To fni-ther provide fur the public defence. In view of the exigencies of the country, and the absolute necessity of keepincr in the service our gallant army, and of placing in the field a large additional force to meet the advancing columns of tlie enemy now invading our soil : Therefore ■ The. Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the President be, and he is hereby authorized to call out and place in the military service of the Confederate States, for three years, unless the war shall have been sooner ended, all white men who are residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of eighteen and thirty- five years at the time tlie call or calls may be made, who are not legal- ly exempted fr(nn military service. All of the ])ersons aforesaid who arc now in the armies of the Confederacy, and whose term of service will expire before the end of the war, shall be continued in the service for three years from the date of their original enlistment, unless the war shall have been sooner ended; Provided, however. That all such companies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments, whose term of origi- nal enlistment was for twelve months, shall have the right, within forty days, on a day to be fixed by the Commander of the Brigade, to re-organize said companies, battalions, and regiments, by electing all their officers, which they had a right heretofore to elect, who shall be commissioned by the President : Provided., further. That furloughs not exceeding sixty days, with transportation home and back, shall be granted to all those retained in the service by the provisions of this Act beyond the period of their original enlistment, and who have not heretofore received furloughs under the pi'ovisipns of an Act entitled' " An Act providing for the granting of bounty and furloughs to pri- vates and non-commissioned officers in the Provisional ArmY."ap. proved eleventh December, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, said fur- loughs to be granted at such times and in such numbers as the Secre- tary of War may deem most compatible with the public interest : and Provided further , That in lieu of a furlough the commutation value in money of the transportation herein above granted, shall be paid to each private, musigian, or non-commissioned officer wlio may elect to receive it, at such time as the furlough would otherwise be granted: Prox^ided. further. That all persons under the age of eighteen years or over the age of thirty-five years, who arc now enrolled in the mili- tary service of the Confederate States, in the regiments, squadrons, battalions, arid companies herenfter to be re-organized, shall be requiri ed to remain in their respective companies, squadrons, lattalioni? and regiments for ninety days, unless their phices can be sooner supplied by other recruits not now in the service, who are between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years ; and all laws and parts of laws provid- ing for the re-enlistment of volunteers and the organization thereof into companies, squadrons, battalions, or regiments, shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Skc. 2. Be it further enacted. That such companies, squadrons, bat- talions, or regiments organized, or in process of organization by au- thority from the Secretary of War, as may be within thirty days from the passage of this Act, so far completed as to have the whole number of men requisite for organization actually enrolled, not embracing in said organizations any persons now in service, shall be mustered into the service of the Confederate States as part of the land forces of the same, to be received in that arm of the service in which they are au- thorized to organize, and shall elect their company, battalion, and regimental officers. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the enrollment of all persons comprehended within the provisions of this Act, who are not already in service in the armies of the Confederate States, it shall be lawful for the President, with the consent of the Governors of the respect- ive States, to employ State officers, and on failure to obtain such con- sent, he shall employ Confederate officers, charged with the duty of making such enrollment in accordance with rules and regulations to be prescribed by him. Sec. 4. Be it further emcted. That persons enrolled under the pro- visions of the preceding Section, shall be assigned by the Secretary of War, to the dilferent companies now in the service, until each compa- ny is filled to its maximum number, and the persons so enrolled shall be assigned to companies from the States from which they respectively come. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all Seamen and ordinary Seamen in the land forces of the Confederate States, enrolled under the pro- visions of this Act, may, on application of the Secretary of the ISavy, be transferred from the land forces to the Naval service. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That in all cases where a State may not have in the army a number of Regiments, Battalions, Squadrons or Companies, sufficient to absorb the number of persons subject to military service under this Act, belonging to such State, then the resi- due or excess thereof, shall be kept as a reserve, under such regula- tions as may be established by the Secretary of War, and that at stated periods of not greater than three months, details determined by lot shall be made from said reserve, so that each company shall, as nearly as'practicable, be kept full : Provided, That the persons held in reserve may remain at home until called into servico by the President : Provided, also, That during their stay at home, they shall not receive pay: Provided, further. That the persons comprehended in this Act, shall not be subject to the Rules and Articles of War, until mustered into the actual service of the Confederate States ; except that said per- sons, when enrolled and liable to duty, if they shall wilfully refuse to obey said call, each of them shall be held to be a desertei*, and punish- ed as such, under said Articles: FrovicUd, further. That whenever, in the opinion of the President, the exigencies of the public service may require it, he shall be authorized to call into actual service the entire reserve, or so much as may be necessary, not previously assigned to different companies in service under provision of section four of this Act ; said reserve shall be organized under such rules as the Secretary of War may adopt : Provided, The company'-, battalion and regimental oflScers shall be elected by the troops composing the same : Provided, The troops raised in any one State shall not be combined in regimen- tal, battalion, squadron or company organi?;ation with troops raised in any other States. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That all soldiers now serving in the army or mustered in the military service of the Confederate States, or enrolled in said service under the authorizations heretofore issued by the Secretary of War, and who are continued in the service by virtue of this Act, who have not received the bounty of fifty dollars allowed by existing laws, shall' be entitled to receive said bounty. Sec. 8. B'' it further enacted. That each man who may hereafter be mustered into service, and who shall arm himself with a musket, shot- gun, rifle or carbine, accepted as an efficient weapon, shall be paid the value thereof, to be ascertained by the mustering officer under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, if he is willing to sell the same, and if he is not, then he shall be entitled to receive one dollar a month for the use of said received and approved musket, rifle, shot-gun or carbine. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That persons not liable for duty may be received as substitutes for those who are, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War. Sec H). Be it further enacted, That all vacancies shall be filled by the President from the company, battalion, squadron or regiment in which such vacancies shall eccur, by promotion according to seniority, except in case of disability or other incompetency: Providid, however. That the President may, when in his opinion, it may be proper, fill such vacanc}'- or vacancies by the promotion of an}'^ officer or officers, or private or privates from such company, battalion, -squadron'or regi- ment who shall have been distinguished in the service by exhibition of valor and skill ; and that whenever a vacancy" shall occur in the lowest grade of the commissioned officers of a company, said vacancy ehall be filled by election : Provided, That all appointments made by the President shall be by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Sec. U. Be it further enacted. That the provisions of the first sec- tion of this Act, relating to the election of officers, shall apply to those regimenta, battalions, and squadrons which are composed of twelve months and war companies combined in the same organization, without regard to the manner in which the officers thereof were origi- nally appointed. Sec. 12'. Be it farther enacted. That each company of iiifantry shall consist of one hundred and twenty-five rank and file ; each company of field artillery of one hundred and fifty, rank and file ; each of cavalry, of eighty, rank and file. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted. That all persons, suhject to enroll- ment, -who arc not now in the service, under the provisions of this Act, shall be permitted, previous to such enrollment, to velunteer in companies now in the service. Approved April 16, 1862. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled ** An Act, to provide further for the public defence," approved April 16, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the President be and he is hereby authorized to call out and place in the military service of the Confederate States for three years, unless the war should have been sooner ended, all Avhite men who are resi- dents of the Confederate States, between the ages of thirty-five and forty-five years, at the time the call or calls may be made, and who are not, at such time or times, legally exempted from military service, or such part thereof as, in his judgment, may be necessary to the pub- lic defence, such call or calls to be made under the provisions and accord- ing to the terms of the Act to which this is an amendment, and such authority shall exist in the President, during the present war, as to all persons who now are or may hereafter become eighteen years of age, and when once enrolled, all persons between the ages of eighteen and forty-five shall serve their full time: Piovided, That if the President, in calling out troops into the service of the Confederate States shall first call for only a part of the persons between the ages hereinbefore stated, he shall call for those between the ages of thirty- five and any other age less than forty-five : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be understood as repealing or modifying any part of the Act to which this is amendatory, except as herein express- ly stated : And provided further. That those called out under this Act, and the Act to which this is an amendment, shall be first and imme- diately ordered to fill to their maximum number the companies, battal- ions, squadrons and regiments from the respective States at the time the Act to further provide for the public defence, approved I6th April, 1862, was passed, and the surplus, if any, shall be assigned to organ- izations formed from each State since the passage of that Act, or placed in new organizations to be ofiicered by the State having such residue, according to the laws thereof, or disposed of as now provided by law : Provided, That the President is authorized to suspend the ex- ecution of this Act, or the Act to which this is an amendment, in any ocality Avhere he may find it impracticable to execute the same, and that m such locahty, and during said suspension, the President is authorized to receive troops into the Confederate service, under any of the Acts passed by the Confederate Congress prior to the passa4 of the " Act to provide further for tlie public delence," approved 16th April, 1862. ^ Approved September 37, -1802. AN ACT To exemjtt certain persons from military duty, and to repeal an act entitled "An Act to exempt certain persons from enrolment for service m the army of the Confederate States," approved 21st April, 1862. jy. Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That all j)crsons who sliail l)e held unfit for military service in the field by reason of bodily or mental incapacity or .imbecility, under rules to be prescribed by. the Secretary of War, the Vice Tresident of the Confederate States, the officers, judicial and executive, of the Confederate and State Governments, including postmasters appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and such clerks in their offices as are allowed by the Postmaster General, and now era- ployed, and excluding all other postmasters, their assistants and clerks ; and except such State officers as the several States may have declared, or may hereafter declare by law to be liable to militia duty, the members of both Houses of the Congress of the Confederate States', and of the Legislatures of the several States, and their respective officers ; all clerks now in the offices of the Confederate and State Governments authorized by law, receiving salaries or fees ; all volun- teer troops, heretofore raised by any State since the passage of the act entitled " An Act further to provide for the public defence," approved April 16th, 1862, while such troops shall be in active scr- vice under State authority : Provided, That this exemption shall not apply to any person who was liable to be called into service by virtue of said act of April 16th, 1862: all pilots and persons engaged in the merchant marine service ; the president, superintendents, conduc- tors, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers, managers, station agents, section masters, two expert track hands to each section of eight miles' and mechanics in the active service and employment of railroad com- panies, not to embrace laborers, porters and messengers ; the presi- dent, general superintendent and operators of telegraph companies, the local superintendent and operators of said companies, not to exceed four in number at any locality, but that at the scat of Gov- ernment of the Confederate States ; the president, superintendents captains, engineers, chief clerk and machanics in the active service and employment of all companies engaged in river and canal nav- igation, and all captains of boats anJ engineers therein employed ; one editor of eacli newspaper now being published, and such employees as the editor or proprietor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable for conducting the publication ; the public printer, and those employed to perform the public printing for the Confederate and fetate Govern- ments; every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his sect and in the regular discharge of ministerial duties ; and all persons who have been and now are members of the society of Friends and the association of Dnnkards, Nazarenes and >Mennon- ists, in regular membership in their respective denominations : Pro- vided, Members of the society of Friends, Nazarenes, jMennonists and Dunkards shall .furnish substitutes, or pay 'a tax of $51)0 each into the public treasury ; all physicians who now are, and for the last fivo years have been, in actual practice of their profession ; all shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, wagon-makers, millers and their engineers, millwrights, skilled and actually employed at their regular vocation in the said trades, habitually engaged in working for the public, and v.