Duke University Libraries A paper contain Conf Pam 12mo #409 DTTDfil37D. A PAPER CONTAINING A sta^tem:ei?^t of facts RELATING TO THE APPROACHING COTTON CRISIS. BY aEORGE McHENRY Richmond, Dec. 31, 1864. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Richmond, January 6, 1865. Sir: ^ I herewith enclose copy of a resohition adopted by the Committee of Ways and Means yesterday, asking the favor of you to furnish, at such time and in such form as may be most convenient to yourself, the information sought by the resolution. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, ^ ^, „ „ F. S. LYON, CA'n. George McHenry, Esq. Resolved, That the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means be instructed to ad- dress a letter to Mr McHenry, imd requpst him to furnish such information and statistics on the cotton products and cotton trade, and its importance to the commerce of the world, as may be m his possessi-ni, and ia such form as will be best suited to bring the information easily and prominently before the public. Office of the Committee of Ways and Means, House of Representatives, January 5, 1865: Resolution, of wliich the foregoing is a copy, adopted. F. S. LYON. CVn. Corner 7th and Grace Sts. Richmond, January 8, 1865. SK: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 6th instant, enclosing a copy of a resolution passed by the Committee of Ways and Means, requesting me " to furnish such information and statistics on the cotton products and cotton trade, and it^ importance to tiie commerce of the world," as may be in my possession. In compliance with this request, I herewith send you "a paper containing a statement of tacts relating to the approaching Cotton Crisis," and shall be happy to furnish any addi- tional information in my possession that may be desired. I have the honor to be. Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, ^, ^ ., GEO. McHENRY. Hon. F. S Lyon, C/i'n Com. Ways and Means, House, Rep's. THE COTTON CRISIS. A pretty general belief exists in the minds of people on both sides of the Atlantic, that the " cotton famine" is over, and that the in- habitants of the cflobe have, in a great measure, by reason of an in- creased production in other countries, becoine independent of the Southern States for a supply of that raw material. This paper is intended to demonstrate that such views are incorrect; that as yet there has been no actual "cotton famine;" that that calamity is still in store, unless the war in America should cease before long, and that the production in "other countries" has not, to any great extent, been augmented. The writer was one of the few Aujericans, who, at the time of the fall of Fort Sumter, held to the idea that cotton was not then king ; and he now finds himself almost alone in asserting the political power of the leading article of commerce, provided the rulers of the Confederate States think proper to take steps by which the mercantile monarch may be reinstated upon his throne. The annexed tables A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, compiled chiefly from the Board of Tiade returns, show the course of the British cotton trad<^ ibr the last six years. The period begins at tlie cessntion of the commercial panic of 1857 — when overproduction commenced — and ends with the close of last year: thus furnishing, at a glance, the history of the cotton imports, exports, stocks, manufactures and sales for home consumption in England. Wales, Scotland and Ireland, for the three seasons anterior, and the three seasons subsequent to the secession of the Southern States from the Federal Union ; and, like- wise, exhibiting the increase in the stocks of cotton and cotton goods during the first division, and the decrease during the second division of that time. In analyzing the tables, reference will be made to the present position of the cotton trade. The largest importations of raw cotton into England took place in 1860, when 1,390, 938, 752 pounds were ijiiported, at a cost of ^35,756,889; and the smallest receipts were in 1862, when but 523,973,296 pounds were imported, valued at ^31,093,045. The quantity in 1861 was 1, 256, 9->4,736 pounds, worth .£3^,653,398'; and in 1863 it was 669,583,264 pounds, worth £56,277,953. The exportations of raw cotton in 1860, were 250,428,640 pounds, valued at ^5,388,190; for 1861, 298,287,920 pounds, valued at .-£8,577,747 ; for 1862, 214,714,528 pounds, valued at ^ 13,508,6:- 1 ; and for 1863, 241,570,992 pounds, valued at ^20,145,9! 1 — the ex- portations in comparison with the importations being very great tlie two latter years. The yarn-producing capacity, or net weight of the cotton, after 6 spinning, that remained in the United Kingdom for manufacturing -purposes, was in 1860, 969,4;;3,595 pounds ; and in 1863, only 285,2-Jl,515 poands — showing the fact of the extra loss in working the inferior sorts, jind accounting for the additional quantity of cotton required to make a yard of goods in 186 > over what was needed for that purpose in I860. Although the cost of the imports of I'aw cotton into Great Britain, notwithstanding the smaller quantity, was so much greater in 1863 than in 1860, the value of the exports, not much diminished in quan- tity, was also augmented — making the net cost for tiiat material in 1860, ^3(),:J6S,699, and in 1863, .£36,132,037. And it has been estimated that the profits on the old stocks of cotton goods held over in foreign markets, belonging to English merchants, and disposed of in 1863, amounted to c£ 16. 0^)0, 000 — thereby reducing the exchanges to about ^^2 ),00'..',0i;0, or £ 10,000,000 less than in' I860.' As the old stocks are now about exhausted, that means of payment will cease, and, of course, a greater sum of money will be required, in future, to settle for the cotton supplies of Great Britain. The largest exportations of cotton piece goods were in 1860, when 2,776,218,427 yards weie shipped, along with 197,343,655 pounds of twist and yarn — the value ot the clearances footing up, including hosiery and small wares, ^52,012,380. Except for hosiery, &c., the figures for 1862 were smaller than in any other year. The total exports reached in value c£ 36,750,97 1 . 'f'he quantity that year com- prised 1,681,394,600 yards of cloth, 93,225,890 pounds of twist and yarn, and £ 1,986,205 worth of hosiery, &c. In 1863, 1,706,572,858 yards of piece goods, and 74,642,146 pounds of twist and yarn were sent abroad, valued, with hosiery and small wares, at ^47,443,964. The exportations of British cotton goods in the last eight months of 1861, and during the whole of the year 1862, were, with trifling exceptions, purely speculative transactions. There was no foreign demand for British fabrics ; and it whs to prevent losses at home that shipments were made abroad and advances in money obtained thereon, in the hope that a continued dearth of raw cotton would eventually enhance the value of cotton goods. It was many months before the quotations for manufactured goods responded to the price of the raw material, which had been forced up by specula- tion, predicated on the continuance of the war, and not by any real demand from the spinners. In fiict. the raw material, through the influence of that s[)eculation, had risen so much in value at Liver- pool, that the stocks of cotton that were purchased and held at many of the continental ports for the piu'pose of manufacture, were at- tracted to England. The advances made on shipments of merchan- dise to foreign countries and the Possessions of Great Britain are fa- cilities afibrdtd by one class of British merchants to another class. There has been a very slight reduction in the British home consump- tion of cotton manufactures. The prices of cotton goods have not risen in the same ratio with the advance in raw cotton, from 'the fact of the raw Uiaterial not amounting, in ordinary times, to more than 30 per cent, of the value of the manufactured article, at manuflicturers' prices. But now that cotton forms the principal cost of the fabric — about 65 per cent. — the prices of goods will advance proportion- ately higher, as the markets for the staple ascend. The decrease in consuiijption has indeed been so small, that it does nt^r aii;ount to any thing of moment: it is doubtful whether, even if more than the natural yearly increase in the consumption has been ch( <-k((i. The rich purchase nearly as freely as ever ; the poor never, -.vm in the most prosperous times, bought more than sufficient for t\\ ir own wants, and their wants were always moderate. This is c early de- monstrated by the quantity of cotton goods imported into Kiig;and from other countries. The receipts from abroad in ]6ii'i \\^•\*• about the same as in 1860. The value, however, was auiimtiiKd from ,£758,030 in 1860, to ,£1,034,904 in 1863. \Yhile Bririsu cotton goods contained, as just stated, on the average, at normal prict-s, about 30 per cent, of value. in raw cotton, Continental and Eastern cotton goods possessed less value in raw mateiial — their cost princi- pally, or to a much greater degree, originating from the additional labor and the design — none but the fancy and the hnest descripfion of cotton goods are imported into the British Isles. In 1S60, £1,001) sterling's w^orth of British cotton go -ds, at manu- facturers' prices, contained raw^ cotton to a value of £."]00. In 1863, the same weight and kind of goods contained raw cotton, allowing for the extra loss in spinning inferior cotton, to the vahn- of £ 1,:.^()0 sterling: thus causing an increase in cost of £900 — luukiog what stood £1,000 in 1S60, come up to £1,000 in 1863. Yet, while ihe ** middle men" and the retailers have been contented with a less per centage of profit than formerly, the manufacturers received more than two prices. And those manufacturers complain, unjustly, that they do not receive a proper equivalent tor their goods. Their plau- sible complaints have been listened to by the masses, for it is known, that while cotton was selling at four prices, th(; actual consumer was only paying about double the old rates for intierior goods. The com- munity, generally, supposed the nianufacturers to have been ^leat >uf- ferers by the so-called " cotton famine." They have, on the contrary, been great gainers by the partial stoppage of su)>plies. In ad«lition to their usual emolument, they have had, and are now having the ad- vantage oi" gradually rising markets for their goods. The coi.ton spinners and cotton manufacturers have been prerty much in the condition of the proprietors of flour mills after a bad harvest ; lor those millers then obtain constantly advancing prices for their flour: every bushel of wheat which tht?y purchase yields more profit than when the crops have been large, because the quotations of grain aflect those for flour, and the time consumed in the manufacture affords an opportunity for an advance in the markets. In fact, the cotton manufacturer has an advantage over the flour mill ovvnef, tor the reason that it takes longer to convert raw cotton into elotli tii,:n wheat into flour. The sterling figures given for the exportation of cotton man . - tures, are the declared value at the custom house. Those vahn s e no doubt incorrect — the goods, probably, are under-invoiced at . . t 8 33^ per cent., in order to evade a portion of the duties levied upon rhcir importation at the ports to which they were destined. Nearly all, it not all of the importing countries place ad valorem duties upon cotton goods. A near approximation to the value of the British exports of cotton manufactures will, therefore, be arrived at by ad- ding 50 per cent, to the given figures. It must, too, be borne in mind that there are many articles of British wool, flax and silk manu- facture, that contain a mixture of cotton, which are not included in ti.is statement. So, the cotton trade of England is more extended than appearances would indicate. The stocks of cotton and yarns and goods in the hands of all classes in the United Kingdom, when reduced to the weight of raw cotton — its yarn-producing capacity — were as follows : DATE. Raw Cotton in Wareliousp. Raw Cotton in Spinners' Hands. Yarns and Ooods on Hand TOTAL. Jan. 1,1858, - Jan. 1,1859, - Jan. 1,1860, - Jan. 1,1861, - Jan. 1,1862, - Jan. 1, 1863, - Jan. 1,1864, - 155,007,301 lbs. 96,865,677 " 168.014,154 " 206,486,4.50 " 218,755,837 " 107,041.247 " 74,186,871 " 85;900,000 lbs. 95,000,000 " 105,000,000 " 135,000,000 " 80,000,000 " 35,000,000 " 15.000,000 '• 400,000,000 lbs. 415,000,000 " 465,000,000 " 510,000,000 "■ 460,000,000 " 270,000,000 " l(tO.OOO,000 " 640,907,301 lbs. 600,865,677 " 738,014,154 " 851,486,450 " 758,755,837 " 412,041,871 " 189,186,871 " When the trade \s in its usual state of vigor, the stocks of raw cotton in the warehouses and in spinners' hands, are not at their highest point on 'New Year's day. The largest stocks of raw cotton in warehouse were at the following dates : 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 18.54, 1855, 1856, 1857, 18.58, 1859, 1860, July 12, Aiigust 1, January 16, April June July April July July July July April 20, 30, 6, 12, 18, 23, 15, 21, 20, August 1 5, May 21), June 1 ] , June 24, April 24, 998,405 bales. 1,057,375 " 894,838 " 539,719 " 657,750 " 752,480 " 571,166 " 735.497 " 694,794 " 879,650 " 970,107 " 666,688 " 813,266 " 693,509 " 678,636 " 754,109 " 1,015,868 " The particulars of the largest stocks in warehouse at the ports since 1860 are not at hand. The bales, subsequent to 1861, have been so irregular in w^eight, and the cotton itself so varied in quality, that the quantity, when stated by bales, would not indicate the true condition of the trade. The greater part of the American crops ar- rive in Europe between December and May. . The ^expense for cotton clothing to the inhabitants of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was as follows : In 1 858, - - . . £ 03 000 000 J" JS'^X' - - - - S.iSm>.m) J° ^??' - - - - 25,U0u,O'!0 i^j^co' ■ ■ " ■ '■^^0On,{HiO T Jo^> ■ ' ■ - :^3.0(H),on() j^ ^2i ■ " ■ - 48,000,000 ^^ ^^'^*' ' - ' - 60,000,000 These amounts are at manufacturers' prices. From the fact of there having been something over three years' supply on hond when the American conflict began, the British people, as a couimunity, have not felt the pressure of the increased cost for their cotton fabrics to any great extent. But now that the cottons purchased at low cost have all been consumed, and four or five prices have to be paid for every pound required, the drain upon the resources of the English people for that description of clothing will be very serious, and greatly derange their financial concerns. It makes no ditfe'rence what they pay for their raw cotton which is re-exported in the raw or in the manufactured state. It is only through the enhanced cost oi: the quantity consumed at home that they witl sufter greatly; for, on all that which is re-exported, no matter in what condition, there IS a corresponding advance in price. The cost for the raw cotton contained in the home-consumed cotton goods in 1860, was about ^'7,500,000. In 186-5, it will be, at the lowest calculation, .£42,- 500,000, or a difference of £ 3o,000,()00. That large sum is not seen m the government returns, because no account of what is consumed by the people is ever taken ; but it must necessarily soon begin to be felt, if it has not already done so, in the money market. That in- crease m the cost for raw cotton in 1865, over the figures of I860, will be equal to four times the amount of the income tax, to one- thwd more than the interest on the national debt, and fully one-half of the yearly outlay of the British government. Unlike the annual expenditure of the British nation, however, the whole of the suui. will be sent to other places, thereby causing a real drain upou the. country to an amount double the cost of all'the food imported An increase in the cost of breadstuffs, after a bad harvest, of only a few million of pounds steriing, creates a disturbance in the money market What a revulsion must then take place when not only the £ 35,000 000 additional expense is incurred for the cost of home consumed cottoi> but when an extra capital will be requisite for conducting the com- merce in cotton with other nations. Nor will this anticipated panic in the money market lower the prices of cottons. No doubt the state of the finances very materially aflects the value of cotton, wlie^^ there are large stocks on hand; but with light stocks, the rate of dis- count will produce but little change in the quotations, althou of American cotton manufactured in Great Britain amounted to 85 per cent, of the entire quantity, counting by bales, taken by the mills. But the American bales were heavier than those of other countries, and the cotton produced more yarn to the pound than that grow^n elsewhere. British fabrics then, it will be found, have hitherto actually contained 90 per cent. of American cotton. The case is now reversed ; and it is probable that the cotton goods manufactured last year, and being made this year, do not contain more than 20 per cent, of Anierican cotton. In order to work the inferior sorts, and to augment the weight of the fabrics, a large admixture of mineral and other substances was, and is being 11 used. This is considered a fraud, as most of the sales are negotiated with the understanding that the goods contain the usual proportion of American cotton. No description of merchandise, as before n- marked, is so long reaching the consumer from the producer as cotton goods; and the complaints in reference to the inferiority of the tiw- ture of the articles have been slow in comimr to hand. *^ Now, how- ever, that the deception is being discovered. British cotton fihrics are losing their reputation. Shoddy cotton cloth will not answer the wants of the world. East I;:dia and other inferior cottons, unh'ss in very small prop')rtions, are unfit for machine made goods. They may look nearly as well when overlondod with "size," but thev cer- tainly will not wear so long. The following extract from the Frirnd of India of June 9, 1SG4:, a newspaper pubiishfd at Calcutta, will no doubt be perused with interest, as it shows the condition in which British cotton goods arrive at the places (.f consumption. Even th.j ladies of England are now complaining tiiat their stockinjrs and other cotton garments " last no time at all :" Mir.DEW I\ (I.OTH. (Extract froi-* tbe Frieurt of la U^ Juq- 0. 1864.) Ever since Manohesier l.eca e lUpoiilei.t upon Indin for hor umkiiig material, her mauu- f«ctnre.s luive, to the ^urpristt of n.. *jw, fvUm off very uiHleiialiv in quality. If th.-re has be.u any surprifcie in the matter, it is that even Manchester ingenuity shouUniave sueceetlci m tnnnncr ,,ut cloth, rom-.o.cd rntli-oly of Indian cotton. t<. hear ro fkvorah'e a co-rpariMMi wii h the old makes as the production of tlie last two years Undoubtedly presents. Any oue may recollect how it was at first as.sert( d tliat no cloth of even decent ai)ne;.ranc8 could U' ni-umi,ietured ot Sarat cotton, aud l.ow. hy frreat lal.o;. a::d tliou^l.t, and expense, the ma- chinery ot Lanca.sline has been so modified and re.-onstructed that not».nly the best Su'ats but even common Bengal, has lie>-n bicu^ht into g^ood use. And when thJ- i\v%t instalments o, th-- new cotto/ cloth were received here, importers were very ajrieeably astonished to tiiiu that It should be of so v^-ry saleable a d^-scription ; and the native dealers exhibit, d in n.at i>een found practieablH to substantiate a claim against him for compen- sation to the buyer. Indian merchants pay dearer than ever for the goods they import into this couiitry, and although these goods prove unsaleable, or saleable only at a heavy sacri- fice, the loss is all borne here Many of the Lancashire mills had their machinery altered to suit the spinning of Indian cotton. It is discovered, however, that that very alteration is likewise beneficial to the spinning of American cotton. The great difficulty to which the mill owners will be sub- jected, after the trade resumes its former extent, will be the absence of the requisite number of operatives. Many of the operatives have lost their skill by being engaged in other employments. Paving streets and breaking stone physically incapacitates them for manu- facturing cotton. Others have emigrated, and the ranks of the ope- ratives, which have been further thinned by disease and death, have not been recruited by the usual fresh accessions in the last four years. Cotton is grown in about sixty different countries ; but the Con- federate States present the only instance where it is cultivated as a leading crop. The follov/ing were the imports into Great Britain in 186;3 : Kussia — Orov,'th of Khiva and Bokhara, 632 cwts. Portugal, 6.105 " Spain — Ports without the Mediterranean, 91 " Ports within the Mediterranean, 1.140 " Canary Islands, 3 " Italy — Geiioji, 284 " Nxples, 2,396 " Sicily, 1,875 " V'.'uetia, 228 " Iliyria, Croatia and Dalmutia, 576 " Malta, ' - - ' 3,400 " Greece, 3,080 " European Turkey, 12,180 " Natulia or Asia Minor, 96,696 " Syria and Palestine, 1,418 " Egypt, 835,289 " Africa — British Possessions on river Gambi a, 131 " Sierra Leone, _ 24 " British Possessions on the Gold coast, 95 " Vv'est coast of Africa, - 659 " Cape iTion of a large grower of cotton ! . O.iina has not for the last half century grown enough cotton for bei- own wants. Up to 1861 she had, for a number of years, import- ed about 200,000 bales of cotton from India. She also imports cot- ton h'om Burmah, overland by pony caravans: And, likewise, draws large supplies of cotton goods and cotton yarns from England, and cotton goods from the American States. Yet China has not onl V, for the time being, ceased to be an importer from India, but has actually become an exporter of cotton to England. This change in the course of trade has been accomplished in consequence of the high prices having induced the Chinese to part with their usual stocks; 16 and India has thus been enabled to send to England what she for- merly furnished to China. China and India, being manufacturing as well as producing countries, had, like England, at all times a large supply of the raw material. They have been so drained of cotton, that prices were at last accounts much higher at their markets than at Liverpool. Egypt is the onl}^ country that has made a rapid stride in the pro- duction of cotton ; and that has been done at the expense of other agricultural pursuits. She has, however, attained her maximum yield — her largest crop being only a little in excess of 300,000 bales. In the first part of this paper a statement is given of the stocks of cotton and cotton goods within the United Kingdom, at the several annual periods from 1858 to 1864. Large as was the falling off in the stocks of raw cotton last New year's day, the reduction in the stocks of goods was, it will be seen, much greater. In all the dis- cussions that have taken place in England in reference to the cotton supply, the latter, and in realitv, most important branch of the ques- tion has been entirely overlooked. That omission will soon be made apparent to every one by the force of circumstances ; that is, when the shopkeepers of the United Kingdom begin to replenish their stocks in order to meet the demand from their customers; and when the distant consuming countries call for increased supplies, their im- portations of cotton goods the past two years not having been equal to what they consumed — their old stocks of goods, as long as they lasted, " helped out" the deficiency. The total exportations of yarns and goods in iveight from Great Britain, were as follow : In 1858, - - - 610,741,000 pounds. In 1859, - - - 633,871,000 In 1860, - - - 748,722,000 In 186], ' - - 684,886,000 In 1862, . - - 410,000,000 In 1863, - - - 390.000,000 3,478,220,000 pounds. These figures present the net weight of the goods. The cotton consumed in producing them increased with the use of the in- ferior sorts. No doubt, whatever, the exportations of British cotton goods in 1859, 1860 and 1861 were excessive — far beyond what was necessary — and subsequently enabled the Eastern countries to part with more than the usual quantity of their raw cotton ; and the high prices ruling since have induced them to export still more of their staple than they otherwise would have consented to release. This fact, coupled with the small receipts of cotton goods from the United Kingdom the past three years, will augment their demand for goods for very many months to come. The cotton consumed and the cotton yarns and goods produced by the mills of the United Kingdom, were as follows : ' 17 DATE. Cotton Consumed. Yarn« ai.rt frruda pro- diict-d. 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 895,600,000 lbs. 966,600,000 " 1,073,600.000 " 997,400,000 " 444,500,000 " 553,260,000 " 795,000,000 lbs. 859,250,000 " 973,650.