Duke University Libraries The plan, and a Conf Pam #691 CENTRAL ASSOCIATION THE RELIEF ^oliliciiJ) 4 S^wi^^ Ofaroliira. THE PLAN, AND ADDRESS, ADOPTED BY THE CITIZENS OF COLUMBIA, October 20, 1862. CHARLES STEAM-POWER PRESS OF EVANS AND COGSWELL, No. 3 Broad Street. 1862. CENTRAL RELIEF ASSOCIATION SOUTH CAROLINA SOLDIERS. Dr. M. La BOKDE, Chairman. Hon. JOHN TOWNSEND. Hon. \VM. F. Dk SAUSStJRE. Rev.'B. M. palmer. Rev. p. J. SHAND. rkv. vvm. martin. JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Esq. Dr. R. W. GIBBES, Sen. E. L. KERRISON, Esq. Dr. JOHN FISHER. H. C. BRONSON, Esq. i»f PUBLIC MEETING. Columbia, October 20, 18G2. At a public meeting held this day, in the City Hall, to receive the re- port of the committee appointed at an adjourned meetinfi, on tlie 8th Octo- ber, to devise some plan lor th« relief of our sufferinji soldiers in the army, Dr. M. LaBorde was requested to take the Chair, and Edward Hope to act as Secretary. Hon. John Townsend. as Chairman of the Committee, stated that they had found it necessary to correspond with the authorities in Richmond, and upon a moderate calculation, South Carolina had ten thousand soldiers .in Virjrinia in a destitute condition; tliat the constant demands of the army had well-nie dcstroycil, the canl within will direct the delivery. Wlienever a siifiicietit (piantity of sujjplics for our army have a.'cumulated at tlie depot in Columbia to make a shijinu'Mt proper, the Central Committee will lor- ward the same to a de])ot locateil at Richmond, Va., under tin; immediate care of an agent, sent on by the Central Connniltee at Columbia, to see personally that these sup))lics are safely and promptly delivered at the depot in Richmond, and take his receipt for the same. Depot to be established at Richmond, and duties of Agent. Your (;onmiittee further recommend that a depot be secured at Rich- mond by the Central Committee, for the sole use of the people of our state, ami for the benefit of our own citizens who are now in the service in Vir- ginia; that this depot be under the care and control of a gentleman who will have, and who deserves, tlie confidence of the people of our state. It will be nnde the duty of the gentleman appointcil to take charge of the de])Ot at Richmond, to give to the officers connnanding the soldiers from South Carolina, as well by general notice in tlie newspapers as by special notice to our officers, inforniation of the establishment of our (h'pot, and the objects proposed to be accomplished Ijy the location of said depot at Rich- mond, ami re(iuesting that they would, when nei-essarv, detail a member of their company or re'.rimcnt, to be sent to the de])ot at Richmond, with a written statement of the articles needed in their companies or regiments, and which detailed soldier sent to Richmond would be able to take to the resuectivc comi>anies or regiments a portion of tlie general contribution, as well as the private contributions intended for persons in the said companies or regiments. May send a special Agent. Private packages to be kept separate from General Contributions. Or, that tiu; superintendent of the depot adopt such other method of ascertaining the wants of the army, and the mode of transmitting sujiplies, as his judgment and experience may suggest. In the depot at Richmond, the same arrangements of separating the general contributions from the private packages as is recommended in the central depot at Columbia, to be observed. It will further be tlie duty of the agent for the state, at Rich- mond, to cause to be faithfully delivered all articles sent to the patients in the hospitals in and near Richmond, and whatever of tlie general contribu- tions he may think advisable and necessary, and to send by a special and reliable agent articles and supplies to our soldiers in the diiferent hospitals in the State of Virginia, and that he take such measures as will inform him, from time to time, of tlie wants of our sick soldiers in said hospitals, situated at a distance irom Richmond. Jlaij retain h the depot in Columhia a portion of the Genera! Con- tributions for our Soldiers in South Carolina. That the Central Committee, in Columbia, acting upon the best informa- tion they may be able to obtain, may retain in the de]>ot in Columbia such a ])ortion of the general contributions as they may thiidv will best serve the purposes which