Duke University Libraries D0321 2492N FIJ 22K1* AltTMK.N'T, Richmond, October 8, isr>3. ) His Excellency the President : Sir: — I have the honor to submit copies of all the orders issued by this Department, suspending the writ of habeas corpus, in response to a resolution of the Senate. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, GEO. W. RANDOLPH, . Secretary of War. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Richmond, March 1, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS, > No. 9. * I. The following Proclamation of the President is published for the information of all concerned: " Proclamation. By virtue of the power vested in me by law, to declare the suspen- sion of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, in cities threatened with invasion: I. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of Ameri- ca, do proclaim, that .Martial Law is hereby extended over the City of .Richmond, and the adjoining and surrounding country, to the distance of ten miles — and I do proclaim the suspension of all civil jurisdic- tion (with the exception of that of the Mayor of the city), and the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, within the said city and surrounding country, to the distance aforesaid. In faith whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and set my seal at the city of Richmond, on this first day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. [Seal.] (Signed) Jefferson Davis." II. Brig. Gen. J. II. Winder, commanding the Department of Hen- rico, is charged with the due execution of the foregoing Proclamation. He will forthwith establish an efficient military police, and will enforce the following orders : All distillation of spirituous liquors ispositively prohibited, and the distilleries will forthwith be closed. The sale of spirituous liquors of any kind is also prohibited, and establishments for the sale thereof will be closed. III. All persons infringing the above prohibition, will suffer such pun- ishment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a court martial: provided, that no sentence to hard labor for more than one month shall be in- flicted by the sentence of a regimental court martial, as directed by the 67th article of war. Bv command of the Secretary of "War, S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, ll'tcliiiwiul, March >s, IMG'2. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 11. I. The following Proclamation is published for the information of all concerned. " Proclamation. By virtue of the power vested in me by law to declare the suspen- sion of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in cities threatened with invasion : I. JeffersDn Davis. President of the Confederate States of Ameri- ca, do proclaim that Martial Law is hereby extended over the City of Petersburg, and the adjoining and surrounding country, to the dis- tance of ten miles, and I do proclaim the suspension of all civil juris* diction (with the exception of that of the Mayor of the city, and that enabling the courts to take cognizance of the probate of Avills, the administration of the estate of deceased persons, the qualifications of guardians, to enter decrees and orders for the partition and sale of property, to make orders concerning roads and bridges, to assess coun- ty levies, and to order the payment of county dues), and the suspen- sion of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus within the said city and surrounding country, to the distance aforesaid. In faith whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and set my seal on this eighth day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. [Seal.] (Signed) Jefferson Davis.*' II. William PanniU is appointed Provost Marshal, and is charged with the due execution of the foregoing proclamation. He will forth- with establish an efficient military police, and will enforce the follow- ing orders : III. All distillation of spirituous liquors is positively prohibited, and the distilleries will forthwith be closed. The sale of spirituous liquors of any kind is also prohibited, and establishments for the sale thereof will be closed. IV. All persons infringing the above prohibition, will sutler such punishment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a Court Martial : provided, that no sentence to hard labor for more than one month shall be inflicted by the sentence of a regimental court martial, as directed by the (>7th Article of War. By command of the Secretary of War. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General. WAR DEPARTMENT. Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Richmond, March 14, 1862* GENERAL ORDERS, No. 15. I. The following Proclamation is published for the information of all concerned. " Proclamation. By virtue of the power vested in me by law to declare the suspen- sion of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus : I. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of Amer- ica, do proclaim that Martial Law is hereby extended over the counties of Elizabeth City, York, Warwick, Gloucester and Matthews ; and I do proclaim the suspension of all civil jurisdiction (with the exception of that enabling the courts to take cognizance of the probate of wills, the administration of the estates of deceased persons, the qualifi ration of guardians, to enter decrees and orders for the partition and sale of property, to make orders concerning roads and bridges, to assess county levies, and to order the payment of county dues,) and the sus- pension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in the counties aforesaid. In faith whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and set my seal this fourteenth day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. [Seal.] (Signed) Jefferson Davis. " II. Major General Magruder, Commanding the Army of the Penin- sula, is charged with the due execution of the foregoing proclamation. lie will forthwith establish an efficient military police, and will enforce the following orders : III. All distillation of spirituous liquors is positively prohibited, and the distilleries will forthwith be closed. The sale of spirituous liquora of any kind is also prohibited, and establishments for the sale thereof will be closed. IV. All persons infringing the above prohibition, will suffer such punishment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a Court Martial : provided, that no sentence to hard labor for more than one month shall be inflicted by the sentence of a Regimental Court Martial, as directed by the 6?th Article of War. By command of the Secretary of War. 8. COOPER. Adjutant and Inspector General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant and Inspector General's Oftii c, Richmond. March 29, \SQ2. GENERAL ORDERS. No. 18. I. The following -Proclamation is published for the information of all concerned : " Proclamation*. By virtue of the power vested in me by law to declare the suspen- sion of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus: I. Ji:rri:uso\ Davis. President of the Confederate States of Amer- ica, do proclaim that .Martial Law is hereby extended over the counties of Greenbrier, Pocahontas, Bath, Alleghany, Monroe, Mercer, J!a- leigh, Fayette, Nicholas and Randolph ; and I do proclaim the sus- pension of all civil jurisdiction (with the exception of that enabling the courts to take cognizance of the probate of wills, the administra- tion of the estates of deceased persons, the qualification of guardians, to enter decrees and orders for the partition and sale of property, to make orders concerning roads and bridges, to assess county levies, and to order the payment of county dues), and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, in the counties aforesaid. In faith whereof, I have hereunto signed my narno and set my seal this the 2!)ih day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty -two. [Seal] (Signed) Jefferson Davis." II. Brigadier General Henry Jletk is charged with the due execution of the foregoing proclamation. lie will forthwith establish an efficient military police, and will enforce the following orders: All distillation of spirituous liquors is positively prohibited, and the distilleries will forthwith bo closed. The sale of spirituous liquors of any kind is also prohibited, and establishments for the sale thereof will be closed. III. All persons infringing the above prohibition, will suffer such punishment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a Court Martial : provided, that no sentence to hard labor for more than one month shall be inilicted by the sentence of a "Regimental Court Martial, as directed by the G7th Article of War. By command of the Secretary of War. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General, WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Richmond, Aprils, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS ) No. 21. S I. The following Proclamation is published for the information of all concerned : •• Proclam \tion. P.v virtue of the power vested in me by law to declare the suspen- sion of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus : I. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of Amer- ica, do proclaim that Martial Law is hereby extended over the depart- ment of East Tennessee, under the command' of Major General E. K. Smith ; and I do proclaim the suspension of all civil jurisdiction (with the exception of that enabling the courts to take cognizance of the probate of wills, the administration of the estates of deceased persons, the qualification of guardians, to enter decrees and order's for the par- tition and sale of property, to make ordeis concerning roads and bridges, to assess county levies, and to order the payment of county dues,) and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, in the Depart- ment aforesaid. Jn faith whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and set my seal this eighth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. [Seal.] (Signed) Jefferson Davis." II. Major General E. K. Smith, Commanding the Department of East Tennessee, is charged with the due execution of the foresoins proclamation. He will forthwith establish an efficient military police, and will enforce the following orders : All distillation of spirituous liquors is positively prohibited, and the distilleries will forthwith be closed. The sale of spirituous liquors of any kind is also prohibited, and establishments for the sale thereof will be closed. III. All persons infringing the above prohibition, will suffer such punishment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a Court Martial : provided, that no sentence to hard labor for more than one month shall be inflicted by the sentence of a Regimental Court Martial, as direct- ed by the 67th Article of War. By command of the Secretary of War. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Al-.ii i \vr AM) INSPECTOR GtENERAL's OFFICE, Richmond, May I, 18 GENEB W. ORDERS, \ No. 33. $ I. The following Proclamation is published for the information of all concerned : " Proclamation. By virtue of the power vested in me by law to declare the suspen- sion of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus: J. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of Amer- ica, do proclaim that .Martial Law is hereby extended over that part of the State of South Carolina, from the Santee River, to the South Edisto River in that State, under the command of Major General Pern- berton ; and I do proclaim the suspension of all civil jurisdiction (with the exception of that enabling the courts to take cognizance of the probate of wills, the administration of the estates of deceased persons, the qualification of guardians, to enter decrees and orders for the par- tition and ^ale of property, to make orders concerning roads and bridges, to assess county levies, and to order the payment of county dues), and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, in the country aforesaid. In faith whereof, I have hereunto signed my name, and set my seal this first day of May in the year one thousand ciglij; hundred and six- ty-two. [Seal.] (Signed) Jefferson Davis." II. Major General J. C. Temlcrton, Commmanding the Department of South Carolina and Georgia, is charged with the due execution of the foregoing Proclamation. lie will forthwith establish an efficient military police, and will enforce the following orders : All distillation of spirituous liquors is positively prohibited, and the distilleries will forthwith be closed. The sale of spirituous liquors of any kind is also prohibited, and establishments for the sale thereof will be closed III. All persons infringing the above prohibition, will sutler such punishment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a Court Martial : provided, that no sentence to hard labor for more than onemonih shall be inflicted by the sentence of a Regimental Court Martial, as directed by the 67th Article of War. By command of the Secretary of War. S. COOPER, ' Adjutant and Inspector General. WAR DEPARTMERT, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Rirhmond, May 3, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS. No. 35. I. The following Pvoclaunition is published for the information of all concerned : " Proclamation. By virtue of the power vested in me by law to declare the suspen- sion of the privilege of the writ of" habeas corpus: I. Jefferson Daves, President of the Confederate States of America, do proclaim that Martial Law is hereby extended over the counties of Lee, Wise, Buchanan, McDowell and Wyoming, under the command of Brigadier General Humphrey Marshall ; and I do proclaim the sus- pension of all civil jurisdiction (with the exception of that enabling the courts to take cognizance of the probate of wills, the administra- tion of the estates of deceased persons, the qualification of guardians, to enter decrees and orders for the partition and sale of property, td make orders concerning roads and bridges, to assess county levies, and to order the payment of county dues.) and the suspension of the wi it of habeas corpus in the counties aforesaid. In J(0h wher tf. I have hereunto signed my name, and set my seal • this third day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eixty-two. [Seal. J (Signed) Jefferson Davis." II. Brigadier Genera 1 Humphrey Marshall is charged with the due execution of the foregoing proclamation. He will forthwith establish an efficient military police, and will enforce the following orders: All distillation of spirituous liquors i3 positively prohibited, and the distilleries will forthwith be closed. The sale of spirituous liquors of any kind is also prohibited, and establishments fur ^he sale thereof will be closed. III. All persons infringing the above prohibition, will suffer such punishment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a court martial: provided, that no sentence to hard labor for more than one month shall be inflicted by the sentence of a regimental court martial, as directed by the 67th article of war. By command of the Secretary of War, S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspe tor General. ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Hirhmond, June 5, 1862. SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 129. * • # XX. By direction of the President the writ of hob as carpus is sus- pended in the city of Salisbury, North Carolina, and throughout the surroundii g country to the extent of one mile. Captain Godwin, in charge of the prisoners at Salisbury, will deliver no prisoners to any of the civil authorities. ***** * * By command of the Secretary of War, JOHN WITHERS, Assistant Adjutant Gerund. ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Richmond, SepLm.er 3, 1$62. SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 206. # XXII. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended in Atlantt, Georgia, and throughout the surrounding country to the ex- tent of five miles. My command of the Secretary of War, JOHN WITHERS, I distant Adjutant General. The above order was issued by direction of the President, though seeming on its face by order of the Secretary of War. As a general rule it is considered that all orders by direction of the Secretary of War are the orders of the President, as Comnmnder-in-Chief. S. COOPER, A. and I. 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