(M!0 " 8-16.500,000 " 365.000,000 " 4('0,000,000 " 4,930,960,000 lbs. 4,239,400,000 lbs. American cotton loses but 12 i per cent, in the process of conver- sion into yarn, while other descriptions lose from 20 to 40 per cent. — some even more ; in fact, there is great uncertainty as to the yield in yarn, in consequence of the irregularity in quality, and con- dition of the cotton sent from the eastern countries, as well as South America. The consumption of cotton by the mills in 1804, has been greater than in either of the two previous years. This, of course, has given additional employment to the operatives. Had it not been, however, for the increased receipts from the Southern States, many of the mills would have been closed. The American cotton coming to hand more freely than was expected, enabled the spinners to consume more of the inferior cottons; and the "cotton fiimine," was therefore at one time thought by many persons, unfamiliar with the detail of the trade, to be at an end. As already stated, there has been no actual cotton famine. If the American crop of 1861 had reached Liverpool in due course, there would have been no sale for it: the markets were then overstocked with cotton and with cotton goods ; and if the war had never taken place, the operatives would have fared just as badly as they have done the past three years — perhaps worse; for, in tbat^ event, all the cotton interest of Lancashire must have been ru^ined: by the great depreciation which most assuredly would have taken, place. The spinners will not buy raw cotton, unless they have a demand for their goods. The crop of 1861 would, therefore, have remained unsold, except to speculators at very low rates. Some persons are laboring under the mistaken idea that the Confederate Government should have seized that crop, and sent it forward to. Europe. It could not have been depended on as a basis of credit; for the moral effect of such a large quantity, even when stored in ware- bouses at Liverpool, would have had a very depressing influence upon prices. It might have been well, if the Constitution permitted, to have purchased the whole crop of 1861, and kept it within the Con- federacy. But it is believed that there is no citizen of any one of the Southern States who in 1861 dreamed that the conflict with the Northern States would have lasted so long. The world was in a,. condition to do without the planting of 1862. It will be found that it is the loss of the crops of 1863 and 1864 that has influence€^ prices so greatly. To repeat, it has been a mistake to attribute the distress in the manufacturing districts to a cotton "famine." In 1827, the same sort of distress existed in France. The c6^ttoa 18 operatives there were then thrown out of employment, not on account ot' the absence of the raw material, but in consequence of the over- stock of manufactured goods in France, for which there was no de- mand in other countries. Those overstocks were caused by the erection of too much spinning force in 1825 and 1826. Many of the manufacturers were mined; and it was not until the year 1831 that the overproduction of goods was consumed, when the cotton mills were set to work again. The importations of cotton into France are principally for her own use. But she, like other manufacturing countries, had, in two seasons, previous to the American troubles, made a large overproduction of cotton goods. She usually con- sumes within her borders about 80 per cent, of all she imports, or 150,000,000 pounds per annum, being at the rate of 4 pounds per head for her entire population, although many of her inhabitants do not wear any cotton goods. On the other hand, Great Britain, as a general rule, re-expoits about 75 per cent, of all she imports, in the raw and in the manufactured state, consuming about 25 per cent, at home. Her people need 9 pounds per head per annum, when the cotton is of good American staple, and of course, a larger quantity when the cotton is of the inferior qualities. The actual home con- •sumption of England in the years named was as follows: In 1856, - - 28 per cent, of the importation. In 1859, - - 25 " In 1860, - - 23 " In 18()1, - - 29 " In 1862, - - 90 " In 186:^, - - 75 It is a fortunate thing for England that she was possessed of such large stocks of cotton and cotton goods, when the war broke out, at a cost to her, of 7 pence per pound for the raw material ; and it is also fortunate for her that she has received, directly and indirectly from the Confederacy, since the 1st of September 1803, over 4,000 bales of cotton per week. The English manuflicturers and merchants held a stock of cotton and cotton goods, at home and abroad, equal to three years' demand, which they have been dealing out at three, four and five prices. And no sooner did that supply fail, than the Con- federacy began to favor them with the much needed staple, at the above named rate per week. The Yankees, too, have had the benefit of a portion of the exports of Confederate cotton. They have been shipping provisions and clothing to Mexico and the West Indies, and receiving in exchange therefor the southern staple. Had it not been for this course of trade, the federal cotton manufacturers would have been obliged to have continued their importations of the raw material from Eui'ope, and thus have drawn largely upon the scanty stocks on that side of the Atlantic — enhancing the quotations there, and, at the same time, draining the precious metals from the Northern States, as the pro- visions and clothing shipped by them to Mexico and the Islands would n&i have found a market elsewhere. Hence, the Yankees would have ibeejs f>bliged to part with their gold. It is a singular coincidence, that 19 no sooner did the large export trade in breadstuffs between the North- ern States and Europe; which began just about the time of the se- cession of. the Southern States from the Federal Union, decline to its former limited amount, than these new outlrt;^ for Yankee produce were opened up. This, along with sales of clippers and other ships, driven from the seas by the vigilance of Confederate cruisers, nnd captures, by Yankee men-of-w^ar, of British and Confederate property running the blockade, furnished the federals with supplies, wliicli otherwise must have been bought and paid for in England. King Cotton has, therefore, in this manner, materially assisted the linances of the enemy. On top of all this, the Federals, who have been more successful in finance than the Confederates, have had emissaries in Europe, who have succeeded in placing upon the several stock ex- changes, and in various other ways, from £10,000,000 to ^M 00,000,000 of 0-20 bonds. Quite a brisk trade in cotton has been carried on for some niontljs past, between the Confederate and Federal States, under authority of an act of the Washington Congress, approved July 'J, 18G4; which reads : That it shall be lawful {'or the Secretary of the Treasury, witii the appr'nal of the Presi- f dent, to authorize afjents to purchase for the United StaK's uny productions of the States ^ declared in insurrection, at such places theiein as shall be desigiiiited by him, j.t such jnices *' as shall be ag'reed on liy the seller, not exceedii g the niaiket value thnrcof at the jilace of delivery, nor exceedinn^ three-fourths ot the niarket value thereof in the L-hy of New York at the latest quotation known to the agent purchasing. While the Yankees have been dealing with the Southern States, under the authority of their Congress, the Confederates have been exchanging produce with them, in violation of the laws of their country. The consequence is, that the North has been izetting chrap cotton, and the Soutli has been receiving dear bacon. The trade, on the part of some of the Confederate authorities, has been " winked at." A contraband traffic should not have been permitted. Swapping off a pound of cotton, wdiich should have produced seventy-tive cents, according to the above Act of the Ft-deral Congress, for a pound of bacon worth but 20 cents, or thereabouts, in the samr. currency, was, to say the least of it, very bad business management. There has been a constant drain of cotton from Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas, through the ports of Galveston and Matamoras, which has been enriching the shoddy men engaged in the transactions, without giving any adequate return to the government or the people of the Confederacy. In many instances where government officials, both civil and military, have had control of cotton, frauds have been prac- ticed to such a shameful degree, that public attention is b^ing drawn to the crime. Blockade running, too, has been conducted at a rate of extravagance never before known. The syst^^nj inaugurated by the parties having charge of many of the ships engaged in the trade, for costliness, is without a parallel in the liistory of commerce. There are shoddy captains, shoddy officers, shoddy crews, shoddy engi- neers, shoddy pilots, shoddy firemen, shoddy stewards, shoddy cooks, etc. etc. The expense of getting a bale of cotton to Liverpool now^ 20 is more than the former value of the cotton itself. Very few of the ships bring in full cargoes of supplies ; some of them only one-fourth of their capacity, and some nothing at all. All of them, however, take out full cargoes of cotton — even to deck loads. The correspon- dent of the New York Herald furnishes the following account : While speaking at' tliis trade, it may not be out of place to a)lude to the prosperity of Martiinoras. Every house is occupied iu the city and rents are enormously high. A store which rc-nted for a few hundred dollars only before the cotton trade commenced, now com- mands thousands of dollars per year. The carpenter and brick mason are busily engaged in fleeting stores in every part of the city, and so soon as they are completed they are tilled with goiids. The expense of living there is from one to three dollars per day in sjiecie. Greenbacks have not been " recognized" by the Emperor yet, and, of course, have to take a back seat. I noticed but little business doing in Brownsville; the terror of our forces being before the eyes of the merchants there, they keep their stocks of goods light. The city of Bagdad also deserves a favca-able mention. Where, but three years ago, there were but two or tliree board shanties, now stands Bagdad a full grown town, with a population of not far from four thousand. It can boast of " first class" hotels, boarding houses, stores well filled with goods, saloons and restaurants without number, and last, though not least, a city police, which maintains order by night and by day. " Cotton is king" in Matamoras and Bagdad, without doubt, for it gives them all the vitality they possess. It is quite manifest then, that if the Southern States had been in a position to have withheld their cotton from the " outer world," the powers of Europe would by this time have been forced into recogniz- ing their independence. But are not the Confederate States now in a position to retain their cotton? As it is, a large share of the re- sources of the South have absolutely been dissipated away. Most of the legislation, so far, seems, by its practical operation, to have favored a few speculators, who, so long as they had a " monopoly" of the trade by their contracts, by which they were making 7 or 800 per cent, did not care to see peace brought about. The trade ought to have been open to every one, free from all restrictions, and then the Confederacy would have had a constituency in Europe of suth- cient influence to put a pressure upon the governments in favor of recognition. As it is, the trade has, by unwise arrangements, been thrown into the hands of a few individuals, who have neither social nor political influence on the other side of the Atlantic. It may be well here to remark, that in 1810, Spain, in considera- tion of England's attempt to mediate in all disputes with the South American Colonies, permitted her to carry on a direct trade with them. In a short time, by that means, the Spanish American republics had a mercantile constituency in England ; and it was owing to the influence of that constituency that England eventually recognized the independence of those republics. The Southern States, unfortunately, have no such constituency, to demand justice for them at the doors of the Foreign offlce in Downing street. Nor is this all : While the exports of the Confederacy (including specie) should have within the past sixteen months netted ^25,000,000 ster- ling, the imports could not have amounted to over one-fifth that sum. In fact, by the system adopted, five bales of cotton have been given away, when one bale would have answered. What is the use of buying ships and purchasing supplies, and paying for the same in cot- ton at 6d. perpLHind, when the cotton is really worth 28d. per pound. It is in this manner that the resources of these States are being frit- 21 tered away. It has been a mistake from first to last, to mix up the supplies for the Confederacy with cotton. Surely, it would be better to pay for all the foreign supplies in gold, and retain the cotton. The gold would buy an amount of supplies five times greater than can be obtained under the present system : and what is more, the gold would go into the bank vaults, and help to lower the rate of discount in Lombard street, and thus put an extra value on cotton, while the cotton goes to Manchester, and assists the manufacturers, as already explained, in staving otf the cotton famine. If it be deemed expe- dient to continue the shipments of cotton, instead of sending forward gold to purchase supplies, it would be well to have the cotton stored in warehouse at Liverpool, and not sold. It is quite as easy to bor- row money upon cotton when it is in England, as to sell it. The *' moral effect" before referred to, of stocks of raw cotton in ware- house, would not apply in this instance ; for good staple cottons are now so very scarce. The South does not even get credit for the quantities of cotton which she has contributed to Europe. In addition to what she sent to Enghmd last year, she shipped, through the West Indies to the continent of Europe, 15,000 baU's — in value equal to 70,000 bales at old [>rices, and as we know, the Federal manufacturers were also supplied. The British Board of Trade tables only credit the Con- federacy with that cotton which is received direct from her ports, while all that which is imported indirectly is placed to the account of the country of intermediate export. And it is upon these Board of Trade returns that the statesmen and journalists of Enijland have been basing their arguments — laboring under the vain delusion that "other countries" had greatly increased their growth of cotton. The Cotton Supply Association has not had the candor to acknowledge the facts of the case. On the contrary, its "organs" have repro- duced, without explanatron, the erroneous, or rather misplaced figures furnished by the government; and the Association itself has been publishing weekly the most visionary statements from its corre- spondents abroad, so ambiguously worded as to deceive the public mind upon the important question of cotton supplies, that many people believe that England has, in a great measure, become inde- pendent of the Southern States, as far as the cotton matter is con- cerned — and this is one reason for the apathy that has existed in England in reference to the Confederate cause for so many months past. If recognition or mediation could only be brought about in time to permit of a good cotton planting in I860, the finances of the South would be soon righted; but if another season is lost, it will be- very inconvenient to the South. The Manchester Cotton Supply Association, in the whole eight years of its existence, and after spending about .£5,000 a year, has never, by its own efforts, succeeded in producing, or getting produced as much as 500 bales of cotton ; and that quantity could have been raised under glass in England, at a less cost than the expenditure of the Association has been. What matters it, if in countries where only a few hundred weights of cotton have been grown, the cultiva- tion should, under the stimulus of high prices, have been augmented 22 100 or 200 per cent. ? The whole additional quantity is but a drop in the bucket, in comparison with the void created by the partial loss of tlije southern crops. The people of England are very much "at sea" on this cotton question; and it is the duty of the Cotton Supply Association, with its semi-official privileges and reputation, to enlighten them upon the subject. Surely if cotton was being received into England in sufficient supplies for " five days" work in the week, as has been alleged, the prices would tumble back to some- thing resembling their normal condition, instead of being at more than four rates, because the currency in which cotton is quoted is in no manner inflated; and there never was more than "six" working days in the week. The cotton mills, even in the most active times, " rested on the seventh day." The deficiency of only one-sixth of a full supply would not make such an enormous diffisrence in the value as now exists. Cotton has alread}^ touched the highest point ever reached. To be sure some New Orleans middling cotton sold at Liverpool during the last war between Grreat Britain and the United States (1814), at §9 pence ; but that quotation was in paper money, when gold was at a premium of 30 per cent. The specie price, therefore, was but 30 pence per pound. The truth is, strange as it may seem, the cotton manufacturers of England, although they have done a smaller business in qudntitij since the breaking out of the American war, they have done a greater business in value, and their profits were never before so large in any period of three years as since the fall of Fort Sumter. They have had the advantage of gradually hardening prices, while the other classes of the community have assisted them in the support of tlieir idle operatives. Had these operatives been fully employed, the manu- facturers themselves w^ould have been ruined, because the world was so largely overstocked with cotton goods. If the American war had been brought to a termination at any time previous to the planting season of 1862, every body in Europe and in the Federal states, inte- rested in cotton, in whatever shape, or wherever held, would have been ruined ; for, up to that time, very little of the staple had been destroyed — a fair crop had been reaped in 1861, and cultivation would, of course, upon a return of peace, have been resumed. The sales by the manufacturers of cotton goods for home demand and exportation, taking the custom house returns as a guide from 1858 to 1860, inclusive, wer<} ^214,715,927, while those from 1861 to 1863, inclusive, were .£240,067,424. The quantity of raw cotton, cotton yarns and cotton goods, in the whole world — civilized and uncivilized — is believed to have been as follows, at the periods named: January 1, 1858, - - 5,000,000,000 pounds. January 1, 1859, - - 6,000,0(;0,000 " January 1, 1860, - - 7,0()0,000,0U0 «' January 1, 1861, - - 7,500,000,000 " January 1, 1862, - - 7,000,000,000 " January 1, 1863, - - 5,500,000,000 " January 1, 1864, - - 2,500,000,000 " And on January 1, 1865, the quantity will be further reduced to 1,500,000,000 pounds. 23 The annual consumption of American cotton, during the decade from 1S40 to 1850, averaged 2^,400,000 bales each year. The disco- very of gold in California and Australia caused a large expansion of commerce. There was a sudden extra demand for the American staple, and the consumption at once rose to 3,000,000 bales per annum, at which it remained until the breaking out of the conflict in America. In the year 1850, the quantity of American cotton, in the raw state and in manufactured goods at the consuming points, was equi- valent to 6,000,000 bales. The crops that followed were: 3851, " - - - . 3,015,029 bales. 1852, .... 3,262,882 " 1853, - - - 2,930,027 " 1854, - - - 2,847,339 " 1855, .... 3,527,845 " 1856, .... 2,939,519 " 1857, .... 3,113,962 " 21,636,603 or, an average of 3,090,943 bales each year; which was just equal to the requirements of mankind. The succeeding crops were: 1858, .... 3,851,481 bales. 18.59, .... 4,675,770 " I860, .... 3,656,086 " 12,183,3.37 or, an average of 4,061,112 bales per annum. This created an ex- cess of 3,000,000 bales in addition to the stock on hand in 1850, or a total of 9,000,0110 bales, nearly the whole of which has now been consumed. The excess, however, was hid from view, in consequence of the raw cotton being converted into goods, there having been an increase in the spinning force of Europe and America, in 1858. 1859 and 1860, of 33^ per cent. That gave a fictitious demand for raw cotton, and the goods made therefrom met, likewise, a tictitious de- mand by reason of the impetus given to trade after the close of the Crimean war, the suppression of the mutiny iu India, and the set- tlement of the (litH(!ulties in Chino. In consequence ot so lorge a proportion of commercial cotton, con- sisting of the growth of the Southern States, the " bale"' became the standard of measure, when speaking of quantity, and that system has been continued up to tlie present time. But it is just as absurd to estimate the stocks of cotton by that standard now, as it is to value the cost of any article in the Confederacy by the quotation in paper money. American bales average 460 lbs. in weight, but those of India much less. Surats weigh but 370 lbs., and Madras and Ben- gal only 290 lbs. West India cotton bales contain 200 lbs. ; Italy and Malta, 220 lbs.; Brazils, ISO lbs.; Egyptian, 500 lbs.; Turkish, 350 lbs. ; Grecian, 200 lbs. ; Chinese and Japanese, 120 lbs. ; Pe- ruvian, 150 lbs. ; African, 150 lbs. The stocks of cotton, as reported, therefore, give a very incorrect view of the quantity; and that incor- rect view operates to the prejudice of the Southern States; for it would appear to the uninitiated, when stated in bales, as if the stocks on hand as well as the importations of cotton w^ere greater than they really are. 24 The actual consumption of cotton has gone steadily on. If there has been any check at all, it has been only in the natural increase that would have taken place these last three or four years, if prices had not advanced. But after peace is restored, there must neces- sarily be almost as great a bound in the demand as there was when gold was discovered in California and Australia. It may be safe to say tliat the world can consume on an average 4,500,000 bales of American cotton for each year for the next ten years. The old stocks of the raw material have been so largely drawn upon to makeup for the partial stoppage of supplies from the Confederacy, that the ware- houses will have to be replenislied. Thus, in addition to the actual, there will be, for some years to come, a fictitious consumption for cotton ; and prices cannot fall back to their former level until the trade resumes its normal condition in relation to stocks. It is quite clear that had cultivation been continued uninterruptedly in the South, that prices would not have averaged in the six years from 1861 to 1SG6, inclusive, over 4 pence per pound. In those six years, 15,000,000,000 pounds would have been used — the low price increasing the consumption — at a cost of .£250,000,000 sterling; whereas the chances are that prices within that period may average 16 pence per pound, or more: but if that average price proves cor- rect, the cost to consumers will be, even on a diminution of the quantity to the extent of !25 per cent., by reason of the higher price, ^e 750,000,000. It will then be seen that the American war is thus insidiously inflicting a great loss upon other nations in a pecu- niary point of view, to say nothing of the derangement of the system of labor in all those countries, where an increase in the cultivation of cotton has been attempted. If the war should be brought to a close in time to enable the Southern people to plant cotton seed for 4 or 5,000,000 bales in 1865, the money that will be received for that crop and the crop of 1866, will amount to as large a sum, perhaps larger than would have been the net proceeds of the several crops that have been missed. In this view, it is therefore most important that the war should terminate this winter. The subjoined is an estimate of the quantity of cotton in the Confederacy, September 1, 1864: Crop of 1860, remainiug over September 1, 1861 : At the ports, including 300 bales new crop, - - 37,574 lu the interior towns, . . - 6,200 On the plantations, .... 25,000 68,744 Crop of 1861 (estimated), ... - - 3,500,000 Crop of 1862 "...-- 1,300,000 Crop of 1863 "...-- 500,000 Crop of 1864 "..--. 