\-iiho MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. RicHV'OND, Va., Jan 13, 1864. To the House of Representativex : In response to your resolution of the 17th ult., I herewith trans- mit, for your information, a communication from the Secretary of War, relative to the steps taken in rcfeienco to *'An Act to prevent the absence of officers and soldiers without leave," approved the 16th of April, 1863. .^. —V' JEFFERSON DAVIS, "lit- COMMUNICATION OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. Confederate States of America* ^^r Dep\rtment, Richmond, ^a., Jan. 11, 1864. To th'. President of the Confederate States : SuR : I have received the following resolution of the House of Representatives, reterred by your Excellency to this department: '■'R-'solved, That the President be requested to inform this House if any steps have been taken by commanding officers to enforce the pro- visions of au act of Congress entitled 'An Act to prevent the absence of officers and sjidiers without leave,' approved the iCth of April, 1863." In response, I have the honor to transmit herewith a report from the Adjutant General, enclosing a letter from the Quartermaster General, and copies of the general orders relating to the subject. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. COMMUNICATION OF AD.l'T AND INSPECTOR GENERAL Adjutant and Insp'r General's Office, f RirhmonJ, Jan. 9, 1864, \ Hon. Jamp> a. Seddon, Secretary of War, Richmond : • Sir : In reply to the resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 1 7th ult., inijuiring whether ''any steps have been taken by comraand Insp'r General's Office, } Richmond, Va., Jan. 8, 18G4. ^ Official copy. John Withers, Assistant Adjutant General. Adj't and Insp'r General's Office, Richmond, August 4, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 108. extract. The following acts are published for the information of the army : ********* An act to prevent the absence of Officers and Soldiers without leave. " The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact : That no officer or soldier of the army shall receive pay for any period dur- ing which ho may bo absent without leave, or beyond the leave granted, from competent authority, according to the regulations of the army : Provided, That this restriction shall not aflfcct the Kick or wounded in Vrx^pltalti. v'5EC. 2. In order to enforce the requirements of the foregoing seo- lion, it is hereby made the duty of commanding officers of companies I'l state upon the muster and pay rolls of their companies the length ut: time any officer or soldier has been absent therefrom, without leave f competent authority, since the previous payment, when the de- i action of pay for such absence will be made by the quartermaiter from the amount otherwiae due the officer or soldier ; and any com- mander of a company who shall fail to note such absence on the mus- ter and pay rolls of the company shall be required to refund to the Government the amount forfeited by such absent officer or soldier, unless it shall already have been received from the officer or soldier so absent. Sec. 3. Officers shall certify upon honor on their pay accounts whether they have or have not been absent, without leave by compe- tent authority, within the time for which they claim pay ; and if ab- sent without leave, they shall state in their cerdficates the time atd period of such absences. In lik;; manner, commanding officers of companies shall certify on honor on their pay accounts that they have stated fully and correctly on the muster and pay rolls of their compa- nies the length of time each officer and soldier of the company has been absent without leave since the last payment of the company. Sec. 4. That this act bhall not be conatrued to relieve any officer or private from any other penalty to which he may be liable by existing laws or regulations." [Approved April 16, 1863.J ******** By order. S. COOPER, Adjutajit and Inspector General. ^■pp ?■ V ^^ -._ '■•- '•V Confederate States of America, > Quartermaster General's Office, v Richmond, Jau. 7, l.^G4. S Gen. S. Cooper, Adj't and Insp'r d'eneral : Sir : Your communication of this da^<^, enclosing a copy of u reso- lution of the House of Representatives, requesting to be informed " if any eteps have been taken by commaudinrr officers, to enforce the provisions of an act to prevent the absence of officert; and soldiers without leave, approved the 16th of April, 1S63," and asking infor- mation as to whether or not, the officers of this department have been governed in their payments by the requirements of general orders No. 108, last series, has been received. I have to state, in reply, that the act referred to, makes it the duty of commanding officers of companies, to state upon the muster and pay rolls of their companies, the length of time any such officers or soldiers have been absent therefrom; requires officers to certify on their pay accounts, whether they have or have not, been absent with- out leave, within the time tor which they claim pay, and company commanders to make the additional certificate that they have noted upon the company muster rolls, the period of abscence of the officers and men under their command. So far as I have been enabled to ascertain, the officers of this Depart- ment have complied with the provision of said order. If, in any in- stance, there has been a failure to observe its requirements, it has been without my sanction or knowledge. Your obedient servant, A. R. LAWTON, Quartermaster General. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5