W^ George Washington Flowers Metnorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BV THE FAMILY OF COLON KI, FLOWERS 1 H' # 1* « m '• % .^^ u^CTS Crx JrJ I "-! CALLED SESSION, 1862, AND or THE SECOND REGUI.AR ANNUAL SESSION GENERAL ASSE5IBLY OF ALABAMA, HELD IN TnE CITY OF MONTGOMERY. COMMENCING ON THE 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER AND SECOND MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1862. JOHN GILL SHORTER, Governor. WALTER H. CREXSIIAW, Speaker of House of Representatives. R. ]\L PATTOX, President of the Senate until Nov. 10, 1862. J. M. CALHOUN, President of the Senate. MONTGOMERY, ALA.: MONTGOMERY ADVEUTISKU BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. 1862. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Duke University Libraries littp://www.arcliive.org/details/actsofcalledsessOOalab :'>.. L^AVS OF ^L^BAMA. Ko. 1.] AK ACT To amend the Revenue Laws of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in Geiwal Assembly f^^^'°^ *^'^^' convened^ That the following rules, as to the taxation of persons and property', are hereby established, to-wit : 1. All lands subject to taxation must be taxed in proportion to their value. 2. Land belonging to citizens of the Confederate States residing out of the State, cannot be taxed higher than land belonging to persons residing therein. 3. No tax can be imposed on land, the property of the Confederate States. 4. All navigable waters within the State are to re- main forever public highways, tree to the citizens of the State, and of the Confederate States, without any tax^ imiiost, or toll thereon, imposed by the State. o. The following persons and property are exempt from taxation : C. All property belonging to the State, or any county thereof, or the State bank, or its branches. 7. All property of the Confederate States. 8. All property of literary, scientific and benevolent institutions, actually used for the purposes for which such institutions were created ; not exempting, how- ever, any of such property when invested iti stocks, or employed in any other than the regular business of such institutions. 18t)2. ?uVijects & rates of taxation. Poll. Male free ne groes. Female free ne- groes. Real estate. Slave*, t'xcept mechan'.cs. 0. Houses of religious worship, aud their appurte- nances. JO. Places, and monuments of the dead, and imple- ments of burial. 11. Agricultural and horticultural instruments, im- plements, vehicles and utensils, -when kept for use, 12. The ])roperty of revolutionary soldiers and their •widows, to the value of one thousand dollars. 13. The property of soldiers who served in the war of 1812, those who served in the Mexican war, those who served in the Florida war, and those now in, or who may hereafter be in the military service of, the Confederate States, or who shall, at the time of assess- ment, have received an honorable discharge from such service, and of the widows of all such, property to the value of one thousand dollars. 14. All insane persons, and their property, to the value of one thousand dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That taxes are to be as- sessed b}' the assessor in each county on, and from, the following subjects, and at the following rates, to- wit ; 1. On every wliite male inhabitant between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, except those in the military service of the Confederate States, seventy-live cents. 2. On every male free negro, between twenty-one and fifty years of age, five dollars. 3. On every female free negro, between twenty-one and forty-five years of age, three dollars. 4. On all real estate, to be estimated at its real value in money, and not at forced sale, according to ths best judgment the assessor can form by information, in- spection, or otherwise, taking into consideration its location, whether in a town, city, or the country, its proximity to local advantages, its quality of soil, growth of timber, mines, minerals, quarries, fossils and im- provements, excepting such as are herein separately specified and taxed, for each hundred dollars of the value thereof, and at that rate, twenty-five cents. 5. All slaves, except mechanics, tanners, shoe mak- ers, or of some other trade, craft or occupation, which renders them of extra value, actually engaged in their trade, or those who, from unsoundness or other disability, are of less value than ordinary slaves of like age, shall be assessed as follows : 1862. 1 On each slave under 5 years of age, 50 cents. " between 5 k 10 a 75 " 10 & 15 '• 150 " 15 & 30 u 200 " 30 & 40 (( 150 " 40 & 50 (( 100 " 50 & 60 (( 40 3 " '• 5 " '* 6 " " Mechanics, and others of extra value, actually engaged Mecimn-cs. in their trade, and those who, from .unsoundness or disability, are of less value than slaves of like age, shall be valued at whatever prices the assessors, from the best information to be obtained hy them, may adjudge them to be worth ; and upon such valuation there shall be assessed a tax of one-fourth of one per cent. 6. There is also to be assessed and collected, as asiavefund. separate fund to paj- for slaves executed for capital crimes, on each slave under ten years of age, one cent; and on each over ten, and under sixty years, two cents. 7. On all passes, canals, channels, and property of the passes, canals, like kind, estimated in the same manner as mills, ^^c., '^*'*""*^''''*''- on each hundred dollars of the real value of the prop- erty, twenty-five cents. 8. On all capital employed by agent, or otherwise, „ .. , in tlie way 01 loan, or trading in paper, at not more atiegai inan-st. than the legal rate of interest, or in tlic regular ex- change business, in or during the tax year ending on last day of February preceding the assessment, on each hundred dollars thereof, and at that rate, thirty-three and one-third cents. 9. On all money and debts purposely kept at inter- Monoy.ind.ieiti est, whether lent to, or in the hands of, persons, corpo- """'^'^"^ rations, or companies, in or out of the State, whether the evidence of the debt is annually renewed or not, or whether running to maturity or past due, on which tax is not paid in some other form or manner to the State annually, there shall be assessed and paid, for each hun- dred dollars, thirty-three and one-third cents. 10. On all crops, or the proceeds tliercof, loaned or crop* loured or kept at interest, there shall be levied and collected a •"'''"' '°'"*■•'• tax of thirty-three and one third cents on every hun- dred dollars so loaned or kept at interest. 11. On all money hoarded there shall be assessed Mon-y botrjed and collected, on every hundred dollars, one dollar; and under the term hoarded shall be embraced all mo- ney withheld from circulation, as well as all money de- 1862. 6 posited out of the State, money lent out of the State at a less rate of interest than five per cent per annum, and all money on hand : Provided, that money kept on hand exclusively to purchase family supplies, not to exceed the amount necessary for one year, shall not be considered as money hoarded. 12. On all capital employed, by agent or otherwise, Hrgre!li°r°?han iM Or duriug such ycar, in the way of loan or dealing i.g;ii interest. j,j paper, at a greater rate than the legal rate of inter- est, on each hundred dollars, and at that rate, one dol- lar; and all bills, notes, checks, certificates of deposit, or other issues, credits of any corporation, company, partnership, or individual, either in or out of the State, used or employed in the way of loan, dealing in paper, or in a regular exchange business, is regarded as capital under this section, and must be assessed as if gold or silver was used or employed. 13. On each hundred dollars worth, and at that rate, VuniUurcyL^' of all jcwclry, plate, household furniture, ornaments, whether kept for use, sale, or otherwise, over the value of two hundred dollars, except family portraits, fifty cents. Ttbicies. 14. On all vehicles kept for use, and not exempt from taxation, on each hundred dollars of the value, and at that rate, fifty cents. Neat cattle. 15. On cach licad of neat cattle, over twenty-five head, otie cent. Horses it mules. 16. Oil all horscs Or mulcs kept principally for the saddle or harness, stud horses and jacks, on every hun- dred dollars of the value, and at that rate, one dollar. Racehorses. 17. On all liorscs whicli, in or during the tax year preceding the assessment, have been entered, trained or run, five dollars. Capital stock of 1^' ^^* ^^'^ corporatiotis created under any law of corporafons. this State, cxccpt rail roads, and not exempt from tax- ation, on each hundred dollars of their capital stock actually paid in, and belonging to persons not exempt from taxation, fifty cents; but such corporation is exempt from tax (if it ptiys a tax) upon its separate property, equal, at its cost value, to the amount of such capital stock, and so ^^ro rata in the proportion which its property, separately taxed, bears to the amount paid ot its capital stock. 19. On the gross amount of all auction sales made Auction sales. • ^ • i.\ l ^• ^\ in or during the tax year preceding the assessment, ex- cept those made by executors, administrators and guar- 7 1862. dians, as such, by order of court, or under legal pro- cess, and under any deed, will, or mortgage, on every hundred dollars, and at that rate, ten dollars; except on cargo sales of imported goods, which shall be two dollars on every hundred dollars. 20. On the gross amount of premiums (after deduct- insurance pre- ing therefrom all return premiums) received from their '"'"•"s. business in this State, during such tax year, by any in- surance company not chartered by this State, and doing business herein, by agent or otherwise, on every hun- dred dollars, and at that rate, two dollars: one-half of which goes to the county where the agency is located or doing business, and the other half to the State. 21. On every pack, or part of a pack of playing cards piayjng cards. sold, by wholesale or retail, or otherwise disposed of or used, during such tax year, one dollar. 22. On every article, piece of property, or sum of nanios. money, put up or disposed of b}' raffle, in such tax year, on each hundred dollars of the amount at which the same is put up, and at that rate, ten dollars ; to be as- sessed against the person in possession of the house in which the raffle is had; and if no house, then against t]ie person making up such rafle, or the owner of the article or propcrt3\ 23. On each gold watch kept for use in such tax year, ooid watches. by male or female, one dollar. 24. On every gold safety, vest, or fob chain, silver *"'°'<' chains, sii- watch,'or clock, kept for use in such tax year, iifty cents, docks. 25. On all lawyers, surgeons, phj^sicians, and dentists, professional in- who have been three years at the practice, ten dollars;'""^"" or at their option, on each hundred dollars of their in- come derived from such profession, during such tax year, and at that rate, fifty cents. 20. On every legacy, where letters testamentary have legacies. not been taken out in this State, received by an}' per- son other than the child, adopted child, grand-child, brother, sister, father, mother, husband or wife, and on all property given by deed, or otherwise, to any such person, on each hundred dollars of the amount or value thereof, and at that rate, to be assessed to the beneficiary, guardian, trustee, or legal representative, five dollars. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted^ That there shall be as- Net prosu or sessed and collected a tax of five percent, upon all net*^**- profits derived during the year ending on the last day 1862. 8 of February, 1863, from the sale, whether at auction or by private sale, of all liquors, groceries, breadstufls, meats, salt, grains, provisions, leather, hides, shoes, to- bacco, cotton, horses, mules, negroes, beef cattle, hogs, bagging, rope, guns, pistols, powder, shot, lead, per- cussion caps, candles, cigars, jewelry, gold aud silver plate, and plate of other sorts, snufl" fruit, confection- eries, drugs, medicines, dye-stuSs, hardware, queens- ware, earthenware, cutlery, and all other kinds of mer- chandize or commodities sold during said year, which ^- may have been obtained by purchase or barter, whether such purchase or barter was made before or after the first day of March, 1862; and on each free bank of this State, including the Savings Bank of Mobile, on each hundred dollars of its stock there shall be assessed and collected a sum equal to thrice the amount of the tax levied on land. There shall also be assessed and col- lected a tax of [five per cent, on the net profits of agents, brokers, or factors for the purchase or sale of .cotton or other articles of merchandize, either on do- mestic or foreign account; also, on commissions of auc- tion sales of any of the articles herein enumerated: and whenever goods, wares, merchandize, or property of any kind enumerated in this section, is the property of non-residents of this State, and sold at auction in this State, the same shall be subject to a tax of two per cent. ; and the auctioneer selling such goods shall be held liable to pay the same under the penalties herein prescribed in other cases. And in estimating the pro- fits under this section, it shall be done in reference to the original price paid to the producer or manufacturer, or paid by the importer, adding in all cases the expense of transportation, insurance, exchange, and all other bona fide expenses. Net profl'sof ^EC. 4. B(t it farther enacted, That there shall be as- sessed and collected a tax of five per cent, on the net profits derived during the year ending on the last day of February, 1863, from all rail roads, steam boats, om- nibuses, stage coaches, hacks, warehouses, drays, saw, grist, and other mills,|distilleries, breweries, tanneries, foundries, forges, hotels, restaurants, establishments for majiufacturing or repairing shoes, harness, hats, carri- ges, wagons, guns, pistols, pikes, bowie knives, estab- lishments for manufacturing iron, woolen and cotton goods, cotton yarns, or for carding and spinning woo incomes. 9 1862. or cotton, mining, quarrying, working marble, and all other kinds of manufacturing establishments, presses for compressing cotton, printing establishments, cotton pickeries, wharves, toll bridges, ferries, and^livery sta- bl«8; also a tax of five per cent, upon the net profits realized by any express companj'-, telegraph and gas companies, brokers and dealers in exchange. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted., That in estimating the now net profits net profits under the preceding section, it shall be done led!"*"^"'"""' in reference to the amount of capital actually invested and necessarily employed, and shall include the profits on sales and re-sales, made directlj' or indirectl}^ either in or out of this State. Sec. 6. Be it farther enacted, That no tax shall be ^^en net pro. assessed and collected upon the capital employed in any fi«3 are taxed, no business the net profits of which are taxed by any lawtaK^" of this State, except on capital employed in tanneries, Exception, and establishments for manufacturing woolen or cotton goods, cotton yarns, or in the manufacture and sale of shoes, or invested in steam boats. Sec. 7. Be it farther enacted, That upon all notes or chamre biiig or bills, drafts, orders, checks, certificates of deposit, or ^ea°r'''u)*'*5iarc'ii paper of any kind or form, heretofore emitted without iscs. the authority of the law of Alabama, by and on behalf of, or for the benefit of any resident of this State, or on the behalf of, or for the benefit of any corporation created by or under any law of this State, or doing bu- siness in this State, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of any individual or partnership in this State, to answer the purposes of money, or for circulation as money o.r change bills, \Miethcr made or emitted in or out of the State, there shall be assessed and collected on the amount of all such notes, bills, drafts, orders, checks, certificates of deposit, or paper money of any kind or form, so emitted or put into circulation, a tax of two and one-half per cent, for the tax year ending on the For each year last day of February, 1863 ; and for each tax year there- '»'"«»'»«'• after, there shall be assessed and collected a tax of fif- teen per cent, upon such amount as may be outstand- ing and unredeemed at the commencement of such tax year: Prodded, howcccr, That every kind of paper re- ' ferred to or mentioned above in this section, emitted >^ by any court of county commissioners, or any munici-", '"^. pal corporation in this State, shall be exempt from tax-''"" ation. 1862. 1% Sec. 8. Bcil further enacted, That the establishment of the rates of taxation in the preceding section shall be a repeal of all penalties and penal laws as to every kind and form of paper in said section embraced, which has heretofore been made and emitted, but shall not be Repeal of certain a repeal of any existing law as to any such paper here- penaitieB. after made and emitted, or which may be hereafter re- issued: Provided, The benefits of this section shall Proviso. jjqI; apply to any party who fails, on presentation, to redeem any kind or form of paper herein embraced. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That upon all cotton hereafter planted and gathered, there shall, tor each ^and "gathered'* y*^^*'' ^^ asscsscd and collectcd on each pound of seed i^reafter. cottou, ovcr and abovc twenty-five hundred pounds of seed cotton, made and gathered during the tax year, to ever}' full hand employed in raising and gathering the same, by any one party, or on any one plantation or farm, a tax of ten cents per pound for every pound of excess over and above twenty-five hundred pounds to each full hand employed in raising and gathering the same; or if the crop be ginned, then every pound of ginned cotton shall be estimated as equal to four pounds of seed cotton: Provided, That no tax shall be ira- Proviso. posed on any cotton planted after the proclamation of the governor announcing that peace has been made be- tween the Confederate States and the United States, or that the blockade of the ports of the Confederate States has been removed. Profits nnder Sec. 10. Pc it furthcr cnactcd, That upon profits un- Confederate con- , »' • i i i- i tract. der contracts with parties who, by reason or such con- tracts, are released and exempted from military service in the army of the Confederate States, there shall be assessed and collected a tax of ten per cent. And upon all wages or salaries of persons who, by reason of any Wages or saia- enga";ement, appointment, or contract in any depart- ries of Confcde. » ^ ,, ,, ' /-{ ^ r , , '>-, , i. l rate employees, mciit ot the Contcdcrate Government are exempted from conscription, ten per cent, on such wages or salary. Sec. 11. Pe it further enacted, That all persons en- gaged in any business, or pursuit, the receipts, sales, profits, commissions and salaries of which, or capital ^^menu under^' ©mploycd in which, are subject to assessment and taxa- tion under the provisions of this act, shall furnish a written statement, under oath, of such receipts, sales, salaries, commissions, profits or capital, to the assessor; 11 1862. and any person willfully tailing or refusing to do so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof must be tincd not more than two thousand dol- lars, and may be imprisoned not more than one year, one or both, at the discretion of the jury trying the case. Sec. 12. Be it further enacicd. That to enable the as- AuUionty con- r n 1 i.1 1 1 i. 1 ii ferred on Assess- sessors more lully and thoroughly to carry out the pro ors. visions of this act, and other laws of the State, on the subject of revenue, they are hereby authorized and cm- powered to examine any other person on oath as to the correctness of any list of assessment that may be rendered, or as to the correctness of the valuation of any property assessed ; and it is made the special duty of assessors to inquire into the correctness of all lists of assessment rendered, as well as the fairness of the valuation under every assessment, and whenever he shall have reason to suspect that either the one or the other has not been correctly and fairly given in, lie shall call in such persons as are likely to know as to the cor- rectness of the assessment, or fairness of the valuation, and examine them on oath in relation to such assess- ment, or valuation ; and any person refusing to be ex- amined, or withholding any information on such exam- ination, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five hun- dred dollars, at the discretion of the jury trying the case. Sec. 13. BeitfurtJter enacted^ That it is hereby made Duty of comp- the duty of the comptroller to see that the assessment ^^^''^^.^'^'J^'^*^; of taxes on steamboats and other water crafts, wharves, •'"a'*, -^c. toll bridges, ferries, turnpikes, foundries, &c., is duly observed and executed, and for this purpose he may appoint an agent, or attorney, in any of the principal cities or towns, or any other prominent point in the State, and allow to such attorney, or agent, a fair com- pensation for his services. It shall also be his duty to inquire into and correct past omissions to assess and ■,,,,., II 1 1 • 1 -1 • 1 • runner duij. collect the tax on the items above named in this sec- tion. Skc. 14. Be it furtJicr enacted, That it shall be the oommissiuner*' duty of the commissioners' courts of the several eoun-^^^''^^''p,J*^'»« ties to revise and comj»are the assessment list, and if, in their opinion, there is any omission, discrepancy, irreg- ularity, or error in the assessment, or valuation of pro- 1862. 'fft pcrty, profits, or salaries, they shall, so far as to any such supposed omission, discrepancy, irregularity or error, direct a re-assessment to be made, either by the assessor or such other person or persons as they may deem most suitable and competent. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall fail or refuse to render to the assessor of the pro- per county a correct list or statement of all property and profits, including salaries subject to taxation, or shall otherwise evade, or attempt to evade, a compli- Penaity for in- aucc With tlic rcvenuc laws of this State, he or she correct list. shall bc guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction fined and imprisoned, one or both, at the discretion of ■ the jury trying the case: one-half of any fine imposed under the provisions of this section shall be paid to any person informing the grand jury of the oti'onse, and such informer shall be a competent witness in all trials against such oflxjnders. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the ascertainment Valuation to be of all valucs aiid amounts under the revenue laws of i)aper*'*urrenc>\ this State shall bc upou the basis of the paper currency receivable in payment of taxes at the time the assess- ment is made. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the diTribL^te^'biank duty of the Comptroller of public accounts to have forms. printed and distributed, to the assessors and collectors of the several counties of this State, blank forms set- ting forth each item of taxation, and that each partj giving in any property or item subject to taxation shall give in the same in the form prescribed in the assess- ment list, subscribed and sworn to; all of which lists shall be filed in the office of the judge of probate. Collector to fill Sec. 18. Bs it further enuctcd, That the collector shall eLr tax-p^yen fill up a bhuik for each tax payer, setting forth the items on which he pays tax, according to assessment, and that lie receipt the same; and upon the failure of Penally for fall- any asscssor or collector to comply with the provisions '"^' of this, or the preceding section, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction fined at the discre- tion of the jury trying the case. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the mlllioli^Tt' ^l"*-y ^^ tl^^ commissioner of the land office annually Land Office. to fumisli the comptroller of public accounts with a statement of the number of acres of land sold and entered in the State — shewing the nruraber of acres in 13 1862. each county; also, the number of acres of land unsold in the State, and the number of acres belonging to or reserved for railroads in the State; shewing also the number of acres vacant and the number belonging to or reserved for railroads in each county. Sec. 20. Be it further enar.kd, That it la hereby made ^33';°",fpJ° the duty of the comptroller of public accounts, in his'""»'*''°'^'*<^' annual report, to show the number of acres of land subject to taxation in the State, the number of acres taxable in each county, and the number actually as- sessedand paying tax in each county; also, the quan- tity of vacant lands in the State, the quantity belong- ing to or reserved for railroads in the State, as well as the quantity of each class in the several counties of the State. Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That the tax year shall The tax year. be the year ending on the last day of February in each year. Sec. 22. Be it farther enacted, That all laws and parts c»rtaiiiiaws re- of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be, ''^*^'^' and the same are, hereby repealed; and that all laws and parts of laws not in conflict therewith be, and the same are, hereby continued in force, and shall be em- braced iti any compilation of the laws on the subject unued in force. of revenue that has been, or maybe, provided for by any act ol this general assembly. Sec. 24. Be it further enacted. That the following taxes Taxes and iicen- and licenses shall be assessed and collected by the judge f,\ by ^'r'oba'ie of probate, to-wit: * •'"•''^"• 1. On every legacy subject, under the provisions of this act to assessment, left by any will, on which let- ters testamentary are taken out in this State, there must be assessed and collected, by the judge of probate of the county in which such letters are taken out, on every hundred dollars, and at that rate, of the value orLcgaciei. amount, five dollars; and if not paid on the receipt of such legacy, such judge must issue execution for the amount of such assessment, against the executor, or administrator, and his securities, to be collected and returned as other executions from the probate court. 2. On each lecture, to which entrance fees are charged, i,ccture«. four dollars; if not paid to the judge of probate on de- mand, the lecturer to be brought before such judge, and fined ten dollars for each lecture he has failed to pay for on demand. 1862. 14 Certificate tinder official seal. Ltcensep, Retail. AuctloneerB, J)aguerreotyp- Isis, &c. Demists, Billiard tables. Bagatelle. Ten -pin Alley. 3. On each certificate, under their official seal, ex- cept for the benefit of a soldier, or his family, and on all licenses, except marriage licenses, the judge of pro- bate must collect a tax of fifty cents. 4. Licenses are to be granted and issued on the pa}*- raent of the following sums as State tax, the county tax thereon, and fees: 5. To retail, for one year, spirituous or vinous liquors, on any steamboat or water craft, one hundred and twenty dollars; in a city, or town having more than one thousand inhabitants, one hundred and fifty dol- lars; in a cit}', town or village having more than five hundred, and less than one thousand inlnbitants, eighty dollars; in cities, towns and villages having less than five hundred inhabitants, sixty dollars; and in the country, forty dollars. G. To carry on the business of an auctioneer through- out the State, for one year, forty dollars. 7. To practice or carry on the business, for one year, of a daguerreotypist, ambrotypist, photographist, or any modification, or improvement, or form thereof, in taking pictures, either on glass, paper, metal, or in any other way, by whatsoever name they may be known, or may call themselves, at one station in the county, or in a village not having more than five hundied in- habitants, ten dollars; in towns with not more than four thousand inhabitants, fifty dollars; to practice the art generally, anywhere in the State, one hundred dol- lars. 8. To carry on the business of dentistry, by any transient dentist, who has not been a resident of the State for twelve months, for one year, throughout the State, one hundred dollars. 9. To keep a billiard table for public play, for one year, one hundred and fifty dollars; at a watering place, for six months, seventy-five dollars; but if used for a longer time than the six months, under any pretence, the owner or proprietor of the table shall be liable to indictment in the same manner as if no license had been granted. 10. To keep a bagatelle table for public play, for one 3^ear, twenty dollars. 11. To keep a ten-pin alley, or alley of the like kind, for public play, for one year, fortj' dollars; at a water- ing place for six months, twenty dollars ; but if used 15 '1862. for a longer time than six months, tlie same penalty is imposed as for a billiard table. 12. To keep any other table, stand or place, for any Any other table, other game or play, with or Avithout a name, for one '^''"'^"'^''''^"' year, unless for exercise or amusement only, and not prohibited by law, twenty dollars. 13. To keep a public race track, for one year, on ev-P"^biic nace ery hundred dollars, and at that rate, of the gross an- nual income, as near as the same can be ascertained, ten dollars; but \n no case less than fifty dollars. 14. For theatres in a city, two hundred dollars; in Theatres. a village or w^atering place, sixty dollars for one year. 15. For concerts or musical entertainments for pro- concerts, fit, for each, ten dollars. 16. To exhibit, fin' profit, any museum, wax works, menageries, or curiosities of any kind, except paintings Museum*, Mena- and statuary, on each day's and night's exhibition, ''^ ' twenty dollars. 17. To exhibit dwarfs, persons of unusual size, or j,j^jj,.t,„„g ^^ persons or animals deformed, throughout the State, for "warfs.&c. any one day, fifty dollars; but not to exceed two hun- dred dollars for an}- number of exhibitions in the same place, on consecutive days, exclusive of Sundays. 18. For the exhibition of a circus, feats of activity, oircuscB, ac. and sleight of hand, for each exhibition, not exceeding twenty-four hours, twenty dollars. 19. To peddle for oi^.e year, on any one steamboat or P^^dUog. water craft, one thousand dollars; in a wagon, for each wagon in a county, one thousand dollars; for each horse in a county, five hundred dollars; on foot in each county, three hundred dollars for each person. 20. For exhibiting spirit rappings, spiritual maniles-spiru-ropping. tations, or other device, by whatsoever name called, which professes to reveal communications from the spirits of the living or the dead, for profit or otherwise, live hundred dollars for each day they shall exhibit. 21. To sell, offer, or expose for sale, by a negro trader, If ^[^i"" •"'* broker or agent, for the sale of slaves, twenty dollars on each slave; but this tax is not to be imposed on such slaves as may be sold on commission for citizens of this State, wlien the owner or owners, or any one of .1 ii i- I . i -11 1 As to retidcDl!!. tnem. or the auctioneer, broker or agent, will make affidavit in writing, to whom such slaves belong, that 8ucli owner or owners of such slaves are residents of this State, and have owned sucli slaves for more than 1862. if one year immediately preceding such sale, oft'er, or ex- posure for sale, and upon which slaves the regular State and county taxes for the year in which such pro- perty nia}' be sold, shall have been paid before such sale; but shall in no case apply to any slaves owned by any trader, broker or auctioneer, or other person sell- License must set . "'i 1^. ;. rnii- forth. ing slaves on speculation, or as a business, ihe license to authorize the sale, ofl'er, or exposure for sale, in any county of the State, must set forth the name and de- scription of the slaves, except in the case of small chil- dren having no name, which must be described by their ages. 22. All licenses, unless otherwise declared b}' law, u!"bTfbr'''"ne ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^"^ jsar, aud confined to the county in year. which they are granted; and when issued for retailing, keeping billiard tables, ten-pin alleys, or alleys of the like kind, or any stand, table, or place for any other game or phi}', to one place only in the county; and in all cases to the person alone to whom the license is granted; and it is hereby expressly made the duty of the judge of probate of each county, by himself or agent, to inquire of every person doing, or oflering to do, any business for which a license is required, and ascertain whether the law has been complied with, and if not, to cause the person to he bound over to court. 23. If any person does any act, engages in any busi- without license,. n ess, kccDS auv table, opens any theatre, gives any con- the penaiiy. , ' , .', .,. ' ' n^ '' ■ n i • ^y • l cert, exhibition, or performance, specified m this act as the subject of a license, or being a negro trader, broker, or agent for the sale of slaves, sells, offers, or exposes fgr sale any slave, without first obtaining a license therefor from the proper authority, he is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, must be fined at the discretion of the jury trying the case; and if the con- viction is for selling spirituous or vinous liquors with- out a license, the court may imprison the offender not exceeding sixty days. 24. In those cases in which a license is not confined Persons to ex- to onc couuty, it is the duty of the judge of probate to iubit license in . ,.1 r-n- ii> ^ • certain cases, rcqun'c ot tlic pcrsou followHig the busiucss, or doing the act, to exhibit his license; and on his failure so to do, or if he has any reason to suppose that such person Penalty for fail- jj^s violated the pi'ovisions of this section, such judge must at once issue his warrant to any sheriff, or con- stable, and cause such person to be brought before him, It 1862. and boimd over to the next circuit court of tlic county in a sum equal at least to double the amount of the license money; and failing to give security, he must be committed to jail until such Bccurity is given, or he is otherwise discharged by law; but if such person, on being brought before such judge of probate, pays the amount of license money, count}^ tax, fees, and all coats, he may be discharged. 25. The judge of probate of each county must, on the first day of each circuit court, furnish to the fore- PiobatcJuigc L' A.) 1 ' LI. i.* 'i.' 1 • must furni^li i') man or the grand jury a statement in writing, showing Grandjur;. the licenses granted under this act, within two years preceding such court, to whom, and for what, such license was granted; and failing so to do, on convic- tion, must be lined not less than one hundred dollars. ArpROVED, Dec. 9, 18G2. Xo. 2.] AN ACT To amend an act, approved Dec. 7, 18G1, entitled an act, to exempt from taxation a certain amount of property of volunteers, and the widows of deceased volunteers. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act to exempt from taxation a certain amount of property of volunteers and the widows of deceased volunteers, approved December 7th, 18G1, be and the same is hereby amended, by striking out the" soi.ivi-s- for word "volunteers wbenever it occurs, jnui inserting in lieu thereof the word "soldiers." Approved, November 17, 1862. No. 3.] AN ACT To authorize the Courts of County Commissioners of the different counties of this State to levy a tax tor the support of indigent families of soldiers and other purposcTs. •Skc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of licpre- 2 rm. 18 seiUadces of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the courts of county commissioner of Limit oftax. thc tliftcrent countics of tliis State are liereby author- ized and empowered to levy a tax not exceeding one liundred per cent, upon the State tax, in the discretion of the said courts, for the purpose of supporting, main- taining and providing for tlie wants of the indigent families of soldiers absent in the arniy of the Confed- erate States, the same to be applied and distributed by the said courts respectively as they may order and pro- vide. p.