500,000 5,868,744 Destroyed and damaged, equal to (estimated) - 1,100,000 Exported and stolen by the Yankees, " - 700,000 Consumed within the Confederacy, " - 2,000,000 3,800,000 September 1, 1864— bales, 2,068,744 25 The writer of these pages is frequently asked why the British rulers do not express fears concerning the threatened cotton famine? The answer is, that they have not looked deeply into the subject. The writer greatly regrets that but few persons have taken the pains to investigate the matter. He would have been glad to have had many coadjutors in the attempt to elucidate so important a topic, as it is next to impossible for one person to stem the current of public opinion, no matter how incorrect that opinion may be, when the <' leading and governing classes" set it astray. The Queen of Eng- land herself, in her last address to Parliament, made an error in stating that " there is every reason to look forward to an increased supply of cotton from various countries which have hitherto but scantily furnished our manufacturers with this material for their industry." Lord Derby, in his speech on the same occasion, made the same mis- take. And the British Commissioners of Customs, in tlieir recent report, boast of an extra growth of cotton in the Bahamas, the Ber- mudas and Mexico, and attempt to verify their assertions bv the Board of Trade returns, which, as before remarked, place to the credit of those countries all the Confederate cotton sent thither for reshipment. It is a remarkable fact, that while England frequently, previous to the difficulties in America, appointed committees from the House of Comuions to enquire into the cotton supply, no such committee has been suggested since the war commenced. Possibly something of the kind may be entertained at the coming session. It is well known that an Englishman will not move without an " Act of Parliament." Up to the present time the Confederacy has had, for the reasons herein named, the people of Manchester against it ; and it is natural that the English rulers should withhold the recognition of the South until the persons most immediately interested in the cotton trade should express their opinion in favor of such a policy. The cot- ton speculators at Liverpool have also thrown cold water upon re- cognition. So have all those persons engaged in the Indian, Chinese, South American and Egyptian trade : and almost the entire banking interest has been opposed to the South, in consequence of the long established connection with the North. The writer by no means defiends the course of the British rulers, but with this explanation, it will be easy to perceive the cause for the tardiness which they have exhibited towards extending to the Confederacy that justice which it has had a right to expect. Recognition is, in truth, not the right word to use. Great Britain, France and all the other powers should have, at the very outset of the secession movement, received the accredited ministers froni the Southern States under the old treaties, because the Federal Government, unlike the individual states, has never been formalh' acknowledged as an independent power by any nation on the face of the globe. It is neither the province nor the wish of the writer to attack Con- federate legislation on the subject of cotton ; nor yet to intrude his ad- vice upon the Congress of these sovereign States ; but he desires to express his opinion that England, unless for some selfish political causes, A 26 will never throw the weight of her iDfluence in favor of the South until Manchester speaks, and that Manchester is not likely to speak until the Confederate " cotton leak" is stopped. In ordinar}^ times 4 to 5,000 bales of American cotton reaching Liverpool every week would be inconsiderable ; but-now that the stocks of raw cotton and cotton goods are so much reduced, that quantity becomes an important fea- ture in the trade of Great Britain. Had the exportation of cotton from the Confederacy been prohibited a year ago, England would by this time have been compelled to acknowledge the independence of the South ; for the amount of cotton contributed to Lancashire within the last twelve months has been the means of keeping her mills in partial operation. The position of the cotton trade is quite different now from what it was then, or even two years ago. The British cotton manufacturers will not be content to remain quiet, if they are deprived of the raw material when they have a demand for their fabrics. So long, however, as the Confederacy voluntarily con- tributes to their wants, it cannot be expected that they will exert themselves to bring about peace. No particular reference has been made in this paper to that class of cotton known as Sea Island. The quantity of it required is so trifling — only one per cent. — that it is hardly worth while to discuss it. It may be remarked, however, that when the cultivation of Sea Island was extended some years ago, the price fell to such a point that the planters deemed it best for their own interests to place a limit upon its production. Englishmen vainly congratulate themselves that their country **is no longer mainly dependent upon one source for their cotton supply." They make no allowance for the old stocks of cot- ton that have been attracted to their shores by the high prices that have ruled. And how, in the name of common sense, can more than one source of supply, as far as quantity is concerned, be kept up ? The cotton growers of the world produce cotton for the purpose of selling it — not for keeping it on hand to make England "indepen- dent" of the Southern States. So, if the planters in other countries could not find at all times a ready market for their staple, they would soon cease to cultivate it: and Englishmen themselves are not in- clined to purchase more cotton than they want, year after year, even if there was cotton to sell in those other countries. In alluding to America as a grower of cotton, it has been the habit of Englishmen to speak in the singular. They talk of the hardship of "one source of supply," when, in truth, that supply, instead of being from "one source," is contributed by twelve sovereign states. It will be remembered that shortly after the Confederate victories in front of Richmond in the summer of 18(32, the British govern- ment, it was reported, had determined to acknowledge the indepen- dence of these States. An intimation was not onl}^ thrown out to that effect by the friends of the Ministry, but Mr. Gladstone, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his speech at New C-astle, conveyed the same idea to the public. His remarks, in fact, savored so much of recognition, that the Lancashire people became alarmed, and ex- 27 erted their influence in order to prevent the government taking such a step. Those Lancashire people, and with them may be included the Yankee and Confederate cotton speculators, were large holders of raw cotton and cotton goods, and they feared that the opening of the Southern ports would be the means of deluging them with cotton, and lowering the value of wiiat they held. Ko such fear, however, now exists. The same interests are now well cleared of their stocks, and they know that the quantity of cotton now in the Confederacy is very much less than the amount they estimated to be on the plan- tations over two years ago. No opposition, therefore, need be again e-pected from that quarter. On the contrary, the position of the trade is at present so different from what it wa^ then, that they may be expected to urge the government to interpose, so that the mills will l3e able to resume, as far as possible, their accustomed work. The importance then, of shutting off the Confederate contributions of cotton, will no doubt be apparent to every one. The mill owners, hitherto, have been assisted, in the support of their idle operatives, by persons of every class in the Kingdom. That assistance was cheerfully proffered, under the belief that the mill owners were actual sufferers by the so-called " cotton famine." But now that it is known that the cotton lords have been Uiaking money by the short supply ot the raw material, forcing up the values of their old stocks, the other classes of the conun unity will be very loth to aid them in con- tinuing their work people in idleness. Nor will the spinners and manufHCturers themselves remain quiet: About one hundred millions of pounds sterling are invested directly in n)ills and machinery, to say nothing of entire villages, whose rental depends upon the earn- ings of persons employed in the production of cotton goods. The railway and various other interests are likewise deeply concerned in having a renewal of the supplies of the American staple. Great Britam cannot conduct her India trade successfully without the sup- port of Southern cotton. Her exports to that country, in 1S03 amounted to ^20,000,000, of which ^14,000,000, or more than two-thirds, was composed of cotton goods. The kinds of goods most in use in India have to be made out of Anierican cotton — none other w^ill answer, as has been shown in this i)aper. Should the supply of good staple cotton fall off, India will again take to making all the goods she requires for her own wants. Although she cannot increase her "growing" force, she can, by a greater use of machinery, aug- ment her spinning force. It never has paid, and never will pay to import cotton from India into England, and to export it back from England to India in the manulactured state. The cotton that India parts with is consumed by the inhabitants of other countries. Itmay seem strange, but it is nevertheless the fact, that most of the cotton spinners and inanufacturers of Lancashire, have been invest- ing their profits of the last few years in the erection of new mills and machinery— thus giving partial employment to their discharged operatives who have not been engaged on the public works ; and at the same time placing themselves in a position to enter the cotton markets for additional supplies of the raw material so soon as the 28 war is brought to a termination. The people of Lancashire, it will thus be seen, have no notion of abandoning the cotton trade. If such an idea had entered their heads, they would have invested their earnings of the past four years in something else than bricks and mortar, and spindles and power looms. The fact is, that while Eng- land was doing her full share of the cotton manvfacmring business of the world, she was gradually monopolizing the spinning business of mankind. She has already become a gigantic " spinster." In the six years, 1858 to 1863, she exported 935,283,589 pounds of twist and yarn, against a net importation of raw cotton of 4,771,876,480 pounds. After making an allowance for the loss of weight in spin- ning, it will be ascertained that nearly one-fourth of the net importa- tions of cotton into England were re-exported in twist and yarn. With the large amount of capital invested in cotton spinning and manufacturing establishments, and with the advantage of her moist climate, so well suited for the fabrication of the staple of the South, England is the commercial as well as the natural ally of the Con- federate States Her rulers will soon be compelled to admit that important truth. With the aid of all the influence of the statesmen of Europe, all the power of the leading capitalists, and all the energy of the mer- cantile community, other countries have not increased their produc- tion since 1860, over 350,000 bales. That small quantity may well be called a "miserable pittance," in comparison with the partial loss of the Southern crops. The Southern States, prior to the war, yielded two-thirds of all the cotton grown in the world, and fur- nished three-fourths of all that which entered the channels of com- merce. The subjoined table gives the Tariff Duties on American Cotton — 1864. COUNTRIES. QUANTITIES. KATES OP DUTY. Great Britain, Free. France, 220 lbs. $3 92 (20 francs). Spain, 101 lbs. In national vessels, 79^ ; foreign, $1 85. Russia, 36 lbs. 183 cents. Bremen, Ad valorem. 1 of I per cent. Sardinia, - Free. Belgium, - Free. Austria, - Free. Sweden and Norway, - In Sweden, free; in Norway, nearly ^ per cent. Idexico, 101 lbs. $1 50. lamburg. Ad valorem. .j^ of 1 per cent. Holland, - Free. Two Sicilies, 192.50 lbs. $8. Br. N. A. Possessions, _ Free. Denmark, _ Free. Portufjal, 101 lbs. 21.5 cents. Tuscany, _ Free. Papal States, 74.86 lbs. 10 cents. Cuba, 101 lbs. In national vessels, 194; in foreign vessel;,, 27(| per cent., on a valuatiou of $5. 29 American Cotton Crop of 1859. Per Census — Bales of 400 lbs. each. Per Prices Current— Actual Number of Bales. Illinois, 6 Missouri, JOG Kentucky, 4 092 Virginia, ]2 7:i7 50 987, part a^rown in North Carolina. Florida, m 322 192 7'J4, part grown in Georgia. N»»rth Carolina, 145.-! 4 41 194, s.Mue shipped through Va. and S. C. Tpunepsoe, 227 450 108 070. some included with Louisiana. South Carolina, 353 413 510 109, part grown in N. C. and Georgia. Arkansas, 307 485 included with Louisiana. Texas, 4(t5 100 252 424, si me included with Louisiana. Georgia, 71 H 840 525 219, sv.me included with Sotuh Carolina. Louisiana, 722 218 2 139 425, part grown in other States. Alabama, 997 978 843 012 Mississippi, 1 195 099 included with Louisiana. 5 190 944 bales. 4 009 770 bales of 445 lbs. At 400 lbs. each, 2 078 777 000 lbs. 2 078 047 0.50 lbs. The production of cotton in other countries than the Southern States, cannot be increased beyond the yield of 1S64. The hii'^h prices that have ruled have already stimulated cultivation to the utmost extent possible, and that extra cultivation, as already stated, does not give to the world more than 350,000 bales l)eyond the quantity grown in ISGO, or less than one-tenth of the ordinary sup- ply of the Confederacy. Cotton cultivation is a question of labor as well as soil and climate. India ranks as the second cotton producing country ; yet her entire yield does not exceed 2,000,000 bales of li2:ht weiuht and inferior quality. Slie exports about one-half of what she grows. An Eng- lish traveler, who returned from India last year, says : Cotton in most parts of India is cultivjited in rotation with other crops, and is seldom looked upon a.'^ the main stay of the ryot, but only as a subordinate product. The great staple of cultivation every where is breadstuffs, in some shape or another. The hcldings of the ryots are extremely small, and it has been the custom from time immemorial for each indi- vidual to raise sufficient food for his own family. In addition to this, he may grow a little plot of cotton, yielding on the average on«^ or two bales But the ryot will not neglect tlm raising of food for the sake of cotton, however high its price may be. No sui-plus stocks of grain are available to meet an emergency of this kind; the internal commerce of India is .-itill in the crudest possible shape; no such thing exists as large districts devoted to .spe- cial liranches of agriculture, and drawing their food from some othrr. The rule, speaking generally, all over India, is for each locality to raise its own supplies of food, find for each separate cultivator to do the same for himself. So true is tfiis that, if the grain crops fail in any one region, a famine ensues, and people perish by thousands, even though the rest of India is unaffected. During the famine in the North\\'»'stern Provinci^'s in 180l, half a mil- lion of people are said to have ast Indian or other short stapled is, I think, Piatt's or Dun- lop';?, or Dobson and Barlow's gins ; but this is a question Avhich at present is not by any means decided. Ginning- is a very important affair, for I can show cotton worth 13d. per pound cleaned in a proper machine, and the same cotton, having been put through an im- p)'i)j).-r machine, worth only 8d. Tlie Lovdon Examiner, a journal in no manner in the interest of the Confederate cause, utters the following candid words in reference to Indian cotton: Ir nppears, then, that after ransacking the whole temperate and tropical Avorld, from Italy to Jiipiin. and giving enormous bounties for cotton, our present supply is equal to no more than three and a half days out of six of the quantity necessary to work our looms in em- ploy. Supposing that no increase in our supply had taken place for three years, which would be contrary to the experience of fifty years, our supply wa.% short last year of what it was in 1861, or before the Amei-ican civil war, in the proportion of seven to twelve, or a deficit running closr; upon one-half. The full supply of Iritil cost us about £ 3l),(J00,OUO, and the present year (1804), scaut one, it is estimated, will cost us not less than £ ^10,000,000; so that for the scaut supply we are paying about three times what we did for the full one. India is the country which has furnished us with the largest supply to make up for the loss of the American cottim; but India, as we always predicted in this journal, will never supply the place of Auierica, and its failure to do so has been most exemplary. In 1861, the price of Surat, or the best Imlian cotton, in the Liverpool market, was from 3^. to 4d. a pound ; it ranges at present at troui Is. 8d. to Is. J Id. a pound, so that we are really paying a bounty of some 500 per cent, on the nominal price; and what has been the result? In J8t)l, India supplied us with 9(')8,000 bales of cotton, and last year with J , •220,000, a paltry increase of no more than 26 per cent.; and this, too, is not the produce of increased growth, but the result of withdrawing the large supply formerly sent to (!hina, and sweeping the India market of all manner of rubbish, raising the cost enornu>usly to the Indian wearer and consumer. As to the quality of Indian cotton, it has not only undergone no improvement, but suffered a great deterioration. "Indian coiton," said Mr. Oheetham, at the Manchester meeting, "was never more contemptible, in the opinion of the manufacturer and workmen, than at the present moment." Thn El'mlmrgli Brview, a periodical that cannot be charged with having any partiality for the South, thus honestly expresses itself: Already the intensity of the demand has induced strange devices to meet it, and has inflicted distress upon inore than one class of tlie native counnunity. Not only have the warehouses at Mirrapore and other marts of trade been emptied of their tdd and probably dami^ged stock, but all the rubbish that could be got together and screwed into bales, includ- ing even, it is said, th(^ wadding of furniture, quilts and cloaks, has been shipped to Eng- land : circumstances which will account, in some measure, for the complaints of the inferior quality of recent importations. The native spinners and weavers have thus been deprived of a sufficient quantity of the raAv material for their own use, and are reduced in some parts of the C(juntry to extreme distress. But for a happy demand for labor upon railways and other public works, their sufferings would have been still more severe. The people of the northern and other more elevated parts of the country, whose dress and coverlets in the cold s«'ason are mainly composed of cotton fabrics, quilted with cotton wool, have been put to very o-reat inconvenience, to say the least, by the extremely high price to which an article of such prijne necessity has risen. Egypt stands third on the list as a cotton exporting country. She, however, has, under the influence of high prices, reached her maxi- mum yield — about 300,000 bales — and in doing so, has so diverted her system of labor, that she has been obligt^d to become an importer of grain from her neighbors. Thus, there was a famine in the land of Egypt this year, not owing, how^ever, to a non-supply of water from tlie Nile, but in consecpience of the scarcity of labor. Mr. Samuel Smith, who visited Egypt a short time since, wTites : " Indeed, the only circumstances which limit the spread of cotton culture, are want of water and scarcity of labor." Mr. Smith states that the water can be procured by cutting new canals; but he does not suggest any method by which additional labor can be obtained. Cotton, ia 31 Egypt, is a very exhausting crop, and cannot be grown surecssivoly on the same soil; it can only be raised in alternate years witli ad- vantage. Brazil is the next largest grower of cotton. Nearly the whole of her exportations are sent to Great Britain, to which country she contributed in 1863, 56, -508 bales of 400 pounds each, against 58, -H? bales in 1862; 43,226 bales in 1861 ; 43,217 bales in 1860; 56,197 bales in 1859, and 46,545 bales in 1S5S. It is probable that the returns for 1864 will show" a slight increase in the rniantity of cotton received from Brazil, as she is now" pretty well drained of her old stocks. There has been no increase of moment in production there, or in any other sugar growing country, owing to the scarcity of labor. To be sure, a country like Brazil could increase her pro- duction of cotton, by importing Coolie labor; but then it would take many years to obtain a sufficient number of Chinese to make any important addition to the agricultural force of Biazil. I have already alluded to the fact, that China is not naturally a cot- ton exporting country, though she sent to England in 18(i3 and 18(54 considerable quantities, for the reasons stated, namelj" — a reduction of her stock of raw cotton, in consequence of the high prices that have prevailed, and also owing to her markets having been overcrowded with cotton goods, manufactured chiefly from American cotton. China, unlike the other cottrdinary harvests enable the Chiut-.^e to transport rice, the piincipal food of the people, from one province to an<»ther, and even souierimes to fun-ign countries, yt:'t of late the importations from foreign countries have tx-en cntHmous, and China has drawn laro^ely on tlie Straits, the Phillippines, 8iam, and other places, to fill up a vast deficiency in supply. Famine has. notwithstauding^. cununitted dreadful ravages, and the provisions of the imperial granaries liave been \vliolly inadequnte to provide for the public wants. It is true, that cultivation has been greatly interfered with by intestinal dis- orders, and that there has been much destruction by inundations, incendiarism, an.) other accidt-ntSl or transitory causes; but without reference to these, 1 am disposed to believe that there is a greater incnv^se in the numV)ers of the population than in the home production of the food for their use. It must ])e remembered, too, that v- hile the race is thus augmenting, the causes which lead to the destruction of food — such as the (iverf^MW of rivers, fires, rava- ges of locusts, bad seasons, and other calamities — an- to a great extent beyond the control of human prudence or hiunan exertion. It would be difficult to show what new element could be introduced, which would raise up the native supply of food beyond its present productiveness, considering that hand husbandry has given to cultivation more of a horti- cultural than an agricultural character. * * * * ju n]\ parts of China to which we have access, we find not uu\y that every foot of gn«und is cultivated which, is capable of producieg any thing, but that, from the value of the land and the siuplus.of -abor, cultiva- tion is rather that of gardeners than of liusbandmen. The sides of hills, in their natural de- clivity, often unavaiialile, are, by a succession of aititicial t»;rraces, turned to profitable account. Every little bit of S(»ii, though it be only a few feet in length and breadth is turned to account ; and not only is the surface of the land thus cared for, but every device is employed for the gatlieriug together of every article that can serse fev inanure. * * * * The multitudes of perse and in Asia, has made great efforts to augment her yield of cotton. She sent to England, in 1858, 28 bales of 400 pounds each; in 1859, 994 bales; in 1860, 31 bales; 1861, 177 bales; 1862, 11,539 bales; 1863, 30,882 bales. In 1864, the quantity recorded by the British returns to the credit of Turkey will be much less than in ] 863, owing partly to the fact that France received a portion of the sup}.4ies from that countiy, and partly to the fact that the shipments of 1S63 consisted in a great measure of old stocks of cotton. One ol the British Consuls in Turkey thus writes, under date of December 31, 1S62: ^ The cotton grown here is of ji very inferior quality, and has never been found good enough for the nianui'acture of twist, the staple being too short. The amount exported to France and Italy was chiefly used for njaking wicks and stuffing furniture. In the present .scarcity in Europe, how<'Ver, luanufactuvei-s were driven to make use of it, mixed with other better qualities. This caused a sudden demand for it in France, and all that existed in the market Avas bought up immediately, at double prires. The demand still continuing after the stock of the year's produce had been bought up. the old cotton, that had for many years served for stufhug niattres.scs, pillows and divans, was brought to the market, and disposed of at high prices. The cultivation of cotton in the West India Islands and adjacent countries does not increase. A report made by the committeehof the Cotton Supply Association gives the follovving excuses for the snjall production : " Barbadoes cannot produce any large quantity of cotton without throwing sugar out of cultivation." "The commissioner from British Guiana dots not liold out much hope of an extensive revival of the cultivation of cotton in that territory, unless English capitalists will undertake to hnd the means of developing the latent resources of the country. At present, however, sugar otters greater inducements. Chinese laborers might be introduced with great advantage." " Costa Rica sends samples of wild cotton, of good useful quality-, but they cannot be considered more than botanical specimens." "Ecuador sends four or five samples of very good, clean cotton, but at present tlia quantity cultivated is too small to be of much benefit." In Martinique, " it is said that the culture there will never be considerable." Guadaloupe is pretty much in the same condition. " Cotton has been cultivated in French Guiana for 33 many years, but the want of labor, and the more remunerative prices for other products, have depressed its cultivation." In Hayti, "the land available is sufficient to grow 3,000,000 bales a year, but there would be a deficiency of labor." Jamaica presents the sjniie excuse for her shortcomings as to the supply of cotton. Trinidad is not " likely" to send "any great quantity," " unless Engii>h < iier^y and capital are employed." Uraguay furnishes a few " }»un*ly experi- mental samples, but they are evidence that good cotton gmws in the vicinity of the great rivers of South An^erica ; and the mcichants of Montevideo and Buenos Ayres ought to encourage and develop the production of this cotton." Venezuela grows a few hunih-ed bales of cotton ; and the best that can be said for her, is that " it is 'jirobn- bin that the increase in cultivation will be larger;" but tht- "proba- bility" has not bcjen realized. 8t. Christopher exported in 1803 but 5 or 6 bales of 400 pounds each ; Antigua, only 18 bales; 8t. Lucia, 3 bales ; St. Vincent, 178 bales ; Tobago, 8 bales. There is very little cotton grown in Cuba and the other Spanish islands; what is produced in them is nearly all sent to the mother country. Peru in 1863 exported to England about 4() bales of 4!!0 pounds each, and a similar quantity to France. Peru has distinguished her- self more for the age, than for the quantity ot her cotton. She con- tributed to the International Exhibition of 1862, a fleece of cotton weighing about 40 pounds, which had been found in a tomb in one of the ancient ruins of a city which existed before the Spaniaids invaded the country. The cotton was of good staple and strong, although over 300 years old. The whole of Africa, excepting the Cape of Grood Hope, contri- buted only 321 bales of 400 pounds each in 1863. The Cape of Good Hope is credited with 9,476 bales of 400 pounds each in the same year, but it is likely that a large share of that quantity was of East India growth, reshipped from thence. Australia makes a very poor show — Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland combined furnished to the morhnr country in I8()3 but 71 bales of 400 pounds each The commissioner from Queens- land to the International Exhibition feared that cotton grown in that country would "not pay for the cost of lan import l.ibor from India, but Coolie wages are n«'vv so dear, and Cooli«' pliysiquf sn deficient, tliar at. best that cIhss of lab-'r is expensive. Havintr personally empl.tved luiili l.'otdies and Africans, I slmuld, tor most eniplo3-nients. pn-^'er the latter, at dotil)le rlie wages of the furnn-r Why again, tlicn, is it that otn- government forbids the impdrfation of the African tn our Col nifs? Queensland gave but 45 bales of cotton of 3'iM) y)ounds each, not- wiihstanding the governor of tht- <'o = ony, as fnr back as the ejirly part of 18Gl,en(li'avored to enconrng^' its giowth by a bonus of £ 10 on each bale of that weiglit nf Se.t Ishind, nnd <£•') on every bale of Otli<')' description of cotroii growti there. Tiie bijunty, hovvev(*r, vsas to be in operation but thret^ ye.irs. Sp;iin forwai-ded about 3'sO b;i!es of 4 ><> pounds e;ich of cotton to England in 1803. Mnlta, 952 bah s, and Greece, 804 bales. Thes© 6 34 countries have always produced a little cotton for their own use. So has Italy. She exported to England in 1863, 1,500 bales of 400 pounds each, and a larger quantity to France. Her whole yield, aug- mented under the influence of high quotations, is estimated at 40,0<;0 bales. Notwithstanding the fostering care of the French govern- ment, and the large premiums offered for the cultivation of cotton, the quantity produced in Algeria is said to not exceed 5,000 bales. There has been very little increase in the production of wool, flax, silks and other textile materials. An erroneous belief exists in the piiblic mind in reference to this subject. It is generally thought that the importations of those materials into England have been enormous, and that they, since the establishment of the blockade, have made up for the deficiency in the cotton supply. This is not the case. They have only assisted to a very slight degree. The increase in the receipts is trifling, in comparison with the falling off in the im- ports of cotton. Here are the particulars of import : Flax, Dressed and Undressed. 1858, . 143,797,360 pounds. 1859, . 160,388,144 " 1860, - 164,058,720 " 1861, - 149,372,048 " 1862, _ 201,415,202 " 1863, Wool. 163,037,744 *' 1858, _ 126,738,723 pounds. 