-hilst so actually employed : Provided, Said persons shall make oath in writing that they are so skilled and actually employed at the time as their regular vocation in one of the above trades, which affmavit shall only he p7'imafacia evidence of the facts therein stated: Provided further, That the exemptions herein granted to persons by reason of their peculiar mechanical or other occupation or employment, not con- nected with the public service, shall be subject to the condition that the products of the labor of such exempts, or of the companies and establish- ments with which they are connected, shall be sold and disposed of by the proprietors at prices not exceeding seventy-five per centum upon the cost of production, or within a maximum to be fixed by the Secretary of War, under such regulations as he may prescribe : And it is further pro- vided, That if the proprietors of any such manufacturing establishments shall be shoAvn, upon evidence, to be submitted to, and judged of, by the Secrerary of War, to have violated, or in any manner evaded the true in- tent and spirit of the foregoing proviso, the exemptions therein granted shall no longer be extended to them, their superintendents or operatives in said establishments, but they and each and every of them shall be forthwith enrolled under the provisions of this act, and ordered into the Confederate army, and shall, in no event, be again exempted therefrom by reason of said manufacturing establishments or employ- ment therein ; all superintendents of public hospitals, lunatic asylums, and the regular physicians, nurses and attendants therein, and the teachers employed in the institutions for the deaf, dumb and blind ; in each apothecary store, now established and doing business, one apothecary in good standing, who is a practical apothecary ; superin- tendents and operators in wool and cotton factories, paper mills, and superintendents and managers of wool carding machines, who may be exempted by the Secretary of War : Provided, The profits of such es- tablishments shall not exceed seventy-five per centum upon the cost of production^ to be determined upon oath of the parties, subject to the same penalties for violation of the provisions herein contained as are hereinbefore provided in case of other manufacturing andmechan- cal employments ; all presidents and teachers of colleges, academies, schools* and theological seminaries, who have been regulai-ly engaged as such for two years previous to the passage of this act; all artizans, mechanics and employees, in the establishments of the Government for the manufacture of arms, ordnance, ordnance stores and other munitions of war, saddles, harness, and army supplies, who may be certified by the officer in charge thereof, as necessary for such es- tablishments ; also, all artizans, mechanics, and employees in the es- tablishments of such persons as are or may be engaged under contracts with the Government in furnishing arms, ordnance, ordnance stores, and other munitions of war: Provided, That the chief of the ordnance bureau, or some ordnance officer authorized by him for the purpose, shall approve of the number of the operatives required in such es- tablishments ; all persons employed in the manufacture of arms, or ordnance of any kind by the several States ; or by contractors to fur- nish the same to the several State Governments, whom the Governor or Secretary of State thereof may certify to be necessary to the same ; all persons engaged in the construction of ships, gunboats, engines, sails, or other articles to the public defence, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy ; all superintendents, managers, mechanics, and miners employed in the production and manufacture of salt to the extent of 20 bushels per day, and of lead and iron, and all persons engaged in burning coke, smelting, and manutacture of iron, reo-ular miners in coal mines, and all colliers, engaged in making charcoal, for making, pig and bar iron, not to embrace laborers, messengers, wag- oners, and servants, uiiless employed at works conducted under the authority and by the officers or agents of a State, or in works em- ployed in the production of iron for the Confederate States; one male citizen for every 500 head of cattle, for every 25() head of horses or mules, and one shepherd for every 500 head of sheep, of such persons as are engaged exclusively in raising stock: Provided, That there is no white male adult not liable to do military duty engaged with such person in raising stock ; to secure the proper police of the coun- try, one person either as agent, owner, or overseer, on each plan- tation on which one white person is required to be kept by the laws or ordinances of any State, and on which there is no white male adult not liable to do military service, and in States having no such law, one person as agent, owner, or overseer, on each plantation of twenty negroes, and on which there is no white male adult not liable to mili- tary service : Aiid furthermore. For additional police for every twenty negroes on' two or more plantations, within five miles of each other, and each having less than twenty negroes, on which there is no white male adult not liable to military duty, one person being, the oldest of the owners or overseers on such plantations ; and such other persons as the President shall be satisfied, on account of justice, equity, or necessity, ought to be exempted, are hereby exempted from mil- itary service in the armies of the Confederate States; also, a regiment raised under, and by authority of the State of Texas for frontier de- fence, now in the service of said State, while in such service : Provided, further. That the exemptions hereinabove enumerated and granted, hereby, shall only continue whilst the persons exempted arc actuaUy engaged in their respective pursuits or occupations, Sec 2 Be it further cva ted, That the act entitled .*' An Act to exemp't certain persons from enrollment for f ™e /^ the armies of the Confederate States," approved the 2lBt of April, 1862, is hereby repealed. Approved October 1 1, 1862.