Tear off here after enter¬ ing your private mark in blank space at right All prices in this cata¬ log subject to 50 per cent, discount. Dealers’ Discount Applying to all prices contained herein discount CATALOG No. 20 FALL 1010 j Push the Button and Hest" HE LIVING F ^DM. >AND LIBRARY ( ^ V' ? l '-i a _CONSISTING OF ROYAL CHAIRS. ROYAL LIBRARY CHAIRS AND ROCKERS made ay ROYAL CHAIR COMPANY \ STURGIS MICH..USA. “That Push Button” I)o you marvel at tlu- great number ot Royal Rest Chairs that are sold annually' Much of the credit, we believe, must he given to that "push-button.” We are all "children ot a larger growth." In the cities people flock to Amusement Parks, where the most childish devices are provided for their entertainment. It's the simplc things that we like, after all. The Push Hutton attracts attention to the Royal Rest Chain—the first requisite to a sale. It gives them a distinction in the markets. It attracts attention to a chair that is otherwise the peer of any in beauty of line and finish — in substantial construction —to a chair lehie/i surpasses all others in tin degree anil variety qf'contfhrt which it affords. In this surpassing comfort the Push Hutton plays a most important part. It controls mechanism simple, positive and unfailing in its action by which the back is inclined to any desired angle with a mini¬ mum of effort and without leaving the chair. I Ims. it is dual in its functions—first creating interest, and then winning admiration tor its performances. With interest and approval secured, the Royal Line of Rest Chairs offers a wealth of opportunity in choice of styles nearly a thousand including the combinations which can he made by interchange of Loose Cushions and Upholstered Seats and Hacks. I lie l oot Rest is always highly appreciated: having the Newspaper or Magazine Haskct which provides a hiding place tor tcmporarily-Iaid-asidc reading matter. Note. too. how the hacks of many of the patterns are shaped to the curves of the human back, giving support to the body along its entire length. Now we find that we have not said a word about the /on* cost of the Royal Rest Chairs—made possible by the great output of a big modern factory. Hut—wlmt s the use of c.vpluining a success f W c will take great pleasure in promptly executing your commands. Very respectfully. THE KOYAI, CHAIR COMPANY Sturgis. Michigan. l'.HO Samples of some of our NAT IONAL MAGAZINK AD\ KR I IS INK Nearly cvcr\ |« tlie- people klU'' in your locality know* nbout the Uoynl West Clmir. "The Push Hutton Kind." l-et ii hiivc Hoyal Chain and «et your 'Imre of the benefit' of this National Advcrtisins. SolidCnmfort and Ktal “ROYAL” REST CHAIRS re the only SI IIK.I N OMFOHT MU.I Chain. There's the Push Button hull jjive» i" different positions '"t which will surely suit you. Made 1,000 STYLES from $12.00 to $80.00 inwn and sold by all first-ela" deale Ask Your Dealer THE ROYAL CHAIR CO STURGIS, MICHIGAN AHHASOKMKNT <>l AIJVI'.UTISINC ( \1U)S FOH A Window Display The Abotr illustration show. Iota I ion of tlu- push button n. now plnrerl on u.i Hov/il llr«l Chain And give* n good ida-n for arrangement of card* for a \\ mdow Display with Pont Hot extr mini to show CoKCBAittn Nmi-ivi-hi or Mauxxim Butri in the Kmit Hot Framr. Hr furnish advertising FIX A CHAIR Ul> LIKE THIS IN YOUR WINDOW AND WATCH THE PHOPI.K STOP TO LOOK Samples of Newspaper Advertisements for RETAIL STORES Ask Us for Cuts All the Comforts of Home “Push the Button-and Rest" You cannot hove ah the comforts of home unless you include a “ROYAL" Rest Chair The comfort nlTordcd by one of these handsome lounging chairs cannot be expressed in un advertise¬ ment; uiwt hope you will honor us with a call soon. We want to ilio you Talk about your Morris chairs and your English fireside chairs—why you will forget them all when you have a “ Royal’ 1 Rest Chair There are a thousand stylet of them and but few you would call expensive. Yes. we have them with "loose cushlont" loo. PRICES TROM S TO S ( Dialtr'i .Yarns 1 Samples of Newspaper Advertisements for Retail Stores ASK US FOR CUTS T HIS is one of the moil all 'round Miu.it-lr chain you enn put into your home It'* an “ruling chair and it ic well made, because everyone wnnt* to uv it. U iI j har.i u,.i yv There'* a /»»/ ml and a . and the bach adjust* to almost any angle by simply touch- mu a button, (20 different position*, i Auk u« to »how you that “Royal” Push Button Chair "Push the Buttonand Rest" Risk die Button-aiuf Rest' I'VE SEEN THAT “Royal” Push Button Chair ADVERTISED SO MI CH C.UESS I’LL HAVE TO INVESTIGATE You certainly should. We »how them in a variety of *tvle«—there ore a thousand to choo»e from, »omc with the " loose cushion*" *o much ad¬ mired. They are beautiful, convenient and comfortahlr. They arc substantially built and rcatonahly priced. They are *o popular that a great big factory, making nothing eltc. t* required to supply the demand We would like to «how them to you. Price* from $ to $ PI.F.ASK RKAD CAREFULLY Tin- ROY'AL I.INK of chair* is divided into two sections, 'i/ . Ihp HOY'.ll. "REGULAR LINK" and the HOYAI. "LIBRARY' LINK" the "REGULAR LINK" chair* having inure the appearance of the conventional Morris l lunr, being made to take either ITHOLSTKRKI) SKATS and BACKS ..r LOOM Cl SIMONS, as desired, iu tlionn on pagm H> to SI. Illustration* of l I*- HOI.STKHKI) SKATS and HACKS nrc shown on next page. The dilh rent atj’ltl are -7. —2. —3. t. 5,—0, and are made in any of the gndn of coverings described under the head of "Prices and Descriptions «•! Iwimc Cushions" on the following page By rruding the directions printed under the illustra¬ tion* on opposite |ugr, the method for ordering i* at once apparent. '‘LIBRARY LINK "—All chair* whale number begins with "O" are Royal "Library Chairs.” and are made l I’HOLS LI.It I. I) ONLY . and will not take LOOSE IT SIMONS. We designate them as our Royal ‘LIBRARY’ LINK" in order to distinguish these clours from what wr call our ‘‘HKGL'LAR LINK " Sec pages Sli to H for LIBRARY LINK. WIDTH OF CHAIRS The standard size of all our elinirs, both in the "LIBRARY LINK" and in the “REGULAR LINK" i» SO# x *0 Vi inside .eat measurement. In the "LIBR ARY' LINK", however, we make No*. OSS, 020, and all overstaffed chairs t'r inch wider and l.li inch deeper than any other chair* in either line—these *enU being ii2 inches wide and •i'i inches deep inside measurement. IN RELATION TO UPHOLSTKRING. It might be well on tile start for us to state that nr do not try In m/Ur rhrap upholsterings —we do not buy dropped luittern* or closeouts m coverings On the next |>agc we show six different style* of upholstering that we make for the ROY'AI. “REGU¬ LAR LINK", pages It) to SI. Style No. 7 we have evolved after much exper¬ ience, as the cheapest expression of the upholsterers* urt tliul vveenre to stand sponsor for. We do not claim it is anything fine, hut believe it is the best piece of work made by any house at the price, it having eighteen finely tempered springs in the back and seat. We cannot make anv thing cheaper, and make it good. Style No, .> is the conventional style of upholltcring for adjustable chairs This style is too well known to require explanation. st, It No. o i> our new Sleepy Hollow most restful shown on Chair No PIT. page v*2. Sleepy Hollow on all ROYAL "REGULAR LINK” Chairs uill in the future he of this type only. Sty le No. ,S, shown on Chair No. »llt>, page Srt. Style No. t. shi.v One always find their newspaper, magazine or favorite book when chair is onlered with our nr/e concealed Jbol rrtl which lias newspaper or magazine basket . Foot rests can lie ordered on nil chairs in the ROYAL HKGl I. lit LINK except N.,s n«. SAT. .{SO, 105 and IT I LIST PRICE OK FOOT HI ST, 50 extra, i on chair No, ISA, page 20. Style No. 5, shown on chair No. VSii, page I Noth i - .ill ('hairs hair Spring Seals except V. PIS, |lW, tSN. ISO, IT!'