mi./^:-.M 1 PERKINS LIBRARY Uulce University Kare Dooks 1 1 i /, T H; K CODE CITY OF MONTCIOMERY. rRErAREIi JX PIR^IANCK OV AN Order of the City Council oi' Montgomery 13 Y .TOIXrS AV. A.. S^VIVFOKO. MONTGOMEllY, ALA ; .1M,< .t SMITH, CALORIC WOli AND J F 1 1 IMER.^ ISGl. E E R A^ T i^ . Oil page oO, § 18, ior -wliieh,"' roa«l wliicli. On page 31, § 24, for "cacli," read each. Ou page 45, § 102, for "sueli," read siicli. On page 47, § 113, for 'Tigliing," read figlitiiig. On page 45, § 114, omit tlie word ''nine/' On page 57, § 167, for " office," read office. On page 63, § 190, for '•couneiV read coimcil.. Ou page 06, § 220, for " licence," read license. On page 74, § 2G6, for " ca," read every. On page 78, § 203, for " moret ban," read nKDrc Uian. On imge 87, § 346, for '■ informer," read informer. ERRATA IN MARGINAL NOTES. On page 20, § 17, lor -approbriuus,"' read opprobrious On page 20, § 27, for .''if any," read if no. Ou page 34, § 42, for "artesion," read artesian. On page 37, § 61, for " agast," read against. On page 50, § 133, for '• foregoin," read foregoing. On page 5L § 134, for '' lectues," read lecture. On page 56, § 164, for " fires," read fences. On page 64, § 206, for "pcdling," read peddling. On page 67, § 224, for "licenses," read licenf5es. On page 75^ § 271, for "removrl," read removal. On page 70, § 301, for "patrollcrs," read patrol. On page 80, § 303, for "ten," read two. On page 82, § 311, for "retaile," read retailer. On page 05, § 396, for " upon," read issue. On i^ige 90, § 418, for " wharfinlier," read wharfinger. On pnue 00. § 410, for "ratee," read rates. ^ 36 ^ ^ ^ / ^N A.CT To Incorporate the City of Montgomery, approv- ed December 23d, 1837. Section 1. — Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represeniaiivcs of the State of Alabama, in Gen- eral Assembly convened — That the town of Montgomery, in said State, shall hereafter be called the city of Montgomery, tion.° '^'''''"*" and that the said town or city shall include within its corporate limits, fractional section twelve, in township sixteen, and range seventeen, East of the Alabama river, and so much of the North-East quar- ter of section thirteen, in township sixteen and range seventeen, as has been heretofore surveyed and laid out in lots of a size less than one acre ; and so much of the North-West quarter of section seven in the last named township and range, as has been heretofore surveyed, and laid out in lots of a size less than one acre ; and also tlie fractional section . , , twelve, in township sixteen, East of the Alabama l^y a" Act ' ^ ' January 24, river ; the North-East quarter of section thirteen, issst. in township sixteen and range seventeen ; tbe North- West quarter of section eighteen in township six- teen and range eighteen ; the South West quarter of section seven, in township sixteen and range eighteen ; the North-West quarter of section sev- en, in township sixteen and range eighteen ; the West halt of the South-East quarter of section sev- 2 en, in township sixteen, and range eighteen ; and bvAc" Jiiif ^ pi<3ce oi" Uxnd containing nine and thirty-five hun- i3th, 1811. dredths acres, by Anierson's Survey, situated im- mediately East of tliat point of said city known as Scott's Town, and inclosed and used as a burying Anion (lod grouud ; the West half of the North-East cpiarter i;!, IHSO. "^ ' of section seven, tov/nship sixteen range eigliteen ; and the inhabitants whereof shall bo a body cor- porate, anel that the Mayor and Aldermen of said city, when elected and qualified, as hereinafter directed, sluill be named and styled "Tlie City May pur- Council of Montgomery," and by that name may (u- pcrBoiiai purchase, receive, hold, or let, sell, grant, alien, or s'uo" ami ilc '^''Sure proj)crty, real and personal, and sue and be Bued. sued, })h!ad and be impleaded, and to do and per- Seai. form any otlier acts incident to bodies corporate, to have a common seal which maybe changed at pleas- tiou of tho lire, and that the jurisdiction shall extend to and '"■' ^' include all the lands above described, and all the Alabama river opposite to said fractional section Amen (lod twelve. Nov?'^ 2;!r1,' Section 2. — Be it further enacted^ That the cor- 1S53. poration limits of said city of Montgomery be, and Tho city (h- l\^^^ same are divided into six Wards, as folloAvs : (liVKifxl into ' six Wards. All that part of said city lying South- West of Commerce street. North- West of Montgomery Ward No. I. street, and North of Clayton street, shall form tho First Ward, and shall be known and styled as Ward number one ; And all that part of said city lying South-East of Montgomery street. South ot Clayton street, and Ward No. 2. Wcst of Court street, shall form the Second Ward, and shall be known and styled as Ward number two ; Ward No. 'i. ^^''i'^ '"-^^^ ^^^^^ V'^^'^ *^^ ^^^^ ^i^J ^I'^^q East of Court street^ South of Market street, and West of Law- 3 rcnco street, sliall form tlio Third Ward, and shall be known and st3'lcd as Ward nnmher three ; And all that part of said city lying East of Law- w.ani No. t. rence street, South of Marlcct and South Market streets, shall form the Fourth Ward, and shall he known and styled as Ward numher four ; And all that part of said city lying North of Ward No. r.. Market and South Market streets, and East of Per- ry street, shall form the Fifth Ward, and shall he known and styled as Ward numher five ; And all that part of said city lying North oi' War.i n... c. Market street, and North-East of Commerce, and West of Perry street, shall form tlie Sixth Ward, and shall be known as Ward number six ; And each of said Wards, numbers one, two, three, li;'^*^''/'^'''','^ ' 7 7 7 Wards slmll four, five and six, sliall, and is herebv declared en- '"^ c-ntitiod titled to two Aldermen, who shall reside in the donncn. same, and who shall be elected annually by the ^y^, j^,,^. 2 ; qualified electors thereof ; and an election shall be ^'*''''- held in each Ward on the first ]\Tonday in Decern- ]:iection her in each and every year, for a Mayor, wlio shall fipi.^on fust reside within the limits of said city, and two A!- •^'""'"'■ly "• •^ ' I • o r. in l)or dermen for each Ward ; and the ])erson having the " ^ f^vcry greatest number of votes for Mayor in said city shall be Mayor, and the two ]iersons in each Ward having the greatest number of votes for Aldermen, shall be Aldermen for such Ward ; but if two or more ])ersons have an equal number of votes for Mayor, the Aldermen shall determine who sliall be , , Mayor; and if no two persons in any ward shall ti<'forM:iy have a higher number of votes than any other ])er- son, the Mayor and Aldermen shall det(Mniine who shall be Aldermen for that Ward, the one having the highest number always being one. The Rai of Montgomery for the privilege of retailing in the ''"""*y ^'*-^- city aforesaid. To cxcrci.*© Section 8. — And be if further enacted, That the i.ovvcis as said Mayor and Aldermen shall be ex-officio, vested {"he '^)'c'aco? with and may exercise in said city, all the ]iowers and authority that belong to Justices of the Peace, by the laws of this State, and the said Marshal ronstabic, shall be ex-offieio. Constable, and shall be vested with and exercise all the powers and authority of • other Constables of this State ; and th(fsaid Mayor, Aldermen and Marshals, shall respectively be liable to the same penalties and restri(;tions as are impos- niinii" o'l.cv ed by the laws of this State, upon the several offices ^^]^^^ \uu'Z with which they are invested ; and tlu' Sheriff of '"^"• said county of Montgomery, and all ministerial officers shall obey the said May(»r and Aldermen, and truly and faithfully execute the warrants and processes committed to them for service^ according to the mandate ; and it is made the duty of the »• Jailor of 8airi«- mitted by warrants of tlic said Mayor and Alder- •nors. men, and the ])ersftn "i- ]H'rvnns sm i-ommittc*!. ^afi*- 10 The C i t y Council may meet in the Court House. ]\Iayor anil Aldermeu t o remain ill office un- til their suc- cessors a re ejualifiod. .Exempt from work- ins; on roads A me n d e d hv act Feb. 7th, ISOO. Streets may be Avidened and extend- ed. Duty o f Mayor in ac- quiring use of lands. ]y to keep contined in close Jail till delivered there- from by due course of law ; and the said City Coun- cil are hereby authorized to hold their meetings and to keep their records and papers in any room in the Court House of said county, not at the time occu- pied by the county or any of the county officers. Section 9. — And he it further enacted, That should the election not take place on the day fixed for the annual election of Mayor and Aldermen, the corporation shall not for that cause be dissolved_, but the incumbents shall remain in office until their successors shall be elected and qualified ; and it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Aldermen to fix some day as early as convenient within one month thereafter, on which day tlie said election shall be held. Section 10. — And he it further enacted, That the said inhabitants of the said city shall be exempted from working on roads and highways out of said city, and from patrol duty, except under the au- tiioiity of said cit}^^ but the streets and highways in said city shall be kept in repair by said city ; and the City Council of said city shall have authority to alter, widen, or extend any street within the limits of the city, whenever in their judgment the public convenience requires it. When any altera- tion of a street is determined on by resolution of the City Council, the Mayor of the city shall en- deavor to acquire the right to the use of the lands necessary for the purpose of alteration by purchase or gift from the| i^roprietor or proprietors. "When the Mayor cannot obtain the lands by purchase or otherwise, or when the proprietor or proprietors of any of the lands necessary for the proposed altera- tions of the streets shall be an infant, non compos mentis, non-resident, or person unknown, then the 11 Mayor shall apply to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for a writ of ad quod damnum, to be directed to the Sheriff of Montgomery county, commanding him to summons a jury of seven freeholders of the county, not resident in the city of Montgomery to appear shorifi'. before the Sheriff, on a day named not less than ten days from the date of the writ, and to proceed un- der his direction, after being sworn impartially to discharge their duty, to assess the value of the y.^iup ^f lands of such proprietor named in the ap])lieation ^''"'^ assess- for the writ, and in the writ, which shall state the lands required for use as part of the street, and tlic names of the owners respectively, and the said jury shall, after viewinir the premises, render a verdict y''''''<' " ^ ' o 1 ^ .Tui-y Id bo which may be done by a majority ; which verdict ieard of assessors, and the assessments ap- for taxes. 14 proved by them shall have the same force and effect as if approved by the Mayor and Aldermen. by"ac?Feb. SECTION U.—And be it further enacted, That the 25, 18G0. ^Q^[([ Qiiy (jouncil is hereby authorised and empow- The city ercd to pass laws for the sale of the real estate in shall have . , . ^ i i i • ^ i authority to said City lor taxes, whether the said real estate be. tate for tax- longs to resident or non-resident, owners or to per- Owner mav ^^^^ unknown, and to authorize the sale of any on© redeem. jgt or subdivision of lot, if seperately assessed, and that the owner or any one for him be allowed to re- deem at any time within two years from the sale on paying to the purchaser or the City Treasurer for him four times the amount of the taxes, costs and expenses paid by the purchaser, and interest at the rate ot 20 per cent, per annum on the surplus, and that surplus over and above the amount of the taxes, interest, costs and expenses, be paid into the du[y'^^""^^^ city Treasury, to be kept by the Treasurer for the owner, upon the responsibility of his bond, and that interest shall be collected, and the taxes as- sessed from the first day of December next after the assessment, if not paid by that day, and that where any lot or part of a lot has been assessed to an un- known owner, the assessment shall be prima facie ci'i mayp"ur- evidence of the fact ; and that the City Council eSte llil "^^J^ V its agent, purchase real estate sold for lor taxes. taxcs ; the deed for the same may be made to the Mayor of said city, to be held by him for said city^ which may be redeemed as other lands sold for taxes Duty of as aforesaid, and when redeemed the Mayor shall Mayor. rc-couvey to the owner. Section 15. — And he it further enacted, That the said "City Council of Montgomery" shall have full T o ordain power and authority to make, ordain and enact such laws iiot con- ;[g^^g g^^j refiTulations (not contrary to the constitu- trary to con- " ^ i i j stitution and tiou and laAvs of this State) as may be deemed nec- sta\e. "^ essary in relation to the streets and highways, pub- 15 lie buildings Jind powder magazine, and every other matter and thing whicli they may deem necessary for the good order and welfare of said city. Section 10. — And he it farther enacted, Tliat all laws and parts of laws that may contravene this act be and the same are hereby repealed, except so liopoaiim much of any law heretofore passed as may be nec- essary to carry out and complete any contract witli or act of the said town Council of Montgomery, as^ may now be incomplete or unsettled. i^N" A.CT To Amend the Charter of the City of Montgomery. Section 1. — Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alahama, in Gener- al Assemhhj convened — That the City Council of Montgomery be and the same is hereby authorized to raise a sum of money ^ not exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars by the authorize 4 sale of the bonds of said city for that amount, in sums of one hundred dollars each, or upwards, l)ear- ing such a rate of interest and redeemable at such times and places as said corporation may designate. Section 2. — And he it farther enacted, That the said corporation be and tlie same is hereby author- ized to pledge or mortgagje the real estate belong- I'ropertv of i- ^ G o o corporation ing to the said corporatioa, and the rents and prof- be picdg- its thereof, for the payment of the principal and in- mcni. terest of said bonds, and to assess such a tax upon the real estate witliin the corporate limits of said city of Montgomery as shall be fully ade(]^uate to the payment of the interest and for a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said debt. 16 Sectio:s o.— And he il further enacted, That the Tf bondh?i- l'iolclei;s of said Ijoncls shall not be renuircd to iii- ders. « quire into the use or application of the sums of money that shall be raised by the sale of, or ad- vanced upon, said bonds, but that said holders shall be entitled against said corporation to all the ad- vantages of the holders of foreign bills of exchange. Approved Februarv 2, 1840. To Repeal An Act imposing restrictions on the City Council of the city of Montgomery, and for other purposes. Section 1, — Be it enacted hy the Seriate and House of Representatives of the Stcde of Alabama^ in General Assenilhj convened — That An Act imposing restrictions upon the City Repeal. Couucil of thc city of Mongomery, approved on the third of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and for- ty-five, be and is hereby repeal. Section 2. — And he it further enacted, That the •City Council of Montgomery shall, from and after the passage of this Act, have full power to collect, demand and receive of and from the owners or con- signees of all goods which shall be landed on or shipped from the Montgomery city Avharf or wharfs, landing or landings, such Avharfage as said Council shall, irm time to time, deem necessary and prop- er, not exceeding the following rates, to-wit : For each bale of cotton, eight cents ; for each barrel wiiarfs. " five cents ; for each sack of coffee, salt, or grain, three cents ; for each hogshead or pipe, twenty Rates wharf- age at city 17 cents ; for eacli hundred weiglit of iron, or other metal, two and a half cents ; for all boxes, pack- ages, and merchandise, by measurement, one cent per square foot ; for each buggy or sulky, seventy- five cents ; for each carriage, one dollar ; for each thousand feet of lumber, fifty cents ; for each horse or cow, ten cents ; for each sheep or hog, two and a half cents ; for all steamboats, not exceeding two dollars per day, and all barges or flat boats, one dollar per day they sliall remain at said wluirfs or landings. Section 3. — And he it further enacted, That the Location of said city wharfs or landings shall be located by '*^''^'^^"^'^^- said City Council on any lands belonging to said City Council on the Eastern bank of tlic Alabama river, within the corporate limits of said city, pub- lic grounds or streets on said bank. Section A.