avl' wish to a;'comj)li8h. to i)e turnislu-d to our soldiers in our own state, or in the other states, as exigencies may reijuire, either in service or in our hospitals; and, also, to receive at our depot all private packages sent to men m our state or elsewhere ; said contributions to be sent by special agents, by said Central Conmiittee, or delivered to persons sent by their resj)ectivi> oflicers from our anny, as the said Committee may hi^ieafter determine. And it is further recommended, that the Central Conunitt.ee at Columbia allow to the agents under their direction such reasonable com- pensation as will be just ami proper. Your Committee further recommend tlie adoption of the following resolu- tions : 1. Resolved, That the address and report to the. people of the state, here- with submitted, be adoi)tcd by this meeting. 2. Jiesolverl, That all the jiapers of this state be refjucstcd to publish the same, and that three thousand copies be published in j)amphlet form for general distribution. ii. licsolcrd, That copies of the above named pamphlet be furnished to tlie officiating ministers of ail religious denominations throughout the state, with a recjuest that they be read to their congregations. ADDKESS TO THE PEOPLK OF SOUTH CAROLI.NW IN UHHALF OF THEIR ])ES- t TITUTE SOLDIERS. FrI'oir-citizrnx : Less than three months have passed away since the capi- tal of our Confederacy was beleagiiei'cd by the most formidable army which has ever been massed together on this continent. It was equipped with every M-(.»apon of war of the latest improvement (in ordnance, ammunition, and small arms) whi(di modern science could invent, or the most lavish expenditure of money could provide ; its apj)ointments were complete in everything which the most powerful nation on earth, assisted by an unlimi- ted commerce, could supply ; the perli-ction of its discipline, after eighteen months drill, by masters in the art, made it the admiration and boast of its countrymen; and it was assi^jted in its movements by one of the most pow- erful navies in the world. An army like this, thus Ibrmidable in everything which could make war destructive, and swanning over our country in num- bers like the locusts of Kgypt, was well calculated to create anxiety lor the safely of our capital. ^^ Our Army inferior to that of the Enemy in their J-Jquipinents. If, wa^ known that we could oppose to tliis host an army inferior to theirs in evcrvthiiiJi, exeej)! courajre and dijicipline ; and, altliougli we lind every eonfidtnce in these (pialities of our soldiers, yet to every rellectiiij; man in the South, eontenipialinjr the fearful odds a^rainst us, there was an unde- fined dread for the result, which pressed like an overwhelming load upon his heart. " Wliat if fiur army be overpowered, routed, destroyed, and Kiehmond taken V" was the anxious problem which every man pondered in his heart. "What if that barrier of bjave h»'arts should be broken down bv OTir enemies, and havinjr nothing to oppose them they should sweep down over the fSoulh, leaving desolation behind them, as they have done ill NortJiern Virginia, to be followed by other Northern hordes, greedy for plunder, burning with lus-t, and raging with fanati<-ism ?" These were the painfully anxious musings of tiioughtful men. as they eontemjilated the two armies eonfionfing each other betbre lliehmond, and the enemy possessing so many and such vast advantages over us. • Our Military Reverses ivere calculated to Discourage us. The military reverses which had befallen us one after another for several months previous, had cast a gloom over the public mind, and had greatly intensified their anxiety about the fate of our army. The fall of Forts Donelson and Henry, and those near Port Royal, the occupation of Beau- tort and the sea islands in this state, and several of the sea-coast towns in North Carolina, the surrender of New Orleans and Nashville, their occu- pation of large portions of Tennessee and Kentucky, and the Mississippi river, the evacuation of Pensacola and Norfolk, and tlie blowing up of the Merrimac — these, and other reverses, hung like a murky cloud over our political horizon, and caused many to desjwnd, and a few even to despair. And now the enemy, with their vast and well-appointed army, is advancing upon Richmond. The peninsula is overrun, and their fortifications are l)lantcd iihnost at