. HO. ABOUT LEATHER We will not recite any platitudes on this subject. hut wish to slate ns follows: Our grade No.il}4 Leather ( although never ha, in j recommended it) wr find by absence of eoniplumt n garding it, quite a good deal better than we had thought it to lie. For this grade we use a first•eln> - grade of split leather. Wr do not buy the eheupi split leathers nt all. Our grade No. s 1 . Leather is what we call I’ynu n deep buffed leather, and vve recommend it forrcn*->i able wear. The best grade of Spanish Sheep >1 " in this grade. Our grade No. '■>'/ Leather is Special \Lulm. Huffed That i» the tanners' name for it, and is sold by ninny «s No. I Machine Huffed. Our grade No. loj-j Leather is madrofgrnuinr oak tanned Machine Hulled No. 1 hides. Thai It the best leather used, except as a matter of opinion some people so regard hand huffed — however, not one piece of up¬ holstering m a thousand is of hand huffed leatilei We can turnish hand huffed if desired. We charge $ !.oii extra list for hand huffed leather on a chair that has only liaise cushions nr upholstered srnl and hack, on ovi r>lulled chairs we charge $5.0(1 extrn list. Mor- rucen and Spanish Morocco, i.e., Imported Goat Skins are also in this grade. The Illustrations below show all the different styles of I’PHOLSTERINGS we make for any Royal Regular Line Chair. All llnyul "IlKOL'l.Alt LINK* I'lialr* are mate fur LOOSK (TSVIIONS nr an. nftlirw »l»l«ofl I'llOt^lKIllNOS n* lmi ni.ii ilrairr. mil the* if' interelimirraMc ..I. irr «m Hu* retailer'* diur hr nut inakp mu change n caatOOM-r awl ilnirr Ihr l PIIOI_ST Kill Nil nil Ir rrmmnl mul In replac**] with I.IM1SI 1 . Cl SIMONS. of imiffM STYLE No 7 UphoUIrnnv Sign t»~7. STYLE No 2 UphoUUring SLEEPY HOLLOW Slyl. ol Up Sign I* 2. hoUtrnng, Sign u 9. STYLE No 3- UphoUUring STYLE No * UphoUtoilng Sign ta—3 Sign w 4. STYLE No. 5 UphobUitng. Sign u 3 List Prices of ITHOLSTEREI) Backs and Seats A* Shown Aiuivk. Am in Which Can iie Oiidkiikii on Aw HOVA1. "RK(«II.AR I.ISK" Chair lllutlralul on fnijiu /mm In If <1 I.KATHKH—Mn*» /mil Curled Hnir. Purr l.enthcr nnd Fabric* Mn» find Cotton o Siulugo in Seal, u Spring* In Urn'll III 00 II 00 I'2 I IS 00 II 00 1.1 ( IS I IS It no 1.1 00, III oo IT u oo is on in I in 00 IT oo si IT oo in on 22 IS 00 l!> 00 <23 •20 00 ‘2‘2 00 21 0(1 23 00 23 00 25 00 21 00 2(> 00 VATICU In ..III. fin* Kill U 1111.II. Ml I INK ... ' ••'•• " ' . . < ' ■"'••'• AU 1 1 v_ I* .. nr rPiioi' 11 it.us- "»i 'i ' i EXAMPLE FOR ORDERING Chair s.< ill i. .hnwi. iwd- >• with LIHIS1 1 l -MION* I i.l . . ... 11 . linn .. H anted a. •Inmn ..filer Omuld mill n. ff.ll.rn. No. 111 Golden link I- I l|..« Cu.hi.rti.i l'«rr I I', nl lini«i I .i,i ir«mr chair ia wniiUal with Stylo No I uphnWtoring' «*■ i*igi in l*nrr Imillin ■•"<•' •h"»ld '™'l fullnn , An 111 # Unlilcii <»•* PnrT I anther. (trade iS. *1 lir t*> Ll.t If Fia.1 lle.1 i. dr-iml aihl F II aft*' uonl. Gulden I k«k List Prices of LOOSE 1‘t'SIIlOXS in All (trades of Coverings. Sign for Loose Cushions is 1. ( G mile No. !\ -l ilt Price. *. m. i* I.OOSK ( I'SHIOSSu. *tand- nril. plum and atripnl Velour*. Corduroy and elimp grade* of Ti)~ 'ir> Grade So :l—t ut Price.si. i«I.OOSK. Cl SHIOSSm"R l> linil.itinn I rothcr. Windvir Velour. Verona Vi'lniirx and I ipntr) Grade So. :(|- l ot PriceI* I.OOSK l I SlIlOSS "PAUIC Leather (year* of to*t hate prmrii "Parr I rather the ln-*l Initial leatherI. •'Pgrr" Leather Royal and Ven.lia \ clour, nnd la|- .Ir. Grade So. »—l.ut Price, *. I.l ... I.OOSK ( I Sllloss Inn laflon S|un>t»h leather. “Rhino" and "Buffalo." made up I lifted nnd Buttoned Bo* Stile with welt.d Border*; al-. Men .-fixed \ . lour* arid Tnpnli). (irnilr So. It 1.1*1 Price. *H)H. I* I.GOSK t'l SUM*S> m tniil* turn Kuan Skin, which i» ln*t quality of lmitnfi.ni Spmiidi l.itli.r, made up Ban Sty Ir only , unle,* order**! Buttoiud and Tufted \lw. Mere, \eroiin. Gnuh s.. . I lit Prta . I.. to l OOSI i I SHIOSS n plain nnd Cruihcd Silk Pluih. t'ru*hid Mohair Pludi and lapc.tr> Grade So. -• - l.ut Price. • ri.im. •* I.OOSK C l SHIOSS m cheap grade leather, iiuidc ui. Big Style. I’Um Car Pludi, I-•» Crudi.d Pliuh. Panne Plu*h nnd Tapestry Grade So Hi I.i.t Price, flf i* l.OCISI I I SHIOSS ... >,.*. ,*l, Shi*-|. Skill, Spanuh I'.ro* nnd l’> n.» I phol.r. ring I .Ou r. I ,. Style. Grade So. <«i—Lut Price. $l«.U0. i« I.OOSK (TSHlOSS in S|a- rial M. B. Igather. Gra.IeSo H»V—l-i»t Prli'c. h/i.i.i, i. I.OOSI l l'SHIOSS ... M B. So. I leather. Morocco I gather m Black. I an or Red. Simni.h M..- n.in. Inulher, Spanith Sli*r Hide, all I In .»i,, lake >■» tonc.jl.d Pootre.1, ,, ,ho»n on p*„c 6 .nd po S , n («c,Dt No «2. No. 317. No. no. No. <01 wh.n .o dcrod. lioviil "lfogular Lino” Push the Button and Rest" ou can order theae Chairs either UPHOLSTERED No 498. Golden Oak and Imt Mali". . i,i u „ l.i»t (’rice of Frame only $ 7.00 With Velour tirade 2'/, Loose In'In 12.00 W iih "R O" Grade 3 1ml Lea. 13.00 With “Parr" Grade 3'A " 11 " 14,00 •'* shown with English Cordu¬ roy Grade 2'/, . ” List 12.00 No 488. Waxed Golden Oak. E E ....) Himed. 1-i't Price of Frame only $ 7.00 W ith Velour Grade 2'/, Loose Cuslii n 12.00 With "R [)" tirade 3 Imt Lea. " 13.00 Willi “Parr" Grade 3‘A .. 14.00 V* >hown upholstered in style —*7" R I) ♦ 00 No. 479. Golden Oak and Imt Mahogany Glotfl List Price of Frame only S 7.00 With Velour Grade 2V» Loose Cud.. 12.00 With "R I)" Grade 3 Imt. Lea. “ 13.00 With “Parr” Grade 3’/ 4. 14.00 ' • shown with plain Velour Grade 2V, . " I ,-1 12XM No. 462. VV'axed Golden Oak. E. E. and Fumed. I i-t Price of Frame only S 7.50 With Velour Grade 2-d Loose Cush, 12.50 W ith • I< l>" Grade 3 lint. I.ca. " 12.50 With “Parr" Grndc 3Vi . 14.50 \* shown with Imt Span Lea. Grade 4 •• 15.50 Koval "Regular Line Rish the Button and Rest' £ SM r with LOOSE CUSHIONS iSee p»k* 7 . No. 480. " Grade 3 lmt Lea With “Parr" Grade 3J4 A« shown with Block Velour Grade 2yi No. 473*. Waxed Golden Oak. F F. and •umed. I Li*t Price of Frame only $ 8.00 I With Velour Grade 2‘A Loose Cushio . 13.00 | With “R 11" Grade .1 in Lea " 14.00 I With Parr Grade V/, " 15.00 1 shown upholstered in style —"3" Pa r L 1-ea Grade 3W. 21.00 Heat now supplant**! b> 1 our new ■ urn falVil Knot Kent. (bee |«»*o 6 i All Chairs take new concealed Footrest, a. shown on page 6 and page Ji (except N 412. No. J57. No. 380. No. 40S and No. 474) when so desired, at S2.S0 extra list. No 300 All Chair* take new concealed Footrest. a; 412. No. 357. No. 380. No. 405 and No. » thown on page 6 and page 23 (except No. 474) when so desired, at $2.50 extra list. Koval "ltogular Lino" Rish fhe Buttonand Rest You can order these Chair* either UPHOLSTERED No. 433. Golden Oak only. Polished. ) i*t Price ,.t Frame only.. $ 8 50 ] With Velour Grade 2', Loose Cushions 13,50 I With "R 1)" Grade 3 hut. Lea. " 14.50 I With "Parr" Grade 354 .. 15.50 1 .W shown with Block Velour Grade 2'/, 13.50 I No. 426. Waxed Golden Oak. E. E. or Putin d 1 List Price of Frame only . $ 8 50 j With Velour Grade 254 Loose Cushions 13.50 I With "R D” Grade 3 lint. Lea. " 14.50 1 With "Parr" Grade 354 .. 1550 I A« shown with lint. Span. Grade 4 . “ 16.50 | No. 396. Golden Oak and lint. Mahogany P»d. ■ List Price of Frame only. % 8.50 I With Vclnur Grade 2*4 Loose Cushions 13.50 j With "R l>" Grade 3 Imt. Lea " 14.50 I With "Pm" Grade 35i 15,50 9 As shown with lint. Span. Grade 4 16.50 J No. 469. Golden Oak and lint. Mahogany I I List Price of Frame only. $ 8 SO 1 With Velour Grade 2!, Loose Cushions 13.50 I With “R 1)” Grade 3 lint. Lea. “ 14.50 I With "Parr" Grade 3!4. 