— And he it further enacted, That Flem- f^'tenac.L '' ing Freeman, his executors or assigns, shall have full power to collect, demand and receive of and from owners and consignees of goods and merchan- dise which shall be landed or shipped from lots numbered one, two and three, in square thirty-five, on Lafayette street, and lot numbered nine, on Ful- ton street, the same rates of wharfage that are al- lowed by the second section of tliis act, or tliat may be assessed by the City Council, and by them re- * ceived on the city wharf aforesaid ; Provided, that said Fleming Freeman be tlio houa fde owner of the aforesaid lots. Section 5. — And he it further enacted, That Charles T. Pollard, and his associates, owners of the Montgomery and West Point Railroad dei)ot wharf, in the city of Montgomery, be and they are hereby entitled to the immunities and privileges of the preceding section of this act. ^ Section 6. — And he it further enacted, That noth- tiouof act ing in this act shall be construed as to prejudice the 3 18 rights of Francis M. G-ilmer, Jr., and his associ- ates, tontained in the act to incorporate the Plan- ters' wharf and steamboat company, in the town of Montgomery, approved January the sixteenth, eigh- teen hundred and thirty-two. Section 7. — And he it further enacted, That all laws in any way contravening this act, or any part thereof, are hereby repealed. Approved 13th January, 1846. To Amend an Act Incorporating the City of Mont- gomery, Approved 22d December, 1837. !Section 1 . — Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alalama, in Gen- eral Assembly convened — That the City Council of Montgomery be, and is hereby empowered, in addition to the powers al- Certain jww , , . , -,. ers may be ready Conferred by said act, to pass ordmances or by-laws to regulate the erection of wooden build- ings in such parts of said city as in the opinion of the Council the public good may require, and pass ordinances for the punishment of such as may in- jure or deface the public buildings or grounds. Approved, February 26, 1848. exercised. 19 ^N A^CT To authorize Appeals from the Decisions of the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Montgomei'y. Section 1. — Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of Alabama, in Gen- eral Assembly convened — That from and after the passage of tliis Act, an appeal may be Lad to the Circuit Court of Mont- gomery county, upon all judgments rendered by the Mayor and Aldermen of tlie city of Montgome- ry, in like manner and upon the same terms and conditions as now prescribed by law in cases of aj)- peal from decisions of Justices of tlie Peace. Approved February lOth, 1852. AN ACT To amend the City Charter of Montgomery, and for other purposes. Section 1. — Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of Alabama, in Gen- eral Assembly convened — That authority is given to tlie city of Montgome- ry to subscribe for five thousand sliares ot the capi- tal stock of the Alabama and Florida Railroad Company, and to issue its bonds, and deliver the same to said Company, according to the provisions of an ordinance of said city, passed by its corporate authorities on the 20th day of June, 1853 ; and the authority to pass such ordinances is hereby legal- ized and confirmed. Section 2. — And be it further enacted, Tliat the 20' conditions and limitations imposed by said ordi- nance upon sucli subscription may be cbanged, al- tered, or abrogated by the corporate authorities of said city, with the consent of the Alabama and Florida Railroad Company ; and authority is here- by given to the corporate authorities of said city to pledge any property, or the rents and profits of the same, belonging to said city, to the payment of its bonds issued in payment of said stock, or to levy a special tax on the real estate within the corporate limits of said city to any amount the corporate au- thorities may think proper, to pay the interest on said bonds. Approved February 15, 1854. A.N A.OT To Amend the Charter of the City of Montgomery. Section 1. — Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened — That the City Council of Montgomery be, and Hmiscf ieilr the same is hereby authorized to extend the unpaid portion of the debt known as the State House debt, created under authority of an Act of the Legisla- ture, approved February 2nd, 1846, either by a renewal of the bonds in the hands of the present liolders, or by the sale of new bonds, in lieu of the old ; said renewed debt to be payable in not less than eight nor more than twelve years from the maturity of the present outstanding bonds, to bear not exceeding eight per cent, interest, and to be negotiated at rate not less than par, and in the 21 event of the sale of new bonds, the proceeds thereof shall be applied to the payment of such outstand- ing bonds, and no other purpose whatever. Section 2. — And he it further enacted, That the income accruing from the Avharves of said city shall be devoted and exclusively applied to the payment of the actual debt of the city hitlierto incurred, and interest thereon, and in addition tlicreto, the said City Council shall liave power to levy and collect an annual tax, not exceeding one-fourth of one per cent., on the value of the real estate of said city, which said tax and wharf income shall be paid to the city Treasurer, to be by him applied to the liqui- dation of said actual city debt hitherto incurred, and interest thereon, and no other purpose Avhatso- ever until the same is fully paid. Section 3. — And he it further enacted, That for the ordinary current expenses of said city, the said City Council may levy and collect a tax on real es- tate not exceeding one-half of one per cent, on the cash value thereon, and no more in any one year, and it shall not be lawful for the said City Council of Montgomery to contract any debt, or incur any liability for, on account of said city of Montgomery, which is not to be paid out of the ordinary current revenue of the year in which said debt or liability is contracted or incurred, and any such debt or lia- bility attempted to be contracted or incurred by said City Council in violation of the foregoing pro- visions shall be void as against said city of Mont- gomery. Approved February 15, 1856. THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MONTGOMERY MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION IN 1861. AlVDIi^E^W^ jr. IVOBLE, Mlayor. Ward No. 1. Ward No. 4. GEORGE M. FIGH, E. A. JANNEY. Ward No. 2. WALTER C. JACKSON, A. HOWARD. Ward No. 3. HUGH W. WATSON, WM. C. C. FOSTER. JOHN P. DICKERSON, THOMAS 0. GLASCOCK. Ward No. 5. MARION A. CHISHOLM, WM. A. OGBOURNE. Ward No. 6. JOHN ERASER, GEORGE R. SAYRE. OFFICERS OF THE CITY FOR 1861. City C^er/^— AUGUSTUS UNDERWOOD. City rreasMre/-— SAMUEL LACY. Chief EiKj. of the Fire Depart .—J AUES P. STOW. First Asst. Eng. of the Fire Dcp.— ALEX. R. BEI.L. Second Asst. Eng. offheFireJDcjJ.—Ji^O. 13. GARRETT. Ihird Asst. Enq. of the Fire Z>qx— FORT HARGROVE, Wharfinger— mOYLAlXD FRASIER. Clerk of the J/ar/asme— FRANCIS MONFEE. Clerk of the iI/a?'A-e^— HUGH McLEAN. Marshal— l^AKG G. MAXWELL. Deputy Marshal— \N. W. BALL. Captain of Po^/cr— THOMAS REED. 6'ea;»'se and dark, shall Its. - ' ' be fined not more than five dollars. Slaves via- § 44. — Every slave wlio sliall violate any sec- lating sec- , ^ . . , ^ . tions of this tioii 01 this chapter shall receive not exceeding thir- ished. ty-nine stripes^ unless his or her master or employer will pay a fine of five dollars. Free uegru § 45, — Any free negro wlio shall violate the the forego'^ foregoing sections shall receive not exceeding fifty fi'ned^or i'm- h^shes, or be fined not more than ten dollars, accor- prisoned. Jing to the discretion of tlie Mayor or Aldermen, before whom the accused mav be carried. CHAPTER V. • BARBERS. Barbers , n a t • -r>i sliall not § 46. — Any person keeping open a ijarber iif'tordoven shop on the iSabbatli, after* eleven o'clock, A. M., "'"'""'^'- shall be fined ten dollars. 35 CHAPTER. VI. r.URnLAKY AND LARCENY. J* C I* S II .s § 47. — Every person who sliall be convicted ''ommittimr of Lurgltary or larceny sliull lie fined not less than i a i- c env five nor more fifty doHar.s. ^I;;*'^ ''" ^"- § 48. — Every slave, or free negro, who shall slaves or commit hurglary or larceny, shall receive not ex- s„iit,yof ceeding fifty lashes on the hare hack. larcenyfic'. § 49. — Any person who shall buy, receive, or •'•"'•i^ons con 1 T 1 • sealing or conceal chattels or merchandise, knowing that the i-uyins sto- same had been stolen, shall be fined not less than shaii1>o nn. /'T five nor more than fifty dollars ; and any slave or free negro violating this section, shall receive not exceeding fifty stripes. § 50. — Every person who shall obtain money -^ person T 1 /• 1 • obtaining or goods under lalse pretences, or practise a fraud soods or : '^-'upon another, shall be fined not less than five nor ^i^ , ' -^ ' 111,. n\vn<»i- C/A^* kept for hire, shall pay, annually, twenty-five (hd- ^r any cab /i^m^ (^^ lars for a license for each vehicle ; any person fail- I'miat pro /t ing to do so, shall be fined ten dollars,' and five dol- '''"■•" ''''■''""'' lars thereafter for every day this section shall be ivnaiiv; violated. § 52.— No license shall bo i.ssued to any per- JantforTi!' son to run a carriage, hack, dray, wagon, or other ^^",«<' "''•''',' vehicle for hire, unless the applicant shall make and subscribe an oath that the vehicle for which a ivoUiuiii. / The Clerk must regis- ter lieeflse. No license transferable without eon sent of the Council. Peualtv. ^. The lamps of ail public vehicles must have the number of the vehi- cle painted on them, and must be 1 i g h t e d from dark till morning The rates which hack men may be allowed to charge. One dollar an hour for the use of the vehicle may be charged. Persons re- f using to pay the dri- license is desired, shall be used for his sole and ex- clusive benefit, so long as the license remains in his name, and if transferred by order of the City Coun- cil to another person, the transferree shall make and subscribe to the same oath. § 53. — The Clerk of the city shall register the name of the owner of a licensed vehicle, the place of his residence,, and the number of the license ; and no license shall be transferred without the con- sent of the City Council ; and any person violating this section shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. § 54. — The owner of a public vehicle, shall have its number painted on its lamps, in figures not less than three inches long, so as to be easily seen, and while on the streets, the lamps of such vehicles must be lighted from dusk until morning ; and any person failing to do so, shall be fined ten dollars, and five dollars for each day thereafter the owner shall violate this section. § 55. — Hackmen shall not charge for their services more than the following rates, viz : For carrying a passenger to any place within the city, twenty-five cents ; for a passenger with baggage, not exceeding one hundred pounds in weight, fifty cents, and for each additional package, ten cents. After ten o'clock at night, the rates above mention- ed may be doubled, except against passengers to and from railroad depots, and steamboat landings. § 56. — The owner or driver of a licensed ve- hicle, notwithstanding the rates above mentioned, m,ay, upon agreement, charge the person one dollar an hour for the use of the whole vehicle. § 57. — Any person refusing to pay the owner or driver the foregoing rates for services rendered, 37 shall be fined not less than two nor more than five dollars. § 58. — Any white driver, who shall charge more than the established rates shall be fined ten dollars, to be collected from the driver, owner^ or agent of the vehicle ; and any slave or free negro, who shall charge more than the foregoing rates shall receive not exceeding thirty-nine lashes in addition" to the fine imposed. § 59. — Any owner, agent, or driver of a li- censed vehicle, who shall refuse to carry persons according to the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than five, nor more than fifteen dollars , and if tlie driver be a slave or free negro, he shall, receive not exceeding thirty-nine stripes, in addition to the fine imposed on such owner or agent. § 60. — Every person who shall hire a horse or vehicle of any kind to a slave or free negro with- out a written permission from the owner, or over- seer of the slave, or from the guardian of the free negro, or shall permit such slave or free negro to ride in any vehicle shall be fined ten dollars ; and if the driver of the licensed vehicle so hired or used, be a slave or free negro, he shall receive not more than thirty-nine stripes in addition to the fine imposed on the owner or agent of the vehicle. § 61. — The owner or driver of a licensed ve- hicle, who shall keep it on the streets in front of a dwelling or store, against the consent of the owner or occupant thereof, shall be fined not less than five, nor more than twenty dollars, and if the driver be a slave or free negro he shall receive not exceeding thirty-nine stripes. § C2. — Every driver of a licensed vehicle, who shall quarrel or be guilty of noisy and disorderly ver shall be fined. A white dri- ver charg- ing more than above rates to be fined, and a negro d ri- ver flogged. Any driver refusing t o carry p as- sengers, fin- ed, if a ne- gro driver, lie shall be Hogged. Any person hi ring a horse or ve- hicle to a slave with- out permis- sion shall be fined. N o driver shall keep his vehicle on the street in front of a house aga'st the consent of the occu- pant. Any driver guilty of dis- orderly con- 38 duct, or dri- coDcluct ' Or wlio shall drivG against or interfere ving agai'st . i . i • n n i ^ other vehi- with otlier vehicles or animals, shall be fined not cd. less than five, nor more than twenty dollars ; and if such driver be a slave or free negro, he shall also receive not more than thirty-nine lashes. of^'ifc'eS § 63.— Every driver of a public vehicle, who vehicles sliall block UD a street or thorou^^hfare, or who shall not ^ f.i. ^ • i ohstructthe shall Icavo the seat of his vehicle, or be distant leave' their from his horscs heads more than ten feet unless en- horses, Ac. gaged in receiving or delivering baggage, for which purpose he may go a reasonable distance, and be gone a reasonable length of time, shall be fined not less than five, nor more than twenty dollars, and if he be a slave or free negro, he shall receive not exceeding thirty-nine lashes, in addition to the fine imposed on the owner or agent. Drivers shall § 64. — Evcry owner or driver of a licensed vehi- uot mil nor drive at a cle, wlio sliall lace or drive at a speed dangerous speed dan- gerous to to persons on the streets, shall be fined not less the citizen's, than ten, nor more than fifty dollars, and if the driver be a slave or free negro, he shall receive not exceeding thirty-nine stripes in addition to the fine imposed on the owner or agent. Drivers of § 65. — Every driver of a public vehicle, who, public vehi- . i • i /> cies meet- meeting other vehicles of any kind, shall neglect must drive to drivc ou the right side of the street or thorough- to the right, ^^^,g^ ^.f .^ ^g possible to do so,) shall ^be fined five dollars, and any slave or free negro violating this section shall receive not more than twenty lashes. § 66. — Every driver of a public vehicle, who shall fail to stop instantly when hailed by the Mar- shal or a policeman, shall be fined five dollars i' and if he be a slave or free negro he shall receive not exceeding thirty-nine stripes. ) § 67. — Every owner or driver of a public vehicle^ who shall nes;lect to have the sections of this Code All dri Ters upon b hailedi fing by a police I aan must s\ '.t p instantly. " Sections numbe red must be ii!i!iAl)oreil litty-Jivo. fi!ty-six, ii(\v-.sov('n, * fii'ly- oiglit, ami ilt't-.y-nine, Inin;^-!!]) in some conspicuous ]ihice inside his vcliicic fit all timc^ wlioii in n'<'\ shall bt? fined ten doll.'irs. 5 dS. — The owner u! ;i iiublie omnibus, shall pay one hundred dollars ibr a license for eacli oniiii- hus, drawn by four horses, and fifty dollars for a li- cense for each omnibus, drawn by two horses; and the owners and drivers shall lie governed by the same rules, and be subject to the same penalties a3 the owners mh.I drivi'r< of lici'nsrd can !a."Ts. cabs, and hack^ § 0'.».— The City Olerk siuiU have ihis chapter of the City Code printed in a pamphlet form, and shall furnish-a copy of it ti> every owner or aj^ent oi' any licensed vehicle.