1859, - 133,284,634 " 1860, - 148,396,577 " 1861, - 147,172,841 " 1862, . 171,943,472 " 1863, - 177,377,664 " Hemp, Dressed and Undressed. 1858, . 99,302,672 pounds. 1859, - 118,621,328 " 1860, - 86,019,696 '• 1861, - 86,187,760 " 1862, - 102,570,384 " .1863, Silk. 119,606,256 " 1858, 6,635,845 pounds. 1859, 10,318,353 " 1860, 9,402,982 " 1861, 8,835,255 " 1862, 10,434,350 " 1863, JuU. 9,280,528 " 1858, . 82,665,520 pounds 1859, 118,864,160 " 1860, 91,480,146 " 1861, 101,258,304 " 1862, 107,942,688 " 1863« - . 136,979,696 " 35 Estimate of Stock of Raw Cotton and Cotton Goods at the consuming points, reduced to Bales of 400 pounds each. September 1, 1861, on hand, equal to bales, - - - 13,500,000 Usual receipts from other cowutries for three years (1862, 1863 and 1864), - 4,500,000 Extra growth of other countries : 1862, - - . . . 50,000 18G3, ..... 200,000 1864, ..... :i50.000 600,000 Southern States contributed in three years (to summer of 1>64), - 7ui»,U'(j 19,30(',0('0 Actual consumption from September 1, 1861, to September 1, 1864, - 14,300,000 Less by 8,500,000 baits than in 1861, or - - - 5,000,000 Estimate for 1865. Contributions from other countries, - - - 1,200,000 Contributions from Confederacy, ... 300,000 1,500,000 6,500.0(tO Consumption September 1, 1864, to September 1, 1865, - - 5,00i),0!.:0 At consuming points September 1, 1865, bales, - - - 1,500,000 It will be seen by this statement that the stock of raw cotton and cotton goods at the consuming points, was, on September 1st, ISGl, equal to 13,500,000 bales of 400 lbs. each; that on September 1, 1S64, the stock had been reduced to equivalent to 5,000,000 bales; and that the stock, on September 1, 1805, will be further reduced to 1,500,000 bales. A very small quantity indeed of cotton and cotton goods ! It is quite manifest that the cotton famine will be reached some time during the coming year. It has only been staved oft' by the steady arrivals of 4 to 5,000 bales per week of American cotton in England, and that which has been received in the Federal States. While legislation on the subject would have been of little avail early in the conflict, when the stocks of cotton and cotton goods were so large at the consuming points, a prohibition of its exporta- tion from the Confederacy now cannot help but act as a great politi- cal lever to draw justice from the "neutral" powers of Europe. 200,000 to 300,000 bales of American cotton, more or less, would hardly, in ordinary times, make an appreciable difference in value, but at the present period that quantity becomes of great moment to the manufacturing interests of the world, as it enables the use of the inferior sorts to tive or six times the anion nt. This paper, it is hoped, will fully explain the reason why the cotton famine has been postponed, and demonstrate that the increase in production in other countries has been trifling indeed, notwithstanding the great stimulus of high prices. While, therefore, it is admitted that "other coun- tries" have, under hot-bed influences, grown 350,000 bales more cot- ton than in 1860, that quantity seems insignificant in comparison with the yearly advance in the cultivation that has taken place in the Southern States of America, even when unaided by any additional 36 value to the product. The increase in the cultivation in these States was as follows : In 1859 over 1858, . . - 823,929 bales, averaging 450 lbs. In 1859 over 1857, - - - 1,561.808 " In 1859 over 1856, - - - 1,736,251 " People generally on both sides of the Atlantic have been deceived as to the production of cotton in other countries, owing to the extra importations the last three years. The chief por:ion of these im- portations consisted of old stocks of cotton, much of which had acrujilly been used for household purposes. While the inhabitants of the Eastern countries were emptying their beds, mattresses, divans, saddles, etc. of raw cotton, the citizens of the Confederacy were parting with their blankets, and other woolen fabrics, in order to sup- ply the army. It is likely, too, that in the Northern States much of the cotton that had entered into consumption has again been placed upon the wheels of eommerce. It will be remembered that one of the passengers on board the ill-fated steamer Lexington, burned on Long Island Sound in 1840, saved himself by floating on a bale of cotton, which he afterwards converted into an "ottoman." The value of the cotton became so great recently, that the owner has been tempted to part with it. This incident exemplifies the present position of the commerce in cotton. Viewing, then, all the circumstances connected with the cotton trade, it is quite evident that the demand for that material upon the recurrence of peace, will be greater than previous to the war. All the channels that have been drained of the staple will have to be filled up, and an nnprecedented call will be made upon these States to furnish cotton material to the rest of the world. This war has greatly deranged the course of commerce and finance. That derange- ment, however, has hardly been felt by those not immediately en- gaged in the conflict. But the time is coming when, for the happiness and comfort of future generations, the statesmen of the day will find it necessary to engraft upon their principles and conduct the very highest and most stringent rules of political economy. Any at- tempt to disregard these maxims, the force of which in calmer times has been acknowledged, will end in ruin and destruction, and dis- comfort not only to our neighbors, remote as well as immediate, but to ourselves. Previous to the American war, the British House of Commons frequently expressed great concern about the cotton supply, fearing that, at some future period, there would be an insurrection among the slaves in the South, and that cotton cultivation would therefore be suspended. Every few years there was a committee appointed by that body to investigate the subject. Strange to say, however, that since the year 1858 the matter has been dropped, and many, if not the majority of Englishmen, are now laboring under the delusion that their country has become independent of these States for a sup- ply of that material. The very last official publication — the report of the " Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs," before alluded to — says : 37 The increase, however, in the quantities of cotton imported from other countries than the United States, is nearly 1,400,000 cwts., viz: from 4,551,581 cwts. to 5,921,332 cwts. From this must be deducted the quantity received from the Bahamas and from our North American Provinces, which has been almost entirely the produce of the Southern States, conveyed to us indirectly through those countries. But even after this deduction is made, the result is very satisfactory, as showing the great and successful eflforts that have been made to render this country independent, for the future, of the supply on which she for- merly entirely relied. The Commissioners seem to overlook the fact, that the cotton which was received from the Bermudas, Mexico, Cuba, &c., was all of southern growth ; and they make no allowance either for the old stocks of all the eastern countries, or for the contents of beds, pillow cases, saddles, divans, &c. that have been placed in bales, and re- sumed the character of merchandise. The prediction of the Connnis- sioners that England would become "independent" of the Southern States for her cotton supply, might, in a measure, prove to be cor- rect, if the " fragments" of all the old stocks of raw cotton, and that which had been used for household purposes, were " gathered up, so that nothing might be lost," and that those *' fragments" could be made to perform the miracle of the " loaves and fishes." But as cotton will not grow without being planted and cultivated, it is quite certain that England must again bow down to the commercial monarch. The writer of this paper believes that there is more than sufficient negro labor in these States to supply the wants of the world with cotton. Should his views in this respect be incorrect, he can see no objection to importing as many Africans as may be required for the purpose, taking them from barbarism and placing them in good and comfortable homes. Under any circumstances, he would not, were he a legislator, consent to make treaties with other powers for the suppression of the African slave trade, unless those other powers would agree at the same time to abandon the Coolie trade, which is, practically, the same kind of commerce. The " horrors" of the African slave trade were never inaugurated until that trade ceased to be profitable. It was then that the vessels were over-crowded with passengers ; and the same system has been continued, in an aggravated degree, since rhe trade was made illegal. There is no reason why colored passengers should not be transported across the seas just as decently as Irish, German or Chinese passen- gers. The writer does not mean by these remarks to advocate the reopening of the African slave trade. He, as just stated, believes there is still left in the South an abundance of negro labor. If such be the case, it would be quite as absurd to import into the Confede- racy Africans from Africa as it would be to introduce into Ireland, •among her over-crowded peasantry, Germans from Germany. The British people understand this question of labor thoroughly — they have bought their experience. They see the blunder they made in emancipating the negroes in the West India Islands. In the House of Lords, on May 28, 1861, it was stated by the Duke of Newcastle in answer to Lord Brougham, that the government did not intend to stimulate the production of cotton in the colonies by boun- ties or any direct remuneration, but that more energetic measures 38 would be taken to promote the emigration of Coolies, in order to supply the want of labor in the West Indies and other colonial coun- tries. The remarks in this paper, so far, have been confined chiefly to the course of the commerce in cotton with the producing countries, and to the state of the British cotton trade and cotton manufactures. Incidental allusion has likewise been made to the positions of the cotton interest in some of the other manufacturing countries. A fur- ther explanation of this last named branch of the cotton question may not be out of place at this juncture — the eve, to all appear- ances, of a cotton crisis. France quite as early as England commenced the manufacture of cotton into textile fabrics. Both countries, until the improvements in spinning machinery were invented, mixed the staple with wool or flax. France, however, failed to keep pace with England, though her government from the time of Colbert, the first minister under Louis XIV, tried, by a system of protection, to foster that species of industry. With a few trifling exceptions, of which the cotton lace of Belgium is the only one worthy of notice, foreign cotton goods were not admitted into France between the peace of 1S15 and the Cob- den treaty of 1860. Not content with the prohibition so greatly in their favor, her manufacturers have received a bounty of 25 francs per 100 kilogrammes of cotton yarns and cotton goods exported. The duty most extensively operative — -that on American cotton — is 20 francs per 100 kilogrammes ; the bounty, therefore, is somewhat greater than the duty, even after allowing for the loss in weight by spinning. The cotton from British India, or Indian cotton from British entrepots, is now, by the above named treaty, free of duty. Under the pampering system of protection and monopoly, which for a time gave large profits, the number of cotton mills in France increased during the years 1825, 1826 and 1827, with such rapidity as to augment the supply of goods greatly in excess of the de- mand. A heavy decline in the value of the fabrics was the result. Many of the mill owners were ruined ; many factories were conse- quently closed, and the credit of those spinners and manufacturers, who managed to weather the financial storm, was much impaired. The operatives, as remarked some pages back, were thrown out of employment, just as has been the case with those of Lancashire the past four years. By the end of 1829 the equilibrium between supply and consumption became nearly restored, when the mills began to resume their former activity. This gleam of prosperity was, how- ever, soon clouded by political disorders, that culminated in the Revolution of July 1830. Then followed the cholera, which com-* mitted great ravages among the working population — retarding the prosperity of the country. And it was not until the spring of 1S33 that the manufacturing business of France resumed a steady basis. In the meanwhile the British House of Commons had appointed a committee to enquire into the silk trade. In the report of that com- mittee, dated June 22, 1832, will be found the following testimony of Dr. Bowring, who had been sent to France to examine into the 39 subject juat as the French have from time to time dispatched persons to England to enquire into the cotton trade. The Doctor was like- wise called upon to give information in reference to the cotton manu- factures of France. He said : While, according to the best calculation, 7,000,000 of spindles are employed in Eng- land to manufacture more tbau 240,000,000 pounds of cotton, in France, according to the return of the Commission which reported on the cotton trade, 3,200,000 spindles arc em- ployed to manufacture 66,000, OuO pounds ; so that where the protected French manufacturer produces only 66,000,000 pounds, the unprotected English manufacturer would, with the same number of spindles, produce nearly 110,000,000 pounds; or if the English manufac- turer produced at the same rate as the French, instead of 240,000,000 pounds, he would pro- duce only 144,000,000 pounds. In England it is estimated, according to the Parliamentary returns, that 700,000 persons are engaged in the different branches of the cotton manu- facture, and they produce nearly four times the quantity which is rendered in France by 550,000 persons, according to the returns of the French Commission : that protection has thus led to the waste of more than two-thirds of the whole amount of labor employed on the protected articles. The French cotton manufacturers have had the benefit of this pro- hibiting system ever since the peace, and, according to the statement made by their Com- mission, it cost the country 47,000,000 francs per annum beyond the sum at which the same articles might be imported from England. This is the result of eighteen years' protection, yet the testimony of the French manufacturers is that the very existence of their business is rendered doubtful from year to year. P. 586. I think that in almost all the articles of taste and fashion, the French possess a superiority of between 30 and 40 per cent. I think the English have a greater superiority than this in trade manufactures, snch as cotton, where mechanical aptitude is brought t.) bear. P. 59;>. I have had evidence enough to satisfy me, in the peculiar position in which I was placed, that at the present moment the importation of cotton twist (by smuggling) is from 15,000,000 francs to 20,000,000 francs. I can also speak, from my own personal knowledge, of the large clandestine importations of cotton twist from Switzerland into France. P. 593. At this moment, of the capital invested in the production of cotton twist, I may state that the gn^at proportion is absolutely lost, and the loss of the rest is inevitable. I have bad occasion to examine the operation of the protective system upon a very wide scale, and I state, as a general result, on the details of which I should be able to give evidence to satisfy honorable members, that the protective system has wholly failed in accomplishing any one object for which it was intended. Wherever there are unfavorable circumstances, such as now connected with the cotton twist trade in France, they cannot successfully be subdued by protection. I am satisfied that no industry can or will succeed that is not of natural growth ; that all attempts to force industry have been fatal and ruinous to the nations that have made the attempt. If I had expected that the general state of manufactures in France would have been gone into, I would have brought some information which would show that the situation of the cotton manufacture is discouraging in the extreme ; the expressions of distress which have emanated thence are stronger than have ever been heard even in this country. I have now found among my papers an address to the King, presented in the present year from Mul- hausen, the seat of one of the largest manufactures in France, the first sentence of which is, " our looms are wholly abandoned, and our laborers without food." The whole number of looms in the district du Nord was stated by Chaptal at 10,000: now, as evidence of the prosperity of that district, I will mention that in March last the cotton manui'actory of Rou- val-'esDoullens. established only four years ago by a well known individual (who came to England and visited our most approved establishments), at a cost of 1,400,000 francs, was sold f(U- 308,000 francs ; there was a sacrifice, therefore, of between 70 and 80 per cent, of the whole invested capital. Thus the absurdity of protection to domestic manufactures is fully exposed. Yet France persisted in the same practice ; and it is only since the adoption of the wise commercial measures of 1860, under the treaty twice before referred to, that she has shown any intention of altering her system. On the other hand, with the exception of the parliamentary re- strictions of 1700, against the importation of Indian silks and printed calicoes, either for apparel or furniture — which were enacted at the instance of her woolen interest — England has never given any pro- tection whatever to her cotton manufactures. In fact, an opposite policy has been pursued. No sooner were there goods made exclu- 40 sively of cotton in England than the British Government subjected them to unwise taxation. The first fabrics that were made wholly of cotton, were manufactured in 1773. The officers of excise refused to let them pass at the usual duty on home-made goods, of 3 pence per pound, insisting upon an additional duty of 3 pence per pound, on the ground that they were "Indian" calicoes, though manufac- tured in England ; and even the printing of such goods was, by an old law, prohibited. Parliament then, in 1774, passed the following act : Whereas a new manufacture of stuffs, wholly made of raw cotton wool (chiefly impor- ted from the British plantations), hath been lately set up within this Kingdom, in which manufacture many hundreds of poor people are employed: and whereas the use and wear of printed &c. stuffs wholly made of cotton and manufactured in Great Britain, ousht to he allowed under proper regulations : and whereas doubts have arisen whether the said new manufactared stuffs ought to be considered as calicoes, and as such, if printed &c. liable to the inland or excise duties laid on calicoes when printed by the existing statutes, whether the use or wearing of the said new manufactured stuffs, when the same are printed &c. are not prohibited by an act passed 7 Geo II, intituled, an act to preserve and encourage the woolen and silk manufactures of this Kingdom, and for more effectually employing the poor, by prohibiting the use, and wear, of all primed &c. calicoes in apparel, household stuffs, furniture, or otherwise, after the 2r)th of December 172'2. For obviating ail such doubts for the future, be it enacted that no greater or higher duty than three pence for every yard in length, reckoning yard wide, shall be imposed on the said manufactured stuffs wholly made of cotton spun in Great Britain when printed. And be it further enacted, that it shall be lawful for any person to wear any new manu- factured stuffs wholly made of cotton when printed. Mr. Pitt in 1784 imposed additional taxes on the manufacture of printed calicoes. The troubles of a cotton mill owner, in those days, w^ere not confined to the visits of the excisemen. The operatives though fully employed, feared that machinery would eventually, by continued improvements, perform all the labor; and much ruffianly violence was practiced by them. The upper classes fomented these anti-factory outrages, from an apprehension that the multiplication of machinery would throw a number of irlle hands upon the parish funds. Subsequently, the manufacturers were persecuted with a se- ries of imposts, in twelve successive rates, all tending to throw the balance in favor of their foreign rivals in that industry. In 1798, an import duty was levied on raw cotton from the Brazils, of 12s. 6d. per 100 lbs.; from the West Indies, of 8s. 9d.; from the Southern States, of 6s. 6d.; and from the Etist Indies, of 4 per cent, ad valo- rem. In 1803, an uniform duty of 16s. Sd. per 100 lbs. was fixed for all cotton except Brazilian, which was chargeable with 25s. per 100 lbs. The duties were afterwards occasionally altered until 18 L5, when 8s. 6d. per 100 lbs. was imposed upon the growth of all coun- tries. Some further changes were made, favorable to East India cot- ton, from that date until 1833, when the rate was established at 4d. per 112 lbs. on the production of the Biitish possessions, and 2s. 1 Id. on the yield of foreign countries. The inland taxes on the luaiuii'ac- tures of cotton goods were continued, with a partial interniission, until 18 Jl, wdien they were taken off". Excepting the general increase of 5 per cent, on nearly all custom duties in May 1810, the tarilK of 1S33 remained unchanged until March 184-3, when cotton was ad- mitted into the United Kingdom from all countries, free from any 41 duty. From 1825 to 1845 the differential duty in favor of East India cotton was very considerable. While it is clear that import duties on raw produce^ as a gene- ral rule, must necessarily come out of the pockets of the pro- ducers, the import tax thus placed by the Government of Great Britain upon the importation of cotton worked to the great injury of her spinners and manufacturers, inasmuch as she re-exported, in yarns and goods, three-fourths the cotton she imported in the raw state. The manufacturers of other countries — France among the number — whose governments either admitted cotton free of duty, or relieved them of that charge, by the payment of a bounty on all the cotton fabrics exported, possessed an advantage over those of Eng- land. An import tax on raw materials contained in such manufac- tures as are consumed within a country, is, in reality, harmless, be- cause that tax is indirectly paid by the planter. It is an item against him in the account sales of his produce. But in all cases where goods are made to be exported to foreign markets, the duty operates to the detriment of the manufacturer, in consequence of its being equivalent to a bounty, to the full amount, whatever it may be, to the manufacturers of other countries. It is strange that the statesmen of England were so long opening their eyes to this glaring fact. The heaviest duties on raw cotton existed during the infancy of the British cotton manufactures, and the highest rates were generally on American, the kind chiefly consumed by the mills, and re-exported in the manufactured state to foreign markets. Ex- port duties on all raw materials also indirectly come out of the pockets of the planter, and likewise act as a bounty to the manu- facturer, at the place of production. [The writer has discussed this subject of export duties at considerable length in another paper. It is a topic that seems to have been in a great measure neglected by Adam Smith and all his imitators and followers.] No enliglitencd government, except England, has ever laid a tax upon the importation of raw cotton, that has not been countervailed by a drawback equal in amount, upon its exportation in the manu- factured condition. She always, however, permitted raw cotton to be reshipped without paying duty. Against these heavy odds, England has prospered in her cotton manufactures, and completely outdistanced France. England, to be sure, has had the advantage of cheaper coal and iron, but she has not had the exclusive benefit, as is supposed, of her improvements in machinery. No sooner was an invention perfected, than it found its way to France, oftentimes through the meshes of the most stringent interdiction, and severest penalties. Nor has England been enabled to purchase her raw materials on better terms than France. Both countries have, since the trade assumed magnitude, depended on the ;Southern States as the chief source of supply. France had a ^monopoly of the Louisiana cotton trade, when that country was under iier own and the doniinion of Spain. At that period, however, but little cotton was cultivated there. The clause in the treaty of 6 42 purchase, 1803, excluded all foreign powers, except France and Spain, from importing goods into the Louisiana territory, " without in any way affecting the regulations that the United States may make con- cerning the exportations of the produce and merchandise of the United States, or any right they may have to make such regulations." That provision which was limited to twelve years, was probably in- serted in order to avoid prejudicing the interests of the established commercial connections between Spain and France and New Orleans. France had some advantage over England before tlie age of steam, by her nearer proxiuiity to the cotton growing countries of the Medi- terranean, who were tlie earliest contributors of that article to West- ern Europe. Then came the West Indies ; then, after independence, the Southern States of America ; then the East Indies. India, up to 1787, had not exported a ,y raw cotton ; in that year 100,000 lbs. were received from her into England, through Ostend. Her shipments of cotton anterior thereto were in the manufactured state. Southern cotton having been cultivated on a larger scale simultaneously with the improvements in spinning machinery, revolutionized the cotton trade of the world. Cotton has been occasionally grown in the south of France, in small quantities, since its introduction there from Italy about 300 years ago. Napoleon in 1807, appreciating its importance, endeavored to promote its culture. France is the only country in Europe that can, in any sense, pre- tend or claim to compete with England in respect to the spinning of yarn and the manufacture of cotton goods. But when the character and development of that industry in the respective countiies is compared, it will be readily seen that France, unlike England, offers no extended market for the produce of the Southern States. France consumes annually within her own borders about 150,000,000 pounds of cotton for clothing her people, while nearly double that quan- tity is so used by the people of the British isles. The exports of cotton manufactures of all kinds from France reach only one- tenth the value of those sent from England to other parts. As India is the largest market for the productions of British cotton looms, so is Algeria the principal importer of those of France. They each take about one-fourth the entire exportations of cotton goods from either country. The French cotton goods sold in the English and American markets, owe their value rather more to the designer and the dyer than to the planter or weaver. Their consumption, there- fore, does not admit of any very rapid or wide increase. French taste and French chemistry, wherever they are applicable, have de- servedly won for French textile fabrics a superiority universally recognized. The extent of the cotton manufactures of France will be seen by reference to tables F and G. A few particulars may, however, be here introduced. The average quantity of raw cotton imported into France, and retained for the use of her mills in the five years, 1848 to 1852, was about 132,000,000 pounds. She likewise bought cot- ton yarns, chiefly from England, to a value of about 700,000 francs 43 per annum. In 1853, her net receipts of raw cotton were increased to 16-5, 000, 000 pounds, valued at 125,000,000 francs, and her imports of yarns were worth 1,400,000 francs. The cotton goods exported from France in 1853 were cleared at a valuation of 71,900,000 francs, and her cotton yarn at 866,000 francs. These amounts exhibit but a slight increase on the average of the five previous years. The cotton trade of France for 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862 and 186:3^1 figured as follows: A Statement of the French Commerce in Raw Cotton, 1859 to 1863. YEARS. Importations. Export ations. Excess of Imports. Net Value. American Portion. 