m {ft. i Duke University Librarlei Audax omnia pe Conf Pam q#117 011021375- s fefe~ ^ i k. /X^uv^^vO. zl cv r\ Audax omnia perpeti Gens Lincolna ruit per vetitum nefas." 4 c ■<& t * A * M Come pretty Muse give mo your help, Keen make my ]ien-ns the teamster's Lush, Thai 1 may prove lo each worthless whelp, 'Tis useless to strive the (South to thrash. Yin Mil Held leader of the spies, We leave to your father, the father of lies I'm coolly Jeff your plans will retard, l'.\ sending lo meet you hie B( igard ; The thrashing we gave yuu at the Junction, Should teach you that yonr proper function Is to nurse Scott, not fight with men, Though their numbers bo but one to ten. To yon McDowell, we wish " God speed I For you (ailed them at their utmost need, Of you no more need now lie said. Except we're glad you are not dead ! A coward, hypocrite, and sneak, Who in hie bead i eery w< ak, Vienna Scheook we know full well, Will finally with Satan dwell. Bis name should not be Si hew k bu( " Skunk .\> he from his dutj has always slunk Bui as it is we'll let him go, We Boom to Btrike a (iill< a foe. N i m come we to i H.l Daniel Tyler. \\ In se ODl] in nyui is " in' But as he's beat" n let him pass . He always was e stupid You i li an i :' Si gel well we know Dare not your ' end to Jackson show •" Broki i' for cow ardice, " rou stand Tin- '■- ■ i del r of free (?) 1 anki i With right and might h e Siegel 6 Who show h i i :lit. For waul of H betti r now wc fix < in our great Lord and Master Dix, The colleague ol that Into w hum we'd pitch like bi icksj his littleness him save from noticetill he fills a grave, Which won't be Boon if he can hi Ip For he's a i ihicken-ln ered whi i] 1 Riding o'er cfcch freeman's rights, Suits him mi" li bi Hi r than Virginian Bgl ti He dares not in Virginia place his foot Lest some stray rifle Bbould him shoot, Nor e'en outside tl e Fort to it Lest a flying brii k his bead might bit. \v b Cox t I hoed from each \\ bo's Stone 1 as I Ily ha- been cried, 1 Arcadi - \ ml o ' let Ihem go. They'll hi Ip to bwi II B. Arnold's row, In Hell's back kitchen where you know Ward Beecher says thai traitors go.1 Villi: ... ' cease mj pen some real mandi Though you deserve no favors from my hi nds Hot shall yon gel them by the " Eternal 1" Pnless they send you to the Infernal. You may leave this world and climb a tree, Yours Truly. \gh& •WW^," ^ fflM H.W, II. li'T- l.'.st on tliolth of July. lbfll. m2&"'"**H Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/audaxomniaperpetOOb ; j Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5