the gates of our capital, while their immense fleet is occu- pying all ilie approaches by water. But our army is there to meet them at every point. At a spectacle which was so full of momentous consequences, both na- tions stood agaze, and men held their breath under the intenseness of their anxiety, while the pious raised their supplications to God for His blessing \M$on our arms. Our Trust in. the Army of the Potomac for Deliverance. And now, fellow-citizens, can any man forget that, amidst the undefined fears, and doubts, and anxieties with which his mind was then distressed, he fixed his trust in our arniji of the Potomac as the only instrument, tlirougii God, to bring to us d(diver:iiu!e — the. very army (or what is left of it, after the killed, and the wouiuleil and sick in the hospitals are deducted) which, having heroically performed its work, stands now before their country, in their destitution and sufferings, and demands of her J iistire as the evidence of our gratitude. And have tliey not a claim to both, in fullest measure? Consider the condition of tin; country imm(;diately ])receding the battles before Richmond, as it has been briefly presented to you — consider the fearful odds against us everywhere and in everything, shut out from assist- ance, as we were, from all the world — consider the feverish temper-of the pulilic mind, under the influence of these discouraging circumstances, as it •waited, from day to day, for the bursting forth of the tempest which was to A decide, perhaps, the fate of our country, and then form some ftstimate of the immeasurable benefits which that army secured to us, and the lively grati- tude which was then felt, and which will ever be due to it. Carry your mepiories back to the time when, during that ominous calm which preceded the terrible storm, every man awaited the tidings from Richmond Avith breathless anxiety. Their heroism. The gratitude of the Ration. Their clair^is upon us for. Relief. At length it comes. Wiiat sounds, are these which shake the earth ? It is the booming of deep-mouthed cannon and the rattling of ten thousands of musketry, and the shouts of armed men contending in deadly strife. The battle is begun! But here comes further tidings llashing over the electric wires, and what do they tell V " Victory, victory to the South! " And after seven days fighting, in which our soldiers poured out their blood like water, and performed deeds of valor which have made them . the ad- miration of the world, still Avas each day's report, " victory " to our arms,' slaughter and rout to our enemy, until they find shelter under the guns of their fleet ! Who of you, then, fellow-citizens, did not feel proud of this • army V Who of you did not then feel deeply grateful to them for the de- liverance they had wrought for you, and the security which they had thrown around }ou ? llcmember, then, that the same army, althoygh sadly reduced by death, wounds, and sickness, now confronts again the advance of our enemies on the banks of the Potomac. Remember the dangers and hardshijis they have suffered, in order that you, your families and property, -^ might be safe ; and then let the sentiment of gratitude and justice in your hearts, inspire you to remember their pressing wants, and urge you to sup^- ply them. ^yhat say the IFomen of the South? And now, citizens of South Carolina, what is your response ? We will not ask this question of tlie women of the South. jSIany of them have their cherished ones, their husbands, their brotliers and their sons, in one or the other of our armies; and God lias put their hearts in the right place, and they have not allowed them to be warped aside by avarice or selfishnessw The sp%L-ulator, the monopolist, or the extortioner, cannot live within the }>ure atmosjdiere of woman's nature, and we know that their response will )e all that liberality can devise, or patriotic industry accomplish. What say the Rich Men, and every citizen resolved to be free? We call next upon you, rich men — ye m'Iio have tens of thousands of pro- perty to protect, and thousanrls or hundreds to give, if ye will but forego your luxuries, and follow the promptings of your better nature. What is your response V We forbear to answer for you all as a class ; the sequel will dis:4ose your acts. AVe call upon you, citizens of every class, and of every degree in wordly goods — ye