15.50 I As shown upholstered in style —“2" Parr Royal "Regular T.ino" Push the Button and Rest lor with LOOSE CUSHIONS- -See Pa B e 7 > No. <47. Golden Oak and Init. Mahogany Pol K*t Price of 1 . S 9.00 i W nii Velour Grade 2VS Loose Cushion* 14.00 With R I)" Grade 3 Imt Lea. “ 15.00 \\ ith Pan" 1 M I 1600 As shown with “Parr” Lc3. Grade 3>i 16-00 No. 487. Golden Oak an.l lint Mahogany P" 1 Li.t Price ol Frame only $ 9 00 With Velour Grade 2' . Loose Cushion* 14.00 IW ith "R I)“ tirade 3 lint Lea 15.00 W ith “Parr” Grace 3'j " 16.00 A- shown with "Parr" Lea. Grade 3 yi . “ 16-00 No. 489. Waxed Gulden ' >uk. I F.. >.r Fumed. ■Li't Price of Frame only With Velour tirade 2' j l.oos W ith “It D” Grade 3 Imt l.ra. With "Parr" Grade 3VS A' shown with Plain Velour Gradi 2} No. 490. Waxed Golden Oak, I List Price of Frame only With Velour Grade 2 .. Loo-. With "R D" Grade 3 lint. Lea [With "Parr" Grade 3' j As shown with Imt Roan Skin Grade 4J S 9.00 ie Cushion* 14.00 15.00 16.00 14.00 . E. or Fumed. S 9.00 .iW and I ml Mahogany P..I I.' i Prici ' 1 1 i ' 'I.niy $ 10.00 With Velour Grade 2% Loose Cushions 15.00 With "R D" Grade 3 Imt. Lea. " 16.00 With "Parr" Grade 3% " “ " 17.00 A» shown with “Parr" Lea | Grade 3'/i . " 17.00 No. 471. Golden Oak only, Polished. List Price of Frame only . $10.00 With Velour Grade 2Z, Loose Cushions 15.00 With "R D" Grade 3 lint. Lea. " 16.00 With •'Parr" Grade 3V, . 17.00 A* shown with Plain Velour 15.00 No. 401. Golden Oak anti lint Mahogany Pol i.i i Prict "i i rami only Sio.so With Velour Grade 2't Loose Cushions 15.50 With "R IT Grade 3 Imt Lea " 16.50 With "Parr" Grade 3K. 17.50 As shown with "R IJ" Grade 3 " 16.50 No 492. Waxed Golden Oak. E. E. or Fumed. Lim Price ..i i rami only 11040 With Velour Grade 2‘4 Loose Cushions 15.50 With "R rr Grade 3 Imt Lea " 16.50 With "Parr” Grade Jpy. 17-50 As shown with Imt Span. Grade 4 ,8 S0 No. 401 No- 491 All Chairs take new concealed Footrest, as shown on page 6 and page 23 (except No 412, No. 357. No. 380. No. 405 and No. 474) when so desired, at $2.50 extra list. > 1*1 Royal "Regular Line Rish the Button and Rest You can order these Chair* either UPH0LSTER1 No. 484. Golden Oak ami Imt. Mahogany l.i*t Price of Frame only.. Wnii \ ilour Gradi . i. ( ushi Willi "R I)" Grade 3 lint. Lea. " With "Parr" Grade i'/j . . • W shown with Old Style Sleepy Hollow i< i> Gradi > . >oi No. 449. Golden Oak and Imt Mahogany Polll Li»t Price of Frame only $110 0 With Velour Grade 2% Loose Cushion. 160 With "R I)" tirade 3 Inn Lea. '* 170 i With "Parr" Grade 3'/, . 18.0 Vs shown with "R D" Grade 3 " 170 * No. 430. Golden Oak and I ml Mahogany I'olJB List Price of Frame only. $110 W ith Velour Grade 2'. Loose Cushions 16A With "R I)" Grade 3 Imt. Lea. " 1701 With “Parr” Grade 3Yt " “ “ 140 A* shown with Plain Velour tirade Zy, " 160 No. 493. Waxed Golden Oak. F. li or l-n rd.J I i-i Prii. hi Frauu only $1I0'| W ith Velour Grade 2‘, Loose Cuslii i 160 With "R I)" Grade 3 lint. Lea. 170 With "Parr" Grade 3 V, . 140 , \« shown with Imt. Span Grade 4 •• 190 9 •Shown with ilium III. || style Sleepy Hollo" l*a*e 22. Chair No l»7. for our new sl>lc "-O ' Royal “Regular Line Rish the Buttoihand Rest with LOOSE CUSHIONS -Sec Page 7 . No. 46S. Waxed Golden Oak. K. E. or Fumed. Km Price of Frame only $11.JO W ith \ clour Grade 2! . I .< i uthion* 16.50 With "R D” Grade 3 Imi. Lea 17.50 With “Parr" Grade JJ6 “ “ “ 18.50 A% shown upholstered in style "-3" Parr l.ea Grade JVS. 24.50 No. 494. Gulden Oak Pol. nr !-. F, and Fumed, l-.xl Price of Frame only $11.50 Wuh Velour Grade Loose Cushions 16.50 With R IV Grade 3 Inn. Lea “ 17.S0 With "Parr” Grade 3', “ 18.50 Ax shown with "Parr” Lea. Grade JJS 18.50 No. 450. Golden Oak and Inn. Mahogany Pol List Price of Frame only $11.50 With Velour Grade 2', Loose Cushions 16.50 With "R tV Grade 3 Inn Lea 17.50 With “Parr" Grade 3V, " 18.50 A« shown with Verona Velour ; Grade 3 17-50 No. 427. Waxed Golden Oak. E l. or Famed List Price of Frame only $12.00 With Velour Grade 2', Loose Cushions 17.00 With K IV Grade 3 lint Lea 18.00 With “Parr" Grade 3', " 19.00 As shown with lint. Span. Grade 4 20.00 No. 460 X* «7 All Chair* take new concealed Footrest, as shown on page 6 and page 25 (except No 412. No. 357. No. 380. No. 405 and No. 474) when so desired, at $2 50 extra list Royal "Regular Lino Rish the Button and Best ] You can order the»e Chaira either UPHOLSTERED No. 49S Golden Oak Pol, H K and Pum. Li»t Price of Frame only. W till Velour Grade 2'-, With "R D" Grade 3 lint With Parr" Grade 3'-, " n with Roan Skin Si.'OO * 17.00' '00 No 423. Golden Oak only. Polished List Price of Pramc only. With Velour Grade 2 V, Lo With "R D” Grade 3 lint l.e With "Parr” Grade " " A» shown with Verona Velour ' iradt -i si->oo Cushion* 17 00 .'0,00 No. 431*. Golden Oak and Gen. Mali Polish' <1. Li‘t Price of Frame only.. $1*00 With Velour Grade 2' , Looie Cuahions 17.00 With "R IV Grade 3 Imt. Lea. ” mOO With “Parr" Grade JVi. 1 'j OO ■\» shown upholstered in style "-2" Parr l.ca, Grade 3V ,. . .22 00 Mahogany. $2.00 extra list No. 429, Golden Oak and Mahogany Poli-li. l ot Price of Frame only. $12. With Velour Grade IV, Loose Cushions 17. With "R D" Grade 3 lint. l»ea " 18.SO With “Parr" Grade iV, . shown with 2y, Grade Velour " Mahogany. $2.00 extra. •Showing our ol.l stylo l oot It*-»t now supplon i-ur now ronconled Foot Rest Imvlng nowai. ■ »M*l. (}>«•*> page 0,1 Royal "Regular Line Rish the But ton and Rest r with LOOSE CUSHIONS .See Page 7 . No. 478. Golden Oak only. Polished L»»l I’ricc of Frame only $12.50 With Velour tirade 2‘, Loose Cushions 17.50 With "R I)" tirade J lint Lea. I8.S0 With "Parr" Grade 35j. 19.50 A* shown upholstered in style "-J" Parr I-ea Grade 354 25.50 No. 470. Golden Oak only. Polished. List Price of Frame only $12.50 With Velour tirade 1' , Loose Cushions 17.50 With "R TV Grade .1 Imt. Lea. 18.50 With "Parr” Grade 354 “ “ 19,50 \s shown upholstered in style "-3" Parr Lea. tirade i 25,50 No. 474. Golden Oak only. Polished. List Price of Frame only $13.00 With Velour Grade 2'/, Loose Cushions 18,00 With • R O" Grade 3 Imt. Lea “ 1900 With "Parr" Grade 354. 20.00 As shown with Green Cord Velour Grade 2h 18.00 No. 446. Golden Oak and Imt Mahogany Pol List Price of Frame only $13.00 W ith Velour Grade 2'. Loose Cushions 18.00 With ”R TV Grade 3 Inn Lea 1900 With "Parr” Grade 3'4. 20.00 As shown with Plain Velour Grade 254 18.00 18.00 No. 478 Ko 470 No. 474 Mw 444 All Chairs take new concealed Footrest, as shown on page 6 and page 23 (except No 412. No. 357. No. 380. No. 405 and No. 474) when so desired, at $2 50 extra list “ ? 2 *'S "S,”' >■ * h °wn „„ p,„ , p „ , , ' N °' 551 ' N “ N “ ,oi *" d <»> "ton » With "Parr" Grade 3 Vi " :oJ0 As shown with Figured Velour Grade 2Va j.jq Mahogany, $2.00 extra list Koval "Regular I,ine Rish the Button and Kest or with LOOSE CUSHIONS. iS«» Pngr 7.t No. 4S3. Oik, any finish, awl Mahogany I*..I List Price of Frame only $13.50 With Velour Grade 2 . Loose Cushions 18.50 W ith "R D" Grade .1 Iml Lea 19.50 W ith "Parr” Grade 3’. 20.50 A» shown with Spanish Sheep Leather Grade 8J4 30.50 Mahogany, $2.00 extra list No. 460. Golden Oak and Mahogany Polished List Price of Frame only $14 W ith Velour Grade 2'. Loose Cushions 19 With "R I)" Grade 3 lint. Lea 20 With "Parr" Grade 3% . 