus seculi possessionibus simul infoecati, tamen miserationis ejus largitate caducis opibus aeterna coelestis vitae praemia mercari queamus. Quapropter ego Cnut, divina favente gratia Anglorum ceterarumque adja¬ centium insularum basileus, propriis manibus meis, capitis mei coronam auream pono super altare Christi in Dorobernia, ad opus ejusdem aecclesiae; et concedo eidem aecclesiae, ad ' Of Canterburv. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 315 vicHim monachorum, portum de Sanduuic et omues exitus ejusdem aquae, ab utraque parte flumiuis, cujuscunque terra sit, a Piperuaesse usque ad Mearcesfleote, ita ut natante nave ill flumine cum plenum fuerit, quam longius de navi potest securis parvula, quam Aiigli vocant ‘Haper eax’ super terram projici, ministri aecclesise Christi rectitudines accipiant; nul¬ lusque omnino homo habet aliquam consuetudinem in eodem portu, exceptis monachis aecclesiae Christi. Eorum autem est navicula et transfretatio portus et theloneum omnium navium cujuscunque sit, et undecunque veniat, qme ad prae¬ dictum portum et ad Sanduuic venerint. Si quid autem in magno mari extra portum quantum mare plus se retraxerit, ct adhuc statura unius hominis tenentis lignum quod Angle nominant ‘ spreot et tendentis ante se quantum potest, monachorum est. Quicquid etiam ex hac parte medietatis maris inventum et delatum ad Sanduuic fuerit, sive sit vesti¬ mentum, sive rete, arma, ferrum, aurum, argentum, medietas monachorum erit, alia pars remanebit inventoribus. Quod si ulter deinceps codicellus emerserit, qui priscae tempestatis stilo digestus huic nostrae confirmationi visus fuerit aliqua¬ tenus refragari, illiusmodi litteraturae membranula suricum morsibus corrodenda, aut certe potius igiiivomi vaporis in¬ cendio adiiichiletiu’; ejusque praesentator cujuscumque exti- terit personae, pro piu’gamento favillae deputetur, et ignomi¬ niosissima confusione subsannetur, et ab omnibus in circuitu priesentibus uni animo detestetur. Hujusque privilegii rata confirmatio semper in posterum praevaleat, et tam Dei omni¬ potentis auctoritate quam mea, simul et omnium concorditer optimatum corroboratione confirmata contra universa refra¬ gatorum cogitamenta cunetis succedentibus aevi temporibus stabilis et inconcussa, columnaris status similitudine perse- verantissimo jure consolidetur. Si autem, quod non optamus, aliquis, tumido supercilio inflatus, hanc nostram corrobora¬ tionem infringere vcl minuere temptaverit, noverit se anathe¬ matizatum esse a Deo et sanetis ejus, ni ante mortem digna satisfactione emendaverit quod injuste deliquit. Scripta est haec sccdula anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Ihcsu Christi * O. Nor. tapar-oxi, securis malleata. 310 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEKS. millesimo xxiii., liis testibus coneorclautibus quorum nomiua iuferius lueide karaxautur. ^ Ego Cnut rex Aiiglorum banc litteraturae confirma¬ tionem indeclinabiliter confirmo. ^ Ego ^Selno'Sus Doro- bernicus arcliipraesul banc praerogativam vexillo sancto con¬ firmavi. Ego ^Elfricus Eboracensis aecclesiae archiepi- scopus ejusdem regis benevolentiam cum sanctae crucis signo corroboro. Ego ^Elfwinus Lundoniensis aecclesiae pontifex consensi. Ego ^Elfsinus Wentoniae episcopus assensum praebui. Ego Byrbtwoldus Corviniensis aecclesiae episcopus condonavi. Ego /ESelricus Dorccensis aecclesiae episcopus consolidavi. Ego iElmaer bisceop. Ego Godwine bisceop. Ego Brybtuine b. Ego ^Ebelstan fe. Ego iElmaer abb. Ego Brihtmaer abb. Ego Briht- wig abb. Ego WulfnoS abb. Ego Godwine dux. Ego Eglaf daix. Ego Drym dux,. Ego Yric dux. Ego Dord minister. Ego Agemund m. Ego jEgelric fn. ^ Ego ^Elfwine m. Ego Bribtric m. ^ Ego Leofric m. Ego Siraed in. ^ Ego Godwine in. Ego Eadmaer m. IDE.M ANGLICE. Oli )ias begestes Godes q ures Hlauordes Haelendes Xpes naman. Ure halige q ure ribtwise feederes mid sobre gefaestnunge • q mid gelomraedre menunge us ge- menegiS- ■p we "bone aelmibti God '5e we lufiab q we on be- leuab mid inweordre gelust- fulnesse ure beorten- q mid geornfulnesse godre wurke unatirendlice ondraeden q luuian. forbi 'be be seel geldan edlean alre ure weorke on domes daege aeftcr aegbwilces mannes earnungc- q forbi mid In the name of God tbe bigbest and of our Saviour Jesus Cbrist. Our boly and our rigbteous fathers, ivitli true confirmation and with frequent admonition admo- nisb us, tliat we, with inward joyfulness of our heart, and with diligence in good works, should untiringly dread and love the Almighty God whom we love, and in whom we be¬ lieve; because he shall pay the reward of all our works on doomsday, according to each man’s desert; and there- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. .‘{17 ))an helilicastaii gewinnc ures i modes swinke Ave liim to ge- folgienne- l^eali '5e we ge- ssemde beon mid )?are bcrdene ■SfBS deadlices Hues- ^5are gewiteiidre felite 'Sises mid- daneai’des ])eon awemde- ))cabhw 8 e' 8 ere Ave mageii ge- becgen ba ece meden Sas lieouenlices lines mid Sam rioseuden AA'elan- ~j for'Si ic Cmit- p>urb Godes geue /En- glelandcs killing. 3 ealre |iare eglande Se Smrto liegeS. legge up an Cristes weouod in CantAvareberig mines lieo- uodes kinelielm mid minen agciieii handeii. to Sas ilcen menstres freme- ic ann Sam ilikan menstre- to Sare mu- nece bigleoue- Sa liaBuene on SandAvic. “j calle Sa Imndinge Sa gerilite of Sam ilkan AA setere- of tegSer liealue 'Sas streames- age land se Se bit age- fram Pipernsesse to Maercesfleote. swa f Sonne hit biS full flod 'j p scip biS aflote. swa feorr sAva nueg an taper aex boon geworpen ut of ■Sam scipe up on •]) land- Sa gcreflanges of Cristes circeaii underfdn Sa gcribte- ne nee- fre nan man a nanes kennes Avisan nsefS menue anwaeld on Sare ilicerc lueueiie- butan Sa muiiekesof Cristes circean. ■j bcore is p scip se oiicr- fore Avitli the highest struggle of our mind, let us strive to follow him ; for though we be loaded with the burthen of this deathlike life and with the transitory possessions of this world Ave are polluted, yet Ave may buy the eternal ifleed of the heavenly life with perishable riches. And there¬ fore, I Cnut, by God^s grace king of England and of all the islands thereto adjacent, lay upon Christ’s altar in Canter¬ bury the kingly croAvii of my head, with my OAvn hands, for the same monastery’s benefit. And I give to the same mo¬ nastery, for the subsistence of the monks, the haven of SaudAvich, and all the land¬ ings and dues of both sides of the stream, let own the laud Avhoever oavus it, from Pepperness to Marfleet; so that Avhen it is fidl flood, and the ship is afloat, as far as a ‘taper-axe’ can be cast out from the ship upon the land, let the ministers of Christ¬ church receive the dues. Nor shall ever any man, in any kind of Avay, have any power in the same haven, except the monks of Christchurch. And theirs shall be the ship and the ferry over the haven, and the toll of all ships, be it Avhoscsoever .318 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. fa;i-ekl <5are hseuene. se tolne of ealle scipen bi bas be hit beo- cume bauon be hit Clime- be to bare ilicare hcBuene set Sandwic cumb- ‘j gif aht is in bare micelre sse wibutan bare hreueiie- swa micel swa seo sse heo msest wibteohb- j git anes manias lenge be healt anne sjireot on his hand- "j strecb hine swa feor swa he mseg araecan into bere sse- f is bare muneke- eal ^ be of bas healue bare middel sse wurb gefunden to Sandwic ge- broht- bi hit scrnd- bi hit net- obbe w'sepne- obbe isen- gold obbe seoluer- f liealue dsel sccal bion bare muneke- f ober dsel seel bcliuan bam )?e hit findseb- gif aenig ober gewrit heoneforb wurb forb- gebroht- be beo heortoforen gemaked- be on seniges kinnes ivisen beo gebuht bissere ure gefsestnunge to wibcwebene- •p gewrit beo geworpen musen to gnagene- obbe on fere to forbsernenne- ‘3 se be hit forb brsengb- beo swilces hades swilc he beo- bio he gehealden for sesce geswap- mid eah'c bare unwurbreste scame beo he gcscsent- ^ of eallan ban mannan be bser gehsende beob mid ane mode wurb he ge- scunned- ~j seo strange ge- (ship) it may be, and come whencesoever it may come, which shall come to the said haven at Sandwich. And if there is aught in the great sea without the haven, as far as the sea at the utmost re¬ cedes, and yet the length of a man holding a pole in his hand, and stretching himself as far as he can reach into the sea, that is the monks^; and all that which is found on this side of the middle sea, and brought to Sandwich, be it a garment, be it a net, or a weapon, or iron, gold or silver, the half part shall be for the monks, and the other part shall remain for him who finds it. And if any other writing shall henceforth be brought forth, that shall have been heretofore made, which, in any kind of way, may seem to gainsay tliis our confirmation, be that writing cast to the mice to gnaiv, or into the fire to be burnt: and whosoever shall bring it forth, be he of whatever condition he may, be he kept for sweeping ashes, and with all the most disgrace¬ ful shame be he shent; and of all the men who are there at hand, with one mind be he shunned. And be the strong confirmation of this charter MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 810 faestnunge 'Sissere landboc aefre ma hcoiiefor^ beo ge- stranged" j aegber mid baes Almibtiges Godes ealderdome j minre 'j ealre minre ]jegene gefaestnimge togaenes ealre ■Sare wibcweSendre smaeig- unge on ecnesse stabelfaest j nnawaegendlic mid jnirbwuni- ende rihte beo gefaestned- j gif aenig is f gewilna'5 o'SSe to brekenne obbe to gelit- ligene mid toSundeiie modig- nesse ^as urc gefaestnunge- wite he bine selfne aman- sumod fram Gode ^ fram eallan his balgan- bntan he toforan bam deaSc- mid wurSe behrivvsnnge- gebete •p he nnrihtwislice forgelte. Deos landb()C waes gen ritcn on San ]nisende ]?ri twentehte gaerc fram ures Illauordes Haelendes Cristes akennednesse- mid bare ge- bwferunge Sissere manne be here naman heraefter beoS ge- writene. evermore henceforth strength¬ ened ; and both with the au¬ thority of Almighty God, and the confirmation of myself and of all my thanes, against the machinations of all the gainsayers, to eternity stable and immovable, with per¬ petual right be it confirmed. And if there is any who, swollen up with pride, desires either to violate or diminish this our confirmation, let him know himself excommuni¬ cated from God and from all his saints, unless before death, with worthy penitence, he amend the sin he has un¬ righteously committed. This charter was written on the thousandth and three and twentieth year from the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, with the consent of these men, whose names are hereafter written. KING CNUT. .M.XXIII. CARTA REGIS CANUTI, DE QUIBUSDAM IMMUNITATIBUS ECCLESIiE SANCTI PAULI PER Ic Cnnd cyng grete mine biscopes* mine eorles* ealle mine )iegenas- on )>an IPSUM CONCESSIS. ^ I Cniit king greet ami¬ cably my bishops and my carls, and all my thanes, in 820 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. sciran )?aer mine preostas on S. Failles mynstre liabba^ land inne- freondlice- ic ci’Se eow ■p ic ■wylle p big beon lieora sacc liere 'j socna iveor^e- tolles • 3 ) teames- bin- nail tid -j bn ton tid- -j swa full swa forb siva big lifef- don on aeniges cynges deage fyrmest on aellan jiingan- biiinan biirli j biitan- -j ic nelle ge^afian p nan man set senigum ]nngan lieom mis- | beode- jiyses is to gewit- ■ nesse .®geluoS arcebiscop- : jElfric arcebiscop- y ^Iwi biscop- .Elfwine biscop- 'j Diidiice biscop- y Godwine i eorl- y Lcofric eorl- y Osgod Clape- y Bored- y oSre ge- noge. God bine aneorge jie )ns awaende. tlie shires nliere my priests of S* Paul’s monastery possess land. And I make known to you that I will that they be worthy of their saca and socn, toll and team, within tide and without tide, as fully and as freely, as they most fully had in any king’s day, in all things, within town and without. And I will not con¬ sent that any man, in auy things, misuse them. And of this are witness: .^gelnoth archbishop, and ^Elfric arch¬ bishop, and Ailwi bishop, and ..Elfwine bishop, and Diiduc bishop, and Godwine earl, and Leofi’ic earl, and Osgod Clapa, and Thored, and others enough. INIay God curse him who shall pervert this. WULFRIC. M.XXIII. * 1 ^ Her swutclaS on |jysum gewrite ymbe jia forwerda pe AViilfric y se arcebisceop ge- worhtan )ia he begeat }iaes arceb. swuster him to wife- p is piet he behet hyre p land set Ealretune y set Ribbed- forda hire dseg- y he behet hire p> laud set Cnihtewican- p he wolde hit hire begytaii ►J* Here is made known in this writing concerning the compacts which Wulfric and the archbishop made, when he got him the archbishop’s sister to wife. That is, that he promised her the land at Alderton, and at Ribbesford, for her day; and he promised her the land at Kuightwick, MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 321 )>reora manna daeg set J>am hirede on Wincelcumbe* j sealde liyre f land set Eanulf- intnne- to gyfenne -j to syllenne ];an ]>e hire leofest wsere. on dsege sefter dsege- )?aer hire leofest wsere* hehet hire l. mances goldes* 'j xxx. manna* xxx. horsa. Nu wses Jjyses to gewitnesse Wulf- stan arceb. * ^ Leofwine eal- dorman* iE^elstan b. * j ^Ifword abb. * 'j Briteh mumic* -j manig god man to eacan lieora* segSer gehadode ge leawede* ^ |?as forewerda j^ns geworhte wseran. Nu syndon to j^ysum forwordan twa gewrita* oSer mid |>am arceb. on Wigerceastre* o'Ser mid iE’Selstane b. on Herforda. one with the archhishop in A hishop iEthelstan in Hereford that he would get it for her, for three men’s day, from the convent at Winchcomhe; and he gave her the land at Eannlfintiin, to give and to sell to whom to her might he most desirable, for her day and after her day, where to her might be most desirable ; and he promised her l. man- cuses of gold, and xxx. men, and xxx. horses. Now of this were for witness; Wulfstan archhishop, and Leofwine aldorman, and ^Ethelstan hishop, and iElfword abbot, and Briteh monk, and many a good man besides them, both ordained and lay, that these compacts were thus made. Now of these com¬ pacts there are two writings; Worcester; and the other with EADWINE, A MONKL Ic Eadwinc mnnek, cildre- meistre on Niwan munstre* grette |;e wel Alfsie hiscop. Ic kyjjc )7e laford f nu for }>rum gearan ic laei inn an minan portice anhntan non- I Eadwine monk, child- master in the New monas¬ tery, greet thee well, bishop HUlfsie. I make known to thee, lord, that now three years since I lay within my * I am unable to assign a date to this strange narrative. yElfsige, to whom it is addressed, was bishop of Winchester from 1015 to 1032 ; while .(Egelwine did not succeed to the see of Durham till 1056. From 1020 to 1048 Eadmund was bishop of Durham. V 322 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. tide- end me ateude )jer se halga Cutlibert openiice. le ) 7 es swyj^e bli)?e wes- ic eode to milieu abboden ^Ifwine j bed bine f ic moste noi’)i faran to )iam balgaii bine gesecan- ac min abbod ^Elf- Avine me )ies forwurnde eac forbicd. Ic )ia feng on mine agenne red eode me )nder nor^- me ]ier ^Egelnine bisscup mid n urscupe under- feng. ^ me geu|>e God -} )ie balga f ic bine mid minen lianden gcAvocbs- -j bis beafod mid gambe gekamde- j bis ber mid scearan gescberf- 3 liine call mid iinvan scrnde bie scriidde- j bis ealde cla)ies bim fram genam- sume ic )>er let- -j siime ber babbe. Nu laford biijiolite ic me f ic nefde mines abbodes leaue- ■j ic jierfore bam giewende -j kom me into Ealden mynstre- ■j gesohte Crist- j Sancte Peter- Sancte Suibun- -j )ie Avolde- ac ]m nere fet bam- ac ic funde Leofwine )iane decanum j ealle ]ia gebrobjira- -] bi me AA urJilice underfengen- me to minen abboden ge- jiingade- j be me bly)ielice iinderfeng- si Gode lof. Nu nillic ]ie kyjian- bla- ‘ On opening the coffin in the j-( comb and scissors of silver. cell, about noontide, and there tbe boly Cutlibert ma¬ nifestly appeared to me. At tbis I Avas A ery blitbe : I Avent in to my abbot, .iElfvA ine, and prayed bim that I might go north to tbe saint and seek him; but TElfAvine my abbot refused me this, and also for¬ bade. I then took my oaa ii counsel, and Avent thither north, and bishop iEgelAvine received me Avitb Avorship; and God and tbe saint granted me that I Avashed him Avitli my bands, and combed bis head Avith a comb, and sheared bis hair Avitb shears', and clothed bim all Avitb ncAV clothing, and took from him bis old clothes; some I left there, and some I have here. Noaa', lord, I bethought me that I bad not my abbot’s leave, and I there¬ fore AACnded home, and came to tbe Old monastery, and sought Christ, and S* Peter, and S‘ SAvithin, and Avould thee; but thou Avast not at home : but I found LeofAA'iiie tbe dean and all tbe brothers, and they received me Avor- tbily, and interceded for me to my abbot, and be received me blithely, praise be to God ! I Avill noAv make knoAvn to ir 1104, there AA-ere found an ivory MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. foi’d iElfsie biscup* hu }>ys geciij^clre^ene fyrmest wass gesta)>olod bytwyx Ealden mynstre Niwaii mynstre- eal swa ic sylf hi gehyrde* ]>a f>e ic gung waes- whii se lafard Saiict iElwold leig seoch- him kom to )?e halga Dunstan of Cantuwara- byre for bine to gesydde- caldor iE)>elgar abbod ]?yder code- muuekes mid him* }>et wes Boia pe ealde* iEluric decaims* jElfnob ]>e metere* ‘j vElfwine );c nu abbod his* )7er comaii miinkes of Ealden mynstre* ■p wes Ealdwig* 'J Wlstan cantor* Godwine decanus* “3 managa oj^re mid him. Boia )?e ealde mnnnk set a cneuwa aetforan See A]?elwolde* bed bine ]> he scolde sette gode lagan bytwyx ]?am twam mynsti’e on muneke dagan eal swa EriJ^estan biseup hefd geset a prustc dagan* p wes f ])a tweien hiredes weren eall to anan on eallan godcunnesse* “3 ^ wes gif eni prust foriS- ferde on a]?ere stede* hi scolde ealle togaedere cuman '3 f lie buburian* •3 ealne j^euwdom don )?e to Gode bulumpe* -3 a cyrhalgan dei* pe by|j bin- nan Ealdan mynstre scolden | cuman ]>a prustes of Niwen thee, lord bishop ^Ifsie, how this agreement was first esta¬ blished between the Old mo¬ nastery and the New monas¬ tery, as I myself heard it, when I was young, how the lord S'yElwold* lay sick, and Dunstan came to him from Canterbury, to sit with him, and the elder abbot vEthelgar went thither, and monks Avith him: that was Boia the Old, and ^Ifric dean, and .diilf- noth the pmweyor, and ^Elf- wine Avho is now abbot. And there eame monks from the Old monastery: that was Ealdwig, and W ulstan chanter, and Godwine dean, and many others with them. Boia the Old, monk, knelt before S‘ Athelwold, and prayed him that he would set good laws betwixt the tAvo monasteries in monks’ days, as bishop Frithestan had done in priests’ days: that was that the two fraternities should be all as one in all holiness: and it vAms then, that if any priest died in either place, they should come altogether and bury the corpse, and do all the serv’ice which pertains to God. And on the ehurch-hal- loAving day Avhich is in the Old monastery, the priests should ' Bisliop of Winchester, 963-984. 324 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. mynstre to Ealden mynstre- •] J?er bun to euensange- 'j to messen. ■;) to gerurde- ]>& prustes of Ealden mynstre seolden cumen to Niwan mynstre get See ludoees messe deie- eal on )^a ylcan wisan- gyf genie prusten mistimide on a|)aran mynstre- ne fore he nawider ae gesolite he his nagahuras him pingadan. pa J^is gehurde Sane JElpel- Avold pa he rede hit swa were nu on his timan on J>eren muiieehen deie- ewe^ Godes eurs eallan ];am j^e efre J?is unduden- j geaf to taene p hit staj?elfest him scolde twa hrune messehagala- ana into Ealden mynstre- ana. that it should he so establish one to the Old monastery, and eome from the New monas¬ tery to the Old monastery, and there stay to evensong, and to mass, and to refeetion. And the priests of the Old monastery should come to the New monastery on S' Judoe’s mass-day, all in the same wise. And if any priest miseon- ducted himself in either mo¬ nastery, he went nowhither, but he sought his neighbours, and they mediated for him. When S' /Ethelwold heard this, he then advised that it should now be so in his time and in monks^ days; and pro¬ nounced God’s curse on all those who should ever undo this; and gave, as a token 1, two brown mass-vestments, one. KING CNUT. M.XXXII. Her geswutela^ on jnsum gewrite p Cnut cyng let p land get Eolcstan into Cristes cyreean on Cantwarbyrig- Jia Eadsige his preost gecyrde into munuke- to ]ram fore- wearde Eadsige munuc hit hgebbe his lifes timan for his gehyrsumnysse )?e he him wel gehyrde- he hit ne maeg na^er ne gifan- ne syllan- ne Here is made known, in this writing, that king Cnut conceded the land at Folke- ston to Christchurch in Can¬ terbury, when Eadsige his priest turned monk, under the agreement, that Eadsige the monk have it for his life¬ time, for his obedience with which he has well obeyed him; but he may neither give MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 325 forspecan. iie forspillaii ut of ?am lialgan minstre- ac sefter his daege ga f land j^am hirede on hand }?onne Criste JjeniaS innan ^am halgan mynstre- mid sake socne- j mid eallon 'Sam jjingon Se );0er fyrmest to laeg* forSam Se his witan him saedon f hit hwilon aer laeg Siderin on ^Selstanes daege kynges* j on Odan arcebiscopes- hit wearS sySSan iit gedon mid mycelan unrihte. Nn genSe he J>is land into Cristes cyr- caean his sawle to ecaere aly- sednisse- 'j gif aenig man sy swa dyrstig ongaen God f J^is awendan wille awaende bine God ailmyhtig from heofon- riees myriSe into helle- grnnde- buton )?as he aet his aende hit Se daeppcr gebete. Dis waes gedon innon SuSrige on Kyngestune. on j^one hal¬ gan daeg Pentecosten. And Ibises wfes to gewitnesse • ^Elf- gifn Imma- ^Ifsige hiseeop on Winceastre- rEgelrie b. on SuSsexean. ■] /Elmer ab- bud aet See Augustine- W'ulnoS ahbud aet Westmin- stre- /Elfwine abbud aet Niwan minstre- ■] Wulfsi ab¬ bud aet Certesige- Ulf eorl- Eglaf eorl- ^ Leofric eorl- •j Harold eorl- 'j Yric eorl- Gored steallare- 'j Agamund- nor sell it, nor promise it nor waste it away from the holy monastery; but after his day let this land go into the pos¬ session of the brotherhood who shall then serve Christ within the holy monastery, with sac and socn, and with all the things Avhich were first attached thereto ; because his ‘ witan’ said to him, that it a while before was attached thereto, in the day of king /Ethelstan, and of arehbishop Oda; and it was afterwards alienated with great injustice. He now gives the land to Christchurch for the eternal redemption of his soul. And if any man be so audacious towards God that he will avert this, may God Almighty avert him from the joy of heaven’s kingdom into the ground of heU; unless at his end he the more deeply make amends. This was done in Surrey, at Kingston, on the holy day of Pentecost. And of this were to witness /Elfgifu Imma, /Elfsige bishop of Winchester, and /Egelric bishop of Sussex, and /Elmer abbot of S' Au¬ gustine’s, and Wulnoth abbot of Westminster, and ^Elfwine abbot of the New monastery, and Wulfsi abbot of Chertsey, and Ulf earl, and Eglaf carl, 326 MISCELLANEO L'S CHARTERS. and Osgod Clapa- Tofig- j .dilgelwine j®lfhelmes sunu- j Siword set Cylleham- j iEgelric Bigga. •j .^Ifword Ksentisce* "j Eadmser setBiir- ham- j ealle )>8es kyninges rsedgyfan- gehadode ‘j Isewede- ■5e l^ser gesamnode wseron. And ]?issera gewrita synd )wo- an is innon Cristes cyr- cean- o5er set See Augustine- ^ |?e Sridde is iune mid J^ses kynges lialigdome. and Leofric earl, and Harold earl, andYric earl, and Thored constable, and Agamund, and Osgod Clapa, and Tofig, and vEgelwine .lElfhelm’s son, and Siword at Chilham,and .Egel- ric Bigga, and HiLfword Ksent¬ isce, and Eadmser at Burbam, and all the king’s councillors, ordained and lay, who were there assembled. And of these writings there are three : one is in Christchurch, another at S' Augustine’s, and the third is in the king’s treasury. IDEM L.4TINE. Hie declaratur in hac scriptura quia Cuut rex terram illam quse Folkestane dicitur concessit secclesise Christi Can- tuarise, quando Eadsinus presbyter suus monachus ibi effec¬ tus est; ea Hdelicet conventione, ut idem Eadsinus monachus habeat terram illam quamdiu vixerit, propter obsedieutiam qua bene regi serHvit. Et ipse non potest eandem terram donare, nec vendere, nec verbis forisfacere, nec extirpare de eadem ecclesia Christi; sed post ejus obitum eat terra in dominium conventus, qui tunc servierit aecclesi* Christi, cum sake et socne, et cum omnibus rebus qme prius ad eandem terram per¬ tinebant ; quoniam barones regis dicebant ei quia olim eadem terra secclesise Christi fuit in diebus iESelstani regis et Odonis archiepiscopi, et juri ejusdem secclesise sublata fuerat cum magna injustitia. Nunc ergo concedit ipse hanc terram secclesise Christi, pro seterna redemptione animse suse. Et si aliquis hominum fuerit tam audax contra Deum, qui hanc regis munificentiam mutare voluerit, avertat illum Deus Omnipotens a gaudiis regni ccelestis in profundum inferni; nisi ante finem perfectius emendaverit. Hoc fuit factum in Suhrie apud Kyngestune, iii die sco Pentecosten. Et huic rei fuit testis ^Elgiua Imma domina- q >Egelno"Sus archiepi- MISCELIANEOUS CHAKTEES. ••527 scopus- 'j iElfwinus episcopus Luiulonise- iElfsinus episcopus Wintonias- ^ Egelricus episcopus de Su^seaxe- 'j iElmerus abbas de Sancto Augustino- Wlno^us abbas de Westnio- nasterio- iElfwinus abbas de Novomonasterio- ^ Wlfsinus abbas de Certesie- ^ Ulf comes- Eglaf comes- Lit'ricus comes- j Haroldus eomes- Yrcus comes- Doredus steal- lara- Agamundus- Osgodus Clapa- Tofig- iElwinus filius iElfelmi- et Siwordus de Cillebam- ^ ^Egelricus Bigga- ~j /Elwordus de Cantia- ^ Eadmerus de Burhliam- “j omiies conciliarii regis, tam ordinati quam laici, qui ibi fuerant con¬ gregati. Et hori;m brevium tria sunt: unum in mcclesia Christi, alterum in monasterio Sancti Augustini, et tertium in thesauro regis cum reliquiis sanctorum. KING CNUT. M.XXXII. Regnante in perpetuum Domino, qui sua inefiabili potentia omnia disponit atque gubernat, vicesque temporum hominumque mirabiliter discernens, terminumque incertum, prout vult aequanimiter imponens, et de secretis naturae mysteriis misericorditer docet, ut de fugitivis et sine dubio transitoriis mansura regna Dei suftragio adipiscenda sunt. Quapropter ego Cnut, rex Anglorum caeterarumqne gentium in circuitu persistentium gubernator et rector, cum consilio et decreto archipraesulis nostri AiSelnoti, simnlque cunc¬ torum Dei sacerdotum, et consensu optimatum meorum, ob amorem coelestis regni, et indulgentiam criminum meorum et relaxationem peccaminum fratris mei regis Eadmundi, con¬ cedo aecclesiae sanctae Dei genitricis semperque virginis Mariae Glastoniae jura et consuetudines in omni regno meo, et omnes forisfacturas omnium terrarum suarum; et sint terne ejus sibi libenc et solutae ab omni calumpnia et inquietatione, sicuti meae michi habentur. Verum illud praecipue ex Omnipotentis Patris, et Eilii, et Spiritus Sancti auctoritate, et perpctixae \"irginis interdictione prohibeo, ct universis regni mei ])ne- })Ositis et primatibus, super suam salutem praeeipio, ut nullus 328 MISCELI>AXEOUS CHAKTERS. omnino illam insulam intrare audeat, cujuscumque ordinis sit aut dignitatis; set omnia, tam in aecclesiasticis quam in saecularibus causis tantummodo abbatis judicium et conventus expectent, sicuti praedecessores mei sanxerunt et privilegiis confirmaverunt, Kentnines, Ines, Cu^redus, ^Ifredus, Ead- wardus, A’Selstaniis, et gloriosissimus Eadmundus, et incom¬ parabilis Eadgarus. Si quis autem, quo\ds deinceps tem¬ pore, sub aliqua occasione, interrumpere atque irritiim facere hujus privilegii testimonium nisus fuerit, sit a consortio piorum ultimi examinis ventilabro dispertitus. Si quis vero benevola intentione haec facere, probare, et defendere statu¬ erit, beatissimae Dei genitricis Mariae et omnium sanctorum intercessione, amplificet Deus portionem ejus in terra viven¬ tium. Scripta est hujus privilegii donatio et promulgata in lignea basilica, sub praesentia regis Cnutonis, anno ab incar¬ natione Domini m.xxxii. [Indictione secunda]. KING CNUT AND QUEEN yELFGIFU EMMA. M.XXXII. ►J* Her swutela-S on bysan gewrite hu Cnut cyncg j iElf- gifu seo hlaefdige geubari Ead- sige heora preoste- ba he ge- cyrde to munece- ■p he moste ateon p land aet Apoldre* swa him sylfan leofast waere. Da sealde he hit into Cristes cyrican bam Godes peowum- for his sawle- he bit gebobte bfet aet bam hi rede his daeg q Eadwines mid feower pun- dum • on p forwyrd p man ge~ laeste aelce geare into Cristes cyrican iii. waega caeses of pam lande q preo gebind aeles- ■3 aefter his daeg 3 Eadwines Here is made known, in this writing, how king Cnut and iElfgifu the lady granted to Eadsige their priest, when he turned monk, that he might dispose of the land at Appledore as to himself shoMd he most desirable. Then gave he it to Christchurch, for the sen^ants of God, for his soul. And he bought that at ... . of the convent, for his day and Eadwiue’s, for four pounds, with the agreement that there should be paid every year to Christchurch iii. weys of cheese from the land, and MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 329 gauge f land into Cri.stcs cyrican. mid mete mid man¬ num. eal swa hit Saenne ge- gddod sy. for Eadsiges sawle. he gebohte f land set Wer- hornan aet 'Sam hirede his daege •j Eadwines eae mid feower jnmdan. Saenne gaeS ^ land forS mid Sam oSran. aefter his daege Eadwines- intoCristes cyrican. mid )jaere tilSe Se J>ar Saenne on sy- ■)j land on his daeg aet Ber- wiean Se he geearnode aet his hlaforde Cnute cynge- he geunn eae )>aes landes {et Or- pedingtnne on his daege for his sawle into Cristes cyrican- Sam Godes )>eowuni to serud- land- )>e he gebohte mid hund- cahtigum marcau Invites seol- fres be hustingcs gewihte- he genn cac Saes landes aet Palstrc ■;) aet Wihtriceshamme aefter his daege Eadwines forS mid Sam oSrum Sam Godes jjcowum to fosterlaude for his sawle. f)ises cwides he geunn Sam hirede to |>am forwyrdan- p hi aefrc bine wel healdan- him holde beon on life T aefter life- gif hi mid jcnegan unniide wi5 bine Sas forwyrd tobrccen- Sonne stande hit on his agenan ge- Avealdc hu he siSSau his agen ateon wide. Discs is to gc- witncsse- three bundles of eels. And after his day and EadAvine’s, let the land go to Christ¬ church, Avith meat and Avith men, as it may then be en¬ riched for Eadsige’s soul. And he bought the land at Warehorne from the convent, for his day and EadAvine’s,also for four pounds; then Avill that go along Avith the other, after his day and EadAvine’s, to Christchurch, Avith the tilth Avhich may then be thereon. And the land, for his day, at BerAvick, Avhich he received from bis lord, king Cnut. And he gives also the land at Orpington, for his day, for his soul, to Christchurch, as clothing-land for God’s ser¬ vants, Avhich he bought for eighty marks of Avhite silver by hustiug’s Aveight. And he also gives the land at ‘Palstre’ and at Wittersham, after his day and EadAvine’s, along Avith the others, to God’s servants, as fosterland, for his soid. This bequest he gives to the con¬ vent on the condition that they CA'cr Avill maintain him, and be kind to him in life and after life. But if they, by any evil counsel, break this compact Avith him, then let it stand in his poAver how he Avill afterAvards dispose of MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 3.S0 Ciiut cyng -j ^Ifgyfu seo hlsefdige- ■3 ^'E^elno'S arceb. ~j aElfstan abb. j se hired set See Augustine- -j Brihtric geonga- ■j ^Selric bigenga- -j DorS Durcylles nefa- j Tofi- j ^Elfwiiie pr. ~j Eadwold pr- ■J ealle J> 8 es cynges rsdesmen. And Sissa gewrita syndon III.- an is set Cristes cyricau- -j an set See Augustine- -j an hsefS Eadsige mid him sylfan. his property. Of this is wit¬ ness ; Cnut king and iElfgyfu the lady, and /Ethelnoth archbp., and .Elfstan abbot, and the convent at S* Augustine’s, and Brihtric the Young, and ^Ethelric Bigenga, and Thorth Thorkell’s son, and Tofi, and iElfwine priest, and Eadwold priest, and all the king’s councillors. And of these writings there are iii. : one is at Christ¬ church, and one at S' Augus¬ tine’s, and one Eadsige has with himself. KING CNUT. M.XX.-M.XXXVL Cnut cyngc gret Ead¬ sige bisceop- ■;) Jillfstan abbod- •jEgelric-i ealle mine j^egenas on Cent freondlice- -j ic cySe eow "Sat ic wylle 'Sset iESel- no^ arcebisceop werige ’ his landare into his bisceoprice nu ealswa he dyde eer ^gelric wfere gerefa- si-Sban he ge- refa wjes- forb o^ Sis- j ic nelle na geSafian Sat man ]jam bisceope seuige unlage beode- beo gerefa se Se beo. I king Cnut greet bishop Eadsige, and abbot jElfstan, and iEgelric, and all my thanes in Kent, amicably- And I make known to you that I will that archbishop iEtholnoth defend’ his land- property for his bishopric now as he did before iEgelric was reeve, and after he was reeve, on until this day. And I will not consent that any illegality be offered to the bishop, be the reeve who he may. See page 116, nofe. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 331 ARCHBISHOP /ETHE ABOUT Her swiitelia^ on Sisse Cristes bee H]])?clnoSes arce- bisceopes forword j Tokiges embe f land set Healtnne. f wses p Tokig com to Ilris- beorgan to Sam arcebisceop sy]7}>an HilSelflaed his wif forS- faren wses* 'j cydde him Wulf- noScs cwyde- p be p land becweden hsefde into Cristes cyrcean fefter bis dfege his wifes. b{3ed J^one arce¬ bisceop p he p land habban moste his da^g- jefter his dtege p hit lage into Cristes cyrcean mid eallum ))ingum Se he )?ceron getilian mihte nnbesacen. 'j cw?eS p he wolde l^am biscope )>ances kepan ^ his manmim. And se arcebisceop him J^ais ti- Sude- •] stede 11 he riht AviS hine gedon h?efde. p he sylf him for Sam cwyde seegean Avolde- Jpch he hit air fnl georne Aviste. And J^ises aa sbs to gCAAntnysse- ^]?elstan aet Bleddehlaiwe- LeofAvine his sunn- Lcofric aet Eaninga- dene. •3) feala oSra godra cnihta* ];eh Ave hi ealle ne nemnon- 'j call |?ais arce- biscopcs hired" ge gehadude ge hcAvcde. arclibishop’s family, both ordi * The LNOTH AND TOKIG. .XXXHI. Here is made knoAvn, in this Christ’s bookthe com¬ pact of archbishop Hilthel- noth and Tokig, concerning the land at Halton. That was, that Tokig came to Ris- borongh to the archbishop, after Hilthelflaed his Avife had departed, and made knoAAm to him Wnlfnoth’s bequest: that he had bequeathed that land to Christchurch after his day and his wife’s; and prayed the ai’chbishop that he might have the land for his day, and that after his day it might be attached to Clmstchurch, Avith all the things Avhich he might cultivate thereon, un- contested. And said that he Avould keep it gratuitously for the bishop and his men. And the archbishop granted him this, and said that he had done rightly toAvards him in voluntarily speaking to him about the bequest, though he kncAV it all full Avell before. And of this Avas witnessHUtliel- stan at Blcdlow,.and Leofwine his son, and Leofric at Ean- ingadenc, and many other good ‘cnihts’, though Ave name them not all, and^ all of the ned and lay. io.spels. 332 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. KING CNUT. M.XXXV. Ego Ciiut rex, per Dei gratiam totius Anglise regni atque Danorum, pontificibus meis revelo et ducibus meis optimatibus, cum eis etiam insimul Danis et Anglis, quod ad monasterium vetus quod est in Wintonia eternaliter concedo, Christo ad laudem, sanctoque Petro atque Paulo, sanctisque inibi quiescentibus, quatinus monasterium illud liberum per¬ maneat ab omni servitio seculari, exceptis operibus illis quaj cunctis popidis communes sunt, scilicet expeditio, sive sit in navali collectione, sive in pedestri, pontisque instauratione, murique fabrica, et quicquid interea ab omnibus generaliter pernecessarium fuerit; viguit autem libertas ista longo tem- jiore ad praedictum monasterium, in diebus priorum regum qui ante nos regnaverunt. Proinde generaliter omnibus divulgo augmentum quod huic libertati adicere curavi, pro anime meae redemptione, omniumque ante vel post me reg¬ nantium regum; id sunt scelera quae dicuntur Anglice ham- socne, et forsteallas, et myndbrycas, omnisque correctionis, sive magni sive parvi, super universos quibus obedire debent qui monasterio illo ad manum Dei praesunt. Nunc ego annuo et concedo hanc libertatem Domino meo, qui bona mihi plui’ima concessit, quibus in hoc seculo perfunctus sum, et beato Petro, qui potestatem habet in caelo et in terra ligandi iteinque solvendi ad eternum incoluni contra crimina quaeque nefaina. Proinde praecipio per magnam majestatem Dei, ut nullus successorum meorvim hanc commutare prae¬ sumat libertatem. Si quis forte per quamlibet temeritatem, aut per diabolicam instigationem, hanc libertatem perfrin¬ gere voluerit, sive hanc institutionem in aliud mutare prae¬ sumpserit, sit maledictus omnibus maledictionibus quae in universis sanctis ascripte sunt libris; sitque segregatus a communione Domini nostri Ihesu Chi’isti, omniumque sanc¬ torum suorum, ligatusque perseveret quamdiu vixerit eisdem vinculis* quae per seipsum Dominus suis tradidit apostolis Petro atque Paulo; et post maledictum exitum suum cru¬ cietur jugiter in profundissimo puteo, ardeatque in inferno ’ MS. incolis. miscellane:ous charters. 33.'> cum diabolo et cum maledictis spiritibus secum sine fine habitantibus^ nisi ante mortem suam emendaverit quod in¬ juste eommiserat. IDEM ANGLICE. Cnut cing. ];urh Godes gyfe ealles Englelandes q ealre Dene- cy^e minan biscopan q minum eorlum q ellan minan )?egnan. seg^er ge Denisean ge Englisean. liwies ie gcan into Ealdan mynstre on Win- ceastre- Gode to lufe q See Petre -j See Panle q }>am halgan );e Jjier binnan restat- jjcBt his f ie wylle ji ]?fet mynster sig frig selees wondd- lican Avcorees bnton jiam |)e eallam folee giemene is- )^aet is fyrdfara- sig bit on scip fyrde sig bit on land fyrde- j bryggeweore- "j wealgewuore- j loc bwet sig gemaene neod ealles folees. Nu stod jus ser into }>am mynstre on J’arae cininga dagum j^e us aetforan wajre. Nu switelige ic her- on jnsan gewrite- bwajt se eaea is jje ic Jnurto geunnen bajbbe- mynre sawle to only- sednesse q ealra minra for- genga q efteiTylicndra- pet syndan bamsocne- j for- steallas- q myndbraccas- j lelces wytes- smales';) greates. ofer eallae ]^a men )ie )>am ealdre byran seulan )?e |?aet mynster benat Godes banda. | I, Cnut,king, tbrougb God’s grace, of all England and of all the Danes, make known to my bishops and my earls, and all my thanes, both Danish and English, what I grant to the Old monastery in Winchester, to the praise of God, and S' Peter, and S' Paul, and of the saints that there within rest. That is, that I will that that monas¬ tery be free of every worldly work, exeept that whieh to all the folk is common, that is : military service, be it naval service, be it land-ser- viee, and bridge-work, and wall-work, and what may be the eominon need of all people. Now thus it stood before with regard to the monastery, in the days of the kings Avho were before ns. Now 1 here declare, in this writing, what the augmenta¬ tion is whieh I have thereto granted, for the redemption of my soul and those of all my predeeessors and sueei^s- sors: That is, hfimsocn, and forestals, and mundbraies, and every penalty, small and great, MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. :B.'U Nu gean ic j^yses frylsas mine Dryhtene to wyrSmynte- jje me ealla “Sa god forgeaf ie on l^yssere worulde gehiden hffibbe- )?am eadigan See Petre- ]>e j^a mybta bsef^ on lieofeuau j on eorSan to ge- wry^enne eft to oulysenue jja faestan enotten fyranlicra synna. Gyf bwa ]?onne- ];ur^ aenige dyrstnysse- o’SSe J?ur5 deofles lare- j^ysne freols abreean wylle- o^'Se j^as ge- setednysse on o]?er aweudan diirre- sig be awyrged mid eallan ]>an awyrgednyssan J>se synd awritene on eallan bal- gan boean- sig be ascyred fram ures Dribtnes gemanan- "j ealre bis balgana- syg be gebunden- ]>a bwile |?e be libbe on J^issan life- mid )^am ylean bendan |je God el- mibtig J^urb bine sylfne be- taebte bis balgan apostolan Petre -} Paule- efter bis awyrgedan forSsige ligee be aefre on belle grundleasan pytte- byrne be on J>am eean tyre- mid deofle mid |7am anyrgedum gastan- Jje bim midwunia^ aefre buton ende- buton be bit aer bis forSsijje gebete. over all tbe men wbo bave to obey tbe elder wbo bas ebarge of that monastery from tbe band of God. I now grant these liberties^ for tbe bonour of my Lord^ wbo bas given me all tbe good wbieb bas in this world awaited me, and of tbe blessed S' Peter, wbo bas tbe power in beaven and on eartb to bind, and again to loosen tbe fast knots of nefa¬ rious sins. If therefore any one, tbroiigh any audaeity, or through tbe devil’s lore, will break this liberty, or may dare to turn to other this settle¬ ment, be be aeeursed with all tbe enrses wbieb are written in all tbe holy books, and be be severed from tbe eom- mnnion of our Lord and all bis saints; and be be bound, while be lives in this life, with the same bonds which God Almighty through him¬ self has delivered to bis holy apostles, Peter and Paul; and, after bis acciused departure hence, lie he ever in tbe groundless pit of bell, and burn he in the eternal fire, with the devil and with the accursed spirits, which dwell with him ever without end ; unless, ere his departure hence, he make amends. Htec siquidem libertas renovata fuit anno Dominice in- MISCELLANEOUS CHAIITERS. 3:55 cai’nationis m.xxxv. omnibus Anglorum episcopis et ducibus, abbatibus et principibus consencieutibus, atque maledic¬ tionem aeternam imponentibus huic libertati violatoribus; pacem quoque et vitam aeternam optantes huic ipsi libertati piis fautoribus, quorum seniorum et priucipum vocabilia stilus presens hoc ordine luculenter demonstrat. Ego Cnut, rex Anglorum multarumque in circuitu adjacentium insu¬ larum, hoc nostre donum renovationis bac sccdula demon¬ strari congruum duxi. Ego iElfgyfu regina ejusdem regis donationem ovanter divulgavi. Ego iESelno'Sus Dorover- nensis ecclesie arcbiepiscopus confirmavi. Ego JUlfricus arcbiepiscopus Eboracensis aecelesiae corroboravi. Ego ^Elf- winus Wiutouiensis secclesim episcopus conscripsi. Ego yElfvvius Lundoniensis aecclesite episcopus consolidavi. Ego Brylitwoldus Wiltoiiiensis ecclesie episcopus consigillavi. Ego Godwinus dux. Ego Leofric dux. Ego Asgod mi¬ nister. Ego Alfwiiie minister. Ego purcil minister. Ego Ordgar minister. KING CNUT. Cnud rex Anglorum dedit aecelesiae Christi brachium Sancti Bartholomei apostoli cum magno pallio, et sui capitis auream coronam, et portum de Sandwic, et omnes exitus ejusdem aque ab utraiiue parte fluminis, ita ut natante nave in flumine cum plenum fuerit, quam longius de navi potest securis parvula super terram proici, debet a ministris aecelesiae Christi rectitudo navis accipi; mdlusque omnino hominum aliquam consuetudinem in eodem portu habet, exceptis mo¬ nachis aecclesim Christi. Eorum quoque est transfretatio portus et navicula, et theloneum naviculae et omnium navium quae ad Sandivic venerint a Pepernessa usque Nor^mutha. Si ([uid autem in magno mari reptum fuerit delatum Sandivic, medietatem aecclesia Christi habebit, reliqua vero pars in¬ ventoribus remanebit. MISCELLANEOUS CHAKTERS. sm KING CNUT. Ego Kniit, per Dei misericordiam basileus, ^gehiodo archiepiscopo, et omnibus episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, vicecomitibus, et omnibus fidelibus totius Anglise, salutem et amiciciam. Sciatis me dedisse Deo, et Sancto Augustino et fratribus, ut habeant eorum saca et socna, et pacis fracturam, et pugnam in domo factam, et vie assaltus, et latrones in terra sua captos, latromimque susceptionem vel pastionem super illorum proprios homines, infi’a civitatem et extra, theloneumque suum in terra et in aqua, atque consuetudinem que dicitur tbeames, et super omnes allodiarios quos eis habeo datos. Nec volo consentire ut aliquis in aliqna re de hiis se intromittat, nisi eorum prepositi quibus ipsi hsec com¬ mendaverint; quia habeo has consuetudines Deo datas et Sancto Augustino, pro redemptione anime mee et succes¬ sorum meorum, ita ut eas libere et pleniter habeant et possi¬ deant inperpetuum. Et qui hanc donacionem meam infrin¬ gere vel irritam facere temptaverit, a Deo Omnipotente et omni sancta ecclesia excommunicatus sit. Arnen. EANWEN. BEFORE M.XXXVI. Her swutelaS on ‘Sissum gewrite ^ an scirgemot sfet set ^Egelnobes stane be Cnutes djege cinges. Daer saeton HilSelstan b. • q Ranig ealdor- man. q Edwine ]?aes ealdor- mannes" q Leofwine Wul- siges sunu- q Durcil Hwtta- q Tofig Pmda com }>8er on ]7ses cinges aerende- q )>ser waes Bryning scirgerefa- q iEgelweard aet Frome- q Leof¬ wine aet Frome* q Godrtc aet Stoce- q ealle pa J^egnas on Here is made known, in this writing, that a shire- moot sat at ^Egelnoth^s stone, in the day of king Cnut. There sat iEthelstan bishop, and Ranig aldorman, and Eadwine the aldorman’s son, and Leofwine Wulfsige’s son, and Thurkil White; and Tofig Prud came there on the king^s errand; and there were Brqming shire-reeve, and .^gelweard at Erome, and Leofwine at Erome, and God- MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETELS. 8.‘?7 Herefordscire. Da com )j0er farende to |?am gemote Ed- wine Enneawnes sunu- j spfEC l^iier on his agene modor seftcr snmon djele landes. f wses Weoliiitun 'j Cyrdesleah. Da acsode |)e hisceop- hwa sceolde andswerian for his modor. Da andsAveorode Dur- cil Hwita* ■j ssede f lie sceolde gif he )ia tain cu'Se. Da he )ia tain na ne cu'Se- )ia scea- wode man )ireo ])egnas of jiam gemote 'Sier jiser heo waes- 7) ^ wses set Fseliglseh- ]ia;t wses Lcofwine set Frome- ^ ^Egel- sig Jie Reada- 71 Winsig ScaigS- man. And jia ]ia heo to hire comon- )ia acsodon heo hwylce tain heo hsefde ymhe ])a land |ie hire sunn sefter sjisec. Da ssede heo ]) heo nan land hsefde Jie him aht to gebyredc- gebealh heo swiSe eorlice niS hire sunn- gecleopade 'Sa Leoflsede hire magan to hire- Durcilles wff- ^ heforan heom to hire ]ms CAVseS- Her sit Leoflsed min msege \>e ie geann segjier ge mines landes- ge mines goldes- ge raeglses- ge reafes- ge ealles pe ic ah- sefter minon dsege. And heo sySSan to •Sam )iegnon cwseS- DoS |iegnlicc ~} aa oI - aheodaS mme serende to {lam gemote be- foran eallnm ]>am gddan man- ric at Stoke, and all the thanes in Herefordshire. Then came there to the moot EadAvine EanAYen^s son, and there raised a claim against his OAvn mother to a portion of land, namely at Wellington and Cradley. Then asked the bishop, AA'ho would ansAi er for his mother ? Then ansAvered Thurkil White, and said that he Avould, if the claim Averc knoAA'n to him. As the claim Avas not knoAvn to him, three thanes AA'ere selected from the moot, [who should ride] to Avhere she Avas, and that was at FaAvley. These Avere Leof- AA'ine at Frome, and iEgelsige the Red, and Winsige Scasgth- man. And Avhen they came to her, they asked Ai hat claim she had to the lands for Avhich her son was suing. Then said she that she had no land that in any way belonged to him, and Avas very bitterR incensed against her son ; and then called Leoflsed her kins- Avoman to her, Thurkil’s Avife, and, before them all, thus spoke to her: “ Here sits Leoflsed my kinsAvoman, to Avhom I give not only my land, bAit my gold, and gar¬ ments, and robes, and all that I OAvn, after my day.” And she then said to the z 338 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. num- cySaJj heom hAvsem ic mines laudes geimnen hsebbe- j ealre miure mbte- minan agenan suna nsefre nan j^ing. 3 biddaS beom beou j^isses to geAvitnesse. And beo j^a SAA'fe dydon- ridon to ]jam gemote -j cySdon eallon )jam godan mannum bAA'aet beo on beom geled Inefde. Da astod Dnrcil IlAA'Tta up on J^am gemote- bfed ealle j^a J>eg- nas syllau bis Avife ]>a landes elaene )?e bire mage bire geuSe- beo SAva dydon- Dureil rad -Sa to See /E)7el- berbtes mynstre- be ealles )?aes folces leafe geAvitnesse- -j let settan on ane Cristes bdc. leaA'e and Avitness of all tbe fc Cbrist’s book. tbanes, “ Do nobly and well: announce my errand to tbe moot before all tbe good men, and declare to them to whom I have given my land and all my property; and to my own son never anything; and of tbis bid them be witness.” And they then so did, rode to tbe moot, and declared to all tbe good men Avbat sbe bad imposed on them. Then Tburkil White stood up in tbe moot, and prayed all the thanes to grant to bis wife clean tbe lands which her kinsAvoman bad given her; and they did so. And Thur- kil then rode to S* iEtbel- berbt^s monastery, with tbe k, and caused it to be set in a KING HAROLD HAREFOOT. M.XXXVHI. INSTRUMENTUM DE SANDAVICO, QUEM QUIDEM PORTUM A MO¬ NACHIS ECCLESI.E CHRISTI CANTUAR. ABSTULIT HAROLDUS REX, ET POSTEA EIS RESTITUIT, CUM OMNIBUS LIBERTATIBUS ET PRIAMLEGIIS, EADSIGO TRANTE. Her ky]i on |?ison gCAvrite ^ Harold king let beridau Sandwic of Xpes cyreean him sylfan to banda- haefde bit him AA'el neb tAA elf monaS- ■j tAvegen lueringc timan swa ARCHIEPISCOPO ILLUD IMPE- Here is made known, in tbis Avriting, that king Harold caused SandAvich to be seized from Christchurch into bis OAvn band, and held it well nigh a tAvelvemontb, and, at MISCELLANEOUS CIIAIiTERS. 339 )>eah fullice. eall ongean Godes willan. agen ealra ]?ara hal- geua pe Testa'S innon Xpes cyrcean- swa SAva hit him sySSan sorhlice ]?8er sefter agiode. ^ amauc )>isau sif>an wearS iElfstan abb. aet See A. •] hegeat mid his smeh wrencan- mid his golde 'j seolfre* eall dyrnunga set Steorraii- j?e J^a wses J;ses hinges rsedesman- p him gewearS se J^ridda paenig of |?aere tolne on Sandwic. pa gersedde Eadsige arceb. ]>a he ]ns AA-iste. eall se hired set Xpes cyre.. betAveonan heom p man sende iElfgar mAuiAAC of Xpes eyre, to Harolde kingee- ‘j Avses se king )>a hinnan Oxnaforde swySe geseoelcd. sAva p he laeg orwene his Itfes. pa AA'ses Lyfingc b. of Defenanscire mid );am kinege- pancred munuc mid him. Da com Xpes cyre. sand to ]>am b. he forS )?a to j^am kinege. ^ iElfgar mnnuc mid him. OsAverd set Hergerdesham- ■] 1 pancred. ^ ssedon ]>am kinge •]) he hsefde SAvySe agylt aatS Crist p he sefre sceolde niman senig )^ing of Xpes eyre, pc his foragengccon dydon pidcr inn. Saidon pam kinge ]>a embe SandAvic- p hit woes him to handa geriden. Da loeg se king asAAcartodc eall all events, fully two herring- seasons : all against God’s will, and against all the saints’ who rest within Christchurch, as it afterAvards sorrowfully to him fell out. And during this time .^Ifstan was abbot at S‘ Augustine’s, and ob¬ tained, with his subtle deAuces, and with his gold and silver, all secretly, from Steorra, Avho Avas then the king’s ad¬ viser, that the third penny of the toll at SandAvich should fall to him. Then did Ead¬ sige, the archbishop, and all the convent at Christchurch, Avhen they kneAV this, resolve among them, that ^Elfgar, a monk of Christchiu’ch, should be sent to king Harold; and the king Avas then in Oxford very sick, so that he lay hope¬ less of life. Then Avas Lyfing, bishop of Devonshire, Avith the king, and Tanered, a monk, Avith him. Then eame the messenger from Christ- ehureh to the bishop, and he then forth to the king, and the monk ^Elfgar Avith him, and OsAverd at Harrietsham, and Tanered, and said to the king that he had greatly sinned against Christ, that he should ever take anything from Cliristehurch that his pre¬ decessors had thereto given, z 2 340 MISCELLANEOUS CIIAKTERS. mid )7are sage- swor sy]7]jan under God aslmilitine under ealle halgan j^arto* f hit nsefre naes na his rted na his daed ]? man sceolde sefre Sand- Avic don ut of Xpes eyre. Da Avaes soISliee gesyne ^ hit Avaes o^ra manua ge]?eaht nass na Haroldes hinges- soSlice /Elfstanes abhodes raed AAaes mid J>am mannan ]7e hit of Xpes cyre. ut geraeddon. Da sende Harold king iElfgar munuc agen to |>am arcefe. Eadsige- to eallon Xpes cyre. munecan- grette hig ealle Godes gretinege his- ^ het ^ hig sceoldan habban SandAA'ic into Xpes cyre. SAA a full •] SAva forS sAva hig hit aefre haefdon on aenies hinges daege- ge on gafole- ge on streame- ge on strande- ge on Avitun- ge on eallon j^am }>ingan ]>e hit aefre aenig king fyrmest haefde aetforan him. Da HHfstan abb. }>is ofaxode- ]>a com he to Eadsige arceb. ^ baed bine fultumes to J>am hirode embe ]7one j)riddan penig. '31 hi begen |?a to eallon gebro|?ran-;] baedon |?one hired f ^Ifstan abb. moste beon )?aes j^riddan peniges umr^Se of ]jaere tolne- gyfan )>am hirede x. pd. • ac by foi'Avyrn- don heom ealle togaedere endemes. ^ he hit na sceolde They then spoke to the king about SandAvich, that it had been seized into his hand. Then the king lay and all blackened at that speech, and aftei’Avards sAVore by God Al¬ mighty, and by all the saints besides, that it ncA^er Avas either his rede or his deed that SandAvich should ever be taken aAAay from Christ- cliAirch. Then Avas it truly seen that it AA^as the thought of other men, not of king Harold; and indeed abbot .lElfstan’s counsel Avas Avith those men Avho had coun¬ selled it aAA-ay from Christ¬ church. Then king Harold sent the monk iElfgar again to archbishop Eadsige and to all the monks of Christchurch, and greeted them all AAnth God’s greeting and his ; and commanded that they should have SandAvich for Clirist- church, as fully and as fi’eely as they ever had it in any king’s day, both in rent, and in stream and on strand, and in mulcts, and in all things Avhich any king most freely had before him. When abbot ^Elfstan Avas informed of this, he came to archbishop Ead¬ sige, and prayed his influence AA'ith the convent Avith re¬ ference to the third penny. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 341 naefre geljridan* * ~j waes )?eali Eadsige arceb. swibor his fultum )?onne }>aes hiredes. 'j p'd he lie niihte iia forS her- mid. pa gyriide he p he moste iiiacian foraii gen Mildryjie aeker aeiiiie hwerf wiS ]iou wodan to werianneU ac call se hired him forwyriide jiaes for 5 lit mid calle- "j se arceb. Eadsige let hit call to heora ageiie raede. Da gewearS se abb. yElfstan aet- mid mice- laii fultume- •j let delfoii aet Ilyppeles fleote an niycel gedelf. ■] wolde p scip ryne sceolde jiaerinne licgean eall swa hig dydon on Sandwic. Ac him na speow nan Jiingc jiaeron- forjiam he sivingS eall on idel pe swinc^ ongean Xpes willaii- j se abb. let hit eall )nis. ■y se hired fengc to heora ageiian- on Godes ge- ivitnesse- -j Sea Marian- 'j ealra jiara halgena ]ie restari innan Xpes eyrccan- aet See Augustine, pis is eall soS- gelyfe se )ic wylle. Nagehad ^Ifstan abb. naefre on nanan ojire wisan )ione Jn-iddan penig of Sandwic. Godes hletsuiis: si mid us ealloii a on eenysse. Amen. and they both then [went] to all the brothers, and prayed the convent that abbot ^Elf- stan might be eiititled to the third penny of the toll, and give X. pounds to the convent; but finally they altogether re¬ fused them, so that he slioidd never expect it; and yet was archbishop Eadsige rather a supporter of him than of the convent; and when he could not effect anything herewith, then desired he that he might make a ivliarf over against Mildred’s field, as a protec¬ tion against the ford; hut all the convent refused him this out and totally ; and the arch¬ bishop left it all to their own discretion. Then the abbot xElfstan set to work, with a great aid, and caused to be dug at Ilyppels fleet a great delve, and intended that a ship-cuiTeut should lie there¬ in, as they had done in Sand¬ wich. But he sped nothing therein, because he toils all in vain who toils against the will of Christ. And the abbot left it all thus, and the con¬ vent took to their own, in the witness of God and S' Maryj and all the saints who rest within Cliristchm’ch and at S' Augustine’s. This is all true, believe it he who will. Abbot * Of tins passage I can only venture on a very doubtful intei’pretation, by assuining a substantive ‘ woda equivalent to wicd, a ford, vadum. .342 MISCELL*4NE0US CHARTERS. u^Elfstan never, in any other wise, expected the third penny from Sandwich. God’s blessing be with us all for evennore. Amen. * KING IIARTHACNUT. M.XXXIX.-M.XLII. In nomine sancte Trinitatis et individue Unitatis. De¬ scriptio immunitatis Ilardcnut Anglorum regis super monas¬ terio Sancti Eadmuudi martyris. Quum divina scriptura multis in locis attestante liquet omnino cursum presentis vite in valle lacrimarum constitutum fore, perspecta volubili rota transeuntis mundi nulli cujuslibet scieneie perspicaci vigore pollenti hic investiganda est aut apetenda felicitas veri gaudii, cum quantalibet dignitas caniis nostrae non tantum calcabili feno comparata assimiletur prophetica voce, verum etiam ejus momentaneo flori quo nil in universitate rerum materialium visibili fragilius aut labilius invenietur haberi. Cum ergo ita se rei veritatem proculdubio liqueat habere, adeo proh dolor, hebetate mentis involvimur ceca caligine, ut odio digna amplecti solicite studeamus, et qum diligenda merito forent omnino vitemus et postponamus, dum relinquenda jugiter tenere concupiscimus, et ad perpetuitatem celestis glorie, ad quam divina admonitione sauctorumque patrum crebra insti¬ tutione invitamur cotidie, nullius aftectu desiderii satagimus auelare. In ciijus rei serie si quis voluerit perspicaci dili- gencia animadvertere, quamplurima nobis comperiet adversa digne pervenire, dum irretiti transitoria pompa ambitionis mundane salubria animarum nostrarum remedio et utilitatem praesiimimus vitare et fugere, ponderose usquequam carnis superati proh nephas! fragilitate; sed juxta vocis Dominice testimonium : “ In quo valet proficere aliquis hominum lu¬ crator universarum mundanarum rerum, si contigerit anime sue pati mortale detrimentum.” Quinetiam expediret valde meditari jugiter et recolere verba exhortationis Dominice, quibus conscientiarum testis ipse convertentibus ad eum se promittit appropinquare et non deesse, interminans ab eo MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. elongantes de terra vivencium dolendos fore; quod si nil est dulcius, jocundius, atque felicius quam cum eodem Domino rei’um gaudere perpetualiter in celestibus, facile e contrario agnosci datur prorsus nil esse difficilius, miserius, atque lugu¬ brius, quam cum diabolo membrisque ejus suppliciis addici gehennalibus, cujus exactionis si effugere conamur passionem, ne pigeat evangelicis verbis mentis sollicitam adhibere inten¬ tionem, cujus mstigamur salutifera admonitione, non solum tales de mammona iniquitatis nobis amicos praeparare, quo¬ rum fulti auxilii levamine corporaliter hinc deficientes reciin mereamur in eterna beatitudine; sed etiam sanctam eccle¬ siam nostrarum facultatum quantitate ditare, et quieti Domino famulancium inibi providere. Si vero id necessarium fore credatm’ Christiane fidei impressione insignitis omnibus prout facultate virium devocius insudare debeant hiis ac hujusmodi similibus ceterorum bonorum operum excerciciis et fructi¬ bus, cum precipue tam bonae devotionis liberalis munificentia nobis inesse debet regibus, quorum ditioni, non quorumlibet meritorum qualitate, sed solius divine clementie providencia et dispositione ad regendum concessus est subjectus populus, et ad tuendum a malis imminentibus sexus utriusque ordo ecclesiasticus. Denique quoniam juxta quantitatem com¬ missi talenti durius nos esse exigendos non ignoramus in conspectu Judicis adorandi et tremendi, et pro cursu transacte vite, adeptxxros locxxm remxxneratioixis axxt pene; ideo expedit ut in sxxscepti officii cura ita strcnxxe vigilare stxxdeamxxs, qxiatimxs hic cxxm frxxctxx boixorxxm opei’xim tranqxiilla pace degentes de ti’ixxmphoqxxe sanctae Dei ecclesie hostixxm nostx’o- 1’xxm gaxxdentes ab codem Domino ditari mcrcamxxr axxditxx: “ Boni exxge,” et perpctxxaliter foveri in promissa sanctorum consortio I’cqxxie. Cxxjxxs adeptioixis ardore iixhiantcr sxxc- censxxs, ego Hardcnxxt, i’ex Axigloinxm vocatus, gratum me- cum dxxxi notificarc omnibus, tam jxncscntibxxs quam futxiris, xitrixxsqxxe sexxxs fidelibxxs, praeccllentissimxun Cnxxt, genitoi’cm mexxm, cxxm assensxx, laude, et consilio sxxorxxm archiepisco- porxxm, cpiscoporxxm, abbatum, monachorxxm, clcricorxxm, et regni sxxi devotorum pi’ocerxxm, et ceterorxxm minoris ordinis gi'cgarioi’um militum, sicut in ordine cjxisdcm continctxxr 344 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. regalis prjeccpti, eo tenore constituisse monachos in loco Sancti Eaclmuncli, uti nulli regum aut hominum umqrxam in futuro liceat ponere inibi ordinem alium. Quo vitalibus auris exempto, meque in ejusdem regni solio, divina opitulante clementia, substituto, et Londoniae praesidenti in generali curie })lacito, ^Egelnothus, Cantuaidensis arcbiepiscopus, cum ejus¬ dem comitatus praesule, iElfrido nomine, et cum praefati sancti viri vocato abbate, in praesencia mea palam astitit, et utrumque a me cum eisdem petiit, ut descriptam prius a vene¬ rabili patre meo, ut dixi, ejusdem loci confirmationem proprie firmitatis auctoritate roborarem, et quod adhuc supererat pro¬ ficere minime differrem; ad haec me quid sibi vellet, et quo tenderet hujus rationis prolatio requirente; illi e contra indi¬ caverunt repente se id velle a nostrae principalitate serenitatis ab omnibusque aecclesiasticis personis atque proceribus ibidem congregatis humiliter petere, quatinus pro remedio anime patris et matris atque mee, et prospera regni stabilitate nostri, hanc libertatis immunitatem Sancti Eadmundi locoque ejus habitatoribus dignarer concedere, ne inibi famulantes Domino cenobite pastoiann aecclesiasticorum, aut ad se perti- nencium personarum ullo deinceps tempore quaterentur seu inpedireutur molestia aut opressione. Dixerunt igitur se id pluribus modis, quamdiu vitalibus auris fruerentur, velle fieri, tum quia ipsi ambo interfuerunt jiaternae confirmationi, tum quia meritis praefati sancti pro petito beneficio hujus spera¬ bant a Domino mihi sibique perpetuam remuneratiouem pro¬ venire, tum quia verebantur ne perversioris intentionis et animi nostri successores sentirentur et invenirentur atque sui. Quo patefacto nostro generaliter auditui, licet non pocior esset eis voluntas petendi, quam micbi desiderium exequendi, tamen perquisito inde consilio communi, universali concordia inprimis a devotissima matre Ymma, deinde ab omnibus opportunum responsum accepi, boc probabile, utile, dignum- que eflectum esse a nullo eorum abnegari posse. Quapropter Dei Omnipotentis succensus amore, et ejusdem martju’is patrocinio gaudens et honore, cum favore laudeque seccle- siasticorum pastorum mundanorumque principum, taliter de¬ scriptum constituo roboroque prjeceptum, ut nullus archiepi- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 345 scoporum aut episcoporum, aut aliqua secundi ordinis eorum disciplinatui adhereucium personarum audens, quoquomodo hujus nostrje constitutionis violare judicium praesumat quic- quam consuetudinis sive dominationis amodo in eodem mo- nastei’io et villa super monachos, clericos, aut laicos, pro¬ clamare, usurpare, justiciam aliquam facere, aut missas celebrare, nisi monitus fuerit ab ipsius loci abbate, aut ipsi abbati pro homicidio aut adulterio placuerit aliquem suorum ad eum mittere. Si quis vero posterorum, quod non putamus futurum, hoc aggressus fuerit temere cahimpniari aut in¬ fringere decretum, prmsencium ecclesiasticorum prolate ex¬ communicationi subjaceat, et cum Juda traditore ignis Tar¬ tarei penas indesinenter luat et sustineat, et insuper regio fisco XXX. auri talenta persolvat. Et super conservatores Domini veniat benedictio, adjutorium, et consolatio vite, et rerum congrua tranquillitas, corporis et mentis jugis pro¬ tectio, salus, et sanitas, ut et hic prosperam vitam ducant, cum fructu Deo placitorum operum, atque post carnis obitum })erpetuum divine contemplationis adepti gaudium feliciter in sorte maneant et consortio sanctorum. Ego Ilardcnut, rex Anglorum aliarumque nationum, hoc privilegium jussi componere, et compositum propria manu impressione Dominice crucis confirmavi. Ego Ymma regina, mater ipsius Ilardcnut, gaudenter assensum praebui. Ego Ailgeluothus, Doi'obernensis archiepiscopus', signo crucis consignavi. Ego ^Elfricus, Eborum archiepiscopus con¬ signavi. Ego iEhvinus, Wynton, episcopus, consignavi. Ego ^Elfricus, Elmhamensis episcopus *, consignavd. Ego Lyuiiigus, AVigornensis episcopus, consignavi. Ego AATsi- nus, Lichefeldensis episcopus, consignavi. Ego ^Elwardus, London, episcopus, consignavi. Ego Brihtwaldus, AA"il- ton. episcopus, consignavi. Ego Grimkctel, Suthsex. epi¬ scopus, consignavi. Ego Eadmundus, Lyndisfarnensis epi¬ scopus, consignavi. Ego Sigcward abbas consignavi. Ego Elias abbas consignavi. Ego [Godwinus] comes assensum praebui. Ego puri comes consensi. Ego Leofricus comes Died in 1038, a year, at least, before Ilarthaciuit’s accession. 346 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. consensi. Ego Sywardus comes consensi. Ego Reom comes consensi. BISHOP ALFWOLD. M.XL. Her ct 6 on j^isum ge- write hu forword waeron geworhte on Excestre eetforan Gochvine eorl getforan ealre scire- betAvyx AlfSvolde bi- sceope- |?am hirede set Scire- burnan- Care Tokies suna- set ]>am lande aet Holacumbe. waes ■p hi 'wm’don sehte ]>?et ]> 3 l gebroSra eallae geeodon of J>am lande butan anum se his Ulf gebatan- ]7e byt becweden wses- f be byt baebbe his daeg- '2 ofer bis daeg ga f^aet land swa swa bit stent- mid mete •j mid mannum- unbesacun unbefliten into }?am hal- gan mynstre to Scireburnan. Dyses is to gewitnesse God- wine eorl- Alfwold bisceop on Dorsaeton- ■]) Lyfing b. be norSan- ^Elfwine abbot on Bucfaesten- ^ Sibtric abbot on Tsefingstoce- Odda- j ..Elf- ric his broSor- Ordgar- his twegen gebroSra- Hillfgaer j Escbern- Dodda cild- Alon- '31 ^Selmaer Cola sunu- ~} Osmaer- Leofwine aet Exon- ^ ^Ifweard Alfwoldes sunn- "j Wikiug- •j ^Elfgaer ! Here is made known, in this writing, bow the com¬ pacts were made at Exeter, before earl Godwine and be¬ fore all the shire, betwixt bishop Alfwold and the con¬ vent at Sherborne, and Care Toki’s sons, concerning the land at Holcomb. That was, that they were agreed that the brothers should all go from the land save one who is named Ulf, to whom it was bequeathed: that he should have it for his day, and after his day the land should go as it stands, with meat and with men, without litigation and without contention, to the holy monastery at Sherborne. Of this are witness : Godwine earl, and Alfwold bishop in Dorsetshire, and Lyfing fe. in the north, and ^Ifwine abbot in Buckfastleigh, and Sibtric abbot in Tavistock, and Odda, and ^Elfric his brother, and Oi’dgar and his two brothers, /Elfgar and Escbern, and Dodda child, and ‘Alon, and ^Ethelmaer Cola’s son, and MISCELLANEOUS CHAPTERS. 347 {fit Mynheafdoii • Wiilfweard fet Winesham- Hunewine Heca sunu" iElfwig set Hseg- dune- Godman preost- Lutsige on Wiht. And se^e jjis awendan wylle oSSe set- bredan |?sence jjsere halgan Stowe- si be awendfram Gode on domesdaeg 71 fram eallum his halgnm- y si he besenet on middan )7am weallendan bryne belle wites- mid ludan Cristes Isewan a eeelice for- demed- buton he hit her xr )>e deoppor gebete. Dyssera gewrita syndon twa- an ys set Scireburnan- j jjset ober set Cridiantune- spreeaS buta an. Osmaer,and Leofwine at Exon, and ^Ifweard Alfwold’s son, and Wiking, and ^Elfgar at Minehead, and Wulfweard at Winsliam, and Hunewine Heea’s son, and .^Ifwig at Haydon, and Godman priest, and Lutsige in Wight. And whoever Avill avert this, or think to withdraw it from the holy plaee, be he averted from God in doomsday, and from all his saints, and be he cast down amid the boiling fire of hell-torment, with Judas Christ’s betrayer, ever eter¬ nally condemned, unless he here the more deeply make amends. Of these writings there are two : one is at Sher¬ borne, and the second at Cre- diton. One speaks for both. KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.XLII.i Ic Eadward cyngc cySe on jnssan gcwritc eallum leaffullum mannum hwet ic geredd habbe wib mine arce- biscopes- “3 biscopcs- "j ab- bodcs- '3 corles- •3 wib eallc mine }>egcnas. 'll is p ic willc See Eadmnndes mynstcr- ^ I king Eadward make known in this writing to all faithful men what I have re¬ solved with my archbishops, and bishops, and abbots, and earls, and with all my thanes. That is, that I will that the monastery of S* Eadmund, ' A hiilf-effiiced marginal note saA’S that this charter was “ lecta coram baronibus at mynster iiine is- beo ecelice on )?an ilce freodome be Cnut cyng Harbecnut cyngc min broSer ]jiderin geuben- ne neofre se stede ne worbe ge- loged mid obres hades man¬ num )7anne mid munecum- ne nan )>ere biscope be sefre ma sceal beon on Norbfolce obbe on Subfblce ne liabbe njefre nan insting on [>at mynster- ne swa wid swa J>es tunes mserce gseb ))e )>at mynster inne stent- j )7a muneces cysan heom ealdor of heom silfum- swa swa riht is. And io willc ^ seo socne ■] seo sace J?e ic heom geunnen liabbe- stande uuawend lefre- swa hwaer hi nu liabben land- obSe men- obbe get be- geoten sculou- luirb Godes fultum gddre maune. Nu bidde ic ealle Godes fi’eond- segber ge )ia be nu libbab- ge )ia be fefter us cumen sculou- ^ hi- for Godes eige- uaifrc ne beon on stede ne on stealle jiier lefre undon worbe ■]i ure foregengles geuben- we nu geunnen habben into ■f halige minstre. And gif )ionne aefre jenig man swa dysig worSe- Jmrh )ics deofles lare- he )iis wi Sc we ben wylle ^ awegeii- seo he amau- sumed on belle susle bc- my kinsman, and the town in which that monastery is, enjoy perpetually the same freedom that kino; Cnut and king HarSacnut my brother granted thereto; and that the place be never occupied by men of another order than monks; and that none of the bishops, Avho shall ever more be in Norfolk or Suffolk, have ever any authority in that monastery, or so widely as the town’s mark goes, in which that monastery stands; and that the monks choose them a principal from them¬ selves, as is just. And I will that the socu and the sac, which I have granted them, stand immutable, wheresoever they now have land or men, or may yet acquire, through the aid of God and of good men. Now I pray all friends of God, both those who now live, and those wdio shall come after us, that they, for awe of God, never be in stead or stall where be ever undone what our predecessors granted, and what we have now granted to the holy monastery. And if then any man ever be so foolish, through the devil’s lore, that he will gainsay and elude this, be he excommu¬ nicated and sunk in hell-tor- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. .349 seinct- buten he sr his lifes ende l^e deopere bete. ment, unless, ere his life’s end, he the more deeply make amends. EARL CtODWINE. Her swutelaS on Sisum gewrite [emhe “Sa forewjeard ■Se Godwine eorl worlite he- tweonan vElfstane ahhod ^ ]>am hirede mt See Augustine ^ Leofwine preoste- emhe See .ne. Hast is ^ Leof¬ wine cende f he hohte ^a are fet Cnute eininege* ^ se abbot csende f Cnut eing gelogode ^a lialig.e.ra eama wergeld wtes into See Augustine unawendedliee “Sam Godes )>yowan hi to lihhanne. ' 5 a hwile.se selit ■Se Godwine eorl worhte he- tweonan 5 am arcehisccop ]>am hirede set See Augustine Leofwine preoste.man Leofwine preoste ii. suling landes* an set Langtune- ^ o 5 er set Gildinge- v. pund penega.elmsessan. healf to midlsengtene on ful •.his diege ga land 'j feoh into See Aiigustine .... ....■;) magum .... gehore- nan msen- si abbot se 5 e si. Nu is };ises to gewitnesse* Eadsi areol)isceop. ^ Siword M.XXXVIII.-M.L. Here is made known, in this writing, concerning the compacts that earl Godwine made between abbot Aillfstan and the convent at S‘ Augus¬ tine’s, and Leofwine the priest concerning S‘. That is, that Leofwine declared that he bought the property of king Cnut; and the abbot declared that king Cnut placed the holy . wergeld was to S' Augustine immutably to the servants of God to live on, while.the agree¬ ment that earl Godwine made between the archbishop and the convent at S' Augustine’s, and Leofwine the priest. . . . . to Leofwine the priest II. sulungs of land, one at Langton, and another at Yald- ing, and v. pounds of pennies .alms, and half at Mid- lent, on full.his day let the land and cattle go to S' Augustine’s. Now of this is witness Ead- sige archbishop, and Siword 350 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. bisceop. '] Godwine eorl* ]>e ^one.se hired on Cristes ciricean- "j se hired aet See Augustine. [Nu si]nd J>isse gewrite ]>reO" an is aet Cristes eyrieean* o^er aet See Augustine- 'j jjridde luefh Leofwine preost. bishop, and God^vine earl, who .the convent at Christ¬ church, and the convent at S‘ Augustine’s. Now of these writings there are three : one is at Christchui’ch, and the second at S* Augustine’s, and the thii’d Leofwine the priest has. GODRIC. Her swutelaS on jjisum gewrite hu Godric aet Burnan begeat -p land aet Offaham. "p is ISonne p he sealde Ead- gynan his sweostor an marc goldes -j XIII. pd. Lxiii. pen. on geceapodne ceapL to gyfanne y to syllanne- on daege j aefter daege- J^am pe him leofust sy. pes ceap waes geceapod on Wii aetforan ealra scyre. pises is to gewitnesse Eadsige arceh. ^ Siward b. Godric decanus- call se hired aet Cristes eyrieean- Wulfric abb. 'j se hired aet See Augustine- 'j iEgelric Bygga- •] purgar iElfgares sunu- Eadric iElfrices simu- Osweard aet Hergeardes ham- -) Leofwine preost- Godwine portgerefa- 'j Wulf- M.XLIII. Here is shown, in this writing, how Godric at Bourne got the land at Offenham. That is, then, that he gave to Eadgife his sister one mark of gold, and xiii. pounds, and LXIII. pence in bought ‘chap’*, to give and to sell, in life and after life, to whom it to him may be most agreeable. This ‘ chap ’ was bought in AVye, before all the shire. Of this is witness Eadsige archbp, and Siward bp, and Godric dean, and all the convent at Christ¬ church, and Wulfric abbot, and the convent at S‘ Augus¬ tine’s, and H^gelric Bygga, and Thurgan H^lfgar’s son, and Eadric Hillfric’s son, and Osweard at ‘Hergeardesham’, and Leofwine priest, and i. e. 1 mark in gold, and the re.st in ceap, or good.?, cattle, See. MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETERS. 351 sigc l^aes cynges gerefa» manig god man j;arto. Nu synd )?issa gewrita )>reo» an is set Cristes cyricean- ‘j o|)er set See Augustine- ~j }?ridde haefb Godrie mid him. Godwine portreeve, and W ulf- sige the king’s reeve, and many a good man thereto. Now of these writings there are three: one is at Christ¬ church, and a second at S* Augustine’s, and the third Godrie has with him. laXG EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.XLIII. Pace regnante, largiflua Christi omnipotentis bonitas semper ab omnibus est laudanda omnique laude preferenda, quia nullo bonitatis termino valet concludi in seculorum secula, utpote quia idem Deus ipse sit sue proprie bonitatis bonitas, distribuens gratis non tantum dignis, verum etiam indignis partem sue bonitatis: est quippe Rex regum et Dominus dominancium omniumque subsistencium, visibilium atque invisibilium Creator, et sue creationis discretissimus Dispositor, attingens a fine usque ad finem, suaviterque dis¬ ponens omnem creaturum ut competit divine dominationi ejus. Nam quosdam libero arbitrio quibusdam prefecit dig¬ nitate hujus seculi et operibus diversis, quibus rursxim man¬ dat ut ipsi sua sufficientia et bonorum habimdantia illorum relevare et sustentare debeant inopiam, qui minus secularibus habundant negotiis, ut pro hoc majori possint mercede ab eo donari. Unde ego EadAvardus Anglorum rex omnibus post me futuris regibus, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, ducibus, omnibusque Christi fidelibus, noHim fieri volo, quod venerabilis dux Leofricus, divina inspirante gratia monitisque gloriosi ac Deo dilecti summi pontificis Alexandri, monaste¬ rium sancte Dei genitricis IMarie, Sanctique Petri, ct om¬ nium sanctorum, in villa quae dicitur Couentre, extruxit, largisque muneribus adornavit, atque subscripta maneria ad victuale subsidium abbatis et monachorum in eodem loco Deo perpetue servientium, mea larga donacione et conces- .352 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. sione, ibidem contulit ; videlicet, medietatem ejusdem ville in qua fundata est ipsa ecclesia, deinde Soubam, Grenebm’gan, Icketonam, Hunitonam, Neowenham, Hulhtuue, Chadeles- hunte, Herdewyk, Cestretune, Waspertune, Suohham, Byr- tingabirig juxta Aven, Mevston, item Merstuna in Gloecestria, medietatem ville de Lintune, Sowe, Salewarp, Eatuna juxta fluvium Dee, Kildesbig, Winewican, Burhbeca, Barwalle, Scrapetoft, Pakinton. Pro reverencia itaque et honore sancte Dei genitricis Marie sanctique advocati mei apostoli Petri, do et concedo abbati Leofwino et omnibus futuris ibidem post eum abbatibus, in tota possessione monasterii, sakam et socnam et tlielonium suum, in terra et in aqua, in urbe et extra, et omnes leges et consuetudines, tam plene et tam libere sicut eas prefatus dux honorificencius et liberius de me tenuit. Precipio itaque ut omnia que ad ipsam ecclesiam pertinent sint omnino libera, terre culte et inculte, cum exitibus atque redditibus predictorum, necnon maneria et ecclesie, cimiteria, decime redditus, et servicia debita, ob- laciones, luminaria, causarum discussiones, emendationes ecclesiastice, vel sccularcs, et quicquid illi loco collatum est sub integra immunitate, concedimus et perpetuo firmamus. Et ne quis prsesentium vel magis futurorum ambiget que sit illa libertas quam amabiliter et firmiter concedo, omnimodis cuncta illius ecclesie possessio nullis sit unquam gravata oneribus, nec expeditionis, nec pontis et arcis edificatione, nec juris regalis fragimine, nec furis apprehensione. Et, ut omnia simul comprehendam, nil debet exsolvi nec regi, nec regis preposito, vel episcopo, vel ulli homini, sed omnia debita exsolvantur jugiter que in ipsa ditione fuerint ad supradictum sanctum locum, secundum quod ordinaverint fratres ejusdem coenobii. Ut autem cunetis bec transgredientibus ad dam¬ nationem suam evidenter possit ostendi literas summi pon¬ tificis papae Alexandri, quas ab eo suseepimus, directas tam posteris quam praesentibus bic maiiifestari curavimus : “ Alexander episcopus, servus servorum Dei, dilecto filio Eadwardo regi Anglorum salutem et apostolicam benedic¬ tionem. Scriptorum vestrorum eloquia incolumitatem ves¬ tram significantia laeti suscepimus, gratias itaque Omnipotenti MISCELI.ANEOUS CIIAIITEES. .‘553 Deo retulimus, qui cordis vestri sinceritatem ad omnia utilia sanctje matris secclesiae compungit. Proinde juxta scripta vestra monasterio Sanctae Mariae de Coventria, ubi servorum Dei constituta est congregatio a reverendae memoriae Leofrico duce nuper exstructo, Imjusmodi privilegia praesentis autho- ritatis nostrae indulgemus, concedimus, atque confirmamus, statuentes ut ipse locus, regiis praeceptis et pinvilegiis aposto- licis fultus, per omnia tempora sine convexatione cujuscunque diocesani episcopi, aut alicujus judiciarim potestatis cujus- cumque ordinis vel dignitatis sit; sed semper, sicut praeoptat et expetit benevolentia tua regalis, futuro tempore permaneat. Fratres igitur ejusdem loci idoneos, ex se vel ex qua vohierint congregatione, abbates sive decanos sibi per successiones eligendi habeant potestatem, et ne impediantur auctoritate apostolica prohibemus. Praeterea quicquid illi loco contuleris, vel collatum est, vel conferetur, divina et nostra auctoritate roboramus; necnon privilegia vestra ad honorem Dei perti¬ nentia, quae ibi instituere volueris, gratanti affectu annuimus, confirmamus, et confirmando imperpetuum stare decrevimus, et infractores eorum aeterna maledictione damnamus.” Anno incarnationis Dominice m°xliii° scripta est hec sin- grapha, hiis consentientibus ierarchis qxxi subter notati : videlicet, »I.Ego Edwardus rex hanc meam libertatem regali stabili¬ mento affirmavi. Ego iElfgyfa, mater ejusdem regis, assen¬ sum accommodavi. ►J» Ego Eadgi^ regina, ejusdem collate¬ ralis regis, ejusdem donacioni regali consensi. Ego Ead- sinus, Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus, adquievi. Ego ^Ifricus, Eboracensis ecclesie archipresul, corroboravi. *J< Ego Alfwoldus, Londoniensis episcopus, subposui. Ego Ealdi’cdus, episcopusWygornensis, impressi. ►Jf Ego Dudxico, episcopus Willensis, adnotavi. Ego Wlfinus, episcojxus Tjichesfeldensis, consolidavi. Ego iESelstanus, episcopus ITerfordensis, stabilivi. ^ Ego Liuingus, episcopus Cridi- ensis, adposui. Ego Eadno^us, episcopus Dorcensis, con¬ sensum praebui. Ego Brihtn inus, episcopus Scirbernensis, confirmavi. Ego Bcrhtxvold, episcopus Wiltunieusis, con¬ clusi. ^ Ego Manni abbas. ^ Ego Siward abbas, Ego !54 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. iElfwinus abbas. Ego Godwinus abbas. Ego stanus abbas. Ego Godwinus dux. Ego Haroldus dux. Ego Leofricus dux. Ego Siward dux. Ego Sweyn dux. Ego Tostig dux. Ego E-adulpbus More. Ego Esgar. Ego Rodbord minister. ^ Ego Hulf- ketel minister. Ego Godwine minister. Ego Frewine minister. Ego Leofric minister. Ego Moreere minister. Ego Alfgar minister. Ego Godric mi¬ nister. Ego Leofric minister. Ego Siwerd minister. Ego ^Ebelsi minister. yEGELRIC BIGGE. M.XLIV. *1- Her swutelab on pisum gewrite embe pa forcAvyrd pe Higelrio worbte AA'iiS Eadsige arcebisceop fet pam laude set Cert, pe CeolnoS arcebisceop gebobte set Hselepan pam pe- gene mid bis agenan sceatte. ^Epelulf cing bit gebocode Ceolnobe arcebisceope on ece yrfe. pis synd psenue pa fore- AA'vrd. p^Egelricbaebbe f land set Cert bis dseg- 'j sefter bis dsege ga psenne f land pam arcebisceope Eadsige on band. swa gegodod sAA'a beom bam gerisan mage* j sySSan beora begra dseg agan si* yEgelrices j pses arcebisceopes Eadsiges- psenne ga pis foresprecene land into Cristes cyricean mid mete 'j mid mannan eal SAva bit stande- for iEgelrices saAvle. j for Eadsiges arcebi- Here is declared, in this writing, concerning tbe com¬ pacts wbicb yEgelric made with arcbbisbop Eadsige respect¬ ing tbe land at Chart, wbicb arcbbisbop Ceolnotb bought of Hseletba the thane with bis OAAH money, and king yEtbel- AA'ulf chartered it to arch¬ bishop Ceolnotb in pei'petual heritage. These then are tbe agreements: that yEgelric liaA’e the land at Chart for his day; and after his day then let the land go into the hand of archbishop Eadsige, so improA'ed as may be fitting for them both; and after the day of them both, yEgelric and the archbishop Eadsige, shall be agone, then let this aforesaid laud go to Christ¬ church, Avith meat and with MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. sceopes* |?am Godes }jeowan to fostre to scrude. }^e |>aer- inne Godes lof dreogan sceolan deeges 'j nihtes. ~j ^Egelric gifS )7a landboc )?e j^serto ge- byreS on his life Criste j )?am liirede- him to ecere selmes- san. -j bimce ^gelric j Es- bearn his sunn )>ara o5ra lauda heora twegi’a dmg- to )7am ilcan forewyrdan}>eiEgel- no^ arcebisceop j ^gelric ser gcworhtan. p is Stilting, Melentun. j se haga binnan port ]>e iEgelric him sylfan gctimbrod hajfde. 'j asfter heora twegra dsege fo se arce¬ bisceop Eadsige jiaerto- gyf he leng libbe jiaeune hi- o'S'Se loc hwa his leftergencga jiaenne beo. butan sum heora freonda ]ia land fur)ior. on jiaes arce- bisceopes gemede. ofganmage to rihtan gafole- o^^e to oSran forewyrdan. swa hit man jimnne findan mage wiS )ione arcebisceop )ianne libbe. “3 Jiises is to geivitnesse Eadweard cyneg. .dillfgyfu seo hliefdige. /Elfwine b. ^ Stigand fe. Godwine fe. ^ Godric decanus, “j eal se hired let Cristes cyricean. Wulf- ric abbnd. eal se hired aet See Augustine. iElfvvine abbnd. ^ Siweard abbnd. WulfnoS abbnd. Godwine eorl- ■] Leofric eorl. Atsur men, as it may stand, for the souls of iEgelrio and of the archbishop Eadsige, for the sustenance and clothing of God’s servants who therein have to celebrate the praise of God day and night. And /Egelric gives the charter wdiich appertains thereto, in his life, to Christ and the convent, in perpetual alms. And let ^gelric and his son Esbearn enjoy the other lands for the day of those two, under the same agreements that archbishop Jilgelnoth and .