^ § TO. — Every person who shall run a dray, cart, wagon, or other vehicle of like kind, without ob- taining a license, for v.bich twenty dollars shall be juiid, if the vehicle be drawn by not more tlian two animals, or thirty dollars if it bo drawn by three, and forty dollars if it be drav>n by four animals, shall hi- nil.',! ten dollars. i 1 . City Clerk, upon receiving the addi- tional .sum of t^vriity cents, shall furnish the appli- cant witji the number of the license granted, .stamp- ed or M int^d . n 1i:i. which shall be fastened in a 11 s; the vehicle licensed ; and any dray, ( i; t, -wagon or vehicle of like kind not having in its number aflixcd to it. shall Ir- considered •:; ' diceiiscl. d dray, cart, or wagou wluLsc driver siiall refuse without a bufficicnt excuse, b;jtween the hours of sunrise and sunset, to carry a load to any part of the city, shall bo fined uol m 'Ve 1h.:M \r-\ (hdlars. Jiiing up ill tlw. voliiol.% 'J"!io o\vin.i> (if omiiibua- ■csmnstp.iy (or. licenst- and be gov r n d by .'•ame rules ns liccnsf.l hnolv-s. .to. Tliisi'Iia'tdr 111 u 3 t h (• printed fo r owners of Draya, curt.-, and wagon < m u 8 t b '• lioor.fed f The Cicriv must sloni]> Ihc number of 11 c c n SI' wliicli niui?! bo fasfcnod (o vohii'I. . Any driver rcfilsing t o carry load fliftll I.o Til- ed. -10 Whiit arti s 7o.--r]io ibllowiii^jr tii'ticlcs or their cMiuivalent. clcs shall constitute n f?hall be considered a full load, viz : five hundred feet of lumber, or one hogshead of sugar, molasses, tobacco, coffee, rice or liquor ; four barrels of li(i[uor or provisions, three barrels of molasses, six sacks of NouucshiiU salt or auv other article not exceeding twelve hun- than forty drod pouuds ; and any person hauling a load in a licensed vehicle of any kind to any part o\' the city. Avho shall charge lucre than forty cjnts for sue]! ser- vice, shall be fined iive dollars. Ml licLii^e-^ § 7'1.--A11 licenses, granted to the owners of on first, (lay c.irts, dravs, wagous. or other vehicles,, ot the kind, <'noii'yonr.'^ , shall cxpirc ou thc first day of Marcii of each year. But the City Clerk may issue such a license at any time, and cluu'ge at the rate above stated. § To. — Everv white driver of a cart, dray, or lari?, bus- wagon, who shall drive faster than a walk, in any fast, f.'rhid- of the strccts of thc city shall be fined five dollars, and any slave or free negro violating this section, sitall receive not exceeding thirty-nine lashes. itiaiji-.r J. yjQ — Everv person who shall ride or drive driving any •' • . i vehicle fas- through tljc strccts or public grounds o( the citv at t e r t h a n ° . . eigiit iriih^s ;i, gait llister tiian eiglit miles and houi', unless lie 1)e a physician or going fbr a physician, shall on con- viction before thc Mayor or an Alderman, be iincil iive dollars for the first, «,)id ten dollars fur each subsequent offence. iiti hour. ClIATTEH VI 1 1. ri'.METEKY A\]) SKXTOX, .vil ijer£ou:i § T7. — Any person who shall bury a corpse with- ?h"e°'city in the limits of the city, except in the cemetery, inustbcbu- r^^^^ under the superintendence of the sexton, shall ncd in thc , ^ -rnvo yard. l)o fmcd twciltv dollars. II jj T<>. — Kvcrv iicrson \v!io shall iniiuc or dostrov ^'> i"^'.-"" ' * ^ ^ " must injuii- I he fence ov gates of the <;'rave A'ard, or tlie tomhs, or dcstroy tlie fence of ]ao!iUinents, or any .strmtiiro orectcd to enclose or die Ccmcto- mark :i i^raNc. sliall Ik» lined not exccnlin!:: lift v dol- ..»• m o n u- Jars. . ' "■^"•" !^ T'.'.^-Hverv neison who shall hieak. rut. diir '^"l"- ^"<;t!»J< ■' ' •■ . / o or broakiuir n[), or destroy a tree, sliruh, or flower, upon anv «f-'^"yflow- ' _ _ ^ " cr or slirul) hit in the linr^'ing gronnd, nnless it lu' owned hy roi-iii'Mon. snch porson. sliall ho fin(>i] not exc-'^eding lifty ilol- iars. § 80. — Any slave or tVcc nogm. wlio shall violate j- ,• c o nco-v'. 'ither of the preceding soetions. shall reeoivo not I iJ c Voi-e'^o^- less than fiftv stripes. ;"S seoiim,- § 81. — Any person who shall enclose a lot in the No per-oH 11 J. /> ii 1 •,! . . Ill u s t n- •ild part ol tlie grave yard, without the perniission dosoa loi of the City Council, or in the new part without pavc^ yar'.i having purchased it from the City Connoil, shall ;'itS. I,!';:' he fined twenty dollars. l one yeai'. scxton. § So. — The Sexton shall keep a map of (he burv- '"'"^ sexii.u ing gr(»nnd and a hook, containing the name of nup of thv very person interre'M'"' index to the hook, an Tho Sexton R 8Y.— The Sexton shall ixijorVSnbntTilv in Hie must make '' . ,^ ■*• ,^, a monthly (-jjfy O-umcJl tho ntTnily6l''i)r 'Tn#rii-i<^n'ts i»V hini. shall re- ^ ^ . c. 1 ^' • (■civc com- jmd interment of cva adult, the Sexton shall receive pensation ^■' ,i .1 r, • » i lor superin- tlirce dollars, and lor a person under twelve years len (1 i n s< a „ i i j^ j i • - burial. " ot age, oiio Jjalt this amount. .Vpaaper. ' § 89.-^Tho Sexton shall nothurya i.auj-.. , .^i.r.\, iie«i?)°sban or fiee^nA' tho .,..,^ , . ■/• ' '..- -S ] ' '.s\t Upyli Liic re- ( 1 •" ' ' ."'ifi I fiignation or ( iw '■•>. ^ '■'•. '.■!'■.''; y^'^' removal of " ' _, ' the, l'eni()\ -^ ' ' ' 1'0> I'iUation 01 tlLO ;l Soxtou he ^, , '-, ■■' I '/ , must deliv- Noxion . or tac ;tpj)Ointm':;r ...le books, Ac., ■ ^hall deliver t:^ i::- .1 uuip o^^^.tli^e hurvjug gr( interments. io Mnyr.r. lj;[;-yj!vj; o^roimdand tlie booic- r •;,,-- ; ;■ Hie list of ( JiAi'Thii J-\. (Jhimii ey s shall not be b u r 11 t a f § 92. — Every owiiei' nr uccupaut of a Jiousc. whj> all burn its chimncvs between tne' hours of ."i sliall 43 o'clock, P. M., and 9 o'clock, A. M., unless it be raining at the time, shall be fined five dollars for each offence. § 93. — All chimneys, stoves, furnaces, or other fire-places, on any premises liable to burn and en- danger the property adjoining, are hereby declared to be nuisances ; and the owner or lessee of the premises shall repair or remove such chimney, stove, or furnace, according to the direction of the City Council. § 94. — Any person neglecting, beyond a reasona- ble time, to comply with the order of the City Council, shall be fined ten dollars for each day such nuisance may continue. nightexcppt it be rainiug All chim- neys, stoves 1 1 • b J' 1 e w fl / Jewd women, or persons ot bad reputation as to women sh'ii chastity, or frequented by persons for the purpose edahoupr of prostitution, shall he considered a house of ill- "^^ 'H-fame fame, and all aduUs living in sucli a house shall be considered the keepers thereof, and subject to the penalties imposed by this code upon such an y offence. — § 122. — Any person liavin^ tlie control of a -'^"^ P*"^" . .. .. . rent ingH dwelling or other building within the city who shall imiMing to rent it, or permit it to be used as a house or ill- iiouseof iii- fame, shall on conviction before the Mayor or an bcTncd. " Alderman, be fined fifty dollars, and on failing to ^ : pay the fine, such person shall be committed to y ^ / jail until the fine and costs are paid, but in no case shall the imprisonment exceed sixty days. ' jS '•' / § 12-}. — Every person avIio shall interrupter dis- inter rupi- ( turb any assembly convened for the purpose of reli- worship. \ gious worship, shall be fined fifty dollars for eacli ^ ^ offence. ' „„ ilie projin- § 124. — Every in-oprietor of a i)ublic house of ®*or o'" f> •^ . . public house any kind, who shall permit any person at such a permitting T 11 • n -I •! n toi. / charge a gun, pistol, or any kind of fire-arms within I the limits of the city, shall be fined five doUargg / ^ di'tf"' section^ § ^^^ ■ — '^^^^ provisious of the preceding secffiou does not ap-/ gj^all not apply to persons defending themselves or ply to Mill-/ i i .' 1 ^ ^ o ^ tary corpaj, their property, nor to military companies. CHAPTER XII. EXCAVATION OF CELLARS, &C. Excavation § 1 ■"> 1 • — Every person, who shall excavate a cel- '"osc"forbiri- ^^^' > ^^ *-^^» ^"^^ ^^'^^ ^^^' ^^^^ pi^i'posc of buildiug, or den in f^j. ^ny other purpose during the months of July, months of *' r i o ^ Juiy.August, August or September, shall be lined ten dollars ; ber. '^ and the additional sum of five dollars for every day after conviction sucli jierson shall violate this sec- tion. S 132. — Anv person, who shall dig, cut, or carry ]S person "^ ' ^ ^ ^ o 7 j j shall d 1 g away any part of the banks of the river, or commons, o r sireets"^, or streets, or dig or carry away dirt from any land ^^' owned by the city, without the permission of the City Council, shall be fined five dollars. A slave or § 133. — Any slavc or free negro, violating the free negro ,, . ,. in • . i , violating foregoing section, shall receive not more than twen- 51 tv lashes, which punishment may l)e commuted to forcffoin , . spction. a fine of not move than ten doUars, according to the discretion of the ])er.son heforc wliom the case may he tried. wlio lectues or give ox- CHAPTER XIII. EXHIBITIOXS, l.ECTL'Rl'S, ANT> THEATRES. / § IS4. — Every person who shall lecture, open a ah theatre, or give a concert or an exhihition of any kind for money, without a license for which the sum of '"'"t'^n for five dollars shall he paid for each day or niffht such o'^t^i'" » '•- V exhihition may continue, shall he fined twenty dol- ^ "iais. • 1 in l)Uildiug for City Council, shall be fined twenty dollars. lumber idin § 177. — Every person who shall enlarge or ele- sha'il'^en'- vate a wooden building of any kind within tlic wooa,, ,f Fire limits, or cover the roof of a building in b'"i'i'"s o'l ' ^ cover a roof the Fire [limits with any material other than ^^'^'^ fo'"- tin, slate, zink, tile or some incombustible compo- material Ac sition shall be fined ten dollars, and five dollars for everyday thereafter this section shall be viola- ted. CHAPTER XVI. HEALTH, HOSPITAL, AND CITY PHASICIAN, § 178. — The City Council sliall appoint, when Hour.! of . . Henllh ea- necessary, two persons from each ward oi the city, tahiishod. who, with the Mayor, shall constitute a Board of Health, of which the Mayor shall be the President. § 179.— The Mayor, as the President, or in coni- The Mayor nhall in- ■pect all shall inspect all lots, and cause the removal of any '"i^. vc. pany with other meml)ors of the Board of Healtli, "''*'' "V, *^ •' ' ipect all Mayor must examine the condition of tlie city. During epi- iloinics the Mayor must report daily matter on such lots whicli may become a nuisance, or have a tendency to injure the healtli of the citi- zens. § 180. — The Mayor shall, personally, ascertain the sanitary condition of the city, and report at least once a month to the City Council. § 181. — During the prevalence of epidemics, the Mayor shall, as the President of the Board of Health, make daily reports of the health of the city, for the truth and correctness of which he shall be held responsible to the City Council. The Presi- dent can call a meeting of the Board of Health, whenever he may consider it necessary. ^ 182. — Every owner or agent or occupant of any house, yard or lot in the city, shall keep it clean, and not permit anything calculated to generate dis- ease to remain on the premises. § 183. — Every person, who fails or refuses to comply with the orders of the Mayor or Board of of "Board of Health, shall be fined on conviction thereof, before Health fm- ■ t n ed. the Mayor or an Alderman, m the sum of twenty dollars, for every such offence. Thomarshai/' § 184. — The Marshal shall execute the orders of shall cute the ders of t Board Every own- er or occu- pant must keep their premises in good condi- tion. Persons re- fusing to o- boy orders '^or/ the Mayor or Board of Health, and the cost of doing ^...w. of I '^°' sball be taxed against the owner or occuj)ant of Health. I |.]^Q premises, and shall be collected by the mar- shal. Persons ag- grieved by action of Board of Health Juay appeal to the Council. § 185. — Every person aggrieved by the action of tlio Mayor or the Board of Health, upon notifying the Mayor in writing of his or her intention, shall have the right to appeal to the City Council; upon receiving such notice^ the Mayor shall suspend the proceedings of the Board of Health, until the cause is heard and determined bv the City Council, and 61 their decision shall control the action of the Mayor or Board of Health in the case. § 180. — The marshal and every niemher of the City Police in addition to tlie dnties already per- formed by them, shall diligently search for, and re- port to the Mayor anything which will endanger the p ublic health . (§ 187. — Every person who sluill empty upon the side-walks, or streets, or into the ditches, sewers or drains of the city, any feculent matter, filth or li- quid, emitting a noisome odor, or injurious to health, shall be fined five dollars for each offence. § 188. — Ever}' owner, overseer or manager of any slave, afiiicted with the small pox, who shall fail to remove such slave to the city liospital within twenty-four hours after the appearance of the dis- ease, shall on conviction before the Mayor or an Al- derman, be fined fifty dollars, and the further sum of fifty dollars for each day thereafter, the owner, manager, or overseer shall neglect or refuse to re- move the diseased slave to tlie cit}^ liospital. § 189. — Upon the neglect or refusal of the owner, manager or overseer of any slave diseased with the small pox to remove the slave, the marshal or dep- uty marshal shall cause the slave to be carried to the hospital at the expense ot the owner, or the person controlling tlie slave. § 190. — Any owner or manager of a slave, hav- ing the small jiox, who shall fail or refuse to pay the cost of removing the slave to tlie city hospital upon the re<|ucst of the marshal, shall be fined ten dollars. § 191. — Any physician, having a patient within ilie limits of the city, afiiicted with tlie small pox, who shall fail for the space of twenty-four Ijours, to report the name and residence of the patient to Tlic duty of the marshal and police- men. Filth not to be emptied into the streets. Penalty. Slaves hav- ingthesmall pox must be removed to tl)o liospital Themarshal must re- move slaves io city hos- pital wJien owner fails to do so. Owner fail- ing to pay coiJtsof such removal fin- ed. r hy s i cian mu.st report every eaif of small-pix under his tre.itment in till' oitT. 62 the jPresident of the Board of Health, shall be fined for every such patient the sum of fifty dol- lars. No person § 192.— No person shall he permitted to reside in permitted " x j. to reside in the City Hospital, nor shall any one be maintained the hospital ^ j,^ I i ■ i ^ at the expense oi the city, unless such person be disqualified by disease from gaining a livelihood. No person § 193. — No person shall be admitted into the admitted in- t •, •, • ■, to the hos- hospital Without a written certificate irom the ouf eertifi- ^^^J plijsician, Specifying the character of the cate from disease ; and upon the presentation of the certifi- city physi- ' ^ ^ ^ cian. cate the steward shall receive the person into the hospital. Hospital § 194. — The Hospital steward shall live in the steward, . shall live in hospital, and shall take charge ot all the lurniture, g^i® ^®P' ■ beds, beddings clothes and cooking utensils, and keep them clean and in good order, and subject at all times to the inspection of the Mayor, Aldermen or marshal. The steward shall also keep an in- ventory of all articles belonging to the city, in his possession ; and shall report to the City Council, all the stores received by him for the use of the hospital. Thesteward § 195. — The steward shall register the name of shall regis- ,, . t • , n i •! i ,i • ter names of all persous, admitted into the hospital, their na- their^agesf ^^^^ placc, sex_, age, occupation, the time of admis- ^'^' sion to the hospital, and time of discharge or death. He shall nurse the patients, provide, and prepare such food for them as the city physician may pre- scribe. no°t aVe^u°- § 196.— No pcrson shall be permitted to remain lar ^inmate i^ or about the hospital, unless lawfully admitted main about as a patient, nor shall any person remain in the hospital after being discharged by the city physi- cian. Nointoiica- § 197. — No alcoholic or intoxicating liquors of must be any description, shall be carried to the hospital 63 premiseSj except by order of the city physi- ^^P*- ^'^"'l*' cian. ''cs. S 198.— The Steward shall keep the s^'o^nds The stew- ^ . /. '^ ard must around the hospital iu good condition. He shall keep the ... grounds in always preserve order m the liospital, anil report good order, the improper conduct of patients or other persons to the city physician, the Mayor or marshal. § 199.— The City Council shall elect, annually, A^ityriiy- *' *' 7^7 sician shall a Citv Physician, who shall hold his office for twelve ^^ elected annually. months, and until his successor is chosen, unless sooner removed, and shall receive such compensa- tion as the City Council may appoint. He may he removed from his office at any time by the City Council for neglect of duty or improper conduct. § 200. — The City Physician shall examine all The duties . » ... . . "f the City applicants for admission into the city hospital, Physician, and grant certificates to such as may he worthy to be admitted. He shall keep a register of the names of the patients, their native place, sex, age, occu- pation, time of admission and time of discharge or death, and shall describe the disease of each patient, its nature, progress and termination. The register kept, shall be subject at all times to the inspection of the Mayor or any Alderman. § 201.