who have your wives and daughters to protect against a ruHian soldiery — who have your homes and property to save from confiscation — who have your personal rights and liberties to de- fend against the vilest and most vulgar Ivranny on earth- — the tyranny of the ranting Fanatic, and Abolitionist, who aim to degrade the white man to ^ the level of the negro slave ; what is your response V We will not doubt but tliat it will bo liberal, and that you will come up to the norossities of this {Treat emergency, witli the pronij)tness of men who, haviu'r determined to protect their families anil property, and preserve their liberties, have re- solved to keep our armies in a state of the highest elHciency, as the best means of securing these ends. The " Sneaks " icill he mxUe. But there is one small class^ whom we would especially call upon — wo allude to the ".sneo/>-," who are to be found in every community ; men who are loud-mouthed in tlicir ])rofe,ssions of attaoliineut to our cause, and per- haps really "wish its success," but success, at the expense, and toil, and sacrifices of their neighbors; who will dodge the Conunittee who may call upon them for their contributions, or be "not at liome," or, "unfortunately, just out ot" lunds," althougli tiicy be ri..h men, and can command as much money as they want for any other purj)ose. Out upon all such for their meanness and selfishness, and if they have no nulile motive to prompt the act, let them at least contribute from tlie selfish principle, which induces them to buy a policv of insurance against fire, or pay for the town watch- man to guard their premises against thieves — evils which they will find dwindle into insignificance, conmared with the loss of their liberty, and the confiscation of tlieir property 1 ff'hat response do the Capitalists and Bankers make? And now, capitalists and hankers, we call upon you, who have millions, and tens of millions to invest, or to preserve in security, ^^'hat is your response 'i Remember that your pecuniary interests are deeply involved in this issue. If the South is reduced to subjection, what becomes of Con- federate bonds, and Confederate stocks, ami Treasury notes V Will they ever be paid ? By whom V If the Southern States accept the boon gra- ciously tendered to them l)y tlieir masters, and again become a part of the "glorious Union," will tin- debt contracted by us in conducting the '■'rehel- liun," be acknowledged, and provided for by the '■^paternal " (iovernment, as a part of the national debt? If not, can the South ever pay it V • HowV Only by a direct tax. She will have no ])ower to resort to the custom- house ; that will belong to our masters. lUpuilialion will become a neces- sity. Tlie Confederate Government promised to pay, but the Confederate Government will no longi-r exist. Look to it well, then, and see what interest you have in sustaining the war. There is not a bank in the state but holds a large amount of Confederate bonds, stocks or currency — so large that they nuist go to the wall if these are repudiated. What capi- talist has not made large investments in this way V Let these parties look to it in time, and pursue the course which tlie instinct of s^lf-j/rcser ration, if notiiing higher, suggests, and support the war liberally, vigorously ; and that is best done by proviiliug for the soldiers, and keeping up our armies in a state of the highest efiiciency. "Reconstruction of the old Union? or Subjugation?" Ask the Exile. Let us not shut our eyes, fellow-citizens, to our true condition. The terms ollerc materials If they can, and work them up into sliocs or garments; and if these sources fail, then let us resort to our domestii; sup- ply, and divide with our soldiers nrir own clothes and blankets. Let no one oljiject to the "motley uniibrm" which our various wardrobes will inapart to our army. We may take to ourselves the consolation of knowing tliat we ' have done the best in our power; and that It is better to have in our army the uniformity of variety, than the "uniform" of rags or nakedness. If necessary to the keeping up of our army in the field, and, therefore, to the success of our cause in establlsliino; our independence, it would be a false pride, and a silly one, to object to sharing our blankets and our wardrobe with our soldiers. It Is but transferrins: these from 12 friends at home to relatives in the nruiy; and if noeil bo, we will divide onr clothes again, and yet again, with our bretliren thtre, nnlil we shall be C rcduiL'd ourselves, ncit ti) rags (for Southern women will not allow iVionds at home to eome to tint), but to darns and patches, which may yet become the honorable badges, by which to distinguish the patriots ot" onr second Revolution. TIk" man who ha.s unalterably resolved that this Conleri(<'9 at wiiif'h tlicv are held. Tiiey are in the hands of specu- lators, mono])olists and extortioners, whose .