^gelric erewhile made; that is, Stonting, and Melton, and the Giaga’ within the town, which Aigelric had built for himself. And after the day of those two, let the archbishop Efidsige succeed thereto, if he live longer than they, or who¬ ever his successor may then be; unless one of their friends, with the archbishop’s consent, may desire to hold on the land at a fair rent, or on other conditions, as it may then be arranged with the archbishop who may then live. And of this is witness: Eadward king, and /Elfgyfu the lady, and .lElfwine bp, and Stigand bp, and Godwine bp, and Godric dean, and all the convent at Christchurch, and Wulfric 2 A 2 350 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEES. Rocla. ^ JElfstau steallsere- 3 Eadmser aet Burhham. God- ric set Burnan. j Jilfwine se Reada- j msenig man )?ser to eacan- ge gehadude ge Ise- wede* binnan biirgan j butan. j gif senig man on uferan dagan- gehadud oSSe Isewede- jjisne cwyde wille awendan. awende bine God selmilitig hraedlice of |7isan Isenan life into belle note- 'j ]>ier a wunige mid eallan )>am deoHan );e seo lablice wunnng betseht is- baton he j^e deoppor hit ge- bete- ser bis ende- wiS Crist sylfne wib jjone hired. Nu synd )>issa gewrita )n’eo- an is innan Cristes cyricean- o)>er set See Augustine- •p )>ridde haefS /Egelric mid him sylfan. abbot, and all the convent at S‘ Augustine’s, and ^Ifw'ine abbot, and Siweard abbot, and Wulfnoth abbot, and Godwine earl, and Leofric earl, and Atsur Roda, and ^Ifstan con¬ stable, and EMmaer at Bur- ham, and Godric at Bourne, and ^Ifwine the Red, and many a man besides, both ordained and lay, within town and without. And if any man in future days, ordained or lay, shall desire to avert this bequest, may God Al¬ mighty quickly avert him from this transitory life into hell-torment, and may he there ever dwell with all the devils to whom the loathly dwelling is committed; unless he the more deeply make atonement, ere his end, to Christ himself and to the convent. Now of these writings there are three : one is in Christ¬ church, and the second at S' Augustine’s, and the third iEgel- ric has with himself. A LATER COPY OF THE ABOVE IN THE KENTISH DIALECT. DONATIO ETHELRICE BIGGE DE MANERIO DE CHERT, STUTING, ET MELETUNE. ANNO DOMINI MILLESIMO QUADRAGESIMO QUARTO. Hyer suotelet on |;isen ywrite embe ]>o uorewarde be Ebel- rich wrogte wib Edsige archebiscop at ban londe at Chert Se Chelnob archebiscop bogte at Heleben Jian )ieyne mid his ogene sheatte- q Ebeluf king hit ybokode Ceolnob arche- biscope on eche yrue. Dis sind jianne }ie uorewerde- bet Ebelrich habbe bet land at Chert his dey- and sefter his dage MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 357 go jjet land iSan arcliebiscope Eadsige an hand- suo ygoded suo hem bam yrisen mage, and siS'Sen hire beyre day agon sy. E^elrices and "Sas archebiscopes Edsiges- J;anne go jjis norespekene land into Cristes cbereche- mid mete and mid mannen al suo bit stondet. nor ESelricbes saule- and for Edsiges archebiseopes. ^an Godes j^euwen to iiostre and to shrude. ]>e “Serinne Godes lof );reugen simile dages and nigtes. And ESelrich geft So landboc "Se Serto yberS on bis line Criste and ^an birde him to ecbSes elmesse. And bruke ESel¬ rich and Esbarn bis sune Sare oSre land here tueyre dey to jjan yleke uorewerde ]>e ESelno^ archebiscop and ESelric er ywrogten. Dat is Stutinge and Meletune. y se bage biniie port Se ESelrich him self ytimbred hauede- and efter hire tueyre dage uo se archebiscop Edsige 'Serto- gef be leng libbe jjanne by. oSer hwo his eftergengle Sanne by- bute sum of byre frende Set lond furSer on }7as archebiscopes ymede ofgon mage to rigten gauelle. oSre to oSre uorewarde suo bit man Sanne uinden mage wiS Sane archebiscop Set }7an libbe. And Sisses is to ywitnesse Edward king, and Elfgiue sy leuedi. and Elfwine biscop, and Stigand biscop, and Godwine biscop, Godrich decan. and al se hired at Cristes cbercbe- and WolfriS abot- and al se hired at Seynt Austines- [■;] manie abottes and bierles-] 'j manie oSre men ybodede and lewede- binne burg and bute. And gef eny man on ure dagen. yboded oSerlewed- Sisne quyde wille awende- awende bine God almigti raSlice of Sis [lene] line into belle wite- and Ser a wonie mid alle San deulen Se se lodliche woninge bis bitagt. bute he J^e diepper hit ybete er his ende wiS Crist selfne. and wiS ]?an bird. Nu send Sis ywrite Srie. On is at Cristes cbereche. oSerat Seynt Austine- and Sat jjridde bauet ESelrich mid him seine. KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.XLIV. In nomine sancte ct individue Trinitatis. Ego Ead- wardus, Anglorum, Dei gratia, basileus, omnibus post me futuris regibus, arcbiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, comi- 358 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tibus, vicecomitibus, omuibusque baronibus ac ministris, cunctisque presentibus et futuris, salutem, et hujus rei noti- ciam. Summum in regibus ac principibus bonum est justi- ciam Dei colere et ecclesiarum quieti prospicere, et de illarum perpetua seeuritate sollerter tractare 3 quia qui eam exaltant et honorant, cum ea et in ea et per eam exaltantur et hono¬ rantur. Et quoniam in locis plurimis inquietudines plurimas, molestias, persecutiones, scandala atque gravamina monachos a nonmdlis pertulisse eognovimus, decet ut nostre excellencie regia provisio de ipsorum ventura qiiiete, salubri meditetur dispositione, ut in ipsis manentes tranquilla mente in servi¬ tute Dei, ipsius subveniente gracia, permaneant ; unde pre- sentes et posteri sciant universi, quod antiqui gloriosi reges, ..'Elfredus, videlicet, etEadwardus filius ejus, ecclesiam S.Petri de Gant, que in monte Blandinio sita est, nimio affectu dilex- erunt, honoraverunt; et donationem illam, Leuesham, scilicet, cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus, quam ElSrudis, prefati iElf- redi neptis, ecclesie eidem libere contulit, regia coneessione et libertate perpetua munierunt. Quorum boni operis inten¬ tione perpendens, ne eorum statuta luiquam dueantur in irritum, aut ullis, quod absit, posteris tui’bentur temporibus, ego quidem hujus libertatis patroeinator, donis eorum favens, pro eorum et mea omniumque successorum meorum regum, atque Baldwiui comitis, cognati mei, necnon et omnium fide¬ lium prosperitate et salute, Deo et beato apostolo Petro, pio fautori nostro, et abbati Bichardo, monachisque prefate ecclesie de Gant, concedo, atque mea regia autoritate con¬ firmo, manerium de Leuesham, cum omnibus sibi pertinen¬ tibus, videlicet, Greenwic, Wulewic, IModingeham, atque Cumbe, et cum vallibus etiam in Andreda eisdem maneriis adjacentibus, scilicet, iEschore, Aflffehaga, Wingindene, Sca- rendene, Sandherste, et cum ecclesiis, cimiteriis, decimis, redditibus, in campis et silvis, in pratis et pascuis, in aquis et paludibus, in piscariis et piscationibus, in molendinis et in omnibus siiis appendiciis. Praeterea addidi loco illi prelibato infra Londoniam, partem terre de terra illa, videlicet, que Wermanecher Anglice nuncupatur, cum huervo eidem terre pertinenti, et cum omnibus rectitudinibus et consuetudinibus MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 359 que ad illam pertinent. Concedo eis etiam, in omnibus terris suis prenominatis, consuetudines hic Anglice scriptas, scilicet, infangene);eof, mondbruce, miscbenninge, u'Sleaw, ferdwitc, wearwite, blodwite, lileastynge, sceawinge, bamsocne, forstall, aliasque omnes leges et consuetudines que ad me pertinent. Donavi etiam Ricbardo, religioso abbati, et omnibus futuris post eiim ibidem abbatibus, et fratribus ejusdem loci, in omni predicta monasterii possessione, sacam et socam, tbelo- neumque suum in terra et in aqua, et consuetudinem que dicitur team es, latrones latronum que captiones vel emissiones, et pacis fracturam, et pugnam in domo factam, et domns invasionem, et omnes assultus in suo jure, in via et extra, in festo et extra, in urbe et extra, in aqua et extra, tam plene et tam libere sicut eas habebam in manu mea; nullis itaque unquam graventur oneribus expeditionum nec pontium vel castrorum restructione, nec regalium sive episcopalium mini¬ strorum exactione. Defendo insuper, et ex nomine sancte Trinitatis prohibeo, ut nullus regum succedentium, episco¬ porum, principum, comitum, vicecomitum, procuratorum, sive aliorum regum clientium, vel episcoporum, ministrorum, pastum, censura, vel impensionem, seu aliud quidlibet ab ecclesia illa, vel a terris 2 )raescriptis ad eam pertinentibus, per vim aut per consuetudinem, exigat, sed omnimodam liber¬ tatem mea regia corroboratione perpetualiter possideant, quatinus ipsa religiosa concio, pro remedio anime mee, et successorum meorum regum Anglie, omniumque benefac¬ torum ejusdem ecclesie, ac fidelium salute, pervigiles persol¬ vat deprecationes, oleumque bone actionis, more sapientium virginum, sub habitu religionis, servans Christo Domino et ejus beato apostolo Petro, indefesse deserviat. Si quis autem contra hanc auctoritatis nostre paginam senserit, quicunque ille fuerit, cujuscunque etatis vel potestatis, gradus et ordinis, et eam infringere voluerit, vel alios ad hoc conduxerit, unus¬ quisque pro seipso libras v. partibus Sancti Petri persolvat, et quicquid exinde fisciis noster, in murdris, geldis, danegcldis, omnibusqne aliis rebus vel stipendiis, que in terris illis surrex- erint, ad partem nostram sperare poterat, in luminaribus, sive fratrum ipsius monasterii victus aminiculis perenniter per 3(50 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. nostra oracula ad integrum sit concessum atque indrdtum. Quicunque successorum meorum hanc donationis libertatem firmiter atque inviolabiliter eustodierit, eterna coronetur clari¬ tate, celestisque regni perfruatur felicitate. Si quis vero eam, quod absit, destruere voluerit, sive eandem possessionem a donatione et serncio sepedicte ecclesie et abbatum ejusdem loci et monaeborum subtrahere conatus fuerit, vel per partes quasi hereditatis jure auferre praesumpserit, sicut contradictor et convulsor hujus nostri decreti ac temerator, cum luda traditore Domini eterno anathemati subjaceat, nisi Deo et beato suo apostolo Petro digna penitentia satisfecerit. Non enim superiorem vel inferiorem aliquem deeet hominem illud sibi ill jus hereditatis vendicare quod per regiam eorrobora- tioiiem ad illud, cujus esse debeat, provida ratione fuerit redactum. Anno igitur Dominice incarnationis m.xliiii.. Indictione XII., et VII. concurrentibus, atque xi. epactis rotantibus, hec regalis concessio et donatio facta est sub astipidatione prima¬ tum, quorum nomina karaxata videntur. Ego Eadwardus, rex tocius Britannie, hanc propriam dona¬ tionem regali stabilimento affirmavi ►1«. Ego iElfgyfu, ejus¬ dem regis mater, assensum accomodavi Ego Eadsinus, Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus, hanc pietatem divul¬ gavi Ego ^Elfricus, Eboracensis civitatis archipresul, hanc territoriam scedulam diligenter assignavi Ego yElweardus, Londoniensis episcopus, consolidavi Ego Godwiiius, Rofeiisis episcopus, gaudenter impressi Ego ^Ehvynus, Wintoniensis episcopus, corroboravi Ego Beorhtwoldus, Wiltuniensis episcopus, coadunavi Ego Liuingus, Cridiensis episcopus, confirmavi Ego .JH'Sel- stanus, Herefordensis episcopus, consignavi EgoWul- stanus, Wigorniensis episcopus, hanc divulgavi >J<. Ego I'iaduoSus, Dorccensis episcopus, condixi Ego Duduco, Wellensis episcopus, conscripsi Ego Grimkillus, episcopus Australium Saxonum, consensi Ego Wulsinus, episcopus Licetfeldensis, commodum duxi Ego Britvvinus, ejii- scopus Scireburnensis, conclusi Ego Godwiiius dux Arnen dixi Ego Leofricus dux testificavi Ego MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 3G1 Siwardus dux testificavi Ego Haroldus dux testificavi Ego Leofvviuus dux testificavi Ego Swegenus dux testi¬ ficavi Ego Tostig dux testificavi Ego Gyrdus dux testificavi Ego Eadwinus alphas Westmiusteriensis ►Jf. Ego Wxdfuoldus abbas Certesige Ego ^Isi abbas Saiicti Augustini Ego Godwine abbas Wincelcumbe Ego Manny abbas Eouesbamensis Ego iElfricus abbas Per- scorensis Ego Hugelinus camerarius Ego Esgar stallere Ego Roldbertus filius Wimarc stallere Ego Ordgar minister ►J*. Ego Osgod minister Ego Odda minister Ego ^Ifgar minister Ego Karl minister Ego Dured minister Ego iEj^elwig minister Ego jEdridg minister EgoOrdulf minister EgoDuduco minister Ego Siward minister KING EADWARU THE CONFESSOR. M.XLII.-M.XLV. Edward king gret ^If- word biscop Esgar stallare alle mine burg)?eignes on Lundoiie freondlice. Ic ki^e eow ji ic anil j ic wille f See Peter Sa gebroSera on M^estniinstrc liabben “Sat land and bane wearf 'barto be TJlf portegerefa bis wif Kinegib. for here saule alesednisse into bare lialagen stowe giefon. swa full swa forb swa hi best it allton. And ice aim lieom eft calswa ■ji by liabben berto fulne freodom on ealluni jungun be ber uppaspringab- be lande be strandc- forban ice nolle nateswon gebafian bat auiig niaiin leiiig atbrede I king Eadward greet bishop iElfweard; and Esgar constable^ and all my burgh thanes in London amicably. I make known to you tliat I grant and will that S* Peter and the brothers in M'^est- minster have the land and the wharf thereto, which Ulf the portreeve and' his wife Kinegith, for their souls’ re¬ demption, gave to the holy place, as fully and as freely as they best possessed it. And I also again grant them that they may have thereto full freedom in all things which shall there spring up, liy land and by strand; for I will on 362 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. geutige heora geofa j heora almesse. o^iSe ’Sat "Ser senig mann asnigne onstingc liabbe on eenigum j^ingum on aenigum timan* butan se abbod j ^a gebro^Sera to ^aes minstres neode. God eow ealle gehealde -j gife eow ece gesael^e. Amen. no account allow that any man take away or alienate their gifts and their alms; or that any man have there any authority in any things, or at any time, except the abbot and the brothers, for the monastery’s need. God pre¬ serve you all, and give you eternal bliss. Amen. * KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.XLV. In nomine sanet® et individu® Ti’initatis. Ego Ead- ward [us, Dei gi’atia Anglorum rex, futuris] * post me regibus, episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, vicecomitibus, et omnibus [omnino Christianis, salutem. Cum pi® voluntatis] deside¬ rium, et laudaud® devotionis intentio regalibus sit semper studiis adjuv[anda cm’a est sollicitudinis adhibenda, ut ea] qu® pro quiete religios® conversationis sunt ordinata; nec dissimulatio negliger [e nec uUa valet presumptio pertui’bare, sed] sicut hoc quod ratio exigebat oportuit definiri, ita quod definitum est non debet viola [ri. Quapropter noverit pr®- sentium futurorumqiie] universitas, quod fidelissimus noster \Y1 nothus abbas, et monachi monasterii ter beati ap[osto- lorum principis Petri], peculiaris patroni nostri, adierunt serenitatem nostram humiliter obsecrantes, ut sicut antiqui et gloriosi Anglorum reges, Eadgarus, Eadwardus, Aithel- dredus, Eadmundus, Cnutus, et reliqui, qui usque ad nostra tempora idem 'Westmonasterium snpradicti sancti apostoli, decretorum suorum sanctionibus [co]ntra iniquorum per¬ vasionem mnnierant, atque episcoporum et apostolicorum consensu et auctoritate postulatione regia plen[issime ro¬ borari] poposcerant; ita nos. Dei nostri voluntatem in om¬ nibus sequentes, et illos pr®decessores nostros in hoc fidei [iter] * The words between brackets are wanting in MS. Cott. Aug. H. 58. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 363 imi[tantes nostram illi mon] asterio adderemus, immo nostra sanctione illorum roboraremus. Et quoniam in ipsis diebus nostris inter [Robertum episcopum clerumque Londjoniae, et abbatem praefati monasterii monachosque orta quaedam con¬ tentio fuerat, episcopo et cler[o sibi volentibus in sup] radie [to monajsterio Sancti Petri contra leges atque decreta supra- memorata quasdam consuetudines et obson[ia usurjpare [et abbatie mon] acliisque contra sese defendentibus regum et apostolicorum, et maxime Sci Dunstani, qui prius fuerat Lundoniensis [episcopii] s, et poste [a Cantuarien] sis arclii- episcopus, prolata privilegii auctoritate, hujus conventionis causa coram episcopis et optimatibus regni nostri, et in prfe- sentia [nostra ventilata et fini]ta. Nos demum justicise fa¬ ventes, diffinitte caiisie consensus nostri vigorem praestaremus; igitur fidelium nostrorum atque pal [atino] rum usi consili[o et hoc] prospicien[tes ipsi] ecclesiae et habitantibus in ea sive pertinentibus ad eam utile fore, non solum in presenti sed et in futuro, regum qui fuer[unt ante nos de]cr[et]a, sed et Sci Dunstani privilegium, et Anglicorum episcoporum seu Roma¬ norum apostolicorum privilegia sancti et egr[eg]ii apostoli Petri monasterio indulta, per hanc praeceptionis nostrae pagi¬ nam decernimus in perpetuum servanda. Et ut sine ulla perturbatione vel inquietudine episcopi Lundoniensis cleri- corumve ejus fratres ibidem Omnipotenti Deo valeant famu¬ lari, et pro nobis ipsis et stabilitate regni nostri attentius deprecari, omnino generales eorum accessus ad monasterium prohibemus fieri, et communes stationes ab eisdem, ne inde prava consuetudo surrepat aliquando in eodem sepefato mona¬ sterio celebrari, qualiter sicut est in ejus monasterii privi¬ legiis constitutum, in perpetuis temporibus maneat invio¬ latum. Si quis autem contra hanc prgeeeptionis et auctori¬ tatis nosti’fe paginam senserit, quicunque ille fuerit, cujus- cunque nominis et honoris, etatis et potestatis, gradus et ordinis, et eam vel in magno vel in minimo infringere voluerit, et id quod cupit non efficiat, et ad erarium nostrae domus XII. libras ex auro purissimo coactus addat, et insuper reus majestatis habeatur, et prophanus ab omnibus, nisi satis })ro emendatione fecerit, computetur. Ut igitur hoc decre- 364 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tum a nobis promulgatum pleniorem obtineat ^^goremJ nostra manu subter apposito signo roboravimus, atque fidelibus nos¬ tris praesentibus roborandum tradidimus; nostraeque imaginis sigillo insuper assignari jussimus. Ego Eadwardus, Xpi gratia largiente, Anglorum rex, sigillo etiam scae. crucis signo hoc privilegium, ut si quis illud infregerit, ab eo qui pro nobis crucifixus est aeterna perditione damnetur. Ego .^Ifgyfa Imma, mater ejusdem regis, assensum accommodatu. Ego Eadgytha, ejusdem collaterana regis, eidem donationi regali consensi. Ego Eatsinus, Dorobernensis aecclesiae archi- episcopus, hanc donationem confirmavi. Ego jElfricus, Eboracensis aecclesiae archieps, pietatem hanc corroboratu. ►Ji Ego .lElfuuinus eps consensi et subscripsi. Ego Brihtuuoldus eps consensi et subscripsi. Ego Lyuingus eps c§s. et snbscrip. Ego ^thelstanus eps css. et sub- scr. Ego Eadnothu[s eps css.] et subscr. Ego yEgelricus eps consensi et subsc. ^ Ego Duduco eps css. et subscr. Ego Grymcillus eps css. et subscr. Ego [^Ifjuuinus abbas cSs. et subscr. Ego ^theluuardus abbas c§s. et subscr. Ego Siuuardus abb. css. et subscr. Ego .d!]lf[sta]nus abb. [css.] et subscr. Ego Godtvinus comes. Ego Leofricus comes. Ego Siuuardus comes. Ego Suueinus comes. Ego Osgodus minister. Ego Ord [ga] rus minisf. Ego Odda minisf. Ego iElfstanus minister. Ego Oi’dulfus min[ister]. TYulftvius regie dig [nit] at [is c] ancellarius relegit et sigillavit. Datum Kl. Augusti, anno v*“, regnante serenissimo et glori [osissimo] Ead- uua[rdo Anglorum re]ge, ab incarnatione autem Domini m.xl“°v*". Indictione xiU, concur?. viG“ atque xviii'“ epact[ae. Actum] Londoniae palatio regi[o i]n Dei no [mine foelic]iter. Arnen. PRIOR EADMyER, and OTHERS. Aadmerus prior, et ^geluuordus, et Ansfridus, et ceteri monachi ecclesie Sancti Augustini, confirmamus conven¬ tionem quae facta est inter Algodnm monetarium, filium jElfrcdi Manne sune, et ^Edclgiuc, ct Dunstamira filium ejus. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 365 cle domibus prodicti ^Igodi, et do terra quo ad illas domos pertinet. Hec autem est conventio; quinquaginta solidos predicta Eadgiua dedit Algodo pro domibns snis et terra quae ad illas domos pertinet; et ipse Algodns et tota proge¬ nies sua de illa terra omnibus modis exeant, et ipsa Eadgina et Dunstanus filius ejus eo modo introeant, nt ita libere et quiete domos et terram illam possideant sicut Algodus vel Hacmannus unquam melius vel liberius possederunt: et si alicui seu dare vel vendere voluerit, dent vel vendent ea sive in progenie seu extra suam progeniem ; et singulis annis, in medio Quadragesime, octo denarios super sepulcrum Sancti Augustini ponant, quia terra Sancti Aiigustini est et in po¬ testate nostra. Hujus conventionis veraces testes sunt isti, Ernulf prior, etc. KING EAUWARI) THE CONFESSOR. M.L. TRANSLATIO SEDIS CATHEDRALIS DE CRIDETUN IN EXONIAM'. Igitur cum universa in sapiencia a Deo bene condita sint, videlicet, celnm, arvum, et que in eis continentur, dignum quippe equumque dinoscitur fore quamquam impossibilitas egre humanitatis humanos actus pluris calamitatibus con¬ turbet, quo nos qni rectores hominum a Deo constituti dicimur instinctu superne Clemencie, juxta modulum nostre censure prudenter equitatem civilis exquirere studeamus sciencie, atque praecipue res ecclesiastice benigne discutiendo tractare ea que cernuntur nostris non equa optntibus rectius consti¬ tuere, sicque sancita ad profectum innocencie, sive utrius- que vice corroborando gubernare. Equidem gloriosum est nimiumque laudabile destructas edes sanctorum locorum ad divinum adminiculum exposcendum reedificare, sacraque alta¬ ria venustis velis cum nitore pii cordis velare, et unam- ([uamque nocturnam sive diurnam sinaxim armoniacis modulis resonare. Quapropter ego Eadwardus, Dei gratia Anglorum * The copy in Ilickes (Diss. Epist. p. 16), from the avcliive.*? of Exeter cathedral, varies in the names of the witnesses. 36G MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. rex, consilio imbutus bone voluntatis, quoniam pro\asum est michi, secundum qiiod prjecipitur in divinis decretis, cathe¬ dram pontificalem consobdare Exonise civitatis, in monasterio beati Petri apostolorum principis, quod est situm infra menia ejusdem urbis, auctoritate superni Regis meaque, meeque conjugis Eadgyde ac universorum episcoporum ducumque meorum, per hoc privilegium testamenti atque cautionem cyrographi in perpetuo tempore constituto presulem Leof- ricum, ut sit ibi pontifex, et post illum ceteri affuturi ad laudem et gloriam sanctae et individue Trinitatis, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, et ad honorem Sancti Petri apostoli. Dono etiam possessiones omnes ad eundem locum pertinentes quecumque sint, tam in nmibus, quam in pascuis, pratis, silvis, aquis, liberis, servis, ancillis, legibus, censu, pagis, Deo Sanctoque Petro fratribusque canonicis ibi famulantibus, ut habeant jugiter subsidium hubesum corporis, quo valeant Christo militare, sine ulla molestia animi. Hoc tamen notum pape domino inprimis Leoni facio, ipsiusque attestatione confirmo, deincepsque cunctis Anglorum magnatibus, quod Cornubiensem diocesim, que olim in beati Germani memoria, atque Petroci veneratione episcopali solio assignata fuerat, ipsam cum omnibus sibi adjacentibus parochiis, terris, villis, opibus, beneficiis, Sancto Petro in Exonia civitate trado, scilicet, ut una sit sedes episcopalis, unumque pontificium, et una secclesiastica regula, propter paucitatem atque devasta¬ tionem bonorum et jjopulorum, quoniam piratici Cornubien¬ sem ac Cryditonensem ecclesias devastare poterant; ac per hoc in civitate Exoniae tuciorem mimitionem adversus hostes habere visum est, et ideo ibi sedem esse volo. Hoc est ut Cornubia cum suis ecclesiis et Devonia cum suis simul in mio episcopatu sint, et ab uno episcopo regantur. Itaque hoc privilegium ego Eadwardus rex manu mea super altare Sancti Petri pono, et presulem Leofricum per dexterum brachium ducens, meaque regina Eadgyda per sinistrum, in cathedra episcopali consisto, presentibus meis ducibus et consanguineis, nobilibus necnon capellanis, et affirmantibus laudantibusque archiepiscopis Eadsino et Alerico, cum ceteris aliis, quorum nomina descriljentur in meta hujus cautionis. Enimvero si MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 367 quis hoc testamentum privilegii affirmare post meum vite transitum, et bona ecclesie augere tuendo voluerit, adaugeat Omnipotens Deus dies vitae ejus, atque centuplicato fructu nono decimo coronet eum eterno praemio in gaudio ethereo. Si autem, quod absit, aliqiiis compilator fraudis, vel cavillator fautoris, nevo fomitatus inique ciqiidinis, hanc cautionem seu decretum hujus episcopi destituere aut permutare contemp- nendo presumpscrit, vel ejusdem minuere et subtrahere sub- stanciam temptaverit, eternis mancipatus habenis cum diabolo ejusque ministris, sit separatus a Christo ipsmsqiie sanctis, dissegregatione perpetue anathematis fiat. Anno igitur in- carnacionis Dominicse Indictione tertia, Epacteque XXV., et Concurrentes vii., hec cautio scri 2 )ta est edictione solida karecterata karecteribus, testium jubente piissimo rege Anglorum Eadwardo gubernante eodem feliciter tocius mo¬ narchiam majoris Britannie. Ego Eadwardus rex hoc donum cautione hac affirmo. Ego Eadsinus archiepiscopus Christi ecclesie manu mea sub¬ scripsi. Ego Elericus archiepiscopus Eboracensis ecclesie confirmavi. Ego Stigandus episcopus dignum duxi. Ego Herimanus episcopus corroboravi. Ego Bodbertus episcopus testis fui. Ego Ealdredus episcopus consolidavi. Ego Doduca episcopus consensi. Ego Godwinus dux. EgoLeof- ricus dux. Ego Siwerdus dux. Ego Ilaraldus dux. Ego Radulfus dux. Ego Tosti nobilis. Ego ^gelwerdus abbas adjuvi. Ego Jillwinus abbas consensi. Ego Liutricus abbas assensi. Ego Raeinbaldus presbiter commendavi. Ego God¬ winus presbiter aspiravi. Ego Godmannus presbiter interfui. Ego Petrus presbiter laudavi. Ego Odda nobilis. Ego Rymhtrucus nobilis. Ego Ordsanus minister. Ego Celericus minister. Ego Touinus minister. Ego Radulphus minister. Ego Dodda minister. Ego Eadulfus minister. Ego Ordulfus minister. Ego Ecgulfus minister. Ego Eabpisus minister. Ego Celfpendus minister. In dorso. Dis is se frcols to J>am b.rice on Defenanscire- q on Wealan Se Eadweard cyniiigc dihte q gesette mid This is the 'freedom to the bishopric of Devonshire and Wales, Avhich king Eadward appointed and established 368 MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEES. liis witena rtede. for liis sawle alysednisse. into }>am bisceop- stole on Exanceastre Leofrice be ^ his seftei'gengean on sece yrfe. with the advice of his ‘ witan’, for the redemption of his soul^ for the episcopal see at Exeter, in perpetual heritage to bishop Leofric and his successors. QUEEN .ELFGIFU EMMA. BEFORE M.LII. Ic yElfgyfu seo hlaef- dige- Eadweardes cyninges modor- geaerndede ®t Cuute cyninge minum hlaforde j?aet land set Niwantune. ]?fet }>aerto hyrS into Xpes cyr- cean. j^a iElfric se j^egen hit hsefde forworht |jan cyninge to handan. ■] se cyning hit geaf ]7a into Xpes cyrcean J^an hirede to fosterlande for uncre heigra sawle. I iElfgifu the lady, king Eadward’s mother, obtained from king Cnut, my lord, the land at Newton, and what thereto belongs, for Christ- chureh, whenyElfric the thane had forfeited it to the hands of the king; and the king then gave it to Christchurch, as ‘ fosterland ’ for the con¬ vent ; for the souls of us both. KING EABWARD TIL ^ Eadward king gret Wulwi biscop- j GyrS eorll- and alle mine }?einges on Oxnefordescire freonlice- ^ ic kibe ou ^ ic habbe gcgifan Criste "] See Petre into West- munster ]?et cotlif be ic waes geboran iniie be naman Gihts- lepe- ane healfe hide aet ^lersce. seotfre gafolfi’eo- CONFESSOR. M.LIII. I king Eadward greet bishop Wulfwig, and earl Gyrth, and all my thanes in Oxfordshire, amicably; and I make known to you that I have given to Christ and S' Peter in Westminster the village in which I was born, byname Islip, and a half hide at Marsh, scot-free and rent- MISCELLANEOUS CIIAETERS. ;I69 mid eallan )>am )>ingan )>e l^erto helimpaS- on wude on felde. on maede ^ on watere- mid ciricen 'j mid ciricsocnen. swa full swa for'S- and swa freo swa liit me siluan on liande stod- -j swa swa iElgifa Iinme min modcr- on minre frumbyrde dseiaege- to forme gyfe it me gaef- to geein'Se becwae-S. ic an lieom jjerofcr saca "3 socna- toll team. ^ infangene)?eof. ^ blodwite- ■]) weardwite- "j hain- socne- foresteall. gri'Sbrice •} mundbrice- ealle ba ge- rihte J^e to me belimpab. Nu grete ic wel minne leofiic maei Wigod on Wallungeforde. and ic beode |;e |’at jni- on minre stede. beride )?as land ])am hselge to liande- for ic nelle nabeswon gebalian jj jiaer senig maim aenige ousting liabbe on apiiigum jnngum oSbe on aeniguin timan bn tan se abb. ba gebrobra to Jijes munstrcs nitwurblicre |iearfe. 1 bwa se ])as aelrnesse lioldlice healde- healde bine God ^ Godes moder on cce blisse. bwa swa bio awende- sieo be awaendcd fram Gode to jiare belware stiSe pinnesse- Imton be bit on jiissere jwfbc )>c stiblikere gebete. God eow gebealde See Petres bolde. tlie more rigidly make amend preserve you. free, with all tbe tilings wbicb thereto belong, in wood and in field, in mead and in water, witli ebureb and witli clmrcb- socn, as full and as complete, and as free as tliey stood in my own band, and so as ^If- gifu Emma, my mother, on my birthday, gave it to me for a first gift, and naturally bequeathed it. And I give them thereover sac and soon, toll and team, and in- fangenetbeof, and blodwite, and wardwite, and bamsocn, and forsteall, gritbbryce and mundbryce, and all tbe rights wbicb to me belong. I now greet well my beloved kins¬ man Wigod at Wallingford, and I enjoin thee, that thou, in my stead, perequitate these lands into tbe possession of tbe saint; for I will on no account allow' that any man have any authority there, in any things, or at any times, save tbe abbot and tbe bro¬ thers, for tbe monastery’s necessary requirements. And wdioso shall faithfully bold this alms, may God and God’s mother bold him in everlast¬ ing bliss. And whoso avert it, be he averted from God to tbe rigid torture of bell’s in¬ mates, utdess he, on this cartlq s. God and S' Peter’s favour 2 B 370 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. BISHOP WULFWIG, EARL LEOFRIC, AND GODGYFU IHS WIFE. M.LIII. CHAKTA DE FACTO INTER WULFWIUM EPISCOPUM, LEOPRICUM COMITEM, ET GODIVAM EJUS UXOREM, DE MONASTERIO STOWENSI ORDINANDO. Her swutela^ on J>isan gevvrite hu "Sa forewearde ge- worhte syndon j^e Wlwig b. Leofric eorl- ^ Godgife J?ags j eorles nnf geworhtan ymbe f mynster set Sancte Marian stowe. f is ffii’ost ^ liig biedan }>one bisceop I? big mostan f mynster gddian- lande l^iderin tolecge be bis fulke leafe. Da ty^ede beom se bisceop* wses swySe blibe •}3 be lenigne fultum bsefde ‘p bim J’aerto fylstan wolde. Nu babba'S big bit gesett mid preostan- j willa'S jiser babban ]>eowdom eallswa man baefS on Panics byrig binnan Lun- dene. J^a land ]>e big |iiderin lecgeaS beon J>a 5am gebro- ^ran ]>e |?aer binnan beo5 to fodno'Se 71 to scrude. se b. babbe into bis feorme selc J^aera ]?inga ‘Se Hil^eric b. ^ Hiidno^ b. baefdan aetforan bim* of )?am ^e mid ribte ge- byraS into bis bisceoprice* p is |;a twegen deles aelc baera ]>inga "Se kymS into j^am mynstre* 7 ) )?ae preostas babban )>one l^riddan dail forutan ] 7 am Here is declared, in tbis writing, bow tbe compacts are made, wbicb bisbop Wulf- wig, and earl Leofric, and Godgifu, tbe earl’s wife, made concerning tbe monastery at S‘ Mary’s stow. That is, first, that they prayed the bishop that they might endow the monastery, and assign lands to it, Avith bis full leave. Then tbe bisbop permitted them, and was very blithe that be bad any support that would assist bim thereto. They have noAv supplied it with priests, and Mill there have service as it is bad in S' Paul’s Avitbin London. And tbe lands Avhicb they assign thereto shall be for food and clothing to the brothers who shall therein be. And let the bishop have for bis subsist¬ ence everything A\'bich bishop Hiitberic and bishop iEdnoth had before bim, of that AA'liich rightfully pertains to his bishopric: that is, tAvo parts of everything that comes into the monastery, and tbe priests MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 371 twam nifessan* );onne habbc se b. eall f j^ferto kymS* ehta dagas to bfere terre Sanctae Marian maessan. ehta dagas to jjaere aeftran Sancta Ma¬ rian maessan. butan )?ani mete anuni- j^onne habban )>a preostas J^otie }>riddan dtel of ^iam mete be }?aerto kyrnS. j |?a land be se b. 'j se eorl God- gife j gode menu )?iderin ge- unnab boon |>a aefre into }?aera halgan stowe bam gebrobran to neode- “) f mynster to godianne- nan b. ])e aefter him kymb }>aprof narie feorme ne crafige. butan of J?am be liim mid rihte to gebyrab into liis b.rice- eallswa obi^e bisceopas ter aetforan bim liaefdon. And )?is is gcdon be Eadwardes cynges fulra leafe- on liis gewitnesse. 7) on Eadgybe his gebeddan- ~} on Stigandes arceljisceopes- on Kynsiges arcebisccopes- *3 on Heremannes bisceopes. ■j on Dodika bisceopes- on Leofrices bisceopes.";) on Eald- redes bisceopes- on Heka bisceopes. ^ on Ailgelmercs bisceopes. '-j on Alfnoldes bisceopes- ^ on Wilelmes bisceopes. ■) on Leofwines bisceopes. “j on Sigeweardes eorles- on Haroldes eorles- ■) on Raidfes eorles- on M\{- gares eorles- on iSfanniges the third part; except at the two masses, then let the bishop have all that thereto comes, eight days at the first S‘ Mary’s mass, and eight days at the second S‘ Mary’s mass, except the meat alone; then let the priests have the third part of the meat which there¬ to comes. And the lands which the hishop, and the earl, and Godgifu, and good men give thereto, be they ever to the holy place, for the need of the brothers, and to endow the monastery, so that no bishop who shall come after him shall crave subsistence therefrom, except from that which rightfully belongs to his bishopric, as other bishops before him had. And this is done with fidl leave of king Eadward, and with his witness, and of Eadgyth his consort’s, and Stigand archbishop’s, and Kynsige archbishop’s, and Hereman bishop’s, and Do- deca bishop’s, and Lcofric bishop’s, and Ealdred bishop’s, and Hcca bishop’s, and iEgel- maer bishop’s, and Alfwold bishop’s, and William bishop’s, and Leofwinc bishop’s, and Sigeward earl’s, and Harold earl’s, and Ralph earl’s, and ^'Elfgar earl’s, and Mannig abbot’s, and ^Elfwine abbot’s, 2 B 2 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEKS. .•?72 abb. • 7) on ^^llfwines abb. • j on Leofsiges abb. • j on Leof- rices abb.. ^ on o^res Leof¬ siges abb. • j on Brihtmaeres abb.. 7) on Esgeres steaLres. j on Raulfes stealres- ~j on Li- finges stealres- on eallra )?aes kynges huscarlan. on his msessepreostan- j on Dur- gorlee lagen- 'j on SigferSes- 7) on Godrices- on Owines. on Sigrices- j on eallra 'Sara burliwara gewitnesse on Lin¬ coln- 'j on ealra j^aera manna )je seceaS gearmarket to Stowe. se Se Sa geferaedue mid gode geece- God ael- mihtig geece liis lifdagas her on life- on ]>am tOAVcardan life f he mote wnnunga hah- ban mid Godes gecorenan. se ]>e big todraefe j J?a land ut of jjaere halgan stowe gentige- ad refed wurSe he fram Gode- ■j fram Sancta Marian- j fram eallan his halgan on j^an myclan domes daeg. Nu syn- don )?isse gewrita ]?reo- an is mid }>aes kynges haligddme- -j oSer is mid Leofrice eorle' ■] f J^ridde is mid ]>am bisceop on )7a halgan stowe. and Leofsige abbot’s, and Leofric abbot’s, and the other Leofsige abbot’s, and Briht- maer abbot’s, and Esger con¬ stable’s, and Ralph con¬ stable’s, and Lifing con¬ stable’s, and of all the king’s hus-carls, and his mass-priests, and Thurgod Lagen, and Sige- ferth, and Godric, and Owine, and Sigeric, and in witness of all the bnrghers of Lineoln, and of all the men who attend the yearly market at Stow. And whoso shall increase the fellowship with good increase, may God Almighty increase his life-days here in life, and in the life to come, that he may have a habitation with God’s chosen. And whoso shall disperse it, and alienate the land from the holy place, he he driven from God, and from S' Mary, and from all his saints on the great dooms¬ day. Now of these writings there are three: one is in the king’s sanctuary, and the other with earl Leofric, and the third is with the bishop at the holy place. BKII1T3IA:R. M.LIII. Her snotelen on 'bisen j Here is shown, in this vurite embe 'So uorewerde 'be I writing, concerning the com- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. .373 Brimmer at Gerschereche ■wTogte wiS Stigant arclie- biscop. 7) wiS Godric Sane den- -j wiS alle J>em bird at Xpes cbereche at Cantwarberi. Det is Sanne Set be uSe Criste into Cristes cbereehe ^ane hdmestal Set he on set. -j alre Halgene cbereehe. efter his dage. 7) efter Eadgefan liis ybedden. and efter his chil- drene dage- Edineres and ESelwynes. swo hi hit alSer best ygodeden nor hire sanle alesednesse. and swo Set se hyred sholde witen Set se fjendom ne *adeswen Se into Sare cheriche belimpeht ne ne atfalle al be San Se se chereche w’ere ygodod. Hierto byreS ywitnesse Lyefstan portirene and ^bi- scop. and Eylwine Stikehare. and manye oSre |>ar {^eyne binne burg and inite. pact that Brihtmaer at Grass- clmrch^ made with archbishop Stigand, and with Godric tlie thane, and with all the con¬ vent at Christchurch at Can¬ terbury. That is then, that he has given to Christchurch the homestall on wdiich he resides, and the church of All-Hallows, after his day and after Eadgifu his consort’s, and after the day of his chil¬ dren, Eadmer and iEthelwine, as they shall have best en- dow'ed it, for tbeir souls’ re¬ demption, and so that the convent should know that the service, for all which the church was endowed, come not to naught nor fall off. Hereto bear wdtness : Leof- stan portreeve and bishop^, and Eylwine Stikehare, and many others of the thanes, within burgh and without. * adw!Ei3ce ? ^ Now Gracechurch. ^ The bishop’s name (Willelni) has evidently been omitted. GODWINE SON OF EARWIG. Her swutelab an [Sissum gewrite] ^ Godwine Earwiges sunn haefS gelted fnlle lade {et ^San unriht w ife be Leof- gar bisceop hyne tihte. and ^ wfes laed aet Licitfelda. Here is made known, in this writing, that Godwine, Earw’ig’s son, hqs fully cleared himself about the unchaste woman, of which bishop Lcof- gar accused him : and that was done at Lichfield. 874 MISCELL-\NEOUS Ctt.\RTERS. OSWULF AND iETHELITII. M.LIII.-M.LXVI. Hec est cartula que demonstrat convencionem illam quam fecerunt Oswulfus et ^] 7 ili| 7 a uxor sua cum domiuo abbate Leofstauo et monachis ecclesie Sancti Albani^ quando intro¬ ierunt in fraternitatem illorum. Dederunt autem inprimis Oswrdfus et ^}>ebSa uxor sua domino abbati Leofstano et monachis ecclesie Sancti Albani ad introitum fraternitatis eoinmdem propter caritatem xx*‘ sot.j obtulenintque Deo ac sancto ejus martyri Albano cum magna devocione illam terram que dicitur sst Stodbam, sicuti ipsi illam ea die melius possiderent. Idque factum est cum consensu ac licencia regis Eadweardi atque regine Eadgy}»e, scilicet, ut et ipsi par¬ ticipes essent istius doni et retribucionis ejusdem consortes in regno celorum. Ipsi autem, scilicet Oswulfus et dEjJelij^a, hoc donum Deo et Sancto fecerunt Albano pro animabus eorum cunctorum que consanguineorum suoinm, quatinus in futuro judicio veniam mereantur percipere peccatoram; spe¬ cialius tamen illa nobilis matrona, videlicet .^] 7 eli)?a, hanc douacionem fieri obtinuit a presente domino suo, hoc est Oswulfo, pro anima prioris domini sui Ulfi, qui sibi iUam tribuit villam. Postea autem rogaverunt ambo dominum abbatem Leofstanum ut dedisset eis ligna ad edificandam in eadem rilla ecclesiam in honore Domini nostri Jhesu Christi et Sancti Albani, ut et hec ecclesia sibi in specialissimum fieret proprietatis signum, et ut ex illa die ob nullius eventum cause eam idlo modo amplius Sanctus perdere posset Albanus; ea tamen condicione, ut quamdiu illi viverent terram illam in suum usum haberent, cum licencia domni abbatis Leofstani simid et monachorum; et hoc tali pacto, quod ob istius rei agnicionem, unoquoque anno ad victum proprie monachorum, XX. solidos darent, quamdiu superstites ipsi fuissent. Hujus rei testes sunt: AA'ufwius episcopus, Bondius stabulator, Biu’hredus, Ed- n-inus ejusdem filius, Godricus tribunus, iElfstanus vice- comes, Leofwinus de Cadendune, ceteraque innumerabilis midtitudo utriusque sexus ac diverse etatis, qui ad dedica- cionem supradicte ecclesie fuerunt; coram quibus omnibus MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 875 utique dixerunt: “Notum vobis cunctis omnibusque homi¬ nibus esse volumus, quod nos hodie, videlicet ego Oswulfus et .®) 7 eli) 7 a uxor mea, Deo sanctoque ejus martyri Albano, istam terram, videlicet Stodham, damus in perpetuam hereditatem, in presencia domini Wulfwii episcopi et fi'atrum ecclcsie Sancti Albani qui hic assunt modo nobiscum.” Ad quorum vocem, imposito silencio, coram omni populo, episcopus Wulfvvius alta voce respondens dixit: “ Qui cunque hoc dono Sanctum privaverit Albanum, sciat se in futuro. Dei judicio, cum luda. Salvatoris nostri proditore, perpetualiter condemnaturum fore; nosque illum tamen tamque presumptuosum ex auctoritate Dei Omnipotentis, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, et sanc¬ torum canonum, et nostri ministerii, excommunicamus, et a consorcio tocius Christianitatis, et a liminibus sancte secclesie sequestramus, donec terram illam sancto martyri reddat Al¬ bano.” Cui cuncti qui aderant “ Arnen ” responderunt. BISHOP yETHELSTAN ^ Her swutelaS on “Sissum gewrite [j 3 ] iEj^clstan bisceop gebohte set Leofrice set Blace- wellan fif hide landes aet Inte- byrgan. be iEj>elredes cinges leafe. q be iElfeges arcebi- sceopes gewitnesse- q be Wulf- stanes arcebisceopes- q be ealra j^aera witena ))e ba on Englalande lifes waeron. mid ten pundan reodes goldes q hwites seolfres. unforboden q unbesacen. to geofene q to syllanne- aer daege q agfter daege. sibban obbe fremdan. Here is made known, in this writing, that bishop iEthelstan bought of Leofric at Blackwell five hides of land at Inkberrow, by leave of king iEthelrecf, and with the wit¬ ness of archbishop iElfeah, and of archbishop Wulfstan, and of all the ‘ witan ’ who were then living in England, for ten pounds of red gold and white silvei’, unforbidden and uncontested, to give and to sell, diu’ing life and after life, to relatives or strangers, where Of Hereford, ob. I0.)(!. 37(5 MISCELL.VNEOUS CHARTERS. )>ier him leofost Maere, 'j se cyng het ]?one arcebisceop Wulfstan )??ei’to boc settan. 71 A]?elstaiie bisceope boc j lanci betaecan uunendere heortan. pa aefter ]7ysan manigiim gearum. soc Wulfstan j bis suuu Wulfric on sum Jjset land. ]>a, ferde se bisceop to sciregemote to Wigeran- ceastre- '] draf J^aer his spraece. pa sealde Leofwine ealdor- man. Hacnn. ■j Leofric. eal seo scir his land ebene. )?a he hit unforbodan 7) unbe- sacan bohte. 71 settan daeg to )>ait man to 5 am lande scolde faran. 7] )?a ilcan ]je him aer landgemaere laeddon hatt . e.an. ■;] cwaedan gif • 5 a landgemcere ealswa n aeron SM'a man heo on fruman laedde. j^at se bisceop |?at land ful rihte ahte. Da com se bi¬ sceop )7aerto. 'j se j^e him land sealde. 'j |>a J>e him aer [to M’it] nesse M aerou. ■j com Wulf¬ stan •] his sunn. 7) ]?a |7e hyra geferan -waeron. heo ealle )’a [>a landgemaere geridan. eal seva heo man on fruman )?am bisceope laedde. heo ealle cwaedan )je [ 5 aer] Avaeron |?aet se bisceop ful riht j^aet land ahte. ]>a se par gean- wyrde paes pe him land sealde. Spaecon 5 a Leofrices freond “j Wulfstanes freond. pact hit to him might be most de¬ sirable. And the king com¬ manded the archbishop Wulf¬ stan to draw up a charter to that effect, and to deliver charter and land to bishop iEthelstan, nith benignant heart. Then, many years after this, Wulfstan and his son Wulfiic contested some of the land; then the bishop Avent to the shire-moot at Worcester, and there preferred his case. Then Leofwine aldorman, and Hacun, and Leofric, and all the shire gave him his land clean, as he had bought it miforbidden and uncontested; and set a day for going to the land with the same persons avIio had before clraAcn the land-boundaries . .. .and they said, if the land- boundaries Avere as they Ac ere drawn at first, that the bishop full rightfully possessed the land. Then came the bishop thereto, and he Avho had sold him the land, and those Avho were his AA'itnesses; and Wulf¬ stan and his son came, and those Avho Avere their com¬ panions, and they all then rode along the land-bounda¬ ries, as they were at first drawn for the bishop; and they all Avho Avere there said that the bishop had full right MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 377 betere wsere f heora selit to- gfe[dere wur](le- )?onue by aenige [sa]ce bym betweonan heolclan. solitan jja hyra sebt- |7ajt waes j^aet Leofric sealde Wulfstane j his sima an pund ■j twegra | 7 egna aS. wsere himsylf l^ridde- )?8et he [)?]am ilcan wolde been gehealden- gif seo spsec to Leofrice code, swa swa heo |?a wses to Wulf¬ stane gegan. Dis wses ure ealra seht. Wulfstan -j his sunn sealdon j^a J>set land elsene Leofrice- 7) Leofric- j Wulfstan- 7) AVulfric ]jani bi- sceope elsene land j unbesa- can- ser dsege 7) sefter- to gy- fanne ]>Eer him leofost wsere. Her sw'utelab seo gewitnes 71 se borh ]>c }>ier set wseron. i)set wses serest se bisceop- 7) L[eofri]c- 7) Wulfstan- 71 Brihtwine- 7) Cynsige-71 Wyn- stan- 7) iEgelwig munuc- 71 iElwine msessepreost- 7) Hil- mser msessepreost- 7) Wulfric msessepreost- 7] Cyneword ast Pebbewurby. 7] iElewig [set Secca]nham- 7) Eadwig his mseg- 7) Wulfric set Cloddes- heale- 7) Sseword set Uptuny- 7) W ulfric set Bynningtunc - 7) Wulfsig Madding- 7) msenig god cniht to eacan |^ysan. to the land; as he would there answer for who had sold him the land. Then said Leofrie^s friends and Wulfstan’s friends that an amicable agreement would be better than that they should carry on any suit between them; they then framed their agreement. That was, that Leofric should give to Wulfstsm and his son one pound, and the oath of two thsmes, and should be himself the third, that he would be holden to the same, if the suit should go to Leofric as it had gone to Wulfstan. This w’as the agreement of us all. Wulfstsln and his son should then give the land clean to Leofric, and Leofric, and Wulfstan, and AVulfric to the bishop, the land clean and un¬ contested, before his day and after, to give as shall to him be most agreeable. Here are declared the witness and the seciu’ity who were there pre¬ sent. That was, first the bishop; and Leofric, and Wulfstan, and Brihtwine, and Kynsig, and Wynstan, and /Egelwig monk, and iElwine mass-priest, andiElm^er mass- priest, and Wulfric mass- priest, and Kyneword at Peb- worth, and iElewig at Sec- [cajnham, and Eadwig his 378 MISCELLANEOUS CIL\RTERS. Nil syndan pissa geivrita }ireo. an on Wigernaceastre let Sea Marian. )ncr Jiast land to her^. -j oSer on Hereforda let See yE} 7 elbrihte. ~j )iridde a mid ];am J?e Jiiet land on liande stande. God aelmilitig j'one geliealde }je )iis iville rihtlice bealdan. gif aenig man jjonne seo };e ]iis aiveudan iville- God aelmilitig. 'j Sea Maria- -j ealle his leofan hal- gan jiaene ani^erige aegjiaer ge her on life- ge fier he laeugast wunian sceal- biiton he hit ]ie deoppor aer gehete- siva bisceop him taece. *1« Cyrographum. ' kinsman, andWulMc at Clod- desheal, and Saeword at Upton, and ^Vulfric at Bynnington, and ^Yulfsig Madding, and many a good ‘ cniht ’ besides these. Noiv of these writings there are three : one at S* Mary^s in Worcester, w'here the land belongs, and a second at S* iEthelbriht^s in Hereford, and a third with him in whose hand the land is. May God Almighty preserve him who will hold to this rightly. But if there be any man who wall avert this, may God Almighty, and S* Mary, and all his be¬ loved saints, lower him, both here in life, and where he longest shall abide ; unless he before the more deeply make amends, as the bishop may teach him. Chirograph. BISHOP SIWEARD. Siwardus episcopus Godwino comiti, et Hermauno epi¬ scopo, et Kinewardo, et ceteris omnibus nobilibus de Bearruc- scira, salutem. Audivi Brihtudnum terram de Lechamstede sibi omnino appropriare, sed injuste id agit; nam, me per¬ mittente, ea potitus est eo tenore, ut post suum decessum, monachorum libere in manum redeat; quod conventione dis¬ positum est illustrium virorum plurimorum praesentia, eo die MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 379 quo Brihtnodus ejus frater defunctus Abbendonie sepultus fuit, qui tercius a patre, nam mater ejus inter se et patrem media, ejusdem terre possessione functus est, quibus tantum¬ modo, Cnutonis regis tempore, trino vite spacio hominum possessores fieri, inde a monachis Abbendonensibus con¬ cessum fuerat ; hec haud aliter haberi, fide quam Deo et regi meo domino debeo interposita, jm’ 0 ; sed et si adhuc his quis discrederit, judicio quo censura vestra potuerit jure definiri, in veritate que protestatus sum, ero paratus. CONVENTIO INTER STIGANDUM ARCIIIEPISCOPUM ET CONVENTUM BATILE. M.LX. Her swutelaS oii )>isum gewrite f Hilfwig abbud and eall seo geferraeden on Bab- an baefci gelaetcn to Stigande arclieb. xxx. liyda landes set Dyddanhamme- his dasg- wiS X. marcaii goldes and \vi5 xx. pundon seolfres. q aefter liys drnge ga liyt eft into Jnim lialegan mynstre. mid mete q mid mannum, swa full swa forS swa liyt ]?aenue by|>. q I. mare goldes to eacan- q VI. merswln. q xxx. }7usenda haeringys. aelce care, pisys ys to gewitnysse Eadweard cininge- Eadgyb seo blaef- dige- Ealdryd arclieb. • Hereman b.. q Gisa b.. q Harold eorl. q Tosstig eorl- yEjicluob abb. • ^ yEgylwig abb. • q iEgylsige abb. • q Ordric abb. • q Esegar steallere* Here is made known, in this writing, that Hilfwig abbot and all the brotherhood at Bath have let to Stigand archbishop xxx. hides of land at Diddeuham, for his day, for x. marks of gold and for XX. pounds of silver; and after his day to revert to the holy monastery, with meat and with men, as fully and as freely as it then shall be; and i. mark of gold in addition, and vi. porpoises, and xxx. thousand herrings, every year. Of this are wit¬ ness : Eadward king, and Ead- gyth the lady, and Ealdred archbishop, and Hereman bishop, and Gisa hisliop, and ! Harold earl, and Tostig earl, I and yEthelnoth abbot, and iEgylwig abb., and yEgylsige 380 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. j Roulf steallere- j Bondig steallere- j manega o|7re gode menn. }>e lieora naman lier a^yritene ne syndon. gyf aenig maun si swa dyrstig f wylle ]?is awendan • si he aman- sumod fram Criste* fram Sanctae Mai’ian. j fram See Petre ]jam halegan apostele- fram eallum Cristes lialegnm aefre on aecnysse- baton he hyt eft l^e ra))or gebete. abb., and Ordric abb., and Esegar constable, and Roulf constable, and Bondig con¬ stable, and many other good men, whose names are not here Avritten. And if any man be so daring that he will aA^ert this, be he excommu¬ nicated from Christ, and from S' Mary, and fi’om S' Peter the holy apostle, and from all Christ's saints to all eternity, unless he the more speedily amend it. KINO EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LX. IIEC EST TRANSI..4TIO CARTE REGIS EDAA'ARDI IN LINGUA SAXONICA TRANSLATA IN LATINUM, DE COLLOCACIONE EPI¬ SCOPATUS HEREFORDENSIS CUIDAM AA'ALTERO FACTA, ET DE DIA'ERSIS PRIAULEGIIS ET LIBERTATIBUS, SCILICET SOK ET SAK, ET ALUS LIBERT.ATIBUS, EIDEM AA'ALTERO ET EPISCO¬ PATUI HEREFORDENSI CONCESSIS. EdAvardus rex saluto Haroldum comitem, et Osebarnum, et omnes meos ministros in Herefordensi comitatu amica- biliter. Et ego notifico vobis quod ego concessi Waltero episcopo istum episcopatum hic vobiscum, et omnia universa illa quae ad ipsum cum justicia pertinent, infra portum et extra, cum saka et cum socna, tam plene et tam plane sicut ipsum aliquis episcopus ante ipsum prius habuit in omnibus rebus. Et si illic sit aliqua terra extra dimissa quae illuc intus cum justicia pertinet, ego volo quod ipsa reveniat in ipsum episcopatum, vel ille homo ipsam dimittat eidem in suo precio, si quis ipsam cum eo invenire possit. Et ego nolo ullum hominem licenciare quod ei de manibus rapiat ali¬ quam suam rem quam ipse juste habere debet; et ego ei sic concessi. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. .381 *KING EAUWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LX. In onomate summi Kyriou omnia jura regnorum gubei’iiantis, et ab alto celi fastigio cuncta cernentis. Ego ^adwardus totius Albionis Dei moderante gubernatione basi- leus, arcbiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, centenariis, cunctis- que sanctte fidelibus ajcclesite clericis et laicis, insuper et omnibus post me futuris regibus, salutem, perpetuamque pacis felicitatem. Summum regibus ac principibus bonum est justi- ciam Dei colere, sanctam aecclesiam ejus exaltare et honorare, quia qui eam exaltant et honorant, cum ea, et in ea, et per eam, exaltantur et honorantur. Prevenit cor meum gratia Dei, ut quod ab antecessoribus meis regibus collatum est ejus secclesife, mea firmetm’ auctoritate. Ecclesia namque beatae Dei genitricis semperque virginis Marite, Sanctique Bene¬ dicti, omniumque sanctarum virginum, qute Rameseie nuncu¬ patur, quae olim, id est tempore praecellentissimi regis ^adgari, a quodam insigni viro yEihvino onomate, utpote in ejusdem regis gloriosi muuificentiaj kartula, quam ibidem donaverat, data, ac sigillo regio confirmata, legitur, ahnipotentis Cliristi mirabilius cooperante gratia, est constructa, ac terrarum cojjiosis ditata muneribus; imprimis eam ita liberam et qui¬ etam, tam ab omni exactione episcopali quam a saiculari esse volo, ut neque nos, neque successores nostri, neque quilibet episcopus, nec quicunque de judiciaria potestate in ipsam sanctam basilicam, vel in manentes in ipsa, vel in homines qui cum suis terris, vel qualibuscunque substantiis, ad ipsam tradere vel devovere se voluerint, nisi per voluntatem abbatis et omnium suorum monachorum, ullam iniquam habeant po¬ testatem ; sed sit luee sancta mater secclesia specialis dominae nostrae perpetuae virginis IMariae, ac patroni nostri Sancti Benedicti, et omnium sanctarum virginum, libera et absoluta ab omni invasione vel imjuictudiue omnium hominum cujus- cunque ordinis vel jiotcstatis esse videantur. Praeterea inper- petuum confirmo, ut monachi ejusdem aecclesiie per suc¬ cessiones, secundum regulam Sancti ilencdicti, eligere ex se idoneos abbates habeant potestatem ; et quisquis fugitivorum, de (piocunque loco, ])ro quacuiuiue causa, cujuscunque con- 382 MISCELLANEOUS CHAETEES. ditionis sit, ipsum sanctum locum vel procinctum ejus intra¬ verit fugiens, membrorum suorum ac vitae impunitatem con- seqiiatur. Possessiones vero quae ibi a qiiibuscunque donatae sunt, non abbas, non alia quaelibet persona licentiam habeat vendendi vel extraneis dandi; sed regum munimine deinceps locus ipse tueatur, ipseque abbas, regi soli serviens, atque ei soli os ad os respondens, commissum sibi gregem spirituali et temporali pastu habundanter foveat. Concedo etiam et confirmo omnes donationes terrarum, vel libertatum, aut aliarum rerum quae a regibus Eadgaro videlicet et Harde- cnuto, seu aliis fidelibus, ante me donatae sunt: Hoc est Uppwude cum Ravelega* berewico suo, et cum insula in qua praedictum stat arcisterium, omnibusque sibi pertinentibus, Hemmiugeforde cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Sautrey^ cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, HellinglC cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Wallsocne cum omnibus ad se pertinen¬ tibus. In Welles xx" piscatores ibidem singulis annis ad usum fratrum lx. millia anguillarum reddentes; Brancestrei cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, et ciim omni maris pro¬ jectu, quod nos Anglice ‘ shipwrec ’ * appellamus, Ripton ® cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Tinell® cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Kyngestune cum Rafileya" et Byrig, bere- wicis suis, omnibusque sibi pertinentibus, Wardeburc cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Scepton ® cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Cliaterili ® cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, et unam mansionem orientalem de Eleswoi"5 cum [omnibus] ad se pertinentibus, Houcton'® cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Witton*' cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Elinton‘“ cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, BiSerne cxim omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Briumton'^ cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Wichinton*^ cum omnibus ad se pertinentibu.s, Isham cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Weston*^ cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, GrauelP® cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus. The variations are from the ‘ Inspeximus.’ ’ Kseflea. ^ SaltretSe. ^ IleUingeia. ■* sjB rqiwurp. ’ Eiptunae. ® Stvveclea. " Eieflea. ” Slfepe. ° Ceateric. Ilohtunoe. Wittimae. Elintunse. ” Brvnintunae. “ Ilwiccintimm. Westunre. Grjvflea. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 383 Bilinchon * cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Stocton ^ cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Gillinge cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus ; necuon et illas quas optimates mei meo tempore addiderunt, scilicet iESericus, Dorecensis aeeclesim episeopus, Clinton*, et Beornewelle, et Hemingeton'*, et unam mansionem in ^leswrb occidentalem, et Gretton*, et Dere- felde®, et Sucklingdon", et Westmulnse orientalem, et OlFerton* inHoylandia, et iii. hidas inBroctune, et iii. hidas in Bodekes- ham, et cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; ..(Ednotus® epi¬ scopus, successor ejus, Over*® et Barton" et SnapwelU® cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus ; ^Ebnobus® filius Godrici, Accle cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus. Eylwynus'* Suerte Crang- feldse et Kemestan et Cloppbam cum omnibus; Leofsius diaconus, Wipsinton** et LangetehilU®, et Mfertune, et Wat- linworb, eum omnibus sibi pertinentibus ; Leofsius nepos ejus, Maeringe cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; ^Elfsius de Lampabe'^, Burevvelle cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus ; Iohol de Lincolnia, Querinton** cum omnibus ad se perti¬ nentibus ; Hardeknut vero, frater meus, Hemingeford et Gilling cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus. Postremo ego ipse, propter spem retributionis aeternae, et pro remissione delic¬ torum meorum, et pro animabus patris et matris meae, et omnium parentum meorum, ad laudem Omnipotentis Dei, ibidem ad usus fratrum inibi Deo servientium, de meo jure quod mihi soli competebat, absque ullius reclamatione vel contradictione ista addidi: Imprimis Bingstcde cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, et cum omni maris ejectu, quod sbip- wrec'® appellamus, etWinebodesliam cum bundredo et dimidio infra Bicliamdia, et cum lx'^iiii** soccamannis ad bundredos pertinentibus, et cum foro de Dunbam ad Winebodesbam pertinenti. Relaxamus igitur istis et omnibus supra nomi¬ natis terris consuetudines omnes et exactiones regalium et episcopalium ministrorum, sicut antecessores mei reges prius ' Dilintunje. ° Ferelelde. " Rertiin®. *“ LangestiUe. ^ Stoctunte. " Sc3'tlingecliine. Ciiapemvelle. *" Langwa'Se. •’ /ESelintuiise. *' UsfyrStimre. '* AilwiuiB. *'* Cuemintime. ' IlenimingttmrR. ® Eadnot?. *' Cnembestiin.T. '® .«ne npjnvnrp. (inttmie. ‘® Ovra;. Wip.sintuna'. 884 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. fecerunt, ut nullis graventur oneribus expeditionum, nec pon¬ tium, vel castrorum restructione, nec fuius apprehensione, et emissione, nec sanguinis effusione; et omnia quae ad locum ipsum pertinent, sint omnino libera, cellae, aecclesiae, cimi- teria, terrae, pascua, silvae, venationes, aquae, piscationes, cum redditibus, servitiis, debitis, oblationibus, luminaribus, de¬ cimis, donariis, censu, morthidis, legibus, consuetudinibus, causarum discussionibus, emendationibus, sive aecclesiasticis sive saecularibus, et cum omnibus quaecunque maris procel¬ losis tempestatibus in aquam vel in terram eorum ejecta fuerint, quod Anglice sbipwrecb* promulgatum est onomate, et omnibus qiiaecuuque scriptis vel testimonio bonorum homi¬ num rememorari potuerint, quae a regibus concessa vel con¬ cedenda sunt, ut nullus ex iis subtrahere, vel diminuere, aut disperdere, qualibet occasione, judicio vel potestate presumat. Renovamus etiam et confirmamus privilegia antiquorum re¬ gum, atque ob rcA'crentiam dominae nostrae perpetuae ^’irginis ^Mariae, Sauctique Benedicti, sanctarumque virginum, omni- busque futuris ibidem abbatibus, in tota possessione monas- tei’ii, sacam et socam, tbeloneumque suum, in terra et in aqua concedo, et consuetudines, ut ab omnibus apertius et plenius intelligantur Anglice scriptas, scilicet mundbryce, feardwitae, fihtwite, blodwite, mischennynge, frySsocne, ham- socne, forstall, forhpheang, jnefpliang, hangwite, grySbryce, utleap, infangenej^eof, scipbryce, toll et team, aliasque omnes leges et consuetudines quae ad me pertinent, tam plene et tam libere sicut eas in manu mea habebam. Et, ut omnia concludam, nullus succedentium regum, episcoporum, prin- cipum, comitum, vicecomituin, procuratorum, seu aliorum regum clientium, vel alia quaelibet magna vcl parva persona, per vim aut per consuetudinem, pastum, censum, vel impen¬ sionem, non opera, non tributa, exenia, seu munuscula, vel aliud quidlibet ab eorum possessionibus exigat, sed omni¬ modam libertatem perpetualiter in terra et in aqua, in urbe et extra, in domo et extra, in villa et extra, in via et extra, in placito, in soca et saca, in tlieloneo, et in omnibus suis appendiciis habeant. Quisquis igitur fidelium hanc nostram ’ sfE iippwurp. MISCELTvANEOUS CHARTERS. 385 munificentiam amplificare propriis donis sategerit^ augmentet illi Omnipotens Deus gaudium perhenne, ubi perpetuitas viget. Si quis vero, quod absit, eam destruere voluerit, vel hujus nostri decreti contradictor, coiivulsor, et temerator extiterit, perpetuo anathemati subjaceat, nisi Deo et ejus gloriosae matri digna poenitentia satisfecerit. Scripta est namque haec sceda, me jubente, et sigillata his testibus, quorum onomata infra habentur, consentientibus, ii. Kal. De¬ cembris. Ego Eadwardus, rex Deo largiente Anglorum, signum venerandae crucis impressi. Ego Stigandus archiepi- scopus concessi, et confirmando signo sanctae crucis con¬ signavi. Ego yE^elredus archiejiiscopus gratanter corro¬ boravi. Ego Wlfstanus episcopus vexillo sanctae crucis praenotavi. ►J* Ego Gyso episcopus consentaneus fui. Ego Walterus episcopus consensum praebui. Ego Reinbaldus cancellarius consigillando commodum duxi. Ego Swit- garius notarius scripsi. Ego Alsius abbas. Ego Ead- winus abbas. Ego ^Egelwinus abbas. Ego Balde- winna abbas. ^Ego Alwinus abbas hoc meum desiderium ad perfectum adduxi, et a rege hilariter suscepi. Ego Leofricus dux. Ego Haroldus dux. Ego Leofwinus dux. Ego Eadwinus dux. Ego Hugelinus cubicu¬ larius. Ego Eadgarus stallere. Ego Robertus filius Wittraan. Ego Wigodus de Lincoliie. KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LX. Oportet nos quos Deus praefecit tempoi’aliter rectores populo suo ad omnes facere justiciam, maxime autem ad ma¬ trem nostrae salutis aecclesiam, per quam Christiani facti per¬ veniamus ad aeternam Domini misericordiam, qui judicabit reges terrae, et secundum opera sua reddet unicuique. Qua¬ propter ego Jilduuardus rex Anglorum pro villa Fiskertuna data in Bnrch Sancto Petro, jubeo fieri nostrae confirmationis 2 c 386 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEES. testamentum eontra omnem, seilieet, ealumniam iniquoram. Hane quippe villam, eum Leofgyua femina Lundonica haberet omnino propriam et liberam, beato Petro in praedictum locum post obitum suum donavit eam, sicut fideli testimonio nobis probatum est, perpetuo possidendam, ea scilicet plena liber¬ tate q\ia ipsa possidebat. Haec obiit in via lerosolimae, quod ubi Leofricus abbas de Burcb cognoHt, ad nos causam suam retulit, et per idoneos testes justam comprobaHt, nostrumque assensum inde postulaHt. At regina mea Hildgyth, cum terram vendicasset, dicendo quod hanc sibi eadem femina decreHsset, idem abbas per me et principes meos reginae fratres, Ha- roldum et Tostinum, ipsius potentiam flexit, datisque ei in gratiam xx. marcis auri et ornamentis aecclesiae quae ad alias XX. marcas apportiantur, terram monasterio suo libemmam et integerrimam restituit. Hanc igitur donationem ego rex Hilduuardus cum ipsa regina ita annuo, concedo, et confirmo, quatinus tota illa possessio Fiskertuna iu aeternum sit propria et dominica ipsius Sancti Petri iu Burcb, ad usus sibi ser¬ vientium, atque ita maneat libera in terris, aquis, silvis, pratis, pascuis, cunctisque rebus et justitiis pertinentibus, cum saca et socna, ut nullus inde quicquam repetat preter arcis et expeditionis subsidium. Hinc ergo contestor omnes posteros meos, reges et judices, per Dominum omnium judicem, jus¬ titiae amatorem, et tocius injustitiae vindicem, ne quis unquam audeat quicquam tam ex bis quam de omni jure Sancti Petri detrahere aut diminuere; quia re vera sicut illi consequuntur aeternam vitam qui aecclesiam Dei amplificant, ita illis manent sempiterna tormenta qui eam in aliquo spoliant: qui autem haec violaverit, omnium sacerdotum et ministrorum Dei ore anathema sit. Anno ab incarnatione Domini millesimo lx° confirmatum est hoc testamentum, cui testes conspicui sub¬ scribendo annotantiir. Ego Hilduuardus rex constitui. Ego Hildgytb regina con¬ cessi. Ego Stigandus arcbiepiscopus collaudavi. Ego Ald- redus arcbiepiscopus comprobavi. Ego Wlfuuius Lincolie antistes corroborari. Ego Haroldus dux favi. Ego Tostinus dux testis fui. Signum Raulfi regis dapiferi. Signum As- gaeri regis dapiferi. Signum Marlesuuein. Signum Godrici MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 387 filius ^dgyfe. Signum Ulf cle Lincolia. Signum Askyl Tokes sune. Signum laulf Maltes sune. KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LX.-M.LXI. Eadward king gret Ha¬ rold erl. Aylno^ abbot- j Godwine schyrereuen- 'j alle mine J^eynes on Sumerseten frendliche. And ich kyf»e eow );at ich babbe geunnen Gisan minan preste J?es biss- opricbe her mid eow and alre pare pinge pas pe baer mid richte gebyra'S- on wode 'j on felde- mid saka j mid sokna- binnon porte “j buton- swo ful j swo for^ swo Duduc bissop ob any bissop bit firmest him toforen hauede- on aellen pingan. And gif her ani land sy out of pan bissopricbe ge- don- ich wille p hit cume in ongesen- o'Ser f man bit ofgo on hise gemob swo man wiS him bet finde mage. And icli bidde cou alien f ge him fulstan to driuan Godes ge- riclite lock huen bit neod sy, and lico eowwer fultumes bi- purfe. And ich nelle nanne man gepcfien p him uram liondc tco anige pare pinge pas pe icli him imncn babben. I king Eadward greet eai’l Harold, and abbot Ayl- notli, and Godwine shire- reeve, and all my thanes in Somersetshire, amicably. And I make known to you that I have given to Gisa my priest the bishopric here with you, and all the things which thereto rightfully belong, in wood and in field, with sac and socn, within town and without, as fully and as freely as bishop Dudiic or any other bishop best had it before him, in all things. And if there be any land taken from the bishopric, 1 will that it come in again, or that it be settled at his gemot, as may be best for him. And I pray you all that ye aid him in promoting God’s rights, where it maybe needful, and he may require your support. And I will not consent that any man witli- draw from his hand any of the things which I have given him. IDEM LATINE. Edwardus rex Haroldo comiti, Ailnodo abbati, Gcd- 2 c 2 «88 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. wino vicecomiti, et omnibus ballivds suis Somerset, salutem. Sciatis nos dedisse Gisoni presbytero nostro episcopatum bunc apud vos, cum omnibus pertiuentiis, in bosco et piano, et saca et socna, in villis et extra, ita plene et libere in omnibus sicut episcopus Dudocus aut aliqui predecessorum suorum habuerunt. Et si quid inde contra justitiam fuerit sublatum, volumus quod revocetm’, vel quod aliter ei satis¬ faciat. Rogamus etiam vos ut auxiliari eidem velitis ad Christianitatem sustinendam, si necesse habuerit. Nolumus autem ut ullus hominum ei auferat aliquid eorum quae ei contulimus. KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR AND QUEEN EADGYTH. M.LXI. Dis is se freols ^e Ead¬ weard cyngc q Eadgyth seo hlaefdige geulSon into J>am haligum mynstre aet Hortune* Criste to lofe- q Sancta Ma¬ rian. q eallon Cristes halgon. Regnante in perpetuum Domino nostro Jhesu Christo. Rixiendum urum Drihtne Haelendum Criste on ecnysse- )?am heahstan q )7au unto- sprecendlican. ealra );inga q ealra tida Scyppend. se ^e manegum );ingum his militum settelS q wealde^. eae swilce bam upahafenlican q |iam unasecgendlican rice f ^e he jiises lifes eadigysse q gesae- lignesse naenigum Jjingum ne forlaete. Eorjian ic Eadwerd Englalandes cyngc. midGodes This is the liberty which king Eadward and Eadgyth the lady have granted to the holy monastery at Horton, to the praise of Christ, and S" Mary, and all Christ’s saints. Regnante in perpetuum Domino nostro Jhesu Christo. Reigning our Lord Jesus Christ in eternity, the highest and the unutterable, of all things and of all tides Creator, who by his might sets and governs many things; in like manner the heavenly and the ineffable realm, so that he the happiness and prosperity of this life in no respects neglects. Therefore I Ead- ward, king of England, with the grace of God and with MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 389 gyfe j mid miiira witena ge- }>eahte']) raede- ic forgyfe |;isne freols into j?3ere haligan stowe aet Hortune- Gode to lofe 'j Sea Marian to wur^mynte- ])e seo stowe ys foregehalgod • me on gemende ys mid j>isum eorblicum j^ingum }?a ecan- lican gestreon to begy tende» sicut Salomon dixit, “ Re¬ demptio animae propriae diui- tiae’^: swaswa Salomon cwae5- J?iEt we sceoldon mid urum spedum urum sawlum j^a ecan gesaelignysse begytan. Forban ic cublice mid ge- jjeahte- gej^afunge» leafe ealra minra biscope eorla» ^ butan )7an ealra minra selostra witena- ic forgef j^isne freols for mine agene sawle- "] for mine leofostra frenda- eall •)j land be lib into ]?an haligan mynstre aet Hortune- f bit sy faestlice ^ unawendedlice a ecelice gefreod ealra cynelicra ealdordomlicra }>eoAvdoma- ge jjcoffengces ge aeghwylc- ere uneabnesse ealles worold- lices broces- buton fyrdsocne ■j burhgeweorce 'j brygge- Aveorce. Gif Inva ]?anne si ^ be bine for Godes lufon to ban geeadmedan wylle he ]>as mine gyfe geycan wylle obSe gemenigfyldan- geyce bimsel- mibtig God eall god her on Avorolde- ^ bis dagas gesund- the counsel and advice of my “^Avitan’, grant this liberty to the holy place at Horton, to the praise of God, and the honour of S‘ Mary, to Avhom the place is specially hallowed; and I have in mind, Avith these earthly things, to obtain the everlasting treasures, sicut Salomon dixit; “ Redemptio animae propriae divitiae ”: as Solomon said, that we should Avith our riches obtain eter¬ nal happiness for our souls. Therefore I publicly, with the counsel, consent, and leave of all my^bishops and earls, and, besides that, of all my best ‘ witan’, give this liberty for my own soul, and my dearest relatives’, that all the land Avhich is adjacent to the holy monastery at Horton be firmly and immutably ever eternally freed from all royal and aldormannic services, both from ‘ theoffeng ’ and from every annoyance from all worldly trouble, except ‘ fyrdsocn’, and burghwork, and bridgcAvork. But if any there be that, for love of God, Avill so far condescend that he Avill increase or multiply this my gift, may Almighty God increase to him all good here in the I world, and make his days 390 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. fullie. Gif ]7onne hwylc mann to^am gejjristlaece- mid deofles searwum to “Sam be- swiceu sy f be J’is on seneg- iim j^ingum* lytlum oSbe mycelum- )7ence to abrecende oS^e to aweiidende- wite he ))onne ]>set he J^aes riht agyld- ende sy beforan Cristes J^rymsettle- J>onne ealle heo- fomvara eorSwara on his andwerdnysse beo5 onstyred onhrerede. buton he hyt ajr her on worolde mid rihte ge- bete. Dis wass gewriten on Sam geare ]je waes agan frarn Cristes acennednysse an )m- send geara j an -j sixtig gear a • ■j an J>am tacncircule f seofan- teoSe gear. Ic Eadnerd cyngc* mid Saere halgan Cristes rode- tacne- }»is het swiSe geornlice getrymman gefaestnian j^isne freedom, on aelmihtiges Godes naman on ealra his halgena. le faestliee bebeode ^ bine naenig minra aefterfylgendra eft ne onwende. ne on naenig- um daelum- laessum ne on marum, hyne ne onmyrdon. ae J»eos freols a ecelice for^ J7urhwunige. swa lange swa God wylle |;aet Cristen geleafa mid Augelcynne untosceacau 'vvurSe. prosperous. But if any man be so daring, or with the devil’s wiles so deeeived, that in any things, little or great, he think of violating or per¬ verting this, then be it known to him that he will have to make just retribution before the throne of Christ, when all heaven’s inhabitants and earth’s inhabitants shall, in his presence, be troubled and agitated, unless he previously here in the world make just compensation. This was writ¬ ten in the year that was agone from the birth of Christ one thousand and sixty-one, and of the lunar cycle the seven¬ teenth year. I, king Eadward, with the sign of Christ’s holy rood, command to be very earnestly confirmed and established this freedom, in the name of Al¬ mighty God and of all his saints. I steadfastly enjoin that none of my successors again change it, nor in any part, little or great, obstruct it; but that this liberty ever eternally continue on as long as God will that Christian belief remain with the Angle race unimpaired. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 391 KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LV.-M.LXIV. Eadweard cyngc gret Tostig eorl ■31 ealle mine ]>e- genas on Eoferwicseire freond- lice. ie cySe eow ^ hit is min unna min fulle leafe ^ Ealdred areebiscop ^ he dihte privilegium to )?am landan )?e ligcaS innto See lohannes mynstre ajt Beferlict. ^ ie wille f f mynstre seo circ )>e ‘Sider innto hirS* |? hit beo swa freols swa senig o^er mynster is set eallan l^ingan- 'j loc hwilc bisceop Saerofer bjrS )?aet hit beo him luider- )>eod- ~\ j^set he beo )?aerto geheald ^ mund under me. •\> pier nan mann nan J’ing on ne teo butan he- j?aet he na gej^afige p man )?anon ut do senig jjsera j^inga ^ses \>e pa^r raid rihte to gebyralS- swa swa he wille beon wr5 Godd geborgen. Scs lohannes. 'j eallra 'Saera halgena j^e seo halige stoww is foregehalgod. ie wille p |;jer aefre beo mynstrelif ") samnnng j.'a hwile pe senig mann leofaS. ^ I king Eadward greet earl Tostig and all my thanes in Yorkshire amicably; and I make known to you that it is my grant and my full leave that archbishop Ealdred draw up a privilege for the lands which are adjacent to S* John’s monastery at Be¬ verley. And I will that that monastery, and the church which thereto belongs, be as free as any other monastery is in all things; and that whatever bishop be thereover, that it be subject to him, and that he be thereto guardian and patron under me, so that no man there, excepting himself, bring anything in, and that he allow not that any of the things be taken away which thereto rightfully belong, as he will be secure towards God, and S* John, and all the saints to wdiom the holy place is specially hallowed. And I will that there ever be there a monas¬ tery and brotherhood while any man lives. 392 -MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. laXG E-\DWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LXH. In nomine Domini nostri Ihesu Christi, qui unus Deus in Ti’initate ab omnibus se colentibus A'eneratur, et puro cordis affectu adoratur. Ego iEdwardus, Dei dono Anglo- rum rex, in hujus mundi decursu hujus seculi filiorum qui justi inveniuntur studens exaltare cornu utpote regalis im¬ perii jure rite roborati, accedant ad eum per callem justicise qui dat petentibus juste et relligiose vivere. Hec tamen beata commutatio digne censetur in hoc seculo ut cui felicitas tantum deliberaverit animi quod mundialium gravedine cupi¬ ditatum postposita, velut granum frumenti a spinis suffocan¬ tibus aliquando vero dumetis arescentibus, decipiat in hunc tenorem emergi, ut divina virtute firmatus vigeat suo Creatoi’i et Domino. Istis etenim inter transitorias mundi procellas cuidam meorum comitum onomate Haroldo quandam terram, que antiquitus ab incolis illius loci nuncupatur Waltham, liereditario jure concessi, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis. Ex hinc sibi tantam Deus sue pietatis graciam contulit ut inter momentanea mundi desideria cogitaret feliciter desudando celestia; quin- cciam illi qui omnia in omnibus operatur ut vult talem divine pietatis dulcedinem ut sripra memora\d concessit ei, ut non solum Dei cultor efficiatiu’, verum eciam canonice regule strenuus institutor fieri credatur; nam hec divinitus fidei declaratione et operum exhibitione ceterammqiie ecclesiaimm rerum plenitudine probavit eventus. Quis autem finis ejus desiderii post hec evenerit, sapiencia per Salomonem de¬ clarando prompsit, dum ait: “ Justis dabitur desiderium bonum.^^ Enimvero rationali consilio ditatus ac sue non immemor conditionis, in praescripto loco monasterium ad laudem Domini nostri Ihesu Christi et sancte crucis con¬ struxit. Primum concedens ei terram que vocatur North- lande, unde ecclesiam ville antiquitus dotatam invenit; post fundatum dehinc sacre fidei monasterium ad normam sancte Dei ecclesim dedicari fecit honorifice ob memoidam mei et conjugis mee, nomine iEdibae, patris ac matris, pro se siusque omnibus vivis et defunctis sibi consanguinitate conjunctis. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 393 Hoc enim perplurimisj sanctorum apostolorum^ martyrum, confessorum, virginum, reliquiis ornavit. Hoc non solum terris, quarum vocabula post liec sunt recitanda, verum etiam libris angelicis*, vestibus, ac diversis ornamentorum gene¬ ribus, templo Domini congruentibus qui divinis cultibus clare ac dulcedine imbutus attentius sanete celebrationis templum excolere cepit ac venerari. Quid plura? sue denique con¬ ditionis non immemor, ibidem quorumdam catervulam fra¬ trum, secundum auctoritatem sanctorum patrum, canonice regule subjectam constituit, que Deo et sanctis ejus die noctu- que laudes hymnizando decantet. Hec sunt vocabula praediorum ad praefatum pertinencia monasterium : Passefelda, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Walde, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus eampis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Upminster, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Walhfare, cum omnibus ad se perti¬ nentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, sihds, et aquis; Tippedene, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Alwartune, cum omnibus ad se pertinen¬ tibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Wodeforda, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Lambehide, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Nesingan, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Brikendune, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pascuis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Melnbo, cum omnibus ad se perti¬ nentibus ; Alriebeseia, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Wrmeleia, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Netbleswelle, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibxis; Hiccbe, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis, pasciiis, pratis, silvis, et aquis; Lu- kintone, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Westwaltliam, cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus. Has omnes supradictas terras ego ^dwardus rex, pro re¬ dimendis peccatis meis et antecessorum, sive etiam succes¬ sorum meorum, consilio archiepiscoporum et episcoporum, nccnon et priucipum terre mec, ecclesie Sancte Crucis, et ' euangelici."! ? 394 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. fratribus ibidem in Dei nomine congregatis sive congregandis concedo, cum sacha et socbe, tol et team, et infangenebof, et flemenesfyri-Se, et gridbreche, forstal, bamsokne, blodwite, ordel, et oreste. Si vero aliquis successorum meorum, quod absit, de terris istis quicquam subtraxerit vel subtrahi per¬ miserit, et inde requisitus emendai’e noluerit, ei Deus justus judex regnum pariter et coronam auferat. Nos autem arclii- episcopi et episcopi, ad hanc confirmationem congregati, ex praecepto domini nostri regis, ejusdem hortatu, excommuni¬ camus, et maledictione perpetua condempnamus omnes trans¬ gressores hujus considaris donationis et regularis concessionis. Dis synd Sa landgemaera [ These are the land-boun- into Passefelde. daries to Passfield paet is aerest* of )?are ealdan haecce aet Freobene felde into Presta hhqie; into )iam bece to Staun dune- of Staun dune to Scealde- forda- 3 of Sceldeforda to Coleboge welle- of jiere welle eft into ]?aere ealdan haecce- j siva eft into Freobene felda. Dis synd jia landgemaera into Welde. iErest of Dellen norS into jiere gemybe- east into Hafe- geaete- of Hafegeaete east into }iam Wulfpytte- of )iam pytte sub into )7am puree- of )iam puree sub to Freobearnes hlype- swa into Mannes lande- ■;] jianon eft into Dellen. Dis synd ]ia landgemaere into Upmynstre. .lErest at Tigelhyi’ste sub to |?are marcdice- of )?are dice n est in ingeeburne- q of )iare burne norb into Beccengare- That is first, from the old hatch at Freethen field to Presta hlyp ; to the brook at Standon; and from Standon to Shalford; and from Shal- ford to Colebog well; from the well again to the old hatch, and so again to Freethen field. These are the land-boun¬ daries to Weld ; First from Dellen north to the mouth, east to Hafegate; from Hafegate east to the wolf-pit; from the pit south to the Purk, from the Purk south to Freebarn’s leap, and so to Mannes land, and thence again to Dellen. These are the land-bonn- daries to Upminster: First at Tilehurst south to the boundary ditch; from the ditch west to Iiigbourne; and from the bourne north to Bee- MISCELLANEOUS CILARTERS. 