— The City Physician shall visit the hos- ^ity Physj- •^ J J cian shall pital as often as the condition of the patients may "visit tiic * . . ... hospital and require, aid prescribe such medicine, diet and gen- proscribe 1 1 1 n 1 '"•■ the pa- eral treatment as may be necessary ; lie shall also ticnts. inspect the hospital, and report any reglect or mis- management of the steward or any improper con- duct of the inmates to the Mayor. § 202. — Every person controlling a steamboat, or ^° person ^ "^ ^ ^ ^ 'havinga a conductor upon tlie cars o{ a railroad or any contagious . .... disease shall other person who shall bring or assist in briuging be brought to the city any person having a contagious disease. or is disabled in any manner, or is incapable of earning- a livelihood shall be fined fifty dollars. Persons in- § 203. — Thc foregoing section shall not apply to tcucliut; to ,..''',. Till T support in- any person bringing to the city a disabled or dis- bring tiiem cascd persoii, not sick with a contagious disease, totieciy. -who will support such invalids at his or her own expense. CHAPTER XVII. LICENSES. AU licenses / § 204. — All licenses, issued by authority of the sliull expire I on 1st day of/ City Council, shall expire on the first day of March next after the issuance thereof, unless otherwise V provided. No license § 205. — No license shall be Issued for a less sued for less time than one year, unless the applicant for the li- y^r. ^^^ ^ cense, shall have engaged in business after thc first day of March, then such person shall pay for the license according to the time it will continue. But no license shall be granted to peddlers or itinerant persons, authorizing them to sell by sample or oth- er wise^ for less time than one year. Hawking or § 206. — Every persou who shall hawk or peddle goods'wares ^^^^^^ ^^^^ strccts of the citj, goods, wares, or mer- chandLTon chandise, or ofier them for sale by sample or oth- the streets, erwisc, without a license authorized by the City Council for which the sum of twenty-five dollars ^VV* shall be paid .shall be fined not less than twenty-5^^ *■ five, nor more than fifty dollars. pouit!-|f*i!' § 207.— The preceding section shall not apply to any person selling firuit, vegetables, poultry, eggs^ corn, fodder, oats, hay, or any article pro- duced or manufactured by him or her in this State. / 65 S 208. — All persons or iiriii.s oimau-itiLr iu busi- Auctioneers •J' _i _ ... ^ ^ persons nessas auctioneers, or .selling, hiring or renting, or selling or offering for sale, hire or rent within the limits of the erty. city, any property belonging to another person, with- out a license for which the sum of fifty dollars shall be paid, shall be fined twenty dollars for each offence. § 209. — The preceding section shall, in no man- ^ourT Exe* nor apply to sales under execution, or by order cutors, &c., ol' court, or under a mortgage, or by executors, cense, administrators or guardians. § 210.— Every commission merchant, and all ^'-"""'ission o « J Merchants, factors, or broker.s, who shall (j^rr}^ on business in Factors, " 5j 224. — Every person, wlio shall keen a restau- i-'ieensesfor . . 1 11 keeping rant without a license, for whicli twenty-five dollars Restanrai.' ^ shall be paid, shall be fined not less than five, nor:^ I \ \more than twenty-five dollars. / § 225. — Every ])erson, who sliall keep a public J'.iiiiar.i ta- hilliard table for hire, without a license for which not'^be ke"pt one hundred dollars shall be paid, shall be fined eenso"^^'" five dollars for each day such person shall\ | ^ '•^' to obtain a license. ^ twenty- neglect S 226. — Every person, Avho shall keep a i)nblic license bagatelle or })Ool table, or any other table, or (ainod i. y ■in • •,■! 1 ^• r 1 • 1 « owners o'f stand for gaming without a license, tor which one public pool hundred dollars shall be paid, shall be fined twenty /f;''^ **•• dollars. J § 227. — Every person, who shall keep a pistol ristoi ..';.i gallery without a license, for which fifty dollars shall be paid, shall be fined not less than ten, nor onore than fifty dollars. § 228.— Every person, who shall keep a public j';^""';" ,;',', ten pin alley, or alley of like kind without a licen.se, iiaVeiieense for which fifty dollars shall be paid, shall be fined thirty dollars. § 220. — All licenses for day laborers, washerwo- Li,.^„,csfor men or barbers, shall expire on the first day of Feb- i^''/^.';*!;^;:: niary, in every year, and shall date from the first ''^rs. day of February, May, Augnst or November: and the r,8 applicant for sTicli a license aliall pay in proportion to the time the license will continue. CHAPTER XVIII. MAGAZINE. Clerk of tiie ^ 230.— The City Council shall appoint annually .Magazine. ••■ *' >■ ^ -' a clerk of the magazine. Clerk shall R 231. — The clcrk of the macrazine immediately givpa bond, '^ _ _ _ ° _ _ -^ •tc. after his election, shall give a bond with sureties lor one thousand dollars for tlic foithful perform- ance of the duties of his oflEicc. Salary of the § 232. — The City Couucil, shall fix a salary for ^ '"'''" the clerk of the magazine, at the time of his elec- tion, which shall not he increased or diminished ' during the term of his office. T h e Clerk § 233. — Thc clcrk shall keep his office near the i-iis office. centre of the city, and lie shall, at all hours be- tween sunrise and sunset, receive powder into the magazine, or deliver it from the magazine accord- ing to the request of the owners or their agent. A tax upon § 234. — A tax of twenty-five cents upon every keg, and fifteen cents for every half keg of powder stored in the magazine, shall be collected by the clerk on the delivery of thc powder to its owner. The tax § 235. — Tlic taxcs SO collcctcd, shall bc paid over to the^Trea" ^" ^^^^ ^'^^7 trcasurcr by thc clerk of the magazine, " '"^ '■• who shall render an account of tlio money obtained ;it any time thc City Council may i-cquirc him so to do. The Clerk § 23G, — The clcrk of the magazine neglecting hi"l'^ciutie^ 01' refusing to discharge his duties promptly, shall discharged. ^)J~^ oonviction liefore the City Council, be fined ten 60 dollars, or be dismissed iVoni his ofiice, or bo iined and dismissed accordiiip; to the discretion of the City Conncil, ^ Sol. — hvery person who shall l^eep more than shaU keei> one keg of powder in his store, or in any place, o^^J^oK^'of other than the City Magazine, shall on conviction, powd*'!-. ho lined twenty dollars Tor ovi'vv rnch nflViu'e. CHAPTER XIX. -MAP.KET, :\IEASITRES ANI> SCALES. § 238.— The Market shall he divided into stalls, which shall he nnmbcred and rented to the highest bidder for cash, at twelve o'clock, 51., on the first Monday in the month oi" February, of every year ; but in no case shall the stalls be rented at less than the following rates: for each of the four butcher's stalls in the cast end of the market, one hundred dollar.s ; for each of the four stalls in the middle of the market, eighty dollars ; for each of the stalls for the sale of vegetables, twenty-five dollars , and for each cofi'ee stand, fifty dollars. § 230. — Any person renting more stalls than arc necessary for carrying on his or her business, shall not have the power to underlet such stalls, and shall be fined ten dolUrs ior each day such ]ier8on shall retain control of the stall. § 240. — The City Council, at its lirst meeting in the month of February, of each year, shall elect a Market Clerk, who shall remain in ofiice for the space of one year, unless sooner dismissed by the City Council. The M a r- ket shall he divided into stalls, and rented a n- nuallv. TJie stalls shall not be reuted f o r less than one h u n- dred d o 1 - l.irs, &.C. Xc) ]ieerson shnll rent liiore stalls than are neces s a, ry for hJH b\i?i- ncss. M n r k c t Clerk. 70 Salary of § 241.— The City Council clectinoj the market the Market o j o Clerk. clerk shall fix the amount of his salary before his election, and it shall not he diminished during his term of oflice. / Ma r k e. t s 242. — Market liours shall hesrin half an hour hours. , ^ . before daylight, and end at nine o'clock, A. M., from the first day of October until the first day of April ; and half an hour before day-light, and end at eight o'clock, A. M., from first day of April till the first day of October of every year, but on '\ every Saturday, the market shall remain open all day. The Clerk K 243. — The clcrk of the market shall remain shall remain "^ . i *" i there during there duriug market hours,, regulate the weights hours. and measures according to the standard adopted by the city, decide all disputes between buyers and sellers, and collect the fees accruing to the city from the market. General su- K 244. — The clerk shall cxcrcisc a iTcneral super- )>erinte n d- "^ . ence of the visiou ovcr the market , and he is hereby author- market. &c. , 1 /> T ~ •^ r ized to arrest all persons who tight, or are guilty oi any indecent or disorderly conduct. The Clerk § 245. — The clerk, for the purpose of preserving peace. peace and good order, is eiupowered to call upon any citizen to aid him, and any person refusing his assistance^ shall on conviction be fined five dollars. Vehicles and § 246. — The clerk shall exclude from the mar- be excluded ket square during market hourS;, all vehicles or keTsqiTam animals not bringing provisions for sale, and shall kill all dogs near enough to annoy or injure per- sons attending market. Unsound § 247. — The clerk shall condemn all unsound and provisions. ^^j^^y^Qi^gQ^^e provisions brought to the market for sale, and have them immediately removed and des- troyed ; and any person resisting or disobeying the 71 clerk, shall on conviction lie fiiicd not exceeding; twe n ty-fi ve doll ars . 5j 248.— Any person, who shall durinir market No i.crs o ' 5 weights, Ac. used in the city, shall conform to the standard adopted by the State, and a conijilete set of thcin, shall be kept by the city clerk. 7L> conformin"' ^ ^^^' — ^very pcrsou, Selling or buying by mea- to the stand siires, weight or balances, not conforming to the standanT Jibove mentioned, sliall be fined five dol- lars for each offence. Personsivau ^ 250.— Every person, who shall iVaiidulentlv d u 1 e u 1 1 y -^ ^ . . . . using false use faLs8 measuros, weights, or balances, in buying ed. ' ^ or selling, shall, on conviction^ be fined fifty dollars. False mark, v 257.— ^Anv person, who shall sell any article of brand, Ac. "' „ i ■ ^ j ^ mcrcliandise by a false mark, brand, number or de- vice, or knowingly sell falsely packed flour or su- gar, or other, artipleSjSlifj,|t,,onc9ijyiction be, j^r«3d iifty dollars.- we^^^h^u ^258.— -Thf , .ic^rk or marshal, ;it the re- &^°'Tvdrv <^l^:ipst of a citizen, shalj test, Jan j^/ measure, weight standard. ,;,. 'balauce by the city standard, and brand it with ..ome uniform letter or device for Avhich service the clerk or marshal shall be paid fifty cents, r 11 h 1 i e 15.259. — The City Coimcil .sliall provide suitable ^°'^" '■ scales and weights for the use of the public, upon which, at the request of any person, shall be weigh- ed articles of produce or merchandise by the public weigher. tef^hci^. ' " § 260.— The Oity Council shall apijoint annually a public weigher and pay him a salary which shall not be diminished during his term of office. pubT\c § 2r»l. — The public weigher shall give a bond Tveigher. ^^.j^]^ g^^^^^l sureties in the sum of three thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties ; ibr the delivery of all money collected by him to the City Treasurer, and for the payment of all damages incurred by any person on account ot Isis negligence or carelcR.sncfis in tlio discharge of liis ilu- ties. Thooath of s 2G2. — Before entering upon the duties ol his oi- 1)UD1iC c duties and apparatus m good condition, and weigh with- lie weigher, out delay, coal, lime, bacon, corn, fodder, oats, hay, and any produce or merchandise brought to market, and sold by weight or measurement from w^agons or other vehicles on the streets ; for which he shall be paid by the purchaser of the articles the follow- ing rates, viz : For every load on a vehicle with four wheels, drawn by four or more animals, fifty e d for cents ; for every load on a vehicle with four wheels ^^'^ '"^" drawn by any number of animals less than four, twenty-five cents ; for every load on a vehicle with two wheels, drawn by any number of animals, twen- ty-five cents. § 264. — The public weigher, wlien required by '^'^®. PV''''^ / o J 1 .'weigher the City Council or Mayor, shall examine any or all » h a n i n - measures^ w'eights, scales or balances, used in the uros, we'hts city, in the sale or purchase of goods, wares, and '"'"'^ scales, merchandise, and report any variance from the city standard to the Mayor, and any person refusing to produce his or her measures, weights, scales, or balances for inspection or interrupting the weigher in the discharge of his duty, shall be fined fifty dollars. § 265. — No person shall erect public scales on N« pe"<"> " ^ ^ pliall Koop any of the streets, and every person who shall keep public public scales or weigh for the public any merchan- ,,„'i license, disc or produce except cotton, sold from wagons or other vehicles on the streets, without a license, for which twenty-five dollars shall be paid shall be fined, not loss than five, iKir UKtrc than twenty-five City from the first day of December till the first day of September next thereafter, shall contain fifty- six pounds ; every bushel of corn in the ear, sixty- four' pounds, and every bushel of corn in the ear, not husked seventy -three pounds ; and from the first day of September until the first day of Decem- ber next thereafter, every bushel of unhusked corn shall weigh seventy-four pounds, and every bushel of husked corn in the ear, sixty-five pounds ; any licensed weigher, violating in any manner this sec- tion, shall be fined twenty dollars. CHAPTER XX. NUISANCB. Tanyany § 269. — Evcry person, who shall make a tan- yard, slaughter house, or butcher pen, or engage in any business which will injure the adjoining property, or affect the health or comfort of the peo- \ pie, shall be fined twenty dollars for each day the nuisance shall continue. Failing to § 270. — If the owner of the nuisance shall fail miisan.e. 1o remove it, tlie City Council shall order it to ba 75 abated ut the cost of the person causing the nui- sance. § 271. — If the person causing the nuisance be ii thf> por- insolvent or unable to pay the cost of its removal, "rpn(,*Vi"Hb- or absconds, tlicn the cost of abating the nuisance, cost'l^f re^ shall be taxed against the property on Avhich it }j"°^axc||'^" was situated, and be collected at tlie same time, and in the same manner as the annual taxes. CHAPTER XXI. PAUPERS. § 272. — Every one who shall bring or cause to be shaii^bHn" brought to the city^ a person having no means of vagrants "^to support, and unable or unwilling to work, with the ^^'^ ^^^y- intent of making such person a charge upon the city, or on the charity of the citizens, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars for each day, such pau- per or vagrant shall remain in the city. § 273. — Every slave or free negro, who shall frecncgroes violate the foregoing section, shall receive not ex- foregoing ceeding fifty lashes. '^"*^^'""- § 274. — Every pauper, vagrant, and idle or dis- All pauj.ora orderly person of evil life, or ill fame ; every per- persons Fh'ii son, who has no fixed place of residence, and no fo*r tllc^M.^V visible means of suppvnn, and every person, who begs or loiters about the streets or other public places, shall be arrested, and carried before the Mayor_, who shall order him or her to leave the city, and if, at the expiration of twenty-four hours there- after, such person shall be found in the city, he or she shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars. ' ' ~~ or. 76 CHAPTER XXII. POLICE, PATROL AND PKISONS. Til jwiice of § 275. — The police force of the city shall consist of the City Marshal^ Deputy Marshal, and as many assistant policemen as the City Council may deem necessary to elect. P '' "" VUi § 27G.— The City Council, at its lirst raeetins in Council sli II "^ J } & elect a mar- every year, shall elect a city marshal^ who shall re- ceive a salary and continue in office for the term of one year. S^marshaiV" § 277.