f ^n^ O Duke University LIbrarie* The undersigned Conf Pam c|#112 Sav Axton-io, February 18, 18Q^ The undersigned, Commissioners on the part of The State of Texas, fully empowered to exer- cise the authority undertaken by them, have formally and solemnly agreed with Brevet Major Gen- eral David E. Twiggs, United States Army, Commanding the Department of Texas, that the troops of The United States shall leave the soil of The Stale, by the way of the coast ; that they shall take witli tliem the mtims of the respective corps, including the battery of light artillery at Fort Duncan, and tlu' batti-rv of the same character at Fort Brown ; and shall bo allowed the necessary means for regular and comfortable movement, provisions, tents, etc., etc., and transportation. It is the desire of the Commission that there shall be no infraction of tiiis agreement on the part of the people of The State. It is their wish, on the contrary, that every facility shall be afforded the troops. They are our friends. They have heretofore afforded to our people all the protection in ihciv power, and we owe them every consideration. The public property at the various posts, other than that above recited for the use of the troops, will be turned over to agents, to be appointed by the Commission, who will give due and jiroper receipts for tlie whole to the OlBcers of the Army, whom they relieve from the custody of the public property. THOS. J. DEVIXE, P. N. LUCKETT, S. A. MAVERICK, Commissioni'rs on behalf of Commit- tee of Public Safety. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5