395 -j of Beccengare nor^ andlaiig )>are strate walcl into Stan- gare. of Stangare nor^ into Mannes lande* of Mannes lande eft into Tigelhyrste. Dis synd pa landgemsere into Wallifare. -direst offlam sessce to latere aeldan lilype* of }7are hlype to )?are ealden wude bsecce- of j l^aere ha?cce to j^are ealden I strate* ■] of )>are strate to j Sandsecere* 'j of |?am secere I to Beadewan ea* of ]>are ea to Wine broce* of );am broce norS eft to |;an aessce. Dis synd pa landgemsere into Tippedene. JErest in Tippaburne* of )jare burne np to [>am be^e* ■J of )jam be^e to petdene gemsere wi'S AEtfan becce* 'j swa into jjsere ea* andlang Ssere ea* ps&t eft in Teppe- burne. Dis synd |7a landgemare t into iElwartone. ^rest set Werdbsecce* of Werdbacce to Eacrofte* of Eacrofte into Beolle pole* of j )jam pole into Leofsiges mad* i of Leofsiges mad into Omer- j mad* of Omermad into yESe- , rices blype * of j^arc blype into i Wulfblype- of Widfblype into j pcsfalde* of pcsfalde into Stan- ^ weges bacce* of Stanwegcs ; bacce into Sateresbyrig. j cengar; and from Beccengar north along tbe road-weald to Stangar ; from Stangar north to Mannes land; from Mannes land again to Tilehurst. These are the land-boun¬ daries to Walbfare: First from tbe ash to tbe old leap; from the leap to tbe old Avood hatch; from tbe batch to tbe old road, and from the road to Sandacre, and from tbe acre to Beade¬ wan river; from tbe river to M'inbrook; from the brook north again to tbe ash. These are tbe land-boun¬ daries to Tipden : First to Tippebourne; from tbe bourne up to tbe heath; from the heath to Thetden’s boundary opposite Jaffa’s hatch, and so to the river; along the river, then again to Teppebourne. These are the land-boun¬ daries to Elverton : First at 'Werdhatch; from Werdhatcb to Eacroft; from Eacroft to Beolle pool; from the pool toLeofsige’s meadow; from Lcofsige’s meadow to OmermeadoAV; from Omer- meadow to .cEtberic’s leap; from tbe leap to "Wulfleap; from M'ulfleap to Tbesfald; from Tbesfald to Stanway batch; from Stanway hatch to Ssetcrsborougb. 300 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Dis synd landgemare into Wudeforda. ^rest in Angrices burne to Ealdermannes hsecce- to j^ser cynges hsecce. of ]?8er cynges hsecce eft into Angrices burne. Dis synd )>a landgemaere into Lambehybe. .^rest set Brixges stane* 'j swa forb ]7urwb )>ane graf to )7am meeredice- swa to Bulce treo- fram Bn lee treo to Hyse- fram Hyse to iElsyges haecce- swa est to pare strate- ■;) swa andlang strete eft to Brixes stan. Dis synd pa landgemaere into Nassingan. pat is harst- ofCerlen hacce andlang mearce to Scelden maere- of Scelden mere to Jjare burnan - j of )>are burnan to Buterwyelle- ■;] of Buter- welle to puroldes gemaren- •j of puroldes gemaren eft andlang marce to Cerlen hacce- seo maed j^e )?arto gebyrab lib ut be Ligean. These are the land-boun¬ daries to Woodford : First to Angric’s bourne to Alderman’s hatch; to the king’s hatch; from the king’s hatch again to Angric’s bourne. These are the land-boun¬ daries to Lambeth : First at Brixton, and so on through the grove to the boiindary dike, and so to Bulke tree; and from Bulke tree to Hyse; and from Hyse to iElsige’s hatch; and so east to the road; and so along the road again to Brixton. Thefe are the land-boun¬ daries to Naziug : That is first, from Cerlen hatch, along the mark to Skelden boundary; and from Skelden boundary to the brook; and from the brook to Buterwell; and from Buter- well to Thurold’s boundary, and from Thurold’s boimdary again along the mark to Cerlen hatch : and the meadow there¬ to belonging lies out by the Lea. Ego ..Edwardus, nutu divino rex, omnia praedia que Ha- roldus comes monasterio apud Waltham subjecit, vel quae adhuc se daturum decernit, sublevans statuo, ut ab omni ser¬ vitutis jugo sint semper libera, et a shiris et hundredis, et extra curiam Sanctae Crucis omnibus placitis et omnibus geldis. Scriptum est autem istud privilegium anno Domi- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 397 nice incarnationis m.lxii., Indictionibus ter qiiinis, Epactis septenis, Concurrente i. Iliis testibus consentientibus. Ego ^dwardus, Anglorum basileus, hac inscriptione salutifere crucis deliberando assigno. Ego EadgySa, Dei munere Christi regina, hec eadem eonfirmando testimonium do. Ego Stigandus, Doroboriiensis arcbiprsesid, bec eadem affirmo. Ego Ealdredus, Eboracensis arcbiepi- scopus, lioc consolido. Ego yElfwoldus episcopus ad hec testimonium perhibeo. Ego Heremannus episcopus testimonium exhibeo. Ego Leofricus episcopus testi¬ monium adhibeo. Ego Willielmus episcopus bec affirmo. Ego Ailmarus episcopus hec consolido. ^ Ego Leofwinus episcopus testimonium perhibeo. Ego Wlfwinus epi¬ scopus hec eadem confirmo. Ego iElwinus episcopus tes¬ timonium exhibeo. Ego A^lfrieus episcopus hec affirmo. Ego Walterus episcopus hec eadem coiToboro. Ego Gyso episcopus hec omnia prescripta confirmo. Ego vEgelno^us abbas. ^ Ego iElfwinus abbas. Ego Wlff- ricus abbas. Ego Leoffricus abbas. ^ Ego Leofstanus abbas. Ego Ailhvig abbas. Ego Ilordricus abbas. Ego iEgelsinus abbas. Ego Leofstanus abbas. Ego Eadmundus abbas. Ego Sichtricus abbas, Ego Ha- roldus comes operando consolido. Ego iElfgarus comes. Ego Tostinus comes. ►Ji Ego LeoLvinus comes. Ego Gyr^ comes. Ego Esgarus regie procurator aule. Ego Rodbertus regis consanguineus. Ego Radulplms regis aulicus. Ego Bundinus regis palatinus. Ego Iles- bernus regis consanguineus. ►J* Ego Regenbaldus regis can¬ cellarius. Ego Petrus regis capellanus. Ego Balde- winus regis capellanus. Ego Brihtricus princeps, Ego yElfstanus princeps. Ego Wigodus regis pincerna. Ego Ilerdingus regine pincerna. Ego Adzurus regis dapifer. ^ Ego Yfingus regis dapifer. Ego Godwinus regine dapifer. >^4 Ego Doddo princeps. Ego iElfgarus prin¬ ceps. ^ Ego Brixinus princeps. Ego iEgelnobus prin¬ ceps. Ego Esbernus princeps. Ego Eadwig princeps. Ego Eadricus princeps. Ego ^Egelmundus princeps. »14 E go Siwardus princeps. »J4 Ego Ahvoldus princeps. 398 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Ego yElpliig princeps. Hec ego subscripsi Swidar, sub nomine Cbi’isti *KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LXV. In nomine sanctae et indi^■idu^e Trinitatis. EdAvardus, diA'ina gratia largiente, Anglorum rex. Quum religiosi ante¬ cessores nostri dignitatem aecelesiarum clarissimam interdum fore perspexerunt terrenarum opidentia rerum, tam quae authoritatis robur habere quanta fulciebatur copia divitiarum, digne tenuitatem aecclesiasticam larga amplificare studuerunt manu, tam in possessione praediorum quam caeteris reddi¬ tibus legalium constitutionum. Etenim vero, cum ipsi fideles qui sumus in Christo ab apostolo vocemui’ et simus aecclesia quam prope quam numerosa multitudine gentium in unitate corporis sui ad aecclesiam Dei nuneupamus, sua Christiana consecravit gratia videbimur adidterini et non filii, si in ejus non sedules nos non exhibuerimus dilatanda gloria. Qua¬ propter ego EdAvardus, Christi pietate rex Anglorum, dolens Eboracum metropolim nostro tempore dejecta, ad antiquam celsitudinem qua illustrabatur; a piis regibus nostris prae¬ decessoribus, in pristinum cupiens reparare dignitatis statum, nostro fideli domino archiepiscopo ejusdem aeeclesiae metro- politanae EdAvardo regali domino, dono nostro contulimus ad integrum quicquid a pio patre nostro Aldredo Anglorum rege ejus antecessori OsAvaldo, praedictae sedis pontifiei, est col¬ latum ; et post eum Romae peteret pallium a beato papa Formoso, per priAulegii descriptionem ei est traditum donum, scilieet, Wirieestriae episcopatus, per nostrum tamen eon- silium deponendum, in archiepiscopatus dignitate exaltanda supplementum vdcarium, quod etiam idem OsAA aldus, et post eum Adulphus et Wlstanus ai’chipraesules regio munere adepti sunt et tenuerunt quietum et solidum, donec Anglia dirupta est et discissa invasione D anorum, et cum caeteris ornamentis aecelesiarum praedictae civitatis, illud papae Formosi privi¬ legium eonstat esse ineensum. Hic autem eharissimus noster MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 399 Ealdadus episcopi curam suscipiens^ ejusdemque aecclesim jura requirens et sciens a beato papa Nicholao Romae pallio donatuSj ad nos super aecclesiae sibi commissa dignitate apo- stolica scripta signata detulit, quibus cum sua fidelitate com¬ moniti justam petitionem papae et suam nolumus refutare quod absit, praesertim cum super eadem re apostolicum prae- sentavit privilegium. Donavimus igitur, consilio reginae meae et aliorum fidelium, ei ejusque posteris ordinationem Wire- cestriae episcopatus, cum nostro tamen disponendam consilio, quatenus in exequenda episcopali cura eo specialius utatur vicario utque a beato papa Nicholao in ejus scriptum habetur privilegio. Quod si quis e regibus posteris nostris infringere temptaverit, iram Dei incurrat, et sit anathema, secundum supradictum apostoli decretum, nisi resipiscat. Ut autem hoc meae descriptionis privilegium perpetuo inviolatum ser¬ vetur, manus nostrae signum, sigillique auctoritas subter in¬ signitur; item regiae uxoifis meae testimonio munitur; epi¬ scoporum quoque interminatio cum singulorum nomine et caractere exprimitur abbatum; et principum regni nostri contestificatione fulcitur. Ego Edvvardus, Dei gratia Anglorum rex, hoc scriptum confirmavi. Ego Eadiba, Dei pietate Anglorum regina, jussu domini mei regis, voluntarie huic descriptioni faveo. Ego Stigandus archiepiscopus subscribo. Ego Her- mannus episcopus subscribo. Willelmus episcopus. Leofric episcopus. Robertus stalre. Osbernus capellanus. ^ Raimboldus. Petrus. Haraldus Dei gratia dux. Tosti. ^ .dElgarus dux. GirS dux. ^ Leofwinus dux. ^ Brihtric. Ulf. Suen. *1« Ailluo'5. *{< Walder subscripsimus. Actum Wintoniae, in publica curia, natalis Christi in die festivitatis Sancti Sylvestri, anno Domini m.lxv., anno autem regni nostri xxi. Per omnia benedictus Deus. Arnen. Ego .(Elfnob abbas. Aselnodus abbas. ^ S.Leof- ricus abbas. Ego Ealdredus subdiaconus scrijDtum re¬ cognovi. 400 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LXVI. In nomine sanctae et individuae Trinitatis. Ego Ed- Avardus ^Ebelredi regis filius, gratia Dei Anglorum rex, futuris post me regibus, et omnium dignitatum gradibus, omniumque etatum hominibus salutem, et liujus rei uoticiam. Scire vos volo quoniam tempore avorum meorum patrisque mei multa et gravia bellorum pericula afflixerunt gentem Anglorum, et ipsos tam a suis quam ab extraneis concitata, adeo ut pene periclitata sit hereditaria regum successio, magnumque interstitium inter fratrem meum Edmuudum, qui patri meo mortuo successit, meque habitum sit, invaden¬ tibus regnum Suuegeno et Cnutho filio ejus, regibus Dano- rum, ac filiis ipsius Cnuthi, Haroldo et Hardecnutho, a quibus eciam alter meus frater Alfredus cimdeliter occisus est, solus- que, sicut Joas occisionem Otholiae, sic ego illorum crudeli¬ tatem evasi. Tandem respectu misericordiae Dei post plnres annos ego Edivardus ad paternum regnum reaccessi, et eo potitus sine ullo bellorum labore, sicut amabilis Deo Salomon, tanta pace et rerum opulentia abundavi, ut nullus anteceden- cium regum similis mei fuerit in gloria et divitiis. Sed gracia Dei non me, ut assolet, ex opulencia superbia et con¬ temptus invasit, immo cepi cogitare, cujus dono et auxilio ad regni culmen evasi, quoniam '^Dei est regnum, et cui Ault dare illud,^’ et quia “ mundus transit et concupiscencia ejus qui autem totum se subdit Deo feliciter regnat et perpetu¬ aliter dives est. Itaque deliberavi ire ad limina sublimium apostolorum Petri et Pauli, et ibi gracias agere pro collatis beneficiis, et exorare ut eam pacem firmaret Deus perpetuam mihi et posteris meis. Preparavi ergo et dinumeravi expensas necessarias itineri, et honorabilia dona que ferrem sanctis apostolis. Sed gi’avis super hac re maeror habebat optimates meos, utpote memores malorum que sub aliis regibus per- tiderant, ne tanto domino et pio patrie rege absente, regnum noviter sedatum, aliqua turbaretur hostilitate, et metuentes id quod et sanctus Ezechias, ne si forte in via aut egritudine aut alio incommodo deficerem, hereditariis regibus carerent, max¬ ime quod nullum habebam filium. Itaque communi habito MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 401 consilio, rogabant me ut ab hac intencione desisterem, polli¬ centes se satisfacturos Deo pro voto meo, tam in missarum et oracionum oblacione quam in elcmosinarum larga distri- bucione. Sed cum obnixe contradicerem, tandem utrisque placuit, ut mitterentur legati duo ab utraque parte, Ealdredus et Heremaimus episcopi, et abbates Wulfricus et ^Elfwinus, qui apostolico meam voluntatem et votum et illorum peti- eionem indicarent ; et secundum ejus sentenciam, quam mihi mandaret, promisi me omnino facturum. Factum est ergo quod voluimijs, et venientes Romam legati nostri, ex volun¬ tate Dei, invenerunt collectam synodum in eadem urbe. Cumque exposuissent meam voluntatem et suam peticionem eoram cc.l. episcopis et alia multitudine sanctorum patrum, tunc apostolicus, ex consultu sanctje synodi, hanc epistolam mihi scripsit: “ Leo episcopus, servus servorum Dei, dilecto filio Eaduuardo Anglorum regi, salutem et apostolicam bene¬ dictionem. Quoniam voluntatem tuam laudabilem et Deo gratam agnovimus, gratias agimus ei per quem reges regnant et principes justa decernunt. Sed quia prope est Dominus in omni loco omnibus invocantibus eum in veritate, et sancti apostoli cxim suo capite conjuncti unus spiritus sunt, et pias preces equaliter audiunt; et quia constat periclitari regionem Anglican! ex tua discessione, qui freno justicie sediciosos ejus motus eohibes, ex auctoritate Dei et sanctorum apostolorum et sanctae synodi, absolvimus te a peccato illius voti, pro quo Dei offensam times, et ab omnibus negligenciis et iniqui¬ tatibus tuis; ea nimirum potestati usi, quam Dominus in beato Petro concessit nobis, dicens, “ Queeunque solveritis super terram, soluta erunt et in coelis.’^ Deinde precipimus tibi, sub nomine sancte obediencise et penitencise, ut expensas quas ad iter istud paraveras, pauperibus eroges, et cenobium monachorum, in honore Sancti Petri apostolorum principis, aut novum construas, aut vetustum emendes et augeas, et sufficienciam victualium fratribus de tuis redditibus consti¬ tuas, quatinus dum illi assidue inibi Deum laudaverint, et sanctis augeatur gloria et tibi indulgencia. Cui loco quic- quid contuleris, vel collatum est, vel conferetur, ut ratum sit apostolica auctoritate precipimus, et ut semper habitatio 2 D 402 MISCELLANEO CS CHARTERS. monachorum sit, et nulli laicae personae nisi regi subdatur; et quecunque priA-ilegia inibi instituere volueris ad honorem Dei pertineucia, eoncedimus, et robustissima auetoritate confii’- mamus, et infraetores eorum eterna malediccione damna¬ mus.’^ Hec et alia apostolici mandata cum referrent nobis legati, interea revelavit beatus Petrus cuidam probabilis vitae monacho incluso, nomine Wlfsino, voluntatem suam esse ut restruerem locum qui dicitur Westmonasterium, quod a tem¬ pore Sancti Augustini, primi Anglorum episcopi, institutum, multaque veterum regum munificentia honoratum, propter vetustatem et frequentes bellorum tumultus, pene videbatur destructum. Cumque hanc visionem mihi meisque retu¬ lisset, et apostolicae literae equalia precepta detulissent, contuli voluntatem meam cum voluntate Dei, et, cum tocius regni eleceione, dedidi me ad restruccionem ejusdem loei. Itaque decimari precepi omnem substanciam meam, tam in auro et argento quam in pecudibus et omni genere possessionum, et, destruens veterem, novam a fundamentis basilicam construxi, et constructam dedicari feci v. Kal. Januarii, in qua collocavi ipsa die reliquias quas Martinus papa, et Leo, qui eum con¬ secravit, dederunt Aluredo regi, et quas ipse a Carlomanno rege Francorum dari sibi impetravit, cujus filiam pater ejus yESelwlfus rex, post mortem primae conjugis, duxerat uxorem, quaeque ab ipso ad successorem ejus Ethelstanum, deinde ad Edgarum, ad ultimum ad nos pervenerunt, scilicet: Duas partes crucis Domini, et partem unius clavi, paxdemque timicae ejus inconsutilis, et de vestimentis Sanctae Marie, et reli¬ quias apostolorum Petri et Pauli, Andreae, Bartholomei, Bar- nabae, et aliorum plurimorum sanctorum, et quinque capsas aliis sanctorum reliquiis plenas; et statui ut quicunque reus majestatis regiae vel cujuslibet alterius ofliensae ad locum in quo pausant istae reliquias confugerit, ejus rei, et membrorum, ae vite impunitatem consequatur. Eodem die renovavi, con¬ firmavi, et emendav i privilegia que famosissimus avus meus Eadgarus, patruusque meus, Deo amabilis rex et martyr gloriosus Eaduuardus, ejusdem Eadgari filius, et sanetissimus pater Dunstanus Cantuariensis archiepiscopus, ac piissimus rex yESelredus, pater meus, illi loco contulerunt; meam MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 403 quoque auctoritatem adjeci, augmentans decreta utilia admo- nicione venerabilium arcliiepiscoporum Stigandi et Ealdredi, et aliorum optimatum meorum, videlicet, ut ille locus in perpetuum ab seculari servicio sit liber, et secundum beati Benedicti tradicionem, post obitum abbatis, ex eadem congre- gacione eligatur alter qui dignus sit, aliorsum vero nullus, nisi culpis promerentibus inibi inveniri nequiverit qui dignus sit tali officio fungi. Quod si evenerit, guod absit, potes¬ tatem habeant, de alio noto et familiari loco, abbatem eli¬ gendi, cujus vita sapiencia et religione clarescat. Laicorum autem vel clericorum nemo ipsius loci dominium usurpare presumat. Possessiones vero quse ibi a quibuscunque donatae sunt, nec abbas nec alia quelibet persona licenciam habeat vendendi vel extraneis dandi, sed regum munimine deinceps locus iste tueatur, ipseque abbas regi soli serviens commissum sibi gregem spirituali et temporali pastu abundanter foveat. Concessi eciam et confirmavi donaciones que ab eisdem regi¬ bus ante me donatae sunt: hoc est, circa ipsum monasterium XVII. liidas et dimidiam; in Heandune xx., in Heamstede v., in Greneford xii. et unam virgam, in Hanewelle viii., in Scepertune viii.,in Sunnabyri vii., in Ealdenliam x., in Decce- wyr^e iiii. et unam virgam, in Wattune iiii. et dimidiam, in Holewelle VI. et dimidiam, in Hamme ii., in Winitune iiii., in Kynlevedene v., in Fentnne iiii., in Mordune x., in ^welle II., in Pereham vii., in Collingtune iii., in Cillingtune iiii.; necnon et illas quas optimates mei meo tempore addiderunt, scilicet, Leofcild, Mulesham cum omnibus ad se pertinen¬ tibus; Agelricus, Kylewendun cum omnibus ad se pertinen¬ tibus; Wlfwinus, Mapulderstede cum omnibus ad se perti¬ nentibus ; CuSmundus, Kynelevedene et Raeine et Laece- dune cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Alfricus, Wenstede cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Atsere Swerte, Lygetun cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Ingulf, Paclesbam cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Atsere, Lcosne cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Tostig, Cleigate cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; yElfwine, Gottun Algete cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus; Wlstanus, Deneham cum omnibus ad se per¬ tinentibus ; Siwardus, dimidiam bydam in Agmodesham, et 2 D 2 404 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. imam in Weodune; Leofsi cle Londouia, ii. hydas et dimi¬ diam in Wurmelea. Postremo ego ipse, pro spe retribn- cionis eternse, et pro remissione delictorum meorum, et pro aniraabus patris mei et matris meae, et omnium parentum meorum, ad laudem Omnipotentis Dei posui, in dotalicium et in perpetuam hereditatem, super altare, varia ornamentorum genera, quibus ecclesiae serviretur, vel in quotidianis vel in solennibus ministeriis : et ad usus fratrum inibi Deo servi- encium, de meo jure quod mihi soli competebat, absque ullius reclamacione vel coiitradiccione, ista, inprimis Langtun cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Gihtslepe cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Staua cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Windlesore cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Huuaethamp- stede cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Stitheuaece cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, ^scewelle cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus. Dene cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, SuSbure cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Pertun cum om¬ nibus ad se pertinentibus, Roteland cum omnibus ad se pei’- tinentibus. Post mortem EdgiSe regine conjugis meae, Persc- oram cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus, Deorhyrste cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus. Relaxavi igitur istis et omnibus supranominatis terris consuetudines omnes et exacciones regalium et episcopalium ministrorum, sicut antecessores mei reges prius fecerunt, ut nullis graventur oneribus expedi- cionum, nec poncium vel castrorum restruccione, nec furis apprehensione. Et omnia que ad locum ipsum pertinent sint omnino libera, cellae, ecclesiae, cimiteria, terrae, pascuae, silvae, venaciones, aquae, piscaciones, cum redditibus, serviciis, de¬ bitis, oblacionibus, luminaribus, decimis, donariis, censu, morthidis, legibus, consuetudinibus, causarum discussionibus, emendacionibus, sive ecclesiasticis sive secularibus, et omnibus quecunque scriptis et testimonio bonorum hominum reme¬ morari poterunt, que a regibus concessa vel concedenda sunt, ut nullus ex his subtrahere, vel diminuere, aut disperdere, qualibet occasione, judicio, vel potestate, presumat. Donavi eciam religioso abbati Eadwino, qui tunc illi loco preerat, et omnibns futuris post eum ibidem abbatibus, in tota pos¬ sessione monasterii, sacam et socam, theloneumque suum in MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 405 terra et in aqua, et consuetudinem que dicitur teames^ latrones, latronumque capciones vel emissiones, et pacis frac¬ turam, et pugnam in domo factam, et domus invasionem, et omnes assultus in suo jure, in via et extra, in festo et extra, in urbe et extra, et omnes leges et consuetudines tam plene et tam libere sicut eas habebam in manu mea. Et, ut omnia concludam, nullus succedentium regum, per vim aut per consuetudinem, pastum ab eorum possessionibus exigat, sed omnimodam libertatem perpetualiter habeat. Post hanc donacionem excommunicaverunt omnes episcopi et abbates tocius Auglie, ac monachi ac clerici, secundum apostolici Leonis preceptum, eos qui hoc constitutum infringerent vel infringi permitterent, quantum in ipsis esset. Si quis vero hanc nostram donacionem augere et amplificare voluerit, augeat Deus dies ejus prosperos hic et in futuro: si autem evenerit ut aliquis, aut regum succedeucium vel alicujus per¬ sonae homo, quod non optamus, diabolica temeritate fuerit elatus vel seductus, quatenus hoc nostrum statutum in¬ fringere vel minuere aut in aliud mutare velit, sciat se per¬ petuo anathemate damnatum, nisi tamen digna satisfaccione emendaverit. Sin autem emendacione fuerit indignus, ipse quidem cum Juda traditore Gehenne ignibus cremabitur. Sed haec carta nichilominus in sua libertate permanebit quamdiu Christiani nominis timor et amor in hac nostra gente perseveraverit. Ad ultimnm, cartam istam conscribi et sigillari jussi, et ipse manu mea signum sancte crucis im¬ pressi, et idoneos testes annotari precepi. Ad corroboran¬ dam itaque hanc donacionis libertatem, ego Edwardus, Deo largiente Anglorum rex, signum venerande crucis impressi Ego Eadgiba regina huic donacioni regis consenciens sub¬ scripsi Ego Stigaudus archiepiscopus consensi et sub¬ seri psi Ego Ealdredus archiepiscopus consensi et sub¬ scripsi Ego Walterus episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Leofricus episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego AVillielnuis episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Here- mannus episcopus consensi et siibscripsi Ego Widstanus episcopus consensi et subscripsi ►J*. Ego Siwardus episcopus consensi et subscripsi *J«. Ego Wulfwinus episcopus con- 406 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. sensi et subscripsi Ego Giso episcopus consensi et sub¬ scripsi Ego iElfwinus abbas consensi et subscripsi Ego Leofricus abbas consensi et subscripsi «J*. Ego Ead- winus abbas consensi et subscripsi Ego .^gelsius abbas consensi et subscripsi Ego Wulfwoldus abbas Ego Reinbaldus cancellarius >{<. Ego ^Egehrinus abbas consensi et subscripsi Ego Baldwinus abbas consensi et sub¬ scripsi Ego Leofwinus dux Ego Gyrb dux Ego Haroldus dux Ego Eadwinus dux Ego Raulfus minister Ego Rotbertus minister Ego .Esgarus minister Ego Eadno'Sus minister Ego Bondius minister Ego Wigodus minister ^Egelno^us AVulfricus Siwardus Godricus Acta apud Westmonasterium v. Kalendarum Januarii, die sanctorum Innocentium, anno Dominicae incarnationis m.lxvi. Indictione tertia, anno regni serenissimi Edu-ardi regis vi¬ gesimo quinto. Swi^Sgarus notarius, ad vicem Reinbaldi, regiae dignitatis cancellarii, lianc cartam scripsi ct subscripsi in Dei nomine feliciter. Arnen. KING E.VDWARD THE CONFESSOR. M.LXVI. In nomine sanctae et individuae Trinitatis. Propter eos qui justiciam Dei contemnunt, et suam volunt constituere, quoniam justiciae Dei non sunt subjecti, procui’andum est his qui ecclesiarum Dei pririlegia constituunt, ut multiplices cartas et multitudinem testium atque maledictionum con¬ gerant, quibus etsi non semper, tamen aliquotiens pessi¬ morum hominum impia protervia et perniciosa praesumptio tutius jn’oteratur, retundatur, ac reverberetur, necnon for¬ tissimo defensionis robore funditus eradicetur. Quapropter ego /Edwardus, gratia Dei Anglorum rex, notum facio om¬ nibus futuris post me seculi generationibus, quoniam prae¬ cepto Leonis papae pro poenitentia et remissione peccatorum meorum, renovavi et melioravi basilicam Sancti Petri, quae sita est prope moenia principalis Anglorum urbis Londoniae, MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 407 et ab occidentali ora ejusdem urbis dicitur Westmonaste- rium, quae aedificata quidem fuerat antiquitus sub Melito, Londouise primo episcopo, socio et contemporaneo Sancti Augustini, primi Cantuariae archiepiscopi, et per ipsum beatum Petrum, angelico famulante servitio, sanctae crucis impres¬ sione et sacri erismatis perunctione dedieata; sed per fre¬ quentes incursiones barbarorum, et maxime Danorum, qui, patre meo^^eldredo vivente, irruptionem inAngliam fecerant, et eo mortuo cum fratre meo Eadmundo dimidium regnum sub amicitiarum pactione tenuerant, fratremque meum alium .^Ifredum miserabiliter interceptum enecaverant, negleeta et penitus destructa videbatur. Cum ergo renovassem eam, et midta privilegia regize potestatis et apostolicae auctoritatis per beatum Leonem papam in ea constituissem, defuncto ipso Leone, et confirmato in ejus loco Nicliolao, placuit mihi re¬ novare, meliorare, et confirmare consuetudines et donacioues pecuniarum, quas antecessores mei reges Saneto Petro insti¬ tuerant, propter summam devotionem quam habuit semper Anglorum gens erga eum et ejus vicarios. Itaque, propter hoc negotium et alia quamplura, legatos misi Romam, epi¬ scopum unum Aldredum, et duos electos ad ordinandum episcopos, Ghysonem, scilicet, et Walterum, ut a domno papa sacrarentur. Venientes autem Romam, ab apostolico Nicho- lao honore quo decebat sunt suscepti; invenerunt ibi ad sinodum congregatam multitudinem magnam episcoporum, abbatum, monachorum, clericorum, caeterorumque fidelium. Cumque audiente sinodo suae legationis causam perorarent, hujus summam epistolae domno papae obtulerunt. “ Summo universalis ecclesiae patri Nicliolao, Edwardus, graoia Dei An¬ glorum rex, debitam subjectionem et omnimodum servitium. Glorificamus Deum, quia curam habet suae electae ecclesias, quoniam in loco boni predecessoris vos optimum successorem constituit. Quapropter justum judieamus apud vos, velut ad solidam petram acuere et probare omnes bonas inteneiones nostras, et vestram noticiam atque societatem in bono habere, quatinns eas donacioues et privilegia qnae obtinuimus apud prodecessorem vestrum renovetis et augeatis nobis, videlicet, nt quod ille injunxit nobis sub nomine obaedientiae ac poeni- 408 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tentiae, propter votum quod voveram ire Romam, et, in re¬ missionem omnium peccatorum meorum, construere coeno¬ bium monachorum in honore apostoli Petri, ratum faciatis, et privilegia possessionum et dignitatum ejusdem loci confir¬ metis, renovetis, atque augeatis, et imperpetuum immutabilia stare decernatis. Ego quoque pro modulo meo augeo et con¬ firmo donaciones et consuetudines pecuniarum quas habet Sanctus Petrus in Anglia, et ipsas pecimias collectas cum regalibus donis mitto vobis, ut oretis pro me et pro pace mei regni, et continuam ac solempnem memoriam haberi insti¬ tuatis tocius gentis Anglorum coram corporibus sanctorum apostolorum. Valete.” His igitur litteris a summo pontifice susceptis, cum feliciter ad votum suum omnibus peractis a Roma redirent, consulente sancta synodo, transmissam a domino papa milii detulerunt epistolam. “ Nicliolaus epi¬ scopus, senms servorum Dei, gloriosissimo ac piissimo omnique honore dignissimo, spirituali quoque filio nostro, Edwardo Anglorum regi, visitationem omnimodam, salutem mellifluam, et benedictionem apostolicam. Omnipotenti Deo referimus grates, qui vestram prudeutissimam excellentiam in omnibus ornavit ac decoravit erga beatum Petrum apostolorum prin¬ cipem, et nobiscum habere dilectionem, et in omnibus aposto- licis consentire censuris. Literas igitur vestrae nobilitati trans¬ mittimus, et per eas societatem sanctorum apostolorum et nostram vobis damus, orantes misericordiam illius qui est Dominus omnium, et Rex super omnia solus, ut ipse vos parti¬ cipem faciat ex omnibus, si qua sunt coram Deo, bonis operi¬ bus nostris, et fratres nos ac socios in sua dilectione constituat in omni tempore amplius, ac non minorem partem nostri obsequii vobis reconsignet in suo regno quam nobismet ipsis provenire optamus. Erimus eciam deinceps pro vobis sine dubio orantes assidue ut ipse Deus vobis subjiceat hostes et inimicos qui contra vos voluerint surgere, et confirmet vos in paterno solio et propria hereditate; ac beatus Petrus sit vobis custos et adjutor semper in omni tribulatione. Claret enim Anglorum reges pro reverentia et devocione quam exhi¬ buerunt beato Petro, gloria et honore floruisse, ac ipsius patrocinio famosos triumphos obtinuisse, cujus beati apostoli MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 409 meritis vestro desiderio et voluntati Omnipotens Deus praestet effectum^ et confirmet vobis paterni regni imperium, et tri¬ buat pacis incrementum, et post praesentis vitae decursum perducat ad aeternum permanentis gloriae imperium. Reno¬ vamus ergo et confirmamus et augemus vobis privilegia vestra: scilicet, ut absoluti sitis ab illo voto quod timebatis^ et ab omnibus aliis peccatis et iniquitatibus vestris, auctori¬ tate illius qui me, licet indignum, suae sanctae sedi praeesse voluit. Preterea illi loeo quem sub nomine sanctae peni- tentiae, construendum et meliorandum suscepistis, quoniam, ut fertur, primam antiqmtus consecrationem a beato Petro accepit, cujus, licet indigni, vicarii simus, et quia regia anti¬ quitus sedes est, ex auctoritate Dei et sanctorum aposto¬ lorum atque hujus Romanae sedis et nostra concedimus, per¬ mittimus, et solidissime confirmamus, ut amplius imper¬ petuum regiae constitutionis et consecrationis locus sit, atque repositorium regalium insignium, et babitacio perpetua mo¬ nachorum, qui nulli omnino personae nisi regi subdantur; habeantque potestatem, secundum regulam Sancti Benedicti, per successiones eligere ex se idoneos abbates; neque intro¬ ducatur per violentiam extranea persona, nisi quam concors congregacio sibi praeesse elegerit. Absolvimus eciam eum locum ab omni servitio et dominacione episcopali, ut nullus episcopus illuc introeat ordinaturus aut precepturus aliquid, nisi ex petitione et consensu abbatis et monachorum; et habeat idem locus liberum procinctum, id est, ambitum, et cymeterium mortuorum circa se absque episcopali vel cujus- cunque respectu vel exactione, et omnia que ad libertatem et exaltationem illius loci ad honorem Dei pertinentia per nostram auctoritatem accedere possunt, hilari et promtissima voluntate, concedimus. Possessiones autem quas antiqui reges seu quicunque alii homines vos quoque ac vestri barones ad eundem locum contulistis, et cartas qu® ex eis fact® sunt, divina et nostra auctoritate roboramus, et ratas ac stabiles esse decernimvis; et infractores earum, vel invasores, aut di- minutores, aut dispersores, venditores etiam, ®terna maledic¬ tione cum Juda proditore dampnamus, ut non habeant par¬ tem in beata resurrectione, sed a beato Petro se judicandos 410 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEES. sciant, quando sedebit cum suis coapostolis judicans duo¬ decim tribus Israel. Vobis vero et posteris vestris regibus committimus advocationem et tuitionem ejusdem loci et omnium tocius Anglise secclesiarum, ut vice nostra, cum con¬ silio episcoporum et abbatum, constituatis ubique quae justa suut, scientes pro hoc vos recepturos dignam mercedem ab eo cujus regnum et imperium nec desinet nec minuetur in saeculum. Valete.” Hanc igitur epistolam apostolici pri¬ vilegii placuit inserere huic nostrae confirmacioni, ut secun¬ dum quod Sancto Leoni prius placuerat michique preceperat, concordante ad hoc successore ejus Nicholao, et eadem aut majora mihi praecipiente, sciant omnes futm*ae generationes, me, pro voti praedicti absolutione, peccatonimque meorum omnium remissione, et aeternae vitae remuneratione, pro ani- mabus regum, tam successorum quam predecessorum meorum, et omnium parentum meorum, et jiro pace et stabilitate regni mei, et prosperitate tocius Anglorum populi, loco illi omni¬ modam libei’tatem quantum ad potestatem terrenam con¬ cessisse, et quod illi de aecclesiastica hoc de regia libertate statuo. Ejus igitur amoris stimulo, et fide plenissima ac devotissima suffultus, cujus largiflua miseracione in cathe¬ dra regali promotus sum, cum consilio et decreto archi- episcoporum, episcoporum, comitum, aliorumque omnium meorum optimatum, prospiciens hoc ipsi secclesiae et habi¬ tantibus in ea, sive pertinentibus ad eam utile fore, non solum in presenti sed etiam in futuro elegi sanctieudum atque perpeti stabilimento ab omnibus confirmandum, ut pro Christi honore et amore, et pro reverencia summi aposto¬ lorum principis Petri, cujus patrocinio meipsum commisi, et pro devocione et veneracione sanctarum reliquiarum quas eidem loco contuli, beatorum videlicet apostolorum, mar¬ tyrum, confessorum, et virginum, ut Omnipotens Dominus, per istorum suffragia sanctorum, depulsis cunctis adversita¬ tibus, cum pacis et honoris sui stabilitate, ac perpetuae tran¬ quillitatis sullimatione, locum illum custodiat, disponat, et protegat, et pro magnifica dignitate, sive regali excellencia, ipsius {ecclesiae, et pro quiete monachorum ibidem Deo famu¬ lantium, tantus honor eidem {ecclesiae habcatm- imperpetuum MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 411 et observetur, ut neque nos, neque suceessores nostri, neque quilibet episcopus, nec quicunque cie judiciaria potestate in ipsam sanctam basilicam, vel in manentes in ipsa, vel in homines qui cum suis terris vel qualibuscunque substanciis ad ipsam tradere vel devovere se voluerint, nisi per volun¬ tatem abbatis et suorum monachorum, ullam unquam ha¬ beant potesta,tem. Sed sit haec sancta mater aecclesia pecu¬ liaris patroni nostri domini et magni apostoli ter beati Petri, libera et absoluta ab omni invasione vel inquietudine om¬ nium hominum cujuscunque ordinis vel potestatis esse vide¬ antur. Praeterea aliud constituo atque imperpetuo confirmo, ut quisquis fugitivorum, de quocumque loco, pro c^uacumque causa, cujuscunque condicionis sit, ipsum sanctum locum vel procinctum ejus fugiens intraverit, immunis sit omnino, ac plenam libertatem consequatur. Placuit etiam mibi hanc optionis electionem et libertatis donum gratissimo animo et integra voluntate augere, et privilegio isto corroborare, et in¬ super dono meo inviolabiliter confirmare omnes donaciones terrarum vel ecclesiarum aut aliarum rerum, qufe ibi ab aiitecessoribus meis regibus seu a quibuscunque ante me do¬ natae sunt, necnon et illas quas vel ego, vel optimates mei, vel etiam quilibet de civibus intra Londoniam donaverant, tam terras quam consuetudines, et omnia jura qualiumcunque causarum in omnibus terris que vel in Londonia vel in aliis quibuscunqiie locis praedicto monasterio adjacent, vel adji¬ ciendae sunt per gratiam Dei. Huic libertati concedo addita¬ mentum, in qua, ut ab omnibus apertius et plenius intelli- gatur, nomina consuetudinum Anglice pra;cepi ponere: sci¬ licet, mundbryche, burhbryce, misksenninge, sceawinge, hlsestinge, fribsokne, flymenafyrm^e, -wergcldj^eof, irSleap, forfsenge, fyhfgenge, fyrdwite, fihtwite, weardwite, haenge- wite, hamsokne, forsteal, infangene})eof, saka, socna, toll et team, aliasque omnes leges et consuetudines quae ad me pertinent. Renovavi eciam privilegia antiquorum regum, et ex nomine sanctae Trinitatis et omnium sanctorum, nostra etiam regia auctoritate, cum consensu atque consultu pri¬ matum meorum, interdixi, et cartam in presencia mea fieri jussi, ut nullus unquam succedentium regum, episcoporum, 412 MISUELL.\NEOUS CHARTERS. principum, comitum, vicecomitum, procuratomm, seu ali¬ orum regum clientium, vel alia quaelibet magna vel parva persona, pastum, eensum, vel impensionem, castrorum vel pontium reaedificationem, xenia, seu munuscula, vel aliud quidlibet ab aecclesia illa, vel a terris ad eam pertinentibus, per vim aut per consuetudinem exigat; non opera, non tributa, vel expeditiones, ad se trahat; sed exclusa penitus exactione vel angaria cunctarum consuetudinum, omnia, sicut in manu mea habueram, melius, plenius et liberius, ita cum omnimoda libertate sint eoncessa eidem ecclesie, in terra et in aqua, in urbe et extra, in domo et extra, in villa et extra, in via et extra, in placito, in soka et saka, in tbeloneo, in furis apprehensione et emissione, in sanguinis effusione, in campis et silvis, in pratis, in pascuis, in aquis, in piscariis, in molen¬ dinis, et omnibus suis appendiciis, quatinus ipsa religiosa concio, pro remedia animse mese et omnium benefactorum ejusdem {ecclesiae, pervigiles persolvat deprecationes, et, more sapientium virginum, oleum bonae accionis servans, sub habitu religionis, Christo Domino et ejus beato apostolo indefesse deserviat. Si quis autem contra hanc praeceptionis et aucto¬ ritatis nostrae paginam senserit, quicunqne ille fuerit, cujus- cuuque nominis et honoris, {«tatis et potestatis, gradus et ordinis, et eam vel in magno vel in minimo infringere volu¬ erit, et alios ad hoc conduxerit, unusquisque pro seipso libras quinque partibus Sancti Petri persolvat; et quicquid exinde fiscus noster ad partem nostram separare poterat, in lumi¬ naribus vel stipendiis monachorum, seu et elemosiuas pau¬ perum ipsius monasterii perenniter per nostra oracula ad integrum sit concessum atque indultum. Hanc igitur cartam meae donationis et libertatis in die dedicationis predictae aecclesiae recitari jussi, coram episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, et omnibus optimatibus Anglie, omnique populo audiente et vidente; et secundum apostolici Leonis ejusque successoris Nicholai constitutum, excommunicari feci eos qui decretum nostrum infringerent vel infringi permitterent, quantum in ijjsis esset. Quisquis autem successorum meorum hanc donationis libertatem firmiter atque inviolabiliter custodierit, aeterna coronetur claritate, coelestisque regni plena perfruatur MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 413 felicitate. Si quis vero, quod absit, eam destruere voluerit, vel hujus nostri decreti contradictor, convulsor, et temerator extiterit, cum Juda proditore seterno anathemati subjaceat, nisi Deo et beato suo apostolo Petro digna poenitencia satis¬ fecerit. Ut ergo hec auctoritas nostris et futuris temporibus circa ipsum sanctum locum perenniter firma et inviolata per¬ maneat, vel per omnia tempora illesa custodiatur atque con¬ servetur, et ab omnibus optimatibus nostris et judicibus, pub¬ licis et privatis, melius et certius credatur, manus nostre subscriptionibus subter eam decrevimus roborare, et idoneos testes annotare, atque sigillo nostro jussimus sigillare. Ego Edwardus, Dei gratia Anglorum rex, hoc privi¬ legium jussi componere, et compositum cum signo Dominicfe crucis confirmando impressi. Ego Eadgy^a regina, omni alacritate mentis, hoc corroboravi. Ego Stigandus, sanctae metropolis «ecclesiae Cantuariensis episcopus, confirmavi. Ego Ealdredus, archiepiscopus Eboracensis aecclesiae, con¬ signavi. Ego Willielmus, episcopus Londoniensis aecclesiae, ad omnia suprascripta consentiens subscripsi. Ego Here- mannus episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wlf- wiuus episcopus consensi et sidjscripsi. Ego Walterus episcopus consensi et siibscripsi. Ego Leofricus episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Giso episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wlstanus episcopus consensi et sub¬ scripsi. Ego Siwardus episcopus consensi et subscripsi. Ego Godwinus episcopus consensi et subscripsi. ►J* Ego iEgelsius abbas consensi et siibscripsi. Ego Eadwinus abbas consensi et subscripsi. ►Ji Ego ^gelwius abbas consensi et subscripsi. Ego Leofricus abbas consensi et subscripsi. Ego Baldewinus abbas consensi et subscripsi. Ego Wlfwoldus abbas consensi et subscripsi. ^ Ego Eadmundus abbas. Ego Reinbaldus regis cancellarius relegi et sigil¬ lavi. Ego Osbernus regis capellauus. Ego Petrus regis capellauus. Ego llodbertus regis capellanus. ^ Ego Ilaroldus dux. Ego Eadwinus comes. Ego Girb comes. •i* Ego Leofwinus comes. ^ Ego Markerus comes. Ego Esgarus minister. Ego Bondius minister. Ego Badulphus minister. ^ Ego Rodbertus minister. Ego 414 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Eadno'Sus minister. Ego .dilgelno^us minister. Ego AVygodus minister. Ego Wlfricus miles, Ego Siwardus miles. ^Ego Godricus miles. Ego Colo miles. Ego Wlfwardus miles. Omnes eousentientes subscripsimus. Sta¬ bilita apud Westmonasterium v. Kt. Januarii, die sanctoriun Innocentium, anno Dominicse incarnationis m°lx°vio Indic¬ tione tertia. Anno regni Edwardi, nobilissimi et clemen- tissuni regis, vigesimo quinto. Ego vElfgeatus notarius ad vicem Reinbaldi, regife dignitatis cancellarii, hoc privilegium scripsi et subscripsi, in Dei nomine feliciter. Arnen. IvING EADWARD Eadward kingc gret Alfwold b.- q Harold eorl. and Alfred scyrgereuan. and ealle mine ]?egenes on Dor- saetan freondlice. ~j ic cij^e eow -p Urk min huskarl liabbe his strand call forne gen bys agen land ofer eal wel q freolice- upp of sse ut on sse. eall p to his strande gedryuen hys- be minum full- an bebode. THE CONFESSOR. I king Eadward greet bishop Alfwold, and earl Ha¬ rold, and Alfred shire-reeve, and all my thanes in Dorset¬ shire, amicably. And I make known to you that Urk my ‘ huscarU may have his strand, all in front of his own land, over all well and freely, up from sea and out on sea, and all that is driven to his strand, by my full command. KING E.ADWARD THE CONFESSOR. CAKTA BEATl REGIS EDWARDI DE WYNDESORA ET STANES, CU.M LIBERTATIBUS IN EISDEM. Eadward kyngc gret alle mine bisceopes* 'j mine eorles- q mine l^egenes- on Barroccscire. q on Middel- sexen freoiidlice. q ic ky]7c ^ I king Eadward greet all my bishops, and my earls, and my thanes, in Berkshire, and in Middlesex, amicably. And I make known to you MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEES. 415 eow f ic habbe gegefan Criste •j Sancte Petre into West- mynstre Wincllesoran';! Stane* •] eall f ^ierto ber|?. binnan burb* j butan* mid saca- j mid socne- mid tolle- 'j mid teame- j mid infangennm- J^eofe- on wude- on felde- be strande- j be lande- on strajte- 'j of strsete- on eall an pingan swa full- '3 svva for); swa bit mesylfan [fyrmest on bande] stod. 'j ic nelle ge);a- fiau p )?£er ani man senine onstync “Sairofer babbe on senige );ingan- butan se abb. -j );a my necas to Sanctc Petres neode. God eow gebealde. that I bave given to Christ and S* Peter at Westminster, Windsor and Staines, and all that thereto belongs, within burgh and without, with sac and mth socn, with toll and with team, and with infangen- theof, in wood and in field, by strand and by land, on road and oft’ road, and in all things as full and as free, as it first stood in my own hand. And I will not permit any man there to have any authority thereover in any things, ex¬ cept the abbot and the monks, for S‘ Peter’s need. May God preserve you. KING EADWARD Eadward kyng gret Ayl¬ mer bisscop- ~j Girh erl- Toly- j ealle mine );eynes on Est Angle frendlice- ic ki^e ihu p ic habbe unnen Baldewine abbot one mune- tere wiSinnen Seynt Esed- mundesbiri- alswo frcclike on alle ];inge to habben alswo me mine on hande stonden- ower on oni mirc burge alre frelikest. God sc ihu alle frcnd. THE CONFESSOR. I king Eadward greet bi¬ shop Aylmair, and earl Gyrth, and Toli, and all my thanes in East Anglia, amica¬ bly : and I make known to you that I have granted to abbot Baldwine one minter within S* Edmundsbury, to have in all things as freely as mine have stood in my ser¬ vice, or in any of my towns, most freely. God be the friend of you all. 416 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS: laNG EADWARD THE CONFESSOR, Eadward kyng gret Aylmer bisscop and ^Elfger erl- and alle mine )?eynes on SufFolc and on Norfble frendlike- and ic ki-Se on "Sat ic wille ^at it is mine fulle unna bat ^Elfrieh Modereope mot bu- gan to bo tueyen abboten at Seynt Eadmunde- and at See ^Ebeldred. be Godes leue and be mine. I king Eadward greet bi¬ shop Aylmer and earl ^If- gar, and all my thanes in Suf¬ folk and in Norfolk, amica¬ bly : and I make known to you that I will, and that it is my full grant, that iElfric Modereop may put himself un¬ der the two abbots, at S‘ Ead- mund’s and at S‘ ^Ethelred’s, by God’s leave and by mine. KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. Eadweard eynge gret mine biseopas- mine eorlas. ealle mine )?egenas. on ];an sciran |^ar mine preostas on Paules mynstre habbab land inne- freondliee. And ic cybe eow ■p ic wille ^ hig beon heora saca heora socne wurbe- aegber ge binnan burh ge butan* swa godera lagana wurbe nu swa full and swa forb swa hig betst waeran on aeniges cynges daege- obbe on aeniges biseopes* on eallan )?ingan. y ic nelle ^ hig un- derfon ani ma preostas into heora mynstre )?onue heora lande are aberan mage ■j hig sylfe willan. ic nelle ge|?a- fian heom aenig man aet aenigan J^iugan misbeode. I king Eadward greet my bishops, and my earls, and all my thanes, in the shires where my priests at S‘ Paul’s monastery have land, amieably. And I make known to .you that I will that they be worthy of their sac and their socn, both within town and without, and worthy of as good laws now, as fully and as widely, as they best were in any king’s day, or in any bishop’s, in all things. And I will not that they reeeive any more priests into their monastery than their land- property may bear, and they themselves will. And I will not permit that any man in anything misuse them. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 417 IDEM LATINE. [Ego] Edweardus rex saluto meos episcopos^ et meos comites, omiiesque meos thanos (vel ministros), in prsefecturis illis ubi mei sacerdotes in Pauli ecclesia terram possident, amice. Et ego notum vobis facio, quod volo ut ipsi sint eorum saese et socnaj digni et intra burgum et extra : item tam bono¬ rum j urium digni per luec tempora, adeo plene et eatenus sicut ipsi, quando eorum status fuit optimus fuerint in alicujus regis diebus, aut in alicujus episcopi, in omnibus. Et nolo ut recipiant plures sacerdotes in eorum ecclesiam quam facul¬ tates suas pati possint, et ipsimet voluerint. Et non permit¬ tam ut aliquis in aliquo eos vexet. KING EADWARI) On almiclitin Dricli tines name. Tc Eadward kyng kiSe alie man )ie red 5at ic mid alie mine redgiuen red liabbe- for mine soule )icrfe q for alie mine jiedscliipes sund- fulnisse. Dat is jiat ic an eke fredomes |iau balegen kinge Seynt Eadmunde- so forlS so he firmest hauede- into jiere stowe |>c be onresteS. And ic wille him )iat se fredom stonde on his wclde- j>at so fele siSe so men gildeb here gilde to beregild ojier to sebip- gild- gilde se tunscliipe so ojicre men don to )ie abbotes nede q j^cre muneke jie |)er binnen schulen for bus scrueu. And |ie abboteriche |’at Cunt kyiig Ki' dies, q siSon Ilard- TIIE CONFESSOR. In the name of the Al¬ mighty Lord. I king Ead¬ ward make known to all men the counsel on which I have resolved with all my coun¬ sellors, for my soul’s need and for the Avell-being of all my people. That is, that I grant perpetual freedom to the holy king S' Eadmund, as free as he best had it, at the holy place in which he rests. And I will that the freedom so stand in his power, that as often as men pay their pay¬ ment to the military tax or the ship-tax, let the township pay, as other men do, for the need of the abbot and the monks who have there to serve for us. And the abbacy 2 K 418 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. cnut king mine broker also it stajjelfaste • j ic suSon eac swilke mid 'Sere schii’ebi- scopes rede, j mid mine wedde- -j alle mine biscliopes- j alle mine nitene it fultre- mede )?at ic nefre ne scbnlle ani man wenden to olSere bodes manne • buten he wolde ben aschired from Godes manne alle liis lialegen. And ic an |)an lialegen kinge )?at lond at Mildenhale- mid mete j mid inanne- mid sokne. so it me on liande stod. )>e half nigende bund- redes sokne into Dingliowe. And ic an hem al here tune sokne of hale here londe- J>e he nu habbe^ ober giet bi- giton schullen. on Godes est-j on mines and on alle folkes. God how healde. which king Cnut there chose, and afterwards king Harde- cnut, my brother, likewise established, and I also since, Muth the counsel of the shire- bishop, and with my pledge, and that of all my bishops and all my ‘ witan’, have con¬ firmed so that no man shall ever turn it to men of another order, unless he would be cut off from God^s communion and all his saints. And I give to the holy king the land at ]\Iildenhall, with meat and with men, and with socn, as it stood in my hand; and the VIII. and a half hundred socn at Thingoe. And I give them all their town-socn of all their lands, which they now have or may yet obtain, through God’s favour, and mine, and j all the people’s. God pre¬ serve jmu. IDEM LATINE. In Omnipotentis Dei nomine. Ego Eadwardus re.\ in¬ dico omnibus hominibus de consilio quod consiliatus sum cum omnibus consiliariis meis, pro remedio anime mee, et pro incolumitate totius gentis mee. Hoc est, quod annuo eteriiam libertatem Sancto regi Edmundo, in loco in quo requiescit, ita pleniter sicut unquam plenius habuit; et hoc volo, ut libertas ita stet in ejus potestate, ut quociens homines censum persolverint exercitui vel navibus, tociens ville illius habitatores censum persolvant, velud alii homines, ad neces¬ sitatem abbatis et monachorum qui ibi debeut pro nobis servire. Et abbaciam quam Knout rex ibi elegit, ac postea MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 419 Irater meus HardeknoiR rex simili modo stabilivit, pignore meo et omnium episcoporum meorum, cunctorumque proce¬ rum meorum, necuon comitatum, ejusdem episcopi consilio corroboravi, ut nunquam aliquis debeat transmutare ad alterius ordinis viros, nisi velit separari a communione Dei et omnium sanctorum ejus. Annuo etiam Sancto regi Edmundo terram at Mildenhale, cum victu et hominibus; et jura regalia viii» et dimidiam placitorum * ad Dyngbowe, quod Anglice dicitur nygend half hundred ; et omnium villarum suarum jura regalia annuo in omnibus terris quas modo ha¬ bent, et quas adhuc adquisituri sunt, in Dei amore ac mei et tocius populi. KING EADWARR THE CONFESSOR. »}< Ego Eadwardus rex Anglorum notifico in his literis omnibus Dei fidelibus, quod consiliatus sum cum meis archi- episcopis et episcopis et abbatibus et comitibus, et cum omnibus meis baronibus, videlicet, volo et prcccipio quod monasterium cognati mei Sancti Edmundi, et villa in qua situm est illud monasterium, sit perpetualiter in eadem liber¬ tate quam Cnut rex et Hardecnut rex, meus frater, ei con¬ cesserunt, et quod ille locus nunquam sit locatus cum aliis personis quam cum monachis; nec aliquis episcopus qui est vel unquam erit, in Norfolc vel SufFolc, habeat unquam potestatem aliquam in eodem monasterio, nec infra fines ejusdem ville crucibus designatos. Et monachi qui ibi degunt eligant sil)i abbatem de seipsis, sicuti eidem monasterio et esedem ville concessi. Permaneat in perpetuum, ubicunque habent mo¬ nachi terras sive homines, seu in futurum acquirent, per Dei auxilium et bonorum hominum. Nunc igitur rogo omnes Dei amicos qui nunc vivunt seu futuri sunt, quod pro timore Dei nunquam sint in loco seu in concilio ubi praedicta libertas sit mutata vel adnichillata, quam antecessores nostri et nos Sancto Edmundo et monasterio suo concessimus. Quod si aliquis fuerit ita vesanus, per incitamenta diaboli, quod velit ' MSS. Cantab, et Harl. 045. f. 125'*, ‘ dimidii luuidredormn.’ 2 E .2 420 MISCELLANEOUS CHAETERS. hanc libertatem mutare, sive in aliquo adnichillare vel de¬ pravare, sit ille anathematizatus, et in Gehennam ignis de¬ mersus, nisi in vita sua resipuerit. KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. Ego Eaduuardus, Dei gratia rex Anglorum, Eadsio archi- episcopo, et Godino comiti, et omnibus suis baronibus Cantie salutem. Sciatis me dedisse Deo ac Sancto Augustino et fratribus ut habeant eorum saca et socna, et pacis fracturam, et pugnam in domo factam, et vie assaltus, et latrones in terra sua captos, latronumque susceptionem vel pastionem, super illorum proprios homines, infra ci^'itatem et extra, the- loneumque suum in terra et in aqua, atque consuetudinem que dicitur teames, et super omnes allodiarios quos eis habeo datos. Nee volo consentire ut aliquis in aliqua re de hiis se intermittat nisi eorum prepositi quibus ipsi hec commenda¬ verint ; quia habeo has consuetudines Deo datus et S aneto Augustino, pro redempcione anime mee, ita pleniter et libere sicut melius habuerint tempore predecessoris mei Knuti regis; et nolo consentire ut aliquis hec infringat, sicuti meam ami¬ citiam ATilt habere. KING E.\DWARD THE CONFESSOR. A COPPIE MADE OF A GRAUNT BY KING EDWARD CALLED THE CONFESSOR, BEFORE THE CONQUEST, AND REMAYNETH OF RECORD IN THE EXCHEQUER. Iche Edovard kinge have yeven Of my forreste the keepinge Of the hundreth of Chelmer and Dawncing To Randolph Peperking and his kinling. Withe hart and hinde, do and bokke. Hare and fox, catt and brookc, MISCEJ.LANEOUS CHARTERS. 421 Wylde foule with liis flock, Partriche, feasant hen and feasant cock. With greene and wyld, stob and stock, To kepen and to yeomen, by all her might, Bothe by daie and eke by night. And houndes for to houlde. Good and swyfte and bowlde. Four grey houndes and vi. raches, For hare and fox and wild cattcs : And therefore I make him my hooke, Wittnes the busshop Wolston, And booke ylearned many a one, And Swayne of Essex our brother, And teken to him many other. And onr stuard Howelyn, That besought mee for him. KING EADWARD E ad ward cyng grct Sti- gand ercebiscop. •] ^gelmajr biscop- ^ Gyr^ eorl- Toli scirreue- 'j ealle his )jeines inne NorSfolce inne Su^- folce- ealle his o^re Aviten ofer call ^nglande- hadede 'j leawede- freondlice. ic cy Se eow ■)) ic habbe gcgeofen Criste- 'j Sancte Marie- ^ Sancte Benedicte- “j yElfwinc abbod into Ramesege- saca -j socna- tol team - ‘;i infangen- l^eof- fihtwite "j ferdwite- fore- steal 1 ■j hamsocne- griSbryce ) scipbryce- |>a sje nj)warp on eallen )hngen- let Bram- ciestre let Ringstyde- swa wel THE CONFESSOR. King Eadward greets archbishop Stigand, and bishop ^Egelmajr, and earl Gyrth, and Toli shire-reeve, and all his thanes in Norfolk and in Suffolk, and all his other Gvitau’ over all En¬ gland, ordained and lay, ami¬ cably. And I make known to yon that I have given to Christ, and S‘ Mary, and S' Benedict, and to abbot ^If- wine in Ramsey, sac and socn, toll and team, and infangenctheof, fihtwite and ferdwite, forcstcal and ham- socn, grithbryee and scip¬ bryce, and the sca-upwarp, in 422 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. swa freolice swa ic hit me- seolf betst liabhe. hi pa sse rime ahwser in Engelande- 'j ealle ]?a gerihte ^a ic meseolf ser ahte. And ic wylle ^ seo socne -wi^innen Bicham die ligee into Bamesege to Sancte Benedicte on eallen jjingen swa full swa foriS swa ic heo meseolf ahte- ealle }7a ge¬ rihte 'Sa aeni hinge maei alien. 'j ealle Jia men ]ia beon mot- wurbi- ferbwurSe- faldwur'Si in-I? o^er healfe hundred- swa hwilc man SAva pa men ahe- Sancte Marie Sanctus Be¬ nedictus sc abbod Sa ge- broSra into llamesege hab- ben ^a socne on eallen pingen ofer heom- pat market aet Dunham- bi uaetere bi lande- mid inlade mid utlade- mid eallen pan gerihte 5e paerto hereS- sua Avel SAva freolice swa ic hit meseolf betst ahte. u ic nelle gepafien p aiii man pis ge- lytlige mid aenige pinge. And in aelcer scire paer Sanctus Benedictus hafS land inne his saca his socne- tol tcam- infangenepeof- wi'Sinne bnrh ~} Avibuten- on aelce sty de¬ be lande 'j be strande- be Avude ■] be felde- sAva liAvylc man saau ^ia socne ahe- Sanctus Benedictus habbe his freedom on eallen pin gen SAva | all things, at Branchester and at Ringstead, as w'ell and as freely as I myself best have them, by the sea-shore every¬ where in England; and all the rights Avhich I myself before possessed. And I will that the socn w ithin Bicham dike belong to S* Benedict in Ramsey, in all things, as free and as far as I myself pos¬ sessed it, and all the rights that any king can haA C. And all the men that are mote- Avorthy, fyrd-Avorthy,and fald- Avorthy, in that hundred and half, Avhatever man OAvn the men, let S' IMary, and S' Benedict, and the abbot, and the brothers in Ramsey haA^e the socn over them in all things; and the market at DoAvnham, by Avater and by laud, with ingress and Avith egress, and Avith all the rights Avhich thereto belong, as well and as freely as I myself best possessed them. And I wull not permit that any man diminish this in anything. And in every shire where S' Benedict has land, I grant him his sac and his socn, toll and team, and infangentheof, Avitliin burgh and without; and in every place, by land and by strand, by Avood and by field, Avhatsoever man may MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEKS. 423 wel j svva freolice swa ic hit meseolf betst alie ahwter iu Eng^elande. j ealle ]7a gyltes fa. belimpeS to mine kine-. helme inne lol inne Easterne- inne 'Sa hali wuea set Gangclagas. on ealle }>ingan. al swa ic lieo meseolf ahe. tol freo ofer ealle Engleland. wi^inne huidie ~} wi'Sutan. set gerescepinge on mfrice styde* be wsetere ■] be lande. And ic forbeode- Godes forbode ^ min. f nan man |?is geofe ne lytlige ne awende. And gif seni man hit awanige mid jefrmnige )nnge of San }?e ic habbe her gennnen on ]?eosen gewrite* si he gesyndrcd fram Criste 1 fram eallen his halgan. Amen. Dis writ wses gemaced set Windlesorcn on fcorS Easter daeci. on EadgySe gewitnysse Saere cwene. “j Godwines eorles- Ilaroldes eorles. possess the socn, let S' Bene¬ dict have his freedom in all things, as well and as freely as I myself best possess it anywhere in England; and all the forfeitures which be¬ long to my crown, in Yule, and in Easter, and in the holy week of the Rogations, in all things as I myself possess them ■, and toll-free over all England, within burgh and without, at the yearly marketing, and in every place, by water and by land. And I forbid, with God’s forbid- dance and mine, any man to diminish or change this gift. And if any man imjjair any¬ thing of that which I have granted in this writing, be he sundered from Christ and from all his saints. Amen. This writing was made at Windsor, on the fourth day of Easter, with the witness of Eadgith the queen, and of earl God wine, and of carl Harold. IDEM LATINE. Eadwardus rex Anglorum Stigando archiepiscopo, Ailmaro episcopo, GirS comitc, Toli vicccomiti, et omnibus ministris suis de NorSfolke ct Subfolke, et universis aliis fidelibus suis per totam Angliam constitutis, tam clericis quam laicis, salntem. Notifico vobis mc concessisse Deo, et Sancte Ylarie, ct Sancto Benedicto, ct ^Elfwino abbati de Ramesia sacam et socam, tol ct team, ct infangcne|)cf, fiht- 424 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. wite et fei’dwite, foresteall et hamsokne, gri^briclie et schip- briclie, et se upwarp, in omnibus rebus apud Bramcestre et apud RingstedCj ita bene et libere sicut ipse ea melius et liberius habeo in littore marino alicubi in Anglia, omnesque rectitudines et jura que ibi ego ipse unquam habui. Volo etiam ut soca que est infra Bichamdicb in omnibus ad Sanctum Benedictum Ramesiensem pertineat ita plene et perfecte sicut eam ipse habui ; et omnes rectitudines quas rex ibi potest habere. Volo preterea ut Sancta Maria, et Sanctus Benedictus, et abbas et fratres Rarnesise habeant socam in omnibus super omnes homines qui sunt motwrSi, ferdwrbi, et faldwrSi in illo bundredo et dimidio, cujus- cunque homines sint. Concedo eis etiam mercatum de Dun¬ ham, per aquam et terram, cum inductione et eductione, et cum omnibus rectitudinibus que ad illud pertinent, ita bene et libere sicut illud ipse unquam melius habui; et nolo pati ut aliquis hoc in aliquo imminuat. In omni quoque comi¬ tatu ubi Sanctus Benedictus habet terram, concedo eis sacam et socam suam, tol et team, et iufangeneSef, infra burgum vel civitatem et extra, ubique in terra et aqua, in bosco et plano, cujuscunque fuerit soca, habeat Sanctus Benedictus libertatem suam in omnibus, ita bene et plene sicut ego ipse alicubi habeo in tota Anglia ; habeant et omnes forisfacturas que pertinent ad regiam coronam meam in Natali Dominico, in Pascha, et in sancta ebdomada rogationum, in omnibus rebus sicut ipse habeo, et per totam Angliam, infra civi¬ tatem et extra, in omni foro et annuis nundinis, et in omnibus omnino locis, per aquam et terram, ab omni telonii exactione liberi sint. Prohibeo itaque Dei prohibitione et mea ne aliquis hanc concessionem meam mutet aut minuat. Si quis vero aliquid horum que in hoc scripto continentur temerare presumpserit, segregatus sit ille a Christo et ab omni sanc¬ torum ejus consortio. Haec carta facta fuit apud Windles- horam, in iiii. die ebdomade paschalis, sub testimonio Ead- gibse regine, Godwini et Haroldi comitum. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS, 425 KING EADWARD THE CONFESSOR. Conditor celi terreque Deus^ universitate totius crea¬ ture tie nichilo perfecta, primum hominem tie limo formavit, eumque ad imaginem suam configuravit, cui et omnium operum suorum dominari praecepit, ea videlicet ratione, ut homo rationabilis irrationabili uteretur creatura, per quam Deo ipse serviens obediret, et obediendo Creatorem hono¬ raret. Deinde succedente generatione in generationem tem¬ pla et ecclesias fieri constituens, de primiciis et decimis ac de snbstancia sue largitionis eas in nomine suo honorari pre- cepit; insuper et per evvangelium nos instruens ait: “ The¬ saurizate vobis thesauros in celo,” et reliqua. Quapropter ego Eadwardus, Regis regum gratia, rex et Anglornm prin¬ ceps, post longam exiliationem, solius miserentis Dei nutu, in regno meo reversus, et in solio patrum meorum residens, ecclesiam quam, hortatu beati Augustini, rex Aiithelbcrht, in honore apostolorum Petri et Paidi, a fundamento constituit diversisqne donis ditavit, in qua ipsius regis et omnium epi¬ scoporum Cancie ac regum corpora poni possent, cum omnibus appendiciis vel adjaccnciis suis, liberam esse annuo et statuo. Quum quidem in eadem ecclesia supradictus rex conditus jacet, cjusque stirpis progenita Deo dilecta requiescit virgo Mildrctha; ego eciam ejusdem regis stemate ortus, et regno ejus Deo juvante, potitus, Tanatos insulam trado, quam llegbcitus rex jure hereditario concessit venerabili regine Domnene, matri scilicet Sancte Mildrethe, quantum cerva cursu suo lustraverat, pro interemptione duorum fratrum ejus vEthclredi atque JUthelbrjdi, quos, jussu ejusdem prin¬ cipis, Deo odibilis Thunur iniqua stravit morte : quem mox celestis ulcio terribiliter subsecuta est ipsum perimendo ; sed et omnes donationes possessionum vel facultatum quas prisco sive moderno tempore praedecessores mei reges eidem ecclesie contulerunt, et ego regia potestate contrado, atque firma astipulatione, cum consensu et testimonio episcoporum, ducum, principum, et satellitum meorum, abbati ^Elfstano ac monachis ibidem, sub regula beati Rcncdicti abbatis, Deo militantibus, ad habenda et perfruenda sibi perpetua liber- 426 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tate constituens attribuo. Si cui vero hec largicio displieet, vel si quisj quod absit, hanc minuerit, pereutiat eum Deus amencia et cecitate ac furore mentis, omnique tempore calumpniam maledictionis Dei sustineat, nec sit qui eum liberet, nisi penitens resipiseat, et digna emendatione satis¬ faciat. Hec autem traditio regalis in eodem loeo servetur ineonvulsa et incontaminata, Deo teste, qui dixit: “ Michi vindietam, et ego retribuam ”; contradieentibus vero ad ruinam et ad condempnationem in die ire furoris Domini, cum eis qui dixerunt Domino Deo: “ Recede a nobis, sei- enciam Harum tuanim nolumus.^^ KING EADWARU THE CONFESSOR. PERMISSION TO TOLE, WIDOW OF TRK, TO BEQUEATH HER LAND AND OTHER PO.SSESSIONS. Eadward kyng gret IleremannB.- q Harold eorl- q ealle mine ‘Segenas on Dor- ssetan freondlice- q ic cy|>e eow f bit is min fulla unna Tole min man Urees lafe f heo beewe]?e hire laud q ehta into S anete Petre et Abbodesbyrig. swa hire leof- est sy- be minan fullan ge- leafan. swa full q swa forji swa 5a forewirda ajr geworhte waeran. f hit sceolde aeftcr heora begra daege* hire q Urees hire hlafordes* for heora sawle gan into 5am haligan mynstre. Nu wille ic ■]! heora ewide stande swa swa hit geforewird wes on godre manna gewitnesse 5e q* I king Eadward greet bishop Hereman, and earl Harold, and all my thanes in Dorsetshire, amieably : and I make known to you that it is my full grant, that Tole my vassal, Urk’s relict, bequeath her land and possessions to S' Peter’s at Abbotsbury, as to her may be most agreeable, by my full leave, as fully and as freely as the compacts before made were: that it should, after the day of them both, of her and Urk, her lord, for their souls, go to that holy monastery. I now will that their bequest stand as it was agreed with the Avitness of the good men Avho MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 427 ■Sarwid waeran. -] ic wille f swilc freols beo into )?am mynstre swilce is into clean oSi'c ^aer }»e best is on eallan }>ingan. ‘j ic raesylf wille beon geheald mund {^erofer. 71 ofer )?a are J^e iiar into hirj7. 7) ic nelle nanan menu ge|>afian 'Se Sar geutige ajiiig f>8era Singa Saes Se big Sider inn gedon babba)?. were thereby. And I will that sucb be enjoyed by that monastery as is by every other where it best is in all things. And I myself will be guardian and protector thereover, and over the property that thereto belongs. And I will not allow any man to take away any of the things which they have thereto given. QUEEN EADGYTH. M.LXVI. EadgiS se hlauedi- Ead- wardes kinges lefe* gret al )7at hundred at Wedmore frendlice. And ich cySe eow )>at ich habbe gegefen Giso b. );at land at Merketun* 7) alch )?are )hnga jjses Se Sar mid richte tobirid into his cauoncan set Sancte Andrea jet Wyllan. mid saca and mid socna- swo full 7) swo forS swo hit me sylfen on honde stod* for Eadwai’des kinges sawle 7) for mine sawle. And ic bidde eow f ge deme me rihtne dom of Wudemann. )>c ic hors bitachite- and mi gaud hauiS ofbealden- twa gear. ei|’cr ge hunig 71 eac feoch. 7) eac feoS. God eow gehealde. Eadgith the lady, relict of king Eadwai’d, greets all the hundred at Wedmore amicably. And I make known to you that I have given to bishop Gisa the land at Mark- ton, and everything which thereto rightfidly belongs, for his canonry at S‘Andrew’s at Wells, with sac and with socn, as fully and as freely as it stood in my own hand, for the soul of king Eadward and for mine. And I pray jmu that you jjidge me a just judg¬ ment on Wudemau, to whom I intrusted a horse; and he has withheld my rent for two years, both honey and money also; and is hostile to me. i\Iay God preserve you. 428 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. BISHOP LEOFRIC. M.L.-M.LXXIII. Her swutelialS on j^issere Cristes bee hwaet Leofric bi- sceop lisefS gedon innto See Petres miustre on Exan- ceastre- )>cer his bisceopstol is, -J) is f lie hsefS geiuuod 0er geutod wses- |iurb Godes fultum. ]>urb bis forespraeee. )?urli his gaersuma. is aerest. ^ laud aet Culmstoke- j ^ land aet Brancescumbe- aet Sealteumbe- f laud aet See Maria circean. j ^ laud aet Stofordtuue. aet Swearcaii iville- f laud aet Moreesliille- Sidefullan lii- Avisc. f land aet Brihtrices- staue. f land aet Toppes- bainme. )ieab Se Harold bit mid uulage utnam. ■j f laud aet Stoke. ■] f laud aet Syde- birig. ']? laud {ctNiwantuiie. aet NorStuue. ^ land aet Clift* }ie'VVid haefde. Donne ys )7is se eaea on laudum ]>e he haefS of bis ageiium ^ mynster mid gegodod. for his hlaforda sawlum for bis agciire. )5am Godes ]ieo\vum to bigleofau )ie for heora sawlum Jiingiau sceolou. ys aerost. J>at laud aet Bemtuue. aet Esttuue. ■] aet Ceommeuige. •p laud aetDotlisc. aet Hola- cumba- aet Sujnvuda. be Here is declared, in this Christ’s book, what bishop Leofric has gwen to S' Peter’s monastery in Exeter, where his episcopal see is. That is, that he has, tlirough God’s support and through his ad¬ vocacy, and through his trea¬ sure, reeovered what had before been alienated. That is first, the land at Culm- stock, and the land at Brans- eomb, and at Salcomb, and the land at S' IMary’s church, and the land at Staverton, and at SAvarcwell, and the land at Morkeshill, and' Side¬ fullan hiwisc’, and the land at Brihtricesstau, and the land at Topsham, although Harold ludawfully took it away, and the land at Stoke, and the land at Sidbury, and the land at Newton, and at Nor¬ ton, and the laud at Clift* that M id had. Now this is the addition in lands, from his own, Avith which he has en¬ dowed the monastery, for the souls of his lords, and for his OAvn, for the sustenance of God’s servants Avho have to intercede for their souls. That is first, the land at Bemton, and at Easton, and at Ceom- Clvst P MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 429 ne funde f>a he to |>am mynstre feng nan mare landes \>e ^ider- ynn gewylde waere- jjonne twa hida landes fet Ide- 'j |>aeron naes orfcynnes nan mare bu- ton Aui. hru^eru. Donne ys 5is seo oncnaAYennis 'Se he haefS God mid gecnawen Sanctum Petrum into ]?arn halgan mynstre* on circlicum madmum. ■p is he haefS Siderynn gedon ii. bisceop- roda* II. mycele gebonede* roda* butan oSrum litlum silfrcnum swurrodnm- '3 ii. mycele Cristes bee gebonede- -) III. gebonede serin. -5 i. geboned altare- ^ v. silfrene ealieeas. iiii. corporales. 3 I. silfren pipe- -} v, fulle maessereaf. ii. dalmatica- '3 III. pistelroeeas-iiii. subdi- aeoncs bandlin. iii. eanter- eaeppa. iii. eanterstafas- V. waellene^ Aveofodseeatas- "j All. ofbraedelsas- ii. taep- pedu- 'j III. berasein. aii. setlhraegel- 'j iii. riegliraegcl- II. Avahraeft- vi. maesene seeala. ii. gebonede hnagp- pas. IIII. hornas, -j ii. mycele gebonede candel- sticcan- au. laessan candel- sticcan gebonede. ~} i. silfren storcylle mid silfrenum stor- sticcan- aiii. Iteflas- ^ ii. menig, and the land at Daiv- lisb, and at Holcomb, and at SouthAA'ood. And he found, Avbcn be succeeded to tlie monastery, no more land that had been gh'en thereto, than two bides of land at Ide, and thereon of cattle there Avere no more than vii. oxen. Then this is the acknoAidedgment by which be has acknoAv- ledged God and S‘ Peter in the holy monastery, in eccle¬ siastical gifts. That is, that he has placed therein: ii. episcopal roods, and ii. great burnished roods, besides other little silver neck-roods, andii. great Christ’s books (Gospels) burnished, and iii. burnished shrines, and i. burnished altar, and v. silver chalices, and iA\ corporals, and i. silver pipe, and A^ full mass-robes, and II. dalmaticas, and iii. epistle rochets, and iv. sub- diacon’s handcloths, and 111. chanter-copes, and iii. chanter-staA'es, and v. Avoollen altar-sheets,and vii. coverlets, and II. tapets, and iii. bear¬ skins, and VII. seat-coverings, and III. mantles, and ii. Avall- hangings, and a'i. brazen dishes, and ii. burnished bowls, and IV. horns, and ii. large My translation of thi.s word is conjectural. = Dan. bone, fo nth, polish t wvllene ? 430 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ^^fana. i. mere* vi. midreca- i. firdvvaen- ^ i. cyste. ^ J^aernseron aer buton VII. iipphangene bella* 'j nu )?a sind xiii. iipphangene XII. band bella* ■]) ii. fulle miBSsebec* i. colleetaneiim* •] II. pistelbec* ii. fiille sang- bec* ■] I. nihtsang* i. Ad te leuaui* ■j i. tropere* ^ ii. sal teras* se jiriddan saltere swa man sing^ on Rome* j II. ymneras* i. deorwyr^e bletsing hoc* iii. o^re* ■j i. Englisc Cristes hoc* ■] ii. siimerraeding bee* i. winter- raeding boc* Regula ca¬ nonicorum* 3 Martyrlogiiim* ■j I. canon on Leden* j i. scriftboc on Englisc* i. full spelboc wintres sumeres* Boeties boc on Englisc* i. mycel Englisc boc be geliivilc- iim J^ingiim on leo^wisan ge- worht*. ■j he ne fiinde on )iam mynstre )ia he tofeng boca na ma buton ane capitu¬ lare* ■] I. forealdodne niht¬ sang* I. pistelboc* 'j II. for- ealdode raedingbec swi^e wake* ^ I. wac maessereaf. “j ]ms fela Leden boca he beget into J?am mynster* Liber pas¬ toralis* ■] Liber dialogorum* Libri iiii. prophetarum* Liber Boetii de Consolatione* ' This appears to be the MS. sii Exoniensis.’ bmmished candlesticks^ and vi. less candlesticks burnished, and I. silver censer with silver incense-stick, and viii. cups, and II. banners, and i. flag, and VI. boxes, and i. carriage, and I. chest. And there were before only vii. hung-up bells, and now there are xiii. hung up, and XII. hand-bells ; and II. complete mass-books, and I. Colleetaneiim, and ii. Epi¬ stle books, and ii. complete hymn-books, and i. ‘Night- song’, and I. Ad te levavi, and^ I. Troparium, and ii. Psalters, and the third psalter as they sing at Rome, and ii. Hymna- riums, and i. valuable Bene- dictional, and iii. others, and I. English Gospels, and ii. Summer reading-books, and I. Winter reading-book, and Regida Canonicorum, and jMartyrologium, and i. Canon in Latin, and i. Confessional in English, and i. complete Homilariiim, for winter and summer, and a Book of Boe¬ thius in English, and i. Great English book of divers things, composed in song-wise*. And he found in the monastery, at his accession, no more than one Capitularium, and i. worn-out Night-song, and i. ce printed under the title ‘ Codex MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEES. 431 •j Isagoge Porpliirii. j i. Pas- I sionalis. j Liber Prosperi, j Liber Prudentii psicbomacliie. "j Liber Pi’udentii ymnorum. j Liber Prudentii de martyribus* Liber Ezecliielis prophetfe.-] Cantica canticorum- j Liber Isaye prophetae on sundron. ■j Liber Isidori etimologi- arum. j Passiones apostolo¬ rum* -j Expositio Bede super euuangelium Lucae* ~j Expo¬ sitio Bede super Apocalipsin* j Expositio Bede super vii. Epistolas canonicas* Liber Isidori de Novo et Veteri Testamento* Liber Isidori de miraculis Christi* j Liber Oserii* 'j Liber Macliabe- orum* j Liber Persii* j Sc- dulies hoc* i Liber Aratoris* D Diadema monacborum* Close Statii* j Liber offi¬ cialis Amalarii. j ofer his daeg he ann his capellan juder- binnaii forb mid him silfum on eallum );am )nngum j^e he silf dide mid Codes Seninge* on f gerad -ji |^a Codes |7COwas )7c j’aerbinnan beoS aefre his sawle gemunon mid heora gebcdum maessesangiim to Cristc* j to See Petrc* to eallum )7am halgum \s, f haligc minster is forcgehal- god* "p his sawle bco Code J?e anfcngre. 'j se pc pas gyfu pisue unnan wille Code Epistolarium, and ii. worn- out Reading-books, very fra¬ gile, and I. fragile mass-robe. And thus many Latin books he got for the monastery: Liber Pastoralis, and Liber Dialogorum, and Libri iiii. Prophetarum, and Liber Boe¬ thii de Consolatione, and Isagoge Porphyrii, and i. Passionalis, and Liber Pros¬ peri, and Liber Prudentii Psychomachiae, and Liber Prudentii Hymnorum, and Liber Prudentii de Marty¬ ribus, and Liber Ezecliielis Prophetae, and Cantica Can¬ ticorum, and Liber Isaiae Pro¬ phetae separately, and Liber Isidori Etymologiarum, and Passiones Apostolorum, and Expositio Bedae super Evan- gelium Lucae, and Expositio Bedae super Apocalypsin, et Expositio Bedae super vii. Epistolas Canonicas, Liber Isi¬ dori de Novo et Veteri Testa¬ mento, and Liber Isidori de Miraculis Christi, and Liber Oserii and Liber Machabaeo- rum, and Liber Persii, and Sedulius’ book, and Liber Ara¬ toris, and Diadema Monacho¬ rum, and Closae Statii, and Liber officialis Amalari. And after his day he gives his chapel there within, along with himself, with all the things 432 MISCELLANEOUS CHAllTEKS. -j See Petre setbredau. si him heofena rice setbroden- j si he ecelice geiii^erod into lielle wite. wliich he himself used at God’s altar-service^ on the condition that the servants of God which shall therein be, ever remem¬ ber his soul in their prayers and mass-songs to Christ, and to S’ Peter, and to all the saints to whom the holy monas¬ tery is specially hallowed, that his soul may be to God the more acceptable. And whoso w’ill withdraw this gift and this grant from God and S* Peter, may the kingdom of heaven be withdrawn from him, and may he be eternally cast down into hell-torment. AFTER pis IS };eo boc be )iam ge- RIHTAN )>E LIGA]) INTO TAN- TUN^. Her swutnlab on )>isum gewrite hwylce gerihta lang- on* into Tantune on |?am timan jie Eadwerd cing wes cucu 'j dead, pact is aerest. of |iam lande set Nigon hidon seo mann redden into Tan¬ tune cirhsceattas. ~j burh- gerihtu- heorSpenegas- -j hundredpenegas. j teopung of aelccre hide eahta penegas- hamsocn forsteall- grip- brice -j handfangenpeof. ap -j ordel- fyrdwite- j call swa oft swa him ma® bude to gemote he come- ofpe hine man badode. Dunna w es paes biscopes mann to pam timan M.LXVI. THIS IS THE CHARTER OE SERVICES INCIDENT TO TAUNTON. Here is made known, in this writing, what services were incident to Taunton at the time when king Eadw'ard w'as quick and dead. That is first; from the land at Nine hides, the tenant renders to Taunton church-shots, and burgh-services, hearth-pen¬ nies, and hundred-pennies, and tithing for every hide eight pennies, ‘hamsocn’ and forsteall, ‘ gri^brice ’ and ‘ handfangene]>eof,’ oath and ordeal, ‘ fyrdwite’; and that he come to the ‘gemot’ as often as he is bidden, or some one be answ'erable for him. Dunna ‘ ]ac Eadward cing wajs ciicu dead- of 5am laiide aet Aeon. of Taa' laude- 'j of twam Cedeuon. lie geaf to ge- riliton V. circsceattas • heorS- penegas- Imndredpenegas- hamsocne forsteall- griS- hrice haiidfangeimejicof. a}i 7 ordel- |>ri\va secau gemot on XII. monjniin. ^ of Ea- Ibi'da Jia ilcan gerilitu. And EaldreS waes Jiaes biscopes manii of jiam lande aet Hele- ] dyde pe ilcan gerihta jiae ina^ dyde of Nigon hidon. And of Jiam fif hidon let Baggabeorgan iii. circsceat¬ tas. burgerihta- heorS- penegas. hundred penegas- ^ handfangene}ieof. a}; 3 ordel- hamsocn forsteall- griSbrice- ^ Jireo motlaejm un- gebodeu on xii. monjmm. Of Lidigerde i. circsceatt- -j call }ie geilcan gerihta ]?e ma® dyde of Baggabcorge. Of Hylle r. circsceatt. burh- gerihtu- heorSpenegas Imndrebpencgas- hamsocne ^ forsteall. gri^bricc -] hand- fangene)?eof. aj; ordel- -j iii. gemot on gcare- baton he hit gebiege o)i|ic gebidde. Of |iiere opre hcalfrc hide aet tivam Holaforda ii. circ- sceattas. call jue geylcan ge¬ rihta jic ma® dc5 of Cedenon. ' MS. of ta ii. was the bishop’s tenant, at the time that king Eadward was quick and dead, of the land at Aeon, and of Taa- land, and of the two Cedc- uons; and he gave as services V. church-shots, and hearth- pennies, and hundred-pen¬ nies, hamsocn and forsteall, gri5brice and handfangenc- J^cof, oath and ordeal, and I thrice inxii. months to attend ■ the gemot; and from Eaford the same services. And Eald- , red was the bishop’s tenant for the land at Hele, and did the same services that were done at Nine hides. And for the laud at Bagborough, iii. church-shots, and burgli- dues, hearth-pennies and hundred-pennies, and hand- fangene'Seof, oath and ordeal, hamsocn and forsteall, gri'5- brice, and three attendances at the gemot, without sum¬ mons, in XII. months. For Liddiard, one church-shot, and all the same services which arc done for Bag- borough. For Hylic, one church-shot, and burgh-ser¬ vices, hearth-pennies and hundred-pennies, hamsocn and forsteall, grihbricc and handfangenejicof, oath and ( ordeal, and three gemots “ Sic M.S. 484 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Dises ys gewitnes- Gisa bisceop. j ^Elfsie abb. • j Wulgeat abb., /Elfnod mynstev prauost. j Wulfwerd Wita- j Godwine Eadwies simu- j ^Imer j^ees abbodes broj^or. ^Igelric aet healf wege. -) Heardinc Eaduo^es sunu* •]) Garmimd. ^Ifric Tigel. •j Ordgar se wite. .iElfwerd Leofsunes sunu. Briclitric se calewa. Dodda aet Curi. ^Elmer Werl. ^ SaeAvold aet Iliacum, "j Wulf- ric aet Paules Ilele. j Eald- rcd aet Sulfherc. ■] Wulger aet Hiwevc. /EihvineWunge. yearly, unless he buy it or beg it off. For the hide and a half at the tAvo Holfords, ii. chiu’ch-shots, and all the same serGces that are done at Cedenon. Of this is Avitness : Gisa bishop, and ^Elfsie abbot, and Wulgeat abbot, and iElfnoth monastery pro¬ vost, and WulfAveard White, and GodAvine EadAvie’s son, and vElmaer the abbot’s bro¬ ther, and iEgelric at Half- Avay, and Heardinc Eadnoth’s son, and Garmund, and iElfric Tigel, and Ordgar the White, and ^Elfweard Leofsunu’s son, and Brihtric the Bald, and Dodda at Curry, and iEliner Werl, and SteAVold at Iliacum, and Wulfric at Paul’s Hele, and Ealdred at Sulfhere, and Wulger at HiAA-erc, and ^Eil- Avine Wuuge. FUL Her SAVutelabon ymb I }>a forcAAard ]>e Aveeron ge- Avorhte betAAUix )7am hirede on Wihgeraceastre Fuldre. is he liaebbe f land jet Ludiutune iii. gear, for J>am Sreom pundum ]>e he Ijende. ") pone bryce pe on pam lande DER. Here is made knoAvn concerning the compacts that Avere made betAAcen the con¬ vent at Worcester and Fulder: that is, that he have the land at Luddington, for the three pounds Avhich he lent, and the usAifruct of Avhat shall be MISCELLANEOUS CIIAKTERS. 4:15 beo III. gear, '-j bimion ]irym gearum agife li land ]iam hirede mid swa myclum swa se hired him on hand settc- f synd XII. Jicowe men. -3 ii. gesylhSe oxan. -) i. hund sceapa. -j half hundred foSra comes. And se ^e |ias fore¬ ward tobreke- he gewurSe hit him najfre forgifen. ac beo he fordemed into helle wite- j )i?er mid deofle wnnige oh to domes dnege. on that land, for iii. years, and in three years that he give back the land to the con¬ vent with as much as the con¬ vent gave him in hand; that is, XII. serfs, and ii. plough- oxen, and one hundred sheep, and a half hundred fothers of corn. And whoever shall break these compacts, be it never forgiven him, but be he condemned into hell-torment, and there dwell with the devil till doomsday. EARL WALTHEOF. M.LXVI.