— Before entering upon the duties of his office, the marshal shall make and subscribe the following affidavit, which shall be filed with the city clerk ; "I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will well and truly discharge the duties of mar- shall according to the laws of the city to the best of my ability." The bond of "^ s 278. — The marshal, immediately alter his elec- the marshal. _ ' '' I tion shall give a bond with sureties, which shall be I filed with the city clerk, in the sum of one thousand ^ \ dollars for the faithful performance of his duties. )^ o shai^s^a/i § 279. — The marshal shall patrol the streets at streets, Ac. '^ all reasonable hours, preserve the peace, and arrest yall persons, violating any law of the city. ThaTrfe^-^/^ § 280.— The marshal shall execute every sum- cuteaiipro-;' mons or process, issued by the City Council, or the cesses. f ■■- ' j j j ^ Mayor, or under the authority of the Mayor or City \ Council. fhaif^ass^t/ § 281. — The marshal may command the citizens shid ^^^^' ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^"^ ^^^ enforcement of the laws, or in the \ arrest of persons, violating the laws of the city, \ ;iii(l ;iny person, refusing to give such assistance, shall on conviction hefore the Mayor or an Alder- man, he fined in the sum of ten dollars. ^ '§ 282. — The marshal shall examine the streets, report their condition and superintend puhlic works when required to do so, hy the City Council ; he shall also act as clerk of the market, whenever that office shall he vacant. vj 283. — The marshal shall have the market hell rang at nine o'clock, P. M., and see that the watch- men perform their duties, according to the laws of the city. § 284. — The City Council shall designate one of the persons elected, as the captain of the police ; and all the policemen shall take an oath for the faithful performance of their duties. § 285. — No person not a permanent resident in the city, shall he elected a policeman. § 28G. — The policemen shall be under the con- trol of the mai'slial, and shall assist him at all times to enforce the laws of the city. They shall act as watchmen at night, and perform such duties as may be required, and shall receive each month for their services such compensation as the City Council may appoint. § 287. — The marshal sliall communicate his or- ders to the captain of the police, and require him to report daily the conduct of the men under his command ; and the marshal shall forthwith report all cases of neglect of duty to the Mayor or City Council. f § 288. — TIjg Mayor shall, from time to time, in- struct the policemen as to their duties under the laws of the city. T Ii c lAl a 1- sliul Rliall examine the sti^ets. Tho M a r- sbal shall li a V c f h II market bcU rang. Ca]itain o f Police. Policemen. Policom c n mulor rom- iiiaud of the Marshal. Cnjitain o f Police sliall report daily InntructioDi of the p o- lircmcn. 78 Policemen / § 289. — The marshal shall keep an account shall receive . , ^ '• no wages/ of the time any policeman under his control, ftiils sent. i to perform his duties, and during the time of such \ negligence or absence from his post, he shall re- ceive no wages. «.,e,.w.; .„c''' ^ 290. — The policemen, acting as watchmen, persons. ^ shall arrcst all suspicious and disorderly persons, / and commit them to the guard-house or keep them in custody till morning, when they shall be carried before the Mayor or an Alderman, and be punished according to the provisions of the law they may .^^ have violated. Slaves to R 291. — The policemen shall enter any place gamble or ■*■ drink, /• ji -^ city. to remove any omcer oi the city. City officers/ § 305. — Any officei, who shall purchase city purchasing,.' gcrip or Warrants ; or shall loan or use, on his own city Sherifr, ••■ ' ... '*=c. , account, money belonging to the city ; or shall di- j rectly or indirectly buy any property sold by the \ city clerk, or by any other person on account of \ taxes due the city may, according to the discretion of the City Council, be removed from office. CHAPTER XXIII. RETAILERS. ?pfr1tu'ou8'^ § 306.— Every person, who shall retail .spiritu- iiquors. Q^^g QY yinous lif[uors in a less quantity than one quart, or suffer it to be drank on his or her premi- ses without obtaining a license from the City Coun- cil, for which five hundred dollars shall be paid, > shall be fined not less than twenty-five, nor more ' than fifty dollars for each offence. 81 § 30*7.— Every person, who shall retail porter, Retailers of '' J i } ^ i. ' ale beer, Ac. ale, or lager beer in a less quantity than one quart, must obtain „ . Ill 1 • • 'ii a license. or sutler it to be drank on his or her premises with- out a license granted by the City Council,, for which two hundred and fifty dollars shall be paid, shall be fined not less than twenty-five, nor more than fifty dollars for each ofience. § 308.— The applicant, before obtaining his li- J'J'; "Jjjj,,';'. cense, shall take and subscribe before the Mayor or ^•?"*' for a ' _ •' license. an Alderman tlic followiiio; affidavit : "I do solemnly swear that I Avill not sell any vinous, spirituous or malt liquors to, or sell to, or purchase from, any slave any article or commodit)'" without the permission of the owner, master or overseer of such slave ; and that I will not knowingly suifer the same to be done by n\\ partner^ or clerk, agent, or any other person, upon, or about my premises, if in my power to prevent the same, and I will not allow any gaming of any kind to be carried on, on or about my premises, if in my power to prevent the same ; and I will not violate directly or indi- rectly, by resorting to any device, or permit on my premises the violation of the laws of the city in re- lation to retailers." The affidavit must be filed in the office of the city clerk. §309. — Every license, issued to any person to Ljcenie retail spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors in a less mustde- ^ ' ^ scnbo the quantity than one quart, must describe the house r'ace, ie. or place in wliicli tlie business will be carried on, and must set forth the name of the person to whom the license was issued : and for any otlier place or person, the license shall be void. § 310. — No liccn.se, granted to a retailer of spir- No licmse ituous, or vinous or maltliquors, shall be transferred; fcrrcd, Ac. nor shall any person retail spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors in two ])lace8 under one license ; any n . 8- 13erson violating this section, shall l)e fined fifty dollars. A retaiie / | 31] . — An V retailer ofspirituous, viuoiis, 01' malt perraitti n g/ ^ " -■- ' ' gainin|^„( 7 liquors, or keeper of a public house, who shall per- f^ j mit gaming of any kind contrary to the laws of the fy \ State on his or her premises, shall be fined fifty \ dollars. A \retaiier § 312. — The City Council shall revoke the license q u 0^1^ t'o of ^" i *=> ' ^ sliall p e r- mit such slave to reside or sleep on premises con- ")'•■ '"'"' *" ■^ ^ _ _ sicoji away trary to the provisions of the preceding section, fromhisiol. shall, on the first conviction of having violated the said section be fined not less than ten, nor more than fifteen dollars, and on every subse([uent con- viction, five dollars for each day the violation of the law shall continue. § 321. — Every person, who shall let, or rent a No person lot, house or room to a slave, within the limits of lot or house the city, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, for each offence. § 322. — Every slave, or free negro, who shall N'osltTeor keep a shop or stall for the sale of beer, cakes, nbaiikotpa 84' shop o r fruit, soda water or any other article, uii his or her own account, or for the benefit of another person, shall on conviction, receive not more than thirty- nine lashes, and shall be imprisoned till the officer's fees are paid. Slaves or § 323. — But nothing in thiw chapter shall be so !lirv"?Jep construed as to prevent a slave or free negro, from a barber ]j;eeping a barber shop, provided a license be obtained from the Mayor, for which, ten dollars shall be paid for each person employed in the shop as a barber. No person § 324. — Any persou, having control of a slave, rskve^shau who shall permit such slave to keep a sliop or stall permit such f^^ auv purposc whatever, shall, on conviction, slave to keej:) ./ i i ' ' a shop or "be fined in any sum not less than ten, nor more stall. ^ than fifty dollars. No person § 325. — Every person, v^^ho shall hire or employ slave by the a slavc to work by the day, who is not regularly fic'ensed!''' licensed by the Mayor, shall be fined not exceeding five dollars. No person § 326. — Every person, having the control of a mitted^ ^t^o slave, who shall permit such slave to work by the oTt a^'i i- day for wages, or to hire his or her own time, with- eense. ^^^ a liceuse from the Mayor, shall be fined not ex- ceeding twenty dollars. Slave caught § 327. — Evcry slave caught at night ofi'the pre- ofF owner's lot. mises of the owner, master, or person representmg the owner of such slave, without a written permis- sion, thirty minutes after the ringing of the nine o'clock bell, shall be punished by the marshal, with not more than twenty stripes, or be confined in the guard-house till morning. The owner ^ 328. — The marshal, at an early hour of the shall be in- '^ „ . , , , . pi formed of day, shall lutorm the owner or his agent oi the con- onment^"^ finemcut of the slave, and upon the payment of one dollar to the marshal for the use of the city, the slave shall be released, if the owner or agent 85 refuse to pay the marshal one dollar, as aforesaid, tlie slave shall receive not exceeding;' twenty stripes, and he discharged. § 329. — If the owner, or employer of the slave ntheown- "' _ '. erbea he a non-resident of (Iw city, 1 he marshal shall non-resi- confine the slave for loi ty-eight hours in the guard- '„^^a r s h LI house, and receive the same rates for feeding the the siave*h*i slave, that is allowed to the jailor of the count3^ J^'^- Upon the expiration of forty- eight hours, unless some person controlling the slave appears and claims him or her, the slave shall he committed hy the marshal as a runaway, to the county jail. § 330. — Every slave, who shall own a cart, dray, shai'i owa^a or other vehicle, a horse, mare, gelding, mule, ox, *'''^^' ^^' hog, or dog, within the limits ot the city, shall, on conviction, be punished with not more than thirty- nine stripes, unless the owner or person controlling the slave will i)ay a fini.^ of ten dollars for each oftence. § 331. — Any person, controlling a slave, who coivtrourng shall permit such slave to keep a horse, mare, geld- not'^^peVmit ing, mule or ox, within the limits of the city, shall a'hJr^el^'^^^' he fined ten dollars, for each offence. § 332. — Everv slave or free negro, Avho shall ^ « ""^s^'o . , ■ , . . , shall fight light, quarrel, use abusive, indecent or profane Ian- or use inde- , • • -i . • ii • cent 1 a n • guage, or act in an indecent manner in the view or guage.i hearing of a white person, within the limits of the city, shall, on conviction, receive any number of lashes not exceeding fifty. But this penalty may he avoided by the payment of any sum not exceed- ing fifty dollars, according to the discretion of the Mayor or Alderman, before whom the offender may be carried. § 333. — Every slave or free negro, who shall bet x o negr.. at cards or dice, or play any game at which money hic. 80 or any article of value is wagered, shall, on convic- tion, receive not exceeding fifty lashes. No slave & :;34. — Every slave or free negro, avIio is i)res- snallbe • a > i whenothers ^^^^ wlicrc sUivcs or frcc ncgrocs are playing at any gamble. game for money, or any other valuable article,' shall, on conviction, he punished with not more than thirty-nine stripes. N o white § 335. — Ever)^ white person, who shall he pres- person shall j i i r n • j. b 6 present t)nt where slaves or iree negroes are playing at any ^rolT sam- g^™G for moncy or other valuable property, shall, bie- on conviction, be fined not less than tv/enty-five, nor more than fifty dollars. Any negro § 33G. — Evcry slavc or free negro, who shall smoke hi the smoke a pipe or cigar in the streets, or carry a club, streets, &c. jjtick, or any kind of weapon, shall, on conviction, be punished with not exceeding one hundred stripes. No negro § 337. — i^very slave or free negro, who shall bor a runa- conccal or liarbor a slave or write or furnish a pass ways ave. ^^, "free papers" to a slave, shall, on conviction, be punished with not exceeding fifty lashes on the bare back. Slaves may § 338. — On the application of a citizen who is tJ^woT'by the owner of the slave, the Mayor shall grant a li- tho day. censc to sucli slavc to hire his own time by the day, for the purpose of cutting or sawing wood, and sweeping or cleaning bed-rooms and offices^ and do- ing such other jobs as may add to the comfort of the citizens. License for e 339.— On the payment of five dollars for a negroes. "^ ■■■ "^ washer-woman, and ten dollars for any other labor- er, the owner shall receive a badge with the num- ber of the license, engraved or painted thereon, Avhich shall be worn on a conspicuous part of the slave's dress. S7 §. 340.— The Mayor shall iiol, orant liceuse lor a J'j^'jJ/f 'J'J shive imlcss uiion proof of the shive's ffood moral gi-aiit. o d character ; and any slave wearini? the badge of an- proof of tbo i.1 • 1 • ' 1 r 1 J.- slave's good other, or using hi,s or her own tor a longer time ciiaracter. than the license authorized, shaJl; on conviction^ receive not exceeding thirty -nine stripes, unless the owner or person controlling tln^ slavo. Avill pay a fine of ten dollars. § 341.— Every slave licensed to work by the day, Jay-iSm- who sliall refuse to work for any white person, un- ^'^^'^ i-efusc J- ' to -work. less previously engaged or actually employed, shall receive not more than thirty- nine lashes, or the owner shall forfeit the license. §342. — Every person, who having employed a fnsi "''jT't'^o licensed slave and shall iail or refuse to pay such payshaUbe ■•- •' lined. slave after tlie work is finished, shall be fined not more than ten dollars. §343 .—Every slave or free negro, who shall tres- ^'\, "^s^:" •' •' o 5 shall 1 o 1- pass on any lot or loiter about any private residence ^^- ^ ai>o"t in the city without a good excuse, shall, on convic- tion, receive not less than ten nor more thirty-nine lashes. § 344. — Any assembly of slaves, without tlie I'niawfui assembly of permission of the City Council in which there shall slaves, be more than five negro men, not engaged in work or under the control of their owner or manager, shall be unlawful, and each slave shall receive not exceeding thirty-nine stripes. § 345. — Every white person of suspicious charac- pprson" 'o'^r tcr, or free negro, who shall be present at any un- '''ee negro ' f^ ' I -^ shall bo prc- lawfnl assembly of slaves, shall, on conviction, be ''^"*' "t^ an , . iinliiwlul as fined in the sum of thirty dollars, one half of which, fcmbiy. shall be paid to the informer, and if there be no informer, then to the officer making the arrest. § 34G.— Every i)erson, who shall sell, or barter, J^.^n^'trS? or give to a slave, spirituous or vinous li- ^^■'"' »'avof< 88 or sell them liquors. Any slave viol ati n g prec e d i n g section. How the pre ceding sec- tion shall be constru- ed. Proof that a slave a t night c a r- ried an arti cle of traf- fic into a place where liquor is sold evidence of illegal tra- ding with slaves. Every per- son trading illegally with slaves shall be fin- ed. Half of the fine paid to the mform- qiiors, or sell to, or barter or buy from a slave any article of merchandise, without permission in wri- ting from the owner or manager of the slave, des- cribing the article to bo sold or bought, shall, on conviction, be fined fifty dollars, one half of which may be given to the informer, according to the dis- cretion of the Mayor or Alderman trying the case. § 347. — Every slave, who shall violate the pre- ceding section, shall, on conviction, be punished with not exceeding thirty-nine stripes unless the owner or manager of the slave will pay a fine of ten dollars. § 348. — The preceding section shall not te con- strued so as to prevent a slave from selling milk, butter, poultry, eggs, fish, fruit, vegetables and any table supplies under a general permission in writing from the owner or his or her agent. § 349. — Proof that a slave, having an article of trafiic entered at night or on the Sabbath a place where ;^pivituous, vinous, or malt liquors or mer- chandise is usually sold, and came out without it ; or that immediately after coming out of such a place, the slave had any kind of liquor or merchan- dise, shall be considered 'prima facit evidence of illegal trading with such slave by the keeper of the place. § 350. — Every person who shall illegally pur- chase, or receive from a slave, cotton, corn, fod- der, oats, wheat fiour, meal, bacon, pork, or any similar articles, shall on conviction, be fined fifty dollars; one half of the fine maybe paid to the in- former, and if there be no informer, then to the officer making the arrest, or all of the fine shall be paid into the city treasury, according to the dis- 81) cretion of the Mayor or Alderman, before whom the case may be tried. ^ 351. — All slave traders, or persons buying ^^i' NosUvo ^ ^ , _ ' ^ ^ . trader shall selling slaves on commission, who shall exhibit oxiiibitnoar , T n TT TIT 1 the Court their slaves at or near the Court House or Market^ House. Ac. or in any of the public thoroughfares of the city, unless exposed for public sale, shall be fined twent}'" dollars. § 352.