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, Lbs. 201 901 408 306 675 848 282 432 832 101842286 141580 298 Lbs. 22 238146 34 535 257 11 022 J 45 16 413 960 19 480 813 Lbs. 179 663 264 272 140 591 271410 687 85 428 325 122 099 485 Francs. 153 741989 202 710114 270 631 594 126 157 880 177 168 499 Lbs. 179 600 000 252 667 555 241445 321 487 573 10 000 1 034 432 672 103 690 321 930 742 352 930 410 076 674 210 449 It will be seen by the third column of the preceding table, that the excessive importations of raw cotton into France in 1859, 1S60 and 1861, enabled her to manage without a full supply in 1862 and 1863. The net importations for the whole period made a fair aver- age — 186,148,470 pounds per annum. France, like England, also held a large reserve of cotton goods in 1861. That reserve is now reduced to a low point. So long as the old supply lasted, France, as a community, hardly felt the pressure of high prices. On the con- trary, the light outlay for cotton in 1862, made her easy in money matters, and enabled her to stand the drain upon her resources, created by the large importations of grain that year, in order to meet the deficiency arising from the bad harvest of 1861. In place of buying cotton, she purchased wheat. France on no former occasion drew breadstuffs from abroad in such quantities, without feeling great financial embarrassment. The usual expense to tlie people of France for the raw cotton contained in their clothing, is one hundred and twenty millions of francs per annum. In 1 865, that material will cost them upwards of five hundred millions of francs, unless prices should be much reduced by the opening of the Southern ports. Of the quantity of raw cotton received into France, there was im- ported through English ports (per British Board of Trade returns), in 18.58, 5,261,200 pounds valued at £148.183 1859, 7,437,888 " t( 185,693 1860, 13,028,848 " it 306,610 1861, 12,487,440 " i( 371,926 18G2, 61,238,576 " " 3,737,366 1863, 80,000,000 " << 5,317,543 44 France sent to England in the same years (per British Board of Trade returns), viz : 1858, 5,264,560 pounds, valued at 1859, 3,349,136 " I860, 2,186,688 " 1861, 955,172 " 1862, 5,491,248 " 1863, 1,683.696 " £157,160 100,255 62,562 38,840 327,323 160,108 The raw cotton exported from England to France in 1861, 1862 and 1863, was of the growth of the undermentioned countries : 1861. 1862. 1863. Growth of Southern States, 216 503 703 577 329259 Brazil, - 2 951 87 085 50 820 E^ypt, - 16 590 118 381 149 426 British India, - 135 882 2 810 636 4 582 548 Other countries, Total, - 17687 205 490 £371926 £ 3 737 366 £5 317 543 It will be noticed by these tables that France carries on both an importing and an exporting trade in raw cotton with England. She, however, buys more cotton from, than she sells to England. Her exports thither of that article consist principally of the American sta- ple, of which sort she sometimes imports more than she needs. Her supplies from England of late are mostly of Indian cotton. Under the Cobden treaty of 1860, all cotton of that description is admitted into France free of duty, if imported in British or French vessels direct from a British port. {Coton de Vlnde en laifie, importe, sou di- rectem.M des lieux de production^ soit des enfrepois du Royaume-Uni sous pavilion Francois ou Britannique.) American cotton is subject to a duty of 20 francs per 100 kilogrammes or 220 pounds. Previous to 1832 the duty was nearly double that rate when imported in any but French vessels. But by a treaty between France and the United States, concluded that year, the vessels of either country were placed upon the same footing. The importation, however, had to be direct from the place of production, and the origin of the article duly au- thenticated. A ministerial decree of December 17, 1851, enlarged the provisions of the treaty, so as to extend the equality between the vessels of the two powers, as far as cotton was concerned, even should the American vessel touch at a British port ; but in that event, i\\Q captain is required to exhibit a certificate from the French consul at such port, stating that no sale had taken place since it came on board of his ship. This relaxation was doubtless owing to the fact of the steamships of the New York and Havre line, which frequently carried cotton, making Southampton a port of call. The service of those steamers has been discontinued since December 11, 1861 ; but 45 their place has been supplied by German and French lines. The restrictions upon the importations of cotton have been further relaxed, and it is now admitted into the ports of France in the vessels of all nations. The duty on American cotton ought to be removed alto- gether. The amount generally collected by the French Government, upon its importation, is about 15,000,000 francs. The commerce between the Confederacy and France, since the Cobden treaty came into operation, has been so limited that the injury to the Southern planter, by the discrimination in favor of the Indian ryot, has not yet been seen or felt. The chief exportations of cotton from Havre are by railway to Switzerland. Next in extent are those to Holland and Sardinia. Smaller shipments are made to the other Italian States, to Spain, and to Austria. The shipments of cotton yarns and cotton goods from England to France, 1858 to 1863 (per British Board of Trade tables), were: YEARS. PIECE GOODS. HOSIERY. LACE, &c. TWIST AND YARN. Quantity. Value. Value. Quantity. Value. Yards. £ £ Lbs. £ 1858, 11566 075 192 432 38 000 800 J 29 53 393 1859, 9 501 637 174 441 40 000 360 319 33 379 1860, 10 871407 206 849 41412 533 931 50 459 1861, 31331305 478 327 83 554 1 701 565 187 228 1862, 34 716 448 548 381 190 256 1899 366 245 807 1863, 30 000 000 455 039 103 991 1 500 000 178 521 The shipments of cotton yarns and cotton goods to England from France, 1S5S to 1SG3 (per British Board of Trade tables), in value, were : 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. 1863, Cotton Manu- facturer, Embroidery, &c. £ £ 312 587 21937 371 774 28 658 384 251 23 954 399 210 25 756 450 397 3 552 553 602 No return.s. 46 The British Commissioners of Customs, in their report for 1S62, give the following account of the working of the Cobden treaty: France, thoug-h not quite coming up to the expectations we expressed last year, as to the extension of her trade in British produce and manufactures, shows, nevertheless, an increase, which must be considen^d as satisfactory, when the extraordinary impulse given to her dealings with Lhis country in 186 1 is remembered. The figures representing the declared value of our exports to that country, are : J8(i0, - - - £5,249,980 1861, - - - - ' 8,895,588 1862, . . - - 9,210,523 Increase in 1861 over 1860, ... - £3,645.608 1862 " 1861, .... 314,935 1862 " 1860, .... 3,960,543 The largest increase is in woolen manufactures. The advance in cotton and linen piece goods, drugs, eartlienware and porcelain, is steady and satisfactory, though not equal to that of the former year, even in those articles in which, owing to the reduction of rates in ac- cordance with the treaty, having come the latest into operation, we anticipated last year the largest improvement. In speaking, however, of the results ot^ the treaty, we are justified in taking the two years together, and directing attention to the large increase of £3,960,543. The demand in this country for the products and manufactures of France, continues to be supplied at an advancing rate, in consequence of the mutual removal of protection duties in both countries by the commercial treaty. While our exports to France shows only an incr(;ase of 3i- per cent., the imports from that country, exclusive of corn, grain, aud meal of all sorts, which we have omitted in the return, for the reason given in our last re- port, in the three years, have been as follows : 1860, .... £13,874,736 1861, - - - - 16,658,584 1862, - - - - 19,911,903 Showing an increase of 20 per cent, in 1861 over 1860, and a further increase of 19 per cent, in 1862 over 1861. The import of cotton manufactures has risen 13 percent.; of gloves, 13 per cent. ; of silk manufactures 8 per cent. ; of woolen manufactures, 18 per cent., and of artificial flowers, 26 per cent." The commissioners, in their report for 1863, when again speaking of the British commerce with France, remark: The only foreign country of any importance to which our foreign trade has fallen off, on a comparison with 1862, is our nearest neighbor, France. In the separate return which we have continued this year for that country, as for America, we find the real values for the last five years to be as follows : 1859, .... £4,754,354 J 860. .... 5,249,980 1861, .... 8,895,588 1862, .... 9,209,:>67 1863, .... 8,667,138 After the sudden impulse given to our manufactures by the commercial treaty, which threw open a fresh field for trade, and resulted in an increase of 3^ millions in our amount of exports to France for 1861, it is somewhat disappointing to find, first in 1862, as we re- marked last year, a less decided rise, and then in 1863 a positive diminution in the demand for our goods. Tliis is to be accounted for partly by the fact that ^he supply of British goods was at first in excess of the real demand, and partly by the spirit of competition with the English, that has been aroused in the French manufacturer. Prompted by this feeling, he has undoubtedly increased his capital, and set himself with energy to imitate many of our most useful manufactures, which the superior cheapness of labor in his country enables liim to do with advantage, and so compete with us successfully in the markets. While, however, we do not for these reasons anticipate any further great extension of our export trade in that direction, we can still look with satisfaction on the increase of nearly four mil- lions in 1863 as compared with 1859, the last year before the conclusion of the commercial treaty. The commissioners complain that the commerce between the Uni- ted Kingdom and France, under the new treaty, has not been in- creased as much as was expected ; and in their effort to explain the 47 causes for their disappointment, overlook the fact that since freer trade was established under its provisions, the difficulties in America have arisen. Those difficulties have an indirect bearing upon the trade of England and France, not only with each other, but, as time will de- monstrate, with their commerce with the whole world. The partial loss of the American trade to both England and France, has pre- vented them from receiving the full benefit of the Cobden treaty. Had it not been for that treaty they must have felt the troubles in America keenly. As it is, the treaty stepped in and enabled France and England in a measure to occupy a place towards each other, which was formerly held by the American States. The losses to the nations of Europe, owing to the temporary dethronement of Kins^ Cotton, have thus been palliated. Belgium imports 75,000 bales of cotton of 400 pounds each, one- half of which is the growth of the Southern States; the other half is East Indian cotton, received through England. Her re-exports in the manufactured state amount to one-eighth of all she imports. She buys from England -560,000 pounds of cotton yarn and 3,000,000 yards of cotton goods. The consumption of cotton within her limits is 4 pounds per head. Her population is 5,000,000. In Spain, the cotton culture and manuliicture was introduced by the Moors, and continued by them to some extent for several cen- turies. The cotton grown in Motril, Kingdom of Granada, was of good staple and much prized. Barcelona was famed for her sail cloth. The cotton sail cloth of the present day, therefore, is no new article of commerce. The fustianeros ol" Spain wove stout cotton goods, from which the term fustian is derived. Cotton paper was made by the Spanish Arabs. The strong religious hatred that existed between the two rival races on the i)eninsula, prevented these orien- tal arts from extending further west, or taking a strong hold on the Christian population, and consequently at the fall of the Saracen em- pire in Spain, the cotton culture and manufacture relapsed into in- significance. About a quarter of a century ago, the cotton manufac- ture began to revive, from which time, up to the period of the American war, it had slowly increased. Spain imports annually about 100,000 bales of cotton of 400 lbs. each — SO per cent, of which is the growth of the Southern States. She draws from Brazil about 6,000 bales of the same weight ; from Porto Rico, about 700 bales; Cuba, about 300 bales, and the balance from British India via England and the Mediterranean. She also imports about 200,000 pounds of cotton yarn, and 3,500,000 yards cotton goods — the yarns and goods chiefly from England. Her population is 16,500,000. They consume 3 pounds of cotton per head. Portugal imports about 5,000 bales of cotton annually — nine- tenths of which quantity is received from the Brazils, and the bal- ance is of the growth of the Southern States, obtained through Eng- land. Portugal is a large customer to England for cotton yarns and cotton goods — from whom she purchases annually about 300,000 pounds of the one, and 55,000,000 yards of the other. Her popula- tion is 3,600,000. The consumption of cotton is at the rate of four 48 pounds per head. The Portuguese, who were the discoverers of the passage to India, via the Cape of Good Hope, made large importa- tions of cotton stuffs and muslins into Europe, but they did not at- tempt to establish cotton manufactures in their own country. Cotton was introduced into Italy as a garden plant, at a very early date. It was cultivated as a crop in the eleventh century along the shores of the Gulf of Taranto, where its manufacture sprang up. It was the fashion for the ladies to occupy their spare time in spinning yarn and knitting stockings, which were greatly admired, and sold for high prices. Italian muslins were much in vogue until the end of the last century, when they were superseded by those of India, and in turn by those of England. During the wars of Napoleon the Great, when the "Continental system" was in operation, and cotton could not be obtained from other sources in Europe, Italy produced a considerable quantity of that staple. So much so that the olive tree and the mulberry tree, which at one time were the principal ob- jects of cultivation, were destroyed in order to make room for cot- ton. This state of affairs existed about ten years. After peace prices of cotton fell so low that cultivation shrank back into its former narrow limits. About 40,000 bales of cotton are now grown in Italy, and she imports a similar quantity — three-fourths of which is of the growth of the Southern States. The Italian States take from England 12,000,000 pounds of cotton yarn and 100,000,000 yards of cotton goods. Italy, in common with all the European coun- tries, held a large reserve of cotton and cotton goods when the " war of the secession" commenced; and under the influence of high prices, she has parted with a large share of her raw material to France and England. Greece is a grower but not an importer of cotton : nor was she until recently an exporter of that article, in consequence of a heavy duty having been placed upon all cotton leaving her ports That export duty, which was 40 per cent., has now been reduced to 20 per cent. She is a customer to England for 1,000,000 pounds of cotton yarns and 10,000,000 yards of cotton goods. The consumption of cotton in Prussia is only about 70,000 bales of 400 pounds each, along with 12,000,000 pounds of yarn and 4,000,000 yards of cotton goods, which she purchases from England. In Saxony, about 80,000 bales of cotton are consumed by the mills. That quantity is about equally divided between Confederate and East Indian cotton. Saxony is also a large consumer of English yarns. Bavaria holds an equal position v/ith Saxony towards the cotton trade. In all the German States, about three pounds of cotton per head are consumed every year by their people. One-half of that quantity is produced by their own mills: the other half is in cotton goods imported from England. The German States are supplied with the cotton consumed in their factories, chiefly through the Hanseatic cities of Hamburg and Bremen. German cotton goods are exported to the American States to the amount of generally 2,000,000 dollars « year. These goods are made principally in Saxony. 49 Austria hitherto has conducted quite a respectable^ conunerce in cotton with the American States. She has made a pjetty rapid stride of lecent years in her cotton manufacturinii industry She purchases about 170,000 bales of cotton of 400 pounds each — one- third of which reaches her through England, from whom she buys about 5,000,000 pounds of yarn and 20,000,000 of yards of cotton goods. The cotton manufactures of Switzerland are known to have existed as early as 1423. In that year a decree was issued ])y t\\r Canton of Lucerne, directing that cotton goods should be sold by weight. It is conjectun^d that it is from this decree that the custom originated of selling, entering and clearing cotton gooils by weight as well as by measure. The principal cotton marts at that time were France, Germany and Italy. Switzerland manufactures about 7-3,000 bales of cotton or :;0,000,000 pounds per annum. Four-fifths the quan- tity is imported into Havre, and passed through France by railway, at a heavy expense. The other fifth is obtained through the ports of Germany One-half the cotton used by the mills of Switzerland is of Southern growth. She also im[>orts 2, MOO, 000 pounense she is subjected to, in obtaining her supplies of the raw material, and sending overland to' otl^er countries, the surplus product of her looms. Being situated ou the confines of States wliicb unpose high protective tariffs on the importation of cotton fabri^-s*. she has pursued the opposite policy, and admitted all goods fre<* of duty. This has caused her people to obtain chea[) cotton tabrieN, and they therefore have been ennbled to smuggle tfiem with advan- tage into the territories of her neighbors. This contrabani^- tmde has yielded large profits. The prosperity of Switzerland is also due to the abundance of her water power, and the great energ^y, intelligence and industrial genius of her popidation. The Dutch, who succeeded in depriving the Portuguese of a por< tion of their Eastern colonies, imported the cotton goods of India m large quantities, and in the latter part of the sixteenth century estab- lished factories of their own to imitate the fabrics of the East. The cotton manufacture has continued to this day. Holland imports about 110,000 bales of cotton of 400 pou^ids each, three-fourths of wliich is into Rotterdam, and the remaining fourth into Amsterdam. She likewise imports from England 35,000,000 pounds of cotton yarn and 35,000,000 yards of cotton goods. Sweden imports 25,000 bales of cotton of 400 pounds each. One- third of her receipts of that staple conies through England, from whont 7 50 she also purchases 1,000,000 pounds of cotton yarn and 1,200,000 pounds of cotton goods. Norway imports very little raw cotton. She buys from England 125,000,000 pounds of cotton yarn and upwards of 2,000,000 yards of cotton goods. Denmark imports from England 2,000,000 pounds of cotton yarn and 3,500,000 yards of cotton cloth. Russia, previous to the American war, imported upwards of 200,000 bales of cotton a year, about one-third of which was received direct from American ports, and the remainder, with the exception of some small lots of Persian growth, was obtained m England. Russia buys from England about 4,000,000 pounds of yarn and 5,000,000 yards of cotton goods. Russia, like other countries, has been reducing her reserve .stock of cotton and cotton goods for several years. Turkey does not purchase any raw cotton, but she buys annually 25,000,0U0 pounds of cotton yarn and 300,000,000 yards of cotton goods from England. She exports moderate quantities of raw cotton to Western Europe. The figures that are given for the cotton trade of the several con- tinental countries, other than France, represent their ordinary com- merce. The inflated condition of aflfliirs in connection with that trade, which existed just previous to the American war, will best be seen by statement I, which gives the import, export, consumption and stock of law cotton in Europe in 1-60 and 1S61. All the con- tinental markets were likewise largely overstocked with British cotton goods, as the tables of exportations from England for 1S60 and Jb6l testify. To such an extent was this the case that Russia shipped back to England in 1862, 304,066 pounds of cotton yarn, and Ger- many returned large quantities of calicoes. Those shipments, which seemed like "sending coals to Newcastle," actually paid handsome |)rofits. Egypt imports from England about 2,000,000 pounds of cotton yaru'and 70,000,000 yards of cotton goods. She is the only coun- try, other than the Confederate States, tliat exports more cotton in die raw state than she imp' rts in the manufactured condition; and yet she did not commence the cultivation of that staple in earnest until 1818. It seems strange that the two countries that were the latest in engaging in that species of agriculture, should be the only countries that ^ean produce more th;in they need for their own wants. A great deal of cotton is used in Egypt for making up divans, the usual furniture of the country. A statement of the cotton trade with British India has been given in the preceding part of this paper. China takes from Etiglnnd eveiy year about 10,000,000 pounds of cotton yarns and 200,000,000 yards of cotton clotii, as well as ;200,0a0 bales of cotton from India; also from one million and a half •to two millions of dollars in value of American cotton goods. Nearly all the other Eastern countries are customers to England for her cotton fabrics, Africa too is supplied by the looms of Lan- ..5-37 yards of cotton goods, valued at ^1.254, 345. In J8G2 the figures stood 97,375,709 yards of cotton goods, valued at ^1,842,338; and in 1803, (no data) yards, valued at £ 1,61 1,835. When it is considered that 90 per cent, of all the cotton yarns and cotton goods manufactured in I^ngland are of Southern cotton, it will readily be seen how important the Confederate States are to her irt a commercial point of view. There is no article of connnerce that passes through so many hands as cotton — no article of magnitude, in all its ramiHcatious, that employs so much labor. Nor is this all. The cotton of the Southein States, after passing through English machinery, has enabled the British merchants to settle their exchanges with every nation in Christendom. It is not Lancashire alone that is interested in the cotton question. The overthrow of "Che industry of that locality will act upon the whole country : and that overthrow is inevitable, now that stocks of cotton and cotton goods r re reduced, unless cotton can be obtained from the Southern States. The Northern States of America have pros}»ered under the influ- ence of " King Cotton" — not alone in the manufacture of the staple, which reached as high as 800,000 bales of 400 pounds each, but in many and various ways. New York and New England ship owners earned in latter years over S20,00i),000 perannuu) in carrying cotton to foreign countries and to their own Statr-s. Thev likewise earned large sums in transporting the article when manufactured. The cot- ton crop was tiie basis tor the setrlernent of the loreign exchanges of al! the States. It gave credit to the North, and was the active promoter of its prosperity. History makes this quite manifest. The Northern States, while colonic i dependencies of (ireat P>ritain, were only enabled to pay their balance^ due tor impoitations from Europe by selling their surplus provisions, for wliich there was no 52 sale on the other side of the Atlantic, to the sister colonies of the West Indies. After the peace of 1783 Gre;-)t Britain would not pei-mit the "independent" States to trade any more with those islands. The consequence was that the States north of Mason and Dixon's line had no outlet for their produce. All the specie, there- fore, that had accumulated during the revolutionary war, by the expenditure of the British and French forces, which found its way into the interior, as well ns that received through a comnserce clan- destinely conducted with the Spanish Main, flowed back ro Europe, and those States became impoverished. The Southern States, on the other hand, always had an European outlet for their 8ur[»lus produce, that kept them out of debt. The Northern States were in a bank- rupt condition when the Constitution went into operation in 