-M.LXIX. Godgiuc vidua dedit Sancto Petro, in loco qui dicitur Burch, duas villas, Righale ct Beolmesthorp, pro redemptione animte suae, per consensum regis .iRduuardi. Postea accejiit eam Siuuardus comes in conjugio; post tempus non multum mortua est, et deprecatus est Siuuardus comes abbatem Leof- ricum et fratres, ut quamdiu viveret posset habere siqira- dictas villas; et post illius decessum reverterentur ad monas¬ terium. jMortuoque Siuuardo comite, facta est conventio ante regem /Eduuardum inter Waltheof, filium supradicti comitis, ct Leofricum abbatem, et accepit ipse Waltheof v. marcas auri, tali tenore, ut ipse Waltheof haberet Righale in vita sua, ct Beolmesthorp quieta remansit in monasterio Sancti Petri, per jussionem regis /Eduuardi. FIoc actum est ante regem publice: sed post mortem regis fracta est con¬ ventio ab ipso Walthcofo. Sed postea, poenitentia ductus, veniente ipso ad monasterium prjefatum, concessit ambas terras Sancto Petro, eo tenore, ut ipse quamdiu viveret teneret; ct post obitum illius ambas simul in monasterio dimitteret; nce ipse aliiiuoinodo istam conventionem frangere, 2 F 2 436 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEKS. nec terras proprio reatu perdere^ potest. Sed si quis istud instinctu diabolico evertere cupit, sciat se excommunicatum cum ipso diabolo in inferno mercedem accipere. Fiat, Fiat. THE PRIOR AND BROTHERHOOD OF BATH. AGREEMENT WITH S*EWI AND THEODGYEU. Her swutelaj» on )nsse Cristes boc J>a forewordan J>e ];e prior on Ba)?an ealle ]>a gebrojjran habba]> gemaked wiS Ssewi q wi); peodgyfu his wif. ^ is ^ we haljba]? heom geunnen. of Godes healf* j of S. Mar. ■ -j of See Petres. q of nre- \>a. bro}»err?eddene )?a bedraeddene for life q for de]je- q gelsend heom f land of j7aere straet )7e ure waes. heore bus on to rymende- )ja hwile )7e In libl)ejj. hi us )?ar togenes gife)? -jj hi us hyrsumien wyllej; q liolde beon- mid eallan ]>am ]?e hi magan cunnen* q aefter heore tweire daeie- Saewies q Deodgyfe- hi gyfe)? heore bus heore land -) nre Criste q See Petre- to jjam ■p me hi fajgere underfo- q holdlice for heore sawlabeo. Her is to gewitnesse- Osward preost- q Mdll. ^e cleYec- q Hugo |je portgerefe- q Beor- j ing- q Leoffric- q Hea)>e- ^ wulf- q Burehhard- q AVylwi- i Here is made known, in this Christ’s book, the agree¬ ment which the prior of Bath and all the brothers have made with Saewi and with Theodgyfu Ids wife. That is, that we have granted to them, on behalf of God, and of S' IMary, and of S' Peter, and of ourselves, brotherhood and tabling, for life and for death, and have bestowed on them the land of the road that was ours, on which to enlarge their house, as long as they live. And they give us on their part, that they will obey and be faithful to us, in all that they may and can; and after the day of them both, S?ewi and Theodgyfu, they give their house and their and our land to Christ and S' Peter, in order that they may be worthily and kindly re- j ceived, for their souls. Hereof I is to witness: Osward priest, i and M'illiam the clerk, and MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 4.'57 Geosfrsei- .^It'word ]>e ] Hugo the portreeve, and sinij?- 3 Edwi ^redes smie* Beoring, and Leofrie, and '-j RoSS. pe Frenceisee. Heathewulf, and Burehhard, and Wylwi, and Geoffrey, and Halfword the snaith, and Eadwi the Red’s son, and Robert the Frenchman. PRIVILEGIUM OSBERNI, EXONIENSIS EPISCOPI, DE PUL¬ SANDIS CAMPANIS, MONACHIS SCI NICHOLAI CON¬ CESSUM. Wita "Sa )>e nu beoS* 5a te cumene sy. p&t ye Osbern Execestre biscop gef leaua 5am munche on SancteNicho- laus minstre to hringinde hyre tyde be dage be nihte. hvvanne hi efre willat. swa swa belimpb to hire andeber- nisse* bute an Cristes masse- niht. giestcr sunneue- Sancte Petres and Paules massedme. And |jeos leaua j?urch hyre abbed Henri- to foran him his munchun- to foran eallum mynum canunclie innan minum ca- pitule- of myne •;) hyre ealre helf swa fastlice ys ysett- pat nan man after );ys ^as yset- tinge undon ne mage. And for )?yse leaue- twygys elce gere- I’at is an Palmsunnen- deg- j Cristes upstigan deg- to processiun mid jjani ca- nunchc hy gan sceule. Know those who now arc, and those who are to come, that I Osbern, bishop of Exeter, give leave to the monks of S‘ Nicholas’ mo¬ nastery to ring their hours by day and by night, when¬ ever they will, as belongs to their i-egulation; except on Christmas night, and Easter Sunday eve, and S* Peter’s and S‘ Paul’s mass-day. And this leave through their abbot Henry, and before him and his monks, and before all my canons in my chapter, is of my and all their part so firmly established, that no man after this establishing may undo it. And for this leave, twice every year, that is, on Palm Sunday, and Christ’s Ascension-day, they shall go in procession with the canons. 438 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. ORDRIC TREASURER OF ST. EARMUXD’S. Dis forward was makid wid Ordric liordere. pat is |>at aelc man in See Ead- mundesbyri husfast on his owe land sal gifen to ]7e hale- genes bideripe* ]>e hordor on peni at PeteiTnasse ongin- ninge heruest- an sea );at sit on oderes land sea sceal gifen oan halpeni. for j^at he aalle scoldcn sceren be halegenes com. Fram j^is sceal uaefre no maen besej^r butou Sancte Eademundes J^ewes- -j sea cnytes agenn ure^* and ]>& preostes inne J^eo singen at ]>o wyuedes. God seonde heore frieond ]>e worden Sancte Eudiuund. This compact was made with Ordric treasurer. That is, that every man in S* Ead- mundsbury, holding a house on his own land, shall give, on the saint’s ‘ bederip ’to the treasurer one penny at Petermass, at the beginning of harvest; and he who re¬ sides on another’s land shall give one halfpenny, or else they should all cut the saint’s corn. From this no one shall ever be exempt, save S* Ead- mund’s serfs, and our own servants, and the priests there who sing at the altar. God be the friend of them who honour S' Eadmund. KING WILLIA-M THE CONQUERUl!. Willelm cyngc gret i calle miue )?egenas on Eofer- wicscire. Frencisce Englisce frcondlice. ic cybe eow p ic hsebbe gegyfen See lohanne set Beuerlic sac socna ofer eallum ]jam landum ]>e wferon gyfene on ^Edwaerdes daeg cynges innto See lohannes mynsire- eac ofer ]jaem ‘ Conijjulsorv reaping. * MS. agon mire : the I king AViiliam greet all my thanes in Yorkshire, French and English, amicably. And I make known to you that I have given to S' John at Beverley sac and socn over all the lands which were given in the day of king Eadward to S' John’s monastery, and also over those lands which sense is iloublt'iil to me. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 439 landum 'Se Ealdred aerce- biscop hsefS si'bfjan begitan on minan dagan ):>ider inn. on witword oSSe on caupland* beo hit all freo wiS me ^ wiS segbwilcnm men. butan Sam biscope 'j Sam mynster preosten. ^ ne beo nan man swa deort J;e hit undo f ic hcbbe gecySet Criste See lolianne. ic wylle 'baer beo aefre mynsterlif ^ canonica samnung Sa hwile Jjc aenig man leofaS. Godes bletsunge beo mid callum cristenum mannum Se filstaS to );c.s lial- gan weordscipe. Amen. archbishop Ealdred has since acquired for it, in my days. In ^ witword^ or in ' caup- land’ be it all free, as regards me and every man, save the bishop and the monastic priests. And let no man be so bold, that he undo what I have declared to Christ and S* John. And I will that there ever be monastic life and canonieal eongregation while any man lives. God’s blessing be nuth all Christian men who promote the honour of the saint. Amen. KING WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Dis mycel is gegolden of ]>aere cyrieean* W. cyningc- sy'b'San he ]hs land ahte* wiS- ntan |)am hidgelde. )7C nan man wiSutan Gode aiiuin atellan ne msg. D?et is ferest. of ))am mscene. ]7c is oSre namon hrygilebuc ge- eleopad- x. pund- q of ]?am XV. lu’odan vi. marc, q of }?am oSran sescenc. q of )7am hlfefle. q of l^rnre crucan. q of }7am hnaepfe xi. marc, q of }78erc hlangan serine viii. This much has been paid by the church’ to king Wil¬ liam, after he possessed this land, without the hide-gild, which no man but God alone may tell. That is first: from the flagon, which is by an¬ other name called luygile- buc, X. pounds, and from the XV. roods VI. marks, and from the other flagon, and from the cup, and from the jar, and from the bowl xi. marks, and from the long * Gf Worcester. 440 MISCELLANPXU'S CIIAKTERS. puiici. j of |;am iii. lioriian III. marc- j of J>am candel- sttefe X. puiul. j of |7tere haecce xxxiii. marca. -j ];ferto eakan xl. marca. -j sixte half marc goldes. chest VIII. pounds, and from the III. horns iii. marks, and from the candlestick x. pounds, and from the crosier XXXIII. marks; and thereto in addition xl. marks and sixty half-marks of gold. I)E ClIUSCEATTO. De Cirisceatto dicit vicecomitatus, quod episcopus de omni terra que ad ecclesiam suam pertinet, debet haberi in die festivitatis Saneti Martini, unam summam annone, qualis melior creseit iu ipsa tcira, de unaquaque hida libera et villana. Et si dies ille fractus fuerit, ille qui retinuerit reddet ipsam summam, et undecies persolvat; et ipse episcopus acci¬ piat inde forisfacturam qualem ipse debet habere de terra sua. ^ De cirisceato de Perscora dicit vicecomitatus, quod illa ecclesia de Perscora debet habere ipsum cirisceattum de omnibus ccc. hidis, scilieet de unaquaque hida, ubi francus homo manet, unam summam annone, et, si pliu’es habet hidas, sint libere. Et si dies fractus fuerit, in festivitate Sancti Martini, ipse qui retinuerit det ipsam summam, et undecies persolvat abbati de Perscora, et reddat forisfactu¬ ram abbati dc M estminstre, quia sua terra est. COMMEMORATIO PLACITI INTER MXLFSTAN EPISCOPUM ET AVALTERUM ABBATEM DE EOAXSHAM. Ilee commemoratio placiti, quod fuit inter AV. episcopum et AValterum abbatem de Eovesham : hoc est, quod ipse epi- seopus reclamabat super ipsum abbatem sacam, et socam, et sepulturam, et circsceat, et requisitiones, et omnes consue¬ tudines taeiendas ecelesim AVigoruensi in hundredo de Os- waldeslaive, et gcldum regis, et servitium, et expeditiones in terra et in mari, de xv. hidis de Hantoua, et de iiii”'' hidis de MISCELLANEOUS CIIAKTERS. 441 Benimigewrde, quas debebat abbas tenere de episcopo, sicut alii feudati ecclesiae ad omne debitura servitium regis et epi¬ scopi libere tenent. De liac re fuit magna contentio inter episcopum et abbatem, qui abbas diu resistens injuste hoc defendebat. Ad ultimum tamen haec causa ventilata et dis¬ cussa fuit per justitiam, et breve et preceptum regis Willelmi senioris, quod misit de Normannia, in presentia Gosfridi Con- stantiensis episcopi, cui rex mandaverat ut interesset predicto placito, et faceret discernere veritatem inter episcopum et abbatem, et fieri plenam rectitudinem. Ventum est in cau¬ sam. Conventus magnus factus est in Wirecestra vicinorum comitatuum et baronum ante Gosfridum episcopum. Dis¬ cussa est res; facta est supradicta reclamatio W. episcopi super abbatem. Abbas hanc defendit, episcopus legitimos testes inde reclamavit, qui tempore regis Edwardi hoc vide¬ rant, et predicta servitia ad opus episcopi susceperant. Tan¬ dem ex precepto justitiae regis, et decreto baronum, itum est ad juditium; et quia abbas dixit, se testes contra episcopum non habere, judicatum est ab optimatibus, quod episcopus testes suos nominaret, et die constituta adduceret, et per sacramentum dicta episcopi probarent, et abbas quascunque vellet reliquias afferret. Concessum est ab utraque parte. Venit dies .statuta. Venit episcopus W. et abbas Walterus, et ex precepto Gosfridi episcopi; affuerunt barones qui inter¬ fuerant priori placito et juditio. Attulit abbas relliquias, scilicet corpus Sancti Eeguuini. Ibi affuerunt ex parte epi¬ scopi probabiles personm, paratae facere predictum sacra¬ mentum, quarum unus fuit Edricus, qui fuit, tempore regis Edwardi, stermannus navis episcopi, et ductor exercitus ejus¬ dem episcopi ad servitium regis; et hic erat homo Rodberti Herefordensis episcopi, ea die qua sacramentum optulit, et nichil de episcopo W. tenebat. Affuit etiam Kinewardus, qui fuit vicecomes Wirecestrescire, qui hoc vidit, et hoc testa¬ batur. Affuit etiam Shvardus dives homo de Scropscyre, et Osbernus filius Ricardi, et Turchil de Warewicscyre, et multi alii seniores et nobiles, quorum major pars jam dormiunt. Multi autem adhuc superstites sunt, ipii illos audierunt, et adhuc midti de tempore regis Willelmi idem testificantes. 442 xMISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. Abbas autem videns saeramentum et probationem totam paratam esse, et nullo modo remanere si vellet recipere, ac¬ cepto ab amicis consilio, episcopo demisit sacramentum, et totam querelam recognovit, et omnem rem sicut episcopus reclamaverat, et inde, concordiam se facturum cum episcopo, conventionem fecit. Et inde sunt legitimi testes apud nos, milites, homines Sanctae INIariae, et episcopi, qui hoc viderunt et audierunt, parati hoc probare per sacramentum et bellum contra Eannulfum fratrem ejusdem Walter! abbatis, quem ibi viderunt, qui cum fratre suo tenebat illud placitum contra episcopum, si hanc conventionem negare voluerit, factam inter episcopum et abbatem. Habemus etiam saeri ordinis viros, sacerdotes et diaconos, paratos illud affirmare juditio Dei. ^ Willelmus rex Anglorum V. vicecomiti, et Osberno filio Escrop, et omnibus Francis et Anglis de Wiriceastrescyrc, salutem. Volo et precipio, ut episcopus Wt. ita pleniter habeat socam, et sacam, et servitia, et omnes eonsuetudines ad suum hundred, et ad terras suas pertinentes, sicut melius habuit in tempore regis Edvvardi; et de terris quas ipse diratiociuavit abbatem de Eovesham de suo feudo tenere, scilicet 1111“'^ hidas ad Benninguurde, et domos in civitate, precipio, ut, si abbas illas vailt habere, sibi inde serviat, sicut alii sui feudati. Et de xv. hidis de Hantona, unde episcopus diratiocinavdt socam, et geldum, et expeditionem, et cetera mea servitia ad suum hundred, et cirichescot, et sepultm’am ad suam villam pertinere, precipio, ne ullus ei contra teneat, sed sic habeat omnia de illis ad meum opus et suum, sicut coram Gosfrido episcopo, et coram vobis, secundum meum preceptum, testante vicecomitatu, diratiocinatum et juratum est, teste ipso Gosfrido ei)iscopo et R. de Ivereio. INDICIUM DONATIONIS yECCLESIxE WESTBYRI/E, QUAM WLSTANUS EPISCOPUS USIBUS MONACHORUM HUJUS HCCCLESI.E DEDIT. M.XCIH. ^ Largiente gratia Salvatoris nostri Domini Jesu Christi MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 4RI ego Wlstaiius Uuigornensis aecclesise Prelatus antistes, £ec- clesiam sitam in villa que vocatur Uuestbiria, a beato Osuuaklo quondam constructam, et terris et opibus et monaebis ibidem Deo servientibus honorificenter jampridem ditatam, postea vero a piratis devastatam, et vetustate et praepositorum negli- gentia destructam, ad laudem ipsius Domini et Redemptoris nostri Jesu Cliristi, ejusque sancte genitricis Mariae omirium- que apostolorum, studui reparare. Et quia terra qufe jure ad aecclesiam pertinebat, impedita et direpta erat a laicis hominibus, inito congruenti consilio, auxilio bonorum homi¬ num, partem praedictae terrae, legali jure recuperatam, partem pecunie meae redemptam praetio, juri et ditioni aecclesiae restitui, scilicet, ii. liidas et dimidiam liidam et dimidiam virgam in Uuestbiria, partem etiam terrae quae concluditur ambitu ipsius monasterii, et vii. aeras terrae in orientali parte monasterii, partem quoque silvulae ^segraf, et xii. aeras prati, liberas dedi ab omni tril3uto et vectigali, omnique servitio regali et episcopali, pro remedio animae meae, et re¬ demptione animarum omnium episcoporum praedecessorum sive successorum meorum, quicumque hanc nostram elcmosi- nam illesam servaverint, aut in aliqua re augendo emenda¬ verint. Hanc libertatem ideo dedi, quia, hac terra excepta et libera permanente, omne regale servitium, quod de meis circumjacentibus terris jure debetur, expleri potest, et per¬ solvendum locavi et statui. Iu Heanbiria etiam, et in Ceor- latune, et in Uuica ii. liidas et dimidiam hidam, et xxviii. aeras terrae; eecclesias quoque in Ilenbiria et in Stokc, cum omnibus decimis, tam de frugibus quam de pecudibus sive de armentis, similiter liberas ab omni servitute regali et episco¬ pali, concessi, sicut semper liberae fuerunt ab antiquis tem¬ poribus. In Bereuuica etiam i. hidam et dimidiam hidam; et in Hieseldenc i. virgam liberam, preter regis servitium. Has terras, cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus silvis et planis, pratis et pascuis, aquis ct piscaturis, et ipsam aecclesiam, et ibi Deo servientibus dedi ad sustentationis necessaria, ipsumque monasterium cum omnibus rebus quibus illud ditavi, terris, ornamentis, ct ennetis ecclesiasticis ministeriis, Deo et Sanctae Mariae ad Uuigornenscni ecclesiam, utilita- 444 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. tibus mouacliorum, qui ibi Deo serviunt, in sede episcopali deserviendum dedi. Hujus donationis legitimam sponsionem, consilio et testimonio meorum bonorum hominum et ami¬ corum fidelium confirmavi, offerens illud super altare Sanctae Mariae, die nativitatis ipsius sanctae et intemeratae virginis et Dei genitricis, anno Dominicae incarnationis m.xciii., regni autem regis M^illelmi junioris v.. Ordinationis meae xxxi. anno, eodem die completo, Indictione i.; desiderans et adju¬ rans, ut haec possessio et confirmatio firma et stabilis in aeternumj ad usus monachorum in Uuigornensi aecclesia Deo servientium permaneat, prohibens pontificali nostra et divina auctoritate, ne quis hoc violare presumat. Si quis vero, diabolioie cupiditatis instinctu, hoc infringere presumpserit, exterminatus ab aeterna caelesti hereditate, consors factus pro¬ ditoris Judae, nisi in via satisfactionis redierit, perpetualiter crucietur exitialibus flammis Gehennae, anathematizatus cum angelis Satanae, sine fine luiturus pceuas presumptiouis sue. Hujus donationis et confirmationis testes hi sunt: Thomas prior, cum fratribus Uuigornensis aecclesiae. Alricus archidiaconus. Ordricus dapifer. Frethericus capellanus. Alfwinus filius Berhtmari. Alfuuinus presbiter. Alricus camerarius. Aldredus. Alstanus cunestabula. Mauricius Freauuinus clerici episcopi. EXCOMMUNICATIO CUNCTA SUPRADICTA CONCLUDENS. Cuncta namque mortalia, velut umbra tenuis, veloci fine recedunt, ideoque quae in laude Dei geruntur, necesse est ut litterarum seriei commendentur. Quapropter ego supplex Wlstanus, hujus sancti locelli custos et presul, elemosinas terrarum, a Christicolis huc collatas, in unum coaugmentare feci, ne a succedentibus oblivioni tradantur, veritus, quia humana cupiditas, prona in malum, plus ea quae mundi, in maligno positi, quam quae Dei sunt amplectitur. Hanc cupi¬ ditatem, ut stercora, reiciens, cunctos Deum obtestor amantes, quo nulla, Deo favente, a nobis conjuncta, iniquo turbare audeant conamine. Si autem quis, diabolica instigatus ma- MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 445 chinatione, haec audaci disper.issei’e stowe bold sy q getreowe- se )?e elles do- btebbe bim wiS Gode gemtetie- swa swa )^es curs swutelab. And I pray, and eke, in tbe name of God, implore, that every man earnestly take beed against tbis enrse, and be faithful and true to tbis place ; and whoever shall do other¬ wise, let bim have to account with God, as tbis curse de¬ clares. OF BISHOP WULFSTAN. Her geswutelab bu Wlstan bisceop becom to biscoprice. Beforan Gestihtiende URE DrIHTENE H.ELENDE q Xpe- to fultumiende jjtere eadigan ficmuan Sea Marian q See Oswaldes. Aldred bi¬ sceop terest gesette Wulstan bisceop to ciriewearde j^tcre ciricean on Wihgeraceastre- for bis claennysse q ftegrnm jieawum. ~j bine sy]?]ian wuii-So- don cyningas q eorlas j eabl- ormen. q rice q beane bine georne biddende [waeron] ■p be beom fore to Gode gejungodc • beore life q sawlebteleq rcste. And jitermftcr bine God ge- uferade he wearb prior q fteder ))ms bnfan ewebenan Here is made known bow bishop Wulstan attained to tbe bishopric. Before our Lord,the all- disposing Saviour, Christ, and with tbe support of tbe blessed virgin S*^ Mary, and S‘ Oswald. Bishop Aldred first appointed bishop Wul¬ stan as sacristan of the church in \Vorcester, for bis jmrity and excellent morals; and bim afterwards honoured kings, and earls, and aldor- men, and high and low were earnestly praying bim that be would intercede for them to God, for their life and soul’s health and rest. And there¬ fore God promoted bim so tliat be became prior and 446 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. mynstres. Betwyxs j^issum him gety]>ade Lcofric eorl. mid erndiinga Godj'fan his Tvifes. II. land. Blaekewpellan j Wulfweardig lea. ]ie •n seron bercafode ]7urh Densce men. “) Aviberwearde deman nt of )>am mynstre. SySiSaii ^Blf- gar eorl him begeat j geaf ^ land aet lekacnmbe. J^aer- fefter he waes sona to bisceope gesett gehadod. us is nu swybe earfoSe to gehreccenne hu Avel he j’one biseeopdom Gode likigende ^ ealliim man¬ num geheold gestihte. obb his lifes ende. ^ is twa ju’it- tig nintra. iiii. mon'Sas. •] III. wucan, SybSan ^Blfstan prior his broker begeat f land aet Lene. j aet Dunhamstyde. j aet pecesleage. And aefter );am ]>e he bisceop ivaes he begeat aet Willelme eyninge aet Cullaclif ii. hida landes. j aet iElfestnne xv. hida. j iMyttiin. ■j Eastun. -j twegen Unde lirycgeas. -j Penhyll. Grimanleah. j ii. hina wican- j hit eal to me his priore beteahte. ];e jione anweald aefter .^Elfstane underfeng. ■] gyt him mare geube. )?a mylue aet NorSwican. -j i. feorben dael landes. j?ierto [sume] * Jiara mnneeena eomoii to father of the above-said mo¬ nastery. During this time, eorl Leofric granted him, at the desire of his wife Godyfu, II. lands, Blackwell and Wol- verley, of which the monas¬ tery had been despoiled by Danish men and hostile judges. Afterwards earl ^If- gar acquired and gave him the land at Iccomb; and after that he was soon ap¬ pointed and ordained bishop; and it is noiv very difficult for us to relate how ivell he held and ordered the bishopric, pleasing to God and all men, until his life’s end; that is, two and thirty winters, and IV. months, and iii. weeks. After that, prior ^Elfstan his brother acquired the land at Lencli, and at Dunhamstead, and at Thatchley. And after he Avas bishop, he acquired, from king William, at Cnlla- elif II. hides of laud, and at Alveston xa . hides, and Myt- tou, and Aston, and tAvo linden ridges, and Penhill, and Grim- ley, and ii. peasant villages; and committed it all to me, his prior, who undertook the rule after ^Ifstan; and gave him yet more: the mill at Northwiek, and a fourth * [Same] is supplied from conjecture; the ]MS. i.s here too faint to he legible. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 447 grinclanne. )7a5t mynstre ajt Westbyrig ou Gleawecestre- scire. Daet mynster se halga Oswald jerur arterde. hit mid landum gegodade- }>a;r munekas gesette- ac hit wearh seftcr his forSsihe- ]?urh yfele- men ^ wiciiigas eall awest- swa }>aet }>a;r iiaes butau i. preost. se seldan maessan gesang. Ac syhSan se ar- wurSa bisceop Widstan to biscoprice feiig he hit eft ge- edstaSalade- hit mid reaf- iim lande gegodade- to See Marian mynstre be- teahte- J^eer mnnekas geloh- gode swa fela swa hit aheran maeg. oShaet hit gyt God geyee swa his willa si. part of the land; thereto some of the mynchens came to grind: and the monastei’y at Westbnry in Gloucester¬ shire. That monastery S' Os¬ wald erewhile reared^ and en¬ dowed it w'ith lauds, and set monks there; but, after his departure hence, it was bj'^ evil men and wikings all laid waste, so that there was but I. priest, who seldom sang mass there. But after the venerable bishop Mhilstaii succeeded to the bishopric, lie re-established it, and endowed it with rohes and laud, and assigned it to S' Mary's mo¬ nastery, and placed as many monks there as it could con¬ tain, until that God may yet increase it as his will may be. DE MINISTERIO CELLARII (CCENOBII sc/7. WIGORN.). Ad ministerium cellarii pertinet firma qne datur per annum. ^ In septimanam recipiet x. sextarios frumenti fannatos, et x. mittas brasii, et ii. sextarios pisorum et viii. pondera caseorum, et iiii. sextarios avene ad prebendam, et I. marcam argenti in coquinam, et ad servientes sex centos panes de grossa annona, et in festivitate Sancti Martini dabunt firmarii lii. porcos, valentes totidem horas, ad occi¬ dendum, vel totidem horas. ^ In Nativitate Domini dabitur de unaquaque villa que firmam dM, i. sextarius frumenti, I. sextarius brasii, i. sextarius avene, et xvii. denarii, x. ance, V. galline, ce. ova, et i. denarius ad bntirum. In Pascha 448 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. similiter, et contra ii. aucas i. agnus. In Assumptione et in Natali Sancte Marie, sicut in Natali Domini fiet. ^ In Quadragesima, pro caseo dabitur omni ebdomade i. sextarius mellis. ^ Ad pisces emendos in Quadragesima, de unaqua¬ que hida ^'illanorum dabuntur xii. denarii, et pro conductu nil. denarii. ^ Ad lac in coquinam, et ad pabula equorum hospitum, Tidbertuu, Lippard, et Herderewica. ^ Ad vasa et utensilia officinarum, mansure et domus quas possidemus in civitate. ^ Ad ligna emenda, Hinewica major et minor, et Wantesford, et Wrbenbala, et de prepositis qui firmant in festivitate Sancti Martini xii. solidi, et in tertia ebdomade Paschae similiter xii. solidi, et de supradicta marca argenti omni ebdomade iiii. denarii. ^ De Cliva, et Hallega, et Grimelega, et Fepsintun, tertia pars decumationis. ^ De Grimelega, et Hallega, et Bradewas, ligna iiii. navigiorum ad servientes in aula, in Natali Domini. ^ De Grimelega et Bradewas c. discos in Natali Domini, et in festivitate Sancte iMarie similiter. ^ De Stoca et Wlfward due vacce pingues ad occidendum in festivitate Sancte Marie. ^ Ad karitatem fratrum. De duodecim villis que firmant, scilicet Linde- rugga, Neweham, Bradewas, Grimelega, Croppetorn, Uuera- bire, Tetintun, Scepwast, Blachewelle, Segesbere, Cliva, Al- veston, dantur xii. sextarii mellis. De Wlfwarde ii. De Horselegaii. De Duuhamstude iiii. De Stoctune i. De dimidia hida de Scepwash i. sextarius mellis, et de supradicta marca argenti, omni ebdomade iiii. denarii. ^ Et molen¬ dinum ad Salewarpam. Et, ex dono domini Samsonis epi¬ scopi, et domini Teou aldi episcopi, decimatur vini tertia pars de Fladeberia, Rippelega, Saltemare. ^ Et sunt ad ministe¬ rium II. piscarie et dimidia, scilicet vEtsiesAvera, quam dedit nobis Walterus Pubere, secunda Scadeu ella, tertia apud Hal¬ lega, quarta apud Bevereburna, quinta apud Bevereie, dimidia apud Grimelega. ^ De molendinis de Cliva, xl. sticcae an¬ guillarum. De Herforte xxx. De Croppethorne xxx. De Salewarpa xxx. Ex dono domini^Teolwaldi episcopi, xx. solidi in Pentecoste, ex processione ad caritatem fratrum. * MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 440 DE RIBETFORDE. Simili modo^ villam^ quae Ribbetford dicitur, cujus villani captatorias sepes piscium et alias venatorias instaurare debita lege debebant, operaque nostra, ubicunque eis praecipiebatur, exercebant, prius Dani, post Turstanus Flandrensis monasterio vi abstulit, sicqiie ejus usque nunc dominatum perdidimus, ipseque non multo post et ipsam et omnem terram suam perdidit, exilioque multatus est. Sic qui parum Deo injuste abstulit, omnia sua juste perdidit. DE WITL^GE. Villani etiam, quae dicitur Witlaelige, Aldrcd episcopus ct Wulstanus tunc temporis prior, obtentu Edrici, cognomento Silvatici, presbitero ejus Earnwio praestiterunt, quam postea Rawulfus de Beornegia id monasterio et sibi abstulit; sed parvo post non solum illam sed etiam omnem suam terram perdens, carcerali eustodia multatus est, Deo sibi dignam ultionem reddente. DE GRIMMANIIYLLE ET EARESBYRIG. Ilas equidem villas, Grimmanhyll et Earesbyidg nuncu¬ patas, temporibus regis Eadwardi monasterio subjacentes, ct per iiicdicibile temporis spatium, jure et propria dominatione monasterii habitas et possessas. Urso vicecomes invasit, post¬ quam vicecomitatum .... susceperat. Extitit enim tunc ex parte ambitiosus captor terrarum fere ubicumque potuit, sed post modicum temporis per Dei misericordiam, semetipsum justius aliquantulum optemperavit. Cui denique villae supra nominatcE (ncc sine nimio timore) concessae fuerunt, ab bis, videlicet, qui tunc temporis res monasterii gubernandas habu¬ erunt. Nam illis ct valere et nocere, si vellet, potuit; atque hoc })lurimum ipsi metuentes, concesserunt, .... que ab illis * See pp. 2G2, 2G7. 2 G 4o0 MISCELLANEOUS CIIARTEES. habere vohiit. His itaque ipse suseeptis utens ut propriis, omne debitum seiudtium exinde tamen indefieienter persohdt regis. Nos autem bac de causa terris prenotatis, et, ut pre- monstratur, a sancto loco alienatis, has etiam nunc terras, quas diximus, litteris supponere curavimus, quoniam minus servitium, quam inde debetur, nos jam habere sentimus. DE ODDUNCGALEA. Erat quidam clericus, Kinetbegen vocatus, genere et sapientia clarissimus, et per totam hanc diocesin, bonitatis scientiaeque suae fama nominatissimus. Hic sepe veniens ad Goduuinum, virum venerabilem, et hujus monasterii tunc temporis decanum, terram unius cassati, quae ab incolis Odd- uncgalca dicitur, in usus proprios quesirit; cuique quod petebat minime denegare volebat (nam iUum strenuum mag- naeque prudentiae virum esse sciebat), concessit sine dilatione, ea tamen ratione, ut v. solidos pro eadem terra persolveret anni cujusque revolutione. Quam conventionem ipse, quam- diu vivebat, mente devotissima persolvebat: verum eodem subtracto ex bac luce, qui de ejus genere superstites fuere, hanc eandem terram sibi usm’pavcre, nec postmodum servi¬ tium aliquod pro eo nobis exhibere voluere. Tali modo bac terra caruimus, et servitio quod pro illa habere debuimus. DE CROHLEA. Tempore illo, quo Dani hujus patriae possessores fuerunt, villa, quae dicitur Croblea, a dominico rictu monachorum hoc modo ablata est, licet servitio aecclesie adhuc, Deo largiente, mancipata sit. Nam Simuud quidam, genere Danus, miles Leofrici, comitis IMercionim, possessor existens alterius Croblea, praedictae jam vicinae, ut illius generis homines erant soliti, nostre tunc propriae rillae dominatum avare cupiebat. Quam cum adipisci nullo modo posset, vi et potentia sua et MISCELLANEOUS CIIAKTERS. 451 domini sui^ eam tot damnis et placitis pejoravit, ut fere eam colonis destitueret. Hinc facto placito, precibus domini sui, predicti comitis, iEgeluuinus, prior istius monasterii, ei terram ipsam concessit possidendam vitm suae spatio, ea tamen con¬ ventione, ut pro ea ipse ad expeditionem terra marique (quae tunc crebro agebatur) monasterio serviret, pecuniaque placa¬ bili, sive caballo, ipsum priorem unoquoque anno recogno¬ sceret. DE STyEFFORDSCmE. Villa quae dicitur Suuinford, sita in Staeffordseire, et alim villae, sitae in Uuigereceastrescire, quae ita nominantur. Cient, et Terdebiggan, ad jus monasterii quondam pertinere domini Wlstani episcopi didicimus relatione, qui pius pater quo¬ modo adquisitae, et quomodo iterum ablatae fuerunt, boc modo sepius narrare solebat. Dixit enim quondam decannm loci istius exstitisse, iEgelsium nomine, nobilem valde et prudentem, tam in monasticis quam in secularibus actionibus, in tantum ut etiam inter consiliarios regis connumeraretur, et esset inter cos satis conspicabilis. Ilinc factum est, ut in divitiis et pecuniarum abundantia plurimos majoris ordinis precelleret. Unde et ab ipso rege Atbelredo lias prodictas villas emit cc. libris argenti in jus perpetuum monasterii, ipseque quoad vixit tempore eas possedit. Mortuo autem rege Atbelredo, facta est magna turbatio patrim, certantibus de regno Eadmundo filio ejus, et Cnut rege Dariorum. ]Ma- nente vero regni, ut jam dixi, discidio, defunctus est i])se ^Egelsinus decanus. Quo mortuo, quidam malignus bomo, Hlyic nomine, qui fuit vicccomcs in Staeffordseire illis tem¬ poribus, easdem villas invasit, et quia non erat qui justitiam sanctae ecclesiae faceret, regno utique, ut sepedixi, turbato, nec adhuc sub uno rege stabilito, a possessione bnjus monas¬ terii ipse Dei inimicus eas villas alienavit. Unde huc usque sub manu vicecomitis de Staeffordseire sunt omnes esedcni vilbe, licet (piaedani in liac vicccomitatu sint sitm. 2 G 2 452 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. DE WEREUUICSCIRE. Tempore quo Cnut, rex Danorum, hac patria devicta, vec¬ tigal importabile toti Anglorum regno imposuerat, ablatae sunt hae villulae in Uuareuuicscire a monasterii possessione, vi et fraude malignorum Danorum, quorum potentia eo tempore terrori erat indigenis hujus patriae. Nomina autem terrarum haec sunt: Ludingtun et Draeitun, et iii. hidae ad Lockeslea, et LappawurSin, et dimidia Mylekote. Constituerunt enim, ut siquid vectigalis ad iii“” constituti dici deesset, quisquis prius pecuniam pro ea solveret, ejus possessioni subjaceret. Hac calliditate inventa, quisquis aliquam terram de monasterio concupierat, pecunia data vicecomiti, vectigali refutato etiam satis tempestivo, quod male concupierat, pro libitu injuste rapiebat. Sed Deus hanc sui rapinam ahsque ultione non dimisit. Nam unusquisque eorum, qui huic fraudi operam dederunt, digna ultione percussi, aut lumiuibus privati, aut paralisi dissoluti, aut iri insaniam versi sunt, plurimi etiam semetipsos interfecerunt. Eo quoque tempore Eduuinus, fi’ater Leofrici comitis, isto modo invasit has villas, quaj his nominibus appellantur: Bikemersc in Uuareuuicscire, et Wicbald in hoc vicccomitatu, et alias de quibus jam diximus in Scropseire. Sed ipse diu hac rapina gavisus non est. Nam ij)sc non multo post a Grifino, rege Brittorum, ignomi¬ niosa morte peremptus est. Ad cujus xxx"'“” diem pius pater Wlstairus, tunc tempore prior hujus monasterii, et Wilstanus praepositus, qui postea fuit abbas Gloeceastre, cum venis¬ sent ad Alritune, expetentes terras monasterii, vix pratum solummodo ad Marnanclive adquirere potuerunt, villas vero nullo modo adquirere valuerunt; sed usque hodie injuste retentae sunt, quod Deus emendet cum sibi placuerit. ^Egel- uuius quoque, abbas Eoueshammii, prosperis successibus in tantum accrescens in saeculo, ut sub rege Willelmo seniore judex factus esset provinciae, cum dimidiam partem, quae ante a monasterio ablata fuerat, ipsius villae, quae Mylekota dicitur, ab ipso, qui eam possederat, suis ingeniis, ut solebat, adqui- sisset, instabat quantum poterat, ut etiam medietatem ejus, quae adhuc monasterio subjacebat, adquireret. Tandemque, MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. 463 adqiiisitis fautoribus quibusdam etiam ex eonsiliariis episcopi pecunia sua, spondens qiioque, se nominatam pecuniam uno¬ quoque anno pro ea persolvere, insuper etiam et ejus terrae medietatem, quae ante ablata fuerat, post certum annorum spatium, se promisit velle monasterio redintegrare, suorum precibus et consiliis victus, quievit episcopus. Accepta vero terra, abbas vix anno uno conventionem tenuit. Fracta autem conventione, et ipse morte multatus est. Post cujus obitum, ut jam diximus. Odo episcopus, frater regis, eandem terram, sicuti et omnes alias quas tenebat, preter abbatiam, invasit; sicque a monasterii dominio deviavit. MEMORIALE TERR/E DE OFFCOLM ALIENAT.E, POST QUO¬ MODO RESTITUTA EST PATEBIT SEQUENTER. Nobilissimi Edwardi regis Anglorum, ac Eadgytlie regine licencia testimonioque, venerabilis Egelwardus abbas G}aston., cnm tocius congregacionis sue consensu, prestitit Eadgytlie llemmingji relicte quandam villam Uffaculma nuncupatur, in diebus ejus tantum, et ipsa ei septem marcas auri in numis donavit, que eciam filium suum, eo quod mulier esset, coram comite Godewyno nniversisque majoribus provincic Exon., quod post illius obitum humum suam Sancta Maria non esset amisura, fidem abbati memorato cnm jurejurando dare precepit. Et ut hec convencio stabilis esset ac firma, sedecim ei tradidit vades ; Leauricum, videlicet, prefate civitatis epi¬ scopum, et Godewinum comitem ; aliorum vero vadum no¬ mina alibi pleniter scribuntur. Quo facto mox coram populo assistente, cartulas tres scribere j usserunt, quarum unam memoratus episcopus secum retinuit, alteram vero abbati, tcr- ciam autem mulieri tradunt, in quibus bec convencio et ex communicacio ista scripta est quam episcopus hora eadem coram omnibus fecit, videlicet, ut omnis per quem liec statucio violaretur, privaretur et ipse regno celesti, et infernalibus sub¬ deretur penis, nisi sese resipiscendo, ad penitenciam converteret congruam. Hanc igitur Walterus, cum sibi duxisset uxorem. 454 MISCELLANEOUS CHARTERS. didicit ab ea, quod prefata tellus sub tali sibi convencione esset prestita, quam et ipse postmodum multis coram tes¬ tibus ore confessus est suo, Sanete exstitisse Marie; attamen post ejus mortem, non prece, nec precio, nec vi illam ab eo abstrahere potuimus, donec eum Dominus infirmitatis fla¬ gellis corriperet; nam eum dies Sancte Nativitatis Marie illuxisset, celebris, ut assolet, et populus ex diversis partibus ad nostrum, orandi gracia, conveniret monasterium, affuit et ipse AValterus cum suis, quem statim die eodem languor im¬ mensus tetigit. Qui cum sese jam moriturum crederet, con¬ vocavit ad se uxorem*, fratrem, dapiferumque suum, et alios quamplures, quorum nomina penes nos habentur scripta, quos ad ecclesiam Sancte Dei genitricis cum ciroteca sua mittens, ut per eam, nobis preseutibus, sej^edictam humum quam diu injuste tenuerat, super altare quod in ea est, Deo ofterrent. Quod cum fieret, hora mox eadem, uuum ex nobis monachum ad eandem terram saysiendum destinarunt. Illis autem post hec domum revertentibus, ipsius gei’mauus frater ab eo quod fecerant si vellet concedere quesivit: qui cum se hoc velle fateretur, “ Accipe tunc,” iuquid, “ hanc cirotecam, quam ex tuis jussionibus Deo optulimus, et prioris manibus trade ”; adherat namque prior tunc ibidem una nobiseum omnibus. Quod cum fecisset, tunc eciam et duo aurea fe¬ retra, que jam defuncta femina cum supradicta tellure nobis promiserat, reddidit. Sequenti vero nocte mittens ad nos, semel ac secundo et tercio, monachicum habitum obnixis pre- cilnis sibi dari petiit: cujus precibus tandem devicti, ad ejus hospicium usque perreximus; attamen antequam eum habitu mouachico induere voluimus, ab ipso inquirere cepimus, si monachus fieri vellet; et si nobis verbis respondere non posset, saltem labia moveret pro signo, et pugnum suum clauderet. Qui cum hoc perfecisset, cepit eciam ad se, ut potuit, cucullum trahere. Tunc omnes astantes simul et uxorem ejus, si vellent coneedere quod eorum dominus fieret monaehus, interrogavimus. Illi autem omnes pariter flentes ut ullam mox’am pateremur, nos precari cepere, quia “ecce jam moritur ” in([uiunt. Hee vero ipsis dicentibus atque ^ .V second wife. MISCELLANEOUS CHARTEUS. 455 precaiitibiis, mius ex astantibus cum cultello accessit, et camisiam qua erat indutus per mediam cccavit. Nos autem deuicpie omui eum habitu mouacico induimus, cujus eciam comam detondimus, ad coronam fecimus; ejus vero capillos, si uecesse fuerit, adhuc ostendere possumus, quos tunc de ejus capite rasimus. Quo facto, nobis ad monasterium re¬ vertentibus, duos ad custodiendum illum fratres ibidem reli¬ quimus, donec die illuscesscente cum tranquillitate ad in- firmariam nostram deferri potuisset; non enim in nocte eum a loco suo movere voluimus, propter suam nimiam qua deti¬ nebatur infirmitatem. Ac vero ipse interim de infirmitate sua convalescens, et fratre eum suo rursus interrogante si habitus monacbilis ei placeret, respondit omni modo sibi placuisse; sed et gracias egit Domino quod illum sibi con¬ cesserat suscepisse. At sui contra, videntes quod convales¬ ceret, gavisi sunt valde, et timentes si eum amisissent, nun¬ quam se postmodum talem sibi dominum invenire posse, (quid plura?) projectis foras monachis nostris, et iterum suis eum induunt vestimentis, testes: IIid)ertus capellanus, Emma nxor Walteri, Raimierus frater ejus, Wluric dapifer. Ludo de Ucreto, lladulphus de Contivilla, et aliis {sic). PART II. WILLS. II. WILLS. ARCHBISHOP WULFRED, OSUULF ALDORMAN, AND BEORNTHRYTH HIS WIFE. DCCC.IV.-DCCC.XXIX.' Ic Osuulf aldormonn. I mid Godes gjefe* ond Beorn- dryS min gemecca. sella^ to Cantuarabyrg. to Cristes ciri- can jiiet lond setStanliamstede. XX. swuluncga- Gode allmebt- gum and jiere halgon gesom- uuncgae. fore liylite and fore aedleane ]?ses aeean and Jiaes towardon lifes for nncerra saula hela. for uneerra bearna. Ond mid mieelre eaSmodnisse biddab Jiict wit moten bion on jiem gemanon }?c jiser Godes Jiiowas siondan- ■3 )ia menu ]ia Jifer blafordas wieron^- )iara monna be liiora lond to ]>8ere cirican saldon. Ond jiiettse mon unee tide ymb tuaelf monab mon geuueorbiae on godcundum gddiim and eae on ?elmcssan siipe mon liiora doe’b. * See p. 96. ^ That is, at Christchurch. The arclibi.shops. On this subject see pp. (i4 sq. Osulf, by the grace of God aldorman, and Beorn- tlirytb my consort, give to Christ’s church at Canter¬ bury the land at Stanstead, XX. suitings, to God Almighty and to the holy convent, in the hope, and for the reward of the eternal and future life; and for the health of the souls of us both, and of our chil¬ dren. And with great humi¬ lity we pray that we may be in the community of those who are servants there of God, and the men who there have been lords and of the men who have given their lands to the church. And that a tw'elvemonth after our time, there be given in divine goods and also in alms, as is done from their own. lords (lilafordas) arc probably the Lingard, Anglo-Saxon Church, ii. 400 WILLS. Ic )^onne Uulfred- mid Godes gsefe arcebisceop. j;as forccucedenan word fidliae- ■] bebeode J?fEt mon ymb tuaelf- moiiab hiora tid boega |>us geuueorSije to anes daeges to Osuulfes tide- ge mid god- cundum godum ge mid ael- messan- ge aec mid higna suesendum. pomie bebeode ic pae.t mon |>as }jing selle ymb tuaelf monaS of Liminum );e )?is forecuaedene lond to lim- pa '5 of |?aem ilcan londe set Stanbamstede- cxx. huaetenra lilafa. ■j XXX. clenra- ^ an briber dugunde- iiii. seep- ■j tua flicca. ■] v. goes, j x. benn fuglas- x. pund caeses- gif bit fugul dacg sie. Gif liit }>onne festen daeg sie- selle mon uuege csesa fisces butran aegera }>aet mon begeotan maege. ■j xxx. om- bra godes Uuelesces alob |7et limpab to xv. mittum. mittan fulne buniges. obba tuegen uuines ■ susebuaeder suae mon ];onne begeotan maege. Ond of bigna gemse- num godum J?aer aet bam* mon geselle c.xx. gesuflra blafa to ielmessan. for biora saula- suse mon aet hlaforda tidum doeb. Ond f>as forecusedenan susesenda all agefe mon )>sem reogolwarde. j be brytniae * Cleansed from the bran ? I now Wulfred, by tbe grace of God arcbbisbop, ful¬ fil these aforesaid words, and i. ordain that a twelvemonth after tbe time of them both, it may thus be, on one day, at Osulf s anniversarv”^, both with ditdne goods and with alms, and also with refection to tbe convent. Now I ordain that these things be given a twelvemonth after from the Liminges, to which this afore¬ said land belongs, [i. e.] from the said land at Stanstead, c.xx. wheaten loaves, and xxx. clean’, and one good ox, and IV. sheep, and two flitches, and V. geese, and x. hen- fowls, and X. pounds of cheese, if it be a fowl-day. But if it be a fast-day, let be given a wey of cheese, and of fish, butter, and eggs, what can be got; and xxx. ambers of good Welsh ale, which are equal to XV. mittas ; and a mitta full of honey, or two of ivine, which¬ soever may then be got. And of the common goods of the convent at the monastery, let be given c.xx. 'gesufi’-loaves, in alms, for their souls, as is done at lords’ tides^. And let all these aforesaid provi¬ sions be delivered to the rule- ward, and let him distribute • ’ See Lingard, ut suji. p. 65. WILLS. 461 swaj higum macst rod sie }7aem sawlum soclest. Aec mon ]7aet weax agaefe to ciri^ can. j hiora sawlum nytt ge- doe ]>e hit man fore doeS. Aec ic bebeode minum aefter- fylgendnm J?e ]>aet lond baeb- ben aet Burnan ])aet liiae simle ymb xii. monaS foran to l^aere tide gegeorwien ten bund blafa sw'aj feola sufla. ];a3t mon gedcle to aelmessan aet )7cre tide- fore mine sawlc Osnnlfes Bcorn|irySe set Cristes cirican. him se reogolweord on byrg gebeode foran to bivonne sio tid sie. iEc ic bidde liigon }iette bie )ias godcnndan god gcdon aet ]icre tide for liiora sawlum. Jiaet sogbwilc messepriost gc- singe fore Osuiilfes sawle twa messau. twa fore Beorn]n’y' 5 e sawle. •] segbwilc diacon arcde twa passione fore bis sawle. twa fore hire, ond segbwilc Godes {liow gesinge twa fiftig fore bis sawle. twa fore hire. )iactte ge fore weorolde sien geblitsade mid )iem weorold- ciindmn gddum. '3 biora saula mid ]icm godcnndum gddum. yEc ic biddo bigon }i:et ge me gcmyncn aet Jiere tide mid snilcc godcundc gddc suilec iow cyulic jiyncc; ic |ie Jias them as may be most advisa¬ ble to the convent and best for the souls. Also let the wax be given to the cbnrcb ; and for their souls do for them the useful wdiicb is [usually] done for them. Also I ordain to my successors^ who may have the land at Bouriij that they always, about a twelvemonth before that time, prepare ten hundred loaves and as many ‘ sufls ’, and that they be dealt in alms at that time, for my soul, and OsulPs, and Beorntbrytb^s, at Christ’s church. And let the rule- ward in the towui announce beforehand when the time is. Also I pray the community that they perform these divine goods at that time, for their souls: that every masspriest sing for Osulf’s soul two masses, two for Beornthryth’s soul; and every deacon read two Passions' for his soul, twm for hers; and eveiy ser¬ vant of God sing two Fifties ^ for his soul, two for hers, that ye before the world may be blessed with worldly goods, and their souls with divine goods. Also I pray the com¬ munity tliat ye remember me at that time with sncli divine Narratives of Christ's passion from the Gospels. A (Quinquagenarium, one of the three ilivi.sions of the Psalter. 402 WILLS. gesettnessc sette- ge hueder ge for higna lufon ge |:>eara saula ]7e liaer beforan hiora iiamon awritene siondon. Valete in Domino. good as may to yon seem fit¬ ting; I who have settled this settlement, both for love of the eonvent and of the souls of those whose names are here before written. Valete in Do¬ mino. .'ETHELNOTII EEEVE .VND G.ENBURG IIIS WIFE. DCCC.IY.-BCCC.XXIX. iEhclnoiS se gerefa to Eastorege y Gsenhurg his wdf arfeddan hiora erfe beforan Wulfrede areebiscope- ^Selhune his maesseprioste- j Esne cyninges j^egne* suae hueher hiora suae leng lifes were foe to lande to alre aehte. Gif liio beam hahSeh )7on foe aet® ofer hiora baega dagas to londe to aehte* gif hio ]?onne beam naebbe* j Wulfred lifes sie* ]7onne foe he to J>aem londe j hit for- gelde- -j ]7aet wiorh gedaele fore hiora gastes* suae aelmeslice ■;) suae rehtlice suae be him seolfa on his wisdom ge- leornie- j )?as wrece maeuig^ mon uferran dogor on naenge ohre haelfe oncaer reade si mynne suae ;|c ^ ^ jj; * * Dis gewrit hafaS * ^ .^thelnoth the reeve at Eastrj^ and Gaenhurg his wife have disposed of their inhe¬ ritance before Wulfi-ed arch¬ bishop, and ^thelhun his masspriest, and Esne king’s thane, that whichever of them live the longer succeed to the land and to all the property. If she have a child, then let it siicceed to the land and to the property, after the days of them both; but if she have no child, and "Wulfred be living, then let him take to the land, and pay for it, and diGde the worth, for their souls, as cha¬ ritably and as rightly as he of himself in his wisdom may learn. ************ ****H<******* * * * This writing hath * * * haebbe? * hit? ^ naeiiig? WILLS. 46:1 Disses loncls earan ]>rie sulong set Hegy^ejjorne» gif hiora o’Sra o^^a bsem suS forgelimpe biscop j^set land gebycge suse hie * J?onne ge- weor^e. Of this land there are three sulungs at Hegythethorn: and if one of them or both die, let the bishop buy the land as it may then be®. ARCHBISHOP WULFRED. DCCC.XXIV. In nomine altithroni Regis aeterni, ego Uulfred, gratia Dei arc.episc., de meis multifariis necessitatibus frequenti meditatione mentis meae cogitans; quapropter, pro remedio et salute animae meae, speque et amore futurae aeternique re- munerationis in caelis, illa devota familia, quae Deo Omni¬ potenti servitura est in Dorovernia eivitate, aliquam partem meae propriae hereditariae terrae, hoc est iiii. aratrorum quod ab incolis terre illius nominatur aet Sceldesforda, eum illa prata quae mihi ab eadem familia ante tradita fuerat, hoc est XXX. jugerum, post obitum meum dabo et concedo sivimet ipsis habendum feliciterque perfruendum in propriam posses¬ sionem, posterisque suis semper derelinquendum, qui cum gratia Dei ad eandem famulatum futmd sunt; et numquam haee mea donatio hujus terrae ab ista praedicta familia tra¬ datur, nec pro alia commutatur, nec pecunia venundatur; sed semper in posterum ad necessitatem istius congregationis, cum omnibus usis ejus in propria possessione permaneat, his notis terminibus circumjaeeutibus: In oriente terra regis quas pertinet ad Eastraege ; in meridiae Osberhting lond ; iterum in meridiae et in occidente terra quae pertinet ad Uuigincggaham; in aquilone vero Seeldesford et dimidium rivuli paludis; seu etiam eum illa mrmificentia hujus terrae omnibusque bonis quas illis fecerim. Postquam nostra com¬ munis congregatio per Dei gratiam facta est, ad istam meam familiam flagitabo ut me cum divinis spiritalibusque bonis semper memorare concedant, talemque adjutorium pro re- * hit ? “ Much of the foregroing tran.dation is conjectural. 464 WILLS. frigerio anime mem in elemosynis salmodiisque ac celebratione missarum faciant qualem illis videtur quod perficere possint. Aeque condicione interposita, hanc praedictam agellum do¬ nabo, ut omnia nostra acta et dicta a nobis ante condicta firma immutataque perpetualiter maneant et sem'per ad me¬ liora quod ad bonum condictum habuimus Deo auxiliante unusquisque augescere contendat. Insuper etiam illam ter¬ ram quod Cynehard diae, habuit, et ille mihi donavit, sivique in propriam hereditatem a regibus Ecgberhto et jEbeluulfo donata fuerat, hoc est lxxxv. segetum cum libello ejusdem agelli, ista praedicta familia in Dorovernia, post dies meos, pro nostrorum amborum animarum salute, donabo, hacque condicione, ut semjier vespere matutinaque tempore, quando fi'atres ad ecclesiam beati Petri apostoli ad consuetam can¬ ticum ingrediuntur, pro supplicatione animae illius, illud dominicum orationem ‘ Pater noster ’ decantent, seu etiam ilium curtem quem Dodda monaehus in monasterio habuit, et sivi in propriam possessionem optinebat post migrationem sps mei ae scio pro nostrorum animarum salute, hoc est mei Cynehardi et Doddan, huic eadem familiae ad proprium usum liberaliter feliciterque perfruendum concedo, ad quacumque utilitate ei placuerit, vel necesse fuerit sua propria bona intus condere valeant, vel ad refectionem civorum, quando alicui oportunitas vel necessitas temporis contigerit; seu etiam quando presbyter aut diaconus familiae illius corporali infirmi¬ tate gravatus fuerit, congruo honore ibi requiescere possit; pro haneque donate commoditate hujus villae istam meam devotam familiam rogabo, quod fideles remuneratores intei’- cessoresque animarum nostrarum apud omnipotentem Deum existere concedatis, hoc ipsumque posteris vestris observare perpetualiter praecipite. Ego Uulfred gratia Di arc.episc. Ego Ciolnoth divina gratia arc.episc. Ego Beagmund pf ab. Ego Uuerhard pr ab. Ego iEbelhun pr. *1« Ego Abba pr. Ego Ilunrcd pf. Ego Osmund pf. Ego Wigmund pf. Ego Badanob diae. Ego Heabcrht diae. .'Swulf diae. WIT.LS. 465 *i< Ego Brunhard pf. *i< Ego Osfere^ pr. .mmid pr .ferS pr. .wulf. .red. Dorso. Wlredus arcliiepiscopus dcdit fi’atribus ecclesio Christi Scealdeuorde et prata xxx‘* juger^ quse ab ipsis antea habebat, et agellum lxxxv. segetum, cpiem Wigardus dia- eonus ei donavit, et eurtem Doddae. Anno dccc°xxiiii. Ego Ciehus. ►{< Ego Ealheard. Ego Osmod. Ego Freo'Sogeard. EADWALD OSIIERING AND CYNETIIRYTH. DCCC.XXX. Dis is gebinge Ead- I waldes Osheringes q Cyne- iSrySe ESelmodes lafe aldor- monnes- ymb “Set lond et Cert. 'Se hire Ehelmod hire hlabard salde. Wes hit be- eueden Osbearte his broSar suna* gif he CyneSrySe ofer- lifde. q sibban neniggra mei- handa ma bes cynnes- ac hia hit atuge yfter hira dege swe hit him boem rehtlicast q elmestlicast were. Donne hebfab Eadwald q Cyne [bry b] bas wisan bns fundene- mid hira friandum. Gib Ead- weald leng lifige bonne Cyne- 'bry b- geselle et 'bem londe et Cert X. 'buscnda. gif he genite er bonne hia* his barna sue hvvelc sue lifes sie agefe bet feoh ond atee sue hit soelest sie for ^a hit begetau. Nis This is the agreement of Eadwald son of Oshere and Cynethryth relict of Jilthel- mod aldorman, concerning the land at Chart, which TEthelmod her lord gave to Her. It was beqiieathed to Osbert, his brother’s son, if he outlived Cynethryth; and afterwards to no more rela¬ tions of the family; but she might dispose of it after their day as miglit be most righte¬ ous and charitable for both. Now have Eadwald and Cyne¬ thryth devised this course with their friends. If Ead- w’ald live longer than Cyne¬ thryth, let him give from the land at Chart x. thousand; if he depart before her, let whichever of his children be living give and dispose of that H 466 WILLS. E^elmode enig meghond [ neor ^es cynnes ‘Sanne Ead- ■wald. his modar his bro^ar dohtar. mest cyn 'Set he Set lond hebbe his beorn yfter i him and sue ateon sue him nytlicas Synee for Sa Se hit mid reohte begetan. ►1« Ego CeolnoS mid Godes gefe ercebisc- j?is mid Xps rodetaene festnie write. Ego Delwald episc. cs. Ego Whelm, episc. cs. Ego Osmund pr cs. Ego ESelwald pr cs. Ego Biarnhelm pr cs. Ego Biarnheah pr cs. Ego Eardulf pr cs. Ego ESelmuiid pf abb. cs. Ego SefreS pr cs. Ego Biarnhelm pf cs. Ego Eadgar pf abb. c§. Ego Elfstan pf c§. Ego SigefreS pf cs. money as it may be best for those who acquired it. There is no relative nearer of kin to ^thelmod than Eadwald; his mother [being] his bro¬ ther’s daughter, it is most natui’al that he have the land, and his children after him, and so dispose of as to them may seem most beneficial for those who lawfully acquired it. I CeolnoS, by God’s grace archbishop, this with the sign of Christ’s rood con¬ firm and write. Ego Sigefreb af. dc. cs. Ego Ealhstan af. dc. cs. .af. dc. cs. Ego Cialbart sb dc. c§. Ego Wealdhelm sb dc. cs. ►iI>S. 4(!7 fratribus meis ibidem Deo servientibus, omnes terras infra Caneiam et extra, quas hactenus tenui, donante prefato arclii- episcopo, et consentiente predicta familia Christi. Precepit enim hoc mihi idem archiepiscopus ita facere, eo quod eas¬ dem terras ad opus jam sepedicte familie emisset, et cum magno labore adquississet, pro I’cmuneratione eterne salutis. Hsec autem sunt nomina terrarum quas reddo : Hergas c. et iiii” hidas, Otteford c. hidas, Gravenea xxxii. hidas, Burnan XLiiii. hidas, Oeswalun x. hidas, Bereham, quam idem archi¬ episcopus et monachi ecclesie Christi michi dederunt pro commutatione terre de Clive, xxxvi. hidas; unum jugum quod jacet in australi parte Limene, et ab incolis nominatur Lambaham, pertinet autem ad Burnan, et reddit xl. pensas casei, et agnos et lanam absque caseo; aliud jugum apud Northuuda, et reddere debet c.xx. mensuras, quas Angli dicunt ‘ ambres ’, de sale; marascos omnes in australi parte Limene et in aquilone cum prefatis terris devote reddo. Man¬ sionem quoque quaj est in aquiloni parte Doroberniae mmns, et clausulam quam Angli dicunt ‘ teage ’, que pertinet ad pro¬ dictam mansionem. Hanc autem redditionem ideo ex parte reddo, quia ijjse dominus meus archiepiscopus ita precepit michi, et in scripto quod ipse scribere fecit antequam infirma¬ retur de divisione rerum suarum, hoc idem notari precepit. In quo etiam scripto constituit elemosinam quam cotidie fieri precepit, in illis terris quas ipse adquisivit, pro anima sua et pro animabus omnium illorum qui ecclesie Christi aliquid auxilii impendissent, et hoc intentissime fieri precepit, ita ut diceret, inter Deum et sequentes nos archiepiscopos sit de facienda aut iicgligenda ista elemosina a me ordinata: apud Hergam v. pauperes, apud Otteford v., apud Clive ii., apud Gravenea ii., apud Oeswalun vii., in civitate Dorobernia vi., unicuique detur cotidie ad manducandum quod convenienter sit satis; et per annum cuique pauperi ad vestitum xxvi. denarii. Cotidie quoque precepit missam celebrari pro aui- mabus supramemoratorum. In anniversario suo precepit dari Mcc. pauperilms ad manducandum, cuique panem unum et cascum, aut lardum et denarium unum. Hoc est preceptuni archiepiscopi Wulfredi. Ego quoque Werliardus presbiter 2 H 2 4G8 WILLS.. concedo ecclesie Christi prenominate xxxii. hi das de patri¬ monio meo, quas dare possum cui volo, in civitate Dorobernia, pro salute anime mee et Wulfredi archiepiseopi, de patri¬ monio meo quas dare possum cui volo, nomine Hysc. Aliam quoque terram nomine Mesgeldesuurthequam Ceolnotlms archiepiscopus et monachi sepe nominate ecclesie Christi mihi dederunt, eidem ecclesie redono. Adhuc addo terram octo hidarum nomine Cuniland. Super hec xxx. hidas eum villa nomine Twitham, in provineia Middlesexan. Videant ergo fratres et domini mei monaehi eeclesie Christi, ut memores sint anime mee; quia libenti animo reddidi quod reddere debui, et quod meum fuit, devotissimo animo Christo contuli. EALHBURG AND EADWEALD. CIECA DCCC.XXXI. Dis sindan geSinga Ealh- burge j Eadwealdes et bem lande et Burnan. hwet man elce gere ob bem lande to Cristes eirican bem hiwum agiaban scel for Ealhburge- q for Ealdred- q fore Eadweald. 'j Ealawynne- xl. ambra mealtes* q xl. q ce. hlaba* I. -wege eesa* i. wege speees- I. eald briber, iiii. webras. X. goes. XX. hen fugla. iiii. fobra weada. q ie Ealhburg bebiade Eadwealde minem mege. an Godes naman. q an ealra his haligra. bet he bis wel healde his dei. q sibban forb bebeode his erbum to healdenne ba hwile be hit These are the agree¬ ments of Ealhburg and Ead¬ weald concerning the land at Bourne; That every year there shall be given from the land to the convent at Christ¬ church, for Ealhburg, and for Ealdred, and for Eadweald, and Ealawyn, xl. ambers of malt, and ccxl. loaves, i. wey of cheeses, i. wey of baeon, I. old ox, IV. wethers, x. geese, XX, hen-fowls, iv. fothers of wood. And I Ealhburg en¬ join Eadweald my son, in the name of God and of all his saints, that he will hold this for his day, and enjoin it thence¬ forth to his heirs as long as it 1 Mog'elwur'S. 3IS. Bodl. WILLS. 4()1) cristen se. ‘j suelc mon se •Set lend hebbe eghwylee sun- nan dege XX. gesuflra blafa to ^are cirican for Ealdredes saule 'J for Ealhburge. Dis is sia elmesse “Se Ealhhere be¬ head Ealawynne his daeliter et Denglesham. et iii. sulung- um elce gere* c. pen. to Cristes cirican Sem higum. suelc man se iSisses landes bruce agebe ■Sis fiah an Godes gewitnesse ^ an ealra his haligra. j suilc man sue hit awegc. ■Sonne se liit on his sawale- nas on Ses Se liit don het. is Christian. And let such man as may have the land, give every Sunday xx. ‘ gesufl’ loaves to the church, for Ealdred's soul, and for Ealh- burg’s. This is the alms that Ealhhere enjoined to Ealawyn his daughter at I Thenglesham: from iii. su- I lungs, every year to the ] convent at Christchurch, c. pennies. And let such man as may enjoy this land, give this money in witness of God and of all his saints. And such man as may avert it, he it then 1 on his soul, not on his who ! enjoins it to be done. ABBA REEVE AND PIEREGYTII IDS WIFE. DCCC.XXXV. Ic Abba geroefa cySe "j writan hate hu min willa ts l^fet mon ymb min serfe gedoe aefter minum daege. ^Erest ymb min loud ]>e ic hsebbe •] me God lab. ic aet minum hlafordum begeat- is min willa- gif me God bearnes unnan wille- j^ajt hit foe to londe aefter me- “j his bruce mid miuum gcmeccan. -j sio5- •San swie forS min cynn j^a hwile )>e God wille J^aet Seara {«nig sie londes weorhe sie ] land gchaldan cunne. Gif I Abba reeve make known and order to be written how my will is what shall be done with my inheritance after my day. First concern¬ ing my land which I have, and God has lent me, and I have obtained from my lords, it is my will, if God will grant me a child, that it succeed to the land after me, and enjoy it w'ith my consort, and my kin so on afterwards, as long as God will that there be any one of them that is land- 470 WILLS. me |;oniie gife'Se sie j^aet ic beam begeotan ne mege- Jjonne is min willa )?3et hit haebbe min wiif ba hwile )je bia hit mid clennisse gehald- an wile, min brobar Alch- here hire fultume- )?0et lend hire nytt gedoe. him man saelle an half s\mlung an Ciol- landene- to habbanne 'j to brucanne- wib ban f>e he |>y geornlicar hire ];earfa bcga 7) bewiotige. ^ mon selle him to bem londe iiii. oxan- ■j ii. cy. 7) L. scaepa. 7) anne horn. Gif min whf ]?onne hia nylle mid clennisse swae gebealdan • 7) liii’e liofre sie ober hemed to niomanne. )Jonne foen mine megas to bem londe- 7) hire agefen hire agen. Gif hire );onne liofre sie a ... . ynster to gangenne. obba snb to faranne. J>onne agefen hi twaegen mine maegas* Alch- here 'j ^belwald- hire twa bnsenda. 71 fon him to bem londe. 7) agefe mon to Liming L. eawa 71 v. cy- fore me. 7) mon selle to Folcanstane in mid minum lice x. oxan. ■j X. cy. ~} c. eawa. 7) c. swina- 7) hignm ansundran l. pend., wib |7an be min wiif \>ter benuge innganges swae mid minum lice swae siobban yferrau dogrc. swae hwaeder swae hire liofre sie. Gif higan )jonne worthy and can hold land. But if it be not granted me that I may beget children, then it is my will that my wife have it as long as she Avill hold it in cehbacy, and my brother Alchhere aid her and make the land useful to her. And let be given to him half a sulung in Ciollandene, to have and to enjoy, in consideration that he the more diligently attend to and watch over her needs. And let be given to him with the land iv. oxen and II. cows, and l. sheep, and one horn. But if my wife will not so hold herself in celibacy, and it be to her more desira¬ ble to contract another mar¬ riage, then let my brothers succeed to the land, and give back to her her own. But if it be more desirable to her to enter a monastery, or to jour¬ ney south, then let my two brothers, Alchhere and vEthel- wold, give her two thousand, and succeed to the land. And let be given to Lyminge l. ewes, and v. cows, for me. And let be given to Folke¬ stone, together with my body, X. oxen, and x. cows, and c. ewes, and c. swine; and to each of the convents l. pence, provided that my wife obtain WILLS. 471 obSe hlaford past nylle hire mynsterlifes geunnan* o^^a Ilia siolf nylle. ^ hire o^er bing liofre sie- jionne agefe mon ten hund pend, in mid minum lice me wib leger- stowe 'J higum ansundran fif hund pend, fore mine sawle. T ic bidde bebeode swaelc monn se Jiaet min loud hebbe. )?set be selce gere agefe bem bigum aet Folcanstane l. am- bra maltes. vi. ambra gruta- ■] III. wega spices "j ceses. j cccc. hlafa. 'j an hribr. j vi. seep, j swaelc monn sebe to rninum serfe foe- ]?onne ge- daele he aelcum messepreoste binnan Cent mancus goldes* 'j aelcum Codes biowe peild. 'j to See Petre min wsergeld twa jmsenda. And Freobo- mund foe to minum sweorde. agefe beraet feower busenda. T him mon forgefe beran breotene bund pending. And ! gif mine brobar aerfeweard gestrionen be londes weorbe sie. Jionne ann ic bem londes. Gif hie ne gestrionen obba him sylfum aelles hwaet ssele- aefter biora dege ami ic his i Freobomunde, gif be Jjonne lifes bib. Gif him elles hwaet I admission there, either with my body or afterwards, as may be most agreeable to her. But if the convents or the lord will not permit her a monastic life, or she herself will not, and another thing be more agreeable to her, then let ten hundred pence be given in with my body for a resting-place, and to each of the convents five hundred pence for my soul. And I pray and enjoin whatsoever man that may have my land, that he give every year to the convents at Folkestone l. am¬ bers of malt, and vi. ambers of groats, and iii. weys of bacon and cheese, and cccc. loaves, and one ox, and vi. sheep. And whatsoever man may succeed to my inherit¬ ance, let him distribute to every mass-priest wfithin Kent i a mancus of gold, and to every servant of God a penny, and to S* Peter my wergeld, two thousand *. And let Freotho- mund succeed to my sword, and give therefrom four thou- i sand; and let be given him be¬ sides thirteen hundred pence. And if my brothers beget an ‘ That is, 2000 thn-msas = 1200 shillings, the wer, or pecuniary value, of a thane, whether ecclesiastic or lay (maesse hegn or woruld fegn). In Kent, as in Mercia and E. Anglia, it appears that the hrjuns was a current nionev. 472 WILLS. ssele'S- l^onue aim ichis minra swaestar suna swselcum se hit genian ‘ wile him gife?!e bi^. ■3) gif jiaet gesele ]>set min cynn to ^an clane gewite* )7set ]ier jieara nan ne sie be loncles weorbe sie- ]ionne foe se hlaforrl to- ba higon set Kristes cirican- hit minum gaste nytt gedoen. An bas redenne ic hit bider selle jiset se moun sebe Kristes cirican hlaford sie se min "j minra erfewearda forespreoca and mundbora- an his hlaford- dome we bian moten *1^ Ic Cialuob mid Godes gefe sercebiscop bis write beafie- 71 mid Kristes rode- tacne hit fcstnise. i Ic Beagmund pr bis j beafie write. Ic Waerhard pr ah. bis beafie write. Ic Abba geroefa bis write festnie- mid Cristes i rodetacne. Ic ^dibelhun pf bis beafie “I write. heir who may be land-worthy, I then give them the land. If they do not beget, or to them¬ selves something else befall ; after their day I give it to Freothomund, if he be then living. If aught else befall him, then I give it to my sisteres son whichsoever will accept it, and it shall be given him. And if it happen that my kin so cleanly depart that there be none of them that is land-worthy, then let the lord succeed to the land, and the convent at Christchurch, and make it beneficial for my soul. On this condition I give it thither, that the man who is lord of Christchiu’ch be the advocate and protector of me and my lieii's, and that we may be in his lordship®. ^ I Ceolnoth, by God’s grace archbishop, write and consent to this, and with the sign of Christ’s rood con¬ firm it. I Beagmund pr. consent to it and write. I Werhard pr. abb. con¬ sent to it and write. I Abba reeve write and confirm this with the sign of Christ’s rood. *iiote gepicgaii r WILLS. 478 Ic Abba pr bis beafie -j ; write. Ic Wigmuiid pr bis write -j beafie. Ic lop pf bis beafie j write. Ic Osmund pr bis beafie ~j write. Ic Wealhhere diac. bis write J beafie. Ic. Badanob diac. bis Avrite -J beafie. Ic Heaberht diac. bis write J beafie. Ic Norbwulf subdiac. bis write ^ beafie. Ic Wealhhere subdiac. bis write 'j beafie. Ic Ciolwulf subdiac. bis Avrite J beafie. Indorsed. Heregyb hafab bas wisau biiiemiied ofer hire deg ofer Abban. bjem higum mt Cristes ciricaii of bsem londc et Ccalflocaii. bait is bonne bri- tig ombra alab- ") breo bund hlafa- beara bib fiftig liAvite hlafa. an weg spices ceses- an aid hribr- feower Avebras. an suin obbe sex AV'ebras- sex gos fuglas. ten henn fuglas. britig tcapera gif hit Avintres deg sie- scstcr fidiie huniges- scster fulne butran- sester fulne saltcs. And Ileregyb l)ibcadeb bem mannum be j efter hire to londe focn. on j I Abba pr. consent to this and Avrite. ^ I Wigmund pf. Avrite this and consent. I lop pf. consent to this and Avrite. Osmund pf. consent to this and AA’rite. I Wealhhere deacon AATite this and consent. Badanoth deacon Avrite this and consent. I Heaberht deacon write this and consent. I Northwulf subdeac. AA'rite this and consent. ^ I Wealhere subdeac. Avrite this and consent. CiolAA'ulf subdeac. AAU’ite this and consent. Heregyth has in this manner appointed after her day and after Abba’s : To the monastery at Christchurch, from the land at Challock, viz. thirty ambers of ale, and three hundred loaves, of Avhich fifty shall be Avhite loaves; one Avey of bacon and cheese, one old ox, foiu’ Avethers, one SAvine or six Avethers, six goose-foAvls, ten hen-foAA’ls, thirty tapers, if it be Avinter, a sesterful of honey, a scster- ful of butter, a sesterful of j salt. And Heregyth enjoins i the men Avho succeed to the 474 WILLS. Godes noma- ^aet hie ful gere witen 'Set hie Siss gelaesten Se on Sissem gewrite hinemned is Sem higum to Cristes ciri- can- and Sset sie simle to higum beodlese ^ ymb twelf monaS agefen. And se mann se to londe foe agefe hire erfehouda' xiii. pund pend- ingse- 'j bio forgifeS fiftene pund- for Sy Se mon Sas fcorme 'by soel gelseste. Indorsed in a more modern Anno Dccc°xxx“v°. land after her, in the name of God, that they be full well mindful that they perform this which is appointed in this writ for the convent at Christ¬ church : and that there be ever a table-gathering * for the convent after a twelve- month, And let the man who succeeds to the land give to her administrator' xiii. pounds of pennies; and she Avill give fifteen pounds, in order that this refection may be the better provided. LUFA. DCCC.XXXII.-DCCC.LXX. Ic Lufa mid Godes gefe ancilla Di wes soccende ^ smeagende ymb mine saul Searfe- mid CeolnoSes serce- biscopes geSeahte 'j Sara hioua et Cristes cirican- willa ic gesellan of 'Sem aerfe Se me God forgef '3 mine friond to gefultemedan- aelce gere- lx. amhra maltes- cl. hlafa- l. hwite hlafa- cxx. elmes hlafes- an hriSer- an suin- iiii. weSras- ii. waega spices -j ceses- Sem higum to Cristes circcan- for mine saule- 'j Lufa, by God’s grace handmaid of God, was seek¬ ing and meditating concern¬ ing my soul’s need, [and], with the counsel of archbishop Ceolnoth and the bi’otherhood at Christchurch, I will to give from the heritage which God has given me and my friends have helped me to, every year LX. ambers of malt, and cl. loaves, L. white loaves, cxx, alms loaves, one ox, one swine, IV. wethers, ii. weys of bacon and cheese, to the brother- My translation of this word is conjectural. WILLS. 475 minra frionda -j mega- ' 5 e me to gode gefultemedan. 'Saet sie simle to Adsumsio Scse Marie ymb xii. monaS. End sue eihwelc mon swe Sis lond hebbe minra serbenumena bis agefe- mittan fulne huniges- X. goes. XX. benfuglas. Ic CeolnoS mid Godes gefe ercebisc. mid Cristes rodetacne Sis festuie write. Beagmund pr geSafie mid write. BeorufriS pr geSafie ^ mid write. Wcalhbere pr. yESelwald diac. SwiSberbt diac. Beornlieab diac. diac. M igbelm diac. Lubo. hood at Christchurch, for my soul, and my friends’ and kinsmen’s who have helped me to good. And be that always on the Assumption of S' Mary, after a twelvemonth. And let what man soever of my heirs, who may have this laud, give this and a mitta full of honey, x. geese, and xx. hen-fowls. I Ceolnoth, by the grace of God archbp, confii’m and write this with the sign of Christ’s rood. Beagmund priest ap¬ proves and consigns. Beornfrith priest ap¬ proves and consigns. Osmund pf. Dcimund pr. Werbald diac. SifreS diac. ^ESelmund Ic Luba eaSmod Godes Si wen Sas force wedenan god- Sas clmessan gesette ■j ge- festnie ob miuem erfelande et hlundlingham Sem hiium to Cristes eirican. -j ic bidde an Godes libgendes naman bebiade Saem men Sc Sis land -] Sis erbe hebbe et Mund- lingham- Set he Sas god forS- leste oS wiaralde ende. Se man se Sis hcaldan wille- ^ lestan Set ic beboden hebbe an Sisem gewrite- sc him scald gchcalden sia hiaben- *{4 I Lufa, a humble hand¬ maid of God, these aforesaid goods and these alms appoint and confirm from my herit¬ able land at ]\Iundlingham to the brotherhood at Christ¬ church. And I pray and, in the name of the living God, enjoin the man who may have this land and this he¬ ritage at Mundlingham that he perform these benefits forth to the end of the world. To the man who will hold this which I have enjoined in this 476 WILLS. lice bledsung. Se his fer- werne o^S^e hit agele- se him seald "j gehealden lielle wite- hute he to fulre hote ge- cerran wille Gode -j mannum. Uene ualete. Indorsed. Lufe J^incg gewi’it. I writing, he given and holden the heavenly blessing. To him who refuses it or neglects it, he given and holden hell- torment, unless he will turn to full compensation to God and men. Bene valete. Indorsed. Lufe’s deed of gift. BADANOTH. DCCC.XXXVII. Ic Badano^ Beottiug cyho* 7) writan hato hu min wiUa is ^et min aerfelond fere, he ie et yEheluidfe cyii- inge hegaet gebohte. mid fullum friodome on tece terfe- .•efter miuum dege j miura serfewearda. het is mines wifes minra heai’iia. Ic wille ffii’ist me siolfne Gode allmehtgum forgeofan to Sere Stowe set Cristes cirican. min beam Ster liffest gedoan. wiib cild Saem hlaforde ■] higum Saere stowe befes- tan ober minne dei to fi’iSe to mundbyrde 7) to hlaford- dome on Saem Singum Se him Searf sie- 7) hie brucen londes hiora dei. 7) higon ge- feormien to minre tide swae liie soelest Surhtion megeu. 7) higon us mid heora god- cundum godum swae gemynen swae us arlic 7) him «Inieslic I Badanoth Beotting make known and order to be Avritten Iioav my will is that j my hei’itable laud shall go, Avhich I obtained and bought of king ^Bthelwulf, Avith full freedom, in perpetual inhe- : ritauce, after my day and my heirs’, that is my Avife’s and my children’s. I wiU first give myself to God Almighty in the place at Christchurch, i and my children most Avill- i ingly there place, and wife j and children commit to the lord, and to the convent and to the place, after my day, for peace aud protection and ^ patronage, in those things I that may to them be needful; ! and let them enjoy the land j for their day, and giAe refec- ! tion to the convent on my j anniversarA", as they may best perform it; and the convent WILI.S. 477 siae. 'Sonne ofer hior a dei wifes -j cilda- ic bebeode- on Godes noman- ^set mon agefe ■Saet lond inn bigum to licora beode him to brucanne on ece aerfe swae him leofast sie. j ic bid do higon- for Godes lufe* baet se monn se higon londes nnnen to brucanne- ba ilcan wisan leste on svvm- sendum to minre tide- j ba godcundan lean minre saule mid gerece- swae hit mine aerfenuman aer onstellen. Donne is min willa baet 'Sissa gewriota sien twa gelice- ober habbcn higon mid boecum- oSer mine aerfeweardas heora dei. Donne is bes londes be ic higum selle xvi. gioc aerbe londes -j medwe-. . all on aece aerfe to brucanne- ge minne dei ge aefter- swae to ationne swae me mest red 'j liofast sie. Ceolnob arc.episc. biss writo 71 festniae mid Cristes rodctacne. yElchhere dux biss writo 7) beafiae. so remember us with their divine benefits as may to us be honourable and in them charitable. And then, after my wdfe and children’s day, I enjoin, in the name of God, that the land be given to the convent for their table, for them to enjoy in perpetual in¬ heritance, as may to them be most agreeable. And I pray the convent, for the love of God, that the man to whom the convent grants the usufruct of the land, may observe the same custom of refection at my anniversary, and, at the same time, have care for the divine reward of my soul, as my heirs may previouslj'^ appoint. Now it is my will that of these deeds there be tw'o alike: one let the convent have with the charters, the other my heirs, for their day. Now of the land which I give to the convent, there are xvi. yokes of arable land and meadow, . . .all in perpetuity to enjoy, both in my day and after, so to dispose of as may to me be most advisable and agreeable. Ceolnoth archbp writes this and confirms with the sign of Christ’s cross. ^Elchhere dux writes this and confirms. 478 WILLS. *{< Btegmuud prb. ab. ^iss writo "j 'Seafise. ij< Hyseno^ pr ^iss wito j ^eafias. Wigmund pr Sui^berht diac. *J< ESelwulf. Badanob. Bsegmund presb. abb. writes this and confirms. Hysenotb pr. writes this and confirms. BadenolS pr. ^ Osmund pr. ^ Dyddel. ►!< Ciclius. Sigemund. Tile. ^ CjTieberbt. Ebelred. DUNN. DCCC.LV. In nomine Domini. Dunn hafa'S ) 7 as boc geseald liis Avife ■j baet land “Se Jjseran geAvriten is - anGodes est* Saet bio ha;bbe hire daeg ~j his bruce. j aefter hire dseg geselle hit- on ’Saes halgan apostoles naman See Andreas- 'Sam hirode^ in- mid unnan Godes j his halgena- for line buta -j ealle micre eldran^- butan hi hit mid unnan hiredes ofgan to rihtan gafole- swa swa hyt hy ge- Singian magan- butan selcen braede oSSe besAvice- hi Sonne se hired hit geearnian mid heora godcundnaesse ofer tw'elf monoS. -j stande simie mid CAAude seo boc on Saes hiredes handa. ' At Eoehester. “ From here to the end In nomine Domini. Dunn has giA^en this deed to his AA'ife, and the land that is therein AA'ritten, under faA'Our of God : that she liaA e it for her day, and enjoy it; and that after her day she giA^c it, in the name of the holy apostle Andrew, to the con¬ tent^, AAutli the permission of God and his saints, for us both and all our parents®, unless, Avith the consent of the conA'ent, they hold it at a fair rent, as they may settle it, Aidthout any fraud or de¬ ception; and then the con¬ A'ent earn it Avith their godli¬ ness, after a tw'elA'emonth. And let stand ev'er, AA-ith this bequest, the charter in the hands of the convent. the sense seems obscure. WILL8. 479 EALHBUEIl. DCCC.LX. In nomine Domini. Ealh- burh hafse]? geset myd hyre freonde J^eahtimga. p man selce gere agyfe ]?am hywum to Sees Agustine of f>am lande set Bradanburnan xl. ambura mealtes* j eald hry- ^er. nil. wej^eras. '] xl. j cc. hlafes. j ane waege spices ‘j cyses. nil. fo)^ro wudes* XX. henfngla. Swylc man se p land hsebbe j^a 'Singe agyfe for Ealdredes saule- j for Ealhbm’ge. } 7 a liiwan asingan selce dsege» sefter hyra ferse |?cene sealm for hia. Exaudiat te Dns. Swse bwylc man- swa J^is abrece. si he asceaden fram Gode "j fram eallum hallgum* j fram Jjan halgan were on j^ysum life, 'j on ecnesse. poh synt her aeft J>ara manna naman to gewitnesse )?isse gesetednesse. p is )>oh Drihtno}» abb. pr. "j Osmund prb- Aij^elred pr. Wynhere diacon. Beahmund. Cenheard. Hyse. Adda. Cada. Bearnfer)?. Bearnhelm. Eald- rcd. Ealhburh. Ealhwaru. Hoshere. Leofe. Wealdhelm. Dudde. Ofa. Ofe. Wighelm. Wullaf. Eadweald. Gif hit )joh swa gegaej:» swa we na ne wj'seaS. p hwylc brocon be- cume );urh lue|>en foie o}»)^e In nomine Domini. Ealh¬ burh has settled, with the counsels of her friends, that there be given every year to the convent of S' Augustine, from the land at Bradbourn, XL. ambers of malt, and an old ox, and iv. wethers, and eexL. loaves, and one wey of bacon and cheese, and iv. fathers of wood, and xx. hen- fowls. Let whatever man have the land, give these things, for Ealdred's soul, and for Ealhburh^s; and let the con¬ vent sing for her every day, after their hymn, the psalm ' Exaudiat te Dominus.’ Whatsoever man violate this, be he severed from God and from all saints, and from the holy covenant, in this life and to eternity. Now hereafter are the names of the men in witness of this testament. That then is: Drihtnoth ab¬ bot priest, and Osmund priest, iEthclred pr., Wynhere dea¬ con, Beahmund, Cenheard, Hyse, Adda, Cada, Bearn- ferth, Bearnhelm, Ealdred, Ealhburh, Ealhwaru, Hoshere, Leofe, Wealdhelm, Dudde, Ofa, Ofe, Wighelm, Wullaf^ Eadweald. But if it so happen, as we wish not, that any 480 WILLS. h^vylce o^re earfoj^nesse- ^ hit man ne mjege J^ses geres gelaestan. agife on o}>rum geare be tweofealdum. gif J^on git ne msege- sylle on ■Sriddum geare be bryfealdum. gyf he l^on git ne maege ne nelle* agife land bee )jam hiwum to Scse Agustine. affliction come through hea¬ then folkj or any other cala¬ mity, so that it may not be performed this year, let be given twofold in the second. But if it yet cannot be, let be given in the third year three¬ fold. If he then cannot or will not, let him give up the land to the convent at S'" Au¬ gustine’s. .ELFRED ALDORMAX Xp. Ic Elfred dux hatu writan j cybau an bissum gewrite- Elfrcde regi allum his weotum ■] geweotan- ec swylce minum megum minum gefeorum- ]?a men ]?e ic mines erfes ■j mines boc- londes seolest onn. ©set is |7onue Werburg min wif un¬ cer gemene beam. ^ is J'onne aet aerestan an Sonderstede on Selesdune xxxii. hida* on Westarham xx. hida- “j on Cloppaham xxx. hida* on Leangafelda vii. hida- on Horsalege x. hida- on Netelamstede vii. hida. Ic Elfred dux seUo Werburge Alhdrybe uncum gemenum DCCC.LXXI.-DCCC.LXXXIX. Xp. I Alfred aldorraan command to be written and made known, by this writing, to king .lElfred and all his ' witan ’ and witnesses, and also to my kinsmen and my ' intimate friends, those persons to whom I most gladly give I my inheritance and my ‘ hoc- land’. Now' these are, Wer- bui’g my wife and oiu’ common child. That is then, in the first place, at Sanderstcad and at Selsdon xxxii. hides, and at Westerham xx. hides, and at Clapham xx.x. hides, and at Lingfield aui. hides, and at Horsley x. hides, and at Nettlehampstead vii. hides. ' To this aldorman belonged the splendid MS. of the Gospels, in the Royal Library at Stockholm, described at the end of Rask’s Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with a facsimile. WILLS. 4S1 bearne. sefter minum dege» J>as loud mid cwice erfe- mid earSe- -} mid allum jjingum J>e to londum belimpa);. tAva tiusendu swina ic heom sello mid )jem loiidum. gif hitheo’ gebaldeS mid j^are clsennisse ]?e uncer word gecwaadu seoiidan. ^ liio gebrenge set Saucte Petre min twa wer- geld- gif ]?et Godes wille seo f>SBt heo f fsereld age. Ond sefter Werburge dsege seo AlhdrySe ]>a lond uubefliten on Sonderstyde- on Seles- dune* and on Leangafelda. Ond gif heo beam baebbe- feo j^set beam to )?aem londum sefter hire. Gif heo beam nsebbe- feo )?onne an hire reht- fsederen [cynnes] sio ueste bond to )?em loude- ond to ))cm erfe. j swa hwyle minra fsedrenmega swa ]>set sio f bine to )?an geliagige- f he j^a o)?oro lond begeotau msege ^ wille» );onne gebycge be );a loud set hire mid halfe weorj^e. Ond swe liAvylc mon swa fjset sio l^set ]?es londes bruee ofer miiine dasg ou Cloppaham. }>anne geselle he cc. peniuga egliAvylce gere to Ceortescge for Elfredes sawle- to feorm- fidtume. Ond ic sello .di’Sel- Avalde milium suna iii. liida bocloiides- ii. liida on Ilwsete- I .dillfred aldorman give to Werburg and to Allidryth our common child, after my day, these lands, with the live stock, and with the crop, and with all things that pertain to the lands. And two thou¬ sand SAviiie I give them ivith the lauds, if she* holds them in celibacy, as our verbal agree¬ ments are. And let her bring to S' Peter my two wergelds, if it be God’s will that she make that journey. And after \Yerburg’s day, be the lands at Sanderstead, and at Sels- don, and at Lingfield, uncon¬ tested, Alhdryth’s. And if she have a ehild, let the child succeed to the lands after her. If she have no ehild, let the nearest hand of her direet paternal [kin] sueceed to the land and to the stock. And whichsoever of my paternal kinsmen it may suit so that he be able and ivilliiig to ob¬ tain the other lands, then let him buy those lands of her for half the value. And let whatsoever man it may be who shall enjoy the land at Clapham after my day, give cc. pence every year to Chertsey, for iElfred’s soul, in aid of their sustenance. And I give to my son ^Ethelwald iii. 2 I ' ^\’erbnrg:. 482 AVILLS. dune* anes hides an Gata- tune- j him sello ^serto c. swina. ■] gif se cyning him gennnan wille )^es folclondes to ];jem boclonde- jjonne habbe j brace. Gif hit ]?8et ne sio- J>onne selle bio him swa hwa’Ser swse hio wille- swa }>et lond on Horsalege- swa )7et an Leangafelda. Ond ic sello Berhtsige minum mege an hide boclondes on Lsencan- felda- -j bserto c. swina. geselle hio c. swina to Cristes cirican for me j for mine sawle- -j c. to Ceortcsege- j jjone oferecan mon gedsele gind mynsterhamas to Godes ciricum in Subregum - j in Cent- pa hndle pe hio lestan willen. Ond ic sello Sige- M'ldfe minum mege- ofer Wer- burge dseg- pxi lond anNetel- haemstyde. Ond Sigidf ge¬ selle of bem londe c. peninga to Cristes cirican. Ond eghwylc )?ara erfewearda be Better him to bsem londe foe- bonne ageofen hio pa ilcan elraessan to Cristes cirican- for iElfredes sawle- pa hwile be fulwiht sio- hit man on jjsem lande begeotan maege. Ond ic sello Eadrede minum mege bet lond on Fearnlege sefter ^Ebelredes daege- gif he hit to him geearnian wile- he geselle of |7em londe xxx. hides of bocland, ii. hides at Wheaton, one hide at Gatton; and I give him thereto c. swine. And if the king will give him the folk- land to the bocland, then let him have and enjoy it. If that may not be, then let her give him whichsoever she will, either the land at Horsley, or that at Lingfield. And I give to Berhtsige my kinsman one hide of bocland at Lankfield, and thereto c. swine. And let her give c. swine to Christ¬ church for me and for my soul; and c. to Chertsey; and let the surplus be divided among the monastic dwellings at God’s churches in Surrey and in Kent, as long as they shall last. And I give to Sige- wulf my kinsman, after Wer- bui’g’s day, the land at Net- tlehamstead. And let Sigulf give from that land c. pence to Christchurch. And let each of the heirs who shall succeed to the land after him, give the same alms to Christ¬ church, for iElfred’s soul, as long as baptism may be, and it may be obtained in the laud. And I give to Eadred my kinsman the land at Far- leigh after Hithelred’s day, if he will himself merit it; and let him give from the WILLS. 