-rmerievk-sic Sec. 2. Be U fuvtlier enacted , That all and every tax which may liave been assessed and levied, and any ap- propriation heretofore made by any court of county commissioners in this State for the purpose specified in the first section of this act, be and the same is hereby legalized and made valid, as if the same liad been done in pursuance of law existing at the time of making the same. Approved November 8, 1SC2. No. 4.] AN ACT To repeal the tnx on County Seals in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by ilic Senate and House of JRcj^rc- scntatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the tax on county seals autliorized by section 396 of the Code of Alabama, be and the same is hereby repealed as to seals upon applications by non- commissioned oflicers and privates, or theif tepresenta- tives for pay on account of military services, or on ap- plication to extend furloughs. Approved December 2, 1862. No. 5.] AN ACT To prevent Extortion, Sec, 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bejyre^ 19 1862. sentatkcs of tne State of Alabama in General Asscmbbj convened^ That from and after the passage of this act it shall be required of every person or persons, or associa- tion of persons, who rnay buy, barter or trade for any bacon, beef, pork, corn, meal, flour, salt, sugar, molas-"'^*"''"^''''- ses, leather, shoes, hides, cloth, spun yarns, or any goods, wares or merchandize of any description (exce[>t drugs and medicines) in this State, for the purpose of sale or^es^so"."* ^^ *' specuhition, to give in the same to the tax assessor^of bis county on oath what he, sbe or they paid for such article or articles, and what the gross sale of the same was made at ; whereupon, it shall be the duty of said ^>a'yofa"cssor. assessor to assess the whole amount of the nett profits of said sale, except flfteen per cent, on the amount paid Per cent, for such article or articles, and enter the same on his appraisement book, which shall be collected as other taxes are now collected; Provided, this act shall not be proviso, so construed as to include any live stock bought and sold. 8ec. 2. Be it further enaeted, That if any person, not as to non-rcsi- being a citizen of this State, shall bu}', barter for sale, ^ ' . or get possession of any of the above-named articles within this State, for sale or speculation either in or out of this State, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, offence, and it shall lie the duty of justices of the peace in the election |»recinct in W'hich the offence is committed, up- on information, to issue his warrant against the said To be bound party so otfcnding, and bind him over to the next cir- *'^"' cuit court to answer such charge against hirn, and if found guilty shall be fined in any sum or imprisoned any length of time at the discretion of the court try- ing the same. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person or as toihoKcwbo persons, or association of persons, shall neglect or re- ''^'^"■'^' fuse to give in his, her, or their tax as required by the first section of this act, it shall be the duty of the said assessor to assess a double tax upon such [>erson or per- Dmweux. sons, or associations of perilous, from the hest informa- tion he can obtain. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That any person who shall knowingly give in an improper or incorrect list of big purchases and sale.", as required by the first section penalty for in- of this act, shall on conviction suflcr all the pains and '^"'■"''*"•^• penalties inflicted for perjury. Sec. 5. Be it farther enactedy That during the present 1862. 20 Unlawful to pur- clinfe '.o i-cll in same place. From whom pur- chased. Exception. Auction sales oolawful Judicial sales escepttttt. Penilty for vio latioQ. Fee for eacl' con victioiL Proviso. wnr between the Cojifederatc States and the ITnited tStatcs, ic sliall not be hiwful for any person to purchase and sell, or purchase for the purpose of selling or hoard- ing in the same market or ?icighborhood where pur- chased, any article or thing whatever used or consumed, or suitable to be used or consumed as food, shoes or clothing, (except raw cotton) or as material for the pro- duction or manufacture of either food, shoos or cloth- ing of any kind or description whatever needed for the support and comfort of the inhabitants of this State, from any merchant, trader, huckster, producer or other person other than the person importing such articles in the State holding the same on sale in such market. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, Thatfor the period pre- scribed in the preceding section, it shall not be lawful for any person to sell, or cause to be sold, at auction, any of the articles of food, shoes or clothing, or mate- rials therefor embraced in the preceding section ; Pro- vided, that the inhibition of this section shall not apply to judicial sales made in conformity to the requirements of the order or decree of any court of this State, or of the Confederate States, nor to any sale made by any trustee or mortgagee, under a power of sale bona fide conferred on him for the purpose of securing the pay- ment of a debt or debts actuallj' due and ov,'ing from the maker of the deed or mortgage conferring such power; and if an^^ person shall violate or knowingly aid or abet in the violation of any of the provisions of this or the preceding section of this act, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty thouf^and dol- lars, and be imprisoned in the count}' jail for any period not exceeding twelve months at the discretion of the jury trying the cause. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, Thatfor eajh conviction under the provisions of this act, the attorney -general or solicitor shall bo entitled to a fee of fifty dollars, to be taxed against the party convicted, and collected as other costs ; Provided, the Governor by his proclama- tion may suspend the operation of this act as to all or any portion of the articles herein set forth whenever he thinks the interest of the people of the State demands it. Approved December 0, 1862. 21 18G2. No. 6.] AX ACT To authorize a compilation of the Revenue Laws, and their puhlication in .pnmphlct form. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rcprc- (^omptroikT senlatives of the btatc of Alabama in (jrcncrai Assembli/ Gewr^i to wm- convened, That immediately after the adjournment of'"''"-- the present session of the Legislature, or as soon there- after as practicable, it shall be the duty of the Comp- troller of Public Accounts, under the supervision and direction of the Attorney CTcneral, to collate and com- pile all the laws then in force upon the subject of the revenue of the State, properly arranged by divisions into chapters and sections, with side notes and index, 60 as to be most convenient for understanding and easy of reference. Sec. 2, Be it further enacted, That said revenue lawsS'y'e "f PHm- so compiled and arranged shall be printed in pamphlet or book form b}' the public printers, in ^he same style ill which the acts of the legislature are required to be printed, with a paper cover and title page, aiid that six Number of cop- hundred copies thereof be delivered to the comptroller by the 10th day of February next, who shall imuiedi- '' , 11-1 • . 1 1 . • 1 How dittribufeJ ately send by mail seven copies to each probate judge, one for each member of the court of couJity commis- sioners, the tax assessor and tax collector of his county, and one copy to each member and officer of the gen- eral assembly. A[>proved December 2, 18G2. Xo. 7.] AX ACT To make appropriations for the fiscal year ending ou the 8/ the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Asscinhhj convened, That the sum of thirty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of an}' money in the treasurj^ to pa}* the members and officers of the present general assembly. Apphoved, Nov. 3d, 1802. No. 9.] AN ACT Making appropriations for the Military Defense of Al- abama. Section 1. Be it enacted b)j the Senate and Mouse of Bep- Governor to rcscntatives of thc State of Alabama in General Assembly ■Iraw his order. , mi , , , * i i i • i i convened, i hat tiic governor be, and he is hereby au- thorized to draw his order on the auditor of the treas- ury, to defray the expenses of the Pay department, Quartermaster's department, Commissary department, Ordnance department and Medical department, to be How to bepsid. paid out of tlic appropriations under the several acts "To provide for the public safety,'" "To provide for the defense of Mobile," and "For the defense of the northern part of this State," enacted at the late extra and present regular session, or out of any money in the treasurv not otherwise appropriated. Approved, Dec. 9, 1802. 25 11862. No. 10.] AN ACT Authorizing the transfer of certain funds heretofore raised for special purposes to the General Fund of the State Treasury. Sec. 1. Be it enacted bj/ the l^enaie and House of Rcpre- seniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the entire amount of taxes, realized and collected, and 3'et to be collected, under and by virtue of the "act to provide for an efficient military organiza- tion of the State of Alabama," approved the 24th of February, 1860, except so much thereof as may already have been expended for the ol;)iects for which said taxes were levied ; and also whatever balance of the t"unn*y of conn appropriations of sucli money shall have been nuide, or 1S02. 26 shall be made hereafter, it shall be the duty of the court to keep a full and complete account of record of the sums so raised, and the amount appropriated, with the names of persons to whom such relief lias been distri- buted, when made, for Avhat purpose, and record the evidence of such payment. Sec, 3. Be it further enacted, That all claims now out- standing against any of the counties of this State be receivable by the tax collectors of the respective coun- ties in payment of taxes due said counties. Approved November 7, 1862. Receivable for couniy taxes. Eo. 12.] AN ACT To provide for the support of the Indigent Families ol Soldiers in the Ami}' of the Confederate States, from the State of Alabama. Sicc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate avd Home of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly \^l^S\n^Tlo\- convened, That the sum of two million dollars be and '^"- the same is hereby appropriated for the support of the indigent families of soldiers, who have heretofore en- tered, or may hereafter enter the military service of the Confederate States from the State of Alabama, to H.,w apporiion- i^g apportioned b}^ the comptroller of public accounts to the several counties of the State, according to the ascertained number of indigent families in each coun- ty, which shall be distributed under the directions of II. .w distributed, the court of county commissioners in such manner as to them shall seem most equitable and best promote the objects of this act, by the purchase and distribution of supplies or provisions as far as practicable, or pay- ment of money in whole or in part, when impracticable Proviso. to furnish provisions: Provided, That five hundred thousand dollars of the aforesaid sum be held in re- ?g"y'/°'"'"' '"'■''■ serve by the comptroller, and not paid out unless one million and five hundred thousand dollars is found to be insufficient, but in the event the said sum of one million and five hundred thousand dollars proves to be insufficient, then the comptroller is hereby authorized Families of sub- and rcquircd to pay out the remaining sum of five hun- eflclarTcr' '^"" di'cd thousaud dollars : Provided, That no flimily of any 27 1862. substitute in the armj^ sliall bo entitled to any of the benefits of this act : ProvulecL howccer. Tliat tlie fami- P'''>Ti'"^ as to lies ot deserters irom sucli military service are not to serters. be entitled to anj' of the benetits of this act whilst such deserters are known to said court to be out of service: Provided further. That if any soldier who has hereto- y^o besuie soi- r. . ^ -, ■, (., ' , ,, .,., titer's family is ro re entered, or may hereafter enter, the military ser-entiueu. vice of the Confederate States from the State of Ala- bama, has no family of his own his next of kin, if a father and mother, and brothers and sisters, or either father, mother, brother or sister, or an}' of these, and dependent to any extent for support upon his earnings, labor or service, shall be deemed and taken, for all the purposes of this act, to be his family, and shall, if in- digent, be entitled as such family to the benefits of this act, like other indigent families of soldiers. Sec. 2. Beit farther enacted^ That it shall be the dii-one ounhube t}' of the comptroller, immediately after the passage '""*'"* *"""■ of this act, to draw his warrant upon the treasurer of the State for five hundred thousand dollars of the amount herein appropriated, and to pay over the same to the judges of probate of the several counties, in proportion to the claims of each county, predicated upon the information which may then be in his posses- sion ; to draw and pay over five hundred thousand dol- One-fourth nn lars on the first day of January next, or as soon there- next."' ''*'"""'^ after as practicable, and to draw and pay over five hundred thousand dollars in the month of May next, but in the second and third distributions regard shall be had in the apportionment to the information, which may then be in possession of the comptroller, as to the number of indigent families in each county, and the payment to each county shall be in such amount as shall equalize the distribution of the whole amount distributed up to that time, contemplated in the first section of this act}; the fourth and final distributi(-n of Final dimrihu- this appropriation shall be made in the month of An-"'"" uiAug.i»t. gust next: Provided, The comptroller shall be satis- fied the wants of said indigent families ro"iH'i^ationof ... A , r \ IT- 1 • • I'ralJiJte Judge. to tlic jiKlges or probate, tor the additional services ini- posL^v dis- same be printed, and tive copies sent by mail to each probate judge of this State by the comptroller. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That if any judge of probate, commissioner or ai?ent employed in carrvincr * , t«/ Jo t'cnallv for mis- out the provisions of this act, shall apply any of the appuciiiiOT. funds, or articles, whicli may come into liis hands, to his own use, shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement, and be liable to indictment therefor, and on conviction shall be [»unished as if he had feloniously stolen such funda, or articles. Sec. 12. Be d farther ena/dcd, That the provisions of Provision, es- this act shall apply to the families of volunteers called, tr"npe. or who may ho called out by the governor for State de- fense, while they are actually in the service of the State. Approved, >\)V. 12, 1862. No. 18.] AX ACT In relation to the allowance of extra compensation to the Judges of Probate in the several counties of the State of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be d enacted b'l the Senate and House of Bepre^ KxiTa. compco- md">n'i9 of the State of Alabama in General A8send>l>iZ^'^^^*'^ "' conrnicd, That it shall be lawful for the courts of coun- ty commissioners of tiie several counties to decree to the judges of probate of their respective counties such extra compensation as a majority of the commissioners of said rertpectivc courts may determine to be just and 1862. 30 proper, for services whicli may be hereafter renrleredby sucli Judges of probate under laws passed for the bene-^ fit of families of indigent soldiers; Prodded^ however, that said compensation must be paid out of the treas- ury of said counties respectively to the respective judges. Approved December 2, 1862. No. 14.] AX ACT To authorize the Governor to borrow money on the credit of the State, to replenish the Treasury until further provisions is made by law. A-Jthority to Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Hepre- \^"w^'^tf^' '^^^^^^^'^^ o/ the Slate of Alabama in General Assembly ' convened, That the Governor be and he is hereby au- thorized to borrow on the credit of the State, at a rate of interest not to exceed eight per cent, per annum, such amount of money as may be necessary to provide for the demands upon the treasury to meet the appro- priations made by the general assembly ; Provided, that no money shall be borrowed under the provisions of this act for a longer period of time than six months. Approved November 24, 1862, • ■ No. 15.] AN ACT To authorize the issue and sale of State Bonds. Autho ■ -i S^^* •'■• ^* ''^ enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- hotiii G per cent, saitativcs oftJie State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor of the State of Alabama !»• j»wd be is hereby authorized to issue the bonds of the State. for such amount as may be necessary to meet any deficiency in the Treasury, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent, per annum, with cou- 81 18G2. pons attached, and payable at the expiration of twenty years after tlie date of such bonds; renewable at the pleasure of the State." • Sec. 2. Be it farther enaetcd^ That said bonds may besir.c of bonds. issued in such sums, not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars each, as the Gov- ernor shall deem proper. They shall be signed by the Governor and countersigned by the comptroller of pub- h^w signed an";»"<^ <'°'- currea by the governor in the execution of the "Act«". to authorize the issuance of treasury note change bills by the State of Alabama," approved on the 8th No- vember, 1862, which sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be drawn by the warrant of the comptroller on the treasurer, which warrant shall be countersigned by the governor. Approved, Dec. 4, 1862. 1862. 36 No. 19.] AN ACT To place at the disposal of the Governor an additional sum to carry into eftect the Act to authorize the Is- suance of Treasury Note Change BilU by the State of Alabama. Section 1. JBe it macied by the Senate and House of Hep- reseniaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly conveved, That in addition to the sum of one hundred Additional fifty thousaud dollars heretofore appropriated or placed at ippropri!>fe"i!'''^^the disposal ol the governor, for the purpose of carry- ing into eflect the Act to authorize the issuance of treas- ury note change bills by the State of Alabama, the sum of fifty thousand dollars be, and is hereby placed at the disposal of the governor for the same purpose, to be drawn from the State treasury upon his order, in such sums and at such timesasheahall think necessary. Approved, Dec. 9, 1862. > No. 20.] AN ACT To authorize the Governor to do certain things therein named. Skc. 1. JBe it enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- scjitatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly conve?}ed, Ihat if at any time, in the opinion of the go- Authority to re- vcmor, tlic Safety of the capital of the State shall be cordVmone.vsr i" danger from thepublic enemy, he be, and is hereby **=• authorized to cause the public records, books, and pnpers, and property of all kinds in the offices of the several departments of this State, together with all the currenc}", and gold and silver in the treasury of the fuch pilc'eV"re. State, rcmovcd to a place of safety, and all lawful act8 movai. of the officers of either of said departments, done at such place, shall be as valid to all intents and purposes as if the same had been performed at Montgomery, and neither the said ofHcers, or any of their sureties, shall be released by such removal from any official lia- bility. Expenses rrovi- Sec. 2. Bc it further enacted^ That the governor be, ^^^ ^"''' and he is hereby authorized to draw bis warrant on the 37 1862. treasurer for whatever amount of money may be ne- cessary in carrying into eft'ect the provisions of this Approved, Pec. 2, 1862. No. 21.] AN ACT To provide for the appointment of Commissioners to examine the offices and accounts of certain public officers. Sec. 1. He it enacted by the Senate and House fj/" -^^7> Governor to ap- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly v<^}'^}^^^ree: com- C07ivened, That the governor is hereby authorized and '"''^'°°*'"' required to appoint three commissioners, whose duty it shall be to examine the books, accounts, and vouch- ers of the State treasurer, comptroller, superintendent of education, quartermaster, and militar}' auditor, once in every year, or oftener if the governor shall deem it necessary, and to report the result of their investiga- tion to the governor in writing and under oath. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the governor shall compensation, allow said commissioners reasonable compensation for their services, which shall be paid out of the State treasury on the warrant of the comptroller, to be issued upon tlie order of the governor. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty communicate to of the governor to communicate to the general a ssem-^^"^""*' "'*"'**'' bly, the first week of its regular sessions, the reports of said commissioners. Approved, Dec. 8, 1862. No. 22.] AN ACT To provide for the Public Safety. Sec. 1. Be U enacted by t/te Smote and IToicse of Rqy- resentati^'fs of the SUite (f Alahama in General AsHunhly convened, That, to provide for the public safety by quelling insurrection, preventing or repelling invasion, ' the governor is invested witli full power and authority r 1862. 38 to impress the labor of all mule slaves between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, or so many thereof as he inaj^ deem necessary, with the use of tools and im- plements, wagons, teams, and harness, which may be necessary to render the labor of the slaves so impressed effective, with subsistence for the same; also timber, cut and growing, and lumber, as well as arms and am- unition. and ordnance stores, and subsistence, for State troops actuall}- in service; also steamboats and other water craft, but unless in the opinion of the governor the necessity is pressing, or the danger imminent, no slave shall be impressed from any slavehohlor, compa- ny, partnership, corporation, or joint owner, owning, , . ,. , or having; iu possession less than ten slaves, and no Limitation as to o i . ' . . impressment, slavc owjicr, compau}', partnership, corporation, or joint owner, whose slaves are subject to impressment under this act, in any one year from its passage, shall be re- quired to furnish a greater amount of slave labor than in the aggregate is equivalent to sixty days' labor for each slave so subject, unless in the opinion of the go- f^ vernor a longer service is necessaiy, and in estimating ^'' the amount of such labor, credit shall be given for the labor of any slaves, previously furnished, und^r the order or requisition of the governor which may be proved by affidavits, ownerswhomay Sec. 2. Be it fuHJier eiiucted, That in all cases of im- aeiect overseer, pressmcnt of slavcs uudcr the preceding section, the owners of every thirty slaves impressed may select a white man to attend on such slaves to perform such duties connected with their labor police, securitj', com- fort and health, as the governor may direct, who shall receive two dollars for each day's service. Governor's pow- Sec. 3. And bc U further enacted, That the authority cUTbyMe'^mii- <^o life r red upon the governor under this act, may be itary pDwer. cxcrcised and cnforced by the military power of the State, under his orders, or by special agents appointed by him, and acting under his direction; that any per- son in charge or possession of slaves, or any other property subject to impressment under this act, who shall resist any officer or agent of the State impressing such slaves, or other property, or who shall fail or re- fuse to deliver the same on demand to such officer, or agent, or who shall remove or conceal the same with intent to avoid impressment, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less 39 1862. than three hundred dollars, and imprisoned in the J'^^j^i^''' ^°'' '"''- common jail not less than three months ; and it is •hereby made the duty of the oiliccr or agent to return such person to the clerk of the next circuit court of the county in which the offense is committed by the first day of the same, whose duty it shall be to report the same for prosecution to the solicitor before the adjourn- ment- of the grand jury. Sec. 4. And be it fiu ther .enacted, That the governor compenFiuion to iii-.ii»,''. •. '^ ,' be assessed. shall, in the lirst instance, assess a just compensation for the labor of any slaves, the use of implements, tools, teams, wagons or harness, steamboats or other water craft, and for an}- other property impressed un- der this act, which, if satisfactory, shall be paid by warrant on the State treasurer, as provided for under clause 3 section 3, of an act, entitled "an act making appropriations for the military defense of the State," Proceedings a* approved February G, 1861, but if not satisfoctory the '" '•^'•"'*'"'"'- owner shall, within sixty days therefrom, file his dissent iu the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county of his residence, and such court shall judicially ascertain a just compensation for the labor of tlie slaves, the use of the tools, implements, wagons, teams, har- ness, steamboats or other water craft, and the value of any. other description of property impressed from the person so dissenting, and if said compensation exceeds the amount assessed by the governor, judgment shall be rendered in favor of the owner or his personal rep- resentatives against the State, which shall be paid as oth- er judgments against the State ; but if the compensation so ascertained shall not exceed the amount assessed by the governor, judgment shall be rendered in favor of the State against the owner or his personal represen- tatives for all the costs of the proceedings ; and it shall be the duty of the solicitor to act as counsel for the State, who shall, in case judgment is rendered in its favor, be entitled to receive from the owner, or his representatives the sum of ten dollars, which shall be taxed in the bill of costs, but nothing contained in this section shall ett'ect the rights of the owner or his rep- resentavcs to obtain the compensation assessed by the governor, in case that upon his dissent judgment shall be rendered in favor of the State. Sec. 5. And be it farther enacted, That from the de-8uitin»,«j,poai cision of the circuit court the State shall have the right 1862. 40 to appeal, as provided for in section 3017 of the code, and the owner, or his representatives, as in, other civil cases. One million Penalty for vio- noF, and, Oil iiidictment therefoi' and conviction thereof, lation. j^^^^^ l^g fined in any sum the jury trying the case may assess, not less than five hundred doHurs nor more than trt'enty thousand dollars. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted^ That the sum of thirty ,^,^J',y''VhoImn'a thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary, be and is hereby appropriated, to enable the gov- ernor to carry out the object of this act, to be paid on his warrant, out of any money in the treasury not oth- erwise appropriated. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted^ That if any agent of the governor, or any person by hiin authorised to distil, shall sell, or give away, or dispose of any quantity of spirits so distilled, except in strict accordance with the instructions of the governor, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on con- viction, be punished by fine of not less than one hun- dred dollars, and imprisoumerit not less than three months. Approved Becember 8, 1862. dollars. Penalty as to state agents. Xo. 28.] AN" ACT To regulate the sale and exportation of Corn. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houserof liej)- reseniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the time this act becomes License to be Ob- of force, uo pcrsou, cxccpt the produccr and millers, shall sell corn, without first obtaining a license Irom the judge of probate of the county in which the corn is to be sold, which license shall authorize the person or partnership to whom the same is granted to sell corn in such county, and no other, for one year from the date of such license, and at a profit of not more than twenty per cent, on the price paid to the producer, and charges, exclusive of the license fees and taxes on the same ; but Applicants to HO liccnsc shall bo granted, unless the applicant first make affidavit jnuke aiid subscribc an affidavit, in writing, before said judge, that he will not sell any corn within one year from the date of the license, should this act remain in force for that period, at a greater rate of profit than twenty per cent, on the price paid to the producer, and Limitation of profit. 45 1862, charges, exclusive of the fees and taxes on the license, and will sell only in the county in which said license shall be granted, which affidavit shall be tiled in the office of the jndge of probate granting the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That no miller shall sell ..mi . u. i„ , '111- MiUcr TO obtain any corn, except the corn received by bim as toll for licence in wtain grinding, unless he be the producer of the same, with-*^"^"" out first obtaining a license under the preceding sec- tion ; nor shall he sell any toll at a higher rate than the usual market price in the city, town or neighborhood in which the mill is located. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the judge of pro- Duties of prob«ic bate in each county shall, on the first Monday in each^"''^^' month, after this act becomes of force, and so long as the same continues in force, give notice of every per- son to whom licenses, under the first section of this act, have been granted; which notice shall be affixed to the court house door, and shall also keep a true record of the licenses so granted, with the date thereof, which shall be subject to the inspection of all persons free of charge, and a certified copy of the same shall be de- livered by said judge to the foreman of the grand jury at each session of the circuit court held in the county, and on the same day on which said grand jury is organ- ized. Sec, 4. Be it further enacted, That any person who Penalty for vio- has a license under this act, and shall sell corn out of '"*'''" <•' "«"^^- the county in which such license is granted, or who shall sell at a greater profit than twenty per cent, on the price paid to the producer, and charges, exclusive of .the license fees and taxes on the same, shall, on con- viction, be subject to the same punishment and penal- ties as if he had committed wilful perjury; any person, except the producer, and millers selling toll corn, who shall, after this act becomes of torce, sell any corn with- out first obtaining a license, as required bv the first „^,, ,,.,, section, snail be guilty ol a misdemeanor, and, on con-jng without h- viction, shall be fined not k;s3 than five hundred dol- '^*^''"' lars, and imprisonment in the common jail not less than six months. , Se^. .5. Be it further enacted, That any probate judge t.inbiiity of pro- who i^liall fail to comply with the provisions of the third ''"** J'"'''' section of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, sliall be fined at the discretion of Ibo jury trying the oftensc. 1862. 46 Penalty for ex- ^^^" ^" "^^ U fuHher ciiacied, That from and after the portation of corn time whcii this act becomes of force, it shall not be wi^thput P""'* ja^vful for an}' person to export corn without the limits of the state, except by the permission of the commis- sioners' court of the county from which the corn is to be exported ; and any person so exporting corn, or any person aiding or assisting in such exportation, without such permission, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, be fined not less than five hundred dol- lars, and imprisoned in the common jail not less than six months ; but this section does not apply to the exporta- tion of an}' corn owned by the Confederate government, or by any of the Confederate states, circuit judges to Sec. 7. Bc it further enacted, That the circuit judges give this; act in throughout the state are required to give this act spe- cially in charge to the grand jury, and it is made the duty of each grand jury to inquire rigidly into any vio- lation of the same, although no prosecutor appear; and if, on such inquiry, there is probable ground to believe that any violation of this act has been committed, such dicr*^"'"' grand jury shall have no discretion, but are bound to indict the ofiender. To be published Sec. 8. Be U further enacted, That it shall be tbe duty in all the papers Qf ^\^q governor to cause this act to be forthwith pub- of the state. O , i • i ti i lished in every newspaper in the state, and it shall be of force from and after the expiration of thirty days from the date of its approval by the governor, and shall How long to bc^'*^*^^^^" ^" force until the expiration of twelve months In force. after a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States. Approved December 8, 1862. No. 29.] . AIS ACT To prevent the introduction and spread of small pox in the State of Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Slate agent to be conyewcr/, That it shall be the duty of the Governor to appointed. appoint an agent for this State, whose duty it shall be to procure and keep in a state of preservation au 47 1862. amount of vaccine virus sufficient for theuseof the in- habitants of the State of Ahibania. ^Seo. 2. Be it further enacted, It shall be the duty ofojiies of agent the said agent thus appointed to appoint one agent for each county in this State, and to furnish said county agents with an amount of vaccine virus sufficient for the use of their respective counties; it shall also be the duty of the said agent for the State to issue a circular let- ter to the county agents, setting forth the value and ef- ficiency of vaccination as a preventative of small pox, as taught by history and experience, and urge the vast importance of prompt and energetic action on the part of the said county agents, with directions for the pres- ervation and proper use of the vaccine virus. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted^ It shall be the duty of DuticBofconnty the several county agents to appoint a sub-agent for "**"'*' each election precinct in their respective counties, and furnish said precinct agents with vaccine virus, and with the circular letter of the agent for the State, upon the reception of which it shall be the duty of the said precinct agents to give notice in their respective pre- cincts of their readiness to vaccinate all persons apply- ing, or to furnish all discreet persons who may desire to vaccinate others, with vaccine virus, and to urge up- on all persons the great importance and necessity of availing themselves of the means thus afforded them for the prevention of this loathsome disease. Sec. 4. Be it. farther enacted, That the Governor is one tiiousand hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer ^ri"!"."'*'"^*'' for one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the State agent a reasonable com- pensation for his services, and the expense he neces- sarily incurs in the performance of the dulies imposed on him by this act. Approved November 27, 1862. No. 30.] AN ACT To aid the Confederate government in providing shoes for the Alabama soldiers in the Confederate army, and to impress the materials suitable for such shoes. Sec 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bcp- 18u2. 48 A i>o riation of I'^sentatites of the State of Alabama in General Assembly vi'ohMadre'\ and convened, That in view of the magnitude of the present ■ioilars!""*''" vViir, and under the apprehension that the Confederate government, without the aid of this State, cannot sup- ply the troops from this State in the Confederate army with shoes in due time, the sura of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby ap- propriated, to enable the governor to have fifty thou- sand pairs of shoes manufactured or purchased^ orsuch portion thereof as he may ascertain the wants of the soldiers from Alabama require. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That to facilitate the Govcrnortodom. accomplishment of the obiect of this act, the governor raunicate with , ,, ^ - • i i i^ ,• i the coofcderate shall conimunicate With the Confederate government ovemment. ^^^^| ^,-|jp(-,j.,^-^ |.|jq proper authority thereof of the motives which prompt the legislative provisions for the partial supply of shoes for soldiers from Alabama, it being in* tended only as aid to the Confederate government. To that end the governor is hereby anthorized to con- tract with the Confederate government to accept all the slioes which he may furnish at such price as may be agreed on by him and the Confederate government. A«..,^.'r ♦„ '^ Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That in order that the pfesg. governor may obtain the quantity of shoes menrioned in the first section of this act without being subjected to delay or extortion^ he is hereb}' authorized and em- powered to take and impress for the public use, in such manner as he shall think proper, any shoes suitable for soldiers, and any leather, and any other materials suit" able for making such shoes, in the possession of any person in this State— making just compensation there- for out of the money in the first section of this act ap- propriated. Kcsiriction ns to ^EC. 4. Be U further cnactcd, That in all imprei^-sments impreusment. Under thp provisious of this act, due regard shall be had to the wants and necessities of the locality in which any such impressments is made, and the extent ^o, and the price at which the party impressed has contributed to suppl}' these wants and relieve these necessities, as well as to the amount of shoes and leather furnished the State or Confederate government, and the prices at which the same has been furnished. Approved iJTovember 19, 1862. 'T<'''J^^- 49 1862. JTo. 81.] AN ACT To provide spiuuing or cotton and wool cards. Section. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- g.^^y thousand rcsentaticcs of the State of Alabama in General yl,?sem6^y dollars appropri- convenrd, That the sum of sixty thousand dollars is " "^ " herein' appropriated out of the Treasury of the State for the immediate purchase of spinning cards in what- ever mirket they can be found beyond the limits of this State. Sbc. 2. Be it farther enacted^ That his excellency the _ '11 J 1. • 1. •ill Governor ma^ governor is hereby empower- d to appoint a suitable appoint an agent agent, whose duty and business it shall be in the speed- iest and most eftectual manner to select and purchase in foreign markets said spinning cards, and to provide for their transportation and delivery at the office of the Secretary of State. Skc. 3. Be it farther enacted, That when said spia-Pocrct.iry of iiing cards have been delivered as aforesaid, it shall be f',;'^*^)^^'*,^!!^^;^ the duty of the Secretary of State to apportion the "^•^™- same in proportion to white population among the different counties, and to forward the same to the judges of probate thereof, setting only such price upon each pair as shall remunerate the State for the original outlay, and such incidental expenses as may have arisen from insurance, transportation or otherwise. Skc. 4. Be it further enacted. That said agent shall be„ , , 11 J . , ' , , , ' • n 1 • • 1 Compenaatton of allowed a just and reasonable compensation for his risk, agent, trouble, time and his expenses, as liis excellency may al- low to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Skc. 5. Be it farther enacted. That his excellency the p„^„ or oot governor is hereby clothed with all other powers neces-"""'^- sary to carry this act into full and immediate effect. Approved November 8, 1862. No. 32.] AX ACT Supplementary to an act entitled an act to provide Spin- ning, or Cotton and Wool Cards. Skc. 1. Be H enacted by (he Senate and House of Jiepre- 4 18i2. 50 sentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act entitled an act to provide spin- ning, or cotton and wool cards, shall he so construed as to authorize the governor to endeavor to procure the cards, h}' purchasing sterling exchange and remitting it to ports beyond the Confederate States, for the pur- chase of the cards, and to take the risk for the state of running them through the blockade. Approved November 25, 1862. No. 33.] . AN ACT To require all persons to do business in their own names. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRevre- edperBoa not. to scntati DCS of tkc State of Alabama in Generod Assembly convened, That hereafter no person or persons shall use, in the transaction of business, the name or names of any former partner or partners, nor shall they use the iirm name or style of a deceased partner or partners, or of any former partner. Penalty for vio- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That an3q:ierson violating lation. ^Y^Q provisions of the preceding section, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be lined in a sum not less than fifty dollars, at the discretion of the jury trj'ing the same. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That this act shall not take effect until six months after its passage. Approved November 26, 1862. No. 34.] AN ACT To prevent the circulation of Change Bills. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Sencde and House of Bepre- shinpTas^teM.^" scntativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That any person, private corporation, or asso- ciation, who, without authority of law, makes, emits^ 1. accepts, or agrees to accept, by stamping or otherwise, or signs, or countersigns, by printing, writing or otherwise, 51 1862. any ptiper, or instrument commonly caHed a ghinplas- ter, to answer the purposes of money, or for general circulation, such person, and each individual member of such corporation or association, on conviction, must be fine 1, for each offense, not less than twenty, norpenaty. more than five hundred dollars, and may be imprisoned ■ not less than three, nor more than twelve months, and the signatures, whether written or printed, shall be taken as genuine, unless the defendant denies the same under oath. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted,, That in indictments, un-^i^^^ suiBcieM dor the preceding section, it is sufficient to charge that in indictment*. the defendant emitted, passed off, paid out, or circula- ted, without authority of law, any paper, or instrument called a shinplaster, to answer the purposes of money, or for general circulation, without further description of such paper or shinplaster; and proof that atiy per- son, private corporation, or association, and the indi- vidual members thereof, emitted, passed off, paid out, or circulated any such paper, or instrument called a shinplaster, of any kind or description whatever, whe- ther purporting to be made in or out of this state, shall be deemed 7^n'/?ia facie evidence upon which the grand Qmnd jury wiih- jury shall, without any discretion on their part, find a°" "scrcioo. true bill. Sue. 3. Be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty « . , . ^ or the presiding judge to give thisacfspecially in charge and soiicitort. to the grand jury, and it shall be the duty of the soli- citors to summon witnesses before the grand jur}', to testify to any violation of this act, and such witness may be required to answer as to any offense against this law within their knowledge, without in the first in- stance inquiring as to any specified offense against this act; and no witness shall be indicted for any offense against this act, in relation to which he testifies before the grand jury ; and any witness who, after being sum- moned as a witness, refuses or neglects to attend and testify, without a good excuse, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and may also be proceeded against for con- tem[tt. Sec. 4. Be it farther enacted, That any person, private unuwfui to cu- corporation, or association, or any individual member '^"'•^*- thereof, who circulates, passes off, or pays out any pa- paper, or in.strument commonly called a shinplaster, issued without authority of law, and to answer the pur- f 1862. 52 poses of money, or for general circulation, shall be deemed and held the-maker of such paper or shinplas- ter, and any person to ■whom such paper or shiuplaster is passed or paid may bring snit on the same against the person passing the same, as maker thereof, and re- judgmcnt may covcr judgment, upon his own oath, upon one day's no- be recovered, ^j^^ before auyjusticc of ths peace in any county in this state, without regard to tlie county in which said Proviso. paper was passed or paid out : Provided, that in the case of a private corporation or association, having the mau~ agement and control of its business committed to a president, secretary, treasurer, board of directors, or other official agency, only such members thereof as held or assumed to hold such official agenc}', at the time of the commission of the otfense charged, shall be held prima facit liable for the acts of such corporation or association, under the provisions of this act. Sec. 6. Be. it farther enacted, That the provisions of Not in force as to , . <• .i \ l ^ j.\ • • ^ ^■ those who cireu- tliis act, 80 tar they relate to the passing, circulating, or Ife'xt!'"^*^^'*"" payiug out of the paper currency prohibited thereby, by persons other than the makers, acceptors, or endors- ers thereof, shall not be of force until the first day of Ajtril next. Sec, 6. Be it further enoctcd, That all persons, private ^^'^^' corporations and associations, having heretofore viola- ted the provisions of sections 936, 3268, 3269, 3270 and 3271, are hereby relieved from all the pains and penal- Proviao. ties imposed thereby : Proi7V/tvi, that this section shall not be construed to deprive any person to whom such illegal currency has been passed, or paid out as money, of any civil remedy secured by existing law; and prO' vided further, that no person, private corporation or as- sociation, liable to redeem any such illegal currency, and failing or refusing, on presentation and demand, to redeem the same, shall be entitled to the benefits of this section; and provided further, that none of the provisions of this act shall be of force until after ten days from the date of its approval : Provided, that the redemption of such shinplasters shall be made in Con- federate or state treasury notes, or in the regular isBue of any chartered bank of this state. Fees for convict ^^^' '^ • ^^ ^^ furthcr crtacted, That for each convic- *'°°- tion under this act, the prosecuting attorney shall be entitled to a fee of fifty dollars, to be taxed in the bill of costs. 53 18«2. i Sec. 8. Be it farther enacted, Tliat this act shall be Act to bo pub- published once a week for four co^isecutive weeks in "*''®''- the Montgomery Advertiser and Mail. Approved December 9, 1862. No. 35.] AI^ ACT To fix the time of holding the general elections for Judges of the Circuit Court, and Judges of Probate and other inferior Courts. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Reiwe- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the general elections for judges of the circuit courts, and judges of probate, and other iuferior courts in their respective counties, shall be held as often as necessary on the first Monday in May. Api)roved ^November 24, 18(d2. No. 30.] AN ACT To amend the law in relation to elections in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate arid House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemlily convened, Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the ofHee of the judge of probate, clerk of the circuit court, tax collector, or tax assessor, or County treasurer for any county in this State, by reason of a failure from any cause in said county to elect such ofHcers, at any gen- eral election, where the qualified voters of such county are authorized by hiw to elect such oflicers, or any ot ""'i^e"'"';/;; theuj, such vacancy must be filled hy appointment in ""*''• the manner now prescribed by law in cases of vacancy therein from other causes. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, If at any general elec- tion for governor and members of the general a-^sembly the qualified electors of any county in this State hhall from a«iy cause fail to vote for governor and to elect representatives to the genei'al a?.seiuhly, and the gover- 1862. 54 speciat election "°^ pball Order a special election for representatives for to be ordered, tlic general asscmbly from such count}' to be held prior to the next re<>:ular session of such assembly, the quali- fied electors of such county who were entitled to vote at the time of such general election shall be authorized to vote for governor at snch special election for repre- How conducted, sen tatives, and to that end the polls shall be opened, and the election conducted and the returns thereof made in all respects according to the law prescribed for holding elections for governor and representatives at a regular election. Sec. 3, Be it fiirihcr enacted. In all elections held to fill the oflices of senator to the general assembly, and representatives in congress, whether general or special, the returning officer of each county in which such elec- Eeinrns to be tlou shall bc held must make a return of such election u?y*of°state°by ^*^ ^^^ ^^^''^^^'T ^^ statc by mail, such return being mail. sealed up and deposited in the post office, with postage prepaid, within three days after the estimate of the vote is made. D .. f „„ Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. Any returning officer Penalty for vio- _ ... ,'' . , i . . . '' r ^ lauon. failing to compl}' with the requisitions of the preceding sections, numbered two and three, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction must be fined not less than five hundred dollars. Aa to Slate Sen- ^^^* ^- Bc it farther cnactcd, If any general or special ator or Congress- clectJou for sciiator to the gcucral assembly in a district composed of more than one county, or for a represen- tative in the congress of the Confederate States, there shall from any cause be a failure in any county in such district to vote for senator or representative in congress, Special eiectioa it i^hall bc thc duty of the governor to order an election to be held in said county at such other time as he may Notice to be puv appoint, giviug at Icast twenty days' notice of the time lished. Qf such election by publication in such newspaper or newspapers published in the state as he may direct, for senator or representative in Congress, or both, as the case may be. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted^ On the fourth Monday of state makes after any general or special election held for the office estimate. ^^ scuator to tlic general assembly from a district com- posed of more than one county, or for representative to congress, it shall be the duty of the secretary of state, in the presence of the governor, comptroller and treasurer, or any one of them, and of such other per- 55 1862. sons as may be present, to make a correct estimate of the returns made under the provisions of this act, as- certain wlio is elected, and notify the persons elected by Must notify. publication in a newspaper: Provided, however, that if proviso, it shall appear that there was a failure to hold an elec- tion in any county constituting a part of such senato- rial or congressional district, the secretary of state may postpone making the estimate of the votes from such district, to the end that a special election may be or-8reci«i election dered and held in such county, and the returns thereof '''''® ordered. be made to the secretary of state ; but such postpone- ment of the estimate of the votes for senator or repre- sentative in congress must not be extended beyond the Limit of time as Saturday before the session of the general assembly, or ° **'""' ^■ the congress in which the senator or member of con- gress to be elected would be entitled to take his seat. Sec. 7. Be it farther enacted, If it bo ascertained by the secretary of state, in making an estimate of theoerta?nM^*'how votes cast at any general or special election for repre-fo'^proceed,^**** sentative in congress, judge of a judicial circuit, or sen- ator to the general assembly, from a district composed of more than oi;e county, that any two or more persons have received the highest and an equal number of votes for either of such offices, in that event the election must be decided by lotjn the manner following: The secretary of state must write the names of the persons receiving the higliest number of votes on separate pieces of paper of like size, and roll or fold such pieces of paper in the same manner as near as may be, so that the name written therein is not visible, and then de- posit the same in a box, and then after shaking the box draw therefrom one of said pieces of paper, and the per- son whose name ap[>oars written thereon shall be de- clared elected. The decision of such election by lot in the manner aforesaid, must be conducted in the pres- ence of the governor, comptroller, treasurer, attorney general, or at least two of them, and such other persons as may desire to be present. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, It shall be the duty prc,<.t'7of suic of the Secretary of State to issue certificates of cdec- '"'»»"« ""^^'b- .. 1 V I 1 catei. tion on demand by the proper person, to senators elect- ed to the general assembly from districts composing more than one county. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That if at any general election day for judges there shall be a failure from any 1862. 56 In case of fail- cause to liold the election in any one county constitu- GoVernirVo"ftp- ^^''o ^ P^''^ <^f t^i<^ j^^^icial c'lrcuit in which such elec- ''O'"^- tion of jutlge was authorized by law to be made at that time, a vacanc^^ shall be deemed to exist in the office of judge of such circuit, and it shall be tilled by appoint- ment by the governor and the person appointed tliereto ■*- umfc.: It ^'y ^^^"^ shall hold until the next regular election day of *T«»^ j^idges and until the election and qualification of his successor. Approved December 8, 1862. Ko. 37.] AN ACT To authorize the Governor to lease for a period of not exceeding ten years, to the Confederate GM3vernment, a certain portion of the Saline lieserves. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ttepre- OrlvlTnoT."^ ^^^ seniatices of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the governor is authorized to lease for a period not exceeding ten years, to the Confederate gov- ernment, for the purpose of making salt by atmospheric evaporation, for such time, on such terms, and under such regulations as he may deem expedient and proper, any part or portion of the upper saline reserves belong- ing to the state, in Clarke county, not exceeding twenty acres: Provided, that, in his opii.ion, such transfer can be made without injuriously effecting the operation of the statu or its citizens in making salt on said reserves. Approved December 9, 1862. Limit of acres. No. 38.] AN ACT To enable the people of Alabama to procure necessary supplies of Salt at reasonable prices, and for other purposes. Six. 1. Be it enacted htj the Senate and House of liep'e- Ratincation of sentatiucs of the S ate of Alabama in General Assembly contracts. convencd, That all contracts and agreements made since the adjournment of the last regular session of the geu- m 1862. eral assembly of the State of Alabama, by the Governor of said State, and for and on behalf of said State, for the purchase, manufacture and transportation of salt, for the use of the people of said State, be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted^ That the Governor be and he is hereb}' authorized, for and on behalf of said rizertoconunue State, to continue the operations of manufacturins; salt &c'!^'*'^^°'^'^*' now being carried on under his direction upon the up- per salt lands of this State, in the county of Chirke ; and to use such means for the development of the saline waters of the State, and the speedy and efficient pro- duction of salt therefrom, as iu his judgment the wants of the people and the interests of the State may re quire; and to take such other measures and make such other contracts as he may deem expedient to secure a timely supply of salt for the people of Alabama. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That the Governor of Authorized to Alabama be and he is hereby authorized to appoint an cummissionei! agent, to be styled the "Salt Commissioner of Alabama," to superintend the operations of develoiung the saline waters of this State, and the manufacture of salt pro- vided f )r in the precediui; section of this act, and to be removable at the discretion of the Governor. Said Commissioner shall give bond in the sum of fifty thou- sand dollars, payable to the State of Alabama, and ap- proved by the Governor, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of liis duties as such agent and commissioner; and shall be allowed for his services reasonable compen- compensation of ,• . \ n \ \ ^\ m J. A. 1 ii saltCommlssion- sation, to be fixed i>y tlie Governor, not to exceed thetr. rate of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; and A. G. McGehee, for the services heretofore rendered b\' him as salt commissioner, under appointment of the Governor, shall be allowed the compensation provided for in the preceding part of this section. Skc. 4. Beit farther nmcted. That the salt manufac-_ ,. . .^ . tureu or purchased under the provisions of this act shall distributed, be distributed among and sold to the inhabitants of this State, at prices not to exceed the cost of manufac- ture or purchase, and sacking, with transiiortation and other incidental expenses added, when not sold at the place cA' manufacture or purchase. In the distribution thereof, due regard shall be had for the wants of coun- ties remote from means of public transportation ; and no person shall be entitled to purchase said salt except 1862. 58 One hundred for private use, nor in quantities cjreater than twenty- five pounds per head for his family, or for individuals or families 6o)?a _^(/c represented by him, until all the people of the State are supplied. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted, That in order to enable thousand doiiars the Govemor to carry out the provisions of this act, the Bpproprm e . ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ liuudrcd tliousaud dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessar}', be and the same is hereby appro- priated out of any money in the treasury not otheru'iee appropriated. Sec. G. Be it farther enacted^ That the Governor may at any time lease out the said works, or any por- tion thereof, and any other or any portion of the State salt works which the State may regain possession of, by the recission of any existing contract between said State and John P. Figh, as well as the salt lands be- longing to said State, on such terms as the Governor may deem best for the interests of the State. Approved December 9, 1862. Governor may leise out the WorkB. No. 39.] AN ACT To amend an Act supplemental to two several Acts in relation to Salt, approved December 7, 1861, and the several Acts to which it is supplemental, and for other purposes. Advance author- ized. Pnrposea. Sec. 1 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That for the purpose of encouraging the pro- duction of salt by John P. Figh, lessee of certain salt lands in Clarke county, on which the said lessee has in operation certain salt works, the governor is hereby au- thorized to advance to said lessee a sum of money not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to be expended by the said lessee in the purchase of additional salt pans,. ket- tles and boilers, in boring additional wells for supplying salt water and for the erection of additional furnaces. To secure fidelity in the use of such advance, the go- vernor shall require the said lessee to enter into bond with good security to faithfully comply with the pro- visions of this section. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That the terms of the 69 1862. lease of the said lessee be, and the same are hereby Terms of ie«8e changed in the several respects hereafter shown : ^jj^ '='"'"e<''*- said lessee shall relinquish to the State of Alabama the bount}^ of ten cents per bushel allowed him by existing laws, and shall deliver to the governor, or to the agent of the governor, at the place of manufacture, two-lif'ths"**'^ "'*"^'''- of all the salt hereafter manufactured by said lessee — the said lessee retaining for himself the other three- fifths of all the salt hereafter manufactured by him. Divisions of the salt hereafter manufactured from time to time by said lessee, shall be made as often as re- quired by the governor, so as to enable the governor to procure, as often as he thinks proper, deliveries of the portions of thesalt to which the State is entitled by the provisions of this act; and such deliveries must be made by said lessee as often as required hy the go- vernor. The said lease shall expire at the termination of the existing war, unless continued afterwards by the consent of the governor and said lessee. The said les- see shall keep a correct account of all salt manufactur- ed, and render monthly statements thereof to the go- vernor under oath. The governor in person, or by Lands to se t of agent, shall lay off and set apart to the exclusive use ^p"**^*"" '**^^^^ and control of said lessee, so much of the lands inclu- ded in his said lease as will secure him against any in- terference or hindrance in the enjoyment of his said lease, or in tlie procurement of water adequate to the supply of any n.umber of boiling furnaces, machinery and other fixtures necessary to the full enjoyment of his said lease. In the event the present war shall close, certain contm- or tire lessee be compelled by the enemy to abandon fj"*"^ provided his salt w'orks and in consequence thereof he be desir- ous of abandoning his lease, in such case he shall at once signify such intention or desire to the governor, \ylio shall thereupon, on the part of the State, relm- linquish such portion of the advances which shall have been made to him by the governor, and shall remain unrefunded : Provided, Such unrefunded portion shall provino. have been expended in the purchase of boilers, salt pans and kettles, and in the erection of furnaces and boring of wells, or in other permanent improvements upon the salt lands included in said lease, and said les- see shall turn over to the governor, free of charge, all the improvements made by said lessee upon said lands including the boilers, salt pans, kettles and other fix- 1862. 60 tures or appurtenances to the said salt works used by liini, and not actually worn out or lost or destroyed. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted^ That the governor be, GoTernor mav ^^"^^ ^6 18 hereby authonzcd 10 contract with any other contract with person, or persons, for the manufacture of salt on any other persons. ',.11,. , , •. • » • ti . , 1 . of the pubhc salt lands in this State, upon such terms as he may deem just, not inconsistent with the rights and privileges of said lessee John P. Figh under his Proviso for ben- said lease: Provided^ That said lessee John P. Figh Y\lh.^ •^'*'"' ^- shall have the exclusive use and control of all timber growing or being upon the lands included in his said lease during the continuance thereof: And 'provided Further ptov'.ao. further, That all the timber growing or being upon the lands known as the upper salt reserve, shall be reserved and held under the control of the governor or his agent Governor or for the usc of State Salt works; and the govermir in agent to locate, ^g^.^.^^^^ ^^, y^^ pi'oxy, IS hereby authorized and required to :ocate all p'^rsons other than lessees of the State, engaged in manufacturing salt upon the public salt lands, and set apart to each manufacturer, suitable grounds by metes and bounds, in such manner as to secure the State works and all lessees under the. State, from hindrance or inconvenience in the prosecution of manufacturing salt, and to prevent collision between those who may be manufacturing for their own use: Proviso inhiv>it- Provided, That said lessee Figh shall not sub-let any iub-i^ui'Dg.''"' portion of the furnaces or machinery so leased to him without' the consent of the governor: A-nd provided further, That the governor shall not permit any person to manufacture any salt upon any of the public salt lands, without a contract of lease. Proviso as to vio- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any lessee of tracT °^ "°'any salt works in this State shall violate the contract under and by which he leased the sariio, the governor is hereby authorized to take immediate possession of and hold and work the same; and if the exercise of such authority is resisted, the governor may enforce the same by the military power of the State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the governor shall fheVt^e^how'tG Ciuise the salt he may receive under this act frora_ said be distributed, lesscc Johu P. Figh, or fi'oni any other lessee of this State, to be distributed among the counties according to their population; the salt for each county to be placed under the control of its court of county com- missioners, who shall distribute, the same among the 61 18G2. citizens of the county, according to their actual wants, giviiii^ a preference to the families of soldiers in the military service of this State or of the Confederate Price of aait. States; and the governor shall only charge such price for the salt thus distributed as he deems just and fair. Sec. 0. Be it fartlw enacted, That this act shall not Act when to go go into effect, in so far as it ciianges the terms of the 1^"^^*'^*''" '" ^^ said lease of the said John P. Figh, until he shall sig- nify to the governor his assent to the provisions of this act; which assent, if signified at all, must be signified in writing signed by him and filed with the governor within two days after the approval of this act by the governor. If the said lessee John P. Figh shall not "^'i?' '^ ^'«'>, i. X J.1 • • • X? ^1 • 1. -i.! • ^t X- ehall not Ofsent. assent to the provisions of this act within the time aforesaid, he may within that time signify in writing to the governor his desire to tenninate his said lease; and if he docs within that time so signify his desire to terminate his said lease, he is hereby authorized to terminate it upon compliance with the terms and con- ditions indicated or prescribed in the last sentence of the second section of this act ; and if said lessee Fiffh should thus tern:iinate his said lease, the trovernor^, . ., , IS nerel)y autnorizea to lease tlie saia lands and pro- termin&ied. perty embraced by or connected with said lease, with- out delay, upon such terms and conditions as he deems best for the State. Approved, Dec. 9, 18G2. No. 40.] AN ACT To prevent Salt manufactured by any of the Lessees of the Public Salt LandB of this State from being sold to non-residents of this State. Sec. 1. J3e it exacted hi/ ihr Smaic and Ifonsr, •^Z' i^g"'c- ucuwfai to b« BC7itativcn of the State of Alabama in General Aesembh/iia\. 1862. 62 and on conviction shall be 'fined in any snm not less tliati one thousand dollars, and imprisoned for any pe- riod not less than three months, at the discretion of the jury trying the cause: Provided, That the govern- or may lease to persons other than residents of this !^°^"°°'' "^'y State, such quantity of the public salt waters as he may lease to non-res- ' .i J tr r-i i-i' idents. deem consistent with the wants of the people or this State, and upon such terms as he may deem just; and the salt manufactured by such lessees may be carried out of the State upon the written authority of the go- vernor. Approved, December 9, 1862. m. 41.] AN ACT For the benefit of the hospitals established in Rich- mond, Va., for sick and wounded soldiers from Ala- bama, also for the benefit of the Military Aid Society of Mobile, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Hepre- KpT>'ropr\ntion of sen tatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly mMThospUau! co?ivenet?, That the sum of thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated and placed at the disposal of the, governor of this state, for the benefit of the hospitals established in the city of Richmond for sick and wound- operations may ed soldicrs from this state in the Confederate army, and the hospital operations supported by this appropriation may be extended to any part of the military depart- ment of general Robert E. Lee, commanding the army of the Potomac j out of thaamount appropriated in this Pay of supcrin- section, thc govcmor is authorized to pay the superin- tendent of the hospitals such compensation as he may deem just, and he may take into consideration not only thc services rendered, but also the increased or dimin- ished expenses incidental to a residence in Richmond. Appropriation of Sec. 2. Bc it further enacted, That the sum of four- ?arVAi/soc!ltyi teen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as maybe Mobile. necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the benefit of the Military Aid Society of Mobile, and that the same be placed uud3r the control of the gov- ernor, to be paid over from time to time to such officer 63 1862. or agent of said society as may be authorized to receive it, and to be expended as said society may deem best for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers in Mo- bile, or at any other place in the military department now commanded b}' general Pemberton. Sec. 3. Be it furllier enacted, That the'sum of twen- ty-five thousand dollars be placed under the control of lilvonor'^eu. the governor, any portion of which may be used by """"^^'^ ""'T^' him in such manner and in such places as in his judg- ment may be proper for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers in the Confederate army from this State now under the command of general Bragg. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the sum of five f°/n,e''j5'oiS'*' thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropria- ted to the Soldiers' Home in the city of Montgomery; the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars to the Talla- pft i.iij^soo. °'* ladega hospital ; the sum of five thousand dollars to the Feima Ladies' Ladies' Aid Society at Selma, and the sum of thirty- ^'o.^"''"'''^'^'' five hundred dollars to the Ladies' Aid Society at Greenviiie La- Greenville, Alabama. Jstoo''*' '*^"*' Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the governor is now to be drawn authorized to draw his warrant on the auditor of the treasury for all or any portion of the money appropria- ted by this act, to be paid as directed by clause 3, sec- tion 3, of an act entitled "an act making appropriations for the military defense of the State," approved 6th February, 18G1, and the governor shall cause a state- ment or statements to be submitted to the next general rurnXawgen' assembly of the amount and manner of expenditure, ""' *"^™'''^ and shall require vouchers to be taken for all expendi- tures when practicable. Approved December 9, 1862. A No. 42.] AN ACT To render certain persons subject to militia service. Sec. 1. Be tt enacted hy the Senate and Ilouse of Rep- rticniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembbj i":nTn'A'°2t^. convened, That from and after the approval of this act, f'"i>«biic. justices of the peace, constables and notaries public, be- tween the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, shall 1862. G4 1^ be subject to militia service, unless physically or meu- tally disqualified for such service. Approved December G, 18G2 • ' No. 43.] AN ACT To amend the Military Code. Ceruin judidi.-ii Sec. 1. Bc it cTiacted hy the Senate and House of Rep' offlcerB eftmpi. yesentafivcs of th» State of Alabama in General Atsembly convened, That the Military Code of the Scate of Ala- bama be so amended as to exempt from military ser- vice judges of probate, sheriffs and solicitors. Approved November 8, 1862. No. 44.] AN ACT To repeal an actio provide for the military education of two young men from each county in the State of Alabama, approved February 2l8t, 1860. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep' rzstntatives of the State of Alabama in Gendral Assembly convened^ That an act, entitled "an act, to provide for the military education of two young men from each county in the State of Alabama," approved February 21, 1800, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved November 8, 1862. No. 45.] AN ACT To amend the act approved December 10, 1861, entit- led an act to regulate judicial proceedings. Bcciion9amehd' Sec. 1. Be it etiactcd bij the Senate and House of Bep- ^'^- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section nine, of an act to regulate judi- "gowier" for cial proceedings, approved December 10, 1861, be and ••vojunteer." ^j^^ gamo is hereby amended by striking out the word 65 1862. "volunteer*' and inserting in lieu thereof the word sol- diers. Approved November 18, 1862. No. 46.] AN ACT In respect to forcible entry and unlawful detainer. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Hep- rcsentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the act to rcgnhitc judicial proceedingSgj^^,^^^ ,, approved December 10th, 1861, so far as the sum con-ey this state, which may have had anyplace of business to corporationc within the lines of any hostile army in this state, shall be entitled to relief intended to be provided by sec- tion two of this act for citizens of this state. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That nothing contained Not to retard -.pr in this act shall operate to retard the settlement of ^3. **'° '"'"'*™*^'"' tates of deceased persons, nor to increase the liabilities of representatives of such estates as shall have been settled or distributed prior to the presentation or filing of the claims of creditors, intended to be protected by this act : Provided, howevf.r, that such creditors shall not be debarred from proceeding in such cases against the legatees, devisees, or distributees of such estates, nor against other creditors of such estates for contribution. Approved November 24, 1862. Ko. 50.] AN ACT To suspend, during the war, the statute of non-claims in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Ilou^e of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That all statutes in this state, which require cr«dg."nl' the presentation of claims or the filing of the same in 'i'^«*»«' !>«»«>• the office of the judge of i>robate against estates of de- ceased persons, either as solvent or insolvent estates, be and the same are hereby suspended for and during the war. 1862. 68 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That all rules of court, Eu\e«of ccnrt ^"^ all laws that limit the time in which any suit or sttjpended. : proceeding shall be revived in any court in this state, be and the same are hereby suspended for and during the war. Approved December 5, 1862. No. 51.] AN ACT To authorize the sale of lands mortgaged to the State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Bouse of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Ala. * Tenn. R. convened, That the Alabama and Tennessee River rail und3." ™"^ *^" J'<5" -• ' 'i^' To amend "An act to authorize certain settlements in the Probate Courts of this State." Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly avaiuLi.'^'^^^°^ convened, That the first section of "an act to authorize certain settlements in the probate courts of this state," approved December 9, 1861, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read, "that hereafter whenever a judge of probate of this State shall be incapacitated under the provisions of section 560 of the Code, from making settlements of any administrator, executor or guardian, of his county, it shall be lawful for the register in chan- cery of the district in which the county of such judge of probate is situated, to make such settlements as if he were the judge of probate. Approved November 7, 1862. No. 66.] AN ACT To authorize the appointment of special Registers in Chancery in certain cases, and for other purposes. Sec. 1 . J3e it enacted by the Senate and House of JRep- in which resetitativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly special TegiHer convened^ That from aucl after tlic passagc of this act, may be appoint- ^,jjQj.g^,gj, ^|-,q register of any chancery district in this state has heretofore volunteered, or may hereafter vol- unteer, in the military service of the Confederate States, or of this State, and is absent from his office, engaged in such service, the chancellor of ttie division in which such district lies is authorized to appoint a special reg- ister to discharge the duties of said offi.ce during the absence of the register in such military service, requir- Bond required. -^^^ ^-^.^^^^ j^j^ ^^^jj^ bond, with sccurity, as he may deem proper to secure the faithful performance of his duties ; and said special register, until the return of the regis- ter or a vacancy occurs by the death or resignation of Term of office, said register, is hereby authorized to perform all acts and discharge all duties that registers in chancery by law have power to do, and to receive the fees allowed 77 1862. by law to register? for the performance of similar du- ties : Provided, however, that said special register may froviao. at any tinjc before the return of the register, or a va- cancy occurs as aforesaid, be removed by the chancellor for any of the causes that would authorize the removal of a register. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any and every ap- Pomer appoint- pointment of a special rciiister within the provisions of "*'*^ "'"''^^" tlie foregoing section, heretofore made by a chancellor, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That every register, (except special registers) heretofore or hereafter ap[;)oint- ed, sliall continue to discharge the duties of his oifice ''■*''"''' ^®"* until a successor shall be duly appointed and qualified, notwithstanding the expiration of the time for which he was or shall be appointed, and that he and his sure- ties on his official bond shall continue liable thereon to the same extent as if such time had not expired. Approved Kovember 6, 1862. Ko. 67.] AN ACT To enable the Courts of County Commissioners of this State to appoint Overseers and Apportioners ot pub- lic roads over the age of eighteen and under the age of sixty. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Bep' resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That if hereafter the court of county commis- siofiers of any county appoint, as an anportioner of an election precinct, or as an overseer of a road precinct, a white male person over eighteen years of age and not exceeding sixty years of age, as such court'is hereby authorized to do under section 1142 of the code aa hereby ameiided, it shall be no excuse for not accepting any such office, that the jtcrson appointed is over the age of forty-five years; but every other excuse sanc- tioned by section 1140 of the code remains unaffected by this act: Provided, howerrr, that this act shall con- j,^^^,^^ tinue of force only during the war and one year there- after. Approved November 10, 1862. 1862. 78 No. 68.] AK.ACT In relation to the Records of the Courts of County Commissioners. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That all vouchers taken b}- any court of county commissioners, or judge of probate, for moneys or sup- plies ot any kind, which have been or may hereafter distributed, under any laws enacted by. this general as- sembly for the benetit of the indigent families of sol- Vo'uchersBsto^^^^'^' "^"^^ ^® numbered, filed, and carefully preserved indigent families by tlic judgc of probatc who shall have taken or caused preserved!"' ^^ such vouchcrs to bc takcu ; but it shall not be the duty of such judge to cause such vouchers to be recorded, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be Act to be pub- published for one week in the city papers of Montgom- iisbed. Qj,y^ j^j-nj |.^Q copies of each of said pjipers be forwarded by the secretary of state to each judge of probate in this state. Approved December 5, 1862. N'o. 69.] AN ACT To authorize Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Trustees to provide salt for their trust estates. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- rescntatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That executors, administrators, guardians and trustees are hereby authorized to employ any slaves held by them as such executors, administrators, guardians or trustees, at any of the saline works in this state, for the purpose of making salt for the use and benefit of the estates or persons they represent. Approved November 28, 1862. 79 1862. No. 70.] AN ACT To amend an act approved November 9, 1861, entitled "An act to authorize Executors, Administrators, Guar- dians and Trustees to make loans to the Confederate States, and to purchase, and recsive in payment of debts due them, Bonds and Tresurj Notes of the Con- federate States, or tlie State of Ahibama, and cou- pons which are due on Bonds of the Confederate States and of said State." ..,»^4**^. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama m General Assembhj convened, That executors, administrators, guardians and trustees may sell the crops of estates committed to for'^^Bonds""?? them, respectively, for the bonds or treasury notes of ''''■'^"'"■'' ''''''^•• the Confederate States, or State of Alabama, and cou- pons which may be due on such bonds, without incur- ring any personal responsibility by so doing, and the bonds, treasury notes or coupons received in payment for such crops shall be assets of the estates for which such crops are sold, and be accounted for as such. Approved November 8, 1862. No. 71.] AN ACT To authorize Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Trustees to remove slaves to a place of safety in caso of invasion. Sec. 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alahama in General Assembhj convened, That executors, administrators, guardians and trustees be, and they arc hereby authorized to remove slaves in their charge to a place of safety, in or out of the State of Alabama, whenever, by reason of an actual threatened invasion of the countr}', there may be dan- ger of the escape, or capture by the public enemy, of such slaves. Approvod XovombfT S, 1862. 18u2. 80 No. 72.] AKACT "-- J^ -> To authorize Executors and Administrators to admin- ister oaths in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate arid House of Bepre^ sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That it ehall be lawful for executors and ad- ippM^serf^'^and^^^"^^^''^^'^'^*'^ ^o administer the oath by law required to tommiseicnere. bc administered to appraisers of the estates they re- spectively represent, and to commissioners appointed to divide the property of the estates they respectively rep- resent; and the oaths so administered shall be in all respects valid, and the violation thereof as punishable as if administered by an officer authorized by law. Approved December 4, 1862. Ko. 78.] AN ACT To increase the price of certain public lands belonging to the State of Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the lands lying along the line of any wr^ption,''^'^ ^*^ rail road or proposed rail road, or navigable water cour- ses in this state, and being within six miles of the said road, shall hereafter be sold for not less than ten dollars per acre, and all the lands along said roads, over six miles and under fifteen miles, shall hereafter be sold for not less than three dollars per acre ; and all the lands in this state, known as the swamp and overflowed lands, shall hereafter be sold lor not less than ten dollars per acre; and all other lands in this state, which are now subject to entry and arc the property of the state, shall hereafter be sold for a sum not less than one dollar and fifty cents per acre. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That sections tw^enty- n • .• .. ,.,«. nine, thirty and thirty-one of the ordinance of the con- repealed^ vcntiou adopted 20th March, 1861, "in relation to the waste and unappropriated lands of the State of Ala- • bama,'* be and the same are hereby repealed : Provided^ that no lands now occupied by any regularly enlisted 81 1862. soldier or volunteer, or his family or widow, .to the ex- tent of eighty acre?, shall he subject to entr}'', by others than such, under the provisions of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further evaded, Tiiat the iron and coal Mineral iand» lands be withdrawn from market nnd sale, except such^"*"''"'"'- amount of said lands as will be necessary to keep in *^'"'^'""'"* operation the foundries that have been or may licreafter be erected ; the said amount and price thereof to be determined by the governor and the commissioner of public lands, upon satisf ctory proof of the quantity of lands so needed and the quality of the same. Approved December 8, 1862. No. 74.] AN ACT To consolidate certain Land listricts therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and. House of Bep- resentatkes of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened^ That the land district now known and dcsig-\vi,ai districts nated as the Huntsville Jjand District, is I ic pc by a't-'^"" *"'''""«''• tached to and made part of the Centre Land District, Ro Qfl to embrace all the lands heretofore lying within both of said districts in one district, to be . repeal of said act shall not afiect any entries where the lands have been actually settled upon and improved by the parties entering the same. Approved, Dec, 9, 1862. No. 78.] AN ACT To provide just compensation for the services of the Treasurer. Sec. 1. Dc it enacted hij the Senate and ffouss of liep- resentalives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Irom and after the passage of this act, ^*^^r ■» »*w and until otherwise provided by law, the salary of the treasurer of this State shall be twenty-six hundred dol- lars per antaini. Approved December 8, 1862. ■"IT 1862. Salary at $240 ^ No. 79.] 84 AN ACT To- provide just corapensatioti for the services of the Comptroller. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Hep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the salary of the comptroller of this State shiill hereafter be twenty fonrhundredtlollarsperannum. Approved December 8, 1862. ?alary at |1250 each. No. 80.] AN ACT To provide just compeiiaation for the secretaries of the Governor. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened, That the salaries of the secretaries of the governor, shall be twelve hundred and fifty dollars, for each of said secretaries. Approved December 9, 18.62. Authority. Salary. Proviso. No. 81.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of State to employ a Clerk. Section. 1. He it enacted In/ the Senate and House of Hep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the .secretary of state is hereby author- ized to employ a clerk to assist in the dischari^e of the duties of his office, at a price not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars per annum, and that the salary agreed upon by the secretary of state, shall be paid by the treasurer of the State upon the Certificate of the secretary that such clerk has been employed, stating tlie price, and that the services have been rendered: Provided, That the clerk employed by the secretary of state shall be one who is not liable to conscription under the laws of the Confederate States. Approved December 9, 1862. 85 1862. No. 82.] AN ACT Te amend the law relatiiii? to the printing of the Re- ports of Decisions of the Supreme Court. Skc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatines of the S a'e of Alabama in General Asset/iblt/ convened, That the judges of the supreme court be au- Judges to pre- thorized to prescribe the mode and material of the ''^"^™ biuding of the supreme court reports. Approved jSTovember 25, 1862. No. 83.] AN ACT To pay for the liirc of servants for the General Assem- bly during the extra and present session. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eep- resentalices of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the secretary of state be allowed tbe sum of one hundred and fifty-two dollars, to pay for Appropriaii servant hire during the extra and present regular ses- sion of the general assembly, and that the comptroller of puldic accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant on the state treasurer in favor of the secretary of state, for the above amount, or so much theret->f as may be ner^essary for the purpose stated, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not other- wise apjiropriated. . A[»proved Decewber 0, 18G2. No. 84.] AN ACT To provide for the re-orJ^. zation of the State Peni- tentiary. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentative, of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the organization of the penitentiary shall include three inspectors, one warden, one dfjiuty *""''"'• warden, one physician, one clerk, and such number of 1862. 86 guards and overseers as the warden and inspectors ma}' from time to time deem necessary. How appoinud. Sec. 2. Bc it furthcr enactcd^ That the warden and in- spectors shall be appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, and shall hold their offices for the space of four years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the physician shall ^^'^d. ''**'' be appointed by the warden and inspectors, and com- missioned to hold his office during the pleasure of said, board of appointment. Sec. 4. Beit farther enacted. That the deputy warden, clerk, and all subordinate officers of the penitentiary, shall be appointed by the warden, by and with the ap- proval of the inspectors, and 'shall hold their offices du- ring the pleasure of the warden : Provided, that none of said offices, except that of sergeant of the guard, shall be tilled by persons subjef^t to conscription, under the acts of the congress of the Confederate States, Warden to report ^^^' ^- "^^^^ ^^ ^^ further cimctcd, That the warden shall report immediately to the inspectors all appoint- ments of officers which he shall make; he shall from from time to time propose in writing to the inspectors such alterations as he may think advisable in the rules and regulations for the direction of the officers and for the government of the penitentiary. Salaries. Sec. 6. Bc it farther cnactcd, That the officers of the penitentiary shall receive the following salaries, to-vvit: Warden, thirty-seven hundred and fifty dollars; the deputy warden one thousand dollars; physician, five hundred dollars ; the clerk, one thousand dollars a year, all of which sums shall be paid by the warden in month- ly or quarterly payments out of the treasury of the pen- itentiary, and shall be in full for all services, and no other perquisite, reward or emoluments shall be allow- ed or received by any of them. Pay or Inspect- Sec. 7. Bc it furthcr enacted, That the pay of the in- **"■ spectors shall be two hundred dollars per annum, and no mileage shall be allowed to any inspector for travel- ing to and from the penitentiary. Sec. 8. Be it fuither enacted, That there shall be roDsLteof.^"*"^^ maintained at the penitentiary a guazd, to be em{)Ioyed by the wardens thereof, to consist of one sergeant and as many guards as the warden and inspectors may deem necessary ; the guard shall be furnished from the arse- 87 1862. nal of tli's' state, with sufficient arms and accoutre- ments, ami shall be subject to the command and direc- tion of the warden of the penitentiary, wl»o may dis- miss at pleasure any of them ; the sergeant shall re- ceive not exceeding six hundred dollars per annum, and each of the guards such pay as the warden may think his service worth, not exceeding three hundred and sixt}^ dollars per annum, besides rations to be establish- ed by the hoard of inspectors. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the warden, dep-Nopcrqu^itesj.r uty warden, clerk and physician, shall, support them- selves from their own resources, and shall not receive any emoluments or perquisites for their services other than the compensation provided in thi"s act. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That all officers shall, before they enter upon the duties of their resjieetive offices and appointments, take and subscribe before some justice of the peace or other officer authorized to administer oaths, the following oath: I, , do o«th. solemnly swear, (or affirm) that I will support the con- stitution of the Confederate States, and tlie constitution of the State of Alabama, so long as I remain a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully execute and discharge the duties required of me as of the Alabama penitentiary, and will execute the laws, rules and legu- lations prescribed for the government of said institu- tion, so far as concerns m}' office, and that 1 will in no case ill-treat or abuse an}^ convict under my charge, or punish him beyond the pujiishment ordered by law and and the rules and regulations of this institution, so help me God." Sec. 11. And be it further enacted. That the board of s^wdi" eijo*"* inspectors shall, from time to time, choose one of their *'"^*'"'*" " nunil)er to be their president, who shall preside at their regular meetings, and whenever in his opinion the exi- gency requires it, he shall convene the board ; they shall cause the clerk of the [lenitentiiuy to keep a reg- ular-minute of tlieir meetings and proceedings, which **'""'*""■ shall be signed by them and preserved in the peniten- tiary. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the board of in- i:iii<-«»nd regu- spectors shall, Irom time to time, establish rules and uoruhVa"*'*''^" regulations consistent with the laws of the state, foi' the direction of tiie officers of the [lenitentiary in the ditscharge of their duties, for the government, employ- 1862. 88 ment and discipline of the convicts, and for the custody and preservation of the pul)lic property ; and as soon as ma>' he after the estahlishniont of nny such rules and regulations hj' the inspectors, they shall cause authen- tic copies thereof to he laid hefore the governor, "who may approve, annul, or modify the same, and the in- spectors shall cause a copy of all such rules and regula- tions as shall have heen ap|)rovcd by tJie governor, to be certitied as soon as may be by the clerk of the peni- tentiary, and delivered to the warden. Boud to visit, Sec, 13. Be it furiher enacted, That the inspectors, or how often. Qj-jy Q^ them, shall visit the penitentiary at least once a week, and it shall be visited by the board of inspec- tors once a month, and oftener, if they shall think it necessary, for the purpose of inspecting the books and all the concerns of the prison, and ascertaining wheth- er the laws and the rules and regulations relating to the prison are duly observed, and whether the officers are C()n)petent and faithful and the convicts aVe properly Duly of clerk, govemcd and employ cd ; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the penitentiary to note the foilure of any inspector to attend the regular monthly meetings of the board of inspectors, and if ;iny inspector shall fail to attend at three successive monthly meetings of the board, (unless such failure shall he caused by his sick- ness,) his office shall be considered as vacated, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the penitentiary to notify the governor thereof, and the governor shall fill said vacancy by appointing some other person, who shall hold his term for the unexpired terra of his predeces- sor. Violation to be ^^'C- l-l- Be U further enacted, That the inspectors reported to go- shall rcport^to the governor forthwith all violations of law and omissions of duty by the warden that shall come to their knowledge, and every officer who holds his place at the pleasure of the inspectors, who shall be found unfaithful or incompetent, shall be forthwith removed. Annual report tG ^EC. 15. Be U further enactcd. That the inspectors of be made. the penitentiary shall, on the first day of October in each year, transmit to the governor a report exhibiting a complete and comprehensive view of the transactions of the penitentiary during tl^e preceding year, of the number of convicts con lined therein, the offence for which committed, and the respective periods of impris- 89 1862. onnient, thoir ages, sizes, previous occupation, profes- sion or employment, and wiiere born ; the report slidll also state the number of convicts who have been par- doned, discharged, and died during the j-ear, stating the dale of tlieir conviction and of their pardon or death, the period of time for which tlicy were sentenced, the comities in which tliey were convicted, their age, sex and color, the deportment of each convict while in the penitentiary, and in case of death, tlie particular dis- ease of which the convict was supposed to have died. Sec. 16. Beit further enacted, That the inspectors of convicts may be the penitentiary may remove the convicts thereiti tOofTpidemk.*'"* such place or phices of security within the state as they may deem expedient, if in their opinion the prevalence of any epidemic, infectious or contagious disease, or other urgent occasion, shall render such a measure ne- cessary and })roper. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted. That the penitentiary Governor toTisit shall be visited by the governor annually, or as mucii """"^ '®'"'' oftener as his excellency may think proper, for the pur- pose of examining its conditic)n. Si:c. 18. Be it further enacted, That before the warden warden's bond, enters upon the duties of his office ho shall fjive bond to <:he state in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the governor, with condition that he shall account for all monies |)laced in or otherwise coming into his .hands as treasurer, and perform all the duties incumbent on him as warden of the penitentiar}', and such bond shall be filed in the of- fice of the secretary of state, and may from time to time be put in suit by tlie governor against any one or more of the obligors, and shall not become void on its first re- covery nor until the whole penalty shall be exhausted. Sec. 19. Bis it further enacted, That the officers of the penitentiary shall reside constantly within the precincts whereofflcersto of the penitentiary, and the warden and dojiuty warden '"'■'''''''• shall not both be absent therefrom at the same time, and neither the warden nor any person appointed by him, shall, during the time of his office, be employed or engaged in any business for private cmolumei.t, not pertaining to his office: Provided, that it shall be law- ful for the warden or dt']iuty ward':;n to engage in agri- cultural pursuits, to sucli an extent as to interfere with his [»ubli(! duties. Sec. 20. Be itfurtJier enacted. That the warden ehull 1862. 90' have the chars^e and custody of tlie penitentiary, with J^*Jg|°'°''*^*the hinds, buildings, tuniiture, tools, implements, stock, provisions, and every other species of property- within the precincts thereof, or appertaining thereto ; ha sljall be treasurer of the penitentiary, and shall receive and pay out all money granted by the legislature, (if any) and by the receipts for labor of the prisoners and for the support thereof, and shall cause to be kept ni suit- able books regular and complete accounts of all the propert3% expenses, income, business, and concerns of the establishment, and all the book:i and documents re- lating to the concerns of Ihe penitentiary shall at all times be open to the inspectors, who shall semi-annual- 1}% or oftener if they think necessary, carefully exam- ine the said books and compare them with the vouch- ers and documents relating thereto. Warden to ex- Sec. 21. Be U further enacted^ That it shall be the ally. (]Qt,y of the warden to examine daily into the state of the penitentiar}', and the health, conduct and safe-keep- ing of the convicts ; to use every proper means to fur- nish them witli employment ; to superintend all the manufacturing and mechanical business of the peniten- tiary ; to receive the articles so manufactured, and to sell and dispose of the same for the benefit of the state. Ariiciee to be Sec. 22: B 6 it farther enactcd ^ That it shall be the Mid for cash. ^^^^^ ^^ jj^^ wardeu to dispose of all the manufactured articles, and evertliing sold for cash. .. ..^ Sec. 23. Be it farther enacted. That all moneys that Deposits with /•■. \ f • 1 £• • -I State Treasurer, may accruc, (it any) atter paying the expenses ot said institution, shall be deposited monthly or quarterly in the state treasury, as the penitentiary fund, and may be disposed of as hereafter niaj^ be ordered. Warden to have ^'^^- 2^. Be it farther enacted, That the warden shall, made out full 'c- on thc fii'st dav of Octobcr in each year, cause to be COUDtB ftllQlL&llV V ' ' made full and detailed accounts of all the disbursements and expenses, and all the receipts and profits, stock, , and material on hand, ot the prison, accompanied by sufficient vouchers, to the inspectors of the peniten- tiary, rurther duty of Sec. 25. Be it farther enacted, That the deputy war- otherofficers. j^^^^ ^jj^| ^|j ^^j^^^, subordinate officers, shall perform such duties in the charge and oversight of the peniten- tiarj^, the care of the property thereto belonging, and the custody, government, employment and discipline of the convicts as shall be required of them by the war- 91 1862. den, in conformity to law and the rules and rcgnlatioas of the ]>enitcntiary. Sec. 20. Be i( further enacted. That whenever the office when oep. war- of warden sliall be vacant, by deatli, resignation, or ^vardTn? *''* " otherwise, the deputy warden shall have all the powers and perform all the duties, and receive the same salar}' ot the warden, until one shall be appointed and quali- fied ; and such deputy, in such event, shall be subject to all the obligations and liabilities imposed by law on the warden. JSTo deputy warden shall enter upon the duties of his office until he shall enter into bond, with sufficient securities, to be approved by the board of in- spectors, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, condi- tioned to perform all the duties of deputy warden, and faithfully account for all money or eti'ects which shall come into his hands in the event of a vacancy in the oflice of warden, by the death or resignation of the warden, or otherwise, during the continuance of such deputy warden in office. fc?EC. 27. Be it further enarfcd, That the physician shall duuos of the visit the hospital of the penitentiary at least every other ^''^"'''*°' day, and as much oftener as necessary, prescribe for convicts that ma}- be sick, and attend to the regimen, clothing and cleajiliness of such of them as are in the hospital. He shall keep a regular journal, which shall remain at the penitentiary, of all admissions into the hos[)ital, stating the time, the nature of the disease, with his prescriptions, and the treatment of each pa- tient, atid the time of his discharge from the hospital, or his death; the said journal shall also contain regular entries of all orders that shall be given for supplies for the hospital department, specifying the articles ordered. All such orders shall be in writing, and the warden shall provide the supplies so ordered under the direction of the inspectors. Sec. 28. Be it further enacted. That it shall be the (bity Further duue* or of the physician of the penitentiary to keep a register ^''•'"'''*°- of all tliG convicts under his charge, stating the disease with which they are afllictcd, and the srate of their health on entering and leaving the hospital, and the cause of disease, when the same can be ascertained, and also a register of all infirm convicts, stating their names, ages, place of birth, and the particular infirmity of each ; and such register shall ren)ain in the hospital open to inspection. 1862. 92 Sec. 29. Be it further enacted. That whenever aiiycon- sick convicts. ^,j^,|. gij^U coniplaiii of such illness as requires niedical aid, if, in the opinion of the physician, the illness is such as requires his removal to the hospital, the warden shall order such removal, and the convict shall remain in the hospital until the physician shall determine that he may leave it without injury to his health. As to insane con- Skc. 30. Be U farther enacted, Th"at whenever the victs. physician of the penitentiary shall report to the warden that any convict is insane, it shall be the duty of the warden to cause such insane convict to be removed to the hospital, or such other place as to secure his safe keeping and proper care in the penitentiary until re- moved. Insane convicts ^EC. 31. Bc U farther macted. That the physician of toberepoted to the penitentiary shall report to the sjovernor the names the governor. n \\ ■< • • i i c of all the insane convicts that are now, or may hereafter be imprisoned in the penitentiary, as often as such cases shall occur. Sec. 32. Be it further enacted. That all persons hold- Kxetpption from . „ •.' . • ^i -^ J-" i n i niuitiaduty. ing omcc or appointment m the penitentiary shall be exempted, during their continuance in office, from serv- ing on juries, from militia duty, and from working on public roads, and their testimony shall be taken in civil suits by deposition, as provided by law for other pur- poses. Contracts to be ^EC. 33. Bc U furthcT cnactcd. That tlie principal ar- made for certain tides pui'chased for the use of the penitentiary, such as provisions and fuel, together with their transportation, shall be contracted for by the year, when such contracts can be advantageously made, and the warden shall give previous public notice, in two newspapers at least in this state, of the articles wanted, the quantity, quality thereof, the time and manner of delivery, and the pe- riod during which proposals therefor will be received ; and such notice shall be published a sufficient length of time for the information of persons who may probably be desirous to oli'ur proposals for such contracts. ab to proposals. ^^'^' ^'^- -^^'^^ further enacted, That all such proposals shall bo in writing, and sealed up, and on the day ap- pointed they shall be opened by the warden in the pres- ence of the inspectors and compared, and the person olfering the best terms, with satisfactory security for the performance of the same, shall be entitled to the contract, unless it shall appear to the warden and in 08 1862. spectoi's that none of the offers are as low as the market price; in tliat case, no offer shall be acccjjtcd, and the warden, with the consent of the inspectc^rs, may adver- tise again, as before, or he may proceed to make con- tracts for any of the articles wanted for the penitentiary, in the best wa}' he can, for the interest of the state, without farther notice. Sec. 35. Be it further enacted, Tiiat every such con- contractor to tractor shall give bond in a reasonable sum, with satis- factory surety, or sureties, for the performance of his contrajt, and no officer of the penitentiary shall be con- cerned or interested, directly or indirectly, in any con- tract, purchase or sale made for, or on account of, the the pen i tent iar3\ Sec. '^'o. Be it further enacted, That all contracts on commctB to be account of the penitentiary shall he made by the war- ''*^"^'"^* den, shall be in writing, and when approved in writing by the inspectors, shall be binding in law, and the war- den, or his successor may sue thereon to final judgment and execution. No suit shall abate by reason of the no suit to abate, office of warden becoming vacant, but any successor of *'■ the warden, pending such suit, may take upon himself the prosecution thereof, and, upon motion of the ad- verse party, he shall be required so to do, or submit to a non-suit. Sec. 37. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the purchaee of raw duty of the warden of the penitentiary, under the di- '°"'^'^'''''- rection of the inspectors, to purchase and [tay for, out of any funds in the^treasury, such raw material as may be necessary to be m»nufactured and used by the con- victs. Sec. 38. Be it further enacted, That the necessary Mcdicinw.&c. medicines and other hosjiital stores, for the use of the penitentiary, shall be purchased from time to time, as may be requisite, by the wanlen, with the advice of the phy.'^ician, and under the di-rection of the inspectors. Sec. 3l>. Be ii further enacted, That all books ot ac- nook«of»crntint counts, registers, returns, and other documents, and **;;;,[;"''"'"''''"■ papers relating to the aflairs of the penitentiary, shall be considered as public documents, and remain therein, and the warden shall cause to be preserved official cop- ies of his correspondence with the governor, inspectors, or other public officers, and of any official communica- tion he may have received from them. Siic. 40. Be it further enacted. That the removal of 1862. 94 , , . prisoners to the penitentiary shall be as laid down in Removal of pris- r . r nr^^n ^ cr\ii onergasincode. the codc, in SGctions 3920 to 3'J4l, exceptincj section with exception, gg^^^^ ^^.^^^^.^ -j. ^^^^^ ^^Uuitcd States," shall be^"Confed. erate States." Sec. 41. Be it further enacted. That the police of the PoUee and pnn- . . i *^ • i V ^ • ^ i ishmont. penitentiary and punishment or escapes, as laid down in the code, from sections 3942 to 3977, shall remain in force, excepting section 3070, where it reads "on con- viction, be punished by solitaiy confinement in the pen- itentiary not exceeding two j'ears, at such intervals as the court may direct," to read "on conviction, the pen- alty shall be death"; also in sections 3972 and 3973, ■where it reads "United States" to read "Confederate States." BepeaViDg sec- Sec. 42. Be it fiirtlicr enacted, That all laws and parts ''°°' of laws contravening the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereb}^ repealed. Approved December 5, 1862. No. 85.] AN ACT Supplemental to "An act reorganizing the State Peni- tentiary," approved 5th December, 1862. Sue. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Hepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That if, from any cause, the fund deposited in If pcniteniiary the State trcasury, under the twelity-third section of an ed^lbe Gomnor act entitled "an act to provide for the reorganization of mnydrawhisor. ^i^Q penitentiary," and approved 5th December, 1862, or any portion of the same, shall, in the opinion of the governor, be required to carry on the penitentiary, he may, by liis order in writing, specifying the object and the amount required, direct the comptroller to draw his warrant on the state treasurer, payable out of said fund, for the amount so directed. Approved December 9, 1862. 95 1862. No. 86.] • • ' AN ACT la relation to homicide committed by convicts in the penitentiary for life. Sec. 1. Be it e7iacfcd hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemhlij covvnied^ Thsit any convict, sentenced to imprit'ornent Death penaitf. for lite in the penitentiary of this state, who afterwards commits murder in the first degree, while such sentence remains against him, on conviction, shall suffer death. Sec. 2. Be it fartJw enacted. That on the trial in such Astouiai, cases, a copy of the transcript of the conviction and sentence of the convict, tiled with the warden or lessee of the peniter)tiary upon the delivery of such convict therein, shall bo recfcived as evidence of the sentence in the penitentiary for life: Provided, said copy is cer- tified, under the hand and seal of the warden or lessee. Approved November 20, 1862. No. 87.] AN ACT In relation to the transfer of insane convicts from the Penitentiary to the Hospital for insane persons. Sec. 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- scntatircs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That hereafter it shall be the duty of the clerk Duuof derk of of the court, in any count}' where any person may be*"""* convicted of a felony, and sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary, to forward to the lessee, or other person havine; the penitentiary in charge, a certificate, showing the county in which the cotivict resided at the time of the commission of the oftense for which he vi'as committed, and if such convict had no known place of residence, then the certificate must state that fact. Sec. 2. Be it farihrr enacted, That when any insane Kxpense.. bow convict in the penitentiary shall be sent to the hospital '"'''• for insane persons, under the provisions of "a»i act to amend the fourteenth section of an act to establish a hoHpiial tor insane persons in Alabama," approved De- cemlter 4th, 1861, the expenses shall be paid as therein provided, upon the certificate of the lessee, or other 1862. 96 person having the penitentiary in charge, that the in- sane convict is in indigent circumstances, and has no known place of residence. Approved November 26, 1862. No. 88.] AN ACT To repeal an act entitled "An act for the relief of in- sane convicts in the Penitentiaiy. Sec. 1» Be it enacted by the Senate and iJouse of Repre- senia.iices of the State of Alabama in (xneral Assembly convened. That an act entitled "an act for the relief of act. insane convicts in the penitentiary, approved Decern ber 9th, 1861, be and the satne is hereby repealed, ex- cept as to convicts who were sentenced to confinement Exception. in the penitentiary for a period longer than life time, and whose general deportment in the penitentiary has been good, and whose general character was good be- fore the}' were sent to the penitentiary, and who were not sent there tor rape. And the same compensation shall be allowed for guarding any insane convicts to and from the insane hospital, as is now allowed to sheriffs and, guards for carrying prisoners to the penitentiary, to be paid b}' the state. Approved November 29, 1862. Repeal of former No. 89.] AN ACT To provide for the discovery of Lead in Alabama. Sec. 1. Bt it enacted hy the Senate and Souse of Bcp^ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Governor to „p. convcned, Tnat the governor is authorized to appoint a point a compe" compctont pei'son to cxamine in the proper localities for tent person. . i • ^ i? i i ■> . / -i • the existence of lead ore, and to use for this purpose the necessary implements in the.possession of the State, or of the University. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the person so ap- Bc?ectaB8?Bta*^tB! pointed may select such necessary assistants as may bo authorized by the governor, and the governor shall pay 97 ' 1862. the expense of sucli survey and examination out of the contMirrent fniid. Approved December 2, 1862, No. GO.] AN ACT To repeal in part An act to re4i:nliite the agencies of In- surance Conipanios, not ittcorpoi-Mted hy the State of AlabafHii, approved February 24, 1860, so far a.sit relates to Life Insurance Companies, incoi'poratcd by any of the Confederate States, which do not take fire, river, or marine risks. Sec. 1. Be it enaded hy the Senate and Home of Hep- reseiitatives of the SfoJe of Alabama in General As.sembly convened^ That the al)ove Jeeited ai-t be, and is hereby repealed, so far .as it relates to, and affects, life insur- Bnce companies, incorporated by any of the Confederate, States, which do n()t take tire, river, or marine risks: Provided, however^ That the tux required by said act, to be paid by life insurance coni|taiiies, or their agents, shall continue t(» be paid as provided by said act.^ A[tprovcd November 28, 1802. No. 91.] AN ACT In relation to the Distribution <.f the Educational Fund for 1802. Skc. 1. Be it civictcd hy the Setmk ar>d House of Rep- rese^datkes of the St" te of Ahd>nma m General A's.<^emU>/^JZ'C''^'''''" conrrned, Tlmt the superintendent ofedncation is bereby authorized in declaring a divi(b;nd of the edu.-ational fund for 1862, to allow to counties, from which rettirns have n(tt been made, in coti'?c(pU'nco of their occupa- tion by the public enemy, a proportion of such iuud, basing his allowanre upon the returns of 1861, of tlie county superintendents. Approved November 26, 1862. 1862. 98 Ko. 92.] '"^^ ' ANACT > To amend Chapter 1, title 13, part the 1st of the Code of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate mid House of Hejyre- conferred"' on se7itatives of the State of Alabama i?i General As8e?nbly courts couQty cojivencd, That all the power and authority conferred on the corporate authorities of the towns in this State, respecting establishing hospitals for persona infected with contagious diseases, and quarantine in chapter 1, title 13, part the Ist of the Code, be and the same is hereby conferred on the courts of county commission- ers, and said courts are hereby authorized to establish such hospitals and make such rules and regulations as may in their opinion be necessary to prevent the spread of any contagious and infectious diseases, and appoint such guards and superintendents as may be necessary to eflect the object contemplated by this act. Approved x'Tovcmbcr 14, 1862. J^o. 93.] AN ACT To suspend sections 40 and il of the Code, so far as they applv to the called session of the General As- sembly of 1862. ^EC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in G-eneral Assembly convened, That sections 40 and 41 of the Code, so far as they apply to the called scasiou of the general assem- bly of 1862, be and the same are hereby suspended ; and that the duties required to be performed by said sections shall be required to be performed within ten days after the end ol the next regular session. Approved November 8, 1862. M 1862. No. 94.] AK ACT To amend section 88 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- p^^ ^^ ^^^^^i^ sentativcs of (he State of Alabama, in General Assembly puimc priniin;: convened. That section 88 of the Code be so amended '°*^'^*^"* ' as to make the price for each page of the acts and joint resohitions, and binding the requisite number included, four doHars and eighty-tive cents ; for each page of the journals and revenue laws, three dollars and eighty-five cents; for blanks printed on paper per quire, two dol- lars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the present state printers shall be entitled to the benefits of this act. Approved December G, 1862. No. 95.] • AN ACT To amend section 165 of the Code of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in Gendral Assembly convened. That section 165 of the Code of Alabama be amended by addingthereto the words, "the resignation of justices of the peace and constables must be trans- mittcff to the judge of probate of the county in which the}' respectivcdy reside. Approved November 4, 1862. No. 96.] AN ACT To amend section 396 of the Code. Skc. 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- sentativrs of the State of Ahrbama in General Assembly convened, That section 396 of the Code of Alabama, be and tht- same is hereby atnoiided by inserting the Wi)rds "soldiers, and to recover deceased soldiers "pay," after the wonl "pensioners," and before "and". Approved November 8, 1862. 1862. 100 Ko. 97.] AN ACT To amend section 664 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of MtprC' scntatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 664 ot the Code be amended by striking out of the last line the words, "to be fixed by a judge of the circuit court," and insert in Heu thereof, *'to be fixed by a judge of the supreme or circuit court, or an}' cliancellor of the State." . Approved November 3, 1862, No. 98.] AN ACT To amend Fection 499 of the Code, so far as the coun- ties of Macon, Barbour and Shelby are concerned. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep-' resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly conve- ed, That the members of the court of county commissioners of Macon, Barbouvaud Shelby counties, sliaii be entitled to receive in addition to their per c?iew, milenge at the rate of five cents per mile on the neiar- est pnl)lic road going to and returning from each terra of said court, to be paid as prescribed by said sectian 499. ^ . Approved November 21, 1862. Per diem and mileage. No. 99.] AN ACT To amend section 11-40 of the Code of Alabama, as to Coffee, Covington atid Walker counties. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Rep- 'Xrty five." ^°' resent afive of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the words "forty-five", where they occur in the third line of section 1140 of the Code, be and they are hereby stricken out, and the words "fifty-five" „ ^ „ inserted in lieu thereof; that the word "e»ighteen" in *^eighteen," Said scction 1140 be stricken out, and the word "six- 101 1862. teen" inserted, as to Coftee, Covington and Walker counties. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That justices of the justices in c«»- peace in Covingjton county within their respective pre- pofuon^*** '"* cincts, under fifty-five years of age, shall be subject to perform the duties of apportiotiers on public roads. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That this act shall not Lim4tooonof»c» continue in force any longer than the termination of the present war between the Confederate States and the United States. Approved j^ovember 17, 1862. No. 100.] AN ACT To amend section 1203 of the Code, and for other pur- poses. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Bridgesore* convened. That section 1203 of the Code be amended by w.'« »'»» «>* »«- cause pair. adding, at the close thereof, the following: "And if the' contractor shall knowingly suffer any such bridge or causeway to remain out of repair, and unsafe for the passaiT^e of travellars and other persons for more than ten days at any one time, durirjg the period stipulated for its safety by the terms of his contract, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be fineil, for the use of the county, in a sum not less than Penally, doulde the value of the materials and labor necessary to put such bridge or causeway in the state of safety required by the terms of his contract. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That the duties imposed on apportioners of roads, by subdivisions four, five and „ . . « . ' «/ ^ Duties ADpltolk- SIX, of section 1156 of the code, are hereb}' made appli- buujwJgB*. cable to bridges, built under contract with the court of courity commissioners, and persons violating the first section of this act. Ap[»r jved Jiovember 24, 1862. 1862. • 102 No. 101.] AN ACT To repeal the 5th Division of Section 1551, Article 1, Chapter 6, of the Code of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the 5th division of "section 1551, article 1, chapter 6," of the Code of Alabama, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved November 7, 18G2. No. 102.] AN ACT To amend subdivision four of Section 2318 of the Code, relating to the procuring of testimony by deposition. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bejr resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That subdivision four of section twenty-three hundred and eighteen of the Code be amended, by add- ing to. the end thereof the words, "or is engaged in the military or naval service of the Confederate States, or of this State." Approved December 2, 1862. No. 103.] AN ACT To amend Section 3143 of the Code. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 3143 of the Code of Alabama be amended, so as to insert, after the word "copartner- ship," where it occurs in the second and third line of said section, the words, "or officer, or agent, or clerk, or person in the employment of this state or of the Con- federate States." Approved December 4, 1862. 103 1862. No. 10-t.] A]Sr ACT To amend Section SloO of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRep- resentatkes of the State of Alabama in G-eneral Asscmbli/ convened, That section SI.'jO of the Code be amended, by addinc:, after the word "property," at the end of the section, the words, "an indictment may be preferred, under this section, although the principal offender has not been tried or convicted." Approved December 4, 1862. No. 105. AN ACT To amend section 4003 of the Code of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liep- rescntatives of tJie State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 4003 of the Code of Alabama be so amended as to authorise jailors to make oath to their accounts before the judge of probate, the accounts tirst to be certified by the clerk of the circuit court of .such county. Approved December 9, 1862. No. 106.] AN ACT To increase the corporate privileges of the Banks and Insurance Companies of the State of Alabama. Sec. 1 . Be it eiwbcted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Coniinp-ncy. convened^ That whenever hereafter any of the chartered and free banks, or insurance companies of the State, shall, in the opinion of the president and directors thereof, be endangered by invasion of the public ene- my, actual or threatened, it shall be lawful to remove said banks, or insurance companies, their projierty and "'• ' majdo. efiects, respectively, an. 1 nil things appertaining to their business, to such other place or places, in the State of 1862. 104 Alabama, as the said president and directors may deem safe. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That all acts, which Acts legalised, j^j^^. Q^- |.jjj, g^j^j ij.^i^i^g^ QY iiisuraiice companies can or may lawfully do, under their charters, shall be, to all intents, as valid and effectual, and as binding on the said banks and companies, and all other )>arties in in- terest, when performed at the places to which they may be so removed, as if performed in their former counties. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That at any time be- '•Bank of Au- fopc the termiuatiOQ of the existing war, between the bama." United States and the Confederate" States, it shall be lawful fur the commissioners, named in an act entitled "An act to authorize books to be opened in the city of Montgomery, for subscriptions to the capital stock of the Bank of Alobama," approved February 1, 1861, or ail}' two or more of them, to open books of subscrip- tion to the capital stock of the said Bai.k of Alabama, and to do any and all other acts or things necessary to organize said Bank of Alabama, according to the terms and provisions of said act, and the act to incorporate said Bank of Alabama, approved February 13, 1860, and the act in relation to said Bank of Alabama, ap proved December 3, 1861, at any place in Alabama which they may deem convenient and secure from the eneni}', and at any time before the termination of the existingwar, it shall be lawful for the stockholders of said Bank of Alabama, or persons or corporations who may have subscribed for stock in said bank, or the president and directors, and other officers of said bank, when • elected, to do any and every act and thing necessary to organize said bank, and enable it to commence and carry on its banking business and operations, according to the terms and provisions of the several acts referred to in this act, at an}' place in Alabama, which the said commissioners, or any two or more of them, or the president and directors of said bank when elected, or a majority of them deem convenient and secure from the enemy ; and said bank, when organized in accordance with the provisions of this act, and of the several acts herein referred to(which several acts are hereby continu- ed of full force, except as modified or amended by each other and this act), at any place in Alabama, shall be deemed and taken to he lawfully organized and shall have a full right to carry on its banking business and opera- 105 1862. tions from t])etinieofsncli organization to thcexpinition of the full term xnentionod in its charter, for tlio dura- tion or continuance of said bank, as if said bank here- tofore had been organized and put into operation in strict accordance with its.charter, and with the several acts lierein referred to; and if said baidc siiall be organized before the termination of tlie war, it ami its to be remoT&d operations shall be removed to the city of Mobile as ° soon after the termination of the existing war as the president and directors thereof may deem the city of Mobile secure from the enemy. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be „ , di 1 - 1.1 ii» T-«.f , Public aot. eemed and construed to be a public act: Procidea however, That the provisions of this act shall not apply Proviso. to any bank or insurance company in this State, which may refuse to receive on general deposit, or in payment of debtS'due to it, the treasury notes of this State or of the Confederate States. Approved November 7, 1862. Ko. 107.] AN ACT To establish a Bank in the town of Opelika, Alabama, to be called the Exchange Bank of Alabanui. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly fd"'' "'"*'*^' convened, That a bank be established in the town of Opelika, Russell county, Alabama, the capital stock of ^'"p"''*''*"'- whirh shall not exceed six hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Skc. 2. Be it further enacted^ That A. B. Griffin, Loxla Edwards, W. C. Koss, R. C. Jeter, N. Sledge, com«i.sione». James M. Greeti, E. C. McCnrxly, W. C. Sorice, J.^R. Hubbard, E. riollis, VV. G. Williams, and Robert S. Brownticld, be artthorizcd as commissioners to receive subscriptions for shares of stock, not to exceed six hun- dred thousand dollars; the said commissioners, or a majority of tlicm, shall designate the time and place B"ok» to bo for receiving subscriptions to said stock; shall keep Xipillni""*^ books open and receive subscriptions for thirty days, unless the said amount of six hundred thousand y loaning money, or putting into cir- lOT 1862. culation its own notes until it actually, and in good faith shall have and possess, of its own absolute prop- erty, in gold or silver, one half of the whole amount of capital stock subscribed, and shall have returned to the governor of this State an account thereof verified, by oath or afHrniation, of the president or cashier for the time being, nor shall the bank so commence its opera- tions until the governor, satisfied by the return afore- said, and by such other evidence as may be offered, shall issue a proclamation, declaring that said return Governor to is- had been fully made, and that it appeared to his gj^^jg. *"*p''**<=*'"»''°" faction that said company had, of their own absolute property, the amount in gold and silver aforesaid, and were authorized under the provisions of this act, to commence their banking operations as aforesaid, and if said bank, without actually, and in good faith, having of its own property, the amount of gold and silver as aforesaid, or without having made return as aforesaid, or without the proclamation of the governor as afore- said, shall commence any such banking operations as aforesaid, the charter hereby granted shill be null and„ . , •1 J '11 I 1111 •! t, 11-. Penalty for eom- void, and said bank shall be considered, to all intents mcncingwithont and purposes, an unchartered bank; and- if more sub- ihrMndmc^s'.''" scriptions be; offered to the commissioners than they are authorized to receive, they shall scale and allow th-e subscriptions in such mode as they shall deem equita-Exccw of sub- ble, giving, in all cases, the preference to subscribers, ^aiedl'""' *** ""^ who shall be citizens of Alabama, and if still necessary, they shall reduce the largest subscriptions so as to form the proper amount of capital stock, and no more: Pro- vided, That no other bank be allowed to take stock in said bank. Sec. 5. Be it furtlier enacted. That if, in closing the books of subscription, a sufficient capital shall not be opened aglin.* subscribed to authorize the bank to go into operation under the terms of this act, the commissioners may again open the books afterwards, at such time and place as they may direct, under the same regulations as be- fore provided, until the subscriptions be sufficient; af- ter the bank officers shall have been elected, it the stock \3 not full, the board of directors shall have power to tfause books to be opened, from time to time, until the stock and capital be full, and to appoint comuiisfjionurs to receive such subscriptions, under such rules as they may prescribe, provided thirty days' notice be given, 1862. 108 Priyilegof. by advertisement as before prescribed, of the time and place of receiving such subscriptions, dy corporate ^^'^ ^- ^^ ^'^ fuHher enactcd, That the stockholders as Exchange of Said bank, and their successors, shall, when a suffi- cient amount shall have been subscribed and paid in, be and they are hereby created a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of the Exchan<ending in any court of law or equity, and shall also have pow- er to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at pleasure ; also to ordain, es- tablish, alter and repeal by-laws, ordinances, and regu- Jations as they may deem necessary and convenient from time to time, for the government of said corpora- tion, not being contrary to the constitution and laws of the Confederate States, or of the Stat6 of Alabama; also to make loans and discounts, deal in money, notes, bills of exchange, bonds, mortgages, and securities of all kinds, to receive deposits, to make and issue bank notes, payable on demand to bearer, and to make all contracts, and transact all such business as is usually transacted by banks, and as are within the scope of banking operations, and generally to do and execute all and singular the acts, and matters and things, which to them it shall appertain to do, as incident to bodies cor- f)orate, subject, however, to the rules and limitations herein contained: Provided, That said bank shall not, in any case, deal in, orpurcliase, merchandise, produce, or persojial. property of any kind, or real estate, except for its ne(;essary banking houses, buildings and pur- poses, or by way of securing payment of debts due it, nor shall it issue, or cause to be made for circulation as currency, any bills or notes that are not payable on de- mand. BestrictiODB. 109 1862. Skc. 7. Be it farther enacted, That the affiiirs of said « „,, , ,.^, bi 1 1 1 1 11 1 • I 1 B lard of dlre«l- aiik shall 1)0 mana^jea by seven (lirectors, elected an-^'s nnally by the stockholdersof said bank ; at all elections the stockhohhrs aliall elect the directors, and shall vote ""^ cieet«d. accordiiii^ tothe scale and rates of votes following : each stockholder, for every share he may hold, not eXceed- inff twenty-tive, may give one vote ; for every two shares above twenty-five and under fifty, one vote; for every three shares above fifty and under one hundred, one vote; for Q.vQxy five shares above one hundred and un- der one iiundred and fifty, one vote; and for every ten shares above one hundred atid fifty, one vote; ar.d, af- ter the first election, no share shall confer a right to vote, which shall not have been holden by the voter three calendar months i>reviou3 to the election ; the stockholders shall be entitled to vote either in person or by proxy; the shares of infants may be voted for by their parents or guardians; if married women, by their husbands or trustees; if Citrporations, by their presi- dents; if copartners, or joint owners, by either unless the other dissent, in which case neither shall vote, and all powt'rs to authorize persons to vote by proxy shall be in writing. Skc. 8. Be it further enacted, That the first election for directors shall he held as soon as may be after the first election, books of subscription shall be closed, and a sufiioient number of shares be subscribed; the said eomniisMion- ers appointed to receive subscriptions, shall hold said first election, on such day as they ma}' appoint, after giving thirty days' notice of ihetime and place of hold- ing the same; tliey shall certify to the directors the names of the persons so elected ; shall hand over their reconls to them, and the moneys subscribed ami [laid ; tlic said board, so elected, shall proceed to elect a pres- ident from their own number, and the board shall con^'"**''*"*- tinue in f>fl5ce until the expiration of the second Mon- day in January following, and until their successors sliall enter upon their duties; the subsequent elections Kiociion of di- for dir(!ctors shall he held in the banking house, on the ^'='^^^''" ""'•»'• second Moiwlay in January, in each year; the new board elected shall be authon/z-d to enter upon its duties the day after, and continue until the expiration of the sec- ond Monday of January next thereafter, and until their successors shall organize and enter upon their duties; the polls shall be hold by three stockholders, other tbmi k 1862. 110 Ruiesintheeiec- Ji''cctor3, appointed by the board to hold the same; the ^'oD. vote shall be by ballot, under such regulations as the bank rnay prescribe, but ten days' notice of such elec- tion shall be given in one newspaper of the county in which said bank is located, and no stockholder shall vote at any time Avhile in default of payment of install- ment of stock. Eligibility ^^^' ^' ^^ ^^ further enacted, That no person shall be a director unless he shall own one thousand dollars' worth of stock in said bank bona fde, and as his own propert}'^ ; nor unless he shall be a resident citizen of this State, and is not a stockholder in any other bank. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That in case no elec- Paiureto elect.; ^^q^ g|^^]| ]jq niade of dircctors or president at the time provided by this act, the corporation shall not for such cause be deemed dissolved, but such election shall be held as soon after as may be on due notice. The board Vacancies, how shall havc powcr to fill all vacancies in the office of '^"^'^ president or directors ; six months absence removal from the state, transfer of stock down to a sum less than one thousand dollars, and any cause which shall prevent the attendance of such officer permanently to discharge the duties, or render him incapable of so doing, shall vacate the seat of such president or director. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted. That the president and cai^hier and oth- directors of such bank shall have power to r.ppoint a cr officers. cashici", and all such officers, clerks, agents and servants as may be necessary from time to time to carry on the business of the bank, and prescribe their compensation and duties and require proper bonds for the faithful dis- charge of their duties in their discretion, and to issue bank bills payable to bearer on demand at their bank- ing house. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the shares of Btock assignable, stock in Said bank shall be assignable and transferrable according to such rules as shall be instituted in thatbe- halt by the by-laws and ordinances of the bank, and Proviso transfer books shall be kept for that purpose: Provided, that in case of the failure of the bank within six months after any such transfer or sale of stock, the party selling and the party purchasing said stock shall be each held liable for tlie payment of the debts of the bank in pro- Further proviso, portion to the stock so transferred: Provided further, that no transfer of stock shall be made so as to vest in any one stockholder a greater number than one-fourth Ill 1862. amount ol the whole number of shares subscribed for in such corporation : And Prodided further, that the bank shall have power to pass by-laws to prevent the Another proTiso. assig'nment of shares by parties owins; debts to said bank pnst due, until such indebtedness be paid, and to withhold dividends due to persons so being in default if tliey think it proper. Sec. 13. Be if farther enacted, That if anv person or „ i. 1 • u 1 i. "i 11 1 • Mny move for persons, copartnership, or body corporate, shall be i n- judgment in cer- debted to said bank, as maker, endorser, guarantee, or'*'"*^"^** as drawer, or acceptor of any note, bill or bond, made expressly negotiable and payable at the said ba)ik, and shall d^day payment thereof, the said bank may move for judgment and award of execution against such debtor, in any court of record in the state where such defendant may reside or corporation so indebted be lo- cated, and judgment thereon shall be rendered as may be lawful and proper: Provided, that the defendant in Requirementa. any such case shall have thirty days' notice of such mo- tion before the same is made, specifying what the de- mand is: Provided also, that at the time of making proviso, such motion, the bank shall produce and file a certifi- cate of its president or cashier, under the seal of the bank, that the debt claimed is really and bona fide the property of the bank: Provided further, that if any de- Further proriso. fendant phall appear and contest the claim, the court shall require the bank to file its declaration and the de- fendant his pleas, and cause issues to be joined in law or fact, to be tried instanter, or during the term, as the court may direct, by a jury or by the court, as the case may be, unless on sufficient cause shown it be neces- sary to continue the case, and the court shall give judg- ment as may be proper : And provided further , that the summary remedy thus given shall not preclude any other mode of redress which may be lawful to enforce the right of the bank. Si:c. 14. Be ij further enacted, That the said remedies given for the collection of debts due the bank shall be J^-'ai"" "^"" reciprocal ior and against the bank, and in motions against the bank, no certificate shall be rcrjuired to be fileil W'* above set forth, and the courts of record in the county in which snid bank is located, having jurisdic- tion, shall hear motions for the recovery of all debts due by said bank, and in nil suits against such corpora- 1862. 112 Fandamenlilar tkles. JUlabSHty. tion service of process on the president or cashier shall be sufficient to bring the defenthint into court. Sbc. 15. Be it further enacted, That the said bank slicill be subject to the foUowing rules and reguhitions,^ and they are dechired to be fundamental articles in the constitution of said corporation, to-wit : Articlk 1st. The bank shall not commence operations until half the capital stock subscribed for be actually paid, in gold or silver, which amount shall in no case be loss than one hundred thousand dollars. Article 2. That the stockholders in said bank shall be bound respectively for all the debts of the bank io^^ proportion to their stock holden therein, and this provi^f* sioM shall in no wise affect or impair the provisions of the twelfth section of this act. Article 3. That the batik shall not be authorized to issue or have in circulation, at one time, notes or bills of the bank to an amount exceeding twice the amount of the capital stock actually paid in, md in case of an issue greater than herein allowed, the president and di- rectors under whose administration it may happen shall be liable for the same in their natura-1 and private ca- pacities, and actions may be brought against them, or either of them, in any court, b}'^ any crediUir of said corporation, and may be prosecuted to judgment, any condition or agreement to the contrary notwithstand- ing; but the corporation shall not on acount of this provision be liable and chargeable with said excess : Provided, that the President and such ot snid directors who may have been absent, or dissentinsr, when said ex- cess was contracted or created, mny respectively cxon- < rate themselves from being so liable by forthwith giv- ing notice of the fact of their absence or dissent at n general meeting of the stockholders, which they shall have power to call for that purpose. KuLi<; 1. The bank may at its option receive in pay- Mav receive, but nieiit, or 00 deposit, the notes of the banks of the states, not pajr oui. ? r- ' , , , i <• j • but shall not pay out the same on loans, dratts or dis- counts. Rule 2. The bank shall be required to procure and keep on hand gold and silver in proportion, of not less than one-third of the amount of bills it shall have in circulation, and if withdrawn shall immediately proceed to replace the deficiencj'. Rule 3. The bank shall be required to receive money Proviso. Proportion of coin. 118 1802. on rlopoait ntul pay »>ntthos;ime toordor, freoof cliiiriro, siiaii nccive on in auch smii8 as the ie, ('Xce|it in case of sickness or necessary absence, in which case his place may be supplied by any other direetor, whom under his hatnl he shall depute f )r that purpose, and the directjoct to paj' taxes as it' held by iiulivi luals. Siic. 17. Be it farther enacted, That whenever any whon note* nai bills, notes, checks, or other issues of said bunk are ntar'ktT''pr" *** presented at the counter of the same for redemption, '^si^''" and the bank shall refuse to reileeni the same, either in gold or silver, the cashier shall write across the back of such l)ill, check, or other issue, the word "pi'otested," with the day find date, and shall sign the same, and all such bills, notes, checics, or other issues so protested, shall draw twelve per cent, interest from the date of such protest, an re- interest, sented to said bank and payment refused, and said oili- cer fail to note the same "protested," as above provided, such officer, so failing, and his securities, shall be sub- ^'*"^'''<*- ject to pay double the amount of tlie demand offered and refused, to be recovered by the person aggrieved in any (.-ourr of record in the county wlicre said bank may be located. Si:c. 18. Beit further enacted, That no stockholder ^^ , . ^, ^ • I I 1 1 ir • 1 -• II,. No loon to dlrrc- 01 said l)anK sliall receive any loan from the bank, ei- «■"■ ifeun* not ther directly or indirectly, until the whole amount of'" ^*"'' his stock shall be paid ; and no stockholder, while any portion of his stock is unpaid, shall be otherwise a debt!^"ifwmcilt ten diys, after pp.. per demand made for payment, the '*"'^"'^ hohler ot such debt may tile a bill in the chancery court of tht; county or district in which said bank is located, for the settlement of all the debts of the bank, if he elect so to do, and may on proo , by affidavit, of such refusal to pay on demand, and of the continuance of such refusal, made to any chancellor or judge of any circuit court of the state, pray an injunction to restrain said bank and all its oflicMs trom paying out, or in any way translerring or delivering to any person any money or n.>«set8 of said bank, or incurring any obligation or debt, until such order l)e vacated or mollified; and ifinj.-ietion may auch chancellor or judge shall be of opinion ihat the "" »'*"''^ 1862. 116 (lel)t. is jnstly due, and that tlie bank has no just defense aj^aiiist the demand, and if it shall a[)pear expedient and necessary, upon the proof jorcsented, in or-ler to prevent fraud and injustice, he siiall grant an order for proriso "'^^''^ injunction: Provided,, that the bank shall have had such reasonable notice of the application as the chan- cellor or judge may prescribe, and shall not be able to show sufficient cause against the same, and tlie said chancellor or judge shall then proceed further to in- quire, on such further notice as he may prescribe, whe- ther the bank be clearly solvent or not, and may require the officers of the bank to exhibit any and all of its books, papers, accounts, assets, moneys and efi'ects, and be examined on oath touching the same bctbre him, and if it shall appear th it said bank is not clearly sol- vent, then he may make an order declaring the same to be insolvent, and requiring its afl'airs to be wound up and settled ; and further, if, in his opinion the safety of the creditors shall require it, such judge or chancellor may •j[)point a receiver to take charge of the assets of the bank and to close and settle its afl'airs, and may make all such orders for the accomplishment of the ean)e safely, properly, and economically, as the case may require; but if^t shall appear on such examination that said bank is already solvent, or if there shall appear to be a deficiej)cy of assets, and tiie bank shall [irocure and give good security for the payment of any defi- ciency which may exist, and that the assets shall prove sutlicient to pay or satisfy all the debts of the bank, to tlie satisfaction of the judge or chancellor, then no such receiver shall be appointed, and upon the payment of the debt complained of, the injnnctiijn and proceedings shall be dismissed, and such oi'der shall bemadeforthe p.iyment of costs as the judge or chancellor shall deem proper and just, and the proceedings shall be returned iind macery court, under the order of court and rules of chancery, and full distribution shall be made of the assets 'according to the rights of \. il7 1862. all parties; Dut tne holders of bank notes aiul ol)lio;a- niii-hP\ricri pre- tions issne|»o- sition of its estate, real ami per:urp()ses above mentioned, and to survey, locate, and contract for the right of way through, or damages to said lands, or tenements, with the owners or managers of the lands along said river, and when the company and the par- ties owning, or controlling, an}' lands along the con- tempi ited river imiirovemeiits, cannot agree as to the damage, it sh;di be lawful to proceed in the assessment of said damages, as set forth in sections 9, 10 and 11 of an an act entitled '-An act to incorporate the Rus- sell Hail Road Company," approved February 10, 1852, b}' substituting, where the word rail road occurs, the words " river improvements." See pages 1G9 and 170 of Acts I80I-2. Skc. 4. Be it further enacted., That the capital stock Capital ^tock. of said company may be increased at the discretion of the board of directors, so as not to exceed, at any time, in.iivi.iuai lu- the sum of twelve hundred and tifty thousand dollars, *"'"*• divided into shares of one hundred dollars each ; the indivi/ the Senate card House of liejyre- se/ffatives of the State <>/ Alabama, in General Assembly convened, That 0. J. .McRao, ami such other persons, as now are, or may herejifter be, assocuited with him, for the purpose hereinafter ex)»ressc(l, are liereby Cou- stitnted a body cori»or!ite, with j»owor of continual sc^p- cession to them, their heirs and assigns, with power to sue, and be sued, contract and be contracted with, to hobl, alien, and convey, buy and receive real ami per- sonal estate of all kinds, and to have and to use a com- mon seal, and the srme to chauije, or alter, at will, to make and execute contracts, promissory notes, »lrafts, bills ert3' generally, to have and to use a common seal, and the same to change or alter at their pleasure, to make and to execute con- tracts, promissory notes, drafts and bills of excliange, and other obligations under seal, and not under seal, and with or without their corporate seal, all of which nhall bind the property and all the interests of said c«»rporation. Six. 2. Beit farthvr enacted, Tliat sais, be and they are hereby created a body ]iolitic and corporate, utider the corporate name of Hale and Murdock's Iron Name. Company, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any ccmrt of law or equity. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock Capital stock. of said corporation shall not exceiM five hundred thou- sand dollars, divided into shares of seventy-five d(>llar3 each. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said company shalP''""'"""'**'"'" be, and they are hereby authorized to manufacture iron from the ore, to refine the same, or to make generally any or all kinds of iron or iron wares. Si;c. 4. Be itfarlhrr cua-^tcd. That said company shall A'toBy-'*"'- be authorized to m:ike all needhil by-laws f«)r the man- agement of its business, property or effects, and the transfer of its stock, as in the judgment of said com- pany may seem best : Pron'ded, tlie same are not incon- sistent with the laws of this state, or the Confederate States. ,Si.;c. .5. Be it further enacted, That said company shall ^"° ''*"*''*•• be authorized to purchase, liold and enjoy stu-h an am<»unt of real estate as to them shall seem for their interest, not exceeding ten thousand acres. Si.c. 6. Be it furthir cimctcd. That whereas, the said comi»any has erected in the county of Fayette in this 1862. 124 state, and on section 20, township 15, rano;e 15, west, a blast furnace, that it shall not be lawful for any perrfon or persons to sell spirituous or vinous liquors within a distance of five miles from sai . ■ . t a>, >. i i style of the "Shelby Iron Company, and as sucli are declared, with all the rights, powers and privilfges granted in and b}^ the act aforesaid, and this amenda- tory act. Skc. 3, Be it further enacted, That said company shall May elect board i .1 • \ ^ ' 1 it 1 4.- . , „« of Directors. havc tlic right, lu sucIi manner and at such time or times as they may deem proper, to elect out of their number aboard of directoi'S, to consist of such number as the company may prescribe, to be increa-'ed ^ir di- wijat the board 1^1 ill is hed at the pleasure of the company. Said board, maydo, wlicu elcctcd, shall have the right to elect one of their number president of the board and of the company, 125 1863. the Torm or whose office will be commensurafe with that of the dirocf-ors electing him. Said bmii'd (sulject always to the control of the company, acting in meet- ing,) shall have the supervision and management of the business and affairs of the company, with power to elect or appoint all officers of the company, in addition to the presidenl, and to define and prescribe their qualiti- cations and duties, and to make, and alter at pleasure, all rules, regulations a.nd by-laws deemed proper and needful, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state or of the Confederate States. Skc. 4. Be it fnriha- en/ided, That each member of as to voungaad the corporation shall, at all meetings of the stockhold- ^i""''"™- ers, be entitled to one vote for every share of stock owned ; and to constitute a meeting of the stoekiiold- crs f>)r the transaction of business, a majority ot the stock of the company shall be represented l)y the stock- holders in person, or by proxy duly appointed in wri- ting ; the company, thus acting, shall have power to admit new members on such terms and conditions as maybe prescribey the Senate and House of Reprc- B^ntalivcs of (he Slate of Alabama in General Assembly conccncil. That William F. Cleveland, Jatnes Mealier, incorporaiore. John Morgan Brown, Trice Williams, John F. liawles, and their associates, be and they are hereby created a body corporate, by the name and style of the Mobile Name. and Three Mile Creek Plank Hoad Company, and bv that name may sue and be sued, and have, hold and own in their corporate name, property not to exceed in 1^?!),'" '°'^'" value over the sum of twenty thousand dollars. Src. 2. Be it farther enacted, That said company be, ajid tho.y are hereby authorised to grade and jdank thepowwi. road leading from Mobile, in the city and county of 1862. 126 Mobile, Alabamfi, in a northerly direction, known as the telegraph road, which said plank road shall oom- meno<3 on the north side of one mile creek, (or bayou MarnuU,) thence along said telegraphic road through the swamp, northwardly, to the south side of three mile creek; said road to he graded and planked twenty feet Avide, with good heart plank, at least three inches thick. And said company ai'e to keej) said road in thorough repair at all times tor public travel, for which they are hereby authorised to charge and collect a reasonable toll ; that if said company shall allow said road to get out of repair, or so as to be dangerous to travel for thirty days at any time, this charter may be declared forfeited, by the grand jury of said county. 8ec. 3. Be it farther enacted^ That said company be, ^'^^°'" ^'"'"■•and they are hereby authorised to straiten said road, if need be, also to take dirt from the adjacent lands to grade and perfect said road for reception of planking. Skc. 4. Be it further enacted^ That said corporation Ma-open books, i^jjp^gj ^,^ ^\^\^ charter be, and they are hereby author- ised to open books for stock in said road, and that the shares shall be one hundred dollars each, and each party subscribing shall at the same time pay down in cash the B-«iiat!on ^"'^^ often dollars per share upon the same; that when a suthcient amount of stock has been subscribed, as in the opinion of said corporators shall be sufficient to build the same, they shall call a meeting of stockludd- ers, and elect three of their number as a board of di- rectors, one of whom may be chosen by said board to act as president ; they shall hold elections annually, and make reports of the condition of the monetary affairs of the road. "JMie board elected shall hold office until their successors are duly elected. Said board shall have power to pass all by-laws, rules and regulations for said ccH'poration, which they may think necessary, and elect or apjioint all such agents as they may need, so that nothing is done to conilict with the state or Confederate laws. Sec. 5, Be it further enacted, That if any person shall r(jn.iuyfo-dam-^vilfQ]|y Q,. intentionally damage or obstruct said toll aging or obstiuc- "^ , .J • ^ ^ 3 Mng. gate, or house, belonging to said road and companj' road, they shall be subject to fine and impi'isonment, at the discretion of the jury trying the same; also that any person, who shall wilfully and intentioi.ally travel said road, and fail or refuse to pay the toll charged upon the 127 1862. eame, every such person shall be liable to five dollars damages, on a summons to appear belore any justice of the peace, who may try said case and award said danj- ao^es, for the use of said company, and the cost of said suit. Si:c. 6. Be it farther enacted, That said company are ^v borrow mo- hereby authorised to borrow money, upon tlie taith of"**^' said road, and may morri!:age the same therefor ; that any promissory' note or bill of exchange made by tho treasurer of the board and countersigned by the secre- tary, as such, in their olhcial character, when sued upon and judgment had, shall create a lien upon said road, for which the same may be sold if said deht is not paid. Sec. 7. Beit further enacted, Tliat said road is hereby *^"y pnrchaM* ,1.1, 1 , ■, , ,. ,.'' > ores at each authorised to procure, by purchase or by valuation of a end. jury of seven disinterested persons, at least two acres of land at each end of said road, for the erection of toll houses, gates, toll gatherers' residence, and may build suitable honses for the same. Sec. 8. Be it farther enacted, That the stockholders LUMruof shall only be liable for the amount of stock each one*'°'=''^°^"'"''- may subscribe, and the board of directors shall make all rules necessary for transfer of stock; but no stock- holder shall be authorised to dispose of his stock whilst indebted to the company. Sec. 9. Be it farther enacted. That at any annual "oardraarre- .• .1 t i' 1 1 I /• /> • ,. auire bonds. meeting the stocklioldcrs may require ot any ot its of- ficers, or the board of directors may also require of any of its ofiicers, bonds, with security-, for the faithful per- formance of their duties in otlice, and in the event of a failur'^ or forfeiture, may be sued and recovered upon. Sec. 10. Be itfarijier enaeied, That said company must "n'JeaT"''" build and complete waid rt^ad within two years from the approval of this bill, or this charter shall be null and void. Apj. roved November 7, 18G2. No. 111.] AN ACT ■^^ 'Mcorporate the Chewackla Lime Company. tJ.c. 1. Be it marled hi/ the Senate and House of Bep- resentaiives of tJie Slate of Alabama in General Asstmbly 1862. 128 incorpoiaforeK cciiveved, Thiit Cliai'les T. Pollard, Samuel G. Jone?, and William C. Yonge, their associates, ami such other per- sons as may hereafter be associated with them, and their successors be and they are lierehy constituted a body corporate, in fact and iu name^ under the style of the Chewackla Lime Company', and by that name shall be and are hereby made able and capable in law to have, purchase, receive, possess and enjoy, aiid realize to them and their successors, lands, rights, tenements, heredita- ments, goods, chattels and eti'ects, in any amount the body corporate may deem, necessary to carryall the ob- rowere, jects of said corporation into full force and efi'ect ; which objects are to mine lime rock and manufacture the same, and to keep up and lun such machinery as may be necessary to 'saw lumber and make barrels for the packing of said lime, and the. same to sell, devise, grant, alien and dispose of, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to answer and be answered, dv^'end ■ and be defended in all courts having jurisdiction, to make, use and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at pleasure. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said body corpor- BttmbcrSSs^^^ ®''''^' ^^^^® ^^'^ privilege of prescribing the amount of capital stock of said company, and the number of shares into which it shall be divided, the mode in which it shall be taken, paid, transferred or assigned, and also to provide the mode by which stockholders may vote; to authorise, establij^h and j)Ut into execution such by- laws, ordinances and regulations as ^'hey may deem. ne- cessary and expedient for the government of said cor- E oration, not being inconsistent with the laws of Ala- ama or of the Confederate States of America, and in general to do and execute all and singular the acts, matters and things which may be necessary to make Proviso. lime and sell the same: Provided, that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to authorise said company to do anything like banking. Approved December 0, 1862. ^ 129 1862. No. 115.1 ' ' ^^^' AK ACT ^mjmmmci. To incorporate the Southern Express Company. Sec. 1. Bz it enacted by the Senate and House of Hepre- sentatkes of the State of Aaibama in General Assembb/ convened, That C. M. Furnian, C. V. ChaniberhTin, S. C. J. A. Ilartnan, B. F. Fickliii, Va.; F. W. Dillard/"^"^'^'"""''- John E. Bacon, Ga.; Thomas II. Watts, GeorEC, 4/ Be it further enacted, At the iirst meetino;of the said board of directors, after their election, they shall elect <»ne of their number as president of thesahl corpoi'ation, and may elect a vice-president, ami such other otKcers as they may deem advisable; the direc- tors of this company shall iiold tlieir otric^s for one year, and until their successcu's are elected. 8iic. 5, Be it fiii titer enacted, In case it shall at any failure to ouct.' time happen that an election ot directors be not made at the time desiv that purpose they shall have access to tlje stock list, and transfer books of said com- l>any,"and all information necessary to the giving such notice. Sec. G. J3e it further erionted, That the directors of such company shall have power to make and ])reseribc fiuch by-laws and regulations as they shall deem [proper, resj^)ecting the management and di.-[)ositiou of the j>ro- pei-ty and estate ot such ctmipany, the duties of the officers, agents, artificers and servants by them to be eiuployod ; to appoint such and so many ofHcers, clerks and servants, for carrying on the business of said com- pany, and with such salaiy or wages as to them shall seem rQHsav.nhlo: Provided, howevtr. That such by-laws be not inconsistent with any existing law of the State or Confederate governn)cnt. Sec. 7. Be it .further enacted. The said company shall have power to do an express traus[)ortation business, by land or by water, for the carrying of goods, wares, ftnvem I'roviBO Fowors aa to ex- 131 18G2. _ anil moivliatulise of all kiixU, sold and silver coin, i>aiik jipaott's, and i>;cnei\iliy all snuh other descriptions of coii- Veyan»c of property ns may Ue required or advisable, from, to and between any place in the C«)nfederato States, by their own conveyance, or tliose of other per- sons; ;iiid to create atid orijanize branch ai;encies for the sMiiie purpose, and to hire, establish and maintain storehouses, warehotises, and other biiildin;^s, and to purchase lands to bnild thereon such storehouses, ware- houses, and other buildings, as m;iy be required forthe safe kccpiiii:!^ of itny thing intrnsteproved December 4, I'^G'i. No. IIG.] AN ACT To incorporate the Mobile and South-Western llailroatl Company. Skc. 1, Be it rnnrtcd Jnj the Senate nnd House of Bepre- acnfa/ivcs of the State of Al"^•'•• Fro-st, .Fohn Scott, C. C. Langdon, J. M. Withers, and C. K. Foote, with such other persons as shall associate with them for that [mrpose, are constituted a body i»o- 1862. 134 litic niul corporate by tli.e name of tlie Mobile ;ind nmo*. South- Western Railroid Company, iind by timt name to puc and he sued, ple.ul and be imi)!eiided ; to make and have a common scid, and the same to break, alter and i-enew at pleasuixv; and this comi):iny is hereby vested with all the privile^ces, powers and immnnities which are or may be necessary to carry into ettVct the purposes and objects or this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said comnanv is hereby authorizi^d and empowered to survey, locate, construct, complete, alter, maint.iin and oi)erate a rail- road, with one or more tracks or lines of rails, fiom the ciry of Mobile to the dividing line between the states of Alabama and Mississijipi, in a southwesterly direc-, tion, towards the city of New Orleans, and a Inanrh of said railroad with one or more tracks to deep water in the bay of Mobde, on such routes as may l)e deemed most expedient, and to traiisi)ort, take, carry [iroiierty and persons on said railroad and branch i)y the [lower and force of steam, oi' animals, or of any other mechan- ical (jr other power, or any combination (»f them, which said com[»anynniy choose to ap))ly ; and fcu' the pur- pose of constructing said railroad and branch, the said company is hereby authorized to lay out its road throughout the length not exceeding one hundred feet VMik. wide, and for the purposes of depots, machine shops, wart houses, engine houses, water stations ami wood sheds, and the buildings necessary for the business of the road, cuttings, enibankments, and for the pur[)Ose flJiwjtaaTortone of iieccssaiy tum-outs, and lor obtaining stone and B«veuaudiand.^^,|..^^.^^l^ iiuiy take as much nnn-e land as 'nniy be neces- sary for the coiistnietioii and security of said road and branch, with the permission to make any lawlul con- tract with ai.y other railroad corporation in relation to 'S]i!"K^c*oi.'.'* the business of said company; and also to make j<«int 1^^^ stoi'k with any other railroad corporations: Frocided, that all the damages that may be occasioned to any per- son i>\' corporation by the taking of any such land or materials aforesaid, for the j)ur(iose aforesaid, shall be paid for by said company in the manner htreinaltcr ju-o- vided. - .^. . ^ Sec. 3. J3c it farther enact(d, That the capital stock Oiij>1tnt slock. „ . , 1111 • II • IK 1 • 1 or said company shall l)e one million dollars, wliicn may be increased Ironi time to time to any sum not ex- ceeding the entire amount ex[iended on account of said 135 18G2. road and hraMC!ii, to he divided into sliaro:^ of one 1inn-„., drud (l<)lliii\s em-ii, wliicli sli;irGssli;ill bo dei'moc'rty, and tn:iy 1)0 transt'orred in sncli manner and snch |d;icos as tliu by-laws of said company may direct : proviso. P/'ovide-J, tU:\t said company mav commence tlic con- ...... ,„ etrnction of said road with all the powers ami privileges mencf. contained in this act, whenever the sum snl)serii)eaiiy ; a majority of the directors shall be a quorum for the transaction of business ; they shall annually elect one of their numi)er to be jtresidentof the board, who shall officers, also be president of said company; they shall also an- nually elect one of their number to be vice president of the boani, who will art as president whenever le- quire(J ; they shall als(> annually cho«)se a secretary, and 8ucli other officers as they may deem necessary, and a treasurer, who shall give bond with security to said Company in such sums as the directors may require for the faithful ayment of the damage then assess- ed against such iM)mpany, and in case of [lersons absent or unknown as aforesaid, the placing of the amount, of damaijf 'S to the cr.;(lir of the owner in tiie hands of the judge of probate of the county in which such lands lie, shall be deemed and taken as payment, and such judges shall he liable on their bonds to make due payment of said money on demand. Sec. 11. Be it fii'iher enacied, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff to appoint and hold said inquest within ten da^-s after the recei[)t of said writ ad quod damnum, except in case of absence as aforesaid, in wliicli case thirty days shall be allowed him, and five days ad- ditional are allowed him for every additi'mal jnry which he may have under said writ; and for evei'y default tljerein, that said sherifi: shall be fined by the circuit court, at the instance ot either party, not less than twenty or more than one hundred dollars, and eveiy juror and witness so summoned, unless excused by the circuit court, shall be fined not more than ten dollars for non-attendance, and all such fines, as well a^* costs, the circuit court of the county shall have jurisdiction ; there shall be allowed the followingfees to the clerk of Dnty of theriff. the circuit court : fn' every writ of a(Z Q'lod damnum, ^^^^.^''^^'^l'^^^'^ seveiiry-tivo cents ; for rcc'lvin:^ jiinl liliiiu; iiKjuest, scv- eiity-tiveceiits ; totlie slioritt for ^iviiii;- ii<»ti«-e, sevoiity- five cents, besides i)rinter'.s fees, not exceedini;; two dol- lars; in each case for Iioldinu; inquest, live didlars, and euninioning witnesses, twenty-tive cents each ; to jurors seventy-live cents each per diem, which are nut aHowed until a verdict be returned and filed, and shall be ttxed in the bill of costs and paid by the company : Proci'lcd, Provisc. howrc<'i\ that before applic;ition for said writ the said company may make a tendei' to the owner or owners of any sucli lands a sum of money by the n (b-emcd equiv- alent to the damage to be sustained, and upon I'efusal to accept the sum tendered, and a verdict for the sanve amount, or less sum, the costs shall be taxed to and pai::ment whieh may be rendered agiiinst it on ajtpeal. fcJKC. ID. Be it further eitactcd, That the trial of Mich .^., , , appeal sliall be ae nov}, and it the corporation is the appellant and the damages assessed is eqiiabto or great- er than found (til the |trevious in(pie«t, the appellant must j>ay the costs and the court nia\- auani (himages not exceeding ten jier cent., if of o[tinion that the ap- peal was taken merely for (Kday. 8i;c. 14. Be it further cmtcted. That in case tin- ap- peal is not taken by the corporation, and the ap(iellant l^'f^cu'ion^'y does not recover more damages than Wiis assessed to liim in the previous inquest, judgment for costs must be given against him; in su<:h appeals, when tli<' Judg- ment is ag.iiust the apiiellant, exccuiioii im;i\' issue against his seertrity. Si:c. 1.). licit furtJier enf operitiom or •I'll • 1 ■ 1 coiiipanT not 1o said railroad com[tany in surveying, locating and ctni- bo djayed. structnig the roads, or otlnr work, t^h.ill in no wise be dela3-e 1-1 n belonging to the state or Alabama, the rigiit or way through said lands, one hundred feet wide, is hereby gi'anted tor said railroad and branch to said company free of charge, and in case of cuttings and embank- ments, gravel earth, warehouses, engine houses or oth- er necessary buildings, and ot turn-out^, and as much more land as is necessary, is hereby granted free of chai"ge. powerto issue Si:c. 20. Bc it furtJie''' enacted, 'X\\^t for the puri)ose of bonds. raising funds, from time to time, for the construction ior said rail road and its branch, and the purchase of iron and other materials to be used thereon, said com- panv are liereby authorised to issue, negotiate, pledge, hypothecate and sell its bonds, in sums and at rates of 141 1862. interest which may be deemed most expedient by the board of directors, the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds to be secured as the board of di- rectors may think best. Sec. 21. Be it farther enacted, Tliat when any por-^, ^^^^u, ^^ tion of the stock subscribed to said rail road company atock. shall be called for, by the directions of the board of di- rectors, and notice of said call shall have been given for more than thirty days, that such call has been made, and specifying the per centum of stock so called for, and the time when payment is required, either by per- sonal notice to the stockhohlers, or by publicati<»n in some newspaper published in the city of Mobile, if any stockholder shall foil to pay the call so made at the time required, such stockholder ma^' be proceeded against by a motion made in the circuit court of the county of the residence of j^aid stockholder, for the amount of stock so remaining unpaid ; which motion shall belli writing, signed by an attorne3'at law, and shall set forth the call so made, notice given, the amount ofproceedingr stock subscribed by said stockholder, and the amount remaining utipaid upon such stock so called for, and the term of the court at whicii the motion will be made; the sheritl' of the couniy shall serve the notice and make his return thereon, and for his services shall be entitled to the same fees that are allowed sheriffs for like servi- ces in the execution of summons and complaints under the general law. The clerk shall docket the case in its proper order, and for his services in this case shall be allowed the same fees to which he is entitled for like services in other cases under the general law. If the motion so made is executed more than twenty days V»e- fore the term of the circuit court to which it is return- able, the case shall stand lor trial at the iirst term after its issuance; if executed wilhin twenty days hef.'i'o such term, it shall not stand for trial until the next en- suing term of said court. All the rules of pleading and evidence applicable to actions of assumpsit, under the Code of Alabama, are applicable to [»roceedings under this section of this act, except that the certiti- cntes of the secretary of s;iid company, accompanied Avith the seal of the company, shall be evidence of the :;»Mi/,ation of the company, of the by-laws, ruh's and ; ^^ulations, and of the proceedings of the company, of the calls made, from time to time, by the action of the 1862. 142 directors (if tlie company, niid of tlio nr.ionnt pubscribcd to the stoi'k thereof b^^ uiiy stoekhohler, iirid tlic iiinount due and unpaid on sneh subscription at the time such call was made orbecnmedne; arid upon tlie produetion of suel) cortiticate, if no ]dea is entered by way of de- fense, oi' if the plea is withcb'awn, tlie court lieariug such motion, shall enter judo-ment finpd by default, or nit dicif, as tlie case may be, for tlie amount so certified to be due with intei'C-^t thereon ; such certificate shall be evidence on the tri;d of any issue joined upon such mt>tion, unless the defendant makt's onth at the time of fiiiuij^ his i)lo;>, that be believes the jdea to be true, and fifives notice that other evidence will be required; but in all oases the defendant may adduce lawful pi'oof to contradi(.-t such certificate. AH issues of fact joined upon such notice, are to be tried us other civil actions by jury. Si:c. 22. Be it farther cnacicd^ That in all proceedings Bccurity for commenced under the provisions of this act, security •°"*" f(.r cost must be lodired with the clerk of tin; circuit court of the county in which the suit is instituted, be- fore sueli proceediui; is commenced. 8ec. 23. Bell farther enacted. That in all cases com* tU°/'"'"^^°^neMeed under the provisions of section 21 of this act, cither party mr.y have a change of venue, to the nearest county free from exceptions, upon a))plication made, and snfiicicnt cause shown by afiidavit, as in ordinary ci\il cases. As toconM-ua. ^lic. 24. Be it farther euaeted, That the Mobile and lion of road." Southwestern Kail Road Company shall have full power to make all lawful agreements, or negv)tiations, with any dther rail road company within or without the lim- its of this state, for the purpose of constructing, main- taining and oi)erating a cmitinuous lail road or rail roads from Mobile to New Orleans, in and through the states of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, wiientocom- Sec. 25. Be U farther enacted, That this company mence. shall coiumeuee the construction of the rail road within three years from the date ot the declaration of peace between ithe Confederate States and the United States of America, otherwise this charter shall be forfeited. Si:c. 26. Be it farther enacted, That all laws contra- vening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Ap[>roved DecciLber 5, 1862. 143 1862. No. 117.] AN ACT " In ivhition to llio Sclma nnc] Gulf Rail Road Company and llio Bi'oad Struct Ilotci Conii)aiiy of JSeliiia. Sec. 1. Be it enacfed by the Si-naie and House of Hep- resenfativc of the State of Alabama in (icneral As-semhli/ anu'ciKd, Tli.it wlu-tvas, the work of tho Sclma anil ^'■'"'°^"'- Gulf Rail Road Company, aad tho Broad street Hotel Company of Sehna, bi)th oPiXtinizcd and actinoj hereto- • fore under charters granted hy this state, has been sua* ftemlcil in cnnsecpiem-c of the existing War ; and wIkM'c- as, it is diffienit y the constructicm of said dupot of said coni- panies, and direct or side tracks to such depot, and the right of way which may be required by said railroad; and in ascertaining and assessing the damages and pro- ceedings necessary to be had on the trial by the jury,, all the provi-iions of section ■'), of an act to an^cnd the charters of the Alabama and Tetinessee Rivers Hailr.»ad Company, approved 10th Feb., 1852, which are !(]>ji!i- 10 1862. 146 cable, arc hereby re-cnactod and made applicable to this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said jury in exe- Juiv must con- .. • • /_ i 1 1 x i • \ • ^ ' ^^ t skier. cuting such writ shall take into consideration the ad- vantnaes and additional value which the construction of said railroad may, or has .i^iven, to lands and other property of owners of the land embraced in such writ, adjacent and near to said depot and tra(;ks, as well as the injury said lands and other property may sustain by its construction through, upon, or near which it may be constructed. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted. That in the event any Titie to vest in fiUch proceedings by writ of ad quod damnum shall have tho^c.Knpaaics*o i^ggj^ instituted^ by any two or more, and not all of said railroad companies, and the value of the lauds so as- sessed shall be paid by the said corporations so institu- ting such writ, then the title to such lands so valued shall vest in the railroad companies so sueing out such writ of ad quod damnum: Provided, that thereafter any other of said corporations who may not have joined in such writ, or may not have paid their proportion of the daniages assessed, by paying their proportion of the damages and cost for the depot, together with theirpro- portion of all expenses for improvements made upon such depot grounds, and interest thereon may become How oth* com- equal joint owners in such depot grounds, and shall. oomrjorn7own- ^1^^© tlic right to suo out writs of ad quod damnum for e"' extension of tracks to such depot under the same re- strictions, except that it may be su-ed out in the name of one or more of said corporations "as is provided in this act for sueing out writs of ad quod damnum for the common depot grounds. • As to title of Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That Avhen the said lands land for '^■^'='^''- g]j{j| J huvc bccu SO condemucd for depot and side or di- .\H to title of rect tracks, that the title to the land for tracks shall <-oiiiiMoii depot vest each in the railroad company, for whose use they are respectively designed, and the -land for the depot shall vest in all the said railroad companies upon the conditions above provided, and the use of such portion of it shall be exclusive and such in common as shall be designated and agreed upon by said railroad compa- nies, and in the event they cannot agree, then each part shall be exclusive and such in common as shall be right ami equitable. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall not 147 1862. be construed to interfere in any way with the right of now not to be said railroad companies to depots and rights of way in c^n^iruea. the city of Selma, under their present charter. Approved November 28, 1862. No. 120.] AN ACT Supplemental and to amend an act to amend the char- ters of the Alabama and Tennessee Rivers Railroad Company, the Alab;nna and Mississippi Rivers Rail- road Company, the Selma and Gulf Railroad Com- pany, and the Western Railroad Company, approved November 28, 1862. Sec. 1. Be it enacted bi/ the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assenibbj convened, That the act of this legislature specified in the ca[)tion of this act, approved 28th November, 1862, be and the same is amended by striking out the final letter "s" where it occurs in the word ''Rivers," after '-*"" '^" ^''''ct cn out. the word "Alabama and Tennessee," where they occur in said act, so as to read "the Alabama and Tennessee River Railroad company," the title of said company being misnamed in said act. Approved December 6, 1862. No. 121.] AN ACT To amend the charter of the Tennessee and Alabama Central Railroad Company, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted Inj the Senate and Hoitss of Hcp- rescntatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That for the purpose of better developing the mineral resources of the State, the Tennessee and Ala- bama Central Railroad Company, or their lawful as- signs, the Mountain liailrcad Contracting Company, are hereby empowered to construct branch railroails, ,*'''y'c<'^<^'>iiaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That after the passage of this act, the follow- ing persons shall be liable to work on, clear out, and repiiir the public roads in the county of Choctaw, to-wit ; all free white male persons between eighteen and forty- five years of age, and all male slaves and other male persons of color over sixteen and under sixty years of ao-e. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That no person speci- fied in this act shall be exempt from road duty, except ministers of the gospel, who are regularly engaged in their pastoral duties, and the apportioners on roads; said apportioners to be exempt only for each year that they actually and punctually serve as such, any law to .the contrary notwithstanding. Approveil November 18, 1862. 153 1862. ]^o. 133.] AN ACT Te authorize the pnblicatioiis of Choctiiw county to be made in the city of Mobile. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liep- reseniatices of the State of Alabama in General Assembly conccned, Tliat after the passago of this act it shall he lawful for the officers of the different courts hold in Choctaw county, as well as executors, administrators and guardians, to make publication in any newspaper printed \n the city of Mobile, whenever there is no weekly newspaper printed witiiin the limits of said county, an}' law to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved November 20, 1802. No. 134.] AN ACT To provide for the election of county treasurer of Coosa county bj' the people. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by ilic Senate and House of Hepre- sentatwcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ■E\ect\on of ua- convened, That the county treasurer of Coosa county pi'""" ^'^''''''°"' shall be elected by the qualified voters of said county, on the first Monday in August, 18G3, and every three Term of office, years thereafter, and shall file his bond with the proper securities, and enter upon the discharge of liis duties v.'ithin ten days after said election. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That sliould any vncan- C}' occur in the said office of county treasurer, prior to How vacancy u> the said first Monday in August, 1863, or at aii}-- time ''* ""'"^' thereafter, the judge of [>r()l)ate shall convene the cora- niissioners court of ?aid county at as earl}* a day as prac- ticable, to fill said vacancy by appointment, which ap- pointment, which aiijtointment shall be for the unex- pired term and until the successor is duly cpuilified. Ap[iroved Novcml)er 26, 1802. . 1862. 15 ^ No. 135.] AN" ACT To amend an act entitled an act to amend the Mechan- ics' lien law of Dallas, Pike and Coosa counties. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in' General Assembly ^Bg'a nen!^"^°'' c<^^^^^^*^5 That any person having a lien under the pro- visions of the above entitled act, mpy enforce the same in the following manner: He may tile a petition iti the circuit court of the county in which the property issit- mted, upon which the lien is to be enforced, setting out the amount and nature of his debt for which he claims a lien describing the property on which he as- serts a lien, stating the name or names of the owners or claimants of the property, and of the debtor, show- ing that his claim was presented and recorded as re- quired by said act, and that the same, or some part thereof, within the jurisdiction of the court, remains unpaid, and praying for a sale of the property described to satisfy the debt on the filing of such petition ; the clerk must issue notices thereof to all the persons named therein, as owners or claimants of the property described, and to the debtor requiring them to appear at the next term of the court, and show cause why the prayer of the petition should not be granted, which no- tices shall be served by the sheriff, or other proper offi- cer; when the notices are returned executed, the par- ties notified may make any proper defence, by plea or answer to the petition, if no plea or answer be filed at the first term of the court after the return of the no- tices "Executed", the court may render judgment by default for the amount alledged in the petition, which may be proved to be dues, condemn the propertj^ de- scribed in the petition to be sold for the payment there- of, and the costs of the proceedings, and order execu- tion accordingly, which execution shall run against the goods and chattels of the debtor, as well as against the particular property ordered to be sold ; if a plea or an- swer be filed, an issue shall be made up under the di- rection of the court, which may be tried either by the court or jury, as the parties may agree, or by a jury, if the parties do not agree, aiul the court shall render judgment and award execution, i>i accordance with the verdict; but if the verdict and judgment be for the pe- 155 1862. titioner, the execution shall run as above directed in case of judgment by default. Sec. 2. A7id he it further enacted, That the fees of the , , 1 1 -/I. ii r • ' 1 Fees of officer* clerk and sheriii, or other omcer, tor issuiiio; and sorv- underfills act. ing the notices required by this act, and tor all other services rendered in the proceedings authorized l)y this act, shall be the same as in proceedings by complaint and summons to recover debts. Sec, 3. And be it further enacted, That the remedy here- Romedy merely by given shall be cumulative merely, and any person *'"™"'*"'^'^" having a lien under the provisions of the act of which this an amendment may enforce the same in a court of chancery notwithstanding this act. Sec. 4. And he it further enacted, That no proceeding no prior or sub- or sale under the provisions of this act shall irnp^ii' or ^,^^^^"g*;j''^'j.''"^™- destroy any prior or subsequent lien under the act of stroyed. which this is an amendment. Approved JSovember 8, 1862. No. 136.] AN ACT To authorize the Court of County Commissioners of Fayette and Morgan counties to levy a tax on Dogs. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houf>e of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Authority to convened, That. the court of county commissioners of '*''^'" Fayette and Morgan countie?, are hereby authorized, if they deem it expedient, to levy a tax on all dogs, over and above two, that may be owned by any family in said counties. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said tax shall be assessed and collected by the assessors and collectors of said counties, and when collected shall be apjiropriated xaximwiobo to the support of the indigent families of volunteers in 'p'""''"''*'^- said counties. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, The tax so assessed by the court of county commissioners shall not exceed one Taxnoitoex- dollar for each dog over and above two owned by any family in said counties. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted^ The dogs owned by any 1862. 156 Explanatory. oiiG member of the family, either white or black, shall be considered as belonging to the family. Approved December 6, 1862. ^o. 137.] AN ACT To change the boundary line between the Counties of Jefferson and Shelby. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in Gendral Assembly comened, That the boundary line between the counties of Jefferson and Shelby be so changed as to include William S. Earnest and his residence in the county of Jefferson. Approved December 4, 1862. No. 138.] AN ACT To authorize certain officers of Jefferson county to make publication in the newspapers of Selma. Sec. ] . JBe it enacted by the Senate and Hovse of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama hi General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for the probate judge, register in chancery, clerk of the circuit court, sheriff, and all ex- ecutors and administrators, and guardians, of Jefferson county, to make all publications required to be made by them respectively, either in the newspapers, pub- lished at Selma Alabama, or in those now designated by law. Approved November 24, 1862. No. 139.] AN ACT To hold a special Term of the Chancery Court in the county of Jefferson. . Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- 167 1862. sentathies of the S die of AUdmma in General Assembb/ convened, That it shall be the flnty of the chancellor of the middle chancery division, of the State of Alabama, and he is herebv required to.hold a special term ol the court of chancery, for the twenty-second (22) chancery district, middle division of Alabama, on the fouth (4) Monday in December, 18G2, which court shall continue to be held and adjourned, from day to day, until all the business of said chancery court is disposed of; and should said chimcellor not open said court, on said fourth (4) Monday, it shall be lawful for him to open and hold the same on the Tuesday or Wednesday fol- lowing. Approved Koveraber 20, 1862. No. 140.] AI:^ ACT To detach Macon county from the Middle, and attach it to the Southern Chancery Division ; and to de- tach Sumter county from the Southern, and attach it to the Middle Chancery Division. Sec. 1. Be it enadnd by the Senate and House of liep- resenfaiives of the State of Alabama: in General Assembly &s io itacor.. convened, That the county of Macon be, and the same is hereby detached from the middle and attached totlio southern chancery division ; and that the county of Sumter be detached from the soutliern and attached to the middle chancery division. Sec. 2. ^^'^i^^etY/^fW/tercnac^ec?,' That the chancellors of the middle and sonthern chancery division may fix^'*"^'"™'^''- the time for holding their chancery courts in the said counties of Macon and Sumter, by giving due notice thereof bv pul)lication in a newspaper. Approved November 28, li<62. 158 AN ACT To authorize the commissioners' court of Macon county to appropriate a certain amount of the taxes levied for coudt}- purposes, to the support of the indigent families of volunteers, &c. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives' of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the commissioners' court of Macon county be, and they are hereby authorized to appropri- priate sixty-live per cent, of the taxes assessed for coun- ty purposes, to the support of indigent families, in Ma- con county, of volunteers, or conscripts, in the service of the Confederate States from said county, under such rules and reguletions as said court may from time to time establish. Approved November 7, 1862. No. 142.] AN ACT To require the County ^Treasurer, of Marshall county' to register certain claims against the county of Mar- shall. Sec 1 . Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilotise of Hep- resentatives of the State of Alahaina in General Assembly convened, That the county treasurer of Marshall county is hereby required to register the county claims of Thomas J. Cockron, late sheriff of said county, when said claims have been approved by the probate judge of said county, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved November 7, 18G2. No. 143.] AN ACT To legalize the action of the Court of County Commiss- ioners of Marshall, Fayette and Barbour counties, in levying a special tax for t;he support of the families of soldiers. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Idolise of JReprc 169 1862. senfaiivcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Duty or tax coi- convencd^ That any action of the courts of county com- '''°'°"' ty commissioners of Marshall, Fayette and Barbour counties, had since the last session of this assembly, having; for its object the levy of a special tax upon the taxalile property in said counties, for the support of the families of soldiers in the service of the Confederate States, or of this State, be, and the same is liereby le- galized ; and it shall be the duty of the tax collectors for said counties to collect and pay over as speedily as practicable, to the judges of probate of said counties I'espectively, so much of said special tax as shall not have been voluntarily [)aid ^by the tax payers, against whom the same may have been assessed. Approved November 5, 1862. No. 144.] AN ACT To change the time of holding the Circuit Courts in ^ Marion, Walker and Winston counties, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ihp- resentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly j^^ lo Marion cojivened, That from and after the passage of this act, county. tiie county of Marion be detached Irom the fourth ju- dicial circuit, and attached to the third judicial circuit; and that the county ol Winston be detached from the third judicial circuit, and attached to the fourth judicial circuit. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That the time of hold- Kimr- oriioMinc ing the circuit courts shall here^ifter be, in the county <'"""! '" "*''' of ^Marion on the- seventh Monday after the first Mon- day in March and Scjitcmbcr, anciniay hold one week; and in the county of Walker on the eighth Monday after thw first Monday in March and Sciitember, and may hold one week; and in the county of Winston on the ninth Monday after the first Monday in March and Septeml)erj and may hold one week. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, That all PXPcutions, j.jjp^„„^„, ^^,i writs, suliixrnap, bonds, and process of every kind,*^c. made returnable lo any of said courts, at the times now whco wiurmbie provided by hny, shall be and the same arc hereby made 1862. 160 rctuniaWe to said circuit courts at the time prescribed by this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted^ That all laws aud parts of laws, contravening the provi.'^iou of this act, be and the_sanie are hereby repealed. Approved November l^i, 1862. No. 145.] AN ACT To enable the corporate authorities of the city of Mo- bile to levj^ an additional tax on real estate for Mu* nicipal purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy ike Senate and House of Rep- reseiit'atives of ike State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the corporate authorities of the city of Mobile are hereby authorised to levy an additional tax of not exceeding twenty cents, on each one hundred dollars in value of the real estate of said city, to that now authorized by law, the same to be collected as other taxes on real estate are collected in said city, and to be used for municipal purposes t Provided^ That this act shall continue in force for twelve months from, tho date of its passage, and no longer. Approved. Dec. 8th, 1862. N"o. 146.] AN ACT To authorize the judge of probate of Mobile county, to remove his office records to a place of safety, and for other purposes. Section. 1. JBe it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep- resentalwcs of the. State of Alabama in General Assembly . convened, That the judge of probate, of Mobile county, be and he is hereby authorized to remove the papers, books, and records of his oilice, to a place of safety, whenever he shall deem said removal necessary to pre- serve them from the public enemy. Sec. 2. Jie it further enacted, That said judge of pro- bate shall have the right to perform all the duties of 161 1862. his office in any county of this State, to which tlic papers, books, and records of his office, riiay be removed under tliis act. Approved December 5, 18G2. No. 147.] AN ACT To amend An act for the iniprovenicnt of the Buy and Harbor of Mobile. Section 1. Be U enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatwes of "the Slate of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That so much of the ret for the improvement of tlie bay and liarbor of Mobile, approved February 21, 1860, as provides that onc-tifth part of the revenue As to ihedispo- that may herc^aftcr be annually collected in the county flfih""a'^io 'Si of Mobile, for the use of the State, should be relin- quished, and donated to the presidetit-and commission- ers of revenue of Mobile county, be and the same is hereby repeale 1, and the tax collector is required to ac- count for, and pay over, the said one-fifth in the same manner that the balance of State tax, for said county of Mobile, is paid over and accounted for. Ap[)roved Beceraber 5, 1862. No. 148.] AN ACT To amend An act entitled An act to protect the Elec- tion Franchise 'in Municipal Elections in the city of ^Ii'bile, a[tproved 5th December, 1861. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the Stale of Alabama in General Assembly Amcn.ici a% to eonrenrd. That the above named act be, and is herebv so 'P'"''!""^"^ "^ d\ , . , . ,,1 *' . Ciinimissloncrs. ed as to require the ap]»ointraent ot the commis- sioners therein namcy^, and a registration of the names of the voters, every three years, viz : next preceding the general election in saWl city, instead of annually as i« provided by said act, to which this is an amendment, the first appointment of commissioners and registra- tion, to ho niade before and from tlio election to be JJ^:"/* *"*" II 1 1862. 162 . holilcii on the first Monday in December, 1864, and every three years thereafter, in the manner provided by said act. Approved November 3, 1862. No. 149.] AN ACT To authorise the enrollment of the Creoles of Mobile. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That certain persons of mixed blood, residing roUe'.r'"''^^""in the city and county of Mobile, commonly known as Creoles, be and the same are hereby antjiorised to be enrolled as militia for the defense of the citj'and county of Mobile, if in the opinion of the mayor of the city it is expedient. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the enrollment. , authorised by the first section of this act shall be made to be made. as follows, to-wit : thc mayor shall enroll each male Creole between the ages of eighteen years and fifty years, who wishes to be enrolled; he shall then divide them into suitable companies, and appoint some dis- creet white men as commissioned officers to command said companies. Said companies shall be confined ex- clusively to the defense of the city and county of Mo- bile, and shall be under the command of the military authorities in the city of Mobile. Approved November 20, 1862. No. 150.] AN ACT To provide for the defense of Mobile. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- 7'esentatives-of the Slate of Alabama in General Assembly Five hundred convcned. That the sum of five hundred thousand dol- liioiisand dollars , 1,1 <• 1 ' • 1 1 ai)i)roi.riatta. lars, or SO much thereof as may be. necessary, is hereby approi)nated to the defense of Mobile, under the direc- tion of the governor, to be drawn on his warrant on the state treasury, as provided for by clause 3, section 3 of 163 1862. an act entitled "an act making appropriations for tlie military defense of the state," approved Htlr February, 1861. Approved November 8, 1862. No. 151] AN ACT To authorise the Commissioners' Court of Monroe count}' to levy a special tax. Si:c. 1. Be it enadcd hy the Senate and Hoiise of liep- resenfatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the court of county conimissioners of Monroe county is hereby authorised to levy a tax, not exceetliniii; one hundred per cent, on the state tax, for the support of indigent families of volunteers. Approved December 6, 1862 No. 152.] AN ACT To authorise the corporate autlioritics of the city of Montgomery to control and improve the grounds around the capitol. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Ttepre- sentatircs of the State of Alabamd in General Assembly convened, That in case the corporate authorities of the city of Montgomery shall hereafter purcliase the vacant lots- immediately north of the cafiitol grounds, the said autliniiiies arc hereby authorised, from and after said purchase, to take and keep the fhargc and custody of the grounds of the state around the cajiitol, for the pur- pose of improving and adorning those grounds, and preserving the improvements and adornments they may make, and to make rules and regulations to carry out the object of this act : Provided^ however, that tlie chartfc and custody, and rules and regulations of said corporate authorities, in relation to said grounds around the cap- tol, shall at all times be subject to modification or au- iiulnicnt by the governor or by the general assembly. Aii[troved November 25,1862. 1862. 164 Ko. 153.] ^ A'S ACT To change the Boiinchny Line between Montgomerj and Pike counties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly' convened. That the county boundaries between the counties of Montgomery and Pike be so changed, as to embrace within the territory of Montgomery, the resi- dence of Johnathan T. Thomas. Approved November 2i:^, 1862. No. 151.] AN ACT To define the fees of tlie Justices of the Peace and Con- stables in the city ot Montgomery. Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by tne Senate and House of Bcp- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened.^ That from and after tiie passage of this act, justices of the peace, constables and jurors, on the trial P***- by jury before justices of the peace, in beats numbers 4 and 5 hi the city of Mo?itjzomery, shall be entitled to the following fees for their services, in civil cases in the following particulars, viz : justices of the peace, for each appeal bond, 75 cents, .veniri facias, 75 cents, each sub- poena for witness, 25 cents, swearing jury, 25 cents, each day presiding, extra, ^1 50; constables, for summoning jury, ^1 50, summoning each witness, 50 cents, attend- ing on trial each day, $1 00 ;. jurors, for attending on trial each day, ^1 50 ; all of which shidl be tMxed agiiinst the unsuccessful party in the suit in which the same may accrue. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws relative to Certain! a>vsTe-jury trials bcforc j usticcs of the [leace, conflicting with '^'^^'^ ' the foregoing, arc hereby repealed. Approved December 8, 1862. Ff Alabama in General Assembly wHi?iVhaif mile ^^'^^'^"^'^' "^^^'^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ "^^ b® hiwful for aiiy person without consent, other than citizens of the counties of Jefiersou, Shelby, and St. Chiir, in the State of Alabama, to store cotton in anj- town or village of said county of Shelby or within a half mile thereof, except at railroad depots, without the consent in writing of at least three-h)urths of the householders of said town or village. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, Thatt it shall be the „ , , , ._ duty of the sheriff of Shelbv county, if cotton is now Duty of sheriff. J ^ ,^^ n i • or may be stored in any town or vulage oi his county, without the consent as aforesaid, as soon as he is in- formed of the same to notify the owners or agent of such owner in writing to remove the same within ten days beyond the limits set forth in section one hereof, and it- such owner or agent refuse to remove the same, such sheriff shall remove the same at the -expense of the owner aforesaid. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the services Allowance for performed by the sheriff' as {^foresaid, he shall be allow- such service. ed One dollar per bale for each bale of cotton sore- moved, and reasonable charges for the hands and teams employed by him in removing the. same, and one dollar for ever}^ notice given under the provisions of the sec- ond section hereof as costs of such proceedings. Sec. 4. Be it farther evaded, That the costs which Costs a lien on may bc iucurrcd under section three hereof, shall be a necoiton. jjyj,j ^ij ^jj^ cotton so rcmoved, and the sheriff is herebj'' authorized to sell the same, or so much as may be ne- cessary to pay such costs at the expiration of ninety (90) days from such removal, at public auction, for casli, and pay such costs, unless the same shall be paid with- in such time. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted, That if the sheriff' Penalty if sheriff aforesaid fiiils or refuses to perform the duties in the fills or '•'^'■"^^8. g^,pj.^j-,^l gpct-jon hereof, he shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall be fined not less than live liuii- 167 1862. (Ired dollars nor more than two thousand dollars at the discretion of the jury trying the same. Approved December ,9, 1802. No. 158.] AN ACT To amend the law in relation to Public Bridges in Sum- ter county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted bji the Senate and Home of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Asstmhly coiicened, That the probate judge of Sumter county, be and he is hereby authorized to make appropriations and contract for repairing any public bridge in tho said county of Sumter durin/ the vacation of the comi^iis- sioners court, the probate judge to be governed in all respects l)y laws and reguhitions in contracting for said repairs, as are jirescribed for the government of com- missioners court of said county. Approved November 8, 1862. No. 159.] AX ACT To provide means for arresting the spread of the small pox ill the county of Tallapoosa, and for other pur- poses. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Jlcpre- sentatives of the State of Alabama^ in General Assembly convened, That the sum of three thousand doUars, or !'\T """""*"!* so much tliereor as ma}' be necessary, be and the same an-d- is hereby approjtriated out of any money in- the treas- ury, not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose t)f en- abling tlie court of county ccnnniissioners of the coun- ty ot Tallapoosa, to take prompt and cflicient measures runwse of the to arrest the spread of small pox, and alio rd relief to "'''""''''''"""■ the poor of said county alHicted therewith. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the comptroller be roniptroiur / the Senate and House of Rep- resentatices of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, H'hat whenever James W. Stailings ai.d Ma- ^.fj^JJ^f "°°' p'"^- tilda Allsabrooks, administrators of the estate of John J. Allsabrooks, late of Coviiigton county, deceased, shall have made a settlement in the probate court of Covington county, of their administration of said es- ^ . ^f probate ta to, as far 518 they shall have administered the same, judge, and shall have-paid tiie costs accrued in said court upon the same, it shall be the duty of the probate ja62. No. 64.] AN ACT In relation to the real estate of Duncan L. Nicholson, deceased. Sec.' 1. -Z?e it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That ,it shall be lawful for the probate court .^ of Pike county to authorise Mary A. Nicholson and J. cedent'tosairoi- T. Russell, as the personal representatives of the estate '^*"''"'*'®" of Duncan L. Nicholson, deceased, late of said county of Pike, on the hearinsx of an application properly filed t .1 • • 1 i *"/• ^1 I r ^1 I . f. At private or by them m said court, for the sale or the real estate of puwicsaie. said decedant in said county, to sell such real estate at private, instead of public sale, if it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the court that the parties in interest will not be prejudiced thereby ; but the proceedings of Action roust con- the courL on snch a[)pIication, and the action of,the said '^'"''°' representatives of said estate, must conform in all other respects to the laws now in force, which regulate the proceedings of courts of probate in relation to the sale of hinds of intestates in such cases, it being the inten- ^"°'**"*'°' tion of this act to enlarge the powers of said court of probate of Pike county, so far only as to authorise it to grant the present rej>resentatives of said estate to sell the real estate thereof at- private, instead of public sale. Approved November 10, 1862. 1862. 172 Ko. 165.] AN ACT To aid the Executors of tlie will of George G. Tank- ersly, Sr., to probate the same. Preamble. "Whereas, Ben B. Little and Robert Tankersly liave propounded for probate, in the probate court of Sumter county, an instrument in writini; purporting to be the last will and testament, \yith a codicil thereto, ot George G. Tankersly, sr., deceased, late of said county; atid whereas, Felix Tankersly, a minor heir of said testator, who is over tlie age of fourteen, to-wit: nineteen years of age, is absent in the army in the State of Virginia, and a citation cannot be personally served on him as by lawrequiicd; therefore, Sec. 1. Be it enacted l-y the.Senate and House of Iiejyre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly eeieaC^"" ''"' conveiicd^ That upon the said Ben B. Little and Robert Tankersly filing in the probate court of Sumter county the written waiver of personal service by the said Felix Tankersly, the probate judge of Sumter county may proceed to admit tlie same to probate in the same way, as though the said Felix Tankersly had been brought into court by personal service. Approved November 7, 1862. Conditions pre- No. 166.] AN ACT To authorise James L. Hibbler and S. D. Sessums to administer on the estate of W. 11. Hibbler. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentntives of the Slate of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the probate judge of Sumter county in this state be, and .he is hereby authorised and required to grant letters of administration, on the estate of Wil- liam II. Kibbler, to James L. Hibbler and S. D. Ses- sums, or either of them, notwithstanding the;y are non- residents, upon giving bond, with sufficient securities, residents in this state. Approved December 9, 1862. 173 1802. No. 167.] AN ACT To autliorise the court of probate of Macon county to grant letters of administration ujjon the estate of Martin G. Jackson, hite of Tallapoosa county. Section 1. Be il enacted bj the Se"ate and House of Bep- 7'esen(aiices of the. State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the court of probate of Macon county have authority to take jnrisfliction of the administra- tion of the estate of Mjirtin G. Jackson, deceased, late of the county of Tallapoosa, to grant letters of admin- istration thereon, and to do and perform all thinirs ne- cessary and pro[)er, to cause the estate of said deccdunt to he settled and distributed in accordance with the laws of this state, as fully and efi'ectually as if the said decedant had been a resident citizen ot the said county of Macon, at the time of his death. Approved Deceii. ber f>, 1802. No. 1G8.] AN ACT In relation to the estate of Lewis L. Lanros in all cases, where any person, or persons, may have been in- dicted for a misdemeanor only, and such person, or persons, are soldiers in the service of the Confederate States, or when such person, or persons, may have been honorably discharged therefrom since the indictment PrtTiso. -y^-as found: Frovided, That if in the opinion of thepre- sidiiigjudge the public good requires it, no such fewtry shall be made. Approved November 7, 1862. 179 1862. No. 178.] AN" ACT .,For the relief of indigent fiimilies of soldiers in Sum- ter and Walker oounties. '■ ' ^ t Sec, 1. Be if enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- *-rcs€ntotives of the State of Alabama in General Assemhhj convened^ That the court of county coniniissionors offhoHgfed"tTiK>"- .;['Suniter count}' be, and is hereby authorized to borro-w®* money, "a sum of money, not exceeding ten thousand dollars, and to appropriate the same for the support of the in- digent families of soldiers in said county, as directed by the act entitled "An act to previde for tlic support n®'''^''«*p»"^- of the indigent families of soldiers in the Confederate army from the State of Ahibama." Sec. 2. Be it further enadedy That the court of conn- c„ni'r» court of tv commissioners of Sumter countv, is herebv author- sumtcrtoicvya •lil -1^ • -1 '- . 1- special lax. ized to levy a special tax m said county, not exceeding in any one year fifty per cent, on the State tax, for the , purpose of repaying any sum borrowed, under the first ipBection of this act. Sec. 3. Be. it further enacted. That similar powers similar pow.rsio i^jBi\u\ authority granted to, and vested in the court ofwllJkcr county." ' county commissioners of Sumter county, are hereby .granted to and vested in the court of county coinmis- i'eioners of Walker county. C Anprovc.l Xru-,.t.,l>.M- 28, 1862. ClaMScof No. 170.] AN ACT 'For the relief of certain officers in Sumter county. Skc. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Hojise of Rep- reseniativefi of the Stoic e and she is hereby authorised and empowered to oc- cupy and cultivate the lands of the estate of her said intestate with her own, and to work and use jointly with her own slaves, horses, mules and oxen, and other prop- erty on said plantation, the slaves, horses, mules and oxen, and other property of said estate, so long as said estate sliall be kept together, under the order of the probate court of said county. What she is en ti- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Adele Louise tied to receive. [ uBose, shall be entitled to receive from said estate such portion of the proceeds and profits, arising from the joint cultivation and use of said estate, as the said judge of probate may consider equitable, and on any set- tlement by her, as administratrix as aforesaid, the said court shall .idlow her a credit for the portions of profits and proceeds allowed as aforesaid. Approved November 17, 1862. What she is au- 183 S 1862. No. 185.] AN ACT For the relief of George iSTcwman, Guardian of James N. Trawiek. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ Tliat the comptroller of public accounts be, and he is hereby authorised and required to draw his warrant on the treasurer, to be paid out of any money not otherwise appropriated, for the sura of twenty-nine 7raw™ii8WMM and 41-100 dollars, in favor of George Newman, gaar-io'"*29 4i dian of James N. Trawiek, it being the amount erro- neously collected of the said George Newman, guardian as aforesaid, by the tax collector of Henry county for the year 18G2, as shown by tbe assessment. Approved December 1, 1862. to arrant ^ No. 186.1 AN ACT f r-Tor the relief of Sarah C. Reese, Guardian of Alice * C. l\eese. ir. ■ Sec. 1. i?e it enacted hy the Senate and IIouss of llep- esentatives of the State of Alabam in General Assembly conrencd, That the court of probate of the county of Lowndes be, and tbe same is hereby empowered, upon the application of Sarah C. Reese (^f said county, guar- wha the guar- dian ol Alice C. Reese, upon a satisfactory showing tofbori^^d'*!'/" bo au- to do. the said court that it will conduce to the interest of the said ward, to grant an order authorising that said guar- dian, on the lands owned by herself and ward jointly and e(pially, to employ an equal number of hamis with the han- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly concened, That Archibald iy. Campbell be, and he is hereby antiiorised to purchase from the State of Ala- *jj*f*«jp"*>" "*■ bama, the northwest quarter of section thirty, (30,) township eighteen, (18,) range nineteen, (19,) in the dis- trict of land formerly subject to sale at Cahaha in said state, at the price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, and that upon Jiis i)aying into the proper land cilice of said state the said purchase money, the com- missioner of public lands of said state be, and he is hereby authorised and required to issue to said Archi- bald G. Campbell a patent for said tract of land. Approved Novemher 18, 1862. No. 191.] AN ACT For the relief of Louisa Ann and William W. Davis. Whereas, on the 10th day of June, 18o7, a bounty Pr,ambi«. land warrant for 160 acres was issued by the govern- meut of the United States to Louisa Ann Davis, John 1862. 186 T. Davis and William W. Davis, minor heirs of Dyer Davis; And whereas the said John T. Davis departed this life while a minor, leavinij; as his onl^' legal heirs the said Louisa Ann and William W. Davis; And whereas the said William W. Davis is now and was on the 11th day of January, 1861, a citizen of the State of Georgia, therefore Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rcpre- sentaikes of the State of Alabama in G'neral Assembly convened, That the said Louisa Aun Davis and William Power to local* W. Davis, be and they are hereby authorized to locate said bounty land warrant (No, 67104) upon any of the public or unappropriated lands of this State subject to entry : Provided, That said land warrant shall be val- ued in its location at the minimum price the land upon which it is proposed to be located, is subject to entry and sale at the time the same is oftered for location. Approved, December 8, 1862. land warrant. Proviso. No. 192.] AN ACT For the relief of James Ileaden, of the county of Tal- ladega. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That it shall be the duty of the register and Description of receiver at Centre, Alabama, to perfect the location of the land. north half of the southeast quarter and south half of the northeast quarter of section 35, township 16, range five, made with a military land warrant by Zauhariah B. Sims, and report the same to the coinmi-ssioner of the general land office, referring to this act, as author- ity for the same. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, Tliat upon the said re- Commissioner to turn being made to the commissioner, he shall cause a ii»ie patent. patent to issuc for said tract to the said Zachariah B. Sims. Approved November 8, 1862. Hi 187 1862. No. 193.] AN ACT For the relief of Maluilda Robbs. Wbereas, Mabulda Robbs was permitted on the 27th day of Ma;Vt, 1859, at tbo hxiid office at Centre, to enter the northeast quarter of section 19, and the northwest *°* quarter of section 20, in township 19, of range 6, east, in the Coosa hind district; And whereas said entries were suspended by the proper department of the gov- ernment of the United States, in consequence of the donation of the quarter section first described above, to the Alabama and Tennessee River Raih-oad Com- pain-, which fact was not known at the district hiud of- fice at the time the entries were made, therefore Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Asseinbbj ^ I mi . ^i i i.' ^1 »i .. ^ L' Description of coivenea, lliat the entry ot the northwest quarter or land. said, section 20, in township 19, of range 6, east, be and the same is hereby confirmed, and that tlie commis- sioner ot public lands be instructed to issue a patent, for the same to the said Mahnlda Robbs. Approved December 9, 1862. No. 194.] AN ACT * For the relief of tlie Assessor and the Collector of Taxes for Madison and other counties. Skc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the tax assessor for ^[adison county be M"nT^y of'l.n"- allowed until the first Monday in January, 1863, for "■y'l^^' making and returning an assessment of the taxes of said county for the year 1862. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Tiiat the examination corrcciionof *» 1 .• x'l i ii I'ii KesgtBcDl to be and correction oi such assessment must be made m thCm-Kie on the 2d manner now prescribed by law, on the second Monday "^"^J^"''"'"''" in January, 1863, or as soon thereafter as may be jirac- ticable : Provided^ that before any tax assessor or taxProrito. collector shall be entitled to the benefit of the provi- .Jfiffl**! sions of this act, the written assent of the sureties on ^^^^' his official bond, shall be acknowledged before the 1 1862. 188 judge of probate of his county, and filed with the connp- trollcr of public accounts. Tax collector ai- Skc. 3. Be it farther enacted^ Tliat the tax collector 'dditlonar""'' (>f ^^ai*l county be allowed five months in addition to the time now allowed by law, for collecting and paying over the taxes assessed therein for the year 3/862. Provisions ex- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted^ That the provisions tended. ^^ ^j^j^^ ^^^ ^^ extended to the tax assessors and collec- tors of the counties of Limestone, Franklin, Marshall, Jackson and Morgan. Approved November 19, 1862. No. 195.] AN ACT For the relief of the securities of John C. Burgess, late Tax. Collector of Coosa county, for the years 1845 and 1846. / Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep- •aresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the comptroller be and he is hereby au- ^^araages ''^'"i'- ^j^^jpiged aud required to remit the damages on a judg- ment against John C. Burgess, tax collector of Coosa county, for the years 1845 and 1846, upon his paying principal, interest and cost, within sixty days after the passage of this act. Approved December 4, 1862. No. 196.] AN ACT For the relief of Harrison J. Clark, Jr., Tax Collector of Cherokee county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatices of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Time eictended cojivoncd, That Ilarrisou J. Clark, Jr., "tax collector of for making ttt- . , , , i i • i i n i -i i iiement. Cheiokec, couiity, be and he is hereby allowed until the first day of May, 1863, to make his settlement as such Consent of secu- tax collcctor: Frovldcd, that -before this act shall take ritie8tobefiied.y^-^^(. ^^^ surctics ou the otfioial bond of the said tax 189 1862. collector shall file in the office ot the comptroller of public accounts their written assent to its provisions. Approved December 1, 1862. No. 197.] AN ACT For the relief of John P. Gates, late Tax Collector for Pickens countv. ^ Skc. 1. Be it enacted hj/ the Senate and House of Rcpre- se^itntmcs of the S ate of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the sum of eleven hundred and seventy- six 58-100*donar3 be, and the same is hereby appropri- JiTfelS!*"*"**' ated to John P. Gates, late tax collector for the county of Pickens, it being the amount of damages recovered on a judgment against said Gates for the taxes of 1860, and by him paid into the state treasury; and that the coraptroUer of public accounts issue his warrant on the state treasurer therefor, to he paid out ot any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Ap[»roved December 2, 1862. . No. 108. AN ACT For the relief of William P. Green, Tax Collector for Conecuh county. Sec. 1. Be it evaded by the Senate and House of JRenre- sentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That William P. Green, tax collector of Cnnc-Timo extended cuh county^ be and he is hereby aUowed until the fii'st ("j'^^^^'^;"'^ "*'■ day of May, 1863, to pay into the state treasury any portion of the taxes assessed against persons in the military service of the Confederate States, or of this state, which he may not be able to collect prior to that time: Provided, the said William 1^. Green, before „ , claiming the Itenent ot X\\m> act, shall lib.' with the comp- troller of .public accounts tlic written assent of his se- curities to the extension herein allowed. Aj)proved DecMvl-"- 6, 1862. 1862. 190 No. 199.] AN ACT For the relief of A. A. Grider, and others, Tax Collect- ors in their respective counties. Skc. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep- resenlatke.s of the State of Alabama in General Assembly C07ivened, That A, A. Grider, tax collector of Jackson county, shall have until the first da}- of March, 1863, to make final settlement of his accounts as such tax col- lector, with the comptroller of public accounts : Provi- ded, that he shall first obtain the written consent of the securities on bis otiicial bond, for such extension, and file the same in the ofiice of the comptroller of public accounts, before this act shall take eft'ect. '' Skc. 2. JBe it further enacted, That tlie provisions of tended to ethers, this act are hereby extended to William R. Day, tax collector of Madison county; Thomas Hines, tax collector of Limestone county; Thomas M. Phillips, tax collector of Lauderdale county; F. M. Calloway, tax collector of Alorgan county; John Clack, tax col- lector ot Marshall county ; William Hulsy, tax collector of Walker county; J>. Allman, tax collector of Law- rence county: Provided, that the said several tax col- lectors above named, in their respective counties, shall obtain the written consent of their securities on their official bonds, for such extension, and file the same in the office of the comptroller of public accounts before this act shall take effect. Approved November 8, 1862. Time tor final settlement ex- tended. Proviso. Provi'lons ex- ProvlBo. Preamble. No. 200.] AN ACT For the relief of Samuel B. Harmon, Tax Collector of Macon county. Whereas, at th« November term, 1861, of the circuit court of iMontjjomer} county, William J. Greene, comp- troller of public accounts of the State of Alabama, re- covered a judgment against, Samuel B. Harmon, tux collector of Macon county, for the sum of five thousand one hundred and thirty dollars and eight cents, princi- pal ; ulso; the further sum of twelve hundred and eighty- i 191 1862. two clolhii'3 raid fifty-two cents damages, and the further sum of interest; and whereas, the said Samuel B. Harmon lias paid into the treasury of the state ^he full amount of principal, and a part of the interest on saiil judgment. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Hep- resenfo.iives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That upon the payment, hy the said Samuel 1'^*^""'^"' ''*'""' B. Harmon, of the interest remaining due on said judg- ment, that William J. Greene, comi)troller of pul)lic accounts, be and he is hereby' authorised to enter a remittitur upon said judgment for the damages thereon, and that the said Samuel B. Harmon, and the securities on his official bond, be and they are hereby released from the payment of the amount of damages in said judgment spcciticd. Approved November 21, 1862. No. 201.] AN ACT For the relief of Moses Hornsby, Tax Collector of Tal- lapoosa county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly AppropriaHon «/ eonrencd, That the sum of forty-one 18-100 dolhirs be, ^^^ i^- and the same is hereby appropriated to Moses Hornsby, tax collector of TaHapoosa county, being an amount of^*»y- error in the abstract of the tax assessment returned to the office of the comptroller ot public accounts, and omitted to b(! embraced in the list of errors allov\ed by the commissioner's court for the taxes of said county for the year 1801, and by sanl tax rolloctor paid in the state treasury upon the settlement of the taxes for that year; and that the comptroller issue hiM warrant there- for, to be paiil out of any moneys in tlie treasury not otherwise ap[)ropriatcd : Provided, said tax c»)llect(r '"'■'"'''*'• shall first tile in the comjitroller's olfice tiic certificate of tlie jHobate judge, that said amount was notenibraced in the former list of errors, &c. Approved December 6, 1802. 1862. 192 No. 202.] AN ACT For the relief of Burrell Johnstou, Tax Collector of Perry county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- ficntatkes of the State of Aioliama in General Assembly convtned, That the comptroller of public accol"!llt^t be, and he is hereby required to make settlement with Bur- tWst of errors rell JohustOll, taX CollcCtOr of Perry county, and to al- and insolvencies , . • 1 -T) 11 T 1 .. J. ' 11 i • il to be allowed, lowthc Said burrell Johnston, tax collector in the coun- ty of Perry, the sum of seven hundred and sixty-five dollars and four cents, being the amount ot errors and insolvencies allowed bj- the commissioners' court of said county for the year 1861. Approved Decen.ber 2, 1862. Preamble. No. 203.] AN ACT For the relief of James Meharg, late Tax Collector of •Calhoun county, and his securities. Whereas, W. J. Greene, comptroller of the State of Alabama, on the 30tli day of November, 1861, obtained two judgments, one for eleven nnndredand ten dollars and seventy-three cents, and theother for thirteen thou- sand six hundred and sixty-three dollars and seventy- nine cents, in the circuit court of Montgomery county, against Meharg, late tax collector of Calhoun connt}^ and his securities J. P. Barley, Noah Goode, Elisha McClelland, E. G. Dickie, lianiid Crow and L. D. Var- non ; and whereas it is likely that said securities wnll have to pay said judgments, therefore Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- rcsentd (ires of the State of Alabayna in General Assembly convened, That the said James Meharg, and his secu- rities, be and they are hereby relieved so far as to ex- tend the collection of said judgments fortwelve months from the passage of this act, upon the following condi- tions hereinafter mentioned. Conditions pre- Sec. 2. Be it ftivther cnacted, That before the said cedent. Jamcs Mcluirg and his securities shall have an exten- ison of the payments of said judgments, they shall en- How far relieved 193 1^2. ter into bond with at least two j>:oocl securities, to be taken and approved by the sheritt' of Calhoim county in double the amount of said judgments, conditiohed faithfully aud^:)unctually to pa;^ and fully satisfy said judgments, and all costs, interest, damages, and all other expenses of every kind connected with said judg- ments in twelve months after the passage of this act-; and in the event said judgment, interest, costs, dama- ges, and expenses are not paid in twelve months after the passage of this act, the sheriff of Calhoun county shall return said bond so taken as aforesaid, forfeited to the clerk of the circuit court of Montgomerj'^ count}^ and said bond so returned forfeited as atoresaid, shall have the force and effect of a judgment against the said James Meharg and his securities, and said clerk shall issue an execution on said bonds so returned forfeited, against all the parties to it for the full amount of both judgments, costs, interest, damages, and all expenses of every kind connected therewith, and shall endorse upon the execution "no further bond to be taken." Approved December 1, X8G2. No. 204.] AN ACT For the relief of Robert S. Rabb, of Conecuh county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted b>/ (he iS'enate and House of Rcpre seniativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the comptroller of public accounts be to'^Se'repaii"^ and he is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the state treasurer for the sum of one hundred and twenty- live dollars, in favor of Robert S. Rabb, of Conecuh county, said sum being excess of taxes paid by said Rob- ert S. Raldj into the state treasury, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two in consequence of over assess- ment. Approved November" 20, 1862. 13 1862. 194 Ko. 205.] A]^ ACT For the relief of William Walthall, tax collector of W^cox county. % Sec. 1. JBe it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- scniaiwes of the State of Alabama in General Assembly damages ^"^^^^ convened, That- the comptroller of public accounts be and he is hereby authorized to remit and enter satisfac- tion of the sum of four hundred and thirty-seven dol- lars and sixty cents, being the amount of damages on a judgment rendered against William Walthall, tax collector of Wilcox county, in favor of the said comp- troller, for the use of the State, in the circuit court of Montgomery county, at the fall term tliereof, 1861, for the taxes due from said county of Wilcox, for the year 1861, the said William Walthall and his sureties being hereby relieved and released from the payment of said damages. Approved November 14, 1862. Ko. 206.] AKACT For the relief William R. Mason, Register in Chancery for 13th District Middle Chancery JDivision. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Itep^ resentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, 1 hat the commissioner and trustee of the State Bank and branches, be and he is hereby autliar- Anri trustee, j^ed and required to pay out of the assets of said bank and t rustle to to Wm. R. MasoH, pcgister in chancery lor the Idth pay hi '"«8^6J6.^-jjg^j,j^^^^.^^ljg ^.j^j^^cery division, the sum of three hun- dred and seventy-six dollars and fifteen cents, ($375.16) it being the amount of costs due by the branch banK at Montgomery, under a decree of the chancery court in the case of Nareissa A. Harris, et als. vs. Branch Bank at Montgomery, et als. in the chancery court of Macon county. Approved November 28, 1862, 195 1862. Ko.207.] AK ACT To authorize the Governor to fix the compensation of S. S. Houston and others, for services rendered the State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprc- eetdatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the governor of this State be and he is hereby authorized to settle and adjust the claims of. S. Oovemor to S. Houston, D. P. Forney, iTrban L. Jones and James"" '^ '^ R. Powell, coranussioners to select and locate certain swamp and overflowed lands donated to the State of Alabama by the Congress of the United States of America by the acts approved on "iStli September, 1850, and 3d March, 1857; and that in adjusting the claims of said parties, the actual labor performed by them, and the expense to which they were subjected in their ef- forts to carry out the provisions of their said agree- ment, shall form the basis of adjustment and settle- ment: Frovidt'd, howcoer. that no settlement made un- „ . der the provisions ot this act, or under the provisions of an ordinance entitled an ordinance to authorize and direct the governor to rescind the contract therein re- ferred to, approved March 20, 1861, shall be binding upon the State until ratified by the legislature. Approved November 8, 1862. Ko. 208.J AN ACT For the relief of l)rs. James C. Harris, Thos. W. Ma- son and M, G. Moore. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alnbama in General Assend.^hj „ . „ . ,^ cofit'cfiea, Ihat the comptit^ller or public accounts i)e ''•rawhioTrr.rrf.nt and he is hereby required to draw his warrant on the treasurer in favor of Drs, Jas. C. Harris, Thos. W. Ma- son and M, G. Moore for the sum of one hundred dol- Uirs due them for the examination of insane prieonora in the penitentiary. Apprxjved November 25, 1862. 1862. 196 In"o. 200.] Al^ ACT To compensate Dr. Merriwether G. Moore for serviceg as Warden of the Penitentiary for the present year. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep' resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Allowance per ^,onre^eo(, That Dr. Merriwether G. Moore, for his ser- vices as warden of the State penitentiary, under the appointment pf the governor, since the deatli of the lessee to the present time, shall have and receive the sum of three hundred thirty-three 38-100 dollars per month for such services. Sec. 2. JBe it farther enacted, That the comptroller be, and he is hereby required and directed, to draw his draw'h's^ar*'- Warrant on the State treasurer, for the said amount of "»'• three hundred thirty-three 33-100 dollars per month, in favor of the said Dr. M. G, Moore, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved December 5, 1862. Ko. 210.] AK ACT For the relief of 11. P. Watson, Adjutant and Inspec- tor General Alabama Militia. Section. 1. J3e it enacted by the Senate and House of Hep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Comptroller to convcued, That the comj)troller of public accounts be, ■^"'Tf '''«..7/'" ii'id he is hereby authorised and required, to draw his warrant on the state treasurer, in lavor oi 11. r. Wat- son, Adjutant and Inspector General of Alabama Mili- tia, for live hundred and sixty-,eight dollars, for services rendered the State in the year 1862. Approved December 9, 1862. H^o. 211.] A'N ACT For the relief of W. B. and A. R. Bell & Co. Sec. 1. JBe it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- J 197 1862. resentattves of the State of Alabama in General Assemhbj Four huadred convened, That the comptroller of public accounts be, dollars a'nd^,et'! and he is hereby authorizeil and required, to draw his ^^jy-Jj^^^^^^,;"'* warrant on the state treasurer, for the sum of four hun- dred and thirty-six dollars and seventy-five cents, in favor of VV. B. and A. R. Bell & Co., of Montgomery, for articles purchased of them for the use of the capitol. Approved December 9, 1862. No. 212.] AN ACT For the relief of B. B. Davis. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by tne Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the comptroller of public accounts be jjlP^^^^P""'" and he is 'hereby authorized and required to draw liis warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of Benjamin B. Davis for the sum of seventen dollars and twenty- five cents for stationery furnished the house of repre- sentatives. Approved November 3, 1862. No. 213.] AN ACT For the relief of M. M. Nail. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the comptroller of public accounts be Appropriation or and he is hereby authorized and required to draw his***'^ warrant on the treasurer of the State in favor of ]\I. M. Nail, for the sum of six dollars and fifty cents, to be paid out of any nione^-s in the treasury not other- wise appropriated. Approved November 10, 1862. 1862. 198 No. 214.] AN ACT For the relief of White, Pfister & Co. Sec. 1. Beit enacted hy the Senate and House of JRep- . . resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemhly 118635.""^"^"° convened, Tliat tlie comptroller of public accounts be and he is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant on the treasurer in favor of White, Pfister & Co., for the sum of one hundred and eighty-six dollars and thirty-five cents, for stationery furnished the State. Approved December 5, 1862. AK ACT* To authorize the Commissioners' Court of the county of Choctaw to make certain appropriations. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the l^enate'and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemhly convened, That the commissioners' court of the county vayappiopriate of Choctaw may, and is hereby empowered to appro- Sr°m\nd%nuip priate all the fund.'i, now in the treasury of said county, volunteers, &c. -^yhich havc accrucd from fines and forfeitures, or as much thereof as they may deem necessary, except two thousand dollars for the purpose of aiding in uniform- ing and equipping the volunteers which been, or may hereafter be enlisted, for service in the Confederate army, in said county, and also for furnishing food to the families of such volunteers, as may be in indigent cir- cumstances. Payment county ^^^- ^- Bc U further cnactcd, That the said commis- Iidate its naval resources for the destruction of the sea-port towns of the cotton States, the consequent invasion of the homes and firesides of the interior, and the savage massacre of our helj>less women and children : And whereas we, the representiativcs ot the people of Alabama, inspired by the noble daring and the gallant and suc- cessful defense of the city of Vicksburg, by her indomitable citizen soldiery, would fain hope that the city of Mobile, our only seaport, and the gem of the gulf, shall never be desecrated by the polluting tread of our abolition foes, 202 Be it therefore resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That in the sol- emn judt^nient of this general assembly, the city of Mobile should never be surrendered; that it should be dofended from street to street, from house to house, and inch by inch, until, if taken, the victor's spoils should be alone a heap of ashes. Resolved, That the joint committee of Finance, the Senate con- curring, be instructed forthwith to report a bill appropriating such sum of money as may be sufficient to defray the expenses for the removal and maintenance of the helpless women and children of the city of Mobile, to a place of safety. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded by the Governor to the military and naval commanders, for the defense of the city of Mobile, with the assurance that the people of Ala- bama will accept any calamity, rather than suffer her soil to be again polluted by the tread of the abolition invaders. Approved November 17, 1862. JOINT RESOLUTION Requesting the Governor to give information in relation to debts due the State Bank and Branches. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor be, and he is hereby authorized and requested to lay before the next general assembly, during the first week of the same, a list of all the assets of every kind, including mortgages and deeds of trust, on real estate, j^etdue and held by the State Bank and its Branches, and further to state in said list the county in which said debts exist, and the location of the lands, &c. Approved November 21, 1862. JOINT RESOLUTIONS In relation to the war debt of the Confederate States. "Whereas, the government of the Confederate States is involved in a war for the independence of each of the States of the Con- federacy, as well as for its own existence; and whereas the des- tiny of each State of the Confederacy is indissolubly connected 203 with that of the Confederate government; and whereas the Con- federate government cannot successfully prosecute the war to a speedy and honorable peace without ample means and credit, be it therefore Reeolved by the Senate and House of Bepresentatwes of the State of Alabamain General Assembbf convened, That in the opinion of this generally assembly it is thedut^^of each State of the Confederacy, for the purpose of sustaining the credit of the Confederate gov- ernment, to guarantee the debt of that government, in proportion to its representation in the congress of that government. Bcsolccd further. That the State of Alabama hereby proposes to her sister States of the Confederacy to guarantee said debt on said basis: Provided, that each of said States shall accept the prop- osition and adopt suitable legislation to carry it into effect, iu which event these resolutions shall stand as the guaranty of this State for the aforesaid proportion of the debt of said Confederate government. Hesokcd further, That his excellency, the governor, be and he is hereby requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the governor of each State of the Confederacy, and to the President of the Confederate States. Approved December 1, 1862. JOINT RESOLUTIONS Approving the payment of the Confederate War Tax by the Gov- ernor. Be it resolved b)/ the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the payment by the governor into the treasury of the Confederate States of the sum of two million of dollars, as the quota to be assessed upon certain property of the citizens of this State in the year \> with leave of this house, on account of bad health, JBe it therefore resolved by the Senate and Mouse of liepresentadves ^ (?f the State of Alabama in G-eneral Assembly convened, That James A. M. Thompson, a member of the house of representatives of this state, be and he is hereby authorised to receive his compensa* lion for the time that he was present. ic it fartkr resolved^ That John T, ^ov^ter, of Choctaw county, .207 bo authorised to receive the coinpcnsation authorised by these res- olutions to be paid to the mtfniher iiientioned in the foregoing resolutions, and liis receipt therefor shall be a voxicher for such pa3-nient. Approved Decetuber 2, 1862. OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE, \ Montgomery, Alabama, February 12, 1863. j 1 hereby certify that the forc,2:oing Acts and Joint Resolutions nrc correct copies, from the origin.'il rolls deposited in this office. t*. H. BRITTAN, Sccnlary of State. T^BLE OJ^THli RATES OP INlEHEST IN THE SOUTnERN AND CONFEDERATE STATES Cor/qjiled in pursuance of an act approved February 18, 1848. Maryland 6 per cent.jSoutli Carolina .6 per cent. Korth Carolina 6 " " |Kentiicky 6 Tennessee... i....Q " " Alabama 8 " " Virginia 6 " " Georoia.'. .....8 " " Florida 8 " " Arkansas — Legal interest, 6 per cent.; conventional interest 10 per cent. Texas — Legal interest, 8 per cent.; conventional Interest 12 ger cent. J//s50».«':— Legal interest, 6 per cent.; conventional interest 10 per cent. 3f.ississipin — Legal interest, 8 per cent.; on lent money, 10 per cent. Louisiana — Legal interest, 5 per cent.; bank interest, 6 per cent.; conventional interest, 10 per cent. OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE, Montgomery, Alabama, February 12, 1863. Certified to be correct. P. H. BRITTAN,. Secretary of State. 4** INDEX. ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, &C.— Act to authorij^c Executors, Administrators, as to the called session of 1S62 98 Section 88 amended (increases the prices for certain public printing) 99 Section 165 amended '. 99 Section 396 amended 99 Section 664 amended 100 Sectioa 499(compensatioa of County Commissiouers) amended as to Maoon., Barbour and Shelby counties 100 Section 1140 (relating to the ages of persons exempted from working pub- lic roads) amended as to Covington, Coffee aikl Walker counties iO<> Section 1203 amended (fixing penally for contractor suffering bridge or cftoseway to remain out of repair) 101 Fifth division of section 1551 repealed 102- Subdivision four of section 23lfi, relating to the ppecuring of tcstimooy by ilcpoMtion, amended 103 Section 314S amended (provisions eitcnded) 102 Section 3160 amended (relating to penalty for buying stolen property). . . . 101 . Section 40O3 amended (authorizing jailors to qualify to their accounis before Probate Judges). 10 3 OOf FEE COUNTY— Section 1 140 of thw Code amended ss to CofToc county 100 Act to establish a bridge across the Choctawhatchie rivcr in Coffee'county, 161 Act giving the Probate Jud^e jjirisdiction *?f the estate of John J. All.sa- brooks, late of Coviugtou county 169 CHOCTAW COUNTY— Act changing the time of holding the chancery court..,-. 162 Act amending the road law , 152 A-ct author ieing tlk; publications to be made in the city of Mol)ilo 163 Act authf»rizing the Court of County Gonimissionere to make certain ap- propriation? 198 COOSA COUNTY— Act to provide for tb< ek-ctien nf County Treasurer by tli?> 21*4 ESTATES OF DECEDENTS— Act giving the probate court of Autauga jurisdiction of thie estate of Thoe. C. Daniel 150 Act giving the probate judge of Coffee county jurisdiction of the estate of Jno. J. Alsabrooks 1G9 Act giving the probabate judge of Butler county jurisdiction of the estate of Benjamin W. Campbell 169 Act to remove the estate of Nancy M. Thompson from Tuskaloosa to Greene county 170 Act in relation to the real estate of Duncan L. Nicholson 171 Act as to probating the will of Geo. G. Tankersley, Sr 172 Act authorizing administration of thy estate of W. H. Hibbler * 172 Act authorizing administration of estate of M. G. Jackson 173 Act in relation to the estate of Lewis L. Langham , 173 Act removing estate of Jno. B. Christian from Butler to Wilcox county. . 174 Act to legalize private sales made by the administrator of Alvin Burrows, 175 Act authorizing the executors of N. B. Powell to diispense with certain re- kirns and settlements in the probate court 176 EXTORTION— Act to prevent extortion 175 EXECUTORS— See Administrators. FALSE REPRESENTATIONS— Act to prevent false representations as to Government agencies 65 FAYETTE COUNTY— Act authorizing the court of county commissioners to levy a tax on dogs, 155 Act legalizing the action of the court of county commissioners in levying a special tax 158 GOVERNOR— Act to. authorize the Governor to borrow money on the credit of the State, 80 Act to authorize the Governor to do certain things therein named 36 Act to provide for the appointment of commissioners to examine the offices and accounts of certain public ofi&cers 37 Act to authorize the Governor to lease, for a period not exceeding ten yeans, to the Confederate Government, a certain portion of the Saline Reserves, 56 Act authorising the (aovernor to fix the compensation of S. S. Houston and others 195 GREENE COUNTY— Act to remove the estate of Nancy M. Thompson from Tuskaloosa to Greene county llO GOLDTHWAITE GEORGE— Act authorizing him to rent or lease the real estate of his ward by private contract 115 GUARDIANS — Sek Administratoks. HO USTON S. S , AND OTHERS- Act authorizing the Governor to fix the compensation of S. S. Houston and others 195 INSANE HOSPITAL— Act in relation to the transfer of insane convicts from the Penitentiary to the Hospital for insane persons 95 Act to repeal "an act lor the relief of insane convicts in the penitentiapy" 96 215 INTEREST— -aT-^- >"":'" -V^^' Act regulating the interest upon debts in payment of which Confederate Treasury notes may be tendered and rcluscd 6b JAILORS— Act to increase the fees of Jailors for victualing prisoners 73 JEFFERSON COUNTY— Act changing the line of Jefferson and Shelby counties 15(1 Act authorizing publications to be made in the newspapers of Selina. ... 156 Act to hold a special term of the Chancery Court 1 56 Act to prevent the destruction by fire of property in the townsand villages 166 JOINT RESOLUTIONS— Upon railroad transportation iu the several States of the Confederacy. . . . 200 In relation to the liability of Militia officers of this State to enrollment un- der tbe Conscription acts of the Confederate Slates 201 In relation to the defence of Mobile ..201-202 Requesting the Governor to give information in relation to debts due the State Bank and branches 202 In relation to the War debt of the Confederate States 202-203. iVpproving the payment of the Confederate War tax by the Governor. . . . 203 Of thanks to the Ladies of Alabama 504 In relation to the Alabama Volunteers 204 In relation to the payment of the first initalnient of the fund appropriated for the support of indigent families, under the act approved Nov. 12tb, 1862, to certain counties therein named 205-20C To authorize H. C. McCall to draw the per diem of N. L Brooks, a mem- ber of this House 2'i6 For the relief of James A. M. Thompson, of Choctaw county 2O6-".207 JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS— Act to amend the act approved Dec. 10, 1861, to regulate Judicial proceed- ings 64 Act in respect to forcible entry and unlawful detainer 65 Act to suspend the operations of certain limitations of the Code and slat^ utes of Alabama G''> Act to suspend the operation of the statutes of non-claims in certain cases 06 Act to suspend during the war the statute of non-claims in certain cases. . 67 Act to regulate the interest upon debts in payment of which Confederate Treasury notes may be tendered and refused d^ Act to repeal in part "an act in relation to debts due alien enemies," ap- proved Dec. 10, 1861 69 Act the more effectually tb provide for the redemption of real estate sold under execution 6y Act to provide for the taking of testimony upon interrogatories in certain criminal cases 70 Act to supply record evidence in certain cases 71 Act to provide for the taking of testimony by registers in chancery 71 Act to provide for making persons absent in the Confederate army parties to applications to probate wills and for grants of administration 72 Act to authorize the taking of depositions of subscribing witnesses to wills in certain cases 72 LANDS— Act to authorize the '-<''■ "• 'itids mortgaged to the State 68 LINERS— Act lepealing in part an act constituting Seaborn W. ITarvill and Samuel B. U&rvill, liners 1 7S 216 LEAD— Act to provide for the discovery of lead in Alabama 9C MACONCOrNTY— Act to detach it from the middle and attach it to the southern Chancery di- vision 157 Act authorizing the commissioners' court to appropriate a certain amount of taxes levied for county purposes, to the support of the indigent fami- lies of volunteers, &c 158 Act authorizing the probate court to grant administration upon the estate of Martin G. Jaelison , 173 MARSHALL COUNTY— Act requiring the county treasurer to register certain claims against the county 4 158 Act legalizing the action of the court of county commissioners in levying a special tax 158 MADISON COUNTY— Act lor the relief of the assessor and collector of taxes 187 MARION COUNTY— Act changing the time of holding the circuit court 159 MECHANICS' LIEN LAW— Act amending an act to amend the Mechanics' lieu law of Dallas, Pike and Coosa counties ' 154 MILITARY AFFAIRS— Act making appropriations for the military defense of Alabama 24 Act to provide for the support of the indigent families of soldiers from Alabama 26 Act to provide for the public safety 37 Act to amend an act to provide for the public safety.' 40 Act supplementary to an act to pi'ovide for the public safety 41 Act to regulate impressments 42 Act for tlie def^-nse of the Northern part of the State 42 Act to aid the Confederate Government in providing shoes for the Alabama soldiers in the Confederate ai-my, &c 47 Act for the benefit of the hospitals established in Richmond for sick and wounded soldiers from Alabama ; also for the benefit of the Mihtary Aid Society of Mobile, &c 62 \ct to render certain persons subject to militia service 63 Act to amend the Military Code 64 Act to repeal an act to provide for the military education of two young men from each. county in the State of Alabama 64 Act to amend "an act the more eflectually to secure subordination among slaves, &c."... 72 Act to provide for the defease of Mobde •...., 162 Act to authorize the Confederate States" to purchase and hold, ia Alabama, a site for Rolling Mills, &c .' 1*76 Act amendatory of the same l*?*? Act for the relief of soldiers in the Confederate service 118 MOBILE COUNTY— Act to enaljle the corporate authorities of the city of Mobile to levy an additional tax on real estate for municipal purposes. .......' 160 Act authorizing the probate judge to remove his office records to a place of safety. , 160 Act amendatory of an act for the improvement of the bay and harbor of Mobile ' 161 217 MOBILE COUNTY— Continued. ^ , • ' Afct amendatory of an act to protect the election francbtse in municipal elections in the city of Mobile, approved 5th Dec , 1861 161 Act authorizing the enrollment of the Creoles of Mobile 162 Act to provide for the defense of Mobile 162 Act iu relation to the estate of Lewis L. Langham Il3 MONROE COUNTY— Act authorizing the commissioners' court to levy a special tax 163 MONTGOMERY COUNTY— Act authorizing the corporate authorities of the city of Montgomery to con- trol and improve the grounds around the Capitol 163 Act changing the line of Montgomtry and Pike counties 164 Act to define the fees of the Justices of the Peace and Constables in the city of Moutgomery 164 MOORE, DR. M. G.,— Act to compensate for sei'vices as Warden 196 MORGAN COUNTY— Act authorizing the court of county commissioners to levy a lax on dogs. . 155 Act le;.alizing the acts of the commissioners' court 165 NON-CLAIMS— Act to suspend the operation of the statutes of non-claims in certain cases 66 Act to suspend during the war the statutes of non-claims in certain cases. . 67 OFFICIAL RECORDS— Act to provide for the security of the records and papers in the custody of the several officers of this State 74 PENITENTIARY— Act to provide for the reorganization of the State Penitentiary 85 Act supplemental to the same .' 94 Act iu lelation to homicide comiuitted bv convicts in the penitentiary for life ■. 95 Act in relation to the transfer of insane convicts from the penitentiary to the hospital for insane persons 95 Act to repeil "an act for the relief of insane convicts in the penitentiary'' 96 Act to compensate Dr. M. G. Moore, Warden 196 PIKE COUNTY— Act amending an act to amend the Mechanics' lien law of Dallas, Pike and Coosa counties 1 54 Act changing the line of Montgomery and Pike counties 164 Act in relation to the real estate of Duncan L. Nicholson 171 PUBLICATIONS— Act in relation to publications by courls of probate 75 PUBLIC LANDS— Act to increase the price of certain public lands belonging to the State of Alabama 80 Act to consolidate certain l.md districts therein named 81 Act fixing the time within which proof of settlement and improvement on public lands may be made in certain cases 82 Act for the extension of the time of settlement and cultivation of lands en- tered under the 36th section of the ordinance of the convention of the State of Alabama 82 218 PUBLIC LANDS— Continued. Act to repeal "an act to legalize certain entries of land,'' approved Dec. 9, 1861 83 Act amendatory of an act to require the commissioner of public lands to issue a patent to Martha Carroll, of Calhoun county 177 PUBLIC PRINTING— Act to amend section 88 of the Code 99 RELIEF— Of soldiers in the service of the Confederate States 178 Of indigent families of soldiers in Sumter and Walker counties 179 Of certain officers in Sumter county 179 Of the assessor and the colldctor of taxes for Madison and other counties. 187 Of the securities of John C. Burgess, late tax collector of Coosa county. . . 188 Bell, Archibald B., ] 85 Bell, W. B. andA. R. & Co 196 Campbell, A. G., 196 Cantrell, J. P., 181 Clark, H. J., jr., tax collector 188 Davis, Louisa Ann and William W., 185 Davis, B. B., 1 97 Dubose, Adele Louise, administratrix, 182 Franklin, Geo. W. and J. Tyler 184 Gat; s, J. P., late tax collector 189 Green, W. P., tax collector 189 Grider, A. A., and other tax collectors 190 Harmon, S. B., tax collector 190 Headen, James ., 186 Harris, Dr. J. C, and others , 193 Hornsby, Moses, tax collector 191 Jarvis, Mary and Nancy 184 Johnston, Burrel, tax collector ^ 192 Meharg, James .., » 192 Mason, W. E., Register 194 Nail, M. M , 197 Newman, George, guardian 183 Pagles, J. F. 180 Phillips, 0. L., 180 Rabb, R. S ., , 193 Reese, Sarah C, guardian, 1 83 Robbs, Mahulda 187 Walthall, W., tax collector 194 Watson, H. P. 196 White, Ffister S<3J X-J" p--= Pn >n CO s H ^_ t= a 53 J " -i c- ''': '^ i^ ^ s=; = »j «< ^ « S ^>' C:' -i J ^ -«i -, if ;5 3S '* u.- -i: a; -i 5^ 222 o "O •cc a! i^ P.' H caS ?: Crfl s- • 1:^ S 3 Oi rn Qj a> '-^ ^ is ^ ^ 1-5 Cb Q 1-5 S 08 . '&• rS r3 • " . := tJ S 5 Pns Mg 5 3 TO ;j »•-,,- 1' wZi " JS > *§ J? kS <:« ^ -4^ >: a .- *3 H 5 M3 t- ^ § 228 e >. Si °. cl S saHHgaagcoQOQSooc3aeciMSE-.fabHM ^" S M I D..S ^ C5 TO Tj _g-53(a J (a .2 r„>» tc 2 ""< p z^ |<3 sin ■s 5 -< - »> :s -^ .s c5 » aJ o ~ a ■ " > > » " 2 S r, ^ O «4 q5 ?§ O S J S "~r-= -9 ^ ■ s .- "Z-'l: 9 . . : t>. bJ -. • .• • ■ • . ^ • . — ?5 :;> a c» vj i-s H H ^ fc. C; cu ^ fi -. - /-r :. oi oj 3 3 ^ .V- aj a *j _o a t- ^< " ^ ^ a> r» tt D n ^ O O c O _j ^^ ^ ci u Ji?W sc a ^ " ^ OD ^ % . . a -a ' '" -i W i; — .& So so ■•= o X tc " O, 4) 2 "^ ~ " a B^ OJ S3 9 O . 2: cc o £ i, ^ kv; -=] jg ^ "rt CD "5 ^, IK a) (~ l,• 225 ■M ts ,•*■' ^ cs S = ^' <^ o ;:; T ~ = -C'E' o -2 o 5 Sei _ s; c ?/> S a c o ? ^ 5 :S S ^ := ■S'-r „ „ , ^ - .. - . H 5 I "« "5 rii ^ — O I o C o ci . f o ^ ; ; J o cj d^. £ ■''2*^ *•!»: ^ K-. ^ -2 hJ O C-^' ~ -< fti crj — £3 ^ .- u -' . ^tjj ~Z Q, X_. ©OQ ■ ^; X o ►-! ^^ p; 1? -< >-i ^ ■«; H, u.Jl tr 226 5 (\. 8. Walden J. N. Waltball J. P. West J. Wilkerson W. G. Williams J. H. Witherspoon.. 3. Wolff 1 ;•.■.::; bo • • : : t5 • -3 3^ D S c3 o H PU CO P5 Ph H? »*> n