17S9. That very year the Freiich Revolution broke out, and cotton, which had not been much more than a garden plant previously, tl^en assumed for the first time the character of " a crop." The troubles in Europe threw into the hands of the Northern Americans the almost entire* carrying trade of the world. That lucrative connnerce lasted until the Embargo of ISOS, which was placed upon foreign intercourse in retaliation (or the Berlin and Milan Decrees of Napoleon, and Orders in Council of England. In the meanwiiile, cotton cultivation was expanding, and long before the Peace of Paris (1815^, the South- ei'n States had become the largest cotton exporters of the world ; and they continued to hold that position until the Yankee crusade against their rights was commenced. The Federal Constitution received all tlie credit for the benefits that flowed from the troubles in Europe and the enterprise of the Southern States in extending the cultivation of cotton. Even now the Northern States are dependent upon the Southern States for a supply of cotton. It is a pity that they have been y)ermitted to have a bale. The foolish contracts or "swaps" that have been made with th;it swapping people (the Yaiikees) have pi-actically neutralized some of General Lee's brilliant victories. Who ever expected to make any thing by "swapping" with a Yan- kee? Theif* smartness in that line of business is proverbial. It is impossible for the cotton mil is of the Northern States to do without Southern cotton. They rank next to England as the largest cotton mannfactureis. France is third in the list. The total value of cot- ton goods manufactured in the New England States in 1859 was $^0,:30i,53o, and in the Middle States $26, 272, U I — an increase of 83.4 per cent, in the former and 77.7 in the latter since the last de- cade. The other States reached a value of $8,564,280, making the whole production $115,137,926, against $65,501,687 in 1850 — an augmentation of 76 per cent. The extension in cotton manufacture was as follows: — Maine and New Jersey, 152 per cent.; Pennsylva- nia, 102 percent.; New Hampshire and Connecticut, 87 percent.; Massachusetts, 69 per cent.; and Rhode Island, 88 percent. The value was at the rate of $3 69 for each individual in all the States, equivalent to 46^. yards of cloth for every person, at 8 cents per yard. The average production in 1850 was but 34J yards per head. The increase, therefore, was about 12 yards per individual, or equal to the 53 entire consumption in 1S30. The number of hands employed in the manufactories in 1859 was 45,315 males and 73,605 females — an in- crease of 1(1,020 and 10,944 respectively over 1850. The average product of an operative was $9()9, or about ^200 sterling. The spindles were returned at 5,035,798, against 3,633,693 in 1850 — an advance of 1,402,1 05, or 38.5 percent. The cotton manufacturing business of the New England *^tates was 78 6 per cent, of the whole, Massachusetts alone being 29.3 per cent. The product per spindle was — In Maine, i>'J2 12; Massachusetts, 821 12; New Hampshire, $24 87; Vermont, 818 13; Rhode Island, 816; Connecticut, 816 46. The average in tfe New England States is 8 20 30; in the Middle States, $30 48; and all the States together, $22 86. The quantity of cotton consumed in the entire Union in 1859 was 364,036,123 pounds; of this amount the New England States took about two- thirds, one-half of which was used in Massachusetts. The cotton manufacturing business became an important branch of northern industry just after the embargo was placed upon foreign intercourse. The war with Great Britain, that so soon foliovved, gave it a further start, and it was subsequently [tampered by the high tariffs that were placed upon the importation of foreign cotton goods. The Southern States for too long a time allowed themselves to be injured by these protective tarifts, which, although established at first for the purpose of paying ofl' the war debt, operatt-d to the exclusive benefit of the Northern States. The p' cuniary loss has been great, but the political misfortunes entailed upon the people of the South has been greater. While that peculiar people (the Yan- kees) were striking at the peculiar institution of th(^ South, they were absohitely being strengthened by unwise legislation, giving them the benefit of manufacturing nearly one-seventh of the peculiar kind of cotton grown in these States. Yet, in spite of these almost prohibi- tory tariffs, the importation of cotton goods from Europe into all the States w^ei-e, for 17 years, in value, as follows : Year ending: June 30, 1845, - - $ir{,23G,830 J 846, - . 13,:J()0,729 1847, - - f2,817,4-22 1848, - - ]5,(M»0,U0() 1849, - . ]7,20r>,457 18:,0, - - 15,18^,759 1851, - - 19,681,612 18.52, - - 21,486,.5(J2 18.53, - - ]8.71().741 1854, - - 27,731,313 1855, - - 33,949,503 J 856, - - 21,609,861 1857, - - 30,-572,352 18.-.8, - . 33,128.901 1859, - - 20.810,152 1860, - - 37,008,232 1861, - - 39,615,492 The importations of cotton goods, too, weie no doubt largely underinvoiced, to avoid a part of the duties. The very fact of such enormous supplies of cotton goods of foreign manufacture being re- quired, in addition to what was produced in the Northern States, 54 shows the folly of bolsterhig up a system of cotton manufacturers on this continent. The nations of Europe might with equal propriety continue their futile efforts to grow cotton in other countries. The truth is, America is an agricultural and Europe is a manufacturing continent, and all attempts to change the character of the natural condition of affairs on either side of the Atlantic, must end in politi- cal ruin and discomfort. There is a class of cotton goods that are made in the Northern Stages for exportation to the South American and Asiatic markets. These goods can also be manufactured in the Southern States. They need no protection. England has long since ceased to be a competitor w^ith America in the m^ufacture of that particular description of fabrics. In Europe it is tne habit to sepa- rate the qualities of cotton, and either very fine or very inferior goods are the result. American •' domestics," however, are made out of good cor ton. The grades of the staple are worked up to an average of " middling," and not separated as in England. The reason that the same system is not adopted on both sides of the Atlantic, is, that labor is cheaper in Europe than it is in America. The exportation of American cotton goods began in 1827, and the fuUowiug figures show the progiess of that branch of the cotton trade : $1,157,070 1845, 1,178,900 184G, l,()->4,299 1847, l,2H9,9'i5 1848, 1,;^ J 7,599 1849, 1,138,675 1850, ],-2;i9,r/0 1851, 2,49;-5,()00 ] 852, 2,050,940 1853, 2.834,570 1854, 2.282,300 1855, 2,843,700 1856, 3:086,580 1857, 3,n36,5(i0 1858, 3,617,080 1859, 3,161,230 1860, 3,016,640 1861, 3,250,080 $2,830,550 4.427,660 3,556,112 4,080,480 5.695,650 4,969,780 4,84:i,93i) 7.396,240 7,672,210 8,968,900 5,535,510 5,857,180 6,967,310 6,111,510 5,651,509 7,539,532 6,816,453 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835. 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840. 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, The manufacturers of the Northern States have not, by reason of their nearer proximity to the plantations of the South, had much ad- vantage over those of Europe. The expense of sending cotton North is almost as great as that of sending it to Europe. The cry of the American protectionists that cotton was sent, {(t a heavy expense, to be manufactured in Europe, was simply absurd. The cost of trans- porting raw cotton, and bringing it back in the manufactured state, is very trifling, in comparison with all the other charges entailed upon it. So, while the freights were but little higher to Europe than to New England, the saving in other ways, by making use of the cheaper laboi', lower interest and the more suitable climate on the other side of the Atlantic, was very great. After the reopening of the ports of the West Indies in 1830, to American commerce, and the remaval of the Federal duty of 3 cents per pound, the jN'oith became, to a limited extent, a regular purcha^er of cotton from theiB. The Islands were even nearer to New England than most of the cotton States of the South. The export duty that existed in some 55 of those Islands, lowered the price of the cotton at the place of shipment, and operated, like all export duties on raw produce, as a tax upon the planter. The Northern States have recently been re- ceiving a few thousand bales of inferior cotton from the East Indies. Since the war commenced, the quantit)^ of cotton imported into the Northern States from Europe has been about equal in amount to that which has been exported froni the Northern States to Europe. As the quotations on both sides of the Atlantic ascended, a '' trapeze" commerce commenced, and the same cotton was several times sent backvvards and forwards, until it eventually fell into the lap of the manufacturer. It was, therefore, owing to the tariff system alone, which has been already explained, that the Northern States have been directly benefited through the agency of King Cotton, because European countries have had almost equal advantage with them in the purchase of the raw material — particularly since the British im- port duty was taken off. But the nulincf advantages which the Northern States have received through the ijitluence of the commercial monarch, have been mani- fold. By acting as bankers and commission merchants for the States of the South, those of the North have acquired great credit in Europe, which has enabled them to control likewise th(^ internal commerce of all the States. It has been a mistake to suppose that the South- ern States were always largely in debt to the Northern States. At one season of- the year — the summer time — when there was no use in the South for money to move the crops, the former became the creditors of the latter. Whenever the balance happened to be the other way, it was not Northern but European capital that was used. The Northerners being a speculative people, have always been " over invested,"^ and the values of their real and personal property since the cotton trade became of importance, have been based upon their commercial intercourse with the South. This was strikingly mani- fested during the early months of 1S61. In the intng stapled for muslins, fine and medium yarns, and the tcrtr/> of cloth ; the short-st;( pled, for low yarns and for the iceft of cloth. But of tlie inoderately short-stapled cotton — such as only North America produces, which is adaptable for almost every purpose, which is immeasurably more valuable than Surat for every case to which Surat is applicable, and which is sivited for many uses to which Surat is not applicable, we have been left almost destitute ever since the civd war broke out, and shall remain destitute until the war shall be terminated; and this destitution is, and must contiiuie to be severely felt in Lancashire, how-ver enor- mous may lie the augmentation of. our supply of the raw material from other quarters and of other kinds. But this is not all. We have, or at least many of our manufacturers have been t(»o sanguine as to the increased supply from various parts of the world, looking at the supply merely as a gross aggres^ate, without regard to quality. The amount expected from Egypt was overestimated : so was that from India. But in reference to this last, there is another con.sidtMation. It is true there has been an apparent increase. But a large portion of this increase — no one can precisely say Jiow large — is apparent only, and is in- deed purely deceptive, for this reason. Owing, to the enormous prices obtainable, an im- mense quantity of rubbisu has been s]ii[)ped, under the name of cotton, for which, in ordi- nary years, no one would have thought it worth while to incur the cost -of freight, and which intleed would not have been saleable at "ny price. For example: we know of a re- cent case in which a manutactun-r purchased some Surat at 13d per lb. ' ot only was it sh rt in ultiuiate staple, but before this ultimate staple could be arrived at, it had lost 50 per cent in the process— a costly process too — of (.leaning — so that the cleaned Indian cotton in reality cost the manufacturer 2t)d. per lb.— or very nearly the pre.sent price of middling New Orleans. Now, the New Orleans would not only have been much more cheaply worked up in all the subsequent processes, and would have been much more willingly, and therefore, in the end, more ecoiiomica ly, manipulated by the .workmen, but would have pro- d iced a decidedly superior article in the end. China cotton is quite as biul as that of India. A strong dislike has arisen to it. from the great ti mount of damaged and half-rotten cot- ton mixed in the bah^"- — the ]"t\siiit of putting water info them in China to increase the weight. Most of the lots have, upon landing in England, to be unpacked and made merchantable, at much expense and loss of time, and great difficulties are experienced in settling for arrival and delivery. Smyrna and Turkish cotton generally has sunk in estimation and become very difficult of sale. It is of " wasty" staphs which, with its inflammable natiu'e, makes it better suited for candle-wicks than any thing e'se. The operatives do not like to woj-k these inferior cottons, in consequi'iice of the large quantity of dirt and "cotton dust" thiown out. That dirt and dust they are obliged to inhale, and it produces disease of the lungs and other maladies. Nearly the whole of the stocks now held in Europe consists of tiiese inferior cottons. Some of the cotton, if ever.sold, will not ietch the S9 cost of freight; it is so worthless. Yet every " bale," no matter how small — no matter what kind of cotton it contains — is set down in the published accounts as a " bale" of cotton. Every pound of " rub- bish" too that is imported is rated as a "pound" of cotton. Short-staple cotton, while it answers very well for hand-made goods, will not meet the requirements of machinery, except in very small quantities. As before remarked, the altering of ihe machinery of some of the mills to spin Surat cotton, proved likewise an advan- tage in working American cotton. The change in machinery did not of course improve the character of the inferior cotton. A few years before the dissolution of the Federal Union, Mr. J. B. Smith, a member of the House of Commons for Stockport, lead a paper before the London Society of Arts, which explained the nature of tlie kinda of cotton used by British mills. Since the American war com- menced, Mr. Smith, as well as all the other members of that body, who favor tlKi Federal cause, has been silent upon the subject, and they'will reniain silent «o long as the Confederacy permits cotton to reach thern in sufficient quantities to mix with the poor cottons they obtain from other countries. It has already been explained how the character of British c<»tton fobrics has deteriorated since the use of in- ferior cotton in larger proportions than formerly. Here is what Mr. Smith said six years ago : For practi'-al pni-])0SPS. and to facilitate the comprehension of the snbjV'ct bj non-profes- sional rt'aders, \vr may staie in g-eneral tenns that the cotton require-d for th»' trade of Gn-at Brif«in may he claFsified into thret; divisions — the long-staj)je, the medium-staple, and the sh(»rt-stMple. 1 The-lon^ staple, or long" fibre cotton, is nsed for making the warp, as it is technically callf'd, i e. longitudinal thr«^ads of the woven tissuf^. Tho>« threads, when of the finer sorts — for all numbi-rs, say above 5(>s — must bo made of lonjr-staple cotton; for numbers below 5tis they may be made of it, and would be so made were it as cheap as the lower qualities of th^ raw maierial. No other quality of cotton is strong enough or long enough either to spin into the hipfher and finer numbers or to sustain the tension and friction to which tht' threads are exposed in the loom "d The medium-staple cotton, on the contrary, is used partly for the lower numbers of the w-irp (and as sut-h enters largely into the production of the vast quantities of 'cotton yarn' and sewing thread exported), but mainly for the weft, or transverse threads of the woven tissue. It is softer and silkier than the quality spoken of abctve, makes a fuller and rounder thread, and fills up the fabric better. The long-staple article is never used for this purpi-se, and cuuiu not, however eheap, be so used with advantage; it is ordinarily too harsh. For the warj), strength and length of fibre is required; for the wett, soitness and fullness. Now. as the lower numbers of 'yarn" require a r;ir larger amount of raw cotton for their production than the higher, and constitute tlie chief portion (in weight) borh of our export and consumption, and as, moreover, every yard of caiico or cotton-woven fabric, tec-hnically called cloth, is compo.sed of from two to five time.s as much weft as warp, it is ob%ious that we need a far larger supply of this peculiar character of cotton, the medium- staple, ply enormous quatftities of the third sort, the United States of America alone have hitherto produced the second and nio.stiteces.sary kind. , . 1. The finest long eotton iu the world is called tlie * Sea Island.' It is grown on the low- lying lands and small islands on the coast of Georgia. The quantity is smnll, and the price 60 very high. It is used mostly for muslin thread, and the very finest numbers of yarn — say 100 and upwards ; and price, in fact, is of little moment to the manufacturers who purchase it. It usually sells at about two shillings per pound A quality much resembling it, and ahnost if not quite as good, has been grown, as a sample article, in Australia. But of this denomination of cotton the consumptiou is very small. Another species — long, strong, fine, and yellowish — is grown in Egypt, and imported in considerable^ (luaritilies An inferior quality — coarse, harsh, bright in color, but strong — is imported from Brazil, and a ver}^ small quantity from the West Indies. Doubtless if the price were adequate, and the demand here very great and steady, the supply from many of these quarters might be largely augmented. But it is not of this sort thai we need any considerable increase, nor could we afford the price which probably alone would remunerate the grower. 2. Our great consumption and demand is for the soft, white, silky, moderately long cot- ton of America — the quality usually called * [Jplands,' 'Bowed Georgia,' and 'New Orleans.' This used to be sold at prices varying from 3d to 6d per pound (it is now from 6d to 8d); it can be consumed in any quantity, for it is available not only for weft, but for warp, except for the finer numbers. We need and consume nine bags of this cotton for one bag of ail other qualities put together. 3. It is the insufficient supply, or the higher price of this cotton, that has driven our ma- nufacturers upon the short-stapled native article of India, called Surat. If the price of the two were equal, scarcely a bag of Surat would be employed. When the price of American cotton rises, owing to an inadequate supply, that of East India cotton follows it at a con- siderable interval — the usual ratio being two to three — and the import of the latter is greatly stimulated. It is always grown in India in large quantities, and with improved means of communication, and more careful preparation, might be supplied in time in indefinite and probably ample quantities. But it is the quality that is in fault, and, as far as the past is a guide, it would seem incurably in fault. Many attempts to amend the character of this cottun have been made. American planters and American " Saw gins" have been sent over, and American seed has been planted; and the result has been a sensible amelioration in cleanliness and color, and some slight increase in length of fibre, but scarcely any change in specific character.. The dry, fuzzy, woolly charaeleristics remain. Sometimes the first year's samj)les ncfirly resemble the American article, but the resemblance never becomes permanent. Hitherto (we believe we are correct in stating), either from the peculiarity of the soil or of the cHmate, or, as some say, from adulteration by the air-borne pollen of the inferior native plant, the improved and altered character of the cotton has never been kept up. We are far from saying that this difficulty may not be overcome, and American cotton be naturalized in our East Indian possessions ; but certainly the results of our past efforts have not been of favoraV)le augury So far as our own observation and experience have gone, only from two other parts of the world have we seen samples of cotton analogous in charac- ter to that of the United States, and equally available for our purpose-* : one of these was the west coast of Africa, where, we understand, there is a considerable native growth, which doubtless our commerce might encourage and increa.se; the other is the opposite side of the C(mtinent, where Port Natal has exported some very hopeful samples, soft and silky, but not clean nor of a very good color, but still decidedly American in quality. The point we have to bear in mind, then, is this: our desideratum is not simply more cotton, but more cotton of the same character and price as that now imported froin the States. If India were to send us 2,000,000 bales of Surat cotton per annum, the desidera- tum would not be supplied, and our perilous problem would be still unsolved. We should be almost as dependent on American as ever. Mr. Smith, in future, will be "far from saying" that the difficulty of "naturalizing" American cotton in the East Indies has been " over- come." He might with almost equal propriety have mentioned Kew Gardens in the neighborhood of London, where specimens of the plant are grown under glass, as a source of supply for cotton, as the other countries which he has named. Further on, in this paper, some im- portant evidence will be adduced in reference to this matter. The idea of " naturalizing" American cotton in India is entirely fallacious, for the very plant that now flourishes vigorously in the Southern States was brought from the Barbadoes, but owing to the change of soil and cli- mate has altered so much from its oiiginal stock as almost to deserve the name of another variety. The difference between the soil and climate of the Southern States and India is even greater than that between the Southern States and Barbadoes. While the change to the Southern States benefited the plant, the change to India is known to deteriorate it. 61 The subjoined table gives particulars of the Southern cotton crops : The Cotton Crops of the Southern States — 1790 to I860, inclusive. ( Tbe crop is planted and gathered within the calendar year. The exportation is continued to th.^ tnonth of July in the following year. The export column refers to the year in which the cotton was prodoced.) YEAR. Crop. Price. Vahi«. Exported. Value of Exports. Lbs. Cents. Dollars Lbs. Dollars. 179U, 1 500 000 30 450 (>0(» 189 316 57 000 1791, 2 (too 000 29 580 000 138 238 5.S(toO 1792, 3 000 000 26 78i'(J0() 500 0(J(J 13OOU0 1793, 5 000 000 35 1 750 0(0 1 601 760 612 500 1794, 8 000 000 45 3 5u0 000 6 276 300 28 i 500 1795, 8 000 000 ' 33 2 640 000 6 J 00 000 2 000 000 179(), 1(1000 000 33 3 300 000 3 SO(tO0O 1 200 (»00 1797, 1 1 000 000 32 3 520 OLIO 9 33(iO(»0 3 (KM) (too 1798, 15 000 000 33 4 950 000 9 500 000 3 200 (JOG 1799, 20 000 000 45 9(MJ0 000 17 789 803 8 000 000 18U0, 35 000 000 :i5 8 750 000 20 900 000 7 000 000 11,-^ 50(1 000 39 220 000 76 125 417 25 540 000 1801, 48 000 (too 44 21 120 000 27 5(»o 000 12 500 000 1802, 55 000 000 22 12 100000 41 900 000 9 500 000 1803, 60(J()0O00 21 J2(ioooou ;W9oo (too 8 000 000 1804, 65 000 000 24 15 600 (M)0 40 330 (too |OO(MHM»0 180:"), 70 OOU 000 26 ]-(2o(» 0(10 37 500 000 9 500 000 181.6, 80»^0(M)JiO 25 20 000 000 (56 200 000 16 5(JO0O0 1807, 80 000 000 24 J 9 200 000 12(J0(WJOO 3 00O(jO0 1808, 75 0(10 000 17 12 750 000 53 200 01 (» 9 000 000 1809, 82 000 000 17 13 940 0(10 93 20000 7 000 OOO 18J5, 100 000 000 20 20 (too 000 81 (KJOOOO 16 5O(»0O0 1816, 124(JOO000 30 37 200 ()(!(» 6{\ 3;58 191 806 555 1860, } 645 238 700 1107 181500 000 1 407 405 600 155 000 000 13 985 456 900 - 1 470 790 000 12 267 243 848 1 278 748 549 Recapitulation. DATE Crops. Value. Exported. Value of Exp'ts. Lbs. D..llars. Lbs. Dollars 1790 to 1800, 118 500 000 39 220 000 76 125 417 25 540 000 180] to 18]0, 700 000 000 159 960 000 472 930 000 104 50iOO00 1811 to 1820, I i(!;; 000 000 227 315 000 757 793 40'5 161 357 484 1821 to 1830, 2 575 000 000 300 500 000 2 186 930 000 261 325 802 1831 to 1810, 5' 590 112 000 657 (iOO 000 '4 570 55,5 1:^ .557 856 959 1841 to 1850, 8 357 896 000 680 515 000 . 7 391 826 980 611 394 797 1851 to 1860, 13 985 4'56 900 1 470 990 000 12 267 243 848 1 278 748 54i^ 32 432 964 900 3 536 100 000 27 723 404 789 3 000 723 59i 63 It will be seen by the above table, that six-sevenths of all the cotton that has been grown in the Southern States was exported to foreign countries, and that the remaining one-seventh has been con- sumed in the States of production and the more NortlKTii States of the late Federal Union. . The average quantity of cotton consumed each year by the inhabitants of all the States, North and South, was 12 pounds per head. Of that quantity, the greater proportion was consumed in the Southern States. Very little economy has hitherto been practiced in the use of raw cotton in those States. It was so plenty on the plantations and so cheap in the home maikns, that much was wasted every year. As prices are likely to rui«- high for some time to come, it will be well if in future more care is taken of the staple. The Southern States hefore the war were large importers of European and Yankee textile fabrics of all kinds. Being in a measure cut off from the usual supplies, and not beinir cultivators of flax or wool to any great extent, they have been conipelled to use cotton goods as a substitute for those manufactured from other ma- terials. The quantity of cotton consumed in the place of leather must also be very great, not to speak of that required for tents, wagon covers, and the like. The home consumption then, of raw cotton, must come up to -50,000 bales a month, or ()0(),000 bales per annum, to say nothing of the wastage that is ijoing on at a rapid rate. Cotton is not a perishable article when properly bahnl and stored in warehouse; but when not taken care of, it speedily danjairrs, deteriorates in quality, and loses in weight prodiiiiotisiy.' The table includes the growth and exportation of Se;i Isl.ind cotton. The seed for that description of cotton was introduced froni t; e Bahamas in 17S5, and its culture hns been greatly improved by " naturjilization." The crops do not increase in extent; they were nearlv as large in the early part of the century as they were in 1 (iO. Tlw annual yield is about 12,000.000 pounds; which is fully equal to the demand. It is now only ninety-two years since fabrics made entirely of cot- ton were first manufactured in Enahind. At that tiin»' — 177 the raw material was imported to the extent of about 4,000,000 pounds wei-rht a year from the West Indies and the MiMJitcrraneii!). The Southern States contributed their rirst su[)ply in 17s4, when eight bags were exported fiom Charleston to Liver|)o.ol. They were stikd by the custom hoose authorities there, under the belief that th.y were of colonial growth, and that their importation was, therefore, in violation of the then existing navioation laws. They weie re- leased so soon as it was nsceiiaineat Britain. \N ith the exce]»tion of the 100,0 pounds of Indian cotton, received v a Ostend in 17S7, the first supply of Surats was landed in England in 179S. England hail hitherto been an importer of cotton yarn as well ys piece goods fvoiti India. Tlie increase afterwards in her cotton trade will be seen by the following table : 64 British Imports of Raw Cotton, 1800 to 1863. fill th" sooord and third columuj* of this table three figui-es are omitted on the right hand, so that millioniB of pounds weight read as thousands,] Col. 2. Col. 3. Col. 2. Col. 3. YEARS. Iiup<>rted into Impnrtcifrom YEARS. Imported into Imported from the United tlie SoutQern tr.e United the Southern Kingdom. 