Duke University Libraries General orders, Conf Pam #716 itcad Qurii'tcrs, 2d Gr.ini OsviiJorl. iAVith a degree of mortification and liumiliation he has never before folt, tlir Major-G-eneral Commanding has to denounce acts of jiillage, plunder, r.n i •destruction of the private property of our own citizens, by a portion of the troops of this comtnand, which bring disgrace upon our own arm-;, and, if nut checked, will assuredly entiil disar-ter upon our causcv' Jlon capable of such acr.s m iv swell our numbers, but will never add strength to our armies. They would il . us less harm by serving in the nnlcs of the enemy, and, if not prcpare.l t.- abandon the vicious habits thoy have unfortunately contracted, had bolter lay down their arras and retire. Gallant men, not thus demoralized, st^nid ready ■ use them, and will do so with that firm reliance on an overralinij Providoncf which a consciousness o*f right can alone give. The first step towards auhieviii-r success is to deserve it. Commandar.s of all grades will be hald rospouiible for the siippres.^ion of this great crime. Full compensation will, in all ins-ance^, be m;iJc from t!iL- pay of the offenders; and whore this fails in its object, summary punishment will be inflicted. The General will not hesitate to order the death-penalty where it may be necessary, and will approve its execution by subordinates where mlUkr Measures fail. By command of .VAJOlliiKX. EIIAGG. Glo. G. Gauner, -Ass't Adj't General, Hollingex Corp. pH8.5