— Every slave trader, dealer in slaves, or Every .Mave '' •' ' ' trader sliall person buying or selling slaves on commission, piocure « who shall sell or offer for sale a slave witliin the limits of the city, without a license, for which one hundred dollars shall be paid, shall, on conviction, be fined fifty dollars for each day this section shall be violated. § 353. — Every i'ree negro, wlio shall come from ^^^'^'^^ ."•=- "^ " o ' gro, coming another State, or fiom any part of this State, and """» ^ dis- remam m this city longer than twenty days, shall st;iy in the be fined on conviction twenty dollars. § 354. — The city clerk shall keep a book, alpha- The clerk , . „ . ^ ^ shall keep betically arranged, which shall contain the name, a register of the age, place of nativity, the occupation and place of sleeping, of every free negro in the city. § 355.— The clerk shall collect a fee of fifty •^"I'^'k's ay- iiig a fine. No free ne- gro who is a 11 o n-r e s i- (lent shall work in the city with- out license. visit tlic residence of the free negroes, and arrest any negro violating the laws of tlie city. § 358. — Every free negro, who shall fail or re- fuse to register his, or her name, age, occupation, residence, or place of sleeping, shall, on conviction, he fined twenty-five dollars, § 359. — Every free male negro over fifteen and under fifty years of age shall pay an annual tax of ten dollars, and every free negro woman over fifteen and under fifty years of age, shall pay an annual tax of five dollars. § 360. — Any free negro destitute of property, and failing to pay the said tax, shall be hired out by the marshal to any person who will pay the tax, and take the negro for the shortest time for his, or her labor. § 361. — Every free negro, who shall be found in the streets after half-past nine o'clock at night, shall be fined five dollars ; and in default of pay- ment, shall receive not exceeding fifty lashes. § 362. — Every free negro, who shall associate with slaves in any house or lot within the limits of the city, without permission of tlio owner or mana- ger of such slave, shall be fined five dollars. § 363. — Any free negro over the age of fifteen, failing to pay a fine imposed for the violation of any law of the city, may be imprisoned not exceed- ing sixty days, or be compelled to work on the streets at the rate of one dollar per day, until such fine is paid. § 364. — Every free negro, residing out of the city, who shall work within its limits without a license, for which the sum of twenty dollars shall be paid, shall be fined five dollars, for each offence. 91 CHAPTER XXV. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. § ofio. — Every i>crson who shall erect, or extend, ^' " rerson or enlarge a house or Duikling, or extend a fence croach ou 80 as to encroach upon the streets or sidewalks of walks, the city, shall he fined ten dollars for every day such obstruction or encroachment shall continue. after being notified by an officer to remove it. § 3GG. — Every owner, agent or claimant of a lot p/o7 aTot in the city, who shall fall to make and keep in good ^'^'^'"6 * " repair a sidewalk on the whole length of such prop- keep in re- *• ^ _ ^ '^ '■ pair the side erty, of the following width, viz : ou streets over walk, sixty and less than one hundred feet broad^ a side- walk twelve feet wide ; on streets more than one hundred fee.t in breadth, a sidewalk fourteen feet wide, exclusive of the gutters, shall be fined twen- ty dollars. §367. — No i)L'r.soii shall be comijelled to repair City Co un- •' ^ _ '^ '^ _ cil shall or- the sidewalks adjoining his property, except in obedi- fier the re- pairing o f eace to an order for that ])nrpose, passed by the sitiewaiks. City Council. § 368.— Every ])erson, who shall encumber a -'^"^ Pf'^'^'^ '' J L ■ encumb o r- streetor sidewalk with goods or merchandise, lum- ing street or " ' sidewalk ber, or fuel, or any article whatever, or with a car- with any ar- riage, wagou or other vehicle not in immediate use, for a longer time tlian is absolutely necessary, shall be fined ten dollars. ^ ^ '^ 369. — The preceding section shall not be so iJe^rail!^ construed as to deny any i)erson for the purpose of 'ij^g^'^JJis^ru- building, the right to occupy one-third of the street "^^i- in front of his or her lot for forty days. § 370. — When any person shall fail to repair the J^''*'°f*|Ys sidewalk by his or her lot for five days after the to repair hin City Council shall order it to be done, the sidewalk w«ik. f 92 shall be put in good order by the street hands, and ^ the cost thereof shall be charged to the owner, and \ collected from him by the marshal upon the com- \ pletion of the work. No occupant § ^^ji — Every occupant of a house or tenament, of a house ^ J i ^ j shall throy who shall tlirow filthy water, or fluids of any de- the street.- scriptiou from such house or tenament into the ■; streets or sidewalks, shall be fined five dollars, for \ each offence. No person / § 372. — Evcry persou, who shall throw or de- ft ^offensive/ P^sit offal or other offensive matter in the streets, the^street ^ Gxccpt at the intersection thereof, shall be fined five \ dollars. streets e x- K 3*73. — The provisions of the precedino; sections, cepted from . forego ing shall uot apply to Market street, west of the Capi- section. -, ri t t-» tol, nor to Commerce street, nor to Lawrence, Per- ry and Court streets between Washington and the nor til side of Monroe street. Height of § 374. — Every person, who shall build a cellar door above the level of the side walk, shall be fined five dollars^ and one dollar for every day thereafter the cellar door shall remain higher than the sidewalk. ^'o person ^ 375 _ — Every person who shall without the con- siistii Greet steps across sent of the City Council erect steps on a sidewalk, shall be fined ten dollars. N person g 3*76. — Every person, who shall obstruct the shall ob- (>ii' -IT 1 1 struct the gutters or sewers of the city with dirt, trash, Avood, sewers. lumber^ brick or other material, shall be fined five dollars. No horse 8 377. — Every person, who shall tie or fasten a shall be fas- . n - . . tened near horsc lu sucli a manner as to permit it to stand the side walk. upon the sidewalk, shall be fined five dollars. 1^ 1 c^ Any horse / § 3*78. — Any liorsc found upon the sidewalk in ■violation of the preceding section, shall be seized 93 and detained by the citv marshal until the fine is si■ into the city treasury for the owner, and the treas- I urer shall be responsible on his official bond for the safe custody of them. City Coun- § 402. — The City Council, by its agent, may pur- chaTe^"^reai chase real estate, sold for taxes, and the convey- for^axes° ^ ^ucc of it shall be made to the Mayor for the use of the city. The real estate so purchased by the citj^ shall be subject to redemption, as in other cases, and when redeemed, shall be conreyed by the Mayor to the original owner. § 403. — All sales shall he made before the Court- The j.iac- House door, or at the Artesian Basin in Court ^<|uave. § 404. — Every person, who shall pay the tax as- Persons sessed a^jiainst his or her property prior to the first ,^3'^^IriorTo dav ofDeccuiber next after the assessment, shall be '"■«* "f i>e- ' comber. entitled to a reduction of interest from the payment ivrsonsfaii till tlu' first day of December, and every person f'"fo*^nfnNt who shall fail to pay the tax on the first day of i^ecember. December, sluill pay interest on the amount of taxes dnc. from tliat time initii the t;ix shall he ])aid. § 40.J, — Every lawyer, doctor, and dentist, shall Doctors!' x pay an annual tax of five dollars. Dentists. § 406.— Every daguerreotypist, ambrotypist or f^^fJJ'^""^''" artist of like char;icter shall pay an annual tax of five dollars. g 407.— All -old watches shall ))e taxed fifty ef aTf " cents, and all «;old watch-chains, twenty-five ''•'^'"ns- cents; all silver watches and nil clocks shall l»e taxed twenty-five cents. § 408, — All furniture, silver ware, and silver All funii- 11 1 1 ,• i> 1 1 1 1 T ture, silver plated ware over the value ot five nundretl dollars, wares. Ac. shall be taxed annually one ((uarter of one per cent, on its value. " a k «' » oiiftrtorlv Ttt month, and oftener if required by the City Council, port. " in which, he shall state the money received by him, and the amount paid over to the treasurer under the direction of the City Council. § 418. — The Avhartinger, .shall report to the J^! ^}^"'': ^ -^ finfier shall Council what repairs are needed on the Avharf. He report what 1 11 iii 11 T • 1 • • repairs are shall settle all disputes m relation to places upon it, needed, o n and have a general control, and superintendence of it for the interest of the city. ij 419. — All goods, wares, and merchandise, cot- Uateo oi ton, lumber, brick, stock and all things whatever, ''^ ^"'" ^^^'^• shipped from or landed on, the city wharf, shall be subject to' the following rates of wharfage, viz : For each bale of cotton , {{50,08 '' " barrel, 05 " " sack of coffee 03 '' " " '' salt, 03 U U C. .. o^ySLUl, 03 " hogshead or pipe, 02 • ' hundred weight of any metal , 02^ " buggy or sulky, 75 " carriage, 1,00 " thousand feet lumber, 50 " horse or cow, 10 ' ' sheep or hog, 02^ Boxes, packages, or merchandise at the rate of one cent, per square foot All other articles shall pay at 100 tlie above rates, and accordino; io wei,s;']it and meas- i!i-ement. wh'^fingor.' ^ 420.— The whartino-er si. all liave a lien nt>on all articles, and every species of jnopertj subject tn wharfage, landed on, or shipped from, the city whari, and shall retain possession of such articles Ar prop- erty until the wharfage is paid. Xo person ^ 421 . —Every person, who shall. ..n the.Sab- stiall receive -^ J i ^ merchan- bath, receive or deliver ou the wharf, or at any dise on tlio Sabhntii. placcwitliin the limits of the city, bales ot cotton, produce, goods, wares, and merchandise, or stock of any kind, shall, on Ciinvictlon, be fined fifty dol- lars. Tax on all ^ 422. — The wharfinger, shall demand of the boats at tlio. i . ^ ,• i i i r- wharf. owner or person having ciiargi^ of a steamboat five dollars, and of the owner or p'erson controlling a barge, flat-boat, or any boat carrying freight, two dollars for every day such boat may be at the city wharf. Any jiersou i;) 42o. — Auy pei'sou luiviug a boat at the wharf, refusing to ' " . , . , pay tax. and refusing to pay the tax mentioned m the pre- ceding section, shall be fined ten dollars in addi- tion to the tax, due on sucli boat. TersouB re- K 424. — The marshal upon being notified by the liisiugtopay ' ,■ ^ i t h e above wharfinger of such a person s refusal to pay the tax, arretted. ' duc upou a boat, shall take such person before the Mayor or an Alderman, and shall receive from the delincjuent two dollars for making the arrest. Removing § 425. — Every persou wlio shall remove rocks, S?n?^'t\''e pebbles, or gravel from the city wharves, shall be '''''^'■''- fined five dollars for each oftenco. TO PROVIDE FOH I>T("tHTI\G THE TTTV OF ^fONTOOMERY WITH (US. Section 1. — Be it ordained hi the City Council of 'f'^' P':'\'i- '' ^ * lego of light. Montcfomenj, That from and after the passage of i°s t'le citj^ this ordinance, the exclusive i)rivilege shall be, and grantecf t o the same is hereby granted for the term of fifty frcy & To. years from the first day of November, A. 1)., 1852, to John Jeffrey & Co.^ of Cincinnati, Ohio, their as- sociates successors and assigns of laying pipes for conducting gas under any street, alley, or tliorough- iare Avithin the corporate limits of the city ; Provi- ded, that the said pipes shall be so laid as not to in- terfere witlithe drainage or sewerage or the grade of any street, alley or tlioroughfare in said city ; and Provided, that if any changes or alterations in the Proviso. drainage, sewerage or grade of any street, alley or thoroughfare shall be made by order of the City Council, wl\ich shall render a change or alteration necessary in tlie position of said gas pipes, the ex- ])ense of all such changes and alterations shall bo paid by the City Council of Montgomery. Sec. 2. — That the ])ri\-ilege herein granted in I'l'"" appa- i- '^ ^ ^ ratusfortho upon the condition that the said John JeftVcy & Co. , ma n u f ao- shall, on or before the first day of May, A. D., shall be 18o4, have coraplet-ed the requisite apparatus for i,"nT thrp'e 104 vniies of maiiutkcturiiis; s^s, aud .shall have laid in coniiec- pipes 1 a 1 d _ o o / on or before tioD therewith three miles of main pipe in the May ] s t. ^ ^ , is.vt. streets of Montgomery, and shall further lay from time to time such additional main pipes in any street, alley, or thoughfare as shall be required hy the said City Council ; Provided, that the demand lor gas to be supplied by such extension shall ai6for CD. L. S. S E. F. L. S. <4tL INDEX. PAGE. 8KC. ACCOUNTS. The City Clerk shall keep account of warrants issued by him 44 98 The City Clerk shall keep an account of expenditures of the City 44 99 The City Clerk shall render an account of money paid into the Treasury 44 100 Hospital Steward shall render an ac- count of hospital stores G2 194 Clerk of Magazine must render an account to the City Council 68 235 Of the Treasurer 94 ;{87 Treasurer's account when approved.... 94 388 Wharfinger must account monthly.... 99 417 ADVERTISEMENTS. The Marshal shall adverti.se sale of cattle 31 22 The Marshal shall advertise sale of hogs 31 27 The Marshal shall advertise sale of - horses and mules , 32 30 The Marshal shall advertise sale of property levied on to satisfy a fine 52 141 The Mayor shall advertise the assess- ment of taxes 95 393 116 PAQE. SEC. ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued.) The Clerk shall advertise personal prop- erty to be sold for taxes 96 39*7 The Clerk shall advertise real estate to be sold for taxes 96 398 AFFRAYS. Persons guilty of an affray without stick or weapon 28 4 Persons guilty of an affray with a stick orweapon 28 5 Persons guilty of an affray with fire- arms or deadly weapons 28 6 Abusive words may justify an affray.... 29 17 ALDERMEN. How elected 3 May hear and determine cases 12 Two Alderman may call a meeting of the Council 12 Four Aldermen, a quorum 12 ANIMALS. No person shall fasten an animal to a lamp-post or fence, &c 50 128 Cattle not permitted to run at large.... 30 21 Cattle running at large may be sold.... 31 22 The Marshal must advertise sale for ten days 31 22 No city officer shall bid at such sale... 31 23 Owner may obtain cattle 31 24 The Marshal refusing to deliver cattle shall be fined 31 25 Hogs running in the street shall be sold 31 26 Marshal shall advertise the time and place of sale 31 27 No officer shall bid at such sale 32 28 Marshal must deliver hogs to owner... 32 29 Ill PAGE. SEC. ANIMALS (Continued.) Horses not allowed to run in the streets 32 :H) Marshal shall advertise and sell horses 32 31 Owner may obtain tlie horse 32 32 Owner may prove title within one year 32 33 Horses must not he tied to puhlic fences or lamp-posts 50 128 Persons permitting horses to stand on a side-walk, fined \)2 377 Horses found on side-walk shall he siezed 92 378 Dogs, without collars, must not run at large 33 36 The Marshal must procure dog-collars 33 34 The Marshal must sell collars only to white persons 33 34 The Marshal shall register number of collar 33 35 The Marshal must not sell collars to slaves or free negroes 33 37 No slave shall keep a dog 33 38 Free negroes not to keep dogs witliout license 33 30 Cruelty to, luinished 47112-14 APPEALS. May be taken from decisions of the Mayor or an Alderman to City Council 30 20 May be taken from decision of tlio Mayor to the Circuit Court !'.♦ APPROPRIATIONS. The Clerk shall keep an account of 44 00 ARRESTS. Warrant, form of 110 Persons arrested may give bond 20 IS Persons arrested may be imprisoned- • .... 