483 [sestra] comes {Eghwelce gere to Hrofescestre. Ond sio "Sis lond gewriten unbefiiten ;efter Eadredes daege in iElf- redes reht meodrencyun 'Sa hwile be fulwihte sio on An- gelcynnes ealonde. Deos foresprec ]?as ge- wriotu be her beufan awreo- tene stonda);. ic iElfred vvillio- wille f hio sion sobfestlice forbweard getrymed me milium aerfevveardum. Gif baet bonne God sellmailitig geteod habbe- ond me jiset on lame gelib ]iet gesibbra aerfe- weard for]ieymeb wepned- liades- acenned weorbeji- banne aim ic Ssem ofer niinne da;g alles mines erfes to bru- canne swa him leofust sio. And swa hwylc mon swa bas god- bas geofe- ^ bas ge- wrioto- bas word- mid rehte lialdan wille- ond gelestan- gelialde bine beofenes Cyning in Jiissum life ondwardum- eac swa in ]i8em towardan life. Ond swa bwylc mon swa bio wome- breoce- gewonie him God alniabtig bis weorld- are ond eac swa his sawle are. Her sindon bsera manna naman awritene be beosse wisan gewcotan sindon. Ic .iEbered ar.bisc. mid ' bsere balgan Cristes rodetacne land XXX. sesters of corn every year to Rochester. And be this land written and uncon- testedj after Eadred’s day, in lElfred’s direct maternal kin, while baptism shall be in the island of the Angle raee. This provision and these writings, which here above stand written, I lElfred desire and will that they be up¬ rightly henceforth confirmed to me and my heirs. But if God Almighty shall have decreed it, and that loan be in store for me that a nearer heir come forth of the male se.x, and is born, then give I to him, after my day, all my inheritanee to enjoy as may be most agreeable to him. And whatsoever man this pro¬ perty, and this gift, and these writings, and these words, will righteously hold and fulfil, may heaven’s King preserve him in this present life, and also in that to come. And whatsoever man shall corrupt and violate them, may God Almighty cori’upt his worldly honour, and also his soul’s happiness. Here ai’e the names of the men written who are witnesses of this disposition. I /Ethered archbp, with the holy sign of Christ’s rood, 2 I 2 484 WILLS. ^as word •] ’Sas wisan faestnie confirm these words and this write. disposition. .iSllfred dux. Beorhtuulf dux. Beornhelm abb. Earduulf abb. Werburg. Sigfred pr. Beon- heah pr. Beagstan pr. Wulfheah. ^ ..^Selwulf pr. Earduulf pr. Beornob diac. >J< Wealdhelm diac. Wine sb diacon. Saefred. Ceolmund rh. Ead- muud m. ^ Eadwald m. Siguulf m. KING yELFRED'. DCCC.LXXX.-DCCC.LXXXV. Tc yElfred ciiigc- mid Godes gife ^ mid ge)>eahtunge yESeredes ercebisceopes ealra Westseaxena witena ge- witnesse- smeade ymbe minre sawle J^earfe- ^ ymbe min yrfe J>a;t me God mine yldran forgeafon. ■] ymbe )?8et yrfe )?fet Abulf cingc min fmder us f>rim gcbro^rum becwaeb- Abelbolde- yEiSe- rede- j me. swylc ure swylce lengest waere- ])3et se fenge to eallum. Ac hit ge- lamp yset yESelbold gefor. ^ wyt yEJ^ered. mid ealra West¬ seaxena witena gewitnesse. uneerne dael obfaestan yEbel- byrhte cincge. uncrum msege* on f>a geraedene )7e he hit eft gedyde unc swa gewylde swa hit pa. waes pa wit hit him I I yElfred king, with I God’s grace and with the counsel of yEthered arch¬ bishop, and with the witness of all the West Saxons’ 'witan’j have meditated con- eerning my soul’s need, and concerning my inheritance that God and my parents have given me, and concerning the inheritance that king Athulf my father bequeathed to us three brothers, yEthelbald and yEthered and me, and j that whichsoever of us should j live the longest should suc¬ ceed to all. But it happened that jEthelbald died, and we ] two, yEthered and I, with the 1 witness of all theWest Saxons’ ‘ witan ’, intrusted our portion to king yEthelbyrht, our bro- * The Latin translation in Camden, Angl. Hibem. Scriptt., is quite un¬ worthy of republication. It is printed in Cod. Diplom. v. p. 127. WILLS. 486 oiSfsestan. -j he pa swa dyde- ge )^aet yrfe ge pset he mid uncriim gemanan begeat- J^aet he sylf gestrynde. pa liit swa gelamp |?aet JE^Sered tofeng. pa baed ic bine- be- foran urum witum eallum. p(et wyt )?aet yrfe gedaeldon. he me ageafe minne dael. pa saede he me J>aet he naht ea^Se ne mihte todaelan. for- Son he haefde ful oft *r ougefangen. he cwae^ J^aes ‘5e he on uncrum gemanan gehrnce gestrynde- aefter his daege he nanum menu sel ne u'Se ];onne me. ic }?aes pa waes wel gej^afa. Ac hit gelamp ])8et we ealle on hae^enum folce gchrocude waeron. Da spraece Avyt ymbe nncre beam- f>aet by sumre are he)7orftan- saelde unc on };am brocum swa unc gesaelde. pa waeron we on gemote aet Swinbeorgum- pa gecwaedon wit- on Westseaxena witena gewitnesse- )jaet swa^er uncer leng wfere- J>aet he geu)>e j o}>res hearnum ]?ara landa J>e wyt sylfe begcaton- “j |?ara landa ^e unc Ahulf cingc forgeaf be .d^^elboldc lifien- dum- hutan )>am ^e he us }>rim gebroSrum gee Wee'S- )>;es uncor aegSer oSrum his wedd sealdc- swa'Ser uncer leng lifede )>eet se feuge aegj^er ther, on the condition that he should restore it to us so as it then was when we in¬ trusted it to him; and he then did sOj not only the in- hcritancCj but that which he with onr common property had acquired, and what he himself had gained. Then it so happened that yEthered succeeded, when I prayed him, before all our ‘wdtan’, that w'e should divide the in¬ heritance, and he should give me my share. Then said he that he could not easily divide anything, for that he had already very often undertaken it; and he said that what he had enjoyed and acquired with our common property, he would, after his day, give to no one in preference to me. And therewith I was well content. But it befell that we were all afflicted by the heathen folk. We then spoke of our children, that they would need some pro¬ perty, let befall us, through these afflictions, w’hatever might. We were then at the moot at Swinburgh, when we said, with the w itness of the West Saxons’ ‘witan’, that wdiichever of us two lived the longer, that he should give to the other’s children the lands 486 WILLS. ge to laiide- ge to madmum to eallum his sell turn, butan pam dsele l^e uncer gehw8e})er his bearnum becwaeS. Ac hit gelamp }>aet .dH-Sered cingc gefor. jja ne cybde me nan mann nan yrfe gewrit- ne nane gewitnesse* ptet hit fenig oSer wsere butan swa wit on gewitnesse aer gecwse- don. pa gehyrde we nu ma- negu yrfe gefiitu. Nu )?a laedde ic Abulfes cinges yrfe gewrit on ure gemot aet Lang- andene* hit man aeraedde beforan eallum Westseaxena witum. pa hit araed waes- pa baed ic by ealle for minre lufan- him min wedd bead- paet ic hyra naefre naenne ne oncuSe forpon ^e hy on riht spraecon- paet hyra nan ne wandode ne for minan lufan ne for minum ege* paet hy paet folcriht arehton. pylaes aenig man cweSe- paet ic mine maegcild- oSpe yldran oSbe gingran. mid wo fordemde. hy pa ealle to rihte gerehton cwaedon paet hy nan rihtre I’ilit gepencan ne mihtan- ne on pam yrfe gewrite gehyran. Nu hit eall agan is on paeron o5 pine hand, ponne bu hit becweSe sylle swa gesibre hand swa fremdre- SAvaber be leofre sy. hi ealle me paes hyra wedd scaldon hyra which we two had ourselves acquired, and the lands which king Athulf gave to us in iEthelbald’s lifetime, except¬ ing those which he bequeathed to us three brothers; and then each of us gave the other his pledge, that whichever of us lived the longer, should succeed to the land and to the treasures, and to all his possessions, except that part which either of us had be¬ queathed to his ehildren. But it befell that king JEthe- red died, when no man made knoAvn to me any testament or any witness that it Avas any other except so as we tAvo Avith witness had before said. We then heard, for the first time, of contentions about the inheritance. I uoav laid king Athulf’s testament be¬ fore our moot at Langden, and it Avas read before all the West Saxons’ ‘ AAotan ’. When it Avas read, I prayed them all, for love of me, (and offered them my pledge, that I Avould never inculpate any one because he had spoken according to right, and) that none of them, either from love or aAve of me, should fear to interpret according to folkright; lest any man should say, that I Avrongfully WILLS. 4H7 liandsetene- jjset be hyra life liit nsenig man naefre ne on- wende on nane o]?re wisan butan swa swa ic hit sylf gecwe^e set ]?am nyhstan dres:e. adjudged to my brother’s childi’en, either elder or younger. And they all de¬ clared according to right, and said, that they could neither conceive right more right, nor hear of than in that testament. “ Now all therein has passed to thy hand : do thou bequeath and give it either to a kindred hand or to a stranger, whichever to thee is most agreeable.” And of this they all gave me their pledge and their sign manual, that while they lived no man should ever avert it in any other wise, except as I myself should declare at my last day. Ic jElfred. Westseaxena cingc* mid Godes gife q mid |?isse gewitnesse- gecwebe hu ic ymbe min yrfe wille sefter minum daege. yErest ic an Eadwearde miuum yldran suna j’ses landes set Strsetneat on Triconscire* j Heorting- tunes- q ]>a bdcland ealle Se Leofheah hylt» q f land set Carumtune- q set Cylfantune- q set Burnhamme- q aetWcd- mor. j ic eom fyrmdig to |>am hiwum eet Ceodreb hy hine ceosan on p>a gerad (Se we ser gccwcdcn haifdon- mid pam lande eet Ciwtime- q 'Sam )?e )>ferto hyraS. j ic him an )ues landes set Can- tuctune- j ist Bedewindan- I J^lfred, king of the West Saxons, with God’s grace, and with this witness, declare how I will with regard to my in¬ heritance after my day. First to Eadward, my elder son, I give the land at Stratton in Cornwall, and Hartington, and all the boclands that Leofheah holds, and the land at Carhampton, and at Chil- lington, and at Burnham, and at Wedmore. And I am de¬ sirous that the inmates at Chedder should choose him', on the condition of which we have already spoken, with the land at Chewton, and that which thereto belongs. And I give him the land at Quan- * Charters of Eadwag, Eadgar, and Eadmund are dated from the royal palace at Chedder. The ‘hiwan’ here mentioned are probably either the vassals attached to the palace, or the inmates of an abbey there, both having legal power to choose their lord (hlaford). 488 WILLS. 'j iet Pefesigge- j Hysse- buruan. ■;] set Suttune- aet Leodridan. aet Aweltune. And ealle )?a bocland i5e ic on Cent haebbe aet jjam ny)?eran Hysseburnan- 'j set Cyseldene. agyfe man into Wintanceastre* on J>a gerad ■5e bit min faeder aer gecwaeb- ■3 f min sundorfeoh J>aet ic Ecgulfe obfaeste on pam neo’peranHysseburnan. '3 ];am gingran minan suna f land aet Eaderingtune* "j p set Dene- ^ f iet Meone- baet aet Ambresbyrig- ^ aet Deone- set Stui’eminster- ■3 aet Gifle- 3 aet Cruaern- •;) aet Hwitancyrican- set Axan- muban- aet Brancescumbe- ■] aet Columtune- 3 aet Twy- fyrde- 'j set Mylenburnan- ■j aet Exanmynster- aet SubeswyrSe- aet Liwtune- 'j ]>si land ]>e )?aerto hyran- f synd ealle be ic on Weal- cynne haebbe butan Tricon- scire. And minre yldstan deb ter jjaene bam aetWelewe- jjaere medemestan aet Clearan- aet Cendefer- ^ ] 7 aere gingestan* |>one ham aet AVelig- aet ^sctune- aet tock, and at Bedwin, and at Pewsey, and at Hussebourn, and at Sutton, and at Lether- head, and at Alton. And let aU the boclands that I have in Kent, andattheNetherHusse- bourn, and at Chiselden, be given to Winchester, on the condition that my father be¬ fore said; and my separate property in Nether Husse- boiirn, which I intrusted to Ecgulf. And to my younger son the land at Adrington, and that at Dean, and that at Meon, and that at Amesbury, and at DoAvne, and at S tour- minster, and at Gidley, and at Crewkern, and at Whit¬ church, and at Axmouth, and at Branscomb, and at Col- lumpton, and at Twyford, and at hlilbourn, and at Ax- minster, and at Southsworth, and at Litton, and the lands which thereto belong, that is, all which I have among the Welsh race, excepting Corn¬ wall. And to my eldest daughter the ham (vill) at Wellow, and to the middle¬ most that at Clere, and at Candever, and to theyoungest' ’ jElfthryth, the youngest, had the village of Levdsham in Kent, with its appiu-tenances, Greenwich and Woolwich, which, in the year 916, she gave to the abbey of St. Peter in Ghent. The charters and confinnations of these gifts still exist in manuscript, and have been lately brought to light by Prof. Warnkonig. Note from Lappenberg, Eng. under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 82. WILLS. 489 Cippenhamme. “j ^ESelme mines broj^er suna )?one ham aet Ealdingburnan- aet Cum- tune- aet Crundellan- aet Beadingum- aet Beadinga- hamme- '[j fet Burnham. ^ aet punresfelda. aet jEscengum. •j iE)?elwolde mines bro'Sor suna )?one ham aet Godel- mingum- aet Gyldeforda- aet Staeningum. 'j OsferSe minum maege Jjone ham aet Beecanlea-'^ aetHryberanfelda. aet Diceelingum- -) aet Su^- tune. ‘j aet Lullingmynster. ■] aet Angemaeringtun. aet Felhhamme. 'j |ja land |je |?aerto hyran. *;) Ealhswibe |;one ham aet Lambburnan. •j aet Waneting. •] aet Eban- dune. ^ minum twara sunum an )7usend ptuida* aeg^rum fif bund punda* minre yldstan dehter. )7aere medemestan. )>aere gingsti’an. Ealhswi"Se. him feouTum feoAver hund punda- aelcum an hund punda. ‘j minra ealdormanna aelcum an hund mangcusa. iE]>clme. A'Selwolde- Osferbe. eacswa. ^ ^{jcrede ealdormenn an sweord on hundteontigum mancusum. |)am mannum )?e me folgia"S. ))c ic nu on Eastertidum feoh scalde • tAva hund punda agyfe man him- daele man him betAvcoh. aelcum sAva him to the ham at Welig, and at Ashton, and at Chippenham. And to iEthelm, my brother’s son, the ham at Aldingbourn, and at Compton, and at Cron- dal, and at Beden, and at Bedingham, and at Burnham, and at Thundersfield, and at Eashing. And to .dilthelAvold, my brother’s son, the ham at Godaiming, and at Guild¬ ford, and at Steyning. And to Osferth my kinsman the ham at Beckley, and at Rotherfield, and at Ditch- ling, and at Sutton, and at Lullington, and at Angmer- ing, and at Felpham, and the lands AA'hich thereto belong. And to EalhsAvith, the ham at Lambourn, and at Wantage, and at Edington. And to my tAvo sons a thousand pounds, to each Aa'C hundred pounds; and to my eldest daughter, and to the middle¬ most, and to the youngest, and to EalhsAA'ith, to them four hundred pounds, to each a hundred pounds. And to each of my aldormen a hundred mancuscs. And to iEthclm and ^thelAAold and Osferth the same. And to .(Ethercd aldorman a sAAord j of a hundred mancuscs. And ! to the men Avho folloAA' me, to AA'hom I liaA C noAv at Eastertide 490 WILLS. gebyrian wille* aefter )?aere wisan |?e ic him nu dselde. "j Jjam ercebisceope c. mancusa. "j Esne bisceope. ~j Waerferbe bisceope- -j );am aet Scire- bunian. Eac s\ya gedaele for me* for miune feeder* for ]>a. frynd )?e he fore J^ingode 'J ic fore )?ingie* twa hund punda fiftig maessepreostum ofer call min rice* fiftig earmum Godes jjeowum* fiftig earmum J^earfum* fiftig to ■Ssere cyrican be ic aet reste. ic iiat uaht gewislice hwae- ber J7aes feos swa micel is* ne ic nat l^eah his mare sy * hixtan swa ic wene. Gif hit mare sy* beo hit him ealliim ge- maene J>e ic feoh becweden haebbe. ic wille past mine ealdormenn -j mine J’enig- nienn ]jaer ealle mid syndan* '-j ]ns J7us gedaelan. ponne haefde ic aer on obre wisan awriten ymbe min yrfe* }>a ic haefde mare feoh ■j ma maga* •3 haefde monegum manuum pa. gewritu obfaest* j on |>as ylcan gewitnesse hy waeron awritene* ponne haebbe ic nu forbaerned pa ealdan pe ic geahsian mihte. Gif hyra hwylc funden bib^ ne forstent paet naht* forpam ic wille paet hit nu pus sy* mid Godes fultume. ■3) ic wille pa menu pe pa laud habbab* pa word given money, let two himdred pounds be given, and let it be dealt among them, to each as shall be fitting, after the wise in which I lately dealt to them. And to the archbishop c. mancuses, and to bishop Esne, and to bishop Wser- ferth, and to the [hishop] at Sherborne. In like manner distribute for me, and for my father, and for the friends for whom he interceded and I in¬ tercede, two hundred pounds, fifty to mass-priests over all my realm, fifty to poor ser¬ vants of God, fifty to the poor needy, fifty to the church at which I shall rest. But I know not for certain whe¬ ther there is so much money, nor know I if there be more of it, but so I ween. If it be more, be it in common to them all to whom I have bequeathed money. And I will that my aldormen and my thanes be all there to¬ gether, and this thus distri¬ bute. Now I had previously written in another wise con¬ cerning my inheritance, when I had more money and more kinsmen, and had intrusted the writings to many men, and with this same witness they were written; but now I have burned those old ones WILLS. 491 gelaestan pe on mines faeder yrfe gewrite standa'S. swa swa Ly fyrmest magon. ic wille gif ic aenigum menn aenig feoh unleanod haebbe* ]?aet mine magas )?aet burn ge- leanian. ■j ic wille )?a menn pe ic mine bdcland becweden baebbe* f by bit ne asyllan of minum cynne ofer beora daeg- ac ic Aville [ofer] byra dasg ]>ast bit gange on nybstan band me* butan byra bwylc beam baebbe* )?onne is me leofast )?aet bit gange on )?aet stryned on ]>a waepned bealfe* J^a bwile jje aenig j^aes w'yrSe sy. Min yldra faeder baefde gecweden bis land on )?a spere bealfe* naes on [>a spinl bealfe* );onne gif ic gesealde aenigre wifbanda be gestrynde* )>onne for- gyldan mine magas* 'j gif by bit be )?an libbendan babban wyllan* gif bit elles sy* gange bit ofer byra daeg* swa swa we aer gecweden baefdon. For Son ic cwe];e |>aet bi bit gyldan* foi']>ou by fob to minum J)e ic syllan mot* swa wif banda sw'a wicpned banda* swaSer ic wyllc. ic bidde* on Godes naman ^ on bis baligi’a* f miiira maga nan* ne yrfe- Avearda* ne geswence nan naenig cyrelif' )nira ]>e ic fore- ' See Kemble, Saxons in Eno-lancl that I could discover. If any of them be found, it stands for naugbt, for I will that it be now thus, Avitb tbe aid of God. And I will tliat tbe men wbo bave tbe lands, fulfil tbe Avords wbicb stand in my fatber’s testament, as they best may. And I Avill, if to any man I baA^e not paid any money, that my kinsmen at all events pay it. And I Avill tliat tbe men to Avbom I bave bequeathed my boclands, give them not from my kin after tbeir day ; but I Avill that after tbeir day it go to tbe next of kin to me, unless any of tbem have children; then it is to me most desirable that it go to tbe one begotten on the male side, Avhile there shall be any Avortby of it. My grandfather had bequeathed bis lands to tbe spear-side, not to tbe spindle-side : now if I bave given to any female band Avbat be acquired, then let my kinsmen make compensation; and let tbem, if they Avill, bave it in tbeir lifetime ; if it be otberAvise, let it go after tbeir day, so as Ave bad before spoken. I say that they should make compensation, because tliey succeed to that of mine Avbicb I may give either to , i. p. o04. From eyre, choice, and lif. 492 WILLS. the female hand or to the male hand, whiehsoever I will. And I pray, in the name of God and his saints, that no one of my kinsmen or heirs oppress any dependent of those for whom I have paid, and the West Saxons’ 'witan’ have rightfully adjudged to me, so that I may let them he either free or servile, which¬ ever I will; but I, for love of God, and for my soul’s need, will that they be entitled to their freedom and their choice: and, in the name of the living God, I command that no man oppress them either by exaction of money, or by anything, so that they may not choose such man (lord) as they will. And I will that there be given to the convent at Damerham their charters and their liberty to choose such hand (lord) as may be most desirable to them, for me and for ^Iflsed, and for the friends for whom she has interceded and I intercede. And for my soul’s need, let there be provided in living cattle, as it may be, and also as it may he becoming, and as ye may be Avilling to give me. geald. ^ me Westseaxena witan to rihte gerehton- )?set ic hi mot Isetan swa freo swa })eowe- swa^er ic wille* ac ic- for Godes lufan for minre sawle jjearfe- wylle f hy syn heora freolses wyr^Se- ‘j hyra eyres- j ic on Godes lifiendes naman beode- ]>sdt hy nan man ne hrocie- ne mid feos manunge- ne mid nsenigum J>ingum ■p hy ne motan ceosan swylcne mann swylce hy wyllan. ic wylle J>aet man agyfe )?am hiwum aet Domrahamme hyra landbec hyra freols- swylce hand to ceosenne swylce him leofast sy- for me- for A 51 - flaede- for ]>a frynd )7e heo fore j>ingode- ic fore )>ingie. And sec man eac on cwicum ceape ymbe minre sawle ))earfe- sAva hit beon maege- swa hit eac gerysne sy- swa ge me forgyfan wyllan. CEOLWIN. BEFOEE DCCCC.V. Ceolwin cy^ on ^is gemite )7aet hi an )?aes landes aet AAveltune ^ara xv. hida "Sae Ceolwin makes known by this AATiting, that she gives the land at Alton, the xv. WILLS. 493 hire hlaford hire laefde. him man on agene jsht gereahte on ..^Ifredes cynges gewit- nesse. Denne an hio his ■Saem hiwum to Wintan- ceastre aefter hire dege into haere beddarn aet JSam bisceop- stole* mid swelcan yrfe swelcan hi ^enne to gehagaS* on •Sa gera^ "Se hi gemunen hi Osmodes saulae. swa him rihtlic 'J cynlic )>ince- to his gemunde dege- "Saet beo 5 seofan nihtan aer gangdagan. •3 hio he' bebot on Godaes naman 'j Sancte Petres Set ■ 5 a hivvan hit naefre utt ne syllan of hira baeddern AviS nanan fco- buton hi hit wiS o 5 re land sullan. * 5 ae him ge- haendre beo behefre. ^ hi- wan habbaS hire behaton Set hi finden Set Wulfstan hire broSor sunn haebbe an hi- wissce aegefoeles^ landaes Sa wtle Se hae libbe. hides that her lord left her, and it was acquired by him in legal possession, in witness of king Alfred. She now gives it, after her day, to the convent at Winchester, for their refeetory at the epi¬ scopal see, with such property as may then be fitting; on the eondition that they re¬ member the souls of her and Osmod, as to them may seem just and becoming, on his commemoration-day, whieh is seven nights before the Ro¬ gations. And she enjoins them, in the names of God and S* Peter, that the convent never give it from their refec¬ tory for any money, unless they give it for other land which may be more at hand and convenient. And the convent has promised her to settle so that Wulfstan, her brother’s son, have a hide of rent-free land as long as he shall live. IDEM LATINE. Ceolwen indicat in hac carta quia ipsa concedit terram de Aweltuna, hoe est xv. hidas quas ei vir suus reliquit, et pro qua ei pretium datum fuit sub testimonio ^Elfredi regis : has ergo coneedit conventui Wintonim, post deeessum suum, ad refeetorium sedis episcopalis, cum tali pecunia qme tunc competens erit, ea ratione, ut memores sint ejus et animae Osmodi, sieut illis justum videbitur, ad anniversarium ejus, ' Sic MS. ^ .'Pgafoles. 494 WILLS. lioc est septimo die ante Rogationes. Ipsa quoque praecipit, in nomine Domini et Sancti Petri, quod conventus idem eandem terram numquam vendat pro aliqua pecunia, nisi forte pro alia terra quae eis vicinior sit, vel utilior. Idem vero conventus spopondit ei quod procurent Wlfstano, filio fratris sui, quod habeat aliquam liidam liberam quamdiu vivet. Des londes gemaero sindon to Aweltune. Jilrest of ]jam westmaestan aewylle an ge- rihta upp to bam ealdan liere- pabe be westan Wodnes- beorge- )?onne dn aenne stan aet Ceorlacumbes heafob- J;onne on aenne stan on Won- cumb neo}»eweardne ts ufe- weard bob )7onne ofer Ran- dune to J?aem ealdan dic on aefen )>aer ligge]? on obre healfe an lytel crundol* )ionne on }>ane gemaenan garan beuton baem dic- ob ]?aet eft geb inna );et read geat- )ionne on anne micelne stan aet )iera lilinca east heafdum- j^oiion on o)ierne micelne stan oii |^am wege middan on Jiaere denae bytnan ]ie ligged iitt on AVoddes geat- j^onne on aenne crundol on )iam sub hlibe niojieweardum- }?onne up ofer dune on aenne Jiorn stent inne on J?em dic be eastan Ciceling uege- jioniie and- lang ]>aes hlinces of Moxes duiie on |>ane ealdan walweg to Weascing wege niojie- weardan 6n ]>one dic- };onon The boundaries of this laud at Alton are: First from the westmost spring right up to the old high way to the west of Wanborough; then to a stone at Charlcomb’s head; then to a stone down on Woncomb, above which there is a hollow; then over Randon to the old dike, even with which there lies, on the other side, a little crundel; then to the common gore without the dike, until it again goes with¬ in the red gate; then to a great stone at the east heads of the links; thence to another great stone on the midway to the bottom of the dell that lies out to Woddes gate; then to a crundel on the south hill downwards; then, up over the down, to a thorn which stands within the dike to the east of Chickeling way; then along the link from Moxes down to the old walway at Washing way, down to the dike; thence toWigley; thence to a link’s head on Beorhtnoth’s boun¬ dary ; thence straight on to WILLS. 495 on Wicleage- J>onon on anes hlinces lieafod on Beorlit- no’Ses gemsere* J^onon on gerihto to Ruwan hlince- jjonne '^lang l^aes lilinces to Hea|7obrilitting leage niof>o- weardrc • ]>onne on anno ealdne holne weg andlang )^£es sledes to Ewelforda- )?onne andlang J>?es broces [be bam ealden eadenne] eft to |>fEm sewelle- fram Moxes dune sivSeweardre on ['a die* |>onne andlang die- p wi 5 eastan Cealfa maere* )?onne of )?aere die on )ione midmsestan scrippan- ]ionne on jia IV aeres leage ufewearde* )ionne andlang rode on J?one litlan garan middeweardne* |ionan andlang gewj^pes to herpobe- jionne to Jiaere dice liyrnan. ];onne andlang die to Creodan by lie- Jioiiiie to herpobe ongeau Jia xv. aeceras- jionne of |iaem andlang haer- pabes to Tesan mede- -j se liebfeld eal gemsene- Rubric. Ceolweune eweSe of Aweltunse. Ruwan link ; then along the link down to Heatliobrihting lea; then to an old hollow way along the slade to Ewelford; then along the brook [by the old river bed], again to the spring; from ISIoxes down southward to the ditch; then along the ditch ; then to the east of Cealfa maere ; then from the ditch to the midmost ' scrippa then up to the weirds lea ; then along the road to the little gore mid- ward ; thence along the bank to the high road; then to the corner of the ditch; then along the ditch to Creoda’s hill; then to the high road towards the xx. acres; then from them along the high road to Tesan mead; and the heath field all in common. Rubric. Ceolwin’s bequest of Alton. WULFGAR. AFTER DCCCC.XXXI. Ic AVulfgar an |^aes landes aet Collingaburnau ofer minne daeg /Effan hiei’e daeg- q heo tilige uncer begca sawla )?earfe I TYulfgar give the laud at Collingbourn, after my day, to iEffe, for her day ; and let her till it for the 496 WILLS. gemsen elice paeron. j feorm- ige jji’ie dagas ]?a Godes )>eowas j?8er min lie reste- on )?one gemynddaeg- j selle )?am msessepreoste fif peuingas- "j )>ara oiSra selcum twegeii- "j ofer lucre dseg to Winte- ceastre j^am niwan liierede for mine sawle- to liabbenne j to brucenne- na of |>am mynstre to sellamie. ic an }>fES landes aet Ingepeiine ofer minne daeg .^ffan to brucenne to bewitanne- ]>set beo baebbe aelce gere to J»am tune ealra gearwaestma |>a ];rie daelas- 'j |>one feorj^an to Cynetanbyrig )7ani Godes }>eowum. for mine sawle- ■;] for mines faeder- for mines ieldran faeder. poiineoferbiere daeg in to Cynetanbyrig to jjaere balgan stowe- for Wulf- gares sawle ]>e ic bit in selle- for Wulfrices- ^ for Wulf- beres- ]>e bit aerest begeat- to liabbenne -y to brucenne- ^ naefre ut to sellanne. ponne an ic )?cfis landes aet Crasft ofer minne daeg Wynsige ^ ^If- sige- 'y ealles )iaes ]>e ic jiaeron begite. "y ic an jiaes landes aet Denforda ofer minne daeg .dEjielstane 'y Cynestane- gif bie me dp f on rybt ge- biera)?. ‘y ic an Jiaes landes aet Butermere ofer minne daeg Byrbtsige twegen bida- 'y | common need of both our souls, and, during three days, sujiply with food tbe servants of God wbere my body may rest, on tbe commemoration- day ; and give to tbe mass- priest five pence, and to each of the others two; and after her day, to Winchester, to tbe New monastery, for my soul, to have aud to enjoy, and not to be given from tbe mo¬ nastery. And I give the land at Inkpen, after my day, to .^ffe, to enjoy and to ad¬ minister; and let her have every year, at tbe vill, of all tbe yearly produce tbe three parts, aud the fourth [be given] to God’s servants at Kintbury, for my soul, and for my father’s, and for my grandfather’s. Then, after her day, [let it be given] to the holy place at Kintbury, for my, Wulfgar’s, soul, who give it, and for Wulfric’s, and for Wulf here’s, who first acquired it, to have and to enjoy, and never to alienate. Then I give tbe land at Craft, after my day, to Wynsige and .^If- sige, and all which I thereon get. And I give tbe land at Denford, after my day, to iEthelstan and Kynestan, if they until then duly obey me. And I give tbe land at But- WILLS. 497 Ceolstanes sunum anes. gif hie me ^aet on ryht ge- hiera}?. -) ic cwejje on wordum be ^scmere on minum geongum magum swelce me betst gehiera|>. Dorso. And ic wille ■p ^ffe feormige of |?fem |?rim daelum aet Ingepenne )ja Godes )?eo\vas aet Cynetanbyrig- ] 7 rie dagas on twclf moupuun. aenne dseg for me- o);erne for minne faeder- ]7riddan for minne ieldran fmder. 3 ic an J^aes landes aet Hamme iEffan ofer minne daeg- lieo tilige )>aeron uncer begea sawla Jjearfe- feormige | 7 rie dagas }’a Godes Jjeowas J^aer min lie reste- on Eastron- ■] ofer hiere daeg in to Winteceastre to ]?am ealdan hierede to See Trinitate- to liabbenne j to brucenne- naefre ut to sellaune. Dorso. Her swutela)? Wulfgair geu) 7 e Hamme in to ealdan mynstre- aefter iEffan daege hys wifes. termere, after my day, to Byrhtsige, ii. hides; and to Ceolstanes sons one, if they until then duly obey me. And I bequeath, in words, Ash¬ more to such of my young kins¬ men who shall best obey me. Indorsed. And I will that ^ffe supply provisions, from the three parts at Inkpen, to the servants of God at Kint- bury, three days in twelve months, one day for me, the second for my father, the third for my grandfather. And I give the land at Ham to H^ffe, after my day; and let her till thereon, for the souks need of both, and, at Easter, supply with provisions, for three days, the servants of God where my body may rest; and after her day to Win¬ chester, to the Old monastery of the Holy Trinity, to have and to enjoy, and never to alienate. Indorsed. Here is made knoAvn that Wulfgar gave Ham to the Old monastery, after the day of ^ffe his wife. ^TIIELGIFU. DCCCC.XLIY.-DCCCC.XLVI. Ego E'Selgiue aperio domino meo regi, et reginrn do¬ minae meae, et omnibus amicis meis, quomodo testamentum meum dispono. Id est, imprimis, domino meo regi xxx. raan- 2 K 498 WILI>S. cusas auri, et duos equos, et omnes canes meos; et dominae meae reginae xxx. mancusas auri, et terram Westwicam; et Sancto Albano terram quae vocatur Gatesdene, eo tenore ut fruaiitur ea fratres eommuniter; et xxx. mancusas auri, et XXX. boves, XX. de Getesdene, et x. de Acersce; et xx. vaccas, X. de Getesdene, et x. de Acersce; et cc.l. oves, et gregem por¬ corum, et subulcum cum ipsis; et duos eiplios argenteos, et duo cornua, et unum librum, et unam cortinam, et unum ban- cale, concedo cum consensu domini mei regis. Et illam terram apud Longaforde Elfnoto dies suos, eo tenore ut singulis annis det ad Hiccam pastum trium dierum; et post dies suos supra- dictam terram. Et Lcofwino nepoti meo unam hidam apud Cliftune, et illam dimidiam quam Winemannus habuit; et Elfwoldus terram Mundene dies suos habeat, eo tenore quod dabit annis singulis, in Quadragesima ad Brahcingum sex modios de brais, et ad hoc farinam et pisees, et tandumdem ad AVellingum. Et Leofsinus habeat Standune, et post ipsum Ifwoldus, et post mortem amborum. Sanctus Albanus pr;edictam terram habeat, pro suis animabus, dominorumque suorum. Et Leofsius terram Offanlege, et omne quod bber docet, et terram Ciwiugum, ad porcos ibi nutriendos, eo tenore ut annis singulis, pro firma de istis duabus villis, omnem congregationem Sancti Albani tribus diebus pascat, aut pro firma dabit boc quod ego testificata sum testimonio optimatum domini mei. Et terram apud Weoduue, et pro illa similiter faciat quod testificata sum. Et terram OlFanlcge dabit filio suo, si de desponsata muliere filium habet; sin autem, dabitur Sancto Albano, prseter illam ubi Tatulwus sedet, et E'Selferdus, et E^elswi'S, illa dabitur filiae dominae suae Elfgiue, si adhuc vivit; si non, tota Sancto Albano reddatur. Et Alfwoldus medietatem terrae apud Lundoniam habeat; et filius ejus Elfheah medietatem. [Et dabitur] Leofrune terra Watford, et apud Weotuue duos homines et octo boves, etc. Ego Edwardus^ rex concessi. Ego Deodred praesul. Ego Wulgarus episcopus concessi. Ego Burgricus epi¬ scopus. Ego iElfrcdus episcopus. ^ Ego Wulflielmus ‘ Eduiundiis. WILLS. 499 episcopus. Ego iESelgarus episcopus. Ego Coeu- waldus episcopus. Ego Wulflielmus episcopus. Ego Cynsius episcopus. EgoSehvaldus episcopus. Howell subregulus. Eadgarus etbeling. Wulgarus comes. Ego Oda ai’cliiepiscopus. ^ Ego Hillfhelgus pontifex. Ego vElfricus antistes. Ego Widsius ejnscopus. Hil^elstanus dux. ^E^elwaldus dux. iEbelmundus dux. ASelmus dux. iElSelstauus dux. Eadricus dux. Uhtredus dux. Scule dux. Haldene dux. LEOF yETIIELWOLD ALDOIlM.\N. DCCCC.XLVI.-DCCCC.LV. Her geswutelad ]’s&t Ead- red cing gcu}?e |>aet land fet Wilig. )7atwelf hida- toscrnd- fultiime. )jam liircde into Ealdan mynstre. Leof H]]|>clwold ealdarman cy]/' Ins Icofan cynehlaforde Eadred cynge hu ic wille yinbe ]>a landare ic get mine hlaf- orde gcearnode. iErest Godc ^ ]?a}re lialgan stowe aet ];am bisceopstole a;t Wintan- ceastre- );am bisceope |?am liiwum- ]?get land aet Wilig- pia twelf liida- to scrudful- tume- ]>aet hi me on beora gebcddredenne baebben- swa swa ic him to gelyfe. )7am cinge minne baercgeatwa- feowcr swcord- feower Here is made known that king Eadred granted the land at Wiley, the twelve hides, to the convent at the Old mo¬ nastery. I Leof Athelwold aldor- man make known to my royal lord king Eadred how I will with regard to the landed proj)erty which I have acquired from my lord. First to God and the holy place at the episcopal see of Win¬ chester, for the bishop and the convent, the land at Wiley, the twelve hides, as a clothing-aid, that they may have me in their prayers, as I trust they will. And to the king my heriots *: four swords. ' Had these Wills been known to INIr. Hallam, he would not have wi-itten that the heriot subsisted in England as eaily as the reign of Canute; that is, after 1014. See View of the Middle Ages, p. 173, edit. 1855. Cnut appears only to have defined the heriot due from each ranli of freemen. Anc. LL. and Inst. p. 177, fol. edit. 2 K 2 500 WILI.S. spgera- -j feower scylclas. ■j feower beagas. twegen on liimdtwelftigum mancosun- ^ tAvegen on liundeahtatigum. feower hors. twa sylfrene fata, j minum bre"Ser Eadrice )78ct land aet Oceburnan- ‘j aet /Ecscesdune- j set Cegbam- set Wessingatune. -j aE}>el- stane minse bre'Ser |jet land aet Bradanwaetere. j )7et aet Niwantune. ~j iElfsige mine breSer suna )^et land ast Carcel. .^Ifstanes suna mines bro]^or ]>set land aet Cleran. ^ eall jjaet yrfe |^ae ic haebbe on laenelendum. ponne wylle ic )?fet j^ast sie gedeled for mine sawle swa swa ic nu pam freondum saede ]>se ic to spraec. and four spears, and four shields, and four torques, two of a hundred and twenty mancuses, and two of eighty; four horses, and two silver vessels. And to my brother Eadric the land at Ockbourne, and at Ashton, and at Key- hata, and at Wessington. And to .^thelstan my brother the land at Broadw-ater, and that at Newton. And to ^Ifsige, my brother’s son, the land at Carcel. And to my brother ^Elfstan’s son the land at Clere, and all the pro¬ perty which I have in 'laen- lands’. Then I will that there be distributed for my soul, as I have now said to the friends to whom I spoke. BYRHTRIC AAD ^LFSWYTII. DCCCC.L. Dis is Byrhti'ices .®lf- swy Se his wifes nihsta cwide* J^e hi cw'sedon on Meapaham- on heora maga gewitnesse- p w'ses Wulfstan Ucca* j Wulf- sie his hro^or- Sired iElf- redes sunu- ■] Wulfsie se blaca. Wine preost- q iElf- gar on Meapaham. Wulfeh Ordeges sunu- ■;) .(Elfheh his bro’Sor- Byrhtwaru iElf- rices laf. ^ Brylitric hyrse mmg- ^Ifstan bisceop. This is the last testa¬ ment of Byrhtric and .®lf- swith his wife, which they declared at Meopham, with the witness of their kinsmen : that was, Wulfstan Ucca, and Wulfsie his brother, and Sired Alfred’s son, and Wulfsie the Black, and Wine priest, and ^Ifgar of Meopham, and Wulfeh Ordeh’s son, and ^Ifheh his brother, and Byrhtwaru .dillfric’s relict, and WILLS. 501 ^rest his kyne hlaforde aeiuie beah on hundeahtotigan mancysan goldes. ^ an hand- secs on ealswa miclan* ■;] feower hors- twa geraedede- ‘j twa sword gefelsode- j tw'e- gen hafocas- ealle his heador liundas. -j ]>iBre hlsefdian aenne beah on j?rittigan mancysan goldes- aenne stedan- to forespraece- f se cwyde stand- an moste. -j for his sawle j his yldrena- in See Andi'eae^- twa sulung aet Denetune- hio for hire sawle hire yldrena- twa aet Langanfelda- 3 |>ider in for hy jjrittig mancus goldes- aenne sweor beah on XL. mancysan- ane cuppan seolfrene- 3 healfne baend gyldennae- aelce geare to heora gemynde- twegra daga feorme of Haeslholte- ii. of Wo^ringaberan- ii. of Baerlingan- ^ ii. of Haeri- geardeshamme. to Cristes circan lx. mancys goldes- XXX. )?am biscope- xxx. J^am hirode- ~} aenne sweorbeah on Lxxx. mancys- ■] twa cuppan seolfrene- Jiland aet Meapa- ham. '3 to See Augustine ]>rittig mancys goldes- twa cuppan seolfrene- healfne biend gyldenne- land let ‘ equuni emissarium. Byrhtric her kinsman, and bishop AElfstau. First to his royal lord one torque of eighty maucuses of gold, and one hand-seax of as much, and four horses, two caparisoned, and two belted swmrds, and two hawks, and all his tall-deer hounds. And to the lady, one torque of thirty mancuses of gold, and one steed *, for her mediation that the wull might stand. And for his soul and his parents’, two sulungs at Den¬ ton to S‘Andrew’s^; and she, for her soul and her parents’, two at Longfield, and thereto, for her thirty mancuses of gold, and one neck-torque of XL. mancuses, and one silver cup, and half a golden band; and every year, on their com¬ memoration, provision for two days from Hazleholt, and ii. from Wathringbury, and ii. from Birling, and ii. from Harrietsham. And to Christ¬ church LX. maucuses of gold, XXX. to the bishop, xxx. to the convent; and one neck- torque of LXXX. mancuses, and two silver cups, and the land at Meopham. And to S* Au¬ gustine’s tliirty mancuses of I gold, and two silver cups, and I half a golden band. And to ^ At Rochester. 502 WILl.S. Dserjentan Byrhtwara hire dseg* tefter hire dsege into See Andrete- for une xnicre yldran. BaerlingasWulfehe- he selle x. hund ptenega into See Andreae- for une uncre yldran. Wulfsie Wojmnganbyras innon f geeynde. Sirede Haeslholt innon f geeynde. ^ Wulfege. iElfege his brewer Heri- geardeshamme innon f ge- cynde- Wulfege ]? inland- .®lfege utland. "j Wulfstaue Uccan Wolenesstede innon f geeynde- an handsecs on l^rim pundan. -j )7a tyn hyda on Strsettune into jxaem myn- stre to Wolenesstede. j p land set Fealcnaham- setter Byrh- wara dsege- into See Andrese- for iElfric hire hlaford his yldran- swa heora cwide wses. ■j Bromleah- setter Brihtwara dsege- into See Andi’ea- swa iElfric hire hlaford hit be- ewse^- for hine his yldran. ‘j Snodingeland eac into See Andrea- setter hire dsege- swa ^Ifere hit heewse’S ^Elfriees fseder- j he seo^San- on ge- witnesse Eadgife )>sere hlsef- dian- 'j Odan arcebisceopes- -j /Elfeges Aillfstanes sxina- j jElfrices his brolSor- ^Elf- nolSes Pilian- God wines set Eecham- ^ Eadrices set Ho- j /Elfsies preostes on Crog- ByrhtwarUj the land at Da¬ ren th for her day; and after her day, to S* Andrew’s, for us (two) and oui’ parents. And Bii’ling toWulfeh; and let him give X. hundred pence to S* An¬ drew’s, for us and onr parents. And to Wulfsige, Wothring- bury, within that generation. And to Sired, Hazleholt, with¬ in that generation. And to Wnlfeh, and iElfeh his brother, Harrietsham, within that generation, to Wnlfeh the inland, and to Aillfeh the outland. And to Wulfstan Ucca, Wolenesstede, within that generation; and one hand-seax of three pounds. And the ten hides at Stratton to the monastery at Wole¬ nesstede. And the land at Fawkham, after Byrhtwarxi’s day, to S* Andrew’s, for Ailf- ric her lord and his parents, according to their testament. And Bromley, after Byrht- waru’s day, to S* Andrew’s, as H^lfric her lord bequeathed it, for him and his parents. And Snodland also to S‘ Andrew’s, after her day, as Hilfere, iElf- ric’s father, bequeathed it, and he aftei'wards, with the witness of Eadgifu the lady, and archbishop Oda, and iElfeh jElfstan’s sou, and iElfric his brother, and Hillf- WILLS. 503 daeiie. j Wulfstane lx. man- cos goldes to dfelaune for unc ~l iiucre yldran. oSer swilc Wulfsige to dselanne • ~j haebbe boom wiS God gemsene- gif by bit ne don. -j Wulfsige Tydiceseg* j J^a boc innon p gecynde- 'j ii. spuran on iii. pundaii. ic biddc< for Godes lufan. minne leofan blaford. f be ne J^afigc p aenig man nncerne cwide awaende. ~} ic bidde ealle Godes freond p bi )jarto filstan. Haebbc God gemaeue pc bit brece- God bim sy symle milde }>c liit bca.t ic an mine loucrd tueye suerde fetelsade and tueye bege* aySer of fifti mancusas goldes* and )>re stedes. and }?rc scheldcs- and ]ue speren. And me kidde Deodred bisscop and Edric alderman- j^a ic selde mine louerd );at siierd- ]?at Ead- mund king me selde on hund- tuelftian mancusas goldes- and four pund silueres on }>an fetelsc- )?at ic moste ben mine quides wirde. And ic nefre forwrouht ne habbe oii Godes In nomine Domini, This is ^Elfgar’s testament. That is first, that I give my lord two belted swords, and two torques, each of fifty mancuses of gold, and three steeds, and three shields, and three spears. And bishop Theodred and aldorman Ead- ric informed me, when I gave my lord the sword that king Eadmund gave me of a hund¬ red and twenty mancuses of gold, and four pounds of silver on the belt, that I might be worthy of my testament. And I never, with God’s wit- 506 WILLS. witnesse wid mine louerd* buten it so mote. And ic an A^elflede mine doubter j^e loud at Cokefeld and at Dit- ton. and )7at at Lauenbam ouer min day* on ]?e red )?at beo be ]7e bet for mine soule* 'j bire moder soule* "j for bire broSer soule. -j for lime selueu. And jianne ouer ure aldre day ie an ]?at lond at Cokefeld into Beodricheswrbe to Seyut Eadmundes stowe. And ic iville )iat A)?elfled unne ouer bire day pe londes at Ditton into suilke balegen Stowe suilk hire redlikest )nnge. for ure aldre soule. And ouer ure aldre day ic an Jiat lond at Lauenbam mine doubter cbilde. gif ]iat God wille |iat beo ani baued- buten Abelfled her wille him bis uiineu. And gif beo non ne babbe- gauge it into Stok for ure aldre soule. And ic an pat loud at Babingjiirne Abel- flede mine doubter- and after bire day mine ober doubter bire day- and ouer bire bobre day. mine doubter berne- gif beo bern habbe. And gif beo bern ne habbe- |iaune go it into Sancte Marie stowe at Berkynge- for ure aldre soule. And ic an )iat loud at Illeyge mine ginger doubter bire day- nesSj have done wrong towards my lord, that it may not so be. And I give to iEtbelflaed, my daughter, the land at Coke- field, and at Ditton, and that at Lavenham, after my day, on the condition that she be the better' for my soul, and her motber^s soul, and for her brother's soul, and for her¬ self. And then, after our parents' day, I give the laud at Cokefield to S* Eadmund's place at Bedericksworth. And I will that .(Etbelflaed give, after her day, the land at Ditton to such holy place as may to her seem most advisa¬ ble, for our parents' souls. And after our parents' day, I give the land at Lavenham to my daughter's child, if God wills that she have any; un¬ less iEtbelflsed will previously give it to him. And if she have none, let it go to Stoke, for oiu’ parents' souls. And I give the land at Babbing- thorn to iEtbelflaid, my daugh¬ ter ; and after her day, to my second daughter, for her day; and after the day of them both, to my daughter's child, if she have a child. And if she have no child, then let it go to S* Mary’s place at Barking, for the souls of our ’ the more fervent or zealous. WILLS. 507 71 ouer hire clay Ber^nolSe his day. gif he leng libhe ]>anne heo. Gif heo bei’u habben. Jeanne an ic it liem* gif beo non ne babbe^. )?anne an ic it ASelfled mine doub¬ ter ouer here day. and after hire day into Cristes kirke at Cannterbiri. J^en hirde to l)rice. And )7e lond at Colne and at Tigan ic an min gingcre doubter. 71 ouer hire day. gif beo bern babbe. hire bcrn. and gif heo ne babbe. be- que^e it Bernobe bis day. and ouer his day into Stok for ure aldre soule. And ic an }>at lond at Piltendon and at Merescye into Stok. And ic an }?at Abelfled bruke J7e lond }7er wile )7e hire lef beS. one raba beo it on ribte belde. and on J^e red ]7at beo do J^an birdc so wel so beo best may into Stok for mine soule and for ure aldre. And ic an |7at lond at Grcnstede into Stok for mine soule. and for AlSel- wardes. q forWifwiSe. And ic [an] ASelfled ]7ere brice wile hire lif beS. on ]7e red pat beo do for ISa soule so wcl so heo best may. nu bis me God uSe q min lauerd. And ic an pat lond at Tidwcld- ington .dillfwold oner mine day pe be formige ilke ibere pen bird at Paulesbiri for ure parents. And I give the land at Illey to my younger daugh¬ ter, for her day; and after her day, to Bertbnoth, for bis day, if be live longer than she. If they have children, then I give it to them; if they have none, then I give it to A^thel- flfed my daughter, after their day; and after her day, to Christchurch at Canterbury, for the use of the convent. And the land at Colne, and at Tye, I give to my younger daughter; and, after her day, if she have children, to her children; and if she have none, I bequeath it to Berth- noth, for his day; and after his day, to Stoke, for the souls of our parents. And I give the land at Peldon, and at Mersey, to Stoke. And I grant that TEthelflsed enjoy the laud there, while it shall be agreeable to her, on con¬ dition that she hold it right¬ eously, and on condition that she do as she best can to the convent at Stoke, for my soed and for our parents’. And I give the land at Greenstead to Stoke, for my soul, and for iEthelweard’s, and for AVif- with’s. And I give to dEthel- flpcd the usufruct for her life, on the condition that she do for the souls so well as she best 508 WILLS. aldre soule. And ic an J^at lond at Gotham Ber^no^e and mine gingere doubter here day- and after here day wende loud into Mereseye ASelfled mine doubter. And ic an ]7at wudelond at Aisfeld into Stok also Eakild self it her bouhte. And ic [an] mine modcr ))at lond at Rysse- broc- gif heo leng liuid ]^an hie- )?anne after unker boher day- ic an hit Wine!me- gif heo ASelfled on rielite hirS. And ic wille hidden suilc louerd so Jianue heS - for Godes luuen and for alle hise hale- gen- werken min hern Jiat he iverken- }iat he nefre iie mugen foi'werken mine quide- •5e ic for mine soule cueden habbe. And gif hit wo awende- habbe him wid God gemame and wid jie holi saintes )ie ic it to becueSen habbe- Jiat he it nefre ne bete buten on belle wite se )iis quide awende- boten it me seluen wende er min ende. And ic A^elgar an an hide lond ]?es ^5e Aeulf hauede be hundtuelti acren- ateo so he wille. save in hell-torment, who sh that I myself alter it ere my a hide of land which .^ulf acres; dispose of it as he ivill. can, now God and my lord have given it me. And I give the land at Tidweldington to Alfwold, after my day, [on the condition] that he, every year, give entertainment to the convent at Paulsbury, for our parents’ souls. And I give the land at Gotham to Berth- noth and my younger daugh¬ ter, for their day; and after their day, let the laud revert to Mersey, for lEthelflsed my daughter. And I give the woodland at Ashfleld to Stoke, as Eakild himself ere bought it. And I give to my mother the land at Rushhrook, if she live longer than I; then after the day of us both, I give it to Win elm, if she rightly obey ^thelflaed. And I will pray such lord as shall then be, for love of God, and for all his saints, that, do my children as they may, they never fordo my bequest which I have bequeathed for my soul. And if any one avert it, let it be between him and God, and with the holy saints to whom I have bequeathed it; so that he never atone, ,11 avert this bequest; except md. And I give to .diithelgar ad, of a hundred and twenty yETIIELWYKD. DCCCC.LVIII. Dis is ^^elwyrdffis cwicle* mid gej^aelite Odan aercebiscopjes 'j ] 7 ses hioredaes set Cristaes cirican. Dset is }jonne jjset ^Ebelwyrd bruce ] 7 ?es laiidses on Geocham bis daeg on freodome- be Godes leafe- be ))aes sercebiscopaes. j be ) 7 aes heoredses- jjonne yftaer his daege Eadric- gif be libbe. his daeg. AviS );on go- fole \e hit gecwaeden is. )?aet sint V. pund- aelce gaere ane daeg feorme in hiowum. );aet is J^onne xl. saestra ealaS- lx. hlafa. weSaer ^ flicce- an hri&es laeuw- ii. cesas. iiii- haenfugulas. v. paenningas to be'Se®. '3 )jis sio gelaest to See Michaelses tide. bio he aelces wites wyr^c. gif hwilc forwyrht man hiowan gesaece • bio se ]?ingad swa hit medlic sio be l^aes geltes meiSe. Gif hit l^onne gebaerige );et ^Sel- \vyrd laeng libbe ^onne Ead¬ ric • ]>onne fo ^Selgyfu to- wiS |?an ilcan gofole be hit bier benfan gecw'aedaen is- hire daeg. Gif hit j^onne geberige )>set .^belwyrd laeng libbe ■bonne Eadric obbe ^Ebelgyfu- he ]>a unaetnessa abidan This is .^thelwyrd’s testament, with the counsel of archbishop Oda and the convent at Christchurch. That, then, is, that ^Ethel- wyrd enjoy the land at Ick- ham for his day in freedom, by God’s leave, and the arch¬ bishop’s, and the convent’s j then after his day, Eadric, if he live, for his day, in con¬ sideration of the rent which is here said: that is, v. pounds, and every year one day’s provision to the con¬ vent ; that is, then, xl. sesters of ale, LX. loaves, a wether, and a flitch, and one ox’s liver 1, II. cheeses, iv. hen- foAvls, and v, pence ‘ to be be’ 2 . And be this performed at S‘ Michael’s tide. And be he entitled to every ^ wite’. And if any culprit seek the con¬ vent, let him find mediation as may be moderate, accord¬ ing to the degree of the crime. But if it happen that yEthel- wyrd live longer than Eadric, then let ^thelgyfu succeed, in consideration of the same rent Avhich is here above said, for her day. But if it happen In the poem of .Iiidith 1 For lifer ? Low Ger. leuer. ^ This expression I am unable to explain. (Anal. A. S. p, 14<>) it occurs with a slig-ht variation—to beh'JSe. 510 WILLS. seel- agefe man land in yfter his dfege in mid him selfum for hine -j for ^iam Jje him laud fram com. Disfes is Oda mrcebisscop gewita* Byrhtere msesse- preost. Caenwig maessepr. • Wealdred maeg.pre. • Sigefre^ diac.. Osweald diac. • Fre^e- god diac. • Sigered diac. • Rea¬ red diac. • Sired pr. • Byrht- mimd. Eadsige- Eadelm. Byrhtsige* Rilhelm- Byrht- sige- Byrhtwig. Liofric- Sielm- Wulfred. Caenrie- Eadweard. Disaes wes gewita Eadelm abbod aet See Augustine- y Byrhtsige diac. - Eorlebyrht maes.pre. • Ro^in maes.pre. • Baerhtram maes.pre.- Beoru. muud pre. - 'j ba iii. iElf- stauas- RiSelweald- Ead- mund- Wenelm- Cynsige- Eadrie- Liofing- Eadsige- Widfelm- Sigefreb- Liofric- Liofstan- Eadstan- Eadmund- .stan cyninges j^aegen- Byrhtrie- Wihtgar- Wulf- stan-. j ^a iii. geferscipas innan bnrhwara- 'j utan burh- wara- j micle maettan. [Deos is] seo gerednaes )je I that vEtheluTrd live longer than Eadrie or .^thelgyfu, and he has to abide that affhetion, let the land be given in with himself*, for himself and for those from whom the land eame to him. Of this is Oda archbishop ■witness, and Byrhtere mass- priest, Caenwig mass-priest, Wealdred mass-priest, Sige- fred deaeon, Oswald deaeon, Frethegod deaeon, Sigered deaeon. Reared deaeon. Sired priest, Byrhtmund, Eadsige, Eadhelm, Byrhtsige, ^thelm, Bp’htsige, Byrhtwig, Liofi'ic, Sielm, Wulfred, Caenrie, Ead- ward. Of this were witness, Ead¬ elm abbot of S’^ Augustine’s, and Byrhtsige deacon, Eorle¬ byrht mass-priest, Rothiii mass-priest, Baerhtram mass- priest, Beornmuud priest, and the III. RRfstans, ^thel- weald, Eadmund, Wenelm, Cynsige, Eadrie, Liofing, Ead¬ sige, Wulfelm, Sigefred, Liof- rie, Liofstilu, Eadstan, Ead¬ mund, .... stan king’s thane, Bp’htric, Wihtgar, Wulfstan, and the iii. fellowships, of inner townsmen and outer townsmen, and many of the eommonalty. [This is] the covenant that * his body. \\7LI.S. 511 Eadric haefS |>aiie hired to Cristes cirican. Dset is ■Sonue l^set Eadric gesealde J^am hircde to gerisenum v. pimd. twa |>0em aeldaestiim- and ]?reo eallum hirede- an )wt gerad- ^aet he hebhe land mid fulre nnnan aside 'j ge- ge^e- mid eallan J>an net- wyrban Jnngum. laessan -j maran. be to paem lande he- limppab- unhesprecaen wib aeghwylcne lifes man. Eadric has with the brother¬ hood at Christchurch. That then is, that Eadi’ic should give the brotherhood, as a gratuity, v. pounds, two to the principals, and three to all the brotherhood, on the condition that he have the land with the full consent of old and young, with all the useful things, less and greater, which appertain thereto, uncontest¬ ed, against every living man. A LATER COPY OF THE ABOVE. Dis is A)^elwirdes quide • mid Odes archibiscopes and ]>g hiredes at Cristeschereche yrede. pet is )?anne pet Apelwird bruke pas londes on Ycham his day on uredome- be Godes ylaue* and by pes archebiscopes- and by pes hirdes- panne heftcr his daye Eadrich- gef he libbe- hit bruke his day. wihtpcn gauele pe hitycuepen is- pet siud- v. pund- and eche gere enne dey ferme into pan higen. pet his panne- xl. sestres clep. LX. loues- wepes and fliththe- and aue w'epere shap. ii. dieses- iiii. henfugeles- and v. paneges to bepe- and pis by ylest to Seyntes Micheles tide- and by he eches wites worpe- and gef hwulche woworpe man pa hygen hit ofsake- be se pinged suo hit meplic sy by pes geltcs mepe. Gif hit panne yberege pet Epelwird leng libbe panne Eadrich- panne fo Epcl- gife to wiht pan ylcke gauele pc hier buuem yquepen is hire dcy. Gef hit pienne ybyrige pet Epelwird leng libbe panne Edrich oper Epelgiue- and he po unnetnesse ybyde- panne ageue he land and hoc efter his dage in mid him seluen uor hine and for po pe- him land uram com. Discs is Ode archebiscop ywytnesse and Brigthere messe- prest- and po pri yuershipcs- binne biu-g and bute- pet is al se bird at Cristescheriche- and Seyut Anstynes- and at Seynt Gregories- and manie ojn-e yhodede and liauuede of binne burg and bute. 512 WILLS. BISHOP THEODRED. In nomine Domini nostri Iliesu Christi. Ic Deodred Limdeneware biscop wille beque^en mine quiden mines erfes )7e ic begeten babbe q get bigete- Codes j^ances q bis halegen. for mine soule q for min louerde |>at ic nnder bigeat- q for mine eldrene- and for alle ]>e mannes soule )je ic forejnngi®. and ic almesne underfongeu babbe- q me sie ritblike for to bidden. Dat is )?an erst ^ be an his louerd bis beregete- J>at is ]jaune tua bund marcas arede gobies- q tua cuppes sil- uerene - q four hors so ic best babbe- q to suerde so ic best babbe- q four scbelda- q four spere- q |7at lond )^at ic babbe at Dukeswrbe- q J>at lond J?at ic babbe at Illyng- tone- q }>at lond );at ic babbe at Earmiugtone. And ic an Eadgiue fifti marcas redes goldes. And into Sancte Paules kirke mine to beste messehaclon ISe hie babbe- mid alle be ) 7 inge be l^ereto birib- mid calice q on cuppe- aud mine best masseboc- q alle mine reliques j^e ic best babbe into Paules kirke. And ic an )>at land at Cic into Seynte Paules kirke ben In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. I Theodred, bishop of the Londoners, will bequeath my bequest of my property, which I have ac¬ quired and yet may acquire, by the grace of God and bis saints, for my soul, and for my lord, under whom I ac¬ quired it, and for my parents, and for the souls of all the men, for w'bom I intercede, and of whom I have received alms, and who righteously pray for me. That, then, is first, that he gives his lord bis beriot, which then is, two hundred marks of red gold, and two silver cups, and four horses, the best I have, and two swords, the best I have, and four shields, and four spears, and the laud which I have at Dukesworth, and the land which I have at Illington, and the land which I have at Ermington. And I give to Eadgifu fifty marks of red gold. And to S‘ PauPs church the two best mass- hackles which I have, with all things which thereto be¬ long, with chalice and one cup; and my best mass-book, and all my relics, the best I have, to S‘ PauPs church. And WILLS. C13 he wen to bedlonde- mid al ■5e );eron stant, biiten ]>e men •<5e jjer aren- fre men alle for mine soule. And ic an ];at lond at Su'Sereye. mid alle ^e fiscode ^e } 7 erto bire^. ^en hewen into Sancte Panics kirke. and fi'ie men bo men for be bisscopes sonic, Deodred biscop an ]?at lond at Tillingbam into Sancte Panics kirke Jm hewen to hare, and fre men bo men for mine sonle. And ic an ' j^at lond at Dnnemowe oner * myne day into Saynte Panics kirke 15011 hewen. And ic an jiat lond at Mendham Osgote mine snstres sune oner mine day. bnten ic will )iat se minstrc and hide londes at iNIyndham to jiere kirke. And ic an )iat lond at Scotford Mydicaham into Myndham kirke “bo Godes hewen. And ic an Osgot )iat lond at Silham "3 at Isestede at Chikeringe at /Eysfeld at Wrtinham. •3 alle )ie smale londe |iat ■hereto bercb. And ic an )iat lond at Horbani "j at Elyng- tone into Iloxne into Seynte yE belbrichtes kirke ben Godes hewen. And ic an ]iat lond at Lubinglond Ofte mine snstres snne his brobei’’ ~-\ fre men ]70 men halne. ~} at Mindham also for pe bisscopes j I give the land at Chiche to I S*' Paul’s church, as table j land for the convent, with all that thereon stands; except I the men who are there, let all be freed for my soul. And I give the land in Surrey, with all the fishing thereto be¬ longing, to Saint Paul’s church; and let the men be freed for the bishop’s soul. And bishop Theodred gives the land at Tillingham to S* Paul’s church, in property to the convent; and let the men be freed for my sonl. And I give the land at Dunmow, after my day, to the convent at S* Paul’s. And I give the laud at jMendham to Osgot, my sister’s son, after my day; except that I will that the monastery and the hide of land at Mendham [go] to the church. And I give the land at Shotford and at Mydica¬ ham to Mendham church, for God’s servants. And I mve o to Osgot the land at Sil¬ ham, and at Isestede, and at Chikering, and at Aysficld, and at Wurtinham, and all the small lands that thereto belong. And I give the land at Horham and at Ellington to S‘ /Ethelbriht’s church at Hoxne, for God’s servants. And I give the land at Luth- 2 L 614 WILLS. soule. And ic an Osgote mine mey Eadulfes sune ]?at lond at Bertune 'j at Bucham ■j at Pakenliam. And ic an )?at lond at Newetune “j at Horningges liaeS- ‘j at Ikewr^■ at Wepstede into Seynt Eadmundes kirke» j^en Godes hewen to are. for Deodred biscopes soule. And ic an l^at lond at Waldringfeld Osgote mine sustres sune- ■j min hage )^at ic binnin Gypes- wicb bouhte. And ic [an] Wlstan )>at lond at Wrtbam so it stant. And ic an into eueri bisscopes stole lif pund to delen for mine soule. And ic an )7en arcbebiscop fif markes goldes. And ic an l^at men dele at mine biscop- riche binnen Lundene j bnten Lundene x. pund for mine soule. And ic an at Hoxne at mine biscopriche pat men dele X. pund for mine soule. ■j ic wille pat men nieme pat erfe pat at Hoxne stand pat ic perto bigeten babbe. -j dele it man on to- half into p3 minstreL j dele for mine soule. And lete men stonden so mikel so ic peron fond. And fre men fio men alle for mine soule. ‘j ic wille pat men lete stonden at Lunden- byri so mikel so ic peron fond. ingland to Offa, my sister’^ son, and his brother; and let half the men be freed; and also at Mendham, for the bishop’s soul. And I give to Osgot my kinsman, EaduK’s son, the land at Barton, and at Buckenham, and at Pa- kenham. And I give the land at Newton, and at Horningsheath, and at Ick- worth, and at Whepstead, to S* Eadmund’s church, in pro¬ perty to God’s servants, for bishop Theodred’s soul. And I give the land at Walding- field to Osgot,my sister’s son; and my vill in Ipswich which I bought. And I give to Wulstan the land at Wortham, as it stands. And I give to every bishop’s see five pounds to distribute for my soul. And I give to the archbishop five marks of gold. And I give to be distributed at my bishopric, within London and without London, x. pounds for my soul. And I give at Hoxne, at my bishopric, x. pounds to be distributed for my soul. And I will that the property which stands at Hoxne, which I have thereto acquired, be taken and divided into two, half to the monas¬ tery, and half for mv soul. ' After ‘ minstre ’ some words are evidently omitted. WILLS, 616 j nin^ )?at ic Jjerto bigat. -j dele on to- half into ]7e minstre* j half for mine soule. -j fre men alle }>o men. ■] do men ]>at ilke at Wune- mannedune j on Sceon. And let men stonden at Fullen- ham so it nu stant* buteu liAve * And let stand as much as 1 found thereon. And let all the men be freed for my soul. And I will that so much be let stand at London as I found thei-eiu; and let be taken what I thereto ac¬ quired, and divided into two, mine manne fre wille. q on I half to the monastery, and Denesige let stonden so mikel so ic ):>eron fond- q dele it man on to- half into minstre q half for mine soule. And ic an into Glastingbiri v. pund for mine soule. And ic an Deodred min wite masse- hakele ic on Pauie bouhte* q al )jat )jerto bire^. q simbel calice, q )jere messeboc be Gosebricht me biquab. And half for my soul; and let all the men be freed; and let the same be done at Wunemanne- dan, and at Sheen. And let it stand at Fulham as it now stands, unless the convent will free my men. And in Dengeye let stand as much as I found therein, and let it be divided in two, half to the monastery, and half for my ic an Ordgar }7ere gewele j soul. And I give to Glaston- massehakele be ic on Pauie ! bury v. pounds for my soul. bouhte. q j^at J^erto bireS. And ic an Gundwine }»cr ober gewele massehakele J^at is ungerenad. and f>at be )7erto bireb. And ic [an] Sprat- acke ];e rede messehakele q al l^at ]>e }>erto bireb. And wo so mine cuyde ofte* God him ofte heueneriches. buten he it er his end it bete. And I give to Theodred my white mass-hackel, which I bought in Pavia, and all that thereto belongs, and a festival chalice, and the mass-book which Gosebriht bequeathed to me. And I give to Ordgar the yellow mass-hackel, which I bought in Pavia, and what _ thereto belongs. And I give to Gunwine the other mass-hackel, which is without orna¬ ment, and what thereto belongs. And I give to Spratack the red mass-hackel, and all that thereto belongs. And whoso abstracts from my testament, may God abstract from him the kingdom of heaven, unless, ere his end, he make atonement. ’ he wen ? 2 L 2 510 WILLS. ALFIIILD. ^ [STUD EST CYROGRAPHUM ALFILDE COMITISSE, UXORIS ALFWOLDI COMITIS, QUOMODO IN FATA CONCESSURA RESIGNAVIT ECCLE- SIE RAMESENSI RIPTONAM ET IVENINTONAM ET ELTNTONAM, ET BYTIIERNAM. In nomine Domini Dei summi. Ego Alfild notum facio omnibus amicis meis quomodo disposui de rebus et possessio¬ nibus meis, quas vir meus Alfwoldus comes, frater ^Eilwini aldermanni, mihi et liberis meis concessit. Imprimis igitur concedo Deo, et Sancte Marie, et Sancto Benedicto Ramesie, terram de Ryptona, et terram de \^"enintoua, et terram de Elintona, sicut praedictus vir meus Alfwoldus eas adhuc viven.s viva voce eidem ecclesie concessit. Concedo etiam yEdnotho, filio filie mee, ut si fratres Ramesie eum in monachum susci¬ pere voluerint, terram de Bytherna simul cum eo cedat Rame¬ sie in possessionem : quod si noluerint, nichilominus con¬ cedo eandem terram praefate ecclesie, pro anime mee salute. Concedo praeterea Almaro, capellano meo, terram de Cloptona in diebus suis libere tenendam; post dies vero ejus remaneat simul cum ceteris terris ecclesie Ramesensi. Rogo autem Deum Omnipotentem ut quicunque, vel parentum meorum vel hominum ceterorum, contra hoc venire presnmpserit, vel quicquam horum inmutare, iram Judicis eterni cum reprobis angelis incurrat, nisi vivens delictum suum digne emenda¬ verit. Arnen. a:tiiekic. Iler cyb yE Serie on jussum geivrite hwani he ge- ann. ofor his daeig- jjjera aehta Se him God alaened haefS. Diet is aerest sona- minum hlaforde syxti mancusa goldes- q mines swyrdes mid fetele- •j )>arto twa hors- q twa tar- gan- q twegen francan. And DCCCC.LXX. Here, in this writing, iEthei’ic makes known to whom he gives, after his day, the possessions ivhich God has lent him. That is immedi¬ ately first, to my lord sixty mancuses of gold, and my sword with belt, and thereto two horses, and two targets. WILLS. 517 ic goaiin Leofwinue minau wife ealles J?;es ic laefe hire e hit * 1 ’ begeat- call hutoii aiire hide* ic gean into |iajre ci'rcean j?am preoste }>e J?ar Gode jieowaS. And ic geaiiii 5ics landes set Eegene be westan into See Panic* )iam bisceopc to geleohtenne * -j |>aron Godes folce cristenddm to dielenne* ic geaiiu j^arto twegra hida |;e Eadric gafelaS e ahte J’e him God alent haued. pat is sone erst - mine louerd syxti markes goldes ■3 mine suerdes mid fetele- 'j jjerto tueye hors tueye targen tue frangen. And ic an Lefwine mine wife al ) 7 at ic leue hire day- and oner hire day go ]>a,t lond at Bockinge into Cristes kirke jjen hirde for unker ho^ere soule- t) .for mine fader pe it her begat- al bnten an hide ic an into Jje kirke J^e prest ]je f>er God )jewe‘S. 3 ic an J^at lond at Regene be westen strete into Seynte Paule- \>e bisscop to lihten - and )?eron Godes folke cristendom to delen. And ic an )?erto ))e tueye hide j^e Edric gaueli^ ilke iher mid half pund ^ mid acre garen. And ic an be esten strete- bu^e wudes 'j feldes Alfstane bisseop into Coppingforde- ] 7 e heges on Glesene. And ic an )?at lond at NorlShoo half into Seynte Gregorie on Subyr. and half into Seynt Eadmunde on Bid- richeswrS. Nu bidde ic J^ene bisscop Alfstan );at he amunigie mine lane*- )?at )>ing }jat ic her leue- and gif him God lines unne leng ) 7 an une- fat he fnltume J^at alle J^inge stonde fe ic queben habbe. BRIHTRIC GRIM. DCCCC.LXIV.-DCCCC.LXXX. Her is geswutulad ) 7 et Brichtric Grim gean j^es landes aet Rimtnne into ealdan myustre sefter his dege- mid |iere hide J^e he syjij^an begeat into jian lande- q agyf]; jia boc be Eadred cyning him geboeode into |?ani ealdan mynstre to Jiere ealdan biec fe ^EJiestan cyning aer geboeode- on J^et gerad );et he haebbe jione bryce ) 7 es landes swa lange ‘ MS. Here is made known, that Brihtrie Grim gives the land at Rempton to the Old monastery, after his day, with the hide that he after¬ wards aequired to that land, and gives up the eharter that king Eadred ehartered to him, to the Old monastery, in addition to the eharter wdiieh king ..Ethelstan pre¬ viously ehartered; on the condition that he have the louerd. WILLS. 619 8 \va his tyma sy. ^ gange sy^^an into J^sere stowe swa gewered swa hit stande- mid mete 'j mid mannum- 'j mid aelcum )?Tngan- his sawle to frofre. jiyses is to ywit- nesse- Dunstan arcebisceop- ~} Apelwold biseeop- Mlf- stan biseeop- ^jielgar abbod- 'j se hired on Gles- tingabyrig- fa twegen hiredas- on ealdan mynstre ■j on niwaii mynstre- on Win- tanceastre. usufruct of the land as long as his time may be; and let it afterwards go to that place so provided as it stands, with meat and with men, and with everything, for his souFs com¬ fort. And of this are to wit¬ ness: Dunstan archbishop, and Athelwold bishop, and ^Elfstan bishop, and iEthelgar abbot, and the eouvent of Glaston¬ bury, and the two convents at the Old monastery and at the New monastery in Winehester. ^LFL^D'S WILL, RECITING QUEEN ^THELEL.^U^S CIRCA DCCCC.LXXII. Dis is yEJielflsede ewyde. f is serest- ie gean minum hlaforde Jies landes aet Lam- burnau- ^ |>aes aet Ceolsige- aet Readingan- j feower beagas on twam bund maneys goldes- nil. pellas, iiii. cuppan- ■;] iiii. bleda- iiii. hors. ic bidde minne leofan hlaford- for Godes lufan- f min ewyde standan mote- ~j ic nan oSer nebbe geworht on Godes gewitnesse. ic gean Jiaes landes aet Domarhame into Glaestingabyrig for /Ed- mundes kinges sawle- for Eadgares cinges- for mire sawle. ic gean }?es landes ' Wife of King Eaduumd I. This is ^thelflaed’s tes¬ tament. That is first, that I give to my lord the land at Lambourn, and that at Chol- sey, and at Reading, and four torques of two hundred man- cuses of gold, and iv. palls, and IV. eups, and iv. bowls, and IV. horses. And I pray my dear lord, for love of God, that my testament may stand ; and I have made no other, in God’s witness. And I give the land at Damerham to Glastonbury, for king Ead- mund’s soul, and for king Eadgar’s, and for my soul. And I give the land at Ham a. 025. Sax. Chron. 620 WILLS. aet Hamme into Cristes cyrcan aet Cantwarebyrig. for Ead- mundes cinges sande* for mire sawle. ic gean )>es landes aet Wudaliam Beorlit- no'Se ealdormen mire swus- ter byre daeg. ofer hire deg into Sea Marian cyrcan aet Byorcingan. ic gean )>es landes aet Hcdham Baeorht- no'Sae ealdormen mire swus- ter baeora daeg- aefter baeora daege into Panlusbyrig aet Lundaenae to bisceopbamae. ic gean ]?aes landaes aet Dic- tunae into Ylig to Scae iEbel- dryS to liire geswnstran. ic gean |?ara twegra landa aet Cobbanfeldaea ^ aet Ceorles- weorjjc Baerorhtnobae aealder- men 'j mirae swnst hire daeg- ofer hire daeg into Scae Ead- mundes stovve to Bydcrices- wyrbe. ic gean jjaes landes aet Fingringabo Baeorhtno'Se aealdermaen mire swusf. birae daeg- ofer hire daeg into Scae Paetres cyrcan aet Myresige. ’j ic gean ]7ass landes aet Pol- stede Baeorlitnobe aealdonnaen •j mire swnst. hire deg- ofor bira daeg into Stocy. ic gaean jaaes landaes aetliwifersce into Stocy ofer minnae deg. ^ ic gean BaeorhtnoSae aeald- ermen ^ mire swust. jaaes landes aet Straetforda birae daeg- “j ofer hire daeg ic to Christcliurcli at Canter¬ bury, for king Eadmund’s soul, and for my soul. And I give the land at Woodham to Beorhtnoth aldorman and my sister, for her day, and after her day, to S* Mary’s church at Barking. And I give the land at Hadham to Beorhtnoth aldorman and my sister, for their day, and after their day, to Paulsbury at London, for an episcopal dwelling. And I give the land at Ditton to S’ .dEtheldryth and to her sisters. And I give the two lands at Cock- field and at Charlesworth to Beorhtnoth aldorman and to my sister, for her day, and after her day, to S* Ead¬ mund’s place at Bedericks- worth. And I give the land at Fingringhoe to Beorhtnoth aldorman and my sister, for her day, and after her day, to S' Peter’s church at Mersey. And I give the land at Pol- stead to Beorhtnoth aldorman and to my sister, for her day, and after her day, to Stoke. And I give the land at 'iViv- ersh to Stoke, after my day. And I give to Beorlitiioth aldorman and my sister the land at Stratford, for her day, and after her day, I give it I to Stoke. And I Avill that WILLS. 521 Ilis gsean into Stocy. j ic willse f Lauanham ga into Stoce of?er )7es fealdermannes dajg- j mire swust. ic geau ]?Hes landes set Byligesdynae into Stocy ofter j;{es sealdev- inannes dieg- j mire swust. j ic gean {nira landa aet Pelt- andune- j aet Myresige. set (irenstede into Stocy ofer niinnae dieg- J ofer Bieorlit- noSes scaldormannses- ofier mire swnst. j ic gean ]7ies landes set Ylmesseton Baeorlit- no^e aealdormen mire swust. liira dseg- 'j ofter liira dseg ic his g;ean iEadmundse. '] ic an ]>ierae are hide set porpsc into Hedhege- for mire sawle 'j for mira eldrena ofer .ie gean Ssera x. hida set Wicforda Sibrihte minum msegse ofer minne dseg. -] ic gean yEcgwinse minum genefan }>ara iiii. hida iiit Iledham ofer minne dseg. swa hit on leald daguni ge- stod. "j ic gean Brihtwolde minum cnihtu; |?ara twegra liida on Dunninclande ofer minnae d;eg. y ie an Alfwolde minum prcoste twegra hida ; on Uunninglandc ofaer minnse d;eg. ic gean yE)>;elm:ere milium prieoste twiegra liida on Dunninglande ofaer minne (heg. ic glean .lElfgscate ; milium nicgai twcgr.a hida on . Lavenham go to Stoke^ after the aldorman’s and my sister’s j day. And I give the land at I Bilson, after the aldorman’s and my sister’s day. And I I give the lands at Peldon^ and at Mersey, and at Greenstead I to Stoke, after my day, and ! after Beorhtnoth aldorman’s, and after my sister’s. And I give the land at Elmsett to Beorhtnoth aldorman and my sister, for their day, and after their day, I give it to Ead- mund. And I give the one I hide at Thorp to Iladleigh, for my soul and for my parents’, after > 1 < Aiid I give the x. hides at "Wick- ford to Sibriht my kinsman, after my day. And I give to vEgwine my reeve the iv. hides at Iladham, after my dajg as it stood in old days. And I give to Brihtwold my page the two hides in Dony- land, after my day. And 1 give to Alfwold my priest two hides in Donyland, after my day. And I give to ..Ethel- mser my priest two hides in Donyland, after my day. And I give to /Elfgeat my kins¬ man two hides in Donyland, after my day. And I give the land at Waldingfield to Crawe my kinswoman, after my day. And I w ill that half 623 WILLS. Dunninglande ofar niinnae daeg. ic gaean 'Saes landaes set Waealdingafaelda Crawa mira magan ouaer minnae daeg. ic wille p man frigae liaealue mine men on el cum tune- for mine sau lae- -j p man dele aeal healf p yrue p ic liaebbae on aelcum tune- for mire sawle. iElflacd gaeswytela]? on }»is gewrite liu haeo wile liabban gefadad birae aebta for Gode ■j for worldae. ^rest p ie an minum blaforde ]?ara viii. landa- aefter rainum dege- p is erest aet Douercortae- aet Fulanpette- aet ^Elesforde- •j aet Stanwegun- •] aet Byrae- tune- 'J aet Laexadyne- aet Ylmesaetun- aetBucysbealae- ~} twaegra beba on twera punda gewibte- twa sop- cuppan- an saeolfran faet. \si leof aeadmodlice bidde- for Godes luuan- for mines blafordaes sawle lufan- for minrae swystor sawlae lufan- p )?u amundie j^a balgan stowae et Stocae }?e mine yldran on restaj?- "j |?a are pse bi j^iderin saeadon a to freogon Godaes ribte. p is J^onne p ic gean aealswa mine yldran bis er geu]7au- p is j^oniie p lond aet Stoce into )?aerae balagan stowae- "J aeal p p Jjaer to tune gebyrS- f^onae wuda aet my men be freed, in every vill, for my soul, and that half of all tbe cattle wbicb I bave in every vill be distri¬ buted for my soul. iElflaed makes known by this writing bow sbe will bave disposed of ber property, be¬ fore God and before tbe world. First, that I give to my lord, after my day, these vin.lands : that is first, atDovercoui’t, and at Fulpit, and at Aylesford, and at Stanway, and at Ber- don, and at Latcbingdon, and at Elmsett, and at Buxball, and two torques of two pounds weight, and two sop-cups, and one silver vessel. And thee, dear, I humbly pray, for love of God, and for love of my lord’s soul, and for love of my sister’s so\d, that thou protect tbe holy place at Stoke, in wbicb my parents rest, and the property which they gave in thither, for tbe perpetual freedom of God’s rights. That is then, that I give, as my parents before gave it, the land at Stoke to tbe holy place, and all that Avhich there in the vill be- WILLS. 523 lisej^frelda pse min swistur geu}73e. ■;) mine yldran. ponne synd ]7is pa, land pas min® yldran )?®rto bscwsp.don. ofeer minre swystor dmg- ofer minne- p is “Sonne Stred- ford®. ■;) Fresantun. Wis- wy)7etun. Lauanliam- Byliesdyne- 'j Polstyde* Wifermyrsc- Grmnstyde* ■] Peltandune- Myr®seg®- "j f wud®land ®t Toth am. pas min faeder geu]?® into Myre- si®. Colne. Tigan. ponne synd |ds )^a laud )7e min® yldran becw®don into oJ?rum halgum stowum. p is )^onne. into Cantn arabyrig to Crist®s circan. ]7an hired to br®ce. })es landes ®t Illanlege. into Paules mynstre into Lun- dene )7®s landes ®t Hedham to biscophame. “j )7®s landes ®tTidwoldingtune. ]?an hirede to brece into Paules mynstre. into Beorcingan. ];an hirede to brece. j^es landes ®t Bob- bingjjyrnan. 'j ic gean iElf- )7r®5e min®s hlauord®s med- der \Vuduham®s ®ft®r min¬ um d®ge. 'J ®fter hir® dege gauge hit into Sea Marian stow® into Bcoi’cingan. ®al swa hit st®nt mid m®te ^ mid mannum. ic g®an into Sc® Eadmunde }>ara twegra landa Ceorlesweorj^c ~} Coch- anfelde. )>am hirede to brece- longs, and the wood at Heath- field, which my sister gave, and my parents. Now these are the lands which my pa¬ rents thereto bequeathed, after my sister’s day, and after mine : that is then, Stratford, and Preston, and Wiston, and Lavenham, and Bilson, and Polstead, and Wyvermarsh, and Gi'eeustead, and Peldou, and Mersey, and the woodland at Totham which my father gave to Mersey, and Colne, and Tye. Now these are the lands which my parents be¬ queathed to other holy places. That is then, to Christchurch at Canterbury, for the use of the convent, the land at Illey; and to S‘ Paul’s monastery in London, the land at Hadham, for an episcopal vill; and the land at Tidwoldington, for the use of the convent, to S' Paul’s monastery; and to Barking, for the use of the convent, the land at Babbingthorn. And 1 give to ^Elfthryth, my lord’s mother, Woodham, after my day; and after her day let it go to S' Mary’s place at Bark¬ ing, as it stands, with meat and with men. And I give to S* Eadmund’s the two lands, Charlesworth and Cockfield, for the use of the convent, as my parents ere gave them; 624 WILLS. pealswa mine yldran his er i gen|>an- J^aes landes set j Hnyddinge aeftser Cra\ran dsege mirse magan. j ic gsean into Myresie sefter minum dsege ealsua min lilaford 1 min swester geu|'an- ^ is Fingringaho- 'j )?ara six hida | ]>iE ^ mynstter on stent. ic gsean- seftser Crawan dege-]jes j landes set Wealdingafelda into i Su^liyrig to Scse Gregorise ealsua min s\yestar hit er forsewyrde. ic gean into ! Elig Scse Petre- j Scse dryj^e- j See Wihtburhe- Scse Sexhurhe- "y See Eor- menhilde- )jer mines lilafordes lichoma rest- ]>ara ]>reo landa l^e wit buta geheotan Gode his halga- f is set Rettendune- )?e wses min morgangyfu- “j mt Ssegham- set Dictime- I ealswa min hlaford ■y min j swaestar Ins er geujjan- jjarse anre hide set Csefle J>e min swystar begeat- j^es i beahges gemacan )?e man I sajalde minum hlaforde to > sawlescseatte. ic gean ^ESel- ; mere sealdormen hes landes set j . .1 Lellinge ofer mine dseg- mid mete "] mid mannum- sealswa ■ hit stent- on ];et gerad ^ he j l)co on minum life min fulla j I freond forespreca- ■] mira \ manna- sefter minum dege beo )?ara halgan stowe perie I and the land at Nedging, after the day of Crawe my kins¬ woman. And I give to Mers¬ ey, after my day, as my lord and my sister gave: that is Fingringhoe, and the six hides on which the monastery stands. And I give, after Crawe’s day, the land atM^ald- ingfield to S' Gregory’s at Sudbury, as my sister before arranged it. And I give to S' Peter’s, and to S' ^thel- dryth, and to S' Wihtburh, and to S' Sexburh, and to S' Eormenhild, at Ely, where my lord’s body rests, the three lands, which we both promised to God and his saint: that is, at Rettendon, which was my morning-gift, and at Soham, and at Ditton, as my lord and my sister be¬ fore gave them; and the one hide at Cheveley, which my sister acquired; and the fellow of the torque wdiich was given to my lord as soul-shot. And I give to ..^Ethelraaer aldorman the land at Lelling, after my day, with meat and with men, all as it stands, on the con¬ dition that he be in my life¬ time the full friend and advo¬ cate of me and my men; and, after my day, be the full friend and advocate of the holy place and the property at WILLS. /)25 are fui freoiid forespraeca set Stocae- )>e mine el (Iran on resta}», 'j ie gean }»es laudes agt Lissingtime .d^Selmere mines .mid mete mid mannum, ealswa hit stent* hine eadmodlice bidde ^ he min fulla frcond ^ mundiend heo on minum dege- ■;] eftcr minum dege gefelste p min ewide mira yldran standaii mote. Dis synd ]>a laudmearca to Byligesdyne. Of ^a human set Huraeleyrre- fram Humel- eyrre [p hit cymS] to Here- geres heafode- fram Here- geres heafode- sefter 'Sam eald- an hege- to Ssere grene sec- }»onue forS hit cymS to ]»are stanstrsetc- of )?are stanstriete jlang scrybbe •]? hit cymS to Acantune. fram Acyntune ^ hit cymS to Riginduue. fram lligindune seft to }^ara human. ■;) )»;cre is laudes fif hida. Dis sind }>a landgemsera to Ilwifcrmirsce "] to Polstede. Of Loppandyne to Sceldeage. fram leage to Mercyl. Tlang Mercyle into Sture- 'jlang Sture to Leofmanues gernserc- ■^lang Ijcofmannes gsemsere to Amulburnan. fram Amul- hurnan to NorSfelda- Sonne forS to Bindluccce- Irani Bind- hseecc to Tudaidueccc. fram Stoke, in which my parents rest. And I give the land at Liston to .lEthelmser my ♦ * :|c >K Avitli meat and with men, all as it stands, and humbly pray him that he he my full friend and protector in my day, and after my day give his aid that my testa¬ ment and my parents’ may stand. These are the land-liounda- ries at Bilsou. From the bourn to HumelcyiTe; from Humelcyrre [till it comes] to Heregeres head; from Ilere- geres head, along the old hedge, to the green oak; then on till it comes to the stone road; from the stone road along the shrubbery till it eomes to Acton; from Acton till it comes to Higdon; from Higdon again to the bourn. And-there are five hides of land. These are the land-bounda¬ ries at Wyvermarsh and at Polstead. From Lopton to Shelley; from Shelley to Mercyl; along INIcrcyl to the Stour; along the Stour to Leofman’s boundary; along Leofraan’s boundary to Amnl- biirn; from Amulburn to Northfield; then on to Bind- hatch ; from Bindhatch to 626 WILLS. Tudanhaecce to Giddincg- forda- fram Giddingforda to Huntstede. fram Huntstede to Hwitincglio- fram Hwit- ingho to Wudemannes tune- fram Wudemannes tune to Cseresege gaemsere- fram Caeresige gemaere to Haed- leage gemaere - fram Haedleage gaemaere to Hligham gemaere- fram Hligham gemaere eft to Loppandyne. To Hwifraeme . . . .landes. Dorso. ^Iflaed. Ceorles- wor-Se Cokefelda. Tudanhatch; from Tudan- hatch to Gidding; from Gid- ding to Hnntstead; from Huntstead to Whittinghoo; from Whittinghoo to Wood- manston; fromWoodmanston to Kei’sey boundary; from Kersey boundary to Hadleigh boundary; from Hadleigh boundary to Ligham boun¬ dary; from Ligham boundary again to Lopton * * * * * Indorsed. ^Elflaed. Charles- worth and Cockfield. ^LFHEAII ALDORMAN. Her is geswutelod an 'Sis 1 gewrite hu Hilifheah ealdor- man his cwidse gecwaeSen liaefS be his cynehlafordaes gej^afuncge. paet is J^onnae aeraest- j^aet he gean his Drihtne- for his sawlae );earfae- J^ajs landaes aet HCllaendune- 1 J^aes aet Crundelom to ealdan mynstaere to Winti- ceastrae- and ]>aera twaentiga hida aet Ceorlatunae into Mealdaelmaesbyrig- and j^aera fiftyna hida aet SuStune into BaSan. And he gean his cyne- hlafordae jjaera hundtwaen- tiga hida aet WyrSae- and Jjaes landaes aet Coccham- and aet DCCCC.LXV.