21 As shown with "R l>" Grade 3 20 Mahogany, $2.00 extra No. 472. Golden Oak and Imt Mahogany Pol List Price of Frame only $14 With Velour Grade 2‘ . Loose Cushions 19 With "R I)" Grade 3 Imt. Lea 20 With "Parr" Grade 3’/, " 21 A* shown with Cord Velour I Grade 2J4 19 No. 420. Waxed Golden Oak. I F "> Fumed 1 Pi ... $14 With Velour Grade 2‘. Loose Cuslii 19 w nil • R IV Grade 3 Imt Leo. 20 With "Parr" Grade 3(4 " " 21 As shown upholstered in style "-2" Imt Span. Lea Grade 4 25.00 8 g g g g g 8 g g g g g § g No. 472 No 420 All Chairs take new concealed Footrest, as shown on page 6 and page 23 (except No 412. No. 357. No. 380, No. 405 and No. 474) when so desired, at $2.50 extra list No 476 No 455 All Chairs take new concealed Pcotrcst. at ihown on page 6 and page 23 (except No. 412. No. 357. No. 380, No. 405 and No. 474) when so dciired. at 82 SO extra list Royal "Regular Line Hish the Button and Rest" I n order these Chaim either UPH0I.STBI I* I9J» s No. 475. Gulden Oak only. Polished 1-nt Price of Frame only.. . $1 With Velour Grade 2‘v Loose Ctuhi I' With “R D” Grade 3 lint. Lrn. “ With Parr” Grade 354. A« shown upholstered in style "-J" Parr Lea. Grade 358. No. 455. Golden Oak and Mahogany P. Ii I List Price of Frame only .. I With Velour Grade 254 Loose Cuihio With “R D” Grade 3 Inn I.ea. “ With "Parr" Grade 354. shown with Plain Velour Grade 254 .. “ Mahogany. $2.00 extra No. 454*. Golden Oak and Mahogany P- ■ ! ■ hcd. List Price of Frame only. 5I5JI With Velour Grade 254 Loose Cushioi With "R D" Grade 3 Imt. Lea, “ With -Parr" Grade 354 " " shown with "R D" Grade 3 Mahogany. $2.00 extra. No. 497. Golden Oak and Imt Mahogans List Price of Framr only. With Velour Grade 254 Loose Cushi": With "R D” Grade 3 Imt. Lea- " With "Parr" Grade 354 “ “ “ As shown upholstered in style '*-6’* N<- Slccpy Hollow Parr Lea. Grade 3 26JI| Royal "Regular Lino Push the Butfon and Rest v or with LOOSE CUSHIONS .See Page 7.1 No, 456. Waxed Golden Oak. F. F. or Fumed List Price of Frame only $15.00 \\ ith Velour Grade 2' La Ole Cushion* 20.00 With "R IV tirade 3 I nit Lea 21.00 With "Parr" Grade 3k4.. 22.00 Ax shown with Spanish Sheep Grade 8H " 32.00 No. 476. (ioldcn Oak only, Poliilicd. Li't Price of Frame only $15.50 v. ith ’■ 11 . ■!.> Grade 2 I. 1 20^50 With ”R D" Grade 3 lmt. I.ca. 21.50 With "Parr" Grade 3tf. 22-50 As shown with Plain Velour Grade 2V, 20.50 No. 496*. Waxed Golden Oak, E. F or Fumed List Price of Frame only $15.50 With Velour Grade 2'. Loose Cushion* 20.50 With "R D" Grade 3 lmt. Lea- " 21.50 With "Parr" Grade 3 Vi. 22.50 A* shown upholstered in style "-6" New Sleepy Hollow Parr Lea. Grade 3',-J. 26.50 No. 405. Golden Oak only. Polished. List Price of Frame only $16.00 With Velour Grade 2', Loose Cushions 21.00 With "R D” Grade 3 I nit. Lea. 22 00 With "Parr" Grade 3tf. 23.00 A* shown with M II No. I Lea Grade 10>-j " 37.00 •Notice Ftoldln Minium... tinakct o> nmnualn.' New our Foot float*. g Student Arm and N«w»l»»P«r or In concealed Foot lt*'at. by use of nya Itml newatwpor or favorlto book isuiipor t.nakct la now a port of nil No 4Uf. All Chairs take new concealed Footrest, a* shown on page 6 and page 23 (except N. 412. No. 357. No. 380. No. 405 and No. 474) when so desired, at $2.50 extra list No 432 A " JiVnV’iV-T “ w 6 ~j P«< u l<«.p. No <12, NO. JM. No. m. No. <0! on.! No. lici»n with “Parr" Lea. Grad< Mahogany. $2.00 extra lisl. Pol. ihion lied I No. 486. Oak. any finish, and Mahogany Poll I t>t Price of Frame only SI6JI W uh Velour Grade IV» Loose Cush. 111 With K I)" Grade J Imt. Lea. 22J0 With "Parr" Grade 3J4. 2I| shown Uphol. in Style —"V "Parr" Lea. Grade J'l . 314 I .Inmany, $2.00 extra list. J No. 422*. Golden Oak anil Mahogany P .-hew l-'*t Price of Frame only . >17 j00 Willi Velour Grade 2'i Loose Cush i i 2206 W.lh "R 1)" Grade 3 Imt Lea " 23» With "Parr” Grade 3V4. 24.01 V* shown with "Parr" Lea. Grade 3V, 2*01 Mahogany. $2.00 extra li»i No. 432. Golden Oak and Mahogany P - *t I l.i-i Price of Frame only $172# With Velour Grade 2 'Loose Cush.- 22.00 "Uh "K D" C>rad< i Imt L(l " 23.00 With "Parr" Grade 3% . 24.00 \ >h..wn wuh Crush Silk Plush Grade : 2800 Mahogany. $2.00 extra list lu.wlnx old at)lr » omccolul Foot ^ttnst n ow •mu-i ...(-•» nrwapatx" 15oy.il “Regular Linr Rish the Buttoivand Rest r with LOOSE CUSHIONS (See Page 7 i No. 388. Oak. any finish Li»t Price ■>( Frame only $17 50 With Velour tirade 2'.. Loose Cushions 22.SO With "R D” Grade 3 lint. Lea. 23.50 With "Parr" Grade 3'.- " " 11 24.50 As shown with lint- Spanish Leather Grade 4. ..... 25.50 No. 357. Cmlden Oak only. Polished. List Price of Frame only $18.00 v. oh \ clout Gradi 2 Lai Cushions 23.00 With "R D" tirade 3 Imt Lea 24.00 With “Parr" tirade 3'/i. 25.00 Vs shown with M B No. 1 Leather Grade 105$.. 39.00 No, 380. Golden Oak only. Polished 1 Price of Frame only $18.50 With Velour tirade 2‘, Looac Ctiahiona 23.50 With "R l»" Grade 3 Imt Lea 24,50 With "Parr" Grade 3.'> 25.50 \> shown with Leather 8 '> Grade No. 457. Oak. any finish. Lilt Price of Frame only $19.00 l With Velour Grade 2', Loose! iisluon* 24.00 With "R I>" Grade 3 Imt Lea 25.00 With "Parr" Grade 3', " M 26.00 V* shown with Spanish Moroc co Grade JM\ 40.00 No »ss No as: All Chair* take new concealed Footrest, as shown on 412. No. 357. No. 380. No. 405 and No 474) when page 6 and page 23 (except No. so desired, at $2 50 extra list. A " sysJST. "’ om ° n w <• «* » <«..». n, No. 35/. No. 380. No. 805 and No. 478) when to desired. at $2.50 extra hit. lioviil "Regular Lino” Risft the Button and Rest") You can order these Chairs either UPHOI. No. 132* Oak. any finish. I.m Price of Frame only.. $19.# With Velour Grade 2 ', Loose Cusln 28j( Willi It D” Grade 3 lint. Lea. " With "Parr" Grade 3$4 " “ " \* shown with Spanish Moroc¬ co Grade 1054. “ No. 807. Golden Oak only. Polished. Li«t Price of Frame only . 52080 Wuh Velour tirade 2f. Loose Cush n 25.01 "‘lh R I)” tirade J lint Lea *' 26.00 W ills "Parr" Grade 354 " " " 27JX \s shown upholstered in style "•2" Parr j Lea. Grade JJ<4 30.00 No. 806. Gulden Oak and Mahogany Poittbciii List Price of Frame only $2180 Wnh Velour Grade 2\, Loose Cushions 2680 Will. "R D" tirade 3 lint Lea. " 2780 With "Parr" Grade 354 . 2880 shown upholstered in style "-3" M. II ] No I Grade 1054- 46.00 Mahogany. $2.00 extra list. No. 812. Golden Oak only. Polished. L>‘t Price of Frame only. 52280 With Velour Grade 254 Loose Cushm 27.00 \'nh "R I)" Grade 3 Imt. Lea. " 2880 J With "Parr" Grade 354. 2980 As shown with Velour Grade *5i » 2780 Koynl "Regular I Push the Butfonund Rest or with LOOSE CUSHIONS ” Grade 3 Imt. Lea 3000 With "Parr" Grade 355. 31.00 As shown upholstered in style "■2" M It. No 1 Leather Grade III 1 . 46-00 Mahogany. $2 00 extra li*« No. 425. Golden Oak only. Polished List Price ol Frame only S27.00 W nh Velour Grade 255 Loose Cushion. 32.00 With “R D" Grade 3 Imt. Lea. " 33 00 With "Parr" Grade 3*5 34.00 \« shown upholstered in style "-2" Leather No. I M It Grade lOvi *9.90 All Chair* take new concealed Footrest as shown on page 6 and page 23 (except No «I2. No. 357. No. 380. No. 405 and No. 474) when so desired, at $2.50 extra list. We show on these two pages nothing hut riMIOI.STKKKD chairs, merely to remind you that any chairs shown from pages 10 to ;tl will he furnished t'l’IIOLSTEKEI) in styles '*—2." ”—3," " 4."" "— J.' “ or “ 7." in any grade of coverings, either Fabric, Imitation of Leather or (ienuilic Leather. The old style toot rest shown on chairs 147-2 440-2 and 4S+-2 are supplanted l»v our NEW (OM KAI.KI) TOOT KEST. shown on page 23. No 449-2 All Chair* lake new concealed Footrest. *» shown on page 6 and page 23 (except No. 412. No. JS7. No. 380. No. 40S and No. 474) when »o desired, at $2 SO extra list. ltoynl "Regular Line Push f he Butfonand Rest or with LOOSE CUSHIONS .See Png* 7.) No. 4S0-2. Golden Oak and lmt Mahogany I 1 I i >t Price nl Frame only $11.SO With Velour Grade 2‘ , Loose t tuition* I6.S0 With "R D" Grade 3 lmt Lea. 17.S0 i' i" 1 it.i'l<- S' . 18-50 .. shown upholstered in style "•2'' Parr I.ea. Grade 3pi 2, - S0 No. 452-2. Golden Oak Waxed. E. E. or Fumed l ,-t Price of Frame only $13 00 With Velour Grade 2', Loose Cushion* 18.00 With “R D" Grade 3 lint Lea. I9.oo \\ ill. -Parr" Grade V/. . 2 °°0 ■■ shown upholstered in style " 2" Inn Span Grade 4 24.00 No. 453-2. Oak. any finish, and Mahogany Pol. List Price id Frame only $13.50 W ith Velour tirade 2 ', Loose Cushions 18.50 With "K D" Grade .1 Inn Lea. 19.SO With "Parr" Grade V/, " 20 S0 shown upholstered in style " 2" Leather Grade (>/: . 