30 1 118 PAGE. SEC. ARRESTS {Continued.) The Market Clerk may arrest disorderly persons about the market TO 244 The Marshal shall arrest persons viola- ting the laws of the city 76 2*79 The patrol may arrest disorderly persons 79 301 Any slave arrested may be confined in the guard-bouse 84 32*7 Fee of the Marshal for arresting a free person 54 152 Fee of Marshal for arresting a slave 54 152 ARTESIAN WELLS. No person shall throw anything into the Artesian Basin 34 42 Persons shall not wash animals or vehi- cles near the wells 34 41 Bathing in the Artesian Basin prohibi- ted 34 43 Slaves injuring wells shall be punished 34 44 Free negroes bathing in the Artesian Basin, fined, &c 34 45 ASSAULT AND BATTERY. An assault committed upon a white per- son 28 7 An assault with a stick or a weapon not likely to cause death 2b 8 An assault with a deadly weapon 28 9 An assault on a slave by a white person 28 10 An assault on a slave with a deadly weapon 28 11 An assault on a white person by a slave 29 12 An assault on a slave or free negro by a slave 29 13 iiy PAGE. SEC. ASSAULT AND BATTERY (Continued.) An assault by a free negro on a slave... 29 14 An assault by a free negro on a free negro 29 15 An assault by a free negro on a white person 29 10 Abusive words may justify 29 17 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES. The City Clerk sliall assess and collect taxes on personal property 45 103 Tlie City Clerk shall make an alphabet- ical list of voters 45 104 List of voters compared with names in last assessment 4G 105 Clerk must make a digest of real estate 46 106 The City Council shall appoint asses- sors 94 391 The assessors shall estimate value of real estate 95 392 The Mayor must give ten days' notice of assessment 95 393 The assessment when approved is a lien on real estate 95 394 The assessment of taxes on property of owner unknown is evidence 96 399 The taxes shall be collected by City Clerk 95 395 A subdivision of lot may be sold 96 400 All sales shall be before Court House or at Artesian Basin 97 403 Interest upon payment of taxes before December allowed 97 404 AUCTIONEERS. Must obtain license 05 208 120 PAGE. SEC. AUCTIONEERS {Continued.) Officers of court, executors, guardians, mortgagees, may sell without license... 65 209 BAGATELLE TABLES. Must be licensed 61 226 BALANCES. Must conform to standard adopted by tlie State 71 254 Persons using balances not conforming 72 255 The Clerk or Marshal at request of a citizen must test 72 258 Maybe inspected by public weigher... 73 264 BARBERS. Shall not keep their shops open on Sun- day 34 46 A slave or free negro may have a bar- ber shop 84 323 BATHING. In Artesian Basin forbidden 34 43 In river between sun rise and sunset forbidden 34 43 A slave shall not bathe in Artesian Ba- sin 34 44 A free negro bathing in Artesian Basin punished 34 45 BEGGARS. May be taken before the Mayor 75 274 Any ]3erson bringing a beggar to the city 75 272 A slave or free negro bringing a beggar 75 273 BILLIARD TABLES. Keeper of public billiard tables must obtain license 67 225 BOATS. Lying at the wharf shall be taxed 100 423 121 PAGE. SEC. BONDS. Form of bail bond Ill Form of an appeal bond 112 Of persons arrested 29 18 Of clerk of magazine 68 231 Of public weigher 72 261 Of tlie Marshal 76 278 Of the Treasurer 94 385 Of the-wharfinger 98 415 Bond of Clerk 43 95 BUR(^tLARY. Person guilty of 35 47 Slave or free negro commmiting 38 48 CABS. Owner of, must obtain license 35 51 Must have their number painted on the lamps 36 54 Charges of cab-men 36 55 Penalty of charging too much 37 58 Cab-men must keep the law in their cabs.. 38 67 CAMPS. Not allowed in the City 93 381 Persons may camp on the banks of the river '^3 382 CARTS. Shall be licensed 39 70 Number of license fastened on 39 71 Driver of, shall not refuse to carry a load 39 72 Theload of. 40 73 CATTLE. Shall not run at large in the streets 30 21 Must be advertised and sold 31 No city officer shall bid at such sale 31 The owner of, may obtain them 31 24 16 22 23 122 PACJK. SEC. CATTLE {Conlinued:) The Marshal refusing to deliver cattle shall be fined ?A 25 CEMETERY. All corpses must he huried in 40 *77 Paupers, slaves, and free negroes huried in 42 89 The depth of graves 41 85 Injuries to fence, tomhs, &c 4- *78 Injuries to trees, flowers, and shrubbery... 41 79 Slaves or free negroes injuring tombs or flowers 41 80 The Sexton shall keep it in good order 42 86 The Sexton shall point out any grave in... 41 84 CHEATING. Persons obtaining money or goods, &c oo 50 Persons using false weights or measures... 72 25P» Persons selling by a fjilse mark, or falsely packed sugar, &c 72 257 CHIEF ENGINEER. Of Fire Department, how elected 55 155 Oath of. 55 15G Vacancy of, how filled 55 158 Shall have full control at fires 56 161 Shall be Marshal ex-ojjicio 56 163 Shall provide for keeping of apparatus 56 165 Shall keep account of fires, losses, &c 57 166 Shall make annual report 57 1 67 cmiMNEYS. Must not be burnt at night 42 92 Dangerous to adjoining property, nuisances 48 93 The nuisance shall be abated 43 94 CHURCHES. Not to be disturbed 49 123 CIRCUS. Owner of, must obtain license 51 135 12:} r.AGK. s.Er. CITY CLERK. How elected i; Oath and bond of 43 <(.^ Shall attend the meetings of City Council 43 \](] Must i City divided into si x Wards 2 Two Aldermen may call a meeting of 12 The Mayor and three Aldermen, or foui- Aldermen, a quorum 12 CITY PHYSICIAN. How elected Co 101) Sliall examine applicants for admission to hospital '. 0:J 200 Dutiesof G} 201 CLERK OF MAGAZINE. How elected ^'<^ -•'" 124 PAGE. SEC. CLEKK OF MAGAZINE [Contmued.) Shall give liond 68 231 Salary of 68 232 Must kee]) office near centre of the City.... 68 233 Shall collect taxes on powder 68 234 Must render an account to City Council.... '68 235 May he fined or discharged 09 236 CLERK OF MARKET. How elected 69 240 Salary of TO 241 Shall remain at market 70' 243 Must preserve order at market 70 244 May call persons to aid in keeping peace.. 70 245 Shall exclude dogs from market 70 246 Shall condemn unsound provisions 70 247 Shall rejiort persons buying provisions for speculation 71 248 Must prevent obstruction of side-walks.... 71 250 Must ring market bell 71 251 Shall report lessees of stalls 71 252 May be discharged 71 253 COCK-FIGHTING, . Prohibited 47 113 COMPLAINT. Persons arrested 52 143 Persons arrested may give bond , 52 144 Complainant sball pay costs 53 145 CONCERTS. Must be licensed 51 134 For charitable purposes, excepted 51 136 CONDUCT, (Disorderly, &c.) Persons using profane or indecent language fined 47 109 125 PAGE. !^EC. CONDUCT, (Disovderly, &c.,) {Conimued.) Dninkenness, punished 48 11.) Persons injuring city property 50 1-T Driveis of licensed vehicles 37 C2 Slaves or free negroes guilty of 85 oo2 COSTS Of case must he entered on docket oo 14'J Complainant shall pay 53 145 DAY LABORERS Shall ohtaiu license 84 32() Persons hiring a slave 81 3-.) Shall not refuse to work 87 341 Persons failing to pay 87 342 DIRT Must not he removed from streets 50 1 26-32 Slave carrying away dirt 50 133 Shall not he removed from wh ar f 100 425 DISEASE. No person with contagious disease shall he hrought to the city G3 2 '2 Slaves with small-pox must he sent to the Hospital C'l T88 Owner refusing to send slave to the Hos- pital ^ 01 18U Owner refusing to pay the cost of remov- ing slave 61 100 Physicians having patients with the small- pox 01 101 The prevalence of epidemics 00 181 The hoard of health to inspect lots 50 170 Mayor shall report monthly the condition of the city (-O 180 DISORDERLY CONDUCT. What is 47 100 • 126 PAOE. SEC. DISORDERLY CONDUCT {Continued.) Persons injuring fences, door-plates, sign- boards, &c 47 110 Minors or apprentices guilty of. 47 111 Killing and crippling animals 47 112 Cock-figiiting or dog-figliting 47 IK) Slave guilty of cruelty to animals 47 114 Drunkenness 48 115 Grambling prohibited 48 116 Grambling with slaves or free negroes for- bidden 48 117 Informer to be paid 48 118 Keeping house of ill fame 48 119-20 Disturbing public worship 49 123 Injuring public property 49 126-7 No person shall discharge fire arms 50 129 Military companies may discharge fire- arms 50 130 In a public house 49 124 Slaves or free negroes guilty of 85 332 Drivers of licensed vehicles guilty of 37 62 DISTRICTS, FIRE. City divided into three 55 159 DOGS Not allowed to run at large without col- lars -^-^ ^^ The Marshal must procure dog-collars 33 34 Owner may obtain collar 33 35 The Marshal must not sell collars to slaves 33 37 Slaves shall not keep dogs 33 38 Free negroes must have license for dogs... 33 39 Must not be about the market TO 246 DRAYS Must be licensed 39 70 Number of, fsistened on 39 /I 12V DRAYS {Continued.) Driver refusing to carry a load 31) 72 A load for a dray 40 73 Licenses of, expire 40 74 Drivers must not p;o f\ist 40 7.') DRIVING FAST, Forbidden 40 70 DRUNKENNESS. Persons lyinij; or staggerinp; about public places 48 115 EMPLOYER Of a slave shall pay when work is finislied 87 342 No person shall hire a slave not licensed... 84 325 Shall not permit slave to live or sleep off his premises 83 3)20 Of a hack, refusing to pay, fined 30 57 ENGINEERS. Chief and Assistant elected 7)o 155 Oath of. 55 15G Vacancy, how filled 55 158 Assistant shall be chosen 55 159 Chief and Assistants shall be Marshals.... 50 103 The Chief shall provide ibr the keeping of Engines &c 50 105 The Chief shall kcc}) an account of fires and losses 57 100 The Chief shall make an annual report.... 57 107 Shall ascertain where water can be obtained 57 108 Assistant shall bear orders of the Chief.. 57 109 Shall hold meetings 5S 170 EPIDEMICS. During prevalence of, Mayor sluiU report daily i.ii \^\ 128 PAGE. SEC, EVIDENCE. , The Marshal or a Policeman must sum- mons witnesses 53 146 Witnesses refusing to appear 53 147 Witnesses refusing to testify 53 148 EXCAVATIONS. Of cellars, &c 50 131 Digging and carrying away dirt 50 132 EXECUTIONS. May issue for fines 52 140 May issue for collection of taxes 95 396 May be levied on any property 95 397-8 EXHIBITIONS. Must be licensed 51 134 No license for Paintings, Statuary, &c., or for charitable purposes 51 136 Marshal shall attend exhibitions 51 137 EXPENDITURES. City Clerk shall keep an account of 44 99 For repairing engines and apparatus 56 165 EXTENSION. Of streets, how made 10 Land may be purchased for 10 FAME, ILL. Persons of, how dealt with 75 274 Persons keeping houses of 48119-20 What is a house of ill fame 49 121 Persons renting houses of 49 122 FALSE MEASURES, &c. Persons using Y2 256 FALSE MARKS, BRANDS, &c. Persons selling by 72 257 FALSE PRETENSES. Persons obtaining money or goods by 35 50 I'MiE. SEC. FAKE. Of cal)8, carriages, hacks, iV'c o(> ."io Driver of liacks, cVc, may contract for I)G 50 Hack-men cliarging niorc than estahlishcd rates of. ;;7 58 Persons lefnsing to ])ay '.]() 57 FAST DRIVING. Forhidden , 40 T(J Of drays, carts, t^-c 40 75 FEES. Must be set down on docket 53 149 Of the Mayor 53 150 Of the Clerk 54 152 OftheMarshal 54 152 FEMININE. Included in masenline 27 1 FIGHTING. Of slaves or free negroes 85 332 (See assault and hattery, and atfrays.) FILTH. Not to be thrown in the streets 'J2 371-2 Mayor shall cause removal of 59 1 7l) Owners of lots must keep them clean 60 182 Not to he emptied in flie sewers (Jl 187 FINES. Persons iiiiling to pay, may l)e imprisoned 52 13'.t How collected 52 140 Of minors and a])prentices 47 III Of free negroes <)0 3(; } FlUES. Fire Department 51 I5.> Engineers ot Fire Depaitment 55 15-^ Engineers, how elected 55 155 Oath of engineers 55 150 Engineers must carry a trumpet 50 ir,(i is 130 PAC^E. 8EC. FIRES {Couiinutd .) Officers may be removed 55 157 When vacancy occurs 55 158 The Chief Engineer has all authority 50 161 All persons must aid at 56 162 Engineers at fires, Marshals 56 16o To prevent the spread of 56 164 Chief Engineers shall provide for keeping apparatus 56 1 65 An account of, must be kept 57 166 Engineers must ascertain where water can beobtained 57 168 When Engineers absent from 57 16t) City divided into fire districts 55 159 Fire limits 58 171 FIRE-ARMS. Not to be discharged 50 1 29-30 FIRE COMPANIES. In the fire department 54 153 Each Company may nominate a candidate 55 155 All under control of Chief Engineer 56 161 The apparatus of shall be kept in good or- der 56 165 Number of companies and members in each, to be reported 57 167 The foremen of, at fires 57 167 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Organized 54 153 FIRE LIMITS. What are 58 171 'No Avooden building erected in 58 172 What shall be considered a wooden l)uild- j n o' O o 1 < O No wooden building must be moved in 58 174 Blacksmith shop must not be set up in.... 59 175 I'AtiK. SKC. FIRE LIMITS {Continued:) A lumber-kiln not to bo allowed in 50 17<'» Wooden buildings must not be enlarged... 50 17'.' FJRK I'LACES. Dangerous to adjoining property 4I> Uo Persons lailing to remove 43 04 FLYING KITES. Forbidden 03 383 FOOD. Unsound, sluill be condemned by market Clerk 70 247 Not tt) be sold on Sunday 71 240 Persons buying, to speeulate 71 24H FOREST ALLING. Probibited in market 71 24S FREE NEGROES. Guilty of assault on slave 20 14 Committing assault on free negro 20 15 Making an assault on a wliite person 20 IP. Not to wasb animals or vebicles near Arte- sian wells 34 41-5 Not to tbrow anything in Artesian Basin 34 42-5 Shall not bathe in Artesian Basin or river 3)4 43-5 Free negroes injuring fence of grave yard^ &c P 41 78-80 Shall not destroy flowers or break monu- ments, &c 41 70-80 In what part of grave yard, buried 42 80 Guilty of cruelty to animals 47 112 Shall not engage in cock-fighting 47 113 Shall not bring paupers to the city 75' 2 7 2-: I Shall not keej) .^hoj), for sale of cand> . cakes, &c S3 322 May keep a barber shop 84 323 Shall not (juarrel or use indecent language 85 .>o- 1S2 ['Mil-:. SKC. FREE NECIROES {Conihiuccl.) ^'^HB: Must not gamble 85 333 Shall not be present where slaves gamble 8('> 334 Shall not be at unlawful assembly S7 34') Must not smoke or carry a stick in the streets S(^ 33G Harboring a slave or furnishing '• free pa- pers' ' Shall not loiter about a private residence... Coming to the city Names of, to be i-egistercd by the City Clerk ^ Must pay Clerk for registering names Moving their residence The Marshal must visit the residence of... Neglecting to register their names Shall pay a tax Unable to pay tax Shall not be on the streets at night Shall not associate Avith slaves Failing to pay lines Shall obtain license to work Must not fly kites in tlie City FUTURE. Included in the past and present..' 27 1 GAMING. Forbidden 48 TIC Owners of premises must not permit slaves and free negroes to game Retailers must not permit gaming Retailers allowing slaves or free negroes to gamble Slaves or free negroes gambling A slave or free negro ju'esent at 86 337 87 343 8!) 353 80 3>54 89 355 89 35 K 89 357 90 358 90 359 90 300 90 301 90 362 90 363 90 364 93 383 48 117 82 311 82 312 85 333 86 334 1 oo l>A •»-^'> GAS. Contract lor 103 Gas Tompany must ohtain license TiT) 2111 GATES. Of grave yard must not be injured 41 7^5 Of grave yard to be opened by Sexton 42 8(1 Persons carrying away gates 4T 1 1 '• Minors The Sexton shall point out any grave in... 41 85 Shall be kept i n good order 42 8(5 GUARD HOUSE. All persons arrested, to be confined in 80 302 Slaves committed to 78 291 The Marshal shall have charge of 80 303 GUNS. Not to be discharged in tbe city ')0 1211-30 GUN POWDP]R. Shall be kept in the Maga/Jne 68 233 May be taxed r.8 234 No person must keep more than one keg in his store <)'.l 2;J7 134 PAGE. SEC. HACKS. Owners of, must obtain license 35 51 Applicants for license must make oath 35 52 License not to be transferred 36 53 Name of owner of, sliall be registered 30 53 Number of, must be painted on the lamps, 36 54 The fare allowed to 36 55-6 Persons refusing to pay the fare 36 5*7 Drivers of, cliarging more than the fixed rates 37 58 Hackmen refusing to carry persons 37 59 Shall not be hired to slaves or free negroes 37 60 Shall not stand in front of dwelling or store &c 37 61 Drivers of, guilty of disorderly conduct... 