-DCCCC.LXXV. I Here is made known^ by this writing, how ^Ifeah aldorman has declared his testament, Avith the permission of his royal lord. That then is first, that he gives to his Lord, for his souks need, the land at Ellendon, and that at Crondall, to the Old monas¬ tery at Winchester; and the tw'enty hides at Charlton to Malmesbury, and the fifteen hides at Sutton to Bath. And he gives to his royal lord the twenty hides at Worth, and the land at Cookham, and at Thatcham, and at Chelsworth, and at Inglesham, and at WILLS. 627 paecham. and aet Ceolaes- wyi-Sae- and set Incgenaesham. and set ^gelesbyrig. and set Wsendofron- and preo hinid mancusa goldes - and annse dies an prym pundom- and anse soppeuppan an pryin pund- an- -j an liandsex- and jiserae leege* is hundeahtati man- enssa goldses- "j seax swur^. and seax hors mid geredan. and swafsela spaera and seylda. And he geaii Elfin'S haes eyninges n ifae his gefseSeran paes landses set Seyraehurnan ealswa hit stsent* and pam yldran aepselingse paes eyngses suna and liirse- jnitiga man- eussa goldses and anaes swurdaes* and Jiam ginegran ■Sses landes set Wolensesstedie. And he gean J^lfhsere his hre^Sser )iaes landaes set Fsern- dunse- and set Ealdinehurnan. and Godwinae his suna }iaes aet Tudinegatunse- and iElf- vverdae aet Wyritunse- and iEpelwerdae his mege aet Wi- euman- and ./Elfwine his su’ustur suna j^ses aet Froxa- felda. ponnae an ie iElfsipse minou wifae- gyf heo leng heoS jionne ic- and it siva gehylt swa ie hirae truivan to hsehhe. ealra para oeSaera landa pae ie laefae. And heo panne gaeornliese of pam God Aylesbury, and at Wendover; and three hundred nianeuses of gold, and one dish of three pounds, and one sop-eup of three pounds, and one hand- seax; and in the hilt there are eighty maneuses of gold; and six swords, and six horses with trappings, and as many spears and shields. And he gives to ^Ifthryth, the king’s wife, his gossip, the land at Sherborne, as it stands; and to the elder aetheling, the king’s son and hers, thirty maneuses of gold and one sword; and to the younger the land at Wolenesstede. And he gives to jElfhere, his brother, the laud at Farndon, and at Aldingbourn; and to Godwine, his son, that at Teddington; and to JE\f- Aveard, [that] at Wyritun; and to iEthelweard, his kins¬ man, [that] at Wicumaii ; and to ^Ifwiue, his sister’s son, that at Froxfield. Then I give to ^Ifsith, my ivife, if she shall live longer than I, and so conducts herself as 1 trust she will, all the other lands which I leave. And let her earnestly thank God therefore, and pray earnestly for our souls; and let her enjoy the land at Batcomb From leccan, 'prehendere'^ ge)j?encae. and for uncre sawle geornlicse bco- and brncae beo )? 0 es landses set Batancnuibie byrae daeg- and jefter hire daege ga hit an iElfwaerdes liand nncres snna- gif hae lifaes beo- gyf bae nae beo fon mine bi’oborn to )?a bwilae j’ae hi beon- and aeftcr liyra dege ga into Glaestingabyrig for iirnae faedaer- and for nrae modor- and for us eallae. And ic wnllan pset man gefreogen aelcne wite|>eowne man on aelcum )>aera landae pse ic minon freondou baecwedden haebbae. And Jnsserae ge)>a- funcga )>ae sae cyning geu)?ae is to gewituaessae Aillfjjry)? j^aes cynincges ndf- and A)>ehvold bisceop- T j^lfliaere ealdor- man- ^jjehvine ealdorman- yElfwinae- “j ^Esmvig abbod. for her day; and after her day, let it go into the hand of jElfweard, our son, if he be living; if he be not, let my brothers succeed to it, as long as they live; and after their day, let it go to Glas¬ tonbury, for our father, and for our mother, and for ns all. And I will that every penal serf be freed on each of the lands that I have be¬ queathed to my friends. And of this permission which the king has granted me, are to witness ^Elfthryth, the king’s wife, and Athelwold bishop, and iElfhere aldorman, and Ailthelwine aldorman, and .Elfwine, and ^scwig abbot. WULF^^■ARU. Ic '\^'ulfwaru bidde minne leofan hlaford Jilbel- red kyning him to selmyssan. p ic mote beon mines cwydes wyrSe. Ic kySe pQ leof her on jusum gewrite hwaes ic geann into Babum- to See Petres mynstre- for mine carman sawle- q for minra yldrena Se me min ar of com- ►Ji I Wulfwaru pray my dear lord king .Ethelred in charity, that I may be worthy of my testament. I make known to thee, dear, here, by this writing, what I give to S' Peter’s monastery in Bath, for my poor soul and for my parents’, from whom my pro¬ perty and my possessions WlLl.S. 5:>'J ■j mine seiita. f is 'Sonne p ic geaniv j^sedcr itito jisere i halgan stowe anes beages is ] on sextigum niaucnssum goldes- anre blede is on j }>riddan bealfon punde- j twcga gyldenra roda- y anes msessereafes niid ealluni bam • Se )iserto gobyreS- -j anes lirieghrtfigles )i8es sclestau Se ic hsebbe- anes bcddreafes niid waliliryfte -) mid hopp- scytan- ~} mid eallum Sam Se )>serto gebyreS. ^ ic geaiin iElfere abbode Stes landes ,'et Perscesforda- mid mete mid mannum- mid ealre tylSe swa Saerto getilod biS. ic gcanu Wulfmiere minum yldran suna Saes landes aet Clatfordtuue- mid mete -] mid mannum, y mid eallre tilSe- 'J Saes landes set Cum- tune- mid mete mid mannum, 'j mid ealre tilSe. ■J Saes landes tet Budancumbe j ic geann him healfes- mid j mete mid maunuiu- mid ealre tilSe- healf ic his geann ; Alfware minre gyngran j dehter- mid mete ^ mid mannum- mid eallre tilSe- T daelon lii past heafodbotl j him betweonan swa rihte came to me. That then is, that I give thither, to the holy place, one torque of sixty maucuses of gold, and one bowl of two pounds and a half, and two golden roods, and one mass-robe with all which thereto belongs, and one dorsaP, the best I have, and one bed-furniture, with wall-hanging and with cover¬ let, and with all which thereto belongs. And I give to abbot ^Blfere the land at Freshford, with meat and with men, and with all the tilth which shall be thereon produced. And I give to Wulfmaer, my elder sou, the land at Claverton, with meat and with men, and with all the tilth; and tlie land at Compton, with meat and with men, and with all the tilth. And of the land at Budeombe I give him half, with meat and with men, and with all the tilth; half of it I give to Alfwaru, my younger daughter, with meat and with men, and with all the tilth; and let them divide the chief dwelling between them, as they most justly can, so that each of them * .\t p. 429 I have rendered this word by mantle, but I since find it thus explained : “ manteau tres riche d’ornemens, qui n’^toit portd que par lea gens de haute condition." Koquefort, voce Dossal. A dorsal is also a wall- hanging of tapestry, used chiefly in the church, at the back of the stalls. .M 530 WIl.LS swa hi rihtlicost magoii- p heora aeg^er his gelice micel habbon. And ^Ifvvine minum gyngran suna ic geann ^es landes aet Leage- mid mete j mid mannum* j mid eallre til-Se* and -Ses landes set Healhtune* mid mete •;) mid mannum* j mid eallre til^e* ^ ^es landes set Hocgestnne* mid mete j mid mannum* j mid eallre til^e* "j }>rittiga mancussa goldes. J ic geann Godan minre yldran dehter fies landes set Wunfrod* mid mete j mid mannum* mid eallre til'Se* 'J twegea ciippena on feower pundum* anes bendes on J>ritigum mancussum goldes* twegea preonas* j anes wifscrudes ealles. And Alf- ware minre gyngran dehter ic geann ealles "Saes wTf- scrudes )>e ^er to lafe bi’S. And Wulfmsere minum suna* j jdillfwine minum o^Srum suna* "j Alfware minre dehter* heora ]?reora selcum* ic geann twegea cuppena on godum feo. And ic geann Wulf- maere minum suna anes heall- wahriftes* -j anes heddreafes. ^Elfwine minum o^rum suna ic geann anes heallreafes* 'j anesburreafes* mid beodi’eafe* j mid eallum hraeglum swa I’aerto gebyreS. And ic geann j may have equally much of it. And to ^'Elfwine, my younger son, I give the land at Leigh, with meat and with men, and with all the tilth, and the land at Holton, with meat and with men, and w'ith all ■the tilth, and the land at Hoxton, with meat and with men, and with all the tilth; and thirty mancuses of gold. And I give to Gode, my elder daughter, the land at Wind- ford, with meat and with men, and with all the tilth, and two cups of four pounds, and one band of thirty man¬ cuses of gold, and two brooches, and one female attire complete. And to Alf- waru, my younger daughter, I give all the female attire that shall be left. And to Wulfmaer, my son, and .^If- wine, my second son, and Alfwaru, my daughter, to each of these three, I give two cups of good price. And I give to Wulfmaer, my son, one hall-wall-hanging and one bed-furniture. To M\i- wine, my second son, I give one hall-hanging, and one chamber-hanging, with table¬ covering, and with all the cloths which thereto belong. And I give to my four pages, vElmaer, and ^Ifwerd, and WILLS. 631 minum feower ciiihtum- ^El- maere* ■] ^Ifwerde- ^ Wulf- rice- 'J Wulfstane- aiies bencles on twentigum mancussum goldes. And ic geann eallum minum hired wifmannum to gemanum iines godes caste- neres' wel gerenodes. And ic wylle p ^a to minre are fon f hi fedon twentig frcot- manna- tyne be eastan- -j tyne be westan. And aefrc eelce geare ealle gemsenelice ane feorrne into Ba^um- swa gode swa hi bezte )?urhteoii magon- to swylcre tide swylce heom eallum {^ince f hi bezt '] geriseidicost hi forSbringan magon. Swylc heora swylce jjis gelseste- haebbe he Godes milze j mine- and swylc heora swylce 5is gelaestan nelle- hfebbe he hit him wib pone Hehstan gemaene- -p is se so5a God. ^c ealle geseeafta gesceop -j geworhte. ; Wulfric, and Wulfstan, one j band of twenty mancuses of gold. And I give to all my household women in common one good chest, well supplied. And I will that those who succeed to my property, feed twenty freedmen, ten in the east, and ten in the west. And ever, in every year, all ill common, with one refec¬ tion in Bath, as good as they best can supply it, at such time as may seem to them all that they can best and most conveniently accomplish it. Such of them as shall perform this, may he have God’s mercy and mine; and such of them as will not perform it, may he have to account with the Highest, that is the true God, who created and wrought all creatures. .KUNKKTKL AND WLLFKUN. Ego iEriiketel et Wlfron uxor mea iEthelredo regi domino nostro, et omnibus suis de Eboraco et de Notingeham iiotiiin facimus nos concessisse, et praesenti eyrographo confirmasse Deo, et Sancte Marie, et Sancto Benedicto de Rameseia, post dies nosti’os, terram nostram de Hikelinge, et terram de Kinildetiine, cum firma et servitio, sicut habetur in dominio nostro. Volumus autem ut post dies nostros corpora nostra ‘ Dlig. oha.stanari, fi/m, capsa. 2 M 2 532 WILLS. ibidem, si Deo placuerit, sepulta requiescant; et ubicunque alter nostrum vitam finierit, fratres Ramesie venientes cum custamento, tam suo quam amicorum nostrorum, corpus de¬ functi Ramesiam deferant tumulandum. Et ego ^rnketel volo quod in precium sepulture mee et anime salutem, pro¬ veniant ecclesie Ramesensi xv'=™ libre de argento et auro et catallis, que die defunctionis mee apud me contigerit in¬ veniri : pro salute vero anime praefate uxoris mee et corporis sepultura, remanebit eidem ecclesie terra de Lochamtona cum catallis omnibus qute in ea invenientur. Ego autem Wlfroim singulis annis vite mee, ad festum Sancti Benedicti, quod est in estate, x. mittas de brasio, et v. de grut, et v. mittas farine triticee, et viii. pernas, et xvi. caseos, et duas vaccas pingues de terra mea Hikelinge, pro respectu decerno eidem ecclesie procurari; in Capite vero Quadragesime viii. isicios. Qui¬ cunque ergo hanc donationem infringere presumpserit vel permutare, animadversionis eterne in die judicii coram Deo reus existat, nisi condigna penitencia temeritatem suam cor¬ rexerit. Nec liceat cuiquam episcopo vel monacho has terras pro auro vel argento permutare, set sint semper in posses¬ sione ecclesie cui eas per hoc cyrographum studuimus con¬ firmare. WTTLFGYFU. In nomine Domini. Ego Wlfgiua comitissa omnibus notum facio hoc quod Omnipotenti Deo concedere volo post dies meos pro anima mea. Villam, scilicet, de Bramcestria do Deo et Sancto Benedicto Ramesie : hoc volo ut firmiter stet, et a nullo hominum immutetur. Hoc scriptum fuit in tribus partibus divisum, quarum una remansit in manibus Athelstani episcopi, alteram mecum retinui, tertiam optuli Ramesie. Deus optimus custodiat omnes quicumque hoc custodire voluerint; et qui hoc inmutare attemptaverit, Deus ilhim ad justiciam et emendacionem revocet. Arnen. WILLS. rm .ETHELGYFU. Ego ^thelgiua comitissa do et concedo ecclesie Ramesensi, ad honorem Dei et Sancti Benedicti, et ad anime mee sub¬ sidium sempiternum, terram meam de Stowe et de Brunne, ita libere et quiete possidendam sicut ego ipsa eam unquam liberius et quiecius possedi; et novum molendinum, et unam marcam auri, cujus medietas in usus monasterii necessarios cedat; de altera vero medietate refectio fratribus procuretur. Do etiam duos cyphos argenteos de xii. marcis ad pondus Hustingie Londonensis, ad serviendum fratribus in refectorio, quatinus dum in eis potus edentibus fratribus ministratur, memoria mei eorum cordibus arctius inculcetur. Estote, fra¬ tres karissimi, memores mei erga eum cujus gratia indigeo: Deus autem sit nobis propicius; et ego vobis fida soror ero quamdiu duraverit tempus meum. WYNFL.El). ABOUT DCCCC.XCV. Wynflaed cyS hu bio wile ymbe J^set hio baefb ofer byre daeg. Hio becvvib into cyrcan byre ofring f..u< q byre beteran ofring sceat. q byre rode* q into beodern hiwun twa selefrene cuppan* q byre to saulsceatte selcon Godes )?eowe mancos goldes* q butan |;am Ceoldryj^e i. mancus, q OSelbrybte q Else q yE)>els . . . j^e. q an pund to Wiltuue 5am biwum- q Fugelc anne mancus, q bio becwiS ^ESelficcde byre debter byre agrafcnan beab q byre mentelpiTon. q ^ land aet j Wynflaed makes known i how she wills concerning j what she has, after her day. She bequeaths to the church her offering- [vessels] .... and her better offering-vestment, i and her rood; and to the re¬ fectory for the convent, two silver cups, and for her soul- shot, to every servant of God a mancus of gold ; and besides that, to Ccoldrytb one man¬ cus, and to Otbelbyrbt, and Else, and Hilthels . . . and one pound to the convent at Wil- ! ton, and to Fngel one mancus. And she bequeaths to .Ethel- 534 WILLS. Ebbelesburnan. j ]7a boc on ece yrfe. to ateonne swa byre leofos^ sy. j bio [a]n [b]yre j;ara manna "j ]?3es yrfes ~j ealles )7£ES ]7e ]?8er |>eniie on bib- butan man seel for byre saulle J^aer ofdon rngj^er ge an mannon ge an yrfe. set Ceorlatnne bio byre an eal- swa )?ere manna Jjaes yrfes b[ut]an 5am freotmannon- j f» 0 et man fincle of )?am yrfe set Ceorlatnne [bealfes] pnucles Avyr)?ne saulsceat to Mylen- burnan- j bealfes pnndes wyr}>ne saulseet fram Cinnuc to Gyfle. -j Eadmaere |?aet land aet Coles[b]ylle- 'j set Inggenesliamme- j bio an bim eac ]78es landes tet Fac- cancu [mbe] • byre morgen- gyfii Aves- bis dieg- j ofer bis dteg- gyf ^E]7el{l8ed leng lybbe )mnne be- )?onne fo bio to }>am lande set Faceanenmbe- j ofer byre dseg ga bit eft an EadAvoldes liand. j gif God Aville p(Bt Eadwold Aveor}7e to ]7am gCAvexen an bis faeder da?ge jjaet be land bealdan maege- )?enne bid ic Eadmaer j^aet be bim laete jjara tAA'ega landa- o)?er to.o}>}>e aet Collesbylle- o5[er] aet Eadburggebyrig- ofer bis daeg buta. j bio AAdle ]>set man finde let Inggenesbam [me b]ealfes pundcs Avyrjme sanl- flied ber daughter ber graven torque, and ber mantle brooeb, and tbe land at Ebbesborne, and tbe charters, in perpetuity, to dispose of as to her shall be most agree¬ able. And she gives to ber tbe men and the cattle, and all that shall then be thereon, except Avhat, for her soul, there shall be taken aAvay, either in men or in cattle. And at Charlton she also gives her tbe men and the cattle, except the freedmen; and that, from the property i at Chai’ltou, there be found soul-shot of half a pound Avortb for Milbourn, and soul- shot of half a pound Avorth from Cbinnock for Gidley. And to Eadmser tbe land at Colesbill and at Inggenes- ham : and she gives him also tbe land at Faecaneumb (it Avas her morning-gift), for bis day; and after bis day, if ^Etbelflaed live longer than be, then let her succeed to tbe land at Faecaneumb; and after ber day, let it revert into EadAvold^s hand. And if God will that EadAvmld should be i so groAvn up in bis father’s day that he can hold land, I then pray Eadmier that be relinquish to bim one of tbe tAvo lands, either tbe one at WILLS. 535 sceat to Wanetiug for hy. -j set Colleshylle- 'j finde man of )?am yrfe lx. penegga wyr’S to Scrifenanhamme- LX. to Colle [s hy]lle- lx. to Cillari^e. 'j freoge man Wulf- ware. folgyge f>am pe liyre leofo[st . . .]ttry);e ealswa. 'j freoge man Wnlfflajde on piet gerad pset liio folgige iEJjel- flaede y Eadgyfe. ^ hio becwiS Eadgyfe ane crencestran- ane sem[estran]. oj^er hatte Edgyfii. o)>er hatte tEJ^cI- gyfu. y freoge man Gerburge 'j Miscin y his.el* y Burhulfes dohtur set Cinnnc* ■;) iElfsige y his wif* y his yldran debtor • y Ceolstanes wif. y set Ceorlatune freoge man Pifus ^ Edwyn [e] * y . 11 wif. aet Faccan- cnmbe fringe man zEdelni* y Man* lohannan* ^ Sprow •] his wif* ^ En[e]faette* y Gersande* •j Snel. y aet Colleshylle freoge man ^Ejiel- gy|ie* y Bican wif* y .dUftaii* y B[e]dan* Gurhannes wif* y freoge man Wulfwara swystor Bryhsiges wif* "] i * . .... jiysne wyrhtan* Wulf- gy}ie /Elfswyjie dolitor, y gif ]iaer hwylc Avitejieowman sy biitan |iyson pe hio ge- jieowcde* hio gelyfS to hyre bcarnon )7;et hi hinc willon I lyhtan for hyrc sanllc. .... or at Coleshill, or the other at Eadburgsbury, and after his day^ both. And she wills that there be found at Inggenesham soul-shot of half a pound worth, for her for Wantage, and at Coleshill ; and let there be found from the property lx. pence worth for Shrivenham, lx. for Coles¬ hill, LX. for Childrey. And let Wulfwaru be freed, and follow whom it is most agree¬ able to her ; and . . . thrytli also. And let Wulfflied be freed, on the condition that she follow yEthelflaed and Eadgyfu. And she bequeaths to Eadgyfu one weaveress and one sempstress, the one is named Eadgyfu, the other is named .iEthelgyfu. And let Gerburg be freed, and Miskin, and his.and Burhulf’s daughter at Chin- nock, and iElfsige, and his wife, and his elder daughter, and Ceolstan’s wife. And at Charlton, let Pifus be freed, and Eadwine, and .... wife. And at Faccancumb, let Jilthelm be freed, and Man, and Johanna, and Sprow and his wife, and Enefset, and Gersand, and Snel. And at Coleshill, let iEthelgyth be freed, and Bicca’s wife, and .Efl'c, and Bcda, and Gurhan’s 530 WILLS. .Elfwolde hyre tAregeii wesend hornas- j an hors- j hyre reade ge[t]eld. [■])] hio be- cwy^ Eadmaere ane hlidfses}»e cnppan- o}>re ^E^elflaede- j hit l^ift hi findou betweox liiin twa smicere scencing- cnppan into heodem for hi- o)^|7e hyre ahgene ieredan cnppan geiccon- hy sy. .ec . . an anon punde. ^onne nolde hio ]>8et man dyde innon aeg|?ere cnppan healf pnnd penega. j agyfc man Eadnolde his ag[e]ne II. sylerenan cnppan- hio becniS him liyrc goldfagan treowenan cnppan- )?{Et he ice his beah mid ]iam golde o)?]?e hi mon set him gehweorfe mid xYi. mancnssnm reades goldes- sna micel )iser is to gedong. liio becni]? him twa mydrecan- j^aer an innan an hedreaf eal J^set to annm bedde gebyreS. agyfe Eadmser Eadwolde swa micel yrfe swa fela manna swa [hiol him ser set Ilafene becwa^^. [h]e his fseder syb^an swa he Aville. ^ be |>an lande set Cinnnc hit agon ]ja hiwan set Sceaftesbyrig ofer hyre daeg- hio ah J>set yrfe ^ |ia men- )ienne an hio )ian hiwnm |?ara gehnra ]>e on l^am gafollandc sittaS- ■j )?cra jicowra manna hio an liyrc wife; and let 'Wnlfwarn’s sister, Byrhsige’s wife, be freed, and.wright, and Wnlfgyth, .Elfswyth’s daughter. And if there be any penal serf whom she has held in servitnde, besides these, she trnsts to her child¬ ren that they Avill release him for her sonl. And to ^If- wold [she gives] her two buffalo horns, and one horse, and her red tent. And she bequeaths to Eadmser one covered cnp, another to ^Ethel- flsed, and prays that they find between them two fair skink- ing-cups for the refectory, for her, or enlarge her own orna¬ mented cups : they are. of one pound. Then she would that there be put into each cup half a pound of pennies. And let be given up to Eadwold his own two silver cups; and she bequeaths to him her gold-decorated wooden cup, that he may enlarge his torque Avith the gold, or let it he exchanged Avith him for xvi. mancuses of red gold; so much there is laid on. And she be¬ queaths to him two boxes, and therein one bed-furnitui e, all that belongs to a bed. And let Eadmaer giAC up to Eadwold as much cattle and WILLS. W7 syna dehtei’ Eadgyfe- ~j J^aes yrfes butan j^am saulsceatte ]>e man to Gifle syllan sceal. 1 bio wile f man laete on ]7an lande standan vi. oxsan 'j iiii. ey mid feower cealfon. T of [JjJam l^eowan manuan aet Ciunuc bio becwi^ Ead- wolde Ceolstan Etstanes sunn- ./Eft’an sunu* Burh- wynne Maertin j his wif. *3 bio beewi]? Eadgyfe peer angean ^Elfsige f>ene coc* ^Ifware Burgaii debtor- Herestan his wif- Ecelm 'j his wif ^ hiora cild- ^ Cynestan- Wynsige- Byrhtrices sunn - 'j Edwyiiue- Buueles sunu- ^Elferes debtor. ^ bio beewiS MpeU [laede] Elblielmmes debtor yElfieres debtor pa geoiiran- byre twili brocen- an' cyrtel- 71 oj^erne linnenne oppe liimen web. 'j Eadgyfe twa mydrccau- ]?aer an innan byre betsjje bedwabrift ^ linnenne ruwau- eal )?aet bedi’fef )^e {^aerto gebyreb- ■j.byre betstan dunnan tuneean- byre beteran mentel- 'j byre twa tree wen an gesplottude | cnppan- byre ealdan ge- wiredan preon is an vi. man- eussnm. 7) sylle man byre iiri. ' as many men as [sbe] pre¬ viously bequeathed to bim at Hafen. And .... bis I father afterwards as he will, j And concerning the land at Chinnock, let the -eonv^ent at [ Shaftesbury possess it after her day, and she keeps pos- j session of the cattle and the I men: then gives she to the convent the boors who reside on the ‘ gafol '-land; and the serfs she gives to her son's daughter Eadgyfu, and the cattle, except the soul-shot which is to be given to Gidley. And she wills that there be left standing on the land VI. o.xen and iv. cows with IV. calves. And of the serfs [ at Chinnock she bequeaths to Eadwold, Ceolstan, Eastan’s son, and ^Elia’s son, and to Burhwyn, Msertin and his I wife. And she bequeaths to f Eadgyfu, on the other hand, I ^Ifsige the cook, and .Elf- ! warn Burga’s daughter, and Herestan and his wife, and Ecghelm and his wife, and their child, and Kynestan, and Wynsige, and Bryhtric’s son, and Eadwyn's and Bu- nel’s son, and iElfere’s daugh¬ ter. And she bequeaths to .Ethel [Used], Elhhelm's ' broccen roc, melotes, vestis ed pelle agnorum cnpi'arumvc facta. Ettm. ’ cinewitSSc, reditniodujfi. 538 WILLS. mancussas of hyre sa[ule- sceatte].bege. 'j an lang healwalirift* oJ»er sceort- )^rio setbraegl. hio an Ceoldry|^e byre blacena tunecena swa J^ser hyre leofre beo* hyre betsh haliryft. 3 hyre betsj^an bindan. [■ 3 ) ^helf] laede )?isse hwitan hyre cinewa'Senan cyrteL ^ cuffian- bindan. finde ^)?elflaed sy]?];an an hyre nunserude- loce hwaet hio betsS maege- Wulfflaede yE)?elgife- ice mid golde- )>aet hyra 8 eg)?er hyru liaebbe lx. peneng[a Avyr]J>. Ceohrynne Ed- burge- J> 3 et sy xxx. penega i wyrjj. }>aer synt twa micle mydercan. an hraeglcysS* j an lytulu tow myderce. 'j cac twa ealde mydercan. penne an hio ^]?elflaede on aelcum J^ingum ) 7 e ) 7 aer unbe- cweden bi^- on bocum 'j an swilcum lytlum- 'j hio gelyfS }?cet hio -wille hyre saulle ge)>encan. 'j pser synt eac wahriftu sum pe hyre wyr] 7 e biS. •] pa. laestan hio maeg syl- lan hyre wimmannon. hio | becwiS Cyuelufe hyre dasl Jjcra wildera horsa pe mid Eadmaeres synt. hio an ..E'Selflede hyre hy [sa. cujppe ■]) }>ara andlumena* ~j ealra Jjcra getaesa ) 7 et )>aer daughter, ^Elfhere’s younger daughter, and her double lamb’s-wool kirtle, and an¬ other of linen or linen web. And to Eadgyfu two boxes, and therein her best bed- wall-hanging, and a linen rug, and all the bed-clothes which thereto belong. and her best dun tunic, and her better mantle, and her two wooden spotted cups, and her old wire brooch of vi. mancuses. And let iv. man- cuses be given her from her soul-shot.and one long hall-wall-hanging, and another short one, and three seat-coverings. And she gives to Ceoldryth which¬ ever she prefers of her black tunics, and her best holy veil, and her best binder, [and to .tEthelf]l®d her white striped' kirtle, and cuffs, and binders. And let xEthelfleed afterwards find one of her nun-habits, the best she can, for Wulffleed and Aithelgifu, and eke with gold, so that each of them may have at least lx. pence worth; and to Ceolwyn and Eadburg what may be xxx. pence worth. And there are two large boxes, and one clothes chest, and one little hanaper, and also two old Translation cnnioctural. WILLS. 639 binnan beo^- eac ^5es wor]?- iges* gif his byre se cing an swa swa Eadweard cing aer his Byrhtwynne byre nieder geuj^e. 'J haebbe Eadvvold ‘j his sweostor byre taman hors gemaen [e.his agene to- foran. boxes. Then she gives to ^theltlaed all the things that are there unbequeathed, as books and such little thi:igs; and she believes that she will be mindful of her soul. And there are also wall- hangings, one which wall be of vvorth to herj and the least she may give to her women. And she bequeaths to Cynelufu her share of the wild horses that are with Eadmaer. And she gives to Ailthelfiaed her .... cup and the utensils, and all the desirable things that are there within ; and also this estate, if the king will give it her, as king Eadward before gave it to Byrhtwyn her mother. And let Eadwold and his sister have her tame horses in common.his own previously. KING /ETIIELRED. DCCCC.XCVII. LICENCE TO THE WIDOW OF ^THERIC THAT HIS WILL MAY STAND GOOD. Her swutelaS on jiison gewrite hu iE^elred kyning geuSe f H5Serices cwyde aet Boccinge standan moste. Hit wses manegon earon ier iE'Se- ric forSferde- ^ }7am kincge wses gesajd Ip he wsere on ];am unraede man sceolde on East Sexon Swegen under- fdn. ^a he srest )7yder mid flotan com. q se cincg hit on mycele gewitnysse Sigerice arecbisceope cybde- 5e his forespeca Sa uaes for )7ies landcs |>ingoii aet Boccinge- Here is made known, in this writing, how king .^thel- red has granted that Hiltheric of Booking’s testament might stand. It was many years before vEtheric deceased, that it was said to the king that he w'as of that evil counsel, that Su'eyn should be received in Essex, when he first came thither with a fleet. And the king, before a great number of witnesses, made it known to archbishop Sigcric, who Avas then his advocate, on ac- 540 WILLS. he into Cristes cyrcean becAveden hasfde. Da waes he ■Bisse spaece. aeg'Ser ge on life i ge aefter. ungeladod ge unge- ^ bett* 0 ’S his laf his hergeatu , Sam cincge to Cocham brohte- Saer he his witan nidan ge- i soranod haefde. Da -vFolde se I cing Sa spasce beforan eallon his witan uphehban. j cwaeS. Leofsige ealdorman- 'j ' maenige men Saere spaece ge- cnaewe waeron. Da baed seo wuduwe iElfric arcebisceop Se hire forespeca waes* -j ^Selmaer* ^ big Sone cincg baedon ^ heo moste gesyllan hire morgengyfe into Cristes cyrcean. for Sone cincg "j ealne his leodscype* wiS San Se se cing Sa egeslican on- spaece alete* 3 his cwyde j standan moste* ^ is swa hit j her beforan cwyS* ^ land aet | Boccinge into Xpes cyrcean* | -] his oSre landare into oSran j halgan stowan* swa his cwyde | swutelaS. Da God forgylde ! Sam cincge* getiSode he Saes for Xpes lufan Sea Marian* “] See Dunstanes* ealra j psera haligra Se aet Xpes j cyrcean restaS* Saes costes Se heo Sis gelaeste* his cwyde faeste stode. Deos swutelung waes )?aerrihte gewriten* be¬ foran Sam cincge Sam witon geraedd. Dis syndon hfcra count of the land at Bocking, which he had bequeathed to Christchurch. Then was he, for this charge, both dm’ing life and after, unabsolved and without having made atone¬ ment, until his relict brought his heriot to the king at Cookham, where he had as¬ sembled his ‘ witan ’ from afar. Then would the king, before all his ‘witan’, prefer the charge, and said that Leofsige aldorman and many men were cognisant of the charge. Then the widow prayed archbishop J^lfr’ic, who was her advocate, and /Ethelmjer, that they would pray the king that she might give her morning-gift to Christchurch, for the king and all his people, provided the king Avould abandon the ter¬ rible accusation, and that his testament might stand; that is, as it is here before said, the land at Bocking to Christ¬ church, and his other landed property to other holy places, as his testament declares. Then, may God requite the king, he consented to this, for love of Christ, and S' Mary, and S' Diinstan, and all the saints who rest at Christchurch, on the condition that she perform this, and WILLS. 541 manna naman "Se ^ises to ge- witnesse wseron. iElfric arceb. • j yElfheh b. on Wintaceastre. j Wulfsige b. on Dorsaeton- j Godwineb. on Hrofeceastre. j Leofwine ealdorman- ~) ^Ifsige abb. • ■j Wulfgar abb.. J Byrhtelm abb. • j Lyfincg abb. • j Alf- wold abb., -j vE^elmaer. -j Ordulf. j Wulfget. -j Fraena. Wulfric Wulfruue suuu. ealle ^a )?egnas 5e ^aer widau j gegaderode wairon. aegber ge of West Sexan. ge of Myr- ceon. ge of Denon. ge of Englon. Dissa gewrita syn- don j)reo. an is aet Xpes cyrcean. ober aet baes cinges haligdome. jnddde liaef^ seo wnduwe. I his testament should stand fast. This declaration was straightways written, and read before the king and the 'witanh These are the names of the men who of this were witnesses :— A]]lfric archbp., and ^Ifeh bp. of Winchester, and ‘Wulf- sige bp. of Dorchester, and Godwine bp. of Rochester, and Leofwine ealdorman, and iElfsige abbot, and Wulfgar abbot, and Byrhtelm abbot, and Lyfincg abbot, and ^Elf- wold abbot, and ^thelmser, and Ordulf, and Wulfget, and Frajna, and Wulfric Wulfrnn’s son, and all the thanes who were there gathered from afar, as well of West Saxons as of Mercians, as of Danes and of Angles. Of this writing there are three ; one is at Christchurch, the second in the king’s treasury, the third the widow has. LEOFWINE. DCCCC.XCVIII. ^ In nomine Domini nostri Thesu Christi. Dis is Leof- wines cwide Wulfstanes suua. Dset is jjonne Merest -jj ic geau Criste See Petre for minre saule into Westmvnster ealra In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. This is the testament of Leofwine, son of Wnlfstan. That then is first, that I give to Christ and S' Peter at Westminster, for my 542 WILLS. ))ara )?inga 5e me Crist to ge- fultumiau wyle- set ];am lande i set Cyiilauedyne ■;} set Mearc- j yncgceollan* on wnda ■j on felda. 3 ic gean of Purlea into Nutlea healfere hide landes on east healf straete- for mine sawle* )7am Godes j^eowan. j minre fa'San Leofware |?8es lieafod hotles on Purlea- "j ealles )7ses '5e me ]?3er to locaS. ~l gif Eadwold laengc libbe- hire snna- )?onne heo- fd be Inserto. Gif heo |;onne Iseng beo- j f God wylle- sylle hit on |>a hand hire sefre betst gehyre on uncer bega cynne. ;] ic gean minnm hlaforde Wulfstane bisceope }>fes landes set Bserlingum. Dys waes gedon j^ses geares fram ures Drihtnes gebyrdtide anno Domini dcccc.xcviii. Indict. XI. Epac. XX. Concurr. v. Ciclos VIII. Dies xiii. (i.) Lunae, xvii. Kal. Maii. Dies Pasce XV. Kal. Maii. Lunse ipsius XVI. soul, all the things to which Christ will help me from the land at Cynlavedyne and at Mearcyngcol, in wood and in field. And I give from Purley to Notley a half hide of land on the east side of the road, for my soul, for God’s ser¬ vants. And to my paternal aunt Leofwaru the chief dwelling at Purley and all that there look to me. And if Eadwold her son live longer than she, let him succeed thereto. But if she live the longer, and God wills it, let her give it to the hand that ever best obeys her in the kin of us both. And I give to my lord bishop Wulfstan the land at Billing. This was done in the year from our Lord’s birth-tide, anno Do¬ mini DCCCC.XCVIII., Indict, xi., Epact. XX., Concurr. v., Cycl. VIII., Dies XIII. (i.) Lunse, ^ XVII. Kal. Maii, Dies Paschse XV. Kal.Maii, Lnnseipsinsxvi. QLTEEN ^.TIIELFL^I) >. M. Her swutelab on bam cwide be Egelfled gecweden Here is made known, in this writing, what iEthelflsed ' First wife of ^thelredll. In the Chronicles she is variously named, but ^thelflred (ASgelflsed) is no doubt correct. See Lappenberg, Engl, under the A. S. Kings, ii. p. 163. WILLH. 54;5 haefd Gode to lofe and hire saule to perfe. and hire hlaf- ordes. f is 'Sonne Sa feower hida landes set Lagefare • twa hida ast Cochamstede- Se hy gean for hire saule and for hire hlafordes into S. Paules myn- stre on Lundene- San gehro- Sran to bigleofan- Sara Se Saer daeghwamlice Gode 'SeniaS. be Ses cynges fulle geleuen iESelredes* on Sera manna gewitnesse Se heora naman her standaS. f is Sonne Egel- noS arcebiscop- Wulfstan arcebiscop. iElfun biscop on Lundene. ■] ^Ifric abbot. Wigard abbot. iElsi ab¬ bot on Cowwaford. j yElfere ealdorman. BriSnoS ealdor- man. j Eadric ealdorman. -(Elfsige cynges pegn. Ufe- geat scireman. j Freua cynges pegn. -j sAva liAA'ilc man swa Sisne cwide awende. sy he ludas gefere Se urne Drihten bele'wde on helle Avite. has bequeathed to the glory of God, and for the need of her soul and her lord’s. That is then the four hides of land at Lagefare, and tAAO hides at Cuckhamstead, Avhich she gives, for her soul and her lord’s, to S‘ Paul’s monastery in London, for the sustenance of the brotherhood, those Avho daily there serve God, Avith the full leave of king ^Ethel- red, in Avitness of the men Avhose names here stand. Noav these are: ^gelnoth arch¬ bishop, and Wulfstan arch¬ bishop, and yElfhun bishop of London, and ^Ifric abbot, andWighard abbot, and^Elsi abbot of CoAvford, and yElf- here aldorman, and Brihtnoth aldorman, and Eadric aldor¬ man, and'iElfsige king’s thane, and Ufegeat shireman, and Frena king’s thane. And Avhatever man shall set aside this testament, be he the companion of Judas, Avho betrayed our Lord, in hell-torment. WULFRIC. M.Il. ENDOAV.AIENT OF THE In nomine Domini. Her I SAVutela^ Widfric his leofan Idaforde his CAvide. j callon ABBEY OF BURTON'. In nomine Domini. Here Wulfric declares his testa¬ ment to his dear lord, and to 544 WILLS. his freoiidon. Daet is p ic geaiin minum hlaforde twa liund mancessa goldes- j twa seolfor hilted sweord • j feower hors- twa gesadelode ~j twa ungesadelode- pa, wsepua )?aerto gebyria^. ic geann {elcum bisceope v. mancessa goldes- 'j 'Sam twam arce- bisceopan- heora aegSron tyn mancusas goldes. ic geann into aelcum munucregole i. puud- aelcon abbode aelcon abbatissan v. mancusas goldes. ic geann ^Elfrice arcebisceope );aes landes aet Dumeltun forS mid ^011 o^rau for mine sawle- wiS )?on ^e he freond -j fultum "be betere sy into ]7aere stowe pe ic geworht haebbe. j ic geann ..Elfhelme Wulfage Jjaera landa betwux llibbel Mairse *3 bn Wir- halum- p heo hig daelan him betweonan swa hig efuost magon- butan heora aeg'Ser his agen habben wille- on p gerad -bonne sceaddgenge sy- p heora aegber sylle iii. )?u- send sceadda into j^aere stowe aet Byrtune. ic geann ^Elf- helm Rolfestun Heorelfes- tun. ic geann Wulfage );aes landes aet Beorelfestune -3 aet Merchamtuue. ic geann .Elfhelme |)aes landes aet Cunugesburh- wiS )?on be he do 'p )7a munucas habben telce all his friends. That then is, that I give to my lord two hundred mancuses of gold, and two silver-hilted swords, and four horses, two saddled, and two not saddled, and the weapons which thereto be¬ long. And I give to every bishop V. mancuses of gold, and to the two archbishops, to each of them, ten mancuses of gold. And I give to every monastic rule i. pound, and to every abbot and every abbess v. mancuses of gold. And I give to archbishop iElfric the land at Dumbleton, along with the others, for my soul, on condition that he may the better be a friend and support to the place which I have built. And I give to ^If- helm and to Wulfeah the lands between the Ribble and the Mersey, and in Wirral, that they may shai’e them be¬ tween as they most equitably may, unless either of them will have his own; on the condition that, when the shad season is, each of them give III. thousand shad to the convent at Burton. And to Jilfhelm I give Rolleston and Harleston. And I give to Wulfeah the land at Beorel- festun, and at Merchamtun. And I give to .Elfhelm the WILLS. 545 geare }»i’idclaii dsel ISaes fisces- ■) he ]>a. twa dsel. ■] ic geau Wulfage J?ses landes set Ale- ■vvaldestune. ic gean Ufe- geate baes landes set Nor'S- tuue. on f gerad f he freond ^ fultum )je betere sy into J^aere stowe. -j ic gean minre carman dehter )>aes landes aet Elleforde ^aes aet Aclea. mid eallon )?am };e j^aer nu to - hyrS- }>a hwtle Se hire daeg bi'5- ofer hire daeg ga f land into Saere stowe aet Byr- tune. heo hit nage mid nation ]iinge to forwyrcenne* ac haebbe heo ];one bryce }ni hwile ^e heo hit geearnian cann. "j ga hit sySSan into Saere stowe aet Byrtune- for- bon )ie hitwaes mines godfaeder gyfn. 'j ic wile Jillfhelm sy hire mund "j ^aes landes. aet TomwurSin hire to nanon j7eoAvddme nc nanon geborenan men- butan f heo bone ealdordom helibe. j ic geann Wult'gare minan cnihte jiaes landes aet BaltrySeleage- ealswa his faeder hit him be- geat. ~} ic beeweSe Morcare •}) land aet Walcsho* “j ]> aet Deogciide|7orpc. “j liaetHwTte- wille. f set Chine- j I? aet Barleburh- ]> aet Dnce- inannestiine- )) let iMorcs- bnrh- ■;] aet Eccingtiine- "j )i let Bcctnne- j aet Done- land at Congresbury, on con¬ dition that he do so that tlie monks may have every year a third of the fish, and he the two parts. And I give to Wulfeah the land at Alwalton. And I give to Ufegcat the land at Norton, on the con¬ dition that he may the better be a friend and support to the convent. And I give to my poor daughter the land at Elford and that at Oakley, with all that thereto now be¬ longs, the while that her day shall be; and after her day, let the land go to the convent at Burton. And she may not, on any account, impair it; but let her have the use of it the while she may be de¬ serving of it, and let it after¬ wards go to the convent at Burton; because it was my godfather’s gift. And I will that iElfhelm be her guar¬ dian, and of the land. And [I give to her] that at Tam- worth, without any service to any born man, but that she have the lordship. And 1 give to Wulfgar, my page, tlu' land at Baltrytheleag, all as his father aixjuired it. And 1 bequeath to Morcare the land at M'alesho, and that at Theddlethorp, and that at Whitwcll, and that at Cluu, 2 N 54G WILLS. cestre, j ■)? set Morligtune. j i ic geann his wife Aldulfestreo ealswa hit nu stout mid mete j mid manmim. "j ic geann ^Ifhelme mman meage jises laudes on Paltertune “j ]i 8 es ■Se Sseg'S me becwseS. 'j ic geann ^EJielrice f land set Wibhetofte. ’I? set Twongan. his dseg. •j ofer his dseg ga f land for mine sawle. for his moder. j for his. into Byr- tone. And Jiis sind )ia ^e ic geann into Byrtonc. f is serest Byrton ^e f mynstre on stent. Strseton. ^ Brom- leage. •] Bedingtun. Gage- leage. ■j Witestifn. 'j Lagan- ford. ^ Styrcleage. Niwan- tun set jisere wic. Wsede- dun. ■j f little land "Se ic ah ono^er Niwantiine. ^ Wynes- hylle. Suttun. ^ Ticen- heale. ^ set Scenctilne. set Wicgestane. ■ 3 ) setHalen. ait Remesleage. j -p set Sciplea. ■j ^ set Su^tune. ^ ast Ac- tune. twegra manna dseg. eal¬ swa "Sa foreword sprecah. Deorlafestun ■j f jiserto here^. ■p is Rudegard min litle land on Cotewaltune. Lege mid eallon |iam f )iserto hereh. Acofre mid jiam f jiserto here^. f is Hilum ■] Celfdum. Csetes'Surne. ^ heregeatland set Suttune- j Morlege. Brsegesheale. and that at Barleyborough, and that at Ducemannestun, and that at Moresborough, and that at Eckington, and that at BecktoUj and that at Doncaster, and that at Mor- leston. And I give to his wife Aldulfestreo, as it now stands, with meat and with men. And I give to vElflielm, my kinsman, the land at Pal- tertiin, and that which Ssegth bequeathed to me. And I give to Hilthelric the land at Wibtoft, and that at Twonge, for his day; and after his day, let the land go, for my soul, and for his mother’s, and for his, to Burton. And these are the lands which I give to Burton. That is first, Bur¬ ton, on which the monastery stands, and Stretton, and Bromley, and Bedington, and Gageley, and Witestun, and Longford, and Strickley, and Newton, at the wick, and Watton, and the little land which I own in the other Newton, and Winshill, and Sutton, and Ticknall, and at Shenkton, and at Wigston, and at Halen, and at Rems- ley, and that at Shipley, and that at Sutton, and that at Acton, for two men’s day, all as the compacts say; and Darliston, and what thereto WJLI.S. 547 Mortuu j eal seo socna ’Se Jjserto hereS. ■] ^ laud )nder- inu aet Wyllesleage. j Og- godestuu- "j Wiunefeld. Snodesvvic into Mortuue* j ^ aet Ta^awyllan* ^ land aet ^ppelby be ic gebohte mid mumm feo- ^ *t Westune- Burhtuu* ■;] seo bid aet Scearnforda into Wiggestane- ■j •j? aet Hereburgebyrige- ■3 Ealdeswurbe- ^ ^Ifreding- tune- ■] Eccleshale- aet Wad- dune* an hida aet Sceon. ic geann bon liirede in Tam- wurdin land aet Langan- duiie ealswa bi bit me aer to leton. habban bi jione bryce healfne- j healfne jia munecas into Byrtune* ge on mete- ge on mannon- ge on yrfe- ge on aelcon )nngon. se bi- sceop fd to his lande aet Bu- bandune- fdn }ia munucas into Byrtune to ban }ic on |iam land is- ge on mannon ge on eallon jiingon- f land }>am bisceope aet Jiaerc syle. And ic wille ^ se cyng beo blaford baes mynstres be ic getimbrede- *3 )iaere landara be ic jiyderinn becweden liaebbe- Gode to lofe to wurb- mynte- for minan lilaforde 'j for niinre saivlau- 'j iElfric arcebisceop 'j iElflielm min brobor f big ben nimid freond ^ forespreocan into belongs, that is, Rudyard and my little land at Cotwalton, and Leigh, with all that there¬ to belongs; Oakover, with that which thereto belongs, that is. Hilum and Celfdiim, and Caetesthurn, and the he- riot-land at Sutton, and Mor- ley, and Breadsall, Morton and all the ^socna’ which thereto ! belong, and the land besides at Willesley. And Oxton, and Mlngfield, and Suodeswic to Morton; and that at Tath- well, and the land at Appleby, which I bought with my money, and at AVeston, and Burton; and the hide at Sharnford | to Wigston; and that at Hereburgebury, and Aldswortb, and Alfreton, and Eccleshall, and at Waddon, and one hide at Sheen. And I give to the convent at Tam- worth the land at Longdon, as they before relinquished it to me; and let them have half the usufruct, half the monks of Burton, of meat, and of men, and of cattle, and of all 1 things. And let the bishop I succeed to his land at Bub- j don; and let the monks of I Burton succeed to that which j is on the laud, both of men I and of all things; and the land at the 'syP to the bishop. ' And I will that the king be 2 s 2 548 WILLS. ^5aere stowe wi^ selcne gebo- renne man- heom to nanre ageiire sehta- butan into Sanc¬ tus Benedictus regole. ic geann minre goddobtor Mor- cares j Ealdgybe f land set Strsettune- 'j )?one bule waes hire ealdermoder. into \>sen mynstre set Byrtune an hundred wildra horsa- xvi. tame hen egestas, y f>aerto eall ^ ic hsebbe on libbandan y on licgendan. butan )7an be ic becweden hsebbe. And God selmilitig bine awende of callum Godes dreame- y of ealre cristenra gemanan se be }>is awende. butan hit mm ane cyneblaford sy. ic hopige to him swa godan swa mildbeortan f be hit nylle sylf don. ne eac nanum obrum gej^afian. Ualete in Christo. Rubric. Dis is seo freols- boc to )7an mynstre set Byr¬ tune be ^belred cyng sefre ecelice gefreode. Gode to lofe eallon his halgan to weorb- lord of the monastery that I have built, and of the landed property which I have be¬ queathed thereto, to the praise and honour of God, for the honour of my lord, and for my soul; and that archbishop ^Ifric, and iElfhelm, my bro¬ ther, be patrons, and friends, •and advocates of that place against every horn man; not as their own private property, but for S* Benedict’s rule. And I give to my goddaugh¬ ter, [the daughter] of Mor- care and Ealdgyth, the land at Stretton, and the ‘ bulla ’ that was her grandmother’s. And to the monastery at Burton, a hundred wild horses, and XVI. tame steeds; and thereto all that I have in living or lying, except that which I have bequeathed. And may God Almighty avert from all God’s joy, and from all Chris¬ tians’ communion, him who shall avert this, unless it be my royal lord; and in him, so good and so merciful, I hope that he himself Avill not do it, nor also permit any other. Valete in Christo. Rubric. This is the Charter of Freedom to the monastery at Burton, which king iEthel- red for ever freed, to the praise of God, and the honour WILLS. r)4o unge- swa swa hit Wulfric gestaSelode for hiiie for his yldreua sawle. hit mid raunecon gesette- f J>8er sefre inne l^aes hades menn under heora abbude Gode j^eowian sefter Sanctus Benedictus taecinge. of all his saints, as Wulfric established it for the souls of himself and his parents, and supplied it with monks, that therein for ever the men of tliat order, under their abbot, may serve God, after the teaching of S‘ Benedict. ARCIIlilSIlOP .ELFIilC. DCCCC.XCVl.-M.Vl. Her sutelab hu Alfric arcebisceop his cwyde ge- dihte. f is aerest. him to saulsceate he becwaeS into Xpes cyrcan •)) land set Wyllan- 'j set Burnan. j Risenbeorgas. and he be- cwaeS his laford his beste scip- -j )^a scgelgeraeda ]Jarto- LX. healma- j lx. beornena. -j he wilnode- gif hit his lafordes will a Avaere- f he gcfaestnode into See Albane •Jj land aet Cyngesbyrig. 'j fenge sylf AviS ]7am eft to Eadulfingtune. And he be- CAvaeb p land aet Dumeltun into Abbandune» AUlfno^e }7arof III. hida his daeg. suSI5an to )>an oj^aran to Ab- bandune* x. oxan. ii. men he him becAvaeb- y filgan hi J»am lafordscype )?e p> land to hyre. And he CAvaeb |7aet land aet Wcalingaforda- }>e Here is made knoAvn hoAV archbishop .iElfric has ordered his testament. That is first: for his soul-shot, he has bequeathed to Christ¬ church the land at Wells, and at Bourn, and at Risborough. And he has bequeathed to his lord his best ship, and the sailing-gear thereto, and lx. helms, and lx. coats of mail. And he has desired, if it were his lord’s Avill, to confirm to S‘ Alban’s the land at Kings¬ bury, and himself to take again that at Eadulfingtun. And he has bequeathed the land at Dumbleton to Abing¬ don ; and to iElfnoth iii. hides thereof, for his day, and afterwards, with the other, to Abingdon; and x. oxen and II. men he has bequeathed to him; and let them folloAV the lordship to Avhich the 550 WILLS. he gebohte- Celewjjerde- j hofer his dseg into Ceolcsige. j he becwse^ into See Albane f land set Tiwan- standan )7a forword betweonan J^an abb’e Ceolrice* aer wib Saene arcebiscop geforwyrd waeran- is •p Ceolric habbe Saene dael ]>aes landes ]>e he haefS his daeg- y eac jjaene dael )?e se arceb. for his sceatte him to let- f waes ehtobe healf hid wi’S v. pundun j l. mancusum goldes* y ga hit ofer his daeg call togaedere into See Albaene. ^ heora forewyrd waeron- ^ Osanig aefter Ceolrices daege gange eac ])yder in. ^ land on Lundene- )>e he mid his feo gebohte- he becwaeb into See Albaene- -} his bee ealle he cwaeb eac );yder in- his geteld. And he beewaeb f man fenge on ]7e feoh be man haefde- aerest aelene borh agulde- ■]) sudban tilode to his hergeatwaen |?aes be man habban sceolde. And anes scipes he geujje )?am folce to Cent- y o)>res to Wiltune- scire- ~i elles on obrum J^ingum - gif )?aes hwaet waere ■ he baed f Uulfstan bisceop j Leofric abbud dihton swa heom best ]?uhte. And )?e land be westan aet Fitting- tune aet Niwantune he be- { land belongs. And he has bequeathed the land at Wal¬ lingford, which he bought, to Celeweard; and after his day, to Cholsey. And he has bequeathed to S' Alban’s the land at Tewin, and let stand j the agreements between the I abbot and Ceolric, which were I before agreed on with the archbishop: that is, that Ceolric have the part of the land which iTe has, for his day, and also the part which the archbishop let to him for his money, that was seven and a half hides, for v. poimds and L. mancuses of gold : and after his day, let it go alto¬ gether to S' Alban’s. And their agreements were, that Oseney, after Ceoh’ic’s day, should also go thither. And the land in London which he bought with his money, he has bequeathed to S' Alban’s; and all his books he has also bequeathed thither; and his tent. And he has bequeathed that the money held by any one be received; and first every loan be paid, and after¬ wards there be found for his heriot what should be neces¬ sary. And one ship he has given to the folk in Kent, and another to Wiltshire. And Avith respect to other things WILl.S. 551 besides, if there should be aught, he has prayed that bishop Wulfstan and abbot Leofric would order so as to them might seem best. And the land in the west at Fit- tington, and at Newton, he has bequeathed to his sisters and their children. And let iElfheah Esne’s son’s land go ever in his kin. And he has bequeathed to archbishop Wulfstan one neck-rood, and one ring, and one psalter; and to bisliop /Elfheah one rood. And he has forgiven, under God’s favoui’, to the Kentish people the loan which they owed to him; and to the Middle Saxons and the Southerns the money that he advanced to them. And he wills that, after his day, every penal serf, who had been condemned in his time, be freed. If any one prevent this, let him have to account with God. Amen. ewaeS his sweostrun j heora beornun. q ^Ifheages land Esnes suna ga a on his cyn. And he beewse^ Uulfstane fercebiscope ane sweor rode* q anne ring, q anne psaltere- q Alfheage biscope anne rode. And he forgeaf. on Godes est- Centingan J^aene borh ]>c. hy him sceoldan. q Middel- sexon q Su^i’ion ^ feoh jl [he] heom fore sceat. And he wyle f man* freoge agfter liis diege aelcue witefaestue man );e on his timan forgylt wsere. Gif hwa J)is awende- haebbe him wib God gemaene. Amen. IDEM, LATINE. Ilic notificatur quomodo Jillfricus archiepiscopus suarum rerum testamentum in extremo condidit. In primo aecclesiae Christi Cantuariae terram apud Wellam, et apud Burnam, et Ilriscnburgam contulit. Domino suo meliorem suarum navium unam, cum sibi pertinentibus armamentis; et lx. galeas cum totidem loricis. Et hoc apud ipsum dominum suum erat interveniens, ut concederet loco Sancti Albani terram apud Cingesbiri, et ipse in commutationem reciperet Eadullingtun. Abbendonensi aecclesiae, terram apud Du- meltun, ubi Alfhodo cuidam iii. hidas concessit tenere tantum suis diebus, et postea rediret cum reliqua terra Abbendonensis lecclesiae potestati: insuper et decem lioves cum duobus liomi- nibus. Cuidam quoque viro nomine Celeivardo terram quam 552 WILLS. emei’at apud Walingafoidj ut quamdiu viveret possideret, et post ejus deeessum secclesia de Ccolsiga ipsius dominatu terre potiretur. ^Ecclesiae Sancti Albani terram apud Tiwan et Osanig, cum terra de Lundonia quam emerat idem archi- episcopus. Quse omnia quidam Ceolricus tunc tenebat, sed secundum quod archiepiscopo in conventione habebat post vite illius viri finem ad praedictam secclesiam martiris uni¬ versa redirent. Libros etiam suos universos illic delegavit, precepitque ut de suis propriis expensis quicquid in mutuo ab aliqaio acceptum erat restitueretur, et cetera in ejus exequiis expenderentur. Popido Cantie unam navem, et alteram genti Wiltescire jussit largiri. Reliqua universa que sua videbantur esse domnum ’\Mfstanum episcopum et Leof- ricum abbatem rogavit, quatinus sua providentia, quo melius consulerent, dispertirent. Sororibus suis et earum filiis ter¬ ram de Fittiuctune et Niweutune contulit; et terram quae erat Alfeagi filii Esui restituit iis quibus proprie pertinuerat habere. Domno Wlfstano archiepiscopo i. pbilacterium, cum I. anulo et codice psalterii; sed et Alt'heago episcopo unam crucem in suam memoriam dedit. Debita que sibi debe¬ bantur a multis passim condonavit. Siquis vero, secundum patriae Anglie morem, in aliquam incm’risset servitutem tem¬ pore sue potestatis, libertate sibi penitus contributa, relaxatus ejus jussu est. De his quicumque aliter quam ut dictata sunt perverterit, inde cum Deo concertamen habeat. Amen. .ELFGYF Dis ys ^.Elfgyfae gegurning to hirae cinehlafordae. paet is )?aet heo hyne bitt- for Godaes lufun and for cynescypae- |?aet heo mote beon hyre cwydes ■vvyrbae. ponnae cyi5 heo ]>ae leof bae |?inre ge|>afiunga hwaet heo for )?ae q for );>yrae sawlae to Godaes ciricean don wylae. :. M.XII. This is iElfgyfu’s petition to her royal lord. That is, that she prays him, for love of God, and for his king- ship, that she may be worthy of her testament. Then she makes known to thee, dear, by thy permission, what she for thee and for thy soul wills to WILLS. 55.3 paet IS sersest- }>Bet heo auu iutoEaldan mynstter- j^ser heo hirse licaman rsestau j^jenc);. )?tes landses set Hrisanbedrgan call swa hit stsent- buton jjset lieo wylse bse J»iure gej?afunga ]?3et man fredge on selciim tunse seine witsepseownse mann | j'se undser hirse geJ^eowirS wses. and twa hund mancussa goldses to ]?am mynstser- and liire serin mid hirse halig- domse. And heo an innto Nigean mynstser Jises landaes set Bleddanhlsewe* and hund mancussa goldses- and annse ! oft’ring disc into Nunna myn¬ stser. And }ises landses set Hwsetsedunse into Rummse- sigse Xp. -] Sanctan Marian- and set Csestseleshammse into Abbandunse- and set Wicham into Ba|mm. And ic aim niinsen cinsehlafordse }ises landses set Weowungum- and set Hlinegeladse- and set Hse- fseresham- and set Hse^fselda- and set MsessanwyrSse- and set Gyssic- and twegea bseagas- seigjiser ys on hundtwselftigum mancussum- and anrse sdp- cuppan- and syx horsa- and swa fela scylda and spsera. and )>am se|ieling3e Jises landses set Niwanham- and anses bcages on ]>ritsegum mancus- | sum. And j^sersc hlsefdigan do to God’s church. That is first, that she gives to the Old Monastery where she intends her body to rest, the land at Risborough, all as it stands, except that she ivills, with thy permission, that, in every vill, every penal serf be freed, who under her was reduced to serfdom : and two hundred mancuses of gold to the mo¬ nastery, and her shrine with her relics. And she gives to the New Monastery' the land at Bledlow, and a hundred mancuses of gold; and one offering-dish to the Nuns’ Monastery ’. And the land at Wheaton to Christ and S‘ Mary at Riimsey; and at ‘ Cffistselesham ’ to Abingdon ; and at Wickham to Bath. And I give to my royal lord the land at Weowung, and at Linchlade, and at H avers- ham, and at Heathfield, and at Msessanworth, and at Gus- sage ; and two torques, each of a hundred and twenty mancuses, and one sop-cup, and six horses, and as many shields and spears. And to the aetheling, the laud at Newnham, and one torque of thirty mancuses. And to the lady, one neck-torque of a hundred and twenty man- At Winchester. 554 WILLS. anes swyrbeages on buiid- twelftigum mancussum. and anses beages on j^ritegum man¬ cussum* ~} anre sdpcuppan. And ic ann A)>elwoldse bi- sceopse J?ajs landses set Tsea- fersceat* and bidde hinse pset life symlie j^ingise for miuoe modor an for me. And ic ann bae minses hlafordaes ge- ))afiungas j^aes landses setMund- iugwillae* and set Beorb )?an stsedse iElfwerdse* and Mpe\- n serdse* and ^Blfwarse* him to gemanan hira dseg* ofser hira dseg into Ealdan myn- stser* for miunse cyuehlafor^S and for mse. And syllan hi selcse geare twa d*g fseorman into jjam twam mynstrum )?a Avilse ];se hi his brucsen. And ic an ^Elfwarae mirae swys- taer eallses |;aes )7ae ic hirae alenae^ haefdae* and iE)?iel- fledae minaes bro)>ur wifse }»aes baeudes J^ae ic hire alaeneS haefdae* and aelchum abbodse fif pund paeuiga to hira myu- stres bote. And leof be j^inre ge)7afiunga* ]>aet ic motae baetaeceu j^am bisceope* and ]>am abbodae* j^onae ofaereacan to }>fere stowe botae* and earmum mannum for me to daelaenne* swa swa him |hncae )?aet mae for Godae ]?carf- liicust]j SI. And ic biddae minnae cinclaford* for Godaes cuses, one torque of thu’ty mancuses, and one sop-cup. And I give to bishop Athelwold the land at Teafersceat, and pray him that he constantly intercede for my mother and for me. And I give, by m)”^ lord’s permission, the land at Mundingwell, and at the place at Beorh, to yElfweard, and to .iEthelweard, and to ^Elf- Avaru, in common to them, for their day, and after their day, to the Old ]\Ionastery, for my royal lord and for me. And let them give, every year, two days’ subsistence to the two monasteries, while they enjoy it. And I give to ^Elfwaru, my sister, all that I had lent her; and to ^thelfl^d, my brother’s wife, the band that I had lent her; and to every abbot five pounds of pence, for the reparation of their monastery. And, dear, [I would,] with thy permission, that I might give over, to the bishop and the abhot, the surplus, for the reparation of the place, and to be distri¬ buted to poor men, for me, as may to them seem most need¬ ful for me before God. And I pray my royal lord, for love of God, that [he] abandon not my men who seek him, and appear wortliy to him. WILLS. 565 lufum. ]>iBt [he] nae forlaete ' rainae mseTin [>6 hinse gesaecen- aud him wyrSas syn. And ic ann ^Ifwerdae anrae sdp- cuppan. ^ iE}>elwerdae anaes gcraenodes drincaehornaes. And I give to ^Elfweard one sop-cup, and to Jilthelweard one ornamented drink-horn. MANTAT AN ANCHORITE*. M.XVII.-M.XXXV, Mantat Ancer Godes wraecca grete^ Cnut cing Emma hlaefdie swiSe hli}>c- like mid Godes blisse. And ic cibe •p ic habbe ure almesse Crist betaht his alien halgan. ure sawle to frofre to blisse [>aere it lengest wunian sciden. Dset is aerest. }>;et land aet Twiwell into Dornige- J^aer ure ban reste S- )jaet laud aet Cunintun prcstes 'j diaknes. ]>& fe hit aet me earnodon on mine life. Aud hi habbab God behaten me on hande gcsealde p hi sculen elke geare don for us twa hundred messen twa hundred sauters- [>erto caken fele holy bcden. Nu biddc ic iiic- for Godes lufa -) for ure wreccan bene, pat pis none man ne awende. pat pat god p inc ne waes nen Mantat the Anchorite, God^s wretch, greets king Cnut and Emma the lady very blithely with God’s bliss. And I make known that I have committed our alms to Christ and all his saints, for the comfort and bliss of our soul, where it shall longest endure. That is first: the land at Twiwell to Thorney, where our bones will rest; and the land at Couington to the priests and deacons Avho have merited it of me in my life. And they have promised to God and pledged to me that they will every year say for us two hundred masses and tAvo hundred psalters, and, in addition thereto, many holy prayers. I now pray you, for love of God, and for the prayer of us 1 The object of this not very intelligible document seems to be to pray that his bequest may stand good. The document itself is Ijarbarous and the MS. defective. WILLS. !ii>G bescorau man nytter )^an to warden liue. Gebealde inc here on liue heofan engle kinge. geleade inc on his lihte mid him ]jer yt wiSuten sorhge eucr wunian. Amen. wretch, that no man set aside this ******* and that shall be well known to you in the life to come. May heaven’s angels’ King preserve you here in life, and lead you into his light, where without sor¬ row may ye ever dwell. Amen. WULFSIGE. M.XXX. Her switele^ on );ise write warn Wlsi an hi aihte. Dat is erst for his soule ^ lond at Wiken into Seynt Ead- mundesbiri ]>a, tueye deles, ■j .lElfric biscop ^e J^ridde del- buten ane girde ^ xii. swinemesten }jat schal hab- ben Wlwine hire day. after hire day into Seynt Ead- mundesbiri. alle po men fre for linker bo^er soule. And ic an mine kyuelouerd II. hors, 'j helm. brinie. ■j an swerd. a gold wreken ' spere. And ic an mine lauedy half marc goldes. an mine nifte aim ore wichte goldes. And habbe Standhand alle Jiing be ic him bicueben habbe. -j mine brober bern here owen land, ii. hors mid sadel garun. ^ i. brinie. on Here is made known, by this writing, to whom Wulf- sige gives his property. That is first, for his soul, the land at Wicken, two parts to S‘ Ead- mundsbury, and to bishop iElfric the third part, save one rod, and mast for xii. swine, which Wulfwin shall have for her day, and after her day, to S' Eadmundsbury. And be all the men free, for the souls of us both. And I give to my royal lord ii. horses, and a helm, and a coat of mail, and one sword, and a gold- ‘ wreken ’ spear. And I give to my lady a half mark of goldj and to my niece one ore-Aveight of gold. And let Standhand have all the things which 1 have bequeathed to him; and to mj^ brother’s wrigen, covered't WILLS. 557 hakele. And se mine cui-Se awende- God almithtin awend his asyne from him on domes day. buten he it her he rahere bete. children their own land, and two horses with saddle-equip¬ ments, and I. coat of mail, and one hackel. And whoever my testament averts, may God Almighty avert his counte¬ nance from him on dooms¬ day, unless he for it here the more speedily atone. .ETIIELSTAN On Godes selmihtiges naman. Ic .dilhelstan aeheling geswutelige on hisum gewrite hu ic mine are q mine sehta geunnen hashbe* Gode to lofe. q minre saule to aly- sednysse. j mines fmder ^helredes cynges* he ic hit mt geearnode. Daet is «rest- f ic gean ^ man gefreoge selcne witefsestne man he ic on spraece ahte. q ic gean in mid me pter ic me reste- Criste q See Petre )?8es landes aet Eadburgebyrig. he ic gebohte eet minon faeder mid twam hundred mancosan goldes be gewihte* q mid v. pnndan be gewihte seolfres. q f land get Merelafan- he ic gebohte aet minum faeder ‘ ^Ethelstan was the third .son .Elflfed or ^Egeldsed. AiTHELINGh In the name of Al¬ mighty God. I ^thelstan aetheling make knowm, by this writing, how I have given my property and my possessions, to the praise of God, and the redemption of my soul, and my father, king ^Ethelred’s, from whom I acquired them. That is first, that I give, that every penal serf, which I have possessed by litigation, be freed. And I give in with me, where I shall rest, to Christ and S* Peter, the land at Edhurgbury, which 1 bought of my father for two hundred mancuses of gold by weight, and for five pounds by weight of silver. And the land at Marlow, which I of /Ethelrcd 11. bv his first wife 558 WILLS. mid ^ridde healf hund man- cosan goldes be gewihte. -j f land set Mordune- jje min faeder me to let- ic gean into jjsere stowe* for uncer begra saule- ic bine Jjaes bidde- for Godes lufan- for Sea ^larian. for See Petres. f hit staudan mote- •] l^aes swurdes mid ]?am syifrenan hylte 'Se Wnlfric worhte- 'j j^one gyldeuan fetels- jjone beh ]>e 'Wnlfric worhte- ]7one drenchorn pe ic ser aet )jam hii’ede gebohte on Ealdan mynstreb ic wille f man nime ^ feoh J^e iEtSelwoldes laf me ah to gyldenne- |>e ic for hyre are gesceoten haebbe- -] betaece ^Elfsige bisceope into Ealdan mynstre- for mine saule- f spid xii. pund be getale. ic gean into Cristes cyrican on Cantwara- byrig J»aes landes aet Holunga- burnan- )?aes ]>e ]>aerto hyr^i- buton |)aere anre su- lunge l^e ic Sifei’^e geunneu haebbe- )Jaes landes aet Gar- waldintnne. ic ami J?aes landes aet Hry^erafelda into Nunnan mynstre* - Sea Marian loanees- aenne sylfrene male on V. pundon. ^ into Niwan mynstre* aenne sylfrene hwer on V. pundon- on jiaere halgan Pr ynnesse naman- j^e seo ■ At Wi bought of my father for tw'o hundred and fifty mancuses of gold by weight; and the land at Mordon, which my father relinquished to me, I give to that place, for the souls of us both ; (and I pray him, for love of God, and S‘ !Mary, and S‘ Peter, that it may stand;) and the sword with the silver hilt, which M'ulfric wrought, and the golden belt, and the torque which Wnlfric wrought, and the drinking-horn, which I bought of the brotherhood at the Old ^Monastery *. And I wiU that the money which -Ethelwold’s widow has to pay me, which I have dis¬ bursed for her honour, be taken and delivered to bishop -Elfsige at the Old Monas¬ tery, for my soul, that is xii. pounds by tale. And I give to Christchurch at Canter- bmy the land at Holling- bom’n, and what thereto be¬ longs, except the one sulung which I have given to Siferth ; and the land at Garwalding- ton. And I give the land at Rotheidield to the Nuns’ iNlonasterv *, freely to S' Mary; and one silver crucifix of V. pounds. And to the New Monastery *, one silver WILLS. stow is forehalig. ic gean to Sceaftenesbyrig. to }>aere halgan rode j to See Ead- wearde )jara vi. punda ^e ic Eadmixiide niinon breSev * gewissod haebbe. 'j ic gean minon feder yEbelrede cynge jjaes landes set Cealhtune- buton |>am viii. liidan |je ic ^Elmsere minon cnihte geunnen ha3bbe- -j j^aes landes aet NorStune- j^aes landes aet Mollintune* j p»®s seolfer- hiltan swurdes )?c Ulfcytel ahte- pssre byrnan J^e mid Morkaere is- )>8es horses J;e Durbrand me gcaf. -} )?aes liwitan horses )>e Leofwine me geaf. 'j ic gean Ead- munde minon brewer |?aes swirrdes \>e Offa cyng alite- ^ l^aes swurdes mid ]jam pyttedan hiltan^. ^ anes brandes- aenne seolfor hammenne blaedhorn. |>ara landa )>e ic abte on East Englan. J^aes landes aet Peacesdaele. ^ ic wille f man gelaeste aelce geare ane daegfeorme |>am liirede into iElig of jjysse are. on See iESeldrySe mmssedaeg- 'j gesylle {^aerto ]?am mynstre an bund penega- gefede 5.59 ewer of v. pounds, in the name of the Holy Trinity, to whom the place is especially holy. And I give to Shaftesbury, for the holy rood, and for S‘ Eadward, the vi. pounds which I have indicated to Eadmund my brother *. And I give to my father, king Hilthelrcd, the land at Chal- ton, except the eight hides which I have given to JElmaer, my page; and the land at Norton, and the land at Mol- lington, and the silver-hiltcd sword which Ulfkytel owned, and the coat of mail which is with Morkere ; and the horse which Thurbrand gave me ; and the white horse which Leofwine gave me. And I give to Eadmund, my brother, the sw'ord that king Offa owned, and the sword with the ^ pytted' hilt®, and one brand^, and one silver-coated blast- horn, and the lands which I owned in East Anglia, and the land at Peakdale. And I will that there be supplied, from this property, every year one day’s sustenance to the convent at Ely, on S* yEthel- dryth’s mass-day; and I give ' Afterwards king Eadmund Ironside. ’ cum lacunato capulo. Mamnng, apud Lye. •’ A sword with a wavy blade resembling flame, whence it.s name; now merely a sword poetice. Compare Fr. Flamberge. 500 WILLS. fjer. on}>one daeg- c. J^earfena- j sy sefre seo selmesse gelaest gearhwamlice. age land se ])e age. |>a Invile ]?e cristendoni stande- "j gif ];a nella]; ]?a telmessan gefor^ian )?e )?a land liabbaS- gauge seo ar into See iEScldrySe. j ic geann Eadwige minon breScr anes seolfei’ biltes swurdes. ~j ic geann iElfsige bisceope )>cere gyblenau rode ]>e is mid Eadrice Wynfliede suna- j senne blacne stedan. j ic geann JLlmaere )ws landcs set Hamelandene ]?e be sr abte. -j ic bidde minne fseder- for Godes selmibtiges lufan- •j for minon- f be ]?8es genune ]>e ic bim geunnen baebbe. ic geann Godwine Wulf- no^es suna ]jaes landes aet Cumtune- |?e bis fseder ser abte. ic gean ^Elfswybe minre fostermeder- for lure miclon geearnungon- |?tes landes set Westune |>e ic gebobte set minon fseder mid )7ridde bealf bund mancusan goldes be gewibte. ic geann ^Ifwine minon maessepreoste jjses landes set Heorulfestune- -j )>Ees malswurdes 5e WiSer alite- ■] mines borses mid minon gersedon. ic geann .^Imaere minon disclSene )7ara ebta bida set Cateringatune- -j anes fagaii stedan- J'ses thereto a bundred pence, and on that day let be fed there c. poor ; and let that alms ever be supplied yearly, Avbo- ever may own the lands, as long as Christianity may stand; and if they who have the lands will not afford the alms, let the property go to S' iEtbeldrytb’s. And I give to Eadwig, my brother, one silver-bilted sword. And I give to bishop .dElfsige the golden cross which is with Eadric, son of Wynflsed; and one black steed. And I give to iElmser the land at Hambleden, which be before possessed. And I pray my father, for love of Almighty God, and for mine, that be grant that which I have given him (^Imser). And I give to Godwine, Wulfnotb’s son, the land at Compton, which his father before owned. And I give to iElfswyth, my foster- mother, for her great deserts, the land at Weston, which I bought of my father for tAvo hundred and fifty maneuses of gold by weight. And I give to .dilfwine, my mass-priest, the land at Harleston, and the cross-hilted sword that Wither oAvned ; and my horse AA’itli my trappings. And I give to ^Elmaer, my scAver, the WILLS. 6G1 sceardan swurdes* mines targan. "j ic geann Sifer^e j^aes landes aet Hocganclife- j anes swurdes- anes horses. mines hoc scyldes h "j ic geann vE^elwearde Stameran Lyfingce j^ass landes aet Tywinham. j ic geann Leof- stane. Lcofwines brewer Cwattes. J^aere landare ]?c ic of his breSer nam. j ic geann Leommaere aet Biggrafan J^aes landes ]?e ic him aer of nam. ^ ic geann Godwine Dreflan J^ara j^reora hida aet Lutegares- hcale. j ic geann Eadrice Wynflaede suna f’aes swurdes )>e seo hand is on gemearcod. ic geann iESehvine minon cnihte J?aes swurdes jjc he me aer sealde. j ic geann ^Elf- nobe minon swurdhwitan J’aes sceardan malswurdes. 'j minon hcahdeor hunton j^aes stodes ]>e is aet Colingahrycge. gehealde man of minon golde iElfric aet Bertune Godwine Drefelan aet swa miclon swa Eadmund min bro^or wat ]) ic heom mid rihtc to gyldanne ah. Nu ];ancige ic minon faeder mid ealre eadmodnesse- on Godes aelmihtiges - naman- j^aere andsware )>e he me sende on Frigedaeg aefter middes- eight hides at Catherington^ and one pied stallion, and the sceard ’-sword, and my target. And I give to Siferth the land at Hockclilf, and one sword, and one horse, and my beechen shield. And I give to iEthelward Stamera and Lyfing the land at Tewin. And I give to Leofstau, Leof- wine Cwatt’s brother, the landed property which I took from his brother. And I give to Leofmaer at Bygrave the land which I before took from him. And I give to Godwine Drefla the three hides at Ludgershall. And I give to Eadric, Wynflaed’s son, the sword on which the hand is marked. And I give to yEthelwine, my page, the sword which he before gave me. And I give to iElfuoth, my sword-furbishcr, the ‘ sceard ’-cross-hilted sword; and to my tall-deer hunts¬ man the stud which is at Collingridge. And of my gold let there be retained, for yElfric at Barton and Godwine Drefla, so much as my brother Eadmund knows that I have to pay them. I now thank my father, uith all humility, in the name of ^ So Cod. Winton. Manning (App. ad Lye) reads boli-scyld, from boh, humerus, i. e. a shield borne on the shoulder, scutum humerale. O 562 WILLS. siimeres maessedsege. be gare Jilflfan suna. f -waes f he me cydde mines fseder worde* ^ ic moste* be Godes leafe ■j be bis. geunnan minre are minra aehta swa me maest raed ]?uhte. aeg’Ser ge for Gode ge for •worulde. ■;} )>ysse andsware is to ge- witnesse Eadmund min bro- Sor. -j ^Ifsige bisceop. 'j Byrbtmaer abb. -] .^Imaer /Elfrices sunn. Nu bidde ic ealle ]>a witan J^e minne cwj^de gehyron raedan. aeg^er ge gebadode ge laewede- f bi beon on fultume f min cwyde standan mote, swa mines faeder leaf on minon cwyde stent. Nu cy^e ic f ealle ]>a binge |7e ic to Gode. into Godes cyrican. Godes l^eowan geunnen baebbe. sy gedon for mines leofan faeder sawle iEbelredes cyncges. for minre. for ^IfSrybe minre ealdemodor. ]je me afedde. for ealra }>e me to )?yson godan gefylstan. se be bysne cwyde. }>urh aenig )>ingc awende. babbe bim wib God aelmibtigne gemaene. Avib Sea Marian. wib See Peter. wib ealle )?a ]>e Godes naman beriab. account with God Almighty, Peter, and Avith all those who Almighty God, for the an¬ swer Avbicb he sent me on the Friday after Midsummer’s mass-day, by .^Ifgar, .Alfa’s son: that was, that he an¬ nounced to me my father’s words, that I might, with God’s leave, and with his, give my property and my possessions as might to me seem most adAusable, both before God and before the Avorld. And to this answer there are for witness Eadmund my brother, and bishop ^If- sige, and abbot Byrhtmzer, and .^Imeer, Ailfric’s son. I now pray all those ‘witan’ who may hear my testament read, both ordained and lay, that they give support that my testa¬ ment may stand, as my father’s leave stands on the testament. I now declare that all the things which I have given for God to God’s church, and to God’s servants, are done for the soul of my dear father, king iEthelred, and for mine, and for JSlfthryth, my grand¬ mother’s, who reared me, and for all theirs’ who have aided me in this good [Avork]. And may he who shall in any way avert this testament, have to and with S* Mary, and with S‘ praise the name of God. WILLS. 663 WULFGYTH. M.XLVI. Her swutela^ on byssum gewrite hu WulfgyS gean hire J>inga aefter hire for^- siSe- J?e hire se aelmihtig God geu^e on life to brucanne. Daet is Jionne serest. minum lilaforde his rihte heriot. ic gean Jiaes landes set Stistede* be Godes gewitnesse ■]) minra freonda- into Cristes cyrican. ^am muneeum to fostre* on };am gerad. f iElfcytel Kytel mine beam brucen f>aes londes hyra daeg. “] sy^^an gauge f lond into Cristes eyriean. butan selcre arentale- for mine sawle- 'j for Hillf- ivines mines hlafordes. j for ealra minra bearua. 'j beon healf ^a men freo aefter hira daege. j ic gean into 'Sare cyrican aet Stistede* to )>am Se ic on Kfe geuSe* Eldemes landes. j Jiaerto Ilyekenes- p Saer syn ealles fiftig aecera [on Wilde •]] on feld aefter minum forSsiSe. ic gean to Wolk[ytcle] j Kytele mtnum snnum Jiaes londes aet Waelsingabam- set Karl- tune. let Herlingabam. ^ ic gean mtnum twain dob- trum. Gode -j Bote. Seax- lingaham ■;) Sumerledetune. j into Saere cyrican aet Su¬ merledetune sixtyne aeceras Here is madeknown, by this writing, bow Wulfgytb gives her things after her decease, which the Almighty God has granted her in life to enjoy. That then is first: to my lord his rightful heriot. And I give the land at Sti- stead, with the witness of God and my friends, to Christ¬ church, for the subsistence of the monks, on the condition that ^Ifkytel and Kytel, my children, enjoy the land for their day, and afterwards the land go to Christchurch, without any ^ arental’, for my sold, and for H51fwine’s, my lord’s, and all my child¬ ren’s. And let half the men be free after their day. And I give to the church at Stistead, besides what I have given in life, Eldemes land, and Hyekene’s thereto, so that, after my decease, there may be altogether, in wood and field, fifty acres. And I give toWolk[ytel] and Kytel, my sons, the land at Wals- ingham, and at Carlton, and at Harling. And I give to my two daughters, Gode and Bote, Sexlingham and Somer- leyton. And to the church at Somerleyton, sixteen acres 2 o 2 604 WILLS. londes- aenue aecer maed. ic gcan .d^llgy'Se minre dehter J>aes landes aet Certsecere 'j a3t Essetesforde- 'Saes wuda ^5e ic legde ^aerto. ic gcan Godwine corle Haralde corle FriStunes. ic gcan into Cristes cyrican. to Cristes wcofede* aurc lytlcre gold- enrc rode ^ anes setliraegles. t) ic geaii See Eadmunde twegea gebonedra liorna. ic gcan See /EbelbrySe anes Mnillenan kyrtles. ic gean See OsySe liealf pundes feos [■] ’Se gene mine bearnes]b ic gcan See Augustine anes setliraegles. And sebe minne cwjule bereafige ]?e ic nu be- eweden liaebbe on Godes ge- witnesse* bereafod be ATurbe 'Sisse eor'Slicre myrgSe* ascyrige bine se aelmihtiga Dribten. Se ealle gesceafta gesceojj geworbte* fram ealra haligra gemaenysse on domes daeg- ^ sy be betabt Satane bam deofle 'j eallum bis aAvergedum geferum into belle grunde- )iaer aewylmie mid Godes wiSsacum bute ges^yice• -j mine aerfenuman mefre ne aswence. Disses is to gewitnesse Eadweard cyn- ing manige oSra. of land, and one acre of mead. And I give to ^1- g^tb, my daughter, tbe land at Cbartacre and at Essets- ford, and tbe wood whicb I added thereto. And I give to earl Godwine and earl Har¬ old Fritton. And I give to Cbristcburch, for Christ’s altar, one little golden rood, and one seat-cover. And I give to S‘ Eadmund two po¬ lished horns. And I give to S' iEtbeltbryth one woollen kirtle. And I give to S' Osyth a half pound of money, [and let my children give that]. And I give to S' Augustine one seat-eover. And whoso¬ ever shall bereave my bequest, which I have now bequeathed, in tbe witness of God, be be bereft of this earthly joy, and may tbe Almighty Lord, who hath created and wrought all creatures, sever him from tbe community of all his saints on doomsday; and be he deli¬ vered to Satan the devil and all his accursed companions, in the ground of bell, and there suffer torment with God’s deniers without cessation, and never molest my heirs. Of this are witness, king Eadward and many others. Kvidently an interpolation of a later period. WILLS. .565 LEOFLyED. M.XXIII.-M.L. Tibi domino delectissimo atque venerabili dominae meae reginae omnibus modis gratias refero, quod circa rne ancillam vestram benigne agere voluistis, et milii de substantiis meis, ex quo vir meus ablatus est a me, pro libitu disponere indul- sistis. Nunc igitur ostendo, in boc libello, quod villam de Belesbam Deo et Sancto Petro, et sanctae virgini jEbcl- dredae, cum omnibus ad eam pertinentibus post diem meum concedo, pro anima viri mei et liberis meis, seu vivis vel defunctis. Deinde duabus tiliabus meis annuo Steveclie- worde dum vivant tenere, ^Ifwenne et .lElfswide, et ultra dies suos in locum sanctum Ely libere dimittant. Aliae vero filia;, scilicet Leosware, vicum illud de Weddreringesete, sub hac conditione permitto, ut caste se conservet, vel virum legitime acciiiiat, ne ipsa et progenies nostra lupanaris con¬ tagii notetur infamia. Haec et alia ego, ancilla tua, tam aecclesiis quam domesticis, domine rex, tuo favore, post diem meum, esse dispono, et rata in aevum consistent, nemo ea praeter te, quod absit, subtrahat vel minuat. Et quicunque aliud ex eis evellere tentaverit, maledictionem habeat Domini nostri Jliesu Christi, et eum Juda proditore auditionem malam audiat, “ Ite maledicti in ignem aeternum qui paratus est diabolo et angelis ejus.” Haec scripta tripliciter consig¬ nantur : unum est apud Ely, aliud in thesaurum regis, ter¬ tium Leofleda habet ‘. * “ Quffi cum mortua fuit, corpus illius ad nos delatum in cimiterio fratrum sepelitur. Qua sepulta mox filia ejus pra;fata /Elfeswida, cum possessione de Steveclieworde, aecclesiae se tradens viri consortium asper¬ natur, illic jugiter professa est permanere; cui tradita est Coveueia, locus monasterio vicinus, ubi aurifrixoria; et texturis secretius cum puellulis vacabat, qum de proprio sumptu albam casulam suis inanibus ipsa talis ingenii peritissima fecit. Et soror ejus Leosware nobilissimo viro I^eof- wino sublimiter dotata, tenvani de Wedreringesete secclesia; postmodum adjecit, et plura,” etc. llmt. Eliens. ap. Gale, i. pp. 496, 508. 566 WILLS. iELFRIC MODERCOP. M.XXXVII. TEMPORIBUS SANCTI EDWARDI, REGIS ANGLIC, FUIT VIR UNUS NOBILITATE INSIGNIS DICTUS jELFRICUS MODERCOPE, QUI, IPSO SANCTO REGE PER CARTAM SUAM TESTIMONIUM PERHI¬ BENTE, DEDIT SANCTO EADMUNDO LODNE CUM THURWINE- HOLM, CUJUS H^C EST CARTA SIVE TESTAMENTUM. Dis is se quide ]ie Alf- ric biqua'5 er lie ofer se ferde. Dat is erst Lodne into Seynt Eadmunde. be wude and by felde and be fenue* so fui and so Tor'S so ic it formest ahte. And ic an )iat lond at BirSe into Seynt .^'SeldriSe- so fui and so forS so ic it bigeten hauede. eySer on wude oSer Oli felde. And into Holm to Sainte Benedicte Berton. al so fui and so forS so ic it ahte. And ic an into Rame- seye^six mare silures- and Sat schal Godric mine broSer lesten. And ic an Durwine- liolm into Lodne. and Fugl- liolm into Berhe. And |ia scliep delen men on to* half into Lodne and half into Beorhe. And ic biqueSe to min heregete ane marc goldes. and ]iat schal Godric mine broSer lesten. And Alfric biscop I biqueSe mine teld and min bedreaf ]iat ic best hauede ut on mi fare mid me. And be Alfric biscop, and Tofi Prude, and Drunni }iese This is the bequest that .Alfric bequeathed ere he journeyed over sea. That is first, Loddon to S‘ Ead- mund’s, by -wood, and by field, and by fen, as full and as free as I first possessed it. And I give the land at Birth to S* iEtheldrith’s, as full and as free as I acquired it, hoth in wood and in field. And to Holme, for S‘ Benedict, Bar¬ ton, aU as full and as free as I possessed it. And I give to Ramsey six marks of silver, and that shall my brother Godric pay. And I give Thurwineholm to Loddon, and Fuglholm to Berh. And let the sheep be divided into two, half to Loddon, half to Berh. And I bequeath, for my heriot, one mark of gold, and that shall Godric my brother pay. And to bishop Alfric I bequeath my tent, and my bed-hangings, the best I had out with me on my journey. And he bishop JElfric, and Tofi Prude, and Thrunm,guar- WILLS. 5G7 quides mundes huref>inge |?at it no man awende- and gif it wa wille awenden- God al~ mitten awende is ansene fram him on domes day. dians of this testament; at least, that no man avert it . and if any one will avert it, may God Almighty avert his countenance from him on doomsday. BISHOP A5LFRICM.XXXVII. Her swytelaS on );issum gewrite hu HHfric fe. wille his are beteon j^e he under Gode geernode- 'j under Cnute kyncge his leofne laforde. sij7|?an haefS rihtlice geheald- an under Haralde cyncge. f is )>onne serest. f ic gean f land et Wilrincgawer]7a into See Eadmmide- for mira saule ■;] for minas lafordas. swa ful swa for^ swa he it me to handa let. ^ ic gean ^ land et Hunstanestune be .^stanbroke- •] mid |?an lande et Holme, into See Ead- munde. “3 ic wille ^ ]>a. mu- necas on Byrig sellan syxtig punde for ]7an lande et Tices- welle et Doceynege- f };erto geheraiS. ■3) ic gean Lcofstane dsecane p land et Grimastune. SAva ful and SAva forS swa ic hit ahte. j ic gean mine cynelaforde Ha¬ ralde II. marc gol. 'j ic gean Here is made known, in this writing, hoAV bishop yElf- ric desires to dispose of his property, Avhich he has ac¬ quired under king Cnut, his dear lord, and has afterwards laAvfully holden under king Harold. That then is first, that I give the land at Worl- ingworth to S* Eadmund’s, for my soul, and for my lord’s, as full and as free as he bestowed it on me. And I give the land at Hunstanton by East- brook, and with the land at Holme, to S‘ Eadmund’s. And I will that the monks in Bury give sixty pounds for the land at TitcliAvell and at Docking, and Avhat thereto belongs. And I give to Leof- stan, the dean, the land at Grimstone, as full and as free as I possessed it. And I give to my royal lord Harold ii. marks of gold. And I give to Of Elmham. 508 WILLS. mire hlefdigen an marc gol. j geljEste man jdEgelrice iiii. pnncl mire fatfylre. ^ sela man mina cnihtas )^a mina stiwardas nitan xxxx. punda. '2 fif pnud into Elig- and fif pund into Holm- fif pund Wulfwarde muneke minne mmge- fif pund ^Iffsehe min ssemestres. “j ic wille f man seEa f land et AValsinga- bam swa man derast mage. gelesta man f feoli swa ic geudssod hsebbe. ic Aville f man selle land et Fersafeld swa man derast mfege* ■] recna man iungere Brmi an marc gol- mid J>an lane scytte man mina borgas. j ic gean .lElfwine minan preoste et Walsingabam xxx. akera et Eggemsera. Uni prouast babba pone ofarsecan. -j ic gean vEdwine muneke pa mylne et Geeysaete pe Ring- ware abte. ic gean Rilf- wig preoste f land et Ryge- dune pe ic bobte to Leof- weime. j ic gean f myln pe "Wuinob abte into See Ead- muude. 