55675 Stales. Kingdom. States. J 801, 18 953 1833. 808 656 237 50& J 802, 60 '4M) 28 478 1834, 826 875, 269 20;* ! ^08, 58 427 27 757 1835, 368 702 284 4.55 1804. 61 816 25 770 1886, 406 959 289 615 1805, 59 (;49 82 661 1887, 407 286 320 651 l-'OG, 57 982 24 255 1838, ■ 507 850 431 487 1807, 74 786 58180 1889, 389 896 311597 1808, 48 268 7 992 1840, ' 592 488 487 856 * 1809, 91 701 13 865 1810, 184 805 86 171 1841, 487 992 358 240 1842, 531 7.50 414 030 1811, 91:^»08 46 772 1848, 678198 574 73S 1812, 61 563 26 086 1844, 646 111 517 218 1818, _ 1845, 721 979 626 650 1814, •58 887 - 1846, 467 856 401 940 1815, 98 790 45 669 , 1847. 474 707 864 599 1616, 98 685 57 798 1848, 718 020 600 247 1817, 124 808 52 668 1849, 755 469 684 504 1818, 177 178. ()5 985 1850, m:i 576 498 153 1819, 149 467 ()3 675 18-20, 149 822 89 999 1851, 757 ,379 596 63» 1852, • 929782 765 680 1821, 182 58(i 98 470 1853. 895 278 658 451 1822, 142 887 10] 181 1854, 887 833 722 151 1823, 191 402 142 582 1855, 891 7;>2 681 629 1824, 149 880 92 187 1856, 1 028 886 780 040 ?82.5, 228 005 189 908 18.57, 969 819 654 75& 1^26, 177 ()07 i 80 858 1858, 1 084 842 833 288 1827; 272 448 216 924 1859, 1 225 989 961 707 1828, 227 760 151752 1860, 1 890 989 1115 891 1829, 222 767 157 187 183u, 2o8 961 210 885 1861, 1 256 985 830 000 1862, .528 973 84 042 1831, 288 674 219 333 1863, 669 583 61748 1832, 286 882 219 756 The exportations of raw cotton from the United Kingdom to Con- tinental Europe, are chiefly of East Indian sorts, which can be used there as in England, in small portions, with that of the growth of the Southern Slates. It is the use of American cotton that creates a demand for Indian cotton. So, without the American staple the British trade with India must diminish — shrink back to its former limited extent. It has ah'eady been stated that the chief exports to India are of Manchester goods made- out of American cotton. A period, therefore, is sure to be reached when both the import and export trade between Great Britain and India will be of small mo- ment, unless a sufficient quantity of the raw material is again con- tributed by the Southern States, England has already parted with her enormous stocks of cotton goods made from good cotton. Their Bale has placed her in specie funds. These funds she has, in a great jiieasure, foolishly squandered in the Eust in buying an inferior staple, 65 and in the hope of opening up new sources of supply for cotton. The gold and silver thus transferred will never be returned to her. It is well known that the ryots in India and the fellahs in Egypt bury their money. They not only like to hide their wealth from fear of their governments placing additional burdens upon them in the way of taxation, but it has always been a custom among them so to do. That feeling of dislike to parting with gold and silver is not confined to the inhabitants of the East. It exists on the Western Continent. It would have been much better for the people of tlu-se States, if every ounce of gold had been sent to Europe and the Nortii to pur- cha.se supplies, than that cotton should have been sent out so lavishly these past eighteen months. The sources of the British cotton supply, at the time when the manufacture of that staple was beginning to assume dimensions of national importance, were the British, French, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese colonies, which furnished three-fourths the entire quantity. In all these colonies agricultural labor was performed by slaves ex- clusively. The very small quantity then obtained from the East Indies, through Ostend, may be altogether disregarded. And the re- mainder — less than one-fourth of the whole — received from Smyrna and Turkey, can scarcely be set down as the fruit of free labor. The relative per centage of each source of supply soon afterwards changed. Of the entire quantity of cotton imported into Great Britain in 1^:24, the Southern States, Brazil and the West Indies, all using only slave labor, furnished 79 per cent. Turkey and Egypt, G^ per cent. The East Indies, 9 per cent.; and other countries al)OUt 5 per cent. Sub- sequently, the Southern States increased their portion to S5 per cent., and supi>lied the Continent of Euro[)e and the Northern States with most of their cotton. It is a fact that there is not, and never has been any considerable source of supply for cotton, excepting the East Indies, which is not obviously and exclusively maintained by slave labor. The value of the exception is of little moment, and of still less importance when it is considered that the condition of the ryot does not appear to be such as to impart to his O[)erations, either as a laborer for hire, or as an independent cotton grower, the produc- tive advantages that are associated with free labor. He is, in fact, elevated but little above a slave. On August 13th, 18G2, there was held in London a conference be- tween a deputation from the Cotton Supply Association and the "Commissioners and other representatives of countries showing raw cotton in the International Exhibition." As very little publicity was given to the proceedings, a few extracts from the report printed for private circulation, may not be out of place. Mr. J. Cheetham, the Chairman, said : It does so happen, gentlemen, at this precise moment, when the representatives of in- dustry, and of capital, and of enterprise from every part of the world are gathered together in this country, that, as regards the great leading manufacture — the one upon which the prosperity, and to a great extent, the greatness of England depends — it does so happen that this staple and leading manufacture is at the present moment in a position unexampled in lU history, and one, the prospect of which I, as an individual, look forward to for the next few months with feelings of the deepest anxiety, if not of despair. You are aware, g^tlemen, that this state of things has been brought about by th« civil war in America. 9 66 America has been the main supplier of cotton to the industrious operatives not only of Enghuit], but of the whole world, and the present position in which the cotton cultivation of that conntiy is placed — though expected at some more distant time to have arisen from an insurrection of the slaves — has unexpectedly been occasioned by dispute and animosity among Americans themselves. Mr. Stephen Cave, M. P., an abolitionist, and the only member of the House of Commons who has had the candor to declare that ♦* while there has been a great change in English opinion on the sub- ject of slavery, he believes that there is yet no Englishmen in favor of reopening the African slave trade," was one of the speakers. Mr. Cave represented the West India interest at the Cotton Conference. He said : I have taken some pains in looking through the accounts of former years, and I find that the whole prodiice of all the West Indies was from ten to twelve millions of pounds of cot- ton. That is a very small quantity, of course, compared with the whole import of some thousands of millions of pounds, which is the present import of cotton into this country; but in those days it was considered of more importance than at present it appears to be. With regard to the future, I can only echo what has been stated by my friend, Mr. Marsh, that price and labor are the two elements which we are to look to in this question. There is no doubt that every island in the W^est Indies can grow cotton perfectly well. The Grena- dines, a group of small islands off the coast of St. V^incent, of which that is the principal, grew most excellent Sea Island cotton. At the time of the emancipation, negroes who grew that cotton got tired of living on small patches of land, and they went off to the neighboring island of St. Vincent for society, and the production of cotton was almost entliely given up in the other colonies, for the same reason that we were brought more rapidly into competition with slave grown cotton than with slave grown sugar; conse- quently, sugar paid better for a longer period in the West Indies than cotton did. We know that sugar does not pay very well now, and therefore the people of that country are quite willing to turn their attention to any thing which they imagine will give them abetter return for thfir capital than sugar does at the present moment. Now the colony of British Guiana was the one which produced the largest quantity of cotton in former days. I may dismiss Barbadoes at ouce. because, although labor is abundant in Barbadoes, and cotton could be grown in Barbadoes to pay, yet, in consequence of the excellence of the soil for the produc- tion of sugar, I do not think it likely that the cultivation of I he sugar will be given up for the cultivadon of cotton, and there is not enough laud for both. But in British Guiana there is any amount of unoccupied land ; there is also a rail road there, and at the end of that railway there is a quantity of land — and my frien 1, Sir William Holmes, Avill confirm my testimony — which is available for growing, if not the best cotton, at any rate the quahty of cotton that this country wants most— the ordinary Orleans cotton. The question is, how is that to be grown ? I have but little doubt that the present population of Brit'sh Guiana is totally inefficient for such a purpose, and negro labor cannot be relied on. We have heard a great deal about a cotton company whicli has lately been established in Jamaica, and w(; have had favorable reports with regard to it. I have no doubt these reports are per- fectly correct, and I only hope we shall have the same kind of reports for a year to come ; but i nmst say this with regard to the cotton company, it is a new thing, and one knows that negroes will turn with great eagerness to any thing new, but after a time they get tired of it, and give it up for something else. Besides that, we must remember that a very large number of sugar estates have been abandoned in Jamaica, and there is no doubt, therefore, that there is a large amount of available unoccupied negro labor. If there were a large number of cotton companies established in that country, there would be the same difficulty in regard to the labor that there was in regard to the cultivation of sugar, which caused those estates to be abandoned, we think it comes to this, we must import labor. * * * I need not say it is not the rate of wages so njuch as the command oi labor, that is of great, con.sequence in these things A very low rate of wages may ruin a man, if he cannot com- mand a constant supply, whereas a high rate of wages may make him rich, if he can com- mand it. Mr. Ridgway, a representative from Jamaica, said : I am also somewhat concerned for British Guiana; but inasmuch as I stand in rather an equivocal position in that quarter, I will not say much upon it, except that in former years British Guiana was a very great cotton growing country. I have in my hand a re- turn showing that in the ten years from 1834 to 1844, there was an immense falling oiF. Why ? Because of the difficulty of obtaining help, and because a higher price could be got for raisin" sugar than for raising cotton. In the year 1834 there were 2,188 bales exported from l>eiikarara and Essequibo, and 1,188 from Berbice, making a total in that year of 3,376 bales. Weil, in the course of ten years it has dwindled down, till in 1843 there wer» 67 8 bales from Demarara and Essequibo, and 16 from Berbice— making a total of 24 balea; In the year 1844 there was not a single bale exported. Now that arises mainly from very great mistakes that people make in not considenng questions of vital importance Here were certain gentlemen who were desirous of doing away with the slave trade, and of sup- pressing negro cultivation. If they liad reflected properly, as they ..ught to hav.- d.uie, they would have seen that the course of proceeding, though very kindly intended, was very prejudicial to the people themselves, as well as to the mercantile cnuiiT.unity, especially in relation to this cotton question. Now, what we want in the West Indies, in Jamaica, and British Guiana, is labor. Mr. Kendall, the representative from Peru, said : The seed in Peru is put into the ground by hands, so that when a plantation, say of six miles in breadth is sowed, it may we:l be believed that a large capital is required to'pav the laborers. This is sensibly feit now that slavery is no longer in use in the republic, biavery was then abolished during the last revolution; and although tiuinauity has beeu a great gaijier, agriculturists are no sihhII losers by the operation. I luive been a.ssured bv Mr. Quiretana, that when Mr Elias had 70(1 negroes in his establishments, and one-half of' them were eniplo^-ed in cultivating cotton, his crops pn.duced from I l,no(> to 'iClico quintals; whilst at the present time he can scarcely get in 1(» or 12.U00 quintals— the remainder being lost through want of hands. As bearing upon this subject, it may be here related that in former years Mr. Elias was actually accustomed t<^ purchase eotton of his own producing. For instance, when the daily amount <.f labor allotted t.. each negro was nvei, ho would pay them a shilling for every 2:> lbs. of cotton they brought in. as being gathered during the time which was set apart for the rest and recreation of the slave. The Mauritius is in the same condition in respect to labor. Mr. James Morris, the representative from that " possession," said : Mauritius has sent a small specimen of its cottiiu to the Exhibition, more as a botanical than as a merca-.tile specimen. Formerly the Mauritius was remarkable for ihe beauty of its cotton. In connection with its sister Island— Hi.urbun— it e.xported to France a very large amount of cotton, being then a Freneh Colony. In 1790 its export was :i(i(),UOO bales. At the present moment, like the Barbadoes and' other West Indian Colonies, the cid- tivatiou of sugar has displaced the cultivation of cotton. Mr. Simmonds, who represented Siam and Dominica, said: It seems to me, that our South African Colonies have not been .spoken to at all. I do not see Mr. Sergeant here, the representative of Natal. It is a cotton producing country, and it might be made a cotton producing country to a much greater extent, I think. We have specimens in the e.xhibition of the cotton of that Colony: labor is very plentiful there, and what has been the rea.son of the failure of an ample supply of cotton? It is owing to the uncertainty of labor which is to be obtained from any saVage tribe. The same difficulty arises in the West Indies. We cannot get a continuoKs labor from the AtVican race, whether lu a barbarous (.r more civilized country; you cannot indoctiinate in them tho.se civilized wants vhich Enro{»ean races, and especially the Anglo-Saxon raees exhibit. Where a cli- mate pr..duces f od so abundantly as those climates do. and clothing is almost unnecessary, the people will not work continuously; they will only work bv tits and starts, and that is the greyt ditttculty you have to overcome in those countries. I'belicve that Natal and parts of South Atrica would produce cotton to a very considerable extent Tliey are endeavoring there to introduce laborers as the Mauritius has done, bv bringing Cooli'es from India. If we could glance over most of tho,>se colonies which we have ,oininica, of which I am a representative. There are.'fo'r instance, the Bahamas, where a great deal of cotton might l>e produced. They formerly pr.-duced a great deal of line cotton, and they now produce, in many of their out-lvitig islands, pine apples, vyhich certainly do not pay as well as cotton would if it were to "be cultivated. The ques- tion is, where can you get your labor? Mr. Walker, from the West Coast of Africa, said : As I have been called upon, I beg to offer a few remarks, and I think, as a resident of upwards of eleven years on the West Coast of Africa. I have a right to speak upon the subject. I have carried on an extensive business in the Gaboon and the neigliborhood for the last eleven years, and I certainly must say from my experience, although I know well small quantities of cotton have been produced under the suiieriutendeuce of Mr. Lecompte and other gentlemen privately, as samples, and very good samples, that it is quite out of the_ question, and utterly impossible, for many years to come, that anv quantity of cotton of importance to commerce could be produced on the W^est Coast of Africa. I am perfectly 68 certain, that with the excf^ption of Aberkuta, and Lagfos, and the Niga, which are the only points on the coast of Africa capable of shipping cotton in a state to be of marketable value on its arrival in England, that there is not tlie slightest chance for many years to come, of any cotton being exported from those countries, except to a honu-opathic and infinitesimal extent. The difficulties in the way of shipment, and the dearness of labor, are all <;reat obstacles to the cultivation of cntton in. and its exportation from the West Coast of Africa. Mr. Ridgway, who volunteered in behalf of Natal, said : As there was nobody present, to represent Natal, the Cape of Good Hope and the East Coast of Africa, lie would venture to say that the productions of Nalal, as shown in the present Exhibition, were astonishing. There was a variety of most valuable products — useful in ever}' kind of way; and among them there was nothing perhaps so important as the article of cotton. The people of Natal were exerting themselves in every direction to produce cotton abundantly and of good quality, and in a manner creditable to go into the Manchester market. The difficiilty they have in Natal is to get emigrants from Europe. There were a small number of Hottentots, and all sorts of nations of Africa, in that part of the coast, wlio were willing to work; but there was a very fierce and troublesome set of people, in the shape of Caffrcs, and other tribes. Fortunately there were missionaries now among them, who were quieting them and bringing them to think how they might live honestly and peaceably by their industry. This question of labor is a most important one, as far as cotton cultivation is concerned. It will be observed how freely the gentle- men of the International Exhibition spoke about it. The abolition- ism of England was no doubt sincere as long as it lasted — over a quarter of a century — but it is now vanishing. The statesmen of the present day see the blunder that was committed by the passage of the Emancipation measures. Those measures originated out of a purely phihmthropic feeling, which amounted to a furore. While it was vainly imagined that the negro was being benefited, it was also thought that free labor would be cheaper than slave labor, and that in the end the ^20,000,000 sterling paid for the purchase of the slaves, would be returned to the British conimunity in the .^shape of cheaper produce. The Emancipation act was therefore passed under the influence of a double set of views. It was not adopted, as is supposed by many persons, for the purpose of building up the East Indies to the detriment of the West Indies. Nor was it adopted with a view of breaking down American institutions. Neither was the fanaticism that followed in any degree induced with that wish. Happily, a great change has taken place in the minds of the British people in respect to slavery. That change had commenced to take place before the disruption of the American States ; and the chief fear that Englishmen had prior to that event, was, that there would be an insurrection among the slaves at sonie time, and that in such case they would be deprived of their customary supplies of cotton from the Southern States. Like the protectionists and abolitionists of the Northern States, the cotton lords with those in their interest joined hands, and made an effort to seek new sources of supply, so as to be prepared for such a contingency as the stoppage of receipts from the Southern States. At the time abolitionism was started in England, the cotton manufacturing industry of the Kingdom had not assumed such important dimensions as when the war in America occurred. It is therefore absurd to suppose that abolitionism was established for the purpose of making a direct blow at the cultivation of cotton in the Southern States. Horrible as this war has been, it will not prove 69 an unmixed evil, for it will demonstrate to the other powers of the world their dependence upon the fibre of these States. It has been the enormous stocks of raw cotton and cotton goods made from the products of the Southern States, with the quantity of cotton that has eluded the blockade, and been " swapped" to, and stolen by the Yankees, that has caused the neutral powers to be passive viewers of the American contest. For the same reasons there has not been any "cotton famine" yet. The "operatives" were overemployed before the war, and since the conflict they have been underemployed. The writer stated in another part of this paper that the Manches- ter manufacturers had been deceiving their neighbors, by making "a poor mouth;" that by such means they had received from other classes of the community aid in the support of their idle operatives. He also stated that the parties interested in the cotton trade at one time did not desire the war brought to a close, and that when the British Government entertained the idea of recognizing the inde- pendence of the South, those parties objected to such a movement. The writer was an eye witness to this procedure, and took upon him- self to say in the English newspapers, that the South could not "deluge" Manchester with cotton after the loss of one crop, and the partial destruction and wastage of another. At that time, when all Confederates in Europe had hoped, indeed fully expected British action in the affairs of their country, the conference committee from the Cotton Supply Association and the representatives of the petty cotton growing countries, held the meetiiicr above alluded to. Mr. Hugh Mason of Lancashire, a very influential member of the Asso- ciation, made a speech on that occasion, and in his remarks appear the following words: Having said so much about India, just allow me at the same time to say one or two words in reply to the representative from Ecuador, who, j>erhaps, somewhat deservedly re proached tlit- Lanca.'?hirt' men for not having come forward more earnestly with their capital in aid of the various new cotton schemes which have been fnnn time to tiniH" launched by various individuals. Now, upon that point, allow me to say that something is to be said foi Lancashire men. Lancashire men, like other men, have worked hard for tbeir money, and, having earned that money, they do not icish to lose it at a time like this, when they see their capital daily and hourly getting smaller and smaller. Now, they have been terrified by that bugbear, that there are four millions of bales of American cotton at this moment shut up; that, perhaps any mail miglit bring the uews that a peace had l^en patched )ip in America; that thr- quarrel had been compromised, and that their four m'illion bales of cotton would be let loo.^e upon Lancashire like a deluge. Now, I need only ask gentlemen of common sense, meu of business, what would be the po.sititin of things if such an event were to hap- pen ? Would not a great many of the cotton schemes which have been launched be at once knocked in the head ? I cannot, therefore, blame the cotton spinners for having shown a degree of caution and reserve in taking up with new enterprises of a kind so foreign to their habits and pnrsuit>. / am also prepared to deprecate very earnestly indend the language ichich has been used hy men in high official position in this country, with respect to the pros- pect of the duration of this war. Earl Russell little knows the mischief he did in Lanca- shire: the loss he icas the means of injlirting upon the Lancashire cotton spinners, by that statement which he made a few months ago in Parliament, irhen he gave it as his opinion that the irar would he terminated in ninety days. I am prepared to say, gentlemen, that I know orders weie not given out that would have been given out, and orders withdrawn that had been given, in consequence of that statement, and the price of yarns and cloth were rousidenibly reduced in consequence. A statement of that kind caused a great amount of mischief and a great amount of consternation in Lancashire. The reasons that caused the people of Lancashire in 1862 to pro- test against the British Government lending its assistance, morally or otherwise, towards bringing about peace in America, have long 70 since vanished. Those very people v^ould no doubt ere this have urged the Ministry to renew their intention of doing justice to the South, had they not been supplied with sufficient cotton from the Con- federacy to make a good " mix" with the inferior sorts received from other countries. The slavery question has not influenced in any de- gree the course of the rulers of England. They know perfectly well that cotton cannot be cultivated by free negro labor ; that the cotton plant is so delicate in its nature, that its cultivation cannot be left to the caprice of free black "operatives." The writer goes so far as to say, that if the statesmen of England became satisfied that there was an insufficiency of slave labor in the South to work the cotton fields after the cessation of hostilities, they would not stand in the way of the planters obtaining " help" of the right kind, even if from Africa. A supply of good cotton will, after the lapse of some months, be of vital importance to Great Britain — of much more consequence than most people think. England cannot afford to do without American cotton. No species of industry can possibly take its place. So long as all the parties in- terested in the cotton trade were making money by the stoppage of the Usual supplies of cotton, they were contented to partially support their idle operatives. Those operatives, be it remembered, had been fully employed at high wages for several years before the war, and had saved large sums (for them) of money, which they had invested in the savings banks. They now, however, have expended all their former earnings, sold their surplus furniture, and their demands, upon the public will therefore be larger than hitherto. Unless England obtains a full supply of American cotton, there will be a revolution — a civil war — in the British Isles. It was the vast extension of the cot- ton trade that enabled England to throw open her ports for grain at a fixed duty of one shilling per quarter instead of the old slidmg scale. She has yet plenty of soil uncultivated. If the persons directly and indirectly engaged in the manufacture of cotton, are permanently thrown out of their accustomed employment, they will have to be- come tillers of that soil. In which event, the yield of wheat will be augmented, and importations of grain will have to be checked by a renewal of the sliding scale, or her agricultural interests will be ruined. Situated commercially as England is, if she produced from her soil as much as she did previously to 1845 — sometimes nearly enough cereals for her own consumption — she could not permit her- self to be subjected to the risk of an avalanche of breadstuffs falling upon her, when there happened to be a large overproduction in other countries. The very danger of such a contingency would materially affect the value of her landed property, and upset her whole political system. But so long as England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland only grow enough grain to last them for nine months in the year, they can readily have open ports to receive the other three months' sup- ply, or about 40,000,000 bushels of wheat, to say nothing of Indian corn. It was not Mr. Cobden nor Mr. Bright that caused the repeal of the British corn laws. It was the great development of the 71 British cotton trade, which took place just about the time of the Irish famine. With the exception of the period just previous to the fall of Fort Sumter, the stocks of raw cottnn in England were greater in 1845 than they have been at any other time, and prices for New Orleans middling fell below 3id per pound. The duty of 5-l6ths of a penny per pound, or 2s lid per cwt, was taken off; and as the quandties of cotton goods at the consuming points were then of moderate ex- tent, the trade took a sudden start, became very prosperous, and many persons who had been employed in agricultural labor, assumed the character of operatives. The Irish famine occurred the following year (1846), and the corn laws were temporarily repealed. In another season the cotton trade had so expanded that it became more profitable to manufacture that staple than to force agriculture. The sliding scale was then permanently set aside; and since that time the British community has expended in the purchase of food in other countries, about ^20,000,000 per annum. The writer, though a free trader, frankly admits that the sliding scale of du- ties operated to the advantage of England as long as they were in existence. Wheat, unlike cotton, is a perishable article, and cannot be retained beyond a certain length of time. It has to be sold. Eng- land, therefore, with her ships visiting all the grain growing coun- tries, had to establish measures by which she would not be liable to a flood of grain. Those measures were rescinded so soon as there became, by reason of her cotton manufacturing industry, no danger of her being thus flooded. Since the vast enlargement of the cotton trade, the wealth of Great Britain, in point of distribution, is rela- tively less in real estate than before that period. The enormous amounts represented in railways, steam ships and other enterprises since the repeal of the corn laws, liave greatly changed the character of British home investments. The prosperity of those enterprises, too, depends upon the continuance of her commerce in cotton. So, look at it as we may, it is a matter of impossibility for Great Britain to retain her present pre-eminent position without the yield of South- ern soil. 73 Is (U r-i ?^^ 5» a s- ^ g lO 5 CO n oi CO CO rj< o i^ -g s ,M I— I 00 lO ■^ OJ CO c O «+i kO Tj< CO *>: 00 CO to «- 1 CO CO o lO •-^ CO t «o o o o i>. CO o ^ OJ! CO CO CO CO J^ 2 Oi ^ o i>. _, CO CO o C5 Oi •^ o to (D 1 CO CO l>. CO s :: ^ lO OD 00 ^-. 00 to ■^ "= >4 lO t^ rf Ci t> « Oi o« CO lO liO t>. <4-> CO ■^ uO 00 CO o to O 0^ iC g 5^ s g uO s ^ "£ 05 CD X) CO o Ci yj a a ^ CO Gi CO CO CO l>. l^ "3 > o iC iC >o Oi <^ •^ "—I lO J> CO c (Ti •. 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CO o o ic ?„ o rr 'Jf o CO 00 •^ bo • Oi o 00 Oi ^ CO CI Hi •S CO ■^ iC Oi i^ CO o VO oJ TT CO o CO P4 ■^ c» CO CO _l CO ■^ (>» CO l^ CO 00 o CO o t>. lO CO l» CO w OJ c^ o> '"' ■^ CO •BanaA i i i QO i i 1 •-1 f— 1 1-< '^ 1-^ r^," 75 ^ Ho CO V 1^ ft ^22 ^' ^ V -3 ►■Si ^ -S CO S CO ^^fccolO— f- cooaor-<0'-iC^-^Qoooo'<*io*Oi— n ^ F-< ^ QilOZO ^'^ COQOr^ lO t^ 7» T^ CO o COiOt^ ^^ r-il>'-C!— 'Oi'-OiCOI>.LOt>.iCt>.'NO --^^iSgggJrlS^ Ci 005- ^^'^ rj !^ OD O t^ -^ s 05.H (O Qo^OilO^^ lO '^ (7^ i— ( O ■^ lO i-( 05 1 QO 00 xtOOCO 365 7 316 i>. lOC^iC'^QDCOCC"^ i^^i lO *>. r/i ?0 ID CO iC '^ 1—1 "rr CO o J , rH C5 11 • S !* D 35 coc ^ -^ h, o CO r^ t>. ^' COW ^^C0CC>O0>0DO0>*S^J 0430-1>O^COOO*0 CO lO COO 1859 C35 ""t C5 O) , 1 ^ «DCO O c* • l?S -^F-icooioicociio --• oeo CO Oi (>» Oi O lO O S (^ CO r-1 ct o T-( CO :o -^ CO CO -^ C« --1 ...... 'ao X! i? '5 •J 'p .;- ^ U S ^ 33 o s Sag S » C * * * 77 •HCOW ^ oco cs o r^ oiqj i>.^ ^ ej^ i CDOiOOO^^^Og ^O --^^ i W (N 00 £.?D 00 CO -sj^^^cr-=<>X'Xut-<*5Q^'rcciO ?»o» ,^ SS = ss. ^^ ^^coccs^or^-^-^-^ S! CO 1-TP-- =) O ->C X Ci iC X CO CO O 00 !N 1.0 CO 5< lO t^ -TJ ITS l^ O « X F-4 O •^ <= -^ 1.0 CO "t ;c CO 00 o ^^ =. -N O TT X t>. Ci s X 3B« « 00 Xf^Cit^ODOX^ — Cr lo CO •^ t>. "* O C^ O^t 00 o -^^ Ig ,« , «2* — -T) uO t>» ?D 'S i Ot CO = 33() 046 689 250 186 1 i r-t ^ (?i O* , t^Oi(>» X ^ 1 1 '^ 2 O 1 rvj 2^^ ' 2S s _^ ;o ojcoo^r^- tO ^ L*" "O T Ci C^ "^ 1.0 JO «o t^ CO X ^ X o» X y5 -?* X CO 1 o a ,^ , rHCO t^ ^Ci -^ w ^ ' o 1 1 ot J-,-1^ o .r- •^ o siiili 39 s^cc'cN ro 00 ^ as to CDS* "^ "^ . ^ •"" 1 ' s* ' w ' ' " ^ ^ r; ^ *: 1 ^ ^ o* C5 • ■ 1 II CS 4^ « • « • • ' • 1 1 • • ^ « * • < • < I § s « ( • • ing Baha Africa, ' O^ • t 1 . « . clud uth fac 1 .9 S Hayti and St. Domi New Granada, Venezuela, Brazil, Chili, Peru, China, Western Coast of A Malta and Gozo, '^Bermudas, ^British West Indies, British Guiana, British East Indies, Mauritius, British Possessions, St. Helena, Japan, Other countries. ♦'So. — r*^ 4j3 • "^ a "H o E'H^i'2 11 Ml iim >»1 JS-S " t 4, »-o^ 78 «3 1} ^ Sundries iu the Mediterranean. w 3 oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 loooooooooo iiiliiliil 1 ^ §§8§§g§§S§§§§§§§§§S§S§§S8 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 1 1 3 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOO'OOCOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO O O OOOOOOOOOOOO'OO ooooooooooooooooooooooooo i ooooooooooo OOOOOOOOO oo 1 1 1 ! 1 » 1 1 » I > » 1 'ooooooooooo ooooooooooo Cl■^rf<-^^'^:o^ool^oo fl J A ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo §§i§§8§S§§§i§Si§§S§§SS8gS Russia, Germany, Holland, and Bi-lgium. i ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ic§S^^8S3?SgS;|g8g2gg8|||||| 1 m ^ ^ 8888888888888888888888888 OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO'OOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ociocococr-,cor>.-^o — t^'^ooiC«ooooi:ocD--oo lOiOCCCCJ^O):OCCT}'GiO(>*a5'NaO'*rfy2QO-Tf'-i^?Ot;-0 CCCO-^COrfTj.rJ'iOiOtOCO'^iOCOiOCDt^t^OCOOiaoaiair-t YEARS. 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 • • t 1 t I • • 1 • • « • • 1 • 79 [G.] The Cotton Spindles of Europe and America in 1860. COUNTRIES. Spindles. Pounds. Great Britain, 34 0(X) 000 1100 000 000 American States, 6 000 000 400 000 000 France, 6 OtIO 000 26<} 000 000 Russia, 1 800 000 80 000 000 Austria, 2 000 000 TO 000 000 Holland, «00 000 45OOOOU0 Switzerland, 1 500 000 40 000 000 Spain, 1 000 000 40 000 000 Belgium, 800 000 40 000 000 Bavaria, 700 ooe 35 000 000 Saxony, 600 000 30 000 000 Prussia, 500 000 25 000 000 Italy, Sardinia, - 300 000 12 000 000 Mexico, 140 000 12 0(MJ0(X) Wurtemburg, 200 000 10 000 000 Baden, 1.30000 7 500 000 Norway, Sweden, 100 000 6 00)1000 Naples, Sicily, Malta, 100 000 5 000 000 Hanover, 70 000 3 500 000 Oldenburgh, 00 000 3 000 000 Portugal, 30 000 1 500 000 56 850 000 For other purposes than manufs icture in the several countries, such as candle wicks, stuffing furniture, etc. etc. 174 500 000 2 400 000 000 The countries that manufacture the coarsest counts of yarn use the greatest number of pounds of cotton to the spindle. The raw cotton was contributed by the fol- lowing countries : Smithern States, India, Brazil, West Indies, Other places. 2 078 .577 600 204 141 168 17 286'f^84 1 050 784 98 943 584 2 400 000 000 80 [H.] THE COTTON TRADE OF GREAT BRITAIN IN I860, Efttimated stock of cotton, January 1, 1860, Cotton imports in 1860 — American, Cotton imports in I860 — Brazilian, Cotton imports in 1860— West Indian, Cotton imports in 1860 — East Indian^ Cotton imports in 1860 — Egyptian, Cotton exports in 1860 — American, Cotton exports in 1860 — Brazilian, Cotton exports in 1860 — East Indian, Cotton exports in 1860 — other kinds, Estimated stock on January 1, 1861, Number of cotton bales consumed, Average pounds weigbt per bale — all kinds, Pounds weight of cotton consumed, BALES. BALES. 469520 2 438 236 99 067 1758 550 663 113 963 3 203687 3 673 207 190 912 50 289 238 803 481 flO'i 3192 204 ■ 594 510 2 597 694 ; 424 1101422 256 The following particulars illustrate the importance of the cotton trade of Great Britain, In 1850 there were 21,000,000 spinning spindles and 250,000 power looms at work. On May Ist, 1856, there were 28,010,000 spindles and 298,847 power looms, or an increase of 7,000,000 spindles and 48,000 power looms in six years ; the consumption of cotton having increased from 584,000,000 pounds to 910,000,000 pounds. Between 1856 and 1860 the cotton trade of Great Britain was increased from 28,000,000 to 34,000,000 spindles. Amount paid for cotton by the spinners in 1860, Wages, Trade expenses and sundries, Interest on capital, Ptofits on spinning, ftofits on manufacturing, Value of goods exported, . . - . 53,000,000 inslue of goods consumed in the United Kingdom at manufac- turers' prices, - - - - 25,000,000 Talue of goods on hand of the manufacture of 1860, - 2,000,000 23,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 8,000,000 14,000,000 5,000,090 £80,000,000 £80,000,000 There were also large quantities of cotton goods on hand, of the make of the several pre- years. 81 [I] [From the New York Shipping List, of October 9, 1861.] THE COTTON CROP OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. Growth of 1860, sent to market from September 1, 1860, to August 31, 1861. LOUISIANA. Export from New Orleans : To foreign ports, To coastwise ports, Burnt at New Orleans, Stock, September 1, 1861, Deduct : Received from Mobile, " " Montgomery, &c. " " Florida, " " Texas Stock, September 1, 1860, ALABAMA. Export from Mobile : To foreign poets. To coastwise ports, Manufactured in Mobile (estimated). Stock, September 1, 1861, Deduct : Stock, September 1, 1860, TEXAS. Export from Galveston, «fec.: To foreign ports, To coastwise ports, Stock, September 1, 1861, Deduct: Stock, September 1, 1860, FLORIDA. Exportf 'm Apalacbicola, St. Marks, Ar,c. To foreign ports, To coastwise ports, Burnt at St. Marks, Stock, September 1, 1861, 28 073 85 9.53 150 7860 Deduct : Stock, September 1, 1860, GEORGIA. Export from Savannah : To foreign ports — Uplands, To " Sea Islands, - To coastwise ports — Uplands, To " Sea Islandi, Stock in Savannah, Sept. 1, 1861, •Stock in Augusta, &c. Aug. 1, 1861, Deduct ; Received from Florida — Sea Islands, - Uplands, - Stock in Savannah, Sept. 1, 1860, Stock in AugusU, 4&c. Sept. 1, 1860, • 11 BALES. 1 783 673 132 179 3 276 10118 48 270 11551 13 279 30 613 73 934 1 929 246 177 647 456 421 127 574 2 000 2 481 63 209 84 254 452 293746 8 441 170 572 11512 4102 5 991 1033 6188 4 307 5 252 588 476 41682 147 915 3168 122 036 864 494 364 16780 TOTAL. 1 751 599 546794 144 747 121 172 1859. 2139 425 843012 252 424 192 724 477 584 525219 475788 1858. 1669274 704 406 192 062 173 484 82 Tl A T WO TOTAL. dAxj 1860. 1859. 1858. SOUTH CAROLINA. Exp't f m Charleston and Georgetown : To foreign ports — Uplands, 199345 To " Sea Islands, - 15 043 To coastwise ports — Uplands, 121663 To " Sea Islands, 8 355 Burnt at Charleston, 564 Stock in Charleston, Sept. 1, 1861, - 2 899 347 869 Deduct: Received from Florida and Savannah — Uplands, 2 378 Sea Islands, 255 Stock in Charleston, Sept. 1, 1860, - 8 897 11530 336 339 510 109 480653 NORTH CAROLINA. Export: To foreign ports. 195 To coastwise ports, 56100 _ 56295 41 194 37 482 VIRGINIA. Export: To foreign ports. 810 To coastwise ports, 61129 Manufactured (taken from the ports), 16 993 Stock, September 1, 1861, 2 000 80 932 Deduct: Stock, September 1, 1860, 2 800 78132 56987 33011 TENNESSEE, ETC. Shipment from Memphis, Tenn. 369857 *' Nashville, " 16 471 " Columbus and Hick- man, Ky. 5500 Block at Memphis, Sept. 1, 1861, 1671 393 499 Deduct: Shipments to New Orleans, 196 366 Manufactured on the Ohio, &c. 52 000 Stock, September 1, 1860, 1709 250075 143 424 108676 85 321 _ Total crop of the Southern States, 3 656 086 4 669770 3 851 481 Decrease from crop of I860, Decrease from crop of 1859, Increase over crop of 1858, Increase over crop of 1857, 1 013 684 bales, 195 395 " 542 124 ** 716567 " Note. — See page 29 for the exact particulars of the cotton crop of 1859 — the lai^est ever frown — per census of 1860. The average weight of American cotton bales was, in 1790, 200 pounds ; in 1824, 300 pounds; in 1827, 336 pounds; in 1836, 370 pounds; in 1847, 400 pounds; in 1850,410 pounds ; in 1855, 420 pounds, and in 1860, 440 pounds. Mobile bales average 505 pounds ( Kew Orleans, 460 pounds ; Uplands, 400 pounds ; Sea Islands, 250 to 325 pounds. 83 Comparative Crop Statement. YEARS. Bales. YEARS. Bale*. 1824-5, 569 249 1843-4, 2 030 409 1825-6, 720 027 1844-5, 2 394 503 1826-7, 957 281 1845-6, 2100 537 1827-8, 727 593 1846-7, 1778 651 1828-9, 870 415 1847-8, 2 347 634 1829-30, 976 845 1848-9, 2 728 596 1830-], 1 038 848 1849-50, 2 096 706 1831-2, 987 477 1850-1, 2 355 257 1832-3, 1 070 438 1851-2, 3 015 029 1833-4, 1 205 394 1852-3, 3 262 882 1834-5, 1 254 328 1853-4, 2930 027 1835-6, 1 360 725 1854-5. 2 847 339 1836-7, 1 422 930 1855-6, 3 527 845 1837-8, 1 801 497 1856-7, 2 939 519 1838-9, 1 360 532 1857-8, 3 1 13 %-2 1839-40, 2 177 835 ia58-9, 3 851481 1840-1, 1 634 945 1859-60, 4 669 77« 1841-2, 1 683 574 1860-1, 3656 086 1842-3, 2 378 875 Crop of Sea Island Cotton. The crop of this staple for the past year* (included in the general statement) was as fol- lows : Florida, bales ; Georgia, bales ; and South Carolina, bales ; total, bales; against 46,649 bales in 1859-60; 47,592 in 1858-9; 40,566 in ia57-8; 45,314 ia 1856-7; 44,512 in 1855-6; 40,841 in 1854-5; and 39,686 in I8d3-A. *Thi8 we are unable to give this year. — (See General Statement.) Export to Foreign Ports from September 1, 1860, to August 31, 1861. FROM 1 1 1 S a o u 3 1 s i ^ o ^ C o Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. New Orleans, Louisiana, 1 159 348 388 925 122 042 113 358 I 783 673 Mobile, Alabama, 340 845 96 429 6 601 12 546 456 421 Galveston, Texas, 47 229 3 640 12 315 25 63 209 Florida, 27 140 _ 933 - 28 07.t Savannah, Georgia, - 282 994 10 061 6165 2 967 802 187 Charleston, South Carolina, 136 513 29 886 24 401 23 588 214 388 Virginia, 810 - - - 810 North Carolina, 144 _ _ 51 19^ New York, 158415 49122 35197 5 315 248 049 Baltimore, 975 _ 2 483 87 354& Philadelphia, 3 793 _ _ - 3 793 Boston, 17 019 - 6 113 93 23 22& Grand total. 2 175 225 578 063 216 250 158 030 3127 56« Total last year, - 2 669 4:i2 589 587 295 072 220 082 3 774 172 Decrease, 494 207 11524 78 822 62 052 646 60S 84 Consumption, Total crop of the Southern States, as before stated, Add, stocks on hand at the commencement of year, Sept. 1, 1866; In the Southern ports. In the Northern ports, Deduct therefrom : The export to foreig-u ports, Less, foreign included, 142 613 85 095 Makes a supply of Stocks on hand Sept. 1, 1861— In Southern ports, " *' " " In Northern ports, Burnt at New Orleans, St. Marks, Charleston and Philadelphia, Manufactured in Virginia and Mobile, 3 127 568 701 37 574 45 613 4 390 18 993 3 126 867 83187 23 383 Taken for home use North of Virginia, Taken for home use in Virginia and South and West of Virginia, Total consumed in the United States (included burnt at the ports), 1860-61, Balei. 3 656 088 227 708 3 883794 3 233 437 650 357 193 383 843 740 YEARS. '3) > i .a 1 125 ^ g H O Bales. Bales. Bales. 1847-8, 523 892 92152 616 044 1848-9, 504 143 138 342 642 485 1849-50, 476 486 137 012 613 498 1850-1, 386 429 99 185 485 614 1851-2, 588 332 111281 699 603 1852-3, 650 393 153 332 803 725 1853-4, 592 284 144 952 737 236 1854-5, 571 117 135 295 706 412 1855-6, 633 027 137 712 770 739 1856-7, 665 718 154 218 819 9.36 1857-8. 452 185 143 377 595 562 1858-9, 760 218 167 433 927 651 1859-60, 786 521 185 522 972 043 1860-1, 650 357 193 383 843 740 We give below our usual estimate of the amount of cotton consumed the past year in th© States South and West of Virginia, and not included in the receipts at the ports. Thus : 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. I860. 1861. Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. North Carolina, 20 000 18.500 22 000 25 000 26 000 29 000 30 000 33 000 South Carolina, 12 000 10 500 15 000 17 000 18 000 20 000 21000 24 000 Georgia, 23 000 20 500 25 000 23 000 24 000 26 000 28 000 32 000 Alabama, 6 000 5 500 6 500 5 000 8 000 10 000 11000 12 000 Tennessee, 6 000 4 000 7 000 9 000 10 000 13 000 15 000 17 000 On the Ohio, &c. 38 000 26 000 42 000 38 000 39 000 45 000 49 000 52 000 Total to Sept. 1, 105 000 85 000 117 500 117 000 125 000 143 000 154 000 170 000 85 To which, if we add (for the past year) the stocks in the interior towns Ist September (saj 6,200 bales), the quantity detained in the interior (say 25,000 bales), and that lost on its way to market (9,000 bales) to the crop as given above, received at the shipping porta, the aggregate will show, as near as may be, the amount raised in the Southern States the past season — say, in round numbers, 3,866,000 bales (after deducting 300 bales new crop received this year to 1st ult.). against YEARS. Bales. YEARS. Bales. 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 185.3, 1854, 2 840 000 2 212 000 2 450 000 3 100 000 3 360 000 3 000 000 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 3186 000 3 335 006 3 014 000 3 247 000 4 017 000 4 805 800 The quantity of new cotton received at the shipping ports to 1st September was — i YEARS. Bales. YEARS. Bales. 18:34, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843; 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, small. 3 424 9 702 no account, no account, no account. 30 000 32 000 3 000 300 7 500 7 500 200 1 121 1848, 1849, 1850. 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 18.55, 18.56, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 3 000 .575 2.55 3 200 5125 6 716 1890 26 079 1800 100 8 031 12 369 51 600 30U We herewith present, about three weeks later than usual, our annual statement of the cotton crop of the Southern States. Owing to the unsettled state of the country and the absence of our usual mail facilities, our labor has been prosecuted with more diflSculty, and less satisfaction to ourselves, than ever before, but we take pleeisure in stating that owing to a combination of favorable circumstances we are, with a few unimportant exceptions, enabled to present a statement which, we believe, in all its leading items, to approximate exactness, and one which, for all practical purposes, may be considered reliable. ►Some of the minor details usually given in our statement are of necessity omitted, owing to the causes alluded to, and some others are less complete than we could wish, but we feel assured that the statement, as a whole, will be found very nearly correct. It is well known that, owing to the disturbed state of the Southern section of the country, the commerce in cotton was hurried to a close some two months or more earlier than usual, and the results now given were more or less correctly known a month or two ago. It will be well, however, to observe here that our former (weekly) tables included as receipts all the shipmeuts from Memphis ; but to arrive at the commercial crop of the country, we have as usual deducted the amount consumed on the Ohio, &.C., estimated by good judges at 52,000 bales, and on this account the aggregate crop will now appear less than was previously supposed it would be. The statement, however, must speak for itself; it is the best we could make, consider- ing the serious embarrassments under which we have labored. An error in the Stivaunah statement last year (an excess of 6,000 bales in the coastwise ahipmeuts of Sea Island) is now corrected in the comparisons of crop, consumption, &c., which appear that much less than in our last year's account. It may be well to observe that the preceding statement of the crop is that of the Southern States as a whole, and does not purport to be the crops of the States, though the shipments, stocks, &c. are necessarily arranged under the different leading shipping ports or States, as the case may be. 86 [J.] The Cotton Trade at its Height — Import, Consumption and Stock in Europe. 1860. S. States. Brazil. W. Ind. E. Ind. Egypt. Total Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales Bales. Bales. Stock iBt January, 374 000 33 000 4 000 144 000 16 000 571 000 Import to 31st December: Great Britain, 2 582 000 103 000 10 000 563 000 110 000 3 368 000 France, 610 000 2 000 26 000 12 000 35 000 685 000 ■ Holland, 70 000 _ 3 000 63 000 - 136 000 Belgium, Germany, 35 000 _ 1000 25 000 - 61000 183 000 - 7 000 111 000 - 301 000 Trieste, 36 000 - - 36 000 12 000 84 000 Genoa, 58 000 _ - 19 000 1000 78 000 Spain, 101 000 4 000 - - - 105 000 3 675 000 109 000 47 000 829 000 158 000 4 818 000 •Deduct intermediate shipments, 124 000 3 000 - 256 000 - 383 000 3 551 000 106 000 47 000 573 000 158 000 4 435 000 Add 8to(i from above, 374 000 33 000 4 000 144 000 16 000 571 000 Total supply. Deduct stock 31st December, 3 925 000 139 000 51000 717 000 174 000 5 006 000 541 000 14 000 5 000 193 000 29 000 782 000 Total deliveries, 3 384 000 125 000 46 000 524 000 145 000 4 224 000 Deliveries : In Great Britain, 2 242 000 113 000 6 000 176 000 96 000 2 633 000 France, 551 000 3 000 26 000 8 000 33 000 621 000 Holland, 67 000 _ 4 000 46 000 - 117 000 Belgium, Germany, Trieste, 34 000 _ 1000 29 000 - 64 000 177 000 _ 9 000 121 000 - 307 000 29 000 _ - 37 000 11000 77 000 Genoa, 54 000 _ - 17 000 1000 72 000 Spain, tSurplus of export— Great Brit. 103 000 3 000 - - - 106 000 127 000 6 000 - 90 000 4 000 227 000 Total deliveries, 3 384 000 125 000 46 000 524 000 145 000 4 224 000 Total deliveries in 1859, 2 880 000 124 000 32 000 442 000 173 000 3 651 000 Stock 31st Dec. 1860-61-62: Great Britain, 395 000 12 000 4 000 157 000 27 000 595 000 France, 97 000 _ - 6 000 2 000 105 000 Holland, 5 000 _ _ 17 000 - 22 000 Belgium, 2 000 - - - - 2 000 Germany, 11 000 - 1000 8 000 - 20 000 Trieste, 8 000 - - 2 000 - 10 000 Genoa, 5 000 _ - 3 000 - 8 000 Spain, 18 000 2 000 - - - 20 000 541 000 14 000 5 000 193 000 29 000 782 000 Stock 31st Dec. 1857-58-59, 311000 39 000 11000 239 000 26 000 626 000 Of the exports, those marked (*) were to France, Holland, Belgium, Trieste, Genoa and Spain, and are comprised in the imports to those places; and those marked (t) were to tha Baltic, ^c. 87 The Cotton Trade, Sfc. — Continued. 1861. S. States. BrazU. W. Ind. E. Ind. Egypt. TotaL Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. Stock in January, 541 000 14 000 5 000 193 000 29 000 782 000 Import to 31st December: Great Britain, 1 842 000 99 000 11000 986 000 97 000 3 035 000 France, 521 000 1000 22 000 19 000 41000 604 000 Holland, 98 000 - _ 75 000 173 000 Belgium, 27 000 -. _ 21 000 _ 48 000 Germany, 153 000 - 4 000 166 000 _ 323 000 Trieste, 9 000 - _ 44 000 11000 64 000 Genoa, 30 000 _ _ 15 000 45 000 Spain, 82 000 3 000 - 8 000 15 000 108 000 2 762 000 103 000 37 000 1 334 000 164 000 4 400 000 •Deduct intermediate shipments. 142 000 1000 335 000 1000 479 000 2 620 000 102 000 37 000 999 000 163 000 3 921000 Add stock from above, 541 000 14 000 5 000 193 000 29 000 782 000 Total supply, 3 161 000 116 000 42 000 1 192 000 192 000 4 703 000 Deduct stock 31st December, 429 000 28 000 2 000 398 000 15 000 872 000 Total deliveries. 2 732 000 88 000 40 000 794 000 177 000 3 831 000 Deliveries : In Great Britain, 1 691 000 82 000 14 000 355 000 111 000 2 253 000 France, 494 000 1000 22 000 19 000 42 000 578 000 Holland, 96 000 _ _ 89 000 185 000 Belgium, 28 000 _ _ 21000 _ 49 000 Germany, 160 000 _ 3 000 168 000 _ 331000 Trieste, 16 000 _ _ 45 000 10 000 71000 Genoa, 34 000 _ _ 16 000 50 000 Spain, 92 000 4 000 _ 2 000 13 000 111000 tSurplus of export— Great Brit. 121 000 1000 1000 79 000 1000 203 000 Total deliveries, 2 732 000 88 000 40 000 794 000 177 000 3 831 000 Total deliveries in 1860, 3 384 000 125 000 46 000 524 000 145 000 4 224 000 Stock 31st Dec. 1860-61-62: Great Britain, 283 000 27 000 1000 378 000 10 000 699 000 France, 124 000 6 000 1000 131000 Holland, 7 000 _ _ 3 000 10 000 Belgium, 1000 _ _ _ 1000 Germany, 4 000 _ 1000 6 000 _ 11000 Trieste, 1000 _ _ 1000 2 000 4 000 Genoa, 1000 - - 2 000 3 000 Spain, 8 000 1000 - 2 000 2 000 13 000 429 000 28 000 2 000 398 000 15 000 872 000 Block 31 St Dec. ia57-58-59. 412 000 27 000 6 000 72 000 40 000 557 000 Of the exports, those marked (*) were to France, Holland, Belgium, Trieste, Genoa and Spain, and are comprised in the imports to those places: and those marked (t) were to the Baltic, &c. peRmalife® pH 8.5 -I