37 62 Hackmen shall not leave their horses 38 63 Hackmen shall not race 38 64 Drivers of, meeting other vehicles 38 65 Shall be stopped when hailed by a police- man 38 66 Shall have copy of sections 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, in each 38 67 HAWKING AND PEDDLING. Persons hawking goods about the streets must obtain license 64 206-7 Fruit, Poultry, &c., must not be hawked about on Sunday 71 249 HEALTH. Board of healtli established 59 178 Board of Health shall insiDCct lots 59 179 Mayor shall report the condition of the City 60 180 During epidemics Mayor shall report 60 181 Owners of lots must keep them clean 60 182 Persons disobevins: Board of Health 60 183 135 PAGE. i^EC. HEALTH {(Jonliniml.) The Marshal shall execute onlers of Board of Health GO KSl Persons aggrieved by Board of Health OO liS,') The Policemen shall report any cause of disease 01 I8(i Persons shall not empty noxious fluids C.l 1ST Negroes having the small-pox must l)e re- moved 61 188 The owner of diseased negro failing to re- move him (') 1 IS'.t -90 A physician having patients Avith small- pox 01 li)l Persons controlling steamboats, &c., bring- ing diseased persons to the city 63 202 HIRE. Persons liiring unlicensed slaves 84 325 A slave not to hire bis time slave without license 84 326 Slaves shall wear badges 87 340 Slaves shall not refuse to work 8*7 341 Persons failing to pay slaves 87 342 Persons l\iiling to pay for hacks, cabs, S:c. 36 57 HOGS. Running at large, shall be sold 31 26 Sliall be advertised before the sale 31 27 The owner may obtain his hogs 32 20 No officer of the city, shall bid at sale of... 32 28 Shall not be owned by slaves 85 330 Persons permitting slaves to own hogs 85 331 HOOK AND ladder! Com pany 54 153 HORSES. Running at large, shall be advertised and sold 32 30-31 Owner may obtain his liorse 32 32 13(; PAGE. iJEC. IIORSEIS {Continued.) Owner of, may prove his title witliiii one year o2 )>o Shall not 1)e tied to lamp post 50 128 Shall not be allowed to stand on the side- walks 'J2 377-8 Shall not he ridden or driven on sidewalks 93 379 Not to be owned by slaves 85 330 Persons permitting slaves to own 85 331 Not to be driven fast 40 76 HOSPITAL. No person shall reside in G2 192 The steward shall live in and take charge of G2 194 No person admitted withont a certificate of Physician G2 193 The names, &c., of patients must be re- gistered 62 195 No person shall loiter about 62 196 Alcoholic liquors shall not be carried to.... 62 197 The grounds of, must be kept in good order 63 198 The City Physicanmust examine applicants for admission to ()3 2U0 Shall be visited by City Physician 63 201 Negroes having small pox, must be placed in 61 188-9 HOUSES. Wooden, sliall not be built in fire limity... 58 172 What shall be considered wooden 58 1 73 Wooden, shall not be moved in fire limits. 58 174 Proprietor of public, not to i)ermit disor- derly conduct 49 124 Persons injuring public buildings^ 49 125 Persons must not fasten animals to public. 50 128 Cabs^ Hacks, &c., not to stand before 37 61 Houses of free Neo-roes to be visited 89 357 137 PAOK. SEr. HOUSES {Confmued.) Houses where negroes resort 78 iMll HOUSE OF ILL FAME. Shall iKit he kept in city iSllO-'JO A house inhabited hy lewd woinen, — a house of ill fame \\) \-j,\ Persons renting a building to be used as a house of ill fame 4;) j^'i IDLERS. How dealt with 75 v»74 ILL FAME. Houses ol", not to he kept 48n9-l'0 What is a house of (.9 \ 21 A building rented to be used as a house of 49 122 Persons of, how treated 75 274 IMPRISONMENT. Persons arrested may be impi-isoned 3(1 19 Persons may be imprisoned for tine 52 !:]•) Shall be in guaid li()u.«e, &c 80 1502 INCORPORATION. Act of I INDECENT CONDUCT. Forbidden 4 'j- | ()f ) Slaves Ol- free negroes guilty of 8.') :^:j 2 Drivers of veh ieles guilty of :;7 02 KITES. Persons shall not Hv kites 9;; ;;x:5 LABORERS. Shall be licensed (',7 ^2!t Slaves must be licensed as S4 :52fi Free negroes must have license to work in tlie city .)0 ;;n4 Persons failing to pav 87 :>4"' T-AMPS. Pers(ms breaking lamps of the city 50 127 Of licensetl vehicles IJf, :, j 19 188 PAGE. SEC. L.\MP POST;S. Animals must not be fastened to 50 128 Shall not be broken 50 127 LAND. How taxed 13-'J5 392-8 At what rates land shall be taxed 7 Land sold for Taxes may be redeemed 96 102 Taken to widen or extend streets 10 LEASES. Of Market Stalls and Cottee Stands fU) 238 LECTURES. Shall be licensed 51 134 LEWD PERSONS. House to which lewd women resort 49 121 How such ])ersons dealt with 75 274 LICENSES. When license shall expire 04 204 Not to be issued for less than one year.... 64 205 Persons hawking* or ])eddling, shall obtain 64 200 Of Auctioneers 65 208 Of Commission Merchants, Factors and Brokers, &c 65 210 Of Ware-house-meu 65 211 Of Insurance Companies 65 212 Of Gas Companies 65 213 Of Agents of Lotteries 65 214 Of Banks and Bank Agencies 66 215 Of Brokers and Exchange dealers 66 216 Of Livery Stables 66 217 Of persons having stock for sale 66 218-9 Of Merchants 66 220 Of persons offering bacon, Hour, &c., in wagons 66 221 Of persons playing on musical instruments 67 222 Of Hotels ". 67 223 Of Restaurants 67 224 I 1 I 131> VAQE. 8EC. LICENSES {Couilnuc(L) Of Billiard Tables..* 07 225 Of Bagatelle or Pool Tables (')7 220 Of Pistol Galleries 07 227 Of Ten Pin-alleys 07 228 Of day laborers 07 229 Of Hacks, Carriages, Cabs^ &c 35 51 Of Retailers of spirituous or vinous liquors 80 300 Of Retailers ot Porter, Ale, t^-c 81 307 Of Retailers maybe annulled 82 312-5-7 Of Slaves to bire tlieir time 84 320 Of Slave traders, cl'c 89 351 Of Drays, Carts, &c 30 70 Of iree negroes working in tbe city 00 304 LIGHTS. Of Lamps of Hacks, Cabs, &c., to be kept burning 3() 54 LIMITS, FIRE. Wbat sball be 58 171 No wooden bouses sball be erected in 58 172 Wbat sball be considered a wooden build- ing 58 173 No wooden building in, sball be moved.... 58 174 Wooden buildings must be covered witb zinc, tin, cl'C 50 177 LIQUORS. Retailers of. 80-1 300-7 Not to be sold to slaves 82 312 Wbat is a load of, for a Dray, Cart, t^'c... 40 73 LISTS. Tbe Clerk shall prejmre a list of voters.... 45 104 LIVERY STABLES. Sball be licensed 00 217 LOAD. Of a Dray, Cart, Wagon, &c 40 73 ]40 PAGE. SEC, Load {Continued.) Drivers of Drays, &c., refusing to carry.. 39 72 The rate of cliarfring: for 40 V3 Drivers of Hacks, &c., refusing to take.... 37 59 The fare for a Hack, Cab, &c ".O of, LOTS. Subdivision of, may be sokl 96 400 Mayor or Board of Health, may inspect.... 59 179 Shall be kept clean 00 182 Nuisance not })ermitted on 74 269 In Grave-yard, liow obtained -11 81 Owners of, shall repair side-walks 91 366-7 LOTTERY OFFICES. Shall be licensed (i5 214 Ll'MBER-KILN. Shall not be made, cV'c 5;) 176 .^L\GAZINE, POWDER. Clerk ot; appointed 68 230 Powder shall be kept in 69 237 Powder, when received be delivered to the Mayor 42 91 MARKS. Selling Merchandise by false 72 257 MARKET. Shall be divided into stalls, and rented.... 69 238 Persons shall rent more stalls than are ne- cessary 69 239 The stalls of, shall be cleaned 71 252 Clerk of, shall be elected 69 240 Salary of Market Clerk 70 241 Market hours 70 24 The Clerk must remain at 70 243 The Clerk must superintend 70 244 141 » VAflE, SEC. MARKET {Continued.) Vehicles and dogs, excluded from 70 '24(> Unsound provisions shall he condemned.. 7 270 Oathof 7(1 277 Bond of. 70 278 Shall arrest persons violating the law 70 2'J'.* Shall execute process 7<> 280 May command citizens to aid him 7() 281 Shall report condition of the streets 77 282 lilust have the Market hell rung 77 288 Shall have control of the Policemen 77 280 Shall issue his orders to Captain of Police. 77 287 Must eep an account of ahsence of Police- men 78 289 Persons resisting Marshal 78 292 Persons attempting a rescue 78 293 Shall notify patrol 79 297 Shall confine persons in Guard-house 80 302 Shall he keeper of city prison 80 303 Not to receive fees, unless placed on the docket 53 149 Fees of 54 152 Persons arrested hy , may give hond 29 18 Shall advertise and sell cattle 3'^ 22 Must deliver cattle to the owner 31 25 Shall advertise and sell liogs 31 27 Must deliver hogs to the owner 32 29 Shall advertise and sell horses and mules. . . 32 30-1 Shall procure dog collars 33 34 142 PAGE, SEC. MARSHAL {Continued.) Must kill dogs without collars 33 36 Shall not sell dog collars, to Negroes 33 37 Shall attend all exhibitions 51 137 Shall advertise property, levied on for fines 52 141 Must summons witnessess 53 146 Must execute orders of Board of Health... 60 184 Shall report anything injurious to health.. 61 186 Shall cause slaves with small-pox to be re- moved... 61 189 Must test measures and Aveights 72 258 Shall confine slaves in guard-house 84 327 Shall inform owner of the slave's arrest.... 84 328 Shall commit slave, as a runaway 85 329 Shall visit residence of free negroes 89 357 Must hire out free negroes 90 360 Shall enter places were slaves gamble 78 291 Must collect costs of repairing side-walks.. 91 370 Shall seize horses on sidewalks 92 378 Must arrest persons owning Boats, &c 100 424 MASCULINE. Includes Feminine and Neuter 27 1 MASTER. Not to permit slaves to sleep on a separate lot 83 320 MAYOR. How elected 3 Oath of. 4 May hear and determine cases 6 May grant license to free Negro 33 39 Shall deliver schedule of Real Estate to Assessors 46 106 May issue executions for fines 52 140 May issue execution for collection of Taxes 75 396 Upon complaint shall issue summons 52 143 143 MAYOR {Continued.) Fees of, must l»e placed on docket 5o 149 Fees of 53 150-1 Shall be President of the Board of Health. 59 178 Shall inspect Lots 59 179 Shall report the condition of the city fiO 180 During Epidemics, shall report daily 60 181 Vagrants may he taken before 75 274 Shall instruct Policemen 77 288 Shall grant license to owner of Slave 86-7 338-40 Shall lay returns of Assessors, before City Council 95 393 Shall advertise assessment, for ten days.... 95 393 Shall convey Real Estate to original owner 96 402 MEASURES. Used in the city 71 254 Diftering from the city standard -72 255 Persons fraudulently using false 72 256 At request of a citizen, shall be tested 72 258 Of corn shall weigh, &c 74 268 MERCHANTS. Must obtain license 66 220 MILITARY COMPANIES. May discharge fire-arms 50 130 MULATTO. Included in the term ''Negro" 27 3 MUSICIANS. Playing in the streets, must obtain license. 67 222 NEGRO. Meaning of, in the Code 27 3 (See Free Negroes and Slaves.) NEUTER. Included in Masculine 27 1 NIGHT. Policemen shall act as Watchmen 77 286 Persons arrested at night 78 290 144 PAGE. SEC. NIGHT {Continued:) Slave shall not be out at night 78-84 291-327 Patrol shall arrest disorderly persons at... 79 301 Free Negroes shall not be on the streets at 90 361 Bell shall be rnng at 9 o'clock, at 84 327 NOTICES. Shall be given to persons to act as patrol. . . 79 297 Of saleof Cattle 30 22 Of sale of hogs 31 27 Of sale of horses and mules 32 30-31 Of sale of Property to pay fines 52 141 Of sale of Property to pay taxes 95-G 397-8 To kee23ers of Livery Stables (56 217 To Merchants., 66 220 Clerk shall give notice, &c 45 102 Mayor sliall give notice of assessment. 95 393 To .persons to repair side-walks 91 370 NUISANCES. What shall be deemed a nuisance 74 269 Sliall be abated 74 270 Persons unable to abate 75 271 Chimneys, Furnaces, &c., declared to be... 43 93 Persons continuing a nuisance 43 94 NUMBERS. Of Vehicles, marked on them 36-9 54-71 OBSTRUCTIONS. To side-walks or gutters, forbidden 91-2 368-76 OFFAL. Shall not be thrown in tlie streets 92 372 OFFICERS. City Clerk, how elected 6 Oath and Bond of City Clerk 43 95 Marshal shall be elected by the City Coun- cil 76 276 Deputy Marshal shall be elected by the City Council 76 275 145 PAGE. SEC. OM^ICERS {Continued.) Clerk of Magazine, shall be elected by the City Council i;8 2:?0 Clerk of Market, shall be elected by the City Council «;•) 240 Sexton shall be elected by the City Council 41 82 Treasurer " '• '• " " ;)3 oS4 Wharfln-er ' " ;' !)S 41 li OMNIBUS. Shall be liceusetl 30 HS I'AlNTINdS. ]\Iay b(i exhiliiled without a license 51 loll PAST. Includes tlie fiilure 27 I PATROL. The Citizens may be enrolled as 78 2'.M The names of persons shall be drawn, t^'C. 70 20 "> The Mayor or Ahhuinan shall make a list of the names 70 2'.C> Persons shall he notified 70 207 Captain of, shall lie appointed 79 208 Persons refusing to act as Captain 70 200 Any one of the patrol, reported 70 'AOO Shall perform duties of regular Policemen 70 '.]()} PAUPERS. Shall not be brought to the city 75 272 How dealt with 75 274 Slaves or free negroes shall not bring pau- pers, t^'c 75 27i'> Shall be buried in the grave-yard 42 80 PEACE BOND. Maybe requireil 47 100 PEDDLING. Must be licensed 04 200 Of provisions, tl'c.. on the Sabbath 71 249 20 146 PAGE. SEC. PERSONAL PROPERTY. Taxes on, shall l)e assessed and collected by City Clerk 45-95 103-31)6-7 PHYSICIANS. Shall report cases of Small-pox 61 1 *J I City Physician shall be elected 63 199 Duties of the City Physician 63 200-1 PISTOLS. Shall not be discharged in the streets 50 129 Pistol (xalleries mnst be licensed 67 227 PLURAL. Includes sing'ular 27 1 POLICE. How elected 76 275 Non-residents shall not be cho-en Police- men 77 285 The Policemen shall be under the Marshal 77 286 'i"!ie Marslial sliall issue orders to the Cap- tain of. 77 287 The Mayor shall instruct the Policemen... 77 288 The Marslral shall keep account of absence of Policemen 78 289 The Policemen shall arrest disorderly per- sons 78 290 The Policemen shall enter places, &c 78 291 Persons resisting a Policeman 78 292 Persons attempting a rescue, &c 78 293 The Marshal shall report neglect of duty by ^ \ 11 287 Wages of Policemen 77 286 The duties of. 77 286 Shall attend Exhibitions, &c 51 137 (See 3Iarshal.) POLL-TAX. All white men shall be taxed 97 409 147 PAGE. .SEC. TOOL TABLES. Shall be lieenned f.T 22(; POULTRY. Not to 1)0 sold on the Saldiatli 71 1M!> POWDER. • Shall be kc})t ill the Magazine (i!) 237 At Avhat time received and delivered GS 2oo Shall be taxed 08 234 The tax .■ollrcf od (^n OS 23:, PRISON. Shall be kept by the Mar.shal S( i :'.0; ; Persons shall be confined in the gnard- house cSO o02 Slaves shall be confined in 84 327-8 Persons failing to pay fines, imprisoned.... 52 13U Free negroes may be conli ncd in 1)0 303 PRIVY. Shall not be built near tlie streets 113 380 PRODUCE. Bacon, Elour, iVc, must not be s(dd with- out license i'>0y License of, cannot be transferred by 81 olU Shall not })crmit gaming- 82 'Ml City Council may revoke license of 82 31 2-5 Shall keep order 82 ?A:\ Shall not trade on Sabbath 82 :U-\ Keeping house resorted to by slaves and free negroes 821)1 ()-7-8 RIDING FAST. Forbidden I'l Tf. RIOTOUS CONIHICT. Forbidden 47 10'.) Minors or Apprentices guilty of 47 ill RUNAAVAY. Slave committed as 8.") :!2'.) SABBATH. Poultrv, Vegetables, &:c., shall not be sold on " 71 241) Retailers shall not sell on 82 314 Persons shall not receive goods, &c.,on.... 100 421 SALES. Shall be at the Artesian Ba.'sin, or Court House -'^ 403 Of Cattle 30 22 Of Hogs 31 27 Of Horses and Mules 32 31 Of Property to pay fines •'>2 141 150 PAGE. SEC. SALES {Continued.) Of Property to pay taxes 95 397-8 City Officers, must not buy property at.... 80 305 SCALES. Public, shall be established 72 259 Public weigher shall be appointed 72 260 The Bond and Oath of weigher 72 26i-2 The weigher shall keep scales in good order 73 263 The Scales shall be inspected 73 264 Public scales shall not be kept without license 73 265 A white person shall attend public 74 266 Bates for weighing at public 73 263 May be tested by Clerk or Marshal 72 258 SCHEDULE. The Clerk shall make a schedule of Real Estate 46 106 The schedule shall be delivered to the as- sessors 46 107 SEWERS. Shall not be obstructed 92 376 Filth shall not be emptied into 61 187 SEXTON. How elected 41 82 Shall keep a map of grave-yard 41 83 Shall make an index 41 84 Shall dig graves 41 85 Shall keep Cemetery in good order 42 86 Shall report number of interments 42 87 Compensation of 42 88 May be dismissed 42 90 Shall deliver books, maps, &c., to the Mayor 42 91 SHOOTING. In the City forbidden 50 129 151 PAGE. SEC. SHOWS. S],ali .,L licensed 51 VM iSFiAVES {(Joniinued.) May be committed to jail S.j 329 Shall not own a veliicle or animal 85 330 Shall not quarrel or figlit, Szc 85 332 Using profano or Indocont, lano'uago 85 332 Shall not gamhh^ sr. 333 Shall not bo present wlioro gaming is car- netl on 80 334 Shall not smoko or carry a stick 80 33G Shall not harbor a slave or give a pass SO 33*7 May have license to hire their time 80 338 Shall wear badge 8G 331) Shall not wear the badge of another slave. 87 340 Shall not rcfnse to work 87 34 J Persons tailing to pay 87 342 Sliall not loiter about private lots 87 343 Shall not be present at an unlawful assem- bly 87 3J4 Persons sliall not sell J i(|Uor to 8T 3-10 Persons sliall not sell to, nor buy from 87 340 l*ersons selling lifiuor to, oi- buying mer- chandise from 88 347 May sell vegetables, milk, &c 88 348 vSlavc traders shall not exhibit 'fs^d 351 Slave traders must obtain license 89 352 Shall not ily kites 93 383 Shall bo taxed 97 111 SLAVE-TRADERS. Shall not exhibit slaves near Court-house.. 87 351 Shall obtain a license 81 352 SMALL-POX. Negroes having, must be carried to the Hospital TAGE. i^EC. STREETS (Continued. ) Horses must not stand ou .sidewalks 92 377 Horses found on sidewalks 1)2 3*78 Persons must not ride on sidewalks 1)3 379 Privies must not l)e built near sidewalks... 93 380 Persons shall not camp on 93 381-2 Persons must not fly kit«^s on 93 383 SUPGGNAS. Form of Ill Shallbc issued by the Clerk 40 108 May ho .scrvt^d hy nny Officer 53 1 4 <) SUMMONS. Theform ol" 110 Must be issued by the Mayor 52 143 The Clerk may issue 44 97 The Marshal shall execute 7r> 280 SUNDAY. Poultry, Vegetables, &c., shall not be sold on ' ! 71 249 Retailers shall not sell liquors on 82 314 Merchandise shall not be received on 100 421 SUSPICIOUS PERSONS. Arrested by the Policemen 78 29') SUSPICIOUS PLACES. Policemen shall enter 78 291 TAVERNS. Shall be licensed 7 PAGE. SEC. TOMBS. Must not be iujiited 41 78 Slaves or free nogrocs in juving tl 78-80 TRADE. Persons nuist obtain license '><• 220-1 TRADERS. In Slaves, must obtain license 8