-iouls are so steeped in avarice, as to 1k' insensible to any appeals of humanity or patriotism. They care nothing for the soldier, whether lie pei'ish for lack of cluthing. They care nothing for the soldier's wife and family whom he has lett at home, but grind out of their 'necessities the extrcmcst prices for the few articles (their >/an>, their cloth, their .su(/ui; and their .salt) which are iiidispeiisriblc to them. In procuring, tiicu, supplies for our soldiers, we cannot depend upon the stores in the hands of such voracious corinorants, but leave them to the judgment which God has denounced upon tiie extortioner, and under the full persuasion tliat the sighs and the tears of the poor, which ^ have been gathered in with tiiose treasures, will eat them up like a. canker, '^ and leave, in the end, nothing but barrenness in their collers. , If, then, we cannot j)urcliase irom the public wai-ehouses the shoes and garments needed lor our soldiers, and if we are debarred the use of the unwrought materials in the hands of monoi)olist.s, then our only resource is to call upon our own wardroi)es and Ijlankets; which, with diligence in collecting, and industry in repairing them, would go far in relieving the present necessities of our soldiers, h there one who will deny his share of these, or refuse to make up his bundle ? The supposition is not to be entertained. » The soldier guards each man's home, althouijh he may be vn the frontier of Virginia, or our oicn iSca-coiist. Remember that our soldiers who arc guarding our frontier, no matter where may be that frontier, may justly be considered aa standing sentinel at eacli man's gate, tio matter where that man's home may be. The defence of the frontier is necessarily the protection of all within it; and the army of the I'otomac is no more the guard of our capitol at Richmond, tlian it is the guard of the town of Columbia, and of every plantation and hamlet between whird), and the enemy, it interposes its powerful shield. It would be an ignorant and short-sighted view to suppose that, in guarding our t'ron- tler in Vij-gmia, or on our own sea-coast, we are guarding Virginia or our own sea-coaxt alone. The frontier, which is in Virginia, or on the sea-coast to-day, if not guarded by a sutlicient army, may in due time be transferred, by an advaneing enemy, to Columbia or Greenville, to Yorkville or Spar- tanburg. The intelligcjit mind, then, can readily contemplate the sentinel who keeps watch and ward for us on the banks of the rotomae, or on I 13 tlie sea-coast, as substantially doinpf the same thing for every town and family, between those frontiers and his own home. Let us, then, fellow- citizens, familiarize ourselves to this undeniable truth. Let us realize the fact that, although in person our armies may be in Virginia or on the sea- coast, they are virtually, and for all the purposes, for which the army is raised, protecting each man's home in the interior, no matter where that home may be. Contemplate, then, the faithful sentinel, doing at your own gate what he is doing in Virginia or on the sea-coast — pacing his weary rounds by day and by night, neither slumbering nor sleeping — eyes to the army, to warn it as well as yourselves, of any danger that may be approaching. Contem- plate him performing this dreary duty, without murmuring, witliout reward, or hope of reward, and at much peril of his life, and consider that he under- goes all this, that you may enjoy your home in peace, that your family may be protected from insult, and your property be preserved from spoliation. With such motives jjrompting him, and with such priceless favors conferred upon you, could you jiass that man without admiration, gratitude, respect, and without having feelings of the kindliest good will springing up toward him? Who can then refuse to relia'e his icantsf Should