y DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasuretyom Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://archive.org/details/kalendariumhumanOOfarl The Frohtifjfeece* THc Sunnc is glorious ftill, and maketh day, Where ever mineth his Ecernall Ray j Yec when he fets,fo clouds may vaile the stye» That men may rhinke him drownded to the eye, Faire,ftrong is Man,if one ftioold fay,he le dye, Scarce can he well beieeve it ,Yore he try* B ut feeing death in others . then he fayes' 5 Surely Deaths confhnt ftroke will end my «Jayes. Spring's dainty 5 Summer vigorous and ftrongj Autumne hath plenty; Winter dyes ere long. ff The Sunne ot Glory fet ,and then was night, And darkenefTeJn the true beleevers fight j Th' Eclipfe did paffe 5 and He was feenc, by all, Afcendingjwhether he the world doth call. Let mm behold his Saviour,he will fay, Welcome fwcete death^my Ufu% led the way. Infants, and babes,young men,you ftrong, and old, Turne to the right- hand , and the S uttne behold I For as Reconquers darkeneflc, fo we (hall Triumph o're deatfoby Hina whoconquerd All. #############^## 39S1GG Tr.-R. *m $* 5J6 ^C «15 aj&***3JCaS» ^ Jp vjC 3(5 3JG ZJ5 «Jf» 3JG . ET NOBILISSIMO Domino dolcfcentemfe mortalitatu \fu& admontre^ ipfe Csefar nolmt, fine hoc more, or Sis Uiguftus ^ 2 smpersum Epiftola ^Smperium ampleSli^quie^ mkmj& grAbdtun pium habuit. Tibi [Nobilifime Herts ) hoc mortalitatl fymbolum offer o- y at que eb magis,qu$d fcian 7 e vera N obi lit ate prxditum y cuitpfiusmorii memoria femper erit gratifsima y cu\us nomin if fa philofophia dignata eft. Accipe quafo {Nobilifsime Heros) ho? qualecunque eft, hu manitatis H^Kw^nequeenim abhu\ufmodi ft* diis ipfe abhorres, qaum mortis meditation*, & future vita contemplationijucerna tu& oh umfoleas impendere : accipe inquam (vere He ros) hanc^qua folitus es dementi a^animi potiu integtitatem^quam folertem ex qui ft ti ingeni velitationem. iMeum putabarn hoc opuj culum, quod mortale ejfet$ Ttt Domine, j Juumduxeris^ immortale proculdubib erit$ d quod ameo ingenio fyer&reminime potuit$ ho Tuo Genio {nobilis ingeniorum & mufarnn later) libenterdebebit. Vive y & Vde, acuju. cre * &fevore > ipfarnm charitum & mufarnn yitaque & valetudo dependet$ lB& jam dedif tent ApoUinem 7 lovemque fuum^ & Grdcorun mmerofos decs implorare^ Deum unum^ ve- fum^konum^fuppltcibusvotisadorabunt^ ut % patronum Pcdicaeoria. PdtrMkm'y iffi CWectnate btnigniortni & fir- wtmmagiSy bicin terris y omni honor e^ polled inCoslisjmnifdlciute&heAtituAiM tccumu- ltt+ Efftta frpmnmt Celfitudini Tu# ad- di&iffimus ROBERTTS Ta%LMVs2 K A 1 To 399166 To the Author* FAme pluckes a pinion from the wings of Time, Dips itinneftar, graves thy mighty rime Within her brafen (heetes, m^kes envy ftand ( Mauger her heartj and light her duskie brand: Whirft (he in crimfon letters writes : Thefe, theft, Shalt be the whole at v Ids Ephemerides, Did notVrania loofe thy fettet'd minde, Out of the clayeie prifon, and refign'd Her place to it ? did not thy purer lay Flow from the fountaineof the Afil^ie way ? Did not (he dictate to thee, how to ssan Thefe meneths of woe, this Almanac^ of man I An Almanac\e that ne're (hall b' out of date, But lad as long as time* as fir me as fate* She did, (heare, envie, heare and burft) and by Herfiaffe thou took'ft the height of Poetry : Th* Arcadia» Shepheards (hall make thee their ftarres And place this next to Tityrus Calander. Like to another Pheebus thou doll take Thy twelvemoneths taske through lifes (hort ZodUcltfi But thefe are too too narrow bounds for thee, £each moneth's an age, each age eternitie. The names, not nature's of the monethsj I fee Defcribed in thy c*leftiall poctrie. Frefh May and lufty Iune triumph alone In thy wa'rme breaft, December there is none. Envie her felfe can finde no fault but this, Perfect thy moneths,thy globe imperfect is. No parallell is feene in all thy fphcate, Befides too, no Equator docb appears. S. Coleman, Wo the Author. SOme ufe to flatter worth by too much Praifej Who rather doc detrad th an give him Baycs^ Who merits it: And fomcagaine betray (Like fome courfe Prologue to a courfer Play) The Authors Subjefo both are bad : but I Will none of both : rather I will belye Dcfert» and fay this Poeme fpeakes thee vaine? Fqr tofpeake truth, I'm angry with thy Straine» For that it is (o (hot t; (though fweete) expeftj : lie taxc thee alwayes with that fma!l defeft. Yet f out of Policie ) perhaps thy Lyre Thou layd'ft afide fofoone, leaft we Expires And the chiefe caufe proceed e from thence: For 'tis Certaine, as too much griefe is mortall, foof bliflc. All I will fay, is, my beleefe is fuch That after- times will thanke thee for this touch; A nd fuch my Charity, I wi(h it may Out live the laft , and lorgeft Summers day , j And that this prefent Age, may pleafe to give It pieafant fmikss and neipe its Hope to lire* T* THE COVRTEOVS READER. TheRofes. I Roc ne did flye,and Parti-colourM Flout Now feit foft nipping colds breath from Awt(h And Pbosbusjifhtvd with the cooler day, (r The queerei of Nectar dancing joyfully, 1 faw the Rofe beds in their pefian weeds. Wet with the foame of Phoebus neighing ftecder» The tender buds did in their night-geare ftand, Of hoary pluft^wronght by dame Natures hand* Ready to put it off,when they did fpy Dayes charriter courfi ng along the sky i One might have doubt,whether the Heav'it did dye The Rofes> or they purple-paint the skye : The Sunne and Rofe, were in oneliv'ry clad, For they one Lady ^pbredite bad > Perhaps one fmell they had^ut that as higher Evanifh*tl, this breath'd fweetely from the bries» How many minutes draweth forth an hove* So many habits changed this curious flower > It fometimes nimph-like, mantled was in grcnee» Wearing a cap much like the JFairy Queene : To the Reader* Sometimes it woare i comely purple creft, find had its haire in anticke faftaion dreft $ rhen by and by her breft unlac'd, to (hew /Vhat heavenly fragrant Nectar did thence flowj \t laft (h'unvail'd herfelfcand fbew'd her face, to Phzbus jwith a modeft bluflring grace 5 Ser dandling trefles wreath'd like threds of Gold* Scark without envy T*f *» could behold 5 £utJo dame Haturet darling, which juft now Did flouriQv naked irand$,I know not how 5 Of fo great glory then,l thought it ftrange* - fofce fo fuddaine and fo fad a change, The Rofe to bud >to blcifome in her prime, ro fadejtofalljto wither atone time 5 rhen for her mantle greene,a murry clout All tprne did hang her gaftly lookes about 5 The cap, the purple creft and all was gone, SaldnefTe her wrinckled head did feize upon. I what a fight it was to fee her lie Vpon her mothers lap ready to die I Small cpmfort had the earth 5 to fee her brood Piuckt from her milky breafts,and bath'd inbloodj Phabus who rifing from the glaffie ftreames 9id court this Virgin with his chearefull beames> 3cHng to bed he fees the naked thorne, 4nd cannot love her 'caufe {hee is forlornc. >olong as lafts a day^a Rofe may Jive, that day doth kill the Rofe, which life did give : \ Virgin in the morning, and at noone #hichhad her prime, becomes decrepit foone. So pull the Rofe 3 and thinke,when thou doft fee It's brittle beauty 9 that it points to Thee, Farewell, V E R. Martius five Natalis. AbtuajMtipiictm qu£ fie glotoratur in orbem, Tamvariisfecknda bonis, tot dxdalaformit, Vnda priufquam pontia e) at, Terr a arida centrum », Nutabatfa levi vcttiginefteMfer orbis : Sordebat deform chaos, primordia mundi Parturient, rcmrn & difcordi /mine pragnaus : lalu origobow'msjnagw compendia mundi Corporii exigui angufto qui limit* claudit , 'EmpyreifiintiRa priufqitam vivida Cali Vita auget,fen[umovet, am ratwne gubemat, Untefiblquamtlementa tegant dtfco/dta fedes, Organaqturffefiusfr anim* & pareniia membra, Ante [mm referat quam lovtpatru Image Ad Cxlos atquc afira genus, vultumyie fupinet 3 VutrefcitgemturaYudu, communia i it were dead,it felfe in duft entombe, t by earths vertue and his feeding power 'fervc it felfe fafe from the winters ftourc j 5 5 r VntiU V E R, MartiusfiveNatalis. Quafoupedu donee Phryxaicornuafcdndit ?ba2biti,& i&upi rddidyfqtoque eatore inque diem* 4£ Cceti vitales elicit aura* : Talu homo etcis uteri jacet embrjon antris Natara ingeniofa opus, &> compagd tecentu Lafteaceu mfateneros coalefcit in artus. Semina habent filiquatytegitur majfa inque voluerh TeRicule 3 cognataipji quxfafcia crevit* Turn T>em injpirante ammam qua vividdfurgunt Omnia,dmn£ largitur particular, aur*. Conjugium jirmat ftabile hie Hymen*us Olympi > Nubit terra polo, decus immortals cadaci Corporis hgluviem cenfortem ift/kcala dutit. Sic ne ergo. Qui mifera) impurd cm conjuge viva Virgo anima^ & cafiU contagiaprendet in ulnis I Sed bent quodfurvu coeant } fine luce> tenebns, Tedafuo impuramprodat ne tumine (pwfam, guidfi animz vox ulla fortt? quam triftd qitfrdtM Setelummuta/TetutoSjfcaUgw lucent, Vzl lone ptaileuh fuperis defedtbm mm ■ In ceti cecidifle uterum , noSemqas profvndm ! JBrnulaTartareedomweftbafatandabaratbro, Curgufii piceuA career, piftrina malorum. CcrmmushicqustiesjaclarMdumimpetCifaBto JRumpere vaSata conatur vinculo* vulv* y tii i \ StyetUmingrediwmKtg^iMtpetc/iwi: Sica»t'iho$itium,ficdiwrforiafotde*L* Cernere (pro dolor) eft fob cunde vifcera mtm Ejfe urnam foetus, inMfiinumque fepulcrum. \ Mittefedtbfauftos.cafay&ufpiceparm guos natura volet t pr*fcripte IcgeAabom > Tomto^convulfiqutarttyytrefidiquedoloreSj Ut genuum cordi/i tremor ^lament a, duelium tak went inter mttm natmque tumults* SVRING. CM arch, er Mans birth. Vntill like Pbryxm, Phcebus ride upon The Ramme,and moreconfpicuous in his Throne, Witfi geniall heat,and life- begetting ray He twift it forth and make it fee the day ; So manin wombe an Embryon doth lye, Curded like milke,and wrought miraculoufly, Clothedlikefeedewith hiiskeSjWrapt up in bags» Which are its native home- fpuri fwadlmgrags. ! Then God Almighty, who life to all things giveth, JJreaths in that Divine fo.ultjwhereby itfiveth. Here is a marriage made ; to duft and clay The Heaven is wedded,ftil! with it toihy 5 Here immortality,by Gods command , Poore fraile mortality takes by the hand J O what a pitty,that the Virgin foule Should have a mate fo leprous and fo foule / Its well in darkeneffe they the match doe make, For if it faw, the body it would forfake. O if it could then fpeake,wh at would it fay, That it hath come from Heaven, to dwell in clay *» jOr that like lonas fiom the Saphire vaiie !Its fallen into the belly of a Whale ? The lodging they have got is darke as hell, jBut if not there, they know not where to dwell j So oft \ye fee them tumbling to and fro, They (hew themfeives content, but fo and fo i Yea many times the foule fo loaths this Inne, %t leaves it, when it fcarce hath entred in 5 And oft the bowels doe become a grave For their owne brood,to which they lodging gave. gut take the beft,and you your felfc will bliffe, [To fee in birth what mifery there is j Clamorous convulfions,painefurkhrowes,and cries, Sharpeftiewes ftrayning the backe,weafcniugthe thighes> B 4 Much ver; MartiusfiveNatalis. Qa&lis avernaletyvento fabeunte,cavema6 Concitatjn tremttlos tollens ima antra tumores. Ergone prtnovit venture incommoda vit& Nondum natus Homo, Ittcemque exterritvs oiit ? Sicpuguam contra matrem& mlimina p*>tus Vtpereo miferam exanimavit more parcntem. Credideru animam fotdentem labe paterna Wollefubire diem&e fe fiius inquwt error t Ne cum damnatu exclamet forte catervu 5 O ut'mam mihi natalu lux nuHafuiffet. Aft ubi nuncinfans uterina repagula rupit, Symbolafecum adfertvit* manifefta future : *Dextiampotendem y manuum mercede bcatum Sefore democrat-, pede nudo triUe capejftt Vitte iter >& fuperilm adventat ptvcgrtnut ad auras, Vtcunfa ingreditur nudus,lacrymabilu infant ^Doclior ad Return eft, rudiorfa adcttera natus. Vsgitus cudit lacrymas non verba querela <> Vt bene quum nequeat {ari, Qua) t ifttus edit : Thrticiofic morejuu natalibiu infant, SoUicitat lucluA,etia^ fne voce, loquentes. Omen habet vit^parttct ; portend it ocerbus Hie dolor & Lahr,bumanos trijtefy laborer. Nature praefenpta manet Ley. > < u$i ce lutlu Vt nafcatwt HomOiComite% hoc per gat ad num. Nat ma exponit nudum mars excutitjt) na Excipit,& nudum proferpjna manibtu addit. «r Ergo quum pirtm rudiment a no fir i Inchoet damni, renovito mentem Integrant {Chrifie) ut videamparenta Tefta beata. Rune novum par turn comites fequuntur Amy cordit tumuli tiwores. SPRING. UUarch^ or Mans birth. Much like an Earthquakes (halting you may fee, Betwixt them fuch inteftine warres there be. O dcth the child then know,what is this life* Who will not enter it without fuch ftrife 2 Yea oft the one Co fights againft the other, That Viper like the"child doth kill the mother. May you not thinke.the foule defild with finne Originalljdoth to regrate begin, And wi{h it may not fee this life at all, Leaft it fhould adde thereto finne a&uall, And once perhaps 5 {hould with the wicked fay» O if it never had fcene light of* day. But marke 5 when he is borne, how he will give An Emblemeof thelife,which he muft live; Telling as't were>when he his hand puts forth, That he muft worke for what he {hall be worth s Or thruiling downe his naked foote he fayes, That he muft walke a Pilgrime all his dayes. How e're he comeSjhe naked poore doth lye And can doe nothing filly babe but cryj He cannot fpeake,but yawle for grecfe,and fo His rude expreflion cryeth (waj for (woe) So Tbraciw»\ike into this world of feares He umerethhimfelfe with many teares. Thefe paines of birth and woefull agony Foretokneth our enfuing mifery j They clearely doc point forth the curfe of man* That he muft live in forrow,as he began : His nakedneffe fhewes he muft nothing have Which with him he may carry to his grave, * Since then my birth is of my bane The primer, me beget againe, Renew my fpirit Lord,fo with Thee I (ball tby fathers dwellings fee. VER. MartiusfivcNatali?. TlumnA in largos lacryraas foluta, el Turbadolorum. Hunefufurraatk taciturn querela Murmur, & triftk fremitus Leon is Temper at, luftu* Pelicani ad in ft at Trifle quetentk Caudium (3* kiflui parit iUe vita c beato Fc-jfumiunoftripatru intueri Lumfaevulm. Jttvtcem lucJus nova cantilena fattget teterni decus Haleluja, £* novum t or wn moduli* fonorum Auditt JEtter. Aprilis SPRING. \M Arch) or Mans birth. His fecond birth is brought with feares. A broken heart,and floods ofteares, Roaring,chatt'ringin the night, Like Pelican from mortalis fight. Heart-confuming Gghes and cries, Soule-quelling fits and agonies, Thought-killing muttring,whcn the hear* Knowes no wayes how to play its p*t. But moment-laftingforrowis Fore-runner to etcrnall blifle, If here on earth it doth annoy, Yet leads it us to Heavens joy. When we (hall with tearelcffe eyes,' Meete our Saviour in the skies, When we with him coheircs (hall be Of glory and immortality, Then (hall our teares be wip't away. Then (hall there be no night, but dayj Then for our mourning we (hall fing, A Halelu jah t© Heavens King. Jpritt *3£L. JVT(IL. OWhat a pleafure is't to fee LMy new-jprung budjrhkh will be tree ! The glift'ring graft with Phcebus ray %)otb make me cheer ef nil looke y and guy •' But (ah ! ) ifthefe my Flowers Jhonld die. Lord what would then become of me. q He tell thee % thU thy brood will wither^ *Doc not dejpareijov'le have another* ver; Aprilis five Infantia» QValis odmferum faeutidans mber ApiiMem , ^ Flore novo Martu lattentiagcrminaijt$it t Ne flare Olympus alit dulci : Pbcebii/que calore» Frigora ne exurcnt,nimius %el torreat *ftus : Sic gremio char**, at ru dum toUitur infant, Ne meet impottuva fames 3 (? triftu egeftas, Jie&areo defonte bibitfpumantia laclu Fluminatfp* gemino mammarum e tukere mdnant. S*pe novcrcatur Natura, aut turgiddfaftu Netlaru hoi gaudct genitrix occluder e rivos i Ergo ubi nonpoffant dux am exorare patentee {Mendicant aliunde, luparumqueuberafugunt j S*pe etum tanium ediruni fuapignora mattes^ SuHineantfotiiutnataexponerefylvisi June fuper ant pietate/er* volucrefque parentes % ID ant alienigenu quando ubera mutua natis : Vepofuit rabiem hpa, dum laclaret alumna , &omatuos>matrcm &* doming fe oftenderet oriisz Aft ilii cum lacle lup*fuxere furorent, Tratetno^ urbm (t&bilivit fanguine fiater. Expojuit quen: dirus avus,jujfit^ necari, Jffe canisfeta a mamma lailantepependit 9 jndeftu temper tenuit vefana cruorit, "pftdandique fames, bumano [anguine donee . Immrfum caput > & [atiatum c*de natavit. 