27.50 Mahogany. $2.00 ■ xtra list No. 454-2. Golden Oak and Mahogany Polished List Pr.ec of Frame only $1S 00 With Velour Grade 2' . Loose Cushion. 20.00 ^ With R l>" Grade 3 lmt Lea. " 21.00 With “Parr" Grade 3 !j 2200 shown upholstered in style ”-2" Leather Grade lo y t . Mahogany, $2.00 • xtra list 37.00 All Chain take new concealed Footrest, as shown on page 6 and page 23 (except No. 412. No 357. No. 380. No. 40S and No 474) when *o desired, at $2 50 extra 11*1. Koval "Kegulnr Lino” Push the Buttonand Rest You can order thea* Cham either UPHOL.STt'RED No. 488',. Golden Oak Waxed. E. E or l ,,,,,4 ) i»t Price ot Frame only $ 900 With \.l.. ur Grade 2\, LooseCushion 14.00 Uiili ‘H t) Grade 3 I nit. Lea. " 15,00 With "Parr" Grade JVS ** " •• 16.00 \» shown mth I nil. Span Lea. ♦'fade 4 •• i;M No 437*4. Golden Oak Waxed. E E. 01 Li«t Price of Frame only. W tih Velour Grade IVt Loose Cushi. With R D Grade .1 Inn Lea With •Tarr" Grade 3y, " V . shown with Plain Velour Grade 2M . ' <00 ' 00 < 00 00 MOO No. 436!4. Golden Oak and lint. Li*l Price of Frame only. " ith ' • lour Gradl 2'. 1 With ”K D" tirade S’/, lint Lea. W ith "Parr" Grade 3 00 »« No. 438*4. Golden Oak only. Polished I i«t Price of Frame only $1300 " u N1 '"'i' Gradl 21 1 ..... usb on l 00 ""I’ "R ft" Grade 3 lint. Lea. " 18.00 With "Parr" Grade Jkj “ " “ 19,00 \» ‘hnvvn with l.eathrr Grade 6yi . " 2C00 Koval “Regular Lin< Push the Button^nd Rest r with LOOSE CUSHIONS. lmwn upholstered in style 2” Parr . , Gradt 3M 24 00 No. 439%. Golden Oak only. Polished iii Price ol Frame only $15.00 With Velour Grade 2% Loose! ushmns 20 Willi “R IV Grade 3 Imt. Lea. 21 Parr 1 .It I! . 22 ■ shown with Verona Grade “ 22.00 No 440%. Golden Oak only. Polished i Price ol Frame only $it.oo With Velour Grade 2% Lowe Cushions 22.00 With "R IV Grade 3 Imt. Lea. 23.00 W,th "Parr" Grade 3%. 2400 shown with Verona Grade t.. 24.00 No 486%. Oak. any finish, and Mahogany Pol l .i i Price of Frame only $18.50 With Velour Grade 2% Loom ( ushions 23.50 With R IV Grade 3 lint Lea 24.50 With Parr" Grade 3%. 25,50 •\. shown upholstered in style “-4" Parr Lea. Grade 3% . - 32,50 Mahogany $2.00 extra. •*,,10 .)■ |,.,K. bed III ttponlali nr ImlUUoii *I*inUti Lonthera on Mlulon Knunw. §§§ All Chairs take new concealed Footrest as shown on page 6 and P*K' 23 < exc *P‘ No 412 No. 357, No. 380. No. 405 and No. 474) when so desired, at $2 50 extra list- ROYAL THll FOLLOWING PACKS ARK DRVOTKD TO I HE “LIBRARY” SECTION All chain ami Fail Hack' Notice how the lower part of the hack frame i* limit forwanl on n large curve. It i* filled full of ter; high pillow spring* of best wire and temper nml padded out full towanl the trout with Curled Hair. Why * To afford rest lor the lower pnrt of the spine. (Thi» i» something rarely fouml in ant chair). The large pad on upper pnrt of the hack being stuffed with ( urleil I lnir allows one to sink Into the chair, nfllinl- ing the mint completely n-*tful |mbc when fool rat 1* used. Thr fixture which moves the back b> pressure oil the push button i* nil concealed anil all made of vteel—no pir**ilile chance for it to either wear out or get out of order. All chair* whine number bi gots with O" an “lloyiil Library" chair* shown on i*»g< > i'l to II. arc made IPIIOLSTKHKD ONLY, mid will not tak. I.OOSF. l TSHIONS. Tlie ilitferriit iltleiol iiphnl*trnng%u»rdnnllu "Llhrary Luo",ire designated a* \. \ \,It,1)11,1) F and S. 11 ’A" mill the upper side* of the back, thr*< rely .nerstuff'ed, i. e., covered with the . one material a* the body of the bnek. \ll "Koval Library" chairs, except No. 0.1 . are equipped with our new foot rests, having concealed newspaper basket* pat¬ ent applied lor), a* *liown on chair No. Of.H A A page ik n mint important mhlition to the Un< a place to keep hook, newspaper or inaga/iio Nor ice—The foot rest proper will he covered with bc*t black Imitation Leather, no matter what the color or style of upholstering, except mi the leather overstaffed ehnirs, which will In- matched ,-i» to eolor, but the bait rt-»l bring alway * concealed unless in use by the oeeupnnt. and it being our desire to keep the prices of our good* as low «* i* consistent, we believe we In -i *crve our customers' and our own interest* by not putting them to the needle*' • vpi-UM- in figuring on genuine leather on tin* find rest. tin- Ibnal Library Line linv. ( urled Hair Filling. I'arl Seat* are aloi .luffed with Curled Hair, making a most Cow- . Crist it— Hum ('».»»* ns Rvicnx Kicsi-kci. (which signifies old Dutch), F. (which signifies modern English), (which signifies Sleepy Hollow i \A ami HI) are the sntne re* "It" except instead of the wood pieces on "Push the Button-and Rest FINISH- Ml Library Oak Chair* are finished Earl; English Fumed, Itamiiinl or Golden Oak Waxerl, unless except \'i o'.'T. iilit, oil, ni’., iiMi, which ehnir* when ordered in Golden Oak will be POLISHED, miles* ordered Dull Finish or tY as id Any other Oak chair* will be made in - POLISHED Golden Oak to oimtR m.m.x and will reipiire about three week* additional time to till the order Mahogany will always lie shipped DI LI. Ill IIKED, unless ordered |M>li*herl, which take* no extra time on Maliogunv SPANISH SHEEP HEATHER IS PRICED IN GRADE NO. MOROCCO AND SPANISH MOROCCO., , IMPORTED GOAT SKINS IS PRICED IN GRADE NO. 10'... Koval "Library lain Push the Button-and Rest No. 020 A. Oak. any finish, ami M.ih<»«.iii> Omde 4.u« Pr,e « Pan inn Let $20.00 ; Inn R...III Skill 22.00 654 Cheap Leather 27.00 H‘j Pyrox Leather anil Span Sheep 29.00 '»>, Special M B 31.00 in , M B No. I ami Span Morocco 33.00 i limit,my. $2-00 extra li»t No 020 B. Oak. any finish, ami Mahogany. Gr.d. List Price 3', -Parr" lmt. Lea $26.00 lmt Roan Skin 28.00 ii' . Cheap Leather. 33.00 S'j Pyrox Leather and Span Sheep 35.00 O'.-, Special M B 37.00 M II No 1 and Span Morocco 39 00 Mahogany. $2.00 extra list. No. 021 A. Oak. any finish » , "Parr” lmt Lea. $22 0° 4 1 , lint Roan Skin 24.00 i in ap Leathir 29.00 Pyrox Leather and Span. Sheep 31.00 v Special M II 33.00 Hi' . M B. No. I and Span. Morocco 35.00 No. 021 B. Oak. any finish Grad* 4-let Price ' . 'Parr" lmt. Lea, *28.00 4 . lint Roan Skin 30.00 ' , Cheap Leather 35.00 ' , Pyrox Leather and Span Sheep 37.00 ' , Special M B 39.00 | M B No. I and Span Morocco 41.00 All Library Chair*, except No. 033. have new concealed Pootreat a extra charge All Libitrjr Chaim, except No 038. have now concealed Foolreat at no extra charge rjn Hoyjil "Library Lino Rish the Button and Rest' No. 023 A. Oak. any finish Orafle List Price J!, "Parr" Imt Lea $2330 4'-i Imt. Roan Skin 2530 6Ji i heap Leather 30,50 Pyrox Leather ami Span. Sheep 3230 V'j Special M It 3430 10Jj M, H. No. I and Span. Morocco J6.50 No. 041 AA. Oak. any finish. Grade (.let Price ' I.. $26.00 4 . Imt Roan Skin 28.00 65* Cheap Leather 33.00 N' . F’yrox Leather and Span. Sheep 35.00 9 Special \t it oo li"j M I! No. 1 and Span Morocco J9.00 N» "41 A $2.00 Ice* list No. 031 A. Oak. any finish, and Mahogany Grade Llet Price i f, "Parr" Imt. Lea $24.00 4', lint Roan Skin 26.00 : Cheap Leather 31.00 x . Pyrox Leather and Span. Sheep 33.00 ,JI , Special M B 35.00 I"', M. It No. I and Span. Morocco 37-00 Mahogany. $2.00 extra list. I No. 031 B. dak. any finish, and Mohagony Pd Grade Llet Price •Hi "Parr" Imt. Lea $30.00 i Imt Roan Skin 32.00 Cheap i ■ atht t 373)0 X .■ Pyrox Leather and Span. Sheep 39.00 V' , Special M R 41.00 lOv, M B. I and Span. Morocco. 43.00 Mahogany. $2.00 extra list. lioval "Library Lint Hish the Button and Rest No. 024 A. Oak, any finish Orade L 31, "Parr” Imt. Lea 4 . lint. Roan Skin 6'/i Cheap Leather S', Pyrox Leather and Span Sheep Pyrox Leather and Span. Sheep 34.00 914 Special M B. 36.00 III', M. B No. 1 and Span. Morocco. 