you pass him at your gate, while performing these arduous duties which redound so greatly to the safety and comfort of those who are dear to you, and see that he was fihnelesx and in rar/s, would not the immediate impulse of justice and gratitude be, to hasten into your dwelling and set your wife and (laughters about the task, so grateful to them, of making him a warm and comiortablc suit ; or, if you had no materials with which to make these, would you not resort to your own wardrobe and share with him your own garments and shoes ? Again, should ynw, from your ow7i sheltering domicile, behold tliis faithful man, exposed to all the inclemencies of winter, drenched witli rain and the driving sleet, still ]>aciiig his dreary watch before your gate ; should you seb him next, tluis cold and wet, and in his tattered or threadbare clothes, throw iiimself upon the cold ground, without covering or shelter, to seek for rest and sleep, what, let us ask, would be the promptings of every gener- ous mind, but to send to him instant and sufficient relief? Who would not send him, if he could, a great-coat to shelter him while on duty, and a blan- ket to cover him at night ? Who could find peace within his own bosom, although surroui\ded by all the comfoi'ts of a luxurious home, so long as he reflected that the henofactor, to whom he was indebted for all these enjoy- ments, was suffering so many, and such severe privations on his account? The pit'rcing cold, and the howling storm which were raging without upon the soldier's unsheltered head, would be l)ut so many angry messengers of conscience to rej)roach him of his ingratitude and meanness, and to drive sleep from his eyelids. Let no one say that this is an exaggerated representation of the case. It is only necessary to consider the army in its true functions — and that is, as the defender of every man and ever}' man's family and ])ropertv, at Jiia ovn door, no matter how remote the frontier may be, which is actually oci-upied; and then every man will feel (as it is his duty to do) that he has a personal interest in making that army as eflicient as possible, for his onm defence and securiiv. ^14 What should be Contributed. Let ovory one, tlion, como forward, as we have before said, and i intribute liberally, in money if lie have it, to puichase elothinjr and material to be wroujiht up into elothiiijr; in cloth if he have it. and in blankets, or woolen carpels as a substitute for blankets. The f|uilted "eomforts," so ealled. are not eonsiderefl so useful to the soldier as the blanket, whirh is easier dried after beiiifr wet. Let the " eoniforts." then, be retained for use at honie, and our blankets be sent to our soldii-rs. Hut some one, percliance, poor in this world's {roods, may say: "I have no blankets to fj:ive, and no carjjets to cut up as a substitute ; I have but this coarse ' comfort ' to contribute : it is the best, nay. it is all I have." Then give that, thou penerous one, and a.s God bles'^etl the ()(Tennitious to their durability — ■would they, we ask, exact of our soldiers, under such circumstance!*, the same austere jirudenee, and economy, which they might be expected to practice if at their j)eaceful homes, siuTOUuded by their daughters and wives V Surely no reasonable man would insist upon such a measure of exact bidiavior. Let us then, fellow-citizens, spurning these mean subti'rfugcs. and i-eject- ing all trivial excuses, come up to our great work with manliness and can- 15 dor ; and then, if every man will do his duty, many weeks will not have passed away, before the troops of South Carolina in the army of the Poto- mac, from being as they are now, the " worst," will be the best clad in the field. J. TOAVNSEND, Chairman. J. L. REYNOLDS. J. C. LYONS. S. R. BLACK. WM. REYNOLDS. JOHN FISHER. THOMAS DAVIS. W. A. HARRIS. W. F. DeSAUSSURE. ANDREW CRAWFORD. C. R. BRYCE. J. AV. PARKER. WM. MARTIN. Rev. R. W. Barnwell moved the adoprtion of the report and address. Hon. Wm. F. DeSaussure, in secondin;i the motion, addressed the meeting a:t some length, when it was moved that the Central Committee consist of ten; and, on motion, the Chairman of this meeting was added as Chairman of the Central Committee, with power to appoint at his leisure. On motion, the meeting adjourned. M. LaBORDE, Chairmftn. Edw'ard Hope, Secretary. Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5