7)egeneiem uties pati theft cernereprolem Moritus, aver fotanquam fit fderenata 9 Nutricu cum lacle bibat qu9d/tmina morunt,' imbutufqueftmelfuent quo parvus odore InfansMnc redotet mat urn auBiQiahnii. SPRING; April; or Mans Ihjmcle. AS ApiU foft and balmy (bowers doe riourim . The Marck»bved Buds,untill they come to flourifli; Sunne with its heate,Heav n with its dew them cherifli, Left they with nipping cold, or drought (houldperift; 1 ven To the infant on His mothers knee, Left he ihould ftarve for want or penury, With milky Nectar he his belly fills tVhich fioweth from the two breaft- to wring hills, Oft times Stepmother nature, Mothers pride Doth flop thofe fources>which when they are dry'd ' What they cannot obtaine from cruell mothers, poore Infants ! they are forc'd to beg from others ; : Sometime the parents fo unnatural! prove, iThat they expofe^which they fould deareft love; fhen beaftsand birds,againft their nature, (hew/ * More love then parents, who this duty owe : Did not the Woolfe her fierceneffe lay aficie/ To give what curs'd Anmlim deny»d ; Romes twinnes fo nurs'd with Woolfes unkindly (oodt Like ravenous beafts, one (hed the others blood. A Bitch did nurfe great C^r«5,whcn they did Expofe him,caufe his furly Grandfire bid, From that time forth in jarres his life he led * Seeking for prey,and thirfting blood to fhed/ Vntill by Sctythian 7 omyris at laft, His head into a bag of blood was caft. What is the caufe, why children oft times are Vnkind unto their parents ? caufe tfcey were ^eaned from others ; and it ftands with reafdnl ihauhcy (hould fmell of,whatfirftdid them feafon.' But VER. Aprilisfivclnfantia^ Vberejamfat/tr eft puerjncunabala fomnus Pofcitjibitrmulu agitaiur nutibus, inter Motut/Jfa & requiem, mi/era dans (ymbola vit£ 3 Cujus y ceu n&i'Uj&edijs jaftatur in undis Spem^ metum^ wter,nec ecjfat, lamina donee Mors ctoudat Longoque Oic% det fejfafopori , Mamkikwfedne tmgentibus ilia rumpat, Biandafoporifero demuicet carmine rnttrix, infantu vel nuUatttas a crimine }ura, Eft infons^fraudu non gnara , exp. r/% nocendi 9 Irmumeru tamen iffa malis ot noxia vita, Ludibriumque recens ca/us y &r (ortumiqua esly Sgxcdft crttdelesReitodes ajpent iras, innocw infantes macuUhm fanguine forum. Qbyct formic as quantum-vis Gr ttia Mida, Mettificafque Platowu apes, facundia lingua 'Emhea quehportexta, & cornu-copia return eft s Tnftibus aujptitjsfednoftra infanttafwgit, Contemplate aves fwva^quas omina dira Infeuflantsata qutfacit at as plena dolorum» TriftitteJvflmiCurayduriqi labor U. Hocfolo felix y miferum quod nefciat infant In mcdijsfefe ejfe malu y careatque timorc* Cum me* matris niveoliquore Nefiarisjetrum /ceteris reatum lmbibi$7imi patris inqumtus LtbecruentL Addidi vit* propriuw mjand 6 (alum Author^kfirmamfatura keato la&e,& atemafoturato divi HeSfare vetbh Miuty 6 fordes uteri, meiaut Criminis tt*vos,platid* quiet e Vt tui regnifruar> &piit tun — -~MahU* *ctdtf. Nejton vani banc modulo foptri Carminhjirentesimt do toft %ua f .e 5 fed Ctli vigiles ocelios tendatadarceu Neve mrgatrn rapid'u prccclle FluftibtUiprendas Bamint'tn tuumpt Sttfcipe avtplexum > patriot Olympi Defer adarcet. Sic Tuot, a tunit (putt) afluefiet Oratte % tHpc animzm banc amain Et Tiki grates aget bcec perenmt Invkemamto* SPMiNG. ijfftiB^or ManslnfmU* Thine Infant (Lord) to be I crave, Let not my gray haires finne to grave. My foule doth cry Mil thou it lord IVith milke of thy cternall Word 5 Author of 4 grace, nurfc grace in i»c$ $0 t at length (hallftrengthncd be. Dfenfe me from firft and fecond guilt» t)nely thou canft (Lord) if thou wiltj Fhcn (hall I be a Dennizon rhere>v«herc uncleannt fle commeth mm* -et not Hells Siren lullafleepe ily foule to drowne it in the deepe 5 -ord make it watch for Hcav'ns joyes Regarding nothing worldly toyes. iehold my foule rock't too and fro, >oth cry for feare and cannot goe j tfow Icaft in ftorme it drowned be, Pake it into the (hip with Thee. &aU Thou think e me to be thine, Lnd I (hall thinke thy kingdome minei o (hall my foule thy mercies prove tad kame thy mercies how to love* C* N ' Ow are my V lowers with Aurora digkt, » And flora fees her long wifht* for delight ° Each Tree a Quire, each Leafe a 'Bird doth beare^ A&finging Harmony to Heatfns Sfhenre ; The Lambkjns skipping trip, they dance and play , This is the glory of the moneth of May. ^ Remember Flowers fade y come will the nighty When Nightingale Jhallfing from Mortals fight, ■ VER. MaiusfiyePucritia. Q&rmlm qua genuit Mars, qua \aUav\t Aptilk Stmc gemvtant devu* & &taij pinguntur bmr? Vndi^ Peftano [tcjplendent cun&a wore Vt guar* Natura rudis contendere dextr* jinifcu poJfttiZephyritugramlnapiagit* Gramma Pancbaosfupra fiapantiaindot. Vlumeagenut auras tenuimodulamim mulcett ^era&,&fylvas t h4bu*ntm & momibus Ecbs: Talis Homo pair in teneros quando emicatannos, SeeuratfaUens Inter fua gaudia luces : sidde Mas 9 Cali credos fieOantk alumnum Fennigerttm,tamrara nova fiat gratia forme : Urn ctdant pitih albentia Lilia cmpis, JE mula Sitbonijt wvibm, purofa elephant o i Huic cedant biferi rubicwda rofav'ia Vefii J Tunicat ingenues tampulcbra mode ft m vultui, Vancbeum puen [pirant precordia amomum AfTpiofa balant accenfithuru honores^ Jmpar qaeU fordet meditat* c opianarit. Termultcs avium ftducit ad dvia cantut, Certat ubi turdm memUr,ubt lucari acanthu Confonat>ty no&emfylvte citbarifiria mulcet l Mejuvat ingenui vocem exaudire pae&> Data tenerot fingit fermones aure magifiri, MmuU fyderib/A cut adamant m Lwnhta fulgemt, ^aaUa in humanos defgit fteUio vulttu : Gratia jucundatfaciemyfimpkxi vcvuftas, Tom amo7,Venerisi decus,pignuffvepare9tttm eft» -ddfpitejed tempos gaudet qttofalkre Lndo, fngenim artifoii mentitus>& atmajnmmffo She equitat mulo Mari**o,aut agmiwa duck, Shje wlmcQndit&l/xvetmaxia turrits SPRING; May or Mans Childhood. lJ7Hen AA7,Spring5*glory paints the gaudy fields, W And beauty t* Aprils fucking infants yeeJds, The bloomcsand bloflbmes are Co ftrangcly dy'd. That Nature feemei her cunning to have try'd. Flora perfumes her brood, which give a fmell» That may the Ph o? nix neft well paralell, The plumed minftreU with their Muficke fils The fmiling hcav n,the wood 5 aad ecchoing hili. Kfe ns Childhood is his M ay ,whercin he play es, And wantonly beguiles his carelefTe dayes : Then lookeihe like an AngeJI^had he wings, He is theprettieft 'mongft a thoufand things. What Snow-white Lilly ,can flow afford Co faire, Which with his fpotleffe beauty may compare? Pcftans twice-bearing rofe-beds,blu(h to Tee His Virgins red-enamelled modefty j His fragrant breath fo from his breaft doth fmell, As if Arabia i bird did therein dwell ; Nor fancied nofegay,nor coropos'd perfume, Above hisfimple nature dare prefume. Many repaire to Grpyes and love to beare The NiehtingalejiHe Thrufli,and plumed quire, If I fhouTd choofe,I could take greater joy To hearc the pratiing of a lovely boy. Hit eyes like gliftring Diamonds doe thine, Twinckling like Lizards>while they tare on thine. But marke what pleafantfport t»himfelfe he makes, All Arts and Trades he boldly undertakes-, JHe'le raife a Caftle,build a fandy Mill, Me'le ride a horfe,he'le traine,he*s what you will S fie doth what ever unripe Nature can , He is the pleafattjprctt y ape of man : C 4 His v er; MaiusfivePuerit^ CmuA ingenio cantiasfe fingn ad artes, Mmu!ui£tatU maturfmw aft** Ne&imium miferi tamen exultate paretic s 9 < Prteoda btcdurus comitctur gaudia meeror s CemitU, ut piftt pubes Alabandica Flora 1 Marcefiitinudttmq,, relinqu it fauciajpimm : Nulla mm teffctlati fie gloria veru 3 imlrlferiquam non affla'ta defouat Auftri : Si feme I imbrifefi tetigit contagio morbi, languent membra jugix^ decus mitabik forma : VaUentes artMjti/ti&gYaveditie prijjum Tunc caput jmrtiodic am condewriantjme parextum Lttitiam, e geminu oculorum fata feneflru Vrofphiunt&tlidock meat vixore mepbitu: Improbavu morbi cogit mutate querelu Blanditias, tenet o/% fates, Ungut^ lepores ♦ Maxima tam/uperant mijnes gaudia luftwt* MutanturqiVicestrifiitumfunereUue. Hie fudum affulfit, Bmt. impcnienteproceHa s Hkpofult maretrariquiilumftdfiuminU iras Varturiente filo, meditami &> pi£\i* vento. iAb ! quid fata fugit? mortali propria vitce Resefl nulla >dedit qui foremen omnia raptau ffl Gr atie vires /DeusQ, re cent h Suffice, infaes hcec pmtafiat «etas.» , 7)ifiatut certosmagh & magispu , \ Tig^ttgnff^ . Vajfibm dum tefequor baudfunndh , : r, 'Cbrifte J prteeda6Jubar(equitatu > TemfcafieftrtiQ animtredemptor, • ■ *' - ? • Su&traty neftrc, Cerne 9 SVRlKG. MtyyCr Mans childhood. H*is wit like wax .to every thing can ply, A Qrange'dbferverjWhat he fees hee'le try. But harke you Parents» be not oyerjoy M, Your pleafure (ah) may quickclyjn ^eftroy'd; ^ou fee the Damaske Rote which is the peer Of flowers, it fades and leaves the naked brier : No blofTome is fo glorious and fo faire/ But may be nipped with a noyforae aire, . Jf an encountring blaft oflickenefT: Mow, All feature paffeth like a minins {hew, He droopes his head,his gaftly Iookes condemn* The fondnefife of child- deifying men. Then through his eyes as windowes looketh death, A loathfome earthly fmell inie&s bis breath . H is merry tale s and char,is then forgor, For painefiill rlckenefTe ms Wes him change his note. Then lookehow great your joy exctlfd before, Your griete is doubled now,if \ be not more. Here was a Sun-ihineblinke,befure the clouds pid fend the winds to combat with the floodsj Here was a c^lme above,while as below ' The fea was great with ftorme, winds thrsatn'd to blowj Ah world of woe / what thing canft thou call thine* JPaere man>but death can quickly fay its mine ? Grant ftrengchof £rare,0 Lord, to me, And make me grow rrom iof M\cy '■}.. l\ To childhood 5 teach me how to trace The footefteps of thy facing grace. While w ith uneqtiall paces 1, £>oe lag, ihew forth thy Li^ht from high 5 O doe not goe quite out of fight ' ¥ &ord Soules Redeem* r,fole delight. looke VER? MaiuSjfivcPucriti^ CevneMtopaeUvagUut vac ni at Gtejfit,& fiatl» animot adauee. nvhlmrttimmUhn!, ****** Ftrto opm kfe exhitara dokntm ** tttt^mm male # at ait it VMvtetnpfiaimeopcrralibras, ****** Mjuv*, & dexttifiahUito planum x SZuaig lar^irk pmk, Olympi *.-.- ~ .. Duett* ad any. Tarn ero CmliEmpynl mlnifiet Mger 9 diva facie decorat, Talk & dacatn nthsli hems» Nefiork Iunius SPRING. r tJtfdy, Mans childhood. Leake to my v? adling pace and if [ fall,raife mcand comfort give Lord, when I dagger, fet mc right, Sooles eternall anchor plight. And that I may the way endure, With thy free graces me allure, Lord if I faint encourage me ; But pull me if I ftubbornc be. Thus fuffer me not, Lord.to ftray, lut guide mc on the narrow way j And 'caufethy Kingdomc doth belong To Children.place me them among: Then Heavens bright Angell (ball I fee Cioathed with immortality, Rather fuch Childhood to me give, Then here Methufiakm age tolive. Sm JEST AS. Xuniusjfive AdoIefcentia= * CVrvati quum Vh*bu% equoi 9 per brachia Cantrh Cogit anhelante^acclivi in vertice saU t Fervidiore calet radio tuncforUaleHut» Etptim*fatu% adolefcutajlorejuvenu , Let as promittimt fiugcs, (? pgnafuturt *Dant fruftvs tavidum^ beat fpes prima £6/0810» t Humane talv flmft'n ephebta lit*, CumpiafcintiRaHt ceeleftu ftminafiamm*. Hctc rudit ivgen'ij molts fed tmaJumM Vofeit, & eft Ratio ftudioformandt toUndL Humanigeneru pater ex quo tempore lap/us, Human* in cmt timer fa eft ftintillulamntu> Hon nip inexbauftojam recuperanda Lahore, Gemma velut Stygio Letbesingwgite mtrfa Vavatork dextra etpiftandaprofuiido eft. Tempui erat quoftabat homo deftirpeaeorum, Votibus ingenij plufquam mortiUbus au&us : jSrMtrij fedfrena regentem deviut error 4b(lulit i & re&o aver/urn de tramkeflexU : Indefumut girpispravce vitiofapropago, tegeneres fantti primevaab crigineC*li s Najcimwiinari rerumjtbmu inanti Gmnigence/veUttipitidtfi rafa tabeUa In/cribenda notkqmt xihtamm obfitamBit* Nam "jelotidifiiria Hum que pullulat arbor CcrrigtuTiquamdin kfcnticcrtict motet, SoBiciti teneros ammo* ft twa magiflri» Et cultura ScboU tcrtum 3 fed molerefbgjt Jngenwm i fud^s& tetea pe&oi 'a format* Cortin* qutmmta Scphmnfajfragisprimum 7>ixerkM % but write yo«*to receive its able. A tree which crooked erowes and bends awryi While it is young, skillcan it re&ifie ; So tender mindes the Matters carcccrre&etb, fcVhat Nature could not, pifcipline effeð 5 Learning makes ftra igbc petverfe and crooked wit£ And the m like wax to any fawicn fits. He whom JptUfs Oracle did call, jESTAS. Iunius, five Adolcfceiitfo Talem vit ales primthn fie luminu auras Hauffeaielmtjiro fubfideremtum > Tofleafedfatfum Sophie c eeleflU alumnum, In melius mutaffe ayimum&ct'wmque tnaiignum J S&ttmbcnad lapidat genitor.juga dura fubite * CompeUit ftaiOi duritrifeifque Laboris J gaamgravis (ah) labor cfi lapfum reparare PannHu Btminquam tames amifas attmgere dotes! Nature nafien) is era/it ekmcnta loquendt, Cornea quzpueris nmc abecedaria won fir ant M velutifolifs craculaficripta Sibylla Penelopes opu* efi.falvo componere finju, literulaj fie iitewlis oonjungtre oportet Syliabe ui a>cnfcant, quarum fanagtne veeef' Vtanfunijperam crelib damnamui inaKcm. Nuncfluxa & fiagn^fmutfirmifftma quondam Mnemcjdepoftti cuftcifimiffima, pma r> Conda penm nofiri, loiulujenfata reponens, Vepr omens % eadew 3 fi quando pofceret ufu* ; Fiditfed mnetrx qui nunc, in puherefa ibit Scnfa animi,aut fiuxcz fiufird commit tit arena : Nunc vaga congeries rerun ^cceci^ recejfus Confundunt fyecies, velimqua c bitter at atas. ObHatfepc (ur minds in papers, that they may endite gaineto us,fo word of mouth is icome filence of our writings,which are dumbe, .nd what ms got before b' attentive eare tottbeboofcesdoeteach us/caufe they're oculare. D Nd *ESTAS. J Iufiius,fivc Adolefcentia** ' Singula net tanm bac projunt, q«o nefciofato, Sape lata tantu bowinis mm pre fa tcnetoU, Hilfalit a lavdtpigri de more caballi Promovet baud, quamvh vir^as talc-art but addas. guam gravis (ab) Ubor eft nob^qua petdidit horg In nuttot reparare dies, later ev>% lavare. White Adamigence porno quid vilim uno ? Et tamen hoc tafttospotuU^inerare Laborer, H Oqai Mofajci dogmata faderu Impubu potcras pander e patribits Jud*,fcita tut da mibi Pofiere patru,morigerum leddiU legibus Cceli. Cimmerpmensmea c&cutit Calfgans tenebrisjandito Lumina. Men me (tc uteri crimina poBuunti Nee morum impietai inquimt ungitibm Me fie a ttnerhiquin tua gratia >Afadu uteri fit dibits expiet, Et morum maculae unua diluaU 7>otes ingenij quas mmuit pater Hamani generu,gratia fircieu Vac «e, Cbrifle, tua difeipulm Scbola, Cenfwfc ferula lemur uteri» fendasprcfa men verbera virtim. Iuliu lune y 9t Mans Toungtge^ Nor is this all, oft times theScboIIar's fo Ifatow ard,without rod he will not gee s Sometimes, eaufe nothing in his left fide fturres, See'le neither ride with rod,noryet with f pur res O what adoc is here for to fupply rhat which we loft,but cannot now come by I fell Tonnes oi Adam, what you thihjee of one ?oerc apple, which^hath mankind thus undone* 5 Lords who in this age was preaching found ^ Ind teaching thofe who did the law expound* teach me,my Saviour,whats thy Fathers will* Ind grant me grace that J may it fulfill, am by nature ?and in grace a rnoufe, Redeemer touch mine cyes,illighten my Soule* am not Lord by parents finne fo fpilt» ""for fo dcfil'd with mine owne a&uall guilt $ Jit if thou wilt, thou carift by thy free grace, «lenfeme from all which doth my Soule deface* Vhat ever gifts A&m hath loft to me, rhofe and farre greatet 3 Lord, i find by Thee. Jafter,raake me thy Schollar j when I (hail 2orre£tion crave,ufe mercy there withal 1 ; latter, thy Schollar humbly begs of thee* i ha; to my ftrength thy rod may tempered be» t> % fry * . • 9 t ARies wasjhong. Taurus didfirongerfrovil Then GJctnini did doable beat ana love : Cancer who mounted, ftr tight returndagaine t That Leo might couragiom remaine • Till Virgo wi^ her fruitfully hopefuM earn D oe relltfb well the Farmers greedy fearer, f Since Signer for ^Mortals good can fiAgretp To Heav'n let ev'rj one moft thanksfuUbe^ ■ . . ■ J> I IuliiiSjfive Ephebia. FLavut ubi dfiivot Qaintilu promovet ottm Exbilaram bkndum radijt fetventibu4annum s luxuriant arbor fruUm matutai adult oi s Tetafui, fimlkm tentatptodutete ptoUm : Talk Homoquumfloriferos adolefcit ad annoh Parturit, & Genqjp crimen maturius edit i * VuUulatingmtj feet us quem curaMagiftri Lamb'it» (g* urfiuo defomem more refinxit. Tunc vitqaot membra 3 quot at tut Corporis huoiani,qMtfuntmoUmina mentis, Delict* quotfnntfen/ks i vitijsq i laborat Quamwryt male-finns homo i bona denty qu$t/unt 9 Quot mala; tot ptofiant attes, quels auceumus iUa 3 H4G vitamut ; & efl vita multiplicis Hydra» Cwajuity muni) na/ceateparabile vi flits MflepenujutohiuA licet, iniui amicju i Jngeniofa adeo mortalia peiloravexit Luxuries nunc, ut Terras, oiberr.