3 ic gean Sibribt p land pe ic gebobte on Mulan- tune. j ic gean p fen pe pui’lac me sealde into .311m- bam. pa preostas to foddan. ic gean into Hoxne. pa preostas. an pusend w'erb feu. T ic gean p fen pe .lElfric me my lady i. mark of gold. And let iv. pounds be paid to iEgelric my cupbearer. And let xxxx. pounds be given to my pages wbom my stcAvards know of. And five pounds to Elyj and five pounds to Holme; and five pounds to Wulfward tbe monk, my kins¬ man ; and five pounds to TElffseb my sempstress. And I will that the land at Walsiug- bam be sold as dearly as pos¬ sible, and let tbe money be paid as I have indicated. And I will that tbe land at Fresb- field be sold as deaidy as pos¬ sible ; and pay out to Junker Bruu one mark of gold, and tbe residue disburse to my creditors. And I give to Hillf- wine my priest at Walsing- bam XXX. acres at Egmere; and let Uvi tbe provost have tbe surplus. And I give to Eadwine tbe monk tbe mill at Guist that Ring war pos¬ sessed. And I give to RElf- wig tbe priest the land at Roydon, which I bought of Leofwen. And I give tbe mill which "Wulnoth possessed to S* Eadmund^s. And I give to Sibribt the land wbicli I bought at Moulton. And I give tbe fen which Thurlac sold me to Elmham, for the sustenance of tbe priests. WILLS. 569 sealde into Holme, j ic gean )?on hage binnon Norbwic for mire saule- for ealra ]>e hit me geubon. into See Ead- munde. ic gean )?an hage into See Petre binnon Lun- den. ic gean iungre Bruii healfe )>usend fen. mund’s. And I Peter’s. And I give to the priests at Hoxne a thousand worth of fen. And I give the fen which iElfric sold me to Holme. And I give the mes¬ suage within Norwich, for my soul, and for all theirs’ who gave it me, to S' Ead- give the messuage within London to S' And I give to Junker Brun the half thousand fen. LEOFGIFU. M.XLV. LEOFGIUA INCLITA MATRONA, COGNATA ^LFRICI FILII WITH- GARI, DEDIT SANCTO EADMUNDO, TEMPORE ^«LFWARDI PRAi- SULIS, IIENTLESIIAM ET GRISTLINGTHORP, SUBSCRIPTS CARTS TESTIMONIO. Lcofgiue gret hire Icuedi Godes gretinge. And ic kiSe jie mine quide. )iat ic Crist an q his halegan mine louerdes soule to alisednesse and mine- into J^e holy stowe |jcr ic self resten wille- J>at is at Seynt Eadmundesliyri. Dat is ]iat lond at Hintlesham and ]?at loud at GristlyngSorp. buten )iat lond ]iat Ailsi hauede- ]>at he at his lauerde ernedc and at me- and ilk ]iridde aker on J>an wude at Hintlesham habbe Ailsi- and ingong and utgong- be felde and be fenne. And ic wille )?at Ailric prest and Ailfric prest- andAilri the diacon habben )>at minstre at Leofgifu greets her lady with God’s greeting. And I make known to thee my testa¬ ment, what I give to Christ and his saints, for the redemp¬ tion of my lord’s soul and mine, to the holy place where I myself desire to rest, that is at S' Edmundsbury. That is, the land at Hintlesham and the land at Gristlingthorp, except the land that Ailsi had, which he obtained from his lord and from me; and let Ailsi have the same third field in the wood at Hintles¬ ham, and ingress and egress, by field and by fen. And I ivill that Ailric the priest. 670 WILLS. Colne so here lofard it hem uSe. And ic -wille 'Sat Ailfric pi’est beo on Jjat like loli )je Aignoh was. And be se mund ofer )jan minstre 'Se is ofer alle oSere. And ic an jjan kinge to marc goldes* foil min eruenumen to. and gealseste )iat gold, and mine lauede ]?at lond at Belhcbam. buten )iat lond ]iat Godric mine stiward baueS. J>at habbe he. and Alfward biscop jiat lond at Benetleye. buten half bide pe Osemund hauede. jiat ic an Alfwy min stiward. and }iat be on sit. And Alfnod min stiward )iat lond |iat Ber- ric hauede under bande. and Alfgar mine mei )iat lond at Bor bam. and Alfric mine mey Witbgares sone pat lond at Bromford. and Stigand pat lond at Willauesbam. ^ilric mine broSeres sone jiat lond at Stonbam and at Waldingfeld and at Licht- letic. and Aided mine doub¬ ter pat lond at Hagele. and Godwine mine aSum and mine meygan pa jjre bide at Werle. and Lefkyld pa to hide on fast his owen. And iEylmer habbe pat lond at Stonbam ]ie ic bym er to bande let to reflande. And ic an Godric mine reue at Waldingfeld pa Jiritti acre Se and Ailfric the priest, and Afliri the deacon, have the monastery at Colne, as their lord gave it to them. And I will that Ailfric the priest be in the same place that Aignoth was. And be the guardian¬ ship over the monastery that which is over all the others. And I give to the king two marks of gold; let my heirs succeed to, and pay that gold : and to my lord the land at Belcham, except the land that Godric my steward has : that let him have; and bishop Alfward the land at Bentley, except the half hide that Os¬ mund had, which I give to yElfwy my steward, with that on which he resides. And to Alfnoth my steward the land that Berric had in hand; and to Alfgar my kinsman the land at Boreham; and to Alfric my kinsman, Wihtgai'’s son, the land at Bromford; and to Stigand the laud at Willafesham; and to Ailric, my brother’s son, the land at Stoneham, and at Walding- field, and at Lichtletic; and to Alfled, my daughter, the land at Hagley; and to God- wine, my son-in-law and my kinsman, the three hides at Warley; and to Lefkyld the two hides near to his own. WILLS. 671 ic hym er to hande let. And Ailric min hird prest* and Ailric mine cnilites |7at lond at Lalleford 'Se me best heren willen. And Ailric prest liabbe an bide at Forendale. And ic wille J;at alle mine men ben fre on hirede and on tune- for me and for J^o Se me bigeten. And ic bidde mine leuedien- for Godes louen- )?at |ju [ne] 'Solie Sat ani man mine quide awendc- and se Se hit awende God almiSin awende his ansene from him on domes day- buten ic it self do. God J?e healde. Nu sinden }»ise write J?re- on is mid |?ise kinges balidome- and oSer at Seynt Eadmunde- and ]?ridde mid Lcofgiue selueu. unless I do it myself. God writings there are three; one the second at S‘ Eadmund’s, herself. And let .Aylmer have the land at Stoneham^ which I before let to him as reeveland. And I give to Godric, my reeve at Waldingfield, the thirty acres which I had before let to him. And to AilriC; my household priest^ and to Ailric, my page, the land at Lalford, which¬ ever shall best obey me. And let Ailric the priest have a hide at Forendale. And I will that all my men be free both ill my household and vill, for me and for those who begot me. And I pray my lady, for love of God, that thou wilt not suffer that any man avert my testament; and who shall avert it, may God Almighty avert his counte¬ nance from him on doomsday; preserve thee ! Now of these is with this king’s relics, and and the third with Leofgifu TIIURSTAN. M.XLV. 0]n lire Drichtines name- ic purstan Wine sune kithe alle manne ihu ic an )ie Jiing )ie me God haueb lent so longe so his wille beth. pat is }jat ic an ]>at lond at Wimbisc into Cristes kirkc for mine soule- and for Lef- In the name of our Lord: I Thurstan, son of Wine, make known to all men how I give the things which God hath lent me so long as it shall be his will. That is, that I give the land at Wimbish to Christchurch, 572 WILLS. wares, and for Egelgithes- , after mine day and after Egel- githes. ]>o men fre. And leste man of Cristes kirke XII. pund be tale into Seynt Augustine. And ic an ]?at lond at Herlawe into See Eadmunde bnten )ie lialue hide ]ie Alfwine hauede at Gildenebrigge. and bnten ]7at tuft )ie Alfgor on sit. and jiat hoo |ierto. and alle )>e men fre. And ic an Jiat lond at Sculliam at |ic Nortlilialle into Seynt Eadmunde. after unker | botlire day. and |io men fre. And ic an jiat lond at We- tlieringsete into Ely- bnten )iat loud ];at Aylri haue^. babbe lie )iat fre his day and his wines, and after here bothere day into jie tunkirke. ]io men fre. And ic an ]7at lond at Cnapwelle into Ely. i buten ]iat loud ]iat Ordeh j haueb. Aylric munek haueS. and ]io men fre. And ic an | )iat lond at Weston Agil- swi’Se. buten pat lond ]7at Sewine haueS to Earninge. |>at schal into tunkirke. and after hire day into Ely. -j )io men fre. And ic an |iat lond at Sculham at )ie Middel halle half into See Benedicte to Rameseye and half into See Benedicte into Holm, so it Jier to lith. after unker for my soul, and for Leof- waru’s, and for Egelgithes; after my day, and after Egel- gith’s; the men to be free. And let there be paid from Christchurch xii. pounds by tale to S' Augustine’s. And I give the land at Harlow to S* Eadmund’s, except the half hide which Alfwine had at Gildenbridge, and except the toft on which Alfgar resides, and the Gioo’ thereto; and all the men to be free. And I give the land at Sculham, at the North hall, to S' Ead¬ mund’s, after the day of us both : and the men free. And I give the land at Wethering- sete to Ely, except the land that Aylri has: let him have it free for his day and his wife’s; and after the day of them both, [let it go] to the ' tun’-church; and the men be free. And I give the land at Knapwell to Ely, except the land that Ordeh has, and Aylric the monk has : and be the men free. And I give the land at Weston to Agil- swid, except the land that Sewine has at Eorning : that shall go to the 'tun’-chm’ch, and after her day to Ely: and the men be free. And I give the land at Sculham, at the Middle hall, half to S' Be- WILLS. 573 bother day. and the men fre. And ic an mine kinelouerd for mine hergete to marc goldes. and to hors and sadelfate. and helm, and hrinie. and suerd- and to scheldes. and to speren. And ic wille |?at men selle J^at lond at Bidicheseye and nime of )?at lond to marc goldes to ]^e kynges heregete* and half marc goldes ]?e erl Harold- and half marc goldes Stigand hisscop- 7) an marc goldes mine felage- and an marc goldes Hisberne porj^es bro¬ ther- -j an marc goldes sendi Arfast bisscop. and J^at ]?e )>crouer go^ delen le... ermene men for his soule on his felawes witnesse- biiten ]^at nttrestc milne into See iEthel- bnrg at Berkynge. And [ic] wille l^at min and Ulfketels felageschipe stonde to ]>at forwarde ]>e wit speken habben- j^at is |>at lond at Bnrg. And Ulfketel haniS leyd ]7crwith four marc goldes. so wether so leng libbe- buten half hide at Westle- and an hide at Dul- lingham |7at ic an Wiking mine knihte. And ic an mine wife Ailgi'Se al |?c )nng }?c ic haue on Norfolke- so io it her hire gaf to miind and nedict’s at Ramsey, and half to S*Benedict’s at Holme, as it thereto lies, after the day of us both : and the men free. And I give to my royal lord, for my heriot, two marks of gold, and two horses and saddle-vessels *, and a helm, and a coat of mail, and a sword, and two shields, and two spears. And I wull that the land be sold at Bidi- chesaye; and let be taken from tliat land tw’o marks of gold for the king’s heriot, and a half mark of gold to earl Harold, and a half mark of gold to bishop Stigand; and one mark of gold to my fellow; and one mark of gold to Hisbern, Thorth’s brother; and let one mark of gold be sent to bishop Arfast, and divide that wdiich remains over * * * distribute to poor men for his soul, in his fellow’s witness, excepting the further¬ most mill to S‘ jRthelburg at Barking. And I w'ill that my and Ulfketel’s fellowship stand according to the agree¬ ment that we have spoken; that is the land at Burg. And Ulfketel has laid thereto four marks of gold, whichsoever live the longer, except half a hide at Westley, and one Bottles hung: from the saddle-bow ? 674 WILLS. to maldage- and J^at lond at Pentelawe and at .iEfredune. buten )^at lond at Bromlege. )?at schal into pe tunkirke oner unker bother day. And ic an Agilgib J?at lond at Henliam* buten an half bide* pat schal into };e kirke. And ic an Alfwi prest. and pur- stan mine liirdprest* Ordeh mine hirdprest. pat hi habben pat lond at Kydington after unker bother day. And ic an Memyn and his wife and here bern pat loud at Dun- mawe- buten an alf hide pat schal into pe kirke- and an tuft. ic an mine cnihtes pat wude at Aungre- buten pat derhage pat stod pe ic per habbe. pis is to witnesse innon Norfolk- Harold erl- and Stigand bisscop- and Osgote Clape- and Godwine- 71 Wlgeat- 7) Eadwine- and Osbern- and Ulf- and Gouti- and innon Suffolk- Lefstan decanus- and al se bird on Seynt Eadmundesbiri- 7) Eadric- and Alfric- and Ulfketel- 7) Lemmer- and in Grauntebregschire- Leswi abbot- 7) al se bird bynnen Ely- and ^Ifwine abbot- 7] al se hii’d into Rameseye- and JElfwine- and Ulfketel kild- and Osgot Sveyn- and Ordger- and oper Ordger- hide at Dullingham, which I give to Wiking my page. And I give to my wife Ad- gith aU the things which I have in Norfolk, as I it ere gave her as 'mund’ and on om wedding-day, and the land at Pentlow and at JEfre- dun, except the land at Brom¬ ley, which shall go to the GunLchui’ch, after the day of us both. And I give to Agilgith the land at Hen- ham, except half a hide, which shaU go to the church. And I give to Alfwi the priest, and to Thurston my house¬ hold priest, and to Ordeh my household priest, the pos¬ session of the land at Kyding¬ ton after the day of us both. And I give to Merwyn and his wife and their children the land at Dunmow, except a half hide that shall go to the chm’ch, and a toft. And I give to my pages the wood at Ongar, except the deer- park and the stud which I have there. Of this are witness within Norfolk : Harold earl, and Stigand bishop, and Osgod Clapa, and Godwine, and Wulfgeat, and Eadwine, and Osbern, and Ulf, and Gouti; and in Suffolk: Leofstan dean, and all the convent at S* Eadmundsbury, and Eadric, WILLS. 575 and innen Essex» Alfger ]>e erles sune» and Lefkild- 7) Osulf.File» and Wlwine» and Sendi» and Leiierieh dise|7eng. Se l^e }^is quide awenden wille buten ic self it be- God him fordo nu and on domesday. Amen. pise write sinden ]?re» on sehal into Seynt Eadmunde» and on into Ely» and on sehal ben innon min owen bird. And ]>at lond at Henham purstan and ^gelgi'S and Askil unnen .^gelswide after here aldre day» and after hire day go ]?at lond into See Aetheldrith for hire owen soiile» and for purstanes» and for Agelgi'S- and for Lefware» and for Askilles» boten |jo tueye hidan ]?e Aylmer Pari haueiS» and bnten |7at on hide ]>c Wlmare hauede» q an girde pe Lustwine hauede. And ie an purgot mine cnihte half hide .dillstan on sit at Aiingre» q Meruin half hide» and }>ane litle liege with and Alfric, and Ulfketel, and Lemmer; and in Cambridge¬ shire : Leswi abbot, and all the convent in Ely, and jElf- wine abbot, and all the con¬ vent in Ramsey, and A^lfwine, and Ulfketel child, and Osgot Sweyn, and Ordger, and the other Ordger; and in Essex ; Alfger the earPs son, and Lefkild, and Osulf File, and WiJwine, and Sendi, and Leuerich sewer. Who shall avert this testament, unless it be myself, may God fordo him now and on doomsday. Amen. Of this writing there are three: one shall go to S’^ Eadmund’s, and one to Ely, and one to my own family. And the land at Henham, Thurstan and Hilgelgith and Askil give to Hilgelswith, after her parents’ day; and after her day, let the land go to S‘ ^theldrith’s, for her own soul, and for Thurstau’s, and for iEgelgith’s, and for Lef- waru’s, and for Askil’s, ex¬ cept the two hides that Ayl¬ mer Pari has, and except the one hide that Wulmaer had, and one rod that Lustwine had. And I give to Thurgot my page half a hide on which .iElstan resides at Ongar; and to Merwyn half a hide, and the 576 WILLS. Meredene- and Sueyn half hide, and ]?at oner beth ofgon he it on unker gemede- gif wit aleten willen. little enelosure by Mereden; and to Sweyn half a hide, and what shall be over, let him hold it on at our pleasure whether we will relinquish it. KING EADWARD THE CONEESSOR. M.XLV. LICENCE TO TOLE TO BEQUEATH HER LAND AND PROPERTY. Edward kyng gret Here- mann bisceop. q Harold eorh q ealle mine )?egenas on Dorsaetan freondlice. And ic cy^e eow f hit is min fulla unna f Tole min man XJrees lafe ■p heo becwe'Se hire land q ehta into Sancte Petre set Abbodeshyrig swa hire leofest sy. be minan fullan geleafan. swa full q swa forh swa |;a forewirda ^r gewrhte wseran* hit sceolde setter heora begra dsege- hire q Urces hire hlafordes- for heora sawle gan into 'Sam haligan mynstre. Nu wille ic f heora cwide stande swa swa hit gefore- wird Aves on godre manna geivitnesse- )ie }>aerwiS wseran. q ic Aville ^ swilc freols heo into 'Sam mynstre swilce is into elcan o^re ^aer j^e best is on eallan ]hngan. q ic me sylf wille beon geheald q mund |>erofer. q ofer jia are ];e )jar into hirlS. ic nelle ^ I king Eadward greet bishop Heremann and earl Harold, and all my thanes in Dorsetshire, amicably. And I make known to you that it is my full permission, that Tole, my vassal, Urk’s relict, may bequeath her land and property to S‘ Peter’s at Abbotsbury, as may to her be most agreeable, ivith my full leave, as fully and as freely as the agreements ivere before made: that it shoidd, after the day of them both, hers, and Urk her lord’s, for the souls of them both, go to that holy monastery. I noiv will that their bequest stand, as it w'as agreed with the ivitness of good menAvho were thereby. And I will that there be such freedom in that monastery as is in every other where it is best in all things. And I myself wdl be guardian and protector thereover, and over WILLS. 677 nanan menn gej^afian "Se )>ar geutige senig ^sera J^inga J^fes ■6e hig 'Siderinn gedon liab- ba^. the property which thereto belongs. And I will not per¬ mit any man that he there alienate any of the things which they have given thereto. THURSTAN. M.XLIX. Her cy5 on )?ysan ge- Avritc f purstan gean J^ses landes set Wimbisc into Xpes cyrcean for his saule- for Lcofware* 'j for iE^elgy^e* l^am hirede to fostre- sefter purstanes dsege- "j sefter iE^elgy^ie. buton twam hidan. ■] gelseste se hired ;et Xpes cyrcean for purstanes saule for iE|?elgy'Se ]?am hirede into See Augustine- twelf pund be getale '. pis syndon |>a gewitnysse J^ses ewydes- Eadwerd kyneg- .^Elfgyfu seo hlsefdige- j Ead- sige arcebiscop- yElfric arceb. "j Godwine eorl- j Leofric eorl- iElfgar j^es eorlles sune- j iElfweard b. on Lundene- j yElfwine b. on Winceastre- -j Stigand p. -J Eadwold p. -j Leofeild scirgerefa- 'j Osulf Fila- j ' o'SSe twa hida. -j ajlcon geare an pund to fulre sutelunge. t>a hwile 'Se we libban. -j gelneste se hired ret Xpes cyrcean swa liwjeder swa bo wille.— Cant. add. Here is made known, in this writing, that Thurstan gives the land at Wimbish to Christchurch, for his soul, and for Leofwaru’s, and for ^thelgyth’s, for the subsist¬ ence of the convent, after Tliurstan’s day, and after Hilthelgyth’s; except two hides. And let the convent at Christchurch pay, for Thurstan’s soul and for ^thel- gyth’s, to the convent at S' Augustine’s, twelve pounds by tale *. These are the wit¬ nesses of this bequest: king Eadward, and iElfgyfu the lady, and archbishop Eadsige, and archbishop yElfric, and carl Godwine, and earl Leof¬ ric, and iElfgar the carl’s son, and iElfward bishop of London, and vElfwinc bishop of Winchester, and Stigand or two bides; and every year one pound, in full acknowledgment, as long as we live; and let the convent at Christchurch pay whichsoever it I will. 2 p 578 WILI.R. Ufic. 71 iElfwine Wulfredes siimi. 71 ^Ifric Wihtgares sunu- 7) ealle j^a ]?egenas on Eastsexan. 7) beon heora menn frige sefter heora beira dffige. 71 na stinge nan xnann sefter heora daege on •)? land buton se hyred set Xpes cyrcean. yrfan hi swa hi wyrSe witan. j^issera ge- writa sindan j^reo* an is set Xpes cyrcean. o^er set See Angustine. j^ridde mid heom sylfan. Dorso. Durstan dedit Aglice. Anno m°xlix. pi’iest, and Eadwold pf., and Leofeild shire-reeve, and Osulf Fila, and Ufic, and ^Elfwine Wulfred’s son, and ^Ifric Wihtgar’s son, and all the thanes in Essex. And be their men free after the day of them both. And let no man exercise any authority over that land, after their day, except the convent at Christ¬ church ; and let those inherit whom they know worthy. And of these waitings there are three : one is at Christchurch, the second at S* Augustine’s; the third with themselves, finchest, eccle. x. i. coveto. TIIUEKETEL Her ky^et on ] 7 is write ihu ic Dui’ketel an min ahte after min day. Daet is erst- ■p ic an lond at Castre ^ at Dorpe- mid medwe mid merisce. ^ ingong •] utgong. mine soule to alisednesse* God Sancte Benedicte Seynt Eadmunde to Biry ^ to Holme. ^ mine wiues del euere unbesaken to gyfen ^ to habben )jere hire leuest be. ■] mine lafard richte heregete. And Alfwen mine douter habbe ^ lond at Ormisby. to l^an forwarde ^ heo it ne may HEYNG. M.L. Here is made known, in this writing, how I Thurketel give my possessions after my day. That is first, that I give the land at Caistor and at Thorp, with meadow and with marsh, and ingress and egress, for the redemption of my soul, to God, and S‘ Bene¬ dict, and to S' Eadmund, at Bury and at Holme; and my wife’s portion for ever uncon¬ tested, to give and to have where to her may be most desirable; and to my lord his rightful heriot. And let Alf- WILLS. 579 forwirken. And after hire day go p lond into Holme- for mine soule j for hire- buten p lond p Omund ahte- p habbe Ketel mine nefe. And p lond at Scrouteby hab- ben mine nefe Kild Swegnes sunen -j Alemundes. And an pund habbe se abbot on Holm- ano^er se abbot on Byri- -j mine men fre J?o it ihernen wellen. And wo so )>is quides bereuen wylle be- reue hym God beueriebe- buten be it her bete. Dise write sinden |?re- an is on Holme- q o^er on Byri- l^ridde mid Durketel seluen. wen my daughter have the land at Ormsby, on the con¬ dition that she may not dete¬ riorate it. And after her day, let that land go to Holme, for my soul and for hers, except the land that Omund pos¬ sessed, that let Ketel my nejdiew have. And let my nephews, the sons of Kild Swegen and Alemund, have the laud at Scroutby. And let the abbot of Holme have a pound; another the abbot of Bury; and let my men be free, those who shall deserve it. • And whosoever will be¬ reave this bequest, may God bereave him of the heavenly kingdom, unless be previously make amends for it. Of this writing there are three : one is at Holme, and the second at Bury ; the third with Tburkytel himself. TIIORED. Ic pored geann p land set Horslege )>am birede aetCristes cyrcean- for mine sawle- swa full q swa forS swa ic sylf bit abte. I Thored give the land at Horsley to the convent at Cbristcburcb, for my soul, as full and as free as I myself possessed it. TIIURKYTEL. M.L. [H]er switcle]» ibu purke- I Here is made known bow tel an bis abte after bis day. 1 Tburkytel gives bis pos- 580 WILLS. pat is erst, for his soule* Palcgraue into Seynt Ead- mund. and Witingham half, and half ]:»e bisscop. And alle mine men fre. and Uk liabbe his toft, and his mete- cu. his metecorn. And ic an at Reydoneberh pat midleste forlong fre into ^e kirke. and Scortland. and pe prestes toft, al into pe kirke fre. And ic an Lefwen min ivif Simplingham. al pat ceap- lond 'J pat oper pat ic mid hire nam. and half Reydon. mid mete and mid erne*, to pat forwarde pat we spreken habben. ^ mine men fre. And ic an Wingefeld mine bro- peres sunes Ulfketel and purf- ketel. And ic an Lefqnene fiftene acres at Palegraue and an toft. And Wlwine habbe pat lond pe he mines hafde. Alfwold habbe mid ton pe he her hauede. xvi. acres mid tofte mid alle. And Osebern habbe pat lond be siden Drandeston pat ic per hauede. And ic an Lefric mine neue. and God wine mine mey. and Wlwine q his brother xx. acres at Reydone. and pe mor pe ic q po munekes soken ymbe min del. fremannen to note, so hi er deden. er daye sessions after his day. That is first, for his soul, Palgrave to S' Eadmund’s, and half of Whittingham, and half to the bishop. And be all my men free, and let each have his toft, and his meat-cow, and his bread-corn. And I give at Reydon hill the midmost furlong free to the church; and Scortland, and the priest’s toft, all to the church free. And I give to Lefwen, my wife, Simplingham, all the chap-land, and the other which I took with her, and half of Reydon, with meat and with cattle, according to our spoken agreement: and be my men free. And I give Wingfield to my brother’s sons, Ulflcetel and Thurfketel. And I give to Leofquen fifteen acres at Palgrave and one toft. And let Wulwine have the land that he had of mine, and let Alfw'old have, with the vill which he had before, XVI. acres with toft altogetlier. And let Osbern have the land beside Thrandiston that I had there. And I give to Leofric my nephew, and to Godw'ine my kinsman, and to Wulwine and his brother, xx. acres at Reydon, and the moor, about ' For erue (erfe) we should probably read mannum, as in mmierous other instances: as it now stands, the text seems devoid of sense. WILLS. 581 ■3 after daye. SeJ?e J^is awende wende him God fro heuene riche into helle witerbrogen- bute he hit );e deppere bete er his ending day. Disc write sinden ]jre. on is at Seynt Eadmundesbiri. oj^er haue^ )7C bisscop- )7ridde haue^ purketel himself, pensate ere his final day. Of one is at S‘ Eadmundsl)nry, t tliird Thurkytel himself has. my part of which the monks and I contended, for the use of freemen, as they before did, in former times and after¬ times. Whoever shall avert this, may God turn him from the kingdom of heaven into the penal terrors of hell, un¬ less he the more deeply com- lese writings there are three: e second the bishop has; the KETEL ALDER. M.L. Her is on J^is write Ke- teles (juide. Dat is ]?at ic an Stistcde after mine tyme- for mine fader soule ‘j for Se- fledan- into Cristes kirke. And ic wille p>at mine men ben alle fre- T Mann myne refe j^at he sitte on |>e fre loud |;at ic him to honde habbe leten. his time euere fre. and after his time folege J?at lond }>en opere. And ic an into pcre kyrke pat lond pat With- rich hauede under liande. and Lewine- and Siric. and Go- ding. so so Gcaragod to Leue- riches hyge. And pat no man him ne forwerne pan ntgang. And ic wille pat alle po men pe ic an fre pat hi habben alle pingc pe hi under | Here, in this writing, is the bequest of Ketel. That is, that I give Stistead, after my time, for my father’s soul and for Seflfed’s, to Christ¬ church. And I will that all my men be free, and that Mann my reeve reside on the free land which I leased over to him, for his time ever free; and after his time let that land follow the other. And I give to that church the land that Withric had in hand, and Lewine, and Siric, and Goding, so also Gcaragod at Lcofricshyge. And let no man refuse him the egress. And I will that all the men tliat I make free have all the things which they have in hand. 582 WILLS. honde habben buten y&t lond. And ic an j^at lond at Her- linge Stigand arcbebiscop mine louerd so it stant, buton ];o men ben alle fre- and ten acres ic an into )?e kii’ke- and gif ic ongein ne cume- )^an an ic him to min heregete an helm and a brenie* and hors and gereade* and suerd. and spere. And ic wdlle. after ]7e forcAvarde* J>at ic and Ead- AA’ine and Wlfric after mine time fon to alkere J’inge ^e min OAver is )?er on tune * • buten so mikel so ic an into ])e kirke. )^at is |?at eringlond jjat AlfAvoid mine man haued under hande- and he sitte on |>at oher his time- and sihen al );at lond ]7at him to honde begeb folege mid ^e ohere into )?e kirke. Gif EadAvyne min em AA’ille helden se fela- geshipe mid me min em Wlf¬ ric ymbe );at lond at ]Me);el- tune. gif Avit him ouerbiden- fon Ave to )>at lond at Dorpe- into )jat forcAvarde ]7at [ouer] ure bo^ere time go ]>at lond at Mehelton for ure heldren soule ^ ure aAvene soule into Seinte Benedicte at Holm- and ];at lond at Dorpe into Seinte Edmundesbiri. And ]?at is min and mine sustres Boten J»at forcAvard- gif ic * time, except the land. And I give the land at Harhng to archbishop Stigand, my lord, as it stands, except that the men be all free, and ten acres Avhich I give to the church; and if I come not again, then I give him, for my heriot, a helm, and a coat of mail, and a horse and trappings, and a sAvord and a spear. And I Avill, according to the com¬ pact, that I, and EadAvine and Wulfric after my time, suc¬ ceed to everjdhing that is anyAvhere mine in the Gun', save so much as I give to the church; that is the arable land that AlfAA'old my man has in hand: and that he reside on the other for his time; and afterAvards that all the land that he has in hand folloAv Avith the other to the church. If Eadwine my uncle Avill hold the felloAA'ship Avith me and Wulfric my uncle about the land at INIetheltun; if Ave tAvo surAUA’e him, Ave succeed to the land at Thorp, Avith the understanding that, after the time of us both, the land at IMetheltun go, for the souls of our parents and for our OAvn souls, to S‘ Bene¬ dict's at Holme; and the land at Thorp to S' Eadmunds- oth MSS. WILLS. 583 mine day do lier his ]>at ic' fon to )?at lond at Ketering- liam- and an marc goldes- oj^er }?e wr^. And gif ic hire ouerbide ]?anne schal ic hab- ben Jjat lond at Somerlede- ton. And )7at ilke forcwarde ic and Gode mine soster habbet speken- gif he me ouerbide • gripe he to J^at lond at Walsingham- butcn ten acres );o schulen into J^ere kirke. Aird gif ic libbe leng }>anne hio- l^anne schal ic habben j?at lond at Prestone. And ic an Godric mine broSer )?at lond at Hemfordham ® so it me on hande stand, and Keckeshale^. and he schal for );at lond at Strattune"* gifen Alwy mine cnihte to pund. And ic and Algif min stepdouter wit habben wrouth ])e forwarde ymbe pat lond at Auhus.^ )7at so we^er unker so lengere libbe habbe pat lond so mikel so wit ^er habben. and gif unc ban fordsi^ sceet on Romeweye. |>anne go pat lond. for me and for Sefled. and for Algiue into Seint Eadmundesbiri. bute )70 men ben alle fre. And ic an Harold erl. after mine time. );ehaluelond at Moran. bury. And that is my and my sister Bote’s compact: if I end my day ere hers, that she succeed to the land at Keteringham, and one mark of gold, or the worth. And if I survive her, then I am to have the land at Somerleyton. And the same compact I and Gode, my sister, have spoken : if she survive me, let her take the land at Walsingham, ex¬ cept ten acres, which are to go to the church. And if I live longer than she, then I am to have the land at Pres¬ ton. And I give to Godric, my brother,* the land at Hem¬ fordham as it stands in my hand, and Buxhall: and for the land at Stratton he shall give to Alwy, my page, two pounds. And I and Algif, my stepdaughter, have made the agreement concerning the land at Onehouse, that which¬ soever of us two live the longer, have of that land so much as we two have there; and if death befall us both on the way to Rome, then go that land for me, and for Sefled, and for /Elfgifu, to S* Eadmundsbury, except that the men be all free. And 1 ' read he (heo). N.E. The masc. pronouns he, his, are here applied to the woman. ^ Ilomfordham, MS. 14847. ^ Boccheshale, ih. ‘ Stantone, ib. * Onhus, ib. 584 WILLS. so ful and so for^ so ic it richt- like. on Godes witnesse and mani manne* mid mine wife bigat- and ic it si^en nawer ne forswat ne forspilde. And ic bidde j^e* )?urh )7ene Dricht- in se 'Se and alle schefte schop. gif ic ongen ne cume. ]>a.t |?u it nefre ne let Aveldon mine unwinan after me J>e mid unrichte sitteS Seron nyttaS it- me euere to un- Sanke, And ic an jje lond at Fretinge after )jat ilke for¬ ward ]7at )?u j^e self and Stig- and archebiscop mine louerd wrouhten. And ic an Alfric mine prest and mine cuSen J>at lond at RissewrSe. And gif ani man si so disi );at wille mine quide bereuen- God him fordo on domesday. and alle his halegen. give to earl Harold after my time half the land at Moran, as full and as free as I it rightfully, with God’s witness and many men’s, obtained it ■with my •wife; and I after¬ wards have nowhere impaired or wasted it. And I pray thee, by the Lord who created thee and all creatures, that if I come not again, thou wilt never let my adversaries gain possession of it, who um’ight- fully reside thereon, and enjoy it, ever against my will. And I give the land at Fritton, according to the same agree¬ ment which thou thyself and archbishop Stigand, my lord, made. And I give to jElfric, my priest and my kinsman, the land at Rushworth. And if any man be so foolish that he will bereave my testament, may God and all his saints fordo him on doomsday. WULF. In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Ego Wulf in- primis concedo, pro anima mea, et Deo et Sancto Albano terram que vocatur Easttun, cum omnibus ad se pertinen¬ tibus, sicuti eam habui a rege, cum consensu iUius, Hdelicet, Eadwardi regis; et illam terram similiter et Oxawicam sancte secclesie Albani martyris, ubi et ego jacere volo; et imum de melioribus meis vestimentis que ego habeo, et unum calicem, et i. missalem, et i. dorsale, et palleam tunicam WILLS. 585 ineliorem, que fuit Godgyue; alteram vero ad monasterium Ramesige; et iiii. marcas argenti ad ecclesiam Sancti Petri Rome; et iiii” ad missas cantandas pro anima mea ; et iiii. ad principales ecclesias hujus terrae; et sodalibus meis iiii, marcas auri, et omnes terras meas quas ego dimitto, preter illas duas quas Deo et Sancto Albano concessi. Et concedo Dagfino marcara auri, et Affluo ii. marcas argenti, et i. equum; et Ai]}7elrico ministro ii. marcas; et iEdwardo I. equum; et singulis hominibus meis qui terras non habent, singulos equos. Et si adhuc de auro vel argento aliquid superest, ille plus habeat qui plus pro anima mea facere voluerit. Et xxx. de mancipiis meis libertatem pro anima mea habeant. EADNOTII AND WIFE. M.XLIX.-M.LIV. Notum sit universis hec legentibus, quod ego Aildnothus ct uxor mea dedimus et concessimus Deo et Sancto Bene¬ dicto Ramesise terram nostram de Acleia in perpetuam ele- mosinam, pro nostris et patrum matrum que nostrarum et filiorum nostrorum animabus. Talem autem conventionem fecimus cum .^Elfwino abbate et conventu Ramesie de eadem donatione. Nos quidem in vita nostra eandem terram nomine ecclesie tenebimus, sed neuter nostrum poterit ulla ratione eam alibi dare vel distrahere, vel ingenium querere per quod a prefate ecclesie dominio alienetur; sed post mortem utriusque, meam scilicet et mee uxoris, tota simul quieta et ab omni calumpnia libera in manum abbatis et fratrum transibit. Cum autem in dominio eam habuerint, duas libras singulis annis .^therico monacho, filio nostro, inde ad vestitum procurabunt, quatinus idem Ailthericus, hujus respectu beneficii, humilis et devotus Deo sit, abbati quoque et fratribus suis tractabilis. Qui si forte habitum suum et monasterium relinquens reverti voluerit, nicbil omnino inde ulterius percipiat. Concessimus autem Lefwino homini nostro virgatam terre, in qua mansum suum habet, iu vita sua quietam; post decessum vero ipsius. 586 WILLS. in possessionem ecclesie simul cum principali parte redibit; dimidiam vero partem hominum qui in memorata terra sub servitute deguntj libertate donavimus. Rogamus ergo et obsecramus, per Dei terribile nomen, ut nullus omnino hanc terram donet vel vendat vel aliquo modo ab eadem ecclesia alienet. Quod si quis fecerit, sit ille maledictus et alienatus ab omni beatitudine prcsentis vite et future, sitque ejus com¬ moratio cum demonibus in inferno, ubi ignis eorum non extinguitiu’, et vermis eorum non morietur. .^IGELRIC BIGGA. M.L.-M.LIV. Hic notatur quod .^gelricus Bigga concedit Sancto Au¬ gustino post obitum suum, concessu domini sui H^dvvardi regis, terras Bodesham et Wilrintun, eo pacto quod Wade ejus miles sedeat dies suos in Bodesham, et Lifwine Feireage sedeat dies suos in Wilrinton; et post obitum amborum terrae remaneant Sancto Augustino, et abbas procuret terras ad opus monasterii, sicut amorem habere Dei velit, et Sancti Petri, et Sancti Augustini. Et Dei odium habeat quisquis hanc donationem infregerit, nisi cicius emendaverit erga Dominum et sanctos ibi quiescentes. Huic donationi sunt testes: Eadzinus archiepiscopus, et conventus Christi ecclesie, et Robertus episcopus London, et Godwinus episcopus Sancti Martini, etc. QUEEN AILFGIFU EMMA. ABOUT M.LHI. Her swytela^ on j^isum gewritse ]?set iElfgifn seo hlefdige bseewe^ v. hida set Heilincigse into Ealdan myn- strse ‘ • and heo bseewseS Wulf- weardse Hwitan v. hida of Here is made known, in this writing, that iElfgifu the lady has bequeathed v. hides at Hay ling island to the Old monastery *; and she has bequeathed to Wulfwcard * At Winchester. WILLS. 587 )?am ilcan landae bis dfeg. and seftfer his dsege ga j)a v. hida into Ealdan mynstrse. pus seo hlsefdige hit bsecwed Wulf- Aveardae. pa wes Wulfweard gyrnendae ]>sst hae mostse ofgan his deg |7a v. hida )?8e wseron into mynstre bae- cwe^ene- and sae bisceop Stigandae and sae hined on Ealdan mynstrae him ]:>aes gaetij^odon wi^ swylcon ger- sumen swylce hi ])a sehtae waeron. Nu waeron J?us heora forewaearS. J?aet Wulfweard hebbae ]>a v. hida his daeg* and aeftaer his daege ga j^a v. hida into Ealdan mynstrae. and ]>a oj^rae v. hida forb miS seo hlaefdige him bae- cwaeb. mid maete mid mannum. ^ mid eallum J^ing- um swa hit ]ionnae staent butan aelcon geantalae. Dises is to witnaessae Stig¬ andae bisceop. and Harold corl. and sae hired on Ealdan mynstrae. andH 51 fwine abbod. and sae hired on Niwan myn¬ strae. and Leofing staeallaere. and Raulf staeallaere. and yEscar steallaere- and Eadsige scirgeraefa. and Wulfric aet AVernaeforda. and HHfwine. and /Elfweard. and Cupping, and ealhe sciipcgnas on Hamtunscirae. White V. hides of the same land for his day; and after his day let the v. hides go to the Old monastery.. The lady thus bequeathed it to AA'^ulfweard. AVulfweard was at the time desirous of pos¬ sessing for his day the v. hides that had been be¬ queathed to the monastery; and the bishop Stigand and the brotherhood of the Old monastery alloived it him for such consideration as they agreed on. Noav their agree¬ ments were thus : that AV^ulf- heard should have the v. hides for his day, and after his day the V. hides should go to the Old monastery, and the other V. hides along with them which the lady had bequeathed to him, with meat aud with men, and Avith all things as they stand, Avithout any gainsaying. Of this are witness Stigand bishop, and Harold earl, and the convent at the Old mo¬ nastery, and iElfAvine abbot, and the convent at the New monastery, and Leofing con¬ stable, and Rauf constable, and iEscar constable, and Eadsige shire-reeve, and AATilfric at AVarnford, and iElfwine, and yElfiveard, and Cupping, and all the shire-thanes in Hamp¬ shire. 588 WILLS. pissae gewrita syndon iii.- an is on Ealdan mynstrae- and ]78et ojjajr is on Niwan mynstre- and J>aet )?riddeheaf 5 WulfwcarS. Of this writing there are III. : one is at the Old mo¬ nastery, and the second at the New monastery, and the third Wulfweard has. ORDNOTII AND WIFE. Her is geswutelod on [?isum gewrite hu Ordno^ j his Mif gcuSan Sara x. hida aet Cendefer into jiasre ealdau cyrican to Wintauceastre ofer heora begra deg» ]ia hoc jjyderinnan sealdan to swutelunge* on gerad ^ seo hoc beam sy geara- gyf hy hyre hwer beburfan to aenire rihtinge. ‘j gange seo bdc aeft into "Sfere stowe. ^ dscle man swylcne dael heora aehta swylce hy gecwedan setter heora dege. •] gange seo ofereaca into ]?aere stowe mid |?am lande. On Sa ge- reSnesse is f land geseld to )7ara mynstre» p man unc gefecce set uncrum sendedege mid J?es mynstres crafte» unc swylce legerstowe fore- scewian swylc unc for Gode l^earflice sy» for worulde gcrysenlic. Dis is seo ge- witnes Se OrdnoS wile habban Godses ■] his hiredes on Ealdan mynstre» p is ■Jj he is wif cwaedan on heora Here is made known, in this writing, how Ordnoth and his wife have given the x. hides at Candever to the old church at Winchester, after the day of them both; and the charter have therein given as testimonial, on the condi¬ tion, that the charter be ready for them, if they at any time stand in need of it for any rectification. And let the charter go afterwards to the convent. And let such part of their possessions be divided, after their day, as they have said, and the surplus go to the convent with the land. On this con¬ dition is the land given to the monastery: that the}'^ shall fetch us at our last day with the means of the monas¬ tery, and provide us such a resting-place as may be need¬ ful to us before God, and .decent before the world. This is the witness that Ordnoth will have of God aud his con- WILLS. 581) gewitnesse- f is aehta gangan on his freonda hand ofer his deg. se del ‘ 5 e he cweSe- "j se o^er dfel into "Saere stowe Sser hi resta’ 5 . vent at the Old monastery, that is, that he and his Avife have declared, with their witness, that his possessions pass into his friends’ hands, after his day [i. e.] the part which he has said; and the other part to the place where they shall rest. EADWINE DE CADENDUNE. In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Hie demon¬ stratur quomodo iEdwdnus de Cadenduue suam hereditatem divisit. Hoc est, ego Eadwinus inprimis do terram que vocatur Watford, pro anima mea, Deo et Sancto Albano ; et filio meo Leofuuino, Sunnandune, et Cadandune, et Strjetlea, et Hsetlea, et Pirian, et Puttanho, et Beranlea. Et post obitum filii mei Leofuuini habeat Sanctus Albanus Beranlea et possideat in perpetuum. Et volo ut de pecoribus meis melioribus eligantur xx. boves et xx. vaccas ad sanctum locum ubi ego jacere cupio, id est, apud Sanctum Albanum. EADWINE. M.LX. Oli mill Drihtines name. Ic Eadwine kibe ihu ];at ic an be )jinge be me God almichtin haue lent on jiise Hue. pat is ]>a,t ic an ])at land at Eskeres- borp into Seiiit Eadmund. buten ten acres ic giue ))er into bere kirke. and Lefric habbe be j?re acres be he onsit. and ic an bat lond at In the name of my Lord. I Eadwine make known how I give the things tliat God Almighty has given me in this life. That is, that I give the land at Eskeresthorp to S‘ Eadmund, except ten acres which I give to the church there; and let Lefric have tho three acres on which he re- 590 WILLS. Litle Meddeltone into Sancte Benedicte ' • ‘j ten acres into ^e kirke- and ic an “Sat lond at Beorh into Sancte E^el- dride bi su^en Kinges strete- buten 'Sat nor^ere hage at Appelsco and half ^e turf- gret^ ligge into Apetune- and ■Serto weye to rode brod- and ten akres into Beorhkirke be suSen strete. and ten acres into Apetune kirke bi norSen strete. and four acres into Hulueston kirke- and fom’ acres into Blitleford kirke* and X. acres into Sparham kirke. And alle mine men fre eywer after mine tyme. Dis is Sat frescet Se Ead- wine haued Crist unnen j Seynte Marie alle Cristes halegen. his sowle to alised- nesse his sinne to forgiue- nesse. And Sis is Se forward Se Wlfric and Eadwine Sa tueye breSere wrouhten hem bituen ymbe Sa to lond at Dorp and at Middelton. pat is se Se here so longer libbe habbe boSe Se lond. and after here boSere day go Sat lond at Middilton into Sancte Bene¬ dicte for here boSere soule. And Sat lond at Dorpe after here boSere day fange Ketel * At Ilolmo. sides; and I give the land at Little Middleton to S' Bene¬ dict *, and ten acres to the church; and I give the land at Bergj south of King Street, to S' .(Etheldryth, except the north ' haga ’ at Applesco, and half the turfpit adjacent to Apton, and thereto a way two roods broad; and ten acres to Berg church, south of the street; and ten acres to Apton church, north of the street; and four acres to Hulveston church; and foni’ acres to Blitleford church; and x. acres to Sparham chm’ch. And let all my men be everywhere free after my time. This is the free gift which Eadudne has given to Christ and S' Mary, and all Christas saints, for the redemption of his soul and the forgiveness of his sins. And this is the agreement that Wulfric and Ead'U'ine, the two brothers, have wrought between them respeeting the two lands at Thorp and at Middleton. That is, that whichsoever of them live the longer, have both the lands; and after the day of them both, the land at Middleton go to S' Benedict, for the souls of them both. And to ^ turfgrcf ? WILLS. 591 Jjerto- to swilke forwarde so iSer wrouht is- ^at is ’Sat Ketel leste alke iher to pimd into Seynt Eadmunde- 'Sat is Sas londes gouel- and for here eySeres soule ilke day ane messe. And after Keteles day go Sat lond into Seynt Ead¬ munde buton alken gen tale- and at MeSeltone into Sere kirke Se Durwerd ahte- and Sat lond Se Eadwine EcferSes sune ahte fre into Se kirke- and of Sat lond at Dorp viii. acres into ^scewelle kirke- and of Sat lond at Wrening- ham VIII. acres into Se elde kirke- and to acres into Fun- denhale kirke and into Neo- landes kirke. Disc write sinden J^re- on is binnen at Sancte Ead¬ munde- anoSer at Sancte Be¬ nedicte on Holm- ■;) te )?ridde bailed Eadwine himself. the land at Tliorp^ after the day of them both, let Ketel succeed, under such agree¬ ment as there is made: that is, that every year Ketel pay two pounds to S* Eadmund, which is the rent of the land, and, for the soul of each of them, every day one mass. And after Ketel’s day, let the land go to S‘ Eadmund, with¬ out any gainsaying, and [that] at Middleton to the church which Thurwerd possessed; and the land which Eadwine Ecgferth’s son possessed, free to the church; and of the land at Thorp viii. acres free to Ashwell church; and of the land at Wreningham, VIII. acres to the old church, and two acres to Fundcnhall church and to Neoland church. Of these writings there are three; one is in at S‘ Ead¬ mund’s, the second at S* Be¬ nedict’s in Holme; and the third Eadwine himself has. THURKIL AND ^THELGITH. M.LX. [Th] urkil and .^jielgit unnen Wigorham into Seynt Eadmunde- so ful j so forth so wit it Owen- after unker bother day- and jio men half Thurkil and ^Ethelgith give Wigram to Eadmund, as full and as free as we two possess it, after the day of us: and let half the men be 592 WILLS. fre. )7eowe lisingas. Se ]>e J^is benime. God him benime heuene riche. free, serfs and ' Usings’'. Whoso shall deprive them of this, may God deprive him of heaven’s kingdom. SIFLiED. M.LX. ►{4 Her switele'S iliu Sided an hire aihte oner hire day. Dat is erst, into SeynteEadmunde Marhingford for hire leue soide* al buten tuenti acres and tueye wainegong wudes. )?ere wude norh oner. And min kirke be fre- and Wlmer prest singe j^erat. and his bearntem so long so he J^en to )jen hode. fre leswe into j^ere kirke. and mine men fre. And be Seyut Eadmund mund ]7er oner )?ene fresehot. Se ■ 5 e }^ise cuide wille awenden be he amansid from God al- michtin. and fram alle hise halegen. and fram Sancte Eadmunde. •i* Here is made manifest how Siflaed gives her property after her day. That is first; to S* Eadmund’s, Marding- ford, for her dear soul, all save twenty acres, and two waingangs of wood, and the wood north over. And be my church free ; and let Wulmaer the priest and his children sing thereat so long as he ministers to the cowl; and be there free pasture to the church, and be my men free. And he S‘ Eadmund protector there over the ‘fresehot’. Whosoever will set aside this bequest, be he excommimi- cated from God Almighty and from all his saints, and from S' Eadmund. SIFLAED. M.LX. Her switele^ on ^is Here is shown, in this write ihu Sifled ube hire aihte writing, how Siflaed gave her ‘ Freed, or partially freed serfs!' WILT.S. 593 So sche oner se ferde. Dat is erst into Se tunkirke on Mardingford v. aeres and ane toft, and II. acres medwe- and to waynegong to ivude. And ic [an] mine landseSlen here toftes to owen ailite- j alle mine men fre. And ic an eiSer mine broSer ane wayn- gong to wude. And ic an into NorSwich to Cristes kirke iiii. retheren. and to into Seynte Marian, and on into mine duzinek And ic an into Seynt Eadmiiiide al jiat };ere to lafe gesceotte. [>at be^S on Mardingforda hus and horn, and wude and felde. and on medwe and on yrue. And gif ic bom cume. jianne willc ic sitten on ]?at loud mine day. and after mine day stondc |iat cuide. And wo so ]iis awende God awende his ansene from him on domes day. buten he hit here liete. property when she went over sea. That is firsts to the vil¬ lage-church at Mardingford V. fields and one toft, and ii. fields of meadow, and two waingangs at the wood. And I give my land-tenants their tofts for their own property : and be all my men free. And I give to both my brothers one waingang at the wood. And I give to Christchurch at Norwich iv. oxen ; and two to S Mary’s, and one to my Gluzine’k And I give to S' Eadmund’s all that there may prove of residue, that is at Mardingford, house and home, and wood and field, both in meadow and in cattle. And if I come home, then will I reside on the land for my day; and after my day, let the bequest stand. And whoso shall avert this, may God avert his countenance from him on doomsday, unless he make amends here. WULFCJEAT AND WIFE. ABOUT M.LX. Her sw'ytele)? on jiise write )ie forward )?e Wlfgeat and his wif wrouhten wi 5 ])an abbot on Seynt Eadmundes- Here is made known, in this writing, the agreement which Wulfgeat and his wife made with the abbot of S‘ Ead- 2 Q ‘ fool, from dysig ? 504 WILLS. biri. and alle )je hirede. |7at is l^at he unneu ^at lend at Gyselingham to 'Se forwarde ■Sat -Sat ilke lond go into Sancte Eadmunde after ^If- wines day and his wines. And ■hat lond at Fakenham. so ful and so forS so Wlfgeat hit oh* go it into Seynt Ead¬ munde after here bo Sere day* buten alken gentale. Disc write sinden ]^re* on hauiS Wlfgeat himself* oSer is in Seynt Eadmundesbiri* l^ridde haui^ Stigand bisscop. mundsbury and all the con¬ vent. That is, that they give the land at Gislingham on the agreement that the same land go to S‘ Eadmund’s after the day of ^Ifwine and his wife. And let the land at Faken¬ ham, as full and as free as Wulfgeat possessed it, go to S‘ Eadmund’s after the day of them both, without any gain¬ saying. Of this writing there are three : one Wulfgeat himself has, the second is at S‘ Ead- muudsbury, the third bishop Stigand has. ULF AND WIFE. Dis is seo feorewearde );e Ulf and Madselm his ge- bedda worhtan wi^ [God] wi^ See Peter* ]>& hig to leru- salem ferdon. pat is pat land aet Carlatune into Bm’h setter heora daege heora saule to alysednesse* pat land aet Bytham into See GuthlaceL ]>at land aet Sempingaham into See Benedicte to Ra- mesege* pat land aet Lofin- tune aet Heordewican Eal- drede b. * to fullon ceape* y pat land aet Scillintune* set * At Cri ABOUT M.LXVI. This is the agreement that Ulf and Madselm his consort made with God and S‘ Peter, when they went to Jerusalem. That is, [they give] the land at Carlton to Peterborough after their day, for the redemption of their souls; and the land at Bytham to S* Guthlac’sand the land at Sempringham to S‘ Bene¬ dict’s at Ramsey; and the land atLofington and at Hard¬ wick to bishop Ealdred, at full price; and the land at owland. WILLS. 595 Houcbig-';j aetMortune- J^aeron stent )?am bisceope eahta marca goldes. gif liig ham cuman. gylde jjamb. his gold* j gif heora nalSer ne Gum'S* do se b. for heora saule swa mycel swa |7at land is betere J>ene )?set gold sy. -j gif ]7am b. getid buton eal teala* ga )?e abb. Brand to )>am ilcan foreweardan. jjset land set iMannethorp ic habbe geunnan )?am abbot Brande* ^jjsetland aet Willabyg ic habbe geunnan SiferSe minen maege* "j j^aet land set Stoce heo hafaS ge¬ unnan Lyfgyfan byre magan* ■j jpset land set Stro^istune heo hafaS geunnan Ingemunde* ^ he hyre [an] );a Westhealle ongean set Wintringatune. j ■p land set Ofertune syllse man j do for heora begra saule. j twa land ic habbe geunnen minre modar* ^ is Kitlebig '3 Cotum* ■] heo hsefS me ge- unuen Msessingaham Kyt- lebi. ^ gif ic ham ne cume* habbe Ingemund f land set Coringatune* •] f land set Cleaxbyg ic habbe geunnen Heal];ene minan bre]>er* p> land set Urmesbyg into See Marian stowe. ^ eal -p ic )>er ahte* Lindbcorhge hablian mine cnihtas* gif ic ham ne cume* p> land .'et Lohtunc ]) heo hafaS ))crinncintoporncgc. Shillington, and at Hoby, and at Morton, whereon are due to the bishop eight marks of gold. And if they come home, let the bishop be paid his gold; and if neither of them come, let the bishop do for their souls as much as the land is better than the gold is. And if it betide the bishop other than all good, let the abbot Brand enter on the same agreement. And I have given the land at IManthorp to the abbot Brand; and the land at Willoughby I have given to Siferth my kinsman; and the laud at Stoke she has given to Lyfgyfu her kins¬ woman ; and the land at Strothiston she has given to Ingemund; and he gives to her in retui’ii the Westhall at Winterton. And let the land at Overton be sold, and be applied for the souls of them both. And two lands I have given to my mother, viz. at Kettleby and Cotum ; and she has given me ISIcssingham and Kytleby. And if I come not home, let Ingemund have the land at Carrington; and the land at Claxby I have given to Ilealdene my brother; and the land at Ormsby and all that I there pos.sessed, to S' Mary's convent. And let 2 Q 2 oOO WILLS. my pages have the laud at Linbeorh if I come not home; and let the land that she has at Loughton be given to Thorney. ^LFHELM. Her is seo swutelung hu H^lfhelm his are j his sehta gefadod haefS- for Gode j for worulde. Daet is ]7onne mrest his hlafordc an hund mancosa goldes- twaswurd* -j feoAver seyldas- j feower speru* -j feower hors- twa geraedode tAva ungeraedode. And he gean for his saAvle |?aes landes aet Wraettincge into See iESelbry'Se- buton J>am tAA am hydon -Se .^belric haefS. ■] ie gean j^aes landes aet Bry- candune into See Petre to Westmenstre- buton ic n^ylle f man maeste minum Avufe tAva hund SAvuna- Saenne j^aer maesten sy- ];ider hire leofest sy. ic gean jElfgare minum suna ];aes landes aet HAvipstede j )>aes aet Weal- tune his daeg- ') aefter his daege ga hit for uncra begra saAvle Jjider him leofest sy. And ic cy5e liAvaet ic minum Avtfe to morgengife sealde- f is BeadcAA'an- Burge- stede- Straetford- ba ]n’eo hyda aet Heanhealan- ic Here is the declaration hoAV .^Ifhelm has disposed of his property and his posses¬ sions, before God and before the Avorld. That then is first, to his lord a Inmdred man- cuses of gold, and tAvo SAvords, and four shields, and four spears, and four horses, tAA'o caparisoned and tAvo not capa¬ risoned. And he gives for his soul the land at Wratting j to S‘ jTlthelthryth’s, except the tAvo hides that j®thelric I has. And I give the land at Brycandon to S* PetePs at Westminster, except I AA’ill that there be masted for my Avife tAvo hundred SAvine, Avhen there is mast there, Avhere to her may be most desirable. And I give to .^Ifgar, my son, the land at Whepstead : and that at Walton, for his day; and after his day, let it go, for the soids of us both, AA'hither to him it be I most desirable. And I make knoAvn AA'hat I gave my Avife for morning-gift: that is, WILLS. 507 gef hire. ]?a wit srest toga?,- dere comon. twa hyda set Wilburgeham. -j let Hraege- nan. j f 'Sierto li‘S. j ic gean hire Carletunes* ic geaii hire 'Sa2s heafodbotles set Gyrstliuga]?orpe. j ealra }>aera sehta -Se j^seron standa‘ 5 . mid mete ‘j mid mannum, buton ic gean Godiace 'j minre dehter healfes |?aes landcs be wuda j be felda. buton bam j^e ic minimi preoste gean. And ie gean minum wife '] minre dehter liealfes Jiaes landes set Cun- ningtune to gedalc. buton )iam feower hydon be ic vEbcl- rice iElfwolde gean. j )ia healfan hyde )ie ic gean Os- msere miiiuni cnihte. And ic gean iElfmsere j his bre- ber iElfstane )iara twegra landa to gedale mt Hsettanlca j set Pottune. buton jiani be ic Osgarc gean. ic gean Goderc )i8es be ic let Wi- munde gebohte. ic gean Leofsige Lytlanbyrig sefter minum dsegc. oii ‘]j gcrad be •p stande }>e wit beforan Jiaiii ealdormcn lucan. "j ic gean liim j his wufe )ises landes set Stoctunc wib an hund man- cosa goldes. j ic wylle p man sclle milium hlaforde p gold to milium hercgcatum. -] ic gean minum pryni brobrurn Baddoiv, and Burstead^ and Stratford^ and the three hides at Heanhall: and I gave to her, when we first came toge¬ ther, the two hides at Wil- braham, and at Rayne, and what is thereto adjacent. And I give her Carlton, and I give her the head dwelling at Gyrstlingthorp, and all the properties which stand there¬ on, with meat and with men ; except that I give to Godric and my daughter half the land in wood and in field, except that which I give my priest. And I give to my wife and my daughter half the land at Cuimington in seve¬ ralty, except the four hides which I give to JUthelric and /Elfwold, and the half hide which I give to Osmair my page. And I give to ^Elfmair and his brother yElfstan the two lairds in severalty at Hat¬ ley and at Potton, except that which I give to Osgar. And I give to Godcrc that wdiicli I bought of Winiund. And I give to Leofsige Littlebury after my day, on the con¬ dition that that stand which we concluded before the al- I dornian. And I give to him and his wife the land at Stockton, in consideration of a hundred mancuscs of gold : 508 WILLS. to gedale Jjses laudes set Trostingtune» buton )7am Sc ic gean jElfwolde* bses ^Se iESebdc liaefde. j ic gean jElfhelme 'Sacre hyde set Ice- lingtune -j J^ses set MawurSe. ic gean Wulfmaere )?aes 'Se j ic set Biornham hsefde. ic | gean minre scaeSe for miiire i sawle into Hramesege- bealfe 1 Sam abbode j bealfe pam | birede. j ic gean miuum wife bealfes ]?aes stodes set Trostingtune- 'j minum ge- feran bealfes j)e mid me rida'S. fo min wif sefre to bealfum J>e on wealde is* j min dobter to bealfum. j ic wille f min wif fo sefre to bealfum on selcum tune* fo to lande se );e fo* swa bio^ to forgifen wses, Nu bidde ic pe leof blaford min cwide standan mote* Su ne ge)?afige f bine man mid wuo wende. God is min gewita ic Avaes )?inum fseder swa ge- byrsum swa icfyrmest mibte* ~} fullice bold on mode on msegeiie* pe sefre on fullum byldum bold on fulre lufe* )jaes me is God gcAvita. Se man se Se minne CAA'ide AA'ende* buton )m bit sy leof* ic baebbe geleafan f ]7u | nelle* God afyrre bine of bis i and I Avill that that gold be given to my lord for my beriots. And I give to my three brothers in severalty the land at Troston, except that I give to iElfwold that which iEthelric had. And 1 give to yElfbelm the hide at Icleton, and the [land] at MaAvorth. And I give to Wulfmter that AAhich I had at Barnham. And I give my ‘ scseS ’ b for my soul, to Ramsey, half to the abbot and half to the convent. And I give my Avife half the stud at Troston, and half to my companions Avbo ride Avith me. And let my Avife succeed to half of Avhat is in the forest, and my daughter to half. And I will that my wife always succeed to half in every vill, let Avhoever may succeed to the land, which to them was gh'en. Now I pray thee, dear lord, that my be¬ quest may stand, and that thou wilt not permit it to be Avrongfully changed : God is my witness that I Avas ever so obedient to thy father as I best might, and wholly faith¬ ful in mind and deed; and to thee ever in full affection faithful, and in full love: of ’ sciegS, 0. Nor. seeiS, liburna; a lir/ht sivift vessel, intrcduced hij the Xurthmcn. “ him ? WILLS. 5'J!> rice- buton he hra^or ongen wende. -j God j ealle his halgan gehealde selcne Jjara })aerto gefyrbrige f he standan mote. Gif hwa e |)inge jiat ic jierto bigeten habbe. and jierto eken half hundred marc silueres. And ihu so ic wende mine cuiSe- ic willc j’at ]ns stondc eucre In the name of our Lord. I /Eilnier bishop make known to all men Avhat I have given to S' Eadmund’s : that is, the land at Hindring- ham, and the land at Lang¬ ham, and the land at Hild- olfston, and the laud at Sivanton, and all the things Avhich I have acquired there¬ to; and thereto, besides, hall a hundred marks of silver. And however I may alter my bequest, I will that this stand coo WII.LS. unawent. mine soule to lisicl- nesse. And se J>e |nse quide wenden wille- wende God liis aiisene him from on domis- day. ever unaltered^ for the re¬ demption of my soul. And whoever shall avert this be¬ quest^ may God avert his face from him on doomsday. PRIVILEGIUM FRITIIERICI. Ego Frethericus, licet inutilis Dei et Sanctae Mariae servus, sic res meas disposui sicut subscripta testantur. He sunt res quae pertinent ad aecclesiam Sancte Helenae. In Wica capella ipsius villae; Capella de Wihtlega; Capella de Wi- ceneford; Capella de Chechingwica; Capella de Holt, cum dimidia virga terrae, quae reddit v. solidos per annum: et in Lauuernae dimidia hida terrae, quae reddit x. solidos, et libera est a geldis. Et omnes decimae, tam de dominica cm'te episco2)i, quam de omni terra hominum ibi terram tenen¬ tium ; et similiter de Mertlega, sed presbiter habet inde tertiam partem decimae, et virgam terrae ad victum suum, ad servitium aecclesiae. In North uuica pertinent ad predictam aecclesiam omnes capellae de feudo episcopi: Warmeduna, Hindelepe, Hudintuna, Circhul, Witintun, Cleinesse, et omnes decimae, tam de dominica curte, quam de tei'ra liberorum hominum et villauorum de episcopo tenentium. In Burgo autem ad ipsam aecclesiam pertinent novem mansurae circa aecclesiam, quas partim extractas recongregavi, partim pretio et labore adquisivi, quae si de incendio reparate fuerint possunt per annum reddere xl. solidos, et aliquid plus. Hec pre- dicta aecclesia est de dominio Sanctae Mariae, et de victu mo¬ nachorum. Hanc ipsi fratres, post obitum episcopi Wlstani, commiserunt mihi ad serviendum inde majori aecclesie, et ad faciendum proficuum eorum in vita mea. Post autem sine contradictione reciperent sua, et ideo unoquoque anno quic- quid lucrari poteram de decimis, conferebam eis ad restaura¬ tionem {ecclesiae suae. Hoc totum, scilicet aecclesiam, de- WILLS. 601 cimas, et terras, et laborem meum, reddo et clamo quietum Deo et Sanctae Mariae, pro remedio animae meae, ex parte mea et meorum. Terram autem ubi domum meam edificavi, et laborem meum in voluntate eorum dimitto, quia ortus eorum fuit, et petitione domni episcopi Samsonis eam mihi concesserunt in vita mea; et volo ut nichil per me perdant. ^Ecclesiam* etiam Sanctae Mariae de Lundonia reddo eis, quia illorum fuit et est. Dimidiam hidam de Lene, quam Godricus de me libere tenet, reddo eis, et servitium ejus, quia juste ad eos pertinet. Et ipsi fratres concesserunt michi plenariam societatem in omnibus beneficiis aecclesiae, ut fiat pro me in vita et post mortem sicut pro monacho. ’ In margine. Primo tenuit eam Godwinus Brochesunche quidam vinitor; post eum Christianus Estissman, similiter vinitor; post eum filius ejus similiter vinitor; post eum Wilelmus filius Fulcredi; modo tenet eam filius ejus. Ipsa terra sita est juxta ecclesiam Sancti Jacobi*, fere ad nii®’’ pedes distans ab ea, ab aquilonari parte. Apparently S‘ James’s Garlick Hili, or Garlick Ilitbe. »; . ' V.-i?' mt ^ S. * '*''' 1 * ' i. ' • >tl ' ' «gp - • * ■ - • *(V , •■*'"■ ,w-\ *»», * ® t PART III. GUILDS. III. GUILDS. ORKY’S GUILD AT ABBOTSBURY. DE FRATERNITATE, VULGO GYLDA, APUD ABBOTESBURIAM, PER ORCIUM INSTITUTA. Her cyS on ]7isum ge- Avrite f Orcy* liaefS gegyfen ]?8e gegyldhealle j^one stede set Abbodesbyrig Gode to lofe -) See Petre- |iam gyldscipe to agenne- on daege aefter daege- bim bis gebeddan to langsuinum gemynde. Se be ]ns aAvendan wyle haebbe him AA'iS Gode gemaene on j^ami micclan dome. Donne syndon bis ]>a for- ATord ]?e Orccy ]^a gegyldan set Abbodesbyrig gecoren habbab Gode to lofe- 'j See Petre to Avnrbmynte- lieora saAvlum to |;carfe:- Daet is aerost* brym nibton xr Petres maessan. aet aelcon gegyldan *nne peninge- obbe an peiiingCAVurb Areaxes* loc liAvaeber mare neod sy into ]>am mynstre- 'j on Here is made knojvn, in this AA’riting, that Orky has given the Guildhall and the stead at Abbotsbury to the praise of God and S* Peter, and for the guildship to possess iiOAV and henceforth, of him and his consort in long remembrance. Whoso shall avert this, let him ac¬ count Avith God at the great doom. Noav these are the coA'e- nants Avhich Orky and the guild-brothers at Abbotsbury have chosen, to the praise of God, and honour of S‘ Peter, and for their souPs need. That is first: Three nights before S' Peter’s mass, from every guild-brother one penny, or one pennyAvorth of Avax, AA’hichever be most needed in the monastery; and on the ' Sec pp. 414, 42G, 576, where he is called Urk. 00(5 GUILDS. msesse sefeu aet twam ge- gyldum £pnne bradne hlaf well besewen* well gesyfled. to urum gemEenum selmyssan- j fif wuean ser Petres maesse- daege seeote aelc gegylda aenne gyldsester falne elaenes hwaetes. f beo gelaest binnau twam dagum- be J>aes inganges wite- f syndon )?ry sestras hwaetes. se wudu beo gelaest binnaii ’Srym dagum aefter ‘5am corn- gesceote. aet aelcon riht ge- gyldan ane byrSene wudes. -j twa aet ^am ungyldan. o55e gylde *nne gyldsester comes. And se 5e bry5ene underfehb- ^ gecweme ne de5. beo he his inganges scyldig- }7aer ne beo nan gyfu. 'j se gylda ]je o5erne misgret innan gylde on eor- nostne hige. gebete he ^ be his ingange wilS ealre ge- ferraedene- -j sySban wi5 J?one man ]?e he mysgrette- swa swa he hit findan maege. gif he nele to bote gebugan. jjolige he I’aere geferraedene- aelcere o5re gyldraedene. And se '5e ma manna inlaede ■Sonne he sceole buton Saes stiwerdes leafe Saera feorme- ra. gylde his ingang:. And gyf aenigum on urum ge- j ’ besawen? I assume that the over with seeds, as dill, caraway, &c. mass-eve, from every two guild-brothers, one broad loaf, well besprinkled, and well ‘gesyfled’, for our common alms j and five weeks before Peter’s mass-day, let each guild-brother contribute one guild-sester fuU of clean wheat, and let that be ren¬ dered within two days, on pain of forfeiting the entrance, that is three sesters of wheat. And let the wood be rendered within three days after the corn-contribution, from every regular guild-brother one bur¬ then of wood, and two from the non-regular, or let him pay one guild-sester of corn. And whoso undertakes a charge, and does it not satisfactorily, let him be liable in his en¬ trance-fee, and let there be no remission. And let the guild-brother who insults another within the guild, with serious intent, make atone¬ ment to all the society, to the amount of his entrance, and afterwards to the man whom he insulted, as he may settle it; and if he will not submit to compensation, let him forfeit the felloAvship, and every other guildship. And ! let him who introduces more loaves contained or were sprinkled GUILDS. 607 ferraedene his for^si^ getide. sceote aelc gegylda aenne pe- ningc aet j^am lice for J>aere sawle. o^Se gylde be J>ry gegyldum. gyf ure aenig geuntrumod sy binnan syx- tigu[m milan. ]7on]ne findon we fiftyne men f hine ge- feccon. gyf he forbfaren sy XXX.. ■j ];a hine gebringon to |;aere stowe j^e he to gyrnde on his life, gyf he on neawyste for'Sfaren sy. warn- ige man J^one stiwerd to hwylcere stowe f lie sceole. ■j se stiwerd warnige sybban “Sa gegyldan. swa fela swa he maege maest to geridan o^Sbe to gesendan. ^ hi ]7aerto eumon. ^ lie wur Slice be- standan. to mynstre ferian. ■;) for )>aere sawle georne ge- biddan. •p byS rihtlice ge- cweden gyldraedene ^ we )?us don. ^ hit geristb f well, aegber ge for Gode ge for worolde. forban be we nyton hwylc nre hrabost forbfaerb. ponne gelyfe we. ]7urh Godes fultume. p us fremige eallon j^as forword gecweden on «r. gif we hit rihtlice healdab. Uton biddan God ael- men than he ought, without leave of the steward and the purveyors, pay his entrance. And if death befall any one in our society, let each guild- brother contribute one penny at the corpse for the soul, or pay according to three guild- brothers. And if any one of us he sick within sixty miles, then we shall find fifteen men who will fetch him; and if he be dead, xxx.; and they shall bring him to the place which he desired in his life. And if he die in the vicinity, let the steward have warning to what plaee the eorpse is to go, and let the steward then warn the guild-brothers, as many as ever he can ride to or send to, that they come thereto, and worthily attend the eorpse, and convey it to the monastery, and earnestly pray for the soul. That will rightly be called a guildship, which we thus do, and it will beseem it well, both before God and before the world; for we know not which of us shall soonest depart hence. Now we believe, through God’s support, that this afore¬ said agreement will benefit us all, if we rightly hold it. Let us fervently pray to G08 GUILDS. militigne georne mid in- werdre lieortan* f lie us milt- sige- j eac swa his halgan apostol See Petre- f he us ge]>ingige j urne weg geryme to ecere reste- forSaii 'Se we for his lufon jiis gegyld ge- gaderodoii. He htefS )ione anweald on heofenum- f he mot lEstau into hcofenon )ione ]ie he wyle- ■3 forwiriiau )iam ]>e he uele- swa swa Crist sylf cwfeS to him on his godspelle- Petrus ic betsece ]>e heofenaii rices csege- sw'a hwait swa jiu wylt habbau ge- bundcii ofer eorSaii ^ byS gebuiideii on heofenum- ^ swa hwiet swa Su wylt habban unbunden ofer eorSan f byS unbunden on heofenum. Uton habban hyht hopan to him p he us bewite a her on worulde- aefter forSsiSe ure sawla gehelpe- he us gebringc on ecere reste. Amen. God Almighty, with inward heart, that he have mercy on us ; and also to his holy apostle S* Peter, that he in¬ tercede for us and make clear our way to everlasting rest; because for love of him we have gathered this guild. He has the power in heaven that he may let into heaven whom he will, and refuse whom he will not; as Christ himself said to him in his gospel: “ Peter, I deliver to thee the key of heaven’s kingdom ; and whatsoever thou wilt have bound on earth, that shall be bound in heaven, and w'hat- soever thou wilt have un¬ bound on earth, that shall be unbound in heaven. Let us have trust and hope in him, that he will ever have care of us here in the world, and after our departure hence, be a help to our souls: may he bring us to everlasting I’est. Amen. GUILD AT WOODBURY. On Cristes naman- Scs Petrus apostolus, an gild- scipe is gegaderod on Wude- burg lande- se b. Osbern In the name of Christ and S‘ Peter the apostle, a guild- ship is gathered at Woodbuiy land ; and the bishop Osbern GUILDS. C09 }>a canonicas innan Scs Petrus minstre on Excestre haba^ underfangen ) 7 one ilcan ge- ferscipe on bro^orrsedenne gemaenelice for^ mid oSrum gebro'Srum. Nu doS big aet selcum beorSe to gecnawnisse )7am canonicon anne penig to Eastron aelce geare- ealswa set selcum for^farenum gildan set selcum beorSe senne penig to sawul sceote- se bit bonda se bit ■vvif. )7e on )7am gild- seipe sindon. ‘j )7at sawul gesceot sceulon ]7a canonicas babban- swilce ]7cnisce don for big swilce big agon to done. ‘j ]7is sindon beora nama |7e beoS on |7am gild- scipe. Bribtwi- WilnoS. Ealdwine- Alfric. Eadmser. Edwiue. and tbe canons witbin S* Pe¬ ter’s monastery at Exeter bave adopted tbe same society in fcllowsbip along with tbe other brethren. They will noAV, as an acknowledgment^ pay to the canons yearly, for every lieartb, one penny at Easter; and also for every departed guild-brother, for every hearth, one penny as soul-sbot, be it a man be it a woman who belongs to the guildsbip. And tbe canons are to bave tbe soul-sbot, and perform such service for them as they ought to perform. And these are the names of those who are in tbe guildsbip. Leofrie- Bribtmser. Edwi- Wlword- Alword- Edwine. Godwi- Osgod- ASeleoue* Bribtmaer- Godric. Algar. On Wudeburge lande is eac an o^er gildscipe gegaderod Criste 'j See Petre- “j big dolS to Martinus maessan of selcum bcorSe anne penig into Scs Petrus minstre jjam canoni¬ con- and aelc sawul gesceot ealswa- aet aelcum heorSe anne penig. And }7is sind jjaera manna nama- Kytel- Deoderic- et rel. OfCliftunes gildscipe- Isaac p. - Almaer- Godwine- et rel. Of Colatunes gildscipe- Or^ric p. - xVlmer- Ailwine- et rel. In Woodbury land there is also another guildsbip gathered to Christ and S‘ Pe¬ ter; and they pay at Martin¬ mas, from every hearth, one penny to S* Peter’s monas¬ tery, for tbe canons, and also every soul-sbot, for every hearth one penny. And these are tbe names of tbe men : Kytel, Tbeodric, etc, FromClifton guildsbip, Isaac priest, Almaer, Godric, etc. From Culliton guildsbip, Ordric pr.. Aimer, Ailwine, etc. 610 GUILDS. Of Alwines gildscipe on Wudebirig. Alstaii. Leawine. Ail wine- et rel. Of Bridafordes gildscipe- Ed wine- Wlfric- Saewine- et rel. Of Cliftwike- Waltere p.- Eadmaer- Leowine- et rel. Of )>ani gildscipe on Lege- Ailwi p.. Tyri’i p. - Wittm.- et rel. Of Hnutwille- Godric- Al- wine- Edwine- etc. Of Colatune- Alwine Tred- dasunu- Godric- Ailric. et rel. Of Sidemuba- Algar- Ail¬ ric- Wlwine- et rel. Of Halsford- Ilberd p.- Edwine- Alwine. et rel. Of Hwitastane- Edzi- God¬ ric- Edwine- et rel. Of Examuba- Godgi^- Es- gar- Edrid- et rel. From Alwine’s gnildship at Woodbury, Alstan, Leawine, Ail wine, etc. From Bideford guildsbip, Edwine, Wulfric, Saewine, etc. From Cliftwick, Walter pr., Eadmaer, Leowine, etc. From the guildsbip at Lege, Ailwi pf., Tyrri pr., William, etc. From Nut well, Godric, Al¬ wine, Edwine, etc. From Culliton, Alwine Tredda’s son, Godric, Ailric, etc. From Sidmouth, Algar, Wulwine, etc. From Halsford, Ilberd pr., Edwine, Alwine, etc. From Whitston, Edzi, God¬ ric, Edwine, etc. From Exmouth, Godgith, Esgar, Edrid, etc. THANES’ GUILD Her is on |?is gewrite siu geswitelung )?sere geraednisse J?e jjius geferraeden geraed hajf)> on ]?egna gilde on Grant- abrycge. f is j^onne aerest- ^ aelc oJ>rum ap on haligdome sealde so)n’e heldraedenne for Gode for worulde- eal geferraeden Jiaem a fylste j^e rihtost haefde. Gif hwilc ge- AT GAIMBIIIDGE. Here, in this writing, is the declaration of the agreement which this society has resolved in the Thanes’ Guild at Cam¬ bridge. That then is first, that each should give oath on the holy relics to the others, before God and before the world, of true fidelity; and all the society should ever .GL'ILDS, Gil gilda for}?ffere gebrynge bine eal se gildscipe J>ajr he to wilnie- j se |je f;serto ue ciinie gylde syster liuniges- j se gyldscipe hyrfe be healfre feorme }7one forhferedan' • ■] ajlc sceote twegen psenegas to J?:ere telmessaii. man }>aerof gebrynge p gerise fst See iE]^eldry|7e. j gif j^onne hwylcum gyldan jjcarf si his geferena fultuines. j hit ge- cyd wyr}?e j^jes gildan nihstan gcrefan®. butun se gilda sylf neah si* and se gerefa® hit forgymeleasi gcgylde an pund. Gif se hlaford hit forgyme- leasie gylde an piind* butun he on hlafordes neode boo* ol>|>e legerbfere. And gyf hwa gyldan ofstlea* ne si nan o}?er butun eahta pund to bote* gif se stlaga )?onne j^a bote oferhogie* wrece eal gildscipe J>oue gildan* call beran^. Gif hit |?onne an do* beran ealle gelice. j gif asnig gilda hwilcne man ofstlea -j he neadwraca si* his bismer bete* “j se ofstlagana twelf- hende sy* fylste aelc gegylda he[alf] mearc to fylste. Gyf se ofstlagena ceorl si* twegen oran* gif he Wylisc si* anne ’ "J so gyldscipe.for^fta stand : Mr. Kemble (Sax. in Engl, gildsliip inherit of the dead half a fai ^ geferan ? ^ gefera support him who bad most right. If any guild-brother diCj let all the guildship bring him to where he desired; and let him who should not come thereto pay a sester of honey; and let the guildship * * the deceased h: * * * and let each contribute two pence to the almSj and thereof bring what is fitting to S‘ Ailtheldryth. And if any guild-brother be in need of his fellows’ aid, and it be made known to the reeve (fellow) nearest to the guild-brother, and—unless the guild-brother himself be nigh—the reeve (fellow) neg¬ lect it, let him pay one pound. If the lord neglect it, let him pay one pound, unless he be on his lord’s need, or confined to his bed. t And if any one slay a guild-brother, let there be nothing for com¬ pensation but eight pounds; but if the slayer scorns the compensation, let all the guildshi]) aveage the guild- brother, and all bearh But if a guild-brother do it, let all bear alike. And if any guild-brother slay any man, and he be an avenger by com- ecl.an. This passage I do not under- i. p. .51.']) renders it: “ and let the • 111 .” ? ' i. e. tlie fiehS,ycwf/. 2 a 2 C.12 GUILDS. oran. Gif se gilcla pioiine hwsene mid dysie myd dole stlea- here sylf ^ he worhte. ■] gif gegilda his gegildan jnirh his agen dysi ofstlea- l)ere sylf ivi]? magas he brase. 'j his gegilde eft mid eahta pundiim gebyege- o]jj?e he ]>olie a geferes ^ freond- scipes. gif gegilda myd ))£em ete ohSe drince ]?e his gegildan stlog* butnn hit he- foran cyninge- o5Se leod bi- sceope. o^^e ealdormeii bco- gilde an pimd- bntun he aet- sacan masge mid his twam ge- setlnn he bine nyste. Gif hwilc gegilda o)7erne misgrete- gylde anne syster huniges. gif Inva o}>erne misgrete* gylde anne syster huniges' butnn he hine mid his twam gesetlun geladie. Gif eniht n aepn brede- gilde se hlaford an pnnd* ^ haehbe se hlaford set p he maege. ‘j him eal gildseipe gefylste p he his feoh of hsehhe. ■j gif eniht o];erne gewnudie. wrece hit hlaford- eal gyldscipe on- ^ seee )>8et he seee- p he feorh naebbe. gif eniht hinnan stig sitte- gylde anne syster huniges- ^ gif hwa fotsetlan hsehhe do p ylee- gif hwile gegilda ut of lande for^fere- oSSe beo gesyeled- gefeccau hine his ' This seems a repetition pulsion, and compensate for his violence, and the slain be a twelve-hynde man, let each guild-brother eontribute a half-mark for his aid; if the slain be a ceorl, two oras; if he be Welsh, one ora. But if the guild-brother slay any one through wantonness and with guile, let himself bear what he has wrought. And if a guild- brother slay his guild-brother through his own folly, let himself suffer on the part of the kindred for that which he has violated; and buy baek his guildship with eight pounds, or for ever forfeit our society and friendship. And if a guild-brother eat or drink with him who slew his guild- Ijrother, unless it be before the king, or the bishop of the dioeese, or the aldormau, let him pay one pound, unless, Avith his two beneh-eomrades, he can deny that he knew liim. If any guild-brother insult another, let him pa}' a sester of honey, unless he can clear himself with his two- hench-comrades. If a fol¬ lower draw a weapon, let the lord pay one pound, and let the lord get what he'can, and let all the guildship aid him in recovering his money. And of the preceding passage. GUILDS. 613 if a follower wound another, let the lord avenge it, and all the guildship together; so that seek he whatever he may seek, he have not life,/ And if a follower sit within the ‘ stig let him pay a sester of honey; and if any one have a ^fotsetla^, let him do the same. And if any guild-brother die out of the land, or he taken sick, let his guild-brethren fetch him, and convey him, dead or alive, to where he may desire, under the same penalty that has been said, if he die at home, and the guild-brother attend not the corpse. And let the guild-brother who attends not his morning discourse, pay his sester of honey. gegildan. -j hine gebringan d [ead] ne o^ Se cueene J^ser he to wilnie. be jjaem ylcan wyte }jc hit gecweden is* gif he set ham forSfer^ gegilda ^ lie ne gesecS* [-] se gjegilda )>e [ne ge] sece his m [orgen spsece* gi]lde h[is syster hu- niges.] GUILD AT EXETEK. pcos gesamnnng is ge- saninod on Exanceastre* for Godcs lufun for usse saule j^earfe* ajgjjer ge be usses lifes gcsundfnlnesse* ge eac be j^aem sefteran dsegum J:>e we to Godes dome for us sylfe boon willa)?. ponnc habba]? we gecweden urc mytting sie ju’iwa on xii. mon'Sum. ane to See Michaelcs msessan* o]n’e si^e to See IMarian maessan ofer midne winter* ju’iddan si[>e on call haelegra maesse da;g ofer Eastron. haebbe aelc gegilda ii. sestcras mealtes* aelc cniht anne* ~\ This association is asso¬ ciated at Exeter, for love of God, and for our souls’ need, both as to our life’s pros¬ perity, and also to the latter days, which w*e desire for our¬ selves to be at God’s doom. Now w'e have declared that our meeting be thrice in the twelve months, once at S'' [Michael’s mass, the second time at S' Mary’s mass, after Midwinter, the third time on Allhallows mass-day, after Easter. And let each guild- brother have two sesters of malt, and every follower one. 014 GUILDS. sceat huniges. and se msesse- preost a singe twa msessan- o)?re for ]?a lyfigendan frj'nd. ojjere for ]>a. for^gefarenan. aet Belcere mittinge- 'j aelc ge- ma;nes hades bro"Sur twegen salteras sealma* oSerne for }>a lifgendan frynd* o|>erne for j^a forSgefarenan. set for^si^e aelc monn vi. maessan o^5e VI. salteras sealma- aet su}>- fore * aelc mon v. pening. aet hushryne aelc mon anne pen. "j gif hwylc man );one andagan forgemeleasige* set forman cyrre iii. messan- set oj^erum cyrre v. • set )>riddan cjTre ne scire his nan man hutun hit sie for mettrum- nesse. o^^e for hlafordes ncode. 'j gif Invylc monn };one andagan oferhebbe aet his gescote. bete be tn ifealdun. gief hwylc monn of )ns gefer- scipe o)?erne misgrete- gebete mid XXX. pening. ponne bid- da)> we for Godes lufun p aelc mann )?aes gemittinge mid rihte healde- swa we hit mid rihte geraedod habba);. God ns to l^aem gefultumige. and a ‘sceat’ of honey; and, at each meeting, let the mass- priest always sing two masses, one for living friends, one for those departed; and every brother of common condition two psalters of psalms, one for living friends, one for those departed. And after a death, each man vi. masses, or vi. psalters of psalms; and at a death, each man v. pence. And at a house-burning, each man a penny. And if any man neglect the day of meet¬ ing, for the first time iii. masses, for the second time v., for the third time, let him have no excuse, unless it be for sickness or for his lord’s need. And if any man neglect the appointed day for his contribution, let him make twofold compensation. And if any man of this society insult another, let him make compensation with xxx. pence. Now we pray, for love of God, that every man hold this meeting with integrity, as we with integrity have ordered it. May God support us thereto. for)>fore ? perhaps funeraL GUILDS. 615 ASSOCIATION OF BISHOP WULFSTAN AND THE ABBOTS OF EVESHAM, CHERTSEY, BATH, PERSHORE, WINCH- COMBE, AND GLOUCESTER, AND THE DEAN OF WOR¬ CESTER. On Drihtnes uainau Hae- leudes Cristes- is f Wulstan b. on Drihtnes naman. hajfS gcraedcl wiS his leofan ge- hro^ra* ]>c him getreowe synd. for Gode forwondde. Daet is )>onne aerest. .dilgelwig abb. on Eofesham. Wulf- wold abb. on Ceortesige- ^Elfsige abb. on BaSan ]>a, gcbroSra- Eadmund abb. on Perscoran* Rawulf abb. on Wincelcumbe- Saerle abb. on Gleweceastre. n iElf- I stall decanus on Wigraceastre. Diet is- ^ we willaS georne gchyrsume beon Gode- Sea Marian- t) See Benedicte- us sylfe gerihtlaecau swa neah swa we nyhst' magon Jiam rihte- beon swa swa hit awriten is- quasi cor unum et aiiinia iiiia. we willa^ urum woruld blaforde Will- elrae cininege ~j Mabtbilde }iaere blaefdian bolde beon- for Gode q forworulde:- q babbe we us germdd betweonan to ure saule |icarfe- q to ealra para gebroSra pe us undcr- peodde synd- pc niunucbadcs synd- is p we willab beon ' MS. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is that bishop Wulstan, in the name of tlie Lord, has advised with bis beloved brethren who are true to him before God and before the world. That then is first: iEgelwig abbot of Evesham, and Wulfwold abbot of Chertsey, and .