[House of RErREsENTATiVEs.] HOUSE OF BEPRESENTATIVFS, December 16, 1864.-Order- ed to be printed. [By Mr. Turner of North Carolina.] ^ RESOLUTION Tendering negotiations for peace and a mitigation of the horrors o( the war. 1 R( solved. That the President of the Confederate States, by 2 and with tlie advice and consent of the b'enate be, and he is hcre- 3 by requested, to appoint thirteen commissioners, one from each of 4 the Confederate States, to tender to the government of the 5 United States, a conference for negotiating an honorable peace; 6 and failing in thip, the commissioners beinptiucted to use all 7 proper efforts to obtain an immediate exchange of prisoners; 8 and if possible, to come to such understanding with the enemy 9 regarding the future conduct of tlie war as maj tend, in some 10 degree, to mitigate its horrors and atrocities. 1