% fatiget; piftenck SPMMET^ July i or Striplings age. wr y ▼ THcn rypemng Iuly brings Hypnhn fcrth, \/ \/ From Tc/fojj chamber» lyin^ towards Horth) P » The fruitful! tree,advanceth morcand more [is fruit, defiringftill his kind to ttore : o Man when his Youths bloflomcs gin to blow, >eGres fome way wits timely Jruircs to (how. ifter thefe wits, which imperfect wtre wrought* ire now by 1 icking into faftiicn brought > rhca every man betakts him to atrjdc» f or no man e're for idlcnefle wasrmde. -ike as the Bees the meddowes range about, rafting ef every flower the field throughout j ome brotch the Prhnrole nectar fome the Ljilirsa ome crop the Thyme, 2nd fome the DtrTodithes^ iach one a fundry way and flower doth take, ind yet all to one Hive doe honey make : o men,in Youth,arcordins to their minde*, )oe choofe their trades, of fwndry diyerfe kindes > ; or Efops skuls did not fo difaerce, K is men in feverall phanfies different be : r et though there is'mongft men io great divifion, ill feeke one thing,this mortall life* provision, low many forts of thjngs how many joynts ire of the body,hovv many crotchet points ire of the mind,or fenf. s fond de) ightji, low many vices are in wicked wightes } or goods,for evils,the r re equal 1 artes in number, Vhich like an Hydra doth this life encumber, athers of old time,furcly,cr3y'd no more, >ut clothes for backe and for the belly {fore j ^ow pride and ryots humors for to fit, Vhole countties nations^doe emplov their wit ; D 4 iESTAS. Iulius five Ephebis. 7)ifcend*funt mile artes } ftfngere ad unguem lngmiumhumanvm i mores i fs > lemporapofcas i Luxuries fie fortejuvat,qubd miBe nepoti Attifices debint tolerandacommoda vit*. Bfuriunt quando lath a.iimantia campu, In mundv dat Terra dapesMnt pocula lymph* 5 Virafames bominem quo tics dd tnrpia togit> Jnfandas acuens/pes &pr*cwdi(i rodens ? Import una fames morof* debitct cejftt fana gu\t : jufta nemefi fie numina ple&unt y illicit as guft&re dapt s homo for titer aufm , S SoUicit&fic dura capefj ens mania vitz IDegener a quali fitfaftu* origne, cernit. lnterea arreftas qua> zox mini verbem aures Octa tufa beans tranquilla^ caflra Minerva» Mufarumque ieves choreo5,placidofque tece£m 9 VermiffifaltuA) ($* flamma grata poetm ? Jnvidievox. eft taudansdiverfafequtntefi ^Damocles celfa recubet ft ftde Tyranni, VuUa labor abit jucundum mufa foporem. Vt veniat hederd dignits* tua luminafomnunt Stepevident nuBum ? an Audit macrekit imago ? Japetonidce volmrcs funt cura t labor^ Pewigil > <& > ftudij fithimplacata profundi, Horologtfufum veluti, ft&numque* rota/qtie Sptra regit Jecumque fob eonamine raptat : Anxia fie cum quwn mens diftrafta labor at, Uutta jopriferam fenilfcuntmembra quietem, *ddjptce€0gnata6 cyclonquiciranataries, Quam mifeY*v\t(t dispendia quanta catenet, , Vrimigem qukdedidkit vtrnatvte lingua '. ' . srMMtt* July, erWi$Ung*g£ ihoufand trades, now,o when the Youth begins his painefull trader le fees what he is now, what he was made. ■ ButlocXhearefomefayithe Scboliar's bleft, &s free from labour,and enjoying reft» ralking of dauncing Nymphes,and (haddowy woods* Parnaflus groves,and pkafant running floods 5 [t's envyes voice j who difcontented ftill, That which (heknowesnot,difcommend me will. Put Damocles in Dionyfios place, Hee'Ie praife the pleafurejbut enjoy no peace: That thouma/ft weare the Ivy, canft thou lookc With fleepelctfc eyes, and paleface on thy booke I What meane the Vulture» which Prometheus teate, But watchfull ftudy, and heartleating care. As m a clocke/prings motion doth make the barrell^fufiejwheeles^nd ballance make s So when the minde doth ftirre with thoughts oppieft, Thinke you the bodies fpiritsare at reft. But looke what doth his cncydopedy Teach him,but lc$wcs of his oaifery. JESTAS. lulius five Ephebuu Cdgtut l&mas Bakylouu difen voces j Qupdqueprmsdederant tun*, nunc vix capitgtaes Sinumereslhguas t Mitbridates occidit infant. Ej? hovini tantiHa fides fiu Rhetor is arte He fast ut fibi emcordes indue m fenfut % Quodque nequtt rath fucato fuadeat ore, Verbaque det levibtss totiei dif under e venttt. Catigattantu aeies interna tenebru, Ctmfufie que latent jpecies PlatonU ut annus ETUttehancfatagatcarioJaeferdetibrotum, gut ration* pr chant bominem rationU egemeWi IZumnumerosneflit mmruAam nilUbut augti MiBta^dum paribus diftingutt tittora mitu. Dam numtratfteltasyguttii difcriminat «equor, jn leva digitofluxosftbi computat annos. Z>nlce melds, trifiis quamvu medteina dolorjt Z>ieitur 3 boc tamen (ab) I aery mar urn fiuffutacerbat, Z)umfatum recolens cffkndii flebik carmen, X?ualieient memores vicime mortis oleret. guam dolet lafirif rum radio dnm menfui Otympw, Hiecontemplaturradianteseminusorbet, Neclitei ad patriot furfum contendere fedes 9 Vnde genus traxu cognatd ab origme 7)iv4m. Denize damvariodeftribitfebemate Terras $ui*qitefecans xonuji&mguens climate locetn Maxima fad vertitcydk fola tbus annum, €onve*m paribus menfumns pajftbas orbem, Quajubar aurwmum terra ortenfque cadenfque, TunicatequereaspifcofeTetbyosundas Quaqae dies medium q»a nox difpefcit Olympum, Xejpickns modalumipfe fuum ; quid metier, inqmt, Kane molem, Arcbytas prope littus dona matiuum Vulveruexigui pofcit,cur mente retundam Vmwro Gxlum moritnrus i ftaminavk* Tare* SVMMJiJL. luly^r striplings age» ufc Paradifcs tongue he cannot reach, ammar doth hini Babels confiifion teach ; i life timecannocgive what cradles could» thridate was a babe,if tongues were tould. little credite man hath, Without art Rhetoricke,he cannot move the heart * s fmoothed tongue he doth more powerfullfind, icnreafon ; yet his words are oft butwmd. trfce ignorance To mantles up his wit, tat Platoes yeare can fcarce deliver it, on rotneffe of the Los>ick fyftemes rable, bich proving all things, proveth manabablc. eby Arithmetickecanpickethe&ore fall his fandssand adde to millions more, ivide and multiply the ftarres,and tell »w many drops doe make the Ocean fwclli ,, it when he comes his dayes to calculate, e finds a figure or two doe {tand for that. hough muficke be a fweetfolatious thing, teachethhim his Lacbrim* tofing, nd Swan-like in a dolefull Elegy, dying to be waile mortali ty . ftronomy doth make him difcontent, fiat he (hould peepe up through an inftrumenr, nd take the elevation of th at place , rom whe nee he had his berng and his race. Whiles that Geometry doth tcach-him how he furface of this earthly globe to view J p cut it out by zonei aud climates way» f hotter ,colder,and the longer day, o pace it forth , in inches,rods,and miles , rom Eafterne Scas 3 unto the Wefterne Ides, rom dayes Meridian , to the midnight line, foerc night is darkeft,day doth brighteft mine 5 MSTAS. Iulius, fiveEpheMa; P#b4mBJkiulacfecnit : fiptempedacorput &emmum i tumuliangfafto mibi limits claudet : centers msrtdmeftplwes adokCcere ai tnm JErum»afauelimttl,tr$iq i holers do'.ori : Hot tantum eft miftri for/an filamen EphehL Wmsrqffe aliquas lapfbeum tmpore curat. g CvUftu Genltor.quce manmrulum goes Teton viridans, & liquidi csthetu Nutritbeec regh,Te Dominumfuum <*4fftoftunt,Vatul* munera dexter* Bxpofiurttfa tut : Tufaturas dape guicqmd te precibm folltcit at Deum. Cervta non didicit vertere vomre TeUuru gravid* fa xea vifcera, Optatu epulit non tamn iniiget. Hunquam penfa trahunt Candida lilU 9 Flora at lHXUriant]plendidafirmate 9 Jgaaii Rex Solymas no* nituitpi*. Cutis dffirabem mens mea 3 curmetu Qwtfaritjliahilemgfem tibicoUcc* lnrerum Domine 3 qui dab it omnia gaavitafidgili commodafenferlt, Seine debilitent ocla languidam Mentemjumti & pe flora dijfiuan^ Hydm multiplied ne malapulhlent : Qto vita» tokrem 3 munere da jfrui Artu>tp*feniumfuftineat meum 9 Etvifiu htvaUdos /ujlineat dies, Mequtfo Mtbereis dotibminftrue 9 Qtadratas fabric* dim lego titeras, C SVMMZF. iaijytr stripling. *ge? 'hen he lookes home t*himielfe,he iighes and fayes $ i meafuring earth, why fpend I thus my dayes ? rchy tas ghoft, neere to the Matin (bore, tfdes a little duft 3 doth feeke no more; r hy(houldI then furvey this globe with eyes,- nd fore with thought above the fphered skyes $ Tien deftiny (hall cut my fatall haire, fall this earth ,fevenfoote (ball be my (hare, 'bus m ay we fee, that as in age we grow, )rrowes along with us in age doe gee* Yeuth one comfort after all,at laft cceiyesjfome of his toy le and forrowe* pair* 4 ftat Heaven above,below,the Sea,and Land 'ontaine , all ft and and fall at thy command. athcrjall things to thee their eyes doe bend, "hou do'ft, to them their food in feafon fend» /hat ere thou haft created by thy word, "hou keepft,if they acknowledge Theeiheir Lord. ?hou with thy bleffing feedft the wandring Crow, Uthough itonnot either till or fow, [he Lillies of the field they cannot twift 3r fpinne, yet are they,Lord/o by Thee blcft, rbat Salomon in all bis rich aray, Vas notfo gloriousag they are gay. IVhy art thou Soule caft downe with feare and care t riuft in thy Lord and Maker, He's thy (hare \nd portion fure,who will unto thee grant, #hat ufefull things for life he EnoweTtnee wans, hit yet left idleneffe (hould on me ceafe, Which is the Hydra of vice,and Soules difeafe : Bive me fome calling Lord,whereby I may, Svrcatc trwcl/ for my daily bread, this day, Which JEST AS* Iulius, five Ephebis, St totpimgeroi Mquoris §rdmet s Totvernastit bumi£*(kU germing Erratttfipe gregeSyfilvkolmjeraSj Mmamfpe tvei [crmi. pefinit, Art*t>«tqne a mmm/k naqm tmHUtt jtngufti tmbrh aim it a cefom. Te temm Domamnh muttficum pair em ^gnofcamt&tkereisbiudibut efmns Dtmcjmz aliens chiitm additt, &Tumsi! demerit mart nquim mis» * t «* Auguftu SPMMERl iuly, or ftriplixgsdge? Which may maintaine my gray* I a;res,when I can 2>oc nothing but bcwailc the ftate of than. What knowledge, Lord,thou giv ft me of the creature. Make it the 077 of Thee my great Creator. When I behold the CnftaJJ Heavens fo faire, So many winged troopes piercing the aire, So many firmed armies in the ftrands, Rowing themfeives amongft the rockes and lands i When I behold the flowers «the fields andfennts, The grazing flockes,the wild befits >n their dtnnesj When I rip up my breaft»and there doe finde* 4n earthly body , but an heavenly minder I fe e thy greatneffe Lord,in every thing, To thee therefore I will here praife* fing: Till I (hall come unto thy blefedtraine, Then death (hall put ah end to all my paine. ■ WHat Plough & harrow with lahorietu toil 1}idtr»ft tomotherearthy&frukfHilfoik Aftraea, juftice Scepter who can [way 7 To Sickle and the Bdrne deih that repay ; The Hnjbandman he will now weepe no more ; Whenjuft Aftrsea (hews him hope of Bore. • ^j" The Gods arejusljet men then pom be+ Ttufe their bleffings withfobrUtj % t\ ^«J?^!? *f 5< &? cjjrtj fjacfj <$>t$>cjf» c% Acfb § JESTASl Auguftus five Imrentus: PHcebM qmm btandu Aft r * turn gewina Terra Omnigenos par iunt fruclus, pars fcttaveneno* NeCTare pars Juki, virtus non ormlbm vna efl ; Talu Homo ttatiijuvenili roboreglifcit, AU<£ dans jpecimen vitt/fignumi future. Vtcinertqm irnmerfa Latet/cmi^corufcat Et rapitard&tem crepitant in fomteflammam : Sic Naturapriui tm&jf/ffile debilu annu, Nuncfewore vi^ei venanm^Hbore nzruu Vma velut generofa cadisJpifyavtQfervent, Exertastfe nova%per cfcafoffimpavim ; Sie jermentaf* Iwu&ii fetvotilfaent* ExeritaffccJ'M-^^ga^et^ tumultu. Honmm levibuijliputu Vulcaniut ardor G?atfatur>juv£niquam mens c one pta furore FLagrat,& in(ul( & eft p^i m u H5 fiutiof* jimm, %ttiht ijtngufi^ or CWans tonthl * t T* 7 Hcn Phcebfts doth with chaft Ajbea mcctej if V Crowning the fruits & fields with influence fwee* W * Then plants bring forth their frufts a after their >t all alike, fome good>fonse bad we finde. f kindc* man in Youth fliewes by his conversion» s towardnefle,and former education « te as the fire which long hathlurkt in ames, len it gets flronger fewel, flames and flames» nature which in weakeneffe long did lurke, ith now in heate of blood begin to workc : like ftrong wines in caske, when firft they ven*, tey mew themfelves in motion vehement > man inleavned age, and youthfull prime ves paffions moft violent for a time 5 ider nor flaxe takes not with Vulcanes ire >rc quickely, than youths bloods fet on fire, d oft condemnes the Stoicke apathie, by his paffionate valour we may fee. Fellas flower did conquer all the Eaft, [ ides kill'd the manysheaded beaft, on with the noble Youths of Greece, "pight of dangers wonne the golden fleece t is paffionas it isa whetting ftone goodneflCffo to cvillit fpurreth on. respaffion made Verithm defcend Vlmoes houfe i* attend his lufifoll end; gcrmade Eteocleskill his brother, »r could their funerall fmoake agree together^ renge did caufe Oreftet put to death mother, who did give him life and breathy *riefe made Ajase turne his wrath from Troy* d with the fatall fword himfeife deftroy J liage ftill in extremes can fcarce obey ifon, caufc pafllon beares fo great a fway, £ 2 And M S T A S. Auguftus five luventus. Artibut aul interna bonu, & gnaraftndendi , In nimios femper t'mor eft tie exardeat avfus. Htcietasjuvenes hivti ad divert ia duett, Confiitit Alcldei quondam quo incertus eundi. 'Altera, lat a via eft, ( aromata odo eh *dligeriqW: cbori muleent concentibus am as, Vernantefque rep tent tremulo wodulamine Jylvas. Hie levibus recubat p'umh f acuta Voluntas Floribus inmJiis (sr fuauia cinnama fair at. DeliciofaJ£cet,facieso/?frjtat amore:, Lumina fidereofyleudint aecenfa nitore, Tot a lepos (qualh parebat ab xquore Cypiu) Mellitat vocet 9 & verba papavere condtt, Eft externa f oris jpecies, & gratia wltusi Feftoru interni at potent ft forte recejfut 9 Fceda l&tet fcabies piclo male difco\or orh Vigmemo quocunque animum ceruffat, amarer Cerde latet, dolor exammans & turpu egeflas. *AZOt • SVUWETL. Augufk^ or CM ans Y$utb. Vnd oft, when reafon and afft&ion too ^oncurre, the danger's, not t© ovcrdoe. t leadeth us unto a forked way, Vhere the great Hercules was hyd to flay, Die »ne is broad, plumed on every fide, With Damaske Rofes, and with Flora's pride* rhere Cent gifts in great aboundance grow, Ind Bacchus cupps with nectar overflows ["here's downy beds fluffed with fwaniike plumes» rhere every thing ii fweetned with perfume*; rhe winged cjuiriiters with their fweete throates, 3oe warble forth their eanebereaving notes; ^nd painted pleafure lyeth all along /pon her downes,the fragrant flowers among; 3er Iookes are lovely, and her eyes are cleare Yluch like to Penus, when (he did appeare ?irft from tbcfea; the honey's not fo fwcete* is are her words; (he's outwardly compleate, Jut O if one mould fee her breaft within, : arre different would he finde it from her skinne. What ever (he pretends (he meanes no lefle rhan death, deftruftion,gall,and bitteraeOe» rler eyes ? Jike Bafiliskes^they fee and kill, Ff cr voyce like Sirens doth entife to illj Jeleeve her no waves 3 when (he fheddech teares, For like the Crocodiles jthey 're full of fcaresj She gives Circean cuppes of giddy wine, Wxt with toades poyfon, and the Loti(h rine, And turnes man into Goate, or mimicke Ape, Or Wolfe, or Lyon,which doth roare and gape; Dft times (he with her cupps fo doth them drench* rhat without blooi their third they cannot quench} °ut which is worfi of all behold the end, 9 mifcry and death they are condemn'i mstasj Auguftus, five I uventus.' Dtlici(U y mortu mifer&pr&mncia tabes, Nervorum njel diralues^aut heclica febru, ^ut laterumdolor 3 ty ftagnans pituitafatigat Sic miftroi>dir& cupiant ut ttsdia vit*, Btquamcunfe petant,nequedHt qtinm vivere^noruml Qubdfi quis Polemo primos difperdidit annos ImpruienSjCafiam luxu tenure jwventam A ufusjamfc Sopbi monitu rejipifiere tandm incipit^ Baecbo fact as lacerate corollas 5 Tali* eritfachPhenix, rariflimutales, Qualh tumpUeucycnutfecat aera pennit % Confaetude malitamtacopecloracaUo Obdttrat 9 neqtteant uUd ut moRefterecura* Sic vltjat Geutj dotetjic inquinat aura Farticulam,ut fibi natur&juA vendicet ottme 9 Prtftina nee profit flttdiofi cura magiftri, Quampenitusdiruspeccandi cb titer at qfus, Vrob dolor I ergo parens genuit Naturabeatunt Jndole 3 quand the pits of hell : Here fits gray-headed,and heart killing cares, Here lyes palefaced,and joynt-fhakingfeares; Here watchfullDragons,whofe unfleepy eyes, The care- relenting Morphews never fees $ There vaine and phrenticke labour rowles a ftone like Sifflhm the craggy rockes «pons ftt M S T A S. Auguftus, five Iuveatus* flicexitiguii fat 7) ejferatio fauces yix laqucofiringenSyVitam^ cxo]*fatl(cH. Hid adverfa ventt lympbatLpafiti turmu, Ordmibufque inftru&a feroUa vemilat arm* % Jraeculos ardent, torvo (ween fa furore Mtncria defede lovem turban minatur % Banc cmitatw Eru,jaci\kique incendia munch Vtraparat, gaudtns orbem mifiere tumultu » Hie vecors odium tacit o fub pefiore eel it Horrendurnfcdu, & diras excogltat or let I Imprudent ten fit hie fiandit Abulia funcs, Et nonfueta priuAtentarepericula gaudet\ Ceratu hie vanapeiit Spes JEthera penny, I car 10 ardt ntem vifent eonamint Soiem* Bate anguftavti horrendu fc&ttt nttdifa monftriip Et vita innumeris eft interclufa petit lit, $ed tanten incolumes hac virtui duett alumot Bxtrevta ut vitent y ne pes Irinc inde vaciffet : £*up& m*gu per Vdtaudri curvaminapergant 9 Ipfa Ari&dnteo regit hosPrudentiaflo Mox Aiete$d& somites Con ft am;a & Ardor Peelorhjnftaflos animos curtenixbm addunt ; Spemfovet bic> monftratq^ intent** eminut areet Vir tut U,qu arum tenet Elpuftorida culmen. Si quanio ojfendit grejfus t Conftantia curfum Tirmant,ad mttam laudU caltaribwt urget, Prcelamat longe SpetylicCunt digna laborit Trtmia»!? excipimt mor daces gaiidia curat t T>axpnceraquies npRo temeranda dolore, ■ tAtitui hie habitant magnum, fine fine, per o when they have thefe hideous mongers paft With joy they reach the mountaincs top at laft. Where Vertues palhce ftandson pillars fquare rhe courts of goldmine gates of chryftaliure, Ana jest as: Auguftus, five Iuventas#; r AttU Va&oUflavis rutilantia arenit% Et vartjs, quoits vix nota dot India >gmmk • Jinte fores ttvorjacet ater,tttmina tanto Saucius afpefttijdam quam videtynvidet arcu Hum fimulacpreffere ~duces,perjplendida templet Virtutu>ma*nifubettnt penetralia Honoris. Gloria mox ela*» fubkmat fafiatropba>u 9 Fama% Scrapbicis infer tat norn'ma turmis. Hoc bivium eft ; teritur tamen altera femita, /bidet Alterac&cafitujtara 0* vefligia monftrat. $*pe Voluptatem mmerofa colonia ftipat, lnwmitata fekt divinaixcedere Virtui % forte etiam mortale genus» quod nafcitur, omne Err at, & a redo oblique fert tramite grefpts, Telix ad veramquicun^ recurreremetam Pojfit, & errori non indulgere nefando, Jranfverfos dueit c Taupertatu onus dir* fie viribut impav Veprimitjxt longo vix repant intervallo. Quam paucijuvenum,de tot modb miUibut>atla ExtremofuncH,fecnamcnm lauds relinquunt ! Vatvdmanut (qualu Gideonu)laadejuvente Clarefcit,parvam decimant tame» invidafata m Jutipiunt teneri auum matwefcere fiu8us, Enecet bos Borexv'u importuna furentu > Florefcens pereat fie trifti fwe repubes, Mqua (enumjuvenumque fimul morsfuneradenfil» itugofe quam f*pe gen* juvenilia bufia Effcetit lacrymis,ficco fietu^uerigiruni^ Stpeilex mttfiojarecemem turbine fagum Submfim 'Augufl^ w OWdas Touthi Lnd all this glorious caftle's founded on 'he Chryfolite,Saphire,and Berill ftone. kfore the ftately gates> blackeEnvy lies, "ormented with the afpeel: of her eyes 5 ^ )a whom» when once thefe Champions doe trample, rhrough Venues Courts,they enter Honours Temple % rhen Glory doth eternall Trephees raife, \n& Fame Seraphik-Iike, their name doth blaze. rhere but two wayes ; and yet where ©ne dare venter 3n this, a thoufand by the other enter : /ertue,of t,all alone doth goe and dwell ; >leafure doth lead whole colonies to hell. tf ay,I dare fay>the moft of men doe ftray \t firft, and enter in the broader way 5 •Jappy are they who doe returne, before f hey runne too deepe in curfed pleafures fcore, )arke ignorance doth blindfold many fo, rhat from the meane into th' extremes they goe. rheir (hip fcarce from the (horcher courfe doth take^ When (he on deadly rockes doth (hipwrackc mate* Dthers have knowledge and the belt defire, 5ut aoft with ftormes and fortunes fpightfuH ire, rhere ftrength and meanes anfwer not to their mind, Andfo poore foules they're ford to lag behind. Amongft fo many thousands of this age flow few with f aire applaufc goe off the ftage > And yet thofe few like Gideons fleece, we fee JTith'd by untimely fates mortality. Whenfruites are almoft ripe, ftorme can them (hake, When Youth is almoft man,death may him take. Search you deaths Lime pits, and youle finde therein, As oft the Young Steeres as the Oxes skinne 5 Oft time old gray-haird wrinkles fwim in teates, m |For youthes who dyed in their prime of yeeres j ;ESTAS, Auguftus, five Iuvcntus i Subverfam videt» oppedit tamenipfa pmefa. Sola homUd re fiat mortalu propria vite Conditio, & fort'ulex efl prefer ipta cadue*. Vna pact eunflu n*fcentu femita vitx > Milk vie mortis Ad fata, tatemia tendunu f Hon tot multifiemum flaflibus A&tia Tmgetiquumpiceii nuiibus a. quota Mifcet 3 qnot tremulum cor tumet aHibtn* Bt fervent dubijspe flora motibu*. lr£pr£tipitet 9 &* furor impim MefepeexaziUnt,exanimant metus, ToBunt fpefque leves,exeructat dolor y TravqniNum 7)oaine,atda mihi$'tr\tuM t Vslle & cunfta meutn que mala lancinanM VeRus, daplacida menu quiefiere. JEvi primitiat fanftifca 7>eus 9 Wg artus x animamfic mibi robora ; Crejfus per£ tuam dirige femitam, lAdCcztiEmpyrei qua penetralia Duett» cmluolum & fte&iferas domes,, Servame incolumem a Tartar eo grege, Sic y metampotero vifereadultimam* Tunc peana canam pennigeru ehoris% Morscruielisubijam ftimulus tuus £ Inter Chrifiicolos viflor ovans greges t 'Die am turn tumulo gloria ubi eft cua« Mallcmper fatebw tendere t Deda\\ % Et vite ovnigemt saSbusob'tjci j Quxm cali caream dultibus oc'js. "En/is prepetibm tranfvolat oeyor^ Vite luttifice dira moleflia : 7>ttrant afirigeti gaudiafei poll, Nkwn dm dimmer at [tenia fdculit* September! sfmmem: Augnfi^ or Mans Text hi The ancient Pollard Oakc ofttimes doth fee* The overthrowing of a Young Beech tree, Thit onely law is propper unto man, To dye,or foone,or late,doe what he can. One way he comes to life, if Fates difpofe Will once of hin^a thoufand wayes he goes, T he ftormy Teas doe not with waves Co fret, When roaring furgeSjglowming clouds doe threat; As with contrary tides my breaft doth (well, And doubtfull thoughts my plunged foule doth quell ? Whilft furious anger doth me headlong lead, And (halting feares doe ftrike me almoftdcad $ While hope doth raife and forrow downe me caft j Lord after ftorme,(bew forth thy calme atlaft . Chafe anger,feare,vaine hope and griefe away, That joy and reft of foulcenjoy I may. The fir ft fruites of my young age fanclifie, With ftrength of body,ftrength thy grace in me, Direft me Lord along thy narrow path, Which may lead me to Heaven,by laving faith, Strengthen me with perfeverance to the end, From Satan,andHels monfters me defend: So when I fhall come to Heavens reft,FIe fing, O CTMttt dzathyvebm is thy deadly ftivg 1 And when I (hall triumph in iteaven with th^j I*le fay,0 Grave, where is thy vt firry > Before I want this re ft, I had rather goe Through theufand Lab'rinths of this mortall woe. Thefe worldly crofles,laft but for a day, And like the £aftwind,quiclc!y fiye away : But fure I am when earthly forrow s paft, HcaVns thougta-furpanang joy (hall ever laft. September ****; Summers Eqmnodiiall. AVTVMNVS. September, f#e ^Etas virilism SO l nocles luce fque pari qutm examine llbrah Et ttcdioPbeebm dityefcit tramiie mvndum, Haturatwtgratay fuum dant germina f§mn% Jpfag quoi balmre, aiiji dant fetibu or tin $• Ex&ute terrarum timas^erumg latebrasj Ofitnia Natur* %>ecits 9 & fmintfervant % Sis vrtio natprajuht feboicfcere fextt, Inttrtu queuing vigf»f 3 f Icclique jsgilu j>ofcit Homo.ut fpectemjervehfoboleaqitt frtpagtu Quxqut Homitti dixit jid foil ; adgaudia vtf* % Huic dedit uxorem Deus^&fobolefcereju^ Nenpiclam lunonu avem&capramve falacem, "Latraccmie canem y vel mtmam voce volucrem» Sed Uteru ccftam c(m(ortcmjunxtt 9 ut etfet 2p/efrbi,fole[e&us dtfcrirmne^conju^. Hdhnmhutnano generi infeftijpmus bofii, ZDiJimlans Sataftas tacuit, mtndacia fiauait ; Coa/i|r/ at pattern fequiotem certiere feaium» Cwfilij inibuxit cuneos 9 fraMdmquepbalanias ? Naumacms ut quondam dnx/jui verfabai Atbtn&t ViUoium imper'y wmkranteminduxit babenas : Optabat qu* namque puer, fenienttematrk Vnafnitgueri mox refpondere rogp'u, Et mandate wo, regni quifteptra&retat 9 Sic puero imperim Smtis llneadefert : September $ or Mans age, X TX T Hen **ibra m equallfcales weighs night and day* %/ %/ And Phoebus through the midline makes bis waff ▼ * Then every pUnt thankefull to nature feedeth* hs it was bred, fo other plants it brcedeth» For view the Vniverfe and you (hall finde, rhat every thing feekes to preferve its kindj With fexe and feede nature bids multiply Wan, beaft, the foule and fifti, the hearbe and tree. None of their volumes ere fo great can be, Which compendiz'd in feed, we doe not fee, And none fo mesne and {mall but doe encreafe And multiply the more, becaufe they're leffe. Mans age,mans life when it doth equall (hare, In by paft nights, and dayes which comming are, Then man in his September feekes a mate. His fpeece for to conferve and propagate, WhenGod into roans nqfhils breathed life, He fitteft thought for himto have a wife, And he who fayd» woe to him who's alone* Gave man a confort and companion ♦ He gave him not a Peacock nor a G oate* Nor &ogge* nor Parret with her mimieke throate^ But of himfelfe his fellow he did make, And from his fide his confort he did take. But all this while Sathan mans mortall foe j Lurking his craft and malice did not (how, So when he faw the weaker fexe of man, To ufe his ftratagems then he began. Sometimes Themiftocles was wont to fay, That Diophantut Athens ftate did fway* The Guides defirc was all his mothers will* Nor would the reft til] he did that fulfill 5 AVTMNVS: September, five iEtas virilism Hauialiter Sat was, quod vir usorim ejjet Nove7*t, &facilem vidit parere marituzn, jAgMvltfo ream» divino ex fcedere, prole??) Patraret qweunque parens & jmguinu author. Sic ubi mendact pater , impoftor^ fophisla Uxor em cad labyrinrho inclufit ele?/cbr y Biauditiufmt lUct nocens.Sirenis l? Mar Attexit miftrum, ad fi , audcm,exitf.amque i wa7itum» 7}ign.ijuit violata fito hoc nomine mulftz> Credere quum jiuisri rcnult, rerumque parentis Conjupum fn trifle fuit 3 quod gaitdin pnmilm Spondcbatjjujjiqve vices wutare parentes* O rerum dubios cafa I quo vcrtcre (efe pofsit homo? tenet aun lupum, Oivioque vaciUat, C&kbtfi vivet, mcerebit fo'm W o r bui Otcidety tp veneris n,n duUh pramia writ* AndietUgratvA Hatu?ent quepart,before he ad the married man ; efore he will glad marriage torches have, ' fith funeral! tights .he's carried to his grave j le Iives,but to what end ? that he may fee, heworld,andlike Ephemeronquickely dies Jl of him dies at once,his Overthrow !totall,death doth kill him at one blow 5 'he curfe oiOnan he muft undergoe, aufe being bid raife feed he did not fo $ fhat if all were like him^where (hould there be wnts for the Hcaven,for earch pofterity 5 'rcat Xeruei then might juftly ftied his teares, lid fay,taat alifhouid dye within few yearcs. *> In AVTVMNVS. September, five iEtasvirilis* illi teYumna gravis nitnium, nee grande lev are Soliu pojftt onmjrebufque eft triftibui impar t *Divit\oi (& agres ignotus pojftdet kxres Dignior, ipfius fiumr qui mejfe labor» : £?uddfi forte fuam reparet fnefemine gentem Solid avis >renov ant fobolem cut incendia tburu y Vb&nicefque bominum quos ardens gloria tollit Mortalemfiprafortera, psft funerapcfiJnt Et cinereijmmort ali dare nominafama i Vto monflro excmplum zft\ inter tot miliia, quorum Vita y (?fama firnul Letbxu mergitur undu. Quidfacietiducet ne t mtik obnoxia vita b*c Innumeriu multos diraadfufpendia cogit, Soctaticte baudquemvu trsnquilia moieft'm mtntit temper at } ut pojjit Xantippet ferre querelas. Vita via eftflu* not ctleftes duett ad arces 9 Octor efl car fin >quum farcina nuti* fatigat} Mi'itat omnu homo virtutis caftrafequutm» Statfc nevercantu contra fera fpiculafortis, Qubgravm prewit bunc oimfft midonem amis Bbc magjk 9 0' vires \wrentia ponder a frangunt S Qusmqifuoi Hatura jubst fentifcere manes, VxorU dudt euros &jurgia con] ex , Cur arum quamvu fatagdt mifer ipfe fuarum $ uilterm manes ypoprij if ert mambm impart Vxoremfi forte virumfa examine libres JEqadyftemineui deperidet amaror y amor£ t Si formofajuvaty forma eft inmicapudcri Hon tutbjpstlata GygijtoQurnafa, ngU ¥rreda y piidicitUm mul&avit vulnere UfaM* Si dotata t vimm matlatjaftu^ fuperbit Jutgta dira cisns > aurataQ cornua toUtt i Refyuit eloqmum morofa Terentia TuUi, Ftt\via& dntonipotuitcomftfcm $H*d*m» AVTVMNE. September^ or Mans Age. In joy he hath no true companion, ' And knowes not how for to rejoyce alone» Woes him in forrow, he mud needes deCplirc, Who hath no fellow, who may with him (hare- His riches who (hall have, he doth not know/ A ftranger reapes them,who did never fow, Whacif tW^ffyrian bird lives without mate, And yet her rareft kinde doth propagate ? What if fome PhenixsUkecan Virgins live ? To thofe we honour due and reverence give; For when they're burn'd in glory's fpveit fame, They leave eternallctT-rpring of then fame. Butwe of mankind talke, where one fo dyes', A thoufand batchlers in oblivion lyes. What {hall he marry ? that's a life of care s Of forrow, poverty, if not defpaire. For every one is not a Socrates Who can a bold and mad Xantippe pleafe. Our life's a journey to our heav'nlyaboad, Hewalkeswkh eafc, who walkes without a load- This life's a warrefare, wherein We mud fight > Againft Step-mother Fortunes ire andfpi^ht The greater burthens doe a man oppreffe, a ' He needes rauft fincke the more.and fight theleiTe, What man hath not his croflfe, which he my ft carry. He's fubjeft to anothers i£ he marry; Weigh man and wife, and /as Tirefias fayd Ofherdefire)you , lefindehercrofie downe weight. Doth beauty like thee? that a foe doth prove Oftimes to chaftity and mariage love, Not fit for Gyges fight, once made a prey To kft, for greefe, it made it felfeaway. Great portions pleafe thee s thefe are caufe of pride, Difclaine and brauling j arres on either fide* F * Term- AVTVMNVS. September five iEtas virilis. StpiuA uxor, qu* debebat nubere, ducit, Imperitaie viro, nonnunquam toller egaudet Ant tunica, tabo medicatk> aut fiaude aconitl, Maffagetum de mote all* comnmid quxrunt Gaudia, queU lecli revetentia null* jugaiisi Jmproba fi cefiit conjux^U befticafebris, Mors nifi,nuHa tibi toSant mtdicamsm damnum. Vendope tibi cafta placet, mirandaque conjux Mmeii, tuaque o Hieronignara virorum I Contigit baud cuivu vento petiijfe Corintbum 2 Nee cuntlu ce/fere, pttunt que gnavittr omnia Sorte uxor due end* Kbi eft, fbrs Candida rata TZxit 3 wpavum vomit undam mobilis urna i Tinge probam cccidift tibi, que pukkra, pudicdt Et dotata, tamett comu< que fidute , prudent, Sobriaprolehet^nonu/li &iite fatiget JEmula Cornelia qiMies fomno obverfatur imago ConjutUi & quondam dulcet mntituramores, M(tmemfedpuiraqumlunamquerecentau Flanmbm&gamltanoOe/quc dkfqutfatig^ September , or (JMans dgt, Terentk cjueld Tullyes fwcete eloquence, To Antony oft Futoia gave offence ; In marriage who are vail'd for modefty , Oncemarryed take to them Supremacy j I will not talke of great Abides vufe And Claudius threw, judges of death and life ; Some thinking joycij'the more they common are The greatcriWill have nopeculiare ; A bad wife,a cenfumption you m3V call* For none but death can free thee from her thrall. You'le praife Penelope and -dlcefiu care, And (he,who thought ail, like her huband were i But every one cannot to Comtbhik, All wi(h the befhbut all cannot prevaile 5 Wife's choos'd by Lctfry^e you ne'refo wife, You may have forty blanks> and not oneprife. Suppofe you have a good one,chafte and faire^ Both rich and modeft, prudent, full of care, Teeming with children,never raifing flrife. Like to Cornelia or a Sabin wife . If death {hall take her, or fatality Vndoe her,if thy children deare (hall dye, rhen for thy former joyes, what griefe is feene, Happy wert thou, if happy th'hadft not beenc. Like as the widdewer turtle all alone, Makes fad the {haddowy groves with dolefull mone, Searching each wood j no wood his mate doth give, Yet fearch he will 5 alone he cannot live : So is't with thee, whom love ty'd with his knot* By thee, that love can never be forgot i Thou'ft loft thy better part,thcu pinfl away, Halfe man,defrauding grave ,and wronging day $ Perhaps thy dreames in fleepe doe malse thee bleft, Jtf hile a s thou fancies her in midnight r eft, £ 4 And AVTVMNVS; September, five jEtas virilis, Orphan Eurydice quondam ceuflevit ademptd» Obmutuit^ lyrafrafta, fidibufy revtttys, IDenuequum trifles conjux riper etut ad umbra». bominu duram fottem^ crudeliafata, Seu dutoiivivas ceu c oelebs> vita dolori Subjacetyinfaufiufemper temerandaquerelu I Hucctne moitaluperWgunt tempora vit* 9 Gaudimec pofjunt placid£fentifcere forth I SiprmiAuumnitantas dedit horaproceBas* ghicu dabit acris byems^ iniquifideru annty f 9 T* mgne rerun tovdimjmperas (QiJegtfan8d y Tat?ibua obfequi, Honor e cbarot & Parent es /4ffi€cre,ut patrid fhamur. idem Vartntet linquere nosfinu, C aft '« amores conjugu &fequi* Vt not prbptgo sonjugetlu Exkilaram decoret Parentis* Sed,Chrifle,qui mn omnia deferit, Wecgaudeterbi quivakdicerc Vt te fiuatar,non lefu D'tgnuA erit TyominOyDeog. Suntqueitperaftisgaudiampt'tjs $ El v'fM du leu Itetiti* flaunt, guot non doloresfecu'.enti, No» aqueuA tmc&nt amam. Mibift aeefcunt arida dolt a > j mo manetfi pejfimum & ulti>»ura 9 jdutato Lympbarum dolores Mthemiaticufapore. m Stptmber y 0rtM*»s Ag* And foe belyes thy joy* but once awake, Then more, and more thou grieveftfor her fake» Thou wear'ft out nights and dayes in griefe and mo*ne f Like Orpheus > when Eurydice was gone 3 He broke his ftrings,and Harpeaway hecaft* When (he the fecond time to bell had paft. O dolefull cafe of man / O cruell face % Marry, or not, (till wretched is hk» ftate. Good God / hath wretched man come thisfajreoa, And yet can finde no joy to build upon* In Autumc fuch a tempeft if he fee, What thinke you will his iiormy Winter be ? . * Almighty God, who gavefl ft rait command, To honour parents and our facred Sires; That fo we may enjoy the promis'dland, And brooke thy bleffings and our hjcartsdcnresj Thou like Wife fay ell, men doe parents iearc Betaking them to marriage chaftity» That they may to their lawful! conforts dcatc* And have fome comfort oi pofterity* But he that will not for thy fake leave air, Parents> wife, children^and what good* he hath» Vnworthy of thee (O Lordj thou doft him call, Whoftiould be faved by thy Mefled death Some after wedding, drinke the cheerefuH wine Of gladneffe, while their cup doth overflow, While without dregges of forrow it doth fhine, What want and trouble meanes they doe notfcnowi» If I (hall drinke the water of afrli&ion, Becaufc the marriage wine is gone and pair, Turne't into nedar of thybenedifiion. So (hall the wine be beft which comes at U& AVTVMNV57 September, fivejEtas virilis- Vamlbiconftant rebut in omnibus Pems, fecHndu m nimis eferar, mabiles mdirei timentem. gttcunqueforsfitconJHgii mihi, solatium mentom hoc re fait mem Hampogh chrifio conjugm SteUiferi T>omino tbeatri. Ifieidum quiprogenuit tribus **d*Vaierpr*Labantimpio ' ~*more 9 duram fetvitutem SuftinuhvigiLu labor u. Sen ego dumpettoleum mttut ^fusiniqai.^eunaapericuU Amore cbrifti, qui mritus HaHcani/namfacietbeataate Qumeredemitfaucibut inftri, Craorerervavitpotyporpbyro, Tandemtpie exit cum triumph* Empjreosferetadpeuates. KxcuHas mm nuns age fedula, 2>um(poa/usadventat tuus, input Lueernam oliva* mox lefta Ne vocet atberias choreas, guando angelomm mffli*, millia, EttelfiOfympipeimigerigreges Latum Ptaxetn fuftiubmt, Bt tmm tefmbit Qrbk: Odober, yJtVTVM NE. S eft ember y ortjttansdge* all eftates,Lord grant me conftancy. :aftl withgeodfjucceiTe beoverjoy*d, r yet caft downe with ^eat adverfity^ et me not be with croftes much annoyM. 'hat e're the ftate of this my maniage is, (hall one day a better wedding fee > 'ith this one comfort, Lord, my Seule I blifie, 'ith thee Heav'ns Lord,my Soule (hall marryed be, icob, great Iuda's fire wrought eare and late, (ethoughtthetimequicklyawaydidflide, 'hough worne in night with cold,in day with heat, dlfecmed nothing>caufehelov'd his bride, hall not my Soule,for Chrifl the bridegroomes glory, uffer what ever mortall crofle (hall be, : or all thefe croffes are but tranfitory, lis joyes (halt laft to all eternity, le did poore foule/o much of thee efteeme* delivering thee from Hels infernall pit, rhat with his blood,he did thy life redeeme, fhat thou may'ft with him in his glory fit. JVatch therefore, Soule,let not thy Lights goe out, -et conftant hopcand faith,ftill petfevere. So when thy bleffed Bridegroomes joylull (hour, Shall rife.thoumayeft enter without fe arc. rhen millions of winged Angels (hall, . Vnto Heav'ns gloryous firyscouris thee bring, 4nd there amongft thefe troopes gee kftiaU, !be Scraphines thy marriage fong (hall hng. Oftober, TAke heed when Barnes are fni^and wine doth fie ZeafiScotpiuswith hbfttngatt overthrow* T)og-dajes arepaft, when men were glad to weare Tome rfoathes, ifjou be wife, OUober fear*. Bxtreames are danger ous y doe not you make bold from fire, to rnnne out naked in the cold. % In midi oftlentyjet us think? on want* If we behealthf*llle?s not therefore vanK AVTVMNV& Odober, five /Etas media. CVmjubar imuivi* Vhabtum amtleffitur ulnh Scorp.u h erptfsim/lavefcitfrugibm annus', M?r*mtwn nmpora grata colonis, ****• T*& divas Cemem pefwe Vdiemqut. Face cadunt jruges, ffioiumt» fatbits hortL vmtlaborefeim fervent Jommefque, hvefaae Muttu ton^ummt/udoribusagri ^ Cum vcmt bUndisfcrat* parmtbus ttas ktnatosvdere w Wi tunc fervida mffis : ""*"M*: «equeenimanhnfiusagmn formicarm, wget rapdes per rura laborer, Sepedtbas quango papuiu Omenta par ant ur t ^ranatim & totifubitominuunturacervi, SeduU quam -vanhfludiu ruit unda virorum btrmitidipopuhntaropes. QtudifiiiaieHut *& "pojubfolcjacens, qua Tetbyos unda %u*loca Natur* cecu abflrufa tenebru> cogmta mc soli, humani non plena label is ? Hoc quentur quondam dive* QangeticateUu% % *>tf!ovtus>pofuit VhrygUquovotatyrannus ~*urea, TcrteJTumyte fluit quam propter Iberus, **Tagufhmcpopulara,arenuinclytd quondam Flumtna, nunc vili decurrmt languida ma/co, Quafque dab. nt s coguntur opes nunc queer ete ah oik Non vifo qua Sole calent, rapuere Corinthi &ra -virijolarx deftrvxit Odurrmius uttem h Heliadesf.ct* lacrymis augerefiuevta Eridavi nequemt, Erythraoin littore gemmas Jam fiuftrafcrutatur Arabs* conchy 'ia Sidon Miratur non ire fretoj^ deficit ofirum SptatanumMaftvfira cdtframrAmpfc Oftober, or middle age,. [ft 7 Hen Surplus in his bending cleyes doth gripe \/ ^/ Phtbus, and gray-haird Ceres fiuites are ripe, Then wi(ht- for times to husbandmen appear^ /hen rurall Gods barh bleft the fruitefull yeare. hen Corne is reapt,and joyfully they mow, ind gather,what jn hopes they firft did fow j hen ev'iy man and beaft 5 with fweat doe toyle* m take the Harveft from the fertile foyle, /hen Parents doe enjoy their wifli, and fee 'heir children come to full maturity, hen is the Harveft of the life of man, hen ev'ry one endeav'reth what he can, ike as the Pifemires with their num'rous band», ix -footed creatures cover fields and lands, 'ben they doe carry home their Winter ftcre, reat ftackes of Corne, they leflcn more and more? 3 men in companies tfcemfelves divide, nd rob the world of riches and her pride, /hat Country doth beneath th'Homon lye, /hat fea 3 what place,not feene by fhabm eye, 'hat depth,what daikenefle neere unto the Center, ; thereto which mans labour doth not venter / has India fometime rich,doth noweomplaine, nd PaAol,which with Gold,Midas did ftaine : agus,and Iber,once did richly flow, at now their Channels meffe doth overgrow» bw feeke they,What they gave,from forraignc coaftes* l vaine now Corinth of her Copper boafis : fie daughters of the Sunnedoe not decore 'ith Amber tearcs Endanut his more ; i vaine th' Arabian picks the gliftringfands \l Gemmes, Sidoo admires her empty (hands. Sparta AVTVMHVS; oadber, five JStas media» Nercitnbiponstr.iic: Pamham files, Mafcu?a matif ruqwnndefint iburaSabxis } Sjmada^Spma^aros Mygdotfa nulla column* Mamertes jaBant\ citreas Mauruftamenfas 7>edidUit firsts auri drcundat e lamnu t Avtefquz prim Bafyl-mfomo/afupetiu, Kotla Semistsh duoras jam tecla tapetc, Vedata mm defects acus. Tu Ferfia nnUas Mo*J6&abu dpes > hecfmea ft licit *tw % Ignorant Chaljksferrum, nee tela salonit Sfomiferifldvu cxtmelagdantur in undu % Gargara dtfiruit mtgis . %ix fertilis Enna Ttmacrias nutrit Cenah mtnere Terras , Nfm&odenjamglandepluit , nonfluwima Hill Lexte fcatezt,gravidifquetumet Mettymnaracemu , Hbtrior eft vitu G4un i diti4 f Falerm : Corficaton raxos mctuit, necfavut Hymetti MeB&fapus fudai ; ealvefcit pmifer Ida : Non Fhkbo Parnate tuo das laureajerta t $tm tazum CjTtus, mn p&lmam mittu i^vmz : Wee fragrant biferirahtcursdarofam Pefti y Mtcrecm a Ciiictm nunc rarior advemt bonis, 7>eje?uit ripas Euros a paUadis arbor ; Pmus Cafisreafotchis jfimnuSaieneno Clartfcitjadumi gemit quid viderit At go. tDedalagens kominumfedes mutate coegit &tenfttaftrasfamizes t pifces ,variafque vo lucres e Betbtoris equi tp Eplro glona nulla, Muganeas pecudesiCdlabrefque Britannia vUcit Infida dazs ntoeisjpumantia setter a floats > Terra Tub*, quondam quo* paiit-Mncla leones Wo$ratenen$ i & favos dent ikut apt os OAarft mt,& quosfiondeus dat M^mlusurfos ; October ', or middle age) $part4 no fcarfct* Amy tie no wool! Produceth, other coafts are thereof fulls rhc Pkcrnix knowes not where her neft to hvHi$ fcfe* cannot favory fpicesyeeld, ?aros exhauftcd is of Marble ftone, Mattrifias precious tables are all gone? knd thoufaire Bdty/o»,fome time agoe iVhac were thy hangings, now thou doil not knows Perjfa take heede, the cbalyfascm give No iron, though in this iron age they live; Ulon thy darts are gone* which thou was wont, ftmidft thy ftrcame s to temper hard as flints Ceres from fertile Gar gar a hath fled, And Sicily by Unna fcarce is fed > Vedon no Acornes, Egypt Lentilcs fend, Nor doe we now tiiethymnas grapes commend. In Gauru* and Falemas wines are rare, With Hymet anyplace dare rnoft compare* Corficfp no honey yeelds j Ida hath loft His pines; of groaves Pajnajfm cannot boaft» idume fends no palmes, nor Cyrnm yewes. Nor Fefium rofes of fo many hewesj Cititias gardens feidome laffton-iees; Umotai banck's doebeare no olive trees, Now PcntuA bezer, Cokhh poyfon lacke, This long agoe doth rnourne for Argos fake* Induftrious mankind patient of great toy le, Make monfters, men,beafb,fiih, fowles change their foyfc» The glory of horfes> Epire hath forfaken, And Britaine hath Calabtim glory taken, Whofc (hcepe doe goe beyond Euganean flockes, With fnowlike fleeces and their curled lockes, The Lyons which kings lubas land hath bred, Wcfoc them in our cfaaines and fetters led; G The AVTVMNVS; O&ober, five media i£tas# HuAffifua monftra videntieaptiva voktcrum Agmina piclarum noflras ducumurad or as, O genu* humanum aatum indulge/ e laberi uiudax natw* vetitos tranfcendere fines i Sxva tridentijeri c ale as tu dorfa tyranni ELuclibusinfultam tumidis, Ccelique fragoret Venice fuUentans mediis'involvem undu, Vmque offers vent it, & mortis tela fatigat. Waufragu* {ah) qnoties (ediftiinccntibuibonm, Tuncfcoputibojpitio feiix i cumVontuA & Mtber Nwbibos bic fevos, undu daiet iUe tumultus, Aut tabult modern flwtafti ingurgite vafio Ludibrium Ccelique, falique, tuofque videres Cvcum te names poflfatum trifle fodales, IncertuA numdirafames. anfevaprecellee Vudiret in fundi genu* {ah) miferabile leti. Supplic'ibm vol is tunc C /ufpiria vent it} Optati tamen ttt tetigifii Littoiu oravti Neptuno madidas reiiuu fujpendereveftef, Atquenovam meditare ratemfub ponderepifle VtejfuA adbuc tabulxy dum vu m'ifer ejfe liknter Indociiis tutam cumpaupert tfe qaietcm Terre domi, ignotu malu confundier undid. V&s quorum Nilifenusjars ultimatbuks JPrigora, & ad geiidam propius quod per tinttaxem» Vna dies totum, nex una ubi dividit annum. Jnvenere novas Terras , nee fufficitunm Of bit tobumani generis vefania crtvit, Y ar* terrain fodtuntctcu gens xmula Talfu 9 Exofique diem gaudent habitare tenebru Cimmeri* no fits, Summani T attar a pulfant 7)ivitiajque a ditepetunn pars smula mutii Centibm Mquonas fcManthf fepe latebras AVTVMNE} O&oher^ or middle Agtl 'he 2)aimfon woIves,«?pme feeke Niles fourcctbe Poles fome come fo nccre, hat light and darkeneffe doth compleat a yeere 5 here new-found Lands 5 nor can one worldfuffice, nat mans too curious fancy doth devik- •mc digge earths cavernes^not unlike to moles, ating the day, they live in pits and holes > *d from Cimmerian darkeneffe of the heir* ley feeke their riches from < urft Pluto's cell, •me like the fiihes dive into the ftrands, M there doe grople 'nvjrigft the rockes and fands. G a. AVTVMNVS. O&dber, five /Etas media* Kt/cOpHlosc Gdrpuntur VentrU rati (int j anguine Flora > Ttifcoloria lucem nivzo qax vertice furgit Rerba,pki fimilem. radicem in vifcera terrt Mittitjnortakfque beat,fedveUitur $gr£. Er media, in fylva fttho qut virga metaUo Frondefcitjegitur Csct convaUibui umlrai Ac luco l&tet omnUaurato vtmine ramus i Qhi cupit mfperidum rutilaniia earpere pom*, Cuftodes cknHtiffe prim (it cur a Dracones. Omnia, qua mater genuit DlaturaUaborant : Qontinua rapitur circamvertigine Ccelam Ignoratfa vices oti j Solfurgit a b oriu, Qcciduafque petit ceu turforftrmum oras 3 Net minus a capro verfm tua bracbia Canetr Scanditjetrogrado repetit vet tramite Cuprum Z Jngemi/iat Pbxbe motm,nec cernitur una Vulttt t Terra vices obfirvat quatuor ann\> Vete novo piftos dftinguitgemine floret, Hos sRu nutirit , Solif% calore foci&al, dutumno canosfcetundat jrugibus agrou ln% hyeme &ol^5nimbaum , vapUkatauilru 9 Nulla quiesponto efi : fubeunt jumenta Uboret, Zyamnati&jugis Tauri j reqttie fine ju Jit Nos etiam Naturadies tranjjrefugaces, Eia igltur focij per tot mala tadia viu fergMyperdumafa difcr'mina m%e : KjiVtVMNE. pftobtTyOr middle Age* O toylefome Lote of men / hath To the fates <* Ordain'd their life? O Hard comrx, anting fates ! Nature thought good her treafures to conceale, Which nothing, befides labour, can reveale. The Oxe bred bees with ftings defend their hives. And fight for them,as for their deareft lives : TheRofeis fenc't with prickles round about, He muft be prickt, who feekes to finde them our, The Moly beares a bloifome white as fnovy. His fwarthy roote deepe in the earth doth grow, It enreth maladies of every klnde, But hardly digged up, when men it finde : * With all the grove fo Pro/crpine doth cover The bough, with which men Lethes flood pa/Te over, Who fceke from the Hefperides a prize, Muft lull a fleepe the Dragons watchfull eyes. What nature hath produced worke it muft, Heay'n by th' intelligence about i* thruft, It knowes no reft, the funne from Eaft doth rife, And towards Weft doth courfe along the sUes, Vp from the Goate he climf s t o Cancers feate, Then to the Goate againe be makes retreate. The Moone her courfes rrultiplyeth fo That ftill one countena Dee (he ne're doth (hew- The earth keepes feafons of the yeere, in fpring She bringeth forth the buddes of every thing; In fummer (he them heate and raoyfture yeelds, With corne in Autumne fhe doth crowne the fields, But when the Winter domes and windes doe blow, She's wrapped up with fecde .in fleece of Snow : The Sea refts never, beafts muft undergoe The y«keof toyle, and mankinde muft Vive fo. Then you my fellowes let us ftill advance, Through all thefe hazards of unluckie chance, * G j Our AVTMNVS: 0&ober,five media &t& No$ dibdivbiA vocat for strata fequettM Ocia-yfc olim dura hat memmjfe juvabit. ^ukterra tong&m c\rcinatorbitm Solid 9 po'orum qua cadit ambitus Aut fur git orbi, -fraudulent* Soys homines trahit impotentes. Qutrunt quod ignh deslruat, aut aqua slut far refojfts parietibm domus Aut tine* dens veUicanth HoQii & infidkns rapipa. Cesium tenet fed divitlas meas Cbtifum redemptorem pia & agm'tm cielituum quiter beat as Hoc duct concelebrant chortaS) HicNeclar altoflumine deftuit, Hie flant acffyjt Ambroji* poli Hie gloria ©f pax, & trimphuf Omnia qua exhilarent ovantes. Honfinientb&cyLudia fieeula Hon fecHlorumpeiuUypecula, Naw quotquot erunt (s* dierum Qu froliantque examlna ceris, tiybtzifque-favisi fiat neftaris amphora plena, Fervetepusvarium, nee meffts omnibus uni eft) talk gens humana, quibus non difcolor oris EJfe figurapoteft mageqamfententia mentis; 7)iverfis diver/a placent, ftudioque trahuntw Nonuno mor tale gems, fublimh Olympi Vats legit amfraclus, < reptatJmmignavipars maxima vulgi, Sedpauci virtutit iter, medmmque feqnmtut €a8iH£mve*puUiy quos Ardor honoris Accendit veri y &* return prodentia folert, Ambitio humani generis dirijjima peftk Target, & icariis fammum petit JtltherapcnnU Nobilitatquepolum faftu, Terrafaue tuina, Terrigeniim Cceloi temerans de mort Gigantum* Impiaque in numen Divlnum affeclat kononm* Te&eusjuvenls devifto non fatur orbe, Nee patre content us mort alt, jpurias ejft Maluit Wius, nomen qui debet ami*-, yngula mortalemfecitytethefque liquore lEbriut, angufto tandem fab careen daufia Sareephagiypopsitfafiusimmenfique vetai Scilicet attenmt magnoSyfranptque/uperbm omne Dcus> nuSo YegpnSirivattfimdK cm»** . Noyemhr, oragefarreffient. rw jHcn Pleiades doe rife from Eafternc hindge; %/ \/ And now November latter harveft brings » ▼ Vfliering the Winter; men doe Cere* huccea, Vhich is unhusked by hard- treading Oxen ; "hen from the preffed grapes the wine ruanes downe, bid Mufte with Neftars foame, the Fats dfome doe the hony ftraioe, knd pots ars full, while empty hives complaine $ Chen every one workes what in him can lye fet all one and the fame worke doe not ply / iven fuch-like men in full ripe ase,we finde» Vhofe faces differ no more then their rainde . Each one a diverfe palate b ath > nor can >netaftethat which likes well another man; iome foare like Eagles,and will reach the sky, Others, like vermine inearths dull doe lye; Fhere few,or none,but whom great love doth love, Vho keepe the meane^who wife and happy prove. Ambition mortals greate ft plague doth hye, Upwards ,and with Icarian wings will flye ; tfhil e Gyant-like,(he will rob Heav n of aJI, >he catcheth ftill the more notorious fall. ?etfosfaire flower, who could not be content iflTith the rich conqueft of the Orient, Nor with a mortall father did proclaime Pimfelfe loves fcaftard,to his Parents {hame ; rhe hoofe which Lethes water did containe , Did prove him mortall,and his hopes but vaine, w*hofehuge defires, toe world could notfuffice, A (hort and narrow coffin was his prixe. God tyrans flouts, nor can with pride away, Without arivall,he the world doth fway, AVTVMNV.S; November, five iEtas prove&ior* Commode nonclavddej endtre } ata tr'modl • Tupsteras.nec te Hercule* fine vulnere tutum £xuvi* dederant, iaqueo capitate coaclum , ~ "Dzcollare Deo: Poterat, cut caflra dedermt Cognomen calig^proprium^ inpowre truneU Ridicttlnm ciput.at templi decoretut honore, fceluthorrendum fate nullo,(& gravioriregnacoercet Regno^purpuream tribuunt crudelia mortem, Vurpureu cur fata virii,neefuxeraficcai Siitktt injufii quid Celt numina temmnU JEmitli & m&M mendamfulmina mittunt. Sunt alt} fortune dedit quels providacmis Vnvataiyvetuitc^manitcontinierefceftrum^'-^ ' Hostamenaccendittegnc&didiracupido, Vivere Romuled qui noktnt u he fecund i, Monfira bominum 9 Terra^ luet s AeberoniiapyoUs % Mr go *Deoi nequeuni Umjkfterejota movebunt T a*tar a> & in fidtjs factum diadema truentUi Fraudeydolifypetent : fedCmlidextratuetuf Cognatum imperium>& numen vcnerabilt-fegu * Exit'y fan caufa fui, invenUmtfa ruinam Quam raeruere graver», & dtgnas comwdntpaum% *Dumfcandunt altos CedrotjJUb poniere rami, FtanguntUTjmttunt&trmes adTartarafaJIas : Turbo velut rapid* erumpens de nube preseBx 5 Ingeminammotuviretyfervifciteundo, 1 Crebrius aeria quatiendo cacumin.t quetcus Ccncutitur maguMrefyin ttiboreptidiU Ambitio vexat Sc bos dm di?* fount» - Jtffptt tfpr could Alcidei club or hayrie coate, >ave from a fatall rope Cmmodus throate. Caligula mob impious amongft men, Dar'd to behead his Country Gods, and then >id caufe their (houldcrshis gold'n head up beare^ That all might worQiip him v? ith divine feare. D curft impiety that can no way Beexpiatedl which with Heaven's fcepter fway, And match their Scepters with loves thundnng hand, Who doth the greateft Monarchies command, There Scepters are but fraile, and fortune ftrange, There Scepters with a beggcrs ftafTe doth change! Why doe thefe purple tyranes often dye Sheddiag their purple foulcs moft cruelly f Beeaufe Heav'ns Deity then doe contemne, And like Salmmius thunder amongft men. For others Fortune wifely did forefee, Cradels well fitting with their low degree, Commanding them no waves t' afpire Co high As to ufurpe facredfupremacy: Yet fome have fo ambitious defire» They will not live fecond in Romes Empire. Monfters of men, Earths plagues, Hells curled brood, They willbe wicked caufe the Gods are good, Seeking t* enfnare Earthes Sacred government: Befides curft treafon they have no intent, But yet heav'ns hand can ftill that power defend, Which to its bleft anoynted it doth lend; They're authors of their woe, they catch a fall» And curfed death juft Nemefis of all, Who fcale the Cedars findetop*boughes too weake# Which once oppreffed eafily doe brcake: Much likeawhitleiewindrufhing from above, IrVasiftg ftijl met* to «we that it doth move, ^ avtvmnvj: November, Bvcptovc6tiQxMUi%2 Impetepntipitj, & perpkxo adculminarerm, Mole ruunt tandemqutfui : tonatitm impar Reppertthorendos injufta fuperbia lap fits. Quidjuvat cxcelfi tonfeendere culmn bottom Jnvitolov^prceffunt fi fulminawontes ^erios 9 cmi fupimnt qui vertke nvbes f Tutius eft latuijfe cafe fub cegite viijj, ^urea quam Regum capture palatia fraudei Tutiut eft Clynsenes tenues coluijfe penatety Quam pimbi ignites tenure temare jugJeti Fidert ceratu fiitiinopes voto funt,crefcit cenfus y habendi Crefcitiniqutts amoryquantmque accedk ad aurm, Sasrafams awi>iantumfub vifceregUfcfy Movmber, or age farrc fccnK /hile it doth wraftk with the aged Oakc, : weak'ns its eager ttrength at every ftroke : d doth ambition vex thofe,who doeflye, /ith all their might to fopreame dignity 5 /hich when they cannot reach,they breake their (trengtf^ ,nd with their weigh^they fall to ground at length, fhey feeke the honours *ga inft the Eternall Will H love. When thunder firikes the higheft hill, lore fafely in a cottage you may lurke, :hen in a pall ace carfed treafon worke, letter with Qlymnt at home t'abide, 'hen Vbabus flaming horfes to mifguide 5 Vhat greater madnefle then to tempt the Sunne Vith waxen wings^which prefently will runne ? ?aile foftly 5 Fortune paffeth by the Oiores, hatching the fhip } which with her ftreatnersfoarcs. 3 happy mankindjif men once did know Vith meane efta:e themfelves content to mow ! rhat life is fafeft which doth keepe a meane, Free from ambition, and from faKhood deane s I neither ftands nor fals at vulgar s breath, Nor feares ambitious Sejans curfed death $ Nor Manlius fate,who wou ! d be Lord of Rome* And from the Capitol had both praife and doome. Some men doe feeke with gold,their bagges to fillj And hoording treafures,tbirft for treafures ftill ; rhey fcrape what ever flowes from HermusCmd, And what the redfea cafteth forth to land, They deifie their riches and their fiore ; The more it is,they feeke for more and more 5 Their chincky breafts they cannot fill with gold* Their hearts defire their coffers cannot bold : They covet more 5 tbe greater ftate they have, ^having P ^cfo»*dro*r^ ^^ AVTVMNVS. November, five j£tas provc&ior; Oentu averitia fatten* dirijftmafeftu, *t&fo?olufceler*n y Gemoqu*dediuTerr*, Wegligh athma&Vivinimminu area 5 Indulges tibi dira tuts jut languor aquofws •Accenditptando ftim-, tu pluribm aufia TkTMpetis bona fortune, quafordida cur a siccsmiktjervatz t^or f perdum% dotcnt i Tefise Cskftem potuffint duten vitm M&ta'es..quaUmjeliii(if*cuta quondam Degeumt/ubpatre lovu ,(fuimfoTifitamcK& *Dttabatfet lege bonm, fine jrauie beatum. Sunt tr quifolidas inter coniivia luc s ConfitmuatjwerefquegufrSaliaria men fa Tercuia dam Siculu^ccpiumq, in vifceta/ylvas, Bt marta, eternofque lacus joUefy Faletnos, Jn-Atant SMemgrcpuant pocula nofti, ConrfatiAutg dapis rediviv* ad tadin luck > Fxerceregulas vaUata* gloria fumma eft : Vjfiteciuospatir* IEfofi,fiutum& tfiinervx, ttnguejwa i dubia & cerealu cena/aginat Vicite^uofimptus & tot dijpendia mum, OHoUia nerve fat ut fiangant ocia vires Etfotvat mrbipituita intercutu a'tut ; Qidde tot dapibm fa ? fentina cloac* Hoc dicat, totos vmit, que tnften or a ctnfm* Terfehx quifquis vittntfoaHafetvat Connmmtemi men/a pawofcfalitto > Sobriacuiexiguamjucundatcaldafarinanti Mu Itles nefcit>nec magn* eft ajfecla men(* % ™"f*t* pared tribuunt quod nummadextrl, N *to pauper tget y nec enim penuria parvi eft ', ^j'I f ar mo who with meale and water lajntaines the peace, and knowes not how to flatter. tethink't enough, what God doth fparely give, nd in his meane eftate doth richly live: tedoth his bread- corne by the plough provide, «ad loves t9 fup hari by the river fide: AVTVMNV5. 1 November 3 fiveiEtasprovc&ior« Huic mens ficc&, tenax refti, mcderata>pudicand moderate Himfelfe is honefLftrongj and temperate > Like curi} and Camillh who did dwell f n cottageSjwhom nothing ere could quell 5 Or like Serranus who his plough did leave, That he Romes powerfull enfignes might receive! O happy SouIes,who with eternall praife, I>id Mefle their Country, and their tropheesraife^ The Souldier^who with firy courage fiands» Againft the Martiall fierce encountring bands* Who with his fword makes way, and will not file, Maintaining Church, and Countries liberty . Whether in darbnefle he ly'th centenall^ Or doth entrench his forces wick a wall, Or on a fuddaine fell downe talleft woods, Or undermine flrong Townes^orfwim o'refloods, Or breake the ice/earch Foordes^affailc the Ports i Or with fierce warlike engines batter Forts j He for his Countryes fakers glad to dye, And will with honeft wounds his courage try, While firft he fcales the walLand thorow runnes, rhe FortletSjfearing neither fwords nor gunnes. So when he leads his captive foes in chaines, When iron*men>when Horfe,and Mars his traihes Doe (how his fpoyles,ahd with his Trophces march, rhe fight is read in the triumphall Arch, iVith feafts and (hewes,they doe renue the day, With triumph-fongs his glory theydifplay; Trumpets forgetting ire,found joy and peace, fie in his chariot rides aloft with grace* So through the ruine of the wall he gocs> And feeds the eyes of all men with his fhowes ; \y" H: Higher AVTVMNVS; November, five iEtas provc&ior. 1 Vnde cadaffgraviorernens in Tartar A lap/Hi Sors infidafbkt Utos fadare triumpbot y Et dubijs nimumvoliiat viclma ptnnU : - Lufce tms turgequanrumvu pvne tropbceit 9 Kt Rome terrore trementes concute pottos 5 OAetirein mnd'!ji:equites 3 & month aceto Ttangejugm s fimulacfallax fortuna re/? fait Bithynio time coterufervire Tyranno, Et miferam tacitovit am finire veneno. He for a priamidem cur ctfumjattat sicbittes Priawid.e Paridu moritur vindice telo ? Qjndjuvxt wGmfam vafiare Agameranona Trojam, Si reduJparaiinfidias feviflima conjux ? O fonfluxa \10mmm mate penfas magna ruinit Nee pater u cmflare dm mortalia ; cafu Omniafedftux9 i & fatorum turhine verfas. Quod ft fuzttna rote teneat faftlgia Craefwt, Mox cadit, & radio viclorftat Cysfm in alto» Impatient dmec Tomyh de fede Tyr annum Exsutit, humano gaudens faturare cruore 5 Sk indent non certa fuifaUax^ clienti Inconfians Fortuna fufremu infma mutas, Telixqui cafm fefe compomt ad omnes, In durujperant meliora hic 3 in<& fecundU *Detcriora tmem>mediofa tramite vitam t 7)irigit y ut nitilo noaat Rbamnufia lultu. Tirma veiutpelagi rupes mm olrilii beret Quadratd radice fedensjemnitfa proceUas Et concurrents adfervidaprfiaclo^ refidumt Impite>(? illufo perdunt tcnamine vires : Non aliter, quandoreru* fremuere tuvwltet* Ipfifibi conftat fapientpde:^ timores Jnfati vHlgijGT torquentiafat* fatigat 4 November \ or Agefarreftent. Higher he cannot reach, but fall he may, From top of glory into mire and clay; Fortune with Triumph s deales unconftamly , And victory vvith doubtfull wings doth flye. Boaftofthy triumphs Hannibal and tell, How thou the Ports of* Rome with feare didtk quel", Meafure their Knights in bufhels, mountaines bieake With vineger 5 when fortune (hall for/ake Thy fiandard, thou muft ferve a fprraigne King, Till thou at kngthdy'ft by thy poyfon q ring? Why boafts ^cbiffes that fierce Hector's gone, If Par it (hall revenge his death anonej From Troy with triumph Agarrien-non goes, But (ah J at home he findes his fatall foes. Inconftant lot of men, which greateft things, To greater downfall and confufion brings I If Cr#/#s hold the toppeof Fortunes wheele, Cyrus anon will caufe him downeward reele, Vn till incenfed Tomyru doth thruft His head in blood, his honour in the duftj So fortune conftant in unconftancy, And falfe, thou changed loweft things with high. Happy is he who fets himfeife for all Chances, who hopes a rifing, feares a fall, And fo doth guide his life in all eftates, That he nor cares for Fortunes fmiles nor threats : Like as a rockewhich ftandswith fixed rootes, Atwindes and whirling tempefts fcoffes and flouts* They breake themfelves while with impetuouschocke "They dafh and butte againft tlv unmoved rocke j Evenfo a wife man, if a tumult rife, Can vulgar feares and levity defpife, If fates doe crotTe him with ?n hatefull ire, Before his patience, their defpight doth tire. Hj Nay AVTVMNVS. November, five ;Etas proveftior, Qupdfrdiftupth rueret compagibus orbk tiiachma, nen trepidant tumularent ruder a munfa 7>a Cbrifie vires, da mihi gratis Fihate, dim ire per hoUium TuYmaSi& In/anas phalangas Perfiiic, invidie y timorui Internum boftit me mztt fauciat, Externa hofiu vulnere lancinat, jguocunque me verto, cruentu Obfideor s atanx catervls. 7« dux, Deu* Tu, Tu e Dominu& mihl jirx, falm , rupes, prefidium, decut Taafub umbra militabo ^, Nee metuam rabidds due lies* Donee fugatuliberor ho ftibus, Quum tu potenti numine proteres Gentes rebelles, &fuperbh Iniicies mmibm catena*. Gfaandofonabunt xtbere clajftca Parebu aitu nubibus infidens, Adle vBcabh tunc amicos in patre Cceliiuum beatot. QudU mumvhi tunc fades erii fguando re fur get turba fide Hum Stabuntque cam impiorum Hutnin'u ad fuperum tribunal» \AgmenmaioYumfulphurea5 domoi Intrabitorci,fecula in omnia Tormenta pajjurum Gehenna Et tenebras Stygii baratbrL Scandent polomm culmim fed pit Inter corufcas Serapbiei gregii Tamos, t3" xterno fruentur Gloria (st imperii)* a§ bonne. iy*VTFMNE. November ^ or age fir re /pent* Jay if the world ftiould fall about his eares, rwouldnotcjuellhis conftant heart with f cares. H *rant courage Lord,and by thy faying grace, rhtough all mine hoftile troupes me fafely Icade, ufFer me not to fhrinke from ranke and place, !ut fight 'gainft treach'ry a envy 3 fepre and dread, ly inward enemy doth my heart affaile, Jy outward foe with wounds upon rse fer, joc where I will,my foemendoe prevaile, ftthSatans bloody ambum I'me befet. 'hou'rt my Captaine,Tbou'rt my God and Lord, ly caftle/afetyjrockcdefence^nd prize "hy fliaddow,faf eguard'can to me afford, Jainft all what ever enemies dcvifc. 7ill they be put to rout, and I fet free, *hen (halt thou Tyrans to fubje&ion bring nder thy great Man-perfon'd Deity, ind with their bands, their rebel I neck's (hill wring, /hen from Heavens corners,trumpets loud ihall blow» /hen thou O Lord, the wicked doft endite, rhou in the clouds (halt make a glorious (how. Lnd withthy Fathers blefled ones invite. ) what a triumph (hall that triumph be, iThen godly men (hall from their graves arife efore their Saviour; and impiety Hall ftand before their Iudges flaming eye*, "he wicked (hall paffe to Sulphureous fire , 'here tortures to endure without ail end, 'he iame, the worme,the whips that never tyre, Lnd toeternall darkcnefie be condemn'd. 'he godly mount on high with glorious fong, longft Seraphims and Cherubims molt bright, Wth triumph-pomp, convoying Chrift along ['enjoy all pleafure,g!ory in Gods fight. H 4 ' December, HYEMS. December, five Sene&us.; PRonus adhirfuti quum Titan cornua capri Pertigit, auftralem G celi relegatus ad aulam% Incipiunt languere dies, & trift'w arm Appmt vultufy multnm mutatut ab'iSo Qaprimipiftosverujattabat hsnores Mia purpureii dans inter mifta rofetu s tlicb dimidite incipiunt decre/cere luces 7)ucere ($* exiguosarcusilongifsimanoclu Tempora dant immortales mortalibm umbras^ Frigoribus venti horrefcunt t awaquepruinis, Fluminapigritie torpent i & fordibus *rva 9 Uube riget Ccelum, lacrymarum gurgite ftagnat Tetturu ^emium^canefcit fluff hus aquor Omniaque inverfum contriflant luclthas annum: Obrepitfic tardabomini, triflifque feneflus Jnnumeru comitata ntdlk, obnoxiamorbist Efique odiofapbi, nonnunquam digna cicutk, Etfiagiles cam cycn&u tempora plumb Cingunt, & nivei crines ajpergine tingunti Sape velut Bore* rapidii per cuff a procellu Qua cm gat foliu jam dejpoliau caducii» Corticequehorrefcit fcabrd, nee fiondibus umbra Sed tmnco reddit : fie noflramaligniof oId age on man doth feize,» Fraughted with evils, anHydraofcurfd difeafe, Nothing it fe!fe,ofc fo it hates the day, That joyftilly it makes it felfe away. Then crafie gray-haires cloathcs the head with fnow, And fwanlike plumes about the temples grow J Like asanQake which Boreas bare hath made, Look's bald,one!y its ftocke doth caft a made 5 So mans malignant age 5 vtith dreary fate, Both rob him of his!ockcs,and peelehis pate # Leafs fall, fhewes Winter,man is neeretodye, When age the fatall razor doth fupply. What now availes the Ivory beauties grace» Which did with Peftane Rofes paint the face, As Amaranths which grow white Lillies by, Or Thracian (now, which takes vermillion dye, Now is it ploiugh'd with wrinckles and lookes wan, Ani leane,more like a with'red weed then man s Lik e HYEMS. December, five Sene&usi Mar cent, Jhlttitij geminat ojiando hora calores^ Rugqnturqi gen^aependetpro cute peBii. Lumiria neclivagas quondam fuperantiafleUas JEmulaflammivomis Erytbrxo in littoregemmu % O capita fugiunt c% burner o Pelopis poterant contendere Mutant Incurva in peflutfcapula, §t^ ojfea imago Corputfluodpulchrumfudabat pingus nitorem. O vecors ftne mente Paris I Lacedcemona clatfe Cur path hojpittj rupturus fosderafacri ? Cur trahu ad Trojx miferanda incendia Grajcas Hon mfipoftpatrte reditttras funera clajfci ? Scilicet Argivteflagrat tibipeftus amore Tyndaridujragilifyjuvatte gloria forma; ? udfpicefed ruga* Hecub^mac iem& i fitum& » OJJa tumore macro crefcent'ta y lumina lemu 5] *4$ice (3* iUmform* dijpendia quondam Q31& priamo dukes juvenidedit unacaloresz Tyndaru itta tu* nunc unitagaudia mentis, Tojl fatum crudele tuuw,poftfata parentum 9 Cognatafque necesjncendiajfurta* rapinas* Tandem rugofas Jcalpet ceupmia buccat, ViJJimilifquefui ad $ccu lifmulacra dolebil. grid vires, robur^juvant^ out effieta jjentclm Trangit^ enervi labefa&atpondere molit ? Sacra loviquercu*>poftqvam duofeclaperegit Crefcem,cenfigenfaiie atas>ubi tenia venit Tatalifque Ipfe Attaxjoumetis quicoehtm & Jjdera fvlfttg AnnQrum$atiQCQnfeftvfippofHit % qum win tee: l^ecember^or old Age. Like fcorched grafle, when Siriut heate doth burne, (ind into a{hes doth earths moyflure turne : His cheekes arehollow> his body looketh thin rn place of mufcles hangs a wrincHed skin: His gemme-Iike eyes fometime Dames natures pryde (ire dim, and now for (hame themfelves doe hide, rhey fcarce can fee the Sunne, they're blinde as Moles» [n place of eyes, we fee nothing but holes. His back's a ridged bonc 5 his moulders bend, Which fometimes could with Pelops well contend^ All feature's gone, his beauties faire and bright [s made a fceleton and ugly fight. Mad Paris, why to Sparta doft thou hye, 1*0 breake\he lawes of hofpitality 1 Why doft thou call the Grecian fleete toTroj, Which 'fore it doth returne Will it deftroy i Is 't caufe thy breft with love is Ctt on fire, And thou nothing but Hctien canft defire ? Loeke to thy m©ihers wrinckles and her face, Which age and filthy leannelTe doth difgrace; Her bleardnefTe and her age thou doft dcufk Yet once it kindled fire in Vriarns breft: Belen thy greateft joy and fole delight, After thy death and Iunos deadly fpight, After friends flaughters, and thy fillers rape, Shall fcratch her wrinckles like a munckie Ape, And oft with teares (hall blot the looking glafle, Seeing what (he is now* and what (he was. What profits ftrength, when feeble age doth (hnnke, The body under his owne weight (hail finke, loyesfacred oake,whofe growing ftandingage, Two hundred yeeres hath flood 'gainft Boreas rage* When the third fatall age is come at laft, |t ftaggeriyeclding to the meanell blaft; HYEMS; December, five Seoe#us; Nexinfi rediens gtnuit^dum furta ton ant ft Oputo pulchne Mcmenes fatiantur amorei £t>ui didUit port are bovem, totiquetbeatro Ofientarefuaspopuli ad fpeclacula vires > Iamf:nio gravis, & longcevu debilii annu 2 Se minor ejpstos vidit pendere Ucertos, Ingemuitque^antmo non refyondere views Cernui* 6f in tenant pioni jam corporis artush Vt Leofylvarum quondam formido, fene&e Jgnava ftaftus motbo, yix languid* pofifc SMembra trabens, irnpuve videt perpa/cua taunt lnfimofque erraregregeijfamefattciusegrd, Sedfenio tardus ft accent i debit» alee Vndique quamfieclat, nefiit deprendtre p*fam\ Sicmiles quercus quondam decorates honor e> De viclo dunit quifitpws hofie triumphos (QuaLis ponteftetit Codes, qualifque § minus Rettulit Mrmem Iovis addelubra Feretri, £>riqueducempotueiefequt Marcetfus t & acer CeJfuS) viclo res, (? opimi gloria Martis) /am rude denatusfuffenfu defidet armisi Clajfiea turmarum raucs quum murmur e clanguni 9 Tytxpazaque ingeminant pulfus,hinnitusequomm £Zw'mftemit,exurgitqueminax ad fidera clamor» hu fedet imwctuS) rml/oquecientur ab art Vetlora magnammes que dididicere talmu Navita, Vygmtos legit qui claffepenates, Tofi caliy Poniique hyemes, in tuta needit Ocia, quum laxis tremuli compagibus artut Jnfanos neqiieunt pelagi tolerate labor er , Neptunopkeas gaudet fu^endert veftes$ 2) imida ut navis rimis at que imhre dehi/cem In (tcco laceras nfupmat littore cqfias lam dudumpzrta/a mm& fa tardus & ffft winter: December^ er oldxjtgel itlai , who did the ftarry Heaven upheld > When wornc with fpace of yearcs, he waxed old, He laide his charge Akidei necke upon, Whom love begctting,drove two nights inone» Wffo^who learnd to carry by degrees I Bull, did wecpe to fee his feeble knees, IVhen worne with age,his finews he did find, fVnd Limbcs not anfwering to his champion ininde, fhc Lyon^at whofe noyfe, the woods did quake» And every beaft,with dreadfull fearc did (hake, Now broken with yeare$,he fcarce his taile can drag* leh ind the filly flockes he' s forc'd to lagge, le's hun er bitten jthe herds fecurely play, 3e fees,but cannot catch his wonted prey. iven fo the Souldier who did weare a Crottne 3fOake,and oft triumphed with renowne, Siach as brave Cocks for his Country flood, 3r Romulus fprinklf d with Mtons blood. Or flout MarceMuiyCt fierce Cojfus which Did lupiter Ferettim all enrich) Now free to Mars he hangeth up his armes, Sfor is he fturred up with fierce alarmes 5 i/Vhen Martiall trumpets found,and drummes are beaten, When horfes neigh,when noyfe the ftarres doth threaten, ■Je fits unmov d,nothing his courage whets, flis wonted heate and fpirit he forgets. rhe Marriner who faild the Pygmies coaft, liter with many ftormes he hath beene toft, He takes himfelfe to reft, becaufc he can Mot now endure the raging Ocean % ic hangs his pitchie cloathes on Neptunes (hrinej rhe land both him and (hip doth now confine, *oth weary of Sea 5 it rots upon the (hore, fe lyes at home,caufe he can faile more > That H YE MS; December, five Scoe#u$. Nauta iomt rmbaU terra u t committere fofit Rettiqu'ias mammae ingrata tcedia vita. 'Dulcefuit quodcun^ priusdefluxity in wo, yltima fcla matiet fex,& deierrima fundo. Pofcitis O miftri feros cur Nefioris annos jtlierna numcrare mmu^contet'dere cervo Vivaciy&vetulacorvi isducerevitam ? Nulla dies mmrore vacatfiet luff thus bora VUa cant, crefcit tumty axxtetatibus at as, ^Ltpgiusinfluclus fi quajja carinaprofundos Egnditursdiris debet ludibria ventis HocmagiSyW timor efi,repetat m naufraga littuf* Troile tu felix imputes fortiter annos Finifii,fcrocuinon temerata More eft ImMis, triftifyata* : fifatadediffent Banc infelici Priamo cum covjuge mortem, Non tot vidifjet voter urn funetajraptas Crinibus iliadat lacerh,nec Vergamafammh ^DirutSy non rivo maaiaJJ'et fanguinis aras* grid non longavi tabefafidttvmporisatas ? Pyramides cedunt annis^& Mvsfolaa, ■Z)eslruxtt Rhodium curiofa ferteUa Colojfuwy Longadies m'muit vires 3 for ufqut vigorem Corporis exilem citwpp.rdacit ad umbram. forma perit icenfwi non *gro in corpore fen fit Inslaurat 'jpereuntNrtwa &* tnuneraforti\\ Virtm fola manet 3 sludio quam prima inventus Quafivit, triftem cmfolaturQ feneftam 5 Hac praftat mifer is juennda viatica canity Vt fcimiSantes TitanislumtnafteUas Ob few ant h virtus trifies fie mole dolor es Opprimity infanaz nonpajfa exire querelas % Jpfafibi merces pulcberrima Aignafa vctis sola pfacafu tranauWos reddit in omnU gin ppinter: 'December^ cr olddgtl That which the Sea hath Ieft,and ftormes an4 toyle^ kc minds to trufl it to his Country foyle. SweetenefTe is goncnothins but dreg» remaine, The bottome doth both leaft and worft containe. Why feeke you wretched men to reckon your daycs With three ag'd Neftor ? as if it were praife. To live beyond the Stagge,and Crowjno day l)oth want his croffe,each houre which doth delay Our deathjprolongs our mifery,our woe Encreafeth more,themore in age vve grow $ The leaking fhip,the longer Way (he makes* The greater danger dill me undertakes b And if (he (hall lanch further in the deepe, No skilfull Art can her from (hipwracke keepe,- Thrice happy Troile who did bravely dye, B efore thy gray-haires tafted mifery \ If deftinies had fo with Priame deft, Hclhould not have fo grievous forrowe's felt, Hischildrens death, rapesjflames^nd clam'rousgroane^ Nor with his blood, have drench'd the Altar ftoncs. What doth not age ccnfume ? The monument Of C arid 5 gone, the Pyramids arc fpent 5 Rhodes graet Coloffui how is turn'dto nought^ And ftrength of body is to weakeneffe brought j Age leflhing vigour turncs man to a ghoft, Who lately did of nerves and linewes boaft. Beauty decayes,wealth cannot cure difeafe, On Natures gifts, confuming age doth fefce * Conftant and firme,Vertue remaine* alone, And comforts age,when ftrength and all are gone* Gray-haires provifion. Like as Phtebus bright Darkneth the Planets with his greater light 5 So ve rtues greatneffe doth all forrowes queil And fufFcrs not hearts fad complaints to fivetf, 1 H Y E M S. December, five Sene#u$# 7)ira Syrdcufiasquumftamm ineenderet (trees, {MirceUiQ minus denfatent undiq, exdety Inter tot fremitus iftrepiiitsUamevta ruinas , Inter totgemitus>pian8as,querulo/% doiore^ C(Sli doftsfmeicamm ftudiify vac abas, Mcyon veluti medt] s fecums inurtdU^ Vix bo ft He tu o fenfifti in peciore ferritin . O animidulcu reqzies y o fo'a wlvptas Virtu* I Tu toUU human* incommodd vtt£ 3 'Damnafene&utumlnaU.mulixfy doiortt % Lttitiam^uamvk ^iferis } mortdlilm adfert, ir Horridaejinsei valiant mihi temper a cam, Teftantw^ by emu tempnsadejlemvei. Luxq maligna meaa obfufcat nube fenefttxtS) Attritu denies confenuere moU. Corporis (s* fraff* impiunt nut are column*} Ac lab at in fir ma mole caduca dbmm, lam irisies adfert morhn curiofa SeneiJus, Debil'u enzrvat languUa membra ftupor. Quhqniddvlce fwtpertjt > mibigaudia vite Si qua fuere me&>jam memmlffe grave efi 4 Mccfta^ pallentes Letbes mens fomtiiat umbra* Ocswfatfydculu mo/tu irrngo meii. lmpia dum rccolo tafciv* fafta fuventg, Qoncidit adgemitus mveftafeneftagruviT,, Vifta velutnubes juvenilis goriafugit -, his utijn lacrymas vita fo\utafluit, elemen i ipiofee pater ^amnum^/eneclit Satvificareparet gratia fanclafide. Spiritus &tberios inftauret peftore /esfus, Vt folumfapiat mens animuf^pohwi*. *&*t& mihi noxtc ttcmeria certa remifpe* Qedxt <$* teternifsderu tirrb* mtt : WitttEi. December - or OldAgi. It doth content it felfe , its ownc reward tn gteateft dangerjitill the fafeft guard. When flames did Syra€ufes Caftjes burrie, When Roman forces did rhem overturhej Miongft fljughters* clamours, mines, deadly hoy/e* Thou 4rchte> edts onely didfi rejoyces Alsyonslike in trouble thou bad ft reft » \ And fcarfely felt the (Word thruft in thy breft. O happy reft of minde, O onely pleafure, Comfort ©f age 3 mans blcft and onely treafure^ ^ rhou leflncfi woe, nothing can thee annoy, [n midft of mifery > thou aflbrdeft joy. .4; Sray hayrcs encompafle now my head, fnowe^ Tell me that Boreas blowei. & foggy drmmenefle doth my eyesaffa/le, My grinders gin to faile. My daggering pillars cannot ftand at all, My houfe is ncere to fall. Did age btrhgs with it ficknefle and difeale, My limbes ftekefluggifheafe. All plealure's gone; it doth me fore annoy, To thinke of youths delight and former joy. My mi nd doth dreame of Ghofies , before mine eyes Deaths image ftill doth rife. When crjrours of my youth I call to mind, Old age doth forrow frnde. Youth j glory like the rainebowes painted fpheres* Both van ifti into teares. D Father pardon and with favingfaith, Repaire wha* lofle age hath. Let thy good fpirit quicken thy grace in me, Ihat Hcav'n my thought* niy hearts defirc may be; X * Gnat HYENfs; December, five Scne&us* Sic ego Ccelefiis patriae ohkflahor am ore, Hoe mihl Unlmtn duke dsloris erit. . Sic eupiam grata dijjbhi matte, parentem Cbrifte, turn ut poffim cernere, Chdfte, mem. Empyreas tettrna tuas ubi pax edit arces 9 Gaudiaque Mnutios interitura dtes. Speftahitquefidestftttcredidity & potittur Spes voto, C xli regno, tenebit amor. lanuarius winter: December^ er eld x^fge. Grant me afTurance of forgwnefie Lord, e n_ it l t Earncftofjpritandword. 50 (hall the thought of Heavens eternal I reft, c i t ,C , Comfo "myioufediftre(l. So let me be difToIv'd, to be with Thee, it. o «. , ° ur Fatb ««Lord,tofeew W fajprc bleffcd peace,eternall joy doth dwell, „.« /- . , . . Which no time e're can quell. Where faith doth %ht,and hope doth wilh ob?aine, Where endleflUo^e for evermore mail raignc. J 3 January I e^w Aquarius,»*"» mturne, I To throw forth bdefullfiood, out f™*™* Springer's thjdrefe? Summer tbj fragrant flever* TutLne thyplfatt fruits? lee here' sy /hover,. W h»t ever fleafure in the vorldwas found, By thit myfatall deluge no» it **»«*• • , . ?W» men a Noah/» longpreachm heve. Let ev'ry one take beiede andfiand mfeare. HYEMS*. lanuarius five Mors. TRiftU ubi inve>fam profuvdit aquariia urnam» lupiter & gelido defcendit plurimus imbre, Ac nebulis urget mundum, humamque fitgefa Strtdula tempeftas , if Cali grandofitiora ; Omnia tunc refugo in ten am fiantmarcida fucco» Exanimata gch mmantur fem'ma viu, Si qua manent, im# tumutantur vifiere terr** Molegemunt mviumfaltm, lacerifque rigefcit Ramu^ lupto macrefcit cortice fytvai St ant &* aqua pajim gtatia'i cowpede vinft*) Immenfefque lacus capuli cryHattina condit *Arca, natant vivi torpenti influmint pi/ces^ TerrafepultajacetnivibtUj torpedine tacit Trigaris, exangues perditnt fuagramina tmpk v£tatis defevit byems, quum incurva vaciUat yixjueeffceta tevi fufientat membra baciUe, Se minor eil homo majus onm 9 quum cernum $grum Obftipat caput in filices, capularu ad orcum Feftinat pedibia t/inu^edgreffibiu impar lnquz potem ruit inpmceps, inopina Charontk Adferrugtneam dumfertur farcin* cymbam. Nafcendi lex cert a, via eft mortalibus una Jnlucetnjed milk patent adfunera port*. Faroe moUefecant primi lanugine pamtn y Etquodrugofa cam* canifque rigefcit $ Verfophonceifugit n tUumi non Vtotew ord- Tot poterat mutate, vises variare quot t/7a 5 Savior in quo [dim tormenta excogitat, arma CAtnifkii> clavoSyUncQSt cuneofque trabales> &A >tior eft aliis, /enfimque in carport vires Etfbras minuitjfrangitque at ate cicadas* Innumem futi cafit, difirimina mile - Motbmm lanuary, or Death. 'yr -r yr ▼Hen cold Aqpmut empties all his paile, \f \f And Iupiter with clouds the world doth vaile, y * When noyfing tempeft jerks the winter sky, And crackling haile,?Iongs the aire doth fiye, Then to earths bowels Plants do fend their juice, And every thing benummed ftands with ice > If any feeds of life are ro be found, rhey lye entombed in the frofty ground i The groaning woods, their burthens cannot beare, Which from the flocke the boughs and barke doe tearc, With icy fetters rivers fift are bound , And in a Cryftall coffing Lakes are found, Live 6fhes in dead waters fwimme,and cold, Cramplike, the earth doth with Convulflon hold; Mans winter is, when he hath waxed old, And with his flafFe, can fcarce himfelfe uphold ; rhe Ieffehe growes 3 the heavier he him finds, And iiooping downc,nothing but grave he minds, Thither he haftnins with three feete,cannot Make good his pace,and fals in Charons boat. We know our birth ; there's one way to this light, But more thenttioufand waves to fatall ni^hjt; Thedeftinies doe cut the threed new fpunne, As well as that, which wearing hath undone. Death mifTeth none,and Proteus could not taks More (hapes, then (he ftrangc kinds of death can maks'j To fome more cruell torments (he invents, Gibbet and Racke, which naturall dea:h prevents j To fome more meeke,them foftly fhe oatweares, Subftraftinglife>by multiplying yeare»^ What man can tell the many thoufand kindes Of firange direafes,which for man (he findes £j Sufin c HYEMS; Ianuarius, five Mors.' MoYboratn* & diras ftbriumnwaewe cobortes Quit valeat ? mntotvolitant /itbfydere ctaro Corpora qwefaUunt ocuiosfine lumine solU t £>aot mala verfute comitantur ftamina pare* > Qdilibet uniuifrwtur qui munsre vittz Milk modu per eat ; tot no» arteria mot at* Ttbr'uulofacietfluotmon darevuinera pojftt i Sive placet masts gracilenti corporis art m , . VquiyCera fluit lentU ceu fauciaflammisy Seu color exurit>mergit feu niniia humor Et rumpunt elementa {idem ■> fen dira fynanch e Et tonfiSarum vis fammeafauce tumefcunt y Seu capitis dolor affligit^ephalaa^ rumpem Tempora,qii/e^ oculos tendit eatalepfiskanteti Sive vetemoji tabes lethargic 2 fomi Enervat, faltufy rotans vertigme corpua, Et morbm rigidos convelknsjpafmate netvos j Sive ctttem fcabrii maculu elephantiapingil, Seu nitet hac multum diftenta inter cute lympbd > Sea phagpdenanocetyfive ottbopneameatum Honfacilemprabet vitalis foUibu aur«e , Seu papulU turgens boa : Mors eft gnara nocendi &d\Ue art's doUa^ fiaudum (ludiofa novarum. Sedgravior nuBsa quam Cxli morbus, & Qjiumftpe ( ttard.nt ora rubore» Corporu ittquearcemfcandit vaoorigneus, artus Tafcitur, & erefcit flammis torrent ibut herpes* Indeftupore rigent oculi y denaribas ater Sanguinis it rivusjefoMnt tinaitibus aure^ Ilia fingultutenduutur, far git ab alto Sptritus,arcano gemitu, gravis ; ajpera claufat Lingua premit fauces, fitu infatiabilu urget, ^mflexuaue crebro torpentia fax* fatigant 9 Et gelidos po fount font et, tuftode remoto\ Liventes fapuU dantfparfo in orpore n*vot % EtmacuU narrant difrumpi ft amino, ttffe. Huic genus omne mail cedit mortalibus *gru £>uod Pandora dedtr, vU morbi hand trislior uUa eft* Hon tantum nocaft gravid ampblsbtna veneno, Non tantum ammodites flavh agnatus aren't^ Viper a 9 necfcytale vario out tergo^e fattit, Hon faiamandr a gravis, faiersfaue in flutyine dip/as^ Honfeps tabijtcus t non trtfti Scorpio cauda, FrigidusautBufo, non fu leans arva pareas^ Won afpu> dlroque necai qui regute vifu. O (upen ! procul a noftru bac exulet orii\ Vt liceatpatribus natorum claudere oceUos y Et natu geliias animas bau'lre parenturn, JEquora qun vafto mtrgunt in gurgitg, OAartU Quotfwor exitio deiit, & vefanacupido 9 Et male fanus amor \vifauz irnplacabiluire* Ofiagilu %Ua> o Imm > ofluxa, cttduca s mumtrii WINTER* lanuary^er Death* They cculd declarc,whom fepulchers cannot Concainc,ncr yet have paft in Charcns boat § The Plague more grievous is thendeatb,no wits Can ere devife more fearefull lookesandfitsj A heavy languor doth their fpirits tire, Their eyes with flames >their faces burne with fire» A fcorcbing vapour doth their head poflefle; The (ore burfts forth . their eyes with ftupidnefle Doe ftare 5 their noftrils drop with filthy gore. Their eares doe tingle, and their griefe is more :' Their bowels like to burft with fighes and mores, Braw from their inward parts moft grievous grones, Their tongues fwell in their throatesjand thirft them kils, They graip cold ftcnes,when they have their wils ; Blacke wheales arifing give a certaine token, Tbat now their fatall threed of life is broken. No mortall evill like this Pandora brought, Nor fuchdifeafe ftepmother Nature wrought: The double-headed ferpentwith hisfting, Nor fandy viper, can fuchvenime bring, Nor Scy tale ,whofe back's like gliftring gold, Nor thirfty Snake, nor Salamander cold, Nor rotting Home, worne, not the Scorpions taile, Nor Toade,nor wide- moutVd ferpent fo prevaile, Nor Africks Afpe ,nor BaCliske, who fees Afarre and kils with poy ton of his eyes, Cood God, doe banifh fuch a curfe away, That friends,their friends in GcknefTe comfort may. How many in the Oceans bottome lye> Or elfe by Iove^or w arres revenge,doe dye ? O brittfe,fraile,uncertaine life,undone By theufand ev»ls,and yet not match to one ! Shall fury of Heavn,of Sea,aud Land this blow, Aod winds concujrc a bubble to o'retferow. HYEMS. Ianuarius 3 five Mors. lttnumeris obfeJTamalitjmpar tamen mi ! siccim ventorum concvtrunt agminajbutlm Vt fiangant Culi&,faH& f folifc furore* Ergo atiima hofgitioqaum corporis exulat,arcu Empyreas repetih patriumfa iniifit Olympum, Velixpofitantos vitx^viieque laborer Optatos C&'i poter it qua irrtmre f enates, JEtertidque fiui reqm,daiifque triumphis i Felix mert* pofi tot difcrtmiuafortis, Conngit JEthetie cut jam reqwcfiere porta < Interea corpus vary ludibria tafus, Pradajaiet crude? Jylv# 9 akt fublime putrefctnt Vat torviiitmleque ddpes j quot gurgite iafio Corpora dart avidis tmp'mam pi/citut efcam ? Pauca fua mairis redeutit in vifcera terr*, Imponuntque regis clatnaia cadavera, paucos Frafica defiet anus, lugubris velngnia pompa> 9 Quits ante era patrum y natorum,vxori:,amicsf Contigit oppetere y & taputo wiitarepenaHt. Sic anm^epofquam di/eeflus folverit artits In luti de forme Chaos : non fripdiora Membra jesent^uam frkget amor lugtmh amitig Vxori/que novvs medkanmiunc bymetuws. SoUicitat iutlm ; putiifquenitorihus hares Gaudiaperfonatjdumtvto latter afit Naturm beat & par cascade ana parentis TmerafoXettHr loculi, fokntur & arc*, tenius & plenA fu(f>iret ptovftm tnaulh Sic ubifiuicunque eft bares (hxcfuminesfjdixih ^Defunclus propriosjitfjm mitanpenotes Ejfertur, foribus quia nonpedes ocyus exit : jigmina amicorum ftipant ex ot dine longo, *drma viri Claris port ant fte&attda trcphais* Mafiitiamque tubtfn&mtrfullatiiqutWlA tVlXtEK. ian»Ary,ort)Mh. So when the foulethe body doth for fake And can it feife to fyrie heav'n betake, Happy that after labours it call goc To Heav'ns eternall manfions from below» T' enjoy the pleasures of eternall reft» With triumphs 'mongft the Angels to be bleitj Happy vvho after fo uncertainc chance Can fafely to the haven of Heav'ns advance* Perhaps the body hath become a prey To bcafts, or in the ayrc doth rot away» Or fcedes the vultures,or by crueli fate» To greed y fifties hath become a bate ; Few to their mothers belly doe returnej And few are layd onfav'ry piles to burne, For whom old women fing a mourning fongj None befides thole, who dye their friends among, Whofe fcinfmen deere their dying eyes doe ihut» And from their beds therein a coffingput. So when the foule hath parted cleane away And left the body like a Iumpe of clay: Yhe carcafc is not colder then the love Of wife and friends, who doe unconftant prove* The hcire in mourning weedes lookes very fine, He maskes his joy, and thank es the fates divine, And nature s that his gray.hayr'd father's gone, And he of all his bagges left hcire alone s He joyes to fee the treafures newly found, The more he fees, his (ighes more foftly found: a '-. The dead is facrificed on t he (brine, Of Pro/erpine, the heire fayes, All is mine * And 'caufc he cannot goe, he's caried forth Accompany 'd with all his friends of worth* His trophees flye abroad, and martiall armes, And warlike trumpets whifpexfad alarmee» HyrVi HYEMS. Ianuarius five Mors; Vittt anna mmtrat- y prelufttu it undique pomp. $ Sedptffiquam vextbm eft ad t%t\a palatia mortis» Ingluifemque Orci, & putres teSuris hiatus Iniicmit nudum capvkiml deque agmine tun to fion eft> t urn vetet i qui nktu inhumetur amico . Vifiedmi ctfuesijoiu: jaiet liiefepukbto, Vi mibt; s cfia 3 cbaoi capuli pntrejabula vulgu Opere * WINTER. ityt'd mourners (hew his yeercs,thepompe fo brave» Convoy him to his cold and fad like grave i But when they come to deaths pale habitation And fee the pit which gapes with defolation, They throw the naked coffing in» of all His friends, not one for love will with him falU All gets them gone>he dill alone doth lye, ttatenneftejWormcs bate,ta!e of mortality. p > w, ii i i m up » I '-f "» HYEMS. Ianuarius five Mots. . . f Opera? preciam hie videbatur eyenamm illud car- men poetas quidem clariffimi, fed anony mi, la- tinitate doaare, quod homines mortalitatis (be non infuaviter moneat. r\V:il'u Vejiantpubes Alabandl.aflorx, x *<* l ^Jlucitu& arboree gloria prim cm*> 9 S&ale dttusflor.m verno fub tempore ridet> Quale mm pmomane ferenadiei y Quale jubtr rutilans,qual ! fque tv inula ?iuks i Qualis dmatbid* rofcida fcena fuit » Talis homo* cujus fataHa ftumina viu Netfimul, & diropoUice parcafecati Spinarof&fupereft) funduntur ab arbor e floret Herba perit, parvo tempore mane frgit, Occiduumjubar efi 3 nub'is prttwvolat umbra, Scenarepente cadit, vita caducaperit. QualidftaKt teneris nafcemt'ia gramina campit, Quails & in vinumj&bulac<&pxajoium* gua-is avis fylv* null* qutfede moratur, Qnath & in Pratis pendula rorisonyx* S&ualii 0* e[t \wa, fpitbam* dimenfioqualis 9 Quale filet carmen f under e trifiisolor: . Talis homo, cuJuj nor. certo obnoxiafato Temporal Iliads accunu'ata malisi Gramina flaoQtfcunt, pioperum datf abate fat1fl t AvBlat bine y&acrjt a ros tff in alta micat, Hor a brevU> jpitham* non efl dimen$olonga y Vt moritum olor y fic moriturus homo, QualUbvUa natat tremulipruriginervvi, Qgalh (s* iajpeculo kv* imago viteh , HYEMS; Ianuarius, five Mors, £3alu4racbmamtelampercumtamndo, QmIu arenofo littera (iripta Mo. . ^ualis & eftniftutmenJuwlficlile /bmvi, Quale fluit murmur defilientu aquce 5 Talis homo durudebens ludtbriaparcn. Errat &* inftab'iles itfa reiitq^ vices 5 ; Bulla crepatjevitjpcculi dttfaret imago, Torquetur peften,ca % moxs^ ffrortula nulla, Sic repetens wants eft mo'do nuHu& homo. Quale cotufcantidefcendit ab Mtkerefulgur, jfygaru* ad Dominum quale capejjtt iter Quales funt cantutpauf* numeric minor es, dutviaper tridut contmuata moras, liquitur aftivo qualii nixfauciafole, Quale pyrum pnecox^ualiapruna cadunt • Talk is? accmulat fatali lege dolores, Etfubit hanc lutem eras moriturus homo ; yanefcitfulgWifeflinatnuMm, omnem yaufkrapitcanm* & viaTparva moram, •' - JkK H YfeMS. Ianuarius, five Mors. Ei pyrapiitrefcunt, funduntur pruna,UquefcU Mix tandem qaicquidvixitin orberftnt. Fe r urreftio. riVcillajrunferis concreditu feminafulcu* ^ >CL Quale* Marthidenctperaturriaputru* 3mlh mortify Tabitba oppejfafopore, O ualti, quiccti viva faburrafuit, QuriTa I'tcifug* fdntiUnt fidera noftu, Et condanivuitta advcnunte die. # tdlu & Humane condit mors lurnina iiU\ MoYtctamenvitlafit redivivus Homo. Seminaviviftunr, mnhidesfur>Jtab urnd, Fit Tabitha vigils bellua nddit onus, Nov fugit, isr fleUai/uiewt mox gaudialucu,^ Jitque Homo pojtjatum info [unfits W*t. MEnfeafts and birds, mount aines>andcafiles bje Likefifies in oblivion drowned lye ; The feas and floods prevaile,an dallii gone, Deucalion and Pyrra, are left alone ; The f aire, the fleafantjtmtfuttyeare Upafi, . et^Confummatam now hath com* d at lajt* q As in the feas, the lifejhere fijbes have, So Jball we tak* our being from the grave. * 7f.e (urgent. vm HYEMS. Februarys, five Mortuorura Febnuu ,Epitaphium 4dami ptimihumani generis condicoris. \\Vm>inigener$pater i immor talis in horam, Mgx mibiimox cunftu mortis origofuf Solas ego vixifelix, confine beatus : Po/?quamfelici,faCius uterq, mifet. Prwuspeccavi,nonfolus j nam mea proles Inmepeccavttjebet & iUamon. Gratia divide mthiprimo mitfa /alutis, Vtq, ego, f lc proles banc babuttra fide eB. Mcthuflbalami omnium,qui vixcrunt maxime long^vi. jLle Zgofumlong* mnOrum admirabile vite mvi non numerent aHia minuta met ' St mare clepfydravitreofit career e claufum Nonfat is e(l born gurgitis undameil Tot maris mmenfi nonfurgum turbine fluulss Quot vidt. Ho» furgere ab axe dies Septus ardenti % idifub Sole recentes % % Pbxnices nidu exiluijje futi. EtCoboles Quercus, &> que naftunturab Wis, Noftrorum annorum confenuete moris, CndUeramnon pojfe mm me^eM-.t at aunm Sera licet, die mi parca, necefll mori eft. Hoc mfolaturyfuerit am tengior *taa> Hoc brevier mortis pofcafommserit. Abrahami WINTER. Ftfruarjt ~er Epitaphs, which may be termed Februa, celebrated fer the mem&rj ofcer- taine foules. Epitaph of Adam the firft father of mankind, r "Firft of mankind, made by power divine, Immortall once, brought death on me and mine. JUone I flood, but marryed, I became Surfed, as likeyvife curfced was my dame. [ finned firft, but not alone, my brood Rfere one with me, whether I felJ cr flood. >alvation firft was preacht to me, as I $y faith,fo may my ciF-fprirgcome thereby. 0/Methufaiem the longefl liver of mankind. \ ['Me he, whom all for age doe wonder at, Whofe minutes fixed ftarres fcarce calculate: [f of the fea,an houre glafleyou mould make, sach houre of mine each drop of fea could t3kei low many waves in Sea can you devife, \&I have fecne Sunnes from the Sea arife ? )ftner than once the Phenix I have knowne, J rom fpycie cradles frefhly to have flowne ■ * )akes and their off. fpnngs offspring I didCtc Jecay'd with fatall yeeres antiquity : thought I could not dye3 but death me told, rhatdye I rauft, though I were ne're fo old : Hiis comfort me, the longer I did live, l he fates the fhorter f]eepe or flfa&l ANAVtrite from the wombe,God did me call. My mother did not tail e ot Wine at ail * The Mighty Iudgeof lfrae/,and the fell Revenue oi?hiitfiimei , as well could tell. My riyales,whomI quickely did confound, the Come which firy foxes burnt on ground, Thofe whom I kild with jawbone of an aflfe , Which in my deadly third my fountaine was * So Gaza s gates my length did teftify » The wrthesjtopesjweb^whkh I broke eafily : Yetallthis ftrength afilly womancould tndWeducedwith foes-bridinggold. Of HYEMS. Februarys fiveMortuornm Februa» Davidis San&iflitni Ifraelitarum Regis.' iLleego qui quondam pie ftromodulatus eo, Area qui c&ram^opulofpettante choragus Ludibrium &/Lichal*jpr& pietate, fui. Barbitos^t^ lyt& comenmjiablia Aucis Gaudia 3 cui medi* gaudia noclii erant. Interdum rivii lacrymarum jlrata rigavi, Et cinere^at^ jiiu diriguere gen*. Scilicet humanis ut're bus y trifiia Utis Odifcentur^c funt in pietate vies. "Nam modb tranquilly perfundunt gaudia menies$ Totafcfunt no fir o pe ft or a plena *Deo. Et modo Cinmerijs merguntur cor da tenebru, ln& animis vifm nutlus aieffe Deus. Vedejponieanimum\C(Bliqui numen adoras, mjjicileSjfacUes experiere vices, Abfalomi Ifraelitarum pulcherrimi. T\Jvidide ifacidas inter pulcherr'me natos» , Oris tarn pulchn gloria vanafuiu Comptafa Ctfaries promijf'o trine decora, Lumina*qu €edrofque>bederaJauefequacts^ Saxwum argenti copia adinftar trat. Oib'u & extremu mea fama vocavit ab oris Reginam, tefth qu me vidit,fufpexU, dtindt beavit Turbam qu* menfie tuncfamukta met eft. Omnia qughuminapotcrant contingere forti t Noftrafuereideeus, gloria, Jplendor, opes. Omnia at invent, qa£ fab lunar ia t vana> Votahommumfenfifluua, caduca, nihil* finis. winter: jf thruary^ erEfita$hsenthedtA& iD/Solomon the mfeft andricbeft King oflff&U I Once the Solomon, who did cxcell In wit,in riches bad no paralell , Who did from Cedars to the Ivy know, Whofc plenteous fiber did like flaiteftones goe^ Whofe glorious fame a Qucene brought from the South, That (he a witnefle might be of the truth. She carae»and faw,and wonderland did fay, That thofe were happy,who did with me ftayj I had alone 5 which all their owne doe call % Riches,and honoitr>pleafure 9 I had all : Vet I did find all under Sonne to be Mor tall jfi ai Ie j brittle,and but vanky • 0«iAV *Viv 7* ©»?» FINIS. Jmprimatur7bo. Wykesf^.^ Epifc. Lond. Cap. domeft. Feb. i j, *6$7* * ■r * ■ X .