^If- sige abbot of Bath, and the brothers, and Eadmund abbot of Persbore, and Ralph abbot of Wincbcombe, and Sierle abbot of Gloucester, and Hiilf- stan dean of Worcester. That is, that we will be earnestly obedient to God, and S‘ Mary, and S‘ Benedict, and direct ourselves as near as we nearest may to the right, and be, as it is written, quasi cor unum et anima una. And we will be faithful to our temporal lord king William, and to Matilda the lady, before God and before the world. And we have deliberated among ourselves for the need of our souls and of all the brothers’ who are subjected to us, who arc of monastic order: that nyht. G16 GUILDS. on anu esse- swylce ealle j^as VII, mynstras syn an mynster- beon swa hit her beforan awriten is* quasi cor unum, et anima una. Daet is f we aelcere wucan singan ii. maessan on aelcum mynstre* synderlice for eallum ge- bro^rum* monandaege "j frigedaege. ■} wite se brohur \>e capitula maesse wuca biS* p Jjas maessan geforhige for J>a gebro^ra ]>e libbende synd* "j for aelcan for^farenan bre- ■Ser* aelc )?aera J^inga fore don swylce hig ealle aetgaedere on anum mynstre Avaeron:* nu is ]>ara abboda cwydraedene p hig AvillaS beon Gode gchyrsume heora bisceope* to heora gcmaenelicum ]7earfe* ^ is heora aelc sceal don an c, maessan of his agenra handa gebycge* ^ an c. J^ear- feiidra manna geba^^ige* ^ ]>a fedan* j ealle ]>a gescygean* q aelc singe himsylf vii. maessan* and him foredon XXX. nihta his mete beforan him* aenne paenig on uppan };am mete:* God us geful- tumige p Ave hit |>us motan gelaestan* ■j mid suman gode geeacuian. Sic fiat. Dis synd |>ara gebroSra namau on Eofesham* p is aerest* is, that we Avill be in unity, as if all the seven monas¬ teries were one monastery; and be, as it is here before Avritten, quasi cor imum et anima una. That is that we every week sing two masses in each monastery severally for all the brothers, on Mon¬ day and Friday. And be it known to the brother who is capitula mmsse Avuca, that he perform these masses for the brothers who arc living; and, for every departed bro¬ ther, do each of those things as if they all Avere together in one monastery. And uoav it is the agreement of the abbots, that they Avill be obe¬ dient to God and to their bishop, for their common need: that is, that each of them shall perform and, for his OAvn account, buy a hmi- dred masses; and bathe a hundred needy men, and feed them, and shoe them. And each sing himself seven masses, and for thirty days set his meat before him, and a penny upon the meat. May God support us that Ave may perform this, and Avith some good augment it. Sic fiat. These are the names of the brethren at Evesham : that is first. GUILDS. 617 ^gehvig abb. Godric abb. "j .^Egelwine decanes. Ord- mser. ^ GodefriS- peodred- Regnold j Eadric- ^ ^Ifwine •] Eadwig. Colling Leofwine. .dUlfric- Wnlfwine Sired Bruning. ^Imaer ^Elfwine* vEgelric ^ ^Egelwyrd- Dunning ^ Ssegeat- Uhtred ‘j Eadweard- Eadmund. Ulf- Brilitric. Wulfsige. Sexa- ^Elfwine- Wlmser- ^Egelwig. Dis syndon j^ara bro^ra naman on Ceortesige- p is Berest- Wulfwold abb. ^Elfward These are the names of the brothers at Chertsey : that is first: ■] Sselaf. Oter Godwine- iEjjestan Eadgar- Eadmser Godwine- iElfwine Bene¬ dict- Siwinc Alfwold- BrihtnoS iElfric- Godric ^ iElfric- Oswold AUlfric- ^ Wulfward- ^ Wulfric- Dis syndon ]jara gebroSra naman on Ba^an- f is Berest- These are the names of the brothers at Bath: that is first: ^Ifsige abb. .dUlfric- Leofwig HieSewulf- ^Elfwig .dEgelmaer- Ead^vig Godwine- .^gelwine 7 ) Oswold- iElniBer 'j peodred. Eadric- A^gelmser- Ssewnlf- pured- ^gelric- Hserlewine- Godric munuc on MBcldmesbyrig- calswa ure an- '2 ealswa Wulfwerd Pices broSor on Tantune. PART IV. MANUMISSIONS. ACQUITTANCES. IV. MANUMISSIONS. Geatfleda geaf freols* for Godes lufa j for heora sawla )?earfe. p is Ecceard smi^S. /Elstan j liis wif. call heora ofsprinc. boreii j imboren- ‘j Arcil. Cole- Ecfer^ Ald- bunes do liter- '3 ealle )?a men ]ie heo nam beora heafod for hyra mete on |iam yflum dagixm. Swa hiva swa awende j byre sawla bereafie- bereafige bine God aelmihtig |iises Kfes j heofona riees- sy be awyrged dead cwic aa on eenysse. eae heo hafa"S gefreod )ia men jie heo )ngede aet Cwaespatrike- p is lElfwald- Colbrand- iElsie- ^ Gamal bis sune- ESred- Tredewude- Ubtred his stepsun[e]- Aeulf- ^ pur- kyl- Allsige. Hwajiebeom jiises bereafie- God aelmihtig sie beom wra^ See Cu^- berbt. Geatflaed has given free- dom^ for love of God, and for her soul’s need, to Eeeeard smith, and Allstan and bis wife, and all their offspring, born and unborn, and to Arkil, and Cole, and Eeferb Aldhun’s daughter, and all the men whose persons* she took for their food in the evil days. Whoso shall alter this and bereave her soul thereof, may God Almighty bereave him of this life and of the kingdom of heaven; and be he aeeursed, dead and qniek, ever to eternity. And she has also freed the men whom she solieited from Cwaespa- trie, that is: Allfwald and Colbrand, iElsie and Gamal his son, ESred, Tredewude and Ubtred his stepson, Aeulf, and Thurkyl, and Allsige. Who shall bereave them of this, may God Almighty and S‘ Cuthbert be wroth to them. * Literally heads, as of cattle. 622 MANUMISSIONS. yE)jelstan cyng gefreode Eadelm forra}>e J’aes ’Se lie serest cyng wses. ^aes wses on gewitnesse ^Ifheah maesse- preost- ■;] se hired- -j jElfric se gerefa- and WulfnoS Hwita- and Eanstan prafost- j Byrn- stan maessepreost. Se jie hast onwende haebbe be Godes unmiltse aealles- ]>aes halig- domes ]ie ic on Angelcyn be- geat mid Godes miltse. And ic an ]ian bearnan ]iaes ilcan ))aes ic )ian faeder an. King ^tbelstan freed Ead¬ elm immediately after he ivas king. Of this were witness ^Elfheab mass-priest and the convent, and ^Elfric reeve, and Wulfootb White, and Eanstan provost, and Byrn- stan mass-priest. Who shall set this aside, may he have God’s disfavour and all the relics’ which I, with God’s mercy, obtained in the Eng- glish nation. And I grant to the children of the same what I have granted to the father. Her ki^ on jhssere bee f Aluric se canonica of Exe- cestre alisde Beinold at Her- herde at his cilden at geal hira ofspringe- mid ii. scitt. ■5 Aluric hiiie clipa'S freon and saccles a tune of tune- for Godes luue. 'Sis is seo gewitnisse: lohan Alurices sune- Nicole, ■j Ailric- -j Randolf- Alword cild- Osbern Clopeles sun- Bicard a Panics stret- RicardTheod. Here is made known, in tliis book, that Aluric the canon of Exeter has redeemed Beinold from Hcrherd, and from liis children, and from all their offspring, for two shillings. And Aluric de¬ clares him free and sackless, in town and out of town, for love of God. And these arc the witnesses : John Aluric’s son, and Nicol, and Ailric, and Bandolf, Ahvord Child, Osbern Clopel’s son. Bicard in Paul’s street, and Bicard Theod. .MANUMISSIONS. 623 Eadvri cing het gefreon Abunet ^Ifnob cyrceweard an Exanceastre fryo 'j fsere- wyrjje on A);ehvoldes ealdcr- mannes gewitnesse- Daniel bisc. ■;] Byrhtrices profastes. ■j on Wiilfrices cyrceweardes- ^ Eadwi cing bet hit bryga' Bryhtric her binnon Cristes bee. King Eadwig has pro¬ nounced Abunet iElfnoth the saeristan at Exeter free and with liberty of going; in witness of Athelwold aldor- man, and Daniel bishop, and Byrhtric provost, and Wulf- rie sacristan. And king Ead¬ wig has commanded Brihtric to bring (insert) it here in Christ’s book. ON THE ALTAR OF ST. PETROC’S, BODMIN. Haec sunt nomina illorum hominum, Huna et soror illius Dolo, quos liberavit Byrhtflsed, pro redemptione animse suae, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus: Leofric prespiter®, Budda prespiter, Morhayjjo prespiter, Deui pres- piter, Hresmen diaeonus, Custentin laieus, Wurlowen layeus, ut libertatem habeant eum semine suo sine fine; et male¬ dictus sit qui fregerit hanc libertatem. Rumun liberavit Haluiu super altare Saneti Petroci, coram istis testibus : elerici Sancti Petroci. Budic, Glowmae^ quos liberavit Uulfsie episcopus super altare Saneti Petroei. Hoc est nomen qui liberavit Duihon super altare Sancti Petroci: Leofstan, coram istis testibus: Byrhsie presbiter, Morha^o diaeonus, Britail, Iohann. •i* Haec sunt nomina illarum feminarum quas liberavit Wulsige : Cemoyre, Rum, Addalburg, et Ogurcen, eoram istis testibus viden [tibus;] Osian pres, Cantgethen diaconus, Leu- cum clericus. ^ bnoigau? ^ From the orthography observed in .some of these proper names, as p for b, as prespiter for presbyter, c for g, as Codgivo for Godgifo, it appears that the Cornubian pronunciation, 900 years ago, resembled that of the present Welsh. G24 MANUMISSIONS. Wulfsige episcopus liberavit Ina Prost cum filiis ejus, pro anima Eadgar rex, et pro anima sua, coram istis testibus: Byrlisige presbiter. Electus presbiter, Abel presbiter, Mor- haSo diaconus, CanrelSeo diaconus, Kiol diaconus. Hec sunt nomina illorum hominum quos liberabit Jillfsie super altare Saneti Petroci, pro redemtione anime sue: Ouwen, EAVsannee, lesu, coram istis testibus: Byrbtsie pres¬ byter, Mermen presbyter, Agustinus lector, MorhaiJ^o dia¬ conus, Riol diaconus. Hoc est nomen illius femine Gluiucen quem liberavit Ordulf, pro anima J51fsie, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus : Morbabo diacono, Tithert clerico. pes ys l^aes manes nama be Byrlisie gefreade et Petrocys stowe; Byhstan Hate Bluntan sunu, on iEl^elbide gewitnyse bys agen wif, q on Byrhisi ys maesepreostas, ou Riol, -) Myrmen, q Wunsie, Mor- bsej^j^o, Cynsie preost. This is the name of the man whom Byrbtsige freed at Petroc’s altar: Byhstan Hate son of Blunta, in witness of ^Ethelhid, his own wife, and of Byrhis his mass- priest, and of Riol, and Myr¬ men, and Wunsige, and Mor- hsetho, and Kynsige preost. Hec sunt nomina mulierum, Medhuil, Adlgun, quas libe¬ ravit Eadmunt rex, super altare Sancti Petroci, palam istis testibus : Cangueden diaconus, Ryt clericus, Anaoc, Tithert. Haec sunt nomina hominum quas liberavit Eadmund rex, pro anima sua, super altare Sancti Petroci: Tancwoystel, 'Wenerieb, coram istis testibus: Wulfsie presbyter, Adoyre Milian clericus; atque in eadem die mandavit hanc feminam Argantcilin eisdem testibus. Haec sunt nomina bominum quas liberaverunt clerici Petroci: Sulleisoc, Ourdiiyl^al, pro anima Eadgari regis, super altare Sancti Petroci, in festivitate Sancti Micaelis, coram istis testibus: Byrhsie presbiter, Osian presbiter, Austins lector, Riol diaconus. Hoc est nomen mulieris Meonre quam liberavit Ullfrit, pro anima sua, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis tes¬ tibus : Mermen pi’esbiter, Morhaibo diaconus, Guaibrit clericus. MANUMISSIONS. 626 Hec sunt nomina mulierum quas liberavit Wulfsie epi- seopus et clerici Sancti Petroci: Proscen, Wucncen, Onn- cum, Ilicum, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis tes¬ tibus : Byrlisie presbiter, Riol diaconus, MorbaSo diaconus, WuaSrit clericus. Hoc est nomen illius mulieris Wencene^Sel quam libe¬ ravit Ordgar dux, pro anima sua, super altare Petroci Sancti, coram istis testibus: Wulfsige episcopus, Leumarh presbiter, GrifiuS presbiter, MorhaiiSo diaconus. IIoc est nomen illius hominis Iliu]?, cum semine suo, quem liberavit ^l^elrsed rex, super altare Sancti [Petroci], coram istis testibus: iEJ'elwerd dux testis, Osolf prepositus testis. Mermen prespiter, Riol prespiter, Ret clericus, Lecem clericus, Ble]n’os clericus. IIoc est nomen istius hominis Madfu)? quem liberavit lofa, pro redemtione animm suae, super altare Sancti Pe¬ troci, coram istis testibus videntibus: Tittherd presbiter, A[>alber|7 presbiter, Budda presbiter, Brytthael presbiter, Cenmyu presbiter: hii sunt laici: Tejhon filius Wasso, et Ungost Cilifri. Et quicumque fregerit hanc libertatem, ana¬ thema sit; et quicumque custodierit, benedictus sit. Hec sunt nomina illarum feminarum quas liberavit Ermen, pro anima matris illius: Guenguiu et Elisaued, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus videntibus : Osian pres¬ biter, Leucum clericus, Ret clericus. Hoc est nomen istius hominis Terij^ian, cum semine suo, quem liberavit Ordulf filius Brun, super altare Sancti Petroci, pro redemtione anime sue, ut libertatem habeat ab eo et a semine suo perpetualiter, coram istis idoneis testibus: Lcofric presbiter. Prudens presbiter, Adalberd presbiter, Tittherd presbitei’, Budda presbiter, Boia diaconus, Morayjm diaconus. Quicumque fregerit hanc libertatem, anathema sit; et quis¬ quis custodierit, benedictus sit. Hoc est nomen illius mulieris yElfgy]; quam liberavit .d5}>a;lfl0ed, pro anima sua et pro anima domini sui rii]|7fel\verd dux, super cimbalum Sancti Petroci, in villa que nominatur Lyscerruyt, coram istis testibus videntibus : yE[>iestan pres¬ biter, Wine presbiter, Dunstan pb, Goda minister, yElfwcrd 2 s 026 MANUMISSIONS. Scii’locc, ^jjsehvine Muff, Ealdred frater ejus, Eadsige scrip- tor : et hii sunt testes ex clericis Sancti Petroci: Prudens presbiter, Boia diaconus, Wulfsige diaconus, Brybsige cle¬ ricus, ut libertatem . Et postea venit ^|?8ehvferd dux ad monasterium Sancti Petroci, et liberavit eam, pro anima sua, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus videntibus: Buruhwold bisceop. Ger¬ manus abbas, Tittherd presbiter, Wulfsige diaconus, Wur- gent filius Samuel, Ylc3er)7on praepositus, Tej^ion consul, .filius Mor. Et ipse adfirmavit, ut quicumque custodierit hanc libertatem, benedictus sit; et quicumque fregerit, anathema sit a Domino Deo celi, et ab angelis ejus. Hoc est nomen illius hominis quem liberavit Cenmenoc, pro anima sua, super altare Sancti Petroci, Benedic, coram istis testibus videntibus: Osian presbiter, Morhaitho dia¬ conus. Hoc est nomen illius [mulieris] Anaguistl quem Eadgar rex liberavit, pro anima sua, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus videntibus: Wulfsige presbiter, et Gri- fiuS luesbiter, et Conredeu diaconus, et Byrehtsige cleric [us et] Elie laicus. Wuenumon q hire team, Moruiw hire swuster [q] hire team- and Wurgustel q his team- wuarun gefreod her on tune- for. Eadryde cyningc ■j for iEbelge [ard] biscop- an j>as hirydes gewitnesse be her on tune syndun. Wuenumon and her pro¬ geny, Morvith her sister, and her progeny, and Wurgustel and his progeny, were freed here in town, for king Eadred and for bishop HUthelgeard, in witness of the convent which is here in town. Hoc est nomen illius hominis quem Uberavit Perem, pro anima sua, Gurient, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus: Adelces presbiter, Morhaedo diaconus, Guaedret clericus. Vale. Vive in Xpo. Wunstan, Blebros, Hincomhal, Benedic, Wurcant, Otcer, Onnwuen, Argantmoet, Telent. Marh gefreode Lebelt ■] Marh has freed Lethelt ealle hire team- for Eadwig 1 and all her progeny, for only MANUMISSIONS. 627 cyningc on his segen reliquias. ^ he hie het laedan hider to mynstere. q her gefreogian on Petrocys reliquias- on |?ses hirydes gewitnesse. Her kyS on {^issere bee H^ilsig bohte anne wifmann Ongyne|7el hatte- q hire suiiu GySiccael- set purcilde- mid healfe punde- set J^sere ciricaii dura on Bodmiue. q sealde vEilsige portgereuaq Maccosse hundredesmaun iiii. pengas to tolle, pa ferde yHilsig to. |7e ]?a menu bohte- q nam hig q freode uppan Petrocys weofede sefre sacles- on ge- wittnesse J?issa godera manna. p wses Isaac messepreost- q BleScuf messepreost- q Wun- ning messepreost. q Wulfger messepreost. q GrifiuS messe¬ preost. q Noe messepreost. q Wur|>iciere cirican dura aetBodmine. gefBoia sixtig penga for jiere forspaece- dide bine sylfne his of- spreng aefre freols 'j saccles- fram ]>am daege* wi^ Hidfrice- •3 wi'S Boia. '3 wi?> ealle H]df- wines cyld heora ofspreng. on )?issere gewittnisse: Isaac messepreost. ■] Wunning pr.. ■j Sewulf pr.. Godric dia¬ con. ^ Cufure prauost. ‘3 Win¬ cuf. Wulfwerd. Gestin )7es bisceopes stiwerd. Ar¬ taca. Kiuilm. 'j Godric Map. •] Wulfger. ma godra manna. Gestin the bishop^s steward. MANUMISSIONS. 629 *{< Haec sxint nomina illorum hominum quos liberavit .(Silfsie, pro anima Eatlgari regis, et pro anima sua, super altare Sancti Petroci: Guenttinet, Cenliui'Sel, David, Anau prost, coram istis testibus: Byrhtsie presbyter, Riol diae., Anaoc clericus, Tidherd clericus, Benjamen clericus. Hoc est nomen illius mulieris quam liberavit Gratcant: Ourdylyc exim filio suo AVurci, sxxper altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus : Iledyn presbiter, Lowenan diaconus, Leucum clericos, Blejxros clericos, Boia discipulus, Cenmyn clericos, Benjammen clericos. Hoc est nomen illixxs mulieris, id est Madguistyl, cum progenie sxia, id est, Bleidiud, YlcerSon, Byrcbtylym, qxxos liberaverunt clerici Sancti Petroci, super altare illius Petroci, pro remedio Eadryd rex, et pro animabus illorxxm, coram istis testibxxs: Comxxyre presbiter, Grifixxd presbiter, Oysian pres¬ biter, Loxxmarcb diaconus, Wudryt clericus, Loxxcxim clericus, Titbert clericus. Hser cyb on jxyson bec p Here is made known, in .^Iwold gefreode Hwatu- for ■ this book, that Hiilwold has hys sawle* a[t] Petrocys ^ freed Hwatu, for his soxil, at stoxv. a degye q ajfter degye. Petroc’s altar, for his day and An[d] jElger ys gewytnisse- after his day. And Aliger Gotric- q Wallop- Gry- is witness, and Godric, and fyi^- q Bley^cxxf. q Salaman. ! Walloth, and Gryfyith, and q hebbe he Godes cxxrs q Ses Bleythcuf, and Salaman. And Petrocus- q sealle Welkynes have he God^s cxirse, and S' sanctas ]?c p brece ydon | Pctroc’s, and all the Welsh ys. Amen. kin’s saints, who violate this xvhich is done. Amen. Custentin liberavit Proscen, pro anima sua, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibxxs: Mermen presbiter, lliol diaconus, Cantgueithen diaconus, Titbert clericus, et aliis multis. Wxilfsie episcopus liberavit Aedoc filiam Catgustel, pro anima sua et Eadgari regis, super altare Sancti Petroci: Cyngelt, et Magnus, et Sxxlmcajx et Justxxs, et llumxxti, et Wengor, et Luncen, et Exxandi-ec, et Wendeern, et Wur^ylic, et Cengor, et luisian, et Brenci, et Onwean, et lliuduran, et MANUMISSIONS. i;30 Lywci. Msec sunt nomina illorum hominum illarumque [fe¬ minarum] quos liberavit Wulfsige episcopus, super altare Sancti Petroci, pro anima sua et pro anima Eadgseri regis. Hsec sunt nomina illarum feminarum quas liberavit Ermen, pro anima matris illius: id est Guenguiu et Elisaued, coram istis testibus: Freoc pr., et Osian pr., et Leucum monachus. Hoc est nomen illius hominis quem liberavit Osferd, pro anima Eatgari regis: Gurbeter, super altare Sancti Pe- trocij coram istis testibus: Comoere episcopus, Agustinus lector, Byrhsie sacerdos. Hoc est nomen [illius hominis] quem liberavit Eusebi, pro anima sua : Ceenguled, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus : Grifiud, Leumarb, Riol. Hec sunt nomina illorum hominum quos liberavit Anaoc, pro anima sua: Otcer, Rannoeu, Muelpatrec, Josep, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus videntibus : Cemoere ej^iscopus, Osian sacerdos, Leucum clericus, Guaed- ret clericus. Hsec sunt nomina illorum hominum : Agustin, jElchon, Sulcsen, Loi, Milcenoc, Guenneret, Gurcencor, Riol, Anau- clat, iEulcen, Gurcant, Cest, Hilniucl, Oncenetll, Lucco, ludbent. pes sint ];a menu pe Wulfsige byscop freode- for Eadgar cinig q for byne sy [Ifne] • set Petrocys wefode. Leubelec- Welet . . . nu-alt. Beli" losep" Dengel- Pros- wite- Tancwuestel* an [>as gCAvitnese* Byrhsige msesse- prost- Mermen masseprost* !Mar- Catuutic- Wenwiu. Puer- Me^wuistel" losep. ►i* pys synduu );ara manna naman be Wulfsige byscop gefreodet set Petrocys wefode* for Eadgar ^ for byne silfne. These are the men whom bishop Wulfsige freed, for king Eadgar and for him¬ self, at Petroc’s altar : Leu- helec, Welet . . . nwalt, Beli, Joseph, Dengel, Proswite, Tancwuestel, in the witness of Byrhtsige mass-priest. Mer¬ men mass-priest. Mar, Catu- uti, WeiiAviu, Puer, Meth- Avuistel, Joseph. *J< These are the names of the men whom bishop Wulf¬ sige freed at Petroc’s altar, for Eadgar and for himself: MANUMISSIONS. 631 •] Byrhsi ys gewitnese masse- prost. j Mermen masseprost* -j Morhi- Diuset 'j ealle here team. Dys sindun |?ara manna naman Se Wunsie gefreode at Petrocys stowe [for] Ead- gar einig. on ealle ^tes hire- dys gewitnesse- Conmonoc* larnwallon- Wen\vaer[>lou. 'J Mfeiloe. and Byrhsi mass-priest is witness, and Mermen mass- priest, and Morhi, Diuset and all her progeny. These are the names of the men whom Wunsie freed at Petroe’s altar, for king Eadgar, in witness of all the eonvent: Commonoe, larn- Avallon, and Wenwferthlon, and Mseiloe. Haec sunt nomina filiorum; Wureon AeSan, Juner'S, Wurfo^u, Guruaret, quorum filii et nepotes posteritasque omnis defenderunt se per juramentum, Eadgari regis per- misu, quoniam aceussatione malorum dieeljautur patres eorum fuisse coloni regi[s] : Comoere episcopo teste, iElfsie praeside teste, Dofagan teste, March teste, ^Ifno^ teste, Byrhtsie prespiter teste, Mittuib prespiter teste, Abel prespiter teste. Hoc est nomen illius viri quem liberavit Byrhtgyuo : Sal¬ erni, pro anima sna, super altare Sancti Petroci, coram istis testibus : Leof_presbiter, Osian presbiter, Morcant. lier kyS on jiissere bec f j Gesfraeg Eeala sune gebohte GidiS Edwiges doctor set Alpsta on Wunforda- q at Nosele Pincenne- to x. scift. freoli J sacles. ut of Wun¬ forda. q Gyldeberd port- | gerefa nam toll far jias i kinges hand, q ^ys ys seo gewitnisse. Gedimer on Cuike- q S aeger p. on Hefa- triwe. q Randolf de Hage. q Roggere on Pynnoc- q Morin at Gestgete* Riceard Alpstanes sune- q Wlfword i Here is made known, in this book, that GeoflPrey son of Feala has bought Gidith Edwig’s daughter of Aljista at M'^inford, and of Noaele Pincenne, for x. shillings, free and sackless out of Winford; and Gyldeberd portreeve took the toll on the king’s ac¬ count. And these are the witnesses : Gedmer at Quick, and Siegar priest at Heavi- tree, and Randolf de Hage, and Roger at Pinnock, and Morin at Westgate, and 632 MANUMISSIONS. hys broker- Godwine Leo- wines suue*] Goda bis broker- Geda* Saegaer- Riceard Kykebeauw- 3 Edmaer NorS- mansun. se j?e J^iss undo* heebbe he Godes curs- ~j Sea Maria. Scs Petres- 'j ealle Xpes balgena a butan ende. Amen. Her ky^ on )?issere bee f Waltere Wulwordes sune ureode A)?eluue inna Sees Petres minstre ouer his faeder lie- his feder saule to alised- nisse *] his- on Vuuenes gewitnisse- mestre Odo- ■j mestre Leowines- God- wines p. '] Edwakeres- his sune- "j ag ealra ]7ara hade- da leweda |?e jjarig gewere. se }hss undo habbe lie Godes curs j J>ere hlefdia See IMarie- Sees Petres- •] gealle Cristes halga- a butan ende. Amen. Her kiS on jiissere bee p Seivine Pinca bohte hine silfne to x. sciit, at Willelme- on Edmaeres gewitnisse pr.- on Edwines- -j on Taili- feres- •;) on Rodb.- j on ealles jias hundredes on Cuicu. j Alfric Hals nam f toll, "j habbe he Godes curs Jie hit aefre undo. Amen. Richard Alfstan's son, and Wulfword his brother, God- wine Leowine’s son and Goda his brother, and Geda, and Saegar, Richard Kykebeaw, and Edmaer Northman’s son. And who shall this undo, have he God’s curse, and S‘ Alary’s, and S* Peter’s, and all Christ’s saints, ever without end. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Walter Wulf- word’s son has freed Atheluve within S' Peter’s minster, over his father’s corpse, for the redemption of his father’s soul and his own: in witness of Wuene, and master Odo, and master Leowine, and Godwine priest, and Edwaker and his son, and also of all the ordained and lay who were therein. And who shall this undo, have he God’s curse, and the lady S* Alary’s, and all Christ’s saints’, ever without end. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Sewine Pinca has bought himself for x. shillings of William, in wit¬ ness of Edmaer priest, and Ed- wine, and Taillefer, and Ro¬ bert, and all the hundi’ed of Quick. And Alfric Hals took the toll. And have he God’s curse who shall ever undo it. Amen. MANUmSSIONS. 63:3 lier kyS on jjissere bee f Teolling gebohte ^Iword Stamera Eclwinc his bro- •Sor aet Coluwine to vii. mancson to cepe to tolle- •j ^Iword portgerefa nam f toll. herto is gewitnesse- UilSel set Culumtune- ‘j Saewulf. Uitula- Ead- mund p.- Snelling Tulliiiges sunu- Leovvine Leowerdes brolSor- ■;) ^Elfgar Hellebula. ■3 hsebbe be Godes curs Jje )>is aefre undo a on ecnisse. Amen. Her ky|? on jjissere bee f Huberd on Clist craefede anne wifman ]?e Edit liatte Liuegeres wif mid unrihte- for Jjam Liueger big alisde ut at Gosfreige bisceope ealswa man sceolde freobne wifman- 'j ealswa bit hribt waes on |jam dagum aelene freobne man- wi); xxx. p. ■j Huberd waes leosende j^aere wifmanne for bis unribt crae- finge ]7a sefre mo- big eal hire ofspring. );aerto is gewittnes Willin de Bubuz- •] Ruold se cniht- •] Osbern Eadera- Unfreig de Tetta- borna- ^ Alword portgereua- lohau se cniht- 'j Rau Folcard. Jjcos spaec waes innau Wiitmes bure de Bu- huz on Excesti’e gespoece. Here is made known, in this book, that Teolling has bought vElword Stammerer and Edwine his brother fi’om Coluwine, for vii. mancuses, as priee and toll ; and yElf- word portreeve took the toll. And hereto are witness; Vithel at Collumpton; and Saewulf, and Vitula, and Ead- mund priest, and Snelling Tubing’s son, and Leowine Leowerd’s brother, and iElf- gar Hellebula. And have he God’s eurse, who shall ever this undo, to all eternity. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Hubert at Clist demanded a woman named Edith, wife of Live- ger, with injustice, because Liveger had redeemed her of bishop Geoffrey as a man should [make] a free woman, and as it was right in those days [to make] every free man, for xxx. pence. And Hubert lost the woman, for his unjust claim, then and evermore, her and all her offspi’ing. And thereto are wutness, William de Buhuz, and Ruold the knight, and Osbern Eadera, and Hum¬ phrey de Tettaborne, and Alword portreeve, and John the knight, and Ralph Eolk- ard. And this cause was MANUMISSIONS. ()84 argued in the chamber of William de Buhuz at Exeter. Here is made known, in this book, that Gedmaer Spernsegle’s son has redeemed Leoflaed his kinswoman (sister) out of Topsham, for XXIV. pence, from Ceolric Heording’s reeve, son of Ead- noth: and thereto are witness: Alwine priest, and Ailword Pudding, and Heording, and his brothers, and Wulword at Jameses church, and Hugh the Red, and all the hundred of Topsham. And who shall this undo, have he God’s curse and S‘ Mary’s, ever without end. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that when bishop Osbern hallowed S‘ Mary’s porch, Folcard there freed Agelwine his man and his offspring, for the glory of Christ and S‘ Mary, and for his soul’s redemption, and let him choose a lord where he would. And have he God’s curse who shall ever undo this. Amen. Capitulum Beati Petri Exonie omnibus fidelibus ecclesiae salutem in Christo. Noverint omnes tam futuri quam praesentes quod Willelmus Debuz, consensu uxoris et Johannis filii ejus, pro eterna retributione, coram justitia Exonie, Edwine Spileman ab omni servitute absolvit, et absolutum, provida deliberatione, sub praesentia Willelmi episcopi et nobilium, tam clericorum Her cy|i on jjissere hec f Gedmer Spermegles sune hefS alised Leofilde his maga ut of Toppesham lande mid IUI. XX. penuge- at Ceol- rice* Heordinges gereua Eaduobes sune* jiaerto is gewittnes- ^Iwine preost* Ailword Pudding-']) Heording- ]] his broSras- Wulword at lacobes circan- Huga se rieda- 'j eall hundred at Toppeshamme. se Jie Jiis undo- habbe Godes curs- Sca Maria- efre butan ende. Her cyb on jiisse bec )?a Osbern b. halgode Sca Maria portic- ]ia freode Folcard jiaer Agehvine his man his of- spring- Criste to lofe 'j Sca Maria- his sawle alised- nisse- let him ceosa hlaford loc hwaer hig wolde. haebbe he Godes curs ealra hal- gena )ie )iis aefre undo. Arnen. MANITMISSIONS. 635 quam laicorum, matn aecclesiae praesentavit, ut prseseiis in¬ genuitas tantorum astipulatione roborata omni tempore maneat inconvulsa. Si quis lianc absolutionem infestare temptaverit^ ipse et ipsius factores subjaceant anatemati. Hujus rei testes sunt: Odo arcb. Esuoldus arcb. &c. Her cyS on j^issere bec f Bruning Cola sunu gebobtc Roting aet Colewyne aet Leofa* freob ^ sacleas ut of Sceftbeara. on Sserla gewyt- nisse j^aes portgereua- q on Huberdes- q on H^lwerdes- ■j on ligares Paiardes- -j on Wyllelmes his suna- 'j on Godvvynes Cohvynes suna- ■;) on Esbernes iEhverdes suna. hebbe lie Godes curs ];e jiis aefre undo. Arnen. Her kylS ou jiissere bec Leovvine Luudenisca 'j lald- gi^ bis wif gebohton yElfilde aet Touie to feower ^ sixtuge pcnegon. ^ yElfric Hals nam f toll innan Tonies bure for ]iaes kynges band, herto is gevvitiiesse RoSsalin p.- Ailword diacon, Alwine deacon- Dunstan Peoning. Her cyb on jiissere bec Huscarl lisde bine silfne ivi^ Ealuwb . . . mid xl. p. ou Godwines gewitnesse p. on Alvvordis portirefa. q on Ealdrides his suna- q on Osb. •j on Waltcres bis broSra. on Saemasris. q Godwine p. Here is made known, in this book, that Bruning Cola’s son has bought Roting of Colewine and of Leofa, free and sackless out of Sceft¬ beara. In witness of Saerla tbe portreeve, and Hubert, and ^Iwerd, and AlgarPaiard, and William, bis son, and Goclwyne Colwyne’s son, and Esbern A 1 word’s son. And have be God’s curse who shall this ever undo. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Lcofwine the Londoner and Ealdgith bis wife have bought iElfbilde of Tovi for sixty-four pence; and Hillfric Hals took tbe toll within Tovi’s chamber, on the king’s account. And hereto are witness : Rothsalin priest, and Ailword deacon, and Al¬ wine deacon, and Dunstan Peoning. Here is made known, in this book, that Huscarl has redeemed himself from Ea¬ luwb .... for XL. pence, in witness of Godwiue priest, and Alword portreeve, and Ealdred his son, and Osbcrn, and Walter his brother, and 636 MANUMISSIONS. 3 Swegn. -j Wulfet namon p toll for )7as cinges hand. 'J for Sasrles ]7e f>a was porti- gerefa. Godes curs he liabbe )7e bit aefre undo. Amen. Her cy^ on j^issere bee f Leowine Feala sunn bobte bine silfne his ofspring aet Wulfworde Alfrices sunn at lacobes cyreato healfepnnde- on Willelmes gewitnesse preostes* j on Godwines pr. j on Arnoldes pr. -j on Ed- wines pr. ■;] on Bartholomeus Floheres suiia* on Floheres* on Algares Pagardes. j on Cona. Algares Leoflaede suna. j Haim. Oter Dir- linges sunn* Edwaeer- Agel- vvord Ofstanes sunn. Osber- Ahvordes sunn- Alfsta on Wunforda- Edwi. Nobol- Ocing» Agelword Pudding diac. on ealles )?a[s hun]- dredes on Excestre- to ceo- sende him blaford ■] bis of¬ spring swa bwser swa big woldon. j Alword portgerefa -) Alwine Dirlinges ajjum fangou to )7am tolle for j^aes cynges hand. babbe he Godes curs "j ealra halgena ]>e ]7is aefre undo. Her cyb on jjissere bee p Edi)> Leofrices docter Locces bobte hi silue “j hire ofspring Saemar’s, and Godwine priest, and Swegen. And Wulfet took the toll on the king’s account, and Saerla’s, who was then portreeve. Have be God’s curse who shall this ever undo. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Leofwine Feala’s son has bought himself and his offspring of Wulfword Alfrie’s son, at James’s church, for half a pound; in witness of William priest, and Godwine pr., and Arnold pr. and Edwine pr., and Bar¬ tholomew Flohere’s son, and Flohere, and Algar Pagard, and Cona, and Algar Leo- flied’s son, and Haim, and Oter Dirling’s son, Edwaker, Agelword Alfstan’s son, Os- bern Alword’s son, Alfstan at Winford, Edwi Nobol, Oking, Agelword Pudding deacon, and all the hundred of Exeter: to choose a lord for himself and his offspring wheresoever they would. Al¬ word portreeve and Alwine, Dirling’s son-in-law, took the toll on the king’s account. And have he God’s eurse, and all the saints’, who shall this ever undo. Here is made known, in this book, that Edith daughter of Leofric Loc has bought MANUMISSIONS. 637 at Hul. ... to nil. 7) XX. p. on Willelmes gewittnisse stiwerdes. 71 on Agilwerdes Wudinges- on Edmeres preostes. on Edwies Hreawa sun. 71 on Huscarles. 71 on Algeres pr. . ege Godwines preost.. 7) on Leowines Lunde- niscea. 7) habbe he Godes curs 7) ealra halgena )7e hit sefre undo. Her ki^ on j>issere bee f Regenerc bohte Alfri^e at Regenolde );am inuneke at Cuieu wiS v. seiit. freoh 7) saeles uppan Cuielande to beonde on fridome- on Ed- nueres gewitnesse p. • 7) on Edwines );as gereua. 71 on Rodberdes. 7) on Agelrices at Stanlince. 7) on ealles }>as hundredes on Cuieu. 71 Alfric Hals nam f toll. 7) habbe Godes curs ]>e hit jefre undo. Amen. Her ki^ on jjissere bee ■p Liueger se bacestere on Ex- cestre alysde an wifman Edi]? hatte. Godriees dohter Coe- raca ut of Clist lande at Gos- freige bisceope- to xxx. p. sefre ma freoh 71 saeeles. heo 7) cal hire ofspring. 7) Gesfreig bisceop wies hlaferd ofer Clist land on |jam dagum. 7) J?jerto is gewitnis Colswein- 7) Roger on Buin. 71 Hereberd on Clist- 7) Edric se cipa. 7) herself and her offspring of Hul .... for XXIV. pence; in witness of William steward, and Agelword Wuding, and Edmer priest, and Edwi Hreawa’s son, and Huscarl, and Alger .... Godwine’s priest, and Leofwine the Londoner. And have he God’s curse who shall this ever undo. Here is made known, in this book, that Regenhere has bought Alfrith of Regciiold the monk at Quick, for v. shillings, free and sackless, on Quickland, to be in freedom. In witness of Edmmr priest, and Edwine the reeve, and Robert, and Agelric at Stan- linch, and all the hundred of Quick. And Alfric Hals took the toll. And have he God’s curse who shall ever undo it. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Liveger the baker (baxter) in Exeter has redeemed a woman named Edith, daughter of Godric Cocraca (Cockneck) from Clist, from bishop Geoffrey, for XXX. pence, evermore free and sackless, her and all her offspring. And bishop Geof¬ frey was lord over Clist in those days. And thereto are witness, Colsweiii, and Roger MANUMISSIONS. 638 se ]>e }jis undo haebbe he Godes wrae^e a butan ende. Amen. at Buiii, and Herbert at Clist, and Edric the chapman. And who shall this undo, have he God’s wrath ever without end. Amen. Halwun Hoce on Execes- tre freode Haegelflsede hire wimaii )7i hy bocte* '] tilde for hire sawuale. Crist, ■j See Peter. ealle Cristes halga. hi wurSe AvralS )7e hi hsefre ge)>ywie. Amen. Her kylS on }»ysse bee ^ iEilgyuu Gode alysde Hig and Dunna and heora ofspring aet Mangode toxin, mancson. iEignulf portgerefa and Godsuc Gupa namon 5 aet toll, on Manlefes gewitnesse. and on Leowerdes Healta. and on Leowines his bro^or. and on jElfrices Maphappes. and on Sweignes scyldwirlxta. and haebbe he Godes curs |7e Jjis aefre undo a on eenysse. Amen. Her kyb on ^ys bee f Edwy Beorneges sunu lysde bine and his wif and his cild. on Edwerdes daege cynges. aet Hunewine Hega suna ut of Toppeshamm lande. a Kin- stanes gewitnysse pp. and a Leofsuna gewitnisse a Wun- Halwyn Hoce in Exeter has freed Haegelflaed, her woman, whom she bought and fos¬ tered for her soul. May Christ and S* Peter, and all Christ’s saints be wroth with those who shall ever reduce her to servitude. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that ^Elfgifu Gode has redeemed Hig and Dunna and their offspring from Man- god for XIII. mancuses; and Hiligiudf portreeve, and God¬ suc Gupa took the toll, in witness of Manlef, and of Leo- werd Healta, and of Leofwine his brother, and of .dElfric Maphap, and of Sweign shield- wright. And have he God’s curse who shall ever this undo to all eternity. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Edwy Beorn- ege’s son has redeemed him¬ self and his wife and his child, in the day of king Edward, from Hunewine Hega’s son, out of Topsham, in witness of Kinstan priest, and of Leof- MANUMISSIONS. 639 forda, and on ./Elfrices Hwita. and on Wicinges batswe- genes. "j on Ssewines Lufa sunn, and on Leofsies- and on ^Elfsies. Her ky^ on jjissere bee f Godwine Blaca bolite bine sylfne -j his wyf his ofspriug aet Willelme Hosethe mid xv. scitt. on Edmseres gewitnes- "j on Hi]lwies. j on Duninges* on Sasmaeres. ‘j on iEl- maeres. on ealles )?aes hund- redes on Cuiclande. "j ric Hasl nam )?8et toll for jjses kynges hand, -j haebbe he Godes curse )^e hit aefre undo. Amen. Her ky S on Jjissere bee ]?aet Ediuuu Saeuugeles laf bohte Gladu aet Colewine \vy S healfe punde* to cepe to tolle- ^Iword porhtgerefa nam f toll, j jjaerto was gewitnisse Leowine Leowordes brobor. ■] iElwi Blaca. -j iElwine se cyng. Landbyriht. j Alca- Saewerd. haebbe he Godes curs J^e );is aefre undo on ecnisse. Amen. Her cy^ on ]?isse. bee ^ Brihtmaer aetHolacumbe haefS geboht hiuc Hilfgifu his wif 3 hira cild- j hira ofspring act Roegere Uerendig. to twam pundum- aefre to freolse- sunu at Winford, and of iElf- ric White, and of Wiking boatsAvain, and of Saewine Lufa’s son, and of Leofsie, and of Jilfsie. Here is made known, in this book, that Godwine Black has bought himself and his wife and his offspring from William Hoseth, for xv. shil¬ lings, in witness of Edmaer, and of iElwie, and of Dun¬ ning, and of Saemaer, and of H^lmaer, and of all the hund¬ red of Quick. And /Elfric Hasl took the toll for the king’s account. And have he God’s curse Avho ever shall undo it. Amen. Here is made knoAvn, in this book,that EdiAVU Saefugl’s relict has bought Gladu from ColcAA'ine for half a pound, as price and toll; and iEhvord portreeve took the toll. And thereto Avere Avitness: LeoAvine LeoAvord’s brother, and iElAvi Black, and TEhvine the king, and Landbyriht, and Alca, and Saewerd. And have he God’s curse, to eternity, Avho shall ever undo this. Amen. Here is made knoAvn, in this book, that Brihtmaer at Holcombe has bought himself and yElfgifu his wife and their offspring of Roger Derendig, for tAVO pounds, in perpetual 640 MANUMISSIONS. on Dudera annes gewitnisse preostes on Exancestre- ■] on Leofwines pr. on Hwita- stane- on ^Ifgaeres port- gerefa. vElfwerdes portgc- refa- J;e f toll namon for ]?ies cynges hand. Leofwaerdes his bro'Sor. •j Edwines Leo- flede suna. “j Oteres Dyrlinges suna. ■j ^Ifgaeres ^Ifrices suna- Blakemanes. Leof- rices Sfewines suna. ■j Dun- stanes Sewines suna. Rand- olfes. ^ Alhaldes. Sme- Avines on Holacumbe. ^Egil- wserdes ^Elfsies suna. 'j tEIT- mser Cynges suna. ^Elfsiges mid |>am berde. 'j Edwine Leofrices suna. Edwine Edmaeres suna. Edric on lirenabriege. -) on ealles jjses bundredes geAvitnisse on Hola¬ cumbe. ^ hsebbe he Cristes cm’s Sea Marian. Scs Petrus f>e J^is aefre undo. on ealles j^ses bundredes gCAvit- nisse on Exancestre. freedom. In witness of Dud- man priest at Exeter, and LcofAvine pr. at 'W^bitston, and Hilfgar portreeve, and /Elf- Averd portreeve, who took the toll on the king’s account, and Leofraid bis brother, and Ed¬ wine Leofled’s son, and Oter Dyrling’s son, and jElfgar ^Ifric’s son, and Blakeman, and Leofric SaeAvine’s son, and Dunstan SeAvine’s son, and Randolf, and Albald, and Smewine at Holcombe, and ^Egihvard iElfsie’s son, and Hillfmser King’s son, and ^If- sige Avitb the beard, and Ed- Avine Leofric’s son, and Ed- AAune Edmaer’s son, and Edric at Renridge; and in Avitness of all the hundred of Hol¬ combe. And have he Christ’s curse, and S* Mary’s, and S* Peter’s, who shall ever this undo : and in Avitness of all the hundred at Exeter. AT ST. PETER’S ABBEY-CHURCH, BATH. Her sAvutela^ on f>isse Ci’istes bee f Leofeno^ yEgel- no^es sunu set Korstune bsefS gebobt bine 3 his ofspring lit set .^Ifsige abb. set eallon birede on Ba^ou. mid fif Here, is sIioaaui, in this Christ’s book, that Leofenoth, iEgelnotil’s son at Harston, has bought out himself and his offspring from lElfsige abbot and from all the con- MANUMISSIONS. 641 oran -j mid xii. heafdon sceapa- on Hascilles gewit- nesse portgerefan on ealre )?aere burliware on Ba^on. Crist liine ablende j^is aefre awende. Her swutela^ on )?isse Cristes bee ■p ^gelsige set Linncume lisefS geboht Wil- sige bis sunn nt set Hillfsige abb. on BaSon set eallon hirede- to ecean freote. Her swutelaS on j^isse Cristes bee ^ Hilgelsige Byt- ! tices sunn hsefS geboht Hilde- sige his sunn ut set H^lsige abb. on Babon ^ set eallon hirede- mid syxtigon penegon- to ecean freote. Her swutela^ on J?isse Cristes bee ^ Godwig se bucca hsefb geboht Leofgife pa dai- gean set NorSstoke hyre ofspring. mid healfan punde. set iElsige abbod- to ecan freote* on ealles jjses hiredes gewitnesse on Babon. Crist hine ablende ^e j^is sefre awende. Her swutela'S on j^isse Cristes bee ^ .iElsige abb. hsefS gefreod Godwine Bace set Stantune. for hine for calne pone hired on Babaii- on Ssemannes gewitnesse- j \ Wulwiges set Prisetune- "j I .iElfrices Cermes. I vent at Bath, for five oras and for XII. head of sheep, in the witness of Leafcild the port¬ reeve and all the township of Bath. May Christ blind him who shall ever set this aside. Here is sliowm, in this Christ’s book, that Hilgelsige at Linton has bought out Wilsige his son from Hilfsige abbot of Bath and from all the convent, in perpetual freedom. Here is shown, in this I Christ’s book, that H^gelsige Byttig’s son has bought out Hildesige his son from ^Elf- sige abbot of Batb and from all the convent, for sixty pence, in perpetual freedom. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that Godwig the Buck has bought Leofgifu the dough-woman at North- stoke, and her offspring, for half a pound, of abbot .dillsige, in perpetual freedom, in wut- ness of all the convent at Bath. May Christ blind him who shall ever set this aside. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that abbot iEl¬ sige has freed Godwine Bake at Stanton, for himself and all the convent at Bath, in witness of Semau, and M"ul- wig at Priston, and .(Elfric Cerm. 642 M.\NUMISSIONS. Her swutela'S on dissere Cristes bee p iElfwig se red hcefS geboht bine sylfne ut aet vElfsige abbod 'j eallon hirede mid anon punde. par is to gewitnes call se hired on Ba^an. Crist Line ablende )7e )jis gewrit awende. Her swutelab on )7issere Cristes bee f Edrie set Fordan haef^ geboht Segyfn his dohtor set vElfsige abbod and set J>ain hirede on Ba^an to ecum freote- j eall hire of- spring. Her swutela^S on j^isse Cristes bee p Hillfrie Seot •j ^-Egelrie Seot synd gefredd for jElsiges abbodes sawle to eean freote. pis is gedon on ealles hiredes gewitnesse. Her swutelah on Jjisse Cristes bee p lohann haefb geboht Gnnnilde purkilles dohter set Code Leofena'Ses lafe to healfan punde- on ealles hiredes gewitnysse. Crist hine ablende pe f>is gewrit awende. "j he haefS hi betseht Criste j See Petre for his model’ sawle. Her swutela); on Jiyssere Cristes bee p S*wi Hagg set "Wideeume hsef)? gedon ut his twegen sunn sett ^Ifsige Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that ^Ifwig the Red has bought out him¬ self from abbot ^Ifsige and all the eonvent, for one pound. Thereto is witness all the eonvent at Bath. May Clu’ist blind him who shall set this writing aside. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that Eadi’ie at Ford has bought Ssegyfu his daughter from ^Elfsige abbot and from the eonvent at Bath, in perpetual freedom, and all her offspring. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that ^Elfrie Seot and Jilgelric Seot are freed for the soul of abbot ^Ifsige, in perpetual free¬ dom. This is done in witness of all the eonvent. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that John has bought Gunnhild Thurkill’s daughter from Gode Leof- nath’s relief, for half a pound, in witness of all the eonvent. May Christ blind him who shall set this w'riting aside. And he has eommitted her to Christ and S* Peter, for his mother’s soul. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that Ssewi Hagg at Mudeomb has emaneipated his two sons from abbot .iElf- MANUMISSIONS. 643 abbude- on ealles hiredes ge- witnesse. Her swutela^ on j^issere Cristes bee p ^gylmser bohte Sae)?ry)?e aet Sewolde abbude mid III. maxan- on ealles hiredes gewitnysse- j ofer his dseg 'j his wifes daeg beo se man freoh. Crist hine ablende |)e )iis gewrit awende. Her swutela^ on Jiissere Cristes bee p Wulwine Hare- berd bohte set ^Ifsige abbude iElfgyjie mid healfan punde- on ealles hiredes gewitnysse. ■3 Crist hine ablende |?e ]>is gewrit awende. Her swiitela^ on )iissere Cristes bee p Hiigylsige bohte Wyni’ic set.dillfsigeabbude mid anon yre goldes. pysses ys to gewitnysse ^Ifryd port- gereua ^ eal se hired on Ba|ion. Crist hine ablende ]>e )iis gewrit awende. Her swutelaS on jiissere Cristes bee jiset Siwine Leof- wies sunn set Lineumbe hafaji geboht Sydeflsede ut mid fif scyllingum ■j.penegan set lohanne )iam biseope set eallon )iam hirede on Bajion* to ecum f'rcote- herto is gewittnesse Godric Ladda- sige, in witness of all the convent. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that iEgelmser has bought Ssethryth, from abbot Saewold, for iii. man- cuses, in witness of all the convent ; and after his day and his wife’s day, be the woman free. May Christ blind him who shall set this writing aside. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that "VYulfwine Hareberd has bought, from abbot H 51 fsige, Hilfgyth, for half a pound, in witness of all the convent. May Christ blind him who shall set this wu’iting aside. Here is shown, in this Christ’s book, that ^gelsige has bought Wynric from abbot iElfsige, for one ora of gold. Of this are ivitness yElfred portreeve and all the convent at Bath. May Christ blind him who shall set this I writing aside. ! Here is shown, in this I Christ’s book, that Siwine ' Leofwi’s son at Lincomb has ; bought out Sideflsed, for five ' shillings and.pence, j from John the bishop and j from the convent at Bath, in I perpetual freedom : and here¬ to are witness : Godric Ladda, 2x2 G44 AIANUMISSIOxXS. "j Ssewold. j his twegen sunan. Scirewold Briht- wold. Her swutela '5 on ]?isse Cristes bec f Lifgi^ aet Forda is gefreod 'j hire twa cild* for )?oue biscop Iohauu j for ealne )jone hired on Ba^on. on H 51 fredes gewitnesse As- pania. Her cyj» on } 7 isse bec f H [un] flaed gebohte Wulf- gy}^e set iElfrice AilJjestanes su[na] ^}?elminges. onWine- mines gewitnisse eald port- gerefan. on Godrices his suna- j on Ailfwines Mannan suna • ■j on Leofrices cildes aet Nymed- j on ^Ifrices iElf- helraes suna geongan. Brun bydel nam toll on JHfstanes gewitnisse maessepreostes- ■] on Leofrices Winemines suna. on ma l[eweda gehadodra.] and Saewold, and his two sons, Scirewold and Briht- wold. Here is shown, in this Christ’s hook, that Lifgith at Ford is freed, and her two children, before the bishop John, and before all the con¬ vent at Bath: in witness of ! iElfred, Aspania. Here is made known, in this book, that Hunflaed has bought Wulfgyth from ^If- ric son of ^thestan, son of iEthelm, in witness of Wine- mine senior portreeve, and of Godric his son, and of iElf- wine son of Manna, and of Leofric child at Nymed, and of -^Ifric, son of ^Ifhelm the Young. And Brun the crier took the toll in witness of ^Elf- stan the mass-priest, and of Leofric son of Wiuemine, and more, lay and ordained. Her geswutelajj on }>isum gewrite ]? 8 et HUgelsi on Wuldham hajfS gelened be Siwordes dsegge biscopes his dohter hiore dohter ut of Totteles cpme- haef^ o) 7 ra msenn Jigerinn gedon- be jjtere burhwara gewitnysse on Hrouecsestre- be ealle jjaes biscopes geferan. Here is made known, by this writing, that AUgelsi at Wouldam has, during the life of bishop Siward, lent his daughter and her daughter out of Tottel’s family, and has put other serfs therein, with the Avitness of the town¬ ship of Rochester, and all the friends of the bishop. 645 ACQUITTANCES. Her ky^ on ]7issere becc p Abelicc Ricardes swuster scirreua cwajb Hrodolf Se- wies sune an Alfintune saccles of elcre crauigge. Darto is iwitnis Ricard se portreua- Willelm Lambr. • Dunnig. Eorlawine. Reiner- Aluric Spoe- Rotberd Puddig- Wig- gere- Dalfin- Gotselin- Gor- pittel- Leggefot- lohan- Os- bern Ceaca- Rotbern Sceanea- Bribtric- Ailword Algar s. - Ricard Trencard- Iordan se prb. • Ricard. ~j ealle p bund- red of Alfinf. Se )?e ]?is undo- babbe be Godes curs- See Marie- ‘3 ealle Cristes hal- gena- a butan ende. Amen. Her kyb on }>issere becc p Rotberd a Poldrabam cwaeb saccles Willelm bis brober sune of Poldrabamlande j of elcre craufigge. Darto is iwitnis Reinaldpreost- Dun¬ nig. Dalfin. -j Seuara- Sewi- j Girard. Willelm Marescald- Ricard a Cuic- Wulfric Wig. 'j Ran Scul- dur- 3 Ricard Gealdulesc- j Herberd- j Segar- 'j Alger Innabusc- '3 Alger se webba- j Willelm se webba- ^ Roger Here is made known^ in this book, that Aitbelice, sister of Richard the sheriff, has pronounced Hrodlof Se- wie’s son at Alphingtou sack¬ less of every demand. There¬ to are witness ; Richard the portreeve, William Lambert, Dunning, Eorlawine, Reiner, Alfric Spot, Robert Pudding, Wiggere, Dalfin, Gotselin, Gorpettil, Leggefot. Osbern Ceaca, Rotbern Sce- anca, Bribtric, Ailword Al- gar’s son, Richard Trenchard, Jordan the presbyter, Rich¬ ard, and all the hundred of Alphington. Who this un¬ does, have he God’s curse, and S* Mary’s, and all Christ’s saints’, ever without end. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Robert at Powderham has pronounced sackless of every demand 'William, his brother’s son, of Powderham. Thereto are witness: Reinald priest, and Dunning, and Dalfin, and Se- vara, and Sewu, and Girard, and TVilliam Marescal, and Richard at Quick, and 'VVulf- ric Wig, and Rau Sculdur, and Richard Gildulesc, and Herbard, and Segar, and G46 ACQUITTANCES. se stiwerd. j Rotberd Wia- nard. -j Ricard Osannass. j Semer Swetleber- lohel Uppacote* Ascetill. j Rot¬ berd Edwies meg. Se ^e )>iss eure undo* babbe he Godes curs, j Sea Maria- '3 ealle Cristes gecorena- a butan ende. Amen. Her kyb on j^issere boc ^ Oter -j his cild ewede saccles Aluric }>ane Reda j his of- spring. -J )7arto is iwitnis Alword ps. • J Alured p. • AYaltere secan. • j Theodbald. ‘J Semer Cipspones sune- j Waltere se Elemig. 3 Geffrei Hoel. J Randolf se cordewah- -J Alwine Modi- j Alwi Kya. and Alger Oxawamb. j Ail- werd. J Iordan, -j Martin- -j Osbern Hauoc- j M^illemot Quikeuot. "j Ricard se Ele- mig nam feor pengas to tolle. Se ]>e }»iss mare undo- habbe he Godes curs, Sea Maria- and ealle Cristes gecorena- a butan ende. Amen. Her kyb on ^issere becc ^ Willelm bisceop of Execestre cwseb AVulfric Pig freoh Alger Innabusc, and Alger the weaver, and William the weaver, Roger the steward, and Robert Wianard, and Richard Osannass, and Semer Swetlether, and Joel Uppa¬ cote, and Arcetill, and Robert Edwis’ kinsman. Who shall ever this undo, have he God’s curse, and S* Mary’s, and all Christ’s chosen’s. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Oter and his child have pronounced sack¬ less Alfric the Red and his offspring. And thereto are witness: Alword priest, and Alured priest, and Walter the canon, and Theobald, and Semer Cipspone’s son, and Walter the Fleming, and Geoffrey Hoel, and Randolf the cordwainer, and Alwine Modi, and Alwi Kya, and Alger Oxawamb, and Ailward, and Joi’dan, and Martin, and Osbern Hawke, and Wille- mot Quickfoot. And Richard the Fleming took fourpence for toll. Who shall ever this undo, have he God’s curse, and S' Mary’s, and all Christ’s chosen’s, ever without end. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that William bishop of Exeter has pronounced ACQUITTANCES. 647 sacclea of )?a lande a Teigtune a ) 7 ane dxg ma dide Osbern bisceop. Leofric bisceop of gealla minstre inna niwe. j bine freode for Godes luue. ■] Scae Mariae- ealle Cristes halgena- for )jara bisceopa saule- ^ for his saule to alisednesse. Darto is iwitniss- Algar se bisceop of Constance- se prior of Plimtune- se prior of Tan- tune- ^ se prior of Sees Ni- chol. minster- se prior of Sees Andreas- ^ Leowine se canon- Waltere p.- ^ Wil- lelm p. - ^ Rodberd se Blund- Aluric p. - Osbern se kapet. - AYiftm d. - Osbern- Wittm ■;] Bartliol.- Odo- ^ Hugo Ou- Gaisfreges s’- Hugo Oc- Wittm Ed\vis s’- Alger Lifft- s’ - "j Iordan bis s’ - Randolf Rau Mabtille- WaltereDan- Osbern Hauoc- Ascetil Butaport- Seuara Jale- was s’-Dunnig-Rau-Theodb.- Teodbald- Wiltm Selewies s’- fela obra | 7 e ma nemna ne meg. Se ]>e )?is efre undo- habbe he Godes curs- ^ Sea Maria- ^ ealle Cristes geco- rena- a butan ende. Amen. Wulfric Pig free and sackless of the land at Teignton, on the day that bishop Osbern and bishop Leofric were taken from the old monastery into the new. And he freed him for love of God, and S‘ Mary, and all Clu'ist’s saints, and for the souls of those bishops, and for the redemption of his soul. Thereto are witness: Algar bishop of Coutances, aiid the prior of Plymton, and the prior of Taunton, and the prior of S‘ Nicholas’ monas¬ tery, and the prior of S‘ An¬ drew’s, and Leowine the canon, and AY alter priest, and AA'^illiam priest, and Robert le Blund, and Alfric pr., and Osbern the chaplain, AA^illiam, and Osbern, William and Bar¬ tholomew, Odo, and HugoOu, Gaufreg’s son, and Hugo Oc, AVilliam Edwi’s son, Alger Lifflseol’s son, and Jordan his son; Randolf and Rau Mah- tille, Walter Dan, Osbern Hawke, Asketil Butaport, Sewara Salewa’s son, Dunning, Rau, Theodbert, Theodbald, William Selewie’s son, and many others that cannot be named. AY ho shall ever this undo, have he God’s curse, and S* Mary’s, and all Christ’s chosen’s, ever without end. Amen. 648 ACQUITTANCES. Her ky^ on J?issere bee f Will elm de la Brugere cwaeb saceles Wulwierd bane webba- inna tune and ut of tune- of elce erafigge. jjarto is iwit- nis Rau Teodb. sune j Teodb. his sune- ■j Atsun se hwita- Hrobolf Alcas s’ - Hemeri Cu- takig- Philippe Pagenes s’- Ricard Alkas s’- Gelfrei Hoel- Herbb GoUein- Ailwerd faber his bf. - Rau de Salcei- Herlawine- Brihtmer- Nidic. Se ];e |;is mare undo habbe he Cristes em’s- See Maria- ■3 ealle Cristes halgena- a butan ende. Amen. Her kiS on Jjissere becc f Gesfrei Foliot eweb saccles Semer Aluredes mseg eall his ofspring- );arto ys hvit- nes Ricard se portgereua- Rau Theodb. - Waltei’e de S’ Odin- Willelm Pafard- Willelm Spalla- Ailwerd Sadelhack- ^ Seuara- Ed- mer Burwolles s’. Se be ]?is undo habbe he Godes curs- ■3 See Marie- ■3 ealle Cristes halgena- a butan ende. Amen. Her kyb on )7issere bee f M’^ulward bohte Leouede fet ' Here is made known, in this book, that William de la Brugere has declared sackless Wulward the weaver, in town and out of town, of every craving. And thereto are udtness : Rau son of Theod- bert, and Theodbert his son, and Atsun the White, Rotholf son of Alcas, Hemery Cutakig, Philip son of Pagan, Richard son of Alkas, Geoffrey Hoel, Herbth and Gollein, Ailwerd faber and his bi’other, Rau de Salcei, Herlawine, Briht¬ mer, Nidic. Whoever undoes this, may he have the curse of Christ, and S' Mary, and all Christ’s saints, ever with¬ out end. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Geoffrey Foliot has declared sackless Semer Alfi’ed’s son and all his off¬ spring; and thereto are wit¬ ness Richard the portreeve, and Rau Theodbert, and Wal¬ ter of S' Odin, and William Pafard, and MTlliam Spalla, and Ailwerd Sadelhack, and Sewara, and Edmer Bur- wolle’s son. Who this un¬ does, may he have the curse of God, and S' Mary, and all Christ’s saints, ever without end. Amen. Here is made known, in this book, that Wulward ACQUITTANCES. G49 Ilierdinge Eadno^Ses sunewi'S V. scitt. to cepe ‘3 to tolle. ■3 f toll nam Garwise gerefa to Toppeshamme. on Smec- wines gewitnesse preostes. on Alwines pr. • on Ail- wordes set Oteri* j on Dun- niiiges TailifereS" on Ail- wordes Luunges sunn. on Dunnewines. 3 on Godwines set Hinatune. on Hierd- inges- 'j on Brihtmares Alf- gares sunn. se ]>e )nss undo habbe he Godes curs a butan cnde. Amen. bought Leovede of Hierding son of Eadnothj for v. shil¬ lings, as price and toll; and Garwise the reeve at Tops- ham took the toll, in witness of Smecwine the priest, and. of Ailwine the priest, and of Ailw'ord at Ottery, and of Dunning Tailefer, and of Ail- word son of Luunge, and of Dunnewine, and of Godwine at Honiton, and of Hierding, and of Bi’ihtmar son of Alf- gar. Who this undoes, may he have God’s curse ever with¬ out end. Amen. Dudda wses gebur into IlseSfelda. he hsefde |>reo dohtor. an hatte Deorwyn. o'Ser Deorswy S. ];ridde Golde. Wullaf on HselSfelda hsefS Deorwynne to wife, JElf- stan set TseccingawyrlSe hsefS DeorswylSe to wife, 'j Ealh- stan HHfstanes broSar hsef^ Goldan to wife. Hwita hatte wses beocere into Hse'Sfelda. Tate hatte his dohtor wses Wulfsiges modor scyttan. Lullc hatte Wulfsiges sw'eostar Ilehstan hsefS to wife on Wcaladene. Wifus ^ Dunne Seoloce syndan inbyrde to HseSfelda. Duding hatte Dudda was a boor at Hatfield, and he had three daughters: one was named Deorwyn, the second Dcor- swyth, the third Golde. And Wullaf at Hatfield has Deor¬ wyn to w'ife, and .^Ifstan at Tatchingworth has Deor- swyth to wife, and Ealhstan, ^Elfstan’s brother, has Golde to wife. Hwita was the name of the beemaster at Hatfield, and his daughter named Tate was the mother of Wulfsige the shooter; and Ilehstan at Walden has to wife Wulf- sige’s sister named Lulle. Wifus and Dunne and Scolocc 2 u 650 Wifuse sunu sit on "Weala- deue- ^ Ceolmund hatte Dun- nan sunu sit eac on Weala- dene. j ^^eleah hatte Seole- can sunu sit eac on "Weala- dene- ~j Tate hatte Cenwaldes sweostor Maeg haef^ to wife on AVeligun- j Ealdelm He- re^rySe sunu hsef^i Tatan dohtor to wife. Waerlaf hatte A^"^erstanes faeder Avaes riht seht to HseSfelda- heold ^a grsegan swyn. Brada hatte AVies gehur to Hae^Sfelda- j IlAvite hatte ]??es Bradan AA’if AA'ses geburcs dohtor to HaeJ^felda- sco IlAvite Avaes AVaerstanes j AVaerSry^e A^'ynburge ju'idde inodor. se AA'®r- stan’ sit aet AA'adtune- haefS AVinnes SAveostor to wife, -j AVine haefS AA’aerSry^e to AA’ife. Dunne saet on AA"ad- tune AAaes inhATde to HaeS- felda. DeorAA-yn hatte hire dohtor haefS CyncAvald on Alunddene to Avife* j Deor- na^ hatte hire bro^ar bib mid Cynewalde. j Dudde hatte AA'ifuse dohtor sit aet AVilinundcslea. Cynelm hatte CeiiAvaldes faeder AA'aes gebur into llaebfelda- Alaima are inborn at Hatfield. The son of AA'^ifus, named Duding, resides at AA'alden, and Dunne’s son, nameS Ceol¬ mund, also resides at AA'alden, and Seoloce’s son, named .^theleah, resides also at AA^alden. And Maeg at AVel- wyn has CenAvald’s sister named Tate to Avife, and Eald¬ elm, Herethryth’s son, has Tate’s daughter to AAufe. AA'aerstan’s father, named AA'aerlaf, AA’as a laAvful serf at Hatfield: he kept the grey SAvine. ^ Brada by name Avas a boor at Hatfield, and Brada’s AA'ife, named HAAute, Avas the daughter of a boor at Hat¬ field ; IlAA'ite Avas AA serstan’s and AA'serthryth’s and AA"yn- burh’s great-grandmother. And AA^aerstan resides at AA'atton; he has A\"ine’s sister to wife; and A\’ine has AA’^aer- thryth to wife. And Dunne resided at AA’atton; she was inborn at Hatfield; and Cyne- wald at Muuden has her daughter, named Deoi’Avyn, to Avife } and her brother, named Deorna^, is with Cynewald. And the daughter of AA^ifus, named Dudde, resides at AVymondley. CeiiAvald’s fa¬ ther, named Cynelm, AAas a AIS. swaerstaii. Cui liattc Ccnwaldes sunu sit set Wadtuiie under Eadvvolde. Bulie hatte wa;s Dryht- lafes moddrige- wses afaren ut of Ha3‘Sfelda into Esliuga- dene. 7Ej;el\vyu -j Eadugu ^Ej^elgyiS beo wseran Sreo gesweostra- j Tilewiue j Uuda waeron ealle paere Buge beam, ■j Eallistau Tilewiue sunu- j Wulfsige Eaduge sunu. -j Ceolem /Ej?elgy 5 e sunu. Ceolstau- 'j Mauwiue. pis cyn coni of Eelda* Deor- ulf Cyneburhe sunu his twa sweostar* Cynric aet Cltefr- ing lieora eam. pas men synd Tatan magas aet Hae^- felda Saes geburcs. boor at Hatfield ; and Cen- wald’s son, named Manna, re¬ sides at Watton under Ead- wold. Dryhtl M’s maternal aunt, named Buhe, went from Hatfield to Essendine: and Hilthelwyn and Eadugn and ^Etlielgytb nere three sisters, and Tilewiue and Duda; these were all ehildren of Bnge. And Ealhstiin Tilewiue’s son, and Wulfsige Eadugn’s son, and Ceolelm /Ethelgyth’s son, and Ceolstau, and IManwine. (This kin came from Hatfield) ; Deorwulf, Cyneburh’s son, and his two sisters; and Cynric at Clavering was their uncle. These men are the kinsmen of Tata at Hatfield, the boor. This document is printed to show the care with wliich the relationship and connexions of tlie lahouring class on an estate are recorded, on account, apparently, of the rights of the lord. 2 u 2 ^ A COMPENDIOUS GLOSSARY OF A FEAV WORDS OCCURRING IN THE VOLUME, AVHICII SEEM TO REQUIRE ILLUSTRATION. A. jEcer (m.), Lat. ager, a field, a measure of land, perhaps nearly the same as our aci'e. .^Efre.s. See Eafor. Amher (m. f.), a measure containing four bushels. See Ellis, In- trod. to Domesday, i. p. 133. Or half a mitta, 460. Anstige (m.), 160, a narrow gently rising path. Armilcaisium, 2, an ecclesiastical vestment, probably the same as dedmatica. Du Cange prefers the form armilausa, connecting it, with apfjeXauma, a militanj vestment. If this form of the word is admitted, it may be compounded of armil, sleeve (Ohg. annilo, manica), and laus, less ; and therefore signify a sleeveless gar¬ ment. See Mr. Hardwdek’s Glossary to Hist. Mon. S. Augustini. I must, however, confess that in questions connected Avith eccle¬ siastical costume and furniture, I am no competent judge. A'8 (m.), 432, oath, conjoined Avith ordaelas (abas q ordcclas) it sig¬ nifies one of the services from certain lands due to Taunton. B. Berewic (f.), 382, villa frumeniana. Lye. But does it not rather signify a granary or storehouse for barley or corn in general ? It may he sjmonymous with beretiin, a barton, and beraern. At the time of the great survey, it seems to signify a hamlet. See Elhs, Introd. i. p. 240. Blddwite (n.), 359, 369, 384, 394, the penalty of bloodshed, or, LL. Hen. I. xxxix. forisfactura sanguinis ; the fine imposed for draw¬ ing blood by wound or blow; reckoned (Hen. I. Ixxxi. 3) among the minora forisfacta. Bocland (n.), land held by book (hoc) or charter, in contradistinction to folc- or public-land. Bonan, 429, 564. Prom this verb we have only the form geboned, applied to cups, horns, candlesticks, ■,:.f !‘ J jl? ‘ » ■<; -f * ■«« H**' ‘ *^*' ’ , • “ ** ni.'' j-.lV^’' ■• i i*/ ' >V ► .^ : *!•■ tT>> 4 irA -'] -•I*’.- ■k. :i ' ,*» ■ ^ ,>-™ . S-V. . (yrs,. ^ ■’> va - W|i ijj ri t BififflaBiilfil • '(*!• »;., a •■■'’'' 'VC T '.'fjfj If>f ,‘V'' 1T"*‘AVyt kiV ‘ ' . W' S’- . ■^ ‘f .J, * *' '■■‘^ ^ I'l -.‘'MIBW .' ' 1 -■‘li/.VJ '•-•-v-' |i* *u» 66.3 INDEX OF PLACES. [Names in italics are conjectural, and founded only on analoyy.'] A. Abbanthin, Abbendun, ^bbandiin, Abbendonia, 11, 63, 87,191, 192, 193,209, 276, 278,279, 282,379, 549, ,553. [Abing’don, Berks.] Abbodesbiu’h, 426, 676, 605. [Ab- botsbury, Dorsets.] A'canti'm, 525. [Acton, Suffolk.] A'cersc, 498. [Ockersh, Hants.'] A'clea, Acele, Acleia, .^Eclea, 64, 97, 161, 383, 685. [Oekley, Surrey?] A'clea, 545. [Oakley, Stafford.] A'cofre, .546. [Oakover, Stafibrd.] Aeon, 433. A'ctun, 546. [Acton, Stafford Adington, 85. [Addington, Nortb- ampt.] Adredeseia, 246. 2Efeningas, 140. [Avening, Glou- ces.] .^ffanliec, 395. ^Iffebaga, 358. ^frediin, 574. ^gelesburh, 527. [Aylesbury, Bucks.] .iEgelleswyn-S, 2.30. [Ayleswortb, Nortliampt.] .idilgelnotSes stau, 336. [Aylton, Heref. P] vBglesford, 202. [Aylesford, Kent.] ^lesford, 522. ^leswi-S, 383. [ Aylesworth, Northb.] ^Ifestiin, 446. ^Ifredingtun, 547. [ Alfreton, Der- bys.] vKliendiin, 526. ^dnibiiin, 568. [Elinbam, Norfolk.] /Elsygesbpec, 396. jElwartixn, .393, 395. [Elverton.] ^nesford, 272. ^ppelby, 547. [Applebj’, Derby s.] ^Elppbangra, 160. ^discengas, 489. [Easbing, Surrey.] JEscesdiin, 600. ^sceswelle, 404. /Escewelle, 591. ylilscgraf, 443. [Asligrove, Wilts.] ^schore, 358. yEsebyrst, 109. [Asburst, Kent.] ,Escmere, 497. [Asbmore, Dorset.] .disctiin, 488. [Asbton, Somerset.] yEsesbeorb, 145. yEstanbrok, 567. [Nastbrook, Norf.?] .dE^elintun, .383. yEjjelwoldeslea, 291. yEtSerices hlyp, 395. ^Etsieswera, 448. ^welle, 199, 403. [Ewell, Surrey.] ^Eysfeld, Aisfeld, 50.3, 51.3. Afene, Avene, 132, 212. [Avon river.] Aginddesbam, 403. [Agmondes- ham, Bucks.] Agustald, 61. [Ilexbam, Nortli- unib.] yVlbanus (S.), 374, 498, 549, 550, 584, 585, 689. [St. Alban’s, Herts.] Aldenham, 222. [Aldeubam, Herts.] Aldulfestreo, 646. Alercum, 149. Alewaldestiin, 545. Alfintun, 644. [Alpbington, Devom»] Algarkirke, 85. [xVlgarkirk, Lin¬ coln.] All-ballows’ cburch, .373. Alresford, 147, 163, 164, 258, 260. [Alresford, Hants.] Alribtiin, 4.52. Ambresbiu’h, 488. [Amesbury, Wilts.] Anmlburne, 525. Andreda, Ondred, 65, 216, 358. [Andred forest, SuiTe}’, Sussex, and Kent.] INDEX OF PLACES. (UU Andscohesliam, 24. Angemferingtim, 489. [Angmer- ing, Sussex.] Angricesbiu’ne, 396. A'nhus, 583. [Onehouse, SufFolIc.l Apetiin, 590. [^^jp()(3 Byrtun, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548. [Biirton-on-Trent, Stafford.] Bytliam, 594. [Bytliam, Lincolns.] Bytheru, 594. C, K. Cadandiin, Cadendun, 134, 589. Cfetle, Kseflea, 382, 524. [Cheveley, Cambr.] OiclchytS, CelcliyS, 38, 45, 72. Caereseg, 526. Crestaelesham, 553. CaeteslSurn, 546. Caudefer, 488, 588. [Candever, Hants.] Cantucti'm, 487. [Quantock, So¬ mers.] Cantwaraburb, Dorobernia, Doro- vernia, 1, 8, 36, 57, 62, 98, 204, 206, 218, .304, 308, 314, 317,324, 326, 328, 329, .331, 335, 336,338, 349, .354, 364, 368, 373, 420, 425, 4.59, 467, 468, 469,472,473,474, 475, 476, 479, 482,501, .507,509, 510, 517, 520, 523, 540,549, 558, .503, 564, 571, 572, 577,579,581, .586. [Canterbury.] Cappelad, 85. \Caplode, Lincolns.] Carcel, 500. Carebrdk, 250. Carintiiii, Carumtiin, 2.34,2.36,487. [Carbanipton, Somers.] Carlatiin, Carletiin, Karltiin, 503, 594, 597. Castelet. See Sturigeb. Castre, 578. [Caistor, Norfolk.] Cateringatiln, 660. [Catberiugton, Hants.] Ceaforleab, 101 . [ Cliaverley, Hants.'] Cealfamtere, 495. Cealfloca, 473. [Cballock, Kent.] Cealtiin, 559. Ceardices beorh, 145. Cearn, Cern, 185, 186, 187. Kecke9bal,583. [Keckshall, Snffo/k.] Cedenon (Twa), 4.3.3. Cegbam, .500. [Keybani, Hants.] Cegl, 105. [Real, Lincolns.] Celfduin, 546. Celtanbom, 53. [Cbeltenbam, Gloucest.] Cemele, 111. [Kemble, Wilts.J Kemestan, 383. [Kempston, N or- folk.] Cenintun, 191. [Kennington,] Berks. Cent, 550, 551. [Kent.] Ceoder, 234, 236, 487. [Cliedder, Somers.] CeolffiswyrlS, 527. Ceolesi'g, Ceolsig, 519, 550. [Cbol- sey, Berks.] Ceobnundiugcbaga, 118. Ceolseldeu, 143. [Cbiseldeu, Wilts ?] Ceommenig, 428. Ceorlatiiu, 443, 526, 534, 535. [Cbarlton, Wilts.] CeorlesweorlS, 520,523. \_Charhs- worth, Suffolk.] Ceornei, 64. [Cbamey, Berks.] Ceortesig, Certeseg, 78, 481, 482, 615, 617. [Cbertsey, Surrey.] Cerawicomb, 107. Cerlen bac, 396. Cert, 65, 119, 354, 405. [Chart, Kent.] Certaecer, 564. Cestretiin, 352. [Chesterton, War- ■«dcks.] Keteringbam, 583. [Keteringbain, Norfolk.] Cbadelesbunt, 352. Chateriz, Cliaterib, 264, 382. [Chatteris, Camb.] Cbeckingwic, 600. Chelmer, 420. [Chelmer, Essex.] Cbenigtvin, Cbeuitiin, 63. [Ken¬ nington, Berks.] Cberlti'm, 95. [Charlton, Wilts.] Chikering, 513. Cic,512. [Cbicbe St. Osytb,Essex.] Kildesbig, 352. [Kilsby, Nortb- ampt.] Cillari-S, 635. [Cbildrey, Berks.] CiUingtun, 223, 403. [Chilling- ton, Middles.] Ciltancumb, Ciltacumb, Chilte- cumb, 115,226,256,260. [Cbil- comb, Hants.] Ciltene (Lytel), 291. \_Chilton, Berks.] Kingcstun, 254. [Kingston,Cambr.] Cingestun,312. [Kingston, Surrey.] Kiuildetxin, 631. Cinnuc, 534,535,536, 537. [Chin- nock, Somers. ?] Ciollandene, 470. Cippanhom, Cippenbam, 173, 489. [Chippenham, Wilts.] Circhiil, 600. Kirkby, 85. [Kirkby or Kirby, Lincolns.] INDEX OF PLACES. ()(i7 Kitelbig, Kytlebi, 595. [Kettleby, Lincolns.] Ciwingum,498. [Chewing, Herts.' Ciwtiin, 487. [Cliewton, Somers." Clffifring, 651. [Clavering, Essex.’ Clatfordtim, 529. [Claverton, So¬ mers. ] Cleare, Clere, Cleares, 260, 488, 500. [Clere, Hants.] Cleaxbyg, 695. [Claxby, Lincolns.] Cleigiit, 403. \Clagyet, Wilts. ?] Cleinesse, 600. Cient, 451. \Clent, Staffords.] Cliftvin, 609. [Clifton, Devon.] Cliftim, 498. Cliftwi'c, 610. \_Cliftivic'k, Devm.'] Cliutun, 254, 383. [Clinton, Hunts.] Clist, 633, 637. [Clist, Devon.] Cliue, 467. [Clifle, Kent.] Cliue, 448. [Cleve Prior, Wor- cest.] Clofeslid, Clofesboli, Clofeslioas, Clobesbam, Clouesbo, 26, 41, 46, 49, 52, 54, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74. Cloppaham, 480, 481. [Clapbam, Surrey.] Cloppbam, 383. [Clapton, North- amp.] Clun, 645. [Clun, Shrops.] Cnapwelle, 672. Cnibtawlc, 212, 320. [Knigbtwick, Worcest.] Coccham, Cocbam, 41,42, 627,540. [Cookliam, Berks.] Cochamstede,543. \_Cuckhamstead, EsS6X.^ Coclianfeld, 623. [Cockfield, Suf¬ folk.] Codanfbrd, 149, 150. [Codford, Wilts.] Codanblaw, Codanhleaw, 198, 297. Codeswelle, 91. [Codsall, Staf¬ ford P] Cofenlea, 199. Cohhanfeld, 620. Cobhanleh, 54. Cokefeld, 606. Colatiin, 610. Coleboge welle, 394. Colesbyll, 634, 636. Colingahrycg, 561. Collingaburne, 496. [Collingbourn, Wilts.] Collingtun, 403. [Collington, Middl.] Coin, 607,623, 570. [Earl’s Colne, Essex.] Columtun, Culumtdn, 488, 633. [CoUumpton, Devon.] Constance, Constantia, 441, 647. [Coutances, Normandy.] Coolbeorg, 15. [ Coolhoro^igh, Wor¬ cest.] Coppanford, 517. [Copford, Essex.] Cormgatun, 595. [Carrington,Lin¬ coln.] Comubia, 286, 366. [Cornwall.] Corsabume, 111. \Corshma-n, Wilts.] Korstitn, 640. [ Corston, Somers.] Cotenesfeld, 107. Cotewaltxm, 646. Cotbam, 508. Cotum, 595. [Cotum, Lincolns.] Couentre, 351, 353. [Coventry, Warwicks.] Creeft, 89, 496. Ci’fege, 272. [Cray, Kent.] Crangfeld, 383. Crawancumb, 155, 234, 236. [Crowcombe, Somers.] Creodan hyll, 495. Cridiatiin, Cridetun, 61,365. [Cre- diton, Devon.] Crogleah, Croblea, 90, 450. [Crowle, Worcest.] Cronucliom, 16. [Evesham, Wor¬ cest.] Croppeporn, 212,448. [Croptliorn, Worcest.] Croptun, 217. 'iCropton, Kent.] Crowland, Croyland, 56, 81,82,83, 85, 694. [Crowland, Lincolns.] Cruasrn, 488. [Crewkerne, Somers.] Crundellan, Crundelas, 489, 526. Crydanbilgc, 191. Cryddanwylle, 111. Cuernintun, 383. Cuic, 631, 637, 639. [Quick, De¬ von.] Culanhom, Culebam, 63. [Cul- ham. Oxfords.] Culingas, 201, 204,205. [Cooling, Kent.] Cullaclif, 446. Culmstok, 428. [Culmstock, De¬ von.] Cumb, 76, 358. [Combe, Kent.] Cumb, 295. [Combe, Somers.] Cumbtun, 154, 2.34, 2.36. [Comp¬ ton Bishop, Somers.] 668 INDEX OF PLACES. Cumbtun, 294. [Compton Abbas, Dovsets.] Cumeran treuw, 250. Cumtim, 489. [Compton, Sussex.] Cumtiin, 529, 560. Cimelge, 113. Cuuiland, 468. Cuniutun, Cimnington, 555, 597. Cunugesburb, 544. [Congresbury, Somers.] Curig, 155. [Curry, Somers.] Cuhaeiiesford, 161. CutSburgeblawes hundred, 212. [Worcesters.] CulSbm'gelaw, 214. [Worcesters.] CutSi’icesdiin, 119. Cwacot, 111. [^Quecket, Wilts.] Cwicbelmeshlfew, 288,291. [Cuck- bamslow hill, Berks.] Kydington, 574. [Keddington, ^ Suffolk.] Kylewendiin, 403. [Kelvedon, ESS0X« J Cylfantiin, 487. [ChiUington, Somers.] Cymesing, 65. [Kemsing, Kent.] CjTieburgin^ctun, 90. [Kemerton, Gloucest.J Cynelmiugham, 149. Cj-netauburh, 496, 497. [Kint- bury, Berks.] CjmewjTinewylle, 291. Cyngesbuvh, 549. [Kingsbury, ‘Middles.] Cj-nges haec, 396. Kj-ngestiin, 325, 326. Kyngestiin, 382. Cjmlauedyne, Kynleyedene, 403. Cyi'desleah, 337. Cyrne, 283. [Charney, Berks.] C^Tneceastre, 283. [Cirencester, Gloucest.] Cyselden,488. \^ChisIeclen, Kent.] Cyselhyrst, 217. [Chislehurst, Kent.] Cytala pol, 271. \_KettIepool, Hants.] D. Dffigle.sford, Dseiglesford, 128, 212. [Daylesford, Worcest.] Dfelham, 266. [Dalham, Kent.] Daerente, Diorente, 65, 502. [Da- 1 renth, Kent.] Daerente, 270,271. [Darent, riyer.] Dalden, 179. Daltiin, 179. [Dalton, Durham.] Dawncing, 420. {Bauncing, Essex.] Deant on, 72. {Demiton, Sussex.] Deccet, 288. [Datchet, Berks. Deccewyrb, Decewith, ‘ 223, 403. [Datchworth, Herts.] Dellen, 394. Dene, 404. Dene, 488. [Dean, Hants.] Deneliam, 403. Denesig, 515. [Dengey, Essex.] DenforS, 496. Deniceswurp, 64. [Denchworth, Berks.] Denton, 45,501. [Denton, Sussex.] Deone, 488. [Downe, Dorsets.] Deorhyrst, 54, 404. [Deerhurst, Gloucest.] Deorlafestun, 546. [Darliston, Staffords.] Depyng, 84. [Deeping, Lincolns.] Diccelingas, 489. [Ditchling, Sus¬ sex.] Dfctun, 303. [Ditton, Kent] Dfctun, 520, 524. [Ditton, Camb.] Diliuton, 254, 383. Ditton, 506. Dobrum, 98, 99. [Doyer, Kent] Docc}-ng, 567. [Docking, Norfolk.] Doflisc, 428.t [Dawlish, Deyon.] Domeccesig,! 11. [Daimtsey,Wilts. ] Domraham, Domarham, 492, 519. [Damerham, Wilts.] Donecester, 545. [Doncaster, Yorks.] Dorene, 212. Dorkecestre, Dorneacester, Dom- waraceaster, 87, 126, 184. Dorobernia, Doroyernia. See Cant- waraburh. Dorobreyum. See Ilrofum. Dorstetas, 414. [Dorsetshire.] Douercort, 522. [Doyercourt, Es¬ sex.] Drseitun, 452. [Drayton, War¬ wicks.] Draiton, 85. [Drayton, North- ampt.] .g Dryganl^h,' 142. Dublinia, 211. [Dublin.] Ducemaunes tiin, 545. DukeswrtS, 512. Dullingham, 573. Dulting, 18. [Doulting, Somers.] Dumeltun, 544, 549. [Dumbleton, Gloucest.] INDEX OF PLACES. mu Diinemow, Dunmaw, 513, 574. [Dunmow, Essex.] Dimbam, 383, 422, 424. [Down- ham, Norfolk.] Dunhilmst^de, 440. [Dunliam- stead, Worcest.] Duniiiiicland, 521. [Donyland, Es- ' sex.] Durtiln, 200. [Dtirton, Hants?] Dyddanham, 379. [DiiddcnJiam, Somers.] E. Eacroft, .395. Eildbulding-tim, 113. Eadburgeburb, 534, 557. Eaderiugtun, 488. [Adrington, Somers.] Eadmundesburb, Eadmundesbyrig, Eadmundes mynster (S.), 342, .344, 347, 415, 410, 417, 419,4.38, 550, 504, 500, 507, 508, 509,572. See Bedericeswyi-^. Eildulfingti'm, 549. Eilfen, or Ufera Stretford, 100. Eilford, 4.33. Ealdenham, 403. [Aldenbam, Herts.] Ealdermannes bfec, 390. EaldeswurS, 547. Ealdingburne, 489, 527. Ealdinti'm, 204. [Aldington,Kent.] Eald IMjTister. See Wintanceaster. Ealretiin, 320. [Alderton, Glou- cest.] Eaningaden, 331. Eanulfintun, 321. Eardulfeslea, 290, 291, 292. Earesbyrig, 449. Earbi«, 272, 27.3. [Erith, Kent.] Earmingtiin, 512. Earmundeslfe'b, 03. Earning, 572. Earningaford, 237, 241. EastHb, 134. Eastoreg, Eastrseg, 402, 403. [Eastry, Kent.] Eastiin, 440. [Aston, Worcest.] Eastun, .584. [Aston, Herts.] Eatiin, 03, 04. [Eaton, Berks ?] Eatiin, 352. [I^laton, Cbesb.] Ebbelesburne, Eblesburne, 151,152, 534. [Ebbesborne, Wilts.] Ebbesbam, 200. Eboracum, Everwic, Ebt)raica civi¬ tas, 8,179,181, 398. [York.] Eburleagh, 13. [Everley, Wilts.] Eccingtun, 545. [Eckington, Wor- Eccles':^rd, 223. [JEcclesford, Mid¬ dles. ?] Ecclesbal, 547. [Exball,Warwicks.] Edredeseie, 18. [Addersey,Somers.] EfretSingdenn, 122. Eggemsere, 508. [Egmere, Norfolk.] Egsanford, 134. Einfet, 83. Eldemesland, 503. Eleswortb, 254, 382. [Elswortb, Camb.] Elig, yElig, 237, 240, 241, 524,559, 500, 504, .505, 500, 508, 572, 575, 590. [Ely, Camb.] Elinton, Elyngton, 382, 513. [El- ling-tou, Hunts.] Elleford, Ellenford, 100, 101, 545. [Ullenford, Hants?] Ellendun, 95. Elmbiimstede, 95. [Uhnstead, Wilts. ?] Eofesbam, 440, 452, 015, 010. [Evesham, Worcest.] Eowcumb, 132. [Ewcombe, Glou- cest.] Eowenland, 212. [Evenload,Wor¬ cest.] Eseg, 113. Eskere.s^orp, 589. Essetesford, 504. E.sttiin, 428. [Easton, Devon.] E'Sandiin, 489. [Edington, Wilts.] Everwi'k. See Eooracum. Ewelford, 495. Ewulm, 183. Examynster, 488. [Axniinster, Devon.] Exauceaster, Excester, Execester, Exencestria, Exonia, 310, 340, 305, 428, 437, 009, 01.3, 084, 030. [Exeter, Devon.] ExmutSa, 010. [Exmoutb, Devon.] F. Faccancumb, .5.34, 535. Fajliglse'h, 3.37. [Fawley, Here- fords.] Fserhom, 04. [Fambam, Sun-ey.] Eternbeomgen, 174. [Far»boroi(f/h, Berks. ?] Faerndun, 527. [_Farndo», Hants.] Fakenbam, .594. [Fakenbam, Suf¬ folk.] 670 INDEX OF PLACES. Falcnaham, Fealcnaham, 264, 265, 502. [Fawkham, Kent.] Fareburue, 250. Feamlilinc, 145. Fearnleali, 146. [Farleigb, Hants.] Fearnleli, 482. [Farleigb, Kent.] Fefi-esbam, Febresbam, 57,119,121. [Faversbam, Kent.] Feld, 90. \_Field, Worcest. ?] Feldbeorb, 146. [Felborougb, Hants.] Fellibam, 489. [Felpbani, Sussex.* Feltbam, 223. [Teltliam, Middles. Fentun, 222,403. [Fenton, Bucks. Feoi-nebeorb, 283. [Farnborough, Berks.] Fepsiutiin, 448. Ferefeld, 383. Ferlingmere, 18. Fermesbam, 260. [Frensbam, Sur- rey.] Ferramere, 246. \_Fanner, Sonier- Fersafeld,568. [^FreshJieUJ, Norfolk.] Ferscesford, 589. [Fresbford, So¬ mers.] Fingiingabo, 520, 524. [Fingring- boe, Essex.] Fiskertiin, 385, 386. [Fiskerton, Lincolns. ] Fittingtiin, 550, 551. Fladeburb, 448. [Fladbiuy, Wor- cest. ] Fleote, 42. [Fleet, Kent.] Folcanstan, Folcstan, 98, 99, 324, 326, 470, 471. [Folkestone, Kent.] Folwardstaking, 83. Fontanetiun, 19. [feld, Hc'Sfeld, 7, 049. [Hat¬ field, Herts.] Iliebfeld, 553. Hiotlea, Ilfettanlea, 589, 597. [Hatley, Beds. ?] Ilafegeact, 394. Hafeu, 536. Hafocwylle, 149. \^IIau'kwell, Wilts.] Hage, 631. Hagele, 570. \IIagley^ Essex ?] Halen, 640. llalganstok, 294. [Halstock, Dor- IldlgefOTd, 223. [Halliford, Mid¬ dles.] Halington, 66, 84. [Hallington, Lincolns. ] Hallega, 212, 448. Halsford, 010. \_Halsfor(I, Devon.] Ham, 203, 205. [Ham, Sussex.] Ham, 222, 403, 497, 519. Hamelanden, 560. [Ilambledon, Bucks ?] Hamstede, Heamstede, 297, 403. [Hampstead, Middles.] Hauewelle, 199, 298, 403. [Han- well, Middles.] Hanton, 440. [Hampton, Gloucest.] Ileallitiin, 530. [Holton, Somers.] Healtiin, 331. [Halton, Bucks.] Heanburb, Heanbiria, 39, 88, 443. [Hanbury, Worcest.] Ileandiin, 403. [Ilendou, Middles.] Heanliealan, 596. Heardanleli, 142. \_IIardley, Gloucest. Hearge, 75,/ 6. [IlaiTow, Middles.] Heartingas, 237, 241. Ileapobrittinglea, 4S)5. Hebugeb, 254. \_IIcbury, Hunts. ?] Hedliam, 520, 521, 523. [Much Hadliam, Herts.] Hedheh, 521. [Hadleigli, Essex.] Hegford, 120, 291. ylledyiford, Kent.] Ilegy^eporn, 463. Heilincig, 580. [Ha 3 ding island, Hants.] Hele, 433. [Ilele, Somers.] Hellingli, .382. llemfordliiim, Homfordham, 583. Hemingeton, .383. [Hemington, Northampt.] Hemmingelord, 253, 382, 383. [Hemingford Abbots, Hunts.] Ilendiin, 198. [Hendon, Middles.] Hengestesrig, 186. [Ilenstridge, Somers.] Henham, 574, 576. [Hingham, Essex.] Hoordewfc,5!)4. [Hardwick, North- amp t.] (572 INDEX OF PLACES. Ileorelfestun, 544. [Harleston, Staflbrds. ] Ileortingtuu, 487. [Hardington, Somers.] Ileorulfestuii, 560. [Harleston, Norfolk.] Ilerbedingdenn, 122. Ilerde-\vj?k, Ilerdere-ndc, 352, 448. Ilereburgebiu'h, 547. Hereford, Herefordtuu, 53,212,380. [Hereford.] Herefre'Singloud, 75. Heregeres heafod, 525. HeregetSeland, 119. Herewic, 122. Herfort, 448. Hergas, Herge, 467. Hergeardesliam, Hergerdesbam, Hjeiigeardesbam, 350, 501,502. [Harrietsbaiu, Kent.] Ilerlaw, 572. [Harlow, Essex.] Herling, Herlingali;im, 563, 582. [Hailing, Norfolk.] Hdselden, 179. \_lluzeldeane, Dur- liani.] Hibeniia, 211. Hicce, Hicebe, 393, 498. IDgdiin, 146. l^Hit/hdoicn, Hants.] Iligloiib, 160. \liighlvy, Hants.] Hikeling, 531, 532. [Iliclding, Norfolk.] Hildolueston, 599. [Hindolveston, Norfolk.] Hilum, 546. Hindelepe, 600. Hindringbam, 599. [Hindring- bam, Norfolk.] Hinemc, 448. Hinsceat, 161. Hintlesb.am, 569. Hocganclif, 561. Hocgestiin, 530.- [Hoxton, Somers.] Hobg, 24. [Iloo, Kent.] Holaforda (Twdgen), 433. [Hol- ford, Somers.] Holanbroc, 186. [Holbrook, So¬ mers.] Holancumb, Holacumb, 294, 300, 346, 428, 639. [Holcomb, Dor- sets. ] Holanden, 134. Holbech, 85. [Holbeacb, Lin¬ colns.] Holewelle, 65. \JlIolwell, Kent.] HoleweUe, 223, 403. \IIobveU, Middles.] Holm, 201,566, 567, 568, 572,578, 579, 582, 590. [Holme, Nor¬ folk.] Holt, 600. Holungabnrne, 558. [HoUing- bourn, Kent.] Homfordbiim, 583. Horbam, 513. [Horbam, Suffolk.] Horna, 104. HoruinggesbaetS, 514. [Hornings- beatb, Suliblk.] Horsaleb, 480,482,579. [Horsley, SuiTey.] Ilortiiu, 388. [Horton, Dorsets.] Houcbig, 595. Houcton, 254, 382. [Hougbton, Norfolk.] Hoxne, 513, 514, 568. [Hoxne, Suffolk.] Floyland, ^383. [Hoyland, Lin¬ colns.] Iludaufleot, 21. Hudintiin, 600. [Hudding-ton, AVorcest.] Hidbtun, 352. [Hulton abbey, Staffords. ?] Huluestou, 590. Humelcyrre, 525. IIunigjTst, 109. \_H(meyhi(rst, Kent.] Hunitbn, 352. [Honingtou, War¬ wicks. P] Himstanestun, 667. [Hunstanton, Norfolk.] Himtesig, 250. Huntstede, 526. Husneab, 122. \llusmy, Kent.] Hyekenes land, 563. Hylle, 433. Hyppelesfleot, 341. Hyrst, 65. [Hurst, Kent.] Hysc, 468. Hyse, 396. Hyssapol, 149. Hyssebume, Hissebume, 144, 146, 152, 282. [Hm-stbourne, Hants.] Hyssebume (Nyber), 488. I. laceslea, 230. [Jakesley, Suffolk.] Iccacumb, 212, 446. [Icconib, AVorcest.] Icelingtun, 598. [Ickleton, Camb.P] Iceslea, 206. Icketon, 352. INDEX OF PLACES. 073 IcUleshal, 90. Ide, 429. [Ide, Devon.] IkewT'S, 514. [Ickworth, Suffolk.] Illanleh, Illey, 506, 523. \_Illeij, Kent ?] Illyngton, 512. [Illington, Norfolk.] Incgenseshain, 527, 534. Ingceburne, 594. Ingepen, 496,497. [Inkpen, Berks.] Intanbeorgas, 38,46, 47, 375. [Ink- berrow, Worcest.] logneshom, 74. Isestede, 513. Isliam, 382. L, HI. LacyngahytS, 306, 308. [Laken- heath, Sufelk.] Lsecediin, 403. Laecot, 105. La^xadyn, 522. [Latcliingdon, Essex ?] Laewe, Laewes, 203, 205. [Lewes, Sussex.] Laganford, 546. Lagefare, 543. Laiborp, 85. [Leestborpe,Leicest. ?] Lalleford, 571. [Lalford, Suffolk?] Lanibaham, 407. \_La7nhham, Kent.] Lambburne, Lamburne, 489, 519. [Lanibourn, Berks.] Lambeln'^, 393, 396. [Lambeth, Surrey.] Lambunianden, 119. \Lamhourn- dm, Kent.] LampatS, 383. Landscorehlinc, 149. Langanden, 480. Langandun,547. Langaufeld, Leanganfeld, Laencan- feld, 480, 481, 482,501. [Long- field, Kent.] Langanhryc, Longanhryc, 140. [Langridge, Gloucest.J Langetehill, 383. Langbam, 599. [Langhani, Suf¬ folk.] Langtoft, 34, 56. [Langtoft, Lin¬ colns.] Laugtiin, 349. [Langton, Kent.] Langtiln, 404. I^angwa'S, 383. Lantocai, 18. Lappawurtiin, 452. [^Lapworthinfi, Warwicks. ] Lauanhaim Lauenliam, 500, 521, 523. [Lavenham, Suffolk.] Lawern, 600. [Lawern, Worcest.] Leadgedelf, 132. Leah, Leh, 530, 546, 610. Leanaham, Leanham, 119, 204. [Lenham, Kent.] Lechamstede, Laehhanistede, 04, 378. [Leckhamstead, Berks.] Lelling, 524. Lenc, 446, 601. fLench, Worcest.] Leodride, 488. [Leatherhead, Sur- rey.] Leomces hyge, 581. Ledfsiges mad, 395. Leosne, 403. Leuesham, 358. [Lewisham,Kent.] Liccidfeld, Licetfeld, 49, 55, 373. [Lichfield, Staffords.] Lichtletic, 570. Lidgeard, 173. [Liddiard, Wilts.] Lidigerd, 433. [Liddiard, Somers.] Ligea, 396. [Lea (liver).] Uligham, 526. [Ligham, Suffolk.] Lfm, 294. [Ljune Regis, Dor- sets.] Limensee, Liminee, Limine, 20, 21, 467. [Limen (river), Kent.] Liming, 98, 99, 470. [Lyminge, Kent.] Hlincgelad, 663. [Linchlade, Bucks.] Lindbeorhg, 595. Linderugg, 448. [Lindridge, Wor¬ cest.] LindhjTst, 216. [Lindhurst, Hants.] Lintun, 352. Lippard, 448. Lissington, 525. Liwtiin, 488. [Litton, Dorsets.] Lochamtun, 532. Loekeslea, 462. [Lockedey, War¬ wicks.] Lodne, 566. [Loddon, Norfolk.] Lofintun, 694. [Zoatwytow, North- ampt.l Logereslea, 297. Lohtiin, 595. Longaford, 498. [Langford, Beds.] Longanhyll, 134. Lootwfc, 15. [Zj/OivWr/e, Worcest.] Loppand\ai, 525, 526. \Lopton, guffolh?] Hlosmoc, 180. Loberesldh, 198, 222. 2 Y 674 INDEX OF PLACES. Ludingtun, Ludintun, 434, 452. [Luddington, Warwicks.] Lukintoii, 398. {^Luckingtmi, Es¬ sex.] Lullesoeorli, 186. [Ltdlsborough, Hants.] Lullingmynster, 489. Lunden, Lundenb 3 'ri, Limdenwlc, Lundania, Lundonia, 22, 31, 33, 35, 57, 74, 88, 118,135,136,246, 358, 498, 514, 550, 601. Luudenebrigc, 230. [London Bridge.] Lutegaresneal, 561. [Ludgersball, Wilts.] LutSinglond, 513. Lygetun, 403. [Leighton, Beds.] Lyinpol, 271. [Lymepool, Hants.] Lytlanbroc, 372. [Littlebrook, Kent.] Lj-tlanburh, 597. [Littlebury, Essex.] M. Meegenstanesden, 186. Mielanbeorh, 160. Mionanleah, 161. Maereweorti, 273. [Mereworth, Kent.] Meering, 383. Maerse, 544. hlaertiln, .38.3. [Merton, Surrey.] MajssanwyrtS, 563. [Massingbam, Suffolk.] Malinesburh, Mealdaelraesburli, Maldubesberg, Maldubium, Mel- dunesburh, Meldulfuensis burh, 15, 95, 111, 175, 183, 626. [Malmesbury, Wilts.] Maimesland, 394. Manneborp, 595. [Manthorp, Lin¬ colns.] M.wulderstede, 403. [Maplestead, Essex.] Maranaclive, Marnanclive, 299,452. [Marcliff, Warwicks.] Mariancirce (S.), 428. [St. Mary’s Church, Devon.] Marianstow (S.), 370, 372. [St. Mary’s stow, Lincolns.] MartSingford, 592,593. yMarding- ford, Suffolk.] Martineseie, 18, 246. \_Martinsey, Somers. ] MawurtS, 698. Meallingas, 303. [Mailing, Kent ] Mealmehtanleah, 270. Meapeham, Meapaham, 204, 500, 601. [Meopham, Kent.] Mearkbrmc, 250. [The Mark-brook, Hants.] Mearcesfleot, 316, 317. [Marjleet, Kent.] MearcyncgceoUe, 542. Medeshamstede, 104, 105, 243. [Peterborough, Northampt.] Meldebume, 237, 241. [Melboum, Cambridge.] Melentun, 355. [Milton, Kent.] Melnho, 393. Mendham, Myndham, 513, 514. [Mendham, Norf. or Suffolk.] Meon, 488. [East or West Meon, Hants.] Mercham, 87. [Marcham, Berks.] Merchamtun, 544. Mercyl, 525. Mereden, 575. Merelaf, 557. [Marlow, Bucks.] Meresey, 507, 508. [Mersey, Es¬ sex.] Merketun, 427. [ilfar7: