^5 60 D'mMi72a+ DOC. No. XLIX. STATEMENT SHOWING THE NUMBER, BY COMPANIES, OF THE VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS WHO ENTERED SERVICE PRIOR TO JULY 1, 1861, &C. &C. &C. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/statementsliowingOOvirg Doc. No. 49. PAYMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Richmond, Jan. 20, 1862. ■Sir. In complmncc with tlie resolution of the house of delog-atcs, passed January 10th, 1862, I have the honor to submit herewith, an abstract showing the number by companies of the Virginia vohintcers who entered the service prior to 1st July 1861. The returns to this office only comprise such companies as entered sen-ice prior to July 1st, 1861 ; up to which period tliey were paid by the state. I am therefore unable to say what number are now in the lield. The reports sub.scquent to 1st July were made, I presume, to the adjutant general of the Confederate States. He would therefore be able to give this information, as well as the points at which the troops are stationed. In some instances I found a difiSculty in fixing the exact date of eutiy into service, owing to the neglect of the officers making the rolls not stating in the caption of such rolls when and for how long the company was nnistered in. In such cases I took the commencement of pay as the ikte of entrv', aud twelve months thereafter as the termination of service. I have understood that some few of the companies embraced in my abstract have been discharged ; but never having received official notice of the fact, I cannot of course report them so. Many of the companies were largely increased by recniiting afler the 1st July, and a good many men have been discharged ; to wliat extent, in either case, I am unable to state. I have the honor to be. Very respectfully, Your ob't .servant, HENRY HILL, ' Paymaster General Va. Forces. Chairman Committee on Military Affairs, House Delegates of Virginia. V-4 Doc. No. 49. c* tD^»--^>,-,-^., i 00-.----.---.---, I— 1 •sotAJng tC cc5" sT o -^ (N cc -rf ira o i-T Qc sT o" }o nuaj JO noijejidxa < •soinBcIinoo jo ox Ii')ox t- — si 'S' o -T CO ri x -^ i-T — 1 ?■; :?! .-lM>-<■ Tf «^ O -N . l^ . iO . 00 . ,^ ■nam jo -ox cooicoitoivnitoi K i^ iJ 1^ fr< •gammlutoo JO cm ^:iC^WWIr-|rtl-^l 1 1 >.o ocor^C5irao'*ro!>» lO P5 ►J natn jo -ox o tt oj -1 Oi r^ t X 'x> 1 I 1 1 I !» C-: -:!" i-i -a" CO Ci •sajucdinoDjo 'ox r-( ■* lO «:> -^ -^ :?< r^ l^ 1 1 1 1 1 X 0>» MiU5 0(?*rOQO'J3l>.lOO- nam jo 'ox lO!^»>■^^r^-*■J5 0505tocD"Xao-* G5 CJ C5 O lO lO Ci t^ IfJ 00 t«5 i-( r1 C^ -—11—1 I— 1 CTl Em •gamodnioo jo ox CO r^ (T>) o i^ M o 00 r^ M -3- rH CO -.} ^ •sjaagjo i^^to.r»o«;o^\oco-^c>T}'o^c3o CO panoiEStiunioa jo 'ox r-O^t^lrtTTlOlCCOCO (N " X CO Q ''■'•'' o K ■5 ;:3 5. p< -< ^ •^ ^ I 1 I 1 • ■ 1. 1 I 1 1 I I '2. •^ , , ti ^ ■3 o ^, .,,.,..,.,, . Cl ^ a c-< r. a ►J J o « 'A iC otT oT = -^ ci CO -* 10 CO i>r ocT oT — l-l^1(^^cM(^to^'M(^^(^}3^<^»(^^co b .— O "S -------- &,---- --- » < H 1 <; 1 Q 1-1 — < O) c^ t^ I o no ^ Cl rH I — . t-j 20010 s a Oi5 Doc. No. 49. m • »— 4 o O O PQ •aoiAjas JO nija} JO noijBjidxa; CE----------- r^ •^ U-f O l>r of OT O rH (jf CO -^ I— 1 ,-( 1— ( r^ I-* ^. . = = .... = = = •ssitrednioo jo 'on I^^ox if30^OC0'^OJ~.5100'-'C50i •sajBAud pnB sjaogjo pgnoisstniiuoD -non 'panoiBStuinioo ibjox ODCOi-lrtCOCOinCOCOOOOCO coT-iiotNcOTrmoixii-(ix>'* Hi )-( Eh ■natn jo 'om rHuO 00C5 CiO oo COtOI lOOJlrtOOtOl-^ 1-1 (M c* •saTUBdmoo JO •Oil l-Hl-Hl IC^-^IC0r-(|,-,CO P3 > •nam jo -o^ 00 i-H CO O CO X! 1—1 1-1 C^ lO ■samBdnioo jo "okj I 1 Ii-llrHG^C^I ICOl> ■naiu JO •ONI c3i^i>i>corciC5i^oQDvnffj QOlCaO'*"3'l^O-^Ci>.rHioai •Biao^o pauoissiranioo jo 'OiJ oooM-H(:ooi>.aoi-iTr«5X) (M c>} ri Ti oj (M Tf CO cot- O O One year, - - - ►J § iz; » o H 1861— May 1, "4, "5, "6, "7, "8, "9, " 10, " 11, " 12, " 13, " 14, Doc. No. 49. »n ;o ^^ 00 oT cT -I" (jj" m" ^f o CO i>r 00 cT o -^ o5 l>.. CI "-l 1-1 rl i ^•1 — , 1 -1 -> T! »-< — ' 1 1 1 1 O TJ rs ?) rt X ■^ o ">) ir: -.o (^ -!" r> o* -^ t^ 00 -- j^ ■«> -T lc. CO 00 i^ C-- X r-i 7) — r; cc ^^ I- i^ Ci X o r: " X 1^ M«0f0000«0tDO-^-.-^ , 00----------- l-H •aotAias -4 cr c-5 JO raaaj jo norjiJ.udxa 1-1 r-l T-(r-l O ►^ •soniudtnoo JO •o>i ^b^ox -^-*o^OTrt^n'ccoXl(^(co ■S9?BAljd pnB ^ClMOtOOOf-ltOOiiCCO l^XIXlOOQOOOClCJCOO sjaoigo panojsstmtuoa 00 0* O LO CO -^ CS Oi W lO — 1 r-i -non'pauoissiiauioo \rnox, >< -t GO CO O --< « f^ •nam jo 'ox i^ 1 1 1 to 5^ 1 lO 1 O 1 1 m .-1 c* h] I— 1 H P5 "sainEcIiuoo JO 'o^ 0*1 1 It-iOJI'-mICOI I o as D3 •0301 JO 'O^J oi 1 com 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 iJ > < "sainBdaioj jo 'ox O) 1 --^ T-< 1 1 1 1 OJ 1 1 1 cir;coo}o*j>co^cotoi^r-i !«" •aatn jo 'oji ot^C5i^o»coaoco«ocofOLO'*(M-*iCO.)CO ■sjaoiyo pauoissjranioa jo •0J^I ■^a5»^OCOQOOT-l-:fO>000} ■^ r-l 0* CO rH (J^ rt 1-H ©} CO r-l d I I 1 1 ■ I 1 1 I 1 I 1 O S w PlH H >_^^^_^^^^^^ |i< ^ x" o r-T of CO 1-i i-l fH r-l P^ OJ o fl --»-_- !3 7 <) 1 A to CD IH Doc. No. 49. — ^S^iS^WOJOOOOOCDIOLrilT^r-iCC I I I I I I iWrti(r ■^ >,o CD !>. -H oi lr^ f^ c-s lo i Oi Oi Oi Oi -^ n lO \a Oi r-^ Oi I CO 05 35^- 1 lf5^» 'O OD O »C '^ TT tc Ci ^^ TJ< ,3 >■■=! oa C-. ;:; ;h I ;^ 10 Doc. No. 49. o H t— I O w JO raia; jo noTjBjidxa: to ^ - ^ QO - - - •soinEdraoo jo 'om ibjox l^ — X. T-^ i^ r: — T^ W 7-1 i-O •fiOlPALld pnB sjODtiJO JO jaqrann [t!}OX -* to CO CJ X) X' o> 00 i>. -r to * 39974 313 309 to o lO o -* •nam jo •qni M lO l> i^ oooi r — IXC5 in o o •samEdtaoo jo -ovj IS in lo 1 m 1 t lO LO >• •nam jo "oji 1935 2411 689 lO CO 1 1 o i5 5 •sauiudoioa jo -cm aox o) 1 X 1 1 X •U31U JO •o>i MtOCiOO C5 CO to l^ oi IT-: -"S" C5 coco 28866 297 293 to IC ?5 •BaiuBduioo JO 'o^j CO CO 05 r-1 t— 1 as CO o •S.180IJJO patioissirauioa jo 'ox; CO '^ J> T)< to Ci •* CO toco o CI o o CO P O P4 One year, - - - For the war, Kegulars, O April 1861, - May " June " . - - July " - - - Doc. No. 49. 11 GENERAL RECAPITULATION— Continued. 394 Infantry compauies for one year, ... 28,866 men, 78 Cavalry » « ... 5,035 " 55 Artillery « » ... 4,005 " 527 37,906 " Number of commissioned officers in above companies, - - 2,0C8 Total officers and men, ... - 39,974 Whose time expires in April, May and June 1862. 4 Infantry companies for the war, including officers, - - 313 4 " •' "regulars," - - - 309 535 Companies. Total officers and men, 40,596 Eespcctfully submitted in complianco with the resolution of the house of delegates of Virginia. HENRY HILL, Paymaster General of Va. Paymaster GencraVs Office, Richmond, Va., Jan. 18, 1862. Note. — The 'Wise legion and Floyd's brigade, all of whom are Virginia troops, are not included in the above abstract, for the reason that they were commissioned by the confede- rate government, and not paid to the 30th June 1861 by the state of Virginia. No returns having been made to tliis office of said troops, I have no means of ascertaining their exact strength. Nor does the above abstract embrace the field and staff officers of volunteers or the pro- visional officers of Virginia. There are known to be some three companies of volunteers yet unpaid ; said companies failing to make their returns, notwithstanding the strenuous cfl'orts of this office to that end. There may be other companies in a like condition. peRTtialife* pH8.5