38.00 Mahogany $2.00 extra li»t No. 022 B. Oak. any fmi»h. and Mahogany Grade LIM Price 3 . Parr" Imt. Lea $3100 4', Imt. Roan Skin 33.00 , < heap Leather 38.00 8|.j Pyrox Leather and Span. Sheep. 40 00 9‘> Special M B 42.00 li", M B No 1 and Span Morocco 44.00 Mahogany. $2 00 extra list No. 024A No 024B AU Library Chaim, except No 033. have new concealed Footreat Nu 022B i extra charge. Koval "Library Lino’' Grade Li*t Price Pan ml L< Si! 1 SO Ay, lim Roan Skin.27 SO (>:. Cheap Leather . 32.50 X'.Pyrox I.eatlirr anil Span. Sheep 31 SO •i'. Special M R.36 SO in M It Nr. I and Span Morocco. 3# SO No. 02S A. Oak. any fiiiinh. Grade List Pn<« $ 26 1 4', lint. Roan Skin. I,'/, Cheap Leather . * , Pyrox Leather and Span Sheep.. <>• , Special M II. 37.00 ! lin, M It No. 1 and Span. Morocco..-. 39.00 No. 02S B. Oak. any finish. Grad* Lilt P' " C , "Parr” lint. Lea. 132 00 I 4', lint Ri.an Skin. 3400 'I., I . ,ili, i ... 39.00 X 1 1 Pyrox Leather and Span. Sheep. ... 41 00 ■>', Special MR. 43 00 Up, M R I and Span. Morocco. 45.00 No. 042 BB. Oak. nn> finish. Grad* Ll*t Pnc« ml I $34.01 4 Inn Roan Skin. 36.00 <>', Cheap Leather. 41.00 S', Pyrox Leather and Span Sheep. 43 00 Special MB 45, Oo I" M It No I and Span. Morocco.. 47.00 IH.' It i $2.00 less list. ltoyal "Library Li i in* “Rish the Butronand Rest” K«. 040 AA ' *ak. any fim«h Lilt Price 3', “Part Inil I..., $28.50 Pi Inn. Roan Skin 30.50 Mi Cheap I nlu-r 35.50 #‘j Pyrov 1 .nhi-r anil Span. Sheep 37.50 •)', Spec.i i 39 . 5 0 I0h M. H n : .mil Span Morocco.. 41.SO HO A $2.00 loi No. 032A. hni«h, and Mahogany LUI Price 3^ “Parr I ml l.ca $27.00 **» JnH R' 'I" Skin 29.00 6}< Cheap 1 • 11 her . 34.00 S ( S Pyri'x ! • nher and Span, Sheep 36.00 9 Vj Special M K 38 00 10'.. Ml: i and Span Morocco 40.00 Jllhogam $200 extra li*t No 015 B. O.ik my linich, and Mahogany »**• u „ Pr|<< $39.00 Inn -Km 41.00 46.00 H ' • ' 1 ‘'id Span Sin . p 48.00 50.00 'd Spai M , . 52,00 Mlhogan, $2.00 extra li.t ^ MSH i) finnh. and Mahogany ,. n Lut Price $42 50 ■■NL R Skin 44 50 49.50 ^ rlyr.nl and Span Sheep SI 50 Special t H 53 in 55.50 aUhogam S2 00 extra h.l Xo. OU t '' m t All Library Chain, except No. 033. Ne. CSS SU It.M: l ,a.Wm^l hare new concealed Footreat at no extra charge. Royal "Library Line” Push the Button and Rest No. 026 A. Oak, any finish Grade UM Prlee 3y t “Parr" I ml. Lea. $28.50 45-4 Imt Roan Skin. 30.50 !^ Cheap Leather . S44 It $2.00 l, « lint. Royal "Library Lino” “Rish the Button and Rest No. 047 BB. Oak. any finish Grid' 0*t Price J'/'IWIntLca. $38.00 4 lint Roan Skin 40.00 6! Cheap Leather 45.00 x l’>r- \ Leather and Span Sheep 47.00 9b Si ul M B 49.00 l0'/j M. It No I and Span. Morocco. S1.00 047 It $2 00 lot litt. No. 027 A. C )ak. any linisli, and Mahogany. Ortde List Price 3b “Parr" Imt. Lea. $30.50 4b Imi Roan Skin 32.50 6b Cheap l.cathri 37.50 8 1 l’yr x Leather and Span Sheep 39.S0 9’. Special M. B. 41.50 10b M It No. 1 and Span. Morocco. 43.50 Mahogany. $2.00 extra litt. No. 027 B Oak. any finish, and Mahogany Oredt Litt Price 3‘ j Part ' Imt. Lea $36.50 4 1 Imt R..an Skin 38 50 6’, Cheap Leather 43.50 ■ Sl . Pyr"' Leather and Span Sheep 45.50 M It 47.50 I" 1 M It No 1 and Span. Morocco. 49.50 Maln.uaiiv $2.00 extra list No. 045 BB. Oak, any finish and Mahogany -L. "Parr Imt. Lea . $39.00 4b Imt Roan Skin 41.00 6'. Cheap Leather 46.00 S’. Pyr..\ Leather and Span. Sheep. 48.00 9' Special M. B. 50.00 l"’; M. B. No. I and Span Morocco. 52.00 Mahogany. $2.00 extra list WS I! $2.00 lest list Nik 016-0 "*M I-*'-* I No. 046.AA All Library Chain, except No. 033. have new concealed Footreat at no extra charge Royal "Library Lino” Kish the Button and Rest" No. 036 D. Oak, any fmieh Lit! Price i' I’arr" lnit l.ca $4300 I . lint Roan Skin 45.00 Cheap i ■ other 50.00 s I’yrox Leather ami Span Sli- • 52,00 Special M IV 54.00 |ii‘ . M It No. 1 anil Span Mnfm 56.00 No. 046 AA. Oak. any linith. ami Mahogany Grade Lltt Priee v "Parr" I nit l.ca. $34.00 l lint. Roan Skin. 36.00 t heap Leather 51.00 I’yrox Leather and Spun. Sheep '1.00 . Special M. B 45.00 M It. No 1 mid Spnn. Morwen 47.00 Mahogany. S2.00 extra li*t -h > $2.00 lev* lit! No. 039 B. Oak, any finish. Grade .Vi "Parr” lnit. Lea... 4'. Inn Roan Skin. . Cheap Leather K , I’yrox 1.rather and Span Sheep Special \i D lii'j M It No I and Span Morocco $41.00 43.00 48.00 50.00 52.00 54 00 No. 039 A. Oak. any finish. Grade 3'-i "Parr" Inn Lea. 4 . lint Roan Skin : Cheap Leather . . K , I’yrox Leather and Span. Sheep ')'/i Special M B. ' MB No I and Span Morocco $ 15.00 37.00 42.00 44.00 4600 48.00 lioyal "Library Li “Rish the Button and Rest No. 033 A diogany only. Lid Pr lea J54 "l‘.v- I ml. Lea.. $37.30 4K Inn K".ln Skin 39.50 O'j Chop Leather 44.50 *'■ I' - l eather and Span Sheep. 46 30 9'. Special M. B. 48.50 H"; I li I and Span Morocco. 50.30 No. 020 K 'ak. any finish, and Mahogany Pfice .. ; j Cheap Leather '4.00 «!, I’yrox Leather and Span. Sheep '800 9 r ' ' 1 -father and Spai Shi ■ p 9a Special MB. Ijf lOki M It No. 1 and Span. Morocco $52.50 56.50 63 SO 67.50 71.50 75.50 $46.00 50.00 57.00 61.00 65.00 69.00 Lift! Price $46.00 50.00 57.00 61.00 65.00 69.00 All Library Chair*, except No. 033, have new concealed Footreat at no extra charge All Librnrjr Chain, except No. 033, have Roval "Library Li Rish the Buttotvand Rest No. 037 SH. Oak and Mahogatty Grade *-l«« Prle* • Parr" Inn. Lea S40.S0 t lint Roan Skin 51.50 Cheap Li a$ct 60,50 S', I’jrrox Leather and Span. Sheep O4.S0 Special M B '«SO !<■' M B No I and Span Morocco 72.50 No 048 D. Oak and Mahoicany Grade l-'** pr 'ei , I’arr" Inn Lea $0.00 1 . Inn Roan Skin WOO o 1 , Cheap Leather '’4,00 S' I'yrojt Leather and Span. Sheep '*8.00 ' Special M B 2.00 IIP. M B No. 1 and Spun. Morocco 76.00 No. 049 E. Oak and Mahogany Grade Uet Poe* V Parr Inn Lea $50 00 4 1 , lint Roan Skin. $<-00 '• . Cheap Leather M OO S' ; Pyre* Leather and Span. Sheep M.00 cUI M B 1 IIP i M. It. No 1 and Span Morocco. 73 00 No. 038. Oak and Mahogany. i heap Leather $*» 00 S‘, Pyrox Leather and Span. Shcc|> '2 00 , Special M. B. '0 00 Hi' M B X.. I and Span. Morocco 8000 r Hooker Section "Rish the Button and Rest No 11 i r 11 red Oak, any finUli. I u, Price Br»t Leather.. SHOO No 12 ii i. red Oak. any fini*h. j l.i't Price Best Leather.. 12.00 No. 13 i.uti rcd Oak, any finish i i t Price Be*t Leather. 1J SO No 16 red Oak. any finish I t Price Beat Leather. >5 00 No is No 16 No. 15 No 14 No. 17 ltockcr Section No IS Quartered Oak. any finish. Li»t Price Best I.rather SlS.SO No 14 Quartered Oak, any finish List Price Best Leather. ... 16.00 No. 17 Quartered Oak, any finish List Price Best Leather 16.00 No 18 Quartered Oak, any finish. List Price Best Leather 16.S0 Rocker Section "Rish the Buttoivand Rest No 2S Quartered Oak. any finish. |.i Sturgis, Michigan* l . S. A. NH Price I>ist ltoyal u Regular Line” Th,. Royal Line of Chain is divided into two sections, viz. The Royal "Regular Line” and the Royal "Lib- rary .Jr ( ^ c .'. Kceu | ar Ljnc .. having more the appearance of the conventional Morris Chair, being made to take either Upholstered Scats and Backs or Loose Cushions as desired as shown on pages 10 to 31. Illustrations of Upholstered Scats and Backs are shown on page 7. The different style* are 7. 2. 3. -8, -1. 5. and are made in any of the grades ol coverings described under head of "Prices and Descriptions of Loose Cushions'' on the following page. \|| .hairs whose number begin with are “Royal Library Chairs" and are made Upholstered Only and will not take Loose Cushions. We designate them as our "Royal Library Line" in order to distinguish these chairs from what wo call our "Regular Line." Important Notice. Notice our new improved concealed footrest containing newspaper basket (patent ap plied for), a most valuable improvement in our line of chairs. This is the only way we will make our footrests In the future. Add $1.23 net to price of all chairs when ordered with footrest. All footrests in both “Regular" and "Library" line will he covered with the best grade of imitation leather in black color no matter wlmt the chair is upholstered vs it it or what color the cushions arc. as this footrest is not intended to match, and is only in view when used by the occupant of the elmir. Push button position on all chairs after July 1st will be in the arm of the chair near the front post. No ol ! -T wool) Price ol ( alaloir Onl, 11 j 2 Old. Oak S 1 (HI 20 132 Qld. Oak 9 75 25 357 Qtd. Oak 9 tltl 31 301 Qtd. Oak & Mail'd Brh 7 no or. 38(1 Qtd. Oak » 25 25 388 ytd. Oak 8 75 12 | 35115 ytd Oak A Mail’d Brh 4 25 15 401 ytd. Oak A Mail’d Brh 5 25 23 405 ytd. Oak 8 on 20 mo (irnuine Muhoganv 11 50 20 too ! ytd. Oak 10 50 28 107 1 Qld. Oak 10 00 20 412 Qtd. Oak 11 00 21 420 ytd Oak 7 oo 21 422 ytd. Oak 8 50 21 422 Genuine Mahogany !l 50 18 423 | ytd. Oak li 00 20 424 | ytd. Oak « 75 20 121 (irnuine Mahogany 7 75 27 . 425 | ytd Oak 13 50 12 120 Qld Oak 4 25 17 427 ; ytd. Oak •i 00 18 120 ytd Oak 8 25 18 120 Genuine Mahogany 7 25 Iti 13(1 ytd Oak A Mah’d Brh 5 50 18 431 ytd Oak li 00 18 431 Genuine Vlahoganv 7 oo 24 432 ytd Oak 8 50 24 432 j Genuine Mahogany 0 50 12 433 ytd. Oak 4 25 27 131 ytd Oak 11 25 30 130'. ytd. Oak & Mail'd Brh 5 50 30 437'. ytd. Oak 5 00 30 138'. ytd Oak 0 00 31 430!, ytd. Oak 7 50 31 410'. ytd. Oak 8 50 27 445 ytd. Oak 11 50 10 448 ytd. Oak & Mail'd Brh 8 50 13 147 ytd. Oak A Mail'd Brh 4 50 10 149 ytd. Oak A Mail'd Brh 17 1 450 ytd. Oak A Mah'd Brh 5 75 20 ] 452 ytd. Oak 8 50 21 453 ytd. Oak 8 75 21 453 Genuine Mahogany 7 75 22 154 ytd Oak 7 50 22 454 Genuine Mahogany 8 50 zz ytd. Oak 7 25 See last page for prices of rockers shown No. ol PM* in Number WOOD On™ 22 455 Genuine Mahoganv $ 8 25 23 158 ytd. Oak 7 50 25 457 ytd. Oak !t 50 27 158 ytd Oak 12 00 27 158 Genuine Mahogany 13 00 21 480 ytd. Oak 7 00 21 too Genuine Muhoganv 8 00 10 182 Qtd. Oak 3 75 14 181 Qtd. Oak 5 oo 17 485 ytd Oak 5 75 20 188 Qtd. Oak 8 75 12 180 Qtd Oak A Mah’d Brh 1 25 10 170 Qtd Oak (i 25 15 471 Qtd. Oak 5 on 21 172 ytd Oak A Mail’d Brh 7 00 11 473 ytd Oak 1 00 10 474 ytd Oak 8 50 22 475 ytd. Oak 7 25 23 178 ytd. Oak 1 7 75 10 178 ytd. Oak 8 25 10 170 ytd Oak A Mail'll Brh 3 50 11 180 Qtd Oak A Mah’d Brh 3 75 11 481 ytd Oak 3 75 14 482 Qtd. Oak 1 75 14 183 Qtd. Oak A Mail'd Brh 4 75 Hi 184 Qtd Oak A Mah’d Brh 5 25 20 485 ytd. Oak li 50 24 188 Qld. Oak 8 25 24 | 188 Genuine Mahogany 0 25 31 188'. ytd. Oak 31 188 1 . Genuine Mahogany 10 25 13 487 ytd Oak A Mail'd Brh 4 50 10 488 Qld. Oak 3 50 30 188' . ytd Oak | 4 50 13 180 ytd Oak 4 50 13 100 Qld. Oak 14 mi ytd Oak 15 102 ytd Oak , a 2.) 18 193 ytd Oak I 5 50 17 194 ytd Oak 18 495 ytd Oak 1 23 198 ytil. Oak 22 407 ytd Oak A Mah’d Brh I 7 50 10 108 ytd Oak A Mah'd Brh i 3 50 15 too Qld. Oak A Mah'd Brh | 5 00 24 500 ytd. Oak 8 25 24 500 Genuine Mahogany , 0 25 on catalog page 45 to 48. N’H Prices and Description of Loose Cushions h'xplaining nil grades Of coverings nnd price- of the same when made up in Loose Cushions. Sign for Loose Cushion* l» “I- C." • See lower half of this page for prices of upholstered seat- and backs for Royal ' Regular Line chairs as shown on pages No. 10 to 31. Nft T, _U standard, plain, and sloped Velours, Corduroy, and cheap grades of Tapestry. Whenmsdeup in Loose Cushions prict r , Nn a I , "K I)." (Imitation! Leather, made up Box Style with Welted Seams. Windsor Velour. Verona V clours and Tapestry. When made up in Loose Cushions price is $3.00. _ Nn .-I. '’parr" Leather (yeara of teat have proven "Parr" Leather «h< best Imitation leather) Parr Leather Cushions ' ,r4 are made Box Style with welted seams, buttoned nnd tufted also better grade Verona Velour-. Royal Velours nnd Tapestry When made up in Loose Cushions price is $3.50. Grade No t Is Imitation Spanish Leather. “ Rhino ” and “ Buffalo ” made up tufted nnd buttoned. Box Style with Welted Borders. n | S o Mercerized Verona Velours nnd Tape-try When made up in Loose Cushions price is $4.00. Trad- No 4 'j —Is Imitation Roan Skin, which is best quality nf Imitation Spanish Leather, made up Bag Style only, unlc- ordered Buttoned and Tufted, also belter grade Mercerized Verona Velours When made up in Loose Cushions price is $4.50. rr.de No t' -Is Imitation Antique Spanish Leather. Plain and Crushed Silk Plush. Crushed Mohair Plush and Tapestry. When made up in Loose Cushions price is $5.50. Trade No 6% -W Cheap Grade Leather, made up Bag Style only Plain Car Plush. Best Crushed Plush. Panne l lush. Tapestry. When mad. up in Loose Cushions price is $6 50 Grade No 8'- -Is Spanish Sheep Skin, Spanish Pyrox. and Pyrox Black Upholstering Leather. Bag Style. When made up in Loose Cushions price is $8 50. Grade No O' Is Special M B. Leather When made up in Loose Cushions price is $0 50. , r d N- IIV I M ., I,,,,. It,,11, .1 \n II, ' ...... i.i »,, ,, » - ">■* «. Mt't - Horror. ,.nd Sp.ni.h Morocco ... Imported Cml Sim--Morocco b.m* .h, .kin..in pMo color. m Block. Too, «. Red. Spanish Morocco having Spanish shaded colorings, and in colors Green. Russet. Brown^und^Red. ^ "Notice.—All Loose Cushions can be had with Upholstered Seat mstead of a Loose Cushion Seat at 25 cu. additional >Yl Prices of Upholstered Backs and Seats As shown on page 7. any of which can be ordered on any chair in the Royal “Regular Line." Sec pages 10 In 31. Sinn is 2 i Spring- In Hack 0 Springs In Scat New Sleepy Hollow Sign is —6 Style No. 3 Sign is 3 IO Spring. In Hack 1 Spring. In Seat Style No. 4 Sign is I Style No. 5 Sign is 5 12 Spring. I No. J', Urad. Covering Parr l.calher Royal Tapctrv Price Below t No 4 tirade Iml. Spanl.li Leather Meeccrlted Stripe, and Price lleln» No. 4 1 j Orade Covering lint Roan Skin Mere criced Price Below s» S', u-.de No 6 , , 1|idc Covering Co,trlng '""vStour"" Vh«p leather Sllk'piu.h IN „ m n m °; ndcJ , Iml Antique c „ P| u .h Spanlul ,, #Iinc |.| ulh Cru-lied Sri Y U n'!"i No. *’» Orade Covering Spanl.h Sheep N Skin SpanjjhPjrrox S l phoUlcrlng Leather 1 Price Below $4 00 $4 50 $5 00 $5 50 $(> 00 $8 00 1 5 00 5 50 0 no (J 50 7 00 0 00 5 50 6 00 fj 50 7 00 7 50 3 50 j 6 50 7 00 7 50 8 00 8 51) 10 50 7 00 7 50 8 00 8 50 0 00 11 00 1 7 50 8 00 8 50 ft 00 0 50 11 50 10 .. tirade 12 30 13 50 eight will be allowed to any one under any circumstances. No. 3. The proper way to write an order f jtW ^ sv . 50 ." If the chair is wanted with ioose cushion^hi 11 best'imitation ^eaUicr, write I. “No. 4*. E. E. Parr L. C. iwhieh nn... ^ cushions), (trade No. 3':, $7.00. Royal “Library” Chairs All chairs whose number begins with “0" are ' Royal Library" Chairs, and are made Upholstered Only, and will not take Loose Cushions. See pages 32 to II Notice. We designate them as our "Royal Library Line." This is to distinguish these chairs from what we call our “Regular Line.” The "Regular Line" chair having more the appearance of the conventional Morris Chair, being made to tukc either upholstered purls or Loose Cushions as desired. The different styles of upholsterings used On the "Library Line" are designated as A A. M, MU. I) (which signifies Old Dutch) K (which signifies modern English) F and S (which signifies Sleepy Hollow.) “AA" and "MM" are the same as “A" and "U” except instead of the wood pieces on the upper side of the hack, these sides are entirely overstaffed, i. c„ covered with the same material as the body of the back. All "Royal Library" chairs, except No. 033, have concealed Footrests. Width of Chairs. The standard size of all our chairs, both in the "Library Line" and in the "Regular Line" is 20ff x20’ ; inside Seat measurement. In the “Library Line," however, we make No. 025, No. 020. and all Overstulled chairs 1 'A' wider and l‘ : deeper than any other chairs in either line -these seats being 22 " wide and 22 " deep inside measurement Important Notice. Our new improved concealed footrest , as shown by photograph or cut of No. 043 AA, page 38. shows our New Newspaper Musket (patent upplied for) a most important addition to the line, as we do not believe there is u man under the sun who con lay down his newspaper or magazine mid lind it a few hours later. This wc believe a most valuable feature, not only in an advertising sense but in the way of usefulness to the owner of the chair. The footrest proper will be covered with best black imitation leather, no matter what the color or style of upholstering, except on the leather overstuffed chairs (which will be matched in leather) but the footrest being always concealed unless in use by tin- occupant, ami it being our desire to keep the prices of our goods as low as is consistent, we believe we can best serve our customers' and our own interests by not putting them to the needless expense in figuring on genuine leather on this footrest. , Exception. As mentioned above Footrests In Overstuffed Chairs will be covered same as the Upholstering of t4yi chair. .13 .< S1.00 kdM eric*. O.cr Piki iled In Qunltd lr Hind. So. S', tin 020 A ytd. Oak J020AA 33 1020 M 020 DB “ * 020 Dor K. 1020 F or S' II Mahogany $1.00extra $10 on II 00 13 00 I t 00 10 00 17 75 Sill 50 11 50 13 50 U 50 10 50 18 25 020 K 021 A 021 W 021 M 021 MM 021 I) or K '021 F or S 022 A* 022 \ \ 0 22 M 022 MM 022 Dor I! 022 F oi S Same price as No. 4' : tirade Cover Qtd.Oak Qtdtaak 11 00 12 oo 14 oo 15 011 17 00 18 75 12 50 13 50 15 50 10 50 18 50 20 1 Muliogan s $| ( 10 ext ra 022 KA Sa me price as 10'. (, r a dr I 023 A (, 023 AA 023 M 023 MM 1023 Dor I! »23 F or S 11 75 12 75 14 75 15 17 75 10 50 12 25 13 25 15 25 10 25 Prkc In Pike In Pr c No. ft', Hindi So 8', Oradc So V km irlm km Him Co i'JJMI kdwmicMMI kdwince SS.50 0**r Price* (Her Pike* 0»ci O..*.led In Quoted In Qu'- Hindi So .1 , Hindi So .1 . flmdt 14 no 15 oo 10 oo 18 00 in 75 13 50 14 50 10 50 17 50 in 50 21 25 12 75 13 75 15 75 10 75 IS 75 20 50 Cm trine Cm trine Cm trine Cm nine Cm trine $12 00 $13 50 $11 50 $15 50 $16 50 13 00 14 50 15 50 10 50 17 50 15 00 10 50 17 50 18 50 10 50 10 011 17 50 18 50 10 50 20 60 18 ill) 1!) 50 20 50 21 50 22 75 in 75 21 25 22 25 23 25 24 25 13 no 11 50 15 50 10 50 17 50 14 00 15 50 10 50 17 50 18 50 10 (III 17 50 18 50 I!) 50 20 50 17 OO 18 50 in 50 20 50 21 50 1!) Dll 20 oo 21 50 22 51) 23 50 20 75 22 25 23 25 24 25 25 25 1 I 5(1 10 00 17 00 18 00 in oo 15 50 17 00 18 00 1 !) 0(1 20 oo 17 50 1 !) 00 20 00 21 00 22 oo 18 50 20 00 21 00 22 00 23 oo 20 50 22 00 23 00 24 oo 25 00 — 23 75 24 75 25 7ft 20 75 13 75 15 25 10 25 1 17 25 18 25 14 75 10 25 17 25 18 25 | 1!) 25 10 75 18 25 in 25 20 25 21 25 17 75 10 25 20 25 ! 21 25 22 2 .> 19 75 21 25 99 9.R 23 25 21 20 21 50 23 on 24 00 25 oo , 20 oo Koval “Library" C.h ;i | rs ('oiiliniit'd l’**t In Calaloc No. ol Chair and Sr.lt of l pholtlcrime Wood Prl« In Prlta In Prlta In Prkt In Prlta In Prlta In Prlta In Put* in No. 1 (Iradt No. I 1 (Iradc N» V Uradr So * (trade No a (Iradt N.. •>' Grade No Id 1 llrad \„ iu (Ira,It Co.trIn* Co.rrln* Cu.relnt co.tnni i Cmtrin* co.eeln* c-xcrlna Cn.crlnr 1050 w *"" CdtantrHOO Ct.an.rH MI td.an.r »l »n td.an.r »* 50 td-an.c !6 Mi td.rr. Part * II.tf Prltt. litre Prl.t. O.tr Prl.«. O.tf Prl.o O.tr Price. O.n I’rl.r. litre Prl... 1 earlier Ouottd In Quolad In Quota! In Quulctl In Quoted In Quolcd In Quoted In No 1' , tirade N.. 1 Hied. V. > , tirade N., 1 tirade N.. 1 tirade No 1 (Iradt N.. i rnaj Cot trim Co.trim Coterln* . Cotrrlnx Corcrln* Co.rrln* Co.rrln* 35 024 A Qld. Oak $12 25 $12 75 $13 25 $14 25 $15 75 $16 75 $17 75 $18 75 024 A \ .. 13 25 1.3 75 11 25 15 25 10 75 17 75 18 75 111 75 .35 024 M .. .. 15 25 15 75 10 25 17 25 18 75 Ml 75 20 75 21 75 021 MM .. 1(1 25 1(1 75 17 25 18 25 10 75 20 75 21 75 22 75 024 1) or I ! 18 25 18 75 Ml 25 20 25 21 75 22 75 23 75 21 75 024 !• or S 20 00 20 50 21 00 22 00 23 50 24 50 25 50 26 60 025 A gtil Oak 13 00 13 50 14 00 15 00 16 50 17 50 18 50 Ml 50 025 A A .. a 1 1 00 14 50 15 no Hi oo 17 50 18 50 Ml 50 20 50 .30 025 M .. Hi 00 Mi 5(1 17 00 18 00 19 50 20 50 21 50 22 5(1 025 MM .. •• 17 on 17 50 18 no 10 00 20 50 21 50 22 50 23 50 025 I) or !• .. >■ 10 00 10 50 20 00 21 00 22 50 23 50 21 50 25 5o 025 F or S 20 75 21 25 21 75 22 75 24 25 25 25 26 25 27 25 020 A Qld. Oak 14 25 14 75 15 25 Ml 25 17 75 18 75 Ml 75 20 75 020 A A .. .. 15 25 15 75 1(1 25 17 25 18 75 Ml 75 20 75 21 75 020 M .. « 17 25 17 75 18 25 Ml 25 20 75 21 75 22 75 2.3 75 020 MM X .. 18 25 18 75 Ml 25 2(1 25 21 75 22 75 23 75 21 75 020 Dor !• .. .. 20 25 20 75 21 25 22 25 23 75 24 75 25 75 26 i: 020!-’ or S 22 00 22 60 2.3 00 24 oo 25 50 26 50 27 50 28 50 30 027 A Qld. Oak 15 25 15 75 1(1 25 17 25 18 75 10 75 20 75 21 75 027 A A 1(1 25 10 75 17 25 18 25 19 75 20 75 21 75 22 75 .30 027 M .. .. 18 25 18 75 Ml 25 20 25 21 75 22 lit 2.3 75 027 MM .. .. Ml 25 Ml 75 20 25 21 25 22 lit 23 75 24 75 25 75 027 D or I ! .. •» 21 25 21 75 22 25 2.3 25 24 75 25 75 27 <5 027 F or S Mallogun > $1.00 i'Xt Set- last page for pr 2.3 00 2.3 50 ra. uvs on 028 and 0.30. 21 00 25 00 26 50 27 50 .34 0.31 A 12 oo 12 50 13 00 14 00 15 50 16 50 17 50 18 50 0.31 A A 13 "ii 13 50 1 1 on 15 on 16 50 17 50 34 0.31 It Qld. Oak 15 00 15 50 Hi no 17 00 18 50 10 50 0.31 MM 1(1 50 17 00 18 00 Ml 50 €1 II 18 00 18 50 Ml no 20 00 21 50 22 50 21 50 i031 F or S . Maliogan > $1 oil i'\t Ml 75 n 20 25 20 75 21 75 23 25 24 25 .37 0.32 A Qld. Oak 13 50 I t 00 14 50 15 50 17 00 18 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 15 50 Hi 50 18 00 •• »• 17 00 17 50 18 50 20 on 21 00 0.32 MM •< •< 17 50 18 00 18 50 Ml 50 21 00 22 00 0.32 1) or 1 •* « 10 50 20 00 20 50 21 50 23 oo _i» on 0.32 T or > Mahogai ” " 21 25 \ $1.00 rM ra . 21 75 22 25 23 25 24 75 0.1.3 A 0.3.1 A A ! 0.3.3 I) 0.3.3 MM 0.3.3 I) or Kl 0.3.3 P or 8 Mahogany only. 18 lit 10 7 :> 21 75 24 75 2(1 50 Ml 75 I'n 85 20 ‘ 22 75 2.3 75 26 76 27 50 20 75 21 75 21 75 26 76 28 50 20 25 28 26 .30 00 2.3 25 20 25 27 25 20 25 .31 00 24 25 25 25 27 25 28 25 .32 00 ltoviil “Library” Chairs ConUum-a l'j(< In Chau and Calalot Sole of Iphnlalnini 034 A Qtd. Oak 034 AA 031 U 1034 mi 034 Dor E <134 I" or S 035 A 035 A A ! 035 H 035 HU 035 Dor 1)1 >035 P or S Muliogan y Si oil 030 A 030 AA H30 It 030 Itll 030 I) or i : 036 P or S 039 \ 039 \ \ 030 It 039 lilt 039Dor K 039 P or S 010 A '040 AA 040 It 040 Bit 040 Dor K 040 P or S 041 A 041 A A 041 It 041 Itll 041 Dor I! 041 P or S ll«er Price* Quoicd in Quoin) In No. J 1 i tirade So. J% Qradc Co* re Inc Coecrln* 0««t Price. 0»t» Price. Quoin) In Quoicd In No J‘; Mradc No. , Oiad $12 75 $13 25 $13 75 $14 75 $10 25 13 75 14 25 14 75 15 75 17 25 15 75 11> 25 10 75 17 75 19 25 10 75 17 25 17 75 18 75 20 25 18 75 19 25 19 75 20 75 22 25 20 50 21 00 21 50 22 50 24 00 13 50 11 00 14 50 15 50 17 00 1 1 50 15 00 15 50 10 50 18 00 10 50 17 00 17 50 18 50 20 oil 17 50 18 00 18 50 19 50 21 00 19 50 2 " 0 " 20 50 21 50 23 oil 21 25 21 75 22 25 23 25 24 75 ra. 15 50 10 00 10 50 17 50 19 00 10 50 17 00 17 50 18 50 20 III) 18 50 19 0" 19 50 20 50 22 no 19 50 20 00 20 50 21 50 23 00 21 50 22 0(1 22 50 23 50 25 0(1 23 25 23 75 24 25 25 25 20 75 ices of No. 037 and N o. 038. 17 50 18 00 18 50 19 50 21 01 ) 18 50 19 on 19 50 20 50 22 oo 20 50 21 no 21 50 22 50 21 00 21 50 22 00 22 50 23 50 25 oo 23 50 21 00 2-1 50 25 50 27 00 25 25 25 75 26 25 27 25 28 75 13 25 13 75 14 25 16 75 14 25 14 75 15 25 10 25 17 75 10 25 1(1 75 17 25 18 25 19 75 17 25 17 75 18 25 19 25 20 75 10 75 20 25 21 25 99 7 ^ 21 00 21 50 22 00 23 00 24 50 12 00 12 50 13 00 14 00 13 00 13 50 11 00 15 00 15 00 15 50 10 00 17 oo 10 00 10 50 17 00 18 00 18 50 19 00 20 00 19 75 20 25 20 75 21 75 23 25 0>« Price. 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